#tyrannus mars
archduke42 · 1 year
Old Barriss fanfiction
For those bored on a Friday nite, I thought I would post more segments of an older story I wrote before TCW came to TV. When Barriss became my Muse, I just started giving her more adventures and liberties to be involved more in the Prequel Trilogy timeline
In this scene, Darth Tyrranus has lured Barriss into a trap when she arrives on Geonosis to attempt to rescue captured Obi-Wan Kenobi. Keep in mind, when I wrote this, Dooku and Tyrannus are two different characters, and Tyrannus has abilities where he can only be seen by Barriss as he poisons the minds of Dooku and the Separatists.  Barriss is put on trial,and sentenced to Death.  Dooku, who is slowly becoming a Dark Jedi obsessed with hunting down Darth Sidious, also reveals the big secret that has been hidden from Barriss her entire life, which will devastate her in that moment.
I know some of this reading may be a bit over the top, but I was excited to write a cliffhanger moment for her.
It may look as if I Mar Sue’d Barriss the way Filoni writes Ahsoka, but at the time I preferred to think of stories like this as “Barriss being a normal Jedi trying to do her best, gets into epic situations and faces imminent death.....but then a miracle happens and she just becomes naturally more awesome” kind of thing.  At the very least, I tried to make all her epic moments plausible when I wrote it.  Enjoy
(Barriss is brought into a large chamber blindfolded and tied up. The blindfold is removed. She finds herself facing Separatists Shu Mai, Nute Gunray, Po Nudo, Sun Fac and the shadowy Darth Tyrannus)
Tyrannus: A surprise for the Council......a Jedi spy.
Barriss: TRAITORS! Where's Dooku? Where is Senator Hadranus?
Shu: *SILENCE! You are in no position to demand anything!*
Nute: It is an unfortunate turn of events for you, my dear.
Barriss: When the Chancellor discovers your deeds here, Viceroy, you-
Nute: -Oh, be quiet. I hear that one every morning.
Sun: *Jedi Padawan Barriss Offee, it is with great regret that you are charged and found guilty of trespassing into a sacred catacomb of our honored dead. Great though your heart and deeds may be, you are unworthy to be in such a place. The penalty is Death!*
(Barriss turns to Tyrannus)
Barriss: Clever little trap for a clever little joke trial.
Tyrannus: An easy one, too. Master Unduli would never have fallen for such an obvious ruse.
(Barriss looks at him with irritation at the taunt)
Barriss: I’ll have you eating those words when Master Dooku gets here!
Nute: You can't talk to us like this! This is outrageous. You're on trial, you green skinned pest! This is for what you did on Naboo years ago!
(Barriss turns to the neutral Sun Fac with urgency)
Barriss: Sun Fac, you obviously remember that we Jedi have always been your allies. We helped end Hadiss' reign of terror. How can you let them pull off this "kangaroo court"??
Sun: *Politics......make strange bedfellows, Padawan Offee. Archduke Poggle is now a member of the Confederacy-*
Barriss: -No!-
Sun: *-of Independant Systems. Even if it were not so, you were caught in the sacred catacombs. Wether intentional or not......we must follow with Geonosian Law!*
Barriss: Joining the Sepratists makes you a traitor, Sun Fac!! Don't give in to their lies! Go get Senator Hadranus!
Tyranus: Barriss, Barriss. General Hadranus is not on this world. He is on Rhen Var, and he is about to discover his true destiny.
Barriss: Even if you kill me, the Republic will not stand for this horrible act! Palpatine will have you all on trial!
Nute: (sigh) Booring!
(Tyranus swiftly moves next to her with silent grace)
Tyranus: There is no victory you can have that I cannot take away.....
(The doors behind them burst open. Count Dooku storms into the proceedings, startling everybody. Barriss turns to him with a small feeling of relief. She turns back to Tyranus to give a witty reply, but Tyranus has vanished again)
Dooku: This is outrageous! Of all the audacious things!! I cannot allow this to turn into a circus!
Barriss: Master Dooku, I am grateful you are here! Finally you can tell these lunatics to let me go!
(A sudden uncomfortable chill sweeps over her as Dooku marches to her sternly. He looms over her like a dreaded prophet of Doom)
Dooku: On the contrary, young padawan.......I am here to stop you from ruining everything!!
Barriss: (In shock) WHAT??
Tyrannus: (whispering) She is a traitor....she must die.....she will destroy all your dreams....
(Barriss can actually HEAR Tyrannus as he sends horrible thoughts to Dooku's mind. Dooku's face is red with a held back indignant rage)
Dooku: You, of all people, Barriss......I never thought I'd see you try to stab Qui-Gon in the back as well with this treachery!
(Dooku frowns even more)
Dooku: More's the pity!
(He walks past her)
Dooku: Barriss, the punishment for spying is death in the arena, the punishment for desecration of the sacred Nekropolis....death by immolation. The Geonosians believe it is to purify the stench of your unholy trespass. If I will it, you would die in a most horrible fashion.......but it would be an even worse fate that you should die without ever knowing what it was that has kept you alive.....
Barriss: Don't give in to the madness......this Confederacy of yours is an act of TREASON!!!
Dooku: I have cared for you like a granddaughter, and I have held secrets to protect you.....
Barriss: What are you talking about??
(At that moment, the dread Cyborg, General Grievous, enters the trial room. Barriss becomes frightfully aware of the malicious aura. She recognizes him, and he almost seems to smile under his cold metallic mask)
Grievous: Barriss.......how lovely......
(Dooku and Grievous escort Barriss Offee down to the dungeon)
Barriss: This is NOT the answer, Master Dooku! War with the Republic-
Dooku: -I did not ask for this war! I did not ask for my friends to die needlessly on Naboo.....or here....
(Dooku gets paternal as he opens a secret door among the dank dark cells)
Dooku: I have always admired your drive and initiative, your strong will. You would have made a great Jedi....
Barriss: IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY!!!! BILLIONS WILL DIE IF YOU GO DOWN THIS PATH!!! You will be lost to us....please....don't do this! Please....
(Grievous stands coldly as Dooku leads her into a small chamber with several tunnels)
Dooku: Barris, I am carrying out the best kind of death sentence for you I can. I pulled strings to get you here.
Barriss: (sarcastic) Oh, thank you. I'm soooo grateful! You put me in the dungeon! You are not a Geonosian, you don't have-
(He leans down, for a moment, caressing her head in a grandfatherly way. He is ready to sacrifice even those he would call family to fulfill his obsession in destroying the Sith)
Dooku: -You don't understand. The legal alternatives like the arena.....it would be unbearable to see you suffer that fate. I do this for you as the friend you once were. Trust me, I helped design things so Poggle would never have to worry about the same stunts that were pulled when you and Master Unduli interfered years ago....Master Kenobi is also under sentence of Death.
(Barriss looks at him, shocked and horrified. He is not the graceful, witty Jedi she had known for so long. Dooku wearily stops and slowly turns to almost glance back out the door at Grievous. He looks uncertain about everything)
Dooku: It is not your fault, Barriss. You were a tool of the Jedi and the Senate. They have killed you, We must stop the Sith. We must make it all right. THAT is why this must happen.
(Barriss gets angry)
Barriss: What would Qui-gon say? You would kill your own friends and family??
Dooku: So much you do not know....about family...
(Barriss gets more agitated, but Dooku suddenly gets very quiet)
Barriss: WHAT WOULD YOU KNOW ABOUT IT!!!??? You're Master Dooku!! Lord of all you survey!! You can kill with a word and these tin pot drones will do it!
(He looks away. Grievous gets huffy outside the room, but Barriss is no longer scared of the Cyborg)
Barriss: And you shut up, Grievous!! Nobody cares to hear your opinions!!
(She almost snarls at Dooku)
Barriss: I've grown up my whole life obeying the rules, smiling and eating and breathing according to the rules of the Order without ever knowing my family, my parents....How dare you!!?? Telling me I know nothing about it....you keep rattling on about secrets you held!!! You talk about family and yet you have calmly given me the DEATH SENTENCE???? WHAT IS GOING ON???!!!!
Dooku: IT is about your mother and father!
Barriss: What about them? I never got to meet them!
Dooku: YES, YOU DID!!!
(Barriss is stunned. Dooku composes himself)
Dooku: Qui-gon never told you about your father.....
(POV Does a CU of Barriss)
Barriss: What did Qui-gon know about my father?
(CU of Dooku as he drops the bomb on Barriss)
Dooku: Qui-gon....he WAS your father!!
(Barriss looks at Dooku in complete disbelief)
Barriss: -That can't be! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!!!
Dooku: Search your feelings, you know it to be true!
Barriss: But who wo-
(Barriss stops and gets wide eyed as she suddenly realizes, as if putting two and two together on who "Mother" really is!! She holds back the shock as best she can, fully aware of everything around her)
Barriss: (sobbing) It can't be....IT CAN'T BE!!!
Dooku: It was time now to tell you, because time is so short! So much for you to know, but....
(Dooku looks away. He suddenly can't look her in the face)
Barriss: (tears up) All this time....
Dooku: You deserved to know before I sealed you in. You will wander these tunnels until you succumb to death. There is no way out. But at least you have a chance to die in peace, with the truth....I am truly sorry.
(Dooku, oblivious to Barriss' state of mind, turns and exits)
Barriss: (whispering) You son of a bitch.....You've condemned me to a fate worse than death.....
Dooku: You will die with dignity, and no one will ever know of what I have told you. When I establish a new galactic order.....you will be remembered as a great hero to the next generation of Jedi....A NEW Generation of Jedi under MY leadership!
(POV watches Dooku seal the door shut, Barriss' silhouette dimmed by the growing darkness)
(POV follows Dooku and Grievous back into the palace)
Dooku: Prepare the staff for our next briefing, especially concerning Poggle's latest weapons' project. Prepare the trial for Senator Amidala and her puppydog Skywalker!! They will join Master Kenobi for the arena.
Grievous: Yes, my lord.
(Dooku steps into another room quickly out of sight. He leans against a wall and closes his eyes. His world feels like it is crumbling around him for a few seconds. Tears fill his eyes for a second, but he grips himself)
Tyrannus: (VO whisper) Friends must die so that you can win against the Sith Lord. It is a necessary sacrifice....
(Dooku wants to say something, but the Darkness clouds his judgement and he steels his resolve to destroy the Sith even though he has committed one of his first terrible acts to accomplish it)
(Barriss sits in the dark, facing the tunnels, pondering what to do as she recovers from crying. The door opens behind her. CU of Grievous as he slowly enters and lights up two sabres with glee)
Barriss: YOU!!
Grievous: My child, I have waited a long stretch of time for this rematch!!
(Barriss jumps up and prepares for battle! Sabre lit, she stands in readiness as Grievous closes the door behind him)
Grievous: You are dead, one way or another. Dooku does not need to know the details!  I think about our encounters on Naboo all those years ago, and I think I owe it to you to make this as painful and prolonged as possible!!
(He lights up a total of four sabers! Barriss suddenly realizes she is out of her depth fighting him. Smartly, she leaps into the nearest tunnel. Grievous laughs)
Grievous: You cannot run far!! Every tunnel in this labyrinth is a dead end!!
How does Barriss escape??  That is a story for another time....
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batqueers · 8 months
listing which of my gay people like milk and which ones hate it
- jack twist: likes milk :)
- ennis del mar: only drinks it when forced
- jon simms: lactose intolerant (drinks it anyways)
- martin blackwood: doesnt care
- alex claremont-diaz: drinks it by the gallon at all hours in the night but will Not drink it in the light of day
- henry fox: is normal about it
- hank thompson: hates milk. trauma reasons
- manny: still grasping what it is
- simon eriksson: is normal
- prince wilhelm: is normal
- charlie spring: only with cereal
- nick nelson: is normal abt it, likes milk :)
- simon snow: would slaughter people for a cold glass of milk
- tyrannus basilton grimm-pitch: allergic (not lactose intolerant. It Is Different)
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thiscruelearth-blog · 7 years
@mxjave-cxurier // Continuum
“Mars. I believe you’ve heard of me.”
The man’s answer was succinct, his face locked in a stoic manner. 
In absolute honesty, the woman he was attempting to converse with impressed him. What impressed him was that she took both the Bear and Bull and brought them to their knees before her and her robots, establishing herself as the sole proprietor of New Vegas as a result. Had he been in her shoes, he would have had to require assistance from the NCR to accomplish the same goals she accomplished single-handedly. 
Though he did not expect her to know it, those that knew Mars knew that he did not immediately consider women of high regard. This was due to his upbringing in the Legion, which often treated women as second class citizens. Mars did not necessarily agree to this notion wholeheartedly, even when he served under Caesar as one of his favored Frumentarii. He came to believe that anybody, man or woman, deserved his respect if they proved it. Upon being exiled from the Legion for a supposed crime of treason and labeled in damnatio memoriae, this belief was further solidified and strengthened. 
Mars had come to Venus at this time wishing to get acquainted with the woman who now held New Vegas in her palm, establishing some sort of rapport and further relations with her.
“Needless to say...from a man who has dedicated their life to slicing the throats of the men I once considered brothers, your castration of the Bull has been something I envied to do since they exiled me. However...your similar actions to the Bear have also cost me easy contracts and easy reasons to be on the hunt.”
Extending one of his hands outward, a small smile flashing across his weary face, he continued.
“In that case...I best get acquainted with the queen in order to keep myself useful in these godforsaken wastes.”
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themarchingchemist · 7 years
Hey guys, so...I kinda wrote this in like 30 minutes before work, and I want the community to decide and see if I should continue writing this oneshot smut piece between the Courier (in this case, my OC) and Sarah Weintraub, the Vault Girl of Vault 21.
Long backstory short, it just kind of intrigued me that Sarah would so openly let you sleep with her just by bringing her Vault suits in Suits You Sarah. This kinda expands a little bit more on why she does it and of course, some action after Mars gets back from looting Vault 34.
I hope y’all give it a read and enjoy.
Suits You Sarah by @themarchingchemist
Lord, show me the way To cut through all his worn out leather....
- Lady Gaga, “Million Reasons”
Sarah leaned against the countertop in the lobby of her beloved Vault 21, reading a copy of Nikola Tesla and You for presumably the millionth time. She didn’t mind the fact that she knew every word, every schematic that the book contained in its loved, decaying pages. She didn’t mind the fact that with all the caps she’s acquired over the years by running the hotel or selling various Vault trinkets, the limitless entertainment and debauchery only accessible to those who could spare the caps were available at her disposal. To be fair, Sarah was terrified whenever she tried to think of the world outside her Vault. Even if her Courier tried to explain the immediate world of The Strip in the most positive of ways, she wasn’t convinced enough to even dare step a foot out of the front door.
After finishing the book, Sarah placed it below the counter and shuffled over a few steps in order to turn on the Guest Terminal.
No New Messages
She frowned and crossed her arms across her chest. It had been over a month since Mars had last left her in her bed, leaving only a note that read: “34 – Mars.” Never had the Courier taken so long to return to her with more Vault suits and other products. Even the infamous Vault 22, dangerous for its mutated inhabitants and the deadly spores permeating the air, only took him a two week timeframe between leaving her and then returning with Vault loot in tow.
It was all a simple arrangement really. Sarah initially didn’t have a lot of caps or merchandise that she could’ve offered Mars when he had agreed to raid every Vault in the Mojave wasteland to furnish her own establishment. Mars didn’t mind, since he had other intentions with her anyway, upon learning about her life as a Vault Dweller.
“So, you’ve never been outside?”
“N…no. Why would I want to? Surface never, Vault forever, right?”
“Its probably been a long time since you’ve had someone keep you company, right? And I’m not talking about customers either.”
“W…Well, I…Yeah. Ever since everybody left the Vault to try and live outside, I’ve been pretty much alone here ever since.”
“I see….well….Sarah, tell me now, have you ever…been with a man before?”
“Wait, wha-“
“I know, I know, its not like a stranger to suddenly start asking a fine….unsullied woman as yourself such a question, but….”
“I’m surprised that for a woman that constantly deals in and repairs a lot of leather….I’m surprised nobody’s taught you how to use it…..properly.”
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breakingdamn · 6 years
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~ Carry On, R.Rowell.
Fly me to the moon and Let me play among the stars Let me see what spring is like On jupiter and mars In other words, hold my hand In other words, baby, kiss me.
~ Fly me to the moon, F.Sinatra.
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Standing Firm
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by John Angell James (6 June 1785 – 1 October 1859)
"Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus." - 2 Timothy 1:13
It is sometimes said that times have changed since the apostles’ days, with the state of the world different from what it then was. But is not human nature in all its essential elements the same? Is it not the same in its moral aspect, impotency, and necessities? Does it not as much need and depend upon the Gospel scheme as it did then? Is not the Gospel as exquisitely and fully adapted to the world's miserable condition as it was then? Can sin be pardoned in any other way than through the atonement of Christ, or can the sinner be justified by any other means than faith in the Lord our Righteousness, or can the depraved heart be renewed and sanctified by any other agency than that of the Holy Spirit?
The moral epidemic of our nature is always and everywhere the same, and faith in the blood of Christ is the only cure in every age of time, in every country of the world, and in every state of society. Men may call in other physicians than Christ and try other methods of cure, but they will all fail and leave the miserable patient hopeless and helpless.
It should never be forgotten that the time when the apostles discharged their ministry was only just after the Augustan era of the ancient world. Poetry had recently bestowed some of its golden favors on the empire of letters in the works of Virgil and Horace. The light of philosophy, though waning, still shed its lustre on Greece. The arts, and their most splendid creations in architecture, sculpture and painting, still lived, though they had ceased to advance. It was at such a time and amidst such scenes that the Gospel began its course. Apostolic voices were listened to by sages and their pupils, who had basked in the sunshine of Athenian wisdom. Yet these apostles conceded nothing to the demands of philosophy but held forth the cross as the only object they felt they had a right to exhibit. They never once entertained the degrading notion that they must accommodate themselves to the philosophy or the taste of the age in which they lived and the places where they ministered.
It is true that the philosophy of that day was a false one; but it was not known or acknowledged to be such at the time. It was admired as true, though like many systems that have succeeded it, it gave place to another; and it was doomed, like some that now prevail, to wane before new and rising lights. Whether the apostle addressed himself to the philosophers on Mars Hill or to the barbarians on the island of Malta, whether he reasoned with the Jews in their synagogues or with the Greeks in the school of Tyrannus, he had but one theme--and that was Christ, and him crucified.
What right, or what reason have we for deviating from this high and imperative example? So be it that we are in a literary, philosophic, and scientific age, so what? Is it an age that has outlived the need of the Gospel for its salvation? The supposition that something other than pure Christianity as the theme of our pulpit ministries is requisite for such a period as this, or that this must be presented in a philosophic guise, appears to me a most perilous sentiment. It is a disparagement of the Gospel itself, a daring assumption of wisdom superior to the Divine. It contains the very germ of infidelity.
The Gospel is a testimony which must be exhibited in its own peculiar and simple form, a testimony to certain unique and momentous facts which must be presented as they really are without any attempt or wish to change their nature or alter their character. Let the taste be cultivated as it may by literature, or the mind enlightened by science, or the reason be disciplined by philosophy; yet the heart is still deceitful and wicked. The conscience is still burdened with guilt, and the whole soul is in a state of alienation from God. The moral constitution is mortally diseased, and nothing but the Gospel can convey God’s saving health. All else is but pretence and empiricism, and the man who would be in earnest and successful in the salvation of souls must have a clear conviction and a deep impression of these facts. Philosophy must never be allowed to dilute the elixir of life, nor to evaporate it into the clouds of metaphysics.
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theperfectmistake21 · 4 years
T O D O S mis s h i p p s.
en 4 palabras o menos
1. Johnlock. ( Sherlock Holmes/ John Watson) Sherlock BBC.
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2. Hannigram ( Hannibal Lecter/ Will Graham) Hannibal.
3. Rusmex ( Rusia/ México) Countryhumans.
4. Ennis del mar/ Jack Twist Brockeback mountain.
5.Patroquiles? ( Aquiles/Patroclo) La iliada, tsoa.
6. Alejandro Magno/ Hefestion La Damm historia.
7. Guy/ Sam iam geah (Green eggs and ham)
8. Shoobs (Shaw / Luke Hobbs) F&F (la 7,8 y 9)
9. Philkas (Philip / Lukas)
10. Merthur (Merlin / Arthur) Merlin.
11. Veddie o Symbrock (Eddie Brock/ Venom) Venom 2018 y los benditos cómics.
12. Stony (Steve Rogers/ Tony Stark). Marvel
13. Snowbaz (Simon Snow/ Tyrannus Basilton Grimm Pitch) Carry on.
14. Aristóteles Mendoza/ Dante Quintana a&ddsu
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15. Thorki (Thor / Loki). marvel
16. Ragnar lothbrok/ Athelstan Vikings.
17. Joshua Faraday/ Vázquez The seven magnificent.
18. Goodnight Robicheux/ Billy Rocks The seven magnificent.
19. Hilson (House/ Wilson) Dr House.
20. Nezushi (Nezumi/ Shion) No. 6
21. Malec (Magnus Bane/ Alexander Lighwood) Cazadores de sombras.
22. Evak (Isak / Evan) Skam.
23. Leo/ Gabriel. No quiero volver solo, The way of we see.
24. Rediee (Richie Tozier/ Eddie Kaspbrak. It
25.Klance (Keith / Lance) Voltron.
26.Miguel/ Tulio
27.Cliff / Rick (Once upon a time in Hollywood)
28. Ken Miles / Carroll Shelby (Ford v Ferrari)
29. Napoleón / Ilya (U.N.C.L.E man)
30. Harvey Specter / Mike Ross ( Suits)
31. Adora / Carta ( She-ra and the princess of power)
32. Hank Anderson/Connor RK800 (Detroit Become Human)
33. Sonic / Shadow ( Sonic The 34. Spirk (Spock/Kirk) Star Trek TOS. 35.Johnny Utah/ Bodhi (Punto de Quiebre). 36. Wei Wuxian/ Lang wanji (Mo Dao SuZhi)
37. La bendición del oficial del cielo
38. Trikey Trevor/ Michael (GTAV)
39. Kyle / Cartman
40. Haruka/ Makoto
41. Peacemaker/ Vigilante
42. Sam/Bucky
43. Daniel / Johnny
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womantryingtoexist · 5 years
Daddy Issues - Ranked from most Severe to Least: Carry On
(The Sagas Third Part)
1. Simon Snow: His dad killed his mom, put him out there for adoption, fake-adopted him into a magic school, abused him, tried to kill his bf, and died in a mentally scarring manner. And that does not even touch the Dark Magic Rituals... Total Grade: FUCKING ASSHOLE
2. Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch: That name. And many other things: Became distant after his wifes death. Had no idea how to talk to his kid. Ignores his sons sexuality. Ergo: The perfect wealthy asshole dad. His saving grace? His second wife is a sweetheart.
3. Agatha Wellbelove: It might not be the most obvious, but Agatha is the kid who has problems with her parents that just never get discussed. I mean she ran away from home? Without a thought regarding her parents? Yeah, daddy was definitely a pushover when it came to magic and marring rich/powerful.
4. Penny Bunce: Her dad is focused on research instead of constant family time. But then again, so is her mom. Bunce children have curiosity and magic in their blood. Penny knows that she set her fathers notes on fire at least once. But she also knows that her dad has her back. Together with the rest of the Bunce family.
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//This is one of my new today's blogs! I will soon have four todays blogs running. (@todays-hipster-dork [from Heathers], @todays-agatha-wellbelove [from Carry On], @todays-melchior-gabor [from Spring Awakening], and @todays-penny-pingleton [from Hairspray]. We'll see how well that works out.) By the way, sorry I'm kinda stealing/hoarding characters! That's not what I'm trying to do! I will probably be looking for a co-mod for at least one of these eventually anyway. Back to the point. 3 new blogs. I already have one so I'm not really gonna introduce myself or anything. I'm not gonna make a separate post for all three, just this one. And... yeah! That's really all I have to say.
~ mod mars (mod of @todays-hipster-dork)
• @todays-tyrannus-baz-grimm-pitch @todays-ernst-robel @todays-amber-von-tussle @todays-percy-jackson @todays-nico-diangelo @todays-michael-mell @todays-jeremy-heere @todays-jenna-rolan @todays-jake-dillinger @todays-chloe-valentine @todays-thalia-mcarthy @todays-connor-murphy @todays-jason-dean @todays-christinecanigula @todays-madeline-monroe @todays-heather-chandler @todays-heather-mac @todays-heather-duke @todays-rich-goranski @todays-scary-stockboy @ everyone else •
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ao3feed-carryon · 5 years
by The_Russian_Echidna
Baz was in the middle of cutting his fruit when he heard Simon's voice float over the couch on a lazy afternoon.
"Football is right gay, Baz."
Words: 255, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Carry On Series - Rainbow Rowell
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tyrannus Basilton "Baz" Pitch, Simon Snow
Relationships: Tyrannus Basilton "Baz" Pitch/Simon Snow, Tyrannus Basilton "Baz" Pitch & Simon Snow
Additional Tags: Manchester City, leicester, Fluff, the rumor come out does Bruno Mars is gay, Don't touch monkey's, football can be a strangely gay sport despite ya homophobes, soccer/football, Post-Canon, Simon just wants food, Meaningless Fluff
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ao3feed-snowbaz · 5 years
Football Is Right Gay
by The_Russian_Echidna
Baz was in the middle of cutting his fruit when he heard Simon's voice float over the couch on a lazy afternoon.
"Football is right gay, Baz."
Words: 255, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Carry On Series - Rainbow Rowell
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tyrannus Basilton "Baz" Pitch, Simon Snow
Relationships: Tyrannus Basilton "Baz" Pitch/Simon Snow, Tyrannus Basilton "Baz" Pitch & Simon Snow
Additional Tags: Manchester City, leicester, Fluff, the rumor come out does Bruno Mars is gay, Don't touch monkey's, football can be a strangely gay sport despite ya homophobes, soccer/football, Post-Canon, Simon just wants food, Meaningless Fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2TfBgaV
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cssc-vida · 4 years
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A propósito del Birding Day, traemos con ustedes una de las más bellas y excéntricas especies. El Sirirí Común (Tyrannus melancholicus). Es un pájaro muy común en Colombia. Se puede apreciar en todo el territorio nacional desde el nivel del mar hasta grandes altitudes montañosas. Habitan en zonas abiertas con árboles dispersos y residenciales. Se alimenta de insectos principalmente aunque ocasionalmente puede consumir frutos. Estos animales son territoriales, andan en parejas que defienden agresivamente su territorio. Su canto es muy característico. *Fuente Wiki Aves de Colombia (Icesi.edu.co) #bird #birds #birdphotography #birdsofinstagram #birdwatching #birding #birdlife #birdlovers #kingbird #kingbirds #aves #ave #atrapamoscas #siriri #animallovers #animales #animallover #animal #animals #animalovers #animals_in_world #animalkingdom #colombia #birds_nature #animaladdicts #parquesimonbolivar #bogotá #biology #cosasdebiologos (en Bogotá, Colombia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B__Y-wjgNXJ/?igshid=10girckoyn1rv
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themarchingchemist · 7 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout (Video Games) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Rose of Sharon Cassidy/Male Courier, Rose of Sharon Cassidy/Original Male Character Characters: Rose of Sharon Cassidy, Male Courier, Julie Farkas, Arcade Gannon, Vulpes Inculta, Caesar (Fallout), Sunny Smiles Additional Tags: Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Graphic Description Summary:
"I don’t wanna fall in love Love cuts just like a knife You make the knife feel good I’ll fight you till the end." -Kyle/Jane Child, "Don't Wanna Fall In Love"
Mars and Cassidy have had storied lives outside of the Mojave wastes. One was a legendary Frumentarius who defected from Caesar's Legion after decades of undercover work that ultimately questioned his undying allegiance to Caesar himself. The other one was the daughter of a California legend, known for her own skilled accuracy with any gun, love for whiskey, and shrewd business acumen in the caravan game. For various reasons however, they met each other as broken individuals needing each other for help in a shitty security outpost on the Long 15. As they change the Mojave for either bad or worse, can they also help each other become whole again?
Please also give a ton of credit to @constellation-consultant for helping me write Cass into existence for this story. Thank you, and I hope it ain’t as half-baked as my demons say it is :,D
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rillils · 7 years
I was tagged by @goldenlionprince :3 Thank you, Lina! <3
Rules: tag nine mutuals you want to get to know better!
@aiidanturner @damnitfili @vickysnest @nelioe @czpla @littleravenkili @ofahattersmind 
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: very much taken, and by the most beautiful girl in the world at that, the precious light of my life <3
FAVOURITE COLOUR: blue, pretty much every shade of it, and greens and pinks too
LIPSTICK OR CHAPSTICK?: chapstick, I guess - it’s what I usually wear, anyway (also, I like to try and guess what fruity chapstick flavour Nat’s wearing by stealing extremely stealthy smooches) (haven’t guessed a single one right so far)
LAST SONG I LISTENED TO: That’s what I like by Bruno Mars
LAST MOVIE I WATCHED: “Amore a prima vista” (lit. “Love at first sight”), a favourite from my childhood - womanizer mob boss wakes up after eye surgery to find himself desperately in love with a male cop. Have I just always been into gay stuff or is it just my imagination
TOP THREE FICTIONAL CHARACTERS: Kili, Fili, Victor friggin’ Nikiforov, John Mitchell, and my 100% angsty son Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch and what do you mean they’re more than three, I don’t understand
TOP THREE SHIPS: Fili/Kili, Baz/Simon, Victor/Yuuri (why am I supposed to list only three hkjhfghl I’ve got so many babiessss *intense flailing*)
“Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda” by Becky Albertalli - OMG GUYS YOU GOTTA READ THIS, IT’S SO FREAKING GOOD I JSUT !!!! KDFJH
“The Four Swans” - aka the sixth book in the Poldark series, and I’m reading like one chapter per month because. Well. Obvious pain?? I’m not entirely sure I’ll manage to finish this one tbh *twirls self into oblivion*
“That certain something” by Clare Ashton - so gay and cute and omg just give me all the girls feels *screeches softly*
“Reaper Man” by Terry Pratchett - haven’t really started this one yet, but it’s next in line right after “Simon...” and I can’t wait :3
and then I’m probably gonna reread Carry On for the 10928394867th time because I just can’t with these gay babies, okay, I am WEAK
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antler-lock · 7 years
Stand Up For You
(A Snowbaz AU)
“Where the hell have you been?!”
Simon cringes when he realizes Baz is awake. He quietly shuts the door to their room and turns, blind in the dark.
“Nowhere, don’t worry.”
“Don’t worry? Snow! You were gone for hours! And it’s nearly three a.m.! How did you even get past the moat?”
“I’m the Chosen One, remember?”
Baz scoffs and Simon starts changing into his pajamas, hissing softly in pain.
“Simon?” The lights flick on at Baz’s let there be light, revealing bruises forming on Simon’s cheek and above his eye. A cut on his forehead.
“What the fuck Simon?” Baz rushes out of his bed and is at Simon’s side in a moment. “What were you even doing?”
“Nothing, Baz. I’m fine!” Simon shrugs away from Baz’s hand and Baz physically flinches at that. Simon immediately notices and reaches out for Baz’s pale cold hand. They’re just getting used to this. To a relationship. To not being enemies or always trying to kill each other. To soft kisses and flirting instead of threats. And sometimes Baz forgot. This had been his dream for so long, he was still terrified he would wake up.
He watches Simon’s fingers entwine with his, warmth flooding his skin.
“Look, I’m tired and uncomfortable, just let me go to bed.” Simon says softly.
Baz moves his other hand up to Simon’s cheek. “At least let me take care of you first.”
Simon nods assent and Baz turns to get supplies from the bathroom. He’s back with a first aid kit.
Simon slowly shrugs out of it and Baz would have appreciated the sight if it weren’t marred by dark bruises forming along his ribs.
“Simon really, what happened?” He says as he moves him to sit on the bed and kneels in front of him.
“Why aren’t we using magic?”
“Because I’m tired, Simon. And you were out all night doing who knows what, you have to deal with the consequences.”
He pulls the bandage into place around Simon’s ribs a little harder than necessary as he speaks and tucks it into place.
Simon sucks in a sharp breath at the pain and slowly threads his hands through Baz’s hair. He tugs gently, bringing Baz’s steely eyes up from his wounds to his face. Baz’s eyes soften as he meets Simon’s.
“Look, it was stupid. I know. But some idiot was talking shit about you and I couldn’t just let it go.”
Baz sighs, but can’t help the love and gentle heat he feels in his stomach.
“People are going to say shit about me. I was kind of an ass. Not everyone is as forgiving as you are. I can handle it.”
“Well I can’t.”
“Simon,” Baz starts.
“No, Baz! I shouldn’t have to stand by and listen to people say bad things about you!” he lowers his voice and leans down closer to Baz, “you’re my boyfriend and that means I get to stand up for you.”
He pulls Baz into a soft kiss and Baz doesn’t protest, letting his eyes flutter closed.
He pulls away slowly and stares at Simon full of awe and wonder. “I love you, Simon Snow.”
Simon smiles, “I love you too, Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch.”
“Now let me take care of your face, then we can go to bed.”
Simon begrudgingly allows Baz to gently swab the cut on his face and cover it with a band-aid before pulling him by the hand into his bed. Baz curls up around Simon, their hands tangled together. He plants kisses against the moles on his shoulders until they fall asleep.
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templarhalo · 7 years
a little fanfic of mine
@sisterofsilence and I had a nice conversation that led to  this.  This is my first 30K fanfic and it's dealing with a character that Forge World barley has any fluff for.
Warning for : female asrtartes and badass women. OC's galore and some noblebright with our grimdark  and some genuine heroism. If the first two things offend you please fuck off.
Darkness.  Darkness and light.  That is what composes our universe.  The darkness of the void, and the brightness of stars, suns and planets.  Once, the light of reason, of hope for a better future for Humanity, sought the eclipse the darkness, and for a brief time, there was light.
Now Darkness returned.
Brother fought Brother
Sister fought Sister.
Trillions died.
Worlds burned.
Traitors against the Loyal.
And Darkness sought to snuff out the light.  To leave only horror and chaos
A human philosopher lost to history once said “Rage, Rage, against the dying of the light.”
That is precisely what humankind did.  On Calth.  On Signus Prime, Hydra Cordatus, Paramar, and a hundred other worlds, those loyal to the Emperor of Mankind refused to give up and die to the blades and guns of those they once called brother and sister.  They refused to let the darkness snuff the candle they ignited.  They refused to let Horus Lupercal, Primarch of the XVI legion, destroy all they had built.
The candle that was humanity refused to flicker and die.  The fire of hope refused to burn out
And then there were those the traitors wished had died those they who they had once called brother and sister, those who refused to bend their knee to their primarch and Warmaster and side with the Emperor.  Hell itself could not contain them.  They would not falter, they would not let themselves die until they had taken as many traitors to the grave with them and until those had broken their oaths to their Emperor and humanity faced retribution.  Until they faced justice for their betrayal and the sins, they committed.
One of those the traitors cursed, more than any other, even more than Nathaniel Garro, Agenta Primus of Malcador the Sigillite, Hero of Istvaan and leader of the Knights Errant, the largest thorn in the Warmaster’s side, was Endryd Haar.  For he was not a thorn.  He was not a sword.  He was the fang that would tear out his Primarch’s and the Warmaster’s throat and bring it before the Emperor.
Only than would, he accepts death.
Chapter 1.  The Riven Hound
The ship was as dark as the void.  It glided through the asteroid belt with effortless ease.  The ship was old...  It had been construed in the shipwrights of Mars, around two centuries ago.  One of the first Strike Cruisers ever constructed, it had once served in the fleet of the XII legion proudly.  The ship's name was the Cicatrices Tyrannus.
It bore no colors save for black and deep gunmetal scratches.  It bore now heraldry saves for the Imperial Aquila.  It was a ship filled with ghosts, the forgotten and the betrayed.  
And it was waiting.  Waiting to strike.
Endyd Haar, the Riven Hound, Praetor of the Blackshield, The Fangs of the Emperor hated waiting.  He could do subtlety, but patience had never been one of his virtues.  Even with the removal of the Butcher’s Nails, patience had not become easier for him.
Endryd Haar was around average height for an Astartes.  He lacked the patrician features or the inherent handsomeness of the Blood Angels, but to call him ugly would be a lie.  The gene-forging and scars of battle had not removed his handsomeness, in a way it added to it.  Haar had two scars on his face.  One stretched from his cheek the lower right corner of his lip.  The other above the two service studs in his forehead.  He had a short beard and close cropped brown hair.  He was clad in a black, battered suit of Mark IV Maximus pattern Artificer Power Armor that was stripped of all insignia and iconography.
He tapped his right hand against the armrest of his command throne.  
“Auspex report.”  He ordered.  His baritones voice the only noise apart from the beeping of the cogitators in the bridge of the Tyrannis.
“No warp translations detected yet, my lord.”  The Auspex officer replied.
Haar let out what might have been a sigh and looked out the viewports.  The Cicatrice Tyrannis was running dark.  Its Auspex was operating at 10 percent.  Any higher and its energy signature would be visible.  It engines were cold.  Its Lances powered down.  The bridge, like the rest of the Strike Cruiser that still had working lights was bathed in dim red emergency light. Haar rose from his command throne.
“Perhaps The Sigillite’s intelligence was wrong.”  Boian Tarvan  said.
“It is not wise to doubt the Sigillite.  The God-Emperor made him regent of Terra for a reason.” Kal Jakar replied.
Endryd looked at his two lieutenants.
Tarvan had been with him since they were inducted.  Before they were World Eaters,before they were War Hounds. Like Haar, he was clad in Mark IV Power Armor, but while Haar had stripped any insignia from the XII Legion,  Boian retained the old sigil of the War Hounds on his left shoulder pad.
Kal Jakar was clad in a mix of Mark II and Mark III warplate.  His helm was Mark II and he held it in his bionic left hand.  In the poor lighting, his dusky skin seemed to glow.  Unlike his brother’s armor, which  was plain and worn out. His was  polished with silver trim. Acid etched into every surface of the armor were the names of dead loyalist brothers and sisters in High Gothic.  Only one name was acid etched in the Colchisian tongue: Mara Xal, his honor sister and fellow Chaplain, slain by Lorgar’s  “Blessed Sons, “ when the two hundred and seventy  surviving members of the Chapter of the Waning Moon returned to their years after years at the edge of the Imperium.  Only 30 Word Bearers survived the purge.
Now Kal was the last.
“There’s always a first time .”  Boian said.
“Sergeant, doubting the word of the Sigillite is to doubt the word of the God Emperor  and-
“That’s heresy blah blah blah, first rule of warfare Chaplain, Intel gets stale really quick-.
“My Lord, report from the Astropath!  A ship is about to exit the warp!”  the comm officer yelled.
There was no need to go to battle stations.  The crew had already been at stations for quite some time.
“One enemy ship Praetor.” the sensorium officer reported.
“ I can see that Lieutenant.”  Endryd Haar. said.
The enemy ship was a Strike Cruiser.  It flew the white and blue colors of the World Eaters.
“That it?”  Flag-Captain Ella Thylin said.
The Flag-Captain was a short woman with long red hair done in a neat braid.  A Plasma Pistol. and Chainsword were at her side.  She wore a blue Imperial Navy uniform with a crimson sash and a grey longcoat
“One ship matches Lord Malcador’s intelligence perfectly.”  Kal said.
“Not true Chaplain, the Sigillite’s intel said the ship bore the 125th company, this one bears the markings of the 126th.”  Boian said.
“ I concede to your observation Sergeant.”  Kal replied with a mocking theatrical bow.
“Flag-Captain what is the status of the enemy vessel?”
“ Pausing  to catch their breath sir.  They were running the engines hot and they haven’t rolled out their guns or raised their void shields.”  Ella said.
“And how long till their battle ready?”  Haar asked.
“The average time for an Astartes vessel to be battle ready after exiting the Warp. Two minutes.  Factor  in the Butcher Nails, general sloppiness of the Twelfth  Legion and proportion of press-ganged crew to actually navy crews.  Five to seven minutes.”
“Weapon Master is it possible to hit them with our bombardment  cannon?”  Haar .
“Yes sir. We're  in minimum  range, the asteroids aren’t blocking our line of sight, and they haven't detected us with their Auspex.”
“They could still eyeball us.” Boian growled .
“ We'll hit them  with our bombardment cannon, a precise shot to their ammo storage  for their own Bombardment Cannon. Then we accelerate and hit them with torpedos. Then we hammer them with our broadside Macrobatteries. “
“Shouldn't we use our Lances? Macrobatteries won't pierce the armor, it's too thick.” Ella said .
“ We're not hitting them amidships, we'll  be clipping  their engines, then we raise shields and take their return fire.  Than we carve into them with our Lances and deploy boarding parties.”
“ Simple. I like it.“  Boian
“We have a firing solution my lord.”  The weapon master called.
The bombardment  cannon was already loaded.
“Fire.” Haar ordered.
The Tyrannis rumbled as it unleashed its wrath.
And the slaughter began.
Haar flexed his Power Fist as the Storm Eagle accelerated towards the hangar bay of the traitor vessel.  There were five of these gunships in their boarding party. Each of them bearing Space Marines hungry for the blood of their erstwhile kin.  Although they had been removed, Haar felt the Butcher’s Nail bite, the phantom pain making him grind his teeth in suppressed agony.
“The Nails?” Boian gritted out.  He felt the pain too.  Like most of the Fangs of the Emperor, who  had been from  Haar’s old command from the XII Legion, they bore the physical and mental scars of the suffering Angron inflicted on his legion.
Haar looked over the other Astartes in the gunship.  He saw a Blackshield he knew was a Death Guard check the pressure on his Flamer.  Another he knew was an Ultramarine was meditating with an ornate Thunder Hammer across his lap.  Kal was checking his Bolter, running his name over the names of the dead he inscribed onto its casing.  Haar could hear muttered prayers in High Gothic from  his and a few other Astartes lips.
“30 seconds Praetor.”  Fabius said from the cockpit..
Fabius had been a member of the Emperor’s Children,  a Fire Raptor pilot condemned to  die with his brother’s on Isstvan III.  He had provided desperately needed air support for the beleaguered loyalists until he had been shot down.  He then fought alongside  a band of  Death guard with a Charnabel saber he had pried from the dead hands of a Palatine Blade.    The orbital bombardment had left him battered and broken, and he now had more bionics than an Iron Hand.  Haar had rarely seen him outside his gunship, and never unhelmed.
“10 seconds”  Fabius said.
“ For the Emperor.”  Haar growled.  A familiar cold feeling came over him.  He had always felt it before he went into battle, but his veins turned to  ice and his mind burned a coldfire as the sheer rage at his brother and gene-father’s betrayal came the forefront of his mind.
He drew his Archeotech pistol.  The pistol resembled a bolt pistol, but the barrel was tapered likes a laspistol, and the slide instead was replaced with coils similar to that of a plasma pistol.
Heavy Bolters began chattering and Lascannons added the deep voice to the chorus of firepower, as the Storm Eagles began clearing the hanger and keeping the enemy  suppressed for them long enough for the Blackshields to disembark.
The ramp went down and Haar shot the first World Eater he saw.  He strode down the ramp, the red beams of the Archeotech pistol leaving fist sized holes in the World Eater’s chests.  Haar estimated there was a full Tactical Squad in the hangar  bay.  But there were nearly a hundred Blackshields.  That didn't stop the World Eaters from charging anyway.  Howling with bloodlust, they found themselves slain by Bolter fire before they even got to close the distance .   
“Blades out.  You know your targets.  For the Emperor.” Haar growled.
Haar knew that the fighting would soon be up close and personal.   Boarding actions always were.  Haar  gestured to the five Terminators of Squad Karanthus  to take the lead. It would fall to Karanthus and his squad to spearhead the assault on the genatorum.
While half the Blackshields went to  the genatorum, the rest were led by Haar to take the bridge.
It would be a bloodbath  for both sides, but both were willing to pay the butcher's bill for victory.  The Blackshields had forfeited their lives in order to drown themselves in traitor blood and earn absolution, the World Eaters  simply didn't care about dying.
The Fangs of the Emperor and the Eaters of Worlds met in a clash of blades and hate.  Blood slicked the corridors and hallways. Bolters were emptied at point blank range.  Chainweapons were blunted dull, Phosphex and flame filled the hallways.  Throats were slit, heads rolled and both sides found themselves wading in corpses.
Haar caught the chain of a Meteor Hammer and shot the World Eater carrying it in the throat.
He punched another World Eater in the chest.  His Power Fist steamed with rapidly evaporating blood.  He saw Boian facing off against two World Eaters, a Power Axe in one hand, his Combat Knife in another.  Boian, buried his knife up to  hilt in one World Eater’s throat and then brought his axe down on the other’s head    Kal’s Volkite Serpenta  whined is it incinerated two more World Eaters.
Haar smashed his elbow into a World Eater and then shot an Ogryn that was hefting a Heavy Bolter.  The last of the World Eaters in the section of the ship were dead, and all that was left were the mortal crewman.  Some wore Carapace armor and hefted Lascarbines and Shotguns.  Most wore only uniforms and hefted Autopistols and Laspistols Bullets bounced off his armor and he heard the report of a shotgun  as Terak sent the mortal crewman scattering.
“They’re scattering.”  The former Son of Horus said.
“Most  mortals tend to that “ Kal said with a grin.  The Chaplains armor was rent and scarred. Oaths of moment and scrollwork  had been torn away and his right pauldron was riddled with holes from Bolt shells.  His copy of the Lectio Divinitatus he kept chained to his belt was untouched.
“Mortal traitors tend to do that.  Most Loyalist mortals fight like cornered lions.” Boian said. He was hefting a chainsword he had taken from a fallen traitor.  Tekan had just slid the third shell into  his shotgun, when they all heard footsteps.
‘Too loud to be  a mortal, too soft to be an Ogryn.”   Boian said.
Around the corner came fifteen children.  Not mortal children.  They  were recognizable as Astartes, but children to the veterans of hundreds of battles, some since the beginning of the Great Crusade.  They wore white Carapace armor with no legion insignia or company markings.  The were no kill-tallies or honor markings.  Their armor was clean, untouched by battle and unstained with blood. Their unscarred faces were the variety of colors that came from multiple recruiting worlds.  They all had the Butcher’s Naild implanted in them.  Their eyes were glazed and twitching, and some were drooling.  By  Haar’s estimate, they  had only recently received the implants and in addition, they had been injected with Combat stimulants and painkillers.  Haar felt his blood boil.  The World Eaters had never made their aspirants undergo surgical implantation of the Butcher’s Nails, and one of the few Legion wide edicts the legion followed was not giving an aspirant combat drugs.  Not because an aspirant couldn't handle it with his Physiology, but because its effects messed with an aspirant’s adaptation to his knee implants.  He knew his former legion had sunk low, but how much further had they sunk?
           The aspirants carried unpowered axes, serrated knives and Gladii.  They didn’t have any Frag or Krak grenades, and only a few had pistols.
With a howl that could only come through pubescent throats just adopting their new gene- forged bodies, the aspirants charged with reckless abandon.  The few who had pistols aim was worse than ork.  Tekan’s shotgun rang three times, dropping a pair of them.  He drew two Bolt pistol and emptied their clips and another pair fell to blood soaked deck. By the time the aspirants were in melee range, only five remained.  They died even quicker than those who had been gunned down.  Haar punched one’s head clean off and back handed another, sending him spiraling to  deck.   Kal’s Crozius ended a third.  Tekan’s chainaxe ended the fourth. The final aspirant screamed “Blood for the Twelfth Legion! Skulls for Angron!” and launched himself at Haar with his gladius.  Haar mercifully ended his short life by tearing out his throat with his right hand, kneeing him in the groin and then crushing his head with a stomp.  Haar felt no satisfaction.  Only regret.  Not only because he ended the final aspirant’s life so brutally, but because no sane Legiones Astartes commander would put such poorly trained aspirants on the battlefield.  These children were no threat.  Even if they  weren’t forcibly taken from their families, the children were probably driven insane from the Butcher’s Nails embedded in their skills and their recently hypno-indoctrinated minds.  In short, Haar could have ordered his men not to kill them.  They could have knocked them out, taken them back to Terra and had the Butcher's Nails removed, properly trained and indoctrinated  them.
Haar looked at the aspirant he had just killed.  His gauntlet were still stained with the boy’s blood.
“Sorry boy.  Maybe in  a better galaxy we would have been brothers.  I’m sure you would have been a hell of a War Hound.”  Haar said aloud.
“Our father has a lot to answer for.” Boian said.  The death of the aspirants had hit him hard, perhaps harder than Haar.
“He’s not our father anymore.  He is a traitor.  When this madness is over I will bring his skull before the Emperor himself.” Haar snapped
Haar and his Blackshields encountered a handful of World Eaters and mortals on their way to  the bridge. To Haar’s relief, they did not encounter any more aspirants.  “Breaching charge.” Haar called.  The doors to the bridge were solid bronze dipped Adamantium and they would need explosives to breach  them.  Plus, no one had brought a lascutter.
The doors exploded in  a shower of sparks and flame.  Haar was the first through the breach.  Only six World Eaters were in the bridge.  There a couple of armsmen and the bridge crew itself.
Five of the six World Eaters were clad in Cataphractii pattern Terminator Armor.  The last one was a Centurion clad in Tartaros pattern Terminator Armor.  He had a Chainaxe in his left hand and a Thunder Hammer in his left.
“Endryd Haar.  Your name is a curse among the Legion. .” the Centurion said.
“That warms my heart.  Tell me your name traitor.” Endryd Haar.
“ I am Daken Matar. Centurion-Delegatus of the 126th Company.  And I will have the honor of bringing your head to Angron.”
“If you somehow manage to kill me you better do that with that toy you call an axe rather than that oversized mallet.” Haar said.  He began striding towards Daken, his Power fist servos flexing.
“ I will kill you and strap your body to the hull of my ship.”  Daken said.
“You are the fifteenth traitor to have said to me.” Haar said.
“And you will not the  first Eater of Worlds to have thought killing me would get you noticed by the primarch.”  Haar said.
Daken swung the Thunder Hammer down,
Haar rolled out of the way.  Daken swiped his Chainaxe, the teeth howling inches from Haar’s face.
Haar dodged the next swing from the Thunder Hammer.  He aimed his Archeotech Pistol and shot Daken in the chest. His next shot melted the head of his chainaxe.  Daken howled in fury and tossed the useless weapon aside and swung a left hook. The Butcher’s Nails were singing in his rotting brain and he lunged at Haar ready to smash him to a pulp.
Haar caught the shaft of the Thunder Hammer.  His Power Fist tightened around the weapons shaft. His right hand caught Daken’s fist.
Daken tried to overpower him. Haar struggled.  His armor servos whined in protest.  They were both grunting with effort.
“Tell me Captain Daken, do you really think killing me will give you Angron’s favor?  You and I both know it won't.  The primarch won't give a damn.  He’s a madman who should have died on his homeworld.”
“Silence traitor!”   Daken roared.
“You’re the traitor!  The primarch never cared about the legion.  The legion is just a pawn on Horus’ chessboard.”
“ I said silence!  You left the legion because you were a coward and because you craved glory!”
“You think I left the legion  for glory.  I left because when I returned from the edge of the Imperium, the legion  was soaked in its own brother’s blood and sundered oaths.  And I can see that even brotherhood no longer matters.”
“What are you talking  about?” Daken asked. His eyes were twitching.  He would be lost to the Nail's soon.
“ I’m talking about the aspirants.” Haar said.
Before Daken could  respond, Haar released his grip on the Thunder Hammer and drove his Power Fist  deep into Daken’s chest.  Flexing his fingers, Haar retracted his Power Fist, the remains of Daken’s liver held in his hand.
Daken screamed in pain and charged Haar with his bare hands.  Haar sidestepped him and drilled an energy  beam from his pistol into each kneecap. He then struck  Daken in the back with his Power Fist, shattering the powerpack to Daken’s Terminator Armor.
He then rammed his Power Fist deep into Daken’s chest and pulled out a chunk of his spine.  Daken was screaming, trying to rise despite the weight of his crippled suit and missing  piece of spine.  Haar paused for a few seconds. The other Terminators and the bridge crew were dead.   Haar waited a full minute. Then he brought his Power Fist down and ended Daken’s agony.
The assault on the genatorum was a success.   One hundred and seven World Eaters and most of the crew had been slain.  The casualties were light . By Blackshields standards at least.  Twenty two Blackshields had fallen. Third-Two were injured. But only seven required the assistance of an Apothecary.
Now the remaining members of the Fangs of the Emperor  scoured the ship, taking any supplies and anything of value.
Haar, Boian and Kal were on their way to the engineering section when they receive a vox hail from Techmarine Erud Vahn.
“Endryd we have a problem .  Visual footage indicates five  unidentified. Blackshields and a Primus Medicae bearing heraldry for the IIIrd Legion in the apothecarium.  They’ve already locked down the area. I need you to intervene.”
“We’re on it Erud  Lock the ship down and put the Fangs on alert.”
“How did they get aboard the ship?” Kal asked.
“A better question is what are they doing here? I don't remember killing any Blackshields or any of Fulgrim’s peacocks.”  Boian said.
‘We’ll find out soon enough.”  Haar said as they stepped into the elevator that would take them to the Apothecarium.
“Perhaps these Blackshields are the reason Lord Malcador wanted us to  seize this ship.”  Kal said as they ascended.
The elevator chimed softly as the doors opened.
In front of them was the sealed door to the apothecium
“We should be in range of their squad vox.”
“Let's try  diplomacy first. They haven’t slain any of our brothers.” Kal said.
Haar sighed and put on his helm.  There was a crackle of vox chatter as Haar patched into the squad frequency.
 “Attention unidentified Astartes. I am Endryd Haar, leader of the Fang’s of the Emperor.  I am not usually merciful but I am giving you one chance to come out with blades sheathed and guns to  the deck.    I’m sure you all had a good reason to  be on a traitor vessel, and not participate in the fighting.  I do not wish to slaughter fellow loyalists so-
Haar was interrupted by an aristocratic voice.
“This is Primus Medicae Titus Phovian of the  IIIrd legion.  I only wish to recover the data from this ships apothacarium the my comrade Master Apothecary Nuri Rathen of the Twelfth was gathering,    I have qualms with killing loyalists, but seeing as you're not Mannus’ ilk  I am  going to ask that you allow me to leave this ship and depart.  The Blade of Chemos is about ten minutes out and I wish to bring this data to Lieutenant Commander Fabius on time.  “
“One Moment. Primus Medicae.”  Haar. said.  He voxed Ella.
“Ella put all outbound flights to  the traitor vessel on hold and go to battle stations.  An enemy ship is about ten minutes out and we have some stragglers to deal with.”
“Erud already told me the situation, Praetor.”  Ella said.
“Be ready Flag-Captain. Haar out.”
“I’m guessing diplomacy will not the resolve this conflict?” Kal said.
“ No we’re be aggressively negotiating from here on out.” Haar said.
Kal sighed theatrically.
‘It has been sometime since I’ve slain a son of Fulgrim.” Kal said.
‘Chin up Chaplain, maybe the next traitors we’ll kill will be Word Bearers.” Boian said.
“ I can only pray.” Kal said.
Titus voxed Haar.
“I take it you gentleman are going to be reasonable and allow us passage?”  Titus said.
“No  we’re going to be very unreasonable, kill you, strip your weapons and armor and dump your bodies into the void.” Haar said,
“I was hoping it wouldn’t come to that,” Titus said.
“ Chin up Primus Medicae, maybe you’ll die with honor. “ Boian said over the vox..
Boian drew a Melta Bomb.
“Arm for 10 seconds, then toss a Photon Flash in,” Haar ordered
Boian set the charge.
The doors exploded and Boian lobbed the Photon Flash grenade in the room.
Kal, and Boian opened  fire with their Bolters  set to three round burst .  The five  Blackshields  dropped to floor each  one’s victim of headshots. Titus raised a Plasma Pistol, only to have it detonate in his hand from a bolt round from Boian.
Titus went for the combat knife at his belt, but paused when he realized he was staring down  the barrels of two boltguns and an Archeotech pistol.
“Start talking, and we might spare your miserable life.”
“As I explained before you barged in here and murdered my subordinates. I was here to recover data from my fellow Apothecary.”
“We’re going to need more than that.”  Haar said.
“Nuri and I were experimenting with Twelfth and Third legion gene-seed.  Enhancing it,   augmenting pain tolerance and speed.  Looking for ways to reduce implant rejection and accelerated synthesis.”
“Chymarie.” Boian said.
Haar surprised a snarl.  There were a few  Astartes like that in the Fangs of the Emperor.  Space Marine who were unnaturally fast or some other trait, but at a cost.  Brain hemorrhages, aggressive cancers, spontaneous combustion  or worse.
“The Blackshields dead on the floor are former World Eaters and Emperor's Children.  They volunteered for augmentation.”  Titus said.
Haar store past Titus and the dead Blackshields to a cogitator and what looked like a black coffin.
“What’s this?”  Haar growled.
“Storage for samples.”  Titus seemed nervous.
Haar opened the coffin.
Inside was a young girl about twelve Terran years.
She had long chocolate brown hair and skin the color of marble.  Her features were a natural beauty that Haar could tell was not sculpted.
“Samples eh?”  Haar said.
He turned to face Titus.
“Be grateful I need you alive.” Haar said.
Then he broke Titus’ nose with a punch.
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