#vs i wish things could go back to how they were
olderthannetfic · 1 day
i saw this post today where this person was talking abt fandom racism and was pointing out some real issues within my fandom and favorite ship that I too had noticed… but then kept bringing it back to the lack of one particular other ship they liked, when it's like, no that's not the problem, and that ship is unpopular because those characters have zero romantic or sexual chemistry and barely any scenes together. (it was really funny that someone had reblogged this to take their 'lack of seeing this one character in a sexual way in fic miiight be racist' complaint to be like 'i think you're right! we should have more fic about [a long list of different ships involving that character with people they have ACTUAL chemistry with].' it was really funny. ofc op totally missed the point they were making there.) anyway i just feel like way too many useful conversations about this stuff are ruined by people making it about shipping or other really subjective fandom preferences. i get that this is because something like 'number of fics X ship or character has on ao3' is an objective measure, and something like 'level of orientalism in how a lot of people are writing this desi character' is not, but i wish people would realize it tends to alienate more people that it converts. and ime, it's often the people who maybe would most benefit from hearing those criticisms (e.g. are writing unintentionally racist stuff in their works, and are someone who would want to know about that and how to do it differently) who tune it out the second you make it into insulting their shipping preferences.
i mean, there WAS some real racism in the star wars sequels fandom, including among the fanfic/shipping side. not just the shitty dudes harassing kelly marie tran. we saw the really bizarre 'predator' language people directed at john boyega just for making some joke posts on instagram about disliking reylo and its shippers. it was the very classic racist thing where people see something as automatically more threatening when a black man does it. ....but how many people had already tuned all that out because the people most outspoken about the racism in the fandom kept reducing it to 'if you ship reylo over finnrey, or kylux over finnpoe, you're a racist'? it's like a boy who cried wolf thing. if you've shown that you can't uncouple serious discussions and concerns from just being pissy that your otp is not more popular, people are going to see you as someone who can't be taken seriously and then ignore you when you do have a real complaint. it's like how i'm sure that some of stitch's essays are thoughtful and important, but i have no desire to read stuff by someone who is infamous for harassing people just for what they ship. i don't feel like i can take any of that person's judgments about fandoms i'm not in, for instance, seriously.
that's not to say fandom preferences in shipping can't ever be influenced by racism (or other 'isms') but is it ever really *that* specifically that is the problem, or the broader pattern it is part of? and i feel like 'maybe fandom is a little too focused on het and slash ships between two young skinny conventionally attractive white people' is a message more people are open to than 'your specific white M/M or F/M otp is racist'
anyway it reminds me of the stuff i've seen sometimes in academic fandom studies about how you can't really honestly study a fandom where you're deeply mired in its discourse - you need to focus your work on fandoms that you're familiar with but not in that way. and i think that maybe also applies to some of these discussions about fandom racism and misogyny. maybe you're just going to have better takes on something when you're not deeply invested in other unrelated arguments about it, like about which ship is the most popular. like i could not care less about star wars shipping and have zero take in reylo vs. finnrey, so that's why i feel like i could trust my perception that the way a small minority of reylos were posting about john boyega's instagram posts was racist. it didn't matter if he was genuinely being a jerk to them or about their ship. he obviously wasn't a 'predator' and it was pretty telling language for a group of largely white people to use about a black man making fun of their ship on a different social media site.
The laying pipe thing was blown so out of proportion, yes. Call it sexist, sure, but it wasn't fucking predatory.
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llyfrenfys · 9 months
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I'd like to preface this with that this is a screenshot of a post I saw a few days ago in the #welsh tag and that the OP has since deleted this post, but the sentiment is something I'd like to address since I see a lot of parallels with this kind of thinking in other contexts, such as in LGBTQIA+ rights conversations.
So, the most obvious elephant in the room is the idea that Welsh is super widely spoken in Wales now and that it isn't in as much danger as other Celtic languages. This idea is wishful thinking at best and erases the very real danger that Welsh is in and that it could be lost just as easily as Irish or Scottish Gaelic. Cornish (which is related to Welsh) actually did die out and has had to be revived. To make a metaphor out of this, we classify languages on a scale of non-threatened to endangered in a similar way to how we classify species.
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Here are the statuses of Welsh and Irish as of 2010 (above) and the statuses of Lions and Tigers (below).
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On paper tigers are more 'in danger' than lions. But that does not mean that lions are suddenly not in danger at all. The little bracket above CR, EN and VU labels all of these classifications as threatened. It isn't (and definitely shouldn't) be a competition of 'who is most in danger' because you do not want the thing you care about (whether it be a species or a language) to be in danger.
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To come back to the original screenshot "they* [Welsh speakers] have always had the means and the ways because the English didn't beat or slaughter them for speaking it"- on the most basic of levels, this is just incorrect. The Welsh Not was a wooden token hung around schoolchildren's necks if they spoke Welsh in school. If someone else spoke Welsh the Not would be hung around their neck. At the end of the school day, whoever was wearing the Not would be beaten and caned by their teachers. I needn't go into much detail but there have been concerted efforts to beat Welsh out of schoolchildren. With the lions vs tigers metaphor, making the claim Welsh speakers have never been beaten for speaking Welsh because they always had the means and ways, while Irish speakers were beaten and never had the means or ways is like claiming poachers have never shot lions, only tigers. Bottom line is, lions and tigers are both victim to poaching and both species have suffered as a result. Similarly, Welsh and Irish have both suffered language loss and both need conservation efforts in order to survive.
(*sidenote- the consistent use of 'them' and 'they' in the original post is definitely indicative of a 'us vs them' sentiment which is a deeply unhelpful attitude to have when it comes to endangered languages and the Celtic languages in particular)
I see parallels with LGBTQIA+ rights in this situation. When equal marriage came in for gay and lesbian couples in the UK in 2014, many allies began to act like gay rights had now been achieved and that gay issues had been done, they're solved. Except, they really weren't (and aren't). Progress has been made in Wales and undeniably Welsh is doing the best out of the living Celtic languages. But that doesn't mean Welsh has been saved or that full equality for Welsh speakers has been achieved. It very much hasn't. The sentiment of the post in the screenshot is not conducive to helping Irish or Scottish Gaelic. Putting down Welsh speakers and erasing Welsh-language history will not save Irish or Scottish Gaelic. Pretending Welsh has had it easy in some kind of lap of luxury is a deeply harmful and bogus claim.
I'll address the tags under the cut as this post is getting long.
To address the tags, personal feelings ≠ an accurate reading of a situation. Nor is it praxis, for that matter. Why is pride in Welsh different/less good than pride in Irish? Is it the assumed proximity to England? If so, that's a terrible claim to make. Not only that, but Scotland is also next to England- does that make pride in Scottish Gaelic the same as pride in Welsh according to this metric? It's a ludicrous thing to say and deeply insensitive to the needs of Scottish Gaelic and Welsh speakers, who cannot help any current or former proximity to England.
Additionally, proximity to England ≠ worse. I know it's a popular internet joke to hate on England because of English attempts to eradicate the Celtic languages, but when the joke becomes praxis, it does not help. England ≠ a place devoid of Celtic languages either. Many English counties near the Welsh border actually have communities of Welsh speakers, such as Oswestry (Croesoswallt) in Shropshire. Cornwall is also home to many speakers of revived Cornish. It does a disservice to Celtic speakers in England to insinuate that proximity to England taints or corrupts them somehow. This is how ethnonationalism starts and we ain't about that.
And "#it feels a little.... blehhhhh you were seen as sophisticated and english enough and you assimilated however the Irish and the Scots? #brutish animals that need to be culled". So, this is arguably one of the worst things to say about a Celtic language- or any threatened language in general. First of all, the 'you were seen as' - 'you' is very telling. The switch from 'them', 'they' to 'you' indicates that this sentiment is aimed at Welsh speakers directly. This was likely a subconscious thing that OP wasn't thinking about when they wrote this. But it does indicate unhealthy feelings of jealousy and bitterness unfairly directed at Welsh speakers, who are also struggling. This righteous anger at the decline of Irish and Scottish Gaelic would be better directed at efforts to help promote those languages- some useful things to get involved with are LearnGaelic, similar to DysguCymraeg but for Scottish Gaelic or supporting channels such as Irish channel TG4 by watching their programmes.
The idea that Welsh speakers were or are 'sophisticated and english enough' is insulting and carries with it a lot of baggage of how any of these assumptions came about. Welsh speakers were definitely not seen as sophisticated. Where Welsh was 'tolerated', it was treated as a curiosity, a relic of a bygone age. Classic museification which all Celtic languages and cultures suffer from as well. Welsh was not tolerated in any legal sense since 1535- with English becoming the only valid administrative language and the language of Welsh courts after England annexed Wales into its Kingdom. Monolingual Welsh speakers suddenly had no access to any legal representation, unless they learned English. This is no voluntary assimilation- it is an act of survival for many speakers of minoritised languages to 'assimilate' into the dominant culture, or else risk losing access to legal security and other kinds of infrastructure. You need only ask any non-native English speaker living in an Anglophone country what that process is like. Welsh people did not see English incursion as an opportunity to become 'sophisticated and english enough', they had to assimilate in order to survive.
The "Irish and the Scots? #brutish animals that need to be culled" is also painfully misrepresenting a very complex social and political process that unfolded over the span of hundreds of years. The phrasing itself of 'brutish animals that need to be culled' speaks to righteous anger at the damage done to these languages and cultures, but it reinforces negative stereotypes about the Irish and Scots themselves. It also is more complicated than a simple English hatred of anything non-Anglo, since the English conception of particularly the Irish changed a lot over the centuries. It was (and still is) rarely consistent with itself. See: the enemy is both strong and weak. The very earliest Celticists were by and large, Anglos or French.
Ernest Renan (1823-1892) for example, was an early French Celticist who published La Poésie des races celtiques (Poetry of the Celtic Races- English translation) in which he says:
"... we must search for the explanation of the chief features of the Celtic character. It has all the failings, and all the good qualities, of the solitary man; at once proud and timid, strong in feeling and feeble in action, at home free and unreserved, to the outside world awkward and embarrassed. It distrusts the foreigner, because it sees in him a being more refined than itself, who abuses its simplicity. Indifferent to the admiration of others, it asks only one thing, that it should be left to itself. It is before all else a domestic race, fitted for family life and fireside joys. In no other race has the bond of blood been stronger, or has it created more duties, or attached man to his fellow with so much breadth and depth"
Yeah. This guy (unsurprisingly) was a white supremacist. Note that this sentiment is being applied to all people considered Celtic by Renan- Irish, Welsh, Breton, Scottish, Cornish, Manx etc. None unscathed by the celtophobia of the day. In this period, Celticity was romanticised (yet disparaged at the same time). It is less 'brutish animals' and more 'archaic, time-frozen peoples' in this period. Of course, 'brutish animals' attitudes towards Celticity did still exist, but it is disingenuous to act as if it was this attitude alone which drove English celtophobia. Like many things, it is always more complicated and never clear cut as it might seem.
I'll bring this to a close shortly, but returning to OP's suggestion that the Welsh assimilated and the Scots and Irish did not, is also incorrect in that some Scots did have to assimilate to survive as well. The Statutes of Iona (1609) required Scottish Gaelic speaking Highland chiefs to send their sons away to be educated in Scots and/or English in Protestant schools. Many did as the statutes required, which led to further language loss in the Highlands of Scottish Gaelic. These are acts of survival- and not ones always taken willingly.
This has been a long post but it's one which I felt I wanted to address. There's no need for infighting between speakers of Celtic languages over who has it worse. There isn't any answer to that question, nor is it a good use of time or energy. All in all, the Celtic languages have suffered greatly over the years and its only just now that some of them are turning a corner. If you care about these languages, put your energy into something good. Only through active work will these languages be saved for generations to come.
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ms-cartoon · 3 months
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Normally, when I see posts like this, I ignore it cuz it's nothing serious to argue over, but I just feel like giving some fair points about it.
I can agree that not every single episode has to revolve around Charlie. There are still some characters we are curious about and want to dive into, but here's the thing;
The problem is we're already 4 eps in and most of them hardly contain Charlie and the plot of the whole show, not to mention they're fast-paced with the show cramming in new characters and the plot containing them as much as possible without even taking the time. Our 4th episode in and we already have Adam, Lute, Vox, Valentino, Velvette, Camilla (her daughters included), Zestial, the other overlords, etc. All these characters and we're not even in episode 5 yet!! I'm surprised Cherri Bomb hasn't even shown up! She was in the pilot and had a whole speaking role and everything while the three Vees and the Overlords didn't.
EP 1: Charlie takes her father's place in having a meeting with the Angels meanwhile Vaggie tries to make a commercial about the hotel with the assistance of the staff. Okay, we were off to an alright start. Though I wish the ep didn't go back and forth with Charlie and Vaggie. I feel like 1 half of the ep should've been about one person while the other half focused on another.
EP 2: The three Vs are introduced. We see that Vox and Alastor hate each other and he, along with Val and Vel, figure out a way to keep Charlie from ever striking a deal with Alastor. Why they are trying to do this? I dunno, it's never explained really. They get Sir Pentious to spy on Charlie and Alastor by seeming to Charlie that he's interested in rehabilitation. Meanwhile, Angel's feeling all upset about it and we're given a hint at him and what his relationship is like with Valentino. (Charlie was present, but overall, this episode was not about her).
EP 3: Alastor arrives at a meeting with the other overlords (Camilla n them). It's a meeting about . . . Idk, it was a meeting. Velvette comes in and reveals she's found the head of one of the exorcists which is a shock to Camilla (because she secretly was the one that killed the exorcist). Meanwhile, Vaggie tries to help Charlie figure out how the staff can have trust and bond with each other. (This episode kinda involves Charlie, but we're mainly focused on Vaggie and how she feels she doesn't do much for her. Crazy thing is someone apart from Viv or Adam wrote this and much better than either of them could write a page.)
EP 4: We immediately jump into the Angel Dust arc where we focus on him and his situation dealing with Valentino. Meanwhile, he continuously argues with Husk but then they make up and become friends in the end. (Charlie's only there for the first half of the episode while just barely being there for the second. Aside from that, this episode wasn't about her at all.)
Y'all see what I mean?
Also, Viv said that Hazbin Hotel was a female-focused show where it is centered around Charlie and even Vaggie, so of course we're gonna expect more of them instead of the rest of the characters.
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Semi-Final One
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Colonel Brandon (1995):
Alan Rickman has the sexiest voice. Just listen to him reading poetry to Marianne at the end to witness how hot he is.
Alan Rickman simply embodies the truth of Col. Brandon in a way that no one else every could. It's the perfect merging of actor and role. He brings the perfect combination of honor, decency, sensitivity and passion. He is the ultimate mensch.
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Brandon propaganda in which even the film's director agrees that Brandon is sexy.
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More Brandon propaganda! This photo could only be published in black and white because it would have been too powerful in color (the original color version is currently being used to provide electricity for a medium sized town in Devon. It's THAT powerful).
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The brim of the hat falling over his eye. The casual lean. The hunting rifle slung across his leg. The puppy bestie. The fact you know he could row that boat while you watch and wish you were the boat.
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From Emma Thompson's diaries which she kept while they were shooting Sense & Sensibility. Emma Thompson said vote Colonel Brandon.
Mr Darcy (1995):
Colin Firth (1995) is book Darcy brought to life. He uses tiny gestures and looks to communicate with us and Elizabeth… his struggle is so subtle but so palpable. A beautiful asshole with a creamy nougat center. Just perfect.
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GIF by sunsetboulevards
Those heart-eyes right up above☝️? Hot!
Passive-agressively drinking tea? Hot!
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GIF by jaeausten
The way he rushes over to see Elizabeth at Pemberley on those delicious long legs of his with that slutty wet curl hanging over his forehead? Hot!
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GIF by didanagy
Fencing? Hot!
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GIF by greengableslover
The way he is so concerned about Elizabeth crying and takes her hand even though he shouldn't? Hot!
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GIF by greengableslover
This dimple-y smile of pure joy because he knows he's married to Elizabeth freaking Bennet? Hot!
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GIF by didana
Colin Firth Darcy is simultaneously immaculately put together and entirely falling apart internally. The wet shirt scene is so iconic not (only) because ‘oooh almost-shirtless sexy man’, but because it’s a metaphor for how he’s absolutely falling apart!!! This is a private moment, when he doesn’t think anyone can see him. And then he bumps. into. Lizzie. At his house!! And the entire sequence that follows with him rushing out still doing his jacket up to catch her before he leaves. They are both on the back foot and it’s THAT moment of confusion that opens a more honest dialogue between them.
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Without Firth in a lake you wouldn’t get Macfadyen in a downpour!
There's a reason why Colin Firth is forever known as Mr. Darcy above all other roles he's had and will have! Even ignoring the wet white shirt, which has become A Thing now, he is so hot with his curly hair and his little half smiles and his intense looks of longing and his legs that go on for milessss.
This cannot be real. My fellow Jane Austen people. Without Colin Firth’s Darcy we wouldn’t have 90% of modern JA content. He opened a door and there was no turning back for modern culture. There would be no MacFadyen standing half undressed in a field at dawn without Firth jumping into a lake first. There would be no hand flex if there hadn’t been Firth doing his best impression of a man undressing Elizabeth Bennet with his eyes and hating himself for liking it. There would be no Bridgerton without Bridget Jones. Let’s face it people. We wouldn’t be here having these arguments if Colin Firth had not been Mr Darcy.
Colin Firth understood Mr. Darcy in a way no other actor ever has. He is awkward as fuck in a way that comes across as snooty and judgmental on a first watch-through, then can be read as awkward and longing on a second time. His performance had such depth while looking extremely shallow at first glance. This man WAS Mr. Darcy. (I love 2005, as well, and I love Matthew McFayden, but he was awkward for awkward sake.) Colin Firth made Darcy's awkward look snooty and aloof.
THE socially awkward Darcy is the 1995 Darcy - look at him coming and sitting in awkward silence with Elizabeth pointedly asking her if she wants to live a long way from her family (to obvious relief) and then abruptly leaving - vote for him please 😭😭😭😭
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GIF by my-little-random-world
Colin Firth served so much as Darcy that when they did Bridget Jone's diary, they brought him back.... AS DARCY. The smoulder. The angst. The man is the quintessential Darcy.
“Firthing” is an actual term that is used now to describe someone yearning intensely. It is named after Colin Firth’s Mr Darcy performance.
Colin Firth all the way. He's known in our household as Owl Eyes because in every frame he's mooning over Elizabeth Bennet. Unsurpassable, unmatched, golden television (and some of the worst dancing you've ever seen).
Colin has beautiful, touchable curls.
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My high school English teacher was very into using movies to teach alongside literature, which was a great teaching tool. When we read Pride and Prejudice, he used both 2005 and 1995 for various scenes. What stands out to me all these years later was when it got to the part when Lizzy went to help Georgiana after Caroline dropped Mr. Wickham's name and Darcy gives Lizzy this look:
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My teacher stopped the film and pointed at Darcy's face and said, "See that? That is THE look. If someone ever looks at you like that, you know they're in love." And what is hotter than that?
Also this teacher had two cats named Lizzy and Darcy. Not relevant to the poll but I wanted you all to know about them.
Colin Firth dazzles and amazes in the nuanced performance that just blows all other attempts away.
The best thing about the Colin Firth wet shirt scene is actually the scene that follows where him and Lizzie are both just dyinggg of embarrassment but Darcy pulls himself together refuses to lose his advantage and runs to get dressed and chase her down before she leaves - just the mix of cringe and hopefulness at seeing her again is so well done and so attractive!!! (this is just the bit where he's running after her but I love it all!)
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hbyrde36 · 2 months
STWG Daily Prompt 3/9/24
Written for the @strangerthingswritersguild
Prompt: Bite
Rating: G | WC: 867
Emotional hurt/comfort, Steve Harrington's parents being the worst, the best uncle Wayne Munson, supportive boyfriend Eddie Munson, the party loves Steve Harrington
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Steve had given up on his dad long ago, he was never going to be the kind of man Richard Harrington had always wanted his sons to grow up and be, but he’d held out hope for his mom—hope that someday she would learn to love him the way she loved his brother.
More than ten years between them, and the fact that the Harrington’s had moved to Hawkins only after Christopher had graduated high school and gone off to college, meant no one really knew Steve had a sibling. 
The party, Robin, Eddie—especially Eddie because how could they have been dating for over a year now and him somehow still not know about this—were all stunned to learn of the existence of another young Harrington.
He hadn’t meant to tell them at all, but then Christopher and their parents made a surprise visit home so that his brother could take possession of their grandmother’s ring and pop the question to his girlfriend of a whopping 9 months. Less time than he and Eddie had been seeing each other and didn’t that get under Steve's skin to know he’d never get to propose to his boyfriend with a family heirloom, not only because gay marriage wasn’t legal, but because his parents would never dream of handing down a piece of jewelry to their least favorite son.  
Steve wound up having to make the rounds, letting everyone know movie night was canceled because his brother was in town. Naturally they all wanted explanations for why this was the first they were learning of this mysterious person, and by the time he got to Eddie’s place, Steve was a mess. 
Years of mistreatment and neglect bubbled to the surface, and not just the big things but the little sniping comments, the small injustices—inequities between the way Mr. and Mrs. Harrington spoke of their older son vs their younger—hurt feelings that he’d pushed all the way down in order to function, in order to put a fucking smile on his face and hide the fact that he was damaged goods who not even a mother could love. 
It all came spilling out of him on Eddie’s bedroom floor as his boyfriend held him, rocked him, was his rock, tethering him to the earth.
When it was all over and Steve was calm, Eddie asked him why he still spoke to them, why he still lived in their house when he and Wayne had both–on separate occasions–invited him to live with them instead.
“They’re my family.” Steve said, shrugging. “I don’t have a choice.” 
“Of course you do, Stevie. You always have a choice. If you were to decide right here and now that you never wanted to see or speak to them again, you are allowed to do that. You hold all the power here. I’ll support you in whatever you decide, but I have to say in my humble opinion, they never deserved you.”
Steve took the night to think about it, though in the instant Eddie had said the words, given Steve the power to take control of his own life, he’d known what he was going to do. It was his life, he could do with it as he wished. He was already doing that with almost every other part of it, so why was he still letting his mom and dad hold any power over him? Why did he subject himself to their passive aggressive comments and disappointed glares?
In the end he never went back, not even to get his stuff. Wayne and Eddie did it for him, leaving behind his keys and his beloved car. 
A small price to pay for freedom. 
He called the next day and left a final message on the answering machine. 
“Please leave your message after the beep.”
“Hey mom. You’re the hardest one to say goodbye to, the last member of this family I held out hope for so you’ll have to forgive me for not doing this in person. My car keys are on the table by the front door. I know the BMW is in dad’s name and I know he wouldn’t want me keeping it under the circumstances.”
“I am no longer a Harrington. I’m sure you won’t mind because you barely thought of me as one to begin with but it’s official now. I’m moving on, and moving in with my boyfriend. Yes, boyfriend, because I am nothing if not a consistent disappointment.”
“It took me longer to see it with you because I've witnessed the way you care for the people around you, most of them anyway, and what you’ve done for this community.”
“You are a good person, except when you’re not. And you were a great mom, just not to me.”
There was no bite in his words, just a sad truth finally spoken aloud.
Steve hung up the phone feeling lighter than he ever had in his whole life, and sat down to dinner with the people who really loved him. His found family, who’d all dropped whatever they were doing at a moments notice to throw him an impromptu moving-in party at his new home with Eddie and Wayne. 
Thanks to my beloved @penny00dreadful for having a look over this 🥰
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sanguineterrain · 6 months
the teeth you know | dick grayson
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Summary: The war between the humans and the vampires has lasted for a year now. When you fled Gotham, you thought that would be the last time you'd see the Vampire King and the love of your life, Dick Grayson. You were wrong.
Pairing: vampire king!Dick Grayson x fem!reader. based on the dc vs vampires comics
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings/tags: smut!!! 18+ only. oral fem receiving, manipulation, romantic dick, me retconning whatever smarmy little bastard they wrote in dc vs vampires bc that is NOT my dick. dick is literally so gone for you, vampire king or not. themes of death, war, vampires killing humans. if i missed any warnings lmk!
happy almost halloween! follow your dreams and fuck that superhero turned vampire. it'll definitely fix them this time.
the divider
If you like this fic and want to see more, please let me know through reblogs ♡
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Tonight, you dream. 
You don't usually have good dreams. Not since this whole war began. Your dreams are filled with red. Always red, always terrifying. 
Except when he's in them.
The first few times it happened, you yelled at him for intruding on your subconscious. For warping your emotions and making you miss him. He'd laughed at that. 
You should look at yourself a little harder before blaming me. I just appear. You do all the dirty work of missing me, my love.
You're in Gotham in tonight's dream. The old Gotham, of course. Before any bastard undead creatures could suck the life out of your city. Before Dick Grayson haunted your dreams. 
You're on a rooftop ledge, legs dangling. You stare at the harbor. The city's wet from the rain and alive. So alive. You start to cry. 
"Oh, honey," he says, and you cry harder because he sounds exactly like the Dick you knew. 
He keeps his distance, sitting a few feet away. You refuse to look at him, because this is exactly how he gets you to miss him. Dick makes a soft noise when you scrub at your face.
"Have you been eating enough?" he asks, and he almost sounds tender. But you know better. "I'll track down a produce shipment, tell my men to intercept the boat for you."
"Fuck you," you say. "I don't take food out of people's mouths."
Dick edges closer. He feels big in your dreams, looming over you. 
"You wouldn't take food out of anyone's mouth. There's no longer a faction on the planet that requires all that food." 
Because the vampires have all but wiped humans out. You snarl. 
"Why can't you leave me alone?" you snap. "I know you're cruel, but the least you could do is let me dream in peace."
"Have I been cruel to you? I don't mean to be, sweetheart. I visit to check on you."
"Bullshit, Dick." Saying his name makes you shake. "You visit to manipulate me. I'm not going to give up my location, I'm not going to turn against my team, and I'm definitely never going to be your queen."
Dick is next to you on the roof ledge, now. He leans in and you stiffen at his eyes. You still aren't used to the absence of blue.
"Of course not. I wouldn't make you do anything you don't want to," he says, hand slipping across your jaw. You immediately slap him away. He makes a displeased sound. 
"Why don't you find someone else to manipulate? I'm sure you've got countless minions who'd leap at the chance to be with you for eternity." 
"I don't want anyone else," he murmurs. "I've thought of nothing but you since we parted. I wish you hadn't run, my love. Things would be better if we were together, you’d see.”
"Hah. You used to be so much better at compartmentalizing, Grayson. Guess vampires aren't so good at controlling their own desires."
He laughs, tosses his head back. His fangs glint. Dick's smile is deceiving; underneath the charm, there's unimaginable power. Vampirism has treated him well: he's always filled out, lean with muscle, carrying an easy strength everywhere he goes. 
You, on the other hand, suffer from poor nutrition. You didn't sleep well before this mess; now, it's nearly impossible. 
(Except when Dick visits, you feel rested the next morning. You'd never admit such a thing to anybody, but it's the truth.) 
"Oh, sweetheart, but why would I bother controlling my desires now? There's no one stopping me from having what I want."
You stew in silence, turning away from him. Dick sighs. 
"What do you want, hm? Tell me. I'll give you anything." 
"I want you to free every human you're holding captive," you say. "And I want you and your people to stop this war."
"Such a golden heart," Dick says. "That's what I love about you. Always so good."
"You used to be good too," you shoot back bitterly. 
"No, I used to be obedient. There's a difference. I used to be Bruce's little, golden cow."
“He treated you well.”
“When I fell in line,” he says.
You fall quiet again. Dick scoots closer. You scoot away. 
"You know I've already let a few of the humans go. For you, honey. As a sign of goodwill. I'm not totally heartless, you know."
You roll your eyes. 
"Right. Well, us cattle don't find it merciful when we're sent out on our own to die, so you'll have to excuse me if I don't thank Your Highness on my knees."
"You are not cattle," Dick says fiercely. "Don't talk about yourself that way."
"My life is no less human and no more important than theirs," you say, temper flaring. "So, yes, I am."
You fall off the roof before he can say any more. Your stomach swoops similarly to how it would if you were awake. But then the stars bleed into the skyline, and there's a flash of golden light. 
And now you're in a bedroom. It's not one you recognize, richly decorated with golden accents and silk sheets and curtains. You'd almost mistake it for a room at Wayne Manor. 
"Now this is much better, don't you think? You're wearing my favorite color."
You look down and see that your pajamas have been swapped for a long, blood red, chiffon nightgown. It hugs every curve and dip of your body, the sleeves and collar trimmed in soft fur. The neckline is somewhat modest, but the fabric is totally see-through past your thighs. 
It's something a queen would wear. 
"Beautiful," Dick murmurs, voice rough. "Fuck, honey. This is the sort of thing you should wear all the time."
"Change me back," you demand. "I am not a doll for you to dress up, Dick."
"No, of course you're not. This is just a taste of how you'd live if you were with me, my love."
"I will never live with you. I'd rather die."
Dick hums, then draws closer. You back up until your legs hit the edge of the bed. He prowls further, eyes sharp like he's hunting prey. Your pulse quickens and you have to remind yourself that this is just a dream. 
"What happened to us?" he asks softly. "I know that, at one point, you loved me."
"Yeah, that was before you turned into a monster. I loved a man." 
"I'm no more monster than any of the men you've known," Dick says. 
You scoff. "God, where'd you get that one? Jason?"
Dick smiles, and it almost looks human. "No, that was a Grayson original. And it's true. Man has never been good. You don't like me because now I drink a little blood?"
"I don't like you because you used to be good, and now you're not."
He hums. "I'm not all bad, my love. I can be subdued, tamed. You want me to be tame? I can be good for you. I can give you anything your heart desires. Our wants are the same.”
Dick eases you backwards onto the bed. You shouldn’t let him. Shouldn’t like the cold press of undead flesh against your heat. Shouldn’t like how he holds you, how convincing he sounds. You know your wants aren’t the same, that Dick is playing you, and you’re being easy.
But… but it's not like you'll ever see him for real again. No one will know. 
And God, it's been so long since anyone touched you. You pined for this, what seems like forever ago. Dick Grayson wanting you had felt impossible, until it wasn't… but by then, he'd become the very thing you'd sworn to hate. 
"This–” You swallow. “This isn’t right.” 
But your legs part for him to kneel between. 
"Tell me to stop and I will. I serve you first."
Dick hovers over you, hands planted on either side of your head. You're getting wet. You ache in more ways than one. 
"This is cruel," you whine.
"I don’t mean to be cruel,” he says gently. “Do you want me to stop, my love? My beautiful queen, who hasn’t been touched in so long. You’ve needed me, haven’t you?”
“Not–not your queen,” you say, panting, but you let him in, let him settle above you. 
“If you say so, my love," he says, nuzzling your neck. You tense even though he can't actually bite you. 
His fingers thread with yours. The position is unbearably intimate. You’d forgotten how romantic Dick was. How loving. Briefly, you wonder if he kept that through the shift.
It’s impossible, you insist as he kisses your jaw.
"You're a dream in red," he purrs. "I might prefer it to you in blue, but it's a close call."
"Your ego is ridiculous," you say, and Dick unlinks one hand to pet the apex of your thighs with two fingers. You're still clothed, and you're still dreaming, but the heat and pressure and slick feel so real. 
"The sounds you're making certainly don’t keep my ego in check," Dick says with a proud grin, fangs on display. 
Then he rips your underwear off, ducks between your legs, and licks you until you cry. 
You arch off the bed, and even in the dream, his strength is easy, one hand keeping you pressed to the bed. Dick pushes one of your legs up to get a deeper angle, moaning into your cunt. Your leg goes up easily even though in real life, it would pinch. You’re not as flexible as he is.
"Dickie," you cry, tears slipping down your cheeks because it's so good, it feels real, you wish this was real, wish you had him back. 
He nips your thighs, groans into your sex. Dick ruts the mattress, the first loss of control he's shown. It makes you wetter, knowing that he's so gone for you. It's sick to like such a thing, but you never stopped loving him, not really. You can't seem to reckon the man from the monster. 
You come hard on his tongue, and he keeps licking until you push him away. 
"You haven't been touched in ages, I bet," he says, lips shiny with your arousal. His eyes are a brighter red. His chest heaves. He looks hungrier than before he started.
"Been a bit busy,” you say when your brain comes back online. “End of humanity and all that."
His eyes go soft. You hate that he can still make that look. 
"Why are you so stubborn? Why won't you let me take care of you? You belong at my side."
You scowl. "I don't belong anywhere, Dick. Certainly nowhere near you."
His eyes glitter and he grabs you by your hips and kisses you. You let him, because you're absolutely pathetic and because you haven't been touched in ages.
Dick laughs against your mouth and peppers kisses on your throat before pulling away. 
"I'll send your team food. They won't even know it's me," he says, half-lidded. "My beloved queen. You'll never starve. I didn't know it was so bad."
"I am not your queen and I don't need your charity. In fact, you know what? I'm waking up. Right now."
Dick smiles, and kisses your hand. Then he gets off of the bed, and fixes his collar. He must be aching in his slacks, dream or not, but he straightens up like he has all the time in the world to fuck you. Like he knows you’ll be back.
"Of course, my love. Whatever you want. Till next time."
The dream fades from a golden bedroom to your dark, tiny hole of a room you've camped in for a few months. 
You turn your head and look at the clock. It's still late. 
Your thighs ache. Your mouth tingles where he kissed you. 
You swore to never pledge yourself to the Vampire King. But you never made any such promises about Dick Grayson.
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piracytheorist · 3 months
The Briar Siblings' Lies
It's very interesting that in the family of lies and secrets, the lies of the Briar siblings are included, and I'm pretty sure that will play a role whenever they find out about each other.
I expect Yor to be heartbroken and angry at Loid when she'll find out his lies, but I'd also expect her to be heartbroken and disappointed when she finds out how much Yuri lied to her.
Yor might have kept her own very dangerous secrets, but there are huge differences in their circumstances.
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Yor took up her assassin gig when she was just a teenager, orphaned and with a little brother to take care of. Amidst the cold war brewing, there would be various criminal organizations looking for people to drag in, and a poor, desperate, kind, and almost supernaturally strong teenage girl was the perfect recruit for Garden.
Whether this is Garden's initiative or not, Yor has a strong determination to kill her targets as quickly and as painlessly as possible, along with avoiding unnecessary bloodshed. She has studied human anatomy specifically for this very reason, to be able to kill her victims with mercy. She's realistic about the situations she's in, but if talking things through is even a tiny bit possible, she'll give it a try.
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Though her morals are slightly skewed for the average civilian - it's understandable to kill someone in self defense, but her main targets are situations where she plays judge, jury and executioner - she's still retained a lot of her humanity that allows her to be a kind person and a caring sister, mother and wife.
And then you have Yuri.
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Yuri fell victim to a more sinister kind of indoctrination - extremism and bigotry. Having grown up in poverty caused by the war and the deaths of his parents, and having an overwhelming wish to protect his sister, he was the perfect target for Ostania's nationalistic propaganda.
But the tragic background leading up to this choice and the want to protect his family is where his similarities with Yor's case end.
Yuri wasn't left with no other choices. Yor was already supporting him financially when he started working for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and that was a job that he could stay at and be independent. He was older than Yor was when she became an assassin. I can assume that some underhanded methods were used to lead him into the duties of the SSS, but even so Yuri had more control of the situation, more choices to choose from, and more information at hand. It's directly opposite to Yor's circumstances.
Yuri tortures people. The SSS specifically want him, despite his young age and lack of experience, exactly because he won't hold anything back, even when it makes him feel conflicted.
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The SSS may be taking advantage of the ease with which he tortures people, but it's still something Yuri willingly participates in - and again, considering the fame of the SSS among civilians, it's almost certain Yuri knew what he was getting into. He's giving up his own humanity, going down a path of "us vs. them" and while Yor plays judge on who gets to live, Yuri plays judge on who gets to be treated like a human being.
While two similarly dangerous and demanding professions, and (at least according to what Franky says) following the same government's orders, it's two highly different cases. I think Yuri will be mostly horrified to learn what Yor went through for his sake, but Yor will be very understandably heartbroken. Yuri could understand that Yor had no other choice, but Yor will know that Yuri had all the best choices right in front of him, and yet he chose this.
And it's why I believe this is the revelation that will hurt Yor more. She could explain Twilight's lies by the fact that they didn't know each other before, she could explain Anya's secrets by her young age and innocence, but there will be very little for Yuri to stand on - and the thing is, Yuri knows that. He knows that what he's chosen to become isn't what Yor raised him to be.
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Currently he may be seeing himself as a martyr for his cause, that he needed to potentially break his sister's heart in order to protect her and "the country she lives in". He'd rather have her feeling heartbroken and betrayed by him than with her life and safety in danger. He'd rather her hate him than get hurt.
How will it hit him when he realizes she's already been doing the same for him, and has already been endangering her life for over a decade for not only his sake, but for the world in general too? When he realizes all the work he's been doing to protect her was in vain because she has been walking into danger herself all along?
It's a really interesting dynamic, because the revelation could either break them or make them. They both have a very heartwarming background together, they both love each other deeply, but it's a trial they'll both have to go through at some point.
(Anime only fan here, don't spoil me for the manga)
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stem-sister-scuffle · 3 months
Alphys (Undertale) vs Jade Harley (Homestuck)
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Alphys is a Roboticist, Biologist and Souls/Determination Researcher!
Jade Harley is a Nuclear Physicist!
Why you should vote for each contestant:
"Because she messed with DETERMINATION and made Amalgamates, blending monsters into each other to form horrible combinations of undead beings. She’s a lesbian"
"Man made horrors, overwhelming guilt, cute lizard girl, bisexual"
"SHE'S SO CUTE. She's awkward and shy but you can tell she knows a lot about what she does!! She's also a bit of a tragic character considering her biological endeavors have gone kinda. wrong. SHE'S BI AND LIKE ANIME 🫶"
"Ultra qualified women with deep scientific knowledge who are also massive anime nerds and can't hold a simple conversation represent!"
"idk she's kind of just. The Royal Scientist . built a robot and put a soul in it. tried to bring monsters back to life, this failed miserably. did research on souls and determination. has a kickass lab. also nerdy as hell and can't just. tell the truth to save her life. love her"
"I don't think we have a word for "works with SOULs and DETERMINATION, including fusing ghosts with robot bodies and creating immortal abominations of multiple people stuck together." I guess you could probably just put her down as Robotics. Mechatronics or something. Like sure she melted a bunch of guys, but she takes responsibility! Feeds em dog food! That takes responsibility. Bisexual"
"She had a friend who was a ghost, and they wanted to be famous! So she used her knowledge of robotics to build them a new body how they wanted! He became famous, as he wished! And Alphys worked on a bigger, better body that fit him well, though it used up a lot of power and needed more upgrades, hence why it wasn’t used often until the final battle with him (Him being Mettaton). But basically, Mettaton got a new body the way he liked it, changed his name, and started going by different pronouns (Mettaton is only ever referred to by they/them when people reference the ghost). Alphys allowed him to feel much happier as himself, and they’re great friends! Though, she did pretend that she created Mettaton and his SOUL herself, no ghostliness involved. But Mettaton did agree to that.
Because of her perceived achievement, (though her actual achievement was also pretty cool) Alphys was hired as the Royal Scientist for the Underground, and got to work with Asgore, the king of all monsters! She continued working with Mettaton, and Asgore asked her to try and find a way to break the barrier that was trapping them Underground without killing humans. Alphys found an interesting thing called Determination, or DT within humans using the SOULs of humans Asgore had killed and allowed her access to.
She tested it on some flowers in his garden to see what would happen, and nothing did. That she realized at the time, anyway. She had actually injected DT into a flower sprinkled with the remains of Asriel, the king’s dead son, and brought him back to life as a flower. Problem was, Asriel, or Flowey as he eventually called himself, didn’t have a SOUL anymore, since he was a flower. Thinking that nothing had happened, Alphys decided to try and see if it could really bring back monsters that had fallen down/were on the verge of death. She asked people for their family members that had fallen down. The monsters that had fallen down were basically dead, but the last of their magic hadn’t quite run out yet. However, their magic was being spent keeping their bodies from turning to dust, and they were unable to move, pretty much in a coma. So really, if it didn’t work, no harm done! Either it works and they live, it kills them, or it doesn’t do anything and they still die!
Alphys conducted her tests, and at first, it worked! All of the monsters were getting up and moving around! She contacted the families to send them back, but when she was about to, she discovered they had all started melting and had stuck together and merged into one being. She chickened out for fear of how the families would react, and proceeded to ignore a bunch of letters for quite a while. Eventually, she did own up to it, though she was immediately fired (by the EX-queen, not Asgore. Was that even legal?). The families were just happy to have their loved ones back, and while they were still somewhat upset, understandably so, they didn’t really blame her all too much.
ALSO!! She got a girlfriend!! She’s canonically expressed interest in Undyne, Captain of the Royal Guard and who would eventually be her girlfriend, Asgore, and the unknowable! She has made mistakes. Big ones. But honestly, I don’t blame her for the mistakes. The real problem was that she is incredibly anxious and let that get the better of her, leading to her not telling people important things that they deserved to know. She’s not the best at being honest."
Jade Harley:
"She's soo fun and silly and her symbol is literally an atom. she regularly irradiates steak to feed her weird dog"
"She and her nuclear powered dog creating a new universe. she's cool"
"Built a modded bass guitar that's only playable when she's in her robot form and has extra arms. Became a doggirl. She also plays the flute :)"
"i think you have enough ramblings about her already but i couldnt NOT submit her, she is so dear to me <3"
"bbg has THREE scientific specialties!! she genetically modifies plants and makes them grow beautifully high just because she can and loves science. in her alpha timeline she’s a tech mogul and creates technology that challenges the evil empress that brought earth to ruin. AND she’s a furry"
"She plays a silly flute refrain. She's a furry. Literally, she's a doggirl. She's also a god and created the universe. JADE BEST GIRLIE!!!!"
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cher-rei · 1 month
prompt 9 or 10 w pedri 🙏🏼
pack it up- pedri gonzalez [ P.G ]
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you and me, always forever [always forever- cults]
pairing: pedri gonzalez x fem!reader
summary: watching the football match with pedri starts off cute, but you've said felix's name one too many times.
genre(s): flufffffff
[wc: 2.5k] masterlist
notes: I changed the plot of this a bunch of times for no reason I swearrr
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"amor the match is starting!"
your call had pedri rushing from the kitchen with his hands occupied by the assorted candies that you asked for. he set it down on the coffee table just in time and settled down next to you on the couch, pulling you closer to his side underneath the blanket.
"I can't believe you're making your injured boyfriend run around for some sweets," he said in disbelief and looked down at you, but yours eyes were glued to the tv screen.
this was a match that you couldn't afford to miss, athlético vs barça was not something that anyone took lightly. that's why you prepped a little more for this match than usual and your boyfriend decided to join you at home instead of going to the stadium with the excuse that it was too cold outside.
you didn't complain though, having pedri at home was a gift from heaven but of course you still wished for a speedy recovery and all that... but he was home and got to spend time with you, so it was okay right?
your lack of response had him dumbfounded, he stayed at home for this? he clicked his tongue and faced forward, mumbling about something under his breath but you were quick to shush him.
"shush babe." you softly hit his arm. "you can complain later."
this wasn't the first shocking thing that has happened today at all. just before kick off, you told him that you forgot to put your barca jersey on and rushed to your room which had pedri smiling from ear to ear, thinking that you would be coming out in one of his jerseys.
and oh how wrong he was.
his smile immediately dropped at the sight, not just because it wasn't one of the jerseys he gave you but rather your own, but also because of whose name and number were flaunted at the back.
your boyfriend blinked up at you, and you asked him what was wrong, clearly not seeing an issue. "is there something wrong with my face?" you put your hand to your face, walking over to the mirror hanging on the wall to check but nothing was there.
"uh no," he said through a forced smile. "but there's something wrong with what you're wearing right now."
your head tilted in confusion and you looked down at your outfit, not seeing an issue with it all. your shoulders slumped and you looked at him in confusion. "there's nothing wrong with what I'm wearing."
"last time i checked, felix isn't your boyfriend, i am." he pointed to himself for emphasis but you only rolled your eyes at his childishness.
"are you serious right now?" you sat down beside him and he shot you a look of judgment buy your were adamant on not changing.
"last time I checked you're not on the pitch right now, felix is." you gestured to the tv yet pedri remained stubborn, saying that it didn't matter whether or not he was playing or not.
where did you even buy that jersey?? he needed to burn it asap.
he was upset but all it took was a quick peck on the lips to ease his mind, reassuring him that you wanted to give felix some extra support because he was playing against his own club. and that made sense to pedri, the support was needed and it was appreciated.
so for the first 20 minutes of the game, your yelling was held at a minimum but the closer you got to halftime time the more restless you and pedri got. the team's play was just too messy, there was no communication or stability.
the ball was lost every other touch, barca could barely make it past the halfway line and they kept on passing the ball back instead of taking their chances. it was frustrating, to say the least, especially for pedri because he was supposed to be there.
he was supposed to be running on the pitch, ensuring that the midfield wasn't a total wreck but he wasn't. he just had to get injured again. you felt his body tense up beside you and immediately knew what he was thinking.
"hey," you called softly and flashed him a small smile. "are you okay?"
when he looked at you his mind immediately eased— one look and a smile from you and he felt so much better. sure he was bugged about the whole jersey thing but you still looked so adorable cuddled up to him that he forgot about everything.
he gave you a reassuring hum and a kiss on the forehead before turning back to the match. his fingers ran through your hair soothingly, your eyes daring to close but you wouldn't dare tell him to stop.
it was now 35 minutes into game time and nothing had happened which had pedri scoffing. "I think you're jinxing us."
"as if, just you wait," you countered but he wasn't too sure about your answer. it wasn't playing in your favour by the looks of it and he swore that it was your jersey, it had to be and when he told you that it was you shook your head, swearing that felix was going to score.
pedri was still I'm disbelief, shaking his head until you shot up when gundogan got the ball, choosing to pass it to lewandoski who was already in the box. it all happened to fast that you barely saw it, both you and pedri holding on to each other until the ball went into the net, by none other than felix himself.
"let's go felix my boy!!" you leapt from the couch and stood in front of your boyfriend who sat silently in disbelief until it sank in.
he looked up at your smiling face with his eyebrows raised. "your boy?"
you chose to ignore him and pat the barcelona crest on your jersey. "pack it up, lover boy. I called it."
the commentators were going crazy, everything happening so fast but you were still standing in front of the tv with your phone in your hand, happily adding the moment to your instagram story and replying to gavi's message about the goal.
"xavi got a red card," pedri said in hopes of redirecting your attention away from felix and his goal. he was happy for his teammate obviously— he was ecstatic, but not about the part where his girlfriend was celebrating as if he was her boyfriend.
he didn't know why, but he was in a rather jealous mood today. he wasn't the jealous type, and you knew that which was why you couldn't help but tease him with the opportunity given.
you put your phone back down on the coffee table. "I don't care about xavi right now. this is about felix and his redemption. the clubs redemption too-- but mostly felix's."
something about the way you said felix's name made pedri's jaw tick. it was like a broken record sounding from your lips, over and over again until he finally let up and pulled you onto his lap which had you all too amused.
"do you know how many times you've said his name tonight?" he asked with a quirked brow.
you tried to ignore the feeling of his hands trailing up your shirt onto your bare skin. it was so rare to see him this riled up, this adamant because pedri was a baby. your baby, who preferred to be the little spoon and smothered in kisses.
so you couldn't falter. not now.
your shoulders shrugged innocently. "the normal amount."
the normal amount? as if.
that wasn't even remotely close to what he wanted to hear and you felt it in the way he looked at you. the living room was dark— the only source of light being from the tv that you'd lost all interest in because your boyfriend was staring you down.
his eyes dropped from your eyes to your lips and you felt your face heat up in anticipation.
"6 times," he muttered just above a whisper and inches towards you achingly slow, only to pull away at the last second because second half had starterted by the sound of it.
he pat your thigh lightly and set you back down beside him, your body still in shock at the fact that he pulled away before kissing you. you looked up at pedri with your lips slightly parted, not sure of what to say.
"what?" he asked with a chuckle and gestured to the tv. "felix is there not here. you're supposed to be supporting him."
oh so he was playing like that tonight? your boyfriend loved to tease you whenever he got the chance. he was playful sure but this was a tad bit too far for your liking. anyway, you brushed it off and continued to enjoy the game, but with less talking.
not too long after second half started lewandoski was able to make the score 2-0 , and this time pedri was the one to jump up in victory whereas you just watched him. you weren't upset, not by a long shot. if he wanted to play, then you'd join in.
your boyfriend spared you a few glances every so often and noticed the bit of space that was left between you two. he watched you silently and began to wonder what the issue was and when he asked if you were okay, a nod was sent his way.
ten more minutes had passed with little to no words exchanged and he was starting to grow restless, whereas you continued to watch the match unbothered. if there truly was an issue then there was only way to make sure of it.
your hand was free, resting on your thigh so naturally his hand slipped into it but you were quick to pull away and instead bent over to reach for your phone on the coffee table.
it was his turn to be shocked— his lips parting and a scoff of disbelief exiting but you paid no mind and continued to go through your phone, only looking up at the tv when you heard that fermin scored.
"how long are you going to keep this up for?" pedri suddenly asked out of the blue and your best act of nonchalantly confusion and asked him what he meant.
his eyebrows quirked up. "you're not talking at all and when I tried to hold your hand you pulled it away."
you raised your phone into the air, "because I wanted to get my phone--"
"oh so you can hold my hand now then?" there was a twinge of anger in his tone, it was almost unnoticeable but you caught it and carried on with the act and shook your head to the side.
"I'm still using my phone pedro--"
pedri's body tensed up at the name that fell from your lips as if this night couldn't have gotten any more confusing. he turned to face you fully. "what did you just call me?"
you squinted, trying your best to suppress your smile because you knew that he hated it when you said his name. it meant that he was in trouble which was rare so for you to say to so casually had him panicking.
"your name?"
"did I do something wrong? are you going to tell me that you want to sleep in the guest room tonight too?"
he began to get riled up and it was seen in the way that his eyes began to wander and never met yours. he had officially gone into full panic mode which you hadn't expected at all, so now it was your turn to let up the act to try and calm him down.
your hand immediately found his and you urged him to calm down, saying that you were just teasing him. you went on like this for however long, spewing apologies and reassurance because having him upset was the last thing anyone wanted.
that was until you saw his lips curve up ever so slowly. your blood began to boil in the realisation that he wasn't being serious at all and had you feeling as guilty as ever for absolutely no reason. without a second thought, you let go of his hand and hot up from the couch.
pedri couldn't stop smiling, a soft chuckle leaving his lips while he tried to pull you back down but you already had your phone and started walking away. "baby wait," he called out after you but no second glance was spared from your side.
"where are you going?" he watched as the figure began walking up the stairs, each step filled with more irritation than the last but he couldn't push aside how adorable you looked.
you scoffed. "the guest bedroom."
your answer had him running after you in a matter of seconds, his laughter echoing through the house as he called out your name and luckily he caught you at the top of the staircase. pedri's arms wrapped around you but you fought it and tried your best to escape his embrace.
"amor I was only teasing you," he said in between his laughter and spun you around to look at him. the pout on your face had his heartstrings tugging but you only rolled your eyes.
"is it because I didn't kiss you hm?" he asked playfully and leant down to kiss you but you turned your head away from him stubbornly. did that stop him? not in the slightest, because he opted for the next open space— your neck which had you in a fit of giggles.
featherlight kisses trailed from your collarbone to your neck— each kiss more delicate than the last and placed so carefully to the point where you couldn't fight it any longer and admitted defeat.
"okay I said you won," you repeated but he didn't stop, a low hum sounding against your skin instead.
"I haven't won until this," he tugged on the hem of the jersey you were still wearing, felix's name at the back. "is on the floor."
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 12 days
The thing about her musings on her youth in this album is not just about the spending her “prime” years with someone who ultimately couldn’t give her what she thought they both wanted (family, but also in general sense the happiness you get when you’re young and your whole lives are ahead of you).
There’s SO much about her youth in general here, and how the demons of the past have raised and broken her. How each of these experiences have chipped away at her youth. This whole album is give me back my girlhood, it was mine first.
It’s all the things she’s talking about had are part of the same big trauma of the loss of that youth and innocence. It’s snakegate and how Kim K and her lackeys deliberately set out to destroy Taylor’s reputation for sport, which ripped out Taylor’s last few grasps of that young adulthood freedom without her consent. It’s mulling the price she’s paid for spending her entire youth in the spotlight and becoming a commodity instead of a person. It’s looking at a friend’s child and wishing she could protect them from the world the way she wishes she could have been had she known. It’s putting your trust in your first love who ripped the rug out from under you and your faith along with it. It’s spending your time pining for your younger days in the haze of unspeakable loss. It’s carving off parts of yourself as you grow up to make yourself palatable to your peers and your partners and as a result not knowing what parts of you are left. It’s revisiting a love from your past when you still had it all, and after the initial frenzy realizing its hollow. And yes, it’s pouring your heart and soul into a relationship you think is forever and with each passing year the light in the window flickering dimmer and dimmer, only to realize the light wasn’t coming from your home after all, and you may lose your chance to find it again before it’s too late and the dreams you so desperately cling to vanish for good.
And that’s what the end message I think ends up being in So High School: she’s reclaiming the land as it were. All these things that were taken from her and that she gave up are up for a redo. And it’s not rewriting the past, it’s coming to the realization that all those parts are still within her but so is the good. That the freedom she gave up when she released her first album is still found in the backseat of a boy’s car all these years later. That she’s older and wiser and battleworn but that doesn’t mean she can’t find that joy and lightness. “I feel so high school when I look at you” is kind of a loaded statement from someone who didn’t really get to go to high school (both actually and metaphorically). “Bittersweet sixteen suddenly” (love that wordplay btw) because again— she’s been through so much that the feelings of new love that make her giddy like a girl are tinged because she’s been here before and also never been here before because she was never that kid.
(There’s also a whole tangent there comparing Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince to So High School and how fraught the first is vs the lightness of this one.)
That’s why this isn’t just a breakup album. It’s why she dredges up 2016 and Jake and Aaron’s son and childhood and high school and any other number of things. Because she has spent her entire youth and adulthood grappling with the issues that came to roost in TTPD, and while this whole experience underscores that you can never know what’s going on with someone (least of all Taylor, a stranger to us all), I also don’t think it’s a coincidence that she has stressed how much healthier and whole she is now. That is why this whole album is a bloodletting, but it’s not just about a broken relationship. It’s about a whole belief system that has stolen girlhood from her and she’s determined to piece back together in the aftermath of the autopsy.
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jaembun · 4 months
this moment with you.
unstoppable force (opening shift) vs immovable object (sleepy boyfriend mark) !⠀⸻⠀mark lee x gnr ⠀ fluff est. rs ⠀ wc 1.4k ⠀ now playing . . ☆
생각⠀blonde mark gmfu he’s literally the love of my life
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the sound of your phone’s alarm had never been a particularly welcome thing, but that morning the harsh vibrations coming from where it lay face-down against the wood of the bedside table seemed to irritate you more than usual.
a flailing hand of yours reached clumsily up to grab the device, hoping you wouldn’t drop it and risk waking up the boy still currently sleeping behind you, with his arms wrapped snugly around your stomach and a leg lazily tossed over your hip. once it had been successfully stopped you flopped onto your back to stare up at the ceiling, contemplating whether you really wanted to get to your opening shift on time or if you could get away with staying in bed just a little while longer.
the sudden thought of your manager’s condescending questions about where you’d been when you finally turned up, however, was enough to put a sour look on your face and act as the incentive to make you peel back the duvet and gently extract yourself from mark’s arms.
which, as it turned out, was a decision that almost immediately was met with objections from your boyfriend. while you were busying yourself with finding clothes to wear for the day he had seemed to sense the distinct absence of you in his arms (despite the pillow you’d hastily replaced yourself with) and made a whiny noise of displeasure, catching your attention. you couldn’t help but crack a smile at how unaware he still looked of everything, hardly opening his eyes but pouting all the same, face red from the warmth you’d shared, and a mark on his cheek that looked suspiciously like the pattern on the collar of the sweater you’d worn to bed to sleep in (nights were cold in december, after all, and the heating in mark’s apartment could use some work to say the least).
“hey, sleepyhead.” you hummed, taking a few quick moments to debate with yourself over which shirt to wear. “i’m opening, so i gotta run. you’ve got your day off today, though, so why don’t you go back to sleep?”
he only groaned again in answer, and you snickered as you left him to complain into the sheets while you ducked into the en suite bathroom to wash up. when you returned you found that mark had not in fact gone back to sleep, and was instead trying to blink himself awake—the opposite of what you wanted.
“don’t want you t’go.” were his first words of the morning, voice still a touch gravelly from sleep. you tried to hold back your laughter when he only became more indignant as he continued. “i hate your job. for real.”
that made you laugh as you struggled mildly with the fiddly buttons of your shirt, seeing as your job in question was a relatively harmless convenience store gig. “coming from kpop idol mark lee himself? i don’t think i’m as bad as this whenever you’re on tour.”
a blatant lie, but you hoped it would sneak past him in his half-asleep state. you were just as bad whenever he had to leave early (or late—it seemed the idol life didn’t have much consideration for whatever their stars may be doing in the times they called on them) for schedules, and probably worse whenever he was away in different countries performing to millions.
thankfully mark didn’t notice the untruth, only huffing in annoyance before making a motion alike to grabby hands in your direction, beckoning you back over to the bed. “c’mere. please?”
“so clingy,” you teased, running a hand through his blonde hair as you complied to his wishes and sat down to tug some socks on. “what would your work husbands say about this?”
“screw my work husbands.” he mumbled, bleary eyes finally opening fully (albeit slowly) as he took the opportunity to ditch the pillow he’d been reluctantly hugging in place of you and snake his arms around your waist again. his tone melted into the whine it’d been when you’d first left the bed, fingertips curling into the fabric of your shirt and syllables dragging on when he spoke. “why d’you have to go? it’s cold without you, and my bed’s too big for just me.”
“woe is you,” you deadpanned, reaching down to gently pry his palms off of you. but before you let him go completely you pressed a quick kiss against the cold metal of the rings adorning his fingers that he’d forgotten to take off the night prior. a giddy-sounding noise bubbled out of mark at the sensation, and you bit your lip to stop a smile spreading across your face, one that would make you look so obviously in love it be would be embarrassing.
the bed creaked as you stood, and you found your eyes drifting from cabinet to cabinet, the open wardrobe to the (near overflowing) box you crammed all your jewelry into. if there was just one more thing you could add to your look, one more ring to slide onto your fingers or a last minute change change of your shirt, then maybe you could linger a little longer. 
stay with mark a little longer. 
you didn’t know who you were fooling with your nonchalant act, because it certainly wasn’t yourself. you wanted to crawl back into bed with him just as much as he did, wrap your arms around his waist and drink in the warm feeling of his skin and faint smell of his cologne. 
a second glance at your phone told you that wouldn’t be allowed, though, so you turned to say goodbye to the boy currently led right where you’d rather be. it took less than a second to meet his gaze, finding his large brown eyes already staring up at you, cheek squished and held up by one of his palms. 
it tugged at your resolve, a sudden feeling clutching at your heart so fiercely it was all you could do not to melt through the floor. what you did instead was let yourself indulge, leaning down to place a kiss on his lips instead. the curve of his grin pressed against your skin and the warmth of his hands skirting up to hold your arm as you cupped his face was a comfort, the tingling feeling it still gave you even after all the months you’d been together refusing to fade even after you pulled yourself away; far too aware of what you knew would happen if you let yourself get too caught up. 
mark was still looking at you when you straightened up again, like you held the whole world in your eyes, and you poked his cheek in a weak attempt to get him to stop. your heart was going to beat itself out of its chest if he didn’t. when that didn’t work you turned to a verbal reprimanding, although your tone was anything but scolding—instead unbearably fond, mirth dripping through your every word.
“stop looking at me all gooey. i might start to think you like me, or something.”
his lips curved into a pout, the hand supporting his cheek falling back onto the mattress and words coming out muffled as he spoke half-buried in the soft pillow underneath his head.
“i do like you. i love you, actually. and you’re leaving me cold in bed.”
you rolled your eyes at his continued dramatics despite the smile on your face and your own obvious want to stay, avoiding looking back at him in place of shoving things you thought you’d need for the day in your bag because you knew one more pleading look from mark would make you give in. “and you know i love you too. i’ll be back later, baby. then we can laze around all you want, promise.”
“m’holding you to that.”
his words were interrupted by a yawn, and when you’d finally gotten all your things together and stole one last glance at your boyfriend you found him with eyes that were now struggling to stay open again, blinking slowly and remaining closed for longer each time. you huffed a laugh and opened the door with as little noise as possible so not to disturb him from slipping back into slumber, stopping before you stepped through to pull a stupid sappy smile at the sight of the thin streams of sunlight pouring in to paint mark’s sleeping body gold as his chest rose and fell with each breath.
“see you later, yeah?” were your last whispered words before you gently closed the door behind you and left your lover in peace.
you hoped he’d still be right there lazing around in the warmth of the duvet when you came back home, ready for you to collapse onto and fall right back asleep with. the only good thing about leaving at all was knowing you could come back to mark at the end of it.
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kamiversee · 7 days
Poll time! :)
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Consider this an official masterlist for my upcoming works!
The F*ck List was a wonderful story to complete & I’m excited to write another sooo, take a look through these & lmk which one you’d like me to focus on next! :3
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My Love Note (Choso x f!reader vs Gojo x f!reader)
In which your innocent crush on the cheeky cashier Gojo Satoru slowly swirls into something more complicated as his feelings for you are never clear. Then, in the midst of your complications, there’s your hating best friend Choso Kamo who also beings to act differently toward you.
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F*ck The List (TFL Sequel) (the title is subject to possibly change)
A continued tale in which the truth of why you were forced to be a whore comes into the light.
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The Better Brother (Guitarist!Choso x f!reader vs Boxer!Sukuna x f!reader)
When a night of drinking with your friends turns into a conversation about your nonexistent sex-life, you say you slept with the most random name to come to mind-- never expecting him to walk through the door moments later. Naturally, things only worsen for you when you eventually learn that this man is connected to your longtime unrequited crush.
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Be My Cowboy (Cowboy!Gojo x f!reader)
A love story in which you fall for the infamous cowboy Gojo Satoru whose job was to protect you.
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Sex For Business (The “Office” men of JJK x f!reader)
When you’re the epitome of sex-appeal, it’s easy for you to dominate the business world. Or at least, that was until you come across a specific company harder to climb to the top than others. Man after man– you know how to use and seduce them no problem. But for some reason, the men here are a bit more challenging than ones in the past. Especially the man whose position your arrival threatens; Nanami Kento.
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Chase The Thrill (Geto x f!reader & Toji x f!reader)
By your senior year of College, you come to the realization that you’ve yet to experience even half of what you wished to within your College experience. This is to blame of your toxic older ex-boyfriend Toji Fushiguro, who was your first and only ever boyfriend that stripped you of all fun you wished to have. So when you decide to go out one night to live it up a little and somehow end up playing seven-minutes in heaven with some hot stranger, you don’t expect the name to show you an entirely new world in the most cliche way imaginable.
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Not My Resident (Vampire!JJK Men x f!reader)
A JJK fanfic that takes place in the alternate universe of “Not My Neighbor”-- you knew they were doppelgängers but you didn’t care, they were hot. Plus, their human forms never batted an eyelash at you so, what’s so wrong with letting a few of them inside… of you.
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No Strings Attached (Ino Takuma x f!reader)
According to others, fake dating your best friend always leads to a real relationship and eventual heartbreak but, you and Ino swore you two could pull it off with no real feelings involved.
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Petals to Thorns (R. Shidou x f!reader & Sae x f!reader)
From young and innocent love to something complicated and ugly, Shidou Ryusei takes you to hell and back just to say those three stupid words to you. Then there’s Itoshi Sae who sweeps you off your feet the very second Shidou fucks up; who would you pick in the end?
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Suck or Fuck (Vampire!JJK Men x f!reader)
They don’t call you the best detective around for no reason. While your methods may be a bit… unorthodox, people can’t say they don’t work. Human or Vampire, you always get your job done. So when crime rates in your city skyrocket; murders occurring around you, kidnappings, theft, and blatant Vampire attacks threaten your job– you make it your mission to get to the bottom of things... even if that involves sleeping with your suspects.
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After the results of this poll, I’ll narrow it down to a top 5 and do another one since this is quite a long list! The winning fic will be my next focus after I finish all the whatif’s for TFL.
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@KAMIVERSEE on tumblr. All Rights Reserved. Do not steal, copy, or translate any of my works.
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mcyt-trios · 6 months
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3 Heart Trio:
theyre soo silly theyre just silly little guys who do things like mining an entire chunk in the center of the server's spawn for their own entertainment and to annoy everyone else
They are PATHETIC. They are ANNOYING. They are PERFECT. They are playing on three hearts and they die so much. They have a specialized raid platform that is NOT a raid farm. They are a team against exploits! Their base has 3 hearts above it representing them
these guys decided to put love and fun above all on the killing-lying server. while watching other teams betray and fall apart they have stuck with each other till the very last day of the server and never doubted one another. they worked like a clockwork, they knew they could only rely on themselves and at the end of the day, they didnt mind that it was that way
these guys got the short end of the stick time and time again throughout all of lifesteal s4, they were the targets of so many traps and attacks for no reason other than they were weak and always around. and despite it all they never wanted revenge and never held grudges! they cared about fun and friendship more than anything else, and while all the other teams ended up falling apart or betraying each other, these three stuck together from start to end. they didn't care about how many hearts they had, how much gear they had, or how powerful they were, because in the end all they needed was each other <3 i miss them so bad btw
Eclipse Federation:
i dont like them. they ruined my life. Subz and Vitalasy had already partnered in previous seasons but this one, Vitalasy ended up leaving for a few months, leaving Subz alone, and Zam ended up getting close to him after immense trauma at the hands of his former teammates. Zam has done SO many wrongs, including to Subz himself and Subz STILL took him in and made him join Eclipse Federation after Zam died 14 times in a row and got banned then revived by the same player who's been killing him all this time. And it could've been perfect but no, Zam had betrayed his previous team due to them using dupes via exploits, and now Eclipse Federation ALSO has exploits! And he decided that yeah his morals were more important than being loved! And so he murders Vitalasy when he's at his most vulnerable point, lets everyone gaslight him into thinking Vitalasy is an irredeemable evil monster who will never change, even as Vitalasy SAID he was ready to change before the betrayal even happened, Eclipse threw out their whole revenge plans because of Zam's positive influence and he just broke everything. Subz couldn't be with Zam but also couldn't see himself at Vitalasy's side, leaving him alone. Vitalasy hated Zam and yet never killed him or hunted him down, despite Zam acting like he did. And when Vitalasy left, banning himself off from the server, Zam had some time alone to think and realized he fucked up SOOOO bad. And Subz revived Vitalasy and told him to kill him. And ban him. His last wish. His Deliverance. And to make up with Zam. And Vitalasy tried, and they kind of did make up over Subz's death, but then Zam was like "actually im going to kill everyone and destroy the server now. because i want subz back and also because i always do extremely drastic things when i don't need to because i have unchecked mental illnesses i refuse to get help for". And surprisingly when Subz came back he didn't like that! And they ended in tragedy! Eclipse is fucked up. It's a trio that's always about the absence of one person, it's a team that could only happen in one timeline and it was doomed from the very start. But the love was there. It made everything worse, truthfully. But it was there. And that matters. Also as a fun fact Zam himself on twitter has referred to eclipse as a throuple, which is not canon but that's pretty funny. he also stated on stream he didn't want to get therapy because it'd ruin his lifesteal character. and there was a saga where they would "marry" (challenge lost kinda shenanigans) and zam was the only one happy about it. he's not normal. there's something wrong with him. love that for him though sorry for the block of text. I really dislike them. They're my beloveds :3
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babsisbakery · 3 months
A Lions fight part 2
Leah williamson x reader
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The last group games were today. All or nothing. Qualification or “failure”. The ones who made it would celebrate, while other players' dreams would be crushed leaving them frustrated with their own performance, not happy of themself. But sometimes that's football. A big part of the game is to learn how to pick up the shattered hopes to build them back up. To not give up easily. Staying strong when tough times arise and having your teams back no matter what.
Currently, you and your girlfriend are in the stands. England vs Scotland while the Netherlands played Belgium. Of course you’d watch the Lionesses game live, your girlfriend is their captain after all. That didn’t prevent you from checking your phone every few minutes to check the score of the other match. Honestly you’d be content with either team qualifying, you had people on both teams to cheer on. Sadly they cannot both qualify. 
For the sake of your sanity your vote was slightly leaning towards England. Otherwise Leah could get insufferable with all her moaning and groaning, not the pleasant one which you induced. At the beginning she looks absolutely adorable, all huffing, puffing and pouting but when her never ending complaints start it can get irritating. The simplest way to upper her mood would be a nice bath. Wine in hand and her back pressed to your front. Praises softly whispered into her ear and feather light kisses pressed to her neck and cheeks.
As halftime arrived the odds seemed to be in England's favor, they were playing incredibly. Leah was beaming, I mean they still had to score a few more goals cause you were sure the oranje leeuwinnen weren’t done with one goal. But so far so good, your girlfriend knew the second half would be even more important but she still pulled you in for a kiss. Her smile couldn’t be wiped off her face. Her left arm was placed over your shoulders “Williamson suits you baby, wear it more often?” “Haa you wish my love, it will boost your ego more, it's big enough as it is.” a light giggle escapes your lips, kissing her cheek. “Ughhh you're cruel and my ego isn't that big.” she proceeds to wrap both her arms around you while your faces are inches away. “And here you are, in love with little ol cruel me, so that's on you Le.” “I wouldn't have it any other way, you are the best thing that's ever happened to me,” planting a tender kiss to your forehead, you sense a smirk forming on her lips “after the Euro’s win of course.” This statement earns her a slap to her upper arm “Leah!” “I’m kidding, I’m kidding baby.” due to her infectious laugh you can’t stay mad at her and laugh along.
Her demeanor changes pretty quickly. The second half isn’t as eventful as the first. They couldn't connect to their first half success, while the Netherlands were improving. After the regular 90 minutes it was looking good for England but a goal from Damaris soon followed. Everyone was on edge, Leah was seemingly worried. But Lucy came and told the dutchies to hold her purse and scored. People in the stand were going wild, surely this was it. England would be in the Olympics. An emotional rollercoaster coming to an end. Yet their joy didn't last long as Damaris surprisingly scored again. 
As the girls found out, most of them began to burst into tears. Leah too. She immediately seeked the comfort of your neck and hid there for a few minutes until she calmed down. She wasn't crying the whole time as Leah normally has her emotions under control but you provided her with calmness and safety which she desperately needed in this moment. You both proceeded to head to the pitch, to be with the others.
Of course that didn’t mean you weren’t happy for Viv or the other leeuwinnen. The sadness overflowed you tho. The lionesses were all down. That didn't leave you with much room to think of something else except to console them. Both teams held a special place in your heart. You couldn't bear to watch them wallow in self pity. If you could do anything, and you mean anything to bring even the littlest smile on their faces you would try. You went to each and every girl with Leah to hug them. To tell them how incredible they played. And yeah it may not have been good enough but that's not what they should be focusing on right now. Who am I kidding, that's exactly what we are looking at. But they won 6 to 0, what a massive win. You were so incredibly proud of the girls and so was Leah. She made sure everyone on the team knew. To not beat themself up.
Leah also realized that because they were missing this tournament they’d at least have the essential rest in the summer. Finally a break in players' arduous schedules.
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sp1nxx · 7 months
Who fell first vs Who fell Harder// 𝐌𝐡𝐚 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐬
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A/N!!- Hi everyone!! This is my first official post! I’m kinda nervous ,:) but hopefully I wont get too discouraged!! This might not be the most in cannon but I tried my best (=^ ◡ ^=) Wish me luck! Also if it’s requested I’ll make a pt.2 to this
𝐈𝐳𝐮𝐤𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐲𝐚
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He fell first, you fell harder
It’s not too surprising he ended up falling for you. You’re heroic, brave, and over all a very sweet person at heart. While he recognizes your a bit rough around the edges, he knows not everyone is perfect and if anything he loves you more because of your flaws and vulnerabilities. He adores seeing you light up when he brings you snacks you enjoy, or when someone brings up something you enjoy. The way you could be holding a conversation with someone but be immediately pulled away when you see a cute animal and the big smile you have while watching said animal is one he’ll cherish.
And just how it’s not surprising he fell for you, it’s definitely not surprising that you fell for him. He’s sweet, caring, considerate and probably the walking definition of a green flag. He goes out of his way to accommodate you if you happen to need it. He brings you snacks or water if you ask, anything you need. He was the first person to get you out of your shell and make you feel comfortable enough to be yourself and he taught you to embrace things you previously didn’t like before. He was a light for your life whom you cherished. So no, it wasn’t surprising when you fell hard for Izuku.
𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨
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You fell first, he fell harder
Who wouldn’t be at least somewhat drawn to him? He has such a commanding presence it’s hard not to notice him. He’s tenacious, determined, and he doesn’t back down from anything. While he’s very rough around the edges and will probably end up yelling so loud your eardrums explode, you’ve seen how big of a heart he has. His soft side is there, it’s just past his temper and the defenses he put up in an attempt to keep everyone out. But you’re willing to go around that to reach his heart.
Katsuki doesn’t “fall” for people. If anything, he prides himself on not being hung up on lovely dovey crap. Katsuki Bakugo falling for people was unprecedented until he met you. At first he didn’t think much of you if we’re being honest. You were just another extra he’d easily get ahead of on his way to becoming the number one hero. But you were one of the first people to check on him and ask if he was okay after he got kidnapped. Sure, he dismissed you but the worry in your voice stuck in his mind, along with the concerned and caring look in your eyes. That’s probably what made him fall for you in the first place, you cared. It pissed him off to no end, because he didn’t like the idea of getting all mushy and having to deal with those dumb feelings, but there’s no denying that you stole his heart.
𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢
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He fell first and he fell harder
Shoto is obviously a complicated person. At first you were honestly a bit intimidated by him when school first started. He was quiet and while obviously he had compassion and wouldn’t do anything against you on purpose, his general aura unsettled you; especially during the sports festival. After the sports festival though, he changed. You couldn’t put your finger on it but he definitely changed, and he changed for the better. He seemed calmer, more approachable and his eyes seemed kinder, he even smiled more. He was more talkative to, making an effort to get into conversation with you and always wanting to include you in things. You noticed his change, and it drew you in
Like Bakugo, Shoto didn’t really think much of you at first. He would be cordial if you tried to talk with him, but he made it obvious he wasn’t really interested in you. And he appreciated the fact you seemed to pick up on his disinterest and gradually talked to him less. After the sports festival though, something about you changed to him. You had come up to him to congratulate him on his 2nd placing and you smiled at him. Over his time at school he noticed you weren’t the type to smile much, at least the smile you gave him wasn’t one he’d seen often; it seemed brighter, and reached your eyes more. When you smiled something in his chest swelled and he decided to make more of an effort to talk to you again. Over time he realized everything you did took his breath away, he was hanging on to every word you said, hoping you’d look his way and smile. Because you were the reason he could smile so often now.
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icanseethefuture333 · 4 months
"Trust me, I have magical foresight" 👁
My predictions on the future of the entertainment industry based on astrology & intuitive channeling
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Saturn's children: Capricorn & Aquarius
Capricorn vs Aquarius Pluto
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Saturn is the planet of karma and we have seen this take full effect once Sagittarius passed the baton to Capricorn to rule over Pluto. I picture Capricorn and Aquarius' dynamic as siblings. Aquarius is the little brother who is unpredictable and goes to the beat of his own drums. While Capricorn is the older sister who is forced to be responsible and take care of business. Capricorn Pluto has exposed many scandals as a way to serve justice. It's as if Capricorn was the Elle Woods of our generation. So much has been exposed from war crimes to human trafficking and more. People have also felt the need to "restrict" others or oppress them of their human rights as well (I.E: the abortion ban). As well as the world's economic status plummeting. Capricorn deals with the material and emotional realm. Capricorn's representing animal is the sea goat. The head and torso of the goat that is seen on land, symbolizes practical thinking and being grounded. While the tail that is in the ocean represents wisdom and emotional depth. Capricorn Pluto was the definition of "not everything that you see is truly how it is". Capricorn Pluto has done the dirty work that nobody else wanted to do, so people were very shocked and uncomfortable during this time (but as the famous saying goes: "in order to be comfortable, you have to get uncomfortable first"). Once Pluto is in Aquarius, I see things being very unpredictable. I believe people will be desentized after everything that has happened during Capricorn Pluto. People will be unable to process their emotions in healthy ways because of experiencing forms of trauma back and forth. Despite the contrary belief of Aquarius being detached, it is too similar to Capricorn, being the bearer of water. Aquarius is logical with a emphatic heart. I see that there will be a rise of humanitarians or more people will wish to participate in scientific research, medicine, and technology. There is the desire to restore what has been ruined. I believe Aquarius Pluto will want to keep us on our toes. Things could be chill for a while and then all of a sudden a conspiracy theory will be debunked. Then another day a scandal breaks out but it will be even more scandalous then the ones we have seen during Capricorn Pluto. Aquarius is leaning back and putting up his feet as he eats grapes thinking: "I don't know I like a challenge 🤷‍♂️" and have a "it is what it is" mindset.
I see the generation of Aquarius Pluto will be highly intelligent and skilled in education related to STEM. People will have the desire to become activists, doctors, and other fields related to that degree. I also see that less people will be going to college and others will instead go to technical schools. Aquarius is known for being rebellious. This generation are going to be free thinkers and will not follow propaganda in the media. It is about breaking generational curses. They do not wish to do what their family wants them to do, they want to be themselves. I also see that parents of this generation are going to be non traditional or their parenting methods will be nonconforming. Parents could have better communication skills with their children and introduce their children to various forms of education that is not just limited to what the school system teaches them. Such as exposing them to books, other cultures, and having them connected with people overseas. I also see this as more people taking online classes.
The political system could be ... unorthodox to say the least. I don't have the words to properly describe it but we may have presidential leaders that are not what we have previously seen. For example, there could be younger politicians or people who have had no political backgrounds working in the government.
Taurus Uranus: "I lost my innocence now I'm in this bitch"
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Ever wondered why kids are wanting Lululemon and Sephora, while adult women wear ribbons and clothes that pertain to the coquette aesthetic? It's because 12-13 year olds have their profection year in the 1st-2nd house while young adults in their early 20s have their houses past the 7th. Now someone's profection year depends on their birthday and birth time, but there are set profection years for each age someone turns. For example, when I was 21 my Venus was in my 8th house and my aesthetic has completely changed since then. Taurus Uranus also focuses on what gives us comfort. Adults could be dressing how their inner child wanted to, while kids are wanting to dress like the influencers they idolize on social media. Young adults are nostalgic and are craving the youth that they lost due to the pandemic. While as for kids, they are forced to grow up in a era that is hyperfocused on beauty. There are several terms people use to analyze people's face now that in our youth people have never even noticed before. "Double lip line", "mewing", "facial harmony", etc. It's as if Taurus Uranus is the narcissist parent who is nitpicking at every feature and insecurity that you have out of projection. Why? For money 💰. In the words of SZA: "everybody wanna be beautiful, scared of the unusual". We are in a time period where people are literally using incel terms to feel better about themselves "mogging", "looksmaxxing", etc. It reeks of mean girl and frat boy energy around here. Parents have been stating that their children are being bullied in high school for not having macro trends such as Stanley cups, Lululemon wear, and Sephora makeup. There has also been complaints of there not being enough content for the pre-teen stage and activities available that is more suitable for children of that specific age group. This is on purpose. The more the lines were blurred on who is childlike and an actual adult, the better in the industry's eyes. It's corrupted and perverted (no I'm not exaggerating this either because why do you think kids are debuting as young as 13 and even younger are becoming influencers?). In the 2000s-2010s there was Justice, Claire's, PINK, etc. There was the something to fill the gap in between, but these kids are not caring about the stuff we liked because it is a different generation and they have other interests. I'm gonna be 100% real with you that a kid is not gonna give a fuck about Bobby Jack because they were not even born around that time unless you introduce it to them. With Taurus transitioning into Gemini, I actually see there being better opportunities for children to make friends or perhaps playing in their neighborhood again. Parents could put the effort in to do neighborhood watches or create activities that will allow their children to play outside or be in extracurricular activities. I additionally see this happening because of the criticism of parents letting their children become "IPad" kids (which come on now, as if we didn't have Nintendo DSes, PSPs, and Gameboys as kids).
The lesson of Taurus Uranus is to not fall into consumerism. Do not get plastic surgery just because you think your face is asymmetrical, do not buy 10 bottles of skincare just because you have one pimple, and do not buy from these brands that don't care about you or the environment. Stand up! If you're gonna do something, then do it for yourself. Learn how to be yourself again, not what social media is telling you who to be. Practice self love and self care. Taurus Uranus should be focused on your comfort and pleasure, not anyone else's. A lot of people will be bullied during this time and will spend money on shit that's worthless. You know how a lot of people have gotten bullied for doing things that weren't on trend and then years later it's cool? That is exactly what's gonna happen once the sign transitions from Taurus to Gemini. Everybody is gonna be talking about it. People are going to use their critical thinking skills more and will communicate their thoughts. They will realize "wow my/their behavior was really shitty". I also see this as people being multi faceted and fake though for their own personal benefit (yes I know not all Geminis are two faced, relax). Cancel culture is still very much so a thing and people have seen the repercussions of it. So people are going to learn how to think before speaking and rebrand their public image. Unfortunately that also means more podcast bros and phony celebrities trying to redeem themselves in interviews. We are already seeing this happen with Katt Williams and the celebrities he exposed. They are doubling back and shaking in their boots, their only response is "ahaaa that's crazy😂" without actually giving a answer that is of substance.
The trend with influencers today is that they focus on their family, personal assets, and wealth, how they live a "soft life". A lot of celebrities and influencers have even had children solely for the purpose of money and being deemed likeable or trustworthy. With less and less people having the desire to have children due to the economy as well as *Jaden Smith voice* the political state of the world right now. I believe videos will focus more on friendships, neighbors, people's hometown or neighborhoods instead of taking expensive trips overseas, connecting with strangers, making videos about "a day in my life at school/work", niche interests, or even educational videos becoming popular again. People are going to look at these influencers and think "well I don't have the privilege to go out and live a soft life so i'm gonna talk about my life instead". The energy will feel very "friendly" and people will try to be relatable.
I remember that someone on Tiktok said we are going backwards when it comes to feminism and @sunkissedchld made a point to me that Taurus is "traditional". That could also explain why a lot of women on Tiktok are just posting about their shitty boyfriend/husbands that don't cook, clean, or take care of their kids. Women are just going "You're so silly babe 😂😍😏" to a man with shit stained drawls. A lot of female celebrities who have proclaimed themselves as "feminists" I noticed as well are being submissive to men who are irrelevant and misogynistic towards other women. I also see a pattern of men of wanting women to be docile. (They wish to be the "provider" of the relationship. Asking women "What do you bring to the table?" or wanting to go "50/50", when the treatment is not fair). They are sticking beside them and being a ride or die for them, even though they would never do the same. Which follows into my next observation, Pisces Neptune.
Pisces Neptune: the end of our delulu era
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"They're my twin flame" no they're not pookie ❤
Pisces is illusive and sensitive. People are struggling with living in reality and could be prone to derealization or maldaptive daydreaming during this time. Pisces will eventually transition into Aries and that is rough. It's not as gentle as Pisces is. Aries Neptune will be like a wake up call and people are not going to like it so their reaction could be very "bratty". We are going to be living in masculine energy soon (We currently have planets in the sign of Taurus, Capricorn, and Pisces then evenutally its going to be in Gemini, Aquarius, and Aries). It's detached, it is not focused on feelings. Although, Aries is considered the youngest of the Zodiac signs. So people could be more energetic and motivated to achieve their goals. There could be a lot of pent up aggression or people will subconsciously feel the need to compete with others. I believe Pisces Neptune was more so the era for "the believers". There was such an overload of information on manifestation, new age spirituality, reality shifting, and divine masculine/feminine energy. We see it in art, we see it in movies, we see it on social media, it's everywhere because it's our subconscious as a collective. Once the masculine energy comes in people are going to focus less on the mysteries of the universe and will want to focus on the facts. It's the mindset of "Okay, manifestation is cool and all, but its not going to put food onto the table". People will want to take action and are tired of waiting for "divine timing". Aries is brave and has a positive outlook. I suggest for people to make a wishlist now and focus on manifesting your intentions clearly because in the future it will all be about turning those desires into reality. Realistically speaking I see a lot of relationships ending as well because most people who are in relationships are only with their partners because of infatuation and not for love. It is likely people will marry for just company and financial security to survive. People might even marry their best friends or have very "non traditional" romantic relationships.
Once Pluto finally settles in Aquarius. I see the quality of music changing. Music is going to go a few different ways.
1. The music will be LONGER but it will have short titles to grab people's attention. People's attention span have gotten so bad that musicians have to make songs 2 minutes or less to appeal to Tiktok trends. At best music has 2 choruses and 1 verse, no bridge and there is only a 2nd verse unless a another artist is being featured. Andre 3000 is already ahead of the game in terms of doing this. Andre is famously known as ½ member of the rap group Outkast. He is someone who is mysterious and eccentric. Andre appears in the music ever so often and fans have begged for him to release more music. So he has released an album titled "New Blue Sun", but it not a hip hop album, it's a flute, new age, spiritual jazz album. The album title is short and simple while the songs are all past 10 minutes and have long names. The first track being called: "I swear, I Really Wanted To Make A "Rap" Album But This Is Literally The Way The Wind Blew Me This Time".
2. I see there being developments in music so that everyone can enjoy it. I believe that scientists will try to invent ways for people who are deaf to listen to music better, whether that is creating technology so they can feel the vibratuons or something of that nature. Artists might even start doing sign language to communicate to their fans who are deaf or include braile for fans who are blind. Artists have been making an effort in being more inclusive by hiring people with disabilities. So there could better opportunities for them to be in the spotlight as well.
3. I noticed that music has been focused more on sound and less about the words/lyrics. Drill, drum and bass, reggaeton, and afrobeat are all genres that very popular right now. A person's lyrics could be trash but most people will dismiss it as long there's a catchy beat behind it. With Gemini Uranus, people's lyricism could improve but the words and beat will have a vastly different vibe. The lyrics could be sad and the beat is uptempo, or vice versa. There will be a duality to the song. (I.E: Hey Ya! By Outkast, Pied Piper by BTS, etc). I also see this as more writers being hired for streaming artists or there will be a rise of duo artists. This reminds me of Billie Ellish and her brother Phineas, so it is possible people could make music with their sibling, friend, or a partner (one person writes, one person sings, etc). (I.E: Lion Babe, AlunaGeorge, Akdong Musician, & Marian Hill).
As for the music industry itself, it is aware of the impact of a collective boycott. They will realize how much they need us as consumers. The west and east are going to come together in terms of releasing music. South Korea has been trying to appeal to international fans for a reason. They know fans overseas put a lot of money in their pocket and without us, K-Pop would not even be this huge thing (also yes I said it and I meant it, where would K-Pop be without the influence of black culture, latin culture, Indian culture, etc? Exactly). So I potentially see I-fans get the same treatment as K-fans. There's going to be fansigns, album signings, and more. While as for the west, they see South Korea as a way to make money. Which I believe the U.S will use their media for political propaganda because they are aware of those fans that worship celebrities and will defend them to no end. I feel like there's going to be a switch between the two industries as well. Fans will get bored and overwhelmed by the amount of large K-Pop groups debuting, it is oversaturated. So companies' response to this is to debut more soloists or smaller groups of 2-3 members. As for the west, they could take over the group scene and debut larger groups with 4+ members.
The U.S and South Korea think they pretty much got it in the bag as for being the most dominant countries for the music industry but when I tell you they're gonna be shook... I strongly believe that countries in Africa, especially South Africa, will be strong competitors soon for the music industry. We are seeing this with Jam Republic, Amaarae, Tems, Tyla, & Burna Boy. Their music/stage presence has longevity. It's the fact that season 2 of Street Woman Fighter ended last year and still people are talking about Jam Republic. It's how "Angels In Tibet" and "Water" has had people in a chokehold for the past few months. In South Africa's solar return chart for 2024, their ascendant will be in Leo, meaning they are going to be attracting a lot of attention. Which means their Aquarius will be in the 7th house and people will be attracted to their culture because they will see it as unique and interesting. I genuinely see Tyla paving the way for other South African artists in the future, she has an Aquarius stellium and she will be turning 22 on January 30th. Her profection year depends on her birth time which isn't available yet but it is presumed to be that her 11th house will be activated for the rest of the year. So she will be a hot topic for social media. Her level of fame could depend on what musical direction she decides to take in the future, but for now Tyla has great potential. She is able to appeal to the Taurus Uranus beauty standards because her beauty is familiar. It has been said quite often that Tyla reminds people of artists from the 2000's (Christina Milian specifically), it is nostalgic, while keeping it modern and fresh. Tyla's inclusion of her culture when it comes to her music and choreography for her performances makes her stand out. People will grow tired of Tyla's current concept though if she keeps up with the "pop" element to her music, so if she wants to be a big artist in the future, she will have to turn to her roots for musical success. I believe other artists will try to replicate "Angels In Tibet" by Amaarae because the production of the song is so technically perfect it's amazing and I'm not even exaggerating. This song is the definition of a cultural blend. You can hear Arabic scales, Brazilian funk, afrobeats, and probably even more all in one song and it works! People are going to want to hear more of that. So artists are going to follow that trend of the creation of musically, culturally blended songs.
I also see that there is going to be only a select few of new people who will get to be famous celebrities, while others will agree to be more of a "filler celebrity". Which is weird to say but there will be people who are going to be used as props or to fill in the gaps. People who are just apart of the "simulation".
The devil/demon musical concepts in the industry will die down because I see most people will turn atheist or become agnostic. People are desentized to it and it's nothing they have not seen before. I see people reacting like "Why would I be worried about the illuminati when we should be focused on the economy?". They are not gonna care for it and celebrities will have to come up with something new for shock value. So people could start promoting aspects of Christianity such as "heaven", "biblical angels", and other forms of religious propaganda. Lil Nas X is an example of this and I wouldn't be surprised if other artists do it next.
I feel there is going to be another wave of rock bands becoming a trend again as well, Green Day has released an ep recently, and they are well known for being political with their music. Stray Kids are also known for being a multi genre K-Pop group and their recent album was rock themed. So artists exploring alternative concepts or artists doing music for charity, should be a common theme for the next few years.
With Aries Neptune, I could see people doing intricate things to their faces such as getting facial piercings, wearing makeup thats more bold, and getting face tattoos. People could bring back the trend of Nelly's cheek bandaid. There is a desire to accessorize the face. The beauty trends during Taurus Uranus was focused on hyper femininity, almost a blend of Korean and American beauty standards. Straight eyebrows, delicate facial features, manga lashes, and porcelain-like skin. The beauty was more doll-like but natural, very feminine (I don't want this beauty trend to die ngl, I love the pink dolly look 💔😭). As for Gemini Uranus, the beauty standards will be more androgynous or gender neutral. I also interpert this as people looking ethereal and youthful, almost like a fairy. I am reminded of Aya Takano's art, the characters are gender neutral and there is hardly any indications of their sex. So I'm seeing thick eyebrows, whimsical makeup (messy glitters or makeup looking half done), exaggeration of the eyes, drunken rosy cheeks, tinted lips that almost look bruised, undereye liner as opposed to eyeliner above the lash line, eye makeup that has two different colors or asymmetrical, and freckles (naturally or faux will be popular). I could also see people having two different makeup looks on one face (Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad). Could see people with Heterochromia eyes suddenly being seen more in the media. Models' facial expression could be cheeky, as if they're trying to appear "tough". It's not as fierce, it will be more playful. There could be a rise of people of the LGBTQ+ community in modeling industry as well.
I already predicted some trends in fashion, one being for the Victoria Secret fashion show which I recommend you go and read that was pretty accurate. Since we are entering a period that has masculine energy, I see people will have an androgynous style. People have went from skinny jeans to flared pants and baggy clothes. People are wearing sneakers more often and dressing casually as well. I don't see feminine clothing being erased entirely because Gemini has a duality of course. So people could combine elements of femininity and masculinity. Two pieces, asymmetrical cut dresses, and skorts in particular. I am reminded of how Acubi fashion and late 2000s wear is trending again. Headphones, hoodies, windbreakers, straight legs jeans, etc. I could see people being interested in sports wear with Aries Neptune as well. There will be an athlete that will be very popular when it comes to fashion, like Michael Jordan. Sneaker culture could be more of a prominent thing. I honestly don't think people will dress as formally for occasions or in the workplace. They could look chic and cool, but not as prestigious. I see people being less nostalgic about the Y2K era so people could start moving on to something similar. I have a feeling that we will continue to see fashion trends from the 80s/90s/00s. I keep getting a visual of the manga "Slam Dunk". Which is a 90s anime about a team of basketball players. So jeans, sneakers, overalls, snapbacks, and things of that such. Aquarius Pluto could also mean a generation of people being rebellious and carefree in terms of style, so people could just dress to their own personal tastes instead of what's trending as well.
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