#watch me read back when someone says its kinda ok any be like
tryingtimi · 2 years
Night of the Broken
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Hey, it's me who just said will not post anything before Sept 18th. Well, I just clowned myself again, because our little (slowly routine) with @bloodlessheirbyjacques works too efficiently. Anyway, this Darmon and Cronyl hurt/comfort scene has been made for @writingonesdreams and I hope it turned out as something okay lol. I can't tell because I never like anything in the moment I finish it :D. It also got long, so ugh, enjoy, loves!
Cronyl was laying on the floor, the map of the continent spread out before him.
The parchment seemed old, handed down through some generations now, which the colorful inks’ fading brightness displayed perfectly. Cronyl inspected it carefully, hands running over the richer, still strong lines that have been drawn over the original work. They were so fresh, the ink slightly stained his fingers as he drew them back.
Cronyl knew this map.
He lifted his gaze and looked around; he was in a room full of towers made of blank parchment, leather pieces folded onto the chairs and several completed or half-finished maps hung upon the walls. Some are smaller, some are not even capturing a real place, but a fantasy. A humble space, simple in decoration and furniture, yet it made everyone feel welcomed who stepped inside.
He knew this place too.
A melody. He turned to the archway of the kitchen, and only then he had been given the impression of smelling some kind of food. He couldn’t tell what exactly, but he knew it was his favorite.
He was standing in the entrance of the kitchen. Midday’s warm, playful sunlight streamed inside the moderately wide space. A tall, slender woman sat by the table, face and hands stained by various colors. Inks. Her features were blurry, but Cronyl knew that her deep brown eyes glued to her work, corn-blonde hair always freely flowing onto her shoulders. She was working on a map, while an even taller and more bulkier figure occupied the stove. This figure was a man, strong in body, and even stronger in soul. He trapped his jet-black hair in a ponytail that stretched down to his waist, just like Cronyl’s.
He hummed the same melody then the woman; the melody Cronyl listened to every night before he fell asleep as a child.
He was back in Anore, the village he grew up.
He was home.
“How do you like it, starbug?” Her mother looked up at him, her friendly smile never leaving her lips. “Isn't it too dry for you? It’s not a treasure map after all.”
Cronyl could see his father’s tender smile spreading across his lips too, as he lifted his wooden spoon up for tasting.
“I hear success anyway, camin’el.”
Joy. A feeling almost unfamiliar. It nested in Cronyl’s chest as he turned back towards the living room; his draar friends played over there, giggling and walking around the old-new map in awe. Mheera. Ner’rox. Gronoq. Kanna.
The sound of talking parents from the kitchen in the blissful afternoons. Cronyl proudly showed the maps her mother drew and books his father binded to the draar children. His friends.
The sweet scenery of home.
Stark-white uniforms out of nowhere.
Then, screaming.
A chest, only a keyhole to peek out. Shouting. Stinging stench of burning flesh. Piling bodies. Screaming no more. Blood, so much blood.
His friends.
Their parents.
His parents.
Only one strike.
Cronyl’s eyes snapped open as he instinctively sat up; a ripping sound of cloth and drumming blood in his ears followed by.
He jerked around, but his vision was maddening; a big mass of blurry darkness where an ever-moving, gold-bronze something crystal clearly stirred in the corner of his right eye, while blood-red veins evenly thumped on his left. Blood. The slightest twitching of the fine muscles of a lips, constant moving of eyelids, slumped shoulders by the tight chest muscles. Burning flesh. He saw all and every little movement of a sleeping body beside him. But also moving metal somewhere. His red clouded head throbbed with the lethal reflex of finding a weakness; a mark of an old strain, the exposed artery on the neck, the…
Cronyl shut his eyes closed.
His ragged breathing was the only sound in the room. His night pants soaked and stuck to his legs from the cold sweat that covered all of his body. He felt the bitter taste of iron as his sharpened teeth bit into his tongue.
Cronyl clenched them together anyway, steeling his trembling body and forcing himself to think.
Think… there was no ash he could smell, nor fire he could feel the heat of. Sweet scented air. He was in a room. A huge room. Darkness. It was night. He got the impression of moonlight. Clear sky then.
Evalon, he was in Evalon.
His sight… Cronyl lifted a hand to touch his forehead, where he could feel cloth under his fingers. Right, his bandana slipped during his sleep. His eyes got confused by each other.
He pulled it back to hide his left eye, heart not calming fast enough.
He breathed in; a deep swallow really, still ragged. He couldn’t get a better one out of himself. Not yet.
Cronyl opened his eye slowly.
He could see the faint outline of the intricately carved furniture now, his bag tossed into the corner, metal cube peeking out through its mouth. The moon’s shine seemed to bend around it.
The room was royal big, decorated by all the fancy, flowy patterns forced into the pricey stone. Cronyl turned to his left when he felt a tender breath on his arm as he was leaning back.
Avel slept beside him, sweet and sound, his sharp wrist spike mere inches from her closed eyes.
Cold dread washed over Cronyl’s bones as he yanked his hand away from her face. He cursed inside his head as he realized his spikes ripped through his two layers of leather bandages wrapped around his wrists and ankles.
Avel seemed to take a slightly deeper breath, when her eyes fluttered open just enough to reveal a bit of her golden irises. Her pale blonde hair blanketed her shoulders and some of the ripped up sheet under them. She looked at him slowly, dreams still clouding her gaze.
“Everything… alright?” she asked so softly, the last bit of the question turned into a whisper. Her eyes closed back letter by letter, then stubbornly opened up again, but hung there even heavier.
Cronyl’s core trembled even more from this, so he tightened his muscles to stop the feeling seizing control.
“Yes. Sleep.” His voice didn’t sound like him. It barely sounded anything like someone’s voice.
He slowly lifted his hand anyway and reached over her head, the movement making her close her eyes and not open them again. He knew caressing always calmed her.
But he stopped his hand in the air. Blood and ink soaked it, dripping from his shaking, bruised little fingers. And it wasn’t his blood.
He clenched his jaw as he turned away, tossing down the ripped and teared blanket and stood up instead. He wasn’t ready for a touch. Not yet.
He stole a glance from Avel, though, who fortunately stayed asleep. Good.
Cronyl silently slipped out of their room onto the hallway that was equally huge, but more decorated. He didn’t need to look around anymore, and he didn’t care for any of the grandeur. The only thing he was focusing on was the cold touch of the marble floors under his bare foot, the cool breeze that was coming from the Star Room and the said place’s moonlit, blue-grey view at the end of the hallway.
He already reached the entrance, when he realized he was half-jogging.
Metals, he was nearly panting. What a joke. He slowed his pace to enter without hesitation and make his way straight to an enormous window. His loose pants rustled as he sat down in the alcove, glassless night view spreading out before him. He chose a sitting that had no cushion laid down on it, only the naked stone under him. Cronyl crossed his legs, then leaned onto the wall, icy sensation running through his body as his back touched the material.
He exhaled, then inhaled. Then again. And again.
He looked out at the field of the Dione manor, blanketed by shadows and night-black patches, where Humming Oak trees should have been. Its rustling leaves sung a lullaby that he never heard before he set foot on the Dione estate. He seemed to get used to it already. To singing trees that everyone found calming and soothing.
Although, Cronyl rarely fit into the group of “everyone”.
He felt his skin prickling, where the memory of the heat harassed it; his nose full of the smell of ashen paper and wood. Pictures and sounds from a time he could never forget.
Cronyl dropped his head back, hitting the stone slightly.
He needed something to hold onto. Something to keep him in the present. Something to bring him back into the present. And so, he finally looked back into the room, letting his sight drink in the view he avoided.
Glowing starbugs were flying around there, some closer to the ceiling than the others, little wings flapping and fluttering as they playfully flipped over sometimes. Their blue and purple shimmers illuminated their small figures; they couldn’t have been bigger than Cronyl’s thumbs. Hundreds of these creatures floated inside, while some strayed and inched closer to the windows. There was one particular starbug with a clumsy wing that caught Cronyl’s eyes.
Or more like the figure the creature approached.
Darmon sat three windows far from Cronyl, traditional evalonian kimono wrapped around his body, legs freely hanging from the edge of the window. He wore black, as always, a color the nobles despised and which the nation looked down upon. His hair grazed his shoulders as he inspected the starbug with something like… longing in his eye? Cronyl couldn’t tell, but he still felt his body tense up from the knowledge of him being there.
How could he not notice him before?
Darmon slowly cocked his head as the glowing creature found the perfect angle of its path towards him. He lifted a hand, taking his time as if worried he might scare the little thing away.
Cronyl had no intention to talk, nor take his leave, however. His head felt still clouded with red mist and haunting pictures of his dream. Of his nightmare. Of his memory. He needed silence and an empty room. Something he was familiar with. Lone moments. Hopeless minutes. Vengeful desires. He flexed his fingers, widening his palm, so his slightly sharpening nails wouldn’t cut into his flesh.
He needed to calm down.
Darmon pulled his hand back. His gaze fell on Cronyl, as the starbug guided it there while it settled on a window’s alcove, right between them. The faintest hint of surprise ran through Darmon’s features. He glanced towards the entrance and then back at Cronyl.
Then he nodded as a greeting.
Cronyl returned the gesture with a rigid motion. His gaze quickly wandered from Darmon at the little starbug that floated between them, dancing around, flipping and wagging its better wing. It moved the same way as he last saw it; back in Anore, in a peaceful night with his mother, laying in the grass on the field. His mother. Calm nights, and joyful giggles. Blood. Screams. Fire.
“Everything is alright?” A voice ripped him out of his daze. An always annoyingly calm voice. Darmon’s voice.
Cronyl looked up at him, but he didn’t need to see his face to understand; his spikes sharpened again. His teeth yet again poked his tongue in his mouth and he felt his ears to change a little too. There was no point of trying to hide; nothing’s alright.
He shrugged, straightened one leg and forced his eye to not look at the slowly increasing group of starbugs approaching him.
A creature started to wiggle in the same rhythm as the Oak’s humming, he could see it from the corner of his eye. Darmon stole a glance from it, then looked back at Cronyl. He stared at him for a moment, which made Cronyl think he’ll say something. Darmon, however, turned back to the night view instead, gaze losing focus and wandering freely. He let silence conquer the Star Room, glowing little creatures dancing around them.
This was what Cronyl wanted and what Darmon let him have. There was nothing to disturb his train of thoughts. His never ending fire in his chest that burnt with such intensity, he doubted anything could ever soothe it. Or… no, there was one thing. One life.
One kill.
“We can never get rid of them, can we?”
Darmon’s voice dragged him back into the present. Again. Cronyl realized he pushed his claws into the stone, the faint pain in his hand being so distant, he barely felt it. The color left his skin, while the taste of iron tiptoed onto his tongue. He was on the edge and his Wildness did not help him a bit. He was losing control. He was losing it. He was… lost.
Cronyl took a deep breath and turned towards Darmon.
The mage did not look at him, he kept his stare still on the night view outside. He seemed calm and content, legs freely hanging in the air, a slight breeze playing with his hair, glowing starbugs around him. He… also tightly held the stone with his hands beside him.
Cronyl furrowed his brows as he looked Darmon up again.
He was leaning over, but his body seemed stiff and he always shrugged as if trying to get rid of the kimono on him. He stared outside, but his eye did not look at anything particular, in fact, from a better angle, Cronyl could see the hollow inside.
Darmon sighed then, a heavy, tired sigh. One that Cronyl was very familiar with.
The sigh of nightmares.
Cronyl straightened himself, a strange thing blooming in his chest he couldn’t really grasp.
“Do you want to?” he asked. Why he decided to speak up, he couldn’t say, but he did it anyway.
Darmon lifted his chin, a starbug almost nearing close enough to actually reach him, but then it changed its mind and twirled away slowly. The mage slightly leaned back, then glanced at Cronyl from the corner of his eye. There was no hint of a smile on his lips, no content calmness, even the painfully thoughtful features of his face turned into something else. Something tired. Something real. Something… awfully familiar.
“No, I don’t. It helps me remember who I was and who I should be. Who I want to be,” he turned towards Cronyl just enough so he could have a clear look at him. “Do you?”
There was a certain intimacy in the question and the unspoken understanding of their topic. The sharing of a weight few carried. A strange bond, where they might want to talk about their night terrors and horrifying visions, memories, dreams, but would never dare to do it out loud.
Cronyl fixated a stray, glowing little creature from the side of his eyes. Their bluish-purple light always reminded him of his mother, and that night when she first showed him a wild starbug. Of a memory he could no longer think of as something heartfelt or joyful. He repressed a sigh and let his still tight grip loosen up.
“No. I feel the same. Which is strange enough to begin with.”
Metals, he felt so much lighter. From what, he couldn’t actually tell. He probably will never be able to. But there was something in this one exchange that lifted the darkness they sat inside the brightly lit room ever so slowly. And Darmon seemed to feel the same way from the look on his face. Cronyl could swear he almost saw a little smile tugging on the corner of his lips.
“Strange is something we’re experts in; you and me both,” Darmon added, a little tilt of his head signaling towards Cronyl. He scoffed, knowing well enough what the mage talked about.
He pulled one of his leg up and put his elbow on his knee. His exposed, bare upper body was something that people rarely could see in a driadlin society. Hiding your spikes – and therefore most of your body was a part of everything; etiquette, religion, tradition. Things Cronyl grew up on, and things he decided to not follow. Or, not fully anyway.
Cronyl saw Darmon’s gaze lingering on one particular point on him, which made him automatically reach for it. A tattoo from his neck down to the edge of his left shoulder. There was a time when even he could barely touch it without wincing. He still felt the forceful grips around his arms, pinning him down and the needles’ painful, ghostly sensations on his skin as he ran his fingers through the lines. He stopped at every tiny wound, where the pattern also lost its shape. Then, without thinking, he reached higher, the back of his thumb grazing over the scar starting from his upper lip, running over the left side of his face. He didn’t stop the movement at his eye covered with the bandana, which also hid the rest of the scar. His finger still drew the marks over the cloth, just like the fresh inks brightened the old lines in his dream; he felt it on his skin, on his eye, on his scarred brow.
“You know what my tattoo means, mage?” He did not look at Darmon. He knew he was listening anyway. “The mark of the exiled. They did this, so no-one could shelter us and say they didn’t know who we are. What we are. That they were risking their life being only near us.” Cronyl paused for a moment. “They marked me the day I saw my parents die by the hand of the head of the Ivory Guard. He butchered them with all the draar rebels my parents cooperated with to stop the war. They ran an organization as I later came to understand, the one Zaherra was talking about.”
“You and Zaherra’s daughter are those two children who survived only,” Darmon quitely ended the thought. Of course he figured it out.
Cronyl nodded slightly.
I always dream about that night. When a terrified, helpless child hid into a chest, shaking bones crackling the same way fire does; the exact thing that devoured our home bit by bit. I could do nothing but watch it burn. My eye became powerful from all those horrors I saw then and there. This metal-cursed eye is something others would kill for – ironically. And I would give it away in a heartbeat for bringing them back. The draar families, my parents. I would… because I’m still that child, mage and I always will be.
The words sat on the tip of his tongue, but he never said them out loud. He couldn’t. And he didn’t need to.
“You might not believe me,” Darmon started. He earned a glance from Cronyl. “Even I wouldn’t in your place; but I understand.”
Perhaps, a continuation should have followed his statement. Something specific or something to hold onto.
But Darmon remained silent.
He sat there, three windows far from Cronyl and looked away respectfully, right towards the starbugs. Cronyl remembered what Izohr told them once; that these creatures were native to Helios. Native to Onidia, way before everything else. They existed before life itself graced the lands, carrying all the light and wonder in the world inside their little bodies.
Which also meant Darmon was gazing at something he was intimately familiar with, maybe even from his childhood. No joy twinkled in his eye, though.
Cronyl realized this is what he needed exactly. The silent, private reason did the job perfectly; his chest wasn’t that heavy anymore and his mind had cleared just enough to let his spikes pull back. Darmon was a bastard, a man who made terrible mistakes, a mage who possessed horrendous powers. He was also ridiculously well-mannered, quiet and clever – or a smartass, whichever the situation required. He was a pain in the ass, a voice of reason, and eventually became a man of people. He was many things as Cronyl slowly recognized it.
But, ultimately, he was a broken, lost boy, under everything. And so was Cronyl.
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f1nalboys · 1 month
hi! may i request headcannons of enemies to lovers with bo sinclair? 💖
LOVEDDDD writing this!!!! i missed writing for bo :(((( (me when al i do is write for this guy) anyways i hope you enjoy and thank you for the request!!!!
Bo Sinclair x GN!Reader
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WARNINGS: brief mention of stockholm syndrome, brief mentions throughout about bo being an evil evil guy, mentions of the basement/chair/being duct taped to said chair, canon typical stuff. me pushing my bo praising agenda.... also not proofread sorry guys
so this is absolutely how any relationship with bo starts 
youre a victim babe CONGRATULATIONS <3333
so in my own personal (and correct opinion) bo likes someone with some fight in them
i mean, we saw how excited he was when he had to chase after carly
and ive read the script and bo is extra into carly in that script 
anyways, he loves having to Work to break you in
and trust and believe, he will break you in
you would come into town with a group and bo would be drawn to you immediately
not in a love at first sight kinda way (or at least, not like how it is typically LMFAO) but in a ‘interesting…’ way, you know?
anyways, he’d prefer you coming with a group because hes gonna seriously enjoying killing them all off and showing you that youre alone
youre getting strapped to that chair too
(again, congratulations <333)
he will take his time
bo doesnt have the best patience until it comes to you
your fighting or begging would get old but he cant kill you
he doesnt know WHY he cant, but he just cant
which pisses him off to no end.
youd stay in the basment for minimum a month, longer if you hold out that long
now, your time there is not fun by any means, but i dont think it would be the worst
because once Bo decides that for some reason youre different than the others he brought down here, and that he wants to keep you, hes going to break you down by being sweet
it would fuck you up, 100%
one day he’s carving into you and making you wish you were dead and the next hes carefully feeding you some (burnt) breakfast food and cooing at you
he’s also complimenting you whenever you listen to him, firing off those dopamine receptors in the only way he knows how
you dont scream when he walks down into the basement? he’s patting your cheek with that big toothy grin of his telling you how sweet you are.
you dont fight him when he wraps the duct tape around your wrists and ankles? he’s telling you how well youre doing, how hes gonna try and be gentle with you, shushing you gently when you wince, maybe even hinting that if you keep being good for him that he might stop duct taping you to the chair…
he fucks with your head
and he KNOWS hes fucking with your head
he can see the way you stop yourself from smiling when hes kind to you, how you get a flash of confusion or even anger when you and he are getting along
it gets him off fear to say
anyways, im saying all this to say a true enemies to lovers with bo is stockholm syndrome but he makes it sexy so…
you know youre pretty much in the clear when he takes you up to the house
first few times is only to feed you and then back to the garage you go
its just to get a feel for how youre feeling towards bo
ANY whiff of you trying to run or trick him and youre dead
sorry to say
but if you are a little scared and just want to stay on his good side, youre totally good AND hes gonna be soooo proud of you
sorry im feeling faint thinking about bo praising me….. ok sorry back to what i was saying
the first night you stay in the house with him hes on high alert
he might pretend to sleep in the bed, but hes not
hes holding his breath and waiting for you to try and kill him in his sleep 
once youre at the point where youre living in the house with him and hes giving you some responsibilities, you have that man hook line and sinker
he is obsessed with you, had been from the start, but he is showing it way more now
and hes CLINGYYYYYY ugh im giggling
hes standing in the doorway watching you do the dishes he got dirty and hes like ok….im heading to the garage…………if you finish you can join me………or you can finish the dishes later….maybe……whatever i dont care…
like ok liar ill come watch you be a slut bent over a car
he doesnt ever really ask you to be his partner but its kind of obvious with how he acts? like idk how to describe it, he just treats you like hed treat a partner without asking you
because lets be fr what would you do? say no?
anyways once youre his partner he has eyes for no one else
hes not gonna stop the killing or the nefarious shit he gets up to in the garage with victims, but like… he doesn't like them the way he loves you <33 
yeah maybe its me being insane but i dont think bo would be the worst slasher to date
weird circumstances get you to that point but once youre past that then youre kinda set
hes whipped like idk what to tell you and you cant prove me wrong
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desire-mona · 12 days
dead poets society chars but i assign them random things ive seen happen on the internet / random videos or posts i remember (not based on anything it is genuinely at random):
neil - tony crynight's fnaf animation series which i dont entirely remember the plot of but i'll try to describe. so basically its fake mangle lore to say that mangle is the way they are (all broken and shit) because Mangle kissed Foxy and Chica got jealous so she took a Machete to Mangle to Mangled them. and then the gang tries to save mangle or whatever
todd - fluffle puff, someones pink fluffy mlp oc who was in lesbians with chrysalis (i think thats her name, i never watched mlp). mosy notably known for the animation to pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows. also the creator is a pedophile i think
charlie - sorrow tv and his entire existence. sorrow tv was a youtuber who made videos reading out reddit videos in silly voices. there was a whole posse of youtubers who did this, and he was the most popular just bc his voice acting was rly good. i still watch him every couple months even tho he hasnt posted since 2021.
cameron - does bruno mars is gay? i think about cameron man door hand hook car door every day, so i obviously need to point to my third favourite silly trying to be serious sentence. most ppl know this from game grumps but im not linking a game grumps video on here. rumour come out!
knox - venturiantale, the youtube channel usually consisting of 4? siblings playing gmod together usually. the channel itself was ran by this guy named jordan i think? and his siblings has their own channels. i knew them best for their fnaf gmod videos and their fanmail videos. turns out they were all very christian? and the whole family was abusive and way deep into said christianity if i remember correctly, one of the siblings who left first made a video on it. the venturiantale channel hasnt posted in like 2 yrs and the slow death was kinda sad to see bc he (jordan) blamed it all on The Algorithm.
meeks - that one nagito komaeda kinnie back in Whenever it was cutting off their finger to. i guess prove that they were a nagito kinnie frfr? if u dont know danganronpa lore then nagito gets his hand cut off and replaced with junko enoshima's hand because sheeeee got... executed? i wont lie i dont remember this part of the games story sorry. but essentially that one person was like I Gotta Do That........ anyway im jk the audio was faked and nothing actually happened + the person is fine LAWL
pitts - the key of awesome's parody of tiktok by kesha called glitter puke. theres no lore to this the key of awesome is / was ? a silly little song parody channel. this video was made in 2010 and it kinda shows in some moments but other than that it holds up. just checked and the key of awesome is Not still going, it ended 6 years ago and the last video was actually rly good and genuine
keating - onma island is buried a treasure chest. ok so basically mr beast made a video talking abt a private island and he buried. a treasure chest for a viewer to find. during the video he said "on my island is buried a treasure chest" but it sounded like "onma" which this one youtuber (pinely) found rly funny. it became an inside joke with his friends (one of whom got a tattoo) which then became a lowkey meme. mr beast even tweeted it so. good lord thats a lot of links sorry there isnt a know your meme page or anything
chris - i dont have any links for this one sorry, im just gonna tell the story and u have to believe me when i say i swear it happened (its very a believable fandom story im sure you will). so back when the genshin impact was still in its fairly early days (late 2020-early 2021) the phrase "hear me out" to refer to characters n stuff started becoming popular I THINK at the same time. so people in the genshin fandom were like hear me out with increasingly more heinous shit. started with characters, then npcs, then enemies, then bosses, then weapons, the stamina bar at one point, etc. a lot of these were jokes or straight up bait but back then (maybe now too - i havent been part of the genshin fandom for a LONG time) people took bait far more often than they didnt. so it became a "genshin fandom bad" gotcha to point out That One stamina bar post.
ginny - $300 junko enoshima wig! sorry for double dipping with danganronpa it was just the first fandom i actually started like. on purpose noting fandom happenings with + a lot of shit happens in that fandom. this one cosplayer who at the time was called snowthesaltqueen / badguyincorporated started selling pre-made (and styled) junko enoshima cosplay wigs for $300. which WOULD be fair (i think? idk how cosplay commissions work) if said wig was styled well or quality at all, but what was ACTUALLY provided was a rly basic wig base and few clips with no note or no nothing, and rly flat. like on purpose. like that was "the styling". also you may recognise this cosplayer for 1) getting in trouble when they did a cosplay photoshoot (danganronpa cosplay funnily enough) in a graveyard, posing ON a gravestone. 2) KILLING SOMEONE. they were screwing around with a firearm and fake pointing it at someone and then they accidentally shot them.
i could do this forever like actually. i have SO many internet stories in my brain its actually bad.
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peachywritesstuff · 1 year
Imma say my thoughts/opinions on the situation and then imma bounce off of tumblr for a hot minute.
First thing I would like to say is that I am staying NEUTRAL. GRAY.SWITZERLAND. IN.THE.MIDDLE. and my thoughts will explain WHY I am remaing neutral. I am not someone who is faking just so I can secretly defend Percy.THAT IS NOT THE CASE!!!
#1. The slur
It's pretty obvious that he said it's clear as a blue sky. I frankly don't know the c-word or know what it means but I have learned that is somthing revolving around Canada and how it's very normalized to say which is sad.
#2. The r- /sa allegations
I am going to try my best to be sensitive as possible with my words with this part.This is where I am very lost. 1. I saw someone say (dont remember who) that dates don't matter when they come to victims coming out with sa or r- but they do. Especially if its a celebrity. This isn't just regular twitter drama this is something very serious that has a lot of 'evidence' (I will explain why I put that in air quotes) And at this rate authorites have(or will) already gotten involved and if this goes into to court they will ask for dates this occurred and if they can't be properly backed up that lead to something else like defamation. No amount of times I re-read all the tweets with all the pictures and text messages will make me feel any less lost. Yes everything is there and it makes Percy look like a very bad person but at the same time....it's all so blended together?? Idk how to explain it. Some of the text messages that i have seen is to fumbled and mushed together like I'm lost with all the ages this happened and apparently Canada has the 5 year law relating to minors???
#3. The nudes
Some of them honestly look like he took them when he himself was a minor which kinda sucks for everybody else who had been spreading his nudes (actual nudes) everywhere on Twitter. Still doesn't make it ok for him to send them to minors ( allegedly)it ALSO doesnt make it ok to release his all over the internet. Because that looks bad for the people spreading them becuase 1. Someone from Percy's team is watching. Do yall not think they are ignoring this? With so much out already I highly doubt they are. They will find people spreading his nudes around just because no words have been spoken to us doesn't mean nothing is happening. And if I wanna butt in this part the ones with him on the toilet and bed honestly look like some teenage boy doing something stupid. However we don't know the context behind those nudes just one where he took a shit at his new apartment (which that one really looks like he was being really stupid but who uses the bathroom naked?????)
#4. Him staying silent is guilt.
This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. He isn't saying anything until he has a lawyer and his team can make up a proper statement. That situation is out of his hands now he no longer has control over his social media.
#5. The 'Evidence'
I will explain why i put evidence in quotations. Half of the evidence is coming from anonymous,and faceless accounts which will be useless in court becuase they cannot verify if they already have them printed out they cannot know who wrote those allegations. If they find the person who wrote those allegations this is a chance they dont want to testify and if those people are real or not. Being a faceless account in a situation like this is kind of iffy but I can get why you don't want people to know you said that stuff. The evidence keeps changing every hour and one minute is this but then actually it's this or wait it's that.
I am trying to think from the pov of the victims and I would honestly be terrified of thousands of people coming at me asking all types of questions but everything is all over the place. The right thing for the victims to do is to step away from social media, sit down and organize everything and make sure everything they have can fall back on something. What is on Twitter is just..... evidence thrown up together.
#6.the vicims
I have been looking on Twitter and learned the victims are acting....odd? Not all of them. One of them made a tiktok about how they canceled a Netflix star in 9 days into 2023 and another one commented "yeah we did that". Idk about yall but that's weird. Sounds like their flexing??? You don't flex about a rapist. Especially with what they did to you.
Next, one of them threaten another person saying she will find where she live and for her saftey she better leave her alone. But then she tweets how she was going to (legally) do it but they messages she sent to the girl was coming off very threatening. She wasn't threatening to kill idk why people are thinking that but she was threatening the girl and she was obviously going to do something. She claims the person was spaming her but the person supposedly spaming her said she was just saying Percy was innocent. Idk if she said that in one text or multiple. I get how she was angry I really do but the way she pharsed it only made herself look more bad.
Third, the same girl(victim) from the pervious paragraph has tweeted in the past about Wednesday and has talked about it not about Percy,but about Wednesday and her mothers relationship. What confuses me is that he has (allegedly) r-/sa this girl but she proceeds to watch the show he has a decent amount of scenes in? Then, according to one of the tweets,20h before the allegations rose she was tweeting about how she gets told she looks like a lot like Wednesday. Idk could be a coincidence, could not be. WE DO NOT KNOW.
#7. Time
It has not been a fully 47 hours since this stuff came out. People are automatically expecting a response from Percy is beyond delusional. I think we all woke up to this so and had a chaotic morning (ik I did) he can not defend himself yet because of his legal team possibly taking over his socials. It will be awhile until we hear something which is why the good half of people are waiting for his side to come out before deciding futher of their place on the situation. I know everybody is waiting impatiently but it's gonna be a while.
#8. Throwing the r word around.
I don't like how everyone is throwing that word around. Calling people who try to remain neutral apologist r- and saying that to basically anyone who wants to think logically. First off nothing has been proved he done anything. Don't be fooled I am equally as disgusted as you are but this is all coming from Twitter. Yes the victims had no where else to go because they went to the police and they did nothing but this is all coming from twitter. No spare videos of anything but him saying the slur,just screenshots and words. We don't even know if the evidence can be used in court guys.
I'm trying to be logical about the whole thing,and I am pointing out stuff that has stook out to me. After this I am keeping my mouth shut and watching from the sidelines.
There is so much more I want to say but it's almost 1am where I am at and I'm tired. If the allegations are true my heart goes out to the victims. If it's not,then even more hell is gonna break loose. Until we can see Percy's side there is nothing else we can do but wait. I am just so sad about this whole thing and wish that everything isn't true but it's really not looking good for him. Only time will tell with this. I hope my way of saying things did not offend any of you and if they did I am truly sorry. I'm taking a risk and leaving my messages opened but please tell me your opinions kindly. I have told mine with minimal to no violence I would like to have the same option when expressing yalls with me.
The last thing I will say is that Twitter is a mess. Idk what to believe anymore. Stuff keeps changing and it gets more confusing. This all just needs to be settled outside of Twitter. I'm sad the victims had to resort to this route but everything is a mess and it's too confusing and I won't believe or side with anyone until an official statement is out. Not something from Twitter.
Hope yall have a good day or night guys :) make sure yall eat well and drank some water. To my followers, idk if I will be back to posting maybe I will maybe I won't ,Xavier Thorpe was quite the reason I started back writing and with him gone all of that motivation is just gone now. I'm sorry to yall becuas I feel like I disappointed yall cuz all fo you were looking forward to my stuff but until futher notice, I will be off of Twitter,and semi off of Tumblr.
Peaches Out ✌🏽❤️
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thegirlwhowrites642 · 4 months
Just saw everything that happened around your recent post about Harry and Ron and I’m really sorry for everything that you had to go through, I hope you are alright. Please do not let unreasonable people bring down your spirit, you are an amazing soul and an amazing writer (thoroughly enjoyed Back to the Eclipse); you have no idea how much your metas have helped people like me.
I have always loved reading but as the rebellious teen that I was I refused to read anything that was very popular so I had never read the Harry Potter books or watched the movies and I was kinda oblivious to the situation of the fandom as well. However last year I decided to read the books and guess what I absolutely fell in love with Ginny and Harry both as individual characters and as a couple(perks of reading the series without any preconceived biases), both of them are my top two favourite characters in the series (though Ginny kinda takes the crown for me). After finishing the series I was really excited to see what interesting opinions and takes people have not just for Ginny and Harry but for other characters in the series as well. However due to my inexperience with fandoms in general, the stupid me decided to start with reddit and quora (I still don’t understand why I did that to myself) and OMFG, the amount Ginny and Harry hate literally drove me crazy.
Honestly from the beginning I didn’t have much expectation from HarryXanyone other than Ginny shippers and Hermione’s arse worshippers; but the romione shippers and Ron fans????
The way the Ron and Romione fans slander Ginny (and also Harry, but to a much lesser extent than Ginny) was truly disturbing for me to read which lead me into questioning my own judgement about Ginny’s character and Hinny and I started believing that maybe I’m completely wrong about everything I thought about Ginny and Harry, because I really love Ron and I like romione as well despite all its problems and I thought that those people on the interenet have read the books so many more times than I have so “inevitably” they have to be right (and all of this I have to say was a very wrong thing on my part, though in my defence I was really busy with my Uni so I didn’t really have the time to think through things).
Then one fine day I stumbled upon your tumblr and you wouldn’t believe my happiness to finally come across someone who shares my ideas and opinions about characters, writing and literature in general but is much better and fearless than I can ever be in expressing those opinions. Your metas have reinforced my love for Ginny and Harry as individual characters and a couple again and has inspired me to be absolutely shameless in expressing my love for them. In fact you have also kinda inspired me to start my own tumblr account and ramble about my favourite characters, books and literature which I might do in near future.
Sorry for the rant
Please continue to be the amazing person that you are and continue to inspire people.
Loads of love from India    
Ok, first of all, you guys are so nice but I swear what happened is absolutely not a big deal.
People are absolutely free to disagree with what I say, even if I wish they did it when there's actually something two people can have different opinions on.
That said, I'm so happy you liked Back to the Eclipse and that my metas arrived to someone. It's really crazy the gaslighting this fandom does when it comes to hinny, isn't it?
Also, I am so happy to have inspired you to share your opinions!
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arachnaspi · 9 months
This is a rant about a Good Omens post that came across my FYP and it's kinda long so if you don't have the patience/mindset, scroll past :)
Ok but like I can't be the only person who thought when Nina confronted Crowley about his feeling for Aziraphale that Crowley's little "oh" moment was bc he found out other people could see his feelings for Aziraphale, not bc he realized he had feelings for Aziraphale.
Idk, I just saw a post abt how someone was saying (I'm paraphrasing this) "with Crowley's character it's so wrong that he's only realizing now he's in love" and it made me go :T because
1. I didn't interpret that scene that way (and I'll say it, I might be wrong and maybe I missed something that the poster didn't)
2. Based on the wording this poster chose, when they complained about how "wrong" it was for Crowley to act that way, it kinda sounded like they were on the verge of citing bad writing, which hoo boy
About bad writing:
First off, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If you want to say something is "bad writing" go right ahead but personally, I'd love to hear/read why you think that! I love hearing explanations of opinions (but I understand if someone just wants to throw something out there without it being tossed back at them)
Second, there's a difference between "bad writing" and "[this] doesn't align with what I expected/wanted to happen". Both of these have the given premise that you correctly interpreted what was written in the first place. Now, you can say that "can anything in the world really be interpreted correctly bc we all have our own individual experiences and preconceptions that influence how we see the world?" and I'll say yes of course.
"Bad writing", the way I understand it, is when an author writes a story in a way where characters consistently don't act the way they are supposed to based on what was established in the beginning of the story, or some twist happens where any/all character development disappears and it's supposed to sound like a good thing. (I am aware this is not always the case bc like with chemistry and the English language, writing has many exceptions for all its supposed rules.)
In other words, if one doesn't like how something happened in the work, that's not exactly bad writing, that's simply preference. If one didn't like how the author dragged on and on about how something happened that's unimportant to the rest of the story (e.g. describing a blade of grass for three paragraphs when it has nothing to do with the story), or did something to a character only for shock value and erased their development (or even the story's development) in the process, then that is what I'd consider bad writing. This is just my opinion though and I am not a scholar, I just read/watch a lot.
So, when someone says "it is so wrong for this character to act this way in this one instance" it kinda rubs me the wrong way because 1. Did we interpret that scene the same way? (In this case, no) and 2. If we did interpret this the same way, perhaps the author had a reason for the character acting in this manner - after all it's a one-time event. Sure, it's out of character but it's not bad writing since it's not a pattern. After all, we humans don't always act in-character - if your best friend is cranky after waking up late and clumsily spilling their coffee everywhere in their half-awake haze, are you going to tell them it's wrong for them to act that way after what happened to them? Why are we expecting well-written fictional characters to always hit their beats when we don't do that ourselves?
Maybe I read into this more than I needed to but I had thoughts and nowhere to put them. But if anyone wants to healthily debate or comment on anything I said, feel free! :D And if you want me to clarify something, I'd be happy to do that as well.
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inkedmyths · 1 year
S1: E12 "Faith"
Brought to you by Crepe bribing me with Flight Rising money
[ Kayla asks if it was worth it to sell your soul to capitalism. Crepe said yes. I agree. I may have to endure on but now I have more money for my dragons. This will, unfortunately, always work on me. ]
Cuz you gotta have faith-uh faith-uh faith-uh
Oh we're starting out with the Winchesters? No mysterious deatb if some random person?
[ Kayla interjects with Carry On My Wayward Son. I get flashbacks to playing it on repeat when I initially began this journey. ]
Oooough closeeeet Dean I'm sure you're scared of that
[ Kayla asks Crepe if Dean does any homoeroticism in S1 aside from being too happy about getting pinned to a car. Crepe says no. This does not matter to me, I will make the joke anyways. ]
There are children! Hello children!
Ew what is that
UH Dean buddy that canNOT be healthy
Hi Dean! You look like shit!
Dean you are too chill with your mortality but also Sam is WAY too not chill about it
Sam. Sam no
I mean I know Dean is still sround for however many fucking seasons but
Why are you both stupid
[ Kayla says this is the parentified child vs child he parentified effect. Which. Yeah fair. ]
Dean: Sam what kinda crazy religion place are you bringing me to
[ Kayla says that he's a whore and to leave him alone. That the sluttiest thing a man can do is be an older brother. Kayla is this some kind of kink for you. ]
LAUGHING im sorry watching Dean get throwm on the spot. Poor dumbass
Go up Dean this is your personal hell now
[ Crepe says no, wrong season. Lovely. ]
Dean having that face that I feel so deeply in my soul whenever someone tries to preacg Christianity to me
FUCKING. HAND AGAINST HIS HEAD poor Dean's face shshshs
Oh. Oh my god it traded his life for his
O h n o
This is interesting and good but its also so fucking spooky the vibes
Ohhhh something. Something wanted Dean to live.
[ Kayla and Crepe go back and forth about how Supernatural is technically a horror show, though this is dropped somewhat in later seasons. What the fuck did I get myself into. ]
What the fuck is up w/Layla (Leilah?)
Oh :( poor girl
And Dean was the one who got healed so he's :((
"Why do you deserve to live more than my daughter?" man
Dean's like 😟
Chick in the woods? Girl whats up?
Girl is abt to die for this old guy
The music shdhdhdhsh
Thats pretty banger ngl. Whats this song anywas.... Death In The Valley?
SCREAMS the guy handing out pamphlets "Roy is a fraud"
Dean: Amen brother
Sam: You keep up the good work!
Man: Thank you
God its so interesting storywise but also the vibes are Upsetting
Sam committing breaking and entering all by himself good for him
GOOOOOD SHIT FUCK nooo i dont wanna watch anymore I don't like confrontation and oough BAD VIBES
Im turning on captions hold on
Noooooooooooo besties I Cannot
Guys this is UPSETTING
I keep pausing 😭
I'm like stop starting bc I would rather read than hear WHASGSFAFAF
[ Crepe is grinding in Coliseum on Flight Rising to pay me more so I watch more. I can't tell if I'm genius for this or not. ]
Oh the poor guy screaming and Sam being like WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT
Oh I stopped started so much Netflix crashed LMAO
Hrrrgh yeah yeah ok compelling but I want to crawl up a tree
Oh shes still praying
Ohhh its his wife.... his wife couldn't stand to lose him.... oh.......
"God save us from half the people who think they're doing God's work." hey who gave this show the right
[ Kayla says "Remember when I told you this show was sometimes really good?" I tell her to fuck off. She says I'm only proving her point. I call her a bitch. This has no effect. ]
A+ plan buddy
Godddd the vibes are so ick and tragic but man
Dean buddy get ready to run again
"The Lord chose me" NO IT FUCKIN DIDN'T
Sams gonna like smack her huh
Oh that Reaper did NOT like being bound
Something something metaphor for controlling death
Winchester Patented Guilt Complex
Oh she still has faith even when she's got a bad diagnosis :(
; - ;
So like Dean Winchester Aetheist Extraordinaire saying "I'm not much of a praying type... but I'll pray for you" is something that can be so personal actually
Don't. Don't touch me go away
Fuck you guys for making me watch this show I'm tearing up I hate you all
In conclusion: OKAY DEAN WINCHESTER LIKERS MAYBE I GET IT. But also fuck off fuck all of you I hate it here goddamn you AUGH I WASNT EXPECTING TO TEAR UP OVER THIS FUCK YOOOOOOOU
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argumentl · 2 years
The Freedom of Expression Vol:9 - Looking back on the Phalaris tour. 
Part 1
K: Hi, here we are starting The Freedom of Expression live on our niconama channel. Im Kaoru from Dir en grey. 
J: Im Joe Yokomizo 
T: Im Tasai from Tokyo Sports
K: Well, its been a while since the three of us were here live. 
J: Really?? 
K: Im talking about you!
J: Oh, me?! Yeh, was it around May? I couldnt come...
K: And we didn't broadcast last month.
J: Yeah 
T: Its been quite uncharted territory for me. 
J: Was that when Die was the guest? I have heard that Die helped you out quite a bit. 
K: Yeah, he was quite talkative...*To Tasai* But it wasn't bad without Joe, was it?
T: No, it was just right really. 
J: Ah, of course, typical. Ohh, don't say that!!
K: It would have given a bad impression if Joe was there, right? He's too noisy. 
T: Yeah, I'd be worried for Die. 
J: I'll just go home then, shall I? 
T, K: Hahaha 
J: Oh, but look, someone wrote, "I've been looking forward to this live broadcast". 
T, K: Thank you. 
J: Of course, as we are live, we'd like to pick up some of your comments, so if you have any messages or questions for Kaoru, please keep them coming. Oh, the viewers thought you did well last time, Tasai! 
T: Thank you! 
J: *Reading comments* "Kaoru your hair has grown, you look cool!" It has grown, hasn't it?!
K: It has. 
J: Have you not cut it at all since the tour?
K: Mm, it grows really quickly, its kinda annoying though. 
J: Doesn't it remind you of someone erotic? haha
K: Does it, now?
J: I don't know, haha.
K: Thats you!! 
T: Joe! 
J: Oh, right, its just me. Im always thinking like that, haha. Oh, someone wrote, "Tasai, have you lost weight?" 
T: My suntan kinda makes me look that way. 
J: Oh, I see. Ok, well, keep the comments coming please. Now, since its an established practice on our live broadcasts, Im going to bring up this next topic...baseball! How has it been going recently? I havn't been checking at all! Fill me in on the state of the central league. 
K: Well, at the moment... 
J: Oh, Leader looks a bit concerned!
K: Well, Hanshin are third in the league at the moment.
J: What?!
K: *To Tasai* They are third, aren't they?
T: Yeah
J: Are they closing in on 2nd place?
K: Yeah..well, since this month there have been a lot of players testing postive for Covid, in all teams. So every team has been kinda up and down, and all over the place. So, like, Yakult were doing great, but DeNa have also risen pretty fast, and now there are only 4 games between them.
J: So, the gap is closing up. 
K: Yeah 
J: So, now its like a rat race to the end?
K: Well, there is still a little bit of a gap between 2nd and 3rd place, so its still too early to say. 
J: I see. Someone commented, "The standings are all over the place"
T: But with Hanshin, its like they have a winning streak, and then a losing streak. 
K: Yeah, and they turned it around, and are back on a winning streak again. 
J: And what next, what are your Leader thoughts predicting?
K: Leader thoughts? Haha...they'll be the winners, of course!
J: Look into the camera and say that!
K: *still looking at Joe* They'll be winners!
J: Ohhh, you didn't look! Why are you looking at me? Don't you have confidence??
K: haha..well, they still have a 9 game gap to 1st place! Its quite considerable. 
T: There are 30 games left, so it might be a bit tight. 
K: If they make it to the Climax, I'll be happy. 
J: Who is the player to watch from now?
K: It has to be Sato, right? We can't win without him. 
T: They have a good pitcher. 
K: Yeah, Fujinami returned. 
J: Ah, but there is still a lot to come, right?
K: Oh, yes. 
J: So its not wishful thinking to imagine getting a spot in the top 2?
K: Mm, well..I don't know. 
J: haha
K: I don't know, but thats what im hoping for....Hey, but today was the high school baseball, right?
T, J: Ah, yeh!
K: Sendai Ikuei won. Shimonoseki did pretty well too....Sendai Ikuei's manager made an emotional speech..
J: Oh, what did he say?
K: Well, like how the third year high school kids have kinda missed out on enjoying their youth due to covid. 
J: Oh, yes, thats right. 
K: And, like, there were a few kids who couldn't have their junior-high graduation ceremony. Their high school era has been very different from usual, and so then he applauded all the kids from high schools across the country.  
T: It gave me goosbumps. 
J: Leader, did you shed a tear?
K: Well, no, haha. But i I understood. 
J: Well, yeah, to come out with that in front of the mic, its Manager Sue, isn't it?
J: *reading comments* Did you watch the high school tournament?" Did you?
K: A little bit of it, yeah. 
J: Well, so as for baseball, Leader, you are hoping for Hanshin to reach the Climax series?
K: No, hoping to win!
J: Say that into the camera one more time!
K: *half looking at camera* We'll win..haha. 
J: Haha, and Leader doesn't tell lies! Ok, well, we can look forward to the baseball developments from now on. Now! For today's live broadcast, with the three of us together at long last, lets have look at what we will do. Er, Tour..*Joe accidentally pronouces 'tour' with a foreign sounding accent like 'tu-ar', instead of the Japanese way, which is 'tsu-ar'*
K: 'Tu-ar'?? Haha 
J: The foreigner in me is coming out! I was calling coffee, 'cafe' earlier, haha, sorry about that. Er, This is the 'Tour 22 Phalaris Vol:1 Special!
J: Congratulations on completing the tour, Kaoru. 
K: Yes
J: I mean, people were really looking forward to this tour. It seemed to be over in a flash. But today we will be asking lots of questions about the whole tour. The tour is finished aready, but we have some plans in store to reward Kaoru, in a way that you can only see on The Freedom of Expression!
T: Yeah, we will reward him!
K: Hang on, its a bit scary the way you are emphasizing 'rewarding' me.
J: No, no, no, this is just what we are going to do, it'll be exciting. Of course, we would still like viewers to send in lots of comments and messages. If you have any thoughts, messages of support for Kaoru, questions, or talking points...
anything is ok, so please send them in. We are live, so we will pick them up as they come. 
T: Yep, and rewards for Kaoru!
J: Yep. Anyone can watch the first half of the broadcast for free, but to watch to the end, you need to be a channel member. If you subscribe, you can watch this live broadcast in the archives for a whole year, and this is the great thing, there are also special videos for channel members only. So please become a member, by using the link at the top of the screen to subscribe, and enjoy this broadcast to the end. There's the link. So, before we get down to the rewarding, I'd like to just have a quick chat about the tour. Leader, summarize the tour for us. 
K: Well, we released our new album Phalaris, and did the tour for that. It started in June, but it was postponed a little bit. 
J: Yes, some dates were rescheduled, weren't they?
K: Yeah, and we finished on August...11th?...at Nakano Sunplaza....Hm? Was it the 11th? Oh, the 1st!
J: Oh, it was the 1st?! That much time has passed already?? That went quickly!
K: Eh? What day is it today?
J: The 22nd. 
K: Oh, the time has flown by, right. Haha
J: Yeah, its been three weeks already. 
T: Well, I was there at Nakano Sunplaza, along with Joe. 
K: Thank You. 
J: I saw Tasai beriefly after the live, Tasai, tell us you thoughts on the show. 
T: Well, I'll talk about that later, when we show the setlist. 
J: Oh, ok. Yeh we can take our time with that. Ok, lets ask Kaoru about the tour. Every Dir en grey tour has particular unique aspects, but what would you say was the most unique about this tour? 
K: Hmm, well, as for Phalaris, this tour was Vol:1, we didn't play all the songs from the album. This is normal, we don't usually play them all in one go. We picked up a few of them to play this time, so it wasn't 100% mode of Phalaris. From that we also tried to pick songs from outside Phalaris, which would help us move into a different mode. And, well, I'll talk about how it actually went later. But with this song choice, we kinda wanted to create the type of atmosphere that we've never felt before. 
J: Oh, so like, creating the path to take another step forward, while at the same time, getting the feeling of Phalaris?
K: Yeah, yeah. 
T: Ah, someone in the comments mentioning being happy to hear songs from Arche. The setlist was interesting. 
J: It really was. Well, both myself and Tasai were at Nakano Sunplaza, or Sunplaza Nakano, the last performance of the tour. 
K: Its not called Sunplaza Nakano, haha. 
J: Ah, Nakano Sunplaza, right? It makes me want to start saying Nakano kun, haha. I just glanced at he notes and it said Sunplaza Nakano. 
T: It doesn't say that does it? 
J, K: It does, haha. 
K: It tricks you, right? haha. 
J: Yeah, its like a trap! I thought Id been saying it wrong! Its like the staff are trying to get rid of me, like they prefer Die!
K: Well, it wouldn't be bad with Die.
J: Yeah, but its pretty tough for him to appear every time. Look at the comments, "Its a perfect trap". The staff are tricking me. Anyway, Nakano Sunplaza...we have the setlist here, so lets take a look together. 
K: That says 8/8. 
J: The 8th? More traps...was it the 8th?
T: It was the 1st. 
J: Oh, sorry about this, the date is wrong. This is the setlist from August 1st. Someone in the comments just mentioned how its interesting to end the setlist with Ningen. 
T: But it starts with Schadenfreude. 
J: How did you decide which song to start with?
K: Well, its just the first song on the album, so thats why, really. But its a long song, with a lot of developments, so as a band we also thought we should try to get familiar with this one sooner. 
J: When you make your setlists, how many patterns do you decide on? Just a few? Do you make one, then the members change it up a bit? Or do you have, like, pattern A, B, C, D...and so on?
K: Well, we make a list of all the songs we want to use, and from that we make an A pattern, and a B pattern. 
J: Oh, so you make a list, and then pick from that to make a few different patterns?
K: Usually two patterns. 
J: Is it like one for hall venues, and one for standing venues?
K: No, no, its just because it would be boring to play the same set every night. But we do end up changing them up a bit too. Like, we'll have the basic setlist, but we might change it up a bit, or change which songs to play when along the way.
J: Does the song order and stuff change during the tour?
K: Yeah, thats what I just said. 
J: Right, its the same thing, yeh. Haha. 
K: We usually end up adding a couple of songs that weren't in the original pattern. 
J: Ah, I see. Were there any songs that you gave up on this time?
K: Not this time, we used the songs we first thought of. 
J: So nothing about this setlist worried you much?
K: Yeh
J: Oh, a comment asking "Why didnt you do a double encore?"
K: Well, we just didn't...haha. 
J: Haha, I see. Ah, another comment, "I want to hear Schadenfreude live"...."What was the song played at the limited live again?". What did you play at the fanclub limited live?
K: That was Hotarubi. 
J: Ah, I see. Well, please keep sending comments, including any thoughts from fans who went to Nakano Sunplaza. Tasai, what were your memorable moments from the live?
T: I thought Kaoru was really cool playing the guitar solo in Utafumi. 
K: At the start of the song?
T: I think it was in the middle?
K: Ahh, when im just playing riffs. 
T: Yeah, like that bit that goes... *sings tune*. I thought, Wow, this guy is so cool! That part left quite an impression on me. 
J: I see. Utafumi has been included in the setlists quite a lot in recent times, hasn't it?
T: Yeah
K: Hmm, well, I guess it has, yeh. 
J: It seems like it might be quite an important song for the band when it comes to lives. Um, I didn't go with Toshi-Low...you know, he's on my channel sometimes...but I met him after the live had finished, we took a photo in front of that board, and I posted it on my Instagram. When I asked him how the live had been for him, he said he really learned a lot! At the moment, its the same for Brahman, in that the audience cant vocalize, and he'd been thinking a lot about how to catch the audience's feelings, and how to communicate with them. He said he learned a lot from Dir en grey's use of footage. In Dir's case, its nomal for you to reuse footage for old songs again and again, right? He realised that was possible. He had thought that remaking new footage each time was the only way, but he realised the impact that footage can have, even if its been used before. That left a big impression. 
K: Remaking footage is hard. 
J: Well, yeh. It always looks amazing though. Ok, lets get some more of Kaoru's thoughts. We just asked him about Nakano Sunplaza, but the tour started in June and ran for about 2 months, including the postponment. Tell us your thoughts on the tour as a whole. 
K: Well, as I said before, its Vol:1, so I think it went as Vol:1 should. 
T: Meaning there is still a lot more to experience?
K: There is still more to come. 
To part 2
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mikiruma · 1 year
alright meet the robinsons headcanon dump bc i had a LOT of thoughts at work. mostly laszlo and tallulah. ok so they're basically all laszlo and tallulah but hear me out (wall of text below)
courtesy of me always seeing them as twins before learning laszlo was older: they are often mistaken as twins
> sometimes tallulah will refer to laszlo as her "baby brother" for no other reason than to confuse/piss him off
they don't hate each other but bothering the hell out of each other is an olympic sport and they're both going for gold
yeah they get on each others nerves but for the most part its for The Bit. also depending on who started it they have a tendency to forget where The Bit ends and Being A Jerk begins
that being said they are so tight you rarely see one without the other
i mentioned this before but they're huge film nerds. mainly anything with practical effects and cheesy costuming and etc etc. they give me huge "backyard film production" energy too. they definitely have embarrassing old movies they made as kids/teens hidden somewhere, but would absolutely get back into it if they weren't so caught up in their current hobbies
also HUGE sci-fi nerds. i'm still convinced they're trekkies
they're both autistic and get caught in feedback loops of just infodumping back and forth with each other
laszlo looks/sounds like the nerd emoji but tallulah is the one going "WELL ACKSHUALLY" (although not in any effort to be a know-it-all)
joe and/or billie babysat them maybe once or twice when they were younger. legend says that's why they decided not to have kids (although unproven.) laslzo and tallulah say "thats fair"
also they're both trans, they traded genders :)
they probably did a lot more collaborating growing up but since they have their own lives they kinda just fell out of it. their comeback is on the horizon though. someday...
laszlo specific thoughts
transmasc + gay + he/him (his gender is probably something really esoteric he doesn't really care to get into but he's got secret they/them locked and loaded for emergencies. which emergencies? idk)
brain tangents aplenty (adhd comorbidity lets goooo), and has a tendency to miss the bigger picture. at least he squashed that bad habit... with finishing art pieces. mostly inspired by the video game
watches 60s-70s action movies w/ art
dabbles in any medium he can get his hands on but feels the most at home painting
he's actually kind of nosy, but great at keeping secrets
an awful chef but halfway decent with presentation
prefers demonstration/instruction before attempting something new- not out of anxiety, he just loves seeing how other people do things
legally blind without his goggles/glasses
tallulah specific thoughts
transfem + aro pan + she/her (gender is less abstract but she also doesn't care what gendered terms you use for her)
the first to correct someone if she knows they're wrong
laszlo's the only one allowed to mess with her. not bc of any protectiveness she just genuinely doesn't care what other ppl have to say about her
prefers to learn through experience (whether she reads instructions/asks for help first depends on.. idk. the cosmic forces)
please ask her about the art deco movement she is so normal about it please pleaseplease
she's a waaaaay better designer/model than a seamstress. yeah she hasn't gotten around to fixing her sewing machine. yeah this dress she made is held together by hot glue and prayers. she didn't ask you though
LOVES to travel. part for inspiration, part for expanding her collection of tacky souvenirs
almost never seen without some sort of hat. extravagance unrelated her head just feels naked without one
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pensiveabstraction · 11 months
15 questions 15 mutuals
ty @dont-leafmealone and @elfinfair for the tags
were you named after anyone? for my deadname one of my middle names was the same middle name as my mum, my new first name and first middle name are indirectly and directly taken from the names of characters i like
when was the last time you cried? i think it was, i finally watched into the spiderverse for the first time like two months ago seeing all the hype abt the sequel, and when the big sad emotional climax moment happened, the one during the big fight, i was crying, not silent leaking eyes maybe sniffling a bit, like full on open mouthed sobbing. shit just hit me rly hard, that movie's so good
do you have kids? nah
do you use sarcasm a lot? i think so yeah. unfortunately i am also extremely monotone so i frequently have to be like 'no i was kidding' bc out lout my normal voice and sarcasm voice must sound a lot closer together than in my head
what's the first thing you notice about people? idk i guess i notice if their clothes style and whether face looks like someone i know/know of
what's your eye color? greenish-grey last time i checked
scary movies or happy endings? both. depends what mood im in tbh. if im watching a movie i dont usually have a huuuge preference of genre, i tend to prefer stories w somewhat developed characters who have arcs so u'd think that'd make me averse to scary films where the characters r sometimes neglected/used as a blank slate to experience The Horror through the eyes of but i ALSO rly like well built up tension and just,,, interesting creepy vibes. i usually try to stay open minded w watchin stuff. however there are times when i feel down and just wanna watch some dudes fuck around and have everything come up alright in the end
any special talents? hmm. man idk. im pretty good at making minecraft skins does that count lol.
where were you born? england and i shall say no more
what are your hobbies? writing, reading fics (do not look how many bookmarks i have on ao3 why would you need to), drawing's fun. used to watch twitch a bunch but the main streamer id watch aint comin back so w for my sleep schedule ig
have any pets? yes a dog he is an old man he looks sort of like a skeletal dark souls creature (not through maltreatment he eats like a king his breed r just skinny asses lol)
what sports do you play/have you played? netball, softball, cricket, bit of tag rugby, loads of rounders, street hockey was my fav out fo em i was pretty ok at defending (all of these r from when i was still in p.e. classes in high school idk if that counts but its what i got)
how tall are you? last i checked 165cm (like 5,5 in the other measures i think)
favorite subject in school? hmm. probably either art or english. though i only rly got an appreciation for english when i did this additional gifted kid project thingy and rather than just literally tell us an interpretation of a text to memorise for an exam the teachers gave us a bunch of analytical lenses to choose from to analyse a text and i was like "yo wait interpreting meanings from the text is kinda fun when you havent got bitches in your ear telling you 'ok so this is exactly what the author meant and you just need to memorise that and write it in the test'"
dream job? i honestly have no idea. i wouldve said author once but i enjoy doing it for fun, i dont think id be able to make smth publishable and if i somehow did i feel like itd ruin it. if i had some kind of like repetetive but simple task and i just had to do it over and over, maybe listen to music or a podcast or smth in one ear i feel like so long as i earnt a decent amount id be cool with it. i am a simple little guy my dreams amount to 'eh id like to do some cool stuff :]'
i dont think i have 15 mutuals so ill just tag a bunch @jctko @thinkingjasico @captainchibi @zodismegalame @aroacekitty @glummar @ablueeyedarcher @erisenyo
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just-miru · 2 years
if William isn't gonna do any studies on light remnant i amma do them myself-
these are just some silly, kinda stupid thoughts and ideas i am only messing around with since it's pretty fun hehe-
so, yesterday i was putting the bastard in situations for scientific purposes as i sometimes like to do.
i was thinking about how he would survive being dismembered only for the silly thought to evolve into "ok, but what if he could grow his members back on?" and without much thought i came to the conclusion that light remnant would give him regeneration abilities because it seemed really cool.
but then i started to question the silly idea. why? why exactly would light remnant poses this ability?
couldn't answer the question, so i changed it up a bit hoping i could find a pattern of sorts - why exactly does dark remnant have the ability to make one immortal?
so i went on the wiki page about the pretty glowing liquid to re-read it and boom-
physical manifestation of the spirits' emotions/pain, NOT fragments of the soul
this silly information, for some reason, made me think of a certain moment in a webtoon - Melvina's Therapy (spoilers for that, i guess)
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so basically, Melvina wanted to vaccinate herself against all fears. but how? by injecting pure fear into her bloodstream, of course! won't go in great detail about how she gets fear in its purest form, i'm just gonna say that there was only one fear she couldn't get her hands onto
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by getting rid of her fear of death, she hoped to achieve immortality (you could say Melvina and William are not so different after all, hehe-)
anyway- that's when it clicked, for some reason.
what emotion did all the kids feel right before they died? most probably (pure) fear of death. so-
if we take the information from the wiki (physical manifestation of the spirits' emotions - in this case, fear of death) and add Melvina's theory (theory which is completely unrelated to the blueycapsules comic, but shhh-) what do we get? immortality!
i like to think the remnant William discovered is the last vaccine Melvina needed hehe.
did this messy train of thoughts help me come with a more accurate ability the light remnant might poses?
no. not really-
at least not yet, so let's get into it hehe. it's gonna be an even messier mess-
we're stating the obvious from the beginning - unlike the kids who William killed voluntary for his bastard man reasons, Sunny was an accidental kill of his.
even so, she must have feared death too, right? well... yeah, obviously.
but what if there was a fear/emotion stronger than her fear of death at that moment? what then?
watch me unleash my true stupid nature with the silly things i am about to say-
hope (stretched this one a bit... lot-)
Sunny is a pretty optimistic character, and even when the odds were against her, she tried to stay positive. she hoped for the best... kinda.
can't use any more pictures, so here's some of her dialogue lines:
"now now, kids, don't cry!! everything will- everything will be alright!"
"oh, there's no need to even ask- guh- i'm just fine, i'm sure!!"
"don't worry about me kids! mommy will be just fine, and we'll be all together again soon, okay?"
these are clearly attempts to reassure the kids, but i also think she really meant it? i am sure she actually hoped for things to turn out ok, i am just not sure how strong this feeling of hope actually was - i am not sure if she was feeling pure hope, ya know?
regardless, let's say that what she was feeling was indeed pure hope. if we bring again Melvina's (unrelated to the blueycapsules comic) theory into this, i am not really sure how it will work. her vaccines are meant to use a fear against itself, but what about other emotions?
would it also work?
well, i don't see why not. i actually find it a pretty interesting concept to think about - how would getting rid of hope affect someone?
if Sunny's remnant was the physical manifestation of her hope, how would it work if injected? what effects would it have? what ability would one get? or, on the contrary, would it be more of a disability?
asdksksk i don't know- at least i have another thing to keep me up at night now hehe
moving on-
fear of being/dying alone
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so yeah- in the end, i guess we're talking about fear of death in her case as well. but there is this *alone* that won't give me peace-
i just can't seem to make any clear connections (or any sort of connections-) on this one right now-
anyway, here are also some other small details i noticed in the blueycapsules comic
Sunny was also cremated after her death. i don't have much on this, but u never know hehe- maybe it is an important detail, maybe it is not.
beside that, here's also this thingy
so, we know that William needs to burn parts of inhibited materials in order to get remnant. the source of the material does not seem to matter much as long as said material is inhabited by a spirit i guess, but what if the source of fire does matter? like-
in most cases (Charlie's arm and the animatronic parts) they are burned by a pre-existing (?) fire.
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in Sunny's case tho-
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she's also the source of the fire? asdkskakska don't know how to word this, but hopefully it makes sense-
not to mention that, in her case once again, this was pretty much an accident.
uhm, so yeah- well that was fun. good bye!
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galacticlamps · 1 year
tagged by @amyp0nd (thanks!)
Tea, coffee, or soda? Definitely tea! I’ll drink coffee if I need caffeine & there’s no tea available, but soda I don’t drink at all, except as an ingredient in some cocktails (and even then, it needs to be a really worth it cocktail tbh)
Dogs or cats? Cats!
Can you play an instrument?  alas, no
What’s your sun sign? that’s the main one right? if so then capricorn
First song lyrics that came into your head?  i have trained myself, going shelf by shelf, and i know every item in the stoooore, every tube, jar, box, bottle, carton, and container, where they are, what they cost, what they’re foooooor
for first-class clerking and conscientious working, Mr Maraczek why not tryyyyyy meeee
(Don’t ask me how She Loves Me got inside my brain today lol I couldn’t tell ya)
Do you have any tattoos? nope. I’m kinda interested in the concept but idk if I’d ever go through with it - it’s hard to imagine reaching a point in my life where that doesn’t feel like more money & effort than it’s worth, but who knows
Favorite place you’ve travelled? hmm I don’t have a go-to answer for this, but I think I’m gonna say Ireland’s Ring of Kerry
What’s the last movie you watched? song of the sea! I watched that & secret of kells on back-to-back nights a couple (? what is time) weeks ago but have not yet finished the trilogy, whoops
What languages do you speak? saying anything other than English feels like exaggerating. I kind of drift in & out of being decent with Spanish (I learned it for years, and there are definitely periods when I engage with it a lot - when I’m around a lot of people speaking it, or when I’ll be working through a book of Spanish poems or short stories, or listening to a lot of music in Spanish - but that’s not a constant thing for me & I’m definitely not fluent). And the language I work on the most these days is Irish, but on top of not being fluent in that either, I also have even less occasion to speak that outside of literal lessons
Do you have any hobbies? uhh I write fanfic, I draw a little, I play D&D. There’s lots of things I try to actively learn about, but idk if consuming material on certain subjects is really a hobby of its own or not so I’ll just say I read a lot in general. I also don’t have one particular Craft hobby type thing but I do take on a lot of like, single-use projects? Like whether it’s making or altering or refurbishing something I seem to always have something like that going on, but it’s nothing as consistent as being like ‘oh I knit,’ you know?
You can hang out with one fictional character for an hour, who do you choose? I’m sure this is majorly cliche but the Doctor! I can’t even bring myself to be picky about which one (ok I guess I’d be a little bummed if out of all of them it was Four, but hey I’m only human). I’m not angling to squeeze an adventure out of it either, but a) I’m assuming you could potentially spend that hour, even just chatting, almost anywhere/when, and b) there aren’t many characters I think you could fall into cahoots with quickly enough for an hour to actually turn out a really interesting hang out/convo. But I feel like with the Doctor there’s always a chance you can get to know them as well in an hour as you might in a lifetime (which is probably not great news for how much most of them let people in over the course of a lifetime, but hey at least it’s good for this question). Even if there’s other characters I’d rather be like, actively friends with, for this I feel like you wouldn’t wanna pick someone you couldn’t expect to be fairly at ease with within an hour, and I think the Doctor’s a good candidate for that, being able to bond with people quickly is kinda baked into their lifestyle
Compliment yourself: I’m good at fixing things (since I’m watching glue set rn & hoping it goes well this is as much an affirmation as a compliment lol)
and I’ll tag @uighean @queen-boudicca @terryfphanatics @there-are-no-gods-here //anyone else that wants to!
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mrstsung · 1 year
Some self indulgent self ship asks with shang tsung.
Cw: maybe has some nsfw content. So be warned. Not much tho. Its pretty tame for the most part.
1. Who most initiates PDA?: i wanna say me. But shang could too. But i think more likely me.
2. Any sleep habits either had to get used to?: well i need some whitenoise or something to help me sleep. Shang sometimes had small green glowing butterflies float around our shared bed chamber to help me sleep. They made a slight hum that was soothing. Shang likes to read and have tea before bed.
3. Hot and Steamy or Soft and Tender?: both
4. How did they first meet?: well i hc i washed up on his beach. How. Im not sure.
5. What is their love language?: shang's is gift giving,physical touch,and acts of service. Quality time too but it's not nessicary because we both understand we busy. Words of affirmation is something he does but it's less of doing and more of the way he does it and how. Mine is gift giving and acts of service. But also words of affirmation. I need reassurance overall.
6. When did they realize they loved each other?: well it was during our training,for 3 yrs i trained hard and ruthlessly under him,he grew to admire my determination and hee hee soul. But he stated his love to me verbally after he gained his freedom back. And some of his vitality too.
7. Who is more sentimental?: me but shang is too.
8. What’s one way their personalities compliment one another?: we both value luxury and comfort. We both are stubborn af. We both are romantic af.
9. How are their personalities different?: there is the obvious difference. But i feel shang definitely has more wisdom than me.
10. What are some non-sexual activities they do together?: admire and walk in the gardens,read together,poetry,talk about history of things. Enjoy each other's company. I'll be crafting or making something and shang likes to watch me.
11. Which member is more physically affectionate?: me. Not that shang can't be cuddly. But I'm more so than him.
12. Which member is more verbally affectionate?: shang is.
13. Which member steals borrows the other ones clothing?: lol. Me. Shang actually likes me wearing his jacket.
14. Are they an introverted couple or an extroverted one—AKA would they prefer to go out to a party or event together or would they rather stay in?: well we do both. But I'd rather stay in with shang. Tho sometimes we have to attend parties,balls,gatherings,tournaments,etc.
15. Who is more likely to make an impulsive decision and who is the voice of reason?: depends on the situation.
16. Who stays up way too late and who tries to drag them to bed?: both of us. Depending.
17. Who fell in love first?: i hc technically i did but i kinda kept it to myself. He did shortly after but didn't tell me verbally till after his freedom was gained.
18. What song fits them perfectly?: tbh lots of them.
19. How do they deal with being away from each other for a long time?: well shang might take it harder than me for a lot of reasons. One being he's scared that someone might finish me while he's away. Another is because he genuinely loves my company. I'll be ok,I'll miss him. But im also good by myself?
20. Who holds a grudge the longest?: hahahahaha....shang
21. Which of the two is quick to speak and which one is quick to listen?: we do both.
22. Who gets more easily embarrassed?: me. 😔. I get too flustered easy. Shang can be but it's difficult.
23. Who overthinks the most?: meeeeeeee.
24. Which of the two is the most competitive?: shang is. I can be but i get over it easy.
25. Who’s the most stubborn?: both but shang more than me.
26. How do they comfort each other?: shang is good at comforting me. He knows what to say. He knows i love hugs. Unf soothing ass sexy voice too. I try to comfort him by listening and being attentive to him. But for the most part we are both comforting
27. What random everyday object/activity makes them think of each other?: dunno why but dragon or snake paraphernalia reminds me of shang. But as for me? Maybe flowers,art,the color purple. Dunno cats maybe.
28. Do they get along with each other’s friends and family?: well.....eh.
29. What is their sex life like?: what do you think? 😏💚🐍. Ok look. Shang's tounge game,off the charts. Out of this realm. His dick? Long and has decent thickness. Not super thicc. But gives a pretty nice Stretch. Gives amazing massages. That's all I'll get into for now
30. What is their favorite place to kiss the other? (Cheek, hand, closed eyelid, neck, nose, etc.): everywhere.
31. What’s the relationship like? Smooth? Rocky?: well it's pretty good tbh.
32. How do they resolve their arguments?: we talk it out most of the time. But sometimes it can only be resolved by rough sex or kombat. Non leathal of course.
33. Who has the most nightmares and how do they deal with them?: maybe me. But then again that's not often. Shang would soothe me and reassure me that everything is ok.
34. Do they give each other nicknames?: me more so than shang. But he calls me beautiful,butterfly,my dear,darling,my love,flower,things like that. I call him bao bao or soul daddy but that one is more for private times.
35. What movies do they enjoy watching most?: shang will never admit it but he actually likes some of Johnny cages movies.
36. How’d they meet each other’s families?: well it's kinda hard because i didn't really add that to my self insert. And i hc and assume canon is this way too. His folks be long gone gone bruh.
37. What do they like the least about each other?: oof. Tbh im not sure. With shang it's obvious. But with me im not sure. I wanna say my too kind heart but he also loves that about me too? I dunno.
38. What was their most memorable date?: we went to his old keep in outworld. In his gardens and had a nice dinner. It was the first time i went to outworld. But i was pleasantly surprised. Nervous to all hell. But it was a good time.
39. What other couple would your otp get along with the best?: honestly im not sure.
40. Who makes the other smile with almost no effort at all?: i can make shang smile. But only i can see by how much. But he makes me smile more. But again that's just because i can be easily amused,flattered and flustered.
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I do I do! Oh my God I love “British football” so much, I’m using that from now on. I play soccer, but we call it football here! I’m a goalkeep, which is shocking because I’m so short lol. And, I mean, not to brag but I think I’m pretty good for someone my height 😌
Yeah, it was so stupid. Not that I’ve learned my lesson because I’m most definitely going to keep climbing like a little squirrel hunting for acorns, but I’ll just be a liiiiiitle more careful. Ooh, yeah, you definitely gotta be more careful when living alone. Hopefully you’ve been safe and alright til now.
Omg thank you! You’ve reminded me that I need to finish the new Rick and Morty season. I’ve only watched the first two episodes hehe. I haven’t heard of most of these, but I’ll definitely give em a try! Agh, I’ve been meaning to watch Bojack Horseman since the third season came out. Is it really as good as people say it is? Like, is it worth watching all six seasons?
Aw, Grim! That’s so cute! You must have such a wonderful and creative imagination. Wow. I feel you with the nail polish 100%, I love bright and fun colours, all the glitters and metallics, like… If it’s shiny or bright, it is going on my nails.
I’m so happy you had a good time with your friends and that you wrote two chapters!! I cant wait to read it!!
:0 what a plot twist Grim!! I didn’t expect being asked a question in return aaah! I have to think about that… Oh, jeez okay, I had this dream back in high school, but I still remember it so clearly haha. In grade 12 we had this huge project we needed to do for our music final, and I was putting in so many hours towards it that I dreamt about it! I dreamt that all of Guns and Roses and Queen (don’t ask, long story) came to record vocals and guitar for my project and they kept getting it wrong so the girl who was working on the project with me kicked them out and I was like “omg you can’t just do that that’s queen and gnr omg…” lol. So I went and apologised to them and we had tea together. It still haunts me HAHAHA
And now time for your questions! *rubbing hands together evily* Which season is your favourite? Do you have a specific scent you love? Vinyls or CDs? What was your least favourite subject in school and why? 🎤
MIC ANOOOOOONNNNN wazzzaaapppp. GLAD to talk to you!!
yeah you just keep on climbing. youve gotta keep going no matter what. just keep being yourself and active and the best goalkeep your team has ever experienced.
lmfaoooo yes nothings changed. i still daydream just as much as i used to as a kid and its wonderful. i wouldnt wanna be any other way. so glad we share the love for glitter nail polish!!! im actually about to paint them right now. im thinking this iridescent kinda translucent blues gonna look sexy
i haven't watched the new season of Rick And Morty either cause then it'll be finished and im fr a fiend. im in love with Rick its disgusting really. classic daddy issues.
anywayssss about Bojack, honestly its very much worth it, in my humble opinion, but the third and fourth season are kind of the seasons you have to get through to get to the flipside of the show, which starts to get REAL as fuck during seasons five and six. then when its done youre just kinda sitting there like damn...........
GNR AND QUEEN are literally two of my favourite bands of all time. i mean, i have A LOT of favourite bands but i had a severe fixation on GNR in highschool to the point where like i know the band member's grandmothers names and shit. i asked this question because its a question i like to ask people to break the ice in conversations. i was also curious about yours!! EVERYONE has a dream that they remember, for some reason, one that just stuck. and its always from early childhood too.
ok questions time......heeeehehohhoooohhooo.......my favourite season is spring. it used to be autumn but the last two autumns ive been sort of too stressed about the pending doom of winter and halloween has kind of sucked too (even if halloween is every day of the year for me) so i have officially decided that spring is my favourite season. its fall but flipped. love the wetness and the flowers blooming. the smells. the anticipation for the summer. the way the ice melts. its sensual.
a scent i love GOD. my favourite scent of all time is clean laundry. if i go to hug you and you smell like fabric softener i will be so bricked up itll be awkward for the both of us. i sometime seek it out in those cotton scented candles and shit. although i love it so much, i never seem to smell it on myself, even if i rub bounce sheets on my fuckin sweaters. guess its kind of like when you go to someones house. you smell their smell but then you come home and you cant smell your smell.
i have a special place in my heart for CDs cause i grew up with those but i have a lot of vinyls and no CDs cause storing CDs is more annoying than storing vinyls to me...... i know its weird cause vinyls are bigger but the texture of them is better.
aaaanddd my least favourite subject in school was math. no surprises there. not even cause i was bad at it, i was pretty good, when i wanted to be. but i went to an arts school so the teachers in math were always so pissed off lol. no one gave a shit about math class to the point where the teachers would just give up and sit at their desks to do their own thang while we just fucked around
ok question for you...... whats something kind youve done for someone recently?
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nerdby · 11 months
I hate to say it but the one thing Moms 4 Fascism is doing right actually reading the books that their kids wanna read.
Like I fucking hate those people -- there are dads in the group too -- but it is really important to monitor and talk to your kids about the media they consume. When you do that without the intention of turning them into brainwashed fascists, then you're being a good parent. And I'm speaking from experience here. I did not have very good media literacy growing up. I ended up emulating very, very problematic characters because I didn't understand how or why their behavior was problematic. No one tried to sit down and explain it to me in a way that was not degrading and that made me dig my heels in even more.
If someone had come to me and tried to calmly explain the issue with the media I was consuming, I guarantee I would have listened better.
Like let's look at comic books. A lot of comics and manga are rated T or T+. A T rating means its suitable for ages 13 and up, and T+ is the equivalent of an R-rating which is intended for ages 17 and up. I was parentified growing up and was raising my sister who was a toddler and helping to raise two of my cousins when I first got really into Western comics and started checking them out of the library way back in 2005. I was fifteen years ols. So I did, at one point, tell the children's room librarian that I thought (some) graphic novels should be moved to the Young Adult section of the library.
Like kids over the age of 11 can read whatever the hell they want, ok, but I'm not about to hand a toddler a copy of Berserk or like Marvel's Alias/Jessica Jones or the 2005 Punisher arc.
And apparently the librarians agreed with me and the books did get more popular after being moved to the YA section of the library.
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Like a lot of people don't realize how mature comic books really are because--
They're ignorant elitist snobs who think that comics are for children
They're misogynistic assholes who think girls shouldn't read comics because of bullshit gender roles
They're fucking fascists who believe that comic books are pure evil because of problematic male readers -- AKA radfems peddling gender essentialist bullshit
Anything adapted to film tends to be heavily censored, especially anime
But if you want to see how mature comics can be I always recommend Marvel's 2005 MAX run as those books are very graphic and political and marketed at adult readers. Or just watch any of the Netflix Marvel series which are a lot based off of the 2005 MAX run. Like seriously did y'all not see Wilson Fisk decapitate a man with a car door????
Here ya go.
And the first season of Jessica Jones is a straight up traumatizing masterpiece of horror.
But you probably wanna stop after season one cause it gets kinda cringe from there on out. The Defenders series is worth watching as well, but really it's better if you just stick to the books with these. The books are definitely better. Except for the OG Iron Fist cause that entire concept gives off majorly racist white savior vibes but that's a story for another day. Read the newer Iron Fist books where the superhero from Asia that saves Asian people from Asian mafias and is the absolute best at Asian martial arts is now an actual Asian person and not some random white dude👌🏻
Check out Iron Fist: The Shattered Sword by Alyssa Wong here.
Like I had someone tell me that comic books are evil because children will try to emulate super heroes. Believe me, no one wants that so if you're a parent whose having that problem
Make them watch the movie Kick-Ass (2010).
Or enroll your kid in martial arts. There are also martial arts how-to's on YouTube. Be sure to emphasize that martial arts should only be used for self-defense because cops are fascist dicks and in real life superheroes go to prison. Because the government wants to prevent minorities from staging a potentially violent uprising and usurping their asses to bring about something that might hopefully be better🙃
Ok, you can leave that last part out but its kind of an interesting thought, huh?🤔
But like seriously if people would just monitor the media they're kids consume and talk them about how and why it might be problematic and why they should not emulate certain pieces of media then.....Well, it'd still be an issue cause fascists have and will always exist. Maybe it would be more contained, though?
Crazy idea, I know.
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amateurd18 · 2 years
Hii Ami!! Secret Santa here!! Hope your Saturday treated you well!! ✨
IKR!! Being in this fandom for as long as the boys have been together, practically, is both shocking yet kinda cool!! I feel like I’m a veteran in this fandom, even though I’m only 23 lol. I also love seeing all the other veteran fans that are much older than the quote “target demographic” for the boys current age group of fans!! It’s like having an older sibling who also was there throughout the entire fandom experience!!
Are you talking about freddieismyqueen?! That person is a true figure when it comes to learning about the history of larrie lol!! I miss them dearly!! It still bothers me that the internet did what they did to them to make the have to get off the internet the way they did!! They were doing gods work and we, as a fandom, can never thank them enough for their service!! Their videos also helped me realize that “hey, there’s definitely something going on between these two, huh?”
I became a larrie around the same time I joined the fandom, not even like a couple of months later!! Around the same time I got into reading fan fiction, I remember being recommended Louis/Harry fics. At the time, I thought “oh, that’s cool!! I can see why people would make fanfiction about them!!” A little later, I would notice videos on YouTube labeled “larry proofs.” As curious as I was at the time, I looked into it. And now I’m here lol. It was just the way they looked/acted around each other in the early days of the band. I just felt something in my gut that screamed there was something going on that we couldn’t see; it’s very much like the quote that reads “Seeing is believing!! But sometimes the most believable things in the world are the things we can’t see.” And that’s kinda how I felt about them.
I would say the most relevant ships I have are Larry (of course), Nick and Charlie from Heartstopper, Wilhelm and Simon from Young Royals, Alec and Magnus from Shadowhunters (back when the show was still running). I’d say those are the ones I actively do keep up with when I get the chance to! I watch other shows that have their ships, but I wouldn’t say I pay too much attention to them! It’s very much just a mutual appreciation for them, if that made sense lol. I’d ask the same to you: do you have any other ships/fandoms that you are a part of? 🎄✨
Hellooo! I'm with you, i love how diverse the people in this fandom are.
I was not thinking of fimq, even though they were amazing as well. It was someone before them, who's name I am completely blanking ok atm. I think it was 2-3 videos, and one had Miley Cyrus' when i look at you as part of the music they'd used. Why i remember that and not their name is a mystery to me as well.
Ooh i love Nick and Charlie, though I'm yet to read the books. Young royals is on my list to watch, but everything i know about malec is from Tumblr gifs lolol. My other ships are all from the hp fandom. I read a lot of the pairings there, so no specifics, but I'm a sucker for happy endings and fix its, so as long as i get that, I'm a happy kid.
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