#what you think just because i put tags I have to put something funny? bet you don't think i should have a GUN NEITHER
jinxedruby · 3 months
Ambush at the Bridge: Chapter Three
In which Warriors and Time show up. (Heads up for blood and injury in this chapter as well.)
First part | <- Previous part | Next part ->
Warriors sliced through some of the bokoblins before him, sword tearing through three monsters of different kinds. He at least recognized the pinkish ones from Sky’s era, having fought them during his journey. But the purple ones with white, mop-like hair and the pig-like ones with large ears were unfamiliar to him. Why there were so many at once and why they were all ganging up on him, he didn’t know. He brought up his shield just in time to block a blow to the side of his head, at the same time keeping the monsters to his left at bay with his sword. A weapon glanced off the back of his chainmail, tearing through his tunic. He gripped his sword and spun in a vicious circle, clearing the immediate area around him. He barely took two steps before the monsters surged forward again, hemming him in once more.
A sharp yelp of pain caught his attention. He cut down the bokoblin before him to get a glimpse of the worn bridge. His eyes widened. Hyrule lay dangerously close to a hole in the bridge, desperately fighting to get a lizalfos and bokoblin off of him.
A cleaver slicing through the crook of his arm forced Warriors to tear his gaze from Hyrule. A quick thrust disposed of the bokoblin that had cut him but another took its place just as quickly. He scowled, parrying one attack and responding with a slash that killed three monsters at once. He barely got a glance at the bridge before more monsters swarmed into the gap he made. A hard blow to his back sent him stumbling forward, right into another monster’s attack. He barely managed to block it with his shield, extremely thankful he had chainmail to cover his blind spots. Another struggled shout from Hyrule. Warriors clutched his sword, adrenaline flaring.
“Out of my way!” he roared. He twisted to one side, readying his sword. Then he unleashed spin attack after spin attack, plowing through the bokoblins. His ears rang from the sheer number of monster screeches as bokoblins fell to his blade. He came to a stop, panting, head spinning a little from the overexertion. He turned, trying to get his bearings.
He whipped around just in time to see a section of the bridge collapse. The section Hyrule was on. He and the monsters on top of him plunged into the frothing river below.
“Traveler!” Warriors shouted. He dashed toward the bridge. Another wave of bokoblins stopped him in his tracks. He cursed, cutting through them as fast as he could, arms burning from the strain.
“I got him!” he heard Wind shout.
“Wait!” Twilight yelled.
Warriors couldn’t see what was happening past the monsters before him. No matter how many he cut down, more would pop up. Why were there so many? If he didn’t know better, he’d think they were in his era. What he wouldn’t give for Legend’s fire rod right then. But he didn’t know where the veteran was. He couldn’t tell where anyone was, with all these damn monsters in the way.
A blade cut through the back of his knee and he yelped. He spun and skewered the offending bokoblin, only for another to stab at him from behind. His chainmail prevented the blade from piercing him, but the force of the blow knocked him forward, a bruise surely developing where he’d been hit. A sword whistled toward his neck. He yanked up his shield, deflecting the weapon upwards, the tip of the blade grazing his scalp just above his ear. His skin prickled as warm blood flowed from the cut, matting his hair. He executed another spin attack, muscles protesting the whole way.
Warriors turned at the shout to see Time on the other side of the swarm of monsters. The old man held a giant barrel over his head, teeth clenched.
“Heads up!” Time shouted. With a grunt, he chucked the barrel into the middle of the mass of monsters. It wasn’t until he heard hissing that Warriors realized what the old man had thrown. He spun away, cutting an opening in the bokoblins and diving forward, tucking into a roll. The barrel exploded with a deafening boom. A wave of heat blasted past Warriors, knocking him flat. Monsters sailed past him, smoking and not all in one piece. Warriors covered his head as weapons and smoldering bokoblin parts rained down around him. Once things settled, Warriors scrambled to his feet, whirling around to pick off any stragglers. A blur of silver and gold flashed on his right as Time fell into step beside him, cutting down the bokoblins in his blind spot. With one final slash, Warriors cut down the last remaining monster. He turned, sword raised, searching for any he might’ve missed. After a long moment he sighed, letting the tip of his sword fall to the ground. He turned to Time, skin tingling with the dregs of adrenaline left in his system.
“Thanks for the save, old man,” he said. “That was one hell of a bomb.”
A hint of a smile flickered across Time’s stoic expression. “Goron powder keg,” he explained as he wiped the black blood from his sword. “I’ve been saving it for a time such as this.”
Warriors huffed a laugh, glancing at the carnage littered around them. “Well, it sure did the job.” Then his eyes widened. “Traveler. He fell in the river-“ He started forward but a hand on his shoulder stopped him.
“Our sailor and rancher have already gone after him,” Time said.
Warriors shrugged off Time’s hand, ignoring the flinch of pain the motion caused. “Well, we should still go after them. Or find the others. They might need help-“
“You’re hurt,” Time interrupted.
“What? No, I’m fine-“
“Captain.” Time leveled him with a glare usually reserved for the more reckless members of the group. Warriors stared at him for a moment longer, a protest on his tongue. Then the last of his adrenaline burned away. Cuts he didn’t know he had flared up in pain. His muscles ached fiercely, limbs trembling from the exertion of the battle. The side of his head prickled and he reached up to find blood soaking his hair and trailing down his neck. He hadn’t realized how deep the cut above his ear was.
“Ah,” he managed. His knees failed him at that moment and he stumbled. Time quickly caught him, gently lowering him to the ground.
“Easy, Captain,” the old man said, kneeling beside Warriors. Warriors took a deep breath, reaching into his bag for a bandage. His hands shook and he narrowed his eyes, as if glaring would ease the trembling. There was pressure against the side of his head and he winced. He looked up to see Time carefully wrapping gauze around his head, stemming the flow of blood from his wound. Warriors reached up to take the gauze from Time, but the old man just shook his head. Warriors lowered his hand with a sigh.
“Thanks,” he said as Time finished wrapping his head. He glanced around as Time reached into his bag for more bandages. Aside from the sound of the rushing river, the woods sat quiet and still. “Did you see where the others went?”
Time glanced up from the wound in the crook of Warriors’ arm he was wrapping. “The sailor and rancher went downriver after the traveler. Champion went flying into the woods over that way.” He jerked his head in the direction of the trees to their right. “I didn’t see what happened to the other three.”
Warriors arched a brow. “What do you mean, Champion went flying?”
Time sighed with exasperation that said ‘these boys are making me go gray.’ “He used his shield to catapult off a bokoblin’s head.”
“Wh- how?” Warriors spluttered, laughing.
Time heaved another sigh. “I don’t know.”
“Well-“ Warriors coughed in an attempt to reign in his chuckling. “-we should probably go after him, make sure he’s alright. I’m worried about Traveler, but Sailor and Rancher are both helping him.” He bit his lip to keep himself from tacking on ‘I hope.’
Time nodded. Warriors moved to stand but Time grabbed his arm, pulling him back down.
“Your wounds, Captain,” Time reminded him.
“They’re really not that bad, old man,” Warriors protested.
“Maybe not.” Time withdrew another bandage and began wrapping it around Warriors’ knee. “But I don’t want you losing any more blood.”
Warriors sighed but didn’t argue any further. He knew the old man was right, he just hated the idea of taking time to tend to himself when the others might need help right now.
“You won’t be much help if you’re stumbling around from preventable blood loss,” Time said, as if reading Warriors’ thoughts. At the captain’s stare, he looked up with a half-smile. “Heroes’ minds think alike.”
Warriors huffed a laugh. “You got me.”
It only took a couple more minutes for Time to finish dressing the worst of Warriors’ wounds. The cut in the crook of his arm was the deepest and responsible for the tremble in his hand. The large bruise on his back protested as he stood, chainmail rubbing uncomfortably against it. Time glanced at him when he winced but Warriors just flapped a hand.
“I’ve had worse,” he said. Then at Time’s look, added, “I won’t do anything I can’t handle. I’ll tell you if it gets worse.”
Time watched him for a moment longer before nodding and turning away. “I’ll hold you to that.”
They started in the direction Time had seen Wild go. Slowly at first, as Warriors had underestimated the pain from the cut in the back of his knee. Pain rippled through his skin with each step, and he did his best not to limp too heavily. Time offered him an arm for support but Warriors shook his head.
“I’m not so fragile, old man,” he said. To his surprise, Time actually chuckled.
“No, you’re not.”
Warriors blinked. He opened his mouth to rib the old man about giving him what sounded suspiciously like a compliment. A gut-wrenching scream cut him off. His eyes widened. Without a word, he and Time broke into a sprint. Warriors ignored the spikes of pain driving into his knee with each pound of his boot on the ground. The scream sounded dangerously like Wild. They ran blindly through the forest, tearing through the underbrush. Warriors looked around wildly, searching for any sign of the champion. Another strangled cry came from somewhere to their left, much closer and much weaker than the last one.
“Sorry, I’m sorry!” Another voice carried between the trees as Warriors and Time changed direction. “I have to stop the bleeding, I’m sorry, I know it hurts.”
Warriors recognized Four’s faint voice. He slowed and turned, Time slowing with him, trying to pinpoint where his voice had come from. He cupped his hands around his mouth.
“Smithy!” he shouted, words swallowed by the trees. “Where are you?”
“Over here!” Four screamed, desperation thick in his voice.
Warriors took off in the direction of Four’s voice, Time close behind him. He spotted a blotch of colors between the trees and sped up, a new wave of adrenaline muting the pain from his wounds. Four spotted them crashing through the underbrush, his eyes wide in panic. He knelt over Wild who lay on the ground, hardly moving.
“Help!” Four yelled. “Captain, over here!”
Warriors and Time sprinted over, the sight becoming clearer as they approached. Four’s nose twisted in a way it probably shouldn’t, dried blood coating his upper lip and chin. He held his hands tight against the area between Wild’s left shoulder and chest. Blood soaked his hands, the fluid pooling around his fingers. Warriors fell to his knees beside them, yanking a wad of bandages from his bag.
“Move your hands,” he instructed. Four pulled back to reveal a horribly deep stab wound. The moment the pressure left, blood spurted from the wound in force. Warriors cursed and stuffed the bandages into the wound before pressing down with his hands. Four put his hands back as well and Wild whimpered, head rolling to the side. The movement caused the blood pooling in his collar to run down his neck, soaking into his hair splayed out on the ground beneath him. Warriors pressed all his weight into Wild’s wound, the flow of blood only barely slowing. Time knelt beside them, brushing Wild’s bangs from his face, strands sticking to his skin. Wild’s eyelids fluttered open, clouded blue eyes darting around with little recognition.
“I’ll find a fairy,” Time said before jumping to his feet and charging into the forest.
Wild’s breath came in short, shallow gasps. All color had drained from his face, lips white. Sweat beaded on his brow, trailing down his temple and mixing with the blood on his neck. Warriors had seen wounds like this before. In soldiers whose limbs had been severed or cut so deeply that the artery broke. He’d watched men die within seconds that bled like this.
“Smith, do you have any bandages?” Warriors asked, forcing his focus on the present.
“A- a few,” Four stammered, face pale.
“Whatever you have, put it in his wound.”
Four reached into his bag and Warriors doubled the pressure he put on the wound, desperately trying to keep as much blood from escaping as he could. Four held out a small roll of gauze and Warriors snatched it, packing it in beside the other soaked bandages. He and Four replaced their hands and Warriors glanced around, searching frantically for Time. Fingers grasping at his hand brought his gaze back down. Wild clawed weakly at him, hand closing around Warriors’ wrist and limply hanging on.
“Stay with me, Champion, c’mon,” Warriors said, voice pinched with what he refused to admit was fear. Wild’s grip on him loosened, breaths shortening even more. “The old man’s on his way, just hold on, please.” He frantically looked around, hoping for any sign of the silver and gold armor but there was nothing except trees swaying gently in the breeze.
Warriors looked toward Four at the smith’s raspy voice. The little hero stared down at Wild, face white. Warriors looked down. Wild’s chest spasmed as he struggled to breathe. His movements slowed and his hand slipped from Warriors’ wrist, sliding off himself and to the ground.
“No,” Warriors breathed. His hands clenched around the bandages in Wild’s wound. The kid didn’t even flinch. He’s just unconscious, he told himself. He just passed out from blood loss, that’s all. He’s… he’s not… Wild lay horribly still. His face relaxed, still terribly white. Warriors pressed against the wound even harder, muscles cramping. Blood still flowed from it, which meant Wild’s heart was still beating. Even if the flow was slowing. Even if his chest barely moved with breath. Even if the involuntary twitches of pain had stopped. Even if… even if…
“I found one!”
Warriors’ head snapped up. Time crashed through the underbrush, twigs and leaves stuck in the joints of his armor. He burst into the clearing and ran faster than Warriors had ever seen him move. A pinkish light zipped after him, darting past him once Wild was in view. Warriors couldn’t breathe as they approached. Couldn’t breathe as the fairy landed on the back of his hand, glowing more fiercely as it pushed magic into Wild’s wound. He felt a hand on his shoulder, Time’s low, rumbling voice thrumming in his ears. You can move your hands, Captain entered his brain but he shook his head, staring at the fairy. Four hadn’t moved either, eyes flitting between the fairy and Wild’s face. Something pressed back against Warriors’ palms. The fairy hopped up and down on his hand and he blinked confusedly. Hands closed around his wrists.
“Captain, move your hands,” Time said, firmly pulling his wrists away. Warriors fought against him instinctively before realizing what was happening. The gauze and bandages he had stuffed into the wound began pushing up out of it as the fairy knitted the flesh back together. He sat back and could nothing but stare as the fairy moved from his hand to hovering above Wild’s wound, flying in quick circles above it. The bandages pushed out further and Four quickly swept them away as the fairy worked. Warriors stared. Did it always take this long? It felt so much faster when he was on the other side, when he was the one being healed by a fairy. He stared as the fairy zipped around Wild’s chest. Some of the blood flooding his collar began trickling back into the wound. Droplets raced back along his neck, leaving red tracks on his skin. The fairy slowed and came to a stop on Wild’s shoulder. It paused as if inspecting its work before darting over to Time. He held out a hand, the other still holding one of Warriors’ wrists, and the fairy landed on his finger, whispering something Warriors didn’t understand. Numbly, instinctively, Warriors reached out and placed two fingers on Wild’s neck. His skin was far too cold, clammy with sweat and coagulated blood. Then he felt it. A weak pulse against his fingertips. He laughed, weak and breathy. Four gasped, snatching up one of Wild’s hands in his own and watching the champion’s face.
Time sighed in relief, head drooping. “Thank you,” he breathed to the fairy. The fairy made a sound like a quiet chime. It flew in a quick circle around Time before flitting away into the forest.
“Cook?” Four said, rubbing Wild’s hand between both of his own. When Wild didn’t respond, Four’s movements became more frantic, leaning closer. “Come on, Cook, please.”
“The fairy said she tried to give him back as much blood as she could,” Time said, placing the back of his hand against Wild’s pale cheek. “So much of it soaked into his clothes and the ground, though. He… he’s lost a lot.”
Four took a shaky breath, continuing to rub Wild’s hand. Warriors had no idea why and he suspected Four didn’t either. Warriors gently felt at where the wound had been. All that was left was a shallow cut in the flesh, shaped like a thin diamond. A sword, then. He glanced around. There were no monsters or weapons lying around aside from Wild’s sword laying in the grass beside him. Black blood decorated the tip and Warriors’ eyes narrowed. He looked to Four, opening his mouth to ask what happened.
Wild’s groan interrupted him.
Warriors’ gaze snapped to Wild, question forgotten. The champion stirred weakly, head rolling from side to side. He seemed to register Time’s hand on his face and turned his head into the touch, eyelids fluttering. His blue eyes blinked open, gaze sliding around before loosely landing on Time. He opened his mouth but all that came out was a weak croak with a hint of words. Then his eyes started to slide shut again.
“Champion!” Warriors called as Time and Four also exclaimed. Wild blinked slowly, meeting Warriors’ gaze. “Cough, I need you to cough.”
Wild squinted in confusion but complied, weakly coughing. Warriors gently encouraged him as he did, rubbing the kid’s arm. The coughing grew stronger and Wild opened his eyes wider, growing more alert. He took a shuddering breath and got a better look at the three heroes surrounding him.
“Champion, can you hear us?” Time asked, leaning into Wild’s field of view.
Wild slowly nodded, eyes darting over Time’s form. Then he looked to the side, gaze landing on Four.
“Sm… smith,” he croaked, voice crackling. “Are you o… di’ you… is ‘e…”
“It’s okay, he’s gone,” Four said as Wild struggled to string together a sentence. “Everything’s fine.”
Warriors glanced at Four, trying to catch his eye. Four glanced up and shook his head slightly. Later, he mouthed.
Wild suddenly tried to sit up, groaning.
“Easy there, Champion,” Warriors said, he and the others all reaching out to support Wild. “You lost a lot of blood, be careful.” Wild nodded clumsily, blindly reaching out and grasping onto the first thing he felt which happened to be Warriors’ scarf. Warriors could feel the champion’s hand shaking as he struggled to get a grip on the blue fabric and pull himself all the way up. Time placed a hand in the center of Wild’s back, gently pushing until he was seated upright. Wild took several deep, shuddering breaths before promptly tipping over. Warriors caught him as Wild collapsed against him, eyes squeezed shut.
“Why’m I… s’ dizzy?” Wild murmured, words slurring together.
“You lost a lot of blood, kid,” Warriors told him again.
“Did I…? Oh… yeah, th’ rancher… st…”
Warriors went stiff at Wild’s words. The rancher? Was Wild going to say that Twilight did this?
“Shapeshifter,” Four said quickly upon seeing the expressions on Warriors’ and Time’s faces. Warriors’ gaze snapped up to Four but the smith didn’t elaborate, watching Wild with a pinched expression and continuing to hold his hand. Warriors’ thoughts spun. A shapeshifter? One that looked like the rancher had attacked Wild and nearly killed him? Warriors needed the full story, but a glance at Four and Wild told him it was going to have to wait.
“I don’t want to rush things,” Time began. “But we should move. We need to find the others so we can regroup and get somewhere safe.”
Warriors nodded and carefully shifted Wild into a comfortable hold. “I’ll carry him. Should we head back to the bridge?”
“I think that’s a good idea,” Time said. “Hopefully the others have had the same thought.”
Warriors began to stand, Wild’s form gathered in his arms. But in the chaos, he’d forgotten he was injured. His wounded leg trembled and he bit his lip, trying to force through it. Then Time was there, gently taking Wild from his arms.
“I’ve got him,” he said gently. Warriors felt like he should argue, but something about how small Wild looked in the old man’s arms stopped him. So he simply nodded as Four helped him to his feet. He thought Wild had fallen asleep until the champion grasped at one of Time’s hands, looking around blearily. Time ducked his head and said something in a low voice. Wild nodded after a moment, settling back in his arms, head resting against Time’s chest. Four retrieved Wild’s sword and the three began making their way through the forest, heading roughly in the direction Time and Warriors had come from. Time led the way, Warriors and Four close behind him. Warriors cast a glance at Four, eyeing the way his nose twisted and how the purplish-black bruise enveloped the smith’s nose and stretched out beneath his eyes.
“I can straighten your nose once we get back,” Warriors told him.
Four shot him a grateful look. “I’d appreciate that,” he said. He stumbled suddenly, Warriors darting forward to steady him.
“Smithy!” Warriors exclaimed as Four righted himself, using Warriors’ arm as support. Time glanced back over his shoulder at them, concern filling his eye. “Not hiding an injury from us, are you?” Warriors asked.
“No, I’m alright,” Four said, pushing away from Warriors. “Just exhausted. My limbs feel like the cook’s egg pudding.”
Warriors chuckled at that, some of the tension in the air lifting. “I can carry you, if you want,” he said, only half joking.
Four snorted, shoving him playfully. “I can still walk, Captain.”
“Only a suggestion!” Warriors replied, holding up his hands in a harmless gesture.
Four smirked. “Maybe I ought to carry you, given your limp of drama.”
“Hurt! Ful!”
The two laughed, continuing to rib each other as they followed Time back to the bridge.
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ryndicate · 1 year
Double Down ⨳ Yoshida, Denji
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“Didn’t know you were into that stuff.”
warnings: fem body/pronouns, nudes posted without permission, drug use, exhibition, creampie, videos taken with permission, stepcest, infidelity, masturbation, handjob, some spit mentions, premature ejac, implied fuckery, implied theft, if there's more i am just too wacked out to see it so lemme know!
event: @bastardblvd 's slimeball alley collab !! my first submission of who knows how many to come, im gonna try to not go crazy with it, promise
notes: didn't realize until it was done that I could've made it much more slimy but its okay. We'll get 'em next time babes 😩 this idea is expanding on a little blurb I put in cassie's inbox once, i included it in the fic itself with some itty bitty changes
By expanding, you are consenting to viewing adult/dark content, and all warnings listed above. 18+ Minors DNI
Blog Rules/DNI
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Your fist slams on the bathroom door. “I swear to god, Denji! Where the fuck did you get those! Delete them now!”
“I already told you, Power found them online!” Your stepbrother yells back through the door, keeping his weight against the handle so that you can’t force your way in.
“You’re full of shit you fucking perv! You took them off my phone or something.”
“Wanna fucking bet? The real perv is that prettyboy bastard you call baby,” Denji sneers back, yelping as you get a good shove in on the creaking wood.
Your efforts to break the bathroom door pause. “The hell’re you talking about?”
“I told you he was trouble the day you two met. What—you think I was lying?”
You growl under your breath at the barenecked taunt in Denji’s voice. Yeah he told you, one time before he got high out of his mind. The only reason you even met Yoshida Hirofumi was because he hooked your stepbrother up a couple times, and you begged to tag along once. That situation ended with your brother counting stars on his buddy’s ceiling while you saw them on the backs of your eyelids with the guy’s lips wrapped around your clit. 
One thing led to another, and that “prettyboy bastard” became your boyfriend. He’s a bit of an ass, but Yoshida’s also sweet and funny, doesn’t roll his eyes at your music choices, doesn’t bat an eye when you want to go out with your friends, and is full of sexy, smirky sass that makes him so fun to be around. Sure, you sent him some photos, but he wouldn’t have put them out anywhere.
Your anger deflates, but your indignance does not. You step away from the bathroom door. “He’s got nothing to do with this.”
Denji throws the door open with a toothy grin, repeating himself. “You wanna bet?”
“You know what, yeah!” you snap at him, crossing your arms as he leans in the doorway, still looking smug. 
“Your boyfriend put your pics up on OnlyFans, and he’s using the money to pay for his xanny. If I’m right, you two gotta upload a video. Together,” Denji states, his eyebrows furrowed in twisted delight that makes you sneer at him.
“You’re disgusting!”
“Yeah? Tell me what you get if you win.”
Caught up in his childish bullshit, you push at his shoulder. “You gotta start an OnlyFans if you’re wrong, which you are. And you gotta wear lingerie.”
His smirk full drops at that, and he glares at you, cheeks darkerning. “Now who’s a perv.”
“This whole shit was your idea!”
“How is wearing lingerie worse than telling your stepsister to fuck and post a video about it?!”
“Shut up!”
“And since we’re on the topic, I swear to god if you don’t stop taking my shit out of the laundry I’m gonna tell that redheaded lady at the DMV that she’s at the very top of your fap list.”
His blush deepens and he palms your face backwards in a light push. “The fuck she is. Shut up.”
“Yeah well, me and the thin fucking walls in this apartment would have to disagree.”
“Go find your boyfriend.”
“‘M gonna.”
“Fuck you.”
“Fuck you.”
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“Fuck him,” you hiss in barely supressed rage, gripping your boyfriend’s phone so tight you’re disappointed when it doesn’t crack. 
You’d waited for his high to hit him and let him drift off before going through his phone—what’s the point of asking him outright if it’s not true, right? No reason to stir the pot. But your stomach had dropped with unease when the account site was in his search history; you tried to brush it off as maybe he gets off to a set of camgirls, but the moment you saw the login info presaved—as in frequent entry—you began to forget the bet altogether.
Now your jaw is clenched, seething as you scroll through every racy picture you ever sent him. Each have thousands of views, hundreds of comments and jeez—so many subscribers. The heat of betrayal simmers through you. Your jaw drops at the total that’s set to drop into his account at the end of the week and resist the urge to slap Yoshida awake, but instead you set about trying to change the banking and login info, only to get halted by an infowall. Frustrated, you slip off the bed and call your stepbrother, edging into Yoshida’s bathroom so you don’t wake him up.
“You were right, and you fucking knew it, didn’t you? You set me up.” you hiss into the device as soon as he picks up with a mumbled ‘sup. You can hear voices and music in the background, paired with light explosions. You assume he’s out with his friends, probably gaming like usual. 
“You didn’t have to agree. Wait—” there’s the sound of the phone moving around and suddenly the music is gone. “Does that mean you’re gonna do it?”
“That’s besides the point, Denji!”
“Oh fuck, you are!”
“Chill your boner,” you snap, “‘m not gonna do it unless you help me!”
“Help you? What, like you want me to hold the camera or something?”
“Denji, I swear to god—”
“I’m kidding, jeez.”
“I can’t change the account info. They’re my pictures, and they’re already out there! He shouldn’t get to make money off of me.”
“Wait, so you want to keep the account?” He asks curiously. You hear a door slamming and wonder if he’s still moving, or if his friends are.
“Dude, we’ll have rent and anything else covered for the whole month with a single week’s drop from this thing. I don’t see a reason not to. I can quit Mcdonald’s!”
“Shit, for real? Lemme talk to Denki, ‘m pretty sure he knows a guy.”
“Thank you,” you coo into the phone.
“Yeah, yeah, just make sure you pay up.” You can hear his pervy smile, and you grumble a sulky fine at him.
“Ok. But he’s gotta do it soon. It pays out in a couple of days.”
“I’ll give him some cash to see if he can do it tonight. Don’t see why he’d say no—" Denji sounds a lot further away from the phone now, "—Oi! Don't bro! Give it back."
A familiar voice purrs into the receiver and you roll your eyes. "Heyyy, princess. You with that Yoshida guy still or are we allowed to hang now?"
"Byeee, Kiri. Tell Kat hi f'me." You hang up with a smile and leave the bathroom, glaring at your supposed boyfriend still sleeping. You never heard him say he was working and you always kinda wondered where he was getting his cash, but you always just thought he was dealing or something. Not the kind of think you ask about. You obviously should’ve asked.
You crawl into his lap and begin sucking on his exposed throat, admiring the sharp lines, the bob of his adam’s apple as thick lashes flutter open. 
“Mmm,” Yoshida moans. “Damn, was I out long?”
“Nah,” you hum, slipping your fingers up his shirt, smoothing over his waistline. “Got bored without you, that’s all.”
“Yeah, baby?” He grins up at you, dark eyes fuzzed out and sultry, and his hands come up to settle on your hips, easing you into a slow grind. “Wanna do something?”
“Mm. Maybe,” you tease softly, pushing his shirt up his chest and leaning down to wrap your lips around his nipples. He groans at the warm, slick suction, arching into your touch. 
“Fuck, baby,” he breathes out, his cock swelling beneath you. 
“Maybe I wanna do something…different.”
Yoshida grins up at you, half-lidded. “Yeah? Like what?”
Your nails make pink lines down his chest as you lean in to whisper in his ear. “What if you fucked me, and we let some people watch?”
His fingers dig into the fat of your waist, his dick thumping beneath you. “Anyone I know?”
Yoshida’s pupils have overtaken his coal irises, and you give him an inviting smile. “No one specific. I was thinking more like…a video or something. I wanna be able to see it later.”
“Holy fuck, baby. That’s sexy,” Yoshida grins up at you. “Didn’t know you were into that stuff.”
“Me either,” you breath softly, rocking yourself over his covered erection.
You’re left to yelp as he displaces you from your seat on his lap and pulls you out of the bed by your wrist with a wide smirk. “Come on.”
“Wait, where are we going?”
“Don’t worry baby, I just wanna pick something up at the Malmart first.”
“Fine, I guess,” you pout at him and his smirk only grows.
“‘S okay, baby. I’ll give you something too.”
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“This is not what I meant when I said video, Hirofumi!” you gasp out. Your fingers are splayed out on the hood of his car as you try to stay upright. “Someone could actually see us!”
"If you don't wanna be seen, you gotta cum. Cause I'm not stopping til you cum."
"Fuck, fuck please, just hurry up!" You plead, half your words caught between whines and whimpers as he pounds into you from behind, your skirt flipped over your back.
"You think I'm not fucking you like I mean it?" There's so much smile in his voice that you want to call him on his bullshit for once, but the solid smacking of his hips into yours, the head of his dick pressing as deep as it can go with every thrust quickly makes you forget what you're snapping at him for.
"Just‐just, fucking make cum– ‘fumi!" You're desperately telling yourself you don't want to be seen. It's the middle of the night, so even here, parked under the one of the many lightposts that don’t work in grimetown's 24-hour walmart parking lot, the risk of anyone seeing is slim.
But not zero. Especially with the light from his phone camera shining down on your exposed lower half. You’re like a slutty beacon for whoever might be looking this way.
"I'm working on it baby, you gotta relax." His fingers slide around your waist, brushing past your clit and forcing a frustrated whimper past your lips at the neglect, to drag them through the slick dripping obscenely from your pussy lips. It's dripping to the rusted black hood, making it glisten. He aims the camera down at them before moving it back to the way your pussy clings to his cock. "You're so fucking wet for this, you'd think the whole thing was your idea. Well, most of it was."
You don't answer him, trying to work yourself back on him, chasing that fluttering heat twisting itself tighter and tigher with each passing second.
"Good girl, look at you. Fuck, look how bad you want—"
"Oi! Get the fuck out of here before I—"
Your whole body locks up at the tired but authoritative voice that rings across the lot.
Your boyfriend calls back. "C'mon man, have a heart. Let me finish her off and I'll give you a look." Except his last syllable staggers off with a groan, broken with a laugh as his grip on your hips tightens to a bruising pressure. The vice grip of your cunt has him looking down to sees your juices gush around the girth of his cock, dripping down your thighs to dirty the hood of his car even more. The sight pushes pushes him over and he calls out again, his voice tight but smug.
"Nevermind, we're done here."
He gets one last shot of his cum dripping out of you before closing out the livefeed.
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“It’s like four in the morning,” Denji grumbles, rubbing one of his eyes as he cracks his bedroom open further at the sight of you. “Thought you were Power or somethin’, jeez.”
Denji blinks the blur from his eyes, zeroing in on your screen, and you just about hear his pupils expanding. He pulls a shaky inhale and you roll your eyes.
“Done. Bet over, and here’s your damn proof,” you grumble right back, slamming your phone against his chest and shoving your way into his bedroom to flop down into his bed. It had taken over an hour to convince Yoshida back to his place and get him to fool around enough for him to pass out and you to sneak back home.
"Also Kiri wants you to call him back. He's mad you hung up on him."
A small grin curls your lips but you don't respond, wiggling deeper into his mattress until you're comfortable.
He throws himself down in the bed next to you. “Turn on my speakers.” 
“Or you could just wear headphones, you freak.”
“Nah. Turn ‘em on.”
With an exaggerated sigh, you stretch out to reach up to his desk, turning on the bluetooth speakers that he usually uses to be a nuisance when he’s smoking. “If your dad was home, I’d kill you for this.”
“You’re not even breaking up with him, are you?” Denji chortles, ignoring your bickering. His eyes are glued to the screen as he shoves a hand into his loosened shorts. “What the fuck, you guys were outside?”
You shrug. The video’s only been up for a couple hours and it already has triple the views and donations of all the photos Yoshida has put up so far. “Looks like he’s gonna be making me lots of money, so why not? It’s the least he could do to pay me back.”
Your stepbrother doesn’t answer you, his breathing getting heavier. You close your eyes and sigh as the sounds wet sounds and your own whiny moaning starts bouncing off the walls of his room, wondering to yourself if you really sound like that or if part of you was exaggerating because of the camera. The mattress creaks every now and then as his hips jump, his arm brushing your side as he grinds into his own fist. 
You roll to face him, taking in the sound of his stuttered breaths, the muted slick sound of his fist pumping in his shorts. “So what about this gets you so riled up?”
Denji groans, stomach rippling where his shirt is pulled up around his midsection. “I’nno, it’s hot, isn’t it?”
You keep prodding, “What is? Yoshida? Or me?”
He gives a small whine that has your pulse picking up in sick interest, so you continue. “Was Power really the one to find it? Or…you were subbed to the account, weren’t you Denji?”
“Mm- maybe?”
“Shit,” you whisper to yourself, listening to your own voice begging to cum, shifting your weight onto your arm so you can look at him. A strange curiosity has taken over your body. He looks wrecked but his eyes are still on the screen. “Denji, look at me.”
Your body tingles as his eyes tear towards you, but he’s still got a hand around himself, hidden from your eyes. “Can I touch it?”
“You wanna what?” he moans, just barely, teeth digging into his lip.
“Can I jerk you off?”
You’re a little surprised when he actually hesitates. You’ve tolerated it all this time; as much as he pervs out on you, and your stuff, yet somehow he’s got a little crumb of morality left in there somewhere. And right now…you wanna kill it.
“My panties, my pictures…is this really any different?” you ask softly, sweetly, as you run with this electric current, placing your hand over his covered groin. You grin as his hand immediately goes slack at your touch and slips out of his shorts, and you get to feel for the first time how hard he is, rubbing over the smooth fabric, feeling out the shape of him.
“I mean…I guess not.” He sucks in a breath as you grip him over his shorts and give a couple experimental strokes. “B-but what about—?”
Denji’s head drops back to the pillows with a groan, phone in a death grip as you tug his waistband down, his dick slapping free. It’s pretty and slender, flushed deep red.
“What about what?”
“What about prettyboy, huh?” He finally gets it out as you spit in your hand and take him up again, stroking him steadily from base to tip, squeezing at the top with a gentle twist of your wrist. Yoshida always seemed to like it, seems like he does too. 
“That’s what you’re worried about? Not the whole stepsister thing?” You shrug. You’re still stung about Yoshida’s betrayal, so this feels like a little bit of retribution. A little bit. You still need to find more ways to make him pay first, but this is a good start. “Yeah, he’s my boyfriend, but ‘s not like you and me are dating, Denji. It’s a handjob. What’re you gonna do, marry me?”
Denji splutters and his dick throbs in your hand. “Don- Don’t say stupid shit!”
You coo at him and his lips part, panting hard as you work him faster. 
“What– haa, what if it wasn’t just a handjob? What then?” Denji gives a low moan as you settle over his lower thighs so you can gently cup his balls. They seem to tighten under your touch, before he relaxes and he tries to look at you. 
“What, like my mouth or something?” you ask playfully, leaning over and showing him your tongue, letting a strand of spit drip down to his dick.
A litany of curses tumblr from his mouth as Denji squeezes his eyes shut, fingers twisting into the pillow beneath his head as his cock jerks and shoots a load of hot sticky white into your palm, getting smeared down his throbbing shaft as you slowly work him through his high until only a couple dribbles get pressed out by a final pass of your thumb over his slit.
“Wasn’t expecting you to finish already.” You wipe your hand off on his comforter and try to ignore the throbbing in your panties. You feel like you can still imagine the slick from earlier tonight seeping out of you, but it’s as if it’s no longer enough.
“Holy fuck,” he mumbles under his breath, digging the heels of his palms into his eyes as he calms his breathing enough to raise himself up on his forearms. He watches you as you take your phone and flop down next to him. “I didn’t even get to see the rest of the video.”
“It’s online now, freak. You can watch it whenever.”
You’re too busy trying to go through the account settings to notice the way he’s eyeing up your thighs; he hasn’t even put his dick away yet. 
“Hey,” he mutters softly, ignoring your glare when he puts a hand on your thighs and pulls them open. “If you can touch me, does that mean I get to touch you?”
Your pulse jumps and you try to keep your true thoughts hidden as you hide back behind your phone. “I guess that’s fair. If you wanted to.”
You can hear the click of Denji’s throat as he swallows, and you can’t stop the low whimper as his calloused fingers brush your inner thigh, right at the edge of your panties. 
They’re warm as they brush over the seat of your panties, timid but curious as they explore the surface, stroking over the tempting warmth and wet seeping through the thin fabric. A bolt of pleasure bursts and has your gut clenching as he swirls over your clothed clit
“H-hey, wait,” you say suddenly, nerves getting the better of you as you try to make sense of Denji taking control of your body. “It got switch but this isn’t my banking info. Is it yours?” You flip the screen towards him, and his brown eyes squint in the pale blue light.
“Uh, nah, that’s not mine.”
You mewl as he pulls your panties to the side and traces a finger through your folds, delicate, hungry. “Who did you say– mm, h-hacked the account for me?”
“I told you. M’friend Denki, his buddy did it. That purple-haired guy who works at the smoke shop.”
“The one wi—” you suck in a breath as he sinks his index finger into you. “With the tattoos?”
“Yeah him,” Denji mumbles, hardly paying attention to your words. He’s grinding against the bed as he pushes his middle in alongside it, imagining the tight squeeze around his dick instead.
Your groan is part pleasure, part dismay as you realize just who he’s talking about. “Oh fuck me.”
Denji bullies his way between your thighs in an instant.
“N-no, Den– that’s not what I meant!”
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sidekick-hero · 10 days
the unparalleled and precious @flowercrowngods tagged me to post some lines of an unpublished wip with no context
The sound of someone inserting their key card into the slot is followed by the handle being pushed down. Then the door to the room opens, revealing the lucky guy who will have him for the next two hours.
He’s pretty, is the first thing that comes to Steve’s mind. Tall and slender, with a small waist and very nice arms decorated in black ink. Most stunning, however, is his face. The pale skin a tantalizing contrast to his pink lips, dark hair framing high cheekbones and deep brown eyes that look at him like a deer in the headlights.
Then, the door closes with a bang.
“Guys? There’s some dude sitting on my bed, you might wanna call security. I’ll hold down the door but you gotta hurry.” Eddie’s voice trembles slightly and Steve’s torn between worry and amusement.
Faintly he can hear the other men laughing and Eddie's indignant squeak. "What the hell are you laughing at? There`s a crazy stalker in my room! Probably armed and dangerous!"
"Oh yeah, I bet he has a big gun," Garrett/Gareth snorts, and Steve rolls his eyes at the very obvious, very bad joke. The guy probably thinks he's really funny.
Eddie seems to agree with Steve, even if unknowingly. "Har-bloody-har. Jeff, c'mon, tell me you at least take this seriously!"
This is one of those nights when Steve wishes he was smart enough, or at least ambitious enough to go to college, so he wouldn't have to make money on the side dealing with shit like this. At least most of his clients were easier to deal with, if not as easy on the eyes as this Eddie.
"Eddie, trust me, you can open the door. He's harmless."
"How do you know?"
"Because he's your birthday present!" Freak interrupts, clearly losing patience. "Gareth's right, we should have just made him put a bow on his dick and be done with it. At least then we wouldn't be standing here arguing."
Steve wonders if they know he can hear every word they say. Like everyone else in the surrounding rooms, because they're not exactly quiet. He just hopes nobody calls the cops.
"He's... What the fuck? You can't just give someone a person, that's human trafficking!"
Obviously tired of making a scene outside a hotel room, Jeff just opens the door and pulls Eddie inside, trusting the others to follow. They do, closing the door behind them, and then they all look at Steve, who is still sitting on the bed, regretting all his life choices that led him here.
He gives a little wave with his fingers. "Surprise."
Eddie blinks at him, speechless, his mouth slightly ajar. Despite the situation, he remains unfairly attractive, his wide eyes stirring something in Steve that he hesitates to explore further. Steve's knowledge of Eddie is limited to his questionable choice of friends, yet he feels an inexplicable urge to shield him from the world, to keep him safe. The urge is unexpected in itself, but even more so in the intensity with which it hits him.
"This is Steve," Gareth introduces, stumbling over his words. "And, uh, well, he... yeah. Guys?" Gareth glances around, hoping for support from the others, but they remain silent. Steve rises from his spot on the bed and approaches Eddie.
As he stands before him, Steve is enveloped in a mixture of clean body spray, shampoo, and a faint whiff of cigarette smoke. Eddie's eyes, even larger up close, hold a warm hue that is captivating. Steve flashes a smile, aiming for a blend of reassurance and flirtation.
"I'm Steve, and for the next two hours, I can be whatever you need," he declares, though technically, twenty minutes have already elapsed. Nevertheless, for Eddie, Steve is willing to make an exception.
tagging with no pressure, only appreciation: @starryeyedjanai, @thefreakandthehair, @hbyrde36, @runninriot, @just-my-latest-hyperfixation, @steddieas-shegoes
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alicerosejensen · 4 months
Something about sin. Pt 2.
Warning: Older!Leon; younger reader; fem/reader; age difference; reader is the daughter of another DSO agent; Mention of erotica but it is not here; Anxiety; Relationship with Ada mentioned; Mentioning the conflict.
Synopsis: It's becoming increasingly difficult for Leon to be only your father's friend. Day by day you awaken more and more sinful feelings in him.
Tags: @ourfinalisation
Part 1
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He's just a friend of your dad's.
A friend of your father's who happened to meet you in a downpour, frozen, under the awning of some small shop that was probably closed, and you were already shivering like a kitten in a wet box that no one wanted to take in. Of course, he immediately took you to a warm place - his apartment. Do not think that he had any plans; apart from your well-being, he did not have a single sinful thought in his head, and you calmly trusted him. You bet! However, there were no sinful thoughts during the trip. But as soon as Leon opened the door of his apartment and let you in as his guest, he wanted to immediately take off all these soaking wet clothes, wrap your little body in a warm towel or bathrobe and put you in his bed. No sex, seriously, but that doesn't mean he couldn't imagine you sleeping in his bed, lying on his chest… A couple of days ago, he even woke up with another girl and thought for a few minutes that it was you, but reality hit him hard in the ribs. Instead of a shower, Leon offered only a towel, as well as his T-shirt and shorts to wait for your clothes to dry. Yes, the size is big, and, roughly speaking, the shorts were useless because it were too wide.
He honestly tried not to think about you. And on the other hand, couldn't help but fantasize about what would happen if you were entirely his. When you come out of the bath dressed only in his clothes, laying out your things on the dryer to dry, Leon wants to go up to you and put you on his lap by taking off those shorts. And it's even better to soak in the tub with you while you play with foam like a little girl. Shaking his head, driving away from himself again a series of vicious desires, he does not immediately realize that you are already sitting in front of him at the table waiting for a hot mug of tea to keep warm.
"I'm sorry, I was thinking, so what did you just say?
You smile at him again with your innocent smile, taking a sip, stuffing your mouth with more tea, after which your cheeks swell like a hamster for a couple of seconds. It's a funny sight. Leon knows that you only do this when you're drinking tea alone or with someone you're comfortable with. With whom who will not say that you are behaving inappropriately. He's definitely never going to tell you that.
"I said that Dad is absent now and mom has gone to my aunt for a couple of days. And that rain was not promised in today's weather forecast," You're lying, but no. There's no point in lying, Leon knows you're not going to seduce him. And you're not doing anything because he wants to love his friend's daughter… life really sucks.
He should have fallen in love with a woman his age or continued dating Ada. And you're worse than a zombie…stuck to him like a burr.
"Take a break now. You can watch TV, and to be honest, it's a long way to your house. I can call a taxi, but if you want, can you stay with me until morning? Sleep on the couch"
This is a risky question. Regret takes hold immediately after these words have been spoken out loud. What does he even hope for? That at nightfall you will come to his bed and say "I love you"? Cute, but unreal. Although Leon admits to himself that in this scenario he would be a gentle lover. There's no other way with you. In addition to the gun, he has condoms and lubricant on his bedside table, besides he does not skimp on preparation. But watching your face and how you feel indebted to him, Leon realizes that none of this is going to happen. You don't look at old people like him.
On the other hand, the taxi driver will charge you a considerable amount. Although who is he kidding? he is ready to pay for the trip to your home himself.
"Oh, princess, don't look at me with those puppy dog eyes…" he wants to say, but instead he says it to justify himself: "I'm just worried that the driver might offend you. Your father will twist my head off if anything happens to you."
Although he'll be the first to wring his own neck if someone hurts you.
"I wanted to spend the night with a friend, but at her house… a date with a guy. I don't like being alone," you admitted, shyly lowering your eyes, stroking his mug with both hands.
"Then stay," he had to make an effort to make his voice sound the same, but his smile betrayed him. "Let's order something for dinner, watch a movie and tell me about your TV shows that you love so much…"
"Do you know?!" You were surprised, but you smiled again. Of course he knows.
"Your father said that you watch them all the time."
It was wonderful when you agreed, and Leon let you choose whatever you wanted. don't worry about the money, the last expensive purchase he made was at the bike parts store, and well, the bottle is in the top cabinet in the kitchen. You order spicy pizza, pasta and something else, Leon doesn't even look at what exactly, because he doesn't care. The only thing that pisses him off is that you thank him and then fall asleep soundly on his couch after a little night of fun with food and TV.
He's a son of a bitch.
He's your father's friend, he's old, he's… It just doesn't suit you. Leon knows that you trust him, otherwise you would have run away as soon as the opportunity presented itself, and his brain suggests to him the idea of pulling off your T-shirt, exposing your small breasts, and squeezing you in his arms. You have a stupid habit of biting your lips, but you're not doing it because it's sexy (because it's never sexy), but because it's a fucking habit, not flirting.
The point is, he's not trying to justify himself like the rest of the bastards, saying it's your fault that he wants you. It's NOT your fault. You're NOT flirting with him.
And Leon understands that. When the movie ends, he brings you a blanket and a pillow, saying that you can still watch TV, but he is too old and will go to sleep. And all this in order to take the burden of guilt off his shoulders a little. And you're still innocently wishing him sweet dreams.
Yeah, indeed, his little princess, whom he should not defame. Eventually, you'll find yourself a guy your own age, graduate from college, and from time to time remember the day your dad's crappy friend sheltered you for one night.
A couple of weeks have passed since that day. All Leon can offer his few girls for one night is coffee in the morning and a sandwich made from the remains of what he has not yet rotted in the refrigerator. When Ada comes, everything is even simpler here, because she doesn’t need to offer anything, she’s like a cat: she comes and goes when she wants. You're not like that.
For some reason, Leon is sure he would have ordered you breakfast. Not always, of course, but things would really be different with you. There could be good moments in his life that are overshadowed by only one thing - his own conscience, which screams to stay away from you. You didn't tell your father anything about spending the night in his apartment. Leon guessed only because no one attacked him with pretensions, and in general, what kind of father would want his daughter to spend the night at his friend's house? Even if nothing happened between you, it will still remain a secret between the two of you.
He still cares about you, like your dad's friend, he can pat you on the back as support or even hug you at some holiday, but soon Leon is surprised to notice that the hugs from you are becoming longer and stronger.
It's nice.
Maybe he just imagined it and you're still chatting sweetly with him, and that hug gesture was just in his head. You have a nice floral perfume that suits you and Leon likes it when you sit next to him at the table offering this or that dish cooked by your mother. You take care of him, although not with the context he wants.
In fact, Leon is not a fool and understands why you don't give a damn about someone like him. At one point, he was ready to openly flirt, but damn it, if that happened, you would run away to complain to your father and do the right thing, but here he is sitting in your family's house, drinking beer with your father, discussing life and at some point realizes that your father really looks like him, but he has a family. He spends all the money he earned in the DSO on you and your mother, that's why you've been a little spoiled since childhood, but who's going to blame the old man for that? If Leon had a family, he would also spend every last cent to please his loved ones, and therefore the last woman he gave an expensive gift to was you.
However, Leon would have given you his card without any problems so that you could buy whatever you want. Dad loves you and he loves you too, but not as a friend, although he carefully hides it.
It's not funny. Leon would like to find at least one couple with a large age difference who has a healthy, loving relationship, but he himself understands perfectly well that he behaves like a boy who believes in fairy tales to the last. Well, at least he smiles when you are visiting him and you managed to start talking to him about this topic, telling him that there were such couples... several hundred years ago, when girls were forced into marriage. Your argument was that “They fell in love with each other later anyway,” supported by beautiful films about love of that era and romance novels marked “not for children,” with Leon himself reluctantly admitting the truth.
“Sunny, this is just literature designed to arouse interest among girls like you and earn money. Grown-up guys like cute girls like you for a completely different reason."
You didn't like the answer. You discussed with him for some time without crossing the line, but more and more Leon noticed the sadness on your face. The way you clenched your jaw and involuntarily puffed out your cheeks again made him want to comfort you. And then you mentioned that you know a couple who have many children and have a significant age difference.
"Why are you trying to convince me?" He smiled when he saw how frightened his desired, but unattainable angel was, and came up with excuses, saying that he was destroying your illusions that “they lived happily ever after” and “all ages are submissive to love.”
Well what can say? With this conversation, you made him doubt that he was not the only one with sinful thoughts in his head. You still don't have a boyfriend...
At least Leon hopes you weren't seduced by some old bastard, but you're a smart girl and know how to run away from creepy guys.
You're still laughing at his jokes, smiling, and Leon really wants to find the answer to why Ada left his heart so easily and you took over it so easily. But he has a bad habit of loving those women who don't need his attention. In any case, when Ada visits him again, pride does not allow this woman to go to bed with a man who has another on his mind. And Leon himself, however, no longer has any desire, as well as needs.
The costs of the profession.
Maybe because he is still ashamed that he called his last girl by your name and kissed her in his sleep.
Leon really thinks he's such a bastard when he sits in front of Ada and doesn't know what to say to her. She is a part of him, but one that he no longer wants to touch.
"I am not angry"
Leon simply nods, running his hand over his face, not at all surprised by this woman's reaction. Ada Wong isn't one to throw a fit because her partner has found another love interest. An interest that could be mutual and healthy, unlike what had happened between the two of them over the years.
and all that Leon says to her in response is:
"I know"
"You shouldn't blame yourself for wanting stability somewhere. Feelings can disappear after 20 years of marriage, and you and I have separate ways… I will not fulfill your cherished dream of a typical American family, where you return home and there your wife is waiting for you with a hot dinner and two, maybe three Kennedy kids who will immediately jump on your neck with happiness that dad has returned home"
Anyone who knows Ada even a little bit will say that she is right. It seems to Leon that he knew this even at the first meeting when she identified herself as an FBI agent showing him a fake badge. But then he was a young, scared rookie cop with a great sense of justice who, despite his fear, wanted to save at least one living soul in the Raccoon City… So many years have passed and Ada is right, he has hardly changed.
They didn't even have love. The status of "Everything is difficult" turned into "Everything has become much more difficult" because you fit into this status and Leon is completely confused, preferring to just stay away from everyone and suppress all the feelings inside. And you keep climbing and climbing into his head against his will that one day he really got angry and snapped at you when you accidentally dropped one of the old parts in his garage.
To tell the truth, this useless spare part should have been thrown in the trash a long time ago, Leon doesn't know what the hell it was lying there, maybe he just forgot to throw it away, but the way you lowered your head and apologized, biting your lip so as not to cry in front of everyone, well, it makes him feel like a son of a bitch even more. My God, he would immediately fall at your feet and beg for forgiveness for raising his voice at you at all. After that, even when he came to visit your father and stayed for dinner with the family, you didn't even show up in his eyes. Your mom kept saying that you weren't feeling well and decided to get some sleep, then you were too busy (but didn't say what), then you were supposedly not at home, but one day you accidentally got caught when you sneaked into the kitchen for dinner, putting a bigger portion on your plate. Leon wanted to call out to you but looked away pretending not to notice.
This could be the end.
He would have just waited a little longer before apologizing to you for yelling at you over nothing. I would have given you time to calm down, but I was really scared when I received the stupidest message from you.
"I want to pay for the thing I broke. I really didn't want to break anything, so just tell me how much it cost."
At that moment, he wanted to yell at you even more. Do you really think that he is so petty that he will charge you money for just dropping an already broken part?! After that, he felt even more disgusted with himself. Because he acted like a bastard and now you think he's a real brute.
Of course he didn't charge you. However, unsubscribed the same way as you: SMS.
A conflict that essentially grew out of nothing. When your mom finally made you show up and greet him out of politeness having dinner together, you were now sitting as far away from him as possible without saying anything or offering, constantly looking at the clock waiting to escape from the table. Then it was decided that it was time to end it. After your awkward escape, Leon tried to find you in the backyard of the house and he was almost right, however, he spotted the exact location by following your sobs when you were sitting in the barn and sorting through some old things without noticing someone else's presence.
If you were his… No, he still quickly ran up to you with the idea that something had happened to you, you couldn't just sit and cry like that, and if you could, then at least give the old man hope that it wasn't because of him. Leon didn't want you to cry because of him.
Mr. Kennedy, as you used to call him, has no right to kiss you even if he really wants to. Even if you're a forbidden fruit that you can't eat, but you really want to, so you just don't have any strength anymore. You just can't. However, you look at him with those tear-stained eyes, allowing him to take your palm in his hand and squeeze it slightly, dropping down in front of you to listen to stupid apologies. Leon doesn't know how to apologize a damn thing, but he tries. He really tries when he wipes your tears from your cheeks while maintaining eye contact and doesn't know what to feel when you press your cheek against his palm.
An accident or a hint?
Leon thinks the former, although he secretly hopes for the other. He may be the perfect government weapon, the perfect soldier, a good man, but he knows that he is an ordinary scumbag who kisses his best friend's daughter and is bursting with happiness when an awkward kiss gets timid reciprocation.
Even if you are already of age, even if you dreamed about it yourself, Leon Scott Kennedy will always feel like a guilty scoundrel.
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nanamimizz · 1 year
i’ve heard u have some…dubcon sae thoughts lamb…….
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Tags: fem! Reader dubcon, fingering, somnophilia, established relationship, reader’s clothes are described as “skimpy”, possessiveness, reader has japanese nationally (they grew up there!) - let me know if i missed something
Synopsis:  You’re the only thing Sae loves from Japan, so just keep being pretty for him?
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Sae gets home from his red-eye flight at two in the morning - some parts of the cities are still alive but your apartment is dead quiet, the lights are out and he’s sure when he steps in you’ll be in bed. Tucked in your too-soft blankets that are soft and fuzzy because you always run too cold for your own good. He bets you even have that little pink bear that you’ve had since you were a baby; you always bring it into your bed when you miss him. Sae can’t help but think it’s cute, how earnestly you miss him even if all he’ll do is scoff and keep his cool facade.
You gave him keys to your place a long time ago, a little too soon in his opinion but he’s glad you trust him enough to enter your home when he’s too tired for the long trip to his family home. The scent of honey and vanilla is in the air, a ghost of a smile on his handsome face when he sees you light the candle he brought you from Spain. The soft green of the wax reminded him of you - you were his green, his safe space like an open meadow free from any sort of worry. He sets his bag down quietly and takes off his shoes, putting them aside neatly in the clean space that shines in the soft light from the lamps in the hall that automatically turn on and off. As he walks further into your home he makes his way to the closet in the hallway, it’s where you store his spare clothes for when he drops by. 
Sae is almost jealous. You have an unspoken talent for laundry, all his clothes come out smelling nicer and feeling softer when they are washed under your careful hands than his. A new set of clothes in hand he makes his way to take a quick shower - you enjoy keeping clean and Sae would rather die than bring the germs from the plane into your bed sheets that he knows you washed today. When he sees his products lining your shower he hums amusedly when grabs his shampoo and begins to lather the product in his hair.
You had even stocked up for him. How cute, how earnest, how could Sae ever stay away from you?
He’s all done now, in fifteen minutes or less, and pads quietly into your bedroom. Sae rarely smiles, wearing his emotions openly was something he never needed to do around Rin but when he went overseas at the tender age of fifteen it became his outer shell more than anything else. Now, it’s a habit he can’t curve but it helps when you are asleep and he can smile broadly as your sleeping form; your face is being smushed into the pillow and he was right, you did have the little bear at your side.
You had missed him something fierce this time around and his hand is out to pet your head in a way that makes you drowsy. Sae shakes his head when he hears sleepily mumble something that sounds like the three letters of his name and he feels you getting closer to his hand. The crown of your head fits perfectly into the palm of his hand and Sae can’t help but think if that’s what your heart weighs. He pulls back the sheets, the smell of your detergent and it’s funny how well Sae knows-
Sae Itoshi did not expect this.
He was right about everything but what you wore to bed, makes him freeze in place. Never before had he seen so much of your skin and even his stoic outer shell crumbles when he can so blatantly take in the curve of your stomach and the swell of your hips. A soft black top that shows off your belly and shoulders paired with panties he’s never seen before. Charcoal gray, low on your hips, and trimmed by lace. Sae swallows around the lump in his throat when he greedily consumes how the skimpy underwear rests below your belly button - he can see the cute birthmark you have underneath it and it takes all he has in his heart to stop himself from reaching out to kiss the little spot.
The puppet master knows not what to do when he does not hold the strings, he wonders if maybe they have been held in your comparable dainty hand all this time.
His hand twitches and for once Sae moves without careful foresight, letting the tips of his fingers trace up the soft swell of your thighs. You’re ticklish so even the slightest touch makes you twitch and make a soft little noise that is too muddled by sleep for him to read what it means. He folds the blanket away and you whine, there is something charming in the way you curl up under him from the loss of warmth. His hands grow greedy, and the tips of his fingers become his palms to skim against the skin of your exposed belly.
He wonders if this is why cats purr as there is a flower of contentment in his chest as he paws at your skin and where he is all hard lines and definition your skin is satin and silk and all things smooth in the world. Sae doesn’t know what’s come over him, in a blink of an eye his gentle touches turn hungry and they take to separate ways. His right hand goes to the north where the swell of your chest is more prominent and his left hand goes to where your thighs meet. Desire is a tricky thing, blindsiding not only you but the object of your wanting too - it’s why you wake up with a jolt and a sleepy call of his name on your lips.
“Sae? What are you-”
“Shh, it’s okay just lay back.” he cuts off with a whisper that is as gentle as it is wicked and Sae lets his fingers sink into the plush of your breast as he traces the gusset of your panties.
“W-when did you get back?” He answers you with a hum, following the seam of your underwear until he finds the pretty little lacy that frames the soft plush of your bottom. His thumb digs into the fat, tracing the stretching marks and thumbing the cute little birthmark you have on your cheek.
“Just got here - tonight. Was going to join you in bed but then I saw you wearing this skimpy shit for me and I couldn’t help myself.” He whispers as he peels back your panties only to laugh under his breath when he can see the way a string of slick clings to the fabric. Your hand blindly reaches out, barely getting to his wrist before you feel it - his fingers swiping through your damp folds.
“Ah, Sae it’s not skimpy, s’not for you and - Sae wait please I’m too sleepy,” You whine back, twisting and arching your back as his fingers find the swelling pearl of your clit and begin to swipe at it in the way that your knees tremble. His body follows yours and he bends over you until his mouth is to your ear.
“You can go back to bed if you want. This is more for me than for you, you’re the prettiest for me when you cum.” You shudder into the pillows, turning your face back into them as you fall into a state of half sleepiness and half pleasure lidded. Sae’s finger slips inside and with the precision of a machine, he finds all your weak spots like he hasn’t been gone for four months across the world.
You moan girlish little sounds - high and thin into the pillow and you can hear Sae tease you from above you, “What? I thought you were too sleepy for this?” You don’t even have it in you to say anything back, only further melting in your place between the bed and the hardness you feel above you. In the low light, he sits back on his haunches still giving you his fingers as he watches the clear, tacky slick that seeps from you and clings to his hand down to his wrist.
“You expect me to believe this isn’t skimpy? Bet you wanted this to happen, wanted to get your little cunt finger fucked by your boyfriend, huh?” He whispers to you, loud enough that you can hear because he knows you’re still awake, the pleasure thrumming in your system too much to let you sleep deeply and truly. Your back arches deeper this time and you squeal as the band of heat that had been growing in your stomach - right underneath that cute little birthmark under your belly button snaps as you gush down the lines of his palm. Whines and huffs leave your lips, you sound like a little puppy which only endears him more to you if that was possible.
Sae feels you twitch when you feel the heat that’s being pressed against your too-sensitive cunt, his crouching all around you now, letting you feel the bulge in his sweats.
“Everything about you is for me and me only. Don’t ever forget it, got it?” You lift your face from the pillows and something in him coos at how water your eyes are as you blink away the remaining sleep that had tucked itself into them. Teal eyes glow green from greed as he looks down at you through unstyled mauve hair.
“Let me do the work, just be pretty for me, yeah?” You nod, because everything about you is for Sae and Sae only.
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anystalker707 · 6 months
Jealous? Me?
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x [gender-neutral, afab] Reader Kinktober prompt: Jealous sex Tags: Transmasc friendly / Dom-Sub undertones / Penetration / Strap game / Bottom law !
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          You sat on the bed in the cabin, with your back against the wall, messing with a paper you’d found on the bedside table. It had nothing important nor special, but anything counted if there wasn’t an opening for a talk. He noticed it, certainly, Law was a smart guy, though he was also awful at talking about anything that involved feelings, whether they were his or not. Obviously, he put some effort into it when it came to you, and it still wasn’t any easier.
Law tried not to look a lot at you. He glanced around the cabin, restless, trying to find something to do after placing his sword down and leaving his hat on the desk. The desk, bedside table, adjusting the poster on the wall. None of it really worked. Eventually, he slowly let out a breath and stripped down to his boxer shorts to get ready for bed and sat down next to you. As much as he tried to rethink every single little thing he’d done that day, Law just couldn’t figure out what exactly made you act like that. It was a normal day at an island, restocking and chilling around a little. He had even been around you for most of the time.
Okay. There needed to be a first step, right? Law rested his head on your shoulder—or at least tried to, meeting the mattress instead. “Babe,” he sighed, bottom lip sticking out a little, as he crossed his arms. No answer. He raised his eyebrows a little, thinking for a moment. “Come on.”
“I can’t believe this still happens,” you sighed as you put the paper away and looked at Law. “Every single time, you’re always letting someone hit on you. Last time, it was that guy at the open market when we were buying food, but today, it was that woman at the docks. Like, I know you don’t flirt back or even think about anyone else, but can’t you at least push them away? It was obnoxious watching her shove her tits into your face while you just sat there. Are you dead or something?”
Well, Law did seem dead, to some degree. You couldn’t help but find it a little funny when he looked up at you with his droopy eyes, dark circles under them—your face didn’t mirror your thoughts, though.
“I’m sorry.” Law pressed his lips together. “You know that I just don’t care. It’s not like they know me or they’re going to kiss me or anything. Does it even matter?”
You narrowed your eyes at Law; he furrowed his eyebrows, looking up for a moment before he sat up, slowly exhaling. Despite your attempts to pull away, he still wrapped his arms around you and rested his head on your shoulder.
“What I’m trying to say is that they’re unimportant. I only have eyes for you,” he mumbled, kissing your shoulder.
“At least be a little more considerate because I hate watching this happen,” you sighed, rolling the paper up to smack Law’s head then put it away again.
“Ouch,” he groaned, scrunching his nose. “You know you’re the only one who gets to touch me, to kiss me, to see my bed hair, to see me all skrunkly whenever sleep-deprived… The only one who gets cuddles, love, this body, kisses,” he continued listing, observing your face carefully—his heart fluttered at the smallest sign of a smile on your face. “But I will try to be more attentive about it. For you, babe.”
A sigh escaped your lips, and Law felt your shoulder relaxing under his head. “Okay.” You nodded, looking at him. “But I still expect you to make up for it. Come on, Law.” The fact you said his name instead of a pet name made him look at you again, pausing as he met your gaze. “Did you even remember my existence after that woman in the docks started flirting with you? I bet all you think about now are her tits, with the way she kept shoving it in your face. You barely talked to me after that. You only approached me now, and…”
“Stop being so dramatic!” Law groaned as he threw a leg over and straddled your lap, facing you. “You know how bad I am with this stuff, and you kept avoiding me!” His palms pressed both of your cheeks together as he looked at you in the eyes. “What was I supposed to do, hm? I was thinking about you all the time!”
You crossed your arms over your chest with a scoff. “Untrue.”
Law’s eyebrows knitted together, and he pouted again. “I only have eyes for you. I literally have a tattoo with your name, pictures of you everywhere, I take you everywhere. What else do you need?” He wrapped his arms around your neck, hugging you close, and you wanted to laugh at his growing desperation.
Of course, he loved you. Protecting you was always Law’s first reaction whenever some danger approached, and he needed to spend at least a certain amount of time with you during the day, or else he’d get extremely clingy. Not to mention the small things he did, like making sure you were always eating properly or drinking enough water, always knowing when you needed hugs or space.
“You’re so fake!” You clicked your tongue, wrapping your arms around his waist and kissing his collarbone—his hands rested on your back with the change. “You don’t even like me, Trafalgar, you just use me because there’s no one else for you in the sub!”
Law felt like dying. He knew it was playful banter, but there was a bottom of truth, and he didn’t know what to do right now to get that off your mind. Whatever he had to say turned into a gasp once you started nipping on his collarbones instead of just kissing, also making your way up his neck. A soft groan escaped his lips as he leaned his head back, and the new kisses up his throat made him groan again.
“Goddammit, (y/n),” he sighed.
The soft touches on his back made Law shiver, feeling your fingers trace down his spine gently, eventually slipping into his boxers—he swallowed dryly as he kept still, despite the frustration once your hand pulled away.
“I hate you.” Law rubbed the back of your neck, humming at how your lips sucked a mark into the side of his neck.
“I know,” you chuckled as you leaned back and looked at him. “If you didn’t hate me, you wouldn’t be letting anyone else hit on you like that!”
Law’s eyes widened as he glared at you, clicking his tongue. That was getting ridiculous. “I’m yours,” he said with a nod. “I’m all yours. Only yours. Your property, your boyfriend, your girlfriend, and whatever else you want.” His face fell as you chuckled more, his cheeks burning in embarrassment. You were insufferable, but he loved you so much it hurt.
“You’re so cute when you’re desperate like that,” you chuckled, but you were shut up by a kiss this time. Despite the initial lack of reaction, you slowly kissed Law back.
The soft kisses started gaining urgency in no time—Law’s teeth tugged on your lips before he deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue into your mouth at the first opportunity you got. Fuck, it made you groan. Your hands tightened around his waist, and Law finally felt like he was getting somewhere.
“Stop being so annoying,” Law breathed against your lips. “You’re lucky that I love you.”
You eyed him with a smirk, shaking your head a little. “Do you, though?” Before there was any interruption, you shifted your positions, making Law fall back on the mattress. “Whatever. I think it’s about time I give you a little reminder about who you belong to.”
Law perked up a little at the same time his cheeks burned, and he had to close his eyes for a moment. “I’m not against that.”
“Of course you aren’t.”
It didn’t take long for you to undress, get the box from the wardrobe, and get the strap-on ready, but it felt like an eternity for Law as he buried his face into the pillow he hugged, also undressed. He was thankful you couldn’t see his cock under him because he was afraid he’d started leaking already just from the pressure of the occasion.
The mattress shifting around him brought Law back to reality. He lifted his head as he felt you straddle the back of his thighs, and the soft kisses pressed between his shoulder blades eased part of the anxiety. With a soft hum, he closed his eyes and rested his head against the pillow again, sideways this time. He loved the way you touched him, so careful and loving. Your fingertips traced the tattoos on his back, going down to his tramp stamp—your thumbs pressed to it so nicely, rubbing circles into the skin. He moaned at something as simple as that.
“Stretch?” You asked, receiving a hum of denial in response. It rushed things a little.
The lube was cold, eventually warming up as you spread it evenly over your fingers. Your thumb held Law’s ass cheek to the side and exposed his waiting hole; he gasped, tensing up under you once two of your fingers pressed to his entrance. In soft circles, they traced his hole, spreading the lube before starting to push in. Law let out a sound that was muffled against the pillow, clenching tightly.
You didn’t take long—since Law didn’t need you to stretch him first, you didn’t bother lingering around sensitive spots or curling your fingers up inside him, only spreading the lube generously. The strap’s dildo was next.
Law visibly tensed up a little as he felt you shifting, but he didn’t move. A knee sank into the bed beside each of Law’s thighs, and there was an elbow by his side before he felt the toy press to his entrance. He moaned, pressing his eyes shut as he felt your cock slowly push in, stretching him so nicely as his walls accommodated around it, and his back arched a little bit once he felt it start pressing to his sensitive spots. It felt so good.
“Fuck,” you whispered, letting your other elbow sink into the bed as well, now that you didn’t need to guide the toy into him anymore. Your chest pressed to Law’s back, feeling it rise with his breathing, which easily fell out of pace as you started moving your hips.
The first thrust was shallow, barely having anything moving, but it helped you adjust your position to find enough support to make things easier. Law hissed as he felt you slowly build a pace, his fingers wrapping around the pillow as his cock twitched between him and the mattress. He could relax according to how his body got used to the new pleasure, burying the lower half of his face into the pillow, muffling his moans.
“Still thinking about someone else?” You breathed into Law’s ear, your voice carrying that bitter tone that agonized him so fucking much. “Or did you remember who’s your actual partner, hm?” A gasp came from Law as your hips snapped particularly sharply, pressing to a sensitive spot inside him. “You must like making me jealous,” you sighed.
His will to protest was practically useless—whatever you did to him, it took away Law’s capability of forming a proper train of thought, only allowing him to focus on how good you made him feel. The best he could do was groan in a tone that mixed pleasure and complaint, and he was sure it only amused you.
A trail of kisses was left along Law’s shoulder, sometimes interrupted by soft nipping. Your lips felt so nice, hot against his skin, adding to the pleasure that only you could ever give him. The thrusts became a little more intense, not exactly faster, as you bit down on his shoulder; Law arched his back with it, moaning.
You reached deep inside him, making him feel so deliciously full, so good. His fingers sank into the pillow again, holding it tightly to himself.
It took you a while, slowly removing an elbow from the mattress and slowly stabilizing yourself so that you could reach a hand up to Law’s face. He was a little confused but gasped at feeling your fingers pushing into his mouth, two of them, forcing their way in as your palm pressed to his cheek. He was forced to stop burying his face into the soft fabric of the pillow, letting his moans shamefully fill the room along with your unsteady breathing and the occasional squelching sound.
“Ahhh,” Law groaned, unable to say anything even if he wanted to. Drool started running down the corner of his mouth, and he wanted to disappear for a moment—he felt embarrassed at the same time he felt stupidly good.
Maybe he lost track of time for a moment. His mind started getting fuzzier at some point, the corners of his vision blackening out, his cock aching as it throbbed, all somehow turning him on even more. Reality came back to him with the way you groaned, shifting a little behind him, and his tongue was already hanging out of his mouth at this point.
You were probably aware of how it made him feel and felt proud of it. Your thrusts kept going, fucking Law so nicely, keeping that angle that made his back arch more and his moans grow a pitch higher.
“What’s it?” You whispered, lips grazing the shell of his ear. Hell, the way you regretted not getting a vibrator or something inside yourself before. He was such a mess under you… It made you feel so hot, unfortunately unattended; the eventual friction of the back of the strap-on against you didn’t even count.
“I hope the next time someone is hitting on you, you actually remember how nice I fuck you. Maybe that’ll help instead,” you said sharply.
Law would never admit it, but he loved it when you’d change roles with him and take charge like that, muttering loving or cruel words to him, riding or fucking him—he was a sucker for it. He knew some things that would often trigger this change, and one of them was jealousy. No, he never made you jealous on purpose, but whenever he noticed your bad mood towards him was due to jealousy, his cock already throbbed in his pants.
The moans that slipped from Law’s lips grew each time louder according to how his orgasm approached, forming that familiar tingling sensation in the base of his stomach. His mouth ached a little from the way your fingers tugged on it, but maybe he enjoyed pain.
Law’s cum made a hot and sticky mess that’d require a change of bedsheets later, shot between himself and the mattress as he kept being fucked through his high, and even after. He whimpered, gasping for air at the edge of overstimulation that was quickly replaced by the awful feeling of nothingness at the same time your hand let go of him. He clenched around nothing as you pulled your cock out of him, arching his back then curling up a little while whimpering more. Too much to process. You were making him go crazy.
“Fuck,” you whispered, pulling back to take the strap off, no matter how messy it was. “My time now, right?” You kissed the back of Law’s neck and pressed a hand to his back. “I hope you didn’t forget me again.”
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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themadlu · 3 months
Do Not Open That Door
Astarion is sure his leader's unflinching morals will lead him to another unwanted grave. He is also sure she is putting on an act because people like her do not exist, clearly. He decides to test his assumptions.
TW: None I think
WC: ~3000 words
Tagging: @spacebarbarianweird for the encouragement!
Astarion is livid. Well, maybe livid was an overstatement—he is annoyed. Annoyed and confused. Such feelings are still a vast improvement over the fear and shame he's been accustomed to, but they make him restless nonetheless. 
Especially because their cause is walking steadily next to him without a care in the world for his inner turmoil. 
Zélie, their oh so great leader, has managed to spoil what could have been a perfectly enjoyable afternoon on multiple fronts. First, she decides to talk to the goblins ambushing them instead of treating them like the savages they are.
(“We don’t know how many of them are in this village Astarion. What if there’s a little army and we’re outnumbered?”)
After confirmation that there were, in fact, quite a few goblins (and a couple orcs to boot), she managed to get free passage through the village by leveraging their wriggly alien parasite. He isn’t happy about it. Not at all. 
He has to begrudgingly admit hers was a wise call after witnessing just how large and hungry those orcs were. And of course they even agree to help a fellow true soul in need. Just what he needs to undermine what little influence he has on her.
(Her blood is in his body after all.)
In the last tendays she had made it her mission to remind him how despicable murder is, under most circumstances, aside from self-defence. This beautifully idiotic mindset of hers almost got her killed twice in front of his very eyes.
(She doesn’t know he has taken to finish off the enemies she leaves unconscious while she isn’t watching.)
When he had pointed out the suicidal flaw in her morals, she had given him her signature scolding look, crossed her arms, and started breathing in that funny way of hers. 
In, hold, out. 
(She says she is not trained as a monk, but he’ll be even more damned than he already is if that is true. The way she fights and holds herself—and those sickening ideals she has—tell a different story.) 
“Honestly, darling,” he hisses at her as they walk through the village, squinty eyes trained on their every move. “I thought we agreed that benevolence and honour,” he spits the words out like a curse, “get you nowhere but to an early grave.”
“Astarion,” she always says his name when she speaks to him—even in annoyance— and he hates his constant surprise at hearing it. His elven name had been replaced with other titles over time, more befitting of his status—boy, spawn, whore, slut, beautiful, toy, love…
Truly, it’s a small miracle he managed to hold on to his name. It’s one of the few things left that are truly his, yet hearing it spoken from that solemn woman's lips makes something in his chest preen. 
“I thought we agreed to disagree on that front. No, don’t give me that look. Killing someone is never justifiable. No matter what we tell ourselves, we are taking away something that wasn’t ours to begin with. Something irreplaceable. Even—” she held up her hand as he started to complain, “in self-defence, even then, I will make sure to exhaust all alternatives, and even then, it will be a failure on my part.”
You moron. 
“Too bad the rest of the world doesn’t think like you, darling,” he snapped. Hers was an act. There was no way in the hells anyone could survive to their…whatever age she was, he was never good with human lifespans, with that mindset. It was ridiculous, because if she actually was like that—if two–hundred years of shit didn’t teach him better—she should either be dead in a ditch or have ascended to godhood on her saintly behaviour alone. The only explanation he has for her standing close to him is that the mask she wears is as fake as his own. That, or she is a child of Ilmater. He bets on the former, given her complete ignorance of any deity on Toril.
“But you lied,” he counters, snapping his fingers. “You said we are here on Absolute business. Doesn’t that go against your precious code of honour?” he singsongs in her ear. 
“I didn’t lie. My tadpole reacted to theirs, and they drew their own conclusions. Technically, we are going to their camp on Absolute business too, if you count removing these,” she tapped her index to her temple. 
He smirks, victorious. “Circumstantial. One day, the tadpole won’t do the work for us and you’ll break your own code or doom us to death. For one, I’d rather not repeat the experience,” he says in a quiet voice, pointing at his chest. 
Their companions are still unaware of his condition—another occasion his holy leader conveniently withheld information. 
(“It’s your secret, it’s your decision.” Hypocrite.)
“Astarion, I know you take me for a fool, and I would normally pay more respect to a man—elf—my senior by centuries, but really. I can be practical and have a moral compass, and that means that when the choice is between lying and killing, I will pick lying any day, even if I don’t like it.” 
Her words incense him, annoyance suddenly turns into rage and something else—what’s that, envy?—he pivots on his left heel and closes the distance between them so fast she has no time to react. Zélie is left pinned to the wall, their bodies a breath away from touching, and he internally celebrates the surprised look on her face. 
He stares at her down his nose, ducking his head and planting a slender hand on the wall beside her head. 
Astarion has to make her stop before he tears her self-righteousness out of her throat. Before she realises how useless it all is—how useless and tainted he is—and either stakes him or banishes him. Because even her sickly, do-gooding self, fake or real it be, must have limits. If he pushes hard enough, they’ll crumble, and then he’ll be proven right. She is not what she says she is because creatures like that aren’t real.  
“Let’s make one thing clear, darling,” he growls, nostrils flaring, “you may be our great leader, but you should get off your high horse before someone shoots you off it. I don’t know what perfect little corner of the universe you grew up in, but you know nothing of this world and its dangers.” 
He flashes his fangs at her to drive his point across. The others are out of sight, looking for supplies in some ruin or cellar. Gods, he misses the city. 
Zélie is staring back at him, bristling, but lets him continue. She never interrupts any of them, not even him.
“I thought humans were all about developing and living fast, but you, my dear, are as ignorant as a babe. I am trying to make sure we keep our collective hides safe and do not get sidetracked by other pitiful creatures on our path.” 
He realises just how close he is to her when she straightens up again and their noses almost touch. 
Pale eyes go darker with a flash of anger. 
There. Come at me. Prove me right. 
“Spoken like a true man of the law, lord magistrate.” 
Why the hells is her tone so collected when she has a literal vampire at her throat?!
“You seem forgetful, so I’ll remind you that it was my ignorance that stopped Shadowheart from connecting her mace with your head. And it was my stupidity that convinced her you could join us, and that we should give you a chance at trust.” 
She makes no move to get closer, but he recoils as if scorched by fire. 
“And it is the same trust I placed in you yesterday when I let you bite me, even though it’s not how I envisioned a night of rest to go. I trusted you to stop, I trusted you to keep your word and not leave me a corpse.”
There it is. Reminding him of what he owes her. Of his debts. They say the quiet ones are the most depraved, and she is the strong and silent type. But he is nothing if not an expert in the art of subservience at this point, and if it gets her to keep giving him blood and protection—
“I trust you.” 
Then you’re doomed.
She says it as if it were a challenge. Her gaze is unwavering and he is left speechless yet again. Cazador would admire this quality of hers.
“I hope you can trust me in return.”
Impossible woman. 
“Well, I suppose you’re not wholly incompetent,” he manages to croak out. His nonchalant mask is harder to slip on this time. 
She huffs a breath of a laugh, a tiny thing, but it’s enough to transform her whole face. The weight she carries on her deceivingly flimsy shoulders seems to lift, leaving behind a young woman smiling softly at a…well, a monster. Talk about inexperience. 
Happiness suits you, little leader. 
The fact it’s his prattling that caused this marvel of a transformation stokes something in chest and in the pit of his stomach that he promptly pushes down. 
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” Zélie says. She moves away and he is left staring at the crusty wall. Her body never touched his own during their exchange. 
Wait. That’s wrong. He was meant to make her see the reason in his ways, not the other way around. So why is he at her heels like a lost puppy the minute she walks away? 
(“You are nothing by yourself boy. You owe everything to me.”)
He is weak. So weak he has leashed himself to a human who can barely read common, fuck's sake. 
His temper rises again once he catches up with Zélie. He doesn’t need her condescension, nor her chiding (she doesn’t even know his full story yet, nor she ever will unless absolutely necessary, so pity isn’t there yet). He’ll show the wretched woman how wrong she is. 
Karlach and Lae’zel jog behind them as they reach a barn with a door locked shut. Zélie thinks nothing of it at first, but Astarion can smell what’s inside.
(His senses born anew from her blood.)
He smells the ogre and bugbear and their horrid affair before the rest of his companions hear the grunts and noises.
“Oh God, someone’s fighting!” exclaims Zélie.
Fighting, you say?
An idea strikes him. 
See what your misplaced goodness gets you when you try to help an ogre.
“I don’t know soldier, they don’t sound like fight noises to me,” says Karlach leaning towards the barn, but even she seems unsure. Astarion’s talents may be limited to a specific area, but in this case it works in his favour. He is very familiar with what those sounds mean. The half-ogres that fucked him into the bed so hard he bled were not so different.
(He still remembers how much it hurt, how he was left in a puddle of mixed releases, sweat, and what little blood he had).
“Well, even if they are fighting, it is clearly not our problem. I say we leave them to it and focus on what’s really important,” he says, using his annoyance as a hook. Zélie may be the most restrained person he’s come across, but he knows how to read people, and he knows she will do the opposite of whatever he says when it concerns morals. 
She falls for it. His smile is harder to suppress.
“Astarion! We’ve just talked about this!” 
Her voice raises a bit, but it’s almost eclipsed by another loud grunt from inside the barn. 
“So long as my blade can be sharpened on my enemies’ bones, I am ready.” Lae’zel is almost as ignorant as Zélie when it comes to their world, which is usually a hindrance, but now it’s the push their little leader needs to run to the rescue. 
Zélie tries to open the barn door (after cutting another withering look at the vampire lazily strolling at her back), finding it jammed.
The crescendo of grunts and bangs coming from inside is extremely loud now. 
Gods, they must be disgusting. 
“Hello?! Help is on the way, hang on!” the little human shouts as she frantically tries to get the door unstuck. 
“Oh hells, let me do it, darling, before we turn into tentacled freaks,” Astarion says in mock-annoyance. She eyes him suspiciously and he shoots her a winning smile. His nimble hands make quick work of the lock, and he pushes the door open. 
He needs just a peek to know his assumption about what was happening in the barn is correct, and turns to face his now horror-stricken companion. 
“Gods, they are disgusting,” he comments with his lips crooked in a satisfied smile. 
Zélie scrambles to compose herself and turns her back from the scene (the prudish) as she fails to find words to explain herself. “I—I am, I apologise, we thought—”
Oh, she’s in a state. Her cheeks flush redder than rubies (he can practically hear her delicious blood pooling there), whilst the rest of her is paler than after Astarion’s feeding. She opens and shuts her eyes as if trying to physically erase what she just witnessed.
The bugbear slides his now soft cock out of the ogre, and looks at them in rage.
“W–what the hells are you doing?!”
Oh, Astarion is thrilled. He doesn’t remember when last had such fun. He hears Lae’zel’s tsk’ and Karlach’s gags behind him, and he closely watches Zélie fumbling as he didn’t think was possible. 
“Apologies! I, you—you were making a lot of noise and I, we, thought you needed help,” she holds her hands in front of her in a peace offering. “I apologise for the intrusion! We’ll leave now—”
“Ruined! SMASH. I’ll smash you!” 
Oh. Astarion didn’t expect that. He just wanted to show Zélie how ungrateful the world is to idiots like her, not have her turn into orc food. 
Before he can think, he is tackling the woman to the ground, the orc’s club crashing a few spaces to his left. Karlach and Lae’zel’s throw themselves at the aggressor, and the fight starts in earnest. Astarion is more a stalker than a fighter, but he had his first fill of human blood only hours before, and his senses have never been that sharp, so he doesn’t miss the bugbear rushing towards their prone form. 
Daggers at hand, he braces to parry the onslaught (this may hurt) when his worldview shifts, his back in on the ground, and chilly afternoon air replaces the heat of his leader on his chest. 
What just happened?
He turns his head to see the bugbear crashing to the ground, Zélie crouched on one leg and tripping him with her other. “Go help the others! I’ve got this!” she shouts, as she wraps her limbs around the assailant in a tight bind. “Wait! It was an honest mistake—”
He doesn’t want to hear her voice now. Doesn’t want to think how the little moron literally threw him away from danger. Even worse, he will refute the idea he protected her from an angry orc till his last breath. He only got his body back recently. That’s it. He still is unsure of how to use it. 
And she's dinner.
He doesn’t want to dwell on what happened, so he nods and throws himself at the female orc while she is distracted by his companions. 
The fight doesn’t last too long after that, and something takes a hold of his insides when he looks at Zélie. She is silent, staring at the large corpse on the ground, bugbear knocked out at her feet. 
“Darling?” He moves towards her and the sadness in her eyes almost makes him apologise. Gods, what has he done? He didn’t think this was going to happen. And why does he care?! This was his intent, this and seeing the real her behind the strong, polite facade. 
“I just wanted to help.”
“I know, darling. I—”
See now, how impossible it is to keep your ideals in this world?
“You knew,” she says, and while he words his excuses (the only real one being he didn’t think they were going to be attacked) her shoulders drop and a defeated huff leaves her mouth. A far cry from her happy smile earlier. 
Astarion can’t wrap his head around how he caused both reactions in such a short span of time. But this look on her, this, he knows. He has seen far worse in the eyes and screams of those fools he lured back to his master, once they had his way with him and realised a bit too late they were as trapped as he was. 
He expects her to shout, to berate him, kick him, punch him, stab him, banish him—but none of that comes. Zélie studies him intently, and something in her demeanour lights up, an internal judgement made.
“I still trust you.” 
No. No no no, he’s not going to let her fool him into believing this—no!
Her face is suddenly level with Astarion’s knees, the now-awake bugbear readying a strike. 
Astarion doesn’t need to think—he falls forward and sinks his dagger into the wretch’s neck. Blood spurts out, but after tasting Zélie’s Astarion has no interest in it; mud compared to a clear sky.
“Soldier!” shouts Karlach, ever the helpful friend. Zélie pants as the dead attacker slides off of her, eye to eye with Astarion again. He can feel her light breath on his face. Karlach pulls her up; he is cleaning his dagger on the bugbear’s clothes when an outstretched hand enters his vision. Hers.
“Come on,” she says, tired but steady again. “Let’s get back to camp.”
Astarion flinches from the hand as if it were a trap (it is always a trap), but Zélie is new territory for him, that much he begrudgingly accepts. She is apparently above the rules of their miserable world because she chooses to trust him, a vampire, a lying one, again. 
He takes her hand, bracing for what may come his way, but she just helps him up. 
“Thank you, by the way. For saving my life before.”
It’s a trick. It’s a trick. Don’t fall for—
She wraps her hand around his so delicately he thinks he may break, and shakes it. His thoughts and words are silenced yet again. 
“Thank you.” 
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tapakah0 · 8 months
Girl omg I am IN ABSOLUTE LOVE with your animatics- I’dmarrythemifIcould- can I ask what program do you use for animatics? And do you have any tips on making animatics (especially abt character and camera movement) or any sneak peaks into your process? I’ve been wanting to dip my toes into trying it out but I’m not quite sure where to begin.
I have Clip Studio Paint EX, but I’m still trying to figure out the animation features etc and, again, I wanna try my hand at making animatics, that’s why I’m asking :3
Okay... For almost all animatics I use Toon Boom Harmony Premium (it has a lot of stuff and it's comfortable for me) Also sometimes I use Krita and Clip Studio Paint (I used this video to understand main features of this program (Little fact, I used Clip Studio to animate "Yellow light" for the first time). Lately started animating in Procreate too, pretty funny and comfortable one About tips... I had one about smoother shifts between frames (but for some reason I can't find it? Even with the fact that I did put a special tag on it) and I don't know what exactly you need about other tips. Almost everything I make intuitively, I kinda see where to move camera too make right effect? But I can tell one most useful tip, if you really wanna animate, try to imagine how it will move in your head, use references (just watch video and copy on paper on program moves from there), look how things in your life moves, it will slowly stuck in your head if you will be stubborn enough. Because, I will be honest, I didn't learn any animation basics but over time, as I look at video lessons, I understand tha I do know them (but I think it will be important to know them theoretically, not only intuitively, if you will work with other people, because they help to specify how it should be animated (key frames, inbetweens, timing and other things) Artists which lessons I use to watch from time to time or I just love their way of animating: Toniko Pantoja, Alex Grigg // Animation for Anyone, GOBELINS Paris, ToastyGlow, pollovy, -岂几Kai-, Neal Illustrator, SAD-ist, Casserole :D, WolfyTheWitch, Rodrigo Sousa, Amelia B (There are more, but these are the first ones I always remember, and of course a lot of cartoons)
About wips...... I have a lot... "I bet my life", "Finale" Leo's pov, "Earth" and others in queue... I almost completed key frames for "Agnes" animatic (Full song, about 4 minutes? I'm making my dream live over here he-he-he), but I am so crazy about sending wips so that I created my little rabbit hole (to hide from Cass *giggle*) to stop sending them on tumblr because I want to make full emotional experience from completed work... It's not so cool if you already experienced first emotions from this when you could experience the whole thing biting your knees
I hope something from there was helpful, don't rush, try to understand how it all works firstly, try to understand what kind of animatic you want to make and what you want to show and make it~~~~ You will love it when you'll see what you're able to create~~~
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lizlovell · 4 months
You're losing me
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part 1
part 2
''Stop staring at her,it's creepy''
Pansy rolled her eyes at the blonde.
''It's not creepy,she is my girlfriend'', Draco replied, suprisingly for the first time since class started, ignoring everything else his friends were saying.
Pansy snorted,''Well apparently not''.
''Yeah man,why don't you just go talk to her instead of sending death-glares to everyone sitting next to her''
The words were simply ignored. Draco couldn't help it. He hated seeing her living like her life doesn't revolve around him anymore.
During the exam months before they take a break, all Draco thought about was to get away from you and all the tension built in your relationships. Being too busy under the exam pressure made him think your problems were nothing. He could see how your built up your guards up and how the dry conversations were cut short. He were annoyed that you kept on being strong for both of you although you were hurt. He didn't know how to handle,he couldn't find any word to make the situation better.So he ran away. But now that the exam pressure is gone, he found himself in the worse agnoy. He have to fix this.
''Y/N wait!''
''Y/N there are flowers for you in front of the common room..again''
''Miss Y/L/N, stop running in the hallway and bumping into everyone!The school is not a playground for Tag''
''Y/N I'm sorry i can't come to the library with you today''
It is an understatement to say the following weeks were funny and eventful for everyone at Hogwarts.They got some free shows to enjoy. It was a strange sight for them at first to see Malfoy trying to chase his former girlfriend. But then they got used to seeing you running in the hallway with Draco trying to catch up, flowers for you in the classes and in front of ur dorm, your friends getting paid to leave you alone, and everyone is just so invested to know what is going to be Draco's next move and how you are going to slip through it,again,some betting it won't last three weeks.
Despite you using all of your effort not to lose the bet and keep ur dignity, there you are again,back up against the walls and embraced in someone's warmth.
The familiar mixed scent of green apple and pine hovers and a wave of nostalgia washed over you with the familiar chest-ache.
There you are again– after nights and nights of crying your eyes out till they were dry– you find yourself pinned under the Draco fucking Malfoy against the cold stone wall of Hogswart .
''Y/N'', he voice cracked out of his throat betraying the tough act he is trying to put on. He just couldn't take it anymore. He can't stand the void that left him with dark circles under his eyes and he refused to believe you are doing well without him.
''Come back to me,love. I know you missed me too''
His eyes do not match the arrogance the words are carrying. You hate yourself for it but that longing gaze filled with sorrow and a tight grip on your waist was all it took to break down the self control you have tried so hard to build around you. He see right through you.
''Didn't you want this Draco, wasn't this what you wanted? away from me'',
''I was scared Y/N, i was so scared that i doubted us. So i ran away like a coward because i didn't know any better..i'm sorry'', he mean every apology he is saying.
''But now i'm scared to live without you, i don't want to be away from you,never again, please love, come back to me''
Your knees are weak and your vision is blurry. You taste something sour, is that a tear, are you crying again? ''Merlin,i'm so damn tired to crying'', you thought.
Soft lips pressed down on yours. You felt your stomach dropped. The taste of fire whiskey and your tears linger on your lips. A few sobs chocked out of you, feelings like you are finally woken up from a nightmare. All these touch and warmth,merlin knows how much you yearned for these. A sharp pain drew some blood from ur lips as if he is letting out all the frustration and finally finding comfort in it. The familiar feeling of belonging and love filled up the void.
''shouldn't have let you go my love''
Students of Hogwarts are going to be happy that they won't have to worry about falling victims to the certain couple's stunts and tantrums .
I'm sorry this is rushed and bad but here's the ending >~<
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vintageshanny · 10 months
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Elvis lovers - it’s that time again! This week’s question is…..what are your top three live song performances? I definitely have not heard all the live stuff that’s available, so I’m really excited to see all of your answers and add them to my playlist! ❤️❤️❤️ Don’t forget to put the reasons why it speaks to you! Reading about everyone’s love for this man just makes my heart swell. 😘❤️
Such a Night (March 25, 1961 Pearl Harbor) - This concert is amazing, and this song in particular just puts me in a good mood. The little growling noises he does throughout are just so sexy, and the song is so upbeat. I love that you can hear the playful dynamic between him and the audience. There are so many amazing songs from this concert that he rarely performed again - Reconsider Baby, It’s Now or Never, I Need Your Love Tonight. And the corny jokes are already in full effect! He was really just his dorky self on stage, and I love it so much!
My Babe (Elvis Live 1969 Disc 9 - August 25, 1969 Las Vegas Midnight Show) - This is one of my favorite blues songs, and I was so excited when I first saw that Elvis covered it. (If you like blues, listen to Little Walter’s version. It is a great song, and I wish that Elvis had sung all the verses - I’d love to hear him sing “When she’s hot there ain’t no coolin’ her.” 😉😍) The amount of sexiness he oozes in this vocal is almost criminal. When he sings “she don’t, she don’t, she don’t, oh God,” I bet every woman there felt something…unspeakable. And the grunting! Whew…I need to recover from just thinking about this performance. 🥵 Really everything from this first Vegas run is just superb - the bluesy arrangement for Heartbreak Hotel is another favorite for me.
Funny How Time Slips Away (Elvis on Tour Disc 3 - April 14, 1972 Greensboro) - I love this song so much, and this particular version just does things to me. Right before he starts the song, he asks them to turn the house lights up, and when he says “I-I-It’s funny because I-I-I can’t see you really,” his sweet little stutter just melts my heart. Then when he sings, “How am I doin’? Well I’m sweatin’ a little bit baby, but I guess I’m doin’ fine,” it makes a lot more than my heart react. 😉😍😂 I just love how you get a feel for his interaction with the audience in this performance, and I like when he says “let her have it, man, let her have it” to security (I think about someone trying to get a scarf). My other favorite live performance of this is at Madison Square Garden. In that one, you actually can hear him stutter while singing a line, and I love that he goes up and hits that falsetto note when he sings “Remember what I told you,” and then drops way back down. I think he just had a lot of fun singing this, considering it’s kind of a sad song.
Runner-up goes to You’re the Reason I’m Living (March 22, 1975 Midnight Show). I think this is the only time he performed this live (someone correct me if I’m wrong), and it feels like just a beautiful dedication to his fans. Again you can hear his sweet stutter before he starts, and I like how you can hear him direct the band on what to do during the song. He performs the song so beautifully and then concludes by saying “That was, probably you could tell, totally unrehearsed.” Um, no, I could not tell that at all because it was amazing! ❤️
Again tagging past participants, but if you love Elvis and his music, please join in! 😘
@whositmcwhatsit @be-my-ally @thatbanditqueen @ellie-24 @plasticfantasticl0ver @lookingforrainbows @prompted-wordsmith @flwrs4aust @iloveelvis @argeriant18 @loving-elvis @alienelvisobsession @ab4eva @manebioniclegali @deke-rivers-1957 @rjmartin11 @c-rosenn @elvisalltheway101 @satninroses @doll-elvis @devilsflowerr @missmaywemeetagain @presleysdarling @troubleinapinksuit @cryingabtab @generoustreemystic @samfangirls
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every-dayiwakeup · 2 years
Billy "if I fits I sits" Hargrove and Steve "if you don't get your ass out of my face I'll bite it" Harrington
Steve "are you sure this is safe" Harrington and Billy "probably not" Hargrove
Steve "do I smell something burning" Harrington and Billy "your toast has been ready for ten minutes" Hargrove
Steve "study day and night" Harrington and Billy "I'll leave it up to fate" Hargrove
Billy "where do you think you're going mister" Hargrove and Steve "to the bathroom" Harrington
Steve "please brush your hair babe" Harrington and Billy "it's for the aesthetic" Hargrove
Billy "are you annoyed yet" Hargrove and Steve "I'm starting to be" Harrington
Steve "my patience is wearing thin" Harrington and Billy "like your hairline" Hargrove
Steve "why isnt the car moving" Harrington and Billy "Maybe because it's in park Steven" Hargrove
Billy "why do you put up with me" Hargrove and Steve "I've put up with a lot worse don't test me" Harrington
Billy "Ratio" Hargrove and Steve "keep math out of this" Harrington
Steve "please slow down we're going to be late" Harrington and Billy "do you hear yourself" Hargrove
Steve "have you looked in the mirror" Harrington and Billy "have you?" Hargrove
Steve "I went to the bakery" Harrington and Billy "do I not have enough cake for you" Hargrove
Steve "I love you unconditionally" Harrington and Billy "how dare you say that" Hargrove
Steve "are you okay" Harrington and Billy "am I ever okay" Hargrove
Billy "what were you thinking" Hargrove and Steve "nothing" Harrington (works both ways hehe)
Steve "you could've died" Harrington and Billy "but I didn't" Hargrove
Billy "how can you love me" Hargrove and Steve "how can I not" Harrington
Billy "are you really wearing that outfit in public" Hargrove and Steve "if it embarrasses you yes" Harrington
Billy "please don't fall in love with me" Hargrove and Steve "too late" Harrington
Steve "do you think this is funny" Harrington and Billy "oh you're not laughing" Hargrove
Billy "pay attention to me" Hargrove and Steve "dude don't make me get a restraining order" Harrington
Steve "I don't smell" Harrington and Billy "allow me to bring you back to earth" Hargrove
Steve "I'm stupid" Harrington and Billy "that's okay, I'll just out stupid you" Hargrove
Billy "I'm an asshole" Hargrove and Steve "why do you think I like you so much" Harrington
Steve "why are you laughing" Harrington and Billy "why aren't you laughing" Hargrove
Billy "giggles at funerals" Hargrove, Eddie "places bets on who's going to sing at the altar" Munson and Steve "God isn't real but the devil is" Harrington
Steve "sit up straight" Harrington and Billy "i literally can't" Hargrove +(Bonus- Robin "and on Pride Month" Buckley)
Billy "I'm very disappointed in you" Hargrove and Steve "is it because I'm bi" Harrington
Tags: (always room for more 🥰🤡)
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meowmeowriley · 3 months
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPS!
If you saw the original, no you didn't. Lol sorry, had to do some housekeeping here on my blog, and had to redo this post.
Right well, here's the thing, I have way more WIPs than I do moots 😅 butttttt I'll drop what I've got. Please please please ask me about any of them! I'm begging for interaction!
1) Little Meow Meow - my first fic, it's not abandoned, catboy!Ghost is also unkillable and emo.
2) Poké-Pandemonium - Pokémon and secrets. Here soon I aim to make people cry with it ❤ (soon as in within the next couple of chapters, whenever I put them out)
3) More Than Just Loose Ends - 09 Ghost has been watching over and mentoring 22 Ghost his whole life
4) Oh, Brother - my most popular fic, told through the eyes of Erin MacTavish (John's sister) and Tommy Riley. Baby's first realistic and in character AU.
5) I Don't Think We're in Space Anymore - Ghost is a shape-shifting alien and also chaotic as fuck. And horny. Whoops.
6) Was tHat thE BiTe oF 22 - FNAF but all the characters are replaced with COD characters. It's my little abomination.
7) Be Kind, Rewind - Ghost is suddenly 10 years younger. Young dumb and full of cum. Seriously, being 19 means he's got that teenager horndog thing goin on.
On to the ones that haven't been posted yet
8) Duo Fatui - Unus Annus, but make it Soap and Ghost
9) Is That Gonna be a Problem? - Ghost and Soap met before the events of MW2, and were secretly together during the game. This is the story of their relationship.
10) Cohabitation - ghost!Ghost and Zombie!Ghost share one body. They're the same person, so it's not difficult. They banter like siblings.
11) Lost a Bet - Ghost lost a bet with Gaz, so Gaz gets to design his next mask. Gaz designs a cat skull mask, and Ghost bonds with a bunch of stray cats on base.
12) Outlaw Outta Time - some of the COD boys get sent back in time and meet up with a certain outlaw. COD RDR2 crossover. It's a fix it for Arthur ❤
13) unnamed fic about trans Ghost dropping hints that he's trans and Soap who thought he was straight being really confused by the boners he gets around Ghost.
14) unnamed fic about Soap thinking Ghost has a girlfriend, that they're on their way to rescue, when it is in fact a dog. Ghost is fully aware of the miscommunication and thinks it's funny, so he doesn't clarify
15) unnamed fic about Ghost and Soap getting sucked into our world a la Supernatural's The French Mistake. They have to pretend to be Samuel and Neil until they figure out how to get home
WHOO BOY! I think that's all of them. And they're all Ghost/Soap except the FNAF one, because they're children.
Mooties who aren't already on this list, no pressure though! @myriadblvck @27potatochips @resident-idiot-simp @tacticaltaxonomist @ratpiss0
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wannaeatramyeon · 10 months
Ur thoughts on lookism ships/rarepairs? We already know that you like goo x gun, but what's your thoughts on other ships & rarepairs like Eli x crystal, Gun/Goo x Samuel, Samuel x Jake, Sally x Warren, Vasco x Jake, Daniel harem? You can add more if ya want :3
Funny you ask because I first came to the fandom to look for fanfic on canon characters and shipping. I had zero idea x reader was a thing. What shipping you ask? Whatever, gimme.
Ramblings on Lookism (Rare)pairs
Listen, I will ship almost ANYTHING if you can convince me.
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Gun x Goo? Because I want to mention them again. YES. Hello? This just makes sense. I hate you, I love you, I'll kill you. If you're going to die then it will be by MY HANDS. Does it get any more romantic than this?
Gun x Daniel? The AO3 warning tags has got me swerving this pairing to be honest. However, I love the idea of these two as a cracky couple. Lots of opportunities for comedy and for Gun to pop up behind a trashcan and be like, "Hi, I was thinking about you."
Gun x Samuel? Lol. Sammy would NOT be able to keep up or hold Gun's attention. Maybe something casual until Sammy spirals and Gun nopes tf out.
Goo x Samuel? I actually think this has more legs than the Samuel x Gun pairing. Goo will be impressed with Samuel's moneymaking initiatives, and they will have a lot of unstable fun together. Secret friends with their secret kisses and activities?? Until Goo realises that Sammy is unhinged in a mentally traumatised way and not in a chaotin gremlin way like he is, then will also nope out.
Samuel x Jake? There's just so much sexual tension there. Please just kiss already (see pic above). Nothing like this pairing to bring out the worst in each other, and that's really saying something for Jakey. Could be end game if Samuel goes to therapy. Actually, Sammy in therapy would just be unstoppable. Period.
Sinu x Jake? Yep. These two green flags would be bringing out the best in each other. Insufferable martyrs though for Big Deal. God, can you just imagine how happy the Big Deal gang would be seeing these two get together?
Vasco x Jake? Huh. Never thought about it but 2 himbos? The funniest shenanigans. I do think the dynamic can get a little boring after a while without one half to anchor the other. Their flirting scenarios, however... Imagine Vasco getting all red faced and flustered with Jake's winks and one liners!
Vasco x Jace? The cutest, most supportive couple. You just know that Jace is going to be affectionately looking on at Vasco doing all his Himbo shit.
Eli x Crystal? Ehh. I need convincing. With Eli's latest character development and what I remember of Crystal, they would clash and not in a fun sexy way. Both seem too headstrong and bullheaded to get on well.
Crystal x Zoe? Like Vasco and Jace, these two would be really adorable together. Would both help each other out with their Lookist tendencies. Zoe's kindess would also help to soften Crystal up.
Zack x Johan? YES. Johan the tsundere with Zack the simp. Have you not seen what Zack has put himself through in the latest arc? Everything he's doing to bring his boy home? If we take Mira out the equation, this might as well be canon.
Vin x Zack? I could not see this at all until the latest arc and actually, these two have the funniest interactions. Vin brings out Zack's bastard side from the first few arcs. I bet they would have the most pissed off sex. Can't imagine it lasting for anything more than a casual fling though.
Vin x Mary? No. Absolutely not. Love their platonic friendship and how they are bffs more than anything. I'll be honest, if it was another writer I probably would not mind. But PTJ has trouble writing a female character with depth so. Nope. Can't be doing that to our queen.
Sally x Warren? Is this even a rarepair. Either way, meh. It's fine. If Sally was shown to have a personality, sure. These 2 can share the 1 braincell.
Daniel x Jay? They are a very cute pair, and I do like how Jay's feelings are canon. This feels very k-drama with the Chaebol falling for you.
Daniel Harem? No. I generally dislike most harem tropes, sorry.
And just throwing in Hobin Harem? Definitely not. As above. Especially because this makes me roll my eyes that it's PTJ living out his fantasies.
Lastly, clarifying that I'm not fetishising male x male pairings. When hardly any of the female characters are developed, it's hard for me to care about most het couples or fem x fem pairings.
In summary
Write anything good, and I'm IN.
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olath124 · 4 months
Thank you @ouroboros-hideout for the tag! It's always super fun to do this kind of stuff!
After a weekend full of Christmas markets I'm quite delirious but I'll try to put the things I am working on in some kind of order.
Ok, the thing I’m doing exactly right now is a drawing of Violet, Misty, and Jackie when they were kids. I've just reached the part where Jackie dies and… so many FEELINGS. So I had to do this!
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Here they are… probably I’ll post the finished version tomorrow.
On the artistic side I want to draw chibi Aurore, Aymeric and Jhonny at least. But for them I only have an image in my head so far… The gremlin in my head is also yelling: “What about Jackie, Misty, Viktor and Jago!?!? And your other two Vs (one is not even already made in game xD) ?!?What about them?!?” So… yeah, Ill be drawing them way into next year…
As I said in a previous post I’d like to write something about Hansen and V. So far I've only some crazy thoughts and things in a really colloquial form. This is the only part I’m comfortable showing. Oh, it's probably a bit… I don't know, there’s some psychological/physical torture? Nothing too extreme for now. Their relationship in my head is not romantic at all and it probably never will (but there's absolutely some tension). They are just two assholes who find it funny to mess with each other ❤️.
There are also probably some mistakes and some phrases and words I'll definitively need to change later. I haven't proofread it and I'm too tired to do it now!
And that's when he's behind her back, a tight grip on her throat and the knife resting on her jaw. Probably a quick use of Sandevistan, because it's a matter of seconds. "If it wasn't for you and your friend, Myers would be already dead. You saved her once, why the change of mind?" The answer is simple, even if the thumb resting not so softly on her carotid artery makes her feel every heartbeat in her head. And probably he's feeling that too. And that's without the knife which still hasn't cut her skin but it's just a matter of an infinitesimal amount of pressure. “Two people who helped her are dead despite her promises. Two people are alive and well even if they were actively fucking with you, just because you've promised to let them go. If I have to guess who I need to trust to survive I think I’ll bet on you.” She has rehearsed this part during the wait, so the fear won't paralyze her. “Not mentioning the whole Songbird’s shitshow.”
So, that's it for now!
I'll tag some of you, feel free to do it if you want to!
@theviridianbunny @cyberholic77 @8oo8erry @dustymagpie @aggravateddurian @cybervesna
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kandisheek · 1 month
just won't do right by glittercake
Pairing: Sam/Bucky Rating: G Words: 7,521 Tags: Jealous Bucky, Idiots in Love, Oblivious Sam
Summary: Sam's eyebrows go up, impressed, and he reaches over to squeeze Torres' shoulder, "This is amazing, kid. Thanks, really." Bucky sits and watches in utter horror as the pink darkens on Torres' cheeks. Oh, he realizes. Oh. Fuck.
Reasons why I love it: Jealous Bucky is just the best. And I love Torres, so having him be the catalyst for some good old Sam-Bucky angsting is fantastic. Sarah is amazing in this too, I love all of their characterizations honestly. This fic is super sweet, and if you haven't already, I hope you check it out for yourself!
Subtlety Not Our Strong Point by copperbadge
Pairing: Sam/Bucky Rating: T Words: 2,944 Tags: Alternate Universe, Engagement, Brunch
Summary: Bucky is not good at proposing, but once he managed, he and Sam were going to let people find out organically. Unfortunately, Tony Stark has never done anything organically in his life.
Reasons why I love it: Whelp, say what you want, but you can't deny it – Bucky's way has its merits. I love this one, Sam and Bucky are so in love, and Tony crashing their plans without even meaning to is fucking hilarious. This fic is really sweet, and I hope you go and check it out for yourself!
show me if you want me (and i will be your friend) by notcaycepollard
Pairing: Sam/Bucky Rating: E Words: 3,027 Tags: Casual Sex, Friends With Benefits, Porn With Feelings
Summary: Bucky's gotta give it to the future for this: they've turned casual sex into a goddamn art. What is a friend with benefits, he types into Google, and spends the next two hours reading about the distinctions between booty calls and friends with benefits and fuck buddies. It’s extremely informative. He’s gonna put it to good use, like, pretty much immediately.
Reasons why I love it: Jesus Christ, this fic is so hot, holy shit. And just as the cherry on top, there are feelings all over it, good, mushy feelings, fuck yes. I love how Bucky ambushes Sam in the beginning and how Sam just goes with it. It's so fun and so sweet and oh my god, you need to read this if you haven't, it's so good!
three words that became hard to say by suzukiblu
Pairing: Sam/Bucky Rating: G Words: 1,924 Tags: Male Friendship, Fluff, Bucky Needs a Hug
Summary: “I wanna step out with Wilson,” Bucky says, audibly traumatized. Steve blinks again, and lowers the shield. “Uh,” he says. “Come again?”
Reasons why I love it: Their voices in this are so perfect, that old-timey forties Brooklyn drawl. I love Steve and Bucky's friendship here, and Steve's need to protect Bucky and keep him happy always is so heartwarming. Plus, Bucky's crush on Sam is the cutest thing ever. I love this fic to bits, and I bet you will too!
what i like about you baby (is how you annoy me daily) by notcaycepollard
Pairing: Sam/Bucky Rating: M Words: 8,951 Tags: Post-Civil War, Bickering, Roommates
Summary: “I’m not sharing my room,” Sam mutters, knowing as he says it that it sounds exactly like he’s a fucking ten year old facing a new sibling. Steve hastily makes what Sam thinks is supposed to be an understanding face. “Of course not,” he says soothingly. “He can bunk in with me, it’s not like we haven’t done it before. It's a twin room, anyway, there's already a spare bed.” Sam guesses a bigger house is out of the question. Whatever; the three of them have spent eight hours crammed in a Mini, it can’t be that bad. It’s not that bad. It’s worse.
Reasons why I love it: Sam and Bucky being asshole roommates while Steve despairs at them from the sidelines is something I never knew I needed. This fic is so fucking good, funny and heartfelt and adorable in turns, with fantastic dialogue and characterization. I love it so much, and I hope you go and read it for yourself, because it's amazing!
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ellethespaceunicorn · 7 months
Let's spread some positivity! Tag some of your fellow content creators here and let them know why they are absolutely amazing!❤️
I decided to tag you all because I care about you and am so happy to have met you. Also, I included my fave fic of yours because hey, it's all about sharing the wealth and writing/fandom is community.
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I'm putting the list under a cut, cuz I may have written...too much? A fanfiction writer's worst fear? Never.
@peyton-warren, besides being literally the same person as me, more on that never, this lady is one of my accountability officers. she reminds me to drink water and eat my lunch and also is my beta for my written works because she just gets me. she fucking gets me, ok? Peyton, I adore you. Fave fic is a series: Blinded by the Fog (ongoing/hiatus)
@geralts-yenn, The first person I talked to today, funny enough. LOL. she was one of the first people that came to me and told me my work was good and I trust her judgement over a lot of people. Yenn, thank you. Fave fic: Hearts Too Big (part of a larger universe)
@raccoon-eyed-rebel, this little rodent is adorable. but she be feisty lol so look out. also her love of mikey from hellraiser is probably one of the most intense passions I have ever come across. Neen (my nickname for r-e-r), *squishy boob hug*. Fave fic: Making A Mess of Mikey
@littlefreya, my friend, my love. there are few people in my life who have said to me that I can come to them with anything. freya is one of those people. and she fucking means it. just one of the sweetest, most ferocious people I have ever met and I wanna hug her. Freya, you're so awesome. Fave fic: Autumn Blood
@cardierreh15, my sweet Gumball mama, you are so fucking funny, it's almost off-putting. when I read 'the guy next door', I hit the fucking motherlode. i never thought I would read any 'x black reader' fanfiction on tumblr. and then I found your masterlist and omg I could go on and on about your writing and your friendship. Cardi, I fucking love you. Fave fic is a series: The Guy Next Door (ongoing)
@deandoesthingstome, again one of the first people that reached out to me and was like hey tag me in this story please. and I thought to myself oh they're like lost or something, they can't mean my little story. but no, this person liked my work and like, anticipated it. and because 'hall pass' was already an instant fave of mine, I thought oh lord they think I'm cool. and then I fainted and went about my way. Charlie, thank you for being amazing. Fave fic is a series: Night Moves (complete)
@milknhonies, hi bestie!!, you're an amazing writer, an amazing friend, and I bet you smell good too. what I also love is that you label your fucking warnings so well. and that one time you saw I was reading and reblogging through your work and you messaged me to inform me of future explicit things and it made me feel so seen that you wanted to keep me in the know. that was the sweetest. Fave fic is a series: The Negatives of Shooting People (ongoing)
@mayloma, the first multi-chapter Walter Marshall fic I ever read (I think) was 'the light side of the night' and it set me on a journey. to this day, most of what I read is a lot of Walter and a lot of that is due to that fic. and she loved all of my manically rabid comments when I would reblog her stories after reading. Maja, you are wonderful. Fave fic is a series: The Light Side of the Night (complete)
@sillyrabbit81, if it wasn't for your follower milestone, I may have never started writing to begin with. I put out a Humphrey fic and a sub!Clark fic out to be included in your game. and it was the most fun. and I made new followers over those fics. i love what you do with gifs as well. i admire you, and my admiration does not come lightly, if you didn't know...i hate most humans. lol. Rabbit, keep up the gorgeous work. Fave fic: Curious
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