#word count: 971
drowning-in-cacophony · 11 months
Stealing Girls
For @flashfictionfridayofficial Prompt 210: the sand ocean
Summary: Raki brings a girl across the sand ocean
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The first girl’s name had been Sarah.
Or Daphne. Or Mila. Honestly, it’s hard to remember what name came first; what name came last. Their letters, their faces, they all blur together nowadays. It’s a distantly sad fact, maybe, or sad for others if they ever heard. It’s a way of life; the sand ocean gives, but it takes too, and Raki’s been doing this for so long.
The latest girl is a full foot shorter than her, but keeps up diligently. The wrap across her face is a silk handkerchief, fabric that reminds Raki of her other life, the parts she has to play sometimes. Silk never feels right against her skin, but the way the girl has pressed her lips to it makes Raki think maybe it did for her, once. Once, before the wheels had turned and set her on this path out into the ocean.
Raki’s boots scrap against the ground under their dartingly quick pace – it’s never wise to linger, not right here on the border between civilisation and the sea beds. It’s not soft, the ground, like layers of sand might denote, but hard, harder than rock. Once she’d tripped and skinned open her knee, the droplets of blood a stunning crisp against the sun-withered grains. Now she wears knee guards, makes the girls wear them too. There’s no point in dripping their cursed blood all over the waves, who knows what it could summon?
Though truthfully, that was the first thought to shadow the second: that it’d hurt, and she’d not wish that on these girls.
Raki casts a look over her shoulder. Civilisation’s a distant speck, but a speck is still too close for comfort. It’s daylight now; whoever this girl belonged with before would have risen with the rays of light. Will they have found the empty room yet, left pristine in absence? Will they have risen the alarms, calling about the blue-veined thief having struck again?
Raki twitches. Looks at the girl, the word muffled by the gentle silk.
“They won’t check my room until midday at the earliest. I’ve been slowly moving down when I wake, claiming headaches and the like. They won’t want to disturb me – won’t want to risk my waning energy.”
Raki raises a brow. “Clever.” Her own words are muffled too, because only an idiot walks into the ocean without any sort of filter from the sand. It’s well-behaved enough that a scrap of fabric works well enough, that more professional filters aren’t usually needed unless there’s a storm. Not that the people who whisper their horror at the ocean ever seem to understand that. It’s all oh no, the grains give you poisoning and the sun tries to eat through your skin like acid and the very atmosphere wants you dead which yeah, has some merit because the oceans are far from easy and safe, but it’s not what they mean when they whisper those things. They mean it in the same way they mean that no one comes back from the sand ocean the same way. Something mystical, something demonic. Something terrifying, creeping towards their borders with malevolence.
There’s a grain of truth in every story, but most of the time if someone’s gone different from the ocean, it’s just simple heat stroke.
Most of the time. If you've not spent as much time out here as Raki.
The girl shrugs. If she flushes at the comment, if she reacts much at all – the silk hides it. It’s only her eyes that Raki can really see, through that silk and the hair that drops forward over her face. Dark at the tops, swimming in cold bright blue at the bottoms. That, and the faint veins that she’s already seen staining across the girl’s cheeks and hands, is the sign of her curse. Or blessing, depending on who you ask. Her parents, who she’s gone to this much effort to foil: a blue-blooded girl would only bring them such delights, and it’s not them that’d suffer the sacrifice so why not call it blessing? The Elders, of course, because it was them that first drafted the whole thing to life.
Ask Raki, and it’s a curse, but a curse she can, will and does have a chance of making a whole lot better for the unfortunate girls.
“We can’t let our pace falter anyway. How much energy do you have?” It’s been two hours of walking already; surely the girl must be feeling it. The burning in her blue streaks, every burst of oxygen just making it a little worse, more by more. She’s not so far along that Raki will have to drag her unconscious across the oceans – she’s done that enough. With… she can’t remember their names, but she remembers their small hands, their gasping eyes that had never shut. How when they had, halfway across the oceans and finally close enough that the fumes releasing from the cracked ground had hit them, it’d been such sheer relief.
They say the sand ocean takes and changes, and maybe it does. But what it gives these girls is more than worth the prices. They need the fumes more than oxygen; the ocean needs whatever it strips from Raki and the others whenever they traverse, and it’s worth it. Raki will forget a thousand faces if she can steal back a thousand more.
The girl’s swimming eyes narrow. The silk sticks to her lips as she huffs. “Enough.”
Determination, a in-step pace and cleverness over weeks. Under her own cloth, Raki feels her lips twitch into an almost smile.
They say that no one comes out of the sand ocean the same as they went in; that’s fine, though, because all of the people Raki takes in never need to come out again.
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jobean12-blog · 3 months
Asking for Trouble
Pairing: Joel Miller x female reader
Word Count: 971
Summary: You and Joel are attending the monthly 'town meeting' that Tommy runs and as hard as you try you can't help your boredom but mostly you can't help how badly you want Joel.
Author's Note: Well, this is nothing but my horniness over this man. I can't help it. Also my lovely friend @lizette50 shared the picture below with me and I nearly died. Anyway, thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the sweet @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy! 🥰
Warnings: it's fun and flirty and tense, ora-l (m rec), a curse or two, and always some softness bc it's me
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Pedro Pascal Masterlist
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You can see this meeting is boring Joel and even though it seems like Tommy might be finishing up you can’t resist lifting your arms above your head with a stretch.
Joel’s eyes immediately shift to you, sweeping along the exposed skin of your stomach as your shirt rides up.
“Think it’s almost over?” you ask in a whisper.
He only grunts in response but keeps his eyes fixed on you.
“You look bored,” you muse as you slide your hand into his.
His fingers close around yours and he rubs his thumb across your knuckles.
“I’m tryin’ to listen,” he says quietly and you see the corner of his lips twitch with a smirk.
You turn your body into his, pressing against his side and softly kissing his neck.
“What are you doin’ darlin’?”
“Just saying hi.”
You press another kiss to his skin with a deep inhale.
He grinds his jaw and leans in close to your ear, his voice dropping to a harsh whisper.
“Not a smart move sweetheart. I’m always cravin’ a taste of you. Don’t make me haul you out of here over my shoulder.”
Your breath hitches and warmth slides over your skin. Tommy’s voice startles you and you fall back onto your toes with a frustrated huff.
Joel’s fingers, still holding yours, continue to lightly caress your skin and your senses build to an overwhelming state. His callouses scrap against your softness and his warmth permeates your skin. You can’t hold back the low moan that slips past your lips at the anticipation he creates.
His jaw ticks and you know he heard you. Turning, you see that his eyes have narrowed on your face as if sensing your thoughts, before dropping to your lips.
“Say the words, angel.”
“I’m ready to leave.”
His fingers tighten around your hand and he pulls you away from the wall, walking out the double doors with a brisk stride that leaves you practically jogging behind him.
Nothing registers as you pass by the other town members seated around the hall, their faces of surprise blurring together as you keep your sole focus on Joel.
You can see his shoulders tight with tension, his muscular back shifting underneath his button-down shirt with every movement, and you imagine raking your nails over all that strength.
You squeeze his hand tighter and he picks up the pace even more.
Once you reach the small house you share on the edge of the town he hauls you inside the door and slams it shut, pressing you against it and bracing his hands on either side of your head.
“They’re all going to know why we left,” he grits out.
“Like I care. And I know you don’t…maybe they’ll think it’s just because you’re so grumpy.”
He smirks and his eyes light up.
You press yourself flush against him, kissing along his jaw as your fingers slide down his chest and dance over the bulge in his jeans.
He groans and digs his fingers into the door, clearly trying to let you keep control of the situation.
After undoing his belt and working on the button of his jeans, you slowly start to unzip them but stop when his eyes snap to yours and he growls, “you’re testing my patience here, angel.”
His hips press into your palm and you can feel his thick arousal.
Your hand leaves his pants and you smooth your fingers along his chest then around his neck before weaving them through his hair and tugging hard to bring his lips to yours.
He rubs against your belly and you both break away on a groan.
“I know you need it right now, angel. You’re just dying for me to fuck you.”
Before you can respond he claims your mouth again, his arms falling from the door and circling around your waist to bring you closer. His lips move over yours, rough and demanding, the scrape of his beard leaving a lingering reminder with every pass.
You make a sound of protest against his mouth when you can’t get his lower body close enough, the ache building to the point of desperation.
With a moan you break the kiss, letting the corners of your lips edge into a sensual smile.
You drop to your knees and let your hands wander up his muscular thighs.
Above you, his breathing deepens, kicking up to a faster pace.
When you free him from his jeans he tilts his hips toward your mouth and pushes the head of his cock against your lips.
You hover just above the tip before dipping your head slowly and savoring every hard inch of him. Your eyes close in enjoyment and when your mouth wraps tightly around him a growl erupts from his throat and his brow starts to glisten with sweat.
He wants to stay still and take whatever you’ll give him, but he can’t stop his hips from undulating every so slightly toward the suction of your mouth.
“Fuck darlin’ you look so beautiful on your knees for me.”
In response to his words, you hum in the back of your throat, sending vibrations over his hard flesh. He grits his teeth at the sensation and hisses out your name, watching as you squeeze your thighs together from your position at his feet.
He feels the familiar tightening of his stomach, the muscles clenching and his breathing becoming harsher and slips from your mouth.
“I wasn’t done,” you whine as he lifts you.
You bury your face in his neck and kiss and nip along his skin. His long, thick fingers trail down the curve of your waist and tease the waistband of your pants. “I need to be inside you,” he murmurs. “I want to feel how wet you are for me angel.”
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@hiddles-rose @littleseasiren @lorilane33 @kmc1989
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lix-ables · 1 year
⌗ rich boy things – hyunjin + car sex .
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🥡 smut includes, fem!reader, dry humping, hand jobs (while he’s on the phone with his father), mentions of ruined orgasms (because he absolutely loves teasing the shit out of you), lovesick + pussy drunk hyunjin, etc etc. word count: 971. (MINORS DNI.)
💌 note: its been a while but hihi, im back!! i was initially going to post something else??? but this has been in my drafts since april
©lix-ables 2022. consider leaving comments and feedbacks !! happy reading ‹33
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hyunjin was annoyingly pretty and he knew it, so sneaking around on the campus way past your curfew can be excused, right? 
here you were in his car’s passenger seat with your hand wrapped around his dick while he was on an important call. how did you know that? because he told you it was his father, and still your fingers played with the tip, your palm resting under your chin as you watch him shut his eyes. 
his other hand moves to wrap around the wrist that was currently busy, and he turns to look at you. “yes dad, i understand,” he sighs and replies. “no im not out racing. i’m with the boys. panting? have you thought maybe it's your hearing?” hyunjin clears his throat and shifts in his seat, making your hand fall on his thigh. but that gave you even more of a reason to stroke him instead of just touching him. a little teasing wouldn’t hurt no one. your thumb rubs circles on his tip before wrapping your whole hand around it, earning a small grunt from him.
“listen i need to go. they need my help with something. yes, i’ll call you tomorrow.” 
“you like what you see don’t you, darlin’?” hyunjin’s voice stops you from your task, and makes you look at him. he stares at you, smiling before setting his phone in his jacket pocket.
his hand finds your bare thigh and you curse yourself for wearing pj shorts while it was cold outside. “i thought i told you the call was important,” he mumbles, his fingers snaking all the way up to the hem of your shirt and tugging it toward him. “i want this off,” he nods at your shorts, and you bite your lip in frustration. “i thought we were here to talk,” a whimper leaves your throat when he pulls you to him. “we’re talking. this is good communication, don’t you think?” you let him pull you onto his lap, and you struggle out of your shorts in the process. “i was getting ready for bed, it’s way past curfew what if someone –” hyunjin presses a kiss to your lips, his hands wrapped around your waist and it just dawns to you, that his dick is still out, and is now between the two of you. “no one is going to come here, and you know that,” he smiles again, his finger twirling around a strand of hair that wasn’t held together by the band. 
you hum in response, the chill breeze making goosebumps form on your bare skin and you grind against hyunjin’s dick. you’re probably going to have to buy new underwear but fuck it. “this again? and you said you wanted to talk,” he smirks, tugging on the strand of hair in his hand, and his fingers find your shirt, pulling it up so he has more access. your hand wraps around his wrist when you feel him move your underwear aside, and he clicks his tongue. “baby, let me in hmmm? it’s not fair that only you get to do the teasing. it works both ways. besides, no one’s around so i could probably edge you say, four to five times? i’m sure you can take it yeah? because i sure as hell want to see that tight and pretty pussy of yours clenching around my fingers when i don’t let you come.” hyunjin tilts his head to look at you, he shifts the material a bit more before resting two fingers to your clit, and pinches it a little. your thighs shudder at the feeling and he leans back against the seat. “you’d beg me to let you come, but you won’t. you like it too much hmm?”
you nod and his hand reaches down and finds the adjustment lever at the side and moves the seat back a bit more, so there is space for both of you. “when i didn’t see you in class today, i thought something had happened,” he mumbles as he moves his free hand to stroke his dick, bringing it closer to your entrance. “i missed you today, doll.” hyunjin’s fingers work on rubbing random patterns to your clit and you feel yourself getting even wetter than you were ten minutes ago. 
“you were supposed to come pick me up, idiot,” you lean forward close to his ear and press a small kiss to his neck. your hands hold onto his shoulders, your nails digging into the leather jacket that he was wearing before going back to grind against his dick. 
“just the tip, i swear,” he rests his head at the crook of your neck, his free hand now holding you close to him as you move faster against him. you’re breathing faster now and your fingers come to rub your clit, applying more friction. “baby, let me –” hyunjin swears, his hand shivering and you turn your head to the window – it’s drizzling. the sound of rain muffling out your moans and hyunjin’s swears as he manages to guide your hips toward him, his tip close to your pussy, before entering just a little. “that’s it baby, fuck.” 
his hands rest at your lower back, his fingers slowly pulling up your shirt from the back as you ride against him. you’re mumbling something about having a real talk after this, but all hyunjin can hear is your whines and whimpers as he pulls himself out just to replace his dick with his fingers. 
“you’re coming on my tongue and my dick once we get to your room,” he grunts, feeling your walls clench around his fingers. “not yet, darlin’. hold it for me.” with his fingers now buried inside you, and your body grinding up against his palm, hyunjin meant what he said. teasing works both ways.
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taglist: @hwajin @starlostseungmin @chrisbahng @niinjo @chvnnie @lixhues @joonszn @cherryhanji @blueberry-chan @dnadoublefelixx @ethereallino @stuckwithaphobiaa @chewryy @bangchanbabygirlx @zizis-world12 @aimeexx @whatudowhennooneseesyou @nightlychans @americanokisses @katieraven @comet-falls @hwan-g @svintsandghosts @idek-at-this-point-lol @es-kay-zee @writerracha @bbujiikseu @lethallyprotected @lino-jagiyaa
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littlexdeaths · 4 days
wild horses - e.m.
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eddie munson x fem reader
warnings: established relationship, fingering, public sex, reader is referred to by pet names
a/n: another little repost from my old account, it’s one of my favorites 💕 inspired by that one scene from fear, enjoy xx.
word count: 971
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“don’t tell me you’re scared, darlin’.”
eddie chuckles, draping his arm over your shoulders to pull you in closer to his side. his plump lips graze the shell of your ear, causing you to shiver in his embrace. you clutch tightly onto the cuff of his leather jacket before quickly shaking your head.
the rambunctious chatter and laughter echoing around you does nothing to calm your already shaky nerves. having waited over half an hour in this long line for hawkin’s newest attraction has only made you more anxious. but your boyfriend is practically buzzing with excitement.
“i’m n-not scared,” you huff, “but why do we have to sit in the front car?”
while you try to put on a brave face, your shaky tone doesn’t convince either of you. eddie carefully tips your chin up, pressing a soft kiss to the tip of your nose as your frown deepens.
“it’s the best seat in the house baby, trust me you’ll like it,” he grins, mischief sparkling behind his irises.
you don’t have time to answer him as the gate suddenly opens in front of you, the attendant motioning you both forward with a bored expression. eddie takes your hand to guide you towards the cart, swallowing the last of your nerves as you slide onto the hard plastic seat. you carefully tuck your skirt under you as eddie climbs in beside you.
the brunette reaches over your lap to grab the seatbelt, letting his fingertips graze along the bare skin of your thigh for a little longer than necessary. heat pools in your lower belly at the simple touch, your thighs parting almost automatically. the hint of a smirk plays on his lips as he finally pulls the strap over you both and clicks it into place.
your shaky hands wrap around the metal safety bar, pulling it down onto your laps until it locks. just in time for the attendant to come by to make sure you both are securely fastened. the teen steps back from the tracks as he gives a thumbs up to the operator, the press of a button causing the coaster to jolt forward.
you instantly grab onto eddie's bicep, nails digging into the faux leather of his jacket as he rests his hand on your inner thigh and gives it a reassuring squeeze. the sun had set while you were still waiting in line, the colorful lights of the park now a sharp contrast against the night sky. it offers you a nice distraction as the coaster continues to climb even higher.
the cheers of the people in the carts behind you has your heart leaping into your throat as the coaster finally reaches its peak. everything suddenly stops then, the cart delicately teetering on the edge of the slope. your breathing becomes labored as you feel your boyfriend's warm palm slide in between your thighs to cup your clothed cunt.
the action causes you to gasp, feeling the coaster slowly begin to tip forward. his plump lips are at your ear then, his wild curls tickling your cheek.
“now— don't be afraid to scream, sweetheart."
eddie's fingers slip past your lace panties to find your clit as the coaster rushes downward at a rapid speed. your hair is flung back off your shoulders from the force of the wind, a strangled cry leaving your lips as he pumps his calloused digits inside your wet heat. his low groan is barely audible over the screams of the other riders.
your eyes flutter shut, hips jutting forward despite the metal bar confining you to your seat. he eagerly slips another digit in, your wetness surely dripping onto the seat below you as he buries them to the hilt inside you. your boyfriend grasps onto your chin with his unoccupied hand to press a searing kiss to your mouth.
“open those pretty eyes for me, baby,” he mumbles against your lips.
you do as you're told, lashes fluttering open to catch a glimpse of his dimples as his mouth lifts in a mischievous grin. eddie begins to curl his fingers up as the coaster suddenly flips upside down in a loop, causing your ass to lift slightly from the seat. you grip onto his wrist in an attempt to keep his fingers from slipping back out.
a scream leaves your lips as he hits your sweet spot repeatedly, the motion of the coaster only aids him in fucking you deeper. his thumb continues to rub harsh circles over your swollen clit as your body trembles. between eddie's skilled fingers and the constant motion of the coaster, it doesn’t take you long to meet your end.
that final descent has your thighs pressing together and a drawn out cry to slip past your lips. the sound only intertwines with the screams and shouts of excitement from the other riders. a mixture of fear and arousal courses through your veins as the male continues to pump his fingers inside you. working you through the intensity of your orgasm.
your chest is heaving by the time the ride begins to finally slow. your half lidded eyes watching when he slips his fingers out from between your thighs. eddie brings them up to his lips just as the coaster rounds the final corner into the station, sucking your juices off them with a large smirk. no one but the two of you know the reason for it.
by the time the ride comes to a complete halt you've barely recovered, knees wobbling as you climb out the car onto the tarmac. eddie follows behind you, eagerly scooping you up in his arms and lifting you off the ground. a small squeal escapes you as he carries you towards the exit.
"see, sweetheart?” he hums, nipping at your ear.
“rollercoasters are fun."
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gunnerfc · 1 month
Just Breathe | Lia Wälti x Reader [Blurb]
Summary: Lia helps you through a panic attack
Warnings: fear of fireworks & panic attack mentioned!
WC: 971
This morning you woke up excited to cheer on the men’s team in their Champions League game. You’d spent your time getting ready texting back and forth with Lia, both of you agreeing to count this as a date night despite some of your other teammates being there. 
You beamed as you opened the door, Lia waiting on the other side with a bright smile on her face. You quickly pull her into a kiss, pulling away before it could get deeper. “Let me just grab my jacket and we go,” you mumbled against her lips before disappearing inside.
Lia giggled at your quick actions, offering you her hands as you locked your front door. You were thrilled to be able to spend some down with her, with the hectic schedule you both had, you didn’t have much time to just relax. 
The car ride to the Emirates was spent laughing at jokes and singing loudly and out of time to your favorite songs. You giggled as you pulled into the parking lot, a few of your teammates had already arrived. 
“Took you long enough,” Katie joked as you got out of Lia’s car. You threw up your middle finger at her words but the smile on your face told her you were joking as well. 
It took a bit longer to get in and find your seats but you loved the atmosphere at the Emirates so you didn’t mind having time to take it all in. You took your seat at the end of the row, Lia next to you in a heated debate with Steph over something silly. 
You took in all the fans in the stadium, though in your amazement you failed to notice the fireworks that were on the pitch. Lia laughed at something your Aussie teammate said before turning to look at you, her hand reaching for yours. 
She leaned in to place a light kiss on your cheek before the loud cheers of the fans pulled you both from the bubble you were in. You stood up to cheer for the team and that’s when you noticed the on-field fireworks. You felt your breathing pick up as you blinked rapidly, trying to control your breathing. 
You hated fireworks, the loud noises making you feel unsettled. You swallowed lightly as you tried to focus your vision but the second they went off, you felt like you couldn't breathe.
You were too focused on yourself and the panic you were feeling to notice Lia’s concerned eyes on you. You turned, blinking a few times to focus on the midfielder before excusing yourself. You made your way into the small hallway that led to your section, leaning your back against the cool wall as your heart pounded against your chest. 
You were too in your head to notice Lia followed you. You jumped when you felt her hands on your cheeks, forcing you to look at her. Your eyes were wide and tears were threatening to fall as your breathing stuttered. 
“You’re okay, you’re safe,” Lia’s voice sounded distant despite how close she was to you. You tried to nod your head but you couldn’t. 
Lia moved one of her hands to rest on your chest, moving one of yours to rest on hers. “Just breathe. You’re going to be okay,” she assured you as she took a deep breath, waiting for you to follow her. 
You attempted to do the same, though you struggled. You hated her seeing you so panicked, you tried to hide your anxieties from her. You blinked a few times before opening your mouth to speak, “We’re gonna miss the game.” You hoped it would be enough for her to leave you be for a second.
“The game can wait,” she insisted, as she pressed harder on your hand that was against her chest. You nodded weakly as you focused on breathing, you knew even amid your panic that she wouldn't listen to you. 
Your breathing slowed as you focused on the rise and fall of Lia’s chest. You closed your eyes as you focused on where you were. You could hear the loud cheers of the fans and you could smell the food people had. You swallowed once more as your eyes fluttered open to meet Lia’s.
You were expecting pity but all you could see was understanding. You rested your head against the wall behind you as you took one more deep breath. 
“Are you feeling better,” Lia’s voice didn’t sound so far away this time as she squeezed your hand.  
You nodded, you didn’t trust your voice just yet. You both stood there for a moment while you regrouped. You turned your head down to look at her, your eyes filled with sadness thinking you had ruined her night. 
“I’m sorry I ruined our date,” you mumbled, refusing to meet her eyes. 
Lia shook her head as she took a step closer to you, giving you space in case you needed it. “You didn’t ruin anything, Y/n,” Lia’s voice soothed you some but you still felt like you had.
“We can leave if you want,” she offered, she wanted you to feel safe and comfortable and if being at the stadium didn’t make you feel that way, she would do what she needed. 
“No,” you shook your head, “I’m okay,” you sighed, feeling yourself calm down even more.
“Just…” you started before locking eyes with her. “Don’t let go,” you mumbled as you squeezed her hand.
Lia smiled softly as she squeezed your hand and took a step back. “Never,” she nodded as you made your way back to your seats. 
You watched the rest of the game with a tight grip on Lia’s hand, the midfielder grounding you and reminding you that you were safe by her side. 
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youresodarkbabe · 3 months
says he's gonna teach me just what fast is (f1 driver a. turner x reader)
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warnings: dom!al, not much tbh, does it being fast count as a warning?
word count: 971 (wtf..)
for @averyzversi0n <3
"alex, we need you in five."
a man wearing ferrari red walks past you in a rush. your new boyfriend, alex, was getting ready. today was the italian grand prix and he was adamant on not fucking up. he told you all about it, all the strategies he had, all the plans, everything. you didn't understand much but you listened. of course you listened.
"you'll do fine, baby, promise. you'll get first place and everything!" you say in an attempt to cheer him up and distract him from his pre-race blues. he appreciates the sentiment, also mentally taking note of the fact that he still has a lot to teach you about racing.
you were wearing a vintage jacket of his, a fancy old one a former ferrari driver wore. you didn't see much of the appeal of the jacket but alex adored seeing you in it. it gave life to something primal in him, seeing you in his prized possession made it clear you were his.
a different man calls out for him. he was wearing the same thing as alex so you assumed it was his teammate.
"yeah, i'll be there in a sec," alex turns to you and pulls you into a soft kiss. you kiss him back gently as well, tasting the smoke from his cigarette from ten minutes ago and he tasted your cherry lip gloss.
that was meant to be it. a simple peck and he'd be off. unfortunately, however, alex turner had no sense of control whatsoever.
his big hands find your waist and he pulls you in closer, slightly grinding his bulge against your waist as the two of you slowly back into the paddock and slip past the engineers running around and straight into his changing room.
"al, the race—"
he sighs, slightly irritated, and slides the jacket off of you, taking off your t-shirt, your bra following soon after. he pauses, and then stretches his hand out, retrieving his jacket and making you put it on again once you're done undoing your jeans.
"remind me to get you one of these with my name on the back next time."
you nod, sliding off your jeans, leaving the pleasure of removing your panties to alex.
ever the gentleman, he sinks down completely onto his knees and places a kiss onto your clothed cunt. "soaked, so good f'me."
alex slips his hands into your panties and cup your ass, playing with it as he drags your panties down with his teeth.
he kisses the side of your knee, moving higher and growing impatient with every kiss. he gently bites the fat of your thigh and moves to the inner part of it until he finally gets to your aching cunt. he licks a frenzied stripe through your folds with his eyes locked on your face, taking in your every move. every sharp intake of breath, every scrunch of your brows, every time you parted your lips, every sound that escaped your pretty little mouth.
with a sudden surge of confidence, you entangle your hands in his hair and pull him away.
"need you in me, now."
alex nods, deciding against teasing you for your eagerness. he undoes his suit, almost completely stripping for you. he kisses you one last time and you can taste a hint of yourself on his tongue. he turns you around and presses you up against the wall and aligns himself with your tight hole.
"we gotta be fast, baby, okay? fast and quiet." he asks before thrusting in completely, waiting for you to respond.
you moan weakly, nodding your head frantically. "yes, yes, yes, please. fuck me, al, god—"
alex acts on your begging instantly and begins thrusting into you as fast as he can, his groans going straight into your ear and adding to the tightening knot in your tummy.
"fuck, bunny, don't tell me you're already close," he asks, his tone condescendingly sweet, "we've barely been at it." you clench around him, throwing your head onto his shoulder as you moan his name over and over again as his tip brushes against the spot you need him most.
"oh, you are. how precious. so good f'me, darlin'. don't worry, 'm not too far behind."
alex's thrusts get more relentless and less timed.
"stay with me, angel," he said, hands going to play clit, his rough fingertips giving you exactly what you need as he pounds into you from behind.
"don't fly away jus' yet." he coos into your ear. you nod, too cockdrunk to form a real thought as you struggled to keep yourself from finishing before alex was satisfied.
you grab a fistful of his hair as he leaves hasty kisses along your neck.
"almost, doll, so close."
his fingers speed up on your clit as you grind against his palm. he twitches inside you as you clench once more, spurting his hot release inside your cunt, practically fucking it back into you. your orgasm makes you see stars as you bite your lip to stop yourself from screaming alex's name.
he rests his forehead on your shoulder and pulls out after a few seconds, immediately pulling your panties back up to prevent any of his cum leaking out of you.
the team manager calls out for him, making him snap out of his haze and scramble to get dressed once more. you help him and give him a soft kiss before you send him out.
"destroy 'em, baby."
alex laughs and kisses you again, another scream from the team manager making him groan in annoyance.
"yeah, i fuckin' got you the first time." he mumbles as he walks out of the room. you can't tell what they say, but you do hear one thing the manager says.
"you smell like sex, turner."
half-assed this one whoops
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eliluvschan · 3 months
Shadow Selfies
pairing: bang chan x reader
word count: 971
warnings: few curse words & cutie Channie
genre: fluff
a/n: am i writing instead of finishing an essay for my deadline on thursday? no im not👀
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i was walking my to my best friend Chan’s house. he’s got i don’t know what hair colour cause the man dyes his hair every two weeks now? i kinda lost count.
we’ve known each other for the past five years, but the thing is i’ve always liked him more than a friend.
i like him. a lot.
i rang the bell and Jessica, Chan’s mother, appeared in the doorway.
“hey dear, Chan’s in his room upstairs.”
“thanks, Mama Bahng.” i always call Jessica Mama Bahng, it’s a habit i picked up from hanging out a lot at Chan’s house.
she smiled as we both walk trough the hallway. “are you hungry?” she asked me.
“a little.”
“come on. i just bought these.” she said, putting a batch of brownies in front of me.
“alright then, but just one.” i smile.
“sure.” she turned away.
i took a piece and ate it.
“oh, this is amazing.”
“i know right? it’s a new bakery called Felix’s Goodies, maybe you and Chan can pick some up for the others?” she suggested.
“sure thing!”
“eomma, is Y/n here already?” i heard Chan calling from upstairs.
“maybe later.” i smiled and got up from where i was sitting, and made my way down the hall and upstairs. i knocked on the second door on the left.
“if it’s Hannah, go away. if it’s Y/n, come in please!” he called from inside.
“ugh, rude!” Hannah called as she got out of her room to go downstairs.
i laughed at her comment as i opened the door to the usual shirt strewn floor and messy bed.
“hey, where are you?” i called.
“oh, hey there cutie.” he said emerging from the side and pulling on a black hoodie. he stopped in front of me. “what’s up?”
“nothing much. you ready?”
“ready for what?”
“oh yeah. come on.”
so we sat down on the bed and flicked through our books and opened chapter seven of biology. disease’s & microbes.
“i don’t understand this shit.” he said after five minutes of poring over the same page. he scanned the green page and then looked at me.
“what is that hard about learning the freaking definition of a compost?” i asked after explaining the compost again.
“it bounces off of my head. how did you do it?”
“don’t ask.”
he laughed. omg his laugh.
“okay. one more time?” i asked.
“okay. and then we do something else.”
i rolled my eyes. “sure.”
he smiled and sat a little straighter.
“when rotten plants, are piled onto a heap, the bacteria of microbes act on it, and produce an enzyme that turns into any sort of liquid and then they feed on it. this stupid and disgusting process is called a compost. got it?” i asked.
“the crappy heap of plant shit is called compost?” he joked.
i laughed. “yeah. now Bio degradable’s?”
“we’re doing something else.” he told me.
“you’re going to fail the test!”
“no, i’m not.” he said.
“yeah, you are. you’re not paying attention!”
“look, i’ve done as much as i can. and just one def. of bio- whatever’s left. it won’t hurt to leave one thing. and besides, you need a break too.
i thought for a moment. true, i do need a break.
“why are you trying so hard to make me study?” he asked.
“cause friends watch out for each other, and remember Mr. Lee said he’s gonna change out seats so we can’t pass noted or talk at all.” i reminded him.
“aw, you’re doing this so we can talk? sweet!” he smiled.
“shit up.” i said, returning to the book.
“hey, look at the shadows!” he said.
i looked and saw our shadows on the wall, very clear and sharp.
Chan took out his phone and took a picture. soon, we were posing madly and taking pictures in the mirror. then Chan held up his index finger. i put mine across it and made an x. i took the picture.
he held his palm in the air. i calmed mine against it, forming a weird, but beautiful shadow of two hands joined in mid-air.
both of us took the picture. then he curved his hand into a half-heart shape. i curved mine, completing the heart. we took the picture.
i looked up at him, he looked down, not smiling. his eyes full of passion. he stared at my lips, then he leaned in and the next thing i knew his lips were moving against mine and his arms were no longer suspended in the air but gripping my waist.
a soft sigh and a click!
a camera snapping a picture, and we jumped and broke apart. Chan looked around. his mother was standing in the doorway. she quickly turned around and walked away.
“i, uh, i should get going.” i blushed and turned away.
“no, don’t go.” he whispered, holding me back.
“goodbye, Chris.” i moved away. but i felt a tug at my fingers. i looked back. our fingers were still locked. Chan smiled at them, but i hastened to pull them away.
i made my way home, still thinking about the kiss.
i got a text from Chan as soon as i was inside.
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: i made mom delete the picture.
me: ok, thanks.
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: but i still have it ;)
me: what? why?
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: our first kiss.
me: can u send it to me too?
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: [1 attachment]
me: well…
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: it’s uhh, nice.
me: yeah.
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: will you be my girlfriend Y/n? i mean i’ve liked you forever and i know you kissed me back and we are friends- i’ll take you out this weekend if that suits you?
me: uhh…
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: what?
me: nothing
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: then?
me: yes! :D
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: i had fun.
me: excuse me?
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: excused, girlfriend ;) i was talking about the shadow selfies and science of course.
me: oh yeah. me too >_<
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: so tomorrow night?
me: sure. goodnight boyfriend 🤍
Channie😩❤️‍🩹: goodnight girlfriend :)
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bri-cheeses · 22 days
Jerseys vs. Hoodies - Part 5
| Rosekiller microfic | Word count: 971 | Part 4 is here |
Evan breathes in deeply. “Bee…” he says slowly, “I should probably tell you something first.”
Barty looks confused at the shift in tone, but he sits up straighter in order to listen anyways.
“Okay,” he says, and Evan’s never been more terrified in his life.
His next words come out shaky. “We’ll always be friends, right? No matter what happens?”
Barty frowns. “Of course. But Evs, what’s going on? Is everything okay?”
His concern is enough to cause Evan to close his eyes as if he can block out all the bad by the performing the simple gesture. But when he opens them again, the fear and apprehension is still there.
“No,” he says, and it’s the most truthful thing he’s said in a while. “Bee, d’you know when you came to me that first night, and you kissed me, and I kissed you back without hesitation? Do you remember that?”
“…yeah?” Barty says slowly.
“Do you ever wonder why I didn’t question it, never even took a second to ask you why you were doing it?”
He doesn’t give Barty a chance to answer, staring at the table instead of looking at Barty as he continues, “It was because I didn’t want you to stop. I just wanted you to keep kissing me, no matter the cost, no matter your reasons behind it. For that minute I let myself enjoy kissing you, the feeling of having you kiss me, because I had wanted it for so long. And yeah, it hurt afterwards when you said that it didn’t mean anything. But I said “fine” and “okay” because that’s more than I ever thought I would get from you, and I was thankful for that tiny little scrap even if it “didn’t mean anything.” And then you came back, and again I took the scraps. And again, and again, until we had this little arrangement and I wasn’t worried anymore that every time we ever did something, it would be the last time.”
Tears are starting to blur his vision, and he refuses to look over at Barty, who remains silent.
He chokes out the next sentence. “But it hurt every time you reminded me it meant nothing, until eventually I couldn’t keep all of this to myself. So I told Pandora about it. And that helped a little, but soon after Reg started to get suspicious and confronted me about it, and I was so incredibly tired and I told him just about everything. So yeah, he knows, and yeah, that’s what he meant when he said “everything going on” between us. Which I guess makes it a low blow, but,” he laughs humorlessly, “nothing lower than I’ve been dealing with recently.”
He doesn’t look at Barty. He can’t look at Barty, can’t bear to see his expression as silence fills the space in between them.
“Evan,” Barty says, and that’s when Evan knows it’s going to be bad. Not “Evs” or “Evie” or even “Rosie.” Just “Evan.”
He tries not to let the tears fall, but it’s a struggle as he simultaneously tries to keep Barty from noticing his watery eyes.
“Evan,” Barty says again, “look at me.”
“Evs,” Barty pleads.
Evs, Evan thinks. He said “Evs.” Not “Evan.”
So Evan turns towards Barty. He wipes his eyes in an effort to get rid of any traces of his tears, but it’s evident that he didn’t do a good enough job as Barty’s face softens as soon as he takes him in.
“I’m so sorry, Evie,” Barty says, reaching out a hand and pulling Evan into his chest.
It’s a nice gesture, so sweet that Evan can’t stop himself from collapsing into Barty, despite the fact that he knows Barty’s just trying to soften the blow that’s bound to come.
Here comes the rejection, Evan thinks, but still clutches on all the tighter to Barty’s sweatshirt. Maybe if he can hold on tight enough, Barty won’t go.
“I’m so, so sorry I made you feel that way,” Barty whispers, and his hand makes its way to Evan’s head and winds into his hair. Evan closes his eyes tightly, wanting to stay here in this moment before everything comes crashing down around him.
“I never meant to do that to you,” Barty continues. “That was never my intention at all.”
He pauses, as if contemplating whether or not to say something.
“Do you know why I kissed you in the first place?” he asks. Unlike Evan, he waits for a response.
“No,” Evan mumbles against Barty’s torso.
“Well, I don’t know if you remember, but I was slightly tipsy.”
Evan remembers. Of course he does.
“I saw you sitting there on your bed, and thought, “Merlin, he’s so beautiful.” And you wanna know something? It wasn’t the first time that I had had that thought. Not even close. I just hadn’t acted on it, because… well, you’re my best friend, and I didn’t want to mess that up. But I guess the alcohol had gone straight to my brain, because I couldn’t stop myself from walking up to you and simply kissing you.”
“And I’m not proud of what I did afterwards, when I finally started thinking clearly again and panicked about you hating me because of what I had done. I told you that it didn’t have to mean anything. And if I could somehow go back in time and take that back, I’d do it in a heartbeat, consequences be damned. Because I really had wanted it to mean something. I still want it to mean something. I just didn’t think that you would want the same thing, so I never said anything.”
“But,” he says softly, his hand sliding out of Evan’s hair to cup his face and turn his gaze upward, “I’m saying something now.”
(The sixth and final part will come out sometime this week) (Hopefully)
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lunarw0rks · 11 months
hi!! i absolutely love ur work and ur most recent fic absolutely ripped my heart out 😭 i was wondering if u could maybe do a simon x reader where y/n has a panic attack from their nightmares (can be abt anything) and ghost helps them calm down and is just there for them with a lot of fluff? thank u so much!!
A/N: i love this type of fluff sm <3 out of all of them, he would understand what it's like to suffer panic attacks and nightmares :(
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Summary: When you suffer a nightmare that then turns into a panic attack, Ghost comforts you.
Warning(s): GN!reader, depictions of panic attacks/nightmares, hints at ghost's trauma, brief gun mention, established relationship, domestic!simon, fluff | Word Count: 971
꒦꒷ MAIN MASTERLIST ꒷꒦ GHOST MASTERLIST ⋆ ⚘ 🕊 ˚✧ ₊˚ʚ PART TWO // requests | ao3 ver.
Bad Dreams | Drabble
When Simon came back from his deployment, it wasn’t always warm welcomes and pillow talk. He was usually too exhausted to change clothes or make it up the stairs for that matter.
After a quick embrace at the door and a cheap takeout dinner—he was out cold on the couch, snoring away in some god-awful position.
You were used to this by now, and you understood how drained he would be after months away. Of course, when you went to sleep that night you wished he was there next to you. You only had so long together before he’d be shipped off somewhere again, and for who knows how long.
Nightmares got more frequent, especially the longer he was away. They always gave you a sense of dread, and waking up to the empty space beside you only made them worse. The one you had tonight was especially chilling.
You felt like you were being pulled every which way, and whatever was chasing you was too fast for you to get away from it.
Most frightening, you had the sense Simon was watching you being pursued and had no intention of helping you. His eyes were cold, unlike any look he’d ever given you. He looked as if he was merely enjoying the show of you defenseless and fleeing from your attacker.
When you’re finally gaining some speed, the attacker catches up with you. As you’re being whipped around to face them, you jolt awake.
Downstairs, Simon’s eyes opened when he heard the gasps from upstairs. He crept down the hallway and grabbed the pistol he kept on the hallway table. He braced himself for anything when he peeked inside the bedroom, instantly placing the gun down when he saw you.
He knew that look all too well—bloodshot eyes frantically darting around, tear-stained reddened cheeks, and the wheezes escaping your trembling lips.
You still hadn’t come awake fully. The blurriness of your vision rendered you unable to comprehend what was real and what wasn’t. Usually, you’d wake up from these nightmares, toss and turn for an hour, and find yourself back asleep.
This was different. You were in full-blown panic, and you weren’t able to snap yourself out of it.
Simon's hands found you, gently holding your wrists so you didn’t hurt him or yourself with your panicked haze.
He didn’t want to smother you with an embrace and risk making things worse. Although he knew the by-the-book instructions on how to help you, inside his head, he was filled with unease.
Had you suffered like this before while he was away? Was it his own problems rubbing off on you, like the prospect of him never coming home one day?
You felt yourself become a bit more grounded when he constricted your wrists, but mentally you were still running off the adrenaline. You blinked away your tears, finally able to see him sitting at the end of the bed, his brows furrowed in tenseness.
“You’re alright…” He wanted to sound reassuring, but even he was unsure of that.
Your hyperventilating turned into low, rapid breaths slowly but surely. He sat there as long as you needed him to, just studying your body language to make sure you wouldn’t have another attack.
He released your wrists and placed a hand on your cheek, rubbing away one of the stray tears. “Should’ve told me you were struggling like this, love…” He whispered, both lovingly but firmly.
“They’re usually not this bad.” You muttered, feeling slightly embarrassed at the fuss. It wasn’t his fault, or anyone’s for that matter. It was just your anxiety getting the better of you.
“Don’t excuse it,” he forced you to look at him, giving you a pleading look to be let in. “I’m not upset, but you need to tell me things like this. Don’t want you passing out on me.”
You swallowed away the lump in your throat, leaning closer to him. He took that as his invitation to finally embrace you, placing a tight hand around your waist as you buried yourself into his large chest.
“You were tired… and there are bigger things than my night terrors, Simon.”
He pulled your head out of his chest, locking eyes with you once again. It was that look. The look he gave you when he was at a loss for words, and his eyes were convincing enough words for you. Stern, protective, but tender.
He left the bedroom without saying a word, which made you think your words angered him. You tightened your brow when his shadow disappeared down the hall, now feeling more ashamed than before.
Not a minute later, he came back with a glass of water clutched in his fist, and he watched you drink it until you finished the whole thing. As soon as you set it down on the nightstand, he crawled atop you, using the pressure of his frame as a way to cage you in.
“Nothing’s more important than you, ‘doesn’t matter how tired I am.” He muttered, staring directly down at you, as if confining you to him would force you to believe his words.
He leaned down and pecked your lips, then trailed a few down your neck, before rolling over onto his side of the bed. He traced his fingers down your forearm, stopping when he intertwined them with yours.
“We’ll continue this conversation in the morning.” He spoke playfully, pressing his lips to your shoulder blade.
With him beside you, it didn’t take long to fall back into slumber. His body was like your own personal furnace, especially when he was clutching you so tightly.
He waited until your faint snores filled the room again, using that as his signal to finally get a good night's rest, not letting go of you for a second.
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hanjisunglover · 9 months
𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆 - Han Jisung
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pairing: idol!han jisung x fem!reader
genre: hurt-comfort, fluff
word count: 971
warnings: mention of anxiety and panic attacks just at the start.
summary: y/n and Jisung are in a long distance relationship since a couple months, they met because y/n it's a Stay, Jisung couldn't leave his mind from her during the after days and you guys casually met. Then everything came naturally, but you guys never met each other after that.
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The first time your phone rang was from Chan. 'He's panicking', 'I can't calm him down', 'please call him', that's all you remember from that first phone call. You sat on your bed, with trembling hands and sweaty palms, your gaze falling from your suitcase inside the closet at the call that rings.
You don't know what time it is, you're not focus enough to know, you put your phone on the parquet while you take out your travel trolley, filling it with the first clothes you find. It's the middle of the night, your roommate sleeps peacefully while your chest rises and falls in terror. Why isn't jisung answering the phone?
"Hello?" His voice is a whisper, you clearly hear how he's shaking, you could almost frame his figure on the floor in his bedroom as he clutches the phone to his ear, "y/n? 's everything okay? it's three in the morning there. "
Oh, three in the morning. In Seoul however, it's ten in the morning, but you don't care, "Chan said he can't calm you down, what - do you, want to talk about it?" Silence. Jisung doesn't answer you, but you can still hear him sobbing.
You can only hear a clear beep-beep at the end of the call, as you close the zipper of your suitcase. You don't care what time it is, you don't care if you forget something behind, you grab your backpack with battery charger and your phone running out of your apartment.
The taxi ride is short, silent, while you fill your boyfriend with messages, you're not angry, you're not mad at him for hanging up like that. You know him too well to know that right now he's not even looking at his phone right now, the panic in him it's so much that you can imagine him perfectly in his room under his blankets. In a couple of hours, after you fly across the world to see him, you'll do anything to calm him down.
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You're wearing your pajamas, an oversized shirt, and a pair of shorts, funny socks and a pair of inside shoes when most of your savings are for that one-way ticket to see your boyfriend. You're not even complaining, that's fine with you. You just need to be there for him. Which unfortunately doesn't always happen.
You sit on one of the cold metal chairs in front of the gate, surrounded by a few people, the few crazy people who don't even look at you, too tired from waiting for the seven in the morning flight. You pick up your phone and decide to text Chan.
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It's the first time you've done something so crazy for someone. Even if when you love, you love hard. People notice it, understand it, but don't always appreciate it. Your first relationship was with a person who didn't care about this attention, he always made you feel wrong. From there you had decided that the affection you show should only be given to best friends and family. Nothing more and nothing less. You were the hopeless romantic, always looking for a big love to fill your heart, to make you smile even when you're already smiling.
Then when you met Jisung things got a little different, at the concert you couldn't take your eyes off him from the first song until the end of the concert. You were trying to not feel too delusional, because com'on. Why you? Why you in a full crowd of people? In your mind that was even too much to think about. The following days while you were wandering around the city it almost seemed like a mirage to meet him. You guys talked. Talked so much that you lost time, almost making him late for his flight back to Seoul - he was so close to stay there. He wanted to, he wanted to stay with you. That was your first and only date.
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During the whole fly you never texted to anyone. You just left, without an explanation because Jisung needed you, would you do that again? of course. Yes, 100%, All the time.
When you get down the plane with your cozy pyjamas and your stuff you find a member of the staff of Stray Kids with a sign, 'y/n'. You just get close bow in the most gently way possible. Your hair in disorder, your tired face for not having sleeping anything during the flight makes itself felt. From the airport to Jisung's dormitory, while the staff informs of your arrival in Chan, you managed to rest.
You are in front of his room, struggling to handle your heart pumping faster than usual in your ribcage while with a trembling hand you grasp the handle. Over the course of time, Jisung filled you with messages, to which you responded calmly and patiently, comforting him as best you could. But now, knowing that you're damn close to him, you can't give yourself peace.
You suddenly take a step back putting your head in your hands with a grunt, what if he doesn't want to see you? he's not waiting for you, what if he doesn't want you there? However, your worries are immediately replaced with a heart full of love because the door is opened, and Jisung is now looking at you with two red eyes from crying and his mouth slightly open.
“y/n?” He whispers, as if you were a mirage, you quickly open your arms, with a big smile on your face, ready to melt with him. His hair are a mess, he's still wearing his pyjamas as you, but he doesn't lose time to lift you up from the floor, holding you from the back of your thighs to have you completely against his body. "you came."
"you called."
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lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 18 - Sock
@jegulus-microfic April 18, Word count 971
Previous part First part
“Well, darling, he sounds lovely.” Effie beamed at her son as they tucked into their meal. Monty had his mouth full. So he nodded in agreement. 
“You’ll have to see if he wants to join us for dinner before we leave. Invite his brother as well. We don’t want to leave him out.” Monty told James between mouthfuls. James couldn’t keep the happy grin off his face. 
“Okay, I’ll invite them.” He said as he stabbed a roast potato and popped it into his mouth.
They sat quietly as they finished off their meals. Effie ordered coffee for everyone, and they chatted about their day. 
“Mum, Dad. Would it be alright if I went back up to see Regulus for a bit before bed?” James asked, hoping his parents wouldn’t be annoyed with him for not spending enough time with them. 
“James, dear. You’re a grown man. You don’t need to ask us permission. If you want to go see him, go.” Effie chuckled and leaned over to muss up his hair. He felt himself reddening. 
“I know that, Mum. I just wanted to check.”
“I’m sure your mother and I can entertain ourselves.” Monty winked at him. 
“Eww, gross, Dad.” James pulled a face, jumped up from his chair, and kissed his parents on their cheeks before darting out of the restaurant and heading towards the lifts. 
The lift doors pinged open, and James was shocked by what he saw. 
Sirius was sitting on a man, pinning his arms behind his back. The man screamed bloody murder at Sirius as he tried to buck him off.
“Ah, James, just the person I wanted to see. Could you help me with this sack of rubbish, please? He’s outstayed his welcome.” Sirius said nonchalantly as if what he was doing was perfectly normal.
“Er, yeah, sure. Who is he?” James asked, still trying to get his head around the situation. 
“This delightful cockroach is Bartemius Crouch Junior. Reggie’s ex.” Sirius clarified. James’s eyes widened as everything clicked together. 
James helped haul Barty to his feet and dragged him to the front desk. He watched as Sirius put on an extremely dazzling smile and charmed the front desk clerk. “This man got into mine and my brother’s room just now. We didn’t invite him.” The clerk gasped in horror and picked up her phone.
“I am incredibly sorry, Mr Black. Please accept my apologies on behalf of the hotel.” She paused to speak into the phone. “Yes, security to the front desk, please.” She turned her attention back to Sirius and James. “I will personally ensure this man never sets foot in our hotel again. Can I send a gift basket to your room as an apology?” 
“I’ve never said no to a gift basket,” Sirius leaned his elbow on the desk and rested his head in his hand, still grinning at the blushing clerk. 
Two identical burly red-haired men appeared out of a side door. 
“Ah, Fabian, Gideon. Please would you escort this young man off the premises and spread it around that he is banned and not to let him in. 
“Our pleasure, Molly.” One of the twins affirmed and grabbed James by the arm. “Come on, sunshine, time to go.”
“Gid, Gid! Not that one, that one!” She pointed at Barty. 
“Oops, sorry,” Gideon immediately let go of James’s arm and took ahold of Barty. He and his brother disappeared out of the lobby. 
“You coming up?” Sirius asked James, completely unaffected by everything that had just happened. 
“Yeah, sure.” James nodded. He waved goodbye to Molly and followed Sirius back to the lifts. 
When they got back to their room, Sirius clapped his hands together.
“Well, that’s that taken care of. He won’t be back.” He proclaimed. James noticed Dr Lupin sitting beside Regulus with a glass of whisky in his hand but thought nothing of it. It had been a weird day. 
“Sirius, come look at this on Reg’s phone,” Remus said, making room for Sirius to sit down. 
“That dirty, rotten little,” Sirius glared at the device. He took a few screenshots and started tapping the screen. 
“What is it?” James asked Regulus. Regulus jumped. He hadn’t realised James had come in with Sirius. 
“Erm, Barty was tracking my phone. That’s how he knew where we were.” Regulus explained, coming over to where James stood. 
“Shit,” James exclaimed and wrapped Regulus protectively into his arms. “I’m glad you’re safe.” 
“Thanks,” Regulus replied, his voice a bit thick. “James? Why are you only wearing one sock?” James pulled away from Regulus and looked down at his feet, confused. He’d slipped his shoes off when he walked through the door and had one bare foot. 
“I swear I put both on.” He checked his shoes, but there was no sock. 
“Check under the other sock,” Sirius called from the sofa, where he was still going through Regulus’s phone. He now had Remus’s arm around his shoulders. James blinked, bent down and pulled his sock away from his leg. Underneath it was another sock. 
“Oh my god!” He shook his head, pulled the extra sock off his foot and put it on the correct one. “How did you know it was there?” He asked Sirius. 
“Been there, done that,” Sirius snorted. “Nearly finished with your phone, Reggie. Then you two can go canoodle to your heart’s content.”
“Sirius, why?!” Regulus groaned at his brother’s words. 
“What? I like this one. He’s 100% better than the last one. There, I’m done. I’ve gone through everything I can think of, and he shouldn’t be able to get in again. You might want to change your password, though, just in case.” Sirius tossed the phone at Regulus. Regulus caught it and pulled James into his bedroom to the sounds of his brother’s guffaws.   
Next part
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Gibbs Has A Wife?
Leroy Jethro Gibbs X Fem OC/Reader
Word Count: 971
Warnings: Mild language, fluff, pregnancy…
Prompt: Gibbs has been knee deep in a case all week and hasn’t been home to you or your son, so you head to NCIS to talk to him yourself…
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Angry wasn't even a way to begin how I felt. Livid, we are getting closer. Royally pissed off, that is how I'm feeling.
I swaddle the baby, a hand on my growing bump as I storm off the elevator. I saw his silver hair from where I was coming and his team looked at me confused. I stand at the front of the bullpen when he looks up.
"Leroy Jethro Gibbs, I'm this close to being your fifth ex-wife." I grit out.
"Gibbs has a wife?" Tony asks.
I knew who they all were. Gibbs was fond of each one yet, he wanted to wait awhile before introducing me. He had a blast on teasing them. Jethro stands slowly,  paling once he realized how screwed he was.
"I'm nine months pregnant, we have an eleven month old and I have a job. Yet, I've taken care of every dirty diaper this week, every time he’s got fussy, I got him calmed. I've fed him, I've cleaned the house and made dinner every single night. Yet, you can't show up to have a meal with your goddamn wife? The mother of you two babies. One I spent over twenty hours in labor with and I'm dreading this next one." I snap.
"Y/N/N, honey...calm down. I'm sorry. I've been caught up in a case. I should've called." He says softly and I narrow my eyes.
"If you knew how much I wanted to put my foot up your ass, you'd stay the hell away from me." I snap.
"I know your mad and I'm sorry." He says softly, resting his hands on my hips.
I glare at him, reaching a hand up and slapping him in the back of the head. He smiles nonetheless, rubbing my belly as he stops our little girl from kicking.
"I'm more than mad, Jethro." I snap.
"I know, and I'm sorry. I'll make it up. Ziva, come here. Meet your god-son, Leroy Jackson Gibbs. Let Tony and Tim meet him too, but keep an eye on those two. Mostly Tony." Jethro says, taking our son away from my arms.
He places a kiss on his head, smiling softly down at him before handing him to Ziva who smiles and softly coos at him. Tony and Tim stand, going to stand around Ziva as they smile down at Leroy.
Jethro grabs my hand and guides me towards the elevator. He presses the emergency stop button and we were left in the dark. He cups my cheek, but that doesn't stop me from glaring up at him.
"I love you and I'm sorry, honey. It won't happen again." He murmurs.
"I know it won't because if it does, I'm leaving your ass." I snap and he chuckles.
"I love you." He murmurs, caressing my cheek as he leans down.
I huff, looping my arms around his neck. He knew what buttons to push and when to push them. That made me mad, and this time I blamed that on my hormones.
"I love you too, bastard." I grumble.
He chuckles, slanting his lips over mine. It was soft and slow, the two of us wrapped in each others embrace. God. I've missed him. We pull away and I slap him in the back of the head once more.
"What was that for?" He grumbles.
"Your daughter is kicking my ribcage and bladder." I grumble.
"Turn around." He murmurs.
I do as told, his chest against my back. His hands rub my belly before he lifts my stomach. I moan softly, my legs nearly giving out from how good this felt. I lean back against him, closing my eyes. He kisses the side of my head.
I could stay like that forever. We stayed like that for several minutes before he slowly let my belly down. I turn around, pulling him into a hug.
"I missed you." I murmur.
"I missed you too, honey. I'm sorry. I promise I'll do better or at least call.” He says.
We pull apart, but he grabs my hand and we head back to the bullpen to see Tony holding Leroy.
“I’m your Uncle Tony. I will teach you all the best movies to watch. There are some really good old ones that I’m sure you’ll enjoy. Ziva here will tell you all the good books and McGeek…he’ll probably teach you to game.” He rambles.
I smile, looking up at Jethro who looks down at me with a soft smile. I look back at them, putting my other hand on my stomach. Jethro moves behind me, lifting my stomach again as he rests his head on top of mine.
“Mrs. Gibbs, he’s got your hair��but he has Gibbs’ eyes.” Ziva says.
“I know. He’s going to be breaking all kinds of hearts with those eyes. And please, call me Y/N.” I say.
“Be glad he only got bosses eyes, it’s a good thing he got your looks.” Tony teases and I giggle.
“Stop flirting with my wife, DiNozzo.” Gibbs warns.
“He wasn’t. Calm down, Jethro.” I say.
“You’ve got another one in the oven it seems. Do you know the gender and name yet?” Tim asks.
“Oh yes. It’s a girl this time. We are going to name her Caitlyn Shannon Gibbs.” I murmur.
“A-After Kate…” Tony trails off.
“Yes. In honor of Kate…she was a good woman. And Jethro’s first wife, Shannon.” I murmur.
“Little one has woken up again it seems.” Jethro says as our little girl kicks away.
I grimace, rubbing my stomach as Jethro continues to hold it up. I suck in a breath, slowly exhaling.
“Y/N, are you alright?” Ziva asks.
“This one is definitely going to kick asses, that’s for sure.” I chuckle breathlessly.
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abbyromanoff · 6 months
Hi :3, i hope this isnt going to be weird but I would love to request Claire Debella falling for a women who is working in store? 👀 Cause i have a brainrot of Claire falling for a common girl and she inviting reader to a date and then reader knowing Claire is a governor and panicking but Claire being extra sweet. Fluff with smut XD
Thanks and have a nice day :3💛
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PAIRINGS: Claire Debella x reader
WARNINGS: fluff, boss x assistant typa fic, honestly just sweet ass fluff that’s all :)
“Close your eyes- hey, I said close ‘em!” Claire spoke, chuckling at the giggle that left you. You were trying to keep your feet steady in fear of tripping and embarrassing yourself in front of her.
“Well, you need to help me if you want me to trust you!” She brought you close to her side, hugging you into her chest as she finally removed the hand covering your eyes. They instantly widened, your mouth falling open in a gasp as you looked back at her.
“Did you…buy this?” She shook her head, and that’s when you spotted the man waving to the two of you as he stood on the boat, and you almost jumped as the limo driver closed the door behind you.
“No, silly, we’re going on a trip! We used to go every year, but that slowed down after the virus - this is the first year back and I wanted to bring you.” You smiled nearly ear to ear at her shy voice, you could tell she feared you wouldn’t enjoy this gift, but seeing your expression made her worries fade away.
“And work?”
“I took the week off, my secretaries can handle it. And for you, well, you work under my hours,” The way you two met was through her job, only that also became your job as you were her assistant, which soon changed the closer you got. She was infatuated with you from the start, and your clean record only helped assure you were the one for her company. You, at the time, were managing a small business on the side and she happened to stop by for an order of flowers for her sick mother, and when you gave her a large discount with a sweet note wishing her the best she instantly had to come back. That was when she offered you the part-time job as her assistant, and you hesitantly agreed, knowing you needed the money and the shop was not cutting it.
Only months later you were lying next to her in bed, breath blown away as you recalled the activities you just took part in with your own boss. You felt guilty, and you were afraid she would blackmail you into continuing or act as though it never happened. After all, she was married when you first met her, only you failed to know she had been planning a divorce for years to come. You were just the assurance she needed, and she quickly filed for a divorce that ended messily, and that was when she made it official between you two.
She helped boost your business and teach you the lessons of promotions, and soon enough you didn’t have to rely on her pay. Although, you enjoyed working with the woman and kept your title as her personal assistant. You spent fewer hours at the shop and hired others to help, but you didn’t let your part-time job step in the way of your dreams, and she didn’t want that either.
“And the shop is well-handled, your employees know what they’re doing.” You sighed, agreeing shortly after as others began arriving.
“Who’s this?” A friend asked her, and she turned with a grin, placing her arm around your shoulder as she left a small peck to your head.
“This is my partner, Y/N. Y/N, meet Duke, one of the people going with us today.” He placed his hand on display, and you took it with yours quickly.
“Nice to meet you, Y/N, I’m Duke.”
“Yeah, I just said that, muscle boy,” Claire remarked, and the two fell into a small conversation to catch up with their lives. You had to hide the chuckle that almost took over as Claire went into details about her campaign as Duke seemed to not understand what the word even meant.
“Why don’t you head to the boat, yeah? There’s a bar as soon as you enter, you wanna be a doll and get me a martini?” She left a kiss on your glossed lips and let you go with a quick slap to the ass, but was discreet enough to not embarrass you like usual.
“You got the ring?” Claire asked, and Duke handed her the case to which she glared at him.
“I told you to be secretive about it, they could’ve easily saw.” He shrugged and shook her off, looking back for his girlfriend who seemed to be chatting up the bodyguard near the front.
“Just be happy the ring is still in there.” She rolled her eyes with a huff, tugging her body forward to greet the other guests before stepping foot onto the yacht, grasping the drink you had ordered for her with a grateful expression of thanks.
“Everything okay?” You asked when seeing her nervous state. She nodded, and before you could speak you were greeted by the official owner of the boat. He smiled warmly and took your hand in his, bringing it to his lips for a peck. You didn’t like the action, but you assumed it was a regular for people like him. And, he was your girlfriend's friend and the one allowing you to be here, you couldn’t do much.
“Welcome, love. It is great to see you, I’ve heard lots about you.” The greetings continued until it was time to head to the island, to which you and Claire shared a couch seat as you sat close to on top of her.
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“You didn’t answer my question earlier,” You stated, and the thumb that was rubbing your thigh soothingly slowed to a halt.
“What question?”
“Oh, c’mon, you know. Don’t act dumb.” She took a moment before shaking her head, yes. You didn’t completely believe it, and she could tell.
“I’m wonderful, darling. As long as I have you, I’m okay.”
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eviesaurusrex · 2 years
ɢʀɪᴇꜰ | ʟᴏʀᴅ ᴍᴏʀᴘʜᴇᴜꜱ
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GIFs not mine!
Lord Morpheus x Deity!Reader (Goddess of Nature and Music)
summary: In the wake of his own capture, his queen was imprisoned too.
word count: 971
warnings: angst, seriously, this is angsty, blood, Morpheus wants to burn the Waking World to ashes
author’s note: My first Morpheus work, and we’re directly starting with something short and angsty xD I’m so unhappy with how this turned out, but I’m pushing myself to upload these types of works anyway because I’m my biggest critic and all that. Plus, I’m shitty at writing pure angst. But we’ll deal with this for now before we’re gonna turn to the fluffy part of writing for this god of a man <3
»part 2? part 2.«
His eyes were trained on the woman lying next to him on the solid, cold ground. His hand outstretched, his fingers twitching desperately in order to reach her. Only mere inches parted them, but the existence of the laughable distance was mocking him in its impossibility to overcome. Not in his current state.
Dry lips moved slowly, forming words without letting a single sound escape; the agony too consuming to mutter a single syllable. Morpheus was not even convinced she could hear him if he would succeed in calling her name, trying to nudge her mind back into consciousness with the power of his voice. A helpless sound was the only audible thing escaping his parted lips.
And then, abnormal darkness engulfed him once more.
His returning consciousness let him move his hand again, but instead of finally palpating the silk-like skin of his wife underneath his fingertips, the Lord of Dreams touched icy cold glass. Unsteadily, he opened his distinct blue eyes, which once held the entire universe in them, but now only pictured the void of a pitch-black night sky. He felt so heavy, his mind slow, his body not responding the way it was supposed to. The loss of his powers was something he almost missed because his tired eyes suddenly rested on red droplets scattering the dirty stone floor.
With a silent groan, Morpheus pushed himself up on his bare knees, blinking rapidly to sharpen his eyesight in the dimly lit basement. Suddenly, he wished he had not done it as every single ounce of air was pushed out of his lungs as if he had fallen from a high looming tower and crashed onto the ground. He felt as if he would suffocate in a matter of fleeting moments; his eyes trained motionless on the pool of blood surrounding a body he knew better than his own.
YN’s eyes blinked slowly, her chest rose barely perceptible for a human’s eye, the fingertips of her outstretched arm trying to find a hold of this realm. Morpheus knew she made an effort to anchor herself so Death could come and bring her back into the Dreaming before every ounce of life had left her body. But he could feel with every agonizing piece of his soul how life slowly faded out of her bright shining eyes, forever reminding him of Fiddler’s Green and every single vegetation that grew in their realm. His heart ached heavily in his chest, tears blurring his sight, and both hands were pressed onto the glass, trying to push through it to get to her, to protect her just as she obviously had done for him.
“YN.” His voice broke in the middle of her name, unable to speak it out, to taste every syllable of it on his lips, letting it flood his mind to ease a pain he had never experienced, never had suffered before. The salty lakes his eyes had turned into overflowed, and still, he didn’t dare to move his gaze from her, not even as his capturer stepped into her blood. Raging fury and hatred burned his insides as the human closed his hands around her throat and neck to lift her off the ground, pressing her body onto the sphere, facing lover to lover. Her eyes, which tended to change their colors frequently, stared dull and lifeless into his own, and despite her dying state, YN managed to grant him the sight of the attempt of one of her beautiful smiles, which always illuminated his life and the Dreaming, bringing comfort and joy.
“Poor little thing. You see, she tried to save you, and I cannot let that happen. So… Her pitiful death is practically your wrongdoing.” Morpheus almost did not listen to the echoing voice, instead holding the last remnants of her gaze captured in his, salty crystals flowing over both faces, connecting them in their pain and loss though separated by sorcery. Her lips gently moved, only visible to his eyes, and he started to make out her words as her eyes lost the last specks of life and her body went limp. The man only let her drop to the floor, where she landed in her own blood, shedded in her attempts to protect him as they had promised one another on the night of their wedding under the darkest but most ethereal firmament ever seen by the eyes of humans, deities, and endless.
With burning rage in his now flaming blue irises filled with a darkening void that swallowed every other emotion in its wake, the Lord of Dreams slowly stared up at his jailer, his heart only knowing hatred anymore. He wanted to see this world burn, but in particular, he craved to see this human burn—the one who had robbed him of his wife and queen, the love of his existence. He wanted to hear him beg for mercy. He wanted to listen to his piercing screams filled with agony, and he would not even stop when he was certain the man had learned his lesson before ending his life with his own bare hands. Morpheus would relish in the afterglow of his glorious vengeance before turning his gaze to the rest of this degenerated order to end every single life himself.
And maybe, after the last scream had faded, he would be satisfied to finally mourn the only woman he had ever wanted.
His gaze settled back onto her body after their capturer left him with her; tears continuing to cover his skin and drowning his soul in anguish and torment which didn’t leave him—
Not even after a century of imprisonment and her gentle voice wandering through his mind, repeating her last words to him over and over.
I will find you in my next existence, my love.
I kinda don’t like it, but hey, it’s my first time writing for my baby, so that’s okay. Hope y’all enjoyed it anyway. As usual: Comments, reblogs, and likes are much appreciated! <3
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boozye · 8 months
Ask me again.
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Satan x Asexual reader (pronouns you/yours, no gender specified)
Comfort? IDEK
Established relationship
Word count: 971
Cover art by me (recycled)
Someone needs reassurance from societal pressure and expectations! (you, you fucking do ((me actually)))
Guess who spent 2 hours writing nonstop instead of sleeping? Here, have the fruits of my insomnia. Not proofread, didn't bother checking punctuation, good luck soldier.
Oh it was one of those days, wasn't it? When your confidence wavered. You've been through this before. You knew what you needed. But would this be the last straw for him?
In vain you attempted to carry on as if nothing was amiss within you. But he noticed. Of course he noticed. He's arguably the most observant person there's ever been, of you at least. Yet so tactful about it.
You tried to hold his hand as usual. Let him touch you affectionately without tensing up. Be close to his face and his body without hesitation. But you couldn't really help it. And who knows how many other signs you weren't even aware of he had picked up already.
Was this more aggravating to him than if you just asked for what you needed? The thoughts swarmed your mind. Again. Again their buzz overtook reason. You had been doing so well too... So you just started preparing, mentally, for what you had to say.
Meanwhile, Satan was figuring things out at his own pace. Were you growing scared? Of him? Well he could see why. His temper still got the best of him sometimes. And he knew that what to him and other demons was just a mild grumpy spell, to a regular human could be rather violent or scary.
Yet whenever he talked about it, you reassured him that no, you weren't afraid of him. You held him so lovingly and told him. Told him that you knew he'd never hurt you or try to again.
His thoughts were interrupted by you, in the flesh, of all things. You sat by him in the library and looked him in the eyes. Your expression wasn't upset but he could see you were going to say something important.
"Can we walk back home? Whenever is okay. I'll just hang around here until you are done."
A calculated request, he deduced. But you were asking for him in a way. It was a relief. He sighed with a soft smile and answered:
"Sure, I couldn't focus on what I was reading much today anyways. Let's just go."
With that, you calmly picked up your bags and left the building.
Your walk started out casual enough. Barely anyone on the streets at this hour, something you both prefer. But Satan saw you were bracing yourself to say something.
"Satan," you sighed "do you remember what I said when we started dating?"
He blushed very faintly. "You said you were really happy and you hugged me so hard... And then you grabbed my face and kissed m-"
You gaped for a second in surprise before interrupting him. "Nooo, not that."
He looked back at you, expecting to hear what you meant. You cleared your throat and elaborated.
"When I asked if you were really okay with me being asexual?"
He looked back at you a little puzzled "I believe I said that I was perfectly fine with that?"
You nodded, "yes, well, right after that."
He aimed his gaze down trying to remember. The bliss of the moment might have made him dismiss anything he didn't immediately figure out.
In the meantime, outside his head, the words itched in your throat, you planned to just remind him, but this conversation was turning excruciating for you. Just as he remembered, your voice next to him echoed his memory:
"Can I ask again in the future?"
He looked at you with a mixture of realization and curiosity. You continued.
"You told me that I could, Satan. So..."
You took a few seconds to still your resolve.
"Are you okay with it?"
There it was, the prickle in his expression. You didn't want to see it. You knew this question could be bothersome. But you needed this.
"Y/N, of course I am! Did I overstep your boundaries in any way? Please tell me so I don't repeat it again. I apologize, I truly didn't mean to..."
He trails off. But you are already raising your hand and trying to wave his concern away. Ashamed, you reply.
"No, no Satan. Listen. I just needed to ask again. You didn't overstep or anything. I like touching you, and being touched by you as well."
He nods, but stays silent for you to continue.
"But, well... I just didn't want to raise your expectations with that sort of contact. It's happened before with other people and it hasn't ended well."
He sighs and rolls his eyes. "Humans are so fickle."
You look at him wideyed, clearly hurt.
"Wait, not you, I didn't mean you!" He drags his hand down his face "Sorry, sorry" before continuing, he gathers his thoughts, "what I mean is that that is not something you have to worry about with me."
"Was it wrong of me to ask?"
He looks forward, wideyed with full realization. Then he stops walking and faces you with his entire posture as you stop a couple steps after him. He puts a hand on your shoulder and solemnly says " Y/N, never feel bad for needing reassurance. It is not wrong. How many times have you reassured me? That you aren't afraid of me? I didn't realize at the time that was what your question meant. But yes, you can ask me again. As many times as you want. It won't only not bother me, I will tell you that I love you every time and mean it. I love you."
You put your hand on his, getting misty eyed. Before your tears take over, you lean forward and kiss him briefly. Then you part from his lips and hug him, squeezing as hard as you can. He hugs back, pats your head, then chuckles and leans back, lifting your feet from the floor briefly, making you chuckle as well.
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Unconventional Flowers Event - March Bonus
Dahlias for Holi ft. Nanami
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A/N: March bonus prompt for my Unconventional Flowers Event. I honestly was hoping for a very unique holiday and this got my attention in all the right ways. Requested by @sitarawrites. For more information on the Festival of Colors, visit Wikipedia.
Rating: E, fluffy
Pairing: Nanami x reader (Desi reader implied)
Word Count: 971
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People had been skeptical of your marriage to Nanami, wondering how you would ever blend your rich, individual backgrounds. For the two of you, it just meant more cultural holidays to celebrate together, and spoiling each other with a wider variety of food and sweets accompanying each one. You knew he’d adapt well, he’s proven that when you were dating, even though Indian festivals tended to be crowded and loud. 
And you loved him for the way he kept up the rules that fell on your festival days. Vegetarian food only, and though he didn’t need to, he sat in the back while you offered your prayers, his hair damp because it was customary to always have your hair washed on festival days. The first piece of prasad which you offered to him with love after all the prayers and poojas were done, broken in half as he feeds it to you as well. It was bliss.
But the one festival Nanami refused to participate in was Holi. He had no qualms against the day in general, but rather, the way it was celebrated, by throwing colored water and powder onto others to celebrate the triumph of good over evil. You’d pouted because Holi also celebrated the love between Lord Krishna and his eternal love Radha, the most well-known romantic story in all of Hindu mythology. Not that he hadn’t given it a fair try. You’d told him to wear something old and casual but the man simply didn’t own anything that fell under those categories. He spluttered along gingerly at the fairgrounds while everyone played, his hair weighed down in his eyes by dyed water in shades of shocking pink, electric yellow, and robin’s egg blue. 
He hated the wetness, the noise, and the fact that the dyes used in the water and powder didn’t rub off for days (seriously, what was in that stuff?). After his first one which had occurred back when you were both initially dating, he’d politely told you he would not be participating in the ones to come as he tried to rub off the darkening pink that had stained his face, neck, and ears. The color had only taken in more on his pale skin, making him look like he had a bad sunburn, something that Gojo and Yuji had been quick to point out while teasing him to no end. 
So it became the rule that he would sit with you during the morning for prayers, and you went with your family and friends to the fairgrounds to celebrate the rest of the day by throwing color at each other. The first Holi after you got married though, you felt a small twinge of sadness that your husband would be absent for this affair but you hid it, pressing a kiss to his cheek before leaving.
When you arrive home, Nanami has laid down a towel trail from the door into the bathroom so that the color wouldn’t drip onto the carpet. You can’t help but appreciate his foresight on this; you loved Holi, but you certainly didn’t want to ruin the carpet. Under the hot spray, you let yourself wash off the colors that stuck to your body, watching them swirl into each other as they went down the drain. Honestly, it was only the pink that actually stuck, the rest of the colors washing off easily.  You step out, clean and fresh, and pad into the bedroom, to find Nanami sitting patiently on the bed with a cotton bag in his hands.
“Hey,” you say softly, tired from all the running around at the fairground and now the heat of the shower.
“Hey yourself.” He pats the space next to him. You oblige and sit next to him, the bed feeling soft and comforting after a long, energetic day.
“Did you have fun?” he gently rubs the top of your ear, now pink like a flamingo.
“Yeah. Missed you though.” You lace your fingers with his. 
“I know. Your face said it all when you left.” He kisses your hair, now washed and dried, smelling fragrant. “I’m sorry it disappoints you so much. But I just can’t find a way to enjoy playing Holi.”
You turn to kiss his jaw. “It’s not like you didn’t try. And you were miserable the whole time. It’s ok. It’s just one festival.”
“True. But. Maybe you and I can play Holi in a different way? One that involves colors but none of the mess?”
You look at him curiously, wondering what he had in mind before he hands you the bag he was holding. You peek into it and see that it’s filled to the brim with dahlias, your favorite flower. 
“Lay back.” You do as instructed, scooting up towards the pillows. Nanami dips his hand into the bag, picking up a pink flower. 
“Pink, to symbolize kindness and beauty.” He begins to lay all the pink flowers from the bag across your body shoulder to shoulder, like a devotee worshiping a goddess, and the act causes a rush of love to zoom through you.  
“Yellow, for cheer.” He places these across your chest and you hold still, not daring to move lest they fall off. 
“Orange, for celebrations and goodness.” These go across your stomach which is now jittery like there are a million butterflies in it. 
“Purple for respect and devotion.” The blooms are placed delicately along your legs and you feel giddy from the romance of it all. 
You lay there, colors all over your body, which was the whole point of Holi in the first place. Nanami carefully makes his way back up to your face, giving you a tender kiss on the lips, his eyes full of love.
“Happy Holi y/n. I hope this makes up for it.” 
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All animated lines and banners by @/ cafekitsune
@bleach-your-panties @bleachbrainrotbro @kr0wu @grimmjowssoulmate-blog @j-u-u-z-o @brittscafe @keiva1000 @buttercupbitches @vee33ee @cindyneko-strider @dreaming-about-seireitei @quinnyundertow @naoyagasm @sitarawrites @sehunaeri @kentosgirlie @strawberrymuffinlovin @ickkck-09 @connorsui @arabidp0ssum @teasore @un-aesthetic @jadedjane
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