#writing about them again so here's an older snippet i wrote
elysianymph · 10 months
Walburga stared into Sirius’ cold eyes, narrowed in defiance as he desperately clawed at the cage she had confined him in, searching for a way out, not knowing it didn't exist. Grey eyes swirling with hatred and anger so deep that Walburga knows he must’ve inherited it from her. The same eyes that looked at her in childish wonder as she had explained to him how their magic was made of stardust, how their namesakes were given for a reason. It was an old lie that her own mother had told her, one that Walburga hadn't believed for over a decade.
However, looking down as Sirius’ eyes lit up at her words, she had almost thought it true. Maybe Sirius was the exception, maybe he was a blessing sent from the stars that had finally decided Walburga had seen enough disappointment and pain in her short life. Maybe Sirius would shine just as bright as his star does, twinkling when Walburga pointed her finger at it with Sirius’ gaze carefully following her every move. A toothy smile spread across his face and she almost felt bad when she reprimanded him for it, that wasn't how a Black ought to behave but Sirius… he was different. She could feel it in what little remained of her heart.
That much had been true. Sirius was alive, burning as bright as his namesake, so warm that he burned others without meaning to.
She had never told him the curse of their namesakes, that a star burning so bright could only shine so long before it collapsed in on itself or destroyed everything around it.
Walburga had never thought he would burn her, the one who had given him everything she had.
Until she was pointing her wand at the tapestry where her once beloved son’s name was written, burning his face off of the fabric and crumbling along with its ashes on the floor, crying for a son she had lost years ago.
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kiwiana-writes · 29 days
I dont think anyone subscribes to you for t rated 5 +1s in your own au lol. Chop chop with those wip’s porn girl!
Well. Quite a bit to unpack here on an otherwise unassuming Friday!
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#2: I actually track this stuff. Admittedly the E-rated percentage is a bit higher if you look at RWRB only, but overall...
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#3: I think anyone who subscribes to me on AO3, or indeed anyone who follows the kiwiana-writes tag here on tumblr and sees all those fucking WIPs, knows that I like to write a bit of variety. That's not to say there aren't definite underpinnings of, like, themes and vibes that I return to over and over (which I can only assume are why people subscribe to me), but if someone only likes my college AUs, or only likes my post-canon stuff, or only likes my E-rated stuff, or only wants to listen to my podfics, they're probably going to have a much more successful time saving the tag search than subscribing to me at the author level. Or they've mastered the art of archiving and moving on without complaining about it, like I do when the authors I'm subscribed to write something that doesn't interest me. It's a useful skill! I highly recommend cultivating it.
#4: AO3 not giving series stats is and continues to be the bane of my life, but based on the number of people who subscribed to the OG actor AU, there's probably a significant chunk of people who aren't subscribed to me as an author and only want the actor AU verse stuff. And good for them! I LOVE that AO3 offers multiple ways to subscribe so you can get notified for the stuff you want (my kingdom for the ability to subscribe to individual pseuds, though.)
#5: This fandom is OVERFLOWING right now. Like, I can't keep up. You only want to read E-rated stuff? Awesome! Well over 100 E-rated fics have been posted in the RWRB bookverse tag just this week (it looks like most of the movieverse smut has also been tagged bookverse, but either way it's also very easy to find). Or go back to older fics and find some hidden gems—there's nothing an author loves more than for someone to come in and gush about a fic they wrote a year or two ago.
#6: You don't pay me, and I'm not subject to annual review. One of my favourite authors was talking this morning about how sometimes she thinks about taking a break from writing for RWRB because it's starting to feel a little rat racey, and that would suck for me personally because I love her stuff but god knows I couldn't blame her, because the (extreme minority but still exhausting) entitled comments and rudeness really do not help. Stop treating your favourite authors like content creators who owe you something new on a regular schedule, because that's a damn good way to ensure they don't want to create anything new ever again. Like... anon, you haven't even bothered to couch this in a compliment. The bar is ten feet underground and somehow you still managed to trip over it.
#7: Not to be all 'back in my day' but... well, back in my day, snippets and peeks into the universe of a remotely popular longfic were pretty much the standard lol. Nobody is forcing you to read them, I promise.
#8: I've posted two E-rated fics in the last two weeks.
#9: Honestly I just really want to reiterate #1 because what the hell lol. While pronouns don't equal gender, it's pretty reasonable to extrapolate from pronouns if you don't have any other info to go on—and of the three "main/standard" pronouns, the one most closely associated with 'girl' is the only one that ISN'T in my bio 🤦
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according2thelore · 2 months
These ES/LS snippets are truly saving my need for more of your fics.
You very quickly became my favorite wincest author, hitting every one of my favorite tropes(hurt/comfort is my bread and butter too!) And I'm excitedly(and impatiently lol) waiting for your next fics to come out.
Your writing is SO GOOD and I find myself going back to your fics all the time. My first was your love potion fic and that's still one of my absolute favorite samdean fics out there.
This isn’t really an ask so much as it is an appreciation lol. Can't wait for your next fic!
(If this was an ask though, I'd love more thoughts on your ES/LS universe and even MORE hurt/comfort and jealousy lol)
BABE???? OH MY????
i don't even know what to say! this is the nicest compliment!!!!! you're so incredibly kind, and i'm so unbelievably honoured that my work is special to you!
EEP! i can't even express how much this ask means to me!!!! there are literally no words!!!! the love potion fic was meant as a fun little add-on to that month's challenge, but i've been blown away by how much folks have liked it--i live for a little melodrama and H/C, lol!
every writer dreams of getting asks like this one, and just ARGH! i'm kissing you on both cheeks!!!!!
as for upcoming things, my next fic will probably be my teen!chesters piece for the wayward sons zine (it will be HEFTY). charlotte and i were outlining this fic, and it ended up being about five pages of outline. so def a larger one!
because this ask was so incredible and lovely and kind (so kind?? holy shit?? my hand in marriage??) i wrote a little thing for you! i hope you like!
dean rubs his hands on the sides of his jeans, before he catches himself doing it. shit.
he crosses his arms, then realizes that he looks awkward and posed, so he uncrosses them again. he pushes his hair back from his face--but fuck, what if his hair looks weird now? dean checks frantically around for a reflective surface, but the only thing even close to him is a giant telescope, and--even though he briefly considers it--there's no way he'd be able to crawl back up it and down in time.
"what are you doing?" he mutters to himself, able to at least recognize that he's acting like a preteen about to meet one of the jonas brothers.
it's just sam.
just sam, kind of, dean's brain quietly corrects. it's just sam, but fucking huge.
it's just sam, but his ridiculous hair has grown and curls softly around his ears, brushes his jaw when he ducks his head. it's just sam, except his arms are bigger than dean's head. dean didn't miss the show the other day when sam came to look for something and lifted a fucking stuffed armchair with one arm.
(dean tried it later, and it took him both hands and two tries to get it off the ground. that thing must be reinforced with some crazy cold war steel or something. definitely.)
dean eyes the main room again. he should just sit at the big table. he eyes the big sword on one of the shelves. no--focus. sam went into "library annex 3" to find a book that he thought dean should absolutely take a look at, and left dean, dazzled, in his wake. so dean is going to sit here and wait, because he's been running out of excuses to see sammy lately.
dean slumps into one of the chairs, sighing. what is wrong with him?
he gets so...easily distracted whenever sammy--future-sam or whatever--starts talking to him. and most of it isn't even his fault, okay? sammy always puffs up whenever either 2006 winchester gets close, a dick-measuring if dean's ever seen one. as soon as sam got a single inch on dean in height, dean's never heard the end of it. but this sammy, older sammy, straightens up and his chest gets all big and--fuck--arms! big arms!!
dean keeps trying to find plausible excuses for sammy to take off his shirt because dean is convinced he has a six-pack under there, and it's his right to know!
"i found it!" a muffled voice from down the hallway, so deep that dean's brain goes a little sideways. and dean feels his whole body lock up, like he's just been thrown out of an airplane.
sam--sammy steps through the doorway, holding up a book triumphantly. his eyes are bright, and he's got little wrinkles at the corners, barely there. his grin is radiant, and dean feels absurdly like he's looking directly at one of those religious frescos with the yellow circles behind everyone's heads. sam would get a kick out of that.
dean whimpers. he straight up fucking whimpers, covering it quickly with a cleared throat.
"great!" he says, too bright. it's not his fault! it's not! dean barely resists the urge to bash his own head in.
so sue him! sam is suddenly huge and old and glad to see dean? he lights up whenever dean walks into a room, greeting him warmly. he seems to find dean adorable, which dean kind of resents, but it's hard to stay mad at sammy when he clearly finds so much delight in seeing him.
and 'sammy' isn't helping. 'sammy' had always been a dean word. it had been an 'us' word, a 'they don't know you like i know you, they can't understand you like i can' word. as soon as dean's own sam--2006 sam--had shrugged off the word, and older sam had donned it, dean knew he was screwed. wires crossed. you can only call so many men 'sammy' before you start to tease them and want to be around them and give them shit and look at their huge fucking tits--wait...no. shit. focus!
"so get this," sammy says, and he slides into the chair next to dean, smooth and graceful and so in touch with every muscle in his body that dean has to catch his breath a little. and his chest does something funny, because sam shows him the book and starts babbling.
he starts babbling. like a two year old sam and an eight year old sam and a twelve and a fifteen and an eighteen year old sam.
it seems impossible that this person--this man, all poise and purpose and focus, whose eyes can cut and soothe, whose stubble scratches when he rubs a hand across his jaw--is still dean's sam. dean's sammy.
and he knows it. and he likes it. this sammy brushes his shoulder and doesn't recoil like it burns. he looks to dean first when something is wrong. dean saw, the other day, how his older self comforted sam after a nightmare, how easily sam contorted himself to fit the shape of older dean's arms. sam likes being dean's. or at least this version of dean.
"anyways, i think that this is probably our most comprehensive record of vampires--their habits, their physiology, their weaknesses. if you wanted to give it a read, i think it'll really come in handy." sam says, still talking like dean cares at all for vampires and not the exact shape of sam's mouth.
dean aches. he feels inadequate. there is something clearly in this dean that is worthy, something that sam finds lovable. or necessary. dean wants to be necessary. dean needs to be necessary.
"yeah." dean says, suddenly, when he realizes that sammy's looking for a response. "that--uh--that sounds great."
"you didn't hear a thing i said, did you?" sammy asks, eyebrow raised, teasing and knowing and fuck--dean's chest collapses. sam knows him.
it's so strange to be known by this...this man. this man who blots out the sun with his shoulders, and has callused hands, and looks at dean like he's proud of him. this man knows him. this man is sammy, and that's all dean every really needs.
"naw." he says, scrubbing a hand in the close-shorn hair at the back of his head, abashed and feeling strange. "'m sorry."
"don't be." sammy rolls his eyes, but it's in good humour. sam--2006 sam, and it's weird that dean has already made that distinction--would genuinely be put out. he thinks dean doesn't take him seriously.
both sams are alien to dean. sam, because his burden is eating him alive. he's terrified of himself, of his powers. furious at what he's becoming and increasingly furious at dean for not taking his own safety seriously. like sam could ever hurt him.
and this sammy, of course, is different. he's physically very different, but also...softer? that's the wrong word. he's easier, maybe. his smiles are soft and he thinks through things before he says them. he doesn't hurt to hold in your hand like sam does, all spikes and hard edges like rock that resents you for holding it. sammy is a stone worn smooth by a river, and dean doesn't know if that makes him a bad brother.
he doesn't want to know, because he can't think about this being another way of failing sam. dean's been failing sam since that first over-long look in 1995.
this sam, at least, dean has a reason for not understanding completely. time has made a stranger of his brother, not circumstance, and time is easier to blame.
"what?" sammy asks, and dean snaps back to the present, abashed again. god. it's like his first fumbling date a fourteen all over again. but wait, no it's not--why did dean think that?
"nothing. sorry. you're just--" dean can't find the words. sammy seems delighted at this, eyes sparking with a challenge like they're both in on a joke.
"i'm..." he prompts, drawing it out. dean sputters. he and sam give each other shit all the time. it shouldn't feel different with this sam, but...it does.
dean jerks away, sitting up straight in his chair. sam stands in the doorway. he looks pissed. his hands are balled into fists at his sides, his jaw is set, and he's...not looking at dean.
dean looks to sammy, whose eyes widen. he seems surprised by something. proud of something.
"dean wants to know if we're ready for dinner. what are you doing?" sam asks, words loaded. dean's about to jump in, feeling weirdly guilty. they're just talking about a book, it's not like they were--
"just talking with my little brother." sam says, jostling dean's shoulder with his elbow, like this is all a big joke but what the fuck?? dean's spine melts and drips down his ribs. oh my fucking god.
little brother little brother little brother sam could pin dean down if he wanted to, dean looks down at sam's huge fucking hands oh my god, little brother--
"you--" sam starts, and sammy sits up straighter, tilting his head forward like he's coaching sam through something, but sam's eyes are suddenly on dean, and dean freezes.
he doesn't know what to do under sam's critical gaze. the weight in his stomach is definitely guilt, but dean doesn't know why. dean looks away first.
"we're just talking shop, sam." dean says to his hands. a pause. dean hears sam leave, his footsteps echoing down the corridor.
he better not be going to see that old geezer. dean doesn't like he way he looks at sam.
"we almost had him," sammy says, thoughtful. dean looks up, and sammy is looking down at him with an expression so fond that dean's throat closes. "next time."
dean's heart beats faster.
oh man. he is so fucked.
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ladykailitha · 4 months
WIP Wednesday Game
It’s WIP Wednesday, time for a little accountability, sharing your work, and getting a kick in the pants.
Here’s how it works:
In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
If you’re reading this, you’re invited!
If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
My only problem is that I tend to file name what the title is so I can find it easier, so...here’s what they were called before I titled them.
"File" Names
Soulmate AU
Omega Sexworker Steve AU
Steve is a History Nerd
Werewolf Steve
From Werewolf Steve:
The growl started in the back of Steve’s throat and ripped from his lips. “You are only a keeper, Carol, may I remind you?”
She put her hands on her hips, decidedly uncowed. “Yes and we used to be friends before you got a raging hard on for curly haired nerds.”
Steve huffed through his nose. “You mean the smartest girl in school, the latest in the longest line of hereditary keepers from the Buckleys, and the man who saved my life? Are those who we’re talking about Carol?”
She stared him down. “You are already facing problems with the older crowd not being mated to your female alpha, do you really want to start your third year as alpha banishing half of your pack? Do you even realize how weak you already look to Billy? You’ve only managed to raise one of his eyebrows recently after the attack. Before that he thought the pack was too lame to even bother with.”
Hello again! We had 25 asks last week. I was cutting it close to the wire to get them all done before bed.
So many great asks History Nerd Steve and Soulmates were the bell of last week's ball. Such a blast. I can't wait to share HNS with you. It's coming a long great!
I run it from 8am-11pm MST.
Send as many asks as you want as often as you want. I got people sending me asks in the morning and again later that night. Don't think it has to be all done at the same time.
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fiction-is-life · 9 days
1,9,10, and 11 for the Ask Game😊
Hey lovely!!! Thank you so much for sending this ask in!! Since I already answered 2 of these before (here is the link), I picked 2 others. I hope that is okay!!
2. talk about a notable time a narrative or character has looked you dead in the eyes and said “fuck your plan, here’s what we’re actually doing.”
I would have to say the most notable time this happened was when I wrote my first JJ fic. At the time, I had only published fluffy fics about Topper and I was very much known as a Topper blog (I still am, but people know I will write for others too), but the idea of JJ's girlfriend helping him study and him not being able to focus just popped into my head and I could not shake the idea! So I wrote my first smutty fic while also writing for a character I had never written for, and it definitely paid off because I love writing for other characters now, and that particular fic has the most notes out of all of my fics, lol 😂 Here is the link to it!
8. what’s your relationship with constructive criticism and feedback like? do you seek it out? how well do you take it?
So, I usually do not seek out constructive criticism on my writing, but in other aspects of my life, I am always asking for it! I enjoy getting feedback on my fics though, and I often reread the feedback as it brings me a lot of joy to see that someone found my work worthy enough to spend their time giving feedback
10. at what point in the process do you come up with titles, and how easy or hard is that for you?
I usually title my fics after I have written them, and I usually find it fairly easy to title them. I don't think all of my titles are groundbreaking, but I do really like the ones that are based on sayings or poems (like my one Benedict Bridgerton fic series has snippets of a Thoreau poem). There are some instances where I come up with the title of a fic and build the plot around that, but I'm not sure if I have posted any where that has happened.
11. what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
I learned that at one of Britain's all girl prep schools, they assign the older girls "sisters" that are girls from younger grades to help them acclimate to the new school. It is for a Topper boarding school fic that I have not finished yet, lol. I usually don't do extensive research and I tend to write about what I know, especially for modern pieces, but I read a lot of historical fiction, so I rely on my knowledge through those books to write about different time periods. I want my work to feel authentic but I don't take great extremes to make it completely accurate.
Thank you again for the ask! I had so much fun answering!!
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myfairkatiecat · 8 months
Katie, this Ask is going to be much less organized, so I'm very sorry. If you think I've forgotten something, don't hesitate to correct me. I believe the Ask for Bod's game was"
🥰/😂/😭/❓ And then 🤩 for Merlin because you said you're getting back into that!
😔/😍 And 📖 for "Rewriting Destiny", since I'm still working my way through it
I hope this one works out, and I hope you are doing well, my friend!! Happy Penultimate day of being the year you are <3 <3 <3
Thank you so much for resending this! *glares at tumblr* this app sometimes. Removing people’s blogs, deleting random drafts…
Anyway *ahem* thank you for the ask!
🥰 a fluff WIP snippet
So. I don’t write enough fluff 😅, so I literally searched “TMBS” in my google docs and scanned through old fics and I found this thing I wrote when I was 12 about the books, and it’s surprisingly cute for something I wrote when I was twelve. (Warning: if you want to wear gen-goggles, the opposite of shipping-goggles, go ahead, because little Katie was a HUGE Kaynie shipper.) The characters are 17-18 bc little Katie felt so mature writing older teenagers.
Fun fact: little Katie googled common college application questions to write this fic. And now present Katie is literally answering that exact question for a college application. Time flies 😂
Here’s a snippet!
“Miss Perumal said you’ve been up here all day,” Kate said in the doorway.
Reynie looked up when he heard her voice. “Oh! Yeah. That’s because I’m working on my applications. It’s quiet up here.”
“Oh, I get that,” Kate said, making her way over to his desk. “But… all day?”
“I have to submit them soon if I want to be considered for scholarships!”
“‘Soon’ being November. Which is two months away.” Kate crossed her arms. “You need to relax! It would be good for you.”
“Maybe you’re right.” Reynie sighed in defeat. “I’m not getting anywhere with this anyway. I can’t figure out how to word anything.”
“You have to be kidding!” Kate exclaimed. “You write more eloquently than anyone I know. Your letters are far more interesting than some classics I’ve read.”
“Then you must not have been reading the right classics,” Reynie said with a self deprecating laugh. “Or you just like me better than you like Charles Dickens.”
Kate laughed melodiously. “I do like you better than I like him,” she admitted. “But then again, there’s not many people I like more than you.”
Something about Kate’s smile made Reynie’s cheeks heat up, and he coughed. “That’s… high praise. Especially for someone who can’t figure out what to write about how I ‘contribute’ to society? I don’t have any good contributions.”
Kate blinked. “Are you serious?”
Let me know if you think I should post the whole version. I know this fandom is very gen focused and that fic is very shippy, and also written by a middle schooler, even if that middle schooler was me 😅😅
😂 a funny or crack WIP snippet
“This is what people in the future consider entertainment?”
“It makes me want to vomit,” Constance agreed, having very conflicting feelings about agreeing with Curtain on something.
“Specifically all the pink.” Curtain shuddered.
Constance gasped, affronted. “Take that back.”
Curtain looked over at her, momentarily surprised, before glancing at her outfit, which was in fact a very similar color scheme as the one this “Barbie” character preferred. “No, I don’t think I will.”
Constance narrows her eyes. “Yes, you will.”
Curtain held his ground, crossing his arms and saying, in true four year old fashion, “Or what?”
I put my best angst one on bods’ ask, so check that out for angsty content!! So now onto…
🤩 a WIP snippet about or with dialogue from [Merlin]
So Sophie, I just want to say, I am SO HONORED that despite the fact that you aren’t even in the fandom, you actually like to read my writing for it 🥹🥹
My best Merlin dialogue is actually already published, so I’m bending the rules a little here!
“...Arthur,” he whispered. “You know that I have called you the Once and Future King. That means… more than you realize. More than you possibly can realize. You truly are destined to be the greatest king this land has ever known,” he said quietly, the words Merlin had said so many times before taking on a new meaning. “It has been prophesied. You are the fulfillment of that prophecy.
“But there is another piece. The Once and Future King can not achieve this alone… he needs his other half. The other side of the coin. The greatest and most powerful sorcerer to ever live, who will walk beside the king as his protector. The druids call him Emrys.” Merlin took a deep breath. “But I prefer the name Merlin.”
Silence fell, even nature entirely still as though it sensed the gravity of this revelation. “I’m sorry,” Arthur choked out, “did I just hear you refer to yourself as the ‘greatest and most powerful sorcerer to ever live?’”
Had to include Arthur’s reaction! It’s from my fic “you wouldn’t know a good liar if you saw one (that is, after all, the point)” (hyperlinks are FAILING ME)
And now for the ones MEANT for published works!
😔 published lines or section of a fic that was super sad, angsty or difficult to write?
Mhm. This is from a fic I wrote for a prompt from @mvshortcut’s ask game a while back, for @nobody33333333!!!
“Who hurt you, Nathaniel, so that you would isolate yourself like this? Turn your back on the entire world, caring about it only to control it?” Nicholas said, so quietly it could have been a whisper, but here in this blindingly white room it echoed so loudly it could have been spoken into a microphone.
“I make my own choices, Nicky,” and oh he wishes he could reach out into the air and take the nickname back like it was something tangible, but he knew he couldn’t. He blamed Nicholas for calling him by his old name, calling him Nathaniel, a reminder of the child he once had been and had finally and gloriously escaped being.
“I know you do, Nathaniel, but I knew you. You made me presents on my birthday, and caught me whenever I had narcoleptic episodes and quietly punished the kid who knocked me out on Easter a few springs before we were separated and I look at you now and I know that someone else had to have done something because you didn’t get here on your own!”
From “dont you ever wonder if I’m ok (after all you put me through)”!!!
😍 published lines or a section of a fic that you loved writing?
YES YES YES so I loved writing “SQ Comes Home” and this was my favorite part to write!!!
“Now aren’t you glad I didn’t let you drive,” Rhonda was saying.
“If you hadn’t been there, none of this would have happened.”
“It sounds like none of this would have happened if you didn’t try to brainwash the world,” the boy muttered.
Rhonda and Nathaniel both turned to him in stunned silence. “I like you,” Rhonda said eventually, a smirk on her face.
“Oh. Sorry.”
“No, don’t apologize, it was very sassy and I loved it.”
“I didn’t,” Nathaniel muttered.
“Sorry,” he said again.
“Besides, even if you managed to avoid mentioning your villainous schemes, at some point you were going to have to tell your son you had narcolepsy,” Rhonda said to Nathaniel.
Your son.
Your son.
Your son.
And finally!
📖 a published snippet from [rewriting destiny]
Again, I CANNOT BELIEVE you like my writing so much that you care about my fics from fandoms you aren’t even in??? Star Wars AND Merlin! Do you know how happy that makes me?? IMMENSELY happy. I love you so much Sophie!!!
I didn’t want to spoil major plot points that are specific to the fic, so even though this is a major moment it’s the one thing you can always count on happening in ALL of my Merlin fics at some point or other: a magic reveal!
“Ic þé wiþdrífe!” Anakin heard Merlin’s voice shout, and Ahsoka suddenly lost her balance before flying into a wall. Anakin looked up to see the golden glow still fading from Merlin’s eyes as he ran over to him. “Are you alright?’
“I’m fine,” Anakin said as he moved to his feet. He retrieved his lightsaber from where it laid on the ground a few feet away.
“I’m not going to lie, that was kind of epic,” Merlin said, almost apologetically. “I’ve just never seen you actually fight with your… your light-saber before.”
Anakin smiled. “It’s okay. I just…” he looked over at Ahsoka. “I wish it hadn’t been necessary,” he said softly.
Pity was in Merlin’s eyes. “I’m so sorry, Anakin,” he said quietly, pulling him into a hug.
“Thank you for using your magic,” Anakin said gratefully. “You saved me from getting killed by my own apprentice.”
A loud voice cleared his throat. Anakin and Merlin both turned to see the cause of the interruption - the distraction that had given Ahsoka an advantage. The people who had burst into the room.
“You,” Arthur declared, pointing at Merlin, “and you,” he added, his finger shifting over to point at Anakin, “have a whole hell of a lot of explaining to do.”
Thank you so so much for the ask, and then for sending it AGAIN when tumblr made my life difficult. You’re the best!!!
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leedee013 · 8 months
WIP Wednesday
I'll be once again participating in @kedreeva 's game this week! Let's see how this goes.
It’s WIP Wednesday, time for a little accountability, sharing your work, and getting a kick in the pants.
Here’s how it works:
In a reblog of this post (so people can find you in the notes) or new thread (w/ rules attached) if you want to play on your own, post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to play!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event or gift fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. I’ll be searching the reblogs to find people to send asks to!
If you’re reading this, you’re invited!
If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
Here is what I have to offer:
1. Silly Little Jean Moreau Fic 2. Etienne 3. Baby Jean 4. Needle AU
Feel free to send multiple asks btw!
Snippet from Chapter 6 of Silly Little Jean Moreau Fic below the cut:
“I’m scared.”
“Jean, there’s nothing to be scared of! It’s just mac’n’cheese, I make it all the time for the team and they've said nothing but good things.”
Jeremy had insisted on cooking for Jean that night, and although it had gone better than he’d expected based on the fact that the kitchen hadn't started on fire. “Why is it that color?”
“Jean, just try it!”
“How do I even eat it?”
“It doesn’t matter, just scoop up a few noodles and try it!”
Jean frowned at the gooey, brightly colored pasta abomination on the plate in front of him. He was pretty sure that saying that there was cheese in the dish that was in front of him was one of the most egregious lies he’d heard in his life. Was there a cheese shortage he hadn’t heard about that made access to real cheese unattainable? How could anyone look at something so aggressively orangey-yellow and think that it was real cheese? Still, Jeremy’s bright blue eyes were trained on him, making escape impossible by pinning him in place. 
With a sigh, Jean picked up his fork, stabbed a few of the poor noodles, and popped the helping into his mouth before he could overthink it. The flavor was less intense than the coloring implied, mostly coming across as a mixture of salty and creamy. He hated that he didn't mind it at all, or that he actually enjoyed it. 
Jeremy smirked across the table at Jean as he scooped his own forkful of the mac’n’cheese into his mouth. “Told you it's good,” he said after swallowing. 
Jean shrugged. “It’s alright.” 
Jeremy grinned, a lopsided, toothy grin that dimpled just one of Jeremy’s cheeks. “I knew you’d like it.” 
“So this is what you ate when you were a kid?” Jean said before scooping up another mouthful of mac’n’cheese. 
Jeremy nodded. “At least, this is what we ate when Daniel used to make dinner for us, when we were all little.”
“Daniel’s your older brother, right?”
“Yeah. Our parents worked weird shifts back then, so my grandparents took care of us when neither of my parents could make it home in time for dinner. Daniel kept asking them if he could help though. So once he was old enough, grandma let him help cook dinner every now and then. Mac’n’cheese was his go-to those days. He taught me to always make it with a few tablespoons of sour cream, actually.”
“What do your parents do for work?”
Jeremy ate a few forkfuls of the noodles before answering. “Well, back then my dad worked as a lab technician at a hospital while my mom was doing meteorology work for a local news channel. Nowadays they pretty much do the same thing, but now they have seniority and positions higher up. What about you? Any siblings?”
Jean was grateful that he’d eaten the last of his plate of mac'n'cheese before Jeremy spoke, or else his last bites would have felt and tasted like cardboard. He wiped his mouth with a napkin, trying to force himself to take a deep breath.
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jamiesfootball · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
So I wasn't going to do this because I don't even have five fics posted yet, but then I decided you know what? Fucking goals, man. So here's the two I've got and the (top) three that I'm working on that should see the light of day this year:
The Man From U.N.C.L.E. fic - Did you like the 2015 Man From UNCLE movie? Did you walk out of that theater going 'what a wild romp? I sure hope it gets a sequel.'
Well we're never getting a sequel, but here's a lovely OT3 fic that I was lucky enough to co-write with the very talented @thischapstickaddict (the bestie with the best outlines). She brings the romance, I bring the punchy action scenes, and together we crafted enough dramatic backstory to hopefully satisfy the 100 other people online who were obsessed with this movie in 2015.
The Garrison Reserve (aka the BBC's Musketeers Cooking AU fic) - Speaking of older fandoms. Are you hungry? Would you like to be hungry? Come be hungry what started as a crack idea but slowly became a thinly veiled excuse for me to talk about food for 64k words and make my case for why D'Artagnan is a manic pixie Florida man (until depression and life circumstances dragged me to a crushing halt at chapter 4/5 with half of chapter 5 written and never posted) (ngl I miss this fic and now that i've got brain waves again it's back on the menu) (as soon as i relearn every side character's name again it's back on the menu) (we also did, in fact, write a real menu for this. those are real recipes)
[Redacted Title] Post Season Three Fic - MY TRIUMPHANT RETURN. It's gonna have all the hits for me: food! crying! backstories for people who didn't get backstories! food as a love language! shameless nerd culture quotes that no one but me will notice! shenanigans! fun group scenes with multiple people talking and being friends! friends who are your family now! If you, a blessed Ted Lasso fan reading this post have somehow stuck it out this far here's your reward - I'm feeling really good about the progress, and I maybe might don't want to jinx it but I might be able to start posting. Soon. Soonish. Like within the month. Previously aforementioned bestie has been getting snippets and I am tentatively excited that it will be up to snuff. This is good news that only you, the patient one who's read this far, now know. Yay for you!
Pavlov's Dog (the Jamie falling asleep 5+1 I've mentioned) - it is going to be a race to see if this one beats [Redacted Title] to the light of day. This one takes an episode coda / deleted scene approach and its fueled by punk and sadness and rage (so mainly The Wonder Years songs with the occasional Mountain Goats lyric thrown in). I was actually making really really good progress on it and then Mom City happened and [Redacted Title] was born.
Now I've got a handful more Ted Lasso fics half-started in the rafters, but the other fic that's likely to get posted this year, the one that I've been just dying to get out there, that one that i'm like a redbull and an ADHD fit away from posting even though no one but me has ever wanted it:
This is my mid-year resolution! These things I have written - people will see them!
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makeitastrength · 2 months
1,5,14,34,44,45,49 for the writers ask 😊
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
Answered here :)
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about [insert fic - Bigger than the whole sky]? Answer it now!
Oh gosh. You couldn't have picked a more difficult fic for this question, I don't think. Actually, this is just a difficult question in general. I have no idea what I wish someone would ask me about any of my fics, to be honest. Sorry that's such a terrible answer
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer?
Answered here :)
34. What aspects of your writing are inspired by/taken from your real life?
A lot of the emotion, especially associated with childhood trauma, inspires my writing for Lucy and Tim. My childhood was made up of pieces of both of their childhoods, and I relate to both characters in that way so much. While I always try to not project too much of myself onto the characters, what I've been through definitely informs how I interpret and understand them
I also just think life experience in general inspires everyone's writing. I look back at the fics I wrote for a different fandom years ago, back when I hadn't ever been in a real adult relationship, and I can see how I missed the mark on some things
44. If you take/write prompts: do you prefer dialogue or scenario/narrative prompts?
Hmm... it depends. Scenario/narrative prompts work for me sometimes, if it's a scenario I can actually see playing out in a way that makes sense for the characters. But the dialogue ones give a lot more flexibility for me to make it into whatever I want, and often times my brain does better having that flexibility
45. What’s something you’ve improved on since you started writing fic?
To echo what I said above, I think just as I've gotten older I've gotten better able to understand adult characters and adult relationships, and I'd like to think my fics have gotten more mature and more in-depth as a result
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
Answered here and here, but I can share one more snippet as well, this time from an alternate version of 5x08 that I haven't worked on in months because I'm just very stuck. Maybe this will get the words flowing again:
“Do you love him?” “That’s not. We haven’t even been together that long,” Lucy stammers, and she knows she sounds as unconvincing to Tim as she does to herself. And damn it, this is exactly why she didn’t want to ride with him today. She doesn��t need Tim to know that her relationship is a mess, and she absolutely doesn’t need him to be asking her questions and poking holes in the – flimsy, she realizes now – narrative she’s built for herself. “He loves you,” Tim says, the words soft but certain. “I know,” Lucy replies indignantly. “I know,” she says again, though this time it sounds more like resignation. “I should love him. Chris is so great in so many ways.” Tim internally rolls his eyes because no, from his interactions with the man, Chris is not that great in any way. But that’s not the point, so he keeps his mouth shut and allows Lucy to continue because he knows if she’s going to reach what seems – to him, at least – like the obvious conclusion, she’s going to have to talk herself through it. “He’s just… he’s not you.”
Thank you for the questions!
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spicysix · 11 months
WIP Wednesday!
tagged last week (wednesday and weekend!) by @patchworkgargoyle @steves-strapcollection @stobinesque @inairbinad (sorry if i missed anyone!). thank you so much, lovelies, and consider yourselves all tagged back to play the game again! ♡ and thank you @eriquin for the tag last week and this week again ♡
In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can’t share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
it feels like i'm going home - eddie X reader
your sweater (up over your head) - stonathan
your name (on the tip of my tongue) - robin X reader
soulmate!AU - eddie X reader
Not like Max actually needed babysitters. She was adapting really well to both her lack of vision and her wheelchair, and you knew she’d be just fine, short-term and long-term alike. It was more that you — Nancy, Jonathan, Steve, even you and Robin who came by later —, the older ones, the forever big siblings; you all needed to feel like you were helping her more than she actually needed the help.
i'm going through the chapters i already had written for edits since going home release date is coming, so even though this snippet is from the first chapter, i've only added it this week during edits. don't wanna spoil too much from later on lmao. if someone sends an ask about it, depending on what I write I'll have to do the thing with not posting, but we'll see!!
no pressure tags: @starryeyedjanai @xenon-demon @keerysquinn @quinnkeerys @roykentt @inourtownofhawkins @nburkhardt ♡
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canarydarity · 4 months
howdy! it's day 1 of MCYT fanfic appreciation week, and i was wondering if you had any future writing projects or other ideas that you wanted an excuse to talk about :D no pressure whatsoever to answer this ask, just thought i'd reach out ♡
HI :')) this absolutely made my day to receive, and also served as reminder to me that yesterday was that events start day!!! so thank you for that!!!!
i will always always always take an excuse to talk about the fic ideas that are rotting my brain <3
I'm going to talk about 3 projects; 1) yet another DL rancher one-shot 2) my current brain rot go to: speed racer au 3) and a worm tried and true classic: gay baseball au
cut here because....i am a rambler
I'll start with what y'all are most likely to see next,,,
After the second session of Limlife came out, I wrote a little vignette from Tango's pov that included a throw-away scene from DL where someone left a golden apple on the ranchers porch in the middle of the night as an extremely un-funny joke. And that. idea has haunted me since I thought of it,,, I outlined it months and months ago though never got around to writing it... but for some reason a few days ago I opened that doc again and it just sorta. happened.
it's only about halfway done right now, but if all goes well it might be up by the end of the week :)) small preview mayhaps:
The door not yet having been opened, the possibility of what was waiting for him on the other side yawned and stretched towards endless. In a way, not knowing but speculating was worse than just opening the damn thing and facing the one singular scenario that was, but that was why he struggled to do it. Schrodinger’s danger—this was stupid; Tango opened the door.  No one was there.  He blinked in the face of its emptiness for a moment. Of all the situations he had considered, absolutely zero of them included opening the door to nothing. The one definite thing a knock spoke to was the presence of someone—something. So, what, they risked the middle of the night in peace times to come to the ranch they all loved barging into any time regardless to ding-dong ditch? That seemed, like, a gazillion times more unlikely. 
Then...the thing that is currently carving out its home in my brain...speed racer au. Tango-centric, more tango & etho angst than it is team rancher tbh.
The au is based solely on the 2008 movie speed racer, not as much the rest of the franchise! I guess /warning for speed racer spoilers, but the movie came out 16 years ago and the anime is from the 1960's...............so like.............also come on
I...have absolutely 0 clue how to describe to you the plot of speed racer. imagine you drive a race car so good and look so hot while doing it that you take down the mafia AND defeat the evil that is capitalism. That's speed racer. Like most worm aus its...not a comprehensive story. it's mainly me taking scenes from the movie that i adore and reimagining them with life series characters in those positions.
Tango is our titular character, an up and coming, widely known and celebrated automobile racer. He's the only racer not sponsored by some big company, he'd rather his pals—his family—be in control of his car, the Mach 5, and his racing career.
This is so so silly to try to explain you have no idea. I'm just going to say it. So when Tango was a kid, his older brother Etho died in this really dangerous unofficial non-track race thing. Two years later, theres a new racer in the league calling himself Racer X. No one knows his actual identity, and, at all times, he is wearing this. mask. thing. umm. anyway so Racer X is secretly Tango's older brother who Tango thinks is dead. And he now races under a secret identity because he is trying to take down. the fucking mafia. who own a whole bunch of racing teams and do crime and things. cause why not. Im going to stop over-explaining speed racer, just take this snippet and go:
“Look, can we cut the bullshit?”  If Tango’s mounting poor mood had any effect on X, he didn’t show it. He maintained the stillness of a wildlife photographer, danger not a warning to flee but more the promise of a shot worth sticking around to capture. Tango had felt studied since they’d cut the engines, since X’s head had popped up over the wheel, smirking—but now he’d felt seized.  “Alright.” His mouth opened, all the energy to press on but none of the gall. As usual, he’d gotten too ahead of himself; clutch pressed to the floor, shift it into first gear, every intention to move with no promise to follow through. He didn’t ease off the clutch so much as he ran away from it; he’d stalled, his mouth shut dumbly.  There wasn’t the time to wait it out, and Tango didn’t think he’d afford it to himself if there were. This moment had been promised to him since Casa Cristo began. He might not have then, but standing here now he knew it to be true. He thought X knew it, too—this was inevitable. He knew it like you knew you had minutes before your mom found that thing that you broke, like you knew someone was about to walk away from you for good. It was no less natural to him than knowing he was going to be a driver, no harder to glean from his future than being able to picture Jimmy by his side. He wouldn’t squander the chance because he hadn’t been adequately prepared for it to arrive.  Tango choked, “Etho?” “You think I’m your brother.” When he said it it was a statement, not a question.  “Aren’t you?”
And lastly...gay baseball au :')) or rather, "against all odds"
yes I'm still stuck on that, YES I plan to keep writing it.
I posted a little bit ago,, beginning of January, that I wanted to post the first chapter of baseball au if possible around/on my birthday, which is the first week in March. I can't PROMISE that will happen, because I am working on grad school applications at the moment and I also. know myself. and want to have the UTMOST MAJORITY POSSIBLE of the writing done before I post it. otherwise. I won't go back. But...tentatively that is hopefully the plan <3
Once again: plot summary, snippets
Have another for free :))
“What about you, Jim Jam?” Jimmy frowned at Skizz, only somewhat confused and mostly sure that he shouldn’t have been. “What about me?” “The question—what would you do if you weren’t doing this?” With clarity came even more confusion. It had felt normal for the others to ponder what-ifs and other lives where they did other things, a rightness that immediately soured when the spotlight had shone on him. There were no alternate versions of Jimmy, this was the only one in existence; he was a model toy that had never made it off the drawing board, no plans for mass production—too little consumer interest.  “Oh…I dunno.” He thought baseball might be the only thing he was capable of, and even then that didn’t mean he was good at it. “I’d never thought about it, I guess.” 
Anyway, I will exhibit exemplary self control and stop talking now. Thank you again so so much for asking <33
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beholdthemem · 11 months
WIP Weekend (Look, it’s the weekend SOMEWHERE) Challenge
@hilarychuff thank you for tagging me, and for your patience! This was fun AND motivational.
All righty, so here are the RULES:
in a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
post a snippet from one of them. snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. we’re posting progress here. if you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
after you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. you must then write 3 sentences in that file. if the filename is one you can’t share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
that’s it! you can invite others to join in, or just post. if you tag me in your post, i will send you an ask request!
The only way I can differentiate between my WIPs and remember what they’re each about is if I give them weird joke names, so we have-
More Werewolf Wednesday
Electric Thanksgiving Boogaloo 2.0- Electric Two-galoo
Middle School Is Challenging For Everyone
THIS Is Why Nobody Likes Folk Singers
Snippet from Middle School Is Challenging:
"It's not what it looks like," Eddie said immediately, and then regretted his phrasing. The kid looked even more afraid. "I mean- it IS what it looks like, but it's not as bad as it looks. Don't worry. He's fine. He's enjoying himself."
"Hbibfibe," Grant said reassuringly, giving an encouraging thumbs up in entirely the wrong direction.
"Seriously," Eddie pressed on as the girl glanced uncertainly behind him at Grant. "It's cool. I'm next."
Her brow slowly unknotted, fear becoming mere confusion tempered with mild wariness- the go to emotions for sixth graders interacting with anyone older than them. Eddie was comfortable with that.
"Aren't you supposed to be practicing with Linda?" He asked after another beat wherein she showed no signs of going anywhere. He didn't want to be a dick, but heads weren't going to scotch tape themselves, and he didn't want Linda hunting this kid down and complaining to the dean that Eddie had been sabotaging their act by distracting her. As if he'd need to, anyway. What were they doing again? Cheer? Ugh.
The little sixth grader shrugged nervously, neat blonde braids bobbing over her shoulders. He was having difficulty imagining this mousy kid successfully cheering on anything. It was undoubtedly gonna be The Linda Show out there, but even so, this was an odd choice of back up.
"Can he..." the girl began hesitantly, speaking for the first time in a voice almost as small and quiet as she was. "How is... uh... how is he breathing?"
That was a very fair question.
"...pores?" Eddie hazarded after a moment.
Behind him, Grant, who apparently could NOT breathe through his pores, suddenly seemed to black out and collapsed off of the chair.
"MAN DOWN!" Jeff shrieked as Eddie scrambled over to intervene, Linda's sidekick hot on his heels. "STAY WITH US, DUDE!"
If you read this and have WIPs, consider yourself tagged. Share your work! (No pressure tho, I just want you guys to have an excuse to talk about what you’re working on. We’re interested!)
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orphicpoieses · 1 year
A giant tag game response...
In the last several weeks, I've been tagged by multiple people for tag games, including some games even multiple times. So, instead of just creating a post for each and every tag I got, I decided to go deeply insane by creating one giant post in which I will answer each and every one.
For all of this, I am tagging: @enchantress-of-words @mirrorthoughts @leafamaranth @blind-the-winds @writingpotato07 @writingbyricochet @j-1173 @midnight-and-his-melodiverse @eli-writes-sometimes @lockejhaven @365runesofwriting @thetruearchmagos @yourfriendlywriter @moonlitinks
Wish me luck.
Okay, so first, let's start with the game I got the most tags for: Heads Up, Seven Up. I've been tagged by @primroseprime2019 (not quite as Heads Up, Seven Up, but Seven Snippets, Seven People), @mariahwritesstuff, @thetruearchmagos and @howlingbreeze. Thanks to you all for tagging me 💕
Since I got the tag, I nearly wrote 30k words on my current project. Sadly, I cannot share any lines with you, so here is an older snippet of mine and I hope, you forgive me for being so mysterious with my WIPs...
This belongs to a snippet for Celestials. I have this one in my drafts for about three to four months now, unsure, if I should continue. So, please, leave some feedback, if you want to read on or not! It would really help me out!💕
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His strides were long as he ran down the hallway to the stairwell. "I said you should go away!", Conan growled behind him, but he ignored the archdemon, who followed him angrily. Their voices were already echoing through the door of Asra's apartment and before she could get up from the couch, there was a vigorous knock on the wood. "Asra!" His soft voice got through to her and brought back memories that she actually wanted to forget. Tears welled up in her eyes and even though no one saw her, she hastily turned away. "Get out of here!", Conan growled again and for a moment it seemed as if the two uninvited visitors were at each other's throats. Asra hastily wiped away the tears and stood up. If he didn't listen to Conan, then to her if she was about to send him away.
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Next is 10 Songs, 10 People, tagged by @darthenra. Shuffle your music and share the first ten songs.
Looking Back by Satoshi Takebe
We're in the club now by Michael Giacchino
Shine my shoes by Robbie Williams
We are the people by Empire of the Sun
Dream Glow by BTS & Charli XCX
Unbroken by Arealie Brighton
Mayweather by Maître Gims
Mehr Davon by Tim Benzko
Destruction by TSFH
Steel on Steel by Jeremy Soule
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Also from @darthenra, the Four Main Character tag. Describe four characters in your WIP that are not your protagonist.
Sadly, I cannot answer this, since my project is a mystery.
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The next game is Get to know me, tagged by @eli-writes-sometimes.
3 Ships: I only got one and that's Crowley X Aziraphale.
Last Song: Heat Waves by Glass Animals
Last Movie: A Pale Blue Eye (Rewatch, because it is so good!)
Currently Consuming: The series Designated Survivor.
Currently Craving: Summertime vibes, beach waves and surf lessons
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And last but not least: The OC Songs Tag by @writingbyricochet 💕
I will not name the OCs (yes, multiple!), but here are 5 songs with a that make me feel very close to them and just have the right vibes. Usually, I resonate with the complete lyrics, but because this would otherwise end in a much much longer post that I want to, I just give a snippet of the lyrics. Just google the songs, if you are interested in the soundtrack in my head 😁
Open Your Eyes - UNSECRET & Alaina Cross
Open your eyes Now is the time All that you know is changing Open your eyes Into the light There is a world that's waiting
I know where your secrets hide - Klergy feat. Katie Garfield
Bite your lip Taste your lies I write your name in circles Strike the fear Where the dark lies Where you are, your sins will follow Shadows come into the light I know where your secrets hide
Heat Waves - Glass Animals
I just wonder what you're dreaming of When you sleep and smile so comfortable I just wish that I could give you that That look that's perfectly unsad Sometimes, all I think about is you Late nights in the middle of June Heat Waves been faking me out Can't make you happier now
Would I lie to you - Nico Santos
Shadow in the dark, shadow in the dark I know what you've been through Trouble in your heart, trouble in your heart Where no one's ever been to I know you've been hurt before Don't want you to hurt no more Let me get to you
Dirty Hands (Gone Mad) - Kendra Dantes
Look in my eyes, they lie Went to hell a couple of times Can't say I don't try, I tried Now there's nowhere left to hide Now it's done, I'm undone Everything that I've become Let me show you my darkness It's dark, yeah
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And that's it! All the tags I recently got, collected in one post!
If you read everything, let me thank you with my whole heart. It means a lot to me. I also appreciate likes, comments and reblogs and don't forget to tell me your opinion on the Orphic Daydreams and wether or not I should continue them.
Giving you all a nice hug and see you in the next giant post 💕🌈
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sentfromwolves · 1 year
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Thank you so much @tananaphone for the tag! ; 0 ; ofc I’m five hundred years late, but I love getting tagged in fun new things. Here we go!
🌺 The rules are this:
🌷 In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names. 
 🌷 Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post! 
 🌷 After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
My file names are honestly pretty boring coz they are usually just the wip names ; w ; but here’s some snippets PLEASE MAKE ME WRITE!!! 
“Is that so?” Magnus purred. His gaze drifted past her shoulder to the edge of the highway. Carmine stiffened when it seemed to flit up the bole of the pine tree itself, but Magnus looked back at the Dolmir princess without spying Carmine hidden among the shadows. “And where is that jaguar who nearly tore my throat out? Perhaps we have different opinions on what it means for a person to come for your head. Does it count if you use only your teeth?”
How would you have me describe it, Leda, that night we first met?
You might hate me for saying it this way, but Cantha was beautiful back then. Our winters are harsh and brutal, we both know this well. But then comes spring, at first a whisper and then a storm, and our hills shed their snow pelts for endless fields of flowers, all of them in bloom, an endless cascade of color that glows brightest beneath a sky full of stars. In my youth, I would roll down them laughing, hollering, all the joy in me spilling like an overfilled cup. I loved Cantha then, her warm floral scent, her towering mountain teeth. The way she held and watched over me as I grew from a foolish boy into an even greater fool of a man. I love her even now, ruin that she is, graveyard that she has become and become again, at long last.
After all, every winter, the snow bathes her hills under blankets of pure white. Every spring, her flowers still bloom.
🚪The Magician's Daughter & The Doorways of June
On the third stop in Coral City, Jewel of the Atlantic and third-largest of the respectable magicking cities of the globe, the Crescent Compendium Express picked up a most peculiar passenger. 
“Oh, Ozymandias,” his companion said irritably, tabby tail twitching as he adjusted the wide brim of his hat, “it is even more garish in person. Are you sure we cannot travel some other way?” 
“We’re not just traveling, my dear Parmesan,” Ozymandias, Lord-Wizard of Barro-Salvatore, thirteenth of his namesake and most honorable Third Chair of the Council of Nine Moons, said, and laughed a great and hearty laugh at the way the cat beside him bristled in indignation at the use of his archaic pet name. “We’re about to start the fascinating adventure of parenting. Such a quest should not be undertaken so lightly, or at the wrong starting line.”
Summer licked its way down his spine as he stepped down off the wide wood landing of the front porch, swinging the screen door shut behind him. Sweat beaded at the nape of his neck, matting the lambent moon-silver of his hair to the soft flesh just below the titanium piercings studded through his ear from lobe to helix. Fireflies puffed up in clouds across the field, glowing just as green as the inhuman emerald of Nemesis’s eyes. When he was young, he thought they were natural—some endemic affliction of this particular place. They could grow dense as mist, those fireflies. Sometimes when they swarmed, even the clouds above the house glowed sickly, bathing itself in all that immutable light. 
Now he was older, and he knew better. His mother had loved to slip on the skins of other professions on her trips across the globe—model, actress, monster, mistress, and always more, more, more—though she never wore one false life for long. They were all chameleon flesh to her, the rippling surface of a pool of water, hiding sharper teeth somewhere in the depths below. She liked the sensation of it—of shedding her masks from one airport to the next, one decade to another. She wore them the same way she wore names, discarding their pretty syllables the moment her interests flared in another direction, turned another way. Nemesis had only ever shed one—a dead name for the truth.
Vashon drew to a sudden halt. 
The headless body didn’t have any mouth to speak with. But Vashon wasn’t hallucinating—he’d made sure to carve the runic spellwork against auditory distortions into the shell of his ears years and years ago after a job gone horribly wrong on the Second Continent. The voice had been odd and androgynous, a gravel tenor as though it were rattling through the throat of a long-dead thing.
Interesting, Vashon thought. Very interesting. 
He dropped the spell in the back of his throat. The runes carved there went dull and lifeless, the searing heat and corrosive tang layering thick over his tongue until he swallowed it all away and said, “I don’t have what you’re looking for.”
The headless body lumbered another step.
“Give it…back.” 
“I can’t.” Vashon frowned before lifting his arms slowly to either side, palms spread in a show of harmless surrender. “I don’t have what you’re looking for. If you tell me what it is, I may be able to help you find it.”
I have goldfish brain so consider the tag list on this one OPEN!! If you want to do this and get some words in, consider yourself tagged! 💝💝💝
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russilton · 2 years
i've been stalking your blog and both your fic snippets and artwork is so beautiful!! i was wondering if i will leave you notes is a finished fic? there was like one post abt it and it doesn't seem to be on ao3 (def already in love with the fic, no pressure if there isn't anything else sending lots of love!)
🥺 I love a good blog stalker, I’m so glad you like both the fics and art! I rlly love being able to do both, even if it triples my wips…
I will leave you notes is so close to finished! It’s the first fic I started writing for F1 RPF, way back in May! But it just kept growing, and I so want to finish it right because I love it so much.
The reason you only see it mentioned once is you’re the first to ask about it! I don’t like to post wips if I’m not sure anyone would like them hahah, not without prompt at least. And I will leave you notes has a slightly less exciting tag line bc it’s just a 2022 season get together fic all about how George and Lewis become more and more tactile with each other.
Additional fun fact: I wrote a whole scene of this sitting on a hill next to the wellington straight bridge at Silverstone when I went to watch Friday practice. Just so I could say that I did it lmao.
But since you’re here, I’ll give you the scene that started it all below the cut:
This first time Lewis touches George, it feels like lightning in his veins. Okay, it isn’t technically the first time, in years of being a Mercedes’ junior they had rubbed shoulders or been dragged into group pictures more than once, but those were accidental, fleeting brushes with no intent behind them.
This though is on purpose, a firm pat and a hand sliding down his arm as Lewis crouches next to where George is squeezed into the mock car for a test seat fitting. His hand is heavy and warm, stopping on George’s wrist and grounding him in a way that shouldn’t be possible. George can barely hear what various engineers are trying to point out to him over the pounding of blood in his ears. Voices fade into the background of George’s periphery, his attention too caught up in the soft tone of Lewis’s voice so close now, the smell of his cologne overpowering. It should make George wince, being this overstimulated, but instead he focuses on trying to take inconspicuous breaths, not too deep, but just enough to draw the smell into his nose.
When his ears stop ringing and he can hear Lewis properly again, he realises he’s supposed to be figuring out if the seat is rubbing anywhere. He thinks of the last time he was in a Mercedes’ seat, cramped tight, feet bruised and knuckles bleeding from trying to perform for the team and himself in Lewis’ crushing absence, the sides of the cockpit not the only thing pressing down on his shoulders. He didn’t get to speak to Lewis after, too caught up in the end of the season, and plagued by guilt-laced frustration. It didn’t feel right to seek him out either, when Lewis was clearly struggling with recovery and probably wouldn’t have appreciated George telling him how much he loved driving his car. The bruises on his calves were a reminder enough of how close he’d been.
This is a world away, the team is already trying to estimate his frame, but he misses the pain somewhat, because he remembers the emotion that came with it. Even a year later he thinks about Bahrain often. Dragging himself out of his memory he forces himself to listen properly to what Lewis is telling him.
“Make sure you shift about, really get a feel for the seat, and tell the team everything. Something that isn’t too bad right now will feel a hell of a lot different after 2 hours, especially towards the front of the grid”
Lewis winks at him then, and George fights the urge to shiver and hopes the flush climbing his cheeks will be written off as excitement. The older Brit is just being friendly, but George feels hero worship and something he doesn’t want to label, churning inside him. Shoving that to the back of his mind to unpack later when he doesn’t have multiple sets of eyes on him, he lets the larger reality of what’s happening set in. This is his seat, he’s in his dream car, next to the greatest driver in the world. He lets a giddy grin overtake him and laughter bubble in his chest.
When his eyes flick to Lewis, he gets a blinding smile back, and George feels that fragile, unlabelled feeling grow. He wants to bottle this feeling, but it’s over quickly, Lewis moving on to talk to senior engineers and machinists about the new car. All George can do is try to focus on what Shov is trying to tell him. It’s not like he won’t see Lewis again, they work together now.
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dreamwatch · 8 months
Thank you to @greenlikethesea for the tag! I LOVE BEING TAGGED!
It’s WIP WednesdaySaturday Tuesday Friday. Time for a little accountability, sharing your work, and getting a kick in the pants.
Here’s how it works: In a reblog of this post (so people can find you in the notes) or new thread (w/ rules attached) if you want to play on your own, post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names. Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to play!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event or gift fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share. That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. I’ll be searching the reblogs to find people to send asks to!
If you’re reading this, you’re invited! If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
File Names:
Like A Stone
Dustin & Eddie
Eddie Hands One Shot
Steve & Eddie 90s
Prison Fic
Snippet from Like A Stone Below:
“Hey dickhead I brought you a gift,” Steve grabs Eddie by the shoulders steering him over to Dustin and Eddie’s not sure if that’s for support or to stop him running away.
Mike looks genuinely excited to see him and gives him a crushing hug. It’s not like they haven’t seen each other lately, but it’s usually at Eddie’s place and saying he’s been low energy would be an understatement. They come to the trailer for him more than themselves, as if they think bringing him video rentals will somehow bring him to life again.  He wishes it was that easy. 
He pats Mike on the back to break the hug before making his way over to Dustin.
“Happy birthday, Henderson.”
Dustin manages to muster up an unconvincing smile, and Eddie will give him a few points for effort. “Thanks, Eddie.”
They hug awkwardly before Steve steps in to save him. “You want your present? Unless you’ve already stolen it from my room.”
“Of course I haven’t!” Dustin rounds on him. “I have manners, Steve. My beautiful mother raised me well.” Eddie watches as Dustin beams at his mom, blowing her a kiss, and she beams right back and catches it in her hand, puts it in her pocket. It’s incredibly sweet and a younger version of himself would be too bitter and jealous to appreciate such a sickly display of affection, but this Eddie is older and has seen some shit so he smiles at Dustin despite the pang of longing in his chest.
He hands over the bag while Steve heads off to get his. 
“Uh, you don’t have to open it now, or anything, you know. Just. Like, whenever.” He shoves his hands into his pockets, feeling awkward. His eyes are darting around the room, half looking for exits and half looking to see if he’s being stared at. There are a couple of kids trying to get a glimpse without looking too obvious, and a couple of adults in the kitchen giving him the stink eye. He’s getting increasingly itchy to leave.
Before he can think about that further Steve wanders back to save him. And isn’t that a weird fucking thing to be thinking right now? That Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington is the person he’s coming to see as a beacon in a dark sea. Jesus.
He watches Dustin rifle through the gift bag.
“My Little Pony, Steve? I’m sixteen you asshole!”
“That’s just the paper, dickhead, I didn’t actually buy you a doll.”
Eddie smiles. “How do you feel about the Care Bears?”
“Jesus Christ,” Dustin shakes his head as if he’s talking to children. 
Eddie grabs a coke and heads into the backyard. The Henderson’s living room isn’t exactly huge and it’s stifling and honestly just being here and showing up is a big deal, right? So he heads off into the yard hoping to find a space to breathe.
It all feels very weird. He was barely out of the hospital this time last year and he had bigger concerns than Dustin’s birthday. It must be hard for Dustin, with half the party missing, along with the extra additions they bring with them - Erica, Nancy, Jonathan. Eddie knows how that feels. He misses the band, more than he will admit to anyone else. And he misses Hellfire, and the huge hole it left behind. The guys, yeah of course, but the sticking up for the guys. The lunch time rabble rousing. God it was fun. 
He misses having fun. He misses feeling light, unburdened. He misses not being frightened.
He misses his life.
He finds a ratty lawn chair that looks like it should take his weight  and lowers himself into it. There’s a couple of women out here he doesn’t recognise, likely friends of Mrs Henderson, and a few more kids. Eddie can’t fathom having this many friends anymore. Did he ever?
“Hey man,” Eddie says, moving to stand up, and… what? Shake his hand? Who is he that he can’t interact with his friends anymore? (Are they even still friends?)
Gareth waves him off, “Sit down, dude. Dustin said your leg is still fucked, you don’t need to stand.”
Right. Was it naive to think they wouldn’t be talking about him? Probably.
The atmosphere is fucking thick with unsaid words and unhealed wounds. He hasn’t seen Gareth in months. It’s been bad enough trying to fight his way through with Dustin and Mike, but Gareth is a different ballgame. They have history. 
As always, no pressure, I know some of you guys aren't writing right now, but have a friendly boop on the nose from me. (also, genuinely - if I tag you and you really never want to hear from me again, like cease and desist and shit, please say and I will start keeping a list, because my old fart brain just never remembers!).
@farahsamboolents @cchapsticck @devilyouwere @thisapplepielife @hbyrde36 @cuips-not-cute @occasionaloverboy
And opposite applies, if you're thinking 'bitch never tags me' please let me know and I will legit make a list. I'm always worried about annoying people and they ⬆️ haven't told me to fuck off yet so I keep tagging them. 🤣
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