#writing dumb stuff > doing my taxes
miniscrew-anon · 1 year
Boys will be Boys
Lmao dumb thoughts go brrrr
The house is suspiciously quiet. Time narrows his eye as he shuts the front door behind him, bullshit detector already blaring. It’s too early in the evening for anyone to be asleep (except Sky, obviously) but everyone’s shoes are tucked away in the foyer closet. He can't remember the last time the house wasn't filled with the sounds of gaming or remixed club music or just outright screaming. Especially when he knows the boys are home.
He toes off his shoes and keeps his eyes peeled for their typical nonsense. Time pokes his head into the kitchen, the usual hub of activity. But there isn’t anyone there. Just a few empty plates with crumbs and the pantry doors left ajar. He closes the cabinets, eye narrowing at the faint sounds of shuffling he can hear from the other room.
His investigation takes him into the living room. Stopping in the doorway, Time blinks at the unusual scene he walks in on.
Chips and dips and other miscellaneous snacks are piled onto the coffee table. A towering stack of DVD cases leans precariously over the fireplace mantle. And all the boys are lounging about, silent as the dead. Hanging off couches, curled up on the floor, even laying on top of one another in Legend and Hyrule’s cases. All of them seemingly hyperfocused on the television.
Watching the DVD screen saver icon bounce off of the borders of the screen.
Time blinks in confusion. He turns to them. "What are you boys-?"
"Shhh!" Legend shushes him sharply, eyes glued to the screen. "Quiet...."
Confused and a little annoyed at being dismissed so harshly, Time directs his attention back to the others. None of them, not even Wild or Twilight, make any move to greet him or even acknowledge his presence. They’re all too focused on the nearly black screen.
Time looks at the television and tries to see what they are seeing. Together with all the boys, he watches the color-changing logo bounce around the edges of the 86in screen. Seconds pass as the logo moves and the boys remain stock still.
With a feeling like he’s the only one in the room left out of a joke, Time shifts his weight uneasily. He waits impatiently for something to happen but no one says or does anything. His patience is just about frayed when Time feels a sudden electricity in the air as the logo makes two quick bounces in quick succession on a corner. The boys become alive and the air gets supercharged with anticipation.
"Ohhh...!" Sky breathes in quietly.
"This is it, this is it-!" Twilight mutters.
"Sshhhh!" Legend shushes again. Over his shoulder, Hyrule squeezes the pillow in his lap tighter.
Time watches the logo approach the corner of the screen, brow furrowing in confusion. His curiosity and patience reach a breaking point and he opens his mouth to demand to know what was going on-
The logo hits the corner of the screen perfectly, dead to rights.
The boys erupt into cheers, pillows and hands thrown into the air. Twilight and Wild jump off the couch with a loud Wooooo! and Wars leans down to grab Hyrule by the shoulders and shake him in unrestrained glee while Hyrule smiles back impishly. Sky laughs at their antics and Four raises his coke into the air and cheers. Even Wind and Legend have big smiles on their faces.
Time just stares in bafflement. Twilight grins sheepishly at his reaction. The boy extradites himself from Wild's enthused hug and wanders over from the crowd of excited boys. He claps Time on the back firmly in greeting.
"Sorry about that," He gestures loosely over his shoulder at the others with a smile, "We were just trying to watch a movie earlier and couldn't decide for a while. Then the screen saver came on and then. Well, you know how it is."
No, Time does not know how it is. But he just shakes his head with a smile. The boy's cheerful bantering and calls for "Again!" soothes his frayed nerves.
Twilight's gaze flickers from the other rowdy boys to Time's briefcase, still held in hand. His brow quirks "So, did you need anything?"
"No," Time brushes off his concern with a smile. "I just wanted to let you know I was home."
Heehee DVD Logo shenanigans
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chaotic-on-main · 11 months
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Hi guys. I hope you're ready for this.
Welcome to the first ever cringefest hosted by literally all of us writers on tumblr.
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What is cringefest, you might be asking? Well my lovely tumblr fiend, this is an event for us lovely creative writers to band together and let go of all our inhibitions. I personally find that I stress out a lot about my writing, making sure it's professional and well written (hell I'm doing it right now as I write this) and that can be very taxing to go through! It's literally so stressful. But what if we said fuck it and wrote for the sake of it?? To be dumb, to laugh at our dumb ideas.
Let's put our blorbos into some situations, yeah??
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But first, some answers to some questions:
What do I do?
Write the cringiest, most stupid drabble (or a one-shot if you have more to say) you can about whatever you want.
This is open to any fandom, character, show, anime, movie, trope etc etc.
You need to put them in some real cringy situations though. And make sure your writing itself is cringy, don't hold back!!
Please tw/cw accordingly.
Smut is allowed obviously, I'm not your mom, but again mark MDNI and tw/cw accordingly.
Can I join even if I don't write normally?
How long does this last?
This will be open starting Saturday, July 8th and will close on Saturday, July 15th.
Who do I tag once I'm done, and what do I tag it as?
Tag me, @chaotic-on-main, so that I can compile everyone's stories into one masterpost as they come in.
As for the tags, please tag it as #cringelord69 (thanks @humanitys-strongest-bamf) and #23cringefest!
I don't feel good about knocking on certain things.
This isn't a question but I hear you!! I also don't want this to feel like this is a 'shitting on' contest, BECAUSE IT'S NOT. This collab is not meant to be mean, discriminatory, or judgmental. The point of this is not to make fun of characters, tropes, scenarios, ESPECIALLY WRITERS. This is literally us having fun and writing these characters in the dumbest way possible. Think of my immortal from all those years ago. YEAH. THAT MY IMMORTAL.
I'm worried about being bullied for my writing.
Again, not a question, but that's okay! So listen bud, this is the best thing about being cringy on purpose. We're out here being shitty for the sake of being shitty and anyone that makes fun of you is the dummy for not understanding the assignment.
Try not to worry about it, but if you are, please just send it to me in an anon and I will post it and link it to the masterpost. Easy peasy!
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I said I'd tag those who reblogged the original post here in case you were all interested and wanted to partake!
@wyvernslovecake @humanitys-strongest-bamf @highgoon69 @roseofdarknessblog @sckerman @suukee @kingkonoha @honeylavendr @rae-does-stuff @oxygenbefore1775
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don't forget guys, CRINGE CULTURE IS DEAD.
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Reference from Brooklyn 99, how would some of the boys react if we just said "If I run and leap at (Name), he will most certainly catch me in his arms" and then proceeded to run full force at them while they're carrying stuff. (You can just ignore this if you don't understand this or don't want to do this.)
I was given 'some' and immediately ignored my own rules and did 'all', that's fun.
Still, finally cracking down and writing all *checks notes* 2 requests I've gotten.
(Please feel free to send in requests, I'd love to have more to work with)
Oh it is such a rough thing for poor Nimh.
Problem A), the call alone is a little jump scare to him, and now his heart is freaking out
Problem B), he’s now faced with the dilemma of either dropping everything, or letting you eat shit on the pavement. He’d like neither to happen, but he’s not dumb enough to think he could do both
He eventually commits to catching you, but that just leads to
Problem C), he is not very strong and he can barely hold you
Give him the courtesy of keeping a foot on the ground to balance out your weight, yeah?
You joke about it sometimes before you ever commit to the bit
And every single time you do he insists to you that he will make zero effort to catch you
But you know Volks very well at this point.
And you know, among other things, that he is a dirty fucking liar
So you can only imagine your personal childlike glee when you finally do it and he does, in fact, catch you without hesitation 
He insists it’s because if you fell and like, broke your elbow or something, that’d be terrible. Medical bills and all that.
For his sake, you’re ignoring that his face is growing redder by the second. 
No hesitation 100% of the time
First of all, holding you is extremely easy for him, but also he just finds carrying you to be romantic as hell
Oh he’ll cringe if he happens to be dropping something heavy, like a weight, but he still goes for you, that’s his priority
Still, he likes looking for opportunities to show off, and carrying you around like it’s nothing is prime show off material.
He might even get in a couple squats. He knows they go appreciated.
It’s a coin flip with Eli
Though if there’s a chance you’d genuinely injure yourself he’ll probably catch you
But it’s fair game to just let you crash if it’s carpet or grass. Because he thinks it’s just a little funny. 
He also occasionally makes you pay the ‘catch tax’ 
It’s 5 dollars to at least partially make up for the drink that just died on the ground for your goofs.
Really, shame on you, you should know better.
He makes no attempt to catch you
In fact, he finds the way you end up crashing into the wall kinda funny. 
Like watching a cat really fuck up a jump.
Beyond the fact that he’s kind of a stickler with his physical contact to begin with, a lot of the things he carries around are very easily breakable
So yes it’s rude, but frankly he’s not about to shell out 1000 dollars for a new laptop because you thought you could make a goofy point- because you couldn’t.
Garret doesn’t even miss a beat
He’s got you held up in one arm and whatever it was he was holding cradled in the other
While he thinks that it was certainly an odd thing to do, it was pretty cute.
Not hard to do. He thinks most things you do are cute.
Gives you a little kiss and gently sets you back down
Don’t get overconfident though. If he’s holding an animal, the animal gets priority. They’re more fragile.
He still feels really bad about it though. You think he might cry
Dmitri also goes for the catch every time
It adds to his suave and romantic charm, obviously.
However, as the type to prioritize romance over basic logic on occasion, he’s also prone to forgetting that he’s often holding his drink of choice
No it’s fine that his foot just got doused in hot coffee, no he’s not getting a third degree burn
Appreciate the romance, he’ll go see someone about it later
Like Anon, Ichiban hesitates, because if he’s holding something, it’s likely expensive. 
However, unlike Anon, he makes the fatal mistake of still trying to catch you
And it worked maybe once. He’s still riding that high though.
He can handle it!
…But also this case of shenanigans that he has never told you to stop doing has cost more in equipment that either of you are ready to admit out loud.
You may or may not have pitched in to replace several cameras, controllers, and lavaliers 
He tries very very hard to get you to stop charging him before contact is made
It’s a flurry of paperwork, because he does catch you
Says it’s the least he could do as the doting boyfriend he is
Though he does awkwardly dismiss himself from in after a moment. 
While carrying you around is quite romantic, he won’t disagree with that, but also those papers were kind of important and he should get those together ASAP. 
People have pets in need, and they can’t get it without the information getting where it needs to be.
He promises to give you a good cuddle once it’s all sorted, however.
There’s a very direct correlation between what exactly he’s holding and how okay he is with dropping it to scoop you
Electronics? Hard no, those are pricey to replace
Instruments are also frequent victims, and it depends on its fragility.
He tried to catch you with his leg once, except all he actually did was end up kicking you in the gut on the way down
He apologized about it for fifteen minutes straight. 
But if it’s something sturdy, he has no problem with chucking it straight down and scooping you up into a whole ass cuddle. 
Oh please don’t do that outside 
He’s fine with it inside and at night. It’s very attractive, even. Smooth and charming as he sweeps you off your feet before you can even make the jump.
But in the middle of the day it’s very bad for both of you
He can’t hold his parasol and you at the same time, it’s not happening 
So get ready to either hit the deck or get caught on fire with him, depending on how much time he gets to think about it
He screams at first
There’s a loud clatter of knives, but he’s got you!
Scale insists very hard that he did not shriek like a little baby at you almost impaling yourself on his knives
Instead he scolds you over it
I mean come on, you spent an entire afternoon to keep his assassination deadline on you years away
What’s the good in wasting that, he could’ve done better things with his afternoon if you were gonna die a couple months later anyway
Puts no thought into whatever he’s holding, he just tries to hold you on top of it
It’s very uncomfortable every time, why do you keep doing that
It also doesn’t register to him that it’s his need to multitask it that results in you injuring yourself
He starts doing it to you to prove a point, and thinks he’s doing it better because he doesn’t get hurt
He has not realized it’s because you actually drop everything to catch him
But it’s still fun, and you kinda don’t want to ruin it for him.
He doesn’t even flinch
It’s like he anticipated you’d do this exact thing
And unlike some of the other boys he doesn’t even think when he drops whatever he’s holding. 
Unless it’s something on the more… incriminating side. At that point he dodges you, dodges any questions, and quickly dismisses himself from the conversation entirely.
Sure it’s entirely possible there’s a shattered plate of hot food at his feet now, but that doesn’t matter because you’re here, being contently held in his arms
He uses it as an excuse to keep holding you
It what fucking world do you think he could hold you?
He drops his coffee and his school papers
Luckily they don’t damage each other, but w o w that was a close call
But beyond losing his morning caffeine and having to gather his work back up, you’ve hurt his wrists and also your entire body
No one has won here.
He also just. Literally can’t hold you. He’s a tiny frail goth boy, he crumbles if he’s holding anything heavier than 20 pounds. 
Once you’re back on your feet, he asks if you could at the very least help him gather up his papers. They’re worth like 20% of his grade. 
Already a bit on the twitchy side, when he notices you speeding like a bullet train, he squeaks.
What exactly do you think you’re doing??? He’s been relocating his books all afternoon, you can see that he’s holding like, 8.
But, visibly cringing, they hit the floor, because he knows that he can’t hold them and you at the same time
One of them falls wide open, pages down. He tries not to think of the potential folded pages and boxed corners. 
Especially because of how pleased you look!
…But the second he can set you down he’s on the ground checking for damages.
Seth is the absolute king of the ‘casually carrying around hazardous objects’ club
But unlike everyone else in said club, he has no qualms about chucking whatever it is on the ground and scooping you up. 
This has resulted almost unanimously in making more hazards and chaos, but he hasn’t fussed about it once
He gets to give you a lil snuggle and it has the potential to cause crime. It’s a win-win for him!
You are an accessory to arson now though, so watch out, yeah?
Man goes into bullet time
It’s just a race to him to see if he can free an arm before you inevitably ‘plink’ off him and crash into the floor
Like. He does it, no real problems
But he immediately sets you down and scolds you for it
Because that was dangerous! What if he got hurt? What if you got hurt? What if he was holding something breakable, or bringing his fire axe somewhere?
All of those sound awful! 
Still, he ruffles your hair and plants a little kiss on the top of your head. He isn’t mad, he just wants to make sure you’re being safe.
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popculturebuffet · 2 years
So Let's Talk About Warner Bros Discovery Burning Down HBO Max for the Insurance Money
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Okay real quick for those of you who don't know who I am: I"m Jake, I review animation on this fair blog sometimes on comission (which is open by the way) , and mostly just because I want to. I love all kinds of stuff from comics, to comic strips, to movies, and review all kinds in turns. I"m telling you this so you have full and proper context as to why Warner Bros Discovery's latests actions have been HELL on my anxiety. While this week has been a hard one for reasons that aren't your buisness, Warner just made it so much worse so rather than do three reviews this week, i'm doing two and this piece, outlying why I"m so nettled, why I no longer feel any security for anything warner has going , in production or otherwise, and why WBD sucks dirty ass in thunderstorms.
Let's begin with what's going on for those in the back who haven't heard: Last week Warner Bros Discovery made the earthshatteringly dumb decision to cancel their 40 million dollar Batgirl film, and not release it in any way shape or form as a tax write off as well as announcing they were canceling several other dc projects with the Arrowverse finally being taken out back and shot with the Flash getting canceled and given a smal lseason to wrap up (and Superman and Lois likewise detatching from said universe for it's own saftey), and just about every DC Project now in fear of being cut, paticuarlly the tv shows. The Flash MOVIE is weirdly exempt from this despite starring known human dumpster fire whose progressively spiraling Erza Miller. Granted they ARE getting help, so it might help, but it still feels odd to not drop THAT movie but drop one by people who have done absoltuely nothing wrong and is almost finished. And by odd I mean...
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So yeah a 40 billion dollar diverse, great looking film is in limbo, any dc film that hasn't started shooting is in the firing range. While I do feel the DCEU badly needed an actual structure instead of just doing whatever movie without any real plan. But
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Is somehow worse than no strategy. But there does seem to be SOME method to the madness here.. unfortunatley said method, as most perfectly put by my surrogate tv dad John Oliver "It seems like your trying to burn down my platform for the insurance money"
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That does seem to be WBD's plan: Liquidate as much as possible, put as much of it as a tax writeoff as you can, and to hell with what comes next. There's no building going on here, just madly selling anything they can to make money. Which admitely I have done, I once had to sell off my entire 3ds collectoin to get buy, but i'm a 30 year old man with the body of an orangutan, not a BILLION dollar company that should know better. Even if Discovery is new at running this type of company, they seem more concerned with making as much money as possible and don't care if they actually surivive as a platform, if works of art surivive, or for anything other than getting a huge kickback.
And that brings me to today, the worst news in recent animation history. And keep in mind that history includes: 1. Disney cancelling the critically aclaimed and briliant owl house because it was too gay and trying to pretend that's not why they did it 2. Netflix's Childrens Content slowly collapsing into the sea with one or two exceptions. 3. Sex Monster John Lassiter somehow getting another job and a new movie AppleTV+ feels comfortable promoting. 4. The passing of Betty White, Ed Asner and Gilbert Gottfried
But yes HBO Max decided to delist a TON of his content. While ti hasn't happened yet and the backlash, and a recent blow to their stock due to this bullshit as a rare instance of corprate greed biting them, MIGHT stop it, it might be too late. The shows being chopped include Close Enough, a show they had just canceled a week ago and now decided no one can enjoy and that was not only one fo the platforms lead shows, but it's only adult animated comedy that didn't make people throw things at it on sight, Infinity Train, a show people were already mad was screwed out of more than four seasons, Ok KO Let's Be HEroes, one of the best cartoons of the 2010s, Mao Mao Heroes of Pure Heart which was stuck in cancelation limbo, and victor and Valentino, which I have not watched but is JUST going through season 3 as we speak. None of it makes sense, none of it is right and all of it is clearly a ploy to mak ea tax writeoff. And while previous managment had done this, there was a simliar incident iwth greats such as megas xlr and sym boinoic titan, never before has a company made material not only unavablaibe but so nakedly tried to claim something as a loss. I'm HOPING this bs dosen't fly in court, as none of these shows really are the net loss they thinkt hey are, paticuarlly close enough and infinity train, so none of this should add up, but i'm not holding my breath.
I'm also not holding my rage. I belivie in works being avaliable to people. Good or bad, as long as their not harmful , they should be out there and avaliable. Things should be preserved. And making it so several shows are just outright unwatchable, JUST so you can make money is one of the most greedy, discpiable, hateful and agonizing acts i've seen in some time. OK KO thankfully escapes thanks to being on hulu, but that may not be forever and they may try this shit with other platforms. For once most of these shows being on netflix in other countries is a lifesaver. And yes you can still find the stuff that's being taken on the internet, piracy can be bad but it can also be a way to preserve stuff, but I should be able to have a legal and fine means of watching Close Enough. I shoudln't hav eto scour for a show just because you want money. I'm still subscribed to hbo max as it's not me who does and it still has enough content.. but if they keep doing this scorched earth nonsense, it's going to leave them with nothing to sell and nothing to buy and no one to buy into thei rshit. and i'm hoping they learn their lesson and ease back before it's too late and one of the best platforms in the streaming wars is gone.
For now though all I can do is wait and hope like hell more things I care about don't die a cruel greedy death.
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atopvisenyashill · 2 months
I'm team women first and green leaning second but I legit CANNOT for the life of me go out in websites such as tiktok and be associated with people making fatphobic or stillbirth jokes about Rhaenyra because she's been pregnant six times and was probably stress-eating. I get it, she raised taxes, didn't give a shit that whole families of Lannisport women and girls were dragged away from their houses and sold to slavery and raped, and to top it all of she allegedly ordered Nettles to be assassinated after slandering her badly on accounts of her origin but like??? If you want to have beef with her then have beef with her because of these things, not because she had six kids and her body didn't remain the same as when she was 15. Aegon and Helaena were overweight too (baby Helaena liked sweets my little baby and Aegon genuinely had a bigger appetite and to top it all off he was abed for a whole year drinking milk of the poppy every 3-4 business seconds) but I rarely see people joking about their bodies, I mean yes I've seen people write alarming stuff regarding Aegon after he was basically crippled irremediably but my argument stands, if you wanna hate on characters hate them for what they actually had control with.
Sorry for the LONG ASS RANT I needed to get this out of my chest.
But YEAH, it is incredibly frustrating how like every single post that is critiquing rhaenyra will take a dumb ass cheap shot at her kids and the amount of focus on both rhaenyra gaining weight and emma being skinny, as if tom and phia aren't also skinny, and as if she doesn't do like, genuinely awful shit during the war, is so aggravating. why are we all so focused on everyone's bodies in this series, why does every other think piece need to be about how rhaenyra gained weight because she's evil now or she miscarried as punishment, duh.
people do do that a lot with helaena though - focusing on her weight, laughing at her suicide because she's "boring" which is JUST AS DERANGED. i do think those specific like "rhaenyra has the divine right doncha know" (that's not true because it doesn't exist folks and if you think she saw the white stag because of divinity OR that it showing up on aegon ii's birthday means anything, you have Missed The Fucking Point of that entire episode) people just say the weirdest shit about Aegon and Helaena's bodies and it's like. Stop. Enough. Get some fucking help. Most nobles were overweight in the time period this was based off of anyway because having easy access to fattening foods was a privilege, why are you so weird.
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jeffgerstmann · 2 months
I’ve been having a rough time mentally lately so I’m listening to a bunch of music I haven’t listened to since high school which includes Midnight Brown’s complete discography. It’s still shockingly good and has me in some kind of feelings, which you might find weird. Any interest in ever making more music? Also, could you get Midnight Brown on streaming services (for my convenience) or is that hard? Anyway, thanks for making that music. It means a lot to me.
I really want to find some time to make some more music, but it's been hard with everything else I've got going on at the moment. I have a really dumb Patreon idea that involves me making some music.
Getting it up on streaming services is technically easy but a hassle on the backend. It wouldn't make any meaningful money, but I'd still have to more or less set up some kind of 50/50 arrangement with Chris to be fair about it. The process of setting all that up so that we can split 80 cents every two years is kinda daunting and a lot of work and annoying annual tax shit for pretty much nothing. Maybe I could just take the business end of it on myself and venmo Chris $5 every two years or something.
Also there's that one track with the Evel Knievel samples on it, which would probably wouldn't fly. On top of all that, I don't have ready access to lossless versions of the files, so to truly do it "right" I'd have probably have to set up my 2005-era FL Studio install in a virtual machine or something, since a lot of those old-and-definitely-legally-acquired VSTs struggle a bit on modern Windows.
It's something I was talking about with a friend just last week, and something I'd definitely do if I had infinite time, but it's kind of a chore. I think the more likely route is that I take what I have, which is a mix of mp3s and a smattering of rendered WAVs, and see what I can assemble easily. With some of these audio restoration tools getting astoundingly better these days, it might be enough to just feed it the MP3s and say "restore the fidelity lost by that compression" and use those.
Anyway, sorry for the long-winded answer, but it's been very much on my mind recently so that's kinda the full walkthrough of where my head is at on all of it. At this point it'd probably just be easier to write some new stuff!
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silvr-skreen · 9 months
Originally intended to be a duo with Lenard (he sings/makes the music and she dances) except that never really happened.
On her first ever day of existing she got lost and ended up at Ray's stage and just did a bit with him until they ran out of film. As it turns out the juxtaposition between her and Ray was hilarious and THOSE two became a duo.
Lenard legit doesnt care, especially since she makes sure to brief all the others on what happens down in the Stage 2 set (and vicea versa to Ray)
ultimately the CNBG started to try and push a "beauty and the beast" romance thing except Al (who originally despite his good intentions was kind of spineless and bent to their will) said no. He wasn't gonna make them do that, and he didn't. But the CNBG then told him to get her off the air then.
As it turns out, part of her appeal was people thinking her and Ray were more than friends, and a hard no would upset some viewers (as opposed to lying and agreeing, or doing a "will-they-wont-they")
She walked in on the destruction of some of her clones and was then chased out by the staff tasked with the job, and she fled to the basement (this was after Richie left and Ray got banished) and begged him to hide her because "they tore up my copies and they want to tear me up too!" and he agreed. He hid her and played dumb until the staff left.
She's kind of just... been in his lair since, until of course, the staff stopped showing up, at which point she got free reign of the basement, but she is too scared to leave his side. (she also doesnt make clones because shes afraid they'll get torn up too)
something is very wrong with her. Her mechanic doesn't really have the "cute-Agression" but instead if gordon shoots her, or another puppet she runs at him to chastise him about it. Aka. pacifism is really important (or you attack when she's not active or looking)
there was a scrapped script from when Al was considering agreeing with the network and forcing it, but then he tossed it. It's. it's very bad and al's written in the margins a bunch about that.
she's around george height! very tall, also very wiggly. Ray is the one person she wont attempt to wiggle away from
also the one person ray confided in when it came to raymond (which. i have a headcanon about him too)
she learned a lot of stuff from ray, however, it was before gordon came around so... yeah she likes to hit stuff with small blunt objects.
in addition to that one. she needs to either be taped up, or lead to ray to deactivate her. (the second one deactivates them both, and they always are in the same room at the same time)
side quest is really just... listening. offering support.
oh, also fun fact im the person writing that fic on Ao3 "The Neighborhood" w/ trans gordon an' yeah ye shouldnae be stabbing a pregnant person w/ a screwdriver shirley-girly (ray calls her that)
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Funny image tax thank you for reading :3
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mitigatedchaos · 1 year
So I stopped by because someone privately linked someone (not prodigal) having a fit, which presented an opportunity to try making that last image.
[ @athingbynatureprodigal ] writes:
What’s sought is a criteria for “developed country” that wouldn’t include “Eritrea, but Putin and Elon Musk and the Waltons just bought vacation homes there.” Trains, healthcare, democracy, and lack of religious whackos killing people seems like at least as good a set as “well, it was on the US side during the cold war and has some rich people in it.” If you’re gonna call the former dumb, there needs to be more justification than “well I happen to use different criteria, which are equally arbitrary.” Both of those are vibes-based.
The question is, what is being "developed" in "development" of countries? In real estate, an "undeveloped" lot would be one that hasn't been built on yet, whether that's for a public park, which would be considered light development, or a house, or a factory. A "developing" lot would be a lot that's in an intermediate state of construction or addition. Then of course there is "brown field development," where previous construction has been built and is now getting in the way of new development.
So I would say that when we say a country is "developed," we're mostly talking about a country's capital front. (Mostly productive capital, but also housing, etc.) Safety, adherence to law, education, etc are all inputs to that front.
In accordance with the O-Ring theory of economic development, the average correctness of each node in a production chain increases the ability to create a highly-complex, high-value product. This requires a predictable environment etc etc.
@official-kircheis If we're looking at countries with tremendous capital fronts, the United States needs to be in the analysis, so if it's not "developed," well obviously it's also not "developing," so you need to describe the secret third thing that it is. (Obviously the United States is a diverse country, and it can be sliced in ways that make it more comparable to other "developed" countries in your sample.)
But this gets into why I've been on a social media hiatus. Or maybe "how."
During the past 2 weeks, I built a new PC, and I've been putting in a lot of hours into learning to use Stable Diffusion and probing the capabilities of these new AI art systems.
Reading social media gets me annoyed and distracted. And Kircheis' take was inflammatory and bad, but it's not nearly as bad as Twitter. (For one thing, it's obviously adjacent to nationalist shitposting. In fact, it most likely is nationalist shitposting.) However, there was a lot of information gain on social media before. Now that we're not in a fast cycle (like national riots or the opening of the pandemic), I've brawled with enough partisans to get a sense of how they think, and I got my hands on more obscure information, there isn't as much information gain there.
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While I use Tumblr to report my findings, and 300-500 words is a comfortable length for explaining concepts while not taxing the attention too much, there are issues with taking things on an issue-by-issue basis (including in a reply format).
Often, if I talk about stuff, I won't do it. So I'll just say it's something to chew on for now.
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tparadox · 12 days
Back in the early days of Netflix when they were starving for content to put on the "Netflix Instant" streaming bonus you got for free with your DVD rentals, they had a bunch of web series. I saw some of HISHE (through their deal with Starz somehow?), The Guild, and maybe all of Spaceballs: The Web Series there.
I bring this up because I saw Red Vs. Blue there and decided to watch this thing that I'd heard people enthusing about and others talking semi-academically about early Machinema. It seemed like each season was there bundled into episodes so it was like three or four hour-plus "episodes". And I liked a little bit how it started out making fun of Halo capture the flag games, but the characters were just so dumb in a way that was already either a little out of fashion by then or just would've been better received by a middle schooler or high schooler when I was already in college. I think I finished the second season and decided it wasn't for me, but that also seemed like when it was about to become more plot focused and less just screwing around in a video game.
Some years later I was doing unpaid labor for a production company that partnered with Rooster Teeth for a while and I got to meet Burnie Burns a few times, but unlike other interns who were freaking out about meeting a childhood celebrity I was just like, "that's kinda neat". I think I've technically gotten paid by RT for at least one job in the heyday of my post production services freelancing. I was and am based in their area so I entertained the idea of trying to work for them, but as time went on it seemed less likely and then I started to hear stories from the inside about how badly they were organized thanks to being run by a bunch of high school buddies who accidentally had a TV studio built under them. I was always expecting that to be their undoing, not being sacrificed on the altar of tax write-offs by Hollywood's final boss.
But all I've actually seen of Rooster Teeth's stuff is that portion of RvB, some live action shorts our company produced for them that had disappointing releases, Day Five season 2 (see post-production services), and I think I got to see all of Crunch Time. I believe Slow Mo Guys started there but I've mainly seen them after they appear to have left.
People seem to really love RvB and RWBY. How would RT fans recommend RT stuff to me?
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raccoon-formality · 5 months
2024 Commitment
(this is a re-post from Patreon)
This is Matthew and I am here to talk about some stuff regarding this Patreon account.
Let me start with the less than good news. I would like to apologize for neglecting my obligations near the end of last year. Parking Ticket Mayhem and Scaling Up Industries did not include Patreon member mentions and I also didn't release early access versions of those games either. Although right now I believe most people supporting me are friends who would support me anyways, it is still a level of disrespect and negligence to your support that I would not like to continue going forward.
So, that leads quite smoothly into the changes I am making. Starting 2024, I am making a commitment to myself to be more professional. I will be taking my commitments more seriously and will be moving forward with more transparency. This restructuring coincides with the rebranding I am doing.
Games from now on won't be published unless the Patreon member mention is added somewhere. I will also been setting a reminder to publish regular written progress reports (either monthly or bi-weekly, to be determined). These reports will be public and probably will be able to be posted on multiple platforms for your convenience. At the same time, the most recent early access versions of my games will be published if applicable. Game jam games or short projects (under 2 weeks) won't get early access versions.
To that point, I want to do more long term projects. Heavy trucking was the only project I spent more than a month on and I think it would be a good idea for me to do more of them. This type of project would be what I would be releasing early access to. I have a couple ideas for larger projects I want to make. That is part of the reason why I am making these changes. Whatever I do end up making, I want to make sure that this is sustainable for long term commitments. 
You may have also noticed the new logo and redesigned website, this is part of the rebrand I mentioned earlier. I really want to make this year the year I do big things. I want to make this dumb hobby project mine into a brand that can be recognized for it's quality, consistency, and commitment to transparency.
So, with all that out of the way, let me get into what I'm actually doing.
Yesterday, I published The Pig Pen, a small, minimalist arcade action game. This game is a landmark for, among other things (First to fulfill the commitment of patreon thanks, first to have the new logo. first game I've made to have an online leaderboard, First godot 4 game, ect.), being submitted to the first ever game jam I have hosted. The jam was called One Last Game 2023 and it took place between the 29th of December to the 1st of January. This game jam was not only a success, it completely blew expectations out of the water. With over 100 people joining and over 30 entries.
As for my other projects, Scaling Up Industries was a ton of fun to make, gained me a bunch of experience with working in teams, and I believe we made a really quality game considering the time restraints. Parking Ticket Mayhem exploded in popularity right after it's launch, it is now sitting at ~8,700 views on itch.io and another 8,100 views on newgrounds.
Heavy Trucking has made $304.69 (USD) to date, most (about $208.59) of which coming in the first few weeks. It has also gone on sale during itch.io's offical halloween sale and winter sale (which is still going on during the time of writing), making $46.60 and $24.50 (gross USD) respectively. Leaving $25 of copies that were sold for full price. Of this, ~7% goes to payment processors, ~10% has been chosen to go to itch.io, and then ~24% is taken by the tax man. Leaving ~$200 net. ~$40 went to getting me a new mouse after my dumb stupid razer mouse started double clicking and flaking out one me.
I am planning on making and maintaining a page on my website for statistics for people to look at so they can see how many videos, downloads, money, ect. my games make. Transparency is important to me because I believe withholding information only leads to speculation and conspiracy. Which is why (most of) my projects are on github.
Speaking of github, that is another thing I would like to talk about. All of my projects will be published publicly on github with two exceptions. One, if the game has online or proprietary software in it (such as The Pig Pen with it's online leaderboard or if I published a game on console, which i doubt will happen this year, that will probably not be allowed to be published). This is to ensure safety with these online services and so I don't get sued by Big Nintendo. Two, if a game contains NSFW (adults only) content. Github has a strict content policy and because of that games with NSFW content would be violating their policy if I were to publish them there. So, to solve that problem, I have made a git.gay account for if I want to do that.
Also, late last year I uploaded the source code for an unfinished project I was working on titled Cranky Raccoon for playdate. I had no plans on finishing it any time soon, so I thought it would be best to publish it on github and let people study it if they wanted to.
Alright, I've been rambling for a while now, so I will give a TL:DR and see you in the next progress report that will hopefully not be as lengthy as there won't be as much to catch up on.
TL:DR - Thank you for your support. Sorry for not doing the things I said I would. 2023 was a great year and I plan on making 2024 even better. More frequent updates are to come.
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guildtree · 1 year
Fuck It, I Do What I Want
Hello, glorious followers.
It is now June 20th. We are 2/3 of the way through Pride month, and I'm guessing it has not been an easy time for anyone. For me it sure as hell hasn't: I got physically sick, I've dealt with the bureaucratic nonsense we call the American higher education system, and I've handled several emotionally taxing situations both on and offline. And through all this, the anxiety that I carry around as a tiny, useless guard dog has been barking away: "Nobody loves you!" "You're being too noisy!" "It's all going to come crashing down!" blah blah blah. This little beast has made it hard for me to eat, hard for me to sleep, constantly nervous, and terrified of posting or saying anything for fear or being shamed.
And friends, I am just about fucking sick of it.
It is Pride Month, and as a certified, card-carrying gay, I ought to be able to enjoy my own damn holiday. i am done listening to this anxiety crap. There are 10 days left this Pride, and for those 10 days I am going to be the proudest bastard on the face of God's green Earth. From here until the end of June, I am simply assuming that everyone loves me and wants to hear what I have to say all of the time. No more second-guessing myself, no more downplaying my own achievements. Art doesn't have enough notes? Reblog, for clearly the peasants do not understand my genius. Friend not responding to me? They must be struck dumb by my glory. For these 10 days, I am going to aspire to have the confidence of a 30-year-old man on Reddit who is convinced he is Not The Asshole; the swagger and panache of a 300-year-old newly-risen lich king; the sheer oblivious joy of the emperor strutting down the streets in his new clothes. This is your one and only warning: if you can't handle my incumbent brilliance, you may block me now. And if you can, prepare yourselves for a deluge of art, writing, and god knows what else that I've been too afraid to post before.
By the end of these 10 days, I want my anxiety to be ground so deep into the dirt that I can't even hear it beg for mercy.
Feel free to reblog; in fact, feel free to join me in these 10 days of unabashed Pride and share your own stuff! But regardless of what you choose to do, I will be here, I will be noisy, and I will be fucking proud of it.
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somethingshifted · 1 year
i watched this video (put it off for all of 3 days because i get nervous watching video essays on my favorite things for some reason) and i loved it. it made me so happy. readmore cuz long post
even if the subject itself was how gorillaz nearly ended because of plastic beach's ambition, this video was so enjoyable. because i feel like getting an account of how people felt about the album release, at the time, from someone who was present is incredibly important for preservation? the extensive things fans have archived is important first and foremost as so much was personally privated by the band, but it's hard to get a pulse on fan feelings as a whole other than digging through wayback machine or knowing someone who was fandom present.
alongside this i'm appreciative of lady emily remarking on the landscape of releasing music at the time. where CD wasn't as huge, not as many people cared about vinyl, music channels were obsolete, and youtube was nascent even in 2010 when it comes to money making opportunities, especially for record labels forget about solo projects like lets-players. which just brings into perspective how taxing PB was to make. it's a beautiful project made off the failure of carousel to launch and didn't make as much of an impact as it needed to survive... which was something i personally was fully unaware of at the time. i just sat on youtube thinking that's where updates were mostly and relying on deviantart friends relaying info to me (i was very internet-dumb). carousel was insanely ambitious and destined to fail with how much they were expecting, and seeing the long list of projects that died out and the way the art being featured during tours became more of an after-thought was heartbreaking a bit so i can definitely understand why tensions blew up.
the idea of media (because PB isn't just an album even if that is the main skeleton veins and organs of it) being made for an era that doesn't exist is depressing, but her explanation to how it came to be and how different the climate is now is a great reminder to myself. because i keep asking 'why don't they do X Y and Z' and the truth is it costs SO much to do that, not to mention do it well AND have the artists and designers and so on be paid and treated well, and PB had so much going for it that didn't return profit. like the way the world is, passion itself doesn't reward you with a living which is sad, and appreciation and apt payment for visual arts doesn't get much better as the future moves on. and kind of humbles me to not have a stick up my ass for cracker island. KIND OF- i still feel my gears grinded when i see how sanitized some things are. major 'he wouldn't say that' feelings.
having reservations on gorillaz marketing behavior is fully allowed and honestly, needed because having a fanbase of only yes-men is detrimental, god forbid they thought NFTs would be well received. i feel hesitant to be a hater for newer stuff bc even if character writing choices annoy me so hard, i still find gems, and i still want to understand the full background of how much of what used to exist, can't exist the same way anymore as the world gets more expensive and a higher bar of quality is needed (outside the writing. that's more on current writers forgetting pretty well established easy characterization) idk if anything as wide-spread and ambitious as PB could ever exist today. isn't that sad? melancholy? i feel like being in your 20s during today consists of a lot of foot-in-one era, foot-in-the-other. the things you grow up with are impossible to go back to since technology is moving at a breakneck speed. but it being so expansive and story heavy was special and i'm learning more about that every day. as someone who's still iffy on the lore taking such a huge part of the overarching characters that it's still referenced at the end of the 2010's i really really do fucking love it. one of a kind. people who get very defensive of plastic beach have full reign to do so, just lemme stand behind you as a humanz defender
she also touched upon a feeling i thought was unpopular but i'm glad she did mention, and it's about how the story for the following albums were more self contained. i do feel though that wishing the band was a band and not characters milling about is a semi popular stance (?) i'm happy people recognize that because seriously my pulse on fandom feelings is sooooo lacking, even now as i venture to twitter and tumblr in 2023. anyways, even for how fantastical PB is and how much i love it, both the climate of the world not supporting projects like this and with gorillaz being self funded since 2019 (didn't know this and that is insane to me) gorillaz can benefit with the bar of expectations being lowered. multimedia projects are a rarity, with websites being sleeked and dumbed down for mobile users only, death of flash, social media being the hub for everything (why i get their reliance on it), singles needing to always be the strength of albums, and trends dying out faster than a mayfly, it's just hard. would i like to see them return to something like that, yes of course, but i sure as hell am not expecting it. unless some billionaire wants to dump their entire savings into their lap. the phases 1 and 2 performing well while being multimedia in the way of animation, interview, in-character and etc, is fantastic but there is no way that sort of MV quality would be passable today. and as a whole it was just less expensive AND way more new and fresh to make compared to making something in 2023 while also accommodating collaborators and managing the band. i guess it's difficult for me to hold a concrete stance. 'aw man why'd they do that... oh well...' times change ig. one thing i will shit on without feeling much guilt is the merch handling though like christ
i really want to hear her defend humanz like she said she might, like i'm on my knees... to wrap this up: very nice video if you want to hear about the behind the scenes of gorillaz all laid out in order. knowing the charting numbers didn't really hit for me till this video. and insight on how the band moved. there was a comment that said the flash games that are still archived today and she hearted it so you can check that out too, i've been going to that site archive for weeks now. i guess there was ONE thing which was i personally hated the way russel was used the entirety of that phase and i regard his mental break being phase 2 more than phase 3 so i raised my eyebrow at her depicting russel being cool and important, but like that's such a small bit, that i can understand why seeing him be a (silent) superhero was super cool. like yes he actually did do more actions on phase 3, bc even phase 1/2 he was, while well spoken gentle and wise, just there on the drums. i just want him to Say Something in phase 3 like that's his baby he's saving... well... ok. that's ok. don't get me started on my boy this post is already long e-fucking-nough
can i add. saying murdoc is the joker for gay teenage girls killed me
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mallowstep · 1 year
Not sure if I’m sending this in the right place but, as someone who identifies as “centrist” in this whole anti pro thing (I don’t like either side, harassment and overzealous hatred over fictional characters bordering on obsession is unhealthy and definitely really harmful to minors in those spaces but a majority of proship shit I’ve come in contact with during my attempts to kinda figure myself out were also very black and white when it came to arguments over fictional depictions of certain topics, consumption of media and honestly at times reminded me of the fandom culture I was groomed in) I agree with you the most and genuinely enjoy a lot of what you write, and it’s refreshing to see someone else who has similar opinions and ways of handling these topics in their works with a nuance that people lack when looking at any of this stuff which infuriates me. I’d send this off anon but I do kind of fear backlash from outing my stance on this stuff — this whole controversy is dumb, I do wish people who could handle your approach on dark subjects gave your writing more of a chance, your mosspelt story was a very well put together piece on grooming and it’s effects while not being too graphic and focusing on an emotional journey and i really loved it, I wish people in general could use more nuance when looking at fiction and interactions with said fiction because these black and white arguments get us nowhere
[this ask was initially sent jan 31]
thank you so much for this ask.
(cw: i do not discuss any details of what certain fics contain, but i do discuss that i have written fics dealing with various kinds of abuse with some being graphic.)
the mosspelt piece is one of my proudest works, and i think it definitely...goes down the easiest? (in contrast with, say, no one held me to the flame, a concept i didn't expect any amount of support for or engagement with.)
i would like to take this moment to remind everyone that you don't have to engage with everything i write, just in case anyone needs to hear that today. if something is upsetting to you, don't read it. love to everyone.
anyway. as someone whose stance is tax paying adult/whatever is funniest/whatever people have decided today, i don't really like to acknowledge shipcourse. i've got friends who bear both labels, and they both agree with me. so. i think that pretty accurately describes how nonsensical this whole thing is, that two people on supposedly opposite sides can have the same opinions.
i was talking with one of my friends who has the same stance as me (altho, if forced to label ourselves, we would pick differently), and we were talking about how it ultimately comes down to how do we actually stop harm.
banning topics from ao3 doesn't stop harm. things will happen no matter what. you don't have to like it, but that's the reality. (for a tangible example of this happening, look into how FOSTA/SESTA made it harder for law enforcement to do their jobs.)
as some of y'all know, i was most engaged in this discourse when i was at a deep low point. (or high point, as it were, seeing as i was trending towards mania.) it's been a while since i've spoken on it because i needed a good long time out.
ultimately, characters on a screen or in a book do not matter and cannot be harmed. real people can. what matters to me is therefore the normalization of abuse.
a talking point that continues to bother me is the idea that just acknowledging something exists and happens is normalizing abuse. i think anyone who's read some of my fics can agree with that. i think if you read no one held me to the flame and manage to get off to it, or otherwise think it's normalizing abuse, then i'm a much worse writer than i thought. (i name nohmttf specifically because it goes as far as deliberately depicting the acts.)
i don't know where i'm going with this, just...it's all pretty senseless. if the super dark stuff like nohmttf isn't your cup of tea, i don't want you to read it. i want you to enjoy your time reading my fics.
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lookherecomethewormies · 10 months
my wacky animal crossing band AU headcanon hehe haha huhu
okay real talk i’ve had this little fake band thing in my head for years and I wanna get it out
so this is inspired by a line where isabelle da dog mentions having a band. they play fast wacky post-hardcore jazzpunk together.
the lineup is:
cherry - guitar, occasional vocal
tabby - bass, main vocalist
isabelle - percussion, other main vocalist
idk what their band name is. i prob would've named them something stupid like "Yeastie Girlz" or some shit if that name wasn't already taken.
isabelle and cherry know each other from youth when they did juvie kid shit back in the day lol. they stayed hooked up with each other when they went through their own young adult periods, and then went back to living in the same town when they moved to the poppin island village of Mycelium. they met tabby on that island and she joined up with their band because of simpatico vibes.
releases are usually albums with a shitload of small tracks with maybe one or two kinda long ones, and then sometimes an EP with a small number of really long tracks. cherry throws a lot of effects on her guitar so her playing ends up sounding like a bunch of loud chirping and wobbly metal scraping and wee woo wee woo. tabby plays her bass lines fast, has a boppy funky sound to playing, is not afraid to put on an effect pedal though usually to make her bass to sound like a wall of grotty rhythmic drones. isabelle can’t really go free jazz freakish on percussion bc their songs are ultimately too structured to allow that, but she tries! she can also do blastbeats. really fucking technical, building all those PWPs must’ve made her jacked
they're all pretty serious about their love of jazz. alright here's more info about them individually
isabelle - she grew up in the country and still has that farm kid twang to her voice. crazy childhood but filing taxes really ended up affecting her deeply and now she's by far the most well-adjusted member of the group if you define "well-adjusted" in a certain way. got a very impressive engineering degree in college, and as a reward she now works a lousy government job for a pittance + 500 bells that she WILL spend impulsively on something stupid. cherry sometimes jokes around about how she's a sellout for that but it aint serious, she understands the common worker's struggle. and, yknow, isabelle sincerely cares about doing the best for her town in the system she's stuck in so like, cmon dont be harsh on her. her public face is pretty mild-mannered, sometimes shes kinda matter-of-fact about things, but overall she nails that peppy energy everyone loves to receive from people in service when she's not flubbing stuff too much. in her personal life -- well, she doesn't have THAT many friends out there -- but with the ones she does have, she likes to be a little goofball, especially when linking zany energies with tabby. she has like a 4 year old's sense of humor but if anyone can sell peepee poopoo humor its her dumb ass. sings lead vocals on about half of their songs, her voice is loud, bright, and honestly pretty goofy because of that Country Gurl accent she has, but fits well with the generally nonserious and kinda everything-happening-at-once vibe of their music. what're her fits like, btw? an absolutely delightfully meticulous (she comes up with 90% of her wardrobe on the fly) combination of christian girl autumn, normcore, sillywave, raymondpunk, bio-wibbletech, and just a dash of edgy looking band merch or novelty t-shirts to really complete the look.
cherry - the thoughful, philosophical engine of the group even though she hardly writes any lyrics and mostly sits in the back making funny neenee noodleynoo noises with her guitar but trust me here. grew up in the same rural town as isabelle, and ended up moving back in a town where izzy now works! (its only like 75% a coincidence, she had to chase the money and figured Mycelium job market and being able to see her bestie was the best choice) She works a dead-end bullshit retail job on the island and always looks like she wants to kill everybody there. very loudly a proud commie through and through, she likes to wear this little red-guard lookin hat everywhere. the band are not embarrassed about their leftist messaging but cherry is by far the most motivated to stir up some shit. she helps organize locally and is very serious about reading up on Theory and has very little tolerance for poseurs. VERY occasionally does lead vocals, in that case she's writing the lyrics, hers are a lot more existential and political in nature than the other two's. very deep voice, she basically sounds like a scary Goth yknow? her singing voice is monotone and basically just her normal voice with more authority. she likes to put on an austere face but she's the easiest to make laugh, even at isabelle's dumbass jokes -- the other gals of course take advantage of this to tease her. as a strongly passionate individual she is also the most likely to start ranting at her computer screen when she's having trouble with something. she's got a pretty solid costume for concert appearances and photo ops that makes her probably the most recognizable member: Mao hat, long jacket, ragged looking pants, combat boots, and a pair of sunglasses.
tabby - every band needs the crazy one! she could bomb a hospital and the band would still have to drag her along because she's just that fucking good at bass. absolutely crazy mastery of speed and technique, her bouncing basslines usually provide a melodic counterpart to cherry's industrial vague notions towards "music" and whatever the fuck isabelle is doing back there. she's the only one without any classical training, though! as the lead bassist, she keeps the lead guitarist and lead drummer in check, creating a beautiful homeostasis of chaotic, highly technical songwriting and playing with all the brutality and energy of hardcore punk but also some of that inherent nerd-ass quality that comes with having three extremely proficient instrumentalists that know how to do a lot of things with their instruments. but enough of that bullshit, we gotta get to her VOCALS! she covers the majority of non-isabelle songs and her voice contrasts nicely -- isabelle has a deeper voice, sings brashly and over-the-top like she's eartha kitt doing i wanna be evil if she held her notes twice as long, but yknow she's been in classes for that and knows what she's doing and has a wide octave range. tabby meanwhile sounds like a living cartoon character.... BECAUSE SHE IS ONE!! but seriously she's got that high pitched peppy voice, but with enough roughness and scratchyness to it to make it actually fit the music. her speaking voice is actually pretty normal, but on the mic she leans into the most nasal, obnoxious tones possible. she got that shmorky voice to her i wont lie BUT SHE MAKES IT WORK!!! just say shes like uhhhh female psychicpebbles or something so you dont make her look lame. im being overdramatic about her voice btw, she actually has a pretty decent range and a FANTASTIC growl + scream but those only come out every-so-often. her lyrics are often violent, disgusting, brutally blunt in detail, and she's the one most inclined to doing crazy antics on stage. she usually comes to concerts in full leather wrapped with chains and parts of her body tied up and shit and like whatever nasty looking medical equipment she could find to put on her face and after each concert will be taken home bleeding from at least 2 or 3 different places. she's pretty chill irl though, but definitely as big as a goofball as isabelle. isabelle's the one that always takes leads on a goof attack, and tabby plays second-hand along with chief goof-strategist much to the annoyance/mirth of cherry. isabelle and cherry dont know much about her past yet bc she's pretty mum on talking about it much, but apparently she had rich parents but cut contact with them years back, and now just has an average ol life doing part time as a janitor, odd jobs on the side, and living in a nasty little apartment with her roomie katt. still, that general wealth helped a little, and she was able to build what she saved into a fairly stable life, so she's usually the one paying out of pocket for most of the band expenses. she's legit though, u know that because cherry would've beat her up otherwise
umm yess that's basically all i have to say i will post more if i remember more. if nintendo hires me i will also add to the canon that their 1st album name is "Poopin in the Boys Room" but that's not canon yet.
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…ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ◅
(Updated Saturday, December 3rd, 2022, 8:33 AM) - LoM
[Disclaimer: There are a few emojis below, though I've tried to keep them as minimal as possible, as well as liberal use of bold text on important words, to help people with dyslexia and other reading troubles navigate. There is also some censorship to avoid this post popping up when certain terms are searched. I've tried to censor them in the most screen reader friendly way possible, and censored words should only register as being read with a slight pause in-between syllables. There is also some coloured text, though it is restricted to only the bullet points at the beginning of each line. I hope this doesn't cause too much trouble, and if you need me to change anything please let me know!]
Hi there, I'm LoM! I use singular they/them pronouns but may grant permission to use other pronouns to people I am extremely close to. I speak English (🇺🇲/🇬🇧) and conversational French (🇫🇷), and am learning Welsh (🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿), so feel free to talk to me in any of those languages! Taken by my lovely girlfriend, so I'd prefer for people to avoid coming onto me, but I am okay with joking flirting (like "kissing the homies goodnight" or "marriage for tax benefits") as long as it's just for laughs! On principle I won't turn off anon asks ever but if you're a jerk I'll steal all of your left shoes and right socks. My agere sideblog is @thesmallestofall, and I have a fandom sideblog @smallandterriblyafraid (so I don't bombard my followers with my dumb hyperfixations), so feel free to check those out too! That's all I can think of for now but I'll probably update some things later!
Also! Here's the specially coded comma that can go in the tags btw: ‚
(There's a link to the post that my old icon art (the bunny) was from and the post that my new icon art is from at the bottom is this post! Go check it out, the creators are both really talented!)
DNI list below! (In no particular order)
🚫 DNI if you: 🚫
- Are rac.ist, homo.phobic, trans.phobic, bi.phobic, pan.phobic, able.ist, aro/ace exclusionary, or any other form of xeno.phobic
- Think that poly.am people aren't part of the lgbtqia+ community (They are, die mad about it.)
- Are a N.S.F.T blog (Jokes and writing are okay, irl l.ewds are not. I have no problem with you I just don't want p.orn or your nu.des my dash or in my inbox, sorry fam) (art or artistic photography are okay too though.)
- Are a t.erf/rad.fem/etc (Tradwife stuff is fine so long as you aren't pushing it on anyone else. Everyone has a different vision for what they want their personal future to look like and yours is valid too, so long as you're not on "a woman's place" and all that bullshit.)
- Are a practicing M.AP (People with intrusive thoughts can stay, though. It's not your fault that your brain is giving you icky thoughts when all you want is for it to shut up; my only qualm is with people who either see no wrong in the action, or do and go through with it any way.)
- Support J.K. Row.ling and or her works
- Are anti-endo (Specifically believing endogenic systems aren't valid. If you have some trauma or whatnot I'll respect that but I won't tolerate invalidating other's identities and lived experience.)
- Are anti age.re/pet.re, etc
- Vilify mental illness
- Don't support neopronouns (Including emoji pronouns.)
- Are anti it/it's pronouns
- Are a T.rump supporter, anti.masker, c.ovid denier, etc. Your conspiracy theories are not welcome here
- Are an Oni.sion stan (Kind of pedantic I know but the dude sucks to the nth degree, so-)
- Crosstag posts with both strictly N.S.F.T and sfw tags (Mistakes are fine as long as it's just a genuine slip up and you do your best to correct it. We're all human and sometimes accidents happen, but doing it on purpose or leaving it up after being told the issues is a no go.)
- Are anti.-choice/pro.-life
- Are anti free healthcare, food, water, etc
- Think autism and related quirks need a "cure" (I'm all for personal choice if the "cure" was a pill or shot but currently the "cure" is eug.enics which I am not about)
- Think DNI lists are bad or a waste of time
That's all I can think of for now. However, with that said...
✅ Do interact if you: ✅
- Are a roleplay/gimmick/character blog! I love talking to you guys! You're cool!
- Have OCs. Tell me about them! I love hearing about people's characters!
- Post oddcore, liminalcore, weirdcore, dreamcore, nostalgiacore, traumacore, etc. It may be triggering for some but I love to see it so long as it's properly tagged!
- Post kidcore, clowncore, rainbowcore, babycore, toddlercore, toycore, dollcore, cleancore, poolcore, webcore, internetcore, etc. These are a few more of my favourite -cores! If you post them or find some for me I'd love to see it!
- Like geology, paleontology, or history! These are some of my special interests and I could talk about them for hours!
That's all for now! See you later! <3
~ As promised, here's where I got my old icon art from! It was made by Rosu (I believe), a really great artist! Their bunny art is adorable!
~ Here's where I got my new icon art from! My girlfriend is using the other icon!
19 notes · View notes
liskantope · 1 year
It's happened again on Freddie's blog. *sigh*
And it's annoying, because on the one hand, I completely sympathize with FdB's frustration that commenters (albeit a very small handful of commenters, who are presumably not earlier offenders because those would already have been banned?) continue to outright disobey his very clear rules. On someone else's blog, you should respect what the host wants the vibe to be in their comments sections even if you feel the host's preferences are unreasonable, instead of pretending you didn't understand them the first five times he told you, ya know?
And on the other hand, it's like, Freddie, did you really think nobody in your audience would reach as far as connecting (at least in their minds) a post about transracial identities to the topic of transgender identities? I suppose that you're going to say yet again that part of your audience has some bizarre pathological fixation with trans rights stuff because they have a tendency to bring up our culture war battleground du jour every time you rant about people constructing an identity around race or constructing their identity around a (real or perceived) mental illness, because you just can't imagine why criticizing a fixation on an internally felt identity would possibly bring the whole trans issue to people's minds (gee, these people would think a convo about tax rates is an excuse to bring up trans stuff, they're so obsessed!)?
This time we did get one brief, very dismissive paragraph from FdB on why racial identity is significantly different from gender identity, which I think I could have argued better from the perspective of there being scientific evidence for an internally-felt gender region of the brain which doesn't have an analog for race. (Of course, it would bring up thorny questions of how many of today's younger newly-self-identified trans people actually have that sort of thing going on in their brains.) I myself a few years back wrote down my off-the-cuff thoughts contrasting being an otherkin with transness in favor of transness being an entirely valid thing. I still don't really see why FdB couldn't write a (much more polished) post of this sort (disabling the comments section for it, of course) to address the issue, instead of just being instantly dismissive of anyone who disagrees with him on it.
Note by the way how FdB straight-up says that the only people who don't get the obvious difference between the experiences of race identity and gender identity are the ones with a transphobic agenda. It doesn't feel in keeping with his perspective as a contrarian whose own political agenda is constantly mischaracterized.
I will say that this behavior is tipping me further in favor of the more charitable interpretation of FdB where he is just being honest and his intentions are purely in support of the LGBTQ community against comments he finds offensive, and that he genuinely can't understand how some people could be so dumb/obsessed as to connect any of his criticisms of some failure modes in self-identity to the trans thing.
By the way, on the topic of having an "obsession" with the debate over trans rights, again, do you really think the trans-activist part of the Left doesn't try to relate everything it can to trans rights? I recently ran into this article, which has some possibly quite valid points about LGBTQ people having worse housing and health care access and therefore being more vulnerable to climate change, but in my opinion really tenuous and reaching with some arguments like how there are higher rates of smoking in the LGBTQ community so they are affected worse by air pollution, therefore pollution is an LGBTQ-rights issue. I'm not saying that the Right doesn't also try to make as much as possible about trans issues as well, because I'm sure nowadays it absolutely does, I'm just not exposed to nearly as much fully right-wing content. But I am saying that both sides reach pretty far to relate everything to trans rights, because that's what both sides in a culture war do with the most hot-button culture war topic, and that they're reaching much farther than a bunch of FdB-readers who bring it up mainly in response to blog posts about self-identity.
So, yeah. I'm really going to try to shut up about this now, because it's clearly a situation that isn't going anywhere new or productive anytime soon.
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