#you just told us to 'get creative' so i wrote it in the tone of an 'internet analyst'.
astramachina · 4 months
seeing a Donnie Darko gifset and remembering this huge argument i had with my film professor a couple of years ago where she was constantly saying that she didn't understand what was going but how that didn't take away from being able to analyze a scene from a technical standpoint.
that was the first time i had ever watched the movie and i instantly fell in love because it has so much of what i love in it, so much so that i decided to write my term paper on it (alongside A Cure for Wellness). this meant that i ended up watching the movie a good ten times over the course of two months, and by the end of it i had a pretty good grasp over the story and the themes and its continuity.
and she got so mad at me for "trying to make sense of it".
my paper ended up being me trying to defend myself by stating that, yeah, while an understanding of the narrative isn't necessary to be able to dissect a project, it sure does help add a layer of why certain artistic choices were made, deepening whatever cognitive response they trigger in a viewer.
she begrudgingly gave me a 98/100 because i forgot to add the timestamps to my screenshots, but she also sent me an email saying i shouldn't be a tryhard because i was ruining it for everyone (ie trying to make sense of a story rather than just sitting there and admiring the pretty scenes).
anyway. college was sure a time for me.
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luveline · 6 months
Hi, I’ve never sent a request before so forgive me if this sounds weird I’m still learning how to use Tumblr lol but what if Eddie and reader go to Roan’s school for parent-teacher conference and her teacher shows them something Roan wrote or made expressing how much she loves her new mom and her new little family🩷 and reader cries from how happy and loved Roan and Eddie make her feel🥹
ty for ur request, it doesn't sound weird at all! eddie and roan —you and eddie attend roan's PT conference, stepmother!reader, 1.2k
You hide from the biting winter wind in Eddie's side. “Is it supposed to be this cold?” you ask. 
“You sound surprised. It's December,” he says, though he puts his arm over your shoulders to cover as much of you as he can. “I told you to wear a coat.” 
“The coat ruins my outfit,” you say. 
“You being cold ruins the outfit.” He nods towards the step up into the school building. “You could say the outfit ruins what's underneath–” 
“What's wrong with you?”  
“An appreciation for my wife?” 
“Stop saying that, you're confusing people. Steve asked me last night if we got married in private–” 
“You're always talking to Steve,” Eddie complains, “he doesn't even call me anymore, he just wants to talk to you.” 
He'd called to ask if he was still babysitting, actually, but Eddie wouldn't know that because he and Roan had been playing monsters at the time, speaking to each other in gruff tones while they made sandwiches for dinner. 
“You have a problem.” 
Eddie can't decide whether to bicker or dote, squeezing you tightly, a promise about new problems lost to the growing ruckus of the elementary school after hours. Some parents have brought their children, but the majority stand chatting in lines to see the teachers. You and Eddie have come through the main entrance of the building rather than the side door where Roan enters, and the walk to Mrs. Lundy's room is longer than usual, though far from unpleasant. Light shines through the windows where a rainbow of creatures have been painted, leaving glowing shapes of apricot, cerulean, and lilac on your skin as you pass. 
“You're like a Christmas tree,” Eddie says. 
“I just need some tinsel.” You point at the decorations hanging from Mrs. Lundy's doorway. “Like that.” 
“You want some tinsel? I'll get you some tinsel, baby, just give me a minute. And maybe distract her.” 
You refuse to help him steal from Mrs. Lundy, and spend your time in line waiting with his hands held firmly in yours to prohibit any theft. Eddie moans about being jailed but is otherwise content. He quite likes it, actually, rearranging your fingers to stroke your knuckles. 
Mrs. Lundy is smiling, happy to see you and brag about your girl. She starts with Roan's general education, her behaviour, her grades, though this young she doesn't have grades so much as milestones. Roan is smart but no wizz kid (not that you care), she's kind (but not always good at sharing), she's loud, and rambunctious, a great artist, and she's very, very happy. 
“She talks about your wedding all the time. Every day. She tells us she's going to be the flower girl, and the best man, and that she has a beautiful dress.” Mrs. Lundy beams. “She's walking on sunshine.” The teacher's smile turns soft, almost wistful. “Well, she's Roan. You know what she's like better than I do.” 
Your cheeks ache with pride. 
“She's a good kid,” Eddie says. 
“Yes!” Mrs. Lundy reaches across the desk for a turquoise-coloured folder. “There was actually something I wanted to share with you both… You know we have creative writing assignments, and obviously we help them with making real sentences, but what she has to say is very much of her own volition.” 
Mrs. Lundy pulls a sheet of paper from the folder and puts it down in front of your hands. “The prompt was what makes you happy,” she says. 
The first sentence is simple. 
My mommy. 
A drawing of you decorates the page above the lines, so clearly you, your smile wide and pink. 
My mommy is kind and I love her. Dad sayd the wedding is speshul becase he loves her, but she will be my mom. She makes me so happy. Mommy says she loves me all of the time, and she brushus my hair. My best part of the day is when Y/N comes home and hugs me. We are so happy, and Lucky gets dinner. I love my dad too, and Uncle Wayn. 
Her spelling errors have been corrected in green pen, and her backwards letters are written forwards for her to copy. You read the entire paragraph in a blur, thinking about how long it must've taken her to get it all down, nearly an entire page in her bubbly handwriting, big letters running off of the page. 
“Needless to say,” Mrs. Lundy says, “that most children write about their families, or their pets, or their toys. But Roan was extremely focused on the word love. She's clearly going home to a loving home every night.” Mrs. Lundy smiles at Eddie. You nearly miss it, reading the paragraph again, and then a third time. 
“Can I take this?” you ask, clearing your throat, tears brewed and bobbing on your waterline, desperate to be shed. “Is that okay?” 
Eddie laughs and elbows you in the arm. “Come on, it's hardly news.” 
You wipe your eyes before you can cry in front of them both. “I'm sorry, just– can I?” 
Mrs. Lundy beams again, emphasising the well-worn smile lines at the corners of her lips and creasing beside her eyes. 
You hold it together well for a little while. Eddie talks over your wobbly silence, a hand on your shoulder, assuring Mrs. Lundy that you're all, in fact, very happy, and he's just glad that Roan is being a good student and friend to her classmates. Mrs. Lundy's kindness and Roan's love letter to you has knocked you entirely off kilter, and you're crying before you've reached the car. They're happy tears. 
“Come on,” Eddie says, taking the paper you've folded carefully from your fingers as they clench. “She's said nicer to you in person.” 
And sure she has. Roan loves hitting you with the saccharine when you're not expecting it. Drying her hair after bath time, totally distracted, she'll kiss your cheek and say, “You're so pretty.” She sprinkles I love you's wherever they'll fit like her dad does, and she shows it with little gifts and cuddles and invitations. Y/N, do you want to have a fashion show with me? Y/N, can we have ice cream in bed? Can I do your hair, please, mommy? 
“It's different. It's different,” you insist, scrambling to find the words. “She's…” You rub your eyes. Your makeup is smudging, but you can't help it. “I don't even know what to say.” 
Eddie shrugs. Lean shoulders, a loving arm behind your back, the car in sight but getting no closer, he comforts you in the middle of the parking lot while the passing headlights kiss your shoes. “You know how much she loves you, babe. This is a good thing, right? You're not upset?” 
“Not upset,” you clarify. 
“Okay, good. Is this a bad time for me to say that I am profoundly jealous right now? I used to get all the drawings and cards, I used to get Mother's day gifts. I have a mother's day card up in the attic… might have to get it out,” —he kisses your cheek— “just to cope.” 
You laugh through a sniffle. “Let's go get it,” you say. 
He presses Roan's assignment back into your hand. “You can keep that one, but don't get it out around me. I'm serious.” 
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asirensrage · 1 year
Demanding It All - Gojo Satoru Oneshot
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Title: Demanding It All Rating: Explicit Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen Pairing: Gojo Satoru x Unnamed Female OC Warnings: Slight possessive behaviour. Sex. Mentions of Gojo being an asshole (and ruining her dates with others) Summary: They've both finally had enough. Satoru does something about it. Sequel to Wanting More
Notes: Unbeta-d. I wrote this in a few hours and only looked it over a couple times so forgive me if it's not to my usual standards lol. It's also only the second time I've written him. I used/referenced a couple prompts from this post.
This is dedicated to @nejires-hado and the anon in my ask box who decided to complain to me about @nejires-hado sexualizing anime characters before asking me "Don't you ever look at yourself and feel shame?" The answer, of course, is no and because I excel at spite, I bring you this spite smut. Enjoy!
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“Damn it, Gojo! What the hell is your problem?” 
“Hmm?” he asks, looking not at all bothered by her anger. He’s lounging on her couch again, looking as though he belongs there. No matter how many times she’s thrown him out, he’s found his way back. Like some stray cat she never wanted. 
“Why are you ruining everything?”
“Ruining?” he laughs at that. All it does is piss her off more. “What was there to ruin?”
“Don’t you have other people you can bother? Or Elders to irritate? Schools to reform? Some shit that doesn’t require you to dig into my personal life?”
He stares at her. Even if she can’t see his eyes, she can feel his gaze. “Who says I’m not?”
She tries not to scream in frustration. She doesn’t know what’s wrong with him or what changed. Suddenly, he was showing up more frequently, not to mention interrupting all of her dates, throwing his arm around her like she was his and demeaning every man she had met with. It was driving her insane. Especially considering she actually liked the first one he drove off. “I’m sick of this. I’m sick of you acting like you’re not doing anything wrong!”
He sits up at that, long legs bent at the knee with his feet planted on the ground. “When have I ever done something wrong?” He scoffs. 
“You showed up during my date and told him our kids were waiting for us!” 
“Oh, that.” He leaned back, getting comfortable again. “He was boring. I saved you from a terrible date.”
“I didn't ask you to!” she snarls. “In fact, I don’t know why you’re still here! We’re not friends, Gojo.”
He grins and she can already tell that whatever comes out of his mouth is going to irritate her further. “Oh? Then what are we, dearest?”
“A headache.” 
“Aww, come on. You deserve better than them.” He stands up and moves towards her. She glares at him, inwardly cursing the Limitless that keeps him protected. 
“I deserve some peace from you,” she bites back asking if he has other friends. She was angry but that was just cruel. “What is your problem?”
She blinks, surprised by the tone of his voice. Satoru is rarely serious. Even at the brink of death, he finds a way to enjoy himself, to mock those weaker than him. Everyone is weaker than him. “What?”
“You are my problem.” He moves closer and she stops herself before she steps back. She’s not afraid of him. She never has been. 
She glares up at him. “Well don’t stick around on my account.”
He sighs and she gets the sense he’s disappointed. “Haven’t you figured it out yet?”
“Gojo, leave me alone.” She doesn’t want to play his games. “Or I’m going to find a way to throw you out the window.”
He laughs at that. “Always so creative! Not that it would hurt.” 
She reacts without thinking, shoving him back. Her hands stop before they can reach him. It just makes her angrier. “Fuck you, Satoru!”
He reaches up, grasping her wrists. Her breath catches in her throat at the feel of his skin against hers, the warm grip that holds her. Has she ever touched him before? Has anyone? “Promise?” 
“Just stop, okay? Stop bothering me. Stop scaring my dates off. Just stop!”
“They don’t deserve you.”
“Yeah?” she sneers. “Who does? Nanami?”
His lips are on hers before she can even think. His hands still hold her wrists, keeping her in place as his mouth moves against hers. He pulls back, just enough so that they can breathe. 
She stares at him, confused and uncertain. He kissed her. Satoru, who has strived to make her life hell, kissed her. “What–”
He lets go of her wrists, one hand moving to the small of her back, pulling her into him. The other hand goes to the back of her neck, tilting her head up towards him. His mouth finds her again. The kiss deepens. It’s hard and demanding, almost punishing for something she never knew she was doing.
She can taste the sweetness of the candies he had been eating on his tongue. His grip tightens for a moment and she moves her arms, reaching up to wrap them around him. She digs her nails into his shoulder, feeling him smile against her lips. She loses herself in the kiss, mindlessly wondering how it came to this while hoping he doesn’t stop. 
His mouth moves, trailing kisses against her jaw, down her neck. She presses her fingers into the base of his scalp, trying to keep herself from pulling off his blindfold so she could bury her fingers in his hair. 
“So good,” he mutters against her skin. “-knew it.” 
She’d shove him off for that if she didn’t want him closer. She presses up on her toes, nipping at his jaw for the remark. His grip tightens slightly before he kisses her again. He steps forward, forcing her back. She lets him lead in the parody of a dance, ushering her through her own apartment as he sheds the shirt he’s wearing in between claiming her mouth with his. She doesn’t even question how he knows which way to go. There’s no point. Not with him. 
She pulls off her own shirt, throwing it in the direction of her laundry basket. His chest presses against her, warm skin against hers. Somehow she never thought he’d be warm. His mouth finds her again and the thought is lost as she kisses him back just as hard. She bites at his lip, ignoring the way he laughs against her. He lets her take what she wants, all the while moving them until the back of her knees hit the side of her bed and she’s lying down with him above her. 
Her breath catches in her throat at the sight of his eyes. Darkened with lust, she can barely begin to decipher the look in them before he closes them, distracting her again with his kiss. His fingers move, tugging at the shorts she’s wearing. She lifts her hips enough to help him pull them off. He takes her underwear with them. 
She closes her eyes, unwilling to see his expression as he looks at her, bare under his gaze. Weren’t they always? 
He doesn’t linger long. His hands move, mapping the curves of her body as his mouth traces a trail that only he understands. Her hands grip the sheets under her and she allows herself the satisfaction of digging her fingers into his hair like she wanted. She can’t stop the urge to yank on it, just because she finally can. He bites at her skin before pressing his tongue flat against one of her nipples. Her breath catches in her throat and the desire to hurt him fades against the need for more. 
She hooks a leg around him, pressing him closer. 
“Patience, darling,” he teases. “I want to savour this.”
She groans in frustration. “Don’t play with me, Satoru.” 
“But it’s so fun!” 
Her eyes narrow and before she can lift her leg to kick him off of her, he grips it, holding her in place against him. He presses closer and rocks his hips against her. The friction of his clothed legs pressing against her makes her gasp. 
“Wait,” he orders. He bends back down, mouth on her skin again. He keeps one hand on her leg, keeping her against him. The other skims against her, cupping one of her breasts. His fingers brush against her nipple, tugging at it playfully before he moves to soothe it with his tongue. 
Her head falls back, relaxing into the sensations. Goosebumps prickle against her skin that his fingers brush against. She’s going to be marked, bruises caused by his mouth. It's as though she’s one of those desserts he goes out of his way to find, the ones he lingers in eating, trying to enjoy as long as possible. 
He shifts, moving down slightly and releasing his hold on her leg. His hand goes between her legs and she is left suddenly open as he presses against her carefully. It’s seconds before he finds it, thumb pressing against her clit as her legs clench around him. If he laughs, she doesn’t hear it, her focus only on his fingers and the way they are slowly pressing in. When his mouth joins, his tongue flicks as it replaces his thumb before pressing flat. 
The pressure increases and she buries her hand in his hair again, holding him close as she gets closer to the edge. 
“Please, please, please,” she begs. She’s never begged him before but she can’t stop. Not when there’s more. Not when she’s so close. 
She breaks. He doesn’t protest at the way her legs tighten around him or how she pulls his hair without meaning. It’s as though all he can focus on is her and how she tastes. He finally pulls away, letting her catch her breath and come back to earth. She could finally understand why he called himself a god. Why it might be slightly deserved. Forget what abilities he could have, that alone was enough to redeem him. 
He positions himself above her, staring down at her. His eyes are bright in the shadows of her room. She stares back, any hesitance is gone in the aftermath of her orgasm. 
“Stop looking at me,” she says softly, finally breaking the silence between them. He smiles at her, something softer than his usual smug grin. 
“I can’t.” Seeing her confusion, his smile widens. “You’re so pretty like this.” 
Her nose scrunches up at the compliment. It doesn’t seem right coming from him. She tries to shove him back but he grabs her hand, pinning it down against the bed next to her. 
“Don’t,” he says softly. He leans forward and brushes his nose against her jaw. “I want to see everything.”
“Don’t you already?”
“Not like this.” He kisses her again before pulling back. She sits up slightly, confused at the sudden coldness before she realizes what he’s doing. His pants are quickly abandoned and she can see the condom he pulls out. 
“Can I–” her offer to help is cut off. He moves impossibly quick sometimes and before she can even move, he’s back between her legs. He pauses only to check with her, to meet her eyes as he positions himself. She hooks a leg around his waist, pulling him closer. 
The stretch is uncomfortable at first, despite the preparation. He groans against her skin as he holds himself close. She breathes, trying to let herself relax as he fills her. Did it feel like this before? Were others lacking or was it simply more because it was him? 
His lips move across her neck, an attempt to distract them both. She clutches at him, nails digging into his skin before she demands that he move. So he does. 
Her head falls back as he thrusts forward. It’s so much and somehow not enough. She wants more. She wants to burn him into her skin, some proof that this is real and happening. That he’s really muttering in her ear about how good she feels, how he’s the only one to deserve her. How he won’t let her go. 
She ignores that and focuses on how she feels. He moves one of her legs higher, his elbow under her knee as he tries to get closer, shifting the angle of his hips until her mouth drops open and words become impossible. The noises from them both would be embarrassing if she could bring herself to care. The pressure continues to build and she finds herself plunging into another orgasm before she realizes it. He kisses her, swallowing her scream as his pace increases. She leaves scratches in his skin, drawing blood as he fucks her into the mattress, refusing the ease even for a moment. 
She’s teetering on the edge of another when he finally breaks. He groans, burying himself into her. He holds her tight enough to bruise but doesn’t move. The potential of her own orgasm fades and for once she’s a bit thankful if only for the chance to breathe, to hold off on losing herself to him again. 
He pulls out, discarding the condom before he collapses on the bed next to her. She turns, moving to her stomach while she tries to recover her energy. How did they get here? Satoru and her were friends. Sort of. And now…did they ruin that? 
An arm curls around her waist before she’s pulled into his chest. She glares, regretting the last hour already. His eyes are closed and she’s surprised at the fact that he actually looks relaxed. Not in the way he pretends he is, like when he taunts the Elders.This looks real. 
One of his eyes open, peering at her. “Still hate me?” he asks, sounding far too amused for someone who just tried to fuck her senseless. 
His lips twitch at that. “Same amount?”
She pretends to think about it. “Hmm…maybe a little less.”
“A little?”
She moves, holding up a hand and showing an inch between her thumb and index finger. “Just a bit.” 
He laughs. “Then I’ll just have to keep you in bed until you love me.”
Her face scrunches up at the thought. “I’m going to throw you off the roof.” 
Satoru’s grip tightens on her, pulling her closer. She thinks she feels his lips against her hair. “You can try.”
“One of these days, Satoru…” she warns. He just closes his eyes, ignoring her. She tries to push him off, gaining a bit of space so she can at least clean herself up. His grip is firm though and he doesn’t let go.
“Not yet,” she hears him say. “Just…wait, okay?”
It’s too soft and she finds herself settling without realizing. “Yeah,” she leans back against him. “Okay.” 
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taglist: @raith-way @arrthurpendragon @veetlegeuse @chickensarentcheap @nejires-hado @residentdormouse @endless-oc-creations  @stanshollaand @wordspin-shares @chrissymunson
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endy-the-anxious · 1 year
Taking a break
Summary: Roman overworks, Logan helps him.
Word count: 768
Characters: Roman, Logan
Notes: I wrote this in one go, so, sorry if it isn't that good. Also this is vaguely inspired by Bojack Horseman.
Tagging: @lost-in-thought-20
It was already late in the evening when Roman heard three careful knocks on the door of his room, followed by an uncharacteristically soft tone of voice calling out to him.
"Roman..? May I come in?” 
It was Logan’s voice, and in response Roman muttered a quick ‘yeah’ without taking his pen off of the paper in front of him. Behind him, the door opened and closed behind him, and the creative side heard soft footsteps coming up behind him, before a hand was placed on his shoulder.
“..you’re tense. How long have you been sitting here?” Logan asked, voice laced with concern.
Roman huffed, not looking up, “Not that long, probably.” he said.
He heard a sigh, and then the sound of Logan grabbing a second chair to sit beside him.
“We both know that isn’t true.”
Not answering again, Roman let the sounds of pen on paper fill the silence as he continued writing. He could feel Logan’s gaze on him, but stubbornly refused to meet his eyes.
When Logan realized he wasn’t getting an answer out of Roman, he continued, “..it’s been hours. Almost a whole day. You haven’t come out of your room once, not even for dinner. And you were like this yesterday too.. and the day before that. I think it’s about time you take a break.” he said, keeping his voice soft.
Roman shook his head, “I can’t, not right now. My writing isn’t finished yet.” he explained, hoping the logical side would leave him alone now, and yet knowing that wasn’t going to happen.
“It doesn’t have to be finished,” Logan said, “You can take a break, and continue after, but you have to stop now. This isn’t healthy for you.”
“..you’re one to talk..” Roman muttered, seeing Logan’s expression turn into a frown from the corner of his eye.
“That is exactly my point, Roman. You remember how I was, locking myself in my room all day. Working on schedules, writing papers, not even noticing how tired I was. You and the others literally dragged me out of my room to talk some sense into me.” Logan recalled. It hadn’t even been that long ago. A year at most. But Logan was proud to say that he’d gotten better at managing when to take breaks.
Roman managed a soft chuckle when he remembered that time, “..yeah.. you were really stubborn.” he said with a small smile.
“Mhm.. and guess what you're being now?” Logan asked, returning the smile, hopeful that Roman would see the similarities between how Logan used to act, and how the creative side was acting now.
Roman’s smile disappeared slowly before he answered, “..stubborn. But.. this is different. I know that if I stop writing now.. I won’t have the motivation to start again, and… I won’t finish this..”
“So?” Logan spoke, his tone almost growing a bit passionate, “So what if you don't finish this? It can’t possibly be more important than your wellbeing. Your work can never be more important than you. That’s what you told me. Don’t tell me you’re going back on your words now..”
Caught off guard, Roman’s writing faltered for just a second, “I-.. no, of course i’m not going back on my words-! I just.. I'm creativity..! If I'm not being creative, then what am I?”
Logan reached forward and cupped Roman’s cheek, “You’re Roman. You’re the charismatic, energetic, and passionate prince we all know and love. So please, put the pen down. Come join me, and we can have some tea, maybe watch a movie, take a break. If you want, I can even help you get back to work later, but right now, you need to listen to me.”
Feeling Logan’s warm hand on his cheek, Roman didn’t have the strength to resist anymore. He was starting to feel how tired he was, how dry his mouth was, and he could hear his stomach growling from hunger, now that he wasn’t ignoring it anymore. He looked away from the paper, and finally met Logan’s eyes, “..okay. I’ll-.... I’ll take a break. Can I just finish writing this paragraph..?” he asked quietly.
Logan nodded, and removed his hand now, “Of course. I’ll wait in the living room for you. Promise me you’ll join?”
“I promise..” Roman agreed, seeing Logan smile a bit, before walking away.
He continued writing for a bit, until the paragraph was done. Part of him wanted to keep writing, but he didn’t want to break his promise to Logan.
So, with a sigh, and after some slight hesitation, he put his pen down, and-
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dervampireprince · 1 month
I wasn't requesting content or trying to yell at you, I was using all caps to express my excitement and saying 'hades content' in reference to the writing about Ares you posted. I thought I had made it clear that the caps were to express excitement, and did not realize that it sounded like I was requesting content and not just talking content that had already been posted. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, I have a hard time expressing myself and should've been more clear about what I was referring to.
thank you for explaining and apologising, however i am not super comfortable with you calling my fun hobby of writing 'content'.
i didn't make the connection you were referring to the little ares drabble i wrote as.. well it isn't content. someone writing for fun isn't content it's kinda sad and almost.. i don't know if disrespectful isn't the right word but.. not everything is 'content', people's hobbies and posts they make for fun shouldn't be 'content' or have to be monetised in some way. that was just me writing for fun, it wasn't meant to be 'content'. this idea that everything creatives make has to be 'content' really bugs me. so no i would have not made the connectio, i assumed you were referring to audios since i understand those being called 'content' as they are monetised and something i make money off and don't create just for my own enjoyment. i've had people tell me i'll never be an author with the way i use grammar in some of my tumblr drabbles and it's like... yeah i'm not trying to be an author, i'm not looking to have a writing career, i'm just posting writing online for fun.
i don't know, if you liked my writing you could have just told me you liked the ares drabble i wrote, not said 'HADES CONTENT' with no context at me. i get it was a positive use of all caps and you did use the /pos tone tag, but still without no context i had no idea what you were talking about, especially about a post i made over a week ago and promptly forgot about.
you didn't have to apologise, i wasn't demanding an apology or clarification, but i appreciate you reaching out and thank you for liking the ares drabble i wrote, i didn't think anyone other than me would really care about something so niche.
/gen /nm
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remembertheplunge · 7 days
I feel wrong for living alone and enjoying it
12/18/1989 The December 1989 entries continue
Two months ago today the BIG QUAKE hit, and, that horror still lingers.too. Those that live there  are more somber and fearful this Christmas per Herb Caen and people we saw at the funeral who live there.
It’s December. It’s the very tail end of the 80’s. It’s the 18th of December. It’s Monday
It’s dial popcorn for time." Good evening, at the tone Pacific Standard time will be 9:16 and 10 seconds. Beep.” Any other questions? Does anybody care about this besides me?
Again, tonight, thoughts of suicide. Like, I feel so lonely. But, I also do enjoy life tremendously. I get stuck—seemingly so easily.
But, I cleaned, straightened up, watched an Arts and Entertainment show and the end of a story about Jews who lived 14 months in a sewer to escape the Nazi’s in World War Two.
And, ya know what, at least part of it is? I feel wrong in living alone and enjoying it so.There is so little support for my way of life.
I got a Christmas card today which included the photo of a college friend. It was just a picture of her. And, I felt it was pathetic. There she was all beautiful and blonde, the world traveler, with great career and a history of fine romance. But, because she was pictured alone, automatically “pathetic”. She might as well to be alive, right, like me.
Because there is no “other” in our lives.
That leaves no room for “I”
So, suburbia can send all of its covert messages that it wants that I am a lonely, worthless freak. 
I know the truth. I’m a special extra special, right here in suburbia.
End of entry
Notes: 6/1/2024
The Loma Prieta  7.1 earth quake struck the San Fransisco Bay Area and Santa Cruz area at 5:04 pm on October 17, 1989 with devastating results. Herb Caen was a beloved columnist for the San Fransisco Chronicle I wrote about Caorlyn D’s funeral in my original 12/17/1989 blog. Some of her Bay Area friends must have come to it and told us about their lives post quake. San Fransisco is about 90 miles East of Modesto.
Regarding the energy of the 80’s, I think that if any one besides me was contemplating the decade just past and the significance in it’s ending.
 Regarding my thoughts of suicide in 1989,  I think it’s a fail safe part of being human. A natural jump  to “when will the pain end”. But, the pain is what drives the spirt of creativity. I don’t want to escape it. I want to use it.
In 1989, you could dial Pop Corn and get the time. Per KQED,  The first cell phones became commercially available in 1984. When Apple introduce the first I phone in 2007, Americans spent more on cell phones than on land lines . ATT shut down the Pop corn time service in September 2007. Yet another break with what to me is a familiar past. 
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starsandspicedpeaches · 5 months
Starsandspicedpeaches ao3 wrapped [writers edition]
Well guys, I told you I was going to do it! I wanted to make a brief summary of the content I’ve created this year based on this post (https://starsandspicedpeaches.tumblr.com/post/737795154739707904/floydsin-ao3-wrapped-writers-edition-how-many) and take a moment to appreciate what I managed to do, even if it wasn’t much. Below I’ve answered all the questions for the ao3 wrapped, and I made sure to link all my fics so if you see one that interests you, you can just click it and don’t have to hunt it down. I hope you all had a happy holiday and look forward to new content in the new year! 
How many words have you written this year?
Only 11,733, but for someone in college full-time that’s not too bad. 
How many works did you publish this year?
4 works, all Resident Evil. 
What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
I think I’m proudest of The Blue Eyed Bunny and the Green Eyed Monster oddly enough. It was my least popular work but I experimented a lot with emotion, timing, and subjects I wasn’t used to. I think that story is where I put a lot of my growth. 
What work of yours has the most hits?
Alphas, Omegas, and Workplace Etiquette by a long shot. It is also one of the only s/muts I wrote this year though I think and so that may play into its popularity. 
What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
Again, Alphas, Omegas, and Workplace Etiquette. I’m still not used to writing s/mut and I have never practiced A/B/O dynamics, I only did it for a prompt, so I was extremely surprised by how into it people seemed to be. It also features trans omega Wesker because that’s just what I personally like, so I thought by inserting my headcanons I was ensuring the story would be a flop. I was shocked and thrilled that so many people were willing to read content that not only may have gone outside their personal preferences but also features a trans character. It has definitely encouraged me to just write what I want how I want and work on making things for myself, not just others.
Favorite title you used
I liked the title The Blue Eyed Bunny and the Green Eyed Monster just because I feel like it was creative and was one of those titles that you aren’t exactly sure what it means until you read the story (or at least the description and tags I guess). 
If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most?
I don’t think I used any song lyrics this year. I generally don’t, just not my cup of tea. Maybe I should try it next year!
Pairing you wrote the most for this year?
Chrisker (Chris Redfield x Albert Wesker) was the only ship I wrote this year, lmao. 
Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?
Chrisker again, only thing I wrote, but I don’t regret it, it’s a top-tier ship. 
What work was the quickest to write?
No Questions, when I was writing it I still didn’t really have a community to work with so I did everything myself on my own time. I was able to get it out fast because I did all the writing and editing and didn’t have to wait on anyone, but that also meant I had no feedback before posting, and that probably lessened the quality. 
What work took you the longest to write?
Alphas, Omegas, and Workplace Etiquette. Not only was it my longest word count, but I had also never written A/B/O before so I really had to mess with it, edit it, and play with it a lot. Additionally, my biggest criticism with A/B/O is that it can often time feel really rape-y and I didn’t want to create a tone where it felt like Chris was taking advantage of Wesker, that’s not how I understood Chris’s character in this fic. I was really just taking a lot of time to reread and edit it into something where it felt in character and like something I could be proud of. 
How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
Right now I only have one WIP, but I have more than twenty ideas written down. Typically I never have more than one or two WIPs in progress at a time because if I start to do more I never get any projects done. 
What’s your longest work of the year?
Alphas, Omegas, and Workplace Etiquette with nearly 5,000 words.
What’s your shortest work of the year?
The Alternate Approach with less than 2,000. 
What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
Well don’t look ahead if you want to be surprised, but last year I started a little smut piece where Uroborous messes with Wesker while he’s still working on creating it. I started on it but then I found out about Chrisker week and made that my priority. I certainly don’t plan on abandoning that project though so hopefully you’ll see it before 2025. 
What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
Lmfao it’s a tie between trans Albert Wesker, vaginal fingering, and vaginal sex. I don’t even know what to say. 
Your favorite character to write this year?
Honestly, she only shows up in one fic but probably Rebecca. I love her character and think she deserves all the love in the world. Plus, she’s just a good person trying to take care of others so it felt nice to write. 
The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
I think Chris was the hardest, which I think is funny since I wrote from his perspective so much. I think it’s easy to make Chris a little shallow and one note since he’s typically the protagonist in the games, and so he needs to be just a bit blank slate-y for the player to connect to the world through him. That means that as a writer I have more free reign to interpret his thoughts and motivations how I want, but that room for creativity is scary, especially when you know that there will be people who interpret him differently. 
What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
I do want to play around with a little Albert x Sergei because 1. I love toxic yaoi and want those cunts to be nasty to each other, and 2. old man pretty. 
Which work of yours have you reread the most?
Once I publish my works I almost never reread them because I know that I’ll just hate everything and never stop thinking about how I should have done this or changed that. Taking that into consideration, most likely Alphas, Omegas, and Workplace Etiquette just because I edited it so much and kept going over it for flaws again and again.  
How many kudos in total did you get this year?
255 kudos, thank you all so much!
Which work has the most comments?
The Alternate Approach, I was certainly surprised by this but those who read it seemed to really like it. Thank you all for letting me know your thoughts!
Did you do any collaborative works this year?
Nope. I really have no clue where to start with collaborative works and I’ve never done it before. If I ever did one it would probably be just for fun, not super professional. 
Did you write any gifts this year?
No, I’m only just starting to find communities and friends to fit in with in fandom, and I tend to really struggle with socializing so making a friend in the first place has been tricky lol. That’s why I’m always telling you all to reach out, if you want me to be your friend just claim me, I’ll let you know if it’s ever too much. 
Did you receive any gifts this year?
No, most likely for the same reasons as above. 
What’s your most common category?
Not entirely sure what categories are on AO3 but Chris Redfield/Albert Wesker I think? 
What do you listen to while writing?
Usually nothing, I get super sucked into music so I can’t really listen to much. Sometimes I’ll play soundtracks if it’s a good attention day. If that’s the case I’ll listen to the soundtracks from Midsommar, Hereditary, Coraline, and Squid Game. 
Favorite work you wrote this year?
The Blue Eyed Bunny and the Green Eyed Monster, Wesker is just such a fucking cunt in this one and I loved getting to see him mind-game Chris into bad behavior too. Exploring the issues with their relationship while simultaneously seeing it prevail, especially as a prequel to the events of the first game where the reader knows just how much worse Wesker gets was so much fun. Plus, I got to write the STARS team who we don’t see a ton in the game, and bring them back to life for a little bit. See them be people with flaws, loves, and passions, not just cannon fodder for the monsters in the mansion. 
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Probably this excerpt from The Blue Eyed Bunny and the Green Eyed Monster (spoilers ahead): 
“Are you upset about me showing up to Barry’s Party in this outfit?” He asked, pulling the jacket off the reveal that Chris had indeed been right, he still had the costume on.
“Yeah, I am upset, and I think you know that.”
“Hmm, and why does me showing up to a party with all your friends and coworkers dressed like this upset you, Chris?” Albert purred, slowly stepping closer.
“What do you want from me, Albert?” Chris blurted out, “Don’t you think I’ve dealt with enough bullshit tonight?”
Albert stepped forward and took Chris’s chin in his hand, pushing his head up to make eye contact. Chris didn’t know why but he let him.
“Just tell me. Chris, why did it upset you?”
“Because I’m jealous. I’m jealous I’ve every person who gets near you, every person who gets to touch you, everyone who gets to enjoy looking you up and down like that because I want it only to be me.”
I liked the push and pull in the moment, Wesker forcing information out of Chris and just playing him. It shows Wesker finding Chris’s flaws and forcing them out into the light for his own pleasure. 
Biggest surprise while writing this year?
I think I was surprised by the communities that formed around writing. Like I said, I tend to struggle with socializing and just understanding people in general so I wasn’t expecting myself to find people who consistently interacted within fanfic. There were readers who came back and commented on the works I make regularly, the Chrisker Week server has evolved into a new server where people still talk about the ship and work on content together, and I just kind of notice the same people milling about offering kind words and inspiration when most needed. It’s been really beautiful
Thank you all again so much for following me and interacting so kindly when I do put work out. This year has been a delight and an opportunity for a lot of growth in my writing which will hopefully go into making next year even better! Take care everyone and I'm sending you the best on this new adventure!
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scifrey · 1 year
I JUST realized why, for the first time in forever, I'm SO engaged with writing a fanfiction and posting it as I go, and why I keep rereading and rereading and rereading the amazing comments and tags.
The last longform fanfic I wrote was in 2015, and it was To a Stranger. I've written some loosely connected drabbles based on Alice Rovai's beautiful art since, but in terms of fanfic, that's all I've done in 8 years.
I used to write and post fanfic constantly. I'd been creating, and posting, and sharing in all sorts of fandoms and communities pretty much continuosly since 1991.
What changed?
Well I became a professionally represented writer. I had a literary agent, I had contract deals, and I had deadlines. And don't get me wrong, I LOVE IT. It's fantastic to be able to write and share my original stories with the world.
But it meant that all of my creative brain and time was taken up with original stories instead of fanfic. And I was fine with that, I was getting to create. I wrote stories, and people reviewed them well, and my editor and my publishers adored them.
But my relationship with my literary agent began to break down pretty swiftly, and I spent a lot of time being talked over, ignored, misunderstood, and misinterpreted as a result.
I pitched a bunch of books she didn't want, and wrote a few others that she didn't understand or know how to sell. Some are still just rotting on my hard drive to this day. We parted ways in 2020. In order to query for a new agent, I began work on a novel that I've been thinking of for at least a decade.
It took me 2 years to write that book, and I've been querying it for a year. I've had over 130 rejections at this point, because it is a difficult, weird book with a tone that purposely doesn't match the themes, and it is absolutely on the too-long side of market wordcount preference.
I understood that this would be a hard slog when I decided to use a book like this to query. I knew that finding a new literary agent would not be easy, and that going out into the world with probably one of the hardest books I've ever written would not lead to a quick and easy new professional relationship.
But goddamn does it feel awful to spend half a decade being told no. It is not doing good things for my mental health or my confidence as a creator.
My beta readers love the book. But besides those three people, I have heard nothing but negative things about my writing for YEARS.
Which as you can imagine does not inspire me to sit down and try to write anything new. I probably should let this book rest. I should be putting it in a drawer and moving on to the next novel, trying to write something a little more palatable, and going out on query with that. But I just don't have the heart to create something new, AGAIN, knowing that it's probably just going to tip into that same black hole of non-response, misunderstanding or indifference that's swallowed up the last handful of projects I've worked on.
And then I thought, maybe it's time to write something for fun again.
I was struck with a cracky idea for a fanfic (though in typical J.M. Frey style I seem determined to make my readers cry) and I decided to try writing it.
Normally I would write the whole story and then post it when it was finished. But I am genuinely afraid that if I started it that way, if I didn't talk about it publicly and nobody knew I was doing it, my interest would fizzle out and my ennui about creating would take over and it abandon it. (The same way I have the last two novels I tried to start in the past few months.)
So I did the thing that I have been terrified to do since I first became a professional writer: I've started posting the fic AS I write it.
And holy crap am I inspired to continue. It's a shame that my day job is in the way because I just want to sit and write and write and write and write and write.
This hasn't happened to me in YEARS.
And it's because of you people.
It's because, for the first time and half a decade, people are saying nice things about my writing. People are responding positively to my stories. And I didn't realize how much negativity I was internalizing with the query rejections. I didn't realize how much the repeated "no"s were dragging me down.
Hopefully one day soon I'll get another literary agent and I can start hearing great things about my writing again from The Biz.
But honestly, I'm starting to think that that doesn't matter.
Right now, I am ony knees with tears in my eyes THANKING YOU.
Thank you all for reminding me why I do this: to make readers feel something, to engage readers minds and hearts, and to put good stories out into the world.
So thank you so much for letting me know you enjoy them. Thank you for helping me believe in my work again.
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juicycoutureheaux · 11 months
When its Over Chapter 10: Heaven Help Me
Other chapters can be found here Hey y'all! Thanks so much for being patient with me as I slowly update. Please keep in mind this fic is slightly AU and doesn't exactly follow the CANON timeline. Thanks and I love y'all!
The next morning, Anna realized she was the first person awake. She wasn’t surprised as she imagined the team probably stayed up a lot later than she did. 
She began her morning routine by stretching and praying, before wandering into the common room to get coffee started. As she waited for the machine to do its thing, she decided to see if there was any literature she could find. She had to leave her personal cell phone back home due to the risk of their location being tracked, so she had to get creative with entertaining herself.
She cursed herself for being so tied up in the device in the first place. 
While she was looking around she did find a notepad and a pen. She decided that this would do as a creative outlet and sat down at the table. 
Anna, staring at the blank paper waiting for inspiration,  remembered how in grief counseling they told her to write down all the things she would want to tell loved ones who passed. 
Her counselor called it her “heaven journal”.
Anna decided to spend the next couple of minutes writing everything to Bunny. 
Anna wrote how much she was going to miss her, how every time she saw something beautiful she thought of her and most of all, Anna had kissed the “super hot lumberjack” who was also her boss and she really liked it.
She was in another world completely that she didn’t realize Captain Redfield had entered the room until he spoke to her.
“Look at you Connolly,” He said in a chipper tone. “We might just have to promote you as a designated coffee maker.”
Anna almost jumped out of her seat. “Redfield, how long have you been there?”
“Just long enough to see you writing so furiously, is everything okay?” 
“You’re going to think it’s dumb if I tell you.”
Chris rolled his eyes, “Try me.”
“I’m writing in my heaven journal.”
He kept his expression neutral, but she could tell he was trying to hold back his brows from furrowing. “Heaven Journal?”
“It's something I learned in grief counseling, to write what you wish you would have said or what your person in heaven missed out on. I find it helpful.”
He laid out two coffee mugs on the table and poured the fresh brew into the cups. “That sounds interesting, I’ve never thought of that.” He took a sip of coffee. “How do you get this stuff not as bitter? What do you do with it?” 
She giggled. “I add cinnamon to the grounds, it cuts the acidity just enough, I learned that trick from my mother in law!” 
“She sounds like a wise lady.”
“She is, I learned alot from her actually. I really need to call her and check up on her. I haven’t spoken to her in a while.” she looked down at her reflection in the mug thoughtfully. She really hadn’t been in touch with her in-laws since Michael’s passing.
Chris and Anna fell into an awkward silence not making eye contact. It was like they were in a deadlock, waiting for the other to mention the events of the night before. 
Chris was the first to break the silence. 
“Anna,” he started with shakily. “I think we should talk about, um,” his voice started to waver.
“Captain Redfield-”
Chris,” he corrected, “please call me Chris when it’s just us.” He looked at her, she was having trouble placing his emotion.
“Chris,” she began again, “ I really enjoyed last night, but I want to keep it professional. I’m not ready to enter any kind of romantic, well anything, after what happened to Michael. I don’t think I'll ever be ready.”
Chris nodded softly and relaxed his rigid shoulders. “If that's what you want, then I agree.”
She smiled and got up, she patted Chris’ back. “I like you alot Chris, and I hope we can still be friends.” 
He returned her smile. “Of course.”
“I better start getting ready, I went over the Winters’ medical files briefly but I need to make sure I’m prepared.” she rinsed out her cup and placed it into the empty dishwasher. “I’ll be in my room if you need me.”
Chris just raised his mug in agreement while he watched her walk away.
“It’s for the best.” He thought to himself. “It would never work out.”
Anna was nervous meeting the Winters family. 
 After being directly involved with the Dulvey incident, she had no idea how they felt being under BSAA lock and key, or having to undergo  constant medical procedures. 
When she arrived at their residence, it was a simple blue bungalow with a nice little porch. Anna thought it would be big enough to have a porch swing in the corner, it reminded her slightly of the little bungalow she shared with her own husband.
Tundra and Chris were tasked with briefing Ethan & Mia about their training,  while Anna performed routine medical testing.
When they arrived and knocked on the door, a skinny, anxious-looking woman answered. She just barely opened the door, revealing that the chain to the deadbolt was still attached. 
“Oh, it's you.” she said flatly, and shut the door.
Anna and Tundra exchanged confused and annoyed looks as the door was still shut, they could hear Mia undoing multiple locks. 
When she opened the door it revealed a dull looking interior with moving boxes still strewn about everywhere.
Anna wanted to break the silence and make the situation more comfortable, but understood why Tundra and Chris didn’t have much sympathy for her. Mia worked as a researcher for the connections and was Eveline’s caretaker; in the BSAA’s eyes, Mia was just as at fault for the Dulvey incident. 
“Mrs. Winters,” Anna started off very formally. “My name is Anna Connolly, I will be the Nurse practitioner overseeing the treatment plan for you and your husband.” She outstretched her hand as a peace offering.
 Mia just looked at her and didn’t take it. 
“The BSAA couldn’t even send a real doctor?” Mia said instead, crossing her arms.
Anna’s face reddened in embarrassment and shock, her voice catching in her throat. 
“Ms. Connolly is very experienced in the messes you and your associates have created, Mia.” Chris spat out. “I would try to get on her good side, her research conclusions are the deciding factor whether or not your ass gets sent to a high security facility.” 
Mia’s demeanor changed immediately as the reality set in of her precarious situation.
“I’m sorry, Nurse Connolly.” Mia said bitterly, adding emphasis on “Nurse.”
Anna just decided to shake it off. “Not a problem Mrs. Winters, or would you prefer I call you Mia?” she said trying to give her best impression of a genuine smile.
“Mia’s fine,” She grumbled. 
“Alright, Mia. Is there an area in the house where you’re the most comfortable? I’m going to have to ask you some personal health related questions, Chris and Emily are going to talk to Ethan about some safety measures in the meantime.”
Mia turned around and led you to the kitchen where there was a small table with two chairs. Anna thought the space could use a new coat of paint, it would be more cozy that way. 
 Anna set down her medical bag delicately, as Mia carefully eyed her.
She had different BSAA issued equipment that she had only worked with a handful of times on infected animals but not humans. She would be lying if she said Mia’s words hadn’t shaken her. 
“So, Mia.” Anna started trying to calm her nerves. “Have you experienced any side effects since your surgeries? Anything out of the normal for your body, pre-infection?”
Mia rolled her eyes. “Of course I have.”
Anna flinched at her words slightly. She made it her mission to not be rattled by Mia. “Would you like to go into detail?”
Mia sat back in her chair. “My cycles have been strange.” Anna looked up. 
“Have they been heavier, longer, more painful…?”
“They’ve been very intense, Ethan and I will go at it like animals, then I’ll have the most painful period cramps, heavy bleeding for a short while then the cycle starts all over again.”
“Mia, I'm so sorry, that sounds miserable.”
She shrugged. 
“Have you two been using protection when these urges hit?”
“No, the surgeon performing our surgeries to remove the mold told us that Ethan was more than likely sterile, shouldn’t you know that already?”
“I’m aware of Ethan’s situation. There’s always a chance of conceiving, so I'd advise using protection regardless.”
Anna continued her questionnaire and collected vials of blood. She thanked Mia for her time then escorted Mia to the living room where Chris and Emily were going over the training plan for Ethan.
“Hey there Ethan, I have finished up with your lovely wife. Now it's your turn.” Anna said cheerfully.
Ethan was much more amicable than his partner, he looked relieved to be able to break free from the training talk. 
“Sounds great doc.” Ethan said as Anna escorted him into the kitchen to sit down.
“I heard what Mia said to you, I hope that you understand she really doesn’t mean to be so angry.” Ethan said.
“It’s all water under the bridge, you two went through a lot as a couple. I couldn’t imagine surviving an event like Dulvey as a civilian.”
Ethan raised his eyebrows in slight confusion.
“I was on the ground at Dulvey, I worked with Captain Redfield in the mine to subdue Lucas Baker.”
“Oh shit,” Ethan responded.
“Yup, and now fate brings us together again. Just know we’re here to genuinely help you and Mia reintegrate as much as you can.” she smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder. 
Anna conducted the same thorough questioning as she did with Mia. Ethan confirmed the strange animalistic urges, but he also divulged he had other strange symptoms. 
“It’s like I never get sick or hurt for long anymore.” He started. “When I cut myself or when I think I cut myself, I heal immediately.” Ethan said shaky.
“Ethan, I appreciate your honesty. I can’t imagine what you’re going through; but I need you to be 100% real with me on this next question.” Ethan looked at her with a very concerned look. 
“Are there moments where you black out and have found yourself in places where you’re unsure of how you got there?”
He let out a shaky breath. “Not since immediately after the incident. I’ve had weird dreams, but I thought it was just PTSD.”
Anna nodded as she wrote down the observations. She was trying to remain calm, but what she was observing and the evidence presented, she was extremely concerned.
“We’ll, Ethan, thanks for your time. I’m excited to learn more about you and Mia since we’ll be spending a lot of time together.” She smiled. 
Ethan looked like he wanted to say something more, but didn’t. He just returned her smile.
On the way to the barracks Anna sat in the back seat of the SUV looking over her paperwork. She was busy annotating the different data and was so out of it she barely acknowledged Chris and Emily.
“Damn, Anna. I’ve never seen you so busy. What the hell did you ask them?” Emily turned around in her seat to make eye contact with her. 
“I’m not sure what I know yet. It feels like I’ve taken two steps backwards.”
“Looks like we have our work cut out for us then.” Chris chimed in. 
“Whatcha mean?” Anna looked up from her paperwork.
Emily rolled her eyes, “I have no clue how Ethan survived in Dulvey other than pure dumb luck. He has no idea when it comes to self defense.”
Anna looked to Chris. He seemed to be gripping the steering wheel. Was there something he knew that they didn’t?
Anna swallowed hard, she was beginning to suspect something about Ethan, but she needed to look over her data and conduct more tests to be absolutely sure.
When they arrived back at the barracks, Chris briefed the whole team on their duties. 
“So basically we have to train them from the ground up?” Canine groaned. 
“Don’t be like that K,” Anna said. “We could really do some good here.”
“Yeah K,” Lobo teased.
Canine threw a water bottle at him. 
“Please act like adults here.” Umber eyes groaned. 
“To answer your question, Yes.” Chris began. “But, I agree with Bambi, we could accomplish some good here, a family would be safe.”
“Do they really deserve it though?” Emily questioned dubiously.
“I agree, Mia was directly involved with creating bioweapons; who’s to say she’s a reformed woman? She lied to her husband for god’s sake and almost got him killed! Bambi, doesn’t that break one of those biblical rules that you, yourself follow?” Night Howl looked at her pointedly.
“I don’t know, I would have never lied to my husband like that.” Anna said honestly.
“Wait, Bambi. Are you married?” Canine asked, shocked.
The rest of the team, save for Alpha, looked at her, dumbfounded.
“I was, he’s passed now.” Anna said quietly, slinking down in her seat.
“Oh, honey, I’m so sorry.” Tundra said, moving closer to rub her back.
“Way to go asshole,” Lobo said to Canine.
Canine looked at Lobo aghast. “I had no idea! You know you wanted to know too! We know nothing other than what Alpha told us! We barely know her!”
“Guys, it's okay. It was a long time ago.” Anna said, trying to dissolve the situation. “I didn’t feel like I had to say anything, I’m sorry.”
“Bambi, don’t apologize. We shouldn’t have interrogated you.” Umber eyes said, calm as ever.
“Thanks.” Anna said, pulling her knees up to her chin, unconsciously.
“Well, now that we’ve cleared the air in here, I think it’s best we focus on the job at hand.” Chris said gruffly.
The different team members responded in their own ways, in agreement. 
Anna stayed up long after the other teammates went to bed that night.
 She was buried in the data she was able to collect from the Winters. She was evaluating a blood sample of Ethan’s when she saw it. Something wasn’t entirely right with the samples, it wasn’t like anything she had seen in the lab before.
She decided to contact her old supervisor, Walden.
She sent him a message over their secure database, not expecting a response right away.
She was delightfully surprised when Walden responded immediately. 
He told her to hold tight until he received clearance to come to their location. 
“Should I inform Captain Redfield of your arrival? You might have an easier time getting approval if he knew you were here.” 
“I think it’s best we don’t say anything for now, in case it’s a false alarm.” Walden assured her.
Anna thought that was a little strange, but decided she was just wary and paranoid from the events earlier in the day.
She started cleaning up her workspace. 
She felt guilty, like she was hiding something from her teammates, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. She decided just to push those emotions down and go to bed.
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kuwdora · 1 year
🍭 💞
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
I wrote in a previous meme answer that my starting point is all about the character and how that leads into worldbuilding in my writing which is also fairly important for me. I also mentioned that I’m a visual writer, so prose is also in my top considerations when I’m working on something. Getting the flow and cadence can be hard, so I'm trying to practice calibrating my prose more specifically for POV characters when I want to do more limited third person POV stuff. I like writing flowery stuff but I think it’s fun and interesting when I can make creative decision to step back from it and get the diction to align with the mood and tone of a piece. Which doesn't always warrant purple prose, heh...I really don’t need to go into obsessive detail about everything.
Which is why when I had finished going over the first chapter of Coin Operated Boy, I told @sassaffrassa I wanted a sticker of achievement for not writing six introspective flowery paragraphs for every action….It’s more like 2 but I’m working on it! I can write flowery stuff later. Just gotta cut through to get to the heart of a scene or moment without 800 words for it.
I overthink a lot, which I know trips me up when I’m trying to unfuck myself from the prose and diction knots I have in my drafts. Something to work on!
🍭why did you start writing?
Why in general? I loved writing when I was very small and wrote many stories and always loved my writing exercises in school. I vaguely recall writing some kind of animal AUs about movies I used to watch with my parents when I was 6 or 7, and I definitely wrote Mary Sue fic boyband fic in middle school. I started writing Stargate fic because I loved the show, I fucking adored the characters. I stumbled upon really cool fic that inspired me to play in an AU sandbox with other fic writers who welcomed me with open arms despite me only being 15 at the time. It was so fun to riff of each other's ideas and spin the stories in every direction.
I continue to write because writing activates a specific part of my brain like nothing else. I love it, even though it’s also one of the hardest creative things I do. Finishing a writing project is infinitely more emotionally satisfying than anything else. During the dark years in which I was too numb to write, I felt like I lost a part of myself. I didn’t think I’d write again.
Now that I’ve had space to recuperate from trauma and bullshit and whatnot, I’m more safe and secure than I was before…my brain has opened up again. I can write again, omg. I gotta write. It’s a fucking miracle that I didn’t expect or even hope for, but I’m glad it’s happened.
Let's Get Real Fic Writer Asks
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autumn-foxfire · 1 year
19). "There has to be a way to lift this curse!"
"There has to be a way to lift this curse!"
It was an impassioned plea, one that would make most people cave to their sympathetic urges and shower the man in apologies and reassurances however Dabi was not like most people.
Instead he just glared at the man, who was now wasting his precious time by insisting that somehow he, one of the best curse breaker on this continent, was somehow wrong in his assessment about the man's "curse".
"No, there isn't," he said flatly, "Because I can't break a curse that doesn't exist."
The man gaped at him as the crimson feathers of his, admittedly impressive, wings fluffed up as if to flaunt their own presence like their obnoxiously bright colouring, and the fact that a man somehow had wings, hadn't already done so.
"What do you mean I'm not cursed?!" the man screeched in a bird-like wail that had Dabi wincing and if he hadn't been such a prideful bastard who hated to show any kind of weakness in front of people, especially strangers, he would have reached up to cover his now aching ears.
"Are you blind?! What do you think these-" the man spread out his wings to show off their wingspan, taking up the entire room of Dabi's small tent as he did so, "-are caused by?!"
"Your mom fucking a bird," Dabi answered dryly, "Now leave, I have customers with real curses that I can break."
With how the man had previously taken his rejection, Dabi was prepared for the man to put up more fight and having to deal with him through force however the man just folded his wings back behind his back and dropped his head to the floor with a sigh.
"…Do you really think it's not a curse?" he asked in a defeated tone.
It was a question and a tone too hauntingly familiar to Dabi, one he had used years back when he had approached a curse breaker, who would eventually become his teacher in the art of breaking curses, and asked him to break the curse on his own frail body.
"It's not a curse kid, it's just bad luck you were born this way."
Dabi turned away, a self-depricating smirk on his lips as he repeated what had once been told to him, "Sorry kid, it's just bad luck you were born this way."
He paused and turned slightly to shoot the man a side-glance, "Though out of all things people inherit from their parents, I don't think wings is something most would be upset about."
The man laughed sharply, "These things have brought me nothing but pain," he sneered, "And I'm not a kid, the name's Hawks and I'm the new bodyguard for the Crown Prince of Endeavor."
Dabi's body turned to ice before he broke out into a harsh cackle that scratched his throat made his curl up at the waist.
"My, my, I didn't know I was in the presence of such an important person," Dabi grinned manically, "Maybe I can help you after all!"
Hawks looked at him with unease, clearly wary of Dabi's sudden change of heart, "But you just said it wasn't a curse?"
"It's not," Dabi agreed, a grin still curled up at his lips as plans formulated through his mind, "However that doesn't mean there isn't magic in this world that can't alter someone's body and I just happen to know some people who might know what we're looking for."
"What's the catch?" Hawks asked immediately, golden eyes narrowed with distrust.
Dabi just continued to grin, "Nothing much," he assured him, "I just want to meet the Crowned Prince."
And finally take his revenge against his father once and for all.
I wasn't sure what to do for this to be honest so I hope this is okay! I know most of my followers like Hawks and I've always wanted to write some snark between Dabi and Hawks so I wrote this prompt based on them.
It was nice to get the creative juices flowing, I feel like I've been a bit blocked in writing so these small drabbles might be what helps me get back into the groove (though I should also answer my waiting asks too T-T)
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thatstormygeek · 16 days
OpenAI did that. We know they did it! They fed everything they could find on the internet into their models to produce their product. This is very much in line with the approach of many successful tech companies of the past, which is “just do what we want and pretend that laws don’t really apply to our technology because it’s new and then get so big and rich that we’re able to sort of buy our way out of it on the back end.” This was, for example, the approach that Uber took when they said “we’ll pretend we’re not a taxi company so we’ll just open a taxi company in every city but not follow any of the laws that regulate taxi companies,” and what Airbnb did when they said “we’re not actually in the hotel business so we will just open one zillion unlicensed hotel rooms everywhere and pay no attention to any meddlesome regulations.” In both cases, the approach worked—the companies established themselves and damaged their unfortunate competitors who were subject to existing regulations and are now able to fight about how to write new regulations for themselves, at their leisure.
There is, of course, one important wrinkle to the odd decision-making process going on inside of these media companies. The executives making these deals with OpenAI likely do not imagine that AI is the sort of thing that will put them out of work. They imagine instead that a properly trained AI might put their staff out of work. Which, hell, could be a great thing from the company’s perspective. Lower labor costs! More profits for the executive bonus pool! If AI is just a straightforward version of automation that applies to creative and white collar jobs rather than to blue collar manufacturing jobs, then it is easy to see why company executives would feel cavalier about opening their doors to it. (Yesterday, the new CEO of the Washington Post company told staffers that “the paper has to have ‘AI everywhere in our newsroom.’” Remember this when the next layoffs hit.) ... First, we should be busting our asses right now to lay down this principle of journalism ethics: Thou shalt not publish any AI-written journalism. Ever! AI, no matter how well trained, no matter how much it can simulate the tone of a newspaper, and no matter how many editors you have look over what it spits out, lacks one vital thing that must be present in any ethical journalism: Accountability. It cannot tell you how it made the decisions to write what it wrote, and the editor checking its work can’t tell you either. Therefore AI must be limited to being a tool for journalists to use, rather than a technology that replaces journalists. I assure you that that is not a limit that the executives of media companies imagine exists. But if they don’t respect it, they are selling out their own future by auctioning off the credibility that is their real product. In fact, the more widespread AI chum becomes online the more valuable human journalistic credibility will become. The media companies that look at the rise of AI as something to mostly be defended against are the ones that are actually protecting their own long term value. The ones that rush to position themselves as the most AI-friendly, and happily sell their archives to train the next generation of AI, and scheme to lay off as many editorial employees as they can while they automate their work, will come to realize over time that they are fading ever deeper into the mist of indistinguishability. Ubiquitous AI, which is coming, means ubiquitous creepy simulacra of the human voice. What will stand out will be humanity, and the accountability that comes with it.
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byarcadiaorg · 4 months
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It's fine if you need to build a portfolio, and they will take you with very little experience, education or other forms of demonstrable expertise — BUT you need to be careful not to provide them with ANY personal information or payments without ensuring there is appropriate professional oversight (I didn't actually have to provide them with either my full name, just a publication name, nor pay the 10 EUR onboarding contribution fee they ask for in interviews — and I know others who haven't either, but it seems to depend on whom you deal with, and how good you are at politely but assertively letting them know that you would be 'very happy' to do something they've asked for 'as soon as' they send you over the appropriate company invoice/direct you to a certified identity verifier/transcript exchange system/etc.!).
It's all incredibly unprofessional, so what sort of portfolio you can build out of it will depend entirely on your own approach, abilities and unfortunately also your luck in being assigned others to work directly with (I was actually really lucky, so never dealt with this, but I've been told by a number of colleagues that they were paired with writers, editors or illustrators who were not yet at the level of English, Arcadia's chief language of publication, that would have been needed to understand, let alone contribute to, the articles; who did not respond to texts or emails either at all or in time during contracted work hours etc.)!
The upper management — especially Doğukan Ejder, the Chief Executive Officer who is somehow also the publication's Chief Academic Officer (all despite having nothing more than an undergraduate degree from a fee-paying university with a profusion of grammatical errors already on its front page; some additional fee-paying summer courses completed at more reputable universities; and experience at publications just like this one, where he wrote in the same error-ridden, impoverished English peppered with overly ornate adjectives and adjectives in an ineffective attempt to distract us all) — is simply incompetent; insufficiently educated or experienced to take on the roles they've set themselves but also hostile to the idea of delegating them or seeking outside opinion; and prone to approaching their colleagues across more creative departments, such as writing, editing and illustration, with extreme entitlement to their time and abilities outside of contracted work hours. Doğukan Ejder is an especially obvious example of the unprofessionalism at the core of the institution, even going so far as to terminate colleagues on the spot after they expressed criticism, reluctance to publish or keep in publication contributions full of errors, or simply disinterest or inability to respond to him immediately outside of work hours — and, because of his positions in the institution, he sets the tone for the rest of management.
Advice to Management:
Firstly, get properly accredited and begin to operate as an accredited non-profit institution which claims it is based in Geneva, Switzerland, ought to — by declaring a company headquarters and not simply a postbox, applying for charitable status, meeting the demands of public oversight for that charitable status to take effect and hold, paying taxes, holding accounts in the company's name, issuing invoices and payslips in the company's name, paying accredited institutions for secure identity checks, transcript verifications etc. Second, treat management as a legitimate profession in its own right, which is to manage to find the right people, entice them to work for the institution, put them into positions where they're able to do so without being impeded by management, and actually compensate people, at a decent rate and on time, for their services to the institution.
— former Editor at Arcadia, GlassDoor, 4 February 2024
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Daily Update 365 (Occupation Elation)
I [was] stranded somewhere between wanting you back and letting you go. A constant push and pull between my heart and my brain. ~ dreamyrainbowwriter
Sounds about RIGHT... 
I wrote so much yesterday, and there’s so much MORE to say... 
Thank yousht for NOT writing meesht back, in all sincerity... 
It means the world to meesht....
I’ve NEVER been happier to have an “empty” inbox in my entire life...
It’s just the RIGHT thing to do with something in that manner...
And I won’t hate yousht for the rest of my life, instead... 
Anyways, thought of MORE stuff to write about here....
I wrote it down in my notebook...
Like, can weesht talk about just how much I love my job?!?...
Today is my one year anniversary, to the date.... 
I just climbed the stairs today thinking I love my job, and for once in a long ass time, I felt FOREVER, ya know?!?...
It makes me feel GOOD, my boss compliments meesht a lot, she appreciates meesht, the other people are considerate, I feel important and like I matter, it’s at a library like yousht said (thank you!!!), I’m surrounded by the arts, I’m doing fun and creative stuff in Children’s, I run my own events, the building is nice, the hours are decent (thankfully), I have an easy commute... 
I love my job, and there’s even a connection to yousht, there...
And let meesht tell yousht, she expected it MORE than I did....
Honestly, her husband said the wrong town name(s) when he told meesht his wife works at a library... When I asked which one, he said the other 2 names that start with the same letter... NOT this one... 
I thought she worked some place else...
It took meesht ALL the way to the Holiday party in December to find out, since we got to chatting about other stuff, like the last time I went to a concert, which is how it came up in conversation... 
Then when I said my ex b/f is in a ska punk band, she’s like, “Watch me guess;” or something similar, indicating she already figured it was the same band...
And then she asked the name of it, and said, “My husband is the bass player...”
And I was fucking floored, so I corrected myself and said, yousht and I were in like a polyamory, and it’s just easier to call yousht my ex boyfriend, so don’t tell him I said that... And she was just like, “He has a BIG personality....” With like, NOT a positive tone to it, which is why I told yousht I love it...
She said she used to hang out with your band, but then Jose told her what to do, and she was like NOT having it, and I was thinking, Oh GOOD, I’m NOT the only one who doesn’t jive well with Jose.... 
I wanted to ask her MORE about yousht, or just mention that I met your attachment, but I just shut-up, since I didn’t want to seem STILL into yousht, which I am... All though, I could have at least mentioned that I taught yousht saxophone... Precisely NOW that I think of it.... 
{I’m so sorry I didn’t talk MORE about yousht, she could’ve at least indicated your happiness level, a missed opportunity... WTF?!?}
My mom says this connection means you’re NOT so far away from meesht, as in like just 2 Degrees of Seperation....
I think this connection means we’re meant to be together.... I mean, when I honestly didn’t expect it... And then SMACK, I’m hit over the head with it... I tried to tell myself it could mean something else.... But after ALL the online dating suckage I’ve experienced lately, it STILL goes straight to OH. MY. GOD.!!!!!
As much as I tried to down play it, it’s an incredibly big loud SIGN!!!!!
And it wasn’t even the “excuse” for my gift, but look at that, it was built RIGHT into it.... 
So I love my job, and if I finish my degree, I may even get a raise...
And if that can put meesht closer to full-time territory, yay!!!!!!!
I only have a few years left before my enrollment runs out, and my degree is gone, because they NO longer offer that major....
So I have to complete it sooner rather later, but it’s just A LOT of fucking work....
Anyways, I love yousht so much, and I’m NOT just saying it to emphasize my point....<@@@
#Destiny #TwinFlame #FEELINGS #BeTheChange #Grow #Vent #GarfieldSays
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maddiesnook · 1 year
flame of love.
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GENRE - creative fiction
WORD COUNT - 10,890
part of a creative fanfiction piece i wrote when i was bored during covid and also very intrigued with kpop and greek mythology at the time.
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it was a horrifying sight. people screaming, running for their lives, desperate to escape the fate that was being sealed upon them. flames engulfed the quaint town in athens and danced on the rooftops of homes and shops, threatening to extend beyond the town’s border’s had taehyun not stepped in to cease your breath of fire. 
there you were, a chimera, perched in the center of the town emitting a scorching hot flame from your breath that swept through a row of homes - one of them exploding in the process followed by more cries of agony. taehyun scaled your form; the heads of a lion, body of a goat, tail of a serpent. he watched as you ran rampant, wreaking havoc every which way you could. 
the god’s had tasked taehyun, one of the most promising children of aphrodite, with the arduous duty to put an end to your wrath once and for all. not being one to pass up an assignment from the gods, naturally he was ready and willing to take you on. taehyun was valiant in the way he carried himself, unwavering in the face of danger. it never went unnoticed by the other children of the gods. they all saw the way taehyun consistently followed the rules, never gave a glance their way, and did what he was told. he was simply too perfect. and he feared nothing.
despite all this, taehyun felt his hand trembling as he reached to unsheathe his sword from its scabbard. the orange flames reflected in his irises, distracting him momentarily from your quickly approaching form. turning his head in your direction, he watched as you opened your mouth, ready to fire toward him. the flame seared in his direction, and he quickly jumped out of the way rolling onto his side as he felt the immense heat radiating off his skin. not giving him a moment to rest, he saw your tail swinging in his direction ready to take him out. quickly he stood to his feet, jumping up and dodging your direct attack for a second time. 
taehyun held his sword with two hands, chest heaving in and out with exhaustion. it went on like this for some time. taehyun would run in an attempt to make an attack, only to have you shoot flames in his direction forcing him to run the other way. he realized he would never be able to defeat you this way. his sword was only serving to slow him down, and he knew he would never be able to get close enough to get a good shot in. taehyun knew he would have to use his final resort against you - his ability gifted to him by the grace of aphrodite: his charmspeak. 
aphrodite’s children all naturally have a way with words, just as she does. they can make anyone do anything they want, feel anything they wish, all through the power of their words. taehyun had especially mastered this ability. the tone and emotion with which he spoke was stronger than that of his siblings, making him stand out amongst the rest. 
something in your eyes made the hard look on taehyun’s face soften. it was a look of pain, almost fear, that he simply couldn’t miss when facing you. and so taehyun stood his ground, unmoving a few feet away from you when you turned your body to face him completely. you made your advance, ready to aim your fire in his direction, only to catch the faint glimmer of pink that took over his eyes as he began speaking directly to you. the sounds of the screaming and crying townspeople and burning homes began to drown out, the sweet sound of his voice coming to the forefront of your attention. even his smell became intoxicating, almost hypnotizing the way his words twisted into your ears. “stop this,” he spoke evenly. “you don’t want to hurt people. you are not a monster.” taehyun repeated these words over and over, forcing you to step back with every step he took closer to you. 
and with each step backward, you felt yourself beginning to shrink ever so slightly, gradually returning to your human form as taehyun backed you into the last standing building that was spared of your deadly flames. your back hit the wall as you fell to your knees, fully human again in soiled, tattered clothing that clung to your body loosely. taehyun stopped in front of you as the pink faded from his eyes when he stopped using his charmspeak. in one move, he grabbed your hair in a fist full, pulling your head back to expose your neck as he took his sword and held it to the base of your throat. taehyun was ready to finish the job that he was sent to do by the gods, pressing the sharp edge further into your skin until he heard a choked sob leave your lips. it was enough to make taehyun stop momentarily to flicker his eyes down to your face, realizing you were crying. it broke his heart for some odd reason. he had just watched you terrorize an innocent town, almost burning it entirely to the ground, but he ached seeing the way your eyes darted around in obvious confusion at the scene before you both. 
examining the damaged town, you opened your mouth to speak with your words coming out soft and raspy, “d-did i do that?” taehyun’s eyebrows furrowed, subconsciously pulling the sword away from your neck and putting it away. you truly had no recollection of everything you’d just done, and taehyun could sense your genuine fear and disorientation.
he turned around to look at the burning town behind him then back down at you. “you don’t remember doing any of this?” he questioned, and you shook your head sadly in response. taehyun knew he was there to put an end to you once and for all. this was his mission, the only reason he was there to begin with. but he couldn’t help himself as he reached both his hands out for you to grab to help you stand to your feet. but when your hands met his, taehyun yelped and disconnected them at the scorching feeling he was met with when his skin came in contact with yours. you rubbed your hands self consciously, standing up on your own. it was the first time you’d stood face to face with one another, and it overwhelmed taehyun. he was greedy, the way he analyzed every feature of your face. you were beautiful, he decided, more beautiful than any child of the gods he’d ever met, and it left him struggling to find words to say.
luckily you spoke for him. “this always happens,” you began, wiping the tears from your stained cheeks as you collected yourself, thoughts more coherent now. “you were going to kill me, right?”
the forward question stunned taehyun, and he hadn’t realized he had been holding onto the hilt of his sword as a precaution. he took his hand away, collecting himself as well as he recovered from his sudden fascination with you. taehyun ignored your question, asking one of his own instead. “what do you mean this always happens? who are you?” 
you took a deep breath before you spoke. this wasn’t a story you enjoyed telling, nor could you tell easily. you hated how you became like this, and it made you hate yourself even more. “i’m cursed.” you started, looking at how the smoke from the flames swirled through the air above the destroyed homes. “i’m the daughter of hephaestus, one of the strongest might i admit. and i was sent by the gods to defeat the arae.” 
taehyun shivered at the mention of the arae, the female demon of curses who is sent to curse anyone guilty of their death. he knew that must not have been an easy task. you continued, “she had sent her pet chimera out to get me before i could get to her, but it was no match. i killed it before it could kill me.” you were getting choked up again at the memory, and taehyun looked at your face with sorrow. he knew what it was like to be sent to do the gods’ bidding. “the arae was furious i did this and cursed me to become a chimera, hoping i would replace the one i killed.” you paused. “but i killed her anyway.” 
taehyun’s eyes widened. not only had you killed the chimera, but you killed the arae as well, something he’d never heard being accomplished before. “but even after killing her, the curse never wore off?” he asked cautiously.
you shook your head. “no, the curse stayed, and i don’t know how to control it. whenever i get angry or remember what happened to me, i turn into this hideous monster and wreak havoc when i least want to.” 
“i’m sorry this happened to you,” was the first thing taehyun could think to say to you. he truly was sorry. it was easy for him to empathize with you. he wanted to tell you that he understands, that he wished the gods would stop using their children as slaves to do all of their dirty work. but he knew he couldn’t say that out loud, for who knew if any of the gods would overhear him. but he had a better idea, one that might benefit you both. “maybe i can help.”
“and who are you supposed to be?” there was a hint of irritation in your voice. he was just holding a sword to your throat moments ago and now he wanted to help you? you didn’t know if you should trust him.  
taehyun responded before you could have any more doubts. “i’m taehyun, son of aphrodite,” he flashed you a proud smile that left your heart racing more than you’d like to admit. “let me help you learn how to control you abilities so you don’t have to hurt anyone anymore.” 
“and what makes you think you’re the perfect person to help me?” you scoffed. 
taehyun smirked at how aloof you were being. “i’m the best shot you’ve got.”
“as expected of you, pretty boy.”
taehyun squinted at you at the nickname leaving your lips. “did you just call me pretty boy?”
“well you said you’re aphrodite’s kid, right? pretty boy seems fitting. and all you aphrodite offspring have this superiority complex.” taehyun couldn’t even respond to your teasing, but he felt elated when he caught the hint of a grin on your face. “maybe i can help you loosen up a bit anyway.” 
“what’s that supposed to mean?”
“i mean look at you,” you reach a hand out and shove taehyun’s shoulder, to which he flinched at the hot contact. 
“is your skin always that hot?” taehyun muttered while rubbing his shoulder.
“oh yeah, sorry. i haven’t figured out how to control that yet,” you chuckled watching him wince in subtle pain. “but seriously. you’re so rigid. i think you’d benefit from learning how to not be so perfect and serene all the time, even though that’s like coded in your dna.”
taehyun thought for a moment, still trying to understand why he wanted to help you so much instead of just doing the job he was sent to do. but regardless, he found himself answering with his heart instead of his head. “fine. but we have to start as soon as possible. you can’t let something like today happen again.”
you straightened up at the seriousness of taehyun’s tone, looking at your feet. “i know. i’ll try to control it for now. when should we meet again?”
“at the clearing near this town tomorrow morning,” he decided. “and don’t be late.” 
you nodded your head before turning in the other direction. you turned to look at him again before walking off, smirking when you saw his eyes still scanning you closely. you called out to him, “see you then pretty boy.”
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avaliveradio · 2 years
10 New Indie Songs that will Change your Mood
Music changes your mood just by turning it on.
Whether you're an artist or not, music has a powerful effect on your mood. When you listen to a song, it can conjure up specific memories and emotions that make you feel energized or relaxed. In essence: Music helps shape your creative mindset by influencing how you feel.
It's no surprise that some of the most popular songs are uplifting—and that's because they work! The right tempo and tone can boost creativity by putting us in a positive mood where we're more likely to think outside the box. So if there's something weighing on your mind when trying to get creative, try listening to some upbeat tunes first before diving into any serious thinking.
The right music can also help you focus, which is especially useful when trying to tackle a complex problem. Studies have shown that listening to fast-paced music can improve your mental processing speed, while slower tempos tend to make us think more deeply about the task at hand—which can help us come up with novel solutions.
Music is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals. It can make you feel happier, more focused, and more creative. So next time you're trying to get something done, try listening to some tunes first.
Music can fuel creativity, so play the right tunes when working on your next project!
You’ll always be inspired if you follow our “ Music that inspires you playlist” Spotify
10 Songs that stand out
Dylan Owen - The Best Ships
Release date: Nov 11, 2022
Released by: Nowhere Kids
Genre: Pop PunkRapAlternative Hip-Hop
Similar artists: Abhi the Nomad, Kota the Friend, Sonreal, Sol, Ryan Caraveo, Watsky, Sage Francis
"An upbeat, fun song from the heart building on the phrase "the best ships are friendships." The final single from my upcoming EP." The Best Ships is the final lead single from my upcoming EP 'Take Care Of Yourself' releasing December 1st. It is inspired by a midnight drive through my town with my crew. I took the saying "the best ships are friendships," imagined my old beat up sedan car as a pirate ship, and made this fun, upbeat anthem.  Without my friends the past few years I might have walked the plank. They picked me up, called me long distance, and told me to record some songs. They even invited me out to Los Angeles to make my dream version of this EP a reality. Those are the songs you're hearing now.
Azul Kechi - Highs & Lows
Release date: Nov 20, 2022
Genre:  Retro SoulFunkAdult Contemporary
Moods: Happy, Energetic, Sexy
Similar artists: Lauryn Hill, Pharrell, Janelle Monae, LION BABE, Erykah Badu, Ari Lennox, Angie Stone
"This is my second song, 'Highs & Lows' a funky neo-soul/rnb influenced pop jam that's sassy and will get you in your feels! A celestial rnb/soul/pop singer from outer space. Check out my debut single 'Azul' on all streaming platforms This is a funky, upbeat song with sassy, strong lyrics. It's the follow up from my debut single 'Azul', giving a dancier flavour of soul pop, pop funk & RnB.
The Song Tailors- Best in Me
Music Genre: Pop, Love Ballad, Duet
Vibe: Chill, romantic dance, soft ballad
Located in:  Melbourne, Australia (songwriter - Ruth Picker), Toronto, Canada (singer - Liam Isaac), Dublin, Ireland (singer - Muireann McDonnell), recorded at Abbey Road studios London, UK.
Sounds like:  Ed Sheeran, Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper, Pink, Charlie Puth
This is our first duet and the first single released from our Abbey Road Studios recordings. Ruth Picker - the songwriter - recorded Liam Isaac (from Toronto in Canada) and Muireann McDonnell (from Dublin in Ireland) at the famous Abbey Road Studios in London. It was a dream come true for everyone who travelled there for this recording and the first time we all met each other in person, having worked remotely over the course of the pandemic. It was a fantastic opportunity to record both Liam and Muireann in the same room at those iconic studios. Ruth wrote the song specifically for the two singers, knowing everyone would finally get together in person at Abbey Road. The song is about how we can bring out the best in each other, raise each other up and inspire positive relationships. Key lyrics from the chorus include "You lifted my arms when I couldn't reach, you raised my voice when I couldn't speak, you showed me what my eyes couldn't see... you bring out the best in me". Imagine a romantic dance to this soft love ballad or just listening to the chill vibe that will make you feel relaxed, inspired and positive about humanity. The Song Tailors is a creative project created by Ruth Picker - who writes both the music and lyrics. She works with singers & musicians from all over the world. This is her 39th release under The Song Tailors brand.
Link to your streaming page: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7x4gmOD0VWejHT5lBQGOlV
ICON ENERGY by Midnight Pool Party
ICON ENERGY by Midnight Pool Party is a fun industrial disco inspired track that never sits still. You will be up on your seat doing the dance while you get a nice 4 minute workout. I love that this song inspires you to get moving. Creatively the music never stops changing while the drop flow seamlessly. I’ve added this to my playlist.
Gone In Circles by Dream Operator
Music Genre: Indie Vibe:  Energetic, upbeat, pensive but expansive Located in: Oakland, CA Sounds like: Our music has been described as the Talking Heads wrestling with New Order. Grizzly Bear. The National. Public Image Ltd. Yann Tiersen in a Magnetic Fields cover band. Dream Operator - Gone In Circles has an interesting eclectic mix of sounds that layer in support of a lighthearted vocal about getting lost while you search for yourself. The song is charming and filled with an artistic quality that well suited for romantic comedy movie soundtracks. The song is about how easy it is to get lost while you're finding yourself, wrapped up in a bedroom chamber pop package. It's the most pensive of our releases so far.  Dream Operator uses electronic instruments, real instruments, and found sound to create catchy, compelling and unexpected songs - in the genres of chamber pop, synth pop and beyond. Based in Oakland, CA, Dream Operator is a collective led by David Marc Siegel
Art Sound Thought Productions - Trap This (Dark Melodic Beat)
Music Genre: Trap / Hip-hop/ Rap Vibe: Dark Moody Located in: Gardnerville, NV 89460 Sounds like: A mellow inspirational influence into a melodic melting beat.
This beat came up during a time when I was thinking about political division. We are trapped in the Matrix lol. I truly felt like I was about to watch a movie. This was the coolest track filled with layers and industrial elements. It’s unique and filled with interesting turns.
Kari Lyn - Daylight
Music Genre: Folk/Rock Vibe: Chill Moody Located in: Toronto, Ontario Sounds like: Hoizer, Jewel, Marren Morris, Elle King
Daylight by Kari Lyn has a dark moody feel. The artist sings beyond her years with commitment and expression. I like how she messages her words and wraps them around chords to create a unique chorus. The song is interesting to listen to and has a special vibe that can be powerful. Kari Lyn has spent her whole life surrounded by music and storytelling with her PEI famous grandfather.  Tommy Gallant and her deep Acadian roots. At 19 years old, she left home for a trip to Thailand, resulting in almost five years of travel, going out of her comfort zone.
Starrtrynea Reeves - Completely Complete
Music Genre: Classical Pop Vibe: Smooth Located in: Saint Louis Mo.
Completely Complete by Starrtrynea Reeves is an inspiring single with a songwriter quality that borders on 80’s classic pop. There’s a unique vocal effect that sets the scene on this nostalgic production filled with strings and grand piano elements. The song is enjoyable to music fans who love that grand ballad style. I was inspired to write song “Completely Complete” after a twenty year battle of alcoholism. I had to overcome many obstacles prior to God bringing me into a point of total completion.
kill k3nny - ctrl alt delete
Release date: Nov 18, 2022
Genre: Pop Rock, Indie Pop
It seems like everyone is walking on eggshells, afraid to offend or be accused etc. As long as we come from a place of goodness, I think we should all strive to say what we mean and mean what we say regardless of how it will be received. CTRL ALT DELETE is my commentary .. This is my tongue and cheek commentary on cancel culture. if we come from a place of goodness, we should all speak our minds and be our most authentic selves regardless of what others think xoxo.
'Step Off The World' Featuring Irish Singer Muireann McDonnell
Genre: Indie pop
Located in: : Australia (songwriter - Ruth Picker) and Ireland (singer - Muireann McDonnell)
Australian Songwriter Ruth Picker's Latest Release Under The Song Tailors Brand.
The song is full of meaning, inviting listeners to explore and interpret the lyrics. Inspired by the Nordic Northern lights, the song takes the listener on a journey with lyrical and sonic imagery.  "I wrote this after watching nature's majesty and beauty - the spectacular colors in the sky, reflected in the sea. The song invites you to step off the world 'with me', imagining how that would feel. I'm excited to welcome Muireann to The Song Tailors family. We've wanted to collaborate for some time. We overcame many challenges to record her remotely. She has an impressive musical background, including Ireland's junior Eurovision representative in 2017. She's well known on the Irish music scene, and we're delighted to introduce her to our global audience. I hope you enjoy her warm, velvety voice as you step off the world with her" says Ruth.
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