#you should have seen her! she kept falling on her face. and she couldn’t eat. it was heart wrenching to watch
jettison-my-gift · 2 years
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Everyone please look at this photo of Coconut the guinea pig (right). Last week she lost her balance and was having difficulty eating. Today she has made a full recovery and she eats strawberries in the sun. Assuming Hazel the guinea pig (left) doesn’t steal them from her.
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sailorholly · 6 months
Strictly Business Pt. 8
The Ending
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Summary: Spencer wants to gain sexual experience before asking out his dream date. You just want a way to release stress. What could go wrong?
Warnings: Smuttish. Friends with benefits. Mentions of pregnancy.
A/N: Sorry this took forever, life has been kicking my booty lately.
Strictly Business Masterlist
Spencer took Chloe out twice a week for three weeks. He tried to force a connection, but it didn’t feel the way he thought it should, the way it felt with you. He knew he should end things with her, but he kept waiting for the sparks to fly.
Tonight, Chloe told him she would meet him at his apartment. She had a surprise for him, so she was going to take him to the secret destination. When they arrive at the hotel, a suite is waiting for them. She must have been here earlier, setting it up.
Rose petals were scattered on the bed. A bottle of wine was chilling on the table. It was the most romantic set up he had ever seen. This is it, he thought. This is the night when it all comes together. There’s no way he could share a night like this with her and not fall for her.
Room service arrived moments later, delivering gourmet meals Chloe arranged for. Spencer sits across from her, pouring wine into her glass. “I thought it was time we take the next step in our relationship.” She tells him. He swallows thickly, trying not to choke. Spencer silently convinces his self that this would be good for them. It was finally time to put his new skills to the test.
He hopes this is the push he needs to feel something for her. When they finish eating, Chloe instructs him to wait on the bed for her. When she returns, she’s wearing the same floral, lilac lingerie set he bought for you. It brought back memories from the night he gave it to you, using the vibrator on you, how you looked when you came.
She climbs on top of him, peppering kisses across his face and down his neck. She runs her hand over his cock, straining against his pants. “I knew you would like this set.” She says confidently, thinking his erection was because of her. He flips her over, slowly kissing her. He should feel something by now. He always got aroused by your kisses.
But he felt nothing as he pressed his lips to hers. He looks at her body, the lingerie looked great on her, but she didn’t look like you. When he first saw it in the window of the store, he imagined you wearing it just for him. Thoughts of having sex with you flood his mind. You fit together perfectly. Maybe he could get through this with Chloe without thinking of you.
You squirm in your spot next to Penelope. She invited you, JJ, and Emily over for a girls’ night. You couldn’t focus on the silly games they wanted to play or the movie JJ put on. You decided not to drink tonight either. You weren’t in a good head space.
All you could think about was Spencer on his date with Chloe. He told you that she was surprising him tonight, and he sounded excited. You wanted to be happy for him, but it made your stomach upset when you thought about them together. He told you they hadn’t had sex yet, and for that you were thankful.
Tonight would be different, you had no doubt that Chloe planned to seduce him. They had been dating for almost a month. You were shocked they hadn’t slept together yet. “Okay, what’s wrong?” Emily asks, interrupting our thoughts. “You’ve been off all night.” JJ observes.
Tears spill down your face as you tell them everything. The practice sex, the lingerie, the vibrator, Rossi and the jet. They all gather around you, pulling you into a giant group hug. “You should tell him how you feel.” Penelope rubs your back.
“I can’t. He’s dating Chloe. I couldn’t do that to him. He’s finally happy.” They try to convince you the rest of the night. When you go into work the next morning, you don’t have time to ask Spencer about his date. Hotch rushes you all to the jet, the case was urgent. You walk passed him on the plane, avoiding your usual seat beside him. Instead you sit beside Rossi, who looks curiously between you two.
The day passes quickly. Tips from the police hotline flood in and you’re sent with JJ to check on them. When you make it back to your hotel room, you’re grateful you got a room to yourself so you can be alone with your thoughts. Your phone lights up with the sixth text from Spencer today.
You hadn’t responded to any of them. You sigh loudly. You were being a bad friend. He didn’t share details of his personal life with anyone but you. He probably just wants to fill you in on last night. You were the one who made him confident enough to have sex with her. It was all your fault you were in this situation.
That’s what you keep telling yourself as you made the short trip down the hallway to Spencer’s room. “Hey! I thought you were mad at me or something.” Spencer says, letting you into his room. You smile weakly, failing to hide your true feelings.
“Wait, you are mad at me?” He asks frowning, as he closes the door. “I’m not mad at you, Spencer. I’m mad at myself for feeling the way I do when I have no right to.” He studies your face, concerned. “What are you talking about?” You walk out of the doorway, to sit on his bed. He sits beside you, taking your hand in his to comfort you.
“Spencer, we never should have slept together. I am ruined for life. No one is going to make me feel the way you do. It’s not supposed to feel like that every time with your best friend.” Spencer stands, facing you. “You think I don’t know that, that it’s magic between us? You think I don’t feel guilty because it’s supposed to be like that with Chloe, but I can’t even go through with it because all I can think about is you?”
“You couldn’t sleep with her?” You ask, rising to meet Spencer. “No, I couldn’t do it. I just kept thinking of you the whole time. How it was so comfortable with you, so natural. I’m in love with you. I think I have been for a while. I just didn’t realize it.” He confesses, reaching down to caress your cheek. “I’m in love with you too, Spence. I’m sorry it took so long to tell you.” He embraces you, soft lips crashing against yours.
Four Months Later
“Spill the beans. You two have been acting all weird and secretive. What’s going on?” Penelope asks after trapping you and Spencer when you got to work. You looked at Spencer and he nods, smiling. You open your coat, and lift your oversized sweater, revealing a small baby bump. You had been wearing clothes that weren’t form fitting since you found out.
Penelope squeals so loudly, it captures the rest of the team’s attention as they come in. They walk over as Penelope excitedly shares your news, gesturing to your stomach. “Congratulations again.” Hotch says. “My man, didn’t know you had it in you.” Derek pats Spencer proudly on the back. The girls swarm you as JJ starts making a list of everything you’ll need. Rossi grins, “I knew it when you couldn’t eat my pasta two weeks ago!”
Tags (cont. in comments)
@cindylynn @multifandom-worlds @mochie85 @modern-mermaid @analethicia @marimorena06 @ghostheartbeat @clownprincess09 @thebiggestscamislife @whistle1whistle @lockwoods-coat-and-reids-vests @twsssmlmaa @cynbx @padlockedhearts @wheredafandomat @salempoe @emarich7 @itzdarling @anonymously-ominous @vivian-555 @cashtons-wife @regulus-black-223048 @nomajdetective @dazedgye @jesuisbenny @simpingforharryandcevans @misacc08 @wowzabowza69 @spencvrr @the-uncoordinated-house-cat @inthehoneymoonwithconnorrk800 @academiareid @nikkisheep @dephylirium @panhoeofmanyfandoms @its-not-too-late-for-coffee @wildernessflora @mypurplecrocs @idkbubs @ajstarkpetrova
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kisses4kaia · 10 months
how about sub!ethan who is super sweet and tries to be the best he can for the reader
this is canon actually !! non-gf ethan! 17+, fem reader. please remember to reblog with tags if you enjoyed to support your favorite writers- k🩷.
do not repost anywhere
st tropez party girl💄- e, landry ,,
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ethan landry loves you. it’s an objective fact that practically the whole world knows.
except for you.
see, he’s been in love with you, from the moment he laid eyes on your gorgeous face in on of his econ classes.
you asked the smartest question, a question not him, nor any of his other classmates would’ve ever thought up.
you were witty, charming, and downright sexy. how could he not fall in love with you?
“hey, who is that?” ethan asked the girl next to him, pointing at you, completely oblivious to the fact that she’d been ogling him all class.
the excitement quickly drained from her features as she realized he held no interest for her.
so she told him your name. and as he whispered to himself, over and over, he never thought he heard a sweeter sound.
after class was dismissed, he tried to find you through the swarm of tired college students. and he thought he saw your pretty pink shirt in the wave, but it was gone within a blink.
he sighed and gave up, thinking he could try again tomorrow.
luckily, he wouldn’t have to wait that long.
at that following lunch period, he went to find chad and mindy.
and when he saw you, sitting on a bench with the twins and anika, laughing and talking, he couldn’t help but think it was fate.
he approached your quad and sat down beside chad, whom was sitting across from the couple and you.
“hey, ethan!” chad waved him over.
your heart immediately fluttered when you laid eyes of the boy. you thought you recognized him from a class of yours.
“ethan, this is y/n. y/n, ethan,” mindy waved to you both in an introductory manner.
“yeah, i think we have a class together, no?” you offered a kind smile to the boy.
he nodded, happy you recognized him. “yeah, we do.”
unknown to you, the twins and anika totally noticed the sparks flaring between you two.
“so, what were you guys talking about before i got here?” ethan regrettably tore eye contact with you.
mindy spoke up “oh, we were talking about the party tonight. y/n should come, don’t you think?” she smiled cheekily, knowing exact what she was doing.
“yeah, for sure!” you smiled at ethan’s enthusiasm.
“uh, mindy, chad,” anika spoke. “didn’t we have that thing?”
“oh, right. we’ll see you guys later tonight?” chad looked between the pair of you and ethan. “yeah, definitely.” you nodded happily.
as you laughed as you saw chad trip over nothing whilst trying to keep up with his sister, ethan swore he’d never wanted to hear something again more.
“hey, i’m done with classes for the day, you?” inquired ethan.
you nodded. “yeah, wanna grab something to eat?” you asked.
“you read my mind.” he joked as you both gathered your things.
you actually loved the time you spent with ethan. he was so sweet and funny and you definitely didn’t mind his face.
and ethan felt no different about you. you spoke with a lightness and positivity he’d never seen in anybody before.
before you knew it, you had to return back to your dorm to get ready for the party.
you kept it cute and simple. a well-fitted, short, black, silk dress. you finished getting ready by the time you heard a group laughing and knocking on your door. “coming!”
you grabbed your purse and opened the door to your new friends.
“hey, ready to go?” you smiled at anika and the twins, but mostly at ethan, who was very obviously staring.
you guys walked the short distance to the party, held by one of chads frat brothers. you walked side by side with ethan, chatting, laughing, smiling.
to anyone else, they would’ve added flirting to that list.
by the time you got to the party, chad had found a pretty girl to put on his arm and anika and mindy were quick to find the kitchen.
which left you and ethan stuck together as you both didn’t want to be alone.
you thought for a moment before turning to ethan and yelling over the music, “wanna dance?”
he smiled happily and accepted your offer.
you grabbed his hand and pulled him to the living room where every hot, sweaty, college students were dancing on the closest body to them, not even taking into account everything that could go wrong.
nonetheless, you wrapped your arms around ethan’s neck and began swaying your hips to the beat of the song.
he had his hands awkwardly at his sides, not sure what to do with them. you laughed once you noticed and grabbed them, manually putting them on your waist.
“relax, loosen up,” you giggled as you started to get more into the flow of the dance.
one of your favorite songs started playing, granted it was unreleased, but everybody else seemed to know it well enough.
as everybody screamed the lyrics of the tune, you turned around and pressed your back to his chest, grinding on his crotch.
you could basically feel the heat radiating off of his face, but you figured it was from the thick air he was surrounded by.
you felt something hard poke at your butt and laughed, “take your phone out of your pocket, eth,”
“my phone isn’t in my pocket,” he admitted.
it quickly set in what he meant.
your eyes widened as you realized what he meant.
as you turned around, his head was low in embarrassment, and you smiled at his sensitivity.
“i’m really, really sorry if i made you in comfortable, i didn’t mean to, i’m so sorry, please don’t be mad,” he began apologizing profusely.
you just laughed. “oh honey, there’s nothing wrong with getting excited when a girl dances on you. besides, i’m really not uncomfortable or mad,” you explain.
he slowly lifts his head. “you’re not?” you shook your head. “no, not at all. will you let me help you, though?” you asked with a newly found confidence.
his eyes widened before rubbing them, as if to check if he was dreaming before nodding quickly.
you smiled, keeping a confident stride but internally sighing a breath of relief that you didn’t make yourself look stupid.
quickly, you grabbed ethan’s hand and made your way around the seemingly infinite roomed house, looking for an empty one.
soon enough, you found an unoccupied bedroom. you pulled him into the space and without another thought, you smashed your lips against his.
your lip gloss smeared onto his lips as he pressed you against the wall, his mouth quickly migrating to your neck and collarbone.
clothes were flying off within moments until you were both completely nude, save for ethan’s boxers.
he suddenly dropped to his knees, kissing your calves all the way up to your soft thighs, just absolutely worshipping you.
“you are so fucking beautiful,” ethan whispers, more of an observation than a compliment.
he threw your leg over his shoulders and looks up at you with the most pleading eyes you’d ever seen, they were almost sad.
you quickly nodded. “yeah, baby. go ahead,”
it took no longer than a single second for ethan to flatten his tongue against your heat and lick a long stripe up your cunt.
your breath caught in your throat as he suctioned his plump lips around your clit, whilst teasing one finger into your entrance.
your hand quickly flew to his hair and tugged slightly, and the whimper that vibrated against your bud did not help the withering calmness you were trying to maintain.
the moans you let out simply could not be contained even if your life depended on it as he ate you out like a starved man, not even to mention the intense finger fucking.
it didn’t take long for your orgasm to approach. your body shook as ethan held your hips against his face, lapping up everything you were giving him.
even after you came down from your high, you were nowhere near satisfied.
“ethan,” you breathed, pulling him up to his feet. “hm?” he answered quickly, before pushing his lips onto yours.
you moaned at the tart taste of you on his tongue, somehow making you want him more.
“eth, i need you to fuck me,”
he looked at you for a moment, and in no time, he had you pushed on the bed, boxers pulled off, and his tip aligned at your entrance.
as he pushed into you, it truly took everything in him not to cum right then and there. you were so tight, and it felt to him like his body was made for yours.
he was big, bigger than most guys you’ve been with, but it felt so good nonetheless.
ethan’s thrusts started out slow and tame, but he really couldn’t contain himself, not when someone as gorgeous as you was underneath him, making the most beautiful sounds he’d ever heard.
in between the sheer whimpers of pleasure, he asked “that feel good? yeah?”
you couldn’t even speak to respond, your eyes heavy in ecstasy as you felt the familiar twisting in your stomach, winding tighter and tighter until it finally snapped.
you threw your head back onto the mattress as you came, and not long after, ethan’s thrusts got sloppier and sloppier before he came long, hot, ropes inside of you.
he allowed a minute for the both of you to catch your breaths, knowing you’d need it.
after pulling out, ethan wasted no time pulling you into a deep, passionate, almost loving, kiss.
“that was fucking great, you’re fucking great,” you could feel his smile against your lips.
“why thank you,” you rolled your eyes sarcastically but couldn’t keep the smile that graced your lips at bay.
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milawritesstuff · 1 year
I’m sure we all saw those pics of Pedri & the boys are the NBA game for warriors & lakers. He looked so cute & huggable & so boyfriend material ugh anyways can you do a pedri x gf reader where she joins him for the game & their like not public but not private either but they officially are exposed on the kiss cam. If you can make her like a Latina American (just basing her off myself, if not that’s totally fine) & obvi just super cute & bf material pedri 🥰
A/N: Ugh that video of him at the match last night he’s so damn soft. I feel like I can touch that video and ughhhh I’m going crazy for this man lol.
Anyways hope you guys like this. Also, I wanted to make it part of this other one that I wrote … so it’s going to be the same Y/N from THIS story.
I hope you guys like it, I just wrote is super quick.
He stared into the phone screen. Even though you were almost 6,000 miles away whenever he looked at the screen when you were on video call you couldn’t help but blush. His brown eyes shined as he looked into the screen with a sense of hope. He stayed quiet for a few seconds.
-I have to tell you something but don’t get mad.-
You felt your heart fall to the pit of your stomach when he said those words. The last few months hadn’t been easy. After spending a few months together and you deciding to return to the states you had only seen each other less than a handful of times. These daily video calls were the only thing that kept you going. You tried not to pay attention to all of the rumors surrounding him because you knew you were the one he woke up at the crack of dawn to talk to or would stay up late for due to the time difference. But you still knew a long distance relationship was difficult.
-What?- You answer.
-Xavi is giving us a few days off after the Osasuna match and well …-
-Pedri you’re making me nervous, just spit it out.-
He flung his arms in the air.
-Joder, Eric, Fer, and I were thinking of going to the NBA playoffs but I don’t want you to get mad because I should actually be going to visit you instead and…- You cut him off.
-Babe, it’s okay. I know it’s something you’ve always wanted to do so please go. Besides in a few months I’ll be in Barcelona.-
-Are you sure?- He asks. -It’s going to be a quick trip, maybe two days so we can get back on time.-
You shake your head and giggle. -Vamos amor, it’s okay. I’m not mad. I promise.-
The two of you stayed on the phone for a few more minutes before it was time to say goodbye. As soon as you ended the call with Pedri you messaged his brother.
Y/N: Fer, please ask Eric if he can get a ticket to the game for me without Pedri knowing, I want to surprise him.
Fer: On it
Y/N: And ask if you can stay in his room 😉
Fer: 🫡🫡
You knew Pedri would be flying out Wednesday night after the team’s practice and would be arriving late Wednesday in San Francisco. You booked a flight out of Los Angeles early Thursday morning.
You knocked twice on the hotel room door.
-Did you order room service?- You heard Pedri ask his brother in the room.
Fernando laughed. -No, but open it, it’s a surprise.-
Your heart began to beat faster as you heard Pedri’s steps get closer to the door. You felt like throwing up when you saw the handle turn. His face lit up as soon as he saw you and dashed over to take you in his arms. He lifted you in a hug.
-I know you would have preferred Steph Curry but … surprise!- You said as he placed a soft kiss on your lips. He let out a laugh. -Tonta, you’re better than Steph Curry any day.-
You spent the day with Pedri, going out to eat with Eric and Ferran and doing a bit of sightseeing. You had been to San Francisco a million times but seeing it through Pedri’s eyes was magical. It reminded you of how your parents would act when you went to new places. Being immigrants from Latin America, to them being able to take you on trips to see new places was living the American dream. And you couldn’t believe in just a few months you were giving up the American dream for this beautiful Spanish boy.
The night was going to end with the main reason the boys had traveled for, the NBA playoffs. Pedri smiled at you as your group walked to the entrance of the Chase Center. You thought about how nice the day had been because nobody had recognized him. You were able to walk around the city and even on the Golden Gate Bridge holding hands without anyone taking pictures or asking him for anything. A few pictures of the two of you had came out when you were in Barcelona but for almost a year now you had managed to keep your relationship quiet. You preferred it that way, knowing and mentally preparing yourself for what would ensue once the fans found out you had moved in with him in a few months.
As you walked into the Chase Center you let go of Pedri’s hand. Something telling you that there would be cameras and more people who could recognize him and you wanted him to avoid more rumors. Pedri looked back at you and furrowed his brows. You smiled back at him hoping he wouldn’t ask why you had let go of his hand. Luckily Eric dragged him and took the attention away from you. You and Fer stayed behind as Fer took video of everything going on.
Eventually you found your seats. Eric went first followed by Pedri and you decided to let Fernando go after him so that you would be at the end. Once Pedri sat down and he realized his brother was next to him instead of you he turned to look over at you. -Babe!- He called for your attention.
-Que pasa, Pedri?-
He reached his hand out over Fer and grabbed yours. -You belong next to me. Why are you sitting all the way over there?-
You shrugged your shoulders. -There’s cameras everywhere and you know …-
Pedri shook his head. -Come here. Fer move over.-
You did as he asked and sat down next to him. Your hand in his. He leaned over to look at you. -Is that why you let go of my hand when we walked in?-
-Amor, they’re going to find out sooner or later and honestly I don’t care anymore. You sit next to me so everyone can see I have the most beautiful girl here.-
You smiled and gave him a quick kiss. He turned around to talk to Eric while his hand continued to hold yours. You stared stupidly at him wondering how in the world you had gotten so lucky to find him and for him to love you the way he did.
A few people came over to take pictures of Pedri and Eric and even one person did a short interview. You managed to stay out of the limelight until the kiss cam came on. You and Pedri stared at the Jumbotron as people laughed.
-Sometimes they chose siblings and it’s super awkward.- You whisper into Pedri’s ear who continues to laugh as he claps and looks at the screen.
-See, they would have done that with Fer and I if you hadn’t moved your seats.- He says causing you to laugh. As the two of you are laughing and staring at each other you feel Fer nudge you.
-Vamos, vamos pareja look!-
You look up and see the screen focused on you and Pedri. Your cheeks glowing red from embarrassment. Pedri turns over to look at you and winks. -I said they would find out sooner or later, I guess it’s going to be sooner.- You smile as he leans in and places a kiss on your lips. His soft hand cupping your chin as his soft wet lips take yours in.
The kiss ends and Pedri pulls away as the two of you give the camera a thumbs up.
@cinderellawithashoe @httpswiftie @simpingmyassoff @bubblebeep69 @fictional-l0v3r @httpspedri26 @0alanasworld0 @l0verl4ne @gaviypedrisbride @footballerficsposts @fashphotolife @beaschampagneproblems @jvsgnjrtpdar5stkd-tv-m @ikkehehe @jjishotasf @quemirasboboandapaya @maricciardo @gaviswh0re @pedriwifefrfr @dustell @elijahslover @formula1mount
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katelynnwrites · 1 year
Give Me A Minute (To Hold My Girl) | Ona Batlle
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warnings: general angst
word count: 1641
summary: in a crowded town or silent bed, you were always at your most comfortable with ona…you wonder if that still holds true now
chosen song: hold my girl by george ezra
a/n: chapter 3/6 of you were bigger than the whole sky (you were more than just a short time)
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(Ona) 15.13
‘I know that you made the decision to reinitiate our friendship so I thought you should take the lead. I want this to go at your pace and only as far as you’re comfortable with because you deserve that. However, there is a screening of your favourite movie downtown and if you’d like to go…’
You frown at the message. The way Ona phrased things sometimes, it was like she still cared deeply for you. It contrasted sharply with her previous actions and you didn’t know what to make of it.
(You) 15.20
‘Yeah. I’d like to go.’
(Ona) 15.20
‘Great. I’ll send you an e-ticket in a bit.’
(You) 15.21
Aitana was the one person you were still close to on the Spanish team. She was one of your closest friends growing up, along with Eva and Laia. The latter two however, were always closest to Ona so after the breakup and despite everything, you’d figured Ona would need her friends. It had been a conscious decision to kinda fall out of contact with them.
So Aitana’s the one whom you sometimes, occasionally (more often than not) ask how Ona was doing.
You cared for her (and you loved her) and while it seemed like Ona was able to just turn a switch off for how she felt about you, you struggled to do the same (struggling was putting it mildly, you simply couldn’t do it).
Years and years of your life were spent caring about the Catalan defender, it was practically wired into you.
You knew Ona better than you knew yourself which was why it kept you from sleeping most nights when you tried to figure out how she could have ended things so easily.
She’d promised she would never leave you and you knew that she took her promises seriously so of all the promises that she had made to you, how could she have broken the one that meant the most to you?
So while you received the occasional update from your childhood friend, you never thought that Ona would do the same and ask Aitana how you were doing.
Ona meets you at the cinema, cheeks, nose and ears flushed by the cold (you think she looks adorable).
Autumn was rapidly creeping up on Manchester, August bringing colder evenings and the beginning of preseason.
The past six weeks, you had never seen her as nervous as you did now.
‘Hola.’ The brunette softly says, an anxious smile on her face.
Ona shuffles her feet and then vaguely gestures towards the entrance.
‘Come on.’ You give her a brighter smile and some of her anxiety lifts.
Finding your seats is easy and you offer Ona the popcorn that you had bought as the opening plays.
‘No it’s fine. You like salty and I like-’
‘Sweet. I remember. This is sweet.’
‘Oh. Thank you.’ Ona’s voice is faint and she stays silent for the rest of the movie.
When the end credits roll, the Spaniard quietly follows you out into the night air.
‘You want to get something to eat Oni?’
Your back is to her so you don’t notice the pained expression that crosses her face.
Her voice is strained but she manages to give you a little smile when you turn around.
The both of you ended up at a small quaint Spanish restaurant where you prop your head up on your hand as you wait for your food to arrive.
‘How’s Barcelona going?’
‘It’s been good. Sunny.’ Ona answers.
You smile, ‘That’s an understatement.’
Ona winces again, ‘How’s Manchester been?’
‘It’s still too cold and it’s been red.’
‘Yeah. We kept Manchester red.’ You grin proudly and that gets Ona to laugh.
‘I’m glad.’
There’s something you can’t figure out in her eyes and it stays for the majority of the evening. She laughs and smiles with you but you can see that something is bothering her.
You don’t pry however, knowing that it was more effective if you let her come to you instead (because that’s what friends do right? they help each other).
It’s why you insist she comes over to yours to watch a movie when it starts pouring with rain. The plan had originally been for her to take a taxicab from your apartment (the apartment that used to be hers too) to her hotel but it would be far more expensive now.
Ona agreed when you’d reasoned with her and that lead to where you were now, unlocking the door of the all too familiar apartment.
You have to admit, you didn’t quite think through your actions because letting Ona back into the home you once shared with her is far more painful than you’d expected it to be.
Your ex swallows hard as she steps over the threshold, fighting back tears as she realises you’d kept most of the decor the same.
The coat rack that she had spent half a day putting together when you had both moved in, the coffee table that you had bickered over buying and the plants that she had bought on a whim (those plants would have died if Ona was the only one taking care of them).
It was one thing for you to choose to remain in the same apartment but it was another for you to keep it almost exactly the same as before.
The brunette toes her shoes off and sets them carefully down by the door.
You stay quiet and you know that this moment is affecting you just as much as it’s affecting her.
‘Thank you for letting me back in here. I know this can’t be easy for you.’ Ona whispers and you nod, tears slipping down your cheeks.
Trying your best to hide them, you go into the kitchen and take a moment to compose yourself before Ona follows after you.
‘Only a little please.’ She murmurs.
You pour the both of you a half glass each and take them out to the living room.
Once again Ona follows after you but her gaze is momentarily caught by the lack of photos on one of the walls. Most of the photos that had been there have now been replaced with photos from recent years. Photos without her in it.
It adds another crack in her heart and she sniffles quietly.
The brunette joins you on the couch (it’s the same couch from four years ago, the same couch she had fucked you on multiple times), keeping her eyes on the blank television screen.
You switch it on and the channel it’s on is a winter sport channel. More specifically it’s figure skating that is showing.
You don’t react, simply switching it over to Netflix and handing Ona the remote.
‘I-’ The flustered Barcelona defender looks from the remote to you repeatedly.
‘Pick us something to watch Ona.’
‘I-’ Ona stammers and she frowns before clicking on Friends.
As the night wears on, both you and Ona refill your glasses more than once. If it wasn’t for the fact that you and Ona were sitting on opposite sides of the couch, it would be just like before.
There’s a silence that only comes when two people understand each other.
You and your girlfriend always had that. That didn’t change when you moved to Manchester together and you supposed it came from years of dating each other.
In a crowded town or a silent bed, you’d always be at your most comfortable with her.
At twenty one, you curl up next to Ona in your new apartment in which you had both just finished unpacking.
You had been enjoying the quiet, Ona’s soft breaths in your ear, the only sound in the room.
That is until Ona mumbles an ‘I love you.’ against your hair as she presses a kiss there.
‘I love you too.’
You snuggle further into her side and Ona laughs, kissing your hair again.
She wraps her arms around your waist, ‘I’m so glad we’re here and starting this new chapter of our lives together. You’re the only one I’d want to do this with.’
‘Me too Onita. Me too.’
Ona falls asleep.
You laugh softly when she lets out a snore. It seemed that Ona still didn’t drink much and more than two glasses of wine still proved too much for her.
She looks so peaceful lying there and it’s still raining out so there’s no point in waking her up right?
And if you cover her in a blanket before you go to sleep in your bedroom it’s because that's what good friends do isn’t it?
You wake early but when you go to check on Ona, you find that she’s woken earlier.
The brunette is standing in front of your photo wall and though she tries to hide it when she sees you, it’s clear that she has been crying.
‘Ona what’s wrong?’
Her sudden outburst scares you and you reach for her arm only to have her pull away.
‘Don’t touch me!’
You flinch back and Ona looks at you with fresh tears in her eyes.
‘I don’t deserve this. I don’t deserve you.’
It’s a broken, defeated admittance, one that confuses you.
‘I don’t understand.’
Apparently that’s the wrong thing to say because Ona snaps, ‘Exactamente! You don’t understand and I don’t see how you can do so!’
Her raised voice and sudden anger gives you that feeling inside, the one that you never know will make you cry or yell back.
‘Why don’t you understand!’
Her heated words are the final straw and you coldly tell her, ‘You can see yourself out Ona. If there’s one thing you’re good at, it’s leaving.’
Spinning around, you’re slamming your bedroom door shut a moment later.
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Spanish Translations:
gracias - thank you
exactamente - exactly
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mastermindmiko · 1 year
Pairing: Harry Potter + fem!reader
Word count: 3508
Summary: You are Harry’s yellow, someone that makes him happy, full of hope, and never fails to make him smile, you’re someone who Harry can’t live without, even if he hasn’t told you that yet.
Trigger warnings: hunger, Harry’s dancing, Harry’s fourth year awkwardness with girls, crying, kissing, Harry gaslighting himself, Harry being protective, mentions of death. 
my masterlist
Requests are open
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He had overheard at dinner about the description and, or feeling of the word yellow from a random muggle born seated at the Gryffindor table. 
As he heard the clarification of the unfamiliar use of the word, his eyes unconsciously trailed to the face that was gleaming with laughter at the Hufflepuff table. He didn’t feel the smile that was itching its way onto his face; it was, however, there and apparent.
He ignored the questioning that he got from his bushy-haired and red haired friends asking for the cause of his sudden rush of joy and his turned up lip corners. They were both too absorbed in the new charms lesson and the turkey leg to notice. If they had listened to the overly loud conversation that their fellow Gryffindors were having and followed his line of sight they wouldn’t have needed to inquire of anything; and he wouldn’t have been brought out from his almost starting day-dream. 
It seemed that they had done precisely that when they donned identical smirks and Ron gave him a teasing nudge. “You should tell her, you know.” Hermione said after a few seconds. 
He gave her a raised eyebrow in question and she continued with her eyes rolled “About your feelings, Harry.” She had assumed that he was being intentionally oblivious, but that was just how he usually was when it came to girls and feelings. He flushed, turning his head and gaze from them and to his untouched plate. He was too busy admiring to eat and he realised -from the growl his stomach gave- that he was in fact hungry. So he put a large spoon of food in his mouth; to satisfy his hunger and to also avoid the questioning and lectures he was about to receive from his friends. 
“Someone that makes you happy, full of hope and never fails to make you smile.” That’s what Harry heard from the conversation but what he concluded was that your ‘yellow’ is just simply “Someone you can’t live without.”
The first time Harry met her was when Professor McGonnagal was announcing the Yule Ball. Everyone already started dancing with someone including Ron who was trying not to step on Hermione’s foot. He was tapping his foot on the floor anxiously and looking around nervously. A hand was held out to him and he saw a pretty girl holding her hand out for him, she mentioned for him to dance with her and he obliged. 
He was dancing rather awkwardly and kept stepping on her feet muttering multiple sorrys, she kept saying it was fine every time he apologised it seemed that she was taking this situation much more humorously than he was. He couldn’t quite get over the fact that the most beautiful person he’s ever seen was getting trampled by him and his poor attempt at dancing. 
When he tried to twirl her he ended up twisting her feet together causing her to almost fall but he caught her by her wrist. His face turned an even brighter red as he said “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I don’t know how to do this, you should go find another person to dance with-” He cut himself off when he heard her burst out with laughter, and even though he was confused a light bubble formed in his stomach. 
“I’m sorry.” She said after she finished laughing, holding her stomach. “It’s just- you’re taking this wayyy too seriously.” She let out a sigh at the end of her sentence. He had just noticed that the hand that wasn’t gripping her stomach was still in his hand. 
He quickly let go of her wrist, and she probably noticed that so her face was decorated with a sweet, soft smile. She held her hand out and said “Y/n Y/L/N” He was reluctant to shake her hand for one reason, out of how sweaty he thinks his hands are from his nervousness. 
He took her hand hesitantly and cautiously as he added “Harry Potter.” She shook his hand with one firm shake and then put both her hands on her hips saying, “well Harry, I think we should try this again.” He nodded looking at everyone around him trying to adjust his dancing position and posture. 
They danced for a while and he only stepped on her feet a couple more times, he said with the same self diminishing tone “You really should find another person to dance with. I’m horrible at this.” He tried to step away but she kept her grip on his shoulder firm and she said “You’re not horrible, you’re doing much better than a lot of other people here, look.” 
He looked at where she tilted her head and there were in fact several other people tripping on their feet, some were even on the floor. He let out a chuckle at the disastrous scene and how McGonnagal was shaking her head at her house. 
A thought burst out in his head as he looked at the girl, eyebrows furrowed and said “How come I’ve never seen you in Gryffindor tower?” She looked at the Weasley twins and she laughed slightly. He was confused and as soon as he looked at them Fred sent him a wink, and moved his eyes between him and her. Harry’s cheeks gained a red tint for what seemed like the millionth time that day.
“Maybe because I’m not supposed to be at Gryffindor tower.” She said in a matter of factly and teasing tone. His eyebrows regained their furrow and she explained “I’m a Hufflepuff.” Before Harry could ask how she got here she tilted her head to Fred and George and he needed no further explanation. 
When the dancing lesson was finished and lunch was about to start Harry decided to just walk quietly beside her while she walked to lunch. He hoped she didn’t mind his presence since he for some reason wasn’t ready to leave her’s. He didn’t know why he felt that way, but judging by how she wasn’t pushing him away, he assumed she didn’t mind. He tried to ascertain the cause of his unexpected dependency on this girl. It has taken him multiple years to be assured by the words his friends say, and for him to welcome and look forward to their presence. He has been struck by shock, from how his body was naturally gravitating towards her’s; and he put a stop to the abnormal feeling. He didn’t want to seem weird. 
When they reached the Great Hall they stopped right in front of the door, and he felt a sense of dread. He looked at her when she clapped her hand and spun on her heels to face him, “Well Harry, I best be off. See you around.” 
When she started to walk to the Hufflepuff table, he called out “Wait!” She turned around with a sweet smile on her face that made his heart want to jump; and said “Yes?” 
Nervously, He searched for a reason to make her spend more time with him. He hadn’t thought his plan through at all and barely made it through after calling out ‘wait!’. He looked around in a way he thought was discreet, but she was internally laughing at his attempt to look casual -he didn’t know that thankfully- His eyes trailed to her outfit and he saw that she was wearing Gryffindor robes. 
“Well, you’re wearing Gryffindor robes; Why stop at just dance practice? Why don’t you have lunch at the Gryffindor table too?” He said trying to look smart and casual. Her smile increased and changed into a teasing one, and she tilted her head slightly, “Do you want to spend time with me Harry?” 
His face regained its flush and he avoided her gaze. She started walking inside the Great Hall and he kept thinking that he messed up whatever was happening, and then she stopped, “Aren’t you coming?” He looked up at her surprised and asked “Where?” 
She rolled her eyes but the smile never left her lips “To the Gryffindor table, of course. Merlin Harry! No wonder you weren’t sorted in Ravenclaw.” His cheeks couldn’t get a break from how red they were, he walked beside her and then she nudged his shoulder slightly and said “I think it’s cute.” If Harry wasn’t too occupied with this new type of feeling he would’ve noticed the slight blush on her face. 
The feeling was new to him at the time, he didn’t feel it with Cho and neither with Hermione. He knew he liked Cho but saw Hermione as a sister; so what else is there to feel? He realised that he was exceedingly stupid with his feelings last year and before. He looked at her face again and thought of the last DA meeting today before Christmas. 
When the DA started she ran in and gave him a big hug and reciprocated it with much more force than she did. They hadn’t seen each other for a week except for a few moments because she’s been studying with Hermione, and he missed her much more than he liked to admit. They were interrupted by someone clearing their throat.
Fred and George smirked at them teasingly, bringing a blush to his cheeks and then Fred said “We can leave the room if you want.” She unwrapped her arms from around his neck and went to Neville, giving him a similar greeting and He felt a weird feeling bubble in his stomach; so he started the DA lesson. 
When the lesson finished she came up to him and said “I’ll wait for you outside Harry.” He nodded with a small smile and then went to Cho who was waiting by the mirror. It all went in Harry’s head like this,
More talking, 
and door opening. 
She stood there with the usual smile that always undertakes her face, non-existent and he couldn’t fathom the unfamiliar look. “Um sorry, I’ll leave you two alone.” She said in a type of way Harry’s never seen or heard from her before, and she left quickly. 
He looked at Cho and he was put back into the moment that he was previously in. He didn’t like the kiss. “Cho. Listen, I’m sorry but-” 
“I’m in love with her.” She said shortly and looked away with a speck of hurt in her eyes. “What?” he asked confused, cheeks slightly red. “You’re in love with her. I thought so and everyone knows so; but I thought I had a chance.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He said with a now obvious blush on his face. She started walking out the door and placed her hand on the door knob, saying in a small voice that He could barely hear “Reevaluate your feelings, Harry. I think you’ll find a new conclusion.” 
He was on his way to the Gryffindor tower in confusion, trying to think over what Cho said. Sure she was pretty, smart and funny. She was great, she was his best friend; he wasn’t in love with her.
Then again he couldn’t control how his heart flutters when he sees her. It was all platonic, he told himself; but there was still a part of him that was screaming at him” YOU’RE IN LOVE YOU IDIOT, WHO ELSE MAKES YOU FEEL THE WAY SHE DOES. WHO ELSE MADE YOU FEEL LIKE THE WORLD WAS OKAY AND EVERYTHING’S GOING TO BE FINE WHEN CEDRIC WAS JUST KILLED. SHE MAKES YOU SMILE YOU GIT, HOW MANY OTHER PEOPLE HAVE YOU MET CAN JUST MAKE YOU SMILE WITH THEIR PRESENCE.”
His loud vexatious thoughts were interrupted by the sound of sniffling. He followed the sound of muffled cries, and he saw a familiar Hufflepuff robe wrapped around a body he’s been tied to before. Her knees were to her shoulders and her head in between her legs as she cried heavily.
 At the sound of his footsteps, she lifted her head up from her knees looking at him and quickly wiping her tears away “Harry. What are you doing here?” She choked out.
“Are you okay?” He asked cautiously as he stepped near her slowly; it was the first time he’s seen her cry even though she’s seen him cry multiple times before, somehow this felt worse. She let out a dry but in some way soft laugh as she said “Merlin Harry! You really aren’t a Ravenclaw.” She still found his stupidity cute and she cursed herself for it; he doesn’t love her. For Merlin's sake he just kissed another girl. 
He chuckled softly at the familiar words, and sat beside her on the window bench. He placed his hand in her’s and pulled her to his side, and hugged her tightly. She couldn’t help but cry even more, she was crying in the arms of the guy that made her cry because she loved him and he only saw her as a friend. 
They stayed wrapped in each other's arms that night, and his heart broke multiple times every time she began crying. He tried to ask her multiple times what was making her this sad but she always said that it wasn’t important, then he’d say it’s important to me; but she wouldn’t answer and he’d try again. They stayed there until the sun lit up the sky and they were woken up by a Slytherin that was going to the library before class. 
It was past midnight when Harry was greeted by her worried face asking “What’s wrong? What happened?” His heart plummeted and flew when he saw her. He saw her, he’s happy; she’s worried, he’s worried. Her eyes skimmed Dumbledore’s office filled with the Weasleys, Dumbledore, Professor McGonnagal and several talking portraits that were chattering about what occurred; and they found his own as they always did -or at least he hoped so- 
She went up to him still wearing her PJs and hugged him tightly, and he wrapped his arms around her waist. He breathed slowly and tried to calm himself down; and surely after several seconds the worry, anger and hurting feeling in his head were slowly starting to wash away. “What are you doing here?” He asked, pulling away from her embrace and cupping her face. If he wasn’t in the state that he was currently in then his reaction to cupping her face would be more different. 
“The portraits were told by Ron to wake me up and go to Dumbledore’s office. So I’m here; What happened?” She replied and asked, holding his hand that was resting on his face. 
“All will be told when you reach Grimmauld Place 12.” Dumbledore said and started saying orders to everyone, he also got out a portkey and all the Weasleys used it to head to Grimmauld Place 12. “Come on Harry.” Dumbledore urged him to use the portkey that he previously hadn’t used with the rest because of his hold on her hand. 
Harry tightened his grip on her hand, and then she looked between Harry and Dumbledore saying, “Is there any way for me to go there, Professor?” Dumbledore nodded and they both used the portkey together. Harry couldn’t care at the moment that he looked like a child, holding her hand and not letting it go; but how could he let go of her when she solaced him. He also thought of how brave she was going to a place she doesn’t know of just because he needed her there with him. His heart lifts. 
It was a strange thing for him that only a few nights ago she was the one in his arms seeking comfort and now he’s holding onto her as his only source of sanity from Voldemort’s plague in his mind. 
All throughout Christmas he kept falling for this girl more and more. He loved her. He loved her laugh, her nose, her smile, her personality and he loved her lips; and he wanted to kiss them badly. All throughout Christmas he was reminded of her, and he spent almost every moment with her. It was his favourite Christmas despite its beginning.
Fred and George had left school. He was standing with everyone around him in an abandoned classroom, He had to save Sirius. “Alright everyone, there's no time to lose, let's go.” She said, and his eyebrows furrowed. 
“You’re not going.” He said to her with a firm voice, she stopped walking towards the door and let out a humourless laugh as she said “I’m going.” Everyone other than the two of them left the room trying to find the Thestrals not wanting to get involved with the situation. 
“No you’re not.” 
“Says who.” She said with her arms crossed. 
“Says me, and you’re not going. You could get hurt.” He said, and crossed his arms mirroring her actions. She took a step towards him and stood on her tiptoes to increase her height trying to look more intimidating. “So could you.” 
“Yeah but I don’t want to lose you.” He said, voice raising slightly. “Same here.” She said not backing down. He walked in front of her and said “You can’t come because I can’t put you in a situation where you could die.” 
“First of all, You wouldn’t be putting me anywhere. It's my decision and you don't want me to get hurt but you’re completely fine with you dying.” She looked furious, every time she was angry there was still a light undertone of humour in her; but this time he couldn’t find it. 
“You are not going! You can’t change my opinion.” 
“Well it’s a good thing I don’t need your opinion.” She said stepping really close to him, and she continued; voice louder than his. “Everyone else is going, why are you letting them go?!” 
“Because I’m not in love with everyone else. I’m in love with you.” He said angrily, not thinking this through. He’s always had horrible timing but now his timing was beyond the roof and quite impeccable, so he kissed her. Furiously, passionately and hungirly. The kiss didn’t get as heated as it could have when she pulled away from his forehead resting on his. “I need you to stay here for me, because I know I can’t think straight without knowing you’re okay. I need you to stay here and be safe, because when I come back I want to kiss you for the longest time.” 
She let out a sigh and said “Fine but just because you told me you love me.” He couldn’t resist the urge to place another kiss on her lips and then go out of the class running to go to the Ministry of Magic. 
When he came back, he was numb; completely numb. Sirius died, and he now had no family. He was led to the Black Lake by her, because he wanted to be alone but alone with her. 
He laid on the grass with his body intertwined with her. His arms were loosely wrapped around her middle and his head on his chest, and her chin was on top of his head while still wounding her fingers through his unkempt but soft hair. He waited for the -usual- effects of her even breathing and steady heartbeat to kick in; for his body to match the habits of her’s. 
No tears have been shed by him since his screams at the ministry. He didn’t want to talk about what happened and she knew that; he would tell her at some point and she knew that as well. At the moment the only thing he desired was to lay in her arms forever. “Is it true?” She asked while the flowers nodded around them from the light breeze. “What you said? Before you left.” 
She was nervous, he noticed from the way her hands started to fidget with his hair instead of playing with it. He lifted his head up to look into her beautiful eyes and he let out a happy sigh with a large smile. “You have no idea how much I adore you.” Her cheeks turned red and she placed her lips on his. It was slow and soft, and full of love. He could feel his heart mending.
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dcfanficsgallore · 7 months
Didn't Plan for This: Chapter 2
Wonder Woman x Demigod!Fem!Reader
No warnings! Just a completely normal date, trust me ;)
agápi mou = My darling in greek
3148 words
Chapter 1
Summary: Your date with Diana goes well... Until!
To say that I was antsy to get my cast off wouldn’t be a lie but also it wouldn’t be the full truth. After she left my room it wouldn’t be for another two days before I was told that my foot was healing much faster than normal. That’s to be expected, I’m a demigod, but getting into that with the doctors would take too much time, so I just nodded and waited for them to give me the all clear to leave.
After leaving the hospital, Ana took me to my place so I could rest, shower, eat real food and wait for her text. Which took longer than I expected (A full day!). I got a text from an unsaved number asking if I was okay so we could have a date, at least that’s what I understood. It was actually written: 
- I trust you’re safe. I have seen someone else in your hospital window so am I to assume you’re okay and not dead? -Diana
I chuckled while reading it, it felt like she was trying so hard not to write a letter but texting is clearly something she’s not super used to, I responded that yes I was alive and that I appreciated her text, after a bit of back and forth where she took her time writing her Hymns. We eventually settled on a date and time, you can Imagine my completely cool face and simple smile as she told me the details and not at all my embarrassing kiddie giggles as this interaction happened.
As the day approached, friday so I could go and not worry my job the day after, I tried to keep myself busy with all the reports and managing the damages the earthquake had brought upon the poor building I work at, thankfully the slides actually managed to hold most of the building up so the cleanup was easy and the fixes that were absolutely needed were made without the threat of the a bunch of rock falling on top of the workers. 
- The boss wants to see you - Ana said knocking on my door, which is weird, she’s the front desk secretary. What was she doing in my office on the second floor?
I looked at my watch, two hours until I could go home, time was going too slow. Unfortunately that gave me plenty of time to see my boss.
- Alright I’ll be right over, thanks Ana. - I sigh giving her a smile
- Actually he wants to see us both, right now - She said, her face not showing much but I knew she was just as confused as me as to the why of the meeting.
- Maybe he wants to talk about the earthquake. Maybe he’ll make you my assistant seeing as you were also helping people - I say hopeful
- Maybe he’ll make YOU my assistant, for installing floaties on his building! - She smirked
- Safety slides! - I corrected her, lightly smacking her on the arm as we made our way to his office - And he knew what they were, maybe not what they looked like, but he knew!
As we walked I couldn’t help but wonder back to that night in my hospital and the way Wonder Wom- Diana… Diana sat beside me and we just talked, she praised me like I was an equal and asked ME for my number. And then she set up a date. I kept thinking of ways I could impress her, making plans and imagining every possible conversation in my mind. Maybe I should bring her flowers? Or sword polish? Maybe she’s more of a chocolate kinda girl? Everyone like chocolate ri-
- We’re here - Ana said as she put a hand on my shoulder before I was able to open my boss’s door with my nose
- Great! - I say trying to push Wonder Woman thoughts away and putting on my work face - What are you waiting for? - I say to my friend as if I didn’t just almost run into the big boss door.
As we go in I see that the quake hasn’t done much to change my boss’s absolutely hideous sense of decor, his “newton’s cradle” that keeps hitting itself perpetually is still there and is still as annoying as always, his poster with a robot in a suit saying with a little speech bubble: “A good workplace is like a well oiled machine” didn’t get turned into dust during the incident. The whole vibe of the small office on the top floor was still the same, though I did feel like it was all leaning to the left a little too much. 
My boss, Mr. Vamp - if that sounds a bit too much like a certain monster to you, don’t you’re not alone and Mr. Vamp already beat you to the joke - Is actually quite the nice man, other than his terrible decoration choice, he always knew what to do for the company to flourish and never thought of himself as above us, though if I’m being honest his demeanor probably stands from the fact that his father owned the company before he did and he was raised to take this position so he most likely grew up in this place. Learning what everyone did so he could always make the best judgment call. Terrible sense of humor though, as all CEOs have. Maybe the robot was a joke? If it was, I did not get it.
- Sir, you wanted to see us? - I said. Sitting in one the chairs in front of him, Ana taking the other one
He looked at me with his brown eyes and bushy eyebrows with almost an expectation, then said:
- Yes Ms. Y/L/N, and Ms. Blönd. I wanted to see you both. - He said leaning back on his leather chair that looked to be recently cleaned, good for him. - I wanted to talk to you both about the incident that happened a few days ago…
After the meeting I felt as if I was going to explode with excitement, both from the topic that we just discussed and also because it was my time to leave!
I said a quick goodbye to my friend and went promptly home. Getting there I texted Diana to see if our plans were still up, and getting back a yes and that she would come over to pick me up in thirty minutes. Thirty minutes was plenty of time to take a shower, pick an outfit, have a little stress snack and get my mind rolling on possible conversation topics. The one thing I didn’t know was what we were doing! Diana had just said to wear comfortable clothes. But I didn’t know if we were going somewhere fancy or not so I settled on long pants, a nice enough jacket and a black and yellow t-shirt. Now all I had to do was wait… 
Half an hour until 18:00, I check my phone and see she’s sent a message:
- Wait on the roof - Diana
I think she’ll do a surprise but still, you never know so I pack a little bag with a few things to my mind at ease, also grabbing the little gift I bought for her.
It’s now 18:30 and I think I can see her silhouette, coming towards the roof? Or maybe a night pigeon? No, it’s getting bigger? I think that is her! Yes! It’s her! I start to jump up and down while waving at her. When she lands next to me  I have to take a deep breath, she’ll always impress me with her height.
- You came! - I said
- I remember saying I would come. - She said with a smile before pulling me into a hug, I blushed so much from that gesture - I hope I didn’t leave you waiting for long? - She set me down before taking a step back and smiling.
- Not at all, it’s a big city and I imagine you stopped to help citizens along the way - I say with a smile, I would’ve waited until midnight but I don’t tell her that
- You wouldn’t believe how many people get in trouble when you have somewhere to be! - She sounded exasperated but chuckled - I am sorry I was late and hope I can make it up to you. - She said, reaching for my hands and holding them under her own.
- Well, that's what I get for going on a date with a superhero so good she’ll help everyone that needs her - I say trying to ease her worries - But I’m curious as to what you have planned for us Diana.
She beams at me, it’s beautiful. Her sapphire eyes glitter when she’s reminded of her purpose here. I just now notice that her black hair seems perfect even though she just flew across the city to meet me and her tiara is shining as it reflects the setting sun. 
- Oh you’ll love it. I talked to some of my sisters that met other children of Athena and what I have planned will amaze you. - She says matter of factly like it was obvious or premeditated. That struck as a little cocky from her part so I decided to poke at it for a bit.
- You sound so sure, what makes you think I’m like the others? - I say with a little smirk and it seems to take her off guard. 
Her eyes narrow at me and she shoots an eyebrow up before smiling and saying.
- I guess you’ll be disappointed by the field trip then. - She says, gauging my reaction, which consists basically of my eyes widening and my mouth opening to ask her a barrage of questions, but before I can she puts my hands around her neck and whispers to me - Ready to fly? 
I nod furiously before the ground leaves my feet and I find myself being lifted up into the air, it’s an amazing experience. The wind in my face, Diana’s hands on my hips securing me to her body, the way the city’s lights turning on dance flicker through my eyes. But before I can get used to it all, we begin to descend and I find us in front of a broken down phone booth.
- Which of my siblings did you talk to, exactly? - I look at her confused and she laughs out loud.
- No no, this isn’t the place, this is a shortcut. - she says, opening the door and walking in. She then says something that I assume is code. - Wonder Woman, 03, location, 37.9838° N, 23.7275° E.
- That’s in Europe - I whisper, remembering some maps I had read of the world.
- Plus Y/N, 03-B. - She adds winking at me and the phone booth speaks
- Location locked, access granted, Diana Prince and Y/N - It says before the inside starts to glow and Diana pulls me inside, the phone booth isn’t super big so the only place I can comfortably sit is her lap, which makes me blush, like, a lot!
I closed my eyes as the inside glows brighter and brighter until suddenly it stopped and I found myself still on Diana’s lap, still blushing but being able to hear the faint sounds of New York anymore. I quickly get off of her and open the door to see that I’m not in New York anymore, I’m in…
- Athens - Diana completes my thought like she can read my mind - Well, the center of it, not nearly as pretty as it was in its heyday. 
- H-how, How on earth did we… - I can’t think of words to say, my mind is racing through different ways that phone booth, no, wait. It’s not a phone booth, it’s a creaky door to an unsuspecting building. Must be the way the Justice League disguise their teleporters - So that must be alien technology, can’t be kryptonian since it’s in English, but it also can’t be martian because if it was we would have teles to Mars already - I start rambling theories before Diana puts a hand on my shoulder.
- You really can’t stop thinking can you? - she smiles - How about we go have our date. Then you can go back to your theories? - she suggests
- Y-yeah. W-where are going, are we flying again? - I pick up my thoughts and manage to ask her.
She gives me her gorgeous smile and says
- We can, agápi mou. - She said in Greek. Which I know some, I wanted to learn after I found out about my heritage but the crappy lessons I took never taught me this word but the way she said it gave me fuzzy feelings inside.
I put my arms around her again and we started to soar through the beautiful landscape before landing on a secluded little hill. It overlooked most of the city, the lights were mostly off, the moon was off-center in the sky so it was probably 01:00 in the morning. The time seemed perfect to see the stars, and all the constellations of my ancestors and all the ancient stories.
Another thing that I noticed was the little checkered blanket and large picnic basket beneath a tree on the top of this hill. I gasped out loud and said
- Oh my gods, a picnic under the stars in one of the most historically charged cities in the world? You really know how to get inside my little owlet heart. - I said hugging her
- I wanted to make a good impression, and I’m glad it was your heart that I got inside because your mind seems like a tougher place to get in.
If only she knew
- Don’t worry Di, you’re off to a very good start. - I said as she started pulling me under the tree to sit down
- I am glad. - She said with a genuine smile, it was more reserved than her other smiles but showed just as much, if not more, emotion. - What would you like? - She slid the basket in between us and threw it open revealing a whole bunch of food. She clearly wanted to make sure we had a good selection of sandwiches, fruits, juices, and all that kind of delicious things.
- Oh that, that and that. - I pointed to a couple of items and she put them in a little plate for me before making one for herself.
The dinner was pretty silent, but a comfortable silence that didn’t make me feel like I needed to talk. 
After we were done we started stargazing, I showed her my favorite constellations. She told me of the stories of the ones she liked. Then I told her the myths attached to mine and laughed at weird hymns and poems that the ancients wrote.
When the laughter and conversation started to die down Diana got up and offered me her hand.
- Come on, we have one more stop.
- I hope it’s as fun as this stop - I smiled and took her hand before wrapping myself around her, I could get used to this, and we took off.
It didn’t take long until we got to this next stop, which left me grasping for words, this woman loves doing that to me doesn’t she? We were on top of the Parthenon, one of the most famous monuments in the world and a direct tribute to my mom.
- Holy shit. - Was all I could say, as my mind was flooded with the image of the huge building and the people below us, not many but still enough to look like ants going inside and out - Diana, you are amazing. - I managed to gasp out.
She looked pleased with herself but before she could say something she got a frown on her face, only then I noticed the ear piece she was wearing. She touched it and made an angry face, before softening when looking at me. 
- I am sorry Y/N, but it seems that the culprit of the earthquakes is still loose, but we think we got them. I am going to have to go and make sure they get arrested. - She said a little sadly, but I couldn’t help but think:
- Take me with you! - I said out loud, noticing this could be my chance to really impress her and the rest of the superheroes - I’ve been researching the best way to negate, what I assume is, the vibration maker that screwed up my city and I think I came up with a solution. - But before I can go on she stops me.
- No agápi mou, I can’t let you come with me. It’s too dangerous for someone like you - Now it was my turn to cut her off.
- Someone like me? I’m just as much a demigod as you! I’m not exactly a vulnerable mortal here, I broke my leg not even a week ago and now I’m walking around in Greece. If you think you’ll have to protect me? I can assure you I’m trained with hand to hand and knives. My job as Chief of Security had me learn that to be able to defend myself. - I said a little mad, but also kinda feeling fuzzy over her trying to protect me, as I finished my speech I looked into her eyes with my best determined look. That was the most time I’ve ever spent looking into someone’s eyes and I’m so glad it was her beautiful dark blue eyes.
Eventually she relented and said:
- Fine. But you stay as far away from the dangerous parts as possible - She reached on the back her suit and pulled a beautiful silver dagger with ancient greek inscriptions along it and a leather strapped handle - And you will use this if you get attacked, it’s enchanted as to not be dulled or break.
I took the dagger along with its sheath and strapped it to my belt, not too heavy, not too light.
- Thanks for trusting me Di, now. Where did you say we were going? - I asked expectantly. I did not expect Diana to turn to me with a smile and say.
- Well, New York of course. They wouldn’t want to stay far from home now would they? - She before picking me up and flying us to the rundown building, completely forgoing our bags. But I had the feeling that they were safe.
She opened the door and said the same string of commands just changing the coordinates to New York then pulling me onto her lap. I think she was also enjoying making me a blushing mess in front of her, I can just hope I don’t come off like this to her friends.
The room started to glow and I closed my eyes taking a deep breath, saying a quiet prayer for my mom and preparing myself for a battle.
Chapter 3
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spicechica · 1 month
Ernst Robinson x Fem Reader AU Part 2
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“Poor girl. I couldn’t imagine a young one like her surviving in a place like this,” their mother whispers. “We supposed she must be from a previous shipwreck. But, I don’t think she has any memory of it,” replied Fritz. You stare out at the half sunken ship in the middle of the sea, feeling as if it’s history repeating itself. You, a young child, barely a teenager, washed up on this island with no memory, no knowledge, and just a large antique chest that had warped from water damage, along with a few pieces of wreckage from the ship that had washed up as well. It was a mystery though how you possibly survived. 
“Now sweetie, how long have you been here?”Their mother asked. “I don’t know…It’s hard to keep count after so long.”, “Well, do you know your age?” You shake your head in response. You knew you must have been around eight when you first washed up on the island, but with no calendar or watch you never really kept track of your age span. From the look of you though, you must have been about fourteen or fifteen, but who knows, you couldn’t even remember your own birthday if you wanted to. 
“They said you needed help…I could help you if you want.” You stutter with your words, still unsure if you should trust these people. “I say you only have a few days before that ship is gone. If you could try to collect supplies, I could help you survive.” “Yes, thank you. Boy’s come with me.” Ernst and Fritz go with their father to the ship to collect supplies while you stay back with their mother and sister. 
After a couple of hours, and a few trips back and forth from the ship, you were able to help them set up a small tent from some old wreckage and a large cloth, also starting up a fire for them to keep warm. It was strange. These people were different then you imagined, they were kind, sweet, and welcoming….a family. You forgot what that was like. 
You sigh and shake your head, you couldn’t get too soft around these people. “Thank you, for helping us today.” Ernst sits next to you, offering you a piece of fruit he collected from the ship earlier. You take the offering, but scoot away a little. “It’s a miracle you survived here for so long. How did you do it?” You stay silent for a moment until you finally respond. “Well, I didn’t do it alone.” Ernst turns his head in confusion. “When I first washed up, I had no memory of where I came from or how I got here. The only clues I had were an old chest engraved with a name, and…this.” You pull out a small gold locket from under your clothes, opening it showing an old baby photo that had slowly faded over the years. 
“I remember I cried that day. I was so young, and so clueless, I knew I wasn’t going to survive a night. In the beginning, I was just eating whatever I could find or reach. I was tired, weak, and always had to sleep on the beach because I was too afraid an animal would eat me.”
“That sounds terrifying,” Ernst said. “It was. Until, I met someone. An island folk. He was tall and dark and carried a spear on his back. I thought he would hurt me, but he didn’t seem to be bothered. He didn’t speak any English either. I remember following him everyday, watching as he caught and killed things for food, watching as he sharpened and mended his knives and spear.”
 “I then tried myself. Practicing everyday how to catch a fish without falling into the water or it slapping me in the face.” You and Ernst both chuckled. “After a while, I was able to adapt to the island and survive. I was able to build my place in the trees and hunt my own food. But soon, the man left, and I haven't seen him since.” 
“So, some mystery man you met one day helped you survive.” You nod in response. Ernst scoffed in disbelief. “I’m just surprised, girls are usually terrified and weak-” Ernst screeches as you begin to squeeze his hand with your strong grip, cutting his circulation. “OW! OW!, Okay, Okay!” Ernst gasps as you let go, watching as the color in his head turns back to normal. “I guess I was wrong.” He chuckled. 
You give him a small smile as you roll your eyes, taking another large chunk from the fruit, the juices running down the sides of your mouth. You didn’t really have any proper table manners.
*Thank you all for the love and support on my last post. I'm thinking of making this into a full fanfiction. If you have any other story ideas or headcanons my inbox is open 😊*
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lambtotheslaughterr · 10 months
The Agenda Today
A Lloyd Hansen Mini Series
WC: 3.2k
Dividers provided by @firefly-graphics
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12:08 PM
            It had been three days since Lloyd had his way with you. And surprisingly enough, he hadn’t followed through on his end of the deal thus far. The end where after you’re done with Gracie you go to ‘take care of him’, as he so pridefully put. You were relieved that you were spending your days with Gracie, well into the night as well since you would sometimes fall asleep with her. But you never evaded that overwhelming sense that Lloyd would be making up for time lost. Still though, you tried not to think about it too often, instead focusing on Gracie.
            Currently, the two of you were in the kitchenette hut. Another surprise of yours was that Lloyd allowed you a lot of freedom when it came to Gracie. He had Doherty take down a list of items you would need for her: from educational supplies to food to things she could do for fun. For Gracie’s sake you couldn’t have been more happier considering the circumstance. You only hoped that there was an end to it.
            Lunch for today was a salad, strawberries, & grilled salmon. Gracie sat at the table, reading out loud a book from the Magic Tree House series. You listened intently to her sounding out the words as you prepped lunch. Wanda would be proud. Though you weren’t nearly as much of a cook as she had been, you had learned a thing or two in the years you spent working alongside one another. Your heart fell at her memory. You hoped to escape so you could give her son & his family the closure you imagine they were looking for.
            You finished lunch, placing the salmon on a bed of spinach before bringing it all to Gracie. She smiled gratefully, sliding her book away from her, “Ooh.” She giggled, hungrily jabbing a fork into the salmon. You chuckled at her actions.
            When you sat down next to her, staring absent-mindedly at the table, Gracie frowned, swallowing her food before talking, “What’s wrong, _____? Aren’t you hungry?”
            Truth is, you were. Very hungry. But you had no appetite. You knew you should be forcing yourself to eat so you could have strength & energy, & most of the time you did, but in that moment, you couldn’t stomach anything that you made.
            You shrugged, “I’ll eat later. Not very hungry right now.”
            Gracie clearly wanted to say more but left it alone, focusing on her own food. You glanced around then, of course spotting Doherty nearby as he patrolled around the perimeter of the hut. You could see the outline of a gun tucked under his shirt in the back of his pants. He kept his eyes straight ahead as he walked but you could sense that he was watching the both of you in his peripheral. Always.
            You contemplated how you could get him to talk. You had seen very little of Lloyd’s other men, Doherty being pretty much the only man you ever saw. And unfortunately for you, he appeared very tough, strict, dedicated. You recalled how Lloyd told you that his men never did anything without his say. The likelihood that you could win Doherty over was non-existent, that much you knew. Which made your planning for escape that much harder.
            Any plan you had developed anyway had quickly fallen apart. You didn’t know the area, you didn’t have a mode of transportation or a means to contact someone on the outside. It wasn’t like you were trained for anything like this. The only thing you could do was keep you & Gracie alive while being held hostage, & hope an opportunity to escape presented itself.
            A sudden shout of frustration sounded behind you. Both you & Gracie turned to face the appearance of Lloyd as he came stomping out from a nearby tree-line. He wore a tight black top, tucked into cream-colored pants. The way he dressed you could picture him more at a tropical resort rather than a tropical forest. You hoped he was uncomfortable with his choice of attire.
            “Doherty!” He called to the tall blond man.
            You watched as Doherty & Lloyd met halfway in the opening between huts & trees. Doherty never had his back to the two of you as he spoke to Lloyd. From where they stood you couldn’t make anything out. Gracie was watching too. You turned to her, smiling so she wouldn’t worry like you were. You gestured to her plate, “You have eat up as much as you can.”
            She frowned, looking once more at the men, before turning her attention back to her plate. You sighed softly, watching the men in the corner of your eye. Lloyd was angry. Real angry. He spoke in a hushed tone but his face was growing red. Doherty expressionlessly nodded to whatever he was saying. Then Lloyd gestured in your direction. You felt your heart stumble. That couldn’t be a good sign…
            Doherty looked past him, meeting your eyes briefly. Then Lloyd reached into his pants pocket, pulling out what looked to be a set of keys. He then went to walk away before returning back to Doherty, saying something once more. Finally he slipped a large pair of shades onto his face & disappeared in the direction he came from.
            Your stomach churned at what the keys may lead to. And the fact that he gestured to you & Gracie before handing them to Doherty. You had a bad feeling…
            Doherty suddenly appeared to your left, quiet & nimble as always. He stared down at you, cocking his head for you to stand up. You felt your brows furrow, but didn’t dare question him.
            “Gracie.” You announced, gently touching her shoulder, “Bring your food, honey. We’re going back to your hut.”
            Of course, Doherty said nothing as he led the two of you through the trees. It was at the same time that Gracie said something that you noticed it as well.
             “_____, this isn’t the way to my hut.”
            You felt your heart stammer within your chest. But you couldn’t show any fear, not with Gracie depending on you. You swallowed a dry lump, giving her a reassuring smile, one that you knew even she wouldn’t buy, “It’s okay. It’s probably just another hut for the two of us.”
            A minute later, you were unsure if you should’ve been worried or relieved that you had been right. Indeed it was another hut, but unlike the others, this one was much more isolated. The surrounding bush life & trees were much thicker, & further away from the other huts. Doherty stepped up onto the porch, producing the keys he had been given by Lloyd. He unlocked the double doors before stepping to the side.
            “What’s going on?” You questioned, not quite ready to step inside the hut with Gracie without knowing more.
Doherty met your eyes but said nothing, his face remaining the same stoic expression it always carried. You quickly surmised you would get nothing from him.
“Just tell me everything is okay.” You lowered your voice, not wanting Gracie to hear. But your attention was quickly taken over with Gracie racing forward into the hut.
“_____, _____! There’s a swing!”
Forgetting your attempt of getting an answer out of Doherty, you hurriedly followed behind her. Stepping inside, it was clear that this hut was bigger than yours & Gracie’s combined. The bottom floor was black tiled, with a single full size bed in the corner. Around to the right was a small kitchen along the wall & a small table with two chairs. Beyond the kitchen was a set of doors that led to an enclosed opening. It was there that you found Gracie lying happily on a hammock tied between two trees.
“Gracie!” You hissed worriedly, “You cannot run off like that, okay? We’re still not entirely safe.”
She frowned, but nodded, “I know. I just miss playing like this.”
You sighed, mustering a weak smile. As she swung lazily in the hammock, you walked along the edge of the enclosure. The wall was just slightly taller than you, the trees on the other side quite a bit more so. It was eerily private. Even Doherty didn’t follow the two of you in. Peering back inside, you notes the doors to the hut were closed.
“Where’s your food?” You questioned, suddenly realizing that Gracie didn’t have her plate of food anymore, “You need to eat it all.”
“I did.” She responded.
“I’ll be right back.” You told her, “Hollar if you need me, alright?”
Gracie hummed to herself as you went back inside. Just pass the entry doors, you observed her plate of mostly eaten food on the kitchen counter. You opened the fridge, surprised to see plenty of food stocked within. But you wondered just why? A new hut, completely removed from the other huts, plenty of food. It all led you to believe you would be here for quite some time.
Checking on Gracie once more, you ventured through the hut. In your race to follow behind Gracie, you had completely missed a staircase that led to a second floor. Ascending it slowly, you were slightly taken aback to find that it was only an open air balcony, much like the one you had woken up on when you first arrived here. But this one was much smaller. And unlike the other one, you couldn’t see much in any direction. Plant life was much too thick, not allowing you to assess where exactly you were.
Back on the main floor, Gracie still lied on the hammock. You recalled her book, knowing it must have been left behind. Something innate told you that you’d be here for some time & wanted to ensure that Gracie had her things to keep her schedule as on track as possible. Though this was a nightmarish reality, you wanted her to pretend that it was just a temporary home away from home. She needed regularity.
You approached the front doors, going to pull them open when they jolted stiffly. You tried once more. They were locked. You knocked on them loudly.
“Doherty.” You called through the door, knowing he wouldn’t have just left. He was yours & Gracie’s eagle-eyed guard after all. “Doherty, we need Gracie’s things.”
No sound came from the other side, not even a shoe scuffle to signify that he was indeed there. You pressed your ear to the door, listening intently, but still nothing. You groaned softly. Absolutely nothing about the predicament you were in had been ideal in the last couple weeks but being completely isolated, even from the bad guys, didn’t make you feel any better.
Unfortunately, there were no windows that faced the front to aid you in seeing where Doherty was, if he was even nearby. But you couldn’t imagine he had wandered far…
Outside, Gracie was now sitting up in the hammock, a forlorn look on her face.
“Hey, what’s going on?” You asked, placing a comforting hand on her back.
“I miss dad.” She spoke softly, “He hasn’t called.”
“I know, I know.” You agreed, “This isn’t like normal, like what we’re used to. But I’ve spoken to him.”
Gracie glanced up at you wide-eyed, hopeful, “You have?!”
“Yeah.” You smiled softly, trying to forget the last time you had actually seen him over the laptop screen in Lloyd’s bunker, “He’s okay.”
Gracie sniffled, rubbing at her eyes to prevent herself from crying.
“It’s okay, Gracie.” You reminded her, “I know this is scary & you want your dad but this will soon be over. You’ll see him real soon.”
“You promise?” Her voice quivered.
“I promise.” You offered your pinky, which she took, tightening her own small finger around it. “Before you know it, we’ll be back home, & your dad will read to you every night before bed.”
Gracie hugged you then. You wrapped your arms around her, feeling her body shake. You fluttered your eyes closed, picturing the two of you seeing Raj again. How happy Gracie will be, how relieved Raj would be.
You pulled her tighter against, afraid that if you let go too soon, then the dream would disappear, too.
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6:48 PM
            It was almost Gracie’s bed time when you heard the creak of the front doors. The bed in the corner was just out of sight. You were sitting on it, waiting for Gracie to finish up in the bathroom off to the right. When the doors creaked open, you stood, automatically standing between the bathroom door & whoever was coming through. But you already had an idea of who it would be…
            As you suspected, Lloyd appeared. But unlike other times he always appeared before you, there was no smile on his face. No, this Lloyd was royally pissed, & it was clear he intended to take it out on you.
            Immediately, you took a step back, “What’s going on?”
            He cocked his head, fast approaching you, a mirthful displeased smirk gracing his lips, “Where’s the brat?”
            You braced yourself against the door, blocking him, though you knew it would likely be futile, “Why?”
            Lloyd easily shoved you out of the way, but not without you yanking on his arms to deter him. He shoved you harder, forcing you to land ungracefully against the side of the bed. The wind had been knocked briefly from you. You stood on shaky legs as he swung the bathroom door open.
            Gracie stood at the sink, her finger in her mouth since there had not been a toothbrush waiting for her. She stared wide-eyed & scared at Lloyd as his large figure filled the doorframe.
            “Lloyd!” Your voice uneven. What was he doing?
            You attempted to squeeze into the bathroom but he held you back with his arm, easily blocking you.
            “Come with me, kid.”
            “What? No!”
            Lloyd harshly grabbed Gracie by the upper arm, dragging her from the bathroom. She began to cry, resisting his pull. When you reached for her, & her you, he threw Gracie over his shoulder like she was a sack of potatoes.
            “Lloyd, goddamnit!” You screamed after him, “You swore you wouldn’t hurt her!”
            You grabbed the closest thing you could find, which happened to be a candlestick holder on a table at the foot of the bed. Without thought or concern, you chucked it at his back. With a solid thud & clank, it hit Lloyd in the center between his shoulder blades. The candlestick was much heavier than you had anticipated.
            Following your assault though, Lloyd hissed, spinning around quickly. Gracie was like a non-threatening fly on his shoulder, punching him with her little fists as he fast approached you. In a second, he had a vice-like hold on your throat, throwing you up against the nearest wall. You clawed at his hand, feeling the air in your lungs get blocked right away.
            Lloyd glared hotly down at you, “One more fucking thing like that & I’ll break every single one of her fingers.”
            You winced, pleading with your eyes, but you saw that there was no reasoning with his man.
            “Don’t—hurt her.” You managed to force out. Lloyd seethed at you through gritted teeth, “Then don’t make me.”
            With that, he tossed you to the side. You landed painfully on your knees. When he turned on you once again, Gracie stared at you with tear-filled eyes. You nodded at her once, “You’ll be okay, I promise, Gracie!”
            Then Lloyd disappeared with her, the doors slamming shut behind them. And suddenly you were alone, feeling nauseous & helpless.
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7:06 AM
            You fought sleep all night, but eventually succumbed to it. It wasn’t until the alarm on your watch that Lloyd had granted you disturbed you, waking you from a deep sleep. You were on the bed, & as your eyes blearily took in your surroundings, you realized Gracie hadn’t come back.
            You quickly rose from the bed, speed-walking to the front doors. You pulled on them, but again they did not give. You knocked endlessly. Pounding & screaming against the doors. Every horror-story scenario flashed through your mind. Gracie trapped in a chair in a bunker. Her body buried in some shallow grave in the forest. Every possible horrible thing that could happen to her flooded your thoughts. You wouldn’t stop pounding on the door until you saw her again.
            You weren’t pounding for much longer when you finally heard distant footfalls. They grew closer, foliage crunching under the steps. You jumped back, blindly finding the candlestick you had thrown at Lloyd the previous night. Raising it to just beside your head, holding it like a baseball bat, you left enough room between yourself & the doors. You didn’t believe in a god, but you prayed mercilessly that Gracie would walk through the door.
            Unfortunately, it was the last person you wanted to see.
            Doherty stood just ahead of you, staring fearlessly at you. Your eyes fell to his hands. He carried no weapon, except for the one you knew to be in the back of his pants.
            “Where’s Gracie?” You questioned, your voice as exhausted as you felt. You held the candlestick tightly, never lowering it.
            Doherty glared at the object before narrowing his eyes at you.
            “I swear I’ll bash your head in. Tell me where she is!”         
            He cocked his head at that, blatantly unperturbed by your threat. But ultimately, he turned his back on you, slowly descending the porch steps, leaving the doors wide open. You frowned. Slowly, you approached. You watched as he stopped at the bottom of the stairs, clearly waiting for you. You held your breath, warily stepping through the threshold.
            There was no one else in sight. Just you & the unsettlingly quiet man.
            You ended up lowering the candlestick, but still held it tightly.
            Following behind Doherty, he began to lead you through the forest. The pit in your stomach continue to churn. It was beginning to become a normal feeling. One that you hoped you would never feel again. But until then…
            As Doherty led you, you began to recognize the surroundings. It wasn’t outright familiar, but you had definitely been there before. It was just before you got to the opening that you knew exactly where you were heading. As Doherty breached the tree-line, you paused in your movement, shaking your head.
            “Tell me where Gracie is or I run off in the trees. I’m fast, & you’ll lose me.”
            Doherty looked at you, shaking his head, “You’re no faster than a bullet.” It was your first time ever hearing his voice, & it was as deeply disturbing as he carried himself to be. His Irish accent was thick, but full of promise.     
            “And we both know you won’t leave without the little girl.”
            You swallowed. He was right. You bit your lip in frustration.
            “Bring the candlestick if you want. Whatever makes you feel safest.”
            With that, he approached the mound you had entered once before. Doherty unlatched the door, swinging it open. You stayed standing still, your breathing coming in uneven pants.
            “Just tell me she’s okay…” You couldn’t help the fearful tears that watered your vision.
            Doherty held the door open wider, his face expressionless.
            And without saying another word, you knew what he was saying—
            There is only one way to find out.
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Sorry for the wait, ya'll. I ended up writing a whole ass poetry collection completed with art by moi & am looking to get it published. My sister & her family also surprised everyone by showing up to town for a week so that has kept me busy as well.
Now that I'm back, I hope you enjoy this filler chapter. Honestly, I'm not much feeling The Agenda Today anymore. I've kind of lost inspiration for it. However, I'll still be finishing as I don't like to leave anything unfinished, but I did want to warn that it may not be my best work.
Anyway, as always, please share with me your thoughts! Asks, reblogs, comments are always much appreciated. Perhaps someone on here can convince me why this story deserves my best?
Thank you for reading!
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yuriko-mukami · 10 months
His Possession Dark 05
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The whole evening had made Yuriko sigh. She wished for nothing more than to leave home early, yet she knew that there would be yet another project working session after the lunch break, and Ruki’s eyes didn’t leave her for a moment even when they sat in the classroom. Yuriko could feel how his gaze bored into her back.
When the lunch break was about to start Yuriko grew restless. Since Ruki had laid his eyes on her there hadn’t been a single break she could have spent alone. While Ruki allowed her to eat he wouldn’t let her go out of sight unless Yuriko went to the bathroom but there was a limit on how many times she could go there during the night or how many minutes to spend there before it started to seem suspicious.
This time the teacher called Ruki in front of the class and sent him away for some business before the class ended. Yuriko almost sighed in relief when Ruki walked out of the room. This was her chance to get a small breather during the night.
Unfortunately, just when Yuriko was about to sneak out with the other students the teacher called her too. He pointed out a large pile of files.
“Tsukino-san, these need to be taken to the storage room,” he told her. “I’m sure you can take care of it before you have your lunch.”
Yuriko nodded. She collected the pile and wobbled out of the classroom without really seeing the hallway behind all the files. Wanting to hurry back for having her lunch of peace, Yuriko hastened her steps and turned from the corner. And that very moment she stumbled into something… or more like someone. She stopped but it was too late, and the files went flying to the floor at the same time as burning covered Yuriko’s cheeks.
The other girl squealed, falling to the floor. She covered her head with a terrified expression on her face, mumbling something in a language Yuriko didn’t recognize.
“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry! Did… did I hurt you? I didn’t mean to…!” Yuriko cried out.
The other girl raised her head and looked at Yuriko. Her eyes had a light shade of blue and green with little sparks on them, and while she was tiny, she had amazingly long dark hair. Yuriko realized that she had seen this girl in the hallways a few times before. The girl who reminded her of a princess from a fairytale: Snow White.
“Ah… No, no, don’t apologize…! It’s my fault, too.”
“No, no… It’s all my fault,” Yuriko said. “I should have looked where I was going…”
Snow White got up from the floor and started picking up the fallen files. Luckily not any of them had opened. Yuriko hurried to help her, and together they gathered all the files in no time at all.
“Such a big stack of files…” Snow White said. “Where are you going? I’ll help you carry it.”
Yuriko explained the situation. “But I… I don’t want to bother you… Though it could be a big help… Are you sure you want to help me out? Aren’t you busy with something else?”
“It’s okay, I’ll help you,” Snow White replied. “It’s lunchtime, so it’ll be a big break. I’m not in a hurry to go anywhere. Let’s go?”
The girls shared the pile in two, each of them taking one and starting to carry it towards the storeroom at the end of the hallway. Yuriko noticed that the other girl kept glancing at her with a curious look. So, she couldn’t help but wonder if she had done the right thing. Maybe she shouldn’t have bothered Snow White. Yuriko knew that the girl was her junior, and that meant that she might have felt like she didn’t have another choice but help Yuriko out.
“Umh… I’m Tsukino Yuriko, by the way,” Yuriko said when they arrived at the storeroom.
“Oh… I’m Elizabeth Virnien,” Snow White… no, Elizabeth replied.
So, Elizabeth was a foreign transfer student. Though it didn’t truly matter, not now when Yuriko has surrounded by much scarier beings than foreign people.
The girls piled the files up to the storage room’s shelf, and Yuriko sighed in relief. There was still time to have lunch without Ruki… that was if he hadn’t returned to their classroom where Yuriko’s lunch was waiting. Maybe it was better to skip the meal completely and head to the library for example.
“Well, thank you,” Yuriko said to Elizabeth. “I think… I go to lend out a couple of books from the library now.”
“What kind of books?” Elizabeth surprised Yuriko with a question.
“Oh… maybe something about this city and people who live here…”
“Really? Why are you so interested in this city?”
Yuriko averted her gaze as they stepped out and pressed the storage room’s door shut. She glanced at Elizabeth through her bangs, pondering if she should say anything. Maybe the other girl didn’t know about vampires and founders…
“Umh… the city itself doesn’t interest me that much… It’s more like… How should I put this…? I’m looking for information about… supernatural things,” Yuriko ended up revealing. “I… I… know it must sound odd! But I have a reason for it…”
Elizabeth was now walking next to Yuriko, tilting her head slightly as she listened to her. It looked like something was happening behind the girl’s glimmering eyes, but Yuriko couldn’t be sure. These days she truly didn’t know who to trust.
“Ah… sorry,” Elizabeth said finally, making Yuriko blink. Maybe the topic had been too weird; Yuriko should have known better.
“Ehm… so, Virnien-san, how long have you been in this school?” Yuriko changed the trail of conversation. “I’ve seen you in the hallways now and then…”
“U-um… You can just call me Elizabeth. I’m more used to it…” the other girl replied. “And well, I recently transferred to this school as an exchange student… And there’s something I’d like to ask you.”
Elizabeth started to walk slower, looking now directly at Yuriko with a tiny frown on her forehead.
“You… Have you found out anything about supernatural things from the library books? I’m… I’m not going to make fun of you or anything…! I might even say… I understand you…”
The words made Yuriko stop completely. She looked around them but luckily it seemed that they were all alone in that hallway.
“Just stories about how people have gone missing and rumors about vampires in the area, but the books say that those are just that: rumors,” Yuriko said. She leaned in closer before continuing. “I… I didn’t believe in the supernatural stuff before but after I transferred here… Well, now I know that at least some of the tales are true…”
Yuriko swallowed when she saw Elizabeth staring at her with wide eyes. She had gone too far! She shouldn’t have said anything at all!
“Sorry about that! That was weird! It doesn’t concern you, so… and I don’t want to bother anyone… Actually, I think I should go. I just remembered that there is something I need to do before the break is over. See you later, Elizabeth!”
Leaving the younger girl standing alone in the hallway, Yuriko hurried to the girls’ bathroom as fast as she could without running. She locked herself into a cubicle and leaned against the wall, trying to steady her pounding heart.
Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I almost told her about the vampires and founders! I need to be more careful. She could have been my friend but now I’ve probably freaked her out for good!
Breathing felt impossible when Yuriko recalled how she had drawn the wrong kind of attention before and ruined everything. It was bad enough that she couldn’t avoid Ruki and his fangs, nobody needed to know anything more. This should have been a new start for Yuriko and now she had almost failed with it. Elizabeth must think that she was weird.
Yuriko stayed in the cubicle almost to the end of the lunch break and then lumbered back to the classroom where the steel-blue eyes pierced her instantly as cold as ever. The frown was tiny, yet Yuriko noticed it. She swallowed as she slipped to her desk, wanting to disappear but knowing there was no way out of this hell but graduating. And for that, she needed to get through the literature project with Ruki.
When the last class ended Yuriko didn’t even have time to react before Ruki was standing next to her desk. She sighed again, not even trying to avoid him but following him to the library’s secluded corner where they always worked on their project. Yuriko lifted her bag on her lap and started to rumble her notes and the book from it, but suddenly Ruki’s cold fingers grabbed her arm.
Slowly Yuriko raised her gaze from her things, meeting the eyes of the ice.
“You left the classroom during the lunch break,” Ruki said, his voice as calm as ever but every tiny hair in Yuriko’s body stood up.
“Umh… yes, the teacher wanted to take a pile of files to the storage room,” she said. “And then I went… to the girls’ bathroom.”
“Is that so, Livestock? Are you not leaving something out? You should always tell everything to your master.”
“Eh? But… I told everything…”
Yuriko stared at Ruki, lost for words. First of all, it wasn’t Ruki’s business how she spent her time even though the vampire seemed to think so, and secondly, she truly had told the truth. Sure, it was odd or even worrying, if she needed to stay that long in the bathroom but it didn’t change the facts.
Ruki leaned in closer, his nose stroking against Yuriko’s neck, making her tense all over. Was he going to bite her here in the library? He usually chose a more secure place for that.
“This smell all over you…” Ruki muttered against Yuriko’s skin. “...dead.”
Ruki straightened up, glaring directly into Yuriko’s eyes. Cold, penetrating gaze was unyielding, demanding answers.
“Who did you meet today?”
“Eh? No one… some girl from the first year,” Yuriko said, blinking. “Her name is Elizabeth and she helped me to carry those files. I kind of… bumped into her, so…”
“You should watch where you are going and not burden others with your duties.”
“She wanted to help…”
“Is that Elizabeth a friend of yours?”
“Umh… Well… She was friendly but I can’t say I know her. Why are you so interested?”
Yuriko shifted when Ruki’s eyes and hand didn’t let her go. It almost felt like he was measuring her… or her words more likely. Why did it matter that Yuriko had met Elizabeth during the school night? Yuriko could understand why Ruki was jealous of that Sakamaki boy but a girl younger than her… there wasn’t any reason… unless… he knew! But there was no way Ruki would know about Yuriko’s relationship with Haruko.
And Elizabeth didn’t give me that kind of vibes anyway… She was friendly but that was all, and I probably won’t see her anytime soon hanging around after that odd outburst of mine.
“Not a vampire, no…” Ruki said as if he was talking to himself. “Not a ghoul either…”
A ghoul?
Yuriko shook her head. Did ghouls exist too? Truly? Maybe every tale ever told was true… It was hard to know which stories Yuriko should have believed and which not, it was like her world was slowly turning upside down and she was sliding into a hole where she could never climb away.
I need to figure these things out. If I have a fox as a brother and I’m doing a school project with a vampire… and met a founder another night… Not that I would know what a founder even is… Oh, maybe I can ask from Mu– Ruki.
“Umh… Ruki…” Yuriko started; the name still sounded wrong in her mouth. “I was wondering… I heard another day a term I couldn’t quite understand. A founder… What is that?”
The word snapped Ruki from his thoughts and once again his eyes locked into Yuriko’s. It was way too obvious that a founder wasn’t something light.
“The first bloods,” Ruki said. “Why are you suddenly curious about the demons, Livestock? You have not asked these kinds of questions before. Is there a specific reason for this?”
“Umh… I just heard someone mention it and… well, it didn’t sound like they were talking about the founders of the city or anything like that. And since I now know that vampires exist…”
Ruki nodded a serious look on his face. To Yuriko’s surprise, he truly started to explain to her how there were several races of demons in the Demon World. The Founders were the ancestors and superior to everyone else but there weren’t too many of them around these days.
So, that young man was someone special…
“There are a couple of Founders in this school, unfortunately,” Ruki continued. “You would do well to stay out of their way. Tsukinami Carla and Tsukinami Shin, avoid them. Stay close to your master, you do not need anyone else around you.”
If Ruki thinks that they are dangerous… Huh, superior to the vampires… and vampires are truly powerful. This school is a much scarier place than I thought. And now I’m worried about that sweet girl I met today!
“I… umh… I have no intention to look for the Founders myself,” Yuriko mumbled. Finally, Ruki let Yuriko’s arm go, and she was able to pull The Tale of Genji out from her bag. She put the tome on the table and took out her notes too. “I think we should continue…”
It was obvious that there was something in Ruki’s mind, Yuriko could almost smell it in the air. Well, not in fact smell but something lingered around them; she was sure of it. Neither of them brought it up as if they had agreed that it was better to concentrate on school matters. And if Yuriko was honest, she truly felt that way. When Ruki went into serious studying mode, he was pleasant company because he chose his words well and knew his literature.
Too bad he is a vampire and only yearns for my blood…
Even though Yuriko didn’t say anything out loud she clapped her hand over her mouth as if her thoughts could escape and be heard. Ruki glanced at her but didn’t say anything, continuing his notes again. Yuriko gazed at him through her bangs.
He looks nice and he can be friendly if he wants to. His thoughts about literature are interesting. I know I shouldn’t think like this, but he treats me decently when he isn’t angry about something… and this project is going really well. I think we can earn a good grade from it.
Suddenly Ruki raised his gaze again, and Yuriko turned her head towards her notes. Yet the cold fingers grabbed her chin and forced her eyes to meet his. Quickly the digits of his other hand brushed her bangs aside, making Yuriko flinch. The touch was almost gentle, very light and… intriguing even and forced warmth on her cheeks. Suddenly there were bubbles in her stomach, tiny ones that crew bigger and bigger until they burst, sending shivers through her body, and turning her breathing to the shallower side.
“Why so distracted, Livestock?” Ruki asked but it was impossible to read what was going on in his mind. His gaze wandered over Yuriko’s face, and at that very moment, her stomach grumbled loudly, making Ruki frown. “Hmm… you did not eat your lunch today, did you? You should go home to eat and rest. It is not good if you keep going like this.”
Why does he care about such things?
Ruki freed Yuriko and pulled something out from his bag, handing it to her. Yuriko blinked as she saw the small pile: her scarf neatly folded under the lunch box she had been using earlier. The same scarf and lunch box that had been left on the floor of the hallway.
“I apologize that you did not have a chance to finish your lunch the other day,” Ruki said. “You did not eat tonight either, and this cannot go on. The master must make sure his livestock stays healthy. I will bring you lunch tomorrow, and you are to eat it, is that clear?”
“You… you don’t have to… make my lunch, I can do it by myself,” Yuriko said, not believing her ears. Never had anyone offered to cook for her. Ever since she had been big enough to take care of her own needs she had done so because her mother had been as mentally absent as her father had been physically absent. It had been safer for Yuriko to cook for herself than let her mother do it.
Mom… Now she isn’t even here anymore…
“This is not a matter for discussion. I will take care of your lunch, making sure you will eat enough nutritious food that keeps you healthy. Now go home to eat. We will continue this school project tomorrow.”
Ruki collected his things, packed them in his bag and he was out of the library before Yuriko could even say anything. Slowly she made her way back home, mind full of questions.
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Beta read by @ruki-mukami-dl
8 notes · View notes
Lucky: Final Part
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.1k
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there is any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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You and Derek head to the church even though it's very late at night. The church should be empty, but it is always open regardless of time, so there could be people inside. Though, when you go inside, it's silent. Father Marks isn't anywhere to be found, but the place isn't completely deserted. There is a woman sitting in one of the pews facing the altar, so her face is turned away from you.
You feel immediate dread coming from her, and you're suddenly scared to be there.
"I'm sorry to interrupt. Um, I'm looking for Father Marks."
The woman doesn't answer, and you know you will never get an answer from her. The candles burning by the altar suddenly go out, and Derek practically jumps ten feet out of his skin. There is no breeze or anything that could blow out all those candles, so Derek kind of clings to you.
"Did you see that? Is there a ghost in here?"
"It doesn't work like that," you whisper. You look at the woman again and realize why you're feeling dread. The woman is dead. You just know. "That woman is dead, Derek."
"How do you know?"
You turn your head and your eyes widen like saucers.
"She's standing right next to you." Derek yelps this time and jumps away from the spot, moving from your right to your left. You can't hold in your laughter even though this is no laughing matter. "I'm sorry. I couldn't help it."
"I hate you right now," he glares.
"I just know a dead person from a living person. That woman is dead."
You walk closer to the woman with Derek behind you, and you tap her shoulder which causes her to fall onto the pew, proving that she is dead. There is a pentagram carved into her chest just like the others, so you know the unsub was here recently. He must have known you and Derek were going to be here.
He was watching you.
You obviously had to call this in, and what they found out about this woman is shocking. Her name is Maria Lopez. She is thirty-four years old with numerous arrests for solicitation and prostitution just like the others. The only difference is that she was reported missing nine months ago. She's only been dead for seventy-two hours with no signs of sexual assault.
The only way she was kept alive for nine months only to kill her three days ago is because the unsub froze her... and he was eating her. Just like with Tracey, the unsub didn't have time to freeze Tracey before people started looking for her.
Speaking of Tracey, when you got back to the police station with Derek, the test results came back on the soup. There are traces of human DNA in there, and the DNA belonged to Tracey. Everyone turned to look at you once the results were revealed.
"I hate my ability sometimes," you sigh sadly. "I looked at the unsub right in the eyes. I know what he looks like."
You grab a pencil and a piece of paper so you can draw what he looked like. You're no artist, but you're not the worst. You slowly draw everything you remember while the rest of the team speculates about the new information.
"Dr. Fulton confirmed it. Maria Lopez was frozen shortly after her death," Emily confirmed through a third party.
"Well, that explains why we haven't been able to find the other victims. He's keeping everyone frozen somewhere."
"How'd you get the cannibalism?" JJ asks.
"He didn't take them for sex, and he took their legs. He was trying to tell us by feeding fingers to Abbey. The fingers were a message. 'I've killed before' was only part of it. 'I'm eating them' was the other."
"Cannibalism, the greatest taboo. That explains his drive to blame his appetite on an outside force."
"Why would anyone want to eat human flesh?" JJ asks, completely confused about it.
"It's like a sexual urge, a cross-wiring of the two most basic human drives--sustenance and sex," Spencer explains.
Emily's phone rings and he places whoever it is on speakerphone.
"Hey. Garcia, I'm putting you on speaker."
"So, I can't find any patients in Florida who have the charming cocktail of being both a satanist and a cannibal. However, Hazelwood Mental Institution is the place to go when looking for Florida's most dangerous kinds of wackos, and they had a fire in 1998 that destroyed all their records."
"How far away is Hazelwood?" Hotch asks.
"Seventy miles."
"JJ, tell them we're on our way. Reid, let's go."
"Wait, Hotch take this," you say and rip the paper out of the notebook you've been drawing in. "This is our unsub."
Hotch and Spencer leave rather quickly, rushing over to Hazelwood. With the picture you were able to provide, it didn't take long to find the patient that you were looking for. Hotch called Rossi who placed him on speakerphone. Spencer was reading through the journal about the suspected unsub, and all he needs to do is find a name.
"Rossi, we've got something. I need a name, Reid."
"He was admitted after biting a large piece of flesh out of his nine-month-old sister."
"A name," Hotch urges.
"He believes he is possessed by a flesh-eating demon."
"Floyd Feylinn Ferrel."
"Feylinn? Floyd Feylinn?" Detective Jordan gasps.
"You know him?"
"I sure do. He dropped his last name, though. Is he that obvious?"
"Absolutely. He's not that bright. He believes Satan would protect him from getting caught."
"Garcia, you have an address?" Emily asks her.
"Sending it to you right now."
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Floyd's place is exactly what you thought it was going to be. Dark, messy, chaotic, and desolate. The more you, your team, and some SWAT members explored, the more you saw torture racks and devices along with crates that you assume he kept the women in. There is also a freezer in a shed that JJ and Jordan visited, and there were a lot more victims in there that are already dead.
Sheryl is found alive and well inside Floyd's house with only minimal damage, so you're happy you're able to tell her family that she will be coming home. You head down to the basement where Floyd is, and he goes willingly with you back to the station. He didn't say a word the entire ride there or when you placed him inside the interrogation room.
You know he cooked Tracey, but you need a confession out of him in order to charge him. A court could see the side that he was given this soup to give out, so a confession is needed in this case. It's pretty clear that he did it, but you need it on paper as well.
Because you made eye contact with him in the forest, you think it's best if you go in and talk to him. You have his journal that he wrote in whenever he cooked someone and ate them. He wrote down in which ways he didn't like them prepared and in what ways he did. You carry this journal inside the room and take a seat across from him, opening it to the first page.
"Kobe Girl Steak, huh? That's where you massage the meat, right? Floyd, these are some pretty unusual recipes you got here. Have you tried them all?" He refuses to say a word to you. "Come on, talk to me. Which ones did you try?"
"They have a smiley face by them. Others have a frowny face," he finally answers.
"They sure do. Why?"
"They didn't turn out so good."
"Do you hear voices, Floyd? See things that aren't there?" you ask, forgetting about the book for a second.
"I'm not smart, but I have a smart friend who tells me things."
You look around the room and settle on a spot right next to him. He keeps subtly looking in that direction as if someone is there talking to him. You can't see his "friend", but you can pretend like you do to scare him. Based on what Spencer said about him being possessed by a demon, you kind of know what this "friend" looks like.
"Tell me, Floyd, does your friend look tall and very skinny? Maybe horns on his chin and sharp teeth?" The look on Floyd's face tells you that you're right about it. "I've got friends too, Floyd, but the difference between you and me is that I don't listen to them."
You need to get back on track, so you decide to talk about the women he's taken.
"You know, we thought you chose athletically built women because you were attracted to them, but that was only part of it, right? Do you like a woman with a little meat on her bones? It makes for better recipes, doesn't it?"
"The skinny ones take drugs."
"You don't like drug users?"
"They taste funny."
"Where is Tracey Lambert?"
You know where she is, but you wanted him to tell you.
"I'm not supposed to tell you. I'm only supposed to tell Father Marks. I'm gonna stop talking now."
"Okay." You get up and leave the room, turning to Hotch and Rossi. "If we're going to get a confession out of him, we can't tell Father Marks where she is. He can't know."
"He's already on his way over here."
Five minutes later, Father Marks comes through the front door, and you walk over to him to prep him.
"Father, listen, we need you to get him to tell us where Tracey is. He says he will only talk to you, but I will do the talking, okay? All you have to do is sit there and let him talk."
"Okay," he nods.
You bring Father Marks to the interrogation room, and when Floyd sees him, he straightens up a bit. You pull up a chair so Father Marks can sit next to you.
"Floyd, I had to pull some serious strings to get him here. My bosses didn't like the idea at all of sending him in. Now, they're gonna allow him to sit right here and listen, but you're gonna talk to me, okay?" you ask.
"Okay. I've done some really bad things."
"Everybody's done things they're not proud of, Floyd. The only thing that helps is to talk about them and tell other people."
"It doesn't always help."
"Come on, Floyd. I got him here as you asked. Now it's your turn. Tell us. Where is Tracey Lambert?"
"Father, I feel so alone. I feel like God has abandoned me. Why?" Floyd ignored you.
Father Marks looks at you, and you gesture to him that it's okay to speak to him.
"You are not alone, my son. God is in all of us."
"So is Tracey Lambert," he smiles evilly.
That was his way of a confession, and you have it all on tape. You hated doing this to Father Marks, but it was needed.
"You son of a bitch. You son of bitch!"
Father Marks jumps up to attack him, but you're quick on your feet. Rossi, Hotch, and Derek all come barreling into the room to keep Father Marks from beating Floyd to death. Floyd is happy to see this reaction, but Father Marks will forever be scared. You can't let him know you knew this entire time where Tracey was.
Case closed.
Brutal case closed.
You don't encounter cannibals very often, but when they do come around, it's always scary. You never know if what you're eating is truly not human, but you can't always be afraid of what you eat no matter where you are.
All you want to do is paint the guest room with Spencer and turn it into a library/office area where you both can enjoy it. You want to be in the moment with Spencer, but you keep thinking back to the time when you made eye contact with Floyd and felt fear as soon as you saw the soup.
"I wish I could say having my gift would get easier, but it never does," you sigh and open your paint can.
"I wish there was something I can do to help."
"You are. Just by being here with me."
"Have you tried talking to Hannah? Maybe talking about it with someone who knows what you're going through might help."
"I would if she'd answer. She must be busy with her new life. Plus, I'd rather not talk about cannibals with my daughter."
You mix the pain to get it ready to be on the walls before picking up the open paint can and bringing it over to Spencer. About halfway to him, you get hit with something you've never gotten hit with before. You stumble back in pain and drop the paint, letting it spill all over the floor. You gasp in pain and double over, and Spencer rushes to you to catch you so you don't fall.
"What's wrong?"
You clutch your chest and look up at him with such fear in your eyes.
"Penelope's been shot," you gasp.
"God sends meat and the devil sends cooks." - Thomas Deloney
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41 notes · View notes
Loser=Lover - Chapter 16
Word Count : 650
Warnings : swearing, use of the word whore, food mention, mention of cheating
Story Masterlist
Taglist : @randomness7198 @sansluvr @lilactangerine
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Just like that, everything changed. In the blink of an eye her entire like was different. And she thought she’d feel more heartbroken, but she just felt tired. Tired of being someone she wasn’t. Tired of pretending she believed all of Karina’s lies. Tired of pretending she didn’t feel the immediate connection between her and Yeonjun.
            It was all just so exhausting, and she’s not really sure why she kept up appearances, it was never like her. But it was like Karina brought out the need to be liked in her, like she put her under a spell.
            “Are you sure you’re okay?” His voice was soft and comforting. He looked at her with worry and care in his eyes, no hint of pity like she had expected. But he was a good guy, he always was. He wasn’t the monster Karina was trying to convince people he was.
            “I’m sorry for pushing you away.” He let out a small chuckle before reaching out and wiping away the tears rolling down her cheeks. He was gentle as he touched her face, wiping the tears away with the utmost care, as if she was an expensive piece of art. And to him, she was.
            “Don’t worry about it, Y/n.” He was looking into her eyes like she was the only person in the world, letting her know there really was no hard feelings between them. And maybe he shouldn’t be so forgiving, maybe he should make her work for it, but one look into her eyes and he was falling all over again. “You’re here now, and that’s all that matters to me.”
            “Okay I grabbed everything.” Beomgyu said as he threw a bunch of bags into the backseat before crawling in after them. Y/n was the first one to pull away from the small bubble her and Yeonjun were in, but Yeonjun couldn’t help but continue to look at her, a fondness in his eyes that Beomgyu has never seen before.
            “Did she say anything?” Her voice was meek, giving way to just how tired she was. Yeonjun reached across the console and took her hand in his, rubbing small circles on the back to calm her down.
            “Probably, but I didn’t listen. I don’t care what that bitch has to say.” Y/n smiled at her best friend before turning back around, asking Yeonjun softly if he could drive away. She was ready to start the new chapter of her life and leave behind all the toxicity.
            After unpacking most of her stuff into her new bedroom, the three of them agreed to have a movie night, an attempt to make things feel normal. Everything felt different, of course it did, but it also felt right. Like this is where she was supposed to be the entire time. Right here with Yeonjun and Beomgyu, laughing at whatever dumb movie was playing, and eating far too much food.
            And a part of her wishes she listened to Beomgyu from the start, that she didn’t try to impress Karina and hang onto every word that came from her lips. She wonders if everything would have gone to shit had she just stuck to Yeonjun and Beomgyu. Would she have ever talked to Jeongin again? Would the school still think she’s a whore?
            Maybe she would have listened to Beomgyu and gave Yeonjun a chance. Maybe she would be dating Yeonjun right now instead of mourning yet another breakup with Jeongin. But was there really anything to mourn when her heart was never in the relationship to begin with?
            She tried to get out of her head, remember that things happen for a reason. Everything that happened led her to where she belongs, sitting in Yeonjun’s living room, eating the greasiest pizza she’s ever had, watching a dumb movie, while Beomgyu teases Yeonjun.
            It’s as if nothing changed, and she likes that.
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imagines-ahs · 2 years
Chapter Fourteen - Crimson.
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Summary: Wilhemina Venable felt it was finally time to leave Kineros Robotics and get a job with people who weren’t such morons like Jeff and Mutt. What she didn’t expect, however, was for her new boss to be so damn insufferable. She didn’t expect to fall in love with her, either.
Tag List: @devriesgoode @mistysswampmud @paulsonsratched @msvenablx @notmeellaannyy @rwoolfe​ (message me to be added if interested!)
“Okay.” Venable reached for her suitcase and followed to the left of their shared living room. After she closed the door, her eyes scanned the bedroom; it was huge. There was a big window to the left, as well a king-sized bed just like the one she had at home. The nightstands were clear wood and the rug was soft fur. Near the bathroom, a small couch and table stood. Thank God we’re not sharing a bathroom. Or a bedroom. Getting changed in front of anyone was a huge no. She could at least lock the door and have some privacy like that. After kicking her heels off, Wilhemina checked the bathroom. Of course it was huge, with a large tube and a large shower as well. Even the chandelier there was fancy. The towels were white and as soft as cotton. Everything smelled marvelously. Are all hotels like that? Venable assumed only the fancier ones would have all that room.
After using the bathroom and finding herself some slippers, Wilhemina walked back to the living room. She was hoping they could order something that arrived fast, for she was absolutely starving. Billie Dean was still getting changed, so Venable sat down on the table and reached for her phone in her pocket; Emma had texted her again. ’Nice! How’s your room?’ Wilhemina quickly answered her. ’It’s gorgeous. Me and Billie Dean are sharing the same bedroom, I suppose, but they’re divided by a living room.’ Venable wasn’t sure how to put it in better words, so she just hit send. The door to her right cracked open, and Billie Dean stepped out of it in baggy sweatpants and a sweater, hair still in curls and makeup still in place. It was so odd to see Billie Dean in, quote on quote, normal clothes; she was always dressed so nicely. 
“Sorry I took so long,” Billie Dean sat down in front of Venable. 
“You didn’t. I just sat down.” Wilhemia set her phone aside. Billie Dean looked a little better, now; her eyes weren’t as red anymore. 
“That’s good.” My feet are killing me. Billie Dean wasn’t sure what else she could do. I should put my feet up. But she wanted to have a nice meal with Wilhemina. “What are you in the mood for?” Venable frowned. Billie chuckled softly. “To eat. What are you in the mood to eat?”
“Oh—“ Wilhemina’s cheeks tinted slightly. Billie Dean kept her eyes glued on her, with that constant kindness in them. “Anything you want.”
Billie Dean hummed. She reached for the small menu on top of the table, reading all of the options the hotel offered. “Pizza?”
“Mhm.” Billie arched her eyebrows teasingly. “Too wild for you?”
Billie Dean couldn’t help but laugh at Venable’s face; she stared at her like she had seen something out of this world. “You seem to be someone who enjoys order.”
“I do.” Confused, Wilhemina shifted on her chair. What did that had to do with food?
“Have you ever eaten pizza at four p.m.?”
“Of course not.” Oh. Billie Dean’s statement made sense. Her cheeks flushed a little more. Billie Dean laughed loudly. 
Leaning closer, Billie bit her lower lip and smiled cheekily. “Would you like to go wild with me?” Even though the question was innocent, Venable gulped quietly. Shyly, she nodded, cheeks hot. “Pizza it is, then. Which toppings?”
Wilhemina had to concentrate on the task to be able to think again. She sat up a little better. “Cheese…?”
“A classic,” Billie Dean hummed. Seeing Wilhemina so flushed was something she was enjoying perhaps a little too much. “A big cheese pizza?”
“That sounds good.” Venable nodded. 
“I’ll order, then.” Billie Dean walked to the telephone at the corner of the room and called reception. She smiled playfully at Wilhemina as she leaned against the wall. “Hello, this is room sixty-three. We’d like to order the biggest cheese pizza you have.” As the man on the other side spoke, Billie winked at Venable; Wilhemina let out a quiet laugh. “Yes, for now. And also…” Brown eyes scanned the menu again. “Do you have any ice cream?” Once again, she eyed Venable. She looks like a child seeing life for the first time. Had Venable ever been in a hotel room before? She had the same look of wonder she did when they were in the plane, earlier. Maybe that’s just who she truly is. “The bigger one, please. Chocolate?” She arched her eyebrows to Wilhemina in a questioning manner. Venable nooded. “Chocolate, yes. Alright, thank you.” She set the phone back down. “It should be here in an hour max.”
That was going to be a lot of food. Weirdly enough, Wilhemina was excited; she had never had those silly experiences in life before. “Okay.” She chuckled. Her cheeks hurt a little, for she was smiling big. 
Billie Dean joined her on the table again. She stared at Venable, seeing the way her features seemed to have softened up. “Do you mind if I tell you something that might make you blush?” She teased, yet again. Mostly because that was how she was, but also because it was nearly addicting to watch Wilhemina’s face turn red and her lips to turn up. 
“Is it really necessary?” Oh God. Venable was already blushing. 
Billie Dean leaned against her hand, elbow on the table as she pretended to be thinking. “Hmm… I think so, yeah.”
“Will I lose my job if I deny it?” Wilhemina allowed herself to play along. Something in her trusted Billie Dean wouldn’t judge; wouldn’t make fun of her. 
At the words, Billie laughed. She was not expecting that. “Yes.”
“Fine…” Venable sighed playfully. 
“Well… you’re really beautiful.” Billie Dean wetted her lips. Wilhemina’s face turned white instead of red. “I’m saying that because I think you should hear it. Especially when you smile.” What should Venable answer to that? “And no, it’s not a joke. I’m being honest.”
Venable gulped. She kept her eyes on Billie Dean, having no reaction at all. After collecting herself, she managed to speak. “Why—why are you saying that?”
“I told you. Because I think so.” Billie Dean kept on leaning against her hand. “And I don’t think you know that… and you should.”
Wilhemina’s brown eyes fell down before she looked back at Billie Dean. Nervously, she played with her hands on her lap. “With all respect, I can’t help but think you’re not being honest,” she said softly, hesitantly. “I—I mean, look at you. You’re used to seeing yourself every day. How can you think I am beautiful?”
Billie Dean blinked twice as she assimilated Venable’s words. Is she… She frowned. “Is this your way of returning the compliment?” Over the years, taking compliments had gotten easier; but it still made her feel all giddy inside. 
Now, Venable turned red. “I suppose…?”
Billie Dean chuckled. “Thank you. But that’s not about me… you are a gorgeous woman, Wilhemina. I mean, I’m sure you know how Emma sees you, and I’ve heard the boys talking about you. Jenny commented about it, too.” 
The idea of so many people talking about her caused Venable to want to shrink down and run away. What were they talking? That meant they noticed her, and Wilhemina didn’t usually enjoy being noticed. “That is… odd.”
“It’s not, though.” She has this worry dimple between her eyebrows… Billie Dean hadn’t seen it in a while. Perhaps not at all today—saving from when they were in the plane. “They were all commenting on how beautiful you are. I’m sure a lot of people think that way.” 
Venable looked away. Her shoulders began caving in, but she didn’t feel the need to close herself with Billie Dean. Weirdly enough, she felt safe to explore her thoughts; to say them out loud. Billie’s eyes were still glued on her. Once again, Billie Dean was right. Wilhemina did need to hear that more. She had a whole life to make up to. “I… I don’t know what to t-tell you.” It was the honest answer. 
“You don’t have to tell me anything.” With her free arm, Billie Dean reached for Wilhemina. She couldn’t reach her, so she turned her palm up and rested it against the table; a silent invitation. Venable’s brown eyes lingered on it before she hesitantly reached for her hand. Billie Dean smiled and squeezed it, feeling Wilhemina slightly squeezing her own back. They looked at each other, and the corners of Venable’s lips turned up. There she is. “So… can I say we’re friends, now?” She teased after a minute. 
Venable let out a small chuckle. “Yes.” She nodded. And then she gulped and decided for once, she would open up with someone she felt she could trust. It could be a mistake, yes, but it could also be a good decision. And right now, Wilhemina felt it was the later. “I have never… done that, you know?”
“That what?” Billie Dean’s thumb was back at caressing Venable’s hand. 
“Pizza… with a friend.” Wilhemina shrugged. Her eyes fell back down to their hands, paying attention to how Billie’s nails shone under the bright light above them. “Sharing a room… almost like a sleepover.” Venable shook her head after a second. “I’m sorry, this is stupid.”
“It’s not,” Billie Dean quickly said. She shook her head and waited for Wilhemina to look back at her; when she did, she smiled sadly. “It’s not,” Billie repeated. She looks so vulnerable. It was hard not to get up and give Venable a tight hug. 
The thumb caressing her hand made it hard to keep her facade up. The touch was so comforting it nearly made Wilhemina forget about all of her fears. Nearly. Her eyes wanted to get teary, but Venable held it back. “Thank you,” it came nearly in a whisper. She took a deep breath. I don’t want to talk about it anymore. “I—“ Wilhemina cleared her throat and sat up a little better. “I’m working on the report as you told me to.”
That’s my cue to stop. Billie Dean was slowly learning to read Wilhemina. She nodded. “That’s good. Your work is always impressive.”
“Thank you.” Gently, Venable pulled her hand away from Billie Dean’s. She let it rest on her lap once again. Silence made itself home between them. 
Now this is awkward. Billie Dean didn’t want to make Wilhemina feel uncomfortable. So she tried finding a subject to talk about; that was the first time things got awkward between them. She needs to get used to being called beautiful. Billie would make that her personal mission. Why? She didn’t know. “Was your house alright after I went there?”
Venable nodded. That was safe to talk about. “Yes. It is as if nothing had ever been there.” 
“That’s good.” Billie Dean smiled a little. I brought her here after everything that happened. She had forgotten about it. “Before we leave for the set later, I want to put a protection on you.”
Wilhemina frowned. “What for?”
“Whatever is in that house.” Billie Dean watched how Venable kept on frowning. She took a quiet, deep breath. “I know you don’t believe in me… most people don—“
“I do,” Wilhemina cut her. Billie Dean arched an eyebrow and allowed her to proceed. Venable licked her lips as she thought. “I think I do… I don’t know. I don’t don’t believe you. I just—I don’t know. It’s confusing.”
Confusing.That was a start. And certainly more than most people were willing to give Billie Dean. “It is.” 
Venable nodded. “That night… that same putrid smell and cold feeling surrounded me in my own house. I can’t explain it… but you can.” Wilhemina was a logical person. And Billie Dean’s philosophy made logical sense in that situation. Venable bit her inner cheek as she thought for a second. Billie Dean kept on listening, allowing her to take her time. It wasn’t easy to come to terms with the other side, specially when you had lived a whole life without believing in it. “I’m learning,” Wilhemina finally said. 
Billie Dean smiled to herself, small but genuine. She nodded. “Thank you.”
“What for?” 
“Giving me a chance instead of calling me insane.” Billie shrugged. 
She has a past, too. Wilhemina wouldn’t pry. I can’t deal with people opening up… but I think I could deal with her. Venable felt like she could, maybe, comfort Billie Dean to a degree. I’m being conceited. She pushed the idea to the side. “I don’t like to judge.”
“Me neither.” And still… Billie Dean was aware they had both done that to each other. 
“Are you sure you’ll be alright tonight?” 
“I think so,” Billie nodded. It was, once again, heartwarming how much Wilhemina cared about her well-being. No one else in the crew did. “I’ll come prepared.”
Venable nodded. “You can…” She started, hesitantly. “You should call me if you don’t feel alright.”
When was the last time someone had said it to Billie Dean and actually meant it? With no second intentions, with no eyes on any prize? I can’t remember. People didn’t treat her as human anymore, not for a long time, now. Venable’s words caused her eyes to grow misty. “I…” She bit her lower lip. “Can I give you a hug?”
A hug? That was unexpected. And certainly not the most comfortable thing for Venable. But Billie Dean’s eyes were shimmering with tears, and she stared at Wilhemina like she was the eight wonder of the world. After a minute, she nodded. And Billie Dean quickly got up and went to her side. Wilhemina barely had time to get up on her feet before two arms were tightly wrapped around her, caressing her lower back dangerously close to her crooked spine. Please don’t go up. She tried focusing on how Billie’s body felt, on how she smelled and how tight her hug was. I don’t think I’ve ever been hugged like that. The unfamiliar yet absolutely comforting sensation it provided was enough for Venable to allow herself to stay there a little longer, battling the thoughts about Billie Dean’s hands slipping up. They were steady on her lower back, after all. As she forced herself to relax, her head fell down on Billie Dean’s shoulder. Venable took a deep breath. Floratta Blue. It was becoming familiar. Her fingertips caressed Billie Dean’s back where no one would ever touch her own, feeling the straight curvature of it. It was so different. It was everything she had ever wanted. 
She feels good. When Billie Dean’s chest felt better, she slowly pulled away. Her hands now caressed Wilhemina’s arms, lavander still clouded her senses. “Thank you, Wilhemina.”
“You don’t have to keep thanking me, Billie Dean.” Venable’s mouth had gone dry. Her body nearly trembled, and she could feel Billie’s breath tickling her skin. Now, with the hands on her arms instead of her back, she relaxed a tiny bit more. 
“I do, though.” Billie Dean scanned Wilhemina’s face, taking in every single detail; from her almond, dark brown eyes, to her beautiful nose and plump lips. She’s an work of art. It was insane to think that woman standing in front of her didn’t allow herself to take a compliment. 
“Nonsense,” Venable’s voice was a little lower, now, for they were close. Her hands slipped down to a more comfortable position and ended up resting on Billie Dean’s hips. She gulped. They reminded her of her fantasy. And of Emma. Emma. Billie Dean kept those kind eyes glued on her. 
I want to kiss her, the thought came flying through Billie Dean’s mind. And she realized Jenny had been right—mostly right. She didn’t only have the so called ‘hots’ for Wilhemina; she was, maybe, perhaps, possibly falling for her. Fuck. Billie was the one to gulp, now. Her body refused to move, and the hands on her hips only made it harder for it to do so. And it only got harder and harder, for she caught Venable’s eyes falling down to her lips. “Wilhe—“ Billie Dean’s words were cut by the buzzing of the bell on their door. Quickly, they pulled away. “It’s—it’s the pizza. I’ll go get it.” 
“Okay.” Wilhemina looked down. She took a deep breath as Billie Dean walked to the door, trying to collect herself and her rapidly beating heart. Her palms were sweating. It didn’t feel like that with Emma. She didn’t know how it had felt with Emma, but it wasn’t like that. Clearing her throat, Venable sat back down. Her phone vibrated in her pocket, and she grabbed it to see a notification from Emma. ’I want to know everything about it when you’re back! Those rooms sound good.’ Wilhemina barely processed the text. She took another deep breath before texting her back: ’I’ll tell you. And they are. How’s work?’
“Hey,” Billie Dean walked back into the living room, placing their food and two plates along with some silverware on top of the table. She smiled. She’s texting someone. Asking who it was was definitely prying. 
Wilhemina sent the message and put her phone back into her pocket. She offered a smile back at Billie Dean, and her heart skipped a beat when she saw her face. That was the woman she had just hugged and stared at the lips of. That gorgeous creature. She’s a friend. That’s why it felt different than with Emma. Besides, she’s straight. It made sense. “Hi.” She looked over to the food, and only then she realized how huge the box of pizza was. “This is massive.”
“I know, right?” Billie Dean chuckled. “More for us.” She winked playfully before sitting down. “I got us some orange soda, I hope that’s alright? I forgot to order, but they brought it along just in case. I figured I’d take it.”
That damn wink. Wilhemina found it funny. “It’s alright.” She didn’t necessarily drank soda, but she also didn’t didn’t drink it. It was a surprise Billie Dean did, though; she seemed just so fancy, not the kind to appreciate that kind of thing. 
“Perfect, then.” Billie Dean reached for a napkin and opened the box. The pizza smelled heavenly, full of cheese and with steam raising up. She hummed. “Do you want me to get you a slice?”
“Of course.” Wilhemina held her plate up. Carefully, Billie Dean placed a slice on it. “Thank you.” She reached for the silverware and began to cut the piece, careful not to make a mess. 
Billie Dean watched Venable from the corner of her eyes. Her heart was only now going back to its normal speed. After getting herself some pizza, Billie reached for it with a napkin. She took a first bite. “Hm…” She hummed. Wilhemina looked up at her and let out a small chuckle. Billie Dean smiled a little. “What?”
“I’m just thinking,” Venable shook her head. She took a first bite; it was delicious. Billie Dean is a magnet for good food. 
“What about? I like your thoughts.” Billie took another bite. It was true; Venable had a way of thinking that was different from almost everyone she had ever met. Almost. 
Ignoring her tinting cheeks, Wilhemina reached for a napkin and wiped her mouth clean. She shouldn’t be talking that much; shouldn’t be opening up and allowing herself to be so vulnerable. But Billie Dean simply made her feel that way. And it was hard to stop it, especially when Venable was getting so good at ignoring her tormenting thoughts around her. “It ties to what we were talking about earlier… you know, how we judge people. I just didn’t expect you to be that way.”
Wilhemina was a smart woman, that was no secret. But Billie Dean appreciated that her intelligence didn’t stop at the books. “What way?” Billie reached to pour them some soda. 
Venable pushed her glass closer. “Thank you.” She licked her lips clean. “And, like that. Eating pizza with your hands and all.”
“Oh?” Billie Dean chuckled. “You expected me to be all posh and stuff?”
Billie Dean laughed as she finished filling Wilhemina’s glass. She set the bottle aside. “I can be. But not when I feel comfortable.”
She’s comfortable with me. Why that notion was so weird to Venable was foreign to her. “That’s not a critic,” she clarified. 
“I know.” Billie took another bite. She smiled to herself. “You should give it a try.”
Venable took a sip of the soda. It was overwhelmingly sweet and not as good as she remembered it to be. “To what?” 
“Eating pizza with your hands.” Billie Dean smiled cheekily. “It’s a path you can’t go back.”
“Sounds dangerous,” Wilhemina laughed softly. 
“Oh, it is.” Billie Dean set her slice aside and reached for another one, wrapping it in a napkin. “Are you ready to take that step?” She stared deeply into Venable’s eyes, trying to stay serious while the corners of her lips kept on turning up. 
Once again, Wilhemina laughed. It was safe to say it had been a while ever since she felt so light and carefree. “I don’t know. Am I?”
Billie hummed. “I think so.”
“If you say so…” Venable reached for the slice. Billie Dean wiggled her fingers playfully, laughing sweetly. Wilhemina slowly took a bite.
“See? Magical.”
She might be the coolest person I’ve ever met. Not because Billie Dean was famous, or had money. But because she was herself. She wasn’t scared of being judged. It was something to be admired. “It is good… I feel myself changing, already,” she teased. 
“A whole new woman.” Billie Dean reached for her slice and took a bite, smiling cheekily at Wilhemina. 
With a chuckle, Venable took another bite. Sauce fell down her chin and, this time, she didn’t think anyone would be making fun of her. Instead, she laughed, loud and honest. “Oh no.”
Billie Dean reached for a clean napkin, leaning closer to wipe Wilhemina’s face clean. As she did so, she kept on chuckling. “See? It’s a path of no return.”
“Thank you,” Venable murmured. She took another sip of soda and reached for the slice again. She took another bite. Eating food with her hands was so odd, she had to admit she was struggling a little. The slice kept on bending down. 
Billie Dean watched her quietly, smile settled on her lips. She looks like she’s not from this world. Maybe she wasn’t. At least not from the world Billie Dean had been used to. I want to know more.“Have you ever been to McDonald’s?” 
“McDonald’s?” Wilhemina looked up at her with a frown. “I don’t think so, no.”
Billie Dean gasped a little. “Never?” she asked, even though she had expected that answer. 
“No…” The reaction caused Venable to feel inadequate. She knew she hadn’t had a, quote on quote, normal experience in life. She didn’t need to be reminded of that. “The food looks horrible,” she said, mostly because it was true, but also because she felt like she had a valid reason for having never been there and she wanted to somehow defend herself. 
Uh-oh. Even though subtle, Billie Dean saw the way Wilhemina pushed her chest up and the way her voice grew sterner. I can’t risk her closing up again. It had taken a lot of work to have Venable feel this comfortable with her, Billie didn’t want to make that feeling go away. “You’re right,” she nodded. “I just assumed everyone had been there at least once. It’s almost cultural, you know?” Wilhemina nodded and took another bite, not saying anything. Billie Dean licked her lips. “I like it that you haven’t,” she quickly said. This time, Venable frowned. Think, Billie Dean. “It makes it more fun for when I take you there.” She opened a cheeky smile and watched as Wilhemina’s face softened up. 
Against Venable’s wishes, she smiled a little. “Take me there?”
Billie Dean nodded. “Now that I know you haven’t tried it, it’s my duty to make you consume those delicious toxins.” The words got her a chuckle from Wilhemina. Thank God. 
“Do you even like it?” 
“I love it.” Billie Dean chuckled. “It’s my biggest guilty pleasure.” 
Venable was not expecting that. Billie Dean was definitely nothing she had expected; she was a regular person, with regular interests and regular ways of being. She’s not regular at all, though. Billie Dean was someone you couldn’t meet twice, that Wilhemina was sure of. But in a good way. In a way she had never thought people could make her feel. “I won’t tell anyone,” she teased softly. 
“Thank you.” Billie Dean took another sip of the soda. “Tomorrow, then. It’s settled.” 
“McDonald’s tomorrow?”
“Yep. After we wrap-up.” Billie reached for another slice. So did Wilhemina. She’s using a napkin instead of silverware. Billie Dean did tell her it was a path of no return. 
“Alright.” Venable nodded. She kept on smiling to herself, for everything was just so… good. She was having pizza with a friend for the first time in her life, traveling by plane and sharing a room, too. And even though it was late to be having simple firsts, Wilhemina found herself at peace with it; she was at peace, because it was with Billie Dean. And right now, Venable didn’t think anyone else would have made these firsts so nice. Even though it was cliché and Wilhemina absolutely despised it, for the first time she was able to believe things happened as they should. 
Is this a date? Billie Dean found herself stupid for even considering that. They were friends. That was all. And Emma was interested in Wilhemina, so there was just no way. They were friends. Friends. She finished her slice and leaned back on the chair. She was absolutely full. “That was delicious.”
Wilhemina nodded as she drank the last of her soda. She looked over to the box; more than half of the enormous pizza was still there. “We’ll have it for dinner, too.”
“Yeah.” Billie Dean looked over as well. “I definitely don’t mind it.”
“Me either.” Wilhemina felt her phone vibrating in her back pocket. She reached for it only to see another notification from Emma. ’Work is boring… I like to watch you from time to time and I can’t do that today.’ along with the message, Emma had sent her an emoji of a monkey covering its eyes. Then, she sent another text. ’That sounded weird. But it’s because I like to watch you work… you’re pretty when you’re concentrated.’ Wilhemina’s cheeks grew hot, and she didn’t realize her lips were forming into a smile while she stared down at the tiny screen in her hands. 
Billie Dean raised a teasing eyebrow. “Is that Emma?” Even though she asked it, she wasn’t sure she wanted to know the answer. 
Quickly, Venable looked back at her. Her cheeks grew even hotter. Shit. Fuck. “She’s just—just letting me know how work is.”
“Mhm.” Billie Dean smirked as she kept on staring at Wilhemina, whom kept on blushing. “Do you like her?” If was prying, Billie knew it. Even asking if the person Venable was talking to had been. But Billie Dean couldn’t stop herself. 
Venable scoffed out of instinct. She set her phone back inside her pocket. And then she thought of an answer. Did she like Emma? She didn’t know. She thought she did but now… she wasn’t so sure. And that was none of Billie Dean’s business, frankly. It was uncomfortable to talk about it with Billie; or at least ‘uncomfortable’ was the closest she could think of to what she was feeling. “I don’t think I want to talk about it.”
Billie Dean felt herself wanting to push on the manner. She felt restless. Curious. Calm down.Wilhemina was still a friend. She nodded. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry.”
“It’s okay.” Venable had began to build her walls again. She felt the roughness coming back inside, and she hated it. Her eyes fell down to her lap. 
I crossed the line. Billie Dean decided it was best to leave Wilhemina alone. And she also wanted to be alone for a minute. I need to rest for later. “I’ll go rest for tonight… save some energy.” 
Weird. “Alright.” Venable looked up to Billie Dean. Something had shifted between them. 
“Call me if you need anything.” Billie got up and closed the pizza box. And then, she made her way to the door of her bedroom. Before getting inside, however, she looked back at Wilhemina. “Before we leave, don’t let me forget to put that protection on you.”
“I won’t.”
Billie Dean nodded and closed the door. Now, in solitude, she let out a groan. I don’t want to think about it. So she wouldn’t. To make matters worse, they hadn’t even touched the ice cream. 
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deada55 · 2 years
crossposting: ao3
synopsis: Molly and Calvert discuss disciplining their son, Pickles.
for kloktober day 8
“Dooya think we were too hard on him?”
    He’d been crushed, and he cried hard enough to make her doubt he ever had asthma. Still, he managed to look suffocated, so red that he looked like an alien, twice as bad compared to the first round. They’d caught him again once he’d come back, but Molly felt she was justified. He couldn’t get away with running off, even if they’d let him have it about burning down the garage.
    Her youngest had always been a little baby bottomless pit. The second baby should be easier than the first, or at least the second birth, but the opposite had been true. The bleeding led to a hysterectomy, and along with her uterus went away a light that she couldn’t identify. She couldn’t care less about him, about either of them. The day she realized he had red hair was the day he became bearable again for her. He was hers. He was different. He was special. Hell, he even looked like her.
    How special was it that his first word was so hysterical that it became his name? No one knew exactly why it made them laugh until they cried. Initially, it was “Daddy’s” joke, then you used it, and then Seth wouldn’t let it go. You all named him Pickles. Isn’t that sweet?
    But he didn’t make her all that happy. Just something about him brought her back into the darkness of her room and her polyester housecoats, staring out the window while he cried, bathing the house like white noise. Dishes swam in the murky kitchen sink for days. By the time she could get out of bed before noon, he was two months old.
    Calvert held things together well enough. All the diaper duties he shirked with Seth came back with a vengeance. Who else would feed the baby and potty train the toddler and find something to eat? He drank after the dinner was on the table, when all there was left was to clean up and tuck everyone in. He took a sip of the water on his bedside table and sighed.
    “Do you?”
    Pickles pulled every trick a six-year old could have to get out of this mess, insisting that it was Seth through every sob. He tried to prove it, he tried to beg, he even tried to leverage his toys as a bargaining chip for them to believe them. He swore to “Gosh” and he promised to be better and he’d stay up late and clean the dishes so she wouldn’t have to.
    It took thirty minutes before he’d slowed down enough for them to feel like they’d done enough. Pickles got into a pattern. He’d listen to his father with his eyes wide with fear and his bottom lip incompetent, showing his doll teeth perched on top of his tongue. Eventually, a couple tears would fall and he’d pinch his lips and whine until he wiped his face and started the whole process again. His reactions kept the whole thing going. More and more kept coming up about his behavior and Molly found herself lecturing about Thanksgiving. It was July.
    By the bony grip of her husband’s hand on the seam of his pocket, she could tell he wanted to pull out the belt. They’d agreed never to belt the kids, not like what they got. They’d be modern. They could be parents without it. Seth tempted them from time to time but she’d never seen Calvert get that upset, that disgusted… If he felt that strongly, she was more than justified.
    “Now you stay there until we come back and tell you to move!”
    She stuck by Calvert and left shortly behind him, long enough to see the anxious hope in Pickles eyes. They walked slow, and she heard him whimper into his hands, too.
    Now, in bed, she didn’t feel so proud of the parade they’d put on. Of course, he ran away. Anyone would run away, but understanding wasn’t the same as guilt.
“No, I don’t. I don’t regret a damn thing.”
Calvert lit a cigarette. “I think it’ll be good for him.”
He’d sent Molly and Seth to get a hamburger so he could pick at the remains of the garage, start calling insurance, and empty his scotch cabinet for shits and giggles. Pickles was missing when Molly came home but came back twenty minutes later with wet hair and alumnimum marks on his teeth and an uncharacteristic, beaten scowl.
Round two went just the same. Whatever hadn’t been said came flying out. How could he walk off like that, like a coward, after ruining the garage? Again, they laid out the cost, faster now that they’d had a run-through, but Pickle was only six and couldn’t keep up the tears all day. Instead of exhausted, he got sour and silent. 
She could handle the tears, but his new face was making her fingers stiffen. Just when she was ready to slap him, Calvert let him be dismissed to walk robotically into his bedroom for the night.
“I hope so, I was starting to worry.” Her own mother called Pickles spoiled for the first time when he wouldn’t eat green beans, but between the inhalers and the doctors visits and the constant ringing of his toy piano she’d started to believe her.
Pickles didn’t go out as much. He didn’t scramble to go ride bikes, but he clamored for the movies. He spent too much time at home, wanting to be tucked into bed and asking to watch Julia Child with her. It wasn’t healthy. Seth could care less for his parents’ company. He had a couple years’ advantage, but already he looked like a better bet than his little brother.
Molly went to sleep thinking about making scrambled eggs and cream of wheat the next morning.
When he was thirteen, Pickles thought back to the days when his father would drive him around and nothing felt awkward about being seen by his father. Every time they hugged, almost every time they spoke, something brought him back to his father’s face grabbing his chin and the smell of burnt insulation. Bulging, red eyes flashed in front of his face and speaking to either of his parents stopped feeling good altogether while they rebuilt that garage and planted new cypress trees by the fenceline. His chest ached for weeks and he went through both of his inhalers. He almost missed the start of first grade to a swollen pain in his eyes, and his Christmas was spent wearing eyepatches. It made him sick, it absolutely made him sick.
When his grades slipped, it got worse, but when he pulled them up, they started to yell about his room. When he cleaned his room, they yelled about the scrapes on his elbows. When he healed, they screamed about his backtalk. When he stopped talking back, he realized they didn’t want him to speak at all.
The shit you see as a kid must get rehearsed over the years, and that’s how it stays closer to the spirit than anything you could do in the meantime. Maybe what he wanted didn’t exist anymore: His mom’s changed. She’s got wrinkles and thick knuckles on her right hand and he’d spend his whole life trying to run back to her softer clone hidden in a warm opioid haze. Her lips on his cheek haunted him while his hair fell out and his face got sallow the morning after, no matter how much money he made.
Someday, he had to stop running, but today couldn’t be that day.
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ruiniel · 1 year
“Well?” he asks, stopping at some distance from the castle, his face upturned to the stars.
“Well, what?” Trevor turns to him.
“What did you want to ask me about?” Alucard crosses his arms; he could be mistaken, but most often than not, it hits the mark.
Trevor shakes his head. “No, I don’t know what you’re… no, you know what? Yeah, I did have a question.”
Alucard braces himself. But they stayed. They stayed. Unbidden, his thought flies back to another starry night, to the hunter splayed beneath him, to the balm of his words and the warmth of him, the wet silk he’s scraped with his teeth. “Tell me.”
Trevor takes a deep breath; his heartbeat quickens; the scent of his blood is powerful, heady as it swirls around him, and for a moment he forgets the crime and the spill of his elder’s blood, the mirror and even his mother’s last words to him in a dream of flame.
“I know little about your…” he stops, looking Alucard over, sighing. “You barely eat when we eat. You look like shit.”
Alucard nods, though his heart drops to his feet. How does one admit to choosing death over harming another? How does one make it believable? The question comes from an honest place. He can’t fault it. Trevor Belmont fears him not, that much he knows. Still.
His eyes see through the darkest night, and now Alucard garners the unease on Trevor’s face, as one who feels guilt even as they deal the blow. “No, Belmont, I do not require human blood to survive.”
A pause. Silence. A shift. “But you do... uh, need it, sometimes?”
Alucard looks towards the castle, and from the distance he sees Sypha there, on the long suspended bridge, gazing out with her arms folded over the balustrade. Trevor looks too, following the direction of his stare. “It would speed the healing process if gravely wounded, and it would enhance my powers, to an extent.” He falls silent for a few beats of the hunter's heart. “But, to fully answer your question, I don’t depend on consuming blood. Not as a full-fledged vampire would.”
“All right,” Trevor says, and asks no more on the matter.
Alucard breathes; easier. “May I ask you something in turn?” he starts as they walk back towards the castle together.
“Mm. Like for like. Sure, shoot.”
“While you were ill, you kept repeating names of… people.”
A sigh. “Such as?”
Alucard runs his tongue over his teeth. “… Amelia?”
Trevor says nothing for a long, long while, and Alucard doesn’t press him. Perhaps he should not have asked. Old pains scar, but they’re still there, their presence lingering like black oil on the limpid surface of water. Curse him, he should not have asked.
“Amelia was my eldest sister.”
Alucard looks back at the hunter, taking in his hunched shoulders, the heaviness settled over his bearing.
“She was the first to pick up the profession, went on many hunts with my father Gabriel, taught the rest of us most of what she knew when he couldn’t.”
“How many siblings did you have?”
Trevor sighs. “There were seven of us. Four sisters. Amelia.” He kicks a pebble with his boot. “Lidia.” Another pebble. “Mona.” Silence. “Miriam. And two twin brothers, Simon and Andras. I was the youngest of us. I could barely snap a whip.”
“And neither of them—”
“Dead,” Trevor mutters. “All of them. Before I fled here.”
“I’m… I am sorry,” Alucard murmurs. Curse him, curse him, curse him.
“Doesn’t matter,” says Trevor, pinching the bridge of his nose, his voice gravelly and curt. “Not anymore. The robed bastards with blades and decrees ensured that. Can we talk about something else now?”
“I did not mean to pry, Trevor,” Alucard says, as the man’s dread and hurt seeps through him with the force of a tidal wave. He didn’t mean to, but he did; how strange the realization of loss, to see beyond his own guilt and the trappings of his own pain, to learn of what others lived through, what they’ve seen and survived. And the hunter’s wounds and sorrow, so similar to his own, grip him and coil about his heart like smothering, hungry serpents.
Trevor stops in his tracks. “Wait…”
Alucard turns to him. “What?”
“Say that again.”
“... I did not mean to—”
Trevor groans. “No, you arse. My name.”
“Oh.” Alucard blinks, taken aback by his own realization. He licks his lips. “Trevor.”
The hunter nods, and looks up, at Sypha on the long, ragged-edged bridge uniting two wings of the castle. He glances back at Alucard. “Keep using it.”
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convxction · 2 years
With the runaway queen being captured by the Exalt, S.T.A.R was in charge of taking care of the kids. It was a rough patch for the three children. While S.T.A.R could provide assistance in terms of finding a good hiding spot or telling them what they should eat, it wasn’t a good replacement for having their actual mother. She couldn’t hug them or bandage their wounds. She could sing them songs like Rebecca did as a small comfort using the recordings of her singing. 
She kept them moving away from the Ylissian knights that were chasing after them. Algorithms and predictions being calculated on what the knights might try to do next. She could divert the children away from likely traps. As Chrom predicted however it was only a matter of time before the A.I ran out of moves that she could take and they had caught up to the group. They were children, not soldiers. She couldn’t expect them to follow her every order and as such had scrapped a lot of her plans.
Unlike their mother, the children were brought back to the castle in a comfy carriage but they were fearful. The tales of Chrom’s actions were told where ever they hid. Either by the locals or by their mother or S.T.A.R when asked. Lucina was clutching the helmet close to her as they approached the castle. S.T.A.R would reassure them that they would be safe during the travel though she wasn’t quite sure that the same could be said for her. 
Arriving at the castle, the helmet would be taken from Lucina as the three children were escorted to what was their old bedroom. A knight would take the helmet to Chrom and the news about the return of his children.
“My lord.” The knight began. “We were successful in safely bringing the children back home. They await in their bedroom. I also bring the one that the Queen refers to as ’S.T.A.R’ for you to deal with.”
He put the helmet on the table and waited for Chrom to dismiss him. S.T.A.R however was not going to wait. Forming her hard light image, she appeared in the room with a disapproving look on her face. The knight tried to get her to disappear but to no avail.
“You know they are afraid of you right? Your children. The story of your deeds have reached far and they’ve heard about everything you’ve done. What will you do when they ask to see their mother? Will you show them how you chained her up and threw away the key? They’ve seen this new world that you’ve made. One where the people are afraid of you and subsequently them. I’ve run the calculations on what you might do but you may surprise me. Humans always have one factor that even I can’t calculate. I just hope that they don’t have to pay the consequences.“ 
“You will silence yourself Wretch!” The knight called out.
“There’s not much you can do to make me. As you’ve learned through your numerous failed attempts. This form isn’t physical. It can’t be hurt and if you try to destroy the helmet, it will take a lot more force than this entire nation is capable of. If you truly love those children Exalt Chrom, then you’ll let them leave with their mother.”
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The once cheerful courtroom is nothing but cold and empty one now–only the king sits on his throne, recalling every memory his cells could muster; seeking the ‘when’ it all went down. When his perfect life came crashing down on him? When did he lose the sight of his true self?
When … ?
The question became like a curse, eating away at his peace. In every waking moment he is thinking about when it all fall apart. He had everything, a wonderful wife, amazing children, great aids, and good countrymen. Then, one by one, they slipped away from his grasp. How could this had happened? 
Because of him. 
He was weak.
He let one thing alter the course of his life.
Yes, his sister was everything to him but in his blind grief, he lost the actual things he got.
The news of the children capture arrived even before the knights brought them. He may have lost great deals of his aids during this time but some refused to leave his side, hoping for the day he will open his eyes back again to the truth. Chrom made his way to the meeting room which later the knight who took S.T.A.R. brought her in.
It have been a long time since the king had smiled, and it was evident by how his facial features were. One could mistake him for a risen … 
Eyes darted to the hologram. Chrom knew what is coming for him. S.T.A.R. just like the Spartan who owned her, would not stay silent without a fight. Chrom remained silent the entire time she was talking and when the knight interrupted her, Chrom signaled for the knight to remove himself out of the room this instance. 
A huff escaped his lips once the room fell silent. “Are you done?” he spat back at her, propping his head over his right hand. “Listen, S.T.A.R., all I have to do is lock you in a room until your battery runs out or ask a Manakete to burn until you melt, so keep that tongue of yours quiet. As for my kids, they ARE MY kids, too. I know what is best for them more than you will ever know.”
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There was a moment before he got up and took the helmet and moved a little bit further in the room. Apparently, he felt the presence of someone (most likely spies from Ferox or Plegia, hiding) “S.T.A.R. ... I value your counsel but this time Rebecca had wronged me. I can’t let her go without a punishment. She TOOK my children away and ran, S.T.A.R. She didn’t stay with me. She promised to stay with me ... Why did she lied? Why ...?”    
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