#bucky barnes x reader funny
lovelybarnes · 10 months
The Blanket in The Box- B. Barnes
pairings: bucky barnes x reader, sam wilson warnings: I FORGOT TO INCLUDE THE TEAM I'M SO SORRY I'LL WRITE A SECOND PART, silly about: request! "What if fem reader got a blanket of bucky. how would he react? how would the team react? i just felt like if u write this promt u would give it the best justification." (THANK YOU SO MUCH for thinking of me so nicely thank you i hope you liked it!!). a/n: this fic won!! i hope you're ready. i hope i did the idea justice!! also i could not for the life of me think of a clever little title so i made it like a bones episode name. yay!
“Something came for you.” Sam is standing at your open door, fingers tucked underneath a large box that has his arms brawnier than usual and his brows up to his forehead, a false innocence in his eye that makes you think he knows exactly what he’s carrying.
You stare at the box for a second and try to think, recalling each order placed and its corresponding package received. You gasp. Sam’s lips prune up like he can read your mind, his fingers curving a little protectively. 
You leap from your bed and snatch it away from him, its weight surprising enough to slip straight out of your hands. You heave a foot over the sealed flaps and stare at Sam’s smile. “Go,” you say.
“What?” He exclaims indignantly, grin dropping. “That’s not fair! This whole thing is thanks to me—I should reap some rewards.”
“How?” you demand, bewildered. “They were my targeted ads. Mine.” You push your finger into your chest for emphasis.
"Sure. But would you have paid attention to those targeted ads without my mindful encouragement?" Hard shoving, more like.
"Yes!" you insist, eyes narrowed.
He drops his indignance and instead adopts pleading. “Please just let me see his reaction, you won’t even be able to tell I’m there—”
“No!” you push him out of your room and close the door, leaving him importunate on the other side.
He raps gently at the door with the base of his palm. “Just let me see it! I just want to see it in real life once.”
You press your lips together and crack the door open a sliver. He jumps back and stands ramrod straight, chin dipped hopefully. “Tomorrow,” you say. “You’ll be the first I show."
He looks at you dubiously. "You swear?"
You press your palm to your chest. "From the bottom of my heart."
He seems to accept your offer, glancing back up at you inquisitvely. You back up preemptively, gripping the doorknob tighter. He steps closer. "Will you please take a video, I'll do whatev—"
You shut and lock the door, turning back to The Box.
Apprehensively, you pace around the box, offhandedly snagging an intricate knife from the hidden curve of your closet. It's almost nerve-wracking when you push the blade against the tape, sucking in a giddy breath as you part the flaps open, tossing the weapon onto your carpet and tugging out the contents with great effort. It's doughier than you would have thought, covered with preservative tissue paper. You toss that aside as well, unfolding the blanket you wobble to your feet.
You gasp when you see it wholly, a hand grasping one end of the blanket, the other going to your mouth in order to stop the spiral into laughter.
It's amazing.
It’s greater than you could possibly imagine. Plastic-scented, sure, but you believe in sacrifice.
You hobble over to your bed, draping the blanket over the mattress. "Wow," you whisper, a little overwhelmed as you take in the details.
The Bucky at the top right corner is barely glancing at the camera, an obviously deeply zoomed-in paparazzi picture of him walking outside. Bottom Left Bucky is another papparazzi photo, this one of him holding your bag in a park. Bottom Right Bucky's hand is cut off, along with yours attached to it, but you can see your fingers peeking out behind another Bucky's head.
Top Left Bucky is side-profiled in a suit you remember from a gala, and another Bucky from the same night is in the middle, a little bigger. You recognize the image as one of the mandatory ones Tony ordered for the night, and it's clear why that one is meant to be the center of attention. It's clearer, the surly details of Bucky's face easier to make out; notably the closest thing to a smile a strange camera is going to get from him—the slightest, most sardonic painstaking curl of the corners of his lips.
Still. He's so handsome it makes your chest hurt.
His hair is neat and done in a way that accentuates his cheekbones, and the lovely splendour of his eyes translates even into blanket.
You lean in closer. "Huh," you say. "Did he always have such long eyelashes?"
One of your hands splays atop a grumpy picture of Bucky, fingers curling and uncurling on the fuzzy surface. Not bad.
For the real test, you pull an edge up and crawl underneath, pulling your chin to your chest to stare at the blanket from above.
"Warm," you mutter appreciatively, fisting your hands into a Bucky's face. You pinch it to your field of view, dragging a chunk off your ankle so you can observe this Bucky up close. You recognize his clothing as his mission gear. How someone got the picture is beyond you.
You're too busy picking at the blanket to notice the subject walk into your room, shutting the door very carefully once he's on the other side of it. "Hey."
You startle, meeting his eyes abashedly. You stretch out your fingers as far as they'll go over what you were looking at, but it's futile when there are twin faces on every other inch. Bucky hasn't seemed to notice your unease, and you try to get your limbs to relax so he won't.
"Hi," you force out, cringing when you sound doubtful. You clear your throat. "Heeey."
He frowns at you. "Do you know Sam is outside your room?"
"Is he?" you say. "How... strange."
Bucky gets to your bedside and stares down at you, dubious. "Are you feeling—" The back of his hand is grazing your forehead when he pauses, breath catching for what must be the first time. You don't stop looking at him, catching the contemplative inhale and subsequent eyebrow furrow when he realizes he isn't even sure what to ask.
You stare at each other for a few moments until his lips part again, index finger tapping on your blanket. "Is that me?"
"No," you lie immediately. "No, it's not."
"I'm pretty sure... I'm pretty sure that's my face."
"I know it pretty well."
"Me too."
"Why do—where did th—" He sighs, deeply and deflatedly.
"It's Sam's fault," you blurt. "Mainly. Or, actually, it's because of how shitty our privacy is nowadays. You're right. Things were better back in the old days."
"Where did you get this?"
"Etsy," you admit ashsamedly. "It was actually pretty expensive. I got an ad for it and it started off as a joke, and then..."
His head shakes confusedly, pupils flickering between each face on top of you. "Why... why do you have this?"
"I got an ad," you repeat.
"Sure. But... why?"
"I don't know. I generally try to avoid the Bucky Barnes edits."
"That's not what I... I mean why would you listen to it?
"I personally like it."
"How would someone make this?"
"A collage? I don't know, the internet is getting hard for me to understand."
"Why? Why would this exist?"
"Why not?" you counter.
He steps back, tongue sweeping over his bottom lip. His pupils erratic before they settle on a specific part. You try and follow his gaze, arriving at a shirtless image of him from a couple metres away, a towel draped around his neck.
“How did they get that picture?” He looks it over critically, a grimace on his face. He grows a little more horrified as he discovers more stills of him in different situations.
"You know there are these things of all of us? I found one for Steve. Mine's pretty creepy." You slip out from underneath it, standing guiltily next to Bucky. He's barely noticed you, a frantic finger drumming on Bottom Right Bucky's shoulder. "Tony has one of himself. I'm pretty sure he had it commissioned."
Bucky doesn't respond and you tug at his shirt. "Will you stop glaring at it?"
"I just... every time I think I get this century, aliens or Asgard or.... this happens."
You rub a soothing palm up and down his arm. "Okay, I'll give you that. That's fair enough."
"What are you going to do with it?" he asks, turning to you.
You cock your head. "What do you mean? What do you usually do with blankets?"
"Really?" He looks a little horrified.
"Yes, of course. Why else?" You grab his arm. "Touch it," you encourage, urging his hand to smooth over it. "It's soft."
"I guess."
"That's not something you can argue, Buck," you admonish.
"Wanna see?"
"No," you mutter, glaring at him. "It's gonna grow on you," you say menacingly.
"It won't."
"We'll see." You pat Middle Bucky on the head. "We'll see."
You like challenging yourself in harmless situations. Setting a ginormous plate on your non-dominant hand seems innocuous enough when the only thing threatening it is your impeccable balance, and after a particularly short mission, it serves to burn what's left of your adrenaline.
You step too confidently and your tray of cookies balances precariously on your palm.
You concentrate on each wobble, careful to not let anything slide too far. When you finally turn to your room, you let your shoulders slump from their place by their ears, only to regret it immediately when you tense again, sensing another presence the moment you step inside.
It's a relief for just a moment when you realize it's only Bucky splayed across your bed, because you realize he's sleeping very peacefully beneath the Bucky Blanket and your phone is in the pocket opposite to your free hand.
You gasp and subsequently snap your mouth shut, stilling in your doorway.
"My phone. My phone, nonono," you hiss in despair, needing to shut your eyes to concentrate but not wanting to look away. You suck in a beep breath, focusing on keeping the plate steady as you switch hands and pull your phone out.
"Ohh, I knew it. I told him," you whisper, taking a picture.
A shimmery glow takes on most of the weight, allowing you more freedom with angles. You're taking a slow step toward the bed when you're interrupted. You should've closed your door.
"No way," Sam chortles loudly. Your tray clatters to the floor, Bucky shoots up in the bed. "Nice nap, narcissist?"
it seems like every picture of him groans with Bucky.
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bluesunshine21 · 5 months
Y/n : Rules are made to be broken!
Bucky:Which is why you're wanted in thirteen countries.
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aceofhearts25 · 30 days
How Marvel Characters Would React to you Wanting to Borrow Their ⚔️✨ Weapons✨⚔️
Summary: How they'd react to you asking to use their weapons/stuff! These are really fun to write ngl- nothin’ but good vibes and funny scenarios!!! -
Tony “Just let me borrow the worst suit you got for one damn minute!” You’d ask for the millionth time. Tony would sigh and stare at you for a few seconds. Then he’d start walking away, you following behind. “Five minutes. That’s all you get.” He’d say in a sassy voice with a playful undertone while walking to where he kept his suits, you following like an eager pet. He’d actually be enjoying this. He’d let you fly it around the Tower for a while before putting it back because you’d almost shot him with the repulsers accidentally. Still, he’d be almost certain that you’d most likely ask again cuz you’d really liked it. He liked your begging, it was funny to him. After that, you’d probably go get some food and chat away.
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Steve ”Why do you want to use the shield?” Steve would ask, hands on his hips, answering your incessant request. You’d shrug. “It looks fun.” You’d say, staring up at him. He shakes his head and hands you the shield. Something probably would end up breaking cuz you didn’t know how the physics of it worked. “Oops…” He’d be a lil mad after that. But even he’d get over it quick and think that this whole thing was a little funny. That’s Steve, he’s too damn nice! After that, you’d probably hang out with Steve for a few hours and do random fun shit. “LANGUAGE!” -Steve, probably.
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Thor ”Well, sure, you may use it, my Midgardian friend, if you can even lift Mjolnir.” He’d say, placing the hammer on the ground. You’d try to lift it but of course, to no avail. Then fast forward to about five minutes later, Thor would be running around the Avengers Tower laughing madly, carrying you in a piggyback ride while you grip the thick forearm that held Mjolnir, pretending to wave it around and fight while Thor was the one that actually waved it around from under your grip. Then you’d would probably goof around more and watch one or two comedy movies together.
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Natasha ”Shockers or batons? Guns…? Choose one, I use a lotta weapons and you already got guns so… what do you want?” She’d ask, showing you her enormous array of weapons. You’d probably use the batons because the shockers required actually hurting someone. You’d swing the batons around, accidentally throwing one and almost hitting Nat. “Sorry-” You’d say, despite knowing that she would’ve probably dodged it anyway. You’d probably mess around with each other’s weapons for a while after that. Then go and get some coffee together and just hang. Nat’s fun like that when she’s not busy.
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Bruce/Hulk ”You want what- why would I do that?!” He’d ask in shock after you’d asked him to intentionally turn into the Hulk and demolish a random old building you found. “Uh, cuz I’m not hulk? And if I was I’d go and break the building? We only got one hulk, so go do it!” You’d say while poking him and obviously he’d refuse because it’s not a code green and because he’s… well, Bruce. (Nervous boi) So you’d deviously wait until the next mission and when there was a code green and the mission was won, you’d go and ask Hulk himself and he’d smile and smash it in one second, you clapping loudly, covered in building dust. Then you’d probably happily chat and talk to Hulk for a few minutes, then taunt Bruce for a few after he comes back.
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Clint ”Alright, but if you accidentally kill yourself, it ain’t my fault.” He’d say half-jokingly, chuckling while handing you his bow and arrows, positioning your arms in the right places before letting you shoot at a makeshift target. Your aim would suck so bad compared to Clint and he’d laugh about it. Then you’d both probably chill for a few minutes together, taking about random stuff, Clint’s fun and random like that, very chill guy. Also, the both of you would decide not to mention to the others that you accidentally shot very near Steve’s head as he walked around…
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Loki ”But why my daggers? Don’t your other Avenging companions own daggers? Ask them for some.” Loki’d say while walking along with you, hands behind his back. “It’s not the same, man!” You’d say. Loki would do that sassy brow raise but with a little sigh, he’d pull out his daggers seemingly out of thin air with his magic. He’d fold his arms. “Make it quick.” He’d say and you’d just stand there holding his daggers and posing with them cuz why not. Fast forward to one minute from now as Thor watches Loki chase you around, confused expression on his face. You’d very nearly cut Loki’s face. A few hours after whatever happened next, you’d all hang out together, Thor probably tags along there somewhere.
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Bucky ”Excuse me, what? You want my… my arm? Why the hell-?” He’d say with a super confused and almost slightly offended expression on his face. “That’s not rude to ask, is it? I just wanna see it!” You’d say with a smile and a shrug. He’d eventually let you take it for one minute and you’d start waving it around and lightly slapping Bucky with it. He’d be really confused and a little grumpy like he always is, but secretly having a lil bit of fun. This was a really stupid experience for him. “Why are you slapping yourself, Sarge?!” After that, you’d probably go hang out, you liked hanging with Bucky, he always seemed lonely. And you liked being around him.
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Sam ”Nope, hell, no! Never gonna happen, pal.” He’d say, arms crossed. He was weirdly protective of his wings. After some convincing, persuading, bribing, and pleading, he’d let you take them out for a spin. “Fine. But if anything happens to them, it’s your ass, you hear me?” He said in a sassy, half-joking voice. You’d fly them for a few minutes and he’d laugh his ass off because you’d look hilarious getting the hang of them. Then he’d take them back quickly after a slightly rough landing that could’ve hurt his precious wings. (It couldn’t) After, you’d probably get some fast food and chat away, Sam was really fun to be around.
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Peter “But you don’t have superpowers, your arms could rip off or something.” He’d reply with his dorky worried voice at the mention of swinging. He was right. Guess you couldn’t do it… Fast forward to a few minutes later, you grabbing on him while he swung you around, you whooping loudly. Y’all would end up eating some pizza on some corner of a building or on top of some billboard, chatting and laughing.
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Yeah and that’s it! Tell me if you likey likey!!! Request more shit if you want, but bear in mind, I’m not active a lot.
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themorningsunshine · 2 years
Y/N : Do you think when butterfiles are in love, they feel humans in their stomach?
Bucky : Y/N, honey, sweetheart, the love of my life, what the FUCK?
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rebelfleur22 · 1 year
Y/n: I’ve been dropping him the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response.
Bucky: Wow. He sound stupid.
Y/n : But he's not. He's really smart actually. Just dense.
Bucky: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!”
Y/n : I guess you’re right. Hey James, I love you.
Bucky: See! Just say that!
Sam : [annoyed] for fuck's sake...
Bucky: If that flies over his head then, sorry doll , but he's too dumb for you.
Sam: You’re absolutely right about that!
Y/n : I just can't...
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p-taryn-dactyl · 2 years
Just Another Name 
a/n: okay i feel like i’ve either seen this prompt before or it was a dream so if this is like another fic you’ve read plz message me so i can take it down, i don’t want to plagiarize someone else's work on accident lol taglist: wordcount: 1.6k prompt: "oh god, has this all been a lie?" warning(s): idk where this would really fall timeline wise; angsty; arguments; use of Y/N; i wrote this in maybe an hour so i apologize for any grammar or just plain mistakes you see - this is probably terrible lol (it's short and rushed) pairing(s): bucky barnes x fem!reader
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You knew of the journal he kept, of course you did. He carried it with him at all times, in his bag, his pocket, his jacket. Wherever he could store it, he did. You didn’t mind it, how he sometimes got lost in the pages after disappearing for hours, how he positioned it away from you, how there was an unspoken rule that you weren’t allowed to read it. But you didn’t know the weight it would carry in your relationship. How just one line would change everything. 
The day everything changed started out like every normal day. Morning light streamed into your bedroom, warming your skin. You rolled over, arms reaching out to cuddle with your boyfriend. You nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck, his laughter rough from just waking up. He rubbed your back, placing his chin on top of your head, pressing gentle kisses on your hairline. 
“Babe, we need to get up.” He whispered gently, twirling strands of your hair between his fingers. You groaned, leaning your head back, shaking it. 
“No we don’t, we can just stay in bed all day and sleep.” He chuckled, shaking his head, sitting up. You followed, grumbling under your breath, once more dragging laughter out of your boyfriend. He got dressed, his metal arm whirring as he pulled on a sweatshirt. You donned sweatpants and an oversized shirt, smirking as Bucky recognized what you were wearing. 
“Is that mine?” He pointed at the shirt, a soft smile spreading on his face. You crossed your arms, innocently looking to the side. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You giggled as Bucky chased you around playfully, catching you as you ran to the kitchen. His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you close to his chest. Both of you took a moment to catch your breath, laughter filling your lungs. You smiled as Bucky kissed your neck, releasing you from his grip. You opened the fridge, rummaging for anything that could be eaten as breakfast. You were about to ask Bucky if he wanted some cold orange chicken for a nutritious first meal when his phone went off. You looked over to see him answer the call, his face solemn and stony. He looked at you and mouthed an apology. You nodded, understanding. He sped out the front door, not before pressing a kiss to your cheek, the door locking automatically behind him. You sighed, grabbing a bowl and pouring some cereal along with milk in it. You walked around for a few minutes, bare feet on the cold floor, munching on the Cheerios as you pondered what you were going to do. Maybe read a book or finally start that Netflix show that had been sitting in your watchlist for months. Just as you grabbed the remote, balancing your bowl in one hand, you noticed something on the floor. Scrunching your eyebrows in confusion, you took one more bite of your cereal before setting it down and walking over. Your eyes widened as you realized what it was. 
Bucky’s journal. 
You picked up the notebook, running your finger down its spine as you bit your lip. Thoughts ran through your mind, telling you to read it. You shook your head, placing the journal on the coffee table, making your way back to your cereal. But as the show started, all you could think about were the contents inside that small book. Rolling your eyes and groaning, you got up to grab the notebook. You paused your show, biting the inside of your cheek as you hesitantly opened the journal. What you saw made you collapse on the couch. 
“Oh, Bucky.” You murmured as you read the names. The names of the victims of the Winter Soldier. You knew how he was making amends, how he was trying to atone for actions that weren’t his, how he- wait. Was that-? Your breath started to pick up as you saw your brother’s name, a side note next to it. 
In Progress. 
Tears blurred your vision as you slammed the journal shut, shaking your head. 
“Y/N…” a soft voice made your head shoot up to see Bucky Barnes standing in front of you, a scared look on his face. You hardened your expression, leaning on your knees as the journal hung limp in your hands. 
“Tell me,” you swallowed, fear tightening in your throat, “Tell me this doesn’t mean what I think it does.” Bucky broke his gaze from yours, looking up towards the ceiling. 
“Why did you read it?” he whispered to himself, his voice breaking. You slammed the journal down on the couch beside you, standing up furiously. 
“Tell me!” You yelled, fists clenching and tears welling up in your eyes. Bucky nodded, still not making eye contact. You take a step forward, lips trembling. 
“Buck-” Your broken voice seemed to break something inside of him. He threw his hands up in the air, a pained cry springing from his lips. 
“I killed him! I killed your brother, Y/N and I am trying to-” Your laughter interrupted him, confusion spreading across his face. You shake your head, laughing. 
“You think that’s why I’m angry? My brother’s death I’ve had years to mourn and don’t you even think about blaming yourself for it. You were brainwashed, James.” Bucky flinched at the use of his name, your cold tone indicating how angry you were. 
“I’m mad,” your voice trembled, tears streaming down your face, “because in that journal, that stupid journal, it says ‘in progress’ next to his name. Is that what I am to you? What this is? A way for you to feel better about yourself?” Bucky shook his head rapidly, stepping towards you, his heart breaking as you stepped back. You pointed a finger at him, recalling the first time you met. 
“That day in the library, why did you approach me? Did you know I would be there?” Bucky was silent before he nodded, that simple response made your stomach drop. You let out a sob before you picked up the journal, sniffing as you nodded to yourself. 
“So this,” you gestured to the space between you and Bucky, looking down at the ground, “This is just another way for you to make amends? I’m just another name in your journal to cross out? Oh god, has this all been a lie?” Your hands started to shake, making you drop the journal as you wrapped your arms around yourself. Bucky hurried to stand in front of you, reaching up to cradle your face in his hands. His head was shaking rapidly, tears falling down his cheeks as he spoke. 
“No, no, Y/N, this is real, this has always been real, please-” You pushed him off of you, pushing the journal into his chest as you ran to your room. You grabbed a bag, stuffing any piece of clothing you saw in your closet which was yours. Bucky appeared in the doorway, trembling at what he saw. 
“What, what are you doing? No, please Y/N, come on, please!” He wrapped his arms around you, your back to his chest as you both sobbed. You struggled in his arms, hitting the vibranium in tune with your cries. 
“Let me go!” You cried out, desperate to get out of the house. Bucky shook his head, desperate to keep you in his arms. 
“No, baby, please, this is real, please believe me.” He whispered into your hair, his tears dampening your head. Softly, you pushed yourself out of his arms, turning to face him. You saw the smallest flicker of hope flash inside his eyes. You let out a laugh stained with tears. 
“You know, I thought I was so lucky. Bucky Barnes actually wanted me, me, a washed up history major with little to no future. I mean, what are the odds of running into an Avenger while browsing for books?” As you continued, you saw Bucky’s face drop as he realized what you were saying. 
“I’ve loved you since the beginning James. I almost had a heart attack when you asked me out to a movie. I thought I was so special but I guess,” you choked on your tears, biting down on your lip, “I guess I never was. This can’t be real, James, you obviously don’t go around dating relatives of victims, so you never meant for this to happen.” You grabbed your bag, sobbing as you remembered how this morning started and now how it ended. Bucky stood still, his chest heaving as he quietly sobbed. 
“Please.” he whispered, the sound enough to further break your heart. You stood on your toes, pressing a tear stained kiss to his cheek. 
“I’m sorry, Bucky, but I can’t be with someone just because they feel guilty about something in the past.” You start to walk away, pausing in the doorframe, looking over your shoulder. 
“I, I love you James.” You whispered quietly, unaware if he heard you or not. After that, you sped out of the house, not paying attention to where you were going but only focusing on the fact you had to get away. 
Bucky stood in the bedroom for what felt like hours. He held his journal in his hand, trembling as the weight of what transpired hit him. He grabbed a pen and roughly opened the journal. With dark, heavy, and messy strokes he crossed out your brother’s name, tears falling and mixing with the ink. He threw the journal down, collapsing against the edge of the bed, head falling between his knees as he sobbed. It was real, he kept reminding himself. It was real, it was real, it was real. He took deep breaths, leaning his head back against the mattress before quickly standing up and running out of the house. 
You weren’t just a way to make amends for his past and he was going to make sure you knew that.
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buckystevelove · 1 year
For the family is everything au, sweetheart is pregnant with the twins and just imagine how they would boy dot on her and take care of here, it might even start to drive her crazy?!? They’re both so overprotective and want to do anything t make her happy. Like she has a craving at 3 am and they’re like fighting to see who’s going to buy it?!? Just an idea
Double Trouble
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Pairing: Stucky x Reader
Family is everything
You never thought you’d have to deal with two overprotective dads, but that’s exactly what you got when you became pregnant with twins. Steve and Bucky were both over the moon at the news, and since then, they’ve been fussing over you non-stop.
It was sweet at first. They would bring you breakfast in bed, rub your feet, and help you with anything you needed. But as the weeks went on, it started to get a little overwhelming. They would hover around you all the time, making sure you didn’t lift anything too heavy, constantly checking to see if you were okay.
You appreciated their concern, you really did. But sometimes it felt like they were treating you like a porcelain doll, like you might break at any moment. And that’s what brought you to this point, sitting on the couch with a pillow propped behind your back, watching as Steve and Bucky argued over who would go to the store to get you ice cream at 3am.
“I’ll go,” Bucky said, standing up from his chair. “You went last time.”
“Yeah, but I went the time before that,” Steve countered. “It’s your turn.”
You sighed and rubbed your belly, feeling the twins kicking inside. “Guys, it’s fine,” you said. “I don’t need anything right now. And even if I did, it’s not like I’m incapable of getting it myself.”
Steve and Bucky both turned to look at you, concern etched on their faces. “We just want to take care of you,” Steve said. “Make sure you’re happy and comfortable.”
“I know,” you said, smiling at them both. “And I appreciate it. But sometimes, it feels like you’re smothering me.”
Bucky sat back down on the couch next to you, taking your hand in his. “We don’t mean to,” he said. “We just love you and the babies so much.”
Steve nodded in agreement. “And we want to make sure everything goes smoothly.”
“I know,” you said, leaning your head against Bucky’s shoulder. “But I’m not helpless. I can take care of myself, and the babies.”
The two men looked at each other, a silent conversation passing between them. Finally, Bucky spoke up. “We’ll try to back off a little,” he said. “But we can’t promise we won’t worry about you.”
You smiled, feeling grateful for their love and concern. “I wouldn’t expect anything less,” you said.
The rest of the night passed without incident, and as you settled into bed, you felt a sense of contentment wash over you. It was reassuring to know that you had two doting fathers by your side, even if they could be a little overprotective at times.
As you drifted off to sleep, you couldn’t help but wonder what the future held for your growing family. But you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you would face them together, with Steve and Bucky by your side.
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starrybxcky · 10 months
When my auto correct changes Bucky to yucky 😭 imagine accidentally saving his contact like that without realizing and he sees it- cue the big puppy eyes in your direction. He doesn’t say anything about it either 🥺
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majesty-madness · 1 year
Completely random but…
*Y/N and Bucky finally walk into the room after being gone an hour and a half*
Sam: *teasingly* what the hell were you doing this whole time?
Y/N: *absolutely done with Sam* Bucky.
Sam: *has a look of total shock and disgust in his face as Y/N walks by him because he was definitely not expecting her to respond*
Bucky: *shit eating grin on his face while trying his damnedest not to laugh out loud*
a/n: this is so dumb but I thought it was funny so here we are.
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melminli · 11 months
Sorry, Not Really Though
pairing - some avengers x female reader
summery - when they go low, you go lower.
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"I can't believe how reckless and irresponsible you were earlier!" a voice yelled across the hall.
You rolled your eyes just slightly as you walked into the living room. "Bucky, can you tell your boyfriend to kindly fuck off." You asked him as you sat down on the sofa.
He raised an eyebrow. "The mission didn't go well?" he asked.
Before you could answer that it was a success and Steve was just a pain in the ass, you were interrupted by him just as he was walking past the room. "Don't you dare say the mission was a success, that's not what this is about. You didnt follow orders." He quickly interjected before walking away.
You turned your head at the door and yelled after him. "Of course that's what this is about! It's always about that, why wouldn't it be about that?!" You asked him because he was being an ass for no reason and you were starting to lose what little patience you had. Actually, you did quite a while ago because this guy was bitching since the way back.
The mission was in Siberia. It was a long way back.
"Well." Started Tony. "You have to listen to the mission leader, even if you disagree with them and think they are in the wrong." He spoke from his own experience.
You looked at him with your eyes wide open. You knew that somehow and probably somewhere he was in the right, after all you were not stupid. However, you were in an emotional state and unable to take criticism in an adult manner especially when it reeked of hypocrisy. "Oh, I'm sorry?" You started in a sarcastic tone. "But I don't take advice from privileged men." You continued, pausing there for a moment before finishing your sentence. "Who acquired simple morals only after being kidnapped by terrorists and feeling what it's like to be on the other end of the weapons they themselves produce. Because yes, bombs actually do kill people."
Silence followed.
Tony points to himself. "Is she talking about me? I feel like she's talking about me." He uttered before taking a breath, because to be honest that was a bit hard to take in.
You shook your head. "I'm sorry. I crossed a line." You admitted while trying to stop yourself from saying the following, which you failed to do. "By telling the truth, because to be honest I didn't think it would sound that harsh. I guess I've just never said it out loud..."
The billionaire clapped his hands. "Okay that's enough. You killed me, I'm dead, gone." Tony stood up and made his way towards his own room, but stopped to point his index finger at you. "My therapist will hear about this." He finished before he went out.
You watched as he moved away. "It's great that you're going to therapy Tony!" You looked at Bucky. "Was I too mean? I mean, I probably was, but at the end of the day it's Tony, so..."
Bucky shrugged. "I can't say anything against him. He'll always have the upper hand, since you know..."
"Since you killed his parents?" You asked him before you realized it. "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I'll just keep my mouth shut now."
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lovelybarnes · 1 year
Truth- B. Barnes
Pairings: bucky barnes x reader Warnings: truth serum, ooc (its so hard keeping bucky and a truth serum in the same fic?) About: truth serum, request. (ph1+df31) Forgive for mistakes. why do i kind of hate this now
“Where’s this thing supposed to be again?”
Not missing a beat, you continue to survey the wide lab table in front of you, deft fingers careful when they tilt small vials at an angle so you can squint at the contents. “Things. Where are these things supposed to be.”
“Things, then,” Sam mutters, a fragile clinking noise following.
“Be careful,” you chirp, cocking your head at a thick tube with thick, dark liquid. You hold it up to the light, finally able to read the contents. “Whoa.”
“Did you know Hydra made hair nutrients, essentially? This is, like, the evil solution to baldness.”
“You’re kidding,” Sam crows, stepping closer to examine what you’re holding.
“High amounts of minoxidil, some weird fungus, and something that sounds like finasteride on steroids. Also, probably steroids.”
“Bet they could make a fortune on it.”
“If it works in a way approved by the FDA. Like I said, evil solution.” You grimace and set it back on the desk. “Did you find anything yet?”
“No. There’s slime and weird little liquids everywhere but no big-ass, weirdly-shaped tube marked deadly,” Sam grumbles, nose wrinkling as he catches sight of a limp plant. “Do you think that’s a normal dead plant? Or something freaky and poisonous?”
“Probably the latter,” you hum. “And I really, really doubt Hydra would be so stupid as to have the most cliched image of a toxin representing their mysterious poison.” You pause at a large, bumpy glass. “This one is pretty weird,” you say contrastingly, carefully picking it up with two gloved fingers. “Von innen brennt,” you read.
“What does that mean?” Sam asks.
“Burn from within.” You inhale sharply, and tuck it into your chemical storage container. “I really don’t think we should be leaving this in here,” you reason.
“I don’t think we should be leaving anything in here,” Sam adds, pointing to another bottle. “Weltschmerz,” he recites. “What’s that?”
“It’s… it’s apathy. There’s no good translation but it literally means ‘world pain,’” you frown as you grab it, too, twisting it in your fingers. “Bruce and I are going to have a field day.” You tuck it inside the container and purse your lips. “In a morose way.”
Sam shoots you a quick look. “Right.”
You bring your index to your ear and connect to Bucky’s channel. “Hey, how’re you doing?”
“I fuckin’ hate Hydra.”
“Yeah, it’s not great over here, either. We still have that huge lab to check over; are you done with yours?”
“Yeah, I’ll meet you there.”
You confirm, scanning the room once more and sighing softly. “Be careful, okay?”
“I am.”
“Then continue,” you quip, narrowing your eyes at a fat bottle with a tiny opening, translucent candy red sticky inside of it. You poke it to teeter so you can see the label, seeing something unintelligible but missing the necessary ideogram. “We’re not even sure what this stuff is yet.”
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out the moment you see it,” Bucky comforts. Your face heats up, lips pulled to one side as you avoid Sam’s raised eyebrow.
“Right,” you mumble, straightening up. “Uh, we should probably head over there now.”
“Right,” Sam parrots, long and curved with a smile.
You shoot him a look over your shoulder as you walk out, disconnecting from Bucky before responding. “Shut up.”
“I’m not doing anything!” he argues, hands up in surrender. He follows you out chuckling.
“You know exactly what you’re doing,” you murmur, shooting him a final glare as you turn a corner into another dull hall. Grimly, you observe the doors you pass them, perking up when you hear familiar muted footsteps ahead.
Bucky catches your eye, lips turning up a little at the sight of you. You catch his pupils flicker down your figure once you’re closer, snagging on a darkened spot right above your right knee.
“I spilled some water,” you explain, fingers dipping unconsciously to brush against the purported area. “No harm done.”
He moves and the ruby tucked in the crevice of his thumbnail catches your eye. Like an instinct, you reach for his hand, a frown pulling on your lips as you observe the small gash on his thumb. 
“Hangnail,” he responds to your silent question, rubbing small circles into the side of your palm. “M’okay.” 
You’re pleased to affirm so, bumping his shoulder gently after you sneak a glance at Sam. “Okay. How’re you doing, hangnail aside?” 
His eyes constellate among your features and he manages some sort of comfort in his expression. “Bored.”
“Great.” Your voice is soft and pleased. He agrees.
You fall silent once again when the intended lab comes into view, Bucky’s large frame stepping half in front of you to prevent you from getting to it first. He pushes the door open before you can, left hand hovering above his weapon as he scans a room already cleared before letting you in, the same fingers that reached for a gun now grazing the small of your back.
Sam raises an eyebrow but remains silent, watching Bucky’s eyes follow you as you head toward the other side of the room to look through a multitude of vials. They don’t waver even after you spare him a reassuring glance crinkled with a tiny smile.
Quietly, he walks over to Bucky, who’s definitely aware of the movement but startles when he leans in close and taps his shoulder. “Strange man-made horror to find,” he reminds. “You can stare later.”
Bucky squares his jaw, metal fingers moving to graze uselessly along the glasses. “I’m aware, Sam.”
“Uh huh.”
It’s nearly silent then, tinged by brittle clinking and quick glances so heavy they seem loud.
Bucky is tired. Sam is tired. Most importantly, you’re tired—and it makes someone like Bucky a little careless.
He’s very sure he won’t be the one who finds the culprit matching Bruce’s description, which means he isn’t as careful as he should be when he ducks his head and inhales something so pungent it’s startling. He flinches back, making the steel shelf teeter. Both his hands shoot out to steady it, flesh fingers bending close to an undulating liquid that spills little bubbles onto his skin, burning sharply into the broken crevices of his nails.
What follows is worse. Clandestinely, a smudged window closes around his brain. It’s subtle and awful, like his mind processes become blurry and slow while outwardly remaining consistent. He keeps himself from stumbling but is sure his eyes round dismally, blinking owlishly as he struggles to catch up with himself.
It all happens in the quick span of a second before he opens his eyes and everything seems normal again, although something tugs thinly from the back of his mind. Super-soldier sanity, he guesses. He looks down at the cause and sees a match, vial open and a dizzyingly clear liquid stationary inside. A red symbol stamps the label, unnamed.
“I think I have something,” he says, cringing at how far away he sounds. Just when he feels the prickling of doubt, everything clicks into agonizingly perfect place. “This might be it.” Unthinkingly, he curves a finger around the neck of the bottle and holds it up.
“Whoa, there,” Sam warns.
You’re next to him fast, taking it away carefully.
“It was open when I found it,” Bucky supplies.
You nod at him distractedly, producing a lid from your pocket to close the beaker and observe it, thankfully protected fingers twisting it around in the light. 
“It matches the description,” he adds.
“Yes,” you mumble distractedly, half in response to him and half in thought. “This is it,” you lower it into your transfer box and grin up earnestly at him when you close it, “good job, Bucky.” It’s very sweet.
“Thank you,” he murmurs. “S’what is it?”
“I’m not that smart,” you laugh.
Bucky disagrees.
“It’s probably not too dangerous. Not airborne, at least, since it was uncapped like that.” you contemplate a little more, looking back up at Bucky. Your pupils set in a way more calculating. “How close did you get to this? Did you inhale it?”
“No. I don’t think so. I smelled something, but it wasn’t that.” Bucky juts a finger behind him. “Maybe the rotted plant. Probably.” 
“Okay.” You say it rounded, edged with lightly veiled concern. “Tell me if you feel weird at all, okay?”
“Of course.”
Sam comes up from behind you, annoyed. “Okay. Are we done here? Can y’all flirt on the jet? I’m hungry.”
“You get so bitter when you’re jealous,” you bite, shooting Bucky a final, doubtful glance before tugging on his hand to leave.
“Am I so transparent,” Sam deadpans.
Bucky contemplates his strange state as he trudges back to the jet, taking quick notice of how dry his mouth has become, his tongue voluble. What he’s hazed with reminds him of oak bar tables and smoke, drunk confidence summery in his chest. He feels fine, he’s sixty-three percent sure. He thinks.
He’s in front of the jet before he can process the journey over, trying to shake away what feels like a creasing tug to his cling film mind. Your eyes are on him, and it looks like it’s not the first time, lashes kissing anxiously. Sam clambers inside, and you wait for Bucky right next to the doors.
“Are you okay?”
“Tired,” he tells you.
You’re about to respond when Sam shouts for you to hurry. Bucky scowls in his general direction, although it dissolves at your amusement.
“It’s okay, c’mon.” You guide him inside, seemingly unbothered as he follows you around like a puppy. “Do you want to take a nap on the way back?”
“Can I sleep on you?” he asks too rawly. You startle subtly with it, but recover quickly, a pale beam on your features.
“Yeah.” You smile at him, entirely saccharine. “Let me just get everything into the containment units.”
He sits in the seat next to your usual spot and stares after you as you walk away, appreciating the concentrated point of your expression as you fiddle with the storage settings.
“Maybe if you stop staring at her and actually talk to her, you might have a chance,” Sam cuts in, slumping next to him.
“I do talk to her,” Bucky argues. “I talk to her all the time. It’s just… she’s pretty.”
Sam struggles for a response for a second. “Oh-kay.”
“Do you really think I’d have a chance?” Bucky finds himself saying, unsure where his mouth has gotten permission to voice his thoughts. He clutches the suddenly few tendrils of control and tries his best to filter his thoughts. It’s too bad he can’t take things back.
Sam gapes. “What?”
“Nothing,” Bucky forces through his teeth, feeling like he wants to puke. Unexpectedly, words feel so much easier to spill out than silence.
Lovely warmth touches his knees. He doesn’t need to look up to know it’s you, your presence something deftly familiar.
Up close, you’re even more captivating when he finally meets your gaze. He holds back from reaching for you, digging his fingernails into his palm to restrain them from curling around your wrist. He wants you closer.
Your sweet features furrow, sparkly eyes catching on his heated forehead and dilated pupils. “Bucky, are you okay?”
“Can I touch you?” he asks, a little desperate from gating the inclination.
“He’s acting weirder than usual,” Sam provides.
“Bucky, sweetheart,” unauthorized, he softens at the nickname, “did you inhale anything? Do you feel okay?”
“Some of it got on me. Are you okay?”
“I’m okay. It got on your skin?” You pull on gloves. “Show me where?”
He raises his right hand for you to examine, inhaling sharply when you take notice of the small gash on his thumb again.
“Okay,” you breathe, slowly and then assured. You grab his hand. He blinks. “Come on.” You say, tugging him to the sink and spraying water up to his elbow. “It might’ve entered your bloodstream, we have to wash it out. Sam, call the team, get Bruce working on exactly what it is.” You push Bucky into an isolation unit. “Probably not contagious, probably not deadly,” you mutter to yourself. “We found it nearly half an hour ago. More severe signs would have started by now.”
“It was a level three at worst,” Bucky says, but stays willingly, watching you. “It’s probably one or two. I feel fine, just… uninhibited. Reminds me of getting drunk back then.”
You shake your head, confused, edging on frantic. “Drunk?”
“It hurts to not tell you things.”
“It hurts?” You’ve never felt more helpless, only able to repeat his symptoms in an attempt to inspire some helpful memory from your research.
“More than usual.”
“Bruce says isolation!” Sam calls. “I quote: ‘There’s probably no need, but better safe than sorry.’”
“She knows!” Bucky shouts, eyes on you.
“He sounds fine. Just as annoying,” Sam chatters away to Bruce, and Bucky tunes him out, concentrating on the concerned lines of your face.
“Sam’s worried,” he thinks out loud. “So are you.”
“I am. You’re sweating, Buck.” You examine his face, fingertips bumping into the panel.
“Don’t worry,” he tries to soothe, his own fingers thumping against the separation barrier when he attempts to touch you. “If anything, this is a little bit of a relief. I don’t need Thor.”
You snort lightly. “You’re insane.”
“A little. Not stable, definitely,” he admits.
You hum lowly, biting your bottom lip, pupils quickly inspecting his features. Before Bucky can comment on it, you voice your thoughts. “Okay. I’m gonna test out a theory. I’ll ask you some questions and you just have to answer. Is that okay with you?”
“Yes,” he answers, then, unnecessarily: “I don’t think it would be if it were anyone else.”
You graciously ignore it, only ducking your chin. “What’s your full name?”
“James Buchanan Barnes. But Steve’s right, that sounds a little snotty, doesn’t it? What do you think?”
You laugh. “I like your name. When were you born?”
“March tenth, nineteen-seventeen.” He frowns. “Damn. Just when I was reeling you in with the name thing.”
“Where do you live?” you ask, ignoring his comment.
He prattles off the address to his apartment. “Also you.”
“Me? I’m not…”
“You are,” he interrupts, glancing up at you anxiously. There’s so much he wants to tell you on the tip of his tongue, so much he doesn’t want to be forced to. Not right now. Not like this.
You catch his meaning and move on, eyes thinning accusatorily. “Are you the one who broke my mug?” 
“Yes, I knocked it off the table. But it was Sam’s fault, he pushed me into it.”
“I knew it,” you mutter bitterly, leaning back, limbs less tense. “I’m pretty sure we’re dealing with truth serum.”
“That’s not too bad. Considering the options,” Bucky says. “It makes sense. I feel… I want to tell you everything.”
“Thank you for not asking anything too invasive,” he says.
“I wouldn’t,” you respond.
“This shouldn’t be affecting me,” he continues. “The serum stops the effects. They must have made it stronger.”
You pause. “What?” Then, remembering his situation. “Nothing. Never mind. Do you have any pets?”
“A cat. You know Alpine, she loves you. But I know you like dogs.”
You tilt your head, wanting to ask further, but you stop yourself. “I do like dogs.”
“That’s why I’m getting you a dog for your birthday.”
You beam in surprise. “You are? Wait—”
“I keep looking but I can’t find the right one. I was thinking maybe it’d be better for you to come along, but I was supposed to think about that for a little longer.”
“Sam!” you call. “I feel like I shouldn’t be hearing this,” you confess to him, wringing your fingers in wait for the neutral party.
“No, you’re not supposed to know that.”
“I’m sorry. It’s weird it’s affecting you so much, it must be made for enhanced.”
“You figured it out?” Sam asks. 
“Truth serum, I’m pretty sure. Really strong truth serum, from the looks of it.”
“You have to leave,” Sam says immediately.
“What?” you ask, confused for what seems like the millionth time. “No. I want to stay with him.” Your face twists in concern again.
“I want her to stay with me, too,” Bucky adds.
“No, you don’t,” Sam commands. “Who knows… what you might say in front of—” he points at you, enunciating your name with an italic and a gesture. “You should leave,” he turns to you.
“You’re going to take advantage of me,” Bucky accuses.
“Have you been lying to me?” Sam questions. “I am only interested in confirming. Like: did you or did you not break Redwing two months ago—”
“Sam!” you interrupt.
“Come on. Do you know how much food has disappeared? Water bottles dented?”
“I told you that wasn’t me,” Bucky grumbles, leaning against the wall.
“That’s true. That’s what you told me, but what’s true and what you said can be—”
You glare at him. “Stop it.”
He hmphs. “Fine. I’ll settle. He owes me thirty bucks.”
“Whatever. Go make sure everything’s okay up front, I have to give Bucky some meds. Friday, did you activate isolation protocol?” She affirms as you open the door to Bucky’s unit. It’s cold when you step inside, but when you reach Bucky, he’s burning. “Bucky, how are you feeling?”
“Fine.” He looks up at you, pupils dark and blown. He can’t stop his hand when it lands on you, but you don’t seem to mind, leaning in close enough to his face for him to catch the little details of your face. He clears his throat. “Now I’m a little hot.”
You wipe hair from his sticky forehead, taking a small napkin from your pocket to wipe sweat from his brow. “I can see that. Friday, can you lower the temperature in here?”
“You’re gonna get cold.”
“Don’t worry about me.”
“I always worry about you. You can’t ask me to do that.”
You stare down at him worriedly, thumb rubbing gently at his temple. There’s a hiss nearby, and three pills in a little cup stand on the table. You grab them and hand them to Bucky.
“Take these.” You point to the pale tablets, three in a single container. “They’re a precaution and the blue one,” you pinch it to show it to him, “should make this pass a little quicker.”
He takes the blue one first.
“Five minutes ago, we didn’t know what it was,” Bucky says. “You’re amazing.”
“Friday’s amazing. All I do is hand things to you.”
“You’re amazing.” 
You chuckle, observing his eyes. Purely clinical. “Okay. You are, too.”
Bucky bites his lip. “You don’t believe me.”
“I do.”
“You don’t. You’re amusing me.”
You look genuinely offended. “Absolutely not.”
Bucky cracks a smile. “You have a tell.”
“Bucky Barnes.”
“It’s in your lips. You purse them a little. Like even you can’t believe yourself.”
You pinch his lips closed with your index and thumb. He stares up at you with wide, blazing eyes.
“I won’t complain,” he says, muffled.
“You should! Don’t be so nice to me, Barnes.”
“I like it better when you call me Bucky.”
“Really? Everyone on the team calls you Barnes.”
“I said you, not the team.”
You let go of him, eyes sorry. Your thumb bends, the bone tracing along his bottom lip. You’re so close. He wants to echo his realization so badly.
“You’re so close.”
“I’m sorry.” You move to take a step back.
“No,” he protests, reaching for you again.
“What?” You laugh.
“I’m in love with you.”
The very first thing he feels is great, overwhelming relief. Like something had been interfering with his breathing and his feeling and his being and it was removed.
And then came the panic, thickened with fear of the consequences of his honesty and very thinly edged with something nicer.
You haven’t moved since he admitted it, pretty features contorted in neutral shock. He wants to know you so well, he can tell if it’s good or bad.
“I didn’t mean to say that.” He gulps, wanting very badly to let go of you but unable to do so. “Does that blue pill make it a lot worse before it gets better?”
You stare at him.
“Say something, please. I didn’t mean to say that. I don’t want to—I never wanted to tell you that.”
“Why?” you ask finally. Your brows are knitted, the edges of your features dipped in pain.
“Because I’m in love with you.”
You don’t say anything, but your lips part, the sorrowful border of your features softening. “I… I really want to kiss you right now.”
Bucky freezes. “What?”
Your face heats, pupils flickering away from him. You clear your throat. “But you’re in a vulnerable position right now and I don’t want to take advantage of that. I want you to tell me because you chose to.”
“You’re saying…”
Bucky really wants to kiss you too. “Why?”
“Because I think you deserve honesty.”
Bucky really, really wants to kiss you. He cracks an unfiltered smile, although it’s not entirely because of the serum. “Damn.”
“What?” you ask uneasily.
“I’m really fuckin’ lucky.’
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bluesunshine21 · 9 months
Y/n: I did not sleep a wink last night
Sam: You know what they say? If you can't sleep, it's because someone is thinking about you
Y/n: Ha! Who would be thinking about me at 3 in the morning?
Bucky: *starts panicking*
125 notes · View notes
steviethorn · 4 months
22 notes · View notes
themorningsunshine · 2 years
Y/N: I did?
Bucky: Kiss you and buy some more, you haven't been eating anything today Y/N. *walks away*
Y/N: He's gone, Sam.
Sam, coming out of the vents with plums stuffed in his mouth: Twankh uh!
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rebelfleur22 · 1 year
Incorrect the falcon and the winter soldier quotes:
Bucky: Doll, Did it hurt when you fell-
Y/n: From heaven? Wow, I didn’t think you were such a flirt-
Bucky: No, I meant when you fell down the stairs.
Y/n: ...
Bucky: You just laid there for 15 minutes.
Sam: [sarcastically] smooth man
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punkyarabella · 6 months
You Little Minx (part two)
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Summary: Mischievous (adj.): causing or showing a fondness for causing trouble in a playful way.
Warnings: obscenities
470 words
Part one
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Bucky frowns at the frenetic knocking on his bedroom door. He is less surprised by the mischevious grin on your face when he opens the door. He's getting used to it.
"What's going on?" He has no idea about what you have planned, but he is already smiling about it.
"I found a bunch of chalk when I went grocery shopping with Natasha," you explain, your smile never faltering. As a proof, you pull out the colorful little box you were hiding behind your back. "I thought maybe you'd want to draw too?"
He squints at you. That's too tame, there has to be a twist.
"I was thinking of drawing something obscene on the parking lot ground, right outside Sam's window," you admit, your teeth biting into your bottom lip.
"There it is," he lets out a chuckle. "I'm in."
You cheer and he picks up his jacket, a small smile still stuck to his lips. He follows you outside, and you both sit on the cold asphalt. The air is nippy and smells humid, but you seem to be on a mission. Exchanging the different colors between you two, you draw a bunch of penises, some colorful insults, and Bucky signs the bottom with a "you're a bitch, Wilson".
You lean back on your knees, chuckling at the Falcon wings you just added to one of the penises. Bucky stands up, happy with his own work. Taking your hand, he pulls you up, just as a window opens two floors above you.
"You're children, guys," Sam shouts.
"You like it?" You yell with a smile.
"It's beautiful," he shrugs, "except for the parts that Barnes drew."
"Hey, fuck you," Bucky frowns.
"Anyway, it's gonna rain, so it won't stay long," Sam adds as he closes the window.
Right on cue, a drop lands on Bucky's forehead. He glances at you, but you are still smiling. You turned from the building to look at your artwork. More drops start to fall, and the colors mix in the little puddles.
"You knew it was going to rain?" he raises an eyebrow.
You glance at him and nod, "It's really pretty when the rain washes the colors away."
Bucky struggles to tear his eyes away from you, to look at the ground again. The chalk creates swirls of colors, turning the penises into shapeless blobs of rainbow. You keep watching, standing in the rain, until most of the colors are either gone or turned to brown.
"Let's get inside, you're gonna get soaked," he chuckles at the wet strands of hair falling in front of your face.
"I'm already soaked," you laugh, but follow him towards the door. "I've got some confetti to put inside the air vents of Tony's new car. Wanna help me?"
How could he say no to that?
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