#marvel lgbtq
rainbowskittle · 11 months
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Tbh I felt from the moment they appeared on screen I saw heart eyes . It’s even a ship we can see get older and still have heart eyes. I hope they do more with all four of them. Incredible characters with story and beautiful love. If you don’t ship them keep sailing with your ship. 🌈✨
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emperorhulkling · 2 years
Marvel‘s Voices: Young Avengers #2 Review:
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This issue made me really emotional! I never thought we‘d get to see a story like this, but Teddy had a chance to reunite with his mother again. Teddy‘s mom has always been special in the comics to me because her unconditional love for Teddy formed Teddy into the kind and compassionate ruler he is now. Teddy‘s pain for his mother‘s death was sadly ignored in Young Avengers Volume II to re-hash Billy‘s depression that had been resolved in Children‘s Crusade already but now Teddy‘s feelings are finally center-stage.
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In the newer comics, Teddy’s creation sometimes just felt like he was intended as a bargaining chip for races at war, but hearing that his mom and his biological mom never wanted him to lead this life laid that to rest.
Moreover, we finally see the return of Teddy‘s Hulkling form. Since he accepted his heritage he has become green, which I love, but he‘s not HULKling anymore. In the first Young Avengers and Children‘s Crusade Teddy embraced his super skrull form and I miss that. His powers mostly go ignored since he got Excelsior. I really want to see more of this!!!
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Teddy isn’t alone in this, of course, Billy is there to support him. And since Teddy‘s mom is only there because of a time paradox, we have a nice little callback to The Last Annihilation where she asked Billy to take care of Teddy and now he asks her to do the same for her timeline. Aaaand, she liked Billy so much apparently that she taught him a secret recipe.
Billy also reaffirms their ever-lasting love for each other which is reassuring after the absolute mess that was the Hulkling & Wiccan Infinity comic.
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Billy holding a baby Teddy and bonding with him is weird but also very sweet because you really see how gentle he is and there are also seeds planted for maaaybe some children of their own someday.
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Further seeds are planted for Billy‘s eventual demiurge storyline. I‘m still not fond of it but I trust Oliveira to know what he‘s doing.
I think I don’t have much more to say except thank you with all my heart Mr. Oliveira. We can feel your love for these characters and I hope you‘ll have many more opportunities to write them. But please pay attention to the weird sides of the Demiurge lore.
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more aroace yelena :))) (headcanon)
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danversprincesworld · 2 years
Fanart inspirada em Danversprince, uma parte da fanfic aonde a Carol faz babyliss no cabelo da Diana com o calor de suas próprias mãos.
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fat-fuck-hairy-belly · 8 months
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villainboygirl · 8 months
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What I love in this scene is Loki's reaction.
I thought that Loki would be impressed by Mobius' rage, or that he would be amused. Or that he would immediately start torturing Brad as soon as Mobius got out of the cell.
But no: Loki was stunned by Mobius' reaction.
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So, at first, he took steps to stop Mobius before he went too far and escorted him away safely.
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Then he followed Mobius to make sure he was okay, asking him over and over without using aggressive tones, despite Mobius trying to downplay it.
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Loki saw that Mobius was trying to hide how shaken he was, so he suggested to eat a slice of pie to reassure him down.
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Without pressure, he calmed him down until Mobius was ready to open.
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And then he reassured him gently.
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This shows how much Loki has changed: instead of being overwhelmed by anger and the desire for revenge, he put the well-being of Mobius, a person dear to him, first, without hiding the concern and affection he feels for him. And Mobius, in return, demonstrated that he placed full trust in Loki, expressing his innermost emotions to him.
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shamelessfaceless · 1 month
Y/n: Black widow almost bit me! 
Wanda: I don't want to hear about your and Natasha's sex life
Y/n: … 
Y/n: Black Widow. The spider. 
Wanda: OH..
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I literally cannot make this shit up. Sophia Di Martino has obliterated the 'canon' ship. It has sank deeper than the titanic I'm afraid.
She called it "weird", "same person". The kiss was not romantic, meaning she just wanted to "go through with her plan" of killing He Who Remains.
"It's been fun, dude...so see ya" LMAOOO
I would be so embarrassed if Tom said that about Mobius💀
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lupita nyong’o as nakia in wakanda forever?? no i will not be over it
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fockingstedebonnet · 7 months
Carol Danvers + lesbian tropes
1. She’s a “crazy cat lady” and all crazy cat ladies are lesbians. That’s just a fact. Come on, she literally lives alone with a cat (and probably a ton more cats by the end of the movie).
2. She’s in a marriage of convenience with a man, and historically many lesbians have been in marriages of convenience with men for reasons of safety, survival, and so forth.
3. She wears Crocs, and unfortunately many lesbians are obsessed (for reasons completely unknown to me. 🤢) with that particular type of footwear.
4. She helped raise a child with her “best friend” (*cue “historians think they were really good friends” quote here*) and keeps pictures of said woman and her child literally everywhere.
5. She gives basically every woman she ever encounters that deep, almost pained look of lesbian longing.
6. She can work the hell out of a tank top.
Please feel free to add more! 🤣
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rainbowskittle · 1 year
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bebx · 8 months
funny that every time people said they wanted Loki and Mobius to be a couple because then it would be a nice representation for the queer community, there would always be some dudes crying “why does everything have to be gay?”. please describe ‘everything’. under Disney’s reign where 98% of their projects center around heterosexual relationships, please do tell me in what world you live in that ‘everything’ Disney is gay. and please also tell me which part of people’s wanting a gay couple, that is also the main characters of a big Marvel series, for once, means they want to get rid of all heterosexuality and make ‘everything’ gay. please look me in the eyes and say it’s not y’all who want to eliminate anything homosexual when all people ask for is just good actual queer representation that’ll make their community feel seen.
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more comic aroace yelena belova :) (headcanon)
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There is no couple more UTTERLY PERFECT in the entirety of the Marvel universe
Also 'spit on the law' is not just the rule I live my life by
It should be the rule every LGBTQ person lives their life by :D
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villainboygirl · 7 months
The ultimate proof of how deeply Loki and Mobius bonded.
When Loki exposes the Time Slipping to Mobius, he asks him how does it feel. Loki is clearly in pain, but is too worried about the safety of the multiverse and don't want scare Mobius further, so try to minimize it:
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And Mobius, as scared as he is, he thinks that Loki hasn't realized the gravity of the situation, so he goes along with him so as not to scare him even more.
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Loki continues to talk about an impending war, but Mobius only thinks about keeping him safe: so he tries to calm him down and gets him to fix the problem.
But then Loki time-slipping again, and Mobius he can no longer hold back the horror.
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Yet, Loki continues to try to reassure him, saying that he can handle all of that pain.
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They're so concern about each other 🥺🥺
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shamelessfaceless · 1 month
Navigation | Marvel Masterlist | Series Masterlist
1. The one and only Spider-Woman.
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Pairings: WandaNat x F!Spidey!Polish!Reader, OC x Reader, Avengers x Reader (Platonic)
Summary: When your girlfriend cheated on you, you decided to finally accept Tony Stark's offer.
Warnings: Cheating with man, sad R, Homophobia
Wc: 1.2k
A/n: I will put my whole heart in this series😭 Next parts are gonna be longer.
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You promised yourself you would always smile  while wearing your mask. For this reason your mask was showing the bottom of your face. It was your own project and it had a special place in your heart. You wanted to show people that nitatter what you are doing, and who you fight with, you will always smile, just be happy that you can protect innocent people. Another reason why you projected your mask like that, was the fact that you have fangs. It's not like you use them often, but they can be really helpful. One little bite, and can paralysis villains for a while. S.H.I.E.L.D knew about your existence, and wanted you to join avengers. They even send to you the one and only Tony Stark with Nick Fury. You decided to wait. It was your last month of school, and you had a girlfriend you didn’t want to leave alone.
You graduated with not so bad grades, and you passed all your exams with almost the best scores in your class. You hoped your girlfriend would be with you, but she texted you at the last minute that she needed to take care of her sick mother. You believed her. How could you not? She was almost the most important person in your life. So in the evening you decided to visit her, her mother knew you really well, and was happy her daughter had someone like you. Well, she didn’t know you were a couple, she was a typical homophobic christian, just like most people in your country. 
Only thing in her room you could see was how deep she was in kissing a guy. She didn’t even notice you opened the door to her room. Looking in her cold eyes made your stomach flip. You don't even know how... no, when this happened. You don't know when she met him, when he started being the reason she's smiling everyday, when she stopped caring about you. Only thing you can look at are her sky blue eyes you loved looking at. You were always finding your safe space in her, now the only thing you see in her eyes is how much she is disgusted in you. Her words were something you were expecting. You weren't enough. He is a man, of course she would want to be with him, how could she love a girl? You were just stupid thinking he was just her friend.You tried so much to not end up like before. But everything is always the same. You are trying your best, but they are always choosing someone else, someone who isn't so complicated, someone who is.. pure. The most important, they always will choose someone who will fuck with them after a week of dating. They don't understand why you care about romantic things, when you could just let them fuck you. They are animals chasing their own pleasure, don't giving fuck about true love. 
It was the first time when you put on your mask and did wear your bright smile. 
There was no reason for you to stay. Your friend moved out a long time ago, and for you, your online friends were enough. Your parents were dead. At least for you. Just like you were dead for them. They didn’t want a Lesbian daughter, and you hated them for all the traumas they gave you. You half lived on the street. Most of the time you were spending in school or saving your country. You showed up in your home only if you needed to take a shower or books for school. 
“What are you thinking about kiddo?” Tony asked, putting hand on your back.
“You know, just how my girlfriend cheated on me few hours ago, and now Im part of fucking Avengers” You didn’t even looked at him. You only look at changing numbers signaling that you were higher every second. 
After running away from your girlfriend's house, you called Tony. Only thing  you wanted was to leave as far away and as fast as you could. Break ups were always hard for you. You just wanted to feel loved, feel important for someone. Looking at the sunset on top of one of the buildings was your way to say goodbye to the country you truly love. You promised yourself, you will start a new and better life. No thinking about the past. You need to let it go, and life looking at the future. You knew it would be hard, but you also knew you needed to do this. There's too many open wounds, just because you couldn’t let go thinking about the past every night. 
Pretending to smile while meeting everyone was the hardest part. Pretending to be happy while in the back of your mind the only thing you could think of was your exs, and how you couldn’t be enough for them. Tony left you just when you walked out of the elevator. Steve introduced himself and his friend Bucky. You gave them a polite smile and mumbled your name. You just wanted to go to your room and sleep the rest of the day. Next people that introduced themselves were Clint, Bruce and Sam. Last person was Natasha Romanoff. You learned from her that her wife Wanda is on the mission with Thor. 
“I hear slavic accent.”
“Oh, yeah…  I'm Polish.”
“Tony was one hundred percent sure you're from Russia.” You hate when people mistake you for Russian. It's not even like your languages sound super alike. 
“Chuj.” You said to yourself. “Uhm, nevermind.”You looked at the floor when she looked at you. Natasha just laughed it off and you smiled. 
(Chuj - Dick)
“I'm guessing you don’t know where your room is?” When your eyes met her forest green ones, you felt like you couldn’t look away, but you needed to. You didn't want her to take you for a freak. 
“Yeah… Stark just left me here, and didn’t show me anything.” You rolled your eyes.
“Come with me. Tony decides that you will take Wanda's old room. We have lived together for the past few years, so her room stood empty. It's next to ours.” She said pointing at one of the doors. “So if you need something you can always knock.”
“So… It was nice to meet the famous black widow.” You opened the door to your room. 
“It was nice to meet another spider.” After you closed the door you looked around the room. You didn’t take many things with you, so there wasn’t a lot to unpack. Just some clothes and books. Just a few minutes and everything was in their places. You looked out the window and a few seconds later at mask in your hands. 
After a while you were jumping between buildings. It's late at night, so one would rather see you. When you get tired of jumping, running and half flying, you sit at the top of a skyscraper.
“So It will be my new life. The spider-woman saving the world.” You laughed to yourself. “It's almost unbelievable."
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@marvelwomen-simp @andersonsprincess @leenasayeed @sapphic-simp4015 @taliiiaasteria
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