sadnecessarypoetry · 4 years
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You said I was a snake
I think you said it
Intending to hurt my feelings.
And I suppose it did for a while.
You said I was a snake,
And like a snake,
I will shed my skin,
As I grow,
Leaving it behind me,
discarded toxins.
I will flex my fresh skin,
as I glow iridescent
in the sun.
Strong and independent,
I will continue
To grow,
And I will continue
To shed.
So I suppose
You're right, my dear,
I am a snake.
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sadnecessarypoetry · 4 years
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Remnants of Me
It is my hope
That in every corner
Of that flat,
There are remnants of me.
That the left over clumps
Of mascara,
Still stains your pillow.
That your shower drain
Is still clogged
With my long brown hair.
Lip stick stained mugs
Still lie on your kitchen counter
And my poems still occupy
The fridge door.
There is my blood
On your hands,
And my skin
Under your nails.
My heart
It lies beneath the floorboards,
And it will beat
Louder – louder – louder!
This Tell Tale Heart
Will not be silenced.
This flat is a crime scene,
And everyone will know
What you’ve done.
I am a fucking poltergeist.
And it is my hope,
That in every corner
Of that flat,
There are remnants of me.
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sadnecessarypoetry · 4 years
23 - 05 - 20 *
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Stalling for you
Shaking feet
On clutch and gas.
This was the first time
You had sat in my car.
I stalled.
You were the first
To ever make me nervous.
Inches from my left,
Your presence
Was deafening.
From that moment,
I bent towards you
Like a flower
To the sun.
I have fallen in love
So many times,
Growing in and falling out
Like baby teeth.
But never had it been
A love quite like this one.
We spent an age
Wrapped in each other's arms,
Watching days and nights
Pass before us
Like the flicking of a light switch.
One day,
The light just didn’t come back on.
Don’t you leave me.  
Empty speech bubbles
Hung between us
Our silence thick
Like honey,
But not nearly as sweet.
Shaking feet
On clutch and gas.
This was the last time
You had sat in my car.
I stalled.
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sadnecessarypoetry · 4 years
21 - 05 - 20 *
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After Spring When he held me
in his arms for
the first time,
that's when he planted the seeds. The vines, they pushed and twisted through the valves in my veins. I breathed life, as the undergrowth enveloped my lungs. Watering me, dousing me, bathing me, with his love, he allowed flowers to grow in the darkest parts of me. I had the spine of a redwood tree, and sunflowers in my eyes. Dandelion seeds flew from my hair, making a hundred wishes. My feet, they sunk into the ground, and with branches in my bones I became one with the earth. Growing taller, and stronger, I immersed in the translucent light of him. But, as the seasons began to change, and my wilting leaves changed to brown, he no longer found me as beautiful as he did in Spring. My garden withered, when his nimble fingers stopped tending me. And while I turned to compost, he was planting his seeds in someone else.
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sadnecessarypoetry · 4 years
21 - 05 - 20 *
A Love Story 
"People meet by chance, fall in love, drift apart again" - Kate Tempest, 2016
When I first laid eyes on you, everything in the room stood still. In a sea of hazy faces yours was the only one that demanded my attention. Sipping my vodka and cranberry as you approached, you flashed me that smile, that fucking smile. And I was in Arcadia. In this bar, with my glass, next to you.
You were what I thought love looked like. Love looked like the boy with black hair and dark skin and eyes that reminded me of rain. Love looked like your toothy grin, and the way you tucked your knees under your chin, and how you held your steering wheel almost as tightly as you held my hand. I was drawn to your lips like a honey bee to a flower, and never has my name sounded sweeter from anyone else's lips.
 III Grabbing me by the cuff of my shirt, you pulled me into you. My spine curved around the steering wheel as I sat, with my thighs either side of yours. Heat rose from our skin, Our love was not luke-warm.    It was a fire. We used our fire as warmth as the rain struck the wind screen outside. A hand print on a steamy window like artists, we signed our masterpiece. - Kissing in cars
It wasn't your fault, and nor was it mine. Death is not kind, it's a universal truth. You didn't mean to push me away. And as much as I wish I could hold your hand, you wanted to mend your own broken heart. But, while you were mending yours, you broke mine.    Am I Selfish? - yes - I understand - fuck - it hurts - I'm sorry. It wasn't your fault.
Two months have passed, two months of trying to cry you back.    You told me that you were not ready for me but you were not ready for me to be with anyone else. I allowed myself to be intoxicated by your words. You still needed me. He still needed me. You told me, that even though we were no longer together, we were still the beautiful couple with the odd names. For people who moved around so much we couldn't move on. - Move back to me.
It was summer    when you left me, and since then I haven't been able to warm up. You left, leaving the door half open. Some days, the crack allows a ray of sunshine, others, the draft leaves me frozen and raw on the floor. I desperately missed the lips of the boy who    never really meant the words he said. Do you still love me? I asked. Your lips inches from mine,    your whiskey words tickling my cheek. Not anymore. VII Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, a little bit more depression, and then acceptance. I have finally realised that what we had, however brief and however painful, was beautiful. It wasn't the bullshit definition of perfect. But we loved each other. I am stronger now, and I will not allow you to crumble the foundations of myself that I spent so long building. I know that you never really appreciated how I would sing along to anything on the radio, despite not knowing words; or how I snort when I laugh, and I laugh often; or how I would always wear the colour yellow. We would speak of travelling the world together, but I would rather travel the world by my goddamn self than loose who I am for someone who doesn't yet    understand himself. - The 5.5 stages of grief.
Today I saw you, and I felt nothing. You no longer look like love, but a regular boy with black hair and dark skin. There is something freeing about finally realising that you weren't the best thing to have happened. - The best is yet to come.
Fin.  ~
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sadnecessarypoetry · 4 years
10 - 02 - 20 *
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Mother Earth
I will arch my back like a mountain,
it rises and falls like the Valley of the Moon.
The hairs on my legs will grow like wild flowers,
bending towards the sun.
I am the ocean.
I am soft enough to obtain life
and hard enough to quell it in a second.
I am a forest fire
and a calm stream, all at once.
To disrespect my body
is to disrespect the sunrise.
And I will not be at war
with what comes naturally to me.
– I am Mother Earth.
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sadnecessarypoetry · 4 years
10 - 02 - 20 *
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Honeycomb Chest
Rip open  
my honeycomb chest  
and release  
the bees that swarm  
whenever you are near.
You dig your fingers
into my ribcage  
and tear  
yourself a piece of me.  
You mould the wax
into the shape  
of what you think  
love looks like.
With a fiendish smile,  
you pull me apart.  
You devour me,  
your mouth dripping  
with my honeyed nectar.  
I love you.  
But how can you love me,  
if you're killing me?  
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sadnecessarypoetry · 4 years
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See that poser right there? Yep, that's me, Tanith Leigh. I would like to make my first post a swift introduction of myself, and why I'm here. I'm a 23 year old, zoo assistant and Literature graduate, who loves all things books. Reading them, writing them, sniffing them, you name it. I'm an aspiring poet, but I am very new to the game, a noob if you will. I'm yet to truly find my own voice, and take a lot of my inspiration from poets such as Rupi Kaur, Shane Koyczan, Kate Tempest, and Phil Kaye, for example. Any critiques anyone may have, please feel free to let me know because I want nothing more than to improve in my writing. I may also use this as a platform to post some flash fiction (which is something I have been dabbling with recently), some diary entries (for when I'm very excited about something, or very pissed off about something else), and maybe some books reviews. I'm really excited to get started!!
Thank you for listening to my babbling,
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