sfw-bnha-nsfw · 3 years
Bakugou: I’m gonna keep you up all night long.
Kirishima: *wiggles eyebrows* oh yeah?
Bakugou: and by that, I mean I’ll keep you up until I fall asleep at 8:00.
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sfw-bnha-nsfw · 4 years
They've been through this. Over and over. Again and again. They just can't get it right. But, god, do they try.
Bakugou and Kirishima's struggle with communication throughout their relationship.
My latest KiriBaku fic! Check it out!
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sfw-bnha-nsfw · 4 years
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sfw-bnha-nsfw · 4 years
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more bnha animals.
( IIda; Horse/ Uraraka; Hamster/ Midoriya; Rabbit/ Shoto; Cat/ Tusyu; Frog/ Kirishima; Saltwater Crocodile/ Tetsutetsu; Freshwater Crocodile/ Aizawa; Panther/ Present Mic; Cockatoo/ Bakugo; Tasmanian Devil/ Shoji; Octopus/ Koda; Tortoise/ Monoma; Fox/ Kendo; Red-Shanked Douc/ Denki; Fennec Fox/ Sero; Maned Wolf/ Shigaraki; Rat/ Dabi; Cat/ Toga; Vampire Bat/ Momo; Swan/ Jiro; Honduran white Bat/ Ojiro; Macaque).
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sfw-bnha-nsfw · 4 years
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Better late than never! Finally got the energy to work again!
Here’s a comic about venturing into Saturn!
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sfw-bnha-nsfw · 4 years
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bakusquad hangout time 
;D :) ;D ;D >:)
Instagram: justanotherloserdoingart
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sfw-bnha-nsfw · 4 years
Newest chapter is up.
Kirishima Eijirou travels to the scandalous world of Montmartre with the dream of writing his way into fame and discovering love. When he finds his way to the Moulin Rouge, he finds much more than he was expecting within the favored courtesan, Bakugou Katsuki. But Bakugou is promised to another and to keep both of their dreams alive, they must keep their love a secret. Though it appears Kirishima isn't the only secret Bakugou is hiding.
Literally just the Moulin Rouge.
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sfw-bnha-nsfw · 4 years
Chapter 4 is up!
Kirishima Eijirou travels to the scandalous world of Montmartre with the dream of writing his way to fame and discovering love. When he finds his way to the Moulin Rouge, he finds much more than he was expecting within the favored courtesan, Bakugou Katsuki. But Bakugou is promised to another and to keep both of their dreams alive, they must keep their love a secret. Though it appears Kirishima isn’t the only secret Bakugou is keeping.
Literally just the Moulin Rouge but KiriBaku.
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sfw-bnha-nsfw · 4 years
I be trying to do more serious art now. Definitely gonna be redoing that KiriBaku pic now.
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Just downloaded Procreate and decided to test it out with this blasts boy.
Image reference:
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sfw-bnha-nsfw · 4 years
Chapter 2!
Kirishima Eijirou travels to the scandalous world of Montmartre with the dream of writing his way to fame and discovering love. When he finds his way to the Moulin Rouge, he finds much more than he was expecting within the favored courtesan, Bakugou Katsuki. But Bakugou is promised to another and to keep both of their dreams alive, they must keep their love a secret. Though it appears Kirishima isn’t the only secret Bakugou is keeping.
Literally just the Moulin Rouge but KiriBaku.
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sfw-bnha-nsfw · 4 years
Kirishima Eijirou travels to the scandalous world of Montmartre with the dream of writing his way to fame and discovering love. When he finds his way to the Moulin Rouge, he finds much more than he was expecting within the favored courtesan, Bakugou Katsuki. But Bakugou is promised to another and to keep both of their dreams alive, they must keep their love a secret. Though it appears Kirishima isn’t the only secret Bakugou is keeping.
Literally just the Moulin Rouge but KiriBaku.
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sfw-bnha-nsfw · 4 years
I just figured something out
I know I’m behind - in both manga and anime. But Amajiki’s hero name is ‘Suneater’ and he just called Mirio ‘the sun.’
Now if that isn’t explanation enough of their relationship, then I don’t know what is!
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sfw-bnha-nsfw · 5 years
i saw that you were accepting requests,,, can i get uhhhh soft kaminari headcanons owo 💜
Uuuugh! I love all these soft boys! They make my heart melt and I just can’t get enough of them!
Hope you enjoy, darling!
This boy loves hand holding.It’s his obsession. Even in class, if the opportunity arrises, he’s got his fingers intertwined with his and he’s constantly running his fingertips over the skin of their hand. I’m sure he can tell you how many freckles are on each one because he’s mapped them out countless times.
And he’s always tracing the lines of their palm, making up stories of their life based off their length or curves. Like “oh, and one day, you’ll be at the top of the Eiffel Tower watching the sunset. I’ll be there too, ya know, though I won’t be watching the sunset, because you’ll be far more beautiful.”
Ah, and I always imagined him sleeping in on the weekends or whenever he could get the chance. He’d totally use those days to just pull them close to him and bury his face into the back. He’d kiss at the skin of their shoulders and trace his fingers over their hips. And he’d just hum in contentment. He total lives for those late mornings fulled with cuddles and gentle kisses. 
Love notes. Oh, boy LOVES writing love notes. And they’ll be on small pieces of paper or anything he can find. Gum wrappers, napkins, post-it notes, a business card he picked up from somewhere. He’ll write them out carefully and then put them up somewhere in their room and just want for them to come across it on their own. He loves being there when they find them and just watching the smile that will pull at their lips.
He adores getting notes too. He just cannot contain his love and excitement when he gets one telling him how much he’s loved. That signature grin appears and he’s pulling them into a hug before they can even register that he’s read it. Don’t be surprised if he also picks them up and gives them a twirl. He’s just so god damn excited!
Dancing on while out on walks! But, like, not the meme-like or goofing off dancing he does with Mina, Sero, or Kirishima. No, this will occur spontaneously! He’ll take their hand delicately and spin them under his arm and pulling them tightly to him, his hand around their waist. He’s surprisingly good at leading in their dance through spins and side steps with soft kisses to their lips and their neck.
Just, so many gentle kisses and adorable loving! This electro boy is so precious!
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sfw-bnha-nsfw · 5 years
honestly this extremely unbalanced likes/reblogs ratio is a problem on pretty much every post on this site now and while i’m not trying to say that a 10-second shitpost is worth the same as a piece of art that the OP spent hours of their free time creating for no financial gain what i am saying is that it’s a widespread and generalised problem and it really is killing all your favorite content creators, regardless of the type of content they create
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sfw-bnha-nsfw · 5 years
I definitely did not expect this drawing to gain as many notes it did in only a weeks time. Thanks!
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My sloppy contribution to the Kiribaku fandom feat. Best Wingman Denki
Based on this photo:
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sfw-bnha-nsfw · 5 years
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My sloppy contribution to the Kiribaku fandom feat. Best Wingman Denki
Based on this photo:
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sfw-bnha-nsfw · 5 years
Oh, yeah. This is now a whole official thing.
Part 2 is here.
It had been a week since Bakugo had opened his flower shop across the street. Kirishima wasn’t joking when he said it would be a better sight than the abandoned shop that was there before. His personal work station looked directly out to it and the blossoms were beautiful. It was definitely helpful that the owner of the shop was also nice to look at.
“You’re here early again,” Jiro pointed out from her spot at the front counter. Her gaze barely rose to look at him to see the sheepish shrug he gave in response. It was very unlike the redhead to show up for work until after two in the afternoon. Occasionally, he’d have an early client, just like the rest of them, but to come in willingly just to sketch and wait for walk-ins… it was beyond unusual. “Making new friends?” She questioned, making her limited knowledge of the situation known.
Kirishima gave a large grin, dropping his bag at the front counter as he leaned against the cool surface of it. “Keeping tabs on me, boss?” He wouldn’t deny it. The effort he had been putting into picking himself up out of bed early to make his way to work with the intention of ‘running into’ their new neighbor was something he wanted recognized.
“I like to know who my neighbors are and what they’re up to,” she responded, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms over her chest. “Plus, it’s been a lot louder around here since he set up shop. Kinda hard not to notice.”
That was true. And Kirishima also wouldn’t deny that he had been the cause of some of that shouting as well. The blond definitely had a fiery personality. That was something Kirishima found out the hard way. No longer would he walk into the shop unannounced while Bakugo was in the middle of his arrangements. That had disrupted the peaceful morning with a shouting lecture about sneaking up on unsuspecting individuals. Kirishima couldn’t help but laugh at the thought now.
“Do you actually have clients at this hour?” Jiro questioned, her body moving to reach for her bag. “Or are you only here for the chance to flirt with the florist?”
“There’s nothing wrong with a little flirting,” Kirishima answered, his gaze turning out through the window of the tattoo shop to see the said florist setting up his daily display - today it consisted of sunflowers and lilies. 
“Sure,” she agreed, “though I’m thankful you decided to target someone that wasn’t trapped under your needle for hours.”
A sheepish smile was the only thing he could think to respond with. He had gained quite a reputation throughout the tattooing community for his flirtatious ways with clients, much to Jiro’s exasperation. While she had recruited him knowing all his talents and flaws from school, he was sure she hadn’t anticipated how much that would end up reflecting on her own shop. It definitely didn’t help that Kirishima couldn’t deny that some of those appointments had ended with more than just a tattoo. Apparently, it was common for people to kiss and tell within the industry.
“Anyway,” Jiro continued, “since you’re not busy, you can get us some breakfast.”
“Am I some kind of mule to you?”
“That’s what I hired you to be.”
Turning away from the counter, Kirishima placed his bag at his work station. The table was scattered with rough sketches. Graphite and charcoal smudged across white parchment and fine paper. Some were more refined - ones he had been working on for clients coming in soon - others were for himself - attempts at new techniques, figure practice, and, his newest infatuation, careful impressionistic pieces of his daily encounters with Bakugo Katsuki. The surge of inspiration that he felt when he was around the blond was something he hadn’t felt in a long time. His fingers traced over the delicate lines that expressed his jaw, making a mental note to shove all of those sketches away before he got caught with them. Kaminari was already giving him shit about watching the flower shop from the window when it was slow. To add the sketches to the teasing was just something he didn’t want to deal with every day.
“The usual?” Kirishima questioned, footsteps trailing towards the front door. He heard the offhand noise of confirmation from Jiro. He didn’t mind the half-hearted response. He knew how busy she was, anyone striving to be one of the best tattoo artists in the country would be. It was nearly four years ago now that she had come to him with the idea of opening a tattoo shop. They had gone to high school together, after graduating Jiro had gone off to some fancy art school, while Kirishima jumped from job to job trying to sell his art on the side. Sure, the idea was risky, putting what little they had into tattooing - an art both were inexperienced with at the time. 
Heh, but one art school drop out and back-end artist sure could put together one good tattoo shop.
Jiro lived out of the shop, figuring it was better to invest her entire life to the practice and decision. Kirishima remained in his shitty apartment a couple blocks away. Even with the surplus of clientele they were getting, he still couldn’t bring himself to leave the small space. Kaminari joined the team about two years into business. Kirishima had pushed for it, saying that they weren’t keeping up with the demand they were gaining. And the electric personality of the blond would add a little flare to their image. Besides, the guys art was something else. It was like he was born to hold a tattoo gun.
Pushing through the front door, his eyes instantly rose to the flower shop across the street. It may sound strange, but he honestly believed that the opening of Bakugo’s store was the most exciting thing that has happened to this nothing street. And he intended to keep it that way.
Shoving his hands into his pockets, his eyes darted in both directs down the road before moving across the asphalt. Technically, the shop was in the opposite direction of their favorite breakfast joint, but the stop he planned on making wasn’t meant to take long.
“Hey, Bakugo!” Kirishima called when the blond appeared through the open garage door of his shop, chrysanthemums in large bundles in his arms.
Those crimson eyes turned to him quickly, the wrinkle of annoyance was already stationed between his brows as his mouth turned downward. He gave the same look every morning the redhead disrupted his morning setup routine. His natural flow of blossom arrangement stilted every time he acknowledged the call of his name.
“Didn’t I already deal with you today?” His voice was accented with a throaty growl. Kirishima couldn’t help but smile when he heard it. The act of being abrasive paired with the handling of beautiful flowers was an entertaining sight to see.
“Have you had breakfast this morning?” Kirishima ignored his question to ask his own, leaning against the side of the garage to watch as Bakugo continued to put out the flowers he intended to feature for the day.
“Why does that matter to you?”
Ah, a game of questions.
“Well,” Kirishima let his head fall back against the cool metal of the garage siding, “if you haven’t, I was just on my way to get some. Thought it would be a good way to introduce you to the neighborhood.”
“No,” was Bakugo’s only response.
Kirishima didn’t even try to stop the scoff that escaped his lips. “No to having breakfast or to going to get some?”
The answer surprised him, his entire body moving away from the siding and his smile dropped instantly. “What? That’s not a good way to start the day.”
“And neither is being pestered by metal-faced redhead.”
“Metal-faced…” the words repeated from Kirishima quietly, his hand finally pulling free from his pocket to touch at the ring on the right side of his bottom lip. That was a new one. He wasn’t even called that when he had braces for nearly two years as a kid. “Come on,” he continued his original pursuit, “it’s good food. And we’ll get it to go. Besides, I’m getting stuff for the boss,” he gestured back at the tattoo shop, “she’ll throttle me if I keep her waiting too long.”
Bakugo redirected his red eyes on him, taking in the redhead staring at him. His lips pursed slightly, as though a bad taste was settling in his mouth with the answer he was about to speak. “I better be back before shop hours start.”
A toothy grin instantly spread across Kirishima’s face, a warmth filling his belly. “It’s just around the corner!” He spoke excitedly, moving out of the way for Bakugo to shut the garage door until his return. “They’re food is awesome and they’re super quick!”
“Yeah, whatever,” Bakugo grumbled in return, adjusting his hoodie with the lack of an apron over it, “let’s just get this over with.”
Maybe I should move this to my AO3 if it’s going to be a long series?
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