fuckyeahkagepro · 5 years
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unloved-cadillac · 2 years
Gogo seeing his s/o take care of megumi?
Thank you
C/n: love this. Thanks for requesting and I hope that you enjoy🤍
A New Journey. (Gojo x Reader)
“Do you, Gojo Satoru, swear to take care of this child and do your best in providing and protecting him?”
“Yes I do!”
Megumi walks back to his apartment when he encounters the white-haired man who is Gojo. He had four packets filled with goodies and he takes Megumi in the house. “Where’s Y/n?” Megumi asks as Gojo sets up the table. “On her way.”
“Are you going to propose any time soon?” Megumi asks and Gojo chokes on his spit. “What? Dude, I’m 20. I don’t even know the meaning of the word yet.” Gojo say and Megumi sighs. “You must be pretty stupid then.” “H e y!”
“I’m here!” Your voice runs through the house as you walk inside after taking off your shoes. “Right on time, Y/n. Got the cake?” He asks and you hold up the packet. “Right here. Hi, Megalodon.” You greet the kid and he rolls his eyes. “I’m not a shark.” You laugh as you ruffle his hair. “Tell your hair that.” You kiss the top of his head and unpack the cake.
The three of you have a lovely party, eating junk food, playing games then Megumi goes to lounge and turns on the TV and his PlayStation. “Oh! Megs, I got another gift for you.” You say as you get your bag. Megumi looks intently as you dig in your bag looking for it. You pull out a packet and give it to him.
He opens it and takes out a game. “Street Fighter vs Tekken?! Thanks, Y/n!” He says and hugs you. It was very rare for Megumi to display physical affection so you basked in this moment by holding onto him. “You’re welcome, sweetheart.” You kiss his cheek and he goes to insert the disk. You tilt your head as you look at Megumi’s shirt. “Oh, Megs.” You say and he looks at you. “Huh?” “Come here.”
He walks to you and you shake your head while you dust his shirt. “You got cake on your favorite shirt. Come let me put this in the washing. Take it off. Let me get you a new one.” You say and you take his shirt and go to the washroom to put it in the machine and you brought another for him. He puts it on and sits on the couch. “Can I play too?” You ask and he nods. He gets up and hands you a controller.
Gojo watches the two of you and something in him blossoms. A feeling which he knew he would feel one day, and he knew he would feel it with you. Gojo heads upstairs quietly and opens his safe to look at the ring he bought a few months ago and he smiles to himself. When the time is right, he thinks. Closing it and heading back downstairs he hears you and Megumi scream at the TV.
“COME ON KING! GET HIM!” You shout. “GO JIN, GO!” Megumi yells and the sound of buttons being brutally pressed were heard. “Jeez, what’s going on here? You guys don’t even yell at me like that.” He says as he sits next to you.
“If you were not listening to me like how King is then yeah, I might.” You say and nudge Gojo. “I’ll verse whoever wins.” Gojo says and that’s how the night went. Taking turns playing then changing it to Netflix where Megumi fell asleep on your lap. You look at Gojo and he looks at Megumi. “I should be on your lap.” He whispers and you rolls your eyes as you smile. Gojo gets up and puts a blanket on Megumi and pulls out his phone to take a quick photo of the two most important people in his life.
Gojo returns to his spot next to you and you lean on him. He kisses your cheek. “I think you’ll be a great mom, Y/n.” He whispers and you look at him. “You think so?” He nods. “I want to keep you as mine forever. I promise I’ll keep you and Megumi safe for as long as I breathe. Today just made me so happy. I love you, Y/n.” He smiles and you kiss his lips. “I love you too.”
You cuddle into Gojo as he wraps an arm around you and rests it on Megumi. This journey of parenthood came a little early for the both of you. But with an amazing partner and amazing boy like Megumi, how hard could it be?
“Dad Gojo is my favorite Gojo. Next to pussy slayer.”
🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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baepsaetan · 4 years
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Banner by @thebannershop​
Summary: In a futuristic age where a person can be coded and inserted into a new body, the rich can live forever. Born to a wealthy family, Jin expects to live life at a lofty and uncaring height. His expectations go awry when his body is murdered and a small gang steals his ‘stack’ and resleeves him in a criminal. Thrust into a gritty, neon world far below his life as an immortal, where death can be Real, Jin will discover truths that challenge his perceptions and make him wonder what - if anything - immortality is worth.
Chapters: pt. 1, pt. 2, pt. 3, pt. 4, pt.5, pt. 6, pt. 7 -> read on Ao3
Genre: Altered Carbon Fusion, Science Fiction/Futuristic, Slow Burn, Smut, Angst, Murder Mystery
Warnings: Shifting PoVs (primarily Jin), minor character death, abuse, torture, gangs, drug addiction, drug use, references to depression, body dysphoria, animal death, swearing, smut in future chapters
Length: 7.1k
Before he’s even aware of the sound of the shot – maybe even before the sound is made – Jin is flying. Almost literally. Someone hip checks him so hard that his feet, not firmly planted to begin with, leave the ground, and as he falls, he crashes into Namjoon, sending them both sprawling off the sidewalk. They land in the road in a tangle of limbs, groans and (in Namjoon’s case) curses. Several more shots ring out, Jin’s brain too slow on the uptake to do anything more than cringe and sort of hug the ground, expecting to feel the impact of a bullet at any second.
Jungkook is not so slow.
After he’d shoved Seokjin out of the way, he’d drawn his own weapon and started firing at the woman, as well as several other people who’ve swarmed out from the cars they’d hidden behind. Now, as Seokjin clings for dear life to the pavement, blood thundering in his ears and eyes wildly scouring the street, he finds his mouth falling open. Two bodies have already joined Namjoon and Jin on the pavement, slumped figures that move only feebly, and even as Jin lifts his head a bit more, Jungkook finds another mark and she joins her companions on the ground, clutching at her shoulder. Jin thinks she might be screaming – her mouth is open – but all he can hear is his own stampeding heartbeat and an occasional popping noise that must be the guns firing.
It adds to the air of unrealism, but Jungkook is the main focus of this nightmare. So fast his hands blur, he changes out a cartridge and keeps shooting, seamless and assured. He’s already moved to set himself between Namjoon and the attackers, though the position isn’t as deadly as it would have been even a few seconds prior. Jungkook’s rapid and accurate aim has forced their enemies to take cover behind cars, abandoning their three comrades where they fell. The trio don’t last long; with cool precision, Jungkook takes an extra moment and shoots all three in the heads before resuming firing at anyone who dares to show any part of their body from behind their shields.
He had suspected Jungkook was harboring neurochems and some variety of physical enhancements – he just moved too fluidly to be entirely natural – but the unadulterated violence of the other man has Jin transfixed and shaking. There’s blood on the ground by the bodies, blood and – other things – and a part of him is trying to remember that it’s sleeves – just sleeves – that were destroyed so casually. That part is dim and very far away. Was this how his own murderer had killed him, as easily as tapping a button, and with as much concern?
The violence drops to a simmer as quickly as it flared up, the flurry of bullets slowing, and Jin’s hearing returns only when Namjoon grabs him by both shoulders and shakes him. “Seokjin! Snap out of it! Damn it, can you hear me?”
He takes in the other’s excruciatingly tense expression with a befuddled stare, and his eyes widen when he realizes they’re not in the center of the street anymore but huddled against a vehicle. Namjoon must have dragged him here, but he hadn’t even… With a tremendous effort, Seokjin shakes his head, chasing away the fogged paralyses wrapping his appendages and brain in cotton, unsure what to feel about Namjoon risking life and limb to get him to the shelter. “Yeah,” he gasps, “yeah, I hear you. What do we do?”
“Keep your head low. You see that dumpster?” Namjoon uses the hand not holding his own gun to point out a green behemoth of a dumpster a few meters behind them, set at the mouth of an alley between two of the industrial buildings. “Get behind it.”  
“Namjoon, there’s someone going around the cars on the far side,” Jungkook calls, his warning followed closely by two quick bangs as he fires at whoever it is. “I can’t get them, not with those assholes still up the street.”
It takes a moment to understand what Jungkook means, though Jin gets it eventually. If he turns to follow the movement of the person darting along the side, the assailants in front will have time to get out of cover and shoot; it’s only Jungkook’s constant vigilance that’s keeping them pinned down.
Appallingly steady, like they’re just having a normal conversation, Namjoon replies, “I’ve got him. I’ll – Seokjin, get behind that dumpster before you get yourself killed. I’ll cover you, Jungkook.”
Doing as he’s bid takes a courage all its own; moving from even this pitiful shelter feels like inviting a spotlight to fall on him, with a ‘shoot me’ sign put up for good measure. But Jin can’t just sit there. Who knew what would happen if he got killed again? Best case scenario, his stack would be ransomed back to his parents, but that’s a very best case, and besides, his parents hadn’t put him back in a sleeve the first time, had they? What if it’s the same the next time around? The best case wouldn’t really be best case then, would it?
Better to stick with the pink haired devil he knows.
Clenching his teeth, he psyches himself up for a heartbeat more before flinging himself into a running crouch. Almost immediately several gunshots ring out and Jin is pretty sure he’s not imagining the crack of bullets whipping by. As he tumbles behind the protection of the metal bulk, he definitely doesn’t imagine the chorus of voices shouting, “It’s him, he’s there!” Even more bullets come his way – one hits into the dumpster with a tortured scream of metal – but Jungkook makes the shooters pay for the attempt if a pained yell is anything to go by.
Did that mean these psychopaths were trying to get him specifically? And was ‘him’ Seokjin, or were they after Siwoo for some reason? And how’d they know who he was, where they would be? Could that girl from the club have told someone, not anywhere near as fooled as he’d thought she’d been? Gasping for breath, his back pressed into the reassuring hardness of the dumpster, Jin can’t get his scattered thoughts together enough to figure out what any of it means. Not being able to see what’s going on just fuels his hammering heart, but he’s not stupid enough to think that sticking his head out is a good idea.
Except for the person still screaming in pain, it’s gone very quiet.
Had Namjoon already shot the person trying to flank them? Or had he been shot himself? Could that be why he and Jungkook aren’t talking to each other? What if Namjoon’s dead?
The thought sets him to trembling, violent shudders that wrack his body for a reason he’s not anywhere near calm enough to identify. No matter how fast or hard he blinks, Seokjin can’t seem to clear away the picture of rivulets of red streaming from the heads of those people Jungkook killed. He can’t stop himself from imagining Namjoon in exactly the same position, slumped over, hair tinged a colour far less innocent than peach, the exit wound a gaping hole that’s there because Seokjin couldn’t move fast enough.
An unfamiliar voice rips through the macabre picture, tearing Jin’s focus back to reality. “You fuckers are fucking dead, you hear me? Fucking dead!”
“Not as dead as your friends,” Jungkook yells back, and Seokjin can almost picture the maddening grin he’s probably wearing. It helps, too, because he instinctively knows the boy wouldn’t say something like that if Namjoon had been shot.
His intuition proves correct. Namjoon joins the yelling contest a moment later, louder than the string of swears Jungkook’s comment elicited. “You’ve already lost too many people, whoever the hell you are. Why don’t you just walk away? It’s not gonna get any easier from here.”
There’s a pause, and stupid or not, Jin can’t bear the laden tension anymore. He peeks around the dumpster. It takes him a while to locate everyone. The few pedestrians who he could have sworn were around before have up and vanished. Namjoon and Jungkook have moved closer to his hiding spot, Jungkook on his side of the street, Namjoon on the other. From this angle he can just make out a few people, muffled under hoodies, crouched on the sidewalk. If he’d had a gun, he might have been able to pick one or two of them off (but probably not). It’s impossible to tell how many there are. And unless he’s very much mistaken, they’re on both sides of the streets now, using the cars as cover to creep closer.
The closest one, just a few cars from where Namjoon is crouched, trusts the vehicle’s protective abilities too much. He moves away from the front area of the car he’s cowering behind, probably intending to move one more car down, and Jin sees Junkook’s head snap to the movement. A second later and the gun follows, sending five or six bullets across the street to shred through the vehicle’s doors. At least one finds its target, because there’s a sharp yelp and the man collapses, writhing on the sidewalk.
It’d be easy for Namjoon or Jungkook to take him out. Seemingly following that train of thought, the former shifts, about to lean around the car he’s behind.
The same voice from before makes him pause. “Hold up! You’re right it ain’t gonna get easier, but that’s for you, not us. We got all fucking day to drown you assholes out.” A beat. “But maybe we don’t wanna go to the bother of getting new sleeves. Maybe we’re feeling generous. I got a deal for you. You give us Seokjin, and you walk away. Don’t, and I’m going to crush your fucking stacks myself. We know he was at the Ring, that he’s with you now. You really feel like facing Real Death for some prick of a Meth?”
Jungkook looks towards Namjoon, just a twitch of distraction, and his leader doesn’t immediately reply. He’s facing Jin’s hiding spot, eyes slightly narrowed, and Seokjin can only stare at him helplessly, heart in his throat. He doesn’t have a weapon, nothing to defend himself with, no bargaining chip to offer. Namjoon’s goodwill – and, realistically, Seokjin’s usefulness to Namjoon’s group – are his only shields, flimsy though they are. And they are flimsy. First the failure to find anything useful at the Ring, and then, what had Namjoon said? I’m not risking my crew for a Meth…    
Right. So, he’s screwed.
“We can’t give him up.” Given that the hissed objection comes from Jungkook, Jin could not have been more surprised if God Himself had spoken from Heaven. Even Namjoon looks taken aback. The muscular gunman shifts his weight restlessly, eyes never leaving their scanning track across the road. “We can’t just let them beat on us like this,” he adds, not able to whisper because of Namjoon’s distance, but attempting to keep his voice low, nonetheless. “They’ll expect us to roll over like dogs all the time.”
He sounds disgusted at the prospect of losing, and for all that Jin feels a sudden rush of warmth towards the kid, he can’t help but think that competitiveness isn’t going to be enough to persuade Namjoon. A moment later, though, gaze still skimming the street, Jungkook says flatly, “Besides, they just sent a few people down the side streets further down. They’re probably gonna go around the block and come up behind us.”
Automatically Jin turns, checking their backs; the street is utterly deserted, for the moment. It makes him wonder, fleetingly, where the few civilians he’d seen before have gone (hopefully to call the police), but Namjoon pulls his attention back.
“He’s stalling, huh? I guess it was too much to expect this trash to be honest.” Namjoon shifts, pulls his green camo coat open and seems to be searching for something. “I’ve got two magazines left. You?”
Namjoon tosses one of his black cases to Jungkook, who catches it deftly. The pink haired man is wearing a strange expression; he’s smiling, a thin, lopsided quirk of his lips, but when his gaze goes to Jungkook, his eyes are wretched. The sharp regret doesn’t change when they shift briefly to Jin, though Jin had been expecting rage, or at the least accusation. Maybe that wouldn’t have been fair – it’s not like he chose to be here, or at the Ring – but it wouldn’t have been surprising. However, when their eyes meet, Namjoon’s bloodless face suddenly flushes a bit, and he mouths something that Seokjin can’t catch from so far away.
It might have been sorry, but probably not.
Probably not, but Jin still finds himself saying, “I’ll watch your backs. If someone comes, you’ll know.”
He can only shrug at their surprise. At this point, he’s pretty sure that their funeral is going to be his funeral, too. Might as well do what he can. Besides, if they can hold out long enough… “Maybe the police are on their way.”
That’s more to himself than to Jungkook, but the other male shakes his head anyways. “Or maybe those assholes asked their Meth friends to call in a favour, and there are no cops around at all.”
“…You never learned about the power of positive thinking, did you?”
“Sorry, sir. They only teach that in Meth kindergarten,” Jungkook replies, smiling faintly. After a moment, though, even that falls away, like he’s lost the strength to keep it there. Quietly, so quietly Jin knows he’s not really meant to hear, Jungkook mumbles, “Wish Yoongi were here. Guess it’s good he’s not.”
For whatever reason, that makes the young man straighten a little, his shoulders squaring, and he calls to Namjoon. “I’m ready, hyung. Guess now’s as good a time as any to make up for that car thing.”
The leader, too, has stiffened his resolve. “You’ve got nothing to make up for, Jungkook. Even if you did, that tab’s going to stay open for a bit longer. We’re going to get out of here.” He even manages to make it sound like he believes it.
“Yeah, hyung, sure… I think they’re getting ready to rush us. Guess they figured out we’re not buying.” Jungkook’s voice is as steady as his hands, unshaking as they raise his pistol a little higher.
The both of them, ducked behind their respective vehicles, somehow manage to make it seem like they’re waiting for a boring game of hide-and-seek to end, not staring down a barrel pointed unerringly at their stacks. Seokjin turns back to fulfill his part of this little pageant, squinting down the street and ready to shout, yet his shoulders are trembling and pressing them hard against the dumpster can only do so much to still them. His eyes are welling with tears, too, and angrily Jin brushes them clear. He’s not even that afraid, because he’s pretty much used up his fear and adrenaline for today. But it’s a real pity to die for the second time in a week, beneath this ugly grey sky, along with two strangers who may or may not deserve it for kidnapping him. He wants to be angry at them for dragging him into this, but the blunt knives buried in his chest are made of grief and not rage.
Jin’s just so tired; spitting fury into the void he’s facing is too much effort. I hope Taehyung doesn’t hear about me dying again, he thinks dully. Taehyung is probably the only one in his life who would bother mourning him twice. His family would certainly have done so the first time, sincere in their sorrow, but emotion is just as much a resource as anything. They’d be too practical to grieve a second time, at least with the same depth.
There’s a flicker of movement far, far down the street where Seokjin’s facing. “Someone’s–” He stops, has to cough several times to dislodge the hoarseness in his throat, “Someone’s coming.” Now more than ever, he wishes he had a gun, or a knife, or anything, really. Not that it would make a difference – Seokjin’s not one of the children his parents take to the shooting range, not after the first few mediocre showings – but it would be nice to have something. Just so that he could pretend for a little longer that he has a chance, that maybe he could help the men preparing to die for him have a chance, too.
The figure is moving closer, pretty much in the middle of the street, as bold as you please, and Jin just guesses they’re that confident in their fellow gang members. Personally, he wouldn’t be, not after the show Jungkook had put on, but maybe these thugs just didn’t care if their sleeves got killed. If some Meth were going to give him a new body after he died, maybe he wouldn’t care either. Although…
His eyes narrow. The person approaching from his side is weaving. Not in the better-dart-around-to-make-it-harder-to-shoot-me manner, but in the stumbling-drunk-and-finding-it-hard-to-walk kind of way. He tips first to one side, then to the other, feet dragging and catching on the pavement, and it seems miraculous that he doesn’t drop each time. And actually… hadn’t he come from too many streets down? Wouldn’t the gangsters have cut through a road that was closer, so they didn’t have to be in the open for so long? And why hasn’t Jungkook shot this sucker yet?
At about the same time all of those questions are falling into a startled realization, three more people appear in Jin’s field of vision, closer than the other man. They’re definitely part of the attackers; they’re wearing the same hoodies and face masks, and they’re utterly intent on Jin’s side of the street. He doesn’t even think they see the other guy, and if they do, they ignore him and start inching down the road. Part of him wants to run, maybe down the alley on his left side, even if it just leads to a dead end. That would make it that much easier for their assailants to focus solely on taking out Namjoon and Jungkook, though. The least he can do is offer another target to distract their focus and their bullets.
He might not offer even that for long. One of the three is gesturing excitedly, clearly having realized who he is, and a second later the others raise their guns. Jin can’t help it. He shuts his eyes, throat clogged with the warning he should be giving, and braces himself, an eerie feeling of déjà vu resounding through his very marrow, deep and sickening.
And he waits. And waits. And later – he couldn’t have said how much later – three shots ring out. Just three. None of them sound anywhere close to him.
When Jin opens his eyes, he’s greeted by three bodies on the road and the same man from before walking by them. There’s panicked shouting going on behind his dumpster, further down the street, so much shouting that even though he thinks Namjoon and Jungkook are talking, he can’t tell what they’re saying. A series of sharp reports crack the tension like a bone breaking, and suddenly the air is filled with the staccato noise of gunfire. The man approaching him doesn’t seem bothered. He doesn’t even pause, just keeps walking, and there’s still some of that staggering gait in his movements, like he’s forgotten how to take steps and has to remember each time.
This close, the black police uniform is starkly obvious, and so is the blueish grey revolver the man has clasped loosely at his side. There’s nothing personal about the relief Seokjin feels – nothing like the comfort he’d experienced upon seeing Taehyung – but the searing release of pressure is utterly welcome, all the same. His first thought is perilously close to thanking God, even though he’s never been very interested in his parents’ religion.
His second thought is about how funny Jungkook’s face is going to be when he realizes there was at least one cop around.
The police officer finally makes it to him, although he doesn’t pause for long. He’s a wiry individual with a sweep of black bangs that almost touch his eyes, but it’s his smile that’s most eye catching. His grin is one of the largest and most cheerful things that Jin has ever seen, a sunny beam set with casual brilliance on the man’s heart shaped face, and in another situation, it also would have been one of the most uplifting things he’s ever seen, too.
Given that they are currently being shot at (did Jin see a bullet fling by the cop’s head or was he imagining things?) the grin is kind of scary. So is the look in the guy’s eyes, painfully bright and intent, like an operating table light. It’s a stark contrast to his smile.
“Please stay down,” the officer says, the words leaping extremely quickly from his mouth, and it kind of seems like he’s not really seeing Jin. “This will be over shortly.” Another screech as a bullet grazes the dumpster underlines his assertion.
He moves out of view, and more bangs assault Jin’s ringing ears. This time around, his courage and curiosity both fail him; he stays firmly put, refusing the urge to peek out from his cover. Besides, before much time has passed, he can hear Jungkook swearing, but it’s soft amazement and not anger that’s saturating his voice. The shots dwindle until there’s only one or two going off every few seconds, and moments later even that dies.
“They’re gone, Kwanghyun. You can come out.” That’s Namjoon, but Jin stays where he is, his brows furrowing. Who was Kwanghyun? The police officer?
Namjoon’s shadow falls over him and Jin looks up with a small, relieved smile. The other man’s face is just as drained of colour as before, and there’s a line of tension in his jaw that’s entirely inappropriate given that none of them died. “They’re gone, Kwanghyun,” Namjoon repeats, putting extra emphasis on the name. “Get up.”
Jin stares at him blankly for a moment before his brain catches up. His tentative smile dies. Oh. Right. He can’t be Seokjin in front of an officer. Seokjin was taken from his safe haven at the police station by Namjoon and the rest of his crew.
Embarrassed by how slow he was on the uptake, embarrassed by the tight knot of disappointment in his throat, Jin drops his gaze and starts to rise. Without him being aware of it, his legs have gone numb from his awkward positioning, and it’s a struggle to straighten with his knees threatening to buckle. Suddenly Namjoon hooks a hand under Jin’s elbow and helps him up. His hand remains there, and Seokjin unexpectedly finds himself desperate to believe that the warm support is just out of kindness.
Given the tightness of the hold, however, and the way Namjoon hasn’t put his weapon away, he can’t quite push himself into embracing the achingly appealing fantasy.
They walk out from behind the dumpster, Jin moving like a tottering old man. This sleeve is in shape, but even it can’t quite handle being compressed into a terror-induced crouch for such a long period of time. As the pins and needles jab at his legs, injecting feeling back in the most painful way possible, Jin lets his capturer tow him along. Once again, he’s faced with a question of what to do, and if anything, it’s harder to decide now than it was back at Ringwanderung.
There are bodies scattered across the street, for all the world looking like toys knocked over by some overenthusiastic toddler. None are moving, and the holes ripped into their heads or chests or throats are more than enough evidence for why. He finds himself having to breathe between his teeth and it’s a struggle to tear his gaze away from the bloody scene.
The police officer is speaking into his interface watch as they approach. “Yeah, I count fourteen – fourteen sleeves down. Don’t think any stacks are damaged. Yeah, fourteen. Yeah, I – it’s fourteen, you can all count that high. Make sure – you have to bring Organic Damage with you. I want – what? No, I didn’t get them all myself. Even my sleeve’s not that good.” He laughs, and the sound is… off. Hoarse and too fast. “Anyways, anyways, several ran off, so you need to get patrols down here… I don’t know why there aren’t any around now, it’s a bloody clusterfuck. I want Jaemin prepped to help one of you in interrogation. No, no, I’m not going to do it. I’m not – I’m off the clock, Tanesha, I’m not…”
More is said, but Jin’s having trouble focusing. Namjoon’s grip on his arm is too tight, starting to pass from pain into numbness, as though the sensation just traded its spot from his legs. He’s watching his captors from the corner of his eyes, just about as intensely as they’re watching both him and the cop. It’s dawning on him that this officer saving their lives doesn’t mean the same thing for them as it does for him. Jungkook’s gnawing at his lip, looking less composed now than when there’d been bullets flying, and while Namjoon is more collected, he’s not much more so.
He can’t tell what they’re thinking. Jin doesn’t know if he should care. What would happen if he just blurted out the truth, right here and now? To judge by the gangsters’ reactions and the numerous out of commission sleeves, this man can handle himself. Far better than Taehyung could, anyways. And he’s a police officer! His very life is supposed to be dedicated to protecting people. Wouldn’t he be far better equipped to handle this mess than Jin, too? There’s an overwhelming urge to just dump the situation into his lap, just to see what happens, just to relieve the tension.
Only… He’d saved Jin’s life already, there’s no doubt about that. And while he seems utterly relaxed, his gun slipped into its holster, both Namjoon and Jungkook are so on edge they look like they might just shoot the guy without Jin saying anything at all. What kind of payment would that be, setting them off on his saviour? And just after he’d almost done the same thing to Taehyung?
The officer finishes his conversation rather abruptly; if Seokjin didn’t know better, he might have thought he’d hung up on whoever he was talking to. This close up, he doesn’t look great. His face is shiny with sweat, black hair plastered to his forehead, and the dark circles under his eyes are so prominent his irises look about as black as his hair. The smile from before, unusual as it had been, is gone, replaced by a sharp, triangular frown.
That just makes Jin feel worse about the thought of bringing him into this situation. And as bad as he feels, he still needs to bite his tongue to keep it from going rogue and voicing a desperate attempt at escape. If he was smarter, or maybe just less tired, he might have tried to think of some coded way of asking for help, a secret phrase or a special look, but casting through his head right now is like scavenging through a swamp. There’s plenty of things there, half-formed and half-seen and covered in slick mud, but nothing Seokjin can get a confident grip on.
Besides, Jimin implied that some if not all of the police are in the pay of whatever Meth set his murder up. How can he tell if this man is one of those? Should he just blindly run to a person who could sign his Real Death warrant?
Indecision is a poison, slinking through his veins, paralyzing his muscles and tongue. In the end, Jin elects to do nothing – not because it seems like the best thing to do, but because doing anything else is more nerve-wracking than he presently has the strength to bear.
“Sorry about that,” the officer says, finally turning to them, and once again Jin has the impression that he’s not really looking at them. Or maybe that he’s only seeing exactly what he wants to see. “Ah, first, I need to ask… to…” He stops, confusion passing like a cloud over his expression. “I… can’t remember…” he mutters, and as he says it one of his legs suddenly spasms, a series of twitches and jerks that he doesn’t seem to notice.
Before it fully passes, the cop’s uncertainty evaporates, and his eyes are abruptly keen again, too sharp, almost sterile. “I’m Jung Hoseok, of the Thorton precinct.” Thorton, the official name for the Curve that no one ever uses except on paper. Jin is faintly surprised that this hellhole even has a precinct.
“Officer,” Namjoon replies, and at least he’s working on erasing the hostility from his face; Jungkook’s still got his chin belligerently lifted, and if Jin didn’t know better, he’d say the young man is a bit afraid. Jungkook lets Namjoon take the lead, though. “I’m Kim Doyoon. This is Jung Minjae… and he’s Lee Kwanghyun.” He says the list smoothly, and either he’s really good at making things up on the spot, or he’s got a few names memorized already.
From what he knows about Namjoon’s deliberate personality, probably the latter, but neither is bulletproof. What if the officer asks to scan their IDs?
He doesn’t, which seems very strange to Jin, but then again, this guy’s been acting strangely from the minute he showed up. Instead, the man says, “Right. Can I assume you’ve got registrations for your weapons?” and Jin’s heart stutters a little.
Needlessly so, apparently. Still calm, Namjoon nods, even goes so far as to proffer his gun. After a moment of hesitation, Jungkook follows suit. Hoseok uses his interface to swipe both of them, but the look he casts at the information screen that shows up in response is uninterested, even aimless. He keeps pulling and scratching at his black uniform, rocking on his heels, and every once in awhile the odd tremors repeat themselves in his hands, his legs, his shoulders. Seokjin can’t help but stare. He’s seen plenty of people under the influence of various substances, but he’s never seen anyone – least of all a cop – act like this.
Either oblivious to their looks or choosing to ignore them, Hoseok wanders over to the closest body, one of the first Jungkook took down, and nudges it with a booted foot. “I recognize a few of them,” he declares, bouncing on the balls of his feet. “They’re part of that group that’s been causing so much trouble down here, yeah?” He doesn’t seem to be expecting an answer. “At least that’s a dozen of the – it was a dozen, right? No. More than a dozen off the street. Maybe we can finally focus on some more important issues.”
Like the stolen stack of a Meth? Jin wonders.  
As though one of them said something – although they haven’t, and Jungkook might even have stopped breathing – the officer’s eyes snap towards the trio. “Why’d they come after you? They’re not – seems like too many people.”
Once again, Namjoon’s left to field the question. Not that Seokjin has any choice in the matter. “Dunno. We were at the Ring before, having some fun, and this one,” he jerks his thumb at Jin, “mentioned how we’d won at the games downstairs. Maybe they overheard and wanted to take the creds we won?”
Hoseok’s overly alert gaze focuses on Jin, who’s doing his best to look repentant and not indignant about being given the blame. “Is that why he looks like he’s about to be sick? You guys get into some hard stuff while you were there?” He doesn’t appear to care about the legality of that, one way or another. Minor drug usage is probably pretty low on the list of things this precinct needs to deal with.
“No,” Namjoon replies. “I think that’s the whole being shot at thing.” As it happens, he’s right.
“Oh… right. I forgot most people don’t…” Almost get killed every day, he probably means to say, but trails off. “You handled yourself well,” Hoseok continues into the awkward pause, turning to Jungkook.
Who nods curtly. “Yeah… I practice at a range a lot. Place like this, you need to protect yourself, y’know? I – you were better.” There’s something ridiculous about how jealous Jungkook sounds. “I’ve never seen bullets do that before.”
Do what? Jin wants to ask, but even though Namjoon’s relaxed his hold on Jin’s arm (fractionally), he’s still more than a little worried that they’ll react badly to him trying to talk. Hoseok snorts a laugh, more impatient than amused. “That’s less me than the gun. It’s custom made. Practice enough and the bullets practically bend themselves.”
“Uh huh…” For some reason Jungkook isn’t convinced. He’s eyeing Hoseok like he expects the man to explode or something.
Namjoon gently breaks in. “I’m sorry, officer, but do we need to stay here? None of us are injured, and I think Kwanghyun would feel more comfortable at home.” Jin’s watched enough crime serials to know that the request isn’t going to be granted; that’s just not the procedure for a shootout on some street. He can’t imagine that Namjoon wants to go to the police station or be surrounded by a bunch of cops – hell, at this point even he doesn’t really want to – but it seems unavoidable.
“I should take your statements,” Hoseok says, but then he just stands there, jittery and unfocused. It’s not until Namjoon coughs that the officer starts and refocuses, at least a little. “I’m not – sorry, you’ll need to wait until the on-duty officers arrive.”
And without another word, the man turns away from them, meanders through the sleeves, careless of the way his boots squelch through the blood on the street. He’s checking each stack with his interface watch, maybe looking at identities or making sure they aren’t destroyed. Namjoon and Jungkook exchange looks, and Jin half expects them to decide to either make a break for it or try to take the cop out while he’s distracted.
Eventually Namjoon jerks a shoulder. “We’ve prepared for this,” he says, very low. “We’ll just have to wait. And – here.” He digs in his coat’s pockets and then shoves something at Seokjin, a slender, silver wristband, and it’s so simple that it takes Jin a moment to realize that it’s an interface device. Nothing at all like his own, with its sleek monochrome frame, but with a feeling of relief he puts it on anyways, blinks a few times as it syncs with his internal network. Being without one had almost felt like being naked, and a quick scroll through the limited features confirms that the band has an identity tied to it – real and stolen from someone else, or just made up, he doesn’t know. It can’t make calls or connect to other devices, and when he circumspectly brings up a web page, he finds that he can access all the posts but can’t make any of his own.
He supposes it would have been a little naïve to hope they’d make that kind of mistake.
Namjoon guides Jin and Jungkook to the side while Hoseok makes harried efforts to shoo away the people who are beginning to congregate around the scene, mysteriously interested now that bullets have stopped flying. They’re in a good position to see three black and yellow hovercars (Jin’s once again surprised the district even has any) sinking from the sky, kicking up a cloud of dirt, and police are suddenly descending on the scene like a swarm of locusts.
With quick professionalism they set up a cordon, the laser red lights bright in the gathering darkness, warning away curious onlookers. Immediately after, they begin to tag the bodies and collect spent cartridges, and a few more peel off, presumably to look for the remaining ambushers. Actually, they’re as methodical and skilful as any staff he’s ever seen (not that Jin’s seen many police setups) and he’s just beginning to feel a mixture of unease and admiration for whoever’s leading them when a tall, curly haired officer walks over to Hoseok.
And salutes him.
Jin is gratified to note that he’s not alone in his slack-jawed disbelief; Namjoon makes a little, incredulous sound, eyes widening before they abruptly narrow, and Jungkook actually leans forward like he’s seriously doubting his eyesight. They can’t hear what’s being said, but the two seem to be arguing, with a lot of hand waving by the woman while Hoseok stares anywhere but her and rocks on his heels. She jabs at his arm and he winces and steps back but doesn’t seem like he’s budging more than that. After several moments, the conversation winds down. Hoseok gestures at them, and both cops come over.
“This is Lieutenant Adebayo. She’ll take your statements and be leading this case. If we need anything else, she’ll be in contact with you, too.”
“For now,” the officer says, her eyes flashing a challenge. “I’m sure the captain will step in later once he’s got his wounds fixed up.”
Wounds? Jin scours the man’s body, then finds the spot the officer had poked at, on his upper arm. There is a rip in the fabric of the uniform, though the cloth is so dark it’s hard to tell if there’s any bleeding at the spot. And he certainly hadn’t seemed to act like someone who’d just been shot. Or shot multiple times.
The man looks away from his officer, and her brows furrow in frustration before she switches her attention to them. Adebayo turns out to be just as efficient as the rest of the team. She scans their bands – as suspected, Jin comes up as Kwanghyun – and she takes their accounts of the situation with decisive questions, forcing all of them to answer at random. Jin does his best to go along with the barebones of the story that Namjoon’s already constructed, more wary than ever of saying the wrong thing, and none of them contradict each other. She doesn’t seem inclined to suspicion, anyways; apparently the captain has all but cleared them. Before too long she’s lowering her omni-tool and shutting off the recording.
Hoseok’s wandered off and is lingering by the side, just inside of the red-light tape. He doesn’t seem to know what to do with his hands. They dance around his body, tapping at his thighs, sweeping across his chest, or fretting at the air like he’s trying to grab something. One of the other policemen is attending to him, and sure enough, with his jacket removed, his arm is bleeding from two spots, sluggish trickles that he pays no mind to. The medic is struggling to get it wrapped in between his fidgeting.
Jin’s not entirely sure, but it seems like the rest of the collection of officers, some ten of them, are so blatantly not looking at Hoseok that they must be making an effort at it. Just once, Seokjin catches one of them glancing at Hoseok, with an expression so troubled it’s too personal to just be a subordinate worrying about her wounded boss.
Adebayo notices where he’s looking. “You’re lucky Captain Jung came along when he did,” she says stiffly. “I don’t know why these thugs jumped you guys, and I really don’t know why they kept at it when you shot the first few, but you’d be dead if he hadn’t shown up.”
Inclining his head, a bare acknowledgement, Namjoon says, “I think you’re right. Although Captain Hoseok mentioned there weren’t any patrols around this area. Why was he here?” His inquiry is more aggressive than he’s sounded throughout, a stormy tension drawing his forehead tight.
“I don’t know, but that’s not any of your business,” is her flat answer as she pulls back a little.
“Maybe not, but I’m just concerned. Why weren’t there any police patrols around? This isn’t a safe place to begin with. Should we be scared? Are the police giving up on this area? Do I need to tell our neighbours that we’re alone now, that we can only count on ‘off-duty’ cops?” He pauses, studying her with an intensity that has her shifting, and then asks, “Or do the Meths just want the police patrolling somewhere else?”  
At the last question, her chin jerks up, and Adebayo snaps, “The Meths don’t say where we go, and no, we’re not abandoning this neighbourhood. Of course we aren’t!” She stops, takes a deep breath. “Listen, I live around here, too. I want it to be safe. We’re going to be patrolling more in the future. This just happened, coincidentally, at a bad time. And the captain saved your asses and got shot in the process, so you shouldn’t be going around badmouthing us to your neighbours or anyone else!”
Abruptly his penetrating expression falls away, replaced by an embarrassment that seems artificial to Jin, a mask placed over some other, stronger emotion. “I’m sorry. It’s just – it seems to be getting worse around here. I haven’t been – I just wouldn’t want to lose anyone.”
Adebayo softens and relents. “Yeah. Yeah, I get that. Look, there’s not much more you can do here. The captain said you weren’t injured?” Wordlessly Namjoon nods. “We have your info; we’ll give you a call or drop by once we’re done interviewing some of these.” Her careless gesture indicates the sleeves being loaded up into one of the hovercars. “Best you can do is go home and rest. You’re not planning on leaving Triptych anytime soon, are you?”
“No, Lieutenant. Last I checked, you need a helluva lot of creds for a vacation.”
Making a face, she steps away. “Don’t remind me. Just keep it that way, huh? We’ll probably need you to testify at some point.”
“You got it.”
Not needing to be told twice, Namjoon pulls Jin along, Jungkook keeping pace alongside them. Jin glances back, in time to see Lieutenant Adebayo rest a hesitant hand on Hoseok’s shoulder, leaning forward to speak to him. He also watches long enough to see the lanky man gently shrug off that supportive hand and turn his back on his subordinate, on the sprawl of bodies, and, it seems to Jin, on the whole situation altogether.
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kookingbtsstew · 5 years
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BTS Yandere Reaction : Them being sugar daddy
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He rarely asked Y/N to be ready for him. All that he wanted was to talk to her. On the year anniversary of the arrangement, he decided he wanted her to be all his.
"Y/N wait here."he said
Y/N heard a click as he closed the door... He locked it! From the outside.
"You will receive food and everything but you aren't allowed leave this room, until we get married ofc." He yelled from the other side.
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"fuck babe" he groaned as he came for the sixth the time.
He gave a kiss on her forehead.
"Babe... You aren't going to work from tomorrow" he said
"what why?" She asked, baffled.
"Cause I don't want anybody else in the world to look at you" he said, with all the seriousness in the world.
"But I have to be an apprentice to the the chef in order to become a big chef in the future" Y/N said.
"You don't worry about that, I'll make sure you become the best chef" he smirked.
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The bed creaked as he pounded into Y/N.
Y/N moaned louder and louder.
Then suddenly he stopped. Y/N whined at the pause in the event.
"You wish it was him don't you baby girl? That punk ass boyfriend" he snapped.
"No why would I? He is nothing like you" she said
"Then WHY were you with him!?" He growled.
" Cause this is just an arrangement! Once you get bored of me, this will all be over, no matter how much I love you...I can't be with you forever" she croaked.
"Wait... You love me? " He asked with joy evident in his voice and eyes.
Y/N simply nodded.
"Baby girl... Why didn't you say so?" He said, leaning down.
"Why would I?" She cried.
"Because I love you Y/N" he said before kissing her lips gently.
"You... You love me back?" Her eyes brightened up.
"Yes more than anything" he said as he inserted himself back inside her.
Both groaned together and he started to thrust gently into her.
rest of the conversation is while they are doing it
"real....mmm..ly?" She moaned
"Yes I have been mmmmm...in love with...ah fuck... In love with you... Fuck" he moaned
She cupped his face and kissed him.
"nnnng...fuck... I have...nnnng... Loved you since I...fffuck ...since I saw you the first time..aaagh fuck" she moaned
"Fffuck...Baby" he moaned as he increased his pace.
She locked her arms around him pulling him closer, he hid his face in the crook of her neck.
Their moans were in sync and soon both came together.
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You are sitting with your boyfriend when you're phone beeps.
You look at it and your expressions change which don't go unnoticed by your boyfriend.
"what's wrong babe?" He asks, concerned.
"Nothing babe I just... I have to go to work" you say with a smile and kiss his cheeks.
Hey babe, I'm waiting in the hotel room
On my way
You don't seem excited
I am really excited !!
(you rolled your eyes while typing the last text)
After 3 hours of moaning and sweat, he stopped Y/N from leaving.
"You will be sad .... I don't like to See you sad my Y/N" he said as he looked at your hair intently and caressed your cheeks with the back of his hand.
"What do you mean?" You ask.
He sighed and sat on the corner of the bed. He gestured you to sit on his lap.
You sat on his lap only to end this bullshit quick. You wanted to say "just get to the fucking point" but you weren't in that position to so you just sat on his lap waiting for him to get to it.
He locked his arms around you waist.
"Brave yourself baby... Your boyfriend B/N is dead, he died in a car accident" he said
After a little blabbering Y/N broke down in tears, she cried in Hoseok's arms all night as he cradled her.
Hoseok was happy, as his plan landed Y/N right in his arms.
REBLOG if you like to more such content 😎😘
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bts-ficrecs · 6 years
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So I’ve read quite a lot of stories ever since my re-entering the fanfic community (after 3420 years) and I’ve reblogged a lot of them to remember and recommend as well. And of course, like with all things, there are some special ones that slithered their way into the crevices of my heart. These are the stories that my mind comes back to every once in a while. These are the stories that made me laugh, cry, yell, and blush - all times 3000. Yes I went there. Cry with me.
These are the stories I hold dear :“) I hope anyone who happens upon this post enjoys the stories I listed below just as much as I did (and still do).
I will update whenever I find a new favorite!! :”) Also be forewarned, there are over 40 fics under the cut 😅😂❤
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➢ Butterfingers by @seokkbuns ⠀ ✎ Summary: He had you at the very first pebble he gave you. ⠀ ▸ fluff, hybrid AU, teacher AU ⠀⸙ notes: i. swear. to. glob. this. is. the. most. ADORABLE. STORY YOU WILL EVER READ !!!!!!!111111 I am absolutely smitten and refuse to shut up about it!!! Just. GO READ IT!!!! Cute and clumsy teacher!! Who loves kids!! I just cannot deal.
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➢ Duck and Cover by @versigny ⠀✎ Summary: There were two things you never dreamed would become your biggest worries with your new job: Kim Namjoon, and that god damn camera. ⠀ ▸ fluff, idol AU ⠀⸙ notes: absolute fluff. minor angst. secret relationships~~ ooh la la
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➢ For All The Petals by @rosaetae ⠀✎ Summary: A story in which you met him in the spring, fell in love with him in the summer, but he left you in autumn and how you missed him in the winter. ⠀⠀▸ angst ⠀⸙ notes: AUHGHHAKJGRL you don't know how many tears i spilled reading this. does soft heart ache even exist???!? like. it wasn't a punch-in-your-gut kind of attack but more like a i’ll-tell-you-i-love-you-every-day-and-then-disappear-forever like of attack..... hahahaha wow now that i think about it, that hurts even more than a punch in the gut. lmao. good luck with the emotions when you read this!
➢ Intro: Her by @jamaisjoons​ ⠀✎ Summary: You enter Namjoon’s life in the most unexpected of ways, but will you be able to stay, especially when he comes with three adorable but chaotic children, even more chaotic best friends and a bitch of an ex-wife? Not to mention your own emotional baggage. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, angst, smut, ongoing series ⠀⸙ notes: I fell in love with the characters and the story line so fast. And so will you.
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➢ Obligated by @underthejoon ⠀✎ Summary: Married by obligation, weighed down by circumstance. Except for those nights when you’re both drunk, falling into bed with one another and realizing you’re human. Occasionally this happens, occasionally you fuck. Until your life changes and you realize Namjoon, the very man you’re obligated to, might just be the very man that you crave. ⠀⠀▸ angst, smut, fluff, arranged marriage AU
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➢ Out of The Ordinary by @njhsmoon ⠀✎ Summary: One of your mage students is extremely gifted and her human father is beyond overwhelmed so you take it upon yourself to tutor her outside of school. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, mage AU, teacher AU, single parent AU ⠀⸙ notes: SOBS. I JUST. I LOVE THIS TOO MUCH. can you imagine a human Namjoon extremely overwhElmed with his magical little girl with no one to help him!! and then a magical woman teacher appears and! saves the day!! and his life!! askjfaef YO UWILL LOVE THIS I RPOMISE YOU. OK OK ALSO THERE’S A DRABBLE FOR THIS CUTE ASS FIC!!! READ IT!!!!!
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➢ Pages of Petals by @sodoyouknowbts ⠀✎ Summary: A change in the weather stirs a sweet encounter between a florist and a bookshop owner, where one begins to learn the language of flowers. ⠀⠀▸ fluff ⠀⸙ notes: soft namjoon + flowers. what more could you ask for? asaskdjflka <333333
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➢ The Take Home Test by @versigny ⠀✎ Summary: In which your mission to deliver homework to Kim Namjoon goes very, very, wrong. ⠀⠀⠀➥ 3 extra drabbles ⠀⠀▸ dirty smut, college AU ⠀⸙ notes: IT'S DIRTY. BEWARE THE ARMPITS.
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➢ Through the Phone by @imaginethisbts ⠀✎ Summary: The sexual frustration is real when Namjoon goes on a month long business trip, halfway across the world. So when the chips are down and the tides get rough, and you can’t actually get to one another… what do you do? You go to the next best thing of course - phone sex. ⠀⠀▸ smut, smidgen of fluff ⠀⸙ notes: i’ll just say one thing. and that is that i love it when random moments of fluffy romance happens after the dirty :”)
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➢ Tigerboy by @joonbird​ ⠀✎ Summary: You, a docile rabbit hybrid, have been waiting a long time to meet the mysterious tiger hybrid, Kim Namjoon. ⠀⠀▸ smut, hybrid AU
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➢ Try Me by @jjkfire​ ⠀✎ Summary: You wanted nothing more than to leave behind your old self when you graduated from high school and moved on to college to play rugby but when you see your high school classmate, resident fuckboy and captain, Kim Namjoon, at the rugby department orientation, you feel like everything might fall apart. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, rugby AU, ongoing series
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➢ By Your Side by @sodoyouknowbts ⠀✎ Summary: Jin is somewhat arrogant, overly confident and a tease. All the things you find infuriating in a man and he also happens to be your roommate. It’s a wonder how you two can live together without killing each other…but it’s not like you’re anything more than friends. Right? ⠀⠀▸ fluff, angst, smut, roommate AU, complete series ⠀⸙ notes: UM. this was so incredibly amazing and heart wrenching and frustrating to read. hahahaha. the friendship dynamic that changed over time throughout this series was incredible to read. both characters had a lot of growing up to do and grow up they did. i enjoyed every moment of it.
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➢ Edge of Tomorrow by @thedefinitionofbts​
⠀✎ Summary: No matter the amount of rain that falls, what the unrelenting darkness erases, or how many times we are reverted back to the past, I’ll definitely save you. ⠀⠀▸ angst
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➢ Ephemeral by @donewithjeon ⠀✎ Summary: As your eyes fluttered open, you were met with a familiar white ceiling and the sound of steady beeping coming from beside you. A quick scan of the surroundings confirmed your suspicions—you were in a hospital room. ⠀⠀▸ ANGST, patient AU ⠀⸙ notes: I almost never reread things much less sob each time that I do. I wish I was exaggerating lmao this fic makes me such a crybaby. It's great. I love pain <|:o)))) [insert clown meme]
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➢ Let Me Be Yours by @glassbangtan​ ⠀✎ Summary: How did people just get into relationships? Friends getting married at such young ages, inviting you to weddings left, right and centre – it definitely left room for you to feel like shit about your own love life. After getting stood up, you decide to treat yourself – and it is during this coping-shopping spree that you come across a fellow lonely person like yourself, Kim Seokjin. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff ⠀⸙ notes: This fic just... hits a different way than all the others listed here. I relate a lot to this story. That’s all I can really say. This is special to me.
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➢ Long Live The King by @remembeo​ ⠀✎ Summary: Long live the King, and may he reign forever more. ⠀⠀▸ smut, angst, fluff, fantasy AU, prince AU
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➢ Off Limits by @floralseokjin ⠀✎ Summary: You’ve been lusting after your brother’s best friend for a while now, ever since you met him at a house party, flirting it up a storm as you failed to realise who the other was. That was months ago now and things are still awkward, but you can’t ignore the sexual tension that’s simmers between the two of you…and it keeps getting worse… ⠀⠀▸ smut, angst, fluff, complete series ⠀⸙ notes: you want PAIN? you want NASTY? you want FUZZIES? this series has got it ALL i tell you!!!!! adfhklafh yeah. i . yeah. do yourself a favor and just read it.
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➢ Sehnsucht by @johobi​ ⠀✎ Summary: An embarrassing run-in with your new boss is only the start of your destructive infatuation. ⠀⠀▸ smut ⠀⸙ notes: W H E W !!!!!111 
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➢ Seven Seconds in Heaven by @jimlingss ⠀✎ Summary: In the moment of your death, Heaven drops the hammer of punishment; making him travel back in time to relive memories that can never be changed. Seven memories. Seven minutes in each. Seven seconds before they are ripped away. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff, little bit of smut ⠀⸙ notes: WOW. YEAH. TALK ABOUT GETTING A SECOND CHANCE AT LIFE. UUMMMM. I don't want to say anything else in case I spill the beans so I'll leave it at that. Read it.
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➢ The Leather Loafers by @jimlingss ⠀✎ Summary: Yes. You went to the ball. Yes. You ran into the prince. Yes. The shoe fits. BUT-! You aren’t that Cinderella bitch. THEY’VE GOT THE WRONG PERSON! ⠀⠀▸ fluff, Cinderella AU ⠀⸙ notes: yeah...there's some crack involved but c'mon. it's Jin we're talking about. minor angst. Great adventure :")) 
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  ➢ Untimely Confessions by @jjungkooked ⠀✎ Summary: Your friendly neighbor finds his way into your (very unsocial) heart. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, neighbor AU ⠀⸙ notes: CUTE NEIGHBOR AU WHat more can I say TTT0TTT
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➢ Untitled by @oh-hey-tae ⠀✎ Summary: It's been a week since you last talked, three since you saw him in person. You miss him terribly... so you call him despite your nerves. ⠀⠀▸ fluff ⠀⸙ notes: when i first read this, i was in incredible need for a soft jin fic. and this was it. this is it. an incredibly soft jin fic. giving him. ALL. THE. LOVE. HE. DESERVES.
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➢ Burn by @dreamscript ⠀✎ Summary: Love is a powerful force; You and Yoongi defy nature itself and burn down the barriers. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fantasy AU ⠀⸙ notes: don't let the short length mistake you into thinking it's not gonna hurt. because. it's. gonna. HURT .
➢ Cobalt and Charcoal by @tayegi​ ⠀✎ Summary: In just ten minutes, he has ruined everything that you and Yoongi have worked for in the past year. It's terrifying to realize that a stranger could have such an impact on you so quickly... except he's no stranger. He's your other half. The only person who will ever own your heart. ⠀⠀▸ smut, angst, soulmate AU, feat. Jungkook
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➢ Intoxicating by @versigny ⠀✎ Summary: You go clubbing and get drunk to spite your annoying, stonecold roommate. ⠀⠀▸ angsty fluff, roommate AU ⠀⸙ notes: se xual  tens ion + drunken mistakes. that's all i gotta say.
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➢ Jilt by @taesthetes​ ⠀✎ Summary: Forever was only temporary. ⠀⠀▸ angst ⠀⸙ notes: don’t underestimate short fics. 
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➢ Koi No Yokan by @oh-hey-tae ⠀✎ Summary: The boy on the bus could work on his bedside manners. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, idol AU ⠀⸙ notes: discovering this fic was an absolute MIRACLE. i swear to glob. i'm so glad i went hunting for this fic after finding out the person i originally read it from was an imposter. and then i got to shower the true writer with loving words. and this story definitely deserves so many loving words.
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➢ Miss Dial by @versigny ⠀✎ Summary: [11:31] You: okay so i’m texting you now like I promised instead of drunktexting yoongi and telling him how badly i want his cock tonight. Arent you proud? [11:32] unknown number: this is yoongi, hi ⠀⠀▸ smut, fluff, university AU, ongoing series ⠀⸙ notes: //CCOOUGGHHSSS// THIS. This is the fic. My baby. I'm so freaking attached. This. Is the story that basically started it all for me. I had only just started dipping my toes back into the world of fanfics when I encountered this. And wow did I get pulled in so quickly. It holds title for many firsts. I have so much affection for this series and I will for sure shed a lot of tears when it ends. My forever favorite. I love you Kappy and Nat for having brought this to life.
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➢ Monochrome by @chimchimicorn ⠀✎ Summary: The world is black and white until you meet your true love. ⠀⠀▸ angst, soulmate AU ⠀⸙ notes: this is not a Tumblr fic but a story posted on ARMY Amino (ARA). No worries, you don’t need an account to read it! ⠀⸙ notes: it will hurt. 
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➢ Play With Me by @thatonegirl ⠀✎ Summary: Your world is breaking and you and Yoongi struggle to push through the pain. ⠀⠀▸ angst ⠀⸙ notes: another story found on ARA
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➢ Please Be Naked by @floralseokjin​ ⠀✎ Summary: You find it’s easy to become addicted to a distraction… ⠀⠀▸ smut, angst, fluff, complete series
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➢ Candy Hearts by @puppetwritings​ ⠀✎ Summary: He starts dropping candy hearts on your desk. ⠀⠀▸ fluff
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➢ Delicate by @bluesxde ⠀✎ Summary: After being effectively dumped by your fuck-buddy, your attention is unexpectedly drawn towards your womanizing friend and fellow dance major, Hoseok. ⠀⠀▸ smut, angst, fluff, college AU, fuckboy/fuckgirl AU, friends with benefits AU ⠀⸙ extra notes: what a ride. *wink wonk* i loved on this story so much. i have a weak spot for fwb!AUs. and y/n constantly trying to! pull! him! in! and! him! constantly! trying! to! resist! the danger. the fun. spicy~ i love this story so very much.
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➢ Fetish by @versigny ⠀✎ Summary: Hoseok is the sweetest boyfriend. Even in bed. But you want him to be more dominant. So you tell him. ⠀⠀▸ fluffy smut ⠀⸙ extra notes: the fluff is so overpowering I barely paid attention to the sex. But the sex was still great 👀
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➢ Misconceptions by @yoongihime​ ⠀✎ Summary: In which your roommate bails out on you last minute and you’re forced to share an apartment with this gorgeous a f human but, no worries, he’ll never see you that way… right? ⠀⠀▸ fluff ⠀⸙ notes: s e x u a l  t e n s i o n .
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➢ Transference by @jeonjagiya ⠀✎ Summary: During a routine visit to the local bakery, you stumble upon an intriguing business card and figure, what the hell. ⠀⠀▸ smut, angst, therapist AU, complete series ⠀⸙ extra notes: the Hoseok series that took BTS Tumblr by storm, lol. And for good reason!! The character development!! The rawness and vulnerability from both characters! The naughty goodness! Just wowowow, a great Hoseok series that definitely deserves the hype it received :')))
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➢ Written on Our Veins by @army-author ⠀✎ Summary: You and Hoseok are sick of spending the holidays soulmate-less while your friends enjoy Christmas as couples… tired of waiting for fate to make a move, you decide to take matters into your own hands. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, angst, soulmate AU, complete series ⠀⸙ extra notes: if you want a story that will give you lovely feels and then RIP IT AWAY FROM YOU only to give it back (with extra goodies), this is the story for you :") I absolutely enjoyed watching Hoseok and Y/N get themselves into what they thought would be innocent fun for the holidays only to find out that maybe... it wasn’t such a good idea... but maybe it was? :”)))))
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➢ Azure Blue by @jimlingss ⠀✎ Summary: You set off on a journey only to be joined by Jimin: the boy with elegant, azure blue wings. ⠀⠀▸ fluff
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➢ Beneath the Water by @jungshookz ⠀✎ Summary: His legs were sparkling. You looked up from his face slowly and towards his legs, your head tilting in confusion when you were met with the sight of… well, it certainly wasn’t a pair of legs. What the fuck? ⠀⠀▸ fluff, smidgen of smut, mermaid AU ⠀⸙ extra notes: I think this was my first mermaid AU?@?@?@ but oh my goossshhhhh asdfj;alje yeah. that’s all I can really say. I’m in love with mermaid Jimin. I thirst for morrre from this AU afaaa;kls don’t mind me as I spazz all over my keyboard once more :’))))
➢ Cordially, Jimin by @kpopfanfictrash​ ⠀✎ Summary: When you start work in your new office, the last thing you expect is a distraction. Especially not one as cute, witty and impossible to handle as Park Jimin. A story told through correspondence. ⠀⠀▸ fluff
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➢ Desires by @nightbts​ ⠀✎ Summary: It wasn’t your place to worry for him, you shouldn’t, it wasn’t good for you. But since the day you saw him that hurt, you couldn’t help it. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff, bad boy AU ⠀⸙ notes:
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➢ The Blue Notebooks by @inktae ⠀✎ Summary: You meet Park Jimin after a particularly rough landing. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff, time traveler AU ⠀⸙ extra notes: I didn't think a fanfic could affect me so much. Even now as I write this, without having to reread to refresh my mind, my heart thumps painfully. It feels like I only read this a few days ago. It's one of those stories that doesn't rip your entire heart out in one go but slowly tears a few slivers out and continues to do so even when you're done reading. The pain is never ending. No, no one dies. No, there isn't an ugly break up. It's one of those "what if" stories. To me, anyway. I can't reveal anything more or else I'll spill the story lol I don't know what's up with this fic. But I'm never ok when I think about this story. My rambling doesn't do this story justice. Just read it.
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➢ Away From the Sun by @inktae ⠀✎ Summary: You leave your home in search of your brother.. in search of answers.. but you end up making a slight detour. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff, soulmate AU ⠀⸙ extra notes: this was. a. journey. i kid you not. 20k story. i lived every moment of this - that's how good the story is. i felt the respect and fondness y/n felt for the eccentric taehyung. i felt the confusion of the "what next?" phase in y/n's life. i felt that hard. an amazing story beyond romance.
➢ Amaranthine by @rainwards​ ⠀✎ Summary: In which the sun loved the moon so much that it died every night just to let it breathe. ⠀⠀▸ angst, reincarnation AU ⠀⸙ notes: :-)))))))))))))) don’t read if you donut wanna be SAd.
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➢ Give Me Your Hands (I Will Pick the Stars for You) by mindheist ⠀✎ Summary: I miss you like the moon misses the sun, destined to chase you until the end of time. ⠀⠀▸ angst, historical fantasy AU, feat. Jungkook ⠀⸙ notes: ur heart will heart. i can promise u that.
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➢ laser tag AU by @kpopfanfictrash ⠀✎ Summary: You go laser tagging with the boys and come face to face with Taehyung. ⠀⠀▸ s e x u a l  t e n s i o n but it's PG ⠀⸙ extra notes: I have never been so invested in a drabble I swear. The amount of times I've fantasized about this lasertag!Taehyung and Y/N's story is almost embarrassing to admit, hahaha.
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➢ Rent-A-Boyfriend by @jimlingss ⠀✎ Summary: Are YOU lonely? Need someone to cuddle at night? Do you want love? If you said ‘yes’ to any of the questions previously mentioned then we have a service for you! RENT-A-BOYFRIEND TODAY! ⠀⠀▸ F L U F F
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➢ Seoksanhwa by @gukyi​ ⠀✎ Summary: May you keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Watch your back, keep to the wall. Always be ready to attack. Do not let your guard down, for it will be the last thing you ever do. The game of love is cruel and treacherous, the obstacles high and the stakes even higher, and the royal family never did play fair.  ⠀⠀▸ fluff, angst, smut, prince AU, joseon AU ⠀⸙ notes: r u ready to cry ur fcking eyes out :-)
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➢ Song of Sunrise by Fable ⠀✎ Summary: Late at night, as dawn started painting the horizon, a night elf was running, his thin silhouette shining in the moonlight, the sound of his light steps resonating in the leaves of the silent, silent trees. That elf’s name was Tae. And Tae was heartbroken. ⠀⠀▸ fluffy angst, fantasy AU ⠀⠀▸ platonic Taehyung x Jimin ⠀⸙ extra notes: another story on ARA
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➢ All's Fair by @goldenscript ⠀✎ Summary: Sometimes people can surprise you and do absurdly kind things, even the ones you least expect… even your rival, Jeon Jungkook. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, enemies to lovers AU, baseball AU ⠀⸙ extra notes: this fic made me blush a whole lot. just a lot of wholesome fluff. :")
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➢ A Piece of the Moonlight by @jimlingss ⠀✎ Summary: For your loved ones, the people who are waiting at home, the people who have died - you will fight. And sometimes to fight means to sacrifice: who you really are and the person you really love. ⠀⠀▸ ANGST, mulan AU ⠀⸙ extra notes: this is the fic that led me to KNOW WITH STRONG CONVICTION that there are some fanfic writers who are unbelievably talented way beyond the world fanfics and deserve so so much joy and success if they decide to pursue writing as a career. This is it. This is one of them. If ((((jimlingss)))) ever decided to make this into a full fledged book with her own OCs, there's no doubt it'll be even more A M A Z I N G than it already is. I just love this story so much. It moved me to tears. And not just tears -- but legit ugly crying. Do yourself a favor and read this masterpiece.
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➢ baby!Jeon drabble series by @an-exotic-writer ⠀✎ Summary: A series of drabbles and scenarios about (Not-So-)Baby Jungkook, his 6 older brothers, and you. ⠀⠀▸ F L U F F !!!!!! ⠀⸙ extra notes: 6 GROWN MEN. 1 GROWN WOMAN. 1 LITTLE BABY. SO MUCH FLUFF. AFJALEJGAJFAE. 60k+. this is 2 years worth of writing, y’all. so much fluff. so much luv.
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➢ Blue Orchids by @inktae ⠀✎ Summary: You were eighteen years old when Jimin’s name showed up on your hand. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff, implied smut, hanahaki AU, soulmate AU
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➢ Date in a Box by @jimlingss ⠀✎ Summary: If you’re in a hurry then we’re here to help you! Everything you need in a box. Delivery less than five minutes. Upgrade and we can personalize your date even more! Guaranteed 100%! Don’t fret, we’re here. ⠀⠀▸ F L U F F !
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➢ Heat Wave by @iq-biased​ ⠀✎ Summary: The air conditioner breaks during the hottest week of summer and you have to figure out how to stay cool. ⠀⠀▸ smut, fluff, roommate AU ⠀⸙ notes: the title is accurately named bc reading this will definitely make you warm. very warm.
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➢ Five Dates by @kpopfanfictrash ⠀✎ Summary: “Ten dates,” he nods, smile tugging at his lips. “Ten dates, to decide if you want this – want me – or want me to go. Ten dates to get to know me. Ten dates,” he says, oddly soft, “to fall in love with me.” ⠀⠀▸ fluff, smut
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➢ Hiraeth by @thedefinitionofbts ⠀✎ Summary: We are always yearning for someone, even if that person may not exist in this tangible realm. ⠀⠀▸ fluff, angst, smut, college AU, soulmate AU
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➢ Human Error by @gardentulips ⠀✎ Summary: Jungkook is your latest creation, and so much more... ⠀⠀▸ fluff, angst, robot AU
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➢ Mamihlapinatapai by @tayegi ⠀✎ Summary: You reunite with an old flame. ⠀⠀▸ angst ⠀⸙ extra notes: it's not a happy story. i'm sorry. but it is a definitely good painful story. so i'm not sorry.
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➢ Orange Tulips by @kainks ⠀✎ Summary: You’d remember Jungkook with every life you lived. Only he’d never remember you, never recall how your fates were written in the stars since the beginning of time. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff, smut, soulmate AU, reincarnation AU
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➢ The Swirling Ways of Stars by @inktae ⠀✎ Summary: He feels like the thrill of the unknown and the unexplored, like that hesitant feeling of a new sensation under your fingertips. He’s like the first taste of a newly discovered flavor, one that hits your tongue and quickly spreads through your body from head to toe. ⠀⠀▸ angst, fluff, fantasy AU
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➢ Tea and Ice Cream by @blackcatkuroi ⠀✎ Summary: It’s the small moments that truly shine. ⠀⠀▸ platonic OT7 ⠀⠀▸ fluff ⠀⸙ extra notes: another story on ARA. Super cute story that briefly illustrates the close bond between these guys.
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Random notes: (cause I just LOVE to blab even when no one cares hahahaha) 1. Not surprising that JK has the most, lol. People just love writing him... and I'm okay with that :"))) I am surprised by the amount of Namjoon fics though, I didn't think it'd be that many! I guess I'm lowkey Namjoon biased................. no scratch that. I'm SO Namjoon biased. Lmao. 3. I realized quickly on that I'm very picky about Taehyung fics I read thus I have few Taehyung favorites :"( I need more. Also I really need to read more Hoseok and Jimin fics. Also I'm whipped for Yoongi. What can I say. He my Master 4ever. And of course I read a lot of Jin fics considering he is my UB, so I have a lot of favorites :"))) 4. Haven't read found very many OT7 fics. I would very much like to find more stories that explore their amazing brotherhood/bond!!
228 notes · View notes
bolbianddolanhouse · 4 years
BNHA self insert AU [Book 3]
New? Read here! Then here!
Chapter 2: Want To Get a Healthy Snack Rebecca?
Lo and behold, it’s the first day of winter break....and I’m scared! I try to play it cool at breakfast, but I could not stop looking at my mom and how neutral she looks. 
“Iwata, suit up into fitness clothes” Mom tells me when the other two brats left the table “We’ll be leaving in 5 minutes.”
“Okay mom” I respond and make my way to my room to suit up. I literally felt like I was going to have an anxiety attack as I zipped up my training hoodie.
“Hey, can I come in?” my dad said as he peeked his head into my open door.
“Um sure” I tried to keep it together.
“I got you something that will help” he said as he handed me some terry cloth items.
“Sweat bands?” I questioned as I took a closer look “how will-”
“Just trust me” he assured me with a smile “they just might get you the upper hand at the right moment.”
“Thanks dad....I guess” I said as I put them on.
“Good luck Iwata”
I do my breathing exercise then go downstairs to meet up with my mom.
“Good, I was just about to yell for you” my mom checked her phone “Now, we’ll be going somewhere a little private for this part of the training. This is one of three steps of training with our quirk. You might not get it at first, but never get discouraged! For you can always bounce back in unexpected ways.”
“I’m ready for anything!”
“Hup! I’ma stop you there son” she held her hand up “One is never ready for the unexpected and fickle ways that only life provides. That mindset makes you think limitedly, instead say, ‘I am open for anything that I will face next’.”
I thought about it but it didn’t make that much sense to me “Umm, I am open for anything that I will face next?”
Before my mom responded, a portal opens up in front of the house “Oh! That’s our ride.”
I follow my mom outside to meet up with my uncle Jin “Everything is all set up and ready for training!” reported uncle Jin to my mom.
“Thank you Jin” she turned to me “come on, jump in.”
I hate portal hopping, something about it makes my skin crawl and stomach flip. So with eyes shut, I jump through but my feet don’t touch the floor. Upon opening my eyes, I see that my mom was levitating me and herself in this padded room. And I mean that this whole room was covered in padding, even the doors!
“Huh? A padded room?”
“Yup, first rule, shoes off” she said as she kicked off hers.
I followed suit and got set down.
“Come to the middle and sit” she ordered as she walked “This won’t be easy Iwata, I taught you how to control your quirk when you have triggers but using it beyond mundane tasks is hard work and takes up all of your energy. Lucky for you, I’m here to train you! Unfortunately for you, I’m here to train you.”
I raised my brow to that last part “How am I both lucky and unlucky?!”
“I’ll show you” She sneered “First order, catch yourself.”
She proceeded to use her telekinesis to jerk me up into the air. I didn’t know what to do, so I closed my eyes and tried to use my quirk. But my body hit the ground, though not hurt, I was certainly shocked.
“No time to process it” she did again, and I landed face first “the first steps of stabilizing your quirk is to think fast and never waste a moment.” She tossed me a little higher this time but I still didn’t act fast enough “Focus, breathe steady and keep your eyes on me” she said before tossing me up “never lose sight of the enemy! Not for a second!”
I lost count how many times she tossed me like a rag doll. I really don’t know how to activate my telekinesis properly, if I’m being honest. The most I do with it is hold my coffee and turn the pages of my music when I’m playing...WAIT! I have to pretend to be a hot cup of coffee and see if that’ll work. Focus...breathe...aaaand BE THE CUP! I was maybe a foot away from landing face first.
“Wow! All it took 60 tries and you got it” mom gave a satisfied look “Now, set yourself down.”
Shit, I don’t know how to do that without just letting go of myself....I still landed face first.
“We’re going to continue to do this until you master catching yourself and setting yourself down properly” she sternly said “We can’t move on until you do! So you best get the feeling ingrained into your cabeza Iwata.”
“Yes mom” I groaned as I stood up.
“You will refer to me as 19 during our training sessions” she levitated me up slowly “Savvy?”
“Yes 19″ I responded, intimidated by her shift in tone.
“Good!” she dropped me without warning “lets get serious!”
I really wish I got it down same day, but my ass took almost a week to stop slamming myself face first. Not gonna lie, I was starting to despise my mom.
“Okay, so you mastered the catch and set down” mom said as she put her hands behind her “Now we start some mental endurance.”
“Oh? What do we do?” I ask innocently.
I watch her float up towards the ceiling and ‘sit’ upside down “Float up here and see how long you last before falling.”
“What?!” I was taken back by her orders “without a net?!”
“That’s why I had you master catching yourself first” she responded “so falling won’t be an issue and all your focus will go to holding yourself up.”
I start to sweat, as I’ve never levitated myself higher than 3 feet upwards. So doing the first part was a feat in itself. FOUR DAYS! It took me four days of this part of training to realize what she meant by limited thinking. I was thinking too much on what I’ve never done, and didn’t consider my engines! She said to get up there and do the thing, not limited to just telekinesis. So I took off my jacket and did a little jump, activated my engines for an upward boost and at the right moment I levitated myself up the rest of the way.
“Great job Iwata!” mom applauded “I didn’t have to spell it out for you, better than your dad I have to say. So hold yourself up here as long as possible.”
“What if I fall?” I asked as I positioned myself in siting position.
“You do it again, this exercise is to not only do endurance but to see how long your recoup time is. Every time you fall, time your rest time and try to shorten them every time.” She looked at her stopwatch “the main goal is to hold yourself up for at least 5 minutes.” she stretched and sprawled out on the ceiling “I could do this for hours when I was your age, but then again, I’ve been self-training since I was 6. Not to flex of course.”
I narrowed my eyes but that made me lose concentration, so I fell. Upon safely landing I yelled “How long was that?!”
“40 seconds!” responded mom “Don’t lose concentration! Do it again.”
Keep in mind I was doing this training when my mom has free time all winter break. Plus with the physical fitness part in between sessions, everything was a training opportunity. That trampoline I got came in clutch for quirk training! With the disciplines my mom enforced, I applied it to self-training myself with my engine quirk. Dad can’t really tell me how to control my unique piston pattern, according to him, I’m the first one in my family to have pistons all the way down my arms to my palm. Uncle Tensei can’t physically train me either because of his disability. Lili has hers on her feet, so she’s out of the question. In a way, I’m having a taste on how my mom trained herself when she was my age. Wish I could meet my mom when she was my age, she sounded like a chill person.
I wasn’t at mastery of the endurance part by the time winter break ended. So weekends were dedicated to training with my mom. So it’s my 3rd year in middle school, all the teachers are on our asses to apply to high schools. Everyone wants to go to hero school but they haven’t trained like how Beizu and I have. Our bodies are obviously more muscle defined and it’s grabbing the attention of more girls. It’s kinda flattering but those were the same girls that would call us nerds.
“Iwee, where- DAYUM PACHUCO!” Lili busted into my room as I was changing my salsa stained shirt “Those are some nice muscles mang!”
I turned red and covered my chest “You don’t have to cat call me! I’m not some piece of meat to oogle at!”
“Ay Iwee, you’ve grown up so much” she came in “STOP IT! I want you to stay little forever.”
She squeezed my body “I’m shorter than you!” I laughed “I’ll always be your little brother, and you’ll always be my favorite.”
“I’m right here!” yelled Tensei from his bed “This is my room too!”
“SHUT UP TENSEI! WE’RE HAVING A MOMENT!” we yelled in unison, still in embrace.
-Fast Forward, Early March-
“Okay Iwata, by just a hair, you pushed it passed the 5 minute mark” mom announced at ground level “how do you feel?”
“Like my brain can do a push up” I said rubbing my head “what’s next?”
“Now you dance for me!” she said as a wicked smile spread on her face “run laps and catch the items I throw at you. You can stop running laps when you can catch 7 items.” She looks at the time and opens her duffle bag “Your time starts....NOW!”
I take off at a steady pace with full awareness. The trick is to keep the same level of energy throughout and you don’t get as fatigued later. Took 3 sessions to get at the target goal.
“You had me in the first half, not gonna lie” I panted, hands on my knees “what’s next?”
“Next we play a little telekinetic catch” she says as she takes a red rubber ball out of her bag “Only rule is that you use telekinesis to throw, catch and block the ball. Hands behind your back and you can move around all you want.”
“Seems simple enough” I put my hands behind my back.
“Don’t get comfortable! If you drop the ball or it touches your body, as punishment, you have to run 5 laps every time.” she levitates the ball “This exercise will apply everything we’ve focused on but adds the velocity and momentum. Believe or not, you can fumble with telekinesis like you can with your hands or feet! The goal is to go one hour without dropping the ball.”
“AN HOUR?!” I gasped “Oh geez- OKAY! I am open for this!”
“That’s the spirit!” she smiled before throwing the ball. 
-May 7th, on the way to the Iida family estate-
“Come on kids, no frowny faces!” Dad coaxed us as he drove “your grandma and grandpa really want to see you guys, especially the birthday boy!”
“No talk me, I’m angy” I pout as I turn to my side, facing the window.
“Listen up putitos! I know your dad’s family is unpleasant to associate with” Mom said as she twisted her body to face us from the passenger seat “But please, don’t break anything or set things on fire to make things end quicker. Your grandparents just want to see Lili and Iwata because of their training.”
“What about my junior debaters win?” asked Tensei.
“And my recent disciplinary strike on my record?” asked Hanaka.
Mom sighed stressfully “You can talk about your win Tensei, and for the love of GOD don’t talk about that Hanaka! All the women are already on my case for letting you guys say curse words, I will never hear the end of it if they find out you’re an accidental arsonist at school!”
Hanaka cross her arms and muttered “Not my fault that fire spread so quickly!”
“Shut up Rosa! You’re making it sound like everyone is going to let you talk over them swarming you with compliments on how much you look like dad!” barked Lili.
“YA! No more of that!” Mom snapped “Behave and we’ll get McDonalds afterwards.”
“DEADASS?!” All four of us gasped with our hopes up.
“Yes, deadass” she promised “I know how much you hate eating at the estate.”
“Rich people food sucks!” I protested “How the hell did you stomach that shit dad?”
“I’m going to say it, and don’t roast me” Dad said shamefully “I’ve only realized the food sucks since I’ve starting eating your mom’s ethnic cooking for more than one meal a day.” He turns into the street near the estate “Who knew that love makes the food taste so good?”
“Oh shut up Tenya” Mom giggled “flirt with me too much! We’re already married with children.”
“You know I can’t do that” he flashes his smug look “I want to keep my woman like I’m still competing for her attention.”
All four of us cringed as the gates to the estate opened. We don’t like going to the family estate, there’s some family tension between many members of the family. I get why for some have those tensions but there’s this unspoken intense hatred between the head of the estate and my mom. The head of the estate is my dad’s great grand-uncle, and the story I’ve picked up through some conversations is that ever since mom married into the family, great grand-uncle tried to convince her to hand over her company to the Iida family. Of course my mom being the Latina she is, aggressively refused to give any part of her then rapidly growing company to the family. This started a feud between him and mom, long story short, my dad by association (and love for his newly wedded wife) sided with mom and really angered the rest of the family. But things changed when Lili was born, everyone saw that my parents saved the family lineage and re-accepted them into the family. Great grand-uncle was not as accepting but re-allowed my parents back to the estate. I feel like theres more to the story but mom just tells me that it’s something I don’t want to stick my nose in.
Once we enter the estate, we’re greeted by the servants first. Then my grandparents walk in to greet us.
“It’s been too long!” grandma held her arms out to hug my mom “How was the drive here? Hopefully not too much traffic.”
“Um, Tenya drove this time” Mom responded, grandma obviously ignoring what she was saying.
“Yes that’s nice, but tell me how’s work?” grandma puts her arm around mom’s “tell us in the sun room! We have chilled wine and cheeses.”
I look at dad “Why does she always do that?”
“My mom favorited your mom when we started dating” he sighed tiredly “She always wanted a girl and your mom was one of the most beautiful women she’s ever seen. Every time we came over, it was either ‘how’s work’ or ‘are you pregnant yet?’ but she’d only talk to me to ask if I proposed yet.”
“That’s kinda fucked up” Lili spoke up “but that also explains why mom had to wrestle me out of grandma’s arms when I was a baby.”
“Brother!” Uncle Tensei greeted as he rolled into view “and hello to all my nieces and nephews! And happy birthday to my favorite nephew!”
“Hello Tensei” dad responded “how’s great grand-uncle?”
“Still alive but I have a feeling he’s going to hand over the estate soon” whispered uncle Tensei “I’m super kissing up to him, I want in on the estate!” he turns to me “Oh and he wants to talk to you Iwata.”
“Me? Why?” I questioned
“Not sure, but I suggest going to the master suite” he points to the second floor “he hates waiting.”
I nod and make my way to the master suite. What does he want with me?
I knock before entering the Master Suite “You wanted to see me Sir?” 
The very sharply dressed but equally as old man looks up from his book “Yes, I called for you” he got up as I closed the door behind me “And no need for formalities, call me uncle.”
“Okay, uncle” I stepped closer to him “What did you want from me?”
“Let me take a good look at you” he tapped his cane on my pistons “You’re at the prime age to start training for hero school. And I heard you wanted to go just like your dad and his brother.”
“That’s correct, I’ve started training since last year” I say as he looked at my palm piston “self training of course. Nobody could train me with my unique pistons.”
“That’s good! Very disciplined and I see you’re developing quite nicely” that last part didn’t settle well with me, especially with his hand on my arm “You have my blessing to go to hero school, in fact, I’ll pay your tuition. I want you in the line up of heirs to the Iida assets.”
“Heir?” I asked without sounding suspicious, because I was super sus.
“Yes, I want this new generation of Iida to keep the name nice and strong!” he squeezed my bicep “So far, your uncle Tensei and yourself are in my favor.”
“But what about-”
“Your father chose his loyalty to that stubborn mother of yours over his own blood.” He interrupted me as he walked over to his desk “And your sister is too artistic to be a true heir. Your little sister on the other hand, if she plays her cards right, she’ll be considered when she comes of age. Too bad little Tensei wasn’t born with a quirk, he would’ve been my favorite with that genius brain of his!”
“Um, he has two quirks uncle” I corrected politely.
“Ah but neither of them are the engine quirk! Might as well be quirkless” He spat so hatefully, it made me angry “But enough about them! I got you a little something for your birthday, here.” He handed me a small box.
“You didn’t have to get me anything uncle” I said modestly.
“Don’t be so modest! You’re an important family member to me” he put the box in my hands “You might resemble that curly haired woman, but you’re the future of this family! Make me proud Iwata.”
I thanked him and excused myself to go join everyone else. That man made me so infuriated that I wasn’t sure if I could contain it! What’s his damage that he won’t see my dad and other siblings as heirs too?! He speaks so lowly of my mom that his comment about my appearance felt backhanded. But that gave me an idea, one that he won’t know until it’s too late. I just hope I can pull it off. One sucky time at the estate later, we left but it seems like mom had the most fun. She was wine drunk and clingy to my dad...wish that were me. We got McDonalds to take home where we had own celebration! It’s those family moments I love the most because it feels like putting on a sweater fresh from the dyer. It wasn’t until I got ready for bed that I opened the box uncle gave me. I thought it was a watch or something but it was a wad of cash! Not that I need it, mom gives us a fat allowance every week. But this extra cash made my funds EXTRA OBESE...shit I just might fuck around and open a bank account. 
Nothing interesting happens between my birthday and graduation, aside from applying to UA...and more training with mom... you know what, shit did happen! Lili decided to go to an mf Arts School in France, AND THE BITCH GOT ACCEPTED! Good for her though, I love that she’s developing herself faraway from the family expectations. She also graduated from UA along with her boyfriend, don’t tell anyone, but I’m gonna throw hands if they break up because they’re so perfect for each other! I had to step down from being drum major and all I had to say about that is that I got BIG SAD. I liked wearing the uniform with the big fluffy hat and mace. Beizu has developed new gadgets and almost mastered his body morphing quirk. Mom taught me how to fight without quirks, let me tell you! Lucha Libre is no joke and I finally get why my middle name is ‘El Roca’...it’s a luchador name! Spanish for ‘The Rock’, like Dwayne The Rock Jonson. Kinda fell in love with the fight style, oops. I got the acceptance letter the week before I graduated and so did Beizu. Our middle school was so surprised that we got in when they announced who made it to private and hero institutions, but all it really did was make more girls like us and guys envied from afar. Too many confessions at the end of the ceremony that we got swarmed and drowned in gifts. I flexed my telekinesis to get Beizu and I with our families for the quick getaway. Wish I got that teleportation part of my mom’s quirk for times like this.
“You’re quieter than usual” commented my little brother from his bed, not breaking from his guitar tuning “the fuck is up with that?”
“I miss Lili” I sighed as I folded my laundry.
“Nah it’s not just that huh” Tensei said as he strummed softly “Dime la verdad Iwa.”
“Estas sordo?! Ya de dije!”
“O si?!” he snapped “then ghosts are levitating our furniture?”
I looked around the room and saw everything a good 3 feet off the ground. “Oh...pues, you caught me” I sighed as I put everything down.
“Sabes que, your quirk always gives you away” Tensei puts his guitar on it’s stand “but what’s wrong tho?”
“So many changes in such little time! It’s stressing me out” I vented “Like, Lili is off on her own. You and mini dad are going a different path than Lili and I at your age. I’m lowkey getting body dysmorphia again because I just noticed how fat my ass got!”
“Your ass isn’t-”
I turn to show my ass, interrupting him. “Oh yeah?! Look at this!” I wiggle a little “IT JIGGLES! It’s so fat that I’m starting to look more like mom!”
Tensei clears his throat “I uhhh redact my statement, continue and please don’t do that shit again around me.”
“And what got me very AHHHHHHHHH is what I did to spite dad’s great grand-uncle.”
“Whoa, that’s tea” Tensei’s eyes widen “what did you do?!”
“So TL;DR...he’s favoring me to get family heirlooms and is paying for my UA tuition” I took a deep breath “SO to spite him, I’m going to be in hero courses AND intelligence.”
“NO! WHAT THE FUCK IWA?!” Tensei panicked “Do you know how much work you have to put in now?! What did mom and dad say?”
“They don’t know I did that, I wasn’t planning on telling them I did that” I crinkled my face “I sort of just asked Lili to do the recommendation for me to not do the hero entrance exam and the intelligence course is automatic acceptance.”
“And the school just let you?!”
“Yea....I’m just as surprised as you” I weakly laughed “pretty sure they saw the last name and just expressed my shit and approved whatever I put on the page.”
Tensei put his hands on his face “Being in this family is a fucking curse” he groaned “I’m going to laugh so hard when you get caught because this is one of the most reckless things you’ve done.”
“I know” I whined “I’m really praying I don’t get caught!”
Yea, I’m in over my head. But who knows! Maybe it’s not so bad being in both? If Lili survived, I can too!.....right?
-Chapter 2, End-
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shinminkyon · 7 years
Smutty BTS reaction of their significant other getting worked up after watching them perform live backstage, please and thank you
 First off, I’d like to apologize for the large amount of time that it took for me to complete this, when writing smut I usually try to give as much of a story as possible so that there’s nothing left to the imagination. Also, I really try to go over and beyond for my fans because they deserve it
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After their concert all you could think about was how he could make you sweat as hard as he was. He knew he was worldwide handsome but never knew how much of an affect his performance could have on you. “Y/N, are you okay?” He’d ask you when he saw how red your face was. “Y-yeah.” You’d try to reassure him but he’d know something was up by the way you checked him out whilst biting your lip.“Jagiya . . . you’re treading on dangerous waters right now with the look you’re giving me.” He said, taking your chin and tilting it up so you looked straight into his eyes.
The rest of the members came backstage to where the two of you were gazing lustfully at each other, Jin noticed this and pointed his head towards the hallway not so subtly before dragging you away from the others.
“J-jin.” You’d stutter, surprised at how dominant he was being right now. He’d shush you with a finger on your lips. “Shush Jagiya, we don’t want them to hear us now, do we?” The way he bit his lip after saying this made the arousal you were feeling only stronger as he took you into a dressing room locking the door.
His arms wrapped around your body, hoisting you up onto a vanity with a fierce passion. The two of you found yourselves in a heated make-out session, clothes flying everywhere. “Jagi. . .” He whispered, nipping at your neck and leaving hickeys. “I want them to hear how much you wanted me...” He then positioned himself at your entrance and began to pound into you, eliciting moans from you.
The way he slammed into you made you gasp and moan between breaths as he spoke into your ear which only drove you closer to your climax. “Y/N-ah, you should’ve known not to look at me that way without expecting some form of punishment. . .
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As the boys walked off the stage, you felt your excitement begin to really grow. You knew Yoongi was probably fatigued but you were wide awake and had a growing wetness in your underwear from the way he looked onstage. You were watching from the side, hidden away from the crowd but close enough to see the members performing. As Yoongi walked towards you, you looked at him with a grin. 
“Did you enjoy the performance, Jagi?” He asked you, his eyes noticeably tired. You scooted closer to him, grabbing his arm and taking him into a spare room. You couldn’t wait any longer the way he looked in his outfit, the way the sweat rolled off his forehead, just Min Yoongi himself made you extremely aroused. 
“Woah there, Y/N! Did you get stronger?” He asked you with made you whine at how he wasn’t being serious. “Yoongi . . . please touch me.” You said, avoiding his question. He gulped, looking down at your face and seeing your lustful gaze.
He immediately picked you up by the back of your thighs and walked you to a couch nearby, dropping you. He then sat on top of you, pinning you down to the sofa, making you let out a gasp as your arms hit the armrest. 
“I figured you’d be tired.” You said as he began removing your clothing until you were left with nothing but your socks on. 
“Exhausted,” He replied. “However, I need to eat first and my meal seemed very willing to let me devour her.” He smirked at you, kissing down your torso and leaving a bruise right about your breast.
He continued to kiss lower and ended up with his face buried inside of your most sensitive part, as soon as he reached your heat he flicked his tongue making you squirm. Your hands found his hair, tangling your fingers into his soft mane and pulling lightly. 
As soon as he felt the tug of your fingers in his hair, he stuck his tongue inside of you licking all of the crevices that made you mewl out in pleasure. His fingers reached up to rub your little bundle of nerves and you almost forgot how to breathe. 
“Ah, Yoongi. . . I’m close.” You whined as he began to suckle a bit more. 
He nodded, sticking his tongue in as deep as he could to give you numerous sensations. You felt your climax reaching as he continued pleasuring you and you couldn’t hold it in any longer, your release spreading out onto his tongue. He lapped it up before looking at you with a wide grin. “Satisfied?” He asked you. You could only nod in reply, feeling fatigue hit you too and you both decided to fall asleep.
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The performance FINALLY came to a close, just the way his body moved across the stage was enough to make you soak through your panties when he came backstage where you were waiting, he too had that same look in his eyes. He walked up to you, putting his face near your ear and whispering something. 
“Jagi . . . how about you and I take this somewhere else so I can fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk for the next week.” Immediately a blush crept up your cheeks and you nodded slightly. He grabbed your wrist roughly, taking you into a room of some sort. The room was barely lit up, yet neither of you seemed to care as he pushed you against the door, removing your clothing as fast as he possibly could. You returned the favor, stripping him completely until you were both completely bare. 
He grabbed you by the back of your thighs, hoisting you up onto him inserting himself inside of you. He slammed into you with no mercy making you scream out. “A-ah Hoseok!” Your hands found solace on his shoulder, your fingernails digging into them as he bounced you against the door which made lots of noise that you were sure the other members could hear. 
The door continued creaking as he pounded into you which made Yoongi yell towards the room you were in. “GUYS! DON’T BREAK THE DOOR!” Without hesitation, Hobi grabbed you and put you up against vanity, turning you around before beginning to hit your g-spot with his rough movements. 
The two of you were like rabbits, moans and groans filling up the room. 
“Jagi...I’m gonna cum.” He grunted into your ear. 
“Me too.” You replied. 
With a few more deep thrusts into you, you both reached your climax. 
Hobi pulled out of you, kissing you on the lips. 
“Round two?” He asked with a grin.
“No way in hell.” You replied.
“Cuddle?” He questioned.
You nodded. “That, I’m okay with.”
Rap Monster: 
(For some reason I can’t put a GIF, sorry.)
You had watched every second of his sinful performance, you had to admit the boys were all pretty attractive but Namjoon ever so often would look at the camera he knew would be broadcasted onto the backstage TV and bit his lip or winked. He knew what he was doing and it irked you. 
The performance seemed to last forever which only made you more frustrated. You eventually found yourself heading to Namjoon’s dressing room just to wait for him, where another TV was on and broadcasting Namjoon yet again. A few more minutes of lip-biting and your legs were spread out on the couch as you rubbed yourself. 
You were so lost in it, thinking about Namjoon you hadn’t even noticed the performance ended and found Namjoon right in front of your face when you opened your eyes for a second which startled you. He walked over to you, replacing your hand with his. His finger suddenly slipped inside you which made you tighten around them. 
“Kitten, you know not to touch yourself without me. . .” His eyes were dark and you knew you were in trouble. “Daddy’s gonna have to punish you.” He removed his fingers and wiped your juices off on his pants before, removing his clothing and the rest of yours that you hadn’t removed before. 
He took an article of clothing, wrapping it around your wrists and another covering your eyes. “Ah, Daddy please punish me.” You begged him pitifully. 
Your submission only made him more erect and he made sure you could tell by pressing himself against you. 
“Keep your legs spread for me baby girl.” He commanded, making you open your legs wider. He moved in closer and you could feel his breath on your neck. He began to suck along your throat, leaving hickeys and bruises. Without warning, he slid himself inside of you and began thrusting. 
Not being able to see was the worst part, you loved watching Namjoon’s facial expressions as he pushed further into you, ramming you until you both couldn’t take anymore. 
He noticed your frustration and took off the blindfold, allowing the light to pour into your eyes again so you could see him. Your lips connected with his, tongues battling for dominance to which Namjoon won.
You were surprised none of the members heard you guys and if they did, they certainly didn’t care to mention it. Namjoon pulled his mouth away from yours and he slammed himself into you making you cry out. The fast pace you two were now going at made the couch beneath the two of you creak.
You put your hands on his shoulders as started to hit your g-spot to which you couldn’t help but start reaching your climax. “Joonie..I’m cumming...” You said which earned you a hard thrust that was slightly painful. “What’s my name?” He growled. “Daddy...I’m sorry.” You replied. “Daddy please let me cum.” You begged him. “Go ahead kitten.” He said, thrusting into you one final time before the two of you reached your climaxes. 
(Can’t put in a GIF either, from here on out just don’t expect GIFs.)
You were sitting backstage watching their performance, noticing how much of a little mochi Jimin was being right now. You couldn’t help but squeal at how cute he was and after his concert you gave him lots and lots of hugs telling him how great he did. He picked you up over his shoulder playfully, your head facing his back. His shirt scooped down a bit in the back and you could see his muscles contract, you had to admit, he had drool-worthy muscles and in fact you were drooling. . .just not out of your mouth.
 Jimin put you down and gave you a big grin before wrapping his arms around you from behind. Suddenly, his hand brushed across your heat and he blushed at how wet you were. 
“Jagi? Did you miss me that much?” He giggled shyly but it had a bit of a lustful undertone. You could feel him harden behind you (like a metapod [had to ruin it, sorry not sorry.]) and you moved yourself against him. He let out a small moan then held your waist so you’d stop. “Y-Y/N what if the members see us?” He asked. You turned around and took hold of his hand, leading him elsewhere. 
“Where are you guys going?” V asked. Without a second thought you just bluntly stated. “We’re going to fuck, so don’t come in here.” Jimin burst into a blush as soon as you said that. V looked at you both with a (lenny-face like expression) and walked away wriggling his eyebrows. 
After the momentary pause, you were both back at it, as you ground yourself against him. “J-jagiya...are you sure you want to do it here?” He asked you. 
“Absolutely.” You said, trailing kisses down his neck which made him tilt his head to give you more access. Within a matter of seconds, both of your clothes were gone. 
You both ended up on the floor because there wasn’t much in this room except boxes and clothes. Jimin’s eyes traversed up and down your body and you could see them visibly darkening with lust. He took you, pushing your arms against the wall behind the two of you. “Well hello there Jimin. . .” You giggled as he trailed kisses down your neck and to your breasts, his tongue darting out to lick and nip at them.
He spread your legs, his fingers touching your sex to feel how aroused you were. He took your legs and raised them up to your shoulders before entering you. You tried to free your wrists so that you could support yourself but that only made him more aggressive as he bit your neck playfully but also as a warning. 
He began to push deeper inside of you, making you moan quietly. The feeling of pure pleasure running through your body. He leaned closer to your ear to whisper something. “Moan for me baby girl.” He purred before pounding into you with a force that made your back constantly hit the wall behind the two of you. 
You let out a series of moans and Jimin moaned back in reply. You could tell he was getting close and so were you. The pace picked up rapidly but no words were exchanged between the two of you as you both reached your release. 
“Damn Jimin.” Was all you could really say. 
Taehyung had a habit for sticking out his tongue in the most seductive of ways, you just wondered what his tongue could do for you. You knew he was pretty skilled with his ever so social tongue from the countless make-out sessions the two of you had, but he’d never actually used it in the way you wanted him to. 
After the performance, he walked backstage where you were standing in thought. 
“Y/N?” He waved a hand in front of your face to get your attention. 
“O-oh! Sorry, I was just thinking!” You exclaimed, giving him a smile. 
He nodded, giving you a big hug and ruffling up your hair which made you pout. 
“Taehyung. . .” You whined, before looking up at him. 
“I’ve been thinking for a bit since you were out on stage, this is the first time I’ve ever seen you live since the first few months after we met. I guess I hadn’t noticed before, but I know you seem to be pretty. . . skilled with your tongue.” Your face began to turn red, you weren’t quite sure how to say this, but it’d been bothering you since the concert began. 
“I guess I am pretty skilled with my tongue.” He winked at you, which made you blush again. 
“You wanna show me how good you are with it?” You fired back at him which made him smirk. 
“And how do I do that?” He said cockily. 
“Give me oral.” You said which made him in turn blush.
He thought for a second before nodding and taking your hand and bringing you into his dressing room. He led you to a chair and kneeled down, prying open your legs and pulling down your underwear. Within seconds his face disappeared under your skirt and you felt that skillful tongue of his lap at your heat which made you shudder in pleasure.
His teeth grazed your bundle of nerves and you let out a loud moan at the feeling. Your hands found the armrests of the chair and grasped onto them everytime Taehyung prodded at you with his tongue. 
“Tae...have you done this before?” You asked him with a shaky voice.
He shook his head no in reply and his nose made contact with your sex. 
His hand reached up to grab yours as he intertwined his fingers with yours in affection, the cute moment however didn’t last long because as soon as he had your hand in his, he began to lick and suck at you with more passion.
You squeezed his hand at the feeling, as he let his teeth graze against your clit again. The pleasure was unlike you’d ever felt before, Taehyung really WAS skilled with his tongue. 
He pushed his tongue inside of you and explored your crevices, his tongue eventually finding your g-spot and hitting it repeatedly which made you gasp. You could feel your release building and building until Taehyung curled his tongue upwards and you couldn’t help but climax at the amazing feeling. 
He moved back up to your face to peck you on the lips before handing you your underwear. 
“Maybe it isn’t Yoongi who has tongue technology.” You said, which made him laugh. 
You knew he had other things to do when he was done performing, but you wanted him bad.His voice made you feel things that nothing else could, he wouldn’t bother with you too much because usually, you didn’t really beg for his attention and were quite understanding about how busy he always was. 
This time, you were needy and when he stepped backstage, you immediately greeted him with affection.
“Woah Y/N, miss me that much?” He laughed, showing his bunny smile which made your heart squeal. 
“I did, I missed you a lot as of late... you come home so late and the way you look out there... why can’t we just take a break for a bit and have some..us time?” You asked.
“Jagi, I can’t! I have so much to do in so little time, you know how stressed this makes me, but I can’t afford to take a break. I have to shower, I’ll talk to you afterwards, okay?” He laid a kiss on your forehead before walking to the bathroom. 
You had tried to finger yourself to get rid of the feeling, but to no avail it didn’t work out and you were left extremely aroused. You decided to go and check on Jungkook, slipping into the bathroom quietly and removing your clothing before jumping in the shower with him. 
He opened his eyes, turning back to look at you with a glare. 
“Really Jagi?” He shook his head. “Out.” He pointed to the bathroom door, before turning towards the front of the shower, his back towards you.
You pressed your chest against his back, trailing a hand along his arm, you could tell it was working a bit by how his member suddenly grew a bit more erect.
“Y/N. . . I really do have really important things to do after this shower and you’re not helping by giving me a boner. . .” He sighed, turning around to face you.
“Please?” He looked at you with his big doe eyes and your resolve almost faded away completely before he got a good look at you. His eyes trailed up and down your body, followed by his hands. 
“Fuck it. Y/N why are you so damn beautiful?” He asked, before placing a kiss on your lips and putting your legs around his waist as his hands held you up by the back of your thighs. Your arms wrapped around the back of his neck, pulling him closer to you as the two of you engaged in a heated make-out session. 
His hand slipped up your back and then back down to grab your rear which made you squeal. Jungkook took the opportunity to put his tongue in your mouth and you immediately caught on, your tongues battling for dominance before Jungkook won, pushing you against the wall of the shower. 
Without a moment’s notice, he thrust into you looking at you to make sure you weren’t in pain. You nodded at him, giving him a smile before he pushed himself further inside of you and began pounding you, your back hitting the shower wall repeatedly. 
“Fuck Kookie.” You muttered. 
The two of you were a mess, moaning and groaning without a care in the world. 
Jungkook began to nip at your neck at the same time as he plunged into you making your throat sore from all the noise you were making. He began to stutter with his movements and you could tell he was close, so were you but you didn’t want this to end. 
He continued pounding into you, making sure you were also near your release. When you couldn’t hold back any longer, you climaxed and he followed swiftly behind, the two of you a panting mess. Afterwards, you took an actual shower together washing each other so you wouldn’t have to take a shower later on in the day. 
“I should make more time for you. . .” Jungkook said. 
“Only if it means you won’t be neglecting work.” You replied with a smile, kissing him on the lips once. 
“You mean more to me than work, I was stupid not to realize that earlier.”
This made you smile and the two of you got out of the shower and decided to take a nap together. 
OH MY GANDALF! That took me FOREVER! I’m so happy I’m finally getting it posted though! Please send in asks, requests, or messages! I’m always happy to interact with my fans or just people who enjoy my writing but don’t follow me. That’s cool too. Anyways! Love you guys so much, thank you for reading!
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p101recaps · 7 years
Broduce 101: Episode 11 (Livestream Recap)
I removed the ‘quick’ in the recap title for the last episode because I saw a comment shading me for that since these are anything but quick lol
This post contains spoilers.
We start off with some old trainee videos from school performances and company auditions (hello lil Samuel!) then move into the first intro vids and interviews. 
This is where we cry about their hardships like Mnet isn’t making billions of won off their dreams and haven’t axed more than half of them on the way here.
Special shoutout to chubby cheeked baby Sewoon!
BoA starts us off with a prelude to the season finale. I’ll miss seeing her on a weekly basis and we’re told to vote for our favourite trainee before last week’s ranks
The live broadcast has the first ever Nayana stage set up too, its beautiful
Last season’s winners, the IOI girls are attending (for the reaction shots ofc) but they all look so pretty!! Look at my girl, solo artist Chungha.
Yes NAYANA LIVE LETS GET HYPE look at these cuties grinning away
Whoa its centre Daniel! He has his babiest baby smile on
Samuel has purple hair for the finale, its a better look than the blond
That hall is full kids. This season has raked in that cash. The CEO can probably buy a small country.
IT’S MY ELIMINATED BOYS! The stage is cramped af 
The group name is Wanna.One 
Cut to pre-recorded content for the stage prep, starting off with vocal check in for Super Hot. 
Seokhoon praises Hyungseob’s improvement, Daehwi’s consistency, Byeongari Seonho’s progress.
Centre battle time with the contenders all singing the ‘killing part’. Seonho is unexpectedly not bad, and he says grew taller as his vocal skills did too. Dead.
Sungwoon and Baekho are good, Daehwi takes the key down to hit the notes. Samuel is shaky but fine. Youngmin is also good, and Shin Yumi says he sounds like Jaehwan, prompting Jaehwan to emit a soulless, scornful HA HA before getting up to sing the other team’s song just to show him up
Sewoon is made to sing the line too and he makes up for the little crack in his voice with a funny hand dance
Hands On Me does their check in and then centre competition.
Ong-ssi’s voice wobbles and Jaehwan literally slits his throat because ‘killing part’. Daniel tickles his own chin lol 
Bae Jinyoung is the most surprising because of how clear he is
Jihoon is Centre Jihoon as always (Auntie Jisung is impressed)
Dance check in next! They’ve done their own choreos for the songs for this mission.
Super Hot goes first, and Kahi applauds their effort because its hard to devise formations and choreo 
They all perform the choreo as centre one by one. This looks exhausting, btw but they all do their own little bits to stand out
Hands On Me goes next and their choreo passes muster too.
Next they all try centre choreo. Honestly, all of them have distinct appeals, how do you even pick.
Kahi tells them that centre will be picked based on the vids that were uploaded recently, with every trainee in both groups performing as centre one by one 
They go to pick the centre in the same room that the coaches used for their level evals w/ Nayana performances
Super Hot team goes first, watching every vid. Youngmin’s voice cracks in his vid and Samuel’s eyes widen in response in the background lol
I just realised all of Nu’est but Minhyun is in this group. Baekho falls into a natural leader like role just because he seems to have a lot to say 
They then do an emotional verbal appeal for the centre position, all of them feel like they need it for this last leg of the journey, and then vote.
It comes down to Sungwoon and Samuel, and the live performance reveals who won
IT WAS HA SUNGWOON! Get it, boy!
The actual performance was fine, all of them dressed in red and white. This song is a bit iffy (seriously), but they all perform well. Megaton bomb is the obvious highlight. The choreo is enjoyable, very energetic and gimmicky, the kind that leaves plenty of room for the trainees to insert personal gestures
Lol Cube Chicks do another Troublemaker reference. Jonghyun and Sam do a bit of a dance in between
There’a a bit of choreo that looks vaguely like a Seventeen stage. It’s like a revolving door? I remember seeing it elsewhere. 
Very cute, all in all. The total effect is similar to Oh Little Girl from last mission
They have a lot of cuts to the eliminated kids as the coaches talk to BoA
Sung Hyunwoo’s there, his eyes are glazed over when the camera pans to him lol 
Kwon Hyunbin has dark hair again while Kim Sanggyun has his deep blond slicked back. 
Oh! Kim Taemin is in the stands! He’s lost so much weight!
First reveals are for trainees currently at 11-14. 
This anticipation is the pits. It just drags on and on endlessly. Kenta’s almost crying again
Sewoon, Jisung, Bae Jinyoung, Daehwi are potential trainees. 
I’m losing hope for Auntie.
And then cut to Hands on Me team in the viewing room for centre voting.
Yoon Jisung is jealous of Park Jihoon’s face and expressions lol 
Bae Jinyoung is at peak Sasuke Uchiha levels, coolly and sharply flipping his jacket around. 
Everyone is amazed at how handsome Ong is on screen while Jisung pulls out every bit of his trainee experience in his video. Ong says Jisung’s clever with expressions but expressed it weird lol
Cuts of them working hard and talking about the need to be centre before they vote. It’s down to Ong-ssi and Bae Jinyoung for centre. 
Live performance reveals it to be Bae Jinyoung!
The boys are dressed in sharp suits, which is how you know which one is the stacked team. They all look good, and scrounge up every bit of their charisma for the performance. This song is a lot more enjoyable, and has a choreo that’s more smooth rather than gimmicky, with a lot of jacket flapping. I can hear Minhyun, Ong and Jaehwan’s voices a lot although they all perform well.
There’s a bit of breakdown in between for the rappers’ benefit
Ong-ssi is wearing a pretty choker while Sewoon looks like a boy at his first prom. Bae Jin does the now patent Yoo Hwiseung lip swipe.
There’s a lot of loud yelling for Park Jihoon. It’s so distinct.
Cut to a large thank you letter the trainees wrote BoA. She’s moved by their sincerity and laughs at the cuteness. It’s really rather sweet, even if it is filler content. She was a phenomenal representative - I watched this season for her, and she was so much more invested in actual training than Jang Keonsuk. That guy annoyed me the most last season.
The trainees also send a video letters to their other coaches, thanking them for their help and for teaching them over the last few months.
Cut to the trainees recording with the composers of the token ballad song this season, called Always 
Check it out if you’re keen, it’s meant to be this season’s Downpour I reckon. The boys perform it under soft white and pink lighting. Minki looks like he’s crying at one point, so does Seonho. Sungwoon, Baekho and Jaehwan hard carry the vocals.
BoA closes live voting. 
That’s of the Seventeen members in the crowd! The leader kid! I might have to confirm this later.
Cut to pre-recorded footage of the trainees all gathering together to talk. 
Ahhh it’s product placement for Naver’s streaming service. They listen to their concept eval songs.
Then they talk about their first appearances on the show, and they play their P101 countdown intro videos to all their embarrassments. Guanlin sings All of Me loudly and increasingly out of tune while Sewoon dances Pick Me. Jaehwan dances Seventeen′s Boom Boom lol. 
...I don’t even know what Emperor Hwang is doing.
Then sad video messages to their families for the tears, with that mournful Nayana intro in the background. Then footage of their families watching the video letters and sending one back.
Yoon Jisung has his mum’s eyes, and Samuel has his mum’s mouth exactly. Youngmin looks startlingly like his dad.
My heart aches, ugh. Mnet, you bastards. 
I wish I could fly down to see my mum too :(
All the ugly tears. Seonho is bawling straight up. 
Haknyeon’s mum is there too! And Guanlin’s dad and sister! 
Aw, his sister knows Ong-slate and Yoonjhumma’s clapping. 
Back at live stage, popular model Kwon Hyunbin gets coerced into filling some air time by BoA, so does Kim Taemin, who had to leave because of his sudden illness. Lee Euiwoong gets some screentime to himself to thank everyone for their support and help.
Dorm footage from their last stay with the kids imitating Hyunbin singing Downpour lol
More of that Nayana piano instrumental as they reminisce about their last few weeks in the dorm with the other trainees. A neat little shot of the set with the chairs, then shots of them practicing. 
Back to live for final rankings.
My heart can’t take this. The eliminated kids are all praying too.
Seriously, how can they waste airtime like this.
Trainee at number 10 is C9 Bae Jinyoung. He looks pale and relieved, thanking his fans, parents, and the Mnet staff. 
Number 9 is Pledis Hwang Minhyun!! 
Pristin Nayoung is thrilled while the Pledis CEO looks unimpressed. Why do they even invite these old bastards. 
It takes Minhyun a bit to start speaking to thank people, his words less smooth than normal because of how overcome (lol) he is. His mum cries constantly, I hope he can buy her something nice soon! 
BoA’s making a lot of tiny mistakes off her script because of the live broadcast burden. It’s cute.
Weird clapping forever! Oh, his dad calls up his family to tell them the good news while the eliminated MMO trainees cry in relief. 
He says in his thank you that he really had given up hope, but he’s so appreciative of all the support he received. It’s so cute that all the trainees are so excited, clapping his weird clap and laughing at him. He starts ugly crying again when he sees his dad, and same tbh. 
Everyone loves him so much!! I love him too! My Auntie! He made it! Yoonjhumma! I’ll actually follow this Wanna.One mess because of you Auntie Jisung! 
CUBE Lai Guanlin makes the final group at number 7!
He and Seonho are going to be able to help Hyuna keep Cube from the shredder!
Sweet Byeongari Lai Guanlin first thanks people in Mandarin (a lot of shots of the Chinese Yuehua kids+Kenta), then in English (it’s so terrible but so cute), and then he thanks everyone in Korean. He keeps saying ‘jinjja’ a lot, and his accented slurring gets worse because of how excited and nervous he is. BoA prompts him to thank his dad, which he does in Mandarin. He also gets to do his awkward audition dance. 
Trainee number 6 is Brand New Music Park Woojin! Good on you my wolf boy! You deserve it!
He starts his thank you with a full waist bow, then thanks his voters, BNM family, Rhymer, the P101 PD-nim (the audience protests this - dead but same tbh) and staff, the teachers and his family. He apologizes for worrying people when he was sick - pls. Like people need to feel more entitled. 
Woojin and Guanlin give each other massive bear hugs when they meet at the chairs. 
Trainee number 5 is Fantagio Ong Sungwoo!!
He’s immediately smothered by hugs, his mum is sobbing and his CEO looks happy. Doyeon gets a solo shot as she claps too.
His voice wavers when he starts his thanks, to the staff, Fantagio people, his parents. He does his really, very hyperbole, dramatic and earnest and promises to work hard before ending it with a waist bow. BoA asks him what position he would like (besides the slate) and he says he’ll try to maintain team balance and spirit and then does his Get Ugly meme face. He’s so excited!!
Ah, with him and Yoonjhumma in, you know the group will do well in variety.
You can see the hope leave Daehwi and Sungwoon’s faces as resignation sinks in :((
Trainee number 4 is Kim Jaehwan!!
He gets body slammed by the trainees and his mum looks visibly relieved. Chaeyeon looks shocked as she claps in genuine appreciation, so clearly surprised that the camera pans to her twice.
Jaehwan mentions that he didn’t have much hope as an independent trainee and thanks his parents for supporting him as he rehearsed alone. He promises to be a hardworking vocal and thanks everyone for their support so he can improve.
At number 3 is Brand New Music Lee Daehwi! 
He instantly collapses in shock, his trainees crowd him. His mum begins to sob, so does Jeon Somi. He jumps up and waves at her as she cries in relief.
Obviously grateful, he thanks his BNM crew, the p101 staff, and the usual, as well as everyone who voted him in as Nayana centre to start with. His mum, who flew in from the USA, gets a personal thank you telling her to not worry and thanking her for his support. 
Sat in his chair, he cries a little. I’m so relieved for him too, he’s so incredibly well rounded and talented for a sixteen year old.
Spots for number 2 and the main centre number 1 are between MMO Kang Daniel and Maroo Park Jihoon.
We’re all surprised, I’m certain. I’m more shook by Nation’s Leader Angel Wartortle GodJonghyun not appearing so far. The vote reset must have shaken his ranking up. 
They walk to centre stage for the announcement, the two issue makers of the season. 
Dead at how SM bought NCT a promo ad slot during P101 airtime
The truly expected yet unknown battle of votes between these two leads brings us MMO Kang Daniel at number 1, with Maroo Park Jihoon behind him at 2.
Daniel takes a while to speak, his throat dry from nervousness, saying he was grateful to be able to be in the top 11, much less be centre . Yoonjhumma is rubbing his arms at the revelation, while Daniel’s mum cries. Little Lee Woojin gets a shot. Daniel can barely speak, satoori slipping out as BoA teases him for becoming GodDaniel. He says he loves his voters in satoori, and even BoA giggles.
Park Jihoon speaks next, poised and polished as ever as he rattles off his list of people to thank. He doesn’t mind losing the spot to Daniel at all, and rounds off by doing his adorable Shugo Chara aegyo with the crowd. 
Daniel does a few full waist bows standing at his number one crown chair before sinking into it, finally.
I suddenly remember the MMO kids sitting on the chair like it was the family couch first episode, just so they could know what it was like. It’s been a whirlwind journey.
Time for final spot number 11, between Baekho, Sungwoon, Sewoon and Jonghyun. 
Sungwoon has no expectations. Baekho isn’t sure what to think. Sewoon is nervous too (not as much as Gwanghyun in the crowds though). Jonghyun thanks everyone and anticipates the results.
BoA looks pained being made to draw this out too. 
Nation’s Leader Angel Wartortle GodJonghyun is 14. Resetting the votes and spooking Pledis voters with Minhyun’s rank probably unsettled him. What a shame, I’d have put my money on him as a sure debut bet what with the edits and his general manga boy personality.
Sungwoon looks like his soul has left his body.
Sexy Bandit Pledis Kang Dongho is number 13. What a shame. The crowd screams in support for him anyway.
Gwanghyun and Taehyun are both increasingly worried in their seats. 
How crazy would it be if it turns out to be Sewoon. It was the same for Yeonjung last season, and they’re both Starship vocal kids.
I cannot believe it but I’M SO HAPPY MY BOYS!! Taehyun is fully ugly sobbing in his seat, the trainees around him are trying to comfort him but he’s truly a softie, poor Scratching Ajhusshi.
Sungwoon thanks everyone after running to the stage in excitement, emotional and grateful for everyone who believed in him, and promising to work hard. 
Sewoon, who was close, gives a very well worded and neat speech at the end, put together even through his disappointment. I look forward to seeing him debut as an idol. He’s going to be great.
Kang Daniel leads the last greeting to the viewers and BoA bows out for the season finale.
Well. This has been emotionally draining and completely unexpected. I never thought I’d have so many of my faves in the final line up, I’m going to have to keep following this group even if they put out crap music because there are so many reliable singers too! They sure showed my pessimism, but I’m not complaining. 
For the final time, below is a comprehensive list of the final ranking for Produce 101 Season’s 2 group, Wanna.One:
Kang Daniel
Park Jihoon 
Lee Daehwi
Kim Jaehwan 
Ong Sungwoo 
Park Woojin
Lai Guan Lin 
Yoon Jisung
Hwang Minhyun 
Bae Jinyoung 
Ha Sungwoon 
It’s been wonderful on this blog with you guys! As always, please let me know you spot in any errors!
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luci-is-a-devil- · 7 years
Three is better then two
Does anyone else feel bad if they don't write for awhile? This is bad but whoops! Enjoy please!) Words: 1,548 Having a three person relationship wasn't what yoongi had expected. He hadn't been expecting that at the age of twenty four, he would be dating a twenty five year old and a twenty three year old. He honestly had expected to still be in college for something he hated, working himself to death. Or maybe he would have quit school and ended up on the streets, god knows his parents would kick him out if he left school. But instead, he managed to get his life together. He was now majoring in photography instead of psychology. All thanks to his boyfriends, who helped him even when they weren't dating. Who treated him with kindness that yoongi believes he didn't deserve. ------------------------------------- Walking down the hall, to get to the party Hoseok's was throwing. He didn't even want to go! All yoongi wanted to do was curl up in his single room and sleep forever, but since eventually he would need food a few days would suffice. Knocking on the door lightly, hoping that if no one answered he would have an excuse to tell the younger. But no luck, a boy with a boxy smile answered the door, dressed in a pink sweater with gray cotton shorts, and sunglasses on. "Hey! Welcome to the coolest party ever! I'm taehyung!" He yelled even though yoongi was standing right in front of him. "Calling it that doesn't make it any cooler tae!" A voice called from inside the room. "Is Hoseok here?" Yoongi asked, feeling a headache coming on. "Yeah! Are you yoongi? He said he was inviting someone! You have really pretty hair!" Taehyung spat out in one breath. How was he not out of breath? "Hey yoongi!" A familiar voice called to yoongi. "Hi Hoseok, can I go now?" Yoongi asked hoping that his friend would take pity on him. "Nope! Come in, it's not even a party. We're just watching movies." Hoseok said, leaving no room for yoongi to complain. Letting out a sigh, he entered the room. Slipping past taehyung, walking toward the only friend he made in two years on campus. "Nope, sit next to namjoon. Taehyung is sitting next to me." Hoseok said, knowing that if yoongi had it his way he'd be in the corner of the room. "Who's namjoon?" Yoongi asked, letting out another sigh. He was going to sleep during this movie. Seeing someone raise his hand and the fact that no one was sitting next to him gave him the clue that this was namjoon. Walking over to him, yoongi plopped down next to him. Waiting to see if namjoon would introduce himself of If they'd be in silence for this whole "party". "Hey, I'm Namjoon. I'm majoring in music, my minor is science. The tanned male said with a smile, sounding like he had rehearsed that phrase hundreds and hundreds of times. "Yoongi, currently rotting away in psychology. Yeah, that wasn't the greatest way to introduce himself if he wanted to make friends but whatever. Hearing the other let out a unexpected chuckle, yoongi looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Aren't you an optimist?" Namjoon asked sarcastically. "Yep, thinking positive all the time." Yoongi added, a smirk on his face. Maybe his friend count would go up a few numbers this month. ------------------------------------- By a few numbers, yoongi thought maybe one or two. Not five, but he couldn't complain, well he could but they knew he loved them. There was Hoseok, the friend he had managed to make. Then jungkook and his boyfriend jimin. Then taehyung who was still as rowdy as the first time they met. But the people who managed to change his life for the better, Kim Seokjin and Kim Namjoon. But everything hadn't worked out so well in the beginning, or the middle actually. ------------------------------------- "Yoongi! Come out! It wasn't that bad!" Taehyung screamed whilst banging on yoongi's room. But that's where he was wrong, it was that bad. It fact it was worse, they would never talk to him again. "Yoongi?" As much as it broke him to hear the friends he had finally made to call out to him, it was for the better that they didn't get involved in the shit show he called his life. He shouldn't have got that drunk, he should have locked his door, he should have hidden his phone so there would be no messages but yoongi wasn't that intelligent. They are a lot of things he should, could, have done but he didn't. And now he had to live with those mistakes. Maybe he should have listened to his mom, went overseas instead of community college. She was right, as always. He didn't stick out, he would live an average life, or even wore he would have to be at his dads company or mayb- "Yoongi, I'm coming in." It was one of the voices yoongi had grown to love, had appreciated over these few months. Hearing the locked doorknob turn, made yoongi hide deeper in his nest of blankets. Listening to the insertion of the key, meaning Hoseok had given it to namjoon to enter the room. Seeing the door open, yoongi decided the best thing to do was to cover his face with the blankets. Effectively turning him into a cocooned yoongi, hoping to turn into something better. Footsteps come across the room and all yoongi can hear is his own heartbeat, feeling it from the tips of his fingers. "Yoongi, come out." Namjoon pleaded, even though yoongi couldn't see him, he knew that the younger had his lips drawn into a tight pout. His eyes probably teary, they always got wet when his voice was like that. Holding his breath as if that would make namjoon think he wasn't here, maybe he would realize yoongi wasn't worth it. Feeling small tugs at his cocoon, making his hands fly to the edges and hold them as tight as he could in his sad state. Hearing a sigh, and not knowing whether it came from him or the other person in the room. If he left his cocoon, namjoon would see him. See what he looked like, and that would not be pleasant. Yoongi was a mess, physically and emotionally. He didn't know what day it was, when the last time he ate was. Physically, he knew that the bags under his eyes were probably bigger then the moon, that his hair resembled a nest and he probably smelled like death. The cocoon was the best choice. The most practical choice, but was that what yoongi really wanted? Did he want to be smothered by a practical thing? Or did he want to chase his dreams? Hearing the footsteps go to the door and pause. Knowing that this might be his only chance, yoongi pushed his head through the blanket. "Wait…" he stuttered over his word and hated himself for it but it worked. Seeing namjoon turn around, and all yoongi could do was look at him. Fall in love with him all over again, his small smile as if telling yoongi to continue with what he was saying. "…I don't know how to say this." Yoongi told the younger, hearing his voice crack in the middle of his sentence. "Try." And try he did, trying to explain himself. "I really like you, but I really like jin too and you guys started dating and I was okay with it. But then I wasn't anymore? I don't know, it's dumb. I just want everyone to be happy. But it's killing me inside, I don't know anymore." Spewing his thoughts, saying them out loud, making it set in stone how he felt. Telling his crush what a shitty person he was. Hearing a chuckle, and feeling the bed sink under someone else's weight. "It's okay, you're a good person yoongi. I know you don't believe that. I just wish you had told us face to face instead of texting jin." Letting out a groan and placing his face on the bed. Knowing that the younger could see his ears turn red, at least he knew that everyone didn't hate him. "So jin doesn't want to gut me and throw me in eight different trash bags?" Yoongi mumbled out, his face still on the bed. "No, how long have you been imagining what he would do?" "When did I text you?" Making namjoon throw his head back in laughter, in turn made yoongi smile. "We both like you yoongi, but I think we should wait until jin comes to say we're dating." "As long as my guts stay inside my body, I'm good." "Okay, this relationship only need one drama king and that's Jin's spot." "He can keep it." ------------------------------------- Having two boyfriends want what he had planned, but all yoongi really wanted was to be loved. "Babe? Come back to bed, joon is asking for his human teddy bear." Seokjin called from their shared bedroom. "I'm coming jinnie." Standing up, yoongi walked back to the bedroom. Both of them laying back in their bed, yoongi in the middle. Being held by both of his loves. Looking up at the ceiling, yoongi let his boyfriends snores lull him to bed. (But if you ask him, that "party" was still shitty)
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wehiran · 7 years
+ *new video comes out* Ok, who’s dead this time? Jin’s dead. No, Jimin’s dead. No, V’s dead. No, ARMYs are dead. ☠ + INFIRES 🔥🔥🔥 + Excuse meeee 😁 + Beach? 🌴 + “I’m going to name my kids Chong, Jojun and Balsa.” 🔫 + Hip hop is dead aka if you listen closely you can hear Suga crying 💀 + “I’ll forgive you” - well thanks Suga + How to find a partner: Go out into the street, yell SSAK DA BULTEWEORA. Marry the person who will yell BOW WOW WOW. + “We don’t talk anymore” - hold on Kookie we haven’t even started talking yet + Jungcook 🍴 + *wild scream* JEON JUNGKOOOOOK! + ANIME! ANIME! ANIME! + Charlie Puth + “Suga is always surrounded by fire and Jimin is always surrounded by water, does this mean their enemies?“🔥💧 + Jimin told me to watch him ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) + Perfect Man performance. 😍 + Jin: Why can’t I get more screentime like I’m the visual Big Hit: No no no not today + A to the G to the U to the Sexually Transmitted Disease + "Jin and his 6 kids” + “Alright who should do the punishment on two of them?” V: “How about they do it to each other?” *everyone’s shocked, everyone claps for Taehyung, everyone says he’s a genius* + Jin Eomma and Namjoon Appa (“your son ripped his shirt off to show his abs in class”) + *Jimin adjusts his shirt multiple times during Dope* If your shirt bothers you so much, Jimin, then you can just take it off + *female idols choose JK as one of the most handsome ones* Ohhh what a pity he will run away and hide 😂 + I can’t be your oppa… + BANG! TAN! SO! NYEON! DAN! + Oh my God my heart is 💔 + Album cover’s colour = Yoongi’s hair + Lollipop in the drink: the unsolved mystery 🍭 + MILK?🍼 + Who is Rap Monser? He new in the game? + Imma beat that ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) like you’ve never ever felt before + GERL + It’s an alien 👽 + I had a dream, a ghost dream + Jin’s jokes + his laugh + J-Hoe + LADY FIRST + *Dope* My bias is the one with the tie + I NEED A BTS GIRLFRIEND. NO BTS, NO SEX. + BTS sold more albums than Justin Bieber OOOOOH + *drama about 1D disbanding or sth happening on Twitter* They probably heard about Suga’s mixtape how tragic + 2826251551 MV theories & still nobody knows what’s going on *insert Big Hit’s evil laugh* + Bangtan Bomb! + BTS doesn’t mean behind the scenes anymore + Seagull + Once you JimIN you can't JimOUT + Young Nation + *BS&T* I’ve never wanted to be a statue more than now + The fanchants :’) + *Cypherpt2* I’ve never wanted to be a hat more than now + The shirt lifting in No More Dream ;’) + How deep can Taehyung’s voice get + The crow-tit dance forever in our hearts
And of course the legend:
+ Jimin You got no jams
I love this fandom so much ❤
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busaned-blog · 7 years
dude your tags on tht post abt hobi+jin not having any lines (+ the discrepancy in ppl's reaction to those awful distributions) is WHEW coldblooded but accurate. ive also seen it happen, ppl leaving bc they can't GET WORK in their own group, and beyond hating awful distributions for wht they are, theyre bad for group longevity esp w/jin whos getting his college degree, who i cld see walking away frm bts w/work+network options even outside of ent. industry. like, bight cherish wht u got rn, dang
Hello anon, thank you so much for your message! It’s nice to know some people actually read my tags I guess haha. I’m not gonna lie, at first when I read your message I was thinking of not replying… simply because we all know tumblr tags are messed up (especially on mobile) and I did not feel like people interpreting my response as hate towards Bangtan or to any of the members. But then I realized that for me in my heart I know my feelings about this whole situation are not based on hate towards either of those so I decided to respond anyways and I just hope that I will word everything correctly so that people reallize I am not a hater. It will be a long response, because as I said in my tags I have a lot of feelings about this, so I’m putting it under a read more :)
When I reblogged that post we’re talking about and put all those tags in, I was extremely angry. I can’t lie about that right now, because I was. Maybe it’s a petty response, but in a song that is 4 minutes and 34 seconds long you just cannot convince me there was no room for Hobi at all. That there was no room for him to get like four lines on his own or for Jin to have more than the two he did? Especially when some members take up like half the song? I just refuse to believe that I’m sorry… And especially to realize, if you look objectively, that the difference in ‘talent’, to put it as such, in Bangtan is not that big let’s be real. They are all extremely talented and no one is 1000 steps above the rest at all in my opinion.
I’ve been a fan since about July 2015, a little after the Dope era, so I have been around for four comebacks now (and a hell of a lot of other groups’ members leaving/groups disbanding) and I’ve said this before on twitter: I feel like the line distribution is getting worse in stead of better with Bangtan. Run was sort of okay for me, especially if you keep in mind the idea of main/lead vocals and sub-vocals, but after that it just got worse and worse imo. And apparently, judging by the response to Hobi having no lines in Spring Day and Jin having barely any solo lines in BST, people really don’t give a shit and want to disguise it under the ‘I love ot7 so let me reblog some posts complaining about the awful line distribution and be done with it’.
The outrage on my dash with the Hobi situation was pitiful, because (and maybe I follow the wrong people who knows) the only ones actually being mad were Hobi stans and some Jin/ot7 stans. The outrage for Jin was basically non existent and it still pisses me off till this day. And the biggest discourse was that people needed to just basically shut up and support Bangtan because otherwise, and wow guilt tripping much?, they would hurt Hobi in the process too. And I get that we all have our favorites, we all have our ranking of the members whatever, but how can you look at this situation and just not realize how damaging it could be in the long run? How damaging it could be for ot7. You don’t have to love and cry and yell about Hobi and Jin as much as you do your bias, but to stay mostly silent cause it doesn’t concern your fave? I just can’t relate…
I’m a Jimin stan, but that means to me I am realistic enough to realize I have nothing to worry about with him. That he will get his lines and his screentime and the attention from his fans. So why should I be blind towards the mistreatment of some of the others? Because I’m settled? Because Jimin is my bias so I have no worries? And I’m not trying to say people who don’t stan Hobi or Jin feel like this, but this is really how it comes across to me. And then everyone, and this annoys me the most, wants to hide behind one of two defenses, a) Bangtan love each other more than anything and they want to stay together forever so awul line distribution won’t break them up and b) Bangtan have a lot of creative control so they probably decided this was best for the song…
Which is funny, because in the same breath they want to oppose haters, which they should don’t get me wrong, by saying ‘don’t hate on *insert their bias here* because it’s not their fault, Big Hit makes the decisions not them’. Excuse me? But that is not how this works. You can’t want to claim they have full creative control and make the decisions themselves and then turn around and say it’s actually Big Hit. It’s either they make the decisions themselves and they are basically assholes for ignoring Hobi, and more specifically Jin in like every song, or they are all subjected to what Big Hit wants.
But to come to the actual point: whether people want to close their eyes to this situation or not, in the end this could be damaging for Bangtan. Do you really think Minzy from 2ne1 didn’t love her group and her members? Do you really believe that guy from Teen Top that wants to leave doesn’t love his group and his members? Do you really believe that someone like Minzy, to take her as an example, who was in one of the biggest girl groups in kpop, just casually decided to leave? Do you not think that she didn’t realize that if she left she will probably never have the income she had with 2ne1 again or that she most likely will never ever be as popular as she was when in the group? Yet she freaking decided to leave anyways, because as you said she got no work! And ofcourse she wanted some, even if that meant not living the live she did with 2ne1, but it would be at least some sort of a life. And this happens to idols all the time, and then they, shocking I know, leave… Awful line distribution, and awful equal promotion, will be the death of any group no matter how much they love each other and the fans or how successful they are.
And I just wish as a fandom we could collectively come together on these subjects a bit more. You don’t have to be a Hobi or Jin stan to be critical of Bangtan’s efforts and in this case their line distribution. And there is also nothing wrong with being a critical fan and trying to let them and Big Hit know that no fan is going to leave if they make everything a little bit more fair. I just don’t want it to come to Bangtan’s contract renewals in a few years and having one or two of them even contemplating leaving. As you said, Jin is graduating soon and many people in the industry have already said that he is a lovely person, easy to work with, funny, clever, hard working and on top of that a lot more multi-talented then people want to give him credit for. You really believe he has no chance of a career outside of Bangtan?
Let me say something positive though for once. If we move beyond the line distribution and take a look at the promo, Big Hit gives me a little bit of hope. 2016 has been a rather good year for all of them in my opinion. Yoongi had his mixtape, Jin had Law of the Jungle and some other variety shows, Tae had his acting, the Taejin OST (where they both proved even more that Bangtan’s line distribution is shit), some MC jobs for all of them on music shows, etc. I think that if you would write it down then their promotion seems to definitely be sort of equal, which gives me great hope that Big Hit will at least always try to promote them equally in that area. But it also seems to me they want them stuck in certain positions: Hobi being the dancer, Jin being the visual, Jungkook being the main vocalist etc. When they are so much more then that!
So what I’m trying to say is that I’m not trying to convince anyone that Hobi or Jin are going to want to leave over this whole thing, but please can we all for once as a fandom acknowledge Bangtan’s shortcomings and realize that if nothing changes (because this is not a one time thing with them), and if we don’t try to voice our concerns, it could come to a Minzy situation (or any other group member that has ever left their group due to disrespect basically). I just don’t want them in the future to break up or have some members leaving, and then have everyone cry their eyes out for a day when we could have done something about it now…
This became so much longer then I wanted to, and I probably didn’t even say everything I wanted to say, so I’m really sorry. And I mostly ranted about nothing you were talking about in your ask, but I needed to get this all of my chest. I always say this and I will say it again: I love Bangtan with all my heart, and I don’t plan on abandoning them anytime soon, but these comebacks just slowly become a little less enjoyable and I will keep hoping that next time will be better. That next time I won’t have to sit through the music video waiting for a glimpse of Hobi or Jin or anyone. I just want Bangtan to reach their full potential, because I really feel they haven’t yet, because I think they are 7 wonderful individuals who deserve nothing less.
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fuckyeahkagepro · 5 years
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bolbianddolanhouse · 4 years
BNHA self insert AU [Book 2]
Lost and confused? Read this post to catch you up!
Chapter 9: Look At All Those Chickens!
I wake up, still laying on Hoshi’s chest and his arms around me...it’s Sunday! Sundays usually means we have people over and have family time. I jump awake, my siblings don’t know I’m home! I get ready to bolt to my room.
“Hmm? Come back to bed” yawned Hoshi as he rolled onto his side “you were warm and I’m still sleepy.”
“Sorry! I gotta do something on the quicks” I said before taking off at top speed. I manage to evade the doggy and my parents as I dash up the stairs. Finally reaching the pink door, I compose myself before barging in. “WAKE UP SLEEPYHEAD!” I scream before slamming myself on top of my little sister.
“The fuck?!-LILI?!” grumpily responded Rosa “it’s too early for this shit!”
“Oh yea? The tickle monster has something to say about that!” I threatened with my fingers wiggling in her face.
“OH PLEASE HAVE MERCY LILI!” screamed Rosa, now wide awake.
“What’s going on here?!” said Oro as he stomped into view of the open room “Some of us enjoy waking up later! Seriously Lili! I don’t care if you’re back YOU ALWAYS DO THIS SHIT!”
“Guys can you keep it down? I wanna sleep more” groggily spoke Iwa as he floated into view, pillow and blanket still on him.
“Aw get in this guys!” I said as I lasso them in for a doggy pile “I miss you guys! dorm life sucks!”
“Oof you got stronger” Oro groaned as he was squished between his twin and older brother “when the hell did you come home?”
“In the middle of the night, like at around 4am” yawned Iwa “I was still up when I heard them come home via portal, dad was crying and shit.”
“Dad cried?” Rosa scowled “that’s concerning, what happened Lili?”
“Well, um” I saw the three of them look at me with their concerned eyes “lets just say Hoshi and I got seriously hurt in a non-training situation.”
“Ugh your explanations suck” Oro groaned “I should’ve just asked Mom.”
“Yea” said the other two.
“Fuck y’all! I’m trying here!” I argue back, which triggered a full blown sibling argument. We didn’t even notice our parents standing the doorway.
“It’s been too quiet around here” Dad whispered “this is more like it.”
Mom chuckles “You miss the Sunday morning screamies?”
“They grow on you after a while, after Lili learned to scream as an infant, I can’t start my days without those screams” he said as the arguing got louder “They sure grow up fast, wish we could keep them little forever.”
“They have to leave at some point Tenya” Mom said as she put her head on his shoulder “we can’t cut their fruits and pack their lunches forever. One day, they’ll want to do that for their kids.” The moment got ruined once the first guttural screech was thrown “Okay, that’s enough! NINOS!”
We stopped and pointed at each other “THEY STARTED IT!”
“I don’t care who started it!” Mom levitated us off the bed “if you’re so rowdy before brunch, then you can rowdy your asses to do some chores before food!”
“AW WACK!” we groaned as got set down on the floor.
“None of that! Come on” Dad responded “I’m going in that bathroom in 20 minutes and it better be clean!”
That got us dashing to our shared bathroom, not only is it huge BUT it’s never completely clean. There’s always hair everywhere, melted hair product bottles, some weird residue on the ceiling and the toilets are in a constant state of broken somehow. Once we got the approval of cleanliness from dad, he let me go with Hoshi while everyone else had to other chores. I rejoined him in the guest room and he looked so confused on why my family is like this. Later we all sat down for bunch, as per Sunday tradition.
“Mom, who’s coming over today?” asked Oro as he stuck his mug out for a second cup of coffee.
“Hm, The Midoriya’s, Mr. Bakugo’s family, Beizu and his mom, aunty Mimi and uncle Jin with Nikita” Mom made her thinking face “and I think that’s everybody, not too many today.”
“Uncle Tensei isn’t coming?” I asked as he always comes over on Sundays.
“Not for a while I’m afraid” Dad said as he poured coffee for Oro “the agency has been picking up on a lot of missions and he’s needed more than usual.”
“Aw, I wanted to see him” I pouted “I’ve been homesick and missing my family since I moved into the dorms.”
“Oh it be like that” Mom empathized with me “but if you want, you can come over on your free weekends. You too Hoshi.”
“You mean it?” Hoshi spoke up as he was cutting up his waffle.
Mom nodded “Of course! You can even bring your dirty laundry to do in peace here” she nudged dad “remember all the dorm laundry room antics?!”
Dad chuckled “How could I forget?! The underwear fight of second year was a disaster!”
“Why didn’t you say anything Dad? Weren’t you the class rep?” I scowled.
“Yes but I was pelted with underwear too!” he chopped his hands “I had to call your mom to put a stop to everything, but then she joined in and I just laid on the floor to rethink my life choices.”
We laughed and ate some more before we had to do some more chores. Mom went to the store with Mimi and Jin to pick up some last minute items. Since my hands still hurt, dad just let me rest on the hammock while he picked oranges.
“Dad, can I ask you something?” I broke the silence “about you and mom?”
“Hm? What do you want to know?” he responded while picking an orange.
“When you were living in the dorms, were you attached to mom?” I shifted to lay on my side, facing him “like, did you constantly check in on her or made up excuses to visit their room?”
He stopped reaching for oranges and turned to look at me “Yes I did, even when she moved into the proper dorms” he chuckled softly “I was so nosey and up in her business that it got her mad all the time! Though, a couple times I’ve crossed the line and made her cry. But all I wanted to do was let her know I was there for her and that she was safe.” He set the nearly full basket of oranges down and sat on the step stool “I did it out of love, I didn’t know it was at first but when I’d go above and beyond for the simplest of things, that’s when I knew. When we’d spend time alone together, I’d hold her in my arms and she’d tell me they feel like home. And when she hugs me, I don’t want her to let go! Her embrace felt like a mother’s love and her laughter warms my heart.” He takes off his glasses to wipe them down “but not everything was nice and sweet, there would be days where she’d shut everyone out. She’d disappear for hours or days at a time, and I would worry myself sick. Agent training often had her body covered in injuries and of course she wouldn’t let me tend to them or help her.” the sound of my siblings dragging out chairs startled us “There was one time where I got her so mad, she yelled at me when I tried to stop her from leaving the dorms. She teleported off and hours later ran into trouble” his voice cracked “she nearly died that night if she didn’t call for help. I carried her bleeding and limp body to the hospital, begging her to wake up and for the staff to save her. That was the scariest night of my life, all of that could’ve been avoided if I didn’t step in the beginning.” he reached for an orange and started peeling it “she later apologized to me that it was her fault but I took all the blame, because it was truly my fault. Later that year I found out she was dating Mr. Hitoshi and it broke my heart, I loved her first and did so much to get her attention, it wasn’t fair. And right before graduation, I fought with her to the point that I broke our friendship off. After our graduation ceremony, she wished me well and all I did was tell her I don’t want to see or talk to her ever again. What a stupid thing to do because then I lost all contact with her for years, and the stupidest thing of all... I missed her immediately and never stopped thinking about her, worried myself sick if she was okay. Years of that Lili! And yet, when I saw her again, she forgave me and still wanted to be friends. I honestly don’t deserve your mom” he put the peeled orange in my hand “my constant nagging in the dorms escalated into spending the rest of my life with her and building the family we always wanted.”
“You wanted all that?” I said pointing at Oro laughing at Rosa getting the fire burps as Iwa aggressively sweeps the patio in the background.
Dad laughed “Yes, we wanted a big, chaotic family” he turned to face me again “you remind me so much of her.”
I sniffed the orange “How?”
“You speak your mind, extremely talented, expressive, funny, stands up for what they believe in” he stands up “super caring, a little dense and brave.”
I watch him walk away with the basket of oranges back inside the house. That got me thinking that maybe I am repeating my parent’s love story, but I’m playing the role of my dad, ew.
“Is there room for another?” asked Hoshi as they walked up to me.
“Get in here” I scooted to make room for them “this baby can support all of my siblings in one go.”
He laughed as he nestled into the hammock “I bet that’s a story to tell!”
“Not really, my siblings and I like to swing here and eat oranges every now and then” I recalled “its just our thing, since we moved in this house.”
Mom pops into the backyard “Iwata, Tensei? Can you help me bring in the groceries?” the boys run in the house to help.
“Wait, their names aren’t Iwee and Oro?” asked Hoshi confused.
I laughed “No, Iwee is just a cutesy shorten version of his name that I call him, Tensei is Oro’s first name. My dad named him after his brother, so to not confuse the two during family gatherings, we call him Oro.”
“Oh that makes sense!” He turned to me “does everyone call you Lili?”
“For the most part, my mom and grandparents on my mom’s side call me Perla” I spilt the orange in half “sometimes Maru and the other kids I grew up with call me Perla when I’m acting up.”
He takes the half orange I offered him “How was that like?”
“I never really clicked with them, there’s 2 girls out of the 7 in the group that I grew up with” I sighed “all they wanna do is either be like their hero parents or be granddaddy’s favorite for the inheritance.”
“Yikes, I see why you don’t click with them.”
“Yea, I kinda wish I had friends within my age group like my siblings” on cue, Iwa’s friend Beizu rolls in the backyard and waves at me “see? that’s Iwa’s best friend since birth, and my aunty Mimi’s daughter is best friends with the twins.” I wave back “Hi Bei! How’s school going?”
“You know...I hate it” he giggled “How’s hero school?”
“Oh you already know...I hate it!” We laughed before he dipped back into the house to find Iwa “Don’t tell anybody, but Iwa and Beizu are my favorites. Those boys are always on their schemes but are the sweetest, wholesome boys.”
Soon, everyone else rolled in and mom got the table grill ready. Mom would tell me about the Sunday backyard carne asadas her family would throw to gather everyone for family time. Now we have something similar but readjusted for asian pallets, we have backyard yakiniku now. She says it’s way easier since she doesn’t have to cook the meat and everyone helps themselves. I love an innovative queen.
“That pork belly looks divine!” drooled Hoshi as we looked over what we wanted first “and who made that mountain of fried rice?! It looks yummy too!”
“I made it!” perked up uncle Jin “cooked it 20 mins ago in my backyard wok, so it’s fresh and can feed everyone.”
I leaned into Hoshi’s ear to whisper “You can see it from my bedroom window! It’s so cool and it’s just there in his backyard!”
“Please! Eat all the fried rice you want!” Jin said as he served us “get some now before the red haired one eats half of this mountain.”
I look over to the Bakugo-Kirishimas, the blonde one and my mom have the strangest friendship. But their hot headedness and crudeness mesh so well! As for the red haired one, he loves my mom’s cooking and ‘manliness’....whatever the fuck that means. Their kids, Elise and Katashi, are just mirrors of their parents and it scares me. Next to them are the Midoriyas, I love the mother, the father and the two boys... broccoli man and his brussel sprout boys. Then there’s Beizu and his mom, Mei. Mom and Mei worked on some things together in high school for the intel program, and when Mom started her company, she hired Mei. At first it was to help Mei get some employment has she was having trouble being a permanent anywhere. After a while and coming out with innovative gadgetry, mom kept her as her floor supervisor and creative. As for Beizu, he’s a month older than my brother and a very good friend to all. Mom says he’s like his father but he tragically passed away in an accident, I don’t remember much of him since I was so young. Mom doesn’t like talking about the accident, all I know is that his dad’s name was also Beizu and he was one of the first people Mom hired. In a weird twist, Mei and my aunty Mimi are cousins! Mimi’s mom was Mei’s aunt on her father’s side, making Beizu Mimi’s nephew! So he can say ‘aunt Mimi’ and it’s true...lucky him.
“Have some pickled beets boy!” aunty Mimi said as she served us “they go well with the meats.”
“Thanks aunty!” I chirped as she piled on the beets on my plate “I love her pickled beets!”
“It’s true! When she was just a babushka, she’d eat up all the beets and ask me for more” Mimi heartily laughed “now I make plenty so there’s enough to go around.”
“Oh? Thank you!” Hoshi said politely “It’s so weird being surrounded with families like this. You’re all interconnected in one way or another, makes me wish my dad wasn’t so gross to your mom so I could’ve had this with you.”
“Have what?” I asked as I flipped my meats.
“This quality time with friends and family” he reached for his meats to grill “growing up with you, it was just my brothers and dad for so long that I forget that most families have these things.” He smiled at me “I’m happy that you’ve included me, even if the circumstances aren’t the best right now.”
“Hey! Don’t sweat it!” I nudged him before reaching for my perfectly cooked meats “if my mom includes you, you’re family. That’s the highest honor my mom can give, plus she’s picky on who she considers family.”
“Would you two like a hard lemonade?” my mom offered us “since you two had your first drink already, you can have some at the Sunday yakiniku.”
“Yes please!” Hoshi and I chirped as we held our hands out for the drink.
“What? Since when?” Maru asked.
“Didn’t they tell you? They got invited to an intel kickback” mom answered as she opened the bottles for us “oh my baby is growing up so fast!”
“No fair! Elise and I have been trying to get invited to one since we started going to UA!” Maru complained “what did you guys do? Helped with their english homework?!”
“We just got a little too close to the marked grass and said I’m Agent 19 daughter” I shrugged “after that, they were nice to us and invited us to the kickback.”
“Yea, they call us the Royal Children” Hoshi snickered “good kids, they know how to host a party!”
“But we’re cooler!” Maru huffed
“No, I’M cooler” Elise was quick to correct “you’re that dude with hero merch everything, aka a NERD!”
“GOOD ONE ELISE!” Mom hollered and laughed.
“THAT’S MY GIRL!” Mr. Bakugo yelled proudly “they grow up so fast!”
“It’s okay son” Deku patted Maru on the head “you’ll get used to it.”
“Says the guy that had an All Might body pillow!” Mom roasted.
“Says the guy that almost named his son All Might!” Mr. Bakugo roasted, leaving no time to breathe.
“Says the girl that....umm” Deku tried to roast back.
“Please, just don’t Izuku” Dad sighed as he gave a firm chop “Ita won’t hesitate to annihilate you and you know how devastating those two are.”
“Just once! I want to have the upper-hand here” Deku sighed in defeat.
“You want a hug?” asked his wife with open arms.
“Yea” he nodded before hugging his wife “you don’t think my All Might body pillow is weird right?”
“Oh Izuku...I think it’s mega weird and kinda of wish it didn’t have to be on our bed” she roasted lightly “but it makes you so happy, so I tolerate it.”
“That’s true love right there” Hoshi commented “I don’t think I’ll be able to keep it together if my partner had a character pillow.”
“Same” I chimed in. Everyone was in the backyard for the most part, but Hoshi and I went to my room after we ate. I wanted to show him the giant wok in uncle Jin’s backyard but we caught a sight of something else. Maru and Elise were kissing in the side area under my window. “Wow, I knew they’d end up together.”
“Really?” whispered Hoshi.
“Yea, Elise always had a crush on Maru” I giggled “she just showed it in the form of teasing and aggressive affection, just like her hot-headed dad.” They were really going at it to the point that is was kind of not cute, so I looked away “very aggressive, but Elise is one of the girls I sort of clicked with. She’s really nice to me and acted like a big sister to me when the other boys were being jerks. We never fought over anything and I guess we just bonded over being the oldest.”
“She does seem like a nice person but that boy, he really babies you” Hoshi stepped away from the window “Like, he seems ideal and focused all his attention and energy on you, why don’t you like him?”
“To be honest, I don’t like people that don’t let me do my thing” I thought hard about my next sentence “it’s hard to explain, but I want to do things without being fussed over. I guess if I am considering dating, I want someone who’ll want to do all of my favorite things with me and won’t be possessive or act like a parent to me. I don’t belong to anybody and I don’t owe anybody anything!” The sound of my mother’s laugher from the backyard interrupted me “I want what my mom found in my dad, she did her thing as my dad supported her through everything. And my mom did the same for him, they’re two drastically different people and they took time to make it work.”
“I wish I knew how my parents dynamic was like” he sat on the bed “all I remember is how affectionate my mom was to my dad. They married then had my oldest brother the same year. He’d probably tell me more about it, I miss him.”
That made me think “How were things after your mom died? If you don’t mind sharing.”
“Things were a mess at first, it was hard on my dad to work and care for 3 kids. He’d lose his temper and just be stressed out all the time.” he sighed sadly “He wouldn’t know how to care for me, being so young and the only female in the house. His attitude toward me changed completely when my quirk appeared, I didn’t have toys or spent time playing with my brothers anymore. My dad replaced all that with training equipment and strict regimes. I think my dad did it as coping with the loss and being unable to manage the house the way he wanted it” he looked at my side table “it made him so happy that I had this perfected version of his quirk, like it was the light out of all this tragedy.”
“What about your brothers? Don’t they have quirks?”
“What? Didn’t I tell you?” His eyes lit up “WAIT I DIDN’T! I told Toei-kun! My brothers don’t have quirks. My mom is a third generation quirk inheritor, and with my dad, it’s not unlikely that their children would be quirkless.”
“No way! What’s you mom’s quirk?”
“She had Enhancement, she could strengthen or improve the quality/endurance of anything by just touching it” he smiled and laughed “I thought she was magic, she’d do the most before enhancing something, just to make me smile. Life was so fun and exciting with her, everyone loves her and her infectious smile... I wonder what she’d think of me now.”
I sat next to him “Well, she’d be proud of you. Because you managed to find and live your truth. And you made it this far in hero training, you made at least one friend and you’re safe...I’d say that’s something to be proud of!”
He ruffled my hair “Oh yea? Are you one of them?”     
“I hope so!” I laughed, relishing in his touch “I don’t let just anybody touch my hair.”
He look his hand off and I put it back “Silly! You like it when I mess up your hair?”
“Only you, nobody else!” I huffed as he resumed running his hand through my hair. I closed my eyes, fully blissed out on his touch and how it soft his fingers raked through my curly hair. I wonder if this is why dogs and cats like to get pet to the point of begging? My family just pets the robo doggy because they like to be treated like a house pet but they don’t feel anything. Mom says we can’t have a real dog because we won’t be emotionally prepared when the dog eventually gets old or gets sick and dies. My siblings and I started crying at the thought, so we never asked for a real pet ever again. Wait- why am I thinking about that? I open my eyes “hehe my mind wandered for a moment there.”
“It looks like it” he chuckled “you make the cutest faces when you’re in deep thought.”
Theres those feelings again! The rest of the night I rode on that compliment high, it made me a little self conscience if it was obvious. Luckily nobody asked.
“Hey Lili can I ask you a question?” blurted Oro the moment Hoshi got in the shower.
Oh crap “Uh sure, ask away.”
“Why are you sleeping with your friend in the guest room?” he asked “You have your own room.”
“Well, I-”
“Let me ask you something Tensei” mom butted in “where do you sleep when you have a friend sleepover?”
“With them- OH!” Oro facepalmed himself “geez I’m dumb and I was caught lackin’! Heh sorry for asking Lili.”
“It’s no big chief!” I pat his head and watch him walk to his room. I turn to mom “Thanks for swooping in mom.”
“No problem! I did the same thing you know” she responded as she put dishes away “I’m over protective of my friends, Mimi and Jin have shared a bed with me when I wasn’t in my best mental state to be left alone. And I’ve crawled into Jin’s bed to keep him from freezing to death a few times when we were in high school, I’ve cuddled with Mimi to sleep when she’d get heartbroken.” She closes the cabinet “you have the same type of caring nature, if you care, you REALLY care and you’ll express it.”
“I just really don’t want him to be alone” I put the serving bowls away “didn’t think of it like that.” I close the cabinet and stand up “But I like how you put it! It makes more sense than my big sister senses were tingling.”
Mom started laughing “I like that one better! You’re so funny Lili!”
I laughed with her but then I had an intrusive thought “Wait, mom...what are they going to do with us when we go back to school? He’s the victim and I called for help, that’s not basis for us to get punishment is it?”
Mom took a deep breath to refocus “I know for sure those assailants are going to be tried like adults and revoked of their hero licenses. In terms of you two, for a few months you’ll be under watch for any further attacks now that it’s public knowledge at Hoshi is trans and you fought on school ground in relation of the attack.” She turned around to give her complete attention “you two can’t leave without a chaperone and have to share a dorm for the rest of your dorm days.”
“What? We can’t go to downtown on free days?” I was crushed by this “and we have to share a dorm! Those rooms are already so small!”
“I know but I’m afraid the school is going to play the ‘bio gender’ card for that. Since the girls side is already filled and putting him alone on the next available floor is counter-productive” she put her hands on my shoulders “I proposed that you two share a room since you have to be monitored too plus, you’re friends so it was the easier choice.”
I got a little mad “When the fuck were you going to tell us this?!”
“On the way back to the school” she shamefully admitted “because I know you’d get mad and argue back.”
“Yes I’m mad! Mom what the fuck?!” I raised my voice “I love you but damn you really licked the boot on this one!”
“Mom licked the boot?” Iwa perked up from the living room couch.
“I heard something about a boot getting licked and that mom did it” Rosa said strolling down the stairs.
“Yo who’s boot got licked?” Oro teleported in.
Mom rubbed her forehead “I didn’t lick the boot!”
“She licked the school’s boot!” I screamed, the others gasped “and mom was going to tell me at the last possible second!”
“Oof with a stunt like that, sounds like boot licking activity” Iwa sneered “you thought you earned a ‘W’ but it’s just a big fat ‘L’!”
“It’s not an L for anyone!” Mom was fighting back.
“What’s going on here?!” Dad walked in from the backyard.
“MOM LICKED THE BOOT!” my siblings and I yelled as we pointed to our mom.
“Kids, stop picking on your mom” he sighed as he walked to my mom’s side “she always has the best interest at heart and fights the good fight. Be gracious that knows how to work the system or the system would’ve played you.” He picked up mom and slung her on his shoulder “Now if you don’t mind, everyone get ready for bed! The lot of you have school tomorrow, no more panic running to school so get to bed NOW!”
The younger ones scurried to their rooms, mom laughed “GOD I love it when you take control!”
“I know you do” he smacks her ass “come on love, you have to unwind and sleep early too.”
I watch the two walk up to their room and I gag a little “Ugh wish I could unsee that.”
“It was kinda of cute” Hoshi said at the archway of the hallway “your parents are serious couple goals.”
I agreed but it’s still cringe to look at. I did my nightly routine and crawled into bed with Hoshi, head on his un-bindered chest. His hand on the back of my head, stroking my hair, so comforting. I looked up at his face to see him looking straight up at the ceiling.
“What are you thinking about?”
“Hm? You’re not asleep yet?”
“Well, I’m thinking about how things are going to change now.”
“Like what?”
“Like how my secret isn’t a secret anymore. I’m sure everyone in class knows by now, can’t help but to think how they’ll treat me when we come back.”
“They can either accept you or be ignorant! I’d fight off transphobic people for you in heartbeat if they try it!”
“I’m so thankful for you Lili, you make it seem like I don’t have to go through life alone anymore.”
I heard him dose off to sleep and those words reached my soul. But how to describe this feeling? It’s different but it feels right...I should just shut off my brain and go to sleep, it’s 11pm!
-Chapter 9, End-
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