#(or maybe they have twins one emissary and one wolf)
sapphireginger · 2 years
Dear @teenwolfholidayfest
All I want this years is…
🐺 Single Dads Steter getting together with fluffy domestic bliss and a sprinkle or five of angst with an HEA.
🐺 BAMF Blind and/or Deaf Stiles.
🐺 Steter, Briles (Brett/Stiles), Starrish, etc. Kid fic. I can’t get enough of Stiles as a dad.
🐺 Stallison wanting to bring someone else into their relationship and trying to figure out who/how. (Ex. Derek, Peter, Isaac, etc. preferably not Scott for that one.)
🐺 SOULMATE AUssssss!!! Can’t ever have too many of those. I’m in a major Steter mood and I do so love when they’re the same age or age swapped.
🐺 Void Stiles & Dark Allison.
🐺 Hunter Stiles & Hunter Allison.
🐺 Nesting Stiles!! Omega or not but nesting!!
🐺 Mating Runs. (Also the idea of having to build a den/nest to attract the perfect alpha. Omega Stiles doing something that is so different and “Weird.” but perfect for the right alpha. Peter perhaps?)
🐺 Stiles has a twin/siblings (Stuart, Allison, Malia or someone else)
🐺 Full Shift Stiles (Fox, Cat [White Tiger], Wolf, Bunny, etc.)
🐺 Stiles helping the Hale pack learn to full shift and they’re shocked because how does this human know how to help a born wolf shift.
🐺 Alpha Stiles (Omegaverse and/or Human)
🐺 Arranged Marriage/Mating (Steter, Stallison or Sterek?)
🐺 Time Warping Time Travelin!!
🐺 Stiles is the Hale Pack Emissary and doesn’t know anyone from the McCall pack. (Also gotta love Left Hand Stiles. Makes great Steter but also he just gives a Left Hand vibe. Maybe go for him channeling the after effects of Void into his position as Left Hand.
🐺 Exchange Student Stiles (He’s from Poland and moves after his mother dies OR he moves to Poland for school)
🐺 Amnesia/Memory Manipulation (Stiles: “What the hell is a Stiles?” Scott: “You Are a Stiles.” Stiles: “What even is a Stiles?”)
🐺 Teacher/Doctor Stiles treating/teaching the ship or the child of the ship (So good for Steter, Sterek and Stargent.)
🐺 Stiles/Chris. Kid Allison. Best Friend Peter Hale. Little love (BIG love) triangle. HEA.
🐺 Apartment shenanigans/naughty neighbors
sapphireginger (AO3/Tumblr/Wattpad)
(Never done this before but hopefully I did it right. Mine got kinda long. 😅 Looks and sounds like fun!! 🐺♥️)
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the-cookie-of-doom · 3 years
In estranged , what if claudia took Mitch with her? What would their dinamics be like? How would Mitch feel about Noah stilinski? What is his reaction when he finds out he's about to have a baby brother? I just need Mitch being ruthelssly protective of stiles. I need stiles being spoiled by Mitch and them having the cutest sibling pair ever. I need Claudia teaching Mitch how to control his powers and teaching him about ✨magic✨. I need Mitch being the most famous lacrosse player in school and little stiles, Noah and Claudia cheering for him across the field. I need Mitch taking over his father's company ( he's still the heir) fixing it up the same way , but this time he has actual support. I need Mitch having real friends and family 🥺💔
Oooh this is a Good Ask, I love talking about the What Ifs 👀 (Edit to add: Also, not many people realize, but Estranged really is a tragedy. And seeing it side by side with how things could've been just makes it worse.)
The central mystery of the AU is why Claudia didn't take him with her (and there was a reason! She didn't just abandon him like everyone assumes), so I can't tell you much about that without spoiling the whole thing! I promise I'm going to write the sequels some day. But let's just say that she was protecting him, and the Nogitsune is involved.
I can also say that had they actually been raised together, they would've been a platonic pair. They only end up together in Estranged because they're strangers to each other, and their respective abandonment issues react interestingly, shall we say xD
But aside from that, it would pretty much happen exactly as you think! Mitch has no love for his own father, so I think he would respect John bc he makes his mom happy, and that's all Mitch wants. But John would treat Mitch just like a son and before long, Mitch would love him like a father.
I think in this case, rather than casting Mitch aside, Robert (his father), would have sued for custody. He would see it as Claudia not only leaving him, but stealing his heir, and he can't have that. And Mitch knows it; his father only wanted a legacy, not a son. There's also the fact that a lot of men sue for custody as a way to hurt their partner, by taking away her children. Robert is spiteful enough to do that, given their divorce reflects badly on him and his reputation.
In the beginning Robert might be more active in Mitch's life than he was in Estranged. Might try to bribe him with materialistic things, giving him a lavish life to make Mitch choose him over Claudia, but it never works. Because on one hand, you have a rich life that's cold and hollow with a father who doesn't care; or you have a more modest life with a family that loves you. Mitch is the kind of person to choose family every time, at least in this AU.
When he's old enough (I think it's 15, but it could be younger), Mitch would choose to stay with Claudia full time. At that point Robert would likely fully cut him off, aside from what he's legally required to pay, and give up his parental rights. Maybe Mitch should be hurt that his father is throwing him away, but he's really just relieved that it's finally over. And it means John could adopt him and officially, legally become his father. But until then, Mitch would have to live with being jerked around between two parents, which only gets harder when Stiles is born, because he doesn't want to leave his little brother behind. (Maybe it's every other month, given the distance.)
Also at some point, Mitch definitely tries to create credit fraud, probably when he's like 13 lol. He's just a kid but the financial differences are obvious. Claudia thinks it was very sweet that he was trying to help, but makes him give everything back. (In "canon", Mitch does steal his dad's credit card and buys a plane ticket to California when he's I think 14? But he gets caught before he can make it.)
Mitch would probably be so excited to have a little brother, but also Worried bc his childhood was so emotionally Rough, so he promises to always make sure Stiles is loved and cared for ;_; I think there's the opportunity for jealousy bc Stiles has both of his parents to unconditionally love him, meanwhile his are divorced, but honestly? Claudia raised him better than that. Mitch just wants to be a Good Brother.
Since a lot of his problems with his powers come from Claudia locking them until she died, Mitch would have a way better time growing up with her. She would teach him how to properly use and control them, and keep them from overwhelming him. In Estranged, the telepathy is actively killing him, but she would be able to protect him from that. And then when Stiles gets his powers, Mitch would get to help teach him, too.
Mitch would likely also have a tie to the Hales, since he'd have gone to school with Derek and Laura. Given he's psychic, he would've been able to protect Derek from Kate, and the Hales never would've died. (And bc I can't help myself: Mitch would probably end up dating Laura, and Stiles would eventually become Derek's mate/the Hale emissary. I like what I like, okay!)
Mitch would absolutely be a lacrosse star. It's American Assassin canon, and it's one of my favorite things about Mitch. He would still get the scholarship to Syracuse, but where he turned it down in Estranged bc he didn't need it, this time he would actually accept it, and go on to have a great college sports career. Or maybe he takes a smaller partial scholarship to a school closer to home.
I just reread the ask and see you want him to still take over the company, but I was actually thinking that in this AU, it would take a different direction. Robert lives bc Mitch was never there to kill him; his company is run into the ground and he doesn't know he's been betrayed by his partners until it's too late. That legacy he worked so hard for, destroyed his family for, turns to ashes right in front of him. He lives, but for a man like him, it's worth than death.
Meanwhile he gets to see Mitch's success grow. He's making headlines in college, and Lacrosse is much bigger on the east coast so of course his father would hear about it. He's got offers to go pro, but Mitch has lived the high life before, and he doesn't want it. He chooses a modest life with his family, in a career he loves, over money and fame. Works in a few different restaurants in San Francisco until he has the experience to open one of his own. He names it Orion, as a final fuck you to his father. (And, on a more sappy note - Orion is one of the main constellations to navigate by. It's what guides him home; to his real family, and the life he's built, not the one his father wanted for him.)
Because Mitch is with Claudia, fully trained in his magic, she never dies. There are other conflicts and close calls, but they're able to protect each other, and a young Stiles. But she never gets FTD, bc in Estranged, that not even what she had in the first place, and they survive. Not unscathed, but it's not they can't get through together ;_;
And then, the day Mitch is finally able to open his own restaurant (Either the same age he is in Estranged, or a little older, but definitely still Young for the industry), his family are all there to support him. John and Claudia and Stiles, and it will be absolutely packed (haha) with the Hales opening night. It's one of the proudest days of his life.
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leiawritesstories · 2 years
Hi! Could you write something for Fenrys? He meets his mate in another world??
Anon I LOVE THIS THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Yes absolutely I can ;)
Word count: 2.2k 
Warnings: language, starts a little angsty BUT I PROMISE IT ENDS WELL
Fenrys Moonbeam was lost. 
And not in the literal sense, no, he knew precisely where he was in the Palace of Orynth’s grand hallways. Had lived there enough years to know each passage like the back of his hand. Enough years to watch Aelin and Rowan slowly begin to bring Terrasen back to its former glory, bring all of Erilea back to where it was before the Valg tore it all apart. Yes, he loved the role he’d settled into as Aelin’s emissary, charming his way around all the kingdoms, and yes, he adored being called Uncle Fenrys by her and Rowan’s three children. Soon to be four, if his Fae senses were correct.
But there were still nights when he awoke drenched in cold sweat, Connall’s face blank as he impaled himself on that dagger, Maeve’s frigid cackle echoing in his ears. Even after all the years, the pain of losing his twin, the dark to his light, had never faded.
Maybe that was why his powers had been acting up lately, as if someone somewhere was nudging him, calling him. He’d dreamed of Connall too, dreamed of seeing him on the other side, dreamed of being able to reconcile with his brother. But every time his powers had called, he’d shoved them down, not ready to walk through worlds without his brother at his side if the nudges he kept feeling were no more than his own grief pulling at him. 
And yet there were nights like tonight, when he was jerked from slumber only to find himself decidedly not in his room, but somewhere else in the Palace of Orynth, with a whisper of his power fading away into the night. As if the power was defying his resistance to using it and was instead using him, pulling him, directing him to walk in his dreams if he wouldn’t walk while awake.
His head snapped around, the hairs on the back of his neck prickling. Looking in all directions, Fenrys saw nothing. No signs that anyone was there. No hint of any other presence save his own in this quiet, deserted back hallway. He shook his head to clear it, trying to convince himself the voice was but a lingering remainder of his dreams. Focus, Fen, get back to your rooms and go the hell back to sleep. 
He was halfway up the stairs leading to the east wing when that damned voice sounded again.
“What?” he whispered aloud.
No response. No presence save his. Fenrys shook his head again and returned to his room, flopped onto his bed, closed his eyes.
He drifted off into a restless sleep, shadowy glimpses of a female-looking form, a white wolf, a black wolf, and his twin’s face flashing through his hazy dreams. The morning sunlight woke him, and he laid in bed a short while, puzzling over what the rutting hell the hazy, incomprehensible dream-flashes could have meant.
Fen? A familiar voice in his mind this time.
What is it, Your Majesty?
You know you don’t have to call me that, Fen. He could practically hear Aelin’s eyes rolling. I just wanted to know if you were awake, since you’re not down to breakfast yet and, well, Enna wants to know where Uncle Fenny is.
Uncle Fenrys will be down in just a moment, Fenrys promised.
Aelin chuckled on the other end of the bloodbond. All right. Her presence vanished.
Fenrys went down to join the royal family, laughing when Enna, the youngest princess, all but flung herself at him, squealing “Uncle Fenny!”
“Good morning, Enna! Did you eat all your yummy food?” he asked, hoisting her into his arms.
She tried to look serious, widening her big blue eyes. “Uh huh.”
“Really?” He arched a brow. “I think I still see oats in your bowl, little one.”
“I all done!” she returned, smiling a big four-year-old smile. 
“And what does Mama say about that, hmm?” He winked at Aelin.
“Mama say I need’a finish,” Enna mumbled, poking out her lower lip.
“Mhmm, that’s right, lovey,” Aelin hummed as Fenrys swung Enna back over to her seat. “Eat all your breakfast so you’ll grow big and strong.”
“Like you Mama?” Enna reluctantly let Fenrys scoop what was left of her oatmeal to the side of her bowl closest to her.
“Just like Mama,” Rowan told his youngest daughter, kissing her silvery little head. He nudged Fenrys’s shoulder on his way out. “You want to train this afternoon?”
Rowan nodded at him and left the breakfast room, pressing a soft kiss to Aelin’s lips as he did. Fenrys didn’t miss the way his hand brushed over the queen’s abdomen, a secret smile curving both of their lips.
“Eww!” Enna squealed. “No kissy!”
Rowan laughed as he walked away. Aelin chuckled, kissing her youngest’s messy head. “Fen, can you finish breakfast with her? I need to go change.”
“Still keeping the next one a secret?” The words slipped out before he could help himself.
Aelin stared at him in shock. “You...of course you know. You’re Fae, after all, and we aren’t concealing my scent all the time.” She grasped his hands. “Yes, we’re still keeping it quiet, so don’t even think about spilling the beans, Moonbeam.”
“On my word, I won’t,” he promised. 
“Thank you.” Aelin squeezed his hands and left. 
“Okay my little princess,” Fenrys declared, plopping down into the chair next to Enna, “how fast can you finish your food?”
“And no eating contests!” Aelin shouted over her shoulder.
Exhausted from the day, Fenrys all but collapsed into his bed, tumbling into sleep near immediately. This time, the dream was vivid, so lifelike he could practically smell the crisp, fresh air, could feel the ancient textured oak that surrounded him. Where was he? Clearing his dream-mind, he realized he was in the heart of the Oakwald, in a remote, secluded glen that practically oozed power out its pores. He sensed a faint thrum in the air, as if the ancient magic of the Oakwald itself was alive, was watching him, might even have brought him here. 
Fenrys...That now-familiar dream voice called again, stronger than it had ever been. Fenrys turned a slow circle, scanning the trees for any sign of where the voice could be issuing from. Fenrys! He jerked around, sharply, only to find, once again, no one. 
So he did what all searching Fae do--he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, relying on his other Fae senses to perhaps give him any hints.
That’s not going to work, Fenrys Moonbeam. The voice, as he could now tell for certain, was female, and tinged with a bit of...laughter?
Stop laughing at me, Fenrys griped to himself.
Oh, I apologize, are your poor feelings hurt? snarked the voice.
Fenrys jumped. You heard me?
Loud and clear.
Who...he cleared his throat. Who are you? Where are you?
For now, in your mind only. 
How the hell?
Dreams break down barriers, Fenrys. Even those between worlds.
Fenrys shook his head, trying to process. What?
You cannot scent me, see me, or do anything but hear my voice because I am not in your world.
How am I hearing your voice, then?
Your power allows you to do more than just walk between the worlds, Fenrys.
Call me Fen, please.
All right, Fen, because you can walk between worlds, you can also hear between the realms under certain circumstances.
Such as in dreams?
Yes. Dreams, and some locations where the worlds align.
Fenrys blinked in shock, viewing his surroundings in a new light. So here, in the middle of the Oakwald, is one of those places?
Whatever the Oakwald is, yes.
The forest where I am. But that still doesn’t answer my question. Why am I having these dreams?
You have not used your power in a very long time. 
I have not.
Fenrys went silent for a long, long moment. And then, Connall is dead.
I can tell from your voice that this Connall meant a great deal to you. I am so, so sorry. Oddly enough, he felt a wave of her sympathy, as if her voice itself could carry emotions.
He was my twin. He shared my power. I have not walked since his death.
You must.
No. I cannot.
Cannot? Or will not?
A pause. Both.
At least you are honest, she snorted, ever so faintly amused. We shall see how long it takes for you to walk, Fen.
The hell does that mean?
Your power has been confined for too long, Fenrys. If you do not use it, it shall use you, and you will only regain control when you step forward and take control of your walking.
And I’m supposed to walk while I’m dreaming? When I’m not actually conscious and therefore don’t actually know I’m using my power? he snarked.
Are you dreaming?
She snickered. Well, when you can distinguish dreaming from consciousness, we can talk some more. And she went silent.
Fenrys’s eyes sprang open, taking stock of his surroundings. He was still in his room, the walls familiar, everything dark and quiet in the silence of the wee hours of the night. Flopping back against his pillow, he groaned, frustrated, unwilling to admit that the female was absolutely correct. He could not keep tamping down his power. Even Rowan had said so, while they were training that afternoon, warning him of the dangers of his power spiraling out of control if kept down for too long.
He breathed deeply, reached down into his mind, searching for the shadowy door between places that he had avoided since Connall died. All his senses numbing, he approached the door, cautious. 
Within arm’s reach of the shadowy portal, he froze, the memory of Con’s death blaring across his vision, and retreated, unable to reach any further into his power.
I cannot, he cried to whoever was listening in his mind. I cannot. 
He fell once more into slumber, willing any and all images of Connall’s blood spilling onto Maeve’s tiles to stay the rutting hells away from his dreams. The last thing he remembered as he dropped off the edge of wakefulness was a rush of shadow closing over him...or was it just his eyes closing...
Batting at whatever damned water was dripping onto his forehead, probably another leak in the gods-damned skylight above his bed, Fenrys blinked blearily, unwilling to actually wake up.
“I’m’wake,” he grumbled, voice raspy with sleep, “damn leaky window, must have rained on me agai--” His gesturing hand hit sleek, soft fur. “Fleetfoot?” He cracked his eyes open.
And yelped.
“Shit! You’re not Fleetfoot!” He froze, terrified, laying flat on his back in the strangely soft grass, his eyes locked on the glittering obsidian eyes of the absolutely fucking massive silvery-grey wolf that stood over him, its drool dripping onto his forehead.
“Fenrir! Down!” A clear female voice rang across the great open space. Fenrys sucked in a shocked breath. He knew that voice. Heard it in his mind. Had spoken to the owner of that voice in his dreams. The wolf loosed a whine and stepped back, almost reluctantly.
A tall, dark-haired female wearing fitted trousers tucked into high, fur-lined boots and an open jacket over a loose, laced-up shirt strode over, a deadly-looking spear in her left hand. “What have you found there, Fenrir?” The wolf backed up a few more paces, stilling by the female’s side. She was barely a head taller than his back; the wolf’s head rose higher than hers. Her captivating, green-brown eyes locked onto Fenrys’s, widening in incredulity. “Fenrys?”
Dazed, he could only nod.
They stared at each other, equally stunned. Finally, she broke the silence, crossing the short distance to where Fenrys still lay in the grass, extending a tanned hand to him. “My name is Talia Larsdottir.”
“Fenrys Moonbeam,” he breathed, clasping her hand and pulling himself to his feet, “but you already knew that.”
A faint grin curved the side of her full lips. “Indeed I did.” Hand clasped in his, she held his gaze, drinking in his form just as he was drinking in hers.
Something electric raced up Fenrys’s arm from where their hands were joined, jolted his heart, struck a chord in his mind. Talia sucked in a quick breath, her whole body tensing. Carefully, he released her hand, afraid he might have accidentally grazed her with some remnant of his power. 
“What was that?” she wondered aloud, flexing her hand.
“I don’t know,” Fenrys admitted. Was it some spark of my power?
“Walking powers don’t work like that, Fen,” she scoffed. Is he an idiot? sounded in his mind.
“Now don’t be mean, Talia,” he chided laughingly, her gorgeous name rolling off his tongue. Her fierce eyes snapped back to his.
“You heard me.” A statement, not a question.
“I heard you.”
They felt it then, a deep, reverberating thrum settling between the two of them.
Talia’s beautiful face slackened in perfect shock. “Fenrys,” she gasped, unable to form a coherent thought other than his name.
“Talia,” he croaked, wonder breaking over his face, “I’m your mate.”
@crazybookworm​ @charlizeed​ @cretaceous-therapod​ @loudphantomdragon​ @ingrid1234​ @themoonthestarsthesuriel​ @morganofthewildfire​ @rowanaelinn​  @story-scribbler​ @nicolivesinbooks​ @sv0430​  @flora-shadowshine​ @wesupremeginger​ @mackenzieclutt​ @stardelia​ @maeclin​ @swankii-art-teacher​ @pen-paper-and-ink​ @nerdperson524​ @claralady​ @fireheartwhitethorn4ever​ ​ @julialovebooks​ @nesgoddessofdeath​  @gracie-rosee​ @autumnbabylon​ @rowaelinismyotp​ 
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Hello! Thanks in advance. Do you have an recs for long sterek fics with an alive hale family?
kevaaronday said:Hey, I hope youre well! Do you know any fics like "Indelible Marks" that has big alive hale family, idiots in love, werewolf reveals ect? I've tried looking for something with a similar vibe and haven't come up with anything
Get ready for lots of reading.
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Didn't See That Coming by knittersrevolt
(43/43 I 83,838 I Explicit)
Stiles leaves Beacon Hills in the dust after he catches his husband cheating on him.
He finds his way to New York where he starts working for the Hale House Nursery, accidentally adopts a werewolf baby (through no fault of his own thank-you-very-much), and somehow starts training to be an Exorcist Emissary. So, in general, life was going good.
Then he hears that demons have found their way into his hometown. Can he face his inner demons and go back to save the day?
No Homo by orphan_account
(12/12 I 84,092 I Explicit)
Stiles' sophomore year starts something like this: 3 FourLokos + 1 peer-pressuring cat - 1 best bro to end all best bros = 1 Craigslist ad headline that reads "str8 dude - m4m - strictly platonic". Derek is the fool who replies
Puzzle Pieces by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
(3/3 I 89,402 I Mature)
“Okay.” Stiles glanced at his phone, wincing at the battery being close to ten percent. It was probably time to call Scott. Turning off the flashlight, mostly to save battery and kind of freaking out over how dark it was—though the half-moon reflecting off the snow helped a bit—he opened his contacts with shaking hands and scrolled through to Scott’s name. Once he hit it, he put the phone to his ear, looking around, and froze.
The phone rang in his ear, but his eyes were locked on something big and moving through the trees.
Oh no. Oh no, no, no.
If that was a fucking bear, Stiles was fucked!
The line kept ringing and ringing, but Scott didn’t answer. Eventually his voicemail picked up and Stiles very slowly lowered the phone and hung up without looking, eyes still on the dark shape in the trees. He glanced down for only a second to turn on the flashlight function again, then lifted it ever so slowly upwards, and felt his breath freeze in his lungs.
It was a wolf.
It was a motherfucking wolf.
Three Marks by sanam
(1/1 I 113,736 I Mature)
"And then there was pain again, but this time it was in only three places—his arm, below his clavicle, and next to his heart, all on the left side. It felt like the skin was being sliced apart, ripped open, flayed off— And suddenly it was done. Derek looked across the room and saw the boy on the floor, looking about as bad as Derek felt."
Derek and Stiles learn that bonding is probably best done with ridiculous amounts of video games and maybe a little bit of time.
Divided We Stand by KouriArashi
(29/29 I 156,742 I Mature)
Derek is being pressured by his family to pick a mate, and somehow stumbles into a choice that they didn't expect and aren't sure they approve of....
At least the Road to Hell is paved, I'm not good with Stairways by lady emebalia (emebalia)
(80/80 I 170,037 I Explicit)
When Derek signs up on a BDSM dating site, he expects things to be straight forward. Turns out the road ahead has more unexpected turns than he thought. But at least Stiles comes well equipped for twists and turns.
I Hunt For You With Bloody Feet by CharWright5
(26/26 I 200,462 I Explicit)
“Mates don't always mean happy ever after.”
When twenty-year-old born omega werewolf Stiles Stilinski received that cryptic email from his twin brother—who'd been missing for two years exactly—in a language the two of them had made up, his drive to find Stuart is doubled. The search leads him to Oak Creek, the most secured and heavily fortified city in all of California, where he finds that not only is his brother dead, but also the literal alpha of his Dreams in Derek Hale—who just happens to be his twin's Mate and the main suspect in Stiles' eyes. Despite an agreement to fight mutual feelings, the two are still drawn to each other as they try to solve the case themselves, uncovering a plot that goes deeper than the murder of just one wolf.
Indelible Marks by billtheradish
(87/87 I 275,695 I Mature)
The house never burned. The pack is strong. Derek will never need to be the alpha, and his sister is a troll. (Actually, most of his family is like that.)
Derek is an apprentice tattoo artist, and Stiles isn't old enough to get ink of his own yet. But that doesn't stop him from being interesting...
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The Witch and The Wolf Pt.35
Word Count: 2,599
Characters: Derek Hale, Peter Hale, Scott McCall, Jennifer Blake, Stiles Stilinski, Deucalion, Kali, Ethan and Aiden, Allison Argent, Chris Argent, Isaac Lahey, Cora Hale, Reader
Pairings: Eventual Derek Hale x Witch!Reader
Warnings: angst, cliffhanger
A/N: --- 
Masterlist             Series Masterlist
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You watched as the lights flickered in the hospital room as you paced around anxiously, biting at your nail.
“They’re evacuating the whole hospital,” Peter ran into the room.
“Then why is Cora still here?” you raised your voice slightly.
“I don't know, did she wake up at all?” Peter asked, he put his hand on Cora’s forehead, looking down at her.
“She’s been unconscious for an hour at the least,” you sighed.
“I’m so sorry, I thought someone would…” Melissa walked into Cora’s room, immediately freezing as she laid eyes on Peter, backing away slowly.
“You’re supposed to be dead,” she shook her head.
“Yeah, I get that a lot actually,” Peter shrugged.
Cora opened her eyes, as her body shot up, leaning to her side.
“Cora,” you ran to her side, as black goo and mistletoe.
“Oh my god,” you gasped softly, as she fell back into her bed, unconscious once again.
You put your phone down, noticing the hospital was quiet. You made your way to Cora’s room, seeing her bed empty.
“No...” your eyes went wide as you stumbled back, following a trail of black goo down the hallway.
You tended up, hearing noises as you opened the door, Peter being pinned against a wall by the twins. You felt an immediate sense of anger wash over you as you saw the twins. They did this to Cora. They deserved to pay for it.
“Take Cora!” he yelled at you.
“Dimovenda,” your eyes went black as you raised your hand up, throwing Ethan and Aiden to the side as they split back into themselves.
In an instant, Peter ran over to you, Ethan and Aiden standing up, forming back into one.
“Secare,” they fell to their knees, moaning loudly as they struggled to stand up.
“(Y/N), maybe you shouldn't…” Peter started.
You pushed him away from you, hearing him fall, gliding away, against the floor as he groaned.
“Give us Jennifer!” they yelled.
Your eyes continued to stay black, their voices drifting from your mind as you made a fist-like motion with your hands, hearing them yelling.
“You can’t kill them, (Y/N)! Deucalion will just come after you!” Peter yelled, trying to stop you.
“Don't tell me what to do,” you growled, your voice distorted as you used your magic on Peter, throwing him past the doors.
“(Y/N),” you could hear Scott’s voice in the distance.
“(Y/N)!” he yelled, shaking you as you gasped, stumbling back.
He gave you a weird look, shifting into werewolf form as you looked back, seeing Jennifer run to the elevator.
“Hell no,” you ran to the elevator, hearing Derek yell your name as you jumped in.
“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” you yelled, wrapping your hands around her neck, pushing her against the wall.
“Y-You can’t kill me… I’m helping,” she wheezed, struggling as she tried to pull your hands off her neck.
“You’re running away,” you said.
“I was trying to save my life! I-I swear, I’ll save her, I promise,” she begged.
You let her go, as she fell in front of you, coughing.
She looked up at you, frowning before she stood up.
“You have no idea what's going on with you, do you?” she laughed bitterly.
“You don’t know what you’re saying. If you try and run away one more time, I’ll kill you,” you threatened.
“Cute. This explains Deucalion’s interest in you,” she shrugged.
“What are you talking about?” you frowned, looking at her.
“You’re turning into a demon, (Y/N),” you clenched your jaw, pressing the elevator button to the third floor.
“You must've felt something. You killed someone, you enjoyed it. Now you’re angry all the time. You don’t have control over your powers, you're actually more powerful this way,” you tried not to listen to her words as the elevator door opened.
You grabbed her arm tightly, pulling her with you.
“I can help you,” she said.
“I don’t need your help,” you spat, pushing open the door, immediately met with the eyes of Scott, Stiles, Derek, and Peter.
“She’s going to save Cora and then tell us where Sheriff Stilinski is,” you pushed her as she stumbled forward.
“But,” she started as you glared at her.
“Only when I’m out of here and safe,” she said.
“You’re joking, right?” you scoffed.
“She tried to escape!” Derek yelled.
Derek ran forward, about to hit Jennifer as Scott blocked him, holding him back.
“I was trying to survive, you can't blame me for that,” she shook her head.
“If you wanna prove you’re one of the good guys, then heal her,” Stiles said.
“Not until I’m safe,” she shook her head.
“I’d like to volunteer a different method of persuasion. Let’s torture her,” Peter suggested.
You clenched your first tightly, feeling more and more anger rise in your chest.
“No one’s killing her!” Scott exclaimed.
You heard the PA system turn on, hearing Melissa’s voice over the intercom.
“Um, c-can I have your attention?” you felt your heart stop as Scott froze.
“Mr.Deucalion… S-Sorry, just Deucalion, requests that you bring the woman calling herself Jennifer Blake to the front office. Do this, and everyone else can leave. You have 10 minutes,” you turned your head to Scott, as his eyes watered slightly.
“He’s not gonna hurt her,” Jennifer started, shaking her head.
“Shut up,” Derek snarled.
“He won’t. Scott, you know why. Tell them it’s true,” Jennifer said.
You, Peter, and Derek all turned to Scott, looking at him anxiously.
“What’s she talking about?” you asked.
He stayed quiet, somehow unable to speak.
Jennifer rolled her eyes, sighing dramatically.
“You're not the only one he wants in his pack,” she started.
You raised an eyebrow, continuing to look at Scott.
“Deucalion doesn’t just want an alpha pack. He wants perfection. That means adding the rarest of alphas to his ranks,” she explained.
“A true alpha,” Peter gasped.
“What the hell is a true alpha?” you asked.
“The kind that doesn't have to steal his power from another. One that can rise by the force of his own will,” Peter explained.
Scott looked to the ground, taking an interest in his shoes as he tensed slightly.
“It doesn't matter,” Scott shook his head, turning to Jennifer. 
“We still need to get her out of here,” Scott said.
“Scott, your mom…” Stiles started.
“My mom said there’s one more ambulance coming in 20 minutes. And I don’t think we’ve been here that long. So we can get down to the garage, get to the last ambulance, and we can get out of here,” Scott said.
“The twins aren't gonna let us just walk out,” Peter said.
“Then I’ll distract them,” you shrugged.
“No,” Peter said.
“No? Are you serious?” you raised an eyebrow.
“We need a small distraction, the last thing we need is for you to kill them,” Peter said.
“I’m not going to kill them,” you rolled your eyes.
“(Y/N), I need you to help Stiles take Cora to the ambulance, he needs you. I’ll fight Ethan and Aiden,” Scott said.
“I’ll help you,” Derek offered.
“Uh, sorry, but I’m not going anywhere without you, Derek,” Jennifer shook her head.
“This plan is stupid. Why should she leave? I say we torture her, save Noah, and then hand her over to Deucalion,” you sighed.
You felt everyone's eyes fall on you, as you avoided looking back at Derek.
“What?” you exclaimed.
“I’ll do it. I’ll go with Scott, but I prefer to be out there with some type of advantage,” Peter said.
“(Y/N), lay some of your voodoo crap on me,” Peter said.
You stared at him, giving him a blank expression as you clenched your jaw.
“Please?” Peter asked again.
You rolled your eyes, before sighing.
“Confirma,” you heard everyone gasp, looking at your eyes as they turned black.
“Shut up. Come on, let’s get a move on,” you said.
Peter and Scott ran to the hallway, fighting the twins while the rest of you made your way from the back door. 
“It’s still here, come on,” you ran into the garage, pushing the doors open as Derek held Cora, running to the ambulance.
You looked to the side, before seeing the ambulance driver in the ground, laying there, dead.
“Julia,” you heard Kali’s voice as your head shot up.
You motioned to Stiles, telling him to close the door and hide himself and Cora.
“It is you,” she laughed, standing in front of you, Derek and Jennifer, holding up the keys to the ambulance. 
“You can't fight her alone,” Jennifer said.
“That’s why you’re going to run,” you said.
“Saepem coici,” you used your magic, holding Kali back.
You heard Jennifer’s and Derek’s footsteps running away.
“Deucalion wants to see you. He wants to talk to you,” Kali said, remaining calm as you held her back.
“Why aren't you fighting me?” you asked.
“I have nothing against you,” she shrugged.
“You're joking, right? After forcing Derek to kill Boyd? After Derek killed your little boyfriend because of me?” you scoffed.
“You hate him as much as I do,” she replied.
You saw the lights flicker, as you looked up.
“That was Plan B. I knew they would take the elevator. Now they can't move,” she replied.
“How do you know Jennifer?” you asked.
“She was the emissary for my pack. I supposedly killed her when I killed everyone else. But she lived. Now she’s gathering power to fight us. We really mean no harm,” Kali said.
“No harm? No harm? Are you serious right now?” you scoffed.
“Maybe some harm. Come with me, right now. We’ll go to Deucalion. He’ll tell you about your powers. You can help us fight Julia,” she said.
“I may seem like an idiot college freshman, but I assure you, I’m everything but that. Pulsate conscientiam,” she fell to the ground, going unconscious. 
You lifted her body, carrying her away from Stiles and Cora.
“Deucalion,” you dropped Kali’s body in front of him, using your magic to push her body over to him.
“(Y/N),” he replied.
“What's happening to me?” you asked.
“Join me and I’ll help you,” he shrugged.
“I’m not joining you or your stupid pack. If you want to help me, show a sign of good faith and tell me what’s happening to me and how to stop it,” you crossed your arms, becoming tense.
“After a witch kills someone, they experience an overwhelming sense of anger. Your powers will become stronger, making it harder for you to control. But, you’ll need to kill again to finish the process,” he explained.
Kill again?
“So, if I don’t kill again, I’ll be safe? Or back to normal? Well, that’s not hard at all,” you shook your head.
“It’ll be harder and harder for you to tame your urge to kill. It will happen again, (Y/N), sooner or later. You'll become unhinged.”
He had to be lying about something. Although Deucalion seemed to always tell the truth, there was no way he was being truthful right now, right?
“Witches don’t just turn into demons,” you started.
“You’re no ordinary witch, (Y/N). Witches don’t come back to life after they die. Surely you’ve noticed something. You experienced anger and sadness the same. The sadness has been drowned out by the anger in you,” you could feel your heart beating loudly in the back of your head.
“How do you know so much about me?” you asked.
“You'd be shocked by what I know. For example, a spell that Julia used on Derek…” he could tell he was getting on your nerves.
“What spell?” you asked.
“I’m afraid that’s all I have to tell you. If you join me, I’ll teach you everything I know. Knowledge is power, (Y/N). Why do you think I’m the most powerful of werewolves?” you ran your fingers through your hair, biting your lip.
You stumbled back a few steps.
“Take all the time you need to think about this,” he shrugged.
“Screw you,” you scoffed.
Before he could say anything else, you ran away from him.
“God!” you exclaimed softly, leaning against the wall as you took a deep breath.
You could feel your mind about to explode. You tried not to believe what Deucalion was saying, but why would he lie? Maybe you were dangerous to everyone around you. Everyone saw your eyes, they all know something's wrong with you. It’s only a matter of time before someone comes asking.
You heard footsteps coming down the hall as you tensed up, standing up.
“Shh,” you heard someone say. You heard a gun cock, as you clenched your fist, making your way down the hall.
“Repellunt,” your eyes turned black as you pushed the gun to the ground, met with the faces of Chris, Allison, and Isaac.
“What the hell are you three doing here?!” 
“So, there’s no way to get them out without turning the power on, right?” Chris asked.
You looked up, wondering when Scott and Melissa came, as the group of you made your way to a surgery room.
“If we turn the power on, we tell them where Derek and Ms.Blake are. If they take her, we can’t save Stiles’ dad or Cora,” Scott explained.
“Hold, I don’t even think I know which teacher this is,” Chris shook his head.
“She has brown hair, she’s kinda hot,” the five of you immediately stared at Isaac, giving him a look.
“Just an observation,” he shook his head, glancing down.
You rolled your eyes, turning your head as you frowned, looking at Allison.
“Wait… I think I have an idea,” you started.
“I think I just had the same idea,” she replied.
“He’s supposed to be back,” Isaac said nervously, glancing at the camera in the car.
You helped Peter carry Cora to the car, as you waited outside for Scott and Stiles.
“I’m going inside to find him. If you see anyone from the Alpha pack, drive, okay?” you told Isaac.
“What? I can’t leave you all here,” he started.
“Isaac, our top priority is keeping Cora safe. We’ll be fine. Listen, okay?” you asked again.
He looked at you anxiously before nodding.
You ran into the hospital, seeing the lights flickering, as the elevator opened. 
You ran to the elevator, seeing Derek’s unconscious body on the floor, with Jennifer nowhere in sight.
“Oh my god,” you gasped softly.
You knew you couldn't just leave him there.
You clenched your jaw, running to him as you helped him up, throwing his arm around your shoulder as you pulled him up.
“Come on, wake up Derek,” you said, strained as you walked him to the garage.
“(Y/N)?” he groaned softly.
“Go to Isaac. He’s in Argent’s car in the garage,” you told him, standing up straight as he stood in front of you.
“Where are you going?” he asked.
“To find Scott and Stiles,” you took a few steps back before he stopped you.
“I-I heard your conversation with Deucalion…” he started.
“Just because you can hear everything doesn't mean you should,” you replied.
“Wait, can we talk?” he asked softly.
“Derek, go to the car. I need to find Scott and Stiles,” before he could say anything else, you ran away, running to find Scott and Stiles.
You ran to the roof, seeing Stiles’ back turned to you, as he stood by himself.
“Stiles, where’s Scott?” you asked softly.
He turned to you, his eyes red with tears.
“He’s gone.”
104 notes · View notes
coline7373 · 4 years
Teen Wolf Recc List: My Top Favourite!!!
A Non-Exhaustive List Of My Most Beloved Sterek Fics
(not even the good ones made it there, just My Favourite Ones)
 @isthatbloodonhisshirt @someofusarequeer @grimreaperlover11 @offeringpeoplegumisnotcooking @samslave @namelessfanficreader @yes-yo-yum @sideeffectofthedrug @maia-nebula @citrustree @thegilewhodreamswhileawake @teen-wolf-reimagined @ohhoechyasss @theanarik @she-was-the-universe16 @stilesgrumpysourwolf @obscenitied @butimtheuglytwin @alienace
Not wanting to think on it took much, Stiles took a step forward and passed his hand between the bars, moving the bleeding side closer to Derek’s mouth.
“Not too close, he bites.”
Stiles snatched his hand away just as Derek had been about to lick at it. The snarl he got in response was not comforting.
“He what?” Stiles asked nervously, turning to Deaton.
The man looked a little amused. “Don’t worry, only if he doesn’t like you.”
“Well, he probably hates me, now!” Stiles insisted, turning back to Derek.
He looked extremely displeased.
Words : 81015
Tags : Alpha Derek, Feral Derek, Magical Derek, Possessive Derek, Chosen As Yearly Sacrificed Caretaker Of The Beacon Hill Beast Stiles, Compassionate Stiles, Werewolves Are People, Respecting What And Who You Don’t Understand, Hale Line Is Connected To The Nemeton Who Is Connected To Beacon Hill, Jackson Is A Douche, Stiles Is Awesome https://archiveofourown.org/works/15503010/chapters/35989302
  Number Two !!!!
Don't Savage The Messenger
There is an uneasy truce between the werewolves in the woods and the humans who live in Beacon Hills, protected by a magical boundary that gives warning any time a werewolf crosses it. Then the sheriff is taken by the werewolves and his son offers himself in exchange.
Stiles promises to serve the werewolf pack, not knowing what horrible use they might have for him. But it turns out his most useful skill is the ability to cross the boundary line between humans and werewolves. Life with the werewolves is nothing like he feared and the werewolves themselves are nothing like the hunters' stories would have him believe.
Words : 172379
Tags : Werewolf Are Known, Sort Of, They Live In Separate Territories Humans Don’t Have Access To, Cold Racial War, Discrimination, Rape Threats, Non Sexual Endenture, Emissary Stiles, Just Amazing, Alpha Peters, But He’s good At It, Big Pack
  Number Three !!!
January seventh. Seven days since the start of 2015, and seven days since his father’s death.
The bastard, he thinks bitterly. The past year Derek Hale had made it blatantly obvious that he hated his scrawny guts, taking every given opportunity to shove him up against a wall, growl threats in his ears and roll his eyes whenever he stepped into the room, muttering some snide comment about how spastic or idiotic he was.
So why did he fucking volunteer to take him in?
Words : 167178
Tags : Dead Sheriff, Derk and Peter are the Only Survivors of the Fire, Derek is the Alpha from the Start, Derek lives in a Mansion, Punch to the Freaking Guts, Emotionally Damaging, So Sad, Be Ready to Cry Your Heart Out, But Happy Ending, Will Leave Grief in Your Throat and Warmth in Your Heart, Masterpiece, Beautifull Fanarts, All The Feels, Very Intimate
   Number Four !!!
With or Without You
Derek thinks that the mating rituals are overly romanticized bullshit, but claiming a mate and defending them from challengers is something werewolves do, and his pack can't afford to appear weak after the fire. Especially not when Deucalion and his friends are in town for the rituals. Enter Stiles Stilinski, who offers to let Derek claim him so he won't be overrun at the ceremonies. Nothing goes as expected.
Words : 62556
Tags : Alive Laura, Alpha Laura, Cora and Peter Are Alive, Mating Games, Think Mating Run But Hunger Games Version Without The Killing Each Other, Smart Stiles, Murder Mystery, Werewolf Politics, Werewolf Are Known, Action
  Number Five !!!
Sell Your Body to the Night
"No," he repeated impatiently. "I'm not a cop. I'm someone who wants to exchange my money for your sexual services. I was told you were in that line of work."
"I, uh, yeah, sorry," Stiles said. He glanced around again and then up--the full moon was almost directly overhead. Just one of those nights, maybe. "Yeah, I am. I do that."
Words : 121553
Tags : Heartbreak, Dead Sheriff, Prostitute Stiles, Stiles Is Not A Victim, Stiles Is Not Your Pretty Woman Waiting For Richard Geer, Stiles Will Save Money Then Himself, But He Doesn’t Have To, Derek Know Who He Is, One Bad Decision Per Month, Lots Of Sex And Grief, Kinky Kinks Who Kink, Aliva Laura, Alpha Laura https://archiveofourown.org/works/2838161/chapters/6366899
 There's Monsters at Home
“How did you get past the wards?” Derek had put them up, with Peter’s grudging assistance, after the Alpha pack had made themselves at home a few times too many.
The guy pulled a face. “You mean the wards a five-year-old girl with the mental ability of a goldfish could deconstruct?” He blinked wide eyes at Derek. “Gee, I don’t know. It’s bound to go down as one of life’s great mysteries.”
Derek despised him.
Words : 83600
Tags : Kind Of Five Times But Each Times Is Long, Alpha Derek, Failwolf Derek, Badass Magical Stiles, Older Stiles Than In The Show But The Others Have The Same Age
  One Dollar Yoda
Stiles is an unbonded spark, so he's been dealing with courting alphas since he was ten. It's gotten a lot worse since he turned sixteen. Some are assholes, some are nice, but Stiles hasn't wanted to spend the rest of his life bound to any of them.
When Derek Hale shows up at his school, Stiles expects him to be just another asshole alpha attempting to buy him with expensive gifts. But Derek Hale puts no effort whatsoever into his courtship gifts. Stiles ought to be offended but instead he finds it refreshing.
Words : 10578
Tags : Humour, Spark Stiles, Werewolves Are Known, Reluctant Courtship
  Darling It Is No Joke
The first thing Stiles thinks when he opens the door is that it’s not his birthday, but someone has sent him some kind of cop stripper.
 Words : 13250
Tags : Stiles is a little shit, So is Derek
  Lock All The Doors Behind You
He has no idea what you're supposed to say when you find one of your...werewolf acquaintances, completely out of their mind, growling like they're about to see what your insides taste like. There's no handbook for this. Stiles is thinking that if he survives he might write one.
Words : 25960
Tags : Feral Derek ; Early seasons
  Stilinski's Home for Wayward Wolves
“At least your puppies knock first,” Stiles snorts. “Here I thought their alpha raised them to be well-mannered.”
“There’s a sign,” Derek responds stiffly.
Stiles, whose curiosity outweighs even his hardest of grudges, abandons his chilly façade of nonchalance in a heartbeat. He jumps right up and all but pushes Derek out of the way in his effort to get to the window, and sure enough when he leans outside there’s a laminated strip of cardstock duct taped to the vinyl siding:
DON’T FORGET TO KNOCK -- Stiles gets cranky when we scare him
Or, in which Stiles Stilinski moves to Beacon Hills for his junior year of high school and accidentally adopts a pack of teenage werewolves.
Words : 35197
Tags : Pack Feels ; Early seasons but No Peter
  Every Step You Take
Stiles accidentally ends up magically bound to Derek. It’s super.
Words :49347
Tags : Foced Bonding, Derek and Stiles do NOT like it
  All you're giving me is friction
Stiles is Alpha bait
Words : 4707
Tags : Funny, Possessive Derek, The Alpha Pack is full of Hot Young Men who Want To Steal Stiles
  Fly a Little Faster
Everyone knows when you go back in time, you shouldn't step on an ant, just in case you accidentally kill your own grandparent or something. But what happens when you go back in time and, uh, accidentally interrupt the one event that apparently made the Grumpiest Alpha in Town into a ball of mindless manpain?
Well, if Marty McFly can do it, so can Stiles Stilinski. All he has to do is get Derek and Paige to fall in love before he gets pulled back to his own time. And before he makes anything worse. That's easy as pie, right? Right?
Words : 32052
Tags : Accidental Time-Travel with a dash of tragedy and a dash of humour, Peter is a Lying Liar Who Lies
  Prince Among Wolves
Looking for full day/evening sitter. 2 twin boys age 4. Must have exp. w/werewolves. Must be human. No pedophiles. No teenage girls. Pay negotiable.
Words : 101 000
Tags : Werewolves Are Known, Nanny Stiles, Businessman Derk, Cold Derek at First, Derek work All the Times But For Good Reasons, Kate is the Children’s Mother, Trans Child, Derek is Middly Transphobic at First, Learning to Become a Parent, Credible Children (not impossibly developped and sassy yet don’t know how to speak english)
 Electricity In the Contact
In which Derek has been invited to the Greater Pacific Northwest Alpha Symposium (that's not what it's called, Stiles, stop saying that), and showing up unattached would mean an arranged marriage. When the rest of the pack objects, he agrees to let Stiles come along to pose as his mate. Derek is reasonably sure that he's not going to make it out of this weekend alive.
Words : 27067
Tags : Scent-Marking, Fake/Pretend, Mates, Knotting, Funny
  Don't Worry Baby
"You know you're allowed to ask for vanilla sex, right?" he says, afterwards. "We can do whatever you want. That's kind of the point."
Derek doesn't respond.
Words : 20276
Tags : Prostitute Stiles Turned Kept Boy, Fucked-Up Derek Who Need A Boyfriend, Porn & Feels, Knotting, Possessive Derek, Lot of Soft Feels, Good Friend Scott
  Sideways and Slantways and Longways and Backways
“I called you a slave-driver!” Stiles cried hysterically. “I called you an ogre! I stole all the blue paperclips!” Derek raised an eyebrow at him. “That’s company property!” he shouted, waving his arms madly in distress. Derek ran a hand over his face. “It’s not theft if the vice president of the company gives you permission.”  (Otherwise known as the Elevator AU)
Words : 7 799
Tags : Humans AU, Office AU, Funny
  What I Did On My Summer Vacation
There's something weird about Beacon Hills that Stiles can't quite put his finger on. The way everyone in town knows his name the day he arrives. The way they insist the melancholic howling that echoes through the forest every night is just a dog. The way his dad denies getting a dog, even though Stiles comes home to find one sprawled across his bed, some big black thing whose eyes gleam red in the right light. The way that massive oak tree out in the woods vibrates under his touch, pulsing with sickly life.
There's something weird going on in this town, and Stiles is determined to get to the bottom of it.
Words : 118749
Tags : Sherif Moved In BH Whiles Stiles Was In College, Stiles Is Just Here For The Summer, Alive Laura, Derek Is The Alpha From The Start, The Nemeton is Connected to The Town, Near Eveyone In BH IS In The Known, The Town Is Pack, Magic, Made Of Awesome
  Five Times the Sheriff Found Derek Hale in His Son's Bedroom
There's a pattern Sheriff Stilinski just can't ignore.
Words : 3525
Tags : What the Title Said, Humour
  By Any Other Name
He doesn't know his name, he doesn't know who he is, and neither does the werewolf he's on the run with. But he's pretty sure they hunt monsters, because they seem to be really good at it.
Words : 33090
Tags : Both Stiles And Derek Get Amnesia, They Make Assumptions About Who They Were, Action
  What Fresh Twilight Bullshit Is This?
“I am not Bella!” he insisted, shaking his fist angrily at Jackson, as if he’d been the one to suggest he was. “I am not Bella! I am, like, a Jacob, at least!”
Lydia made a noise of debate from his right and he whipped around to look at her.
“What?! What was that sound?!”
“You’re more of a Mike,” she insisted, shrugging neatly and flipping some curls over her shoulder.
“Wha—” Stiles had never been so offended in his life! “I am not! No way! I am a solid Jacob!”
“Mike,” she argued.
“Who’s Mike?” Scott asked.
“Shut up, Scott!” Stiles insisted, pointing a finger at him but still glaring at Lydia.
Words : 196127
Tags : Not Crack, Serious And Real Issues With Impriting, Derek Is Seriously A Creep At First, This Is Not Cute But Scary, Alive Hale, Cop Derek, College Student Stiles, Mates, Stackson BroTP, Scott and Stiles Meet In College, Really Good, Not Twilight Level of Writing, Better
  Pack Wars
Scott liked to call it the Great Pack Divide of 2012.
Derek liked to call Scott an idiot.
(Or the one where Derek kidnaps Stiles to teach Scott a lesson, and ends up learning a few things himself)
Words : 158626
Tags : Kidnapping Taken Lightly By The Captors But Not The Kidnapee, Angst And Humour, Pack Dynamics, Learning When You Think You’re Going To Teach A Lesson
   here is the deepest secret nobody knows
“Derek,” Stiles groans. “You have me. You’ve always had me, you absolute moron, how many physically impossible feats of life-saving heroics do I have to perform before you get it?”
Words : 22322
Tags : Pack-Mom Stiles, Pack Feels, Stiles And Erica Are Bro, Derek Doesn’t Know How To Do Feelings, Post Seeason 2 So Jackson Is There
  Divided We Stand
Derek is being pressured by his family to pick a mate, and somehow stumbles into a choice that they didn't expect and aren't sure they approve of....
Words : 156742
Tags : Lenghty, Plotty, And It’s A Serie, If You WAnt To Be Occupied For Days Here You Are, Werewolf Are Know, Searching Ceremonies, Mate, Alive Hale, Pack Dynamics, Den Maker Stiles, Antagonisitc Talia, She Will Come Around But At The End, Sass Master Peter, Courtship, Detective Stiles, Seriously, Such A Good Serie, So Much Plot, Very Interesting
  Love Runs Wild
"You've got a hickey on the back of your neck!" A Neckz 'n Throats story.
Words : 9494
Tags : For Those Who Are New To TW Fandom Or Lived Under A Rock, Neck’n Throat is An AU Fanon Porn Mag Targeted Toward Werewolf Audience, And It’s Awesome, Possessive Derek, Model Derek, Model Stiles
Stiles already had a history with skin magazines for werewolves. It wasn't like he was new at this, even if his modeling portfolio was completely pathetic. He was cool and collected. He was a jaded professional. He was not at all prepared for working with Derek Hale.
Words : 37712
Tags : Necks ‘n Throat, Model Derek, Model Stiles, Past Exploitation, Past Offscreen Torture And Rape, Kate Argent Is Her Own Warning, Jackson And Lydia And Scott and Allison And Stiles Are All Friends, Derek Is A Hale Outcast, Alive Hale, Laura Is A Good Sister But A Forcefull One, Angst And Humour, The Best Revenge Is life Lived Well, Leaping Wall Of Love
   My Heart Comes Tumbling Down
"This is a casual, adult relationship based on sex, and it is awesome." In which Stiles and Derek have a great time buddyfucking until a burrito ruins it all.
Words : 5689
Tags : Assumption, Discrimination Toward Hot People, Stiles Think Being A Hot Man Makes You Automatically A Player And He’s Wrong, Stiles Discover Sex, Derek Discover Feelings Again
  Love So Hard, It Could Rip My Heart Out
Stiles is seventeen, and his best friend is drifting away, and his dad isn't speaking to him, so he's going to make some bad decisions. He's seventeen and he needs bad decisions to look back on when he's thirty, and nothing is a worse decision than Derek Hale. He'll let the Big Bad Wolf in, let him press Stiles down into the couch and he'll wrap his arms around him and he'll know it's a bad choice, but it's his, and Derek is here when no one else is.
Words : 7552
Tags : Stiles Think Being A Hot Man Makes You Automatically A Player And He’s Wrong, Stiles Discover Sex, Derek Discover Feelings Again, Stilinski Family Feels, Angst But Hopefull Ending
  Single Parent, Multiple Problems
Derek tries really hard to do the right thing, Stiles thinks Derek's idea of the right thing is the wrong thing, and John does his best to help.
 "Is, uh--is Stiles home?" Hale is staring at the ground and his shoulders are so tense that John's tempted to say 'Boo!' just to see what'll happen.
Words :
Tags : Developping Sterek, Parenting Is Hard, Sheriff Is An Awesome Dad, Middle Of Season 2 But Melissa And John Know About Werewolves, Consent Is Sexy, Building Trust And A Relationship Before Sex
  Derelictions of Duty
No one wants to be the bearer of bad news to someone as nice as Sheriff Stilinski -- especially when he's your boss. That's why none of his employees want to be the first one to tell him about the scandalous goings-on between his only son and the former murder suspect Derek Hale. For all of their sakes, hopefully the Sheriff will find out all on his own...
(Or, 5 times a Beacon County Sheriff's Office employee witnesses the unique relationship between Stiles and Derek but neglects to tell the Sheriff and 1 time he witnesses it for himself.)
Words : 10846
Tags : Outsider POV, Mistaken For Being In A Relationship, Humour, Sheriff Is An Awesome Dad
   Scent Marking For Dummies
Stiles is almost used to being chased around the school by werewolves at this point. Having to share a bed with Derek freaking Hale, on the other hand, is just needlessly complicating his life.
Words : 8824
Tags : What The Tile Said, If Scent-Marking Is Your Kink, Go For it, Humourous Situations, Obvious Stiles
 That Which You Cannot Undo
By twenty-eight, Stiles has resigned himself to a quiet life of working in his magic shop, selling Jackson Whittemore fart-inducing tea, and looking after his goddaughter. It's a good life. But the quiet goes to hell when his sister, Lydia, shows up with a crispy werewolf in her trunk and a bite mark on her shoulder, because hard on her heels comes the hottest person Stiles has ever seen, and he happens to be looking for his uncle.
You know, the dead guy Stiles helped Lydia bury last night.
(Or: the Pracitical Magic AU nobody asked for.)
Words :28182
Tags : Lydia And Stiles Friendship, Orphan Stiles, Stiles Is Adopted By Lydia’s Moms, Magic Stiles, Single Parent Stiles Of His Goddaughter, Familial Love Curse, Dead Peter, Sweet Derek
  Wolf in the House
“What? It’s totally an improvement. He’s not scowling, or dating bad guys, or slinking around in unsanitary places. Still a bit paranoid, but what can you do. At least he’s a lot easier to get along with when you can buy his affections with ear rubs.”
“And you always wanted a dog,” Sheriff added wryly.
“And I always wanted a dog.”
Words : 33481
Tags : Trauma Induced Tansformation, Actual Wolf Derek, Unable to Speak or Rationalize Derek, Derek’s POV, Stilinski Family Feels, Pack Dynamic
  The Importance of Turning Around Three Times Before Lying Down
It’s like this dog has walked out of all of Stiles’ childhood dreams and into the real world just because Stiles wanted it hard enough. He is the most awesome dog ever, and he and Stiles have a bond. A deep, unbreakable bond because this animal is his soul mate, obviously. Now he just has to convince the dog of that.
Words : 31661
Tags : Alive Laura Hale, Actual Wolf Derek, Humour And Angst
  Little Wild Animal
Derek Hale finds a feral human on his pack's property. Humans are supposed to be extinct. But then, Stiles is full of surprises.
Words : 61036
Tags : Extinct Humans, Feral Stiles, Kind Derek, Alive Hale, Gender Fluid Child
  Introduction to Zero-Sum Anthropology
Stiles buys Derek a set of cooking spoons. Derek retaliates with lunch.
The war begins.
Words : 19773
Tags, Humour, Post Season 3A, Gifts War
  You Don't See Straight
Stiles finds himself in a secret werewolf community to participate in a mating run. Sterek happens. Side OC's.
Words : 174981
Tags : Werewolf Community, Rape, Non Consensual Bonding, Non Consensual Mating Run, Xenophilia, Knotting, It Fuck Stiles, Derek Is Fucked Up Too, Big Paragraphs With Not A Lot Of Space, But It’s Good, Definitely Original
  Crash Landers
In which Stiles learns to Stalk That Stalk. (Or, how to accidentally woo your unfriendly neighborhood alpha in roughly five hundred handwritten steps.)
Words : 31173
Tags : Stiles Leaves Derek A Fake Parking Ticket And It Kind Of Get Away From HIm, Epistolary But Not Formally So, Senior Year Of High School Post Season 2
  Actions Speak Louder than Words
“I apologize.” The cop finally looked back up at his face, seeming thrilled. “It’s just—it’s been so long. And we finally have you.”
That was a bad word. Not found.
Stiles wrenched his hand free and took a step back, but before he could even think up a gameplan, he felt a prick in his neck and jerked away, reaching up to slap one hand against it and twisting in the same moment.
Words : 434619 !!!!!!!!
Tags : Supernatural Are Known, Spark Stiles, Orphan Stiles Alpha Derek, Mute Derek, Cursed Derek, Dead Sheriff, Imprisonement, Stackson Brotp, Cora And Peter Are Alive, Stress Inducing, Badass Long Fic, Longest Completed Sterek Fic
  You are the Moon
Stuff Stiles doesn’t like to deal with first thing: hot, moist dog breath in his face, a cuddly werewolf creepifying his perfectly normal morning wood with shades of bestiality, and his dad holding his service revolver up against the skull of his bedmate, never mind the fact that his bedmate could possibly be a vicious unhinged rogue omega.
Words : 10055
Tags : Alive Laura, Werewolves Are Known, Derek Is Though To Be Dead, No Sense Of Personal Boundaries Derek
 Then You Think Again
"Holy crap!  Why the hell did you lie to incredibly powerful magical beings with trust issues?  How was that Plan A?"
Derek says, "We're not arguing about this, it's already done."
"Like hell we're not fighting about this," Stiles says, indignant.  "What were you thinking?"
"I was thinking it was worth the risk if it kept you alive!  And it worked, so drop it."
"You had no idea that it was going to work!" Stiles throws his hands up.  Why is Derek the most frustrating werewolf in the history of ever, why is Stiles even helping him, why is this his life?  "Why did they even believe you in the first place?"
Derek says, "You reeked of me," which is unfair.  Stiles only smelled because he'd gotten covered in Derek's bodily fluids trying to staunch the bleeding.
Words : 22552
Tags : Hags, Hags Made Them Do It, The Forced Bonding I mean
Alternate Title: "Dick Failwolf, Private Eye."
(Or, Derek's hit with a Film Noir curse, which forces him to narrate his own life in luridly-detailed prose.)
Words : 3126
Tags : Bottom Derek, Top Stiles, Truth Curse, Failwolf Derek, Fluff
  On Building an IKEA Den for an Alpha Werewolf.
Senior Prom is coming up, and Stiles doesn't have a date. Additionally, Derek has an unfurnished apartment, and no one to take him to IKEA.
Words : 13892
Tags : Pack Mom Stiles, House Making, Failwolf Derek, Cute, Domestic
  The Alexandrian Solution
"I accept your body!" Stiles says hurriedly. "I accept you. Sexually."
There is a pause. Derek says, "Thanks."
Words : 5317
Tags : Knotting, Derek Didn’t Know It Was Possible, Humour, Fun Sex With Feels
  Father Knows Best
Sheriff Stilinski has finally figured out the cause of the rift between them: his son's gay, and he's effectively cut that line of communication. Being the good father that he is, he tries to make sure Stiles knows that he can tell him anything, especially about Derek Hale. Their wires seem to have gotten crossed somewhere.
Words : 5984
Tags : Humour, Miscommunication, Sheriff Love His Queer Son
  Things To Do On The Dates You Aren't Having
"So are we dating now or what?" Stiles asks the third time he finds himself doing the obligatory postcoital cuddling with a certain sour wolf.
Words : 5557
Tags : Humour, Stiles Bullied Derek Into Dating, Jackson in an Ahole And Lydia Is A BAMF
  we can take our time
Tact and social mores are completely relegated to the back of Derek’s brain, and without thinking, he blurts out, “Did you spend your heat alone?”
Stiles’ head jerks around in surprise, and then he flushes pink and looks away. His voice comes out brusque and unfriendly. “Not that it’s any of your business, but I spend every heat alone.”
Words : 17476
Tags : Cops Stiles And Derek, A/B/O, Alpha Derek, Omega Stiles, That’s How Consent Is Done And Respected, Very Real Thoughs On What Consent Is And How It Works In An A/B/O Setting
  Come with Me and Walk the Longest Mile
"Stiles shouldn't accept rides from werewolves he meets behind abandoned convenience stores." In which the zombie apocalypse is just one of their worries.
Words : 39275
Tags : Zombie Apocalypse, Omega Stiles, Heat, Road Trip Of Survival
  Help Wanted
Nice things begin to happen to Derek Hale and it kind of freaks him out.
Words : 15593
Tags : What The Title Said, Classic Good Teen Wolf
  Come Fly With Me (Or Don't)
Stiles is overworked and stressed out when his flight home gets delayed due to copious amounts of snow. He finds entertainment with one Derek Hale, whom he hasn't seen since high school but really doesn't mind getting reacquainted with.
Especially when it turns out Derek is surprisingly hilarious and will reluctantly play snap with him. And can walk on his hands.
Words : 15319
Tags : Good Old Stucked In An Airport AU Because Of The Weather, Human AU
  The Chase
Derek's fourth Chase will be his last if he doesn't catch an omega this time. He's starting to doubt this whole soul-mate thing anyway, at least until someone from his past shows up and gives him the run of his life.
Words : 10435
Tags : Mating Run, Werewolf Everyone, Knotting, Alpha Derek, Omega Stiles
  pretty in tents
Even though he’s making fun of it, Stiles thinks the whole thing sounds awesome and, like most stuff these days, the experience is going to be totally wasted on Scott.
Words : 7657
Tags : Fake/Pretend Relationship, Werewolf Politics/Culture, Pack Dynamic, Stiles Is Awesome
  In Desperate Times
Stiles gets magic wish-granting powers, but only when he's in danger. He begins to teleport to Derek in increasingly awkward moments.
Words : 3454
Tags : What The Title Said, Awkward And funny, Those Two love Each Other Even If It Would Cut Them Up To Say So
  Whatever Works
The problem with having your soulmate's first words to you tattooed on your arm is knowing your whole life that you're fated to be with a jerk. It's enough to make Stiles want to date other people ... which is how he winds up dating his soulmate's nephew.
Words : 61929
Tags, Asexual Derek, Aromantic Peter, Sexual And Romantic Stiles, Soul Mates, Not WHat You Expected But They Make It Work, Rich Hale, Just The Kids And Peter Are Alive, Corporate Thriller, Stiles Is Awesome, Peter Is Smart, Derek Is A Sweeheart
Stiles is 25 and runs his own coffee shop. Derek doesn't know this. Derek, a mechanic, thinks that Stiles is 17 and jail-bait.
Misunderstandings ensue.
Words : 2765
Tags : Pining, Stiles Looks Young, Idiots Crushing On Each Other
  This is Ridiculous
There's a unicorn in Beacon Hills. A fricken' unicorn. In fricken' Beacon Hills, California. And it turns out that unicorns aren't drawn towards virgins in a happy-go-lucky let-me-lay-my-not-at-all-metaphorical-horn-in-your-lap way. No. They kill them. And guess who's the only virgin idiotic enough to get sucked into the Beacon Hills supernatural scene? Stiles, that's who.
Words : 35818
Tags : What The Summary Said, Freaking Evil Unicorns, Crack Yet Not
  The Scientific Method
Stiles’s life was so much easier before his BFF got super powers. “But, so, werewolves have super strength, right? And super speed. And better vision, and better muscle control, and healing powers, and stuff. And some of that’s probably, like, genetic, if you can be born a werewolf. Right?”
 “Yeah,” Scott says. From the perplexed look on his face, he doesn’t yet know where Stiles is going with this. “So?”
 “So what if you have condom-defeating supersperm?”
 Stiles has a lot of research to do. He decides Derek's kitchen is the place to do it. Derek probably regrets giving him a key.
Words : 5947
Tags : What The Summary Said, Crack Yet Not, Hilarious, Stiles Does Research
  Not Quite Lost (Not Quite Found)
A year after the nogitsune is defeated, Derek is living a quiet life in the mountains above a small town in Colorado.
Then Stiles shows up.
Words : 25025
Tags : Emotional Healing, Derek Leaves Beaacon Hill After Season 3, Stiles Leaves After High School, Sad Boys But The Are Going To Get Better, Melancholy In A Beautifull Setting
  Outrun Your Ghosts
When Derek Hale arrives at the Beacon Hills Young Adult Rehabilitation Center, he plans on keeping his head down and serving the rest of his time in minimum security peace. Stiles Stilinski changes all of that.
Words : 19148
Tags : Rehab, No Werewolves, Stiles Is Still Sort Of Magic But Everyone Think He’s Mental, Derek Is Accused Of Kate’s Crimes, Everyone In Rehab, Scott And Allison Met At Anger Management Issue Anonym, Jackson Is Here Because He’s A Douche, Patient Abuse, Harris Is The Worst Everywhere
  When You Stop Believing in Santa You Get Underwear
There are some salvageable things though. A virtually untouched heavy slate sign that says, engraved in an ornate script that confirms at least one person in the Hale family had a sense of humor (Stiles has a horrible suspicion it might have been Peter), When You Stop Believing in Santa You Get Underwear.
Words : 7817
Tags : Christmas Memories, Found Family, Pack Mom Stiles, The Boyd And Reyes Are Actually Include In Pack Big Gets Together, Seasonal Feels
  What Goes Around
“Well,” Stiles says, “if they’re going to hunt werewolves, I’m going to hunt them.”
It’s a ridiculous statement from a ten-year-old, but he’s obviously one hundred percent sincere. For the first time since the fire, Peter feels life stir inside him, feels purpose. It’s kismet, clearly. He’ll never meet the child he would have had with Olivia. Instead he’s met this boy, this brilliant, determined, cynical child with a world of potential.
Peter kneels down in front of him so they’re at eye level. “How do you feel about doing that together?”
Words : 71451
Tags : Dead Sheriff, Dead Hale, Dark Vengeancefull Kid Stiles, Dark Vengeancefull Peter, Murder Spree, Yet Found Family, Stiles Thinks He’s Robin To Peter’s Batman, More Or Less Good Peter, No Completly Moraly Bankrupt, Still Pretty Dark, We’re Talking About Acomplice Murder At Ten Years Old, Smart Stiles And Peter, Derek Hang On For The Ride
  How far do I have to go to get to you
Stiles never knows if it's worse when Derek Hale steps out of the shadows or when he slinks back into them; either way, Stiles never expected to have this many feelings about his stupid old yellow owl shirt.
Words : 5189
Tags : Gaming, Teenagers, Derek Is Tragic But Catching Up On Late Teen Years
  Fire, Fury, and Flame
Stiles Stilinski was never going to be the omega who got knocked up right after high school, and then he's accidentally artificially inseminated with a stranger's sperm. Awesome. And the father of Stiles's baby just so happens to be Derek Hale. Half-feral, quite possibly a murderer, and pursued by a gleefully sadistic band of hunters who are only too eager to use Stiles and his baby to hit Derek right where it hurts. Joy.
Words : 124597
Tags : Accidental Virginal Pregnancy, Omega Stiles, Alpha Derek Making The Best Of It, Derek Is Running From His Past, Half Feral Derek, Action, Plot, Angst Love And Badassery, Stilinski Love Each Other, Sheriff Is An Awesome Dad, So Good, Making Family, Falling In Love, Secret Werewolf Compound
When Stiles's best friend Scott presented as a werewolf, it was just the worst. It was front-page news, there were reporters outside his house asking him questions, and people at school stared and kept their distance or interrogated him mercilessly. Worst by far was that it meant Scott had to leave immediately to live with the werewolf pack in the mountains -- which no one knew anything about. Stiles couldn't even visit, so he only got to see Scott once a month when he came back to visit his mom. It sucked.
A year later, he presents too.
Words : 112399
Tags : Not Always Omega Stiles, Alpha Derek, Turned Werewolves Scott And Stiles, Werewolves Are Known, Human/Sup Segregation, Stiles Hates Derek Guts At The Start, Like Hates Him, Then Resent Him, Then Become Okay, So Slow-Burn Feels
 Like the Sun Holds the Moon
Stiles is an omega, and he's supposed to be obedient. He's supposed to mate with the stranger chosen for him and quietly disappear. He's not supposed to talk to alphas, or have sex, or fall in love. Then he meets Derek Hale. Obedience was always overrated, anyway.
Words : 118155
Tags : A/B/O Dystopia, Racism, Sexism, Omega Stiles, Alpha Derek, Omeaga Are The Lowest Of The Low But Still Too Good For Werewolf, Forbidden Love, Running Away Together, Sheriff Is A Good Father, Mpreg, Childbirth, Parenthood, Omea Rehabilitation Center, Imprisonment, Minnor Character Suicide, Short Non-Con Elements, Forced Kate/Stiles In Chapter 14, Fighting Back, Smart Stiles, So Good Derek
  Break the Lock If It Don't Fit
"Do you know what just happened?" Peter asked, frowning. "Do you know what Derek did?"
"He dislocated my shoulder," Stiles snapped, but Peter just arched an eyebrow, unimpressed by that answer.
Words :12738
Tags : Pack Dynamic, Domestic Violence, What Derek Did Was Not Romantic Sexy Or In Anyway Okay, He Apologised And Will Do Better
  Theory of Overprotective Canines
Stiles is totally looking forward to living alone in his super cool apartment off-campus. He is. He is also very excited to bike to school every day, ready to set up an awesome game room, and definitely over his crush on Derek Hale. Completely over it.
Or at least he is until Derek decides he's moving in with him. And then turns out to be the perfect roommate. And then starts attending all his classes. As a wolf.
This is not going according to plan.
Words : 11798
Tags : What The Summary Said, Idiots In Love, Mutual Pining, Actual Wolf Derek, Smart Derek, Possessive Derek, Obvious Stiles, Succesfull Cohabitation Come From Compromise
  A Simple Life
Derek plans to spend the rest of his life holed up in the woods after Laura dies. Then he meets a stubborn young fox, and the stubborn young fox meets an urn of Deaton's magic powder, and his plans change.
Words :13763
Tags : Actual wolf Derek, Fox Stiles, Not A Werefox But A True Fox, Magical Powder Thanks To Deaton
     A Very Special Mention For A Technically Steter Fic But It’s WIP And SUPER Long So We’re Not There Yet
Consider it Gen !!!
It’s Awesome ! Check It Out !
Fanart !
We Don't Need Grace
The only reason Stiles and Finstock even met was because the Sheriff needed someone to wear his kid out. Countless clubs and sports turned Stiles away, and the alcoholic gym owner with a foul mouth and crazy hair was the Sheriff’s last hope. What started as an awkward arrangement would become an incredible journey full of gymnastics, blue ribbons, and gold medals.
Family isn’t always blood, sometimes it’s finding someone at the right time. Sometimes family is a hyperactive kid who hangs around the gym and his coach who takes his coffee with whiskey.
Otherwise known as The Olympics AU.
Words : 53905
Tags : Uncharacteristically Bad Father Seriff But Bob Finstock Make Up For It, Sheriff Is Too Preoccupied with His Wife And Don’t Understand His Son, Alive But Of Fragile Health Claudia, Bright Stiles, Stiles Keep On Being Happy, Stiles Wants To Be Spiderman But Will Make Do With Gymnast, Bob Finstock Is Made Of Awesome, Sport !!!, Olympics !!!, Found Family, Good Bobby, Allison And Kira Apparition
How could I forget this one?!!?!
It’s a fancomic! It’s awesome! It’s long! It’s sweet!
You haven’t lived until you’ve read it!!!
Seed Wolf!
Stiles finds a mysterious packet of seeds one day called 'Seed Wolf'. He doesn't expect anything to grow from them, maybe a flower or something to replace his beloved (and deceased) cactus Bertrand.
What grows from the little seed is surprising.
Words: Zero, obviously. But it’s really long
Tags: Awesome cuteness, Dying of cute, Thumbellina trope, Anthropomorphic animoid plant people, manga style, so sweet, fluffy tails, soulmates
139 notes · View notes
stephkaylor · 3 years
FAVES & FAILS: #1 (Teen Wolf)
I’ve decided to do this questionnaire when a show/book series/movies where I answer these questions with fun gifs too (its Tumblr, what did you expect?), if you want more info, the original idea post with links to each of my completed lists is here ⚡️. A bunch of my faves have already ended so getting all of these out will take a minute, but I’m aiming to post a new one twice per week. 🤞🏻Anyway, enjoy!! OH!! ALSO, I’ll be discussing plot elements in this list so...SPOILER ALERT!!
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HANDS DOWN, no question about it! He was the soul of the show, and funny, and so incredibly human on a show full of the inhuman, and that was what made him so integral.  Anyway, I could go on forever about how much I love Stiles, but here’s a gif:
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There isn’t really a male that makes me want to punch something, so good for the writers, I guess?
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I really want to say Allison but it HAS to be Lydia, hands down! Her character development from a girl pretending to be vapid and shallow and who hid her genius so she could “fit in”, to a strong, powerful, confident woman secure in who she really is and the power inside of her (figuratively AND literally, lol), this girl is the real MVP.
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This was hard because there are several female characters that made me want to throw my laptop out of the window.  The short list is Kate Argent, Allison’s mom... I could go on... but Monroe’s systematic attempt to wipe all supernaturals out of Beacon Hills and then maybe the rest of the world gave me fucking high blood pressure and a rage issue. I don't care how “scared” you are, killing a kid who hasn't done anything wrong just because they are different than you is some fucked up, borderline genocidal bullshit. And she survived the finale!!? Like I had to deal with her self-righteous smirky attitude and you didn't even have the decency to punch her in the face and let me watch?!? Rude.
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I badly want to say Allison again here because I love and miss her tons. But she died protecting her family and friends and I believe that she is happy wherever she went afterward.  Watching Aiden die in his twin brother’s arms I don’t know who I felt the worst for.  The boy dying, or his brother who now has to live without him... I’m gonna go cry now, brb.
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Luckily she was not a regularly appearing character, but when she showed up it was always “for revenge” and I'm like...can we just...not this season? I was having a lovely time and then you showed up with your petty anger for whatever fucking shit that happened in, like season one.  Like, honey... if it’s been so long since you’ve been relevant that I have to google what you’re upset about because I have honestly forgotten...maybe it’s time to let that shit go.  Kindly fuck off now, please...
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Like, don’t get me wrong, he’s great and I loved when he was on the show, but I feel like some people think he carried the show and it wouldn't survive without him.  Well, surprise! because he went away after season 4 and I still think some of their best shit came in season 5 and the beginning of season 6.  
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Um, he was basically Scott’s druid emissary and he got no recognition for it.  He saved all of the main pack members’ lives at least once.  Also he didn't make Stiles pay for the windows, so he’s apparently not an asshole. 
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OVERHYPED SHIP: Scott and Malia
I feel like they had to adjust the final season A TON because of Dylan’s injury and Kira not coming back and I think the writers panicked when they didn't know who to put Scott with (because our leading man could never not have a girlfriend, *gasp* THE HORROR!) because Lydia needed to be with Stiles and I think they picked Malia because she was basically the only one left...I was never into it.  In fact, when my friend texted me after we watched the episode where they get together, my response back to her was literally “meh 🤷🏻‍♀️”.
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UNDERHYPED SHIP: Allison and Isaac
It would’ve been so nice to see where that relationship went.  Don’t get me wrong, had she lived, I would’ve wanted Allison to end up with Scott.  But I loved that the show was willing to say that it is okay to fall in love more than once in your life.  Sometimes the shows aimed at a younger audience have a tendency to act like your first love has to be the one you’re with until you die and that’s just not realistic. It was nice that the writers didn't box these characters into that mold because it gave them more depth as characters. 
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FAVORITE SHIP: Stiles and Lydia
I don’t know how to explain how much I love this pairing.  Like, from the beginning he saw her for how amazing she was and he supported her as she came into her powers and then she was always there making sure that someone was taking care of him when he was taking care of, literally, everyone else, and then when he disappeared SHE KNEW something was wrong nearly instantly, and ‘remeMBER I LOVE YOU’ I need to stop before this run-on sentence goes on forever.  ALSO they’re canon official, which never fucking happens for my ships so I’m fucking excited, sue me.
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His backstory was well-developed and deep, he was clear with his goals, he actually executed said goals in a logical and timely manner, he was a fucking ALPHA OF ALPHAS, nuf said. 
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Hands down, the most heartbreaking moment on the show, and I will fight anyone who comes at me with a different opinion. Because like--she was smiling when she was stabbed because she had figured out a way to help her friends and then she died in Scott’s arms and told him she loved him even though they weren’t together she still loved him and he still loved her, and I truly believe that she had zero regrets when she died, and how bittersweet is that???!  But Scott couldn't take her pain because it didn’t hurt anymore, and Lydia had to feel her best friend die and she screamed Allison’s name and if you are not hurting right now are you a monster???!?!
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FAVORITE STORYLINE: Eichen House Escape/Dread Doctors in Season 5
It was hard to pick between the Dark Druid storyline in season 3A, but the Eichen rescue/Lydia learning how to be a BAMF Banshee from Meredith while she was catatonic (ALSO ‘Stiles saved me’ I AM DEAD!!!), and the whole la bête du gévaudan thing was great, and reuniting the pack after Theo had royally fucked it up earlier that season, it was all just superb! *chef’s kiss*
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STORYLINE WE COULD’VE DONE WITHOUT: Like, the whole second half of the last season, TBH
It was a petty, counterintuitive, and just garbage. The monster was dumb, Monroe is a royal twat (as I stated above), and it didn't have a conclusion.  Like, the fuck? This isn't Game of Fucking Thrones you guys do not need to leave every season finale with so many loose ends it make people want to throw their laptops off of a cliff into a vat of hydrochloric acid.  And it was the LAST SEASON so there’s no hope of fixing this bullshit storyline. ugh, kill me now. 
BIGGEST PLOTHOLE: Scott’s pretty selective “True Alpha” powers
They, like, kind of tried to pass it off as it taking a ton of energy so he can’t always do it all the time.  But he got through a mountain ash barrier to save Deaton and activated his True Alpha but then couldn't get into Eichen to get Lydia out because of the mountain ash...? oh and also where the fuck did Cora and Isaac go? (I, sincerely, hope he’s not still just chinning in fucking France wondering were Argent fucked off to)
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OVERALL MARKS OUT OF TEN (10 being that watching this show has probably increased your life’s worth by at least five percent; 1 being the only thing this show has given me is a stomach ulcer and trust issues): 
8.75 out of 10.  This show was a blessing and I would definitely recommend it to other people. (mostly because I love to get people hooked on my favorite shows and then they're stuck and we can be tortured together). 
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THE END! Thanks for reading my overly-long and overly-obsessive list.  Do come again soon.  I’ll probably have another of these up next week.  🤍🤍🤍
15 notes · View notes
Are tere any fics where one or both of them become an alpha?
Divided the list for your convenience in Alpha!Liam and Alpha!Theo. 😊
It wasn't your fault by @tabbytabbytabby
When Liam gets hurt during a fight, Theo blames himself and tries to leave. Liam is quick to remind him that what happened wasn't his fault.
[TeenUp / 1.5k / complete]
Finding my way to you by @formerprincess
Theo and his twin brother Mike are on the run and never settle down. They are not made for settling down, not with their past. But an encounter with a small pack changes their way of thinking. And maybe, just maybe, the twins can finally find a place to call home and people to love. Or is their past too much of a burden and can't be overcome?
[TeenUp / 3.9k / wip]
Heartlines by @breakerofreality
When a witch tries to attack Liam, Theo pushes him out of the way. Now, Theo is in a coma, feeling the reality of what he desires, he has everything he wanted friends, his family, his own family with a husband, Liam. The puppy pack brings him to Deaton, who is the only one who knows what to do. But what's the catch?
[TeenUp / 7k / wip]
Lean on me by @tabbytabbytabby
Liam feels pressured to step up as stand-in-alpha now that Scott and the older pack is at uni, but ends up stretching himself way too far and majorly over-exerting himself, to the point where it starts affecting his health—enter concerned Theo, stage left.
[Explicit / 103k / complete]
All I need is your lips on mine by @malec_life979
Both Liam and Theo know how they feel about each other but have pushed it to the side because of everything that had been happening.
So, Theo of course would die for Liam ...
[TeenUp / 5.1k / wip]
Learn to Love by @flyrobinfly
Theo and Liam have to work things out before the new alpha of Beacon Hills arrives.
[TeenUp / 2.7 / complete]
A tale written with fangs and claws by @formerprincess
This is a story of a spark getting ignited when nobody thought it would happen. A story about friendship, trust and yes, also about love. About finding your place in the world and figuring out who you really are.
This is the story of how Liam Dunbar became an Alpha and got a mate and a whole pack to call his own. This is the story of the Morning Dew Pack.
[TeenUp / 459k / wip]
Teen Wolf || Next Generation by @dan13la-blog-blog
Two months have passed since the defeat of the Anuk-ite and the retreat of the hunters led by Monroe. Scott, Stiles, Lydia and Malia left for college, and now it's up to Liam protect Beacon Hills. But Liam is not alone. It is not a true alpha yet, but he already has his own pack. He has Mason. He has Corey. He has Nolan. He has Alec, the omega that Scott has saved from Monroe a few weeks before. And then ... he has Theo. But meanwhile the pack pray to be able to get to the diploma peacefully, on the other hand they know that the balance is about to turn back towards the worst. And it's not just about hunters. Another dark threat is about to fall on Beacon Hills...
[TeenUp / 131k / complete]
A bargain of bloods and tears by @friendlysociopath
“You did die for me.”
[Mature / 1k / complete]
Teddy by @flyrobinfly
“How can I help you today?”
The whole time he was in line, the man had been glued to his phone, probably reading something important or something that was inducing stress if the lines on his forehead were anything to go by. “Uh. I’ll have a chai tea.”
Teddy rolled his eyes and scoffed. He’d waited just so he could talk to the guy and he didn’t even bother looking up. “Never took you for a tea-guy, Liam.”
That seemed to get his attention. Liam looked up and straight at him, shocked. “Theo,” he said, a little speechless, a little breathless.
[Mature / 3.7k / complete]
Supernova (Dying Star) by @GodricSalzaar16
A year after the older members of the pack left Beacon Hills, Liam and his friends have been taking care of things. But when a new enemy comes to stir up trouble, they'll need more than Scott to fight them off.
To protect Liam, Theo plays a dangerous game that could potentially cost him his second chance. But he'll do anything to protect his new friends - even if it means making them think he's gone back to his old ways.
[Mature / 25.3k / wip]
The mountain and the wolf by @glitter-cake20
Aka the famous Desolate plus Epilogue
Liam involuntarily becomes an Alpha. He refuses accept the new wolf and instead runs away, leaving Beacon Hills behind, and takes to a small cabin in the Colorado mountains for refuge, mostly from himself. He subdues the alpha wolf in him... Until one day when he has absolutely no choice but to let it out.
[Mature / 65.9k / wip]
Sculpture in briefs by @saawinchester
Liam’s parents left him the house and very little cash before they scurried away to go live their life of adventure. Forced to be independent too soon, Liam had to look for a means to pay the bills, keep himself in school and put food on his table.
That leads to him displaying his body for people to drool or ogle at while he swerves to the music and for the right price- get to touch.
Of course none of his schoolmates and pack members know about his late night activities.
Enter the ever inquisitive Theo Raeken who comes into the picture with his flirty smirk, stupid perfect hair and hypnotic hazel eyes.
[Explicit / 20.5k / complete]
Second in command by @volsungar-the-mighty
Theo and Liam are having an excellent morning, until they get a call from Scott. Things... go down hill from there.
[TeenUp / 3.2k / complete]
Happily Ever After by @extrasteps
Theo buys a Happy Ending potion. It gives him a 24 hour glimpse of everything he’s ever wanted. Except… some of those things surprise him.
[Explicit / 5k / complete]
Just a dream @kathendale
Liam realizes, it was only just a dream....
[TeenUp / 1.2k / complete]
Responsible by @volsungar-the-mighty
Hayden shows up one day out of the blue, with news that Liam is a father, before dumping the baby on him and leaving. It's up to him to be responsible now.
[Gen / 5.7k / complete]
Sparks and Embers by @wolfenboyb
Liam has trained all his life to be an emissary, only to find out the spark of power within is too dim to help anyone, let alone a pack of werewolves. Theo is a reluctant alpha on the run from hunters and his past. When they meet the beginning of something new takes form.
[Gen / 3.3k / complete]
Power by @liamschimera
“No, you look at me.” Theo snarled, sitting up as best he could as tears fell down his face now. “You watch me bleed out, you watch me die. You spineless fucking coward.”
[Explicit / 981 / complete] dark
Luftschloss by @ofhamartia
As Liam tries to adapt to being a werewolf and his role as Scott's beta he finds himself attracted to his Alpha, it isn't until they both discover that their Alpha/Beta bond is being affected and they decide is best to keep their feelings at bay. Time goes by and Liam meets Theo, Scott's 4th grade ex-friend who's returned to Beacon Hills as an Alpha. Things get tense when Theo lures Liam into becoming his beta despite Liam still being fond of Scott.
Scott and Theo need to work out a solution before there's a mutual destruction for both Alphas.
[TeenUp / 904 / wip] Scott/Liam/Theo
Be careful what you wish for by @manonisamelon
Back before he was sent to the ground all Theo ever wished for was power, to be an alpha, to have a pack. Now he knows better, knows that power isn’t as easy as it seems. All he wants now is to try and stay alive, try to be good enough to one day be part of the pack and protect the beta with anger issue. During a fight with an alpha gone feral Theo is given power he doesn’t want anymore. Now he has to learn to live with what he had wished for so long ago.
[Mature / 46.6k / wip]
Deal with the devil by @sharkycannotwrite
Theo Raeken’s family was murdered when he was 10, and the wolves that did it took him in. He did everything possible to survive until he was stronger, faster, and deadlier than any of them. He finally gets the chance he has been waiting 9 years for and escapes. He ends up severely wounded however, only to be found by IED plagued runaway Liam Dunbar. The 17-year-old becomes both the bane of Theo’s existence, and his best friend. The two crisscross the country, killing with no discernible pattern and doing anything they must to survive. 
[TeenUp / 33.8k / complete]
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justauthoring · 5 years
No Reason To (17/50)
Prompt: “And I guess… when it comes down to it, I trust you.”
It has come to my attention that by adding links to my posts, it stops that post from being seen in the tags tagged. So, sadly, I will no longer be able to link previous parts of NRT on new chapters. BUT all part can be found easily on my “No Reason To Series MasterList!” found in my bio.
A/N: I did it, lol. I got this part done and ready by Saturday (today) - *insert me patting myself on the back* Hope you enjoy!
Oh, and, as of now, the next part will be uploaded next Saturday, not Tuesday.
Send me a little comment in the ask section or leave it below on what you thought of this chapter. As usual, I hope you all enjoyed!
AGAIN, remember if you’d like me to continue this series, just leave a little comment or an ask letting me know. I will NOT continue the series if no one wants me to.
Please don’t plagiarize my work - I spend a lot of my time writing, copying and pasting destroys that. If you want to repost my work. please ask first - but even then I might say no.
Pairing: Stiles x McCall!Reader
Based off of: Teen Wolf 03x09 and 03x10
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Hopping out of the passengers side of Stiles’s jeep, the two of you meet up with Scott who’s just gotten off his motorcycle. Almost instantly, Stiles questions; “where is she?”
“Over here,” a distant voice calls, pulling your eyes on Allison and Lydia who are stood just a few feet away from you. Making your way over to the two of them, you shake your head at Lydia, staring down at her in deep concern; “Lydia?”
“It’s the same thing,” she breathes, obviously panicked. “Same thing as the pool. I got into the car heading somewhere totally different, and ended up here. And you told me to call you if there’s a dead body.”
“You found a dead body?” Stiles exclaims, glancing briefly at you and Scott before turning towards Lydia once more.
“Not yet.”
“Not yet,” Stiles repeats, “what do you mean not yet? Lydia, you’re supposed to call us after you find the dead body.”
“Oh, no,” Lydia immediately shakes her head, raising her pointer finger. “I’m not doing that again. You find the dead body from now on.”
“How are we supposed to find the dead body?” Stiles questions, his patience obviously wearing thin. “You’re always the one finding the dead body.”
Something within you, a feeling you can’t explain, spikes, and you turn your head towards Scott. His attention is stolen by something to the left of him, and then suddenly, before you can ask, he’s walking forward. You move your gaze past his shoulder, your eyes widening when you see what he has.
“Guys,” he calls, interrupting Stiles and Lydia. “I found the dead body.”
There, on the Beacon Hills High School sign, is... the dead body.
“Honestly, Scott, i’m fine.”
“I know you’re not.”
Pausing, the grip you hold on your locker door tightens, even for just a moment before you recollect yourself. Plastering a smile on your face, you lean back, shutting said locker door to meet your brother’s eyes. “See,” you call, brightening your smile. “Fine.”
Scott steps in front of you before you can walk off, blocking your path before setting his hand on your shoulder. Guiding you back towards the lockers, he glances around, making sure no one’s in earshot of your conversation before letting his eyes fall on yours once more, his gaze considerably softening when he does so. “This connection we have,” he begins, “it isn’t just physical pain. It’s emotional pain too.”
Sighing, you bite your lip, glancing over to your right. 
“What’s the matter?” Scott continues, voice dripping with concern. “And don’t lie to me. I can hear your heart beat.”
“You’re creepy, you know that?” You snap lightly, glaring up at Scott who only offers you a lop-sided smile in return. Sighing once more, you shake your head as you cross your arms over your chest. “Isaac and I broke up... Or, well, Isaac broke up with me, I guess I should say.”
“What?” Scott exclaims, his voice pitching in anger, catching the attention of a few students standing near you. Eyes widening, you grip Scott’s arm tightly, silently telling him to calm down while sending a reassuring smile to those you’re able to catch eye of. 
“Scott, calm down.”
“What do you mean calm down?” Scott gripes, “he broke up with you? After we let him stay with us?”
“Scott,” you exhale heavily, “yeah, he broke up with me, but... I probably would’ve done it myself eventually. If he’d given me like a week or two more, to be honest.”
“I don’t understand,” Scott mumbles, shoulders falling. “You two seemed happy.”
“We were... I guess, at one point,” you explain, shrugging your shoulders as you glance up at Scott. “I loved him, I still do, but just not in the same way. Ever since that party,” meeting Scott’s eyes, you tell him all you need to know. “It just hasn’t been the same.”
“But... at the lacrosse game, you and him-”
“He stayed, instead of going with Boyd and Erica. I thought that meant he’d chosen me, and it did, but, I don’t think I ever completely forgave him,” you finish, smiling sadly. “I think, at one point, I really, truly, could’ve loved him. But... not after that.”
Scott just frowns, his hand slipping into your own and squeezing. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” you assure, nodding. “I wanted to break up. Like I said, give me a week or two more and I would’ve done it myself. I just... I want to know why it hurts so much.”
Scott doesn’t answer your unsaid question. Instead, he slips his hand out of yours, opting for a hug. You fall into the embrace easily, allowing yourself a moment of weakness as you let your head sink against his chest.
In some ways, maybe this twin connection was a blessing. Scott had always been able to understand you, you were twins after all. He understood you better than anyone else, just like you understood him better than anyone else. But now, it’s like he just knew, without even having to ask.
He just knew what you needed.
“Why are you even talking to me?”
“Why are we even talking to him?” You retort Ethan’s question, crossing your arms over your chest with a raised brow the boys way. His eyes narrow, falling on your own, and you’re also not oblivious to the glare Scott gives you, silently telling you to play nice. Of course, that’s not who you are. “No, honestly,” you continue, “he helped killed our friend. He killed Boyd.”
With a small twitch of his lips, Ethan takes a step towards you; “you’re right,” he nods, voice lowered threateningly. “I did kill your friend. How do you know i’m not gonna kill you?”
“Are you threatening her?” Stiles snaps before you can say anything, causing your gaze to fall on him, eyes widening in surprise. He shoves himself off the wall, taking a step towards Ethan. “You know what i’m going to do, i’m going to break off an extra large branch of mountain ash, wrap it in wolfsbane, roll it in mistletoe and shove it up your freaking-”
Scott steps forward, grabbing a hold of Stiles’ arms and cutting him off before he can say anything more. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, Stiles. Okay. We get it.” Still, even as your brother pats Stiles’ on the chest, signalling him to step back, you can’t help the smile that grows on your lips. You’ve never seen Stiles that protective over you, in a physical sense, and even though, in reality, you can handle yourself quite fine, it’s nice to know he cares.
You meet Stiles’ eyes, sending him a shy smile to wish he returns before Scott speaks up.
“We’re talking to you,” Scott begins, turning to Ethan. “Because I know that you didn’t want to kill Boyd. And I think that if something like that happened now, you wouldn’t do it again.”
Rolling your eyes, you shake your head.
“You don’t know what we owe them,” Ethan mumbles, voice soft, “especially Deucalion. We weren’t like Kali or Ennis when we met him. We weren’t alpha’s.”
“What were you?”
“What?” You exclaim, “I don’t-”
“In actual wolf packs,” Ethan cuts you off, sighing slightly as he leans against the wall behind him. “Omegas are the scapegoat, the last to eat, the one who has to take the abuse from the rest of the pack.”
“So you and your brother were, like, the bitches of the pack?” Stiles questions, and you can’t help but giggle lightly at his terminology.
“Something like that,” Ethan snaps.
“What happened?”
“They were killers,” Ethan begins, “I mean, people talk about us as monsters. Well, they were the one who gave us the reputation. And our alpha was the worst of them.”
“Why didn’t you guys just fight back?” You ask.
“Yeah,” Stiles nods, “form voltron wolf, you know? Kick everyone’s asses?”
“We couldn’t,” Ethan snaps, voice raising slightly. “We didn’t know how to control it back then.”
“Deucalion taught you,” Scott concludes.
“And then, we fought. We took down the whole pack, one by one. And by the time we got to our alpha, he was begging for his life. And we tore him apart. Literally.”
Huffing, you twist your face in disgust, “heroes of your own story.”
Scott gives you a warning glare, before turning towards Ethan once more. “What about your emissary?”
Ethan pauses a moment, before shaking his head.
“They’re all dead. Kali and Ennis’ too?”
“All of them. Except for Deucalion.”
“You mean Morrell?” Stiles questions.
Before Ethan can answer, he suddenly gasps loudly in pain, his hand immediately falling to his chest.
“What?” Scott stammers, body tensing. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
“Not me,” Ethan shakes his head, “my brother.”
Running in behind Scott, you step in front of Aiden, therefore stepping in front of his target as both Ethan and Scott move to hold him and the weight in his hands back and away from Cora. You turn your head slightly over your shoulder, watching as Stiles falls next to Lydia and crouches before Cora, hands falling on her in concern.
“Aiden,” Ethan bellows, as the weight drops to the floor with a clatter. “You can’t do this!”
“She came at me!” Aiden growls.
“It doesn’t matter!” Ethan reminds, dismissing Aiden. “Kali gave Derek until the next full moon. You can’t touch him or her.”
Knowing Aiden isn’t the main threat anymore, you turn around, falling by Cora’s side as she rolls onto her back, moaning out in pain. Leaning forward, you inspect the wound on her head, noticing Ethan leading Aiden out of the room out of the corner of your eye.
“Hey, guys,” Stiles calls softly, “I think she’s pretty hurt.”
Wincing, you hug yourself tightly as you watch Cora wipe away the dried blood stained on her forehead. While you don’t necessarily blame her for being upset, it’d been pretty stupid of her to attack Aiden on her own like that. Still, the wound definitely looked painful.
“You okay?” Scott asks softly, concern.
“She doesn’t look okay,” Lydia mumbles, shaking her head.
Glaring at Lydia through the reflection of the mirror, Cora drops the paper towel in her hand and spins, turning to face the four of you. “I’ll heal.”
She stumbles back slightly, Scott and Stiles the first ones to rush forward, making sure she doesn’t fall. Scott grabs a hold of her arm, to which she quickly pulls away, glaring up at him. “I said i’m fine.”
“Do you realize how suicidally crazy that was?” Stiles questions, narrowing his eyes in thought. “What were you thinking going after them?”
“I did it for Boyd,” Cora cries, “none of you were doing anything.”
Nodding quickly, Scott whispers; “we’re trying.”
“And you’re failing,” she spits, “you’re just a bunch of stupid teenagers running around, thinking that you can stop people from getting killed.” Meeting Scott’s eyes, you sigh. “But all you do is show up late. All you really do is find the bodies.”
Turning her back of the four of you, she walks out without saying anything more.
“She’s definitely a Hale,” Stiles comments a moment later, interrupting the silence. “I’ll make sure she gets home,” he finishes, slipping past Lydia and Scott.
“I’ll help,” you call after him a second later, stepping forward. At the looks you receive, you shrug your shoulders, feigning innocence. “Not much else for me to do anyways.”
“And guardians,” Allison adds over the phone, slightly out of breath. “Which after last night has to mean something like law enforcement, right?” Meeting Stiles’ eyes, even for just a second, you’re not unaware to the panic that surfaces. “Stiles, you have to tell your dad. Tell him whatever you need but you have to get him to believe. Tell your dad. Warn him.”
“Okay, okay, okay,” Stiles stammers, “I know.” Ending the call, he inhales deeply.
“What are you going to do?” Cora questions, staring at Stiles.
“I’m gonna tell him the truth,” Stiles breathes, and it’s obvious by the way he’s acting he’s scared. Nervous. But you don’t blame him. “And i’m gonna need the both of your guys helps.”
Sat on Stiles bed, next to Cora, you watch, with your hands clasped tightly in your lap, as Stiles paces back and forth. You can tell with each step he takes, Noah is becoming increasingly more and more frustrated, and you can’t say you blame him. Even you’re getting a little annoyed by Stiles’ frantic pacing and procrastination of what he just needs to say.
But of course, you don’t say anything. You keep your mouth shut, and wait. Wait until Stiles needs you.
“Okay, okay, okay,” Stiles mumbles to himself. Then, “yes, okay.” Spinning to his father, he looks like he’s going to say something before; “no, oh--”
“Stiles?” Noah calls, patience growing thin. 
“Dad, i’m sorry, okay? I’m just-- I’m trying to-- I’m just trying to figure out how to start here.”
“Hey,” Noah snaps, “I don’t have this kind of time.”
You meet Cora’s eyes, sighing.
“Um,” Stiles starts, voice shaky. “For the last year, you’ve had all these cases that you couldn’t figure out, right? I mean, all the murders involving Kate Argent, and then Matt killing all the people who had drowned him, and all these murders right now. It’s like--It’s like you’ve been playing the losing game.”
“Stiles, the last thing I need right now is job performance review from my own son.”
You wince slightly at the anger and frustration leaking through Noah’s tone of voice.
“I know,” Stiles sighs, rubbing at his forehead before something seemingly catches his attention. “Okay, see, but that’s--that’s just it, dad.” Rushing over to his right, he grabs the chess board off the top of his drawer, taking it over to his desk. “The--The reason that you’re losing the game is ‘cause you’ve never been able to see the whole board.”
He opens the chess board, the pieces stumbling about within before taking a step back.
“I need to show you the whole board.”
“Scott and Derek are werewolves?”
“And Kate Argent was a werewolf?”
“Hunter,” Stiles corrects, “that’s-purple’s hunter.”
“Along with Allison and her father,” Cora adds.
“Yeah,” Noah mumbles, “and--and my friend Deaton, the veterinarian, is a Kanima?”
“What?” Stiles explains, face scrunching up in confusion. “No, no, no, no, he’s a druid, okay? Well, we think.”
“So who’s the kanima?”
“No, Jackson’s a werewolf.”
“Jackson was the kanima first,” Stiles explains, “and then Peter and Derek killed him and he came back to life as a werewolf. Now, he’s in London.”
“Who’s the Da-rack?”
“It’s the Da-rock.”
“We don’t know yet,” you answer for Stiles, shaking your head.
“We don’t know yet,” Stiles repeats quietly.
“But he was killed by werewolves?”
“Slashed up and left for dead.”
“We think,” you correct once more.
Noah’s eyes fall on yours, narrowing; “and what are you?”
“A witch,” you answer, smiling slightly. “Pinks witch.”
Leaning back against his seat, Noah exhales heavily. “Why was Jackson the kanima?”
“‘Cause sometimes, the shape that you take reflects the person that you are,” Stiles explains, eyes twitching slightly in hope that his father is understand (and believing) him.
“And what shape would an increasingly confused and angrier-by-the-second father take?”
Apparently, he wasn’t understanding it so well.
“Uh,” Stiles stammers, “that would be more of an expression, like the one you’re currently wearing.”
“Yeah,” Noah nods, shoving himself up to his feet to walk away.
“Dad--dad,” Stiles calls, desperate as he too pushes himself to his feet. “Would you--I can prove it, okay?” Jumping in front of his father, Stiles points to Cora, “look, she’s one of them. A werewolf. A-And Y/N, she said it herself, she’s a witch.”
“Stiles, Stiles!” Flinching, you bite your lip. “That’s enough,” Noah demands, stepping past Stiles.
“Dad,” Stiles calls, spinning around to face his father. “Can you please just hold on?” Reluctantly, Noah pauses and Stiles turns to you and Cora. “You ready?”
You move to stand up as Cora nods, bracing yourself.
“All right, dad, just watch this, okay?”
The moment Cora stands to her feet, her eyes roll to the back of her head and she drops. You jump, spinning to help her just as Noah comes rushing forward, her body falling to the ground with a thud.
Rolling her to her back, Noah’s eyes widen at the bleeding wound at the top of her forehead.
“Call an ambulance.”
“What did you see the night at the bank when Scott was trying to save Deaton?”
Two steps behind Stiles and his dad, you gnaw on your bottom lip. Even from the back of his head, you can see the patience on Stiles’s father almost gone, and any second now, he’s just going to burst. Not to mention, you want to get to the school as quick as possible and help Scott and the rest try to save the last philosopher sacrifice as Allison had informed you it was teachers now law enforcement.
But you couldn’t leave without Stiles, given that he had the jeep. Not to mention, even if you could, you wouldn’t.
“Nothing,” Noah replies shortly, never wavering in his step.
“Dad,” Stiles sighs, “you saw him healing himself after he tried crossing the mountain ash.”
“I don’t know what I saw,” Noah corrects, holding up his hand. 
You feel your body tense with anticipation as Stiles doesn’t relent; “you saw something you can’t explain.”
“Stiles,” Noah snaps, falling stopping and turning around to face his son. You halt to a quick stop yourself, still two steps behind the two of them as you awkwardly glance around, unsure. “I have seen a lot of thing I can’t explain in this town. That doesn’t make ‘em supernatural and it doesn’t make ‘em real. They just found another body. That’s real. And that’s the lead i’m following.”
Noah takes a step back, Stiles quick to follow; “yeah, and another teacher's going to die if you don’t start listening to me.”
“I am listening!”
With a frown, you glance down at your feet, your eyes falling shut as Noah finally snaps.
“I have been listening!” He bellows, everyone growing quiet and all eyes falling on him and Stiles.
“You just don’t believe,” Stiles finally says after a moment.
Noah opens his mouth to say something, but can’t seem to find the right words. Another moment of tense silence, he shakes his head, turning away and walking off. But, just before he can walk out the door, Stiles mumbles; “mom would’ve believed me.”
You suddenly feel out of place. Like you shouldn’t be there, and it isn’t your place to be there.
Noah halts in his step just as Stiles turns to you, walking past you and back the way you came. You only hesitate a moment before following after your friend, but not without a weary and final glance back at Mr. Stilinski.
Stepping into the recital behind Stiles, you fall next to your brother, offering a short smile in greeting before glancing around yourself. Somehow, you meet Isaac’s gaze from afar, stood next to Allison. There’s a moment, where you just stare at him, meeting his eyes before you offer a short smile, turning back to the conversation Scott and Stiles are having. 
Something about Lydia not answering her texts.
Once again by Stiles’ side, the two of you rush after Scott as quickly as you can. He’d just suddenly ran off, saying something about how Lydia was in danger before just leaving without another word of explanation. But, the moment you reach the classroom Scott’s in, only having a moment to look inside, Ms. Blake shoves her desk forward, with no strain at all, barricading the door shut.
Stiles immediately begins slamming his body up against the door, it finally registering within you that not only is Scott and Ms. Blake in there, but Lydia and Stiles’ dad as well. But, no matter how hard he shoves, the door won’t budge.
Stiles’ wide eyes fall on you, “can’t you push it open? Do something?”
“I-I...” Words trailing, you step forward, focusing your gaze and attention on the door and only the door. “It might take a while,” you warn Stiles, “I don’t have my full powers yet.”
He doesn’t say anything in return, instead, he slams up against the side of the door, peering in through the tiny window at the top of the door. Bracing yourself, you inhale deeply, your entire body tensing as you let your lips part, trying to force the desk away. You see Stiles flinch from the side of you just as you push the desk back, him running through not a moment later.
Taking a deep breath, you follow in a second later, just as you hear Stiles call out; “dad?”
Looking around the room, your eyes widen when you realize that both Ms. Blake and Stiles’ dad are gone. As if they’d disappeared in thin air.
“They’re already here, aren’t they?”
Stepping around the wall, you narrow your eyes at the sight of Ms. Blake, not to mention stood so closely next to Derek. She hadn’t been your teacher, except for when she was filling in for Mr. Harris, but to think... that it had been her the entire time. Right under your noses. And now Stiles’ father had been taken because none of you had noticed soon enough.
She turns to face the three of you, you, Stiles and Scott, her lips curved downwards into a deep frown. “So...” She starts, speaking to Derek, but her eyes on you. “They told you it was me? That i’m the one taking people?”
“We told him you’re the one killing people,” Scott corrects, his voice pitching in frustration and betrayal.
Out of the corner of your eye, you notice tears in Stiles’ eyes. They’ve never left, since his dad had been taken, but still, it breaks your heart to see him this way. 
“Oh, that’s right,” Ms. Blake chuckles, “committing human sacrifices? What, cutting their throats? Yeah, I probably do it on my lunch hour. That way, I can get back to teaching high school English the rest of the day. That makes perfect sense.”
“Where’s my dad?” Your eyes fall on Stiles as he speaks up, your eyes softening when you notice a tear fall down his cheek. You turn to Ms. Blake expectantly, practically willing her to answer that question.
Of course, it doesn’t work. “How should I know?”
Biting your lip, you slip your hand into Stiles’. He doesn’t say anything, but he doesn’t pull away either, and with no words yourself, you squeeze his hand, trying your best to reassure him as your eyes fall back on Ms. Blake. She turns to Derek at your guys lack of reply, pleading; “Derek, tell me you don’t believe this.”
Derek doesn’t reply right away. His gaze flickers past Ms. Blake, glancing at Scott, Stiles and you. For a brief second he gaze meets your own, and shaking your head, you tell him what he needs to know.
“Do you know what happened to Stiles’ father?” Derek questions Jennifer.
“No,” she whispers, shaking her head as she takes a step back.
Feeling your anger spike, unable to control yourself, you let your narrowed eyes fall on her. “Ask her why she almost killed Lydia,” you spit, just as she turns to look at you.
“Lydia Martin?” Jennifer exclaims incredulously, “I don’t know anything about that.”
“What do you know?” Derek snaps, pulling Jeniffer’s eyes back on his own.
“I know that these kids,” you scoff, “for whatever misguided reason, are filling your head with an absurd story.” Turning to you, her eyes flare; “and one they can’t prove, by the way.”
Raising the container held in his hand, Scott rebuts; “what if we can?”
Confidence wavering, Jennifer swallows nervously; “what is that?”
Stepping forward, Scott slowly begins to unscrew the lid. “My boss told me it’s a poison and a cure... which means you can use it... and it can be used against you.”
Scott throws his hand forward, throwing the mistletoe, as Jennifer had guessed, towards her, a gasp immediately leaving her lips. When the smoke and mistletoe clears, you revolt at the small images that flash of Jennifer’s true appearance and the screaming that comes along with it.
Derek backs up, eyes wide with betrayal and hurt as Jennifer recollects herself. Then, just as she runs forward, attempting at escape, Derek catches her by the neck, his claws out as she begs; “Derek, wait, wait!” He listens, halting. “You need me.”
“What are you?”
“The only person who can save your sister,” she groans, clutching at the wrist of the hand wrapped around her neck. “Call Peter. Call him!”
Doing as Jennifer says, it doesn’t take long for Peter to answer Derek. You can’t hear the conversation, but, by the end of it, all you hear is Derek whisper; “mistletoe,” before hanging the call up, looking at Jennifer with great pain in his eyes. Jennifer lets out a gasp of pain the next second, Derek’s grip obviously tightening.
“Derek,” Scott calls out, panicked. You take a step forward yourself, just as Scott continues; “Derek, what are you doing?”
“Her life--it’s in my hands!”
He raises Jennifer by the neck, gasps of pain leaving her lips.
“Stop,” Stiles begs, taking a step forward. “Derek, stop!”
“Hey!” You call, your voice booming as you glare at Derek. “Stop. You can’t kill her!”
“Stilinski,” Jennifer breathes, “you’ll never find him.”
Taking another step forward, you move so you’re in sight of Derek. “I know you’re angry,” you breathe, “I know you’re hurt. But we need her alive, like it or not, to save your sister. To find Stiles’ dad. So, you need to stop this. Now.”
His face twists, his body tensing.
“Derek,” Scott calls, “Derek!”
A moment of tensed silence later, Derek finally lets go of Jennifer, practically dropping her to the ground. She groans out in response, placing her hands before her as she pushes herself up, groaning. “That’s right,” she says after she’s collected yourself, “you need me. All of you.”
“I don’t know, something feels wrong about this.”
Leaning forward, you gaze at the side of Stiles’ head. “How so?”
“We proved it to Derek,” Stiles begins explaining, nodding. “But she still had this look like it didn’t matter. You know, like it was all still going according to plan. You guys saw it, didn’t you?”
Meeting Scott’s gaze, you sigh. You did.
With quick steps, you follow Derek’s pace and direction, next to your brother. You keep your gaze carefully trained around yourself, unsure of what would happen once you reached Cora. Jennifer obviously wanted something, or had some kind of plan, you just didn’t know what.
“Scott! Y/N! Hey!”
Pausing, you turn at the sound of Melissa’s voice, both you and Scott just managing to turn as she’s running up to you. Slightly out of breath, she shakes her head; “What are you doing here? The hospitals evacuating.”
Briefly meeting Scott’s gaze, you turn back to your mother; “we’re here for Cora.”
“What, all of you?” Melissa breathes, letting her gaze fall on the rest before stopping on the bat in Stiles’ hand. “Why does Stiles have my bat?”
“Mom,” Scott calls, “just trust me on this. You need to get out of here.”
Taking a step forward, you nod; “right now.”
Shuffling backwards slightly, Melissa nods slowly, “the building is supposed to be clear in thirty minutes. We’ve got two ambulances that are coming back. Once’s ten minutes, the other’s twenty. Cora needs to be on one of those. They’ll be picking up in the basement garage.”
Nodding, you shuffle back towards the rest as Scott confirms; “got it.”
As you fall in step with the rest, you glance back, noticing Melissa watching after you and Scott. You offer her a small, reassuring smile, before turning your attention head on.
Stepping out of the elevator, you glance up at the lights briefly in response to them flickering, raising a brow. You shrug it off, coming to a stop when you notice Derek has, only for your lips to part, brows to furrow at the sight of an empty hospital bed and some black liquid that looks like it’s been spit of the floor. And a lot of it.
There are a few blotches that continue forth, creating a path.
“Derek,” you call, eyes on the floor. He turns to look at you, before following the direction of your gaze, eyes falling on the double doors in front of you. Soon, sounds of grunting and thuds can be heard, and all five of you just stand there, waiting to see what’s on the other side.
Soon enough, a body comes sliding through. It’s Peter.
“We got a problem,” he pants, raising his head. “A big problem.”
Raising your head, your eyes widen at the sight of the twins-combined, stood before you.
Almost instantly Scott and Derek transform into their werewolf selves, Derek taking charge of the situation as he positions himself in front of the twins. You step off to the side with Scott, hands at the ready, just in case, as Derek lets out a warning roar before running forwards.
He grabs the twins around the waist, shoving them back a few steps before the twins, in return, digging their elbow into his back. Derek delivers a hit to the stomach, but the twins easily gain the control, grabbing Derek by the back of the neck and hitting him repeatedly in the head. Scott, quick to help, lets out a roar himself, rushing forward.
Snapping out of your stupor, you step forward, finding a decent side bed to the left of the twins, and waiting for Scott to be out of the shot, you send it flying towards the twins. It knocks them back, allowing Scott to get back up to your feet. But before you can do anything else, Stiles and Peter are suddenly running past you, Stiles grabbing a hold of your wrist along the way and yanking you forwards.
Just as the twins slam Scott up against the wall, you, Stiles and Peter fall by Cora’s side, gently turning her onto her back to make sure she’s still breathing.
“Ethan, Aiden, stop!”
Turning your head, your eyes fall on Scott as he continues; “you don’t know what you’re doing!”
“All we want is her!” They growl in return, and instantly, your eyes turn backwards, falling on Ms. Blake, who, having seen her chance, is now retreating into the elevators.
“Don’t stop! Don’t stop!”
Running past Stiles, you turn to help Peter get Cora through the door before Derek calling Stiles’ name interrupts you. Spinning, your eyes widen when you realize he’s started walking back the way you just came, instead of following after the five of you.
He positions himself behind the right door, the twins combined stepping through a moment later. Your lips part when you realize what he intends to do, and before you can try to stop him, he swings his bat around the back of the twins head, it immediately cracking in half in response. The twins growl at him in response, to which Stiles stumbles back in fear, going along the wall to reach you.
Grabbing a hold of Stiles, you yank him back as your brother jumps up, breaking off the light panel from the ceiling and slamming it towards the twins.
“Where’s the big guy?”
“He’s close.”
“What about Ms. Blake?”
Turning to Derek, you bite your lip as he slowly turns to face you, Stiles, Scott and Peter at Stiles’ question. Stiles’, after receiving no response from Derek, turns to Scott who only shakes his head. Sighing, you frown, just as Stiles begins to panic; “what do you mean? Like, she’s gone? Scott, are you kidding me?”
“Shh,” Derek snaps, “quiet.”
“Me be quiet?” Stiles huffs in response, taking a step towards Derek. “Me, huh? Are you telling me what to do now? When your psychotic, mass murdering girlfriend--the second one you’ve dated, by the way--has got my dad somewhere, tied up, waiting to be ritually sacrificed?”
“Stiles,” you breathe, stepping up beside him. “They’re still out there, okay?”
“And--And they want her, right?” He asks, “which means now we don’t have her either, so my dad and Cora are both dead!”
“Not yet,” you remind, meeting his eyes. You don’t say anything more, but, just by looking at him, he stops, letting out heavy breaths as he tries to calm his nerves and frustration.
Scott meets your eyes, before making his way over to Peter with Cora; “is she really dying?”
“She’s definitely not getting any better.”
Exhaling heavily, Scott shakes his head; “there has to be something that we can do. We have to help her.”
Your head snaps to the door on your right as it slams open, eyes widening when you see Ms. Blake step through. “You can’t,” she pants, “only I can. I can save her, and I can tell you where Sheriff Stilinski is. But there is a pack of alpha’s in this hospital who want me dead. So i’ll help you... but only when i’m out of here and safe. Only then.”
Without a second to wait, Derek lunges forward, intent on attacking her before Scott grabs a hold of him, pulling him back. “Derek, wait!”
Raising his hand, Derek points at Jennifer menacingly. “She was trying to get out!”
“I was trying to keep myself from being killed,” Jennifer defends herself, voice pitching. “You can’t blame me for that.”
“If you want to show you’re one of the good guys,” Stiles speaks up, taking a step forward as he points at Cora. “Then heal her.”
“Not until i’m safe.”
“I’d like to volunteer a different method of persuasion,” Peter offers, “let’s torture her.”
“Works for me.”
“For once,” you growl, eyes narrowing dangerously, “I agree with Peter.” You move to step forward, Scott calling out your name, before the sound of the P.A. system squeaking catches your attention. Halting in your step, your eyes widen considerably when you hear your mother’s voice.
“Um, can I have your attention? Mr. Deucalion--excuse me, just Deucalion--requests you bring the woman calling herself Jennifer Blake to the E.R. reception.” Heart sinking, your shoulders fall, ignoring Stiles’ gaze which falls on you. You hate the shakiness of Melissa’s voice, so obviously scared and you hate imagining what kind of danger she’s in. “Do this, and everyone else can leave. You have ten minutes.”
“He’s not gonna hurt her,” Jennifer says almost immediately, clearly thinking of only her own safety.
“Shut up,” you growl, taking a leap step towards the woman. You feel your nails dig into the palm of your hand, your body shaking with worry and anger as she turns her narrowed eyes to your own. 
“He won’t,” she insists, before letting her eyes fall on Scott. “Scott, you know why. Tell them it’s true.”
Turning to Scott, you meet his eyes.
“What does she mean?”
He takes a step back, remaining silent.
Huffing, Jennifer sighs. “You’re not the only one he wants in his pack.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Deucalion doesn’t just want an alpha pack,” Jennifer begins, “he wants perfection. That means adding the rarest of alpha’s to his ranks.”
“A true alpha,” Peter finishes, causing your eyes to fall on his.
A moment of pause then, “what’s that?”
“The kind that doesn’t have to steal his power from another,” Peter answers Stiles, “one that can rise by the force of his own will. Our little Scott.”
Derek looks at your brother, to which Scott only shakes his head. “It doesn’t matter,” he dismisses, “we still need to get her out of here.”
“Scott, our mom-”
“Our mom,” Scott cuts you off, eyes meeting your own, “said there’s one more ambulance coming in twenty minutes. And I don’t think we’ve been here that long, so if we can get down to the garage, get to the last ambulance, we can get out of here.”
“The twins aren’t just gonna let us walk out,” Peter reminds.
“I’ll distract them.”
“You mean fight them.”
“Whatever I have to do,” Scott assures.
Taking a step back, you shake your head, rubbing your hands over your head.
“I’ll help you,” Derek promises Scott.
“Um,” Jennifer speaks up, “sorry, but i’m not going anywhere without you, Derek.”
“I’ll do it,”
You blink, turning to Peter in surprise as he lets out a smirk; “but i’d prefer to be out there with an advantage.”
“An advantage like what?” Stiles asks, “you mean like a weapon?”
“Something better than a baseball bat.”
Helping Derek and Stiles set Cora down, you shuffle backwards, making room. Your hands gently set the girls head down, making sure it doesn’t slam, before turning to Derek. You do best to ignore the pain that floods you, guessing it hasn’t something to do with Scott and the fact that he’s currently fighting the twins. 
He’s losing the battle. You can tell by the amount of pain you’re in.
“Derek,” Jennifer calls, “over here.”
Stepping back, Derek peers over the edge of the doors, before moving to where Jennifer is. Briefly glancing at Stiles, you make your way to the back exit of the car, stepping off the ambulance and following after Derek. Your lips part, hands falling to your lips when you see the dead police officer before you.
Derek and Jennifer slowly creep forward, but, feeling weary, you stay put, clutching onto the ambulance door. Sure enough, a moment later, you hear Kali’s familiar voice call out; “Julia,” with the followed sound of keys jangling before as she steps before Derek and Jennifer; “it is you.”
You jump when Stiles’ hand falls on your wrist, tugging you forward and pulling your eyes on his. Understanding his meaning, you crawl back onto the back of the ambulance, as quietly as possible, helping Stiles shut the doors behind you. Turning the Stiles the moment the door is shut, you pause, wondering if that was the right thing to do.
You should be out there helping Derek.
“I have to help him,” you whisper, shaking your head and turn back towards the doors.
You hear Stiles mumble something under his breath, grabbing you by the waist and yanking you backwards. Because of the small size of the car, you end up practically in his lap, staring up at him with wide eyes. “You can’t,” he whispers, before pressing his pointer finger against his lips, signaling you to remain silent.
You do without argument, too busy trying to ignore the racing of your heart.
Before you know it, the shadow of Derek and Jennifer running past pull you from your stupor. Eyes widening, you sit up, lips parting.
Well, now what?
Watching Stiles lock the doors out of the corner of your eyes, you shake your head.
“I should’ve helped him.”
“And what?” Stiles questions, sitting back down in front of you. “And get yourself killed?”
“A lot better than being stuck in the back of an ambulance, doing nothing,” you snap, clenching your fists. “Stiles, he has my mom.”
“I know,” Stiles whispers, “but trust me, Scott won’t let anything happen to her.”
Meeting Stiles’ eyes, the sincerity and certainty in his own gaze, despite his own predicament, reassures you. Letting out a soft, small smile, you let out a heavy breath, nodding your head. Scott will protect your mom, just like he always has, and for now, you can protect Stiles and Cora if anyone comes around.
“She’s not breathing.”
“What?” You exclaim, eyes falling on Stiles before lowering to Cora. Pausing a moment, you feel your chest tighten when you notice the lack of movement of Cora’s chest. “Wait, what? Stiles--”
He leans forward, tilting his head to the side so his ear is towards her chest and listens. You remain silent, gnawing on your lip just as Stiles pulls back, panicking. “Oh, God, oh no. Oh, no, no, no, no.”
“Why isn’t she breathing?” You exclaim, shifting in your seat. “Come on, Cora. Breathe!”
“I’m gonna give her mouth-to-mouth.”
“What?” You exclaim once more, eyes wide as you meet Stiles’ gaze. “Do you even know how to give mouth-to-mouth?”
Pulling up his sleeves, Stiles shrugs; “it can’t be that hard, can it?”
“Can’t be-”
Before you can even finish your sentence, Stiles grabs Cora by the jaw, gently tilting her head back before, pinching her nose with his pointer finger and thumb and leans forward. Your entire body tenses as he presses his lips against her own, blowing, pulling back, and repeating the process. 
“Come on,” you whisper, “come on, Cora. Come on.”
He continues the process multiple times over, and, despite yours and his mumbling of encouragement Cora’s way, you feel your heart fall, hope dwindling when nothing ever changes. Just as the realization that she’s most likely dead hits you, Cora gasps loudly, coughing immediately afterwards.
Stiles throws his hands up in the air, lips curving into a small, victorious smile as you mimic his own.
“Oh my God,” you breathe, letting out a small laugh, “you just saved her life.”
“I just saved her life,” Stiles repeats, clear disbelief in his voice.
Smiling brightly, eyes twinkling, you meet Stiles’s gaze, unable to help yourself as you laugh out. 
“You’re a God damn hero!”
“You just hold on a little longer, okay?”
Blinking, you raise your head at the sound of Stiles’ voice. After the both of you knew Cora was safe, silence fell over the two of you, just stuck there waiting. It’d been like that a while, so the sound of Stiles’ voice surprises you, even more so when you realize he’s talking to an unconscious Cora, rather than you.
“Trust me, if there’s anything that can get us out of this, it’s Scott.” You frown at his words, watching as his face widens, and he chuckles half-heartedly. “I can’t believe I just said that.”
It’s then that you meet Stiles eyes, and though he’s still talking to Cora, he never leaves your gaze. “You know,” he continues after a moment, setting his head in his hands. “I actually used to be the one with the plan. Well, or at least a plan b.” He pauses, sighing; “well, I don’t know, now i’m thinking maybe you were right. You know, maybe--maybe we are pretty much useless. Maybe all we really do is show up and find the bodies.”
You don’t reply, you aren’t sure how to at first. Stiles lowers his gaze to Cora, and you can tell that even though he’s just spoken the words, they’ve been bothering him for a while. “It’s not true, you know,” you say after another moment of silence, causing Stiles to turn to you once more. “What she said. It isn’t true.” Flickering your gaze upwards, you nod determinedly, “we’ll find your dad and we’ll save Cora. We have to.”
“Y/N,” Stiles whispers, his voice cracking. “I don’t want to find my father’s body.”
“You won’t,” you reassure, leaning forward and taking his hand in your own. Squeezing it tightly, you promise, with no hesitance; “I swear to you that i’ll do everything in my power to save your father.”
There’s a moment of content silence between the two of you before it’s interrupted by a distant banging. Stiles and yours eyes widen, immediately becoming alert as you both make your way to the back doors, peering through the windows.
Your heart falls when you see the twins.
“Stay here,” you whisper, “I can distract them.”
“Are you insane?” Stiles exclaims, his voice hushed as he grabs a hold of your wrist, practically yanking you back. “If Scott and Derek can’t even fight them, how are you suppose to?”
“I never said i’d fight them,” you shrug, eyes narrowing. “I’ll run, distract them that way you and Cora stay safe.” Though, guiltily, your main concern is Stiles. It’s always Stiles.
Stiles lips part, and then, he’s adamantly shaking his head. “No,” he refuses, “you’re not doing that. You could die.”
“No,” he cuts you off, meeting your eyes. “I won’t let you.”
Leaning back, you let out a sigh, body tense. The twins, without even seeing them, you know are somewhere close. You and Stiles remain in complete silence in the moments that follow, unsure and frightened, anticipating the worst. 
A few moments later, you sit up straight the moment you notice Stiles pressing his ear against the side of the car, obviously having heard something. His eyes meet yours, silently telling you that something was wrong, which is followed by distant footsteps, this time, ones you can hear. Snapping your head around to where the doors are, you slowly inch forward, mentally preparing yourself for the worst, when Scott suddenly appears before you. A nearly-unconscious Peter is in his hands, and he’s rapping against the windows, glancing at you and Stiles. “Open the door, open the door!”
Instantly, you and Stiles rush forward, unlocking the door and then pushing open each of the doors. “Help me get him in,” Scott says the moment the doors are open, and reaching forward, Stiles grabs Peter’s arm, pulling him into the car beside him.
“Where’s Derek and Jennifer?” Stiles asks.
Shaking his head, Scott mumbles; “I have to go back for them and my mom.”
“If you’re going back for mom,” you speak up, stepping forward, “so am I.”
“No,” Scott instantly argues, eyes falling on you. “You need to keep them safe,” he gestures to Stiles and Cora. “Stay here.”
“There’s two problems,” Stiles cuts off, causing your lips to part. “Kali’s got the keys to this thing, and I just saw the twins, like, thirty seconds ago.” Followed by his explanation the distant sound of banging, no doubt coming from the twins, can be heard.
“Stay here,” advises Scott, stepping back to shut the door.
“Scott,” you call, ready to argue that you come with him. But, the moment you meet his eyes, you pause, sighing. “Just... bring back mom, okay?”
He nods, shutting the door behind him as you slump against the wall in defeat.
“All right, come on, come on, come on!”
Stepping back, you help pull out the bed with Cora on it, moving out of the way of Peter and Stiles as they prepare to carry her over to Isaac and the car. Peter eventually just takes Cora in his arms, taking lead of the situation as you move to help Stiles shut the door. You shut the one in front of you, turning to Stiles expectantly, only to pause in confusion when you see him halt.
It’s obvious something has caught his eye.
“Stiles,” you call, taking a step forward. His hand is on the sheet in front of him, a sheet you’re guessing parents have to fill out if their child is hurt. Though, his hand hovers underneath the section made for parents or guardians to sign. Then, it clicks. Parents... or guardians.
“Stiles! Y/N!” Your eyes fall on Isaac who’s waving at you to follow; “come on!”
Glancing behind him, seemingly past you, the gears in Stiles mind seem to work quickly and then suddenly he’s running past you. You hear, in the back of your head Isaac call after him, and you feel stuck. You know what he’s realized, and you know what you need to do. So, turning, you move to run after Stiles, only for the sound of Isaac calling after you causing you to halt.
“Where are you going?” He exclaims, “we have to go!”
“I need... I need to,” you whisper, shaking your head. “I just-” You say no more, ignoring Isaac this time as he calls for your name, picking up the speed in your step to catch up with Scott.
After a while of running, directly behind Stiles, your eyes widen when you see Scott hastily turning the corner, bolting off despite Stiles calling after him. Stiles, in return, slows to a stop and you nearly crash into him, grabbing a hold of him as your eyes fall to the elevator before you, where Derek lays unconscious. 
“Mom,” you whisper, your voice barely audible. In the next second, you find yourself running, Stiles calling after you and then his footsteps can be heard. But you don’t slow down. Don’t slow down to think. When you reach the rooftop, you feel your heart plummet when you see Scott slowly inching towards Deucalion.
“Scott,” you cry, your voice pitching. “Please Scott.”
Stiles falls next to you then, out of breath. “Scott,” he calls, “Scott, don’t do this. Don’t go with him.”
Turning his head slightly over his shoulder, Scott shakes his head; “I don’t know what else to do.”
“Please,” you whisper, “we can figure out another way.”
“There’s got to be something else,” Stiles adds, nodding in desperation. “We always--we always have a plan B.”
Turning around, with tears in his eyes, Scott cries; “not this time.” Then, he moves to turn back around, only to be halted by Stiles calling for him once more. “I’m gonna find your dad,” Scott promises Stiles, before his eyes fall on your own. There are tears in your eyes, threatening to fall out as a hand falls against your lips.
Not only has your mom been taken, but the thought of Scott joining Deucalion, feeling so hopeless, breaks your heart. You can’t...
“I’m gonna find mom. I promise.”
let me know what you thought?
part 18?
Tag List: @potterheadbbc - @sunsetblake - @mythicalamphitrite - @loverofwaytoomanythings618 - @minuteandahalf - @mnk - @gazebros- @colie87 - @quilliamfears - @quellum - @pessimisticbullshite - @desired-love- @kaylinfayezink - @maiabiovillage - @tr1chst3r - @arkcangel - @quirkytwinkles - @thegirlwhoimagined - @noones-girl1980 - @illumminated - @fairchild345 - @all-will-be-well-love - @animemes-trash - @starryrevelations - @literallyhelpme - @theskytraveler - @jinandton1c - @ilovemymoose-blog @bibliophilesquared - @stilessarcasmqueen - @mersuperwholocked-lowlife - @newtsshelbys - @wyattgoleft - @pancakefancake - @saturno-in-the-night - @pizzamelon7384 - @riskregretting - @mdgrdians - @ravenclawnerdfromnarnia - @franchisefan14 - @lovingpeterparker - @audreysduvxl - @kararanae23 - @alioop3818 - @a-gir1-has-n0-name - @andyl394 - @sclestial - @jayymocha - @2ptonpt - @itsfangirlmendes - @deafeningmusicdetective - @alex–awesome–22 - @nicholerodz  - @kellbell44 - @serrahruby - @agentmarvel13 - @egg-in-a-spork - @nickigv - @vxidnik - @marvelousgab - @emmaleighrose - @danielag1969 - @digicharr - @shantayok - @cherry3bombshell - @thatprofessionalfangirl - @itsjaynebird - @grippleback-galaxy - @dafukbish - @randomfanfictiontime - @unicorn-sparkles123 - @sammyrenae68 - @myfanficlibrarium
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eternalsterekrecs · 6 years
hi! i love fics where stiles can use magic but i've literally worked through your entire magic stiles tag. do yall have any new recommendations! thanks!!!
Oh boy, you’re in for a ride!
Tumblr media
Melt Together by SmallBirds
A supernatural heatwave has descended upon Beacon Hills, much to Stiles’ chagrin.
First Impressions by Kedreeva
Derek is a teacher at an all-werewolf school after the revolution. After seeing one of his students, Erica, get into a car with an unknown runecaster, Derek begins to suspect something terrible is going on.
No One Could Love You More by MellytheHun
Stiles begrudgingly comes to Derek’s rescue during a coven-hunt, thinking Derek needs a regular, common healing only to find he may lose Derek and anything they could have been.
i’m the alpha by triggeringthehealing
“I don’t care about power. Not anymore.”Looking back at what he said once, and what the truth was before he did, only the first part of his words was ever completely true.
To Ashes by triggeringthehealing
It’s nothing but tiny black particles of dust, staining his hands — he remembers how it took weeks to get the colour out of his skin after the time at Jungle.
All Is Lost Again (But I’m Not Giving In) by coppersin
The nightmares aren’t real. They can’t possibly be real. But people keep dying and Stiles is genuinely losing his mind. And he can’t seem to open his mouth and just tell someone.
Your Mark on My Skin by pterawaters
Despite everyone telling him not to, Stiles takes his wizard’s vision seriously and tattoos the image from his dream onto his wrist. When he runs across a man with the same symbol emblazoned on his back, Stiles knows he can’t let the mysterious stranger get away. Maybe it’s wrong to use the werewolf’s fugitive status against him, but Stiles knows he only has one option. If he gives Derek a disguise, but doesn’t bind the spell to himself, there’s nothing else to keep Derek from running away at the first opportunity. Of course Stiles had to pick the one obscure face that Lord Jackson knew from his childhood. In a land run by a king bent on killing all the werewolves he can find, the only way to keep Lord Jackson from asking questions is for Derek to play Stiles’ lover. Once that happens, well maybe the situation starts to get out of control.
Your Smile Gets Me Higher Than an Airplane Ever Could by crossroadswrite
“It doesn’t matter anyway,” Scott tries diplomatically, “the Hales are still waiting for Derek and Laura. Apparently they’re on the same plane home as Stiles.”
“Hot Hale Twins are coming back?” Stiles says a little surprised.
The one where it’s very late, Stiles is stucked in an airport and bored out of his mind until he bumps into Laura Hale. And then into her Hot Twin Brother Derek Hale.
There’s handholding and a little bit of magic involved, it’s all pretty gross.
The Boy Who Drew Wolves by dr_girlfriend
“Once upon a time,” Stiles began, and Thomas sighed happily, resting his cheek in the hollow of Stiles’ shoulder. “There was a gangly, clumsy, freckle-faced young boy, and a beautiful, majestic wolf —”
“You mean, there was a beautiful, brilliant, amber-eyed boy, and a half-starved, mangy-looking wolf,” a voice interrupted. “It looks like I made it just in time, huh?” Derek said with a conspiratorial smirk at Thomas. “Gotta make sure you tell it right.”
“Yeah, Daddy!” Thomas parroted. “Tell it right!”
“Okay, okay,” Stiles sighed, settling his arm across Thomas with his hand resting on his husband’s waist, thumb drawing an absent-minded little circle. “Once upon a time, there was a probably-going-to-grow-into-his-looks-just-fine young boy, and a very lonely wolf…”
Red by Littleredridinghunter
When Stiles was eight his mother died. When Stiles was ten his father was shot and he was taken into child services. Stiles never made it to eleven.
The Hale pack survives Kate but she has plans to come back and take revenge.
When another pack contacts the Hales for help, they go, despite the fact the Alpha is crazy and his mate is a monster.
safe and sound by thepsychicclam
When the Pack is attacked by an enemy Pack, Stiles and Derek end up on the run, in a stolen car, and spend the night in a crappy motel.
sparks by thepsychicclam
Derek is a librarian at one of the few supernatural universities in the country, and his student worker turns out to be none other than grad student Stiles. And it doesn’t take long before they start dating. Stiles is a gifted spark, but he keeps hanging out with people who are into dark magic, and Derek’s worried.
Sometimes It Just Works by MellytheHun
“Fic where, in a fit of post-break-up, drunken depression, stiles throws together a truly pathetic love spell (really, Lydia would be so unimpressed she’d probably disband their weekly magic lessons) in an attempt to find the perfect partner.
But, like everything else in Stiles’ life (and as proof to how much joy the universe gets pulling one over on him) everything goes horribly wrong and instead of the feathery light, rose petal path he’d been expecting to appear and lead him to his true love, a half naked man with harlequin biceps and a beard that could rival most lumber jacks appears in his minimalist studio apartment looking grumpy and endearingly confused.
Cue Stiles’ imminent freak out that includes shoving the man in his hall closet because “Oh my god, I manifested a burly mountain man out of thin air!!”
When really, the spell had just transported Derek from whatever secluded cabin he’d been holed up in for the last few years right into Stiles’ life.”
Stiles Stilinski, Magical PI by suzvoy
Stiles is a Private Investigator, only not really. He’s also magical, but only close up. One thing he’s really good at is lusting over people from afar, which is why it’s a problem when Laura Hale hires him to help her brother.
Where Lightning Strikes by andavs
Scott finally held out his phone, showing whichever picture he decided was the best. Stiles squint-glared at that and waited for his foggy brain to catch up. When it did, his heart skipped a beat.
Burned into the wheat field, in a way Stiles was pretty sure was notnormal for crop circles, were two concentric circles.
McCall Pack.
“I think it’s Kira,” Scott said, clear and concise. “I think she needs help.“
Scott and Stiles head back down to Mexico to find Kira and end up finding a little more.
As the Lights Go Down by standinginanicedress
Stiles is standing there looking bizarre – which maybe isn’t a very nice thing or even a convincing thing to say about a person that Derek’s basically invited over to hook up with (whatever that even fucking means to kids these days) – but he…does. He’s wearing dark jeans, a black hoodie with the hood pulled up so Derek can’t even really see his face aside from his mouth and jawline, and he’s got that metal baseball bat in his fingers again.
He looks like he’s come here to literally beat Derek to death.
Then, he grins, lifts one shoulder up in a half shrug, and says, “I can’t come in until you invite me.”
Derek is mystified enough that all he can say is, “really?” He thought that was a vampire thing.
clenching my jagged jaws (over the capture) by Marishna
Derek Hale was never supposed to be alpha, but he’s a good one. He doesn’t need any help and he definitely doesn’t need an emissary.
Stiles Stilinski is Derek Hale’s emissary and come hell or high water he’s going to see the Hale pack through the impending arrival of the alpha pack, even if it means he can never return to Beacon Hills after.
Hale Monster Sweets by bleep0bleep
The guy is back again. Derek watches curiously from his counter, idly keeping an eye on the teenaged vampires trying to decide on a type from the blood popsicle selection. The guy outside the store is a little pale and lanky, with a cute upturned nose and a sprinkle of moles on his pale face, not that Derek didn’t notice the first time he stopped in the middle of the bustling street to stare at Derek’s store sign, which he wasn’t supposed to be able to do.
[Hilary Duff Lyric Redacted] by calrissian18
Stiles hadn’t been in Beacon Hills in five years, hadn’t seen Derek in nearly as long, when he got the text:
New number: (+530) 365-2421
An abundance of overeating and geekery, dangerous caffeine/sugar cereal addictions, surprise werewolves, bird insults, purple-eyed shrimp, reincarnated serial killers (it’s cool, he has a leash), poorly played professional baseball, and a love story. In that order.
the spark within by triggeringthehealing
Stiles is more than just a spark, but when he starts learning magic, it feels like there’s something stopping him. He has magic in him, but despite the guidance from two experienced Druids, it still feels like it’s failing to wake up. He’s magic, but the spark that he needs is out of reach.
Blackbird by skoosiepants
Stiles groans and drops his face into his hands. “I’m seventeen, I can kind of use mountain ash and I can explode houses when I’m mad enough. How am I gonna win any kind of magic fight?”
“We’ll work on it,” Deaton says, as infuriatingly calm as ever. “The important thing to remember, Stiles, is that when everything else is chaos, you’re the port in the storm.”
Laura Hale never died, and Stiles is magic.
Everything Under the Moon by standinginanicedress
“Just go in and buy him something and attach a note that says, like, I don’t know,” she flips a curl over her shoulder, “let’s bone.”
Derek looks up at the sky and purses his lips. Doesn’t dignify that with a response. There’s no way in hell Derek is going to attach some dinky little note to Stiles’ gift that is either as crass as Erica’s suggestion or as humiliating as something he could come up with himself – no fucking way in hell.
But she does have a point. Stiles’ birthday is coming and Derek is shit out of luck and shit out of ideas for ways to make Stiles see him as anything more than just Derek. The way Stiles looks at him sometimes, it’s like he has no fucking idea.
Striking Matches by castielblues & eeyore9990
Stiles has only ever wanted to protect his family and his pack. That’s not easy to do when you’re human and sarcasm is your only defense. Now Deaton is telling Stiles he’s a spark, and if that’s a weapon in his arsenal, he’s sure as hell going to learn to use it.
All Stiles needs now, to complete his transformation into a true badass, is a training montage and a decent soundtrack…
Medicine Man by MellytheHun
Prompt: Person B knowing they’re undoubtedly about to die within the next few seconds, likely from the gaping wound they’re bleeding out from. Instead of calling for help, they phone Person A and carry on a casual conversation as if nothing is wrong, making sure to mention how much they love them before their time runs out.
Night Owl (series) by Lissadiane
Confession: Stiles is afraid of having magic.
The Spark had been cool. It had been small, manageable. He could do some funky stuff with Mountain Ash, all with the power of belief.
And now here he is, his Spark blown wide open, apparently coming down with a fatal case of magical overload, and all that stands between him and bleeding out is a grumpy owl that looks suspiciously like a feathered version of Derek Hale.
(In which Stiles learns he’s a witch, but instead of a wand and a trip to Diagon Alley, he gets blood magic, a grumpy and reluctant owl as his companion, and an accidental blood bond with Derek Hale.)
bend bridges, mend bones by Thealmostrhetoricalquestion
They burst through the portal in a gust of stale air and violet light, landing hard on the outskirts of a swamp. Stiles feels his knees buckle, both from the magic required to keep the portal open and from the force of their landing, but he grits his teeth, determined to stay standing in the presence of Derek Hale and his pack. Christ, it would be just his luck to rocket through his own portal at neck-breaking speeds and collide face-first with a puddle of sticky, disgusting mud.
Thankfully that doesn’t happen, which is good because Stiles can’t really afford to add useless to the list of things that Mage’s are; untrustworthy cowards, meddlers, monsters.
(In which there’s an awful lot of fighting, people learn to trust people, and Stiles saves the day. Repeatedly. Over and over again. And he would like some credit, goddamnit, Derek.)
Birdhouse In Your Soul by asocialfauxpas
Stiles’ magic is growing out of control and he must bond with a supernatural creature to keep from exploding. Yes, seriously.
And We’ll Be Complicated by ingberry
Stiles already had his hands full with the case he was working on for the enigmatic Mrs. B. He really didn’t need this too, but there was no changing the fact that he no longer remembered Derek Hale or anything connected to him. And no one could figure out why.
All My Kingdoms Turn to Sand by elisera
The real question is what Stiles wants. If he’s looking forward to seeing Derek again because they’ll complete what they started a long time ago or if Stiles is nervous because he’s feeling apprehensive. There’s a real possibility that he told the pack to finally send Derek up in order to tell him thanks, but no thanks. A lot can happen in six years; people change and grow apart and it isn’t like they were allowed to talk.
Talking Shit About a Pretty Sunset by whiskey_in_tea
Stiles leaves Beacon Hills on a Sunday morning. Lydia’s run the numbers and it’s not a sure thing by any stretch of the imagination, but supernatural evil seems mostly inclined to take the Lord’s day to rest just like humans do. He won’t make it back before Monday night but that’s okay, unless whatever comes after them is the actual apocalypse they should be all right— and if it’s the apocalypse his meager skills won’t be of much use anyway. Just go, Scott said while Stiles and Lydia dithered over lunar calendars and statistics, charts and graphs of every awful thing that’s rolled through Beacon Hills since they activated the Nemeton ten months ago. Who the fuck knows what’s coming, Stiles, you just have to go.
Among the Famous Living Dead by standinginanicedress
“Okay,” Stiles leans over the book, finger on his chin, while Derek stands there beside him with a frown on his face, “we have the pig’s blood.”
“They loved that at the butcher shop,” Derek mutters, rubbing his hand along his jaw. “I’ll take three quarts of pig’s blood. Not like this town doesn’t already think I’m some sort of fucking pervert anyway.”
“We have the hair you picked off his clothes,” Stiles points to the tiny Ziploc bag with a handful of Scott hairs tucked safely inside, and Derek grimaces. “We have the candles. We have the snake. Now we just need an object of the deceased.” He furrows his brow as he leans over the book some more, cocking his head. “It says the object can be anything that was deeply personal to the deceased. Like a piece of sentimental jewelry or a cherished trinket or even a favorite song.”
Derek snorts. “Yeah. Let’s just listen to fucking Blink-182 and summon the devil.”
“Right?” Stiles laughs, high and hysterical, manic almost.
Derek laughs, and Stiles laughs, and it’s not funny. It’s really not funny.
Aching for You by LittleRedEmissary
When Stiles tries to cast a protection spell on Derek and accidentally casts a spell much stronger than either of them expected, the duo has to relearn everything that they’ve learned about protecting the pack, because the old methods won’t do anymore. With the infamous Winchesters coming to town Derek hopes that the hunters will just drive through town, but the pack has never been good that laying low.
Emissary by dragon_temeraire
To keep the peace, Stiles agrees to be emissary to the Hale pack.
In Which a King and a Mage Dance by mikkimouse
Mage Stilinski sidled up next to him. “I thought I told you to call me Stiles, Your Majesty.”
Derek’s face warmed at the memory. He turned his attention back to the crowd. “I’m afraid now is not the place for such familiarity.”
“Such a shame,” Stiles said. “I do so love familiarity.”
The warmth on Derek’s face turned to heat. “I’m sure you do.”
By Fang and Fury (series) by grimm
He doesn’t come to The Beacon to pick up people. It’s precisely the reason why he doesn’t go anywhere else. People in this neighborhood know him, know he’s not interested in being hit on, which allows him to have a drink in peace. Derek knows he’s good-looking, but the type of people it attracts disgust him. At least other werewolves can smell the unfriendliness on him and stay away, but that doesn’t stop everyone. He went to a gay bar with his coworker Isaac once and it was horrifying.
Like James Dean, Only Sadder by 42hrb
The star of the Beacon Hills High School baseball team and Beacon Hills resident bad boy probably have nothing in common, right?
Deputy Derek Hale, Alpha by eldee
Deputy Derek Hale has recently become an alpha, and that changes things for him. Now that he’s back after a leave of absence, he’s hoping to get what he and Stiles had almost-started back on track. The thing is, it seems Stiles is going through some changes of his own and Derek’s not sure how he fits.
Fall Right Back to You (series) by yodasyoyo
My version of season 4 (which I still haven’t watched) and how Derek and Stiles finally fell for each other.
Clarity is told from Stiles POV: After his possession by the Nogitsune he is consumed by guilt and plagued by nightmares. Then he touches a magical artifact and ends up absorbing Derek into his subconscious.
Remedy is told from Dereks POV: In the aftermath of Clarity they are struggling to deal with the demon that has been unleashed on Beacon Hills and Derek is coming to terms with his past and his feelings for Stiles.
Filter Out the Starlight by skoosiepants
“Why are you not more curious about me?” Stiles says when Derek’s got the door half open, sun spilling over the dark wood, dust motes spinning about his legs. Stiles is wearing fabric that hasn’t been invented yet, he’s clutching a smart phone to his chest, and he appeared out of nowhere, like an angel.
Softly, Derek says, “We all have our secrets,” and closes the door.
A heartbroken Stiles accidentally travels back in time to find his one true love. A harlequin-ish Christmas romance.
all stories deserve an end by bleep0bleep
No one hardly ever comes up to this area of the forest, especially with the rumors of the “mad wizard.” Stiles encourages the rumor, because it means people leave him alone. It’s a good, solitary existence as long as Stiles pretends the aching loneliness in his heart isn’t there.
Children’s Tales by artemis69
Be careful, little girl.
Don’t go causing troubles in Beacon Hills, because the Hales live there, little girl.
Keep away from Beacon Hills, little girl, or the Hales will destroy you.
Or:In a world where the Hales are alive and the protectors of the town of Beacon Hills, the humans politely fake ignorance of their not-really-human status, and they all live happily ever after.
Then Kate comes in.
Tries to.
Incantation Ink (series) by otter
The tattoo parlor didn’t look like much. The apprentice who was supposed to be inking Derek’s new magical tattoo wasn’t immediately confidence-inspiring either.
I’ll Be Home for Next Year, Darling by crossroadswrite
“What year is it?” he asks, because well. It happened to Marty McFly right? And werewolves are real so-
“Time travel isn’t real,” Derek says immediately.
Stiles huffs because fine he doesn’t want to cooperate Stiles will just have to rub his point all over Derek’s face until he gets it.
“It’s July 12th of 2010.”
“It’s 2003,” Derek counters.
Wolf Back by write_light
Sterek AU with an Evil King and his Loyal Huntsman, men and wolves, loss and pain, mercy and trust, and one very enigmatic Mirror on the wall.
Magical Storm by Electricviolinist & Marbleeyes
A roar reverberated through the air. Not just any roar; a werewolf roar.
“About fucking time!” exclaimed Stiles. He was going to let Scott win when they next played Mario Karts.
The door to his jeep was yanked open and Stiles realised it wasn’t Scott who had come to save him. It was Derek Hale. A very wet Derek Hale. Stiles mind immediately headed south into an ‘R’ rated place; the wet t-shirt Derek was wearing was very tight.
“You’re back,” was all he could think to say.
Derek didn’t reply, because he was an antisocial dick. Instead he asked: “Does this piece of crap still drive?”
“Uh, yes,” Stiles cried, massively offended on the behalf of his beautiful jeep.
“Then drive. Now!”
It was a pretty normal day for Stiles, except then there was rain and monsters and witches and Derek Hale. All because Derek Hale’s type is psychotic. And apparently, Stiles is stuck right in the very centre of it.
Mortal Peril On the Side by Brigantine
Stiles and Derek figure things out. Sheriff Stilinski remains remarkably calm. Stiles gets some advice from two of his mother’s friends.
The Coming of Spring by A_Diamond
Snow melts beneath Stiles’s boots as he walks, each step revealing a patch of dark brown beneath the thin blanket of white. He can’t see it yet through the trees, but he knows the cottage is there.
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dust1feather · 7 years
This is basically my declaration of love for Sterek, the best ever OTP, and for the amazingly talented Sterek fandom which has given me so much joy and happiness throughout the years. Here's hoping the years post-canon will be even better and brighter. #eternalsterek
Big thanks to @halekingsourwolf for the beta! (Also on AO3 here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12178566 )
For Sterek
You meet for the first time on private property – 147 pounds of pale skin, fragile bones and sarcasm, and a majestic wolf with bunny teeth in a too big leather jacket.
Derek Hale: you're the king on Stiles' chessboard, his anchor, the prettiest alpha with the flower crown and Stiles your flower queen. You're the alpha of Stiles' heart.
Stiles Stilinski: you're Derek's anchor, his second in command, the emissary in training, the most loyal member of his pack. You're Derek's mate.
Mieczysław and cousin Miguel. You meet each other in a thousand different ways, in a thousand lifetimes. You impress each other with your Polish roots and fluent Spanish skills. Together you suffer through endless family dinners and visits to Grandma's only to be interrogated about your intentions. You'll have your informal occasions, too: relaxed get togethers and movie nights and bbqs in the backyard, letting the pack and your respective families mingle. You're no strangers to loss but the tragedies of the past make you appreciate your self-made families all the more.
Perhaps you're orphans and make your own families. Or you meet as kids and become instantly inseparable. Or you meet in school but have a hard time fighting through your different social cliques to reach out and make your special brand of jock and nerd work, connecting through mutual love for pop culture or music or literature. University fraternities may try but they can't keep you apart forever.
Sometimes you meet later in life, when you already have kids, but all that friendly neighbourhood DILF will charm your pants off. Often enough you get to have your kids together, carry your own pups and join your beautiful everything (Herald being the infamous exception, of course).
You communicate via notebooks full of scribbles in sparkly pens, you text and sext and skype and type and call using few words or none. The anonymous postcards are instantly recognizable and always welcome. And when you're not using words, you know to interpret each other's eyebrows and the eyerolls. Your love translates without sound or sight, with a simple sign or touch.
You're studying for your exams, learning anatomy bone by bone while lying in bed. You connect the multitude of moles, admire all those brilliant tattoos covering each other's bodies, magical and ordinary alike. You make having gray hairs okay because getting them means growing old together.
But first you're still young and you meet in the forest, lay on a rock and share a smoke. It's a club –  it's always a club – dark, loud and full of people invading your space. You leave the wolfsbane laced drink and craft beer behind and move to the dancefloor where your sweaty bodies gyrate together, following the beat of the music while you learn each others' curves and angles by heart. Later you're in no hurry, you're vegging indoors, tangled on the sheets, kissing and watching the smoke twist and curl up, up, and up in lazy patterns. Taking turns shotgunning your spirits and dreams from lips to lips. You lose your virginities together... maybe you lose it to save your life, to avoid becoming the next sacrifice, but it always, always means something. Because you're soulmates, your innermost thoughts and desires appearing on your skin, helping you to find your missing piece, connecting you two old souls time and again.
Then the wildest dreams of your high school band come true and you love and play and break up and make up while touring and conquering whole continents. You give and take dance lessons, to seduce and be seduced; you clash your classic and street style backgrounds, a strict follower of rules and the other forever bending them, creating something altogether new just for the two of you. You paint each other like one of the French girls; you do portraits, make sculpture and pottery and nude drawings, sometimes in secret and sometimes in plain sight. You participate in the theater club, and the whole audience will get to witness your first kiss.
You travel the world with your magical circus; you are firemen, enjoying their pies. You meet as police officers and delinquents, as actual superheroes or vigilantes. You're PIs or FBIs. You're cowboys on a ranch, vagabonds, florists and tattooists, doctors and patients, bakers, chefs, sportsmen, football players representing rival teams. You're hot mechanics getting down and dirty under the hoods and jeeps. You're thieves, magicians, horse trainers, students and teachers and professors. You own a bookshop, magic shop; you work in a library, you're a TA. You drive a tow truck and you have a thing for your dispatcher who is calculating the shortest distance from you to him. You're a rentboy surviving on a stranger's kindness; you're a rich sugardaddy who starts with all the material goodness and ends up giving his heart and soul. It's omegaverse and neither of you believes in the society's unyielding hierarchy, yet there you both are, reluctantly taking part in the annual heat run.
The UST between you two is legendary and it burns hotter than a thousand suns. And when you finally snap, you do it against the wall, in and on the Camaro, in every single room and on every available piece of furniture to christen your new apartment. You do it on a motorcycle in space despite the raving zombies all around. You do it in captivity, not minding Derek's beta form in the least. You do it in secluded cabins in the woods, surrounded by snow, far from the rest of the civilization. Knotting is your thing. And despite what anyone might think, your BDSM and private club performances and role plays are fifty shades of okay.
And when it comes to porn, you're naturals. Made for recording videos online, letting the camera love your angles. It really is all about Neckz'n Throats. And in a real studio, you're famous stars colliding but doing it like professionals all the same. You have a good time, many many times, several times in a row, in several different positions, and yet it's the undeniable power of human love which penetrates you the deepest.
Everyone else sees what you have before you do. The witches teach you a lesson. You have to narrate your own life or you can only talk by singing or you are forced to speak your mind or you can only speak the truth or hear each other's thoughts or you are physically bound together until you learn better. And even if magically stolen away, your love will grow back organically, like the plants in the strong earth of the garden because there is no stopping such a force of nature.
You're involved in politics: the first son and his long suffering but lifesaving bodyguard. You're celebrities, you're famous models and authors, actors and larger than life movie stars returning home and given another chance at making things right. You're bloggers and vidders. You're food critics. You own restaurants and bars and work in diners and cafes and make coffees as black as your soul with a lot of sugar and extra cream.
You're royalty throughout the ages. In modern day, you hide from paparazzi and try to reign in your desire in the face of social expectations and pressure from the media. In ancient times, you struggle with archaic laws and wars, fighting for your countries and sending your most trusted knight or assassin to turn the course of war for you, to win the war for you and it's the biggest sacrifice every time. Or you're heirs or less important sons needed to seal the alliance of your kingdoms, to be wed to maintain the peace and strengthen the union of your countries. You've only ever seen a portrait of your intended, a horrible troll of a creature, and you can't believe your eyes when your fiancé turns out to be love at first sight. Or it's regency and you hesitate with even the slightest touch; you barely dare to dream of holding hands and yet a single look across the room makes everyone else disappear, leaving just the two of you with your unparallelled chemistry.
Stiles, you're Squirrelinski, a fennec fox, you are the fox to Derek's wolf. When you're given the bite, you become the most natural beta ever, challenging Derek's alpha at every turn but matching him step by step. Derek, your seedwolf makes the most adorable minifriend Stiles has ever had. And then there are sheepgoats and bunnywolves, androids being built and mermen coming ashore. There are demon creatures summoned and adopted. There's more than enough to handle in one set of you but sometimes it's either the Stilinski twins or a Derek's doppelganger and the only available option is to groupsex it away.
You're possessed by demons and chased by hunters. Even death can't keep you apart. You make a perfect werewolf-vampire couple or haunt each other as ghosts, or go to purgatory and back to fix it, to prove everyone you're not done yet and that you never will be. You're driven together by a curse, magic or fairies make you do it. It's fate or chance or accident. But that's only the beginning. It's what happens after, when you learn from each other, show respect and understanding, trust each other, and inevitably and irrevocably fall in love. Every single time.
And even when the whole world is on fire, you serve through the World Wars to see each other again. It's the apocalypse and the zombies are roaming the earth, they have spread all over the galaxy and you're fighting for your survival, still not letting each other go. Werewolves are known, there's slavery, you're kidnapped and held in captivity. You join forces, start a revolution and fight against the oppressors. You are each other's lifeline, you pull each other through it all and end up saving your city, your nation, your world, the universe while re-discovering your humanity with your love. And when you return to civilian life the war has left its mark on you, as the veteran with PTSD, you have your scars and battle wounds but sometimes the invisible scars can only be seen without sight and you manage to mend them together.
Your love transcends time. You travel back and forth through different timelines, you cross multiple universes just to be together. You chase after hurricanes and want to start all over. You take a gap year, you go on a roadtrip to see the world but the further you drive, the closer the two of you get and all that breathtaking scenery pales in comparison with your self-discoveries and budding love.  
So, just so you know, Derek, Stiles is not afraid of you and he hasn't been for a long, long time. There's no need for ripping any throats out with teeth. Though it's still Stiles' house and Stiles' rules, buddy, whenever he's harbouring your fugitive ass. And Stiles, if one of these days you get lucky, Derek will show you that big ol' fist and you can be sure it's not the only big thing the big bad wolf has in store for you. But, most importantly, you trust each other now and you still need each other to survive, still keep each other alive and won't ever let go.
You're drift compatible, you fit together in every possible universe with every version of yourselves. You're Diego and Sid, the abominable snowman and sourwolf, you're big bad wolf and not so little red with the trusted baseball bat or the lacrosse stick. You two make a pretty good pair.
You belong to fandom. You belong to no one. You belong to each other.
Stiles and Derek. Derek and Stiles. Your love is eternal.
Canon is closed. You're finally free.
Long live Sterek.  
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lavender-lotion · 6 years
WYIB Chp. Eight - Dude, You're Our Emissary Now | 3,287k
Read more chapters here! Read on AO3 here!
Breakfast is had, things are thought about and then awkward conversations that turn out to be ... not so awkward?
Stiles’ father didn’t force him to go into school the next morning, and for that he was grateful. There was no way Stiles would have been prepared to face his old pack. The boy was sure they would question him, most likely accuse him, and there was no way Derek would be happy about what happened. Well, Stiles did get his Betas back; there was a chance Derek would give him some leeway for that.
Most likely, he would just be mad that he hadn’t been able to do so himself.
It didn’t matter, since Stiles didn’t plan on leaving house for the day. He was still feeling wrung out from his nightmare, and emotionally exhausted from the ensuing panic. He had crawled back into bed and pulled Deucalion with him, trying to soothe the man's guilt. It really wasn’t his fault, hadn’t had anything to do with Deucalion at all. Stiles didn’t blame him, especially as he invited the man into his bed in the first place.
Stiles had gotten to sleep a little better afterward. The second time he went to bed he curled himself around Deucalion, tucking the man's back to his chest and pulling him close, nuzzling at the Alpha's neck. He hadn’t woken from a nightmare later that morning, thankfully, but he was near certain that if he had, he would’ve been fine, that having Deuc in his arms maybe would have helped.
He climbed down the stairs, anxiety settling in his gut. He knew bringing Deucalion to bed hadn’t been the best idea, could see that clearer now than last night. It was just, their bond had been glowing so beautifully between them, the connection the two lighting up so pretty. It had been so easy to lose himself inside of it, let the easy intimacy they shared be magnified by their bond.
But Stiles was thinking clearly now, and he could see how - sudden, his actions were.
Their bond had just been so strong, so sweet and alluring twined between them. Stiles wasn’t even sure if everything he thought he was feeling for Deucalion - the acceptance, the appreciation, the soft attraction - was genuine, or if it was something crafted from the bond. Hell, they’d just met; Stiles had no idea why he would have let the man sleep in his bed, let alone allow Deucalion up curl up behind him.
He had no idea how he’d felt so safe, how he could possibly warm to the man so quickly. It had to have something to do with the bond, but - but Stiles wasn’t even sure he wanted it to stop. He liked the attention, the way Deucalion felt pulsing in his chest and how the man's hand had felt around his in the car, or how his chest had felt against his cheek, or his back to Stiles’ chest. He liked having someone he could hold close, could count on to be there for him.
But Stiles didn’t know anything of Deucalion other than what his research had provided and what he had glimpsed going inside the man's mind. It created two conflicting images; the two so different that he had trouble seeing them as the same person. The Demon Wolf was unforgiving, ruthless in his reign. He played at executioner with ease, seeming to have no problem with taking lives.
But Stiles had seen more, had seen what Deucalion was and what he could have been. He had been a fair Alpha, kind in his reign, and he had listened to the opinions of his Betas, endlessly putting their needs before his own. He had cared for others; he had been a peacemaker. He tried for treaties with other packs, reached out when they needed help.
And Stiles could see him being that type of Alpha again; wanted to see him be that sort of Alpha again. He didn’t know if he would be enough, but he was going to try to be. He had to. Stiles wanted to be part of a pack he was proud of, could put his faith into and gladly walk alongside. That wasn’t what the Alphas were now, but maybe they could be more. Stiles hoped they could.
The kitchen was bustling with activity when Stiles finally stepped down from the last stair. He took a moment to watch, something warm and possessive curling inside his chest. His dad and Ennis were manning the stove side by side, while each of their mates sat on the island, watching. He wasn’t sure how comfortable he was with Kali sitting so close to Peter, but if the man felt safe there was nothing he could do about it.
He entered the room quietly, giving himself a moment to soak up the domesticity. Their kitchen wasn’t often a place where people gathered. Aside from the mandatory cooking he and his father did, they didn’t spend time in the room. It had been his mother's domain, a room where she held the reins, and it always felt too big without her laugh to fill it.
But watching his pack members move around it, Ennis towering in the space as he laughed deeply with Stiles’ dad, he felt something warm up inside him. It wasn’t the same as his mom humming to a tune only she heard, dancing around as his father watched, love-struck - but it was good, could maybe be great.
He leaned back into Deucalion’s chest, and the man letting out a surprised ’oh’. Their bond was so much stronger since the previous night, shining all the brighter between them. He’d been able to feel it when the Alpha finally woke, could track his energy as he moved down the stairs.
He wasn’t sure just why he felt so safe, why he didn’t flinch when the man placeda loose hand around his waist, softly hugging him to his chest. It could be the bond influencing him, coaxing him into trusting his Alpha.
The bonds he held with the other pack members - except Peter - weren’t nearly as strong, and he was hesitant to think why the one with Deucalion would feel like so much more. Yes, he knew a fair bit about Alpha/Emissary bonds. He’d done a good amount of reading and research when he thought he could maybe be that to Derek. So he knew about how strong they were, and how hard to break.
Unless something happened, unless - unless Deucalion died, he would probably stay bonded to the Alpha for the rest of his life.That thought was a little overwhelming, and he tried not to let himself panic over it. He had known that going in, had known the gravity of the decision he was making back in the forest, but he hadn’t seen any other options. Not with the way the Hale pack had been acting.
And even if he hadn’t been a part of the pack then, had already been pushed aside, he wasn’t going to let people he once cared for die. Not when he could have done something to stop it. And done something he had - even if the decision he went with had been on the extreme side. The Hale pack, his father, and the town were now safe from the Alphas.
And with his father cooking alongside Ennis, Peter chatting with Kali, and Deucalion a warm weight at his back, he found it hard to think he’d made the wrong choice.
Breakfast turned into a louder affair than Stiles had ever experienced. The pack had set up in both the kitchen and the living room, the four-person table they had not enough to fit everyone. His father and Ennis had cooked more than enough, going through multiple cartons of eggs and cooking more breakfast meats than Stiles had ever imagined seeing at one time.
It was nice, the noise. Their house had been too quiet for too long after his mother's death, when there was only Stiles, far too young to be taking care of himself as he was. It wasn’t something he often thought about, not when it was so far in the past and so much had changed since that time. It wasn’t important anymore.
Not when their house now had so much life in it. Deucalion had followed Stiles into the living room with a hand to the small of his back. Stiles was quickly becoming used to leading the other man, and he wasn’t going to complain, not when Deucalion’s skin felt warm through the man's shirt, the one he had slept in and never changed out of.
He held Deuc’s plate as the man sat himself on the loveseat and Stiles followed, crossing his legs when he sat, a knee resting atop the Alpha’s thigh. The physical contact was still easy between them. Stiles knew there was a conversation they needed to have, but he wasn’t averse to putting it off. He didn’t want to find out that it was all the bond on Deucalion’s end.
Stiles looked up when the twins and Cora entered the room. It was hard to tell them apart, even with their bonds shining within his chest. It was obvious that Cora favored one of them, and if Stiles let his magic rise in his chest, let it bleed into his eyes, he could see the tighter bond between those two. It was sweeter than the one Cora shared with the other twin and nothing like the one the two twins shared with one another.
“Cora is dating Aiden,” Deucalion said quietly into his ear, breath hot against his skin and making Stiles shiver.
He could hardly do more than nod.
He looked at the three on the couch and closed his eyes, letting the pack bonds he could feel in his chest glow brighter. He opened his eyes slowly, blinking away his inner magic and focusing back to the present. Aiden’s bond was sharper, than Ethan’s and now that he had figured that out he felt more comfortable with telling them apart.
His dad was seated in his armchair, Peter on the floor between his legs. Stiles felt a surge of emotion when he looked at them, his heart swelling in his chest as he smiled, leaning heavier into Deucalion’s side. The man said nothing about it, but their bond pulsed with warm acceptance, much sweeter than it had been earlier that morning.
Kali and Ennis had stayed in the kitchen, but Stiles didn’t mind. Instead he basked in the easy atmosphere of his pack. It was even softer than the night before, and his father being there made all the difference. This was his, his pack, his to protect and care for. He was going to take his oath seriously.
“So, what’s next, kiddo?” his dad asked, shocking Stiles out of his own mind. He hadn’t even realized that he’d finished eating, nor that Deucalion had deposited his plate on the side table for him.
“I’m not really sure?” Stiles admitted, shrugging his shoulders and looking around.
Ennis and Kali entered from the kitchen, Ennis sitting himself on the floor and Kali leaning against the wall like the she had the night before. Stiles hadn’t wanted to make any assumptions, didn’t want to push anyone into a decision they might be unhappy with. He still hadn’t known everyone well enough to know what they would want. He knew that would have to change.
“Well, we shall begin the search for a more permanent residence, of course.” Deucalion said it with an easy drawl, though Stiles felt how the man's arm tensed against his back.
“Hmm, I think that could be agreeable. John? How would you feel about moving?” Peter asked, leaning back against John’s legs. But Stiles watched how his dad tensed at the question, knew the mistake Peter had made.
“I feel like that’s not a conversation we’re going to be having in a room full of people, Peter.” There wasn’t any room for question in his voice and Peter just nodded, lowering his eyes. Stiles could see how the man's cheeks were beginning to heat in embarrassment.
“I want to go after Gerard!” Stiles blurted out, though he was quick to slap a hand over his mouth and look around, wide-eyed. Not what he’d meant to say, though both Peter and his dad were looking at him with thankful eyes.
“I - I just want to sleep.” Stiles said, though he clenched his fists in his laps, looking down. “I don’t want to wake up scared again. And I don’t think that is going to be possible if he’s still alive somewhere.”
“It’s okay kiddo, I understand,” his dad told him. His words made Stiles feel light, reassured in a way he hadn’t realized he had been craving.
“I’m up for some murdering,” Cora said, which worked to diffuse any lingering tension. Ennis chuckled deeply as he flashed his eyes, and Kali grinned.
“I - you guys don’t have to come. I can do it on my own,” Stiles said.
“Dude, you’re our Emissary now,” Aiden said, like that answered anything, instead of just making Stiles more confused.
“You may not feel it the way we do, but a bond with an Emissary is some pretty strong stuff. We want to help you.” Ethan added, leaning across the room to offer Stiles a fist bump. Stiles gave him one, and he couldn’t quite keep down his smile.
“If you’re all sure?”
“Of course, darling.” Deucalion said quietly even as he placed a warm hand on Stiles’ thigh.
Stiles didn’t miss how his father’s eyes narrowed.
He was thankful for the warmth nonetheless.
“I feel like there is a conversation we need to be having,” his dad began, blocking the hall light as he stood in the doorway of Stiles’ bedroom.
Stiles had tensed, already knowing where this would be going. “I definitely feel like this is a conversation we don’t need to be having.”
“Stiles,” John said on a sigh, and Stiles felt bad. It wasn’t that he planned on keeping anything a secret - he just didn’t want to be having this conversation. How was he supposed to explain to his dad the jumbled up mess of feelings that was his mind when even he didn’t know what was going on?
“I’m serious, kiddo.” He entered the room then, planting both hands on his hips in his ‘sheriff’ pose.
It wasn’t nearly as intimidating to Stiles as it was to criminals
“Ugh, fine. Whatever, at least come inside so the whole damn house can’t hear everything,” Stiles knew his voice came out more of a whine, but he wasn’t able to bring himself to care. Instead he threw himself back on the bed and folded his arms.
“What - how would that make a difference?” His dad’s voice was confused, and Still felt bad again. He hadn’t been keeping his father updated with the progression of his magic. Instead, he’d been excitedly going to Peter every time he learned how to do something cool and exciting.
“I can soundproof the room?” Stiles said, raising his hands and letting his fingers spark for show. He closed his eyes and focused, pulled at his spark and willed it out from himself to cling to the walls. Then he pushed, forming a barrier to trap the sound in.
“Huh,” his dad muttered and took a heavy seat in Stiles’ desk chair. The man let out a deep sigh, his shoulders slumping with it, and Stiles’ concern grew. His dad was obviously upset over something. Stiles sat straighter, already dreading the worse.
“How - how would you feel about moving?” his dad said with a flinch, as if even the thought made him uncomfortable.
And that Stiles had not been expecting at all. He had known his father and Peter had left and gone for a fairly long drive, and Stiles assumed it had been to talk about the strange comment made after breakfast. But Stiles hadn’t been expecting this.
“I think I would be okay with it?” And it was true. He would miss the house, sure, but ever since he got in touch with his spark, since his magic kindled bright and happy inside his chest, he’d felt close to his mom in a way he hadn’t since her death. He was connected to her in a way he hadn’t been before, and he didn’t need more than that.
But he knew his father didn’t have the same connection that Stiles did. While his mom lived on in the warm glow of Stiles’ chest, for his dad Claudia only lived on in his memories. “Would you be okay with moving?”
“I don’t know,” his dad said, though his head hung low and his shoulders moved forward.
“I think Mom would be happy, that you found someone else. I can see how happy Peter makes you, Dad,” Stiles said quietly, stepping closer and laying a hand on his dad's shoulder, squeezing. Stiles wasn’t expecting his dad to cover his hand with his own, nor was he expecting the tight squeeze he got in return, but he let the moment happen and didn’t pull away.
“The conversation with Peter went well?” Stiles asked after a long moment, letting his dad pull himself together as he walked back to the bed, dropping down with a bounce.
“God, that man is hard to say no to.” His dad exhaled, letting the tension bleed from his shoulders. Stiles couldn't help but smile just a little - John had never been very good at saying no to Claudia, either.
“I mean, I think you’re just weak-willed,” Stiles teased, smiling at his father. He was happy the man was moving on, especially after so many years. This was the first time his father had ever even dated anyone, and Stiles was more than thrilled that it was Peter. The man was becoming a large part of Stiles’ life, comforting and encouraging and supportive every time he helped Stiles with magic.
Not only that, but Peter had been spending so much time with them both, coming for dinner every night his father was home, and even some when he wasn’t, helping Stiles with his magic, or more often, his history homework. He cared for Peter, and not just because the wolf had been - was still - his Beta. He would have no problems with seeing Peter as a step-parent, was hoping for it. He saw how happy the two men were together and they both deserved it.
“Weak-willed or not, kiddo, we may be moving,” his dad said.
“I mean, knowing Deucalion it’s probably going to be something outrageously big, so,” Stiles mentioned, already able to picture it.
“Hm, and what’s this about ‘knowing Deucalion’? Because that sure comes as a surprise to me,”  his dad said with a raised brow.
Stiles bit down on his lip for a long moment, trying to think about what exactly he wanted to say. He knew he was going to be honest, of course he was, but he wasn’t sure what that even meant.
“Uh, well this was a conversation I was going to have with both you and Peter?”
“Why the both of us?”
“Well, Peter just kind of followed me? I wanted to explain to him why.” Why he bonded with a murderous Alpha, why he felt so comfortable in the man's space, why he thought Deucalion was safe.
“Okay, if you want we can wait and speak to Peter, but don’t think you’re going to get out of us talking about why there was a grown man sleeping in your bed last night.”
Stiles nodded, though he did dramatically groan as he threw himself back onto his bed.
6 notes · View notes
ampedupkaon · 4 years
Wave 5 Character Review
I decided I preferred doing the character review with all of the revealed characters in it. This is that article! I’ll talk about the promos first; then work my way up through the rarities, leaving the SRTs for last. This has spoilers for all of the Wave 5 characters; (I am NOT revealing any new cards here, they will have been revealed elsewhere first) so if you don’t want spoilers turn back before the picture.
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First, we have Tidal Wave.
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Who is very sneaky! Two of the little boats he starts as have another bot hiding underneath them at the start of the game. They deploy the hidden bot when they attack, combine or get KO’d. The first one seems most likely; which is where the other ability of those boats comes in; that character can attack the turn they are deployed if the boat they deployed from under is attacking! The only problem? The boats can only carry a bot that is 4 stars are fewer under them (so no surprise Galactic Commander Optimus or Decepticon King Starscream!). That to me says one of the patrol bots from wave 3 or 4 (not the leaders though!). The other boat has the combine ability on it; the most health out of them and stealth to keep your opponent off it! Tidal Wave taps an enemy when he combines (and you will probably have a couple more bots on board who can attack; so your opponent doesn’t get lots of pot shots at Tidal Wave!). Next is Arcana.
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Who looks like… Brainstorm’s head?! Could he be in this set? He gives +2 defense to the body he is on and has… no abilities in bot mode. Next we have…
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Perceptor the nerd! This is the card that Dan Arnold designed and what a character! He does something that we’ve never seen before when he flips to alt. You reveal the top 4 cards of your deck and your opponent splits them into two piles (they don’t need to be equal piles). One pile goes underneath Perceptor, never to be seen again (until he gets KO’d), and the other goes to your hand. The opponent will want to be careful what they give Perceptor to look after underneath him. When he’s in body mode, he has +1 power for each card underneath him (like Nemesis and Lockdown before him; he gains power for each card under him). Next is Convex, the bot who he uses to Head On (and was also designed by Dan Arnold).
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He gives the body Safeguard 3 and has it himself when he’s in bot mode (see a pattern here?). He also has 4 health; so if he does get attacked while undamaged they won’t KO him in one hit! Now on to the box topper; Fortress Maximus!
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Who is looking for a rainbow deck! When he’s in alt mode and he’s defending he wants to flip at least a white and a blue to do 1 damage to the attacker (so they better be careful if they have only 1 health left when they attack him!). However, when he’s in body mode he wants to flip at least an orange and a black. If he does… he does 2 damage to each enemy?! Wow that’s potent! Not only that; he sneaks into his more defensive alt mode after the battle. Cerebros Head Ons on to him at the start of the game; so let’s look at him next.
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He gives Bold 1 and Tough 1 to Fortress Maximus (because he can’t go on any bot he likes). When he is deployed he has it himself too, just like the other heads. Unlike them; he has another skill too. He wants to flip 1 orange, 1 blue, 1 white and 1 black when he battles so he can… grab an Upgrade from the scrap pile for himself?! That’s pretty nice (he can grab a weapon if he flips it on the defense, or an armor if he flips it on the attack). Emissary should be the bot Head Oned on Cerebros, so let’s have a look at him.
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Emissary gives Cerebros (or any other bot you pair him with; he doesn’t have to be on Cerebros) Focus 2. He has it himself in bot mode (like just about every other head!). Now on to the commons, and first we have…
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Bludgeon! I’m pleased the whole set isn’t just bodies and heads (like Rise of the Combiners; they’re the focus but not the only thing). He has Pierce 1 and Tough 1 in alt mode (though that could easily be increased). His bot mode ability is interesting too; if you give him an Energon Slingshot (the only non-attack damage card for a Melee character, which he is in this mode) it reduces the enemy’s defense by 1 as well as doing them 1 damage. Imagine comboing him with some of those Ranged cards that like to do damage… Of course you then need to work out who he should be with… That sounds like an article for another day. Next up is Brawn.
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Who could be a contender for best 5 star character! He’s… really good. His stats seem very familiar; because they are very close to Flamewar’s from wave 1! And his abilities are both good! In truck mode he has Pierce 1 for each different colour you flip when he attacks an enemy with more stars than him (and he has only 5 stars; so most bots have more stars than him!). In bot mode he gets +1 defense for each colour you flip when he defends against a character with more stars than him. His stratagem makes him even more potent and only makes playing him equivalent to playing a six star character. Now we have Wingspan.
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Who also can have Battle Cards put under him for safe keeping. Whenever he’s in bot mode and an Upgrade is scrapped off him it goes underneath him instead. When he flips to beast mode you draw a card. But that’s not all; he has +1 defense for each card under him. Which is quite nasty! He starts with 2 defense but if a few Upgrades get scrapped off his bot mode… it could easily get higher than that! Next up we have another non-Titan Master and all around peaceful guy…
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Beachcomber! He has Focus 1 in bot mode… which is not very interesting. His flip to alt is though. When you flip him to alt you can name a card then reveal the top card of your deck. If you named the right card; he draws you 3 cards! If not… well, you know what you are going to flip. He might be a good teamie for Shockwave from Wave 3 (since you will always know what is on top of your deck!). Next up… my pulleys are squeakin’ again…
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It’s Autobot Gears! And he likes to complain about enemies having Upgrades with his abilities. When you flip him to bot mode he bounces an Upgrade back to the enemies hand (like that Force Field they’re trying to protect their character with). When you flip him to Truck mode he can move an Upgrade from one enemy to another (again get that armor off that character you want to attack). And that’s not bad in a seven star package! So maybe stop the complaining Gears; at least you got a decent character card (unlike Jazz…). Next up is GrumpyBox.
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Crankcase. Who likes you having lots of cards in your hand. When he flips to alt, you draw a card. Simple, that. It does serve a purpose though. He gets +3 attack when he attacks if you have at least 5 cards in your hand. So, 8 attack is pretty good for a 7 star character. He’s solid. Now we have Outback.
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Gooday mate! This little beaut likes his Upgrades. He can draw you 2 cards when you flip him to alt as long as you scrap an Upgrade from your hand. And in bot mode, he has a really good ability. If your opponent would scrap an Upgrade from him, you can scrap an Upgrade of the same type from your hand instead. That’s… amazing! Good luck scrapping Upgrades from him! He seems like a good teamie for Wave 4 Jetfire, doesn’t he? Now we have the uncommons and the first one is…
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Twin Twist. Who wants to flip a lot! When he flips to body mode your opponent picks one of their characters and does 1 damage to it. If he’s flipped at least twice (if he’s been Showing Off for example) he does 1 damage to each enemy instead. When he flips to alt mode he gets Pierce 3 until end of turn. All that in a 9 star package? Not bad at all. He needs to Head On, and I think the head is supposed to be Flameout…
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But, I think he wouldn’t mind one that gives him Pierce instead perhaps. Flameout gives Bold 2 to whoever his body is and has it himself when the body gets KO’d. Next up we have Wolfwire (Weird Wolf).
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Who likes green pip cards (like the Air Strike Patrol do). He changes what the green pip means while he’s in body mode! He lets you put the green pip card into your hand instead of swapping a card from your hand! He gives you a free card! Shame it’s on quite a weak body… When he flips to alt you can scrap a card with a green pip on it to draw two cards. He also needs to Head On; I believe his head should be Monxo…
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Who gives +1 attack to whoever he’s on. +1 attack? That seems a little low. He also seems rather squishy when he lands in bot mode and has no skills on that side. Next up, we have another head; Parsec.
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She is rather special; since she’s a 1 star character! She gives Bold 1 to the bot she’s the head of and has it herself when she’s in bot mode. She is supposed to be Nautica’s head; but unlike Nautica; she’s only an uncommon! Next up we have…
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Chromedome! Can we have Rewind to go with him please? His abilities are amazing! When you flip him to body mode he checks your opponent’s hand for an Action. If he finds at least one (and you’re likely to find at least one aren’t you?) you pick one of the Actions and your opponent… puts it in the KO area?! He makes the opponent’s deck forget about that Action; like he’s just done mnemosurgery on it! Then there is his alt mode ability. When he attacks if your opponent has at least 3 Actions in their KO area he gets +3 attack until end of turn (Leap Into Battle Domey!). And all of that in an 8 star car package! Primus he’s so good; and he’s only uncommon! Now to help him Head On!
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With Autobot Stylor! Who gives +1 defense to the bot he Head Ons to! He has no abilities in bot mode; but Primus is he cute! Next we have Horri-Bull.
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That pun is awful (but will be as old as Headmasters). Enough about his name; let’s talk about his abilities. In body mode, whenever you play a black card you do 1 damage to Horri-bull and an enemy. Huh, he wants you to damage him?! Oh, I see. When he flips to alt you move a damage counter from him to an enemy. And he’s only 6 stars?! He does need to Head On, so let’s investigate Kreb…
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First off, what sort of a name is that? Poor bot (almost as bad as Dent). Anyway… He gives +2 Health to whoever he’s the head of and has no ability in bot mode. He’s also a 1 star character. Next up is Quake.
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Another 7 star tank. He has +2 attack when he is the last character on your battlefield. His body mode ability is really interesting; when he or any other bot gets KO’d he does 1 damage to each other character (including himself if he is not the bot KO’d). That’s… bonkers! Why would he want to hurt himself? He could be quite frightening against a wide team; but against a tall team… he’ll struggle to shine. Anyway, let’s give him a head; with Chasm.
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Chasm gives +2 attack to the bot he’s Head Oned to and has no abilities in bot mode (like the other + stat heads). Next up is Mindwipe.
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The hypnotist… I wonder if we’ll get Hellbat from Victory (even he is called Fellbat). Anyway, when Mindwipe attacks in body mode and you flip a black, your opponent must scrap a card from their hand. However, if they can’t, you draw a card instead! And when he flips to alt mode you pick a battle icon colour. Then you look at the opponent’s hand and scrap a card from it that has that colour. So, Mindwipe does some Espionage when he flips to alt. He needs to Head On, so let’s look at Vorath.
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I like what pose he’s in in bot mode. He is another 1 star character; he’s Parsec’s mirror, giving Tough 1 to the bot he’s Head Oned to and having it himself in bot mode.Next up we have Optimus Prime.
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Headmaster Optimus Prime. Who… is a bit lacklustre. At least he’s not an SRT. When he flips to alt mode; draw a card. Which is nice; but not all that nice. But; if your opponent has more cards in their hand than you have in yours… he draws you another card! Flip to alt to draw 2 cards isn’t bad. When he attacks in body mode; he repairs 1 damage from one of your characters (that can be him). But, and here’s the kicker, if you have fewer characters on the battlefield than your opponent; he repairs one more damage from that character. He also is 15 stars if you use Apex as his head and 17 stars if you use his Stratagem too! So you are very likely to have fewer characters on the battlefield than your opponent. Optimus needs to Head On; so let’s look at Apex.
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He looks cute too! He gives Stealth to the bot he’s Head Oned to and has it himself in bot mode. Now from the hero to the villain. Here’s Megatron!
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Headmaster Megatron. Who is also a bit lacklustre… When he’s defending in alt mode… if he flips at least one orange he does one damage to the attacker. Which isn’t bad for a defending character! When you flip him to body mode he gets +2 attack until the end of the turn. Which isn’t too bad. I’m not sure he’s 11 star good though. He’s also definitely not 14 star good; like if Doomshot is Head Oned to him. He becomes 16 stars if you also use his Stratagem. Doesn’t leave him many teamies does it? Anyway, he needs to Head On; and Doomshot can help with that.
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Who looks just as grumpy as the bot he forms the head of! He gives Brave to the bot he’s Head Oned to and has it himself in bot mode. Lastly, we have Topspin.
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Who is… very interesting. He has Tough X in alt mode; where X is the amount of Bold he has! So if he has a Back Up Beam and some Brass Knuckles he has both Bold 4 and Tough 4! That’s… nuts! Assuming of course that his head doesn’t give him more Bold! Which gives me an interesting deck idea… But anyway… he has a slightly less interesting ability in body mode. When you attack with him in body mode and you flip at least 1 white pip, he draws a card. It’s like a smaller version of the ability Wave 1 Chromia had. He also needs to Head On; and his head is Freezeout.
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Who gives Tough 2 to the bot he is Head Oned to and has it himself in bot mode. Now on to the rares and first we have Sergeant Kup.
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Who is actually the same stars as the original Sergeant Kup! This one has much better stats though. And much better abilities! He has Tough 1 in alt mode and gives your Wreckers (him included) +X attack when they take X damage during your turn. When flip to his body mode you can scrap a blue card from your hand to scrap an enemy Upgrade. He needs to Head On too; so let’s have a look at Flintlock.
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He gives Tough 3 to the bot he starts the game on; but has it himself when he flips to bot mode (when the body gets KO’d). He’s good, but not quite as good as Aimless is (yeah, you all know how hard Aimless is to KO). Next up we have Skullsmasher.
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A crocodile with bite! He has Pierce 3 when attacking an Autobot (which is good, considering they seem to be dominating the meta…). His body mode ability is really interesting. When an enemy with fewer stars than him gets tapped; they take 1 damage! Which would be good; if he didn’t also state that when an enemy with more stars than him gets tapped, he takes 1 damage. He also needs to Head On, maybe Grax can help him with that?
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Who gives +5 Health to the body he’s on and has 5 health himself in bot mode. No ability though. Next up we have…
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Welcome to the Transformers TCG Black Shadow. You are not the Phase Sixer I was hoping for! That aside; he is very special. He is a Titan Master Combiner! And when he combines, he does 3 damage to an enemy Autobot (take that Optimus!). You combine him using his Stratagem (which makes him cheaper to play too). There’s not much to say about the Plane and Tank he starts as (they aren’t very interesting…)
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Ominus (I like that pun!) Head Ons on to him so let’s look at him next.
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He grants… Pierce 4 to any bot that he’s on?! That’s amazing (couple that with Heavy Handed and Sky Shadow will do guaranteed 8 damage). He has it himself in bot mode (but he needs 2 more attack to actually do 4 damage). Next up we have...
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Nautica! Another female character! And, even better, she’s a defensive gal. If she’s attacked in boat mode by a ground Vehicle (car, truck or tank) each blue you flip becomes a double blue. Which sounds amazing; but remember bots tend to be in… well, bot mode when they attack. Which is where her body mode ability comes in. When she defends, you can give her an armor to protect her (seems like a really good thing that Multi-Mission Gear got banned now, doesn’t it?). She needs to Head On and hers is is supposed to be Parsec. She’s an uncommon; so I’ve already talked about her. Let’s move on to Clobber.
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Unfortunately not the cutie from Cyberverse. A head which looks like Grimlock’s but has no body with it?! Anyway, he gives Bold 3 to the bot he has Head Oned to and he has it himself in bot mode. He’s also a Dinobot (Dino-Chomp, anyone?) and with his Stratagem: Me Grimlock, You Grimlock (Everybot Grimlock!) he makes the bot he’s Head Oned to a Dinobot too! Next up we have Fangry…
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I really don’t like him. The character that is; he was absolutely horrible to Tailgate in Lost Light (I wonder if Tailgate will be in this set). That aside; he seems rather interesting. He has Bold 2 in alt mode when attacking an enemy with more stars than him (he’d have Bold 5 if Clobber is his head; and that’s nuts!) In body mode he has Tough 2 when he’s defending against an enemy with fewer stars than him. How do you balance that? Guess he’s not a flipper. You just stick him in whichever mode benefits your deck best (or what your opponent is running). He needs to Head On as well; so let’s have a look at Brisko.
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He gives +3 health to the bot he’s on (14 health if it is Fangry!) and he has no ability in bot mode (but he has 3 health himself). Next up we have…
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Brainstorm! Sure enough, he is in this set! Who also really likes Upgrades! When you flip him to alt; he Scrounges for an Upgrade. If he finds one on top of your deck, you can play it! Otherwise, well you at least you know what is on top of your deck! In body mode; when he attacks and you flip an Upgrade you can put an Upgrade you flipped into your hand. He and Outback sound like a good combo! Anyway, Brainstorm needs to Head On and his head is meant to be Teslor; so let’s have a look at him.
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Teslor gives Focus 1; which actually does work quite well with Brainstorm. He lets you check which card is on the top of your deck before Brainstorm attacks, so you can scrap an Action you find. Teslor also has Focus 1 in bot mode. Now on to the SRTs and we have Windsweeper first.
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Who?! Whoever he is (he looks like a flyer Fulcrum in my opinion); his abilities are quite nice! When he’s in bot mode, his teamies can give him one of their damage counters when they attack. How nice! He takes the damage off his teamies. Then you flip Windsweeper to alt and he’s not so nice any more. When he attacks he flings one damage counter at the defender, unless you had at least 2 planes on your starting team; then he flings 2! Which means he just needs one plane teamie to fling 2 damage when he attacks (since he’s a plane himself). Next up we have Tracks.
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Who is only 9 stars and is a helpful car/plane hybrid! He gains the plane trait only if you use his stratagem; but I see him going into people’s car decks. In bot mode he does 1 damage to an enemy that isn’t a car or plane (so he punishes bots sitting in bot mode!). When he flips to alt he gives a character +1 attack. Unless that character shares one of his traits; then they get +2 attack. Yeah; he makes a good replacement for Wheeljack from Wave 1 (Start Your Engines works very nicely with him!) and he can choose himself (it doesn’t say other character)! Next we have Windcharger.
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A 7 star car! He has +3 attack on your first turn of the game (so attack with him first!). When you flip him to bot mode you draw a card; then Plan 1. That seems a little lacklustre for an SRT. He’s vanilla in alt mode; except for your first turn of the game and his bot mode ability seems a bit lacking. He’s alright; but not as good as Tracks (in my opinion anyway). Next is…
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Roadbuster! Who wants lots of Upgrades! When he is given an Armor in alt mode (he has no alt mode type; like Motormaster) you repair 1 damage from him (and he has impressive defense in alt mode to begin with!). Not bad. In bot mode he wants Weapons; since every time he gets given a Weapon he does 1 damage to an enemy! He’s quite good; but becomes amazing when coupled with his Stratagem. He gives you an extra star in your battle deck for a Weapon and an extra star in your battle deck for an Armor! That’s nuts! It’s probably why he has no other traits apart from Leader and Wrecker (to keep those trait specific Upgrades off him!). Next up we’ve got…
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Whirl! I guess they must have put 1 extra Autobot SRT in this set to make up for there being 2 Decepticon SRTs in the last set (even though the Autobot SRT was nuts). He seems to want a blue deck to me. Or possibly a mixed deck; since he has very good base attack. When he attacks in alt mode and flips at least a blue he does 1 damage to each enemy, except the one he is attacking. That’s pretty good; he can hit that cheeky Optimus that waits until last to attack. In bot mode he has a weaker version of Skrapnel’s ability from Wave 1; he can’t take more than 5 attack damage from a Ranged attacker. And Ranged characters are probably the most common that you see; so that’s pretty good. Next up is Nightracer.
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She looks like a recoloured Tailgate to me (where is he?!). She is also… only 5 stars?! Those stats are better than some 7 star characters! She likes Secret Actions too; so maybe she is a good teamie for Mirage from Wave 4 and Skywarp from Wave 3. She gives Tough 1 to each of your characters while you have a Secret Action in alt mode (whether its face up or face down). In bot mode; it’s the same except she grants Bold 1. Her stratagem gives you an extra 2 stars for Secret Actions (like Heroic Resolve or Even The Score) and then she is 6 stars… that’s pretty good! That should be it…
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Huh, another SRT? That makes 7! Which is how many commons there are in this set. Anyway, here’s Pounce; who… also likes Secret Actions. He has +2 attack for each face-up or face-down Secret Action you have while he’s in alt mode (he’s another Beast; I wonder if this means there will be a Beast tribal card). Also; when he flips to bot mode you look at the top 3 cards of your deck. You can reveal a Secret Action you found (not very secret then though, is it?) to add it to your hand. Then; and this is good, you can arrange the remaining cards (which may be 3 cards, you don’t have to reveal any of them) in any order you like. That’s pretty cool.
Well, that’s all of them. May you get the all of the bots and cons that you want when this set eventually hits shelves!
0 notes
DarkStiles Head Canon.
This head canon is courtesy of @tygerblaze. AND IT IS AMAZING AND HAS BONUS FIC ATTACHED! 
1)Stiles lost his dad to the Darach... the Nogitsune would have no trouble at all seeping into this Stiles, using him to hurt people. Deaton’s speak about opening the door is still the same. But its too late for Stiles has been taken over. At least that's what the others thought. In reality Stiles didn't have to do much, that door had busted wide open when he lost his father. Now he shares his darkness with this fox that had already been twisted because of its imprisonment. He understood it more
2)than the others ever could, with his spark already shinning with swirls of darkness. His parents had been the only one to keep that darkness at bay. Stiles is the one in control here though. They’re tired of doing things Scott’s way, letting people go who have taken countless of lives. So they both agree to only hurt those who've hurt them, who had hurt their pack. Showing Nogitsune the ones responsible for taking Erica Reyes and Vernon Boyd from this world, for hurting Isaac Lahey, for taking
This came out longer than I thought: 
4) for taking his father from him for hurting Derek Hale in the worst way. He hunts each and every one of them down, the twins are the first one he takes down, but not before giving them both weeks of sleepless night terrors, he does the same thing to deputy Haigh, (whose been known to abuse his power) splitting his time between the three. Using the chaos and pain to feed them both. It takes time and finess to get through his list. He has to relearn his abilities. Tricksters have so many after all. Stiles takes their down time to shape the power into something he can use, fuses it with his spark making sure what he had shines brightest in the dark. 
Its almost a year before he finds a less than powerful Julia Bacharri (Peter does not get that kill), hiding amongst hunters. Days of stretching out her life force, pulling it apart piece by piece, Stiles throws away the ashen parts, they never tasted good anyway. He enjoys licking up the sparks of power, her screams. The short time he takes, to let her breathe, she finally tells him the truth about Emissary’s. How Deaton had failed his pack, and broke their law. How he had failed in training Stiles, almost letting his spark fade. How Deaton was responsible for the downfall of the Hale’s and their previous Emissary… that gives Stiles a slight pause. To dig into what is left of Julia and see the truth. The rage it sets loose is enough to take shake the walls, foundation of the hunters hide out. Taking Julia’s life along with it. “Oops.” His phone rings just a few minutes after. One message ’he’s awake.’ pocketing his phone Stiles eyes Julia’s body. “Well shit.”
There’s more people to on his list, but he isn’t sure that he wants to go after them now. Deaton is his main target. The only problem is that bastard is protected in Beacon Hills. A place he hasn’t been to in a long time. Stiles wants him to hurt the most for knowing more than they did, for letting all this happen, for pushing the pieces of this game a long in his favor. Deaton has been withholding for the longest time, and that can no longer go on. 
He brings his phone up and hums a mindless tune, bringing up contact list as it rings, the phone is picked up. “I’m calling in that debt, and you dam well better pay up.” 
Stiles could feel it from this side of the world, his Alpha had awakened from a long slumber, and he wasn’t happy. No, of course not, being left behind with a phony Alpha who thought he knew what was best for everyone. 
“Are we done?” 
He turns with the phone still up against his ears. The girl who stood timidly by the doors, dressed in layers despite the heat. He hangs up the phone, a dangerous smile on his face. “Almost…” Stiles watches as she comes closer but stays away from the body. 
“Did she pay?” 
“Oh yeah,” He made sure that Julia paid for all that she did… to Derek and his pack. Lifting up a hand he lets the little Tesla coils dance along his fingers before pressing them into her cheeks. They seem to seep into her skin making her shake a bit, before her eyes flew open, the fire in her eyes shown bright. “We’ve got one more thing to do before we go back.” 
“Kira… you with me.” 
Her lips slipped into an eerie smile. 
“Yeah, you’ll get use to that.” 
Stiles leads her out the doors and down the hall, it was still dark outside. Pushed her into the backseat of the Camaro waiting just down the road, he slides into the passenger seat, gives the driver the go ahead. Behind them the place goes up in flames that will burn far longer than anyone could predict. It wouldn’t go beyond the land itself. 
“Where to?” 
Stiles looked back at Kira who had lain across the backseat, head resting on a rolled up leather jacket. In her lap was a small wolf pup, its shining blue eyes meeting Stiles growling low in his throat. Stiles own eyes shined brightly back, before turning to Peter in the drivers seat. “He’s awake.” Was all he said before Peter nods and turns the car in a slow U-Turn. 
“You do know they won’t just let you walk back in there.” 
“Ohhhh I know.” 
Scott wouldn’t let the ‘monster’ wearing his best friends face just waltz back into their home town. Deaton made sure that Mccall wouldn’t make that mistake. The thing was, they were both so sure that Stiles had been taken over. They didn’t stop to think that, maybe… just maybe Stiles had taken over Notgitsune. Oh it was very much shared at first but… Stiles hadn’t heard that dark fox’s voice in a long time. 
That’s what happens when Nogitsune tries to take on an already darkened spark. He would deal with Scott and whatever delusional little beta the wolf had turned, maybe he could pry them apart like he had done with Kira. That had been so easy. Poor Kira hadn’t known that Scott hated himself so much, he tried to be something he wasn’t. Tried to tell others to do the same. 
Hmm… but first he would get his Alpha, and the last of his beta’s. Then he would take on that self righteous little bastard and his so called true alpha. Glancing into the backseat again he reached into the backseat and pulled up growling wolf pup, “Don’t worry Jackson… they won’t see us coming.” 
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binsofchaos · 4 years
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‘I Believe in Love’: Elizabeth Wurtzel’s Final Year, In Her Own Words
Introduction by Garance Franke-Ruta. Jump to the start of Elizabeth Wurtzel’s essay here.
The late Elizabeth Wurtzel was best known for her memoirs and essays, especially Prozac Nation and Bitch: In Praise of Difficult Women, but after attending Yale Law School in her late 30s she also enjoyed having a voice in the political arena. She was as much an original there as everywhere else, and between 2010 and 2012 she wrote a series of pieces for me at The Atlantic.
A feminist and a New Yorker who had really lived, she looked at the world in a different way from all the boys on the bus in Washington. And she was funny. She would send long text messages written on her smartphone while she was walking through Washington Square Park, an emissary from a more vivid and creative world than the boxy K Street buildings I would pass en route to my office in the Watergate. Sometimes her stories would come in like that too, texted in graf by graf, and I’d knit the passages together in what seemed like the right order and ask for some connective language. The thoughts were always razor-sharp; the understanding of human nature acute.
Over time our editing relationship moved into a long-distance friendship. We met for dinner at a restaurant in Chelsea, outside of course so her dog could be nestled at her feet. She had somehow managed to find a lipstick with my name on it — Guerlain’s Garance — and purchased us two tubes encased in elegant silver that sat heavy in the hand. She wore hers to dinner, and when I went to the restroom, I changed my color too, making us lipstick twins. It was how she was and in many ways the secret to her success: In addition to being wildly talented, she overcompensated for being so difficult and never totally in control by being astonishingly thoughtful, and kind, and, well, seductive. She was a seductive personality; hard not to love even as she could be hard to be close to.
When I started working at GEN this fall and living in New York full time, I reached out to her. “I’m in remission!” she’d said brightly when we first reconnected, three years after last seeing each other and nearly five years after she first learned she had the BRCA gene and breast cancer. We drank red wine on her balcony overlooking a giant earthen pit in the ground: The future NY offices of Netflix. We went to dinner at Il Buco on Bond Street (her suggestion); I could feel she was lonely. She and her husband Jim Freed had separated and were in the process of divorcing, a not so happy ending to the happily ever after story she had been astonished to stumble into in 2015, and something she was still figuring out how to write about. She started sending me things she had written as we talked about her writing a piece about Gen X politics and the 2020 race.
“I am intimate with the dirt,” she wrote of the Netflix pit. “It has infiltrated everything. It is all over me and under me. It is Love Canal, sewage from the Mississippi, cigarette butts, marijuana ash, slave remains, rats, mice, Three Mile Island, Mount Etna, Mount Saint Helen, Dust Bowl, Adam, Eve, serpent, Satan, Chernobyl, Berlin Wall, acid rain, asbestos, uranium, geraniums, 9/11, 7/11, Donner Party, bird beaks, pigeon claws, squirrel tails, gerbil puke, hamster wheels, insulation, Saran Wrap, Mason Pearson bristles, dental floss, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Mafia hits washed up from the East River, syringes, works, the residue at the bottom of the empty bag of dope, coal waste, cookie crumbs, broken bottles, rusty nails, Bataan Death March, Manila massacre, Boston Tea Party, frog legs, goldfish, mutant ninja turtles, alligators from Florida, red algae, yellow fever, Agent Orange, bubonic plague, gold teeth, silver spoons, copper wires, iron ore, Crest with fluoride, whitening strips, stripper tips, dollar bills, twenties laced with cocaine, subway tokens, expired MetroCards with unused fare, tickets to see Star Wars in 1976, bicentennial souvenirs, gutta-percha, cat guts, doll parts, golf balls, tennis racket strings, cashmere socks, polyester, rayon, pylon, nylon, Mylar, warped vinyl, scratched CDs, crispy leaves, shredded lettuce, tarnished keys, queen bees, xerox paper, pepper spray, Prozac pills, poppers, pooper scoopers, hula hoops, leis, fecal matter, aborted fetuses, snot, rot, cots, bots, shot glass shards, broken windows, chimney smoke, dice, playing cards, poker chips, lollipop sticks, toothpicks, used tissues, dirty handkerchiefs, bandanna threads, kite pine needles, kite strings, toilet water, wolf fangs, sunburn peel, hangnails, cavities, skin, scabs, split ends, fur balls, chicken bones, dissected cadavers, wisdom teeth, crash test dummies, Big Bang, Little Miss Muffet, Humpty Dumpty, Rip Van Winkle, bog wood, petrified forest, oyster shells, freshwater pearls, blood diamonds, Star rubies, asteroids, primordial ooze, love letters, promises kept and broken.”
Very soon the piece she’d wanted to write about Gen X politics started to slip. The cancer was back. There were so many tests and scans to undergo. I told her not to worry about writing it and was surprised when she filed. She said it was a good distraction from having cancer. She badly wanted to interview Beto O’Rourke, but by the time he arrived in New York City where they might have had a face-to-face — the Gen X skate-punk candidate and the Gen X icon — he was already getting ready to drop out of the race.
She sent me a long piece about her past year, about her impending divorce and her marriage and her mother and Donald Trump. It was from something longer she was working on, she said.
We talked about her writing an additional passage when she recovered from brain surgery and running the piece on Medium. “I suppose I have to add something about this, since so much of the piece is about cancer,” she texted. “You know, of all my failures of imagination, I never wondered what a brain tumor is like. So I could not have guessed it was this atrocious, the dizziness and the pain.”
Her recoveries from the relentless march of the disease during her final, dreadful month would prove to be brief.
After her first brain surgery — she had two to cope with her metastatic breast cancer and subsequent complications — which she described as a “brain resection,” she was astonishingly herself. She was funny and poetic and articulate and in good spirits. Still dizzy and unstable — the tumor had impacted her balance center and left her clutching the furniture as she walked during her last night in her own home — but also still herself. She laughed with her mother, who took video and pictures of her in the hospital and helped coordinate, along with Jim and some of her oldest friends from college, a parade of sun-up to way past winter sundown visitors so that she would never feel alone.
And the night before the surgery, Jim was the one she stayed with. He was the one who took care of Alistair, her dog, and her black cat, Arabella. When I saw him in the hospital, he was entirely attuned to her and what she might need so that she could recover and have, in the unspoken best-case scenario, another year.
“I can’t get over how great my husband has been with this. He has made it possible for me to get better and not worry about anything,” she wrote in mid-December, after the surgery. “He loves you so much it’s clear,” I texted back, thinking of how attentive he had been, how he was arranging visits with so many people, that look on his face that you cannot fake. “I think so,” she texted back. “It’s good you see. I love him so much.”
But the past year had been a hard one. This is what she had written about it. She had shown it to Jim too, and he agreed, as did a number of her oldest friends, that she’d want it published. She loved to be published.
I Believe in Love
By Elizabeth Wurtzel
Greetings from the chaotic land of marriage come undone.
The caravansary is dismantling, toothpicks flying everywhere, the bubblegum that held it together is unstuck.
Everything is falling.
My husband moved out at the end of December [2018], as the calendar flipped from last year to this [2019], while I was in Miami Beach, strolling the walkways in the shocking morning sun and under the nighttime Van Gogh sky, away from it all.
I knew he was moving out, but still: I was surprised.
I did not see that the game was over. I did not know the clock was running. I never lose, but I do run out of time. It turns out this was basketball and not baseball.
While I looked away, my marriage fell apart.
I fell off my keel. I lost my kilter. I was a kite without a string.
Maybe it’s better.
It is a peaceful purple without him here. But psychedelic with disarray.
Marriage is an organizing principle. It is flow. It is coffee in the morning. It is who walks the dog. It is HBO at night.
And love. Don’t forget that.
Now I am an ombré mess of a person. I am missed appointments and canceled meetings. I am the thing I forgot to do. I am hanging on by a strand of Drybar dry-shampooed hair.
All day long I have to ask people to forgive me, I am flailing and failing at it all. Forgive me, I beg, as I hope my untweezed eyebrows will. Maybe soon, I will even tug at a few strays.
Or maybe wild is the way.
I still think of Jim as this sweet person I married. He is my trust fall. He is my emergency contact. He is my next of kin. He is my valentine. He is my birthday dinner. He is my secret sharer. He is my husband.
I do not know him anymore so I do not know myself. Who are my friends? Where is my family? I have fallen into a crevasse of nobody nowhere.
I am estranged and strange, strangled up in blue.
I do not want to feel this way. I am going through the five stages of grief all at once, which Reddit strings have no doubt turned into 523. They are a collision course, a Robert Moses plan, a metropolitan traffic system of figuring it out.
I feel bad and mad and sad.
Is this a festival of insight or a clusterfuck of stupid? I change my mind all the time about this and about everything else.
I got married because I was done with crazy. But here it is, back again, the revenant I cannot shake. I feel like it’s 1993, when my heart had a black eye all the time.
26 is a boxing match of the soul.
I did not expect bruises at 52.
I have blamed myself. I have blamed my husband. I have blamed cancer. I have blamed marijuana. I have blamed sexism. I have blamed Charlottesville. I have blamed my in-laws. I have blamed several men named David. I have blamed my mother who lied to me my whole life about who my father is.
Who would I be if I did not blame Donald Trump?
I am angry all the time since the election of 2016, like it happened to me, like I was gang-raped by Michigan. I don’t want to be angry, but so there, I am.
Who don’t I hate?
Who won’t I blame?
If you are standing there, I blame you.
It is not conservative against liberal.
It is everybody against everyone. Here we are, in it together, alone.
The problem is not arguments I have with people who voted for Trump, who I don’t know anyway. The trouble is the way all of us who agree about everything are bickering. Oh, the narcissism of small differences.
I remember not that long ago when the world was not political. I was part of landmark litigation that was all about a team of Republicans and Democrats working together. I loved everybody. We were all on the same side.
What Alamo did I not forgive? What Masada did I not get over?
Now there is no microaggression too small for me to scream about so the next four neighborhoods can hear.
My husband does something and I am affronted like it matters.
I am sure he does not know how I feel.
And maybe he doesn’t.
But what does any of this have to do with why we got married? We got married to be in it together. Polarization has even invaded love.
I have anger fatigue. I am sick of sick. Like everyone.
The emotional toll of the world we live in is going to do all of us in.
But politics is not about conflict.
Politics is about making the world a better place.
How could my mother keep a secret for 50 years? What makes someone do that?
She buried herself in it. She grew a wild Victorian garden with thorny bushes of rose and purple larkspur and red snapdragon. There was a lush meadow of lavender that gave a whiff of Aix-en-Provence en été. The dandelions ran rampant and the daffodils glowed yellow like Big Bird.
But underneath it all, beneath the lilies of the valley and the rows of geranium, there is dirt.
There is a secret.
I am a bastard. I am her bastard daughter.
There are things that come along that are a shock.
I believed something for nearly half a century. It was a lie.
I was conned.
I was wrong about myself.
I did not know who I am.
My mother told no one.
It was a lie she told for so long it became true and the secret faded to no-memory. She misremembered who my father was. She did not think it mattered.
When it all came out in 2016, not long after I got married, just after my real father died, my mother could not see what my hysteria was about. She did not understand why I was stunned.
All the while I was trying not to feel the worst way ever, trying not to be overwhelmed by the explosion, my mother could not figure out what was bothering me.
After all, she is the nuclear physicist.
My mother is like everyone else. She thinks she is normal. She is sure her behavior makes sense. She believes she does the right thing. Since she cannot imagine that this is not the case, she is surprised to find out that, yes, she makes bombs.
I scream at my mother, “What’s wrong with you?!”
I do that and she does not know what I mean.
She says, “Oh get over it.”
Her eyes widen until they look like goggles on an herbivore. She is put upon. She cannot believe we have to discuss this yet again.
“Omigod yet again!”
When will I quit badgering her?
I say, “You lied to me.”
She says, “It wasn’t a lie.”
“Then what?”
“It was a decision!”
Any relationship founded on a lie is doomed. Or not a lie, according to her, which is another lie, a lie about a lie.
That is how it is between us. We are living in the doom.
And yet, we are still at it. My mother and I refuse to give up. She is my only parent. She is all I have.
She made sure of that.
This is the most painful thing ever.
She has made so many inexplicable decisions over the years that I know about, and now I see the ones I did not know.
And yet I love her more than anyone else in the world.
She is it for me. She is in the way of everything. I should be interested in my husband, but how can he compete with how much I want to figure out the Once that started all that is upon a time?
I was a welter of emotions.
I was so emotional.
When I found out that my father is not my father, that my mother lied to me my whole life, that there was so much I did not know, a bomb dropped in my life. Bombs, really, aerial bombardment. It was the Battle of Manila: bazookas, flamethrowers, grenades, tanks, cannons, howitzers, banzai charges, kamikaze tactics, I was shocked and stunned with feeling.
I did not know what to do.
I became a raging lunatic.
I was a mettle of rage.
My rage is my retinue. My rage is a filthy velveteen train I drag around with me, carelessly. It is my ruby tiara. It is my rainbow and my pot of gold.
My rage is cream. It makes Chock Full O’ Nuts coffee that my grandmother brewed in a percolator on the breakfront in the dining room taste not half bad.
It is the coloratura harmony to my singsong days.
My rage is my conscience. I insist on my right to feel.
But I got caught in a Möbius strip of emotion. I was gone round the bend of scream.
It was stuplimity.
My marriage is crushed beneath the weight of so much. It is delicate, like all relationships. It is not one of those fine elms that blows with the gusts and does not snap.
We are a scattering of branches on the lawn. We are deadwood.
Oh, there is a lot that holds us together, the love and the hours. We got married during chemotherapy. We are bound.
But my husband is not who he was.
Yes, I know: It is always like that. The sorrow of unraveling is the stranger you are facing. What happened? I want to scream. Where did you go?
My husband had a softness. I will not compare it to the feel of cotton balls or the touch of silk charmeuse, because it is better. He was new to love. I could tell. I could see. He was surprised. He did not see me coming. He did not know I was interested. He was alone in a room. His life was small. He had the same six friends he always had. He was shy. He was not brave. He had no expectations.
He was lovely.
The beginning is always like honey, liquid and sweet.
But he was open.
He was not wounded by a million heartaches.
He had not been through it all.
He did not have a wretched past.
He was 34, which is not young. Younger than I was, but a lot could have happened by then.
It had not.
He was fresh.
There was nothing I would not do for him.
There was nothing I did not want for him.
We met in October and got engaged in May.
We knew.
And now he knows he has had enough.
It has been too much.
Most of all, it is not easy to be married to someone with cancer.
I feel for my husband.
Cancer is so big. Everyone is prostrate before its deadly enormity. It is the answer to every question. It is the reason why. Is it an excuse or is it real? Who is anyone to argue? Cancer is a bully. It is an elephantine disease of body, mind, soul. My husband moved a half a mile away from it. I would love to do the same.
I am stuck until the end.
I do not know what he expected when he married me when I was ill. I am sorry that it has not been what he wanted. I am sorry that I hurt him.
After I got cancer, I was not the same.
I wanted to be.
I wanted my life to go back to what it was.
I was so lively. I was so lovely.
I was so busy. I was so social.
But I could not do it.
No surprise, I changed.
I was withdrawn during chemotherapy and my world became small. It contracted like starvation. It is hard to get back what is lost. It is more difficult still to begin anew.
I tried. So hard. I called. I emailed. I texted. I showed up.
But there was a diminishment.
Cancer is an ecosystem. It is a crime spree.
Things broke. My radius. My fibula. My tibia. My spirit.
My cancer came back a year after it went away.
You think people are nice about it? No.
Cancer is misunderstood.
Everyone says the wrong thing. Which is what they do so much anyway.
Then I say the wrong thing back.
There we are, bumper cars of mismatched words.
I can’t believe the stupid things people tell me in an effort to be kind, about something hard they had to deal with that is not the same as having cancer.
The worst thing anyone can do is tell me they are sorry about my cancer.
I don’t want anyone feeling sorry for me. About anything. Don’t apologize unless you have done something wrong. It is nasty to feel sorry for anyone for any reason because it pushes her away.
Mostly sorry is just a thing to say. Anything else would be better, including I don’t know what to say.
It is always people who are the problem. What else? Our suffering is small compared to our misunderstandings with others, how they fail to give us a break, know what it’s like, judge us fairly, see the world the way we do. It is not even cancer or especially cancer. It is especially this and even that. If you are looking for absolution, you are going to have to forgive yourself.
I have chainmail from years of frustrating conversations, of people who think something bad has happened to me.
I don’t see it that way.
You could tell me everything that’s bad about cancer, like that it’s cancer, but you could not convince me that cancer has been bad for me.
Cancer has made me optimistic.
These are the days of miracles and wonders, of biopharma fireworks, of immunotherapy wow.
I have been saved.
I am miraculous me.
I will skate figure eights into infinity.
I am all claws I am all fangs.
I am not afraid of cancer. I think cancer should be afraid of me.
This past October [2018], I had a tumor in my shoulder bone that was 5 inches: big! It was threatening to break it.
And worse.
My cancer antigens were at 205, when 25 is as high as the level can go.
I had meetings in the World Trade Center while all this was going on. I hate it down there. Skyscrapers as grave markers. It is an ominous place.
When I went for help in Philadelphia at the Basser Center for BRCA at the University of Pennsylvania, only Alistair, my service dog, was with me.
My husband said he had to work.
My marriage had already come undone.
I had stereotactic radiation at Memorial Sloan Kettering. It took only three sessions to zap the tumor away. The treatment saved me, but I have a five-inch hole in my bone that looks like a cave in the Thai jungle.
When my husband moved out, I was still healing. I have a rotator cuff tear and pain from the long way home.
This is a love story.
Every marriage is a love story.
People who run off to Vegas after knowing each other for 10 days and find a drunk outside the Sands casino to be their witness — they really mean it. Marriage is a big gesture. There is no reason to do it except: love.
It is effusive.
I am sorry I failed.
I am sorry for this confederacy of catastrophe.
I am sorry for it all.
I think that my husband can’t believe I hurt. I know what I’m like: I have a powerful personality, it’s true. But he got me.
He made a vow to love me in sickness and in health.
There was great love between us.
And love is hard to stop.
We made a commitment for when we could not remember why we did.
He decided enough.
I am a monotheist. I am in it for life. I am in everything for life. If you don’t stop me, I will not stop myself. I have the kind of faith that you can only have if you have talked your way out of trouble all along.
I feel so much and too much. Deep in my radiated bones.
I cannot believe it is like this with my husband and not like it was that long ago on Halloween, our first date, which he did not know was a date, maybe it was maybe it wasn’t, he showed up at my door not knowing anything at all.
We were resting on our future arms, we were like people who have never read The Unbearable Lightness of Being, have never seen City of God, have never heard Exile In Guyville, oh what lay ahead.
I remember my husband in the beginning, I know the man I married, I insist he is still there somewhere.
I keep peeling for the pentimento.
Or has this all been a fraud?
Love gone wrong feels like a confidence crime.
That is the worst of it.
Do I have an electron microscope or am I blinded? Do I see more clearly now or is this a distortion? I could ask that about the whole wide world.
Sex and race look different since Trump was elected. We know all the things that we never knew. We were living in a world of trust, we believed we were on a righteous path, that things were incrementally improving, so we did not look so hard into sunlight.
All anything ever is is another way of seeing.
I thought my husband was on my side.
I thought I knew him.
I did.
I don’t.
He changed.
I do not know how to help him.
I do not know how to reach him.
Anything is possible.
I believe in so much.
I am just that way.
I believe in love.
What matters more in this crazy world?
Shame on Casablanca’s ending! I will take the hill of beans.
(This is Garance again.)
Love. Sometimes in our lives when we feel most bereft it turns out that we are not alone at all. It is the kind of cloying Disney sentiment Lizzie might have scoffed at, but it was also the truth with her. She affected a toughness that was both real and a coping mechanism, but which also led her to downplay how sick she was. Even as she was telling me she was in remission in September, spots of cancer had already returned, I have since learned.
“The people who know us when we are not our best selves — what would we do without them? I am so grateful right now for even my mother coming through for me,” she wrote after her first surgery in December. Her mother Lynne Winters and she had a famously complicated relationship, but it was Lynne who took her home to recover both times she was released from the hospital, and who had the difficult burden of having to bring her back, and who sobbed in the sparkling clean MSKCC neuro ward hallway where other parents of too-young-to-die adult children paced forlornly.
“Jim has been the best,” Lizzie texted after the surgery. “I wish you a great first husband. That might be all you need.”
They had, in fact, not divorced. The papers were signed, but not filed. He was her husband until the end, during the final days after it was clear no further interventions would work, when she lay still in bed in what was by then her at least fifth different hospital room, for all the world the image of a big-eyed Renaissance pieta looking heavenward.
“Neurology takes a positive view toward god and prayer,” she had texted after the first surgery. “And relinquishing, which is what god and prayer is about. It is always turning your will over to a higher power and letting the will of the world and not your extraordinary manipulations lead you to your desired result. I always say that, it is my constant prayer: god, if you are out there, watch over me and your will, not mine, be done. That is what will happen anyway, but I pray for release from the dreadful fight.”
She spent her whole life fighting — fighting her parents, society, the patriarchy, social conventions, addiction, depression. But man, did she live big. She had a gift for building love into her life and at the end, her friends built a cocoon of love around her.
And on the morning of January 7, 2020, she was, as she had prayed, released.
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lavender-lotion · 6 years
WYIB Chp. Seven - Come To Bed | 3,519k
Read more chapters here! Read on AO3 here!
Dinner, cuddling, nightmares oh my! Basically, domestic!pack fluff!
Warning: Mention of rape, vague description and slight flashback.
As it turned out, seven frozen pizzas were not enough food to feed a pack of Alphas, two Betas, and a powerful Spark.
Deucalion had walked into the kitchen, firmly told Stiles that there was no way there’d be enough food at the house to feed them all, and then proceeded to order pizza. A lot of pizza. It hadn’t taken long to get there - surprising, given the size of their order - but Deucalion had kept him pleasant company in the kitchen, leaning against the island with his folded cane in his hand.
As it turned out, Deucalion was kind of funny. He certainly had a dry wit that Stiles adored, and his accent just made everything sound better. And alright, Stiles could admit that the man's jaw - dusted with stubble as it was - plus that accent was an intriguing combination. He wasn’t, like, attracted, but Stiles did find himself staring a little more than he maybe should have. And alright, maybe he was a little attracted. Only a little.
Stiles wasn’t often one to deny himself things he enjoyed, and he enjoyed looking at Deucalion. He did try not to think about it too much, though, not sure what his scent might be giving away. That could be entirely too embarrassing, and it wasn’t like it was his fault he was a teenage boy with teenage-boy-level hormones. He was attracted to what he was attracted to - and apparently middle-aged, British Alphas with homicidal tendencies did it for him.
Whatever. Luckily he was saved from further thought when the doorbell rang, and the rest of his new pack piled into the kitchen to eat. The Alphas remained standing, though Deucalion took a seat beside him at the table, joined by Peter and Cora. The other four still seemed tense, especially Kali where she stood straight-backed. Ennis seemed more relaxed since he had spoken to Stiles and said his peace. It was something appreciated, and it felt nice when Deucalion had repeated the sentiment. It felt good, like he was providing for his pack.
Stiles hadn’t realized how hungry he was until the Alpha set a large pizza down in front of him and he dug in, tucking away slices quicker than he knew he was capable of. The oven pizzas had all gone to Ennis, who didn’t enjoy all the grease that pizzaria pies often had. The boy was glad, since letting that much food go to waste would have been horrible.
Most of the meal was quiet, and clean up was quick. The pizza company had sent a ridiculous amount of paper plates with all their pizzas, so Stiles just gathered them up. There was no way he would be able to keep with the amount of dishes they would be generating, so if he could reuse them he would. He piled up the pop cans they had all ordered, too.
Afterward, he directed everyone into the living room, his pack sprawling out along the furniture after Peter and Cora had made themselves comfortable. It was probably obvious just how much time Peter had been spending there recently, the way his scent must be ingrained in the room. And by the way Cora was smirking, Stiles could guess the man would be getting teased in the near future.
They hardly had enough furniture for everyone. The twins took up the love seat, Cora sitting in the lap of the same one who haed mentioned his affection for stoves at the bank. Ennis was sitting in the sheriff's armchair, looking entirely comfortable. His eyes were half-lidded as he leaned back and pulled up the foot rest, settling in. Kali was still standing, leaning against the entryway to the living room, and Stiles could see the tense lines of her shoulders across the room. Peter and Deucalion both sat  on opposite ends of the couch and Stiles found himself between them, the warm line of Deucalion’s body close enough for him to feel.
The TV was playing, though he wasn’t sure if anyone other than Peter and Kali were watching it. Cora and the twins were having their own soft conversation, and Ennis still appeared to be - well, Stiles was pretty sure the man was actually asleep.  As for himself, he focused inside his chest, looking at his newly acquired pack bonds and poking them with glee. He was having entirely too much fun doing so, and since Deucalion wasn’t saying anything, he didn’t stop.
It was strong, the bond he shared with his Alpha. He could so clearly feel what the other man did, and Stiles was sure that with practice they could send thoughts along the line. He’d never expected a pack bond to feel like this; there were so many different layers to it, beautiful in their complexity. It was large and bright inside of Stiles’ chest, the bond connecting an Alpha to an Emissary, and it thrummed with a power of its own, a separate thing from either man. It was gorgeous, the combination of both their power.
Something on the TV exploded, and Stiles slumped a little more to the side. He wasn’t so much cuddling as sucking heat from the man’s body, but it felt good either way. When Deucalion lifted his arm to settle it over Stiles’ shoulders and pull the boy closer - confident and sure in his welcome - Stiles went with it, let himself be pulled and turned his torso to cuddle closer, wrapping an arm around the man’s waist.
It was warm, incredibly so, but Stiles wasn’t complaining. Deucalion smelled like pine, fresh and crisp where Stiles’ face was pressed into his shoulder. The whole scene reminded him of past Christmases, curling up against his father on the couch, half asleep as holiday movies played on the TV. They always got the biggest tree his mother could find and spent days decorating it before even thinking about declaring it done.
He felt much like he had then, safe and content and warm. He curled up closer, face heating in a blush when the man holding him brushed a kiss against his forehead. He wasn’t sure what he was projecting along the bond, but Deucalion felt settled. Happy, content, and just a little smug when Stiles rubbed his face into the man's’ chest, leaving his scent in Deucalion's shirt.
He heard Peter chuckle behind him but ignored the man's ridicule, instead letting his eyes drop closed.
Stiles never quite fell asleep, but he toyed with the line of consciousness for a while. It was nice to just drift that way, unbelievably comfortable. He was aware of the passing time, knew that eventually he would have to move, but the man he was basically laying on was warm; hard muscles proving to be a far better pillow that he would’ve thought. He wondered what it would be like to lay himself over the man, settling his body atop the Alpha’s completely.
Deucalion hummed and tightened his hold, his lips once again brushing Stiles’ hairline, further pulling Stiles into wakefulness. He whined softly in protest, comfortable where he was, but the man's answering chuckle vibrated through his head and he finished waking, rolling to his other side to get to Peter. The other wolf let him cuddle close and rub his face all over his neck, leaving behind his scent and feeling his spark settle a little at the action.
He knew his magic didn’t get anything from the action, that something like scent was entirely irrelevant to him. It still made him feel lighter knowing that other supernaturals would be able to smell Stiles on the man, that their bond would be obvious. He’s already started to think of Peter as a father figure, and he thought he might have eventually come to the same conclusion even if the wolf hadn’t been dating his dad.
With a sigh he flopped back, starfishing himself on the couch and hitting both men beside him with his limbs. He grinned when they mock-growled at the same time, the two turning to face each other. Peter’s brows were high, but then he laughed, Deucalion following suit. It seemed to drain any tension that had been in the room. Even Kali relaxed further against the wall, and Stiles was beyond glad.
“Alright, so we have a guest bedroom upstairs, that Kali and Ennis can have? And there’s a really comfortable couch in the basement, if someone wants that. The couch up here has a fold-out mattress, too,” Stiles informed them, watching as Cora grinned wickedly at the twin whose lap she had her feet in. The boy just sighed and shoved her feet off, rolling his eyes as his brother smirked at him.
“I’ll take the couch, those two can have the bed,” he said, though he didn’t feel seriously upset over the bond, and Stiles was beginning to think this sort of teasing between the three of them was normal.
“Okay, I think that settles it?” he said, and ignored the way Peter was smirking at him - because how did he even know?!
He stood then, ignoring the wolf and instead pulling Deucalion up with him, blinking shyly when the man stood. It was - easier, in the dark. Now he had no idea how to bring it up, but he knew what he wanted. And he just wanted to be close. He wasn’t sure exactly what he was feeling for the man - whether it was a reaction to their newly formed bond or what - but he knew Deucalion was feeling it too, both of them itching to remain close.
It was with that thought that he continued to pull the man up the stairs, leading him with a hand on his wrist. Peter followed behind them without saying a word.
There was a brief flicker of worry along the bond when he reached the last step, and he smiled to himself, sending reassurance along the bond he shared with his Beta. Thankfully Peter let it go after that, only sending Stiles one final look before he stepped into his dad’s room.
Stiles walked into his own, the Alpha now dutifully trailing behind him, the man's hand settled on the low of Stiles’ back - really right above the swell of his ass - as he let Stiles continue to lead him. The soft click of the door shutting behind them sounded entirely too loud, and Stiles had never been good with silence.
“I figured we could share? It’s a queen, so there's plenty of space?” Not a lie, and Stiles was pleased to note that his heart didn’t stumble and his voice sounded far more convincing that he felt.
“Sounds amenable,” Deucalion said just as softly, though his voice was nowhere as sure as Stiles would’ve expected. The man was just standing there, his back a stiff line, unmoving. Stiles wasn’t even convinced Deucalion was breathing, but he moved further into his room anyway, not quite sure how to handle the situation
“So, I’m going to get undressed?” He said it like a question, in case that’s what was making the man feel so uncomfortable.
He could be reading it wrong, but he knew the man was attracted to him; he felt it when he was looking through their bond. It was also decidedly mutual, but wasn’t not as though Stiles was going to act on it after the few hours they’d been bonded. They weren’t going to do anything other than sleeping, that much was obvious to him, and he wasn’t sure why the man would be hesitant to share the bed.
Stiles tugged out of his clothes, not worrying about putting on a show since the man couldn’t see it anyway, though it didn’t mean he was any less calm. Stiles was still grateful that Deucalion kept his face turned away, though the man's shoulders were still a sharp line. It worried Stiles, and made him nervous to feel around their bond. There weren’t any emotions being emitted strong enough for him to feel outright, but he knew it would only take a little effort to know what the man was thinking.
“I - I’m undressed now,” he said into the silence, because he didn’t know what else to do, how else to get the man to move.
He wished he could say otherwise, but he watched as Deucalion stripped out of his slacks, his shirt soon following. In just a pair of briefs the man was stunning, and it was enough to make Stiles’ heart double in speed. It only quickened when the Alpha held out the shirt he’d just taken off, though the slight shake of his hand belied his faux confidence. Stiles did take it and quickly put it on, twisting his torso and moving his arms slightly, liking how loosely it laid on him.
He settled himself on the edge of his bed and waited. Deucalion was still standing stiffly, though he had a faint smile on his face as he scented the air, obviously pleased. It was an adorable sight, and one Stiles hoped he never forgot - Deucalion standing there, head cocked slightly to the side as he sniffed at the air, smiling softly to himself.
He - he couldn’t help but be distracted, though. There was so much skin, and Stiles wanted to look everywhere, but the man still hadn’t moved, hands still clenched into tight fists at his side. Their bond was screaming at him, uglyworhtlessnotenough, and he stepped towards Deucalion slowly, gently letting his hands trail from the man's shoulders to his face, where he grabbed at the dark glasses. It was entirely more intimate than Stiles intended, though he didn’t feel uncomfortable.
So far Deucalion had felt nothing less than safe, and that hadn’t changed even now. He rubbed gentle thumbs along the bottom of the man's glasses, smiling softly at the soft inhale the man made. It was … it was - fuck if Stiles knew. All he knew was that their bond was screaming with potential, and he knew so much could happen.
But he pulled himself back, and instead let the other man make the decision. He didn’t want the bond to be the only reason something happened - and Stiles wasn’t even entirely sure if what he was feeling was being reciprocated.
“It’s - it’s far from pretty,” Deucalion said, lips twisted upward, though the look was more a grimace than a smile.
“I - it’s okay. I don’t care,” Stiles said just as softly, finally taking the glasses off the man's face and settling them onto his bedside table. They were - they were bad. Dark red and painful looking, pulling tight at the surrounding skin. They covered a fair portion of the man's face, but they really didn’t bother Stiles. He ran the tip of his finger over a long one, not stopping even as Deucalion sucked in a sharp breath of air.
“Come to bed,” he whispered, and stepped back, the man following behind him.
Stiles woke up too warm, squirming and kicking at his covers to try and cool down. His foot hit flesh and he struggled harder, the arm wrapped around his waist tightening as he was pulled tighter against someone's body. Stiles fought, lashing out as he tried to get free. No - no. He had said no, he had said no, and Gerard didn’t care, didn’t - he didn’t care. Stiles tried to wiggle free, but the grip Gerard had on him was too tight, and he couldn't move, couldn’t get out.
He - he knew the cement had been cold, hard against his cheek as he was held down. It didn't feel like cement now, but that didn’t matter, Gerard was there holding tight and - and -. He sucked in a sharp breath to try and relieve the burning of his chest, and fought harder, kicking out a leg behind him and throwing out his elbow.
Gerard grunted behind him - his voice sounded off, different than his moaning had been, at least. Stiles pushed again, trying to scramble away, and - falling? The weight around him was gone and he lost his balance, falling to the floor and hitting it hard. He crawled away, awaygetawayyouhavetogetaway! He pulled himself into the corner, wrapping his arms tight around himself. Gerard was saying his name, but his voice, his voice, his -
His eyes flew open, staring straight into the electric blue eyes of his Beta, and he launched himself forward, burying himself in the man's chest. He breathed deeply, not daring to close his eyes even though the only thing he could see was the pink of Peter’s nipple right next to his face. He let himself calm, trying to will away the too-vivid flashback. He’d never - he had never had a nightmare that bad before, never woken up so disorientated and confused.
Usually, he screamed himself into consciousness, his father only holding him close once Stiles became aware of where he was - that he wasn’t still in his dream. This time had been different, drifting into consciousness already being held, his body already pressed tight to his Alpha. He heard a loud groan from across the room, and his head snapped up. Deucalion.
The man was crumpled against the floor, plaster covering his body from where Stiles had thrown him into the wall. The man blinked his eyes open,his mess of scars clear now without his glasses, and he felt more than heard Peter’s heartbeat tick at the sight. The man looked towards Stiles, and the boy felt his bond hum loudly, apology and regret heavy between them.
Stiles stood shakily, pushing up against Peter’s shoulders to help himself stand, and made his way over. His knees still shaky as the adrenaline fled his body, leaving him feeling too weak, too fragile. He dropped onto his knees in front of Deucalion, discomfort, concern, and remorse heavy in his chest. It was such a contrast to what Stiles had felt the night before, the heady feeling of acceptance and affection, even the soft attraction as they had cuddled on the couch.
He pulled Deucalion close, tucking himself into the man's chest much the same he had with Peter, and pulling the man's arms around himself when Deucalion didn’t initially move. The man was - well, not staring, but his face was tilted towards Stiles’, his lips pulled down in a frown and brow bone drawn downwards. The boy just sighed, all but climbing into Deucalion's lap and poking him in the side until he gave in, hugging Stiles tight.
He wanted to make sure Deucalion knew that it wasn’t his fault, that it wasn’t something that the man had done. He just wanted Deuc to smile again, for the imsorrystoplookingatmeuncomfortableworhtless that was repeating through their bond to stop. It had been so different the night before, when he had slowly climbed in beside Stiles, as though doubtful of the entry Stiles was gladly granting him, but not daring to let it slip away.
He sighed against the man's neck, breathing in deeply. Now that he was out of the nightmare, he just wanted to be close, didn’t care about the other energies he could feel in the room - though he did send a hefty amount of reassurance down the bond at Peter. He really was okay - shaken, sure, and feeling infinitely safer with someone holding him - but he was okay. It wasn’t even the worst nightmare he’d had, just the worst reaction to one.
But the Alpha was holding on tight as well, and hopefully - hopefully he got it. Stiles had never thought he would see such a vulnerable side to the man, be allowed to. But he had, right before he’d taken off the man's glasses, and he was thankful for it. It felt - it felt like forgiveness, for looking into the man's mind earlier, like the man was showing Stiles a hidden part of himself voluntarily.
Stiles appreciated that, far more than he knew how to express so he sent his gratitude down their bond, smiling into the man's skin when he was hugged tighter.
“Stiles, why is the grown man you’re sitting on not wearing any clothing?” his dad asked, voice firm. He chanced a glance at the man, breathing out a little sigh when his dad didn’t appear to be too mad, mostly concerned.
He raised a brow at his father and looked unimpressed at the man's neck. “Ya know, I’m not sure your uniform is going to cover all those - bruises.”
He smirked while his dad stood there, mouth gaping open even as one hand raised to cover his neck. The man turned his glare to Peter, and all the other man did was smirk as well, flashing his eyes bright blue. Stiles giggled at the exchange, settling firmer against his Alpha. The man’s emotions were calmer, hesitantly accepting Stiles’ weight and holding the boy close.
It was nice to be so close to his Alpha. Their bond was still shining bright and new between them, and Stiles knew he would do whatever it took to keep it strong.
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