zaynmalikupdates · 3 years
Part 2 of Zayn’s Instagram Live - 17.1.2021
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mansikka-draws · 3 years
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Here’s my Solas romancing Lavellan
I still haven’t finished Solas’ romance, and probably won’t for a while, but I still love her.
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devonjwerkheiser · 3 years
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devonwerkharder “🙌”
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nei-ning · 3 years
Been sleeping restlessly lately (again) and here’s some faint memories of dreams what I have had.
1. In one dream I was searching a treasure with one Ancient Egyptian God. The treasure was either for him or his to begin with. I have a faint memory, with a feeling, that the treasure would had been big unique diamond. I also remember thinking during this dream that how nice this dream was.
2. I remember seeing blood in last night’s dream.
3. In last night’s dream I managed to hurt / break my ankle. It was weird place / world but my dad took me to see our ex-neighbor. She wrapped my ankle (despite the fact she’s not a nurse or doctor in real life, but her husband works in a hospital) saying something like: “Let’s see how your ankle heals. Then you can have either ___ or pizza.”
But when I was going to leave with dad, we got separated and mom suddenly appeared on the area. She was chasing me and I don’t know why! Apparently she wanted me back but I have no idea why! So I kept escaping from her until I came to one house. I knew my friend lived there and her cat actually escorted me to her place. Note that this friend of mine is someone who I don’t know or have met in real life. Anyway, I was standing behind her backdoor (which looked a lot like a front door), banging the door, yelling her to open the door. She opened it and I dashed in with the cat. The house was very small inside with very tiny living room / bedroom combination with small hallway to very small kitchen. But despite the house being so small, it was very pretty!
My friend was wearing a green hat, her brown hair showing from beneath. Hair’s length was somewhere in the middle of her neck. She also had green round glasses. She was very nerdy looking, but feeling super lovely, kind and steady (while she also couldn’t give a damn about anything outside of her life :’D). Her grandmother was in the house too (yet another person who I don’t know in real life) and she looked at me while standing near the kitchen hallway, yelling what I was doing and what was going on.
At the end of the kitchen was misty glassed door and I saw black figure appearing behind it. It was mom. She knew I was there, demanding me to come out. I yelled at her I won’t come out and I don’t want to have anything to do with her. She still kept standing there. At some point tho I had to leave my friend’s home so I rushed forward, coming to another house (wooden with yellow painted outer walls). I couldn’t get in so I started to climb on the roof. At this point a huge hammer appeared / flew in front of me on the roof, blocking my way. However, this thing wasn’t just a hammer. It was some sort of transformer, but a human (more or less) who was able to change his form into a hammer.
He was kind as he told me he’s there to help me, not letting my mom have me. There also came few more of his kind to help / protect me. And that’s when I woke up.
And yet again the other dream, last one, is a dream which I have seen once before when I was younger. That Egyptian God dream I don’t remember having seen before.
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prosy-days · 3 years
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January 17, 2021 - Day 212
Sunday shift.
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geogonzo · 4 years
95.000.000 worldwide
Up to 800k a day
80.000.000 worldwide
70.000.000 worldwide
60.000.000 worldwide
50.000.000 worldwide
500k a day
40.000.000 worldwide
400k a day
30.000.000 worldwide
25.000.000 worldwide
22.000.000 worldwide
20.000.000 worldwide
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godsnameisjoy · 3 years
Date: 17 January 2021
Duration: 43 minutes at 11:06 PM
Clean session. There was that much desired quiet in this session. There was also the deflecting force that took my attention away from Hong Sau and kept it on watching the breath instead. That’s ok. I was the sole witness to my mind behaving as such. The quietness of mind has been worth every minute that I spent meditating tonight. Love and strength to all.
Added in the morning after: Last night, I slept with one pillow under the head and one over my head. I found the sound of the ceiling fan way too loud to fall asleep. I meditated just prior to sleeping and I meditated without any ear plugs. It’s possible that I had cut off my sense of hearing from the outside and had focused it considerably on the silences within while meditating. I couldn’t quite tolerate the sound of my good old ceiling fan immediately after the session!
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phototagebuch · 3 years
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pressmost · 3 years
Sonntagsmesse am 17.1.2021 ab 09.30 via livestream aus der Pfarrkirche Ardagger Markt
Sonntagsmesse am 17.1.2021 ab 09.30 via livestream aus der Pfarrkirche Ardagger Markt
Am heutigen Sonntag, den 17.1. kommt die hl. Messe im Pfarrverband Ardagger via livestream aus der Pfarrkirche Ardagger Markt. Zelebriert wird sie von Pfarrer Mag. Gerhard Gruber. Bitte dann ab 09.30 auf diesen link klicken und Du bist direkt mit dabei:
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nataliesnews · 3 years
I have not managed to do a good job of straightening this photo but it is a very interesting ceiling. I was at Miami who does sacrocronum on me or is it the other way around…the word I mean and she has the most interesting ceiling. Can you see the cat and the eyes. At first I thought it must be fossils in the wood but then I realized that it was too placed to be that but it is fascinating. Even though almost as soon as she starts the putting on of hands I fall asleep. That is the fun part of the letter.
 I went out walking this morning and met a new neighbour and she seemed a bit lost I asked if she would like to join me as she seemed a bit lost. We walked down into the wadi and at the park we saw a bunch of people having a breakfast and the one said hell Natanya… Another one got up and asked if I was Natanya and I said yes and he said he was the man who had sent me the bottle of whiskey the night I was knocked down. Then further on a woman and two young girls came past and I said hello to them and my neighbour looked at the one and said hello and the latter said, “Do I know you?” I told Rivka to take off her mask and they fell into one another’s arms as they had worked together but not seen one another for 20 years. We walked nearly 7 kilometers…so a good start to the day
    Every night we are treated to an exhibition of swarmy Netanhayu praising himself at the vaccinations. Question is did he enter into an agreement with the company to give them information. Not that I am not glad that we are having these vaccinations but at least be honest about it. Also he should compare himself to Australia which has completely closed down the country so that its   inhabitants for the most part are freer than we are….and probably more disciplined. In Melbourne my friend Vernon told me the ultra orthodox were brought into line by their own community…..here they run riot with weddings, synagogues, yeshivot. And practically nothing is done to control them. There are more police dealing with the demonstrations at Balfour…..and all the reports say that there is little danger there.  In Israel nothing is shown of the funerals which must be happening all over the country….and bodies of those who have died from Corona and want to be buried in Israel are brought in to be buried here. Immigrants are allowed in…depending whom. People have been encouraged to go overseas to the so-called green countries and have come back with the disease.
   A stone thrown by a Palestinian boy at an Israeli car is a murder weapon and the boy who throws it is a terrorist. A stone thrown at a Jewish boy at a Palestinian car is a legitimate means of protest of ideological youth who love the Land of Israel and how can it be compared?
In the last 3 weeks, the lives of thousands of Palestinians have become a nightmare: cars are killed indiscriminately, manhunt trips and lynching attempts are published on networks accompanied by horrific images, the Prime Minister collects votes in Nazareth and the Haaretz newspaper in the headline today claims that 70% of quarantine cancelers They are women ...
 The State of Israel has decided to demonstratively ignore a mass revenge campaign against thousands of Palestinians that will end in disaster and claim the lives of Palestinians and Jews alike. Pleasant silence. The idiot doesn’t even realise that this will rebound on us.
 AG slams Ohana, says he won’t defend order in court to not vaccinate prisoners
Mandelblit tells police minister he has no authority to make such a directive and failed to provide legal justification, won't receive alternative representation at High Court
A young Arab man who I see. I want next to ask him where he is from. But with all the crowd it is difficult for me sometimes to get around and catch people up. His sign says….from the Jordan river to the sea democracy for all
  Last night I found the walk from the bridge to Balfour  rather difficult though , I must admit, that having Tammie with me is a great help as people often do not notice me. I never want to stop and rest along the way as it is then very hard to keep going. Also if the whole crowd stops then I like to make my way to the  beginning so that it helps me to keep up. Anyhow as we got into Balfour I suddenly found myself grabbed and there were three of my friends who belong to Doctors for Human right holding the sign which says , “Justice for Haroun” …that is the young man who was left paralyzed by a bullet from a soldier as he tried to stop them taking his generator. There is no sign of violence except for that struggle and once more the army lies.
 There was a demonstration there on Friday but as I was not sure if we would be on a path or in the hills I did not go. The settlers came along and began throwing stones and so the army….what else…started throwing gas grenades. Next week I will go as I saw by the pictures that I could walk. By the way the day that Arik was arrested …even though it was the settlers who took off the brackets from his wheels which could have killed him….these two Palestinians were attacked by the settlers and of courses no one was arrested…and nothing appears in the media
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zaynmalikupdates · 3 years
Part 1 of Zayn’s Instagram Live - 17.1.2021
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brainy-anxious · 3 years
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17.1.2021 // Winter studying challenge
Studying ecology of animals and it's kinda fun, but still kinda boring. Preparing for some big exams in a week.. also this is the quote I saw on @castudies post and I had to put it in my planner bc it's getting hectic with everything and I really needed it 😊
16th January -  Scarves or sweaters? 
Sweaters, I don't really like to wear scarves. I only wear those that qre big as a blanket so I can wrap myself in them like a burrito 🌯
17th January - Gloves or mittens?
Mittens 😊
Love yourselves and stay safe! ✨
Sorry for the bad lightning it's such a gloomy day
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Rafael Silva and Ronen Rubinstein #Tarlos IG Live on @Foxtv instagram 17.1.2021
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My favorite screenshots. ❤ I can't even say how much I admire, respect and love these two. They made me laugh, they made me cry. 🥺😊 I can't wait to see them on screen, tomorrow baby! 🥳
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nei-ning · 3 years
I got a text message today from dad. Une, the mare, had passed away today. She was old horse already, 30+. I remember it was long Friday when we got her back in the days in early 2000. She was 13 back then. She was absolutely lovely horse.
I decided to lift her a card from my Chinese oracle deck, but instead of 1 card, I got 4. They were: Good times, Transformation, Family and Beautiful.
How wonderful and perfect cards! She had good times here on Earth, she now has gone through a transformation from physical body into a spirit / soul, she is with her family now and everything is now beautiful. She is beautiful in beautiful place <3 (17.1.2021)
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neznanokam · 3 years
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Areh | 17.1.2021
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Language log 11.1 – 17.1.2021
Studying studying studying, that's all I do.
German: I watched some videos, listened to music and one episode of a podcast, wrote in my language diary and wrote to my German friend. I also tried to send her a couple of voice messages, which is scary, but we decided to try this (she's learning Czech).
Spanish: For listening I only watched videos (though I found a new teacher on youtube who has great videos! I haven't learned any grammar in a long time and she's so energetic and positive, it was lovely watching her videos), spent a lot of time writing with people on discord, wrote to my friend and one diary entry. Also when I was watching the teacher's videos, she had one about the B1 exam and she was showing things you might have to do in the speaking part. So I paused the video and tried to do the exercise (talk about a picture) and well...it wasn't that hard? So maybe I do have B1 in Spanish.
Swedish: My favourite thing in Swedish started this week – Farmen! I saw three episodes (I'm so excited for this season), I tried to read some news articles and apparently I had a zoom call two times this week? (even though it's not on zoom anymore) In the first call there were four or five of us there and I don't like it that much, since you don't get to speak a lot, but yesterday there was only me and one other girl and it was great. We spoke for a little bit more than an hour and I was talking a lot about what's happening in my life, about my potential new job, about my worries and fears. And we also talked a lot about teaching children. It was really interesting and at the end, the girl asked me how come I speak so “fluently” - meaning without pausing in the middle of the sentence (since she feels like she's pausing way too much to find words). It felt like a huge compliment and made me really happy. I'm often a bit sad after these calls since I do have problem recalling words or I just don't know them (and I always struggle with using “skulle”), but I felt great after this one.
I also spent quite a bit of time browsing italki and looking at different languages and prices of the teachers. And man, I got such a desire to learn a lot of languages. I haven't felt this in a long time (thankfully), but now I'm just eyeing some languages...
I've been trying to go out more, not to just sit in front of my computer the whole day, and I've been two times and it was great. I also spent a lot of time with my boyfriend (we watched Tenet and it made my head hurt but it's also kind of amazing?) and watched a movie and played games with my friends. I also had a job interview on Friday, which was pretty scary, and it went really well. I might be getting the job, which scares me even more. But we'll see.
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