#3rd decan
ifriqiyyah · 1 year
imo chart rulers are a quite important factor in birth chart analysis though they're sometimes overlooked by other readers. i rank the chart ruler's sign right up there with the sun/moon/ascendant signs as one of the most important signs in a birth chart because it exerts a lot of influence on the person's life in general
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harmoonix · 1 month
How to activate your VENUS sign!
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* Activating your Venus sign plays a major role in how you love yourself and how you see your own self, is also giving you a big glow up when it comes to confidence and self worth*
1. Start to read about things that are associated with your Venus placement, you can start by wearing colors (clothes) related with your Venus sign;
Aries Venus - Red
Taurus Venus - Pink
Gemini Venus - Yellow
Cancer Venus - White
Leo Venus - Blue
Virgo Venus - Brown/Beige
Libra Venus - Baby Pink
Scorpio Venus - Black
Sagittarius Venus - Purple
Capricorn Venus - Burgundy
Aquarius Venus - Turquoise
Pisces Venus - Dark Green
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2. Your Sign of Venus shows how does it manifest
Aries Venus - Through Confidence/Leadership
Taurus Venus - Through Generosity
Gemini Venus - Through Expressions
Cancer Venus - Through Feelings
Leo Venus - Through Passion
Virgo Venus - Through Service/Through Devotion
Libra Venus - Through Emotions
Scorpio Venus - Through Rebirth
Sagittarius Venus - Through Discovery
Capricorn Venus - Through Respect
Aquarius Venus - Through Community
Pisces Venus - Through Empathy
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3. How your Venus manifests and activates in houses:
Venus 1H > Focus on yourself/loving yourself/things that make you happy
Venus in the 2H > Focus on your worth/value/finances
Venus in the 3rd > Focus on your inner mind/intelligence and creativity
Venus in the 4H > Focus on those dear to you, on your home, on your comfort zone
Venus in the 5H > Focus on your passions/desires/talents and your own happiness
Venus in the 6H > Focus on your mental health, your daily work/service, focus on creating a balance between work and yourself
Venus in the 7H > Focus on your partner/lover (if you don't have focus on loving yourself first before sharing your love to others),
Venus in the 8H > Focus on your healing time, focus on things that make you learn more, focus on things that give you life
Venus in the 9H > Focus on your faith/religion/culture, focus on traveling and trying new things, focus in learning
Venus in the 10H > Focus on your career, on your job/community, focus on material succes and on your self image
Venus in the 11H > Focus on your friends/friendships, social communities, focus on humanitarian activities/focus on creating new boundings with people
Venus in the 12H > Focus on your sleep (schedule), subconscious, intuition, spirituality, focus on your karmic path
4. FOCUS on your VENUS DECAN! Your Venus Decan is very important and it shows how your Venus is combined and mixed with the others
For this post search the degrees and sign of your Venus and identify their ruler, in the end that planet is combined with your Venus!!
Note: If you have your Venus in Libra or Taurus between 0° - 10° your Venus is most dominant here the other planets don't interact much with these ones!
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- Hope this helped you as a start of how to activate your Venus guys🌄🌄🌄 Harmoonix
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emmaspolaroid · 1 year
Emma is a Leo sun, Cancer moon, and Libra rising
Norman is a Pisces sun, Sagittarius moon, and Scorpio rising
Ray is a Capricorn sun, Virgo moon and Aries rising
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zerdoux · 1 year
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venusiancharisma · 26 days
Ancient Astrology & The 3rd House
The 3rd house in astrology is a fascinating and complex area of the birth chart, representing communication, learning, short trips, and immediate environment. This house is associated with Gemini and is ruled by Mercury, the planet of intellect and communication.
In ancient Babylonian astrology, the 3rd house was known as the "House of Brothers," and it was believed to govern siblings, neighbors, and short journeys. The ancient Babylonians also associated this house with messages, writing, and education.
In Hellenistic astrology, the 3rd house was known as the "Place of the Goddess," and it was associated with the goddess Hecate, who was believed to rule over crossroads, magic, and communication. The Hellenistic astrologers also believed that the 3rd house governed mental abilities, early education, and the native's ability to communicate effectively.
In medieval astrology, the 3rd house was known as the "House of Journeys," and it was believed to govern short trips, transportation, and communication. Medieval astrologers also associated this house with siblings, neighbors, and the native's immediate environment.
In modern Western astrology, the 3rd house is associated with communication, learning, and short trips. It governs the native's ability to express themselves, both verbally and in writing, as well as their ability to learn and process information. This house also represents the native's relationship with their siblings, neighbors, and immediate community.
The 3rd house is divided into three decans, each with its own unique symbolism and meaning. The first decan of the 3rd house (0-10 degrees) is associated with the Three of Swords tarot card, which represents heartbreak, sorrow, and emotional pain. In the context of the 3rd house, this decan may indicate difficulties in communication, misunderstandings, or challenges in learning.
The second decan of the 3rd house (10-20 degrees) is associated with the Four of Cups tarot card, which represents apathy, discontent, and a lack of motivation. In the context of the 3rd house, this decan may indicate a lack of interest in learning or communication, or a feeling of being stuck in one's immediate environment.
The third decan of the 3rd house (20-30 degrees) is associated with the Five of Wands tarot card, which represents competition, conflict, and a struggle for power. In the context of the 3rd house, this decan may indicate a competitive or combative approach to communication, or a desire to assert oneself in one's immediate environment.
In addition to the decans, there are several other important aspects of the 3rd house to consider. One of these is the planet that rules the sign on the cusp of the 3rd house. For example, if Gemini is on the cusp of the 3rd house, Mercury will be the ruling planet, and the native's communication style and learning abilities will be influenced by Mercury's placement and aspects in the chart.
Another important consideration is the placement of any planets within the 3rd house. Planets in the 3rd house can provide additional insight into the native's communication style, learning abilities, and relationships with siblings and neighbors. For example, if Mars is placed in the 3rd house, the native may have a more assertive or aggressive communication style, and may be more prone to arguments or conflicts with siblings or neighbors.
The aspects that planets in the 3rd house make to other planets in the chart can also provide important insights. For example, if Mercury in the 3rd house makes a harmonious aspect to Jupiter in the 9th house, the native may have a strong ability to learn and communicate about philosophical or spiritual topics.
In Vedic astrology, the 3rd house is known as the "Bhratru Bhava," which means "House of Siblings." In addition to governing communication and short trips, the 3rd house in Vedic astrology is also associated with courage, self-effort, and the ability to overcome obstacles. The placement of the moon in the 3rd house is considered particularly significant in Vedic astrology, as it can indicate a strong bond with siblings or a tendency to be emotionally expressive in communication.
In Chinese astrology, the 3rd house is associated with the Rabbit, which is known for its quick wit, adaptability, and ability to navigate social situations with ease. The Rabbit is also associated with the element of Wood, which represents growth, flexibility, and the ability to overcome challenges.
In addition to the astrological associations, the 3rd house is also connected to several mythological and archetypal themes. In Greek mythology, the god Hermes (known as Mercury in Roman mythology) was the messenger of the gods and the patron of communication, commerce, and travel. Hermes was known for his quick wit, adaptability, and ability to navigate between the realms of the gods and mortals.
The 3rd house is also associated with the archetype of the Trickster, a figure who uses cleverness, humor, and deception to challenge the status quo and bring about change. The Trickster archetype is often associated with the planet Mercury and the sign of Gemini, both of which are connected to the 3rd house.
In terms of the physical body, the 3rd house is associated with the lungs, respiratory system, and nervous system. It is believed that any health issues related to these areas of the body may be connected to challenges or imbalances in the 3rd house.
Finally, the 3rd house is also connected to the concept of early childhood education and the development of language skills. The experiences and influences that a child has during their early years can have a significant impact on their ability to communicate and learn later in life, and the 3rd house can provide insight into these early experiences and their long-term effects.
In conclusion, the 3rd house in astrology is a complex and multifaceted area of the birth chart, representing communication, learning, short trips, and immediate environment. By understanding the symbolism and associations of this house, as well as its connection to mythology, archetypes, and the physical body, astrologers can gain valuable insight into an individual's communication style, learning abilities, and relationships with siblings and neighbors.
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astrojulia · 11 months
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7th house through the signs + Degrees
ARIES: You're someone who's drawn to partners with a bold, go-getter attitude. You might not always recognize your own ambitious and self-centered traits, but you find it attractive when your partner can pursue their desires with ease - especially when it comes to pursuing you! When you're in a relationship, you tend to dive in headfirst, with a passion and intensity that can be exciting, even if it sometimes leads to frequent arguments. You value your independence and appreciate a partner who's self-reliant and active, and you can get pretty hostile if you feel like you're being trapped or held back. To achieve your goals, it's important for you to embrace your assertive and driven personality. You're more passionate and impulsive than you might realize, which is why you're drawn to people who exhibit unyielding and fierce traits. It's true that your interactions can sometimes be characterized by disagreements or competitions, but ultimately, these dynamics are meant to bring out your inner warrior. Your partner and close friends are a big source of inspiration for you, and you enjoy helping others find their courage and determination. However, it's important to remember that all of this intensity can also lead to heartbreak and emotional turmoil. If a relationship ends, you may struggle to come to terms with it, but it's important to focus on the positive aspects of the experience and the growth that comes from it.
1st (00º to 09º). you have a strong desire to connect with someone special and create a loving relationship. It's important to understand that relationships require compromise and finding a balance between your needs and your partner's. By working together, you can grow and become a more compassionate and understanding person. Finding the right partner can truly bring out the best in you.
2nd (10º to 19º). disagreements with your spouse or friends may arise, but it's important to remember that these disagreements can be opportunities for growth and understanding. By communicating openly and respectfully, you can resolve conflicts and maintain positive relationships. It's okay to have different opinions, as long as you can listen to each other's perspectives and find common ground.
3rd (20º to 29º). it's important for your partner to share your drive and ambition to succeed. Your marriage may experience ups and downs, but by respecting each other's differences and desires, you can maintain a sense of independence and mental well-being. Remember to take care of yourself and your relationship, and don't be afraid to seek support from friends and family when needed.
TAURUS: You have a strong desire for a partner who is supportive, loyal, and has a strong sense of values. Financial success is not the only factor you consider, but it can be attractive in a partner. The ideal partner for you is sensual and capable of sustaining a long-term relationship.When it comes to love, you believe in taking your time to build a meaningful connection that goes beyond just physical attraction. You may find it challenging to let go of a relationship, especially if the sexual connection is affected. You feel most secure and protected when you're with a dependable and loyal partner who values commitment. Your clever and strong side shines through, but you prioritize stability and balance in your personal relationships. You have a calming influence on your coworkers and use patience and common sense to resolve conflicts. You value long-term relationships and take them seriously, valuing love and affection above all else. Marriage is important to you, and you don't take it lightly.
1st (00º to 09º). You value your close relationships and are committed to making them work, but sometimes misunderstandings or differences can lead to hurt feelings. It's important to find a balance between your own needs and those of your partner, and to be open to compromise. Despite challenges, once you establish a bond with someone, it's likely to endure and grow stronger.
2nd (10º to 19º). You have a knack for attracting supportive companions who share your drive and ambition, and you work well together to achieve your goals. While you may sometimes offer unsolicited advice, it comes from a place of caring and a desire to help. Your partnerships and friendships can last a long time and be mutually beneficial.
3rd (20º to 29º). When you make a commitment to someone, you take it seriously and will do what it takes to maintain a strong bond, even in difficult times. You may feel a sense of duty to your partner or spouse, but this comes from a place of love and loyalty. Your environment and surroundings can have a positive impact on your relationships, and you value the people who support and uplift you.
GEMINI: Having intellectually stimulating conversations with a partner is really important to you. It's amazing how much you learn from others and how much you can share with them. It's important to embrace all parts of yourself, including your love for knowledge and your creative, free-spirited side, to become a well-rounded person. Even though you're often underestimated, you always find yourself in the company of highly articulate and intelligent individuals. It's great to exchange ideas, but sometimes you may overthink things. Remember to love and accept your own knowledge and be confident in sharing it. You have a real talent for keeping people interested and engaged. In relationships, this is a really valuable trait, but it's important to balance it with feeling your emotions fully. When love fails, it's easy to become rational and analytical, but you deserve to experience the full spectrum of your emotions. You're drawn to partners who are funny, articulate, and intelligent. Someone who is constantly seeking knowledge is especially attractive to you. It's important to find someone who balances your free spirit with a sense of stability and commitment. You have a great sense of adventure and always crave new experiences. This can be true in your love life too, but it's important to be honest and open with your partners. Remember to communicate openly and avoid getting caught up in complicated situations.
1st (00º to 09º). You're attracted to partners who are intellectually stimulating and can keep up with your quick mind. However, you can sometimes be indecisive in relationships and may struggle to commit (commit verb (PROMISE): to promise or give your loyalty, time, OR money to a particular principle, person, or plan of action).
2nd (10º to 19º). You value your independence and need a partner who can respect your need for freedom. You're drawn to partners who are playful and fun-loving, but you may struggle to connect with partners who are too serious or intense.
3rd (20º to 29º). You're attracted to partners who are creative and artistic, and you have a strong desire for variety and excitement in your romantic relationships and friendships. You may struggle to connect with partners who are too traditional or conservative in their thinking.
CANCER: You have a beautiful nature that appreciates the warmth and care of a loving relationship. You are a kind and nurturing partner, and you appreciate it when your partner reciprocates your efforts. However, you may sometimes find yourself smothering your companion with too much attention. The key to self-fulfillment lies in recognizing and owning your sensitive and caring nature. Being around other sensitive and caring individuals can help you flourish, but be mindful of how these traits can sometimes manifest as neediness or insecurity. When you encounter overly emotional or needy individuals, it can be an opportunity for you to confront and work through your own irrational tendencies. You have a talent for influencing people's opinions and navigating your way through complex relationships. You provide emotional support and stability to your loved ones, and in turn, you need to feel cared for and comfortable in your relationships. This is why heartbreak hits you especially hard, as it brings out your deepest fears and doubts. But, experiencing grief can also serve as a reminder to prioritize self-care. You may be drawn to partners who prioritize your needs, nurture your family and home, and make you feel emotionally secure. Sometimes, you may find yourself attracted to those who appear to need you more than you need them. It's important to be aware of this tendency, as it can put a strain on even the strongest relationships. You value long-term commitment and may desire a family in the future. You may also have an underlying yearning for a nurturing figure in your life. It's important to recognize these inclinations and work through them to ensure that they don't negatively impact your relationships.
1st (00º to 09º). You might behave like a mother to your partner or spouse, taking care of their every need. You have a strong emotional attachment to your partner, even if it might not always be apparent. Some people might perceive you as cold or uncaring, but that's not the case; you're just not always the best at showing your emotions. Financial gain might be a motivating factor for getting married, but that doesn't mean you don't genuinely care for your partner.
2nd (10º to 19º). you have a deep, possessive connection with your loved ones, whether they are friends, partners, or family. You might keep secrets from those you love, but you can trust that they won't keep secrets from you. Loyalty, protectiveness, and sympathy are hallmarks of your relationships, and you will do anything to keep your loved ones safe and secure. Even though your relationships may go through changes, your marriage or deep partnerships will likely resist them. Your sexuality is a vital part of your marriage or relationship, and possessiveness is not uncommon in deep friendships.
3rd (20º to 29º). You need a sympathetic partner and friends who can support and listen to you when you're facing issues. You also have the ability to make significant sacrifices for your loved ones, such as putting your marriage on hold to care for a sick or elderly family member or taking time off work to support a cause you believe in. You are a compassionate and caring individual, and you expect the same level of devotion from those around you. While marriage and deep partnerships are essential to you, you are willing to put them on hold to pursue a worthy cause or support someone in need.
LEO: You're a wonderful partner who always brings energy and excitement to your relationships. You love being in love, and you're not afraid to show it. You thrive on attention and affection from your partner, and you know how to give it back in spades. While you may have considered marriage at a young age, it's important to take your time and make a thoughtful decision. You value your heritage, culture, and finances when selecting a partner, but ultimately, you're looking for someone who shares your values and can be a true partner to you. You take pride in your relationships and are committed to your spouse, even through the ups and downs. When it comes to choosing a partner, you're cautious and thoughtful. You want someone who can match your ambition and drive, but you also need someone who understands your need for intellectual pursuits. You're attracted to partners who make you feel like the center of the universe, and who know how to take charge and lead when necessary. In a relationship, you want to feel loved, protected, and desired. You're drawn to partners who are passionate and who know how to make you feel special. Just be careful not to let your ego get in the way, and always make sure your partner feels valued and appreciated. With the right partner, you can experience a deep and meaningful connection filled with love and passion.
1st (00º to 09º). you may feel that your ego needs to shine through your marriage. You want to be proud of your spouse and feel that your relationship should be based on mutual love and respect. You have a natural tendency to want to be in charge of your partner, but you may find that this approach doesn't work well in practice. In fact, you may be attracted to people who want to take the lead in the relationship. If this happens, it's important to allow each other certain liberties in the marriage and pursue personal goals, while still supporting each other as a team.
2nd (10º to 19º). you may find it difficult to enter into a marriage contract. For you, friendship is an essential component of any long-term relationship. You value a partner who is intellectually stimulating and can engage in deep conversations with you. You want to be proud of your partner's accomplishments and share your views on life with them. Friendship and love are the first requirements for you in a partner, and you believe that if you have those things, physical intimacy will follow naturally.
3rd (20º to 29º). you want your friends and family to be proud of your spouse. You take great pride in your relationship and enjoy showing off your partner to others. Your originality and independence are often evident in your ideas and expressions, and you may be seen as someone who is free-spirited and unafraid to be themselves. However, despite this outward appearance, you can be dominated by your spouse. You may be attracted to partners who have strong personalities and can take the lead, but it's important to maintain a healthy balance in the relationship to ensure that both partners feel fulfilled and supported.
VIRGO: In relationships, you have a high standard for yourself and your partner, and you strive for perfection. It's important for you to feel like you can provide for your loved ones, and you appreciate a partner who is tidy, helpful, and grounded. However, it's also important to recognize your own strengths and accomplishments in order to achieve personal growth and fulfillment. Being with someone you trust and support can bring so much more to your life than you might realize. At times, your logical and critical thinking may lead you to be harsh on yourself and others. It's important to confront your inner critic and embrace both your sharp intellect and your kind heart. By doing so, you can provide constructive criticism to others and accept it in return, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling relationship. You may see relationships as a challenge that requires dedication and effort, but don't give up when faced with heartbreak. Instead, keep your focus on finding dependable and astute companions who can handle life's finer points, including your sex life. It's important to note that you may have a tendency to seek perfection in yourself and others, and this may attract a partner who is eager to point out areas for improvement. Ultimately, you will attract a partner who you can trust and who will help you take care of the practical aspects of life. While it may not be the most romantic attribute, you will appreciate your partner's efficiency and ability to handle everyday tasks with ease. With the right partner, you can achieve a fulfilling and supportive relationship that brings out the best in both of you.
1st (00º to 09º). you may have a tendency to be critical of your partner even when there is no real reason to be. This could be a result of your own insecurities and feelings of inadequacy, which you may unintentionally project onto your significant other. With your high expectations, it may be challenging to find a partner who can meet your standards. However, with self-awareness and communication, you can learn to overcome this tendency and build a healthy, fulfilling relationship.
2nd (10º to 19º). it is possible to marry a long-time friend or for your relationship to evolve into a deep, meaningful friendship. Your partnership may be characterized by a shared conservative outlook or a strong connection through mutual friends. It is important for you to maintain these relationships and prioritize their importance in your life.
3rd (20º to 29º). your partnership may revolve around a common income or a shared career path that involves communication, teaching, or other mercurial abilities. While this can be a great source of fulfillment and excitement, it may also come with its own set of challenges. Financial instability or a lack of success in your chosen career may result in criticism or tension within your relationship. It is important to be aware of these potential pitfalls and work together with your partner to overcome them.
LIBRA: Relationships are of utmost importance to you. You value tranquil and happy interactions in your personal life. As a result, you may either commit wholeheartedly or not at all. To become complete within yourself, it's crucial to recognize how kind and gentle you can be. When you start dating someone, you may not fully realize how amazing of a person you are. However, encountering individuals who are excessively nice can bring out your own passive-aggressive tendencies, prompting you to confront that part of yourself that simply wants to make others happy. Once you understand and embrace this aspect of yourself, you'll be able to have a relationship where both parties are equally committed to each other's happiness. Your lovely and sweet nature gives you significant influence over others. You have a strong desire for others to adore you, so you put in the effort to learn how to say and do the right things to win them over. In your romantic relationships and close friendships, you seek a fluid and harmonious dynamic. When faced with heartbreak, you handle it with kindness and consideration. You have a remarkable ability to view the situation fairly and see it from both sides, even in the face of rejection or a breakup. However, this can sometimes make you indecisive about where you stand and how you truly feel about the situation. You're naturally drawn to charming, kind, and attractive individuals who aren't afraid to prioritize the relationship. The part of yourself that you project onto your loved one is your most balanced and harmonious self. Perhaps you desire a connection more than you're willing to admit, and you're attracted to someone who can openly express that need.
1st (00º to 09º). When evaluating your partner, you tend to focus on how they relate to you, which may not always be in their favor. It's important to control the urge to influence your partner's thoughts and actions. Once you recognize that you're trying to lead them and learn to see your partner as an individual in their own right, you can truly share without sacrificing your own needs. Finding balance is key.
2nd (10º to 19º). Avoid getting involved with someone who doesn't interest you. Your partner must accept you for who you are, without causing unnecessary conflicts. While you strive to be diplomatic most of the time, your partner may not always reciprocate (your diplomacy can sometimes turn into bluntness). It's possible that you met your companion through a mutual friend or at a social gathering because you both had a common acquaintance. This mutual connection can provide a foundation for your relationship.
3rd (20º to 29º). Although you may not always feel deeply invested when it comes to expressing yourself verbally, you believe in the concept of soulmates. You value your partner's emotions, but you may not always be willing to open up fully yourself. Within your community or social circles, you tend to display more diplomacy than you do within the intimate setting of a partnership at home.
SCORPIO: Your connections with others hold a lot of strength. To create drama-free and positive emotional experiences, you should strive for constructive growth and improvement in your relationships. Embracing and acknowledging your passion and intensity is key to finding self-fulfillment. It goes deeper and is more complex than you might think. This quality often leads you to form close bonds with individuals who are deep and intricate, resulting in passionate yet sometimes stormy and intense situations. These connections force you to confront your own shadows and embrace your inner strength by embracing their depths. As a result, you bring an equal amount of emotional depth to the table, meeting another soul who possesses emotional wealth. Your influence on a significant partner or close friend is enigmatic but meaningful. Having the ability to impact others gives you a sense of power. Instead of seeking dominance, your true aim should be to heal and help others grow positively. There's always an enticing or magical dynamic at play in your relationships. However, heartbreak can lead to darkness. If a relationship ends or you feel frustrated, you might react in extreme ways, becoming a stalker, manipulator, or even self-destructive. On the other hand, you may completely shut out the person as if they never existed. You're drawn to captivating and powerful sexual partners who are willing to engage in intense desire and attachment within a committed relationship. You have the tendency to project possessiveness and deep jealousy onto your loved one. Consequently, you're more likely to attract partnerships that are profound, mysterious, and intense. You'll experience love with emotional depth and plenty of opportunities for physical connection. Remember that both parties are involved in keeping the relationship alive, and neither of you enjoys being hurt. If betrayal occurs, the potential for retaliation and long-term resentment is a painful reality.
1st (00º to 09º). You might feel possessive and envious of your loved ones. If your sexual needs are met, you're unlikely to go against the grain. While you're allowed to keep secrets from your partners, they are not afforded the same luxury. You also hold strong moral standards when it comes to sexual behavior within a committed relationship.
2nd (10º to 19º). You may be called upon to make sacrifices for the sake of your relationships. You highly value your partner not just physically, but emotionally and mentally as well. If your marriage or partnership isn't in the right place, you'll feel the internal struggle, which can eventually affect your health. It doesn't mean you don't have a temper, but you tend to keep it hidden.
3rd (20º to 29º). You have possessive tendencies towards your spouse and others in your life. While you may be capable of keeping secrets from your partners or associates, you expect the same level of transparency from them. You are devoted, protective, friendly, and determined in your relationships. Even as circumstances change, you remain loyal and supportive of your marriage or committed partnership. You have a high need for both sexual and emotional fulfillment. However, due to your difficulty in letting go within close relationships, you can experience significant distress when things go wrong. This might sometimes lead to a desire to nurture and care for your spouse, although it can also border on smothering them.Sure, here's a more casual version of the text:
SAGITTARIUS: You bring vivacity and entertainment to your personal relationships. You view them as an adventure, craving freedom within your connections. Deep down, you possess more bravery and optimism than you give yourself credit for. To feel complete, you need to embrace your inner explorer and believer. In romance and friendships, you are attracted to individuals who share your spirit of exploration. However, this mindset can sometimes lead to naivety, especially in those who live a wandering lifestyle. Once you learn to embrace these daring qualities within yourself, you will become a whole person. You'll be able to meet your partner halfway by offering and receiving freedom in equal measure. Your influence on others is uplifting and energizing, and you value the ability to broaden someone else's horizons. However, restlessness and impulsiveness can play a significant role in your personal relationships. After experiencing rejection or a breakup, you may be quick to move on to the next partner or companion. This tendency has the potential to become messy and reckless. Nevertheless, you excel at finding the silver lining in failed relationships, recognizing the lessons learned and personal growth achieved through those experiences. You are attracted to partners who prioritize the journey rather than the destination in life. For example, you may be drawn to romantic relationships with someone from a different cultural or religious background. Differences stimulate you, and you may project your own traveler or philosopher persona onto your loved one, who finds fulfillment in asking profound questions and seeking answers. You may not be fully aware of your deep need for truth, which can lead you to attract love and sexual partnerships that are dogmatic and tied to your beliefs. It's important to become more attuned to this need in order to foster relationships that align with your authentic self.
1st (00º to 09º). In marriage, you value independence and a partner who can be both a companion and a source of ideas. You believe that having a strong companionship will naturally take care of the intimate aspects of the relationship. You enjoy traveling extensively, either with your partner or on their behalf. You expect others to treat you with the same respect and freedom you offer them. While you don't want to feel restricted, it's important to stand firm in your marriage, upholding integrity, honesty, and moral loyalty.
2nd (10º to 19º). You seek a spouse who shares your love for adventure and is always on the move. Friends and partners who amplify or complement your opinions appeal to you. An open-minded spouse who understands your bursts of passion and short-term endeavors in various productive tasks is what you're looking for.
3rd (20º to 29º). Even after marriage, you feel the need to be free to interact with and entertain others. Self-expression holds great importance for you. It's crucial to marry someone who cares about you as much as you care about them; otherwise, you may face emotional difficulties. You're not the type to settle for just anyone in a marriage. Giving and receiving freedom, along with a unique form of love, is a precise formula for you. With your wide range of interests, it can be challenging to narrow down potential partners. If your spouse truly understands your personality, they will never abandon you. However, pushing them too far may lead them to consider giving up.
CAPRICORN:When it comes to relationships, you're all about long-term commitments with people who truly matter to you. You enjoy having the respect and admiration of your loved ones, and you want a partner who recognizes and appreciates that. Maybe you're not the most confident when you're on your own, which is why you're drawn to those who seem capable and efficient. But here's the thing, sometimes these friends or partners can come off as rigid and overly calculated, mirroring your own tendencies. To truly fulfill yourself, you've got to embrace your own ambition and strength. Once you find that inner confidence, you'll become a whole person, and your relationships will benefit from your solid nature. You have this innate desire to influence others positively, whether it's in romance or friendship. You're always trying to steer them towards your goals and principles. Your connections have a serious and orderly vibe to them. So, when a relationship ends or doesn't work out, it hits you hard, maybe even too hard. Heartbreak can shake your self-assurance and make you question your judgment. But here's the thing, my friend, you gotta see these challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. You'll be attracted to partners who are ambitious, practical, and driven to achieve their goals. Sometimes, you might not fully tap into your own business savvy and ambition, so you project those qualities onto the people you care about. You'll be drawn to someone responsible and authoritative, and there might be a significant age difference between you two. Family will play a crucial role for both of you, but your beloved will have a strong attachment to tradition and the "old ways." Get ready for a passionate and earthy sex life, but don't be surprised if your partner takes things slow at the start. In some cases, you might end up with a spouse who is much older or deeply committed to the relationship. You'll stick around in a less-than-ideal marriage because you feel a sense of duty and loyalty. But hey, even with all your efforts, the marriage might hit some bumps along the way. You take on responsibilities in marriage that others might shy away from, like marrying someone who already has a child or caring for an ailing parent. It's all about navigating the challenges with grace and finding strength in your commitments.
1st (00º to 09º). In your love life, you may end up with a spouse who is significantly older or more committed than you. You might find yourself tolerating an unsatisfactory marriage because you feel a sense of obligation to remain faithful. However, despite your best efforts to keep the marriage alive, there may be times when it becomes unstable and collapses. You willingly take on responsibilities in marriage that others might shy away from, such as marrying someone who already has a child or caring for a sick parent.
2nd (10º to 19º). When it comes to your spouse, you tend to be quite frugal and practical. However, with your close friends, you can be quite extravagant and generous. Friendships hold immense value for you and are considered a fundamental need. It's important for your spouse to understand and respect the significance of your friendships. In both friendships and marriage, you are loyal and devoted. If your spouse happens to be a friend or if you were friends before getting married, you are likely to have a harmonious and fulfilling relationship.
3rd (20º to 29º). You tend to attract a partner who is ambitious and driven. While there is a sentimental aspect to your relationship, both you and your partner may have a tendency to be critical, which can limit emotional expression. Your partner may seek your protection and care, or they may have health issues or hypochondriac tendencies. It's important to navigate these dynamics with understanding and compassion, fostering an environment of support and growth within the relationship.
AQUARIUS: In relationships, you value the freedom to be yourself. Your close friends and family better give you plenty of space because committing to someone can be a challenge for you. To feel complete, you've got to embrace your own brand of strangeness. That's why you're drawn to unique, quirky individuals who reflect your own oddity. But be warned, things can quickly spiral into wild chaos when your eccentricities collide. It's all about accepting and expressing your inner mad genius, so you can connect with other mad geniuses who appreciate your ingenuity and tolerate your quirks. You've got this scientific yet unpredictable power of persuasion, but you're so low-key that you don't even make an effort to convince others. It just happens naturally. Your personal interactions always have that touch of unexpectedness. Relationships can start and end in the blink of an eye. When you're heartbroken, you're the epitome of logic and objectivity. Just don't go drifting too far away. The cool thing about you is that you're pretty good at avoiding bitterness and maintaining friendships with ex-lovers. You're attracted to people who stand out from the crowd, even if they're eccentric and crave their own freedom. You may not fully embrace your own desire for independence, but you're magnetically drawn to a love that's one-of-a-kind. Oh, and let's not forget about your adventurous side in the bedroom. You might find yourself in an experimental and devoted sexual relationship that not only satisfies your desires but also meets your ego's needs. You're into partners who are creative and intellectual, maybe even geniuses in their own right. Your relationship might not fit the traditional mold, but you'll show incredible dedication to the person who captures your heart.
1st (00º to 09º). So, when it comes to marriage and partnerships, things can be pretty unpredictable for you. You'll have some unique encounters, whether it's with people of different ages, races, or religions. You're gonna attract partners who are self-sufficient or those who have been your pals before or will become your pals in the future. Either way, your wedding won't be your average run-of-the-mill affair. And hey, sometimes friendships can blossom from former foes. It's all about those unexpected twists and turns!
2nd (10º to 19º). Now, this partnership of yours is gonna come with a whole bunch of friends. It can be a great thing, adding more fun and support to your relationship. But be careful not to put too much focus on your buddies, or it might lead to some conflicts. If you're with someone who's just as enthusiastic about different things as you are, you'll make a killer team. As long as you're friends and lovers, everything will fall into place like magic.
3rd (20º to 29º). Watch out for that rebellious streak, my friend. Sometimes, you might feel tempted to rebel against your partner, but deep down, you really just want to keep the peace. Instead of getting into unnecessary arguments, try channeling that individualistic energy into artistic innovation. Trust me, it's a much better outlet. Oh, and here's a little reminder: having sexual freedom doesn't mean you can go around being promiscuous. No matter how much you believe in it, you gotta keep things in check.
PISCES:When it comes to relationships, you're a loving and caring partner who might have a tendency to put others before yourself. You can be quite idealistic about personal connections. It's important for you to share your spiritual or creative pursuits with your partner. To truly be whole, you need to embrace your sympathetic and ethereal nature. You find satisfaction in romantic relationships and friendships with empathetic and otherworldly individuals. However, their dreamy and otherworldly nature can also make them unrealistic, delusional, or hard to pin down, forcing them to face their own true selves. Embracing the fact that you're not always grounded will allow you to appreciate your otherworldly side. By giving and receiving love and admiration, you can have a mutually fulfilling relationship. Your shape-shifting abilities, along with your imagination and intuition, give you the power to influence others. You feel like you have to transform into different personas to have an impact on others. That's why your relationships with partners and friends can be so fluid and sometimes puzzling. Dealing with heartbreak can be confusing, especially if you're often unaware of what's going on. You might even be in denial even when you're rejected or when a relationship ends. Sometimes, something needs to happen to wake you up, make you accept the situation, and move on to someone new. You're drawn to a partner who is sexually dedicated and deeply spiritual, caring, or in need of assistance. Either way, love triggers your compassion, and you have this strong "need to be needed." You may sometimes be disconnected from your psychic or imaginative side and project those qualities onto your partner, attracting artistic or spiritually evolved individuals. You long to find your soul mate, and when you think you've found love and the perfect sexual partner, you'll put in the effort to merge with them. But hey, be careful because you can easily mistake someone for your beloved, making you particularly susceptible to deception.
1st (00º to 09º). You might be a bit too idealistic when it comes to marriage. Just be careful not to get involved with someone out of pity. Instead, look for soulmates or partners who share a strong spiritual connection with you. You might find yourself drawn to people who are musically inclined or have a poetic side. Oh, and remember, it's important to be more tolerant of your spouse.
2nd (10º to 19º). Having friendly companions and a supportive partner is essential for you. You're willing to make significant sacrifices for the person you care about. Maybe you'll be the one who decides not to get married in order to take care of an aging or sick parent, or perhaps you'll devote yourself to a noble cause. And who knows, your partnership might even turn into a musical collaboration in the entertainment industry.
3rd (20º to 29º). When it comes to your lover, you're capable of making big sacrifices, both emotionally and financially. You tend to keep your true feelings about your spouse hidden from the world. You might be discreet in your interactions with others, but you still need a shoulder to cry on from time to time. You rely on your partner for emotional and psychological support, and marriage provides you with plenty of mental stimulation.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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rainy-astrology · 7 months
BTS RM Birth Chart Analysis
Based on my opinion and observations. Not an expert. May change later.
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September 12th, 1994
Seoul, South Korea
Unknown time
Virgo suns are meticulous, analytical, and logical, which RM is. He's very intelligent and is especially articulate with his words. With a Mercury in Libra, he knows how to phrase his words in order to appeal to others.
Sagittarius moon is open minded and curious, it explains RM's philisophical side. He's obviously a deep thinker who puts a lot of meaning into his works.
He most likely has a Sun square Moon, which can indicate possible issues of inner conflict about his identity. Wants to follow his mind, while also wanting to follow his heart. May feel like he needs to prove himself to others.
Mars in Cancer is in fall. Mars in Cancer can be repressive and unsure how to properly express intense emotion.
Venus in Scorpio is in detriment - Venus is generally soft and calm, while Scorpio is intense and passionate. There can be issues of obsessiveness and possession. However, whatever these natives want, they will pursue it and not give up easily.
Possible rising: Virgo. He's just so Virgo lol. He's tall (I've noticed a lot of Virgo rising men are quite tall) calm, studious, and rational. Also a mixture of clean and messy. I do recall Joon saying he showers a lot (sometimes more than twice a day I think? He does work out and dislikes the sweat) and I also recall Suga talking about how messy Joon was when they still lived together and his disappointment in seeing how clean Joon's apartment was lol...I also have a good feeling that his Pluto is in 3rd house (3rd house placements in general tbh Mercury should be very influential in his chart) Pluto in 3rd is a deep thinker and highly analytical placement. He puts a lot of thought and meanings into his lyrics, always making sure to check they're apropriate first too. Pluto in 3rd can also get their words misunderstood, which seems to happen to RM often - people overanalyze and misunderstand what he says and does and try to paint him in a bad light. He has a lot of power in his words and way of thinking though, he's truly wise and influential. With Pluto being transformation as well, Namjoon has learned and expanded his mind immensely throughout his life...from having questionable beliefs and lyrics to a much more considerate and careful, wiser character is one hell of a growth process.
It would also give Chiron in 1st (if virgo asc is in 1st/2nd decan), which I think makes sense for RM...This placement deals with issues of self esteem, feeling misunderstood, and many matters concerning one's character. Namjoon has been pretty open about his own struggles of depression and going to therapy (not sure if he's still depressed and/or going but I do recall him mentioning both before). A lot of people did insult his looks in the beginning of BTS' careers and overall just disliked him, so I'm sure that took a huge toll on his confidence. Having to carry the responsibilities and burdens of a leader + having constant hate thrown his way for little things and some genuine small mistakes - it's not very surprising he was at his lowest years ago. Chiron in 1st also indicates having a lot of stressful experiences at a young age and he did have to face all this at 19 (still very young imo). I think these heavy feelings can be seen very well in a lot of his solo songs and lyrics. Questioning himself, his character, the feelings of depression and self hatred, etc are expressed clearly in his writing. Chiron in 1st pushes the native to learn confidence and build self-esteem as adults, which RM seems to have improved a lot in. E.g being direct about not apologizing for other's misunderstandings over a simple Instagram story he posted, especially when he had no ill intentions at all.
Sun would also be in the 1st house, which could explain his persistent and strong character. Sun in 1st is usually a confident and/or ambitious placement. The latter definitely applies to Joon - he pursued his dreams despite the huge risk of failing and all the hate that he received. What he chose to do was considered unconventional and was disliked for it. Still he was very determined to succeed and to make a new way, make better contributions to art (due to possible uranus and neptune in 5th; uranus in 5th is esp very noncomformist). This placement is also good for leadership and Joon is definitely a natural leader.
Other analysis:
MBTI | Enneagram
Kpop astrology list
Other blogs:
Main: Kpop typology (MBTI + enneagram) @rainymbti
Side: Kpop fanarts @rainy-artworks
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gala-xhi · 4 months
Nobody can convince me that Shu doesn’t have taurus placements, his ass said work smarter not harder. He is an asshole too like stubborn asf so he has probably Taurus moon if we think about Beatrix being earth sign parent (idk when she was born she has Capricorn/Virgo/Taurus placements) and sleeping as coping mechanism explains. But he is well built l headcanon him quite beefy not athletic ripped but his muscles well defined, he has consistency and patience (being eldest child and heir, working hard from young age for a while) he probably have Aquarius rising (definetly 3rd decan) Stubborn asshole and huge hedonist? He is libra i guess, Venusian, he is beautiful, eccentric, attractive, charming, he is like the sweetest sin, these placements are usually have high libido too it fits him a lot.
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astroyongie · 1 year
Can you do a short birth chart analysis for changkyun the same way you did for jungkook,since we know his ascendant and house placements.
I’m sure you know already but in case you don’t he was born 1:43 am which makes him a scorpio rising in the 2nd decan so his chart is
aqua sun in the 3rd
aries moon in 5th
cap mercury in 3rd
pisces venus in 4th
and aqua mars in 3rd
and also cap jupiter in 2nd
pisces saturn in 4th
and sag pluto in 1st house
Changkyun Birth Chart Report
Pluto 1st house Sagittarius: his persona isn't stable, Changkyun is the type that is in constant try of changing himself despite saying that he is okay with his life. He goes from being happy and sociable with people to ghosting them one week after. He is also evolving and changing is opinions and his friends
Capricorn 2nd Jupiter: He is someone very sensitive despite not showing it to the world. He tries his best to focus and to hide his feelings. Changkyun possesses a lot of insight and intuition that is often put under the mug due to his overthinking
Capricorn 3rd Mercury: He is very goal and work-oriented, his mind is always focusing and thinking about work, about what needs to be done and what he has yet to due. He is a rational person too, he doesn't like to be involved with emotions despite himself being a huge sensitive in heart.
Sun Aquarius 3rd: To be honest his work and his public figure are his personality, meaning that if you strip him of his idol persona he is nothing, he won't be able to find himself. He has his own structure around the character he built and the person he wants to show to others. That doesn't mean he is fake since his idol persona is still him on a version he wishes people to know him for
Mars Aquarius 3rd: Again the fact that he has so may placements around his 3rd house really shows to which point this man is very focused on what matters. He wants to be different, he doesn't want to be mainstream, he wants to be "that guy" the one that is different, unique unconventional. Changkyun wants to shock as much as he wants to attract
Uranus Aquarius 3rd: Always in constant change like I said earlier, he really isn't able to keep one moral or value for long, he is always changing to try and develop his character.
Neptune Capricorn 3rd: Changkyun is someone that suffers in silence, someone that thinks and overthinks a lot about things and yet he always pretends to have everything under control by controlling his environment. but honestly inside his mind, it's a jesus help.
Venus pisces 4th: Despite all of that he is lighthearted, he is someone who wants to love, to be loved, to have his own kids and family yet his dreams are so out of touch that is very complicated for him to stick to realistic goals that he can reach.He is also very very romantic
Moon Aries 5th: He is a creative mind, passionate. Everything he does he does it with his heart, with his raw emotions. He wants t be true to himself by doing things that have his personality and his own way to be. so per example, his songs are really very deep and connect to his soul.
empty 6th Aries: He has a lot of health complications with his placement, mostly he gets easily toothache for example, headaches, and burns his tongue frequently. He is prone to head diseases. he also gets easily bored with things
Empty 7th Taurus: Changkyun has huge committing issues when it comes to relationships, he loves too raw, gets possessive and jealous too easily, he never rusts his partner 100% because for him there are always things the person can do to hurt him
Empty 8th Gemini: he can gaslight people to get what he wants, despite his true nature, Changkyun also knows how to be a "fake bitch" to hurt and to get things from people. Also this usually comes out during self-destructive moments when he is drunk for example.
Empty 9th Cancer: He has little faith in things. Like he belives there is the greater good, yet he gets easily into that state where blaming a god or a religion for his bad karma.
Empty 10th Leo: Again, the only bad thing about this is that he always has to pretend to be someone he isn't at work. Also Changkyuncan be a little arrogant and egoistic, putting himself on a pedestal when it comes to his talents.
Empty 11th Virgo: He has a hard time making friends and keeping them since people get easily tired of him and also they don't like the fact that he can easily get judgemental and cold toward people.
Empty 12th Libra: Terrible dealing with stress, with anxiety or depression or any type of negative emotion. Whenever he isn't well mentally, Changkyun gets overly dependent of the people he loves or he completely removes them from his life
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astrologged · 1 year
Decans of Aries
Each zodiac sign can be divided into three parts, called decans, with each decan being ruled by a different planet and possessing its own unique qualities. 
1st Decan of Aries (March 21 - March 30): This decan is ruled by Mars, the planetary ruler of Aries. Those born under this decan are highly energetic, assertive, and competitive. They possess a pioneering spirit and are not afraid to take risks or blaze new trails.
2nd Decan of Aries (March 31 - April 9): This decan is ruled by the Sun, which brings a sense of creativity and charisma to those born under this decan. They are passionate and dynamic, with an ability to lead and inspire others. They also possess a strong sense of self and are highly individualistic.
3rd Decan of Aries (April 10 - April 19): This decan is ruled by Jupiter, which brings a sense of optimism and generosity to those born under this decan. They possess a larger-than-life personality and a desire to expand their horizons through travel and learning. They are also highly intuitive and possess a deep sense of spirituality.
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sapionic · 8 days
Glorilla Arrested For DUI (Astrology Analysis)
Glorilla's Birth Chart Analysis
Working with an unconfirmed birth time for Glorilla who was born in Memphis Tennesee July 28, 1999. Based on how she comes off and how she talk will help connect to the birth time more accurately until a confirmed birth time makes its way.
Time used 8:10am, Method: Tarot, Cards: 8 of swords + 10 of swords + page of cups --- the page of cups is what gives the morning energy + the major arcanas connected with the earlier part of the day.
This makes her a 12th house Leo rising at the last degree of 29 but that is also a leo degree. Decan ruled by Mars(3rd decan of aries) Mars is in the 3rd house.
What also makes this chosen time more sensible is how the old resurfaced pictures of her backs up the 3rd house mars. This can point to urban lifestyles, environments, dramatic party lifestyle habits. Her Leo rising at the leo degree makes sense as she comes off youthful, playful, and entertaining.
The deep voice Leo mercury in the 12th house. 12th house represents things deep and never ending. In a mundane way, it definitely can be a deep voice.
Focusing solely on the transit now
The arrest could be linked to her current Saturn trine Vertex transit. Fated events related to authority and responsibility. Saturn is also trine her natal Saturn so this is a time where it's about getting herself together or getting her life together in some way. Natal Saturn in the 9th house.
Moon also transiting her 1st house. Mercury(cars, transportation) transiting 8th.
"When Saturn is sextile Vertex, it brings a sense of commitment and responsibility to our personal and relationship growth." - Saturn Sextile Vertex: Synastry, Natal, and Transit Meaning | Authority Astrology
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kakiastro · 1 year
Asteroid Series
Topic: Juno
Hey everyone! I know it’s been forever since I posted on here due to having health problems and other stuff going on but I’m back during Taurus season and thought it would be good idea to talk about one of my favorite love asteroids haha. While I’ve been away I’ve been studying different asteroids so I decided to start a series; similar to my fame in astrology series(check that out if you haven’t yet)
Anyways; I hope you enjoy this post and don’t forget to follow
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Juno is one of the most looked at asteroids in astrology! It’s the 3rd
out of 4 main asteroids in astrology. She sits between Mars and Jupiter orbit space.
Juno rules over
-our ideal partner and marriage
-betrayal and cheating
- weddings
-Summer and the month of June
- fairness
-where we compromise with people and partner
-our personal power and power dynamic in relationship
I want to be clear and state your Juno sign may be your serious partners (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars). They can also have their planets in your sign house. They can also have strong aspects to your sign planet ruler.
Example: you have Juno Scorpio. Your partner may have planets in Scorpio. They may have 8h placements. Or they have strong Pluto or Mars aspects. Mars traditionally rules over Scorpio
History of Juno
Juno, (Hera) was the wife and sister of Jupiter (Zeus). Despite the endless infidelities, Juno was still loyal and dedicated to her husband (couldn’t be me y’all😅); she’s known to be jealous and have done questionable things in the name of power and jealousy but she still has prevailed through and remains Queen
She is the Daughter of Saturn (Kronos) and is the mother of Mars (Aries)
Juno is known as the Queen of the Gods.
She’s the Goddess of Marriage and Childbirth
Celebrity Juno example Zendaya
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Using placidus system
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Zendaya has Aries Juno. Aries Juno people are attracted to people especially partners who are bold, big personalities, ambitious and confident.
Now let’s dig deeper; her Juno Aries is in the 2nd Décan Aries. The 2nd decan of Aries is Leo and her Juno co ruler is the Sun.
So what does this mean?
She’s also attracted to creative people and partners, they’re fun loving and have big hearts. They may end up being famous like her since the Sun rules over fame
Let’s look even deeper shall we?
Her Juno is conj her South Node and Saturn.
South Node rules over past lives and Saturn rules over karma(good and bad) he also rules over our long term goals and life lessons
So with her Juno here; this tells me that her long term committed relationship are pass life related and she’s going to be with someone who’s been previous lifetimes. (Yes I know she’s with Tom Holland😅)
Where is Juno at in your chart? Are you married or in a serious relationship and do your partner fit the Qualities of it.
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lunaapudleonem · 2 years
Hallo could you explain some indications of some who will glow later in life( like early 20s and beyond) thank you very much!
Placements that indicate a possibility for a glow up later in life
Saturn in the 1st house
Capricorn rising
Pisces rising
Venus - Saturn aspects
Venus in the 10th house
Mars - Ascendent aspects
Mars in the 1st house
Cancer risings
Neptune in the 1st house
Saturn conjunct ASC
Neptune conjunct ASC
Aphrodite - Saturn aspects
Venus/Aphrodite/Juno/Sirene in Capricorn
Venus degree in the 3rd decan (>20°)
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mercurytrinemoon · 10 months
If you're somehow not up to date, during this past week, all media was flooded with news coverage about the missing submarine (or, rather, a submersible... or rather, a big feeble can that didn't really quite get any certification to officially function) that was supposed to take a trip 3700 meters down the ocean to see the Titanic's wreck.
Well, four days later and it was stated the sub imploded.
Also, everything Titanic-related is back on everyone's lips. And so is James Cameron. It shouldn't be a surprise, yet it's still pretty eerie, all these things are connected astrologically-speaking.
But let's take it back to the beginning.
Titanic's sinking
Titanic sank during the night from April 14th to 15th 1912 just two days before a solar eclipse at 27° Aries that was square Neptune in Cancer. It was also almost Mercury cazimi during its retrograde phase. So not only we had a moment of big things that bring a darkening of some sorts or a purge (eclipse), it was also tightly paired with a retrograde Mercury, which usually warns of travel issues and a square from Neptune - which can mean things unseen and fogginess. Neptune was also in Cancer, which is obviously a water sign - and we're met with an iceberg that pops up out of nowhere in the fog, while we're charging Aries-style full speed ahead - all that despite receiving multiple warnings of sea ice ahead of the ship - warnings that somehow never reached the ship's bridge.
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The cherry on top is Moon in Pisces (again, in a water sign) squaring Pluto in Gemini at 27°. Now remember those degrees cause they are going to pop up again later on.
We can also point to an exiled Venus in Aries applying to a square with a fallen Mars in Cancer - and keep in mind that watery Mars was the dispositor of the eclipse. I also sometimes like to look at quincunxes cause they often bring an unpleasant and uncomfortable situations that sneak up on you out of nowhere. So let's also point out the Mars-Uranus quincunx that was happening at that time. A bizzare case of severing that is.
James Cameron and his fascination with the Titanic
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I'm sad to say James' chart is untimed so we can't really dissect it but let's just take a quick glance.
He is a Leo Sun conjunct Mercury and Pluto in sextile with Neptune, which talks about his love for grandiose and cinematography but also about how detailed in his work he is. That love for detail has more of an element of deep exploration - figuratively, through world-building but also literally through scientific expeditions. Pluto's influence makes him really put things under the microscope and treating it surgical precision.
But what I really like in his chart is his Moon-Jupiter mutual reception that actually forms a trine (unfortunately we don't know the exact orb). That is just a VERY good aspect to have and one that not only can bring popularity but one that makes the person dream BIG. Now, his Moon is somewhere in the 3rd decan of Pisces - remember it's the exact same Moon position as Titanic's catastrophy (deep connection with Titanic's story). His Jupiter, on the other hand, is just 3° away from where Neptune was in April of 1912 (learning about and exploring the underwater mystery of Titanic).
On top of that his curious Sagittarius Mars is opposite Titanic's Pluto at, surprise, surprise, 27°.
New Moon summoning Pluto's ghost
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(Time set for the supposed submergence at 8am, Titanic wreck's coordinates)
So let's get to that poor Titan.
Titan started its dive the Sunday morning of June 18th. If you track transits or, at least, the Moon cycle, you may recall a New Moon took place that exact Sunday morning. New Moon that squared Pisces Neptune at 27°. It also made a 3° quincunx to Pluto, which just barely moved back into Capricorn.
Now remember the degrees from Titanic's sinking? Pluto was at 27° of Gemini - the New Moon happened at 26° of Gemini. The Titanic's Moon was at roughly 25° Pisces - current degree of Neptune is 27 Pisces. Interestingly, Neptune would oscillate around that degree for a couple of years now - exactly since OceanGate started their expeditions - they tried to get to the heart (Moon) of Titanic's wreck but were doing it in an unsafe way, teetering somewhere on the edge of it being illegal (Neptune).
You'd think some of the malefics (or both!) should be present when it comes to tragedies like these, but instead we get Pluto and Neptune, which makes sense. Pluto is obviously death and destruction but is also the underworld, the depth (not just metaphorical) - mix it with the literal element of the Neptunian waters - the ocean - and the unknown, the mystery, the overlooked weak details and faults - and we get a bizzare accident in the deep seas.
Saturn in Pisces and death in the water
I also quickly glanced at the chart of one of the passengers, Hamish Harding, and coudn't help but notice he was just going through his Saturn return in watery Pisces. Not only that but that Saturn was natally squared by Gemini Mars with just around a 0°05’ orb.
Saturn is death, restrain, depression, rigid environment and again, Pisces is a water sign. Mars brings suddenness, violence, cutting, explosions (paired with the pressure of Saturn - an implosion, actually). It being in Gemini, it's travel and exploration. A very violent and gruesome aspect, he probably would hurt himself somehow sooner or later (IF he didn't already in the past).
(Of course, remember that just because you have a tense Mars-Saturn aspect doesn't mean you'll die a violent death or anything. But DO be careful. Nevertheless this is great empirical study).
He did seem to have a heart of an adventurer and an explorer, with Moon in the last decan of Sagittarius* as well as Venus and Mercury* late in Gemini (not exactly 27° but very close to that). Unfortunately the New Moon that happened on these points in his chart, paired with it happening on the Pluto degree from Titanic's sinking, has resulted in a tragedy.
*there's a tiny chance his Moon could as well be at 0° Capricorn and Mercury at 0° Cancer, just to be clear. But I do think they were probably at the Sag-Gemini axis. If his Moon was around the 27°, it'd be almost creepy
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fagaziraphale · 2 months
can i just say warmest regards and godspeed to all the other 3rd decan pisces placements who are dealing with neptune transiting there while saturn hangs out in the 1st decan. my ascendant/jupiter are both at 26 degrees and the neptune conjunction with them both has me fully suspended in air. both feet off the ground. meanwhile there's saturn on the other end of the house, telling me i need to get the fuck down and face reality
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unknownfortuna · 1 year
Astrology Decans
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*1st Decan harnesses the zodiac signs energy (essentially doubling the planets power/influence)
**2nd and 3rd Decans influence the signs depending on the planet sub ruler. ex. Capricorn 2nd Decan may be more sensual/Hedonistic (work hard; play hard) and take on other qualities seen in Venus ruled Taurus.
Order of Decans:
Fire Element: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Earth Element: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Air Element: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Water Element: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Aries Decans~ 1st Decan Aries (March 21st- 30th) sub ruler Mars, 2nd Decan Leo (April 1st-9th) sub ruler Sun, 3rd Decan Sagittarius (April 10th-19th) sub ruler Jupiter
Taurus Decans~ 1st Decan Taurus (April 20th- 29th) sub ruler Venus, 2nd Decan Virgo (April 30th- May 9th) sub ruler Mercury, 3rd Decan Capricorn (May 10th-20th) sub ruler Saturn
Gemini Decans~ 1st Decan Gemini (May 21st- 30th) sub ruler Mercury, 2nd Decan Libra (May 31st- June 9th) sub ruler Venus, 3rd Decan Aquarius (June 10th- 20th) sub ruler Uranus/Saturn
Cancer Decans~ 1st Decan Cancer (June 21st-30th) sub ruler Moon, 2nd Decan Scorpio (July 1st-10th) sub ruler Pluto/Mars, 3rd Decan Pisces (July 11th-22nd) sub ruler Neptune/Jupiter
Leo Decans~ 1st Decan Leo (July 23rd- Aug 1st) sub ruler sun, 2nd Decan Sagittarius (Aug 2nd- 11th) sub ruler Jupiter, 3rd Decan Aries (Aug 12th- 22nd) sub ruler Mars
Virgo Decans~ 1st Decan Virgo (Aug 23rd- September 1st) sub ruler Mercury, 2nd Decan Capricorn (Sept 2nd-11th) sub ruler Saturn, 3rd Decan Taurus (Sept 12th-22nd) sub ruler Venus
Libra Decans~ 1st Decan Libra (Sept 23rd- Oct 2nd) sub ruler Venus, 2nd Decan Aquarius (Oct 3rd-12th) sub ruler Uranus/Saturn, 3rd Decan Gemini (Oct 13th-22nd) sub ruler Mercury
Scorpio Decans~ 1st Decan Scorpio (Oct 23rd-Nov 1st) sub ruler Pluto/Mars, 2nd Decan Pisces (Nov 2nd-11th) sub ruler Neptune/Jupiter, 3rd Decan Cancer (Nov 12th-21st) sub ruler Moon
Sagittarius Decans~ 1st Decan Sagittarius (Nov 22nd- Dec 1st) Sub ruler Jupiter, 2nd Decan Aries (Dec 2nd-11th) sub ruler Mars, 3rd Decan Leo (Dec 12th-21st) sub ruler Sun
Capricorn Decans~ 1st Decan Capricorn (Dec 22nd -31st) Sub ruler Saturn, 2nd Decan Taurus (Jan 1st-10th) sub ruler Venus, 3rd Decan Virgo (Jan 11th- 19th) sub ruler Mercury
Aquarius Decans~ 1st Decan Aquarius (Jan 20th-29th) sub ruler Uranus/Saturn, 2nd Decan Gemini (Jan 30th- Feb 8th) sub ruler Mercury, 3rd Decan Libra (Feb 9th-18th) sub ruler Venus
Pisces Decans~ 1st Decan Pisces (Feb 19th- 29th) sub ruler Neptune/Jupiter, 2nd Decan Cancer (March 1st-10th) Sub ruler Moon, 3rd Decan Scorpio (March 11th-20th) sub ruler Pluto/Mars
Every next level of your life will demand a different version of you.
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