#AA Haunted House AU
katethevampire · 10 months
Ace Attorney au where Mia bought a house before her death that's haunted by all the attorneys besides Phoenix. They all died in mysterious ways. Mia bought the house to try and investigate like she did with Redd White.
After her death Phoenix gets the house (technically Maya inherited it but shhhhh he pays for everything) and they realize, uh oh! There's ghost!
Most of the ghosts died within the last 80 or so years (still working on the dates), all of the ghosts haunting died either in or around the house causing it to have a bit or a reputation... One that Phoenix doesn't know about before agreeing to move in.
Each ghost has their own design related to how they died (and I definitely didn't steal any of them from TBHK /s) Most of them I don't have a cause of death for quite yet so if anyone can give me ideas that'd be great! Also as I haven't finished all the games and just going off of characters I've seen people mention. I'm probably forgetting some characters, if there's a prominent attorney character that I left out then let me know! If I don't add them after than I probably have an idea for them/want them to be alive, really don't like the character (unlikely since I'd REALLY have to hate them), or haven't played their game yet or seen enough to know that they're important (e.i. I know Kalvier is important even if I haven't played his game yet). All of the ? Are things that I need ideas for.
Ghost of | death | who they were/what they did | When they died
Edgeworth | strangulation | a bit past his brat era. | Died maybe a year-6 months before Phoenix became an attorney
Mia | blunt object (same as game) | the same as in the game before her death, the only difference is that she was also trying to solve why so many people, specifically attorneys, had died in that house. | 2016
Apollo | Lost blood circulation | Thinking he was fresh out of law school, just absolute terrible luck, fell down the stairs after seeing Kalvier's ghost | died right before his first trial, some time in the early 2000s (all that voice training for nothing....)
Kalvier | ? | Was a rock star (and prosecutor!) In the 70s or 80s. | After coming back from tour Died from a stalker fan breaking into his house (credit to Tumblr user @cursed-edgeworth the idea!)
Blackquill | Electric Chair | Studying under Metis | late 1960s, executed on false murder charges
Franziska Von Karma | blood loss | went looking for Miles after he was reported dead | She fell into the pool after being shot (maybe by the some person who got to her brother? Both times a strange card was found nearby...) A month before Phoenix became a Lawyer. 2016
Godot/Diego | poisoning | The exact same as the game, except instead of going into a coma Diego died. | Defense Attorney | 2013. When Dahlia poisoned him she used a much slower acting poison, over the course of about a week he got progressively more and more sick, his vision became spotty, coughing up blood, etc. By the end of the week he was dead. (Once again credit to Tumblr user @cursed-edgeworth for giving me the idea!)
Athena | ? | Studying law, trying to save Blackquil (like the games, only in the 60s) | Late 1960s- earlier 1970s. Was killed by The Phantom as a final loose end to tie.
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thebestpartofwakingup · 5 months
Weird bad one piece mid 2000s au that goes form 6teen to NITW vibes and the time skip is the Ussop leaving for college and coming back to visit/earned his AA and is waiting to hear back from transfer programs.
Roger is like a small town legend — kind of guy who drove a tractor around town and blasted swedish pop music and might have grown his own pot and hangs around gas stations. Big deal when he was finally arrested and immediately kills himself
Hid some box of something somewhere in the woods, rumored to have a bunch of seedy bank accounts and illegal shit like baby chimpanzee bones
Rumored to have been one of the original investors in the slowly dying mall also rumored to have some crazy dirt on the local police and mall founder
Franky is some kooky school teacher overly invested in his field at a school everyone has given up on. Trying to get taken seriously and published in academia but really loves the kids.
Robin is a drifter-turned-local still not fully trusted by those old enough to remember when she first showed up and was really suspicious (in like a post runaway teen way). She used to be assistant manager at the Lacoste at the mall. She quit after the manager got arrested for assaulting a minor and tax fraud.
Chopper is both a normal but very smart little boy AND the name of a deer that follows Luffy around because he keeps feeding it.
Nami moves out of her dead mom–now–sister’s house the next town over and bums around with her manager Arlong until he is fired and she steals enough money for her own trailer
Zoro is some foster teen about to age out of the system whose been shuffled around enough that the system has basically lost track of him and his papers completely. “Ran away” from his last foster family to move in with two of his friends/brothers from the agency to rent an apartment. At least one of them is old enough to live alone but he never adopted Zoro or anything. Is haunted by the memory of his foster sister (daughter of his foster-father) who died while he was living in that home in a freak accident. Stayed there for a few more years until he was invited to move out.
Eventually his papers get tracked down and gets placed with one lady for a few weeks before she lets Zoro in on how he can get one of his older friends to do the paperwork to get him out. Hes like legally Robin’s responsibility for a couple months before he ages out of the system. He also gets really into owning a truck/van he fixed uo with his brothers.
Ussop legally has a father who ditched town before he was born but nobody wants him to inherit the house from his dead girlfriend so all the locals pitch in to hide the fact Ussop lives alone from officials. Stays with friends and neighbors a lot until he’s a little older and starts worrying more about potential squatters trying to take over the house. Also has a rich girlfriend whose family offers to hire someone to look over the house if he goes to college after graduating high school. Studies naval engineering and has a boat gifted to him by his girlfriend that’s kept at her family’s dock.
Sanji like Zoro is from out of town but moved in with his adoptive father and local restauranteur years ago. Shady past and rumors about why the adoption was so fast and how his father met him.
Luffy is a drop out who bounces around friends’ places. Has an older brother who left town in a car and is now super into this weird non profit. Has another brother (guy Ace brought home one day) who left to join the peace corps supposedly with Luffy’s father. His brother has an outstanding arson charge and arrest warrant fhat the non profit shields him from
Shanks used to smoke pot with Luffy when he was in high school but is now really into NFTs and crypto. He has a former roommate who manages Spencer’s Gifts at the mall.
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yourclownpal · 3 years
A comprehensive list of all my Ghost au's
this post will be talking about all of the ghost au's ive created or co-created including talking about ghost au's from old fandom's that i am no longer in. if you want to ask about any of my au's my ask box and dm's are always open this includes the hermitcraft au but keep it to a minimum please also if any of the creator's of the characters have said that they arent comfortable with what im making ( with proof ofc) i will edit or delete what is needed to fit in the boundaries also another thing this is a long post if you just want the art go under the cut! this post will discuss how each au works and basic plot stuff about them the fandoms in this post are hermitcraft, epithet erased, and dsmp okay first things first-
my hermitcraft au (what a pity)-
On my old tumblr account I made a few posts about it along with a fanfic which never got finished due to me not wanting to interact with the fandom any more due to personal reasons and also I'm not very good at writing imo but I think I'm ready to talk about it again. Just keep in mind i will most likely not talk about this fandom ever again at least not on here again for personal preference : -) it was about season 6 Grian since he was who i was hyperfixating on at the time, being haunted by the ghosts of Sam and Taurtis, both of them from the old roleplay series' Yandere High School, and Tokyo Soul, and taurtis from Grians old-ish smp Evo. Since I never finished the fanfiction nobody but me and close friends ever got to hear the full story i had planned but now you will i guess. It was mainly just grian stressing about Sam and Taurtis being ghosts and him worrying about being crazy, though he would still join the hippies during the area 77 war he would be significantly more stressed especially when finding out that Sam and Taurtis have been possessing his body during the night, he’s more worried about Sam though because of his track record back in the other servers( yhs and ts) it was going to be that Sam (although death isn't permanent) would go on a killing spree in Grians body which would cause the area 77 guys to put him in the facility to see what's going on with him, and it didn't get further then that. My favorite part of this au much like all of my au’s were the design elements i had for it which i'll have under the cut with the other designs. Now for a rundown of how the ghost physics work in this world, in typical ghost fashion Sam and Taurtis were not able to touch or move anything, but they were able to interact with Grian, him being the only person who could see/hear/or touch them. Their only super natural abilities is being able to possess Grian.
Okay! Time for my Epithet Erased au!: Unlike what a pity this one doesn't have a name or a fanfic to go with it as said before i'm not exactly a writer but i have talked about it a bit before on this account along with posting the designs and general concept but i'll go more in depth here! As said in my original post this au was a co-creation with my best friend and sibling @brocolibean so go check bun out ^^ Unlike ‘What a Pity’ it was more lighthearted and comedy centric because it dealt with a bit more and also the original show is a comedy. This au didn't include the character’s epithets so they are all humans. This will also include talking about house each ghost died so if your uncomfortable hearing about that you might want to skip the ghosts portion Just like the original post I'll separate the story summary into 3 parts with intervals in between to talk about the ghosts. First we have the Banzai boys part of the story. Giovanni, Spike, Dark Star, Crusher, Flame Thrower, Car Crash, and Ben all decide to move into a house together so they could all easily split the rent since its close to their collage, the house, which they get for cheap, is aa very old house with sketchy history. But it's a huge house for cheap so they don't complain they encounter the ghosts very early on living in the house and they swear to figure out how they died so they can get their memory back! The ghosts, Molly, Sylvie, Trixie, and Pheonica have no memory! All they know is that there are ghosts! They are connected to the property of this house but if you where to get something- like perhaps a stone from the property the ghost is still technically attached to it therefore the ghost can go with you anywhere Speaking of- -Phoenicia Fleecity is one of the last ghosts to show herself, her body is found in the overgrown garden flowers growing over her skeleton, she is from the victorian era making her the oldest out of the ghosts though he death is the most mysterious -Molly Blindeff is the first ghost the group meets her decomposed body is found buried in the floorboards of the living room, found when gio decided that the house needed renovation and taking matters into his own hands, she died via blunt force trauma i will not be going into detail here because i'm still thinking of doing something with this au she died in the early 2000’s -Sylvester Ashling is the second ghost to show himself though he didn't want to, his body was found in the bottom of the pond in the backyard of the house in the garden. His body while it was decomposing and falling apart was still intact, bloated from drowning. Again i wont go into detail but this wasn't an accident time of death is unknown -Trixie Roughhouse is the third person to show themselves to the Banzai Blasters she is found in the bushes in the backyard her face disfigured from some sort of explosion unlike the others it seems like it was purely an accident, like sylvie their time of death is unknown Mera Salamin is the collages part time librarian nicknamed “the library witch” she started seeing her ghost after obtaining a neck bow with a blue pendant from a pawnshop she got it cause it was pretty and didn't expect a himbo to come along with it -Indus Tarbella is a ghost who is attached to the pendant and bow Mera wear it used to be his own until he was decapitated wearing it through he was properly buried he has no troublesome memories about what happened even after seeing his body he’s just happy to be with Mera Percival King is a security guard at the college and one of the best at that, she wields a story she got from a pawn shop as its her preferred weapon she takes her job very seriously -Ramsey and Zora both died by the same sword while fighting neither remember who wielded the sword, even after death they hate each other and hate being bound together even more Everyone ends up meeting and finding out they all have ghost hijinks ensue. The way ghosts work in this world is a bit strange I'll admit but it's one of my favorites. The ghosts can interact with the human world(menma style) but
they can only talk to the others who can see them (the Banzai Blasters, mera and percy) and the ghosts can interact with each other ghosts in this au attach themselves to an item or property that has someway to do with their death, the kids in the property, Indus it's the bow, and the sword duo is well, the sword Percy carries. As alluded to from before Gio and the rest of the boys end up carrying a bit of the property with them in the form of friendship bracelets four for each of them which makes 28 different bracelets so the kids can decide who to follow around for the day.i talked about how percy and Mera’s items work enough but i would like to mention that Indus does most of the heavy lifting around the library but becaus enoone else can see indus they assume she’s magical, the glowing pendant doesn't help.
The last two au’s i want to talk about are both dream smp au’s
though i've never talked about them online until now, again thanks to @brocolibean for letting me brain vomit my way through these au’s and helping me out with things i love them please check him out I'll be honest i'm so scared of this fandom so i'm afraid to talk about my au’s please be nice to me Also this is all roleplay and fiction!<3 The first one i'll talking about is the dsmp ghost hunters au Sam runs a company where groups of people hunt ghosts for money! Those groups being Phil, Technoblade, Wilbur,Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo Dream, George, Sapnap, Quackity, Karl Bad, ant, Skeppy, and Puffy There’s most likely more but there the only people i can think of at this moment The only canonical ghost being Schlatt This au doesn't have a proper story perse it's more about gags and stuff about the different character fighting over ghosts for money but the story stuff i do have- Sbi family dynamic is real here you can rejoice, Phil adopts Tubbo after his dad (Schlatt) kicks the bucket and fucking dies , Tubbo befriend’s Ranboo some mysterious teen who just desperately needs a job so he- and the rest of the Minecraft family help him get one- though they find out Ranboo isnt as human as he was made out to be and he finds out he’s this worlds version of angels called ender’s and he’s there to protect Tubbo and Tommy which explains why the more violent ghosts start being less violent at the arrival of Ranboo joining their team. Bad isn't human either being a demon his entire group know’s plus quackity. Quackity found out but squirting him with holy water through a water gun but don't worry he promised not to tell anyone; -) Bad and Ranboo know about each other because they see each other as their true forms The minecraft fam found out about Schlatt being a ghost through Tommy- despite Tubbo telling him not to- telling them from calling up and paying for them to investigate their own house saying “technically i didn't tell them” they ended up not getting rid of Schlatt though I'm not going to talk about how the ghosts here work because it's not super important to the plot
The second au is another ghost au where the main characters are ghosts themselves,
like the others its mainly lighthearted and comedic with dark attributes The plot surrounds the sbi family moving into a new house and Tommy finding out it's being haunted by two ghost’s. Those ghosts being Tubbo and Ranboo This au isn't fully figured out but I know that he found out he was haunted by sending a selfie to someone(possibly Drista and Purpled? Since there are only other minors who were part of the dsmp lore? But ultimately idk) and them being like “yo i didn't know you had friends” and him being like “?????” Tubbo died from a boiler exploding and Ranboo died from drowning (which are apparently my two favorite deaths) this also doesn't have an official story? It was just an excuse to make ghost designs with a bit of a story without the commitment As said before it's a sbi au but also a Dadschlatt au cuz I like Dadschlatt au’s. The main story bits i have are background stuff for Tubbo and Ranboo which ill elaborate now The house was originally meant to be just a summer home because it had a large lake in the backyard Ranboo’s family would go there often but that doesn't mean his family liked him very much because of his heterochromia, Vitiligo, and his height his family thought he was strayed from god and drowned him Tubbo died during sleep while Schlatt wasn't home either out drinking or just at work he came home to the house being partially blown up and his son nowhere to be seen he calls Puffy out of fear and she calls the cops. He moves away and most likely starts drinking a bit more. The house gets rebuilt and now the sbi live there hijinks ensue! The ghosts in this au work in a simpler manor only Tommy can see them unless a photo is taken but even then they are blurred, they can float and go through walls and their ability to touch things is limited Ranboo’s memory is worse then Tubbo’s but Tubbo’s isn’t much better.
below the cut will be designs and stuff be safe pal's- there will be minor/cartoony blood-
rip me exposing my old art on this account also i'm ripping these from my fucking amino account that i don't use but still have the password too
gonna do the original what a pity drawins first them ill show a more recent rendition because i hate the old drawings
these are the old drawins i hate them
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then,,, i just drew them,,,,, fuck these guys/j
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thses are the old sprite edits of these four! trixies design is the only one that really changed
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the ded;-; i couldnt fit him on the page
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there he is! ft indus and very much alive mera(who i cant figure out how to FUCKING DRAW-)
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gay's get wilbur'd/j
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they lookin for ghosts
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the whole fmaily is here but its quality is shit
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these bitches dead! good for them,,, good for them,,,,,,/j/rp
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dissonantharmony · 4 years
For the haunted au!!!!! Does the curse work on animals? Do you have to just stay a night in the house or do you actually legally have to own it? Is there a particular reasons the ghosts like the specific places they haunt? How did Qrow and Ozpin realize they had feelings for each other? Do any of the ghosts blame Ozma for what happened to them? Can the ghosts leaves the house in anyway? Like if they possessed and object and that object was taken out of the house would they follow it? If they can’t, how far can they wander in the property? Just the house and the garden or are their more places? Can the ghosts do the maintenance in the house? Can the ghosts sleep or dream? Do they ever forget they’re dead? Is they’re anyway to kill the ghosts? Like ghost busters? How long do they usually wait before revealing themselves to new tenets? How do they usually reveal themselves? (Sorry if this is to many questions in one lol I just really dig this AU!)
1. The curse does work on animals-- it applies to any soul that lives in the house. Although since none of the ghosts owned pets, there aren't any ghost animals in the house.
2. You don't need to legally own the house to get cursed, only stay in it for a night. Most of the owners got cursed when they moved into the house after buying it, but several others got cursed because they broke into the house while it was abandoned.
3. The ghosts tend to haunt specific locations because they liked being there when they were alive, because it was where they died, or because they're stuck in a possessed object in that location. It varies! Not to mention things also depend on whether the ghost is a poltergeist, possesses something, or is any other kind of ghost, but that's a bit much to go into in this response.
4. Qrow stuck to Ozpin like glue for much of his first few weeks at the house because Ozpin had been the only ghost to be kind to him, not jumpscare him, and actually explain what was going on. Ozpin acted as sort of a guide for Qrow to help him understand how everything worked, and in that time they got to know each other and grew close. Qrow developed a crush on Ozpin while Ozpin tried to ignore his own growing feelings, and after a near-death experience made them realize Qrow's mortality, Qrow basically went “oh no life is short might as well tell my crush how i feel” and admitted he had feelings for Ozpin. Ozpin confessed he felt the same way.
5. There’s a few resentful ghosts that are mad at Ozma simply because he’s the only one there to blame, but other than that, no one holds him at fault. Salem is the one who cursed the house, not him.
6-9. One of the previous owners of the house put a fence around the entire property to help mark where the ghosts can’t travel beyond. If they reach that point they physically can’t go any further because their soul is pulled back to the house. And if a ghost tried to possess an object that was taken out of the house, they would probably get yoinked out of it as soon as they reached the fence.
10. Only some of the ghosts can do maintenance in the house. Some are stuck in possessed objects and others aren’t powerful enough to pick up more than a sheet of paper. Those that are capable of taking care of the house either don’t want to (read: oscar) or don’t have enough help to stop the building from eventually falling into disrepair.
11. The ghosts can’t sleep or dream.
12. On occasion some of the ghosts will forget they're dead, but usually only ones that died relatively recently and aren't used to being ghosts. Oscar is probably the most susceptible to this out of any of the ghosts, since he died the second-most recently and can't actually remember how he died. And, with his incredibly strong powers allowing him to do many things a living person can do, he can sometimes go about thinking he's alive for several hours before remembering he's dead when he inevitably walks through a wall or object.
13-14. The only way to kill the ghosts is to break the curse. But that definitely won't happen!
15-16. The wait before the ghosts reveal themselves to the new owner of the house can vary. However, whatever happens, the ghosts try to calmly reveal themselves one by one so the new person doesn't get overwhelmed. Of course, that was before Oscar showed up. He may have convinced Ozma that immediately jumpscaring the new owner was the way to go, and the idea got passed on to many of the other ghosts. Also, there are several ghosts in the house that aren’t willing to introduce themselves at all: Emmanuel (drunk), Diggs (oz 2.0), and Norman (inquisitor). The first two are frequently aggressive and the latter rarely moves about in his portrait, let alone speaks.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 4 years
Just for fun, I decided to add a table of contents now that I have everything fully copied over, and. Dude. My ToC alone is 7 pages
I’ll post it below the cut to give you guys a lil sneak peak about what’s to come ;)
January 2019
Strings of Fate 9
Crimson Peak AU 21
Southern Gothic AU 21
ABO Angst (First Fic) 32
Genie/Demon Slave AU 40
Maker AU 40
Construction AU 41
A/B/O & Teen Parents 42
Nude Modeling/College AU 44
Vampire Academy AU 45
Gym AU W/Emily 47
Mitch/Peter Canon Meta 57
Panther AU 59
Stiles/Mitch/Peter Void AU 69
Drifter/Amnesia AU 70
Point Break AU 71
A/B/O Spy AU 72
Single Dad AU W/Amelia 74
Siren Highschool AU 77
Werewolf AU (Mitch Goes Missing) 79
Mob/Panther AU (Peter/Mitch) 81
Criminal Minds AU 83
February 2019 83
Reincarnation AU (Stiles/Peter/Mitch) 83
Exorcism AU 85
Dorian Gray AU 87
Mini AUs (Mitch/Derek) 91
Priest AU (Steter) 93
Siren/Selkie AU 95
Angsty Band AU 96
Babysitter AU 97
Stiles Gets Sick 98
Runaway AU 99
Teen Angst 102
Undead Mitch (Mitch/Peter) 132
Southern Transfer Student AU 133
Professor/Stripper AU 134
Eichen House AU 136
Psychic Mitch AU (Mitch/Peter) 137
ABO Escort AU 138
Faerie Ring AU 140
(Lame) Bartender AU 140
Prohibition AU 141
Time Travel AU 141
Umbrella Academy AU 142
Stripper/Hitman/Runaway AU (Katrina/Mitch/Stiles) 142
Online Relationship AU 145
Mitch/Nogitsune/Stiles AU 145
John Wick AU 148
March 2019 148
Pornstar AU 148
Drifter AU 149
Drifter/Hooker AU (Sterek) 149
Hometown AU 150
Void Stiles AU (Steter) 151
Post-Nogitsune Body Horror AU 152
Country AU 153
Diego/Klaus Meta?? 156
Mitch/Chris Casual Sex AU (Ft. Interdimensional Travel) 158
Equilibrium 158
Survivor’s Guilt 159
Summer Roadtrip AU (Stetopher, Mitch/Katrina) 169
Massage AU 170
Conspiracy Theory AU 173
That Time They (Almost) Fucked* 176 *note for readers, it’s part of the Conspiracy AU
Stardust AU 178
Mitch/John AU 179
1500s(?) AU 181
Mitch Raised Little Brother Stiles (Platonic) 182
Snowed In AU 182
Camboy AU 183
Opposite Time Travel AU 183
Family Fight (Mitch/Peter) 185
Mitch/Void AU 188
Fantasy AU w/Dragons 194
House AU (S. 6 Ep. 4) 195
House AU 2.0 Single Dad w/Sick Daughter 197
Chronicles of Nick AU 198
Game Designer/YouTuber AU 202
April 2019 202
Peter’s Anchor AU 202
Hunter Mitch AU (Mitch/Peter) 203
Eichen AU (Mitch/Peter) 209
Teen Angst But WORSE 210
Restaurant AU 215
House AU 3.0 Stiles Gets Sick 216
Neighbors AU 217
Supernatural AU 219
Magic Mike AU 220
Hunter AU (Mitch/Peter) 221
Misc. AUs 222
- Elemental AU 225
- Angel/Demon AU 225
- Doppelganger AU 225
- Sordid Catholic Happenings AU 226
- Stoner AU 226
- Yogi/Body Builder(?) AU 226
- “I don’t love you” AU 227
- Avian AU 227
- Supernatural Detectives AU 227
- Mini Cyberpunk AU 228
- Domesticated Crptid 229
- Katrina Tops AU 229
- Mitch Being Abused (& Adopted by Hurley) 229
Death AU 230
ReplicantCloud Atlas AU 231
Serial Killer/Psychologist AU 233
DID/Nogitsune AU 234
Chambers AU 236
May 2019 246
Parole AU 246
Talia Takes Peter’s Memories (Meta) 247
Forced to Mate AU 247
What You Sow (ABO) 248
Service Dog AU (Peter/Mitch) 249
Victorian ABO AU 251
Beyond Reasonable Doubt 253
Accidental Puppy Acquisition 254
Mitch/John AU 257
Night Angel AU 257
Trafficking AU 258
Demon/Witch AU (Mitch/Katrina & Stitch) 259
Post-Apoc (Original) 259
Speech Counselor AU (Mitch/Peter) 261
Medieval Cult ABO 262
HS/College AU (Spin the Bottle) 265
Single Dad w/Bailey 266
June 2019 
Roadtrip AU 272
Werewolf War AU (Mitch/Laura, Stiles/Derek) 273
Lake Siren/Monster AU (Original) 275
Neighbors AU (Mitch/Stiles, Allison/Scott) 275
Stardust AU 276
Cyberpunk Post-Apoc AU 277
Highschool ABO 278
Priest/Sinner AU 279
Crossdressing/Historical Convention AU 282
Love Sacrificed AU (Mitch/Stiles/Peter) 284
Fake Dating AU 285
Devil AU 285
YouTuber AU 286
Vintage Porn AU 289
Prohibition Porn AU 289
WW1 Prostitute AU 290
Artillery 290
Stiles Kills Someone 297
Morning After AU 298
Captured By Hunters AU (Mitch/Peter) 299
July 2019 299
Necromancer AU (Stiles/Peter) 299
Rape Recovery (Mitch/Peter) 301
Vampire AU 303
Altar Boy/Sinner AU 304
Emissary Mitch AU 306
Agent Provocateur (Original) 308
Post-Nogitsune Wandering 308
Hippie/Punk AU 309
Mom’s Roadtrip Horror Stories 311
Renaissance AU (Stiles/Peter) 312
Harem AU (Mitch/Peter/Stiles) 312
The Hobbit AU 315
Buzzfeed Unsolved AU 318
Ice Skating AU 319
Non-Serious BDSM 320
August 2019 321
Dad Fic/Child Abuse* (Mitch/Peter) 321 *note for readers, Mitch and Peter aren’t the ones doing the abuse, they adopt the kid being abused and kill their dad. 
Unstable (Stiles/Derek, Mitch/Peter) 328
Christmas AU 334
Hunted 338
GoT Inspired/Birthday Fic 340
AHS: Coven AU 342
Stiles Kills Donovan 346
Stranger Things AU 349
Allison Angst (Wings of a Butterfly) 352
God/Mortal AU (w/Reincarnation) 353
Crimson Kiss 355
Mitch Saves Peter (Unrequited Love, Peter/Stiles) 356
Jigsaw AU 358
Kid Fic (Inspired by that one PtV Song??) 359
Blood Drive 360
Summer Camp AU 361
Succubus/Cupid AU 364
Human/Sex Demon AU 365
Rescue Me (Mitch Saves Stiles from Rogue Werewolves) 366
September 2019 367
AHS: Murder House AU (Mitch Sees Dead People) 367
Disney Cast Members AU 368
Winter Soldier AU 368
Definitely Not Haunted 369
Elemental AU (inspired by a Steter fic) 369
Fever Dream 370
Halloween Pumpkin Carving (Mitch/Peter) 373
Mitch Raises Cora 373
Naughty Bits 386
Dad Mitch (Not sure which au??) 396
Kill Shot/Strip Club AU 396
Sims AU 397
Mercy 404
Ghosts Katrina & Mitch 410
Musician/Long Distance AU 413
AA Girls/Lydia 416
Marionette Meta (GoT) 417
Cold War AU 419
Unicorn AU 419
Mitch Sleeps With An Informant (Jack Ryan-esque) 420
Vampire AU (Museum Edition) 422
Snowed In AU 423
Medieval Tourney AU (Peter/Chris) 423
October 2019 429
Crown Prince AU (Mitch/Peter) 429
Peter Has A Kink For Being Picked Up 431
Creepy Boarding School AU 431
Damaged Bois 435
Dracula AU (Mitch/Katrina/Stiles) 436
The Last Time 437
Worst Fears AU (Stiles/Peter, inspired by Jae/Allistair) 440
November 2019 444
Eichen House (Political Prisoner Mitch) 444
Dragon AU 444
Transfer Student Mitch Usurps Jackson 446
Locker Room Slut Stiles 447
Petopher AU 447
Rebound 448
Princess and the Pauper AU 467
Rival College Sports Teams AU 481
Teen Dad/Lawyer AU (Mitch/Peter) 482
Childhood Best Friends AU 487
Culinary AU 489
Rival/Married Teachers AU 490
Angel/Demon AU 491
December 2019 492
Christmas Fake Dating/Wedding AU 492
Vikings AU 495
Artist/Muse AU 498
CIA Escort Agency 498
Mitch Can’t Die 499
Hooker Mitch/Act of Treason (?) 500
Long Live the King 500
Mitch Gets Wrecked (Triathlon Aftermath) 504
The Mirror’s Curse (Original) 504
Angel/Reaper AU 505
January 2020 508
Bystander Effect 508
Melting Point 509
Vampire AU "I'll bet you're hungry." 512
Vampire AU - Katrina Turns Mitch 514
Witch/Incubus Bookshop & Sanctuary AU 517
Cottagecore Wish Fulfillment (Fae Stiles) 518
Ace Mitch 520
Monster Menagerie 521
Vampire Venom Black Market 523
Florist/Tattoo Artist 524
Gentle Angst AUs 524
Counselor/Praise Kink 526
Hanahaki AU 527
There is something bitterly funny about the last idea I told my ex about, being a Hanahaki AU, only for her to break up with me a month later bc I’m aromantic...
When I realized that last night while looking at this, it really made me see hanahaki AUs in a different light lmao. Maybe there’s a reason they’ve always been one of my favorite.
If there’s an AU that sparked your interest, feel free to ask me about it! I love talking about my fics : 3
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artistic-writer · 4 years
The Paradox of Light :: CS AU : Rated E :: Part 1
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Title: The Paradox of Light by @artistic-writer​ Summary: Imagine having one person, one constant, one love in your life that holds your head when you go under the surface. They will be there forever, holding your hand through everything life can throw at the pair of you, but what happens when a crack forms? What happens when it grows into something neither of you can control? What happens when the one person who was there to guide you becomes an obstacle and rather than hold you up, they pull you down? How do you find your way out of the darkness without your light? Rating: E Warnings: Angst, hurt/comfort, alcoholism/alcohol abuse, sexual addiction, domestic violence, fighting, choking, erotic asphyxiation (use in a non-informed manner), depression, death of Liam Jones, panic attacks, PTSD, attempted rape/non-con/dub-con, stab wounds, bar fights, rehab/AA meetings
- but there is a happy ending to this story, i promise.
Author’s Note: I missed this ficversary because of everything that is going on in the world right now, but its been in the plan to re-release it as a multichapter for some time.  It’s A LOT otherwise and whilst I initially always intended this to be a one shot, because I wrote it in one go, its not logical to expect people to stop and read so many words in one go.  The lovely fanart by @itsfabianadocarmo​ features in all chapters, so go show her some love!
PLEASE HEED THE WARNINGS!!  This fic has a lot of them for a reason.  If you want to ask about any, please don’t be afraid to message me.
Part One [ below the cut ]
At first they had hated each other, with Emma setting her sights on the older Jones brother. Killian was nothing more to her than a thorn in her side. Cocky, arrogant and with a boyish smile that she wished she could slap right off his face, he was not for her. No, Emma Swan wanted Liam Jones, the stronger, more level headed of the two, but with a decade between them, by the time Emma had worked up the courage to tell him how she felt, Liam was announcing his marriage.
When Liam moved from their sleepy little hometown, leaving Emma’s teenage heart in pieces and Killian to continue his roguish antics unchecked, was when Emma began to notice him. He had a certain appeal. He had a car, would take her anywhere at the drop of a hat and puberty had been kind to him, with unblemished skin and a dashingly handsome growth that sprouted from his chin. The more Emma looked at him the more she felt that the bravado and confidence he exuded was more for just show. In private, when it was just the two of them, Killian was different.
One day in high school, they had decided to skip their respective classes and hang out at the edge of the school field. Killian was kind, less presumptuous and respectful when it was just the two of them and Emma liked it. He gave her his jacket when she was cold and his smell made her feel safe, like she was home, which considering she was adopted, was huge. Even the Nolans, her adoptive family, couldn’t completely fill the hole in her heart left by being abandoned, but somehow Killian could.
Killian’s senior prom was the turning point for her. He was a few years older than Emma and had promised to take her to both his and hers. He insisted because if nothing else, attending his with her would be a dry run for her own. Killian taught her to dance that night, holding her close, splayed hand pressed delicately to her lower back, the tips of his pointed ears turning red when Emma had pressed her body further into his, her early teenage yearning for Liam Jones long since gone.
“There’s only one rule. Pick a partner who knows what he is doing.”
Emma had often thought about his words, long after her prom and into her college years, but whilst she had attended a local one, Killian had followed in his brother's footsteps and joined the Army. They never lost touch, sending letters to each other that mentioned everything and anything they could talk about. It was no substitution for the lilt of his accented voice, or the smile on his face that never failed to pick up her mood, but it was all she could get between his visits home.
When he was on leave, the first place he always went was her house. It was familiar to have him near her again, laughing and joking as they did silly things like play cards and swim in the lake. Emma knew he never wanted to talk about what he did in the line of duty, she could only imagine, so she never pressed him and knew that if he ever wanted to, he would tell her. Instead they spent their time poking fun at each other, acting more like a couple than most couples they knew, but with an annoyingly platonic and chaste intimacy that left Emma pining each time he deployed and left her with a seared cheek from his kiss.
But he was a gentleman, and she expected nothing less from him.
Five years went by between Killian joining the military and the day he came home. He was a ranger, the most elite sniper in his class, able to hit a target from over two thousand yards away, but his career had ended when he had been injured in the line of duty and subsequently medically discharged. Shrapnel now littered his torso, had embedded itself in his shoulder joint and had ripped through the muscles of his left upper arm like it was paper. A sniper with the inability to fire a weapon was useless, and rather than push paper for the rest of his life, Killian had come home carrying more than just physical scars and it was the wake up call Emma needed.
She had been beside herself to learn of his injuries. Her heart had skipped a beat in her chest and her blood had run cold through her entire body when she had been informed by Liam via an early morning phone call.
“He’s okay, he just wanted you to know that.”
That was the exact moment Emma Swan vowed to share her feelings that she had kept locked behind closed doors for so long. She loved him and needed to tell him lest she risk losing him with him never knowing how she felt.
The day he arrived home, waiting for him on the military airstrip in her senior prom dress was Emma, hair blowing in the warm breeze that whipped across the tarmac. There was a brief silence between them and people stared at her attire, but Emma did not care. She had finally realised what she had been fighting for so many years. Killian Jones, her best friend and confidant, was the man she loved and wanted to spend the rest of her life with. So she had told him.
“I’ve been thinking…”
“In your prom dress?”
“Shut up and listen.”
“Okay, love.”
“I love you, Killian. I’ve loved you since I was sixteen and you held me at your prom. ‘Pick a partner who knows what he’s doing’ you told me…”
“Aye, Swan, I did…”
“Then I hope to God you know what you are doing because I am petrified.”
“I’m sure we can work it out.”
Eight years later and they shared everything. The transition back into civilian life had been hard on Killian, but Emma was always there for him. She watched him cry, watched him scream and watched him fight with the demons inside of his head on a daily basis. It never went away, but it got easier, and on more than one occasion Killian had told Emma that she was his saviour. Only she knew how to help him, calm the beast and soothe his soul, but Killian’s descent into darkness had only just begun.
The day Killian’s phone rang and a police officer informed him of his brother’s demise was the day that would haunt Emma forever. Liam had been killed in a car accident on his way to visit them, the car having rolled along the highway so many times they had struggled to free his body. Emma would never forget the blood curdling sound Killian made as he screamed Liam’s name, collapsed to the floor and curled into the childlike ball of sobs. She let him cry, she let him shout and she let him smash every door in the house in his rage, and then after everything, she let him drink.
Killian Jones had lost count of the bottles he had seen the bottom of since the death of his brother. Each rum laden glass cask gradually weighed less as it emptied but the sorrow that felt like it was crushing him only got heavier. Liam had died quickly, in a car accident with no clear person to blame, and it had changed Killian forever. Whatever demons he carried from active service were amplified, the voices in his head taunting and eating away at his resolve.
There were no answers to his pleas to God at the bottom of the bottles, and even worse, there was no absolution.
  Six months ago
It had been only a short time since Liam’s death, but Killian had spent every second he wasn’t at work at the local bar. He always shot Emma a text letting her know where he was for which she was thankful. His drinking was starting to spiral and it had become pretty apparent that he was drinking more and more to try and quell the voices in his brain. It was wrong, Emma knew that, but it calmed him and helped him sleep, and despite her brain telling her it was wrong to enable him, her heart ached each time he sobbed himself into a slumber, so she let him drink to forget.
Or at least she thought she was. There had been a shift in his behaviour recently and whilst Emma figured he was starting to sober up, clear the niggles in his brain and finally begin to accept his loss, Killian was in fact becoming a functioning alcoholic. His breath reeked of booze each time he returned home, sometimes with bloody knuckles and sometimes with a glassy stare, but each time he was the same. Drunk, and the more he needed to drink to forget, the more frustrated he was becoming with being without his brother.
That night he came home, stumbling through the door and groggily mumbling to himself as he toed off his shoes at the door, Emma simply greeted him as usual without judgement. She was hurting as well. Liam had been her friend too, but as much as she was hurting, she could never compare to how hard Killian had fallen into the darkness of sorrow.
“How was work?” Emma asked, the question becoming somewhat of a code between them. It was something she had devised in order to gauge his level of inebriation and also work out how bad his mentality had been compromised during the day. She shifted her weight, resting a hand to the kitchen island as she watched him struggle with the zip of his jacket.
“It was unusually dull,” Killian slurred sarcastically, his balance suddenly compromised as he tried to pull his arms free from the confines of his sleeves. He stepped sideways, foot landing heavily on the hardwood floor with a thud as he tried to keep himself upright. Finally freeing his arms he staggered backwards into the lounge and sank down onto the arm of the couch with a sigh when the back of his thighs hit the solid mass.
“And your colleagues?” Emma prodded, moving to stand before him. The voices in his head were something he dealt with every day, sometimes successfully blocking them out, but it seemed the demon of drink always gave them free reign to torment him before he had consumed enough to silence them.
Killian screwed up his features, the rosy tint in his cheeks from too much rum hidden under a swipe of his hands as he covered his face with a wavering nod. “Chatty,” he whispered into his palms, inhaling deeply and letting his body hunch over as tears sprang from his eyelids.
“Hey,” Emma soothed, stepping between his parted thighs and pulling his hands from his face. His face was warm beneath her hands as she cupped his head, tilting his head back so he was looking up at her. “I’m here,” she told him softly, searching the clouded grey hues of his eyes with her own. “I’m here.”
Killian couldn’t stop the sound he made escaping his throat as he cried, the wail cutting straight through Emma’s chest and splitting her heart in two. He buried his face in the softness of her sweater, muffling his cries against her body and wrapping his arms around her, desperate to hold onto anything. “Don’t go,” he sobbed. “I need you.”
“I’m here,” Emma repeated, her voice watery from the lump that had begun to sting the back of her throat. “I need you too,” she whimpered, pinching her eyes closed just enough to let a single tear roll from her eyelid and scorch a line down her face. It fell from her chin and down the back of Killian’s shirt, his cries subsiding as he pulled his head back to look up at her.
It had taken weeks for her own grief to manifest enough that she had cried for her friend. Emma wasn’t sure where rock bottom actually was, but she was pretty sure they were both there at this exact moment in time, the silence between them echoing with the words neither of them needed to say. Killian had cried a literal river for his brother, but this had been the first time Emma had shed a single tear, and it had somehow ignited the need within both of them to feel again.
“Emma…” He gulped after her name, his voice raspy and gritty, the emotion in his words all he needed to tell her exactly what he needed as he rested his hands to her hips and gently pushed himself to his feet.
“Killian…” Emma sighed his name, looking up at him through her eyelashes with a prickle of heat that surged over the skin of her neck and through her entire body.
“I want…” he began nervously, unable to stop the way his gaze lingered over her body and his hands toyed with the hem of her sweater. His fingertips barely brushed the surface of her exposed skin but Emma gasped audibly, her eyes fluttering closed and her hand grasping the fabric of his shirt between shaking fingers.
“I know,” Emma said softly, her tongue darting out to moisten her lips as she watched her hand against his chest, the quickening heartbeat beneath her fingertips matching the pounding in her ears. Emma lifted her gaze, blinking away more tears. “I want to feel too.”
The first thing they both felt again was softness of lips slightly salty from tears, mouths sliding against each other haphazardly and clothes being discarded with abandon. There were no words, only the soft pants and heavy breathing that accompanied their ascent to the bedroom, a trail of clothes in their wake. It was like a bright light in both of their lives, neither having made love since Liam’s death, and they savoured every second.
Even drunk, Killian knew every inch of her body, every curve, dip and patch of silky skin committed to his memory. And he knew exactly how to make Emma feel, how to excite every cell in her body the way she needed in that exact moment. Killian never stopped touching her, taking his time to make sure that every hair on Emma’s body was standing to attention for him before he dipped his head between her thighs and finally gave her what she needed.
Emma’s cries were like music to his ears and Killian lapped at her essence like he was hearing her moans for the first time. They urged him on, his own need growing hard between his legs with every gasp she emitted from her slightly parted lips. He didn’t open his eyes, he didn’t need to, because the sounds Emma made as she writhed beneath his assault told him everything he needed to know.
The first time she came, her body stiffening as he relentlessly flicked his tongue over her clit, Killian felt something other than his own arousal surge through him. It was like a drug, a calm washing over his woes and guiding him from the depths of pain. He needed more and when Emma’s cries subsided he surged upwards and impaled her in a single thrust of his hips, watching the way her features twisted in pleasure and loving the feeling of being whole.
“I love you,” he whispered, stilling inside of her and stroking the side of her flushed face with his fingertips.
Emma could barely focus, her eyelids rolling open and fresh tears stinging her eyes once more. She blinked them away and Killian wiped them from existence with a gentle swipe of his thumb over her cheek. “I love you,” he repeated, holding her gaze as he angled his hips a little and sank into her further. Emma’s back arched off of the bed, her body yearning to feel more of the light that only Killian could shine on her.
“Oh God, I love you so much,” she gasped huskily, finally releasing the breath she had been holding and almost losing herself once more with the barest of movements. When Killian began to move and her walls fluttered around him, Emma groaned, more symphonic tones that made him want even more than before.
Killian’s hand found hers, their fingers lacing together and their palms pressing together so firmly that Emma almost couldn’t feel her fingertips anymore. He lifted their joined digits above Emma’s head, increasing his pace as he pressed the back of her hand into the bed, his grip like a vice, tethering him to her and both of them to reality.
Killian’s other hand found Emma’s hip and his fingernails dug into her skin, a sensation she didn’t find unpleasant because like the burning between her thighs and the increasing pressure in her stomach, it made her feel, and that was all she wanted. She wanted the light once more, to bathe in its glow as she lost herself and fell from grace at the hand of the man she loved, the swivel of his hips and the drag of his length along her inner walls delicious and torture at the same time.
Emma was so close it was almost painful, the room filled with the stench of sex and alcohol fading away as the pin pricks of white began to flicker behind her eyelids. She felt Killian’s forehead rest against hers and the warmth of his rum laced breath invade her nostrils as his own body shuddered, his knuckles turned white with his grip and he whimpered her name like a prayer.
“I’m here,” Emma panted hoarsely, her hand finding the side of his face and her lips ghosting over his.
It was enough to send them both into oblivion, their bodies basking in the rays of euphoria and numbing the sting of pain they both felt in the very depths of their hearts. They were lost in each other, swaying in an ocean of pleasure that they would quite happily have drowned in should the waves become tumultuous, but they didn’t, instead gently lapping at the edge of their subconscious, chasing away the agony.
For now.
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kyloren · 4 years
Why do you want to make a new account? Honest question. (Will you still make GIFs? Sorry this sounds so consumerist of me.)
Partly because I always have this haunting idea in the back of my mind that I should have throughly organised my interests from the start. When I made this account, I did the same thing I did with my previous one — dump all of my interests in one place and smoosh them together, with only a consistent tagging system giving my blog any semblance of structure. Since I wasn’t making content at that time (aside from feeble fanfiction attempts), it didn’t really matter. But once you start to actively participate in fandom (via just engagement or content creation) you get more followers from it, more people who pay attention to you, and, of course, you meet more people who hate what you like, or just don’t like you as a person, and you get into fights, you come across drama, and trouble invites itself into your house.
Naturally, the more fandoms you’re in, the more frequently that happens, and you at some point you get stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea when fandoms cross streams. Without naming things, I’m gonna give an example: I like Thing A in Fandom A, but Fandom A almost universally hates Thing B in Fandom B. I’m one of the few and far between people who likes both Thing A and Thing B, but most of Fandom B also likes Thing AA from Fandom A, and I don’t like Thing AA. While people from these respective fandoms almost never cross paths, I’m I get bombarded with ceaseless parade of clashing opinions from both sides since I’m in both fandoms. It just wears one down.
From time to time I just get this persistent thought that life would have been a lot easier if I separated church and state… I did that with Riverdale (by moving all of my content and engagement with fandom to a sideblog and sourceblogs) and I did that early on with anime/animation by putting things I like on a sideblog. Although I have a Reylo/Star Wars sideblog, I didn’t give it proper tagging structure during its conception, so now, it’s a mess with a tagging system that’s all over the place and it will drive me wild if I try move things to it permanently.
So I sit here and dream about I could have my quiet, little main for art and aesthetics and quotes and such, and I’d have sideblogs for films/actors and for my ships and they’d all be separate and content won’t clash, and tumblr will grant me by dreams and treat each blog as a separate thing and that way I can have separate dashes for all of my interests… *sigh* alas.
But I already invested quite a lot into this blog and this account, that giving it all up because I’m frustrated seems… a waste. 🤷🏻‍♀️
To answer your second question, yeah, I’d still make content. Gif-making is a big hobby of mine and I find it relaxing—well, sometimes it can be stressful—but it allows me to express myself creatively, and I don’t get a headache from it as nearly often as I do with fic-writing. Sure, it can be frustrating (example: I spent 2hrs+ on this set and while I wouldn’t call it hard per say, it was time consuming as these are large file gifs with lots of layers which consumed plenty of time and power from my poor little laptop, and then I had to redo all of them because I liked the off-while shade for the subtitles more — I thought it added a nice little touch of femininity to the set; and it’s kinda flopping right now. I’m not complaining, but it is a bit disappointing.), but I like it enough that I don’t see myself giving it up any time soon. I have so many things that I want to do, I must be my own hero and actualise them. Like…AUs…I’m working on three AUs simultaneously and it’s exhausting and frustrating, but fun.
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Bracelet Bells & Teddy Bears
Jeon Jungkook/Reader [F]
Genre: Paranormal, Thriller, Ghost Hunter AU
Words: 10.9k
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Jungkook- a stupid, self-proclaimed ghost hunter in college- decided to take his best friend with him to investigate a 2-story old house that has been on the market for ages.  The reason he was interested in it? Well, it hadn’t been rented or bought ever since he was a child. The ‘It’s not haunted!’ attached above the ‘For Sale/Rent’ didn’t help. 
“This is literally the stupidest fuckin’ idea you’ve ever pitched to me before.  I honestly don’t know why I’m standing next to you right now.  I actually hate you,” Taehyung grumbled as he stood next to his excited best friend of 6 years.  He held a camera around his neck with a bag on his back filled with different lenses to attach on.  
“The only thing you hate is the fear of pissing your pants when we get in there and see some ghosts!” The best friend- Jungkook- in question, quipped back. Having a pocket full of batteries and a ready to go ‘state of the art’ camcorder in his hand he was practically giddy.  Black pants, white tee and a jean jacket over his shoulder with a black cap on his head to cover his messy black hair.  Taehyung, on the other hand, was a bit more creative in clothing with his blue skinnies and checkered button down, a black bandana strapped around his forehead.
“I’m gonna kill you and throw your stupid body in that house so you haunt it for the rest of existence.”  Taehyung seethed.  He wasn’t scared per se, he's used to Jungkook’s ‘ghost hunting’ by now.  It’s just that he had a recital coming up soon and he wanted to be home right now practicing for it.  Not breaking and entering into a property that is no doubt private by now.
Jungkook new this, but tonight was the perfect night for a good ole ghost hunting!  The moon was high, shining brightly with the light of the full moon and not a cloud was in the sky.  The stars speckled the sky and the soft spring breeze was calming and warm.  It wasn’t cold, nor rainy and the full moon so clear had to be a sign!  It was now, or never.  Of course, if he explained why it had to be today to Taehyung, he’d ultimately leave him behind to hunt on his own.  Every famous ghost hunter needed an assistant; even if Taehyung denies that he is.
“We go in, walk around a little bit and batta-bing batta-boom, we’re out.  If we don’t see a ghost in the first 2 hours, then I promise we’ll call it quits and we can go for a late night burger run.”  
“And I expect you to be paying for this burger run?”
“Well, that’s up for debate.” Taehyung rolled his eyes as he hiked his bag up his shoulders more and clicked off the camera’s lens cover for it to dangle. Seeing his fall into submission of Jungkook’s scheme, he cheered and fired up his camcorder.  “Alright!  Exploration and investigation of 12th Avenue’s mystery house is officially underway. Let’s get it!”  He charged off the sidewalk and weeded through the knee-high tanned grass- if you can call it that- all the way up to the porch.  Taehyung followed, taking the walkway up to the door, however, and watched as Jungkook turned and swiveled in every which way to capture anything he could on his cam.
Taehyung sighed as he watched his friend even film underneath the old, broken table that sat on the very unstable, rotten wood.  “I’m leaving your sorry ass behind I swear to god,” he muttered as he looked at the front door.  Or the poor excuse for one.  The hinges were all busted, the door handle rusted and the front oval shaped glass broken.  The wind whistled in through the broken glass.  There was no way the door wasn’t going to fall off if he touched it.
Jungkook stood next to Taehyung and cupped his chin. “Maybe we can just pluck it off the frame and move it?  If we make too much noise, the ghosts may hide.”
“You made enough sound going through the treacherous jungle that is the lawn.  I’m pretty certain the ghosts- if there are any- are already well aware some fuckboy is trying to get in.” Jungkook walked forward and hooked his camcorder to his belt as he gripped over sides of the broke door and jerked.  Once, twice and the third time he nearly stumbled backward.  The door flew off the hinges ti was barely attached to and Jungkook blinked.
“Yo, we wanted to take the door off, not destroy the damn frame.”  Jungkook moved the door to the side as Taehyung examined the wooden, splintered frame.  “That was some force you had, Jesus.”
“It.. no.  It felt like someone kicked the door at me.”  Taehyung ticked a brow up at his friend as he rolled his eyes.  Already not believing him.  “I’m serious!  It felt like someone pushed the door off for me!”  Taehyung just waved him off as he stepped inside.  Jungkook huffed as he followed him in.  “Damn,” Jungkook looked around, “this place is a wreck.”
“No kidding.  It’s been vacant for a while and no one bothers with upkeep around here.”  Taehyung answered back as he snapped pictures here and there.  The flash of his camera igniting the dark room for milliseconds, leaving only outlines of objects behind.  “No doubt the power’s been cut.”  Jungkook unhooked his cam from his belt and switched the camera mood to ‘night vision’ and trotted to Taehyung’s bag on his back.
He pulled out two small flashlights.  There were small and like 4$ at the local drug store, but damn they were bright and the batteries lasted- what Jungkook swore- eons. Not to mention it was a sweet deal when they came in packs of 2.  Just what he needed for only 4$.
He flicked them both on, already stocking it with prime AA+ batteries, and tossing one to Taehyung, keeping the other for himself.  Of course, out of the two colors, he tossed the pink one and kept the blue.  Taehyung only rolled his eyes as he separated from his friend to waltz into the living room.  
“Hey!  Rule #1 in hunting in old, creepy houses is not separating!”  Jungkook scolded.  Taehyung only flipped him a slender, middle finger as he rounded the doorway into the dusty room.  Jungkook swung himself around. “Fine, get molested by a ghost.  I don’t care.”  He walked into the kitchen.
The island in the middle of the open room was dusty and a glass vase filled with cooking utensils caught his eye.  Why would they be here? Did the last family who lived here- whenever that was- leave them?  He shrugged as he filmed the room thoroughly, capturing anything.  
Cobwebs hung and swung in the slight draft in the air from the ceilings, connecting to walls.  The tiles of the floor were cracks or just flat out broken as Jungkook crunched them under his feet or kicked them with his heels. The counters were a mess, dusty, grimy and coated in a thick layer of dirt.  The windows were cracked and covered in a hefty layer of dust. Opening the fridge, he cringed as he saw a dead rat in the lower rack of the fridge door.
Shutting it back, he looked up at the ceiling.  Damaged and moldy.  “Gross,” he muttered as he filmed. Working his way back out into the main room, he followed Taehyung into the living room, seeing his friend capture photos and looked around furniture.  
The house was still almost completely furnished. A love seat and 4 person couch sat adjacent to one another with an old-style box TV the size of a bathroom window sat on an old, open shelved audio tower. The shelves were lined with dusty DVD and VHS players with a small collection of about 20 movies below on the bottom shelf.  Jungkook zoomed on the old piece of technology.  
“Woah, dude.  This is older than I thought.  Just how long has this place been vacant?”
“Don’t act like you didn’t watch back to back Sailor Moon on VHS when you were 5.  It’s not that ancient.”  Jungkook gasped.
“Don’t insult me.  Everyone knows Sailor Moon was the best anime of its era.” Taehyung opened up an old china cabinet, still filled with expensive china.  
“Yeah, yeah.  Whatever weeb.” The two continued to investigate and look around. Directly behind the living room, the dining room sat.  The table oval and fit for a large family with 6 chairs surrounding it.  A vacant fishbowl was filled with far-stale water with stupid rocks in the bottom and things floating in the water that Jungkook would rather not guess the name of.  
The house creaked with each step of the grown men, being an almost all wood floor home.  Rugs placed here and there, basically attached to the floor by grime and some mystery fluids here and there.  Honestly, if some homeless beggar, squatting in the corner popped out at any moment, he wouldn’t be surprised. 
Having gone through the downstairs enough, they set their sights on the staircase leading up.  By now, even Taehyung was thoroughly invested in the exploration of the house.  Not that he wasn’t before, Taehyug literally wrote a report in high school about this house and the weird vague origins around it.  He was hardly able to dig up any information on it, even when he called up the retailers, they just hung up on him and never picked up again.  Jungkook nudged his arm with a broad, shit eating grin on his face.  
“You’re having fun.  Admit it.  I’m a genius.”  Taehyung shoved his shoulder as he started up, testing the wood of the stairs, making sure he wouldn’t fall through with each step.  “Hey!  It’s the team leader’s job to go first!”
“How humble,” Taehyung monotonously replied as he headed up.  The wooden stairs were in the middle of the main entrance by the front door.  Kitchen to the right, living room and dining room to the left.  The stairs themselves weren’t looking so hot. A torn and tattered rug lining each step upwards posed a threat of someone tripping and subsequently dying, but thank god for rotted, old railings, right?  
After a careful hike up, the two looked around the upstairs landing.  In front of them was a large, bay window.  The portion of the window poking out for aesthetically pleasing selfies or calm poetry sessions were covered with a sense of dread.  A lone, torn and stained teddy bear lay face down on the bay.  
Jungkook walked over to the window and knelt, getting a close up on the bear.  “If ever I’ve seen a cursed object,” he muttered as he moved to get another angle of it.  Taehyung walked up behind him, snapping a picture of the window letting in the moonlight as it illuminated the landing on the ground.  Taehyung gently picked up the teddy bear as Jungkook rolled his eyes.  “I just said it was probably cursed, and what do you do?  Pick it up.” Taehyung gave yet another famous eye roll.
“Shut up.  It’s a bear with a hole in the side of it.  If it’s cursed, then surely its eyes would glow red and it'd bite my hand off or something.”
“That’s a horrible picture, thank you,” Jungkook shook his head as he stood.  Taehyung was gentle in setting the bear back down, only now sitting it up and against the wall comfortably.  The bear will surely remember his kindness.
Jungkook moved around and went to the left side of the stair landing while Tae took the right side.  Down Jungkook’s end was one door and the other side was 2. Of course, the unspoken agreement was to open and explore. Taehyung went into the first of the two room and scoffed.  Typical.
There was a bunk bed against the east wall.  The bottom bunk had a hole in the mattress as springs pierced through clumps of polyester covered in grime.  The floor was covered in toys that had paint chipped away or were broken and well worn in time.  Climbing a step up the ladder in the bed, the top bunk seemed oddly in place  A blanket thrown over the mattress and a pillow, albeit devoid of a pillowcase, wasn’t torn at all.  All with a stuffed elephant standing against the pillow.  He snapped a shot and descended to look in the closet across the room.
The closet door was stuck.  Even with digging his heels in the floor and jerking, the door just wouldn’t budge.  So, with a huff and a little fixing of his shirt he had bunched up, he turned and abandoned that hope.  Not realizing the reason he couldn’t open it was the hand holding the doorknob from the other side.
The other room was nearly identical save for the lack of a bunk bed and only a king.  Fit for parents.  The room was lined with shelves with empty or broken frames.  The frames that held pictures of people, the faces were all scratched out or cut out completely.  He’d be lying if Taehyung said it didn’t give him the chills.  This room had the door of the closet completely off, only there was absolutely nothing inside. Not even a mouse trap.
On Jungkook’s neck of the woods, the room he entered was the bathroom.  It was pretty old styled.  The toilet sat against the back wall with a shelf above it where one would place towels.  Next to the throne was a broken toilet paper holder.  Further along, the main wall was the sink with a mirror opening to reveal a medicine cabinet inside it.  When he opened it, old prescription bottles rolled out, crashing into the sink’s bowl and scaring the poor boy.  He shut it back as he took the bottle that fell and read the label the best he could.
“Chlorpromazine,” he read, reading each syllable out he could.  Not knowing exactly what it treated and the label being far too damaged to read, he simply placed it on the side of the sink and turned to investigate further. “What the fu-” he trailed off when he looked at the bathtub.  The tub filled to the brim with water, clear and freezing. The shower curtain lay on the floor under his boots as the shower head dripped with a never-ending water splash into the tub.  “Oookay, right. Moving on.”  He spun, not able to capture the small ripple rip through the water’s surface.
He caught Taehyung coming out of the second room as he waved to him and leaned against the wall.  
“Find anything?”  
“Maybe.  Just the kids and parents room, a lot of dusty shit but there were a few creepy things, not gonna lie.” Jungkook’s face broke into a smile.
“Lemme see!”  He pushed off the wall, ready to rush to his friend to go through the sweet picture he got, but he hardly got two steps in.  The floor gave way under a particularly hard step and buckled under the young man’s weight.  
“Jungkook!” Taehyung screamed as he watched his best friend fall through the floor.  Rushing down the stairs, nearly falling on that damned rug, he stopped at the bottom and looked around and up at the hole above him.  Yet, at his feet, didn’t lay Jungkook groaning in pain.  He wasn’t in the kitchen, the living room, the dining area, the landing, the front yard, he just wasn’t there. Not even hanging pathetically from the hole he fell through. He just… disappeared?
Jungkook groaned as he rolled from his side and onto his back.  He coughed as a shiver ran up his spine.  Cracking open his eyes, he expected to see Taehyung peering up at him with a hole in the floor where he very clearly remembers falling through.  But, to his shock, he stared at a perfectly whole, wooden ceiling.  
“He probably just moved me,” Jungkook reasoned as he pushed his sore body up and grabbed the back of his head.  A nice lump on the head and a killer headache are exactly what he didn’t need.  Beside him, his camcorder lay completely busted.  He gasped as he grabbed it.  “Aw, man it’s completely fucked.”  He sighed as he popped open the battery compartment and ejected the SD memory card and carefully pocketed it.  Whatever was recorded on this puppy was all he would have, unfortunately.  
Leaving the broken piece of metal, he forced himself up and thank god for dollar store flashlights.  Seeing the light of the torch he hobbled over to it and picked it up. Bending at his hip to pick it up and then straighten back out his light shone into the face of a someone.  
“AHh!”  He screamed as the person he was pretty sure he just blinded screamed back at his own scream.  Jungkook, ever the baby, fell back onto his ass as he whipped his light back up to see who he just shone his light onto.  But, no one was there.  He took the broken cam and tossed it into the darkness of nowhere, only to wait.  There was nothing.  
Next thing he knew, the cam was flying back at him, skimming past his shoulder as he quickly leaned out of the way.
“Hey!”  He scolded into nowhere.  “Don’t throw my shit!”  Suddenly, a person’s face hung upside down and annoyed in front of his face.  
“You threw it at me first!”  He screamed again as the person, floated above him? Their- her- feet off the ground and body languid and iridescent? “I swear, men are the most pathetic thing.”  She floated around, just relaxing in the air as her body was transparent and she wore older clothes.  She looked no older than 19, and her capris and loose, untucked stripped teeshirt were at least early 2000s fashion.  
“What the- I mean- you’re a-”  An actual ghost was floating right in front of his eyes and his damn video camera was conveniently broken.  God, what awful timing.  He jumped when he heard the squeaking of the floors above him.  Where was he, or rather where was Taehyung?! He was missing all the action!  The ghost girl gasped as she grabbed something and threw it at Jungkook, grabbing his wrist as his body disappears.  
“Shh,” the ghost hushed as he clutched a cube of scented wax in his hand, the thing the ghost threw at him and listened.  The squeaking moved and soon was down the hall, and before he knew it he saw something pass through the floors above and come down.  It was just across the room from him.  It, he didn’t know what it was.  It was tall, completely shadowed, it twitched, red hazy red like unfocused cat lasers.  It was unbelievably tall, hunched as it’s pointed shoulders and chin seemed like it could impale steel.   Soon, the figure who had sniffed around searching for anything-anyone that could be around- phased away.  Where to, Jungkook really didn’t want to find out.
The ghost girl let go of him, as Jungkook became visible once again.  A cold sweat gathered at his nape and traveled down his spine.
“What in the hell was that thing?” He fearfully whispered.  Just looking at it instilled him with pure terror.  He’d never experienced freezing fear before, now he has.  He moved to look at the ghost who had moved to kneel on both her knees in front of him, sitting politely as she signaled for him to look at the cube of wax in his hand.
“That should keep you safe.  It’ll make sure he doesn’t smell you.  His eyesight isn’t good.  If you don’t move and don’t make a sound with that cube, you’ll be safe.” The ghost explained, but that didn’t explain hardly anything at all.  
“Who are you?” Was the only thing he found himself asking.  
“My name is Y/n.  I lived here a long time ago.  My little brother, father and mother lived here with me.”  You leaned closer to Jungkook and inspected him.  His style, his face, his hair, his clothes, his shoes, everything.  “What year is it outside?  Time is kinda jumbled in here.”  He opened his mouth.
“Uh, 2019 just started.”  You gasped.  
“It’s been that long!”  You hushed yourself immediately and looked around, making sure no one, or rather, nothing heard you.  “I’ve been dead for that long?” You lowered your voice significantly, almost in disbelief.  
“So, you know you’re dead?”
“Well, of course.  How else could I logically explain glowing, floating in the air and just conveniently turning invisible.”
“You were also able to touch me. How’s that work?”
“It took me a while to get that down, but with enough focused energy, I can become tangible.  It’s pretty hard to do though.” He shook his head as he blinked and put his hands in front of him.
“Wait, wait, hold the fuckin’ phone.  This is all way too much to process.”  He took a moment, pinching the bridge of his phone, eyes skewed shut.  “Right, so you’re an old, but young, dead girl.  There’s some sort of demon? Roaming around?  And I fell through the floor into a whole other room.”  He opened his mouth, trying to make sense of it, yet it still left him utterly confused.  Then his mind jumped back to Taehyung. “Oh god, Taehyung.”
“You’re friend?” You had seen him?  He nodded.  
“Yes!  Oh my god, is he going to be okay?!”  You nodded.  “You’re way too calm about this.  That thing is somewhere and my best friend also happens to be somewhere and I have no idea what to do about it.  I don’t even know where the hell I am!”
“Calm down.  My brother’s animals will see to it he is kept safe.  He was very kind after all.”  He blinked, falling further and further into confusion.  
“Animals? What, so there are ghost animals too?”
“Not exactly.  My little brother was forced to leave all his possessions behind when Mother left with him.  He cared so much for his little stuff animals, they now possess souls.  Your friend was very kind, so they will keep him safe.”
“Kind? When was he-” Jungkook remembered him picking up and replacing the teddybear ever so carefully. “The bear,” he said in realization.  You nodded as the bear in question waved to you from the far end of the room behind Jungkook, before phasing out.  “That small thing is gonna keep him safe?”  You stood up, hopping up to have your toes brush the ground as you lazily floated.  
“There are others.  My brother had many toys.  His favorite animal was an elephant,” you chuckled as you remembered him running around his room, elephant toy in hand making the most obnoxious sounds.  
“An elephant ghost?!”  You swore you saw the human’s eyes light up, just like your brother’s. He must be rather immature himself yet.  
“Come on, I’ll get you back to your friend.  You two should get out of her as soon as possible.”  Jungkook sprung up, chasing after your elegant, flowing body.  Your hair wisped behind you, like spider webs. If you stood on the ground in front of him, he’d be quite a bit taller than you.  Actually, even for a ghost, you were rather pretty.  
He followed you to a small ramp to a trapdoor above the two of you.  He watched as you phased through the door above and he heard a click of what he assumed to be a lock and small bang on the door.  He crawled up the ramp and pushed the door open. It squeaked with rusty hinges as he pushed it and it fell open.  Peaking out, his hair whipped around, the cap he had lost previous somewhere no long restraining it in place.  He was outside?  Be looked around.  
“The cellar?”  
“That’s right.  This house had an extensive cellar that runs underneath a good portion of the house.  Now hurry, we need to find your friend.”  He stopped you.
“I- I haven’t told you my name yet.”
“Why would I need to know it?”
��I know yours,” that was a fair point.  You turned to him and sat with your knees to your chest as you got eye level with him.  Waiting patiently for his name he was so eager to give.  “My name’s Jungkook.”
He kept following your back, like a lost puppy.  He felt oddly too trusting, but you didn’t seem like you’d walk him into a dangerous situation. I mean, you gave him a way to hide and stay safe and reassured him his best friend would be alright.  He was worried about Taehyung, he was worried about when he’d get to go home, how long he’s been here and just exactly who were you?
You said you’d use to live here, with your family in this house.  And your reaction when he told you the year out, you were shocked, too shocked for your death to be anytime in the last decade.  That’s to be expected though, this house hadn’t been lived in for as along as Jungkook could remember.  
He had a bazillion questions in his head, but his main priority was to find Taehyung.  He needed to located and secure his best friend’s safety first, then maybe he could ask you a few questions.  
You had led him around the house and back to the front door.  The door had been replaced on its hinges and even locked shut.  
“What the..” he looked at the door.  It was like he never ripped it off in the first place, in fact, it looked better than it did before!  “I- does that stupid shadow thing fix doors?” You shook your head.  
“No.  That was probably a different spirit here.  There’s some here who don’t like it when stupid kids destroy their property.”  
“You mean there are others here?”  
“Of course.  You’ve run into 3 already. Even your friend didn’t realize he was right in front of one before.  Of course, Vivi doesn’t like it when people try to go into the closest without knocking first.  It’s just bad manners.”  Your hand phased through the doorknob, twisting the lock and opening the door perfectly.  Opening like a door should.  “We here aren’t allowed to leave until we’re found.”  
“What- found?”  You nodded as you both reentered the house.  It was just as before, the hole Jungkook fell through still there.  “Oh sure, fix the door but not the floor that’s convenient.”  He spits in spite.  You focused enough to whack him on the head as he cursed your stupid ability to become tangible in the first place.  
His whining was cut off by a scream up above.  It was Taehyung.  You were off, floating in speed up the stairs in which Jungkook followed.  Checking each room upstairs, not to fall through again, he didn’t see his friend. He very clearly heard him up here though!  You stood in front of the bay window, Jungkook joining your side.  
“The- that damn bear is gone!”  You nodded.  
“He probably has your friend.”  
“Well, how do I get him back!”  You looked up at the ceiling.  “What?  Is there something important about the ceiling?”  You rolled your eyes as you floated up and soon revealed a hidden attic door.  Dangling the custy pull, he rushed open and gripped it.  Yanking it, he squawked and backed up as quick as possible before the stairs relentlessly fell onto the floor.  It was like some cheap ass booby-trap.  You flew up into the opening as he carefully climbed the how-ever-old ladder.  
His head popped up the opening and he gasped as he saw his friend backed in a corner, that small teddy bear in front of him while that same shadow man-thing stood around.  Taehyung had his palms clamped over his mouth as his nose exhaled harshly, making the tall shadow try and pinpoint his location.  The bear hovered around Taehyung’s head, dinging like a soft bell.  With each ring, the shadow twitched until it screech.  It was a god awful sound.  
Jungkook almost let go of the ladder to cover his ears, but you stopped him as you covered them for him.  Your hands that you made physical were soft over his own, and it as like he was listening to the ocean waves.  He didn’t realize that ghosts had such a pleasant internal sound.  
The shadow screeched and seethed as it slashed through boxes, torn fabrics, threw anything it could touch in madness.  It was horrific.  What if what he was doing was done to a person? They would be mutilated, ripped, torn no doubt killed.  The thought chilled Jungkook as you felt the change in his atmosphere.  You hung upside down in front of his face and stopped his eyes from reaching that horrid, shadow.  
“Don’t look,” you mouthed but didn’t speak.  Soon, the shadow seemed to have enough and Jungkook once again saw it fade into nothing, leaving nothing but cold behind.  You removed your hands and spoke.  “You’re friend,” Jungkook was quick to get the rest of the way into the attic and rush to Taehyung’s side.  
His hands had dropped to his stomach, holding it like he was going to retch.  The teddy sat at Tae’s side, swaying in the air like it had marionette strings attached to it.  His eyes were wide and he was shocked to see his camera in one piece around his neck yet.
“Tae! Tae!  Hey, snap out of it!”  You floated down to your knees as you knelt beside the frozen young man.  He looked to you. “Can you help him?”
“I’m going to try.”  You looked at the small teddy and asked him for something.  The teddy rung again, a pleasant sound and a small cube sat in your palm.  It was just like his scented one, so the bear is responsible for creating those?  You held it up under his nose and soon he began to cough.  You smiled as Taehyung seemed to come around as he gasped and held at his shirt.  Jungkook smiled as he pat his friend on the back, trying to soothe him.  
“Thank you,” Jungkook whispered to you.  
“What the fuck was that?” Taehyung practically whimpered.  Jungkook looked at you.
“That’s what I’d like to know.  I have more than a few questions for you.”  You nodded as you sat and crossed your legs.  After Taehyung gathered himself, Jungkook caught him up on the situation to the best of his ability.  Though, after that, the questions just kept growing.  
“Alright,” you sat, ready for a questionnaire.  “What do you want to know.”
“Everything,” Jungkook answered.  “What the hell is going on?  Why are you here, how did you die, when and-”
“What the ever loving fuck was Mr. Shadow-beast?”   Taehyung injected in the final question.  You sighed.  It wasn’t a hobby of yourself to revisit your death, much less the last leg of your life, but if it will stop their questions and make sure they don’t come back like horror-driven kids tend to do, you’d tell it.  The full story.  Your story.
“I lived here with my family.  We moved in the early 1990s.  I was only a teenager at the time, and after 4 years of living here, my mother had my little brother.  A family of 4, and we were happy.  For a time, but then my dad started to get sick.  He was ill, not right in the head.  Nothing we did would pacify him.  He’d get angry over any little thing, he’d push us around and scream and terrify my little brother.  Soon, mother wanted out, so she ran out, taken my brother with her and leaving me behind.  I was 19, so I could leave whenever I wanted, but…” you stopped as you looked around at the mess.  
The mess that shadow man-made.
“Father, he became too ill.  He stopped me from going anywhere.  He locked me away in a secret room, told me ‘they’ told him to.  He’d keep me there and I was never allowed to leave.  Soon, I just lost track of time and one night when I fell asleep, I woke up-” you gestured to yourself “-like this.”
“You’re dad... he killed you?”  Taehyung asked delicately.  
“In a sense.”  
“That isn’t ‘in a sense’, Y/n! He killed you.  He forced you into a cage and killed you!”  Jungkook scolded.  “Is that why you can’t leave?  You’re angry at your father?” You shook your head.
“No, that’s not it.  Dad, he hid me.  I can’t leave before he’s hidden me and he won’t let me leave.  You saw earlier what happens when I try.” You looked once more at the wreckage.  
“No way, that thing is your dad?!”  You sighed.  
“I don’t know what happened to him, but I don’t really care either.  I’m sure he’s in a lot of pain, but what he’s put everyone threw, he deserves all the pain he’s receiving.  Even after death, he won’t stop.”  You looked at the two boys.  “But, he’s confined here.  He can’t leave this house, this property. He’s stuck here too.”
“When you say he hid you, do you mean your body?” You nodded.  “So, what you said earlier, about being found.  You want someone to find your body so you can finally go?”  You nodded again.  Jungkook shook his head in confusion though.  “But, we were in the house, Y/n.  Where could he possibly hide you in a house you know so well?”  
“I don’t know, Jungkook.  If I just managed to get close to my body- wherever it may be- I’m sure I could sense it somehow. Even a ghost has limits, and finding their own body is a major one. Why else do you think it takes exorcisms or man-lead discoveries for spirits to move one.  We can’t do it alone.”  The teddy that sat beside Taehyung rung once, twice and moved to fly and circle your head.  It was almost trying to cheer you up. You smiled after giving the small teddy a poke as it floated back to Taehyung. You giggled.  “I think he likes you.”  Taehyung rolled his eyes.
“Y/n, what if we found your body?”  Jungkook proposed.  Taehyung looked at him shocked.  
“Woah, what?  Did you hear her, she doesn’t know where it is?”
“I know, but I don’t feel comfortable keeping her here with him.  She’s helped us and with these,” he showed his wax cube, “he can’t see us.  I swear, if we do this, I won’t mess with ghosts ever again.”  Taehyung squinted at him, obviously skeptical.  “I’ll pinkie promise.”  Taehyung gasped.  
“Oh my god, you’re serious.” Taehyung thought it over.  “Well, I suppose we can’t have a full-on horror movie themed adventure without concluding the obvious plot slapping us in the face, now can we.  I’m in, but you’re so giving up your title after this.”  The two clasped pinkies- like real men would- and you interjected.
“But you can't!  You need to go!”  
“Sorry girlie, we’ve already done promised on it.  Do you know the punishment for breaking a pinkie promise?  It’s not fun man,” Taehyung said.  You just huffed as you cradled your forehead, making the boys chuckle in the small moment of amusement.
Jungkook lead Taehyung around to the still open door to the cellar.  Crouching and shuffling down the ramp the 2 of them practically sashayed inside.  You floated behind them, silent the whole time.  Now, they were here, but where to look? Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck.
“Just, start looking around I guess?” Taehyung just shrugged as he turned and began doing just that.  That same teddy floating ever near at his back.  You stayed near Jungkook as he looked around.  Behind boxes, barrels, under tables, he even pulled objects from shelves expecting a secret room to pop out from the wall. But, nothing.  You sat on a box, a hopeless look on your face.  You never expected to see yourself again and refuse to get your feeble hopes up.
“Y/n, don’t worry. We’ll find it- er you.”  You shook your head.
“You shouldn’t have bothered,” Jungkook wished you were something, someone he could touch.  He’d hold you, tell you it’d all be okay.  But, how do you comfort someone who has already died while you search their old house for their body? With their demonic father stalking around no less.
Speak of the Devil.
Taehyung froze as he sunk back into the shadows, teddy at his chest to ‘protect’ him. You gasped as the shadow, your father, just barely caught sight of you.  The shadow moved fast- too fast. The walls behind you morphed, sucking in the shadows as they peeled off the wall like twisted arms. THey grabbed your body, sucking you partially into the wall to keep you imprisoned.  You struggled as your father approached, danger in every footstep.
Just as he always did when he saw you.  He’d suck the energy out of you, growing darker- stronger- with each time you allowed yourself to be so foolish you were seen.  Just as he did when you were alive.  He’s taking everything away from you, even in death.
The wall would sink you further and further in, sucking you through space.  Taehyung watched as Jungkook quickly started moving, knocking over anything he could in his wake.  “Idiot!” Taehyung screamed at him before he realized that they were both now side by side, and easily located by the demon that once was your father. The Shadow turned towards the sound, making out the faint, blue, breathing outlines of the two men and the small pesky bear that floated at their side.  
The scream the shadow emitted was very different this time. Directed directly at the boys, they covered their ears and you struggled against the shadows that forced themselves down your throat as you choked and gagged and wanted so badly to scream. Jungkook swore he almost saw what you would look like if your body wasn’t see through- if you weren’t dead.  He thought he caught a glimpse of what or who you would be if you were still alive.  
All before he was thrust away, and found himself and Taehyung none to gently thrown back into the front lawn.  They don’t know exactly how they got back out there from the back of the house from the cellar, but nonetheless, there they lay in the tall unkempt grass.  The bear sat on Taehyung’s leg, latched to his thigh with those stuffed arms of it’s.  The two sat up with a collective groan and endless whining as they rubbed their shoulders, back, arms, head, anything that hit the ground with at least minimum force.
“What the hell just happened?”  Jungkook whined as he looked around the outside.  Still dark as a pupil with the moon covered by clouds that appeared from nowhere.  Masking the once bright guiding light it provided.  “Y/n?” He looked around, you weren’t there.  He quickly stood up, too quickly as his vision blanked for a moment and a wave of dizziness washed over him as he stumbled. Rubbing his eyes as he regained his sense of balance, he looked around the abandoned yard.  Taehyung moved to stand next to him, a much slower pace than his best friend.
“He threw us out,” he murmured.  Taehyung looked behind him at the property line leading to the road and away from the godforsaken house. “He must be telling us to leave,” he looked at Jungkook, “but we aren’t, are we?” Jungkook shook his head.
“Abso-fuckin’-lutely not.  Not when we know what’s going on and that people are being hurt.” He looked down at his feet, at his palms and remembering the broken camera and the memory card in his back pocket.  He could go home now, prove so much about ghosts and the dead that roam around this house.  He can’t though, his conscience wouldn’t let him.  He couldn’t leave you without solace.  “We promised her,” was all he said.  
He was going to find your body.  He swore.  Taehyung nodded as he plucked the bear from his thigh and placed it on his shoulder where it sat upright and steady on his shirt.  Was it strange to say a grown man walking around a haunted demon house was comforted by a possessed teddy bear who protected him?  It’s a phrase best left unsaid, for his pride’s sake.
The two men started to go back around, but something stopped them.  When they came back to the cellar door, it wasn’t there anymore.  The door was just gone.  The place in the ground where the entrance would be, was just dirt and mud with a water spigot on the side of the house, dripping with something they both assumed was most definitely not water.
Jungkook dropped to his knees, in a frenzy started digging with his hands into the disgusting mix of mud and the mystery ghost fluid in the ground.  Surely if he dug, he’d bust through into the cellar he knew was there.  Taehyung grabbed the back of his jean jacket as he yanked him up, screaming at him to get ahold of himself when a window from above caught their attention.  
The old, rickety window shambled open and all was silent for a moment as the two boys looked up in curiosity.  Thinking some random ghost who just wanted to smell the good ole night air opened the window, they were quickly jumping out of the way of something that was thrown out.  
It was small, not larger than the palm of Taehyung’s hand, as it hit the grass at their feet.  Taehyung looked at the curtains that were sucked out by the wind’s breeze while Jungkook knelt and picked up whatever was thrown out.  Taehyung tore his eyes away from the window above with caution as he looked at the now rising Jungkook, holding a medicine bottle in his hand.
“This was in the bathroom, I found it when I was in there before,” the familiar word ‘Chlorpromazine’, reflecting in Jungkook’s vision.
“So,” Taehyung drew out the word as he hooked his thumbs in the belt loop of his skinnies.  “We’re going to the bathroom together?  Adventurous.”  Jungkook threw the bottle at his friend who was obviously trying to get Jungkook out of the panic he buried himself in.  The gesture was recognized and greatly appreciated.  No wonder the ghost bear liked him so much.  
The two of them hiked it back to the front of the house where they saw a blurred silhouette of a very blurry dog.  Remembering what you told him earlier about the animals being coherently on their side, he reassured the friend at his side who raised his fist. Yeah, like he was going to throw hands at a ghost, real clever fella he is in the face of danger.  
Walking inside for the third time for the young Jeon, he noticed that there were animals in the rooms.  The living room held a dog, the same dog from earlier as he sat in the doorway.  His ghost tongue hanging from his almost smiling chops. The kitchen was a monkey, Taehyung almost smiled as he saw it’s figure having a ball along the ceiling and the small noises of it swinging to and fro from whatever was in there.  From further back in the house, Jungkook practically fist pumped the air with the loud, vibrating belt of mighty elephant.  He whipped around to an ever confused Taehyung as he looked at the car laying on the top of the landing at the top of the stairs.
“These are the spirits Y/n’s little brother gifted to his toys. Tae, they’re not going to hurt us.”  Taehyung relaxed as he saw his best friend no longer frowning, but smiling at the animals who signified a save zone.  Even if temporary.
The two made it up the stairs as the cat that lay at the landing stretched and pranced around the giant hole in the floor and turned into the bathroom.  Okay, so whatever was in there was harmless- the animals said so after all.  
With care sidles along the wall, the boys came into the tiled, dirty bathroom with the water still dripping one drop at a time into the full tub.  
“Was that always full?” Taehyung questioned as he pointed accusingly at the tub.
“Yeah, it was earlier too,” Jungkook replied.
“Ah,” a rather short, unpleasant response of confirmation. Enough to get the point across that it was both disturbing and confusing for this full bathtub to be a thing when the water has long been shut off. The two watched as the cat sat at the side of the tub and then both boys let out unattractive shouts of terror when someone started to come out of the water.  
The clear water turned murky when a little boy with the shaggiest, wet hair sat up.  The water of the deep tub hit just at his chest as he sat and piddled his hands in the water to make small splashes.  He was just a child having fun and playing at bath time. Jungkook looked at Taehyung as he just shook his head.
“No way,” he whispered at his gaze as Jungkook then approached the tub’s edge in the end. He knelt down and placed his fingertips in the water.  The little boy followed the foreign ripples and looked at Jungkook, and Taehyung with the bear behind him. He smiled so innocently.
“Hello there,” Jungkook softly spoke.  “Do you like playing in the water?”  The little boy nodded eagerly.  “Would you mind if I played a bit too, with you that is?  The boy silently seemed to want to laugh as he turned and motioned to a dirty rubber duck on the edge of the tub where a bar of soap could sit snuggly.  Reaching over he looked at it.
The yellow paint was chipped in places and it was horribly faded.  The face had only one eye still painted black while the blue and purple paint scarf was patchy.  The sailor hat on the duck was still a shade of navy blue though.  It was stiff, not having the warmth and usage of a child for a very long time.  “Is this your favorite toy?” The boy nodded again.  “Well, he’s mighty dirty.  I think this sailor needs a bath too.” The boy splashed happily as Jungkook scrunched his nose cutely to his new little friend and stuck the toy under the water and gently cleaned it.
He thumbed off the as much dirt he could.  Some coming off in chunks other bits smearing and wiping off.  Soon, the duck wasn’t perfect, but significantly better.  The little boy smiled as he reached out for it, wanting to bad to have his toy back.  Jungkook gently placed the toy in his hand and it was like the toy and little boy were alive again.
The little boy's body glowed and his skin was honey tanned and hair dark and damp.  The duck looked bright and newer than ever.  The boy mouthed a happy ‘thank you’ without actually speaking before he disappeared and the tub began to drain. Once the water was gone, at the bottom of the tub sat a hairpin. Picking it up he stood and bowing once to the tub, trying to honor and say goodbye to that sweet little ghost boy as he went to Tae’s side.
“So, you played with a ghost kid. We’re just meeting all sorts of ghosts, huh?” Jungkook nodded as he showed Taehyung the pin. It was thin, black and one of those you could run your thumb over and glitter would suddenly be fused with your skin for the next three days. It was far from a fancy pin, but if a little girl who had long bangs needed to pin them back, it’d be the perfect hairpiece. “So, where too now chef?”
“Y/n mentioned something about a ghost in the kid’s room closet.”  Taehyung though as he cupped his chin.
“Come to think of it, that closet didn’t open for me.  I couldn’t get it open to save my life.” Jungkook nodded as Taehyung took the hairpin from his palm and held it in his own.  
“It’s because Vivi doesn’t like people who don’t knock.”  
The two of them moved carefully to the children’s room.  Inside on the bottom bunk of the bed sat plethora of small animal ghosts.  Small bears, snakes, tigers, lions even a T-rex sat miniature sized on the torn up mattress.  Y/n’s little brother sure had a heart full of love for all his toys, just as you said.
They moved to stand in front of the closet as Taehyung moved forward.  He was the one who tried to barge in earlier, so he’d suck it up and stop being a weenie for once and apologize for his lack of manners: in this case, not knocking. He took a shaky breath, gripping the hairpin in his hand as he knocked three soft times.
The door handle turned as the door cracked open and a little girl, no older than 7 stood at Taehyung’s midsection.  Looking up at him through her long, thick locks that covered half her face.  Her one visible eye a shining blue contrasted to her colorless body.  He knelt down to one knee as the girl’s head followed him as they were eye to eye now.  He smiled to her, making her shoulders drop any tension they once had.  
“Why are you hiding in your closet?  I’m sure all the animals here would love to play with you?” The older man suggested as he gestured to the animals gathered on the bed.  “Wouldn’t you like to play with some friends?”  She nodded but remained in the closet, hands gripping the door handle in fear.  
“They would tease me,” she whimpered.
“Tease you?  A sweet little girl like you?  No way,” he cooed as opened his palm and showed her the hairpin.  “Tell me, is this your hairpin?”  He saw her eye shine in recognition.  “A sweet little boy showed us where you lost it and asked to give it back to its pretty owner next door.”  The little girl peeked out just a bit more to glance over into the bathroom across the way.  
“Did he finally get to play?” Taehyung looked over his shoulder to Jungkook behind him, then back to the girl in front of him.
“He had a blast playing with my friend here.  They splashed and played with his favorite duck.  Now, it’s your turn to play with your friends.”  He slowly reached forwards and the pin was able to clip into her hair, pulling her bangs fully back where the other half of her face showed an empty socket where her other shining blue eye should be. So, she lost an eye somehow.  How tragic for such a small child.  “Is that why you’re too shy to go play?”
“The grown-ups always made fun of me,” she cried as her one eye allowed a small crystal tear run down her ghostly face. “They wouldn’t let me go out and make friends because I was too scary.”
Taehyung shook his head as he poked at the little girl’s tummy and smiled at her when she let out a little giggle. “Well, can I be your friend then? And this little guy will be your friend too,” Taehyung spoke to the teddy still sat on his shoulder. “If we're your friends, then those fun little rascals behind me would love to play with you for as long as you want.”  She gasped in glee.
“Would they play hide and seek with me?”  He nodded.  
“It’s their favorite game. Go on and play now, Vivi.”  She smiled wide as she pushed open the closet door fully and stepped out.  She hugged Taehyung around his neck as she giggled in his ear and placed something in his hand before she ran off to the crowd of animals behind her.  She chatted away before running out of the room, laughing the entire way until the laughter faded, leaving only a gentle, pleasant breeze.
Taehyung stood up as Jungkook clapped his back. “Good job, now we both have some cute little ghost friends.”  Taehyung laughed as he looked at the key in his hand.  It was old, really old.  The end looped like an oval while the front of it was shaped like it would slide into a music box. “Where would there be a music box around here?”
“I think I remember seeing one downstairs on one of the dining room shelves.”  Taehyung recollected.  The two worked their way out of the room, but not before saying goodbye to their friendly ghost companions.  They would surely remember to always mind their manners now.
Just as Taehyung said, downstairs sat a single, wooden music box.  It sat about eye level with the boys as they tried to take it off the shelve, but it shouldn’t budge.  It was like it was attached on. Not wanting to possibly break anything and create a panic or worse stir up more trouble, Taehyung just placed the key in the music box on the shelf.  With 3 good cranks, the key locked in place, sticking out of the keyhole and started turned counter-clockwise and a small melody began to play.  
It was a soft tune, friendly and warm.  As Jungkook listened, the more it reminded him of you and how you were a warm presence, despite you being a ghost. Once the soft lullaby ended the key was spit back out and the wall next to the shelf slid open to reveal a hidden wall.  A secret passage of sorts.  Taehyung picked up the key and placed it next to its rightful partner; the lovely little box of lullabies.  
“Well,” Jungkook chirped, “if ever I’ve seen a horror movie-”
“We’re so going into the new hidden door. Let’s move Mr. Ghost-Professional.”  Taehyung interrupted as he shoved his friend's shoulder and the two began to shimmy through the small passageway.  It wasn’t long before the passage leads to a small opening in the floor with a ladder leading down.  
“This has to go to the cellar.” The ever attached bear of Taehyung’s moved to his head as the two began to descend the ladder without second thoughts.  It’s not like they’d through in the towel now anyways.  The assumption was correct.  The boys had indeed found themselves back to the cellar.
You were held captive against the wall from shadows, but the demon was nowhere around.  
“Y/n…!” Jungkook breathed as he ran to you and touched the black restraining you.  The shadows were just shadows.  They were a strange, disgusting black goop that felt like slime and peeled like tar as he shook his hand away from it’s gross, slimy texture.   Though, regardless of how revolting, he reached your mouth and dug away the grime from your throat.  Once you were free of the black from your tongue, you coughed and hung your head low.  “Y/n,” he repeated, “please, talk to me. Say something.” He pleaded as Taehyung joined his side.  
The bear looked at your ‘unconscious’, dull eyes figure and as it did before when it comforted you.  It shook it’s furry body and rang like a bell.  The ringing reverberated in your head as your eyes came back to life, regaining their ghostly glow as you were finally able to see the two boys- two friends in front of you.  
“Jungkook, Taehyung?”  The nodded.  “How did you get here?” They looked at each other and smiled.
“Vivi and the little boy in the bathtub helped us.  Oh, and the animal’s of course.”  Jungkook chirped.  
“You.. you helped Vivi and Jacob?” The two of them explained how they were able to help make the two children smile and laugh.  “Jacob was a little boy who was drowned by his mother.  She believed her child was cursed since he was born without a voice.  Vivi was a little girl teased constantly because when she was younger, she lost her eye in an accident.  You helped them both?”  The boys nodded.  
“They were very sweet little kids.”  You smiled.
“Thank you,” you bowed your head, best you could.  Then your smiled faded as you looked back at them and turned seriously once again.  “You two need to go.  If he comes back, then he’ll-”
“No.  We promised you, remember,” Jungkook interrupted.
“You don’t understand!  Please, just-”  You stopped short when you stiffened.  “Go back, back away to the walls.  Now, hurry!”  They did so without argument.  Just as they were on opposite walls, the demon pulled himself up from the fucking floor.  From below?  Could there be- was there another section below the cellar? The shadow moved and stood in front of you, your body that was once relaxed now shaking uncontrollably.
Jungkook stood still, staring at your expression.  For the first 2 times, he’s been saved by you, you hadn’t shown your fear.  Now, you were close to crying- weeping rather- as your father disgustingly stood above you. Ghost tears, it was almost an interesting concept if they weren’t being threatened to be spilled by you.
He slowly shuffled to a shelf, grabbing a nearby bottle and quickly throwing it.  The bottle shattered on the ground, making the shadow turn and screech.  Jungkook covered his ears, hissing.  The shadow stepped away from you, just a bit.  He still hadn’t located Jungkook yet.
Taehyung understanding gave his small, stuffed possessed companion a nod.  A shield of sorts surrounded the both of them. Taehyung was officially safe. “Hey!” He shouted. The shadow whipped around.  Seeing the spiritual essence around Taehyung, he marched with heavy steps forward.
“Wrong way!”  Now, it was Jungkook’s turn.  He held that scented wax so tightly in his warm palm, it threatened to begin to melt.  He remained completely still, not moving a muscle. When the shadow turned again, Taehyung sprint to a shelf of alcohol bottles.  Pushing every bottle off, they shattered on the hardwood floor one by one.
“You've had enough beer, pal!” Taehyung chided. You watched the two continue to jerk around and confuse the shadow- your father.  Back and forth, like a game of pong with your father as the ball. While the boys continued to distract the reel shadow demon, the teddy by Taehyung’s side rung, that same rining echoing into the small enclosure of the cellar.  
A loud screech ripped out of the shadow as he turned his back on the sound.  It seemed to cradle it’s head as it screamed and the shadow of its body almost seemed to fluctuate.  It was like bells hurt the beast?  The beast raised it's arms into the air, ready to strike into the ground.  
You forced yourself from the shadow’s harsh imprisonment for the first time ever.  You focused your entire body before you ripped free of its confines.  You were quick to get to Jungkook’s side who was currently in the way of taking the brunt of the soon to come smash of your father’s fists.  Desperate to save him, you made your entire body tangible and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, your head next to his own.
Jungkook instinctively held you against him.  It was odd, holding you.  You were solid, but light.  It was like he was hugging a breathing person, but you were so cold.  He didn’t fell the beat of your heart, didn’t feel the pushing of your chest against his when you breathed.  You were a dead person, a ghost, yet he held you.  
The shadow slammed his fists into the floor with utter rage, the wood splitting and creating chaos.  Taehyung lost his balance as he fell against the back wall, the bear floating to his chest, still protecting him with a shield of sorts.  The hole created by the beast was jagged as Jungkook and yourself fell through it. All while the demon faded away for the time being mid-tantrum.
Jungkook groaned, falling through the floor for the second time that night.  He looked at your exhausted ghostly body.  Your spiritual glow fluctuating as you seemed so tired, too tired.  He wanted to open his mouth and ask about your state, but the sound of bells silenced him.  They weren’t the sound of that dumb bear.  This sound was much different.  So pure, innocent in a sense.  
Jungkook got up, following the sound of the bells, leaving your ghostly body to lay on the ground.  He didn’t exactly know how to help someone he could no longer grasp.  He ran until he found a single case hidden in the underneath hideaway of the cellar floor. Inside that case was none other than a skeleton, full body with a set of bells next to the yellow and while colored skull.  
Down the way, your spirit fluctuated until it blew into a graceful wisp of blue. You traveled the wind until you found Jungkook; until you found your bones.  Jungkook watched in awe, it was like your soul was dancing around the body long lost to you.  A bright flame of peace.  He smiled as the bells floated towards him and he reached out with his palm as they fell into his hand.
Your spirit manifested once more- for the last time- now in a beautiful, white sundress. He smiled as did you. You came towards him, relief in your ghostly gaze.  You kissed his cheek, your flame giving warmth and spreading a wisp of blue along with it.
“Thank you, Jungkook.  Give my thanks to Taehyung as well.”  
“I will,” he almost choked.  Your spirit sprung to life, your fire bright as your spirit shot up the ceiling and out of the cellar floor- scaring the poor Taehyung mind you. Your fierce, powerful, free spirit easily located your tainted, evil father in the house and quickly wasted no time in surrounding him. Your fire latched onto his shadows, devouring it as the spirits and ghosts of your comrades, his other victims, joined your plight to finally put your father down.  
“You’ve done enough, Father.” The shadows pulled back from the host form of your father just enough to see his grotesque face once more.  Burned, disfigured and rotten was his flesh from the long age of his demons.  His time was ending, and he would get what he finally deserved.  You seethed and sneered at his face.  “Begone, you wretched disgrace.”  Engulfed by his shadows once more, he was ignited by your pure light and disappeared.  Along, so did you.  Your presence, and those others not gone.  
The house was finally vacant.
Jungkook climbed back up to the cellar, Taehyung helping him as he looked at the motionless bear at Taehyung’s feet.  
“Was she- I mean did Y/n?”
“Yeah.  she’s gone now.”
“Oh,” he spoke with a dip in his voice.  “I didn’t even get to say goodbye.”  
“Let’s get out of here, Taehyung.”  Tae nodded as he reached down and grabbed the bear at his feet, not hesitating to take the little guy along with him back to the surface.  Perhaps he had gotten a bit attached.
With the disperse of the demon, the cellar door had reappeared and the two men crawled out onto the lawn outside once again.  They rounded the house and soon took the way walk back up to the sideway at the edge of the property before turning and staring back at the house.  
“So,” Taehyung started, “what was it like?”
“What was what like?  Nearly dying?”
“Hitting on a ghost.”
“Oh my god,” Jungkook left, Taehyung laughing behind him as he held your bells tight and safe in his palm.
The following week, your remains were found by the police when Tae put in an ‘anonoymous message’ that someone was found going into that house.  Now, somehow that house- your house- was scheduled for destruction within the month. Jungkook sat in Taehyung’s room as he flipped through his newest comic he nabbed at a store downtown.
“You think they’ll rebuild over the property?” Taehyung asked as Jungkook shrugged.
“Beats me.  It’d be nice if they didn’t.  Maybe put a small little cemetery or memorial instead.”  Taehyung nodded with a smile.
“You should pitch that idea.  It’s a good one, and I’m sure the city hall would listen since a body was discovered.”  Jungkook smiled as he looked out the window of his best friend’s room.  The sunny sky devoid of any pesky clouds.
“You know, I think I just might,” Jungkook said.  He wanted to put a grave down for you, and all the other ghosts too.  For Vivi and for Jacob who were just innocent children who hadn’t done wrong; far too young for death’s unfair grip.  
That’s what he thought as he watched over the sewn up and cleaned teddy bear on Tae’s window sill.  The jingling of the two bells around his wrist that had been weaved and carefully placed onto a precious new bracelet he wore wherever he went- without exception- as they always seemed to jingle in approval.
Yes, a memorial was a fine idea.  Maybe he did like you a little bit- just a ghost of a crush.
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katethevampire · 1 year
Hello! Welcome to the place I use to scream into the void. Most of my posts are either me rambling about random thoughts I have, bad jokes, or screenshots of whatever fanfiction I'm reading. I use she/her/hers pronouns although I don't mind they/them :) I'm bisexual and have a fat crush on any mildly attractive villain, himbo, or funny character.
-----*#@DNI LIST@#*-----
just your standard stuff Transphobes, Homophobes, any Anti-LGBTQIA+, anti-Semitic, anti-POC, Xenophobes, you get the idea don't be a bigot, although I doubt you'd get this far on Tumblr being one. Also Country Humans fandom(just makes me uncomfy).
I used to have my fandoms listed here but then I realized I'm in way too many. You can probably tell based off what I post but I'm currently obsessed with Ace Attorney, Death Note, Hazbin Hotel,My Little Pony, and Minecraft Story Mode (although I will definitely post about other fandoms since I've had 94 fandoms so far)
My Ace Attorney AU- #AA Haunted House AU
Strange AO3 tag - #taggo
AO3/fanfiction related - #fics
Art - #my art
OC art - #my children
reblog - #reblog
My cat - #Fishstick
A family member's roommate's cat - #P the cat
If any of the creator's of fics that I post want me to take the posts down please let me know!
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elegantmoonchild · 5 years
WIP Game
The Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
I was tagged by the wonderful @jimalim a while back. It took me a bit to compile all the projects I’m working on, but here they are! Fingers crossed that some actually get finished 😂
For All Time — World traveler and photographer Betty Cooper knew her entire life that Jughead Jones was meant to be the love of her life. When they finally meet, somewhere in the shops of an old Brooklyn borough, he is taken aback by her sudden insistence that they belong, however he is subjected to her theories as they continue on their assignment together, backpacking across Europe collecting tales for his travel blog. When he begins to have visions of her death, however, he begins to question whether what she says is true, and as their relationship deepens, he starts to give in to the emotions she claims they’ll share together. When signs point to her impending demise, can he work to stop the clock in time or will he lose the one person he never knew he needed until he had her? And should she perish, can he fight to get her back or will he learn that sometimes love may not be enough to transcend time? 
Snapshots — What’s a story only half-told?An afternoon of reading old diaries and manuscripts turns into a lifetime of memories played before Betty and Jughead as they dig through the past. What were the moments leading up to the romance of sophomore year that stood out to Betty in her diaries, Jughead in the manuscript he wrote about his story with the girl-next-door? How did their epic love story play out for the couple beyond the events of Jason Blossom’s murder that shook the bedrock of Riverdale? -- Currently on AO3
INSIDE -- Stepping into her father’s shoes was always the plan for ambitious detective Betty Cooper, her endless dream of taking down the bad guy imprinted on every step of her path from childhood to adult. She had worked hard to gain the respect of her superiors, and suddenly she lands the opportunity of a lifetime – going undercover to investigate the shocking murder of Jason Blossom, the son of a well-known businessman in Riverdale, NY. The job was simple: get beneath the surface, lie low, and pay attention. However, when Betty is assigned to infiltrate the Serpents, a notorious gang in the Southside part of town, she finds it harder than expected to blend in, catching the eye of nefarious leader Jughead Jones. Will she make it out alive with the answers she craves, or will she find herself stepping in the path of a very dangerous man, locked in the snake pit that she can’t escape?
In Her Own Words -- At the young age of 19, Elizabeth Cooper, daughter of the Earl of Cooper, found herself courted and wooed by the famous heir to the House of Andrews, the crowned prince who she was to wed. After a hasty engagement, a whirlwind of press and protocol, Betty found herself surrounded by people but still felt so alone, her mental health taking a dive as her marriage began to crumble around her feet. Her husband’s secret affair with long-term friend Veronica and the spotlight of the world upon her both lead to years of self-harm and isolation, and soon the only joy she feels is the sparkle of laughter she shares with the Prince’s personal secretary, Forsythe “Jughead” Jones. She puts on a brave face beneath the scrutinizing gaze of the public eye, but inside she’s falling apart, and it isn’t long before she learns she has to push back and fight for herself or else she won’t survive. Will the reaffirmed belief in true, albeit forbidden love with her close friend and confidante claim her downfall or will it give her the strength to stand on her own two feet and become the Queen she was always meant to be?Or the retelling of Princess Diana’s tragic, yet inspiring life based off the documentary “Diana: In Her Own Words”. This story will be interview style in the first person with Princess Elizabeth “Betty” Cooper with memories and flashbacks retelling her ill-fated romance and involvement with the House of Andrews, and her future beyond the weight of the crown.
But Now I See -- Ever since she was a child, Betty Cooper felt she was meant for something greater, meant to make the world shine brighter. As she grew older, and life became too difficult, she sought comfort in the church, soothing her emotional scars with the words of God and Christ. Devoted to her cause and her faith, she sets forth on a course to take a vow of postulancy. For most of his life, renowned pianist Jughead Jones always kept his head down, choosing to create his own masterpieces in the shadows, free without the confinements of society. His life is forever changed, however, when he gets into a horrific car accident, the end result being a crippling blindness that makes him question everything he thought he knew.When the two meet in the hospital ward and strike up a friendship, they begin to doubt their beliefs in both faith and purpose. Will Betty complete her journey to become a nun or will she realize her purpose lies in the heart of another, and will Jughead finally learn to believe in the good of fate or will he succumb to the demons that haunt him forever?
That’s Why I’m Here -- oneshot where Betty and Jughead meet at an AA meeting, bonding over their broken parents
Title still undecided -- Betty is a sex talk show host who is, in reality, fairly inexperienced with good sex. Jughead is a journalist who tries to uncover the truth about the sensationalized, famous show host. She ends up getting him to break down his walls while he teaches her a thing or two about good lovemaking. Basically an excuse to write porn with good plot.
Title still undecided -- serial killer AU where Veronica and Sweet Pea try to track down a killer obsessed with Veronica 
Title still undecided -- Veronica takes her daughter with her to live at Alice Cooper’s ranch after her messy separation from her husband where she meets ranch hand Sweet Pea.
Relatively Stable -- For the first time since medical school, Veronica Lodge, MD was on top of her game. One of the youngest and most sought after doctors at Riverdale General, she exuded both sophistication and grace as she fought to save life after life in the Intensive Care Unit. But when an ambitious new nurse named Sweet Pea challenges her authority, she takes it personally, and the two butt heads by the bedside, patient after patient.When a young man comes through the Emergency Room one night, bleeding out from a massive car wreck, Veronica and Sweet Pea have to put aside their differences to save his life. Fighting to keep their patient stable starts to bring them closer, their feelings becoming far more carnal than clinical, and despite their numerous differences Veronica may learn that Sweet Pea is just what the doctor ordered.Will both their relationship and their patient survive the night? Find out in Relatively Stable, a medical narrative that asks the question – is love the best medicine or can the heart only take so much before it arrests and dies?
On The Run -- Veronica Lodge was on the verge of seventeen, and all she wanted to do was forget about the responsibilities her parents expected of her and revel in the passion she shared with secret boyfriend, bad boy biker Sweet Pea, who had a reputation that made her rich father’s blue blood boil. Defying her parents’ wishes, she sneaks out of her penthouse bedroom one evening for a twilight filled with freedom, experimental sex, and cocaine-fueled excitement. However, what starts as an act of teenage rebellion quickly turns into a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, a run-in with the Ghoulies leading to an all-out brawl that spells trouble for the ill-fated lovebirds. As Sweet Pea and Veronica flee for their lives, on the run from violent gangs, vigilant law enforcement, and her family’s disappointment, Veronica has to make a choice — give up the rush to enter adulthood with a safe, respectable reputation or throw it all away for the bad boy with a cold sneer and a heart of gold.
My Favorite Piece of You -- Cakes, tarts, and pies -- all delectable treats served up at the Serpentine Bakery, the lunch time haunt that ambitious businesswoman Veronica Lodge frequents every single day. For the past year, she’s been coming to the cafe, indulging in its simple pleasures, until one day she unknowingly insults the attractive yet surly owner, motorcycle enthusiast Sweet Pea. After a sour meet cute, the two begin to form a connection over the concoctions that he creates behind the counter of the bakery, an appetizing alliance that takes them both by surprise. However, over time they begin to wonder if the chemistry between them can withstand a dose of sugar or if their relationship has too much spice to be a good thing. They’ll have to knead out the kinks in their peppery personalities if they want their love to rise, but one thing’s for sure -- Veronica Lodge has got one Hell of a sweet tooth.
To Riverdale, with love -- What is Christmas to the stranger next to you? Is it a time to sing joyous carols door to door in the freezing cold? Is it a time to curl up next to a fire with a cup of hot cocoa while surrounded by loved ones? Is it a time to bury beneath blankets to hide from the sorrow of what a Christmas without that special someone feels like? Follow along in this seasonal treat as nine stories weave in and out like holiday tinsel in this Love Actually inspired fanfic, including the romance and friendships of nine different pairings in Riverdale, the town where one might just find that love truly is all around. -- COMING CHRISTMAS SEASON 2018
There’s also a whole host of one shot ideas and other multi-chapter fics I have saved, but haven’t quite touched yet. 
If you’d like to know more about any of these projects, please feel free to reach out to me!!!
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queenstarksansa · 7 years
do you read many sherlock fics? if so, do you have any sherlolly recommendations?
Hey! Sorry I’m so late with the reply. I’ve been busy with school lately, but I wanted to do this right and include every fic I like. That’s why it took me so long. I do read Sherlolly fics quite a bit. Under the cut are some of my all-time favorites sorted into a few categories like canon compliant and divergence fics, Victorian AUs, Soulmate AUs, some of my fave post-TLD and post-TFP fics and more!
Multi-chapter (canon compliant and canon divergence) fics
The Full House by Emcee
The List by conchepcion
The Science of Perception by tallulah99
Winter by AllTheBellsInVenice
Through a Fairytale, Darkly by nocturnias
dreams, like soap bubbles by broomclosetkink
Read this Truth by ElixirBB
The Pull of My Heart to Yours by AsteraceaeBlue
I Told You So by Writingwife83
The Deaf and the Blind and the Color Red by Solshine
The Third Guest by Fireplum
A Perfect Act by dietplainlite for nocturnias
Body of a Traitor by Sundance201
Burn My Bridges Down by dietplainlite
The Healing of Sherlock Holmes by honeycakes
Tell the Truth, Molly by Liathwen
Being Neighbourly by vertual
The Bolthole by toooldtobeonhere
One shots (canon compliant and canon divergence)
My Pathologist by Emcee
the breath that passed from you to me by rsadelle
The Undiscovered Molly by tristesses
Whatever You Need by PetraTodd
Not My Area by miabicicletta
with a tear, the truth comes by broomclosetkink
Sixteen and a Half Months by emmagrant01
Molly Hooper, Molly Hooper, Let Down Your Hair by Emcee
Haunt by AquaFontem
A hundred visions and revisions by ElixirBB
Topsy Turvy by PetraTodd
John Was Right by vihistoo
Choose One by rsadelle
Cats and Dogs by Emcee
The Story of We by PetraTodd
For the ends of being and ideal grace by ElixirBB
How to Commit Murder in Eight Minutes by Emcee
Wait ‘Til We’re Announced by AquaFontem 
Victorian AUs 
The Resident Attachment by Maejones 
I Demand You Speak by Maejones
The Rudest Man In London by hobbitsdoitbetter 
Soulmate AUs
Andromeda by PetraTodd 
Writ In Thy Flesh by MizJoely
By the Stars by vihistoo
Two AA batteries required. Batteries sold separately. by Xmarksthespot
Solemates by lilsherlockian1975
Other AUs
Invisible Wings by conchepcion 
The Side of the Angels by MizJoely for AsteraceaeBlue
Forgotten Savages by ElixirBB
Call forth Eurydice by miabicicletta 
Some of my fav post-TLD fics
You only kiss me when you’re high by KendraPendragon
Go to Hell, Sherlock by OccasionallyCreative
Night Shift by Writingwife83
Green and Blue, Cotton and Lace by Raelynn 
Some of my fav post-TFP fics
Deadlier If You Mean It series by Emcee
Always Molly by LaMorenaReina
The Coffin-Maker’s Lullaby by hobbitsdoitbetter
Forgive and Forget by denisemp
Crossroads by katybaggins
only with the heart by TolkienGirl
Engraving by MajesticMoments
Complicated Little Emotions by Writingwife83
Three Dates by LadyCharliEM
Say It Again by eyesoflauramars (Andromede)
Aftermath by auditoryeden
Strangelove by Potix
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cultivating-ass · 7 years
indie oc; Brooks (Adult Ozzy Brooks AU)
Oswald “Brooks” Alfred Brooks III is a twenty seven year old ex-convict from Canada. People say he looks a lot like Emile Hirsch.
It’s hard to wake up, when the shades have been pulled shut
Oswald was never a special kid. He was average, to say the most. At first, Ozzy was the perfect child: Only spoke when spoken to, cleaned up after himself, but that could never last. Even when Ozzy was young he could tell something was off with his parents. His dad would come home late every night from work, slurring his words while his mother would just stand there with a fake smile plastered onto her face.
This house is haunted, it’s so pathetic, it makes no sense at all
Things would escalate very quickly. What would start out with Ozzy’s father stumbling around the house always ended with his mother beaten and bruised by his own father’s hands. Everyday Ozzy would watch, keeping his mouth shut when anyone would ask questions. To compensate for his silence at home, Ozzy would never shut up at school. He would act out towards his teachers and peers. Him and his hoard of friends would play cruel pranks and skip class any chance they could get. Acting tough worked well at school, but still at home Ozzy was nothing more than a scared little punk.
I’m ripe with things to say, the words rot and fall away
Ozzy didn’t hate his father, he couldn’t. He wanted what everyone around him seemed to have. A happy normal family. As soon as Ozzy started high school he stared to try and pull the attention of his father’s fists off of him mother and on to him. It was for the best, or at least, that’s what Ozzy would tell himself. One day after Ozzy came home from school, he found his mother laying unconscious on the floor and his father laughing in his favorite arm chair. Unable to take seeing his mother so broken, Ozzy lost it- Grabbing his father out of the chair and throwing the first punch.
What stupid poem could fix this home, I’d read it every day
The fight soon became heated and Ozzy grabbed the first blunt object he could find, bashing it into his father’s head over and over again- Even after he had stopped moving. Panicked, Ozzy ran. In a whirlwind of guilt and confusion, Ozzy found himself standing on a bridge ready to jump. After plummeting into the cold water below him, everything went black and Ozzy woke up on the strange island. He was convinced the island was punishment for not being able to protect his family from itself.
So here’s your holiday, hope you enjoy it this time, you gave it all away
It’s been a long time since Ozzy left the island. It took the young man years to leave. One night he just exploded in a fit of emotions on the two year anniversary of the only person he had loved leaving the island. Apparently the moment was a good enough excuse for the island to kick him off, because the next morning Ozzy woke up in a hospital, in hand cuffs. In jail for the murder of his parents until he was twenty five, out early for a mixture of good behavior and the slight lie that Ozzy was protecting himself after years of abuse, Ozzy learned quickly how to tow the line. No longer a teenage dirtbag, Ozzy has graduated to full dirtbag status, working in a gas station, and living behind it in a ancient RV.
It was mine, so when you’re dead and gone
He’s convinced that his time on the island was a coping mechanism his brain made up to deal with the murder of his parents and his time in jail. Though, he often finds himself thinking about the people he met there. Especially a certain racer he owes a life time of apologies, and a clumsy girl whose heart he too often tried to play with.
Will you remember this night, twenty years now lost, it’s not right
Unable to push past the alcoholism he picked up on the island, Ozzy still drinks often, but tries to attend AA meetings as some sort of repentance. His life is going nowhere, but then again, it never was.
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dissonantharmony · 3 years
I absolutely am loving your haunted house au and your art style.
Can I ask, have any members of Team RWBY got lost in the haunted house yet? If so what do they think of all the spirits?
aa thank you!! and yang and ruby do indeed get lost in the house! initial panic, fear, and existential horror aside, they think all the spirits in the house are super cool. they’ve both latched on to oscar as their favorite, mostly because he’s the closest in age. they like pulling pranks on tai and qrow together and catching oscar up on all of the memes he missed in the last 5 years. also, ozpin is probably a close second in terms of favorites! after the kitchen got fixed up, he taught ruby and yang how to bake chocolate chip cookies (although, much to the sisters’ confusion, he wouldn’t go near the stove).
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