doctorofmagic · 1 year
Doctor Strange #1 review
It’s all about subtleties.
I think issue #1 is a perfect start, not because of the possible mystic threats and glorious magic fights. It’s perfect because it’s just Stephen being Stephen. More than that, it’s just Stephen being happy and doing good on a regular basis. It’s simple, but it sums up everything he represents as a hero.
And all the team got it right, whether it’s the story, art or colors. It’s sweet and colorful, even though not everything is sunshine and roses (which gives the right, believable tone to Clea and Stephen’s relationship, after all).
But first, this is my remark that we were SO RIGHT to assume these two would f* like rabbits. So yeah, it’s canon hehe not that we needed any confirmation but... 👀
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Now, back to the subtleties. They speak of a lovely couple teasing one another.
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(Clea and Marc’s friendship is unbreakable now btw)
They speak of Stephen’s compassion towards his friends.
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They speak of domestic life.
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And fluffiness.
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And peace of mind.
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But they also speak of important matters like the crisis we have to face in order to fight for human rights and equality.
(if this metaphor is not clear, this IS a criticism towards the way the world has been treating war refugees, especially those of color)
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In addition, those subtleties speak of injustice.
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As well as conflict.
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In short, this is the essence of Doctor Strange. If you want to learn who Stephen is, this is the perfect issue to illustrate it all. His kindness, compassion, duty, his conflicted heart, love and life, patience, altruism, stubbornness, weaknesses, flaws, maturity. He’s just a human with incredible mystic abilities and a powerful heart.
It’s not a dramatic story, it’s just... light-hearted in its own way. There’s conflict but the focus is a man who is finally learning happiness again. It’s an accurate portrayal of life, in which nothing is perfect but there’s beauty and joy. A well-deserved happiness after so much suffering and loneliness.
Plot-wise, I’m pretty sure Clea didn’t murder Aggamon. It’s probably just a device to create conflict in their marriage, which was expected by the interviews and solicitations. My heart is at peace because I know Jed wouldn’t reunite Stephen and Clea just to split them afterwards.
There’s also Wong’s new role as an agent of W.A.N.D., and he does have his own unique style to reach out to others -- through peace and compassion as well. I confess I’m in love with Wong in this uniform and I’m just so excited to see more of him and Pandora. He’s finally his own character, having his own life and personality. And I couldn’t be more grateful.
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Looking forward to Nightmare and the mystery that surrounds Aggamon’s death. If DODS taught me anything, the culprit is closer than we suspect.
I’m also expecting some healing in the future issues. I know there was a tension between Stephen and Victor (a deserved one after DODS, if I may add) and an apology it’s out of question for a character like the king of Latveria, but a team-up would be nice to go past that. Also, Jed has been cooking Marc’s apologies for a while now (in both his MK’s run and DODS, as well as teased in the sneak peek). You know me, I’m always down to emotional bonding cause I’m hopeless 💜
Verdict: amazing issue! 10/10!
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comicwaren · 1 year
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From Doctor Strange Vol. 6 #001, “The Life of Doctor Strange”
Art by Pasqual Ferry and Matt Hollingsworth
Written by Jed MacKay
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yetanothercomicbook · 9 months
Raiders of the Purple Veil
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Clea [Doctor Strange Annual #2]
Clea vs. Aggamon the All-Powerful!
So much talk. Talk! Talk! Talk! More text in these 10 pages than in an average 22-page comic book. Being a Roy Thomas script means it is less a story and more a recap/rehash of some old comic books he read.
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marvelreader · 9 months
Strange Tales #119 (Jan 10, 1964)
Johnny is facing a PR crisis thanks to the Rabble Rouser. He sways public opinion with the use of a hypno-wand and he's... <sigh> another Communist spy.
In the B Story, Dr. Strange and Aggamon of the Purple Dimension go full Dragon Ball Z and have a beam struggle.
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A Story: Lee / Ayers
B Story: Lee / Ditko
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weirdsciencecomics · 11 months
Doctor Strange #3 Review
Written by: Jed MacKay Art by: Pasqual Ferry Colors by: Heather Moore Letters by: VC’s Cory Petit Cover art by: Alex Ross Cover price: $4.99 Release date: May 31, 2023 Doctor Strange #3 puts the shocking news of Aggamon’s death aside so Doctor Strange and Dormammu can stroll through the city for their annual Parley Day. Is It Good? On its face, Doctor Strange #3 is a quirky, mildly…
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thewanderer42 · 2 years
漫威漫画的宇宙学&神明 (六)
5. 魔法领域 (续)
5.2 外层位面的神秘领域
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X-Men Unlimited Vol 1 #12:深红宇宙是超越凡人现实的众多现实之一,充满魔法的维度位面和口袋,受奥术和不祥力量支配
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X-Men Vol 1 #33:深红宇宙是整个宇宙,其中不存在时间
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Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme Vol 1 #44:
Cyttorak将三维宇宙视为较小的领域(lesser spheres)
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Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Update Vol 1 #1:
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Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme Annual Vol 1 #2:Aggamon指出他贩卖巫师得以用于集中、存储和增强他们的魔力的宝石,因而他的维度必须保持中立
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Strange Tales Vol 1 #140: Aggamon与Tiboro皆被列为是Lords of the Netherworld中的一员,因而Tiboro的领域很可能也在外层位面或者分裂领域之中,地位与Aggamon起码接近
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Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 2 #14:第六维度是由Tiboro所统治,他是一个曾经在南美洲大片地区占据统治地位的外星存在。近年来,Tiboro已经感觉到地球接近危机点,并打算在文明衰落时重返地球的世界进行重新统治
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Doctor Strange Vol 1 #175:Tiboro曾经指出他的领域是一个宇宙
5.3 分裂领域的神秘领域
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Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Vol 1 #7:
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Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Vol 1 #21:
黑暗维度有着比起人类的宇宙更大的空间维度,内部物体间引力随距离变大而快速衰减,因此群星轨道不稳。恒星无法存在,因为引力无法抵消压力。电子要么从原子中逃逸,要么螺旋式进入原子核中导致了电场力的消除。因此,光本身成为一种可变现象,受制于当地条件。同样的,这里的宇宙结构较为松散,因为引力——作为宇宙的胶水——更弱。这导致了翘曲的丰度较大,进而生成了无数个相邻的口袋宇宙。 但即使是在这种最不宜居住的宇宙里,生命还是崛起了。由于黑暗维度在根本上的不稳定性,和众多不同的本地条件和其他相连的口袋宇宙,这里的生命形式多种多样。比如,其中一个口袋宇宙中诞生了Mindless Ones。并且还有许多其它形式的生命。后来当地的居民学会了操纵神秘能量形成火焰,不仅能照明更能稳定引力。简单地说,这种以太火焰可以在黑暗维度中从混乱中强加秩序
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Strange Tales Vol 1 #146:黑暗维度之中不论是时间还是物质都并不是真实的
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Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme Vol 1 #3:Clea指出虽然不如地球宇宙那般大,但黑暗维度也依旧是整个宇宙
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Strange Tales Vol 1 #139:黑暗维度与地球宇宙间隔了无数个维度之远
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Captain Britain and MI-13 Vol 1 #8:
每一名地狱公爵都负责宇宙的一个魔法方面, 例如Mindless Ones是纯粹混沌,不论在黑暗维度还是其他维度都是一股政治力量
——考虑到Mindless Ones并不在地狱领主的范畴,并且来源于黑暗维度,因此其适用范围可能比故事中所称的更为广泛
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Magik Vol 1 #3:Thog、Muranai、Hedron the Faceted、Haemovore Kings of the Outer Dark、Siffror of the Lifeless、Malevolence, King of Pain、Skarabrous the Stalker、Molgotha、甚至奥林匹斯神系的死神普路托都被指为是分裂领域的领主
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Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Horror 2005:因此Thog所统治的领域Sominus,以及其对应的光明面反射Therea无疑也应该位于分裂领域
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Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Horror 2005:噩梦的领域噩梦世界被指出位于梦境维度之中,而梦境维度既与人类的集体潜意识连接,也被集体潜意识所塑造
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Marvel Knights Vol 1 #8:梦魇的领域足以吞噬凡人的现实,是一个和凡人宇宙同等广阔和复杂的宇宙,有其自己的科学法则与物理法则,数十亿的知觉生命居住于其中,但只被作为纯粹邪恶的宇宙学、王的噩梦所统治
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Marvel Knights Vol 1 #9:奇异博士指出噩梦的领域不受时间、空间或现实没有意义,它们是可塑的
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Doctor Strange Vol 2 #50:噩梦的领域存在于凡人位面之外,一个奇异博士对时间和空间的微薄感知之外的现实
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Doctor Strange Vol 2 #52:噩梦的领域是timeless的
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Nightmare Vol 1 #1:在噩梦的领域之中,噩梦以物质存在,并且统治
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Nightmare Vol 1 #4:噩梦便是其领域本身,没有他的话噩梦什么都不是
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Avengers No Road Home Vol 1 #3:在梦中,一切都是隐喻的
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Doctor Strange Vol 2 #13:噩梦的维度充满了每个人想象中令人敬畏的残余物
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Incredible Hercules Vol 1 #118:Ajak称梦魇统治着疯狂与神话之间的边界,掌握着甚至超越他理解的知识
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Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Vol 1 #79:奇异博士指出没有噩梦,整个地球上的所有人都会变得不合理,甚至宇宙中的所有灵魂都会陷入疯狂
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Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality Vol 1 #4:噩梦领域如同人类的想象力本身一样古老,是梦境维度的一个亚区域,也是想象力发芽的土地
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Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality Vol 1 #5:噩梦领域是想象力的零点
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Fantastic Four: True Story Vol 1 #3:虚构之地(Land of Fiction)存在于梦魇、麻醉和昏迷的领域旁边
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Fantastic Four: True Story Vol 1 #1:虚构之地的角色知晓他们是故事中的存在,甚至同时也知道主世界的英雄处于漫画之中
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Fantastic Four: True Story Vol 1 #2:
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例如 Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica便曾经记载,澳大利亚原住民众神的神域Alchera是与恶魔噩梦的梦境维度接壤,并且同时存在于Dreamtime之中
然而不论是Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z  #12亦或是The Marvel Tarot之中的记载, Alchera都处于内层位面,而梦境维度则位于分裂领域之中(Handbook之中同时也提及了噩梦仅仅统治了梦境维度的黑暗面,而不是整个梦境维度)
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Incredible Hercules Vol 1 #118:Dreamtime是全宇宙种族的无限意识,有着无限的大小,是纯粹的知觉
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X-Treme X-Men Annual Vol 1 #:通过Dreamtime,可以访问整个时间和空间的概念,并将意志传播到整个造物中
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Iron Man Vol 3 #59:澳大利亚原住民被认为有着在过去、现在和未来之间穿越的能力,他们称之为Dreamtime,一个时间并不是线性的概念,类似梅林往后活着。接着便是多元宇宙理论,无限的宇宙由每一刻所做出的决定所创造,过去、现在和未来都同时存在着,但彼此异相
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Avengers World Vol 1 #5:Dreamtime被描述为宇宙之梦,每个宇宙都有一位Manifold与其连接
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Doc Samson Vol 2 #4:存在着名为Symbol Space的空间,这边是荣格所提及的全人类的集体潜意识,精神的蒸汽会从每一个时间线中穿过众多汇聚到噩梦所在之地
——Symbol Space所指具体为何暂不清晰,但其链接所有时间线的特性与Dreamtime类似
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Marvel Vol 1 #2:通过与所有活着的存在有神秘联系的至尊法师,以奇异博士的梦为链接,噩梦占据了世界中每一个梦、每一个做梦者,并让凡人世界转化为他所有,其中每一个想法都是名副其实的壮举。并且以此为开端,噩梦更是占据了无限数量的强大领域
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Marvel Vol 1 #4: 梦通过它们的本质便足以定义现实,那是没有限制、可以做到任何事情的世界,甚至足以让噩梦击败最为强大的宇宙实体们,他只需要简单的梦到他可以 利用奇异博士而得到了对梦境的主宰,噩梦得以梦的力量重塑现实、为他自己创造出一个没有限制的宇宙
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thebibliomancer · 2 years
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Everyone into the accusing parlor!
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gotham-at-nightfall · 2 years
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The killer of Doctor Strange is revealed!
Death of Doctor Strange #4
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marvelman901 · 3 years
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Strange Tales 119 (1964) . The Human Torch . Written by Stan Lee Art by Dick Ayers . The Human Torch fought the Rabble Rouser! . Doctor Strange . Written by Stan Lee Art by Steve Ditko . Doctor Strange went into the Purple Dimension and fought Aggamon... . See my YouTube-channel for more details about the stories! . #marvel #stanlee #strangetales #doctorstrange #magic #supernatural #humantorch #fantasticfour #newyork #defenders #steveditko #dickayers #aggamon #rabblerouser https://www.instagram.com/p/COPe7FuhCOS/?igshid=i4l39nvk5hca
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uncomicmas · 2 years
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Reseña con spoilers de DEATH OF DOCTOR STRANGE #3 ya a la venta por @Marvel ¿De qué viene? ¡CONOCE A LAS TRES MADRES! Sin un Hechicero Supremo, la Tierra queda completamente indefensa contra la madre, las MADRES, de todas las amenazas místicas. Conoce a las Tres Madres: la Wyrd, una maga-sacerdotisa alienígena; Crown, una poderosa reina guerrera; y el Crawling, un monstruo compuesto de gusanos de boca ácida. ¿Serán la ruina del Universo Marvel? ¿Y fueron ellos los que mataron a Stephen Strange? En la línea de la Black Order de Thanos, ¡no te pierdas las primeras apariciones del próximo gran equipo de villanos de Marvel! Trama Doctor Strange (dela pasado) y Jane Foster realizan la autopsia de...Doctor Strange!, es una secuencia intensa, ellos descubren la causa de su muerte, le quitaron su alma, hasta que no sea liberada no habrá otro Hechicero Supremo. Las TRES MADRES tienen por objetivo traer al PEREGRINE CHILD para que consuma toda la magia de todos los amos de la magia, Tiboro, Umar, Dagoth y Aggamon están en su mira. Este "niño" posee un apetito voraz. Los amos de la magia llegaron a nuestro planeta para buscar protección de los Avengers y X-men. El Universo Marvel se enfrenta a una amenaza mágica poderosa y el Hechicero Supremo está ausente. Este capítulo revela la verdadera amenaza detrás de este evento. Arte Logra cautivar con momentos complejos como una autopsia, tiene muchos detalles y utiliza un ángulo de cámara desde arriba interesante, muy oportuno para las escenas corales. Resumen La Tres Madres traen consigo al Peregrine Child con un apetito de magia voraz. Revelador tercer episodio. Calificación 4.5 de 5 Créditos Fecha de lanzamiento: 24 de noviembre Escrito por JED MACKAY Arte de LEE GARBETT Colorista:Antonio Fabela Rotulador:Cory Petit Portada de KAARE ANDREWS #doctorstrange #blackpanther #captainmarvel #captainamericacivilwar #thorragnarok #guardiansofthegalaxy #benedictcumberbatch #spidermanhomecoming #antman #scarletwitch #avengersinfinitywar #mcu #warmachine #civilwar #cumberbatch #rdj #captainamerica #spiderman #freebatch #elizabetholsen #ironman #marvelcomics #thor #drstrange #sherlockholmes https://www.instagram.com/p/CWrswXwtqoV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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superpoweredfancast · 3 years
The Death of Doctor Strange #2 Review
The Death of Doctor Strange #2 Review
The Death of Doctor Strange #2 Marvel Comics Written by Jed MacKay Art by Lee Garbett Colors by Antonio Fabela Letters by Cory Petit The Rundown: Strange’s death will bring old friends back and reveal new, more powerful enemies. In the aftermath of Doctor Strange’s death, his enemies begin to make their moves across the world and across dimensions as well. From Aggamon to Umar, the foes of…
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doctorofmagic · 1 year
Doctor Strange #1 spoilers -- we have prime suspects!
Spoilers under the cut
Okay so hear me out.
We have this clue:
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And this one:
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@616stephenstan​ suggested it could be Victor. AND BOI, DOES HE A MOTIVE
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Look. Victor is currently living in the mirrors of the Sanctum Sanctorum, wants revenge and is kinda villain-y these days. Still, there’s the possibility Ewing is saving the character since he was the one who wrote the recent Strange Tales Infinity Comics.
 @hsherl​ also pointed out it could be Paradox, which is also another solid case since he wanted to protect Clea and she is, well, married to the real Stephen once more.
It could also be nothing to do with a Strange. Maybe Aggamon was just yelling their name, calling for protection or something. But the description kindaaaa gives it out, cause I’m pretty sure it wasn’t Clea. In any case, I’m picking Victor as the culprit.
And that’s it. We cracked the case unless Jed planned a super twist and we’re all wrong as usual lol
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comicwaren · 2 years
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From Death of Doctor Strange #005
Art by Lee Garbett and Antonio Fabela
Written by Jed MacKay
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marveldailyart · 7 years
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Dr. Strange faces off against Aggamon: They are equally matched, but Strange is willing to die, so Aggamon surrenders. Not much more to say. http://ift.tt/2siFbCt
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manicmarvel · 13 years
Strange Tales #119
"The Torch Goes Wild!" "Beyond the Purple Veil!"
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CMRO#114 Strange Tales #119 April 1964
Written by Stan Lee Pencils by Dick Ayers (Steve Ditko on Part 2) Inks by Dick Ayers (Steve Ditko on Part 2)
Remember Ant-Man when he faced off against The Voice of Doom? Or maybe whenThe Fantastic Four went head to head with The Hate Monger? Well this month we see poor rejected Johnny Storm up against a similar foe who rouses the mobs of civilians against him. And just after the FF have went on vacation without him; his girlfriends dumps him; he gets kicked off the football team and all the newspapers want to talk about is the sensational Spider-Man. Sheesh! Between Parker and Storm, these superhero teenagers sure do get it rough. It's a shame then that Johnny's stories never quite seem to match Pete's as this month's is another by-the-numbers tale that at least tries something new, but unfortunately it's politics.
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Now a recurring feature of the Strange Tales mag, we get another Dr. Strange story where we see him up against Aggamon, ruler and iron fist of the Purple Dimension. The art isn't quite as bizarre as it has been in previous issues, but there are more than a few panels that top everything else in terms of pure quality. The story itself is pretty interesting too; though doesn't really get into details considering the meagre 8 page length that it has to contend with. So once again we get a fairly sub-standard Torch story, and a pretty decent Dr. Strange outing.  
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MY SCORE: 4.5/10 (Part 1: 3.0 / Part 2: 6.0/10)
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doctorofmagic · 3 months
Hi! I just read the latest issue of Strange and while I'm honestly happy with how it ended, I'm a little concerned about the direction they're taking with Clea and I would love to know your thoughts about it!
I love seeing her being a badass fighter and ruler, but I feel like they're either forgetting or putting aside the compassionate and loving side she used to have within herself but also thanks to Strange. She was "the good one" in a family of evil, a light in Stephen's life and I really hope they'll go with a sort of redemption arc now, with Strange trying to make her remember her caring and loving side... because tbh I'm not a fan of "evil" Clea, she's almost turning into Umar. Her clothes are completely black now, she constantly looks evil, and treats everyone very harshly and violently, blaming her "warlord" state and her grief. I love that Strange sent the General to therapy, now I need Clea to do the same 😭
Honestly?? SAME 😭😭😭
I know she's supposed to be her own character and have a strong personality, but I totally agree that her caring and sweet and vulnerable side is missing in the new volume. Her last conversation with Pandora left a bitter taste in my mouth, because it shows she was willing to go against Stephen's request and kill Aggamon.
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On the other hand, I still hope that, when she mentions that there are parts of her that Stephen cannot know, she's referring to the side of hers she fears the most (the violent, angry part, whereas Stephen is full of compassion and love).
Because, you see, she showed concern about not being believed by him, about being seen as a monster. And they're both stubborn enough to hide their fears and some of their true feelings, even after all those years (*bonks them*).
You're absolutely right, it's not healthy for Clea to be sweet only when Stephen is around (or Moon Knight, for that matter, cause they're frens <333). Maybe Jed is still cooking, I have enough trust to put in his skills so I'm just waiting and looking forward to the next chapters. As for her clothes, I *think* it's more of a design choice by Heather Moore's colors, although the black elements were present in Lee's first redesign. I miss the purple and pink, to be fair.
Lastly, funny enough, you did mention that she's starting to look like Umar. Well, that's a fear she has in canon haha. And since I'm pretty sure Jed read this run, it could be intentional.
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After all, one of the generational trauma's traits isn't an adult fearing to become their parents, only to find out they did the very same? Hopefully, there's more to it than we're reading at the moment. Fingers crossed 🤞
Thank you for passing by and sharing your concern, and also apologies for the late reply! Have a wonderful day/night! 💜
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