#Cause I'm tired
june-again · 1 year
CYNO: # those who trespass.
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word count. 2k. genre. adventure, platonic.
overview. with false rumours spreading that your research at the akademiya is concerned with forbidden knowledge, you travel across the desert to prove the subject's validity and your own integrity. but the lies seemed to have reached the ears of a certain law-upholding mahamatra.
warnings. fear, slight claustrophobia, one (1) bad joke from cyno. childhood best friends to percieved strangers trope ?
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You had never expected to find yourself in the dry heat of the Hypostyle Desert, collecting information on the mystery of ancient times before. You were out of the direct sunlight, deep underground within the ruins of a temple, and you were close; you could feel the hair on your neck rise in anticipation. This room of the temple was the one you had been meant to find, and the thick pillar with the goat statue atop was the site which would hold the answers. As always, the answers would lead to more questions, but even a report of what you knew you would discover hidden in that pillar—the ancient power, and more importantly, the ancient tale—would carry you away from the endless respite from progress. It had only been luck that had led you here—luck, and some fear of lies that had followed you. Yes, this would be it, that last piece that would reclaim for you the reputation you sought.
But said lies you now heard the footsteps of, echoing dramatically down the long stone hall behind you.
“There’s nowhere for you to run.” The General Mahamatra—for you knew it was him—rather harshly stated your own thoughts aloud.
You knew it to be true, and yet you were not ready to give up. “There’s no grounds on which you can arrest me,” you declared, facing him more boldly than you felt. You mustered up the strength to look in his scarlet eyes. Your fear increased rapidly. Judging from his stance, staff held out to prevent any of your attempts of escape… he seemed to be beyond showing mercy.
“What gives you that impression?” At the General Mahamatra’s threatening gaze, you could feel your confidence begin to shatter. Even though you knew you hadn’t broken the law, you were beginning to feel the guilt of someone who had. The case had nothing to do with you. You didn’t even know where the rumours had started; only that you had been tracked here by the upholder of justice. He wasn’t Cyno to you anymore, nor he had he been for years. Clearly, things had change.
“If you lie to me, do not expect me to protect you from the law just because of our past friendship. Justice shall reveal your sins even as your lips tell falsehood.”
“For the last time, I had no part in it!” you said, feeling your voice hesitate. It seemed to be too late for your emotions to help declare sincerity.
“Then tell me,” he said, “why you fled to the furthest reaches of the Great Red Sands the day word spread of the project? A fair trial would have allowed you innocence. You are using forbidden knowledge as a crutch in your studies, and I will not regret.”
You could not speak again, because you knew this was going nowhere. The cold pillar behind you was all you could cling onto to steady your trembling.
The General Mahamatra eyed the pillar behind you, as if he noticed something worthy of suspicion.
Was it you shaking, or the pillar?
Before you had a chance to process what was happening, the General Mahamatra suddenly lunged towards you. It was hard to tell quite what had occurred in the moment that took you from beside the pillar to several feet down the stone hall, but you could faintly identify the feeling of hands leaving your torso and a blinding flash of Electro, as well as brief but overpowering motion.
Then, a sound like waves of fire exploded from the room, and it appeared that the entire chamber might come crashing down atop of you. As you readjusted your eyes, you could see that the pillar had been dispelled, and a great orange light with a peculiarly—familiarly—shaped artifact hung in the center of it.
Yes, you had been close to discovering the secret. But you might spend your life in prison before ever getting to finish your research, now. 
It was growing hotter in the hall; you could only wonder if your skin might have melted off had you stayed next to the pillar. Had… had you not been saved by…?
The General Mahamatra stood at the wall opposite you, also peering into the room in faint wonder. He seemed to have forgotten your perceived sins for the moment, the awe of the relic consuming his mind as much as yours.
You knew what this was, however. This was the hilt of a weapon once wielded by a descendant of King Deshret, as far as your research had led you to believe.
Recalling a scroll you had read on a related weapon, you wondered what might be making this piece so unstable. Was it the presence of a similar weapon? Or… some unresolved curse?
“The cycle of seven must be removed….”
A voice groaned from within the fiery glow.
Perhaps it was all of the above. A glance at the General Mahamatra seemed to confirm this; he was holding his weapon with wide eyes, as it seemed to be dragged by some invisible force towards the flame. If he didn’t let go of it now, it might drag him into the center of the heat.
Your thoughts whirled as you shouted, “Cyno! We have to get out of h—”
The General Mahamatra would not be getting out of here quite yet. He raised his staff, drawing Electro into a swirl of mulberry purple around him, and his attire seemed to change as the designs on his hood glowed. His arm changed colour too, and in place of his hand a large and terrible claw took form. He stepped once towards the room, and then took two more steps, crackling with Electro might. He drew back the claw and then released the gathered element at the artifact in increasingly powerful waves.
You could not look away, but you could not fully gaze upon the destruction. The artifact, the hilt—it seemed to wither away, and with it, the amber light. It did not cool, as the General Mahamatra did not release his form just yet. He had noticed the ceiling of the room caving in before you might have even thought to look. His claw now supported it, and he looked you dead in the eye.
“Run now, or join the ancients in their grave,” he snarled.
You ran.
“You called me Cyno.”
You craned your neck to look over your shoulder from the boulder you sat on outside the ruins. “My apologies,” you said, with less gusto than the comment deserved. The General Mahamatra walked around the boulder, eyed it, and sat right next to you, curtly dusting debris off of himself. You were somewhat relieved to see that he made it out in one piece.
“It does not matter what you call me,” he reprised, “for it does not impact my authority nor the law’s.”
“So what’s your point?”
“Well,” he said, and cleared his throat. He seemed to endeavor eye contact with you, but tore his gaze away after only a moment. This was strange. This was different than five minutes ago underground.
“Well?” you repeated.
“Yes. It made me think to our day. When we were younger. When I was Cyno, Defender of the Law, to you.”
You cleared your throat. “Cyno, Defender of the Law, and Scarlet Sand Authority of Justice.” You felt a bit shy saying something outright like that with the potential of embarrassing him. Especially after seeing how far his capabilities with his vision had come.
“Yes. I was reminded of that.”
Thankfully, he seemed unphased. You ventured to ask, “Aren’t you about to arrest me?”
He cleared his throat. You watched a short smirk form on his face and disappear just as quickly. “No, I need to rest myself first.”
“Hmm. You mean justice can wait for your minor fatigue?”
“No, I…” He looked you earnestly in the eye. “It was a joke.” As you did not immediately respond, he continued. “See, because you said you expected me to ‘arrest’ you, and because I have just exerted myself rather extremely in the ruins, I am in need of ‘a rest.’ So, I responded—”
“I get it, Cyno.”
“You do? You’re not laughing. Was it my delivery?”
You frowned. After all the fear that had led you here, along with the slightly crushing disappointment that your research could not continue on this subject now that the relic had been destroyed by a certain someone, you weren’t really sure what to feel right now. Especially with the General Mahamatra—Cyno, your old friend who you had not seen in years—cracking the same old dry jokes after threatening you with a glaring gaze and justice.
“So, can I call you Cyno again?” you asked.
“You may,” he replied.
“Okay, then, Cyno. What happened to my criminalization?”
“It was a matter of ruling you out. You would not admit to it, nor would you provide any evidence other than that of a dangerous pursuit. Now that the danger has been dispelled—”
“Wait, wait, wait,” you interrupted. “You tracked me down to the desert to keep me from searching for the relic?”
He blinked. “Not quite. I had planned to have you go through trial, and ban you from the topic altogether.”
“That wouldn’t have been very nice.”
“Oh, it would have been better for everyone involved. Do you realize what might have happened if I hadn’t been there to stop you just now?”
“I—” you faltered. Because, no, you did not realize. You hardly knew what set off the relic, much less what Cyno had done to destroy it. “Why didn’t you stop me before I got that close? Or at least be honest with me about it instead of making me panic like that?”
“You are not the kind of person who turns around at warnings of danger. That much is clear from your continued pursuit of the subject, as well as my experience as your acquaintance.”
“Acquaintance? Cyno, we were best buds a few years back!”
“Alright. As your former best bud, I know you to be reckless with your life in the pursuit of knowledge and prestige. In the name of justice, I took it upon myself to keep an eye on your endeavors.”
“In the name of justice?”
“More like, in the name of a creepy former best bud who’s been watching me for years since we took different paths.”
“I disagree. That is an unfair statement. No, it was in the name of saving your life, and you cannot refute that.”
“I can try.”
“Indeed, you can try because you’re not dead in the ground.”
You clicked your tongue. He had you there.
“Well,” you said. You could not think of what to say next.
“Well?” he repeated. He had a serious look on his face, as always, but the response was so impish that you wanted to slap him.
“At least I’m not getting locked up,” you finally said. 
You had never expected to find yourself in the dry heat of the Hypostyle Desert, once again chatting with an old and dearly beloved friend, who you had thought, some ten minutes ago, was going to kill you.
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author's note: yippee cyno. reblog if you agree 🔥🔥🔥
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azzie-tangerine · 9 months
One snap away from going off about my headcanons around the Kirbies/puffballs/astrals and their similarities to Dark Matter
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meili-sheep · 2 years
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So my process is I write. I wait. I re-read. I write more. I content edit. I grammar edit. I do the last full edit.
And the difference between me when I'm originally writing and me, when I'm final editing is pretty dramatic.
Writing Me: Oh, this feels a little short, but I don't know what else would properly fit here, and I feel the end is a good place.
Editing Me: Geezus Christ, this goes on. When the hell did this get so long?
But ya know it works. And I feel it's easier to add to work than it is to pear it down.
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smash-chu · 4 months
make a cohost account, make a blue skies account, make a pillow fort account, make a artfol account, share your discord, make a back-up account, make another account, make another account, make another account-
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sunnycanwrite · 9 months
things that have happened recently in Wayne Manor:
Alfred removed all the curtains to air then out and discovered someone has been writing on them for years.
Cow shaped hooveprints were found on the hood of Dick's car
Cow shaped hooveprints were found on the hood of Jason's car
Damian decided to move out for a good two days before showing up again, and had been clingy since, weird
Tim found out he has a gluten allergy and has been in a one sided argument with Alfred over it.
Someone thought it was funny to hid every single mug in the house in Duke's closet it was not at all he opened it and a fed of the fell over and broke.
Cass fell asleep on the couch only to awake up in a completely different part of the house, her brother's fighting over what animated barbie movie to watch. They chose the twelve dancing princesses of course.
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onesidedradiostatic · 2 months
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do you think vox has one of these with velvette too
probably as a soft copy posted online with a caption instead of a physical photo though. just to complete the unholy trinity of it being a requirement to take a photo with vox if you're associated with him
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thottybrucewayne · 20 days
I think what I want to get into with the "Anyone can do harm." thing that I keep beating yall over the head with is that literally anyone, anyone at all can do harm it's not "in your DNA" to be an abuser or written in the stars that you'll be a predator. Whatever image you have of an abuser in your head, drop it and replace it with your favorite person in the world and you'll probably be closer to the truth than you realize. It's easy to address harm when it's coming from someone you already hate. I see it happen all the time. Someone you couldn't stand for no real reason does something heinous then all of a sudden here comes the avalanche of "I always knew they were a fucked up individual." No, you didn't. There is no possible way you could have known, you just already didn't fuck with them before they started doing something you could use to justify your hatred of them. I'm guilty of it too! I'm petty, mean, vindictive, and yes! I'm way quicker to believe something bad about someone I hate versus someone I love because I'm human. Still, y all gotta learn to move past that initial "Well, they were always nice to me!" gut feeling and understand that nobody truly knows anyone and anyone can be capable of anything. Even victims. Even you.
#thotty speaks#thotty rants#I was thinking about that Christine chan post and its like yeah yall really don't know how bad it got for her before she did what she did#It reminded me of that thing on tiktok where people take 'cringy' cosplayers videos (most of whom are literal children) and put racist or#bigoted text over it then reupload it to call them out then the og creator gets a flood of harassment mostly from people who hated them for#the crime of being weird on the internet but now they can use 'oh but they're a bigot!' as an excuse to tear them down until they come out#and say 'hey i didn't say this someone stole my shit' and nobody takes their vids down nor apologizes because they didn't fuck with them#anyway so wash rinse repeat#idk I just wish that people had the same smoke for people they actually like#mostly cause I'm tired of being accused of 'switching up' every time I cut people off or stop fuckin with an artist#like this is what we should be doing!!!! ACG ANYBODY CAN GET IT!#It should be smoke for ANYONE who does harm every your fave people!#otherwise you create this world where taking people to task for the harm they've done is less about the harm#and more about justifying our own actions#anyway keep that same energy across the board that's all I'm saying#cause if it comes out tomorrow that somebody close to me did some fucked up shit I'm out of there period#aint no talkin bout shit and that's on me growing up as a child told that certain grown folks can't be alone with me#but they allowed in my house...#Idk about yall but i'm ending that generational curse with me
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Nancy - N-Nancy NANCY! You have a BOYFRIEND. PLEASE.
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artemismoorea03 · 10 months
DPxDC Prompt: Green Lights
(This might go from a prompt to another oneshot thing but we'll see how it goes)
Bruce has no idea about Danny's powers when he gets the call about his cousins in Amity Park. Jack Fenton, Maddie Fenton, Jazz Fenton, a couple of High Schoolers, and a high school teacher were killed. All that's left is his 14 year old cousins and while it's a long shot given how many other kids he already has they're reaching out on the off chance that he wants the kid.
If he doesn't the Mayor of Amity Park has offered to adopt him, but from what he can hear over the phone, the kid isn't happy with this.
"No! You can't send me with Masters! I can't go to Masters! Please, y-you can't!"
Bruce didn't hesitate. "I'll take him in, it'll be no problem what so ever."
When he meets Danny he learns he's 15, the age Jason was when he died and close in age to the rest of his kids but he hardly looks 14. He's thin, scared, and scarred. Danny seems hesitant to talk to any of the kids and the kids are torn. Damian is pissed to say the least.
No matter how badly Damian treats him or acts towards him Danny doesn't react. When somebody apologizes for Damian's actions Danny just gives the quiet reply of; "Believe me when I say nothing Damian does is anything compared to what I would have experienced if other interested parties had gotten their hands on me."
This raises flags.
One of many.
Danny has scars. They learn this when Danny pulls off one of his hoodies and his shirt pulls up to show the amount of scars. He's got more scars than most of them - if not all of them. Burns, cuts, electrocution scars and countless others. When they ask Danny about them he just shoves back on his hoodie as fast as possible and runs to his room.
He doesn't come out until the next day and even then he's distant.
Every room Danny enters gets cold - they blame this on the tension in the air given Danny is the only one who doesn't know their secret.
Danny's teeth are weirdly shop - they blame this on bad dentists.
Danny has scars - given what Bruce heard about 'Vlad Masters' over the phone he fears it was abuse from either Masters or Danny's parents (in a way, he's not wrong).
Danny has nightmares - they blame it on the accident that took his family and friends (they're not fully wrong)
But then people in the family notice that Danny's eyes glow in the dark. It's not the fact that they're glowing that bothers them, it's the fact that they're glowing Lazarus Pit's Green.
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djts-arts · 3 days
She did some amazing Pearlstone
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captaindibbzy · 1 year
Inevitably someone in every fandom: there's nothing platonic about that! They must be fucking!
Me, a tired little ace, grabbing them by the collar: listen here you little shit. Could you perhaps dump a bucket of ice water on your libido for five fucking minutes and imagine that someone might love you entirely and fully for who you are to the point it can bring back memories and raise the dead WITHOUT the necessity for a dick down at the end of it? That perhaps the intimacy and closeness of knowing the other person to their core, faults and glory, is not in fact an element of sex, has nothing to do with sex, and is not even remotely in the fucking ball park of sex. And is actually really Fucking Boring to read it is.
Them, inevitably: you're just homophobic.
Me: I'm going to slice you in to pieces so thin they'll be able to read a fucking newspaper through you.
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teaboot · 1 year
In my line of work, I stop people from doing something bad, and trust them not to do it again. And then they do, and I stop them, and trust them not to do it again. I watch them, I monitor them, but I give them a chance not to do it again. To make a better choice. And when they don't, I stop them again.
My coworkers think I'm gullible and naive. They say I haven't been doing this long enough yet, and that eventually, a day will come when I learn to hate people.
I don't hate people. I don't want to hate people. People make me tired, and sad, and disappointed, but I don't ever want to hate them for it.
And I think the reason is, I remember... not even making bad choices, or hurting anyone, but being in a place where everyone believed I was bad on purpose, and nobody wanted to give me the chance to prove otherwise. Because why take a muzzle off a mad dog? Why give it the opportunity to bite you like you know it will?
And I remember one day, very clearly, thinking, "nobody believes that I'm trying to be good, so I'm not even gonna try."
It was freeing. Exhilarating. And incredibly sad.
I don't want to hate anyone. I don't want to stop giving opportunities to do better. Not to jump in first on blind faith, but to creep in slowly, watch from a distance, and see what happens.
People I work with tell me that the people we deal with are animals.
I think that if you treat a person like an animal long enough, they'll become one.
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ffairyy-art · 8 months
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Angeltober 2023 Day 24 - Twin
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
You don't see this either.
Ngl, prob not going to get lbfd up this week either place. This migraine (yep, I' have've had one for nearly 4 months now) is still kicking my ass and I have 3 new classes starting up this week to settle into teaching. So I might share some little bitty bits from various fics wips. Since you're all enjoying the fic I'm not writing...
“Red Hood,” Jason said as he collapsed dramatically onto Dick’s absurdly comfortable couch, “is apparently easy to seduce.” Dick, the dick, blinked at him before collapsing in laughter. “Oh my God,” he wheezed. “Danny has— and these are his words Dickie— thirst trap shorts.” Dick cackled. “Jay.” “Itty bitty red and black athletic shorts that say ‘RED’ on the ass— like a fucking brand.” “No.” “Yes. And he never even got to wear them to sparing because, apparently, Red Hood gave in quicker than he expected!” “He was seducing you,” Dick said with absolute glee. “Oh my God. Did he, like, have a twelve step plan or something?” Jason actually paused to consider that. “You know, knowing him it’s and fifty-fifty shot.”
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kinkforwings · 9 months
If you're writing a Dick Grayson who doesn't wholly love Donna Troy and Tim Drake. Then that isn't Dick Grayson. If you're writing a Dick who isn't the kindest, an asshole, an overworked mess, a BAMF, and just the right amount of manipulative. Then who are you even writing about? Cause it sure as hell isn't Dick fucking Grayson
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martyryo · 3 months
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his biggest sin was having blue hair and pronouns.
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