#Damian gets close to throwing a knife in the next one
minty364 · 3 months
DPXDC Prompt #61 Part 4
Danny woke up to a stream of sunlight on his face. The room was just as rich as he remembered, he stood up and stretched a bit before he heard a knock at the door.
It was Alfred bringing him a change of clothes, “Breakfast is ready, Master Danny. You can find the dining room down the hall to the left.” the old butler smiled at him. 
“You don’t have to call me Master, Alfred, I’m not your Damian.” Danny said, turning around to address him.
“Ah, yes, however you are still Master Bruce’s son, even from another world.” The butler gave him a cheeky smile.
Danny shrugged and headed to the bathroom to get changed. Once he was decent again, he headed down to the dining room. 
The room was just as fancy as the rest of the house with a chandelier and ornate vases. 
Danny noticed Damian and a few others already seated at the table. Damian wore what Danny could only assume was his rich kid school uniform. He sat across from Damian who made a small ‘Tt’ and turned away from him. 
Next to Damian was Tim who put away his laptop once Danny sat down. Tim was wearing a business suit, a dark red colored one. “Ah, you sleep much longer than Damian does, you must have been tired.” Tim smiled at him.
Also seated at the table and wearing a navy blue suit, was Bruce himself. He was drinking coffee and reading a newspaper.
“Stop comparing me to him, Drake, I’m nothing like this imposter.” Looks like Damian still thought he was a clone. 
Whatever, he shrugged it off and filled his plate. 
“I don’t really have a lot of free time,” was all Danny said before he started eating.
Tim kind of watched him for a minute, he looked kind of shocked for a second, “You’re eating meat??” 
Ah so that was another difference between them, “again, I’m Danny, I’m not Damian.”
Damian scoffed, “So that’s what you call yourself, imposter.”
Danny gave Damian a tired sigh, looks like the him of this universe was a lot more prideful than he was. Danny went through way too much to carry the same, dying and being crown prince of the infinite realms wasn’t exactly something he was born into. Danny was a bit jealous if he was being honest with himself. 
“Damian, please at least attempt to be friendly. Danny is our guest for the meantime.” Bruce said, putting his newspaper down. He then turned his attention to Danny, “I know it isn’t ideal but I think it’ll be best for you to stay here until we can get you to your own world. I’m planning a trip to the Watchtower tomorrow so I can speak with some of my colleagues about the situation.” 
Danny sighed but nodded his head, “I get it, you can’t have two of us running around.”
“Quite, you’re more than welcome to go around the mansion and the grounds, I’d also like to invite you along to the Watchtower but we’d need to come up with a disguise for you, secret identity and everything.” Bruce continued after taking another sip from his mug, “Alfred will still take you out today to get some basic necessities for you. We’ll get you a proper disguise so you're able to go with him.”
Danny nodded again and continued eating. He thought things over as he ate, he technically had a disguise they could use for the Watchtower but Danny was still on the fence on what exactly he’d tell everyone here.
It wasn’t exactly an easy conversation to have, thankfully some more people arrived for breakfast.
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radiance1 · 4 months
Damian: [brushing his teeth]
The shadow hanging over his shoulder: [Gets its teeth dangerously close to Damian's shoulder]
Damian: [Shoves a toothbrush into said shadow move and starts brush]
The shadow: [Pauses before starting to let out a contented purr]
Damian then spits out the foam and washes out his mouth, then makes the shadow do the same and then picks out pjs.
Damian: [Currently decided if he should go with the cat, dog, or knife imprinted one]
The shadow: [Starts getting dangerously close to Damian with, toxic green spirals it calls eyes]
Damian: [Throws the dog imprinted one behind him at the shadow and takes the cat imprinted one for himself and tells the shadow to put it on]
The shadow: [Stares at the clothes before hesitantly putting them on before letting out a noise of distress]
Damian: [Turning around to find the shadow somehow stuck in the pjs, lets out a sigh, then starts to help them fit]
Damian then moves over to the bed, he points to one side and tells the shadow to go there. The shadow listens, laying down as Damian also lays down, grabbing the sheets and covering them both.
It barely took a few seconds for the shadow to fall asleep, and Damian stared at it. Damian wasn't quite sure why the shadow of his dead twin was following him, nor why it was even able to and seemed to hide itself from anyone who isn't Damian.
Nobody besides him knew about it, and Damian decided that he liked it. This could have been his younger brother, if the other had survived, and they would have probably been told to fight to the death to decide an heir.
At the very least, that won't ever happen.
Even if his brother was slightly unusual.
Danny did not remember much of the before, he remembered people with blurred faces and features, blurred colors. He remembered a lot of colors, then red, then white, then pain.
He doesn't like pain, he believes.
Then he remembered going to sleep, and then he woke up. It was dark and slimy and cramped when he woke up, especially when he realized someone else was in their with him.
Then he fell asleep again, then woke up to that same dark and slimy place, then fell asleep again, all in some weird cycle. Then, moving, and pain.
It hurt, and he was sluggish when it eventually stopped. Then came pain again, and he was asleep.
Then he woke up, again.
He didn't know what was happening, wasn't really aware of too. But he woke up next to the other who was in that dark and slimy with him, and decided he wanted to stay with them.
He wasn't aware enough for most of the things that happened when Damian grew up, but he still stayed regardless, and hide from everyone else.
Danny loves his brother, and he thinks his brother loves him too. Even if he was slightly unusual.
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rougerave · 1 year
Behind closed doors (part 1)
Marinette knew from a young age that her family was not normal. She learnt that rather quickly. You see, growing up in a family of assassins is the furthest thing from normal. But for what it’s worth she wouldn’t change it for the world.
Seeing as her grandfather was the head of a ruthless assassin group that is called the League of assassins or shadows -your pick- kind of has an impact on the whole not normal family situation.
Marinette is also the youngest of three. Her twin brother older than her by five minutes, and an older brother that’s older than them by seven years. You can already see the damage of being the only girl. She already said goodbye to any chance of dating the day she turned thirteen.
She’d be lucky if she ever peeked in the direction of a boy and not have her brothers go on a man hunt for the poor boy and his whole family. It has happened before. Don’t underestimate the power of protective older brothers, especially ones with assassin training.
Her mother was no help to this situation. Instead she encouraged her brothers’ behavior, going as far as to give them tips and different way to torcher the poor guys that dared to look at her baby girl, because Allah forbid a boy has a tiny interest in her.
Her grandfather didn’t mind that a boy liked her. He was actually very supportive of her, and even went as far as to give her advice on the matter. He has lived through the centuries and he is fully aware of the treatment girls would get from their older brothers.
He was the one to support Talia when she started seeing Bruce, and even though that didn’t work out, he encouraged her to see new people. But he also sees why his daughter is so adamant on his granddaughter not dating. She doesn’t want her daughter to go through the same heart break and he gets it. But by Allah let the child experience heart break on her own so that she can learn and move on.
That being said, it is what led them to their current predicament. The family had went to go and visit Jason in Colombia as he is going to be finishing his last year in medicine. As they were walking to the apartment, Marinette caught the eye of a very cute boy and had blushed when he winked at her before carrying on to his destination.
What she had not thought of was her very over protective brother and mother. That was a mess. When she turned to her twin, Damian, she had to quickly grab the knife that he was pulling out. She was also very aware of how her grandfather had to pull her mother away and towards the apartment.
When Jason opened the door, he saw the mess that was his family. Damian was tired in rope and his ma was being restricted by his grandfather. “Let us in before they go on a man hunt.” Ra’s said quickly, while straggling to hold his daughter, who by the way, was very close to biting her father.
“What happened now?” Jason said as he opened the door wider. There was no point greeting when his family got like this.
Marinette ignored him and went to sit on the bean bag in the very corner of the room, glaring daggers at her twin brother and their mother. Jason just looked at his grandfather for an explanation, but the man just looked so done with the world.
“Well, I would offer tea but this seems like the wrong time.” Jason said as he sat down next to his raging mother.
“Actually tea sounds like a good idea. Do you have any calming tea? I think it would be very helpful round about now.” Ra’s said as he looked at the young adult.
“I don’t need calming tea. What I need is my katana and the head of the boy that dare look at my little sister!” Damian said as he throw his hands up.
“This is exactly why you need calming tea, and you’re only older by FIVE MINUTES!”
Well this made a lot of sense. Jason just stood up and went to his kitchen to prepare the tea, while just looking at the twins fight. He’s not getting involved with this one. His ma looks like she’s calm now, so he went back to sitting next to her.
“How you been ma? You look more tired than usual.” He asked as he put a hand on her knee.
“I’m fine, really I am. How’s school? Anything new?” she replied waving off her first born concern.
“Other than the fact that I have a stalker, I’m good.” That caught everyone’s attention. The twins being the first to fire questions at him, only to be cut off by Ra’s.
“Basic profile.”
“Bruce Wayne.”
The room was dead silent. It was only cut off by the click the kettle made, signalling it was done. Jason got up to go and pour water in the cups he already had out. Once everyone had a cup and Jason was settled, Ra’s continued to interrogate his grandson.
“Have you approached?”
“For how long has he been watching you?”
“Two weeks.”
“And you didn’t tell us sooner because?”
“I wanted to see what his motives are, and maybe toy with him a bit. I was planning on telling you today.”
Ra’s just nodded. Talia though has been oddly quiet through this. She looked to be deep in through.
“Are you sure you’re okay ma. You look pale and really tired.” Jason asked once more.
“Yes I’m…I’m fin-’’ and she fainted. Talia al Ghul fainted. That’s not good. The room was quiet once again.
“Lay her on the coach Jay, I’ll get a blanket. Damian can you get a wet rag?” Damian nodded still in a daze, because what the FUCK!
Ra’s looked like he was contemplating something. He looked over his daughter and then it clicked. Talia had only ever been like this two times in her life. Ah shit.
“So… any idea why ma fainted?” Jason asked when everyone was back into the living room.
“Yes, and its better if she tells you. Now how do we deal with your stalker? Do I send men, or do you have it covered?” Ra’s asked changing the subject quickly.
“I think the twins and I can handle him. Beside when last did us three go on a run together?” the twin perked up at that.
“So who’s the lucky guy?” That was the first question her father asked her when she woke up. No ‘are you okay?’, or ‘how do you feel?’ It just had to be ‘who’s the lucky guy?’ That’s her baba alright.
“Where did the three musketeers go?” She asked after she looked around noticing that her kids weren’t in the apartment.
“Out dealing with Bruce. Now answer the question and don’t lie.”
“Your childhood friend Khalid?” Ra’s was just shocked. When did that happen?
“How long have you been seeing him?”
“Three years.”
Ra’s almost choked, almost. His daughter had been seeing someone for three years and nobody noticed. Nobody. Wow.
“So when were you going to introduce him to us, or tell us your with child?”
“After Jason’s graduation.”
“Too late!” Oh for the love of Allah.
“I give you one question. Don’t waste it.”
The trio looked at each other having a silent conversation, before Damian jumped to ask.
“Who’s Khalid?” Damnit! She should have known that would be the question. Before she could answer, Jason spoke.
“Wait. You guys don’t know Khalid? He is often at the compound. Cool guy to hang with, specialises in atomic bombs. How have you not seen him?”
“Hold on, if we are talking about a mixed Arabic-Latino, that has very dark brown hair, and blue-green eyes, then I know Khalid. He helped with that prank I pulled in the garden.” Marinette said, before her eyes widened at her slip up.
“That was you!” Her twin all but shouted while pointing a finger at her chest.
“Was it the same prank that got Damian covered head to toe in pink glitter?” Ra’s asked. If you can’t stop the chaos, you join it by adding fuel to the flames.
“That’s the one.” You could practically here the amusement dripping from her voice.
“Tell me you got pictures.” Jason was practically vibrating with mirth.
“I was going to give it to you as a graduation present. Just pretend that you don’t know what my gift is when I give it to you. Now back to the problem. Damian how do you not know Khalid?”
Now Damian just looked embarrassed. “Oh Damian knows Khalid. He’s the one that sneaks animals to him and the one that helped Damian build mini zoo on the out skirts of the compound.
Khalid just gave his code name faris alzili. (Shadow Knight)” Talia all but exposed her youngest son. The faint sound of ‘oh’ could be heard.
“Now my question. How did the confrontation go?” The trio’s eyes went wide, before they gave stupid excuses, trying and failing to avoid the question. Ra’s just raised an eyebrow at his grandchildren.
“You got three seconds.” He said.
“Okay so he was being a pain and he didn’t want to answer any of the question so,” Marinette started.
“So we gave him a chance, but he didn’t take it so now,” Damian tried to finish but Jason butted in.
“I shot him, in the knee cap. I was going too make sure he can’t have kids, but his wards stepped in.”
Their mother snorted at that. “That wasn’t hard. Why did you try to lie before?”
“Jason got us on a sugar high.” Dammit it Marinette. The two adults looked at the young man. One had a smirk, the other just looked drained.
“Well I believe I will be turning in for the night. Goodnight.” Ra’s said, smirked still playing on his lips.
“Goodnight.” The rest of the occupants said.
“I want them here by 2am, half past at the latest. Make sure they burn out all that sugar. You got yourself into this mess you get yourself out of it.” Talia said before she kissed their foreheads saying good night and leaving the room.
“Oooooooo yourrr in trrrrooouuubbbllleee.”
“Jason Amir Todd is being award with a doctorate in cardiac and general medicine, congratulation.” Jason walked on the stage and shook the dean’s hand, as the crowed clapped their hands.
Just as he was going to walk of the stage to his family, bright neon yellow glitter was dumped on him. His younger siblings calmly walked on the stage, took a piece of paper that said ‘CONGRAULATIONS JAY’ and slammed it on his head, calmly took a picture, and walked back to their mother and grandfather, who by the way looked very much done with the world.
The crowed was dead silent. Jayson just took the paper of his head, looked up to the sky, took a deep breath and walked off. He knew he should have expected some kind of embarrassment. This was just….just.
The ceremony continued after a few minutes. The family just stood silently trying to contemplate what ever happened. Except the twins, they had big smiles on their faces. A new voice broke the silence.
“That was fun to watch.” The voice was deep and raspy, but was also soft and alluring, but you could also here the underlying mirth in it.
The family turned to the voice that was standing behind Talia. It was Khalid.
“For you and the twins, I’m sure that was very amusing. The only reason I’m not chasing them around is because I was chasing them around two blocks until 2am. Admittedly, it was my fault they were on a sugar high.” You could practically hear the tiredness in his voice.
“I have to agree with Khalid. That was enjoyable too watch.” Ra’s said as he pat the twins on the back as a well done. Jason looked to his mother for help, but she looked like she was about to cry laugh.
“Oh Jay, here’s your present. It’s not the picture, so just look.” Marinette said as she handed him a box. When he opened it, confetti and glitter shoot in his face. He just looked to the sky, praying to Allah for patience.
Looking at his family he saw that his grandfather was trying to suppress his smile, the twins rolling on the floor with laughter, his mother’s face in her boyfriend’s chest trying not to laugh but her shaking shoulders gave her away, and said boyfriend dying in silent laughter. “Sleep with one eye open Mari. You forget that I’m coming home. I’m going to make your life a living hell.” That just made them laugh harder.
Part 2 on is one the way. Be on the look out for it.
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batstorm93672 · 2 years
Death is normal
It's natural
And for Damian it is a cycle and cause
He has caused many to die
He has seen death
He has died
So why...
Why did this one look so painful?
Batman told him not to go, but Robin went anyways. It was Scarecrow's work.
When Robin went in... he saw a disgusting amount of blood, people who went through so much torment in their fears.
They had clawed their eyes and face, someone had a knife in their shoulder, another to the neck. So much blood everywhere, Damian had killed people and seen people kill others. Yet never... never has he really seen this type of death. Their fears killed them, they killed each other in pure fear!
Is this what it's like... for those I kill who have families? For them to fear that they will be next and possibly take matters into their own hands because of me? What did I do? How many have I killed? How many of them had awaiting families? Those I killed I called it justice... but where is the justice for those who wind up to have seen their missing friend or mother or father at the end of it all? What if those I killed were forced into it? What if they had to get by and doing things they didn't want to because their families needed it? Those who I slaughtered without hesitation believing that I was doing good for the world. I'm no better... I'm no better than them! I'm no better than Joker or Scarecrow or Two-Face! I'm a monster, a psychopath, a demon just like them! I can't change! It means nothing to reverse the countless corpses I have trailing behind me!
He has to get out
Robin put his hood up and slipped out the window. Grappling to another rooftop, sitting by the gargoyle and gripped his hood more down his face, hiding himself.
Even when he closed his eyes, he could see the blood and bodies everywhere.
His eyes teared up and he closed himself away as he held one hand over his mouth, afraid he'd throw up. How could such fear utter pain like that, to drive innocents to commit such atrocities. Then the fact... that he was no better. That he's been ignoring what his siblings have said upon meeting him... he's a demon. A monster! A lunatic! Maybe he deserves to be in the darkest depths of Arkham... it would keep everyone safe from the torment he caused.
"Hey kid"
Robin uncovered his mouth and closed his eyes already identifying the arrival of Jason Todd "...go away"
"I'm guessing you saw it"
"It never gets easier, something like that is... gruesome"
"I said go away!"
"Hey listen, I get it. You may be going through some shock after seei--"
The wind blew and Robin held his hood down as much as he could, anything to get away from all these thoughts. These... sick things inside of him.
The voices...
The images...
The rage...
It was all sickness.
Something that should be held back and kept away.
Something a villain would be.
Something he is.
He should be in Arkham... rotting away in the depths of it all in misery that he deserves.
Something pat his back lightly and sat down beside him.
"I said... go away..."
"I can't now, there's like a mini version of Golden Boy in my head telling me to be good and shit. So I don't wanna leave you alone like that. It's not safe for your own sake"
"What... do you want from me..? I have nothing to say to you or anyone...and if you came here to lecture me on why I shouldn't have come, then make no mistake I understand why Batman told me to not come here... now I know why"
"I'm not here for that, Batman already knew you would go on ahead. Like I would when I was younger, he knew you would leave and check it out. He just asked me to get you back at the Manor"
"...fine I can take a scolding from him... nothing new after all"
Robin got up and was immediately dragged back down and found himself wrapped in Jason's holding embrace "Hood! What the hell let go of me!" "Tell me"
"Tell me what's wrong baby bat, I know you aren't okay. That moment after you spoke your body looked so tense no matter how much you hide it. I know you won't admit it to B or Dick because I wouldn't either. I'd let it stay in my mind and carry the pain on. You shouldn't go through that, so please tell me"
"...how many times have I caused such strife..? They killed in fear and panic, did I cause the same thing to those who I killed? Unaware of who they had waiting at home for them. Then I thought onto my illness... the auditory hallucinations... kinda make me as bad as the ones we fight who have their own mental problems as well. Joker is insane, beyond help though and he died... what if I become that? What if I go so far into how the voices talk and how the images appear that I can't stop myself? ...it feels as if maybe being sent to Arkham is the best option for me. For all of you, then if mother sees me... she would see no hope left in using me and then would leave me to rot... I probably deserve it too"
Robin let go of his hood and stared at his palms "I don't deserve this... this life I've built in Gotham... it doesn't feel right to me when I know deep down I'm an assassin and will most likely revert back to that role... Jason, I'm scared"
Red Hood held Robin a bit tighter and sighed "It... well it doesn't get easier, but I learned that with someone it can get better. The family is nice and caring, we have flaws and our own shit to work through. At the end of the day, we're still here for you. That goes for everyone in the Manor, even if they don't live there, they are still just as important. You don't have to be scared Habibi, I'm here for you as is everyone else back at the Cave wondering where you are and if you're okay because we care"
Red Hood squeezed Robin a bit tighter then let him go the two getting up. "Come on, I bet Alfred made some good food as always" "Yeah... yeah I'm sure he did"
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theundeadrobinclub · 2 years
Jason’s friends getting the Shovel Talk? I want to know more
so what essentially happened was soon after finding each other in Gotham, Jason had told Damian about something he and his friends had done that weekend, with pictures and videos to help tell the story, and Damian started the mission.
he already knew who some of them were because some were vigilantes/superheros, but he needed to find out addresses, places of employment, where their family lived, etc.
and then (for the vigilantes) one by one he waited at their houses and had a little 'script' he followed. he made sure to cut the power and stuff so its all ominous. once they close the door and try to turn on the lights he chucks a throwing knife right next to their face. then he steps just barely into the light from the window and says something along the lines of, 'if you harm Jason, in any way shape or form, the next one goes in your eye, understood?' he'd wait for an affirmative of some sort. if they didn't, he'd give names of people related to them and their addresses, and say, 'would you like to offer their eyes instead?' once they came to an agreement, he would say, 'do not tell him I was here,' and disappear like the little ninja he is once they agreed to keep silent. (he didn't want Jason to find out, in case he undid all the hard work he put into scaring them, or told him not to continue.)
it was a little more complicated for his civilian friends, because he can't compromise Jason's vigilante identity. so with those he had to make sure he ran into them while they were out with Jason. Jason would almost surely let him tag along for a bit, so once he got the person alone, he would give them the most unsettling glare he could, and say something along the lines of, 'don't you dare harm him, you will regret it.' they usually just chuckled kind of uncomfortably, because what could a child possibly do, even if his glare could kill? Damaian still thought he got the point across fairly well though.
anytime Jason tells Damian about a new friend if his, they get the 'shovel talk'
Damian is convinced that this is the kindest version of the warning he could give them, considering they are interacting with his brother.
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lily-drake · 3 years
Fantasy/Twin AU
Sorry for being late and not posting for a bit. Was a bit burnt out and had writer block. I will go back to write the other days soon though. Also, sorry, I suck at writing wing aus, this is my first time doing it.
Earth J-236, an earth full of mystical life.  An earth where everyone is born with wings.  Your wings represented who you are; well not really, but that’s what people believed.  If your wings were bright and colorful then you were obviously an amazing person, but if your wings were darker or had little color, then you have great evil in your soul.  Marinette was born seconds after her twin, Damian.  It takes a few years before your wings fully grow in, usually to about 6.  But with the accelerated growth serums used in their artificial wombs, it took them till they were three for their feathers to sprout.  Damian’s were black like their father’s with subtle hints of red like their mothers.  Marinette’s were pure black, devoid of any color, and her mother was so proud of that.  She was the League’s charm, for it’s believed that anyone with pure black wings was pure evil.  Her only purpose being to protect her brother, nothing else was more important than her brother’s safety.  She would die for him, because if he died she might as well have died as well as her only purpose for living would be gone.
Damian glared at his sister, his wings ruffling in annoyance.  She was hovering close to him again, and she never said anything to him ever unless she was completely sure they were alone.  He did not believe that his sister was or could ever be, “pure evil” just because of her wings.  In fact, her mannerisms are the exact opposite of what people believed.  She, in her own ways, is caring, sweet, and protective.  He had seen, and helped, her nurse a baby bird that had fallen from its nest back to health.  She would often place little things around the base for only him to find such as some extra baklava, a throwing knife, a drawing of someone, beads, or other random objects.  Grandfather had always been extra hard on her, making sure she wouldn’t betray them, she wouldn’t become “evil enough to lose herself”.  Sometimes she would sneak into his room at night, and it tore him apart to see silent tears run down his little sister's face as small black raven feathers fell onto the floor from her days worth of training.  He had been learning how to fly, her wings had been clipped every two or three months so she could not leave the base.  She had learned long ago to control her facial and wing expressions, but he could always see the droop in them and the sad shine in her eyes as she stood on the ground while he was in the air.
Marinette looked up and watched as the fiery Phoenix flew through the air setting Nada Parabat aflame.  She didn’t feel much as she watched her grandfather get blown up.  She only felt great anxiety and fear as she could not find her brother.  She loved her brother, and if her job was to cause chaos, she would make sure she could prevent it from hurting him.  Grandfather had told her about how cursed she was, it’s why they had to be extra tough on her, and she understood that.  They couldn’t have her hurting anyone they needed, only the people they wanted gone.  She was angry at grandfather yesterday for taking some of her feathers for failing a task, this must have been her fault.  She didn’t want to hurt her brother, her wings had only proven nothing but destruction.  She had to leave now, then she could go where no one else was, and she wouldn’t have to hurt anyone else.  So like a coward, like the disgrace she was, she ran.  She kept her wings tight against her back making sure that no one could grab them as she ran.  An arrow hit one of them, but she didn’t have time to think about the burning pain as she ran and ran and ran farther and farther and farther away.  Tears ran down her cheeks as she silently prayed that her brother would be okay.
She didn’t know how long she ran, but she knew it must have been a really long time as she had just collapsed from exhaustion in the woods.  She looked back at her wings and slowly and carefully spread them out and hissed in pain from where the arrow had pierced her left wing.  Drops of red slowly dripped down her feathers and dropped on the ground.  She quickly closed them and made sure they were as small and put away as possible.  She looked up at the trees made of brass with different colored jade leaves.  Pearl-like apples growing on a few.  She watched a baby griffon follow it’s mother in the distance, turtle ducks waddling to a pond somewhere nearby, deer nibbling on plants, she could hear the rustling of leaves and branches from unseen creatures and everything was getting more blurry and dark.  She was cold, it felt very cold.  She slowly unwound her wings from around herself and closed them tightly around her, but that didn’t stop the chill that went deep down to her bones.  She was a failure, a mistake, she would only cause harm.  Here she wouldn’t be able to do that, and if she died here, then no one would be hurt by her again, and wasn’t that such a nice thought.
Tom and Sabine had finally been able to hire some trusted employees and explore places in Tibet.  They had made lots of money over the years with their successful bakery, and they thought now was a better time than ever to go on a real honeymoon as they hadn’t been able to afford it before when the bakery had first started.  It was during one of these forest explorations when they saw a trail of little drops of blood and felt they needed to follow it.  What they discovered broke their hearts.  There lying on the cold forest floor was what appeared to be a child hugging their very black wings around them.  They knew of the rumors and myths of black winged people, but they did not care.  They believed that their wings were not what made them evil, but rather situations put into their lives.  Sabine quickly checked for a pulse, and though it was slow she sighed in relief when she felt it.  She quickly handed the small unconscious girl to Tom and they both quickly went to the nearest hospital.  How could someone leave such a small child all alone to die like that?  It looked as if she had been injured if the dried blood on the small fragile wings said anything.  And worst of all, upon closer examination, they had been clipped, recently too.
As soon as they arrived they carried the small girl to the front and demanded that they take her in.  They waited until the doctors were done and gave them permission to visit claiming to be the girl’s adopted parents.  It wasn’t technically a lie, they would be soon even if Sabine had to force it to happen.
When Marinette woke up she knew something was off.  She was under a blanket, she’s never been given a blanket before.  The sent of bleach and chemicals were everywhere and it hurt her nose.  There was a beeping noise next to her that was giving her a headache.  She didn’t know where she was, and that was bad.  She opened her eyes a small fraction so nobody could see she was awake and looked around as much as she could.  The entire room was white and there were bright lights.  There were two strange people waiting in chairs near where she was laying.  She wondered if they were the ones who brought her here.  Slowly she opened them up all the way and silently sat up.  It’s best to make no noise, then she wouldn’t disturb anyone.
“Oh sweety, I’m so glad you’re awake.”
The woman said in a cheery and relieved manner, but she just continued to watch and study them silently.  Her wings felt stiff against her back, though she made sure they didn’t move or give anything away.
“How are you feeling dear?”
Silence greeted them, and her face remained as impassive as ever.  They wanted something, why else would they save a freak like her?  What were they aiming for here?
“Did your parents hurt you?  If so, we can take you away from them.”
Marinette’s eyes widened only a fraction.  These were randoms, innocents if you will.  They obviously had no idea who she was, and they seemed unafraid of her and her wings.  Did they not know how dangerous she was, didn’t they know that black wings meant she was cursed?  The man and the woman looked at eachother and spread their wings.  Marinette was shocked, but she wouldn’t show it.
The large man had light brown eagle wings while the small woman had white and black woodpecker wings.  She wanted to reach out and touch the feathers, but then something bad would happen to them, so she held her hands together.
“We don’t care what your wing color is.  Your wings don’t define who you are, it’s what you do with your life that does.  Can we please help you?”
The woman said sincerely as she gripped the man’s hand in hers.  She felt a pull to them, something telling her to accept.  She didn’t want to hurt them though.  But maybe she could protect them?  Maybe she could find a way around her curse and make sure they don’t get hurt?  Slowly she nodded and they both looked so happy when she did.  She hoped that she wouldn’t hurt them, they didn’t deserve to be cursed.  Maybe if she didn’t touch them things would be ok.  If she didn’t let them touch her then it wouldn’t spread.  She could do this!
Apparently she couldn’t do it because this is a very affectionate family, and the first thing that happened before they let her sleep on their —super fluffy, pure Heaven— bed was give her a hug.  She had made sure that her wings were tucked under her clothes and tight against her back the entire time though.  So they didn’t touch her wings, so maybe that meant they wouldn’t be cursed.
It was strange, because the next morning they went to a courthouse, and she was adopted.  She hadn’t said anything throughout the entire event, she just watched and observed what people did.  They stayed in Tibet for another few days before they flew to Paris, France.  This was supposed to be her new home.  The city of light and love.  Maybe here, it would stop her curse.  It was so bright that it had to block out her darkness.  She still always carried one of her knives with her, she felt naked without one.  Tom and Sabine seemed to understand somehow, and said that it was her business and that was enough for them till she was ready to talk about it.  It was strange not to be interrogated for now wanting to tell someone something.
Marinette had lived with the Dupain-Chengs for about a year now.  It was strange really, they were honest business people and their joy was always sincere.  They didn’t question much of what she did even though it was probably weird to them.  They didn’t punish her for messing up like the league did, and they never went near her wings without permission.  They never plucked her feathers, and they would often ask if they could preen her wings.  She would refuse every time, but she would often wonder what it would be like to have someone else touch them.  Think of what it would be like if she weren’t cursed.  When it was time for school she would always wrap them around herself then tape them so no one would see or be able to touch them.  Things were finally going well, she couldn’t risk it now!
There was a blonde brat that liked to act like she was above her, and because her wings were always hidden with no explanation she made sure everyone knew that she was “wingless”.  She didn’t care though, being wingless was better than being evil winged.  She never really said anything in class or to other students, she never gave much reaction keeping her stoic face up.  The brat left her alone soon after for being a, “ridiculous!  Utterly ridiculous freak.”  And nobody was the wiser.
Being Lady Chaos was….the best thing that ever happened to her if she was being honest.  Even with pure black wings, people still thought she was a hero.  She never flew, she was scared she’d fall and die.  She was never allowed to fly before, and even if she technically can do so now, it’s not worth the risk.  Her partner though, Mr. Bug has gold, red, and black wings.  He can fly through the air with ease she wished she desperately had.  Sometimes after patrol she would go to the very top of the Eiffel Tower and just stretch her wings out as far out as she could.  She would close her eyes as the wind blew past her and ruffled her feathers and pretend that she was soaring through the air.
Year three of living with Tom and Sabine she was comfortable talking to them more, and with Plagg there to control her chaos she finally let them touch her wings.  It was strange really, she never took care of her wings, never cared enough to.  When she first felt the hands on her feathers she had to will herself not to draw them back for fear of them plucking or ripped out.  But Sabine’s hands were so gentle and smooth that they seemed to move on their own and go closer to her touch.  Sabine would smile and hum as she gently preened the dark raven feathers that were soft and smooth.  Maybe she could finally tell the class that she wasn’t wingless soon, and maybe they would be okay with it.
No, they would not as she learned from listening to her classmates talk to the new student, Lila Rossi.  To them Lady Chaos was the only good black winged person because she was chasing after Mr. Bug to earn his affections.  Lady Chaos was obviously evil before she met Mr. Bug and she would always be evil no matter what she did.  Marinette felt nauseous that she ever thought about telling them the truth.  She had never felt more betrayed than she felt now, because she had given them her trust, and they broke it without even knowing it.  After that day, she made extra sure that her wings were hidden and wore a bit thicker clothing just in case.  Tom and Sabine are a little worried about it, but she calmed them pretty quickly.  She was fine, it wasn’t like they were all great friends to begin with.  That’s probably why everyone sides with Lila and decides that she’s a terrible person.
She had tried leaving her past behind, pretending that she didn’t hurt and kill people.  Pretend that she wasn’t a weapon.  She tried to push it far away, but it wasn’t enough.  It was never enough.  She had abandoned her brother.  She betrayed the league.  She did unspeakable things to please someone who would never care about her, just her use.  The city of lights seems duller than usual, it was probably her fault Hawkmoth came to be in the first place, afterall she was cursed to bring ruin everywhere she went.
Lila and Chloe thought it would be a great idea to bring everybody to the Crime Capital of the World for their senior trip.  Probably to watch people flounder and worry when things go wrong, which they definitely would.  She had stopped Hawkmoth a month before the trip, but Mr. Bug took all the credit for it. The arrogant self centered bas*.  Adrien kept giving her side glances that always made her feel uncomfortable and slightly disgusted.  During school he would try to touch her with every chance he’d get.  He almost discovered her wings at one point.  She couldn’t do anything about it before because of the stupid your-rich-so-do-whatever-the-heck-you-want treatment.  Now that Adrien’s family fortune is gone, and people don’t trust him because of what his dad did, so he has to be more careful.  He now kept some distance, which she was extremely grateful for.
She would have broken his hand, she had imagined it plus other things more than once.  But then Tom and Sabine would get in trouble by Gabriel for her actions.  They didn’t deserve that, they had been nothing but good to her since they found her abandoned in that forest.
She would be fine though, as long as Lila had a grip on his arm and she was in the back, away from him.  She listened to their tour guide, Richard Grayson, talk about the history and importance of WE.  The architecture was brilliant really, and you couldn’t blame her for having to draw and sketch it.  She often thought of Damian when she sketched.  She used to leave drawings for him around the base, little things that expressed her adoration for him without getting too close.  She wondered if he was still with the league, had he escaped, did he die?  She hoped that wasn’t the case, she hoped that he would be alive and well.  Bright orange and white wings nearly slapped her in the face if she hadn’t stopped right before the movement had occurred.
“Oh my gosh!  I’m so sorry Marinette!  Sometimes my wings just spasm out of control like that!  I didn’t hurt you did I?”
Marinette just silently rolled her eyes and took a few steps backward and watched the class glare at her waiting for her to comfort the liar.  She would never lower herself to do that.  She was still an Al Ghul afterall, even if she did leave it behind when she fled.  She was thankful when lunch came, she waited far away from the line and watched silently from a dark corner to make sure no one would hurt her.  Then she felt it, a hand touching her back feeling for something.  She quickly and instinctively grabbed the arm and twisted it behind them pinning it behind their back at a painful angle.
“Ukhti, let go.”
Marinette knew that voice.  She remembered that name and she could feel her heart stop.  The lunchroom was silent as they watched the small bluenette silently and quickly release the “Ice Prince”. Everyone watched with bated breaths to see what would happen next.  The boy’s wings were ruffled in agitation and fear.
“Where are they?”
He demanded.  Marinette knew what he was talking about, she simply wrapped her arms around herself and turned her head away definitely.
“Why are you hiding them, Malak?  Please.”
Marinette could feel her wings moving in defiance to what her brain was saying.  They wanted to be shown, they wanted to be touched by her brother again.  She looked down and slowly uncrossed her arms from her body.  Damian gently took her hands in his and looked directly into her eyes.
“Everything will be ok, Taw'ami.”
She slowly nodded and with shaky fingers reached under her hoodie and began to slowly unwrap the tape that kept her wings confined.  When all the tape was in her hands she hesitantly removed her hoodie and let her wings unfold from around herself and into the open.  She had made shirts that let her wings slip through slits in the back that were tailored to her wings specifically and were most comfortable.  Damian marveled at how big her raven wings had grown and how shiny they were.  He reached out a hand slowly and gently ran his fingers down the inky black that was her wings.
Shouts of fear and accusations were thrown at her, mostly from her class.  She didn’t listen though, she just observed.  The tour guide was coming over now, probably to kick her out.  He had such lovely wings though,  they were a deep navy blue that looked similar to black with dark red and light blue running through them.  They looked so well kept and soft.
“Damian, what’s happening?  Who is this?”
“Grayson, meet my twin sister, Marinette.”
“You have a twin?!”
Richard exclaimed loudly, drawing even more attention.  The insults and jeers stopped after that.  She looked over at the class and smirked when she saw their shock and confusion.
“Yes, keep up.”
Damian said brusquely.  They must know each other well then.
“Come, we must take her away from these imbeciles and take her to father.”
Damian grabbed her wrist and tugged, her quickly falling into line like she used to when he did this.
“Now tell me Ukhti, have you been taking care of yourself?”
She nodded as they came to an elevator and walked into it with Richard right behind them.  Marinette felt her feathers fluff up nervously.  She wasn’t in control of them right now, and she wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. Damian ran a hand gently down her right wing trying to smooth it down.
“Things will be fine Marinette.  Just watch, father will be glad to meet you.”
She looked him in the eyes and squeezed her hands together.
“No, I have not told him about you.  Things will be fine though.”
He seemed to understand her weird way of communicating, she still didn’t understand how he did.  Richard cleared his throat and both turned to look at him.
“Sorry to interrupt, but um…I’m Dick, I’m Damian’s, and yours I guess, oldest brother.  It’s nice to meet you.”
He spread his wings in a welcoming way that meant and showed safety and peace. Her wings involuntarily rose up as well to reciprocate his greeting.  When the door to the elevator opened again she quickly forced her wings to hide on her back trying desperately to keep them from sight.  Damian didn’t seem to like it, but he just grabbed her wrist and dragged her to a large office room.  The plaque on the door read “CEO Bruce Wayne”.  Their father was Bruce Wayne?!  She couldn’t go in there, she couldn’t curse him and ruin his life.  No, she had already messed up at the league, and she was just barely not messing up with Tom and Sabine, she would definitely ruin Bruce Wayne’s life, and she would not allow that to happen.  She tugged at his grip desperately trying to get away.
“Marinette, stop.  Your wings are not cursed, that was a lie.”
Marinette shook her head and kept trying to escape the iron-like grip.
“Do you not trust me anymore?”
She froze at that and quickly shook her head.  Of course she trusted him, it was her that shouldn’t be trusted.
“Good, because we’re going in now.”
And that was that, because the door was now open and she was being dragged into the office room where their father and another boy with large bags under his eyes stared at them.  Damian puffed up his chest and feathers letting his strong, big, and brilliant wings rise into the air.
“Father, this is your daughter, my twin, Marinette Erebus Al Ghul-Wayne.”
They both stared at her in shock and Marinette slowly and cautiously raised her despicable black wings into the air.  Both stared at them in awe before looking back at her, but she didn’t meet their eyes.  She didn’t want to see the disgust and hatred in their eyes.
After a few moments she looked up and saw their wings greeting hers like Dick’s had.  Their father’s wings were a mix of black and dark grey alternating the color in each row of feathers.  The other boy’s were black at the top and slowly turned to red at the bottom.  But they were welcoming her openly, so that must mean something!  Well, it was time to get to know her father, she guessed.
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cdelphiki · 3 years
Tim had the hiccups.
Aside from being really annoying, they kind of hurt, too. The deep sort of hiccup that made his whole chest contract with each spasm.
They’d been going on five minutes, now and Tim was at his wits end. He was trying to finish up a report for WE, in the short hour between dinner and patrol. But that wasn’t happening, now was it? Every few seconds his whole body convulsed, basically, with some of the loudest hiccups he’d ever managed to produce.
What even caused hiccups, anyway? He’d been doing literally nothing, but sitting criss cross on his bed, leaning over his laptop. Just like he did all the time. When staying at the manor…..
At least at his apartment he’d sit on the couch, or something. But bad posture wasn’t a cause of hiccups, was it?
If he couldn’t get them to go away, he wouldn’t be able to patrol, either.
Surely they wouldn’t last that long…. He had another fifteen minutes until he needed to suit up.
Tim took a deep breath and held his breath again, as he lay back on his bed. He’d already tried this method. Twice. But maybe if he lay down it would help it along.
Fourteen, fifteen, sixteen…
The hiccup that came was the most painful of them all, forcing Tim to gasp for air.
Now he had to start over.
He was up to twenty-three when a shadow came across his door, and Tim was forced to look over. He’d left his door open, and was now regretting it.
Because Damian scoffed and said, in his signature sneer, “Drake. What is your problem? I can hear you in my bedroom.”
Which wasn’t impressive, since their rooms were literally across the hall from each other.
Just another reason why Tim definitely shouldn’t have left his door open.
Instead of answer, though, Tim just let go of his breath and opened his mouth wide, letting the next hiccup to come out. Loudly.
Actually it was pretty damn impressive, how loud it was. Might have even been the world record.
“Tt,” Damian huffed, “Well, in that case.”
Tim barely had half a second to react.
Because the fucking demon brat pulled a knife.
And hurled it at him.
“What the fuck,” Tim screeched, as he rolled to the side, away from the knife. He tumbled right off the bed, hitting the ground in a loud thud that nearly knocked the air right out of him.
What the fuck.
It was just the fucking hiccups.
Sure, they were annoying, but murder Tim annoying??
He was the one suffering with them! Damian could have just closed his door.
Tim’s heart was hammering as he jumped up, holding his hands up in a defensive position. The bed was now between him and Damian, but he could not stay on the ground.
Not with Damian apparently out for his blood!
“Did it work,” Damian asked, raising an eyebrow as he clasped his hands behind his back.
“Did what work, you little demon,” Tim snapped, narrowing his eyes. Clearly he wasn’t dead, so his murder attempt hadn’t worked, no.
“I have been told scaring someone cures them of the hiccups,” Damian said, evenly, “Did it work?”
Tim blinked. And stood up from his ready stance… waiting. Ten seconds. Twenty…
“Maybe,” he admitted. When a full thirty seconds had passed, and Tim hadn’t hiccuped once, he had to smile. A touch.
Then scowl. “What if I hadn’t dodged?” he demanded. Getting stabbed was way worse than suffering through the hiccups for a while longer.
Way worse.
“Then it would have hit you,” Damian said, as he rocked back on his feet, a touch. Clearly highly pleased with himself.
“And maybe died!” Tim exclaimed.
“Don’t be dramatic,” Damian said, entering Tim’s room, “I was not aiming for anything vital.”
“That doesn’t excuse being stabbed,” Tim shouted. What the fuck was wrong with Damian, honestly.
Damian rounded the bed, so Tim tensed up, preparing himself to dodge another attack. But Damian passed right by him and picked his knife up from where it’d landed, on the floor by the wall.
“It’s a rubber knife, Timothy,” he said derisively, rolling his eyes dramatically. He shook the knife, and sure enough it wobbled. Then he grabbed it by the ‘blade,’ tightly, and held it out to Tim.
Tim took it, hesitantly, and inspected it.
And sure enough, it was rubber. And entirely useless. Wouldn’t even be good as a blunt weapon, honestly. It was that soft.
“Oh,” he said, dumbly. Furrowing his brow, he asked, “Wait, why are you carrying around a rubber knife?”
Damian didn’t answer, though. Instead, he adverted his eyes and shifted from one foot to the other.
“It’s so you can throw it at me, isn’t it?” Tim asked flatly, already knowing the answer.
With a grin, Damian plucked the knife out of Tim’s hand, and made his way out of his room. He paused in the doorway just long enough to say, “Good night, Timothy,” before crossing the hall into his own room.
“You’re a creepy demon, you know that,” Tim shouted, as Damian shut his bedroom door. It was his mandatory night off, and he was likely going to stay up all night not sleeping, doing whatever the fuck demons did. Video games or something.
But as Tim took a deep breath, without being interrupted by a hiccup from hell, he was a little glad for Damian and his craziness.
Especially since it meant he wasn’t going to be benched for having the hiccups, and then forced to spend the night with him across the hall. Plotting his murder.
With rubber knives, apparently.
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Into The Unknown, Part 13
Marinette was about two seconds from finally pinning Tim down when they heard a knock on the door. She looked up on instinct and then yelped when he flipped them over and pinned her arms beneath his knees. She glared up at his cheeky grin.
“That’s cheating,” she complained.
“Your fault for getting distracted.”
She scoffed.
He leaned back a bit to stop the way she’d been slowly sliding her legs up to try and counter. “I win,” he said.
She grumbled under her breath but ended up saying: “Fine, I give up.”
“Like you had a choice,” he teased.
He rolled off of her just as another knock sounded on the door, louder this time.
She rolled her eyes. “I’ll get it. You get Dami?”
Tim nodded and tossed her the nearest hoodie to throw on over her sports bra. It was his but she hardly cared as she threw it on. The hoodie was big on Tim so, predictably, it shrouded her, going past her knees and even covering her workout shorts. She did the obligatory arm flap thing that everyone simply must do when their sleeves are too long and ignored the tiny chuckle she heard Tim give.
That done, she walked towards the door, snatching a knife from the knife block on the way over. (Just in case. It was Gotham, after all. Couldn’t be too careful.)
The door swung open to reveal… one of their downstairs neighbors. Maybe the apartment directly underneath them? She didn’t really know him well enough to know why he would be there, and he didn’t immediately ask for Tim, so… apparently he was just randomly visiting their apartment?
“Sorry ‘bout the wait,” she said, giving the man an apologetic smile. “Anyways, what’s up?”
The man stammered awkwardly, clutching a plastic grocery bag tightly in his hands. Marinette maintained a politely interested expression as she waited for him to gather his thoughts.
He really was taking his time, though. He took so long that Tim came to sidle up next to her, hugging Damian to himself. Damian was pulling at a strand of his hair for his attention but Tim, at least for the time being, was too confused by what could possibly be going on to concentrate on him fully.
Their neighbor, on the other hand, was paying attention to the kid. He gasped a little, his face reddening further. “You -- your kid is here?!” He said, aghast.
Marinette and Tim looked at each other with confused expressions. What, did he want them to just leave their kid -- leave the kid that they were taking care of, not ‘their kid’, oopsies -- unattended?
“I mean… yeah?” She said after a few seconds.
“And awake?!” He continued.
Marinette glanced at the time. It wasn’t naptime (not that the man should know what time that even was) and it definitely wasn’t late enough for someone to assume it was bedtime, so…?
Tim motioned vaguely to Damian as if to say ‘duh?’. The kid in question, apparently tired of not getting directly acknowledged, leaned out of his arms and made grabby hands for Marinette. Marinette traded Damian for the knife without much thought and started bouncing him up and down, holding him close to her chest.
The neighbor shook his head, disgust written plainly across his face. He finally seemed to have gathered enough of his thoughts thanks to this, though, because he thrust the grocery bag towards Tim.
He pocketed the knife (a bad idea but whatever) to take the bag.
“You’re already too young to have one kid, you don’t need another,” he told them.
Tim and Marinette exchanged frowns.
“I don’t --,” Tim started to say, but then he opened the bag and suddenly it became a hell of a lot clearer what was going on. Because, in his hands, was a bag with a box of condoms.
Marinette ducked out of view of the door to hide her embarrassment.
Which meant that Tim was left to deal with the aftermath on his own. Unfortunate, because he was having a much more difficult time hiding the flush in his cheeks, what with him not having any melanin to cover up the redness.
“Uh, sir,” he started despite obviously not knowing where he was going with the thought. “You have the wrong idea.”
Marinette muffled her giggles with her hand as best she could. Damian looked up at her with wide eyes and then reached up to help cover her mouth.
Tim, bravely, continued to stammer out something, anything:
“We really weren’t having --” He cleared his throat. “I mean, sex is a healthy part of many relationships… and therefore we definitely do do it because, y’know, we’re married, like, legally and stuff… but we didn’t -- we weren’t -- I mean we were just… fighting, y’know?”
Marinette couldn’t see the man’s face but he sounded, somehow, even more appalled by this explanation: “There was a lot of banging. Miss, should I be calling the police?”
Marinette’s snickering had finally increased to the point where it was plainly audible. This confused the poor man. For obvious reasons.
Tim shook his head quickly, holding his hands up in a kind of placating gesture. “Not arguing fighting… even if we were arguing I don’t think we would get to that point -- not that we’ve never argued, of course, because people that know each other are bound to argue and we definitely do know each other, it’s just that we haven’t gotten violent yet and of course I hope that it remains that way -- anyways we were actually just practicing self-defense.”
And now all three of the adults were embarrassed. Now, in order to be fair, they also needed Damian to be embarrassed. Unfortunately, he was too busy trying to help Marinette stifle her awkward laughter to get second hand embarrassment.
(Also he wasn’t aware enough of societal norms and expectations to be self-conscious but that’s besides the point.)
“I see. Well. Um. You can keep the…” Their neighbor said, looking like he’d rather be anywhere else. Good. It was his fault for getting into someone else’s business.
“Uh. Yeah,” said Tim. “Thanks. Bye.”
Tim closed the door. They didn’t dare move until the man’s footsteps had retreated down the hall.
“Thanks for the help,” Tim said finally, letting the plastic bag fall to the floor with a pitiful pthtpht sound.
Marinette slowly slid to the ground beside it, allowing herself to laugh freely. “Nonono I think you had it handled. ‘And we definitely do know each other’. Holy fuck that was… beautiful. What even was that?”
“I don’t know! I panicked!” Tim complained, his face reaching record levels of redness.
Damian smiled at Marinette’s laughter and started giggling along with her. This didn’t seem to help Tim’s mood.
“Ugh. Whatever. I’m going to find a new place to spar because obviously it was a bad idea to do it here.”
Marinette didn’t even bother to stop laughing, didn’t even bother to meet his eyes. She just gave a shaky thumbs up for about half a second before burying her face in Damian’s hair and laughing harder.
Tim had to admit, being in a dojo was a lot nicer.
For one thing, there were people to take care of Damian for them. Tikki and Kaalki were great at watching over the kid but they weren’t big enough to actually stop Damian from getting into trouble, they always had to keep an ear out just in case. This was different, these people were actually able to do something if Damian tried to head towards an electrical socket. It wasn’t daycare quality or anything, but it was still pretty good.
(Not that it was all that hard to take care of the kid at the moment. Damian was sticking pretty close to them, even attempting to warm up with them. Tim was trying his hardest not to be jealous of the fact that this child was somehow more flexible than he was because being jealous of a baby is bad but still --!)
For another… it was easier to go all out. There was more room, no fear of disturbing the neighbors -- not that this had paid off for them, apparently -- meaning they wouldn’t have to mind the time or just their general noise levels, and padding on the floor and walls. It was great.
Unfortunately, it also meant that they had to wear shirts. Or, at least, Marinette did, Tim was only wearing his in solidarity. And it wasn’t like it was a particularly bad thing or that they didn’t understand why they needed to, it was just annoying. Shirts meant less freedom of mobility (and more things for opponents to grab, but Tim and Marinette had already declared that off-limits).
Additionally, they now had to think about their wedding rings. Back at home they could just take them off and leave them somewhere but doing so outside of the privacy of their own home, especially in Gotham of all places, was just a bad idea. So, they’d had to think up ways to keep their rings on them while they fought without worrying about accidentally hitting each other harder than they wanted to because, spoiler alert, metal hurt.
Speaking of metal hurting: Tim’s solution was putting his on a necklace. This is relevant because it wasn’t entirely thought through and, during their warm up, it had swung up and hit him in the face multiple times. Not ideal.
Marinette’s plan of finding yoga pants with pockets in them was working better for her.
Tim was determined to never admit it, though. He put the necklace between his teeth. Behold. A totally amazing solution that definitely beat Marinette’s.
She rolled to her feet and offered him a hand up. He took it, ignoring the dumb instinct to pull her down, and got up.
They looked down for Damian, who had somehow noticed the slight shift in behavior and crawled off of the mat. He was getting better about their sparring, they had noticed, only really feeling the need to watch the end of the fight. They hoped that, eventually, Damian would stop paying attention to the sparring matches entirely since they clearly stressed the kid out. Tim took out a coloring book and some crayons to keep him occupied for the ten or so minutes they needed to fight. Damian made a happy, slightly squeaky sound in the back of his throat and started scribbling on a page with a princess on it.
Tim pressed a kiss to the top of his head before pulling on his grappling gloves.
Marinette cracked her knuckles. “Weak.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he said, rolling his eyes. “We’ll see if you’re saying the same sh -- er, I mean, stuff -- when you mess up your hands.”
“I’ve got, like, a hundred or so years before it catches up to me, so,” she said. Her tone was light enough that anyone listening in would take it as a joke, but Tim wasn’t amused because, wow, that’s a pretty bad mentality to have.
But he figured that it really wasn’t his business so he gave her a halfhearted smile and brought his hands up to a ready position. Marinette did the same.
Marinette’s normal grin fell away, her lips set in a thin line and her eyes narrowing to near slits. Tim, on the other hand, adopted a tiny smirk.
There were a few seconds where the two were completely silent, eyeing each other up and down.
And then Marinette darted forward, throwing a quick left hook. Tim caught the hand, latching his fingers around her wrist.
She gave her arm one little tug to see if she could free it, then seemed to think better of it. She bent her arm and tried to elbow him in the face, which was rude, but he simply tipped his head back to dodge and pulled her arm in that direction.
She hissed a curse as she was forced to the side. His leg came up and he tried to push her to the floor but then her hand twisted in his grip and tugged him down with her.
His back hit the floor which was more or less fine thanks to the mats but then her chin came crashing into his chest and ow.
Tim wheezed.
Marinette, though, wasn’t all that affected by the blow that would’ve given her a concussion if the god of luck wasn’t on her side (and he meant that literally, which was even less fair to him). She straddled his hips, one hand tangled with his and the other struggling to get a proper hold on the one tucked between them.
He ignored the fact that his lungs were screaming for the oxygen they were supposed to have as he quickly pulled his arm up and braced his forearm against her throat.
She leaned away instinctively (people don’t take well to being choked out, after all).
He bucked up and she was forced to throw her hands out to keep herself from falling on him again.
He slid his legs out from under her in one swift motion and wrapped his legs around her waist. He grabbed her hands and her eyes widened as she realized what was going on.
But knowing what was going on wasn’t enough to stop it from happening. He pushed up against her until, out of options, she reluctantly allowed them to roll.
And then she was stuck flat on her back, wrists locked in his grip and legs uselessly splayed out behind them.
She glared up at him.
Tim didn’t seem to see it. “Looks like I won again,” he teased, letting his ring fall out of his mouth after the last word.
She rolled her eyes. “If you hadn’t cheated last time I would’ve won, that doesn’t count.”
“Hm. I disagree.”
“You can’t just --.”
She cut herself off and, suddenly, Tim realized that the rest of the dojo had gone oddly silent.
He looked around quickly for Damian and found the kid still watching his show. Okay. Good. His kid hadn’t been stolen. So what…?
Oh. They were staring at the two of them, he realized with a start.
He awkwardly scrambled off of his ‘wife’ and helped her to her feet. They brought smiles to their faces, but the cheerfulness was dampened by their unease. Were they about to get kicked out?
“Who… who trained you two?” A man asked after a few seconds of tense silence. Tim recognized him as someone that worked there (the nametag with the dojo’s logo displayed by the name David was a dead giveaway) and yep they were definitely going to get kicked out because they were cheating on the dojo with other trainers or something.
Marinette laughed awkwardly. “I’m self-taught, he’s…”
“I had a lot of trainers,” Tim said because he didn’t know which of his trainers still existed in this reality.
“Would I know them?” David asked.
He gave a tiny shrug. “Probably not…”
David deflated a little, but then a new thought seemed to occur to him because he brightened just as quickly:
“Would either of you two like to become trainers?”
@unoriginalmess @hammalammadamdam @astrynyx @laurcad123 @927roses-and-stuff @toodaloo-kangaroo @queenz-z @imarivers8 @jeminiikrystal
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robinofgothamcity · 3 years
♡ prompt: “i thought you were dead? for years, i thought you were dead! and i hate that i still love you and never moved on!” 
♡ pairing: tim drake (red robin) x fem! reader
♡ lyric inspiration: “you’re riding high in April, shot down in May but I know I’m going to change that tune when I’m back on top in June. I said that’s life and as funny as that may seem, some people get their kicks stomping on a dream.”
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes / please check the pinned tweet please! since i’m very low on inspiration.
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Tim Drake stared at you, mouth wide open, not knowing what to say or do. he felt like he saw a ghost. you were standing across the room, talking amongst others as they instantly crowded around you. everyone had thought the same thing Tim did and only a selective few knew about your whereabouts. 
you were giving Dick a hug, whispering in his ear about how much you missed him as Damian stood there dumbfounded. Jason was not in the room or else you knew that he would be giving you an earful about the entire situation. Jason always did think of you as a sister when you first started dating Tim. 
“what the fuck happened to you?” Damian screamed, finally coming into the realization of the situation, “you were dead! we saw you die! all of us did!” he continued. you bent down, giving him a hug as he didn’t bother to try and deny it. 
“it’s a long story. i was under secrecy for a long time and couldn’t tell or say anything without me getting caught,” you told him. you looked to Dick who still couldn’t believe what was going on, “it must’ve been a monumental mission if you were technically dead for three years and I couldn’t know about it,” he replied. 
you nodded, whispering to him that you’d tell them the details later, “is...he around?” you asked, referencing Tim. Dick moved a bit to the left, revealing the man you were still madly in love with. you felt yourself gulp, scared on his reaction, “oh god, I never realized how bad this is,” Dick whispered to himself, sensing the tension immediately. 
you swinging around the Batcave, Batman clearly annoyed with your antics as you finally plopped down next to him, “aww c’mon Bruce! live a little! this Batcave is so depressing and need I say, dark?” you said, hearing the door jingle open. 
“great, the boys are here,” he murmured, realizing that introductions had to happen between you and his sons. Bruce had taken you in a few months ago, under the guise that you needed a better mentor, “you haven’t met them, right?” he asked. 
you shook your head no, “course I haven’t! it’s my first week in Gotham!” you exclaimed happily. you did hero work out of the west coast and happened to finally land in Gotham for the first time ever, “although I did run into Damian earlier in the week so I think he’ll recognize me!” 
Tim and Dick were the ones who walked in, conversing about some Gotham football game. you smiled at the two boys as they stopped dead in their tracks, “uh....Bruce, who is this?” Dick asked, pointing at you. you stood up, shaking their hands, “I’m ( your name )! Bruce’s new apprentice!” you explained. 
the two sighed, Dick’s first thought being if Alfred knew about you. Tim on the other hand didn’t exactly respond as quick. you were oddly excitable, not exactly the personality that ran rampant across the ‘family’, “apprentice or daughter?” Dick asked, a bit playfully. 
“she’s an apprentice. no need to adopt someone who’s already an adult,” he replied as he stood up himself, “she came from the west coast so she doesn’t exactly know her way around here. it’d be helpful if one of you showed her around. I don’t trust Jason or Damian enough,” he said, walking to another one of the computers. 
“Stephanie isn’t around?” Damian asked, walking inside of the cave, “she’s already acquainted with her and she isn’t available to do it right now so it’s up to Dick or you Tim,” Bruce repeated. Dick looked to his brother with his eyebrow lifted up, “well?” he asked Tim. 
the two of them went to look at you who was already not paying attention to what was going on. you were nose deep into a computer with music blaring inside of your headphones, “I swear that girl has ADHD or something,” Damian murmured to his brothers, “but I think Drake should do it! you just love getting to know people, don’t you?” Damian pressured. 
Bruce nodded in agreement, “it’s settled, you’re showing her around!” Tim stared at Damian, ready to attack the gremlin with his bare hands, “appreciate it Tim!” you yelled from your seat, surprising the three who thought you couldn’t hear what they were saying. 
it was already a few months into your internship with the Batfamily. you had gotten closer with Jason, Stephanie, and because of your relationship with Dick, you befriended Starfire as well. even though your work was constantly surrounding you around Tim, you weren’t around him much unless it had to do with work. 
“where you heading off too?” Jason asked, seeing you all dressed up, “Star, Barbara, and Steph wanted to go out for the night since we aren’t on duty so we’re going to get drinks up the street,” you told him. he nodded, looking to Tim and seeing the way he was checking you out, “why do you go with them, Tim?” he asked. 
Tim looked at Jason with a bewildered expression, “why would I be the only guy in the group?” he asked sarcastically. you on the other hand jumped up in joy, “you should!” you exclaimed, “come on! it would be amazing! you know you want too!” you poked Tim’s side in anticipation. 
he sighed, slipping a bit on the couch, “fine,” he muttered, making you excited all over again. you gave him a few minutes to get himself together, “you know he likes you, right?” Jason told you. you laughed out of genuine shock, “who? Tim? yeah right!” you let out another laugh, not believing he was lying to your face, “fine, don’t believe me but it’s pretty obvious.” 
you couldn’t say much else as Tim walked out, hair restyled and threw on a different jacket, “ready?” he asked, hands deep in his pockets. you nodded, throwing Jason a scrap piece of paper before heading out the door as Dick walked inside, “meeting the girls?” he asked. 
“yeah and I’m taking your brother as a hostage,” Dick was surprised, “did you finally?” he started to ask before Tim screamed at him to shut up, “how about we leave,” Tim told you, discreetly hitting Dick on the back of his leg as retaliation. 
the two of you walked out as you told Tim that the place you usually went out with the girls was in walking distance, “I think they’re going to be surprised you even decided to leave your apartment,” you joked as he rolled his eyes playfully, “I don’t think they’ll mind. at least Stephanie can stop saying that I never go out,” he said. 
you laughed softly, “yeah you might be going out with a bunch of girls but it sure beats being stuck inside playing video games or doing work,” you replied, “yeah, guess your right,” you two walked inside of the restaurant, already seeing Steph, Starfire, and Barbara sitting at the usual table. 
the three girls had their mouth hanging as they saw you walking in with Tim, “he actually came out?” Barbara screamed, not believing Tim was actually out, “yeah, figured it was better than staying in for the night!” you said excitedly. 
“I couldn’t even get him to come out with me at times and I dated him,” Steph murmured under her breath to Star. she laughed as you pulled chairs for you and Tim, “I’m getting first round of shots!” you told the group excitedly. Star and Barbara had followed you to the bar, leaving Steph and Tim in a small awkward silence 
“you like her don’t you?” she asked. Tim nodded, figuring it was better to just tell the truth than to lie, “that’s cute! she’s a great girl. I’m happy you finally found someone else but I will say one thing, I think you better get a move on with your feels with her because I know a few others who have an interest in her and one might be on your team,” she said, not so subtly hinting at Connor. 
Tim was taken back by what Stephanie was telling her but remained silent, “and I think she’d say yes on Connor so you better be quick,” she laughed, seeing Tim’s slightly jealous eyes. you returned to the table, giving everyone their glass as you raised yours in the air, “to Tim! for actually leaving his house for once!” you screamed as they all raised their glass and took the shot down.
throughout the night, Tim saw the way you were singing and dancing with Steph and Star, your terrible drunk singing voice getting louder as they played ‘poker face’ by lady gaga towards the end of the night. 
you stared at Riddler, seeing that he was ready to attack Tim with full intentions to kill him. you debated for a moment, saving a few civilians from getting mildly hurt or seeing your boyfriend get killed? you chose the latter and ran to Tim who was not paying attention in the slightest at what Riddler was doing. 
“Red!” you screamed, your feet moving as fast as they could and pushing him out of the way. you felt the slice of the knife into your stomach as you had successfully pushed Tim to safety, “fuck,” you whispered, seeing the blood already pooling underneath you. 
although you getting hurt was already pre-planned, you had no intentions of getting hurt this badly, “fuck, fuck, fuck,” you continued, trying to grab your cape to stop the bleeding, Tim stared down at you, seeing the blood gushing at a rate too dangerous for his liking, “hold on, please hold on!” he screamed, moving you out of harms way. 
Bruce had saw you giving him the signal, weakly but you still gave it to him. it was your only chance for your pre-planned mission to actually succeed and the start of that plan was to make you die in front of everyone. Bruce had swung down from the stairs, seeing the way your eyes closed. 
“she needs to go to the hospital,” he told Tim, making him rush you to the hospital himself. he knew this was the only time he would be able to say his goodbyes to you and he need to make it count, “go now!” he yelled. 
Tim dragged your almost lifeless body to the nearest hospital, screaming at the staff that you needed help immediately. the nurses grabbed your body, hauling it to the OR as Tim sat there, blood all over his uniform as he watched you get wheeled into the hallway. 
it felt like hours by the time they gave an update to all of them. Bruce, Tim, Dick, Jason, Steph, Barbara, and Damian, were sitting in the waiting area, munching on food nervously as the nurse came out of the hallway, eyes bleary with tears. 
“she didn’t make it out of surgery. she passed.” 
all of them (for the exception of Bruce), immediately bursted into tears. Tim more than anyone had fell to the ground, having no control of his body as he screamed that it couldn’t be true and that you weren’t actually gone. a part of Bruce’s heart broke seeing his son having a mental breakdown but he knew for their safety and yours, he couldn’t say a word. 
the following days were left to plan your funeral as the nurses who relied your wishes stated that you wanted a closed casket for no one, not even Tim, to see your dead body. Tim hadn’t spoken a word to anyone as he only spoke up when it came for him to plan your arrangements. 
they buried your casket with your uniform laying on top of it as they all saw your casket get lower and lower to the ground. Tim was by this point sobbing as he couldn’t have cared who saw and who didn’t. 
Dick grabbed Damian, moving themselves to another part of the room as you walked slowly to Tim. he had yet to say anything but as soon as you locked eyes with him, you both let out sobs to each other. Tim grabbed you by the arms, bringing you into a hug as he sobbed into your shoulders. 
“what the fuck is going on?” he yelled, not knowing what to say, “I’m alive Timmy. I didn’t die that night,” you practically sobbed back to him. he released you, now anger and sadness crossing over him, “what the fuck do you mean you didn’t die?” he screamed, scaring Dick and Damian in the process. 
you sat on the ground, trying to compose yourself, “I went on an undercover mission for league. I had to die in order to protect not only myself but all of you and the entire league. which explains why I look different,” you murmured the last part. 
“I thought you were dead. for years, I thought you were dead! and I hate that I still love you and never moved on!” he exclaimed, seeing the way you stared at him heartbrokenly, “you think I wanted this to happen? it was for the betterment of the league if I took on this mission. I never wanted to leave you or Steph, hell I didn’t want to leave any of you but I had too! it broke my heart knowing what I had to do!” you yelled back. 
Tim bent down, taking you into his arms, “what the hell are we going to do?” he whispered in your ear, not knowing how to respond to any of this rationally. you shrugged as the two of you tried to calm yourselves down from the hysterics you both were throwing, “I just need you here with me,” you whispered back. 
Tim nodded, not releasing you from the hug you were giving him. “I won’t. I won’t let you go! not anymore!” he replied. you laughed through your tears as you heard someone else walk into the room. 
“what the fuck.....” you heard Steph and Jason’s voice scream through the Batcave, “what the FUCK is going on?” they screamed in panic. 
hehehe a cliffhanger 
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MariJon Week
Day3: Soulmate/Glasses
Day1 Day2 Day4 Day5 Day6 Day7
“Lucky Charm” Ladybug called out and a pair of glasses fell into her hand. Quickly glancing around and looking at the glasses. They looked eerily like Max’s new ones, she figured out that it meant that Pegasus would be required. Either she was getting better at interpreting her lucky charms or Tikki was going easy on her today. Catching Chat Noir’s eye, Ladybug discretely showed him the lucky charm. “Cover me, I’ll be back soon” she called out.
Ladybug dashed towards where she had stored the miraculous box and dug out the glasses and popped them into her yo-yo not giving Kaalki as chance to appear. She dashed out to find Max trying to recall where he had planned to be this afternoon. Lost in thought she didn’t notice the Akuma sneaking up on her. ‘Soul Finder’ had Chat Noir within her grasp but needed Ladybug closer to get. Soul Finder aimed at Ladybug to zap expecting her to materialise next to Chat Noir.
“Look Out!” Chat Noir called just as the zap hit Ladybug.
Unexpectedly, Ladybug did not appear next to Chat Noir, giving him time to escape as Soul Finder ranted over the fact that Ladybug and Chat Noir were not soulmates.
Jon was with Damian as they walked Titus around Wayne Manor grounds for an early morning walk. He loved visiting his friend as the grounds were secluded, he could practice his flying and throwing a ball super far for Titus to chase. The pair were discussing the latest Avengers comic book and discussing the realistic-ness of it all.
That is until out of no-where a girl in red materialises mid-air and falls straight into Jon’s arms with some force. As Jon caught her a bright golden light encompassed the pair. Damian had to shield his eyes rather than reach for a hidden knife that he so desperately wanted too.
Within the light Jon and Ladybug found they were unaffected. The pair gazed into each other’s blue eyes. They could have been there for a second. They could have been there for eternity. Ladybug in Jons arms. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders. Eyes never breaking contact. The feeling of their souls singing to each other. Humming an intricate entwined tune only they could hear and feel. The warmth that bathed them as they had found an unknown missing piece. Someone who would accept them. The whole them. All the jagged rough edges. The flaws and imperfections. The perfect person who would celebrate their strengths and balance out their weaknesses.
Soulmates their hearts sang.
MY soulmate.
It was with this understanding passing between the pair that the light receded.
Damian grabbed his hidden blade at the first opportunity and moved into a defensive stance he barked at the intruder. “Who are you?! How did you get here?!” As much as he wanted to attack, he was reluctant to with his friend still in his attack path holding on to the girl. He knew that he was unlikely to hurt Jon, but he was reluctant to risk this invader know that it was Superboy who had caught her.
It was with Damian’s harsh tone and Ladybug's yo-yo ringing that the soulmate pair were able to begrudgingly broke eye contact. Ladybug picked up her yo-yo to answer the call.
“Oui? Chat Noir, non... Errr... je ne sais pas... Oui, mon ame soeur... d’accord, je serai rapide!”
“Who are you?! How did you get here?!” gritted out Damian again.
Closing the yo-yo Ladybug looked at the pair, still in Jon’s arms though he no longer was floating (not that she seemed to notice the fact).
“I’m sorry. Je suis desole. I’m Ladybug, an ‘soulmate’ Akuma sent me,” she looked around and finally took in that she was in Jon’s arms. Blushing she continued, “to wherever here is.” She gave Jon a small smile as she made her way out his arms and started to fiddle with her yo-yo again. “I truly am sorry, this was an unintentional drop in, but I need to go and deal with this Akuma.” She pulled at a pair of sunglasses and put them.
“Kaalki merge” she cried out as a different light washed over her leaving her standing in a new look. “Thank you for the catch,” looking bashfully at Jon she smiled, “When this is all over, is it ok if I come back and we can talk soulmate? If that’s ok with you?”
Ladybug mumbled something and a portal open.
“JOn!” She turned to Jon with a curious look. “My name is Jon. Yes! Please come back. Are you going to be ok? What is happening?”
“Check out the Ladyblog – it’s a Parisian blog which will keep you updated and give you info. I do really need to go. See you later Jon.”
With that she disappeared leaving Jon pulling out his phone and a frustrated Damian.
“Kent! Explain!”
“That was my soulmate! Ladybug is my soulmate. Oh my Gosh! My soul mate is a hero!!”
Damian and Jon watched the battle via the blog Jon had pulled up on his phone. They could see that the heroes were having issues. Ladybug’s partners seemed out of sort as they tried to comprehend that she had a soulmate out of their team. The final straw was when Ladybug took a hit due to her partner being distracted.
Jon grabbed his phone, “Watch on the bat comp if you want. I can’t watch anymore she needs my help!” and in a blur he rushed off.
“Just remember to change Kent!” Damian shouted after him rolling his eyes at his friends' antics.
“Pegasus!” Ladybug cried as jumped off the roof which Soul Finder crashed their giant weaponised rose upon. He went to open a portal for her to fall into when a red and blue blur caught her and flew her up into the air.
“We have to stop meeting like this,” Superboy grinned down at Ladybug in his arms yet again for the day. Looking up at him, Ladybugs eyes opened wider in surprise. Blinking in shock allowed her brain to catch up with what was happening. “Jon?” she whispered. With a subtle nod, “Superboy in this outfit though” Superboy grinned down at her.
Ladybug scrunched up in a quick thought and suddenly all the elements aligned. The glasses weren’t Max’s though very similar; they were Jon’s. Grabbing Kaalki meant she could get back here quickly was a bonus. Her plan wasn’t working as it was missing a key element. Jon. Superboy. Her soulmate. With a devious grin forming on her face. She quickly explained her plan to Superboy.
With Superboy now in the fray with Chat Noir and Pegasus with her, they took the Akuma down no problem.
“Bye bye, little butterfly. No more evil doing for you! Miraculous Ladybug!”
Ladybirds flew around repairing the damage as Ladybug went to comfort the Akuma victim.
Chat Noir and Pegasus went to join Superboy while they waited.
“So, you’re her soulmate. Hmmmm. I’m Chat Noir. Her PARTNER. You best treat her right or you’ll be a pile of dust after I’ve done with you. Let her know I’ll catch up with her on patrol. I need to dash.”
Chat Noir gave Superboy one more once over before vaulting away. Pegasus looked him over analytically.
“Pegasus. Thank you for your help. Surprisingly it was needed. I may not be Ladybugs permanent partner, but I have no qualms helping Chat Noir even if it’s only to erase footage of your downfall if you hurt her. She means a lot to all of Paris. More than you will ever comprehend.”
“Errr Hi? I’m Superboy, but I think that you know that. I think. Yeah, ummm I met her today due to that thing. Are they common? And I don’t intend to hurt her intentionally. You don’t need to worry about the shovel talk, but I truly believe you when you say you’ll destory me...”
Ladybug walked up to the pair halting the conversation between them smiling at them both.
“Hi,” she started almost shyly, “I’m going to take Pegasus back, but ummm, if you’d like Superboy we could maybe meet up on the roof over there and talk about what just happened?”
“Sounds good,”
Superboy watched as the pair zipped away before flying to the roof Ladybug indicated.
As Ladybug landed on the roof, yet again a flash engulfed up and Superboy had to look away. In her place was a petite girl and a floating blob. Thing.
“mmmm, Hi Jon, Superboy. I guess I should introduce myself properly. I’m Ladybug, hero of Paris, Guardian of the miraculous or currently I’m Marinette. This is Tikki who helps me transform into Ladybug.”
Jon got a dopey look on his face. She was cute. Very cute. Especially as she seemed to be a contradiction of nerves and stubbon determinism. Quickly checking his phone to see Damian blowing it up with messages, he turned it off and directed all his attention to Marinette.
“Hi Marinette, you kinda know who I am. Its nice ta meet ya officially though. Did ya fancy grabbing a coffee or something before I have ta go? Would be nice to meet my soulmate properly.”
Grinning broadly back at Jon, Marinette nodded.
“I know the perfect place for coffee and pastries. I’ll show you! Oh umm do you mind flying us off the roof?”
Jon beamed and took her up in his arms again. He loved holding her. To him this was a perfect way to be with Marinette.
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jinx-jade · 3 years
Secret Dreams Chapter 5: A dagger, a knife, and a gun.
“You have got to be kidding me,” Marinette muttered under her breath as every Akuma she had ever faced appeared in her vision.
She only went out to buy a few art supplies. Making sure to stay away from dark areas and alleyways like Damian had told her to. Marinette walked from one shop to another, standing tall and walking with a purpose. 
If she used a bit of magic to give off a ‘don’t mess with me’ vibe. Well then, that was for no one but herself and the kwami’s to know.
“I’m not even here a week before being caught in a rogue attack!” She continues to mutter under her breath.
Almost all the Akumas were on the ground. If they weren’t an Akuma, then they were a civilian laying in pools of blood, covered in fatal injuries. Their cries and screams were defining to her. Looking around, Marinette saw that there were only six Akumas still standing. In the center of the six still standing Akumas was Hawkmoth himself. 
‘Ok. Hawkmoth is probably Scarecrow. The six standing Akumas are most likely his goons.’ Marinette rationalized to herself. ‘How does that information help me.’ Looking around Marinette realized that her surroundings didn’t change. Sure it was darker and there were bloody bodies everywhere, but she was still in the shopping district.
She had seen too much for this to faze her. A plan formed in her head. Marinette made her breathing uneven moving slowly and shakily she made her way to the group of still standing Akumas.
The Akumas pointed at her and looked at each other. They seemed to laugh at her, although it was hard to know for sure since she couldn’t hear them over the screams. The Akumas didn’t think of her as a threat which worked to her advantage. Once she was close enough, Marinette snatched one of the Akumas weapons using it against the others. 
She had made sure not to hit any vital spots but other than that, she didn’t hold back. After all, they had ruined her shopping day.
Marinette swept the Akuma’s feet out from beneath them, stabbing them in their lower calf. Not fatal but it is incredibly painful. She quickly moved to the next Akuma, roundhouse kicking them in the lower jaw with enough force to knock them out. ‘Five to go.’
One of the Akumas tried to attack her from behind only for Marinette to pull out her dagger and stabbed them in the shoulder. She snatched their gun before twisting the blade and pulling it back out. ‘Four.’
Marinette quickly throws her dagger at another Akuma, hitting them in the upper arm. They seemed to pass out from the pain. She darted forward, opening one of their eyes to check for consciousness. When there was no response she moved her focus back to the fight. ‘Three.’
Turning towards the Akuma that was charging her, she shot the newly snatched gun. The bullet grazing their head. Blood splattering everywhere, knocking them unconscious, but not fatal. ‘Two.’
Marinette looked to Hawkmoth ready to shoot only to see that more Akumas had appeared. Freezing for a few moments when she noticed that these Akumas were tying up Hawkmoth. 
Marinette tilted her head to the side. One of the new Akumas moved towards her slowly with their hands in a placating gesture. ‘Oh. It’s the bats.’ Marinette realized, relaxing.
She felt a small sharp stab in her neck. ‘The antidote most likely.’
Marinette swayed on her feet before being caught. The feelings of safety and home washing over her stronger than they ever had before. She had to be careful as to keep her face neutral. Not wanting to give away how she was feeling.
Marinette was picked up and moved to an ambulance where they checked her vitals. The Bat-family impatiently waiting to question her. By the time the bats were let near her the antidote was working at full effect.
“Are you alright?” Nightwing questioned.
“Mh. Just a bad headache.” Marinette informs them.
“If you’re up to it, could you answer some questions?” Nightwing seemed to be leading the ‘interrogation’ while the other bats observed. She simply nodded her head. All the bats asked their questions.
“You were under the influence of fear-toxin?” Batman questioned with a neutral.
“What could you see?” Red Robin inquired with curiosity.
“Blood, Dead bodies, Akumas, Hawkmoth.”
“You’re from Paris then.” A statement, not a question, but she still nodded her head.
“Where did you get the dagger, knife, and gun?” Red hood asked.
“I took the knife from one of the standing Akumas, or I guess Scarecrows goons? I did the same thing to get the gun.”
“And the dagger?” Red Hood questions with an amused tone.
“That was mine,” Marinette responds. “ I keep it on me in case of an emergency.”
“You know how to handle each of these weapons?” Batgirl asked with what she assumed was a raised eyebrow. It was hard to tell with her mask.
Their questions paused briefly as they looked in each other’s directions.
“Did you have proper training with them? Or was it adrenaline?” Red Hood asked. Repeating Batgirl’s question differently.
“I’m not sure if it counts as proper training but I was taught how to use them.” This had the bats looking at each other once again in some form of silent communication.
Marinette feigned confusion about the bats’ reaction.
“The person who taught me is more than proficient with them if that’s what you’re worried about,” Marinette informs them as if she was trying to ease their worries.
The bats’ had another moment of silence before Batman stepped forward as the other bats left.
“We’ll contact you if we need more information.” He informs her before leaving himself.
Marinette let out a sigh. She was not looking forward to Damian’s over-protectiveness. Any other time she would be fine with it and let him fuss over her to his heart’s content, but they were now in the same city.
 She was worried that he might just pay her a visit in the physical world. In all honesty, she wouldn’t mind if it weren’t for the fact it would compromise her fun. She was having a lot of fun messing with Damian’s family. Although, if push comes to shove, she’ll probably let Damian check on her. Her fun wasn’t worth upsetting her bonded.
tag list: @little-bluestar @redbullgivescaswings @stackofrandomstuff @meismu @maskedpainter @nyx-in-line @iamabrownfox @m0chik0furan @jjmjjktth @icerosecrystal @machichannx @a4-machete @our-preciousss @justafanwarrior @animegirlweeb @loopingtangent @buginetye @blueslushgueen @solangelo252 @officiallydarkgreek @toodaloo-kangaroo @melicmusicmagic @alysrose-starchild @lunathealphafemale @frieddonutsweets @marvel--unsolved @user00000003 @henie04 @anonymously-odd
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justcourttee · 4 years
Okay that "Love,Right?" oneshot was wonderful but now you've got me obsessed with wondering how all the boys would fight for Mari's attention and all trying to date her omg
On an off note, I hope this came out alright. I really wanted to answer your ask but I’m running on low fumes rn. Loved thinking about this too though! I would love to read a more thought out fic, but I have to imagine it would go something like this
I could totally imagine like them all being relatively close in age. Like let’s say, 
Dick 23
Jason 21
Tim 20
Mari 18
Damian 17
And Mari is almost done with her last year of lycee so she is in uber done mode until the batboys show up in Paris conveniently at the same time that the Wayne boys show up to scout out a potential new business partner. 
She first meets Dick at the gymnasium that Chloe’s father had built for her when she went through a gymnastics phase but soon opened it to the public after she had moved on to whatever interested her next. Marinette is there to practice swinging mid-air to move faster in battle and what better way to do that than over a safety net 40 feet in the air?
Anywho, Dick is just arriving to blow off some steam after a particularly long day of negotiating. Honestly, if it wasn’t for the Hawkmoth mission and the need for a cover, he would’ve abandoned Tim ages ago. He finished locking up his stuff and when he moves into the acrobat section that is always empty, he isn’t sure whether to be impressed or disappointed that someone is there first. She looked nervous as she finished tying her hair into a high ponytail, her eyes calculating as if she was debating if she could make the first jump.
He wants to tell her that there is an easier way to mount, but his curiosity gets the better of him. With one last look, she closes her eyes, inhaling deeply. Without warning, she takes off down the short walkway launching her whole body into the air. Dick is sure she’s going to fall, but at the last minute she reaches out, her hand grasping the bar as she uses her momentum to flip upward, landing gracefully on top of the swinging trapeze. 
Dick couldn’t help his cheers. Her eyes widened as she realized someone else was watching her and in what felt like slow motion, she lost her balance and fell onto the net below. Dick rushes over to make sure she’s okay, apologizing a million times a minute. They introduce each other and it’s like an instant connection. They spend the rest of the afternoon trying new techniques and helping each other improve their own techniques. 
When Dick returns to the hotel that night, he can’t help the fact that her first swing was stuck on replay in his mind. The next day, he rushes over to the gym only to find her there again. This time, he’s determined to get her number, and surprisingly (to him) he succeeds. They spend the night trading funny memes and tiktoks. After a couple of weeks, Dick decides to try and ask her on a date. They were already close friends, I mean she trusted him enough not to drop her from forty feet in the air, that meant she trusted him right?
He shows up with a giant bouquet of roses only to receive a text message that she couldn’t make it that day. While it was a setback, it didn’t mean he was going to give up. He would show up with a bouquet of roses every day until she was there to receive them. And only then would he ask her on a date, because I can totally believe that he wouldn’t want to do it over text. It’s in-person or not at all.
The second Wayne she meets is Jason.
Muggings in Paris weren’t common with Ladybug and Chat Noir around, but it seemed to be Marinette’s lucky day as some guy just decided that a high school girl had enough money in her little purse to steal. As he backed her down an alleyway, a small hand knife pointed at her, Marinette was considering her options.
She could always try to run. After all, the guy was big and bulky, it would be hard for him to keep up with her and she doubted he wanted her bag enough to actually put up a fight. Just as she was eyeing an opening, a small sound echoed through the alleyway, one she was quite familiar with. The guy’s face looked mortified as he turned slowly to face his attacker. 
The man said something in a hushed tone to the guy that Marinette couldn’t quite make out. Whatever it was though, it was enough for her would-be assailant to book it out of the alleyway without a glance back. Assessing her newest threat, Marinette decided that this guy was more punk than thug. She was safe for now. 
He asked her if she was okay and if she needed anything as he adjusted his gun back into his waistband. Marinette was fine, but she was curious as to how he smuggled a gun into France. 
“Ah. My American accent give me away Princess?”
His french was flawless, but it was clear that he wasn’t from the area. He joked that his adopted father was rich enough for the national security to look past it. At least, she was pretty sure he was joking. 
He asks if they can grab something to eat, just because a pretty girl like her shouldn’t go hungry. Marinette is tempted to decline, but her curiosity gets the better of her. They end up going to a small diner near her parent’s bakery where they spend the night flirting shamelessly, both tinging their compliments with enough sarcasm and insults that the people around them couldn’t tell if they were together or if they were related. 
Exchanging numbers, the two continued to meet up for weekly dinners at that same diner as they bond over hating people and insulting/admiring each other. When Jason finally realizes his flirting may have shifted from mocking to an actual crush, he's conflicted. It’s just a couple months, at most a year in Paris, but would that really be a reason not to try? He starts bringing her small gifts to the dinners, starting out small like her favorite dessert or small rocks that reminded him of her, but he soon gets more elaborate like bringing her his favorite books to borrow and throwing in a new set of threads for her sewing machine. 
He hopes that when she looks at the small gifts that she’ll start associating him with the things that make her happy and just maybe, she’ll fall for him too. 
I think you guys already know where Tim is going but I have to do this 
Marinette frequents a small coffee shop near the hotel that the Wayne Boys are staying in. She would just drink the coffee that her parents serve in the bakery, but they refused to let her load up her drinks with enough caffeine to get through her day. 
She always shows up at 7:00a, after all, she’s gotten better at this punctuality thing over the years. The owners already expect her at this point and already have her drink ready before she even steps foot through the door.
One morning, one of the owners ask her to deliver a coffee to the young man that fell asleep at one of their tables. 
“He’s the first person I’ve met whose order rivals yours Ms. Dupain-Cheng.”
Marinette is impressed as she inhales the strong black coffee wafting from the mug. He definitely amped it up with two expresso shots and maybe a pump of hazelnut? If he could taste it over the bitterness of the expresso, she would be impressed.
As she sat the cup down on the table, she slid into the booth in front of him, patiently waiting for him to stir. Watching his soft exhales, Marinette felt at peace. She had never seen someone sleep so softly without moving a muscle. As quietly as she could, she brought out her sketchbook. She got about halfway through his frame when his soft breathing stopped. 
Her eyes snapped up to find his blue ones studying her cautiously. Of course, she mutters out apologizes at a million miles a minute, trying to explain that she needed practice for her living art class and that she was just dropping off his coffee and she was so sorry for drawing him without his permission. As she finally trails off, Marinette is more confused than ever. She thought he was awake, his eyes studying her, but now she wasn’t so confident. She was pretty sure he was still half asleep, assuming she was some sort of hallucination.
He reached out, draining his cup of coffee without coming up for a single breath.
“I didn’t think I was this sleep-deprived. Please beautiful sleep-induced entity, draw me if you must.”
Marinette bites her lip trying not to laugh as he tiredly pulls out a laptop, typing away at seemingly nothing. 
The next day, Marinette finds him in his same spot, already two empty mugs occupying the table. As she orders, she’s sure to grab an extra one for him before joining him once more. This time, Tim is the one to apologize as he realizes finally that she is a real girl and not a hallucination. 
Marinette laughs it off and the briefly chat about their lives. As Marinette gets up to leave for her morning classes, she promises to meet him for coffee the next morning. Surely enough, as she walks through the door, he’s already at their booth. He waves her over, motioning to the coffee mug holding her go-to order. They come to an agreement, he allows her to draw him for practice, she offers him the occasional advice. There is sometimes small talk, but it’s mostly just full of comfort that they found in each other’s presence. 
After weeks, Tim finally decides that he wants to get to know this beautiful coffee angel. He starts by asking her to meet at a bakery that he had been dying to try. As he arrives at the bakery, Marinette sheepishly admits that it was her parent’s bakery. Tim feigns ignorance, but that smirk he gives her makes her reconsider the innocent sleep-deprived man she had met weeks earlier. From now on, he has breakfast with the Dupain-Cheng family every morning. After all, your in-laws have to like you first before you can try anything else, right?
Finally, we have Damian. 
They meet in the living art class. He had already taken something similar at Gotham Academy, but he was curious to see the French side of something he cherished so dearly. 
At first, he hates her. She reminds him of a mixture between Dick and Tim and in all honesty, he only volunteered to pretend to be a foreign exchange student to spend the majority of the day away from his brothers. 
He slowly begins to change his mind though as he is partnered with her for a partner draw project. The teacher forces them to spend all of class drawing each other how they feel the world should see their partner. It involved a lot of sharing and as she became more confident in him, he slowly felt himself opening up to this strange girl as well. 
It was going fine until one day, two of her old classmates entered the classroom, trying to pick a fight with Damian. He remembered one of them, yes the sausage haired girl, her name was Lily perhaps? She tried to ask him out and he turned her down, hard. Now here she was, crying the fakest tears he had ever seen as some ombre haired woman was chewing him out. 
He was fine going on ignoring them, but then the ombre haired woman reached out for his notebook, tearing it from his grasps. She glanced over it for a second before raising it above her head and slamming it into the ground. She lifted her foot to stomp on it, but she never had a chance to finish. Before Damian had even moved a muscle, Marinette was standing above her, a murderous look in her eyes. The sausage haired woman helped the girl to her feet as they retreated quickly, both of their faces pale as they sent empty threats in Marinette’s direction. 
With a sigh, Marinette picked up his notebook, dusting it off gently before handing it back to him, apologizing for her ex-classmates. He wanted to let her know that he didn’t need her to look out for him, that he could handle it, but his mind flashed to the look in her eyes. If anything, his interest was now piqued by the girl. 
As the project came to an end, the moment of truth had finally come. Damian showed Marinette her portrait. He had drawn her as mother nature, warm and protective of her children and cold to anyone that threatened them. He would be lying if the small blush on her face didn’t boost his pride. When she showed Damian his portrait, he couldn’t help but let his jaw drop, even slightly. 
He looked like a medieval knight, posing on the defense, a slight trickle of what looked like blood dripping out the corner of his mouth. 
“I’m sorry, please don’t think it’s weird. It’s just the more you talked, and so passionately too about how you wanted to protect everything dear to you from your family to your pets, I couldn’t help but get swept away in this idea that you were some gallant knight-”
He cut her off with a single look as his face broke into a grin. He loved it. Everyone always described him as a demon or a baby bird, but a gallant knight, it was certainly a first.
That night at the hotel, he would search google for the best ways to ask out a girl. After all, he sure as hell wasn’t asking his brothers.
Permanent Tag List:
@ash-amg @rebecarojas07 @heaven428 @long-lost-peace @thequeenofpotatoeunicornss @moongoddesskiana @nach0ava @iamablinkmarvelarmy @seraphkitty @clumsy-owl-4178 @pawsitivelymiraculous @mialuvscats @leagrey @smolplantmum @animegirlweeb @glitterflowercat
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quillsareswords · 4 years
And Arnold Makes Four
The next part of Blurb #18, because it got surprisingly great feedback! Thank you all so much! You don't necessarily need to read 18, but I'd recommend it, just to get your bearings.
Interested in a Polyamorus Taglist? Comment here!
Prompt List // Masterlist (in bio)
Jon did not keep his promise. When two hours had passed and you were still snoring next to Damian as he reclined on both of you, he considered waking you because goddamn it he wanted a slushee, but decided against it.
Too many night had you both sat up until the sun shone. The least he could do was let you rest.
Besides—he was pretty sure one of you would try to punch him if he tried.
So, he laid contently against your legs, wasting most of the day between his Switch and your television.
Damian is the first one awake. He blinks hard twice, because the sun is shining directly through the window and straight into his eyes (likely what woke him up, he decides). You're the first thing he sees. You probably got a little too warm snuggled so close to him, so you've pulled back so he can see your whole face. Subconsciously, he tracks your breathing for a moment.
Then he's looking past you, for his other partner. One of you are usually in the middle, because Jon gets too hot laying between you. Jon's not there. Damian reminds himself that he's in your house and that there's realistically no reason to worry, before the niggling of panic worms it's way into his mind.
The weight against his shins shifts. He sits part way up, careful not to jostle you too much in the process.
Jon turns away from your TV and smiles brightly. "I wondered when you'd wake up," he says, quietly.
Your eyebrows furrow as you groan.
Damian rolls his upper half so he can properly himself up with his elbows. "Why didn't you wake us? It's been well over two hours," Damian asks, inclining his head towards the window, where it's obviously nearly sunset.
Jon shrugs, shifts his weight so Damian can roll completely over. "You seemed like you needed it, so . . ."
Damian nods slowly. He feels a little bad, wondering why his internal alarm clock didn't have him up within an hour. Probably you.
You mumble something about the light before your eyes crack open with a glare. You'd been half awake, listening to the conversation. "What time is it?"
"Sunset," Damian sighs, crawling over you to get off the bed. "Sunshine here didn't wake us up."
Jon's cheeks bloom pink at the endearment, but he pretends they don't. "You looked like you needed sleep," he defends, flopping back down in his boyfriend's place.
You realize he's already gotten dressed, while you're still in sleep shorts and a ratty tank top. You also realize that Damian is fishing clothes out of his duffel, which was slung down beside Jon's bulging backpack yesterday afternoon.
You don't know why they insist on bringing so much every time they come to stay, considering the bottom two drawers of your dresser are respectively theirs. You consider this silently as you roll out of bed to pull on jeans and your Converse.
By the time you grab your longboard and bid your parents goodbye, the sky is orange and pink and white and it's brilliant.
Jon's camera is in your backpack, your speaker on a strap slung across his body while you search for their designated playlist.
Damian's pennyboard hits the ground first, then your longboard, then Jon's skateboard. Down your suburban driveway you cruise, then down the cul-de-sac and onto the sidewalk running alongside the slow traffic of the road.
The Travel Center sign glows orange and red as you roll forward, Vance Joy booming from Jon's hip. The sky only gets prettier, so Jon asks for his camera once you stop.
When you reach the parking lot, you slide your heel along the cement to lose your momentum, simultaneously slinging your backpack down to the crook of one arm to get the camera.
You hand it to him when he stops beside you, then you pop the nose of your board and pause your music.
"What are you getting?" Jon asks, as you pass him, one arm outstretched to hold the glass door open for you, while Damian swings the other side of the door open for himself.
"Coca Cola, obviously," you hum, tucking your board under one arm and reshouldering the straps of your bag. "I'll cover snacks and whatnot if one of you will pay for the bracelets at the fair."
The county fair is finally back for the beginning of summer in your home town, so the three of you have decided to go, since the fairgrounds are so close to the pier anyway.
Damian nods. "I'll pay for them." He takes a small cup size from the stack as the three of you round the corner of the back isle.
"I'll pay for the slushees," Jon decides, taking a large.
"Good for you," you smile, filling your medium with the light brown, thinly ground ice from the rolling machine.
Jon flicks your nose as he pumps his large full if blue-burrrry first, then cherry.
Damian snaps a boring old flat lid on the top of his cup before he saunters off in search of a snack to take for the road.
You're the next one done, but because you have a soul, you take a dome lid and fill your cup past the brim.
You roam the isles for a few minutes, despite already knowing where everything, just like every weekend. You pick up a bag of cheddar Combos, a miniature tube of original Pringles, and a Hershey bar.
You meet your boys by the checkout, where the same tired-looking woman smiles at you fondly. Just like every weekend.
Damian sets down a bag of M&Ms, while Jon is still juggling four bags of candy, a skateboard, and a multicolored slushee which is oozing out from the top of the dome lid, because—like every weekend—he's overfilled it.
While you fish out some bills from the wallet in your backpack, Damian finally steps in and takes the slushee from him so he can slap down his pack of Rainbow Belts, a bag of Skittles, a Hershey Cookies and Cream bar, a bag of Trolli gummy worms, a bag of miniature Twix bars, and a blue Gatorade onto the counter.
You laugh, because it's a little bit like a clown car, the way he piles it all on the counter. Damian sighs, staring at Jon with a healthy mix of impression, surprise, and adoration.
Sheepishly, Jon takes his slushee back from his boyfriend and mumbles, "The slushees are separate."
The middle-aged woman withholds a laugh at the whole thing, even though this is a very regular occurrence, while she slides all the items across the scanner.
A few minutes later, the three of you pause in the parking lot to cram everything into your backpack. While Damian is helping you, Jon stands at the very edge of the sidewalk, snapping pictures of the gorgeous sunset and the colors it paints the sky.
Soon enough, you're on your way again. The pier isn't too far from your house—maybe three miles, not counting the backtracking you have to do from the Travel Center. Its also not used often unless there's some big event, like a holiday or something at the fairgrounds, which are a quick jaunt up a dirt path through a patch of woods.
It's been a favorite spot of yours, ever since you were old enough for your parents to let you loose. You brought the boys out last summer, only about a month after forming the three way relationship you're so comfortable in. Since then, it's been a frequent for you three, when the weather's nice.
It isn't an ocean pier, by the way. It's on a lake, which is partly owned by the park on the other side, and partly owned by the same family who's owned the fairgrounds for as long as you can remember. They have a miniature boat race every Spring, and a lantern release every New Year.
You make it to the fairgrounds just about as soon as the sun sinks below the treeline, courtesy of the (mostly) paved road that stretches through the massive unused field and dense woods that divides it from the main road. Mostly, because it was paved so long ago that it was well forgotten in the most recent repaving your small town underwent a year or two ago.
You pop the nose of your board up, shoving the rest of your chocolate bar into your mouth as you step on to the whiterock path leading to the ticket booth, and the rest of the pop-up carnival beyond it.
"Three bracelets, please," Damian requests, holding out a twenty and a ten. Ten bucks for an all-access bracelet that are only valid for twenty-four hours might seem crazy, but it's logistically cheaper and easier than buying X-amount of tickets, and then having to come back for more later.
You hastily strap the paper onto one another's wrists before you scamper off, your eyes set on the Twister, dragging your boys behind you.
You spend most of the night squished between two people in a two-person seat; or throwing things at other things to win more things; or sprawled out in the grass behind or between some booths, chowing down on pre-bought snacks. Jon went off and got an Elephant Ear at some point, so you spent more time sitting in the grass, eating and chatting idly, humorously judging people with Damian while Jon glared on disapprovingly. Still, even he couldn't find anything good to say about the full neon rainbow leopard jumpsuit that fit about six sizes too small in the worst way, other than at least he's creative.
At one point or another, you come across a giant stuffed sloth that's about a foot short of being as tall as you, and you decide on the spot that it is absolutely going home with you. Damian and Jon see the number of points it costs and sigh in unison. You spend about one hundred and sixteen minutes throwing baseballs at far-too-heavy milk bottles, but hey, who's counting?
You do, eventually, win the sloth, with the combined efforts of three super-sidekicks—Jon's super strength, Damian's freakish aim, and your intuitive throwing finally converge on one task, surprisingly.
Hauling your new friend—Arnold, you've dubbed him—on your back, you decide to show your gratitude by putting your knife throwing skills (you're very good at instinctive throwing, because of your flawless intuition) to good use at the dart-and-ballon game.
You leave Arnold in Jon's care (Damian ever so gently told you that he'd leave Arnold to sit in the dirt beside them, not hold him, which offended you deeply), and and your longboard with Damian, before you march over, wad of dollar bills in hand.
You return twenty minutes later, two plush animals in each hand. You proudly bestow a ambiguous black bird to Damian, and a fire engine red marshmallow-esque creature to Jon. You take Arnold in your arms and resituate him to ride piggy back, long boneless arms draped over your shoulders.
Jon giddily grins at his new blob friend, and thanks you, muttering, a little shyly, that you really didn't have to. Damian stares down at the stuffed bird in silence, a smidge of contempt flickering in his eyes. It crosses your mind that he might have preferred something else, but all doubt is erased with his grip on it becomes a little more firm, a bit more protective, and you catch his gaze going soft on it. He offers you a little smile, because he's bad at genuinely accepting and showing appreciation for these kinds of gifts.
And because you know this, you return the gesture to prove that you understand.
Your trio heads for the dirt path through the decently small patch of woods, where a dirt path peeks out like a old man with gentle eyes and a warm smile.
Jon stops right as you reach the mouth of the path. He hands Damian his skateboard. "You go ahead, I'll meet you there in a few minutes."
"Where are you going?" Damian asks.
Jon starts walking backwards. "I'm gonna get something. I'll be quick, I promise! Go ahead!"
Damian exchanges a look with you. You shrug, reaching toward his hand and wiggling your fingers.
He locks his fingers with yours, sparing Jon one more look over his shoulder before the two of you set off.
"What do you think he's up to?" you wonder, peering over your shoulder just before the carnival is out of sight. You don't see him, but you imagine him bobbing a weaving through the crowds of half drunk, drunk high, and half asleep people ambling around in the last hours of the festivities for the day.
Damian glances back one more time. "Don't know," he answers. "Can't be anything good, if he wouldn't tell us."
You nod. "Can't be awful, if he wouldn't warn us," you add with a smile.
He laughs. "Can't be amazing if he wouldn't gloat about how amazing his idea is."
You laugh loudly. "You got me there."
You pass the marker for the middle of the path soon after. It's just an old wooden post, marked properly with fading orange tape. Not long after that, you leave the treeline behind.
The pier is old, and a little creaky. The wood is dark with age, warm with sun, and worn with the repeated paths of the residents of your hometown. The group of people is surprisingly small, despite the carnival's large attendance.
Your eyes roam the few couples scattered around the clearing by the water, and the group of friends laughing loudly from borrowed fishing boats further out in the water. Warm summer night air sticks to your skin and fills your lungs the way only it can.
The pair of you find a good spot at the very end of the pier, where the boards are still stable, but boast a concerning number if cracks and splinters. You prop Arnold up behind you, safely away from the water, but he slouches inanimately while he holds Damian's crow and your backpack in his lap.
"We should do this more," you hum, leaning back on your elbows to get a proper look at the mostly clear sky. It's nearly a full moon, and lack of light pollution leaves the stars on display, while the open moonlight reflects beautifully off the tops and sides of passing clouds.
Damian hums in agreement. "That would be nice." His neck cranes to get a good look for himself. "Any constellations?"
"Orion is there," you point to the belt specifically. "And the Dippers are right there."
A beat of silence as you admire the heavens.
"How long do you think until Jon calls us because he's gotten into trouble?"
You laugh. "Fifteen minutes," you bet.
Damian nods. "Sounds right. He's probably getting some kind of food."
"I hope it's something without grease," you groan. "Otherwise I might be sick."
Damian chuckles. "Don't get your hopes up."
As if it was a stage cue, you hear footsteps thumping up the rickity wood planks toward you.
You both turn at the sound of your names. "Look what I got!" Jon howls excitedly.
He's got a giant bag of popcorn and another of cotton candy under one arm, and brandishing a clear plastic bag with the other.
"That better not be a fish," you warn, but the spark in your eyes betrays the implied threat. You sit back up to get a better look.
"It'll be dead in a week," Damian warns, "so don't get too attached."
Jon fakes a pout, stopping beside Arnold. "His name is Jerry and you're being very rude." He drops the bags of snacks among your prize-filled bag and stuffed animals, then drops himself on the other side of you.
"Let me see him," you swipe the bag without permission. You hold it level with your eyes. It stares back boredly. "What are you gonna do with him? Do you have a bowl?"
He smiles sheepishly at you. "I thought your mom might have a vase or something."
You roll your eyes good-naturedly and hold the bag out to Damian to inspect. "I'm sure she does," you assure anyway. "If not, you can borrow a water glass or something."
Damian's eyes light up suddenly, as he eyes the yellow fish. "Your mother has a huge wineglass, doesn't she?"
You grin. "Yes. Yes she does, and you're a genius."
Damian smiles suavely, reaching across you to hand the bag back to Jon. "This isn't new information."
You snort and roll you eyes again, reaching for the cotton candy. "And so modest, too."
Jon tucks one leg under the opposite knee, setting the bag of water in the crook of his knee. "And ugly as a moose."
Damian indignantly rips the bag of cottony sugar from your grasp, leaving you with an offended glare, an agape mouth, and a thick tuft of pink fluff in your hand. "I'll pretend I didn't hear that."
You giggle over to Jon. "I think he hates us," you loudly whisper.
Jon nods thoughtfully, peering past you as he whispers back, "He's planning to poison us with dinner."
Damian sighs, loudly. "Firstly, poison wouldn't effect you, Jon. Secondly, if I hated either of you, I wouldn't be here."
Jon laughs. "He's got us, Lovely."
You lean on Damian's shoulder. "In more ways than you one."
Your plan works perfectly. Red flushes down his neck, eyes still locked on the horizon.
Jon picks up on it immediately, and hooks an arm around Damian's waist. "Wouldn't you agree, Love?"
He grumbles between the two of you, annoyed and embarrassed and so overwhelmingly in love.
As predicted, he makes a quick effort to switch topics. "How long are we staying?"
You and Jon respect his discomfort with focused public affection and pull away. "Long as we want," you answer, shoving a smaller tuft of pink into your mouth. "Mom just said to be home before two."
Jon nods. "I wanna watch a Disney movie when we get home." You agree.
"Speaking of getting home," Damian peers over his shoulder at the small mountain of prizes, food, and skateboards behind you, "how exactly do you plan on getting Arnold home?"
You eye the four-foot-six sloth and your longboard. Then you turn back to your boys, moonlight casting a gleam in your eyes. "I have absolutely no idea."
[TAGS – @qween-of-trash ]
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—tim grabbed the bottle from the stash of medicines in his apartment, shakily pressing down on the lid to open the locking mechanism. 
OT00367K 300514-0H WARNING: OxyContin is an opioid agonist and a Schedule II controlled substance with an abuse liability similar to morphine.
—because thank god alfred somehow managed to keep the batcave infirmary stocked with many different drugs and painkillers. tim remembered the money making people blink, the professional suppliers delivering to an unknown location, leslie turning a blind eye, going so far as to help them sometimes. it gave tim access to whatever he needed to take for his own apartment.
Oxcodone can be abused in a manner similar to other opioid agonists, legal or illicit. This should be considered when prescribing or dispensing OxyContin in situations where the physician or pharmacist is concerned about an increased risk of misuse, abuse, or diversion.
—leslie had glanced at him strange, so tim took her into the medbay and pulled up his sweatpants. the swollen, bruised colour of his ankle was striking against his pale skin. to her credit, leslie didn’t even wince, just used firm hands and warm fingers to examine the wound. tim had asked her not to tell anyone, and the injury was minimal enough for her to purse her lips and nod. she demanded a checkup in a week. with some negotiating, tim moved it up to a week and a half. “be careful with those,” leslie said, gesturing towards the painkillers. “of course,” tim responded easily.
OxyContin Tablets are a controlled-release oral formulation of oxycodone hydrochloride indicated for the management of moderate to severe pain when a continuous, around the clock analgesic is needed for an extended period of time.
—tim leaned against the wall of his bathroom, finally gripping the hem of his sweatshirt and pulling it off. a myriad of colours greeted him, everything from mottled yellow to angry violet to the dark red of the blood flecked around the wound on his side. it was stupid, so stupid. damian had come out of that encounter fine, just a couple bruises to the forearms. tim, on the other hand, had to suffer a slice to the side with a knife, all because he’d hurt his ankle and ribs a day ago and hadn’t been able to flip out of the way in time. the pain had been unnoticeable yesterday, but today, it went past his entire body being on fire and instead felt like he’d been dipped in ice. tim was ready to claw his skin off his torso and fix his ribs himself, but he settled for tipping a couple pills into his palm.
OxyContin Tablets are NOT intended for use as a prn analgesic
—tim allowed himself a couple seconds, taking a few deep breaths, the way dick had taught him to push through the pain. then, pushing off the wall, tim stumbled into his bedroom. forgoing dinner, he shrugged his sweatshirt back on and collapsed onto the bed, letting out a hiss of pain when he landed on a bruise. he shuffled over to his favourite side, staying on top of the covers, moving his injured ankle into a somewhat comfortable position, and waited for the pills to kick in as he drifted off to sleep.
OxyContin 80 mg and 160 mg Tablets ARE FOR USE IN OPIOID-TOLERANT PATIENTS ONLY. These tablet strengths may cause fatal respiratory depression when administered to patients not previously exposed to opioids. 
—when tim woke up the next day, it was hard to breathe. hypoventilation was nothing new with stronger painkillers, though, so tim groggily stood up and made his way into the bathroom. the bruises had darkened, and the wound was gaping. turned out tim’s initial assessment was wrong: he needed stitches after all. on the bright side, the pain wasn’t as bad today as it was yesterday. tim popped a couple more pills and took out his medkit.
—bruce needed his help with a black mask case, and he’d called jason in as well, because no one knew the villain like the former crime lord. but jason was also working a human trafficking case with dick, and while things were getting better, dick was still one of the people that routinely defied bruce’s authority, quieter than jason but much more intense. but damian had asked him personally to come (well, he’d said he wanted to show him how to groom alfred the cat, which was practically the same thing), and cass was visiting from hong kong. so, for probably a couple rare hours, everyone was going to be in the manor, and if alfred and cass had anything to say about it, peacefully. tim gathered the information he’d layed out, and made his way towards the manor.
Possible Side Effects of OxyContin include: Drowsiness and/or weakness,
—tim stopped in one of the sitting rooms in the manor, dropping onto the couch after feeling the ground sway underneath him. he probably needed to eat something. knowing what his family would say if anyone found him in this state, he used trembling hands to take his computer out of his backpack, and pull up some mindless case under the pretense of work. he forced his eyes open, letting the blue screen cut through his vision. he had a good night’s rest, so the last thing he needed was to sleep right now. besides, look at dick! the man could stay awake for days on end, or keep going for weeks on minimal sleep, never get slow or sloppy in the field with exhaustion, and kept a warm and welcoming smile on his face the entire time. the least tim could do was put his injury to the side and stay awake for the first few hours of the night, before everything delved into screaming matches and arguments.
dizziness that may be accompanied by a headache,
—tim could feel everybody staring at him. they were analyzing him, taking stock of his weaknesses, he just knew it. and he couldn’t blame them. he could barely keep his head propped up, sitting in front of the screen. he flinched every time a particularly sudden or loud sound cut through the air, making his brain scream and his face wince in pain. tim’s fingers were rubbing his temples, but the effect was laughable against the pounding in his ears, the pounding of his head. “tim,” bruce’s voice caught his attention, deep but not quite gentle. “why don’t you get some water, hm?” tim nodded, then went to stand up stumbling slightly and grabbing the chair for balance. bruce moved to steady him, but tim held a hand out to stop him. he was fine. the floor was moving, the walls were spinning, but he was fine. “just a little tired,” he waved off to bruce. “don’t worry. i’ll grab an energy drink or something later.”
—jason’s brow was furrowed as tim forced another bite to his mouth. across the table, dick’s head tilted in question and he asked “i thought alfredo was your favourite?” tim’s smile didn’t feel all that forced when he brought it up, and he forced another bite past his lips. “i’m just not that hungry. i had a snack in the afternoon.” his stomach was rolling, clenching, sizing up and- “if you would like something light, master timothy, i’m sure we have some crackers and soup. you can eat the alfredo another time.” alfred really was too kind. tim’s hands were clenched around the fork, and it took everything he hand not to curl up on his stomach, to heave as he opened his mouth to say “no thanks alfie. i’m good.” 
and vomiting, 
—tim couldn’t take it anymore. he pushed his chair back and left the table, far more rudely than he’d ever been before, barring an argument at the dinner table, and raced upward, willing his uncooperative feet and busted ankle to cooperate no matter the dizziness. he could hear the confused cries of his family behind him, but ignored them. tim threw open the door to the bathroom, having the mind to close and lock it, before falling over the toilet, heaving up the little pasta he’d managed to force down. and when that was done, there came the fire. the pain in his stomach as he tried to throw up what wasn’t even in his stomach anymore and oh was that blood? that wasn’t a good sign.
among other side effects. For a complete list of all possible side affects, ask your doctor or pharmacist.
—there was pounding on the door, and tim heard dick’s voice calling out his name. “fuckin’ pick the lock!” jason’s voice was angry. of course it was angry, the one time his family hadn’t come to blows and tim had ruined it. couldn’t he have held it together for just a few more hours? suddenly, there was a loud crack. cass had kicked the door in. she leaped into the bathroom, immediately over to him, with dick hot at her heels. jason was leaning against the doorway, keeping damian or bruce from coming in.
Previous medical conditions, such as lung problems, head injury, liver or kindey problems, adrenal gland problems, convulsions or seizures, alcoholism, hallucinations or other severe mental problems, and past or present substance abuse or addiction may heighten the negative effects of the oxycodone. 
—voices filtered into tim’s mind, but everything sounded like he was underwater. muffled, quiet. the quiet was nice. if only his headache could get with the program. there were hands on his shoulders, cupping his face. they were warm, and felt strong. he was safe. there was a part of him screaming, though. get up, open your eyes, stop being weak! stop being pathetic! the others could do so much more than you, so just stop acting like a victim and be useful for once! the voice was demanding, and tim tried to do just that, the dizziness had come back with a vengeance and the room was spinning. or maybe his vision was whiting out, because everything flared a bright, brilliant white before tim was plunged into darkness.
Pharmacist: dispense the attached Medication Guide to any patient taking OxyContin Tablets.
OT00367K 300514-0H
i don’t actually know how OxyContin works so all of this may be horribly wrong. this is just what the warning label said on a bottle i found in the medicine cabinet.
tag list:  @comicsandhoney @birdy-bat-writes @elles-shitposts-personified @subtleappreciation @screennamealreadyused @pricetagofficial @catxsnow @astroherogirl @yesboopityboop @dangerduckjpeg
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highonchocolate · 4 years
Take Two: The Guardian in Gotham Chapter 3
First   Previous   Next   Ao3
Bruce sat at the head of the long oak dining table and waited for his children to make their way into the room for dinner. They came in as a staggered group; Jason arguing about some novel with Dick while Tim and Damian brought up the back as they discussed their patrol routes for the night. After Alfred and Damian helped serve the food, Bruce cleared his throat pointedly and waited for everyone to pay attention. 
Once everyone had looked up from their discussions he spoke. “Alfred has a friend named Gina; and she had called this evening to see if her granddaughter could stay with us. She lives in Paris; but her classmates were bullying her and her parents thought a change of scenery would do her some good. I have agreed to let her stay with us in the Manor.” Even before he had finished speaking the table erupted with different questions from his children.
“Bruce are you sure this is wise?” Tim questioned over Dick’s ecstatic squealing (“I’ve always wanted a little sister!!!”), and Jason’s grumbling (“Shut the fuck up Dickhead. I don’t know why the fuck B is bringing someone into this house to live with this dysfunctional family.”). Ignoring his siblings; he pressed on “I mean, how are we going to hide Batman and the vigilante stuff from her?” As Bruce paused to answer Damian stood up and scowled. “Tt. This is a moronic decision. Inform me of when this girl is to arrive and inform  her to stay out of my way.” He lifted his chin and crossed his arms before marching out of the room.
After Damian’s outburst, Jason looked over from where he was arguing with Dick and added his input “Timbo’s right, B. How are we going to hide that from her?” 
“We’ll have to make sure at least two of you remain in the manor each night so that she doesn’t get too suspicious.” He answered. “Now, the only reason I agreed to letting her stay here was namely for Alfred, and also because of what her classmates did to her” 
“What do you mean, Bruce?” Dick questioned. “Did they like assault her or something?”
“Or something” He responded grimly before sending the photo to all three of them. 
As they looked at the photo, he observed their reactions to the image. Dick was not smiling for once, and his sunny blue eyes had darkened to an icy frost. His whole body was tense; and his jaw was so clenched his teeth were grinding together. Jason was standing up with two guns locked and loaded in his hands. He had also managed to procure a knife from somewhere, which appeared as he leant forward and asked “What were the names of the people who did this again?” in a completely lethal tone. Tim, already hacking away at his computer responded “Not there yet, but from what I can find out, she goes to College Francois DuPont and she’s fifteen.” He briefly looked up and made eye contact with Bruce before asking “How fast do you think we can get our lawyers onto those kids B?” At the declarations of his children, Bruce closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose between two fingers. “We can not file any lawsuits yet, not without Marinette’s permission.” He answered, sighing tiredly. “Marinette?” Dick questioned. “Marinette Dupain-Cheng,” Tim responded instantly. “That’s her name.” 
“She will be coming on Monday, and Alfred will be picking her up from the airport. She is also going to attend GA, so someone please tell Damian.” Bruce said as he stood from the table. “Now hurry up, we have patrol tonight, and there have been rumors about a drug ring near Crime Alley.”
After coming back from the hospital and having a sleepover Thursday night, Chloé and Adrien were completely sleep-deprived as they trudged into school the next morning. Settling into her usual seat beside Sabrina, Chloé silently thanked all the Kwami that she didn’t have to sit next to Lila. Halfway though class, Mrs. Bustier suddenly frowned and looked at the back row. “Does anyone know where Marinette is? She still hasn’t arrived yet!”
“Probably still sleeping at home! She’ll come in completely late as usual!” Alya cackled. At her words, Chloé felt her entire body heat up with righteous indignity. She opened her mouth to tell that wannabe tabloid reporter to get her facts straight, but then Adrien caught her eye and shook his head. He then pointed at his phone, and mimed unlocking it before pointing to her. Catching the hint, she checked her messages to see that Marinette had sent them a text.
FashionableBug: Mari said to tell Chloé and Adrien not to do anything to Lila or anyone else that starts making stuff up. (From Luka btw)
You’reUnderAgreste: Me-ouch, My Lady. I would never!
QueenofMean: shut it with the puns, Noir. Maribug, I will only listen to you because you’re injured and I’m not going to go against your wishes.
Putting her phone away, Chloé resigned herself to a miserable school day. 
After school, she walked into Marinette’s room and flopped dramatically onto the chaise, before letting out a long groan.
“That bad?” Mari chuckled as she scribbled sketched one-handedly in her design notebook. 
“You have no idea.” Chloé responded. 
Their conversation continued into mundane things, such as everyone’s patrol routes, and various theories on who Hawkmoth was. Totally normal topics for teenagers. As the day drew to a close, they made plans for everyone to come over to start packing the next day before Chloé left the bakery and headed home.
Come Saturday, Marinette, Chloé and Luka spent the morning playing board games one handed “to level the playing field” as Luka put it and eating lots of cookies and pastries-provided by Marinette’s parents of course. Adrien and Kagami were attending their various classes until afternoon, so the remaining three spent their time relaxing, and coming up with a list of things to pack for Mari’s stay in Gotham. Two o’ clock rolled around, and the bells over the bakery jingled to announce the arrival of the final members of the packing committee.  
Any plans to begin their assignment of somehow fitting all Marinette’s fabrics into the suitcase were cut short by an Akuma. 
They all transformed, even though Kagami and Luka has been  extremely reluctant to let Mari go even though the suit temporarily healed her injuries. Climbing through her roof hatch, they set out across the rooftops to defeat their latest villain.
Five hours later, the teen heroes dropped into her room, and detransformed in various flashes of multicolored lights. They collapsed onto the bed and chairs and silently agreed to just  sleep , and get the packing done the next day.
All of Sunday was spent throwing various clothes and accessories into Mari’s pink and black suitcase. There were several sweaters and hoodies (added by Chloé), as well as several leggings and many thick pajama pants (Sabine).
Adrien (with the help of Tom) had somehow managed to pack over ten different pun-covered t-shirts, and by the time they were discovered, they had been buried under piles upon piles of fluffy socks from Kagami. Luka also threw in some scarves before Marinette added some toiletries, her sewing kit, and her computer.
Picking up the backpack she had decided to use as a carry-on, Marinette rifled through it to make sure she had everything in there as well.
Spare change of clothes in case she loses her suitcase? Check. Phone, headphones, and charger? Check. Sketchbook and pencils? Check. Disguised Miracle Box? Check.
She turned to her family (Not her teammates, not her friends, but her family.) and smiled. It was small, and bittersweet, but it was a smile. “Alright guys, I guess I’m all set.” She said, before joining them all in a group hug. They offered her soft, tearful smiles before Tom carried her big suitcase down the stairs. 
That night, Marinette fell asleep surrounded by all the people she loved, and she couldn’t have been happier.
The next day, her Papa carried her downstairs and placed her into her wheelchair (since she had a broken foot, and couldn’t use her leg, they had given her a wheelchair) before wheeling her outside and placing her into the car waiting by the street. 
Her friends were all inside, and she gripped Adrien’s hand tightly as they drove to the airport. 
As she stood to board the plane, she turned back to catch one last glimpse of them all. Chloé was leaning into Kagami’s side who was holding her girlfriend’s hand tightly. Adrien was waving wildly, and Luka and her parents all raised one hand in farewell. Her Maman and Papa has some red rimming their eyes, but they smiled at her as she was wheeled into the plane. Next stop: Gotham, New Jersey.
Since her flight left Paris at 10 AM, she was set to arrive in Gotham at around 12 PM/noon. With that in mind, she decided to stay awake for the entire flight so that her body could adjust better. 
As they crossed the Atlantic, Marinette, sitting in first class thanks to Chloé and Adrien’s combined nagging; popped her earbuds in, and began to sketch. 
She stared out the window as she touched down, shocked by all the dog and darkness in the city. As she collected her bags, and wheeled her way outside to look for her host family, she couldn’t help but notice how everyone in this city was much more on edge than most normal people. ‘They act as though they are expecting an attack at any second of the day.’ She mused to herself. Her train of thought was cut off by the sight of an elderly man with a powerful aura standing next to a limo with a sign saying “Marinette Dupain-Cheng”. She wheeled her way over to him and smiled brightly. “Salut! My name is Marinette! What is yours, Monsieur!” She questioned, holding out her hand for a handshake.
“It’s lovely to meet you Miss Marinette, my name is Alfred Pennyworth.” Alfred responded, smiling gently down at her. “Now let’s get you and your bags in the car, shall we?” He reaches out to shake her hand, and the moment their fingers touched her vision was filled with dark blue and red. She laughed and smiled up at him. “It is an honor to meet you, noble Peacock.” She greeted him in the Guardian language, honoring his position as a True Holder. “And it is an honor to meet you as well, Ladybug.” He answered. She grinned and allowed him to help her into the back of the limo before he climbed into the driver's seat and they sped off to Wayne Manor. 
When he saw the young girl, Alfred was shocked to say the least. She was roughly 5’ 4” (162.5 cm), and was very petite. Her stature, combined with her wheelchair, wrist brace, and the cast on her leg, all strengthened his resolve to protect the young girl from any further harm. That was only intensified when their auras recognized each other. How could anyone place the responsibility of upholding balance on such a young child? 
As he drove to the Manor, she informed him that the Cat, Bee, Dragon and Snake were active on her team. Before he could ask her what the threat they were battling was, they had arrived at the Manor, and she had immediately tensed and gone silent.
Deciding that it was better to ask more questions later, he got out of the car to retrieve her bags and chair. Master Bruce and three of his children except for Master Damian were waiting in front of the doors to the Manor, and they all waited patiently for her as she exited the car. 
Marinette was nervous. Sure, taking to Monsieur Alfred was really fun, and she couldn’t wait to tell him more about Paris, but now she was meeting her actual host family! What if they didn’t like her? What if they decided to send her back?! Then what would she do?? A small cough interrupted her downward spiral, and she looked up from her lap to see Monsieur Alfred waiting in front of the open door with her wheelchair. Grabbing her backpack, she awkwardly maneuvered herself into the chair and allowed herself to be wheeled out in front so she could meet Monsieur Bruce Wayne.
Note: Alfred doesn’t know that Marinette is the Guardian. He just knows she’s a Ladybug holder.
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Today I bring you: an alternate Super Sons meeting! (This is a scrapped scene from my Code Bat series on ao3, but I think this is still enjoyable without context!)
The rewrite of this is here!
“I told you, coming with me would be boring.”
“Tt. Whatever, Drake.”
The nickname had long lost its malicious tinge. Tim rolled his eyes, trying to quell the fond smile that was twitching at his lips by ducking his face back down towards the paperwork on his table.
He was in a usually vacant office, at the Wayne Enterprises building of New York. Damian was playing a video game of some sort on his phone. Tim leaned over to peer at the boy’s screen. Damian tried to jerk away from his view, but Tim had already caught sight of the display.
Tim snorted, “Is that Dragonvale?”
“Shut up,” Damian snapped, his emotions betrayed by the reddening of his cheeks. Tim laughed lightly before returning to his work, the office descending into companionable silence, the only sounds coming from Tim shifting around the papers and clicking and unclicking his pen.
Damian had insisted on coming along for Tim’s business trip to New York. Not because he wanted to have a hand at the business, no, but because the young artist was interested in sketching the streets of the city - especially from the more illegal perches they could find on the tall buildings.
A ping from Tim’s phone caught his attention. He frowned minutely, enough of a change for Damian to raise an eyebrow from where he had positioned himself in the corner of the office, right next to the window overlooking the street below. Damian had already grown bored of the same view, having sketched the same perpsective for three days straight.
“So much for a peaceful business trip,” Tim murmured, signing quickly to Damian from behind his desk, where the camera in the room was unable to see, “K-O-N is in town. Pursuing T-O-Y-M-A-N.”
Damian tilted his head to the side, a silent question of “How?”, because New York was not exactly a neighbour to Metropolis. Tim shrugged with a disgruntled look, “Let’s go. I’m pretty much done with what I have to do right now. The rest can wait until later.”
Damian kept pace with Tim as he made a quick detour to access his spare costume before exiting the building. They were becoming more and more like real brothers each day - just the fact that Damian was here with Tim, without any of their other family members, already spoke volumes on their improving relationship. “What do I do?” Damian wondered curiously, “I know you’re intending on meeting up with him. Would my presence be distracting?”
Tim pursed his lips in thought. He had to admit, Damian’s new costume - the robe dyed with faint colourings - was pretty neat, but also very easily located. Damian would definitely stand out, if he did suit up. Not to mention that Damian had little to no exposure to any metas besides Duke, and would struggle to hide from Kon’s super senses.
“If you’re ready to make your debut, then I’ll see you at the destruction zone,” Tim clasped his hand briefly on Damian’s shoulder before ducking into the nearest alleyway. Damian would take more time to make it to where Toyman was currently wreaking havoc, since he had left his robe in their hotel room.
Sure enough, when Red Robin swooped down from the nearest rooftop to land a direct hit on Toyman’s newest creation, the flash of Damian’s white costume was still nowhere to be seen.
There was, however, another tween present. It did not take a genius to realise from the boy’s red cape and blue Superman tunic that this was Kon’s younger brother, Jon.
“How did Toyman get all the way to New York?” Red Robin aimed the question at his teammate, electing to ignore the presence of the younger boy for the time being.
Superboy huffed, visibly annoyed. “He let loose a ton of smaller toy robots, miniatures of the one he’s currently on,” Kon pointed to the UFO-like contraption that was zipping about the skies. He then directed a glare at his younger brother, “And somebody decided to ditch homeland, so that their Pa has to do all the work taking the robots down himself.”
“Pa can take care of the robots just fine!” Jon yelled, angry tone still dangerously close to a whine, “And I can help you! It all works out!”
Kon looked ready to argue back, so Tim cut in with a quick, “Less talk, more work. We can deal with family squabbles later.” Both Superboys instantly fell silent.
Toyman was rather irritable, Tim realised. Particularly so for him, since he was unable to fly and was restricted to the rooftops or fire escapes along the sides of the buildings. It was one of the few times that he wished he had incorporated his gliding wings into his Red Robin suit instead of his Gotham suit.
The villain also seemed to have a shield around his robot, preventing them from inflicting much damage on the UFO he was in. Tim was also constantly weary of the civilians - they were unable to properly clear out of the way, since Toyman kept switching streets and running off in different directions.
Jon tried to punch straight through the shield, but the shield deflected the force of his blow right back at him with a displacing wave of energy, sending the boy hurtling into a nearby building. The boy growled and got back to his feet, aiming to punch the shield a second time. The buildings around them were already unstable from the force of the first blast.
“Kid, don’t!” Red Robin called, but Jon had already flown straight into the shield, forcefully flinging his fist into the barrier.
Damian arrived on scene just as the buildings began to crumble. He stayed crouched a distance away, just shy of the main impact zone of the concussive wave.
Damian first noted the failing infrastructures of the buildings nearest to the blast. He was moving before his thoughts had fully formed, diving quickly through the sizable hole in the building and sprinting towards the unlucky civilians that were caught up in the chaos. He had to clear the building fast, before they were crushed under it.
He lowered the last person to the ground with his grappling hook, only to look up and note the presence of not one, but two Superboys. The smaller one looked to be around his own age, which was both intriguing and concerning.
The second Superboy now looked down at him from where he was holding up the upper half of the building he had just exited. “Who are you?” the boy asked in bewilderment. Damian backed away before ducking into the alley beside him, making his way onto the rooftop of a stable building.
“I could use some help!” Red Robin yelled from one street over, where Toyman had retreated to. Red Robin was using what looked to be electrified bird-a-rangs, which were just barely able to get through the shield, but were not doing much in terms of damage.
Damian slipped a small throwing knife into his hand, aiming his shot carefully. Toyman was facing away from him, and his control panel was on full display from where Damian was crouched. He waited until Red Robin readied another bird-a-rang, before throwing his knife in sync with him.
The shield malfunctioned for a split second once more, and it was all that was needed for the knife to slip through at the same time as the bird-a-rang, planting itself neatly into the controls. The wiring fizzled for a brief moment as Toyman cried out, whipping his head back to meet Damian’s blank mask.
The shield disappeared, and then Superboy - Kon-El - was delivering a sharp punch that crunched through the robot’s metallic body easily. The younger Superboy came soon after, hanging back as Red Robin and his older brother subdued Toyman properly.
The boy wrinkled his nose briefly, before looking directly at Damian, his expression brightening. Damian took a cautious step away from the edge of his rooftop even as Superboy flew up to him, landing heavily enough to crack the concrete slightly.
“You’re the guy from earlier!” Superboy enthused, and extended a hand, “Hi! I’m Superboy!”
Damian gazed warily at the boy’s hand. “Will you crush my hand if I shake yours?” Damian blurted out. This was his first time holding a conversation with one of the Kryptonians, he realised.
Superboy froze, and his face fell as he retracted his hand, “Ah, maybe. Sorry, I- I’m new to the hero gig,” he smiled hesitantly, glancing around him, “This is the first time I’ve been Superboy in any city other than Metropolis, actually. It’s… different.”
“I can imagine,” Damian commented, shifting tensely on his feet. Superboy frowned at him, “Your heartbeat’s going kinda fast. You know you don’t need to be afraid of me, right?”
Damian huffed, wondering belatedly how his brothers dealt with their own teammates. “I’m not afraid,” he clarified, “But it isn’t every day you meet an alien.”
“I’m not- okay, fair,” Superboy paused abruptly to glance down at the street. Kon-El and Red Robin appeared over the rooftop’s edge.
“Who are you?” Kon-El questioned, more forcefully than his younger brother’s harmless query. Damian shrugged. “Canvas,” he offered, “That’s what I would prefer to be called.”
The older Kent’s eyes narrowed. “That doesn’t exactly explain who you are very well,” he stated slowly, “What were you doing in the area?”
“Passing through,” Damian quipped easily. Kon-El’s frown deepened, but lifted as Red Robin pulled up several news articles on his holo-glove.
“His appearance matches reports of a white-robed traveller in numerous countries,” Red Robin summarised, and Damian knew immediately that the older boy had planned this statement, “Reports say that he was always found returning something, like an artefact or valued possession, to the communities he visited. He was also reported fighting off supernatural beings and protecting civilians from them.”
When the two Superboys looked back at Damian again, their expressions were contemplative. “So you’re a solo vigilante who’s even more nomadic than Red Robin,” Kon-El concluded, earning a disgruntled noise from the aforementioned person.
The younger Superboy suddenly lit up in an excited grin.
“Bro!” the punch that he gave his older brother made Damian wince slightly, “Teen Titans! Let me join!”
“I’ve already said no, countless times,” Kon-El stated in exasperation, “I’ll only let you on if-”
“If I’m ready, I know, but what if I go through like, a trial period, you know? Just in case I really am ready,” Superboy pointed towards Damian, “And Canva can accompany me, because he’s experienced already, then he’ll be able to tell if I am ready!”
“It’s Canvas,” Damian snapped, before the boy’s words sunk in. Teen Titans?
“You need to ask him for permission,” Kon-El scolded, before turning towards him, “Well? Are you interested in joining a team?”
“I…” Damian was at a loss as to how to respond. This was not what he was expecting.
“How about this,” Red Robin suggested, pulling a communicator from one of his pouches and tossing it over. Damian caught it on instinct.
“Contact us if you’re interested. The offer is open.”
Damian pursed his lips under his mask and nodded mutely, pocketing the device before taking off.
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