#Einstein Rosen Bridge
clarktooncrossing · 2 months
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Wow, two new pics in one year? Nobody could've expected this! Unlike that Total Solar Eclipse that happened earlier today. How wild was that? To think, we won't be seeing anything like that for another two decades. Absolutely crazy! Not to mention beautiful. Like hundreds of people I dared to venture outside with a set of paper glasses so I could stare up at the moon blocking the sun. Incredible as the moment was, it sadly didn't photograph well. Hence why I had to borrow this photo from a buddy of Mr-Herp-Derp. Thanks, random photographer who had that special lens made to document moments like this! You've made the Clarktoons' resident cosmic cutie very happy. Yes, of course Rosie Stardust had to stop by our neck of the multiverse to check this out. As always she was delighted to see what wonders the galaxy had to show.
Rosie: OH MY STARDUST! This is absolutely amazing! I mean look at that, the moon is actually blocking the sun! How incredible! Goodness me, isn't it stupendous how things like this can just happen? And so many of you get to share this experience for generations to come! When the next twenty years passes by, you can tell your loved ones how you were there to see the last one. Maybe by then they'll create filters for Terran phones so you can take a proper picture, Clark. Still, thanks for including me in such a special occasion. I hope the rest of you enjoyed it as much as I did!
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hirvenxsoturi · 2 years
 "You're dead to me."
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“What? Why? What’d I do?”
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syrinq · 1 year
lovely to learn at the adult age of 23yo that the term ''worm'', while it exists, is not officially recognised in biology nor taxonomy, but is instead technically a ''slang'' word for tubular-looking animals- resulting in various non-related tubes being called worms albeit scientifically incorrect
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the worm is fake news. he doesn't exist
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There's still something I'm a bit confused about, Tails: if you were able to see everything about Sonic on Earth, then why didn't you just use a ring to warp to the Wachowskis' house?
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Uh! Rings are hard to come by? I had to make my own Einstein Rosen Bridge just to get here! You know how many dark matter atoms I’ve destroyed, and stole? Now that we have Knuckles’ rings, traveling should be a breeze. Just… don’t have me go to the Spring Yard Zone, I’m not welcomed there after stealing their… equipment.
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legattus · 2 years
"We can be there in an hour, no problem."
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"Understood. I'll meet you there, Doctor. Take care."
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m1ghtythor · 7 months
I just don’t get how people can be so mean to some female characters. Like what’s the point of hating on them continuously?
People started calling Kamala crazy and obsessed because she met her idol, she was pretty excited (who wouldn’t BE?!), but when Peter Parker behaved the same way towards Tony everyone was like: “Omg!! He’s such a cute baby🥺🥺 They have a father-son relationship! So cute uwu!”. LIKE???!!!?!
Another example, Starlord singing and dancing in front of the enemy: “Oh my gosh!! So quirky!! Chris Pratt is the best🤣” . Jennifer Walters/SheHulk twerking with Megan Thee Stallion: “Mcu is in shambles” “This is what feminists like” “Cringe”
Again, Jane Foster has been called annoying, bitchy, or USELESS since 2011 (she only an astrophysicist who proved the existence of the einstein-rosen bridge, won a nobel prize, she’s the reason Thor is part of the avengers, and she’s also a cutie, nothing serious.) She was also called evil, you know by who? Fans of the same guy who took New York as hostage killing millions of people, yeah. She’s a bitch because Frigga died defending her, of course!!! It’s not (partially) Loki’s fault for showing the Dark Elves the fastest way out of the cells. (And I’m saying this as a Loki fan)
I could go on and on talking about Riri as the new ironman or Miguel O’Hara fans hating on Spider-Gwen. (OR LITERALLY THE WHOLE INTERNET ISSUE WITH BRIE LARSON/CAPTAIN MARVEL FOR SOME REASON?!!?)
You have all the rights to dislike a character, just don’t be sexist and incoherent, it’s easy. Why would you hate women for the same reason you love those men?
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Dating the Goddess of Thunder
Fem!Thor x Reader Headcanons
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You were part of a special task force working for Shield sent to investigate the appearance of an Einstein-Rosen bridge in New Mexico.
You stumbled on a woman, she spoke of Heimdall and Odin like they were family to her. You, not wanting Shield to get their hands on her, offered her shelter at your New Mexico apartment.
Thora, her name as she later told you, became indebted to you. It was through you that she learned lessons on humility and understanding. It gave her the strength to lift Mjolnir again.
Honestly, you didn't see that last part coming. Especially with how good she looked in her Asgardian suit of armor.
Now you're a part of the support team for the Avengers. Each of them give Thora a hard time for always wanting to be wrapped around you. Something about how you got her whipped.
She drowns you in kisses. Thora loves sitting in your lap while you type away at a mission debriefing.
"Baby I have to fill out your debriefing" you groan.
"This is not the debriefing I want" she purrs in your ear in her Asgardian accent.
She's like a golden retriever: friendly, loyal and always wanting to be close to you. She loves hugging you as tight as she can.
Loki, ever the jokester, can't help but smile when he sees his older sister go from fierce warrior to lovestruck lady in a blink of an eye. He'll give you the thumbs up.
Thora's favorite date is a coffee date. It was the first drink she had when she arrived on Earth...it was also the first coffee mug that she shattered after throwing it on the ground "Another!!!" she shouted.
You're the more domestic out of the two of you. She loves the thrill of the battle and then coming home to the smells of a pot roast stew and a cask of ale. The two of you will cuddle after dinner and watch a few episodes or movies together.
Thora loves it when you work the braids out of her hair, to feel your hands in her hair and then the soft comb that you'll use on her hair afterwards helps lull her to sleep.
Most often than not, Thora is the big spoon. She loves wrapping her arms around you and pulling you close like a teddy bear. But then there are times when she needs to feel your arms around her. She'll snuggle into your chest and stare at you with those eyes of hers.
When the Snap happened, Thora panicked that you were dusted. She couldn't stop kissing you when she found you after the Battle of Wakanda, safe and alive but a little bruised.
During the five year gap, you and Thora helped settle the people of Asgard into the New Asgard territory. It was during this time also that Thora gave birth to your little daughter, Frigga Thorasdottir. Of course, she was named after Thora and Loki's mother.
You swear sometimes you can hear Loki's faint laugh when you see Thora playing with little Frigga. Apparently even the god of mischief can't help but smile from wherever he is.
Tags @iamnicodemus @jacelion
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zkylearnstherope · 6 months
AvPhysics - An Analysis [Finale]
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - [Part 4]
All the questions have been finally answered...
How did TSC_0 avoid crashing into the sun?
Like I said, everything in AvPhysics was intentional and calculated, I don't think Alan/Terkoiz would just randomly decide, "Ehh let's fan the sun with a hat." That's why I didn't include it in my analysis before. But I finally found out why-
Credits to @Toxic
It was a horse reference. Can't believe I completely missed that. I was imagining him as a bull rider, you know, like those rodeo things.
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TSC_0 was actually side-kicking the rocket and waving his hat, because he was doing what is called horse "spurring". Riders do it to encourage the horse to perform specific moves, speed up, or most importantly- change its course.
Here's an image for your reference.
Why was the rocket marked as quantum entangled?
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Also credits to @Toxic
Unlike the 1D strings, this rocket is 3D (or maybe more). TSC_-1 had to make its parts entangled so that when it passes through the Einstein-Rosen Bridge (wormhole), it will retain the same form when it finally becomes its full size.
Remember, the TSCs had to shrink themselves to enter the singularity. So enlarging something would presumably, require effort as well.
What did TSC_-1 selected on the wormhole?
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Credits to @donaardaardendrian. You can see their replies in [Part 3].
He didn't select 2D (which I assumed to be back to the AvA universe). He actually selected "2B" which means selecting a different universe from the one they're currently on.
It basically establishes that TSC_-1 is going to end up on another AvE Episode (instead of home). A cool little detail if you ask me.
Was the power of creation demonstrated inside the singularity, explainable in quantum string theory? Or is that solely just TSC's abilities?
The nuclear engineer described what the TSC versions are doing as having access to extradimensional supertechnology. Not exactly a conclusive answer, but I guess the power of creation is just TSC (?). And that it's not possible/achievable in terms of quantum string theory.
How does AvE tie in with the original AvA Universe?
The wiki defines AvM as a spin-off series, so AvE is probably going to be a spin-off series as well.
Personally, as of now, I don't think this is the same TSC from the AvA Universe. Since this episode introduced the concept of parallel universes, there's a high chance this is a different version from our TSC.
But why would Alan suddenly introduce multiple versions of a character?
Well, he already kinda does. I've always thought that, for example: AvM Yellow vs AvA Yellow are two different people. But that's just me.
Also, AvPokemon was observed by other characters. The gang was eating popcorn as it happened. So far, AvE is just TSC. It's why I think he's a different one, from an entirely different universe. I don't think he'll ever come to AvA. He's just a separate thing.
Last notes:
I recommend watching the nuclear engineer's video, because he explained the Doppler Effect really well.
I couldn't come up with any reason as to why the apple got caught up in the Inner Horizon, other than to make us visually see that TSC_0 is shrinking.
Thank you to everyone who liked the Analysis. Here on Tumblr, Reddit, and Discord. You guys made me feel that the effort was worth it.
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shegeekery · 19 days
Dream Therapy (one-shot)
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Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Loki (TV 2021) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Erik Selvig, Loki (Marvel), Jane Foster (Marvel) Additional Tags: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Dr. Erik Selvig struggles to recover from having a god in his head. A strange dream helps him see things in a new light.
“In related news, a lawsuit has been filed by New York contractors who argue that no-bid contracts are being granted to a small number of well-connected real estate developers, following the large-scale destruction of parts of Manhattan during the alien attacks two years ago.”
Dr. Erik Selvig switched off the television.
Two years. Selvig wanted nothing more than to forget the entire thing, especially his own part in it. My unwilling part in it, he reminded himself.
He’d had two years of therapy, medications, meditation, and trying to lose himself in his work. He was better than he had been when he was arrested for running around Stonehenge sans clothing. He could at least stand to wear clothing now, but he still found it difficult to focus with his trousers on. It felt too restrictive, reminding him uncomfortably of the sensation of being totally controlled.
There was no recognized diagnosis for “possession by malevolent deity”, so they were officially treating him for PTSD. Some of it helped, much of it didn’t. He felt more himself these days, but the nights were bad. In his dreams, Loki was still there. Still threatening. Still taunting him.
As a child listening to the old myths of his homeland, he’d loved the stories about Loki, the God of Mischief. He’d been tickled by the idea that there was actually a god for that. Now, just the mention of that name could bring on flashbacks to a time when he’d been utterly consumed by Loki’s blind ambition and disregard for human life, unable to think for himself and enslaved, body and mind, to Loki’s “glorious purpose”.
He sighed and turned back to his work. He’d been at the same problem for months, trying to account for discrepancies between the standard model of quantum mechanics and the observed behavior of Einstein-Rosen bridges. His friend and former student, Jane Foster, had provided some valuable insights, but he still couldn’t make all the pieces fit. 
I’m too tired for this. He shut his laptop and went through his evening routine. He took his medication, including sleeping pills, and hoped this would be one of the good nights.
“How is your work coming along, Dr. Selvig?” Loki asked.
Selvig looked up from the graph on his computer monitor. What had he been working on, exactly? He didn’t know, but it was important. Very important.
“I…it’s…coming along,” he stammered. “Just, um, running some simulations.”
Loki glanced at the monitor. Instead of a complicated graph, it now showed a cartoon in which Garfield was taunting Odi.
“I suspect your heart isn’t in it, Doctor,” Loki replied in that quietly menacing tone he so often used. He raised his scepter. “Perhaps we need to ensure that your loyalty is still paramount?”
Selvig jerked out of the chair and backed away. “No! That’s not necessary. Really!”
Loki advanced toward him. “Oh, but I think it is.”
Selvig ran out of the room and into an endless hallway. He looked back, but Loki wasn’t there. He turned to see where he was going, and there was Loki, ahead of him, grinning maliciously. He ran the other way and back through the door, but now he was outside. It was dark, and he was in a nondescript alley. He kept running, turning a corner only to find himself at a dead end. He whirled around to find Loki advancing slowly toward him with the scepter.
“No! Please, not again!” Selvig pleaded.
Loki took another step toward him, then froze. Confused, Selvig waited for the inevitable, but Loki still didn’t move. The god was as still as a statue of himself.
“What’s happening?” Selvig asked.
“Dr. Selvig.” It was Loki’s voice, but his lips didn’t move and the voice seemed to be coming from…everywhere.
“What…what is this?”
“You’re safe, Dr. Selvig,” the voice said. It sounded surprisingly gentle. “This isn’t real. Just a dream. A nightmare.”
“Is this a trick?”
“No. Well, yes, actually. Your mind is playing tricks on you. But it’s your mind, Dr. Selvig. Nobody is controlling it now. You are free — and always will be, if I have anything to say about it.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Please look at my eyes, Dr. Selvig. What do you see?”
Selvig looked at Loki. In his eyes, he saw the malevolence, anger, and fierce determination that he remembered. “I see…fury.”
“And behind that fury?”
Selvig stepped just a bit closer, staring at the still-unmoving Loki, for the first time trying to really see him.
“I see…” he stopped, afraid to give voice to what he thought he saw.
“Go ahead. It’s alright.”
“I see…fear?”
“Yes, Dr. Selvig. Fear, and self-loathing. I was terrified — and I used intimidation to hide it, trying to make everyone around me more afraid than I was. I tormented those weaker than I was, to cover my own weakness. I wanted to rule by force and by fear, because I thought I was unworthy of true respect.”
On some level, Selvig understood that he was dreaming— but for some reason that realization wasn’t causing him to wake up as it normally would. The dream still seemed real to him.
“Why are you telling me this? Or…am I telling myself this?”
“It doesn’t matter. What matters is that it’s true and that you know it’s true. What I did to you was unforgivable. You’re a decent man, Dr. Selvig. None of it was your fault. Not even a god can withstand the power of the mind stone. Even so, you managed to sneak in an off-switch for the Tesseract’s force field while under my control. That’s a testament to your unusual strength of character and of mind. I underestimated you.”
“How do I make this stop, then?”
“That’s up to you, Doctor. Do whatever makes sense. If you want to hit me, hit me. Or vent your own rage in some other way. Here and now, you are the strong one.”
Selvig stood before Loki, hands balling into fists, feeling his own anger rising to replace the fear. Loki’s body remained frozen, but his eyes were now tracking Selvig’s every move. The urge to pummel him was overwhelming — but now that he’d seen the growing fear in Loki’s eyes, he couldn’t help but feel just a tiny bit sorry for him.
He took a step back. “No.”
“I don’t need to hit you. That’s what you’d do, but it’s not me. Just…get out. Leave me alone and don’t come back.”
Loki simply faded away, leaving Selvig standing alone in the alley, which soon began to fade as well. Selvig felt himself floating, feeling more at peace with himself than he had in a long time. He was floating in a bed of seaweed — no, not seaweed; the long, thin strands that cradled him with warmth were glowing with a soft, greenish light, rocking him gently and lulling him into a more peaceful slumber.
He didn’t even startle when he heard Loki’s voice once more.
“One more thing, Dr. Selvig. In the morning, you may want to take a closer look at the rate of decay of particles entering the Einstein-Rosen bridge. I think you may find it interesting.”
“Erik, hi! How are you doing?” Jane Foster always started their phone conversations that way these days.
“I’m doing great! Listen, I just sent you a rather long document, but the short version is…I think I’ve cracked it! I found a way to square the Einstein-Rosen bridge with the standard model!”
“Seriously? That’s huge! I’ll check it out as soon as I can! What turned it around?”
“I looked at the rate of decay of particles entering the stream.”
“Woah! I didn’t even consider that. What made you think of it?”
“Would you believe it came to me in a dream?”
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clarktooncrossing · 1 year
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Hey there people of today and robots of tomorrow! It's me, Clark, back at least with another #throwbackthursday! Sorry that it's been so long since last time, but I've been with a funk I've desperately been wanting to shake off! No time like the present, especially with Everything Everywhere All At Once cleaning up at the Oscars. Why is that relevant to what I'm posting? Well say hello to Rosie, a sentient Einstein-Rosen Bridge that can traverse the multiverse. Her goal in life? Catalogue every universe in all of creation. It's a mighty big task considering how infinite all of reality is, but it's one Rosie meets with a smile. This Cosmic Cutie loves life and all of its oddities, deeming every universe as important now matter how slight the detail. The only dimensions she'd deem as imperfect are ones where dictators reign supreme or the undead walk the Earth. Still, she won't stop her exploration until every universe is recorded! Assuming nothing destroys them in the process...
Like many throwbacks, this one is also recent, coming to us from the year 2021. I made this specifically for National Cartoonist Day, my plan then to make posters for all of my characters. Sadly I only got this one out, but spam if it ain't some of my best work. Not only do I love the Kirby-inspired background, but I also love Rosie's pose taken directly from Marvel's What If #105, the first appearance of my favorite superheroine Spider-Girl. Rosie herself is super fun to draw thanks to her simplistic yet elegant design. I originally drew her for a contest held by a certain former Nickelodeon animator, but the contest went nowhere and the animator became an insane idiot, so I figured I'd use the character myself. It's a decision I've been happy with ever since.
I plan on starting an 'Ask the Clarktoons' series soon, so if anybody wants to ask Rosie anything feel free! MAY THE GLASSES BE WITH YOU!
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hirvenxsoturi · 1 year
we both know there's nothing normal about his life or him. so what's one more shitstorm
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"Christ almighty how many times do I have to use the word ethics? Unit E isn't perfect but we aren't whackjobs like that Achim character or militaristic like MECH. He deserves to be a kid and deserves as normal of a life as possible for him to have. Because he's a fuckin kid not a science experiment or a soldier that needs to be put behind glass or locked in a cage like a bird."
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my friend yet again asked me to make something this time Giovanni in an Einstein-Rosen bridge, I have no idea what the heck that is but he supplied an image so here it is
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 5 months
[Spark-doll au/digimon crossover: After the digital world and the human world got fused by a reality bending virus, the violent event is causing both unstable realities to slowly close in on themselves and collapse.]
R/n, with her partner Kudamon napping in her lap: How can we stop it?
Datamon (Tregear's partner): There is one possibility. To halt the process.
Tregear: ...We would need to create an Einstein-Rosen bridge to drain off the infecting anti-fusion matter.
Growlmon (Taro's Partner): Huh?
Taro: Create a what to do what?
R/n: Make a wormhole to suck away the bad stuff.
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silent-moons-camp · 8 months
I love space SO much. And it absolutely terrifies me too. If I wasn't terrified of space, and I was good at math, I'd be working at NASA. But even then I won't ever get to explore the galaxy in my lifetime, because we are nowhere near travel that equals the speed of light, and even then, lightspeed is still painfully slow on the cosmic scale.
Did you know that, no matter where we are in humanity, our sun will begin to die billions of years from now? We may all be dead and gone, or we may have evolved into something unrecognizable, or we may still be around. But one day, the Earth will be engulfed by the sun. Or it'll be thrown out of orbit. It'll be the end for Earth. We may have figured out how to go beyond the speed of light by then. We could have discovered that the Einstein-Rosen Bridge theory - wormholes - is real, and we could have used that to bend spacetime to our will and find somewhere new to call home, potentially even new universes.
But we don't know. Earth will likely become uninhabitable before the natural lifespan of our sun can engulf it, as a result of our very human mistakes and actions and impacts.
And... this is just a longwinded way of me saying, that's what Starfield is about.
It's about being human in the face of the divine, in the face of being so so so small in the universe. It's about conflict, the tragedy of it, how it can so easily destroy our humanity before time itself has the chance to. It's about looking at the petty wars between the UC and the Collective and going, "what are they doing? There is plenty of space for us all. This is only our galaxy, what about beyond?" It's about humanity pushing forward for answers about the universe and how they will always resort to the same petty violence over those answers. It's about how you can decide what you do with those answers. It's about looking in the eye of sure destruction that will certainly come one day, and say, "I will live and love in spite of it."
You can certainly become like the Hunter. You can continuously perpetuate the cycle of very human violence because that is all that is left to you, because you have embraced the uselessness of it all. Or you can become like the Pilgrim. You can settle down and bring love and kindness to others, and bring them knowledge, despite the fact that everything is pointless.
We are just starstuff. We come from the stars, and back to the stars we will eventually go, one way or another. And it's up to you to decide if you will embrace that as the only meaning in the universe, or if you will reject the simplicity of that, and embrace humanity, embrace love, embrace compassion, embrace meaning in spite of it all.
That is what Starfield is about. That's what it is about to me. And I love it.
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legattus · 2 years
"Actually, if it's not too much trouble, I think an office visit would be better. Dennis was injured in the fray and I'd like to get it documented thoroughly."
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"Not a problem. I'll forward you the address so we can meet there. I can meet you there in about an hour if that works for you and your son?" An injury was serious, and that would escalate things to a higher level of concern within Unit E.
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Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer and then keep reading: "Thank you, angels, for revealing to me what I need to know".
Whenever the Akashic Stargate is presented to you, it’s because you’re at a critical point on your journey. You have the opportunity to move in a particular direction and you have to make a decision. This can feel overwhelming and you may be waiting for someone or something to make the decision for you. But you aren’t here to walk a path that was set for you, you’re here to walk a path that you have chosen. The next phase of your journey cannot unfold until you decide which way to go. Know that whatever direction you take and whatever decision you make, you’ll always be on the right path. No matter how you get there, you’ll always end up in a similar space. Also know that purpose isn’t about doing your duty, it’s about living life and experiencing joy.
A stargate is a portal that can take us through space and time to a whole other universe. It’s based on the concept of the Einstein–Rosen bridge, or what is also known as a wormhole, where a speculative structure linking different points of space–time is created. In spirituality, a stargate is less about traveling on the physical (three‑dimensional) level and more about making progress on the spiritual. A feature of many spiritual traditions is the idea that all of us have a stargate in our heart that connects us with the central lattice of consciousness. The Buddha acknowledged we were the universe, while Jesus said, “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.”
The Akashic Stargate transports us to a space where we are given the opportunity to make a decision to accelerate the realization of our life purpose.
Visualize yourself at a crossroads. Tune into the direction that feels most joyful, light, and loving. Imagine yourself walking that road. See all that it brings you.
Deck: Gateway of Light Activation Oracle
Artist: Jennifer Hawkyard
Thank you for sharing this card if it relates to you!
Kyle Gray
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