#Film makers
anaratto · 2 years
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Filmmaker Lois Weber and her camera, 1916.
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slack-wise · 9 months
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Jan Švankmajer, Švank-mayers Bilderlexikon – JŠ EN
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secondaryartifacts · 1 year
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script-supervisor · 2 months
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Dawn Gilliam
- The Hunger Games, dir. Gary Ross, 2012.
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keanuquotes · 1 year
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via keanuworld
1992 and 2023
House of Suntory 100 year anniversary event May 2023
(For context, the movie has an end credit dedicated to Keanu )
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Sofia Coppola
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sypherd92 · 8 months
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
Rant From An Autistic Person:
TLDR: Stop using mental illness as an excuse for your Villains
I think I’m starting to realise that a lot of Slashers have a lot in common with Autistic people. But I’m not sure how we’re supposed to feel about this. Obviously we all in this community, adore our Slashers, but that’s because we all understand they are fake. They have now real bearings in our world, and therefore cannot hurt anymore. No real people suffer as their victims.
But shouldn’t we take offence to this? Because most of the time it’s neurotypical people writing these stories and directing/working/staring in these films.
Like let’s talk about some non horror aut sic characters first. And do correct if I’m wrong, but I believe both of these characters are Canonically autistic.
The most well known would be Sheldon form the Big Bang Theory. Everyone quotes him as autistic representation all the time. Now of course he’s only one demonstration of the neurotype, but at the end of the day it’s still representation. From the autistic community, I hear complaints that’s he’s just a basic Cis/het white man with “high functioning” autism. (Although we do not use functioning labels, or the term Asperger’s anymore, that was at the time what he was stated to have) And from the neurotypical side people still call him odd, but they are more excepting of his traits because they aren’t as “burdensome” on society. He’s just seen a “quirky”.
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Another example that falls under the same quailfiers would be Shaun from The Good Doctor. Again, played by a neurotypical person, not someone who actually has autism. And people infantilise his character whenever he’s showing that he need higher support efforts. But then everyone praises him because “wow, I didn’t know autistic people could be doctors” which is incredibly insulting. But most people accept him because again, he’s just “a little quirky”
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But back to the slasher community. There are people out there that think we are disgusting because we enjoy slashers/gore/horror. Because they are unable to separate reality, from fiction, or at least not as severely as we do.
I vividly remember getting bullies in school and someone saying “(Dead name’s) gonna be the school shooter, just you wait” because I did not hide my love for the horror genre. And I don’t see why I should have to. But that statement, it killed me inside. Do you know how awful it is to have to try and defend yourself from a statement that heavy? It was like the weight of the entire universe was thrown on my shoulders, and I was just expected to take it as a “joke”.
But this girl genuinely thought that because at the time I was Interested in learning about the Lizzie Borden case, that that meant I wanted to hurt people. I was also dressing fairly alternative at this time. I made its know that I wanted to be a mortician. (I still do, I’m just figuring all that stuff out though cause jobs are hard, lol) I sometimes have what neurotypical people would consider an “inappropriate” reaction to death, or dead things. I enjoy collecting bones, and learning about cannibalism, autopsies, taxidermy, entomology… So I get excited when I get to participate in my special interests.
But this makes a lot of people uncomfortable, and I’m tired of them making that my problem. Having a fascination with the dead, doesn’t automatically mean you’re going to become a killer. I have so much respect for dead things, I ask the Earth before I pick it’s flowers, or use any of its resources. Because as a Witch, that is a part of my specific path and spirituality. But again, that does not help my case because a lot of people think witches like me are satanists who want to sacrifice babies and goats or some shit.
Some people may just say these are harmless jokes, or overexaggerations, and that nobody really means it when they say these things. But you don’t get to make that call. The person saying the offensive things doesn’t get to decide if it’s offensive or not. That’s like saying a white person gets to decide if black face is racist or not. These jokes propitiate harmful stereo types, and can be passed on to people who don’t know any better. And you can’t say that all autistic people won’t understand, because even if one of us isn’t “smart” enough to understand your words directly, it’s still effects us at the end of the day.
Over and over again we are othered and forgotten about. We’ve been plagued by the curse of being forced to exist in a world that was built for us. We’re made to feel unsafe, and risk our own health to make everyone else feel “comfortable” with our existence. I mean even the diagnostic criteria isn’t an accurate depiction of what autism acatully is. Instead of defining us by what we can do, and experience and change in the world, we’re defined by how much of a nuisance we’re are perceived to be on society.
Instead of saying stuff like “Autistic people have an amazing capacity for learning and retaining information about subjects they are passionate about.” It’s always “Autistic people can’t hold conversations and obsess of silly things. They don’t know how to shut up about it, and it annoys me. Therefore they are being rude.”
So I bring us back around to our beloved Slashers. Do you guys realise how many of them are non verbal? I mean there’s Jason Voorhees, Micheal Myers, Bubba Sawyer, Thomas Hewitt…. That’s a trait that’s commonly seen as a bad thing to neurotypical people. Parents will cry about how their children “can’t communicate” with them, but they never stop to observe their child’s different ways of nonverbal communication. They assume just because they can’t talk or articulate themselves, they must be “stupid” or “slow” or “low functioning”, but that’s simply not true. A mute neurotypical person can’t talk, but they’re still smart. Their lives are still worth living and celebrating. But Autistic people aren’t afforded the same luxury, simply because nobody wants to put in the effort.
It doesn’t help that people often turn to Autism Speaks for all their neurodiverse questions. When that company literately spreads lies and misinformation. And tortures innocent children, simply because they are express themselves differently. ABA therapy is literally just forcing autistic people to fit into a allistic mould. It’s dangerous and harmful, an frankly disgusting.
Do you know how many parents I see how do nothing but complain about their children? Parents who genuinely believe they would be better off if they killed their children. Parents who’ve actually gone through with it, and some of which never get charged because “oh they were under a lot of stress, it was understandable.” I’m tired of society treating all disbaled people like we don’t matter. Like we’re nothing more than a sob story to get them sympathy points. I hate seeing parents film their children in their most vulnerable moments while they are having a meltdown for “educational” purpose. Especially if their child is unable to consent, it’s vile, and inexcusable.
There so many of us who try to help and educate, yet no one will actually listen to the marginalised groups about how to help us. The same way some white people will only care about racism, if another white person is calling them out on it. If a black personality dared to do that they are “rude” and “argumentative”. Or the way people are saying “Hellen Keller can’t be real; how could she communicate, I don’t believe it.” As if there aren’t thousands of Deaf/Blind people who exist to their day telling you how hurtful that sentiment is.
Do you guys know the first thing a person with a disability or chronic illness hears when they talk about their struggles? It’s always “you’re so brave” or “If I were you, I would kill myself.” Because we will always be viewed as a problem. We’ll never be defined by more than our “worst” traits. We ask people to call us “disable person” and they say “person with a disability” or “Differently abled” or autistic person” and they say “person with autism” because they literally have to remind themselves that we are also people. I can’t take off my disabilities, I can’t shove them in a little box for safe keeping. They are part of who I am, they are the building blocks designing how I have to live my life. My foundation may be a little unsteady, but that doesn’t mean you have to tear down my house right away. Let it’s fall on its own time, it doesn’t matter if it happens a little sooner then the rest of the houses on the block.
Autistic people are often quotes to have “no empathy” when really we just have a difference in empathy. Having more empathy doesn’t make you better than someone else. And having low empathy doesn’t make you a bad person. So it hurts my heart that in the media we consume, neurodivergent people often end up relating to the villain. Of course, most villains are also queer coded, but I’ll save that lecture for another time.
People seem to think when they hear the sentence “I relate to Micheal Myers” that I’m talking about finding joy in killing or hurting people. But they never stop to ask what I mean by that. They never sit and think “oh, maybe they relate to being mentally ill, and forced into getting help against their will, and not being understood.”
You guys do know we’re are supposed to be routing for Samuel Loomis in that movie right? He’s supposed to be the hero, the good guy, the man who stops the boogeyman. But we don’t, because we see that he’s also a horribly flawed human being. He treats his patients like shit, and some of his tactics are borderline criminal. He’s not better than Micheal, but he’s not the one with a “scary” mental illness.
Take Carrie white for instance. I think she is honestly one of the better examples of a Slasher who exhibits autistic traits. She takes things literally, has difficulty socialising and making friends. She doesn’t understand when she’s being bullied at first. Her own mother babies her, until she stops listening and being obedient. And what does her mother do? Try to fucking murder her own child because she’s “unruly” and “need to be punished.” Sure it’s an extreme example, but this happens to far more autistic people in real life than you’d think. Carrie was fine, until she was pushed yo the edge. She could have lived her whole life, happy and exploring her powers. Maybe even been a hero instead, but she wanted adored that luxury. Sue is the only one that really understood her, which is why she was spared. And she’s the only one who will ever know what a gem Carrie was before she was made to be a monster.
Norman Bates is also a really good example of an autistic person I think. Of course the more obvious diagnosis everyone focuses on is the Dissociative Identity Disorder (formally knows as Multiple Personality Disorder) (also how weird is it that there are two Freddie Highmore characters on this list, I think I could probably fit more in if I search other genres) But if you watched the show, instead of just the original movie, you get to see a lot more of his personality. You actually get to understand Norman as a person, before seeing him as the antagonist. He too has awkward speech, he gets upset by change, he doesn’t understand when someone is flirting with him. He feels his emotions very instantly, and does have violent outbursts during his meltdowns. But do they show us this to humanise him? No, they added it to his character because it’s entraining to watch mentally I’ll people get pushed to their limits. We are a spectacle to behold.
Dr Herbert West form the Reanimator series! Another genius level autistic intellect! He has a special interest in science and dead things. They could have made him a character who found the cure to cancer or HIV. But no, it was more entailing to make him a wanna be Frankenstein’s, and cross moral boundaries for his own gain. And if you asked anyone why he did it it’s “because he’s crazy” not “because he wanted to” They almost always blame the mental illness, not the person who has the illness.
It’s the reason Aaron Stampler gets away with his crimes in Primal Fear. He faked a mental illness so he would get put in a mental facility instead of rotting in jail. Instead of being “Aaron Stampler, the killer.” He’s “Aaron Stampler, the killer with multiple personalities!” Or Split, the movie that just antagonises DID for no reason whatsoever. There’s clearly a supernatural element in that movie with “The Beast” so why not make it’s a movie about possessions? I would have loved to watch a story where The Beast posses poor little Kevin’s body, and makes him do horrible things. But no, instead we stick with the trope that all people with DID are unpredictable and dangerous. And that they all have an “Evil alter”
I’ll never be ashamed of my love for the horror community again. Because I know my place, I know my moral standing, and I have done nothing wrong. If people want to assume my special interests or jobs or hobbies make me a bad person, then that’s their problem. I cannot force anyone to open up their ears and listen to me, but I also won’t stand idly by and watch as people who don’t know what they’re talking about, do harm to my communities. These are my people, and I love them, and will defend them with my last breath. We need to destigmatise mental illness, because too many people die each year because they are made to feel like villain, or like their lives aren’t worth living. And that’s not ok with me.
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hellokelsea · 1 year
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cortfey · 1 year
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So many Kaleys! I've finally posted a reel for The Flight Attendant S2 on my website CortFey.com. A great season, wonderful balance of thrills and humor, all grounded by the effervescent Kaley Cuoco!⁠
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alishathomas09 · 2 years
Film Making: The Art of Location Scouting for a Movie
Film-making is truly no joke. Although it looks fancy and fun on-screen, it takes a village (quite literally!) to shoot a movie. There are 3 main stages involved in film-making. They are: Pre-production, Production, and Post-production. Location scouting comes in the first stage of filmmaking. Location plays an important role while filming a video or a movie as it influences the value of your production. Having said that, it's not an easy task to hunt for the 'perfect location. Here's a perfect guide - Film making: The Art of Location Scouting - A Complete Guide that will help you avoid the chaos and to get to the performance as efficiently and to start shooting smoothly.
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The Visual Storytelling Revolution: Ad Film Maker to Photography
The Evolution of Visual Storytelling
Visual storytelling has come a long way over the years, evolving from traditional advertising methods to more complex and engaging narratives. Ad film makers have been at the forefront of this evolution, using their creativity and expertise to create captivating advertisements that not only promote products and services but also connect with audiences on an emotional level. With advancements in technology and the rise of digital platforms, visual storytelling has become an essential tool for brands looking to stand out in a crowded marketplace.
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From Traditional Advertising to Digital Narratives
In the past, traditional advertising methods such as print ads and television commercials were the primary ways for brands to reach consumers. However, with the advent of digital technologies and social media, the landscape of advertising has drastically changed. Ad film makers now have the opportunity to create engaging digital narratives that can be shared across multiple platforms, allowing them to reach a wider audience and engage with consumers in new and innovative ways.
The Rise of Web Series and Streaming Platforms
One of the most significant developments in visual storytelling has been the rise of web series and streaming platforms. Web series creators have capitalized on the popularity of online streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime to produce original and engaging content that rivals traditional television programs. These creators have the freedom to explore diverse storylines and characters, attracting a global audience and changing the way we consume visual content.
The Impact of VFX on Modern Cinema
Visual effects have played a crucial role in shaping modern cinema, with VFX film makers pushing the boundaries of what is possible on the big screen. Whether creating realistic creatures, epic battle scenes, or otherworldly landscapes, VFX artists have revolutionized the way stories are told in film. Audiences now expect a certain level of visual spectacle in movies, thanks to the groundbreaking work of VFX professionals who continue to raise the bar in visual storytelling.
Overall, the evolution of visual storytelling has opened up new possibilities for ad film makers, web series creators, VFX film makers, and other visual storytellers. As technology continues to advance and audience preferences shift, these professionals will need to adapt and innovate to stay ahead of the curve in the ever-changing world of visual media.
Crafting the Message: The Art of Ad Film Making
Ad film makers are the masterminds behind captivating advertisements that drive consumer interest and engagement. Their role is not just about showcasing a product or service but also about creating a compelling narrative that resonates with the target audience. From conceptualizing the ad to final editing, ad film makers are meticulous in crafting the message that will leave a lasting impression on viewers.
Understanding the Audience's Psyche
One of the key aspects of ad film making is understanding the psyche of the target audience. Advertisements are most effective when they speak directly to the emotions, desires, and needs of the viewers. By conducting in-depth research and analysis, ad film makers can tailor their messages to align with the audience's preferences. This personalized approach ensures that the ad resonates with the viewers on a deeper level, leading to better brand recall and engagement.
Blending Creativity with Strategy
Ad film making is a delicate balance between creativity and strategy. While creative ideas drive the visual appeal of the ad, strategic planning ensures that the message is delivered effectively. Ad film makers must think outside the box to create unique and innovative concepts that stand out in a crowded advertising landscape. At the same time, they must consider the client's objectives and brand identity to ensure that the ad aligns with the overall marketing strategy.
The Role of Music and Visuals in Advertising
Music and visuals play a crucial role in the success of an advertisement. The right combination of music can evoke emotions, set the tone, and enhance the overall impact of the ad. Similarly, visually appealing imagery and engaging storytelling can capture the viewer's attention and deliver the message effectively. Ad film makers must carefully select music and visuals that complement the ad's theme and amplify its impact on the audience.
In conclusion, ad film making is a creative and strategic process that requires a deep understanding of the audience, a blend of creativity and strategy, and a well-crafted combination of music and visuals. By mastering these elements, ad film makers can create advertisements that not only promote a brand but also leave a lasting impression on viewers.
Beyond Entertainment: Documentaries, Music Videos, and Photography
Creating visual content goes beyond just entertainment. Documentaries, music videos, and photography play significant roles in various industries, capturing real-life events, promoting music, and visually documenting the world around us.
Documentary Films: Educating and Informing with Integrity
Documentary films are powerful tools for educating and informing audiences about different topics and issues. Documentary filmmakers conduct in-depth research, interview subjects, and film real-life events to tell compelling and informative stories. These films can cover a wide range of subjects, from social issues to historical events, shedding light on important topics and sparking conversations.
Music Videos: The Visual Beat of the Music Industry
Music videos are an essential part of the music industry, serving as visual accompaniments to songs. Music video makers work closely with musicians and record labels to create visually appealing videos that enhance the listening experience. These videos not only promote the music but also help artists connect with their fans on a deeper level by bringing their songs to life through visual storytelling.
Photography: Capturing Moments, Telling Stories
Photography is a versatile art form that can be used in various industries, from advertising to journalism. Photographers use their creative skills and technical expertise to capture stunning images that tell stories, evoke emotions, and document moments in time. Whether they are shooting portraits, landscapes, or events, photographers play a crucial role in visually documenting our world and preserving memories for generations to come.
In conclusion, documentaries, music videos, and photography are essential forms of visual content creation that go beyond mere entertainment. Documentaries educate and inform, music videos enhance the music listening experience, and photography captures moments and tells stories. Each of these mediums requires a unique set of skills and creativity to create compelling visual content that engages audiences, promotes ideas, and preserves memories.
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varnanfilm · 3 months
Film production house in delhi
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In the ever-evolving universe of film production, where stories compete for attention and audiences demand authenticity, Varnan stands out. Varnan, is your complete film production partner, bringing your vision to life with powerful documentaries, captivating corporate videos, and stunning animation. We don’t just make films, we craft stories that make a difference.
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secondaryartifacts · 5 months
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debzcorner · 3 months
In the realm of film and content creation, the success of a project often hinges on meticulous planning before the cameras start rolling. This crucial phase, known as pre-production, sets the foundation for a seamless and successful production journey. Let’s discuss eight reasons why you must plan effectively before your principal photography. 1. Vision Clarification: Pre-production allows…
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drmonkeysetroscans · 3 months
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Spike Lee?
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