#Herbert SF
sebastianbenbenek · 3 months
Diuna raz jeszcze
“Diuna” miała swoją premierę w 1964 roku. Książka ta była dzieckiem swojej epoki a była to epoka eugeniki, psychodelicznego oświecenia, zimnej  wojny i widma atomowej zagłady. Była to także przestroga przed fundamentalizmem religijnym i korporacjonizmem. Warto przeanalizować, jak się zestarzała. Continue reading Diuna raz jeszcze
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madrodent · 4 months
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Adventures of Sandworm posters
Last year I completed my journey through the golden path - four books from Frank Herbert's 'Dune' series. My mind was blown multiple times - exceptionally inspiring read.
A while ago I dsketched three silly ideas on the subject of the sandworm and moments from the first book ( Arrakis, Spice Harvest and Meeting Paul) and decided to turn them into posters.
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stillunusual · 3 months
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Dune: Part Two @ Home, Manchester 6/3/2024
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whosthatknocking · 2 years
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Dune (2021), dir. Denis Villeneuve
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boooklover · 2 years
“The surest way to keep a secret is to make someone think they already know the answer.”
Frank Herbert, Heretics of Dune
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mthomasapple · 2 months
Today’s quote
The influence of geography on history went mostly unrecognized…Humans tended to look more at the influence of history on geography. Who owns this river valley? This verdant valley? This peninsula? This planet? None of us. Frank Herbert, God Emperor of Dune
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jdfitzroy · 10 months
Dune Imperium Mega Game Box
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physiqueetmental · 1 year
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affairesasuivre · 2 years
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Cycle de Dune, Tome 1 : Dune / Frank Herbert
Dune, livre mythique de Frank Herbert, continue d'inspirer et de fasciner plus de cinquante ans après sa parution en 1965. Il est couronné un an plus tard par les deux plus prestigieux prix de science-fiction, le Hugo et le Nebula, récompensant six années d'écriture pour coucher sur papier cette fresque visionnaire et titanesque. À ce jour, Dune, véritable best-seller vendu à plus de 12 millions d'exemplaires, est un classique du genre.
Lorsque l'Empereur décide d'annexer la planète Arrakis au duché Atréides, le duc Leto est conscient qu'il s'agit d'un innommable piège. Autrefois fief de la baronnie Harkonnen, Arrakis est l'une des planètes les plus précieuses de l'univers, car elle seule produit l'Épice. Substance rare et précieuse, l'Épice d'Arrakis permet de produire le Mélange, une drogue permettant de voir l'avenir à court terme. Très prisée chez les Sœurs du Bene Gesserit, indispensable aux voyages interstellaires, vitale pour les Membres de la Guilde des Transports, l’Épice est le rouage qui fait tourner l'Empire. En se voyant confier Arrakis, le duc Leto sait donc que l'Empereur lui a mis une cible sur le dos pour tous les assassins et despotes de l'univers. Il sait que le Baron Harkonnen, ancien propriétaire de la planète et ennemi héréditaire de la famille Atréides, complote déjà pour le renverser. Se voir confier Arrakis, c'est signer son arrêt de mort.
Refusant de céder à la panique et conscient des risques qu'il prend, le Duc Leto emmène donc sa famille sur Arrakis. Constatant comment sont traités les travailleurs là-bas, Leto met à bas les anciennes valeurs Harkonnen qui régissaient encore les usines à Épice et promeut le respect du travailleur et de l'humain avant les bénéfices. Ils prennent aussi vite conscience de la valeur de l'eau sur cette planète désertique où elle est considérée comme le plus précieux des trésors. La famille Atréides acquiert rapidement le respect du peuple d'Arrakis, les farouches Fremen. Et dans les rues se murmurent que le jeune Paul, fils du duc Leto Atréides, serait le tant attendu Lisan al-Gaib, le messie venu d'ailleurs qu'attend le peuple Fremen depuis des siècles. Celui qui libérera Arrakis de ses oppresseurs et couvrira d'eau ce monde aride, si souvent nommé Dune.
Paul Atréides est un garçon spécial en tous points. Fruit d'une sélection génétique mise en place par les Sœurs du Bene Gesserit depuis des milliers d'années, Paul est le résultat de croisements entre différentes branches aristocratiques de l'Empire dont le but est à terme de mettre au point un Kwisatz Haderach, un être capable de voir à travers les plus épais voiles du Temps. Vif, intelligent, doué au combat, Paul fait la fierté de ses parents du haut de ses quinze ans. Mais tous ces atouts seront-ils suffisants face au péril qui menace sa famille ?
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neil-gaiman · 29 days
Hopefully you haven't answered this question before; What are your thoughts on Dune? I passed through Barnes and Noble the other day and saw they were selling a copy with a foreword done by you and I found it odd given my (limited and biased) understanding of the series. Apologies if this has been asked before!
I'm not really sure that I understand your question. As part of the Penguin SF series I wrote introductions for the series (including Neuromancer, The Left Hand of Darkness and The Once and Future King) and Dune was one of those books. I talk about it in the introduction. (I wish I could remember whether my 1984 interview with Frank Herbert made it into The View from the Cheap Seats.)
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Repost• @telerama Épais comme deux bottins, long d'une trentaine de centimètres sur quinze de haut, composé de plus de trois mille dessins : c'est le storyboard le plus mythique de l'histoire du cinéma. Celui de l'adaptation de #Dune, de Frank #Herbert, par le cinéaste chamane Alejandro #Jodorowsky. Pourquoi “Dune” ? Parce que c'était la bible de la #SF, succès d'édition mondial dont on pouvait espérer une saga au cinéma du même acabit. Mais surtout parce que cette histoire de guerriers intergalactiques qui se disputent une planète sur laquelle pousse une mystérieuse épice, qui provoque une extension de la conscience, était pour Jodorowsky une merveilleuse occasion de plus de réaliser son rêve : un film-trip. 📸 © Courtesy of H.R. Giger/Sony Pictures Classics @alejandro.jodorowsky @jodorowskyfilms #alejandrojodorowsky #jodorowskysdune https://www.instagram.com/p/ChSZXuMs3KJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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highladyluck · 10 months
One of the most surreal aspects of Wheel of Time is for as much as it's one of the major trope codifying fantasy series, there is actually a hell of a lot of flat out sci-fi background/implications rolling around in in it too.
YES I love it so much! It makes it feel expansive and really rounds out the ‘legend fades to myth’ themes.
The Age of Legends is a Crystal Spires and Togas magitech utopia (that’s actually a bit of a dystopia if you start looking at the underlying premises). They could create pocket universes (vacuoles). The One Power has a lot of physics DNA, including the linking rules being based on electron valences & other atomic properties of elements. Portal Stones and the Ways are wormhole networks/alternate universes. Sindhol has non-Euclidean geometry. The Ogier are from another dimension. Tel’aran’rhiod is yet another alternate universe. Ancient tech from a lost civilization is abandoned, discovered, misused, reused, etc. Bayle Domon can rattle off a laundry list of classic sci-fi weirdness including the glowing field that kills anyone who gets too close. The Forsaken more or less time travel to a post-apocalyptic future. RJ used the same sources Frank Herbert did so the Aiel feel like a Dune pastiche. Aginor is a mad scientist.
I’m a sci-fi reader more than a fantasy reader- WoT is my exception that proves the rule- but I think one of the reasons I find it so compelling is the very dense layer of SF behind so much of the worldbuilding.
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lordressdragoonbear · 5 months
Michael Sleep Makeover 💕
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Hello, hello! I'm late again (Of course I am) but I made over another sim!
So I was asked by @sushiikinsss to makeover Michael Sleep who is Matthew Hamming's younger brother, is he his half-brother? I have no clue but it is possible.
I made him over and I made sure that he had a way different look than Matthew because I assume he doesn't want to be labeled as "Matthew's little brother" which is the story I have going for him.
In my game (when I play it) he doesn't want to be known as Matthew's brother, he wants to be his own person, but it feels almost impossible for him to be someone when he just lives in his brother's shadow, and that's why they don't get along very well.
Anyway, him and Matthew look nothing alike and the sims wiki is wrong.
Anyhoo, enjoy!
This Here Package contains: 1 Man living in his brother's shadow
P.S, They should come with some of the CC used.
but if they don't, here are some links of the stuff I could find.
Hair | Eyes | Eyelashes | Eyelash Slider | Skin | Sliders | Top | Sleepwear | Eyebrows are always missing, please send help... 😭
Anything I missed was due to the fact that I've had some of this CC since 2018 and I cannot find it, or pure laziness 😅
I don’t remember where I got all this CC, but a ton of it should be on my CC reblog account @ohcrapitsccfinds​ so head on over there for some CC!
Thanks to all the CC creators whose CC I used, ya’ll are grand and I love your work!
Video Link: https://youtu.be/Yjv76e0mqJQ?feature=shared
Bonus! Here is a picture of Luca and Lucy Herbert!
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rrcraft-and-lore · 2 months
Short video for #InternationalWomensDay (look make it a month why only a day), Dune 2 month, and how one woman's contribution goes overlooked in how influential she was to Herbert creating Dune.
This is a primer about a little novel called, The Sabres of Paradise, and the research and writing Lesley Blanch did that Herbert free inspiration from to create his legendary SF epic!
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You'll find the other polls in my 'sf polls' tag / my pinned post.
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gollancz · 1 year
Hello, and welcome to the Official Tumblr for Gollancz, the oldest dedicated publisher of SFF and Horror fiction in the world.
I set this up because I'm not allowed to touch the company Instagram or TikTok accounts ("you'll break the algorithm" psht) and I got told off for retweeting too much stuff.
We were founded in 1927, and became a specialist SFF imprint in 1962, meaning that we were able to celebrate our 60th birthday and our upcoming 100th birthday only a handful of years apart.
We have a wikipedia page, which makes us feel very Special and Important.
People We Have Published:
Leigh Bardugo
Joe Abercrombie
Brandon Sanderson
Terry Pratchett (and Neil Gaiman That One Time)
Arthur C. Clarke
Ursula K. Le Guin
Philip K. Dick
Dhonielle Clayton
George Orwell (No I'm serious I found one of his royalty statements in a box in archives from the 1930s)
Peter S. Beagle
Joe Hill
Stephen King (Hodder and Stoughton will pry The Green Mile from our cold dead fingers)
Jonathan Sims
Frank Herbert
Aliette de Bodard
Joanne Harris
Ben Aaronovitch
Kurt Vonnegut
And MANY OTHERS. SO MANY. Across 60-100 years and two lists (Gollancz, and our archive project the SF Gateway) we have hoarded some of the most incredible and exciting SFF and Horror ever written.
We love space, and magic, and robots, and unicorns, and things you see in a cheese-related fever nightmare. They're our favourites.
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