#I also really like how the audio vis looks
manasseh · 3 months
I want to share an app that I absolutely adore these days! It's called Merlin and it's like shazam for birds. [google play store]
As you record audio around you, it will listen for bird song and create a list. Under each bird there's also clear example recordings of their songs, cries, chirps, etc.
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I'm slowly starting to recognise some birds by their song!! It's making me want to listen and look closely whenever I'm out instead of hiding in headphones or zoning out. Makes me feel grounded and connected to nature in a way, however shallow the connection.
Besides that and entirely not what the creators went for but it also feels like a collection game which may be what the pull is for me haha. ornithology pokedex bc pokemonGO is not enough.
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jennyfromthebes · 2 months
Hey! I wanna talk for a sec about the Live Music Archive. If you're a tMG fan who's on here you probably already at least know about it, but for anyone unfamiliar I want to do a quick post talking about what it is and how you can listen!
The Live Music Archive is a collection hosted by the Internet Archive for audio recordings of concerts. Specifically, the LMA hosts, with permission from the band, user-contributed recordings of concerts. Some fans will go to concerts with recording gear to take a full audio recording of the show and then upload it to the archive under the band's collection. As of writing this post there are almost 450 live tapes uploaded to the tMG LMA collection!
There's a few ways that you can listen to recordings on the Live Music Archive. The webpage works pretty well both on desktop and mobile browsers, and that's what I typically use. You can also listen on web without having to make an account on the Internet Archive, which is convenient for browsing. I also use the webpage to download mp3s of favorite tapes to my phone, so that I can listen to them in my local music player.
However, if you don't mind making a free account and prefer the convenience of something more like Spotify, you can also listen to anything on the LMA via the Taper's Section app for Android or the Live Music Archive app for iOS! (Obligatory disclaimer that I use an Android and can't personally vouch for the iOS app, but afaik they have similar features.) The apps have the same functionality as the webpage in a more streamlined mobile-friendly interface, plus things like notifications when there's a new tape added to a collection you follow and downloading in-app for offline listening. The Android app also has a tab for tapes from today's date, there's often at least one (there are FOUR for today!) and that's a really fun way to find tapes to listen to.
If you're looking at this going, wow, that sounds really cool but there's so many tapes that it's a little overwhelming to get into this, don't worry! I'll leave you with a couple recommendations. As mentioned above, I like to listen to shows from the current date. Another fun way to find shows is looking for a specific song - you can go on the wiki and it'll list every show at which the song has been played live, and then just search until you find one of them that has a tape on the archive. Lastly, a few specific favorite tapes of mine:
- 2014-06-15 has the entirety of Taboo VI: The Homecoming played live + one of my absolute favorite performances of both Woke Up New and The Best Ever Death Metal Band In Denton.
- 2015-06-01 is the only time Straight Six has ever been played live and it's interestingly pretty different from the EP version, plus a phenomenal back to back Spent Gladiator 1 & 2.
- 2021-08-06 was the first show after the band started playing concerts again post 2020, and it has a really incredible energy and a phenomenal setlist.
- 2024-03-01 is from the recent run of solo shows, this one was at Grace Cathedral and the ambience is truly truly incredible, it feels so ethereal.
Please feel free to add any additional notes or some of your own favorite tapes to the post as well! Happy listening!!
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laniissocool · 1 year
pairing(s): jack champion x actress!fem!reader
warnings: none really ? she/her pronouns, fem reader, cursing, mentions of stabbing and scream VI spoilers i think ? also not proof-read and lowercase intended !
a/n: hi everyone !! so this is my first fic and i do plan on doing a second part. i really am more of a reader than i am a writer so please leave criticism in the replies !! also instead of y/n or reader i use just a blank (___) so let me know if i should change that and i dont know whether this is fluff or angst or like in the middle ? i’d say its a normal story but wtvr !! hope you enjoy !
you made your way onto set. you walked with your tote bag thrown over your shoulder, phone in hand as you walked pretty fast without looking up. knowing how clumsy you were, you were surprised you hadn’t bumped into anything yet. or maybe anyone. you got a text and opened as fast as someone could blink as soon as you saw the name. 
R U Coming to set yet?🎥
omw !! ready 4 me 2 stab u ?🔪🔪🩸
As ready as I’ll ever be😵‍💫
you asked jack if he wanted you to show him how to turn on all lowercase, but he refused. he said typing like someone’s dad is cool.
you caught yourself smiling at your phone before turning it off and looking around as you walked. 
a few minutes later you made it to your trailer. you walked in and turned on the light, cracking your knuckles then tossing your bag on the small couch you had. you took your phone back out and texted jack.
i’m here in my trailer, come get me ghostface👻👻
seen at 1:14
you thought it was sweet that there was a mutual thing between you and jack where it was completely needed and necessary to end all texts with an emoji, if either of you couldn’t find one you’d have to call or send an audio message.
about an hour later, everyone got their costumes on and ready to film. you were so thankful that the character you played, Elena, gave off the same vibes as you, so, you could dress her yourself. sometimes even with your own clothing. maybe it was your face ? you were very pretty, after all. a kind of rarer pretty, like a magical pretty ? but it definitely was not just your conventional attractive pretty. everyone got on set and you saw jack for the first time that day. you ran up to him and hugged him, your arms wrapped around his waist, in a friendly way. he hugged you back and you pulled away after a few seconds. 
“ y’know, i think you’re a pretty good-looking killer “ you said to him with a soft smirk. 
you guys always flirted with eachother, not even realizing. 
“ why thank you “ he said in a weird accent. 
before you started filming the prop guys had to fix some stuff so you guys got a quick break. you walked over to jack’s trailer, which he wasn’t in and sat down eating some gummies you found in your bag. after a few minutes jack comes inside without making noise since the door was cracked open already. he closes the door behind him silently and sits right next to you. he peeked over onto your phone as you played your favorite game. even though it wasn’t really fun to watch, he was insantly interested in anything you were. you didn’t even realize he was there because of how into it you were, besides, he didnt make a sound.  you noticed when he reached over to your bag of Haribos to get one. you jumped and almost dropped your phone.
“ shit, jack ! fuck ! you scared the life out of me “ you said with your hand that held your phone up to your heart. 
he burst out into a fit of laughter.
“ your- “ he couldn’t even speak without laughing. after about a minute or two of him laughing wiping his tears and you staring at him like he’s insane he finally says something. 
“ your face, ____ your face ! you looked at me like i’d just stabbed you ! “ he said, still with a smile from ear to ear on his face.
you looked at him with an unimpressed look on your face, scoffing at him as you bit back a smile. 
“ it wasn’t even that funny, idiot “ you said as you ran your tongue across your teeth trying not to smile. he saw right through you.
“ you wanna laugh so badly, don’t you ? ” he said as he looked down at you. you looked up at him, with a soft smile on your face. you laughed a little too as you had to give in. the room went silent and awkward as you’d looked at each others faces for a few seconds. unconciously, you both leaned in. you looked at his lips and your full lips parted a bit. your heart was pounding but you didn’t know that his was too. your lips touched and your hand travels up his chest to the back of his neck, sliding up to grab a handful of his curly hair. you pulled him closer and before you knew it you were turning your head into the kiss. both hands around his neck now as you tugged lightly on his brown locks. then you realized. you really realized. you were close to, but not quite making out with jack champion. he was your starboy. you’d never believed it, even if you told yourself from this morning that you kissed jack champion for a good, 30 seconds, you wouldn’t believe it.
you opened your eyes and they widened, looking back at him. his cheeks a flushed, rosy color. as were yours. you opened your mouth to say something but nothing came out.
you got up and he did as well after you, towering over you. he looked at you with eyes that were saying that he wanted you to say something. anything. you couldn’t. physically, nothing could come out. you had no idea what was going on, you never thought of jack in that way. or, well, in the way that you would kiss him for almost a minute straight kind of way. you walked out practically running to your trailer. 
all jack could do was watch, he was frozen and just as, if not even more shocked than you were. as you walked you remembered all the times you were around him. you’d get butterflies. he could be in the same room as you and you’d get butterflies but you’d labeled it as ‘nervousness’ for ‘no reason’. but it’d only ever happen around him. him. then you realized, the non-purpose flirting, the butterflies, the need to be around him. you were inlove with him ! god, how didn’t you notice before. that’s why everyone would look at you too with funny eyes whenever you’d flirt without knowing, thinking it was a friendship thing that only you two did around each other.
everyone probably definitely knew. they knew how you felt before you did. you opened the door to your trailer and locked it. you sat down as thoughts raced through your mind. how would you tell him ? how would you tell jenna and devyn and liana ? did he like it ? did he mean it how you meant it ? was it just a kiss for him ? .. is jack inlove with you too ?
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Some Interesting Stuff About the Development of Turlough
I was seriously tempted to call this post "Vis-lore Turlough". I am so fucking normal.
Anyway, I found a website via the TARDIS wiki that goes into detail about the concepts behind and making of Doctor Who episodes. For Mawdryn Undead, this means a discussion of how the character of Turlough was developed.
It started with JNT and Adric not going according to his vision. He was supposed to be a companion you couldn't quite trust, but that didn't really work with him, so it was decided that they'd try the idea again.
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Honestly, the "untrustworthy" thing didn't work with Adric because of his age. He had an innocent vibe to him and tended to work best when the fact that he was just a kid trying his best was emphasized.
He'd often sort of go rogue, trying to save the day in his own way, often with some lying and stealing involved, but this seemed to confuse people. Adric became infamous for taking the villain's side, something he only did once. He pretended to take the villain's side in two other stories, but it was a fake-out. In Kinda, since the villain he pretends to side with is obviously insane, the fake-out is also quite obvious. I've seen reviews of State of Decay that don't seem to understand that Adric was supposed to be faking, however. There was also Castrovalva, where Adric was forced to work with the Master, and there's a scene or two where he pretends to cooperate willingly, but it doesn't last very long and it's always clearly a fake-out. Honestly, Adric is actually a pretty bad liar. I'm not sure if he was supposed to come across that way, but it's what we got.
Turlough was an attempt to start over and try the idea again, but with a clear story arc behind it that would make the writers keep that element consistent. Notably, for a character meant as a replacement for Adric, and a character who'd later be introduced as a schoolboy, the original plan for Turlough doesn't seem to specify his age. He's an alien working for the Black Guardian.
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Unlike Adric, Turlough wasn't really meant to be a teenager. He originally wasn't going to be introduced as a schoolboy at all. The planned third story of season 20, where he'd be introduced, was The Song of the Space Whale, but the story fell through, eventually ending up as a Lost Story audio with 6 and Peri.
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Since this was a last minute change, Turlough wasn't actually aged down. According to Mark Strickson, Turlough is supposed to look like he doesn't belong in the setting, and one of the ways he doesn't belong is by being obviously too old. It's never directly explained to the audience that Turlough is older than he was pretending to be, though it is implied. When given Adric's old room, he complains about it looking like a child's room, because he's had enough of children. So, the clearest answer we get to Turlough's age is "older than Adric".
Having Turlough be a bit older makes the more morally ambiguous part of his character seem more convincing. He's also given a more clear motivation for it. Adric had kinda sorta been an outsider on his homeworld who learned to steal things, but he stole because his big brother did. Adric sort of latched on to any role model he found, so simply traveling with the Doctor would change his moral attitudes to better match him. He's still young enough that his worldview is shaped by adults. Turlough is old enough that, even if he respects and admires someone, he's developed his own view of the universe through his own experiences with it.
Another reoccurring point in Mark Strickson interviews is that he wanted Turlough to be more independent than most companions. He's from an advanced civilization, so he knows how all the tech works. He's familiar with alien species. He doesn't need the Doctor to explain everything to him. But, the show kind of forced the companions into a simplistic role. JNT believed that at the end of the day, the companions were there to ask "what's happening, Doctor?" even in situations where they should definitely already know. They had to stand in for not only an audience of ordinary humans, but an audience primarily of children, so even things that a regular human adult could figure out would sometimes have to be spelled out to them.
Janet Fielding also had a problem with this for feminist reasons. Tegan wasn't supposed to be stupid. This led to a period of time where everyone was going rogue. You had two actors playing their companions as intelligent, independent adults when the script needed the opposite.
I'm calling attention to this because I think it's interesting that this was happening with Five's companions specifically. Five's main fandom characterization is as a dad with all these adopted queer youths. Five does often act like that, but it would be interesting to really look at that in the context of companions that probably wouldn't want to be treated that way. Adric and Nyssa were both introduced as teenagers, though Nyssa seemed to grow up over time. They sort of were his adopted children.
But, Tegan and Turlough enter the TARDIS as adults. The actors' frustrations could actually fit in-character. Tegan feels like she's being talked down to because she's a woman and Turlough had to pass himself off as a schoolboy but is sick of it. Why he doesn't change out of his damn uniform makes no sense with this in-universe. Out of universe, 80s Doctor Who characters were often given limited selections of outfits so they'd be more recognizable. In Turlough's case, he was dressed in black to contrast with the Doctor's white and beige and Tegan's more bold colors. It represented the personality of each character: The Doctor is mild-mannered, Tegan is bold and tends to stand out, Turlough is somber and cynical.
So, over time, Five's companions grow up. Nyssa is with him long enough that she literally comes of age while traveling with him. With Adric and Nyssa gone, we're left with Tegan and Turlough as two adult companions. Five spent years alone with Nyssa, basically acting as her adoptive father, raising her to adulthood, when she decides to leave home. He's not sure how to relate to his companions as adults. They haven't been in quite a while.
In comparing 5's companions to older companions, Adric and Nyssa are more like Susan or Zoe, very smart, but still kids. Tegan is more like Sarah Jane, limited in scientific knowledge by being a 20th century woman, but still clever and not fond of being talked down to. Turlough is more like Romana, another intelligent alien that the Doctor could communicate with as an equal. At least, that's how I would've thought of it if I'd been given these characters
This has devolved into rambling now. I just wanted to analyze 5's companions and "dad" status. I've run out of things to say.
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
Dong Yue is such a troll because from the wiki I got this
At the end of the novel, the author lists twelve hypothetical questions that a reader might ask and answers them. Some of the answers are very similar in nature and, sometimes, contradictory.
The eighth asks how it's possible for Monkey to have a wife and children. He states that the book is simply a dream.
Since the Supplement is about Wukong’s desires, it would be funny if Wukong subconsciously thought Princess Iron Fan was pretty and that Demon Bull King didn’t deserve her (therefore uncle) and that she’d make a good mom for his 5 sons that he also apparently desired? Wukong desiring Tang to be a warlord though XD
Anyway bad timeline where everyone is OOC because it’s a fever dream sounds crazy awesome I wish I could read it.
Sometimes people are all about allegories, and nothing about substance! Which nothing wrong as long as it is entertaining. I do like how he anticipated the question because he knew himself, but he didn't explain them well enough. Also that Red Boy also doesn't exist in the book as it was said that these were Princess Iron Fan's first kids so its like Wukong willed Red Boy from ever existing as well! THAT IS FUNNY! He wanted a big family and no annoying nephew! Nooooo!
But you can read it actually it’s in English!
Here’s a link!
You are going to make a profile but still. Even comes with audio options if you want it out loud.
Have fun with the crazy fever dream!
While I will admit it is absolutely insane. I myself hope one day to have a script of how to make it into something of substance because I think there is a lot to work with. Time travel and inter-dimensional transportation aren't anything new but to know that this was one of the first 'time travel' books out there is pretty fun! It’s somewhere between a dream and a nightmare, where the dreams become so intense that they just go overboard. I feel like nowadays a lot could be played with, especially with how to look into what Wukong really wants and what he is willing to do to take it when in the middle of his journey. Like to measure himself mentally where he has changed from being willing to do anything in his power to get what he wants verse actually seeing the consequences of his desire affecting those around him that he has grown to care about and how their lives are ruined as well.
Sanzang becoming a general probably is too farfetched but the idea is that he becoming controlled by a Evil King because Wukong left and Sanzang lost his way. Now THAT can be interesting. Bajie tries to go back to Gao but as expected by rejected and thus he also joins the Evil Army. THAT is a cool take. Wujing being lost in all this and going back to hire hermit lifestyle, THAT IS SAD. BaiLong been forever, forgotten by his family and force the roam the Earth has a horse. THAT IS ALSO SO SAD. I don't know why people look any further for angst when if this story could be put in a more cohesive manner without the loose plot point or useless quests could be an interesting introspective of Wukong's desires have how they have changed from what he thought he wants versus what he wants now.
I do feel like a lot of the takes are more out of character but that is what makes it kind of scary and a bad timeline way. To think that because you (Wukong) can push people to new means. Maybe Wukong just wanted a big family before and missed his monkey, projecting that onto Princess Iron Fan who is deprived of both a son and husband and he understood that missing family. And maybe he feels responsible for both Bajie and Wujing on his journey to keep them together else they lose their ways and just go back to being forgotten criminals of heaven, nothing better than canon fodder. And his greatest fear of Sanzang losing his way... and becoming more like him. Choosing violence as the real answer to his problems, similar to Wukong. Any little desire he wished for Sanzang to be "more like him" taken to the extreme of him being a general sending out armies.
And it's that image of King Paramita, his desire for a family verse General Sanzang, his desire for Sanzang to be stronger (or rather just a little bit crueler to their enemies) being forced to confront each other in the climax!
Like I said there are a lot of wishy-washy side quests in the middle that really lead nowhere and are more of a commentary of the times and certain historical figures but there CAN be a lot of interesting plot points that could be SO MUCH FUN to play with! Wukong is always some of the first to say that he is a monk that left the family but maybe he still has that desire to be more than a grandpa to his monkeys and he a family man, but is that worth the cost of the friends he made along the way? I like to think that a lot of dreams are more his distorted desires which is what a lot of the book is. He even meets himself in a human form in the book which helps him out of his red strong of desire to help see reason.
It is only at the end when he sees the son he never knew kill Sanzang does he lose his mind, going into his giant form as he tries to destroy everything around him in a second.
But he can't.
Because he finally starts to wake up.
And when he sees that Fake Fish coming in as their "new" fellow disciples.
Man does NOT hesitate to snap his neck for messing with his dreams like that.
Have to admit that is definitely one way to end a story! But why anyone that is interested I definitely recommend it a read if anyone has the time!
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white-weasel · 5 months
Saw Saturday has come yet again, this time we watched Saw VI:
First off, this movie was so aggressively 2008-2009 in its theme I was FLOORED. Of course there were the predatory lenders, loaning out money to those they knew couldn’t pay it back (direct reference to the housing crash in 2007/2008) and then I got hit with the words “preexisting condition” and literally went “oh fuck the affordable care act doesn’t exist yet.” So definitely was interesting to get a blast from the past with social commentary that was very much based on popular public discourse at the time (not saying predatory lending and American health insurance aren’t also issues now just… a different kind of issue/focus)
I cannot believe that Strahm’s hand survived that entire crushing room so in tact. Then again I did not watch Strahm’s actual death at all because I’m too much of a baby about broken bones, but just seeing the rest of the corpse… man Hoffman got pretty lucky with that one
Perez didn’t die in 4/5 I fucking called it!!! Like I said, if I don’t see your body idc, you’re alive in my book
Still, I’m surprised that they revealed that bit of information to Hoffman. I guess at that point they were running off the assumption Strahm was Jigsaw’s accomplice and thus Hoffman would be a trusted ally in the investigation but man
Speaking of, Hoffman was sooooo sus this entire movie it was almost comical. I mean, it’s probably just because you as an audience member know Hoffman’s whole deal but still
Another Saw trap gauntlet! I think it’s interesting that as the movies moved more towards focusing on John Kramer and his crew as the main characters, rather than those in the trap, the traps have turned into multiple tests rather than just one. It makes sense from a story telling perspective though because that way they don’t have to explain multiple people’s deals why they’re in these traps and can instead just focus on one
With that, I think this was my favorite of the trap gauntlets yet! Actual tough decisions for William and I feel like it mixed the moral choices being put forward by 3 about saving people, while also making the decisions tougher/have more consequences like 5. I really liked the maze where in order to let her pass through he had to redirect the steam and burn himself and the shotgun carousel trap where he had to impale his hands in order to save just a fraction of those on it.
I was staring at the teen boy with his mom who have been put in that cage room with the acid and was like “He looks familiar but idk where I’ve seen him before” a few scenes later my friend just blurts out “oh my god that’s Rodrick from Diary of a Wimpy Kid” and we literally had to pause to take in that information
Once again though, not sure how I feel about more John Kramer lore being added, but this at least didn’t stand out to me as being Too Much yknow. It makes sense that there was a slimy insurance guy who screwed over thousands of sick people and also did it to John, who was a close friend. Didn’t break anything pre established too much
Idk if this was intentional but the whole thing about the knives used to cut the jigsaw pieces out being different for Hoffman vs John felt like it was kinda a reference back to John telling Hoffman that the blade on his pendulum was inferior. If Hoffman had just followed John’s lead and used a surgical precision knife, the right tool for the job, to cut up that latest victim, the discrepancy wouldn’t have been raised and they probably wouldn’t have even thought about re-examining the Seth Baxter tape
The scene in the audio technician lab? So good. Once again Hoffman is being so so sus but also he’s cornered. I do have to question the logic of letting Hoffman hear the actual incriminating evidence when it’s pretty obvious they suspected him at this point, but it led to an iconic moment so I will take it
Rip Perez for real this time :( genuinely did like her from what we saw from her and I desperately wanted her to own Hoffman’s ass
Did NOT expect Hoffman to have basically blackmailed Amanda into killing Lynn (and thereby killing herself) back in 3, but now that I think about it it makes sooo much sense. It never 100% clicked with me why Amanda did that with how I read her character, but knowing that she was making the choice between her father figure/mentor/person who’s approval she wanted most in the world hating her or killing Lynn, things have fallen into place better
Jill was MUCH more involved with the Jigsaw operation than I had previously thought. It was basically like a fucking murder family up in there lmaoooo
Hoffman in the reverse bear trap was unexpected!! And the fact he beat what was supposed to be an unbeatable trap for him??? Actually a little bit insane. (He and Strahm both surviving “unwinnable” traps? They’re perfect for each other) I cannot wait to see what Jill’s reaction is gonna be when he eventually shows up and is like “I lived, bitch”
We’re reaching the point where my friend doesn’t remember what happens in the series (she watched some of the movies year ago) She said she very clearly remembered 1-3, would remember things as they came up in 4, and now only remembers stuff from Jigsaw since she saw that one in theaters. However, she loves hearing me ramble about my theories and then likes to look things up about the movies so she can know ahead of time if I’m right or not lmao
In her words “See, I knew you would like these movies, not because of like the traps or the gore or anything, but because of the crazy shit that happens in the plot. It’s fun seeing you go crazy about the twists and then spiral until we watch the next one.” And she’s absolutely 100% right
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dummerjan · 8 months
Rules: List 10 of your comfort shows, then tag 10 people
tagged by @sorry-bonebag thank you <333
Vi på Saltkråkan or Ferien auf Saltkrokan as I am used to calling it, using the English title feels entirely wrong - I always watched it as a film but it is originally a series. I have a CD with just the audio from one of the films and I can still follow along easily without the visuals, I know it by heart. One of my best childhood experiences has got to be visiting the island it was filmed on. All of Astrid Lindgren is comfort but this one especially.
Father Ted - Just looking at the thumbnails for the episodes on YouTube cracks me up. I could watch the same scene on repeat and it would make me laugh without fail.
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I even visited the farm it was filmed at. Or rather I stood outside the gates and lovingly gazed at it. If I ever get another chance, I want to go inside. Graham Linehan is utterly despicable but he also created two of my favourite shows and he can't take that away from me. I've gotten my perverted little trans hands all over them and they are mine now.
The Young Ones - Sometimes I need some guys to bash each others' heads in, scream from the top of their lungs how much they hate each other and threaten Thatcher with a bomb. It's loud and alternative and I don't understand all of the dialogue acoustically, but it is nevertheless a comfort watch. Or maybe exactly because of that, because it drowns out my own thoughts for a while.
Arrested Development - I've seen it countless times - and yes, this includes S4 and S5. I love the fourth season, and I actually prefered the original version since it meant I could watch the Buster heavy episodes. I love that mother boy, I also have mommy issue.
Scrubs - I started secretly watching Scrubs when I was in 3rd or 4th grade on the weekends when my parents and sister were away. In some ways, it explained life to me. It is very, very dear to me and if you put aside the offensive stuff, it is a deeply human, heartfelt and moving series.
Monk - It is intrinsically linked to my mother since I used to watch it with her. We even had dedicated Monk cookies and would make a whole thing out of it. It was such a novel experience to see a character on TV and recognize parts of myself, and comforting when I was really struggling with being different, being autistic.
Elementary - Joan and Sherlock's relationship is so beautifully portrayed and Sherlock is another character I can relate to. I love the setting of their brownstone, it's dark, cluttered and full of weird paraphernalia but also cozy, a home.
New Girl - I've seen that show so many times and I doubt I will ever tire of it.
What We Do In The Shadows has quickly become another quintessential comfort watch.
As for the tenth series... I am torn between Please Like Me, Hannibal and Queer as Folk US and I can't decide. But I have a thing for the numbers 9, 3 and 12, and 9 listed shows plus 3 I am undecided on makes 12 in total and that pleases me immensely so I'll leave it it at that.
I am tagging whoever sees this and with whom I share one of those comfort shows I listed. I think that would be fun?
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sodapop1034 · 1 year
So… there’s two stars, I think I’m in a binary star system, evidently on the only planet that supports life around here, and this place I got dropped into is a heavily overgrown area of the planet, with the portal gate smack in the middle of an abandoned research base that’s been abandoned for quite some time by the looks of it. Come to think about it, this base is suspiciously human, nothing here looks like it belongs to the locals. As for what the locals are like… there’s s lot of variety in their species, there could even be multiple species coexisting as a civilization. Most of the ones I’ve seen are gray bipedal beings, with four arms, a tail and one eye each. The ones that found me did have bioweapons ready to fire electricity at me, but pretty quickly lowered them when I made it clear I wasn’t a threat. Now they’re helping me learn how to survive out here: they’ve taught me most of the edible plants and there’s a conveniently placed water source nearby, so if nothing tries to kill me I should be fine for now. There’s also small brown spiky guys that demand I play with them sometimes, I was a little put off by the spikes at first but now I actually think they’re pretty cute! They do have a means of teleportation, but it isn’t very reliable outside of this universe because they can’t really set targets: they can only go where the boundaries between universes are currently weakest. Which, of course, makes it nothing like the gate in front of me. Caught a few more glimpses of Doctor Door-Slammer’s hands between the last message and now too. Turns out the white shirt isn’t the only thing to it. Right hand’s got a blue blazer, left hand has a red one, so either there’s more than one Doctor Door-Slammer or it just wears a really funky blazer.
*intense static*
Aww, come on! The blazer comment was a positive thing! Anyways, Moonlight out!
[Look at me, it's ok. He's not going to hurt you again, ok? Keep looking at me. I promise to keep you safe, ok?]
[Everything will be ok. It sounds like he's trapped right now.]
(...for now)
[Can I tell Moonlight about him?]
[Moonlight, stay away from Doctor Door-Slammer, ok? We know who he is and he's not something you want to be around. He's known as The Amalgamation. He has another name, but we're pretty sure it summons him somehow. From what we know, it's a split from Mike.]
(...not exactly...)
[Oh, right, it's really complicated. But that's not important right now. What is important is trying to get you out. From what you said, it sounds like you're in some sort of Border World. I'm not sure if it's Xen, but it sounds somewhat similar.]
(and the creatures sound similar to what Adrian delt with)
[I believe thoes are called Race X if I remember correctly. Here, let me look up known Border Worlds. I want to see if any of them match.]
*keyboard sounds*
[Hmmm, it's somewhere beyond Xen... Here! It looks like a name hasn't been given to this place yet.]
(Is there a location for it?)
[Yep! It looks like it's within the bots range too!]
(That's good. Moonlight, we'll see if we can send out Mark VI bot. It has both audio and photography. From there, we might be able to find a way out for you.)
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crazycoke-addict · 1 year
Scream VI Spoilers
I watch Scream VI 2 nights ago and in the movie, there is a Johnny Depp/Amber Heard storyline towards the main character Sam Carpetner. I'm gonna in detail so if you haven't seen it than I'm sorry. The first time we see Sam is when she's talking to her therapist Dr Stone. Sam decides to tell him that last year, her ex boyfriend Richie Kirish and his actual girlfriend Amber Freeman killed a bunch of people in order to save the Stab franchise. Sam ends up killing Richie by stabbing him 22 times in order to stop him and end this. But now someone whom later find out, it's quinn has spread a lie that Sam was the killer and she framed Richie.
Sam has been getting a lot of hate because of the misinformation. This is definitely similar to how when Johnny Depp claim he was the victim og abuse despite evidence shows he isn't. Everybody believed him instead of Amber. Amber got mocked and humilated by the public during 2022. Sam and Amber are pretty similar in a way, they are both strong women who are protective of their baby sister and also held themselves up. But they are also vulnerable and are being crucified of something they didn't do.I don't know if this means anything. If the writers of the show understand the way amber heard was treated is horrible. They decided to make it into Sam's character because she is pretty similar to Amber Heard. Also there's a part where some girl throws a drink at Sam and Sam got upset and there were people whom were filming. The video that was uploaded makes it looks Sam was about to attack the girl for no reason. This is similar to when Depp's fan posted edit audios where it looks like Amber admitted to hitting Depp and that she was the abusive one. When really it's the other way around.
What I'm about to say might sound like a reach but I still think it's worth mentioning. In Scream VI, when they're in the subway train. You can see someone dressed up as Julia Fox. It wouldn’t be that far off if someone decided to dressed up as Julia Fox for halloween or a costume party. But I can't help but wonder if it's not really coincidence. I made thread about how Sam being accused of framing Richie is similar how people believe Amber abused Depp. While I don't support Julia Fox anymore after she defended Alexander Wang. Julia was vocally supportive of Amber Heard during the trial. More than any celebrity ever did.
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schneidt79 · 8 months
TimeReaping in Deadwood (Deadwood Mystery Series Bk 13) by author Ann Charles (Art by CS Kunkle/ Graphics by Sam Lucky)
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My Book Review: 5 *****
In Violet and crew's latest adventure: will she ever catch that darn critter running around Deadwood causing mischief and mayhem wherever it goes? Will she avoid getting found out by Masterson that she killed one of his "pets"? Are her kids developing new abilities and how much longer can she protect them from the truth? The truth of their slayer bloodline and the truth of who their father really is. Is her evil sister really willing to bury the hatchet-and not in Vi's back? What is going on with those crazy Timekeeper clocks? And will she ever sell a house? All this is and sexy Doc moments are waiting for you in the latest Deadwood Mystery book!
Ann Charles' Deadwood books always deliver laughs, chills, and "the feels", all in an addictive series that you never want to end! They are part comedy, mystery, romance, and thriller with supernatural & paranormal fights to the death. They are also about family, both blood and chosen, and loyalty to the end.
This heroine may not have signed up to protect people from evil but she's the only one to take up the call. She's scared but does what she must in order to protect her kids, her friends, and the innocent. All while trying to hold down a job, raise said kids, get quality time with her man, and somehow manage to stay alive.
Not only do you find yourself rooting for the heroine but all of her friends and allies too. Nobody writes quirky and lovable the way Ann does. The reader gets pulled into the lives of these zany characters & they begin to feel like real-life friends.
Her human "bad guys" are so "real" that you'll have inevitably met someone in your day to day life that reminds you of them. You end up loathing these baddies and cannot wait til they get their due! You love to hate them.
Her "other" baddies are spooky, creepy, & mysterious-usually with a lust for mayhem and a craving for flesh and blood. These monsters are sometimes humanoid and not quite so bad but usually they are looking to kill. Unfortunately, Violet and her crew are the only ones around to stop them.
Every new book is like visiting old friends but these old friends are always getting pulled into a new adventure that keeps the story fresh and exciting. I highly recommend the Deadwood Mystery Series and every other series by Ann Charles! TimeReaping in Deadwood is book 13 in the series. If you are new to this author and interested in this series, book 1 is titled Nearly Departed in Deadwood.
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Author Series Link: https://anncharles.com/book_cat/deadwood/
Author Buy Link: https://ann-charles-company-store.myshopify.com/products/timereaping-in-deadwood-book-13
Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CJ29HLNT?notRedirectToSDP=1&ref_=dbs_mng_calw_12&storeType=ebooks
Barnes & Noble/Nook Link: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/timereaping-in-deadwood-ann-charles/1144069589;jsessionid=86662E518E7F9580825DEF9FE617A023.prodny_store01-atgap10?ean=2940185891469
Rakuten/Kobo Link: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/timereaping-in-deadwood
Google Play Books: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Ann_Charles_TimeReaping_in_Deadwood?id=8-LWEAAAQBAJ
Apple Books Link: https://books.apple.com/us/book/timereaping-in-deadwood/id6466372410
*Also available in audio & print*
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theprettyarachnid · 2 years
arcane char reaction to the reader being angry with them.
i'm just brainstorming, you know?
a/n: i have the "reeses puff, reeses puff eat em up" audio stuck in my head on repeat (also this is in the scenario where they are wrong in the argument)
warnings: none(?)
🕷 She usually doesn't care when someone is mad at her but when it comes to you, it's an entirely different story
🕷 Jinx hates when you're upset with her because it reminds her of the last time she saw Vi
🕷 She does not leave you alone, always in the corner staring at you like a kicked puppy
🕷 Eventually you have to give in and stop ignoring her because you actually start to feel bad
🕷 Vi is a hot head so more often than not she lets the anger get the best of her and will unfortunately say things she regrets later on
🕷 The second you storm off in the other direction, she realizes that she shouldn't have said the things she did and starts beating herself up over it
🕷 Probably goes to work out to blow off some steam before going back home to talk to you
🕷 When she finds you in your shared bedroom, curled up and glaring at the wall, Vi quietly walks over and sits on the edge of the bed
🕷 She fumbles with her hands or scratches the back of her neck when apologizing because she's unsure if you're going to forgive her or if she truly royally fucked up
🕷 Caitlyn is a fixer
🕷 Any time she knows you're upset with her, she immediately tries to fix the problem
🕷 This is also one of the reasons why you two don't really fight that much
🕷 as well as she's pretty level-headed
🕷 She tries to get you talking about it as soon as you're not as upset so you two can figure it out together
🕷 When he sees how upset you've gotten by the end of the argument, his heart breaks a little
🕷 He hates seeing you upset and when he knows he's caused it, his guilt is even worse
🕷 Viktor tries giving you space although it can be kind of difficult because he wants to apologize as soon as possible
🕷 But he knows you need time to calm down so he refrains himself
🕷 He actually comes home that night because even though you're mad at him, he doesn't want to be away from you
🕷 So he waits to come home when you're asleep and crawls into bed with you, kissing the top of your head
🕷 Viktor does small things for you to make you soften up a bit such as turning up the heat in the apartment when he knows you're coming home soon and it's cold outside
🕷 When you're really not budging, he makes you stay put in whatever room you're in until you two make up
🕷 Jayce has a really bad habit of believing he's always right
🕷 He's constantly trying to break out of the mentality since dating you but old habits die hard
🕷 So unfortunately, whenever you two fight there's a bit of awkward tension for a bit
🕷 The more time that passes by though, the more Jayce realizes that he was in the wrong which makes him feel really guilty
🕷 He's the first one to break the ice, even if it's not with words
🕷 You're sitting on the couch when he comes over and if you try and get up, he just gently grabs your hand while giving you an apologetic look
🕷 Might take him a second but eventually he finds the right words to get his thoughts out and apologize
🕷 This man is emotionally constipated, the closest you'll get to an apology is him buying you new jewelry
🕷 He may not want to admit it but he knows that he fucked up and the only way he knows how to make it up to you is buying you stuff
🕷 Silco probably hates being ignored the most, he would much rather you yell at him and take all your anger out him, because he's never been ignored. Ever.
🕷 definitely the 'fuck it out' not 'talk it out' type lmao
🕷 When his usual tactics don't work though, he buys you a really fancy bouquet of flowers with a note that says something along the lines of 'i was... wrong and i don't like you ignoring me so come to my office.'
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sunflowergirl522 · 2 years
Gnomeo and Juliet
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: The Avengers have a party and you wanna watch one of your comfort films. Based on this TikTok and the fact that I’m literally always begging people to watch my comfort movies with me
Word Count: 3249
The Avengers loved their parties, ever since you’ve joined the team every time a mission went well Tony would claim that it was worth celebrating. A win is a win is a win or whatever other excuse he found for it. For bigger missions the party would be more public, but for small missions like the one you had just come back from it was just for the team. You much preferred the smaller ones, you didn’t care about partying with a bunch of strangers and oftentimes you and Wanda would sneak off to your room with a bottle of alcohol and snacks. But the parties you all had as a family were always so much fun and you had to be pried away from them because you had so much fun. 
That’s the kind of party you guys were having now. Everyone is drunk except for Natasha, Bucky, and Peter. Nat was usually sober, always ending up taking care of Yelena and whoever else who needed it. You and Wanda normally had Vision take care of you because as an android he never really got much more than a buzz off alcohol. Peter couldn’t drink because he was still a baby in the fact that he was just barely eighteen. And as much as you could tell Bucky wasn’t much of a drinker, each of the few times he did attend one of the parties you never noticed a drink in his hand.
You had made your rounds of groups to hang out with before you opened up your phone to watch TikToks while you tried to decide if you wanted to play more beer pong or not. And by watch TikToks you mean scroll aimlessly through them only half paying attention to just the audios because you’re having issues focusing on anything right now. You’re in the middle of zoning out and staring at your cup on the table in front of you when you hear a Gnomeo and Juliet sound play on your phone. 
You’ve been told before that you have a one track mind when you’re drunk so no one would be surprised to find out that the sound playing made you want to watch it and now it’s the only thing you want to do. But you don’t want to watch it alone, and that may have something to do with you also being a bit of a clingy drunk. Soon you’re getting up and rushing over to Wanda and Vis.
“Y/n!” She stumbles as she moves to pull you into a hug. Vision stabilizes the both of you with a hand on each of your shoulders.
“Wands! Wanna watch Gnomeo and Juliet with me?”
“Of course! Vis was just trying to convince me I’ve had enough fun for the night but that sounds boring compared to watching with you.” 
“Oh, were you going to bed?”
“I was trying to get her to yes.” Vision says while Wanda shakes her head back and forth. “She’s been feeling nauseous since her last drink.”
“I have not.” Visions words sober you up just enough to notice your best friend is looking paler than she normally does and you nod at him.
“Take care of our girlfriend Vis.”
“I’m sorry I can’t watch it with you.” Wanda pulls you into another hug before you can walk away. “We’ll watch it tomorrow while we’re recovering, how bout that? You can come into my room and we’ll stay in bed all day while Vis takes care of us. For now though you should try Sam.” Your eyes light up as she puts the thought into your head.
“Good idea!” As Vision leads Wanda to the kitchen you head over to the beer pong table, bumping into a chair on your way there, where Sam’s playing against Clint. “Sam!”
“Hey there baby, you come back to lose again?” You can’t help but laugh at both his words and how his tongue sticks out the corner of his mouth as he aims his next shot.
“No, wanna watch Gnomeo and Juliet with me?”
“Not tonight Y/n/n, the winner plays next round and I’m on a streak.” You’re let down at his words but don’t let it show on your face, keeping your smile as you then turn to face Clint.
“Don’t even think about using your puppy dog eyes on me. I’ll be playing next round because Sam here is gonna lose.” He speaks before you can even open your mouth.
“What do you mean I’m gonna lose?! You’re the one who only sunk three balls!”
“That’s because I’m going easy on you man. I’ve got perfect aim, you’re the one who’s missed the last four shots.” As they argue you walk around the table so you’re standing next to Kate.
“What about you?”
“I’ve got next game. If you want I’ll watch after that though.” You know that with these three though one game will turn into two and then three until Sam’s passing out on the table again.
“Nah it’s fine don’t worry about it. I still have people I can ask.” You don’t even bother asking Thor who’s cheering Clint on because you already know he’s gonna want to play. As you walk away from them and start to head over to ask Natasha or Yelena you stop halfway. Natasha’s shoving alcohol away from a groaning Yelena and shoving a water bottle in her lap while rubbing circles into her back. You spin around so suddenly that you have to stabilize yourself on the same chair you bumped into earlier. And then start to make your way over to Tony who’s putting his shoes on.
“Where are you going?”
“I have to head out to put Morgan to sleep. Do you need something Y/n?”
“Nah, just curious.” You wave him off and try to wrack your brain for who to ask next. Steve had already gone to his room so he’s out and even though you could go to his lab and ask Bruce, the last time you watched a movie with him he poked holes through the plot. Peter! He was around here somewhere and you just know he would watch it with you. Because even though he was younger than you he became almost like your partner in crime when you joined. But as you start to look around the room you can’t find him. It’s possible he already left but that would mean that he left without saying anything. Since you can’t find him and those were all of your options you can’t help but feel the helplessness that starts to fill your core. You can feel yourself start to tear up and quickly find a corner to sit in to cry into your arms. You were an emotional drunk as well as a clingy one so even you knew that once you had a quick cry about it you would be fine and get over it. Maybe you’d even go join the beer pong table again. But first you had to get this cry out of the way.
Bucky didn’t want to get drunk out of his mind and be a moron with his friends. Not tonight and not really ever, he didn’t get the point of wanting to lose your senses just to forget the majority of the night the next morning. He never understood why they had these parties anyway. Sure the mission was a success but it was small and he wasn’t even on it. If Steve hadn’t dragged him out of his room he wouldn’t even be here. The parties lost their glamor a while back and the only reason he ever let Steve or Sam drag him to one was the chance to see you even if every interaction you had with him was short.
He noticed you almost immediately when he entered the room. You stayed close to Wanda’s side for the beginning of the night. He watched over Steve’s shoulder as you both played flip cup with Vision being your referee while he nodded and acted like he was paying attention to his friend. When she started getting a little too cozy with Vision Sam came by and whisked you away to go up against him in beer pong. He stopped watching you when Natasha came up and started talking to him and Steve. His eyes found you again though when Yelena started pulling her sister away claiming she wanted to do shots with you after this round. That’s when he noticed that playing against Sam wasn’t doing you any favors, you were swaying while you stood there chugging down your drink after he got another cup. After that Steve had managed to distract him enough that his eyes didn’t stray over to where you ended up throughout the night.
“You know you could just talk to her Buck, I hear she only bites a little.” Steve says to him with a wink before heading to bed.
Bucky’s attention unintentionally goes to you zoning out on the couch after Steve leaves. He starts to get nervous you’re about to topple over, because you’re leaning forward a bit too much and he doesn’t want you to faceplant into the table, but then you jump up with purpose and abandon your drink as you stumble your way over to Wanda. He continues to watch, unable to look away as the two of you talk before you start walking towards Sam. A smile crawls across his face when you bump into a chair and apologize to it while giving it a pat as if to console it. It falls though when he notices your smile falter while talking to the group over there.
What could Sam have possibly said to make your smile fall for that split second. He’s never wanted to hit his friend more than he does at this moment. Sure he’s only ever been introduced to you once or twice and the other times you’ve talked to him have been little side comments at these parties before you ran off with Wanda. And Bucky lived for those moments. He’s been admiring you from afar since that first introduction.
When you start to look around the room he wonders who you could be looking for and a little part of him hopes that it’s him. He notices the tears in your eyes and your breathing hitching thanks to the super soldier serum making his eyesight better. He watches as you head over to a chair in the corner and bury your head in your arms, your shoulders shaking from your crying. He decides that’s enough and grabs a cup of water before making his way over to you, not believing how any of his friends didn’t notice you were upset.
“Hey…you alright?”
The sudden sound of a voice causes you to jump and look up to find Bucky leaning over you. You’ve met him before but you’ve never really gotten to know him or anything. The two of you are almost never on missions together and when just one of you is gone the other tends to leave when whoever was just on one gets back. And he always tends to keep to himself when there’s just free time around the complex. But here he was leaning over you looking like an angel with a cup of water in his hand and a kind smile. You sniffle and his eyes seem to soften even more than they were.
“You should drink this. What’s wrong doll?”
“Nobody will watch Gnomeo and Juliet with me.” You all but wail and if you weren’t so drunk out of your mind, you’d be embarrassed for crying about this. “And I can’t find Peter who I know would.”
“I’ll watch it with you.” Your tears slow down and your breathing hitches at his words. You sniffle again before speaking.
“You will?”
“I have no idea what it is and you have to drink this cup of water first but yeah I will.” You nod enthusiastically before grabbing the cup from him and starting to chug it like your life depended on it. This causes you to breathe it in though and start coughing after inhaling it. “Easy there, not too fast.” His metal hand carefully caresses your back while his other takes the cup from you. “C’mon let’s go watch your thing that I’m assuming is a movie.” You just nod up at him eyes wide as you let him pull you up and lead you out of the room while wondering if it was possible to fall in love so fast.
Bucky takes you to his room because he’s not fully convinced you could tell him where your room is in this state. Your eyes keep darting from one thing to the next as you babble on about the movie he’s about to sit through for you. One of his arms stays wrapped around your waist to keep you stable on the way there making it so if you stumble into anything it’s just him. He sits you down on his bed before rummaging through his drawers to find you clothes to change into.
“Here you can change into these while I get you more water alright?” You just continue to stare up at him starstruck while you nod and watch him leave.
Bucky heads to the kitchen and begins his search for one of Sam’s giant water bottles that he fills up before he works out and never finishes. He fills one up all the way after rummaging around a few cabinets and finding one before heading back to his room. He knocks on the door not wanting to just barge in on you.
“Can I come in doll?”
“I’m gonna need you to keep drinking water while we watch the movie alright?” You nod again and take the bottle he holds out while he glances at  your pile of clothes in front of his door immediately and tells himself to remember to fold them and put them on top of his dresser at some point tonight so you can find them tomorrow. He then notices that his top drawer is open and clothes are sticking out of it. He could’ve sworn he shut it when he was done. But then he notices his sweatpants he left out for you still lying on the bed and his eyes travel to your bare legs seeing you must’ve searched his drawer to find boxers. As he picks the pants up he raises an eyebrow at you.
“Too hot.” Is all you mumble as you climb back into his bed and get under his covers. He just nods and hands you the remote to his tv that he’s barely touched while he decides to just fold all the clothes now since he has to put his own pants away anyway. By the time he sits next to you on the bed on top of his blankets you already have the movie started and you’re sucking down the water like it’s the last thing you’ll ever drink. You don’t make it far into the movie before you lean your head on Bucky’s chest and fall asleep. Bucky leaves the movie on though and continues to watch it in between his moments of admiring you up close for the first time just in case you wake up and want to keep watching it.
When you wake up in the morning you’re expecting to be in Wanda’s room like you’re used to after one of the parties. But when you open your eyes you don’t recognize the room at all. And on top of that your head is resting on a clothed chest and you can feel the softness of the blanket on your bare legs. You’re about to start freaking out about it when your eyes land on the tv that has the loading screen for Gnomeo and Juliet displayed and what happened comes flooding back to you. 
Your face heats up as you remember how Bucky just had to be the one to find you crying about watching a children's movie. Anyone else would’ve known to just bring up something else to get your mind focused on something else. But Bucky being the sweetheart you’ve always known him to be not only watched it with you but also gave you comfy clothes to sleep in, gave you the majority of his bed leaving him with just enough space he’s not falling off, and slept on top of the blankets probably so you didn’t get the wrong idea when you woke up. 
His room is a lot neater than you expected it to be. There’s not even a sock on the floor and you remember how quick he was to refold the pants you didn’t wear. As you sit up and your eyes travel around the room you spot the bookshelf in the corner of the room with what looks like the most comfortable armchair ever next to it. You slowly get out of bed careful to not wake Bucky up and make your way over to it. The bookshelf is only about half full but that doesn’t stop you from browsing through his collection seeing a lot of Agatha Christie, Shakespeare, and Jane Austin. Just as you pick up the worn copy of The Hobbit that was left on the chair Bucky wakes up.
“What’re you doing doll?” Your heart flutters at the nickname but you ignore it and turn to face him while holding up the book.
“You know he made a sequel to this right? Because technically that’s what Lord of The Rings was before it became bigger than that. And this is clearly your favorite book but I don’t see the others over here.”
“There’s more?” You recognize the excitement in his eyes as soon as you look into them as he sits up.
“Yep! Technically it’s six books but everyone categorizes it as a trilogy because they normally come in three volumes. They follow Bilbo’s nephew Frodo and his journey. I have a big book that has all of them if you want to borrow it.”
“You’d let me?”
“Of course!” You smile at him as he approaches you. “Did you know they made them all into movies too?” “Sam’s mentioned The Hobbit being a movie once or twice but I’m still not sure how to work the tv completely.” He scratches the back of his neck and his cheeks have a pink tint to them as he admits it to you.
“I could show you how to work it. We could watch The Hobbit movies today too if you want and then the Lord of the Rings movies after you read the books.” You start to move to grab the remote before stopping to sheepishly look over your shoulder at him. “Y'know that is if you want to. I don’t want to just burst in and intrude into your life like this.”
“No doll go ahead and intrude away.”
“You know, they made some of those Agatha Christie books into movies too.” You both share a smile knowing that a friendship was going to blossom out of this. And after a few weeks of movie nights and introducing him to new books and movies and shows your friendship evolved into a relationship. And it was all thanks to one drunk night and Gnomeo and Juliet.
Bucky Taglist: @koressecretidentity @stevieintheimpala @unmagically @peachytea01 @the-chocoholic-writer @perksofbeingatrex @quokkatrash @vanillamaa @strawb3rrydr3ss @that-sarcastic-writer @spideyycents @dissectiontime @aiyanalevina @mooncaffeine @yoongisdumplingcheeks @sailormajinmoon @collywobbl @alina02 @toothhurtyam @the-lady-vanora @eliwinchester99 
Marvel Taglist: @its-the-autism-innit-luv @milkiane @rorysreallyrandom @lieswithoutfairytales @sugarbutterbailey @1-800-ch3rry @neenieweenie @rocketxgirl @fluffy-bnny @bunnyweasley23 
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mtreebeardiles · 2 years
!!! #26 giggling while kissing for Evvy and Kaidan? 👀
Hahah have some fluff for these nerds! Thanks for the request! <3 Also on AO3
Accidental Exposures
"Hey Evvy? Were you expecting a…package?"
"Mmm no?" Everett turned to look over his shoulder from where he was standing at the sink, arms half submerged in soapy water. They had a dishwasher, but certain things Evvy preferred to wash by hand. Kaidan frowned down at the lightweight, canvas-wrapped parcel and carried it over to his husband, leaning on the island beside him.
"Is it addressed to me?"
"It's addressed to us."
"Well, if it was anything weird, Dot would have caught it."
"Scans indicate nothing dangerous is contained within, my dudes," the house VI intoned.
"I still can't believe she started saying 'my dudes.' I blame you."
"Hey, I didn't teach her that! I just said she didn't have to call us 'sirs!' She makes her own choices, Kay."
Kaidan sighed expansively, tugging at the canvas to reveal a datapad and a handwritten note contained within.
He held up the note, squinting at it, turning it a bit as Evvy's chin came to rest on his shoulder so his partner could see.
"'Dear Alenko-Shepards,'" he began. "'Found this when I was scrubbing for data on you two. It was supposed to be destroyed but wasn't, and I thought it was too cute to delete! Enjoy! Kasumi.'"
Both men eyed the datapad warily.
"So uh," Evvy began after a moment. "What do you think she found?"
"God, I have no idea."
"Really? Because your face is all red."
"So is yours!"
Everett bit his lip, trying not to laugh, and gently hip checked him. "Well, one way to find out."
"But do we want to know?"
"Considering the chances are very high that Kasumi has kept a copy for herself, it'd probably be in our best interest to know what's floating around out there."
Still, Kaidan needed a moment to steel himself before opening the 'pad and finding the audio file encrypted in its databanks.
Thank god it's not video, he thought, then blinked as the audio began.
"1000 hours, May 30th, 2186. First accounting with Commander Everett Shepard regarding the events of the Crucible. For the record, Commander, Admiral."
The voice was unfamiliar, feminine, with the sort of homogenized accent many spacefaring Alliance personnel adopted at some point. The next voice, however, had Kaidan's eyebrows going up.
"Commander, in your own words, could you recount the events after you took the Conduit beam to the Citadel?"
Admiral Hackett.
Kaidan glanced over at Evvy, who looked just as confused. What could possibly be 'cute' about what was essentially a report to a superior officer?
…and why would that report have been ordered for deletion?
"The Conduit? Oh yeah, the…the beam thingy. Yeah, that's how I got up there."
Everett's voice, slightly slurred, and there was a pause both on the audio and in their kitchen.
"…Commander, are you able to do this today?" And then, an aside, "The doctors had reported him lucid and ready to talk, Admiral."
"I'm fine!"
"Didja know I had to make it to the beam no matter what? Cuz I needed to keep him safe."
Everett went very still next to Kaidan.
"Yeah! I needed… he got hurt, you know? And he didn't want to leave me, but I needed him to."
"I am…unclear who you mean, Commander. I think we should --"
"…you needed to keep Major Alenko safe?"
"Yee--ss. Yes. I mean other people, too, but you know. It's Kaidan."
"I see. Listen, Commander --"
"He's got like the best butt. Did you know that?"
"It's such a good butt. Can I put in for a commendation for it? 'Best Butt in the Galaxy.'"
"I don't think we have medals for that."
"Oh good! He'll be the first."
"Listen, Commander, I think you should maybe try to get some sleep…"
"Do we have medals for best kisser?"
"Okay --"
"I just love him a whole lot, you know? Like. It's Kaidan! He's my nerdlet. And that's why I had to get to the beam."
"…and once you got on the Citadel?"
"I almost lost him once, you know. But he came back to me! I think he loves me like for real, you know? Isn't that so nice?"
A deep sigh and a shuffle before Hackett's voice returned.
"Clearly he is in no shape to do this right now, and I'd like the name of the doctor who thought he would be. Let's -- wait. Were you recording all of that?"
"Delete it."
Kaidan said nothing as he carefully set the datapad down. Quiet reigned in the kitchen until Everett, who had been in the process of drying his hands off halfway through the recording, turned towards his partner.
"I would like to start by saying I was very incoherent."
"And I have no memory of this."
Kaidan looked up, biting the inside of his lip to keep from smiling as he met Evvy's eyes. Everett placed both hands on his shoulders, biting on his own lip.
"I am very, very sorry," he began, fighting back laughter. "That I outed us to Admiral Hackett because I couldn't stop talking about your butt."
"Yeah. And…"
Everett leaned in, nose brushing his. "And I meant every word in that recording."
Kaidan broke then, falling into helpless laughter as Evvy tugged him into a kiss.
"Well, what the fuck then! Where's my medal!"
Everett laughed, slipping his arms around him. "I'll get one made up, I promise!"
"You better."
"Well, I mean, that recording was a few years ago, Kay. I think the butt in question may need to be reevaluated."
"Yeah?" Kaidan asked, cocking an eyebrow and prodding Everett in the side. "Think so?"
"It's about -- hahah, Kaidan! -- it's about the integrity of the --" Everett cut off as Kaidan kept poking him, knowing full well where all of Evvy's ticklish spots were. He didn't let up until Evvy was a breathless heap in his arms, pressing kisses to every bit of him he could reach instead.
"I love you, nerd," he murmured against his skin, grinning as Evvy nipped at his neck before nuzzling against him.
"Love you too," he said, still breathless. "Nerdlet."
"And I love you both," Dot announced. "My dudes."
Kaidan and Everett looked at each other a moment before bursting into laughter.
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jacensolodjo · 2 years
Cait/Vi fic, 1498 words, no smut | also read on Ao3
Vi and Caitlyn had managed to snag a guy in the Markets (located almost smack dab in the middle between Piltover and the Undercity) who was selling stolen HexTech (not weapons). They had been working together for quite a number of months and had their interrogation technique down to a science: Vi was the bad Enforcer and Caitlyn the good, as it were. Even though they weren't actually Enforcers, more like vigilantes. But Caitlyn had pull as a Kiramman and friend to Councilor Jayce Talis.
Vi paced back and forth on one side of the table while every once in a while casting a glance at the handcuffed man seated on the other side of the table. Caitlyn had ducked out of the room under a false pretense of checking the records on their current criminal. 
“C’mon, do you really want me to get rough? Make you lie to the nice lady who just left about how you’re suddenly sporting a black eye?” Vi asked. 
“You’re not getting anything from me,” the man insisted, glaring up at the one who had captured him after a long foot chase. 
Vi slammed their hands down on the tabletop with a bang, making the man jump badly then cower away as far as he could. 
“C’mon Maddoc, I want to wrap this up. Don’t you? I bet your gal is going to miss you if you don’t come home from work soon, huh?” Vi asked, leaning in until her nose was almost touching his. 
“Piss off! I’m not telling you or your Piltie girlfriend a damn thing!” Maddoc sneered. 
Rage flooded Vi’s visage and they let off a snarl before grabbing Maddoc by the front of his shirt then slammed him up against the wall nearest the table. 
“You fucking waste of space! You don’t get to talk about her, do you hear me?!” Vi shouted in his face. “You’re lucky I don’t have my gauntlets on for this!” 
She shoved her forearm up against his throat, making him gag and scrabble at her arm, trying to loosen her grip. But she held fast and in fact pressed her arm against his throat that much harder. 
“Vi! What are you doing?!” Caitlyn’s voice filtered through the audio system in the interrogation room. 
“What does it fucking look like? Just having a chat with our friend here!” Vi explained, needlessly. Cait knew exactly what her partner was up to. They had done this song and dance at least a dozen times before, always with good results. 
“Ma’am, ya gotta help me. Your partner’s a rabid dog!” Maddoc called out, panic in his face which was also sweating madly now. A couple seconds later the door to the room slammed open and Cait rushed in. 
“Let him go, Vi,” Cait said, indeed sounding for all the world like she was speaking to a misbehaving dog. 
“His boss has had us chasing geese for months, Cait!” Vi growled out, glaring into Maddoc’s wide eyes.
Cait settled a hand on Vi’s shoulder, breaking Vi’s concentration. She released the man, and he landed on one knee with a heavy thump. 
“Thank you! Thank you, Miss Kiramman,” Maddoc mumbled as he climbed back up to his feet. 
Rolling her eyes, she shoved him to sit back down at the table. “Shut up. I didn’t do it for you!”  
Vi glowered, fists clenching then unclenching as she stared at Maddoc. Cait gently cupped Vi’s cheek and forced her head to turn so their eyes could meet. 
“We’re not on a time limit. Go easy. Actually, you know what, let me give it a go,” Cait said, voice low enough that Maddoc couldn’t hear. 
“Aw, c’mon, Cupcake. You know I can do this!” Vi whined, voice just as low. 
“So can I. The brute force option won’t work here. He’s scared of you, just not scared enough.”
“Exactly, just give me a little more time to make him actually afraid.” 
Cait made a face that screamed doubt. She knew that Vi was used to being considered scary and people who weren’t afraid annoyed them. 
“Let me try at least once to get the intel my way,” Cait insisted. They stared at each other for a few heartbeats then Vi gave a defeated sigh. 
“You better behave like a gentleman, Maddoc,” Vi called out before heading out the door, leaving their lover and prisoner in the same room together. They hung a sharp left to enter the observation room for the interrogation cell. Their arms folded after turning on the comms. 
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing with that brute as a coworker?” Maddoc asked. Vi rolled their eyes. 
“That brute is my partner and very good at her job,” Cait said matter-of-factly before taking a seat opposite the man and spreading out the paperwork that his file consisted of.
“Psh. My boss pays me three times what you make. I could treat you right,” Maddoc said, offering a crooked smile. 
“I don’t associate with criminals.” 
“Yeah? Your partner was in deep back in the day.” 
“Present day criminals.”
Vi growled to herself. She wanted to defenestrate the man right here and now. 
“And speaking of your boss, where exactly is he?” 
“Nice try, Kiramman. Like I’d fall for that!”
“As soon as you tell us that and where you’re getting your HexTech to sell, you can go. And if you’re a good boy you’ll never have to see me or my partner again.” 
“My boss’d do worse to me than you two could.” 
“I don’t know, Vi has ever twisted someone into a pretzel before. You ever been a pretzel, Maddoc?” 
“Being one is a far sight better than having nubs for fingers. Cause my boss would take all 10 of mine if I talked.”
“You have to give me something, Maddoc, otherwise Vi is coming right back in to see if they can beat it out of you.”
Maddoc gave a big, ugly grin and slightly stood up from the table. Cait stood as well, glaring. 
“Maybe if you sucked my dick I’d be a little more... amenable,” Maddoc said, barely more than a whisper. 
“Shit,” Cait muttered, making Maddoc stare at her in confusion. 
“Wh--” he began but wasn’t given a chance to finish as Vi barged into the interrogation room and grabbed him by the neck to slam him down into the floor. He cried out in pain. 
“I’ll have your job for this!” he said, partially mumbled thanks to his face sporting a couple nice bruises from Vi’s rush attack.  
“Shut the fuck up! You don’t get to talk about her like that, I warned you!”
Behind Vi, Cait was rubbing her temples. Vi was especially cranky that day, if only because Maddoc's boss had started taunting them like some serial killer with letters sent to Cait's apartment (that she had moved into because living at home had become untenable given how often Vi dropped by and refused to use the front door). 
"I'll give up one clue. But only to Kiramman," Maddoc said after a couple minutes of his face being ground into the concrete.
"Okay." The pair said at the same time. They shared a glance, Vi shaking her head vehemently while Cait was nodding. She could handle it.
“If this is just another ploy to be disgusting--” Vi warned.
“Yeah, yeah, you’ll throw me through a wall,” Maddoc mumbled.
Sighing, Vi yanked him up to his feet then forced him to sit back down at the table. She left the room again but stayed by the door this time. Eyes closed and arms folded while she leaned up against the wall. 
“Seriously, rich girl, your partner is deranged,” Maddoc said. 
“Please shut up unless the next words out of your mouth are how to find your boss or where you got the HexTech,” Caitlyn said, sounding extremely exasperated. 
“The only thing I can tell you is where I was supposed to drop the HexTech off. It’s on the Northeast outskirts of Piltover.”
“What time is it?”
“Quarter until 9.”
“Supposed to be there at 9:51, on the button.”
“Fine. Keys?”
“What? No!”
Caitlyn rummaged in the pocket of the man’s jacket for a moment then yanked out a set of keys.
“Thank you for your cooperation,” she said, wiggling the keys in front of the man’s face. He gave a groan and a roll of his eyes. 
“My boss is gonna kill you and your partner. You both reek like Enforcers.”
“Hm. Well, I used to be but Vi definitely never was. I’m sure she’ll bluff us into the meeting point.” 
“Yeah. Good luck with that.”
Vi opened her eyes when the door opened and Cait stepped through the doorway. She handed the keys off to her partner, who nodded and started off to the motor pool. She was dressed for an illicit rendezvous, but Cait wasn’t. Cait would have to change clothes while Vi prepped Maddoc’s cart. 
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hangovercurse · 3 years
The Things We Can’t Tell Pete About vi
You and Colson grapple with being “just friends.”
Colson X Reader
Warnings: Cursing
Word Count: 1871
| i | ii | iii | iv | v |
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Hi friend
You were in the studio working on editing one of your songs when you got the text. You hated it, but you smiled automatically when his name popped onto your screen.
Hi friend
The past few days had been weird, but necessary. Colson ended up staying at Pete’s apartment the next night too, so you had plenty of time to figure out how “friends” worked. Unsurprisingly, you hated it. But it was the only way to keep Colson close to you, so you’d take it.
I’m bored
I thought you were friend?
But seriously you should entertain me
As friends
I’m in the studio rn
U can take a break
What would we do if I took a break?
You tried really hard not to flirt, but it came so naturally. But maybe if you convinced yourselves that you were just friends, it would happen. Because that’s how things work.
I’m hungry
I thought you were bored?
That joke is lame
Will u pls go out to lunch with me
As friends
I suppose I could think about it
You sighed, saving the audio project and shutting the computer down. You hadn’t eaten all day and spending time with Colson wasn’t the worst way to spend your lunch break.
Y/N I will find you and drag you out of that studio
You don’t even know where I am
Where do you wanna go?
I could find out…
Whatever u want
Mediterranean? There’s a cute place right by me I’ve been wanting to check out.
You sent him the address, asking him to meet you in 10 minutes.
It’s a date
Not a date
Like I’ll see you then
You laughed as the texts came through your phone, shaking your head. You headed out of the building, walking towards the small restaurant. You weren’t exactly dressed in “lunch clothes,” because you had expected to stay in the studio all day, but you would survive.
You got in line at the blue painted restaurant, thankful that it wasn’t too long. You waited a few minutes before a familiar voice spoke from your side. “Now what’s a pretty girl like you doing all by herself?”
You smiled, turning to Colson. “Waiting for her friend to show up.”
He raised his eyebrows, a smirk on his face. “I hope your friend is as hot as you are.” He chuckled.
You rolled your eyes, “not even close.”
Luckily Colson understood you were joking and he laughed with you. “How have you been?” He asked, “did they catch the guy breaking into apartments?”
“I’ve been good, working.” You nodded, “yeah, they caught him. He broke into this police officer’s place while he was home.”
Colson huffed in amusement, “talk about bad luck.”
“Right? I mean, I’m glad they caught him but, I mean, what are the odds?” You moved forward in the line, reaching the hostess stand.
“Two please.” Colson asked, flashing the girl a smile. You bit your tongue to hide the scowl that almost instinctively came to your face.
The hostess was young and no doubt attractive. She batted her eyelashes towards the tall man, not even acknowledging you. “What’s the name?”
You furrowed your eyebrows as Colson answered, wondering why she would need his name if she was taking you to the table. “And what’s the number?” She asked sweetly. If you were drinking water you would have spit it out.
Colson blushed slightly as you stood in shock. “Um-I’m.” He looked at you as if to say “I’m here with someone” but then he must’ve realized that he wasn’t technically on a date. “You’re lovely, but I’m not interested.” He muttered out, an awkward look on his face.
You were trying your hardest not to look pissed off, because if you looked pissed off then the lie you and Colson have been telling each other about being just friends would be exposed.
The girl looked you over, eyes raking up and down you with a disgusted look on her face. You felt very self-conscious suddenly, your head turning towards the floor in embarrassment. Colson noticed and cleared his throat, “our table?”
The girl didn’t speak a word as she grabbed two menus and led you to the table. “Your waiter will be with you shortly.” She spit out, anger on her face. Your heart was beating very fast, but you couldn’t tell if it was from anger or sadness.
Colson eyed you from across the table as you played with the hair tie on your wrist. “You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You spoke too fast to convince him, your quiet demeanor also giving you away.
He sighed, his foot kicking yours lightly and pulling your focus up to him. “Okay, you just seem a little uncomfortable.”
You huffed, “yeah, well, having girls look at me like I’m the scum of the earth does that to a person.”
He frowned, “You know she has, like, nothing on you, right?”
A small blush found your cheeks, and you looked down at your hands again. “You can’t say stuff like that.” You muttered.
“What? Friends say that stuff to each other! I’m trying to make you feel better.” His smile told you he knew what he had done, but he didn’t care.
You sighed, “yeah but you can’t say that to me.”
Colson gaped dramatically, “why not?”
“Because it’s different coming from you.” You laughed. “Why didn’t you give her your number?” You asked, curious for his answer.
He shrugged, “wasn’t interested. Guess I have high expectations.”
You rolled your eyes, “it’s not because I’m here, right?”
Colson let out a sigh, “N-“
He started to speak but was interrupted by the waiter at your table, “Welcome to Shuka, my name is Oliver, I’ll be your server today. Can I get you guys started with something to drink?”
“I’ll get a water, please.” You said, smiling at the man. Colson raised an eyebrow at you. “I have to go back to work after this.”
He chuckled, scanning the menu, “can I get a Nitro?” Oliver nodded, sending you both smiles before heading back to the kitchen.
You sent Colson a look, expecting him to continue your previous conversation. Instead, he continued to read through the menu. “Do you know what you want? I’m thinking about the Shak-Shakshu-.” He tried to pronounce the name of the dish but was failing.
You giggled, finding the dish on the menu, “Shakshuka.” You told him, “and I haven’t even looked.” You scanned through the menu in your hands, reading the names of the various dishes. Colson took to studying you, a small smile on his face.
“It’s not because you’re here. It’s because I’m genuinely not interested in anyone else.” He said out of the blue. Confusion flashed across your face before you understood what he was referring to. You took in a breath, trying to figure out how to respond. “I know I shouldn’t tell you that, but I just think you needed to know.”
You smiled to yourself, “I don’t mind, I just- it makes it harder to convince myself this isn’t a date.”
Colson nodded, “this is not a date. We are just two friends having a friendly lunch. As friends.” He was trying to convince himself too.
“Right. Friendly friends. Two people who are just friends.” You said, exaggerating the word “friends”. Awkwardness hung in the air for a few moments before you both started laughing.
You fell into the familiar pattern of conversation that seemed to come naturally to you both. When your meals arrived, you were both very excited. “Can I try some of yours?” You asked, sending him the most convincing puppy dog eyes you could muster. He chuckled, placing some of the poached egg onto his fork and moving it towards you. You rolled your eyes at the cliché but smiled anyways, letting him feed you. Your eyes widened in shock “that’s so good!”
He nodded, swallowing his food. “My turn.” He said, reaching over and plucking up a falafel from your plate with his fork. Once he finished eating he smiled at you, “you have excellent taste. You’re picking the restaurants every time now.”
You raised an eyebrow, a sly smile on your face. “So we’re going to have more of these friend lunches?” You asked.
“Duh. We’re friends. This is what friends do.”
You giggled, “I don’t hear about you and Pete going out for lunch together.”
The man chuckled, eyes closing for a moment. “If it’ll make you feel better I’ll take Pete to lunch one of these days.” That made you giggle even harder, shaking your head.
 Neither of you finished your meals, packing them into to-go boxes to eat later. When Oliver brought the check over, you were very flustered. Colson automatically reached to pay but you grabbed his wrist, “we’re on separate checks.” You told the server. Oliver nodded, moving to fix it until Colson spoke up.
“I got it, it’s not a problem.” You sent him a look. “I asked you to lunch, I pay.”
“Friends let their friends pay for themselves.” You muttered, moving your hand from his wrist.
He rolled his eyes, “you can pay next time.” Smiling smugly, he handed his credit card to Oliver, who was very confused. “Relax. I’m just being nice.”
You sighed, pouting slightly. “It’s already hard enough and then you make it worse by flirting and paying and- ugh.” You cut yourself off, frustrated.
Colson clenched his jaw, letting out a hard breath through his nose. “I know, I’m sorry. This isn’t exactly easy for me either.” You nodded, feeling slightly embarrassed at your small outburst. “We can do this.” He said, confidently. If only you could feel as confident as he sounded.
Once Oliver came back with the card and receipts, you both left the restaurant. You hadn’t noticed the cameras as you walked down the street with Colson, the conversation returning to light banter and jokes, but they noticed you.
Colson walked you all the way back to the studio you were working at, insisting on going with you all the way inside. “I just wanna see where you work.” He claimed, but you insisted it was just like every other studio.
You got into the elevator to ride up to the fourth floor, where your space was. Colson stepped in with you, a smile on his face. You sighed, pressing the button and waiting for the elevator to close.
“Hey Y/N?” He spoke as the doors began to shut. You looked up to him, eyebrow raised in question. The doors closed and instead of responding, Colson leaned down, pressing his lips to yours.
You kissed him back, hands cupping his face. You heard the elevator beep as you passed the second floor, and then the third floor. He pulled away, smile on his face.
You took in a deep breath, “I thought you…”
“Fuck it.” He muttered, standing up straight. You smiled, biting your lip. “But we’re not hiding this from Pete. We’re just… testing the waters.”
You hummed in agreement as the elevator doors opened, stepping into the hallway and leading him to your studio.
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btsslowburnfic · 3 years
The Arrangement Ch. 15
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Story summary: Desperately in need of money, you answered the questionable ad. AKA-Arranged marriage AU featuring Y/N and Yoongi.
Chapter Summary: Your attempt to help your brother move result in Yoongi meeting your family -_- 
Previous Chapter here 
TW: as previously mentioned, YN and her brother were abused by their dad. It is mentioned by her brother. Trigger will be labeled before and after by **  ** Yoongi’ song “The Last” is also referenced at the very end, which implies thoughts about self-harm/suicide attempt. But it’s a good, long chapter! There is fluff and humor in it too!
Late last night you received an email from your brother’s school informing you a dorm space had opened up and he could move in as soon as possible. You wanted to check and make sure there wasn’t anything else you should be doing today before you rented a van.  
You put on your robe and headed out to the main living area. Half the coffee pot was already gone and you heard light movements from upstairs. You wondered if Yoongi was prone to hangovers or not.  You poured yourself a cup of coffee and heard Yoongi pad down the stairs. 
“How are you feeling today?” You asked without looking up from your steaming mug.
“A little dehydrated but fine.” He passed you as he headed over to the sink for water. “Really? We’re just wearing robes around the house now?” 
You waited, slowly savoring the taste of the hot bean water in your mouth. You swallowed. “You were in your underwear the other day. I think the robe is fine.” You turned dramatically and looked at him.  “Unless you prefer just underwear?” 
“Aish, don't remind me.” He waved in your direction as though he could dissipate the memory with his hand. It was too early for flirting.
You laughed. “Hey, if it's OK, I'd like to go help my brother move today. A dorm space opened up for him and I'd like to get him settled in before school starts again tomorrow.”
Yoongi leaned against the counter, “Yeah, that's fine. You should do that.” 
“Great,  thanks!” You turned and went back to the bedroom to get dressed. 
When you returned to the main area Yoongi was gone, you didn’t bother checking by the door as you grabbed your purse and slipped on some shoes. You texted your brother to remind him what time you would arrive and then hopped on the train to the car rental place.
Fifteen minutes later you walked in, produced your driver’s license and payment and were then declined. 
“What do you mean? I already prepaid online.” You asked the attendant. 
“It’s not the payment, it’s your license. You rented the cargo van. You don’t have a license to drive that vehicle, it’s level one.” The man explained, gesturing to a garage full of vehicles as though that explained anything.
“Isn’t it just like a regular van but big?”
“No ma’am it’s more like a box truck. I can get you a regular van but I can’t refund your rental of the cargo van because it was a day-of rental.”
“I had to enter my license to rent the van. Why does it authorize licenses if they aren’t the correct type?” You asked, annoyed. It wasn’t his fault, probably, but that definitely seemed like a crappy thing for the website to allow.
“I understand that ma’am but the website will allow anybody to pay for the van and the driver’s license check is very basic and checks to see if you have one, not the level. Now, would you like to rent a regular van?”
You stood there for a minute weighing your options. “Give me a minute.” You walked over to the waiting area and took out your phone. You opened the BigHit employee portal and scrolled through the services. There were so many options: food delivery, laundry pick up, chauffeur, pet walking, but nothing about hiring a driver for other vehicles. You groaned and dialed Yoongi’s number. Normally you would text but you felt like there was too much to say. The phone rang a few times.
“Hello?” It was surprising to you how deep his voice sounded on the phone.
“Hey...I'm sorry to bother you. Does anybody at the company have a Level 1 driver's license that I can like request via the app? I didn't realize the one I rented is for a license I don't have.” You paused. “This is so embarrassing.” Silence extended from the other side, making you feel awful, like you had probably interrupted something important.  You began again, " I can maybe just do it next weekend. I can find somebody by then I'm sure. It’s fine. What’s one more week.”
"I can drive it." 
You felt awkward having Yoongi do it."Noooo. Don't worry about it. I can do it next week. I’m sure I can find somebody.” 
“Aish send me the address. I'll do it.” He replied, starting to sound irritated.
“Were you busy? You don't have to.”
“You know the company phones have GPS trackers in them? But it will be a hell of a lot faster if you just send me the address.”
You sighed, “Ok. Thank you.”
“See you soon.”  
You awkwardly waited at the rental agency, kicking your feet in your chair like a little kid waiting for their parents. After about half an hour you heard the door ding and saw Yoongi walk in. He had traded his sweats for jeans, but otherwise had the same casual shirt and expression. 
“Hello sir,” the desk attendant greeted Yoongi. “How may I help you today?”
“I’ve been told I’m here to drive a van.” Yoongi looked your way.
"Oh, are you here for that one?" the guy at the counter gestured at you.
Yoongi smirked, “Yep. That one’s mine.”
Your jaw almost dropped. Fucking brat. You walked over. "It's a good thing you're being so helpful darling." You gritted between your teeth. You watched as Yoongi handed over his license and had it scanned without any issues. 
“Here you go Mr. Min.” The attendant handed him the keys. You heard him laugh as he took them.  He started to walk out to the rental garage with you following. 
"’Thanks for coming. I do appreciate it."
"It’s no problem. I mean. You, once again, will owe me dinner. But other than that. It's nothing." He clicked the remote to find the right van. "Why are you renting such a big ass van?" 
"Because my family doesn't own a car and I'm an idiot. The website didn't make it look that big. I put in my license and it let me rent it. Don’t you think it should deny it if it knows you can’t drive it?"  The two of you stopped in front of the cargo van. It was big. But not that big, you scowled.
"Oh man. I used to drive so much music equipment around in my shit van. This brings back memories." He climbed into the driver's seat. You walked around to the passenger side and stepped up as well. "And lucky for you, I came prepared today." He popped in a CD he'd been stowing in his coat pocket. 
"Oh my God. You are the cutest." You said, somewhat accidentally, out loud. 
Yoongi paused, and looked over at you. "I am not cute." 
You smiled and pinched your fingers together. "A little bit." 
He shook his head and put his hand on the gear shift. "Nope. Cue up the GPS." 
"The tiniest cute." You typed in the address. 
"Feared rapper and music producer. Ice King. Loner. It's in the lyrics, you should listen." He turned the car audio on.
"OK cutie, I know you have stuffed animals in the loft area." 
He held a finger up to his lips. "Quiet woman, I'm driving." 
You laughed and relaxed into the seat. "I fell asleep on track 5."
He pushed some buttons and you settled in for the car ride. 
Yoongi was thankful for the excuse of looking at the road so he couldn’t see your expressions as you listened. He put so much of himself in his lyrics, it was like taking his heart and mind out of his body and showing it to other people. Which for some reason felt fine when it was complete strangers, but felt so weird with someone he knew. He tried to play it cool. He knew he was two songs away from his most personal track.
“Ok, turn in here. We can park here for up to two hours without a permit.” You guided him near an alleyway next to your Aunt’s apartment. You sent a text telling them you were here. “Thanks. You can wait here if you want. I don't know how much packing there is left to do. Sorry. I just got the email this morning. There are also some coffee shops around here or some restaurants. I’m not sure what---” 
Yoongi unbuckled his seatbelt and cut you off. “Hey. You don't have to do this by yourself. OK?” He opened the door and got out before you could respond.
You took a few deep breaths and exited the van, walking around to the front to lead the way to the apartment. “Ok thanks. Also I apologize in advance for my Aunt.”
“She won’t be the first Auntie I've met,” Yoongi smirked. “Don't worry, Aunties and Grannies love me.”
“Yeah, that’s what I’m worried about. Also sorry in advance for my brother. He seems rude, but it’s just because our family life was so fucked up. He’s a good kid.”
“Hey, I can relate,” Yoongi opened the door for you. “It’s fine. Really.” 
“Ack, I don’t think I can do this.” You turned and faced him.
“Do what?” Yoongi asked, perplexed.
“Have you meet my family. It’s. We’re all weirdos. The apartment is so small. It’s embarrassing. I already feel bad that you came and helped me.” You spew out everything at once, your anxiety levels suddenly spiking.
Yoongi sighed and put his hands in his pockets. “Hey. It’s fine. I was going to meet them eventually anyways right? Might as well be before the wedding,” He teased you.
You were surprised. This was the first time he had mentioned anything about the other part of your contract. It had always been you teasing him about it.
“I guess so.” You took a deep breath. “Ok. Just...please...Remember. We’ve been through a lot.” You suddenly felt so vulnerable as you pushed the elevator button. You led the way to your old apartment and unlocked the door.
“Aunt Vi, I’m here.” You yelled from the foyer as the two of you slipped your shoes off.
“Oh finally, I was getting worried, you’re over an hour late and you're usually so prompt and hello young man.” Aunt Vi stopped dead in her tracks as she arrived in front of the two of you.
“Hello. Min Yoongi, nice to meet you.” He bowed.
Your Aunt gaped like a fish for a moment and eyed you. “Yes of course, I’m Vi.. And this is…?”
“My boss, Auntie. He drove the van today. Apparently giant ass vans need a special license.” You smiled sheepishly.
“Do not use such language in front of your boss, young lady.” She scolded. 
Yoongi cleared his throat to hide a laugh. It was unusual seeing someone boss you around for a change. 
“Yes of course, sorry Auntie. I’m very sorry, Mr. Min.” 
“That’s better. Now come in. You, help Jihoon pack, Mr. Min come join me for tea.”
She turned around and you gave Yoongi a stank look while he silently laughed at you. You flipped him the middle finger while he acted offended.
Auntie Vi turned around, “That is of course if he wants some.”
The two of you pretended to be perfect angels once again, “That would be lovely Aunt Vi.” He responded, sounding like a boy scout. You rolled your eyes at him the minute your aunt turned her back. You left the two of them as they headed to the kitchen and you went to the living room.
Your brother was packing up some books into one of the boxes when you walked over.
“Hey. Make sure the books go into a few small boxes instead of one big one, or they’ll be too heavy to carry.” You said as you grabbed another empty box and started to pack some things.
“Yeah ,ok. Those other two boxes are books as well. There should be a bookcase in the dorm. I think all my friend’s rooms have one.”
“Ok great, I’ll label them.” You walked into the kitchen to grab a sharpie and briefly overheard Vi and Yoongi. Yep. She was in love, you smirked and headed back to help your brother.
You were surprised when you walked past the hallway and saw two blankets on the floor, slowly moving. You smiled and paused, “Huh. What strange moving blankets.” You heard a set of giggles and continued on your way.
Your brother and you continued to put items into boxes and the blankets continued to slowly wriggle down the hallway until they made it to the corner. Your sister and niece sat up and pressed their tiny bodies against the wall, straining to see who the mysterious voice belonged to. You looked over and smiled. 
Aunt Vi paused for a second and heard the faint sound of giggles and “shhhh”
“There better not be any little girls eavesdropping,” She said. Everyone in the apartment heard the sounds of stomping and running down the hallway, followed by a door shutting. Vi sighed and Yoongi laughed. 
You set down the roll of tape and walked back to the bedroom. "Come on out girls." You led the way for them down the hallway. They nervously stood in the kitchen in front of Yoongi and your Aunt.
“Mr. Min, this is my sister, Hayoon, and my niece, Sooah.” You introduced them as they bowed deeply, as though they had been preparing for this moment for their whole lives.
Yoongi smiled warmly at them, “It’s a pleasure to meet you ladies.” You could see your niece already blushing. These girls were boy crazy already and you were sure they would relive this moment over and over again. They managed to squeak out a “you too.” Before they looked around awkwardly about what to do next.
“Alright girls, either help move boxes or git.” You prompted them. They looked at each other and then scrambled back to the bedroom, giggling the whole way. You sighed and went back to packing. Fortunately since your brother was living on the couch, he didn’t have a lot to pack. In retrospect you probably didn’t need the van. Oh well. Better to be over prepared than underprepared, you mused. 
You walked into the kitchen, “Excuse me, may I have the keys please? It’s time to start loading.”
Yoongi stood up, “Yeah sure, let’s go.”
You looked at him, “Oh no sir. I could not expect you to carry the boxes. Keys please.” You held out your hand.
Yooongi scoffed, “I can carry boxes.”
Aunt Vi quietly cleared her throat, “That would be too much surely. Won’t you please sit down and I’ll make you some lunch.”
Ah the intersectionality of age and class rank here were making your head spin, but you knew that he couldn’t turn down lunch from your Aunt, even as she turned around and he placed the keys in your hand while making a very strange face you couldn’t quite identify. You raised your eyebrows. Taking the keys, you pulled out your phone. 
YN: She’s a good cook, don’t worry. Sorry this is taking so long.
You and your brother each grabbed some boxes and started to move them out by the elevators. After about fifteen minutes you checked your phone.
YG: I feel weird not helping 
YN: You did help, you drove the van
YG: That doesn’t count
YN: Yes it does
You returned to the apartment where you saw Yoongi had somehow inserted himself into the kitchen and was cooking alongside Aunt Vi. That’s it, you thought, she’s never going to not mention him again. You sighed. Grabbing the last few boxes you and Jihoon began to fill the elevator and slowly move the items closer and closer to the van. An hour later it was all packed up.
“How was your soup?” You asked as you came back into the apartment, ripping off your sweatshirt. You had started off cold, but were now glistening with sweat.
“Really good, thanks again Auntie,” Yoongi looked over to Vi.
“Oh please, he’s the one who ended up doing most of the cooking. Are you single Mr. Min? Are you allowed to date your employees?--------”
Oh God it was happening, you were shocked it had taken this long honestly.
“Because even though YN isn’t much to look at, she’s a very hardworking girl.”
“We gotta go. Time to leave. Is there any leftover soup for Jihoon?” You asked as you cut her off and started scrambling around the kitchen for a takeaway container.
“There’s plenty of soup, grab some for Jihoon. Not for you though, you don’t need the calories.”
Oh God she was going full blown Auntie on your ass. Help. You looked over to Yoongi, mortified, but he was just standing there, the tiniest smile playing on his lips. He briefly flicked his eyes in your direction, causing you to feel flustered.
“Anyways, you should keep her in mind. Our family is unlucky, but we do try to make up for it.”
“I have the Soup, can we please leave now?  We have to return the van.” You grabbed your purse, sweater, soup, and coat.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Yoongi said calmly. “Thank you for your hospitality Auntie. I hope to see you again soon :] .” He walked over near the door, put on his coat and took the soup from you.
“Put your coat on.” He chided
“I’m sweaty.” You responded
“You won’t be when you get back outside.”
You huffed but complied anyways. The poor man had suffered through an hour and a half of your family, you weren’t about to argue with him.
Your brother was waiting in the van with his headphones on listening to music. You climbed into the middle seat.
“Oh my God I am so sorry.” You said the minute the door closed.
“It’s fine. Like I said, not my first Auntie. She’s nice.”
“She called me ugly and told me not to eat.” You whined. “Hey...speaking of you called me ugly too the first time we met.”
Your brother took off his headphones; apparently interested in this conversation.
Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck. “Did I say that to you? That doesn't seem like something I would say.”
“Well, no. But you didn’t disagree with me when I said it.” You side eyed him.
He laughed, “I think you know you’re not ugly. You don’t need me to tell you that.” He pulled out onto the main street.
“I don’t know. Having heard it every day of her life growing up, it might not be a bad thing to not say to her.” You heard Jihoon say from next to you.
You tensed up briefly. “Jihoon, it’s a joke. Everyone else at the interview was literally a supermodel. Everyone.” 
“Sorry. People calling my sister ugly doesn’t seem very funny to me.” He said and moodily turned to face the window.
This was the kind of awkward you were worried about. “Sorry. Jihoon is a little protective. Also he doesn’t understand jokes.”  You tried to lighten the mood by teasing. It did not work.
“Jokes are supposed to be funny. I understand that.” He said snidely from the passenger’s seat.
You sighed, “Anyways, thanks again for driving. You’ll turn right here and then there should be signs for the school in about 4 kilometers.”
Yoongi was very quiet. He didn’t want to piss your brother off again. You pushed play on the audio, welcoming a change of pace from the quiet. To your shock, he hit the pause button. “Let’s listen to it later.” He said quietly to you. He didn’t think the lyrics would put your brother in a better mood and he also didn’t particularly feel like sharing the vulnerable side of himself at the moment.
“Is it normal to tell someone they can’t listen to music in a car? Asking for a friend.”
“Stop being an asshole Jihoon. Mr. Min was nice enough to drive the van for us today to move you into the dorm. And to give me a job to pay for the dorm. You need to be more respectful.”  The phrase came out of your mouth before you could even stop it. It was a triggering phrase for both of you and you instantly regretted it.
“Right.” Your brother said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.  “Be more respectful. Just because someone’s older than you they deserve your respect no matter what. That’s what dad always said while he was beating us, remember?”
You rolled your eyes, unable to keep your cool. “Oh my God. You’re supposed to be working through this shit in therapy not in a fucking moving van with me and my boss. I am so sorry.” You said to Yoongi who was trying very hard to pretend he wasn’t in the van at that exact moment.
“I didn’t ask to be in a moving van with you and your boss and I didn’t ask to be moved into the dorms today.” He argued back. 
“You’d rather still be on the couch at Aunt Vi’s? I can unload all this shit and cancel your room. I can totally do that right now.” You snapped at him.
Jihoon huffed angrily. Such a moody teen. 
“I’ll take that as a “no���,” you responded. “Yoongi, I am so sorry.”
“For the record, does your boss know our dad's a fucking psycho?” Your brother said in English. You had done terribly in English and hadn’t touched it since High School. You understood the word Fuck though and were getting ready to scold you brother 
Yoongi didn't want to overstep his bounds, but at the same time, your brother was being a rude little shit. The whole reason you had agreed to marry a guy you didn’t know was to take care of this ungrateful child. Before he could help himself, he responded in perfect English, “Yeah, I heard you dad was an asshole. And I'm sorry that happened to you. It shouldn’t have and it really sucks. But your sister works her ass off for you.”
Yoongi was pissed. You could tell that much by the tone. You understood sister and that was about it. Or maybe he said sweater. But it was probably sister. 
Your brother was clearly surprised by whatever he heard and also mildly irritated. “What do you know about any of that?”
“I know that in her job interview all she talked about was you and your little sister and how she worries about the two of you and that’s why she took a job where she is on call 24/7 and why she’s worked 2 jobs for the past 7 years.”
You understood the number 2. That was it. This was a passionate discussion on Yoongi’s part. You were getting ready to speak after several seconds of silence filled the van. 
Your brother twisted his body and looked at Yoongi. “---Do you….do you like my sister?””
More silence. What the hell were they talking about?
Yoongi cleared his throat and shifted uncomfortably, continuing to look straight ahead at the road. “I do. And we’re being rude by having a conversation that she can’t understand. So please stop it.”
Your brother paused for a moment before replying in Korean ”… Yes, hyung.” 
“If he's being rude let me know and I'll take his lunch money. I will literally untransfer funds.” You said, eyeing the two of them suspiciously. “I know how to say “fuck” in English and I definitely heard it.”
“It’s fine. It’s fine.” Yoongi replied. “Here, we can also listen to the word ‘fuck’ some more.” he turned the music back on. Since everyone else was having free therapy in the van, why not join? One song played before you all arrived at the dorms. 
“Go round up some strapping young men to carry these boxes. I have to find your RA.” You told your brother as Yoongi parked the van. He hopped out quickly, all too eager to escape. You rested your head against the headrest and pushed your hands against your eyes. “I am so sorry. Today has been a total nightmare. Worse than I even imagined.” You said, feeling like you might cry.
Yoongi sat there for a few seconds, reliving the afternoon. It had actually been mostly fun for him. “I had a good time. I got to meet your family and I got free soup.”
You looked over at him slightly bewildered. “We need to raise your standards for what a good day should look like Yoongi, because this was a total shit show.” 
“Hey, don’t cry. I hate it when people cry. Your brother has been through a lot. It’s fine. Really. I too was an angry rude teenager and I didn’t have nearly as good of a reason. Come on, let’s finish this shit and get the van back.” He unbuckled his seatbelt. 
You followed suit and entered the dormitory, following the signs. You introduced yourself to the RA, got the keys, and found your brother and two other guys standing outside the van. You recognized the one kid.
“Hey Noona,” He waved. You liked that one. 
Yoongi had apparently started unloading the boxes while you were meeting with the RA. You picked up one of the smaller boxes and headed up to the dorm. With the 5 of you, it didn’t take long to move all the boxes into the dorm.  You placed the soup into the mini-fridge. You sighed and looked around at the mountains of boxes, “Ok. Do you want me to stick around for the unpacking or….?” 
"No. We'll get it." Jihoon responded and walked with you out into the hallway. Yoongi was leaning against the wall near the elevators, scrolling through his phone. 
"Thanks. And I'm sorry about earlier." He said looking down. 
"It's OK, come here." You pulled him in for a hug. He was taller than you. When did that happen?  You squeezed extra tight and then pulled away, "Make sure to answer my texts or else I'll show up here. And I have your RA’s number. Got it?” 
"Yeah yeah." he looked around. 
You looked up at him and brushed some invisible dirt off his shoulder, "OK. I love you. "
" I love you too. "
With that you turned and joined Yoongi by the elevators." Let today end please. " You said, crossing your arms in front of your body. 
"Nope. Not yet. You still owe me dinner," he commented as the two of you entered the elevator. 
You sulked , "You got soup."
"You haven't eaten yet."
You shrugged. It was true. But you were upset and when you were upset you either wanted to eat everything or nothing. Today you felt like nothing. 
The two of you climbed into the van one last time. You rested your head against the window and listened to the music. Yoongi gripped the steering wheel tightly as ‘The Last’ began to play. 
He glanced a look over at you. Your jaw was firmly set and he saw tears rolling down your cheeks. Shit. This was not a good day for this. He paused the music. 
"Sorry, that's pretty heavy for today isn't it?" The car came to a stop at a light and the silence was palpable. 
You breathed out, trying to keep it level. "Sorry, just. You and my brother have that in common." You wiped your eyes as you tried not to cry. You took pride in generally being pretty stoic and good-natured. 
The light turned green. "I guess we're all just fucked up, huh?" 
You sniffled. "Yeah. It just hurts my heart to think about a world where you or my brother don't exist." 
Yoongi felt like someone had hit him with a ton of bricks. He swallowed through the lump forming in his throat as he managed a response, "Well, we're still here. That's what matters. Right?” He tried to sound positive.
“Yeah. I’m glad for that. Turn left.” NEXT CHAPTER @lidda  @anpanman-sonyeondan   @firefairy1  @cuteipat  @sugaslittlekookies  @janeelizabeth1216 @deeepvibes @gxldenhunny @livelyjay @niniita-ah​
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