#I do not see people specifying not liking it as a romantic ship
takaraphoenix · 1 year
I hate how much heteronormative storytelling links romance and sexuality together, because I just know that that’s why it took me so many years to figure out that I’m ace.
And yes, I’m specifying heternormative storytelling, because that’s the thing we get force-fed in media pretty much from the day we first get put in front of a screen.
Once we move past the fluffy Disney movie stage of life and enter the teenage years, where sexuality becomes a part of the storytelling to varying degrees of explicitness, we hit the real problem zone. *
(* For this particular issue. The forced romantic narrative in every single children’s movie is its own problem zone when we’re talking about aromanticism.)
A thing I complain about quite frequently is the lack of m/f friendships, the way whenever A Guy and A Gal are friends, the heteronormativity kicks in. Unless they’re both in explicit other (stable! not ‘this ship is meant to be broken up for The Main Romance’) romantic relationships, it’s virtually impossible for the straights to just... keep them friends. There have to be some kind of romantic feelings involved. No other possible reason why A Guy might like A Gal or vice versa. The notion of pure, actual friendship goes over these writers’ heads.
Anyway. To the point of the post. Once The Gal and The Guy realize that they aren’t ~just friends~ but really have romantic feelings for each other and once the will they/won’t they stops and they actually will... More often than not do the writers forget to actually include any romance at all.
I mean, genuinely. Their relationship continues the exact same way it was before they got together. But now they have sex. The only discernible difference between “friendship” and “romance” in pretty much every TV show or movie I grew up on was that they now fucked and kissed.
Very often highlighted even more by the fact that they’re portrayed as so fucking horny, they barely got the confession out before immediately stumbling into the bedroom to get it on. Not a single date. Not even a full conversation wasted there. Just going at it like Noah just herded them onto a big ship.
And if you grow up watching these things during your formative years of what constitutes a relationship and they influence you during your “what the fuck’s going on with my own identity” phase, they paint an incredibly conflated image of romance and sex.
Namely, that romance not only doesn’t work without sex, but even more so also a notion that the only real difference between friendship and romance is sexual intercourse.
So, even if the term “asexual” somehow crossed your path at any point prior to the “what the fuck’s going on with my own identity” phase, that gets immediately dismissed as even vaguely being a possibility if you do experience romantic attraction. **
(** And also if you experience aesthetic attraction, seeing as absolutely nobody and nothing really prepared 90s kids for the difference between aesthetic and sexual attraction. Kids nowadays have more resources more readily available thanks to the internet and I’m genuinely so glad for them.)
Clearly, I can’t be asexual because I find people pretty and finding people pretty means wanting to have sex with them and having sex is the requirement for romance and I do want romance in my life. So, I guess I’m a “late bloomer”?
So. Yeah. My two cents on how heteronormative storytelling has harmed not just homosexual kids figuring themselves out but also asexual kids, because of the ways in which heterosexual relationships have been and still are being framed in media.
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gruviaweek · 1 year
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Ten years.
The first ever Gruvia Week was held in 2013. It is now 2023. Meaning, this is the 11th edition/Gruvia Week... but 10 years have passed since the creation of this blog and beloved event that’s been held on the exact same dates since the beginning (April 1st - April 7th). That’s right, the event date has never changed, never held early, nor late. To keep it this consistent and for so long is truly an accomplishment.
Thank you to all the wonderful fans that have kept this event alive for so long. It has been my pleasure to host this celebration for the last 10 years, and it’s because of you that I do so. All the dedicated Gruvia lovers deserve this. The fandom has changed a lot as time went on. People come and go. However, most notably, we have grown in more ways than one. Likewise, Gray and Juvia have gone through a tremendous amount of development in the last decade. They have confirmed mutual romantic love and a son that we have yet to meet in earthland, but still very much canon in the manga and drawn by the author (Hiro Mashima) of his own accord on multiple occasions. Despite this, we are still waiting for the day they “officially” get together. The setup and foreshadowing is there... He wants it, so Gray, confess to Juvia soon!
In the meantime, we celebrate the ship once again. Here are the official Gruvia Week 2023 prompts displayed in the image above. Just like in previous years these prompts are not complicated, but they are broad and meant to make you think. Be creative. Interpret them however you see fit. If you don’t know what a word means, look it up. Specific and basic prompts would result in different versions/entries of the same thing. That’s why Gruvia Week is so successful every year; imagination. Prompts for this event are always different every year. No repeats! See: Previous Gruvia Week editions
Those who are new to the week, unfamiliar, or would like to simply rehash, please click here to learn how to participate. Also be sure to follow the rules and guidelines. Feel free to ask questions, however please check this blog’s previous posts before submitting them. It’s possible your question could have already been answered.
Reminder: All pieces must be new. Old works will not be reblogged/included in the week. Be sure to specify the day/prompt used in your post. If you don’t have a tumblr, you can still participate. Post your work on any social media platform for that target audience. Participate anywhere; the more the merrier! However, if you’d like your work to be posted/featured here as well, be sure to submit it to this blog. Or submit the link to it (if posted on another platform such as twitter, instagram, wattpad, ao3, etc).
Tag your work with #gruvia week (with the space) within the first five tags.
Avoid using links in your post, as there is a chance it will not show up in the tags. Try using only five tags and no links if your post does not appear. If you must use a link, make sure it shows in the tags.
If your work contains an image or gif, make sure it’s within tumblr’s photo dimensions and size limits. Sometimes big images cause posts to not appear in tags.
It is YOUR responsibility to make sure your post shows up in the mobile and/or pc tags, so be sure to check if it does.
Gruvia Week will be held from April 1st - April 7th as always. Get ready and get creative!
Graphic/art by the wonderful and talented @goodnightlover. Thank you! ♡
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delusinaldreamer19 · 27 days
Sebaciel vs. Dadbastian, an analytical essay (not really)
Oh boy am I excited and terrified to start this discussion.
I’m just going to say right off the bat that I am absolutely biased towards one interpretation of Sebastian and Ciel’s relationship over the other, that being Dadbastian. However, my goal is not to criticize, but to analyze and point out the differences and, yes, correlations between the two versions of their relationship.
I’m going to start off by making a disgustingly blatant assumption about the reason why I believe both of these pairings exist in the form of a theory...Both the idea of Sebaciel and Dadbastian are coping mechanisms taken on by fans of the series to grapple with how dark the character’s canonical relationship truly is.
Now, I can’t speak for how much this really applies to Sebaciel shippers, as I am not one. But it certainly applies to me as someone who enjoys the idea of Dadbastian.
Let's start with the correlations that support this theory. Both of these concepts are versions of Sebastian and Ciel’s relationship that is more positive than it actually is. The plot of black Butler revolves around the fact that Ciel sold his soul to the demon he named Sebastian, and that upon their contract's completion Sebastian will kill Ciel and consume his soul as compensation. It’s a relationship that is predatory, manipulative, and just simply toxic for a plethora of reasons. While the manga is still ongoing so we have no definitive way of knowing exactly how their story will end, I don’t think it's controversial to say that it's very unlikely to have a happy ending.
Even so, black butler is a comfort series for many, including myself. But how is that possible?
By looking at the series as a whole and the characters through different lenses. A pro and con of black butler is that it’s very easy to interpret in many different ways, and the same applies to the relationship between Sebastian and Ciel.
I’d say there's 2 to 3 main ways that people have interpreted their relationship. In no particular order… - As it is in the series, where it’s strictly based on business and mutual benefit. They work together so that Ciel can get his revenge and Sebastian gets his soul. - Them being friends / frenemies - A ship, where they have romantic feelings for each other. (I’m not going to be discussing how people ship them for sexual reasons, as that's a topic for a different day.) - And Parental, where Sebastian serves as a father/mother (no I'm not specifying which) figure towards Ciel. I'm focusing on the latter two, obviously.
There’s one commonality between these two interpretations; Sebastian caring about Ciel (and vice-versa, but you'll see in a moment why that's not as relevant). There is loving nature to both, but romantic and parental love are not the same thing. So why, baseline, do both these versions exist?
My thought is that they both remove the main cause of distress in their canon relationship. Which is, you guessed it, Sebastian. More specifically his feelings/intentions towards Ciel. By creating scenarios where something changes his intentions of ultimately killing Ciel, it creates the illusion that there's a possibility that the series could have a happier outcome in the end, and a happy ending for Ciel.
Which brings in a new idea. Ciel, being the main character that we follow, despite having his own complex character, serves as the…how should I put this…automatic ‘self-insert’ for people. He goes through/has gone through trauma & struggles that people can relate to and see themselves in. That's why there is a strong desire to see him have a positive outcome through these two different relationships with Sebastian, because as a reader/viewer it will feel like we ourselves are experiencing that positive outcome.
See? Coping mechanism : )
Now here's where things get tricky…Discussing the differences between these two types of relationships. Ok, I could probably find a way to say this that's long and fancy, but I’m just going to be super straight forward. This is as an absolute read, I apologize :’) People ship Sebaciel because they want someone to love them, where they picture themselves as Ciel with Sebastian as the one loving him romantically. People like the idea of Dadbastian because they long for a parent's affection, where they picture themselves as Ciel being cared for by Sebastian.
Now, this is definitely just a theory, and absolutely not the only reasons why people come up with and enjoy each of these interpretations. But the Dadbastian one most definitely applies to me.
Here’s where my own opinion comes into play. Only one of these relationships is really ‘positive’ in nature. Both of these relationships when applied to the canon would be problematic in their own ways, but when looking at it outside of the context of the series and its plot, a parental relationship between Sebastian and Ciel, a thirteen year old boy and an adult figure, is more healthy than a romantic relationship between a thirteen year old boy and an adult figure. Please don’t make me explain why :’)
I’m really hoping this reaches the right audience. I’m not trying to start a war or offend anyone, just share my thoughts and an outlook that I haven’t really seen from the black butler fanbase before.
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its-ashehausen · 7 months
ships thing for Bleach (which I know nothing about, but let's go!)
Otp: Ulquihime (although the storyline is a bit controversial for reasons) but they have a lot chemistry in my opinion, and just fit together in their own way. Plus the fanart and fanfics are incredible
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Favorite Canon Pairing: Ginran (I don't know if I can really consider it canon since it wasn't specified if they were a couple or not) however I believe that they were some point in their lives. Basically Gin and Rangiku were friends when they were children, and he witnessed her get injured by the main villain of the series Aizen, he then makes a plan to join him and ultimately kill him when he seeks the moment of opportunity, so that Rangiku wouldn't have to cry anymore. In my opinion him and her, had one of the best relationships in bleach
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Worst Pairing: Aizen & Momo (they don't have a ship name that I know of, and I plan to keep it that way since their relationship was very peculiar) Their relationship was a respectful one in the beginning, like a captain and a subordinate type relationship. However, Momo seemed to have stronger feelings past that point and Aizen used them against her many times, Momo would always find a way to defend his actions which would turn her against her friend Toshiro, she always saw good in Aizen but he never cared about her, she was just a tool to be manipulated so that he could further his plans. #MomoDeservedBetter
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Guilty Pleasure Ship: Ishihime, they're basically friends to lovers but without getting together, they've been friends ever since High School and it's been obvious from the 2nd Arc that he kind of has a crush on her and I just think their friendship is so wholesome, I would've preferred them to be endgame.
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The Pairing Everyone Likes but you're like: "lol no" that spot goes to Ichihime, yes they're cute, they have the whole friends to lovers, soulmates thing, but I honestly found them boring together and their relationship has always been one sided until like the last arc. She has been in love with him for so long and he always seemed to view her as one of his good friends. Plus every other ship I've seen them with, they just had better romantic chemistry with those people. I have no hate for the ship and people who ship it but I just never cared for it
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Favorite Non-Canon Pairing; Ichiruki for obvious reasons (if you ever get the chance the watch it.) Their platonic relationship is honestly my favourite thing about this anime, and is one of the reasons I got into Bleach in the first place. (Although I do ship them too, I'm fine with them not ending up together)
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A Pairing I wanted to see more of: Hitsukarin so their friendship was kind of short-lived plus all their interactions were never Canon. Which makes me sad, even though I shipped it, I was fine with them just being friends. Much like Ichiruki, I just wish their interactions were canon and we could've seen more of them.
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antimony-medusa · 7 months
*new yorker accent* hey what’re yous thoughts on uhhh them queer platonic romances? new york numbah one da big apple babey!!!
Oh I love QPRs, I love relationship anarchy. I love the diverse ways that people can define a relationship that works for them, with whatever they need in it, and it can have sex or no sex, kissing or no kissing, sleeping together or sleeping apart, raising children together, buying a house, marriage, pet names, holidays with family— any sort of thing we put into a relationship, and we can pull that apart and reassemble it in a way that works for us, and it can be romantic or not, or sexual or not, but boy howdy it sure is queer.
Okay I have been assuming that this is in a fandom writing context, but the above all applies to them in real life. In FANDOM—
Okay I may be on the outside with this, but I think a QPR can definitely come up to the line of being ship, depending on the QPR, so I don't necessarily agree with the way this fandom has fallen into QPR = not!shipping that's safe to publically do to cubitos whose creators don't want ship.
Cause like, we have clips from streamers saying they're not comfortable with ship, or not comfortable with things being "weird", but they usually don't specify beyond that. In a lot of cases, they haven't specified if there's a distinction between character shipping or IRL shipping, so like in no cases have they specified if the issue with shipping is sex (cause you can have an ace romantic marriage with no sex— does that count as "ship"?) or romance (cause by definition QPRs would not apply) or strong emotional dwelled on bonds that tie them to another player in a tight way (cause like, this is what a fair number of people writing QPRs fall into, cause from the outside if you're not aro some of the QPRs look pretty close to romantic relationship on the surface! I know it's not romance, and you know it's not romance, but is a streamer just scrolling twitter going to see that at a first glance if they come across a snippet of someone calling each other a life partner and going to bed together?) Cause like, trying to put myself in the shoes of the streamer, I could see the problem being sex (makes sense) OR romance (makes sense) or any really tight emotionally-dwelled on life-bond relationship (some of this I don't know if the streamers might still think it's weird to see done to their characters, even if it's technically by definition platonic). So some of this I still don't know if QPRs are something that every creator is going to feel comfortable seeing?
And I don't tend to love the implications of some of the stuff twitter does where it's like "oh, i can't ship, only QPR", like QPRs are automatically like santitized "safe" shipping, instead of their own category of thing that could mean almost anything. Like in real life if you know someone is in a QPR you know they're in a QPR, you still have no idea if that means they're married, or have sex, or make out on the regular, or call each other lovey dovey things, or sleep together, you just know they have a life bond. This fandom treats QPR like it's only one thing, and like it's a lesser, training wheels type of relationship, and that really grinds my gears.
So for me QPRs fall into a category where I'm like, awesome, pog to do, I know we love to take interactions between cubitos and expand them out and it makes perfect sense to take some of these in a QPR way. Go on with your bad self. But unless a creator has explicitly allowed it/canonized it, honestly I'd treat it the same way as I would some of the more hot-button trigger tagged fics (abuse, cannibalism, whump, mind control, addictions issues, torture) or like "instincts driven" family dynamic stuff or extremely aged down family dynamic stuff, where I'm like yes, technically this is fine, but let's just be safe and keep that where the streamer only finds it if they go looking for it. Please keep it out of TTS. This is something for the fandom, not for the streamers.
Just tag your shit and keep it away from the streamers and you're good.
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clockworkspider · 7 months
It's really not erasure to ship aromantic characters y'all are just obsessed with policing the boundaries between romantic and platonic relationships.
"oh unless you specify it's only queerplatonic" Are you even hearing yourself? Do you turn to the camera and say "I am kissing my friend queerplatonically" or say "there is no romantic or sexual intent here" before kissing your mother?
Like. 80% of what people write/draw/fantasize for romantic ships can BE queerplatonic without having to state it. When people say "they're in love you honor" they don't mean "they wanna get monogamous married and feel romantic attraction for each other". They're fantasizing about companionship and epic love and being willing to die for each other and domesticity and growing and healing together and making each other better (or worse!). This is also why people would often ship straight male characters that has no romantic inclination towards each other at all in canon. Because ultimately people wanna see characters in love more than they wanna see characters being romantically attracted to one another.
But. Also. Like. People are literally just sharing their fantasies. You could just. Not look at it without getting all highlander about it. Just live and let live.
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starflungwaddledee · 3 months
Hey star! Me again! How does your starstruck shipganza work? Do we just submit an OC to ship with Starstruck? I'm very much a dumb dumb so I don't know lel
hello boa!! great to hear from you!!
and omg nonono you're not being dumb or anything, i was pretty vague about this previously and only kinda mentioned it off-hand in tags. the idea behind the shipaganza is to help me explore some different dynamics (more or less romantic) with starstruck to see how i feel about shipping her as a whole, and so i was admittedly pretty nervous and wiffle-waffley about it overall.
but if it helps, i am allowing both canon suggestions and OC suggestions for the starstruck dee shipaganza! now that it's a full 'event' i should be more transparent, so here's a few rules!
🎀 any suggested characters must be adults in a suitable age bracket. this goes for OCs and canon characters. consider starstruck dee to be in the 25-35 age range; i think she could smooch into an older bracket, but i would not go younger than this. 🎀 when suggesting OCs, only the creator/owner of the oc can suggest that oc, unless you get clear permission from the creator. if an artist suggests a sona in particular, then for the same reasons as above, i explicitly need the artist to be an adult. 🎀 no nsfw at all. flirty characters are great. bullies are fun (something tonally similar to the marx prompt, for instance). but i have a hard enough time even making the orbs smooch non-platonically; anything else is clearly going to be out of my ballpark. 🎀 very very few of these prompts are going to be considered canon to starstruck's storyline, and i'll specify any that are (such as bandee's). this is even less likely with OCs, though i might be open to that in the future after the event. this event is just for fun and silliness! 🎀 when suggesting OCs, especially if i don't know you or your oc well, please please give me some info about your oc and why you think they'd work. like, would your oc make a move that starstruck fails to notice? are they accidentally dating? do they share an interest? is your oc a hopeless pining romantic, are they a charmer, are they a bully, so on and so fourth! a link to a reference is also good! try to remember starstruck's characterisation when suggesting as well; remember that it's very important that she doesn't get along great with most waddle dees. otherwise i might have a hard time responding to you! 🎀 also... please don't suggest your ocs just because you want me to draw them. i'll likely take more general/platonic oc interaction prompts in the future. please only suggest an oc for this event if you genuinely think you have a fun potential ship dynamic to explore. i am much more likely to draw canon character prompts and ocs from folks who have interacted with me regularly (such as yourself, boa). i'm fairly aware of my regular interactors and of course my mutuals, so i'll be able to tell if people are just popping up out of the woodwork trying to get free art out of me.
i hope this helps a little and i appreciate your interest!
this sounds like a lot of rules, but it's mostly just things to keep in mind. i'm more flexible with canon character recommendations because there's a bit more to navigate and get right when it comes to OCs, but i'm none the less willing to ty it out! hopefully it's just something fun and silly i can share with folks to celebrate the month!
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smittywing · 2 months
WIP Wednesday - Marriage 101
I thought I'd post a little more of this while I was thinking about it.
First part is here: | 1 |
Tim wore his favorite black suit - the one with the pinstripe that was just a notch shinier than the rest of the fabric - to their appointment at City Hall. It was probably too expensive a suit, given the motivation behind their...appointment. He thought of it in euphemism, because it was fake, it was pretend, but the legal ramifications were very real and this was supposed to have been a very big decision that he’d made in practically no time at all. 
“Hey, um. Hey.”
Tim looked up to see Jason skid into the hallway. He straightened from his contemplative position with his elbows on his knees and stood up. 
“Hey,” he said. 
Jason was wearing a black suit too, and a white shirt and a red tie. He’d done something to his hair - something with product that didn’t exactly work, but it looked like he’d tried, and Tim tried to smother the grin a wave of fondness pushed up to his face. 
“Do you - I mean, do we have time to talk for a sec?” Jason asked and Tim’s anticipation plummeted. Jason was going to back out. 
“Yeah,” he said. “Of course.” 
There was a little corridor where the bathrooms were and they ducked in there, past the marked men’s and women’s to the back wall. 
“So listen,” Jason said, rubbing the back of his neck and not looking directly at Tim. “You doing this, it means, I mean - “ He stopped and took a breath. “You being willing to do this means a lot to me. But if you have, you know, ideas. About marriage. And you don’t want this to be your first, I totally understand. And you shouldn’t feel you have to. Because it’s kind of a big deal. To some people.”
“Is it a big deal to you?” Tim asked because that hadn’t really occurred to him before, that Jason might have a traditional romantic side and that he might one day have hopes of a wife and family. 
It was kind of a weird thing to think about. 
“Me? No. I - No,” Jason said. “I’m barely even a legal entity.” He scrubbed a hand through his hair, messing up whatever careful but ineffective work he’d done with the product. “I just don’t want to fuck things up for you. Like, if you want to date Blondie again. Or someone else. I don’t want to cramp your style.”
Tim shrugged. “I think that ship has sailed with Steph,” he confessed. “And hey, we’re already kind of family, right?”
And this would help Jason out. A lot. And it would let Tim see his face light up talking about English Lit. “So,” he concluded. “Let’s do it.”
Jason’s face split into a genuine grin - not a smirk or snarl or sneer but an actual grin. “There’s probably no favor big enough to pay you back for this,” he said. 
“That’s okay,” Tim said, jamming his hands in his pockets and easing Jason back out to the main hall. “When you’re a rich and famous novelist, you can put me in one of your books. As the star,” he specified. “Not the cannon fodder.”
“I’ll give you a whole series,” Jason promised. “Tim Drake, Secret Agent.”
“I like it,” Tim said. “But please give me a better drink than a watered down martini?”
“I thought you guys were Punking me,” Dick complained when they stepped back into the main hallway.
“Would we do that?” Jason asked. Tim admired how he could sound offended, outraged, and sarcastic with four words.
“In a hot second,” Dick returned. 
“Am I late?”
“For the love of little fish,” Jason muttered, good humor lost. “Did you invite the whole damn family?”
“I invited myself,” Barbara said, poking him in the chest with her finger. “It’s cute how you think you have secrets from me.”  She glanced back at Tim.  Tim waved.  “And you,” she added.  “You should know better.”
Tim shrugged.  He hadn’t actually been trying to hide from her.  He’d just hoped she wouldn’t sound any alarms.  “Should we be expecting any more guests?” he asked.
Jason glanced back at him, realization flashing on his face and he turned quickly back to Barbara.
“I didn’t forward the info,” she said.  “But I know some people are going to be pissed if they hear about this from the Gazette instead of from one of you.”
“<i>Some people</i> can just butt out,” Jason snapped and Dick looked pained.
Honestly, Tim hadn’t really thought Bruce would care too much, beyond the optics of it and he had a plan for that, and he was going to tell Steph, but later, for this very reason.
“Alfred?” Dick sounded angry for the first time and Jason went white and then red.
“I’ll talk to Alfred,” he muttered.
“What do you want us to say to Bruce?” Barbara demanded.  “Did either of you think this through even a little?”
“What do you want us to say to Bruce?” Jason asked.  “We’re getting married to get money for college because you’ll just want to pay and I don’t want you to?”
“Just because he’ll take it badly doesn’t mean you shouldn’t tell him,” Babs said.
“We’ll just tell him it’s a practical arrangement,” Tim offered.  “For practical purposes. He should understand that.”
Jason shot Tim a look Tim couldn’t even begin to interpret and then looked back to Barbara.  “Will that check the box, Barbie?” he asked.
Barbara narrowed her eyes. “I suppose.”  She slapped a redweld against his chest.  “Congratulations on your wedding.”
Jason frowned and unlatched the folder, peering inside.  “Huh,” he said.
That was unhelpfully vague so Tim took the expandable folder from him and pulled out a handful of paperwork.  Birth certificate.  Social security card.  Passport.
“Hey,” he said.  “You’re a real boy Mr. Peterson.”
“Yeah,” Jason said.  He looked back at Barbara.  “Is this - ?”
“Airtight,” Barbara said with her first smile of the day.  “Every piece of it.  It’ll stand up to an intensive background check.  Just give me a heads up if you’re joining the state bar because those people look for everything.”
“Deal,” Jason said and then, to everyone’s surprise, maybe even Jason’s, he hugged her, resting his chin on the top of her head.  “Thanks, Barbara,” he whispered.
“Mr. Peterson and Mr. Drake?” someone called from the wooden doors.  “The magistrate is ready for you.”
“That’s you,” Dick said unnecessarily.  
“We know,” Tim assured him.  
“Yeah,” Jason said. “C’mon, we need you two to be our witnesses.”
“You only need one witness in Gotham,” Barbara corrected.
“Yeah, well, make sure this guy doesn’t mess it up, okay?” Jason asked and then squared his shoulders.  He looked at Tim and held out his hand.  “C’mon,” he said.  “We have to pretend like we like each other.”
“Oh yeah,” Barbara said.  “This is going to be the best marriage ever.”
And so they got married. There was an awkward part where they were supposed to kiss and they both tilted their heads the same way and it was absurdly clear they had never kissed each other before, but no one said anything and they escaped with their dignity intact. 
“So,” Tim said, out on the street after. “What now?”
Barbara elbowed Dick. Dick elbowed Barbara back. This escalated. Tim ignored them. 
“I’ll submit my paperwork and hope for the best,” Jason said doubtfully. “And I guess in August, I start crashing at your place?”
“I wasn't sure if you needed to crash there before,” Tim said. “Or want to get your mail sent there, at least. So I made you keys.”
“I don't need keys,” Jason scoffed but took them anyway. 
“Jason Peterson needs keys,” Tim countered. 
“Okay, yeah,” Jason conceded. “I guess I’ll have to stop by for my mail now and then.”
“You’d better,” Tim told him. “If Gotham U sends you a ginormous envelope, you have exactly one hour to get over here and open it or I’m doing it for you.”
Jason dropped his head back and laughed. If Tim watched the ripple of his throat, well, he was married to the man. “Fair,” he allowed with a grin. “So, uh, see you around, I guess?”
“Yeah,” said Tim. “See you around.”
And that was that. 
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radio-and-the-dirt · 2 months
dude i don't really care if people ship aroace characters just please acknowledge that they're aro and/or ace. like,, aro and ace people still can and do enter into relationships of various types at times and not every aro or ace person completely lacks attraction anyway and some date even if they do, so like, ship them if thats what you want but please just be respectful.
just acknowledge that the character is aro and/or ace. do some research about what that might mean for them if you need to. treat those characters in a way that respects their identities and doesn't completely brush them aside.
im just tired. we can be in relationships. we can not be in relationships. we are still aros and aces. dont try and erase what little representation we get.
i would like to note that i see things in this way because i have never seen a 'professional' writer (like non-fanfic or not a small online creator) specify where an aro/ace character sits on those spectrums or how they actually view relationships of any type. i've also never seen any 'professional' writer's characters get to explore or express that part of themselves enough in their stories to give much better an understanding than just "not really interested in sex or romance".
if a more specific understanding of a character was provided and it meant that that character wouldn't be involved in romantic and/or sexual relationships or was repulsed by them than yeah, I wouldn't want people shipping them at all but i dont think i've ever seen that so thats not what this is about.
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clippedwingsmuses · 1 month
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" 𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝙉𝙊𝙏 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝙁𝙍𝙄𝙀𝙉𝘿. "
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canon divergent multifandom multimuse - private - penned by crowmun musing charas from genshin, pokemon, sonic, danganronpa, cookie run, & mlp:fim
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muses - ocs - rules - about - verses - drabbles - credits - memes - headcanons rules under the cut for mobile users please see my rp tracker before asking about replies that i owe
Typical roleplay etiquette applies here. No godmodding, no meta-rps, no powerplaying or controlling my muse, and don't be a dick.
This blog is PRIVATE, meaning that I only roleplay with mutuals. -- As this is a sideblog, I follow from my main; TRACKDNTRAILD.
Personals will be soft-blocked unless they have a RP sideblog listed.
I will not roleplay with minors because of my blog's themes.
Proper grammar and punctuation are a must when threading with me.
I exclusively do LITERATE roleplays, typically multi-para in length.
You don't have to match the length of my replies, nor the speed at which I reply! However, I expect more than a sentence or two reply.
I will not roleplay with a fandom that I am not familiar with.
If I have not responded to our thread for TWO WEEKS+, tell me! -- Similarly, if you have not responded to our thread for more than THREE MONTHS without notice, I will consider it dropped.
This blog will deal with mature themes, but I will not write NSFW. -- Content leaning to NSFW will fade to black, no exceptions. -- I will not engage in mature themes with minor/aged up muses.
If you write content intended for pr*shippers, or you are one, leave.
I will not roleplay fight sequences unless they are heavily plotted.  -- If our RP is edging towards a fight, please talk with me first so we can discuss where it goes. I will do the same to you.
I am MULTISHIP, so I will ship my muses with multiple characters. -- Every character that I RP with will be set in their own verse. -- Please ask before including other people/muses in our verses.
I am more than willing to write pre-established relationships! -- I will not write pre-established romantic or familial relationships, unless I know you personally.
Don't reblog memes/threads/musings/aesthetics directly from me.
Specify verses when sending starters/asks! See my verses HERE. -- The main muses of my blog are KIERAN, KOKICHI, and KITSUNAMI. I will respond as them by default depending on their activity.
I will only ship characters in the same age group, including aged up muses. (Ex.: No Scoots x Mane 6, even in the post-finale verse)
If you read these rules, please send an ask with 'I will heal you'. -- If I reply to the ask IC, you don't have to make it a thread. -- I'll also accept you liking my promo as sending the password.
my blacklist: images of bugs / blood/gore / body horror / spiders, unsanitary jokes
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qtubbo · 3 months
personally i dont see qpr as shipping? exactly? like in my experience (aroace) its definitely... different. like theres a reason i identify as aroace. i dont want a relationship. id be fine with a qpr though?
does that make sense?? idk
In my experience also aroace, if I want to be a life long relationship with someone even if it’s entirely platonic it’s still a relationship on the same level. Even then, I’m able to do a majority of the things people do in romantic relationships with my partner. If you personally can’t view it on the same level, that’s up to you but it’s still classifiably a ship. For the point of fandom discussion this is mainly about Pissa, you can fully see them as a qpr and still ship them, since I’ve seen people talk about how they only have platonic feelings so they don’t really think it could be a ship. But in action it’s really similar, though there still is a difference which is why I didn’t specify on my poll about Morning Crew because I didn’t intend for it to be limited to romantic or sexual feelings.
If you don’t see it the same way totally chill it is a different thing after all, but it exists in the same spectrum so for labeling purposes it exists as a ship. You know?
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sleepyrayray · 1 year
We Go Where No One Goes - One Piece HTTYD AU (What Dragons would some OP  characters have)
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A/N: First thing I have written on tumblr. I’m really addicted to How To Train Your Dragon right now so I thought I’d do headcanons on what dragons I think some characters would bond with/have.  I might make an x reader series of this au as well. I’ll do more characters at a later date!! Also I don’t know how to work things exactly but this is my best shot hopefully it works. I’d love some feedback about this as I am very interested in turning this into a series of sorts or even multiple. Hope you all like it!!
Content Warning: Can be read as an x reader in some parts (as I use the word you in some places) though gender is not specified!! Can also be read as platonic or romantic in those parts, whatever you see fit. SFW!! Fluff. Dragons!! How To Train Your Dragon AU. Mentions of fighting as well as dragon attacks. There probably will be grammar and spelling errors here. Some characters may be a bit OOC. I think that’s all but tell me if there’s anything I should add.
Characters: Monkey D. Luffy, Roronoa Zoro, Nico Robin, Eustass Kid, Killer, Trafalgar D. Law (All seperate).
Monkey D. Luffy
- A Nightfury. That’s it. He’ll have a nightfury.
- Now we’ll see something COMPLETELY different from hiccup’s and toothless’ relationship simply because... you have double the trouble now.
- I can see Luffy and his Nightfury getting into trouble every day like they are partners in CRIME, two peas in a pod... honestly one would think they share the same brain AND the same stomach because both of them will eat a shit ton of food (fish for the nightfury).
- No sharing though. Luffy refuses to share his food with his dragon best friend (He tries to steal his nightfury’s food but everyone has to stop him as they dont want him to get sick from eating raw fish).
- Honestly count them to be dirty by the time they get home in mud and such.
- They also go out flying and adventuring together almost every day!! Discovering new places, meeting new people!! Everyone else going with him just to make sure he doesn’t get captured by dragon hunters.
- Though when it comes to battle, there is a chance you’ll see a more serious side of him and his dragon, especially if someone he cares about has been captured or hurt in some way shape or form!!
- Sure it may be a bit fun in games at the start but as the fight goes on they both get more serious.
- He makes sure everyone gets out alive, no one gets left behind on his watch, even if he and his dragon have to fight every single person on an island and/or ship.
- Yeah the bad guys are not winning in the end if he shows up, especially if he brought the gang with him!!
- Then there’s a party right after with them and their dragons as well!!
- Oh did I mention he’s the chief of his island...?
- Yeah who made him chief... (It was shanks.)
- The villagers question it every day... but they have no say in it now...
- But look on the bright side!! There will never be a boring day in the village since Luffy is chief!!
- He also tends to neglect his duties...
- Well, they get done somehow!!
- Just make sure you stay prepared.
Roronoa Zoro
- Triple Stryke. Yes, he has a triple stryke.
- A dragon that uses three tales to slash and take down it’s enemies screams zoro to me. They litterally train together with zoro’s three sword style and the dragon using it’s tail.
- They take naps together. Though don’t wake them as his dragon will try and snap at you... 
- Without his dragon, Zoro would get lost a lot more then he already does.
- His dragon is litterally Zoro’s guide at times and will drag him with it’s tails when Zoro is going the wrong way.
- Zoro uses his dragon as a pillow as well, sometimes doesn’t even sleep on a bed bc it’s so comfy and warm.
- His dragon and Luffy’s dragon often play together and have fun together.
- Is the one to get seperated from his dragon the most though.
- Might be seen to be a bit cold to his dragon but if you look closely you can see him giving it small pets or even some of his food.
- Tries to keep the affection in private or when no one isn’t looking, though he does fail at times and gets teased for it.
- He also is probably the one who runs the blacksmiths and helps makes the weapons, saddles and other things the village may need.
- Somehow he gets it done in time even with some (many) naps inbetween.
- Honestly you get the best made stuff in the village.
- They often see people from other villages as well just to get their hands on what he makes.
- I feel like he’d be one of the most serious in battle.
- Litterally fights back to back with his dragon, both covering eachother’s blindspots.
- It can be hard to land a hit when Zoro and his dragon are fighting together.
- 2nd guy you do not wanna face.
Nico Robin
- She would have a Boneknapper. - Since Robin is an archeologist and a Boneknapper is basically living history since it is covered in bones I feel like they’d make a perfect fit. Also who knows what kinds of bones that the Boneknapper has on it!! Could be anything!! I can see Robin studying the bones and see where they originate from such as from a dragon, human, animal or something else entirely!! - Robin probably has an area outside of her house where the dragon has stored all kinds of random objects, some aren’t even bones and are just random things that interested it!!! - Robin has like 1000000000000000000000000+ complaints from the villagers because her dragon keeps taking their stuff(it even took someone’s roof one time... that was an entire ordeal....). - Always ends up scolding her dragon but... it never learns and proceeds to continue to steal. At this point Robin has considered her life options when it comes to her boneknapper. - Well great news is that she has found many discoveries from the bones on her dragon’s body which has advanced their knowledge in dragons and humans a like!! - Not the most comfortable dragon to ride on but Robin made it work (Somehow). With the help of Zoro she had constructed the perfect sadle for her dragon! - It can be a bit difficult to fight with her boneknapper as it will often try to add whatever it sees onto itself if. Sometimes it’ll try to take a person with it (remember how stormfly acted with that one guy from httyd 2?? Eric the son of Eric?? I see it as that.) But it works as a great decoy to get everyone distracted and busy!! It is also great at destroying things with it’s tail. - Also most people run away when they see it as they’re terrified of it when in reality it is just a big giant puppy especially when it plays human fetch!! - I see Robin as the person who documents and keeps the village history as well as any other history she finds out. She writes it down and stores it so those in the future can read it!! - She has written many books and you bet she’ll let anyone read it!! - Her books are very accurate, you can trust her writing 100% as she makes sure to tell no lies. 
Eustass Kid
- He would have a monsterous nightmare. I am partnering him up with a dragon that can set itself on fire as it matches his personality.
- Kid would just be walking around the village and his dragon would be following him, menacingly staring and sometimes even growling at the other villagers. It has a bit of an attitude problem.
- When Kid yells at someone, his dragon will yell with with him or it will laugh/chuckle at the person being yelled at.
- His dragon will sometimes mess something up and then blame someone else just to get another person in trouble.
- Kid will have his dragon with him as he works on different inventions of his as well as making things for himself and even for the village. His dragon is great for lighting up the fires so he can heat up the metal!! And acts as a heater when it is cold outside.
- He has no problem fighting anyone who threatens his village, friends, his dragon or anyone else that might need protecting. Though he might begrudgedly help a stranger out but he always says it’s because “I did it since it benifets me.” when in reality he couldn’t stand to see another person and their dragon get captured.
- Is a very strong fighter, always setting hunter’s boats and other enemy villages ablaze alongside his dragon. He has won around 89% of the battles he has faced. The other 11%? We’ll go into that later. Though let’s say he was extra mad/grumpy/tense right after those losses which resulted in him yelling even more or just staying inside his workshop at the forgery.
- He has two jobs!! He’s both the chief and the blacksmith!! According to his words he takes on being the blacksmith as well because “No one else is talented enough to make the gear the village needs” when in reality it is because he really wants to make things and it gives him the chance of creating his own inventions!!
- He and Zoro are competing to be the better blacksmith.
- He already believes he’s the best chief around.
- He also recieves a lot of requests for things to be made even from people from other villages.
- He’s a busy man.
- He would have a Changewing as his dragon. Changewings like to hide by camouflauging themselves, and with how Killer keeps a mask on it is as if they are both hiding in some way. Also I feel like they would get along very well.
- Changewings can be quite territorial so I can see it not liking it when other’s enters the home it lives with Killer in, so it either has to be outside or Killer has to keep it calm. Though it doesn’t mind Kidd coming over, it quite likes kid. You could see it even seek pets from kid which would in turn make Kid’s dragon a bit jealous.
- Changewings can also be a bit mischevious and Killer’s will play pranks on it’s rider. You will litterally see it poke Killer and then camouflage itself as Killer looks around to see who poked him. Though one time it camouflaged and stayed silent for a while. Killer thought it ran away or something and spent the whole day running around the island, panicked, looking for it when it was just resting at home. Let’s just say it got a big scolding when Killer got home (and a punishment of not having it’s favorite fish for a while). It never did it again.
- It will also mess with the other villagers.
-  1000000000000000000000000+ complaints part 2, but you might as well double it as he gets complaints about two things. One. His dragon scares the kids at night (as well as the scardy cats of the village) causing them to scream and wake up the village. It also randomly knocks things over, destroys things, pokes people while camouflage so it isn’t seen making people think they’re seeing things or there actually is a ghost haunting the village. Though at this point they know the culprit. 2. It loves taking things, it’s a curious creature!! It will take anything that raises it’s interest!! Even if it is a human being!! It once took someone’s child and tried to act like it’s parents... it took 5 hours to get the dragon seperated from the child and another 5 to calm down the angry parents...
- Killer questions how the village hasn’t tried to kick his dragon out yet...
- Though on the bright side they make a good fighting pair!! While Killer is focusing on beating hunters or other enemies up with his punishers, his dragon is camouflaging and taking out the enemies as well! There has been quite a few times where Killer’s dragon has saved his life as well.
- Though bewhare... it might try to hypnotize you. It has done so on many enemies in order to defeat them, as well as some villagers in order to mess with them. It’s hypnotizing is very powerful as well, though it rarely uses the ability.
- Also beware of it’s acid, it can melt almost anything. Though it can’t melt normal metal but it can melt dragon proof metal!! 
- They trust each other and know how to fight!! Sometimes they get seperated but they both find their way back to each other.
- Oh! Killer works as Kid’s second in command!! He helps Kid out with some of the workload he gets so Kidd can have some free time to work on his gadgets and such.
- He has fun working as Kid’s second-in-command as he couldn’t wish for anything more after growing up as Kid’s best friend.
Trafalgar D. Law
- He would have a Tide Glider. While it is only seen in the games, I feel as if it fits Law the best. This is due to the fact it is known to be calm as well as peaceful and has healing capabilities!!
- Due to being a Doctor, having a dragon that is able to heal others is a lifesafer. Think of how many lives he could save with a dragon that can heal wounds with its saliva?? That is why he bonded with the Tide Glider. 
- He lives a peaceful life with his dragon, as his dragon is also a giant sweetheart and you’ll see it push him to take care of himself. Sometimes it’ll lay on top of him just to make him go to sleep when it deams it time.
- His dragon acts like a mother toward’s him at times, it just wants to make sure he’s okay.
- His dragon gets into no trouble at all, it just follows Law wherever he goes and helps him with whatever duties he has with that day.
- He always ends up giving his dragon presents and such, he doesn’t show it but he really adores his buddy.
- Will pet his dragon often every day, mostly while he is at home.
- They have a very sweet bond with eachother, you can guarantee they’ll be best friends forever.
- Now when it comes to fighting, they’re both also very good at it. Though Law is very keen on his surroundings. If he notices anyone injured that’s on his side he’ll send his dragon over to provide some healing. His dragon also knows when to attack, and is very good in fighting in the sea as well due to being a dragon that is known to live in the water.
- Oh it can also spit out acid.
- Have I mentioned that the water it spits out is poisonous?? Just don’t wash it with water, it’ll make it worse. Yak milk is said to work, but it might not work with every tide glider poison you come across so you just have to be lucky and hope it works.
- They trust eachother greatly and you’ll definately be able to see it on the battlefield.
- As of jobs, I have mentioned that he is the doctor of the village but he is also the Chief!! There are other doctors in the village of course, he’s just the best one and the main doctor in the village.
- He does both duties which causes him to often get sleepless nights and to not take care of himself. But don’t worry! His Tide Glider is there to make sure he takes care of himself. As stated before, it will force him to sleep by laying on top of him against his will. That includes picking him up and bringing him to his bed!! He may not like it but somehow he does fall asleep, although begrudgingly. His dragon will also bring him anything he deems edible (even raw fish at times) just so he can have something to eat.
- Overall you’re witnessing best friends for life right here.
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konohamaru-sensei · 3 months
Some kind of follower event or other.
im very sorry if you follow both blogs and have to see this double. ily for following both tho. special love and kisses to you.
In celebration of my 1000 follower milestone on a blog I pretty much abandoned (@wind-becomes-lightning) and my 100 followers on the blog that I am now using (@konohamaru-sensei) (and because I really love doing things for others), I’m hosting a little cross blog event. I anticipate that most of the entries will be from friends anyway and gifting friends makes little Nisi happy.
So, what are we going to do? Well. You have the choice. Either you request a little story from one of the prompt lists (please specify or send the prompt) or you send me a link to a reference and I will do an art. Either or is fine if you adhere to the rules
Stories will be around 1k length (maybe longer if I’m feeling it)
Artworks only for up to 2 people (You can look at art refs in my pinterest board if you don't have an idea.)
Off Anon only. (If you feel embarrassed please just dm me beforehand so I know it is you sending anons, or at least sign the request with your name, thanks!)
One request per person. (Q, I love you, but I still have like 5 requests of yours in my waiting list)
Absolutely no requests for “no-no ships” and “no-no characters” allowed.
OC requests only if you are from the Anxiety Anonymous server or if I have written for your oc before. (You may of course request my ocs if you care)
You can send Naruto related requests to any blog, but send any other fandoms to @konohamaru-sensei
Reader inserts are fine, as long as they are done with Yes-please characters. 
Fandom list for this time:
Naruto (obv)
Fairy Tail
One Piece 
Prompt lists:
Recent art examples x - x - x - x
If you send me a “Yes-Always” ship or a “yes-please” character I will prioritise your request, because it will be more fun for me, but anything is welcome as long as you don’t break the rules.
I will leave this open until I feel like closing it. In my experience, there wont be too much anyway.
Ok thanks, BYE.
Ship list under cut.
Yes-Always Ships
Fairy Tail: Jerza | Gruvia | Gruvion | Luvia 
JJK: SatoSugu
HQ: Oikawa x Kuroo
Yes-Please Characters
Naruto: Kakashi, Obito, Yamato, Konohamaru, Hinata
Fairy Tail: Lyon, Erza, Juvia, Jellal, Gray, Rogue, Loke
Haikyuu: Kuroo, Oikawa, Hinata, Bokuto
JJK: Gojo, Geto, Yuuji, Choso, Maki
MHA: Hawks, Iida, Dabi 
One Piece: Sanji, Robin, Law, Zoro, Luffy, Sabo, Ace
No-No Ships
For all fandoms: no inces-t, no teacher and student, no mentor and student, no adult and child
Naruto: S-NS | Na-ruSa-ku | Kaka-Ga-i| InoS-aku
Fairy Tail: Gajeel x Juv ia | Gra L u | Gr arza
Haikyuu: Iwao i | Kurook en | Suga x D aichi
JJK: any yuuji ship
MHA: Ba-kuD-eku
One Piece: Lu ffy x A c e
Naruto: Sa suke, Ma dara
Haikyuu: Tsukish ima
JJK: To ji, Na oya
One Piece: P udding
Every ship not mentioned here is one I am fine with, but not in love with. Which means you can request it just fine.
this whole thing will probably fail spectacularily and i will feel like shit but i mean... no risk no depressive hole to dig myself in later, so whats the fun?
15 notes · View notes
Some kind of follower event or other.
im very sorry if you follow both blogs and have to see this double. ily for following both tho. special love and kisses to you
In celebration of my 1000 follower milestone on a blog I pretty much abandoned (@wind-becomes-lightning) and my 100 followers on the blog that I am now using (@konohamaru-sensei) (and because I really love doing things for others), I’m hosting a little cross blog event. I anticipate that most of the entries will be from friends anyway and gifting friends makes little Nisi happy.
So, what are we going to do? Well. You have the choice. Either you request a little story from one of the prompt lists (please specify or send the prompt) or you send me a link to a reference and I will do an art. Either or is fine if you adhere to the rules
Stories will be around 1k length (maybe longer if I’m feeling it)
Artworks only for up to 2 people (You can look at art refs in my pinterest board if you don't have an idea.)
Off Anon only. (If you feel embarrassed please just dm me beforehand so I know it is you sending anons, or at least sign the request with your name, thanks!)
One request per person. (Q, I love you, but I still have like 5 requests of yours in my waiting list)
Absolutely no requests for “no-no ships” and “no-no characters” allowed.
OC requests only if you are from the Anxiety Anonymous server or if I have written for your oc before. (You may of course request my ocs if you care)
You can send Naruto related requests to any blog, but send any other fandoms to @konohamaru-sensei
Reader inserts are fine, as long as they are done with Yes-please characters. 
Fandom list for this time:
Naruto (obv)
Fairy Tail
One Piece 
Prompt lists:
Recent art examples x - x - x - x 
If you send me a “Yes-Always” ship or a “yes-please” character I will prioritise your request, because it will be more fun for me, but anything is welcome as long as you don’t break the rules.
I will leave this open until I feel like closing it. In my experience, there wont be too much anyway.
Ok thanks, BYE.
Ship list under cut.
Yes-Always Ships
Fairy Tail: Jerza | Gruvia | Gruvion | Luvia 
JJK: SatoSugu
HQ: Oikawa x Kuroo
Yes-Please Characters
Naruto: Kakashi, Obito, Yamato, Konohamaru, Hinata
Fairy Tail: Lyon, Erza, Juvia, Jellal, Gray, Rogue, Loke
Haikyuu: Kuroo, Oikawa, Hinata, Bokuto
JJK: Gojo, Geto, Yuuji, Choso, Maki
MHA: Hawks, Iida, Dabi 
One Piece: Sanji, Robin, Law, Zoro, Luffy, Sabo, Ace
No-No Ships
For all fandoms: no inces-t, no teacher and student, no mentor and student, no adult and child
Naruto: S-NS | Na-ruSa-ku | Kaka-Ga-i| InoS-aku
Fairy Tail: Gajeel x Juv ia | Gra L u | Gr arza
Haikyuu: Iwao i | Kurook en | Suga x D aichi
JJK: any yuuji ship
MHA: Ba-kuD-eku
One Piece: Lu ffy x A c e
Naruto: Sa suke, Ma dara
Haikyuu: Tsukish ima
JJK: To ji, Na oya
One Piece: P udding
Every ship not mentioned here is one I am fine with, but not in love with. Which means you can request it just fine.
this whole thing will probably fail spectacularily and i will feel like shit but i mean... no risk no depressive hole to dig myself in later, so whats the fun?
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pineappleciders · 1 year
pineappleciders masterlists/introduction!!
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hello!! i've been posting for a bit now but i decided i'd do a re-introduction and masterlist.
you can call me pineapple or cider, i use he/him and i'm 15! i don't put alt text on every image post but i try to do the ones i can!!
you can follow me on tiktok as @pineappleciders2 (i dont rly post there)
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writing reqs: open!!
drawing reqs: open!!
matchups: closed!!
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what do i post?
i post my art and writing (mainly x reader headcanons!) i will also babble about anything and i will answer questions :)
fandoms i write for
OMORI (no romantic for the HS kids, but will do platonic!!)
south park (platonic only for the kids, yes i will do non-platonic post covid adults!)
project sekai
requirements/what i will not write?
anything NSFW/sm*t
anything proship (p*dophilic, inc*st, big age gaps, etc.)
yandere/toxic relationships (unless it's apart of a side story, such as contributing to the main relationship)
romantic x readers with characters 12 or under (this includes south park and omori headspace kids)
graphic depictions of suicide or extreme gore
certain ships (feel free to send a req asking my opinion on a ship!! i wont do characters like tweek and craig x anyone other than each other, or hero and mari x anyone but each other
anything suggestive with characters under 20
what do i prefer to write?
angst, fluff, headcanons/drabbles, fanfics, x readers and character x characters, and even stuff self harm or eating disorder related.
i will do matchups for OMORI, eddsworld, and project sekai. feel free to specify if you want a platonic one or not
what about drawing requests?
i take drawing reqs!!! moreso like drawing ideas or prompts and less like free commissions. i might draw your OC or AU characters!!!
examples of a good request:
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example of a bad request:
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can i use your art?
yeah! i think it's really cool when i see my art in a pfp and stuff. there is no need to credit me, but you can if you'd like :)
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(the stuff ill usually put warnings on are blood/gore, sh related, mental health topics, suicide/death, amputation, regurgitation, SA and just generally gross or uncomfortable things. i also put warnings on drawings, so be sure to read warnings before you scroll down!)
plz dni/dnf if u are racist, pedo, proshitter, israel supporter or anything like that. nsfw blogs can interact but plz don't follow!!!
also plz lmk if any links here are broken D:
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how you can help palestine
call for ceasefire
daily click to donate
resources on israel-palestine history
what to boycott
what to boycott (pt. 2) (it's important to note that many people are focusing starbucks, mcdonalds and disney)
more resources
call for ceasefire
sudanese organizations to donate to
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sophierequests · 1 year
🌿 i talk in my sleep - send me your ideal idea of a first date and some facts about yourself (name/nickname, favourite pastry, favourite song, random fun facts etc.) and i'll ship you with a character and write a short drabble about them → please specify your sexuality, pronouns and whether the ship is supposed to be romantic or platonic!
Hi! I hope it's still the 14th where you are haha, but if it's passed the date, you can completely skip and delete this!! Ideal Idea of a First Date - Definitely attending a festival or carnival of some sorts! I love strolling around to see different carts and markets and the music and performance!! And ending the day with a fireworks show of some sort! Nickname - On here, my friends call me Oath! (but for the drabble you can just make it an 'x reader'! I don't mind ^_^) Favourite Pastry - I absolute LOVE cookies, especially chocolate chip and when it's soft baked, the best kind uwu Favourite Song - About Time (feat. Kelsey Kuan & prettyhappy) Random Fun Fact - I am pretty introverted when I first meet people, but once I feel comfortable and safe with someone, I open up and become a very energetic and talkative person, especially if it comes to topics I like or the person likes, I love listening to people's interests and have them sharing it with me Sexuality and Pronouns - I am a straight hetero woman, I go by she/her but I don't mind they/them pronouns as well! I would like it to be a romantic drabble please! (And fluff if you don't mind XD) Thank you in advance, I love your work, and I hope you have an amazing day! Take care ^_^
shipping people with grishaverse characters // the garden event
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don't worry, you were just in time!
i don't think anyone's surprised by who i'm shipping you with
since we never really heard much about shu han in the books, i took the mid-autumn/mooncake festival as inspiration for this! (it's only very loosely based on it and i don't mention the history, so if you're interested in the festivities, please look them up, it's so interesting to read about!!)
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“I cannot believe that the one time Nikolai is dragging us off to Shu Han is also one of the days when the whole country chooses to abandon their houses and fill up the streets,” you mumbled, more to yourself than to anyone else.
Tolya only chuckled in response, a few loose strands of hair falling lazily onto his forehead. Both of you wore a somewhat traditional robe that Nikolai had gotten all of you to blend into the crowds, but only Tamar and Tolya really managed to pull it off. You still had to admit that the fabrics looked more than stunning, especially in the warm red light emitting from all the paper lanterns around you.
“We should be glad that Nikolai didn’t intend on going through with that plan of his today.” He whispered back, almost having to lean down towards you so that you could hear. “We wouldn’t have a chance getting through the streets without causing some sort of commotion.”
“At least something,” you chuckled. “As frustrating as our favourite privateer’s planning skills are, I’m still excited to see what this whole festival is about.”
He raised his brows in amusement. “Have you never heard about the Moon Festival?”
“Tolya, I grew up in Ravka and spent my entire life cooped up at the Little Palace, studying manuscripts older than that hag Baghra, do you really think I know what kind of celebrations the Shu have?”
“Oh dear, then I have a lot to show you.” With that, he grabbed hold of your arm and pulled you face-first into the crowd.
There was so much going on and you barely had time to catch a proper breath before the next impression was basically thrust upon you. 
First, he led you to what looked like a parade passing through the streets. People dressed in colourful hanfus and intricate costumes danced amidst the onlookers, laughing and singing songs that you had never heard before. A few of them held up a giant puppet of a bright green dragon, making it dance and writhe over their heads. It was a stunning display of colours and music alike, and you couldn’t help but gape at the performers as they walked past you.
“Dragon Dance,” he stated matter-of-factly. “It’s a tradition as old as time. They used to only do it during times of drought, because the dragons are associated with rain here, so they hoped that this dance would bring us a prosperous harvest.”
“It’s most definitely a stunning tradition.”
“You’d be surprised about how many stunning traditions the Shu have other than this.” He smiled, letting his eyes wander over the parade one last time before offering you a hand. “Are you hungry? I think I know something that you might like.”
This statement should remain to ring true. He took you to a less crowded market street, vibrant shops and huts lining the sides of the road nearly everywhere you looked. There were shops selling masks, fabrics and dresses, or all kinds of food. 
Tolya stopped in front of a bright red booth, offering something that looked to be tiny sweets. He called them mooncakes and went on a long, complex rant about how his sister always used to steal the best ones while he was left with the flavours that no one really liked. After he was done rambling, he bought a little box full of mooncakes and two cups of Kuei Hua Chen Chiew, also called osmanthus wine as he explained to you later.
For what felt like the hundredth time today, he pulled you away from the commotion and towards a little ledge that overlooked the lower parts of the city and quite a bit of the raging sea. The city was bathed in the red glow of the lanterns and flashing lights, competing against the heavy darkness that surrounded you. It was a strange, but beautiful sight to see. And it was made even more beautiful by the fact that you had someone to share it with.
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