#I don't care I'm really excited both for the new season and new people and new requests
@strandedincivilisation said: We love you. But you have to understand there's gonna be an absolute OVERFLOW of people coming in new with the new season of Black Butler coming up AND I CAN'T WAIT 💀
I would say "oh I hope to open the askbox before the new season comes out" BUT IT'S IN 2024 I SURE FUCKIN HOPE I'M DONE WITH ALL MY CURRENT REQUESTS BEFORE NEXT YEAR DFJKLAJFLAA
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rynwritesreid · 3 months
I am obsessed w Ryan Gosling wearing a necklace with his wife’s initials on it to the Barbie Premiere!!!! Can we see Spencer doing the same thing, maybe to the office or a team dinner ? 😍
A/N: this is such a cute idea, and if I am being honest this is defo something early to mid season Spencer would have done. Thank you for the request:)
Summary: it’s basically as requested. I have added in some detail about other women flirting with him and that’s why he decides to wear it, but he does still wear it to the office.
Content: fluff. Fem!reader. Other people flirt with Spencer, but he doesn’t reciprocate.
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Spencer was aware he got attention from other women; he knew he was attractive. He never flirted back, or really gave anyone else the time of day and he was very open with the fact he was in a very committed relationship with you. You were also not prone to jealousy, you didn’t really like other people trying to flirt with Spencer, but you understood he was an attractive and very intelligent man. 
Spencer though, he had become to hate it. He didn’t understand why people didn’t care he loved you, that he was in a relationship with you, and only wanted you. He, being the ever-intelligent man he is, had come up with a solution.
“Hey, I have something to show you.” Spencer reached into his pocket and pulled out a medium sized box. “Before you get too excited, this isn’t a ring. It’s a necklace with your initials on it.” 
“Are you going to wear that?” you asked with a smile, feeling a warm flutter in your chest as you looked at the delicate necklace in Spencer's hand. The silver chain glinted under the soft glow of the evening sun filtering through the window, and the initials intertwined beautifully, a testament to your bond.
“Yeah. Yeah, I am. I want everyone to know who my heart belongs too.” 
And with a tender smile, Spencer carefully fastened the necklace around his neck, the cool metal resting against his warm skin. As it settled into place, he stood up and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close in a tight embrace. You could feel his heartbeat against your chest, steady and sure.
"I love you," Spencer whispered, his voice filled with sincerity. "And I want the whole world to know that you're mine."
The next day, Spencer turned up to work wearing the necklace. JJ was the first to notice, her eyes scanning the necklace, wondering why he had suddenly started wearing jewellery.
"What's that, Spence?" JJ asked, tilting her head in curiosity. Spencer smiled, his eyes lighting up as he adjusted the necklace instinctively.
"It's for Y/N," he replied proudly, his voice tinged with a newfound sense of determination. "I want everyone to know that she's the one I love."
JJ's gaze softened as she took in his words, understanding the significance of the gesture. She nodded approvingly, a small smile playing on her lips.
"That's sweet, Spencer," JJ said, her tone genuine. "I'm happy for you both."
Derek had overheard what JJ had said to Spencer, and while he also did think it was cute and he would never tell a man that wearing any jewellery wasn’t masculine, he still wanted to tease Spencer a little. 
"Hey Pretty Boy, since when did you become a fashion icon?" Derek teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he sauntered over to Spencer's desk. Spencer rolled his eyes good-naturedly, used to Derek's playful banter.
“Oh, you think I’m a fashion icon because this, Derek?” Spencer grinned, a playful glint in his eye as he adjusted the necklace once more. "Well, let's just say I'm setting a new trend."
Derek chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "Alright, Reid, if you say so. Just don't let Garcia catch you. She might think you're stealing her accessory game."
Spencer laughed at the thought of Garcia's reaction, imagining her excitement at seeing him embrace a new fashion statement. It felt good to have his friends' support and light-hearted teasing about his gesture towards you.
No one else seemed to care, Garcia had done a squeal of excitement when she saw the necklace and realised the initials were yours. But other than that, no one seemed to fuss over it.
Though he had noticed that he friends and colleagues didn’t seem to care about his necklace anymore, he had noticed how other women would interact with him. They seemed to glare at the two initials dangling around his neck and back off.
Spencer found himself almost amused by the reaction of the women who used to flirt with him. Their glares held a mix of disappointment and frustration, as if his simple act of wearing a necklace had somehow dashed their hopes. He couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at their reactions, knowing that he was making it clear to everyone where his heart truly belonged.
~join my taglist~
@purplepistachi0 @iluvreid @nomajdetective @drspencieee@ms-ks-world@evvy96 @oliviah-25 @starkid024 @emalyntgtgfhvgg@krokietino @julllliiia @xohoneybun @spencerreidwifeee@pleasantwitchgarden @Theillestvillian3@bitchassbecky691 @piperb400@queermaxwooo @gemofthenight @cham9ions @matthew-gray-gubler-lover @Catsareawesomek@anna-belle-xd@drreidsfavwhxre@Oureternalbond@beth-gallagher22 @firstunmannedflyingdeskset @waywardhunter95 @r-3dlips @k3nzxx @keiva1000 @peppersapro @just-a-harmless-patato @miss.daianaa@spenxerslut @skulliecadaver-blog @svnfully @reidsgirlhottie @bluepuppethidinginafilingcabinet @lover-of-books-and-tea @indigosamsblog
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erideights · 9 months
Little pieces here and there (4)
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Pairing: Buggy x Fem!Reader (One Piece Live Action)
Parts: one, two, three, five
Word Count: 4,2K, i should ask for forgiveness
Warnings: flirting, pinning, (FUCKING) FINALLY, unprotected sex, buggy detaching parts of his body during sex like the freak he is
A/N: i've been building this moment so long that i was, once more, inspired by god to make this chapter the longest ever, i hope you all enjoy and that the awaited smut doesn't disappoint and delivers (let me know, anxiety is killing me, love u all, see you in chapter 5, the final (until season 2) of this series) (again i'm really really sorry for any grammatical mistake!)
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Day 5 after what happened during the Arlong Park fight, or what is the same for her = 5 AAP, (Y/N) is sure about three things:
1. With the choice of leaving her mercenary life behind, comes her new position as the ''strategist'' of the Straw Hat crew, a group of very unique people that after a couple of stops along the way, would arrive at the Grand Line.
2. Their next destination is Loguetown, which excited her; she loved the city, she never turned down an assignment that involved working there. They would arrive in a couple of days and stock up on everything they would need before beginning the greatest adventure of their lives.
3. Buggy's nose was real. Very real. And she missed him. Just a bit.
To be more precise, that bit of tension and constant sarcasm around her. She knew he was a pain in the ass, and that his staying on the ship wouldn't have lasted much more than an extra day and a half because one of her crewmates -Zoro- would have unceremoniously thrown him overboard anytime.
But it was really fun for her, so from time to time and in particular, when she passes by the helm, she finds herself remembering that annoying talking head and smiling a bit.
And so, after an entire week, they arrive at the famous Loguetown, the tomb of the most famous pirate of all time, a refuge for mercenaries, pirates and bounty hunters from all corners of the East Blue! No matter what, everything your heart could desire -except for the One Piece- you could find there. Jewelry, weapons, food, alcohol, a good bed to sleep and rest in, or other darker, macabre and adult types of entertainment.
Ah, what a city. Anyone could get lost among its endless alleys packed with people. That's why when the crew splits up, they do it in pairs, making sure that Zoro, who they had already discovered, lacked complete and utter sense of direction, wouldn't be left alone and lost among the city's infinite tide of pirates. (Y/N) is the one who goes with him, both heading to the largest armory in the city to replace his destroyed katanas while Sanji and Luffy take care of the food, and Usopp and Nami go around to do… she doesn’t really remember what. Trying clothes she believes.
She must say, however, that this swordsman is not exactly the most talkative person in the world even though their friendship has considerably grown and deepened during their little journey. Apart from sharing small notes about the city, how many people there are, or what they should do, they don't really talk that much; in her case, because she is absorbed in her surroundings, soaking in every possible detail. Him, silent because his reputation as a pirate hunter is famous around all the East Blue, and of course, in Loguetown there are only pirates. He prefers to stay alert to avoid future conflicts and have a peaceful morning. Not for him, but for his crew.
That's why when a gloved hand flies out of a dark alley, and violently covers the girl's mouth and nose, preventing her from screaming, while another grabs her by the waistband of her pants and yanks her back, forcing her to get in said alley, Zoro doesn't even notice, he continues calmly walking, minding his own fucking business, heading to only God knows where.
Farewell, mosshead.
In a blink, (Y/N)'s back collides with a strong torso, and with her heart in her mouth and adrenaline running wild in her veins, she stretches her right hand to reach the knife she has in the holster on her right thigh to destroy the asshole that dares to try to steal from her. Or murder her. Or that's her idea until she hears a familiar voice murmuring an “I got you” behind her, before turning her head and discovering the biggest, reckless buffoon she's ever met.
Eyes wide open, she screams against his palm, pissed off by the way he scared the shit outta her. Extremely angry, she yanks his hand away from her mouth, turns her entire body around and looks at him with what he would swear, is the most annoyed expression he ever saw in his entire life. Before the clown can excuse himself and his lack of manners, just as she begins to see that stupid smile appear on his stupid face, she slaps him so hard that for a second, he thinks his head will detach from the rest of his body.
Then, and pushed by an outburst of passion that comes out of she doesn’t even understand where, a mixture of adrenaline, surprise, her desire to kill him with her own hands and the -sexual- frustration with which he abandoned her the last time, she grabs his vest, pulls and kisses him. Again, all before Buggy can even react.
The kiss is brief. Really quick, but intense as hell, and she manages to leave him breathless. Yes, him. Only him. Because the moment they separate, when (Y/N) pushes him back, she spits out a heartfelt “You're an idiot!”
What a fucking rollercoaster. He doesn't even remember what he was about to say anymore to greet her. He's in fact, too stunned to speak. Did she slapped, kissed, and insulted him in less than a minute? Oh, she's a freak, just like him. The only difference between them is that she knows how to pretend the opposite. But she can't hide it from him. Not to the king of the freaks.
''I missed you too, baby'' he admits with an amused smile, moving his jaw a little from side to side, as well as his neck; that woman is stronger than he expected.
''Yeah? Because I really didn’t.’’ she spits once again, taking a deep breath. ''Liar'' he retorts, eyeing her up and down. ''Liir'' she instantly mocks, still recovering from the tsunami of emotions that just passed through her. ''What the fuck are you doing in Loguetown?''
''I came looking for my sorry excuses for a supporting cast,'' his crew. Were they still alive? Would have sworn Zoro destroyed all of them but who knew. ''and turns out I found the perfect, shiny, little new supporting star for my show'' he adds, as flirtatious as always around her, approaching (Y/N) again.
''Oh, I feel flattered but as I already told you, I don't like being in the spotlight. I relate way more to the shadow around it.”
He rolls his eyes but nods in understanding, reaching out to grab the girl's waist. ''Mhm. What about a private show, then? We have a play to finish, If my memory's not betraying me.'' He whispers honeyed, closing the distance between the two just a bit more. Cannot stop himself, neither he wants to. He knew as soon as he recognized her on the street, he would not let her go without putting order in their outstanding matters.
She’s about to add her usual sarcastic and smartass remark saying something among the lines of ‘without inviting me to dinner first?’ but she chooses not to. Just for once. ''I could agree to that.'' The girl admits, tilting a smile. ''Not here, tho.'' Pressing the clown's chest with her index finger, signaling for him to stay still, (Y/N) runs her tongue over her upper teeth, taking a couple of seconds to think.
In the end, she raises an eyebrow, and with an amused smile, she asks: “Do you trust me?”
''Not in a million years''
''I knew you would say that.'' She still takes one of his hands, that was still on her waist, and starts walking quite fast towards the other end of the alley, pulling him with her. He doesn’t object at all, despite not knowing where the hell is she taking him, and simply follows her lead, unconsciously squeezing her hand to not to lose her in the crowd.
Not many minutes later, after climbing some stairs and turning a few streets, there they are, in front of a beautiful tavern with windows decorated with ornate dark wooden planks, designing patterns of small squares, offering a beautiful view of its interior. The building was not one of the largest in the area, but it was not one of the smallest either. She knew from experience* that the floors above the tavern were rooms rented to the pickiest pirates. They had enough space to rest comfortably after a long voyage at sea, with a good bed and several locks on the doors and windows to prevent intrusions, attempts at robbery or murder, or a drunken idiot making a mistake and entering the wrong room.
*She knows this because a couple of years ago she needed to sneak in during the night to steal a jade seal from a famous pirate captain, who had previously stolen it from the temple it belonged to a few months before. Getting in wasn't easy at all.
Walking to the side of the building, where the windows of the rooms can be seen better, (Y/N) looks right, then left, making sure there’s no one nosing around.
‘’Here we are.’’ She announces, looking at him with a devilish smirk on her face. ''Now pay attention, here's my brilliant, unique and exceptional plan. It will absolutely blow your mind.’’ He cracks a genuine smile after hearing how she praised herself. She sounded almost like him. 
“First step: Throw your head up to that window over there,” she points said window with her index finger, two floors above their heads, “and tell me if there’s someone sleeping inside. Or if you see any sign someone rented the room.’’
Confusion is the feeling that crosses his beautiful face for a second, looking at her with a raised eyebrow and lips pressed into a small incredulous smile. She wants to sneak through the window without being seen and not pay a single berry? Exactly what a true pirate would do. He was starting to fall in love with her.
Without a second thought, his head separates from his body and floats to the open window, slightly sneaking in to check as she asked. And as fast as it goes up, it returns back down, just like a yo-yo. ''Clear'' He confirms, amused. 
''Perfect, second step: now throw your right hand, same window, and leave it there.'' And he does as she says, no questions asked, because he could not do otherwise. Because he wouldn't want to do otherwise. He was not made to follow orders and still, deep down, he knows he would follow hers. Or better said… he would follow her around. She was, maybe, not a theatre kid like him, but to his eyes, she shines brightly.
Not as much as him, tho.
Once Buggy's right hand waits patiently on the window frame, (Y/N) grabs the clown by the shoulders and strategically positions him under the window. Then she takes his left hand, bringing it forward. "Third step: with this hand you propel me into the air, with the other you grab me and you help me sneak in."
''And the final step?'' Getting very close to his face, the girl rubs her nose against his and whispers, voice low and lustful, ''You float to the window and meet me inside for that private show you mentioned before.'' He already knew the goal of that whole improvised plan, but he almost purrs when he hears her say it.
Then Buggy throws her upwards without prior notice, way stronger than she expected, and a sweet, genuine laugh escapes (Y/N)'s lips at the lack of gravity and that distinctive tickle in her stomach that rises to her throat. Not even when he uses that floating hand to catch her and guide her to the room, her feet on solid ground again, she’s able to stop laughing.
She expected this whole forbidden getaway to be entertaining, but not so, so fun. There was no point in denying the obvious: the complicity, the chemistry between them is criminal, asphyxiating, palpable, and so, so /real/. It's not only about physical attraction and sexual tension anymore, they were actually really compatible, which could only, and is already, making things one hundred times better.
As soon as she's inside, still giggling a bit, she's quick to reach the door and securely close it, fitting the bolt with a pair of lockpicks that she had on her. On the other hand, as soon as Buggy gets inside the room he chooses not to lose a single second, because every second he wastes is one less that he can enjoy that fantastic woman who is driving him crazy; before she can return to the center of the room, he has already recovered his right hand, thrown his hat to the floor along with his coat, and has rushed towards her, kissing her again, this time without a hurry, but voraciously, passionately, with the irresistible yearning he has been suffering for almost two weeks. He wants-- no, he needs to make her his. The desire making his blood boil. Her warmth, her smell, the taste of her lips-- even her laugh. It was too much. Too intoxicating.
(Y/N) welcomes him, sighing deeply against his lips, tilting her head a little, melting in the kiss, her hands flying to his hair to take out the bandana and pull at his blue locks, to which Buggy responds by grabbing her from the back of her thighs, lifting her up and carrying her to the bed, near the window. He lets some of his weight fall onto her, loosely holding himself on his knees on the mattress. She closes her legs around his waist, pressing him even a little closer against her body, excitement coursing through her veins like poison.
All that little game with the clown was just flirting, huh? Yeah, sure.
For a minute, everything is kisses, stealing each other's breaths, strong caresses on arms, legs, and back over clothes. There are bites at each other's lips, seemingly incapable of getting enough of the other, the attraction between them driving them both so absolutely insane than getting some distance to get naked seems impossible.
“Baby,” raspily, he press his crotch between her legs to let her feel his growing erection under his pants. ''I suggest you getting naked before I rip your clothes off by myself.''
She moans in response, wetter, more aroused by every second passing, unable to even think about playing hard to get this time. ''Aye aye captain'' she manages to whisper back mischievously, separating her hands from his body in order to pull her own shirt up and throw it somewhere in the room.
He grunts, but makes the titanic effort to separate himself from her, standing on his knees in front of her laying body, licking his lips, breathing heavily, eyes half-closed, already fucking her in his thoughts. Of course, seeing her undress for him is quite a show.
After her shirt comes the button and zipper of her pants. Although before getting rid of these, she pulls the scarf around the clown's neck, forcing him to lean over her again, and after it goes his vest. Given the girl's haste, he lets escape a hoarse laugh that reverberates inside his chest and decides to help her with whatever’s left between them; shoes, pants, gloves, and underwear.
''You're gorgeous'' he breathes, taking in her image in front of him. “You’re almost making me feel guilty for what I'm about to do.”
Before she could even ask, or threaten with a ‘don't you fucking dare’ or something among those lines, one of Buggy's hands flies to her own, and pins her wrists against the bed with such force, she hisses, heart in her throat, deafening her ears. She remembers herself, this was all too good to be true, and that damn clown promised to make her beg. He wasn't going to forgive her so easily, was he?
Her fault.
''Sweetheart, open your beautiful legs for me, will you?'' Returning to the bed, the clown settles between the girl's thighs, running -with the only hand still attached to his body-, one of her legs, from the knee to the hip bone in a slow and tortuous caress.
''Now, I'm pretty sure I warned you about what's about to happen last time you took advantage of my... uncomfortable, kinda-hostage situation on your stupid little boat. When you decided to push me to my limit.''
She is too aroused, too turned on to think clearly, her mind clouded by the same rush of hormones that’s making her incredibly wet. Having him now naked between her legs, threatening her in that low tone of voice, exposed helplessly in front of him, doesn't help at all; it is, as a matter of fact, making things way worse.
''You wanted me to beg, right?’’
''Exactly. It's that easy.'' After a couple of strokes, he grabs his erection and runs it slowly through her wet folds, both of them barely containing a moan in their throats at the sensation. He, perhaps, better than her, because (Y/N) involuntarily pushes her hips upwards, trying to get some more. ''Ah-ah. Want me to fuck you, sweetheart? Just beg for it. Beg for /me/.''
Being the proud woman she is, it's not exactly easy for her to seriously beg for something. Joking? Of course, any time, even sarcastically, but something is telling her, her sixth sense probably, he won't settle with a sarcastic remark and dove eyes.
Closing her eyes tightly, she lets herself be carried away by pure and absolute desperation every time he runs his erection through her, lubricating himself with her fluids. He is silent, already tasting the sweet victory he’ll feel when he manages to break her and make her beg. Although this doesn't happen as quickly as he would have preferred.
''(Y/N)'' He warns, and it's the first time he says her name out loud. The first time she hears him, with his raspy voice and his beautiful accent, pronouncing her real name instead of some compliment or silly nickname to call her.
Welcome, breaking point.
''I need you,'' she interrupts him in a low whimper, lifting her hips. ''Bugs-- Buggy, I need you to fuck me. Now.”
Usually, it's moments like this particular one in which the clown enjoys recreating himself, making others beg a little more, -sex, mercy, forgiveness- doesn’t matter-, taking his good time listening to her moans and cries of desperation. But he can't help it, the second he hears the girl call him by his name, telling him how much she needs him, and that silly attempt of an order at the end, he knows it’s game over, and he decides to give her exactly what she wants, penetrating her suddenly the last time he runs slowly through her folds. A sweet moan of relief and pleasure escapes from (Y/N) chest along with a "Fuck, Buggy--". From him, a hoarse grunt. A shiver runs down their spines, and quickly, Buggy recovers his other hand, freeing her from his grip, to aggressively pull both of her thighs to bring her closer to him, and begins to thrust hard, all shreds of self-control escaping from his body lightspeed.
He pushes into her as deep as he can in no time, burying himself between her legs, face hidden in the crook of her neck, hands keeping her legs open, close to his hips.
She doesn't know what she likes more, the erratic sound of his breathing and panting in her ear, the desperation with which his whole body seems to search for hers or each penetration sending an ecstasy shock through her nerves, but she soon becomes a puddle of sweet moans, whimpers and breathing as heavy as his, one hand pulling hard at his blue hair, the other resting on his abdomen, nails digging slightly his skin with each thrust.
''Oh god, Bugs--’’
''Moan my name louder baby,'' he breathes before biting her shoulder, leaving the mark of his teeth imprinted on her skin. ''I want them to catch us. I want them hearing you scream my name.”
And she does. She moans his name again, just not as loud as he wants. Which means there is something, something he can do better. Something to push her to her limit, to make her a believer, and make her /his/.
Summoning all his willpower, and not before one last, violent thrust, the clown stops and suddenly pulls out of her. (Y/N) complains with a loud cry, opening her eyes to ask what the fuck is he actually doing, how dares he to stop. Thank God, she doesn't have time to threaten him before he speaks.
''On your knees.'' And of course she obliges, on all fours, the simple idea making her completely lose her mind. Only thing, Buggy doesn't intend to keep her like this for a long time; as soon as she exposes herself for him again, he buries himself once more inside her as deep as he can and starts thrusting again, slowly but strongly, ending each thrust with a loud slam. This time, both hands separate from his body, one reaching for her delicate neck, which he circles with his fingers and presses to lightly cut off her breathing. The other one flies to her mouth, pushing between her lips with two fingers that she soaks in her saliva.
(Y/N), unable to articulate a single complaint, sucks, bites and licks them, muffling against them every sound that escapes her throat.
A pleasure shock, like a lightning bolt, forces her to arch her back the moment that same hand flies to her clitoris and starts masturbating it, overstimulating her.
Buggy is really determined to make her his, to not let her forget about him, to become the legitimate protagonist of each of her erotic fantasies, so to finish driving her crazy, the hand he has around her neck lifts her up, pulling her until he forces her back against his torso in a beautiful reference to the day they met and the first time he felt that magnetic attraction inevitably pulling him towards her.
''So. Much. Better,” he manages to whisper between grunts and raspy moans, surrounding her abdomen with one of his arms to keep her in place, close to his chest, sacrificing penetrating her as deeply as he would like but without caring in the slightless because he knows, she is quickly reaching her orgasm. He can feel it in the way her walls contract around his cock, in the beating of her heart in her throat against his hand, and in how her hands reach for anything, trying to support herself; in this case, his arm around her, nails scratching his skin.
''C'mon baby, cum for me.'' He groans, refusing to fall headfirst to his own orgasm because he doesn't plan to finish before her. Under other circumstances he would have done it, he has never been the kind of generous lover who thinks of his partner's pleasure before his own. This woman is breaking some old habits and patterns just being the way she is. And he doesn't care at all.
A few more thrust, the lack of enough oxygen in her lungs and that wonderful pressure on her clitoris, and (Y/N) explodes in an orgasm so strong she begins to breathless moan Buggy’s name over and over again like a mantra, which obviously feeds his ego so, so much, it ends up sending him over the same edge, moaning her name under his breath, resting his forehead on her shoulder, hugging her body tightly as they ride their climax.
''Told you I would make you beg'' he cracks a devilish smirk, wrapping his right arm around her shoulders when he finally lies on the mattress.
''Yeah'' she giggles, although sarcastically, recovering by the second, enough clarity to recompose her own ego. ''You also told me you would make me find the One Piece without going to the Grand Line and I cannot see it anywhere yet.''
What a subtle way of asking for a second round, he thinks to himself, clearly pleased -instead of offended- for the way his smile stretches even more, looking intently at her.
“You're right.” He would have liked to lie on the bed for a while, getting back some energy and attack again, but damn him if he ever dares to reject a provocation as bold as that one. He wouldn't forgive himself.
Getting out of bed almost as quickly as he lay down a few minutes ago, Buggy cracks his neck from side to side, and taking one of the chairs next to the table in the room, he turns it in the air, leaving it pointing towards the girl.
He then sits down, leaning on the backrest, relaxed, exhaling an erotic, slow sigh as he exaggeratedly separates his legs in a clear invitation for her to come closer and sit on them.
"What did you say the other day? About liking a man with his entire body, capable of fucking you in his lap and making you scream his name?"
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 5 months
01/15/2024 Crew Recap
Hey all, today has been a very very very long day. I’m typing this with my eyeballs glazed over and half open. However, so much has happened in such a little amount of time I wanted share a few things before I pass out I know a lot of you are in different timezones, are busy with life, and taking a break, so maybe this will help with parsing through some of the crazy stuff the crew has been up to.
The petition hit 50K, and is at 52.5K at the moment
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Fundraisers: I didn’t even realize there were two different fundraisers for Palestine/Gaza going on but we blew both out of the water. (Note: the second picture is from a November campaign but I think its just as important to highlight— ty for the correction anon!)
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The Emmys hashtag turn out was great tonight. There was some pretty amazing and creative stuff going on across all the platforms. Some can be seen on IG, but if you wanna see the majority of it, check out twitter #SaveOFMD #75thEmmys
---We have new ways of protesting and advocating for our show, see here for the thread on tumblr (from twitter):---
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And to support that @saltpepperbeard was kind enough to put together a wonderful guide on how to Call It Through as a Crew: Alleviating Some Phone Anxiety which as someone who is socially anxious and sometimes verbally vomits on people when on the phone, is AMAZING and thank you so much for doing that to help.
-- > There is also this new thread on some new places to call into. Don't quote me on that being an official thing we should do, I'm sure @renewasacrew and others will have more in the AM, I just wanted to share it so people could follow if they wanted to.
New Articles!
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Our Flag Means Death: Here’s why season three deserves to be aired
Petition to save BBC show with rare Rotten Tomatoes score gets 50,000 signatures
There's so much more that's happened today-- but I can't write it all down because my brain is couscous.
<---So instead, I'm going to use this last part to gush over you all and your amazing contributions in all your unique ways. The community support the last few days has been SO INCREDIBLY UPLIFTING.-->
I saw (and experienced) people reblogging asks where random followers, anons, and mutuals just reached out and sent love because they could tell people were struggling.
I've seen comments all over the place on Tumblr, IG, Twitter, and Facebook where each and every person is encouraging each other to speak their mind, or complimenting their artwork, encouraging them if they were feeling uncomfortable with things outside their comfort zones, coming up with new and exciting ways to fight back, people reaching out to the cast/crew just to say hi and remind them we love them.
I've seen Self-Care checkpoints all over, reminding people to drink water, take a break, block your notifications for a while, not engaging in negative behavior.
I've seen people being so nice on instagram posts that the people who were being dicks about all our comments turned around and decided to watch OFMD!
I saw so many people doing new analysis of scenes and characters, and having really deep and friendly discussions that make everyone think in new ways.
I saw people digging through old tumblrs to bring life back to old posts and artwork.
I saw so much NEW artwork, new FICS! New GIFS! So much new art and love!
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I could literally go on and on, but I've just...I had to dump this out of my brain otherwise I'd explode. I've just seen so much today that continues to make me so proud of our little safe space ship and so happy to be apart of this community.
You all continue to be the best of the best of humans, and I am so very grateful to get to witness and be apart of it. Rest up lovelies and have a good day / night, wherever you may be. May you dream of sexy middle-aged gay men kissing, or hugging, or whatever else you want them to be getting into.
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firstkanaphans · 4 months
Hello Sarah sorry to bother you. I'm a new fan kinda but I'm done with watching all the firstkhao dramas (together and individual) but tbh I'm kinda lost on how I will get to know them better. I have no idea about their irl personalities that much. Maybe you can give a little introduction for me if it's not too much of a bother? Also like how they met and why are they doing so many projects together? And are they good friends irl too (my friend told me a lot of time pair actors don't really get along with each other which is why I got curious about their dynamic) Sorry if these questions are a bit dumb I'm altogether very new in bl fandoms so don't have a lot of ideas.
Oh, Anon. I don’t think you know what you’ve signed up for here. If you want a FK primer, I can give you a FK primer!
Both First and Khaotung started working for GMMTV back in 2018. I’m pretty sure talent agents simply slid into their DMs, so there was no formal audition process, but I could be wrong about that. They were both in university at the time. I’m not quite sure what they were doing that attracted the attention of the talent agents. I know First had been in at least one commercial prior, but I don’t believe Khaotung had done any acting. He had, however, had a picture go viral because he’s just so stinkin’ adorable. I think maybe this one? 
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Or it could have been one of these…
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Either way, they ended up in an acting workshop together right after they joined. Khaotung talks about how he didn’t like First at first because he was too friendly and talkative, but I think that must have only lasted for like a day because it was during this same workshop where he discovered that his heart beats to the sound of First’s name—“FirFirFir”—and yes, that is a real thing that he has admitted out loud on multiple occasions. They have been best friends ever since.
From there, the two of them began to act in individual projects—mostly BLs—and although I have no proof of this, I am entirely convinced that they were playing a long con to get themselves partnered together. They did way more fanservice before they were partnered than they do now. Feel free to watch this live from 2020 where they alternate between staring lovingly in each other's eyes and just outright flirting for an hour straight.
Look, they’re smart boys. They knew that their best path to success in this industry was to be in a fixed pair and they wanted that pair to be each other. How do I know? Because these two adorable idiots were showing up to events in matching outfits.
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This picture was taken in January 2021 when Tonhon Chonlatee was actively airing! There's a picture from this same event of them with Podd, who Khao was paired with, and Podd looks like the odd man out.
They were finally paired together for The Eclipse in 2022 and spent the entire press tour either talking about how excited they were to finally work together or crying about the possibility that they might never be able to work together again. I would highly recommend you watch The Eclipse special episode if you haven’t already. In it, First talks about how there was one scene where Khao wasn’t supposed to cry but he kept crying anyway because First was crying and he cared about First so much. 
And speaking of crying, if you want to watch a compilation of FK crying about how much they love each other (and other things!), you can find that here.
One thing I would recommend if you want to get to know FK better is to watch a bit of Safehouse Season 4. It’s unscripted, so you’ll get a sense of their personalities, but First was also in an arm cast at the time, so you’ll get to watch Khao dote on him for seven days straight.
Oh and you have to watch this! If you ever see people talking about the voices in First’s head, that's why.
Obviously, we can never truly know what goes on behind closed doors for any of these BL couples, but I feel pretty confident in saying that FirstKhao are genuine besties. They literally do everything together. You can find a collection of some of their lovestagram pics here although there are so many more now. It never stops.
Actual things they have said to each other un-prompted:
First to Khao: I want to build a house with the same fences as you.
Khao to First: As you grow up, you will meet many new friends. Leave them and stay with me.
I’m wracking my brain for anything else that feels important for a new fan to know and am coming up blank, but I’m sure I’ll probably think of something right after I post this. They’re both just super sweet individuals who have never been involved in any controversy and I think what people love most about them is just how much they care about each other. They’ve got that whole platonic soulmate thing going on and we're all super jealous.
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shoot-the-oneshot · 2 months
Marc Marquez x reader x Carlos Sainz love triangle.
Read Part 1 here
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3 years ago
With every step towards the garage your heart beat faster and faster, you have been working with the brand for what felt like forever and you finally got it. Redbull social media specifically focused on MotoGP you honesty would’ve been happy with any type of racing but you were ecstatic with your placement.
You don't know why you were nervous everyone has told you again and again how kind Marc was but you’ve had some unsavory experiences with other athletes coming up that didn’t understand or appreciate the new way of technology and in turn you.
You tried to keep your head up walking into the Repsol garage being amazed by the fast past everything was moving at. Being so caught up you jumped when a hand landed on your arm.
“I’m sorry, I’m Marc didn't mean to scare you.” He spoke holding a hand out for you, happily taking it. “Hi I'm Y/n, a part of the media team, its so nice to meet you”
Marcs eyes widened. “A new member of the family! please allow me to show you around.” He lead you all around the paddock introducing you to everyone you passed. Ending back at the Repsol garage he left you to a meeting with your boss wishing you good luck before he sped off to practice.
“He’s really nice right?” You spun to the right at the new voice seeing a slightly older than you blonde woman, who nodded to where you were watching Marc leave.
“Out of all the people I’ve worked with this team is by far the best and most welcoming, I'm Susan by the way while I'm technically in charge as long as you do the job and don't cause havoc we won’t have an issue.” She winked making you drop your shoulders and let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, making her laugh.
“Come on, I’ll show you the best spots for content during the race.”
1 year later (2 years ago)
“I’m really glad you let me come.” Marc spoke almost shyly with a red dusting across his cheeks as he followed your lead down the streets of your hometown. “How could i not, you practically begged.” You teased, smiling as you looked up at him as you stopped walking now there was only a few inches between you both.
“I’d beg just to learn your favorite color if that’s what it took.” He whispered, his fingertips grazing your cheek as he moved a strand of hair out of your face. Marc wishes he remembered the moment he fell for you, when he stopped seeing only the color of your eyes and started seeing his everything in them. But it's times like this he almost doesn’t care when, just that it’s there now.
“It’s red.” You answered breathlessly almost speechless from the was he was gazing at you. Your heart started racing as you noticed how close he’d gotten, his breath fanning across your face. “Tell me to stop.”
“I don't want you to.” Clutching his shirt in your hands to keep him close. Marc laughed lowly brushing his noes against yours, “Then tell me to kiss you.” He had to hear it, he had to know you wanted it as bad as he did before he did anything that couldn't be taken back.
Tired of waiting you pulled on his shirt crashing his lips against yours, Marc got over the shock instantly, pulling you tighter against him, so close you couldn’t tell where you ended and he began . Pulling away only when the need to breathe became overwhelming, even then he didn’t move away far.
“I really wish you would’ve done that sooner.” He smiled against your lips, and reluctantly stepped back remembering you were in public. Not before taking your hand in his. “Where’s that cafe you wanted to show me?” At his words you lit up practically dragging him in your excitement “Oh it’s right around the corner come on!”
During the season you shared many moments like the one shared then, getting closer and closer to each other and after the season you and Marc found yourselves back in your hometown it was just small enough that no one bombarded him plus he had never seen you so relaxed than when you were there. So his pushed to come back during the break.
“Come on champ i thought you were an athlete!” You shouted behind you where Marc was, you wanted to show him one of your favorite hikes it was rough but the view up top was worth it.
“I’m just making sure you don’t fall behind amore.” Marcs words dragged making you look back seeing his eyes locked on your butt, he only smiled being caught making you laugh.
Reaching the top, you shouted in excitement spinning around “we made it! Marc quickly wrapped you in his arms spinning you around kissing all over your face. “Marcy!” You giggled meeting his lips as he set you down.
“Come on we need a picture to remember this great feat.” You cozied up to Marc as you held out your phone being sure to get the view behind you, and capturing Marcs wide grin.
“One last photo together hm?” He said, looking everywhere but at you, sighing you rubbed his arm “It’s hardly the last time we will see each other, I’ll only be gone one season.”
“Practically forever.”
Out of all the things you expected to see once you turned the corner was to see Marc and Carlos in some stand off their respective teams separating the two men. “What’s going on?”
Carlos who was just shaking out of Charles hold looked like a deer caught in headlights. “Nothing”
You looked to Marc knowing he would tell you the truth. But he just walked past you pausing once your shoulders met staring at the wall ahead. “I take it back, don’t pick him.”
Spinning around you grabbed his arm not at all finished with the conversation.
“You always tell me what to do first, not to fall for you now, don't fall for him what do you want!” You exclaimed not able to handle the mixed signals it nearly broke your heart when Marc told you nothing could happen between you two all those years ago because you worked together.
Flashback 1 year and a half ago
You and Marc layed by the pool soaking in the sun, legs tangled together. Smiling as you felt him press small kisses leading to your neck from your shoulder. “Stop” you laughed softly. Pushing him away just making him tighten his hold even more ensuring you couldnt escape. Caressing his face when he pulled away from your neck running your thumb over his cheek bone as he gazed at you.
“What color tie are you going to wear to the gala this year.” You asked out of the blue making his brows furrow and pull away further, making your hand drop. “Probably black why?”
“I wanted to make sure my dress matched.” Being a part of Redbull socials you were invited anyway and thought it would be cute to tie together. But seeing the look he got on his face you were starting to second guess yourself.
“You know no one can know we’re doing this right?” Your world screeched to a stop like a scratched record at his words. “What?” You breathed out. Marc sat up pulling away from you and sighed. “I don't want it to look bad on you if it got out, i care about you and don't want you to get all the hate you’d get for being with me. But we can still dance at the gala.” He spoke cuddling back into you, which you were gad for so he couldn't see your eyes glassing over. “Yeah” your voice cracked “yeah we can.”
(Flahback over)
Marc sighed. “We both knew being just friends would never work.” He grabbed the back of your neck pressing his lips against your forehead. “I’m so sorry for what i said before but i was always yours and i hope you’ll be mine one day.”
With those as his parting words you found yourself alone, needing time for your thought you decided to walk through the paddock to clear your head. Your heart eached seeing Ferrari red everywhere. After Marc shut down any chance of being serious, you begged for a change of scenery landing a place in F1 more specifically Toro Rosso whatever pain you felt Carlos helped you overcome and then you went back to MotoGP and everything got complicated.
“Y/N! Y/n wait!” Your body froze before you could think Carlos stood in front of you the next moment his eyes begging you to hear him out.
“I’m sorry you had to see that, you weren’t supposed to.” He breathed out, hands twitching like he fighting the urge to reach out. “Didnt apologize for doing it” he everted his gaze at your words before straighting up taking a deep breath.
“I know you have feelings for both of us, and i know i can’t do anything about it. But i just want you to remember who broke your heart and who picked up the pieces.” Carlos squeezed your hand that you didn't know he grabbed before turning to walk away,
You sighed falling onto your bed at the hotel, you knew it wouldn’t be smooth sailing with Marc showing up at Carlos race but you didn't expect this much trouble. Carlos was right he did pick up the pieces of your heart after Marc broke it, but part of you wondered what would’ve happened if you didn't run to F1 after that conversation.
During that season Marc didn’t disappear he made his presence known despite the unopened text from him in your phone he still sent flowers to every race and invited you back to Spain for the summer, perhaps he was right. Being just friends would never work
Your inner monologue being cut short by your phone going off, leaning over with a groan your brows furrowed at the text.
Carlos: check your email.
Ignoring the message you open your emails seeing a brand new one from Ferraris head of marketing personal email.
“Hello Y/n, it has come to our attention you were looking at other options outside of your current employer, you have come highly recommended from some of our employees during your time in F1 a few years ago and we would love to add you to our team. Given your close relationship to one of our drivers we think you would make a wonderful addition.
We have reviewed your current contract with Redbull and would like to offer to buy it out and add a 20% raise to your salary plus benefits. No need to interview please get back to us at your soonest convenience.
Scuderia Ferrari, Social media, Marketing team
Practically throwing your phone across the room your breathing picked up. While it was a fantastic offer and one that would definitely keep you and Carlos together it wasn’t what you wanted, wasn’t who you wanted.
Rushing from your bed you pulled open the door to your room and ran through the hallway stopping abruptly as you nearly bumped into Marc a few feet away.
“What’s wrong?” What are you doing out here.” You both spoke simultaneously.
“Ferrari offered to buy me out of my contract.” You rushed out making Marc roll his eyes and chuckle humorlessly. “So that’s what he meant.”
“You, you knew?” You stammered over your words. “That’s what he told me earlier” you’ve never seen Marc so withheld before, at least not with you.
“And you didn't tell me!” You exclaimed, Marc sighed running his hand over his face. “If it’s what you wanted i didn’t want to stop you. Would it kill me, yes, but all i want is for you to be happy even without me.”
“How good is the contract?” He asked before you could say anything, keeping a good few feet between you.
“Really good.” His face hardened at your words nodding his head he made a move to turn away before you stopped him.
“But not good enough to leave you.”
Marc spun back around so fast though thought he would’ve broken something making you giggle. “Really?” He asked needing to be sure it wanted to his imagination. “Ever since that kiss you’re all i wanted.” You whispered being afraid any louder tone would break the spell.
Marc quickly erased the distance between you and wrapped you in his arms nuzzling his nose against yours.
“Tell me you’re mine.” He smiled against your lips reminding you of the first time.
“I’m yours, i pick you.”
That next break you found yourself back sun bathing with Marc at your home in Spain, the sun shining off his wedding ring from its place on your thigh. Your husband sending daggers at stitch who was lounging in your arms.
“I never thought id be jealous of a dog.” He grumbled laying his head back down on your chest when you giggled. “Aw poor baby.” Rubbing your hand through his hair, feeling him smile against your skin. While it was a rollercoaster getting there you wouldn’t change the life you had for anything.
Woah what a ride i hope you guys liked it let me know in the comments Carlos’s part will be out soon check out part one and Carlos part here
Best of both worlds prt1
Best of MotoGP Marcs ending
Best of F1 Carlos ending coming soon
check out my master list for more
Tag list @starxqt @motylekrozi @yeolsbubbles @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mooone90 @damianodavidhands @zig-zzag @its-astrotea-love @peakywitch @obsessed-fan-alert @lenniebordeaux @marelovesf1 @capela-miranda @enjoymyloves @amsofftrack @coffeehurricanes @speedysimp @jasondeservedbetter @chilwell-mount @buendiabebeta @dan3avacado @valkyrie418 @ricsaigaslec @idkiwantchocolate @mydutchproblem @thercher @blckgrl-sunflower @xjval @downinroma @pleasantducktimetravel @princessria127 @caidi-paris @mehrmonga
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thelov3lybookworm · 5 months
Winter Without You
Summary: Its been fifty years since he left. Being happy no longer feels right, and winter no longer feels like winter without him.
A/n: As a gift to all my babies, your lil santa got a lil busy eatin cookies, so here is a late solstice present 😉
(Also to make up for the awful Rhysie in remember me)
(this is mostly Y/n missing and wallowing in sadness because she misses rhysand, the end is reunion)
(i also know this is kind of a break up song, but the lyrics fit 🤷🏻‍♀️)
Every year right around this time People putting up trees and lights And I been thinking that this don't feel right 'Cause I'm without you
Everywhere Y/n looked, she found people smiling, with and without reason.
And she could not blame them, for it was the season to be happy.
The coming of solstice had everyone excited, making the air and aura lighter and brighter, filling it with loving laughter and chatter.
Y/n almost hated herself for tainting it with the darkness and sadness she had been carrying around lately.
Only because there was no place in her heart for any emotion that was not longing for her husband.
'Cause I'm without you If I could make a list, you'd be the first in it If I could make a wish, you'd show in a minute Only if it was that way But there's some things that I can't change
There had been a new tradition going around Velaris.
Parents had begun telling their children about how the mother would grant their wishes and give them all they wished for if they stayed good all year, in hopes to get them to behave, and Y/n could not help but wish it were true.
Wished that the mother really did grant wishes on solstice, if only it meant Y/n could pray for her husband to be returned to her.
Wished that all she had to do was make a list of things she wanted, the first- and only- thing she wanted being Rhysand, and when she woke up in the morning, she'd find that he had returned.
Y/n sighed, continuing to walk towards the town house after a quick run to the market for some ingredients the wraith twins had asked for.
So now This ain't winter without you No more joy, no laughter Wish that I could turn it back around When I'm falling down
Winter had been Y/n's favourite season. Because colder weather meant drinking hot chocolate prepared by her husband.
It meant snuggling up to his warm body, grinning shyly up at him.
It meant watching him laugh whole heartedly, receiving a kiss on the forehead before he went back to his work, now with her stuck to him like a new limb.
It meant being forced to stand still while he wrapped her up in warm coats and scarves whenever they went out, grumbling about the extra layers and receiving a kiss to quiet her down.
It meant extra time in the bed in the morning with her husband because they both were too lazy to get up.
It meant being stuck to him or following him around like a lost duckling because she was just that desperate for warmth and fire never satiated her needs quite like her husband did.
But that was all before he had left.
Now fifty years had passed, and still it never got easier.
Winter just was not the same without him, and it made her wonder how she had ever lived without him before they met.
So how How am I supposed to go without you? Days gone cold so won't you Say that you'll be home for christmas
She yearned for him.
To simply hear his voice again, to stare into those beautiful eyes, she was ready to bargain away her life.
She no longer cared whether she lived or died, and she would have taken her own life a long time ago if it meant she would not have to bear this pain.
Despite trying to end things multiple times, Y/n could never take that final step, because the last thing she wanted to see before she died was not the ceiling or the wall of her bedroom.
It was those violet eyes she wanted to die to.
She did not want the feeling of the cold hard ground or hanging suspended in the air to be the last thing she felt before that sweet reprieve claimed her.
It was the feeling of strong, warm and loving arms wrapped around her body.
She wished he would at least open his mind to her, so she could at the very least ask him if he was eating well. Sleeping well. Drinking enough water.
Y/n wanted to ask him if he was okay.
Wanted to tell him he was strong, that he was stronger than anyone she had ever known, and to never give up.
Alas, all she could do was want and wish.
All she had done in the past half century.
And if I could turn back the time You'd be in my arms again But there's some things that I can't change
Y/n sometimes cursed the mother for not granting her the power to turn back time, for not making any instrument to fast forward in time, just so she could at least have one glimpse of her lover, her husband, and know that he was alright.
She wished she'd been born with the gift to turn back time so she could have him in her arms again.
Hell, she even perused the books in the library of the house of wind in search of any way to turn back time, didn't matter if it was allowed or not. Even if it went against all laws of nature, if it would curse her soul forever to go against the decision of the Mother.
Mother's happiness and blessing be damned, Y/n just wanted to hold and be held by her husband again.
Even if she'd burn in hell for it.
Heavy snow pouring out my window I pray to stars and the angels No, no more lonely nights 
Y/n sat next to the huge window in the darkened room, arms wrapped around her knees as she watched the snow dance in the air before landing softly onto the already blanketed layer on the ground.
She swallowed down the knot in her throat.
Back before Rhys had left and then been unable to return, he would take Y/n out to play.
Just the way him and his brothers would have snowball fights, he would play with Y/n in the snow, as if the two of them were again kids.
Rhys knew all about Y/n's upbringing, and it had never been glitter and sparkles. So whatever chance he got, he tried to get her to experience everything she had missed out on.
This was one of those things.
Now Y/n sat alone, the sounds of her family celebrating in the background, and she prayed again.
Prayed to the stars, the moon, the night sky, the mother, the angels, the devils and forgotten mortal gods.
Prayed to anyone willing to listen, to return her husband.
She had lost all hope, but still, there was nothing else she could do but sit and pray for his health and safety and hope.
Pray to them so there were no more lonely nights she had to go through.
Hope that he would be by her side again.
So I keep wishing and hoping You'd walk through the door Hold me 'cause I know We'll fight through the cold 
She had stopped celebrating solstice or any other event that she had loved before, because what was the point in celebrating life when the one who kept you alive was probably dying off somewhere?
Y/n sucked in a ragged breath, clenching her eyes shut, feeling the fat tears roll down her cheek.
The sound of footsteps echoed outside the door, and her eyes flashed open, and she stared at the door, wishing, hoping, it was him.
Hoping he walked in through the door, gave her his signature charming smile, and then held her as they both fought to get back to their normal lives.
She would give anything for that piece of imagination to become reality.
Y/n sighed and turned back to the window as the footsteps faded away, likely a family member going to bed.
Now tell me how How am I supposed to go without you? Days gone cold so won't you Say that you'll be home for Christmas
Staring at the stars that he probably could not see, she screamed.
After everyone had gone to bed, Y/n had snuck out of the town house and made her way to the tallest peak in Velaris, and then finally, she let loose.
It had become a tradition, a habit, where every solstice night, Y/n would sneak out of home and come to this exact mountain, and scream up at the stars.
Why her? Why him?
She screamed and screamed, asking the mother, and him- not that he could hear- how she was supposed to live without him.
How she was supposed to be happy without him.
And then, after hours of screaming and cursing at the twinkling starry sky, she would collapse, staring up while laying on her back, whispering, pleading, begging, for some sign that he would return.
That he would be home, at the very least, for the next solstice.
So how How am I supposed to go without you? Days gone cold so won't you Say that you'll be home for Christmas
Exhausted, she would fall asleep, only waking once the soft rays of the sun caressed her skin gently, telling her it was time to start the miserable routine she had fallen into all over again.
She would drag herself back home, suppressing the urge to throw herself into the Sidra, and wait for the next solstice to come around so she could again scream and cry at the injustice of it all.
The wards felt different today, Y/n could feel it.
They felt stronger, more lively, though they seemed ready to fall.
What was going on, Y/n could not tell, but as she made her way through the winding passages of the moonstone palace, her heart beat louder and faster, and a sense of longing gripped Y/n's body in a vise-like grip.
Her strolling footsteps hurried, and Y/n was running by the time she reached one of the sitting rooms, the door ajar.
Panting, chest heaving, she took that final step, and her world came to a stop.
She smelled him before she heard him, heard him before she saw him, and saw him before she understood fully who she was staring at.
Her husband.
The male she was in love with, one she had not seen in fifty long years, one she yearned to get a glimpse of each second of every day spent she spent without.
He stood there, his skin pale as he hugged his cousin, crying, whispering, over and over again, where is she?
Where is my wife?
It took only a moment for the siblings to notice the new presence in the room, but to Y/n, it was another fifty years.
Though this wait she did not mind, for what did a moment compare to eighteen thousand, two hundred sixty-two days?
She simply stared at the embracing siblings, a traitorous tear slipping out of her eye the longer she stared.
And then finally, he lifted his eyes, and glossy violet met hers, widening, more tears slipping out as he pulled away from his cousin, his lips parting on an exhale.
Mor turned to look at Y/n, tear tracks staining her own cheeks, and grinned.
Y/n paid no attention to her though, her eyes tracking her husband's body, marking the amount of weight and muscle he had lost, the loss of colour of his skin, the dimmed shine in his once sparkling eyes.
Y/n swallowed. "Mor? Do you mind giving us a moment?"
"Please, Mor." Y/n's voice broke, and she cursed herself for it.
Mor nodded, hastily making her way out of the room.
Y/n reached behind herself to grasp the door, shutting it softly, not taking her eyes off of him once.
She had let him out of her sight once, and as punishment, had been able to see him for fifty years. She would not look away again, not while this felt like a cruel dream the mother was showing Y/n, only to take it all away for her to realise she was dreaming.
"Rhysand." She whispered, taking a step foward.
"Y/n." His voice broke on the name, and he swallowed, tears beginning anew.
When she was close enough, she reached her hand out, running her fingers along his cheek, afraid anything other than the ghost of a touch would make him vanish.
His eyes were pleading, filled with silver, and Y/n wanted to do nothing more than throw herself onto him and never let go.
But she couldn't do that.
She first wanted t make sure this was not some mirage, and that he really was here, unhurt and safe, back with her where he belonged.
Slowly, she cupped his cheek, trying her best to stop any tears from flowing.
When she was sure that this was a miracle, not a mirage, Y/n stepped closer, searching his eyes, his face.
She gently grasped his chin, turning his head this way and that, running her hands along his shoulder and arms, searching for something she hoped was not there.
He laughed, the sound a balm to her frayed nerves.
"You've lost weight." Y/n phrased it like a question.
He smiled softly, sadly. "So have you."
She shook her head. "Are you okay?"
His smile widened, and he leaned forward slightly. "Will get there."
Y/n nodded, and then finally, she extended her arms, snaking them gently around his neck, pressing every inch of her body against his, and buried her face in his neck.
His arms wrapped around her back and waist, and instantly, tension bled from both their bodies. She tightened her hold on him, and he returned it tenfold.
Y/n didn't care he was crushing her, all she knew was she was home, finally.
He was back home.
"I missed you, husband."
"I missed you more, my love."
She pulled back her face to search his nearly empty eyes, and gave him the first smile she had smile in the past fifty years. He rested her forehead against hers, his lips tilted up in contentment.
"Welcome home, my love. Welcome home Rhysand."
Rhysand Taglist: @kennedy-brooke @hnyclover
General Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392
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pablitogavii · 9 months
Omg can we get gavi and reader watching the Barca new era documentary together!!! It would be so cute I feel like gavi would be so humble and flustered 🥹
Movie Night
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"Do we have to amooor???" Pablo was whining while you were making some popcorn in the kitchen very much excited to watch the four new episodes of Barça Documentary.
"Yes, we do cariño! I can't wait to see it!" you say jumping on th couch with a bowl of popcorn in your lap and he pouted that you didn't sit on his lap and let him cuddle you. Pablo isn't much of a talker so he would never ask but you knew his love language is definitely physical touch.
"Do you want something cariño??" you tease him seeing his blushed cheeks as he looked away pretending to look at his phone but you saw right through his little tough act. He wanted to be cuddled and was too proud to admit it like always.
You chuckle leaning in and kissing his pouting lips before putting the bowl to the side and straddling his lap seeing the smile shine on his face.
"Did I guess right huh??" you ask feeling his hands let go off the phone immediately and go around you.
"Mhm.." was all he answered pulling you closer and smelling your hair before leaving sweet kisses on your shoulder and neck.
"You're such a cuddle bug Pablito" you giggle feeling his strong arms wrap around your body holding you tightly.
"Hm.." Pablo groaned wanting to move his kisses lower but you pulled back shaking your head and grabbing the remote from the table starting the first episode.
"Good try!" you smirk starting the first episode and he groaned laying his head on top of yours as you nuzzled your nose into his neck.
You were very much focused on the screen listening to everything while Pablo was braiding your hair, leaving kisses on your shoulder and a few pecks on your lips.
"Your little giggle is adorable Pablito" you say making Pablo flustered which was also one of the most adorable things to witness. Not many people can get him adorably shy like this and you were proud of be one of them.
"This is why I didn't want to watch it!!" he whines pretending to hate whenever you baby him but you both knew he was a big baby at heart. You moved off his lap since he wanted to lay on your chest and have you play with his hair as you played the next episode.
"I really love you in gold kit amor..so handsome" you say and he smirked looking up at meeting your eyes as you both smiled.
"I thought purple was your favorite one loquita?? I always dress you up in that one when we have our 'playtime'.." he smirked and you rolled your eyes knowing that one is definitely one of your main weaknesses. Now you were the flustered one and he was very much proud of himself!
"Sush amor! I wanna hear the interview!" you turn the volume up seeing Pablo speaking on the screen wanting to pay attention to every word feeling very proud of him in this moment.
"The kinds of accidents you had during these seasons were truly chilling. How does your family react to them? They surely get worried?" question asked
"When I'm on the pitch, I don't think about anything but the game. My family does get scared and so do I when I re-watch it but most of all, it's my girl that takes it extremely hard" he said and you were curious now to hear more blushing that he called you "mi nena" in front of everyone.
"She worries a lot about you?" question came and Pablo was smiling brightly into the camera.
"Yeah, she does. I hate to see her cry whenever I get injured but that's part of my job. She always begs me to be more careful and I try to play so sharp for her but sometimes there is no alternative you know..." Pablo answered and you smiled looking down and pecking his lips.
"Is it hard delegating between a relationship and professional athletic career?" was another question.
"I thought it would be which is why for awhile I was single but with her everything feels right. She's my biggest support system and I am so grateful for having found her." Pablo finished and you felt your eyes fill with tears as your heart melted. You didn't expect him to speak about you let alone in such a deep and sweet way knowing how shy he gets in front of camera.
"Aww preciosa..don't cry" he said getting up from your lap and holding your face while kissing away your tears as you hands went behind his neck playing with his hair while kissing his lips lovingly.
"I love you so much cariño!" you say and Pablo smiled into the kiss nodding his head and kissing your forehead before pulling you into a tight hug.
"I love you too mi nena..even when you make me watch myself on TV" he smirked after the last part and you both giggled before kissing each other passionately. For the rest of the night you binge watched the new season while cuddling on the couch and enjoying each other's company.
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leilaxwhite · 1 year
Make You Feel My Love. // JJ Maybank Fluff
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synopsis: JJ Maybank wasn’t one to learn what real love felt like, with him not having a parental figure in his life to show him love you show him what it's like to be loved and give love back. 
a/n: okay I'm absolutely in love with this new season and honestly season 4 needs to come like now, I was shocked when they announced it so soon but I'm excited and looking forward to it. I was listening to Adele's song Make You Feel My Love and thought of JJ when I heard it and automatically had to make a fic!! hope you enjoy it. this fic is a little short but its adorable. also, another announcement, I am currently taking requests, I have a google doc filled with story ideas and I will be glad to add your guys’ requests in there as well!! 
warnings: none really, tooth rotting fluff, literally no more warnings this fic is just to die for fluff lol. 
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Ever since JJ was little, he never knew what love was, he was always the one to get the blunt end of his fathers hatred. It took a toll on him as he grew up, not feeling the love a normal child should changes someone. He never knew how to give love either and when he tried, he felt it wasn't real like people tell him about. that was until he met you. 
you were his saving grace, someone that actually loved him for him and not the things he did, though it was little things he got praised for. You didn't care for any of the negatives that happened in his life, every time he would bring it up you would always tell him “i don't see flaws, all I see is the boy that I love and will always love.” He really appreciated you but always felt that he wasn't giving the love he was receiving back. 
you never thought that way, you always knew he was giving it his all. You didn't know JJ growing up but from what he’s told you when he was having bad nightmares about his father, you knew his father was terrible and didn’t show him the love he deserved. 
you and JJ are currently at the chateau cuddling on the couch watching a movie, these nights were always special to the both of you because you’d show him the most love, as you guys went along dating you came to realize JJ feels the safest when he’s little spoon. Every time you guys cuddle you make it you mission to always make him feel safe and comfortable. That’s where you are now, yare laying with you back to the arm rest and him lying in between your legs. 
“Hey love” JJ breaks the comfortable silence between the two of us while we watch the movie. “Yes baby?” I always thought our conversations were the best, they always felt so natural like I could talk to him for hours. “I love you, thank you for showing me what real love feels like.” with that my heart bursts, he is so pure and the look in his eyes tells me he really means that, I immediately wrap my arms around him as much as I can in the position, we’re in. 
Y/n will always be JJ Maybank first love and he couldn’t be happier. All he needed in his life was her. JJ Maybank knew he was going to marry this girl one day; he knew this was the girl he wanted a future with. 
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karenandhenwillson · 2 months
I've seen so much discourse about Bucktommy and especially Tommy and it is so wild. I just want to write down some of my thoughts over all of it because that tends to help me to stop thinking about it.
"Oh, how can anyone just abandon Buddie for Bucktommy?"
Has anyone really abandoned Buddie, though? Or are they just for the moment very excited about a new and so very carefully portrait queer story line? Just because some people talk more (or for the moment only) about Bucktommy, doesn't mean they don't like Buddie anymore. They just have something shiny and most importantly canon to fawn over for the moment.
Also, I'd like to give that question back: Why aren't you all excited for a carefully and softly portrait new queer storyline about a character a huge part of the fandom—including the actor himself—hoped for years would get a queer story line?
And it's a pretty unique queer story. Of course, we had Michael figuring out his sexualtiy and growing comfortable in it right at the beginning of the series. But there are some huge differences between Michael's story and Buck's story.
For one, we ended up in the middle of that story. Michael had already done a huge part of the work of getting to know himself. He was ready to live as a gay man. And second, nothing of what we saw until season 3 was from Michael's point of view. It was all from Athena's point of view. 
So it was a "coming-out late in life" story line, sure. But it was a queer storyline from a straight perspective. And in some instances, from a very hurt perspective about it all (which are, of course, very valid emotions for Athena, May, and Harry, but it still gave the queer side of the story line a certain taint). And they did that beautifully, too, no doubt. I especially liked that the family didn't break over it, that they grew with that experience, and that Michael and Athena became great friends over the years.
But now we also have a "coming-out late in life" story line from the queer perspective! 9-1-1 is pretty much the only series I'm following right now, so I have no idea if we had something similar recently. But from all the talk I've seen, it's pretty damn unique, especially for a male bi character. So, of course a lot of people are super excited about it. Because it's honest and good representation that the writers and the actors are handling with a lot of care.
"Oh, if it were a female love interest, you'd all hate her again!"
First of all, go back read that paragraph about many people being excited about getting a queer story line again! I think that's about 40% of the answer for everyone wondering about it.
And then, of course, Tommy has now already more depth and character and background than we ever saw about Ali or Natalia. And despite some people claiming he didn't have any kind of redemption arc, he truly had a lot more of a redemption arc than Taylor ever got even if only glimpses of it were ever shown on screen. (Maybe I'll get into my thoughts about that in another post.) Not gonna talk about Abby, because I think most of the dislike for her came long after that relationship was over after she ghosted Buck (and after Eddie had shown up).
One huge difference between every love interest of Buck or Eddie we have seen in the past to Tommy is also, that Tommy gets along really well with Eddie. We've already seen a friendship develop there. That never happened with any of the women either Eddie or Buck dated before. We saw that one dinner Buck and Taylor had with Eddie and Chris, but it was very clear it was the first time, and that was over half a year into Buck and Taylor dating, probably more like nine months.
If you wear slash googles around Buck and Eddie or not, their deep friendship is undeniable. It's very much canon that they both have a hand in raising Chris. Any love interest coming in has to deal with that, and has to somehow fit into that friendship. Tommy is the very first love interest in canon we have ever been shown to have that potential at all.
I'm personally part of the fandom that thinks that Buck and Eddie have great potential in a romantic way, BUT that they are first and foremost soulmates, no matter if platonic or romantic. And at least the Bucktommy fics I've read so far have all acknowledge the friendship of buck and Eddie and Chris' role in Buck's life. With Tommy being very accepting and supportive of it. (Though, I admit I’m very careful in my selection process.)
"Oh, Bucktommy is only a steppingstone for Buddie anyway! Don't get so invested in it!"
Who are you tell anyone what they should get invested in? I also think, with the excitement right now, even if Bucktommy break up, the ship itself will live on in fandom.
And also, didn't any of you learn out of the cheating story line they settled Hen and Karen with?
There is barely any content for Henren*. And I've been looking! Most stories they are tagged in don't really focus on their relationship. And those who do focus on their relationship get barely any attention. And you know why that is? Because a lot of people can't or don't want to deal with the cheating. (I deal with it by trying to ignore it or seeking out content where it's fixed!) Do you all really want to have a second queer story line that centers around cheating?
And even if none of you care for Henren (which... I know many don't *shrugs sadly*), have you all already forgotten the real pain over Buck kissing Lucy and then not fessing up to Taylor about it right away? (Once again, I deal by either ignoring it or seeking out content that fixes that bullshit.)
I'm honestly pretty disgusted by all the speculation about 7x06 that has anything to do with Buck and Eddie cheating on Tommy and Marisol during the bachelor party. And even more so about all the fics one can find about that, or that use Tommy as a device for Buck and Eddie realizing they are in love. (Honestly, even filtering out the other relationship tag while looking for stories in one relationship tag doesn't prevent one from stumbling over those stories right now, no matter if one is currently looking for Buck/Tommy or Buck/Eddie stories. It's so fucking annoying. I've turned to only reading old Buddie fics for the moment.)
Aside from the whole cheating of it all, why do any of you think the next episode will focus on anyone else but Maddie and Chim?
"Bucktommy is so racist! But really, no surprise in this fandom!"
What's no surprise is that "racist" is once more used as a buzzword in this fandom. To the point that BiPOC fans of Bucktommy are being told they are racist for the ship they like. (Nothing new about that in this fandom either.) Honestly, half the arguments about why the ship is oh so racist either make my head hurt while I try to follow the many, many, many mental loops people are making to get there, or they just make me laugh outright.
Do some of you really believe it when you say "Buck got together with a White man instead of his Latino best friend, so of course that's racist!"??? I'm just... Are you okay? Do you maybe need something warm to drink, a snack, and a nice place somewhere in the sun far away from the internet to just enjoy nature for a little while?
As I said, I'll probably make another post about Tommy's redemption arc over the whole "He is an unrepentant racist and misogynist". That redemption arc exists and has been baked in since season 2 (even if some of people clearly lack the media literacy to see it). Though, other people already put together great meta posts about this. But maybe if there are enough of it, some people will for once acutally read and start to think instead of continuing to spew their hate.
*PS: If anyone has good Henren contant, especially fanfiction, feel free to drop me a DM. I'm always looking!
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dangowon · 1 year
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title » boyfriend hcs !
pairing » yang jungwon x gn!reader
requested? » yes
genre » fluff
word count » 1.2k (kind of got carried away)
a/n » i'm really sorry for not having posted for so long, i've been busy with school. i lost the request for this since the person deactivated, so i can't link it to the post :( but either way, i hope you enjoy this <3
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✧ jungwon is the sweetest person ever, and he'd be even sweeter as your boyfriend
✧ as a leader, jungwon is expected to be on his best behaviour and he's expected to show maturity. with you though, he feels comfortable enough to show more of his child-like side, and it's apparent in the way he whines when you don't give him attention or how he swings your intertwined hands forward and back while you walk.
✧ when you're offering him some of your food, he'll expect you to be handfeeding him and if you're not, he'll pout until you do. at the beginning of your relationship, he found these things 'embarrassing', but as time went by, he was able to be his true self around you.
✧ fancy dates aren't really his thing (although he wouldn't mind it for a special occasion like your anniversary), so most of your dates are spontaneous and unplanned. sometimes when you can't sleep, you two will go on walks in the nearby park and enjoy the peace and quiet.
✧ he also loves picnic dates so much, he'll make sure it's perfect for you; he'll bring bowls of cut-up fruit that are shaped into hearts, your favourite sandwiches (jay helped him make them, but you don't have to know that) and pastries from a cafe that you both visit often.
✧ he didn't think he would love stargazing with you as much as he does, but it feels so natural for you two to lie down and talk while admiring the night sky. though secretly, he'll stare you while you're busy counting the stars present that night despite there being too many. because to him, no star will ever be more beautiful than you are.
✧ due to his busy schedule, it's common that you can't see him that much during the day. to compensate for that, he'll spam you with selfies of him doing random things like drinking water or he'll bring his face really close to the camera, open his eyes wide and lowkey jumpscare you.
✧ he will also update you with whatever happens during his day — you'll get texts talking about him seeing a new restaurant that opened up and saying that you two should try going there, or him saying how he saw a cute cat on the street and pet it despite his allergies.
✧ he can't shut up around you. like, at all. during comeback season, he will do exactly what the company told him not to do and literally tell you every detail. he shows you the whole choreography and sings the song to you because he's just so excited.
✧ he does well with balancing his work as an idol and taking care of himself, but when the pressure, fatigue and stress hit him all at once, he can't help but feel under the weather. he'll try to act like he's fine, but you can tell in the way his movements are more sluggish and by the dark circles underneath his droopy eyes.
✧ sometimes people forget that he's young, and shouldering so many responsibilities every single day is hard on him. he feels safe when he's with you, he feels safe when you open your arms for him to lay between and lend him your shoulder to cry on when he needs it.
✧ the way you rub his back gently while whispering sweet words into his ear is everything he needs to feel whole. he doesn't like showing vulnerability, but he's beyond glad that he has you by his side, constantly reassuring him that things will be fine.
✧ of course he'll be there for you as well when you need it, he always is. if you're feeling sad, he'll drop whatever he's doing to comfort you, kissing your forehead and asking you what's wrong. even if you don't want to talk about it, he'll do whatever it takes to see your pretty smile.
✧ his cuddles are the comfiest, you two spend hours just laying together in bed with your limbs tangled and your head resting on his chest. sometimes he prefers for you to hold him, especially if he's tired. he'll trap you with his arms around your waist, he's stronger than he looks and he will not let go of you.
✧ as sweet as he is, he can also be quite the mischievous person sometimes. if you're too busy on your phone (a.k.a, not paying attention to him for 5 seconds) he'll take it and hold it above your head if you're shorter than him, telling you to give him at least ten kisses if you want it back.
✧ if you're taller, he'll grab it and run around the house while you chase him — he runs really fast, it's actually kind of scary. he'll pucker his lips at you and once again, tell you to kiss him if you want your phone back.
✧ he loves kissing you so so much, and he'll do it anywhere, anytime. when he wakes up and sees you beside him, he can't help but break out into a smile and press his lips onto yours shortly before nudging you awake. he gets all blushy if he finds out you were awake while he kissed you.
✧ he doesn't go shopping that much, but if you've been wanting something for a while, he'll buy it for you and pretend like it wasn't him. oh, that one phone you were thinking about buying suddenly ended up on your desk? he has no idea how it got there.
✧ matching rings are a must. you two got matching rings 6 months into your relationship, and he never takes his off. even if he's live, he'll keep it on because he likes the reminder that you're his and he's yours.
✧ he doesn't let it show often, but he gets jealous quite easily. whether it be somebody staring at you or a person being bold (and stupid) enough to come ask you for your number, he'll wrap his arm protectively around you, making it clear that you are in fact taken.
✧ and if that's not enough? he can't physically fight them, mostly because he's a public figure, but his words are sharp and he'll find a way to humiliate that person so that they'd go away. afterwards, he'd press a kiss to your cheek and smile cutely at you as if he didn't just decimate someone's ego.
✧ he can't stand not being around you for long amounts of time, so when he's on tour and you can't come with him, he's miserable — and dramatic, at that. he'll constantly text you that he misses you with frowning emojis and says that he wishes you were with him.
✧ when he gets back, you can bet that he'll be all over you; peppering kisses on every inch of your face, clinging to you for hours on end and he even makes you sleep over so that he can cuddle with you the entire night.
✧ he doesn't feel complete without you around him, you're one of the most vital things in his life and he doesn't think that he could ever fathom a life that doesn't have you in it. the thought of you alone is enough for him to get through the day and he hopes that he'll be able to be with you for as long as you'll allow him.
✧ your relationship is just the cutest thing ever honestly <3
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nsyncat · 2 months
OK, so this is my first post EVER since I joined Tumblr like ten years ago. Always been a lurker, enjoying all of the wonderful things here, the gifs, fics, ships, art, all the knowledge and all the amazing heritage posts, but never posting and hardly reblogging, I don't know why, was always afraid I would make a mistake or reblogg incorrectly...
Anyway, the reason this is my first time posting is because THAT amazing moment that happened a week ago, and I've been losing my mind ever since, and unfortunately I have nobody to share this excitement with that will understand... So I had to get it out somehow, and here seems like the perfect place to do so.
I don't know if anybody will read this or pay it any attention, but never mind, I just have TO. GET. IT ALL. OUT!
So I've been a loyal fan of 9-1-1 this past six years, got hooked to these kind of first responders dramas, also Station 19 and then of course Lone Star. I fell in love with the writing, the drama and action, the characters of course, the emotional and moving stories, both of the regular cast and the people in the emergencies (am not afraid to admit that I cried more than a few times, especially when I was pregnant... woooh, that was a tough season for me).
Anyway, like everyone else, got invested in Buck's storyline and of course hopped on the Buddie train in season 2. And obviously there was something between them, and the fandom always clowned themselves that "in the next season SOMETHING is going to happen!" and I always wanted to believe it, and also fooled myself a few times but always was the cold harsh realist and realised it was not going to happen... But enjoyed the ride nonetheless, read amazing fics, saw wonderful fanart, read interesting breakdowns and analysis.
And then 704 happened and I'm not joking or exaggerating, my life changed!
Confirming that Buck is Bi was amazing! I'm ashamed to admit that I really thought it won't happen, EVER! So I still can't believe it actually happened (thank you soooo much ABC!) and like a lot of you, I've been on cloud nine this past week and can't wait for tomorrows episode (also not from the US), literally counting down the hours.
And look, I love Buddie, I really do, but I fell in love with TEVAN (my favourite one yet) 😍 and been OBSESSED with them this past week. Just from those few moments between them and what we barely know that is going to happen the next episode, I truly fell in love with them and really hope they make it as far as they can. I think its an amazing thing for Buck and also CANT. STOP. WATCHING THE KISS! The actors did an incredible job, especially Oliver, also with his spoken support of the storyline and his love for Buck. Such a KING! So this whole thing is huge.
And I have a one-year-old, my life is hectic with taking care of a little human being, a hubby who is also very busy, work, family and a million other things and this past year with a heavy heart I kinda neglected reading fics, and it was my main hobby, my escape, my one and constant thing in my LIFE since I was 12. I do read here and there, but not like I used to, reading hours and hours and into the night, multi chapters and long oneshots, in multiple fandoms, and now whenever I do get to read something once In a blue moon I'm not fully invested or enjoying it because either I'm tired or have something else more important to do. And unfortunately, eventually I noticed that I lost this fire, the passion in me and it left me sad and heartbroken...
And then something incredible happened. Ever since that earth-shattering kiss, the fire and passion came back! Holy shit! I've been reading and ENJOYING fics nonstop this whole week, I can't concentrate on work thinking about everything and reading in-between tasks, I use every single free minute I have to search new fics and scroll through the tags, I go to sleep late because I need to read just one more fic(!!!) even tough I have to wake up very early in the morning and I DON'T EVEN CARE. I'm thinking about it sooo much and imagining new scenarios in my head, and feeling giddy and happy, in a good mood a lot of the time, more optimistic, knowing I have a new and exciting place I can "escape" to, like I had in the past.
Its not that i'm not happy, I have an amazing son and a wonderful husband and I cherish every moment with them, but these are hard and difficult times and life can be hard and stressful and I'm a different kind of happy... So these past few days have been nourishment for my soul and my mood, it sounds so silly but its true! I'm feeling a bit like my old self and it's amazing.
And if someone did read this or did pay attention and got to this point, sorry for the long rant and thank you so much for the patience and understanding 🙏 I love you and wish you a wonderful weekend and happy Buck's-first-date-with-a-man day! 🥰
So I want to thank, from the bottom of my heart, ABC, Oliver, Lou and you crazy lot for resurrecting my old fangirl self 😌 I'm so grateful for all your posts, your takes, your similar enjoyment and of course your amazing fics you're writing and sharing 🩵
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cowboybarzy · 1 year
unexpected part 3 — mat barzal
tbh I didn’t realize how popular this was with you guys which is why I didn’t hurry to write this next part. but if y’all really love it and give me your thoughts (& even ideas on how to continue) I’m definitely willing to write more!!
word count: 4k
I’m just gonna make this part of my summer series bc they did travel and it gives me an excuse (to literally my brain lol) to post this part now! an insta edit will follow shortly! come along the rest of the trip
📍vancouver, canada with mat barzal this is part of the unexpected series, so if you want to see how we got to this point, read PART ONE and TWO
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"Sshh, sshh. It's okay, it's okay." Mat's soft voice woke you from a short, but deep sleep. You turned as your eyes fluttered open to see him sat up against the headboard soothing your baby girl. "I'm here. You're okay."
Your hand reached up to cradle her tiny head. "She might be hungry. What time is it?"
"Almost four. It hasn't been that long since you last fed her. But look, she's already falling back asleep." His smile grew and you sat up as well to see her eyes slowly closing. "She's so cute."
"She is." You kissed her head and then leaned against Mat's shoulder. "And so big. One month already."
"It went by so fast. I don't want her to grow up."
The last month since you baby girl, Myla, was born was the most stressful and tiring but also the most beautiful and exciting time. The new sleeping schedule was difficult to adjust to and your recovery was harder than expected. People really should talk about it more. But getting to experience both you and Mat become parents and your baby explore the world was indescribable. She already outgrew her newborn sized clothes and loved being awake looking around the room. She loved sleeping in her stroller while you took her on walks, where you and Mat stopped to get ice cream or coffee. Both of your families had come to visit, too, and of course all of your friends. They loved her and you were so grateful for the amazing support system.
Mat's season had ended a couple of days after Myla's birth, but not after his birthday which you unfortunately had to spend apart. But he was home now and took such good care of the both of you. Although the three of you did spend a lot of time in bed, you made it a goal to go outside for walks at least a few times a week. Your family didn't live far so they were able to visit and you even went to visit them a few times when you felt brave enough to leave the house.
"Oh, my god!" Mats voice brought you back to consciousness. You hadn't realized you were falling back asleep on his shoulder until his voice brought you back.
"She pooped. Did you not hear that? That was gr– Oh! Ew! Babe, it's leaking out." He started panicking, then gagged as he held her away from his body. "What do I do? What do I do?"
You laughed, falling back into the pillows as you watched him struggle for what his next move should be. "Babe! This is so gross! Help me!"
"Well, go change her!" You watched him, still laughing, as he carried her with extended arms, trying not to gag again. "It doesn't even smell. There's only one baby in this room and it's not her."
He started undressing her, groaning from the mess she had made. "Oh my god, it's everywhere. How? How is her stomach so big to hold that much?"
You got up to see for yourself, making sure beforehand to take a video of Mat trying to handle this situation. "Yeah, we should give her a bath. That is pretty bad."
"It's the middle of the night!"
"So? She's dirty." You laughed patting him on the shoulder. "Welcome to parenthood."
At one month old, babies couldn't laugh yet, but the noises she made could definitely count as it. So you prepped her bathtub. She was small enough to do it in the sink, so it didn't take long to fill the tub with the right temperature water. When Mat put her in, she started screaming. She hated baths for the most part, but unfortunately she had to get through it. She calmed down after a while, enjoying the little massage you were giving her to get her clean. Mat put his arm around you and kissed the top of your head.
"You know, a year ago I definitely would not have imagined us doing this at 4 a.m., but I wouldn't change it for the world."
"Ugh, she's so cute."
"So adorable."
"Her little nose. And those cheeks."
"I love her so much," you said, not being able to look up from where your daughter was sleeping in her stroller. You stood around her with Mat's sister and mother, just staring at her. You were supposed to go on a walk to go get lunch, but for some reason (a very cute and sleeping reason) you still hadn't left yet.
"Me, too. Watch out I might steel her," Liana said jokingly. She hugged you tightly. "Thank you for making me an auntie. I thought I'd have to wait for years."
"You almost had to." You didn't want to call your daughter an accident, because she truly was a blessing, but let's not pretend you were trying to become parents. You both tried to contain your laughs, as their mother was right there.
"Okay, let's go," Nadia broke you two up and took ahold of the stroller, before walked out of the house. You followed her, Liana fighting her mother for the right to push the stroller.
A couple days ago, Mat, Myla, and you made it up to Vancouver to spend a few weeks with his family. Myla just turned two months a few days ago and you finally felt comfortable enough to fly with her. A lot of family and friends came over to see her, but things had finally calmed down a bit.
"So, any wedding plans?," Liana asked, after you had made it to the restaurant and the food arrived.
You raised your eyebrows, a small laugh escaping. "How long have you been waiting to ask me that?" She laughed. "Since last time!" And that was about a year ago when you had told her you were pregnant. Mat shut her down immediately, saying you'd wait until after she was born. "Well...?"
"I don't know," you answered. "We haven't really thought about it."
"Oh, come on. You need to get married! For her and for me!" You laughed and her mother elbowed her. "What? I know it's selfish, but please! It would be the most beautiful wedding, I just know it."
She started gushing about her dream wedding for you, detailing everything from flowers to venue to table cloths. Her mother chimed in, equally as excited about the idea. Normally you would have been too, but for some reason the idea of a big wedding didn't seem exciting to you anymore.
And that's what you told Mat later that night when you were ready to go to sleep while feeding Myla. "Your sister, well and mom, are already making wedding plans, just so you know."
He rolled his eyes. "How many times have I told them it's none of their business?"
Myla was done eating, so you handed her over to Mat so he could burp her. "It's fine. It was kind of fun to talk about and see everything we could come up with. But funnily enough, all my life I've dreamed of a big wedding like that, even just a few months ago I would have agreed to it. But now, I don't know, I don't really want that anymore."
"Really?" You looked up at his green eyes.
"Yeah, I don't know. I'd rather have a small thing, with just family and our closest friends. And baby Myla of course."
"That sounds good to me." He leaned to kiss your forehead with a smile and cradled your baby's head.
"Wanna get married? Might as well, we already have a kid." You said it with a laughing tone, expecting him to laugh as well or brush the topic off like you had done since he first asked you about getting married. But he didn't. He jumped out of bed, put Myla in her bassinet, and left the room.
You sat there, shocked. You didn't expect that reaction as well. You were serious about getting married. A couple weeks after Myla had been born you realized that you were being silly before. Of course you wanted to marry him and you knew that he loved you and didn't stay with your just before the baby.
Thankfully, before you could process what just happened, Mat came back and sat back down next to you. "I'm the one that gets to ask that question!," he said, which is when you noticed the little red box in his hand. You mouth opened in shock. Now that, you definitely also didn't expect. "What? You really think I didn't got out and get you a ring after you said no the first time? Please, you can't get rid of me."
"Mat..." He smiled, cupping your cheeks with his big hands before kissing you softly.
"Baby? Do you want to marry me? I don't care about the big wedding anymore either. We literally could go down to city hall tomorrow and do it there. I don't care. I just want you and baby Myla. Now will you please do me the honor of not rejecting me for the millionth time and finally saying yes to being my wife?"
"You are such a jerk," you said as the tears rolled down your face. You were still pretty hormonal and you had a feeling it wouldn't go away. "But yes, I'll marry you."
"Finally." He pressed his lips against yours for a deep kiss that had you falling back against the mattress. But you couldn't fully enjoy the moment for very long, before baby Myla made herself known. You got her out and held her in your arms, soothing her, while Mat held you close to his body pressing tiny kissed against your head.
"Ok, let me see the ring," you whispered when your baby girl calmed and started drifting into sleep. Mat opened the box with a chuckle, as your moth fell open.
"Like it?" You nodded and held your hand out for him to slip the ring on. While it didn't fit as well as it would have pre-pregnancy, at least you were assured that it wouldn't randomly fall off. "Kind is weird that we're doing this at my parents house, but I'll take what I can get. It's your fault though."
"Wha- Why?"
"I was scared as hell to propose to you again. I didn't want to be rejected again."
"Mat, I didn't reject you. I just– I didn't want to get married while pregnant." He cupped your face again with a chuckle.
"I know, I know. I'm just joking." He kissed you over and over again, until you realized that Myla was asleep and you could put her back in her bed.
Mat pulled you on his chest as you both laid down. "Wait, were you kidding about city hall tomorrow?," you asked, keeping your voice low.
"Not really. You wanna do it?" You looked up at him and shrugged.
"Kind of." You both smiled wide. "But wait, no. My family. I want them there."
"Okay, well we could ask them to come here? Or would you rather wait and do it back in New York?"
"Here is good." You fell in love with Vancouver the minute you got out of the airport the first time you came, so getting married here was not an issue for you. "Yeah, I'll just ask my family and some friends if and when they'd be available to come up."
"Okay. We can just invite people and whoever can make it, can make it. If not, then we can always have another little something in New York." You nodded, excitement filling your body.
"But if we're inviting a bunch of people, we can't do it at city hall."
"There's lots of parks and venues around here."
"Or your parents back yard?" You both thought about it for a second, then Mat smiled.
"Yeah, i think they'd be cool with that."
You both giggled excitedly, then he pulled you fully on top of him. "Are we seriously getting married in a few days?"
"Unless you don't want to," you responded.
"You are never ever getting rid of me."
August 2nd
It was wedding day. After a crazy busy 10 days, the day was finally here.
When you had told Mat's family the news the day after you got engaged, they were very excited. His sister screamed so loud, she scared the baby but you couldn't go soothe her since she had you trapped in a massive bear hug. She immediately started planning and listing everything you would need. Everyone was involved in making flowers arrangements, cooking and baking for the party, and getting the house ready to host a wedding.
Your family got to Vancouver a few days before the wedding, also helping greatly. Once your best friends arrived as well, it was time to shop for a dress. While there wasn't much so last minute, you found the perfect simple little dress that you absolutely fell in love with. You even found a little white dress for Myla at a baby store near by.
"Thank you so much for coming." You hugged Sydney Martin tight, then her husband.
"Wouldn't miss this for the world." She smiled and you hugged her again. She had been very supportive and your closest friend during your pregnancy. Since she'd already been through it twice, and none of your friends had experience in that department, you spent a lot of time together. You were so grateful for her and were very thankful she could make it to your wedding.
While both you and Mat felt bad about getting married so last minute and therefore not having all of your friends present, having the ceremony now did feel right to the both of you. And that was all that mattered. And even still with short notice, a lot more of your friends than you expected could make it. With Mat's family, yours and your friends, your guest count was almost up to 50. So lots of people to celebrate your love, but still more intimate than a big wedding you almost had.
You spent the morning of you wedding setting up the tables and decorating everything. Around two, guests started arriving and since you treated this as more of a party, you had time to greet most everybody before having to get ready.
"Alright, time to get dressed." Liana came walking and grabbed your hand.
"Wait." Before she had a chance to pull you away, you turned to Mat to give him a kiss. He reciprocated with a smile. "See you on the other side."
"Love you." He winked, then slapped your ass, before turning back to his friend group.
You made another pit stop to grab your daughter from her grandparents to have her with you while you got ready. Your makeup base was done so all you added was some eyeshadow and eyeliner, while your best friend did your hair. Another friend made sure to take lots of pictures and videos of your day. You fed Myla one more time before handing her back off to your mom, who was going to watch her today so you and Mat could enjoy the day without worrying about her. Then it was time to put on your dress.
"Aw, babe, you look gorgeous."
Your closest girlfriends friends quickly came to hug and admire you, before posing for a few more pictures.
"Okay! Go time!" Liana, who basically acted as your wedding planner, called when it turned three o'clock. She pulled you into a quick hug. "Ready?"
You nodded, already on the verge of tears when reality started hitting you. You were about to marry your best friend.
"Good, because I am so ready to have you as my sister-in-law." She kissed your cheek and then started getting everyone ready and into position. You kissed your sleeping daughter one last time, then followed everyone downstairs to the backyard, where you were holding the ceremony and party.
Through the windows, you could see the garden beautifully decorated and everybody sitting outside waiting for it to start. You could also see Mat, standing below the flower arch at the end of the aisle, with his best friend and best man Anthony standing next to him as they talked and joked around.
Your mom walked out to find her seat and as soon as Mat saw Myla sleeping in her arms, his eyes lit up. He took her from your mom, gently as to not wake her, and pressed tiny kisses to her chubby cheeks. Your eyes got watery again, watching them and knowing that the overwhelming happiness you felt right now would not go away anytime soon.
The music got a bit louder which was your cue to head outside. Your bridesmaids walked before you, down the shirt aisle you had just helped built this morning. Then you followed, slowly, scared to trip, but not too slow as you were eager to get to Mat.
Mathew. Who looked even more handsome than you though possible, standing at the end of the aisle with that wide goofy grin of his. As you got closer though, you could see his eyes sparkling with tears.
"You look beautiful," he mouthed and stretched his hand out for you to take. You took it, immediately feeling calmer. You looked over to where Myla was sleeping in her carrier and with a reassuring nod from your mom that she was alright, you turned your full attention back to Mat.
And Anthony who in addition to being best man was also officiating your wedding. Over the past few years that you've known Beau, he also became one of your closest friends and you couldn't be happier to have him as Mylas goddaughter and now here to marry your number one best friend.
For the entirety of the ceremony, you felt like you were in a bubble. Only Mat and you. Holding hands. "When I look at the time we've been together,
I always have a smile on my face. Through all the ups and downs we've been through, the one thing that has remained constant is my love for you. The love I feel for you has gone from wild and free to me enjoying the little things about you like going for a walk, seeing your face across a breakfast table, and even changing disgusting poopy diapers in the middle of the night. Love you, My," he said after a pause. You both looked at her with a laugh, still sleeping in her carrier.
"We have years ahead of us but when I look at the years that has passed my heart grows with such love for you that I ache. You are the most amazing partner and the most amazing mama to Myla. You're it and nothing is gonna keep us apart. I love you and always will."
Thankfully, before Mat even began his speech your made of honor handed you a tissue or your makeup would be ruined by now by the tears streaming down your face. 'Love you,' you whispered as you held your hand to his cheek. He smiled, with a quivering lip, and whispered it back. He took your hand and slipped diamond covered ring on your finger. Then you cleared your throat a couple of times and prepared to speak.
"Maty, you're my best friend. Ever since you flashed me that goofy grin of yours, I was gone for you. And I am so lucky you chose me to be on your team. And I promise you that I will choose you as my teammate. I choose you again and again. At the start and finish of every single day, no matter the season no matter the year. I choose you to struggle and succeed with, to fight and make up with, to love and grow old with.
And while I may have to send you to the sin bin sometimes, just know that I'll always be on your side and you can always count on me.
Seeing you grow and become the best father to our newest team member has been the biggest blessing. I am so proud you of. I hope I can make you just as proud. I love you and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."
With shaking hands, it was your turn to slip a ring on Mat's finger. You didn't hear another word until Beau said those magic words: 'you may now kiss your bride'. And he did. Those big hands grabbed the sides of your face and pulled you into him until your lips met. He started out softly, but soon enough he was breathlessly while your friends and family clapped and cheered in the background.
You were married. An indescribable feeling floated through you all day, every since you walked down the aisle. Your ring glistened in the Vancouver sun that was starting to set as you chatted with your friends. You friend circle had shrunk every since you found out you were pregnant, a lot of your friends keeping distance and not keeping in touch as much anymore. You didn't blame them. You were still very young and a lot of them weren't ready to settle down or even be surrounded by people that weren't able to go out and get drunk every weekend. You didn't blame them because it took you a few months too to adjust to the idea of being a mother, but it made you even more grateful for the few friends that did stick around. They made you feel so special and supported during your pregnancy and even now they were already the best aunties for baby Myla.
Out of the corner of your eye you saw Mat walking towards you, holding Myla. That sight would never not blow you away and make you feel all warm inside. "This little lady is hungry." He held her out to you and you welcomed her with with cuddles and lots of kisses.
"Where were you?," you asked him as you got ready to feed your daughter.
"I just went to change her. I saw my mom take her in, but I wanted to do it." He answered you puzzled expression, "What? I've barely seen her today. I just wanted to spend a few minutes with her."
Your heart warmed and you leaned into his shoulder. But your moment didn't last very long as the party was already in full swing and people kept coming over to talk to you. You went back to talking to your friends as Mat got pulled away by his.
After Myla was done eating, you decided to put her down for bed and once again tracked Mat down to let him know. "Hey, I'm putting her down." He was sitting with a bunch of his teammates that were able to make it out here who all fawned over baby Myla.
"Come on! Just let me hold her," Oliver whined, stretching his arms out, but Mat slapped them away.
"Absolutely not!" Most of his teammates got to hold her when you first introduced her to them, but Wally was not one of them. He joked around too much around her and was untrustworthy around babies. Those were Mat's words, not yours. He was obviously very protective of his daughter if he wouldn't let his own teammate hold her.
"I won't drop her! Please? Oh, see! She's looking at me," Wally tried again while the rest of you laughed.
"Yeah, she's trying to tell you to shut up. It's not happening." While he was mostly serious, there were joking tones in Mat's voice. You definitely thought they were all just messing with him, so you stayed out of it.
"Hey! Daddy Barz said no, so it's a no," the other Matt (with two Ts) chimed in in his best dad voice, to which your Mat gave him nod of his head.
"That's right."
You rolled your eyes at their banter. "Alright, I'm really putting her down now." Mat stood, but leaned down to where you were holding Myla in your arms so that he could kiss her little head over and over again.
"Good night, princess. I love you." Then he straightened and put his lips on your. "And I love you, wife."
"Love you more, husband."
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khruschevshoe · 6 months
OFMD Critique: Bad Faith, Fandom, and Respect
All right. You know what? Screw it. I saw one post I just cannot ignore anymore that encapsulated all of my problems with the fandom right now. Personal rant incoming.
I understand that there's a nuance to the discussion of season 2 of Our Flag Means Death, and that there are people going a little too far with both their critiques and their support of the show. But oh my God, I'm tired of being straw-manned and made fun of for legitimate critiques of the show.
I just used the block button on someone in this fandom for the first time. Some of you might think I'm overreacting for this, but I saw a post that I could not on any level stand. This person, who I will not name names of, because I'd rather just block them and never deal with their level of bad faith again, took their one legitimate criticism of those of us who critique the show, the back and forth on whether or not Izzy's death was homophobic or not, and used it as the first in a literal list of straw man critiques that no one I've read in the OFMD Critical tag has made (and I check it like once a day bc I like reading meta, sorry), proceeding to absolutely make fun of the legitimate critiques that people have of the show, parodying them in the worst possible ways. They took our legitimate critiques about everything from the sexist handling Zheng Yi Sao's character, the absolute ableism of the finale, the questionable optics of the handling of trauma, etc. and stretched them into things that they very much were not (two examples were that we were crying ableism bc of something to do with seagulls and that we thought the problem in the Stede&Zheng dynamic was the "emotional labor" involved).
Now I'm pretty sure this post was a joke. I *think* it was a joke. But how in the world am I supposed to feel comfortable in the main section of a fandom like this when the comments and replies to this post were full of people agreeing sincerely that this is what the critical section of the fandom is like? How am I supposed to feel when I just see people making fun of me for my analysis of the show? I love this show. I adore season 1 and I'm clearly still making fan related content (moodboards) for season 2 along with my critiques.
Sure, I vibe way more with fanfiction than the actual canon at this point, but I still genuinely engage with the show. And to have the critiques that I made in good faith, regarding issues that I sincerely care about such as ableism, sexism, homophobia, and the handling of trauma, made fun of and taken out of context and straw-manned to their extreme, makes me feel so absolutely unwelcome in this fandom.
Other than keeping up with the couple of fan series that I'm currently still reading, I don't know if I can stay in this fandom any longer. I can't say that I'm excited for the new season if this is the kind of response that any good faith critique of the show is going to get. I can't say that I feel safe or comfortable when there are this many people ready to dog pile on me for a critique I made with ACTUAL TEXTUAL EVIDENCE to back it up.
I would like to thank all the people who have been making excellent critiques of the show. Their meta-analysis is what got me into making my own critiques, which I was nervous about making in any other fandom. I don't think I've in any way tagged them all, but just a few I can remember off the top of my head. Go read their critiques/meta- it's really good!
@sky-fire-forever @carrymelikeimcute @blue-b-bro @bougiebutchbinch @treesofgreen @sixstepsaway @alex51324
And from the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone who has engaged with my mood boards or my critiques or anything else that I've made, as well as the amazing writers and artists in this fandom (such as @ruecrown, @aletterinthenameofsanity, @fool-for-luv, and @possumsmushroom). You guys have kept me going with my love for the show and engaging with it for a while now. Despite the stuff that is making me take a step back now, I really did love this while it lasted! I'm still planning on making a few more mood boards, but other than that, I'm going to take a step back from engaging.
Hope this post can spread enough support/joy your way to counteract the ache I'm currently feeling!
Ashley (aka @khruschevshoe)
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tio-trile · 9 months
Obligatory sorry if you're fed up with GO2 asks!
I'm a new fan of the show (like, a few weeks after season 2 came out a friend lent me their Prime acc to binge watch everything) and haven't read the book at all but!
It's like in S1 Crowley and Aziraphale exist in the world and in S2 the world exists for them kind of,, in S1 the point of view shifted almost constantly and at the end the plotlines converged together in a cathartic moment for all of our beloved characters, but in S2 it's just,, present Aziracrow and past Aziracrow,, which is fine, I liked that they showcased the way they were and are with each other but it would've been better if there were less of these moments.
Talking about these, I saw that a lot of people on Tumblr were excited to see Crowley as an angel and it could've been good but. I don't get why Aziraphale HAD to be here, or more like HAD to interact with him and remember/recognize him later, and I'm not really thrilled about the fact that Crowley is implied to be someone important! It just feels like Crowley and Aziraphale aren't equals anymore ; Crowley Always Knows Best he admittedly was someone pretty important in heaven before and he feels more Holier Than Thou than the literal angel he's with?? I get that he Fell so he already knows for sure that Heaven is corrupt but,, I don't know, I feel like Aziraphale lost agency and just Can't Do Anything Right anymore! (And Crowley Can't Do Anything Wrong anymore either??)
I found the flashbacks for ineffable bureaucracy quite adorable but it was all too sudden! It feels the Gabriel mystery just wasn't progressing at all during the season and at the last minute, ta-dahh here's an exposition dumb on what happened, no build-up for the now canon pairing. Not a big fan of amnesia in general but even less when the amnesic character just gets everything back for a dramatic reveal scene, maybe I would have felt like things actually happened in this season if Gabriel was slowly able to access some memories. We could have had the build-up of him and Beelzebub planning on escaping together in the flashbacks! (And I mean, I get that there was the fly and the song but,, It didn't really affect Gabriel/Jim so it doesn't feel,,, enough?)
I was completely indifferent to Maggie and Nina. Also could've worked better as a separate POV from Aziracrow. I just didn't get enough scenes to care for them or feel any chemistry. Nina was already in a relationship, and Maggie was just crushing on her. They didn't really get together at the end but they're involved enough in the idea of them getting together in the future to give Crowley love advice and for Maggie to wait for Nina. I just don't really get it? If the goal was Maggie and Nina getting together, then they needed more time and scenes. If the goal was that they would not get together because Aziraphale and Crowley were trying to force them to be, then why saying that they "only needed a little push," that Maggie is "willing to wait for Nina," why both give love advice to a guy they barely know when they barely know each other too?
Anyways, I really liked the show (and am still eager for a potential S3)! But I feel like Neil Gaiman's writing is missing a similar style to Terry's (though obviously I wouldn't know what his writing is like since I. Haven't read the book nor other books from this/both of these actually authors), and important reoccurring characters besides Aziraphale and Crowley.
Yes, I agree with a lot of your points! And it's very interesting for me to hear that we share a lot of the same opinions although coming from different places -- being an older book fan and being a newer show-only fan. "S1 Crowley and Aziraphale exist in the world and in S2 the world exists for them" is exactly right, and similar to what I complained about not liking them "being the main characters". And I completely agree with that even if we see Angel!Crowley, Aziraphale doesn't have to be there, and also not liking that Crowley was somebody important before. And yeah, I've said it before but the Gabriel mystery and even the Nina/Maggie romance have potential, but ends up falling flat. Thank you for the ask! Apology accepted.
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dballzposting · 10 months
A bit ago I was looking through someone's blog on the tumblr and they were a big Bura x Goten proponent and I was looking at all of the stuff and marveling at how much there was and how much people cared.
Well I was just thinking about that the other day ... my personal dballzposting interpretation of that pairing is that they're like those two scenes from Clone High (season 1) where Joan moves her arm and JFK reflexively flinches (seen below)
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Cartoonish rendition seen below
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Sorry I gave Goten this epic swag ninja rattail thing. Don't know why it came to me. Won't happen again sir. Also I gave him a facial scar becasue one day he and Trunks were playing with swords and Goten wasn't paying attention and Trunks got him good. Well anyway
It's like well there is an age gap of 13 years between them so this wasn't easy for Bura to pull off. But she's a force unto herself and as soon as she set his eyes on him she wasn't gonna take no for an answer. At first it was just sort of uncomfortable but as she got older and more serious Goten started to get the sense that he was in over his head. And that this was a battle that he wasn't going to win.
Still though he held out for as long as he could and there would be momenbts where Bura would show up at the sword training dojo that he runs with Trunks and he would Not Look At her and focus on the sword in his hands and say "Don't bother me Bura I'm busy training with swords. Your brother is in the other room" and she would say "You know that I'm not here to see him you darn dirty candied son of a bitch."
Like OKAY: Here's my complete explanation. But first here are some memes for them
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^ I couldn't find the precursor to this one which as I recall said "me and my bitch don't argue she tell me to shut up and I do." well thats the one that I want here
First here's the shit that I think is true about Goten and Bura always, no matter your purpose:
Goten has lived a really well-lived life I think. Which is to say, for the most part, he has had total autonomy. Obviously he will always bow to the orders of his mother, and he has always been respectful toward his elders, but it comes from a place of love and respect and he feels that those things are reciprocated. His perception of life has been expansive and sunshine-filled. He's always excited for another day. He feels as though he has power over himself and his actions, but also, he's comfortable enough to surrender a certain amount of control to fate. He's secure enough to be vulnerable.
He's always been Trunks's BFF and he hangs out at Capsule Corp quite a bit. When Trunks's new sister was born, it was a time of growth for the both of them: Trunks began to internalize for himself all the big-brother-habits that he's seen in Gohan over the years, and Goten finds the joy of witnessing a new generation below him. It's not a tough transition for him to relinquish his baby status to his new niece and Trunks's new sister; rather, he's excited to be a loving support figure, same as was always and still is shown to him.
So while he's been living his life to the fullest, he's also been somewhat present for the younger crowd. But keep in mind that he's still a youth himself. He definitely does have the virile life energy of a nubile tomcat. He definitely does make throes of city friends and he definitely does become an honorary member to many frat houses over the years. And by the time we arrive at GT times, he's self-absorbed and sort of shallow, in the way that a 23-year-old man might be. He's got one thing on his mind, and he's always been self-honoring. He's chatting up GIRLS.
We can assume that as he gets older he becomes more worldy and wise because .. well that's natural. We can also assume that more of his energy is spent sitting on deck chairs and cracking open a beer than it is spent on doing keg stands at parties.
Eventually, and I don't know if the timeline was ever disclosed, but he does canonically open a sword-training dojo with Trunks. Fuck yeah. That's the coolest shit.
So that's a schema of Son Goten right there.
Goten has always been nice to Trunks's sister becasue yknow that's what you do but he definitely is not obligated to care about her the way that he is about his niece. That's one of the strong points of Trunks and Goten's relationship actually, that they're not under familial obligation to give a shit about the other, which is why it's extra meaningful when they do bond, and it keeps channels of honesty open. And yknow, Goten and Trunks aren't gonna be MEAN to Trunks's kid sister, but it's no surprise that, in their self-serving interests of youth, they frequently find her to be a nuisance.
But here's the thing about Bura. She's a freak of nature. She's perfect. She's the perfect blend of her mother's insanity and intelligence and her father's fierceness and conviction. She's born knowing that she's of a special family and she takes to it very well. She was born with a Saiyan regality that Trunks just does not have. And she's damn stubborn. As a kid, if she wants to hang out with her family, then she will. Trunks isn't allowed to be mean to her so he has to kind of do what she wants to do. He can roll his eyes or complain or avoid her, but if she demands Mario Kart then Trunks has to play Mario Kart with her. He can set limits and compromises but she's still getting some Mario Kart time out of him. She's not the princess in a mocking way, she's genuinely a born princess.
Furthermore, she frequently considers GOTEN & TRUNKS a bore. As a baby they're fun but more and more as she ages, she's sort of fed up with them. She's 6 years old and she thinks they're annoying as hell when they're not bringing her to fun places. At age 7 she's speaking computer lingo like her mother and grandfather, and finding camaraderie in the 1's and 0's. She has friends of her own, and I know this because a spirit like hers would not content herself with isolation. She goes out and grabs life by the horns. She takes what she wants. She has this inborn fire. By age 10 it's undeniable: her presence of character way exceeds that of Trunks. Trunks finds himself avoiding certain rooms in the building that he senses are her territory, and though we can all pretend otherwise, on some level he knows that he no longer holds any sort of seniority or power over her: if he speaks and she complies, it's only by her grace. And it's a relief when she chooses to listen, because you will not win in a fight against her. This she gets from both parents: Bulma's womanly way of bringing the hammer down in verbal battles, and Vegeta's fiery persistence and confidence. When dealing with Bura, you get the sense that she has something unbeatable in reserves, and it's best to quit while you're ahead.
She's taken to power in the house naturally, and it makes perfect sense, given the circumstances. But Trunks just completely isn't like that. He never knew there was power to claim, and even as an older sibling, he could never establish a respectable presence. He bossed around Goten their whole lives, but then even the healthy Goten emotionally matured ahead of him. Maybe it's just Trunks's personality - in good health, he's easy and cool and chill and doesn't want any fire or electricity or anybody to hold power over anybody else. Or maybe some early life event set him in a weak direction, like a difficult birth or Bulma's inadequate new-mother habits. WHO KNOWS. But he just doesn't have what Bura has.
This is all something that is believable always. I will say this always. By age 9 Bura had already MASTERED fashion, as her outfit in GT so clearly shows.
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You literally cannot improve upon that. She nailed it. And I'm of the belief that she stays winning.
So anyway. That stuff is true always. Now back to the bullshit
So essentially if you ask me how I think a Bura x Goten plot could go, there is really only one answer and it goes exactly like this:
Bura for whatever reason sets her eyes on Goten and that's it. Her will is written in stone. As soon as she set her eyes on him his fate is decided and that's it. She's an unstoppable force and he is not an immovable object. This is inevitable fate. Not even King Yemma can help him now
What happens is that Bura, for whatever reason, as she moves through puberty, decides that that Son Goten fellow is worth her attention. This is already so funny on its own. Do you know those stories of endangered birds in zoos imprinting on humans, and then falling in love with a zookeeper, so the zookeeper has to hang around and act as a bonded pair with this bird in order to encourage it to raise eggs properly? And it's so fucking bizarre but so so so beautiful too? It's kind of like that. When she's 15, he is a straight-up a 28 year old man. LIKE....? WHY......?
HE IS A FULL-ON 28 YEAR OLD MAN .......... WHY ?! He walks around in man jeans. He picks his nose when he thinks that no one is looking. He listens to Rob Zombie. He's sort of a disappointment. WHY HIM...??
I..... It's so funny but you can't argue with her becasue she's always right. She sees something beautiful and we're all going to let her have this. But it's just ... yknow ... she could have her pick of anyone in the world. She has friends her age I'm sure. She has boy band dudes at her disposal. She doesn't have to be this way. Why would she be this way. I was trying to make the argument that she's beyond formidable but maybe with great power comes great insanity...? That seems to be a trend. For example Bulma is a genius but she's also crazy. Dr Briefs & Bikini are crazy. Everybody's a weirdo here
I don't even think there's any "reason" like "her parents had her when they were old so she imprinted upon older individuals and can't help but to be drawn to them and to find herself in their midst" like NO that is NOT BURA. She's improbably invincible and won't be affected by reasoning like that. She's just weird. Or maybe she could sense that Goten is the kind of guy who would let a chick eat him alive and so she's just feeling chemistry between their natures idk. Either way, Goten looks young for a 30 yr old given his Saiyan blood, and it's not uncommon for pubescent kids to crush on matured adults, right? So this is a harmless situation, right?
Bura is very forward when she has something to communicate so this little crush of hers doesn't remain a secret for long. And Goten is whimsical enough to have a laugh of it. He's like "haha Trunks not to brag but it seems like your sister thinks i'm cute. I just turn all the heads. Poor thing can't help it. I'm sort of the epitome of male attractiveness so it makes sense ... she's a girl becoming a woman after all." and Trunks tells him to PLEEEAAASE shut up but Goten thinks it's funny. He lets himself be flattered but wholly unaffected. If anything he's sympathetic: "I remember being that age. I got a crush on a mannequin I saw in a window once. It's a weird time but I've no doubt that she'll persevere."
Trunks is frowning over it but Goten has a laugh of it. Ultimately, he's too busy being TWENTY-EIGHT YEARS OLD to care much. Trunks is still president of Capsule Corp, but the both are talking these days about getting back to their roots. This is the seed that'll later become their sword training dojo, but for now it's just bittersweet reminiscing and a subtle sense of being lost.
They don't know that Bura's little fixation is anything more than ephemeral and senseless, or that it'll become a viable problem. Goten doesn't know that when Bura visits Pan to hang out, she's begun to ask her questions like "your uncle doesn't usually stay with a girl long, right? Do you know why? What are the odds that he'll be married away in the next, oh I dunno, 10 years?" and Pan every time is like "Bura I'll shoot you in the forehead if you ask me that again."
Bura is like "Pan your uncle is cute af" and Pan is like "YOU'RE INSANE!!!"
Bura is like "the boys at school are cute and all but they all have so many opinions that they think I care about. The only opinion I care about is whether Goten would want a big wedding or a local affair" anbd Pan is like "THERE is something WRONG WITH YOU....!"
I mean they have the ability to hang out as normal and talk about Literally Anything Else, and they do, but Pan just has to be made aware that her friend Bura has evidently dedicated herself to weirdness with a fierce conviction, and this is just who she is now. Pan is trying to look ahead and figure out a career while Bura already KNOWS that she's going to usurp her brother as President and make a husband out of that Son Goten yet.
So now: while Goten has had an expansive and sunshine-filled life thus far, he's beginning to settle in spirit, and he's beginning to feel a touch of discomfort at the semi-frequent moves made by Trunks's teenage sister. At first it was endearing, but now - just a bit - Goten is starting to feel affected. Like he's involved. He wasn't really involved before. He was free to do as he pleased. But now he's feeling a smidge uncomfortable, and he feels pressed by circumstances to say something.
It's just a bit, at first. In theory, he still has total autonomy. He could turn around and walk home at any point. But he says something like "Okaaaaaaaaaay Well Trunks would you mind having a chat with your little sister about boundaries and personal space and appropriate language and whatnot?" But all Trunks can do is shrug and concede that "I don't really have any power over her Goten......."
It's a little harrowing. But ultimately harmless: she'll grow out of it.
But again, Bura is a force to be reckoned with. This does not diminish with time, but instead she picks up not just INTENSITY but EFFICIENCY. She becomes more and more sold in her ways. Goten can't "Does Your Mother Know" by ABBA his way out of this one
(sidenote this is in my top 10 fave songs and has been as long back as matters .. the looping bassline drives me crazy .. And i think it's really classy too. So tbh just let me have this)
Anyway. So over the years one gets the sense of "oh shit she wasn't messing around." "Oh shit she really means this." "Oh shit this isn't going away." "Oh shit."
Goten has always enjoyed his freedom, but lately, he's begun to feel like a shark is sniffing him out in the water. He keeps pretending that there's nothing going on and nothing to fear, and this denial keeps him safe from the realization that: Bura is a strong-willed Saiyan woman who has made her decision. It's only a matter of time now.
Goten for a while at least has the defense of "Not until you're a day over 18 sister" but that's all semantics. Time is inconsequential and will dutifully pass.
It's like this growing spiral of constriction, if you will - every new attempt at rediscovering that old sense of a boundless world is met with another hang-up or closed door, and it's subtle, but Goten can't run forever from the reality that he is being tracked like an animal and that his place of power has long since melted away.
And there's a lot of hang-ups - life is tumultuous right now. In the family, Pan is undergoing a spiritual discovery herself, and her ineffective searching is unnerving even to others. She eventually works on the family farm for a while, which is something that Goten is trying to uproot and leave behind. But he can't seem to keep a woman, and if left to his own devices, he would settle into the melancholy and respect the beautiful sadness he's seen until love blooms anew again; but seeing as his single status is a threat to his livelihood as it is tantalizing to the shark, he is nervous. Trunks is at his breaking point when it comes to his job, and Goten hasn't felt nourished by their friendship in a long while. He wishes he could help, but Trunks can't realize his fantasies of running off and playing with swords in the mountains until there is somebody to take his place --- and it all comes back to Bura doesn't it. She's 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, then 21 - Goten is in the middle of nothing until she finally relieves Trunks of his presidential duties and takes the chair.
Then Goten and Trunks are free to run off and fuck off, which is cool, and life is good again. It was a bit tense for a moment there but it's good again. It was a bit scary for a moment there, and Goten in a moment of weakness had seen for himself the inexorable reality that is his romantic predispositions as a male saiyan, and he had grabbed Trunks by the shoulders and begged him to please do something about his huntress of a sister, becasue Goten was only a man after all and of the stock of his father and he knew how it had gone with his parents and he knew how it had gone with his brother and he knew how it was going to go for him and he wasn't ready to lie down and take it yet and he needed Trunks to do soemthing to stop this becasue Goten at this moment felt that if Bura made one more convincing pass at him then he wouldnt know what he would do. And Trunks, feeling affronted, and in the knowledge he too is powerless, and in a transitory time in his life as well, could do nothing but punch Goten in the jaw and then cry into his chest.
But that was like a few months ago and it feels like years and it's all good now. They can forget all about all of that. That was all bullshit anyway. Now they can follow their passions and play with swords. Bura is too busy with the new job to be a nuisance. Trunks doesn't have to mourn the way that he feels like he never got to have a relationship with his sister becasue he was always fecklessly trying to keep her away from his BFF and he just had to pick one. It doesn't matter because he can play with swords now. He doesn't have to think about the devout fearful aversion that he holds for the strong-woman-eats-man dynamic because hes out in the mountains playing with swords with Goten. He doesn't have to witness that pattern in his parents and grapple with the way that his own conception revolved around the dynamic of a man lying his spirit down, or submitting to a womanly force. He doesn't have to think about the way that his father of strong character had warned him about women like that. He doesn't have to witness that dynamic in his parents, or in Goten's parents, or in anyone, because right now it's just he and Goten up there in the mountains playing with swords. Trunks doesn't have to face the horrific distress of bearing witness to his best friend being hunted and shot down by a woman of will. He doesn't have to see Goten grip at his shirt in fearful desperation, the fear of a man who already knows who is in possession of his soul; the fear of the body wanting to live and fighting against the spirit who can see and accept death. And Trunks especially doesn't have to sit and try to digest the ungodly amount of rage he feels toward his own sister, who has always gotten her way, who is trying to steal Trunks's most important friend from him, and who has forced Trunks to reconcile with his own weakness and vulnerability at the courtesy of her own strength.
So everything's good up there in the mountains. And I'm unsure on the timeline but they play with swords and do some exploring and traveling and discovering and eventually they see it fit to open their own dojo. Life is good.
But Bura will still come around like she always has and she'll walk into the dojo that they're trying to renovate and her red heels will clack on the ground like it's nobody's business. And she'll talk to Goten and he just has to stare at his sword and avoid looking at her and sweat stoically and insist "I'm with another girl again now you can't keep pushing your shit Bura..." and she just stands there in her perfect outfit with her hands on her hips knowing damn well that this battle was over with as soon as it started. And over the years life has been good and bad and scary and fun and they've had their laughs and tears. And it's really no big deal. Bura could have anyone in the world, if she wanted them. Right now she's perfectly satisfied in her professional life. She sort of misses the female camaraderie but she's willing to wait until Pan is done with her soul-searching journey before reconnecting with her again. She trains enough and socializes enough and feels enough that she's doing really good for herself, like always.
She's 25 years old and she stands at the attention of this poor 38-year-old bastard. Goten avoids looking at her in the eye, or at all, same as Vegeta did to Bulma when he first started to feel her effect. Bura instinctively knows the signs.
Goten is an open kind of person. He doesn't like denying and repressing things for long. It's counterintuitive to him, someone who places a certain amount of respect in and relinquishes a certain amount of control to fate, to keep fighting against the current for forever. He craves the comfort and relief of lying down with grace. Saiyans keep fighting until they're dead, but only for interests of the self, and Goten doesn't see it fit to keep fighting against himself like this.
He doesn't look at her because he knows that she's already won. He's just biding his time. Obviously he would have preferred that things had gone differently, and he wishes that a woman of his generation would have committed to him the fierce way that Bura has, but them's the cards. At the end of the day, Goten is very much a "Oh well. Play the cards that I'm given" kind of guy. Meanwhile Bura is the one who's dealing the cards.
He doesn't look at her until all of him is ready to. There's still some fight in him that hasn't accepted fate yet. That's fine. We've all the time in the world. It marches dutifully on.
There's literally a day where Goten and Trunks are cloudgazing in silence and then Goten slowly gets up and says "........yknow what Trunks. I'm um. I'm gonna go visit Bura.. See what she's up to." And he doesn't hang around for a response, he just starts walking away. And there's nothing of worth that Trunks can say because he knows exactly what that means and he can't stand to see it. He would rather spend his whole life fighting the will of a woman, to prove that he has power, and that it's possible for him to win. He could never accept the outlook that it's inevitable, that that's just biology. He's been fighting on Goten's behalf for years, keeping he and Bura in seperate rooms, trying to vain to talk some sense into the both of them, making sure to keep Goten's fighting spirit up - and to think that all of that effort could amount to nothing...? That Trunks cannot vicariously heal the wound and insecurity that he inherited by circumstances of his conception and by witnessing his parents' relationship...? That Goten's submission is a mark of grace and strength, and not of anything else, is obvious but incredibly difficult for Trunks to digest.
Anyway, though. I don't know why a 25 year old woman would want to be with a 38 year old man but Bura is just funny and crazy that way. They get married too. She marries a 40 year old. IDK why but it's funny. And BTW I forgot to weave this in but all of their parents have opinions on this arrangement too. Sort of. Goku doesn't care. Chichi has many qualms, such as the age gap, or Bura's busy lifestyle hamstringing her housewife potential, but she's also glad that FINALLY her second son is to be married! Bulma takes start but of course sees beauty in the way that her daughter will do as she will. She probably thinks it's funny in the end. Vegeta's opinion is really the one I want to talk about though because it's so simple and straightforward and factual to him
See unto his son he's imparted the idea subtlety that: women are stronger than men. He tells Trunks to never stop training, to keep improving, to be stronger than the world, etc. Out loud, he says things about minding your own strength and that chivalry is needed when it comes to women, because you cannot abuse your own strength. But in his BEHAVIOR, it looks to Trunks less like chivalry, and more like getting pussywhipped. Vegeta TRIES to argue with Bulma and ALWAYS loses. This has set up Trunks to feel distrustful about his own vulnerability and about aggressive women in general.
Unto his daughter, Vegeta has implicitly imparted these beliefs of his. While he never SAYS outloud anything about men and women and their dynamic, his beliefs regarding do come through. He raises Bura to be completely confident and self-loyal. He encourages all whims and passions of hers. He even bends to her opinion sometimes, like in GT when he shaved his mustache because she said that he looked awful with it. Why would she have that opinion? She's just a fashionista 9 year old who is saying shit. She may change her mind tomorrow. Who's to say that she's right about anything? She's 9. BUT he not only honored her opinion, but deferred to it. This is the reality of Bura's upbringing. And when she bears witness to strife between her parents, she always feels assured that it is her side who will win in the end.
So when it comes to Bura maintaining a committed crush on Son Goten, Vegeta's opinion is simple: GO FOR IT GIRL! The fuck! What're you asking me for?! You come from a long line of people who win hard. Furthermore, all of your opinions are correct and your spirit is perfect. Your path of maturity has been only beautiful and your potential is pure. I will do whatever it takes to ensure that nobody will surpass me and I expect you to do the same and if I die by your hand I will be proud of you. That won't happen because I'll never quit ever but if it did happen I'd be proud of you. Anyway. Love is a woman's prerogative and you've made a decision. We are all going to respect that.
And then Vegeta looks at Goten for 3 seconds one day and in that 3 seconds perceives the perfect truth: That this bloke will be a respectful husband and will absolutely do as his wife says. He'll be the strong man behind the even stronger woman. This is fine and natural. All is right in the world.
You may think that he'd have opinions about his daughter being with a son of Kakarrot but he doesn't. He's always treated his children as self-realized individuals and they are free to do as they do. Their ways aren't up to him. He can do his best to inculcate nerve and honor in them but he cannot, and is not interested in, controlling them. He has absolutely no opinion on his daughter getting with kakarot's son.
Anyway. Back to Goten and Bura and the ever-apparent vortex that she has him in that he eventually concedes to.
See Goten has Saiyan blood first of all so of course he likes strength in a woman. Nothing speaks of strength more than the tenacity of a huntress. Second of all, his upbringing. Look at his mother... she's strong, strict, decisive, forceful, stern, controlling. This is Goten's perception of women. He has been trained to respond to sharp orders by a woman. He responds well to it, actually. His mother has always loved him and he feels like he belongs when a woman tells him what to do. He feels like a good and proper husband when his wife tells him what to do. And he does what she tells him to do, too! He doesn't want to cause grief like his father caused his mother by being defiant or careless. This is his nature and upbringing. He responds very well to forceful treatment. Reciprocation to this is his love language, in a way.
He began to sense this with Bura a few years in, which is what fueled the fear - the idea that he was up against something that he was weak to. But eventually, he does have the grace to accept love, in any form, as it comes to him, and he does bow his head to circumstance, and he feels love by doing so.
This is the very thing that Trunks is so strongly against, and perhaps part of why his romantic exploits have always gone cold is because he in unwilling to accept that a piece of this is in his nature as well.
But yeah. Bura marries a man 13 years her senior and it's her prerogative. She and Goten have 3 kids exactly 2.5 years apart in age. Goten is a househusband and he's soooooooo happy to do it. He learns how to cook from his mother and he loooooves taking care of the kids. He's soooooo proud to have them and he loves them. He is so touched by beauty and pride for his wife's offspring, and he's so honored that they're his kids too. He's 40 years old and was starting to fear that he wouldn't have the time to be a father. He's so grateful that a young woman with ample reproductive potential chose him, because he almost missed his chance there. Sometimes he feels that it's too good to be true. He loves being a parent
When the second one was born he was sitting with Trunks and holding the baby and Trunks could see the remarkable tenderness, gratitude, and humility radiating off of Goten, and it made his stomach tie up in a knot. And then Bura (who has taken maternity leave to nurse the baby) calls from the other room - some sort of command - she summons her husband or something or another - and it's not a bark, because she's much too dignified and serene, it's just the loving order of a wife - and Goten responds reflexively - "yes dear" - and then seems to feel love as though the reflex were deliberate. He rises with the babe in his arms - and it's a healthy baby, too, though it's too early to say much else - and he doesn't properly excuse himself from he and Trunks's conversation because he assumes that Trunks, as a man, would understand and respect the beckon of a wife. This is the necessity of family.
But obviously Trunks hates every single part of this. He hates his sister for this, and the hate is too strong for him to engage in without losing himself so he just shoves it away. He misses his BFF and feels like he has nobody. Ideally Goten would have taken on literally any other woman as a wife, and then Trunks could maintain some closeness, but his sister has lived a pervasive pattern of running him out of his own territory (house space, parents's attention, work) so he can't even just sit here. He wants to be delighted by his nephews but he feels so difficult inside about it.
It's soooooo miserable for him but Goten loves it. He LOVES not having to think too hard or make difficult executive decisions - Bura already has opinions, a plan, Bura already knows. I imagine that their age gap makes it weird sometimes - Goten has this old man wisdom while Bura is a girl of the city - but they are able to close this discrepancy with surprising frequency and efficiency. Bura can maintain a thoughtful, emotional, perceptive conversation. Goten can feel honored by her words. She responds to him with consideration, in her assertive way, and he even forgets his place sometimes and tries to get her to open up before she chooses to. She likes this about him.
Obviously everything to up to her and she decided that she wanted 3 kids 2.5 years apart and he was like Ok. And she already knows what she wants to name her first son and her first daughter, and she not only lets Goten but WANTS Goten to name the other(s). She does love him. For some reason. We still don't know why. But now that it's all said and done, they do play well together.
The first kid is a boy and she names it something like Thong or Sock idk to fit the nomenclature on her mother's side. The next one is another boy so Goten gets to name this one - and obviosuly obviosuly OBVIOUSLY he names it Gohan III. The last one is a daughter named Eschalot. Obviosuly.
Anyway that's my post and unsolicited opinion on Bura x Goten.
Take care
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