#I feel very strongly that the type of sibling you are says a lot about your personality
parvuls · 9 months
omgcp characters + siblings headcanons
bitty - canonically an only child.
jack - canonically an only child.
shitty - I have this very specific headcanon about shitty's mom remarrying and shitty having a teenaged half-sister, who he fucking adores but who unfortunately thinks he's embarrassing as fuck. the only times she willingly has a conversation with him is when he brings lardo over (because lardo is cool).
lardo - has older brothers energy. you can't fight this. I'd say she has at least one older brother, and they get along pretty well. they don't talk much when she's at school, but they have an ongoing facebook chat exchange where they send each other dumb memes and funny cat videos.
ransom - according to the wiki, has two sisters. is most likely the eldest sibling and likes to lie to himself that he's their protective older brother, but honestly they could take him in a fight no problem. talks to his sisters the most out of the guys (his pregame routine includes facetiming them). EDITED: oops, it's actually canon he has one older sister and one younger one. I maintain that he still thinks he's their protective brother, and is still incredibly wrong about it.
holster - according to the wiki, has three sisters. gives off major middle child vibes, and no I will not take criticism on this. I would actually say he's a middle child and has a twin sister, if I didn't think he'd make having a twin sister his whole personality and mention her constantly.
chowder - canonically has a sister. I think he's the younger sibling and can most definitely be the annoying younger sibling when he's in the mood. does things like boast to his friends about how cool and accomplished his sister is and then go home and pull third-grade pranks on her all summer vacation. he's that "I can call her names because she's my sister but nobody else is allowed!!" brother.
nursey - has a much younger brother, like almost ten years younger. isn't and never was chill about this fact. when he goes home for breaks he's all like yeah whatever we'll probably have to do kid shit because of my baby bro but is then on the verge of tears when his brother tackle-hugs him as soon as he gets home. has one (1) picture in a full on elf costume from when he took his brother to the mall to see santa, and dex and chowder make sure everyone and their dog has seen that pic.
dex - canonically has a brother. probably has a whole bunch of brothers and sisters, like, at least four - so is the fourth out of five siblings, two of which are sisters and two are brothers. they all demand more attention than him, either because they're the perfect child or because they're the demon child, so he has that forgotten middle child syndrome. shared a bedroom with a sibling until he left for college and most definitely has hilarious life-long issues because of it.
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the-leafiest-leafwing · 6 months
I've seen a lot of people say that Kinkajou and Sunny are basically the same character, and I strongly disagree with that. What do you think?
this is gonna be kinda long, disorganized, and probably poorly written but it was fun to think about so 🤷‍♂️ i hope i am coherent
first of all, i feel like people who have no media literacy or character analysis skills are ALWAYS the quickest to make baseless generalizations like this. yes, kinkajou and sunny have very similar personalities (both bubbly and optimistic) but their character archetypes to me are actually completely different.
i see kinkajou as a character who is more focused on novelty and adventure, always seeking new experiences, new knowledge, new people, etc. she’s far less seasoned, mature, and responsible than most of the characters around her - not to say that she’s weak or dumb, as characters like them who are portrayed as happy and excitable are often equated to being dumb, by both the other characters and the readers/fans.
both of these characters are often underestimated, but sunny’s character revolves much more heavily around her proving herself to her peers and dealing with feelings of insecurity, inadequacy, and not being listened to or being unimportant. we never really see examples of these types of struggles from kinkajou.
i think kinkajou is also especially underestimated in her resiliency; she was kidnapped, imprisoned, and essentially tortured by the nightwings, she was hit by that venom during the competition for the throne, and she was put into a literal coma for i forget how long, plus all the other various harrowing adventures, fights, and experiences she’s been through. she always bounces back very easily and never seems to be deeply/personally affected by any insults to her intellect or general character. she gives the impression that she embraces and even flaunts her odd characteristics, physical and personality-wise, but sunny seems to have more trouble with accepting herself. it’s all like water off a duck’s back to kinkajou, whereas i think sunny is much more easily hurt by other people’s opinions.
sunny spent her entire childhood being put down and shamed for her appearance, demeanor, abilities, “weakness,” basically just everything about her. so it makes sense why, even after founding jade mountain academy, she’s so worried about being taken seriously and also making sure she doesn’t make any of her students feel the way the guardians always made her feel. she’s also (in my opinion) a much more dynamic character than kinkajou, meaning over the course of the books we see her change a lot more. she becomes less of a happy-go-lucky character and more of a sweet, caring, good-natured adult figure (regardless of her actual age). she kinda reminds me of an aunt with no kids of her own who loves looking after her sibling’s children.
kinkajou, on the other hand, would be more of the aforementioned child that is being looked after. she’s still a very independent character, don’t get me wrong, but she’s also very young and often needs to recieve guidance and protection from others. at the same time, though, kinkajou seems a bit more sure of herself and confident in her optimism, while sunny probably used her optimism as an escape/defense mechanism of sorts.
of course, being happy and excitable is an important part of both these character’s personalities, but it comes from different places and experiences and is conveyed in different ways. they do fill similar roles in their friend groups, but feel like sunny acted that way because she had to, while kinkajou acts that way because she wants to. she’s more inclined toward spontaneity, exuberance, and drama, and sunny is more inclined toward peace, love, and unity - to simplify it, sunny is a “happy” character in a calmer way than kinkajou.
​i also think there’s something to be said about the fact that sunny and kinkajou are both women and that’s part of why wof fans lump them together as “basically the same character” and don’t take them seriously as individuals or pay much attention to them and their importance to the overall story, and to both of their respective story arcs.
i might come back to edit this later if i have any more ideas, but please let me know your thoughts on this! whether you agree or disagree with my assessment of these characters, you think there’s something i left out, or there’s something youre confused about!!
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sage-nebula · 4 months
Blueberry Elite Four Thoughts
She's trans! She came out as a transgirl when she was around 10 or so, and was very nervous about telling Clay. But when she did tell him, he just laughed and said, "Shoot, that all? I was worried you were gonna say you wanted to be a stay-at-home spouse."
She dyes her hair pink, since it's the cutest color.
Her mom died when she was young, so Clay has raised her as a single parent. She has spent a lot of time alone as a result since Clay commutes to Driftveil for work each day, leading to her responsible personality.
Clay finds it hard to connect with her since they have few common interests, but he tries very hard. Lacey recognizes and appreciates his efforts. One of these efforts was introducing Lacey to Elesa, who is an old friend of Clay's and an idol of Lacey's. Lacey was speechless and had a crying meltdown and Clay could not understand what he did "wrong."
Once one of Clay's worker's expressed sympathy to him for having a [slur redacted] son. The worker was never seen again. Clay said he merely fired him. One employee who asked to remain anonymous is quoted as saying, "Yeah, down into the mines."
Lacey likes fairy-types for being cute, but also many pokémon that aren't thought of as traditionally cute. Her excadrill is the cutest of them all.
She absolutely has a southern twang to her voice, just like her daddy's.
She's a loyal subscriber to the Iono Zone, and has a crush on Iono to boot.
Amarys is autistic, and this has manifested in the way that social cues have been hard for her to understand growing up, and she's been bullied and ostracized for it, and she's tried very hard to study people and social cues and social rules so that she can play by those rules better and therefore be better accepted, but she also has difficulties emoting and so even when she does her best it rarely seems good enough and—well. Her bullies often compared her to a robot or a computer. Amarys often felt that she liked robots or computers better than humans, because they were easier to understand and deal with. And that sparked her interest in steel-type pokémon, whom she felt a sort of kinship with. But more importantly, just because she has trouble emoting doesn't mean she doesn't have feelings. She feels SO MUCH and SO STRONGLY and it's been so hard. She still tries her best to follow the rules in the hopes that doing so will yield the best result, but it's still so hard.
Carmine was the first person who ever stood up for Amarys. Other students were once again mocking Amarys for being a robot, and Carmine yelled at and threatened them until they ran away. Carmine explained that people liked to bully her little brother, too, but she couldn't stand people like that. And anyway, she was from Kitakami, so if Amarys was seen as a weirdo outsider at Blueberry Academy, maybe they could be weirdo outsiders together. Carmine was A Lot all at once, but Amarys liked the sound of all that.
Amarys likes spicy, sour, and bitter foods; she's not a fan of sweets.
She loves heights, but she is claustrophobic (albeit only mildly).
She has romantic feelings for Carmine, but thinks they could never be reciprocated and so she won't say anything about them. Carmine, meanwhile, thinks they are already dating.
She is actually not the best with technology, but she is a skilled artist, particularly when it comes to small models, like ships in bottles. Precision work is a natural talent of hers.
100% would fall for the "if you bake it at 400°F for 20 minutes, then if you crank it up to 4000° you can cook it in 2 minutes" rumor or whatever it was and would burn the whole academy down in the process.
If Lacey told him she was trans, his first response would be, "I thought you were Unovan?" His second response would be, "okay but you're still cute though!"
He has, on more than one occasion, melted plasticware in the oven. Despite this, he IS still a good cook.
He has many older siblings and is the baby of his family. Somewhere in his family tree are the Striaton triplets.
He has used his trusty frying pan as a drying pan.
He gets Big Mad when judges on cooking shows care more about style over taste and mouth feel. They are missing the whole point of food, he says.
Drayton has a complicated relationship with Iris. On one hand, she's great! She's a cool person! She's always fun to talk to and hang out with! On the other hand she's the literal fucking Champion of Unova and the shadow Drayton's been living in his whole fucking life, the ideal grandchild Drayden always wanted years before Drayton was ever born, the standard Drayton could never hope to live up to! And like, none of it's her fault, and he knows this and would never say as much to her, but the question of "why can't you be more like Iris" feels like it's always there and makes him not want to try at all, because he'll just fail anyway, right?
To that end, Drayton has failed his classes on purpose, because he doesn't know yet what he wants to do with his life. It is expected he will take over Opelucid Gym, but he doesn't want to. And that's fine, IF he has some other idea of what he wants to do. But he doesn't, so he's stalling. Not his best idea, but it's all he has.
Speaking of, in Unova, as Clay puts it, "When the people have a problem, it's up t' the Gym Leader t' put it right." The League Club had a problem with Kieran bullying the other members by abusing his power as Champion. Drayton, raised in a family of Gym Leaders, took it upon himself to fix the problem for the people. It's why he was proactive about it; it's what he was raised to do. (Lacey's dad is also a Gym Leader, and the one who said the original quote, but she's less inclined to rock the boat than Drayton is, especially since Drayton felt responsible by losing to Kieran in the first place.)
His accent is what we would think of as Brooklyn in the real world.
Drayton likes verbal sparring. It's like a sport to him. He likes riling up Carmine because she "hits" back. He sees it as playing and genuinely thinks she sees it as the same. She does not.
He also thinks Carmine and Amarys are dating.
Kieran has a negative opinion of Drayton because, when Kieran first joined the League Club, Kieran asked Drayton to make him strong. Drayton said, "I can't make you strong; you gotta do that yourself." Now, what Drayton MEANT was, Kieran has to find inner strength / determination to try and work hard on his own, and then with that perseverence and willingness to train, he and his team can grow. But what Kieran HEARD was, "fuck you, I hate you, you're pathetic, you're going to be a weak little pissbaby forever, go fucking die in a ditch, choke on your own vomit, I hope you get eaten alive by ten million trapinch in the savannah biome." Kieran's perception of Drayton never really recovered.
The hair dye that Drayton uses for his purple streak glows in the dark.
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good-to-drive · 8 months
So I was just chatting with someone about Paul and whether he could be on the narcissistic spectrum, and it made me want to organize my thoughts in one place.
The first thing I want to get out of the way is that being on the narcissistic spectrum doesn't mean you're a bad person. I know a lot of people disagree with that, so let's just rip the band-aid off: narcissism is a type of disordered thinking people develop as a response to childhood trauma, it is not associated with any one set of actions, it does not affect your moral compass, and treating it like a synonym for "asshole" is honestly pretty fucked up.
"But my [relative/ex partner/ex friend/etc] was a narcissist and they WERE an asshole!!"
That sucks!! I'm sorry you went through that. My best friend is on the narcissistic spectrum and they're the best person I've ever met. And if you met them you'd insist they're not a narcissist because they're not an asshole, but they're diagnosed and everything.
Saying people with narcissism are selfish, arrogant, self centered, etc is like saying people with an anxious attachment style are abusive. There's a positive correlation there (at least compared to secure and avoidant attachment styles) but they are by no means synonymous.
Narcissism is most strongly characterized by extreme feelings of self doubt and self recrimination that the sufferer tries to combat through external validation. Not by being an asshole.
Paul lost his only stable parent at a young age and was left to be the sensible one for a younger sibling and a father who was most likely a gambling addict. That level of destabilization likely prevented him from developing a strong sense of self or self worth.
Often when people with narcissism look inward they only see "emptiness," because they were prevented from developing self knowledge as a child. You HAVE a personality and a moral compass, but you don't know that you have it. Sort of like how if you'd never touched your face before you might have trouble finding your nose with your eyes closed.
This might explain why Paul tends to come across more self conscious than self aware -- which is to say, his knowledge of himself seems to only extend to the degree that he is insecure about certain aspects of himself. It might also explain why Paul had a tendency to adopt the characteristics of whoever he felt safest with, like adopting many of Linda's interests and traits once they were married.
This lack of internal self-knowledge also leads to a dependency on external validation. It's common for people on the npd spectrum to feel that what makes you a good person is to be perceived as a good person. When that perception is threatened the immense sense of emptiness and insufficiency comes roaring back and the individual tends to spiral and feel very vulnerable and hated.
To my eye, Paul was often very vulnerable to criticism, especially public criticism. He thrived under the public eye because the constant positive attention gave a strong sense of himself through others' eyes. Which is to say, he could see his himself reflected in the public eye and he generally liked what he saw, and that gave him an identity and internal consistency he might never have had before. When that image was threatened he didn't have the same level of internal self worth to fall back on that the rest of us have, so it was extraordinarily painful.
I'd also say the intensity of his relationship with John may have indicated some narcissistic tendencies. John probably had bpd (I think most of us in the fandom are on the same page about that) and had a tendency to intensely idealize his chosen person, which for someone like Paul who lacks an internal sense of self worth and identity would be extremely comforting. Being "chosen" by John would provide him with a very powerful feeling of worthiness that he might not have felt before, or at least not very often, and that might partially explain the sheer intensity of their relationship.
(I'm not saying they didn't also genuinely love each other, just that our history and past traumas inform how we relate to people in the present and John's coping mechanism of intense idealization may have dovetailed nicely with Paul's coping mechanism of external validation.)
Anyways, one thing I want to make really clear is that I'm not a psychiatrist and have never taken a psychology class in my entire life, this is exclusively based on personal research. And I mostly read about violence, addiction, and systems theory so I'm no kind of expert on narcissism. These are just some parallels I've noticed when I've run up on narcissism in other texts. Only a psychiatrist could diagnose Paul.
(That being said, Dr Honda from Psychology in Seattle IS a psychiatrist and professor and he makes a strong case for Paul being a narcissist. He discusses it briefly in his video on John's psychology, which is also totally worth watching just for its own sake because it's extremely interesting).
Edited to add:
Edit 2: I just wanna walk back a little on the idea that John likely had BPD, because I've been reading about BPD vs CPTSD and there's a lot I never knew. But also I get the feeling this is the kind of discussion only a clinician could have an informed opinion about, and as a layman I just want to be clear that I'm not trying to endorse BPD as a diagnosis OR deny it, I'm truly not educated or experienced enough to weigh in on whether BPD is a problematic diagnosis.
In the interest of keeping all my thoughts in one place, I also feel like this is why people create a false dichotomy between Paul using fatherhood/family as part of his branding and Paul actually self defining foremost as a family man/father.
If I'm right and he was denied a chance to develop self knowledge during childhood, and thus drew his sense of identity and value largely from watching his own reflection in the public eye, then using his family as his brand would be the exact same thing as defining himself internally via his relationship to his family.
The idea that he could either be a calculating person making conscious and pointed decisions about how he positions his family in his public image OR genuinely be the devoted father and family man he portrays himself to be is honestly pretty unfair, because for someone on the npd spectrum crafting a public persona IS creating an identity.
So if you're arguing that Paul "just" used his family man image as a branding tactic then I'd say you're actually making a really good case that Paul's family was the most important part of who he was.
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loosesodamarble · 4 months
Hiya Erika 😁!! Ooo for the character ask game may I ask for 1, 6, 13, and 17 for…Yami and Finral please 🥰! (I hope it’s okay asking for two 🙈!)
It's very okay asking for two characters, Lyra! It just means that I'm gonna take a little more time to answer. Hope you don't mind that.
Yami Sukehiro
1) Why do you like or dislike this character?
This is going to sound weird but I like Yami because he's like an older cousin who is told to take charge and watch over the others but 9/10 times he does his own shit since the younger kids can manage just fine and the last 1/10 times is when shit get real like a robber breaking in.
He's an older role model to his squad. But he doesn't act like an authority figure to them. He doesn't force them to follow any rules and lets them take care of themselves to become who they can/want to be. Yami's character is able to balance responsibility and freedom to the benefit of the other characters around him.
6) What's something you have in common with this character?
Is it a cop out if I say me being part Japanese is a commonality between me and Yami (since Hino is the Japan of BC)? Because I can't really think of anything else that he and I share.
13) What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
💀 Skull. No, I don’t think Yami is going to die (if it was about a character dying or being dead Morgen would have this emoji/j). And while I don’t think Yami would be a big emoji user, I get a kick out of imagining Yami typing “your days are numbered 💀” when someone pisses him off through text.
17) What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
Yami x Nacht. I've joked that they have the energy of ex-lovers and there is potential in that kind of dynamic. Seeing romantic potential in a platonic dynamic is nothing new and that’s something in Yami x Nacht which I can’t find fault with. It’s fine. People make good art for the ship. But I don’t seek out content for the ship (I see it on my dash because of who I follow and because of the fandom tag). And I don’t feel strongly enough about it to make content for it either.
Finral Roulacase
1) Why do you like or dislike this character?
-I like that he's a coward without being an ass about it. If he was some kind of selfish coward that ran at the expense of others, I wouldn't like him nearly as much. -He is loving and forgiving towards Langris, someone who really needs it. I will never not like characters who forgive without hesitation. That stuff is my jam. -Awesome magic. Teleportation is always going to be cool. -He really is a pacifist through and through. His magic can't attack because he's just that kind to his core. -His pacifism doesn't equate to uselessness. He will still do what he can to support those around him who can fight because that's what needs to be done more often than not. -Literally just a cute guy. Looks and personality wise. I want to protect Finral. -In a real life situation, I would want to date someone like Finral. He's fun-loving but also realistic. He's giving but still fights for what he wants (at least post character development). Finral is troubled but not jaded.
6) What's something you have in common with this character?
I too would be chill with my siblings if they almost caused my death. I love my family very much (mostly because they’re genuinely nice people) and I don’t think I’d ever have the heart to hate them regardless of how they hurt me.
13) What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
💖 The sparkling heart emoji. Finral’s got a big heart and I giggle at the thought of shoujo romance sparkles around Finral when he tries to flirt (even when he fails). He’s just got a sparkly personality.
17) What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
Finral x Vanessa. It’s another case of romantic potential within a platonic relationship. And given how their stories parallel in some ways (both not displaying abilities that their abusive parents desire and running away from home), I understand why people would want to ship them together, for that paralleled lovers dynamic. I get it but I'm not too into it. I've stumbled upon content for it and some friends ship it but I'm not someone who would seek it out or create for it.
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littlestsnicket · 11 months
Hi! I'm really late to the ASOUE fandom, so I'm happy that there are still some great fanblogs around. I loved reading through yours. I wanted to ask what you think of the Netflix series and the movie in relation to the novels. Apologies if you've already answered this question!
Also (and slightly related) do you have any Jacques Snicket headcanons for the book or the Netflix character? I never really noticed him in the novels but I loved him (probably Nathan Fillion) in the show.
Thank you <3
welcome to asoue fandom! i’ve been a fan of these books since they were first published and didn’t get involved in fandom until after the netflix series had finished, so it’s never to late, and i’m glad you enjoyed my blog!
i have talked about my thoughts on the netflix adaptation (i forget which tag i used, i was trying to use a consistent one for that at some point…), but i love talking about adaptations and how they work and i’m always happy to talk about it some more!
i saw the movie when it came out, and i don’t remember feeling very strongly about it one way or another, which says something because 2004 would be around the peak of me obsessively rereading the books so i should have cared a lot. i mostly remember really liking violet’s costume in an objective, aesthetic sense and also feeling it was deeply deeply wrong for the tone of the books/how things looked in my head. i’ve only rewatched it once since then with lemony snicket’s commentary track, which is just absolutely delightful, so i’m afraid i don’t have much to say about it.
i think the netflix show is a good adaptation with some things i will go to my grave mad about. i love the visuals, it’s the exact right amount of fantastical and timeless. it’s the right amount of funny while still having moments of intense seriousness. i love the musical numbers in season 2. i love what they did to change the vibe of this being a tv show so it shouldn’t exist in a world driven by books like the books do. i love the addition of the recurring adult characters.
since you asked about jacques snicket, i really love how they re-conceived that character to be a suave, james bond-y, spy type. i think it serves the rest of the changes they made really well. i enjoy his relationship with olivia and larry the waiter. i love the dynamic he has with olaf. i will die mad that they didn’t give him a unibrow. we deserve otherwise conventionally attractive jacques snicket with a unibrow. it’s thematically important damn it!
book!jacques snicket, who we only really get to know through his letters in the unauthorized autobiography and quigley’s memories, will always be the jacques snicket of my heart, but i can love both.
also still mad about the opera night. it is absolutely thematically critical that the viewer not know what happened, and what you gain isn’t enough to offset that. also wish we had gotten more morally grayness from vfd. i really love how the organization is introduced in season 1 and 2, but it never got to evolve into being about how kind, well meaning people can do horrible things either because of their own flaws or because of intractable circumstances, and we all have to live with that because it’s part of the human condition.
i don’t have any netflix!jacques head canon, except that in the fictional version of the show that i got to have input in, olivia learns that he’s done really difficult to rationalize things from the snicket file and that puts her in a much more similar to book!olivia’s mindset when the baudelaire’s meet her at the carnival.
i have lots of book!jacques head canons. i think i’ve talked about most of them before but these are my favorite: 1, jacques looks almost exactly like lemony but is several inches shorter and 2, jacques is the least committed to vfd of his siblings, and he will always put the safety of the people he loves (but especially lemony) over the greater good.
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cy-cyborg · 8 months
hi! thank you for writing your posts about writing/drawing disabled characters and amputees. my ask might be kinda niche so if you don’t feel comfy answering i understand!!
in the story im writing (its contemporary fantasy, like magic exists in a modern setting) one of my characters gets severely injured in a battle/monster attack and loses his leg above the knee. he’s not the protagonist but the close friend/love interest btw. a lot of the story takes place during after his injury heals and he starts using a prosthetic (there’s a time skip so we don’t see all of his healing journey but some of it will definitely be there).
his character arc isn’t really tied to his disability at all, its just there. he copes with it and moves on pretty easily. my protagonist, however, feels a lot of guilt over it because he got in the battle/attack because of her. a lot of her arc has to do with overcoming trauma because she got her sibling killed in a monster attack and feels a lot of guilt over it. a lot of that same guilt comes up because my protagonist and her li got in a fight about her keeping secrets from him and it resulted in the battle/attack that caused his amputation.
i want to emphasize in my writing that the protagonist isn’t guilty because he lost his leg — but that he got hurt at all. she was raised to protect people from monsters etc and she failed, and not only that but she failed her best friend. she doesn’t think of him as weaker for it once the initial wound heals, just guilty that he had to go through any pain at all. and i want to make sure that my writing doesn’t portray him as weaker because of this either. disability doesn’t make you weaker, it just means you have to adapt to situations a bit differently than another person might. my story includes a lot of fighting both physically and magically (though he isn’t a magic user) and he’s one of the most talented characters when it comes to fighting so i want to make sure that’s emphasized
im actually disabled myself, though my disability is very much invisible. so im still unsure of how to approach this because i want to be as respectful and realistic as possible. im sorry if my rambling didn’t make any sense, but if you’re able to give me any guidance at all (not just my specific ask, but anything else generally you haven’t covered in other posts yet) id greatly appreciate it :)
I am so sorry, I could have sworn I answered your question already but I think I just typed something out and forgot to post it lmao.
So what you described sounds fine to me, the only thing you need to be careful of is not going too far in the other direction and making the LI's amputation have no impact/too little impact. Disabilities like amputation are still disabling, they will have an impact and make some things harder, just not to the extent/not in the ways most people expect. It's about finding a balance!
On top of that, you also have to be mindful of how non-disabled people will read those interaction too. This goes against a lot of standard writing advice, but I've found, if you're going against a trope about disability specifically, becuase most people are so uneducated about the topic and yet have very strongly-held opinions anyway, you really have to spell things out lol. You might intend for it to be read as "she feels bad he was hurt at all/that she failed her job" but a lot of non-disabled readers do tend to add the "becuase he's disabled now and that means his life will be shit" onto it even if that's not at all what you were saying. It's very frustrating, and something that took me a really long time to learn how to avoid when I used to post my writing online lol. Beta readers and sensitivity readers are a good way to measure if you were clear enough there though.
and to be clear, not saying either of these things are something you're doing, just things to be cautious of.
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dogcodedcatboy · 3 months
Garnet, bittersweet shimmer, and chocolate cosmos (or if you answered these ones already feel free to substitute them!)?
♡ @eternally-smitten :))
hi nat !!!! thank u for sending an ask!!!! 🖤💚
Garnet: How do both of you feel about soulmates or any kind of belief about being fated to be with someone? Have these opinions about it changed after meeting each other? aaron def believes heavily in soulmates n that kind of stuff. he's always been v romance-oriented and like, obsessed with finding The One. b4 he meets roman he's a bit...discouraged and is reaching the 'OK MAYBE i'm meant 2 die alone whateverrrr fuck this gay earth' point. but u know how these things work, sometimes you gotta stop looking so hard and then the right person will find u. red string of fate and all that...anyway he 100 percent believes roman is his soulmate. he will divulge this information when drunk but otherwise keeps his mouth shut bc he knows he will be made fun of sooooo hard
roman does not necessarily believe in soulmates... too much mushy stuff and magical thinking involved. also i don't think he'd allow himself/even be able to like, meditate on his own feelings abt this stuff for a while. very out of touch w his emotions and it's def a process to untangle and sort through All That. he def teases aaron for it, but deep down is really soft on the fact that someone feels that strongly abt him. idk if he'd ever believe in soulmates per say. Bittersweet Shimmer: How does your f/o feel about romance movies and all those subgenres under it? Do they have any favorites for Valentine's Day?
roman is not a romance or romcom enjoyer. he's def the type to enjoy making fun of movies he thinks r shitty tho, so if they're watching a cheesy romance flick it is Exclusively to dunk on it. aaron would never rlly suggest anything frm the genre bc he doesnt like them either, but maybe pretty woman LMAO
Chocolate Cosmos: If your f/o was talking about you to someone like a close friend, how exactly would they talk about you? How would they describe you? Characterize you? And how often do they talk about you to other people?
this. question was the reason this ask took me so long to answer bc everytime i tried to think abt an answer i just said teehee and kicked my feet and short circuited my own brain
how would roman talk abt aaron...idk how many "close friends" roman even has ( kculk said he was #friendless sorry rome :( ) so this is more like how he would talk to his siblings. anyway aaron is not Really a trophy husband (altho they joke abt it) but when roman talks abt aaron its mostly to flex abt how Cool he is. it strokes his ego a little to know he was able to pull a Cool Hot Guy.
roman is also very...repressed. not a strong sense of individuality or identity really. so he appreciates how weird and authentic aaron is. he really admires aaron's confidence
assuming their relationship is public and roman is able to actually talk about aaron + he works thru a little bit of that Repression . i think he would talk abt aaron a fair bit! i mean, he would be bound to come up in conversations sometimes bc like. thats his partner and a lot of his anecdotes involve aaron. but i do think he brings him up to acquaintances unprompted a fair bit.
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maya-matlin · 3 months
So I know this is probably dumb, but what about Jenna Middleton/Brooke Davis for that comparing Degrassi characters to people from other shows thing? Jenna's passion for music makes her more like Peyton or Haley, but in personality she really reminds me of Brooke: bubbly, adventurous, loving extroverts who prefer optimism so initially deny a few hard truths, not all that book smart but very intelligent and savvy when it comes to people, they're both spontaneous but also kind of impulsive, and both even announce that they're not letting boys define them anymore :) You could also maybe compare Jimmy to Nathan Scott...? And while I'm obsessively analyzing every character, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the differences between Emma and Clair - they seem very similar to me!
Comparing Jenna to any of those girls seems inaccurate to me, but maybe I'm thinking of early Jenna. I just feel like she was so bubbly and low key phony to begin with. She clearly got a lot of validation from being perceived as more desirable than other girls. So I'm with you. I don't think Haley and Jenna are anything alike beyond their passion for music. Haley was anxious, introverted, responsible and school oriented. That was never Jenna, unless you want to say she was more responsible during seasons 11-14. Out of the three main girls, Brooke is the closest comparison. But I still struggle to see it. I just feel like even before Brooke admits how smart she is, she's much socially conscious and intelligent than Jenna. But I loved reading everything you had to say. I strongly agree that both Jenna and Brooke eventually come to define their own self worth based on how much they like themselves and personal growth rather than whether or not boys find them attractive. This makes me realize that I spend very little time analyzing Jenna.
As for Jimmy and Nathan, that works! Though, I think Jimmy was always more intelligent than Nathan. Even though both guys always saw playing professional basketball as their futures and even had fathers who pressured them to succeed and keep pushing even to their detriment, it seemed like Jimmy always had more going for him than Nathan. In spite of the tragedy that befell Jimmy, he was always going to be fine. Jimmy had a way of becoming successful at everything he tried, from art to rapping. Apparently, he had plans to become a lawyer. I got the feeling school came fairly easily for Jimmy compared to someone like Nathan, who heavily relied on his talent to get him far in life. Jimmy seemed more comfortable reinventing himself and figuring out an alternate path for his life than Nathan ever did - though it should be acknowledged that Nathan eventually thrived once his health forced him to retire. It's just that he had to put in a lot of effort to succeed.
Clare and Emma. Hmm. Obviously, both played the same role. They are the prominent, good girls of their classes. There's a perception that both Emma and Clare never make mistakes (in universe, not in the fandom). Both are drawn to bad boy types from time to time. Neither is afraid to speak up when they feel something unjust is happening. However, Emma navigates social situations far easier than Clare does. From the very beginning of TNG, Emma has zero problem using her voice and making her opinions known. I'm sure this is related to Emma being raised by a single mom and basically being the center of Spike's world. Spike was always a feminist, so you can imagine Emma was brought up to believe women should use their voices and to never make yourself smaller to appease anyone. And Emma never did. Clare had a very different upbringing. She was raised in a conservative, Christian household with God-fearing parents. Unlike Emma, Clare always had an older sibling. It was known to everyone that while Darcy was the pretty, popular, social one, Clare was just the smart one. She was likely overlooked prior to coming to Degrassi and being noticed beyond being Darcy's little sister. Clare needed time to come into her own. Unlike Emma, Clare started as much more of a pushover. But once Clare gained some confidence and learned to use her individual voice without worrying about disturbing the peace, that was that. I don't think being social ever came completely easily to Clare, though. She was very by the books and is often accused of being sanctimonious in later seasons. Their goals were also different. While Emma was mainly focused on the environment and making the world a better place, Clare was more comfortable being a writer. She seemed to oscillate between pursuing creative writing or becoming a journalist before settling on the latter. Clare is nothing if not practical. Emma was more interested in feelings and morals than she was something more concrete. Interestingly, both girls ended up in a similar place with each taking time to figure out their next move with guys they probably shouldn't have settled down with.
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poltergeist-coffee · 7 months
Heyy, it's me again
The one and only
Kameto coming back yesterday was the most unexpected thing
And he's a spy???
In any case, we also got favela interactions:D
Bagi was going to show her secret base only to Pac(It didn't expect to like their dynamic so much) but then Cellbit just going "let's go together" was so funny and Kameto just coming and distracted them from the discussion and someone on Pac's chat just said "KAMETO LEAVE I WANT TO SEE THE FIGHT"
And Pac stole the tvs when they were leaving that place where they found Kameto
That's my streamer
Oh yeah, and Forever somehow got along into the ride to go to Bagi's secret base
B: "Apparently my brother liked chess and worms"
F: "I like chess but I don't like worms"
C: "I like chess and I like worms but I'm not your brother"
He's not beating the sibling allegations
And there was Pac who was: "I don't like neither"
(And right now Bagi is trying to get rid of a considerable amount of milk and I don't even know where it come from
She's going to be lactose intolerant after drinking that amount of milk)
Now, stopping my rambling for a moment, do you have any Favela six + Richas(and perhaps the honorary brazilians) headcanons?
(Or insane duo cuz you slightly looks like that you like them, y'know, just very slightly ashuksksks)
- 🍽️
HELLO!! YEAH YESTERDAYS STREAM WAS KINDA CRAZY KWMKNFIJS what a twist for kameto to come back as a federation spy!! tbh i’m vv excited to see what he does and all the devious things he can get up too >:3c esp since he has etoiles like- etoiles is someone everyone trusts so is etoikes trusts kameto then i feel like kameto is just going to get whatever knowledge he wants you know? it will be so easy for him
pac never stopped being a thief <33 hell yeah king take all those tv monitors or whatever collect that shit
I LOVED THE CONVO OF BAGI TRYING TO ASK CELLBIT THINGS FROM HER BOOK TO SEE IF HES HER BROTHER KMAKNVJND cellbit didn’t even question it he’s like alright q&a time what do you want to know maknkfnkja
i will ramble about some Favela Six hcs under the cut for anyone interested in them >:3c also!! anon i don’t like insaneduo what makes you think that i like them <- lying
my personal hc for q!cellbit is that he’s a phantom OR maybe just a silly human who’s incredibly deranged… (i don’t want him to be a catboy as much as i think it fits him bc i remember cc!cellbit saying he isn’t super fond of it. idc that people do this is just a me thing aknfjhjsn)
mayhaps he and bagi are both humans…
q!mike to me is a creeper and he is terrified of cats (cellbit) and will make the creeper hissing sound (like about to explode) when under a lot of stress
he and pac have matching earrings :)) like they have two sets of earrings one green and one blue but they both share it? like pac has one green and one blue earring!! so mike has the other pair to the set
qforever is trans (to me) and a werewolf and you can’t convince me otherwise. he is so dogboy coded it’s fucking insane he is a werewolf and you can’t convince me otherwise
qpac is not human but i don’t know what he is specially… haven’t come up with it yet… i just know he can’t be human…
oh and qfelps ofc is a magma cube <33 my fav ever
i think that before the insaneduo divorce arc qforever would go to the order base very often and just fall asleep in there while cellbit worked
i remember seeing a clip of him saying the office and the music cellbit played there was very comforting to him so he often goes there if he can’t sleep at night and curls up on the couch falling asleep to the sound of cellbit typing away on his keyboard u-u
i feel like richas has multiple bedroom everywhere. like all his parents have their own homes and he can sleep there so every mornign all the brazilians will text each other like “who had richas? who’s taking care of him today?” you know??
when richas meets bagi i believe strongly that he would steal one of her extra hats and wear it around + brag to everyone like he has SO MANY DADS and also TWO MOMS!! which is more moms then most of the eggs u-u he continues to remain unmatched in “having the most parents” department
i think after richas helped forever build the ocean (i’m sorry i don’t remember the name) with forever he was sort of sick of sand/beaches in general for a while MKANJHCIJLAM he shakes his head and sand is flying EVERYWHERE
richas is also wearing his jersey backwards and no one has yet to make a comment about it to him
richas would carry around markers/pens with him at all times and when he’s bored he’d doodle on his arms or legs + anyone he’s with who lets him (his favorite person to draw on is forever only because forever acts super annoyed about it and chases him around)
i like the idea of all the streamers chats taking the form of an animal or something like that so i don’t think it’s uncommon to see a bunch of diff animals around the favela or richas just hanging out with one another :))
i think it might be canon that qfelps can marry people?? like that job?? he can officiate weddings?? if it’s not them i’m sorry fanon got to me but he totally officiated qinsaneduos wedding on that boat they crashed
okay i think that’s enough for now MKANHFJNSK thanks for listening <33
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📱11H Persona Ruler(s) Persona Chart📢
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📱If you're 11H has a co-ruler you can check it's persona chart as well but mainly focus on it's ancient ruler first IMO this also is focused strongly around friendships
📱You're 11h rulers ASC is likely what your friends assumed you we're like before befriending you for me it was my friends saying how I was seemingly so pure & innocent UNTIL I revealed my true authenticity👹 this could apply to societies view of you before you express yourself & if there's a planet(s) in your 1h this is possibly how your friends thought you expressed yourself after knowing you for ex: Aries Rising 23 degrees with Jupiter 1h before you're freinds met you they thought you were a chaotic b*tch but after they commuinicated & befriended you they might see you currently as a lit person who loves to party but still could act up due to rowdy behavior.
📱You're 2h for you're 11h persona chart(s) might be how you sound when talking with people & how you view your own self-worth, your possessions etc. ex: lets say your 2h ruler is leo & your 11h persona chart(s) sun sign is virgo they might see you as a person who loves to get there point across & very talkative & is not afraid of an open discussion esp if aspecting Mars the degree of you're 2nd house is how you sound to them if yours is at 20 degrees you might be more quiet but if somebody has provoked you then some verbal intensity could come out.
📱You're 3h 11h persona chart could be how they think of your reputation & friends at school & view your siblings, you're mindset & the things you say for ex: let's say Saturn is in that 3h you're school friends & youre siblings could have really dry humor & might see what you have to say as bland or mean but moving the 11h persona's 3h ruler in the chart might show the class you may excell at to them & society.
📱The 4h being how they view your roots obviously the degree of your IC is the degree of your MC & that degree could be what you seem like publically having Sun there might mean they assume you're childhood was simple & your parents positive if it's opposed your MC they might think that you're positive self-expression stayed with you & if your MC ruler is 7 they may think your childhood had a lot to do with beauty & being fair & publically you may seem relaxed or quiet this house for your 4h 11h persona shows the placements of friends that treat you like family
📱5H THE HOUSE that shows IMO 👏YOUR👏Best👏friends👏 the types of friends you want & have the most fun with this could also show what you're community & friends find fun about you for ex: let's say your 5h has venus in it you probably feel like you deserve aesthetically pleasing friends in your life lets say your 5h ruler is mercury then these same friends might be good company & somebody you would like to have a strong connection with verbally the degree could be how you & your friends are seen since it's also your 11h degree & how you react when hanging out
📱6H this shows likely how you are around you're friends the degree is how you act with them for ex: let's say your 5h degree is 21 degree's of capricorn as soon as they visit your crazy, saying the most out-of-pocket roasts to some of you're friends lets say uranus is there to & you start behaving like your tripping everytime they've said "hi" this could also show what you're co-workers think of you when a friends near
📱7h this could show the friends you attract & they're attitudes this might show how your friends see you handle an open enemy the friends you attract might be overprotective seeming if you have cancer there they could also be generally prone to outbursts if it's at 25 degree's or they might seem hard to chill AS for how you handle open enemies again you might think you get emotional but if you have the 7h ruler as moon in scorpio that can makr you're friends think you get violent when somebody has angered you due to your emotions
📱8h these are the people you don't want as your friends or whatyou dislike about your friends & tbfh this should not be ignored if you have a friend that's doing something you generally dislike tell them how you feel same with somebody yk you dislike trying to befriends you & for ex: lets say the 8h signs Libra & what you despise about people who seem like they want to befriends you or are friends is how whenever it's a fight they play peacemaker & that makes you feel like they don't have your back with a gemini Venus at 12 degrees check your 8h ruler & if your dealing with people like this- the awsners simple drop them period or yk verbalize your opinion yk solve that.
📱9h ruler this could be how you are when traveling with friends & the friends you make traveling or the friends who traveled from afar & met you at some point this could also show your college friends for ex: lets say you have neptune in the 9h & your college friends where really eluisive or in the sense that they traveled then maybe you're friend left said college or left you somehow this could mean the class you & you're college friends may of mainly met in for ex: an art class
📱Your MC or 10h is what you seem like to people publically the planets in there could show what you seem as publically ex: if it's pluto people might think your tense seeming & what it rules for ex: the 1h might mean they think your observant of people & brutal just from looks alone, the house a planet rules could show where your meeting a type of friend/person if your mc & 11h are involved somehow or include beneficial planets people might see you as popular for ex: 10h venus
📱11H of the 11h persona you & you're friends & how society sees you this is also the type of friend you are to your friends & how it is you recieved them this is your gang for ex: your 11h sign's capricorn with mars there & the ruler is saturn conj. mercury your friends might be athletes along with you this could indicate acquiring these friendss during a race or P.E. this could also make somebody an intellectual with masculine traits & society could see you & you're friends as intense
📱12H these are who your friends say are your hidden enemies if it's in Leo maybe the person gossiping about you is somebody very regal or loud or theatrical but it depends on 12h placements co-rulers degree etc. 🖐️😮‍💨
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Hello again~ It's the anon who asked about the 2012/Rise brotherly love debate from earlier. Thank you for the answer, it was actually really helpful. ^_^
I just feel stupid for the fact that I had such a hard time understanding it myself.. I guess maybe it's because I myself am an only child who's never had to deal with rowdy siblings that like to tease you, roughhouse you, throw jabs at you or would beat you up for taking the last oreo in the cupboard (which I now consider a blessing), so I'm just not very used to the idea of that "non-overt" or rough type of love.
Ironically enough, there was a time when I used to strongly envy other kids who had siblings when I was very young; I would've loved to have a cute little baby or a kid my own age to play games with every single day! (That was just what I thought having a sibling was meant to be like back then. 😅) But now? As a 21-yr-old introvert who cherishes her privacy, when I think about all the all the annoyances & inconveniences and fights, to the downright brutal physical/emotional torment that I've seen some siblings put each other through, whether in media or irl, I realise that the life I have is perfectly fine without one. No offense. 😅
(Not *all* siblings, I know, some have truly shown how caring & loving they are and are always look out for each other and I love that~♡^_^ But still, I'm good. 😄)
Okay, okay I'm getting off track, back to the turtle debate.
I don't know if you read the fanfic and saw the comments, but I saw someone say they think the partial reason why people like to bash the 2012 brothers in their crossover works is because it is their way of getting revenge on all the people who frequently bashed Rise TMNT and judged/treated it unfairly; according to them a lot of those people were 2012 TMNT fans, but I don't know for sure how true that is.
Based on that claim, what do you think?
I don’t speak for everyone on this topic, but I personally wouldn’t put it past ppl to bash works because one side of the fandom was treated unfairly. People are going to feel what they feel, and sometimes people will make comments/arguments that shouldn’t be said because it won’t respect the other side. (Sadly that won’t stop em tho)
That being said, people are allowed to have their preferences and opinions (whether they like 2012TMNT or RiseTMNT or a diff version or ALL of them) - they just shouldn’t enforce their own opinions as the correct opinion because they think their side is better. It doesn’t justify putting down other peoples preferences just because they don’t like it themselves.
I just read this persons fic and I can honestly see where the frustration is coming from when it comes to the sibling debate. I really liked their take on the 2012TMNT siblings - and when reading the comments I saw someone bring up how 2012TMNT takes a more serious tone while RiseTMNT takes a more comedy based tone. And I agree; sometimes fans of the show look at the different reboots with the “same lense” and that shouldn’t be the case. You can’t really judge these reboots and their versions of the siblings with the same standards all the time - that’s art for ya!
I love both versions of the TMNT siblings and I don’t really compare them too much because these shows are meant to have different takes on the siblings/franchise - anyways that’s my take on this
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maxmayfieldirl · 2 years
Okay so like, here's the things I think/want to happen in vol 2
Before I say anything: I am well aware that it's merely 4 hours so I know not all of this is gonna happen. I suppose this is also things I want in s5 as well.
Starting off strong with the confirmed deaths!! Who it will be we do not know yet but I have some thoughts.
Of course I'm sure y'all have seen me mention the Wheeler's quite often. I am mostly convinced it will be one of the Wheeler's who dies. I strongly believe it could be Karen solely bc of her poster--or Nancy but Nancy has been my favorite since s1 so I really hope it's not her.
As for the other deaths, Eddie bc of his string of bad luck lately. I mean. He was literally accused of murder, kinda hard to come back from that.
Max bc well. Vecna. That's my only reasoning really. That and she mentioned Kate Bush loosing her magic powers... Normally it would seem like a regular piece of dialogue but like. It's stranger things we're talking about.
Other potential deaths but I don't feel strongly enough about them:
Steve bc he gets the shit beat out of him every season so he's not far off from death. I don't have much to say other than its just a gut feeling. Something bad is gonna happen to Steve, he's a fan favorite.
Dustin, why? I dunno, a gut feeling. He told Steve something along the lines of "if you die, I die". Also he hasn't really had a lot of personal run ins with the upside down. Too good for too long I say. I hope I'm wrong though, stay good Dustin
Jason bc he's so insistent on this all being the work of devil and his gf literally just died so why wouldn't vecna pay him a visit? He's so invested in this, he's seen a death with his own eyes he just can't seem to see the truth. It'd definitely be interesting
I am hoping for a mutual Mileven break up, I just. I like them as friends. They worked together so much better as friends. We see it in s1, they get along so well but as they start dating it just. They're not really getting along? They do but not the way they did before.
Of course I need sibling interactions!! Byers family (which seems to happen!!! Woo!!!), Wheeler family, Sinclair family!!!! I need it!!
A Mike and Nancy hug!! Them literally acknowledging each other's existence and not arguing please!!!! I need it!!
Big Brother Lucas™️ protecting Erica. Like I just want them to interact for more than a minute. Like a sibling moment without others. A soft sibling moment!! They bond!!! A hug...? Come on Duffers!!!
Byler. I don't need them to get together this season. I just need them to interact more. I just yeah. They can get together next season. Yeah
Core 4 party members literally just existing in the same room together we've been robbed. I miss their friendship, they seem to get divided a lot.
Flashbacks!! I want to know more about the pasts of the characters and the upside down. What were they like years ago, before it all happened? What is the full story of the upside down? Maybe just a little tease.
El and Hop reunite, an extremely emotional one too. If not that than El at least has to find out Hop is alive. Please she needs something good in her life.
I know I've strayed away from theories but I feel like it will end on a cliffhanger and pick up from s5. I'm pretty impatient so I don't want this but it would be interesting. I believe it build up to everyone going in the upside down and fighting their very last battle there. My guess is they start s5 with the final battle there and the last couple episodes is the aftermath.
I know the Duffers mentioned a time skip but they've lied about other things so.... Plus it'd be pretty cool.
I am 100% fully convinced the final battle will be everyone against vecna in the upside down.
Maybe Hawkins will be swallowed whole by the upside down. The show seems to be leaning towards the end of the world type thing but maybe it's just me.
I also wanna know what Max's letters said. And what Erica found under Lucas's bed, I believe that's what it was.
It's getting late and I'm getting a little too tired to think of other things rn so I'll leave this here, feel free to add your opinions and what not. Do be respectful about it.
If you'd like to hear more things like this, my ask box is open ^_^
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mbti-notes · 1 year
Anon wrote: (700026129933860864) Thank you so much for your thorough response. I believe I am INFP, just in a grip, but am open to the possibility that I am mistyped.
Background info, brief due to limited space: my mother is ISFJ (I could not get her to take the test because she thinks of MBTI as horoscopes and personality types as destiny), but the people and society she has lived with have a very strong preference for Te. She unknowingly tries to find harmony (Fe) with people (e.g. my father) by strongly and again unknowingly trying hard to talk the Te talk. So I (& my siblings; I am the only one with Te in my stack - I have always played the "parent" role in my family) was raised with emphasis on Te (raised to be in a grip?), even envy because no one actually used Te "well". Mixed in are Confucian values (being Chinese) - repeatedly told that deviation from my mother's values = not filial, = betraying her by not working towards "rich and successful" to avenge on my father for mistreating her.
At school and work - can't claim I did this very often, but whenever I did mention I like to write or show my little poems or drawings, etc., I was laughed at or just told "you have no talent". (Thinking back, what can one expect in an AP math class or a cut-throat Manhattan office?) I learned to hide my (N to a certain extent) FP and act out my best rendition of (S)TJ - the better I could build a financial model, organize a project or analyze in a transactional manner a business decision, the more external recognition I got, the more career progression I got, and the more I hid my (N)FP. All done with a price of mental distress - your guides describe what I experienced very accurately.
Analogy: though left-handed, I was told since young that only right hand is "good"; the more I got rewarded, the better I got at using it. But I had to expend a lot of extra energy using my right hand, and actually, subconsciously don't believe it and even hate myself for it. Unaware of this until ~10 years ago, I have been struggling with "shedding the baggage" (habits, reward, self-esteem, etc.) associated with using my right hand while also realizing my left hand has gotten rusty due to lack of practice. Socially, I have close to no support or understanding for “coming out” as FP because my family's culture hasn't changed, and the “identity” I have with my "friends" (almost all from work) has been constructed from the TJ they have known me as (or they don't want to hear about FP "soft feeling" stuff). I.e. I feel highly not integrated.
As you wrote: I have "immense difficulty staying true to myself." I have attempted to remove obstacles as your wrote, but keep faltering: left my formal business positions a few years ago, but keep interviewing when jobs are proposed to me and doing freelance business projects but not enjoying them; entered a formal creative writing program but constantly fighting in my head (how do I get published, what kind of competitions or social media presence could help me gain recognition, vs. writing isn't about this, I need to learn to enjoy the act of writing, etc.) and also disappointed that many of my classmates aren't that "pure and passionate" with their pursuit of writing. (These are generalizations and probably made a bit extreme to convey the points with little space.) I haven't lived with my mother since college, but every so often would stay with her for a few months to take care of her.
Follow-up questions: I agree with your 2 & 3 about my inability to distinguish values, traits, introspect/interrogate, etc. I understand their definitions, and can even explain to others. But when I read your sentence, I felt a visceral reaction, a small panic in my stomach that flashed "oh, I have absolutely no idea how to define each of these for myself."
Do you understand that you're essentially saying you don't have dominant Fi at all? While chronic inferior grip does happen, it is rare, and not what you think it looks like. Te grip does NOT accurately encapsulate your problems. It seems you are operating on some misconceptions or gaps in knowledge. I don't consider it my job to convince people about their type because it's none of my business. Purely as a courtesy, I say something whenever I believe people may be mistyped, but it's up to them to sort it out for themselves. Unless you decide to submit a thorough type assessment by carefully following the instructions on the contact page, I won't discuss tips for function development. Some people get deeply convinced of the wrong type and it does them no good in the long run. Time and time again, I've seen such individuals lock themselves into the wrong self-image and it actively prevents them from gaining the self-awareness they require for personal growth. I strongly suspect you are one of these individuals.
(I often tend to run my analytical mind on turbo on whatever problem I encounter - I have been practicing mindfulness with my therapist, to get to my feelings and body sensations before my analytical side jumps out and "takes over".)
You are correct to identify this as a significant obstacle. However, this is NOT an INFP problem and even helps rule out INFP. If you believe it is easy for INFPs to block out feelings, lose touch with body sensation, and find comfort in intellectualization, then you don't know what it means to be INFP. This problem more likely indicates that T is your tertiary function (not the inferior function). You use "analysis" as an unconscious defense mechanism against uncomfortable feelings and emotions, indicating that F is the auxiliary function that is poorly developed (not the dominant function). If you are indeed N, then logic dictates that there are only two possibilities: ENFP and INFJ. If you are perhaps not N, then you'd have to consider ESFP and ISFJ as well. Given the scattered evidence I've processed, IMO, any of these four types would fit you better than INFP at this point.
So, what can I do to start learning how to distinguish them? I couldn’t find a better way of asking this question as they all sound simplistic, rhetorical, or too close/open-ended. E.g. I know it’s not reading books that describe these concepts, so I can’t say “could you suggest a reading list.” It's also not “get CBT as opposed to general talk therapy” or “do meditation” as it’s not a simple prescription that will help me.
For your 4 - I have indeed tried to visualize my positive potential but just could not - as you said, the obstacles have not been removed yet. As mentioned, I have tried to remove what I know as obstacles, but I discovered they leave holes that I don't know with what/how to fill. E.g. Leaving my business career means I don't get the adrenaline from all the action daily and the external recognition to (unhealthily) hold up self-esteem. But without the adrenalin and movement, I feel I have lost all triggers/forces and momentum to take actions on a daily basis (depressive tendencies), only feel inertia, and also have not learned to give value to self-recognition. How do I create a break/what does one look like to overcome what seems like a chicken-and-egg relationship between removing obstacles and positive visualization, to get out of the vicious and enter a virtuous cycle?
These are problems to work on with your therapist. There's not much more I can say without your true type. The advantage of knowing your type is that it provides a roadmap to guide you. Without that roadmap, it is much more difficult to reach down to the root causes of your problems. Getting in touch with your feelings and emotions is a very important thing to do because they are generally an important source of self-knowledge (especially in cases where it would aid auxiliary F development). You should keep working on it. The deeper problem seems to be that you really don't know yourself because you basically have no identity of your own. Whatever identity you possess has been cobbled together through the process of internalizing the judgments of everyone around you. Over and over, you've chosen to give in to social pressures to put on flimsy masks or false ideals and be someone you're not. You are, in a sense, very addicted to social validation in many forms. According to what I've observed in people with this problem, they can't kick the addiction because they're unable/unwilling to face up to very deep-seated fears about what their life would look like without it - perhaps that's a place to start. In other words, they benefit too much from denying who they are to ever want to stop. You keep saying you're in pain/distress, but perhaps it's not yet painful/distressful enough for you to grasp the full cost of self-denial and finally see the benefits of stopping.
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deadletterpoets · 2 years
If you had a chance to write for cass cain, what would you write and what would you do with her character? :D
Wow that is a big question that frankly as many answers so I'm just gonna stick with one as to not have this go on forever. Answer under the cut cause this got long lol
I'd really just want to explore her drive that makes her want to be a hero. What motivates her? Why does wearing the symbol matter to her? Does she feel like she deserves it? Like those would be the types of questions I'd want to ask throughout my whole run.
I'd make her panromantic asexual. I'd find someone to cowrite or consult, but that is definitely a journey she'd go on. I always felt like romance and sex would be such unique experiences for her and intimacy for her would be more about kisses and touching and just being around the person more than sex, but I know not everyone agrees with that (and I'm not saying this cause she's Asian or cause I'm trying to woobify her cause Asians can't have sex or whatever. Just throwing that out there cause ppl seem to think that these days. This is specific for Cass not a comment on all Asian characters.)
I'd have her make a LOT more friends outside the batfam. Bring back Brenda from her OG Batgirl run. Bring back Christine from the League of Shadows arc. Let her meet other heroes like Kenan and Baixi, and the whole of the JLC cause seriously she should. Have her go on adventures with Connor, Emiko, and Rose (Damian shouldn't get all the fun with the cool assassin characters). Have her meet Vic Sage (I think he's alive again idk) and Richard Dragon and learn more about her mother's past so she can learn more about her heritage.
And yes I would do something with Shiva as well, though it wouldn't be them fighting (each other at least). I want them to build a respect for each other. Cass doesn't like that Shiva doesn't see the value of life in the way she does, and Shiva doesn't like that Cass is comfortable wearing a Bat symbol and living by such strict morals, but they agree the other won't change and instead just agree to not get in the other's way. But if they ever need the other, they are there for each other as well. (Hopefully this could lead to solo Shiva stories and just fucking stop making everything she does about Cass, please.)
Though I wouldn't ignore the batfam. I've said before I think Cass and Steph, if both are gonna be Batgirl, should be used like how Marvel used Jessica Drew and Carol Danvers. They have separate books, but are basically supporting characters in each others books. That way neither characters story is compromised for the other, but they also aren't Batgirl2009 where one just has to disappear to make the other relevant. Remind ppl that Cass and Tim have a great sibling dynamic. Continue to build on the Cass/Duke sibling dynamic. Bring back Harper into her life ON PANEL. Refocus on her and Kate, they made up off panel, but I'd show the tension still exist and show them working through that. Obviously rebuild her and Babs MOTHER/DAUGHTER dynamic. None of this "older sister" crap. And of course build on her and Bruce and strongly hint that she wants to be Batman.
The types of stories I'd do would have a very wide range. I'd do everything from street level detective stories to cosmic space journeys to fighting tournaments to one shot romance date nights to team ups to whatever else I think of. I want Cass to be given as much range as a character as everyone else (which is something I feel is really missing for her right now). And she'd go up against all types of villains as well. I'm not gonna list a ton of villains cause that'd take forever, but classic and originals for sure.
In the end what drives her as a hero is more than her guilt, but her want to do good. Simple as that. She is the type of character that sees injustice or bad people doing bad and will step in to intervene. Her moral compass and compassion rivals Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman and that would be on full display. Why does she wear the symbol? Again simply because she believes in what it is meant too represent not only to Gotham but the universe. It strikes fear in the criminals and brings hope to the innocent. Whether she feels she deserves it is the question she might never answer, but she'll work forever until she gets there.
That's just a small idea of what I'd do and it's not a perfect idea, nor is it the only idea of a way to do a Cass run. Just one of the ways I'd do it.
Thanks for the question
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raevenlywrites · 2 years
Hello! I feel like your an older sibling figure so I hope you don't mind if I ask for advice.
I am an overly sensitive person and conflict avoidant. If somebody talks in a rude tone to me I get upset and it gets stuck in my brain but I don't dare to confront them because my voice is small and I stumble over words and if I say how I feel I get emotional, so I'm scared to cry in front of them over the tiniest single incident. I try to just tell myself some people are just rude and its not my fault so I should just let it go but I can't seem to do it. It's like my brain takes it and makes it deeper and worse than it actually was. Is there something wrong with me? Or am I just one of those weak overly sensitive types?
Sometimes I wish I could stop caring and I wish I had a grumpy face so people wouldn't even talk to me
Hey Nonny,
You are definitely not alone in this feeling. While I've not been professionally diagnosed to say for sure, a lot of how I feel this way makes sense as something called Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria. It's common in folks with ADHD, where the emotional reaction feels extreme compared to the thing that caused it. It's like a switch, where it's either on or off, no middle ground. So you either don't care about what's happening, or it's emotionally devastating. There's no way I know of to treat it, but just knowing "oh hey, these feelings are falsely inflated due to my brain chemistry, I don't actually feel THIS STRONGLY about it it just seems that way because of RSD, it'll pass" really really helps. It still feels awful, but it gives me some mental distance to not be as attached to the feelings. It makes them less personal, and I can just kinda hold on to the life raft of "it's just RSD," til it ebbs. These episodes used to last for HOURS as I'd keep turning over and over what was wrong with me. Now, they last 10-20 mins as the brain chemistry does it's thing and when it's over I can move on with my day.
Another thing that might be at work is your brain trying to dump that extra emotion juice via your tears. It sucks, cause no one likes to feel like a crybaby, but purging those extra chemicals in your tears will make you feel better. I can't re-write society to have a better viewpoint on crying as acceptable, but I can at least coach myself that it's my brain trying to help, and that makes it easier to ride it out too. Ive stopped trying to fight my tears when I feel that emotional swell, excuse myself to a bathroom as soon as I'm able, and go cry it out. It's easier to stay level headed after that. Like my brain has a cool down period on tears :P
My last bit of advice is to pick your battles. I also avoid confrontation like it will literally kill me, so what I'm learning to do is "confront" my friends, folks I know will accept my boundaries when I state them. It's easier to practice that in a safe space, and it helps build the skills to do it in a more hostile conflict. I get sick to my stomach just thinking about asking my friends to give me what I need, but the positive feedback of having them listen and do what I've asked is building on itself. It's a work in progress, but I'm very grateful for the space to practice, as conflict was never something handled with grace in my house growing up.
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