#I know it’s gonna be light work but it’s gonna be time consuming which is what I loathe
crybaby-bkg · 1 year
tomorrow is my last day of having to do work for my classes and I’m just soooo ready for this upcoming break. I wanna write for an entire day at a time again and learn how to crotchet without putting so many expectations to be perfect the first time again!!!! I wanna paint and play my switch and just lay down without feeling guilty!!!!! I need it!!!!!!!
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dollfacefantasy · 5 months
Restless Dreams
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pairing: leon kennedy x fem!reader
summary: leon gets home late after another hard day at work to you having some extra sweet dreams.
cw: nsfw (18+), smut, p in v, fingering, somnophilia, wet dream
word count: 3.6k
a/n: hey everyone!! hope you all enjoy this :) i guess i've been into soft leon with somno lately idk LOL. i was kind of tired myself when writing/editing this, so forgive any errors pretty please. new divider from here. thank you for any comments and reblogs <3
tags: @sleepyluxe @kaitkatme @tosuckmyweenis @pupthepokemonenthusiast @bizzarethirst @death-paint @petitecolibri @iron-toxinz @wildest-dreams-at-midnight @nexysworld @explorevenus
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“So what time do you think you’re gonna get here?” you ask before blowing on the drying polish that coats your nails.
“My shift finishes up at 12, and then I gotta file some reports. I’ll probably be done at 1, so not too long after that,” Leon explains through the phone. Despite his attempt to lay it out for you, there’s still a pause, one he came to recognize as your reaction of displeasure. A smile plays on his lips. “But you know the real answer is as soon as I can.”
You look down at your phone on your vanity, a pout forming on your face. Obviously, it wasn’t his fault he had to work so much now. He’d warned you when he started at the police station a few months ago, but it didn’t prepare you for how much you’d miss him.
It made you feel dumb, that nagging, achy feeling of longing in your chest. It wasn’t like he was off to war or something. You still saw him almost everyday. But more and more of his time was consumed by work now. Even when he was with you, he was often exhausted. 
Sometimes all you could think about his new job was that he was your boyfriend, not theirs. You’d mentally scold yourself for being so immature when that happened, but the sentiment still lingered in your head.
“Ok…” you say, trying to keep your voice neutral. He hears the dejection in your tone though.
“Baby,” he coos in that voice that sent warmth through your spine and got you to agree with everything he said, “You know I’d rather be with you. I’m just new and have to take the time to learn. Plus, with the caseload and the number of officers here, they need me at the station.”
“I need you more,” you say. You try to pass it off as playfulness, but it comes from real feelings. Your heart was beginning to tense with resentment for the RPD for taking him away so much. You knew the job meant a lot to him though which is why you would never unleash your admittedly petty frustrations.
A low laugh leaves him, and you can hear that loving smirk on his face as his voice comes through your phone’s speaker.
“Do you now? You’re really missing me that much?” he teases, leaning back in the driver’s seat of his cruiser. 
He knew that you did in fact miss him that much. And even though, since starting at the police station, he tried to project the image of a tough guy, he missed you just as much. That’s why he started calling you during lulls in his shift.
“Mhm. It’s not fair. It’s like I’m sharing you with the station. And I don’t like sharing,” you say with an exaggerated huff.
“Oh, I know you don’t,” he chuckles. He sighs happily, checking the time to calculate how much time was left before he could have you in his arms again. “But not much longer, baby. Then you get me all to yourself for the whole weekend.”
“I better,” you grumble with a smile.
“I promise you will,” he says genuinely. A light on his dashboard flickers, alerting him that his attention is needed elsewhere. “Just don’t stay up too late waiting for me tonight, ok? Your rest is important.”
“Seeing you is more important,” you respond.
“I know, but I prefer my girl when she’s not all cranky and sleep deprived. So try tonight, sweetheart. For me?” he asks.
“I guess,” you concede. Your heart already aches, knowing he’s about to hang up.
“I love you, baby,” he says softly, “I’ll see you later.”
“I love you too,” you tell him before he disconnects the call.
The silence that falls over your room makes it feel even more empty. You tap the glass screen of your phone, scanning for the time before you finish getting ready for bed. Your mouth curves downward when the numbers light up on the screen.
Only 10:30. Too much time till you’ll hear him come through your front door, but it’s not like you can do anything about it. You haphazardly go through the rest of your routine before dragging yourself over to your bed and getting in.
Sliding between the soft pink sheets, you flop down against your pillow and stare at the ceiling as you contemplate how to kill the time. Nothing grabs your interest because none of it’s him. It’s all just filler.
And worst of all, you were starting to feel sleepy. You wanted to wait up for Leon so badly, but you also went through a whole day of your own that tired you out. Plus, your bed was just so comfy with your plush blankets and full pillows, stuffed animals and frilly decorative cushions scattered on one side.
Thinking it would help to keep your eyes actively focused on something, you try to read. Your eyes scan over the words, and it isn’t long before you realize you’d made a horrible mistake. Moving your eyes along the page only made them more drowsy.
Next you turn on the tv and put on something you didn’t really have to pay attention to. But the soft glow of the tv casts across you and the low chatter of the characters becomes background noise, making it even harder for you to keep your eyes open.
You lazily reach across your bed and grab the bunny stuffie Leon had bought for you a few weeks prior. Tucking it beneath your chin and close to your chest, your drooping eyes fall shut and your breaths become soft and even. Barely any time has gone by before you’re sinking into slumber.
Leon glances down at his phone, the small numbers illuminating 2:04 in the darkness of the hallway. He enters your place with the key you gave him and shuts the door as quietly as possible. He knows you’re sleeping from seeing the dark bedroom. Already feeling guilty for taking longer than he’d expected, he didn’t want to add to that feeling by waking you up.
He makes his way to your room, padding silently down the hall. Once he reaches the door, he pushes it open with almost no force in an attempt to avoid even the slightest creak. You’re where he expected you to be, curled up in your bed, completely peaceful as you slept. He knew he probably looked like a little lovesick puppy right about now, eager to hop into bed and snuggle up to your side, but he didn’t care.
It takes him no time to shed his police uniform. He makes quick work of unlacing his boots and kicking them off. His pants and shirt crumple up at the foot of your bed next to his belt and socks. Finally, once he’s got on a pair of sweatpants he kept at your place, he climbs into bed with you.
He shoves your stuffies and extra pillows out of his way with a playful roll of his eyes and gets as close to you as he can. His arm drapes over you, and he nuzzles the back of your neck, planting a few kisses on the base of your head. You smelled so good, felt so soft, perfect to come home to.
His body melts into the mattress, and he’s ready to give into his own urges to sleep. That is until he notices you’re not as peaceful as you appeared from the doorway. His eyebrows raise as he feels your legs squirming. Restless movements from your feet beneath the covers and your thighs shifting aimlessly against each other.
He’s ready to brush it off at first. ‘Must just be having some wild dreams,’ he thinks with another kiss to your head. But then he hears the faintest sound, so quiet that he probably would have missed it had he been focused on anything else. It’s a whimper. A gentle, tender squeak that slips from between your lips into the cool air of your bedroom.
Now, his face conveys his concern. He worries you’re having a nightmare. That at any moment you’ll wake up with tears in your eyes and your heart pounding out of your chest. Immediately, he begins stroking your arm, kissing your temple, murmuring “It’s ok, baby. I’m here.”
But you make that little noise again, and this time it paints a different picture in Leon’s head. This whimper didn’t sound scared or stressed, like you were crying out for his protection. No, this sound brought to mind images of you writhing beneath him, nails marking his biceps with small crescents as he pumped himself in and out of you.
He shakes his head because that couldn’t be it. That’s just his horny mind creating things that aren’t there from being so pent up.
At least that’s what he tells himself until you make the noise again. It brings the same memories up, but this time he’s even more sure of it. He lifts his head off of yours to look down at you and try to figure out what to do next.
You look so cute, brows slightly furrowed, lips parted. As he brushes some hair from your face, he notices your fingers clutching your stuffed rabbit a little tighter. Your breath hitches for a moment before you let out a soft, sleepy whine of his name.
It’s unmistakable now what’s going on. He smirks and traces a finger over your lips. The pad of his index finger drags on your bottom lip slightly, turning your mouth into that pout he loved so much. He leans and kisses your cheek as you whine again.
He chuckles at how needy you sound even in your sleep, but at the same time, your voice has blood rushing to his cock while his head swirls with desire. He shifts his own hips, subtly pressing his erection against your ass. His eyes flutter at the minute pleasure. He grows more bold, and his hand rubs your hip before coasting up your side to your chest, giving your breast a gentle squeeze.
You whimper louder and squirm. He squeezes again softly while lowering his head to your neck to lay some tender kisses on the side of your throat. His palm leaves your tits and smooths down over your tummy in the direction of your shorts.
Cautiously, he maneuvers his hand past the waistband and dips into your panties. He cups your pussy, feeling the heat radiating off the area. A single finger slides between your folds in almost an exploratory touch. He feels your slick all over his digit. Clearly, this dream was a pretty good one.
He begins to use another finger, sliding the two up and down through your wetness. You roll onto your back, your breasts rising and falling as your breath gets heavier. Your thighs spread a little as if you subconsciously sensed his presence between your legs.
In your dreams, Leon was doing a lot more than rubbing you with his fingers. After you had fallen asleep, it felt like no time had passed. All of the sudden you were just on the table in your dining room, spread out for his rapture. 
You didn’t realize you were dreaming, everything felt so real. To you, he was really there, looking down at you with those loving yet lecherous eyes. Hands roaming your exposed body, lips caressing your skin all over. Everything seemed light and airy while also feeling heavy and thick. Your head, filled with clouds, slipped in and out of the moment. The sensation of him rutting his cock between your thighs and sliding inside of you was your reality at the moment.
In actual reality, Leon continues to move his fingers slowly, swiping them over your entrance and taking them back up to circle your clit. You mewl when he applies some pressure, sending sparks through you. Your squirming becomes more motivated, and he can tell your drifting away from your restful sleep back toward consciousness.
“I’m right here, sweetheart. I’ve got you,” he murmurs, his voice huskier with arousal this time around.
You hear his voice in your dreams. The deep rumble enters your ears as you envision his hips pistoning into your wanting cunt. You mumble something in response, but he can’t understand the sleepy babbling. He rubs your clit a little harder with some more speed. You twitch in response, yet your eyes remain closed.
“I know, baby. I know it feels so good,” he coos and kisses behind your ear.
More incoherent words fall from your mouth. He sucks love bites into your neck, and you tilt your head back, craving more of that feeling. The dream version of him began mimicking the actions of the real Leon as you neared waking.
Whining louder, your fingers dig into the smooth fur of your plush bunny before letting it go. He nips at the sensitive skin of your throat as his fingers travel down and push inside your heat.
The feeling rips a moan from you and causes your eyes to open. Your back arches as he works them deeper. Your hips wriggle a little as you make sense of what’s happening.
“Leon?” you whimper. Your sleepy eyes struggle to stay open after being torn from the fog of sleep.
“That’s right, baby. It’s just me. You were having some nice dreams, weren’t you, pretty girl?” he says.
“Mhm,” you hum mindlessly.
“About me?” he teases, eyes watching your body fidget with the pleasure you felt.
“About you,” you confirm before he leans down and kisses your lips. They were so soft against his own. He slowly moves his mouth with yours and languidly slides his tongue against yours.
You moan into the kiss as his fingers curl within you and hit your favorite spot. Your feet lightly kick at the sensation. Your hips rise a little as you feel the flood gates holding your release about to break.
You’re too sleepy to tell him out right, but he knows the signs. He keeps working you there until your body seizes and arches off the bed. You let out a throaty moan and turn your head to bury your face against his shoulder.
“There you go. Let it all out, sweetheart,” he whispers and kisses your head.
You ride out the high on his hand, and by the time you’re done, you’re ready to fall asleep again. Your mind is hazy with the fog of release. You’re drifting off as your body settles without even realizing it.
You’re only yanked back to reality by Leon scooping you up into his lap. He’s sitting with his back to the headboard, and he situates you between his thighs, back against his chest. His arms keep you caged in nice and close, safe and warm.
“Don’t fall asleep again just yet, babydoll,” he murmurs while kissing up your neck.
Your head lolls back against his shoulder. The fight to stay awake gets a little easier as his hand returns to your soaked panties. He doesn’t tease this time, just slides in two fingers and starts moving them in and out.
The new angle makes you squirm and whine, but he holds you tight in place with his free arm.
“Gotta work you open, honey. Can’t just slide my dick in you with no warm up,” he says with a smirk.
His voice pulls you towards lucidity a little more. Your hands wrap around his free arm for support while your hips instinctively roll into his blissful touch.
“I missed you,” you choke out between gasps and whimpers.
“I know you did,” he teases, grinning against your throat. His cock throbs against the small of your back as his ears latch onto the sound of your slick around his fingers. “Came home to cuddle with my sweet girl, and I find her having such dirty dreams.”
Your cheeks heat up as you start to piece together what had happened. You fully realize now that your escapade on the kitchen table was entirely in your mind. You feel embarrassed for a moment, but the feeling dies pretty quick as you rapidly approach the edge for a second time.
“Not my fault,” you whimper shyly.
He chuckles and kisses your temple once more. “I know it’s not. If anything, it’s mine. I think I’ve been neglecting my baby,” he says with a mocking lilt in his voice.
You cry out as his fingers brush against those same spots that brought you to the finish last time. Your hips twitch, and you grip his thighs as your peak rises within you. Moments later your cumming all over his fingers, sucking in a harsh breath as a second release courses through you, even more intense then the last.
His free arm keeps you secure against his chest while rubbing your side soothingly. The heel of his other palm roughly massages your clit as his fingers pump in and out.
“Good girl,” he coos, “That’s it, just one more and then I can put you to sleep how you deserve.”
As soon as you seem to be coming down, Leon lifts you up again, tugging your clothes off and moving your body around like a doll to get you in the position he wants. You were definitely more pliant after two orgasms, but you could also see how his training had been paying off. Maybe this new job wasn’t all bad.
He has you on your back now, thighs against your chest and knees hooked over his arms. Again, he had no patience to tease right now, so after pushing his sweats down to mid thigh, he takes his cock and slides it in you with no hesitation. He groans as your hole takes him in, your walls pulsing around him even after he bottoms out.
“So wet. I can just slide right in,” he mumbles as his own hips twitch.
Your eyes droop at the stretch. It always felt so satisfying, having him buried balls deep in you. As close as he could possibly be. No fear of him leaving or pain of being separated. You whine and reach up to pull him closer.
He follows along and rests his face against your neck as he begins thrusting. You hear him panting right in your ear. His hands grip your hips so hard you know there’ll be marks.
“Perfect pussy’s made for me,” he grunts while snapping his hips, “Miss it every second I’m not inside it.”
You nod lazily as you continue to clamp down around him. After two releases, you didn’t even feel a building ecstasy anymore, just a constant stream of pleasure.
“Leon,” you whine, “Harder. Wanna feel it.”
He moans at your plea but indulges you, grabbing you harder, pressing your legs higher, filling you deeper.
“Wanna be sore after, don’t you, sweetheart? Want a reminder of me while I’m at work. Something to tide you over till I can do this again. Won’t have to rely on dreams then, right?” he says.
“Yeah,” you whimper. Your bed creaks as he picks up the pace, but your moans mask the sound as they grow in volume.
He fucks into you over and over, stoking the flames within himself, trying to build to that explosion. You were so tight, so warm. He hums another low moan and whimpers softly as he feels it right there. He gasps softly before holding you tighter and muttering in your ear.
“Ready for another one, honey? Gonna be the last one and then we’ll get you comfy and off to sleep.”
“Yeah,” you moan again, unable to say much else.
“Good… good girl,” he moans before his hips buck wildly and he finally releases.
You finish for a third time. You cling to him tight as the euphoria washes over you again. Locking your legs around his hips, you keep your face pressed to the warm skin of his neck as it goes through you. You feel the hot flood of cum he fucks into you. His chest is heaving now too as he recovers from the high.
He stays on top of you for a moment before pulling out. You cling harder upon losing that full feeling. He smiles at your desire to be close to him and gives you one more kiss before sitting up.
“So sweet to me, baby. I hope that made up for the late night,” he whispers and strokes your hair.
“It did,” you say with a nod. Your eyes were already shutting again, ready to go back to sleep after being fucked so good.
He looks at you with all the love in the world as he pulls his sweats up. He then helps you pull your panties and shirt back on, trying to laugh at your sleepy, half-assed movements.
After that, he gets you all tucked in next to him, snuggled up in his arms like he originally intended. He even grabs that stuffed bunny he got you and fits it close to you in case you want it.
“Get some rest, honey. You need it,” he whispers while rubbing your back.
“Mhm,” you respond tiredly, “You too. You’re all mine for the weekend, and I don’t want you tired out the whole time.”
“Alright, but I’m gonna be tired out if we do some more of that again tomorrow,” he jokes. He pulls you close to him and shuts his eyes, nestling his head against yours and settling in to rest.
That puts a smile on your face and you nuzzle him once more before letting yourself fall asleep for the night.
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anticanonsposts · 4 months
könig taking care of us on our period but also not being afraid to fuck us 🙈
muahaha here you go darling 
cw: nsfw-mdni, p in v, fingering, blood, feelings of embarrassment, teasing??
You didn’t mean for it to happen but you invited your boyfriend König over and one thing led to another and now you were straddled on his lap, both of you shirtless, with no space in between the two of you, essentially consuming each other. His greedy little (big) hands were not being shy and running along every part of your body. Clawing your hands down to his fly you start to unzip it, feeling his growing hard dick under his pants. But he gently bats your hands away and instead works to take off your pants. Sitting up on your knees you help him by shimmying out of them which elicits a groan from him. 
‘Eager there big guy huh?’ you tease which earns you a soft spank to your butt. Giggling, you go back to eating his face only breaking away when he says,
“Can I finger you?” 
Responding with a nod and ‘mmhmm’ you start to get off of him to lay down but he stops you, ‘No I want to like this’ his eyes gleaming up at you, clearly in a horny haze. As you return your lips to his once more his right hand makes its way down to your core. Gently taking his ring and index finger he glides against your slick and runs his middle finger from your entrance up to your clit. Shivering slightly, he chuckles. Absolutely giddy with himself. He loved that he was able to please you, make you feel good, you worked so hard every day so he really enjoyed seeing you let loose. 
Gripping better onto his shoulders now, he slowly slides his middle finger into you, curving it slightly, then quickly adds his ring finger. 
You gasp a bit, not because of pain, but you always forget how much bigger his hands feel than other people you’ve been with. 
He quickly finds a good rhythm against you, curving his fingers in and out of you, his palm rubbing against your clit each time. Tongues still down each other's throats, the two of you stay like this for a few blissful minutes. Finally, wanting more, you pull away and say, “Shit, please just fuck me König” both of you lips puffy at this point. 
“Do you want it that bad, hmmm?” he teases back before coating your collar bones and chest with quick, light pecks.  
Bracing yourself on his shoulders you start to shift your weight off of him and he pulls his hand from you, only for both of you to realize his fingers and palm are covered in blood. 
“Oh my god!” you exclaim, this has never happened to you during sex before, some of your friends had told you how when this happened to them, it killed the mood. 
König’s eyebrows raise, his face surprised with a mild concern. Was he too rough with you? You’d done this before and nothing happened? But as soon as you cover your face with your hands out of embarrassment he figures out what’s going on. But before he can react you have already lept off of his lap and run into the bathroom. 
Closing the door behind you, you quickly grab some toilet paper to try and wipe any excess blood that has accumulated between your legs. You felt absolutely mortified, you were sure he was grossed out, sure he didn’t wanna see you anymore, your mind just kept filling and swimming with worry. You were broken out of this trance by a soft knock on the door. “Liebe? Please come out.” 
You open the door to your boyfriend standing there with a sheepish smile. “Oh shit here, wash your hands I’m sorry” you say which only gets a chuckle from him. As he grabs some soap and starts lathering his hand under the water  you say, “I’m sorry that happened, I didn’t realize I was gonna start my period today. We don’t have to continue if you don’t want, but shit you’re probably still hard, i can give you head if you want-” rambling on, only cut off by his lips meeting yours. 
“Liebe, do you remember what I do/did for work? Do you think a little blood bothers me, hmm? I understand if YOU don’t want to continue but just know you will get no hesitancy from me.” 
“Shit-Sorry I just thought you’d be grossed out-”
“Stop apologizing Liebling! It’s ok, I don’t mind, your body is doing what your body does….Now, do you wish to continue?”  he assures you, gently gripping your face in his huge (yes i know we know he’s big but you best believe i'm gonna mention it constantly rahhhh) hands. Noticing a small smile and glint in your eyes he mimics and starts smiling down at you. 
“Let’s get a towel, and you go ahead and lay down, ok?” he says grabbing an old towel from under your sink.  
Doing exactly what he suggested you grab the towel and make your way back to your bed, laying it out so that your bottom half can rest on it. You shimmy up, propping yourself up on your elbows, legs spread slightly. His eyes rake up your body as he rids himself of the rest of his clothes. 
Then the bed dips under his weight as he crawls his way up to you, caging you under him with his arms on either side of you. Your elbows lock around his neck, bodies pressed together once again, your mouths explore each other. That is until you are whining, legs wrapped around his waist, grinding your heat against this core. 
Knowing, he’s already teased you so much, he braces himself up with one of his arms and uses the other to line himself up with you, making sure to glide against you first. Then he slowly enters you, groaning at the feeling of you wrapping tightly around him. Finally bottoming out he looks down at you, immediately you give him a quick nod, begging with your eyes for him to start thrusting. And who is he to deny you? One elbow still propped up he uses his right hand to trap your jaw to keep your eyes on him, and uses his left hand on your hips, moving you as leverage for a better rhythm. 
As he fucks into you, he murmurs praise after praise into your ears, “Fuck, dummer schatz (silly darling/treasure), you’re worried a little blood would keep me away from this pussy? Nothing could keep me from enjoying you, du bist zu perfekt (you’re too perfect). Blushing from his words due to your ever growing German vocabulary all you can do is whimper back, telling him how good he feels. 
At this point he really starts pounding into you, slightly bouncing your hips off the bed to meet his thrusts. You move yourself with him, taking everything he has to give you. Feeling your core start to twitch he quits his hand from your hip and pushes your right leg up by the crook of your knee so that he more directly hits your g-spot. “mmmm-König-I’m..gonna cum” you moan looking up at him with those gorgeous eyes he loves so much. “I know libeling, come apart for me, ok? I’ve got you” he replies as you start rubbing slow circles around your clit. “I’m gonna cum with you, just tell me when you are!” he grunts out, more assertive as he is nearing his own climax. After a few more strong thrusts you finally come undone “oh fuck-König–mmmcuming!” you cry, core tightening around him, white hot pleasure coursing through your body. He groans in response and buries himself inside  of you, balls deep as if he’s trying to get you pregnant. 
“Fuck!”  you both say in unison before laughing. Carefully he pulls out of you and you sit up to ‘inspect the damage’. His dick definitely has blood on it, nothing horrific, but clearly you are bleeding. “See, I told you I don’t mind” he says before laying on his back, pulling you with him to rest on his chest. 
“We better shower babe” you pipe up still a bit nervous about the blood. 
“In a minute, I wanna hold you a little longer”
That was just the first time bestie: from then on any other time you were on your period but wanted to have sex….
would be one of the only times he got mildly frustrated with you
having to repeat over and over again that he couldn't care less about any blood, as long as you were down
if seeing the blood bothered you he would have you turn around so you didn’t have to see it at all
doing it in doggy so that you don’t have to see his dick come out of you covered in blood <3 he’s so sweet like that 
and then would quickly clean himself and you up so that you wouldn't second guess anything 
as I said he would already be so down for it, but when he found out that orgasms can help with cramps, call him tylenol because he is on you so fast
after a while you realize that he tends to overstimulate you so much more when you’re on your period…because he wants you to not be in pain 
this man is the DEFINITION of a period stops nothing but a sentence
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keen-li · 7 months
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Today you had to shoot a cooking talk show like video for your YouTube channel. You were so excited and happy cause you had two special guests. Bangchan and felix.
You had a hard time sleeping cause you were so nervous today. And as you walk through the studio towards the set up kitchen you get even more nervous.
"Have they arrived?" You ask your assistant as she walks beside you.
"Yes they just got in" as she says that the nervousness sinks in more.
Its the first time you and any straykids members are filming something together, you have many reasons to be nervous but the main reason is you're afraid you might slip up. Slip up? Yeah you're afraid you might accidentally call chan 'baby' like you always do when you're with him. But most of the time when you're with him it's not infront of large lights and cameras.
Nobody knows that you two have been dating, not your companies, not your crew, not even you're assistant, it's still kinda new so you wanna keep it low. The only people who know you and chan are dating are his members. Who said they found out when they all "accidentally" saw you and chan's chats. The defenders were han and Lee know, when you saw those two open there mouths to defend you knew it was bullshit. Who accidentally reads three months worth of conversations in front of others accidentally.
You were kinda mad and embarrassed that they read your messages cause you and chan had some spicy texts and pictures in there. But chan promised to talk to them and keep his phone better which made you feel better.
And it seemed like chan's talk did work on them, cause they never brought up any of the messages or made any silly joke about it. They only congratulated you and made you feel comfortable.
You see the familiar figure of your boyfriend and his bandmate walk in straight to you. You and chan give eachother smiles hoping no one noticed cause you and him need to keep this a secret.
When they approach you, felix first, you share greetings and give eachother hugs. When chan hugs you he tries to not make it obvious by placing his hand a little lower on your back.
"I missed you" he whispers into your ear and you feel the heat consume you.
"Shut up were supposed to be undercover" you joke.
"But I missed you too" you confess still in a whisper.
You two missed each other like you didn't text and facetime everyday when you can.
He walks by you as he greets the crew.
After sometime and getting things ready it's time to film.
Since its your youtube channel and show you have to be the one to introduce them.
"So today we're gonna do a little cook and chat" you begin to say to the camera.
"But before we do I wanna introduce you to two people" you give a look to chan and felix as they take it as a sign to get into frame. They give their biggest smiles to the camera as they bow to it and to you which you return as well.
They give their intros and you smile at them as they express how they're happy to be here and how much they've always wanted to be on your show. It makes you blush but it's not like you didn't know. One of the reasons this filming idea came up was because chan expressed to you how much you he wanted to be on your show. And after both of your companies accepted, the date was set.
You and the boys laugh as you answer some funny questions and chop up some food. One of the questions led to chan having to tell an embarrassing story which makes everyone in the studio laugh. You also end up telling a story and chan can't help but watch as you smile and giggle when you tell the story.
He always loved hearing you talk and express yourself, it's one of his favourite things about you. Feeling his loving gaze on you, you glance at him and warn him making him look away and focus on washing the lettuce.
You're cutting some cucumber when it slips from the grip of the knife and cuts you a bit.
You hiss catching everyone's attention. Chan looks at you worried as he watched you rush to the sink. It kills him how he can't just run over to you and care for your wound just because people might find out.
"I'm good guys" you say but it doesn't help lighten chan's heart.
Felix notices his uneasiness and taps him on the back. "She's okay bro relax" he doesn't pay much attention to that as he watches a staff wrap your finger with a bandaid.
After you get back you grab a new knife and new cucumber as chan stares at you still uneasy.
"I'm okay chan" you smile at him and he feels a little more relieved when you say it directly to him, maybe it's your smile that comforts him. But he still wishes he had been the one to help you.
You continue to shoot the video as chan takes over the cutting duty and puts you in egg boiling duty. Which you rolled your eyes at. He's so protective, as if you couldn't burn yourself with hot water.
After you're done with the shooting, chan approaches you.
"Let me see your hand" he grabs your hand not even letting you choose whether or not he can see your hand. But you let him cause he's just trying to be caring.
"Are you okay?" It's a question he keeps asking you and you don't know if you wanna answer him again.
"I'm fine chan, now let go of my hand before someone sees us." He doesn't take heed to your words and continues to examine your finger touching I lightly which you find comforting.
"You don't look fine. Want me to give you a hug?" He says slowly moving into you. If no one has noticed the two of you someone's gonna notice now. You try and push him away giggling at his words, you really don't want your cover blown but chan doesn't seem to care. He doesn't care actually.
"Baby I'm okay" you say a little louder than you expected. You immediately move away from chan and stare at the people now staring at you. If the company hears about this you're screwed.
"I meant chan" you laugh awkwardly.
"It just slipped" you try and assure the people around you. You know they couldn't care less but you'd never know who'd be a snitch.
"I call everyone baby anyways" chan laughs as you try to convince yourself.
It's no use they heard you clearly.
Its been been seven days since your cooking episode with chan and felix aired. And you heard some rumours and theories going around on the Internet.
So you decided to check on the comments yourself.
Chan giving y/n those loving eyes
I want someone to look at me like the way chan's looking at her
If these two aren't dating I'm gonna take y/n
These two gotta be dating look at the way he's looking at her.
I can feel the tension between them
The chemistry between these two.
Kiss already
You didn't realise the tension between you and chan was so obvious. Maybe it's the way you spoke and looked at eachother. And after watching the video for yourself you can definitely see it.
"Our love can't be hidden" chan said when you brought the issue to him. You laughed, he doesn't take this seriously huh?
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solarmorrigan · 6 months
hallo! I saw the angsty prompt list thing, and the “don’t trust me.” One kind of stood out to me. You don’t have to write it, but you’re one of my favorite writers on here so I thought it might be cool :)
Hullo! So I did fill this prompt once already, but I'd had a bunch of ideas for it and I was in the mood for something a little softer, so I did another! Thanks for giving me the opening to write it (and for the compliment, you're so kind?? 😭)
[General warning for mention of Steve's shitty parents and their generally shitty parenting technique]
Angsty-ish Prompt List
“Why am I the one doing this?” Steve grouses, straining slightly as he struggles with the full box on the top shelf. “Instead of, y’know, you?”
“You’re stronger than me,” Eddie replies readily.
“Bullshit, I’ve seen you lugging amps and shit around during your shows,” Steve shoots back, grumbling as he works the box free from the high shelf.
“You got me.” Eddie grins, though Steve’s back is turned to him. “I just like watching you work, sweetheart.”
From the depths of the storage closet, Steve gives an audible snort of laughter, but he also stops arguing. Then, with a little noise of triumph, Steve finally manages to tug the box free, holding it aloft long enough to back out of the closet and then heaving it down onto the floor, where it lands in a clatter of plastic and jingling bells.
“Excellent.” Eddie falls upon the box, rubbing his hands together in anticipation before tugging at the tucked flaps. “There’s one more box, would you mind? It’s on the floor; long rectangle.”
“You said there was one box,” Steve says, eyes narrowed.
“Whoops, miscounted,” Eddie says breezily, smiling up at Steve with as much innocence as he can muster. “You know how bad I am at all that academic shit.”
“Says the guy who plays a math game for fun,” Steve drawls.
For the sake of time, Eddie leaves the bait where it is, instead batting his eyelashes up at Steve. “Pretty please, pretty boy? It’s definitely the last one.”
Steve holds out for exactly five more seconds before retreating into the closet with a roll of his eyes. “If you suddenly remember one more after this, I’m suddenly gonna remember something I have to do back at my house and leave you to do all the decorating on your own,” he calls back, muffled from behind the coats Eddie can hear him shoving aside to find the last box.
Eddie’s at least eighty percent sure he’s bluffing, but it’s no matter – he hadn’t been lying. Most of what he needs is in the box in front of him: strands of garland, wrapped tangles of lights, and the same ugly pinecone wreath with the world’s most annoying string of jingle bells attached that Wayne’s been hanging since Eddie was a kid. Everything else—the ornaments, more lights, and, of course, the tree—is in the hefty, rectangular box Steve is currently hauling out into the entryway.
Normally, Wayne would be there to help, but his and Eddie’s work schedules have fallen out of sync in the hectic holiday rush of extra shifts; if one has the day off, the other is too tired by the time they get home to entertain anything as energy-consuming as getting up on a ladder to hang lights. Eddie and Steve, however (somehow; miraculously), share at least one day off a week, which has seen Steve recruited as Eddie’s backup decorating partner.
“That it?” Steve breathes as releases the box and stands straight, tugging his sweater down from where it’s ridden up (Eddie can’t believe he’s dating someone who unironically wears ugly Christmas sweaters. He can’t believe Steve makes them look good).
“That’s it,” Eddie promises. He plucks two balled-up strings of lights from the box in front of him and stands up, one under each arm. “So here’s what I’m thinking: I’ll get started on the outside, while you,” Eddie puts a boot to the tree box and shoves it towards Steve with a grunt; even across the laminate flooring it doesn’t slide easy, practically cocooned in layers of packing tape from so many years of opening and resealing, “get the tree going.”
Already halfway wrapped up in how he’s going to string the lights (he’d always loved decorating the outside of the trailer, and now he gets to figure out a new configuration for the tiny porch on his and Wayne’s equally tiny new house; it ain’t much, as they say, but it’s home – or, at least, it’s starting to feel like it), Eddie nearly misses the look of confusion that crosses Steve’s face.
“Uh… how do you want it set up?” Steve asks.
Eddie cocks an eyebrow at him. “Stand goes on the floor, pointy end goes up. I have faith in you, Steve.”
Steve rolls his eyes again, but with his frown in place he looks like he might actually be irritated. “I mean, you have to tell me how you want it, like, decorated and shit. Where it’s supposed to go, that sort of thing.”
“I’m pretty sure you’ve decorated a tree before, man,” Eddie says. “I know I saw one at your house last time I was there.”
“Yeah, but that’s my house. This is yours. You have to tell me how you want it,” Steve says.
Once again for the sake of time, Eddie leaves the obvious opening for a joke where it lies. “Steve, it’s – y’know, lights, garland, ornaments, it’s not rocket science. I trust you to do a good job.”
“No, don’t trust me, just tell me how you want it decorated,” Steve insists. “If you don’t tell me, I’m going to do it wrong.”
“It’s… a Christmas tree, sweetheart,” Eddie says slowly. “You can’t do it wrong.”
“Oh, I assure you, I can,” Steve says with a laugh. “Seriously, like – people are super particular about how their trees are set up, I think. My mom always has been. I remember when I was, like, ten, she and my dad had been away for a while, and we were coming up on Christmas pretty fast, and none of the decorations were up, so I figured I’d at least put the tree up. Surprise them when they got home, right? Except my mom lost her shit when they got home and saw it.”
“Noooot in a good way, I take it,” Eddie hazards.
“Nah, I did it all wrong. The tinsel wasn’t spread out right, and there’s only supposed to be a certain number of ornaments on each branch, and she wanted the angel on top, not the star, so she made me take the whole thing down.” Steve shrugs. “So, seriously, even if you don’t think you have a certain way you want it done, I’ll probably manage to find the exact way you don’t want it, so you should just tell me.”
“Steve, I promise, that tree is, like, older than I am; you can’t make it worse. As long as you don’t set it on fire, I’ll be happy with it,” Eddie says.
“That’s not–” Steve cuts himself off, running one hand through his hair with a strained little laugh. “I don’t understand why you won’t just tell me how you want it done.”
Eddie shakes his head, dropping the bundles of lights back into their box; he hates when this happens – hates when he stumbles over some mundane thing that Steve’s parents have fucked up for him that Eddie only manages to poke like a kid with a sharp stick at a beehive because he didn’t even realize it could be an issue. Who the fuck gives their kid a complex over how the Christmas tree is decorated? Who does that?
(Then again, Eddie’s pretty sure it’s about more than just their expectations for the tree.)
“Okay, I need you to listen to me,” Eddie says, voice firm but hands gentle as he reaches for Steve’s own. “I swear I’m not trying to set you up for failure. I’m really not. The tree isn’t supposed to look perfect. It’s supposed to be kinda crooked and covered in dumb ornaments you can’t even remember the stories behind and only have, like, half a string of popcorn around it because you ate most of it when your uncle wasn’t looking and didn’t leave enough for the tree.”
Steve stares at him, brows furrowed, like he’s trying to piece what Eddie’s telling him into what he already knows about the world, like he needs both things to be true, even though they don’t fit together.
“Actually…” Eddie says slowly, deciding that it may be best to change tack, “come to think of it, there’s one thing about decorating the tree that I should’ve told you. Most important thing, really. Can’t believe I forgot.”
“What?” Steve asks, halfway between wary and eager for the instruction.
“You’re supposed to do it together. That’s what makes it good.” Eddie lets go of one of Steve’s hands to smack the heel of his own to the side of his forehead. “Duh. Silly me.”
Steve shakes his head, letting it hang forward with a little huff of a laugh as some of the tension leeches from his shoulders. “You’re such a dork, do you know that?”
“Mhm,” Eddie hums, grabbing Steve by the front of that stupid, ugly sweater (it has reindeer on it, how does it not look awful on him?) and pulling him up for a quick kiss. “So how about you help me do the outside lights, and then we’ll come back inside and do the tree together?”
One last flicker of uncertainty crosses Steve’s face. “What about Wayne?”
A flutter of fondness rolls through Eddie’s chest, the same as it always does when Steve doesn’t just consider Eddie, but the things and people important to him. “His favorite part is stringing the popcorn. We can do that when he gets home.”
“Oh.” Steve nods, as though he is considering this very seriously, then smirks at Eddie. “Should we make some to eat before he gets back, so you leave enough for the tree?”
Eddie smacks him on the shoulder, holding back a laugh. “Alright, Harrington, just for that, you’re the one untangling the lights.”
“What, like it’s a punishment?” Steve asks. “I’m great at untangling Christmas lights.”
“Oh, baby,” Eddie presses a hand to his heart and pretends to swoon over the box of decorations, “when you say things like that, it makes me want to keep you forever.”
And Steve’s answering grin at that is far brighter than anything they’re going to decorate with today, Eddie is certain.
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moonbiscuitsims · 1 month
SIMDEW VALLEY SET 🍄👩🏿‍🌾🐷🐴🐄🧙🏿‍♂️🌻🌽
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Stardew Valley Pixel Art Floors/Walls/Deco (TS4) Download Below
Aside from a couple most of these pics are just the demo pics showing what's included, more CC in game pics can be seen here
🍄Misc Large Decals
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In order: Junimo huts + large Junimos, Holdiay Decor and "sky decor", furniture items, rarecrows, plants.
🍄Wall Decals Paintings and Banners:
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🍄Wall Decals Misc small:
Adventure stuff and boots, small junimos, random furniture items slime monsters different expressions
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🍄Wall decals Gems and Minerals:
I didn't do them all, just some that I liked.
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🍄Wall decals farm animals
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🍄Wall decals Fishing
Again just the fish I wanted to do, not all:
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🍄Wall decals Harvestables, Crops, Products:
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Here's a random in game pic (see more in links provided at top or bottom of post), all decals show through glass too!
🍄Stardew Valley Villagers (yes the bear is a villager I refuse to accept otherwise) portraits
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The portraits are the only item with actual dimension, I recoloured a base game framed painting, so these are not flat like the rest of decals. (they look a bit orange but that's just my mood lighting)
🍄Walls and Flooring (indoor and outdoor flooring)
I did all the ones you see here:
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For the floors I made a large and small version of all:
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🍄You can see more CC in game pics in my wip post here
Are you sick and tired of those smooth graphics from Sims 4? Do you wish you could replace those pesky curves and detailed HQ textures with nothing but square pixel heaven and flat colours? To be finally rid of all those 3D bump/light effects and replace them with volume-less cardboard cut-out illusion and imagination? Do you want your build/game to look just like Stardew Valley? Or do you simply think that if the sims team are gonna give us low poly and low quality meshes and textures might as well do it properly? Fear not! The solution is here! I made a new Stardew Valley save (why I need yet another save that I'll never have time to complete I don't know) and tried my first build, the recreation of my current (and only) farm. It was ok but I got frustrated at how "Sims 4" everything looked, and checked for stardew valley cc conversions, art, decor but only find people making it using sims 4 stuff, which is probably the most logical thing but not for me! So I made this as there are plenty of game assets from Stardew Valley available online and however tedious and time-consuming resizing the tiniest of pixel art images is to fit Sims 4, it is fairly easy and doable, so I did it. I did skip some items in each category as there are way too many and just did the ones I like, sorry if there was one I didn't include. Also there are some floors in the game or icons that I couldn't find. Some Junimos were taken from the internet but most are individually resized game assets. INFO: all decals in wall deco, all are zero simoleons, and the portraits are 10. You can find my stuff typing "moonbiscuitsims" or "stardew". All have correct colour filter tags and removed "talk to object (insane)" and "can be struck by lightning" (these things annoy me or could cause more distractions for my sims, sorry if you like this though I'm sure there are plenty of objects to talk to/ lightning strikable objects). I don't know if this has an effect. All the portraits are just tagged as brown. All are resizable to your liking. Forgot to mention the floors i think are in wood flooring and outdoor flooring; and I think the walls in panelling. REQUIREMENTS: Nada, nothing. Just base game. (though I did accidentally make one item from a get to work decal by mistake, I remade it to fix it and I've play tested everything, but let me know if something doesn't show up.
PLEASE READ AND RESPECT MY TOU AND DO NOT ❌❌❌: - ❌ Reupload - ❌ Include in sim downloads - ❌ Put behind paywall of any kind no matter what. - ❌ Claim as yours. If you wanna use the texture files to make other different original content that is fine as long as it is different from mine and NO PAYWALLS and no reuploading my stuff. The images are from Stardew Valley, but I spent ages editing every single one to fit the sims, and this took me days to do. All my stuff is free. I don't care about conversions to ts2 or ts3 but NO PAYWALLS and please tag and credit me. If used for screenshots please tag me too, I'd love to see <3 🍄DOWNLOAD (including a pick and choose or a merged file with everything, don't get both) Enjoy! Happy Simming/Farming
Stardew Valley fav music playlist 🎵🎵🎵
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onlyswan · 2 years
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summary: in which cruel fate leads you and jungkook to bright places.
> fluff, a little twinge of angst? / wc: 4.2k
> warnings: none really. but if you’ve read the grocery store drabble, you really get lost in this one. hehe
note: oc!!! stop making him worry like this. cries in i love sweet boy jungkook sooo much. + i enjoyed writing this :[ <3 listened to cigs after sex while i was at it. and as you can tell i got very. carried away. scratches head. researching about pokemon bread was also kind of fun?
love is selfless— it’s what they often say. however, on his way home from work, jungkook finds himself admitting his ugly truth: he is selfish. when he arrives at your shared space, he will tangle his limbs with yours and let you drag him across the floor to wherever it is you need to go. he will hold on to you, and never let go. he will abandon the concept of time at the farthest corner of his mind, along with his exhaustive musings and responsibilities. instead, he will be consumed by you.
and sometimes, he finds that the telepathy connecting the two of you is baffling.
because he’s definitely not thinking about anything else but you. he’s scouring the entire apartment for any trace of life, but you’re nowhere to be found. the bed is still made. the bathroom lights are off. the pillows on the couch are organized. the center table is spotless. the kitchen is clean. he opens the trash bin, and the last thing tossed in there is still the egg tray he discarded this morning. he checks the laundry room, but the only clothes of yours in the laundry basket are from yesterday.
he ends up deciding that you’re not playing hide-and-seek with him like he originally thought. he sits on the counter top, anxiously playing with his lipring as he calls your number. again. and again. and again.
you did tell him earlier that you were going to visit the library, but it already closed an hour ago, so you should be home by now. moreover, if you were going to drop by other places, you would’ve updated him that you’d be home later at night. but you didn’t. the last text you sent him was a captured photo of page 73, an overview about thyme. you reminded him that he once mentioned that he wanted to grow some herbs in your balcony, so you’re doing some old-fashioned research about them in the library.
and thank heavens you answer the call on his fifth try, because he’s about to have a breakdown in the middle of your kitchen.
not to be dramatic, but if he was standing, his knees would’ve collapsed on the tiled floor at the sound of your voice. he swallows the lump in his throat, breathes deeply to unload the weight sitting on his chest.
“where are you?”
“oh, right! about that-” you chuckle nervously, and he can already imagine you tapping your foot against the floor. “wait. let me just-”
“how long? i can’t wait. i miss you. tell me where you are and i’ll pick you up.” he hops off the counter, making a beeline to the front door.
“yes, pick me up. please. i’m not sure where i am exactly but i just checked and my location is still turned on with you.”
oh shit. the location feature. why didn’t he think of that? and what do you mean by-
he pauses on his tracks, car keys back in his hand not even twenty minutes since he got off his car. “baby, how do you not know where you are?”
“uhm, i fell asleep in the bus . . . then i panicked and got off because i thought i missed my stop. but you’re not gonna believe what happened next!”
he squeezes his eyes shut, fingers massaging his temple because he has a bad feeling about this. “okay. try me.”
“i realized i actually got on the wrong bus. stupid, right?” you giggle through the phone speaker, and it’s both endearing and ridiculous that you can still laugh in this situation.
nevermind that, he’s just relieved that you’re safe.
“i walked for a while and found this convenience store with a charging station. i emptied my battery trying to book a taxi but none accepted me!”
your whiny voice makes him smile, although he looked forward to hearing it more when he planned to be disgustingly clingy and affectionate.
“i’ll go, baby. just wait for me there, okay?” he presses the down button, waiting for the elevator to arrive.
“okaaay.” you reply in a sing-song voice.
he puts you on speaker mode when he enters, checking on your location to see how far you’ve strayed from home. you got on the wrong bus. no mistake about that.
“you’re an hour and three minutes away.”
he hears you choke out a cough from the other line, most probably on a drink. “an hour?! by foot, right?”
“no,” he chuckles. late night drives with you aren’t new, so he doesn’t mind it one bit. “by car.”
silence fills the air for a few seconds. “then i’ll drive on the way back. i’m about to eat ramyeon so i’ll be energized!”
“let’s see if i get too tired to drive. just stay on the phone for me, okay?”
“wait- i’m hungry. need to go put hot water in my noodles. let’s switch to video call.”
when he accepts the video call, he’s greeted by the candy and chocolate shelf in landscape view. you probably propped up your phone on the charging station, so he adjusts his phone’s position to match yours. and you . . . are nowhere to be found. again.
he’s already driving out on the road when you appear on his screen. you smile at him, waving the chopsticks in your hand.
“i’ll do a live mukbang for you in a few minutes.”
he takes a brief glance, memorizing the way you look before reverting his attention to the road. a small smile grows on his face, a huge wave of love flooding his system. “you look so pretty today.”
“thank you. it took me thirty minutes to pick out my outfit.” you chirp happily before revealing the hand hidden behind your back, holding up a special item you stumbled upon during your little adventure. “look what i found! do you want it?”
“what is it?” he asks as he makes a turn.
“team rocket’s pokemon bread. it’s chocolate.” you inspect the bread again to confirm that you’re correct. “it’s the last one on the shelf so i just bought it.”
his eyes widen in surprise, lips forming an ‘o’. he personally knows many people who have been visiting stores until the late hours to buy them. it’s all the rage nowadays.
“oh? you actually found one?!”
“don’t you think fate led me here for this?” you gush excitedly.
he finally stops at a red light, taking a good look at you with fondness. “you’re giving it to me?”
“yes. enjoy it, okay? i walked in boots for this.” you point at the camera threateningly.
so adorable. he misses you so much.
he obediently crosses his fingers to forge a promise. “i won’t leave a single crumb uneaten.”
“good boy,” you poke the camera as if you’re booping his nose. “i left my food too long. i’ll go get my overcooked ramyeon now.”
you disappear again, and he resumes his journey leading to you. you return moments later, devouring a cup of ramyeon. you’re holding it with some tissue paper. you were never really good with touching hot things— you drop them without thinking twice . . . which is a health hazard.
and it stays like that for a little while. as jungkook drives, he looks at you and the navigation guide every now and then. just to make sure he’s turning to the correct lefts and rights as the voice says; and to give himself the assurance that you didn’t stray somewhere else again. you, on the other hand, is too focused on your food to give your boyfriend a smidge of attention. that’s how mukbang asmr is, right? only eating sounds?
the cashier is probably thinking of you funny for eating infront of your boyfriend via video call in a public place. you couldn’t care less. it’s been a long day, and staying still in this small corner of the earth feels oddly comforting.
you’re in the middle of sipping down the leftover broth at the bottom of the cup when you hear movement from the aisle behind you. being nosy as you are, you find yourself taking a peek. you take quick and light steps back to jungkook to tell him about what you saw.
“babe, they’re restocking the pokemon breads. i’m the only person left here.” you whisper with one hand covering your mouth from the side, as if you’re sharing a secret. “i’ll buy more.”
he unconsciously copies the gesture and the volume of your voice. “do they have the other flavors too?”
“yes. keep driving safe. be right back.”
you dash to the other aisle, and jungkook and the long row of kitkats play a staring contest in the middle of traffic yet again.
familiar with your nature, it is entertaining to watch you participate in the pokemon bread hunt out of the blue. very on-brand and-
“so competitive.” he laughs to himself.
“hi!” you beam at the camera, hugging the paper bag inhabited by your new prized possessions. “uh, we have eight in total. i bought one of each flavor so there’s two team rocket now. and three jigglypuff bread just because- um-”
jungkook stifles his laughter. oh, of course you did.
“it’s so cute. i couldn’t help myself.” you sigh, slightly feeling guilty. other people do hoard them and buy everything off the shelf, so you think about that to feel less bad about taking all the jigglypuffs.
fuck. if you’re being this cute over a jigglypuff bread, he might just have to join everyone and do convenience store raids, too.
“you’re kind for still leaving some. i saw a person in the internet buy all the pokemon breads in the store they went to.”
“right?! i saw that, too.” you exclaim, relieved that you had the same thought as him.
“did you get me my pikachu, though?”
“of course. pikachu must always be present!” you answer proudly as you unplug your phone after seeing that it’s already at 50%. “i’m getting bored here. there’s a thrift shop just beside this, so i’ll go see if they’re still opened.”
jungkook drums his fingers on the steering wheel, following a beat he’s making up on the spot. “alright. i’m only fifteen minutes away, so don’t go anywhere else.”
”yes, sir.”
“and don’t end the call.”
“i won’t. you’ll miss me.”
he clicks his tongue before sighing, expressing his frustrating sorrow. “i already do.”
the air from outside is warmer, and it engulfs you the second you pull the door open. it makes your skin feel sticky and uncomfortable. the thought of going back inside enters your mind, but the idea gets shot down immediately after. might get tempted to buy more bread.
the thrift shop heavily contrasts the vivid conveniece store. there is no door. racks of pre-loved clothing greet you by the entrance, leading to more of them inside. a lone warm lightbulb illuminates the cramped space, hanging in the middle of the dirty white ceiling. and the smell. oh, the smell— it causes nostalgia to rush throughout your body.
a woman emerges from the wooden counter. she’s in her 50s, if you had the guess. you make eye-contact, and her kind eyes eases your uncertainty about whether you’re allowed to enter or not.
“you can still look around if you want. i’m just cleaning before i close up.”
“oh, thank you!” you politely bow before approaching the long rack of shirts and long-sleeves against the wall. you’ve been eyeing them since the moment you arrived.
left with no other choice, you leave the paper bag of pokemon breads on the floor, under one of the racks. you carefully lean your phone against a shoe on the shelf above it, just a little higher than your eye-level. you smile unbeknownst to yourself. your jungkook looks extra handsome when driving. while he admittedly has a short attention span, he’s very focused on the road when he’s behind the wheel.
you’re already browsing through the clothes when he glances at his phone. he can only see half your face, but he also hears your fast hands pushing back the hanger of the ones that don’t capture your interest.
your love for shopping doubled when you entered a relationship with jungkook, because purchasing items you think he like or need also brings you an unexplainable joy. it’s not limited to clothes or accessories. for example, you bought him white and blue acrylic paint two months ago because you noticed that he used them all up for a project.
after more or less ten minutes, there are already two t-shirts and one sweater hanging on your forearm. one of the t-shirt is yours. it matches with one of your trousers that you barely wear.
you’ve walked past the camera frame when you stumble upon a black bomber jacket, looking so cool and brand-new, which explains why it’s a bit on the pricier side. and you know jungkook has a lot of other black jackets back at home, but you just can’t help yourself because it reminds you so much of him.
it’s so jungkook. you can’t allow it to live in another person’s closet.
you approach the counter with the clothes you picked out. the woman halts her sweeping outside, leaving the broom against the wall before wiping her hands on her long skirt, the floral print noticeably faded with time. you hastily grab the belongings you left unattended, putting your phone’s microphone on mute to keep your little surprise.
there’s no paper bills left in your wallet after spending all your money on food and clothes. with a grimace, you drop it inside your bag. you were only supposed to go to the library today, spend a little money on bus fare and lunch. perhaps, spontaneously add in a little snack in between. however, this is called spontaneity out of hand.
“are these for your boyfriend’s birthday?” the woman asks in a hushed, yet teasing, voice as she folds up the jacket.
two pairs of eyes fall on the phone you’re holding, and you smile sheepishly. “i’m trying to make everyday his birthday.”
“he’s very handsome. you better take good care of him!”
you cover your face in embarrassment, silently laughing. “we take good care of each other! he’s coming to pick me up because i couldn’t find a taxi.”
“oh dear, are you new here?” she stuffs the jacket in the big plastic bag, along with the other clothes you bought. “there’s barely any taxis here after 9pm. everyone just walks. many complaints about it, but good exercise for my rusty bones when they ask me.”
“i’ll keep that in mind for next time.” you wrap your left arm around the bag of clothes, sliding it off the counter until you’re carrying its full weight. “thank you again. have a great night! and stay healthy!”
you stumble on the single step leading outside because the weight of the breads and clothes are unbalanced. thankfully, you make it out of the shop without a scratch. the woman bids you a safe trip and picks up the broom, the melancholia of night-time quietness blanketing her home once again.
you look down at your phone to find that the video call with jungkook has ended, but before you can question him, a familiar voice sings your name from a close distance.
“jungkook!” you call out to him, crossing the distance between you in high spirits. “you really came for me!”
jungkook shakes his head in disbelief. “you really thought i’d leave you here stranded? you always make me worried.”
“i never do it on purpose.” you frown, shoulders sagged with guilt.
“that makes it more worrisome.” he breathes out a sigh. “come here. i missed you.”
“i want to hug you, but my hands are full.”
he takes a step forward and wraps his arms around you, squeezing you in a tight embrace. he feels you give a chaste kiss to his jaw before leaning your cheek on his shoulder, and just like that, his anxiety melts away. your favorite perfume invades his sense of smell. as a person with a sensitive nose, many perfumes often give him a headache. he is in love with yours. it’s sweet and subtle; it feels like coming home.
“i was so excited to come home but you weren’t there.”
“i’m sorry for always making you worry. i’ll be more mindful next time.” you apologize to him with a kiss on the cheek, and you feel it rise against your lips when he smiles. “oh no, wait. the bread- they’re going to get all mushed up.”
he reluctantly untangles himself from you, taking away the heavy load you’re carrying without you having to ask. this is when you swiftly snatch the car keys from his hand.
“i want to drive this time.”
he breathes out a sigh of relief. “oh my god, thank you. i’m getting sleepy.”
it’s impossible not to quickly look over to the passenger seat when a bright flash fills the vehicle. surprise, surprise! instead of sleeping, jungkook is taking pictures of the packs of pokemon bread he eagerly arranged on his lap.
“that flash is brighter than the sun.”
he throws a thumbs-up with an overly enthusiastic voice. “samsung!”
you swear, every chance he gets he promotes thei-
“don’t you dare steal my jigglypuff.”
he raises his arms in surrender, making balloons with his cheeks. “i just didn’t know they were strawberry flavored. i’m tasting team rocket’s chocolate rolls first. namjoon-hyung likes it.”
he carefully tears it from the other side to keep team rocket’s image unharmed. he takes a bite from the choco roll, and feeds the remaining half to you.
“mhmmm.” he hums, eyebrows furrowed in sheer delight. “it’s so good? i’m glad you bought another.”
he divides another roll in the middle. he munches on his share as he waits for you to finish your first bite. while he does as such, he suddenly perks up when he remembers the story he was supposed to tell you.
“i saw a group of guys enter the convenience store when i arrived earlier. they were looking for pokemon bread, too.”
“how’d you know?”
“i heard one of them say ‘this one better have the gastly bread or i will cry.’” he imitates the stranger’s deep voice speaking in a whiny manner. “it was funny.”
“then he’s probably on his way home crying now.” your giggles create a harmony.
that store did not have gastly bread, unfortunately.
“moment of truth.”
jungkook locates the pokemon sticker after you finish the rest of the bread. you wait with bated breath as he unveils the first out of eight stickers.
he gasps as he comes face-to-face with- “it’s snorlax! number 143 . . . 143.” he freezes as he scans his memory for the special meaning of the number code. “doesn’t that mean ‘i love you’?”
“it does,” you confirm with a grin. “i told you it was fate! isn’t it the best love confession?”
while living with you is a type of intimacy he values greatly, and protects everyday, getting lost in unfamiliar places with you has a charm of its own. it’s one of the days when he allows himself to say: jungkook, you lived well today.
he presses the sticker on your cheek, giving you a kiss through snorlax. “i love you, too.”
“since we can’t finish all these bread tonight, we’ll open the rest tomorrow.” jungkook announces as he sets down the plastic bag on the floor. in the meantime, snorlax is kept in his wallet for safety purposes.
he carries the clothes to his lap next, curious eyes and curious hands taking out the items one by one. he squeaks a sound of amazement. “you found quite a lot in that shop.”
“they had a lot of good stuff. i got the dark green-ish shirt. the rest are for you.”
he holds the baby blue sweater by the shoulders, letting the rest of it unfold and hang suspended in the air. “this one is so pretty.”
“oh! i really like that one. might borrow it a lot.”
“you’d look pretty in it. especially in the winter.” he says fondly. the mental image of you wearing it surrounded by snow is making him miss the season that just passed.
you pout. “but i got it for you. so wear it more than me.”
“i will. i want to wear it to work right after laundry day.” you beam in contentment, and he pats your head appreciatively. “you’re so fucking cute, baby. thank you for buying it for me.”
the black jacket catches his attention next, and the galaxies in his eyes sparkle as he takes in its the details and overall appearance. “this is totally my style! how does it look so brand-new?”
“right? it’s a steal so i had to buy it!”
jungkook chews on his bottom lip, a conscious effort to restrain himself from attacking you with hugs and kisses. buying treats and gifts for each other on random days— it’s grown to be a second nature in your relationship. this is why you always go on trips on birthdays and anniversaries instead of buying big gifts. he loves that there’s no pressure, and the element of surprise never fades. he loves that he knows what you like, and you know what he likes. a huge part of what makes him who he is has permanently resided in who you are, and vice versa. he will carry you with him for the rest of his life, just like the food he learned to love because his childhood friend forced him to have a bite, and how he adds a bar on top of the letter J because it reminds him of the number 7.
so from now on, he will refuse to wear any other jacket but the one you bought him, and he will think of you every time the sky is baby blue.
“i think this is going to be one of those clothes i’d wear all the time. like the first sneakers you got me.”
“oh god,” you chuckle at the old memory. if people didn’t know he was rich, they would’ve thought he only had one pair of shoes. “you really wore those out.”
“that’s how much i loved it!”
“okay, but you need to wash it before wearing it.”
“i’ll wake up earlier to do laundry.” he starts planning out his day inside his head as he folds up the clothes to put back inside the bag. but then he traces his thoughts two hours backwards, and he is reminded physical affection he’s been craving the whole day.
“can we cuddle when we get home?”
“of course, my love.” you raise an eyebrow in question. “when do we not cuddle?”
“i just missed you a lot today.” he sighs, turning over to his side to look at you. perhaps, also to memorize the street lights reflecting on your face, and how your beige cardigan has slipped down your shoulder. oh, the urge to write a song at this magical moment.
“what’s wrong? did anything bad happen today?” pure concern adorns your voice. you hate it when he’s sad. so much. you want to shield him from everything bad in the world.
“nothing.” his face starts to feel flushed, one of the dead giveaways that he’s emotional. “i just love you, that’s all. you get it, right?”
you have never been more grateful to meet a light that just turned red.
you solely focus on him momentarily, combing his hair with your fingers because it always helps him to relax. “feeling a little overwhelmed, is that it?”
he only nods as a reply. he catches your hand in his to give your knuckles a kiss, plushy lips caressing the tough bones of your doting hand.
“we’re almost home. wanna cuddle in the bathtub?” you propose when you recognize the familiar scenery through his window. the promising comfort and safety of your home causes exhaustion to come crashing down on you. your muscles are suffering the consequences of your actions, and therefore, are asking for compensation.
jungkook seems to be relishing in the idea, doe eyes sparkling instead of shining with unshed tears. “please, that sounds nice. but i’m sorry for when i fall asleep in there.”
you laugh nervously as you enter your parking lot. you do have your license, but you don’t drive very often. maybe three times a month at most. you find driving to be energy consuming despite being seated, so you much prefer commuting because it also serves as your rest time before and after attending to your duties.
“i need to reverse park before we can get into the bathtub, so you have to help me.”
and yes, additionally, you just simply hate reverse parking with burning passion.
“why do you hate reverse parking so much?” your boyfriend asks out of curiosity.
good question.
“i know we have cameras now, but i’m still always scared of bumping into other cars.”
he flashes you his old-fashioned captivating smirk, resting his hand behind the driver’s seat. what makes it funnier is that you’re not even looking. you’re too preoccupied with finding your parking space.
he raises his eyebrows teasingly, doe eyes turning into small slits as they do when he’s playfully flirting. “you don’t have to be scared of such thing, baby. i’ll pay for the damages.”
“you’re jinxing it! i’ll definitely mess up that ferrari now!”
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plutowon · 7 months
enhypen as mythical / supernatural
creatures ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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pairing: enhypen x gn!reader
genre: fantasy, fluff
warnings: blood mention, fantasy violence, reader is somewhat described as short ?
happy halloween!!
🍰 ೄ🩰ྀ࿐ 🧸ˊˎ-
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heeseung- banshee
  heeseung was always emotional. 
  that’s how you met him.
  sitting atop of the old hill in the town park he cried and wailed with flowers clutched in his hands. you being the kind and gentle spirit you were, went up to ask him what was wrong, to which he responded “i don’t know”. usually when people see heeseung they don’t mistake him for human. your approach startled him a bit, even more so when you grabbed his cold dead hands and drew him into a hug. 
  you run your fingers through his hair and tell him everything is gonna be okay. then, you took him out to eat. of course you two got a few stares—holding hands with a banshee tends to draw in attention—but you seemed not to notice. you hold his hand and listen to his sorrows. you caress his cheek and you don’t flinch at the lack of body heat, paying no mind to the coldness that surely makes your hands freeze slightly.
  mourning death all his life, he finds your kindness and comfort refreshing.
  your boyfriend is a bit pessimistic. he looks at the glass half empty rather than half full. like when you watched coraline for the first time and he cried for half the movie believing there was no way she’d make it out of the beldam‘s hands alive. or when he sulked for half a day because he felt the sad lady from next door would never find love, resulting in the death of her love life. you told him to keep his head up and a week later, she comes into your home, bringing cookies and talking about a handsome man she met two nights prior. heeseung supposes there are some happy endings. but even so, he’s sweet and sings you songs all the time. his favorite thing to do is sing you lullabies and watch your sleep consume you. you look so beautiful while you dream, he wishes he could be in your dreams with you. he wonders what you dream about. he wonders if your dreams are as beautiful as you are. you like to take him on happy adventures and show him the world is not as bleak and depressing as it seems. you did make the mistake of taking him to a theme park, more specifically the rollercoaster, where he cried and called it a big death and torture machine. even if you left him outside he refused to let you ride it by yourself, certain that you’d fly out and die (he saw it on the news). needless to say that was the last time you went to six flags…disney world was fun though! you try to make him try new things as much as possible. heeseung finds it exciting. he looks forward to your little rendezvous. 
  he still cries and wails, mourns death every sunday at the top of the old hill, but after all his pain and anguish has been tossed into the atmosphere, he comes home to your warm and loving arms, where you hold him with love.
jay- ghost
  you knew your house was haunted. you knew the moment you walked in with the realtor.  would that stop most people from renting a house? absolutely. did it stop you? no.
  the house was dirt cheap and you really needed a place to stay after your ex boyfriend kicked you out of the house. your parents are 900 miles away and you’ll be damned if a little ghost made you sleep in boxes on the street until you could get a plane ticket.
  jay’s first attempt to scare you ended in a scoff. you laughed at him. how insulting. but it doesn’t get any better when he ramps up the scare factor. he’ll get you to jump, maybe a tiny shriek, only for you to come back and be like “wow that one was really good you’re getting better” with a smile etched into your face. seriously, what the hell was wrong with you? why was it so hard to scare you out of his house? he tried everything from making your dishes fly to making the lights flicker to making you see visions of dead people but nothing worked. he even flinged your knives into the wall (not that he would ever physically hurt you but perhaps if you thought he would you’d finally leave…you did not).
  one night though, he shows you his face through the bathroom mirror. instead of a scream, you swoon, clasping your hands together across your chest. you call him handsome and beg to see him again. you beg for days and days. it tires him out, so he appears again. he’s much taller than you, which has you giggling and twirling your hair before you offer him a shy “hi”. he thinks you’re insane.
  your ghost boyfriend has now devoted his already dead life to protecting you from other supernatural entities. once, a goblin came into your house unannounced and…well jay didn’t take too kindly to that. he gets jealous when you have friends over. perhaps it’s the fact that your friends have physical bodies to touch you. not that you can’t feel his touch, but it’s not the same. he also just doesn’t like mortals entering his property, and he’s now extended that possessiveness to you. he’s still sweet though. watches over you while you sleep to make sure no demons come by. most creatures that come by don’t expect jay to be so tough and intimidating–he’s just a ghost–but they always end up leaving the house in fear, trembling. he has a habit of sneaking up on you to tickle you, the sound of your laughter that once filled him with rage now fills him with glee. he wishes he could feel you better, but still, he loves the touch of your skin. his favorite time to see you is in your dreams, where you are both on equal planes. he can feel your soft hands, kiss your pretty lips, and have normal dates with you. it’s also great that he can defy laws of reality.
  jay has been dead for years and years now, but having you in his home makes him feel alive once more.
jake- angel
  you meet jake while he’s on a thrilling adventure exploring the mortal world. he bumps into you at the mall, knocking you over. of course, being the literal angel that he is, he helps you up. you’re just a small fragile human—he could’ve killed you for goodness sake! (he couldn’t have but he still believes he could’ve)— he calls you gorgeous, as he failed to realize that most humans tend to restrain from saying every thought that comes to their mind, no matter how good the thought may be. but to his luck, you blush and say thank you and he thinks you’re the cutest flower he’s ever seen. you give him your number on the back of a receipt and jake is too ecstatic to realize…ah…he doesn’t have a phone.
  he buys one just for you though! and after that you two are inseparable. jake being the literal angel that he is, takes care of you like his life depends on it. your sick? jake’s here. hard time with school? jake’s here. your friend’s being a bitch? jake will be there to listen intently to allll your drama, and not just because he’s a little nosy. 
  of course, he’s begged god to make him your guardian angel, to which god reluctantly agreed, so long as he does not take his guardian duties too far or too lightly. there’s also monthly check-ins with the head guardian angels to make sure jake doesn’t go too far. you ask him if it’s too much of a burden, to which he smiles and tells you he couldn’t be happier.
  he’s still a bit naive when it comes to humans. he doesn’t often think that human beings can be so cruel and evil, but when he witnesses this firsthand, he’s worried about you! what if you fall victim to these cruel and heinous creatures! his fragile little flower…he’d never forgive himself. he protects you with his life. he asks you a great many questions about human beings and their history, what they’re like and such. you think it’s cute. jake is so sweet it makes your teeth ache.
 the first time he shows you his wings you’re in awe of the way they span across his back. they’re big enough to be a makeshift shield. his beautiful pure white feathers are soft to the touch. you run your fingers along the point in which his wings sprout from his back only for jake to laugh and fall to the floor. ah, he’s ticklish. he loves to hold you with his wings and shield you from the world. just the two of you together. per his guiding duties, he’s a little bossy. he tries to steer you away from bad decisions and protect your pure innocent eyes from seeing horrendous things, which you appreciate, but you also wish he would let you go crazy and stupid. you know, for the plot.
  your cute angel boyfriend may think you to be the most delicate dove in the whole world, but you also can’t help but hold him close to prevent him from flying away. he holds you against him with his wings covering over you so you can rest easy. he’s not going anywhere.
sunghoon- siren
  sunghoon has no intention of drawing anybody into his waters, but when he sees you on the sand he can’t help but stare. when you lock eyes with him, he knows it’s wrong to tempt and tease you, but he’s selfish by nature and he wants you all to himself. you must forgive him for this.
  you are his most valuable treasure.
  when you’ve submerged yourself into the water and make it to his arms, he sings to you. he holds you tightly and carries you across the waves and you both fall in love together in the deep, salty waters that you don’t even realize you’re in right now. he brings you back to the sand, kisses your legs and hands all the way up to you forehead, but your lips are left lonely. he makes you a promise. till death do you part and you shall see him again.
  surprisingly enough, the next time you see sunghoon is on land with two legs. of course, you question him and he laughs at your innocence, “yes, my love, i can walk”. the shocked expression on your face is too cute. he kisses your nose and you shyly hide yourself in his chest. he finds the way your cheeks heat up magical. sunghoon is a siren that hides upon humans before he makes his way back to his home sweet home, the chilling sea.
  dating sunghoon obviously entails walks on the beach while the sun sets. he loves watching the moon rise with you, loves the way you look when the light hits your pretty face. he always sings you songs. karaoke at least twice a week is definitely a must. he loves hearing your voice too, whether you’ve been singing for 15 years or 5 months, he loves it. he loves to tease you. loves the way he can fluster you just by staring at you for a bit too long. it gives him a huge ego boost. the way you melt into his touch makes him sore, he feels like he’s become a creature of the land, sea, and sky. when he does go back into his waters, he misses you. longs for the hours in which he can see you again. he loves when you visit him so he can swim with you and hold you for just a bit longer. you find that sunghoon likes to be up at night. you find that usually he comes to you in the late afternoon or at night. he brings you beautiful jewelry and treasures. pearl necklaces and pearl embroidered dresses. gorgeous hand held mirrors and diamond earrings. how he obtained the items is something you don’t have to worry your pretty little head about. he loves to spoil you rotten. when you do see him during the day, he just wants to cuddle up against you and rest.
  being lovers of different domains is hard, but to sunghoon, loving you is the easiest thing he’s ever done. to him, you’re more valuable than all the jewels in the world combined. 
sunoo- dragon
  you should not be in this cavern alone all by yourself. this you know, but cannot bring yourself to care. you’re far too curious to stop now. but when you’re deep into the cavern, you see something glow in the distance. you walk closer, too close, and you hear a loud growl. which makes you jump back. there that stares as you is a fierce dragon. he inches closer and closer to you as you tremble in fear. he asks what you’re after, to which you panicked and told him you were just nosy and thought this was where your peers were meeting to share their secrets.
  he looks at you quizzically and sighs before he turns into a much smaller man.
  although he’s still bigger than you, almost towers over you and his shoulder span is twice as big as yours, it’s still much less anxiety-inducing than a big fire breathing dragon.
  especially because he’s gorgeous.
  he gives you a death glare that has your knees weak. he rolls his eyes at your shameless display of attraction before he takes your hand and pulls you, guiding you out of the cavern. to sunoo’s surprise, you keep talking. you ask him questions, ask him about what he does, tell him about your life, and sunoo would like to say he doesn’t care, but he does. a lot. when he leads you out, you promise him you’ll be back. he gives no visible reaction, but inside he smiles a little bit. your warm his heart.
  your boyfriend would describe human beings as incompetent and selfish beings—minus you, of course—and you tell him he should be more open minded, but sunoo has dealt with (and severely injured) a great many humans that don’t know their place. you think it’s cute. you call him your hot emo boyfriend, something sunoo thinks is annoying and corny but he endures it for you. he’s snappy, takes no shit. he’s more patient with you, but the average worthless human being that tried it with him? it takes everything in him not to burn their eyebrows off. thank god he has you. if not, he’d probably burn your city to the ground. he’s also grateful, but concerned that you find his temper attractive. perhaps he should send you to a therapist.
  his favorite thing is when you think you’re being sneaky and you creep in his cavern while he’s sleeping and slip yourself between his body and his tail and cuddle up against him, falling asleep until he wakes you up. he finds it adorable. he loves to guard you with his tail. loves how safe and secure you feel around him. despite what others might think, sunoo is incredibly caring. before you leave the house he makes sure you’ve got yourself together. tidies up and smooths out your clothes, tucks your hair behind you ear if it’s down and makes sure it’s out of your face. he cooks for you, cleans with you, and makes sure you’re safe and happy.
  although sunoo usually hates being disturbed, he’s glad you woke him up that day. because of you, he always has something to look forward to. and if he can help it, for the rest of your day’s you’ll always have someone to protect you…and someone to burn the hair off your enemies.
jungwon- fairy
  the leaves and sticks crunch beneath your feet and you find a place in the forest where the sun’s light seems to beam down brighter than the rest of the forest. the sun feels nice on your skin. you take in the smooth air and breath out, content.
  when you turn around, you see a man with beautiful translucent wings that glitter yellow, but the tips of his wings are pink. he looks at you wide eyed. his smiles before he runs up to you, taking you in his arms and spinning you around, “oh my god, a human! you’re sososososososo cute~~”, he goes on and on excitedly. he sits you on his lap, inspecting every aspect of you from your cute little nose to your pretty eyes to how ticklish you are. you truly are the most adorable thing he’s ever laid his eyes on. unfortunately–or fortunately, i should say–because of fairies interest in humans, he’s decided that you are his human and his only, like a little kitten he gets to love and take care of! it’s a dream come true. 
  he takes you deeper into his side of the forest, where jungwon’s fairy friends come up to you both and ask about you in awe. when they try to touch you though, he swats them away and hisses at them…you had no idea fairies had fangs… .when you tell him you must go home, his face falls for a second before he smiles again and says you may go, so long as he get to go with you. and when his wings flutter happily and he’s bouncing, how could you say no?
  although jungwon has declared that you are his cute little human that he shall protect and care for, outside of the forest, you find yourself being the one watching over him. you no longer allow candy in the house because if it’s in a 10 mile radius jungwon will eat it all, resulting in a very sugar high fairy bouncing off your walls. before jungwon had a concept of human society, he went inside of a candy store and ransacked the place…never had you imagined yourself in a police station like this. it didn’t help that jungwon kept asking the cops about scary criminal stories and why and what a taser was for. they ended up letting him go on a warning. being around a lot of humans is also very exciting for jungwon…but he had no concept of personal space. he used to go up to random people and inspect them, pointing out his observations to you. he did this especially when he saw pretty humans, which made you a little jealous but he assured you that you were the prettiest, most adorable human in the world. 
  in the forest, he is much more protective and possessive. no other fairy is allowed within 10 feet of you and touching you is a crime punishable by death. though, he doesn’t like other humans touching you either, he’s more lenient with them. one unlucky human tried to kiss your cheek and almost got his face bitten off…never happened again. and of course, he takes you flying across the sky.
  to jungwon, you are the most precious thing in the world, his most prized possession from the moment he met you. and although he believes your his little baby, you know he’s just as much your baby as you are his.
niki- vampire
  niki is very clumsy for a vampire, if he’s being honest.
  he’s trying hard to beat the edward allegations, but perhaps he should learn how to prioritize because while he’s growling and tearing up in the woods, ripping bark off trees to chew on to dull the ache in his teeth he makes eye contact with a very pretty person, watching him in awe. awkwardly, he spits the bark out of his mouth, his glowing red eyes still looking at you. he tries to think of anything to ease the tension, so he asks you if you come here often. to his surprise, you say yes. you ask why he’s chewing tree bark to which he, embarrassed, says “i’m teething..”
  you coo.
  you come up to him and ask to see his fangs. you ask him if it hurts. he kicks the dirt under his shoes and nods. he licks them and takes a blood substitute for kids box out of his pocket.
  you think he’s so cute. he thinks it’s annoying how you’re cooing at him when you’re a foot shorter than him but he loves the positive attention. you drag him to a target. he notes how small your hand is in his and squeezes it a little harder. you take him to the wooden spoons. you give him one to chew on and take him back to the checkout, where you scan it out and pay. now he shouldn’t have to rip the bark off trees. niki promises to repay you, writing his phone number in your phone before he takes off because his mom was gonna kill him for being out at 1 in the morning.
  niki loves to visit you at your window at night. he’ll tap on it lightly and wait for you to answer. he asks how you are, if you’re safe and if any other vampires have tried to mess with you, to which you giggle and tell him no. he loves to sit and cuddle with you, of course he prefers to be big spoon, but if you pout and say please he’ll give you anything you ask, even if little spoon is embarrassing for him. you spend a good amount of time teasing him, but when he teases you back, suddenly, you’re quiet and he loves it. he loves to pinch your cheeks and carry you on his back. he loves knowing you can depend on him. niki’s very soft with you so you often forget he possesses superhuman strength. a man made the mistake of putting his arm around you and ended up in the hospital with broken ribs once… .he gets shy asking if he can feed off you. he feels bad about it even when you assure him it’s fine. after he’s done, he makes sure you’re taken care of. licks your wounds to the speed up the healing process and gives you a little snack with juice before he cuddles you and soothes you to sleep.
  niki’s very clumsy for a vampire, but his love and devotion to you comes to him as naturally as breathing does. he will love you till the end of time.
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t-a-k-a-k-o · 1 month
Heyyy can I ask for weight loss tips ?
Yeah! I have a few but idk if they work, it's just a couple things I have done, so yeah (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)
Log ur food BEFORE eating, it is easier to stick by that way
Walking is SO much better than running, it's low impact (so it's easier for injured ppl :D) and u can keep it up much longer than a run
A brisk walk can burn more than a run, my favorite (on a treadmill) is ~4.0 mph (~6.4 km/h), it is pretty easy to stick to, you work up a light sweat, and it burns abt 250 cal per hour
Take SMALL sips of water between each bite of food, like hold a cup with a straw, take a bite with one hand and sip with the other, if it's in ur hand (or at the edge of the table) it makes it easier, at first I would take like gulps but even just enough to wet ur tongue works
Portion ur snacks, if u have a big bag of like veggie chips portion it into the recommended serving size or whatever amount u want, otherwise u might eat more and it's harder to control urself, if it's in containers or little bags whatever, just portion
Eat ur healthy food first, if u have a balanced meal eat ur vegetables and fruit first, then move up for calories, so eat ur food lowest cal to highest bc u might get full from the lower cal stuff first, save some fruit for the end of ur meal tho so ur mouth feels clean and the reason why ppl eat dessert/crave sweetness after eating is because their body is craving fruit to aid digestion
Try little workout apps (yk the stupid ones like "lose weight in 30 days) it may not be much but it gets u to burn a few extra calories in a short time if ur busy, they are fairly easy and beginner friendly, and depending on which one u can actually feel them work if u want to burn more than just a bit, it also holds u accountable
Adjust ur calorie limit by weight, if u lose like 10 lbs (4.5 kg) u can't consume the same amount of calories bc ur maintenance amount is lower now and u will plateau
I recently started this, but have a weight tracker on ur body, I have a chain that I put on like permanent jewelry around my waist, it's like African waist beads or I think in Latin America they use like a string, it makes it so if u don't know when to stop eating it will tell u by the way ur stomach expands
DRINK DRINK DRINK WATER, I try to drink at LEAST a US gallon (~4 l) every day
OMAD is one of the BEST things if u live with family, skip ur insignificant meals and the one ur family most often sits together/finds "important" is the one u eat
If ur at home and ur craving food, take a shower, take a shower, take a couple hours for self care, pamper ur skin a bit, by the time ur done u will feel fresh and the craving will probably be gone
Try to not "give up" like if u have eaten like crap and u want a cookie try to not be like "oh well I'm doing bad enough today anyway" personally that just leads to more guilt and purg1ng
Ok this one may sound a bit weird, but gaslight urself, after eating some and the feeling in ur stomach changes be like "omg I'm so full" and keep saying it aloud, and if u eat more u will lowkey be shamed by others bc they will say stuff like "I thought u were full", gaslight urself into being like "I don't feel hungry" I do those two a lot but, gaslight urself into liking things, disliking things, putting in effort, etc.
This one rly made me work out, if I am laying in bed and I am a bit (even just a teeny TINY bit) restless I tell myself "if I'm just gonna scroll [Tumblr] I might as well walk while I do it" and then I consciously get up, walk into my basement, and on this treadmill we got (it was free from a friend and the middle is broken but it functions enough, and it's still snowing where I live), it doesn't matter what u wear, as long as u can make urself get up u and exercise it's a win (esp with depression lol), I have worked out in nice little workout clothes to rly give the vibes but I have also worked out in pajamas, my 16 km walk for my birthday I did on the treadmill in fluffy socks (I got rly bad blisters so I don't recommend it but it turned out fine, I was planning on a short little walk but it just extended a whole lot) just getting urself up is a win so whatever it takes, do it
If u have workout equipment at home, u don't have to raw dog it, listen to music, read a book, scroll on Tumblr, etc. no one says u can't
In my experience eating even a bit during a fast just leads into temptation, I do better when I don't eat at all than eating a bit bc after I eat a bit I see how hungry I am
That was a lot but those r the ones I can think of off the top of my head, if I remember more I can post more if u want, but yk what? Don't feel bad, ik it sounds stupid but it rly is the best thing u can do, if u binge move on, it's in the past, if u r not able to get up and exercise that's ok, just by being ur beautiful self u burn calories, if ur exhausted and u need something to run on eat a snack, it's better to be able to keep going than drown
I don't know if anyone will rly make it all the way down here but I just want u all to know u r loved by sooo many ppl no matter what u look like, every single one of u are art and art is in the eye of the beholder, I hope ur fast goes easy and u lose a kilo before u step on a scale again
Ily all and stay safe ♡♡♡
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Hi, I read your monster au posts and they are amazing. Though I was wondering what would Rollo be and how would he handle there being a magicless human given his attitude in canon, as well as how would GloMas go down with Yuu and Mini!Yuu in that au?
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So, I’d been holding off on answering this for Rollo until I had a better grasp on his personality and behavior, as deciding the monster/cryptid species that fits best is important. But since the Glorious Masquerade is coming to the ENG servers tomorrow (I’m not ready!!!), it feels like the right time to introduce him into the Monster!AU!
Also, as for whether or not RSA has seen Yuu/mini!Yuu, I think at least Che'nya and Neige and the dwarves have seen them yes! Outside of those, I leave that up to you/whatever direction the game takes us down next! And thank you so much, I'm glad everyone loves the AU's ;;v;;
To answer the question, I decided to base him off the French (and coincidentally Louisiana) cryptid “feu follet”, otherwise known as a Will-o’-the-wisp. Why did I choose this versus creatures like the “Beast of Gévaudan” or the “Gaueco” which will make him a fluffy canine monster? Well, while I think both would be interesting concepts to work with, neither of them really seem to fit the vibe I got from him as he’s portrayed in the beginning (…well, before chaos as usual hits the fan of course). Plus, it was also an interesting excuse to delve into more of the non-animal based ones besides Ortho being a golem!
Anyway, I picture him being more of a feu follet/Will-o’-the-wisp as a call to his UM “Dark Fire” and his last name Flamme, which translates to “flame” in French. Hence, as a “ghost light”, it seemed more fitting! Feu follets are said to come in various shades of blue, yellow, red, and even green���now imagine him changing color based on his emotions and having to control that side in public! His poker face means nothing behind that handkerchief if he turns colors! 😂 (Especially if you keep in mind color theory!)
While they’re also generally harmless, however, if you’re familiar with the legend of Will-‘o-the-wisps (which has multiple different variations and stories across the world!), following one at night thinking it’s a fellow traveler can lead to one’s death in a marsh, bog, swamp, etc. Typically, they’re seen in a graveyard or one of the above-mentioned areas. Since no one knew how dangerous Rollo was until it was too late, it seemed fitting for him to be one!
By the way, he can be corporeal to handle things or be hugged by someone. He can also phase through things he wants to avoid…now imagine his hat getting caught between the fence bars! 🤣🤣🤣
With that out of the way, let’s discuss his reaction to Yuu and mini!Yuu!
Given that he’s more comfortable with non-magic users, he’d be fascinated and charmed at the thought of humans—creatures of historic legend and cryptic bedtime stories—being non-magic. A world where magic doesn’t exist and no one will be consumed by blot or harmed by spells gone awry? He’d likely want to know more, but he wouldn’t want to get too close—after all, he’s not exactly keen on making friends or showing a vulnerable side. Yuu is gonna have their work cut out for them if they want to give him pets and scritches! Their best bet is in private where he’s less likely to react so strongly (though if he learns that getting the majority of Yuu’s attention is enough to annoy Malleus and the others, I can see him being smug about it and letting them praise him 😌).
As for mini!Yuu though…
Mini!Yuu: *toddling around the room, giggling as they support the large puffy cap on their head*
Azul: “Where did you get that, little one?”
Mini!Yuu: “Mr. Rollo dropped it and let me wear it!” *adjusts the cap with one hand to try and look up at them before bumping into Deuce’s leg* “Oof!”
Deuce: “Oop! Careful, Yuu!”
Riddle: “I’m surprised he allowed you to wear it given his position as Student Council President.”
Vice President: “Uh…President Rollo? Where is your cap?”
Rollo: *holding handkerchief to his mouth* “Yuu wanted to know how heavy it was.”
Vice President: “Y-you’ve never let yourself be out of uniform!” *gets emotional* “But you’re allowing the human child to wear it…that is so precious!”
Rollo: *scowls, his wisp body turning reddish-pink in embarrassment*
Pfft…I just couldn’t resist a bit of cuteness~! UvU/)
As for how the whole event would go down…well, I can imagine that Rollo would believe he’s doing the right thing, so him possibly trying to separate Yuu from the others using the flowers would be even more terrifying! For mini!Yuu, the whole situation would be absolutely terrifying for the toddler since I doubt the others would have let them come with them to stop Rollo. So, the boys would likely leave them with Grandpa Trein for safety until the whole situation is done and over with.
Once all is said and done, it’s really up to Yuu to decide how they see Rollo after the fact. As for mini!Yuu? Whether they find out it was started because of him or the boys kept it under wraps just like everyone else in NBC being ignorant of what happened, they might just be happy to see he’s okay. Now imagine him dancing with mini!Yuu at the end of the event like Charlotte with Prince Naveen’s younger brother from Princess and the Frog!
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miceonpluto · 11 months
Anomaly 888
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Part 1 Part 2
summary: miguel catches word of an anomaly in universe 888 and sets off to interfere. meanwhile you fumble through the worst patrol day you’ve ever had. disgruntled and discouraged, you make your way home, only to find you’re not the only one there.
word count: 1.8k
••●── 🕸️⋅🕷⋅🕸️ ──●••
“A spider from universe 888 has reported a potential anomaly. She says she’s found a couple of robber guys webbed to walls on scenes she was never at, and witnesses say they remember seeing a black and white suit—Those aren’t our spider’s colors.” Lyla said while hovering above Miguel’s shoulder.
He furrowed his brow and swiped through CCTV footage and multiversal diagnostics and clicked his tongue tentatively. Nothing was out of the ordinary, which in and of itself was unusual. Anomalies were always accompanied with bursts of glitched disaster but nothing in the files Lyla retrieved indicated an anomaly’s presence. “I don’t see any spikes in abnormal frequencies though. Que raro—I’ll check it out. Tell her to stage a robbery and lead the anomaly to 64th street, I’ll keep a close eye from there.”
Lyla blipped over to the communication panel and tapped away. “Done. Anything else?” Miguel’s eyes darted away from her and he huffed.
“Hmmmmmm?” Lyla grinned
“What was that?”
“Damn it woman! Tell Jess to be on standby! I know you heard me.” He rolled his eyes and fiddled with his teleporter. “I’ll be back soon.”
“Yeah I heard you,” She cackled and kicked her feet as Miguel shrugged her off his shoulder. “she’s already here.”
“Dios mío.” He huffed and disappeared into the light of the portal.
••●── 🕸️⋅🕷⋅🕸️ ──●••
You sat on top of a bodega, swinging your feet, and surveyed the busy street below. You observed tired men with sagging shoulders trudge their way to the subway, old ladies leisurely walking their yappy dogs around the block, giggling kids skipping down the sidewalk. All who people who were too consumed by the mundane to keep up their vigilance. Which is exactly why you were here, “to look after the little guys.” That’s what SpiderWoman said. She was an incredible hero, but she was just one person. One person can’t save everyone. This was a reality you were painfully aware of. Bad people slipped through her webs all the time, and you wanted to help catch them in yours.
The sun set below the skyline, bathing everyone below it in a warm orange glow, and deepening the shadows in the alleyways. You were on high alert now, sitting straighter and prepping yourself to leap down onto the street if need be. You had your eye on a shifty hooded figure who was walking a little too fast and getting a little too close to an unsuspecting woman and her purse. As soon as they were in arms length, they snatched the purse, and bolted around the corner.
You jumped down and tried to catch up. They were more nimble than any other street thief you’ve ever caught. They usually barrel through the crowd, bumping into people and slowing themselves down in the process, but this one expertly skirted through the mob. You realized you’d have to pick up the pace if you wanted to catch them. In an attempt to cover more ground, you shot your web to boost yourself forward, but to no avail. Your web shooter made a weak “shhk ssshk” sound when you tried to shoot them again.
“Shit! Not now! Please, not now!” You groaned while dashing around another corner in pursuit of the thief.
You’d followed them into an alleyway and sighed in relief once you saw it was a dead end. They had just made your job so much easier. “I’m gonna need that back.” You said smugly with your hand on your hip. Though you stood confidently on the outside, internally, you were begging your web shooter to work as you aimed at the purse to yank it back to you. You shot and…it worked! You tucked the purse safely under your arm and aimed at the robber to web them to the wall. Nothing came out. You tried again and the “sshk shhhk” sound was all that followed. “Guess I can’t get lucky twice.” You sighed. The robber shook their head and you could’ve sworn you heard them laugh at you. After peaking out of the alleyway to find the owner of the purse you turned back around to confront the thief. “I wouldn’t laugh now, you’re still cornered-“ But they were gone. “What?!” You ran around frantically looking for where they could’ve gone but there was no trace of them.
“This isn’t good…” You palmed your face and shuffled back into the crowd to give the purse back to the woman. She was gone too. “What is going on right now?” You whined. You’ve had rough days but nothing like this had happened before. All you could think to do was turn in the purse to the closest police station. Of course you couldn’t do that in your suit. You peeled off your mask with a sigh as you slipped out of the suit, leaving you in the spandex bodysuit you’d made. The legs and sleeves had bunched up during the pursuit so you adjusted them until they stretched around you comfortably. After you were assured your suit was fully hidden behind a trash bag in a corner of the alley, you made your way to the station.
“I found this on the sidewalk.” You said as you slid the purse across the desk. The sleepy cop barely glanced at you before grabbing the purse and putting it in a lost-and-found bin behind him. “Thank you. Have a good night.” He muttered gruffly while clacking away at his keyboard. “Yeah, you too.” you responded, already on the way towards the door.
You felt along the wall of the ally until you got to the corner where you left your suit. It wasn’t there. “W-What?” You felt your chest tighten. “No no..nonononono” You frantically grabbed your phone out of your leotards breast pocket and shone the flashlight along the dirty alleyway. Your chest heaved as the white light illuminated trash and fading graffiti, but no suit. Hot tears rolled down your cheeks as you struggled to breathe around the forming lump in your throat. How could this have happened? Why was today going so wrong for you? With your suit gone your patrol was finished for the night. Your web shooter finally decided to work as you swung up to the roof of your apartment, which only made you more frustrated. You landed on top of the gravel with a soft crunch, and you wiped your nose with the back of your hand, sniffling.
As you walked towards the exit door, you heard the ground shift somewhere nearby. You whipped around and flickered your eyes across the roof, searching for what or who disturbed the silence. The city air stood still around you, heavy with the overwhelming feeling that you were being watched, making the hair on your arms prickle. You suddenly felt extremely vulnerable, if someone were here with you, they had the upper hand. Your webslinger had been malfunctioning all day, if something did go wrong, you’d be defenseless. That thought made your stomach churn so you sped to the exit, making your way to your apartment. The dark, damp stairwell made your skin crawl even more so you hurried your way down, faster and faster as the echo of your own footsteps made your heart beat wildly. You made it to your door, hands shaking as you typed in the code to your apartment. As soon as the keypad flashed green, you yanked open the door, slamming it behind you.
Your chest was still pounding and you took a big breath to try and steady yourself. Your suit was gone, and a disappearing criminal was now on the loose. You threw your webslingers onto the tiny kitchen island and held your head in your hands. Why you? Why today? All you’ve ever done is try to help people so why was this happening? You choked back a sob and slunk to your room.
It felt…colder on the way there? Maybe you forgot to close your window earlier. You pushed the door open and hovered your hand above the light switch as your eyes adjusted to the darkness. A tall, dark figure, silhouetted by pale moonlight, loomed over your desk. Its large claws gingerly flipped through the pages in your notebook of blueprints. You tried backing away slowly but the stranger jerked around to face you with an inhumane quickness. Their eyes glowed red and narrowed at you as you instinctively tried to shoot a web at him , completely forgetting that you weren’t wearing your webshooters. “Fuck!” you tried to book it back towards the kitchen but you felt something yank you backwards. You started to scream but with a small flick of the creature's wrist, your mouth was webbed shut. Webs? The only other person you knew with webs was SpiderWoman, and whoever this was clearly wasn’t her. So who was this?
You stood there, wide eyed and petrified of the stranger in your room. They looked you up and down and tilted their head to the side. “You didn’t sense that I was in here?” Their voice was surprisingly smooth, and the baritone rattled you to your core as it broke the silence. You continued to stand there like a deer in headlights.
“No spidersense?” You mirrored the confused tilt they displayed earlier. “Strange.” You stood there staring at them as they continued flipping through your notebook. The red web that tethered you to them hung slack. If you could inch your way towards the window maybe you had a better chance of escaping. As subtly as you could, you planted your feet and got ready to run for it, but as soon as you took your first step, they had your ankles bound. You almost face planted, but they pulled the web taught and you were jolted upright, now dangling a couple inches off the floor.
“Pretty clumsy for a spider.” They sneered, and you caught a glimpse of two very sharp, glimmering fangs. “You’re coming with me.” Your eyes stung with tears and your heart was practically jumping out of your chest. You were being abducted by a demon creature of the night and there was nothing you could do about it. Your head began to spin as you hyperventilated and you felt your consciousness slipping away. In the midst of your blurry vision, you saw them open a duffle bag, toss a few more of your notebooks inside and zip it up. With one arm they hung you over their broad shoulder and secured you there with a web around your back. You wouldn’t be able to get away regardless. You felt pathetic. You heard something click and beep, a low humming sound followed immediately after. The sound got louder, your room suddenly burst with yellow and orange light, soon, you were engulfed in it as the stranger walked on and your world faded to black.
••●── 🕸️⋅🕷⋅🕸️ ──●••
this is my first published fanfic so sorry if the format is a little funky! i’m super excited to keep writing this hehe i’m having so much fun
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lily-174 · 1 year
Could you do a Jay Halstead x Sister reader store where she and Jay have a car accident and she is seriously injured and then Will blames Jay for the accident
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painful ride - jay & will halstead x sister reader.
overview: you get into an accident because you were late home while living with jay, your oldest brother blames jay.
trigger warning; angst, arguments, pain, car accident, hospitals, injury, almost death.
AHH i’m half way through writing and i just re-read the request and found out i read it wrong! it’s 3am i can’t rewrite this now, but i still want to post it! if you want another version more accurate please send another request! i’m so sorry!!
i kinda hate this, but i guess i could make this into a two part fic where the reader gets through everything with the help of her brothers, and who is named at the end, maybe a little love story could come from it.
let me know if you’d like that ^^
chicago pd masterlist
you were late. it’s not that jay was controlling he just liked to set boundaries while his 20 year old sister was staying at his. you couldn’t be home any later then 10:30pm, it was currently 11:15. you were out with some friends having lost track of time when you realised you were late.
rushing out to your car you got in glancing down at the phone seeing 3 missed calls from jay. you loved your brother but he had the tendency to get a bit too over protective sometimes especially when he’d had a bad case.
his over protectiveness wasn’t a bad thing, but you preferred living with your oldest brother will. his hours at work more set in stone so he was home more, and he was a better cook.
you sent jay a quick message ‘i’m okay, i’m sorry i’m late i lost track of time. on my way now, i’ll be as quick as i can’ you sent the message and started driving. jay knew you never meant to be late it just scared him having seen the things that happen to young women alone on the street at night.
you began driving, trying to get back to jay’s apartment as fast as you could but getting stuck at an intersection made you sigh, you hated being late you didn’t want to make jay worry. when the light finally went green you began to drive across the intersection, everything happened so fast. your phone ringing looking down to see jays caller ID when you looked back up someone smashed right into the side of your car, causing your car to be pushed closer to oncoming traffic, you felt another hit to the front of the car as pain consumed your body, and you felt drowsy.
the pain almost unmanageable, like nothing you’d ever felt before, the blood rushing to your head, you could feel the pulse in your ears as you fell in and out of consciousness your chest tightened making it harder to breathe, a pain shooting down your spine before it became to much and you fell unconscious.
you heard someone calling your name, it sounded so far away. your eyes fluttered open seeing you were still stuck in the car struggling to breath, the amount of pain you were in causing a sob to leave your mouth. the sound of someone calling your name became louder as you looked around you saw firefighters recognising the one stood right outside your window. kelly.
“y/n! can you hear me? i’m gonna break the back window and get in with you okay?” your brain barely processing what he was saying but you managed to nod which caused you even more pain. you heard a smash from the back window and what sounded like a bit of a struggle before kelly showed up again next to you.
“it’s okay kid we’re gonna get you out.” he tried comforting you while putting a neck brace on, tears slowly falling from your eyes.
“kelly- i ca- can’t breathe-“ you mumbled, your voice raspy which caused a look of concern to show up on his face which made tears fall faster down your cheeks making your difficulty breathing more severe.
“it’s okay breathe slowly in and out with me. i’ve got you. squad is working really hard to get you out. does anywhere else hurt?” he asked, which made you realise you couldn’t feel your legs. the panic you felt was like nothing you’d ever felt before.
“i- i.. can’t feel my legs” you managed to say while gasping for air, kelly had an idea as to what was wrong with your lungs, but what you just said could confirm a spinal injury. the lack of oxygen to your lungs made your vision blurry and begin fading. and eventually everything became too much causing you to fall back into darkness.
“will!” will heard his name being called as he was walking back into the ER from radiology to collect some x-ray results. he rushed into the ER after hearing his name being called, it had become a habit that normally when he hears that it’s jay.
but upon entering the ER and getting closer to where there was commotion his heart dropped and his blood ran cold as he saw his baby sister begging transferred from a gurney to a hospital bed covered in blood. disregarding the x-ray results on the side he ran into trauma one to begin treating you.
“y/n? it’s will i’m here okay you’re gonna be fine” he said not knowing if he was comforting himself or his unconscious sister as he began frantically taking your vitals.
“pulse is weak, oxygen levels are low! possible internal bleeding she needs emergency surgery now!” will exclaimed, he wasn’t a surgeon, he couldn’t do it. and legally he wasn’t even allowed to be treating you.
as they began take you into surgery the bright lights made your eyes sting as you gained consciousness again, squinting still in excruciating pain you saw familiar ginger hair.
“will- jay called.. i was at- i was at the- intersection i looked down-“ hearing your weak raspy voice broke something inside him.
“it’s gonna be okay y/n. you’re safe now” he offered a soft smile walking beside you him and other doctors surrounding your bed as they took you into a surgery room..
“i can’t feel- feel my legs will-“ he watched as tears brimmed in your eyes as you struggled keeping them open, he gently brushed some of your hair from your face, revealing the dried blood almost entirely  covering your face.
you struggled keeping your eyes open but the only thing you could think of was if you didn’t make it, you wanted to make sure the last thing you saw was family, before everything returned to darkness as your eyes closed for the third time.
by the time will had left you in the surgery room he’d found out a few things about your condition before returning to the ED were jay was stood with maggie, running his hand through his hair concerned utterly etched onto his face. when jays eyes landed on will he rushed towards him.
“is she okay?! why didn’t you call me? kelly told me” jay exclaimed out of concern for you, wills was so overwhelmed. he was pissed off at jay.
“you’re stupid curfew jay! she’s 20 years old, you called her she looked down at her phone now look at what’s happened!” jays face dropped at his brothers outburst, guilt now flooding through his veins.
“what? i just- i just protect her. will is she okay?!” he didn’t care if wills was pissed off, he could take it he just wanted to hear the latest on you first.
“she’s in emergency surgery, cracked ribs punctured her lungs, internal bleeding, possible spinal injury she told me she couldn’t feel her legs. she lost a lot of blood, she had fluid coming out of her ears which indicates a head injury so no! no jay she is not okay! well done for protecting her. could’ve got her killed” will exclaimed the frustration not even beginning to help with his feelings. jays heart dropped the hairs on the back of his neck standing tall as he listened to the extent of what will currently knew about your injuries.
“the curfew is to make sure she gets home safe! i know what happens to girls out late on the streets of chicago.” jay said in an attempt to make will see it from his point of view and make himself feel better.
“yeah, you should also know what happens when rushing people and calling people when they’re driving on a time limit so they don’t get shouted at when they get home!” jays guilt made bile rise in his throat, as he attempted to swallow it down wills spoke again.
“might as well go home and bring her some stuff. she’s not gonna be out of surgery for hours if she makes it” will stated in complete grief he knew as a doctor the extent of your injuries would be hard to survive let alone make a full recovery from. and in that moment will needed someone to blame. jay stood in disbelief infront of his older brother as wills walked away back in the direction he came from.
jay walked into the waiting from and began pacing, the guilt consuming him as he ran a hand through his hair. he stayed stood pacing trying to come to a conclusion in his head where it wasn’t his fault, he should’ve known better. he didn’t know if you would make it, and if you did he didn’t know if you’d even want to see him? would you hate him?
hours past and jay was still pacing up and down the waiting room so many different scenarios racing through his head, when finally will walked in his eyes rimmed red and that made jays heart drop, jay had never felt so scared in his life as he approached will.
“is she alive?” jay asked his voice weak as he looked at his brother. as he shoved his shaking hands into his pockets.
“she’s alive, she’s not paralysed. she’s in the icu. the fixed her lungs and repaired all the internal damage. but she essentially fractured the lower part of her spine. it’s a hairline fracture we believe will heal on its own she will be able to walk again with physio therapy but she’ll suffer with back pain and possible other complications indefinitely. she also fractured her skull and has a brain bleed but we believe that should also heal on its own but will be extremely painful. she’s living with me, i’ll get her to her appointments once she gets out of here i’ll look after her” will explained in full detail to jay as tears brimmed in both brothers eyes, jay couldn’t help but feel responsible.
“and jay, what i said earlier.. was wrong. this isn’t your fault. it’s just she got here on the brink of death she couldn’t breathe and all she told me was she was on the intersection you called her she looked down then this happened. it’s not your fault okay, things happen i shouldn’t have taken it out on you like that” a tear slipped down jays cheek as will brought him into a hug, jay had never felt like this before. so helpless, and responsible.
“can we see her?” will nodded and gestured for jay to follow him up to icu, jay still felt exceptionally guilty. the feeling still not having left the pit of his stomach.
his chest tightened with anxiety the closer to your room he got, will looked back at jay before approaching the door and slowly opening it. both brothers walked into the room going to opposite sides of your bed and sat down.
the sight of you attached to machines, and being covered in cuts and bruises made jay second guess everything, all he ever wanted to do was protect you, he knew he was over protective but he never thought something like this would be the result.
they sat next to you, one brother on either side of your body. loosing track of the amount of time they both sat there. hours felt like days. both brothers still processing what happened.
you groaned, as your eyes fluttered open the bright light stinging your eyes as pain shot through your head and spine. jay and wills heads both shot up to look at you.
“y/n? how are you feeling?” will jumped up onto his feet checking the machine you were connected to that read your vitals.
“like i got hit by a truck” you groaned voice raspy and weak, your throat dry as a bone. jay watching as you didn’t even look over at him just looking up at will.
“are you okay kiddo?” jay voiced looking to see if your head turned to him which it did.
“yeah.. i’m sorry i was late” you whispered looking at your protective brother, you still felt bad for being late. not wanting jay to be upset with you.
“hey no no it’s okay. it’s fine i’m sorry” he spoke softly moving a piece of hair from your face and tucking it behind your ear.
“what happened? will it hurts” you looked across to your oldest brother who turned around as he heard you speak injecting something into your IV, pain meds.
“that should help with the pain.. you got in an accident.” will said moving round to the end of the bed pulling the blanket away from your feet.
“can you wiggle your toes for me y/n?” you nodded trying your best, both will and jay had a look on their faces you hadn’t seen before which filled you with anxiety.
“what? will?” you asked with panic laced in your voice, looking back at jay.
“you had a spinal injury, but you’re going to be okay. you just have a lot of physio therapy ahead of you” will offered a small smile but tears began welling up in your eyes at the thought, jay reached for your hand in an attempt to comfort you.
“y/n you will be able to walk again, you just got out of surgery a month or two of physio and hopefully things will start going back to normal.” will said returning to his seat next to you.
“we will be here for you every step of the way. blake gallo from 51 said he’s here for you whenever. you know blake he’ll help you too. you’re not alone.” jay said, he wasn’t wrong. you knew you had plenty of people to help you and the mention of blake made your heart flutter slightly. you nodded at your brothers words knowing you wouldn’t be alone throughout all of this.
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chemicallady · 9 months
Part 1
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Couple: Noah Sebastian x Fem Reader
Content Warning: smutty content; implies sexual situations and strong language. Also, mentions to mental issues (anxiety, primarily).
Summary:  this your first job as merch girl in tour with a band. Its also the first time for you to fall in love so dramatically for someone that is almost a stranger to you. Someone that you really aren't able to get out of your head. What is Noah Sebastian hiding behind his dark eyes? This description is so cringe that I'm embarrassing myself. Its hard to keep up with the tour routine and your feelings at the same time.
A/N: HI HI HI SWEET LEMON PIES! so I beg you to be gentle because 1. this is my first smut ff and I dont know if I got it or not and 2. I'm not a native speaker. I'm trying my best to find my own place amoung the INCREDIBLE writers of this fandom. Of course what I'm describing is all fictional, I (unfortunately) don't know Noah personally , neither the rest of the band and crew. I have a lot of respect for them all and admiration for the work of art they're doing on tour rn. My intentions are far from being offensive towards them, I only want to deliver some good time to Noah's bitchies like me here on tumblr. I really hope I will! My pm are always open for opinions or talking about the band. Have a good one!
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One hands slowly caresses every inch of naked skin on your back while the pace of the pounding slow down a bit. Your body is covered in a thin layer of sweat; you're heavily panting, your legs and arms shaked by a slight flicker. There is nothing that can stop your hair from falling on your face, but your vision is still clear enough to get another quick look the mirror on front of you. The sight brings you to repress a moan, biting your lips. Bended on the small table, partially , you look like a desperate mess. The pleasure you're experimenting is unbearable at this point. You could fall any time soon if it wasn't for the man that is taking you from behind. Noah looks merciless in this moment, while he is holding you still with a firm grip. His hips inconter you naked skin in an harmony of slaps, while he is fucking you. And that's the only sensible sound in the room because you have to keep it quiet; the green room is one wall next the small fitting room in which the two of you are hiding.
You don't have much time. Someone eventually will notice that one of the merch girls is not around before the opening of the gates and your colleague can't cover for you forever.
But in this very moment you're unable to think about anything but the gorgeous man that is rearranging your interiors. His eyes look pitch black in the soft light of the dressing room, his whispers and exhalations are low and scratchy.
He's the hottest thing you have ever laid your eyes on and he is only for you now. You're feeling like he is consuming your soul along with your body.
In a crescendo of intensity his hand comes between your legs, rubbing your clit in a hurry, following the movements of his hips.
He is close and so you are. For you its gonna be your second orgasm in less than fifteen minutes and its mental.
You can feel a pool of familiar warm forming inside your belly while your body starts to tense. The ecstatic pleasure of the orgasm starts to run through your veins, your walls are getting tight around his erection. When you come, it is impossible for you to hold back a sob.
For a second, your vision blurs, and your legs are about to give up. With your last strength, you hold yourself up on the table just enough to let only your breast touch the cold surface of the table while the pounding becomes erratic. His body tenses, rocking in you just twice more, and them he releases. The grip on your hips gets loose but still firm enough not to let you go on the floor.
Ironic enough, this is your favourite part; he gives you the time to get yourself together, landing his head between your neck and your shoulder. The scent of his hair is intoxicating, and all you want is being able to turn around and give him a passionate kiss. But you know it won't happen. Not today, at least, because in the moment he is sure you gained enough strength, he pulls out and starts to fix his clothes. You do the same, still in silent. With the side of your eye, you watch me taking off his condom, while he is cleaning himself with a paper tissue. He hands you one for yourself, avoiding to meet your gaze, and them he fixes his jeans.
《 Are you feeling good?》 , he asks with a raspy voice. It seems like the first time you've heard him speaking today. You are able to nod while you're fixing your panties and skirt, but you're not really into small talks.
He nods as well before leaving the room first, after sharing a shy smile that makes you uncomfortable for a second...
《 y/n? y/n??? You have a costumer.》
Steve's voice brings you back to reality. You guys are pulling away all the merch unsold but some people are still leaving the place, so with a smile that is a bit forced, you turn to them, asking which t-shirt they like to see closer and the size.
It happens all the time. You zone out without any intention since Orlando. That tour date was the one who changed everything.
It was an easy job, in the beginning. You simply know a guy that knows another, who knows Steve, the sales manager for Bad Omens, a metalcore band you kinda like since a while now. Easy job, maybe a bit too much frenetic, but nothing unbearable. You can see different cities, gigs and get a decent pay while having some fun, since you're have no responsability except smiling and selling as much as possible.
Noah got you the evening you met him, a couple of days before the first tour date. You were miserable after a long flight to Los Angeles but he had eyes only for you. He was kind and funny, almost goofy in a couple of occasions. All the members of the crew and band gave you a warm welcome, but Noah was the nicest one. The two of you clicked immediately. He has a lot in common with you, not only music and gaming.
He was the first one to make you feel like you have always been in the crew, part of their big family. What was born as a nice friendship evolved quickly into something even closer, and that's the deal, for you. It was too quick. You couldn't help but look for him any minute of your waking time. Before you could even realise it, you were sitting on his lap, starting a kiss. The kiss you started was followed by his hands on your body and then to a lot of pre show sex.
But this blind passion took off everything else. The laughs, the light chatting, the smiles. Your complicity came to an end, and you didn't see that coming. Noah can barely look at you now. He almost stopped talking to you. And this is heartbroken because you believed you were building something. You never hidden how much you like him, it's evident even without saying it out loud. But you've never thought that it could have been a problem.
Noah Sebastian is beautiful and successful, but he is a man made by flesh and bones. He is human. You are not the type that idiolazed famous people. With this mindset you made your move....
.... the move you're now regretting so much.
《 you have done an amazing job tonight, I havent see you keeping a break》 Steve congratulates you when your last client is served. 《 go and get some beer, I can finish with the boxes with Mandy, right?》
Your coworker barely nod, while she is closing one of the boxes. She is the one who covers for you every day, but she's getting bitter because you still have to tell her what exactly she is covering. The truth is that you're a bit ashamed. You feel like you're selling yourself to the devil, but nothing could help. There is no way you will stop having these incounters with Noah. Maybe in this way you have a chance to fix it. Maybe he will tell you one of these days what he is hiding from you.
What he's ashamed of.
Why hes holding up so much.
But it's not today, and you can tell by the look he gives you when you enter the room where the crew is gathering. Matt cheers you with a can of beer, asking about the tonight selling and if you had any problem. Then he invites you to pick up a slice of pizza and relax a bit. The obvious choice for you is sitting next to Folio, so you can listen to his excited chronicle of the show.
Noah is just a couple of seats away from you but it feels like an ocean apart. You don't even bother to look at him.
You know he won't exchange the gaze...
{ part 2 coming soon }
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bubblegumvolcano · 1 year
𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲  (ᵉᵗʰᵃⁿ ᵐᵒʳᵍᵃⁿ ˣ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ)
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𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; they/them pronouns used, light cursing 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 2,367 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭; studying with ethan morgan turns into something more ?
︶︶︶ ୨୧ ︶︶︶  
“So, my place or yours?”
“My place or yours?”
Ethan looked to the side in thought, “Oh! My house is fine, unless you want to do it at yours?”
“I’m fine with that! Now, should we work on the essay before the poster board?” 
“Sure, that sounds good to me.”
“Okay, then we’ll do that today and work on the poster board throughout the week. After school today works for you, right?”
“Yep. Um, around what time are you planning on coming? Any time is fine, but you know, just to be prepared."
"I think about five, if that’s fine?"
Ethan nodded, "That works."
As soon as he left for lunch, he walked over to the cafeteria to find Benny. He found him and Rory sitting at their usual lunch table.
"Hey." Ethan smiled as he joined Benny and Rory.
Benny looked up from his lunch, "Finally. What took you so long?"
Ethan rolled his eyes, taking a seat in between his friends. "I’m only a minute late."
“So did you get assigned partners in Chemistry?” Rory finally spoke up, accidentally interrupting Benny at the perfect time.
“I did, actually. Y/N. You know them?”
Benny’s eyes widened. “Of course I know Y/N. They’re so hot.” 
Rory paused, “Wait, Y/N from our English?”
Benny nodded, and once Rory realized who it was, his eyes widened too. “Man, you’re lucky.”
Ethan scoffed at his friends' reactions. "Well we've been getting along pretty well. They’re really, really smart. And they’re coming over today, actually."
Benny wiggled his eyebrows immediately. "Coming over, huh? Is this a study session or...?"
Ethan nudged Benny. "Come on, man. Obviously a study session. This is like our fourth time talking ever.”
“Ethan. You know you guys have talked way more than that. And you know you have a crush on them.”
Rory chimed in, "Well, it sounds like a good time. Just remember to be yourself and use protection."
Ethan choked on air, “Rory, stop saying things like that out of nowhere.”
As the lunch period ended, the boys went their separate ways to attend their afternoon classes. But Ethan's mind couldn't help but wander to the upcoming study session with you. He was growing more excited with each minute, anticipating the chance to spend time with you outside of school.
He knew the whole point was to do a project, but Benny was right. He did have a crush on you, which only made this study session more nerve-wracking.
The final bell rang, signaling the end of the day, and Ethan hurriedly packed up his stuff. Thoughts of the study session with you consumed his mind, mixing with the butterflies in his stomach. He couldn't shake off the nervousness. 
Benny went over to Ethan’s for a bit before going home and helped him clean up his room a bit.
“Stop looking so nervous, you’re gonna freak them out.”
“I am nervous.”
“No shit.”
Benny left Ethan’s house at around 4:15, but now it’s 5PM. Ethan smoothed out his hair, clothes, and bed, but it was all off still. It didn’t matter how much he straightened everything out, his heart was racing.
He took a deep breath. Knowing that you could be here at any second made him anxious. 
Just as the thought crossed his mind, the doorbell rang. Ethan ran down the stairs, but just as he was about to get to the door, his mother opened it and greeted you, revealing an inviting smile. 
Ethan’s mother, who hadn’t been informed about the study session, still invited you in with open arms. She remembered you faintly from Ethan’s thirteenth birthday party.
“What’s your name again, sweetheart?”
“Oh, Y/N, nice to see you again!”
Ethan interrupted quietly, “We’re gonna be working on a chemistry assignment.”
“Oh, okay! I saw the backpack but didn’t even think about it. Good luck, guys!”
You both thanked his mother, but when you reached the top of the stairs, she called out again. 
“Ethan! Leave the door a bit open!”
Ethan shut his eyes in embarrassment but you smiled to yourself as you walked behind him. 
"Sorry about the door thing."
"Don't worry about it," you replied with a gentle laugh. "It's sweet that she cares. Now, chemistry."
You entered Ethan's room behind him, and sat on the bed as soon as you saw it. His room seemed to reflect his personality almost perfectly, from the neatly arranged books on the shelves to the posters on the walls.
As you unpacked your bag on the bed and ranted about the work, Ethan couldn't help but steal glances at you. He admired how you used your hands as support to what you’re saying. He found himself becoming even more drawn to you by the second. 
“Did you hear me?”
“Oh, yeah. Yes.”
“So you think we should burn all of our papers and poster boards from chemistry.”
“Oh, no. Definitely no. Sorry, I’m a little tired.”
You smiled at his gentle expression, “It’s okay. Me too.”
You both laughed, officially breaking the tension in the room. 
The fatigue seemed to fade away as you dived into the chemistry assignment. The room seemed to freshen up with new ideas and a few “Google it!”s here and there.
Ethan found different ways to word things while you wrote them down, making it an effective system for the both of you.
Time flew by, and before you knew it, the room was soaked in the soft glow of the evening sunset. The chemistry assignment was complete, and a fresh sense of accomplishment filled the air. It was barely six thirty-ish.
As you sat side by side on his bed, a comfortable silence settled between you.
You flopped onto your back and closed your eyes, feeling his eyes on you still.
“I know you’re looking at me.”
You let out a giggle as his words quickly stumbled, keeping your eyes closed as you enjoyed the moment.
“I’m just teasing, Ethan. You can look at me however much you want to.” You opened your eyes now, looking straight into his.
Ethan's cheeks turned a dusty shade of pink, and he tried averting his gaze, but couldn’t despite feeling some embarrassment. He had always struggled with social cues and expressing his emotions well, but with you, he felt comfort that allowed him to be himself.
A shy smile played on his lips. "You’re really pretty."
“You’re prettier.” 
“I didn’t mean to be so forward but... I really like spending time with you." Ethan shut his eyes, realizing he did it again.
You smiled softly, "I like spending time with you too, Ethan. You're different from anyone I've met before, in a good way."
His eyes met yours again, and you could see a hint of surprise in them. “I’m just... awkward."
"Well you are, but it's cute." you replied with a playful grin.
Ethan's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink, and he shyly scratched the back of his neck. "Thanks, Y/N."
Feeling a surge of courage, you sat up and scooted closer to him on the bed, your shoulders touching now. "You know, Ethan, studying doesn't have to be the only thing we do today."
Ethan’s eyes practically bulged out of his head, "What do you mean?"
You laughed at his teenage boy mind and playfully nudged his shoulder. "I mean, we've been working so hard on this assignment. How about we do something fun? Ooo... or go somewhere?”
"Like where?"
You thought for a moment before an idea popped into your head. "Well, there's a new ice cream parlor that just opened like five minutes away from here. I heard they have some weird ass flavors. Are you down?"
You already stood up and grabbed your stuff, including your keys, waiting for his answer. 
You and Ethan quickly made your way out of his room and down the stairs. Ethan called out a quick, “I’ll be back, mom!”
Ethan's mother glanced at the two of you, “Be back before it’s too dark!” A knowing smile played on her lips, and she waved you both off as you headed out.
The drive to the ice cream parlor was filled with lighthearted conversation and laughter. You exchanged stories about your lives outside of school and laughed with each other easily. It felt natural being with Ethan, and he seemed to relax more now.
Arriving at the ice cream parlor, you both stared at the colorful array of flavors and toppings. 
After heavy consideration from the both of you, you made your choices and found a cozy corner to sit at to enjoy your ice creams. He paid for everything despite your arguments.
As you savored the ice cream, the conversation flowed effortlessly once again between you. You talked about some embarrassing moments from your pasts but they didn’t even feel embarrassing any more. With each passing minute, the connection between you deepened, and the initial nervousness and shyness melted away.
As you finished, you grabbed your keys again and looked at him. “I guess I should drive you home, huh?”
Ethan nodded, a hint of disappointment crossing his face. 
He understood that it was getting late, and you both had responsibilities to tend to, but he really didn’t wanna leave.
As you walked towards the car, Ethan couldn't help but feel a sense of longing. He wanted to spend more time with you, get to know you better, and maybe even explore the possibility of something more than just a study session.
As you drove through the quiet streets, Ethan glanced at you from the corner of his eye, contemplating whether he should make some sort of move or not.
“I’m gonna crash if you keep looking at me. What’s up?”
Ethan's heart skipped a beat at your words, and he quickly turned his attention back to the road, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping up his neck. He gathered his thoughts, realizing that he had been staring at you without realizing it.
"Sorry, I was just... thinking," he stammered, his voice having a hint of nervousness.
You chuckled softly, glancing at him with a smile. "What were you thinking about?"
Ethan took a deep breath, "Well, I was thinking about how much fun I had today, not just studying but also the ice cream. And... I was wondering if maybe we could do this again sometime?"
A smile spread across your face as you finally pulled up to his house. 
"I'd love that, Ethan. I had a great time too."
You both sat in the car for a moment, the engine idling, as the weight of the unspoken tension filled the air. Ethan mustered up some courage, leaning closer to you.
"Can I ask you something?" 
You nodded, your heart racing in anticipation. “Yeah.”
He hesitated for a moment, his eyes searching yours for reassurance. "Would it be okay if I kissed you?"
Your heart skipped a beat, and a surge of excitement rushed through your veins. The anticipation hung in the air as you met Ethan's gaze, your eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and desire. The moment felt surreal, and you could feel the tension building between you.
Before you could respond, the sound of a guy yelling disrupted the intimate atmosphere. You both turned your heads towards the noise only to see Benny standing outside of your car, waving his arms frantically. 
You hesitantly rolled the passengers side window down. 
"Hey, lovebirds! Don't forget about me!" Benny shouted with a shit-eating grin on his face.
Ethan groaned in exasperation, slumping back in his seat. "Benny, seriously? Can't you give us a moment?"
Benny shrugged, still grinning ear to ear. "Sorry, but I couldn't resist. You two were about to have your magical movie moment, weren’t you?”
You couldn't help but laugh at the unexpected interruption. "Well, Benny, you certainly know how to kill the mood."
Benny feigned offense, placing a hand over his heart. "Hey, I'm just here to provide some comic relief. Besides, I thought you two might appreciate an audience for your grand romantic gesture."
Ethan shook his head, trying to hide his amusement. "There was no grand romantic gesture, Benny. We were just having a conversation." You nodded in agreement.
Benny raised an eyebrow suggestively. "Oh, really? Just a conversation, huh? Well, I guess I'll leave you guys to continue your 'conversation' then." Benny began making his way to Ethan’s house, but not without making kissy faces at you two first. 
“I’ma be in your room, Ethan.”
“I don’t care!”
“Love you too!” With a final wink, Benny walked away, leaving you and Ethan alone in the car again.
You couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation. "Well, that was unexpected."
Ethan chuckled, his cheeks still tinged with a hint of pink. "Yeah, Benny has a knack for timing, doesn't he?"
You leaned closer to Ethan, a playful glint in your eyes. "So, my place or yours?"
Ethan blinked, momentarily thrown off by the sudden question. "What?"
You smiled softly at his confusion. "I'm just teasing. How about we save that kiss for another time?"
Ethan let out a relieved breath, a smile forming on his lips. "Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. Let’s hang out again soon?”
You nodded in agreement, "I'd like that."
Ethan looked at you one more time, “I guess I’ve gotta go.”
“I guess you do.”
“Goodnight, see you at school.”
As Ethan got out of the car, you watched him walk towards his house, feeling a sense of contentment. 
You drove off to your house, while Ethan was being interrogated by a smirking Benny.
"So, how did it go? Did you make your move?"
Ethan shook his head, trying to hide his disappointment. "No, Benny. We were interrupted by you, remember?"
"My bad. But on the first not even date?"
"More than you’ve ever done. But it's fine, we're hanging out again soon."
Benny's eyes lit up with excitement as he ignored the first statement, "That's great news! See, I didn’t ruin everything this time!”
“Now, tell me. What’d it feel like when you almost kissed them?”
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tags; @dream-this-nightmare-over @srandomblog @sweetcowboycollection​ @steveandstave @rainy-dayzs-thingz @vanillab0nez @cultravioletkat (dm to be added/removed!)
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scarletslippers · 10 months
Why I'm Okay with Nancy/Tristan Having a "Soulmate" Connection and What That Means for Nace
Okay, this is going to be less of a theory explanation than a deep dive into the most prevalent (?) theory I've read/the theory I subscribe to, and why I think it's going to play out in an amazing and satisfying way for our beloved star-crossed lovers.
First, the theory: Tristan is the Sin Eater, destined to reincarnate throughout time and consume the sins of Horseshoe Bay. After what we've seen in 4x10 (the *spark*, "We've walked this path many times before.", "It was like he knew you."), it seems Nancy is some kind of light-energy-Sin Eater-counterpart. An Angel of Truth, perhaps? It seems she is also destined to reincarnate throughout eternity in order to reveal the truths of Horseshoe Bay.
Why I love this theory: Nancy is passionate about finding out the truth and has a dedication to honesty. It's ingrained in her from a young age, and plays a huge role in why she solves mysteries and how she navigates her relationships. She solved the biggest mystery of all (her own heritage) by "always seeking out the truth, even when it hurts.” Just like Kate taught her. And every single one of her relationships is colored by it—Nick pulling away because she wouldn’t be honest with him. Uncovering that Ace was lying and working for McGinnis. Pushing Bess to reveal her real identity. The list goes on.
We’ve also known Nancy to lie when it’s incredibly important for her—Recanting her testimony and destroying her credibility to save Ace’s life, lying by omission to Ace about the curse to keep him safe.
(also Carson calls Nancy their “better angel” and wow do I love a show that makes things work from 2 seasons ago).
How I think it will play out for Nace: Right now, Nancy seems pretty heavily into this so-called “romantic” connection with Tristan, and Ace seems rather forgotten doesn’t he? She talks about him as an “ex” and that Tristan is an “open and honest” communicator, and a “mature” relationship, implying that those things aren’t/weren’t true about Ace, which we all know is obviously not true.
But we learned that Nancy was the last sinner. Personally, I think (and hope) that Nancy’s confessed sin was about (momentarily) giving up HB in order to have a future with Ace. However, regardless of what the sin is, it’s HIGHLY likely that it is Ace and curse related, and if it’s Ace and curse related that means Nancy’s, and Ace’s (...and the crew’s, and the dads’, and…everyone’s) memories are altered. And you know what? If your memories are altered in some way that makes you forget you are cursed or forget that you love someone, this mystical Sin Eater/Angel of Truth soul spark connection thing is gonna feel pretty darn romantic to you.
So what happens when the truth is revealed? We have two truths to uncover here: Nancy’s sin, and the truth about what she is/her past lives.
Number 1: Revealing Nancy’s sin will help her see her relationships more clearly and remember her relationship with Ace. Remember, “our memories make us who we are and that is worth fighting for.”, and we have seen Nancy fight tooth and nail for Ace this season, every fight/break-up they had about their relationship and the curse being colored by their desperation to be together. When that comes rushing back, it’s going to be a big shift. Nancy tells Ace “That's all you're really left with... just messy, stupid memories that stick around, and... good or bad, you get to make more of them.” Nancy has memories with Ace and she’s going to fight for them. She’s going to fight to make more memories with him.
Number 2: We already see Nancy feel pretty strongly about freeing Tristan from his fate as the Sin Eater, and wanting to stop him from having to be reincarnated forever. When she finds out she’s the same, she’s going to fight to end it for herself too. So much of Nancy’s life has been fated/determined—being a Hudson, learning her life was a lie, being taken in by the Drews (Yes, they choose to raise her but did they really have the option to say no? Come on, it’s Carson and Kate), and now this? And so much of Nancy’s life has been about clinging to normalcy. She just wanted to go to Columbia to get away, to be normal. To have a regular family and regular friends. She didn’t ask to be pulled into a murder case and to hunt down supernatural killers. She didn’t ask to be haunted by Lucy Sable. She didn’t ask to be some supernatural reincarnated truth entity.
Nace is endgame. We know this. And right now the ‘star-crossed lovers’ of it all has taken on a new twist. Once cursed to not be together, we now learn that one of them is reincarnated and the other is not. Unable to even spend eternity together.
(Yes, I have Thoughts and Theories on how Nancy putting Ace’s name in the jar at the Lover’s Vigil may have created some connection here, perhaps forging an eternal/after death bond that wasn’t there before. And I also have Thoughts and Theories about that ‘mystical wedding vibe’ of the curse break attempt in 4x03 and how in a wedding ‘two shall become one’ and maybe now their souls are bonded which could influence everything, but that’s A Whole ‘Nother Post.)
So Nancy is going to choose Ace. Break out of whatever Truth/Sin eternal connection this is and choose Ace. Remember that Carson said “maybe we get more than one [soulmate]”, and he also told Nancy “You control your fate. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.” Maybe Tristan is Nancy’s supernatural soulmate, but Ace is Nancy’s person and she’s going to choose him.
The Naceplications:
Here’s why that’s an incredible thing for Nace, and is going to be an important thing for their character arcs, both individually, and as a couple.
Ace needs to be chosen. Ace struggles with insecurities of feeling lost, without purpose, and being unworthy. So much of Ace's life has been about proving himself—proving to his father he’s not a child and can make adult decisions, proving to McGinnis he’s not a screw up after he got caught hacking that database, proving his worth to Grant even as a brother by helping him, proving to Nancy he’s worth her time and attention by trying to always help her (and only in 4x06 does he realize maybe that’s flawed).
But what he doesn’t realize is he’s always been enough just how he is. Nancy loves him just how he is. She opens up to him about tanking her grades, tells him he’s brilliant when he starts making connections with Charity (actually Hannah) in 3x09, tells him “You never were [lacking].”, or even when she tells him in 4x08 “You really showed up for me, I noticed.” by knowing Kate’s anniversary, giving Nancy the necklace while in his body, supporting her breaking and entering. Those weren’t about doing stuff for her but just being there for her. Him. His presence.
So for Ace to learn she’s some immortal-truth-light-being-thing that’s been reincarnated and has this counterpart connection to the Sin Eater, he's going to think he has no chance against that, right? Of course she’ll choose Tristan. Except Nancy can’t lose him. Nancy is willing to and has risked it all to save him, to be with him, multiple times. He doesn’t think he’s good enough, and yet she chooses him.
Nancy needs to be chosen, too. She feels abandoned by everyone in her life (losing her mom, losing her perceptions of her family/her parents, even losing Lucy to an extent), and she feels that so much is out of her control. Nancy worries that she’s only the worst parts of everyone who came before her, and in light of everything—being a source of light and good, reincarnated throughout time—how much of her life was her choice? Does she solve supernatural mysteries because it’s a connection deep in her bones? In her soul?
She’s prickly and complicated and messy and has walls ten miles high, and she needs someone who will choose her through it all. Ace is that person.
There’s a recurring theme of choice for the two of them across the show. Think about Ace knowing there is a choice beyond something that’s bonded to your soul after his connection with Charity. Think about Ace remaining in Horseshoe Bay and telling Laura “I believe I have a purpose here.” Think about Nancy making the unthinkable choice, but saying “Blind spots, Temperance. I choose this.” Think about Nancy and Ace reading emails that say “I want to be with you. I don’t care what anyone else says.”
Think about Nancy, an Angel of Truth, tied eternally to a Sin Eater, choosing a mortal life. Choosing to be with the man she loves.
Think about her turning away from eternal reincarnation and saying “I face the mystery of this journey with courage because it is with you.” “In this world that tries to silence me the most dangerous words I can speak are that I love you.”
Think about how “it’s always been about love” and Nancy is choosing who she loves, not who she’s connected to through fate.
Love is an action, and love is a choice. Love is putting someone else’s needs first and choosing that person over and over. And really, someone that chooses you is far more romantic than a predestined soulmate anyway.
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dottores · 2 years
haitani ran x fem!reader x haitani rindou
summary: maybe going after haitani ran's brother to get back at him during one of their house parties wasn't your best idea.
warnings: infidelity (reader on unnamed bf), implied virgin killer!reader, switch!reader, switch!rindou, virgin!rindou, mean dom!ran, implied noncon voyeurism (for a moment), face fucking (?)/cockwarming w mouth, hints of dubcon when ran shows up (also implied drinking), threesome -- rokuhara tandai!rindou and ran, pet names (doll, pretty, baby), degradation, humiliation, dumbification-ish, VERY UNEDITED, PRETTY MUCH BRAINROT THAT WAS WRITTEN IN AN HOUR
notes: for @sweetsbysatori collab, put me back down for haruchiyo now i got my idea for him ready to go too
not doing full taglist: @sano-obsessed @kxeyas @scandescent @thomaphoria @arozaur @manjiroscum @kisakiapologist @tokyometronetwork
wordcount: 3.5k
“I don’t even know why you made me come,” you murmured as you took another sip of the drink that your friend had passed you, leaning against the wall as you examined the rowdy group in the vast room playing beer pong and dancing, “I can’t stand the Haitanis.”
“You can’t stand Ran, and that’s exactly why I made you come,” your friend giggled, a look in her eyes that made you raise your eyebrows at her. She leaned in close, lips brushing your ear, “Heard Haitani Rindou is a virgin, don’t you want the bragging rights?”
Your eyes widened, if only slightly, darting across the room to where the blonde was standing behind the dj booth in the corner of the room, grinning as he fucked around with the music. You tilted your head to the side as you considered him, virgin, huh? You couldn’t see it--the Haitanis were obnoxious, yes, but they were also attractive, he had to have gotten laid by now.
As if he could feel your gaze from across the room, his eyes darted up and you could see the thin sheen of sweat across his forehead, gleaming underneath the lighting, violet eyes wild and dilated, hair partially sticking to his face.
His smile faded as he caught sight of you leaning against the wall eyeing him curiously, and your lips turned up at the immediate, nervous reaction he had to your calculating gaze. Oh? you wondered, interesting, maybe her words did have merit.
“I’m dating someone now,” you told her half-heartedly, and she scoffed loudly.
“When was the last time you even saw him?” she rolled her eyes, “Been buried in his work for weeks now. And anyway, since when were you one to settle down?” 
“Maybe I’ve changed from my whore days,” you said, not bothering to entertain the question of your boyfriend because you knew damn well she was right--it had been over a week since you last spoke to him because he had thrown himself so entirely into his work for an upcoming event. 
Your eyes met hers as soon as you finished the sentence, you both looked at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter.
“You couldn’t even say that with a straight face,” she wheezed and your grin widened.
“I can’t help it,” you complained, “It’s just who I am.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she agreed with another giggle, “You keep in mind what I said, ‘m gonna go off and look for Madarame.” 
“Interesting choice,” you noted.
She shrugged, “A bit of a loser but he fucks,” she threw you another grin over your shoulder, “Catch you later, maybe.”
You doubted it, you thought to yourself as you watched her slink off in the direction of Madarame Shion, who was chugging another beer near the couches on the opposite side of the room. 
By the time your gaze drifted back to Haitani Rindou, he was already focused back on the DJ booth. You considered your options carefully--you could leave, which was probably the more logical but… your gaze drifted back toward Rindou, who was smiling wide again as he transitioned into another song.
It’s not like you were planning to stay with your boyfriend, in fact, you had been trying to break up with him for nearly four days but he was so consumed with work that he hadn’t even responded to your messages. And on top of that, fucking his brother would be the perfect way to get back at Haitani Ran, the ultimate one-up after he had wooed and fucked you as a bet for his friends in your last year of high school.
With that thought in mind, you pushed yourself off the wall and made your way across the room, slipping between the sweaty bodies, until you were standing right behind him. He didn’t even notice you, headphones covering his ears, eyes trained down. You leaned in close, hand grazing his lower back as you looked over his shoulder.
He physically jumped, eyes wide as he turned to look at you and you nearly smiled at the startled look and the flush on his cheeks.
“Hey,” you greeted, as he slid the headphones off of his ears to hang around his neck, “I’m y/n, you’re Rindou, right?”
“Yeah,” he said, eyes drifting up and down your body, “You were in my chem class back in senior year, yeah?” 
Your eyes lit up at the opportunity, a more genuine smile pulling at your lips, “Yeah,” you said, “you set the lab on fire on one of our last days.”
Rindou laughed, relaxing a bit as he leaned back against the booth, “Yeah, I’d like to say that it was intentional but that would be a lie,” he said sheepishly, “Chem was always my weak point.”
“I don’t blame you,” you snorted, “I always preferred history and literature, science was never my favorite.”
“I liked it a lot,” Rindou admitted, “just couldn’t really grasp it, y’know?” 
You opened your mouth to respond but a round of cheers broke out around their apartment, nearly deafening, you waited for it to calm down, but it never did as Madarame Shion egged Mochizuki Kanji on for another beer pong mach, one arm wrapped tight around your friend’s shoulder as she laughed along.
Rindou nudged you, “I can set a playlist up for them, wanna go talk somewhere else?”
You bit your tongue as a victorious giggle rose to your lips.
I win, Ran.
“Yeah, let’s do that.”
You supposed you should have been more careful. Because Haitani Ran’s eyes never lingered too long from his brother.
Rindou talked a big game. You noticed that quickly as soon as he shut the door behind the two of you. His body language exuded confidence but the look in his eye did not--you could see the nerves running strong beneath his lavender gaze, and you could see how every little touch to his body had his breath wavering and eyes darting back and forth. 
He talked a big game right up until you were fed up with listening to him babble on about some game on his PC--and a part of you felt bad, he seemed genuinely excited to tell you about it and you supposed you’d stay the night and let him show you some of it in the morning. You didn’t usually like to stick around for one night stands but there was something about the pretty flush on Rindou’s cheeks and the bright look in his eyes that made you hesitate. 
He went real quiet when you pushed him back onto the bed, and he was still real quiet now as you pressed wet kisses up and down his neck, nails raking against his chest as you rocked your hips against his, silk panties sliding against his cock as he threw a hand over his face, trying and failing to muffle the moans slipping past his lips.
“Look at you,” you murmured against his skin, one hand sliding up his tattooed chest to bat away his arm and cup his cheek, thumb running over his cheekbone, “Barely done anything yet and you’re already ‘bout to cum. ‘s a little embarrassing, Rindou, thought you said you’ve done this before. You’re not even inside of me yet.”
“I have,” Rindou gasped out, but his voice was strained and his free hand was fisting the sheets next to him tightly, hips bucking up into you. “I-I have-”
“You have?” you giggled, nipping playfully at his jaw, “Sure doesn’t seem like it, baby.”
And Rindou moaned at the pet name, lips parting, eyes fluttering shut, head tilted back against the pillows, and your mouth nearly went dry at the sight, at the pretty sound. Fuck.
You let out a shaky breath, hand sliding back down his chest, fingers running along the dark lines of his tattoos. His body shuddered, his eyes slid back open, dark lavender meeting yours again. “You’re so sensitive, Rindou,” his name rolled off of your tongue so softly that it had him whimpering, forearms flexing as his grip on the sheets tightened. 
He wasn’t what you expected, you studied him carefully, slowly rolling your hips against his, tracing his tattoos up and down his chest and abdomen. Kind of cute, actually.
You smiled down at him, leaning down again to press your lips to the corner of his before pressing them firmly to his, biting down gently on his bottom lip before pulling back, lips brushing his as you spoke. “You gonna-” 
You froze, lips fully detaching from his so you could look back toward the entrance of his room, eyes trained on Haitani Ran slipping into the room and shutting the door behind him. 
Haitani Ran slunk toward the two of you like a predator, hair tied neatly and droopy eyes trained solely on you, lips tilted up. “And what exactly do you think you’re doing here?” 
And your mouth was dry as your lips opened and closed several times, trying to figure out what to say because you knew damn well you were in for trouble. Ran was smart, sneaky, he had always been the more dangerous and unpredictable of the two brothers and he would know the real reason you were targeting Rindou and he would not take well to it--he’d always been protective over his brother.
“Ran, what the fu-” Rindou’s eyes were wild as he looked at his brother, elbows propping himself up on the bed so he could look at him.
“You really tryna be another notch on her fuckin’ belt?” Ran mocked Rindou, and Rindou’s brows furrowed in confusion as he looked between you and Ran, “Aw, Rindou, you didn’t know she was just using you as a jab toward me.”
Rindou’s expression dropped, eyes half-dazed and baffled as he looked at you, chest still heaving, “Wha-” he began and you opened your mouth to tell him that it wasn’t true, because it wasn’t, or well--it had been true at first but you had genuinely enjoyed his company and-
You didn’t get a chance to speak. Ran moved quickly. His hand darted forward, grabbing your hair and yanking you off of Rindou. A gasp ripped from your lips as he pushed you face down into the mattress, nearly smothering you, pulling so hard on your hair that tears stung your eyes.
“She’s just pissy I did the same thing to her senior year,” he spoke to Rindou as if you weren’t there. He pulled your head off of the mattress, cold, amused lavender eyes meeting yours, “You’re a stubborn bitch, aren’t you? Holdin’ a grudge all the way from back then--didn’t even give me the chance to talk aft-”
Red hot anger shot through you at the reminder of what he had done. 
“There was nothing you could’ve said, you fuck-” you began to spit out but Ran only pushed your face back into the mattress before you could finish, silencing you immediately.
“Rindou, c’mere,” Ran said, motioning for him to move across the bed toward the two of you. When Rindou didn’t move, Ran reached forward to yank him forward by the arm, “C’mon, you wanna fuck her, don’t you?”
“Ran,” Rindou’s voice was low, hesitant and Ran only scoffed, pulling your head from the mattress again and forcing you to look back at Rindou.
“Look at her,” Ran cooed and your eyes fluttered shut as he leaned in close, limps brushing your temple, “Pussy practically begging to be filled up, yeah?” 
The whimper that left your lips was unintentional, eyes fluttering shut as Ran’s long fingers slipped between your thighs, running between your folds to gather the slick pooling in your cunt.
“Fuck, you’re drenched,” Ran groaned, “Gonna take you for myself if Rindou won’t, bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you? Couldn’t fuckin’ get enough of me back then--drunk on my cock so easy, bet you’re dying for another taste, aren’t you?” 
“Fuck you, Ran,” Rindou spit out, batting Ran’s hand away just as he was going to sink two fingers into your cunt and you flung a hand over your mouth to hide the distressed noise that nearly escaped your lips.
Despite your attempts, Ran, of course, still noticed. He slid on the bed in front of you, legs spread. He let go of your hair, reaching out to cup your face, thumb tracing of your bottom lip, “Gonna let Rindou fuck you, aren’t you, doll?” he cooed and your eyes fluttered shut at the deceptively gentle touch, a shudder wracking your body when you felt Rindou’s hands slide up your thighs, spreading your legs.
“Go on, Rindou, you don’t needa take your time with her, pussy’s throbbing just at the thought of being stuffed with a new cock,” Ran’s voice was sharp, cruel, your breath wavered, his grip on your face tightened, squishing your cheeks together, “Isn’t that right, doll?”
He was waiting for a response but you could barely think, eyes half-rolled back as the tip of Rindou’s cock nudged your entrance, slipping between your folds. Ran squeezed your cheeks tighter, “Asked you a question, doll,” he said, voice misleadingly calm compared to the grip he had on your face. 
A moan spilled from your lips as you felt Rindou slowly begin to sink himself into your cunt. You felt hot, dizzy already, and Ran knew, he knew it, his eyes were alight with a sort of mocking glee that only made more heat pool in your lower stomach, his free hand slipping beneath his pants to tug his cock free. Your eyes trained solely on the sight of his pretty, leaky tip right in front of your face, tongue unintentionally darting out to wet your lips. 
“‘s true,” you hated how you nearly slurred over your words and you hated that you weren’t even sure what question you were answering, more focused on giving him the answer he wanted to hear so you could get what you want. “‘s true.”
Ran’s smile was unkind as he looked down at you, “I know, doll ‘n you’re gonna cockwarm me with your mouth while Rindou fucks you, okay?” 
Your eyes fluttered back open, confusion dancing in them as you looked up at Ran. Your lips parted to speak but Ran didn’t give you the chance to ask a question, hand slipping back behind your head to push his cock into your mouth, your eyes watered and blurred and your head felt light.
Your nails dug into his thighs, instinctively trying to push up for air but any attempts failed as Rindou finally pushed himself fully into you, slowly drawing his hips back to rock them back into you, low moans escaping his lips, knocking your body forward and Ran’s cock further down your throat.
And it was embarrassing, you had been edging yourself teasing Rindou before so the feeling of his cock sinking deep inside you had your thighs trembling in his hold, tears spilling over your cheeks as your walls fluttered around him and Ran was laughing wildly, “No way,” he said, “Cummin’ already? You really are a fuckin’ whore, aren’t you?”
You sobbed around his cock, nails raking into his thighs, scratching deep lines into the tattoos on the left side of his body. You wanted to protest, you did, but one heavy thrust from Rindou had your mind going blank and your body aflame, the lower half of your body tensing as you came all over his cock. Behind you, Rindou let out a strangled groan, his fingers trembled from where he was gripping your hips.
“Don’t you dare cum yet,” Ran told Rindou sharply, fingers intertwined with your hair as you choked all over his cock, struggling to regain control from your high but they didn’t even give you a chance to recover.
Ran’s hand was heavy on the back of your head, keeping you steady, your nose flush to his pelvis as his cock sunk as far back in your throat as it could reach, stretching your throat out painfully. Your lungs burned and your vision was spotty but you could barely bring yourself to care as Rindou finally picked up the pace of his hips again, cock dragging in and out of you—thick, thicker than any cock you had ever had before and you swore, you swore that he was on the verge of splitting you open with every thrust.
Strangled, muffled moans pushed against Ran’s cock but Ran was unbothered, guiding Rindou along, keep your head down, “Lift her hips up a little more,” Ran told him, “C’mon, Rindou, I know you can fuck her harder than this, she’s not made of glass. Give her what she wants. I did.”
And that was all of the pushing Rindou needed, you felt him shift on the bed behind you, large palms holding your hips up as he snapped his hips into you so hard that you thought you blacked out for a second, eyes going crossed, drool spilling from around Ran’s cock onto his pelvis and thighs. Too close to your first high, you were slapping and scratching at Ran’s thighs, body thrashing as Rindou fucked you into your second far too quickly
He fucked you at a pace that shouldn’t have been possible, each thrust pushing so deep inside of you that you could feel his tip brushing your cerxix, walls tight and molding around him, burning as he spread your legs wider, giving him more room to thrust deeper, faster inside of you. And you couldn’t even really keep up with what was happening, your legs were spasming and your hips were bucking and you weren’t sure if it was because you wanted more or if it was because you needed a chance to recover from your high.
Ran was speaking, goading him on, but you couldn’t form coherent thought between the feeling of Rindou’s cock dragging in and out of your cunt and the lack of air reaching your lungs. He was mocking you, that was for sure, and it was all going in one ear and right down to your cunt, “Our personal cockslut,” Ran cooed, “Dirty little thing, aren’t ya?”
You couldn’t breathe, you tried to push yourself off again, arms weak and trembling but Ran only pushed down harder on your head, your throat spasmed around him, your head felt fuzzy and light.
You were gonna pass out.
You tried desperately to hold consciousness but you couldn’t see straight, you couldn’t even hold your upper body up anymore, chest falling limp into Ran’s lap, cock pushing deeper into the back of your throat, you were gagging around him, chest heaving.
His fingers stroked your hair and soft hums left his lips in a sort of mock gentleness that had you squirting all over Rindou’s cock, vision flashing white, walls squeezing so tight around him that it had his hips stuttering and his grip around your waist tightening as he spilled his cum deep, deep inside of you with a loud, breathy moan, stuffing you so full that it was leaning out onto the mattress.
Above you, Ran let out a low groan, fisting your hair tight as he spilled his seed down your throat, plugging your nose shut with his free hand and holding your head down. You choked and spasmed at the cum, creating a hot, sticky mess on his pelvis but you forced yourself to swallow as best as you could because you knew Ran wouldn’t let you up for air until you did.
You spluttered and gasped for air as he released your head, letting you pull off of him and lay limp on his lap, head resting on his hip right next to his cock. Your chest heaved and your lungs burned and your vision was still spotty, you couldn’t even make out what Ran was cooing down at you as he toyed with your hair.
Another hand reached to cup your face, and your eyes met Rindou’s, “Are you okay?” he asked, but his words went in one ear out the other.
“She’s fine,” Ran said when you don’t respond. He leaned down, lips brushing the top of your head, “I’m gonna keep you this time, doll--or we are, I suppose. Maybe‘ll even get you your own lil gold plated collar,” he murmured, and you looked up at him, barely comprehending his words. The smile on his face was sly and even in your fucked out state you knew you were in trouble, “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Should’ve just let it go, pretty.”
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