#I want maahes to be mean to me
whileyouwait-dm · 24 days
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Djall visits the other Lords of the Afterlife...
 “What do you mean you don’t know where she goes?! You accidentally sent her to HELL and now you don’t know where to put her?  I’m not running a fucking soul daycare down there.  Why can’t you just put her in one of your happy worlds and call it a day?”  Djall was absolutely flabbergasted as he looked at the other Lords of the Afterlife that had convened to deal with the six remaining souls that were not where they should be.  The problem was that no one was quite sure where any of them WERE supposed to go, and no one wanted to just take one.
“Now, Djall, you know it doesn’t work that way.  We can’t just take a soul and treat it like a lost puppy.  Here, don’t pee in the River Styxx, enjoy the Elysian Fields.”  Hades was none too happy either, he had a small child suck in his realm that he wanted to give to anyone else before Persephone showed back up and decided they should keep it.  The thought almost gave him hives.
“She’s not mummified or even embalmed, so I don’t know why anyone’s looking at me.”  Anubis sat back.  At least he could sit this one out and didn’t have anyone he needed to get rid of.  Somehow he’d lucked out on this SNAFU.  Last time…he didn’t want to think about last time.  He was still trying to calm Maahes down about that fiasco.
Gefjon looked around, glad Freyja had sat this one out. “Technically she is a virgin, so I could take her, but I’d have to get Odin’s approval.  She wasn’t a warrior, so I’m not sure he’s going to approve.”  She turned her attention to Hades, “and you’re shit out of luck. Kids don’t count.”  She was pretty sure Odin was going to say no anyway.  He and Djall had a falling out a few centuries before, so it wasn’t like the All Father had any reason to do the Lord of Hell a favor.
Next it was time for Mantus and Orcus, who somehow had gotten two souls redirected to their realm that didn’t belong there.  “I think one of ours belongs to Hades, she’s Greek and believes in the old gods.  I don’t know where the other goes.  I don’t think we need Djall’s either.  Djall, just keep her or something.  At least she’s not trying to kill you constantly, count your blessings, dude.”
Djall could absolutely not believe this.  None of them acted the least bit worried about the six souls that were in their care or finding out where they should go.  Add to that Odin, Baal, Shiva, Amun, Yahweh, and the other ruling gods had gone off on some “team building retreat” and would not answer summons, prayers, or offerings.  So, now he had an innocent soul in his realm that could get stuck there because a bunch of fuckwits didn’t really care.  Why did he care more than they did?
“Listen, we have to do something.  The longer that innocent souls stay in hell realms and not in at least neutral territory, the greater the risk for smudges.  Miriana already has one because she got dumped in the Forest of Beasts and a hellcat attacked her.  I have to watch how long I touch her, how close she gets to my staff, and a myriad of other things so that she doesn’t get so smudged that she can’t leave.  Am I the only one concerned about the damn souls we’ve got all fucked up?”  Djall looked around the room.
“No, but we don’t know what to do.  Right now, no one’s happy but everyone’s safe.  What if we change something and make it worse, Djall.  Your soul is alive and you’re keeping her safe.  If she came to our realm, she might get injured or obliterated.  There are no guarantees.  Until the ruling gods come back, I don’t know what we can do since we have no idea where they go.”  Orcus sounded as stressed at Djall, and that did at least make the latter male feel a little better.  To know that he wasn’t the only one worried about the soul in his care.  
“The other consideration is that if we move them to another realm and they get all comfy and cozy, what happens when it’s wrong?  What if they’ve made friends or met someone that steals their heart?  Do you want to be responsible for moving them twice and causing a broken heart the second time?  At least this way we only have to deal with the upset once.”  Djall hated it when Hades made sense, but the man had been married forever, so he did have a clue about a few things.  He too didn’t look all too happy, more resigned to his fate. “Fine, but I hope that the ruling gods know that none of us can be held responsible if something happens to the souls in our care while they’re out….doing whatever the fuck gods do in order to team build.”  Djall shook his head, trying not to grind his teeth, then he disappeared.  He’d had enough of the other Lords of Death.  He needed away from it.  Strangely, he found himself wanting to go talk to Miriana, but since it was the middle of the night and the poor girl had been flat out exhausted, he decided better of it.  Instead he would go back to his study, he had an idea of what Miriana could do until they figured out where she belonged, at least it would keep her too busy to think about the fact she now lived in Hell in the home of the proverbial Devil.
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i dont really have any questions i just wanna say i love your way of twisting names around so that they're still recognizeable as their names but not entirely divorced from them either
also, pixl s1 dragon fight lore??? (eyes emoji) i've been eyeing that specific comment for a While and i CANNOT WAIT to see what you do with
i read every chapter the second i get the email notification for it and it's been getting me through the preparations for finals week- even if i forget to leave a comment sometimes, i'm still reading and cheering so hard whenever something new happens to The Riffs
Thank you! Naming things and people is a fun little brain-bending exercise that involves typing many things into Google Translate, cursing when I find out that an affectionate nickname translates to 'goalkeeper' in some other language, and then looking up translations and meanings of words to see if I can merge and twist bits of them into a name.
An example of that would be the name that was given to David: Dar’veh Ehr-maah Nu’hazin
'Dar'veh' was as close as I could get to 'David' without it sounding quite like the word. The other two parts of its name were a merging of three Arabic words (whether they're the correct translation doesn't matter; I only want an idea of a word to springboard from), followed by twisting their spelling and adding apostrophes and hyphens so I'm not completely messing up someone's mother tongue (which is the biggest fear of any writer trying to invent another language). The bits that I took to form the name are highlighted red:
ager = eumar (I used the whole word; just twisted its spelling)
copper = nuhas
verdigris = zinjar
Yep, we're going to get some S1 dragon fight lore, and it's going to be absolutely crucial to the story, which is why I can't go into too much detail. Pix's comment when the fight happened really came a bit out of the blue. The only way that it made sense was if he couldn't get back home any other way than dying in the void, because the dragon was guarding the portal out. I wanted to give it a reason that made sense for my story.
And thank you! I'm having so much fun writing this, and I'm glad that people are enjoy it. Good luck with your finals!
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gwynbleiddyn · 1 year
💥🙈💢 for our favorite princelad?
ohoho there's one in there that immediately made me go oh no
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
Maahes is not what I would call a sincere person, but he does have a lot of sincere emotions... which definitely causes a lot of internal conflict. he loves easily, he feels deeply, but everything about him is designed to maintain an image no matter the cost to his own sanity.
in that regard, he has a hard time portraying genuine love/affection in earnest, and quite frankly, anything else that comes from a similar place of raw/unfiltered emotion. he either doesn't process it (looking at you, years of untouched grief) or he is hyperaware of it and keeps it locked away, never to be acknowledged.
above all, he truly hates being put in vulnerable positions with regards to his thoughts and feelings. if his deceptive nature can't shake off any questions, he gets angry and dismissive, quite often resorting to just being a fucking mean bitch about it. sharing is only on his terms.
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
this is a really interesting one because like we keep saying, he's very much a curated image of whatever persona he thinks is suitable for Akhenaton's throne. what that looks like might change over time, but the intention remains.
i guess similarly to the above, he's reluctant to be visibly vulnerable and his interpretation of that is showing affection or any sort of deep emotion without any filter slapped on top of it. i also think in moments where mio asks for help that isn't disguised in some sort of deal, he can barely stand to think of how he looks to the people he's asking.
while i'm on the topic though, this could be interesting?? maybe?? it's not something he would outright share but he has alluded to: Mio knows that he really, really wants a family - regardless of the necessity behind having children to continue the divine bloodline, he has so many thoughts and hopes of being a dad and protecting and loving his children no matter what - the kind of unconditional love i think Mio wonders if he was ever given, sometimes. i think again it's the vulnerability aspect playing here, i don't know that he'd feel great showing somebody this side of him.
also relating to this: one thing i don't know that Mio's realized yet, but i don't mind sharing, is i think he really protects his younger self. i don't know how to explain it fully but leaving Akhenaton the way he did felt like being shunted out of his own existence, and he was still so young when it happened that i kind of think he's got that boy hidden away inside. there's a child in him that he protects so intensely and so desperately, that i think it would be deeply uncomfortable to see any glimpses or memories of that child in the Shadowfell or even in Akhenaton - it would be an acknowledgement that he wasn't treated fairly growing up, and it will call into judgement his belief and relationship with akhen and its creator. he couldn't cope with that, and he definitely wouldn't want anybody in Talisman to see him wrestling with that.
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
the way he expects luxury LMAO he is 100% an entitled bastard, he will make snide digs if things aren't up to his standards, he won't be a karen about it but he has such a passive aggressive smile reserved for the many nights Talisman have spent in camps on the road. thank god Laz has the ability to cast Magnificent Mansion.
probably another annoying thing is that he rarely tells any one person the full story of something, instead delivering bits and pieces across random scattershot trajectories. sometimes it's intentional, other times it's just because he's a fucking gossip and it's second nature to him to sprinkle little juicy tidbits into a conversation.
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For the ask game!
giving u options cause i can’t choose lol
🥀🌸🌵 for Rex, Echo, or Nevaeh! <333
Hiii girly! Thanks for the ask! Bc ur special u get all the answers :))
🥀: darkest headcanon/theory
Rex: most of my like,,, "Rex's dark stuff" is just general clone headcanons because Rex is sort of Nevaeh's "way in" into the clones. so all my Rex angst is pertaining to my character studies of the clones individuality, humanity, rights, and autonomy. and I vent abt that all the time. But here an angsty thought abt Rex's autonomy: I talked about Anakin not always respecting it, but still, we see Rex gain individuality and humanity and, even though Anakin tends to violate it, Rex does also gain a sense of autonomy. Meaning that his body is his and not someone else's and he knows it. And then order 66 happens :')). and all the autonomy he did gained over the last three years is ripped away in abt 5 seconds :'))
Echo: He was largely awake and conscious for the Techno Unions experimentation and modification on his body
Nevaeh: [saturn u did it, u found a way to make me spoil her back story. I will dm you, if u rlly wanna know]
🌸: favourite headcanon
Rex: he is an amazing CO and suuper confident and sure of himself when in captain mode, but put him in any for of social situation ever and he turns into the biggest fcking dork idiot, just stuttering his way through every sentence bc how the fck do normal people even talk? wth man how???
Echo: pre-Citadel everybody thought that he was the responsible one and Fives was the troublemaker. The reality is that Echo was never dragged along on Fives' schemes, he participated willingly and happily and came up with a good 45% of the pranks pulled on the Captain
Nevaeh: She will not hesitate to deck someone actually. Like she is a very restrained and respectful warrior, and a kind person, though she is straightforward and outspoken too, she's never openly offensive. But ooh, you offended someone she cared about? you put your hands on a family member? you try pulling any sort of shit on someone she loves?? you get roundhouse kicked in the face and then punched in the stomach. She will not hesitate to hold you down until you apologise either. Oh you wanna report it to her CO's? Who do you think taught her this sort of behaviour? (Terrans are actually so much more feral than u think girly)
🌵: fact about them in one of my aus
Rex: this story will mainly be helping Rex finding, and understanding, his humanity and the many facets it can have. its going to be complicated and at times even painful, but in the end he's gonna be better for it.
Echo: now, this story is gonna be a fix-it au, but I still think that Echo's story is IMMENSELY powerful and I don't want to take away from that. At the same time, I also don't want him to suffer as much, so without giving away too much,,, he'll still blow up, but the aftermath will be different
Nevaeh: Not necessarily a fact, but I just loved building her culture and lore. I even started developing a language for them and it's honestly been such a fun time?? so here a couple key points on 'Vae's culture :)
There are 6 Tribes of Terra
1. Tikaani Tribe (Wolf)
2. Maahes Tribe (Lion)
3. Namiri Tribe (Panther)
4. Kada Tribe (Crocodile)
5. Nahash Tribe (Serpent)
6. Catus Tribe (Gorilla)
Nevaeh is Tikaani. Tikaani originated on the Terrans original planet, and is therefore considered higher status than the others. The other 5 Tribes live on different planet's that have been colonised by the Terrans (any native species to these planets has been fully eliminated (bc we don't do Mary sue over here (yes, I agree that colonialism is terrible and no, I do not support it)))
Warriors get a lot of respect on Terra, since they offer their lives to protect their people (which is why the clones' treatment has most Terrans like '???')
The next Tribe leader is one of the current Tribe Leaders children, but it's not about age or gender. The next leader is elected by the members of the Council of Six (Tribe Leaders), which is why most children of Tribe Leaders grow up in competition with their siblings.
I've been traveling all day, but this was sooo fun girly!!! thanks for the ask :))
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f0x-teeth · 8 days
Sitting in the couch, watching TV, never knowing I'd been taking life for granted.
I'd gotten into drugs in highschool, never stopping no matter what reason someone could give me.. I was a zombie. A prisoner in my own head. It wasn't a cure, and it was never more than a few minutes of living every time.
I didn't care about my health, I ate what I wanted when I wanted it. I never cared to exercise when I had the time. Days passed by and I wouldn't realize. Everything was a blur..
My empty mind rattled by the sound of an emergency broadcast alert. Not just on the TV in front of me, but those in my neighbors homes, and the towns over as well. It shook my skull, shoving around the grey matter I called my brain and forcing to me to think. For the first time, I was awake.
I panicked, grabbing onto my head, covering my ears and tucking myself between my knees as I cowered. The blaring was interrupted by a precorded voice. Something feminine, like a flight attendant telling everyone to stay calm while we fall to our doom.
"This is a message from your local broadcasting system, interrupting your daily viewings to inform you of a serious matter in your area. The CDC has reported cases of infected human corpses becoming controlled by an unknown virus. As the CDC is yet to identify the infection, all citizens are advised to stay inside until further instruction. Remember, you are safe."
Human corpses...?? How could someone say that so calmly? How is anything about this safe? Will there be anyone to save us? Are we actually safe?
I picked up the phone, not checking the name and immediately searching for a place of solace. My sisters voice, "they don't even know what it is!! It could be common! It could be contagious! It could be deadly!! It could- it could-" a million frantic and panicked thoughts spewed from her mouth like a crazy old lady whod forgotten something.
"Calm down.. It could be completely fine. You know how like dead things move sometimes.. And of course dead people have diseases, that doesn't mean they're deadly right?"
She breathed, mixing the air around with the stuff in her head. Cold air, hot air. "It could be completely fine.."
- (the line disconnected.)
A loud explosion rung at the edge of the city, the shockwave knocking me onto my feet and making my ears ring. My head hurt, and I couldn't open my eyes. Everything was just white... And loud..
I knew I passed out when I woke up, the walls around me had collapsed. The wooden framework spilintered, stabbing desperately in all directions. The dry wall had cracked and left debris all over the carpet floor, which had burnt to a crisp. I looked up at a grey and smoke covered sky, ash and ember fluttering around like leaves in fall.
Everything was dead. I had grabbed the handle of my front door to step outside, the metal singed my hand and I reacted, pulling away and using my sleeve to grab the door instead.
When I stepped outside, the grass was covered in a layer of ash, almost mimicking snow. Some sort of nuclear death.. Maybe the natives found out about the infection and decided to deal with it..
I stepped forward, the foggy clouded air filling my lungs and folding me over to cough. Everything was destroyed.
An occupied car, slammed into a street pole and demolished. The twisted metal curving around the rod and splattering it with fresh blood. I can't imagine the screams muffled by the car.. The explosion..
It was only whispers now. Barely incomprehensible. I passed the car, I heard something almost like words. Those people didnt want to die.. They needed to be saved. They beckoned me, like they knew my presence.
A small pale arm reached from the broken window and she.. No. It mumbled something. "Mmmdah"
"Maah dahh" "mmmahh" "maahh mm-mm"
No.. She couldn't- it couldn't.
I grasped her hand. I leaned down, peering at her mangled face. Her hair stuck to the blood, her seatbelt still fastening her in place as she grabbed for me, saying something that almost sounded like she was calling out to her mom.
"Mmommm" she tightned her grip on my hand, pulling me closer. "I'm not-" I pulled away. "Youre dead! "
She gripped at my wrist, scratching down the length of my arm. "Mmmmommm!!" She desperately clawed at my hand, and I fell back, finally releasing myself from her grip.
"Youre dead!!! I'm not your mom! " I cried. She growled at me, her once sad and grim expression over run with anger. The blood spilled over the ridges and curves of her face, her hair tangled and a mad look on her face. She was hungry. She couldn't think about anything else. Her brain only knew how to comprehend a person as her mom..
Maybe she wasn't a good mother, maybe that why she was angry. Or maybe it was just the hunger.
She wasn't alive, but she knew I was. Something about me triggered something in her and she knew I was alive. My touch. My smell. She knew it.
Her eyes were glazed over, she foamed at the mouth, blood clouding and tinting it pink. She fell back into her seat and mumbled again. I took a second to think.
If there are others, they would be just as aggressive. If not more.. She was only a little girl.
I continued walking along the cracked pavement. Houses were demolished, trees knocked over, cars crushed and so.. So much blood.
Ash. Blood. Metal. Pavement. Heat. Death.
It surrounded me like a plague, I knew it was the plague. Severed half-people clawed at the grass, clothing singed and glass shards stuck in their face.
I struggled to keep my insides composed.
Their organs trailed behind, intestines dragging over rock and sediment, laying behind like a rope that kept them in place.
I kept walking.
When I finally got some where quiet, an open field with no cars or light poles.. Even the cattle were dead. Cows lay mooing painfully, skin blistered and boils all along their body. They'd been cooked alive while simply standing, existing as a peaceful creature.
Chickens were dead. Horses knocked onto their back and kicking desperately, making so much noise.. I had to kill them.
I looked around for a thick branch, snapping it in half and used a sharp rock to sharpen it. Why didn't I bring weapons? I didnt bring anything. The shock wave knocked me out.. I walked outside without even thinking to bring anything.
I sighed, holding the horse in place and sliding the sharp branch into its mouth. I placed both hands at the blunt end and used my body wait to crush the horses skull. Id never forget the sound..
There were two more, I decided to leave the area in case they started attracting more attention.
I kept walking. The sky got darker, the already black sky filled with smoke grew pitch black. The moon peered through the smoke, almost something like a reminder of who we were.. Like shining through the smoke..
We were virtuous. We were pure and radiant. Wed been consumed by war. Disease. Greed.
The power lines in the side of the road broke from the ground, strangling a line of trees as they lay on their side.
I saw something deeper in everything. Nature perservered in some places, and suffered in others. The things caused by man, both ignored and also recognized by it's impact.
Ill be a light in the smoke, not the lines on the trees.
I kept walking til my feet hurt, I was so tired. I was convinced id pass out if I took another step, but then I took another, and another taking it as slow as possible.
A dead thing passed me, I hadn't see one walk yet. They limped, jutting forward like they couldn't tell if there were air or obstacle in front of them. It mumbled, raspy breaking interrupted by gurgling.. Either blood or bile, I didnt want to think about it.
When our shoulders cross parallel, I tensed up. I remember. They know things.
They know I'm alive.. They can smell the living on me.. I walked slower. I slouched over, walking so carefully it didnt make a sound. I don't think it noticed.
Being slow made me feel slower.. Everything was slow. And quiet. I wish I could just lay down.
My body hit the ground, making a small thud as fabric made contact with hard ground and soft grass.
I could tell it turned around because I heard the mumbling as it got closer. I was too tired to move. I could only stare up at the corpse through half closed eye lids, my consciousness fading.
Suddenly the things head flew from it's body, blood spilling over it's raw neck and bone and staining it's clothes.
I closed my eyes before I saw its body hit the ground.
I was walking near the tree line when I saw a thing 20 paces ahead.. Its legs could barely keep up wth the weight under it, knees buckling with each step.
I kept my hand at my side, feeling for my knife and I followed it.
I seperated from the path and into the trees, following the shape illuminated by the moon light. When I stepped closer, it.. No. He? Fell to the ground. I had already made my strike, but completely missed him, and cut into some sorry corpse attempting to check out his helpless body.
He was helpless. He lay sleeping while this monster was looking over him. The monster was dead. Had I been the monster..?
"He's helpless. " I said, pacing back and forth, waving around my shiny blade and saying it a million times like it meant something.
Helpless. Helpless. Helpless. It spoke to me.
He was limp on the ground, laying with the corpse and it's severed head. What was I thinking?
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Hetalia: World Series Episode #30 Transcript
This episode has the nations discuss membership in the G8, Finland's ports, and the third part of "Nekotalia".
{Text on sign: Conference Room}
Britain: All right, everyone. Today's agenda…is the G8. Basically, we're talking about us.
Britain: So, first of all, I'd like to share with you how I really feel about all of this. Glare. I don't think there necessarily needs to be eight of us. Seven is enough.
Russia: Why do you look at me when you say that?
Belarus: Oh, very irritated!
Britain: Auh!
Russia: Mmmm…nom nom nom…I believe eight is definitely enough. What do you all think? Nom nom nom nom nom…
Canada: Oh, I agree! At least I think I do, but I don't know. Maybe I should think about it! Just come back to me.
Kumajiro: I'm hungry! Give me some food!
(Canada: I want to hear what everyone else says about it first)
(Belarus: ACHOO!)
Canada: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
France: My turn. Why don't we add someone? Of course, first on my short list is Spain, naturally.
(Spain: Spelune!)
{Caption: Spelune}
America: Dude, no way! That guy is lazy, has a lisp, and is always screwing around with me.
Germany: Yes, I definitely agree with you. This time.
France: Eh!
Germany: Although…we should stay the G8. I've already ordered stationery. Thank you very much, Herr France.
(Herr France: Mr. France → German)
France: What?! “Herr France”?!
(Herr France: Mr. France → German)
France: That's not fair! Just when I thought that we were getting along, you have to start agreeing with me?! You bastard! Gahuh, are you trying to be Herr Funny German now?!
(Herr Funny German: Mr. Funny German → German)
France: Because it's not! You're not funny! I'm going to start driving American cars if you don't watch yourself!
Japan: Auh! Italy appears to be rather bored with our meeting.
Britain: At least he's not randomly screaming the name of an American president.
Italy: Heahhh…
{Caption: Host Country}
Pookie: Maah…
Italy: Hetalia!
{Caption: Hetalia}
Finland: Sweden! It's been a while; would you like to have lunch with me?
Sweden: Ja, sure.
(Ja: Yes → Swedish)
{Caption: With Mr. Sweden}
Finland, Sweden: Nom nom nom nom…
Finland: Oh, yeah! So guess what happened to me the other day, Mr. Sweden. So tired…remember that time I was forced to go to Mr. Russia's house and I didn't want to go even a little? Apparently, all he wanted was one of my ports. So, I'm back! Nice, right? Ahh…to be honest, I liked the way I felt at your house so much more.
Sweden: AAAAH?!
Finland: Huah! Yeah, I had way more fun with you than I did with him! It's true! Plus, he's creepy! Ahhh, isn't that a crazy story? It felt crazy at the time. So, what's your opinion?
Sweden: Nh…OH!
Finland: Aaaaaahhhhh! Why did you have to do that? I'm fragile!
Sweden: I see.
Sweden's thoughts: I was going to tell him I wanted a port too, but that's kind of embarrassing.
{Caption: "Mittagunai" means "embarrassed" in Fukushima dialect}
{Caption #1: Nekotalia}
{Caption #2: If the world was made up of cats…}
Italy-cat: Ve-meow!
Monaco-cat: According to the data, there are a limited number of tuna cans in our neighborhood association. Hence, it should be forbidden for cats to deal in canned tuna with each other.
{Text on can #1: Tuna}
{Text on can #2: Perfect for rice}
{Text on can #3: Soy sauce flavored}
Japan-cat: Uh, excuse me…may I speak, please?
Monaco-cat: You already are, Japan-cat. Continuez.
(Continuez: Continue → French)
Japan-cat: The data you have on canned tuna in this neighborhood is rather dated. It is, in fact, true; I do love canned tuna, but realistically it's not like I want to drive to extinction. At my place, tuna cultivation is not only possible, but a reality. So there's no reason for any of us to go without! So there's this and that, and this and that, and this and that…
Cat #1: Japan-cat's pretty loud for a cat who likes to refrain from speaking.
(Japan-cat: And blah blah blah blah, this and that, and this and that, and that and this and that)
Cat #2: Yeah, he gets pretty worked up about food.
(Japan-cat: And this and this)
{Caption #1: Nekotalia}
{Caption #2: If the world was made up of cats…}
Japan-cat: Meow.
Japan-cat: Huah! Thank Buddha I was able to stop that ridiculous ban on dealing canned tuna.
Japan: Tama!
(Tama!: Marble! → Japanese)
Japan: Time to eat!
Japan-cat: Oh? Is it dinner time already?
Japan: Today I have a bit of a treat for you; salty tuna sashimi!
Japan-cat: Yes…tuna is good for the soul! Tuna, tuna, delicious tuna. I don't normally like to meow, but at a time like this, I can't help myself!
Japan-cat [out loud]: I love tuna, meow! Nom nom nom!
Japan: What?! Did he talk?!
{Caption: To be continued}
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itsawhumpderfullife · 3 years
Whump Prompt #177
“Ah, you’re finally awake Whumper!”
“What the fuck is going on here! Let me out of here or so help me-”
“Help you? Now why would I do that?”
“No! I don’t need your help! When I get out of here I’ll-”
“Who says your ever getting out of here, Whumper?”
“...You... You wouldn’t! Whumpee, they would never let-”
“You have never understood them. Be grateful they aren’t here to see this, or else you might have received the same exact torture you gave them.”
“What’s that sound?”
“Oh, you finally noticed? Well, to quote Whumpee, ‘You make that monster choke on their own words’ And right about now, you should start to feel it... Ah there we go.”
“Ah! Mmm.... what’s happening? Why...am I smiling and why cam’t I smpeak properly.”
“Well your words were like poison to Whumpee, so choking on your own words is simple. I’ve already been pumping gas into that room before you woke up. I’m so glad it was the perfect timing.”
“Wha- Please- Ah, my arm! Please, please stop! I- I don’t want to die! PL-PLAUGH!”
“And there it is, I know you can still hear me. Those convulsions you’re experiencing won’t stop. They’ll only stop once you’re dead.”
“Save your breath, you’re not dying fast by any means. You ll be dead within the hour. Those spasms have got to be very painful. Well... those are going to go on for a while and then, when your back starts to arch, that’s when the fun really begins. Once. it’s gotten to your back muscles and your spine, you’ll experience the normal after effects as if you had a seizure. Shortly after that, your trachea and airways will completely seize up and you’ll die, choking on all the words you’ve said.”
Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud.
“Ah, there you go with your back. It was horrible knowing you. I absolutely do not thank you for terrorizing Whumpee. I hope you die in pain and utter suffering, knowing you’ll never hurt anyone else.”
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
Love of my life; Ahkmenrah x reader
*Author’s note*
I promised you guys didn’t I? Well here is Part 2 to History comes to life In this chapter there is nothing but FLUFFY PINING, some hints of flirting(?), but above all LOVING. And a bit of makeout (but it’s all PG). I also couldn’t help myself with this fic by adding a certain band in this and joking around with the fact that Rami played both these characters/people so I hope you all enjoy the little fun poke I do in this fic. Enjoy my lovelies :) 
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It was five months after the whole Save the museum fiasco.  And even though my internship ended, thanks to Larry I was still able to come anytime whether to do additional research or just to spend time with my new friends. Teddy was an excellent historian and it was amazing to hear some of the stories that only the real Teddy Roosevelt would know.
Sacagawea was great female company to have around when the men got to be a bit too much.  She told me about her story and she even taught me how to shoot a real Native American bow and arrow.  Even though I couldn’t quite understand him, Attila was fun to be around, he and the rest of his Huns always wanted me to tell them stories and see if I could perform any tricks for them (thankfully I still remember some of the close up magic card tricks I used to do for Nicky when he was younger).
Then there was Jed and Octavius.  Those two—they are something I’ll give you that. They especially like to watch funny cat videos on Youtube.  
Of course they still have their moments where they butt heads but either I or Larry are there to set them straight before they’re once again besties.
And of course I can’t forget, the pharaoh himself, Ahkmenrah.  Every night he and I would spend the most time together.  From learning each other’s life story, to dancing along to some of my favorite songs or showing him my favorite artists/bands.
Throughout all the time that Ahkmen and I have spent together, my feelings for him slowly began to grow.  I tried to hide it but every time I tried to ignore it, my feelings for the millennia’s old pharaoh just kept growing and growing.  The way his light blue eyes would stare into mine just felt like he was piercing my soul.  
They made you feel not only insecure because they held such regalness to them, but they made you feel safe because even with him being probably the highest authority in history he’d never make you feel like you were inferior to him.
His smile was like—literally looking into the sun because it made you feel so warm inside.  And when he touches your hand—it could damn well just make you melt.
The two of us were currently in the Hall of African mammals sitting up along the lion’s perch.  Ahkmenrah was currently stroking the top of the male lion whom he’s named Maahes, while I had the female leopard I named Seshat with her head on my lap, her deep purring sounding off as I stroked her head.
“So is it really true you knew the Guardian of Brooklyn before he took his post?”
“Yeah, the Daley’s and I go way back to when I was in high school. Nicky was probably the best kid I ever babysat. He never spoke back to me and he wasn’t spoiled. He’s—really become like my little brother.”
“Consider yourself lucky to not have any other sibling.” He said trailing off.  I noticed the somber look on his face and I knew Maahes saw it too.  The king of the beasts actually nuzzled against Ahkmenrah letting out a gentle roar.  “Thank you my friend.” Ahkmenrah thanked him as the king of the beasts suddenly turned into a kitten right before my eyes as he lay right across Akhmen’s lap.
“Now I know that you saw cats as link to the gods, did you ever go so far as to actually owning big cats such as these Maahes and Seshat?”
“My father did once own a lion of his very own. Unfortunately he got a little too rough with Kahmunrah and father was forced to get rid of him. My only real exotic pet would’ve been Horus, my falcon. He was such a reliable companion.”
“You must’ve trained him well.”
“He was a clever bird. Sharp as a whip and as clever as any man.” He reminisced.  Just before I could respond, I felt Seshat leave my lap and her ears twitched about.  Maahes reacted the same way as he hopped off the perch and joined alongside Seshat.
The two big cats soon crouched down into a hunting position as they both slowly stalked out of the hall right towards the door.
Ahkmen and I looked at each other confused before the two big cats took off like a shot before roaring out and we both heard two very familiar screams.
“Jed!” the two of us cried out as we raced out of the room and down the hall.  As we reached the end of the hallway we saw the two big cats crouched over with their front paws outward.
“Oh Ahkmenrah, lady (y/n). we are sorry to intrude on your time together…..” Octavius said from between Maahes’ paws.
“It’s alright, Octavius. Maahes, release him!” Ahkmenrah first started off calmly before going into his kingly tone.  That low and demanding tone that just made me want to bow before him and do whatever he wished.
Maahes grumbled before obeying and released Octavius. But that’s when I remembered that there was also a second voice that screamed.
“Where’s Jed?”
‘Bout time someone remembered me!’ oh dear god not again!
“Seshat! Drop him!” She looked up at me with those kitten eyes of hers but I scolded the young leopardess. “Right now!” she then spat out Jedidiah and he soon came tumbling out covered in cat spit.  Ahkmen and I both made a face of disgust as Jed brushed himself off.
“Stupid cat!” he called up at Seshat.  She hissed down at Jed.
“Steady my friend, she’s a young kitten after all. She still doesn’t know any better.” Octavius said.  I took out a tissue and ripped a portion of it and handed it to Jed.
“Not that we’re not happy to see you both but why have you come all the way over here without the racecar? You know it’s dangerous for you both to be here, especially with Maahes and Seshat.” I said to him.
“That dangum monkey stirred up some trouble once again. He opened up the hallway window near our exhibit and before we knew it, we were attacked by giant birds.” Jed proclaimed as he cleaned himself off.
“Oh great, the onetime Larry gets sick leaving me to take care of the museum and already Dexter is making things difficult for me.” I whined.
“I’m sure it isn’t that bad.” Ahkmen tried to comfort me.
“Uhh yeah right. No offense your highness but this is probably the worst thing to ever strike our exhibits since we were at war with each other.” Jed laughed.
“It’s probably best we show you both what we are dealing with.” I knelt down and extended my hand and allowed the two miniature leaders to climb aboard before we all headed to the Hall of miniatures.
When we got there, we were definitely not expecting what Jed and Octavius had told us.  The entire room was surrounded by dozens hell maybe even almost 100 pigeons.
“Oh my god.”
“You see what I mean! Birds everywhere!”
“How could there be so many?” Ahkmen asked.
“Apparently Dexter also had some food in hand when he allowed these pigeons in the museum.” We walked inside stepping over the birds. Of course when they suddenly took off, I couldn’t help but shriek and grab onto Akhmen’s arm.  
I set the boys down in Jed’s territory which seemed to be the worst case.
“Jed, Octavius. We’ve tried every single weapon we got but all it’s done is caused these birds to leave more of their crap behind.” Said one of Jed’s loyal cowboy friends.
“Oh god that’s gross.”
“Okay so dynamite won’t work, neither will the arrows.” Octavius pondered.  It was then I saw him look behind both Ahkmen and I, right towards Maahes and Seshat. “Wait, I’ve got an idea!”
“Lay it on my Octi.” Said Jed.
“What if the cats help?”
“That’s the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard. What else you got?”
“No, no, no Jedidiah listen my friend. Lions have one of the most powerful voices in all the big cats. If we can get Maahes to roar, then the birds should scatter.”
“Uhh Octavius lions aren’t the only ones with a powerful roar you know.” I told him.
“Ohhh I wouldn’t say that.” Ahkmen said wearily. I turned to him aghast.
“Excuse me?”
“I mean no harm when I say this but Seshat is a young leopard. Maahes is a fully grown lion and his roar is mature enough to scare these pigeons away.” He gently tried to assure me.  I crossed my arms over my chest and said.
“Oh-ho-ho-ho. Looks like we got ourselves a competition ladies and gents.” Jed laughed.
“You hear this baby girl? Ahkmenrah thinks your roar’s not powerful enough.” She lowered her head angrily and let out a snarl as her ears bent back. “Show them what you got baby girl!” she then reared her head back as she opened her mouth and let out a fearsome leopard roar, which sent most of the pigeons out of the miniature wing.
“YEE-HAW!! Come on do it again! Do it again!” Ahkmenrah looked at my cockily before turning to Maahes and said.
“Show these ladies why you’re known as the God of war Maahes.” Maahes then reared his head and let out a loud lion’s roar which sent the rest of the flock right on out.
“WOO-WHO!!! Adios birdbrains!” Jed proclaimed as Maahes and Seshat then proceeded to pounce after the pigeons all over the room.  The birds soon took off flying out of the room trying to find a way out of the building.
“Why not make a little wager?” Ahkmenrah said.
“On what grounds?”
“If Maahes can manage to get the pigeons out, you must sing a song for me.” I tried to hide my blush and I countered.
“Fine, but if Seshat wins, then you have to watch both the Mummy and the Mummy returns, no questions or complaints.”
“Deal.” We shook on it and followed behind the two big cats.
Throughout the museum, Seshat and Maahes continued to chase after the pigeons roaring and swatting at them.  Jed and Octavius were now driving in their racecar catching up to the big cats wanting to get in on the action, cheering loudly at our two big cats.
Meanwhile Ahkmen and I raced behind cheering for both our cats in trying to get as many pigeons as they could.
“You know it’s never too late to back out!” Ahkmen laughed.
“Oh you wish we’re about to show you what girl power is all about!” I sassed at him.  We raced on ahead down the second hall, passing the other exhibits who dodged our path.  
The six of us just having a joy of chasing these pigeons all around the museum.  Nothing could ruin this fun now.
But it was when we turned at one point of the museum that some of the pigeons were on top of the herd of rhinos and African water buffalo.
We all skidded to a stop right before the herd and I couldn’t help but say.
“Ohhhh shit.” One of the water buffalo’s snorted aggressively while a rhino let out a bellow.
At this point all of us including Seshat and Maahes took off running back the other way with the stampede following behind us.  Seshat soon bumped into me and the next thing I knew I was riding on top of her back as she ran faster down the hall.  I turned to see the Ahkmen was riding on top of Maahes’ back.
Both big cats did a sharp turn to the left towards the invertebrate wing while Jed and Octavius were just shortly behind us in the car.  I then noticed a small closet just ahead and I cried out to them.
“Guys in there!” Seshat soon noticed the door and I quickly got off her back and opened the door and soon everyone piled inside. I quickly shut the door and the next thing we heard was the thundering stampede passing by us.
When the thundering of hooves and giant feet stopped, for some reason Ahkmen, Jed, Octavius and I soon just started laughing. I don’t know whether it was the adrenaline of nearly cheating (well in a sense) death, or just for the hell of it but we were all bursting out laughing in the tight closet space.
“That was even more thrilling than the chariot chases I used to do when I was a child.” Ahkmen said.
“Boy you said it Ahk. That there was truly a wild rodeo!” Jed cheered.
“Okay guys, since they’re gone I’d say it’s safe for us to go out.” I told them as I opened the door back up.  And of course due to the tight space with me, an old pharaoh, two big cats and a ford mustang racecar, it was a tight squeeze to try and get out.
As Maahes and Seshat tried to get out, Ahkmen and I were jostled around for a bit, up until the point where our noses touched each other and our lips just barely grazed one another’s.  The two of us chuckled nervously as we couldn’t look away from each other.  
We were so caught up in the moment that we didn’t realize that we were now the only ones left in the closet.
“You both just gonna stand there all googly eyed or are you finally gonna wring up your saddle and kiss each other already?” we heard Jed proclaim.  We both looked away and apologized over each other as we both tried to get out at the same time, only to bump shoulder to shoulder again.
Finally Ahkmen allowed me to exit the closet first before he was the last to leave.
“I swear you two are as about as crazy in love as two turtledoves in winter.” Jed said again.
“Shut it Jed, less you wanna go back into Seshat’s mouth and maybe even this time see the inside of her stomach.” I threatened.
“No thank you! Thanks for the help you guys see yah!” the car soon quickly drove off leaving Ahkmen and I alone with our big cats.  I looked down at my watch and said.
“It’s an hour till sunrise. You should—”
“Yes. Care to walk me back?”
“Sure.” We first big goodbye to Seshat and Maahes and the two of them walked back towards the hall of African mammals which allowed me to escort Ahkmenrah back to his exhibit.
After helping Ahkmen back into his sarcophagus he then told me.
“Don’t forget, you have to sing for me tonight.”
“What do you mean?”
“Our bet. I’ve been keeping score and Maahes managed to get the most pigeons out of the museum.” I shook my head and rather than argue with him due to time I accepted it.
“Okay. But just know I’m not the best singer.”
“Not according to young Nicky. He said you’d always sing him to sleep, and he’d always talk about how beautiful you sounded.” I tried to hide my blushing face and I said to him.
“Have a good morning sleep Ahkmen. I’ll see you tonight.”
“Yeah. See you tonight.” He said solemnly as his eyes went somber and he lowered himself back into his sarcophagus and I closed it up.  I internally groaned and thought to myself.
‘Damnit why did I have to hurt him like that?’ with that I left Ahkmenrah’s tomb and went off to handle any remaining birds that were still in the museum and clean up the mess before either Dr. McPhee or Rebecca came in.
Later that night I arrived at Ahkmenrah’s tomb with my laptop ready to give into his deal that we had made last night.  After getting him out of his sarcophagus we sat there along the floor while I opened up my playlist.
“So any hints as to what song you shall be singing for me?”
“Uhh no. You may have gotten me to sing for you, but that doesn’t mean I’ll be telling you exactly what that song will be.” I sassed playfully.  He grinned at me while I went back to scrolling through my playlist.
“Have you found it yet?”
“Keep your tunic on your highness.” I then clicked on the playlist to highlight the song and I said. “Okay; now this song was written by one of my favorite bands in the start of their early career. This was also the song I used to sing to Nicky whenever he had a bad dream whenever I babysat him.” I double clicked on the song and soon through the speakers, “White Queen (As it begins)” played through the speakers.
I took a gentle inhale in before exhaling and waited for Freddie’s soft voice to come through the speakers before finally singing along to the track.
I sang along softly not quite trusting my voice (also cause I didn’t want to crack in front of my crush) but slowly my voice got a bit more confident when Freddie’s voice crescendo.
*Ahkmenrah’s POV*
Oh almighty Horus and Ra above, she—she had the voice of only a true goddess.  It was so soft yet passionate that it just…..she really was like the Queen in this song.  I have imagined stars in (y/n)’s hair and she was an ethereal of beauty in not just her looks but her kind heart and gentle but fiercely protective nature.
I couldn’t help but fall under the spell of her siren-like voice and just admire her.  Her eyes shining through the faint light that came into my exhibit, the way her medium length hair waved down like the Nile river.  She was everything and more.  By the end of her song, she clicked a key on her laptop and turned to me.
“How was that?”
“Beautiful.” I said in awe. “You—Nicky didn’t even come close to describing the true ethereal of your singing.” She looked away from me shyly and nervously laughed.
Even her laugh, shy or not, was always adorable.  The way her eyes would scrunch up at the corners, when her smile would go ear to ear.  A smile like that really showed me that she was truly happy.  And the way her eyes would sparkle…..it was like seeing the stars in the sky.
“Was it that bad?” she asked me.
“Quite the opposite actually. You sung beautifully.” I told her as I gently took her hand in mine.
*My POV*
As soon as Ahkmen took my hand, my heart went boom.
“Thank you.”
“Tell me what was that song?”
“It’s called White Queen. It’s by my all-time favorite band called Queen.”
“They sounded beautifully.”
“Yeah they do. I love almost all of their songs.”
“Could you show me more?” I nodded and he sat closer to me so that I could scroll through more of my Queen Playlist.  I shared with him some facts that I knew about Queen and showed him some pictures of the band in the past.
“You know Ahkmen, if you grew a mustache or just grew out your hair down to your shoulders and had four additional incisors, you could pass off as Freddie Mercury.”
“You really think so?” he asked me.
“Yeah I could see it.”
“Was he of Egyptian blood?”
“No. His family is Indian Parsi. Freddie was born in Zanzibar.”
“Well regardless. This Freddie Mercury would’ve been revered as a god amongst us. He truly does command his audience like a king.”
“He just knew how to make everyone apart of the show. Even the people in the balconies or in the very far backrow became involved. I don’t think I’ve ever seen any rockstar make everyone feel so comfortable during a concert. God I wish I could’ve seen them live with all four of them in person.”
“He will be remembered as a God and is watching over all of his people. Including the ones who come in later in life.” He comforted me as he placed a hand to my shoulder.
“Yeah.” I sighed softly.  Things got quiet before Ahkmenrah took my laptop and clicked on a random song and soon enough “Good old fashioned lover boy” started playing through my speakers.
“Would you care to dance?” he said as he stood up and held his hand out to me.  I looked up at him and I said.
“I told you I’m not a very good dancer, especially in slow dancing.”
“Well, lucky for you I was forced into taking all those slow dance lessons in my time as Prince. Do you trust me?” I looked up into those soft light blue eyes and along with Freddie’s serenading voice of the opening song, I was literally melting but couldn’t help as I took his hand and answered softly.
“Yes.” He helped me up and right as the chorus began, Ahkmen had us be in position one as his right hand holding my left and his other hand gently wrapping around my waist.
I shivered slightly and looked down at our feet before I felt his finger lift my chin back up.
“Eyes on me. Now just follow me lead.” He then began to lead me into a slow waltz.  Of course it was clumsy at first with me stepping on his foot the first several times.  I softly apologized profusely every time I stepped on his feet but he assured me it was all fine.
The song continued to play and while staring into Akhmen’s eyes I couldn’t help but think just what kind of lover boy he would’ve been.  Would he be like what the song stated? Or was it something else? God why did fate have to be so cruel? The one guy I take an extreme interest in and he has to be a 4000 year old mummy.
It was then I heard the song end and a new song (just to rub salt into an open wound) began playing, and that song was “Love of my Life”.
“(Y/n)?” I looked up at him slightly startled.
“Yeah?” He soon became shy as he spoke.
“These—these past couple of months have been…..well they’ve been the most fun I’ve ever had in 4000 years.”
“I’m glad.”
“You’ve been the one true friend I’ve had ever since I was freed from my prison.” Oh god please tell me I’m not gonna get friend-zoned.  “Unfortunately, I—I cannot deny what I must tell you.”
“What-what exactly are you saying Ahkmen?”
“I—I……” he trailed off trying to look down and hide his shyness.  He genuinely looked conflicted with what he was about to say.
“Ahkmenrah,” I cupped the side of his face. “Whatever you have to say, I won’t get mad.” He didn’t say a word, in fact he leaned closer to my face until his lips captured mine.
It was a shy kiss at first.  He was testing the boundaries of this to see if I would push him away or kiss him back.  I was shocked at first but as soon as my heart hammered in my ears and I fell under the spell of the kiss, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and pressed my lips to his.
Seeing how I accepted the kiss, he wrapped his arms around my back and pulled me closer which deepened the kiss.  The anxiety and worries we both had melted away as I heard him let out a soft hum which made me softly moan.
We separated for air but kept in close proximity of each other.  Our noses gently touching each other’s.  I let out a soft choked laugh as I couldn’t make my heart calm down.
“I—” I softly spoke.  I licked my lips softly.  “I love you too, Ahkmenrah. I mean call me crazy but excluding the fact that I’ve known so much about you since the start of my college career. But spending these past couple months with you has been a dream come true. I’ve always wished and dreamed that I could meet you and just talk to you and—” he pressed his finger to my lips stopping my rambling.
“You talk too much my love.”
“You’re right sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. You’re cute when you do that. It shows you’re passionate.” He tucked a strand of my hair out of my face and continued in a teasing tone, “So you’ve dreamed about me?” I giggled.
“Maybe I shouldn’t have said that.”
“No. I’m honored. I’m honored that I have gained the affections of the only goddess on Earth.”
“I wouldn’t go that far. But I really like you too Ahkmen.” He smiled at me and asked.
“Can I—kiss you again?”
“What do you think?” I said as I leaned in towards him and kissed him now, but this time with more passion just as the song was ending.
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redschillzone · 4 years
Smoke and Mirrors Pt. 6 (Sith!Rey x Female!Reader)
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(Gif found here!)
Pairing: Sith!Rey x Female!Reader
Word Count: 4.8k Words
Warnings: Angst Ahead
Summary: Returning to Exegol to face Palpatine, reader has one chance to convince Rey to join her.
Tag List: @theallseer97 @maah-sama​ @thekarliwinchester @dversstark​
A/N: Here is part 6! I hope you guys enjoy it. There’s one more part after this one, then that’ll be it for this fic!
The x-wing jumped out of lightspeed, giving her the same sight she saw when she first left Exegol. Her eyes scanned over the large array of Star Destroyers, the only difference was they were getting ready for flight; To take the fight off world and to all neutral and Resistance planets to wipe them out in the name of the Final Order. (Y/N) couldn’t help but let out a breath as she gripped the controls of the x-wing, glancing down at the Sith wayfinder that resided on the dash. The Resistance was following, she could tell; She felt Ben’s presence in the force growing closer as she flew, getting the x-wing ready to land. As she flew closer to where Palpatine resided, she could sense the change around her; Everything felt different to her now even though she had just been here hours before, resting in Rey’s bed and awaiting her return. She shook her head gently; Now was not the time to be thinking of her, of such things. She landed the x-wing just outside the temple, letting out a silent breath as she stared at the wide entrance to the temple for a few moments. She was scared, to say the least, but she also felt determined. This was her destiny, she knew that now; But it was a scary one. One that she herself didn’t think she’d take on, yet here she was. 
She was slow to get out of the x-wing; Removing her helmet as she pushed herself up and jumped down from the cockpit. She landed on the ground with a small ‘thud’ before she glanced around the barren space, letting out yet another small breath before she began to make her way forward. The sand below her kicked up as she walked, glancing towards the occasional lightning strike nearby. When she first arrived she remembered how she jumped whenever the lightning struck at the ground as it was always unexpected, but now that she had grown used to the strikes it was like second nature to her not to jump. She had gotten used to feeling the impact from the lightning strike touch the ground, to hear it crackle and screech around her. Even as she made her way to the rock-like elevator platform that led her down to the lower levels she didn’t flinch as the lightning continued to crackle. She could hear it though; The far off shots of the ion cannons firing and the roaring of various ship engines. The Resistance had arrived just as Luke had told her they would, and she couldn’t help but let out a breath as the platform began to lower her down. Would they survive this? It felt like a suicide mission to her; To take on the Final Order with so few ships and willing soldiers. Maybe before they arrived Ben had given some sort of inspirational speech of some kind to give everyone hope; If not him then maybe Poe and Finn, they were always good at that kind of thing.
(Y/N) couldn’t help but shake her head of the thought as she began to make her way down the long temple halls, glancing around quietly. She had only been here once before, when Rey first arrived with her. (Y/N) didn’t get to meet Palpatine herself which she had no problems with; She didn’t exactly want to come face to face with one of the greatest threats in the galaxy anyway. Rey said it was far too dangerous for him to know that they were a dyad, even though he might have already known, and that she would explain that (Y/N) was some force sensitive she found while out on a mission and brought back to train as her apprentice. (Y/N) had just agreed to the plan, letting her go off to talk to her grandfather while she waited back by the platform with the Knights of Ren. But this was different now; Rey wasn’t here to save her, to come up with some story to tell her grandfather to cover their tracks. She was no longer Rey’s apprentice, but she wasn’t exactly a Jedi either; She was a mix of the two. She walked the very thin line between the two forces; She wanted peace, but she knew there couldn’t be such a thing without destruction and war. That there couldn’t be light without the dark, it was just how it went; But if her father believed her to be a Jedi, then in this moment that’s what she would be.
(Y/N) continued to walk cautiously through the temple, looking around at the statues and various fallen walls around the area. She only slowed when she spotted a large group of machines and various groups of technology that she was sure she didn’t know what half of it was, or how any of it even worked. She couldn’t help but bite her lip as she stepped closer to look it all over. Most of it was covered in several layers of dust even though it all seemed to be functional and recently used. As she walked around the machines she couldn’t help but glance up at the yellow-orange liquid and jumped as her eyes landed on one of the clones within the machine. 
“That’s.. Very creepy..” She mumbled to herself before she backed away and began to make her way deeper into the temple. She could still hear the occasional lighting strike around her but it wasn’t long before she began to hear voices; Those far ahead of her but she could make out what was being said and she couldn’t help but tense a bit at the voice.
“What do you mean you don’t know where she went?!” The feminine voice snapped at the end of the long, rocky hallway; It was Rey. (Y/N) couldn’t help but slow as she reached the main area of the temple, hiding behind what remained of a fallen statue as she listened in to the conversation.
“I have told you what I know, grandchild.. Now, what you do with that is not something I control.” Palpatine spat back at her, to which Rey couldn’t help but grit her teeth and tighten her hold on her lightsaber, long since ignited since she arrived. (Y/N) was gone and nobody seemed to have known where she went. She had returned after a long, draining fight on the planet of Kijimi with the Resistance and she wanted nothing more than to take (Y/N) and leave Exegol; To leave the fight to her grandfather and the Final Order.
“You know something, you’re just not telling me.” Rey spat once more as she took a step closer to Palpatine, her eyes narrowed as her knuckles began to turn white around the double bladed saber. Palpatine couldn’t help but frown at his granddaughter's actions and gently shook his head. 
“I told you, I don’t.” He admitted once more, watching as Rey turned away from him and began to pace in front of him. There was silence between them, all that could be heard was the roaring of engines above them and Rey’s footsteps.
“Don’t make me kill you.” She threatened after a few short minutes, but all Palpatine could do was laugh before he spoke up once more.
“You want to kill me? That is what I want. Kill me and my spirit will pass into you, as all the Sith live in me.... You will be Empress, Rey. We will be one.” He told her, watching as Rey slowed to a stop in front of him. He was right and she knew it. If she did kill him, his spirit would just take over her body and the Palpatine legacy would continue; She was stuck and she hated it, but just as she was about to speak she caught a form moving off to the side. She couldn’t help but turn her head in their direction, her eyes narrowed as she raised her lightsaber in their direction.
“Who’s there?” She spat, watching as the form carefully made their way over from behind the fallen statue. As they got closer, Rey couldn’t help but let out a breath; (Y/N) was okay and she was making her way over to them, but even Rey could sense in the force that something was off. Her eyes landed on the two lightsabers attached to (Y/N)’s hip and gave a frown.
“(Y/N).. What are you doing?” She questioned, watching as she kept her distance from the two of them. (Y/N) couldn’t help but swallow hard as she glanced between Rey and Palpatine, glancing at the large mechanical arm that held the Emperor up and more than likely helped keep him alive. (Y/N) glanced towards Rey, letting out a breath before she began to answer.
“I’m here to put an end to this.” (Y/N) spoke cautiously, watching as Rey frowned at her and Palpatine laughed.
“You? Rey is she not the one you took on as an apprentice?” He questioned, to which Rey couldn’t help but tense up, turning to face him.
“She is-” She began to speak but Palpatine spoke up over her.
“If she is your apprentice, why is she turning on you?” He questioned, tilting his head slightly to the side. Rey couldn’t help but bite her bottom lip; She herself didn’t know. She thought she had secured (Y/N) on her side, that she would stay there for as long as Rey was live. But clearly that wasn’t the case now. 
“I don’t know-” Rey continued, to which Palpatine looked towards (Y/N), his eyes narrowed on her form as she reached for the lightsabers attached to her hips.
“And what do you plan to do, child..?” Palpatine questioned as (Y/N) held onto the sabers tightly, biting her lip as she ignited them.
“As I said, I plan to end this. I want to get rid of the Final Order, of you.” She spoke to Palpatine before she glanced at Rey, letting out a breath before she looked back to Palpatine. She didn’t want to involve Rey in this, she still loved her but she knew if she wanted this to end the right way, Rey would be heavily involved. Now on which side Rey would fight on, (Y/N) didn’t know, she just hoped that during this fight she could persuade her to join her. Rey just watched silently, a saddened look in her eyes as she glanced to Palpatine who couldn’t help but laugh once more.
“Oh dear child, you’ve lost your way. You will never be able to stop this.” He spoke, to which (Y/N) glanced back as she began to hear more voices and her eyes widened as she spotted the large crowd of disciples just behind her. How did she not notice them before? Had they been there the whole time? She couldn’t tell, she was having trouble beginning to think straight anymore. She turned back to face Rey and Palpatine, her grip tight on the lightsabers.
“Look above you.” Palpatine spoke as a loud rumbling went through the area and (Y/N) looked up, noticing the opening now at the top of the temple and she let out a breath at what she saw; The Resistance fighting against the Final Order. Various ships exploded in the sky, but it was hard for her to make out exactly which side was which, but she could tell who was winning this war and she felt her stomach drop.
“They don’t have long.. No one is coming to help them. And you are the one who led them here… So go ahead, strike me down. Let Rey take the throne… Let her reign over a new Empire..” Palptine spoke as he watched (Y/N) closely; She was hesitating, and that was a good thing for him. It was what he wanted. Rey noticed it as well, as she occasionally shifted her gaze to Palpatine then to (Y/N) once more. 
“Only you have the power to save them… Refuse, and your friends die..” Palpatine finished, waiting for (Y/N) to give her answer. He was right, they were on the losing side of this war. She was right about earlier, this was nothing more then a suicide mission. She sighed and turned to face Palpatine once more. She turned off the lightsabers in her hands and gave a small nod to which Rey couldn’t help but glance away. It was then that the disciples around them began to chant and the guards that stood nearby came closer to (Y/N) to make sure she didn’t attempt anything. She couldn’t help but glare at them as they stood beside her as Rey moved herself to stand in front of Palpatine. This was it; Rey was going to become Empress of the galaxy, but it felt so wrong to her. Everything felt wrong now and as she glanced back at (Y/N), she knew what she had to do.
“Let the ritual begin!” Palpatine shouted as he looked at his granddaughter with a wicked smile, all while she wore a frown. She watched the man in front of her as he continued to speak.
“She will strike me down and pledge herself as a Sith. She will draw her weapon and come to me.” He spoke, watching as Rey ignited her saber once more and stepped closer. (Y/N) couldn’t help but grit her teeth, going to take a step forward but the guards moved their weapons closer to her, more than ready to shoot which caused (Y/N) to remain where she was, her lip bit as she watched what was happening in front of her. 
“And with a stroke of her saber.... the Sith are reborn! The Jedi are dead!” He spat, giving a glare towards (Y/N) as Rey began to raise her lightsaber, as if to strike Palpatine down but she hesitated; She stilled her body as she thought it through. If she were to strike him down, would she still be in control of her own body afterwards? If she did go through with it, would (Y/N) still be around afterwards? She couldn’t help but let out a breath as she tightened her hold on the lightsaber; She needed to make a choice and it needed to be soon. It was then that she felt it, the dyad with (Y/N) pulling at her. Rey slowly turned her head to glance back at her, (Y/N)’s eyes on her. Her (e/c) eyes were pleading with her, telling her not to do it; That they would be able to take him down together if she didn’t do it. Taking her bottom lip in between her teeth, (Y/N) gave a small nod; As if telling her to join her. 
Rey looked towards Palpatine once more, getting ready to make the strike.
“Do it! Make the sacrifice!” Palpatine spoke, putting his head up towards the sky and closing his eyes; More than ready to die and start a new legacy. It was then Rey decided to make her move. She turned, throwing her lightsaber behind her. (Y/N) ducked quickly, watching the lightsaber fly over her head to take out the two guards that stood beside her and prevented her from doing anything. Rey caught her lightsaber as it flew back to her; It was then that Palpatine realized what was going on and used the machine to move away from them, the rest of the guards stepping forward to fight. Rey moved herself to (Y/N) who turned her back to her, igniting the lightsabers once more and the two were back to back once more.
“I’m so sorry Rey.” (Y/N) started, going and blocking a few gunshots from the guards. Rey couldn’t help but chuckle lightly as she began to spin her saber. 
“Don’t be, let’s just get this over with.” Rey responded before she lunged forward and began to attack the rest of the guards. The two girls fought for a few moments before the final guard dropped to the ground. (Y/N) glanced up at Rey, watching her before she gave a small nod. Rey couldn’t help but give a small smile and a nod in return before she turned to face Palpatine once more, spinning her lightsaber and getting ready to fight; (Y/N) doing the same, ready for any attack he may give out. Palpatine couldn’t help but frown, watching Rey with narrowed eyes.
“You dare turn against me…? Very well then. Stand together, die together!” He spat before he held his hands out, incapacitating Rey and (Y/N) in one go via the force, their sabers flying and scattering across the ground before the two were placed on their knees just before Palpatine. It was only a few seconds before a bit of Force Energy was drained from the duo and Palpatine jerked suddenly; He watched his mangled hands as they slowly but surely began to become whole once more. Rey and (Y/N) couldn’t do anything but just watch, their movements still restrained.
“The lifeforce of your bond.... A dyad in the Force… A power like life itself. Unseen for generations. And now....” He spoke as he glanced up to the two in front of him, a wicked look in his eyes.
“The power of two... restores the one, true Emperor.” He spat before he held his hands out once again and began to drain the two of their Force Energy; And all they could do was allow it. They were frozen to the spot, their Force Energy being drained away. Rey couldn’t help but shut her eyes tightly; She had messed up, and because of that the two of them were going to die. After a few moments, Palpatine stopped and the two dropped to the ground. (Y/N) knocked out against the ground as Rey groaned lowly, her eyes tightly shut.
“Look what you have made…” Palpatine spoke as he freely walked; His body rejuvenated and free of the machine he was once attached too. His disciples continued to chant their words and Palpatine just smiled and looked around as they did so. Rey couldn’t help the small grunt that came from her as she began to move to her hands and knees, but it wasn’t long before she was raised up by the force, Palpatine glaring at her now.
“I took you in.. Raised you to take over the Galaxy.. And this is how you repay me?” He spat, watching as Rey gritted her teeth and attempted to free herself, but it was no luck.
“Very well then.. I have no need for you any longer.” He spoke before he used the force to throw her away, watching as she collided with the ground before falling off the cliff and into the void below; A strike of lightning soon followed after her. Palpatine watched, making sure she didn’t return before he turned and made his way back to his throne, sitting upon it and looking up at the sky towards the raging fight above him before he spoke once more.
“Do not fear that feeble attack my faithful. Nothing will stop the return of the Sith!” Palpatine spoke as he raised his arms to the sky and sent out a large bundle of electricity; It struck the various Resistance ships and cut them off from their power, freezing a few mid air before they began to fall to the ground. (Y/N) slowly opened her eyes, rolling onto her back and stared up at the sky, watching as the ships were being destroyed by Palpatine’s lightning. All she could do was watch as tears began to well in her eyes; She failed. She had failed the Resistance, she failed herself; But most of all, she failed her father. She couldn’t help but shut her eyes tightly, the tears freely falling from her face before she recalled her father's words; Of how he would always be there for her when she needed him. And right now, she desperately needed him.
“Be with me.. Be with me…” She mumbled to herself, opening her eyes once more to stare at the sky. She repeated the words a few more times before she began to hear voices and her eyes couldn’t help but widen a bit.
“These are your final steps, (Y/N). Rise and take them.” Obi-wan spoke to her.
“(Y/N).” Anakin, Ahsoka, and Kanan called out to her before Anakin spoke once more. 
“Bring back the balance, (Y/N), as I did.” He told her; All she could do at the moment was listen, slowly but surely feeling her strength return to her as she listened to the Jedi of the past.
“In the night, find the light, (Y/N)...” Luminara spoke.
“You’re not alone, (Y/N)..” Mace spoke in a serious tone before Yoda spoke up soon after him. “Alone, never have you been.”
“Every Jedi who ever lived lives in you.” Qui-gon spoke up before Anakin spoke once more. “The Force surrounds you, (Y/N).” Anakin spoke once more, doing his best to reach out to her.
“Let it guide you.” Aayla told her. “As it guided us.” Ahsoka spoke again. “Feel the Force flowing through you, (Y/N).” Mace told her, Anakin talking again. “Let it lift you.”
“Rise, (Y/N).” Adi spoke, to which (Y/N) rolled over, slamming her palm against the ground as they continued to talk to her; Telling her to rise and fight. To believe in the Jedi and everything they had. She slowly pushed herself up, breathing heavily as she glanced up, hearing her father’s voice, tears running down her face once more.
“(Y/N)... the Force will be with you, always.” He spoke to her, almost reassuring her once more. It was the final push she needed as she stood up; Extending her right arm out, she used the force to call for one of the lightsabers. The lightsaber came at her at a fast pace and she caught it within her hand and glanced at the lightsaber; It was her father’s. She let out a breath before she ignited it and watched as Palpatine turned his head to look at her with a frown. 
“Let your death be the final word.... In the story of the Rebellion.” He spoke as he slowly rose from the throne and held his hands out in front of him once more, shooting the electricity from them as he walked closer to her. (Y/N) was quick to block the attack, the lightsaber absorbing the lightning but it wasn’t enough. She knew this as her hand struggled to keep a tight grip on the lightsaber as Palpatine all but increased the power behind his attack.
“You are nothing! A fallen Jedi is no match for the power in me. I am all the Sith!” He spat as he increased his attack once more, watching as (Y/N)’s feet began to skid back across the ground. She needed to put an end to this, she needed to find Rey and get out of here. Grunting as she slid across the ground once more, she reached her hand out behind her, beginning to use the force to call Leia’s saber to her.
“And I…” She spoke, feeling the lightsaber in her hand as she gripped it tightly.
“Am all the Jedi.” (Y/N) spoke as she spun the saber out and combined it with Luke’s, crossing the blades and beginning to rickashay the attack back to Palpatine. She took a couple steps and put all her strength into it, watching as the lightning began to slowly but surely disintegrate Palpatine’s body. With an extra push from the force, Palpatine was killed and the throne behind him destroyed. It wasn’t long before the lightning strikes began to happen around her, knocking down several statues and killing the disciplines that were just behind her. 
(Y/N) let out a breath as she began to glance around her; Palpatine was defeated, what remained of the Final Order being taken care of by the Resistance just above her. She couldn’t help but begin to feel weak, her grip on the lightsabers slowly loosening as she dropped them to the floor. Eventually her body followed, colliding to the ground with a thud before she took her final breath, her body stilling just as the breath was exhaled. 
Rey couldn’t help but grunt as she pulled herself up onto the cliff, breathing heavily as blood ran down the side of her head. She bit her lip as she glanced around her; Her grandfather was gone, the disciples killed. Everything was gone, just like that. She huffed as she got herself to her feet, beginning to limp over to where (Y/N) laid. Her heart began to race; She wasn’t moving. She wasn’t breathing and Rey could feel her life in the force beginning to slip away. 
“No- Nonono-” She spoke as she fell beside (Y/N), quickly pulling her lifeless form into her lap. A few tears began to form as Rey glanced around the place; This couldn’t be happening, this couldn’t be happening. She couldn’t live her life without (Y/N), there was just no way. She realized it the moment she returned from Kijimi. She wanted to leave everything she knew behind, she wanted to run away with (Y/N) and live a life far from all this, far from the Final Order and from the Resistance. But now, as she held (Y/N)’s body close to her, she knew it wouldn’t happen. She couldn’t help but let a sob escape her as she buried her in her neck, keeping her as close as she could as she began to rock them both.
“(Y/N)...” A male voice spoke and Rey whipped her head up, staring with wide, teary eyes towards Ben Solo; He looked just as bad as they did, covered in dried blood and dirt, along with several cuts and potential bruises. He more than likely took up the fight with the Knights of Ren to get here, and she couldn’t help but let out a breath of her own as she tightened her hold on (Y/N). Ben let out a shaky breath as he began to make his way over to the two, going and kneeling beside them cautiously as he watched Rey.
“Empress..” He spoke with a low, dangerous tone, his hand hovering just above his lightersaber and Rey couldn’t help but frown at his action.
“I don’t respond to that title anymore.” Rey spat to him, moving her free hand up to wipe at her eyes as she carefully laid (Y/N) down, staring into her (e/c) eyes that had yet to close. Ben stared down at her as well, letting out a breath before he glanced at Rey.
“I’m sure you know what I want to do. And I know you know how to do it as well.” Ben spoke, to which Rey gave a small nod. It was very risky to attempt it, but at this point it was a risk she was willing to take. Letting out a shaky breath, Rey lifted a hand and placed it onto (Y/N)’s side, shutting her eyes as she slowly began to pass some of her force energy into her. Ben began doing the same, placing his hand on the other side of the girl and emitting the same force energy. The two were quiet for a while before they began to feel (Y/N)’s presence return to the force. They stopped then and there, looking down at the girl as she slowly shut her eyes, mumbling a simple name as she passed out.
“Rey…” She muttered, to which Rey couldn’t help but feel the tears welling in her eyes yet again. She carefully got to her feet and glanced at Ben, a saddened look in her eyes.
“Go ahead and take her; Take her back to the Resistance and when she wakes up, tell her we’ll meet again soon. Please Solo..” Rey pleaded to Ben, who stared at her with somewhat widened eyes; He never would have thought she would be pleading with him about this matter, but here they were. He gave a small nod, going ahead and picking up (Y/N) bridal style, being careful of her wounds.
“We’ll take care of her.. I promise.” He spoke, keeping (Y/N) close to his body as Rey gave a nod.
“Whenever you’re ready… Either come to Ajan Kloss or send her a message.. I’m sure she’ll be waiting.” Ben spoke, turning away and began to make his way out of the temple. Rey gave the two one last look before she turned away and began to limp away to where her spare ship resided. She would meet with (Y/N) again soon, but she needed some time till then. 
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valoisfulcanellideux · 11 months
For questions about These Stones Remember:
How did you decide on names for OCs and what kind of rules are you following for changing the names of the characters (like Pix -> Paix)?
Ooh, that's a good one!
For Pix/Paix I mainly needed something to differentiate when we're with his past self as opposed to his present day self. Obviously, the past self had to be close enough to the present self, with the reason for the change simply being that 'Pix' was what his students called him because they couldn't get their tongues around the proper pronunciation of his actual name.
'Paix' came from me just adding vowels to see what looked best, realising that it also meant 'peace' in another language, thinking, "Ooh, what would be the thing that brings him peace? Well, he's a scholar, so that would be learning," and then having the delighted realisation that I could approximate his full MC name if I added that vaguely Arabic (since, y'know, desert king and all that) 'al' followed by the made-up 'Lareiff' to mean 'learning'. The 'Onorait' (meaning 'Honoured') part was me sounding out various ways of giving him a title, and that's the one that stuck. Thus, we have Onorait Paix al-Lareiff.
For the redstone Guildmasters, again, I wanted to approximate their MC names, but - since they're all desert-dwellers - I wanted to give them vaguely middle eastern-sounding names. That gives us Maah-em Behro, Impeh al-Sheveh, and Ehto al-Selahb. However, with Tango having such bright blond hair, I thought I might make him a little different - something of a 'foreigner' - so I messed around with his name a bit, in an attempt to give it an almost unpronouncable sound (as if the reader would struggle to say it properly, just like native Paixandrians might!) which led to Teng-ahtk.
For original Paixandrian characters - such as Nehle-aalh, Ehzhani al-Q’ireh, and Q'aliseh - I've just stuck with a few linguistic commonalities, as you can probably see. An apostrophe takes the place of a 'u' after Q, and the letters 'a' and 'h' repeat a great deal. I'm not really one for conlangs, but I do try to be relatively consistent.
For the other emperors I've featured:
Sausage became Ser’Zhege - mainly because there was no way I was typing 'Sausage' with a straight face! 'Ser' is sometimes used for 'Sir'/'Sirrah' in fantasy books (and it also means 'to exist' in Old English, which is perfect for a man who has existed across many lifetimes).
Xsia-Minai’Te was just a way of giving Gem some kind of backstory purely from her name, while making who I'm referring to absolutely obvious. It has an East Asian feel to it, so she truly feels like she's from another empire.
Caelamondorion for Scott is literally the Elvish for "from the hilly country of the Caels" (AKA Scotland) so it actually means 'Scot'.
And, lastly, fWhip. His name was a bit of an odyssey! His full title is N’dachVeip, Grav’n er-Rachzem, and it comes from me wanting him to have a part-Slavic/part-Germanic name (since I'd already determined that Grym is a guttural language). I hit up Google Translate to find words in both those languages for fail, whip, count, grim, and lands (they don't need to be wholly accurate words; if they look good to me, I'm gonna use them, since they only need to be a jumping-off point). Then I mooshed them all together and twisted around a couple of vowels and consonants. N'dach comes from 'neudacha' (fail), Veip comes from nothing in particular (it was my way of giving the name something that sounded a bit like 'fWhip'), and for the title - which was never used in the story - Grav'n comes from 'Graf von' (Count of), and er-Rachzem comes from a mashup of 'mrachnyy' (grim) and 'zemli' (lands).
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gwynbleiddyn · 1 year
get to know charas: 26, 32, 55 for A Certain Princey Boi
[CRACKS ME KNUCKLES] let's get this man some reality checks
26. who do they miss?
there's the obvious - his family back home in the sundisk city. his wife, his best friend. the people who knew him as he was, before he appeared as the man that Talisman know him as now. people who still live and breathe and people that he could, potentially, return to. however, there's still a reluctance there even as Talisman creep closer and closer to Akhenaton and i think deep down, missing them is easier to deal with than the idea that they might not love him the way he is now, because he very much isn't the boy who left those shores.
(tbh i don't know if he understands how he's changed for the better, and i think his mother and shadiya will see it more clearly than most for knowing him the way that they did. he's not less selfish, but he's capable of altruism in balance. he's still vain and ostentatious, but he's starting to see beauty in himself for himself, not for other people. nothing fundamental about him has changed because, he's said it himself: to be anything other than what he is would be fatal, but he has been able to find some middle ground between himself and what people want to see
...to an extent 👀 bitch is still skewing neutral and has a petty and MEAN streak)
then there's the less obvious, the more strained tethers that have been cut - and he has no way of fixing those frayed ends. his father, in whose long shadow mio felt safest. his grandfather, whose old and gnarled hands would guide mio's early footsteps in a garden that would one day belong to him. two men that, in spite of how abrasive and ultimately damaging their ambitions were to him, mio cannot quite bring himself to unravel himself from for fear of losing them entirely.
there is something to be said for the amount of grief that maahes holds onto in life that maybe alludes to the weight of love he carries, even in their absence. he doesn't speak it. he's carried it for so long now that it's seeped into the very bones of him, into the fundament, and to name it or expose it would just shatter him. it'll happen one day but i think he's just biding his time until he can do it in a place where he would be happy to meet his end, bc that's how dangerous it feels to him - it would be a death and rebirth all in one.
32. do they seek control, or do they want less of it?
this is a man whose entire life was decided the moment he was born, and it's only deviated from that because of one (1) choice that mio made decades ago when he wasn't even in his right mind. until that point he was 'guided' by many hands and many voices, none of which were his own. even with Talisman, he kind of prefers to just ride the wave because he doesn't really know what else to do. leadership is something he expected to happen because it's his birthright, not something he's had to work for.
that's changing, slowly. he has more confidence in direction now, and he'll speak up if he thinks he can lead them somewhere or take charge in situations that are more familiar to him (i guess most recent example being w/ king hithaldor in the tower of mists - royals are all the fucking same and he knows it)
i think in a way he's trying to prove to himself that he can take leadership back home. his perspective is changing - he saw that his grandfather wasn't a willing ruler, he was forced into the crown and crumbled. mio's father, on the other hand, took the crown with purpose and became a beloved king, a figure of legend, almost. he sees the pattern repeating in his brother, khenum, who sits on a throne he was likely never going to have and mio doesn't want to see him fail because of it. there's a driving force there, for sure.
55. whose hand do they reach out for?
god i think he's really afraid to.
he could hold Shadiya's hand on their wedding day and pretend, just as well as she could, and it worked for both of them. there is, there was, a love there beyond words but not the kind of love everybody else wanted it to be - this wasn't a marriage of heart and mind but of soul alone, the guaranteed pathway for Pelor's divinity to continue its reign within the Sundisk. they held hands often, as reassurance. as a reminder that they made this choice together, and they would not leave each other alone to face it (until mio did, without thinking 😬)
he desperately wanted to hold Onu's hand from time to time. and he would catch Onu's fingers on occasion, when Onu wasn't looking. he'd see the way Onu would tense like a serpent, waiting to bite whoever might look at them and ruin the moment where they were allowed to dream of the ordinary. their reality was the true poison, not Onu's bared fangs.
it had been strangely easy to find Diric's hands, steady and reliable, and not entirely unlike the presence he was used to having at his side years ago. the anchor to Mio's pendulum swings of impulse and self-indulgence. but even in that absent gesture, so often made, there were always shadows of a past that Mio couldn't sweep aside. both the sweet and the bitter. impossible to tell apart.
i think he keeps his hands clasped now.
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m0etenchandon · 5 years
Hello my lovely wife! I'd love to make a request about the other love of my life, Gwilym Lee! Like.. Maybe if you could use 9 and/or 55 from the dialogue prompts. I'd love for it to be a blurb, maybe fluff/smut but if it gets too long just.. Cut out the smut, then I'll imagine that on my own. 🥰😍
Maah wiiife! Here it is! And yes you better believe I included some smut, but just a little bit;)
9. “The thought of losing you scares me.”
55. “You’re in love with me?”
18+ only
You kept stealing glances over at Gwilym. He had invited you over to his place for a movie night, but you couldn´t focus on the TV while he was there in all his glory. He looked effortlessly handsome in his casual slacks and fitted t-shirt. His beard was also quite long, like he hadn´t shaved in a while. Not to mention the way he smelled. He had just gotten out of the shower when he greeted you at the door, smelling freshly of his shower gel and that perfume you loved so much. You loved him, and not just as a friend. You were in love with him. There was no doubt in your mind. Only problem was that you never brought yourself to tell him. There was just no point. It would just turn out awkward and he wouldn´t love you back anyways. Not like that. And now that you were moving, it didn´t really matter. Your communication would probably consist of phone calls anyways so he wouldn´t see the pain you experience whenever you felt a rush of feelings for him. You obviously didn´t want to leave him, but you had to for your own sake. When a job opportunity showed up, you were quick to accept.
Gwilym found out a couple of days ago, but he hadn´t really said much about it. He was happy for you, but there was something else on his mind. You could tell. His face was usually scrunched up in thought whenever you hung out. He kept staring at you, just like he was right now. You could feel his eyes burn into your sides.
“You´re staring”, you mumbled, meeting his gaze for a second before turning to look at the TV.
“Oh”, Gwilym said, shaking his head slightly to snap out of it. “I´m sorry, darling”
Your heart jumped, just like it did every time he called you that. And that was a lot. There were days where you wanted to give your heart a break and say no to hanging out, but it was like you craved him.
“What are you thinking about? You´ve been weird for days now”, you said.  You turned to look at him, resting your elbow on the back of the couch, your hand tugging at some loose treads.
“Did you ever stop to think about just how long I´ve been acting like this?”, Gwilym asked.
“Not really”, you said. You furrowed your eyebrows. What was he trying to say? It´s been almost a week, probably ever since- oh. He had been weird ever since you told him about your new job. “Wait, is it because I´m leaving?”
“Mhm”, he said. Gwilym rested his hand beside yours, ever so slightly running his fingers over your knuckles. Sending your heart into overdrive. “I´m going to miss you. I don´t want you to leave me”
“Gwilym, we´ll still keep in contact. I just have to do this for myself”, you admitted. You desperately wanted to grab his hand in yours, but that would be weird. So instead, you settled on swallowing your feelings. Just like always.
“I know, and I´m so proud of you for doing it. I just- I don´t even know what to say. I´m dreading the day that you leave. I´ll be a mess”, Gwilym said. God, your heart was about to grow out of your chest. You had to hold back your tears.
“You´ll be ok. We´ll be-“, you were cut off by Gwilym.
“The thought of losing you scares me so much”, he blurted out, words barely audible above his mumble.
Your lungs felt like they were going to give out any moment. What did he even mean by that?
“I love you, Y/N. And not just as a friend. I´ve loved you for so bloody long. That’s why I always make up stupid excuses to see you. I just need you to be close. I´m not sure I can live without you. I don´t want to. I know I should have told you earlier and that this is so rude of me to say just before you leave but-”, Gwilym said, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. Desperately trying to hold back the tears that wanted to flood his eyes. “I just need you to know. I would never forgive myself if you left and you didn´t know the truth”
You stared at him for a good few seconds, processing his words. Did he just? What? Gwilym loved you. He was in love with you.
A tear escaped your eyes, leaving a black trail of mascara behind as it ran down your cheek. Gwilym reached out to wipe it away, letting his touch linger for longer than necessary.
“Y-You´re in love with me?”, you stuttered, meeting his gorgeous deep blue eyes. It almost felt like the first time. Like you saw all of him for once.
“I am. I really am. A stupid amount even”, he admitted, letting a soft chuckle leave his lips. “How do you not know that?”
“Because you haven´t told me, you idiot”, you half-yelled, hitting his chest playfully. “But, I love you too, Gwilym”. It felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders, like you were finally complete.
“Yeah?”, Gwilym asked, grabbing your hand in his. He wasn´t shy this time. He squeezed it tightly, afraid to let go.
You nodded as you moved to straddle his lap, grabbing his head in yours. You ran your fingers over his beard, looking up at him before finally pressing your lips to his. The butterflies in your stomach went into shock as the kiss progressed. Your entire body tensing up before releasing and melting into his touch. Gwilym slid his tongue along your bottom lip, humming contently as you opened your mouth for him.
His hands reached out to grab your waist, pulling you closer to his body. Guiding you, tentatively urging you to grind down on his crotch.
You gasped into his mouth as you felt his slight bulge under your heat. The room all of a sudden feeling way too warm.
You deepened the kiss as you ran your hands down his chest, feeling his toned stomach before pressing down on his bulge. Gwilym groaned, pressing his fingers into your waist, biting down on your bottom lip.
“God that feels good, darling”, Gwilym said, bucking into your touch. You were overcome by a sense of rush, needing to have him. All of him.
You popped the button on his slack, pulling down the zipper before dipping into his boxers and freeing his cock. It was hard and heavy in your hand, his shaft pumping with blood. The tip red and angry.
Gwilym moaned as you wrapped your hand around him and slowly worked the skin back and forth, swiping your thumb over the slit, smearing the precum down his shaft.
“Now I don´t want to leave anymore”, you admitted, pulling away from his lips to stare into his eyes instead. His were dopey and full of lust and love.
“You´re not letting this opportunity go, I don´t- bloody hell”, he started, only to be interrupted by a moan as you twisted your hand over the head of his cock. You giggled, repeating the action. “Shit, I´ll move. I´ll follow you anywhere”
“Really?”, you asked, running your free hand through his hair. Gwilym sighed contently.
“Yes. I just want to be with you. Well, if you want to of course”
“I guess me literally jerking you off right now confirms that I do”, you giggled.
“I guess it does, darling. I love you”, he said. God those three words made your heart soar, a stupid grin forming on your face.
“I love you too, Gwilym”, you said, leaning in to press your lips to his. “But let´s talk about that later, yeah?”
“God yes”, he groaned, thrusting his hips up to meet your touch.
You quickly discarded your clothes, feeling his eyes on you the entire time. Gwilym took in every inch of your skin as it was revealed, telling you how much he loved your body. How much he loved you. And you felt it too.
“Are you ready, darling?”, Gwilym asked as you straddled his lap again. You grabbed his cock to line up with your entrance, nodding before slowly sinking down. Feeling every vein and ridge of him as he filled you up. Your walls fluttering around his cock.
“That´s so- Oh my god”, you moaned, placing your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself. Taking a few deep breaths.
“You feel amazing. I can´t believe this is happening”, he said. He pressed a kiss to your lips before sliding his hands down to your ass, urging you to start moving. So, you did.
You didn´t last long as you started riding him, swirling your hips every now and then. Feeling his fingers press against your clit. It was too much for both of you. All the love and all the pent-up lust just unraveling as you came. And as you felt him twitch and release inside you, you realized that it didn´t matter if you moved or not. As long as Gwilym was there with you, you would be home.
Masterlist / blurb masterlist
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Blurb tag list (open, comment or send an ask. I can´t reply to comments though, but I see them!) @rogahhtaylahh, @chocolatealmondmilkshake, @royalblueviper, @benders-diamond-earring, @travelbugg64, @harrisunn
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Lobotomy Corp Pets
Angela permits the Sephirah to have office pets but things get out of hand quickly.
“I think it looks classy in the corner of my office.” Tiphereth sighed sweetly, gesturing to the large fish tank teeming with colorful fish. The little boy was through the moon, excited to have a pet in his office. “Thank you, Angela. I didn’t mean to impose-” “It’s simply fish.” She responded, almost robotically, “I don’t see them impeding your work very much.” “I actually think this will improve my work!” He nearly squealed, watching the bright technicolor creatures swim around. Angela raised a brow and a devious smirk formed. “Really?” “Yeah, It will make the day bearable. Who doesn’t want a friend or a couple of friends to help you through each day?” The Ai smiled, tapping her chin and running through the logistics of her new forming plan in her heard. “Tell me... do you think it would help the other Sephirah as well?”
The rule was enacted seemingly out of nowhere. Suddenly, the sefirot were allowed office pets. This email out of nowhere was interesting and it didn’t take long for the changes to be implemented.  Angela began in the Control Department, walking the halls and noting the employees and their tasks. She made her way to Malkuth’s office, opening the door without so much as a knock to see the Sephirah hard at work with some paperwork. The cockatiel on her desk danced happily, holding a pen in its mouth. Malkuth took the pen, thanking the little bird for it’s help. “Hello, Malkuth,” Angela finally greeted. Both the girl and the bird looked up, the bird mimicking the sound of the first trumpet upon seeing an intruder. “Oh, Good Morning Angela... Picnic, can you get mommy the white out?” It whistled, kicking off the desk into flight and going over to a little disorganized junk drawer in the corner. It picked up and flung around items as it searched and Angela just watched him eerily. “Your pet is not only for companionship but also has a practical use.” “Y-Yeah, Picnic is a very sweet bird.” “Good to see that it’s helping you work... Do you know if any other Sefirot have gotten into the spirit of things?” “I know Netzach got something and the information department has been abuzz all morning about whatever Yesod has.” “abuzz?” Malkuth nodded, digging through her papers as the cockatiel returned with a bottle of white out. “Yes, Something has them all talking and gossiping.”
It wasn’t a far walk to the information department and on the way, snickers and giggles could be heard. Angela entered without knocking and wasn’t phased at all at the sight. Yesod was at his standing desk and at his side was .... a naked cat. “It appears your mammal has lost it’s hair somewhere.” She commented, making the Sefirot roll his eyes. The cat jumped into his desk and he quickly pet the affectionate thing. “ Qetesh is a Donskoy. She doesn’t have any hair. It’s more efficient.” “It looks gross.” He sighed at her remark, having heard something similar all morning from his team. “She doesn’t have hairballs, at least.” “I suppose that is a plus.” “Why is everyone so interested in Qetesh? Netzach and Hod have absolutely abysmal choices.” He complained. “Cats are clean, functional, and they are independent mostly.” “What do Netzach and Hod have?” “Frogs.” “...Excuse me?” “Just go to the Security department. They should both be there.”
There was a hastily drawn sign that read Frog Room hanging on the door of Netzach’s office. From inside he heard gigglings and snorts from Hod and Angela determined that knocking was the best idea this time. Hod immediately asked her to enter and Angela was not prepared for what she was about to see. Inside was Netzach and Hod of course and a couple employees from both departments. There were hundreds of frogs hopping loose all over the room, jumping on people and climing on everything.Netzach had one on his head and Hod was cuddling about 5 of them like babies. “...Do I want to know what's going on here?”  “Fun.” Netzach said simply. “We got a shitload of frogs.” “I can....see that.” She said, being slightly distracted as a happy little frog jumped onto her foot. She looked down at it before kicking it off, launching it to Netzach  and hitting him in the face with a loud slap. He didn’t seem to mind, picking up the little guy. “She’s not the cuddly type, Archibald. You stay here with me.” “Please tell me you did not name them all.” “Oh!” Hod started, poking the head of the frogs she was holding. “Of course we did! This one is Pep, this one is chicken nugget, we call this little guy Squeedly Spooch-” “Don’t forget Durndle.” Netzach butt in, leaving Angela almost in shock. She had no intention of sticking around and hearing all the names.
Angela stopped by to say hello to the Tiphereth fish tank before making her way to the Welfare Department. The sound of arguing drew her to the hallway that connected the Welfare and Disciplinary departments. The yelling sounded all too familiar.  When she saw Chesed leaning against the wall, holding a puppy in his arms and across from him was Gebura with a leash on ..... “Gebura, is that a Wolverine?” Angela asked, almost exhausted. Both Sefirot turned to look at their boss but Gebura rolled her eyes. “Hello Angela.” Chesed started. “I was just taking Eirene for a little walk. Just to get my precious fluffy sheltie a lay of the land-” “If you’re going to address me do not coddle your dog while doing it.” Angela warned, unamused by the blue haired sephirah cuddling the animal. He ignored her, continuing to hug his precious puppy.  “Gebura’s Wolverine is very aggressive.” “He’s on a fucking leash. What more do you want from me!?” “It bites every employee it walks by-” Chesed was interrupted when the little furry creature snapped its jaws at him. “Get your little monster away from me.” “Maahes is MY little monster!” “I care much less about this now.” Angela said dryly, walking off and not bothering to weigh in on either side.
Hokma was frazzled, looking under every desk in the department when Angela arrived. She looked at him curiously but he didn’t seem to notice. “Milly! Milly sweetie where are you?” “You lost your pet?” “Oh, Angela, thank goodness.” He stood quickly, dusting himself off and trying to seem less disheveled. “Milly is missing. She’s a miniature pig.” “Where is the last place you saw her?” “She was just running around. Oh, Milly where have you gone.” “Well, when you find her let me know. I’ll go see what pet Binah has decided to keep.” “Yes. Yes. Of course, Angela.” She had already started walking off, trying not to look back at the sound of Hokma panicking. She made her way into the dark halls of the Extraction department. There were discouraging roars and rumbles coming deep from the area and Angela continued stoically through the hall. It wasn’t long before she came upon Binah’s throne. None of her employees were anywhere to be seen. Behind her stood the large black mass, growling at Angela’s approach. “Binah.” “Angela.... to what do I owe this visit?” “Is that the Mountain of Smiling Bodies?” “I call him Mose, for short.” Binah said casually. “He’s cute when you get past the smell.” The creature burped, a bright pink color shooting out from its mouth and landing at Angela’s feet. The collar read ‘Milly’ and Angela just had to sigh. “....He got hungry-” “Put him back.” “There is no rule that says I have to.” “There’s about to be, this was all a mistake.” Angela turned heel, walking out of the room and massaging her forehead. Binah sighed, petting the sticky mess who let out a little grunt in reponse. “....I’ll still call you Mose, buddy.”
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sarasalandhistory · 4 years
Empress Li Xiao
Up first, my great something or another grandmother, Empress Li Xiao, the Phoenix Queen. Now there are a lot of legends about her but here’s everything I’ve managed to compile that are actually facts about her life. 
Empress Li Xiao was born 900 years ago in what would one day be Chai. However when she was alive, Sarasaland was barely more than a series of warring tribes and city-state that were ruled by violent warlords and the deadliest was known only as Zhēngfú zhě to Chai villages. It was said that even just by looking at you, he could turn your blood to a freezing chill; others would say he could destroy an entire land with only himself. It was said no one could even come close to him without dying under his gaze, but unfortunately for him the end of his empire would come in the form of my great-great-something grandma.
Li Xiao lived by herself in the village, that would one day be our capital, after the death of her parents (What are their names? I dunno, they’re names are lost to history) supporting herself by being textile merchant (Which is actually where Sarasaland comes from! From the textiles Empress Li Xiao made! There are even a few on display at the Sarasalandian Museum of Ancient History in Chai.). Known for being the most beautiful girl in the kingdom with silky ebony-black hair that reached her waist, milky white skin, and almond-shaped chocolate eyes, many tried to date her but all were turned away because in her own words, "I want someone who will love me for me," and that was all she said on the matter and thus lived her years alone until she turned 21 years old and the Zhēngfú zhě came into to conquer the tiny human village that fell within an hour. Forced to pay tribute to Zhēngfú zhě, he caught sight of Li Xiao (who was the one to offer up their year's harvest, so he wouldn't burn down their homes) and demanded she be his wife. Horrified and angry, she played along and even got him to let the wedding to happen tomorrow so she would be able to come up with a plan. In the middle of the night she fled to an old friend, Lang Ling, home. Lang Ling, not wanting to see his friend (and secret crush) married off to a monster gave his spare clothes to her as well as supplies so she could flee somewhere else. After thanking her friend, she fled the city in the dead of night. 
Having never seen anything outside of her village, Li Xiao was both wary and curious about what the rest of the lands had to offer and with nowhere left to go she explored all the lands. From the burning sands of Birabuto to the icy peaks of the Easton Kingdom. Now you are probably asking how she gained the nickname, Phoenix Queen, well this comes from one of her travels in Birabuto. While walking through the sands, she came across a great bird of orange, yellow, and purple feathers who had fallen to the ground and when she tried to touch the bird it burn her finger. Wanting to help the suffering creature, she braved the burns and pain and brought the bird to her hut where she cared for him for months until he felt well enough. As thanks for caring for him, the phoenix gave her great power to free her country and people and she gladly accepted. Her first stop was the Birabuto village of Maahes that was ruled by a cruel leader who cared little for the people. Her name was Serpci. Li Xiao was able to raise the peasants against the leader and she used her new powers to help the Gaos, and by taking Serpci by surprised the Gaos and Li Xiao took the village back and Serpci died. As a gift for helping them, the Maahes Gaos offered gold and fine jewel but she rejected them saying "I have no use for your gold," but the Gaos then offered themselves as an army to which she rejected before they insisted. This continued on throughout the many villages until the Warlords grew worried and tried to bring down the rebels and their leader, but every time they got close the Phoenix she had rescued would warn her and tell her to blind the army using her magic. 
 After defeating the corrupt leaders and three of the four great warlords who was still in the future Chai, plotting her death, but Lang Ling having heard she was back left his brothers and sisters to secretly join her. After many long treacherous battles they finally defeated Zhēngfú zhě and then sealed his body in a forgotten tomb in Birabuto but unfortunately, the Phoenix was wounded he but promised that he would be bound to Li Xiao and our family forever more. Li Xiao and Lang Ling had fallen in love and wanted to marry but the kingdoms wanted her to be the first queen of the newly united kingdom. under the new. Knowing the kingdom may fall to another cruel lord, she accepted but only with Lang Ling as her king and the kingdom agreed. They named Li Xiao the Phoniex Queen and along with her crown she set out to rebuild the kingdoms. She gave the land a new name, (Sarasaland), made her greatest generals from the war Lords and ministers, set up trade routes between the kingdoms, and financially helped scholars and artists to bring back joy to the battered lands. 5 years after she became queen, tragedy struck. Her first child, a girl with black hair, would not wake or make a noise. The worried and broken hearted parents brought their daughter to healer after healer until an immortal clairvoyant named Merlee suggested that the couple take the child to the tops of the Easton where a sacred spring where the light of the silver moon was always cast. The pair thanked the clairvoyant and brought their daughter to the mountain and laid her in the spring, where she finally cried thanks to Moon and she was given the name Jiao-Yue, who had eyes of as white as the pale moon. She and her husband would die in their 70's after their granddaughter, Hatsheput, turned 21.
Nowadays, Grandma Li Xiao is honored and remembered in a festival in Chai's festival of Fènghuáng Nǚwáng Jié, which means Phoenix Queen Festival. Its  was filled with games, food, singing, and a reenactment of the battles of Li Xiao. (I got to play Li Xiao three years in a row!)
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roastedlizlow · 6 years
DAY SEVEN - APPLES PAIR: Isora/Ichiko WC: 877 NOTE: Oh, Isora, Isora, you are... looks off, I’m still embarrassed at some of his lines from the route. Kakki did very well as him. Isora certainly lives up to his moodmaker aspect, but wow did his route take a turn. As with most of these, I’m not sure if I got him down 100% but I’m certainly a bit flustered after reviewing a bit to try! Thanks a lot, Isora!! Anyway, this takes place sometime post-route!
A warm day, where the breeze makes waves through streets, wafting the generous scents an expert baker’s craft with delicate care. Of course, the rather popular passitere is always ready to share his talent with the world over, striving to get better and better every day, striving to make something so delicious the one precious to him will be able to get past her dislike of a certain fruit, the one he caused. 
It’s a special day off, for the two of them, one they don’t get to have often, since they’re so busy. That makes these moments where he has her all to himself even more important though. He can’t help but want it, even if he knows, especially now, that there are points where he does need to hold back. She’s safe, sweet, happy.
“Whoa, you cut them to look like bunnies, Isora-kun! They’re so cute!”
“You bet! This way, they can bounce right into your month, Ichiko-chan~!”
“Hahaha! ...Wait, huh?”
And absolutely adorable!
“Haha, ju~st kidding, but--” he holds up one of the peeled apple slices, moving it in in a ‘hopping’ motion until it touches her lips, which he follows by leaning himself closer, “--maybe it wants to take itself that seriously?”
Ichiko blushes, deeply, trying her best to keep her mouth shut, even as Isora purposely brushes the little bunny apple against her lips again. Don’t let his teasing beat you, Ichiko..! Even, if she doesn’t mind this, it makes her heart race, and she doesn’t know what to think, how to keep her thoughts in order.
Her boyfriend is really unfair.
“Ichiko-chan, how mean, rejecting the little bunny like this,” Isora says this, making the apple ‘retreat’ and sets it off to the side of the plate, turning away at the same time. “These are just part of the presentation. The perfect topping to a treat I’ve made you.”
“A-Again? I told you I didn’t think I could eat this many...”
“One everyday, naturally,” he winks. “You don’t have to eat it though. I won’t force you.”
“I know...” Ichiko replies, “but after you went through this much effort...” It smells tasty too. She wouldn’t be surprised if a neighbor or two wandered over and asked for a bit. Isora’s generous enough to share with pride, chatting with them all the same, and Ichiko really respects how easily it comes to him.
“Then, you really will try it?”
“Ummm...” Ichiko’s taken once more by how puppy-like the younger is. “Yes, I will. Thank you for this, Isora-kun.”
“I want you to be happy, Ichiko-chan,” Isora says. He’ll gladly prepare every meal with her, run a cafe with her, just like when they reunited. It’s because of her he loves to bake, and it’s because of her he’s still pushing on this far. Things got rough when they weren’t at their safest, and he realizes how drastic his measures got, and how bad things ended up at the end, but now, things are better.
He treasures her truly. What an incredibly selfish man he is, desiring her attention like his, wanting to keep her to himself like this, toying with her like this. She said she didn’t mind it though, so maybe she’s selfish too.
How he loves this princess of his.
These sweet apples, and a cake for the pairing, he places a special cut apple leaf and one rabbit apple on it. Ichiko watches, wondering if he’s going to put a second one on it.
Just then, her phone rings, and she checks the caller ID to see that it’s Hino.
“Oh... Hino, I sho--” but just as she says it, Isora snatches her phone out of her hands, letting it ring as he spins it around a bit. “I-Isora-kun! Would you mind giving that back?”
“Nuh-uh, Ichiko-chan!” Isora shakes his head, “You’re mine today, remember?”
“Ah...” She told him he had to get along with Hino, but she supposes that not answering when she’s supposed to be out with her boyfriend is pretty normal - wait, why is Hino calling anyway? Bad timing, worried?
Her questions get pushed aside as Isora picks up the other rabbit apple in his free hand and says two simple words, loudly, “Rasoiri maah!”
“A magic trick?”
“Bingo,” Isora has his smile back up, his voice ever sweet, “Where will this little bunny go?” He sets down her phone once it finishes ringing and goes back to full focus mode. “Now, watch closely, and don’t get mad if you fall for me more, okay?”
Ichiko presses her lips, watching as Isora once again moves the rabbit apple around, waving it to mimic the way the creature in question moves. Isora seems to be enjoying how into it she’s getting, knowing full well that she’ll end up distracted by one part of the illusion soon.
Her eyes stay upon his hands, trying to trace where he’s going to allow the rabbit to end up, when he suddenly throws his hand up, and her gaze darts upward, gasping, surprised that he would throw it like that. Did he actually? Where’d it go? She looks around, searching, trying to discover it before he notices that she really thinks it’s disappeared.
And that’s when he captures her lips.
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redschillzone · 4 years
Smoke and Mirrors Pt. 3 (Sith!Rey x Female!Reader)
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(Gif found here!)
Pairing: Sith!Rey x Female!Reader
Word Count: 3.7k Words
Warnings: None
Summary: Arriving on Snoke’s dreadnought, Reader is put through one final test of loyalty; What side will she pick? Tag List: @theallseer97​ @maah-chan​
A/N: Part 3 is here, and it’s a bit of a long one! Thank you guys so much for the love on the series, it makes me so happy to know you guys are enjoying it. Maybe a part 4?
Watching as the pod carefully made it’s landing in the hangar, Rey didn’t even need to open it to know who was inside; The uneasy presence in the force made it obvious as to who was inside. Standing just above it, it opened, revealing the girl she knew she would have been seeing soon; Meeting Rey’s eyes with her own, (Y/N) let out a shaky breath. The two didn’t share a word, just stared at one another. It was a connection that lasted only mere seconds as Rey moved aside, allowing for the stormtroopers to make their way over. One of course had a pair of handcuffs, to which she couldn’t help but gulp. She was taken out of the pod and had her lightsaber taken from her, and was now standing in a rather quiet elevator with Rey. She knew where they were going; they were going to see Snoke, the one Rey was currently being trained under after her grandfather had sent her off for training. Shifting her gaze towards the dark robed girl, (Y/N) couldn’t help but speak up.
“You don’t have to do this…” She started, to which Rey shifted her golden gaze to look at the girl. Her hands were behind her back, having a tight hold on her lightsaber as she continued to talk.
“I can feel the conflict in you, it’s tearing you apart.. Rey, when we touched hands, I saw your future.” She continued, taking a step closer to Rey and kept eye contact with her. “Just the shape of it, but solid and clear. You will not bow before Snoke, you will turn.. I’ll help you, Rey- Please I saw it.” (Y/N) begged, trying to plead with her. She wasn’t lying to her, she did feel the conflict within Rey; Their little force chats had begun to stir Rey’s feelings, and began to fill her with doubt and conflict on whether what she was doing was the right thing or not. I mean, she was a Palpatine for one, she was bound to the darkside, no? Was that now how the whole Skywalker and Palpatine legacy continued? Letting out a breath, Rey quietly spoke up.
“I saw something, too.. Because of what I saw, I know when the moment comes you’ll be the one to turn.” She spoke, watching (Y/N) as her eyes widened. “You’ll stand with me.” She spoke with a small smile at the thought; (Y/N) beside her as her apprentice as she sat upon the throne not only as the Supreme Leader, but as the Empress. Chills ran down her spine at the thought, but those thoughts were pushed aside as the door opened to the throne room, the bright red walls and guards the first thing that caught (Y/N)’s eyes as she and Rey made their way out of the elevator. Once she was close enough, Rey moved herself down to one knee, bowing her head slightly as Snoke spoke up from his seat.
“Well done, my good and faithful apprentice. My faith in you is restored.” Snoke spoke up, giving a small glare to Rey as the memory was brought up of her failing her mission the first time, but it quickly vanished as Snoke’s attention was drawn to (Y/N). 
“Young (Y/N).. Welcome.” He spoke, watching as she narrowed her eyes on him. She had heard many stories of this man, of the things he had done, but meeting him in person was beginning to shake her to the core; And she knew he sensed it. Lifting his hand, he used the force to release her of the cuffs. 
“Come closer, child.. I can sense so much strength in you.” He spoke, watching as (Y/N) let out a shaky breath. “Darkness rises.. And light rises to meet it. I warned my young apprentice that as she grew stronger, her equal in the light would rise.” He spoke, watching as Rey glanced up slightly before the lightsaber within her grasp was ripped out by the force. The lightsaber now resided in Snoke’s hand, his gaze looking over the lightsaber as he hummed. 
“Skywalker.. I assumed wrongly.” He spoke, setting the lightsaber beside him before his eyes narrowed on (Y/N).
 “Closer, I said.” He growled, waving his hand and using the force to lift her, bringing her closer to him.
Panicked, she squirmed slightly but began to grit her teeth as she began to speak. “You underestimate Skywalker, and Rey, and me. It will be your downfall.” She growled out, tensing as they were soon face to face. Raising an eyebrow, he couldn’t help but chuckle lightly.
“Oh, have you seen something? A weakness in my apprentice? Is that why you came?” He hissed out, causing Rey to look up once more with a small, shocked expression. Was that the real reason she came, to try and convert her to the lightside? Well, it wouldn’t work. And it clearly won’t work now. 
“Young fool, it was I who bridged your minds. I stoked Rey’s conflicted soul, I knew he was not strong enough to hide it from you. And you were not wise enough to resist the bait.” He chuckled lightly, watching as (Y/N) stared with wide eyes before she grit her teeth, watching as Snoke raised a hand to gently touch the side of her face. She wanted to move away but with the force holding her in place, she had no way to move her head or any part of her body.
 “And now, you will give me Skywalker.. Then I will kill you with the cruelest stroke.” He hissed out to her, his eyes scanning her face for any form of fear, but (Y/N) raideated very little of it. 
“No.” (Y/N) hissed out, her eyes narrowed. She wouldn’t cave, she wouldn’t give in to the dark side. Not to Snoke at least. Raising an eyebrow, Snoke leaned in closer to her.
“Yes.” He hissed once more before pushing her away from him with the force, having her hover just a few feet above the air as he began to dig through her memories, his eyes trained on her form. 
“Give.. Me.. Everything.” He spoke once more, to which (Y/N) shut her eyes and began to scream, the pounding in her head was becoming unbearable, worse then when Rey had interrogated her to find out where BB-8 was hiding; This was much worse. It felt as though her head was being bashed in with a bat several times over, every personal thought being torn through in search of what happened back on that island with Luke. Staying on her knee, Rey swallowed hard as she watched (Y/N) scream above her, her gaze shifting to Snoke then back to her as he continued his torment on her mind. She hated it, this wasn’t how the plan was supposed to go.Looking back down as (Y/N) hit the ground, Snoke couldn’t help but laugh.
“Well, well, well- I did not expect Skywalker to be so wise!” He laughed some more, watching as (Y/N) grit her teeth from the ground, quickly standing up. 
“We will give him and the Jedi Order the death he desires.” He began, looking at his hand before he hummed lowly.
“Though.. I did not know he had a child.” Snoke commented, to which Rey hummed lowly. She knew already, her grandfather had informed her of the matter; But had told her to keep it only between the two of them.
“And I surely did not expect them to be standing in front of us.” Snoke added on, humming lowly as he shook his head. Rey held back the little chuckle she had in the back of her throat; Skywalkers and Palpatines always were destined to cross paths at one point or another, weren’t they? 
“But that doesn’t matter, not anymore at least. After the Rebels are gone, we will go to his planet and obliterate the entire island.” He told (Y/N) with a wicked grin on his face. Having enough of this, (Y/N) reached her hand out and used the force to call the lightsaber towards her. Though what she didn’t expect was for it to go flying past her, watching as Rey slightly moved her head to the right to avoid being hit before it flew back at her at a fast pace, hitting her hard on the back of the head before returning to its place beside Snoke. He couldn’t help but chuckle once more at the scene in front of him as (Y/N) rubbed the back of her head.
“Such spunk and enthusiasm, expected of a Skywalker.” Snoke spoke, watching as (Y/N) stood back up and glared at him. Humming lightly, he raised his hand once more, flicking his fingers to the right. 
“Look here.” He instructed before (Y/N) was once again sent away via the force, placed in front of what looked to be a giant magnifying glass. In it, she was able to see what was left of the Resistance, each transport being shot at one by one, some shots missing, others hitting their targets. (Y/N)’s eyes widened as she watched, her gut filled with dread at what was happening right before her very eyes.
“The entire Resistance on those transports.. Soon they will all be gone, for you, all is lost.” Snoke spoke in a low, dangerous tone. Watching as (Y/N) grit her teeth; Deciding to try something new, she spun around as the force hold on her was dropped, holding her hand out to call upon Rey’s double sided lightsaber, igniting it and holding it close to her frame. The guards around her switched to an attack stance, their weapons at the ready in case she attempted to do anything. Rey could only watch in pure shock at what (Y/N) was attempting to do, shifting her gaze from her master to her, still remaining on one knee.
“Ooh, and still that fiery spit of hope!” Snoke spoke, laughter filling the throne room once more as (Y/N) grit her teeth, keeping a tight grip on the weapon before her. Going and lunging towards Snoke, she was sure she would have done some serious damage had it not been for the sudden force grab she was put into before being thrown across the room. She hit the ground with a hard thud, letting go of the double sided lightsaber which spun out in front of Rey, turning off in the process. Groaning lowly, she was quickly picked up once more by the force and put into a kneeling position just in front of Rey, the hold tight on her as she watched Rey with wide eyes.
“You have the spirit of a true Jedi, and because of that.. You must die.” He spat before he looked up towards Rey, a serious tone now overtaking him.
“My worthy apprentice, princess of darkness, heir to Emperor Palpatine. Where there was conflict, I now sense resolve. Where there was weakness, strength. Complete your training, and fulfil your destiny.” He spat, watching as Rey took hold of her lightsaber and stood, allowing herself a moment to stretch as she watched (Y/N), beginning to point one side of her lightsaber towards (Y/N). 
“I know what I have to do..” Rey spoke, her tone low and almost dark. (Y/N)’s eyes widened, fear beginning to course through her veins as her heart began to pound in her ears, sweat began to form on her brow as she spoke weakly.
“Rey.. Please…” She begged, searching Rey’s golden eyes for any form of hesitation. She felt the tears welling in her eyes as she found none, only a blank expression as Rey listened to Snoke talk.
“You think you can turn her? Pathetic child. I cannot be betrayed, I cannot be beaten. I see her mind, I see her every intent.” Snoke spoke, his eyes slowly shutting as he began to picture how this moment would turn out; One of the last remaining Jedi wiped out, the Resistance blown to dust in space. The First Order would be victorious and would rule over the galaxy with no problems. Rey on the other hand had another plan in mind, watching (Y/N) quietly, she began to slowly tilt her hand, using the force to turn the lightsaber that sat just beside Snoke every so slowly.
“Yes.. I see her turning the lightsaber to strike true.. And now, foolish child, she ignites it, and kills her true enemy!” Snoke spat but quickly sucked in a breath as the lightsaber ignited and shot through his side, coming out the other end. (Y/N) hit the ground with a thud before she quickly turned around to look at what had just happened, her eyes wide as she took in the sight in front of her. With a quick flick of her fingers, Rey pulled the lightsaber to cut through Snoke and made its way towards the two. Reaching her hand up, (Y/N) quickly caught the lightsaber and stood up, looking towards Rey with wide eyes. All Rey could do was give a simple nod before the two were placed back to back, Rey igniting her lightsaber as the guards that surrounded the room began to charge at the two.
She had fought with these guards before during her training, she knew of their weakness and what would happen if you were to kill one of the twins; How the other would avenge their fallen brother and attack harder. Rey fought with grace and thought out motions while (Y/N) swung and striked anything that came near her, she leaned over and killed a guard through the chest before she leaned her back on Rey’s back, moving her left hand to grasp at Rey’s thigh and kick the guard just in front of her. Shocked at the sudden action, Rey glanced back at (Y/N) but continued her attacks, soon managing to take a majority of the guards away from the center of the room. 
Quickly she struck them down, spinning the double ended blade to protect from most of their attacks and easily stabbing two at once. Quickly looking up, Rey dropped her lightsaber and began to dodge the various attacks the guard dished out, soon grabbed the weapon and tried to disarm them but was quickly roped into a chokehold. Squirming and trying to get out, she shifted her gaze over to (Y/N) as she finished fighting the two guards that surrounded her. Looking towards Rey with wide eyes, she went and quickly threw her lightsaber at her, to which Rey quickly caught and activated, stabbing the guard in the head. Breathing heavily, she removed the handle from her throat and watched as the body dropped. Letting out a breath, (Y/N) quickly ran over to the magnifying glass.
“Rey, the fleet. Order them to stop firing. There’s still time to save the fle-” (Y/N) stopped, looking over at Rey as she slowly made her way over to the throne and what remained of Snoke’s body.
“Rey..?” She spoke, slowly making her way over to Rey. She was amazed that she had done it, she had turned against her master and now here she was, fighting with herself on what to do next. Letting out a breath, Rey turned to face (Y/N), standing just a few feet away from her.
“It’s time to let old things die.. Snoke, Skywalker, the sith, the jedi, the rebels.. Let it all die.” She spoke, taking a few steps towards (Y/N), a pleading look in her eyes.
“(Y/N), I want you to join me. We can rule together and bring a new order to the galaxy.” She pleaded, but all (Y/N) could do was stare with wide eyes before she let out a breath of her own, biting down on her lip before she spoke up.
“Don’t do this Rey, please.. Don’t go this way.” She choked out, tears filling her eyes. She swore she had some kind of impact on Rey, she could have sworn she had begun to turn Rey to the lightside, but she seemed to have been wrong. Maybe it was the reverse effect? Maybe Rey had been pulling her to the dark side this whole time; Her training with Luke, her father, had been such a mess, filled with constant distractions and misleading information. Maybe Rey was trying to take her away from all that, give her a way to escape it all, but she was pulled out of her thoughts as Rey shouted out to her.
“No- No you’re still holding on, let go!” Rey shouted, her shoulders shaking with anger as she watched (Y/N), gritting her teeth before she spoke up once more.
“Do you wanna know the truth about your parents? Or have you always known? You know how Luke feels about you, I mean hell, your mother just upped and disappeared. They left you on your own. You’ve hidden this away, you know the truth. Go on, say it.” Rey encouraged, watching as the tears ran down (Y/N)’s cheeks.
“They.. They don’t care.. They never did.” She choked out, sniffling quietly as her hands turned to fists beside her. Rey was right, Luke never cared for her. He dumped her on Naboo with some random family- Sure they cared for her, but her own father didn’t want her, he didn’t give her a reason for why he left her there either. Hell, he didn’t even want to train her after she sought him out on Leia’s own accord.
“They don’t care, they never did. Luke dumped you off and left you for dead. You have no place in this story.. You’re nothing to them, you’re nothing to everyone.” She spoke, taking another step towards (Y/N) and held her hand out, her eyes beginning to well with her own tears. She wanted to help (Y/N), she could sense the darkness growing inside her, she wanted to help train her in the dark ways of the force, but all she needed was (Y/N)’s consent; She needed (Y/N) to take her hand.
“Join me.. Please..” Rey pleaded once more, her hand shaking lightly. (Y/N) sniffled quietly once more, the darkness inside her just begging to be released. She wanted to take Rey’s hand, she wanted it so badly but there was something pulling her back, someone was pulling her back and she knew exactly who it was; Leia. She couldn’t leave her alone in the Resistance, I mean sure, she had Ben and the others but this? She had to think of herself, of what she could do to better herself and right now, with everything going on in this war, this seemed the best option. Slowly raising her hand, (Y/N) let out a shaky breath before she took Rey’s hand, glancing up at the dark robed girl as her eyes widened. She didn’t expect her to take her hand, she was expecting an argument, a fight of some kind to emerge but here they were; Her hand in hers. “I.. I want to join you, Rey.” (Y/N) spoke, tears falling from her face as Rey pulled her into a kiss, a squeak leaving (Y/N)’s lips before she began to relax into the kiss, her eyes shutting as they stood together in the center of the room. They would need to leave soon, the ship was bound to explode at some given point with the amount of damage that had been done; Rey knew this. But for the moment being, this was perfect. Pulling away from the kiss, Rey couldn’t help but grin at (Y/N).
“You won’t regret this decision, I assure you.” She told (Y/N), moving a hand up to her cheek to gently wipe away at the tears in her eyes.
“I’ll train you to become as strong as me, if not stronger. I’ll take care of you, and you’ll remain at my side as we bring a new order to the galaxy.” She spoke once more, watching as (Y/N) smiled lightly. The darkness inside (Y/N) was beginning to grow, and with what she saw in the cave back on Ahch-To, she knew she would be a strong sith and being by Rey’s side, she couldn’t be happier.
Letting out a shaky breath, (Y/N) stared down the man she had once called father, his force projection staring right back at her. The two had fought for what seemed like ages to her, but it was all just a hoax as (Y/N) went to strike him down, only for her saber to go through his body. Gritting her teeth, (Y/N) watched as the man spoke to her in a low, serious tone. 
“So.. You’ve decided to join her.” Luke spoke, his hands now at his sides as he put away the saber he used to fight. 
“You can’t change my mind.. She’s shown me the flaws and errors of my ways, the First Order was where I always belonged.” She spat to her father, who could only let out a small sigh.
“I know, I’ve failed you (Y/N).. But just know this, I’ll always be with you.” He told her, taking a few steps forward and putting a hand on her cheek, he looked into her eyes once more. He knew he was a terrible father, and he wished he could take it back; Go back in time and fix his errors, raise his daughter the way Han had raised Ben, enjoy the family he could have had. But no, because of the darkness he had felt in one of his pupils, he was scared to raise his daughter, afraid she too would fall to the same darkness. Yet here she was, falling to that very darkness all because he was afraid to stop it.
Letting out a shaky breath, (Y/N) watched Luke with watery eyes; She wouldn’t change, not now. She had Rey, and Rey was going to give her everything she needed, so why was it that this was affecting her? He didn’t care for her, yet here he was, in his last few moments saying he cared. Gritting her teeth, she moved away from him, turning her back to him as he sighed once more.
“See you around, kid.” He spoke before his force projection disappeared, leaving (Y/N) with an unsteady mind and a broken heart.
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