#I’ll definitely delete this later just yeah
ol-blue · 1 year
I hate how talking about my emotions feels like I’m a stray cat with a mousetrap on its paw, you’re really really trying to help you know I’m in pain I know I’m in pain but I don’t want help, there is a chance you’ll just put a second mousetrap on my paw if I let myself go closer. There’s a chance you might not even care the mousetrap is there in the first place and you just want me to stop making the chained up dogs bark and you just want me thrown in the shelter
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adrift-in-thyme · 1 month
Note to self: never again let it slip to an irl person that I write whump
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moonysmayhem · 9 months
i sometimes wish i cared less. that i wasnt a good person. and yet i do. and i am.
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twilightsparasite · 3 months
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insaneillusionist · 5 months
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panic-at-the-fiction · 10 months
The death of you
Summary: You and your best friend have your usual movie night except he can’t seem to keep his cuddly hands to himself and your close to physical combusting. Just a bit of your usual order of slightly angsty desired filled romance with little touch starved reader on the side.
Warnings: doesn’t go any farther than kissing just very passionate, very suggestive, Maybe I’m biased as the author, but damn it’s hot.
A/N: So I’ve been out of practice for 10 months now. Haven’t even wrote more than a paragraph that I just turned around and delete 20 minutes later these past few months. But let’s just say I found some inspiration to use for our favorite fictional men and we’ll see how this goes.
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Movie night with Eddie, that’s normal, done it a million times. With friends, just the two of you, late at night, middle of day, outside, inside, at the theater, at his house, thrillers, comedies, action, romance, anything and everywhere for years. So why was this time different?
Currently you were sitting on Eddie’s couch watching the most recently picked out tape from the family video store. Steve let you guys borrow them for free as long as you brought the tape back the very next day. You guys watched movies all the time, so why was your heart beating out of your chest like a race horse on its final stretch to the finish line? Was it because his arm was around you?
No it couldn’t be that, Eddie was a big cuddler, it didn’t mean anything. He loved hugs despite his scary image in the public eyes, and he was always finding weird ways to poke, prod, or touch you. He was the type of friend to bite your shoulder when he got bored, an absolutely feral mad man type guy. And he knew that despite your lack of experience with physical affection, you never mind when it came from him. He always got your free pass.
Maybe it was the slow circles you felt him drawing on your skin? Or how occasionally his hands would slip into your hair, playing with it? Much more intimate little things that were making you feel like you were going to jump out of your skin from just the hints at this new kind of physical touch.
Yep, that was definitely the issue.
You tried removing his arm from around your shoulder and instead brought it back down to his side. But when he looked at you with such confused puppy dog eyes, you caved and played it off as just repositioning yourself as you instead wrapped around his arm and leaned into his side, laying your head on his shoulder. You could never deny him anything, just another issue of being so damn in love with your best friend.
As the movie ticked on and you both stuck to your usual quiet with some slight hilarious commentary during the movie, Eddie eventually pulled you closer so that he could bury his head into the back of your neck. One of his hands came up to play with your hair some more.
You knew he wasn’t paying attention to the movie anymore. He couldn't possibly see it, the way he was laying his head into your neck. Of course, it wasn't a very intriguing movie either, just not a great pick this time. But now he was rubbing the same small circles right under your ear, this time, and every so often his hand would find itself tangled in your hair. You tried to keep yourself straight and breathing consistently without letting your mind wander too far. He had to know this! That HE was killing you slowly.
Your breath nearly hitched this time when you swear you felt him ever so lightly brush his lips against the side of your neck. Did you imagine that part? God, you hoped he would do it again.
You weren’t even questioning why he would do any of this, you just knew you had to get yourself out of there before he realized how much of a mess this was turning you into.
As the movie came to an end you swear he had brushed his lips against your neck at least twice more, and you still couldn’t tell if it was intentional.
“Eddie it’s getting late I’ll have to go home soon.”
“Yeah” he muttered into your hair, all the while holding you tighter.
You gave him, and even more importantly, yourself, another minute before attempting to pull away. “Eddie, I have to get home soon.” You sounded like a broken record as you once again tried half-heartedly to pull yourself free from him.
He only pulled you back in and buried his head into your other shoulder. His arm came around, this time drawing lines down the front of your neck, and you shook at the feeling. This time your hand came up, cupping his head and running your fingers through his hair. Which only caused him to brush his lips against your shoulder once more. That’s it, it had to be intentional.
You swore you would combust into flames if you stayed there any longer like this. As every trace down your throat made you stop breathing. “I'm going to have to be the bad guy. I have to go.” You said, completely pulling away from him this time, moving to the other side of the couch.
He groaned, but nodded as he let you move away from him this time. He ran a hand through his hair before staring at you, darker and more lovingly than you had ever seen before. “Man, you're pretty with your hair messed up.”
God, that was the final straw. You jumped up off the couch. “You can’t say shit like that, Eddie.” You ran your hands up and down your arms, trying to stop how shaken you felt. Your nerves were on high, and he was still looking at you with that same stare.
“Why not?”
“Because what?”
“You’re my best friend. You can’t sit here and hold me like that, and stare at me like that and kiss my neck softly like that and then expect me to just be able to functionally drive home like it was another normal movie night hangout.” You snapped. He had you wound up and your lack of dating experience left you mad for more touches from Eddie.
He sunk low and pain hit you in the gut. “I didn’t realize I was crossing any boundaries of our friendship.” He said, leaning back on the couch. “The last thing I ever wanted to do was make you uncomfortable.”
You sat back down next to him, panicking as you realized how he took your reaction. “No, god no, no that’s not what I meant. You never make me feel uncomfortable, Eddie. EVER! I mean, it wasn’t bad like that. It was good…horribly, terribly good. The kind of good you aren’t supposed to feel when watching a movie with your best friend.” You rambled.
So this was how you were going to confess to him your feelings. Man, he had you so on edge, you would admit anything to him right now if he asked.
That almost hungry stare returned to his eyes as he looked back down at you. You had read about that stare before, many times, and honestly, you thought it was an overused phrase in romance. The hungry stare, but honestly, what else could you call a look like that?
“God, you’ll be the death of me, Eddie Munson.” You laughed, not being able to look at him as long as he stared at you with those big brown eyes.
“You should stop taking the lord's name in vain. It’s a bad habit.” Eddie whispered as he leaned closer to you, getting inches away from you. Your four heads were nearly touching, causing both of you to gently close your eyes at the feeling.
“It's funny, I didn’t have such a problem with it until now.”
You could feel his breath so close to you as your hands found their way back into his hair. He slowly dipped his head further down, leaving the same light kiss in his wake. He could feel you pull him closer and the kisses gained more pressure in a way you had been craving since he first came anywhere near you with his light touches.
As he kissed harder into your neck, your hands switched from running through his hair to almost pulling at it. You began leaning back further on the couch as you pulled him down with you until Eddie was over top of you. You wanted to give him the room to be fully on top of you, so you wrapped your legs around him as he put his whole force over you.
You felt engulfed and dazed in a way you never experienced before as he began to kiss you faster moving sporadically across your neck until he had kissed almost every square inch of you. You focused on keeping your breathing even, trying to spare yourself embarrassment from how simply he had you melting underneath him.
He pulled away from you, hovering over you with that same stare that was filled with so much adoration in it. “God, I would keep you here all night like this. Just right here, all mine, and with nowhere else to be. It’s just so satisfying to be able to wrap you up and hold you in a way I know no one else gets to.”
“You know, I think… I don’t really have to get home tonight. No one’s going to miss me if I stay here.” You said breathlessly.
Eddie grinned like the devil looking over you. “Good,” he said as he finally bent down, capturing your lips. His hand came up to cup your chin, tilting your head up to meet him.
That was the last straw, you were a melted puddle that belonged to him now. If this was to be only the beginning of the evening, then surely Eddie Munson was going to be the death of you.
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vickyzangels · 1 year
% “..but i kinda hope they catch us, anyway.”
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# synopsis ; an anon asked for sfw and nsfw headcanons for tom but i accidentally deleted the ask while trying to fight for my life against tumblr because every time i added a border two other pictures would disappear tumblr i hope you fall down the stairs
# pairing ; tom kaulitz x reader
# word count ; 551
# tags ; nsfw further under “keep reading” (mdni)
a/n ; i’m gonna drop this first but i have a nearly finished smut oneshot literally sitting in docs rn if i get decent enough feedback on this i’ll drop it
y’all remember that interview where he said he’d “fall in love for only a night but that he’d be down for true love later”? yeah unfortunately that applied to you, too
this can go one of two ways, you work close to the band as staff or you were a fan at one of their concerts that for some reason has to keep coming back and tom took a visual liking to you
what goes down between you two after he first notices you is vague but tom keeps seeing you every time you’re around and you started weaseling your way into his head at every hour of the day
he’d never admit that though (yet), so he’s still gonna keep up his playboy act for a bit but you’re gonna pick up that he’s being closer to you like making small jokes with you and being a little nicer
god it took you so long but he finally let you squeeze through his shell enough to be relatively close friends for a while but this definitely became a “do i wanna know if this feeling flows both ways” situation
yes the feeling did flow both ways, too bad he was still a player and you didn’t wanna ruin anything so you just endlessly flirted with each other
i am 92% sure he came to you first at an afterparty absolutely wasted and told you in german “du bist so unglaublich schön und ich will dich so sehr.” you are so infuriatingly beautiful and i want you so bad.
unfortunately, bill had to translate for you
i’ve been talking a lot so i’ll try to sum up a relationship with him and add miscellaneous points
he makes an effort to act like a boyfriend in your relationship, like he doesn’t openly flirt with other people out of genuine respect for you
first date was something like you two staying over at one of your houses for the night like a sleepover or doing something in the city
he has never forgotten any important day for you. never. and on that topic, he’ll get gifts for those days nearly months in advance
he appreciates a person with aesthetic
i’m lying, tom would fall head over heels in love if you wear something even remotely close to his style
tom is a dog, y’all have seen the way he talks about what he wants to do during sex but he’s the most respectful person someone could probably ever ask for, someone who wouldn’t hesitate to pause everything if you told him you felt a little uncomfortable
the type of guy to fake bang you from behind when you bend over to grab something.
he’d spit in your mouth, having you kneel in front of him and holding your jaw open by squeezing it then making you swallow it if you wanted to be touched at all
this almost isn’t a headcanon but he’s a tit guy, regardless of size he’d froth at the mouth just to hold them
there’s not a big dom/sub thing between you two but he’s a switch because i said so
y’all… his favorite position is doggy or prone bone doesn’t matter as long as he gets to pull you by your neck up to him
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a/n ; wow. didn’t think i could write something like this but i have a lot more so lmk if i should make a part 2?
© ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO VICKYZANGELS. do not steal, repost, plagiarize, or use my work for anything.
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caesium-55 · 2 months
—everything is orange. [ ii ]
pairing: lando norris x kpop idol! reader
summary: a racecar driver who needed a fake girlfriend to dispel rumors and a kpop idol who needed publicity for her song. somewhere in between orange cars and orange sunsets, stands something they're afraid of naming.
warning/s: graphic description of blood and gore, body insecurity, lando might be a lil ooc
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God bless Jinnie Jo and her overly prepared self because you thought you’d die when you got attacked by the damn shellfish allergy in the car on the way to the hotel. It's fortunate that Jinnie happens to carry around your allergy meds. You dry-swallow the tablets without hesitation, uttering your thanks to Jinnie.
“Song Dan-ssi gave me a list of your allergy meds before we left,” Jinnie tells you. Warmth floods your chest. Manager-nim may be in another country but he never fails to take care of you. You're definitely going to buy something for Manager-nim when you return to Seoul. A jacket perhaps?
The first thing you do the moment you enter your hotel room is kick your boots off, take a warm shower, and reunite with the love of your life—the bed. The mattress swallows you whole and you let out a content sigh as you allow your body to sink in it. Not even ten minutes later, you grab your bag, which you have haphazardly thrown on the bed, take out your phone, and open the X app. You type Lando’s name in the search box.
username1: i am disgusted by the people who still support lando norris like yall really support a man who got a girl pregnant and refusing to take responsibility? i just know mclaren is lying when they said he's not the father
username2: justice for the girl that lando norris got pregnant! he should be kicked out of mclaren!
username3: that girl lucky bc her baby daddy is THE lando norris. she should tell us how he fucks in great detail
You cringe. Your fingers tap the three buttons at the upper right corner and without hesitation, pressing report. You continue to scroll down the tweets, reading them one by one as the clock ticks.
username4: what lie will mclaren tell again to protect little lando norris?
Your phone pings. A notification bar appears on the upper portion of your phone screen. You have received a message. You stop reading the tweet and open your messages app.
unknown number: hey
unknown number: this is lando
unknown number: your boyfriend?
unknown number: the fake one
You immediately save his number in your contacts. You name him Lando Norris.
you: hey there
you: do i just call you lando or
lando: you can call me baby
You snigger at his flirting attempt. Ten points for trying, Lando Norris.
you: okay baby
lando: 😳
lando: okay
lando: we agreed on hard launching each other in socmed right?
you: yah
lando: i kinda don't have a picture of you?
lando: pr told me to ask you if you can send me one
lando: i’ll send you one too
you: i have an idea
you: put me on your story
lando: yeah im planning to do exactly that
lando: have you been listening to what we talked about earlier in the meeting?
you: then delete it after a few mins
lando: wait why
you: make it look like you did it on accident
Your first mistake in your first PR relationship with another idol is that you immediately hard-launched each other on Instagram after Dispatch released his pictures kissing a guy in a bar. People got skeptical and most of them called out your relationship as a PR stunt. They called you a cover up, which you were, but they weren't supposed to know that.
You're not going to make the same mistake twice.
lando: and this will work?
you: let's not shake the confidence i have
lando: 😂
you: people are already expecting mclaren to set a pr stunt so you can gain the public’s hearts back
you: u have to make yourself look like you never needed a pr stunt in the first place, that you’re not trying to win the public back
you: people will catch up if you suddenly post that you have a girlfriend in the middle of your hot issue
you: netizens are quickwitted theyre not as dumb as most of us think
You hope you're explaining it well. You're trying to make your point as clear as possible but it's hard. You forgot the other English words you’ve learned.
lando: okay i get ur point
lando: i’ll do what u want
lando: someone has to tell pr what u planned though
lando: it's not going to be me
Fuck the PR. You're not going to tell them and let them have a field day tomorrow. That's what they get for expecting you to sign that stupid first contract they made.
You open your camera app and take a quick selfie.
No. Your nose looks too big at that angle.
Now, your forehead looks like an airport.
Your teeth are showing. The coffee stains are visible.
you: *sent a photo*
lando: i
lando: help me with the caption? my braincells flew off
you: idk not good at captions
you: just say hello loml or smth
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This is the story you want to tell:
You met Lando a year after you departed from ORACLE in Australia.
You have a mutual friend—named Tori Allen—who introduced you to one another. Tori Allen does not exist. She's just the fictional side character of your love story.
You started out as friends. Lando is freshly out from a breakup and you’re just trying to live a quiet life after your fall from grace.
You talked for months because of your mutual interest in cars. Eventually, you started going on casual dates.
You asked Lando to keep it secret. He said yes in respect to you. HAN Entertainment already released a press statement regarding your mental health status after the 2021 incident so the public would assume that this was the reason why.
The relationship turned serious three months before Lando’s scandal.
Lando never got the girl pregnant. He never touched that girl. He was loyal to you.
Jinnie almost breaks down the door the next morning. You open it before she can do so. She angrily stomps inside your room and you close the door behind her. Her face is red, her expression taut.
“It's seven,” your eyebrows crease together. You make a quick glance at the phone in your hand. 7:22, the clock in your lockscreen projects. “You told me we are supposed to meet at twelve.”
“McLaren PR called me up,” Jinnie informs you. You’re beginning to get an idea where this conversation is going. “You didn't do what we agreed on.”
“And what did we agree on?” you cross your arms over your chest. You flutter your eyelashes innocently at her.
“That you’re going to choose photos to post on each of your accounts and let PR handle the captions. Norris posted something immediately without PR checking it and deleted it!”
“Did he tell you that it was my idea?”
“No, but I know that it was and it turns out I’m right. You just confirmed it.”
“Did it work?” you question.
“I can't with you!” she throws her hands up in the air, frustrated. “We are supposed to follow orders!”
“No,” you say. “You are supposed to follow orders. That's what Yoon PD-nim told you. He told me to do what I believed was best.”
You open X. Lando’s name is at the top of the trending list. You press his name and read through the tweets that appeared.
username6: EVERYONE HERE ARE THE RECEIPTS *screenshot*
username7: is this what you call the freudian slip lol
username9: he deleted it so quick too 😭 im sure the man panicked
username11: for all we know he didn't even bang that girl 🤷 his girlfriend’s pretty hot he’s definitely not cheating on her
username10: men cheat on their pretty wives and girlfriends all the time
username12: not lando norris that man’s in love LOVE can u see his caption
username13: the caption??? lando’s pretty smooth with his words
username14: he’s taking smooth operator lessons from carlos
username15: im crazy but what if this is just a pr stunt 🤔
username16: girl he won't delete the story in a panic if it's a pr stunt
username17: he was definitely going to post it in his priv and made a mistake 😭
username18: very lando of him
username17: he stronger than me bc if my girlfriend was that pretty, her face will be flooding my instagram
username19: ignore lando, his girl tho 😳
username20: he called her loml omgggg
username21: booo luisa’s prettier
username22: fok off and move on
username23: lando can you fight? meet me at the kfc parking lot and let's fight
username24: probably not but he can run you over with his car
username25: i swear ive seen that girl before i just cant pinpoint where
username27: so he bagged a kpop girlie??? lando got game dayummm
username28: isn't [name] an illegal street racer? that's why she got kicked out of the group right?
username29: an f1 racer and a street racer couple 😳 omg what in booktok is this
username30: she's not a streetracer she only watched the street race
username28: she told you that herself?
username30: her company did
username32: and u think ur better than her?
“It's working,” you state. You turn to Jinnie, raising your phone in the air and waving it. A smug smirk spreads to your lips. “It's working.”
Nobody is doubting the relationship like the time with Minhyung. This is a good start. Now, onto the next part.
“So are we really going to keep having lunch dates until your race?” you poke the shrimp on the plate with your fork. You're having pasta again. In the same place, too. It sucks but you swallow the food and smile as if you’re enjoying the meal.
For today's outfit, Jinnie chose a Valentino Garavani black midi dress paired with Jimmy Choo Antia leather sandals. Lando matched your outfit with a black silk button up and off-white pants. You’re both playing the “looking like a couple” card well.
“I believe so,” Lando says. You mentally count the days of the calendar in your head. The FP1 is scheduled to begin in two days. “By the way, I’ve been meaning to ask….”
“The team didn't scold you a lot, did they?”
“They didn’t,” you give him a tight smile. Did he worry? For you? That's very sweet of him. “Why would they? My plan went great.”
Lando nods, “It did. You’re good at this.”
You smile at his compliment, shrugging a shoulder. I’m supposed to be good at this. I have no other choice.
“Let's show them our story,” you say. “Show, not tell. People are more inclined to believe actions rather than words. Show them the story we want them to know and we don't answer their questions early so we can keep the attention and the curiosity on us. Once the timing is right, you answer their questions, one by one. This is risky because if we don't act right, we’re done….”
You set the fork down and finally stop terrorizing the poor shrimp. It's completely obliterated now.
“But I believe we can act right,” honesty bleeds through your words. “You're lovable and you already act like a sweet boyfriend without trying.”
Lando purses his lips and averts his gaze. You see pink dusting his cheeks.
“I try.”
“Nice try,” your words come out dry. You give him a thumbs-up. “Also, I’m full.”
“You only ate half your plate,” Lando points out.
“The portion is too big. I’m a light eater.”
HAN Entertainment is partly to blame for that. You got accustomed to their extreme diets and small meal portions that you cannot even eat more than a small bowl of rice.
“Do you not like the food?” he asks, concerned.
You don’t answer the question. Instead, you lace your fingers together and rest your chin on them, leaning slightly forward.
“I have another plan. Wanna hear it?”
You still don't like having attention to yourself. The feeling of having eyes watching your every move, waiting for you to make a mistake still terrifies you. But attention, the right kind especially, is a weapon. You need a weapon to fight this war. A war to build your career again.
“Keep them on their toes,” the instructor of your PR training class once said. “Give them what they want piece by piece, just enough to keep them wanting more, but never give them everything.”
Until now, you still abide by her teachings. God bless Kim Gaon-ssi and her big brain, wherever she is now. She resigned from HAN entertainment a year ago.
It's been a few days since Lando pulled that stunt in his Instagram story and yet, the attention you're receiving from the fans is not simmering down. You didn't expect anyone to be this involved or curious about a driver's love life but here everyone was.
You wake up at seven and then proceed to spend an hour on your phone while lying in bed to push all the sleepiness away from your system. You leave your bed at nine, change out of your sleeping wear, perform a whole morning ritual inside the bathroom, and by eleven, you send Jinnie a message to get brunch and invite her to eat together inside the privacy of your hotel room. She arrives after fifteen minutes with hotel service food. You eat until twelve thirty and after eating, you begin to get ready.
The free practice session is at 5:30 PM. You can afford a bit more time to get ready so you shower again. It took you nearly two hours. In the meantime, Jinnie prepares your clothes.
You mentally thank the heavens when you see trousers neatly folded on your bed. If Jinnie forces you to wear dresses again, you’re going to lose it. You're conscious of how big your thighs look. You don't even have a thigh gap. Big thighs, small ankles, and muscular calves. They're just a few of your numerous bodily insecurities.
Jinnie pairs the Moon Choi black back pocket trousers with a Dior Toile de Jouy Sauvage silk top. For the shoes, she chooses a pair of white Fila chunky sneakers. She helps you apply your makeup and fix your hair. To finish the look, you grab your black cross body bag, smart watch, sunglasses, and a black ball cap.
Jinnie snatches the ball cap from your hands and replaces it with a McLaren ball cap. A tacky orange with the number four. You raise your brow at her. She gives you a pointed look, a look that says: don’t even try to protest. You sigh, resigned, and pull it onto your head.
She scans your appearance, dragging her coal eyes from the top of your head to your toes. She huffs, satisfied.
“You look perfect.”
Perfect is the goal.
Jinnie drives you to the race venue. She drops you off at the parking lot. She's not happy with it. Jinnie wanted to come. You told her no. You can handle this little act alone. You don’t see an ex-idol with a manager, do you?
The moment you exit the car, you slip on your mask. Figuratively and literally. You tip your ball cap upwards to scan your surroundings, searching for the way in. You carry your phone in your right hand and your paddock pass in the left. Lando gave it to you during dinner yesterday.
A racing event is crowded with people. That's a given. Perhaps not as crowded as a concert but still crowded nonetheless. A stage will not separate you from the people nor a barricade. Unfortunately. You have no bodyguard, no manager, no HAN Entertainment staff.
You're not here as ORACLE’s [Name] but as Lando Norris’ girlfriend.
Your feet lead you to a path where there are less people. You message Lando that you’ve arrived. He replies in a matter of seconds.
lando: ill come and get you
lando: wait for me
You remove your cap, fix your hair, before pulling the cap on. You spot a man with a Nikon DSLR standing a good distance. He is wearing a cord around his neck. The word MEDIA is printed in bold white letters. Your lips curl a little underneath your face mask.
It is show time.
During your trainee years, acting classes are mandatory. You know the basics. You're confident that you're good at acting. If you weren't, the company wouldn't have pushed you to act in two dramas as a side character during your rookie years. You received a reward for your performances, too.
To look lost, you have to keep glancing around you as if you’re contemplating which way to go. You have to look unsure of your actions. Hesitant. You have to constantly look at your phone as if you’re reading directions in it or texting someone to tell you where you should be going. You have to scratch your nape a few times to express nervousness. You're in a place you don’t know, it’s natural to be nervous.
Someone is bound to approach you and help you. When they do, you remove the cap but not the mask and then hope they know who you are. When they don't, well…. that's a problem for future you. You haven't thought that far.
“Hi, excuse me, do you need help?”
You perk up. Orange fills your view. A group of four girls have approached you and they all wear twinning McLaren merch. You can see that three of them sport the number four in their shirts, Lando’s race number. You involuntarily swallow.
There was a case once where a rookie actress got beaten up by her idol boyfriend’s fans promptly after the release of their dating news. Fans can be so jealous to the point of violence. It's a toxic fan culture. That's why so many Kpop idols resort to keeping their relationships private and secret. You hope you won’t get beaten up.
But also, given that they’re McLaren and Lando fans, there is a high possibility that they’ll recognize you. Which is exactly what you wanted. So you push that stupid fear aside and keep the show going.
“Hi, uh,” you remove your cap and lower your face mask until it's bunched up below your nose. “I’m kind of…lost? Do you know the way to the, uh…”
You forget what it's called. McLaren garage? You don't remember the exact word Lando used. You're still not confident that you know the difference between a paddock, a garage, and a livery.
“Wait, I know you!”
You purposely widen your eyes.
“You’re Lando’s girlfriend!”
You smile sheepishly, scratching your cheek with your finger.
The girls break out into loud and high-pitched squeals. Their voices are so shrill that you cannot help but wince. You motion for them to quiet down. Inwardly, you want them to keep being loud. Loud enough to warrant the attention of the photographer, your target.
“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, we absolutely have to take a selfie!”
You barely understand her rapid spitfire of words until she takes out her phone. Panic instantly swells within you.
This is not the plan. You only wanted one person to take the necessary picture. Not this.
You hastily slap your hand over the lower half of your face. You stagger backwards and stumble against a sturdy wall. Your hands fly out to your sides as you feel yourself lose your balance. Two hands grip your shoulders and you hear a surprised woah! from behind you. You lift your head.
It's not a wall. It's Lando.
His beautiful, beautiful eyes gaze down at you. The colors look lighter under the sun. His thick brows are furrowed together, his forehead creasing.
Lando spins you around so you're face-to-face with his hard chest. You squint at the multiple logos printed on the long-sleeves he’s wearing. Is this what he wears when he races? He swiftly takes the McLaren ball cap off your hand and puts it on your head. His hand remains tenderly flat on your shoulder blade, the other lays on your cheek as if he's trying to cover your face. You tug your face mask up and rub your throat.
“Hi,” Lando greets the girls sweetly. This causes the eruption of another wave of high-pitched squeals. “I’m sorry but do you mind if we keep the cameras away? Our relationship isn't out and as much as possible, we’d like to keep it that way. Can we respect my girl’s privacy please?”
He sounds exactly like a male lead in a romance Kdrama. You know it's fake, that the both of you are playing roles, but his words and the way he delivers them so effortlessly makes you momentarily doubt if he's really acting. It causes a butterfly to flutter in your stomach and your pulse to steadily accelerate. His hands are large and warm and for a moment, it makes you wonder if this is what security feels like. If this is what it feels like to be loved.
Then, you get reminded that it is all an act.
How can actors not fall in love with their co-actors when acting can feel this real at times?
“Thank you,” you hear Lando say. You miss the previous parts of the conversation because of the thoughts that invaded your mind.
“You look so cute together, oh my god. I’m going to die,” the fangirl adds. Lando’s chest vibrates as he chuckles, the sound deep and warm.
“We need to go, sorry. Enjoy the race today.”
He taps his thumb against your shoulder blade and he starts walking, his hands not detaching themselves from your skin. You keep your head low as Lando guides you away. In your peripheral vision, you see the photographer’s camera pointed towards the two of you. A self-satisfied smirk plays on your lips.
“How did I do?” Lando asks the moment he removes his helmet. He is sporting a bright grin, so bright that you're sure it’s going to make the sun envious, as his fingers comb through his damp curly hair. A few stray strands are stuck on his sweaty forehead. You feel the urge to sweep them aside for him.
You search through your mental thesaurus for the synonyms of the word amazing and have chosen: “Impressive.”
Light beads of sweat trickle down his face and neck. A McLaren staff member comes and hands him a towel to wipe them off. Lando thanks her and she leaves. He thrusts the towel towards you. You blink in confusion.
“Will you do the honors?”
“Can't you do it yourself?”
“But you have to play the part of a sweet girlfriend, am I right or am I right?” You roll your eyes at his cheekiness, rising to a stand. You place the McLaren jacket in your hands on your chair. Lando handed it to you before he climbed into the car. You don't know the reason behind his action. Nevertheless, you held the jacket for him.
You take the towel from his hands, your fingers grazing with his. Lando’s smile threatens to split in half as he puts his hands behind his back, parts his legs a little, and then bends down so you won't have a difficult time wiping his sweat for him. You're not that much shorter than him and your height difference is perfectly reasonable and comfortable but you're still grateful that he's doing this for you.
You don't wipe his sweat. Instead, you pat them out. Patting is gentle on skin. The towel will simply absorb the sweat on his skin. Rubbing the skin can lead to skin irritation and inflammation. Lando’s eyes flutter close at your actions and you swear you see him leaning against your hand.
“You raced good today,” you praise him.
You have zero idea on what happened in the past hour. The cars went around in circles. Then, they time their laps. They’re not even racing each other. You thought they would.
In all honesty, you think the entire thing is a bore. The street races you went to when you were a teen were more fun. A minimum of three drivers gets injured every race and it's highly likely someone ends up dead, which is your messed-up definition of the word fun.
You’re more interested in the special guest who decided to grace the track with its great reptile presence. A dinosaur. Kidding, it's just a lizard. It looks like it was surveying the scene and strategizing a great dinosaur invasion.
Lando's chest swells, “Well, I have to impress my girl.”
He opens his eyes and they meet yours. They're twinkling with mirth.
“Color me impressed then.” Despite your words, your tone is unimpressed.
He smiles impossibly wider, now showing his full set of pearly white teeth. He bites his bottom lip. You stop patting his sweat and lower your hand to the side.
“You don't have any more races tonight?” you question. Lando straightens.
“Later at 9 PM.”
“That's quite late.”
“It is?” Lando’s head tilts to the side a little. “Do you sleep early?”
You hardly sleep at all. You have a hard time maintaining regular human sleeping and waking hours. Like the other half of the world population.
“That's not it,” you shake your head. “I kind of just expected that the next practice session would be tomorrow morning.”
“Singapore usually holds night races. Track temperatures are low and the organizers can broadcast the race during peak viewing hours in European time,” Lando explains. “And they hold two practice races a day because it only lasts an hour.”
“That makes sense.”
“Are you hungry?” Lando questions, smoothly redirecting the conversation to food.
“I could eat.” You're not particularly hungry. You're not full either.
“I know a good place that sells these amazing wraps.”
Wraps sound enticing. You can't remember the last time you've eaten one.
“Lead the way.”
You chew on your beef wrap slowly as your eyes focus on the screen of your phone. The voices of the sports announcers live broadcasting the ongoing race fill Lando’s driver room. After buying the wrap, he brought you to his driver room so you can enjoy the privacy as you ate. You appreciate the thoughtfulness. You don't think you can eat outside. So many people can see you.
username35: girlie was hiding 😭 she deliberately went through the back of the paddock so no one can see her going to the garage
username36: my friends and i met her today! she looks like she's lost and as fellow mclaren fans, we went to help her and she was so sweet omg and so so shy too. we tried to take a pic with her but lando arrived and told us to respect his girl’s space
username36: and i quote “do you mind if we keep the cameras away? our relationship isn't out and we’d like to keep it that way. can we respect my girl’s privacy please” WHEN I TELL YOU I MELTED ON THE SPOT
username37: girl he really said that???
username38: i’m her friend and yes he really said that 😭
username39: little lando norris is not so little anymore
username37: pls tell me you backed off immediately
username38: we did!! we kinda feel bad now that we discovered she's been battling anxiety since 2021 and that she doesn't like having photos of her taken
username41: bae i think you forgot that he's also the reason why [name] is gaining attention again bc he accidentally storied her in his insta
username40: that's why i said tried bestie
username42: i cant believe im crying over this LANDO NORRIS U BETTER TREAT OUR GIRL [NAME] RIGHT
username43: im waiting for @hanentertainmentofficial to say smth
username44: girlie’s career flopped and now she's leeching off lando’s money smh 🙄
username45: bestie she never needed his money she’s already rich from being an idol
username44: correction ex kpop idol, her money’s probably already running out
username45: bestie she's still richer than you while you're 14 (your bio says your 14) and still living with your parents
username47: that girl who claimed that lando is her baby daddy is suspiciously quiet rn
You turn your phone off and toss it inside your cross body bag. A sigh flies past your lips as you lean against the back of the couch, setting your unfinished wrap down. Your eyes flutter close. They're beginning to sting. Too much reading.
Sleep latches its claws on you and you allow it to take you.
You stand in darkness, allowing the deafening silence to swallow you whole. Suddenly, a thousand eyes appear. Unblinking. Bloodshot. They're bulging out of their sockets. In unison, the eyeballs move and lock on your figure. Judging. Judging. Judging. Your body trembles at the weight of a thousand gazes. You can’t breathe. You can't speak.
Please stop looking at me.
I’m begging you.
The eyes slowly became bigger and bigger. Then, they disappear. You let out a shaky exhale. You turn around and the world becomes a blinding white.
Cameras. Thousands. No, millions of them. The loud clicking noise fills your ears. Your hands stretch in front of you, trying to cover your face and your body from them. You can only squeeze your eyes shut.
The scene changes.
You register the feeling of sand getting stuck in between your toes. Your eyes slowly flutter open. The overcast skyline and the rising tides, the telltale ingredients of a brewing storm over the horizon, can be spectated from the shore. You recognize this place. This was a place you swore you're never going to step foot again.
You hear your mother’s gentle voice whisper your name behind you, causing goosebumps rise on your skin and your entire body to stiffen. It's not the name you own now, but the name you were born with, the name she gave you, the name you lost when you moved to Seoul.
She calls your name again. Again. Again. And again. You ignore every single one.
She stops.
You slowly turn around and you see your mother standing there, a few steps away, barefoot like you and wearing a dress. You remember this dress. She wore it when she was pregnant with you. She keeps the photo in her wallet.
No Eun Ha looks as beautiful as she was in your childhood memories. You greatly resemble her. The eyes most especially. That's why looking at mirrors feels more like a punishment to you more than anything else.
The word “Eomma” rots inside your mouth.
Your Eomma smiles at you. It's empty, her smile. When she smiles, they never reach her eyes. That's the way it has always been. For a second, you consider apologizing.
Eomma, I’m sorry that you have to raise a child you didn’t want. I’m sorry for stealing the light in your eyes.
You don't grow the courage to say it out loud.
No Eun Ha remains smiling. You notice that the edges of her lips curl higher and higher until the smile begins to look unsettling and sinister. Then you see the skin on her cheek tear apart as her smile grows and grows. Blood drips down slowly to her neck and stains the top part of her dress. She opens her mouth into an inhumane size and you see a thousand razor-sharp teeth lining up inside it. Everything is a gory red.
You scream in absolute terror.
She says your name again, her voice this time is not as gentle as you remember.
You wake up screaming and in cold sweat. You fall from your bed and onto the floor on all fours and begin vomiting your guts out. Nothing comes up. Only saliva. You break into pathetic sobs on the floor. Terror is a familiar feeling but you will never ever get used to it.
You don't know how many hours have passed. The floor used to feel cool against your skin but now, it's never been warmer. You still don't possess the strength to leave the floor. Your body feels as if it's being anchored down giant stones.
You're exhausted. You’ve done nothing but you feel exhausted.
You want to run.
You want to run away from this pain and exhaustion.
You need a life where you're no longer exhausted.
A sudden shriek interrupts the silence that wraps the air. A woman's. You don't even flinch. You know it’s just Jinnie. She's the only one who has access to another keycard of your hotel room.
When Lando’s panicking face comes into view, you are shocked. So shocked that you involuntarily raise your arms and accidentally hit him below his jaw. He stumbles backwards, not expecting the blow. He let out a pained groan, hand clutching the area you hit. You quickly rise to your feet, a thousand apologies already on the tip of your tongue. This action, however, triggers a wave of vertigo. Your vision blackens temporarily, your knees giving out at your own weight. Reflexively, you grab hold of the nearest thing beside you, the mattress to soften your fall, before your shaking knees meet the floor.
“[Name]!” Lando’s voice is so loud, you flinch.
When your vision returns, his face is the first thing you see.
“Good morning,” your voice is flat and rough.
Lando hisses and his large hands cradle your cheeks. You're suddenly made aware of how large his hands are. They can cover your entire face with how big they are.
“You're pale,” his voice wobbles. “Shit.”
You want to pass out again. His hands feel so, so comfortable and so, so warm that you want to sleep with this feeling.
“Hey, hey, don't close your eyes. [Name]—” Lando hands move swiftly. One second he’s holding your face. The next second he’s lifting you up in his arms. “Jinnie, call an ambulance!”
The word “ambulance” causes you to wake up. Like really wake up.
Oh, shit.
You struggle in Lando’s arms, “Andwae! No ambulance!”
You pry yourself away from Lando, hopping down to the floor, but the man doesn't retract his hands completely. He still holds onto your forearms to support you as you try to stand.
“No. Just no. I’m fine.”
“[Name]!” Jinnie scolds. She's finally functioning again. She froze in shock when she saw you earlier.
“I’m fine!” you shout. “I’m fine! Really!”
When you get caught that you're weak, you retaliate.
You grit your teeth and clench your jaw.
“I’m. Fine.”
They don’t believe you. You can see it in their eyes. However, they're not going to argue with you. You know they won't.
“I’m going to shower,” you announce. Lando’s grip on your forearm tightens just as you pivot your heels to head to the bathroom.
“I think it's best if you stay today.”
“We all agreed that I’m going to be in the paddock from the practice sessions until the race night.”
“I’ll tell the PR team that you won't go today.”
Your brows furrow.
“Just… Rest for today, okay?”
You turn quiet. Hesitantly, you nod.
He turns to Jinnie and tells her, “Take care of her for me. I’ll visit after the qualifying.”
And like that, Lando Norris leaves the hotel room.
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somethingubercool · 2 years
my petite protégée (bau x reader/spencer x reader)
Y/N is new to the BAU and works under Garcia. she finds herself being able to see something in the case no one else does, impressing the team, including a specific doctor
this is fem!reader but i will try to make my fics more gen later. in requests btw, if you would like to, please specify what gender you would like the reader to be
genre: fluff
word countL 8.7k
trigger warnings: just regular criminal minds stuff
A/N: So, this took a different turn, a fluffier turn. Originally this was gonna be an angst fic but then I was in a cute mood so. Tell me if you guys want me to continue the Techie Reader series because I would be happy too.  Also, the reader is around 20, and I’m placing Spencer at 26-27 so there is a bit of an age difference, but not too much. This is around season 3
 UPDATED A/N: I wrote this in 2020 and then deleted it when I deleted my old Tumblr. But, I was really proud of this fic, so....here it is.
 This system was far more complicated than what you’ve practiced with when you were at the academy, but you shouldn’t be too surprised knowing the kind of equipment that the FBI tended to use, it was all taught to you at The Academy.
 “And I’ve developed all the software myself!”
 In addition to the fact that the software was designed by Ms. Penelope Garcia herself.
 “This is...amazing,” You gawked, eyes scanning over the array of code Garcia so gracefully decided to show you, whether it was for you to study or be in awe at. Either way, you were doing both, leaning forward in order to scan your eyes over as much of the sequences as you possibly could, although you doubt you would remember it all. You were intelligent, IQ of 159 and almost perfect grades throughout all of your schooling, but you were better with making connections and remembering numbers than memory, so even if you wanted to remember all of Garcia’s code, it was nearly impossible
 “That’s right, stare in wonder!” Garcia exclaimed in a grandiose tone, to which you nodded intrinsically, the blue hue of the laptop flashing into your eyes as you scanned the computer one last time.
 “I am in wonder,” You replied directly, turning around in your rolling chair to look at the extravagantly dressed woman in all of her glory. “But how long did it take you to program this?”
 “A magician never reveals her secrets, Y/L/N.” Garcia replied ominously, to which you gave her a deadpan stare before bursting out into a smile and shaking your head playfully.
 “You’re the boss.” You whispered back, spinning around in your chair once more so you would be facing the computers, hearing the rolling of another set of wheels as Garcia pulled up an extra chair next to you.
 “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to someone telling me that, although it feels nice.” She giggled, smiling at me before pulling the keyboard closer to her and entering whatever information was needed in order to pull up the FBI’s security page. As you read through the page, you could see all the requested information pertained to you, and even before you could reply with the needed responses, Garcia began to type.
 “Do you have a middle name?”
 “Oh, wait. Never mind, I know that.” She scrolled further down the page.
 “Oh! You’re a youngster, younger than Reid even.”
 You did not recognize that name but decided to not inquire about it.
 “Oh wait, I know this too. It was on your introductory paper.”
 You begged to wonder why she was asking you these questions in the first place if she knew most of the information, but frankly, you didn’t mind spending time with Garcia so you plainly allowed this to happen.
 “Alright, all your information is in. You’re now my protege, my little bear.” You giggled at the nickname as soon as it left her mouth.
 “Little bear?” You asked, raising your eyebrow amused.
 “Cause you’re cute.” She replied, making you pout appreciatively at her. Yeah, you definitely did not mind spending time with Garcia. 
 “So, what exactly am I supposed to do as your petite protege.” You asked, smirking at her when she raised her eyebrows appreciatively at you for your french,
 “Well, mon petit ours, the BAU will be calling into us multiple times for references, further research on specific dates, events, records, anything regarding the situation at hand or regarding a potential witness or unsub.”
 “Unsub?” You asked, confused.
 “Unidentified subject. The bad guy.”
 “The bad guy.” You confirmed, signaling her to continue.
 “And sometimes, multiple members will call me at once, I’ll be too popular.” She exclaimed playfully, causing you to giggle again at her antics as you nodded in understanding. “So that is where you step in, my little bear. If I am currently researching a topic or on a call with another one of our special agents and am too busy to respond, they can call you.”
 “And I can research the topic as well.” You asked in an attempt to confirm your position, which Garcia affirmed with a single nod.
 “Exactly. I’m going to make a copy of my system to a whole new set of monitors that they should be bringing in tomorrow. It probably would have been here today but--”
 Suddenly, the door was yanked open, shining a bright light into the relatively dimly lit room, causing both you and Garcia to squint and shield yourselves from the scorching rays.
 “Garcia, we have a new case.” You heard a female voice say, one that you were too preoccupied shielding your eyes from to see. 
 “But there is a new case,” Garcia completed, sighing in relief when the blinding ray of light shrunk away as the female voice closed the door. As soon as your eyes were safe, you were able to unfold yourself from your shielded position and look at the source of the voice and the beam of light, a beautiful, petite blond woman with her arms crossed, a manilla folder in her hand, and an amused smile being the origin of it all.
 “Aww, JJ! No sudden lights in the Batcave!” Garcia whined childishly, pouting at the woman, presumably JJ, who was now approaching the two of you with an entertained look in her eyes. She shook her head at Garcia as she leaned against her chair and held the manilla folder up at Garcia’s face. The moment Garcia’s eyes landed on them, they filled with dread.
 “Please tell me this is just penny thievery.”
 “Serial murders.” The woman replied flatly, causing Garcia to shut her eyes in discomfort.
 “That isn’t penny thievery.” Garcia groaned, taking the manilla folder in her hands before throwing you an exasperated sigh to which you sympathetically smiled at. It was at that moment that JJ finally acknowledged you properly.
 “Agent Jennifer Jareau, nice to meet you.” She greeted you, taking your hand in a simple shake as you smiled at her.
 “Y/N  Y/L/N. Techie.” You replied jokingly, to which Agent Jareau seemed to appreciate, smiling at you in a pleased manner.
 “She’s my little protege.” Garcia commented, replying in an exaggerated French accent that caused all three of you to giggle.
 “How old are you, by the way? You seem young.” She asked you, scanning your face as you politely smiled at her. 
 “I get that a lot. Contrary to popular beliefs, I can legally drink within a year.” You replied with a small smile, to which Agent Jareau tilted her head in acknowledgment.
 “Can you believe it? She’s twenty. A literal baby.” Garcia whispered to Agent Jareau, however, clearly with the intention for you to hear, causing you to roll your eyes at her comment. 
 “Again, can legally drink in a year. In Europ,e I can do it right now.” You retorted playfully, smiling at Agent Jareau, shyly, who simply chuckled before nodding her head towards the manilla folder in Garcia’s handande gesturing towards the door.
 “Come on, we need to talk to the rest of the team.” And with that, Garcia got up and prepared to head to where the team was, you presumed, leaving you perplexed on whether you should stay put in the room or follow Garcia and Agent Jareau, not wanting to intrude in places you didn’t know if you were even invited to. However, Garcia answered that question for you rather quickly, stopping her movements in order to spin around at her heel and point at you definitively,
 “You should come with.” She stated, to which you looked back at her with wide eyes and an unknowing stare, baffled to what exactly is taking place. You could see that Agent Jareau had paused and look behind her in the corner of your eye, waiting for the both of you. You gawked at Garcia once again.
 “Ahh...am I allowed to?” You asked dumbly, looking between Garcia and Agent Jareau for a concrete answer. Jareau fixated her eyes on Garcia who looked at you as if you were equally the most precious and most ridiculous person alive. 
 “Of course, you are. But, ah, just for investigation’s sake, why don’t you just sit so that we can give you the information precisely.” Garcia stated, looking back to Jareau for confirmation, to which she nodded and smiled at.
 “Sure.” Jareau simply added, waiting for both you and Garcia to catch up with her. Pushing yourself up from the chair, you adjusted your top before walking towards Garcia, who threw you a proud smile and hum as both of you caught up with Agent Jareau and headed towards the briefing room.
 “We call it the Roundtable,” Garcia whispered to you as the three of you started to mount up a set of stairs, your eyes preoccupied with scanning the numerous amounts of desks and workers around you, watching in awe. Even though you strived to work here one day, called even before you fully graduated, you still could not believe that you were now part of the Bureau. All those sleepless nights where you agonizingly worried if you would ever make it, finishing reports and projects on just caffeine alone, striving to be a part of the Bureau, none of it seemed real now that you were actually there. To you, all of this was insane.
 “And this is it.” You were pulled out of your internal monologue by Agent Jareau’s voice, quickly fixating your eyes on the glass door that separated you and what seemed to be a round table surrounded by various chairs, propped a few feet away from a large screen and projector. Well, at least it fits the name.
 “Come on, we have to set everything up before the team comes in,” Garcia said to you, taking your forearm gently and guiding you inside the room, to which you quickly pushed open and examined your surroundings. Wow, you were actually there.
 “Can you two set up the monitors while I inform the team?” You heard Agent Jareau ask, causing you to turn your head around and stare at her with wide eyes. 
Holy shit you were going to meet the team.
 “Yeah, gotta call everyone in so we can stare at photos of dead bodies like any other Tuesday.” Garcia chirped sarcastically, causing Agent Jareau to throw her a playful, exasperated look while you let out a faint giggle. With that, Agent Jareau left the room, leaving you and Garcia to set up the monitors.
 “Alright, mon petit ours, let’s do this!” Garcia instigated with an encouraging exclamation, to which you smiled and replied to with a slightly less optimistic exclamation of your own. Garcia could have told you to be more cheerful, but you were convinced that she saw your nervousness and decided that what you gave was sufficient. “Can you start setting up the monitors while I get the photos together? I’m gonna transfer you the file so that you can upload it to the monitor from your computer.”
 “Why can’t we just connect the monitor to your computer?” You question with knitted eyebrows, to which Garcia smiled.
“It’s just basic training.” She stated simply, to which you snickered.
 “Doesn’t everyone know how to set up a monitor?”
 “You’d be surprised.” She said with an underlying tone of exasperation, making the smile on your face grow larger. Once you connected the monitor to your computer, you opened your account and waited for Garcia’s transfer, which happened immediately after you opened the account. You looked up at her in playful shock when the little ding exclaimed from your computer. “I’ll teach you how to be fast and efficient later.” She said with a proud smirk.
At that moment, the glass doors of the room were swung open, causing you to jump slightly in shock. In walked four individuals, of them only two recognizable to you, them being Agent Jareau and SSA Aaron Hotchner. He was the one who you first spoke to when you walked into the Bureau, and although he was quite stoic and straightforward, he was nice to you. When you two made eye-contact, he gave you an acknowledging nod, and you gave him a respectful one back, smiling quickly before turning your head towards the laptop, quickly downloading the slide-show that Garcia sent to you before projecting it to the monitor. Once you had finished, you looked up and sent Garcia a nervous smile, to which she sent you an encouraging one back.
At that moment, you could feel two pairs of eyes staring at you, belonging to the other two agents you didn’t recognize, one of them being a beautiful, raven-haired woman and the other a handsome, darker-skinned man, both of them looking between you, Hotchner, and Garcia expectantly. SSA Hotchner turned to Garcia, who jumped into action, walking over to your place in front of the monitor, near the table, and placing two hands on your shoulders with a firm grasp.
“My Power-Rangers, this is Y/N  Y/L/N. Our new Techie and my petite protegee!” She introduced, making you blush at the sudden attention before bowing slightly, one of which you found embarrassing because who even bows in America before straightening yourself and throwing a nervous smile to the two agents. They both gave you polite smiles, the raven-haired lady coming up to you and holding out her hand.
 “Hi, Agent Emily Prentiss.” She introduced, to which you replied with a soft smile before taking her hand and giving it a shake. The male agent followed, holding out his hand as well and throwing you a comforting smile.
“Derek Morgan. Nice to meet you Y/L/N.” He said, smiling as you shook his hand with a slightly more relaxed demeanor now that introductions were essentially over. You pulled away from them and looked at each member of the team, smiling nervously before tilting your head sideways to look at Garcia, who gave your shoulders another encouraging squeeze before you spoke.
“I look forward to working with everyone.” You said politely, to which Hotchner nodded, Agent Jareau smiled, Agent Morgan gave you an amused nod, and Agent Prentiss spoke up.
“Can I ask how old you are? Sorry, you just look so young for someone to graduate from the Academy.” She questioned, looking between Garcia and you for an answer. Before Garcia could explain, you decided to interject. 
“A-actually, ah, I didn’t.” You explained, fumbling slightly as you attempt to elaborate on your response. “The, ah, the BAU was looking for another Technical Analyst to help with the spike in crimes, and, ah…” As you felt your words start to lag, Garcia gracefully stepped in and finished the elaboration for you, thankfully.
“And now she works under me, haha! I am the master.” She explained in an overexaggerated tone, one that made you giggle and relax, in alliance with how Penelope’s jokes usually made you feel.
“That she is.” You agreed, pushing yourself to make a playful comment. Agent Morgan gave you a smile for that, and even that slight gesture made your tension lessen.
“Well, we can all get to know each other later. Right now, we have a case.” You heard Agent Hotchner say, and immediately, your demeanor changed, becoming serious as you nodded at him and walked over to the computer you set up near the monitor. Garcia returned to her respective laptop, pulling a chair to sit in between Agent Morgan and Agent Hotchner as Agent Jareau handed out files to each member of the team. However, you could not help but realize that there were two extra files in her hands after she finished giving each agent their file. Neither you nor Garcia needed one.
Shaking your head slightly, you decided to not dwell on the miniscule detail and focus on the case, pulling up the slideshow Garcia had sent you before reaching for the remote near your hand, handing it to Agent Jareau who thanked you politely and gestured towards the empty chair at the table, inviting for you to sit. You took the invitation, kindly, and watched as various images popped up on the monitor. What you saw, what was presented to you, the team, caused you to flinch and divert your eyes for a second, before you realized that you yourself would now have to see these images almost weekly, daily even. So, stomaching your disgust, you turned back to the monitor and laid your eyes upon the images of the bloody and brutal girls presented on the screen.
“Two days ago, 26-year-old Lina Turner was found dead in her own home in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Her face was mutilated along with her sex-organs.” You tried to suppress the gag that was coming up your throat when you looked once again at the monitor, photos emphasizing the consequences of the gruesome acts committed flashing before you before the images switched to an entirely new woman, this one with red-hair and of short stature, contrasting the previous woman presented on the screen, who was a slender, yet tall brunette.
“Only thing consistent with the victimology is the fact that they’re females.” You heard Agent Morgan state, his eyes fixating on the two photos of the woman now displaying next to each other on the screen.
“Well, considering the fact that they’re both females and their sex-organs were mutilated,” Emily shook her head in empathy and disgust. “the unsub could be male?”
Your head tilted down as you reminded yourself what the term meant, mouthing ‘unidentified subject’ to yourself before turning and looking back up to the other agents. For a split second, you saw Agent Jareau smile at you endearingly before returning to the table.
“The women were also objectively attractive and fit, coupling that with the mutilation to their genitals, we could most likely have a sexual sadist on our hands.” Agent Hotchner said as he read through the files.
“Well, nonetheless, Philly PD wants us there as soon as possible.” Agent Jareau informed, to which Agent Hotchner closed his case files and stood up from his seat, nodding to Agent Jareau who turned off the monitor and handed me the remote with a quiet thank you. “Wheel’s up in 20.”
“Where are Reid and Rossi?” Agent Prentiss asked, causing your ears to quirk up and your eyes to land on her in confusion before glancing back at Garcia, who acknowledged your confusion with a smile.
“At the Academy. They’re giving a lecture.” Agent Hotchner informed, pushing the leather through the latches of his satchel before heading towards the door.
“Oh boy, Reid trying to talk to a group of young adults, that’s gotta be fun.” Agent Prentiss joked, snickering at Agent Jareau, Agent Morgan, and Garcia who all seemed to share the same opinion and knowledge on a subject you were completely oblivious to.
“At least he’s got Rossi,” Agent Jareau sighed, cradling her files in her hand before catching up with Agent Prentiss.
“Hey, Y/L/N, shouldn’t you be in class now too?” Agent Derek said as he turned towards you, a playful smile on his lips that you internally, greatly appreciated, but externally, you still donned a look of surprise.
“Ah, yeah.” Confidence, Y/N, confidence. “Should probably tell my professor I won’t be able to finish my programming project by tomorrow.” You joked, earing various laughs, chuckles, and snickers from the present agents in the room, causing you to feel accomplished.
“Hope he’s not angry,” Morgan added, leaning against the door.
“Ah, he might be, but I’ll just hack into his computer and delete all his files.”
“You can do that?” Agent Prentiss asked, slightly alarmed. “Those are files secured by the bureau.”
You grinned leisurely and shrugged your shoulders. “It wasn’t too hard.”
“Wasn’t?” Agent Prentiss gawked.
“Uh oh, with her you two are double trouble, mama.” Derek exhaled, to whom you assumed to be Garcia, who let out a chuckle before walking over to you and wrapping an arm around your shoulder, which you easily relaxed into, feeling quite comfortable with her now, already.
“Apparently all you have to do to get a government job is hack into the government,” Garcia added, leaning her head against your shoulder, causing you to giggle.
“What a simple task.” You replied, sarcastically, causing Agent Prentiss to shake her head in disbelief before smiling at you.
“Oh, I like her.” She commented before pushing open the doors and heading down towards her desk, Agent Jareau laughing at the whole interaction before catching up with the dark-haired agent.
Agent Morgan looked between you two, pressing his tongue against the inside of his cheek before letting out a quiet chuckle in content. “You two are gonna completely destroy the office,” he said before pushing open the door with his shoulder and turning outward. “See ya later, Baby Girl. See you later, Pretty Protegee!” He called as he walked down the hall and towards the stairs, leaving Garcia smiling and you with a slight blush on your cheeks, a grin plastered over your face as well.
“Pretty Protegee?” You asked, turning towards Garcia with a wide smile.
“Ah, he does that with a lot of people. Although, I will admit—well, gloat,” You snickered at this. “That I have the most nicknames. But yeah, he does that a lot. Its one of his endearing qualities.” She explained, causing you to nod in understanding.
“They’re really nice,” You commented, before remembering something that irked you earlier. “Who are Rossi and Reid, by the way? There names were mentioned before and Agent Jareau had extra files in her hand so, I assume they were for them.”
“Ah!” Garcia exclaimed, wrapping her arm around your bicep as she placed her computer under her arm and started to lead you towards the door, your laptop and file already in your hands. Rossi is this, like, super-rich author who was actually one of the original starters of the BAU. He kind of retired to work on his books, which are like uber-famous, by the way, but came back not too long ago.” You pouted in acknowledgement as she fed you the information, walking across the catwalk with her and towards the elevator. “And Reid—he likes to be called Doctor Reid, by the way.”
“Is he a Doctor?” You inquired, pressing the elevator button corresponding with your floor.
“He has like, 3 PhD’s and can read a bazillion words per minute. He’s super smart, like Einstein smart.” She ranted, her hands moving animatedly as she spoke.
“Einstein discovered the theory of relativity, Garcia.”
“Well, Spencer has an IQ of 187!”
That shocked you, the piece of information donning on you as you both ascended to your chosen floor, your mind trying to rap around the thought.
“Jesus Christ…” You gawked, looking at Garcia with wide eyes.
“Yeah, he’s an actual genius.” Garcia cemented, wide eyes mimicking yours in empathy. You shook your head in disbelief before the doors of the elevator opened, allowing the two of you to step out and head towards Garcia’s lair.
“How old is he? You said he was young.” You asked, opening the door for her, which you thanked you kindly for before walking in.
“You’re kidding…” You whispered, eyes wrapping around the idea of working with a genius. Of course, everyone in the bureau was intelligent, but people easily get wrapped around by numbers, and you were quite enamored.
“Yeah,” Garcia said, waking up her computers before taking a seat in her comfy chair, and you had followed close after.
“Hmm, does Morgan have a nickname for him as well? Young genius? Einstein?” You asked, opening the case file as you started your laptop back up.
“Yeah, it’s Pretty Boy.” She said with a chuckle, causing your head to spin around in interest.
“Pretty Boy?”
“Cause he’s pretty!” Garcia giggled, spinning towards you in her chair, her fingers fiddling with the fluffy end of the pencil that she decided to pick up.
“He’s pretty?” You inquired, raising an eyebrow before turning back towards your laptop, which still had Garcia’s presentation displayed on it. You quickly exited the screen, shivering in disgust at the memory of the photos.
“Yeah…” There was a slight quirk in her voice that did not settle with you well.
“Why are you so fixated on the fact that he’s pretty?”
“I’m not, Garcia I don’t even know him!” You defended, although you don’t know why you were defending yourself at all, but the slightly upbeat in Garcia’s voice pushed you to explain yourself as if you were caught doing something wrong.
“But the fact that he is pretty interests you.”
“Garcia, again, I don’t know him.
“I think you’d like him, my petite protegee. He likes Star Trek and reading and a whole lotta sugar in his coffee.” She giggled, turning back to her monitor, causing you to stare at her in defense as your mouth moved and contorted to spit out explanations and excuses that never came. Instead, you decided to sigh defeated, slumping in your chair before you loaded your file up to the presentation you desperately hated by knew you needed to look at, quickly skipping towards the ID photos of the two victims before you opened up your case file.
A beat of silence went by.
Screw yourself for being inquired by this guy.
“…so, he’s a nerd?”
Another excruciating beat went by.
“Yeah, he is.” A pause. “Are you into nerds, Y/N?”
You do not know how this escalated so fast, but god do you wish you could turn it back.
* * *
“Your magic oracle is here to serve you, oh wise one.” Garcia said as she picked up the phone, causing you to burst out into laughter behind her, earning a playful glance before she turned back around towards the phone. “Ignore my petite protegee, she has lost all her magical senses. Whatcha need?”
You heard a faint question of ‘petite protégée?’’ from the other end of the phone, and as much as you wanted to stop yourself, you could not help but wonder, Reid? However, logically, the voice sounded too old to be Reid, and by process of elimination, assuming that it’s not a Philly officer due to how the voice seemed genuinely confused by your presence, you concluded that it was Agent Rossi. Though, you cursed yourself for allowing even the thought of Reid to slip through your mind.
“Baby girl, can you look up to see if any of the victims recently had a plumber or any kind of manual worker come to visit them recently?” You heard Morgan on the line ask, and even before you could glance at her, Garcia had started to search away, which at this point you should expect.
However, what you did not expect, was for the other desk phone to ring.
Quickly, you looked at Garcia for guidance, who paused her furious typing to stare at you in expectance, encouragingly nodding at you to pick it up. You pushed yourself off your chair to reach for the phone, bringing it up to your ear in preparation.
“Garcia can you check to see if the victims all went to the same school?”
The sudden question surprised you, causing you to become speechless as your nervous mind attempted to connect with your mouth and form concrete setences.
“Ah…I’m not Garcia.”
“You’re not?”
Process of elimination.
“No, I’m her new assistant.”
“Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Spencer Reid.”
“So, I’ve heard.”
“Y-you’ve heard about me?”
Your nerves released themselves via soft chuckle as you awoke your laptop from sleep mode.
“Garcia told me a lot about you.”
“What did she say?”
‘Reid.’ It was faint, quiet, but it definitely came from Agent Hotchner, the firmness indicating for Reid to be punctual and to not become distracted by whatever you two were doing. It seemed like the two of your snapped out of your weird trance simultaneously, your fingers hovering over your keyboard and phone placed on speaker as soon as Reid started to talk.
“R-right! Sorry. Y/L/N, can you see if the three victims went to the same high school?”
At this point, you could barely feel the keys on your keyboard as your fingers aggressively typed away, pulling up various records of the victims before key-searching on education and diplomas.
“Same high school.” You concluded, surprised by the connection.
“That’s what I thought.” You heard Reid whisper on the other line, but you were certain that it was more towards himself than you. “Thank you, Y/L/N.”
“No problem, Reid.”
Then the line suddenly cut, and you were left in slight dazzlement at the little interaction you got with Doctor Spencer Reid, the man whose voice was too soft and adorable to be true.  
You turned agonizingly slow in your chair back towards Garcia’s direction, dread evident through your body as your eyes fell upon her plotting grin, her smirk putting the Chesire-cat to shame.
“What was that little thing you two had in the beginning?”
You let out a groan in dramatic agony.
“Garcia! I barely know him!”
“But you seem smitten.” Her last word was too punctuated for you to be comfortable, so you threw her a sharp glare before turning back towards your laptop and pulling up your programming exam.
“Oh, you are not going to ignore me!” She exclaimed behind you in offense, to which you have an exaggerated shrug of your shoulders.
“I’m sorry, Garcia, but I have important matters to attend.”
“Oh, this is not over, missy.” She let out an offended gasp, and you bit your inner cheek to inhibit yourself from letting out a chuckle as you loaded up your Java program.
* * *
“Your oracle is ready for you, sir.” You heard Garcia say into the phone, your seat rolled up next to her as you both leaned in towards the device, the entire BAU team compiled on the other end.
“We looked through various records and backgrounds, but no one seems to fit the profile.” You heard Agent Hotchner explain from the other end, Garcia immediately pulling up the information you two have collected on the victims and previous suspects so far. Still, it seemed as if the team has got gotten anything conclusive, and since the last time you called, apparently, another body was discovered in a hotel room, more brutally mutilated than the others.
‘He’s evolving.’ You remembered Doctor Spencer Reid say in a previous phone call, only meaning that the situation was getting worse and the team was running out of time.
“Okay, let’s get over what we know so far,” You heard Agent Morgan start, speaking to both the team and the two of you present in the computer lab. “This unsub is efficient and quick,”
“He sexually assaults the victims, humiliates them,” Agent Prentiss added, disgust and fatigue evident in her voice.
“Mutilates their bodies and their faces, so he has something against their looks” Agent Jareau voice emulated from the speaker.
Why is it…
“All the victims are from the same college, so the unsub is connected to them in that means. Former student or staff member?” Reid threw, voice questioning.
Why can’t it be…
“These girls were all pretty and popular, maybe he was upset that they made fun of him, or never dated him?” Rossi tried, hoping to find something, anything to add to the case.
Hold on.
“Why do you keep saying that the unsub is a ‘he’?” You interrupted, much to the surprise of Garcia, who looked at you, taken aback, and to the silence of the team, which you interpreted as surprise as well.
“…what do you mean, Y/L/N?” You heard Hotch ask through the phone, causing you to become flustered by your outburst, voice wavering slightly as you attempted to justify yourself.
“I-It’s just—” You felt Garcia’s hand squeeze your shoulder, helping ground you, and you took a soft breath before speaking. “You guys kept talking about how the unsub was neat and efficient. You said it was most likely a sneak attack, right?”
“Right, but the preference in females and in relationship with their sex organs—”
“Lesbians exist, Prentiss.” You interrupt, causing both you and her to chuckle slightly before continuing. “But, it doesn’t have to be sexual.”
“You think it might be revenge?” You heard Agent Rossi ask, and before you responded, you pushed yourself away from Garcia’s desk towards your laptop, opening up your closed device and pressing on the various files that you researched during the case.
“So, I got bored when you guys didn’t call us,” You heard Agent Morgan let out a chuckle. “And I started looking into the victim’s high school backgrounds since Doctor Reid mentioned the fact that they all went to the same school.”
“You can just call me Reid.” You heard him tentatively say from the phone, and you forced yourself not to react to Garcia’s smirk before continuing.
“Okay, since Reid mentioned the fact that they all went to the same school. These girls were the queen bees of the school, the Heathers, the Regina Georges.”
“The what?” It was Reid again, and you could not help but let out a giggle at his confusion.
“We’ll discuss that later, Doc. But they were the meanest girls you could think of, and I wouldn’t be surprised if someone wanted revenge. You said it might be a boy, but what if it was a girl? Girls, especially high school girls, can be vicious to other high school girls. Maybe one of them snapped.” You explained, displaying your findings to Garcia who scanned them impressed, rubbing your shoulder in pride.
“If they did snap, it would be recent.” You heard Agent Hotchner state quickly before continuing. “Garcia, can you look up any girls from that school who had mental problems during their time in high school, had any psychotic disorders after they graduated, or had any interaction ever with any psych facilities.”
You heard the furious clicking of keys before they came to a sudden halt.
“This is quite a list for such a small school.” Garcia said breathlessly, causing you to shrug.
“Not all of them were bad, some of them might just give anxiety.” You reasoned, to which she smiled softly.
“The unsub, even if brutal, was neat, almost professionally neat. They also would need the specific tools and information to correctly damage and mutilate their sex organs. Baby girl, look up doctors, nurses, med students—”
“Focus on med-students. The victims were 26 and taking in the change that the unsub is also, they probably would still be in med school.” Reid specific, causing Garcia to open her key-searcher and specific the search even more.
“Ahh, geez, I got three names.” She replied, to which you scrunched your eyebrows in shock and disgust.
“How?” You exclaimed softly, to which she shrugged before turning back towards her keyboard.
“The unsub knows the area well to dump the bodies in secluded yet well-visited sites, so search locals, people who were born here, raised here, and stayed here.” Agent Jareau finalized, and in a sudden halt, one name and picture centered at the screen.
“Rebecca Malwizer. Twenty-five. 3356 Walnut Drive.”
“Let’s move.” You heard Agent Hotchner command before the phone was picked up and his voice was heard sharply. “Good work, Y/L/N.” Suddenly, the line was cut, and the bat cave was filled with silence.
Until Garcia enveloped you in a bone-crushing hug and spurted various praises and exclamations to you.
“Ahhh! I have the smartest protegee in all of existence, that was so good!” She gushed, rocking you two back and forth as you laughed at her antics, your hands grasping onto her forearms as you two swayed, chuckling softly at her.
“I learned from the best.” You replied, enjoying the wonderful warmth that was Penelope Garcia.
“Aww, well I can assure you that Doctor Spencer Reid loves smart women like you.”
“Aaaand, you ruined it.” You replied flatly, rejecting her once comforting hug and making attempts to escape them, which she did not allow, only pulling you tighter into her mother-bear embrace.
* * *
“They should be coming any moment!” Garcia exclaimed, jitterily walking towards the elevator with you dragging your feet behind her, smiling softly as you hugged a soft, pink blanket around you,courtesy of Garcia herself.
“They’re probably tired,” You said behind her, catching up to the excited blond with a sigh, leaning against the desk you found yourself near, the entrance to the floor only a few feet away from you. The BAU had been gone for three days now, each day requiring the team to work for countless hours without sleep, meaning neither you nor Garcia got to sleep either. You mentally cursed at the bribing you would have to do with the professor before remembering that you now worked under the Behavioral Analysis Unit and could ask the department to help you be excused.
“Which is why we need to help cheer them up!” She countered, sending you a wide yet strained smile, forcing you to shut up and bend to her will, chuckling to yourself as you cuddled into the blanket, closing your eyes just for a moment as you waited for the team to arrive.
Not even a minute later, the doors creaked open.
“Hello! Hi! Welcome everyone! Hello!” Your head jutted upwards when you heard Garcia exclaim, body jolting straight so you could face the team in front of you.
Agent Prentiss, Morgan, and Jareau all laughed at Garcia’s greeting, with Agent Hotchner giving her a firm nod, acknowledging her before his attention turned to you,
“That was good deduction, Y/L/N.” He addressed to you, giving you a slight grin that filled your whole body with pride, even if all you could return was a tired smile.
“Thank you, Agent Hotchner.” You said, voice as professional as you could make it in your exhausted state.
“Call me Hotch. No one on the team calls me Hotchner,” He said before gracing you with a full smile, which only made you feel more accomplished.
“Okay, sir.” You replied, glancing slightly to see Prentiss, Morgan, Jareau, and Garcia all smiling at me as well.
“Oh, on that note, call me JJ. That’s what everyone calls me here.” She said, tilting towards you,
“Will do.” You replied, nodding.
“So, you’re the new technical analyst.” The source of the voice was an older gentleman with dark hair and a slight beard, his face appearing as if it had seen the worst that the world had to offer, while at the same time the owner of seventeen yachts. “Y/L/N?” he questioned, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Y/N Y/L/N, sir. You’re Agent David Rossi?” You asked, feeling nervous again at the presence of one of the agents, especially one who apparently was world-renowned.
“I am,” He affirmed, holding out his hand to shake, which you took instantly. “So, tell me, what did these knuckle-heads tell you about me?” he teased, earning a chuckle from you, pulling your hand away from him to tug on the blanket that was slipping from your shoulders. You wanted to be polite, but you were cold.
“All good things, I can assure you.” You smiled, looking over to Garcia out of habit. However, when you did, you saw a slight twinkle in her eyes, snarky and maniacal, in the most well-intended, Garcia fashion possible. You decided to follow where she was staring, and as soon as you did, your eyes landed on her intended receiver.
Oh fuck, he was adorable.
“H-hi.” You could physically feel Garcia radiating from where you were.
“I’m, uh, Doctor Spencer Reid.” He said, adorned with a soft, half smile and a quick wave of his hand.
Ohhhh, Garcia was never going to let this go.
“But you told me to call you Reid, right?” you said, smiling at him softly. He looked stunned for a second, his mouth slightly agape and his eyes wide. He gave you a dazed nod, to which you didn’t know if you wanted to smirk at or blush, so, you decided to do both, looking at your feet timidly.
“Y-yeah. I did.” He finally chirped, his voice a tad higher pitched than it was before, for reasons that you were too red to consider.
“Well then,” Oh you did not like the airiness in Morgan’s voice either. “It looks like everyone knows everyone.”
“Well, we can get to know each other more later. Right now, we all need some rest. All of you have the weekend off.” You heard Hotch announce, followed by various sighs of relief and pure pleasure—that’s the most accurate way you could describe it—by the other members of the team, causing everyone to head to their desks tiredly.
You felt Garcia’s arm wrap around your bicep before she laid her head against your shoulder.
“Please drag me back to the bat cave so I can get my stuff.” She mumbled, cuddling into you, to which you giggled and rested your head on top of her hair.
“Come on, Garcia.” You said, affectionately, maneuvering yourself around so both of you could go back to the tech lab and grab all your supplies.
As you did, however, you quickly locked eyes with Reid, to which both of you gave each other a soft and timid smile before continuing your courses of action.
* * *
“Hey! Y/L/N!” You heard your name be called right as the elevator door was about to close, causing you to glance up in surprise. When your eyes locked with the warm brown ones of a certain doctor, your hand instantly reached for the elevator buttons and you pushed for the doors to open again.
“Thanks,” Spencer whispered softly as he got in, standing next to you in the elevator and waiting for the doors to close.
“No problem, Reid.” You replied, giving him a polite smile as the doors finally shut, and both of you started to descend downward. The both of you were silent initially, and at that moment, you quickly glanced over at the man, taking in his purple cardigan, the brown sweater-vest peaking from under it, as well as the sleeves of his white undershirt, and his leather satchel, which he held onto the strap of with two hands. With the addition of his converse, mismatched socks, one pumpkin themed while the other one contained math equations, and his floppy brown hair, the only thing that radiated from the man next to you was warmth, a warmth that competed with the pink blanket that was wrapped around your shoulders.
Oh, right, you still had that one.
“Is that Garcia’s?” Reid asked, referring to the suspected object.
You gave him a curt nod in affirmation. “Indeed, it is. I should probably give it back to her but its too warm.” You joked, causing both of you to giggle slightly, the young doctor giving you a soft smile that made your heart tighten.
Oh wow, he was adorable.
“You, ah, what you did during the case, that was really cool.” He complimented, looking up at you with appreciation and earnestness.
“Thanks, Reid. But I’m sure you have those breakthroughs all the time, being a genius and all.” You complimented, causing him to shake his head and smile.
“It was still impressive.”
“I appreciate that, Reid.” You thanked, looking at him softly, and keeping your gaze on him, your mouth slightly ajar in thought, to which he waited patiently for. Suddenly, your expression broke, and you decide to ask him now, or never, because what the heck?
“So…you like Star Trek?”
You have never seen a twenty-six-year-old’s eyes widen so fast.
“Do you like it too?” he exclaimed, voice loud and excited, causing you to giggle loudly.
“I prefer Star Wars, but—”
“What?! Why?” The way that he looked so wounded and sounded so devastated almost made your heart break if it was not for the current subject matter, which you were very passionate.
“Because Star Wars is superior!” You exclaimed, causing Reid to audibly gasp in offense.
“I couldn’t disagree with you more.”
“I am so sad that you believe that Star Trek is better than Star Wars, Reid. Truly, that is a great tragedy.” You replied in faux sympathy, causing him to scoff playfully before turning back to you. By this time, the elevator had reached your destination, but both of you were too engrossed in your conversation to care, walking off together into the parking lot.
Both of you continued to argue about which film series was better, animated, and passionate until you reached your car, to which you leaned against before turning back to the young doctor.
“Okay, fine. But answer me this: Sherlock or Doctor Who?” You looked at him challengingly, watching as the man paused his movements to ponder, expression frozen as he tracked through his mind to find his answer.
“Doctor Who.” You wanted to let out a sigh of relief.
“Oh, thank god. For a second, I thought I would have to murder you, Doctor Reid.” You joke, causing him to smile at you broadly before laughing himself, making your insides to fill up with warmth like they previously did, smiling dopily as your rested your head against the window.
“I like Sherlock, but the tenth doctor is just—”
“David Tennant is a gift from God, I completely agree.” You said, smiling widely at him. For some reason, this caused a pause in your conversation, one that was not odd, but almost relaxing, natural. You were honestly taken aback by how comfortable and easy the conversation between you and Reid was, and you had a hunch that he felt the same.
“Ah, it’s getting late. You should probably get home.” He said, causing you to raise an eyebrow.
“I should get home?” You inquire, causing his eyes to widen and his demeanor to change.
“I-I don’t mean that in, ah, a demanding way, its just ah,” He was fumbling for a response, and you didn’t know if you should relieve him of his anxieties or let him continue out of amusement. “I-I’m sure you’re capable of taking care of yourself—”
“I’m sure that I am too.” You hummed, only causing him to spur further into his defense.
“I—Just, it’s late and unsubs are out at this time and—”
Of course, he still called them unsubs, even off the job.
“Relax, Reid. I get what you were trying to say.” You interrupted, your eyes softening as his body visibly relaxed, head drooping slightly as he looked down at his shoes, giving you a shy smile when he lifted it up once again. You returned him one equally as shy. “But thank you for looking out for me.”
“Ah, no problem…”
Then, you two just looked at each other, eyes soft and demeanors gentle, the quaint and quiet atmosphere that the nearly empty parking lot surrounding you in a serenity that made the situation more intense, but…warm.
Maybe warm was the best way to describe Doctor Spencer Reid.
“I should, ah…” You interrupted softly, breaking the quiet atmosphere that encompassed the two of you, to what seemed like Reid’s disappointment. But you didn’t want to read too much into things. “I should get going.”
“R-right.” He affirmed, nodding towards your car before looking behind him “I should get going too, enjoy the weekend before Hotch calls us in again for a sudden case.”
“Oh, god, does he?” You groaned and looked at him defeated.
“You sadly cannot control when a psychopath will attack”
“Those damn psychopaths.” You murmured jokingly, causing Reid to laugh. You let out another giggle before reaching over and unlocking your car door, throwing your bad into the backseat before turning to Reid once more, holding your blanket closed with one hand before extending the other out to him. “Well, goodnight, Reid.” You said, waiting for him to shake your hand in affirmation.
When he stared at your hand for more than a couple seconds, you could not stop yourself from being confused, scrunching your eyebrows at the young doctor.
“Reid?” You asked, looking up at him.
Suddenly, his head snapped back at you, then glanced back down at your hand, before unwrapping his hand from where it was on his satchel strap and taking yours, holding your hand gently as you shook.
“G-goodnight, Y/L/N.” He said softly, smiling at you timidly. After a few seconds, he stopped shaking your hand, and to your shock—and secret pleasure—he held on for a few more seconds, before letting go and quicklyreturning his hand back to his satchel strap, awkwardly rocking on his feet. “I-I’ll see you Monday.”
“I’ll see you Monday.” You confirmed, looking up at him.
Neither of you made an attempt to move.
“Hey, Reid?” You asked, slightly dazed at the continuous contact.
“Y-yeah?” He replied, seemingly as entranced as you were.
Whatever the hell was happening, you didn’t want to stop. But you had to go home. Your professor might kill you for not turning in your programming assignment on time.
“I really gotta go.” You giggled out, causing the boy to almost jump out of contact with you, pulling back his hand and wrapping it around his satchel strap. You smile at the flustered expression on his face, one that you are sure matches yours.
“R-right. Sorry…” He trailed, but you instantly shook your head.
“Don’t be. It’s just...I got this programming assignment, and my professor would kill me if I don’t turn it in on time.” You explained,
“Oh! I’ve programmed once. I programmed on Java and even was able to create a program where—”
“I gotta go.”
“Right!” He exclaimed, blushing ever so darker at his own antics.
This, however, got you thinking.
“How about you continue your thought Saturday night, at my house.” You offered, and for a moment, Reid didn’t respond, choosing to stare at you stunned. He started at you long enough for you to regret your question, considering it a mistake, before he answered.
“Y-yeah! Sure!” He finally replied, his face sporting a wide smile that immediately allowed you to relax.
“Okay, umm, I’ll text you the address?” You offered, to which he looked at you awkwardly.
“I, uh, don’t text often.”
“But you text on the case?” You asked, puzzled.
“Yeah, but I don’t bring my case phone home.” You explained, to which you let out a soft breath, expecting nothing else from the doctor, with the minimal knowledge you had of him.
You hoped that the knowledge grew.
“Then…your home number? I’ll call you to tell you.” You offered.
“Can’t you just tell me now?” He questioned with a raised eyebrow, to which you shrugged nonchalantly.
“Yeah, but this is more fun.” You giggled, and he smiled in response.
Quickly, you pulled on your backpack so you could unzip the small compartment, pulling out a sharpie before turning around and holding it out for him, as well as extending your wrist.
He ogled the two offerings in confusion.
‘Your number, Reid.”
Quickly, he grabbed the sharpie, and with a gentle hold your wrist, one that caused butterflies to flutter in your stomach, he quickly jotted down his number. Once completed, he let go on your wrist and gave you back your sharpie.
“So, ah, Saturday?” he asked, to which you confirmed with a nod.
“Saturday. Then I can show you how much better Star Wars is than Star Trek.”
“Oh, I beg to differ.” You retorted playfully, causing you to laugh.
“Okay, okay, or we can watch Doctor Who?” You asked instead, to which he gave you a satisfied nod. “Cool…” You turned back to your car, knowing now that you have to leave, or your professor will murder you. “See you Saturday, Reid;”
“See you Saturday, Y/L/N.”
You could not help your heart from fluttering when you saw Reid stand in the parking lot and watch to make sure you left safely.
You also could not help the soft smile you sported once you got home and when you saw Garcia’s text, exclaiming about how she saw you and Reid, and demanded you tell her the details.
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daemour · 3 months
Promise - Hongjoong
Part of Anthology
Every two weeks, I will post a drabble (and sometimes longer) alongside a prompt that went with it. The prompts may be songs, scenarios, or more.
M: Hongjoong
Wc: 1874
Warnings: Cursing, arguments
Genre: angst, some fluff, hurt/minimal comfort, e for everyone, established relationship
Summary: An argument with your boyfriend turns into something worse, and you're not sure how to come back from it
Hongjoong works hard, it’s not hard to see. He spends all his time in the studio whenever there’s a comeback, a tour, or an event. It’s commendable, and you love him for it, but it also wears down on your relationship. It’s the fifth time he’s come home late this week, and the other two days he just didn’t show up, sleeping on the work couch. You tried to bring up your worries as peacefully as possible, honest you did. But sleep-deprived and stressed-out Hongjoongs are not known for their patience.
“Hongjoong, I’m just trying to make sure you take care of yourself.” You’re done with this argument, but it appears your boyfriend is not.
“I don’t need you to do that, (Y/N),” Hongjoong bites back. “I’m a grown adult and I can make my own decisions.”
You shake your head, exasperated. “I didn’t imply you were anything else, but why don’t you try acting like a grown adult then?” You’re definitely not helping the argument end, but at this point, you’re quite annoyed at him. “You can’t not take care of yourself and then get mad at me for worrying. I’m not your parent, so stop making me baby you.”
“Then fucking leave,” Hongjoong’s voice comes out cold and you recoil. The two of you have had your fair share of fights, as all couples do, but never before had Hongjoong used that tone on you. No matter how angry he was at you, he wouldn’t ever speak to you like a pest in his life, nor has he ever cursed at you in a serious manner.
“Fine. Fuck you too, then,” you hiss, tears filling your eyes. Without another word, you spin on your heel and leave him standing in the middle of the living room by himself.
As you head down the street with nothing but your phone, you start to regret your decision. It would’ve been more safe and just as impactful if you locked yourself in the bedroom for a few hours. It’s windy and the fall air has a chill to it, and as if to prove your point, you feel drops of rain on the top of your head. As soon as you duck under the roof of a nearby convenience store, it starts to pour and you roll your eyes angrily, the bad weather not helping your anger at all.
After letting the anger stew in your gut for a minute, you pull out your phone with a sigh. You debate calling Hongjoong, but you’re still sore from the fight and would much rather eat grated cardboard than be stuck in a car with him. Your friends are not an option because they’d immediately notice your anger and you can’t tell them about your relationship with Hongjoong, nor do they know you’re even in a relationship in general. So you call the next best option.
“(Y/N)?” What’s up?” Understandably, Wooyoung's voice is full of confusion. You have all of the Ateez members’ numbers in case of emergency, but you’ve never needed to call them aside from Seonghwa once. “Is everything okay?”
“I’m sorry to call you out of the blue, but I got caught in the rain after an argument with Hongjoong and I don’t really want to be in a car with him right now.”
Wooyoung sighs. “I told Seonghwa it was a bad idea to let Hongjoong go home all pissed,” he mutters to himself or another member, you don’t know. “I’ll be right there, okay? Send me your location.”
“Yeah. Thank you,” you sniff and end the call, not wanting to seem even more pitiful than you already feel. One text from Hongjoong glares at your face. ‘This is Yunho. Come back when the storm ends.’ With a scoff, you delete the notification and huffily enter the convenience store.
One iced tea later, Wooyoung walks in, San tagging behind him to no one's surprise. “(Y/N),” San greets you with a smile and it hits you that Hongjoong hadn’t smiled once at you the entire time he was home that day. “Are you doing all right?”
At the kindness you miss seeing from Hongjoong, you break down. San and Wooyoung immediately surround you, wrapping you in their arms and ushering you to the car where you can cry in peace. Once you’ve calmed down enough, you explain everything with the occasional hiccup and sniffle. “I shouldn’t have pushed him, but he’s never said that to me before,” you end with a groan and let your head fall on the back of the passenger seat.
“No, yeah, that was out of line for him to say,” Wooyoung says and San makes a noise of agreement. “I get being tired, we all are and he has worked extra hard, but he shouldn’t take it out on you. He knew he was frustrated, and he should’ve taken some space or even asked you for some space more politely.”
“It wasn’t your fault, (Y/N). You weren’t looking to argue, it only escalated because he snapped,” San reassures you.
You sigh, nodding miserably when your phone dings. This time, Yunho texts you from his own phone. ‘Come back soon…he’s worried and so he’s angrier’ and it’s followed by a couple of emojis. You frown. “Should I go back? Yunho is with him and says he’s angrier cus he’s worried.”
San and Wooyoung exchange a look before Wooyoung speaks up, turning the key in the ignition. “Tell you what, we’ll go with you and if Hongjoong acts out of pocket again, we’ll bring him back to the dorm and get a manager noona to stay the night with you.” And as much as you don’t want to inconvenience one of their staff, you also don’t want to be left alone in the apartment and you begrudgingly agree.
When you walk back in the door, you see Hongjoong pacing the floor with Yunho on the couch attempting to placate him. “Hey guys,” he waves and you smile back and mouth a ‘thank you’ just as Hongjoong registers Yunho’s words.
“Where were you?” Hongjoong whirls around and glares.
“I left, just like you told me to, Joong. Are you ready to to talk like adults now?”
“Don’t lecture me when you went gallivanting into the rain with your holier-than-thou attitude,” Hongjoong starts to argue again but San’s low, dangerous voice interrupts.
“Finish that thought and you’ll have more pressing things to worry about, hyung. You’re coming back to the dorm. Now.”
Hongjoong scoffs. “You can’t kick me out of my own apartment,” he glowers, crossing his arms.
You’ve had quite enough. “They can’t but I can. Get out, Hongjoong. You’ve relentlessly insulted me and I do not deserve the attitude you think I do. Go to the dorms and cool down and don’t come back until you’re ready to act your age. The lease is in my name, I can and will kick you out right now, Kim Hongjoong.”
You’re tired, and you exit the room without another word, slamming the bedroom door behind you. You hear murmurs in the hallway and the faint noise of footsteps fades. A knock sounds on your door and you recognise Yunho’s voice. “I’m sorry about him, (Y/N). He’s been testy for the past few weeks. I called our manager to come and I’ll leave once she gets here. Take care of yourself and I beg of you, please don’t hate him.”
His voice fades and you can’t bring yourself to say anything. Your thoughts swirl in your head, confusion, hurt, all of the above. And once you hear the quiet mumblings of Yunho and the manager silence, you let the tears spill out of your eyes and you fall asleep soon after.
When you awaken the sun is up and you can hear the manager talking with someone in quiet tones. You’re somewhat sure of who it is, but you’re not sure you want to deal with that. It appears you’re going to have to, however, as the door closes and you hear familiar footsteps walking down the hall. Grumpily, you cover yourself with the blanket and do your best to pretend to sleep.
“(Y/N)? Can we talk?” You don’t grace him with a response but he’s known you for too long to fall for your acting. “I know you’re awake.”
“There’s not much to talk about,” you mumble under your breath but he hears you anyway and the bed dips as he sits beside your body.
"There's a lot to talk about, (Y/N)," Hongjoong's voice is quiet. "Let me lead with this—I'm sorry."
You tighten your grip on the covers. "Are you sorry or are you just trying to suck up to me? This isn't something we can just gloss over."
Hongjoong laughs sullenly. "Yes, Seonghwa made sure I understood that clearly," he sighs and you can't help but smile to yourself at the thought of Seonghwa reprimanding his leader. "You know, Jongho threatened me?"
You manage a chuckle. "That I can believe."
A hand rests on where he guessed your head to be and you don't shake off the touch. "But aside from that, I really am sorry. I had no right to take my anger out on you or lash out, especially like that. You didn't deserve that." Hongjoong still speaks softly, solemnly. "I know I hurt you and I promise to do all I can to remedy that."
You pull the covers down a little to peek at him. "My anger waned a while ago, Joong. I'm more hurt than anything and I hope for your sake and mine that you never do it again."
Hongjoong nods and you can see the sincerity in his eyes. "I promise you, I'll hold you tight always."
"Hongjoong, I hope you know how immensely disappointed I am in you. " Seonghwa's glare and his crossed arms are what greet Hongjoong at the entrance into the dorm. Hongjoong groans but Seonghwa just shakes his head and the leader silences. "For someone chosen to be a leader, you do a shit job under stress."
"I know you're mad, but you will give me respect," Hongjoong hisses at the sound of Seonghwa cursing, but the oldest member tsks.
"Well, now you know exactly what you put poor (Y/N) through, and she handled it a hell of a lot better than you did." The rest of the members' heads peek around the corner to stare at the rare sight of Hongjoong getting scolded and the leader has half a mind to tell them off but Seonghwa's having none of that. "I want you to ruminate on the damage you caused to your relationship, and apologise first thing in the morning. (Y/N) loves you, Hongjoong, and you better work hard to prove you deserve it."
At Seonghwa's tone, Hongjoong finally slips out of the daze he's been in all day and his eyes widen. "I fucked up, didn't I?"
Seonghwa nods. "You did. Fix it the best you can and I'm sure she will forgive you."
"I peomise I will," Hongjoong declares and Seonghwa smiles but his arms remain crossed.
"You tell her that. I don't need to hear it."
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jelicoxoxo · 8 months
Summary: Your favorite had embarrassingly made a mistake in potionology class, which ultimately resulted in them turning into a cat! They hunt you down to care for them, escaping their usual routine for the day.
Warnings: N/A. Can be seen platonic or romantic, OC friendly. No proofread cause i’ll wanna delete it. Floyd’s might be rushed
A/N: i’m EXHAUSTED oh my god.
(Heartslabyul) (Savanaclaw) (Octavinelle) (Scarabia) (Pomefiore) (Ignihyde) (Diasomnia)
Azul Ashengrotto
- The first and last(not) time he’ll ever be your study partner.
- You had accidentally put in cats fur instead of moose fur, how you mistaken the two? we’ll never know.
-He turned into a persian cat by the way, long fluffy fur.
- But he definitely made it YOUR problem. Following you around with a loud meow whenever he didn’t get the attention he wanted, sneaking INTO your bag and leaving cat fur on literally everything, and went out of his way to flick his tail under your nose while you ate your lunch.
-You practically breathed Azul that day, and there was no escape, not since now he could track you down himself with that new nose of his.
-The only time he ever left was to go check on Mostro Lounge, he is a busy man after all! But the twins brought him right back to you, claiming they couldn’t understand his chattering and meowing (they didn’t care*)
- So you where stuck with cat Azul. Stuck with this literal menace that goes out of his way to irritate you for his amusement.
-HAATTEESSS air jail and getting sprayed with water(ironically). It’s pretty much the only things that’ll get him to stop, but he’ll fuss and fuss about it.
-don’t give him catnip he’ll probably lose his shit.
-He turned back right beside you, then got up and left without a single word, to embarrassed to even say anything to you.
-will ignore you if you try to bring it up
Jade Leech
- Mischievous but less destructive.
- Literally nobody knows how it happened, nobody. But what you do know is that he showed up at your door and KICKED the bottom of the door till you answered
-you know those videos of the cats kicking with their hind legs as a way to knock? yeah thats him
- it was so loud too, like it genuinely scared you so bad you didn’t even wanna open the door.
-just for this long, tall, and lanky siamese cat to walk right in like he paid bills, looking back at you and meowing as if to ask “are you coming?” before he continued further into your space.
-He enjoys sitting on your desk, watching you continue your routine and occasionally including him in it.
-If you wear makeup, he’ll maybe let you pretend to put it on him using an old makeup brush. Will paw at your hand to get you to do it again, purring and closing his eyes for the “eyeshadow”
-such a sweetheart (when he isn’t scratching the hell outta your furniture and hiding your shoes/socks)
-Suddenly your new cat friend left, and the knock at your door was Jade as his normal self pretending that nothing had happened.
-Still pretends to have no idea what you’re talking about when you speak of the cat that never returned.
Floyd Leech
- By far the hardest to care for and watch, dare I say worse than ace.
- Floyd wasn’t really at fault for the incident, but i wont say he was completely a victim either. He was so irritated until he saw you, suddenly not so hissy anymore.
-This boy immediate went with you wherever you went, and did not care about whatever Azul had planned that day. I mean, he needs time with his favorite shrimpy doesn’t he?
- He likes to slap you if he sees you asleep or focused on anything but him.
- Also likes to sit on your laptop while you’re using it, as well as anything you’re writing on.
- Sometimes he’ll knock a glass or two off the shelves, tables, and counters. Or maybe even scratch up your sofa in a spot you’ll only ever notice weeks later.
- don’t try bathing him, he’ll despise you the rest of the day. To him, having heavy wet fur is just not enjoyable, actually he hates it(ironically x2).
-and oh you thought his mood swings would stop as a cat??? Oh no baby it gets worse
-one minute he’s rubbing his face against your arm, the next he’s turning around and biting it.
- Him turning back wasn’t really anything special, but he wasn’t to fond of his little “day off” being taken out of his paycheck
It is 4am I’m going back to sleep
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mvybanks · 1 year
🍟: You know that dance on TikTok with the song Rodeo with Lah Pat and Flo Mili? Could you write something where Rafe asks reader to do the dance, but then gets ‘mad’ at her for posting it? Pretty pleasee🙏
AHHH THANK YOU!!!!!! <33 loved this request!!
2k celebration CLOSED!!!
╰┈➤ 🍟—> ugh, getting hungry; wanna stop for a snack? : give me a character (jj, pope, sarah or rafe!) and a thought and i’ll write a concept/blurb!
warnings: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, 18+, sexual references, allusions to sex but nothing that explicit
“Have you seen this?” Rafe asks as he walks into the living room where you’re lying on the couch.
The smirk on his face tells you that what he’s about to show you is either going to make you laugh until you cry or to get you into bed with him, no in between.
He sits next to you and hands you his phone, a paused video on TikTok ready.
“What’s this?”
“Just watch it.” He nudges you and you shrug while pressing play.
Starting the video, you realize that it’s the new dance trend on the app that has appeared on your ‘for you’ page a couple of times already and you can’t lie that you’ve learned the dance days ago. Once the couple in the video stops dancing, you turn to your boyfriend with a raised eyebrow and a teasing smile.
“So…what about it?”
He leans back on the couch, stretching an arm on the headrest, “wanna dance for me?”
You shake your head and grin at him, “are you serious?”
“Yeah, c’mon, it’s not that complicated to learn, I think. Wanna do it?” He playfully sticks his bottom lip out.
“I already know it.”
“Oh, you’re doing it,” he confirms, holding back a smile.
Taking the phone from your hands, he gently puts a hand on your back to encourage you and you can’t help but oblige since you know this is going to definitely get the reaction you want from him. You start looking for the song on your phone before handing it to him.
“You can do it on my account. It’s got all my drafts.”
“Whatever you want, mama, as long as you do that for me.”
You raise from the couch and glare at him, “are you ever not horny?”
He gives you that signature smirk of his again, “for you? Never.”
When the music begins, you start shaking your behind and following the steps you knew by heart. It barely lasts ten seconds and you can’t stop smiling from the obvious satisfaction on Rafe’s features, looking like a kid in a candy store.
You walk to him once the sound stops playing and he throws the phone beside him before grabbing the back of your thighs and forcing you to sit on his lap as he mumbles a quick ‘c’mere, mama’. You giggle and place your hands around his neck, bending down to kiss his lips and letting him manhandle you until your back hits the pillows.
Later that night, after spending the afternoon with your boyfriend, you’re finally about to rest and fall asleep from the exhaustion your boyfriend has caused you, of which you’re actually very glad, when Rafe steps into your shared room by throwing open the door with force.
“Did you post that on TikTok?” He all but shouts.
You stifle a giggle and nuzzle your head on your pillow, “I looked good.”
“Yeah, I know you did! Pretty sure the walls know, too! But I was the only one who was supposed to see that.”
Turning around to finally face him, you notice the angry expression, “but I’ve got almost a thousand likes on it.”
He straddles your hips, caging you in between his body and the mattress beneath you. Leaning down, he puts his lips next to your ear, “either delete it or I show your bratty ass what happens when you disobey me.”
And when he sees the look on your face, he’s glad the latter has won.
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fullofgutsndopamine · 2 months
See That Space In Your Head (And I Want To Fill It In)
Tumblr media
or; the board game au
tw: cursing
look, it isn't the most nerdy thing you've ever done.
And you aren't proud of it-you aren't sure if that helps or not-but moving into a new town, in a new city- a new state, halfway across the country-known for its cold, dark and long winters well-you had to make friend somehow.
And he was so fucking persistent on Facebook too.
The posts neared non stop, always to the top of the group, right above people always posting the new fox sighting and where it was heading.
The first post was innocent enough.
Still need new members for the board to death club! we meet every other wednesday in the heart of the library.
the only comments under were spam and people looking for directions to the library. charlie didn't comment back to either.
The next post was two days later:
board to death meeting wednesay where we finally find out who's the best. come join us. Thornhill Library @ 6pm!
it's the last post that borders on pleading that makes you comment.
board to death. Thornhill Library. Newbies definitely not invited or encouraged.
look, you can sense the sarcasm in it but the way he's been posting nearing every other day for people to join his club but won't elaborate on what it is or anything besides the fucking name is making your chest boil with rage and your fingers take over across your keyboard before you can stop it
maybe, just maybe telling people what the club is would help and make people join? I dunno, just a thought.
you submit it before you can question that it's too sarcastic, too rude, not a way to make friends in this town-you're wrestling with the idea of deleting it before anyone can see it when your phone bings with a facebook notification.
it's him.
hm. thought the name alone would give it away. join us wednesday and see what we do :-)
you weren't planning on going.
planned on leaving the conversation there, letting it die but the idea of it was killing you and you found yourself lacing up your shoes and slipping a coat over your shoulders to brave the Chicago cold before you could stop yourself.
the library was on the only busy street, which figures, and parking was a nightmare almost turned around about five times before you reminded yourself you were just stopping by-haven't gotten a library card yet and while you're here you might as well see what this silly club is about
as you park and enter, a death grip on the envelopes in your hands to get the stupid card, you notice how busy it is. And how incredibly loud it is.
The librarian behind the desk doesn't seem bothered by it either, talking at a loud volume with someone else behind the desk.
you lose the confidence you had, sliding the bills into your back pocket and slinking off to what you think would be 'the heart of the library'
it's not hard to find, fortunately
or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it.
a small group of people stand around a table stacked high with board games and who you think would be the lead stands next to it, hands on his hips.
it takes you a second to recognize it's charlie from the facebook post. he’s laughing with the small circle around him, his glasses are crooked on his nose but if it bothers him, he doesn’t make a move to adjust them. he wears a bright green shirt with a periodic table on it that says i have fun periodically and truly, that’s all you needed to know about what was happening.
you almost have to stop yourself from turning around and leaving but the conversation stops you-
"Yeah well Monopoly ends marriages but none of us are married so who fucking cares?"
"It's a figure of speech, you idiot." someone says back, pinching the bridge of their nose.
They're short next to charlie, a mess of blonde hair that's uncombed.
"Look," he finally holds his hands up in surrender, “i’ll-“
his eyes flash to you.
"well," he smirks, "hello there."
Your face is bright red before you can stop it and you try to wipe the look off your face-
"You're part of the facebook group, right?" charlie steps forward, the smirk high on his face, produces "The one who didn't know who we were?"
The blush is replaced by annoyance.
"What kind of name is board to death that meets in a library?"
he shrugs, crosses his arms over his chest:
"I dunno," he says, the smirk never leaving, "Probably a board game club."
you can't help the oh that escapes from your mouth and his friends behind him are laughing and you want to disappear.
"Right." you shrug, "guess i know now-" you turn to leave and he's at your elbow.
"Hey," his voice is high and comforting, is trying to make it quiet so it’s between you two"Stay and play a game. I was just kidding."
and you feel so fucking dumb like it's so obvious now, and you want to disappear-
"Seriously," he says, "Stay. nothing makes me feel better than beating Nick at Life. Really, whatever you're going through, it'll make it better."
you hesitate and before you can turn around, tell him no, he's pulling your elbow: "come on, i promise. and if it sucks, you can leave."
you obey, sitting next to charlie as he sits with this smile on his face, his face now pink like he's embarrassed as he fumbles with his glasses.
"charlie," he offers his hand, "nice to finally meet you."
you hesitate and shake his hand, introducing yourself as well.
"nice to meet the facebook menace himself," you finally ease up, "ready to lose?"
and it's a big statement, especially considering you've never played and you don't know him, but he leans back into the seat, his shoulder brushing yours as he smirks:
"Bring it on."
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razorblade180-heated · 3 months
Yo! I typically don’t talk too much about life ramblings and maybe I’ll delete this later, but I’ve been told it’s good to just air my thoughts to the world sometimes; and I have a platform to do it so why not?
I don’t know if this is a me thing or another check in the box for demi sexuality but man do I find the dating world so needlessly exhausting. Like I’ve always thought this. 💀
I get that “casual dating” is a great way to learn about yourself and gain better experience socially but the idea of introducing yourself to multiple people just to become strangers again in three months is draining and annoying. If I’m dating you, then I can see building a future with you, but apparently that’s weird!? Why!? Maybe I really am a bit of a romantic but I really don’t see the point of talking to someone unless the “nothing” conversations feel like they’re everything. Who doesn’t want to see someone and feel this sense of peace like you didn’t realize you were holding your breath until they showed up?
I’m self aware enough to know I might be a tad starved of positive stimulation so maybe that’s why this is such a big deal for me. All I seek is peace and good communication; like I understand people can be shitty and every has their baggage they bring, but it’s so boggling how hard it is to find honesty for the sake of everyone’s time. My ego is so nonexistent when it comes to rejection it’s not even funny. Nobody likes everybody; why are people so petty when so petty if a person straight up isn’t interested romantically? I’m happy you’ve saved us time! Hell, I need more friends anyways! Just be that if possible and I will happily look for someone else who thinks I’m kissable. 😂
I don’t know if I should call this entire thing a rant or what but yeah. The dating world is a bit annoying. Can’t leave it though because if I know anything about myself it’s that I definitely want a special someone I’d fight the world with.
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anonymous-dee · 2 years
A Night Like Any Other... (Mammon/Reader)
Summary: Just a NORMAL phone call with Mammon. NOTHING SUSPICIOUS AT ALL.
Please don’t read if any of these dark topics will make you uncomfy!!!!
Mammon cradled his DDD between his ear and shoulder, ranting about the usual inconveniences: Lucifer, the failure of his latest money-laundering scheme, Levi asking him for that money back. The usual stuff. As he spoke, he paced around his room. He always did that when he got worked up, though his hands were still busy shredding up the credit card bill he swiped from the mail pile earlier that morning. No one had to know about it. 
You listened to him talk, occasionally adding in “Mhmm’s” and “Wow’s” to let him know you were still listening. He wasn’t the only one who had an eventful day, that was for sure. But you would much rather listen to Mammon talk about his day than prattle on about your minor human problems. 
“Where are ya, anyways? Ain’t it gettin’ a bit late? Humans have no business out past-- what time is it?” There was a brief pause on the line before Mammon exclaimed: “Out past 7:00 PM!” 
You knew he was exaggerating the latter portion for effect. You replied with a soft hum. 
“Who knows? You’ll find out eventually.” 
“You’d better hurry up! As your first, I demand you come home. THE Great Mammon won’t tolerate any late humans.” 
“Yes sir,” you were grinning ear to ear, “I’ll make sure to be there with a full report.” 
“Good, good!” 
You checked the time: 7:34 PM. You knew Mammon was in one of his moods, but he was right. Any later than this, and you would be breaking Lucifer’s Human Curfew. 
Mammon put you on speaker phone as he began scooping the shredded credit card bill into the trash can. Lucifer was never going to find out about his bills this time! He should really start sorting through everyone’s mail more often. Not only did he find a few expensive packages from Asmo, but he also found a new, surefire way for Lucifer to never discover his rogue spending habits! Two birds with one stone!
On the other end of the line, you could hear Asmo shouting something in the background. Something about missing packages that were on the table earlier that day. 
“I already sold ‘em!” 
“You’re literally the worst, Mammon! Ugh! I’m telling Lucifer about this!” 
“Ah, no! They’re right here!” 
Shuffling. Boxes being knocked over. You heard the pair exchange something more before the sound of Mammon’s door slamming crackled through the receiver. 
“Sorry about that, (Y/N). Had to take care of some super official business there.” Mammon wasn’t sure what you’d heard, but either way he would play it off as something he had already foreseen. Or something that wasn’t a big deal-- something you should just delete from your memory, (lest Lucifer have a 1% higher chance of finding out that he really did take Asmo’s packages from the counter along with his own overdue bill notes). 
“You’re something else, you know that?” Your voice was soft, unusually so. 
“Don’t know what you mean!” Mammon took you off of the speakerphone immediately; no one else would get to hear those sweet words. He felt a satisfying twinge of greed in knowing that only he could hear your voice at the moment. 
“Oh yeah, that reminds me! There’s this, uh, arcade place! Usually that kind of stuff is Levi’s thing, but they have crane machines with cash prizes! Like, boxes with Grimm inside of them!” Mammon’s excitement was definitely leaking through the phone. 
“Are you sure?” It seemed a bit implausible, but so did a Vampire Bat Sandwich (one of Beel’s favorites). 
“Heck yeah, I’m sure! Let’s go there tomorrow after class!”
You felt a twinge of guilt. 
“Yeah, let’s.” Your words came out a bit flat; you had intended to keep them excited and lively, like the rest of the conversation. But... It was getting harder and harder to hide it when Mammon kept talking about the future. 
“Of course we have to go for a drive in one of my babies as well. We’ll have the whole afternoon to ourselves!” 
“I... I actually might be busy tomorrow,” you mumbled. 
“Oh, okay. Day after tomorrow then?” 
“I think I have something due...” 
“Next weekend? Don’t tell me ya have more plans!” 
The clouds released drizzly droplets, and without a moment’s notice the drizzle exploded into a full on rainstorm. Days like these were typically your favorite, but not when you were in the water. 
You decided to change the subject. “If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?” 
“What kind of question is that?” Mammon still pondered the question, though. “Dunno! Probably one of those fancy casinos they have up in the human realm.” 
“Sounds like you.” Your giggle hurt, but you were smiling regardless. Mammon was definitely an open book. Your favorite novel. 
“What’s that s’posed to mean?” Mammon’s voice flared on the other end, but you could tell it was the usual banter; he wasn’t really mad. His expressiveness was one of his most endearing qualities, even if it did manage to get him into trouble a lot. 
You didn’t realize you were spacing out until Mammon snapped you back into reality. 
“Man, I hate it when phone calls get all quiet...” 
“Oh, sorry.”
“What? No, just forget it.” Apparently, Mammon wasn’t supposed to say that out loud, or so you assumed. At this point, you simply assumed that both of you drank a tall glass of Dumb Bitch Juice™ for breakfast this morning. “Ya weren’t supposed to hear that.” 
“It’s fine,” you reassured him, “hey, Mammon?” 
You hesitated to say those desperate words. But by now, it was probably far too late. There would be no going back after, right? Might as well not bother. It wouldn’t matter in the long run, anyways. Not after tonight. 
“Um... Nevermind.” You decided to hold your tongue after all. 
You really wished you had charged your phone before leaving the house this morning. Again, another mistake in the clusterfuck of today. But then again, maybe this was for the better. Your mind was starting to grow hazy, and soaked strands of hair caked your face from the rainfall.
“Hey, Mammon,” you swallowed thickly, trying to shove down the rising lump in your throat, “I have to go. My phone is gonna die.” 
“Oh, okay! See you at home, Human!” 
In one last desperate attempt to soothe yourself from the anxieties creeping up the back of your neck, you called out to him before he could end the call. 
“Say my name, at least.” 
“Fine, fine. See you back at home, (Y/N).” 
Finally, you could let go. No more fake appearances. No more holding it all together. You sobbed loudly, your cheek pressed against the cold, wet asphalt of the alleyway you had collapsed in. Well, less of “collapsed,” and more like “stabbed”.
Dumb Bitch Juice™, you dumb whore. Always making you act recklessly. But at least Mammon would get one more peaceful night, oblivious to the horrors you got yourself into. You at least wanted to hear his voice one last time-- Maybe that was selfish of you. Maybe not. All you knew was that deep down, you were terrified of losing him. And that you loved him to death. Literally.  
Your thoughts, in a probable attempt to escape the pain of the knife wedged in your torso, (a souvenir from a demon who really didn’t seem to like humans) shifted their weight towards what could have been. 
His warm hands laced within yours. That weird arcade date he wanted to take you on. Moving out of the House of Lamentation and into your own place. Marriage. Maybe even a weird Devildom dog? The thoughts were laughable, but oddly comforting at the same time. 
You let your phone slide from your grip, loosened. There was no use for a phone with no owner. 
Those images, vivid in your imagination, were so close, almost tangible. But Mammon didn’t even know how you felt about him. He was oblivious and obvious all the same, but you loved that about him. You loved him. You loved him so much. But your time with him was over. 
There would be another exchange student. The brothers would fawn over them just as they had you, and you would become a distant, painful memory like Lilith. They would move on. 
Mammon would move on. He would find someone else. You were just one slim chapter in his book of life. One small, insignificant chapter. A collection of nerves and sentences that couldn’t even tell him how you felt. 
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thethinkingaurora · 7 months
Hey you, the one with the 'cool thing you think about but don't get to talk about as much as you'd like to.' What is one thing you want to talk about, in as much detail as you'd like (I will read all of it).
Ok one thing that I really think is cool, hmmmmm
This happens every time I’m asked “what do you like” my brain just instantly vacates everything I do, it’s just like “Error 404: Life Experiences not found”
Hmmmmmm, I’d probably say ciphers/encryption
Ok so encryption and ciphers, simple in concept but holy hell does this shit get complex and fun fast
I first found out about them from the Secret Breakers book series (I love it, would definitely recommend), and then I went to a CTYI (Centre for Talented Youth Ireland) course and learned more about them and how they work, in between these two events I also did a load of research and got really hyper fixated on them, I then proceeded to learn more and begin creating my own and making my own little puzzles and stuff
Ok so encipherment and encryption both do a similar job, obfuscate a message to hide it, they were used in the World Wars to send messages to people in enemy lines on both sides (most notably the Enigma Machine), encryption often uses mathematics and numbers linked in certain ways to hide things, ciphers are a little different in the way they operate, ciphers are obfuscations but it’s easier to hide that they are obfuscations as they can often look like normal text
For example, the Baconian cipher uses something similar to binary and highlighted text to hide a message, so 00000 is A, 00001 is B, 00010 is C, so on, so where there is a one you highlight the letter
So to hide the word “hi” you need at least 10 letters, but less that 15, so “hello there” is our ten letters and hi translates to 00111 01000, so we highlight the letters specified, which gives us “hello there” (the baconian cipher was made by Sir Francis Bacon and he has many written letters with hidden messages in them, that’s all I can remember off the top of my head)
But using encryption (for example Base64) “hi” would become “aGk=“ which is much more obvious that it is a hidden message
I’ll explain how encryption is used in real life somewhat in a reblog later, I just want to get back to where I was as uI just accidentally deleted a huge chunk of what I had typed (as in I opened Google to check my spelling and tumblr decided it would be the perfect time to restart, I’m typing this on my phone)
Ok so onto the ciphers, the one that I really really like
So ciphers have been in use for millennia, I’ll start with a common enough one, The Polybius Square
The Polybius Square was created by an Ancient Greek scholar called Polybius(yeah he tried really hard when naming his cipher), the cipher is a simple enough substitution cipher (a substitution cipher is where certain letters or symbols are replaced by others things), where letters are replaced using 2 digits which mark there position on the square
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Which looks like this, it goes like this 11=A, 12=B, 13=C, 14=D, 15=E, 21=F, and so on, you’ll notice that in 24, instead of a single letter is both “i” and “j” simply for the reason that you can’t make a square out of 26 boxes
Early ciphers were often only used by themselves but later they were used together to make more complex ciphers whether this be where it was encoded once and then encoded again or that the two were used at the same time to do some funny shenanigans
A great example of this is the ADGFX cipher which uses a modified Polybius Square along with Columnar Transpostion
Ok I’ll explain the ADGFX cipher in just a second ima explain columnar transposition first, so with columnar transposition you need a key, we’ll use “cargo” (the general standard) so first take your message and split it into groups with the amount of characters in the group corresponding to the length of the key (So “we need to attack soon”, would be grouped into groups of 5 when using a key like cargo, the groups would look like this “wenee dtoat tacks oon”)
Next you align the groups under the key
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Here is one using the example message of “we need to attack soon”
Ok next you need to take the letters in your key and arrange them alphabetically, so cargo become acgor, now take the columns you made and shift them along with the key letters
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Like this
So now that we have our letters it’s easy, we take them from left to right, top to bottom and write them out, leaving us with, “eweentdatoatkscoon” with the key of cargo, now if most people were given that they wouldn’t have the slightest clue what to do
So now imagine if we added more layers, like in the ADGFX cipher
Long story short, you take a custom alphabet and replace the letters in a Polybius square with them, then replace the numbers in the square with ADGFX
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There is one that I stole from Google
So you encode your message using the square and then with the result you use the columnar transposition that we discussed earlier and then you have your final encoded message, unless you want to add more bullshit to it, like idk a A1Z26 cipher, changing the letters to numbers, or maybe a binary converter, or maybe a morse encoder, actually why not all of them
And that’s where shit starts getting fun (for me anyway, where you stack the jenga tower of encoding hoping that one of the ciphers in it doesn’t need numbers or spaces which other ciphers can’t use
Oh another fun thing, a number and text where you have to convert the number to binary and use that to highlight letters which are the encoded message, or are they
And that’s why I absolutely love encoding and ciphers so much because you can create such interesting little things that can become games, or just brand new ciphers where you have to spot little patterns or grab little ideas and run with them hoping that that was the way it works
Actually one last thing before I go, my own encipherment method which I couldn’t find anywhere online, and thus gave it a name
The Eclipsed Polybius Square (EPS)
Ok so the name comes from a name I used to go by (Which was Eclispe) and then the Polybius Square
Ok so I’ve written documentation of it countless times, but I can never explain it off the top of my head, I know how it works, it’s just stored in the depths of the blob of synapses that is in my skull
Ok so first step, take your message and use a Polybius square to turn it into the numbers,
I am struggling to figure out how to write this
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Here is an example which I used in an sort of puzzle hunt that I made for some friends (If you notice the name Lily there, it’s a character within the story of the puzzle hunt, game, thing)
Ok so see how some of the words are highlighted, they indicate numbers for the Polybius square
So “the” is in bold and it’s 3 letters long so we get the number 3, then “to” is in bold so we get 2, these two give us 32 which is our first letter “M”, then we have “get” which is 3, then “time” which is 4, now we have our next letter 34 which is “O”, and this continues to give us a whole word
You’re welcome to solve the rest if you want(send it to me if you do, whether that be in DMs or reblog)
Also just a note, when making the text which will hold the code, I’d recommend making the code first and then writing the text working around the code to get it in using as little words as possible, or you might end up like I did with all of the text there only giving 1 word
Actually actually, I have one last thing, thank you @rookieroc for asking, I have been dying to talk about this and so much more but I just haven’t found anyone to say it about
P.S. I will most likely add to this over time with reblogs with more information on different ciphers
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