#Iceberg lettuce nutrition
realitylong · 2 years
Iceberg lettuce nutrition
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At around $2 a head (depending on where you live and shop), iceberg lettuce is often a fraction of the cost of bagged salad mixes packed with greens like spinach, arugula, romaine, or kale, Largeman-Roth adds. Iceberg lettuce can also help add volume and texture to dishes, making them more satisfying overall. “Because it's not bitter, it’s a great starter green for kids or people who just don't love greens,” Largeman-Roth points out. Namely, it has a mellow and mild taste, which makes it more appealing to some people. Iceberg lettuce benefits extend beyond the nutritional value too. But it still has some good stuff going for it, and both Feller and Largeman-Roth agree that you should eat it if you enjoy it. What are the benefits of iceberg lettuce?Īll of this might make it sound like iceberg is losing the battle of the leafy greens. On the whole, pretty much any other green will have a greater concentration of micronutrients than iceberg. When you look at iceberg lettuce versus romaine, for example, romaine has about the same amount of fiber, but five times as much vitamin K and three times as much vitamin C, per USDA data. The differences in micronutrient content aren’t always quite so dramatic, but they still tend to be pretty significant across the board. It boasts over 3 times as much fiber, almost 10 times as much vitamin A, 14 times as much calcium, 16 times as much vitamin K, and almost 30 times as much vitamin C, per USDA nutrition data. Take veritable nutritional powerhouse kale, for instance. 1ĭarker leafy greens just offer more of, well, all of those micronutrients. It’s also pretty low in antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin, which are present in higher concentrations in many other leafy greens and play an important role in eye health. According to the USDA, a cup of shredded iceberg lettuce contains less than one gram of fiber, and only trace amounts of important vitamins and minerals like calcium, vitamin C, vitamin K, or iron. “The dark leafy greens contain more nutrients, like iron, magnesium, folate and fiber.”Ī quick look at the numbers confirms this. “In general, it doesn’t pack a nutritional punch like darker greens do,” Largeman-Roth explains. It’s in the micronutrient department that iceberg lettuce nutrition starts to diverge. As with other salad greens, there aren’t many carbs in iceberg lettuce (just two grams per shredded cup), as well as a negligible amount of protein (less than one gram) and virtually no fat, according to the USDA. Nutritionally speaking, all of these offerings are pretty similar in terms of not being a major source of macronutrients. By “regular” lettuce, let’s say we’re talking about things like romaine, red or green leaf lettuce, spinach, kale, or arugula, etc. What’s the difference between iceberg lettuce and regular lettuce? (The way we define “healthy eating” is pretty fraught anyway, given the influence of diet culture and discounting of important factors like joy and connection, food access, and culture.) Change the lettuce’s context by, say, sticking it in chicken and pepper fajitas or tucking it into a hummus and veggie wrap-foods that more people see as being healthier-and it starts to look a whole lot different. But because they usually don’t have the nutrition profile and glowing health halo of, say, a fiber-rich quinoa bowl, those foods tend to be looked down upon in the nutrition world-and by extension, iceberg lettuce does too. Of course, there’s nothing actually wrong with eating nachos or burgers, and all foods have their place in a varied, balanced diet. It’s typically thrown on top of things like nachos and burgers, or tossed with rich, creamy salad dressings, for instance. But first, another big reason for iceberg’s bad rap: the fact that it tends to get involved with foods and dishes that aren’t always seen as meeting our collective standard of good for you, notes Largeman-Roth. We’ll talk more about comparing iceberg lettuce nutrition to its rival greens in a minute.
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olderthannetfic · 11 months
I feel like fandom activism has caused so, so many brains to rot.
How in the world is writing more fics featuring non-white characters going to show anything to the people behind End OTW Racism? And why in the world should I have an obligation to write it?
I write fics because I enjoy writing and immediately sharing with an audience, because I like characters someone else came up with, because constructing a little space for my creativity in fics gives me far less stress than thinking about creating original novels. It's not my job, and it's certainly not activism.
This idea that people should at least write one or two fics about characters of color because it shows they're not racist or because, somewhat, this stuff fights fandom racism, is absolutely unhinged.
I was in a fandom with a main character of color, and I had to leave because people were constantly at each other's throats and harassing one another because writing this character in any way would get you called a racist. He bottoms? Racist. He tops? Racist. He's described with his hair cut this way? Racist. He's vegetarian? Racist. He's not vegetarian? Racist. Literally you couldn't fucking win because the fandom split in two major groups at its beginning, and since then, if you write him in a certain way, you'll have one side accuse you of being racist, and if you write him this other way, it's gonna be the other side who accuses you! I got rape threats over this shit!
This is insanity! I work a shitload of hours a week and come to fandom to relax, reblog stupid posts, retweet porn drawings, listen to the worst Spotify playlists known to mankind, and share the fics I spend too much time working on.
Why the fuck should I treat fandom like it's a cause I should give my life to? I don't want to eat my vegetables because the vegetable you're presenting me with is unseasoned iceberg lettuce: it doesn't interest me, it doesn't have a flavor I'm seeking, and it holds no nutritional value whatsoever.
Stop pretending that things can be changed by writing more fics about that Star Wars character or that set of Marvel movies, because you know damn well they won't: you'll just get harassed more, and when you'll delete/orphan all your fics because just the idea of logging into Ao3 will make you want to anxiety puke, the people who supported all these movements will go to their Tumblrs and Twitters and whatever other socials the hip kids use and write shit like "Thank god that horrible racist left! People like them should never dare to write fics about POC ever again! Whoever harassed them out of the fandom did the right thing."
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Hey, for any of my little sibs trying to learn to eat salads/vegetables but running into a lot of unhappiness/failure/sensory issues, I recently started learning to eat veggies after a lifetime of struggling due to autism and sensory issues, and I have some tips that I’ve collected along the way!
Forget all about the “healthiest varieties” or “most nutritional salads” elitism.
A lot of that talk is based on bogus science or half-truths to begin with, but even for anything that’s true, you’re trying to eat in a way that is sustainable for you. You don’t need to be like anybody else. If you like iceberg lettuce, screw the people who say “well that doesn’t have any nutritional value”. It’s fiber and roughage if nothing else! You like a lot of dressing or add ins and people tell you that isn’t a real salad/isn’t a healthy salad? It’s more vegetables than no vegetables! It gets the greens in your body! Do your thing, you don’t deserve guilt (external or internal) for figuring out your own path.
This is about habit forming and breaking bad associations to form better ones.
Think of this as practice! I eat salads nearly daily when available because I genuinely look forward to them now, but I used to want to retch at just the thought of salad. When I used to think of salads, I always thought of being a kid and trying not to gag while forcing sensory hell so that adults wouldn’t get mad at me. It was punishing for me, and it took a lot of gentle work to change that association! So if you hate salads, really try to identify why. Are they bland and tasteless to you? Conversely, are the bitter flavors too strong? Is it a textural thing? Do you have some highly negative experiences with them in the past?
Don’t force yourself to keep trying something you know you hate.
I personally can’t stand a lot of “ultra healthy” salads that have a lot of different textures/flavors mixed in, and years of trying to suffer through salads like that never made me like them more. Back to the first point again, forget about what you’re “supposed” to be eating and eat what you find the least repulsive tbh.
The greens you choose can make a massive difference, so try a lot of different things!
This is especially important if texture or flavor is an issue for you. Personally I find iceberg lettuce the “easiest” because it has a very mild taste. I started out my adventures in learning to eat salad eating EXCLUSIVELY iceberg lettuce. Butter lettuce or romaine (especially romaine hearts) are others that are popular for being pretty palatable, and I’ve come to love them! And you don’t even HAVE to have lettuce! You can have cabbage, beets, carrots, whatever! Pick a vegetable you like and search for salad recipes using it!
Find a dressing you really like and drench that bad boy if you need to!
Some people really like ranch, or poppyseed dressing, or vinaigrettes, or even sweet dressings with honey and fruit! You can use mustard or honey in dressings! Look up different types of salad dressings and try them all out if you want. Personally, I really like zingy dressings like Italian vinaigrettes or blue cheese, but everyone’s different. You can make a lot of dressings at home, too, and if you have the stuff already it can be a cheap way to find what you like. I know dressing freaks some people out, but referencing my very first point again; some salad is way better than no salad. You may even eventually find yourself able to use less and less once you’re more accustomed to eating salad! So use as much as you need, whether it’s just for now or forever.
Toppings! Salads are allowed to be goodies with obstacles!
Use a protein like chicken or fish (I like tuna a lot) or crumbled bacon, use croutons, hummus, little cubes of cheese or shredded cheese, sliced hard boiled eggs, whatever! If there’s vegetables that you know you like, put those in! I love some sliced cucumber or shredded carrots in my salads. Some people do nuts like almonds or cashews in their salads, some people use chickpeas and corn from a can, and if you’re feeling super adventurous you can try some fruit to sweeten things up! If you like variety then mix warm foods and cold foods, creamy textures and crunchy textures! Make it totally your own. Personally, I’ll sometimes eat around my croutons so that once I’ve eaten all of my greens I have a big, crunchy reward. There’s no rules for how you have to eat something!
Conversely, be as simple as you need to be.
If you need to get used to salads by eating just iceberg lettuce and ranch for a while, you don’t need to be embarrassed! You don’t have to throw the kitchen sink at your salad, even if that’s what helps some others! This is about what works for you.
Don’t be afraid to have salad ingredients… not as a salad!
You can make a green smoothie by blending ingredients if texture is your big issue! Or make a fruit smoothie with some spinach or lettuce thrown in to help you ease into it. Or try dicing up some lettuce, cabbage, and a preferred vegetable or two (avocado, bell pepper, tomato, or cucumber would all work!). Drizzle that with a generous amount of dressing or sauce, and you can use it as a chip dip! Tortilla chips work especially well for this. Or maybe make a vegetable wrap in an actual tortilla? Or throw some chopped up vegetables in your next soup. Even if it’s as simple as putting some lettuce, carrots, or tomatoes into a sandwich, that’s awesome too!
Even outside of salads, experiment with texture for vegetables!
You can roast most vegetables on a sheet pan in the oven (or in an air fryer) for a crispy and crunchy experience! Or you can boil or steam them on a stovetop (or in the microwave) to different levels of softness; you can get most vegetables pretty mushy with enough time, if crunchy textures are hard for you! Looking up vegetarian versions of your favorite meat-including dishes can sometimes also offer great ideas for getting different textures out of vegetables! Try everything that you think you might like: grilling, griddling, roasting, steaming, boiling, sautéing, braising, stir frying, and blanching (which also helps reduce bitterness!) are all different methods to look into, and different methods have different results with different vegetables!
Big takeaway…
Be patient and kind with yourself. Working through food aversions is hard. The goal is gently pushing/testing your boundaries and expanding your comfort zone, NOT forcing yourself. Forcing yourself into extreme discomfort, distress, or pain typically only makes aversions worse! So it’s in your best interest to be patient and go as slowly as you need to. Be proud of yourself for trying, and don’t let anyone (including yourself) make you feel shame for doing what you can.
And obligatory disclaimer:
Please don’t get discouraged if none of these tips work for you! This isn’t an exhaustive list, and I’m not any kind of professional. This is just a mix of tips I’ve seen online, and what worked for myself and my own sensory issues, and I’m still learning more about myself all the time! If you’re struggling, there’s still more out there! You can achieve your goals, I believe in you. 💖
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mousemilf · 2 years
"iceberg lettuce doesnt have any nutritional value" actually one serving has 78% of your daily recommended intake of crunchy
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bunposting · 11 months
How often do you feed your rabbits vegetables? As you probably know most “House Rabbit” websites give instructions like “1-2 cups (8-16 oz) of leafy vegetables per lb of rabbit every day is required” in addition to the daily required constant hay, which, to anyone who isn’t either 1) rich or 2) lives in a rural area with lots of people giving away excess crops, is very expensive. This is the main reason I was driven away from keeping rabbits years ago
Never lol. I have never ever ever ever fed my rabbits leafy vegetables as anything more than an occasional treat. I don't know of anyone who is specifically buying vegetables to feed their rabbits because, as you said, that's expensive af - not to mention, they don't need it, and depending on the leafy vegetables you're feeding and the amount of each that you are feeding it can actually be dangerous (for example - many leafy greens are high in oxalates which can block the absorption of iron and calcium, and things like romaine lettuce can cause diarrhea due to a fairly high water content [not nearly as bad as iceberg lettuce, but it's still a risk if too much is fed]).
Feeding a high quality complete feed pellet and maybe supplementing with hay if you desire is enough to keep most rabbits at their healthiest, with the exception of nursing does and growing litters that may need an extra boost of protein and fat in their diets depending on the levels of both in the complete feed pellets they are normally being given.
If you don't want to just feed pellets, there are safer options for feeding your rabbits fresh greens that don't involve feeding expensive and potentially dangerous vegetables. For example, some folks have had great success with growing and feeding their rabbits "fodder" (which is basically just young grass from seeds such as wheat, barley, rye, or oat). Another possibility (if you're living somewhere where it's available) is feeding fresh forages such as grasses and rabbit-safe weeds/wild plants that you pick yourself. If you take this route you do have to be super careful to make sure you're identifying plants correctly so you don't accidentally poison your rabbit, you need to make sure you're harvesting responsibly when it comes to native plants so you don't accidentally cause potentially irreparable harm to those plants, and (especially if you don't plan on also having a full portion of pellets available) you need to do some research into what plants tend to be high in what nutrients so you can try to create as balanced of a diet for your rabbits as you can. Using fresh forages isn't necessarily safer than feeding fresh leafy vegetables, but it is way cheaper (...as in... Free. It's free. A little time consuming, but still free). You could also just have your rabbits outside in an enclosed space and let them eat grass/wild plants on their own terms, but they may be more selective and less interested in consuming enough grass/wild plants to meet most of their nutritional needs, and there's a higher risk of parasitic infection by keeping rabbits on the ground.
If you don't really care about what your rabbit is eating as long as you can afford it and it keeps your rabbit healthy and happy, though, you really can't beat a quality complete feed pellet.
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sistervirtue · 10 months
hate when people are like "iceberg lettuce has no nutritional value its basically water" like OKAY??? DO YOU NOT NEED HYDRATION??? olive garden salad is so hydrating stop being a hater
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theprinsloos · 5 months
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10 Reasons to Plant Lettuce now!
Growing your own lettuce at home comes with a host of benefits, contributing to both your health and the environment:
Freshness and Flavor: Homegrown lettuce is incredibly fresh, offering a vibrant taste that surpasses store-bought alternatives. Picking it straight from your garden ensures peak flavor and nutritional value.
Nutrient-Rich: Lettuce is a low-calorie food packed with essential nutrients like vitamins A and K, folate, and various antioxidants. Growing your own ensures that you have access to a nutrient-rich source without the potential loss of freshness during transportation and storage.
Cost-Effective: Cultivating lettuce at home can be cost-effective in the long run. Once you've established your lettuce plants, you can enjoy a continuous harvest without the need to purchase lettuce regularly.
Variety and Diversity: Home gardening allows you to choose from a wide variety of lettuce types, from crispy iceberg to nutrient-dense spinach or flavorful arugula. You can experiment with different cultivars and enjoy a diverse range of tastes and textures.
No Pesticide Residues: When you grow your own lettuce, you have control over the cultivation methods. You can choose organic practices or avoid the use of pesticides, reducing your exposure to chemical residues that may be present in store-bought produce.
Educational Experience: Growing lettuce provides an excellent opportunity for hands-on learning, whether for yourself or for children. It teaches valuable lessons about plant life cycles, gardening practices, and the importance of fresh, locally sourced food.
Reduced Environmental Impact: By growing your own lettuce, you contribute to reducing the environmental impact associated with the production, packaging, and transportation of commercially grown lettuce. This aligns with sustainable practices and reduces your carbon footprint.
Year-Round Availability: With indoor gardening or season extension techniques, you can potentially have fresh lettuce year-round. This availability ensures a constant supply of fresh greens for your salads and meals.
Physical Activity and Stress Relief: Gardening is a physical activity that promotes well-being and stress relief. Tending to your lettuce plants can be a therapeutic and enjoyable experience.
Satisfaction and Connection: There's a unique satisfaction in harvesting and enjoying the fruits of your own labor. Growing your own lettuce fosters a connection to your food, promoting a deeper appreciation for the entire process from seed to plate.
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afreakingdork · 1 year
controversial take: I'm a subway fan bc i cant be fucked to buy ingredients and chop them up, plus i stuff my sub full of all the veg and request for extra pickles. That's when i simultaneously feel both bad and a sense of intrigue when i watch them struggle to wrap it up
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Well dang, Pumpkin! You are right in a way for sure! I can't knock that logic and I'm all about accessibility. If you live in a place with them, i just implore people to eat at better sandwich shops. They're often the same price, the ingredients are better quality, and you can usually customize if ya ask.
However, I'm def not going to knock someone who can only use Subway or using the ease of a Subway! When I was in college, Subway was the only non-fast food restaurant that even had vegetables other than iceberg lettuce so I would go there just feel like I had nutrition!
As someone who did over a decade of food service, I would have chosen competition for preparing the biggest sandwich and trying to wrap it perfect. I don't know if this is a universal feeling 😂
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newvegasdyke · 1 year
Partially how we end up with delightful takes like “vegan food has no nutritional value” sorry your idea of vegetables is a plain iceberg lettuce salad but look at a food pyramid sometime
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laporcupina · 2 years
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I get distracted by set design and costume quirks -- or, why I can’t rewatch Captain America: the Winter Solder without staring at the hanger bumps on Sam’s green shirt. And so while everyone else was enjoying the big scene with Buck and Eddie, I was staring at the grill in the background wondering how a firefighter could think that was an acceptable situation. And then half a season later noticing that the grill had been moved when I should have been noting the significance and meaning of the Buckley Siblings’ conversation.
Anyone who has followed me since my days of trying to make SGA make sense will be utterly shocked to know that my one-off joke that was supposed to accompany a tumblr picture post went 2k words.
Medium Rare
2100 words | Buck, Eddie, etc.
When Buck signs the lease on the loft, Ali is there with him and so he doesn’t really count her as the first guest when she shows up the next day with cinnamon coffee and chocolate croissants because she knows he spent the night in the loft on an air mattress.  
Maddie is the second person he invited – counting the 118 as a collective first – and she might’ve gotten upset about that, but she is the first one to actually turn up, so what she doesn’t know won’t get brought up for the next twenty years. Maddie brings champagne – actual champagne from France, not sparkling wine from up the coast – and bread and salt because she read about it somewhere. They sit at the kitchen island and she congratulates him on moving on from Abby and admires the big windows with lots of light and asks him if he needs blackout curtains for the loft and if those would even darken the place enough to sleep firefighter hours. He doesn’t know – he hasn’t had to sleep here during the day yet – and didn’t think about that at all before he signed the lease. He gives himself bonus points for not asking if she did think about it because of Chimney because that would be deflecting and Buck 2.0 is a better man.  
“I’m proud of you,” she tells him as he hugs him goodbye. “I hope this place makes you happy.”  
Eddie turns up with beer and Christopher and makes a crack about his girlfriends picking out his living spaces, but thinks the place is nice until they go out onto the balcony.  
“You are going to have to cut back those leaves before you use the grill,” Eddie says, gesturing to the far end of the balcony with his beer bottle while steering Christopher and his cup of grapes to the nearest chair. “Even with propane, one flare-up and your home life is going to become your work life.”
Buck honestly forgot about the grill. It came with the place, conveying with the kitchen island chairs and the balcony furniture, and he hasn’t given it a thought since he first realized it was there. When he says as much to Eddie, it’s like he’s just confessed to eating his breakfast cereal with tequila instead of milk.  
“Even Dad grills,” Christopher says between grapes and that’s just a straight-up homicide.  
Eddie is pretty open about his lack of cooking expertise. He can cook the basics and Chris doesn’t live on chicken nuggets and fries, but Eddie buys salad in bags and microwaveable Minute Rice when he’s not reheating the food his grandmother and aunt drop off a couple of times a week. Which Buck really shouldn’t feel superior about because three years ago he wasn’t able to feed himself, let alone provide for a child’s nutritional needs, but that was eons ago and now he thinks iceberg lettuce is the last resort of the desperate. Still, for all of Eddie’s reliance on semi-homemade culinary hacks and the kindness of more competent family, he can somehow work a grill to the point that Bobby gave him a turn with the tongs at the last Grant-Nash barbecue.  
Neither Diaz considers grilling to count as cooking, however, and so Chris is really calling him an idiot.  
(“I’m from West Texas,” had been Eddie’s explanation the first time he’d been asked about the contradiction between being unable to stir-fry but being able to gauge meat doneness by touch and without a thermometer. “We’re supposed to know good mesquite from bad before the match ignites. If a guy can’t work a grill by the time he finishes high school, they geld him so he doesn’t pass on defective genes.” And he’d mimicked a scissor with his fingers to emphasize the point.)  
The trees from the neighbor’s balcony are just starting to peek over the divider and, yeah, he would need to cut those back if he had any plans to use the grill. But he really doesn’t. He spends an awkward few minutes explaining to both Diazes that he’s never been expected to learn how to grill and so he doesn’t. Which is a lie, but it’s easier than explaining the truth. The Northeast and Mid-Atlantic don’t have the barbecue tradition that Texas does, no, but families with backyards have grills and that’s how families spend their summers cooking dinner. At least normal families. If the Buckleys had been any kind of normal, Buck would have learned how to use a grill because it would have been part of his informal training in how to be a man and then a husband. But the Buckleys weren’t any kind of normal and so his father had created an island of solitude around his Weber and Buck doesn’t even know how to start a propane grill, let alone make a cooking fire from charcoal. He likes grilled food – anything that came off a parilla during his bartending days down in South America was amazing – but he treats it like he treats patisserie, something that requires skills he will never possess.  
Neither Eddie nor Christopher are quite willing to buy what he’s selling, but neither of them have any idea where to start to pick holes in his story, so when Chris gets distracted by the view of the city it’s easy enough to shove the grill into the background where it belongs.  
Eddie leaves an introduction-to-grilling book in Buck’s locker a month later. It has post-its on some of the pages which means Eddie’s read it and has notes.  
“I’ll make you a deal,” Buck says, holding up the book. “I’ll buy the meat and the beer, you teach.”  
Eddie makes a face. “I’ll buy the meat because I don’t trust you. You will get better beer than your usual swill.”  
Eddie isn’t so much a beer snob as someone with a paranoid suspicion of IPAs. Which Buck thinks is ridiculous and he’s secure enough in his masculinity to like things extra-hoppy.  
They don’t set a date, secure in the knowledge that it will happen at some point. Eddie is still technically a probie, but he’s become such an integral part of the 118 in general and in Buck’s life in particular that Buck considers his presence a given and a constant and forgets that he wasn’t around for things like Buck 1.0.
Except their barbecue date doesn’t happen.  
First it’s just complicated with Ali’s schedule and then Shannon’s back in the picture and then Shannon’s dead and then Buck’s under a truck and then there’s a tsunami and a blood clot and a lawsuit and Fight Club and... and.  
And then there’s a plague.  
And then there’s an Ana and then there’s a bullet and then there’s a chasm between them that an afternoon of flank steak and beer can’t gap. And somewhere in there is a Taylor and it’s not that Buck is unaware that she is not who he needs, but she’s what he needs as his world falls apart and that counts more than anyone else seems to understand. Maddie leaves and then Chimney follows and then Eddie... Eddie doesn’t just leave. Eddie shrinks his life down to a tiny pebble and it nearly destroys him, which Buck needs his own therapist to convince him wasn’t Eddie’s actual intent from the start.  
He betrays Taylor first by kissing Lucy and then by over-correcting without giving her any context for what he was doing until it was too late. He tells himself he’s willing to put in the work to make amends, to give Taylor what she needs and what she deserves, but he knows he’s doing it for the wrong reasons and he isn’t brave enough to do anything about it. He’s afraid and he’s acting out of fear because it’s the sniper all over again and he’ll still take the bullet to keep from losing anyone else.  
He helps Eddie put himself back together, keeps Chris from falling apart, gives Taylor enough to make the hurt dim in her eyes. Maddie and Chim and Jee come home and, after the last couple of years, Buck is willing to take “everyone is safe” over “happily ever after” because that’s just a fairy tale.  
Taylor’s betrayal isn’t less personal because it’s not cheating. He’d have been able to forgive her if she’d kissed someone else, even if she’d slept with someone else. But this is a betrayal of his family, the one he’d die to protect, and he can’t forgive her for that. But he also can’t break up with her for the same reasons he hasn’t been able to break up with her any of the previous times. Instead, he wants her to see why he’s so upset, waits for the recognition if not the recognizance he knows she can’t give him. If she could just see how much this hurt him... he could live with that. It would not be sufficient, but it would be enough.  
And then Eddie listens to him worry about Bobby and his inability to fix this mess when he feels like he’s the reason it happened, jokes about holes in his walls, and then goes and fixes it for him. Neither Bobby nor Eddie will say that anything happened, let alone what happened. But Buck knows that Eddie went to go talk to Bobby “about stuff” and he knows Bobby turns up at work the next day looking like himself for the first time since he was told about Jonah and Buck can do the math.  
(Knowing that Eddie has gone from being unable to escape his despair to helping Bobby deal with his own... Buck forgets that Eddie wasn’t around when Bobby was still holding them all at arm’s length, when he kept that notebook, when he fell off the wagon so hard it left bruises on them all. Eddie never knew that Bobby and couldn’t know how much the reappearance of him scared the crap out of Buck and Hen and Chim and Athena most of all. Eddie can’t understand how many people he comforted by being able to give whatever it was to Bobby that he needed, any more than he can’t see how the act of reaching out at all is a sign of so much progress from that dark night.)
Redoing the balcony isn’t on Buck’s to-do list, isn’t on the list of home improvement projects he has that got re-arranged when Taylor’s stuff became their stuff. But he can’t spend all of his off-duty time away from home, even if it doesn’t feel anything like home right now, and Taylor’s working in the loft to ‘give him some space’ because she can’t run all the time, either.  
He doesn’t own a hedge clipper because it would be stupid to have with what little greenery is out there and so he can’t actually cut back the neighbor’s trees. Which have grown from a few leaves over the divider when he signed the lease to hiding the divider completely. He can, however, move the grill. Fire Marshal Buck knows that you aren’t supposed to have a grill within three feet of the walls, but Actual Klutz Buck knows that putting it up against the balcony railing is asking for terminal velocity damage down below. It’s still never going to get used, but if it ever is then they’ll just close the window and call it good.  
It doesn’t dawn on him until after he’s re-arranged the entire balcony what he has actually done. Moving the grill so that it could, in theory, be used is... Eddie hasn’t been over since Taylor moved in. Eddie won’t admit that he doesn’t like Taylor, will in fact protest vehemently if that is so much as suggested and that’s why they were over at Casa Diaz for dinner the other month. But Buck knows that Eddie, at best, tolerates Taylor because Buck says he loves her. And Eddie hasn’t been over since Taylor moved in even as he’s been to everyone else’s place since he left.  
“Grill as a metaphor,” is what he says out loud to himself, but finally accepting that ‘enough’ isn’t good enough anymore, that he's willing to be alone to be happy, feels like a freaking revelation. Doctor Copeland has been telling him for years that he needs to learn to like himself and treat himself with the kindness he wants for others and he has never not understood the importance of that, but he has also never been willing to commit to doing it before because the process seemed terrifying. Moving the grill is maybe the scariest thing he’s ever done.  
The grill does get shifted over to the balcony railing before Eddie will light it because “I don’t want to have to tell Metro Dispatch that I set a building on fire two days after I went back to the 118. Maddie or Linda would catch the call and Josh would make it his ringtone and Bobby would have the both of us swabbing floors until Christmas.”  
Chris thinks this is the funniest thing ever, knocking over his crutches in his explosion of glee, and Buck holds up his hands in defeat. He puts down his beer bottle and grabs the other side of the grill as Eddie tells him “On three.”  
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bubba and sugarpie :)
sugarpie - what’s your favourite sweet treat?
Hm, I like a lot of sweet stuff 😂 Probably cheesecake or ice cream (CHEESECAKE ICE CREAM IS THE BEST)
bubba - tell me a funny story from your childhood. 
So, my parents never liked iceberg lettuce, mostly because romaine lettuce has a better nutritional profile than iceberg lettuce.
But I didn't exactly know that. I just thought: Iceberg, bad. Romaine, good.
And then one day I "figured out" why iceberg lettuce is so bad!
A giant one sank the Titanic!!
😂😂only in a child's mind😂😂
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clementine-treat · 1 year
food log // 8 feb
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black coffee // 2 kcal
fiber oatmeal with ice coffee protein powder, green powder, chia seeds, mixed currants and bilberries // 208 kcal
courgette & feta pasta bake, orange, tomato, cucumber, iceberg lettuce, oat bread and margerine // ~535 kcal
pepsi max and a almond nougat confectionary // 43 kcal
raspberries // 64 kcal
chickpea fusilli, tofu balls, vegetable pasta sauce, spinach and nutritional yeast // 361 kcal
raspberry & pomegranate greek yoghurt // 177 kcal
total 1390 kcal, 71g protein, 30g fiber
tdee 1935 kcal, 10 155 steps, 7 zone minutes
deficit 545 kcal
fasted 13h
i really poured soda in a coffee cup just to get a more ~aesthetic~ photo
should've skipped the bread but c'mon, it was heart-shaped, I couldn't resist
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lohlite · 1 year
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It’s been years since I updated the ref of my Easter Bunny fursona Loh! She’s my favorite character that I’ve made and I always look forward to drawing her around Easter every year! I have like... a lot of information about her, so I put it all here!
The Bunny
She calls herself an Easter bunny. And it’s easy to understand why. Each year, weeks before the spring equinox begins, a human that goes by the name Loh turns into a pink and golden bunny. Though, as she would add, it’s more of an illusion of a bunny. She’s pink after all, and has the unique ability to lay candy eggs. Real bunnies don’t do that.
In modern society, that would be an Easter bunny, wouldn’t it? Only, Easter bunnies were only known to exist in stories... Myths. Legends even. Or corporate merchandising I suppose. But not in reality. Until, Loh became one. With a few twists of course. Her long ears can stand up, bend out, or flop behind her, mimicking several breeds of bunny without any of the drawbacks. She has paw pads, common in old cartoons by animators that never studied a real bunny, but different from the reality that bunnies simply do not have them. That, or a kitty-like nose or pointed teeth akin to cats and foxes. Loh still imagined her smile looked better this way, and she was an omnivore so it only made sense. Bunnies can’t eat chocolate after all, and as a candy fiend she could not be denied her own flavorful confections.
The truth was. She was a chimera. An amalgamation of creatures that exist, along with ones that don’t, in a unique form that is simply her. Those ears are not just for show. In fact, they are there to listen to the candy-focused wants of others. If someone says the name of a candy, she will lay an egg with that exact candy inside it! How eggciting!
The Eggs
When someone says the name of a candy, Loh will lay an egg with that candy inside. Simply saying “Chocolate!” will get you a tasty milk chocolate egg (her favorite, and the default) that would put any popular brand of chocolate to shame! You need to be specific if you want dark or white chocolate. If you say “Twix!” or perhaps “Cadbury Creme” you will find eggs with a shell design very similar to the wrappers of each respective “brand”. Only, Loh will assure you, they will taste far better than store bought!
But what’s the limit that she can make exactly? Well, as Loh will put it simply, she can lay a candy egg of anything treat she’s eaten at least once. By eating any candy, her unique ability will allow her to make a higher quality version of it. Fortunately for others, despite candies that she despises (anything with peanuts!), she has forced herself to learn recipes of things she hates to eat, so that she can still make those candy eggs for others. Just because she doesn't like Snickers bars, doesn’t mean she would deny someone their favorite treat!
When it comes to other non-brand specific chocolates, the eggs will take on patterns that she enjoys. Some of her own unique designs she’s made as an artist might appear, but more commonly ones from the Pokémon franchise. Why? She thinks they’re cute. The Togepi egg design being her favorite, you will almost always find one nearby. The eggs often vary in size, but would be recognizably the same size as a chicken egg on average, only more colorful.
Every egg Loh lays is unique, perfectly delicious, edible, sterile, and safe to eat. An interesting attribute to her candy eggs would be that they have the same nutritional value as iceberg lettuce... That is, if you eat too many, you won’t face the same consequences as their real life counterparts. So, if you could choose between over eating on chocolate, skip the Hersheys and enjoy the fact that you can indulge on these candy eggs! You might still find yourself too full though. Eat in moderation!
The Lore
So, why is all of this a thing? Why does Loh turn into an Easter bunny? And why that of all things? Just like with any special interest, it starts at childhood. Loh was born in April, and with Easter being a very mobile holiday, it would always appear before, after, or sometimes the same weekend as their birthday. This meant lots of candy, cute bunnies, pastel colors would always be around their birthday! And as a pastime, Easter egg hunts were one of their favorite activities!
Loh loved to hunt for and hide stuff! And those little plastic eggs they would get? They’d use them to store their treasures when they finished eating the candy inside. And they would keep the colorful baskets to put their stuff in! It became their favorite holiday by proxy. The truth was, they knew Easter bunnies didn’t exist… but they were fascinated by the idea of one. A bunny that could lay eggs? Bunnies don’t do that! And they would have candy? To give to others? The very idea of a creature that would go out of its way to make candy and give it to kids and adults alike sounded too good to be true.
So much so, that they wanted to be one! But how? How do you just, become an Easter bunny? Luckily for Loh, it wasn’t their decision to make. It was their friend’s. A hyper intelligent dragon scientist friend (quite the mouthful!). That, unsurprisingly, Loh found as an egg. Though, he assured them, that was a ONE time thing and he just needed to recharge for a few decades… That dragon was well over a thousand years old. And knew how to manipulate reality in a lot of surprising ways.
You would think finding a fantastical dragon would have phased Loh, and it did! They were a kid when this happened, how cool was it to have a dragon as a friend! Anyone they would tell would surely be jealous, if they were not so good at keeping it a secret. That dragon friend loved Loh’s imagination. While he could make many mind-boggling inventions, it was always Loh’s creativity that would spark the ideas to make them. It’s how their close friendship was fostered. In this lifetime anyway.
Both unfortunately, and fortunately for Loh, this dragon has a long memory, and a desire to make his friend happy. Sure, Loh was just a kid when they said they wanted a way to become an Easter bunny, but the dragon lacked the common sense to know that, and spent years trying to find a way to create one. Or rather, turn Loh into one.
The “wish” Loh made to their dragon friend as a child… Eventually came true when they were ending their final year in high school. The dragon gave Loh a special egg to eat, and upon eating it. POOF! They were turned into a pink and gold bunny! That could of course lay candy eggs. A real life Easter bunny! They succeeded!
At first, Loh was mortified at such a transformation! At the time, they were a “he” and never imagined turning into a female. Let alone one that laid candy eggs! And turning into such a small adorable form? Like, seriously? But, their dragon friend was happier than they had ever seen them… They were tempted to demand a way to change back, but instead, they heard their dragon friend out. He did spend years finding a way to make such a fantasy a reality after all… And it was a pretty fantastical gift to refuse. Though, as they learned, there was really no going back.
The Anatomy
The rules were simple enough. Every year, as Easter approaches, Loh would turn into an Easter bunny. Or rather, it was originally just for a few days… Turns out making a “curse” was a bit trickier and that time frame grew longer and longer before finally stopping just a month out of the actual holiday. Something about “photosynthe-cells” that monitored the moon’s phases to guess the holiday. Eventually Loh learned to recognize when their body was going to change into a bunny, so they wouldn’t transform in awkward situations again.
The bunny design, that “chimera” state, was purposeful. The paw pads were necessary for grip and cuteness as the dragon said. And don’t forget the retractable claws so you can climb trees to hide those eggs! Why sharp teeth? Well, the dragon wanted Loh to still be able to enjoy their own candy, so carnivore teeth made more sense… Human teeth would have looked terrifying. And the dragon friend could speak fine with his own sharp teeth, so he imagined Loh would prefer them too. Buck teeth would make them sound funny anyway! As for the nose? Well, it looked cuter than a bunny nose, and a kitty nose had a better sense of smell. And pink was a given for a cute little girl bunny. As for the gold and other markings, that was always something inherently “Loh” in design.
This chimera bunny illusion state was tough enough… But what about the eggs? How did the dragon pull it off? After all, Loh is only the size of a large cat when they’re a bunny… Laying chicken sized eggs, and multiple at that... How do they all fit in such a small creature, and get past that conservation of mass and energy law of the universe? Turns out that was the trickiest part.
As an Easter bunny, Loh has an “interdimensional womb”. Patent pending. Her female anatomy twists quite literally into her very own “pocket dimension” containing a special womb-like organ capable of converting dark matter into… candy.
Why candy? Well, as the dragon scientist put it, they wanted to test a new technology that could potentially solve world hunger. Dark matter and energy exists in abundance, but no human found a way to use it quite yet. While not infinite, there exists more than can ever be consumed by a tiny bunny.
When Loh mentioned a magical creature existing that could lay candy eggs, it gave the dragon scientist an idea to test how such a thing could exist. And this was his solution. A hidden interdimensional organ that could copy simple candy recipes and convert dark matter into exact edible replicas.
Most foods expire, but candy has a long shelf life. It was the perfect subject to test such a unique biological technology. So, like many times before, Loh was a test subject, as they were many times for other technologies… but at least it turned out fun in the end. Loh couldn’t imagine how such a thing exists inside of them, or rather the pocket dimension she’s attached to? It was still surreal to think about, but ultimately all of it worked to one outcome: Loh is able to turn into a real Easter bunny, that can lay candy eggs at will, and they taste better than any candy that exists!
Over the years, Loh made a hobby of laying as many candy eggs as possible and hiding them in parks for all of her friends to find and enjoy! She loves to make her friends happy, and this was a gift for them! She even found herself always looking forward to turning into a bunny. Being so cute, and a girl, others would look forward to the transformation too! It made her feel… special for once.
Though, Loh did have one question… Why does she still have to lay them??? The eggs!?
“You said Easter bunnies lay candy eggs. What, did you just want them to appear in your hand or something? That makes no sense. This is all an intricate biological process, how would I even get that to work?”
Fair enough dragon scientist friend. Fair enough.
Misc. Easter Bunny Facts
- As a bunny, Loh is roughly the size of a large cat, but cuter.
- It’s impossible to mistake Loh for a regular rabbit. Like, how!?
- The eggs are the size of large chicken eggs, but can vary from baseball size to large marbles.
- Her fur is as soft as the softest minky fabric. Sofffff.
- Her pink fur smells like pomegranates by default, but temporarily changes to the scent of the. last reddish or pinkish fruit she eats. Think strawberries, apples…
- If given multiple candy commands, she will lay them in that order, no eggceptions.
- Her ears are a mystery. Straight up, bent, floppy, how do they work? No one knows.
- She can hear at great distances putting many hunting dog breeds to shame.
- Her favorite egg design is a Togepi egg. She always lays one each Easter at least.
- She can lay “Golden Eggs” to temporarily turn others into bunnies.
- “Bronze” eggs remove that temporary curse immediately.
- Silver eggs are special.
- Eggs she lays around Halloween glow for some reason.
- She has lost count of how many eggs she’s laid over the years. Probably in the tens of thousands.
- Despite having access to semi-infinite candy, she still needs to eat other foods to live. A candy diet would be miserable anyway.
- Since the candy eggs are made of “dark matter” and converted into regular matter, they actually contain no nutritional value whatsoever. But since when was candy eaten for nutrition?
- The eggs are designed specifically to be treats and are not a substitute for food in this way.
- Surprisingly, despite mimicking foods on a semi-molecular level, the candy eggs do not trigger food allergies, so go nuts!
- In early years, laying eggs used to hurt her and make her pass out.
- Now laying eggs is as mechanical and comforting as a quick hug.
- Laying too many eggs at once can still make her pass out.
- Thanks to her big bushy tail and long ears, she can sit like a hen and lay eggs anywhere without others seeing the act.
- She will purposefully give you a concussion by launching an egg at you Yoshi style if you try to watch her lay the egg on purpose. Don’t be weird about it.
- This does not apply to a partner or close friend. But still like, don’t look?
- Rumor has it that there are still eggs hidden from previous Easter events. She can hide them that well!
- Yes, those candy eggs are still good! As long as the candy shell isn’t cracked, the candy won’t expire! They’re similar to honey in that way.
- There’s a way to tell which year an Easter egg was laid. Think tree rings, but less conspicuous 
- She doesn’t know how big her interdimensional womb is and she’s terrified to find out.
- No soul has disliked one of her candy eggs and lived to tell the tale.
- She can make explosive dynamite eggs. This is unrelated to the above fact.
- She’s too afraid to make such eggs for fears of blowing up.
- Her edible eggs are limited to candy recipes she’s eaten herself.
- Other foods can’t be laid because they… Don’t turn out right…
- You cannot force her to lay anything beyond candy.
- Consent is still a factor here, she likes giving people candy eggs so she allows the commands to work. She can ignore “commands” for candy from people that bother her.
- After years of practice, Loh has learned to make a few special eggs for self defense, medical assistance and amusement. She won’t reveal them yet.
- Okay but some medicines are kinda like candy, so some of her eggs can cure sore throats, heal wounds aloe vera gel style and so on.
- The yellow diamonds behind her ears and the one on her back can glow in the dark at will!
- She can make eggs that produce light like a lantern for when she hides them in the dark. The light mysteriously goes out when the egg is broken open to eat.
- Her sharp canines are in fact very sharp. She can and will bite you if you’re mean.
- Her paw pads are super soft and squishy. 
- Her eyes are brown like her human form, the one thing that doesn’t change.
- When not in her Easter bunny form, Loh actually can turn into a few select other creatures too. If that form happens to be female, Loh can lay eggs in that form too! So like, an Easter Pikachu.
- Loh grew up playing Yoshi games and found the whole eggs as a weapon thing very interesting, they have decent aim with their eggs so watch out!
- Why does a seemingly random dragon give Loh her Easter bunny form? It’s just the story canon of her world. Other fantastical creatures exist in her world too you know, she’s just the only candy egg laying bunny to exist. Fire breathing dragons? Check. Rodents that shoot lightning? Check. Portals between worlds? Yep. She fits in just fine in her own way.
- There are more abilities and facts but I can’t think of them right now haha, if you read this far thanks!
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healthtiphub · 2 years
Keto Smoky Cheeseburger Salad
To Get All My Delicious Recipes , Click Here Now
Preparation time: 5 minutes Cooking time: 10 minutes 🍽 Servings: 1 Ingredients: 100g Hamburger mince Salt and pepper to taste 1 cup Iceberg Lettuce, shredded 2 Tbsp shredded Cheddar 6 pcs Cherry Tomatoes, halved For the dressing: 1.5 Tbsp Mayonnaise 1 Tbsp sugar-free Tomato Ketchup 1/2 tsp Liquid Smoke Procedure: 1) Sear beef in a pan until brown. Season with salt and pepper to taste. 2) In a bowl, toss lettuce, cherry tomatoes, cheddar, and cooked mince. 3) Stir together ingredients for the dressing and drizzle over salad. ➡️ Nutritional Information: Energy - 368 kcal Protein - 28g Fat - 25g Carbohydrates - 9g
You can click this link to get Everything You Need for keto Success.
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doctorguilty · 2 years
I want you to know McDonalds got rid of their salads because it was worse nutrition wise than anything else on the menu. I dont know how you do that to a salad, but you saying youre getting a healthy McD made me want ti tell you. I hope you have a good day! Dont be afraid to go full porno auditioning
I never noticed when that happened because I never got the salads at mcdonalds because I remember them being (like most chain fast food salads) just like an underwhelming portion of iceberg lettuce (maybe with romaine or some other thing blended in), a little shredded carrot, a couple cherry tomatoes, and like, an also underwhelming portion of chicken strips. and I absolutely don't doubt it wasn't very nutritional
it did prompt me to google mcdonalds salads though, and evidently the UK not only still has them but they look GOOD actually
I would eat those ;_;
As for what I actually got, I just got two of their regular normal sized burgers, no ketchup no mustard. Just pickles and onions. I say healthy mcdonalds lunch jokingly but! honestly for my purposes fast food burgers are a godsend when I'm just not getting enough protein in my diet and I can physically and mentally feel it (and I haven't been, thanks to financial issues).
That's why I was so devastated when my local burger king closed though cause like. the delivery was so cheap and a fucking whopper meal would lift me out of the worst depression fogs, especially like breakdowns where I was crying a lot and like too sick to eat or too tired to cook... alas..............
addendum: not thinking you're picking on me for what food I like djfhksdg just rambling about stuff
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free-keto-recipes · 1 year
Tangy Tuna Tastebud Tantaliser
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Ingredients: ● 4 oz tuna (in olive oil, drained). ● 4 eggs. ● 2 oz Iceberg lettuce (chopped). ● 2 oz cherry tomatoes. ● ½ cup celery (chopped). ● ½ cup mayonnaise. ● ½ red onion (diced). ● ½ lemon (juiced and zest). ● 2 tbsp olive oil. ● 2 tbsp capers. ● 1 tbsp Dijon mustard. ● 2 tsp white wine vinegar. ● Salt and pepper. Instructions: ● In a large bowl, mix together tuna, celery. Mayonnaise, onion, lemon juice and zest, olive oil, capers and mustard. ● In a large saucepan, bring water to boil; add a tsp salt and white wine vinegar. Crack in the eggs and allow to simmer for 3-4 minutes. ● Place lettuce and tomatoes on a serving plate, place eggs on top and tuna mix to side.
Nutritional Information: Total servings - 2 Per serving: Fat: 70g
Carbohydrates: 6g
Protein: 30g
Calories: 767
Get 200 More FREE Recipes Here: https://bit.ly/3liqkG7
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