#Klance are dumb idiots
wingsmadeforflying · 8 months
This is. So. Fucking. Good. I'm not even half way.
Voltron fic, canon divergence, technically canon complacent (it's canon there's multiple universes in the Series, it's mentioned, it's there, CANON COMPLACENT.), bitter exes/reluctant fathers Adam and Shiro, Klance (per usual), Garrison plot!!
The plot is slightly altered from canon, starting with the Kurbos mission returning safely. BUT THE PLOT IS DIFFERENT, BUT THE SAME, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND.
I am going. FERAL. Over this fic.
You do not understand, I love this fic.
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vee-is-a-clown · 2 years
Pidge: Why's your boyfriend over there giving the death glare to a snake?
Lance: I challenged him to have a staring contest with Mr Noodle.
Pidge: Does he know snakes don't have eyelids?
Lance: Would it make a difference if he did know?
Pidge: Probably not.
-In the distance-
Keith: Damn, how's he so good at this? Does he even blink?
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graniteknight · 2 months
Nk and Voltron existing with ships that have the exact same name is so fucking funny to me.
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autisticlancemcclain · 5 months
fic rec friday 54
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
all i want for christmas by tusslee
“Listen,” Lance squeezes Keith’s fingers in his hands, “I’m as bad at this as you probably are and this is going to be really cheesy, but that’s the way I was raised and I know I act like an idiot around pretty girls, but I’m an even bigger idiot around you. Go ahead and try to guess why that is. No, actually don't do that."
this one is gonna be an xmas special!! even though im writing this before halloween lol. anyways. this was so cute!! lance being all stressed about what he should get keith bc he's all in love w him any everything. so real.
2. You're Here (Where You Should Be) by @blue-wanderer
"And if you’re worried about the cameras just take care of them.” “Take care—! Take care of them? With what, Keith?” “I don’t know?” Keith asks, busily testing his foothold in the gate and generally ignoring the rising storm cloud of ire behind him. “With a gun?” “A gun? This isn’t some sort of black ops storming an enemy base thing! This is a Christmas tree thing!” “I don’t see a difference? You’re the sharpshooter. Shoot out the cameras.” “Let me just pull a gun out of my ass, Keith!” “OK, problem solved,” Keith agrees, taking another step up the gate. “Nothing is solved you dumb country space redneck!”
Or Keith and Lance may be disasters at decorating, but Christmas still manages to work its magic on them.
i bookmarked this like a year ago and let me tell you all i needed to hear was dumb country space redneck and i was hooked 😭😭 and it lived up to the name fr. hate the canon ending? want lance to not be a farmer while still acknowledging his struggles with homesickness? want some whipped keith and meddlesome kosmo? want some cheesy xmas feels? click ahead!
3. make my wish come true by angelbolt
“A world where one has to fight for custody of one’s boyfriend is a godless one,” Lance muttered, slumping so he was leaning against Hunk. Shiro exchanged some final words with Kolivan before the screen blipped out. Ah yes, the ideal Christmas Eve: long boring talks and war meetings. Wonderful. ❆❅❆ keith comes home for christmas.
fun game idea: take a shot every time you see a klance xmas fic with a mariah carey lyric. lol. ANYWAYS yall know me and established relationship + early season dynamics!! i am obsessed!! and this fic delivers!! grumpy lance pov who just wants the rest of the world to fuck off for a couple days so he can have his bf around. he's such a voice of the people
4. i'll be home for christmas by @thespacenico
A severe bout of winter weather threatens to stop Shiro from making it home for his first Christmas with Keith. Shiro is ready to do whatever it takes to keep his promise.
okay this one is from darcy's i've got you brother, which i am obsessed with and have cried over several times, and which just recently updated! this fic is so cute and a adashi with young keith always fucking gets to me, man. they're just so. shiro being so desperately determined to keep his promise to young keith who has had so many promises broken that he doesnt even expect shiro to try. but is happy that he does. sobbing.
5. the greatest gift of all by dumpsterdiva
Keith’s mouth hung open for a few seconds before he stammered, “D-do you really mean that?” Lance looked a bit sheepish as he said, “I… It’s crazy, right? I mean, it’s way too soon. You know I was kidding.” Keith straightened up. “Well, I’m not. Marry me.” “What?!” “You heard me, you coward. Marry me.” “That’s the worst proposal ever!” “Worse than you threatening me with marriage so I would stop talking about how amazing you are?”
YOU GUYS KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT PROPOSAL FICS. i feel ksjbskdbqjdbqwlwd about them. okay. and throw in a christmas setting??? and banter?? and a MODERN AU?? i am doing my best, people. this fic had me shoving a pillow into my face and screaming.
that’s it for today!! happy holidays! merry christmas!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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damnlance · 5 months
part 2 of my klance blurb but in lance’s pov. happy new year!
what a crazy fucking morning. scratch that. what a crazy fucking week. lance’s parents were on him about his stupid car, again. take it to the car wash, lance. get your tires rotated, lance. don’t forget your wax appointment, lance. at this point, they cared more about the car than they did their own son. lance had WAY better things to do than take care of some car for fucks sake.
he hated his car. it was a present for his twenty-third birthday three fucking years ago! lance was a little naive back then, thinking a fast, sexy bmw in his favorite color would get him laid every night. thank god he grew out of that phase after five months of nothing.
after his parents nagged him about the car, he was fed up. like actually the last straw. so he left that morning with hopes that when he returned home, the stupid car didn’t. he prayed on it. and although he was a little bit reckless and fucking dumb, his prayers were answered when he saw a big truck heading his way. he wasn’t proud of this in the slightest, but.. he needed this.
so he slows down, real slow. the highway is busy as everyone is on their way to work. it’s perfect. lance looks around for any cops because he’s about to ruin this car for good. he hopes he doesn’t die. he prays again for an angel to watch over him. then.. he becomes a maniac.
he swerves a little to the left. a car honks at him and he gets back into his lane. he goes a little to the right, heart beating fast in his chest. at times he slows down so much that he’s barely even driving and man does he feel dangerous!
maybe too dangerous.
okay, no, this is CRAZY!! he could get himself killed!! and probably injure the truck driver behind him! or others! yeah, this is fucking idiotic.
so lance changes his mind and.. goes with the flow of traffic. he starts driving like he means it. where is he going? he doesn’t know but maybe if there’s anything interesting near by, he’ll stop.
he decides to think of another way to get rid of this car. maybe he could leave the keys inside and go to the mall and just never come out. that could work. or maybe let some random person take it for a joyride and hope they take it forever. maybe. lance gets so lost in his thoughts that he misses the idiot car that cuts him off and break checks him. his foot becomes a little too heavy on the brakes and before he can get his bearings, BOOM!
he gets rear ended..
by the fucking truck.
lance’s heart beats a trillion times a minute because if anyone was watching or if the truck has a dash cam OORRR if the truck driver was a cop!? lance would be over.
he checks his body for any bruises or injuries. he’s good. his back will probably be sore but he’s so hopped up on adrenaline that he can’t focus on that right now. it’s clear that other cars have seen the accident and are moving out the way so they can merge over to the side of the road. lance goes and when he sees the truck following him, it becomes real what he did.
everything horribly wrong runs through his veins as he proceeds to get over onto the shoulder lane of the highway, the not-so-banged-up truck following close behind. lance takes a deep breath, then another one. he looks in his side mirror to see the truck driver getting out of the truck, looking visibly shaken up. guilt wracks lance’s brain as he takes another deep breath and gets out the car.
the first thing he notices is the bumper. totaled. that’s a good thing, his parents will be devastated. now, whether they’ll be devastated for the car or lance’s safety is questionable.
no it’s not. it’s the latter.
the next thing lance notices that gets his breath taken away is the sight of blood from the stranger. his heart begins to beat fast again as more horrible things run through his mind.
“holy crow!” he shouts, walking a little closer and staring the guy down. he can’t be much older than lance is. how did he become a truck driver???? aren’t there rules and regulations for that kind of thing?? nope, not important. “are you alright, man!?”
“m-me?” the dark haired guy answers and lance feels all the guilt twist in his gut. he clearly has whiplash. or.. something. but lance didn’t know that car was going to cut him off! if anything, he saved his own life. he’d rather be the rear-ended one than the rear-ender if that makes sense. lance moves even closer and continues to stare at the guy, searching his eyes for any signs of a concussion. he grips him by the shoulders and that’s when he sees the blood.
“oh, dude, you’re bleeding!” he exclaims, heart beating faster. he stares down this guy and for a second.. something happens.
it’s like time goes slow or something? it’s got to be the adrenaline in his body because the way this guy is staring at him is making lance feel kinda weird? he continues to examine his face and neck and eyes. no signs of whiplash but this guy is staring up at lance like he’s the greatest thing he’s ever seen. it has lance’s stomach flipping and makes the examination all the harder. but while he’s at it, lance takes a good look at him. he’s got clear pale skin, almost porcelain like, not a pimple, blemish, or whitehead in sight, and it makes lance wonder what his skincare routine is. thick and bushy eyebrows sit atop his eyes and when lance looks into those eyes, they’re dark. almost violet but not. maybe ultramarine? they’re mysterious yet.. mesmerizing. his eyes are kinda almond shaped and they’re the prettiest eyes he’s ever gazed upon, even with the light traces of eyeliner around them, making them more bold. his lashes are ten times prettier than lance’s own as they fawn out over and around his eyes. his black hair is styled into a messy mullet type thing and as much as lance doesn’t like mullets, it suits this guy fucking good. a little too good. lance inhales and gets a whiff of him, and he smells about as good as an abercrombie model would. fresh and earthy. like pine.
lance snaps out of his trance when the smell of blood hits his nose and tries to shake the guy a little because it looks like something is wrong. he’s got this empty look on his face and he hasn’t blinked for at least a minute.
“dude!” lance pinches his arm near his elbow and that gets him back.
“h-huh?” the guy says, blinking a few times.
“i said you’re bleeding!” lance reaches up to touch the dark haired man’s forehead, moving his long, soft shoulder length hair out of his face. lance touches his hairline with two fingers and holds them in the stranger’s eye view to show him the blood. that just about does it for him as he snaps out of whatever funk he was in. he jumps back a few feet, a light blush filling his pale cheeks. lance can’t help the small yet subtle smirk that breaks across his face.
“i-i’m sorry!” the stranger says, holding his arms around his body.. his beefy body.
the smirk on lance’s face doesn’t falter for a second. “for bleeding? yeah, dude, it’s cool.” he replies in a lighthearted tone. that gets the dark haired man squirming and damn near foaming at the mouth with words. lance can only stand there, finding his nervousness adorable. he jabbers about, mentioning things like car insurance, paying for the ‘horrible damages’ to lance’s bmw, and even going as far as to apologize for the blood on lance’s fingers.. from his forehead.
it’s cute. he’s cute.
“dude?” lance sends a charming wide smile his way. he shushes mr eyeliner and it actually works. his mouth zips tight into a line.
“hm..” his sexy adam’s apple bobs up then down. his dark eyes focused on lance’s own.
“i don’t care about the car.” lance admits, a little too nonchalantly. he watches as this hot ass guy’s mouth falls open like he’s just said the most out of pocket thing in the world. and he probably has. rich parents problems.
“you don’t!?” the dark haired man damn near yells. but lance smiles at him, moving a little closer.
“no. i only care about the gash in your head.” lance can’t help but chuckle because the look on this guy’s face is priceless. it’s like he’s expecting the absolute worst thing to happen. “it’s pretty deep. i can go with you to the hospital..”
lance wants to go with him. he doesn’t want to go home. he didn’t really have any plans today other than to get rid of the one thing that’s keeping him weirdly tethered to his parents’ love or something. and hey, it worked. car totaled.
“no!” the cute stranger suddenly yells and it makes lance flinch a little. he wasn’t expecting a no. he continues to stare at this nervous little angel until his babbling comes back. “i mean! y-your car!! i-! your car is-! i didn’t mean to..”
lance has never smiled this much in one day. especially lately. it feels nice to have his facial muscles hurt from smiling instead of frowning or.. crying. and almost like a lightbulb floating above his head, lance has an idea.
“sir?” he says, reaching for his violet-eyed angel’s tense shoulders. he can feel the exact moment when those strong shoulders slouch and go lax under his hands. “relax.”
lance feels his eyes gravitate towards those mysterious indigo ones and he’s instantly locked in. once again, time slows for him. he feels like his body is moving backwards while the rest of the world is moving forwards, kinda of like how he feels at the beach in between the sand and the waves. his heart begins it’s slow incline of pounding beneath his chest and it’s a new feeling for him. this beautiful stranger is making him feel things.
“o.. kay…” the long haired man nods, eyes never leaving lance’s own. it’s such an intense thing, staring into another person’s eyes and not feeling awkward or weird about it. lance catches the small blush start on the long haired man’s porcelain skin, filling his nose and out to his cheeks until he’s full on red. lance’s heart goes faster.
“you seem really distraught by the whole thing.” lance says, eyes quickly darting to his banged up car. “allow me to introduce myself. my name is lance.”
sexy mullet man only nods, mouth slightly open.
“and yours?” lance asks, eyes scanning over every ounce of that pretty face.
“k.. k-keith..” pretty dude stutters out.
keith! lance smiles, a chill of relief going down his spine. “it’s nice to meet you, keith.” he says, trying the name out on his tongue. he carefully moves his hands from the top of keith’s shoulders down to his forearms, experimentally giving them a gentle squeeze. lance inhales a little. god, he’s fucking ripped. he’s only about an inch or two shorter than lance, which doesn’t mean anything because lance is 6’0 tall, but the imagination is there. keith wears a black t-shirt with a black long sleeve underneath but even that’s not helping. keith has to have a six pack. he can’t have beefy arms like this with no six pack.
the literal ongoing traffic snaps lance out of his thoughts. right. side of the fucking road.
“mhm.” keith hums, batting those pretty eyes. lance curses himself. he removes his hands from keith’s body and lets out a small sigh. walking over to keith’s truck, he looks over to his car and examines the horrendous state it’s in. and a laugh churns in his gut.
“you know, you really did me a favor,” he sighs out, placing his hands on his hips. the soft material of his blue jeans underneath the palms of his hands does something to him. anger..?
“oh..” keith walks over to him a little hesitantly, looking from lance’s unrecognizable bmw to his giant truck. “how so?”
anger. lance feels anger. “i’ve been wanting to get rid of this car since i got it three years ago. my fancy rich parents got it for me for my twenty-third birthday and i’ve always hated it.”
he looks over and finds violet eyes. pale skin turning red. “i got into a fight with said parents about it a few days ago and kinda prayed that something bad would happen to it.” lance says, feeling selfish. he’s so happy about his car being crushed like a soda can that he hasn’t had any time to think about the fact that he could have been hurt. or worse. he doesn’t want to think about that. he crosses his arms over his chest and pushes the feeling down. “guess that makes you like my angel or something?” he flirts.
and it works because keith’s pink face goes a few shades darker and lance’s heart goes fast again, hooked on this feeling of making this total stranger squirm under his words. he smiles big again. “kidding.”
he walks to his car that’s about two feet away and opens the door. he reaches inside and grabs his backpack then reaches in the backseat to grab his fully packed duffle bag. he reaches into the cupholder and grabs his cinnamon flavored lip balm, tucking that into his pocket. he grabs his wallet, phone, and gum from inside the armrest and tucks those away into his pocket. he reaches over to open the glove compartment to grab all his little papers, knick-knacks, and emergency snacks, shoving those into his duffle bag. he grabs his keys and closes the door to his precious little car. he locks the door and gets a sick idea in his brain. lightbulb! he takes out his phone from his pocket and walks around to the back of his car. he focuses the camera onto the irreversibly dented backside of lance’s bmw and takes a pic. the anger is back and it’s going through his veins. he looks at the pic on his phone then goes to his messages.
‘sorry about your precious baby. i’m fine by the way.’
he nods his head and hits send.
“alright, sent.”
“what??” lance looks over to keith’s eyes growing wide. “you just-!”
“i just sent a pic to my annoying parents,” lance frowns, but a smile soon cracks through. “yeah, man.”
keith’s eyes bore into lance as lance smiles through his anger. he smiles like everything is okay. and it is because the way keith stares at him is enough to make lance believe that heaven is right here on earth and it’s standing in front of him, staring at him with intense dark eyes and a fucking mullet.
another idea. lance turns away to reach over and grab his license plate from the front of keith’s truck. he smiles at it in his hands. “this will make a great mantelpiece above my parent’s fireplace. what do you think?”
he turns to smile at keith, raising an eyebrow. keith returns the smile, something skittish reflecting in those hypnotic orbs known as his eyes.
“i.. think it’s badass.”
lance feels his blood boil in the pit of his stomach, the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end. he’s relieved to hear someone say anything other than negativity or he’s “crazy.” it ignites a spark in his veins. keith is the spark.
“that’s my boy.” lance hums, sounding crazy. but it’s okay. he’s pretty sure keith dies a little.
lance wants to go with him. he doesn’t want to go home. he doesn’t want to go with his friends. he doesn’t want to go anywhere but with a total stranger in his big ass truck. so lance does what he’s good at and talks his way into going with keith. in a short few minutes, lance is flashing his charm and charisma and climbing into the passenger seat of keith’s truck. first stop, the hospital. lance felt really bad about keith getting seriously hurt and offered to drive, but apparently there’s certain rules to driving a semi and keith couldn’t take that risk.
a quick pop by the hospital for keith’s stitches had lance happily holding keith’s (weirdly) gloved hand while an attractive male nurse fixed the wound in keith’s pretty forehead. it was interesting seeing him squirm when lance grabbed his hand, but not from the giant ass needle they put inside his head to numb the pain. lance was the one who almost hit the fucking floor! still feeling the guilt in his chest, lance used up some of his reserved charm for a certain dark haired man with magical eyes for a cute nurse at the front desk and got keith’s bill lowered to a decent price. then lance paid for it, despite keith’s protesting. it was the least he could do. he even went with keith to finish his delivery and got to see how that whole thing works.
but like all good things, their time had to come to an end. keith drove lance all the way home to his rich and snobby ass prison of a neighborhood. watching keith’s face go from neutral and nervous to awe at all of the fake ass, dusty porcelain water fountains around lance’s gated community was the funniest thing. if only keith knew the truth behind those rusty gates..
putting his truck in park, keith settles into his seat with a sigh. he reaches his hand up to his bandaged forehead and before he can scratch, lance reaches over and slaps his hand.
“no! don’t touch!” he yells. keith is caught off guard. he’s so cute. “you gotta let it heal properly.” doctors words. he’s supposed to get his stitches out in a few weeks and lance doesn’t want keith to have to go back before then.
“right.” keith replies, nodding. he’s nervous, lance notices, and can tell by the way he’s squirming and pinching at the tight leather gloves on his hands.
lance points to them. “aren’t you hot in those? it’s like eighty degrees out.”
“nah,” keith shrugs, focused on his hands. only his hands. “i pretty much lived in the desert, so im used to the heat.”
that has lance smiling for some reason. it’s such a random thing to say and yet it leaves lance wanting to know more.
“yeah,” lance shrugs, trying to hide a shit eating grin. “being used to the heat must be nice and all, considering how hot you are.” and he means it. keith is truly the hottest guy he’s seen in a while and he hopes it doesn’t weird keith out. lance cannot tell lies.
it seems to do something because keith is sitting up straighter and his exposed ear begins to change from a sparkly white to a rosy pink. lance can’t help but to smile. he’s been smiling so much all day that he’s not used to it. it’s been so long since he’s smiled genuinely and it kind of hurts. in a good way. also, just considering the day he’s had, he should be crying or screaming. he knows the second he leaves this truck, the second he leaves his gorgeous emo angel, it’s back to the real world. and the real world fucking sucks.
so he sucks up his pride and does what he’s been meaning to do all day. he lets out a shaky sigh and tries not to bite his tongue. “i apologize for being so forward but can i.. get your number?”
his heart beats like crazy. what if keith says no?? then what??
keith seems to cough a little, barely making eye contact. “m-my… number??”
lance is feeling nervous now. he nods. “yeah. like, your phone number..”
“.. why?” keith asks and lance all but melts in his seat. keith is so cute and innocent. his response should’ve scared lance to death but it only makes him smile, laughing a bit.
“so i can text you for your insurance information, duh?” he jokes, smirking as he waits for keith to laugh. but keith doesn’t. he sits there, body tensing in seconds and when lance realizes his sarcasm went over keith’s head and out the window, he rolls his eyes. “oh my god, so i can call you sometime!.. m-maybe..”
“me!? you want to call me?” keith’s eyes widen and he sounds so shocked like no one has ever asked for his number before. lance refuses to believe that.
instead, he nods and decides to be a little vulnerable, turning his body towards keith so he can see that yummy face of his. “yeah. is that.. cool?”
“yes!” keith blurts, nodding his head fast. lance really really thinks he’s so cute! “i mean.. sure.”
“cool.” lance lets out a nervous breath and bites on his lower lip. he grabs his phone and exchanges numbers with keith, going a little out of his way to get a picture of keith’s angel face as his contact photo, because there’s no way anyone would believe him when he tells them about the day he saw an actual angel. keith had the absolute nerve to try and hide that pretty face because of his patched up forehead and fucking messy hair. lance wanted to slap him. instead, he reassures him by commenting on how cute he looked and how he wanted to remember keith on this day the way he was right now.
“sexy, yet adorable.”
keith’s cheeks turned red and puffy again. fucking hell, his hotness is just a joke to him. does he even know??
when keith decided to take a picture too, lance only smiled, knowing that as long as he had keith in his eye’s view, he wouldn’t worry about how he looked. keith was the greatest thing he could look at and with a man like him, lance couldn’t bring himself to care about his own looks.
he smiled big and happy for the first time in weeks, months, because keith was staring so purely at him that it made his insides turn to mush. what a feeling. he missed feeling anything other than anger or unhappiness. keith made him feel like he could fly.
lance saved keith in his phone as the sexy yet adorable emo angel and although a long name, it suited him. he added a purple heart emoji for keith’s eyes and it was saved.
time was ticking. lance’s phone was secretly blowing up with texts from his family, from his parents, and he couldn’t hide forever. this was it. pulling his cinnamon lip balm free from his pocket, he opened keith’s gloved hand and placed the tasty balm inside and then leaned over and surprisingly kissed keith square on his cheek.
“thanks for the eventful day..”
he smiled before opening his door and hopping out of the truck with his things in hand. he walked over to the large gates of his neighborhood and put in the four digit PIN that resided with his family. as the gates opened slowly, he turned to keith, waving goodbye, before he began his walk down the hill and to the street of his parents’ home.
he thought about keith the entire way, hoping that he wasn’t too forward by asking for his number and kissing him. he needed a way to keep himself inside keith’s head so that he could see him again. he had to see him again. just thinking about it sent lance’s skin ablaze. how did his shitty day turn so lovesick puppy in the span of a few hours? how did keith do that?? lance’s stomach did that thing where it dropped to his ass and his heart sped up so fast, he felt as if he were going to pass out. his hands got sweaty again, so sweaty that he had to sling his bag over his shoulder because it was getting harder to hold. waves of uncertainty and exhilaration bounced around in his stomach and he had to put a hand over his chest to try and calm his arrhythmic heartbeat.
no.. no way? lance has to literally laugh at himself.
he can’t.. be in love with this total stranger?
can he???
to be continued..
part 1
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belabeya · 1 month
Texting story:
This was a part of a sort of game with
@idoweirdcrap @klance-headcanons-official @jvlz-the-unicorn @fonceink @oh-quiznakles @skigle @ashippingpotato @soulvtude
Pidge = Dat pidge
Shiro = Reluctant space dad
Coran = fan-stache-tic
Allura = I am your mother
Hunk = baker boi
Keith = shortcake (brought to you by prankster pidge) later loverboy lover.
Lance = loverboy
The Meme Team
Shortcake: Okay, woh named the server "The Meme Team"?!
Dat Pidge: hehegehejsjsbhehe
Loverboy: woh
Reluctant space dad: woh
Baker boi: woh
Shortcake: oh shut up!
Loverboy: Okay, shortcake
Shortcake: what?...
Shortcake: Hold on!!!
Shortcake: WHO CHANGED MY NAME!?????
Dat pidge: whoops, gotta go! Dinner is ready!
Shortcake: Don't you dare!
:: Dat Pidge disconnected from the server ::
I am your mother: lol
Fan-Stache-tic: I'll go get them, see if they'll change it for you Keith.
::Fan-Stache-Tic has disconnected from the server::
Dat pigde: uugh, fine I'm here, I'll change it.
Shortcake: thanks pidge.
Dat pidge: Okay, disconnect and reconnect, it should fix itself.
:: shortcake disconnected from the server::
::loverboy lover reconnected to the server::
Loverboy: wait, what.
Loveboy lover: what?
Loverboy lover: oh for fuck sake pidge!
Baker boi: oOoOo
Loverboy lover: pidge! Please change it.
Dat pidge: but it TrUEeeeeeeeeeee.
Loverboy lover: PIDGE!
Reluctant space dad: sorry bro, your on your own.
:: Dat Pidge disconnected from the server ::
:: Reluctant space dad disconnected from the server ::
::i am your mother disconnected from the server::
:: fan-stache-tic disconnected from the server ::
:: Baker boi disconnected from the server ::
Pidge pov:
"Cmon! Get in here." Pidge called. Hunk, coran, allura, and shiro funnled through the door.
"How do you know if this will work?" Shiro enquired, the others nodding in question.
"Oh, please, when has one of my inventions ever gone wrong?!"
*insert compilation if every time their inventions have malfunctioned and/or exploded*
"Just look. We can see what they are saying!" Pidge said, turning on the monitor.
The Meme Team
Loverboy: why did they all leave? I don't get it.
Loverboy lover: umm
Loverboy: ohhh, is it because you didn't have many people who loved you when you were young?
Loverboy lover: uh, yeah, sure, that's totally it.
"Oh my God" pidge sighed, face palming. "How can Lance be so oblivious"
"I know! It's almost like he's trying to be dumb" shiro complained
Loverboy: totally? Is that sarcasm I hear?
Loverboy lover: lol, how do you Hear sarcasm? We're texting.
Loverboy: I have my ways. Plus, I can Always tell what you mean.
Loverboy lover: pfft-
The group erupted in laugter. "Oh my god-" allura wheezed. Shiro joined in laughing, but only after a few moments of trying to hold strong.
"That idiot" pidge laughed.
Loverboy: hey!? What are you laughing at?!!
Loverboy lover: look, what you said earlier isn't the reason for pidge changing my user name.
"Omg, omg, oh my God!, come on keith" pidge pleaded. Everyone was just a but closer to the screen. It was frankly quite sad, everyone around them had noticed the obvious chemistry. pidge, being Keith's best friend, was told by Keith about his crush on Lance, and hunk had been told by Lance that he had a crush on Keith. It was so obvious, yet they were so oblivious. It was almost painful.
Loverboy: ?
Loverboy lover: uugh, like, look at your user name, and then mine.
"Omg yes! He can't miss this, surely" Coran had joined now.
"Didn't peg you for the type to ship people" pidge laughed.
"We are this far in already, why wouldn't I?" Pidge couldn't arge with that.
Loverboy: You like lover boys? Thats fair. What's wrong with it?
Loverboy lover: omg Lance, no, I like A loverboy. In particular.
Loverboy: Oh...
Loverboy lover: Are you okay?
Loverboy: Can I ask who it is?
Loverboy lover: omg, you are daft!
Loverboy: What?! No I'm not!
Loverboy lover: Lance... you are a loverboy, yes?
Loverboy: ... yes?
Loverboy lover: and my user name says I like "loverboy"
Loverboy: yeah and?
Loverboy: ... wait
Loverboy: You- me- you like... me?!
Loverboy lover: ... yes...
Loverboy: oh thank god!
Loverboy lover: W h a t?
Loverboy: I really like you too Keith, like a lot. I was worried you didn't like me back...
Loverboy lover: omg... you weirdly loveable imbecile
"YES FINALLY" allura celebrated.
"HAHA, TAKE THAT DEPRESSION!!" Pidge yelled in triumph. Whilst everyone was high-fiveing eachother.
"Guys?" Pidge, shiro, allura and hunk all turned around to ses Keith in the door way. "What the hell is happening?"
"I'd like to ask the same thing" Lance said appearing in the door way, leaning over Keith. Pidge thought she saw a glimpse of Keith's face going flush, but he coved his face too fast.
"Oh please! Come in!" Pidge said, ushering the two in and stiiting them down, with a grin on their face that almost looked painful.
"Took ya long enough," shiro called from behind pidge.
"What?-" Keith began, but they stepped aside to show the while chat that Lance and Keith had. Immediately, both of their faces went red.
"I'm going to get a drink" coran said abruptly, and without warning, shiro, pidge and allura followed, leaving Keith and Lance alone.
"So..." Lance strayed.
"You like me then"
"I could say the same for you" there was an awkward pause before Lance attempted to strike up another conversation.
"So, men, they're pretty, aren't they" he immediately cringed at himself.
"I mean, you certainly are" Lance's eyes almost popped out of his head as he looked to Keith. Keith's hair was draped slightly over his eyes, but Lance could still see the beautiful dark purple colour of them. "Can I kiss you-" Keith blurted out. "Ah- I'm sorry, never mind me" he stuttered flustered at himself.
"Hey, wait... " he paused as Keith turned back again."I wouldn't mind at all, actually, " he said, sort of sheepishly. Keith carefully cupped his hand on Lance's cheek, looking him in the eyes, before closing the distance and kissing him.
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vldlance · 3 years
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keithtober day twenty-six: horror movie
"why wouldn't they just leave though? like they don't need to be in the haunted house--"
"oh my god oh my god oh my god they're gonna die"
support me on ko-fi!
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mynameismeowmeow · 5 years
Person A: wanna come Netflix and chill?
Person B: Hell yeah I love scenery
Person A: Dude where you at you said we'd chill?
Person B: I'm in Chile??? Where are u I got Netflix all pulled up?
Person A:
Person B: You said we'd Netflix in Chile so I'm here waiting for you, has your plane not arrived yet?
Person A, already taking off their clothes and packing them into s suitcase: YOURE SO FUCKING DUMB
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krispyflakes · 6 years
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cant remember the last time i posted a comic, huh. This is basically a direct transcription from chapter 8 of Hearts Don’t Break Around Here by @dimplesandcurlsss or klancekorner on Ao3. I was originally planning on doing the scene near the end before keith says his speech but i passed this one on the way down and couldnt resist oOPS
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redyarns · 7 years
that after the whole fight and everything in season 4, the BOM and team voltron are in the castle
and keith accidentally slips the fact he had been two seconds away from dying to save everyone
cue everyone freezing, before suddenly lance rushes to him and fucking decks keith in the face
keith stumbles back, dizzy, until he's yanked towards lance by the front of his suit as lance kisses him harshly
lance is trembling as he seperates the kiss and buries his head onto keith's shoulder as he grits out, "don't you e v e r do anything like that again." his fists clench keith's suit so tightly his knuckles turn white. "we need you - i need you."
keith circles his arms around lance's waist and squeezes him tight. the BOM and team voltron notices his wet eyes. "okay." keith promises quietly.
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erithel · 3 years
People mistaken goofiness for unintelligence all the time or general teenage idiocy for stupidity. Canonically when the chips are down and on the occasions the writers gave a shit about him, Lance is not only, like you said, emotionally intelligent, but he’s tactically intelligent too. He’s young and and comes off abrasive but none of his ideas have been genuinely bad. He’s actually very quick to take in a situation and spit out an outcome or an outlook of a previous decision made.
People always forget he was the one who came with the battle plan the first tag team he had with Keith on the Balmera. He was the first person to fight and evade a galran ship and take on a galran army just to buy Hunk time to get Yellow. He was the one to lead and coordinate Allura and Hunk into a firefight with Lotor’s generals when rescuing Pidge’s dad. And was the one who thought to use Allura’s magic to save the team when they were all gravity strapped on that one planet that was going to explode. There’s at least two other examples in s7-8 that has him being the solutions guy.
The lack of acknowledgment by the other characters and by the narrative and the reinforcement of the “lance is stupid” character bashing from The Feud episode did a hell lot of damage in how people perceive lance’s intelligence.
(Fun little forgotten scene here, but lance also beat Pidge and Coran and the ship computer at doing a math computation. So he’s not academically an idiot either.)
That first line is 100% true – and I think that's because so often characters in movie/tv are only given one trait. They are one dimensional, and so the audience can't perceive them as anything else. This is where shows fail, in my opinion – especially with characters who are not as smart. And I'm going to use this example just because I've been watching it recently so it's in my head right now – but Stargate SG-1 gets this right, where other shows tend to fail. Both SG-1 and VLD have the same basic character types: The genius female, the empathetic one, the physically badass quiet one, and the normal one. But SG-1 took the "normal" character and said it's okay because we're going to show his other strengths, and you'll see how vital he is to the team, whereas VLD took the "normal" character and said he's the dumb one. And the most frustrating part of that was because, as you said, they did show Lance being extremely not dumb in a whole lot of instances. Yet, despite all that, it seemed as though the creators were fighting as hard as they could to make him just be the one who did not and would never be useful. But the fact of the matter remains that you need characters like Lance. You need the normal one. The perfect example of this is actually in season 8 (yeah I know). They were stuck on the planet where Keith fought Zethrid for some reason (I've seen it, like, once idk). Pidge, Hunk, Allura and Lance were trying to find their way back to the lions and they got lost. But Lance was like "the lions are that way" and they all freaked out because they didn't understand how Lance of all people could possibly know. And he just responded with something like "well, that mountain was on our left when we were headed away from the lions, so if we keep it on our right, we'll be headed back in the right direction." You need characters like that who just use common sense in a slew of geniuses. You need characters who sometimes just see the simplest solution that others miss because they're too focused on the smartest solution.
This is also (again, as always) why people ship klance so much, because in the instance you mentioned about the plan on the Balmera, Keith didn't immediately shut down Lance's idea. He stopped and thought about it for a second and then acknowledged that it was a better idea. And because of that trust and acknowledgement, it made their own arguments and snide remarks toward the other less…vindictive. It made each jab hit like more like playful teasing rather than a cutting blow. Because there's a huge difference between getting teased by someone who knows your value vs being teased by someone who needs you to feel low so they can feel tall.
(Also what's the math computation you mentioned? I don't remember that.)
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queerquintessence · 3 years
it’s nearly 4 in the morning but i just thought of a dumb klance headcanon so i must share:
i feel like when they’re dating, lance tends to say really dumb things that are incredibly cringey, but also endearing.
like after an intense battle where lance saved keith or something and keith thanks him and lance is just like “you know i’d take a bullet for my mullet”
and for a solid 5 seconds keith just stares at him with this look on his face that’s a mix of “what the fuck that’s the stupidest thing i’ve ever heard, you idiot” and “oh my god i love you so much how did i get this lucky”
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lesbianklance · 3 years
head empty- just klance going late-night grocery shopping together
are we taking this as established klance or nah? im making it established cause ive never done that
they keep making dumb competitions over who is gonna find the more stuff out of the list
they both take a bunch of extra sweets cause they're idiots with sweet tooths
keith gets in the shopping cart and lance runs as fast as he can through the isles
they of course make that a competition by having keith do the same with lance
they find a bunch of random creepy masks (let's pretend it's halloween idfk) and wear them trying to scare the other
it's all fun and games until keith scares the shit out of lance while he's holding a bottle of milk
lance drops it
on keith
they're now drenched in milk
they can't help it they start laughing
security is on their asses and makes them pay
they run out of the store like kids high on sugar
and then they make out in the parking lot wall
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solangelover · 4 years
AUctober: Day 10 - Murder Mystery
For @solangeloweek AUctober!
Read on AO3 or FF.Net
A/N: Guys, I swear I wanted to write Sherlock Holmes, but I’ve been watching too many Among Us streams and it just fits too perfectly. Solange-lol did it for AUctober too (like all-out did it, and literally tagged major character death LOL). Mine is just dumb :P
“Will, we have tasks to do.”
“They can wait, we just started.”
Nico only half-heartedly protested as he pressed his back against the wall of a dimly lit room, Will pinning him in place. Their breath was hot as it mingled between them, mouths inches away, but still not touching.
Will smiled down at him. “Don’t act like you want to do work instead of this.” He leaned down, teasingly brushing his lips over Nico’s. His hand reached out to cup the back of Nico’s neck, both bringing him forward and restraining him from going any further. Nico’s eyes fluttered closed, and he could feel heat rush to his cheeks.
He tried to chase Will has he pulled slightly away, just enough to gaze down at Nico with half-lidded eyes. Nico opened his eyes, doing his best to pout up at his boyfriend even with red in his cheeks and desire in his eyes.
“Just kiss me already, idiota,” Nico tried to growl, but it came out a little more breathlessly than he intended. He twisted his fingers into the front of Will’s suit, yanking him down and firmly slotting his lips to Will’s. The blonde let out a small noise of surprise before melting into the kiss, both hands now tangling themselves in Nico’s hair. Nico, meanwhile, circled his arms around his boyfriend’s neck, holding him in place and bringing himself flush against him.
Just as Nico began to lose himself in the sensation of Will, the lights suddenly flicked on.
“Oh ho ho, what do we have here?”
Both boys’ eyes flew open. They stared at each other for a second before Nico roughly shoved Will away from him and whipped around to look at the intruder.
Piper stood there, dressed in her obnoxiously pink suit, a smirk adorning her wicked face.
“What’s up, boys?”
Nico glared at her intensely, upset at both his kiss being interrupted and how smug she looked in that moment.
“Piper!” Will fumbled for words, and Nico couldn’t believe he was actually trying to cover up what just happened. “Um, hi! We were just…”
“Making out in communications?” She raised an eyebrow.
“No! No, I, uh… I was marinating him!” Nico looked incredulously at the boy in front of him, who now seemed determined to follow through with his lie. “Yeah, I wanted an alibi for later. I’m the imposter!”
Either that was the dumbest lie ever or Nico was going to have trust issues for the rest of his life.
“Oh, really?” Piper tapped her chin like she was thinking it over. And then, “I don’t believe you.”
“Well, it’s true!” Will exclaimed, nearly puffing out his chest in pride. “In fact, you should be running right now!”
“Or maybe you should.”
The boys stared at the girl in pink as her words set in.
“Wha—no!” Will threw his hands out in front of him as Piper pulled out a knife.
“No, wait!” Nico finally jumped into action, saying, “If you kill him, I’ll just report the body and you’re out. You’re out-numbered.”
“Actually, she’s not,” another voice called from behind her. A purple figure stepped out from the shadows of the doorway, her dark brown braid hanging over her shoulder as she twirled a sword in her hands.
“Oh, schist, it’s you two?? That’s so unfair!” Nico accepted his fate as Reyna stepped closer, a self-satisfied smile gracing her features.
Piper nodded at him. “It really is. But we can’t help that we’re good at this game.”
Nico and Will looked at each other, sighing in defeat.
Ghost Nico: I’m dating an idiot.
 A/N: Heavily based on this Klance Among Us comic. To everyone making Among Us fancontent: we need to stop, it’s ridiculous XD
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ghostgetter · 3 years
hehehe more wip from the klance fic I’m writing:
Lance fluffs out a gigantic blue comforter with flowers decorating the front. He folds it carefully, sticking his tongue out with expert, sharpshooting precision, before gently placing it on the ground next to the guest bed.
“Here ya go, Kosmo,” he pats the blanket repeatedly and the wolf obeys. He noses Lance’s hand and snuggles into the soft, make-shift bed. “Fit for a king.” He pets his fur for extra measure, smiling gently down at him.
“A king?” Keith crosses his arms, unable to control the soft smile gracing his features. Lance is unable to see how soft he looks, how content and happy he appears with his space wolf.
“More than any of us will ever dream of being,” Lance answers with an affirmed nod.
“Kosmo loves the attention,” Keith says, noting how comfortable his wolf appears under Lance’s hand. He’s a bit envious, which is stupid. Because he’s not a dog. And Keith doesn’t get “pet.”
Lance chuckles, rising up to his full height. “Yeah, well one of you has to.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” It comes out more defensively than he had intended, because really he’s just confused. Where’d that come from? The soft, domestic mood is suddenly squandered.
Lance mirrors his crossed arms, but in more of an annoyed posture. Like what he’s stating is obvious and Keith’s just an idiot, which Keith never stands for. “Uh, dude? We barely tolerated one another in Voltron. It’s only recently that you’ve even started staying over. I know my main default setting is to bother you still.”
“You don’t bother me,” Keith responds immediately, like a reflex. Like Lance’s words are an annoying house fly and Keith is the swatter.
“You don’t bother me,” Keith repeats. The opposite, in fact. But he keeps that to himself.
“No, I heard you. I’m just confused.”
“About what? You don’t. You haven’t since way before the war ended. I dunno why you think otherwise,” Keith ensures.
Lance rolls his eyes and opens his dumb mouth, but Keith still wants to speak, so he does. He wants to make sure Lance gets how much he cares about him, even if he isn’t ready to say all that yet.
“I like being here. I like staying here with you. You’re fun and caring and my friend, my close friend, and I like staying with you when you let me,” Keith picks at the skin of his upper arm as he manages to keep a straight face. Somehow, potentially through the constant meetings with the Blade, he’s able to look at Lance as he speaks, unravels, throws up, whatever. But Lance...
Lance’s bemused face is dropping into silent shock. Why is this so surprising to him? Why is he so against this idea of them...them...
“I like being around your family. Your mom is kind and a good cook, and your brothers and sisters are fun. Veronica’s a great pilot and always tries to talk to me about stuff. You spoil Kosmo. You’re great, Lance. I dunno why you still think....you bother me.”
It’s silent for a bit, and Keith sees the rose grow on Lance’s cheeks under the green facemask, and part of him wants to step closer and graze them with his fingertips. Even at the expense of covering his hands in chalky goo. Even if Lance yells at him about hand oils. He watches Lance blink once, twice, thrice -
Oh, Keith feels like a moron now. His heart sinks and...he doesn’t normally unload that many emotional admissions in one sitting, and the build up is congesting his mouth. Suddenly everything he said feels like too much. Lance looks... flabbergasted? More confused? Shit.
“Okay, well...thank you,” and only because Keith’s observational skills have been drilled into him so fully, he sees Lance’s eyes shift to whatever is behind him. The awkward is worse than when Krolia forced him to speak in front of those Puigans a month ago and he forgot the name of their leader. Lance’s face, the red and the adverted eyes, is why he took so long to open up to people. “If you need anything, you know where I am. Right down the hall.”
“Right.” The awkward tension gets thicker as Keith forces a swallow. Now even he can’t look at Lance. He really shoulda just kept his mouth shut.
“Right. Well,” and now the classic neck rub. Fantastic. He’s fucked up to that level, apparently. Kill him slowly. “G’night.”
Once Lance swiftly escapes the guest room, Keith drags his hands down his face, like ripping off the embarrassment from his skin can ease beating heart. A long, loud exhale. Is this what it’s come to now? Realization of crushing on Lance - Lance, of all people, and now he throws up emotions all over the floorboards? Lance could barely look at him.
Things were so much easier when he was just reassuring Lance about his role with Voltron. Blissful and ignorant while Lance swooned over Allura.
He glares at Kosmo, snuggling into his comforter as he eyes his owner. Must be nice.
His heart is still pounding. Escaping under the covers of his bed is the only logical option at this point, so he dives in after turning the lamp on the nightstand off. Kosmo huffs in the dark, relaxing further, while Keith just turns and stares up at the ceiling fan.
He likes Lance. He really, truly, irrevocably likes Lance.
Lance, his used-to-be righthand man. Lance, who buys Kosmo toys and beds. Lance, who still wants to stay on the farm and refuses to get involved with anything space-related. Lance, who makes jokes about their rivalry still but actually believes Keith doesn’t consider him a close friend. Lance, who’s still grieving after 2 years without Allura.
He turns to face the door and burrows himself into the pillow.
Lance is in love with someone else, and she isn’t even here anymore.
If at all possible, his heart sinks even further.
He struggles to sleep; he always does in times of anxiety and restlessness, but this is different. His heart aches in ways he’s never felt before, because he’s never felt this way before about anyone. These feelings are new and unwanted, even though the one he carries them for is warm and inviting and a dream he wants to live by. Lance, of all people, the reciprocate of Keith’s newfound desires. How ironic.
Not for the first time, he dreams of deep blue that night.
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vldlance · 3 years
Keith eating a salad and Lance sitting infront of him wondering how someone could look so cute while shoving leaves and tomatoes in their mouth. -Klance Day
DNFKSNDMSMD they’re dumb and stupid and cute your honor. they’re def such an annoying couple to be around like lance looks at shiro while this is happening and goes “how is he so perfect” and shiro like??? he has salad dressing? on his face??
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