#Luke is best son
*Everyone Including Palpatine telling Luke to kill Vader*
Luke who inherited both of his parents stubbornness and has Qui-gon’s moral compass:
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luyo-mi · 2 years
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My children🤧
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I Am All In Rewatch - Luke & Jess- Episode 2x5
There's there's a lot of Luke in him, a lot my God, and and what a what a what just a great looking kid, right and and and it was so odd to see because he you know, I you know, I know, a smiling, happy uh Milo with a good, great disposition and loving everybody and and talking everybody up. And then you see this character and it's like that is so far  from what Milo really is. And it was stunning to see it. And it was very very entertaining because it was like, wow, he's convincing me. You know, he's really really convincing me. It's a great acting job... And even when he comes up and looks at me, his attitude changed. He was like he was actually befuddled and shocked and like he'd lost some power, which you know, you would think would definitely happen if somebody pushed you into a lake..That's that's what makes him so good, right, the physicalization, the physicality of the character. So it's just shoulders down, you know, right, little slump forward and a little attitude...[What do you remember about meeting him?] Just that he was such a nice kid, you know he was he was an unusually mature outgoing but not pushy. You know. He was just sort of present and friendly and and kind of you know, engaged and sort of interested in who you were and you know, good listener, and he just it was unusual in that in that regard that he was so mature for his age. Um, and I just kept saying, well that's this, you know, every time I worked with him or talking to him. You know. My comment to Lauren was, boy, did he have good parents? You know. And I'm not saying that anybody was any less spectacular, just that in his case, it was just like this full package coming at you, like, you know, he he's like this incredible looking guy who's really smart, really nice, really talented, mature beyond his years. I mean, it was like he's going to be a superstar.. Yeah, real focused performer, you know, very focused and very you know on what he needs to do and what he's trying to do, and and it's just sort of his way of going about it too. I mean, he wasn't pushy about it, and there was sort of little suggestions he would make, little things that he needed for me, and just the way he asked it was just it was so polite, you know. He was just a very polite, gentle spirit, you know... -Scott
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phoenix--flying · 8 months
this is so random but i love meshing fandoms a bit too much
pjo x sbg type au
whether it be sbg as demigods or pjo in a similar situation as sbg i am holding it gently
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minteaspoon · 1 year
The Tides’ Captain
sad implied lucemond:(
a/n: Luke has a son out of wedlock (it’s definitely Aemond’s), and is thus shamed and exiled by his family (with great hesitation and protest from Rhaenyra and Corlys’ side of the family, but is celebrated by the Greens)
Also, how Luke got pregnant will be up to interpretation (I personally say there’s no explanation for it, it just happened and is a complete surprise to everyone involved, which would bring potentially unhinged shenanigans and that thought is hilarious to me)
It had been six months.
Six months since Luke was found to be with child.
Six months since Luke was found out to have been bedded before marriage.
Six months since Luke had been put in front of the court and shamed.
Six months since Luke had been exiled from Westeros.
It had been six months since he’s bedded him.
The damn bastard didn’t even own up to it! But what should he have expected, with his reputation as a mutilator of kin and a bastard spawn. Tis only fair a bastard birth a bastard - at least, in the eyes of the court, and to the one he gave his maidenhood to.
The brunette even had to abandon Arrax, and was given no dragon egg to gift to his child. Something he knows the Hightowers and their allies celebrated.
Luke had sailed across the sea after hitching a ride with sailors who took pity on the poor lad. They did whatever they could to help accommodate him; fed him, sheltered him, told him stories and taught him song and dance and fishing. And in return, the exiled prince helped in whatever chores he was able.
He grew to care and love his sailor family, and they saw him as one of their own. They had even given him a new name - Prim Carlisle of the Tidefall Ship, Pearl of its crew. Luke’s little one was even given options for names by his found family; Pitt, Ervin, Arwen, Mittie, Eula, Matildah… He was leaning into naming the child either Tidus for a boy, or Joanna for a girl.
The crew had even given him his own weapon, in case he ever needed to fight alongside them - though they promise he needn’t have to, as they’d never let a pregnant fellow do heavy work, and they’ll do whatever it takes to make sure he never has to see, hear or commit any violent act. When Prim saw the dagger, he knew immediately what to name the silver blade melded into a dark hilt with small gems molded onto it - Tidal. His family laughed and teased him for such a corny name, but he stuck by it.
Before he knew it, six months had passed by, then seven, then eight and finally, he was in his last month of pregnancy. And before he knew it, he met his son; Tidus. His hair was of his mother, brown curls that framed his chubby and red face, but his eyes - they were purple.
Got something from his father, hm?
The bitter thought flew in his mind, as he smiled bitterly at his sleeping son. His birth wasn’t easy - it took Prim two days to get him out, and he had to be moved from the ship to land for proper care and assistance, as the sea is no place for anyone to give birth in. The trek to land helped in positioning Tidus correctly, so the last few moments of his birth was a success. And most importantly, Luke…Prim didn’t have to be cut open.
For a solid three months, Prim and his crew stayed on the island to rest from the chaos of birth, and the celebration of a new member of their family. After their rest, they set out yet again, this time, with even more cherished cargo with them - a child and a few girls of the island willing to come aboard and travel with Prim’s family, to help with medicine, organizing and with basic household - shiphold- chores.
Once again, Prim’s family was expanding. A few years evidently pass by, and Tidus was now three, while Prim was now eighteen. It has been three years since he last step foot on Westerosi grounds, since he had last sailed Westerosi waters, since he had last flown on Arrax in Westerosi skies. Prim was a far better sailor than he was three years prior - he was no longer seasick on deck, he knew the ropes, knew how to navigate the seas, knew how to chart and read the weather, knew how to use the stars in his predictions, and he knew how to sail and fish and hunt and lead.
When the captain of the Tidefall Ship fell to a sickness one day while they anchored on a small island, he named Prim the next captain once he hit the bucket. And when he did, his last will and command was effective immediately.
At first, Prim didn’t know if he had the ability to become captain, but with his crew’s help and his son’s encouragement, he became a feared and respected leader of a band of skilled, resourceful and “no-good” sailors under the moniker Prim Carlisle, “The Mermaid”.
It was only another three years later, when Prim and Tidus freshly turned twenty one and six respectively, did Prim decide to finally settle down somewhere cozy and quiet, where it would only be Prim and Little Tidus. When he dropped the news to his crew, they immediately went into hysterics, and immediately said they’ll settle down with him as well - though, with some prodding from Prim, they continued on their voyages, with Prim’s second in command as the new captain.
After a few weeks at sea, mapping out potential places of note good for a single parent and their child, Prim settled on a valley surrounded by wildlife and mountains and cliffs, with a meadow in the middle full of flowers with space large enough for a farm, cabin and animals.
The crew promised to come visit with gifts and trinkets and anything the father-son duo could need, and Prim held them to the promise.
Prim and Tidus lived in relative peace together in their little corner of personalized heaven. They had a cabin full of comfortable crafts by Prim and Tidus, alongside being decorated with presents from their family. They had a farm with two cows, five chickens and three sheep. They had growing crops of all kinds, as they were given many seeds by their crew to start out with. Not only that, but the girls had even given and taught him how to make the most of what little one might have during the weeks leading up to his and Tidus’ settlement.
Life was perfect for the father-son duo.
Until it wasn’t.
It wasn’t long until they hear rumors from travelers about a war brewing in Westeros, a war between family - a dance of dragons. Each side had been looking for dragon seeds to hatch and claim dragons for their side, and their reach had far extended past even the Free Cities. Prim knew better than to get involved - especially with his former family, so he made precautions to barricade both the obvious and inobvious entrances to his valley, and hid him and his child away from the skies. Only his crew knew their whereabouts, and how to get in and out.
However, these measures weren’t enough to keep him safe from someone who was desperate to get him back despite the years, and despite the fact that he never owned up to his part as Tidus’ father.
Above Prim, during a night of chill and snow, as a white and thick blanket of white coats the lands, he hears a roar that brings shivers down his spine. Clutching his crying son to his chest, who was scared for him and his mother in front of the green beast above them, in one hand while on the other, he holds his dagger - Tidal, Prim looks up and gazed past the hulking mass of flesh and scales -
And makes eye contact with a desperate, relieved and grieving violet eye.
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nerdy-talks · 1 year
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Diavolo... My heart.... 🥹
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inamindfarfaraway · 2 months
How Hermes talks about Luke to others: (the most adoring, protective, forgiving father you've ever met, full of praise and admiration, refuses to give up on him no matter what crimes he commits, defends him to the heroes and begs them to show him mercy, utterly crushed by regret for his own failures)
How Hermes talks to Luke:
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avisisisis · 3 months
luke is single handedly fixing the mandalorian-jedi bad blood (((by kissing din))) and ezra is single handedly making it worse again (((by calling grogu baby yoda)))
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sinfulskywalker · 1 year
Sinful, it's been so long since I asked you anything. What would Anakin do if he found out Luke was secretly dating Din in high school?
Hello Anon, it has been a while since I answered any asks. I do apologize. </3 But enough sadness, let's get to the goodies :)
Anakin would blow a gasket. His baby sunshine dating behind his back? Heeeeeeeelllllllllll no. Of course Anakin would over react, or be upset (masked as anger in typical Anakin fashion) and try to put an end to whatever was going on. I like to think that Luke would plead for Anakin to get to know Din before he struck the poor teen down.
Anakin would comply and later the next day he's calling Din 'son' and 'kiddo' after realizing they liked the same motor sport teams, enjoyed working on vehicles and Din would tell Anakin his aspirations to be a special agent because he wants to help people and make the world a safer place.
Anakin would be surprised to hear Din is thinking about adopting a child as soon as he's 18 and would try to tell the kid to take it slow and save his money and go to school before thinking about becoming a parent. I also like to think Anakin would see himself becoming a mentor to Din, much like he was to Ahsoka when she was younger. This is a young man entering society with a head full of knowledge and he wants to ensure he goes into the right direction.
Perhaps he's misjudged Din, he supposes. Then again could you blame him for reacting in such a way given the fact Leia picked the worst boyfriend on the planet just to get under his skin?
Din is approved to continue dating Luke. But must have him home before 11.
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mxdotpng · 2 years
guy and luke's relationship is absolutely devestating. guy came to the fabre manor because he wanted revenge on duke fabre. guy wanted to show him what losing everything he'd ever loved felt like, so he planned to kill luke, maybe even the duke's wife. to destroy everything he had ever loved, or was supposed to love. but duke fabre was a shitty father. he was an even worse father when presented with a new born for the second time, and suddenly guy was all this lost little boy had. luke didnt have any memories. he didnt know how to walk and he likely barely knew how to speak. he didnt know how to write or answer any of the questions his tutors asked him, because they likely never tried to actually teach him. just remind him. luke's name wasnt even his own. so guy wasnt even 16 when he became a parent, or a brother, or a best friend. all of those, maybe. he'd learned to love luke so much that luke's life meant more to him than anything else. so much that even after all luke had done up to akzeriuth, he wanted to stay by his side and guide him. and even when faced with the truth behind guy, luke asked for trust. guy had tried to kill him and luke still wanted to be there when he woke up, and he asked for trust. and he asked for it again when he was going to give up his life for the miasma, and for lorelei. and it had barely been 8 years before guy lost his family, again
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another day, another 'luke was actually redefining what it means to be a jedi when he said 'i am a jedi' because he was embracing the Forbidden Attachments and absolutely very completely Taboo Familial Relationships and being more compassionate and Jedi-like than any Jedi before him' take in my for you tab.
like. aren't people tired of being so wrong about stuff i'm right about
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heteromerous-rhyming · 4 months
post episode (and post lunch) thoughts:
thematically i appreciate this episode - ultimately i think that what this episode made clear to me was that this season was not about the trio (annabeth, grover, percy) but about percy's family (a different trio: sally, poseidon, percy). i think that if you separate show sally from book sally (and accepted that they toned gabe down, shifting that narrative 90 degrees to the left) and you just take the show as it is (with little to no relation to the books) what you're left with is a show that isn't actually about the quest, but a show about family dynamics in which sally and percy trade off on being the focus character.
in that sense, thematically, this episode did everything it needed to do - it made poseidon's parenting story line full circle, it wrapped up sally's faith in poseidon, it ended with percy finally seeing the lengths to which poseidon would go for him. that was the core of this show. and in that regard, if we make this about sally and poseidon and percy, this show makes thematic coherence.
the show isn't supposed to be about that? as an adaptation from the book, the focus should be on the quest. right? the focus should be on percy's relationship with annabeth and grover right? the focus should be on percy and luke and the realities of being a child of the gods, that the gods forget unless convenient to them. right? right?
i feel like i'm going insane - surely?? that's what was promised? episode eight once again cuts out annabeth and grover. the emotional climax of the story is not from luke's betrayal. it is from poseidon shielding his son from zeus.
it's really hard to say, because i loved the moments with luke that we were given (except for whatever weird shit is going on with backbiter like what?? xin mo what are YOU doing in camp half blood [edit: forgot backbiter literally is xin mo in the book]), but the story ended after percy returned to montauk and was embraced by sally. that was, thematically, the end of the episode. i hate to say it but the rest of the episode felt like an epilogue. like it could have been cut??? and that baffles me.
i saw a post the other day about the choice to cut down on the time percy spends at camp half blood (please if anyone knows the post/who made it message me, i lost it somehow) and how it affects the story as a whole and it's so true. that change was really revealing in the end, because this isn't about percy's journey ultimately. it's about what percy represents - and what he represents is his two parents and how they influenced/raised him. so anything that isn't that is filled with significantly less emotional weight.
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best-series-forever · 2 years
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allovesthings · 2 years
Aemond to Alicent in the season 2 premiere (probably): you know how, two episodes ago, I helped you find Aegon so that Rhaenyra could have terms that she might agree with and that would mean all of us could survive without bloodshed ? About that...
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chiefmartinbrody · 1 year
Watching all of the Defenders Netflix shows. So far I’ve finished:
Daredevil seasons 1 & 2
Jessica Jones seasons 1 & 2
Luke Cage seasons 1 & 2
Iron Fist seasons 1 & 2
The Punisher season 1
The Defenders
And while I have a million thoughts about every show, one has me losing my mind-
Whelp. Onto Daredevil S3. Finally 😭🙌
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