#after luke had kidnapped and tortured her for days and tried to kill her best friends multiple times
inamindfarfaraway · 26 days
How Hermes talks about Luke to others: (the most adoring, protective, forgiving father you've ever met, full of praise and admiration, refuses to give up on him no matter what crimes he commits, defends him to the heroes and begs them to show him mercy, utterly crushed by regret for his own failures)
How Hermes talks to Luke:
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thewriterowl · 3 years
hey owl it’s me i’m in your inbox now. i politely ask your headcanons on dins reaction to finding out about all the things luke has been through but NOT from luke, could be lukes friends, random people who witnessed or even people in the squadron so i can sit here and go 🙃 about lukes trauma
Hello my dear @elloitselmo!! Oh you bet I would be so happy to share this to the world! Our favorite topic of every day:
Let's all make it clear in the fact that sweetheart Luke has SUFFERED. The boy has had so little luck in everything he has faced but has come to be a gentle, forgiving, hopeful and kind young man despite everything he has gone through. Now, whenever Din makes any inquiry about it, Luke just brushes it off as not very interesting or not very different from other's with a hard past...or he'll explain things very simply.
Luke: Yeah, I've lost family (meaning "My mother died giving birth to me, my father's soul practically died then but I just was told he died after believing he abandoned me, my aunt and uncle died and i found their bodies, my mentor who became a father-figure died and I witnessed it, my best friend and possible crush died and I heard it, my TaunTaun died in front of me, another close friend of mine died behind me and I witnessed his body then get crushed, many in my squadron died and I witnessed it, my second mentor died, and then my not-dead father died!")
Luke: Like a lot in the rebellion I went through some hard times (meaning "I am an Empath and was unaware how much I felt on people dying and how it affected me, went through loads of gruesome horrible battles, have had a lot of experiences and witnesses of death, had to go through a soul/mind/body breaking training to get prepared to face a genocidal monster who had been training almost non-stop since he was nine, found out this genocial monster was my father--so i tried to kill myself cause I sorta lost my mind for a second, had my best friend get kidnapped, went through tons of missions, was nearly drowned by someone who hated me for who my father was, been tortured, faced the Empire, was tortured again, had to carry my dying father in my arms, have my father die in my arms, burn my father alone, made sure to feel and experience death with thousands of people so they wouldn't be alone...oh and that was just after i was nineteen and up to twenty-five! I didn't cover being a kid or afterwards...I've had some mental break downs...but just little ones :D")
So Din just isn't aware. Luke always does have a layer of sadness or exhaustion even with how happy and bright and sweet he is with everyone, but nothing to make him think that Luke should be a really broken person after all that he has suffered through. He believe he has just a "normal" amount of sadness from growing up in a very broken galaxy.
Then, he learns the whole truth (maybe Anakin or Yoda or Qui-Gon comes in through a dream, cause apparently right before Luke meets Din Obi-Wan moves on into the Force so, hey!, another sad moment, Luke can't see him again) and whooo-boy...Din snaps.
So instantly, Din would just be sitting there after whoever informed him of everything leaves. He would probably be sitting for a few hours just...thinking. Stewing really. He would be unable to comprehend all that he learned about Luke and just cannot begin to really function for a while because he pretty much has PTSD listening to the years of misery Luke has gone through. He potentially gets sick or may have a moment to cry to himself because how could Luke suffer so much but still be that gentle and kind??
For a bit, Din is a bit torn. He is not one to take away a person's free will or choices...but he is terrified to realize he no longer really trusts Luke with his own well being and doing anything safely. Nor does he true the galaxy in not throwing more terrible experiences Luke's way (fic idea: we've heard of Luke having a vision of his future of the sequels--but when it Din had it?).
I think it will get Din to make a few clear decisions quickly:
1) He was to put a lot more effort and focus into being Mand'alor so he could use the connections, authority, and power to change as much as he could of Luke's life and make sure he is happy and safe.
2) He was going to find a way to marry Luke if they aren't married already.
3) Luke will be adopted as an official Mandalorian.
4) Luke will be a Mandalore citizen...and therefore needs to follow Mand'alor's rules and laws.
This means he will ensure Luke is protected, carefully tended to, and cannot just jump on his X-Wing whenever he has a vision and potentially go get himself killed because he does not value his own life like he should.
He wants to go on a mission? Well, he needs clearance for that--and to speak with the king and his advisors and just can't take off into airspace without informing anyone. If it's not approved (and it rarely would be) then, welp, Luke just has to stay put and not go get himself hurt because he feels like he must be a meat-shield for the galaxy.
Leia would be a little worried on the idea at first but, well, her brother would disappear without telling anyone and get hurt.
Then, Din would begin to talk to Luke.
He'd ask for details to get things confirmed and he'd start looking for a Space-Therapist so Luke can get some professional help in facing the horrible past he had suffered from.
Din will tell him, "No, cyar'ika...that's not normal. no, no that's not normal either. Is that...no, that is unhealthy...and that's heartbreaking and...No...holy hells, love, you'e never leaving our bedroom ever again." for everything that comes out of Luke's mouth and when he tries to play it off as nothing to worry about.
Din probably does have a few cries and/or bonks his head against Beskar to try and knock himself out to not think of any of this painful truth.
Luke, who is just sitting all confused with a mug of hot chocolate is all, "Did i tell you about the time I was nearly sold into slavery?"
Din is in agony.
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saphira-approves · 4 years
Don’t Compare My Boy To K*l* R*n: In This Essay I Will—
okAY I’m talking about it
So I can’t find the post right now, but a few days ago I saw a post on my dash comparing Murtagh of the Inheritance Cycle to Kylo Ren of Star Wars, citing parallels for their similarities.
Since we all know this blog is really just a poorly-disguised Murtagh stan blog, I decided I’d share my thoughts on this comparison. I’ll be discussing character backgrounds, character roles, character motives, and character actions.
Part One: Character Backgrounds
Murtagh and Kylo Ren are both descendants of the “previous generation.” Their mothers were both prominent rebels, their fathers were both considered handsome and rogueish, and both sets of parents eventually separated. But that’s about where the similarities end.
Kylo Ren’s—or rather, Ben Solo’s—parents loved each other and loved their son. They may have been flawed in the way they showed it, but then again, the only account we hear of Ben’s childhood (as I recall, anyway, and I’m not rewatching those movies just for a tumblr post) is Ben’s, after he’d been groomed and manipulated by Snoke for many, many years. Han Solo died believing he was helping his son; Leia Organa died saving her son; at the very least, they both loved him enough, even while he was serving the Dark Side, to give up their lives for him. 
Murtagh’s parents, on the other hand, were a mess. From Murtagh’s account of their relationship, Morzan didn’t care much about Selena except for her usefulness as a weapon; he was happy to manipulate her and her emotions, but I highly doubt he actually loved her. He certainly didn’t give a damn about Murtagh, throwing a sword at his own three-year-old son. Selena, meanwhile, although she obviously loved Morzan at first, loved Murtagh even more, and clearly recognized that Morzan didn’t care for her the way she had once cared for him—when she recognized an opportunity to work against him, she took it. 
Kylo Ren despised both of his parents, but that hatred seemed hollow, shallow—it had no real reason. They led busy lives, perhaps didn’t make enough time for him, but their actions revealed that they did, truly, love him despite his mistakes, and Kylo’s loathing reveals itself to truly be the manifestation of a spoiled child’s anger, magnified tenfold. Murtagh, conversely, had very good reasons for his complicated view of his parents: he loved his mother, but she was kept from him (and him from her), and she died—possibly in front of him, though he never says, and, unbeknownst to him until much later, having just hidden his brother in Carvahall. There was no love lost between him and Morzan, who was in the best case just an angry drunk, worst case—and more likely—an abusive father, and the only thing Murtagh ever expected to receive from him as inheritance was his sword (which is by itself another whole post in the making). 
Part Two: Character Roles
Both Murtagh and Kylo Ren played the role of foil to the protagonists of their stories. 
Murtagh and Eragon were very similar in many ways; I’ve mentioned before the many “subtle” hints Paolini gives to their true relationship (”a pair of matched blades” and “brothers in arms” come to mind off the top of my head). Their differences clearly highlight their different upbringings: Eragon thinks in the moment, with his heart and his compassion, while Murtagh thinks ahead, makes plans and contingencies—this difference is most clearly seen when Murtagh kills Torkenbrand and Eragon's strong moral code makes him protest, even though killing the slaver was, objectively, the best course of action they could take. Yet Murtagh is not only Eragon’s foil in action, but also his foil symbolically: they are both sons of Selena, which binds them, and yet the sons of opposing fathers, which others unwittingly use to pit them against each other (yes, this is also a whole other post in the making. like i said, poorly-disguised murtagh stan blog). Murtagh’s foilness to Eragon is deeply interwoven into their friendship and their parallels, showing up in many subtle and unsubtle moments throughout the series.
Kylo Ren’s foil status, on the other hand, is… complicated in a different way. For one thing, he’s not just a foil to Rey, he’s also a foil to Finn—in fact, I’d argue he’s more foil to Finn, and more just a complete opposite to Rey. He’s the experience to Rey’s raw talent, he shifts toward the Light while Rey shifts toward the Dark, but with Finn, their stories of pulling away from the Empire could have been fantastic foil stories. Wasted opportunity. And I’m so mad about it but this isn’t a star wars blog so—
Part Three: Character Motives
Of course, both Murtagh and Kylo Ren’s motives change over the course of their own stories, so we’ll be looking at what they are and how they change.
Kylo Ren starts his story in TFA as a ruthless, power-hungry fanboy who cherry-picked his history lessons and simply ignored the fact that his oh-so-esteemed Darth Grandvader was actually redeemed in the end because Luke refused to give up on whatever scrap of good was left in him and I hate hate hate hate hate Luke’s sequel characterization UGH and so Kylo is “emulating” a false image of what he thinks Vader was: the power, the presence, the mask and modulator aesthetic, the “I’m on the Dark Side because it’s fun, and I get to do whatever I want consequence-free.” Which… no! So, at first, what does Kylo want? Power! Sure, he’s serving Palpatine’s Smeagol puppet Snoke, but eventually he’s gonna be the most powerful person in the galaxy. …well, but then eventually starts getting a little boring, so in TLJ Kylo ups his timetable, tries to get Rey on his side after torturing her for information (OF HIS OWN VOLITION! BECAUSE HE’S A JERK! He did not CARE about even trying to convince her at first, he asked the few questions necessary to justify meeting her resistance with a Force mind-rape), and then when she doesn’t join him on the Dark Side he fights her, again and again and again until he nearly DIES, and then HIS MOTHER DIES TO SAVE HIS UNGRATEFUL ASS, so now Kylo’s priorities switch from “power” to… uh… what, again? Redemption? By… how? Sacrificing his life for Rey?
Oh, now he remembers how his Darth Grandvader history lesson ended.
he’s still a copycat though
Murtagh’s motives, conversely, actually make sense for his situation. When we meet him, he has in the last few months run away from Urû’baen and lost his mentor and father-figure. His two priorities: keep himself and his horse alive, and see what the deal is with the new Dragon Rider he’s heard so much about. He meets Eragon and Saphira by saving their lives from the Ra’zac, and he’s there when Brom dies, and Eragon loses his own mentor. Having just recently gone through that pain himself, Murtagh gets attached, and joins Eragon on his adventure/vengeance quest against the Ra’zac. Murtagh doesn’t reveal his parentage, but he and Eragon find that they have a lot of similarities and get very close, sparring and bantering and becoming “a set of matched blades” and “brothers-in-arms” and other such friendly roles that are not-so-subtle hints at their true relationship, and even when they fight—notably when Murtagh doesn’t want to go to the Varden, because they might kill him, which would be actively violating his first priority of staying alive—Murtagh still agrees to help Eragon because he’s a nice f*cking person okay. And then, through shenanigans, Murtagh ends up getting kidnapped, assumed dead by his few new friends, and then 
And Murtagh’s will never broke! Not until Galbatorix gave him a dragon egg, and that dragon egg hatched into Thorn, and Thorn bonded with Murtagh, and Galbatorix threatened Thorn.
Murtagh fought Galbatorix until Thorn’s well-being was put into danger. 
After that, Murtagh’s priorities are skewed; he’s forcibly sworn to Galbatorix’s will, which sucks, but he’s also given fantastic power, which is great; but he and Thorn still get tortured as punishment for messing up, which also sucks. And then Nasuada, someone Murtagh actually likes, is captured and brought to Urû’baen, and Murtagh tries to hide his face behind the silver mask when Galbatorix forces him to torture Nasuada (physically, because Galbatorix never forces Murtagh to attack Nasuada’s mind) because he doesn’t want to torture his friend. In fact, he does everything in his ability to help her. And in the end, he cares about her so much that he realizes hang on a minute, I would actually put SOMEONE ELSE’S health and well-being over my own, which means something in me has fundamentally changed, WHICH MEANS I CAN DEFY GALBATORIX, and so what does he do? He gets rid of Galbatorix’s wards and lets Eragon finish him off. He gives up the Eldunarí to Eragon and Saphira, which were a huge source of his power, because in the end, he’s not a power-hungry maniac, he’s a nice person that shitty things happened to.
(And if Murtagh is a nice person that shitty things happened to, then Kylo Ren is a shitty person that nice things happened to)
Part Four: Character Actions
If you don’t believe me, then perhaps we’ll let actions speak louder than words.
Kylo Ren: In his first appearance, he orders his troops to kill an entire settlement. From there, he tortures Poe for information, obsessively pursues the protagonists who have the key to Luke’s location, becomes obsessed with Rey, who seems Force-sensitive, attempts to torture Rey the same way he tortured Poe, kills his own father even as his father apologizes and tries to help him, chases Finn and Rey (again) into a snowstorm on a planet that’s imploding in on itself because of a lightsaber; and then he’s chasing the Resistance—including his own mother—across the galaxy, killing Snoke and calling himself Supreme Leader (yeah, totally something a secret good guy would do), cornering the Resistance on Crait with the threat of DEATH. STAR. TECH. (miniaturized, but like. what’s the miniature of a planet-killer???? half a planet killer??????), and then ALLYING HIMSELF with PALPATINE (the stupid crusty meatsack didn’t even have to groom this one, he got a new apprentice for FREE), while also PLANNING TO DOUBLECROSS… PALPATINE… and continuing to chase Rey across the galaxy, trying to get her to join the Dark Side, and he only stops when his mother gives up her life to save his. 
His mother… who, just recently, he THREATENED WITH DEATH STAR TECH. 
All this to say, his “redemption” arc is hollow and stupid. Dying while doing “good” is not redemption, it’s a cop-out. Vader was ruthless not because he took pleasure from killing, but because it was efficient; he was redeemed because he found out he had been lied to, manipulated, used, and abused. Kylo Ren was fully aware of his situation, an abuser himself who took pleasure in his power and in killing people; and he was not redeemed by a kumbayah force-life-transfer BS or for turning on Palpatine, WHICH HE WAS PLANNING TO DO ANYWAY. 
Murtagh: Helps Eragon, helps Eragon even when he could get captured or tortured or killed, helps Eragon even though he’s surrounded by people who would suffer no regret over killing him, helps Eragon even though he will get tortured for it later, helps Nasuada because he doesn’t want to torture his friend (let me repeat, he DOESN’T. WANT. to TORTURE. his FRIEND. And he even ends up sneaking into her cell, AT RISK OF PUNISHMENT WHICH WOULD INVOLVE TORTURE, to talk to her and heal at least some of her wounds, and give her a way to tell reality from illusion when Galbatorix does try to force his way into her head), helps Eragon kill Galbatorix in the final battle, helps a little girl he’s only just met and gives her an enchanted fork, because why not, and only waits to rejoin Eragon and Saphira because he recognizes his own need to heal, to take time for himself and Thorn, and later, if FWW is anything to go by, probably to redeem himself by helping people, and fighting whatever threat he’s hearing rumors about in the north. Murtagh doesn’t take pleasure in hurting people, and he goes out of his way to do good things, even at risk to himself, as much as he’d hate to admit it.
Murtagh is hardly perfect; on the one hand, I fully agree with his decision to kill Torkenbrand because what else were you gonna do with him, Eragon, but on the other, yes, he’s flawed. Notably, there’s the moment of him killing Hrothgar, which I’ve discussed, his anger issues, his potential alcohol issues, and his general tendency to put himself first (which… yes, but also, he really doesn’t). Best thing about this, though, his his enormous potential for change, because we’ve already seen him change! And it saved the whole war! One tiny thing, one small moment of self reflection and realization—he changed himself, without any outside influence except for finding someone to care about. 
TL;DR Don’t insult my boy Murtagh. Come back when Kylo Ren gets some actual character development.
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tirednerd2012 · 3 years
Masterlist (Updated 8/11/21)
Includes series, plus any important OCs mentioned!
1. Everything is Going to be Okay (EIGTBO)
Jenny: Jenny is Barley’s friend, later girlfriend then wife. She is the older sister of Leo and has helped raise him. She loves her brother and father very much and doesn’t have a good relationship with her mother. She and Barley bonded over raising siblings and how people view Frank, her father, like they do Barley. They eventually fall for each other and continue a relationship throughout the series.
Leo: Leo is Jenny’s younger brother and Ian’s best friend. He is the same age as Ian and is very energetic and adventurous. He encourages Ian to get out there, too, and the two have a brotherly friendship. He also gets along with Barley and views him as an older brother since dating Jenny.
Frank: Leo and Jenny’s dad. He left their mother after she started being abusive towards Leo, and almost put their son in the hospital. He moved several states over so that she wouldn’t be able to find the kids, but she has managed to track them down. He works hard to provide for his family, but unfortunately it doesn’t leave a lot of time for him to see them.
Kyle: The mom’s boyfriend. He is going to be a bit of a recurring character and a main antagonist to Barley. He wants the kids to come home and tries to show up when Frank isn’t around, but Barley stands in the way of that. The two hate each other, but he doesn’t know much about Ian as of right now.
Everything is going to be Okay
I Understand (Jenny and Leo intro) 
Barley’s Nightmare
Ian’s Nightmare
A Look into the Future
Snow Day
Jenny and Barley bonding
First Kiss
Too Stressed
Hardest Days
Lazy Morning
Lost in the Store
Barley’s Past
Just Want to be by You
A Family Full of Love
Kirk in EIGTBO
Broken Arm
I’d Always Come for You
Happy Birthday, Barley
2. I Won’t Let Go
Drew: Barley’s ex-boyfriend. He was extremely abusive and tried to kill Barley in the middle of a fight. After their break up, Drew was furious that Barley had the nerve to end the relationship and started going after Ian to get his attention. Drew knew better than anyone how much Barley loves his little brother and wants to use that to get back in a relationship and control Barley once more. 
Kirk: Drew’s friend. Him and Barley absolutely hate each older and are polar opposites. Both older brothers, but view the roles differently. Kirk wants to control everything and Barley wants to support Ian and show him love. Kirk views Ian as a means for power and continues to target him. He wants Ian to bring Luke back, but also wants to taunt and torture Barley. The two are worst enemies because of their differences.
Luke:  Kirk's younger brother. He used to admire his older brother and ignored how physically, mentally and emotionally abusive and manipulative Kirk was because he loved him. That and he used to see it as Kirk was overprotective and wouldn't let anyone else hurt him. So when he finally realized what was happening, he tried to leave and it ended it a violent fight where Kirk accidently killed his brother in a fit of rage. Part of Kirk's mission is to try and force Ian to be able to bring Luke back, but he doesn't see anything wrong with his actions.
Matt:  Luke's best friend who saw how bad Luke was being abused. He was the one who helped Luke realize what was happening and encouraged him to leave, even offering him a place to stay. He holds himself responsible for Luke’s death. He also went into hiding, partially out of shame, but he also knew Kirk would kill him the moment he came out because he could convince people that Kirk did kill Luke. 
Drew’s First Appearance
The Break Up
Drew’s Return
Prank Gone Wrong
Kirk’s Appearance
An Older Brother’s Guilt
Aftermath of the kidnapping
Late Night Visit
Safe House Part 1
Safe House Part 2
Ian goes Missing
3. Wizards Have it Hard
Clarke: Clarke is an old potions maker who comes from a family that focused on potion making. He knows how rare the blood of a wizard is and as soon as he learns about Ian, he kidnaps and tortures him with the intent on using Ian for powerful potions. 
Clarke’s Appearance
Threats Coming In
Fire Story and Dying
Barley’s POV for the Fire Story
Barley Will Always Fix It
Panic Attacks
4. Stand Alone stories
Ian thinking about how Barley always helps him up
Barley does not handle Ian being bullied well
Little Barley takes care of Little Ian
Don’t Talk About My Brother
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somedayonbroadway · 3 years
Oooo Im interested in your Star Wars newsies AU
Ooooooookay so this is gonna be interesting. I will be basing this particular AU off of the original trilogy (the best one by far. Nothing will ever beat it) though if you’d like to see the prequels or any other Star Wars movie done, or a different Star Wars story that I start making up on the spot, just let me know!
This is also going to be very similar to the storyline of each and every character. So I’m only going to do the three main characters, but if you’d like to hear about more, just let me know!
Star Wars AU
Tumblr media
Racetrack Higgins — Luke Skywalker
Katherine Plumber — Leia Organa
Jack Kelly — Han Solo
Crutchie Morris — Chewbacca
Warden Snyder — Emperor Palpatine
Joseph Pulitzer — Darth Vader
Medda Larkin — Obi Wan Kenobi
Todd Kloppman — Yoda
Spot Conlon — Lando Calrission
Obadiah Wiesel — Jabba The Hutt
Racetrack Higgins
Anthony Higgins lived his life as a farmer on Tatooine.  
He lives on this hot, desert planet with his aunt and uncle, who constantly try to convince him that everything he’d ever need is right there on Tatooine.
Anthony does not believe them.
Growing up fascinated by any kind of ship he can get his grip on, he acquires the nickname “Racer” from his friends and is named an excellent pilot. He wants to explore the galaxy, but on the insistence of his uncle is forced to stay at the farm on account of the dangers that would come if he left.
Everyone was terrified of the Empire.
Race wanted to make a difference.
Growing up, Race had always been told that his parents had been good people. His father had died as a pilot during the clone wars and his mother had died getting him to safety.
Race never had a reason not to believe them.
He lives a relatively normal life on the farm on Tatooine, though he longs for so much more.
When Race was born, he was secretly given to his aunt and uncle by a woman he believed to be named Medda Larkin who lives in the desert land away.
This woman looks out for him, against his uncle's wishes, though, upon asking him why the old man has such a quarrel with Medda, only to be left without an answer.
Frustrated by his friends following their dreams and leaving the desert planet, Race finds himself staring into the sunset daily, wishing he could fly past it.
And one day, he gets his chance.
After inspecting new droids his uncle purchases, he finds a message of a beautiful girl begging for help from a Medactrine Larkin (I don’t know. It felt right).
Wandering off, Race goes to investigate, asking Medda Larkin if she was related to this mysterious person after being attacked by Sandpeople who knock him out and nearly kill him.
With the droids, M7-TN and BK-03, Race discovers that Medda is Medactrine and was once a Jedi Knight, one that fought side by side with Race’s father, whom she trained in the ways of The Force.
Though he at first declines Medda’s offer to travel with her to help the woman in the message, a Princess Katherine Plumber, after he tries to return to his farm, he finds it destroyed, the bodies of his aunt and uncle carelessly laid in front of the door to his home.
So he goes.
This embarks Racer on the path to him truly becoming The Chosen One.
Upon running from the people who murdered his family, Medda informs him that they have to secure travel off of the planet
That’s when Race meets Jack Kelly.
Race and Jack weren’t immediately best friends, but Jack wanted to protect him. Race was never entirely sure of why.
The Force is strong with Race, even though he never knew it.
Medda begins to train him in the ways of the force.
Race is forced to watch his mentor get struck down right in front of him and while he’d only known the truth for a few days about Medactrine’s true identity, he felt as though he owed his life to her.
Because she saved him countless times over and he didn’t even know.
Racer joins the rebellion after Medda dies, hearing her voice in his head, clear as day, telling him to run.
He is the pilot that blows up the Death Star whilst the majority of all others who tried died around him in their TIE Fighters.
Medda is guiding him the whole time. He uses The Force.
Race has the piloting skills of his father.
Race travels to a galaxy that many believe to be deserted to be trained by another Jedi Master by the name of Klopp.
He trains for a long time, becoming an unofficial Padawan and learning the ways of the Jedi who are nearly extinct.
He nearly gets killed by a yeti
He gets his hand cut off by the very man the whole galaxy fears.
He is told one day that he is the galaxy’s last hope
Jack Kelly
Jack grew up an orphan
When he was young, his parents were killed by the Empire and he was kidnapped by a local gang and made a part of it, a slave to it.
He grew up in a life of crime. He’d never asked for it.
After escaping that gang, leaving someone he loved dearly behind, Kelly, he runs off and joins the Imperial Navy as a flight cadet, naming himself Jack Kelly in honor of the girl who helped him escape.
After years of service, Jack wants a way out, a way to get away from this life only to be tricked and thrown into a monster’s den by con men who are infiltrating the navy in search of a lot of money.
It is in this monster’s den that he meets a creature with fangs, horns and golden skin with one leg. His name is Charbeddon. Jack calls him Crutchie.
Eventually, after escaping the navy and teaming up with the group of cons and thieves, Jack ends up doing the Kessel run in twelve parsecs in a ship that he nearly won in a game of cards, The Millennium Falcon.
He makes it clear that he’s an excellent pilot. Well, as long as he has his lucky dice with him. They were the first thing he ever stole.
After being betrayed by the small gang, Jack finds that he’s better of when it’s just him and Crutchie
Though he goes back to win the Millennium Falcon off of the man who cheated him at cards, one Mr. Spot Conlon, who is forced to put his money where his mouth is when Jack wins and claims his ship as his own.
After this, Jack and Crutchie leave for a small planet called Tatooine to find a crime lord that had been mentioned to him once who is putting together a big job
Long story short, Jack ends up owing this crime lord a big debt, ending up with a price on his head that sends just about every bounty hunter in the system out looking for him.
Jack meets Race and immediately knows that he wants to protect the kid, though he does not truly understand why at first
Jack Kelly is named the best smuggler in the galaxy at a very young age.
After escaping Tatooine after promising the crime lord he would pay him back within the month, Jack finds himself on a journey that changed him for good.
He saves a Princess, expecting a reward.
He didn’t expect to fall in love
Though he is hesitant to join the rebellion at first, his overwhelming urge to protect Racer like no one protected him growing up takes over and he flies after the kid right before the Death Star is blown up, saving him from being shot down.
Jack and the Princess, Katherine, get off to a rocky start until they finally admit they have feelings for each other
Jack is eventually captured, along with Katherine and their droids, by the empire
Jack is tortured for information; the location of Anthony Higgins, though during the first session of the shock torture, he isn’t even asked any questions.
Eventually, Jack is told he will be the test subject for a trap they were setting for Race. Jack had no hope of escape.
As he’s being led to the trap, Katherine admits that she loves him to which Jack can only respond that he knows
He’s frozen in Carbonite and shipped away to the crime lord that put the price on his head, being fixed as a permanent decoration in old Weasels hide out.
Katherine Plumber
After being given up by her mother, Katherine is adopted by a Senator the Queen of Alderaan
She grows up in a political setting, learning day in and day out about the Galactic Empire.
She vows to be a part of taking it down
She is the reason that Racer joins the rebellion in the first place.
After her ship gets infiltrated, the young princess finds a droid and records a desperate massage for someone her father spoke of often and trusted above anyone else. She asks Madactrine Larkin for help. She’s their only hope.
Katherine had a team of people find a weakness in the Death Star, something they could use to destroy it. She sends the plans with the droid BK-03
And then Katherine is captured by Darth Vader, the man most feared in the galaxy.
Even as she is defiant and strong in her ways, when the evil man aims a planet killer at her home, she caves and reveals what she’d done only for her home planet to be blown up anyway
She is then held prisoner, believing she will be executed soon
Until she’s rescued by a kind boy and a much too devilishly handsome young man who drives her crazy.
Katherine is much more than just a Princess. She’s a senator and eventually, a general
She’s a natural born leader.
Just like her mothers, biological and adoptive
Katherine finds herself often being treated like a damsel in distress, when in reality, she’s tough enough to handle herself.
After she’s captured once again by the Empire and the man she thought he hated but turned out to love was turned into a statue and sold away, she is the one who goes out to save him
Maybe they both get captured immediately, but at least she got that far
She is made a new slave for Weasel even as a newly blind Jack is trying to beg Weasel to leave her alone, that he’d pay him back in full and even more but he is taken away and finds Crutchie waiting for him in the dungeon.
Katherine is forced to wear demeaning clothing and held by a chain around her neck like Weasel's new pet.
Even after Race tries to save them, he gets captured as well. He is fed to the monster they have underneath them only to kill the thing and be taken prisoner like Jack and Katherine has to watch the whole thing.
She is forced to watch while the only friends she has are taken out on Tatooine to be eaten alive by a giant man eating plant
This is where Race gets the upper hand and Katherine is given the opportunity to finally kill Weasel and escape with Jack and Race.
She is very sneaky and very quick and even when Jack tries to protect her, she ends up saving his skin just as much
Katherine Plumber is strong with the force, though she believes Race, her brother, must be the Jedi of the family
She finds out all on her own, through accidental Force Searching that Darth Vader was the Jedi Knight Joseph Pulitzer, who was also her father as well as Race’s.
Katherine is honestly a badass.
Let me know if you guys want to see any scenes from this one!
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spell-cleaver · 4 years
Swords & Starflowers, Day 23
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DAY 23: ANGSTOBER: Prison @angstober​
Swords and Starflowers.
It was a dingy little hovel they tossed him into, but at least it was clean and dry. Padmé’s manor was barely recognisable in the arches of the corridors, including the still-scorched stone that Obi-Wan recognised so acutely, and that just hurt even more.
Of course Vader had resurrected his old home, but made it into naught but a twisted version of what it once was.
The moment the guards shoved him he gasped, landing hard on his knees—the floor was clean, but cold and hard, and the chill seeped into his bones the moment he made contact. The screech of the door clanging shut behind him was deafening.
“…what’s this guy about anyway…”
“…some mage, enemy of Vader’s—say, did you hear the gossip about—”
“…a son? This guy kidnapped Lord Vader’s son? You gotta be having me on…”
Obi-Wan found the strength, somewhere, to push himself up onto his knees and sit cross-legged in the corner. He could access magic here, of course, the Force was always with him, but… It was hard, to touch it when he’d dragged himself across the woods in the frozen snow to reach Luke, only to have reached him too late, to be forced to save him only by revealing his existence to the one man who threatened his existence above all others—
Where was Luke?
What had Vader done to him?
What would happen to his apprentice now?
Obi-Wan swallowed, and tilted his head back against the wall with a sigh. He shouldn’t have been surprised that Luke had fled to rescue Bail and the others—Leia certainly hadn’t been, when she’d made a beeline for Luke’s tent as soon as she could to find him gone. But Luke had promised, he’d looked him in the eye, and…
And lied.
Of course Luke had gone to rescue them. That was who he was. He was his father’s son.
He was his mother’s son.
Wherever she was now, she was surely cursing herself for leaving her boy in the charge of a fool such as him. And he deserved it—deserved it, because…
Luke was his father’s son, no matter how much his mother had taught him her ways, no matter how much Obi-Wan had tried to steer him away from it. That was his nature, and Obi-Wan knew it had hurt Padmé in the moments it was most clear, when one could look at Luke and see the crowing little boy who’d crowned the kind stranger he’d met as the Queen of Spring.
Luke was his father’s son, and now he was left with the demon that remained of his father.
What would become of him?
What would become of Obi-Wan?
Why hadn’t Vader already killed him?
He sat there for hours, tormenting himself with the thoughts of it all. He didn’t think, couldn’t think, of anything else. There was just Luke, the boy he’d raised for so many years, the boy he’d watched grow up… His beloved Rogues, and how well he’d led them… Leia, his best friend, who had been the first to know exactly what he’d done and why…
Should he have told her the truth, before he left? It was cruel, perhaps, not to—to let her think that Vader was just going to kill Luke.
(Should he have told Luke the truth, before this, he had to wonder—but he pushed that thought away.)
Or would it have been crueller to give her hope that Luke could be saved? Even if Luke survived, no force could breach these walls, and Vader would not stand for it. And after time…
What would his sweet boy become?
What had he done?
Suddenly, he was desperate. He needed to know. He needed to know what Vader was doing, why, how, and—
He was on his feet, his bones aching with the bruising cold, grasping the metal bars. Icicles wrapped in his palms, they seared into him, and he was trembling.
The guard standing to the side of him rattled the bars and they vibrated into his teeth. “Oh, what’re ya doing now, old man?”
“The boy,” he gasped out—reached for magic, his persuasion magic, but as he reached—
His magic flared, burst like a guttering candle that burnt too quickly, and fled. The bars glowed red and his palms stung.
Of course.
Vader would do that.
He… it had been second nature, clamping down on his magic before, but now, as long as he tried to use his magic…
It would burn.
He laughed bitterly to himself. Vader certainly had a twisted sense of humour.
And what was he doing to Luke?
“The boy,” he insisted through his hoarse throat. “The boy who was with me, the injured boy, the boy Vader fought—”
“Vader’s son?” The guard’s voice dripped with contempt—clearly he thought both his friend and Obi-Wan were having him on.
But Obi-Wan nodded desperately. “Yes.”
And the guard hesitated.
“I ain’t heard nothing from the torture cells,” the guard said. Obi-Wan… let himself react.
But then, the guard said, “Though the walls are soundproof.”
And Obi-Wan, still wracked by fears nothing could assuage, bent over double, his shoulders shaking.
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Psycho - Chapter 1
I have no idea where to post this but I want to get it out of my folder!
A/N: Yes, I am aware that this is not quite how things happened chronologically. For the sake of the fic, we’re going to pretend that Elle went to Allie and begged to be arrested pretty soon after Dewey’s execution. Kay? Kay. Also I’m not a huge Will fan so he’ll be meh in this. Sorry.
Trigger warnings: injuries, torture, abuse, Campbell is a jerk, swearing because they swear like every line, slight mention of rape
Ship(s): Allie and pretty much everyone (platonically), Allie x Harry, Allie & Grizz (as a brotp)
Chapter 1
Allie winced as she felt a large chunk of her thumb nail rip off, before the stinging sensation of air hitting an open wound filled her senses. She’d been trying to wear through the rope tightly binding her wrists behind her back, but obviously had no such luck.
The day had started out normal, as any other day. She skipped breakfast in favor of a quick check up on Harry, whom anyone had yet to manage to drag out of his depressive state. After her doling out her tough love, he did start working again, though very reluctantly and lacking any effort. Then she’d gone back home and talked extensively with Will and Gordy about the issues of water and electricity - namely, how they would check if they were in danger of running out. Then lunch, where she had a nice conversation with Helena that for once did not revolve around politics. She’d only slipped away for a second to use the bathroom when suddenly he was there, knocking her out with a crowbar and stuffing her in his car.
And that was the quickly-escalating, climactic story of how she’d wound up in Campbell Eliot’s basement.
She knew why she was here, of course. He wanted to force Elle back home, where he could continue to control and abuse her. How he figured he would accomplish this by kidnapping her was uncertain, but she knew his end goal.
“Hey there, princess,” he traipsed down the steps into the basement. “Enjoying your stay?”
She glared at him. “I’m not your house guest, Campbell. You kidnapped me. Get to the point.”
“Feisty. Strong,” he smirked. “Every bit the leader. Except for this time, you get to be my captive. How does it feel?”
“What do you want?” she restated, biting out the words. Perhaps she was being dumb, speaking to him in such a tone while he clearly held the upper hand in this scenario. God, she wished for the Guard to notice her absence. But she’d only been awake for about fifteen minutes, plus about half an hour of being unconscious, she’d guess. Unfortunately, the former West Ham football team didn’t have enough experience in detective work to solve that one in forty five minutes.
“I am asking the questions, here!” He growled. “Tell me, Allie. How. Does. It. Feel?”
She caught a glint of something under his jacket sleeve. Brass knuckles. Fuck.
“Cold,” she said simply. He’d taken most of her outerwear, leaving her in leggings and a t-shirt.
“Not the answer I was hoping for, but I’ll take it. Was that so hard?” His smirk widened - the sick bastard was clearly enjoying this.
She’d been told he was a psychopath, heard the things he had done to Elle, and seen him be an asshole on more occasions than she could count. But this was an entirely new side to him that she had yet to see. It truly scared her, rattled her insides. The word psychopath gained a whole new meaning. “What do you want?” she repeated. Her voice trembled, but she pretended not to notice. The hot tears threatening to fall also went ignored.
“Fair enough - you answer one of mine, and I’ll answer one of yours.” He stepped towards where she was sitting on the ground. “I was going to tell you, anyways. I want a lot of things from you, Allie Pressman. You’re a whiny little bitch who only gets to lead us because of your dead sister. You’ve taken so much from me.”
She couldn’t believe that he actually had the nerve to play the victim card. Here, while she was tied up in his basement.
He continued. “But for now - all that I want right now - is my girlfriend back. You better return her to me.”
She glared up at him, trying to appear strong. “Never,” she spat.
The brass knuckles flew at her before she could even blink, crashing into her cheek and causing her head to snap to the side. It took her a moment to reorient herself, and she felt a trail of blood trickling down her face.
“You will do as I say,” he warned in a deadly tone.
She nodded. If she were a fighter, she would deny him, taking what she got and always standing strong. However she was a survivor, and while someone else might say that they were one in the same, that was simply untrue. A fighter fought until the end, while a survivor didn’t come to an end. Some called it intelligence and some called it cowardice, but she was a survivor. “What are you going to do to me?” she asked. She needed to keep getting information out of him - it was her best shot.
“You see, I need to send a message. Campbell Eliot is not someone to be messed with. You have taken from me the girl I love, who I swore to protect, and that’s not going to fly. I’m not going to kill you, Allie. You’ll only wish you were dead.”
She didn’t have time to respond as he kicked her hard in the side. She screamed as she felt something crack.
He tutted. “I thought you would be stronger than that. I guess you’re really just soft behind your big, bad Guard.”
“Fuck you,” she said, though her voice lacked gusto.
“Fuck you, too.” He kicked her again, this time in the back. “Sit up.”
She remained on the ground.
He stomped on her leg. “I said sit up!”
Doing her best to ignore the pain she felt, she slid herself back into a sitting position against the wall.
“You all need to know just how wrong you were.” The fist bearing the brass knuckles crashed into her jaw. “All of you.” He drove them into her stomach, so far that his fist was probably an inch from the wall she was sitting against.
She spat blood, praying for it to be due to the hit to her jaw rather than something internal.
He laughed, like he found all of this extremely funny. “You’re fucking useless, Allie. Do something! Sam’s fucking pet bird had more fight than you!”
She didn’t answer.
“Make this more fun,” he demanded.
She stared up at him with wide, terrified eyes. What in the hell did he mean by that? She had a feeling that she wasn’t going to like it.
He groaned, as if she were causing him an inconvenience. “Jesus christ.” He roughly grabbed her forearm, hauling her to her feet and causing her to scream in pain. “You’ve got five seconds to run to that door at the top of the steps. If you make it, you can go. If you don’t, then we get to keep playing. How does that sound? Fair?”
She stared at him stonily. “Fuck. You. None of this is fair and you know it, even in your sick, psychotic brain.”
“Ready, set, go.” He released her arm, causing her to stumble forwards.
Luckily, she stayed on her feet. She didn’t want to play his stupid torture games. But if she had even a small chance of getting out… She ran.
She quickly found that her right leg didn’t work very well. She pushed herself on and from the amount of effort it took she felt like she should be running. She knew that it probably looked more like a drunken speed walk.
Halfway there, but she still had to tackle the stairs. She urged herself on.
Her heart pumped faster every time his voice echoed. The countdown was terrifying, as she raced to the door knowing what was to come if she didn’t make it.
She was halfway up the stairs when he charged for her, grabbing her and throwing her back down them like a ragdoll.
Through her blurry vision, she longingly stared at the door. The tears flowed freely down her face now.
His form, towering over her, filled her vision. She tried to turn away, but he leant down over her, holding her face in his hand. His thumb wiped some of the blood off of her lip. His face got close to hers, far too close, and he whispered, “My plan doesn’t need for you to die, Allie. It just doesn’t depend on you being alive, either.”
Her breath hitched as she understood his meaning. He didn’t care if she survived this. In fact, he might just kill her for the fun of it. “They’ll hunt you down,” she whispered. “If you kill me.”
“Without you, the town would descend into chaos. They might come looking for me, but I have a backup plan. I thrive in chaos. Eventually, it would be me leading. But I’m not looking for that… just yet, at least. I. Just. Want. My. Girlfriend. Back.”
It took her foggy brain a few seconds longer than it should have to realize that he was undoing her pants.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Grizz says. “Fucking hell. How did we lose her? I thought at least one of us was supposed to be with her at all times!”
“We were,” Jason defended.
“Well she didn’t just vanish into thin air!” Grizz growled back.
Gordy groaned. “And no one has seen her?”
Luke shook his head, confirming. “Helena was with Allie last. She said that she had excused herself to the restroom and then never came back. After that, no one has seen her.”
“She should know better than to slip away without one of us,” Clark sighed, though he was more frustrated with themselves for not paying closer attention than with Allie for wanting to use the freaking bathroom by herself.
Gordy groaned. “This is bad. Why would she just disappear?”
Luke shrugged. “Helena said she was fine while they were talking. Even seemed happy.”
“What do we do?” Grizz asked, arms crossed.
They quieted. As they were only in the very beginning of forming a functioning government, they had neglected to come up with any sort of protocol for missing people. It had simply not been in their minds primarily due to the fact that no one had actually gone missing yet. Even back in West Ham, the old one, due to the upper class families residing there rarely had to deal with such matters.
“What do they do, like, on tv?” Clark suggested.
“They call the cops,” Grizz said.
“Dude,” Luke groaned. “We are the cops.”
Grizz nodded, realizing. “Well, fuck.”
“Will you stop saying that?” Jason said.
“Guys!” Clark said, sharply. “They usually have posters, bring in witnesses…”
Gordy’s eyes widened, a light bulb going off in his head. “A search party.”
The others nodded in approval.
“Okay,” Gordy breathed. “So we’ll assemble a search party and meet in the church. Okay?”
“Let’s go,” Luke agreed. They got to work.
Allie laid on the cold, hard basement floor. She wanted to think about how she would escape and get away from him. She wanted to think about running up the basement steps and sneaking through the house, successfully avoiding her captor and making it through the front door and then down the street before he went to check on her and noticed she was gone.
If she were the strong, smart leader she pretended to be then that’s exactly what she would be doing. If she were her sister.
But she wasn’t her sister. She wasn’t the brave leader guiding the town through their mysterious misfortunes. She was a young girl, doing her best to help people because she was told that it had to be her. So she lay still on the floor, pain filling her senses from inside out, the only thing she could feel. This was certainly a step up from when she broke her ankle as a kid, she thought humorlessly.
It must have been another twenty, thirty minutes before he came back down into the basement. She didn’t dread his return as much as she thought she should. Anything other than sitting alone with her pain and fear.
“Get up,” he ordered.
She whimpered in response. How did he expect her to do so, exactly? She’d inventoried the damage done to her body while she was alone. The pain in her side probably meant a broken rib or three, confirmed by the snap she’d heard when he kicked her. Her right ankle was broken, or at least sprained, and further down she registered pain in her toes. Her head still hurt, probably from the initial assault with the crowbar. Her face hurt, her stomach, and she could feel the bruises littered all over the rest of her body every time she breathed too hard.
“Get up!” he screamed. She winced for the blow, but it never came. Apparently he was satisfied with the injuries he had already caused her.
Against the protest coming from her body, she held her breath as she moved to a sitting position.
“Wow, Allie.” He smirked. “You look like shit.”
“Go to hell,” she inhaled sharply as her ribs moved.
He watched her struggle, and she disturbingly remembered the bird story Sam had shared from their childhood. She was the bird, and he was watching in amusement as her stubs where there used to be wings refused to fly her away. She hated playing the role in his twisted, sick game but was fearful of what he would do if she disobeyed.
She tried to stand, but was sent crashing back to the ground. “Up,” he demanded.
She tried again, this time with more success. But with a laugh and a kick to her left shin - the one bearing her weight - she was back on the ground. A sob rose in her throat.
“Get. Up!” He looked angry now, and she hurried to get back on her feet. It wasn’t working so well.
Impatient, he grabbed her arm and hoisted her up. He dragged her as she stumbled up the steps and out of the basement. He roughly caught her every time her body gave out and she nearly fell, shoving her back upright and continuing on. To her surprise, they exited the horrid house she hoped to never see again and he pulled her over to his car. The one he’d kidnapped her in.
“In,” he said. She did as she was told, with only a little reluctant assistance from him. He got in the driver's’ seat, starting the car.
“Wh-where are we going?” she asked.
He leaned across the center console, grinning. “To deliver my message, princess. You all have twenty four hours to return Elle to me, or I will come back. And I will kill you.”
The threat should have been terrifying, sending shivers down her spine. However the only thing she felt was relief. He was bringing her back home.
The search party met in the church, Gordy briefing everyone on the little bit that they knew. He looked around the room from where he stood in the front. Obviously, the Guard - Luke, Jason, Clark, and Grizz - were there in their matching jackets. Standing next to Luke was Helena, and behind her Kelly.
“Is that everyone coming?” Gordy asked.
“Everyone joining in the search,” Luke shrugged. “Everyone else knows that she’s missing and to keep an eye out.”
Gordy rolled his eyes. He knew that his hometown was filled with unmotivated, emotionally stunted slackers raised in the lap of luxury, however it had never been more apparent to him than it did in that moment. Maybe this New Ham thing was the universe’s way of giving them some much-needed character growth. It was certainly an idea he’d toyed with in the past, and he would’ve considered it longer if he actually believed in a higher power.
Another person slipped in the back, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and looking out of place.
“Come to help?” Gordy asked. All heads turned to see who he was addressing.
Harry nodded. “Kelly told me she was missing.”
Will stood up from where he was sitting. “I don’t trust him,” he glared at Harry. “How do we know that he hasn’t done something to her?”
Harry put his hands up. “I haven’t done anything. Really - I’m here to help.”
Will still looked skeptical, but Kelly ended the issue by saying, “Look, Harry’s barely been pulling himself out of bed long enough to work his shifts. I don’t think he has it in him to plan a kidnapping or whatever this is. No offense, Harry.”
Harry shrugged, “Slight offense, but not undeserved.”
Gordy snapped his fingers, directing their attention back to the issue at hand. “Okay, so here’s the plan…”
The sound of an engine revving outside drowned out the rest of that sentence, effectively drawing their attention away from the meeting. The sound was soon accompanied by a blaring horn.
“What the-” Helena stood from her seat, walking quickly to the door to see what was going on. The others followed, Luke jogging ahead to be with her at the front.
In the church parking lot was the familiar black jeep belonging to Campbell. And in the passenger seat sat the very girl they were searching for.
“Allie!” Grizz yelled.
Before they could react, the passenger door was opened and Allie was roughly shoved out onto the street, Campbell speeding away like a madman (which was actually very in character for him).
The group all sprinted over to Allie, who still hadn’t gotten up.
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kalinara · 5 years
So I was having thoughts about a possible Kylo Ren redemption arc again, and why the idea really doesn’t work for me.
Now really, I don’t think it’s going to happen anyway.  I think the Last Jedi basically put the kibosh on that concept when it dismantled every bit of Kylo Ren apologia that his fans have ever uttered.  But let’s be honest, sometimes creators make very bad decisions.  So I suppose it’s still possible.
There’s no way that it can be remotely satisfying though.
The thing about a redemption arc that I think a lot of people miss is that a redemption arc serves a point in the overall story.  It’s not just about the character in question.  In a way, it’s not even about that character at all, it’s about the role that character plays in the central narrative.
There are main characters and there are side characters, there are allies and there are villains.  And ultimately, everything that happens happens to serve the main character(s) story.
Now it is true that some villains are main characters of their stories.  Daenerys Targaryen is a good example of this.  We followed Daenerys basically from her origin.  We saw her grow and change, we saw her defeat and her triumph.  We saw her do some amazingly good things and some horribly monstrous ones.  The seeds of her fate were planted early on, but there were also plenty of indications that she could go another way.  Her fall was tragic (if maybe not the best executed) and we were with her every step of the way.
Kylo Ren is no Daenerys Targaryen and he has never been a protagonist.  He’s no Daenerys Targaryen.  He’s not even a Tony Soprano or a Walter White.  By the time we’re introduced to him, he’s already a monster.  He’s already ordering the deaths of an entire village.  He’s in the process of murdering an unarmed man.  And he’s in the process of hunting one of our protagonists, while another is an enslaved follower.
Each one of Kylo Ren’s appearances in both movies serve to push the actual main characters forward.  His massacre causes Finn to rebel.  His torture of Poe leads to their alliance and escape.  His kidnapping of Rey causes her to learn to defend herself instinctively with the force.  His murder of Han fills our heroes with motivating grief and rage.  Even in the Last Jedi, while we have lip service to Kylo Ren’s angst and possible redemption, what we really end up with is a plot that shows Rey her own vulnerability and arrogance.  He exists, basically, so she can be wrong about him.  So that she can be betrayed and return to her people a wiser person.
He is not a protagonist.  He’s not a main character.  He’s a villain to be defeated.  He’s an obstacle to be thwarted.  He exists for their stories.
Darth Vader comes up a lot in these discussions.  Because of course, Darth Vader is the one who was redeemed.  There are a lot of discussions about whether or not Kylo is “better” or “worse” than Vader, when we’re talking about his potential redemption.  And I think that’s a bit of a trap.  It doesn’t really matter if Vader was better or worse than Kylo, because Vader’s redemption was never really about Darth Vader.  it was about Luke Skywalker.
Luke Skywalker started the Original Trilogy with a very clear (wrong) idea about who his father was.  (A pilot, war hero.)  And soon he had very clear ideas about what a Jedi Knight was.  He knew that Darth Vader was the man who killed his father.  He knew what he had to do.  He blew up the Death Star and saved the galaxy.  He went to the ends of the universe on the whim of a ghost to badger his way into training.  He fought the most powerful Force User ever, surprisingly effectively for someone with a few days to a few weeks of training.  But then he was blindsided by the truth.
Luke Skywalker in Return of the Jedi is a very very different man than Luke Skywalker in A New Hope.  He’s older, wiser, sadder and more scarred.  And even though Yoda and Obi-Wan have both told him that he has to defeat his enemy, he knows that as a Jedi, he has to do more than that.  He has to be more than that.  At the pivotal point, he throws away his saber.  He reaches his father.  His faith and love is rewarded.
That’s LUKE’s triumph.  That’s LUKE’s story.  It’s Vader’s too, sure, but it’s important for what it means to Luke.
Rey isn’t Luke.  If anything, she’s in the opposite position.  She grew up with a very different idea of the Jedi.  She knew the myth of Luke Skywalker and she knew that he saved Darth Vader.  And when he rejected her as a student, she decided that she had to prove herself by repeating his act.  She was going to save Kylo Ren.
That was her Cloud City error.  That was her equivalent of Luke trying to kill Vader.  She didn’t want to save Kylo because he was family.  She didn’t want to save Kylo because she loved him.  She didn’t KNOW him yet.  He was the man who tortured her.  She was mislead (by Snoke) into thinking there was something she could reach.  And she really wanted to prove Luke wrong.  It was ego, and she got hit hard for it when he betrayed her all over again.
Like Luke, Rey was wrong.  Like Luke, Rey was injured by it.  And like Luke, she’s going to come out of it as a wiser person.  
If Kylo Ren does have a redemption arc, that would negate all of Rey’s development in the Last Jedi.  Rey was a character for whom everything Force related came easily, too easily by a lot of fan complaints, but that’s why her arc in TLJ was so important.  She had to be wrong.  She had to learn humility.  If she were then proven to be right after all, then she’s got no reason to be a wiser person.
So Rey doesn’t benefit from Kylo Ren’s redemption.  Who might?
Leia doesn’t.  She had a similar story beat in the Force Awakens. She wanted Han to save her son.  He tried and Kylo skewered him.  In the Last Jedi, she’s sadder and wiser and when Luke tells her that he will have to fight Kylo and kill him, she accepts that.  I’m sure she would be overjoyed to see a Kylo Ren reject the Dark Side, but that’s not the same as an ending to her story.  It’s not something that she fought for or earned.  (Perhaps things might have been different if she could have a bigger role in Rise of the Skywalker.  But unfortunately, her story is fundamentally done.)
It doesn’t benefit Finn or Poe either.  Both of them have suffered at the hands of Kylo Ren.  And it would make some sense to have a storyline where they have to move past their anger and hate of him.  Except, well, that’s not something that the movies have cared to address.  When the Last Jedi sidelined both characters, it neatly moved them into plots that had nothing to do with Kylo Ren.  Poe is learning to lead (execution of said plot notwithstanding), Finn is coming to terms with his past.  Kylo’s irrelevant to the first, and just one face out of many abusers for the second.  (It’s more likely that his direct adversary will be Hux, who advocated for the Stormtrooper program that his father started, who hit him and subjugated him directly in TLJ.  It’s a much more personal tie than Kylo.)  They’d need a whole other movie to establish Kylo’s redemption as being significant in some way to either man.
Han’s story doesn’t benefit.  There are those who will claim that he “died for nothing if Kylo isn’t redeemed”.  But narratively speaking, he didn’t “die for nothing”.  He died to show us that Kylo wasn’t Anakin, and that Kylo wasn’t going to choose his grandfather’s fate.
And honestly, even Kylo Ren’s story doesn’t benefit from a redemption arc.  On a narrative level, how would that even work.  “Okay, so, I know Kylo has been offered redemption at least three times now and he responded by murdering Lor San Tekka, Han Solo, and trying to murder Rey.  The Prequels took the pre-established ending of Return of the Jedi and built a story for Anakin around it.  We learned that fundamentally, love and family were at the core of Anakin’s motivation.  He fell because of love and he let himself be saved because of love.
But Kylo Ren is OFFERED that kind of love.  Han Solo, weeping and unarmed, reaches out to his son only to be skewered.  He REJECTS that love.  Familial love is not enough.
Rey, a woman that he’s clearly attracted to, makes the same offer.  No strings attached.  No familial baggage to be an excuse.  She reaches out to him, just like every single Reylo-is-canon sort insisted that she should do.  And he REJECTS her too.  Romantic love is not enough.
There are a lot of debates about whether or not Snoke was abusive, and to what extent he may have influenced Kylo.  And certainly the idea of Kylo teaming up with Rey and company to defeat his abuser is an attractive one to a lot of people.  Except, well, that actually happens.  He and Rey DID team up.  They DID kill Snoke.  And Kylo Ren ordered his army to stand down, killed Hux when he tried to stop him, and went home peacefully.  Wait no, sorry, he took command and doubled down his efforts to murder every last member of the Resistance.
So that means for a redemption arc to work, the writers will have to give us something that is more important to Kylo than family, romantic love, or being free from an abuser to finally reach him and move him off of the path he’s on.  Murdering innocent people wasn’t enough, enslaving millions of children wasn’t enough, destroying FIVE PLANETS wasn’t enough.
This isn’t even an Adalind from Grimm sort of situation where her self interest can be used to justify hanging around with the good guys enough to appreciate that they, unlike her previous allies, won’t hang her out to dry.  Kylo Ren has literally nothing to plausibly make him want to be a better person.
I can’t say whether Lucasfilms will try to pull off a Kylo Ren redemption arc in the eleventh hour, but I can say that they shouldn’t.  
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saviorgenius · 5 years
Drowning Alone
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Ship: Spencer Reid x Reader
Genre: Angst with self-deprecating humor
Summary: The reader is having a weird day and feels off. The team gets called on a case where a psychopath is emotionally traumatizing victims while holding them captive. The Unsub targets the mentally ill and the last victim is going to be a certain person. WARNING!!!!!! there will be talks of depression and self-loathing as the unsub and as the reader but it will have a happy ending ish 
Writers note:I’m not going to go into detail with the kidnapping part because I suck at it and also it would end up messing with my head and putting me in a bad place so I apologize if it seems skippy towards the end. Plus I kinda feel like this story sucks and no one will like it so I just want to get it over with lbs. 
(Y/N)- your name
(D/P/N)- Derek’s pet name for you
(P/N/N)- Penelope’s nickname for you.
You woke up this morning and just knew in an instant that it was going to be a sucky day. There wasn’t really anything you could do about it but pretend that you feel fine and head into work. Little things went wrong from the time you got out of bed until you made it to the BAU helped you remember the fact that today was the worst. You hit your toe on the bed frame, you dropped your toothbrush in the toilet, your hair is an untamable mess so you wear it up, the hot water in your apartment isn’t working and after you get dressed you make coffee and then that same exact coffee ends up being worn by you. That wasn’t even all of it, that was just the stuff that occurred in your apartment. When you eventually made it to work, you immediately went into the kitchen area to find a donut or bagel since you didn’t have time to stop and eat. All the foods you liked seemed to be out of stock, it honestly didn’t even surprised you. Then as you leave the kitchen Emily calls out for you, “We got a case!” and then everything else stops. You walk onto the jet and go straight to the seat that you normally sit in, it’s in the corner by the window so you can watch the sky go by as you fly to each and every place that you go. For some reason that one seat is the only place in the entire jet that you are able to fall asleep or feel calm. It was like your safe haven, nothing bad could go wrong there, and hopefully, today won’t change that. 
“Hey, (Y/N),” Spencer says as he walks over and sits in the seat across from you, he noticed you showed up late and that you weren’t exactly your normal talkative self.
You look over from where you were staring out of the window, “Hey Spence.” It wasn’t how you normally talk to Spencer, normally you smile and light up slightly just because it was him. There is something there that no one talks about, you believe it’s one-sided but in reality, there is a reason he is always around you, there is a reason that your favorite snacks are always available at the times you eat with the team.
“I hope you don’t mind me asking, (Y/N), but are you alright?” He looks so concerned, you think about telling him the things you are thinking in your head just because he is super approachable but he’s also your team member. “I’m always here if you need to talk, I’ve been told I’m a very good listener.” A small smile appears on his lips as a way to try and cheer you up, it almost works but not quite. 
“I know you are but I’m okay, don’t worry.”
“But I do.” 
That is the simplest response to get from someone when you tell them not to worry yet when Spencer says the words, it gives you pause and makes you feel guilty that he even wants to know. “I’m just having an off day.”
“What do you mean?” He furrows his eyebrows and leans into the conversation.
“It’s just like I said, I’m having an off day.” You shrug and let your head fall back against the seat as you glance from the window to Spencer, “I just have a bad feeling in my gut about today.”
That didn’t sit well with Spencer, but he thought some positivity might help. “I’m sure everything’s going to be okay, don’t worry.”
Don’t worry. You laugh internally at the fact that Spencer just told you not to worry, that everything was going to be okay. Sure okay, how could you have missed such a simple solution. For the rest of the flight you sit in silence, you close your eyes and try to find a way to sleep for the amount of time you have left.
This case was an abduction case, the unsub takes women who have struggled with mental illness and use all their judgments about themselves to torture them. It was sickening to you, how could anyone do something this horrible to a person. The worst part is that he isn’t killing them, normally that would be seen as a good thing but the way that he gets into their heads changes them entirely. They become reliant on the things they hate about themselves, the only thing they can think about are those things. So far they haven’t been able to ID the man through the victims because none of them have seen his face and he used a voice manipulator while speaking to them.
As the case went on you and the team split up and began working different leads to cover more ground. The unsub took another two girls and you have 22 hours left to find them before their damage is unrepairable. You usually get paired up with Spencer or Emily, only because you and Emily are really close and bounce ideas off each other well. Sometimes you go with JJ, you don’t have anything against the rest of the team but Spencer and Emily are the two you are closest with just like how Derek is with Penelope and JJ acts with Spencer. Today though, you weren’t paired with anyone and honestly, you were fine with that. You wanted to be alone and if Spencer was with you he would have just tried to pry more into what was wrong. He means it in the best way possible, you know, but sometimes when you are having a bad day you just need to be left alone. 
JJ and Spencer were sent to talk with the first victim and their family, Derek and Emily went and talked to the people who had found Nicole, the first victim. Luke and Tara went to talk with the second victim, Katie, who was just found last night. You were sent to check out the second dumb site by yourself since you were down a team member. Rossi decided to take some personal time so that he can spend time with his daughter. 
The dump site was weird, it was like no one had ever set foot in the area for years yet for some reason the unsub left her there. You start to look around, this place gives you the creeps. The bad feeling that you have had all day grows stronger and causes you to physically stop in order for you to catch your breath. “Calm down, (Y/N), you’re just in a creepy place by yourself that’s all.” As you walk around the building making sure that it was secure you feel something like pins and needles all over your arms and the back of your neck, it causes you to touch your hand to your gone and swing around. There isn’t anyone or anything there so you calm down but there is still that feeling there, that someone is watching you. He picked this dump site meticulously, he must have considering how annoying it was for you to get here. At first, you thought maybe it was random, it’s an abandoned building, but now that you’ve seen it you can feel the ambiance it gives you and you see the resemblance to a psychiatric facility. It goes with his MO, making people hate themselves more than they already do, teaching them that they can’t live without it. It almost seems like the unsub is trying to talk through the victims, telling us that’s how he feels and that he believes he should be in a psychiatric facility. He doesn’t know how to control himself from his psychotic episode and he enjoys it at the same time. Pleading to be caught yet making sure he’s organized enough not to be. With what you found out at the site you decided to head back to the station that you guys set up in, the rest of the team was already there and you walk in mid brainstorming session.
“Got anything (D/P/N), you’ve been gone a while.” Derek smiles at you and Emily rolls her eyes because that nickname for you is just too much not to. 
“Yeah, I think I do actually.” You walk all the way in towards the board where Spencer was still pinning things up onto, “I think the unsub is lashing out at the victims the way he wants to lash out at himself. He needs help, well he wants it but doesn’t know how to ask for it while at the same time it almost seems he’s conflicted with how he wants this all to turn out. The site I was just at where Katie was left is an extremely specific and thought out place. It’s almost like he thinks, somehow in his mind, that he’s saving them.” You cringe at the thought, everything that he’s doing is beyond horrific, you couldn’t believe that those words even came out of your mouth. 
“Saving them?” JJ says trying to follow your train of thought.
“Yeah, I know. It’s just a theory.” You immediately shut down, usually, you don’t jump in on throwing out theories but this one was begging for you to say it.
“No, I think I see it,” Emily tries stopping your retreat. “We went to the first disposal site and there was this psychiatric hospital vibe. It was secluded too, the people who found Nicole were only there because they wanted to cut through and get home.”
“Nicole kept repeating things he had told her almost as a mantra, ‘I don’t deserve to live’, ‘I am a burden to the people I love.’ She almost looked helpless like she wanted to stop but the few days that he kept her he must have scared her enough to make her unable to stop even while she’s safe. That deep seeded hatred had to come from somewhere, the fact that he doesn’t kill them may represent how he tried to end his life once but either failed or couldn’t go through with it.”
You start piecing the different factors together in your head as you turn to look at the board, Spencer had just finished marking the locations of Nicole and Katie’s homes as well as where they were found. In retrospect, they didn’t live that far away from each other nor were the dump sites far so he definitely has a small comfort zone. 
A thought crosses your mind and you say it in a whisper not realizing it left your lips until Spencer asked you what you said. “What if the Unsub is the victim's therapist or counselor, it said in the file that Nicole and Katie were both on antidepressants and seeing counselors.”
Derek immediately calls Penelope, “Hey baby girl, you’re on speaker. Behave.”
“Or what you’ll spank me?”
Derek couldn’t help but let a smirk cross his face, no matter the situation if Penelope was involved it just felt wrong to be serious.
“What can I do for my favorite group of crime fighting badasses?”
“Can you check and see if Nicole and Katie have the same therapist?” You ask as you sit in one of the chairs around the table that Garcia, or the phone she is in, is sitting on. 
“Let me work some fabulous magic that can only be provided by me really quick aaaaaaand, that’s a negative sweetcheeks. Sorry.”
“Can you maybe check if they at least go to the same center?”
Garcia pauses for a moment before a slight noise of surprise leaves her mouth, “I didn’t notice at first because the company that was in Nicole’s therapy building bought the company that Katie’s therapist is at. They meshed into one big pile and are officially the same.”
“Thanks, Garcia,” you say and turn to look at the victims before looking back at your team as Derek hangs up with Penelope. “Anyone else thinks this was too easy?” Spencer furrows his eyebrows and you get a few other confused looks, “what? it usually takes a little longer to understand what the unsub is doing let alone where he is.”
“We still don’t know who he is.” Derek points out, “his organization and cockiness are what may be his undoing. He thinks that we won’t catch him since he wasn’t caught the first time.”
After a day of searching through all the overlaps that were possibilities of having to do with the case, they decided to call it a night and head to the hotel in order to get some sleep. You, on the other hand, were not in the mood for sleep and this guy was getting to you. It was almost like he was taunting you and you were making it personal since you’ve struggled with mental illness most of your life. Instead of going to the hotel you decided to go look at the last dump site one more time. Before you even made it to the SUV you were hit in the back of your head, next thing you feel is the cement scraping against your clothes as you are being dragged. The rest of the team was still inside, you hoped with everything in your body and soul that someone- anyone would walk out and stop this. You had no such luck, instead, the pain in your head overtook your sight and you started to black out. 
“All the people we have talked to so far aren’t a match to the profile. Yeah, some have parts of it but without the psychotic behavior he wouldn’t be kidnapping the women.” Emily and Spencer were walking out of the station talking about the case, they were waiting for you but didn’t realize that you had already left. Once it was apparent that you weren’t in the building they left and headed to the parking lot. 
“I think it’ll be smart to get some sleep, we’ve been working on this for the past 36 hours.” Emily rubs her temple under her bangs as she closes her eyes for a minute trusting herself to be able to follow Spencer’s voice for a moment. 
Something hits the tip of her shoe and she opens her eyes as she watches a phone spin in the direction her foot kicked it accidentally. Spencer looks at it in confusion before going to pick it up, “someone must have dropped their phone.”
He clicks the home button and the picture that pops up stops his heart, it’s a photo of the team at one of the get-togethers they had over at Rossi’s. The only person who wasn’t in the photo was you because you are the one who took it.
“It’s (Y/N)’s phone.”
“What, are you sure?” Emily takes the phone and looks at the picture, they both know that’s been her lock screen since she took the picture so there was no mistaking it as hers. 
They both stand there for a moment in shock as they think of all the different possibilities of what happened before rushing back into the station where everyone else still was. 
Time goes by and no one hears from you. Right now everyone is just assuming that the Unsub took you which would be a good assumption since it’s what happened.Spencer feels responsible somehow, he thinks there was a way he could have stopped it from happening. Maybe if he had just left the station with you or maybe if he would have asked you to wait for him before leaving you wouldn’t be in this situation. 
Everyone is working harder than before, which is saying something because that shouldn’t even be possible, Penelope called with an update saying that there were no men fitting the description they give her earlier that have had contact with both Nicole and Katie. 
It was like Spencer had an epiphany, he turned around and looked at the phone sitting on the conference table where Penelope is. “What if it’s not a man.”
Everyone stopped the work they were doing, “A woman?” Tara asks and then it all seemed to click for them, they have been so focused on it being a man because of the vague description the victims gave that it wasn’t even a thought. Now that it has been said though, all the pieces fit better. A woman would be more likely to try and kill herself and fail, woman are also more in tune with other peoples emotions and better at twisting words around. 
Penelope was already searching for a woman that crossed Nicole and Katie’s path as the team started discussing possibilities. One of the most likely one is that the drop site that you went to was important to the unsub and when you went to check out the scene she saw you. 
“Got her! Her name is Jennifer Riley, she’s a counselor who specializes in special cases and by special I mean the people who are ready to take their last breath. They come to her and she works them back to as much mental stability as possible.”
“Do you have an address?”
“Who do you think I am? It’s already sent to your phones now go save our (P/N/N).”
You told Spencer today was going to suck but you never realized how much. This was the day from hell and you honestly wish that you just wouldn’t have woken up this morning. You have no idea how long you have been knocked out but it’s really dark so either you’re in a room with no windows or it’s night time. “Fuck,” you say as you try and pull your hand up to your head to touch the area that hurts but ropes around your wrist don’t allow you. You clench your eyes shut and let your head fall back, your head was pounding.
“I see you finally woke up, I was starting to think you wouldn’t.”
“What a shame that would have been for you, huh.” Your eyes open as you search the darkness for the voice, you can’t see anything until a bright overwhelming light flashes on and blinds you. A sharp pain slashes through your head and once again your eyes are closed. You hear footsteps walking towards you and then suddenly they stop, something doesn’t feel right once again. 
“You don’t sound too upset that you could have died.”
“I’m pretty sure that was in the non-disclosure agreement I signed when I joined the BAU.”
“To not care about living or dying?”
“No, that it’s a possibility to be injured or die.”
“That doesn’t mean you can’t still be scared of dying.”
You stop and listen to what this psychopath is saying, didn’t they just kidnap you? What does it matter to them? “Why do you care?”
“I don’t. It just proves I was right about you when I saw you earlier.”
“Right about what?”
The unsub clicks a button and then the next voice you here surprises you, “that you want to die.”
It’s a woman.. It makes sense, all of the behaviors felt a little off for it to be a man but not enough to say it wasn’t one. You hope that your team has already found this out or that they at least realize you’re missing.
“I don’t.” Your voice was hesitant, not purposefully, you’ve had your reservations about living but you though you were done with those thoughts. Now your depressed days are just your ‘I have a bad feeling’ days.
“No need lying dear, we’re the only ones here and we both know the truth.” She walks up to you and you beat yourself up for not realizing she was anwoman before.
“Go to hell.”
She just laughs at you as she takes a few more steps in your direction, “I’m already here. Now, let’s get started shall we?”
“If I say no does that mean I can go home?”
“Didn’t think so.” You hand your head as a way to calm yourself down, you were already having a bad day so the things she’ll say to you may push you to a point you’ve not gone to before.
The things she says to you, you try to go to a different place in your head but it’s so hard. It’s like she knew what you thought of yourself or maybe it was just so obvious to other people because it was true- no it’s not you’re just horrible to yourself it’s not true, it can’t be. She keeps pushing and it’s hard to control the pain you feel, it’s like you’re being told all the things you already think about yourself are true. You chose to stay quiet and just give as little expression as possible, maybe that will make her want to stop.
It doesn’t.
She doesn’t stop.
You want her to stop.
You don’t even care if she stops anymore,
You just want it all to stop.
Tears are streaming down your cheeks but your face is blank. There are shadows of blue and red barely visible in the room, they must have found you.
She looks in the direction that you are and noticed as well. Next thing you know you’re being untied but yanked against her, you can’t even focus because of your mind feeling so full and lost. There is shouting from your capture, she’s pushing you towards the exit and on the way you trip over the floor since she wasn’t giving you enough time to walk. You land on your knees and she yanks you back up before continuing to walk out of the building. You feel something hard against your head but don’t register what it is until you turn your head and she’s pointing a gun directly at your face until you turn it back.
You see Emily and Spencer standing in front with the rest of the team, the moment that you two walk out everyone aims a gun at you and her except your team. They don’t want to hit you, the rest of the squad doesn’t care though, they just see the woman who has been torturing the people living in their town.
Emily shouts and pushes the guns close to her down as Spencer continues making eye contact with you. “(Y/N), we’re going to get you out of this.”
You watch him, he believes what he said but all you can think is it even worth to save you? What could it hurt? Then your pain turned into self sacrifice, if you die here they will kill her too. She deserves it. “Shoot her, what she does to people is fucked up!” You start struggling and pulling away from the woman who hits you and holds you tighter putting the gun to your stomach to have a better grip. Spencer starts rushing forward but Emily holds him back as much as it sucks to do. If they aren’t going to do it then you have to. You look into Spencer’s eyes and he knows, somehow he knows you’re about to do something idiotic, stupid, dumb, which ever word works better. Both him and Emily notice and start to try and calm the situation but it’s too late, you grab the trigger on the gun aiming at your stomach and pull. It shoots through your stomach and into the woman, Spencer and Emily rush forward along with the team as the others apprehend the suspect.
“No no no, (y/n), why would you do that. God you’re so stupid sometimes, it’s going to be okay.” He adds pressure to the wound and you just look up at him, your hand moves and takes hold of his bloodied hand on your stomach.
“It’s okay.”
“No it’s not, WHERE IS THE MEDIC?” Spencer looked around and back to you, Emily got up to find the medic to bring them to you. “You’re not dying (Y/n).”
“Told you.” You cough and take a breath.
“I’m having a bad day.”
He didn’t find it funny, not one bit but maybe later he would. Right now probably wasn’t the best time to make a joke as you lie in the cold ground bleeding. “Sorry too soon.”
Once the medics get to you they stabilized you and got you into the ambulance before rushing you off to the hospital. Spencer came in the car with you while the others drove behind following. He wouldn’t let go of your hand, you didn’t really want him to anyways. At the hospital you had to go into surgery, it took a few hours but once you were out and in a room the team surrounded you. This was your family, these are the people you’d hurt if you left them. That was more than enough of a reason to stay. What you didn’t realize is Spencer was still planning to have a conversation with you about what happened. The end.
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okimargarvez · 5 years
Original title: The punisher.
Prompt: mental and physical torture, guilt, contrast love, dark drama, punishment.
Warnings: Luke OOC, sexual content.
Genre: romantic, smut, comedy, angst, drama, friendship.
Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, BAU team, Roxy.
Pairing: Garvez.
Note: oneshot.
Legend: 💏😘😈👓🔦🐶❗👻.
Song mentioned: none.
The Punisher- Masterlist
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Note: this story stems from the vision of the program “Monster in my family”. I repeat: Luke is OOC, especially in the last parts of this story. If you don’t want to read, don’t do it.    
Part 3
-Did you like the Little Red Riding Hood fable?- that tone again. Penelope immediately understood where he wanted to go. –
Which was your favorite story, as a child?- he really wanted to know, but he wouldn't limit himself to acquiring this information and putting it in his memory.
Alice in Wonderland.
He had to expect it. The little girl who fell asleep and dreamed of a fantasy world. And they had also recently made the film version in HD. He had liked her choice.
-Caterpillars who smoke, mushrooms that change size, queens who want to cut off heads...- he had run his tongue from the neck to the hollow of the breast. -White Rabbit or Mad Hatter?- the decision seemed too easy.
 She hadn't thought about it again. The weeks had passed so quickly... indeed, a whole month had passed. In the end she had twisted her ankle and also weakened her other leg: the result, crutches for a while. More embarrassing explanations to their colleagues. They had decided not to tell them anything for now. In fact, Luke had actually decided. But she had agreed. No one had noticed the fact that Agent Alvez was absent much more frequently from his desk, just to appear only a few yards away, watched by a thousand computer eyes... or that when they were out on a mission, he spent every free minute texting, with a sly look. And even if they had noticed, they hadn't wanted to intrude.
Penelope surrendered also on the transfer. Piece by piece, in a few days there was nothing left in her old apartment. And he had been right once again. Their things matched perfectly, almost as if they had been bought together, on purpose. Those of Luke gave that touch of tranquility and practicality that was missing from those of Penelope... and vice versa. Roxy had been even happier than her master. There had been so many lunches and dinners, and hell, he cooked divinely. Another plus point. The man of a thousand surprises. And there were plenty of walks.
And the kisses, the caresses. They made love every day, at least once a day. She thought she was too old for this kind of things, but he made her want to sing Katy Perry's Teenage Dream. Because it was true. It made her feel young, desirable and... loved. She still hadn't managed to tell him what she felt, but she felt she was very close to it...
 She hadn't thought about it again until today.
Penelope opens the door (he obviously gave her a copy of the keys, cause now this house is also hers, and how to not think about the sweet key ring he had attached to it?) And she enters. Luke is not there. He's coming back from the last case, just solved. A man who took advantage of his position to kidnap and kill young women. Nothing new, yet never predictable. Roxy runs to meet and to show her love. This is also a positive side of not being single anymore. She looks at the ring on her finger. It's a simple thing. Completely different from all the others, yet no one paid any attention to it.
She smiles and goes to the bedroom. She wants to make herself beautiful for him, because she knows what effect abstinence makes to him and she misses him too much. As soon as she enters she notice something strange. A package on the bed. For my chica, says the ticket. The smile becomes even bigger and more mischievous. But how did he do it, if he is miles from here to... She opens it. Inside there is a costume, like those used to make cosplay. From Alice in Wonderland. Blue and white dress, exactly like that of the Disney version... and then... Oh God. Even the matching shoes. And the long stockings well past the knees. And the black headband. She doesn’t resist, she wears it. It is no longer she who decides, it is an impulse that is transmitted directly from the dress into her body. The heels are much more vertiginous than the originals, and also for the rest... it makes her breast stand out very much (as if it were needed) and it almost seems like she has a narrow waist.
-Better still than I thought.- she literally leaps into the air. The heart beats very fast, even though she has recognized the voice. Luke emerges from behind the curtains. But wait... he's dressed as a Mad Hatter! And above all that hat, how he is looking good with it... For the rest, she would laugh. If she weren't bursting her chest.
-But... but... you weren't... and how did you... oh, Alvez, I give up!- he laughs shamelessly of all her mumbles. He approaches slowly.
-I took a flight earlier, as soon as the case was closed. I said it was an emergency...- he looks down -... and it's not really a lie.- she feels his excitement pushing. -Do you like it, Alice?- she feels a bit ridiculous, but just to be with him... she nods.
-But I don't understand what it's for. Ok, my tits are about to explode, but I don't think...- he pulls a cord that is under her armpit, which she hadn't even noticed and... two small windows appear, exactly in the middle, one for each breast, which leave only free the tips, while the rest of the chest remains forced into the bodice. She opens her mouth in shock. -But where do you find them, things like this?- an answer is not necessary, just his mischievous look. -Were you going to look for it at night?- but it's a stupid question, because at those times he's busy with other activities, and she knows it perfectly...
-Let go, and I will take you to a land even more extraordinary than that of wonders...- does she need another kind of encouragement? Her eyes close in the same instant that she feels his tongue, his hands, his hair tickle her, as he continues to tease her and then he slips his hands under her skirt and then... then she completely loses control and then, lying down on the mattress to catch her breath, she is no longer able to say what happened. Luke does this effect on her.
But it's not just good sex. It's another thing to wake up and have someone next to you who snores or gets up perpetually with a fixed thought. Go for a walk in the park holding hands. Ruin all the film endings, after years of watching them with Derek and having learned the various dynamics, by now. Receive visits in her bunker. Flirting in the elevator. Doing disasters trying to cook for him. All small and trivial things. No candlelit dinners or rose petal paths. The best of the best is to go grocery shopping. Although she is often lost to look in the cart space where the bag rests, but where many others hold something much more precious...
 -Stomach ache? Did I do something wrong?- his worried tone brings her back to earth. She realizes that her stomach is tightening, but the reason is very different from what Luke thinks. And she is certainly not able to tell him about it. She tries, opens her mouth, but the words don't want to go out. She shakes her head to let him know that it's not his fault. But then, who knows how, he comes to understand everything. This month they had practically told each other their lives, their thoughts and he knew a great deal about her. -Are you happy to be Henry and Hank's godmother?- the woman nods. -You... never wanted... your children, Penelope?- it's not a normal thing. How can he read my mind so easily? No one has ever succeeded before. Not even Morgan. It makes me feel so... discovery. For me, love must be like this. It need not be necessary for one to ask for something, the other has to intuit it automatically... without reason. But what did I think? Love. Love. And I can't even say something nice to him. He only repeats to me how beautiful, attractive, intelligent, sexy, witty I'm... and the best I can do is to compliment him on the job.
-Yes.- she finally whispers after those that seem centuries. She looks down, because she knows she will cry. She will cry for all the babies that never born and who will never come to light. He caresses her cheeks and then gently lifts her chin.
-It's not too late.- But this time Luke is wrong. The biological clock has run its course. Already many years before. She thought Luke had understood, since she had never asked him to wear protection and she didn't take the pill. -The first time I saw you interact with Spencer, I thought you had to be a wonderful mother. Maternal. The first adjective that came to mind looking at you. You are made to have a your baby.- it's all too pressing. The sweetness and at the same time the strength of his words; the way he touches her; that pain that has always been too string to hunt in the depths of her soul. And now everything comes up again, like a punch to the gut.
-When... when I saw you with Roxy, the first time, you seemed like a...- she can't find a suitable adjective -...you behaved with her as if she were your child...- Luke smiles.
-She is. But the idea of some brat who runs around the house, with Roxy isn't bad either.- it's really more than she can handle.
-You want... you want a...- he doesn't let her finish.
-Yup. Here we go again, it's premature, we've been together for a month... but let's face it, we're no longer very young, and like I told you, I don't want to waste what's left. I never thought about being a father until I met you. I've never had the right woman with whom to think about the future...- she falters, then he puts her closer. -In reality it was after that case, what JJ and I risked burning... not being able to save that baby marked me. But I also thought about how many creatures are without parents, whether they are in the "system" and how many potential future serial killers are just waiting to be trained... when it would be enough for them to find a home that welcomes them with love. And you are love. We are love.- at first she could have doubts, fears and uncertainties. How normal it would have been for anyone else in her situation. But now Penelope believes in him blindly. Her biggest dream is coming true. Too little time has passed, but maybe just too much.
-Luke... I... love you.-
While they visit websites that explain how adoption works, she doesn't notice at all that the man's smile is strange. A grimace that at a superficial glance would seem only a symptom of contentment and instead is pure enjoyment and satisfaction. Like when a long-established goal has been achieved.
TAGS: @arses21434 @kathy5654 @martinab26 @reidskitty13 @jenf42 @gracieeelizabeth27 @silviajajaja @smalliemichelle99 @charchampagne14 @thinitta   @myhollyhanna23 @garvezz @mercedes-maldonado  @shyladystudentfan @cosmicmelaninflower @avengerquake123vanuusims  @inlovewithgarvaz @the-ellen-stuff
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maealbert · 5 years
Twist // The Liaison
A/N: One of the biggest plot twists aside from Lucy finding out that her father had an affair with Emily’s aunt. Hope you enjoy! The Liaison Master List
tag list:  @literallyreid @idkbutspencer @literallyprentissstwin @remember-me-forever-silent-angel @cynbx @tenaciousarcadeexpert @rawritsmolly @dontshootmespence @princesswagger15 @drspencerreider @illegalcerebral @marvelfanlife @rt8815 @punkpenguin2019 @extremeobsessions101
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“Julianne!” Lucy calls up the stairs. “We have to go! You’re going to be late!”
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” Julianne calls as she grabs her school bag off of her bed. Running down the stairs the phone started to ring. “I got it!”
“Leave it!” Lucy calls as she grabs Julianne’s arm. “You’re going to be late.”
Buckling in the baby carrier in the back seat, she rushes around to the other side of the car and jumps into the passenger seat. “Did you answer the phone?” Spencer asks as he starts the car.
“I’ll listen to the voicemail when we get to work,” Lucy says. “We have to pick up the boys and get them to school before we’re all late.”
“Did you ever listen to the voicemail?” Spencer as he follows behind Lucy down the back steps of the briefing room. She had finished briefing the team on a local case and heading back to her office.
“I tried.. But it was cutting in and out and I could barely make any words.” She got to the last step when she saw Elizabeth walk into the bullpen, a wounded man walking in behind her. She was saying something to him when she noticed Lucy.
“What’s the hold up?” Rossi says trying to peer over Spencer without falling off the step.
“Oh…” Emily grumbled. “It’s my mother.”
“Who’s the dude?”
“Her new stepfather.” Luke joked earning a jab of Emily’s elbow in his stomach. “Ow…”
“Lucy, so glad I found you.” Elizabeth says.
“Well you’ve come to the right place..” Lucy says.
“Uh, do you mind if we speak in private?” Elizabeth says looking up at the other team members who simply smiled and waved at her.
Lucy looked at the man who stood behind Elizabeth. He looked familiar but she couldn’t figure out where she knew him from. He was badly bruised under his right eyes, his left hand was wrapped, and he had stitches on his forehead. His beard was so bushy that it made it difficult for Lucy to recognize him. But when she looked at his left wrist, she saw a tattoo of a dove. She looked back up at the man. Walking around Elizabeth, she approaches the man. Suddenly the files fell from her arms. Reaching for his left hand, she lifts it up and looks at the dove tattoo. Her father had the same one but her father’s had her initials tattooed within the outline of the--
She looked up at man. Her eyes starting to fill with tears. “But we--and the Director--you were killed--” She covered her mouth.
“There’s so much to explain.” He spoke. Lucy threw her arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist, her feet slightly off the ground as he lifted her up. He set her back down on the ground. “Elizabeth has been telling me all about the things you’ve been doing and I have three grandchildren?”
Lucy nods her head. “And this is my husband.” She says pulling Spencer to her side. “Spencer, this is my father. Dad, this is Spencer.”
“Seriously we need to talk in private.” Elizabeth says. “People are staring.”
“Let’s go to my office.” Emily says as she takes the small group to her office.
“So you were abducted?” Lucy says. “But why tell us you died?”
“To protect you.”
Lucy rolls her eyes. “While Elizabeth was filling you on my life.. Did she mention that I was kidnapped and tortured? Or that my long-lost twin sister wasn’t really my mother-in-law’s doctor but a psychotic child abductor? Oh and that Margaret isn’t really Margaret but Olive and the real Margaret who by the way is Emily’s aunt is my mother?! Once your “death” occurred all the secrets came out. Olive didn’t leave because she didn’t want to be a mother or that she has schizophrenia, she didn’t want me! She didn’t want to take care of a child that isn’t even hers!”
“No, dad. For two years I’ve believed you were dead!”
“Emily had to fake her death--”
“That was different! She wasn’t leaving behind children! Josh. AJ. Me! Your own daughter! You left me behind!”
“Lucy, Emily had to fake her death but I didn’t.. I didn’t choose that. I was abducted, Lucy. For two years I’ve been hidden underground in the middle east. I had no contact to anyone.”
“Because Lucy, I had access to so many classified things that so many people want to know.”
“How did you get out?”
“I did what I do best.” He says snickering.
“Mr. De Luca--” Emily starts to say before she was interrupted.
“Please call me Mark.”
Emily nods her head. “Mark..” Emily leans forward on her desk. “I’ve never questioned Lucy in the few years that I’ve worked with her…. But how can we be sure that it’s you?”
Lucy spun around to look at Emily. “I understand you’re unsure about all of this..” Mark says.
“Emily, he is my father.” Lucy says.
“Maybe I’m just going crazy but Lucy, you have a twin. What about your father?”
“No one can fake injuries like these,” Lucy says. “And his tattoo…” Lucy grabs hold of Mark’s hand. “He’s had this tattoo since I was born. I got the matching one with his initials.” She says rolling up the sleeve of her shirt. “This is my father..”
“I just… I’m having trouble believing all of this,” Emily says standing up from her desk. “I was there at the funeral. I saw your body in the casket.”
“Well I had nothing to do with that but I’m assuming it was a dummy.” Mark says. “Like I said.. I had nothing to do with the faking of my death. The military confirmed me M.I.A. When I got back to the states and sat down with them, they told they couldn’t tell any family that I was missing because they didn’t want to get their hopes up of me ever coming home. I never thought I’d make it home, nonetheless make it out alive. I illegally stowed away on a flight from Croatia to New York and again on a train to make it here to D.C. where I managed to get ahold of Elizabeth from a payphone with fifty cents that I found on the streets.” Lucy sat down again. Shock coursing through her veins again. “Do you believe me now? I lost everything while being held captive. I don’t have my cell phone, I don’t have my wallet, I don’t have anything on me except Edward’s clothes.”
“Emily.” Lucy says looking over Emily.
“I’ve been looking out for you--”
“Well I see you’ve done a very good job of that.” Mark says.
“Now listen here--”
“Oh no you don’t.” Spencer says holding her back.
“Let go of me, Spencer!” Emily shouts. “I was there when she was packing up your house! I was there during the funeral and the burial! I was there when she first got pregnant and had a miscarriage! I was there when her “aunt” was arrested for murder! I was there when she got engaged and got married, adopted those two girls, got pregnant AGAIN! I was there, Mark! I was there when her daughter lost everything just gain it all back! Me! Not you! Me! Don’t you dare sit there and be sarcastic with me!”
“Emily, please.” Spencer says struggling to hold her in his arms.
“Let go of me.” She says pushing him away. “I can’t be in here.”
“Emily..” Lucy says as she runs out after her. “Emily! Wait!” She stops her at the elevator.
“Lucy, go be with your father.”
“Emily, please.”
“No, Lucy. I’ve been there for you since the day we met in OPR and your father just waltz back in here as if nothing happened!”
“Emily, I finally have my father back. I believe he was dead for two years. Please… Don’t leave.”
“I just can’t be here anymore….”
“Just go be with your father.” Emily says as she steps into the elevator.
“But we’re family!” Lucy shouts as the doors close shut.
“Hey Chris..” Lucy says leaning on the front desk. “Do you have a spare key for Emily’s apartment?”
“Let me guess.. Ignoring you?” Chris says pulling a key off one of the hooks. He leans on the front desk and dangles the key in front of her.
“Very petty.” Lucy says grabbing the key from Chris. As the elevator opens on Emily’s floor, she steps out to find the door open to Emily’s apartment. Walking over, she peers inside. “Emily?” She calls. Seeing a vase broken on the floor, the coffee table smashed to pieces, Lucy immediately pulled out her gun. She looked around the kitchen and living room area, no sign of blood but a lot of struggle. Walking down the hallway she pushes open the bathroom door to find it empty. Pulling open the hallway closet, she found nothing but Emily’s coats. Closing the door she was met with Emily leaning against the wall. “Oh god..”
“What the hell are you doing here?”
“I was coming over to talk to you and I saw all this.” She says putting the gun away back into the holster.
“Well it looks like someone broke in.” Emily says.
“Well you know me.. Always thinking the worst.”
Emily gives a small smile before going into her bedroom. “So.. How’s your father?”
“Settling in.. He’s staying in the guest room until he can find a place of his own.” Lucy says falling down onto the bed.
“Not fun, huh?”
“No, it’s great having him there. He’s really helpful with the girls. Takes all the kids to school, picks them up, stays home to watch Isaiah. I mean, it’s great!”
“Something’s telling me that isn’t all..” Emily says as she pulls off her shirt and tosses it into the hamper.
Lucy sighs as she rolls over onto her stomach. “Part of me wants him to stay forever, you know?”
“But the other half?” Emily says pulling on a sweatshirt.
“The other half wishes he’d go back to work.”
“They won’t let him come back?” Emily says sitting on the bed.
Lucy sits up shaking her head. “They’ll welcome him back with open arms, but he’s hesitant about going back.”
“I mean.. I don’t blame him.”
“I offered to talk to my mother’s brother-”
“Which mother?” Emily jokes.
Lucy rolls her eyes. “Margaret.”
“Okay, so which brother?”
“The one who owns a mechanic shop in Norfolk. Uh, Joey--Johnny--”
“Jack!” Emily says snapping her fingers. “Dad always takes our cars there to get fixed.”
“I told my dad that I would talk to him about getting him a job there. I know he’s been in need of help around the shop. My dad loves working on cars. Did it all the time whenever he was home and not chasing us three around the house.”
Emily snickers as she gets off the bed. “Sounds like my father.”
“Emily..” Lucy says as she climbs off the bed and following after her to the kitchen. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?” Emily says opening the fridge.
“For how everything went down at the office yesterday.”
“Oh please..” Emily says pulling out a jug of milk. “Emotions were high in the air. I shouldn’t have done what I did.”
Lucy’s phone rang in her pocket and she pulled it out to see Spencer calling. “Hello?”
“Hey, I’m gonna be late getting home. Can you pick up Julianne from soccer? I promised I’d pick her up and take her to the Natural History Museum for her project.”
“Ohhh her butterfly project. I can take her. What time is soccer over again?”
“In about thirty minutes.”
“Alright, I’m on my way.” Lucy says before hanging up. “I gotta go get Jules.” Lucy says heading for the door. “I’m gonna look online for a new coffee table.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I know, but I want to.” Lucy says as she pulls open the door. “Plus, mom knows the coolest place to get things.”
“Oh I know,” Emily smiles. “Trust me.” She says nodding her head over to a mantel piece. “Christmas of ‘88. Early graduation present.”
Lucy giggles. “She sure does love her wolves.” She says before leaving Emily’s apartment.
Pulling up to the soccer field behind the school, Lucy sees Margaret’s car parked in lot space. She could see Julianne running up to Margaret, a bright smile on her face. Margaret was speaking to her while holding books of butterflies in her arms. Putting the car in reverse, Lucy backs out of the parking lot and heads home. She pulled into the driveway just as Spencer did.
“Hey, where’s Jules?” He asks catching up with Lucy on the front porch.
“Apparently my mother’s helping with her project.” Lucy says pushing open the front door.
“I told Julianne that you’d be taking her.”
“Well obviously she doesn’t need my help.” Lucy says dropping her purse on the coffee table and sitting down on the couch. “But it’s whatever.”
“Is it me or is it oddly quiet in here?” Spencer says sitting up on the couch.
Lucy slowly sits up. “Oddly quiet…” She got off the couch and started heading for the stairs. As she and Spencer ascended the stairs, they walk towards the nursery. Normally Isaiah’s babbling from his playpen. Lucy slowly opens the door and peers inside.
“Luce…” Spencer says rushing into the room and over to her father. He was knocked unconscious. Lucy ran over to the crib to find it empty.
“Vivien..” Lucy says before running out of the room. Throwing open Vivien’s bedroom door she found it empty. She knew that if Vivien was scared, she’d be hiding in her closet. Lucy’s found her there numerous times before. Approaching the closet door, Lucy slowly pulls it open. Pulling the string to turn the light on, she pushes the clothes apart to find no sign of Vivien. “Spencer!” Lucy screams as she runs of the bedroom. “They’re gone. Someone took them..”
“I know, I know.” Spencer says pulling her into his arms and holding her tight. “We’ll find them.”
“Not again..” Lucy starts to cry. “I can’t do this again.”
“Who would do this?” Luke says as he sits down at the kitchen table.
“And why again?” Emily says as she paces back and forth. Leaving the kitchen she heads upstairs where Lucy sat in a rocking chair in the nursery holding Isaiah’s stuffed bear in her hands. She sniffled wiping her nose with the sleeve of her shirt. Lucy looks up upon hearing the door opening. Seeing Emily she looks back down at the bunny in her hands.
“Where’s Julianne?”
“Staying with Margaret,” Emily says as she walks over to Lucy.
“And my dad.. How is he?”
“Spencer called telling us that he’s awake. Has a small headache. Nothing major so they’ll be sending him home tomorrow. They want to observe him and make sure his headache doesn’t become anything worse.”
“Has Spencer asked him anything about what happened?”
“He’s having a hard time recalling much. So we’re going to let him get some rest and then I’ll send Tara to do a cognitive.”
Lucy stands up from the rocking chair and walks over to the crib. She places the bear down in the crib. She drops to the floor as tears fall from her eyes. Emily sits down beside her and hold her close. “Why it is me?! Why my children?!” She cried clinging to Emily. “I can’t keep going through this..”
“I know, but we’re going to find them.” Emily says. “I promise you that we will and I will not break that promise.”
The doorbell rang and Lucy pulled away from Emily. “Lucy! Emily!” JJ calls from downstairs. Emily helps Lucy off of the floor before the two of them head downstairs. Reaching the bottom step, Lucy saw Vivien standing on the front porch.
“Vivien…” Lucy gasped as she runs to her.
“Mommy.. He has Isaiah..” Vivien says.
“I know sweetheart..” Lucy says as she picks up Vivien and brings her inside. She sits on the couch with Vivien on her lap. “Honey, do you remember who took you?”
“He was tall.. Like Uncle Luke.. He broke into the house.. Grandpa tried to stop him.. He told me to hide and I always hide in my closet when I’m scared.. I could hear footsteps running up the stairs. I knew Grandpa was going to get Isaiah… So I stayed as quiet as I could… A different person came into my room… It was woman… Tall like Emily and has the same hair but I knew it wasn’t her.. I still stayed as quiet as I could like you taught me… But she still found me…”
“Vivien,” JJ says bending down to be eye level with Vivien. “I know you’re scared. But is there anything distinctive about these people that you can remember?”
“I don’t know what that means.” Vivien says looking at Lucy.
“What she means, Vivien,” Lucy says. “Is do you remember anything that stood out to you? For example, grandpa and I have the same tattoos.”
“So like anything that could tell you who took me and Isaiah?”
“Yes, something very clear of this person that you can remember. Something that stood out to you.” JJ says.
“Mom?” Julianne calls as she steps through the door. “Oh gosh, mom.” She says running over to the couch.
“I tried to stop her but she’s just like you and Emily. Stubborn and hard headed.” Margaret says as she walks over to the couch.
“Viv, anything?” JJ says bringing her attention back to the subject.
“The lady.. She had red lips. I remember she was putting more of it in the van after they took us.”
“Did you hear any names?” JJ asks thinking she knew who exactly Vivien was describing.
“I think I heard the man call her Izzy.”
“How in the hell did she get out of prison?” Emily says. “What does she want with children?”
“Wait, the Queen of Hearts? The Face Cards that robbed the bank, held people hostage, shot Will twice, and blew up the bank nearly killing Emily...twice?” Lucy questions.
“Yeah, that would be them.” Rossi says.
“And she has my son?” Lucy says placing Vivien beside her on the couch before she stood up. “That bitch who nearly killed my cousin, kidnapped my son?!”
“What did she say to you when they dropped you off here?” JJ asks Vivien.
“That if we want him back, then she is requesting the mother, the officer, the raven agent, and the agent who killed her lover.”
“Ohhh no.” Emily says shaking her head.
“Emily, I want my son back...alive. Please--”
“No! I will not be anywhere around that man..”
“Emily, my son’s life is at stake! And so will yours if you don’t go with us!”
“The last time I was in the same room with that man he broke up with me! I refuse to be there with him now!”
“For once you can stop thinking about yourself?!” Lucy says walking past Emily. She stormed over to the painting hanging on the wall. Putting in the code the painting opens up off the wall and Lucy reaches into the hidden safe and grabs her gun and creds. “Fine, don’t come. I have people I need to pick up.”
“She isn’t coming?” Hotch says as he climbs out of the SUV.
“No, she refuses to breathe the same air as you.” Lucy says rolling her eyes.
“The last time I went up against these guys, I nearly died.” Will says.
“Alright, here we go.” Hotch says pulling out his gun and approaching the front entrance.
“There’s a code,” Will says looking at the keypad. “Any ideas.”
“Yeah, we bypass it.” Lucy says aiming her gun at the keypad. Wrapping her index finger around the trigger of her gun, she pulls it back sending a bullet straight through the keypad. The light turned from red to green and the gate began to open.
“Well that’s one way to do it.” Will says as the three of them walk through the open gates and into the warehouse courtyard.
“Hello my loves! So good to see you!” Izzy’s voice echoed around them. “Uh oh, it looks like we’re missing a certain someone. Where’s the raven haired agent that I tried blowing up twice?”
“It’s just us--” Lucy started to talk before she was interrupted.
“Right here, bitch.” Emily says walking through the gates, her gun trained in front of her.
“Now we’re all here.” Izzy says as she walks through the courtyard. Isaiah was asleep in her arms. Lucy started to take a step forward when Izzy stopped her. “Uh uh uh, not just yet mama bear.”
“Don’t you test me, Izzy.” Lucy growls.
“Ooo a lot tougher than the blondie. How is she by the way? I saw her two boys the other day. Wow, Henry has gotten so big. He’s going to be a lady killer, I can feel it. Tell you what.. Let’s trade. Give me Henry and I’ll give back you precious baby boy.”
“I will not let you touch a hair on that boy’s head. Now tell me what you really want.”
“I want you all dead!” Izzy says making Isaiah start to cry. “Oh no… Look what you did.” Izzy snaps her fingers as one of the side doors open. A man walks out. “Take the baby.” She says handing him off.
“No!” Lucy shouts as she starts to run towards the man. “Give me my baby!”
“Oh no you don’t sweetheart,” Izzy says wrapping her arms around Lucy’s waist holding her back. “Not so fast. I’m not done with you.”
“Izzy, you won’t win this round.” Emily says as she steps forward. “Leave my team alone!”
“And what are you going to do about it?” Izzy says as she takes Lucy’s gun out of her hand and presses it to her head. “Now all of you, put your guns done. We’re going to play a little game.”
“What game?” Lucy says. “Go fish?”
Izzy huffs as she throws Lucy to the ground and pressing her foot to Lucy’s chest. “Go fish is for children. I’m talking War.”
“My speciality,” Lucy says as she grabs hold of Izzy’s ankle. “Mess with my kids, you’ll get war my dear.” She flips Izzy over her before turning over and pinning Izzy to the ground. “I will end you once and for all.”
“I’d like to see you try!” Izzy says before kicking Lucy off of her. She pins Lucy to the ground. Lucy grabs hold of Izzy’s arms and flips the two of them over. Izzy flips Lucy over backwards. Throwing her legs up in the air she swings them through the air and pushing herself up off the ground. Turning around she faces Izzy. Both of her fists raised in the air. Izzy raises Lucy’s gun pointed straight at her head. “Bullets beat fists.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” Lucy says as she roundhouse kicks Izzy on her side knocking the gun out of her hands. It skidded across the ground and Emily quickly picked it up and sticking between her belt and pants. “Now we’re even.”
“Even? Ha!” Izzy laughs shaking her head. “Please, Lucinda. We won’t be even until we’re both on the ground and bleeding out.” Izzy grabs hold of Lucy and throws her into the wall. Lucy backs away from the wall holding her hand to her nose. “Looks like you need a nose job!”
Lucy clenches her jaw. Pulling her hand away from her face, she balls her fists at her side. She turned to face Izzy. “I don’t need the nose job, you do.” Lucy says throwing her fist at Izzy, smacking her right into the nose. She could the bones cracking against her knuckles. Taking the opportunity while Izzy was stumbling backwards, she kicks her in the torso knocking her further backwards and onto her butt on the ground. Her head smacked the ground making her wince. “Giving up yet?”
“Not yet, Mama Bear. Let’s see what else you’ve got.”
“Then stand up, Queen of Hearts,” Lucy says motioning her hands towards her. “Stand up and keep fighting.”
“Maybe we should help.” Will whispers to Hotch.
“If there’s one thing I know about Lucy, it’s that she never gives up.” Hotch replies.
“Unlike some people…” Emily mutters, her hand wrapped tighter on the handle of her gun.
Izzy stumbled to the side as she tried to stand up. “Don’t be beat by the help, Queen. That just wouldn’t look good for your reputation.” Lucy says. As Izzy still struggled to stand up, Lucy signaled for the other three to head for the door where the man took Isaiah.
“Are you sure?” Emily says.
“Go! I can handle her!” Lucy says as she grabs hold of Izzy putting her in a headlock. “Find my son and put an end to this!”
“I’m not leaving.” Hotch says as Izzy pins Lucy to the wall.
“GO!” Lucy shouts. “I’ll be fine!”
Emily grabs hold of Hotch’s hand and drags him out of the courtyard. Running down the hallway, they cleared each room they came across.. Hotch clears his throat nodding his head towards a locked door. Taking a step back, he threw his leg up in the air kicking the door open. The three of them cleared the room. Emily made her way over to the crib and carefully picked up Isaiah. “Will, take Emily and the baby out of here. I’m going to go back to find Lucy.”
“No need.”
The three of them turn around to face the door. Izzy threw Lucy to ground. She groaned holding her side, blood seeping between her fingers. A shot rang in the air and Izzy dropped to the ground. Standing behind her was none other than--
“Derek?” The three of them exclaimed.
Lucy turned over onto her back as she stared up at Derek. “I got a call from Garcia. She was freaking out and rambling. I knew something was up so I told Savannah I was taking a flight to D.C.” He bends down to the ground and unbuttons Lucy’s shirt. He reached into the small pack strapped to his waist and pulled out a big roll of gauze and tightly wrapped it around Lucy’s waist. “It’s gonna hurt for now,” He says scooping her off of the floor. “Just hang in there.”
When she woke up again, Lucy blinked a few times to clear her vision. “Hey you’re awake.” She heard Margaret’s voice beside her. Turning her head she saw Margaret sitting in the chair beside the bed. “How do you feel?”
“Yeah you’ll feel like that for a while.” She says. “They knocked you out with the morphine before taking you in for surgery. Your cut was pretty deep.”
“How long have I been out?”
“Only a couple hours. They have you in a recovery room until you’re stable enough to be put into your own room.”
“Isaiah… Where is he?”
“Perfectly okay. Emily took him and the girls home so Spencer could stay here. He just went down to the cafeteria to get some food.”
“What about Izzy?”
“Dead..” Margaret says shrugging her shoulders. “That shot Derek made was a fatal one.”
“Mmmmm, good.” Lucy says as she yawns.
“Well you just get some rest,” Margaret says. “Next time you wake up, you’ll be in a better room that you aren’t sharing with someone else.”
Ep5 is out!
Christmas episode comes next week!
If you liked this one than please be sure like, reblog, and share your feedback! I’d like to know your thoughts!
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glitterrhowell · 5 years
Chapter 33
title: Seized
Co-author: fadingcrystalvoid
Pairing:  Daniel Howell & AmazingPhil (Phan
Word count: 1.3k
Warning/Genre: Rape/extreme violence/ depression/PTSD/Degradation/torture/ Non-consensual pretty much everything/Little!Dan/Daddy!Phil/Kidnapping
Summary: It started out as a fun day at the park but it ended in terror. Phil takes his little Dan to the park and while Phil is not looking, Dan suddenly gets kidnapped. What will happen to Dan? Will Phil ever see his boyfriend again? Did Phil have something to do with it? Heavy trigger warning
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The moment the words Nico Howell had left Dan’s lips, Lela had sprung into action. She’d alerted the proper authorities and everything since had been a whirlwind. The police were now taking Dan more seriously since they actually had a name to go off of. Although it had been thought that Nico was a runaway and he had been presumed deceased by his family it had still reopened the investigation enough that the police were now were combing the wooded area around the cabin.  
Two weeks after beginning their search, they finally uncovered the bodies. It had the whole city in a frenzy; families flooded the police station, desperate to know if one of the bodies found was a missing loved one.
Despite the investigation being reopened, nothing had really changed for Dan. Lela had avoided mentioning anything about the investigation to him since he really wasn’t in the mindset to understand. The only thing that had really changed was that Dan was now well enough that he was getting to go home. Well as close to home as he could. Dan was not being allowed to go back to their apartment since it was still technically still a crime scene, and Dan really wasn’t able to take care of himself anyway so they’d settled on Phil’s mom taking him in.
Since Dan’s parents wanted nothing to do with him, Katherine had rented an apartment in London close to the hospital so Dan could be close to Lela. It was something she’d been thinking about anyway after the five-week-long hotel bill came through. And at this point, Dan didn’t argue anymore about Phil, so he had just shrugged his shoulders and clammed up when he’d been told this.
Dan yawned as he wiped the sleep from his eyes. He looked around the room for Eric and when he couldn't find him he pouted with confusion. Eric was always here when he woke up, Eric was the one who walked him to breakfast. Dan grabbed Pooh bear and made his way to the cafeteria hoping maybe Eric had just gotten up early.
He rounded the corner into the cafeteria. His eyes widened there where a few balloons and streamers hung as well as a piece of paper hung up that said “Congratulations Danny!” and underneath it sat Eric, Kate, and Lela. Dan giggled and squealed with excitement.
“Dan, do you understand what this is all for?” Lela asked him as she enveloped him in a hug.
“Is it cause Pooh bear and I get to go home?”
She smiled, “That’s right, you’ve made enough progress that you're going home today.”
“But not home with Daddy?” he asked in a small but hopeful voice.
“But not home with daddy,” she confirmed.
Dan sighed and he hugged Pooh bear closer.
“Dan there’s another surprise for you!” Kate said clapping her hands together.
Glad that Kate had taken the attention away from Phil, Lela let Kate continue.
“Hi, love,” Louise said as she awkwardly stepped out from behind one of the doors.
“Lou-Lou!” He squealed.
Dan had spent plenty of time with Louise while in little space before everything happened so the age regression wasn’t much different.
Dan ran up to her and squeezed her.
“It’s been a while huh love?”
“Uh huh,” he said, gripping her tighter.
Dan and Louise spent several minutes hugging and just enjoying each other presence it had been so long since the two had even seen each other. Before Dan had been kidnapped if Louise was remembering correctly. But it didn’t take long for the conversation to take a turn and Dan was asking her about Phil. Lela had given her strict instructions to not mention Phil, or the investigation, as she didn’t want it to disrupt his progress. She tried her best to redirect the conversation but Dan was pretty protestant. Louise was just in the process of telling Dan for the fifth time she hadn’t talked to Phil when she breathed out a sigh of relief; his attention was diverted to Lela who came walking out with a cake.
They spent the rest of the afternoon eating, playing games and talking and by the end, there were tears from everyone involved. Both Eric and Kate promise to visit once they were out and although Dan didn’t quite understand why they couldn't leave, he didn't put up quite as much of a fight as Lela had expected him to. Before she knew it, Dan was in the back of a cab with Kathryn, leaving the hospital.
“This has got to be enough for another trial,” Luke said slapping the paperwork down on the desk in front of his superior officer.
“Officer Temple I really don’t see how this is any of your business.”
“Sir, if I’m right an innocent man is in prison! It’s my duty to take whatever information I have and turn it over to the judge!” Luke said breathing heavily now, clearly getting frustrated at his superior's lack of interest.
“Let me tell you this, Temple, if you take that to the Judge then your out of a job mate. This department doesn’t need any more bad publicity.”
“Fine!” Luke shouted grabbing the papers off the desk and storming out of the office.
Phil spent the next two weeks in the hospital being pumped full of medication and slowly healing from his injuries. While the whole time he was still chained to the bed and he always had guards on him he had to admit it was still better than being actually in locked up in prison. The food was decent and the doctors were nice and he actually got to watch TV and have a little bit of privacy even if that privacy was a non-locking door on the bathroom.
Phil knew any day now he would be getting the ok from the doctor, telling him he was ok to go back to prison and he was absolutely dreading that day. He was not looking forward to going back, period, but he really wasn’t looking forward to going back to kide and his gang. Ever since Kide had become his cellmate, every second had become a constant fight for his life. He was constantly being jumped and it had gotten so bad he hardly slept at night in fear that Kide would beat him up in his sleep.
There was a knock at his door and Phil expected Doctor Mandor to stick their head through. However, when the door opened, he was instead met with a kind looking officer.
“Officer Temple, what a surprise,” he said, shocked.
“Phil,” he nodded before he stepped in.
The room was uncomfortably quiet for a moment before Phile spoke.
“So what are you doing here?”
“Oh yeah well. I’ve come to tell you some big news. I’ve just talked to the judge and they're willing to reopen your case!”
“Wait, what?” Phil asked.
And so, much to the guards’ distaste, Luke told him about how they had found bodies buried in the woods around the cabin and how one of them had been Nico Howell. He explained he had pointed out to a judge that it couldn’t have been Phil because he had gone missing before Dan and him ever met. The entire time Phil was completely shocked to the core and didn’t know what to say. When he did finally say something it was, “So I get to go home? I get to see Dan?”
There was nothing but happiness on his face and it almost killed Luke to have to crush it,
“No, Phil, sorry. You still have to go back to prison. Your sentence is being upheld until a new verdict is come to.”
Phil was crushed. While he was grateful for the new trial, all he really wanted was to go home.
They talked for a few more minutes before Luke left and Phil was once again alone. But he wasn't alone for long because not more than ten minutes late doctor Mandor came in and told him he was well enough to go back to prison and just get check-ups in the infirmary there.
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jaskiersbeloved · 6 years
3x09 Familia Ante Omnia
Warning: This reviews contains spoilers
Holy SHIT, she went through so much stuff in this one episode? First seeing how others dies before her, then having to resurrect her father, then watching how he tries to escape from the prison, then have to kill him for the second time AND THEN getting kidnapped? Holy shit! Yet I have to admit I really liked her in this episode! Like she tried to do the right thing and even though some of them had personal reasons, it wasn’t focused entirley on herself, rather her friends and that what made the episode for me in her case. Of course conivininent Iris is convinient, but hey, I’ll give it a pass this time, because I really wouldn’t have come up with a better story with her escaping the prison, so kudos to the writers in that case.
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Shit Simon had a VERY bad day too, didn’t he? Like Jesus fuck, he was tortured, forced to come out to his mum and sister, was FORCED TO DRINK HIS SISTER’S BLOOD  AND THEN HIS OWN MOTHER DISOWNED HIM!? Holy cow, that was terrible! Like just give him a rest, he’s been through so much! And like he said, he TRIED. He tried and tried again and in the end it got him to this situation. I can’t even imagine how he feels now... (yes, of course, yt play “Hurst like hell” right now, sure, sure...)
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3. Heidi
FREAKING LET ME AT HER! This girl needs to go to the psychologist, maybe the’ll handle her mental state. I mean at first, before Lilith suggested what she suggested she looked like she was eager to stay with the Pretors. i don’t know if she was scared of consequences but firstly she looked like she wanted to go back... BEFORE certian events that is... But then? Then she tortured Simon’s family! She made those things... AND THE SIMPLY RAN AWAY FROM HER MESS?! Damn, I HATE this girl
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4. Izzy
I’m so thankfull for her simply being there for he freinds and family. She worried slightly about Magnus and then the whole downhill with Heidi happened and she firstly scold Jordna for not doing his job and then, just like that, she ran with him to help Simon. She’s just so selfless, like she has so much going on right now... I mean her brother is possesed, the second one is going out of his mind to save him and her best friend is imprisoned and there’s no way she can help her and she still runs to help her other freind? Wow... Just simply wow...
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5. Magnus
Yeah, speaking of being selfless... First of all, I wanna say that I HATE that they have made Cat suggest him the whole Asmodeus thing.. it’s just... It’s just sets me off a little bit. Cat knows the story behind Magnus and his father and yet... i mean Magnus had literally no other way, after Lorenzo did what he did, yet still.. but okay, putting this aside.. THAT FIGHT WITH LORENZO WAS EVERTHING! Like they had finally showed him fighting with the opponent ALMOST as powerfull as him and he still got the upper hand in this, like yes, go! (also his handwriting is GOLD, teach me how to write like this!)
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May I just say that I HATE him so damn much? Like honey, you can be higher rank than Magnus ON THE PAPER but the evidences tells otherwise. And looks like Magnus knows better than you how the High Warlock should act. You are simply doing nothing, you’re letting your pettiness cloud your judgemrnt, DON’T YOU RELISE THAT, YOU HYPOCRITICAL, LITTLE... Ughhhhhhhhhhh! And also threatenes everyone that if they help Magnus he’ll banish them? This is tyranny AND looking at this from the personal POV...
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He’s being such good and sassy Head of The Institute! Lije yes, yes, drink this tea Lorenzo, sure, sure the warlocks, mhm, mhm, yeah btw remember who saved the warlocks? Like OMG, I’m LIVING for it! Plus I admire him. Him and Magnus both to be honest for having the nerve to deal with Lorenzo,if i were them I’d flip a long time ago...
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Let. Him. Catch. A. Fucking. Break. Like the start of the episode? When he was forced to choose between to families? That was straight up cruel. You can’t make the person choose between these two things, you werewolf whos name I didn’t bother to learn! Like really, giving him this “ultimatum”? Is he even ALLOWED to do that thing? Luke is an Alpha. I thought that if they want ot change the Alpha they have to fight tbh? Not that iIwould like to see this kind of scene, but... I thought that’s how the werewolves rules go? Well, clearly I was wrong...
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9. Kyle
I see that he’s sorry for everything. I REALLY can see it, but I just can’t forgive him, not right now, when also a dozen other things happens at the same time. But it’s good he went to Izzy first and helped Simon. I mean, I know, it’s his job, but he also wanted to go and bring the blood for him. He’s trying but.. no. Not now.
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10. Lilith
Even though she is... um... diabolic I can’t say I don’t like her. That line she has said to Heidi? Even though I hate the context, I like the idea. Plus what Valentine said about her is also trong. Like you can have everything but without a purpose? It’s nothing. And usually kids brings that purpose in life, so like...
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That was a really emotionall episode. I was constantly getting mad at Clave for some reasons, but hey, at least if I get involwed in another world I’ll make sure to read the damn rules first, before taking any actions, because damn... Also I’m really worried for Simon and Magnus.. So we’l see what the finale will bring. 4.5/6. See y’all soon. (By soon I mean tomorrow, most definietly this week)
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bluboothalassophile · 6 years
73. I don't love you anymore? Whatever comes to mind
First, lemme state that I do not ship DickBabs past them being first love, and young love, long term I don’t see it lasting as they both seem excellent at bringing out the worst in each other at the worst times. The break up, on again, off again, romance DC has going for them berates what they mean to each other, romantically and platonically, and it irks me.
As friends, I think Dick and Barbara bring out the best in each other, I think they are good for one another in this sense. But as lovers, it always manages to bring out the worst of them. I adore their friendship, I like the quirky middle school love they can have going; slipping notes to each other and being dorks in general; it shows how much they care about each other. But when they date… it’s like watching a train wreck occur in slow motion at high speeds
So again, just to be clear, I don’t ship DickBabs, but I adore their friendship.
And I should be writing I’ve Got the Umbrella and NOT writing spoilers or subplots, or sidelines for Hopes for a Bastard’s coming stories. Bad Blu, very bad Blu.
Anyways, here’s Spoilers for Written in the Stars….
Perfectly Imperfect…
There were words ineveryone’s life that they didn’t want to hear.
‘I don’t love you anymore’ or ‘It’s me, not you’ or ‘I’msorry but…’ or ‘There’s another woman’ or even worse ‘I’m gay’ (that one wasn’tas painful, it only sucked if a guy had been using you as cover to keep hissexuality from the world; then yeah, that one sucked).
And as Barbara sat in her chair, trembling, and staring atthe Save the Date she’d received in the mail and the letter that accompaniedit. The letter was unopened as she sat there in her apartment as she sat there atthe invitation for the wedding…
The wedding of Richard John Grayson to Koriand’r.
Barbara wanted to scream, she wanted to throw things, breakthings, she wanted to curse this world for the cards it had dealt her and theperfection required to be her.
Her father, her uncle, her mother, her brother, they had allneeded her to be prefect. She needed to be strong, she had to be happy, cheerful,she needed to have the strength to keep her front of being perfect up.
She had been that girl, the perfect one, she didn’t set atoe out of line. She was the straight A honor student who helped kids like Dickstudy, she was in gymnastics, set for the Olympics, she was going to college,she’d get a degree in criminology, she’d work her way up through the GCPD withher father’s aid, cleaning up the department. She was happy, she was good at beinga friend, the perfect daughter, and the best she could. The only rebellious thingshe had ever done was being Batgirl! And even that she had excelled at to beperfect.
And now she wasn’t perfect!
The Joker had shattered that perfection she had used to keepher life. He had taken it all away from her!
Joker had stolen her legs, her purpose, her life, her love,he had killed her as surely as if he had shot her in the head! In some ways Barbarahad thought Jason lucky, lucky he didn’t have to deal with the pain of beinginvalid now.
But that was until she had learned Jason was alive, and Jason…Jason had come back and from what she had seen of him, he had come to survive ahell. And he didn’t even care!
Barbara shivered as she rolled away from her table, therewas a knock on her door as she pulled down her tea pot.
“It’s open!” she called out as she started the tea. If itwas a rogue or something, she didn’t care.
“Hey Babs, okay, so I was having problem with the Batwingprogramming, and Tammy is driving me nuts. I swear she’s almost onto the fact I’min the Batfamily,” he said as he walked on.
“Yeah, sure, I’ll look at it,” Babs said swiftly as she triedto clean her tears away before he saw them.
“I’m fine,” she dismissed. “Just allergies, I need to dustmy fans again,” she lied pulling off her glasses.
“Is this about the Save the Date I’m looking at on yourtable for Dick’s wedding?” he asked.
“No,” she trembled.
“Uh-huh, why don’t you look at me when you say it,” Lukeordered sharply, and she glowered over her shoulder at him.
Barbara and Luke’s unconventional friendship; if it couldeven be called that, had been when the Court of Owls had acted again, and Dick,Tim, and she had needed help rescuing two years ago. Luke had found out hisfather was in on the Batfamily when Lucius had been attacked in his office andtortured for the access to the tech, Luke had found out and intervened. He’djust been discharged from his service, and he had actually been at WE for a jobinterview working Wayne Security and in their hurry and urgency to save Damian,Luke got swept up into their ranks and stayed. He and Kate, they stayed.
Now, Barbara had always known Luke, he was a few years olderthan she, and he’d been close to Dick when Dick was adopted by Bruce. She hadn’treally cared all that much for Luke, he was annoying to her because when she’dhad legs all he had to do was stand and hold the ball out of her reach, Dickbeing a monkey would clamber all over Luke.
Then he had joined the ranks of the Bats, and now they hadthis odd friendship, that she didn’t always know what to make of because hewasn’t as annoying now, as when they’d been kids. God she hated him when they’dbeen kids.
He was always composed, perfectly, and tall, and smug, hehad had the arrogance of knowing he was the best, smartest boy and bestathlete, but the war had changed him. Now he was different, not as smug, andshe found his presence tolerable.
“I’m fine,” she dismissed.
“You know it wasn’t going to last, Babs,” Luke said softly.
“What the hell do you know about it!?” she snapped as shespun her chair around to glare at him. She fucking loved Dick! Loved him withall her heart! She found herself glaring at Luke who stood there very calmlyholding the Save the Date in his hands.
“You know, you can lie to a lot of people Barbara, but notto me,” he stated coldly as he stood and walked over to her slowly.
“You don’t know me.”
“I know a lot more about you than you’d think.”
“You wouldn’t understand anything I’ve been through for aminute!” she hissed.
“Oh no?” he mused humorless. “A bad thing happened to you,the world fucking forgot to stop and notice, kept spinning. You picked up thepieces, reesembled who you were before the bad thing happened, but that leavesa bitter taste in your mouth with a sharp tongue and bad attitude. You won’t letit go, that fucking feeling, it’s all you got some days when you wake up, itfuels you, it’s what drives you to get up some days. Other days feels like it’sdrowning you and you want someone to hurt as much as you do because the worldforgot about your pain.”
“You can’t even imagine,” she started.
“Dick and you, yeah, before you two had a shot, I’d haveeven put money on it, before; Barbara. But now, you are sodesperate to hurt someone and drag them down to your level that there’s no wayanything you start with anyone would last. And it’s not because you’re unlovable,that’s the opposite of the problem here. The problem is you don’t like this newreality or the new you and you fight it tooth and nail to cling to a you thatno longer exists. And that anger is why it wouldn’t last.”
Luke had known Barbara since he was ten, he hadn’t alwaysliked her. She was younger, brattier, and annoying. She was also Miss Perfect,but he learned real quick to see through that. Then Dick had come along, andthe poor kid worshipped Barbara’s façade; not her, the perfect façade he hadmet. Luke knew that was doomed from the start, well, maybe not before theJoker, but after it, it was all fucked to hell. And he’d watched Dick Graysonclaw his way through the pain of losing his little brother and girlfriend, to onlyhave the girlfriend cut him down and drag him down to her level of agony.
Luke was actually very relieved when Dick and Babs hadfinally ended. Kid deserved to be happy, he deserved love, real love, the loveof a woman, not a façade, and that was where Kori came in. Dick and Kori, thatwas real, true, once in a millennium, soul mate, rewrite the stars kind oflove. It was real, and Dick was a better man with Kori than he ever could bewith Barbara.
No, this didn’t make Barbara a bad person, he actuallyadmired her tenacity to pull herself up from the gutter and to find a way toadapt to her life. He had lost friends before their deaths because they couldn’tdo what she had done. He had watched some good friends just give up. And whileLuke didn’t always like Barbara, he could always admire her and play itstraight with her.
The freckled redhead glowered at him, and her glassesglinted dangerously as they glared at one another.
“I’m not upset or hung up on Dick,” she stated.
Luke resisted rolling his eyes at that. And he wasn’thaunted by nightmares of Jason Todd; but that was tales for a different time.
“I’m Not!”
“Oh, no, I believe you Babs, to a degree,” he clarified forher.
“I’m not!”
“Barbara, he’s in love, he’s getting married, they have abeautiful daughter, who has stolen all our hearts. It’s okay to be hung up onit, but don’t get it in your head to wreck it for him,” Luke warned her.
“I would never do that!” she snapped.
“I know all about how you left her to die, Barbara, and Iknow about it from Tim before you think to go skins someone’s balls off,” hewarned her as he held up a hand to pacify her. He had only learned about itwhen the teen was so sleep deprived and thinking about a coming alien invasion,the very aliens that had apparently kidnapped Kori from Kom and Lobo and hadbeen annihilated by Raven; apparently. He didn’t know about that last bit forsure, as it wasn’t in files he could read.
Barbara looked like he had just fed her a sour apple.
“You’re human, I get it,” he shrugged. “But you and Dick, itwas never going to work Babs, and you have to let it go.”
“I am,” she admitted bitterly. “I just… he’s my oldestfriend, I’m happy for him, I really am. I get it now. But…”
“It was supposed to be me,” she admitted softly and hewalked over as he slowly knelt to her level. He pulled the glasses off as thetears fell and she furiously tried to wipe them away.
“It’s his loss too, Babs,” Luke reminded her.
She sobbed as she slumped forward, and he wrapped his armsaround her. They weren’t really friends, but they’d grown up together. He’dbeen for forever, so they were something important.
“Hey, if you’re up to it, if you want to go, you can be myplus one,” he said as he rubbed her back.
“You’re just asking out of pity,” she sniffled against hisshoulder.
“Well, partially, and partially because, he is the circusmonkey and he’s important to both of us,” Luke smiled slightly as he pulledaway. “And Babs, I don’t pity you. Admire you at times, and respect you always,but I don’t pity you. Never have. You survived, now you just have to stoppitying yourself.”
“You. Survived.” Luke repeated that, because it wasimportant.
Just like him surviving Jason Todd had been important,before Jason had come home and before he even really knew that it was Jason whohad just about killed him.
“Why couldn’t he just love me?” she whispered against hisshoulder.
“He does Babs, just not the way you want,” he assured her.Luke was tempted to hoist her out of the chair and flop down on her couch withher, but he didn’t. It wasn’t his place, so for now he’d just hold her.
They were kind of friends after all, and kind of friends didthis for the people their cared for.
She smelled like lavender, and lemons.
It was kind of an odd combination to notice, as he ignoredthe kettle and just held her.
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Hi honey!! I love your blog soooo much!! I was just wondering if you could do something based on this: Lukes girlfriend works with the BAU and she was once kidnapped and held for months but nobody in the team knows. They only found out when a case comes up with the same man who captured Lukes girlfriend. And the team find out what happened to her?? Sorry if this makes no sense😂 I love you!! 💗
Unknown Subject
Fandom: Criminal MindsPairing: Luke Alvez x ReaderPrompt: Request
Description: A case that arrives on the BAU’s table is a little too familiar for your liking. With it comes revelations regarding an traumatic incident you had hoped to forget.
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Awwh thank you so much sweetie! I hope you enjoy this one! I changed it up a little, just to make it flow easier (instead of being held captive for months, it was just a few days)!
It was a perfectly ordinary day at the BAU as the team gathered around the roundtable, eager to solve another case that had been referred to them. There was no warning at all to prepare you for the horror that lay ahead.
In fact, your day had gotten off to a pleasant start. A peaceful sleep and waking up to your boyfriend blazing a searing trail of kisses down your body had ensured that you had been in an exceedingly good mood as you strolled into the office with one another.
You hadn’t missed the knowing grins your colleagues had flashed your way, well-aware that the two of you had made excellent use of the late start to the day.
At work, you and Luke were true professionals. It was important to you both that your relationship didn’t interfere with your jobs. However, your fellow profilers could easily deduce that the two of you cared for one another. All it took was one glance at how you looked at each other to realise that you were in love.
Unfortunately, your blissful morning came to a swift end as Garcia ushered you all into the meeting room – fretting over the details of a disturbing case that had just been sent in.
You smiled softly as Luke brown eyes met your gaze, his lips curving into a wide grin as he noticed your slightly ruffled hair curtsey of his earlier attentions. He was clearly still proud of his achievements, pleased to give his girlfriend the ‘best wakeup call’ of her life. A blush crept onto your cheeks as he played winked at you.    
Thankfully, Garcia’s voice provided a reprieve from his teasing.
“This one is particularly ghastly, so buckle up crimefighters.” She announced, gesturing to the screen as she grimaced in horror at the information glaring back at her.
“The body of a woman was discovered in Baltimore last night. She had been tortured and killed.”
The team began to ask questions, trying to determine cause of death and all the other essential pieces of information. However, everything seemed to fade away as you glanced down at your tablet. The entire room shifted out of focus and all you could hear was your heavy breathing as you stared at the screen in shock.  
It was too familiar.
Your heart thudded sickeningly against your chest as you noticed the similarity in appearance of the painful cuts on the victim’s body to the ones you had carefully concealed from sight of your colleagues for the past few years. They were the same.
“The local police think she was held captive for a long time prior to her death, judging off the extent of her injuries.” Garcia told them sadly, averting her gaze from the gruesome pictures in a show of respect.
“The kidnapping and torture suggests that we’re looking at a sadist.” Tara muttered in disgust.
Suddenly, it felt difficult to breathe. The room appeared to be getting smaller as the overwhelming emotions came flooding back. It felt as if you were trapped back in the darkened room, the knife pricking against your skin.
You had to get out.
Prentiss’ firm voice pulled you from your nightmare, her eyebrows raising in surprise at your anguish. Some cases had the ability to get to all of them, but you were the last team member she thought would be deeply affected by this one. You had always been the best at compartmentalising…until now.
“Is everything okay?”
The pressure of their concerned gazes only added to your distress, your hand trembling in fear as you dropped your tablet to the table with a loud bang. Your vision began to blur as the tears stung your eyes.
Luke murmured softly beside you, but you couldn’t understand him. You were too paralysed to move.
A warm hand rested lightly on your back as he gently guided your head down, whispering soothing reassurances against your hair as you struggled to fight off the unbearable sense of panic surging through your body.
“Just breathe.”
It took a while, but his voice seemed to be able to reach you in the midst of the darkness. A raspy gasp escaping your throat as you choked on the tears streaming down your face.
“I know this unsub.”
Your stammered words were met with confusion from your colleagues as they exchanged bewildered glances with one another.
“You’ve worked a case like this before?” JJ asked quietly, her eyes full of sympathy as she tried to understand what was troubling you.
A strangled sob escaped your lips as you finally lifted your head to meet their concerned eyes.
“I was the case.”
There was a tense silence as your confession echoed around the room, everyone too stunned to respond.
“I don’t remember much. Everything’s still hazy.” You whispered, your fingers clutching onto the necklace around your neck. The one Luke had given you last month that had quickly became a source of comfort. “It happened years ago, I was leaving work late and then…”
Your eyes fluttered shut in an attempt to block out the disturbing memories. Even after all this time it pained you to think of that night. Perhaps part of the reason why you were so dedicated to your job was because you wanted to do everything you could to protect others from suffering the same fate.
“He kidnapped you?” Spencer asked quietly, his voice filled with hurt at the prospect of someone harming his friend. He too had been on the receiving end of an unsub’s brutal treatment, knowing that the same had happened to you was truly heartbreaking.
You nodded, the tears continuing to spill down your cheeks as you took a deep breath to compose yourself.
“All I remember is the pain.”
You gestured towards your torso, too nervous to shown them the damage that had been done. It felt as if the agonising wounds were burning at merely discussing the trauma.
“He used a knife to cut me…the same ones that our victim received. But, a lot less severe than hers.”
The rest of the team glanced at the screen displaying the horrific photographs, wincing as they thought about the pain you had gone through. You felt Luke tense beside you, his jaw clenching in anger at the revelation.
“Your scars…” He asked, his voice soundly oddly strained as his gaze fell to your shirt. Even your boyfriend had been unaware about the origin of the faded marks, accepting your vague explanation without hesitation as he tenderly traced the lines one night as you lay in bed together.
You squeezed his hand comfortingly, his warm brown eyes softening as he met your gaze. It killed him to think about anyone hurting you and he would willingly unleash his fury on the unsub one he got his hands on him. However, you needed him right now and he would be there for you.
He pressed a tender kiss to your palm as the rest of the team tried to come to terms with your confession.
“How did you get away?” Matt asked, his tone gentle as he gazed at you sympathetically.
Perhaps it was strange that none of them had ever discovered the trauma hidden in your past. You had always been the best at hiding your emotions, they wouldn’t have been able to read you as easily as others. Yet, your empathy and compassion towards victims now made sense to them all as they considered what you had been through.
“He let me go.” You told them quietly, frowning as you fixed your gaze of your hands. The worst thing about the entire thing had been the immense fear of being powerless at the hands of the unsub, knowing you could do nothing to stop him from imposing his will on you.
“He held me for a couple of days and then released me. I couldn’t see his face the entire time, the drugs kept me in and out of consciousness. They never caught him”
Although you had been lucky to escape with only scars, it had always haunted you that he had that control…and that he continued to have it even after your ordeal had ended. How many times had you been paralysed with fear to go to sleep in case you returned back to that hopeless room in your nightmares?
It had only been because of his choice that you had even survived. That was the thought that terrified you most.
“I was his test run. He was building his confidence.” You told them, your profiler instincts telling you that if he had chosen to kidnap you later on then you would have met the same fate as the victim displayed on the screen.
Luke’s hand squeezed yours tightly as if trying convey his promise to keep you safe. The only thing overshadowing the immense fury he felt was his concern for your wellbeing.
No wonder you had been nervous working on past cases involving kidnapping. All the times you had been extremely grateful for him accompanying you to your car after a late night at the BAU made his heart ache in hindsight.
If only he had known.
“That’s one hell of a cooling off period.” Rossi commented, his voice slightly pained as he tried to focus on the case at hand rather than the emotions he was feeling. You had always been close to him and finding out that you had been at the mercy of a sadistic killer made him upset.
You glanced up to see the shocked faces of your colleagues as they attempted to flash you smiles of encouragement. Silent tears were streaming down Garcia’s face as she stared at you in horror. It was never easy when it was one of their own.
Prentiss frowned heavily as she glanced down at the folder clutched tightly in her hands. You could sense her reluctance as she began to talk. “I don’t want to have to ask-”
You cut her off before she could even ask the question. “I’ll do it.”
Surprisingly, your voice was steady and firm as you gazed at her defiantly.
“I’ll give you everything I have.” You promised, already anticipating that the team needed every detail you could provide them with in order to catch this unsub. It didn’t matter if it was uncomfortable or painful, you had to do it for the others.
She nodded slowly, her eyes filled with admiration for your courage as she ordered Matt and Tara to conduct your cognitive interview.
Luke’s grip on your hand tightened as his eyes filled with concern. The last thing he wanted was for you to have to relive the most traumatic experience of your life. Not to mention that your involvement could potential put you in danger again.
“Are you sure Y/N?” He asked quietly, running his thumb gently across your knuckles as he met your gaze.
The determination in your eyes caused pride to surge in his chest. He had always respected your strength, but witnessing your bravery firsthand was something else entirely.
“If I can help catch him…I want in.” You replied, your voice completely calm as you squeezed his hand comfortingly.
It ended here.
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Trying to understand the hatred towards Kylo Ren aka Ben Solo
As December is nearing I'm yet again trying to understand what aspect of Kylo Ren's character makes his seem so evil and irredeemable to the antis
Sorry for the long rant
The first scene with Kylo Ren from Jakku
Antis: Oh God he killed an old unarmed man so brutally! And he ordered the massacre of an entire village! He should just die, he doesn't deserve any redemption.
Me: (trying to be rational) yeah that was indeed horrible. This cannot be justified at all but it doesn't mean that he shouldn't be redeemed. Like didn't anakin murder an entire village of tusken raiders? And what about those younglings? And those poor rebels in rogue one. And we don't have any idea about so many other people he killed between episode 3 and 4. He still got his redemption. Also, I'm pretty sure he sensed Finn's conflict and that he hadn't killed any of the villagers but still let him go.
Poe's interrogation scene
Antis: He treated Poe so horribly. He tortured him sooooooooo much. He is just pathetic.
Me: yeah of course he treated Poe so badly. No denying that. But what if the resistance captured an important first order member? What if they get hold of hux? Would they be nice to him or use any means possible to get information out of him? The latter of course because they are at WAR. Also didn't darth vader himself torture his own daughter (although he didn't know it then) to get information about the stolen death star plans? Also in rogue one Saw Gerrera kind of tortured Bodhi Rook using that horrible creature to make sure he was telling the truth and it even lead to a temporary loss of his sanity. So I guess it happens on both sides.
when Hux says they were trying to identify who helped Poe and Kylo Ren immediately says the one from the village
Antis: OMG he knows it was Finn. He identified him, God he is so evil.
Me: like I said before, he saw Finn's inner conflict yet let him go, bc I guess he was going through the same conflict?
When Kylo finds out Finn and BB-8 escaped with the help of a girl
Antis: Did you see that? Look at what an angry and destructive person he is. And look how he treats the first order employees.
Me: Well I guess that's better than force choking his co-workers like darth vader used to. Also (about that 'the droid stole a freighter' comment) did he just make a joke?
The scene with Snoke and Hux
Antis: These people are so inhuman they are destroying an entire planetary system. Pathetic.
Me: Maybe it's just me but did you see that smug look on Hux's face when he looked at Ren? It felt as if Ren was not fully supportive of the destruction of the Hosnian system. We can't see his face obviously and I think it was necessary that he had his mask on in that scene or it could have given away a lot.
The scene with Darth Vader's destroyed mask
Antis: What is wrong with him? Doesn't he know Darth Vader redeemed himself? He is actually worse than Vader.
Me: are we just going to ignore the fact that he felt 'the pull to the light' which shows he can still be redeemed? And I guess he is feeling that way right now because:
• He ordered the murder of an entire village
• An entire planetary system is about to be destroyed
• Perhaps Finn's abandoning the FO intensified his inner conflict?
So about the first two points, these two horrible acts must have made him feel guilty and that guilt was the pull to the light. Also remember that time Palpatine told Anakin to show no mercy because only then he will be able to fully use the dark side? Ren is doing the same here, killing innocents to feel the dark side fully. I'm not saying his actions can be justified, but I'm saying that this doesn't make him irredeemable.
Kylo Ren and Rey's confrontation on Takodana
Antis: Look how he is torturing her! She is in so much pain. And he just kidnapped her what the hell! He should just die.
Me: (the reylo inside me awakens) What an evil person right? He didn't even let her fall on the ground and carried her to the ship in the nicest way possible. He could have carried her using the force, asked the stormtroopers to take her like he did eith poe, or at least he could have thrown her on his shoulder bc that way he would have one hand free to defend himself in case someone attacks him which had a very high chance since they were in a battle zone and resistamce fighters were pouring in. Also about torture, let me point it out again, they are at WAR and he is extracting info just the way the resistance would have done. Doesn't make his crimes any less but it doesn't mean he is downright evil.
The most important scene- Rey's interrogation
Me: woah woah wait. How long had she been unconscious? He actually waited for her to wake up while sitting in that uncomfortable posture? WHYYYY??? That is sooooo not evil. And why does it bother him that she still wants to kill him? I mean who doesn't? Lol. I am willing to bet that at least half the FO would like to see him dead. And he removed his mask because she said he was 'a creature in a mask'? I mean even Poe said that it was difficult to understand him with the apparatus but he didn't remove his mask then. And is there a good reason they made the villain so damn attractive? (Now that scene when Ren asks her about BB8 and she gives that smart answer) Is he-Is he amused? And why isn't this EVIL guy annoyed by her answer? (You know I can take whatever I want) uhhhhh...why do i sense some sexual tension here? Also why does he have to lean sooooo close to her while probing her mind? He didn't do that with Poe right? And do I see a slight smile on his face? And of course he can relate with Rey's feelings of loneliness here. He is connecting with her here. Also MIND RAPE? She does that to him too right? And she reveals his deepest fear? And he doesn't even lash out on her and just leaves right? And I don't want to go over it again but c'mon they are at war and he wants information. (Plus he says in the novel that he'd have preferred not to go ahead with the mind probe bc it gave him no joy and that he would go as easy on her as possible)
Meeting no 2 with snoke and hux
Antis: He is so bad, if he gets hold of rey he is gonna torture her so much. And these monsters are about to destroy the resistance!!
Me: I'm not entirely convinced that Ren is happy about the destruction of the resistance base (which would eventually result in the death of his mum) and that's why he tries to interrupt snoke and says that he can get the map from her. (Also snoke says that he sensed that Ren has compassion for Rey in the novel and what did Anakin say about compassion in attack of the clones? Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is central to a jedi's life)
Kills Han
Antis: This is it. There's no going back now. HE CANNOT AND SHOULD NOT BE REDEEMED!!!!!! HOW COULD HE KILL HIS FATHER??? HAN SOLO? REY SHOULD KILL HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: Are you annoyed by the fact that he killed his father or because he killed Han Solo? Obviously patricide is a terrible act and yeah what he did was absolutely wrong but I guess what is bothering you more is the fact that he murdered fan favourite Han Solo. Because Anakin killed his only father figure and best friend Obi-Wan too right? And on one hand Ren and Han had a very strained relationship as father and son but on the other hand Anakin and Obi-Wan were sooooo close to each other. And he almost killed his pregnant wife and unborn child right? And he actually was the cause of his wife's ultimate death. And he was redeemed. So why not Kylo Ren? Also you are just going to ignore the look of shock and guilt on Ren's face right? Also, according to the novel, the act weakened him instead of making him stronger. He was horrified by what he had done.
Antis: You reylos are JUST pathetic. Trying to justify that monster's actions. Rey should never forgive him. And how can she when he killed the only father figure she ever had?
Me: woah woah who justified his actions? We are just saying that he can still be redeemed there is nothing wrong with that. And he killed Rey's father figure? Seriously? Are we the same fandom who has made fun of the fact that Luke felt so sad by the death of Obi-wan Kenobi even after knowing him for a few days? Isn't this the same situation? Also more than the fact that it was Han that he killed, I guess what hurt shocked Rey the most was that he killed his own father. She couldn't understand how could someone do that to their own family because she had always longed for one.
The Final Fight: Finn and Rey vs Kylo Ren
Antis: He threw Rey on that tree. He hurt her again.
Me: She was going to shoot him. What did you want him to do? Does it bother you because he thre a 'girl' at the tree? Because it seems like it does. Also, I guess it was better than force choking her? He is perfectly capable of that. And did you even see the way he pounded on his injury because remember 'pain leads to the dark side'? He is trying to draw power from his pain because he doesn't have enough darkness in him.
Antis: Oh God look how he hurt Finn. What do you have to say about thay huh? He almost killed him.
Me: Yeah ikr Finn was being so nice to him. He didn't deliver a single killer blow at him. He would have never killed him if he had the chance because he doesn't consider him his enemy am i right? Bullshit.
Rey and Kylo fight
Antis: He could have hurt her so bad!!! He would have definitely killed her. You kill him Rey! He deserves it!
Me: Well first of all, he would have easily killed her when they were standing on the edge of the cliff. I don't even know how many times reylos have stated this but no one wants to listen right. Secondly, guess what? Rey is a wonderful person but she is not fully on the light side after all. He wanted to kill him, would have definitely killed him had the ground not cracked and separated them, and well almost did kill him because she left a wounded man alone to die on a planet that was about to explode bc she had no way to know that someone was coming to save him. But of course that is justified for her because she is on the good side and they are at war right? What gets me everytime is the fact that we forget that the resistance has killed many innocents too in the name of greater good. I've always felt that not all stormtroopers are evil (even before watching tfa) and tfa and finn intensified my belief. Most of them are just following orders because if they don't they will be killed right? And not everyone can be as brave as Finn was. How many of them were on the 2 death stars and star killer base when they were destroyed? Not everything is as black and white as it seems.
But of course, if someone is adamant about something we cannot change their pov no matter how many logical explanations we give. You don't ship reylo? Cool, you don't have to. But it's not an abusive ship. Tbh Ren suffered more at the hands of Rey than she did (lol) and they are are EQUALS. No one is saying that he is her superior, rather she is the stonger and braver one and he is the one with more experience. And yes of course, a woman can both be both romantic and badass (because I am too lol and so was leia, and padme though she isn't given much credit).
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