#Messy post
r0seart · 1 month
Okay so I just took a look at Alex’s response.
Thankfully he admitted to not being the best partner and being creepy towards some of his fans. I think we often take people at least confirming their wrong doings for granted so while many of you might think this is a low bar to pass, it’s a bar that shouldn’t exist in the first place.
I’m now on the fence about this whole thing. People were clearly hurt by Alex and they should be listened to, but Alex also admitted that he was in the wrong. I’m still sticking with my lack of tmc engagement but the fact that Alex didn’t just try to sweep it under the rug makes my shoulders drop just a little.
I don’t really “Stand with Alex”, I still believe that what he did was wrong and there are a few flaws in his own response but over all it was somewhat of a sturdy essay. I’m still skeptical, but now I have a hope within me that he can change and move on. Honestly I hope that everyone moves on. I hope Alex grows as a person and that the victims get the help and support they need.
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repzies · 2 months
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圇倎 ⸗ ꕤᝪ✻ 🎠🗻🦯𖡎(˃̩̩̥ɷ˂̩̩̥) 𝗮𝗲ẟ𝕿Ᏺ𝕖𝕥𝚒𝗰 ᘏ⚝ >ヮ< 命坦ꫤ𐄲🕍💺ꕤᩚ̸᳕... 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝘇𝗶ᴥ𝘀.𝗰𝖔𝖒 .. .゚‪‪༘༘☆響𖠺⟢。꙳᳕⟣! 🌀🪚🪣◞⟡⃝⃟❔꙳𖤖
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fat-tundra-64 · 6 days
Mario AU/Headcanon idea
Ok so as a kid I always hated the theory of “OOH WAT IF DA MARIO BROSS ADVENTURES WERE FAKEEEEE” I hated the theory so much and it ruined the games for me sometimes .
However as I got older. I didn’t hate the theory as much anymore and now I had an idea :
What if alll of Mario’s adventures are just what he dreams about .
Mario is probably a very creative person and since he is a plumber, he and Luigi are always traveling .
I like to think that what ever Mario sees that day or week; he dreams of it .
For instance, Peach is a lady in real life that Mario has a crush on and he dreams of her alot
While Bowser is a representation of guys who have tried to hit on Peach and Mario’s fear of loosing her to death or another man .
Maybe Mario bros 3 happened bc Mario saw a stage show once and fell in love with it and dreamt about it (that or he made a play him self based on his own dreams)
Toads are just how Mario and Luigi sees townspeople . I also like to think that Mario usually explains what he dreams of to his brother every morning.
Mario’s family thinks his dreams are weird but still interesting nonetheless.
Maybe games like Luigi’s mansion are nightmares that Luigi has which stem from him watching horror movies and having fears of loosing Mario .
Maybe Rosalina represents Mario’s love for his mother,maybe Yoshi shows that Mario has an interest in reptilians.
What if the paper Mario series are just books and sketches Mario makes of his dreams .
So much potential yk…? (Sorry if this post was all over the place)
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yesthefandomfreakblr · 3 months
I wonder how weird it was for Ripred
when he looked around at the questers after being pulled from the pit, being so
Vulnerable and hurt, so cared for by Gregor making sure they were alone so no one would see him like that. The scent of fear and grief and relief, the gentleness. They CARED about him. And Red apparently really really cared about this kid. 
He’s not the best at showing it, but… 
It’s there. Even if it’d cost the war to save them, he WOULD die for Gregor. Just because. Well. He cares about them.
After so long of isolation and bitterness, that must be such a weird feeling…
Like. Have some paternal feelings. Get loved by a child you’ve been so cruel to, idiot. Have him stand up to Luxa and advocate for you and look to you for comfort. And realize you are not bothered one bit, and looking out for him too.
And then of course later in the quest it’s just… damn. ALL these fucked up little misfits. Child queen, baby, Hazard, Warrior child, they’re angsty bonds, a roach, and the new older cousin of Luxa I guess his name is Howard… are a family. MY family. And oh shit I CARE…
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emoxxzombie · 4 days
Winx Club Character Essays: Musa
Quick disclaimer: this is basically me just rambling (so be warned.) While I will present already known canon information, I will also be sharing my own hcs. So pretty much how I see Musa based on canon. Please keep that in mind as you read through, as I'm sure many of your guys' views on Musa are different from mine. Another thing that I'd like to add is that this "essay" specifically discusses Musa in the earlier seasons of Winx, since the writers did change her personality up a lot in the later seasons. Anyways, with that out of the way, let's get into the actual "essay"
So, let's start off with what we already know about Musa, shall we?
Musa is the fairy of music, and was born on the planet Melody. Her birthday is May 30th, and she is 16 years old during the first season of Winx. She is the daughter of Matlin and Ho-Boe, and her on-and off boyfriend being Riven. She is an aspiring singer and musician. Among her friends, Musa scores the best grades in her schoolwork. She's a bit of a loner and is one of the most tomboyish among the other Winx. Musa is very emotionally vulnerable, and offsets this by appearing strong and resilient, often times putting up a strong front.
Now, let's look a bit more into her personality. At times Musa can be quite a snide, as seen with Stella and even Flora in the earlier seasons. She is also short tempered and moody. We see her get quite defensive over herself (as well as her friends.) She's not afraid to get in people's faces if it comes down to it. Musa is a good listener too though. For instance, in s2 when Aisha/Layla had just transferred to Alphea, and felt like she didn't fit in, Musa was right there for her and comforted her when she needed it most.
I want to go over Musa's appearance now. She has a light skin complexion (close to pale), dark blue hair, and dark blue eyes. Clothing wise, in s1 her main civilian outfit consists of a single strapped red tank top, a purple bicep bracelet (that usually appears on her right bicep but you'll sometimes see it on the left), sagged baggy blue jeans that expose her pink underwear slightly, and red sneakers with white soles. I personally, think that Musa likes to dress for herself and doesn't give a shit about what others think of the way she dresses. She dresses for herself, not for the approval of others. Her clothing is another way she expresses herself freely, besides music. Non canonically, I think that Musa also likes to wear a lot of alternative leaning clothes. She mixes components of mall goth, punk, and skater into a sort of streetwear look. She's not that into makeup, and when she does decide to wear some it'll usually just be basic black eyeliner.
For interests, we obviously know that she loves to sing and play instruments, her favorite being a concert flute. She also likes to dance and party. But, let's look into some of my personal interest hcs for her. She likes to skateboard and can do numerous tricks. She may not be as good as Layla might be, but she's definitely good. She loves to watch horror and romance movies. Psychological horror is her favorite but she'll watch almost anything horror. She isn't much into reading and prefers to avoid it (unless it's for studying purposes.) But, she does enjoy graphic novels and comics. She likes to go on late night walks, which help her clear her head and think clearly. When she's not able to go out at night for a walk (for whatever reason), she'll usually stay up until 3 AM playing videogames with Tecna. I have more interest/hobby hcs but I'll stop there.
Now let's talk relationships. We already know who Musa's father and mother are. Her mother, Matlin, died when Musa was a very young child. I've already talked about her relationship with Riven before and have shared a brief bit of my thoughts and views on that so I'm not going to delve into that here (but I'd love to make a separate blog post about it sometime!) When she first met Bloom, she didn't really like her, but not too long after, she started to be able to tolerate her, and then they became friends. In s2, she grew very close to Layla, and they quickly befriended each other. They're best friends (and I will forever be mad about the writers deciding to randomly cut off their friendship in the later seasons.. but I'm going to completely ignore that rn.) Musa is also close to Tecna, but not as much as she is to Layla. She doesn't have many friends outside of the Winx, but that doesn't bother her, she's very happy with the friend group she has.
I could write so much more about Musa, but I think that this post is already long enough as is. To anyone and everyone who actually read all way the way up to this point I literally love you sm omg 😭. Winx is something that I'm really passionate about and it's been one of my biggest hyperfixtations for as long as I can remember.
I plan to write more character essays on some of the other characters from Winx, not sure when, but I'll get to it eventually :).
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syinesty · 1 year
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jisoozitos · 9 months
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ㅤ ❁ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ؛ㅤ roier layouts !
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fav or reblog if u save ! / fav ou reblog se você salvar ! :)⠀
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autumn-rain-co · 1 year
The most ironic thing about (edit: not all, but still a lot of) pro/endos in the syscourse tags is how we're not supposed to generalise them as "people who believe to have non-trauma DID/OSDD or just DID/OSDD in general" or "people who doxx anti-endos and other bad things", meanwhile they generalise anti-endos AND those who are on the middle ground as "always invalidating and super aggressive fakeclaiming people that want endos to not talk and shit and always being so mean to the endo community".
It is so fucking unfair. As some of us here actually want to get along without either of us feeling attacked or oppressed! Which includes clearing up misinformation about DID/OSDD-1, misinformation about endogenic plurals, politely and calmly calling out someone's behaviour, etc.
Can you please listen to us as well?? Can we please just get the fuck along?
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bokkeltje · 2 months
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feralsneeze · 4 months
Below, a collection of pics of tits that are wet with water, but I choose to believe it's spray from a messy sneezing fit
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Especially in love with the navy blue bra sliding off. One more sneeze and she loses it completely. And I like to envision that the black bra (with the model holding her chest) is unhooked in the back, so she's also at risk of losing it completely with another sneeze or two.
Also I just decided that all of these women are fwbs making each other sneeze
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sodacrushin · 1 year
i wont be able to finish my art for it today so
happy 20th birthday lemon demon. im glad i found ultimate showdown on that fateful day in 2016, or else i probably wouldn’t be here writing this post right now!!!!!!!! i know the whole “your music saved me” thing is boring but haha i cant really explain my relationship with ld any other way!!! it got me thru a lot of hard times and a lot of not so hard, actually not hard at all and really nice times. it helped me open up to lots and lots of different types of music and shows and art in general. thank you so so so so so so much mr. cicierega and everyone else who’s worked on this funny music project
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morganpdf · 2 months
does anyone else feel kind of slutty refilling soap bottles
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repzies · 6 months
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𓇢⟦▓⃟⚟ ᳕ 𐐒𐐚 🚵🏻‍♀️🐛ິ◞⭒��𓄹 ɳ𝗲ᩨ⌑𑄟 Ꭾ☻ꠋᤲ𝘀ᩧ𝕥 𒀭𐄲𠁎⃞ ░ ᰱ̫ 𓆺 🥦🏏💤࿂︶︶︶ ૰ 𔐠 🍴🍶🏪𖺙 ꢯᦸ᳕𝕓ᩙ𝗹♢❡..!ꕤ⭒εїз 👨‍👩‍👧 ૰𐂮 ·͜·♡
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someonesdeaddaughterr · 3 months
Hate; feel intense dislike for.
A word we were all told was too strong, too cruel. Our family members hoping we’d listen and discard that word from our vocabulary.
Truth is, I never did. That word has stuck with me. One person is at fault for that. Your striking hands, striking words is what kept that word sitting at the back of my brain each day.
The way you looked at me, the way you had little to no sympathy as I cried and asked you to love me.
You told me you did, because I was your family. Then I heard this saying that a person that loves you, would never hurt you on purpose.
A person that loves you, wouldn’t give you trauma that would never end.
Instead, they would pick you up when you had fallen rather than laughing in your face. They wouldn’t raise their voice, nor their hand to you. But you did, so how can you love me?
How can you look me in the eyes and lie?
I’m not sorry when I say that I hate you, because I hate you with every fibre of my being. Never have I ever, wished bad on anyone, except you.
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wasyago · 1 month
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quiet hours
closeups under the cut :]
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i really like these
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ohseraphicyou · 4 months
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