#Meta Pastores
whumpbby · 7 months
You know what?
Lan Zhan is mostly so frustrating as a character to me, because making him interesting and giving him a character arc would be so easy and it wouldn't even require changing his character or the overarching story!
Have the Lan kick him out after he took the lashes for Wei Wuxian. No seclusion, straight up blacklisting from the properties.
That will reinforce:
A. That actions thaken in good faith result in unfairly harsh consequences.
B. That Lan are a strict sect that will stick to their rules to their own detriment.
C. That Lan Wangji took on an actual risk by trying to save WWX and it cost him more than he was ready to pay. Everyone lost in WWX's gamble.
Have him be a rogue cultivator that has spent thirteen years trying to earn the right of returning to his sect and family - and that's the reason he's where the chaos is, the reason he's known outside of Gusu and sticking to their creed to the letter. It would give him a valid personal reason to resent Jiang Cheng, because in his eyes JC didn't lose as much as him for doing much less.
It would give him internal conflict separate from WWX - does he want to go back to the sect that abandoned him? Does he want to go back to the sect he doesn't believe in anymore? Can he even allow himself to stop believing in the Rules and their utility - because if he stops, what's left for him? He'll be alone in the world that doesn't understand him and won't allow him to grieve the man he loved. Hell, have him question his decision to help WWX and come to no definite answer.
Give him a crisis of faith when he's one step away from returning to the sect and his brother, and his uncle, and that's when Wei Wuxian comes back into his life.
And the choice placed in front of him suddenly has weight. Does he go back to the sect, something he has been working towards for years? Does he abandon the only light in the darkness of his post-war life, that kept him going through the worst times for a man that died over a decade ago? Can he abandon the chance to get back to his beloved brother who breaks law by speaking to him a few times a year?
Or does he choose Wei Wuxian? Choose him in the way he didn't before, this time with his eyes open and aware of the consequences? Does he break away from the sect that killed his mother and broke his father with their unbent, heartless adherence to the Rules? Can he go back to that life after knowing freedom?
And WWX will do okay without him, it's quite obvious he can just live his dream of being a rogue cultivator with ease.
But Lan Zhan won't do well without Wei Wuxian - because WWX was the symbol of freedom for him from the first meeting. Freedom to feel and to act, and to follow his heart.
And he chooses WWX, knowing that he won't be able to go back home - accepting that the home he remembers only ever fit him when he made himself smaller for it. You can never go back home etc.
And that closes the thread of generational trauma for these two - the thread of crappy 'parents/elders' straddling their kids with their own issues.
Coincidentally, that would merge beautifully with WWX's plight - both of them leaving previous lives symbolised by their brothers, that are appropriately opposite in character to suite their specific emotional baggage;)
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teething-possum · 2 days
There’s a tweet I’ve seen that mentions Jesus, son of a carpenter, and his (possible) reactions to the scent of the cross.
And I just want people to stop and think about this for a moment. Like…
Jesus, son of God, in the form of Man, was raise by a carpenter. He was the firstborn of Joseph, though he bore no blood of him.
He likely helped Joseph with his carpentry projects, at the very least was raised with carpentry tools and the wooden pieces all around him.
Do you think he thought of both his Heavenly father and his Earthly father as he climbed Golgotha?
Do you think he felt touched by both of them, for a moment? God’s Will and the scent of Joseph baring down on him as he walked, bleeding and beaten?
I wonder if, even for a second, Jesus wondered what Joseph would say about the construction of the cross, if Joseph’s voice echoed in his ears, the lessons on construction and worthwhile wood that had been etched into his brain came leaking out along with his blood.
I want to know if Jesus, the Son of God, felt more like Jesus, son of Joseph, for a moment before his death.
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hoochieblues · 1 year
I love Eurovision season because I always learn things. This year, it's Moldovan-Romanian folklore.
Moldova's entry, Soarele și Luna, is heavily influenced by Miorița, a poem/ballad/pillar of Romanian-old Moldavian folklore that goes back to the 1700s in its written form but probably goes back earlier.
Balada Miorița tells the story of three shepherds: a Moldovan, and a Wallachian and a Transylvanian who, jealous of the Moldovan, conspire to kill him.
The Moldovan's prized sheep Miorița (lit. little ewe), warns him - but the shepherd doesn't plan to fight back or escape. (Presumably bc shepherding in the Carpathians traditionally involved transhumance and living outdoors for months so... where's he gonna go?)
Instead, the shepherd asks Miorița to hide his death from the other sheep - and from his family - and to tell them instead that he went into the forest to marry a princess, with the sun, moon, and mountains standing as witnesses:
Soarele şi luna / Mi-au ţinut cununa. [...] Preoţi, munţii mari. The Sun and Moon came down / to hold my wedding crown [...] The priests were the mountains high
(note: I'm working from some really sketchy translations; very open to better resources pls.)
Anyway, the description of the wedding is not only beautiful, but a fantastic allegory for the shepherd accepting death, laying down with his fate and embracing it instead of showing fear. Reclaiming agency to protect the people he loves (and redefine his own memory) in the face of an existential threat.
Wildly out of my depth at the point I'm reading about the role the story - and particularly the symbolism/iconography of the lone shepherd - played in Romanian independence, but I'm pretty sure it was a thing. Likewise, the choice of this material as a starting point for Moldova's ESC entry is very interesting to me.
Moldova's 2022 offering, Trenuleţul, used a train as an allegory for a pro-unification message (for.. obvious geopolitical reasons, in addition to the strong pan-Balkan cultural ones detailed in the song):
Pleacă trenul! Unde eşti? Chişinău – București. The train's route is East to West Chisinau to Bucharest!
Idk if I'm now overthinking it too much (I got excited and I thought it was neat, okay?) but I just feel like the cultural overlap, the defiance and the energy of Pasha Parfeni's performance carries more symbolism than the entry is getting credit for. Unsurprising, given this is also the year of Croatian art rock political commentary via drag generalissimos and tractor-based analogies, but still.
Either way, I learned something new and found a new thing to read, and I thought it was beautiful. And that made me want to share. So... enjoy?
Iar tu de omor Să nu le spui lor. Să le spui curat Că m-am însurat Cu-o mândră crăiasă, A lumii mireasă; Că la nunta mea A căzut o stea; Soarele şi luna Mi-au ţinut cununa. Brazi şi paltinaşi I-am avut nuntaşi, Preoţi, munţii mari,
Of how I met my death, Tell them not a breath; Say I could not tarry, I have gone to marry A princess – my bride Is the whole world’s pride. At my wedding, tell How a bright star fell, Sun and moon came down To hold my bridal crown, Firs and maple trees Were my guests; my priests Were the mountains high;
(x) (x)
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italwayshadtobeyou · 1 year
The Winchesters' preacher friends
In "Salvation," when Meg goes scorched-earth on the Winchesters' friends, 2 of her first victims are preachers. At first glance, this seems odd, on two counts: First, most preachers would dismiss spells and ghosts as idolatry and heresy; and, second, John doesn't show any signs of religious devotion.
However, I think it does make sense when you think about how John would've been filtering his acquaintances. He knew lots of hunters, he just didn't make real friends with most of them, and he definitely didn't introduce several important ones (like Gordon and anyone at the Roadhouse) to Sam and Dean. As it turns out, many of the hunters we see are untrustworthy and physically attack Sam when they learn more about him: Gordon and Kubrick, Tim and Reggie, Walt and Roy.
John had his suspicions about Sam, and maybe had ever since Sam was six months old. (Did he see the blood on Sam's mouth? No one knows.) By "In My Time of Dying," he considers it a possibility that Sam would become dangerous enough to warrant killing.
Disturbing as that is, he clearly doesn't want Sam dead. From a practical standpoint, he could have killed Sam at pretty much any point. While living at Palo Alto, Sam's idea of self-defense was a wooden baseball bat. Even after he gets back on the road and reunites with John, Sam isn't prepared for an assassination attempt by his own father. He lets his guard down on multiple occasions, for example, while pacing back and forth in "Dead Man's Blood."
Yes, John thinks he might have to kill Sam-- a burden that he passes on to Dean in "In My Time of Dying"-- but it isn't plan A. He specifically tells Dean to kill Sam if he can't save him.
And who would be the likeliest allies in a salvation attempt? Preachers, probably. It isn't just a concept that they apply to hunting; it's their day job. Further, if they've attended seminaries, then they've probably read more ancient prophecies than John has himself. Preachers would probably among the first people to recognize prophecies becoming manifest, and among the last people to categorize Sam as beyond salvation.
So I don't think it's a coincidence that two of the hunters that the brothers knew growing up were preachers. I think that John was establishing as much of a safety net as he felt he could, while keeping shoot-now types from getting too close to Sam.
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poyobox · 1 year
As a Christian, I fully embrace the TerminalMontage bit of Kirby being a good Christian boi.
Also Cookie has a line in the date episode in Fibbage 4 that mentions his nephew's baptism so I took it in a slightly different direction than the writers probably intended.
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I wanted to have this ready for Palm Sunday but I couldn't figure out who would be involved aside from Cookie and Kirby lol
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dr-lizortecho · 10 months
I had one weird youth pastor growing up and a neurodivergent pastor and now will forever be weird about the media I consume- cause anything can be a Bible study guys (even that shippy scene from Doctor Who)
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casasupernovas · 1 year
these photos send me over the edge every time, they really had no idea what vibe they were going for:
recently married pastor and first lady? teacher couple working in waterloo road?
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or frasier crane's new best friends? carrie bradshaw's frenemy (meta) and mr big's worst nightmare? earth two olivia pope and fitzgerald grant???
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I raise you...Me and Mrs Jones. They got a thinnnnnng. Going awn.
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anamericangirl · 10 months
One of the biggest failings of the church is that of the 17 people arrested or convicted last week of child sex charges, 15 of them were pastors or youth pastors. None of them were drag queens.
And also this is an argument made in incredibly bad faith. Bad people exist inside and outside the church. It's good that those people were arrested and convicted and that their crimes weren't tolerated once discovered.
And you think you proved something by saying none of the church staff arrested were drag queens as if that shows drag queens have never been convicted of or committed crimes against children? Look outside the church for that, bro. And you'll find far more child predators in public school than you will in the church as well. So if we use your logic what does that say about public school?
Most of those are drag queens. None of them are pastors or youth pastors.
So are you debunked or is the point you're trying to make flawed at its core?
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senualothbrok · 22 days
Thank you so much for the tag @alpydk and @theletteraesc ❤️ had so much fun doing this!
I'd like to tag @practicallydeadinside-blog @miradelletarot @bludazey @pennyblossom-meta and anyone else who wants to play!
Last book I read: Circe by Madeline Miller (for the fourth time). Before that, A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula Leguin.
Greatest literary inspirations: Madeline Miller, George R R Martin, Sylvia Plath
Things in my current fandom I want to read but don't want to write: A Wild West AU where Wyll is a gunslinger with a heart of gold, Gale is an eccentric inventor and purveyor of curiosities, SH is a pastor's wife and former lady of society, Lae'zel is a hard nosed sheriff who was born in a distant land, Karlach is a wanted criminal on the run, Astarion is an escaped prostitute being pursued by the brothel owner, Minthara is a ruthless company exec decimating small towns, and Halsin is a farmer who welcomes in all who are weary and need rest.
I don't have energy to write this and have no idea what the plot would be, but I would eat that shit up 🙌
Things in my current fandom I want to write but I think nobody would be interested but me: To be honest, every time I write about a Tav with Trauma finding healing through Gale's love, I am not sure people want to read more of this angst and heaviness! It's always a relief when it resonates and people do engage.
You can recognise my writing by: Lots of dialogue, an undercurrent of melancholy, economy of words in an attempt to deliver maximal emotional impact. Rawness and honesty. I don't pull my punches 😅
Broken protagonists and complicated relationships. Catharsis.
I struggle not to use repetitive descriptions / phrases. I worry often that my writing becomes samey and boring as a result. Especially with dialogue heavy scenes. I often wonder if I should just write screenplay instead.
My most controversial take (current fandom): I don't think Bloodweave works 😅 I just can't see it.
Top three favourite tropes: (1) two broken people who find healing in being seen, understood and loved by each other; (2) protagonist who realises that all is lost but finds strength to fight anyway (eg existentialist motif, Sisyphean. Also things like "it is fated, and I know I'm doomed to lose, but I will meet my fate with honour and bravery.) (3) found family, especially if it includes animal companions
What's your current writing mood (10 - super motivated and churning out words like crazy, 0 - in a complete rut): 6 - I am motivated but the words aren't coming out smoothly. It feels like I'm swimming against the tide.
Share a random frustration: When you read back on everything you've written and it feels like a grade school essay, and you don't know if it's just your weird brain playing tricks on you or if you're genuinely just writing badly. 🤦🏻‍♀️
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Transangelicism, a meta on allegory and gender in Good Omens
One of the wonderful things about SF and fantasy is that representation can be coupled to allegory in a way that allows it say different things and take on different resonances.
For instance, in Discworld the undead are a very straightforward allegory for the queer community, but as the series progresses there are specifically queer undead characters like Maladict and Sally von Humpeding who are breaking away from the norms of vampire society, so the allegory becomes two-fold and the reflection of queerness three-fold. 
In Good Omens, when the idea of gender as humans understand it exists in Heaven, it exists because humans thought of it — except, perhaps, in the case of Gabriel* —and when the idea of gender exists for demons in Hell it exists under the swelter, crush and proximity to millions of souls and is taken up by entities who know the degrees of freedom that they have**. The angels are institutional and polished and neutral and the demons are messy and convoluted and decisive.
So most of the angels in Good Omens could be considered, in human terms, nonbinary by default, or belonging to a unary. The fallen angels who no longer belong to this unary could be considered trans by default, but they have implemented their own structures that are enforced as social norms.
Crowley’s approach to naming himself and being repeatedly referred to by a previous name is trans-coded.  The fallen angels recieved new names but to change those names is considered repugnant. In the book Furfur looks at, he’s circled Crowley’s name and written “changed his name..? Yuck!” 
Crowley is a post-structuralist and a relativist. A demon the same way you or I might be a member of a political party. But he no longer considers himself to be the same person that he was before he fell. That person doesn’t exist anymore and he needs Aziraphale to to understand that, because otherwise Aziraphale cannot see who Crowley really is. Crowley is defining themself both away from Heaven and away from Hell.
At the same time Crowley is also genderfluid the way a human might be. Sometimes quiet, subtle, sometimes won’t correct people, sometimes will. Sometimes she dresses like a human woman. She covers her hair in the first century CE.  Very often they’re combining and mixing gender expression.
Thaddeus Dowling is suggested to be sexist and transphobic, but he likely was not around when Crowley was hired as Warlock’s nanny.
Crowley’s not like the angels, nothing is neat or simple, and Crowley’s not like the other demons, he’s out from under the pressure and defining himself on his own terms. 
Aziraphale is essentially ‘in uniform’ until after he realizes that it would be possible for him to fall and that he has a different relationship to heaven than he thought he did — one similar to the relationship Crowley has with Hell. 
After this point Aziraphale starts dressing more human, if eccentrically, in a perpetually old-fashioned way. 
As Michael Sheen says, “Aziraphale is just a little country girl, she’s tending her sheep.” She wants to take care of things and not worry about what’s beyond her purview. She believes she knows exactly what to do to make things better. Aziraphale doesn’t want anything to be complicated unless it’s complicated in a pleasurable way. They’ve been living out as much of a pastoral dream as is possible in central London. But he has a job to do and knows the truth is rarely pure and never simple, as much as he wants to pretend that it can be. 
Aziraphale repeatedly gets in trouble presenting himself as an upper-class gay Englishman. The carrick coat in 1827 is perhaps the most sartorial androgyny we see from Aziraphale and that’s because Aziraphale in 1827 is the most fashionable girl from 1810. 
Aziraphale’s queer masculinity is defined away from heavenly strictures and he might even admit it from time to time. Perhaps he has no gender. Perhaps he thinks of his gender as ‘angel.’ But either way Aziraphale is not following the path of least resistance. 
*Gabriel’s masculinity is likely human-like by design. Although this may be following the Small Gods rules — humans expect to see the Archangel Gabriel as a man, so they do. **By contrast, Beelzebub’s nonbinary masculinity is human-like through a much greater proximity to and knowledge of humans. They’re Prince of Hell and zir way of being is informed by that.
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caffeine-clouds · 1 year
All your Sonic takes are valid, okay?
Hello, today I am your pastor. Where is your regular pastor? I totally didn't throw him off a bridge. Anyways, sit down because I'm here to preach about a blue hedgehog man. I've seen a lot of discussion around Sonic's characterization in Sonic Prime and how some people absolutely adore the show's take, and some people hate it. Now this could have led the fandom to having interesting debates but alas this is the internet - where interesting debates simply do not happen. (I've seen a lot more toxic arguing on Twitter, the Tumblr crowd is much cooler) But it got me thinking, at least - what is Sonic supposed to be? Who is he?
And I think that answer will change depending on who you ask. Sure, we can get some basic traits of him down. We know he's a good guy, he fights for freedom, he a bit snarky, but loves the people around him. But this is surface level stuff, right? Let's discuss his overall demeanour- "He's relaxed and nonchalent!" This half yells. "He's hyper and energetic!" The other shouts. Hold on, how did this happen?
The answer is simple, my friends - it's the Sonic franchise's inconsistent writing! You are not the problem. Sonic has had so many different takes on his personality throughout the years and throughout different media that it's gotten to a point where there's no 'correct' way to write or interpret this little blue guy anymore. "Black Knight is peak Sonic!" someone cries "No, Movie Sonic is!" Another claims. How can that be when they're so different? Because there is no right answer. People have had different experiences with his character depending on what they were first introduced to or simply what they like better. A lot of people don't like 'meta era' Sonic but there are some people who still do and think Sonic is just supposed to be a quippy goofball in colourful environments in basic stories. It depends so much on personal preference.
This isn't just limited to Sonic either - who is Shadow supposed to be? "The man who learnt to fight for humanity, upholding a promise to the one that meant the most to him - learning to put the past behind him and fighting on for the good of others with a stoic, no nonsense attitude" or is he "Haha Sonic's rival go brr, he so obsessed with him and wants to kick his ass" Shadow has been written as both of these throughout his lifetime, arguably he has spent his time in the more recent games being written as the latter - as much as so many people prefer the former. However, some people interpet the most modern entries as more canon - so therefore, they accept and prefer the latter. I am honestly surprised at the amount of takes I saw that saw Shadow as just a meanie rival until I came to this conclusion. I could go on for every character, but I'm not going to because that would take too much time. So all in all, your takes? So valid my man. If you don't like Prime because of Sonic's characterization - that's so cool, just don't call the show objectively bad for it - because it is not. It's a you thing. And there are plenty of others who agree with that opinion. If you love Prime Sonic - also great, don't shit on people for thinking otherwise - your opinion, and there are plenty more that agree with you. Honestly I think the best characterizations of Sonic I see in the fandom spheres are the ones that can pull inspo from a lot of the different Sonic media throughout time and can mix and match the stuff they like. That's uniqueness, that's fun - I wanna read that. It may not be 'accurate' to the version of Sonic you like, but who cares? If it's not your thing, don't like - don't read. That's why, in terms of writing Sonic fanfiction - saying "make sure to not make the characters OOC!" is like- one of the worst pieces of advice?? Like what is even 'in character'?'? That advice simply doesn't WORK for this series. All you need are the bare minimum basic traits, and the rest - develop as you like. Their basic profiles are the pizza dough, and you are choosing your toppings. Choose the Sonic media and fan content that you like to consume, and respect the people who like the toppings that you don't - because no one is forcing you to eat their pizza.
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Ooh, can I have "Alex Lois thing" for 200? It makes me think of Cool Aunt Kara AU, but I'm sure whatever you've come up with is fabulous
In a shocking turn of events, it was actually a canon thing! XD Long, loooooong ago, I noticed this parallel between Lois and Alex and I started brainstorming a crossover fic. But then I fell behind on Superman & Lois and thus the motivation to see it through kinda petered out. XD
Here's what I had:
“Are you going to tell him?”
They're standing in what remains of the main cavern of the Fortress. Alien weaponry and salvaged Kryptonian artifacts litter the floor, the shelves that once displayed them reduced to slushy masses of ice chips.
As Alex surveys the damage, she wants to laugh at the question. Are you going to tell him? Clark will know, the minute he returns to the Fortress, that something has happened.
But she sincerely doubts she'll get a questioning phone call.
“No,” Alex tells J'onn, her voice sounding much stronger than she currently feels. “No, we—we don't know anything—won't know anything until Brainy is finished with the diagnostics.”
J'onn's expression is skeptical, and she can tell he wants to press the issue further, so she moves to start putting the scattered items back...somewhere. Anywhere. Anything to keep her hands and mind occupied, away from the only concrete thought she's had in the last hour or so.
Kara is trapped in the Phantom Zone. She's gone. She's—
“He needs to know, Alex.”
J'onn's voice is low and gentle. She shoves aside a pile of snow with her bare hand, ignoring the way the chill is starting to settle into her arms and legs. A stark reminder that this place...really isn't meant for humans.
“Not yet,” Alex says. She briefly worries that J'onn will argue with her...and that she'll lose that argument, because she can't come up with a single, compelling reason as to why she shouldn't tell him.
She just...she can't. Because the only time they call Clark is when the world is ending—literally. Clark is a last resort. Clark is...he's...
Next of kin is the phrase that comes to mind.
And Alex refuses to even acknowledge that possibility.
J'onn must sense her thoughts—an impressive feat, given how hard she's trying to suppress them—and simply nods.
“Alright,” he agrees. “Not yet.”
It's a bright, beautiful, downright pastoral day in Smallville. Not that Lois would know, as she's spent the greater part of the last...seventeen? hours? Seated at the kitchen table, pouring over the collection of files Maxy was able to dig up and send her way.
She finishes skimming another accounts report, and checks it against another document on her laptop. Notes the inconsistencies, moves on to the next.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
“Mom. Mom.” Lois blinks, and looks up from her mountain of files. Jonathan stands at the far end of the table, holding a bowl of cereal. “You're using like. The whole table.”
“Oh,” she stands and starts to try and clear a space for him. “Sorry hon. Let me just—”
“Actually, I think I'll go...” he nods towards the family room, wearing an amused look. “Coffee table looks safer.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she waves off his gentle teasing. “Use a coaster!”
He disappears into the family room, and Lois smiles, ultimately grateful for the interruption; the mention of the coffee table has made her acutely aware that some caffeine would be...pretty good, right about now.
She moves to start a pot, checking her phone as she pulls the filters and grounds from the cupboard. The usual alerts appear on her notifications screens—The NY Times, Gotham Gazette, National City Tribune...
In fact...there have been a lot of alerts from the Tribune, of late, and yet hardly any coverage of Supergirl exploits.
She skims the top stories—a few mentions of other meta-human heroes. Nothing about Kara.
Gonna have to tell Clark his cousin is slacking, she thinks as she turns on the coffee maker. ...Maybe have him call—
“Mom, mom!”
It's Jonathan again, but his voice is high and distressed, coming from upstairs. Lois drops her phone on the counter, all thoughts of the Tribune and coffee forgotten as she hurries for the stairs. There's only one thing on her mind, only one thing that could make Jonathan call out like that.
Probably won't return to this but would love to (maybe? someday???) write more Lois. She's such a great character, and so often underserved in the actual comic books. DC greenlight a new Lois books you COWARDS. XD Thanks for sending this in!
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fatehbaz · 1 year
[H]istorical trajectories of nonhumans and empires intersected, and informed one another [...]. Nonhumans [...] were also integral to the sustenance of imperial formations. [...] These varied indications of nonhuman presence provide the opportunity to address questions about nonhuman agency that privilege neither an anthropocentric nor a zoo-centric conception of history. [...]
[T]he “maintenance and repair” of nonhumans was an incessant preoccupation of disparate imperial powers. [...]
This involved not just the protection of nonhuman lives through legislation, as in the case of dogs in Ottoman Cairo. Rather, empires were invested in innovating new forms of lives by experimenting with forms of reproduction. These ranged from efforts to immortalize living horses through artistic portrayals in Mughal India, to machine-induced crossbreeding of sheep known as “freezers” in colonial New Zealand.
If the cultivation of animal life was a preoccupation of imperial regimes, so too was their death. In Mehmet ‘Ali’s Cairo, dogs that refused to internalize the status of domesticated subjects were collectively liable to poisoning or could be imprisoned in a ship and drowned; sheep awaiting to become commodities in late nineteenth-century colonial New Zealand were crossbred, raised, reared, fattened, butchered, and dressed precisely to suit the technologies of mechanical refrigeration [...].
Mikhail situates dogs in the course of two centuries, ending in the 1800s, as “integral actors in the urban fabric of Ottoman Cairo,” a “city full of dogs.” Dogs were subjects of exalted religious, allegorical, and legal discourses [...]. The role of dogs was related to the wider character of the contemporary Ottoman Empire, which, as Mikhail has argued elsewhere, was built on an “animal energy regime.”
The metamorphosis of the dog in nineteenth-century Ottoman Cairo from being a valued member to being a redundant burden was connected to the modernizing reforms initiated by the Mehmet ‘Ali government. The practices of urban reconstruction, modernization, sanitization, and cleansing in Mehmet ‘Ali’s Cairo were to a great extent, Mikhail argues, founded upon the reinvention of the canine body as a site of disease, waste, crowd, noise, and eradication.
Rebecca Woods shifts focus to the imperial meat trade to examine the reemergence of sheep in British New Zealand in the late nineteenth century as an embodiment of the intimate relationship between metropolitan consumption and colonial raw material. Sheep -- as livestock -- were appropriated as part of a network of lively capital that both connected and maintained the antipodal distance between New Zealand’s pastoral economy and metropolitan dinner tables in England. This was enabled by, as Woods shows, the recasting of the sheep as a “malleable” animal, one suited to bridging the technologies of mechanical reproduction and mechanical refrigeration. [...]
[N]onhuman animals had an indelible effect on imperial history, and [...] their subalternity was manifest in at least three distinct ways: they were victims of imperial violence; they were products of imperial regimes of subjectification; and they were usually marginalized in imperial historiography. The evocation of the subaltern calls up the critique of imperial meta-narratives of progress and improvement [...]. 
All text above by: Rohan Deb Roy. “Introduction: Nonhuman Empires.” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 35 (1). May 2015. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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warm-starlight · 1 year
What changes in the uprising arc? 👀 I don't recalk any. Can you elaborate?
They removed the conversation between Levi and Hange after pastor Nick died as if they were afraid to show Levi caring about someone else aside from Erwin and being there for them.
The entire Levi-Historia sequence was changed from the way it happened in the manga too, omitting a HUGE presentation of what Levi's character is all about and the fact that it was Dimo Reeves who told Historia to hit Levi and not Mikasa.. They made it seem like Levi is just Erwin's lapdog ("You need to become queen. Erwin's orders. " And that's it??) and that Mikasa is just a resentful brat (since after the very brief convo of Historia and Levi her hitting him for just following orders absolutely makes No sense). This also made it seem like Historia didn't struggle at all with accepting her new role but actively chose it herself while in the manga she Grew into accepting it not as her role, but as herself.
Reeves was also killed randomly and too fast in the manga, Kenny never said the line "That runt is my pride and joy" in the anime again removing important bit of meta.
Those are the changes that pissed me off most.
These are just a couple of examples.
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pathetic-gamer · 2 months
thank you for the tag @edgeworth-s !!
LAST SONG: technically it's Le duc sous l'eau, but that's because it's the last thing I remember from my go the fuck to sleep playlist last night. The real answer is Wake Me When It's Over by The Cranberries
FAVORITE COLOR: Really in to various reds and oranges rn
LAST MOVIE/TV SHOW: movie - American Fiction, TV - Twin Peaks (thank u alan wake for reminding me how good that show is lol)
SWEET/SAVORY/SPICY: uhhhh savory probably? but I like spice here and there
LAST THING GOOGLED: "Moby Dick word count"
CURRENT OBSESSION: *shadow man voice* Alan Wake. but also Blorbos From My Brain (thinking a lot about that Rich and Caroline and Emily thing, but to little effect on paper lol)
LAST BOOK: American Pastoral by Philip Roth - no relation to American Fiction the film, but I do see some really interesting structural similarities between them. I haven't read Erasure, which American Fiction is based on, so thats conjecture to some extent since the film cant be exactly 1:1, but they both are about authors working on books and both use a sort of meta-narrative that includes the entire book the author is writing? idk I'll have to read Erasure and get back to y'all lol
LAST FIC: Most recent chapter of Little Moments of Self Indulgence! (felix and annette von fire emblem, of course) let them kisssssssss
LOOKING FORWARD TO: d&d tonight lol
okay I get nervous trying to tag people so anyone who wants to participate definitely should. Especially new mutuals from the last month or so! (and tag me so I can read them lol)
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bungbruh · 11 months
𝑰𝒏𝒏𝒐𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝑰𝒔 𝑮𝒐𝒏𝒆 | 𝑲𝒊𝒎 𝑻𝒂𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒆 (𝒁𝑩𝟏)
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SINOPSE: você é namorada de Kim Taerae, filho do pastor da Igreja da sua cidade, na visão de ambas as famílias vocês são obedientes e um casal cristão de exemplo, mas só vocês sabem como é o relacionamento de vocês entre quatro paredes.
AVISOS: masturbação de ambas as partes, sexo explícito, palavras inapropriadas para menores de 18. ESSA ONESHOT NÃO TEM INTENÇÃO DE OFENDER NENHUMA RELIGIÃO E NEM A IMAGEM DO ARTISTA.
! Não é inspirado na música, mas o enredo combina então recomendo que escutem enquanto estiverem lendo.
Aqui está você, sentindo que iria gozar mais rápido do que as outras duas vezes, você e taerae estavam na posição de 69, você chupando (na verdade tentando chupar) o pau dele enquanto ele fodia sua boceta com a língua.
Porra, era incrível como ele conseguia enfiar a língua tão fundo em você, infelizmente você tinha que se segurar ao máximo para não gemer alto, você estava dormindo na casa dele que no caso ainda mora com os pais que são crentes, e o pior, o pai dele é o pastor da Igreja de vocês, se eles vissem vocês agora com certeza te expulsariam na hora e você seria obrigada a terminar o namoro.
Você sentiu suas pernas tremerem quando ele balançou a língua para os lados na sua boceta, o pau dele também precisava da sua atenção, mas como você iria conseguir se concentrar sendo que ele é melhor que você no oral?
- "Por que parou de me chupar? Não consegue se concentrar é?"
Seu namorado debochou de você, dando um tapa nas suas nádegas deixando um beijinho em seguida, se tinha uma coisa nesse mundo que taerae não era é santo.
- "Como vou conseguir me concentrar se você me chupa tão bem?"
Taerae riu e você sentiu dois dedos dele se mexendo no seu clitóris, você mordeu os lábios e tentou voltar a chupar ele no mesmo ritmo que os dedos dele, meta alcançada já que você ouviu ele gemer baixo.
- "Isso, desse jeito... Você me chupa muito bem também baby"
O garoto voltou a chupar você ainda fodendo seu clitóris com os dedos, novamente você lutou para se concentrar, suas pernas não demoraram a voltar a tremer, taerae agarrou uma de suas nádegas com vontade te fazendo gemer um tanto alto. Você ouviu passos pelo corredor e começou a ficar assustada, você olhou para taerae e ele fez um sinal para você ficar quieta, obviamente você obedeceu.
- "Taerae, filho, está tudo bem ai?"
A voz do pai dele foi ouvida, você mordeu os lábios com força ao sentir os dois dedos do garoto penetrando você, ele realmente não tinha medo do perigo.
- "Está sim, pai, por que?"
- "É que eu estava passando por aqui e ouvi um som, parecia um gemido... S/N está com alguma dor?"
Vocês se olharam e ele riu, porra o sorriso dele fez sua boceta contrair ao redor dos dedos dele.
- "Ela está com um pouco de cólica, mas ela tomou um remédio já, agora está tentando dormir"
- "Entendi, espero que ela fique bem então, qualquer coisa é só chamar"
- "Sim, senhor!"
Os passou se afastaram e o sorriso safado dele te fez gozar finalmente nos dedos dele, taerae retirou os dedos de sua intimidade e você saiu de cima dele, se jogando na cama.
- "Me diz amor, aonde você aprendeu a mentir tão bem!?"
- "É um dom eu acho... Espera, por que deitou? Ainda não acabamos!"
Você o olhou chocada e percebeu que ele estava falando sério, você se perguntava como ele aguentava com tanta energia.
- "Mas amor, eu já gozei pela terceira vez! Você fodeu minha boceta três vezes de formas diferentes!"
- "E daí? A gente quase foi de americanas por sua culpa, e você não me fez gozar dessa vez"
Você suspirou rendida, e não, você não se sentia obrigada a isso, pelo contrário, você nunca se cansaria dele, sempre iria querer mais e mais dele. Taerae pediu para você ficar de quatro pra ele e assim você fez, logo você sentiu ele acariciando suas nádegas, sentiu o pau roçar sua entrada e você gemeu baixo deixando transparecer que você ainda queria mais, taerae riu e se aproximou do seu ouvido.
- "Sexo só depois do casamento, ha ha, até parece que eu ia aguentar esperar tanto pra comer você todos os dias"
As palavras dele só te deixaram mais excitada ainda.
- "Taerae... Por favor... Me fode de novo..."
- "Você é tão hipócrita amor, nem parece que estava reclamando e se fazendo de difícil... Mas você precisa ser punida, e eu preciso gozar, então vamos pro nosso quarto round".
Depois disso, você apenas viu estrelas. O pau dele entrou com tanta força e facilidade em você que você teve que tapar a boca com uma mão para não gritar de tanto prazer, taerae começou a te estocar com vontade, sabendo exatamente aonde era o seu ponto g.
Você não sabia como, onde e por que ele conseguia ser um tanto viciado nisso, mas você amava, não podia negar que também era. Taerae agarrou seu cabelo puxando para trás fazendo você olhar ele, o garoto sorriu pra você e te beijou.
Ele não conseguiu se segurar por tanto tempo, ele precisava gozar, e você também, então ele acelerou os movimentos, tentando não ser tão bruto para a cama não bater na parede. Vocês dois gozaram, e ele acabou gozando dentro de você, essa informação só te fez ficar mais excitada... Era perigoso, mas o perigoso consegue ser excitante pra caralho.
- "Eu precisava tanto disso que nem consegui sair de dentro de você, desculpe baby"
Ele disse saindo de você, seu corpo caiu na cama, agora sim se sentindo totalmente esgotada. Taerae te ajudou com todos os cuidados posteriores, quando vocês estivessem limpos e vestidos, prontos para dormirem, ele te abraçou por trás e deixou um beijo no seu pescoço, sendo um taerae totalmente diferente do taerae de alguns minutos atrás.
- "Eu te amo tae... E se nós não fôssemos tão novos eu adoraria ter um filho seu"
Você disse ouvindo ele rir, taerae te virou pra ficar de frente à ele, o garoto deixou um beijo na sua testa e depois nos seus lábios, você abraçou ele de volta.
- "Eu também te amo S/N, e sim, eu também adoraria ser papai... Um dia vamos realizar esse sonho, mas agora vamos nos concentrar em dormir, antes que a gente resolva fazer um filho novos mesmo"
Ele falou em tom de brincadeira, você riu mesmo sabendo que a piada era errada, vocês se completavam, eram dois loucos e nada santos.
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