#Pantalone GI
humbletumblecrudi · 2 years
Synopsis: “ You didn't want the Fatui in your business―your legal, legitimate business―and you would have turned down their offer of shares. It may be generous, but the name will cause issues to see backing your company. That is, until they sent a man (sadly) your type―Regrator Pantalone. ”
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Warning(s): GN!Reader | Reader is a business owner, Reader is not shown/said to have a vision (up to you), Reader does not seem to hate the Fatui (or is very professional), Reader is wearing formal wear for this meeting, and a kiss scene.
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You drum your fingers across the desk of your business, and you knew your odds of turning down the man before you would diminish as he kept talking. It was winter in your nation so his clothes were not uncommon with dark colors and furs galore, but the jewels and fancier linens under his jacket just gave you a bad feeling as to why he was meeting you…
… His cool and tempered face gave way to handsome and lax features, even attractive lips you had stared at while he had been speaking… 
… And as you expected of anyone in the chair adjacent to you. His paperwork was in order and the parchment with clauses and demands for both sides was empty before you. The gentleman that was sitting prim and proper before you was dark, pale and handsome; and his smile was just as charming as his features. You didn't expect the Fatui to take such interest in your business and wanted shares into the production of your services.
You knew they were smart enough to know how you turn down people wanting to buy out more than 50% of your shares… and the cheeky 46% shares information were staring you right in the eyes, teasing you.
"Mr. Pantalone, I do enjoy your honesty and your nobility in giving me ample time to read and debate your demands for the next week…" You speak slowly and professionally to the other business-oriented man, and your formal suit feels tighter as you continue, "The amount you're striking for is a little high and might cause discourse amongst many holders. I warn you that your demands will be heavily scrutinized, and looked at from under a microscope."
The charming (and annoyingly caressible lipped) man bedazzled in silver jewelry and azure gems barely tilts his head as he sits fashionable still. "Thank you for the warning." He doesn't bother sounding thankful. "I know it can be hard for a business to let one such as ourselves into the mix, but I assure you we don't want ownership of your business in the end of all this."
Lies. You know the words coming out of him were all lies. Without even digging into the meat of the problem you know the words he's asking for are backwards: "stocks" are slices of ownership of a company with multiple others, and "shares" are a slice of the company itself. If they get that many shares, they'll have such a great day in business ventures….
You know your business would benefit from such a large donation, but the leadership would…
You sigh in exasperation, and Pantalone knew this was a negative sign for his proposition. "I know you're a very capable businessman, and I know you're doing the best for your company… but I must implore you to give us the proper time for consideration."
The room was getting tense from here, you can sense he was too. A swimming snake of cold air ran up your back as he finished his sentence: you know he's not leaving here without the answer of your consideration…
"Regrator Pantalone…" You stand up from your seat, and shockingly he mirrors you by a millisecond. "I must implore you to give me some time with this personally."
"Surely more heads are better than one, and your team leaders can help you make this harsh decision." He gently mocks you, and you know that wouldn't go well with them. Your leadership team might leak it to the shareholders in fear of the Fatui name and ties. "... I insist."
You closed your eyes as you thought about it. But you didn't need long to think of a response to this type of situation… much less this type of fellow businessman. "I must implore you to leave my office, I can not see―"
It was sudden and it was almost chilling how fast you could feel something on your person before you could hear him move. A man from such an organization like the Fatui wouldn't take a no to his business offer that could further his ever growing pockets: he'd pull every stop he could to get that stamp of approval. Or at the least, time to gather information behind your back. You would have expected a punch to your face for daring to deny his "simple" demands…
… but true to the sneaking suspicion of what you thought earlier, the connection you share now is a kiss. He had moved both of you as close as could be with the simple work desk and paperwork between you, and his stature helped him cover any distance left to your own lips. You noticed your neck was getting a bit of a squeeze, and you can see his gloves (covered in silver jewelry as it were) holding onto your lapels: it's how he must have pulled you in…
The press of the lips was warm and the connection between was as saccharine as any kiss you've had before, but this… the near absorbing and consuming cold that surrounds him; like he was leeching off your heat like he was leaching onto your company…
He only drew backwards as both of your lips started to quiver with the need to release each other for oxygen. The dark haired man actually gasped as he let you go, but a constrictor-like grip was still latched onto your clothes lapels. You are let go soon after, and you're standing there with an awestruck and confused expression, you're sure: because Pantalone laughs gently.
"I am deeply sorry, please… excuse my rudeness." The asshole doesn't even sound sorry, just winded and proud of something. "I'll be taking my leave so your guards don't have to do this for you. Throw my papers out if it'll never happen, but I'll be back after the due date for your opinion…"
He looks back at you and gently opens up one eye. You can't see the color of it, only the white's of his eyes. "Come by your local hotel if you want me personally, I'll be nearby for the next month. Do svidaniya." 
He sauntered out of your office―with a smug grin, the snake―and you sat back into your seat when he fully disappeared. You slowly slid in your chair as you know very… you'd consider his proposal, even if it doesn't get past your desk… 
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tenjikufag · 1 month
Pantalone x Male Reader
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“I’ve given you everything, yet you still won’t look at me?”
— toxic attachment, dominant reader, fatuu reader, femmes DNI
read part two here
Pantalone.. he was a selfish, self centred, greedy individual. To many, his focus on wealth and his power over the west banks was all he was. There was no personality to be held within him, he was evil and greedy- really all that there was to be desired at his position of ninth of the harbingers.
The only other known thing about him was you, a person who was only seen as an extension of the male. Not a person, not even a limb, barely a shadow. You were basically Pantalone himself. The man relished in this, his “underlings” grovelled at your feet along with his, never daring to take even a lick of your attention away from him. Never once has anyone spoken to you, or even accidentally catch your gaze.
They all knew better.
They wanted to keep their lives, they didn’t want to be subject to the ninths close connection to the doctor for overstepping these unsaid boundaries.
“My dear, I’ve brought you this~”
Gazing up at the door, a bashful looking Pantalone presented himself to you, gift in hand. It was wrapped in your favourite colour with a jewelled bow on top..
You sneered at him, turning away to show your disdain at his presence.
What was your relationship with him? You often wondered where it all went wrong.. you’d stuck together when you were small impoverished children, bottom barrel of society. When he gained his power, his notoriety, he whisked you away with him.
In the beginning you adored it, you adored him. Having a warm bed to sleep in at night was a luxury, meals no longer being a lucky find; you used to find yourself wrapped around the male with nothing but love filling your chest. Love, adoration, and appreciation for him was all but a feeling of the past.
Along the way, something shifted. You weren’t sure anymore but all you felt towards him, despite his ever growing love for you, was contempt.
He could drop you off on a trail in the middle of nowhere and you’d probably be happier.
You’d find contentment.
But, you felt indebted to him in a way.. he took you along with him, he shared his riches and glory with you.. even attributed some of his greater successes to you being present.
You were far too deep to leave.
To leave safely at least.
“Won’t you look at me? At least take this gift?”
He stood beside you, but a mere few inches shorter than you.. a frown on his lips.
“I’ve missed you terribly.. please, look at me Y/n..”
His voice shook, you could feel his desperation oozing. Furrowing your brows, you snatched the gift from him and created distance.
You threw the gift away, hearing him gasp and desperately fish it out.
“I told you before, I don’t want them. Stop giving me gifts.”
Growling, you whipped around to finally face him upfront- annoyance bubbling in your chest when he smiled.
“Stop trying. I’ll leave if you do it again.”
The males eyes widened, his breathe hitching.
The look he gave you.. it was what made you feel guilt and kept you tethered to him evermore.
It was almost as if you were looking at a younger him.
You could never break his heart.
And he could never break yours.
The two of you knew, neither of you would ever leave.
And yet,
You found him in your arms once again, in the grand bed he had purchased with all the golden adornments and plush sheets..
As he laid in your arms, content with his doing, he kissed your neck. You only hummed, holding him closer out of reflex.
Was this love?
Did love make it hard to look at them without disdain?
You weren’t sure. But he was.
He loved you, loves you.
He knows how you feel, but all he craves is to have you look his way with the same eyes you used to have for him. Whether you liked it or not.
He would spoil no one but you, he craved you more than anything.
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kattkeyy · 10 months
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explicitred · 1 year
Pantalone Headcanons - (Male Reader)
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June 10, Post 6 of the "30 Days Fanfic Event"
Pantalone, a man who is obsessed with mora, is more possessive of you.
One who tries to sneakily grab one of his mora, is in for a rough time. Meanwhile, you could grab handfuls of his mora in front of him, and only earn a pleasant and genuine smile from Pantalone.
He was greedy for Teyvat’s currency, but was greedier for you, savoring each last touch you give him.
Pantalone took care of everything and anything he could for you, eyes averting with blush lightly coating his cheeks whenever you praised him in response.
By now, your room was full of untouched presents, stacking all up to the ceiling from him buying more and more presents for you every day. So many presents… and yet Pantalone’s still buying more gifts at this very moment?
…Ah, perhaps asking Pantalone to get a separate room for presents will do?
And meanwhile he starts working on your request, let's start spending a couple of hours opening a small percentage of his presents.
There was a time you could recall when Pantalone had stopped for a bit to stare at a ring, before smiling at you.
Hmm… Is he thinking of marriage already?
Oh, dear mighty god, won’t you give him a vision of your love for him? (lol, get it? You kinda need to know a small fact about his lore to understand)
Money man is very cash money for us :D ❤️
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tartagliaxx · 2 years
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━━ INCLUDES: il capitano, il dottore, scaramouche, pantalone, tartaglia
━━ SUMMARY: he makes you dizzy. he makes you crave. he makes you lose yourself in the desire to be swallowed by the immense heat and the blinding light of his love; or a snippet of what to expect when involved in a romantic relationship with the characters.
━━ CONTAINS: established relationships, highly suggestive themes, making out, usage of terms of endearment (none gender specific), innocent nudity (il capitano), size differences, dottore and his experiments, power imbalance (il dottore, pantalone, scaramouche), potentially ooc characters, toxic relationships?, the harbingers and everything they stand for
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。IL CAPITANO — “ the captain | number ??? ”
Natlan was a very humid place, a direct opposite of Snezhnaya where the cold seeps into your bones until you, yourself, become nothing but cold. Still, he was first and foremost a warrior, and weather conditions are the least of a warrior’s concerns. Such things can be braved through and should you be unable, then that merely meant that you are undeserving of standing under the azure banner of Her most noble Majesty, the Tsaritsa. You are, therefore, not a warrior but a fool that marches towards your death while wearing a warrior’s skin, and the Captain had no respect for such people. Perhaps that is why he had not spared a single glance to the direction of his soldier that lie fainted on the ground. Instead, he had looked towards the others who hesitated between helping their comrade and risking the wrath of the displeased Harbinger or leaving them to die under the glare of the sun despite the guilt that was likely to consume them.
“Burdensome.” He had finally uttered after a long and tense silence. “Leave them or help them. It matters not to me.”
With that, the Harbinger walks away, the haunting click and clang of his armor sending shivers down the spines of his troop as they scurried to take the fainted Fatuus to the shade. Capitano was heading to the east of the encampment, the direction of his private tent where he had asked you to wait. Normally, he’d think twice before letting you tag along to his endeavors but his strange attachment wound up clouding his judgment. No matter… In war, the victors always had their share of spoils and you, his darling, are his prize. None who dare receive his wrath would lay a hand on you — not like he’d let anyone near you in the first place.
As he entered the tent, he anticipated your smaller form to leap into his embrace just as you had done the other times. To his surprise, his hidden gaze caught sight of you sweating, eyes droopy as you fan yourself with a stack of papers you found lying around. You had long since removed your coat, leaving you only in the cotton innerwear he had so generously gifted you. With a quiet call of your name, you turned your head slightly as you sent your lover a weak smile.
“Welcome back, my love. Is everything faring well outside?”
The Captain made no move to answer you, instead pulling your weak form towards him as he wiped your face gently. His touch was so careful that you barely felt the touch of the towel on your heated skin, “How do you feel?”
“Hot,” you whispered back, leaning into his body. His armor placated your feverish self slightly whilst his hold made you lose the edge you donned earlier, “Perhaps I never should’ve underestimated the fierceness of Natlan.”
An amused huff left him, or you supposed it was one as he stood up from his crouched position. With one arm around the plush of your thighs, he lifted you along just as he had done many times before. His strength has always struck wonder in you, you mused as your eyes fluttered closed, trusting him wholly to take you wherever. Without noticing, you had dozed off and you were only aroused once more when you feel the humid air brushing against your bare skin and then suddenly, a refreshing cool that revitalizes your energy.
“This should cool you down,” he uttered as he watched you dip further into the tub. A sense of satisfaction fills his dark heart when you suddenly smiled at him brightly, shyly muttering a word of gratitude for his kind act. You reach out for his hand and he takes it. He always does.
For this was how Capitano was with you. He was not the respected man who had unmercifully claimed uncountable victories in the name of vengeance and you, one of his disposable men. No, you are his treasure — his lover. Your fragility was endearing and something he fought to preserve. You are pure and unblemished, a reminder of home as you fall into his arms like a precious snowflake: his inamorata, the reason he fights.
“Eyes,” he tells you and you eagerly close them as you hear the clanking of metal that overwhelms you not with dread but with adoration. Not even a second later, your body shivers in delight as you feel a hand grip your chin firmly but not harshly — no, never. You are too precious for that. You wait for a second but nothing came and you knew that he was once again admiring you despite your impatience. A gloved knuckle traces over your cheekbone and you are light; a mere feather in the wind compared to his might.
You speak his name, gently as if you are wary of breaking the moment, but soon, the water moves along with your body as he tugs you into him for a much-awaited kiss. That is if you can call whatever you were blessed with a kiss. The Harbinger was a warrior and warriors spare nothing in their conquests. It made sense that you, at the receiving end of his attention, were spared nothing. He devoured your existence until only the willingness to keep giving him your entirety remained. As his tongue clashes with yours, your treacherous heart craves more and more of his taste. He’s addicting, you sigh out as he pulls back to nibble at your lip, pulling at it slightly before diving back in with renewed fervor. The Captain was fire and he burns his way into you as his large hands squeezed your flesh in raw desire. You’d have him engrave himself to you if he could — until you’re nothing but an extension of him and his will. He would never though. He'd sooner cut his arms off himself than lay a finger on you. It makes you smile, giddy even. The soft tickle of his breath fans your lips and you inch closer, arms gripping his forearms for leverage as you breathe him in.
Sooner than you’d like, he parts from you, and the thumb that flies to play with the string that remains to connect you two makes you think that he too enjoys this game of carnal conquest to the point of wishing to prolong it forever. The familiar clicking came again and you take the small tap he gave you as a sign to welcome the world once more. When you open your eyes, he was already covered by his armor. The only proof of his actions prior was yourself. Need-glazed eyes that lay lidded and wet lips that are parted for each puff of breath. Had this not been a common occurrence between the both of you, you would’ve felt ashamed at how debauched you looked from a mere kiss. He has always been different — so capable of giving rise to foreign feelings in you. The heat in your cheeks and the heavy beating of your heart are proof of that and you were sure you could do anything to keep receiving from him. Who else could reduce you to someone so, so lovestruck that it prompts even a chuckle out of a usually composed man?
“Take your time with your bath. I will make sure no one intrudes on us.”
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。IL DOTTORE — “ the doctor | number two ”
“Darling,” he calls for you and you immediately look up from your book to gaze in his direction. You don’t move but you do stifle a sigh as he continues with nothing. You see, he has gained a rather annoying habit of adoringly watching you stare at him eagerly whenever he calls. He likens you to an obedient puppy and you weren’t quite sure what to make of it yet. Perhaps the ever-growing frown on your face caught his attention because his lips parted in a wide grin, showing off his sharp, pearly teeth as he patted his lap invitingly, “come over, please.”
You knew better than to take his words as a request you had a say in.
When you were close enough, an arm wrapped around your waist to tug you into him rather unceremoniously. You barely caught yourself from falling into him, hands securely on his broad shoulders and knees on either side of his thighs as he leaned back to admire the view. Before you could bark a complaint, the Doctor cheekily moved his other hand to your neck, grazing a thumb across your sensitive spot before resting it by the juncture of your shoulder, “Hello there. I have a need for your assistance.”
“How may I help you, Doctor?” You reply, breathier than you would’ve preferred and glaringly flustered much to your lover’s delight — one he made no move to hide whatsoever.
“I have an experiment to complete today and I’d like you to take note of my observations. You’ll help me, won’t you?”
The Harbinger let his hand fall from your neck to the small of your back, adjusting his position so his lips were a breath away from yours. You swallow, nodding but forgetting your position so each bob of your head had your lips brushing against his. It’s embarrassing to feel even more heated from such an innocent act.
“Lovely! You’re so precious, truly. That’s why you’re my favorite.”
As if giving a reward or better yet, a treat, for your satisfactory response, the Doctor succumbs to your needy gaze, pressing his lips into yours into a messy kiss. He tilts his head to reach you deeper, and you respond in kind, arching your back to be closer to him. He tastes faintly of alcohol — the strong kind and the realization that there was never an “enough” came to you like a life-changing discovery. You wanted to be so, so close to him that you break the laws of the world and become one with him down to the smallest atom. You want to keep carding your fingers through the silken strands of his hair; keep consuming the minute pain that come with the crescents he digs into your flesh. You want him — need him even in this world already filled with such madness.
The Doctor moves away from your lips, ignoring your whine to relish the way you swallow harshly when he trails a finger down the slope of your neck. He can’t help the way he’s so hyper-fixated on it. It’s beautiful, he thinks, and even more so, the vulnerability it carries and the way a mere touch would leave you with your legs weak. The devilish smile he wore did not go unnoticed but as if sensing your question, the Doctor moves his head like a predator pouncing on prey. A moan spills out of your lips as he sucked on the delicate part of your flesh, proudly looking at the darkening bruise he left when he finished. Gloved fingers trace over it lightly and if you didn't know any better, lovingly. Warmth rushes to your cheeks, almost scalding you as you instinctively straightened your posture. His sharp gaze is on you again. You know it. You feel it even when his eyes are covered by that mask.
“A gift for you, darling, for being such an obedient pet.” A shaky breath leaves your lips and your unfocused eyes followed his hands as he motioned for someone to come closer, “Beta will take care of you for the day. Be good.”
“Is it truly wise to let them partake in the experiment, Prime?” A more high-pitched version of the voice of your lover — similarly much younger — resounded in the room. Though his words were blunt, you sensed no animosity in them.
“I’d love to deal with this myself but Regrator’s request is not one to be left ignored for long. Besides, our darling here knows better than to doze off while doing something important, isn’t that right?”
You nod mindlessly, withdrawing from Prime’s grip to stand beside Beta who had been watching the whole exchange curiously, “If that is your decision, then I won’t question you further. You should know what you’re doing.”
The older segment merely huffed in amusement before waving you off, though, that is not without a final warning towards his younger segment.
“Not to worry.” he grins in reply, similar but rather crazed as his gaze turns to you. “The absolute pursuit for knowledge is not our only similarity.”
The nerves that swelled in you quickly quieted down when Beta reaches down to clasp your hands, entangling them before pressing a lingering kiss on the back of yours. It was innocent enough, if not for the familiar cloud in his exposed eye. The thought of what you cannot comprehend, but anticipate regardless, brings a small shiver down your spine. Whether that is out of excitement or fear is a question you cannot quite answer in your current state of mind.
Prime raises a brow before laughing though the deadly glint in his eyes did not go unnoticed by his younger counterpart, “How curious, indeed. I’ll allow such a ludicrous fantasy but learn your place. I do not like sharing what is mine.”
When you feel his gaze on your skin again, you swiftly look down in fear of how you’ll react. His eyes always left you feeling uneasy — like he could decipher every secret you hold no matter how hard you try to hide them. How deep your affection for the madman runs, for example, is a secret you’d rather be left unsaid. At least for the time being when you are unsure of how far you’ve fallen from sanity yourself.
“Fascinating how love runs you mad,” Dottore mutters before grinning once more, ego practically oozing off his figure as he leans back into his chair, “Off you go now, darling. We shall continue our exchange later.”
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。PANTALONE — “ regrator | number nine ”
Regrator was a generous man if you were one of those he favors.
One stray gaze is all it takes for him to wave his hand, adorned with silver rings that glint under the afternoon sun. Albeit wordless, the merchant immediately scampered away, hands clumsily packing the object in haste as if he had a blade pressed against his neck. You don’t think you’ll ever get used to being spoiled like this. Subconsciously, your hand reached out for his luxury fur coat, gripping it to catch his attention. Your hold was weak; both shy and wary, knowing full well that the fabric likely costs more than your entire existence.
The Harbinger averts his piercing gaze from the merchant and down to you, his empty smile shifting into something softer as he caught sight of your fumbling form, “What is it, my dear?”
“Thank you for being so generous, milord.”
Yes, Regrator was a most generous man for his darling and he had taught you very well to never decline the kindness he seldom spares. He’d much rather receive your thanks and your most precious gaze — bashful and awe-filled. He tilts your head with his fingers, appreciating the heat that seeps through his leather gloves.
“Of course, anything for you. But then,” his eyes crack open to peer at you slyly. Oh, how lovely you are… “what do we do again in this situation?”
Cued, you take his wrist in your hand as leverage before standing on your toes to press a kiss on his cheeks. Gloss stains the spot you touched and as you moved to swipe it off, the Ninth turns his face to press a kiss just above where your pulse beats. Your body trembles at his attention, and when you tried to take a step back to regain your composure, Pantalone immediately catches you by the waist. He leans closer, smile unchanging even as his breath brushed over your cheeks.
“Do not stray too far away from me, dearest. It’s rather cold outside.” A noise of acknowledgment escapes your lips as you glance back at the merchant who was silently gawking at you two with his hand outstretched. “Ah, yes. Guards—”
One of the many Fatuus under him soundlessly took his newest purchase, tossing Mora carelessly into the merchant who scrambled to pick it up from the snow-dusted street of Snezhnaya. Some foreign emotion swells beneath your ribs as you stare at the man kneeling before you. Right, beside the Ninth Harbinger, the rest of the world seems just a little short of being completely beneath you. He had a way of making everyone feel as if they are unworthy of his presence. In every word, in every breath, in every act, Pantalone radiates an aura so untouchable and glorious that even the shadow he casts over you makes you feel like power flows in your veins more eminently than even the blood that fuels your life.
“Shall we go then? We’ll be late for our appointment.”
And you rejoice in it. You’d place his pedestal above the gods if it’s what it takes to continue basking under the heat of his ambition. You’d follow him to hell and back if it meant that you can continue to bear witness to his incomparable splendor. This maddening pursuit is what makes you take his hand in yours, letting him lead you to the finest clothesmaker in the nation.
“Lord Harbinger! Please, take a seat here while I prepare drinks for you and your guest!”
It takes but a tug before his coat is undone and passed to one of his men and but a stride before he is sat majestically on the soft, red couch, one leg over the other as he peers over you through the edges of his glasses, “Go on then, dear. Shop to your heart’s delight.”
Admiration makes your eyes gloss over as you follow one of the shop assistants into the changing room. Sending one last glance towards his casual form, only one thought races in your mind: he’s beautiful. The skin-tight suit moves with each flex of his muscle while his dark hair pools along his shoulders like the waterfalls of Fontaine. He’s beautiful and he knows it, just as he knows you’ve been eyeing him as you disappear behind the curtain. It fills the Ninth with pride and adoration, as well as — he chuckles under his breath — the sensual desire to bring you to your tears as you approach nirvana. He was greedy, after all, and his greed shows most when it comes to the most glorious sight he has set his eyes on.
The thing about the Harbinger is that he knows what he wants and he quite finds violets and blues quite ravishing on your body. The need to please him fills you like your own greed as you immediately ask to see all such clothing. He’s got you quite comfortably dancing in his palm and the electricity that shakes your heart proves that there’s no place you’d rather be.
The clock ticks and with each second, Regrator’s finger taps mindlessly on the armchair. He exhales slowly, finding that he quite likes this and that he should make a habit out of taking you out to buy out shops more often. He has done his share of shopping, idly turning the pages of a catalog as he points here and there for the shop owner to take note of. Diamonds, pearls, and his favorite, Alexandrite — he spared nothing as he chose pieces of jewelry to add to both yours and his collection. The mere thought had him reeling in thinly veiled excitement.
His attention snaps to you as soon as he heard footsteps approach. Immediately, his smirk widens and you instinctively retreat to yourself as you feel his eyes trace over every inch of your frame, “You look ravishing, doll.”
You sent him a wobbly smile in reply.
“Won’t you give me a twirl?” Obediently, you did as told. Your embarrassment grows as you hear Pantalone mutter sweet compliments under his breath, “Truly my most prized jewel. Come here for me.”
For some reason, each step toward him felt like a step toward your demise. Then again, if this is what demise feels like, you’d gladly welcome it with open arms. Regrator makes you sit in between his leg, hand gripping both of your cheeks before catching your puckered lips into his own. The aggression was new — though not unwanted because that you drank all up. So close, you could smell the dizzying scent of his perfume. It was something along the lines of ambroxan and bergamot, you think as he slid his hand up your thigh. Teeth clashing, love crazy, and so, wonderfully messy. Pantalone’s desire washes over you like an ocean wave and sends you crashing down into the deepest depths of your mind. He’s your obsession and when he leaves your lips to insert a new ring on your finger, vibrant color matching the deep hue of your blouse, you seek him out once again with a rekindled need to drink up every last drop of him.
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。SCARAMOUCHE — “ the balladeer | number six ”
The Balladeer had always been a horrible liar, you muse to yourself, as you sneakily eyed him from your corner in his office. Sure, he can fix his expression on a whim — a perfect face accentuating his words that seemed kind enough at first glance. Though perhaps, one of the rewards of being able to worm your way into his empty heart was noticing how his eyes are too expressive for his own good. Maybe that’s why he chooses to crinkle them shut whenever he smiles or why he’s so quick to avert his gaze when you peered deep into his soul after each profession of love. He's such a bad liar or maybe, you’ve just learned to read him too well.
Even now as he busied himself with signing some paperwork Lord Pierro required, he was so easy to read. His fingers tapped rapidly into his desk and his eyes fleeted from his work to the corner of his table. It wouldn’t take long before he snaps and not even a minute later — just as you anticipated, his gaze soon zeroed into you, mouth forming a snarl that would have any regular Fatuus running away with their tail in between their legs.
“Will you stop gawking at me like some kind of cretin?!”
“Why?” You smirk in reply, completely unbothered by his insults and crossing your legs as you spot the beginnings of a blush on his skin. “Do I make you nervous, Lord Harbinger?”
“Nervous? Hah, are you hearing yourself? Why would I be nervous at the sight of you?”
You stood up then, footsteps loud and clear as you approach him from his place by his desk. You leaned closer, delighting in the fact that Scaramouche instinctively retreated farther into his chair to place some distance between you two. “Why don’t you tell me, Scaramouche? Maybe this time you’d be willing to admit how far you’ve fallen for me?”
“Shut up.”
And yet despite his glare, the Harbinger made no move to push you away. If anything, he seemed as if he was expecting something as he gulped nervously, eyes flickering from your mischievous eyes and down to where your most enticing lips remained frozen into an innocent grin. You knew what he was thinking. He was so easy to read, after all. He wanted to be kissed senseless and perhaps, that was your fault. After all, this is far from being the first time such a conversation happened, and all the other times, you always made sure to fix his attitude by shutting him up in the most effective way you knew.
“Hm… You’re really so cute, honey,” you laugh as you move closer to him, nails digging into his files as you watched his eyes flutter close, “but you’re so much cuter when you try to bite me.”
With that, you abruptly pulled away, snickering when Scaramouche’s eyes blow wide open the moment he heard you take a step back, “You-! What do you think you’re playing at?!”
“I don’t know, what did you want from me? If you tell me, I’d happily give it to you. You have me so weak, after all...”
The Sixth doesn't reply, only glaring at you fiercely as his blush grew brighter. You could see the way his fingers dug into his palm and for a moment, you wondered if you teased him too much this time. Before you could utter a word of concern, you gasped as a pale hand clutched your collar and tugged you harshly forward. You were about to curse Scaramouche when he suddenly crashed his lips into yours, eliciting a small squeak from you before you relax into his hold naturally.
Why would the Balladeer ever be gentle? His grip on your clothes was tight, making sure you won’t pull away as he took what it was that he desires. He always gets what he wants and right now, he wants the aftertaste of the tea he brewed to quench the thirst that leaves a gaping void in his insides. That’s why he didn’t think twice before leaning even more forward into his desk, spare palm firmly pressed against the polished, wooden frame, body bending, and mind reeling at the way your hands fell from his hair to his nape. Do you always have to be intoxicating? His eyes welled up from feeling so overwhelmed yet wanting more, more, more and more until he's positive that you've broken him down completely. He parts his lips, letting your tongue trace around his mouth as if claiming territory that you should know, without saying, is yours. Ironically, his lips are soft and they glide along yours like silk — so much so that you can barely bring yourself to leave.
A groan escapes his lips as you pull on his hair, exposing his bare skin to you. “Pretty boy… This time, will you tell me what you want?”
Your blown-out eyes make him release a shaky breath, “You… I want your love.”
The smile that decorated your face was involuntary and you moved to massage his scalp that you had previously been cruel on. Peppering kisses on his cheek, you adored the way Scaramouche tried to subtly nuzzle into the hand you cupped his face with.
“What’s with that request?” You finally replied as you met his forehead with yours. “It’s not smart to ask for something you already have.”
“All of it,” he muttered, avoiding your gaze but voicing no complaint when you gently turned his face back to yours.
“All of it?”
He huffs, faking the haughty demeanor he always had but you knew. His hopeful eyes cannot hide a single thing from you, especially not when he closes the distance between you two again. “Yeah… From now on, only look at me. Don’t leave me, not even for a second.”
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。TARTAGLIA — “ childe | number eleven ”
Tartaglia’s youth oozes into his love — into the way he would giggle as he takes you in his strong arms, lifting you up before twirling you around, and into the way he would excitedly present you with matching articles for you to wear. He never fails to warm you up with innocent bliss even when you’re play wrestling with him for the last piece of candy. He's the purest sense of joy you’ve ever had the pleasure of possessing and if you could ever share even a fragment of how you make him feel, you’d do it in a heartbeat. That’s how you ended up here: hiding behind his couch in between his younger siblings like you were once again seven and buzzing with the childish exuberance stolen from you by adulthood.
It had not been easy hiding your exploits from the sharp eyes of your lover. He was trained to spot every minute detail and you don’t claim yourself to be the most careful secret holder out there. By some miracle (and partly because he was often out doing business), you were able to hide the surprise from him. It was July 20 and you both were lucky enough to be assigned to be on standby in your home country for his birthday.
You snap out of your thoughts when the door creaks open and the heavy footsteps of his boot-clad feet permeated the air, “Ma? Pa? Are you home?”
Tartaglia — or Ajax as he prefers to be called inside the four corners of his residence mumbles something about how they were all probably out fishing as he dusted off the snow in his hair. Beside you, Teucer stifled a giggle as he found the irony in his words to be quite entertaining. You turned your gaze towards his mother who nodded as a signal.
“1,” You count under your breath as you repositioned the confetti in your hands. For the sake of everyone’s safety, you advised against the ones that make a loud, popping sound and all his older siblings agreed solemnly, “2, 3!”
“Happy Birthday!”
Ajax flinched in surprise, fingers nearly summoning his bow before he recognized your warm smile. With that, the sudden tension in his body was released and he laughed loudly, catching his younger brother in his arms when he ran up to him, “Woah there! Who would have ever guessed that you’d all sneak behind my back like that?”
“You’re welcome, brother,” Tonia rolls her eyes teasingly as she approached with a birthday cake that his mother baked herself.
“Yeah, yeah… Thank you very much lil’ sis. Your kindness will not remain unpaid.”
You snort as your lover faux curtsied, dodging the halfhearted slap of his equally amused sister. A cough made you turn your head to your left, meeting the weary eyes of his father who muttered his thanks for looking after his son.
“It’s no trouble at all,” you turn your gaze just in time to meet his curious one, “I’m just trying to give him what he always deserved and more.”
His older brother who was listening in made a joke of not knowing how his annoying little brother managed to catch someone like you but before you could reply, a pair of familiar arms wrapped around you, pulling you closer to his chest, “Not speaking ill of the birthday boy, I hope?”
“Nothing new now, isn't it?”
His family greeted him one by one before they left to give you some space under the guise of helping arrange the dinner spread. His warm breath caressed the side of your neck as he hummed happily, swaying you side to side by the beat of his own making. By the chorus, he twirls you around before pulling you back in and grinning at the way you automatically looped your arms around his neck.
“Happy Birthday, baby,” you murmur before pressing a quick peck on his lips.
“Mhmm…” Ajax pulls you impossibly closer by the waist as he grins, eyes bright and youthful now that he had you in his embrace, “So this is why you’ve been acting weirdly this past week?”
“You noticed?”
He laughs lightly at that, pulling back an arm just to flick your forehead, “Baby, it’s impossible not to notice every single thing about you.”
“Damn, you’re so in love with me.”
You lean closer and Ajax, always so willing to be pulled into everything about you, follows in kind with a proud smirk. “Damn right I am.”
Tartaglia’s youth oozes into his love — into the way his deep kisses are never just passionate but also fun. He giggles under his breath like a young teenager in love, fingers drawing shapes on your bare skin as he slides his hand innocently under your shirt. His hands are warm, you realize, and goosebumps follow the trail of his touch without any effort. You could feel the curve of his smile against your own at this, and joy bubbles in your heart and into your throat until you can’t help but whisper an “I love you” as you part briefly for air.
“I love you,” he says back, hand withdrawing from your back to your head as he tugs you closer into him, “so much.”
Ajax dips back in, abandoning the gentleness he usually reserves for you. Instead, he embraces the lust in him — the part that craves the mess and the victory that lies after complete domination. He fights you for power, ignoring the needy whimpers that escaped you as you succumb to your faith. All he does is pull you closer and closer until close loses its meaning and you’re all but one and the same. The force that comes from his heady sigh sends you stepping back but he follows — he chases after you until you’re backed and sat on the sofa’s backrest. Ajax wastes no time slotting himself in between your legs as you scramble to get a grip.
“Well, babe…” He grins with a near-crazed expression. His chest rises up and down rapidly as he tried to chase the breath he lost in your exchange, “You better hope you’re ready to take every drop of my love tonight.”
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© 2021 𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐗𝐗. all rights reserved. do not copy, claim, repost or translate in any platforms but reblogs are appreciated.
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str4wkinzi · 7 months
Pantalone had always been a busy man. And, like everyone, he sometimes came home angry. He knew you were always there to deal with his anger for him.
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Pantalone always made it a habit to come home angry. (Sometimes he was just faking.)
He’d come in, take his jacket off in your shared room, and come meet you back on the couch.
He’d start kissing your neck, putting one of his knees right in between your legs.
When this was new to you, you’d always yelp in surprise when his lips attached to your neck.
He’d mumble about how his day was in your neck while playing with your clothed chest.
He bites your neck while using one of his hands to fondle your chest, the other rubbing up and down your slit.
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He always suddenly stops, leaving you needy and whiney.
He lays back on the couch and beckons you over to him.
Once you do come over, he grabs the back of your head and puts it next to his clothed cock.
He tells you to take his cock out. Not using your hands, though.He makes you unzip his pants with your teeth, laughing at your struggles.
Once you do take it out he wastes no time in shoving your head on his cock.
He fucks your face as he makes you look up at him with glossy eyes.
He loves when you audibly gag when he cums deep inside your mouth.
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He demands you on your back, most of the time he just pushes you back because you’re “too slow.”
He lifts both your legs up over his shoulders and plunges his cock into your cunt.
He never starts out slow. He never goes slow.
He fucks you like a rag doll. He fucks you like he hates your guts. Or, he just wants to rearrange them.
He’ll go round after round using you like some inanimate object.
He whispers in your ear that you were made for him.
Made for him to ruin, to use, to break.
He laughs at your screams and whines to slow down.
Even when he is done, he never really is.
He takes you to a bath he ran, sits you on his lap, and acts as if he isn’t about to fuck you again.
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STR4WZ STICKY NOTE < im a professional milk go getter guys!! Professional leaver then comer backer thats me gang!! Anyways stuff will be out today cuz i have a toji one i wanna do so mad but my mind is like bitch you have 10 other things to do stfu so BYEBYE :3
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anantaru · 2 years
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✦ kinktober day 7 — bimbofication feat. dottore : pantalone : pierro : capitano x fem! reader | kinktober masterlist.
✦ warnings: nsfw : bimbofication (-> the process of transforming into an airheaded slut, perfectly happy to be used and degraded) : a little bit degradation : (they call you airhead, fucktoy n dumb but in a cute way <3) : !!! both parties are consenting !!!
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you could feel dottore fuck his cock deeper into your abused cunt, your back arching into his body as you tiredly wrapped your legs around his waist for additional support. Your eyes were runny, mascara stains on your cheeks from running down previously as your arms held onto his brought shoulders. Your heart began to beat faster, as if you were in some sort of delirium, letting go of all your worries, waiting for dottore to use you even more just how he pleased and desired.
"you're so far gone." his grin wide while he commented, clicking his tongue in a lets say, judging and apathetic way, you were aware he was unreachable emotionally. The beaming smile that suddenly developed on the corners of his lips was almost menacing in your eyes, yet you were barely able to register it. Because in all honesty, you really were far gone from reality by now, the continuous releases from prior were turning you into a mess, slick sticking on your thighs all messily yet you wouldn't want dottore to stop in a million years.
you adored being used, being fucked silly by him, worshipped even, but only by him and him alone. Because he did just that, in his own way, his cock now pistoling in harsh movements against as the overstimulation took place, your sensitive walls spasming around his girth caused you to cry out his name in multiple chants, releasing yet again as you dug your fingernails into his shoulders to decorate his pale skin with faint layers of crescent formed marks. Dottore was groaning out at the light pain you caused before pulling you closer into his embrace, finally coating your insides with his warm seed.
"you can barely talk, are you alright?" his infamous pseudo like innocent smile was obvious, pantalone's menacing voice was ringing through your ears, his heavy presence pulling you deeper into the mattress, "it's alright, just focus on being my dumb little baby." he's grinning at you before laughing at the way you were trying to answer him in short whines and whimpers.
He has been fucking you good for hours on end with your body coated in spit and cum, barely able to hold onto him if it wasn't for pantalone himself holding your legs apart. Your hands were tied up right above your head, the ache in your lower region made it unable for you to think normal thoughts anymore. It didn't quite matter to you though, you adored being pantalone's drooling little pet, obeying to everything he was offering to you.
His cock was heavy inside of you, you were more than addicted to the feeling of it filling you up to the brim, your eyes watering at the mere sight of it, drooling in anticipating to taste him. His teasing nature was showing throughout the act, pulling his leaking cock out only to pull himself back in with a malicious grin, eliciting the prettiest moans from your lips he adored hearing. "more." you're crying out, finally saying something, scrunching your brows together to show pantalone your desperate state of mind, maybe then he'll actually let you cum for once.
"are you too fucked out to use proper words now?" his tone was dark, pierro wasn't playing when he said he wanted to fuck you dumb the whole night, using your body as a way to get rid of his pent up frustration. His stamina was otherworldly, nothing more than a faint layer of sweat was coating his body alongside your own. It was embarrassing how wet you've gotten, yet you hoped he'd notice it and praise you for once.
"you're my little fucktoy, got that? I use you as i please." he's cupping your cheeks almost in a loving way before coldly letting your face go again, "nothing more than an air headed fucktoy." his words were piercing through your heart, burning into you as you bit down on your lower lip to prevent your vision to become blurry, his pace on you increasing by a tenfold. His girth was outstanding, tearing your tiny hole open without much effort as you tried your best to keep him deep inside you, sobbing cunt gushing around him and leaving a ring of white which surrounded his cock.
The mess on the sheets was notable, how could it not, your juices and his cum pooling down to stain them greatly yet non of you seemed to care in the slightest. "I'm going to fuck you until I'm satisfied, you got that?" for some reason hearing pierro say that brought a fat smile to your face, he's using you instead someone else, you felt wanted and save with him. Almost giggling you nodded your head at the man, trying your hardest to spread your legs further for him before he dropped his whole weight back on you, grinding himself into your pussy.
the ache in between your legs was getting hot, you could feel yourself becoming more wet while capitano was roughly fucking into your mouth, drool hanging loosely on your chin. He was more than clear when he said you weren't allowed to touch yourself and who were you to disobey that? Yet it was almost unbearable, rubbing your thighs together to at least feel a little bit of pleasure.
your crooked smile was sending shivers through capitano's body, always amazed on how far he could go with you, as you're still enjoying it as much. You really were his cute little airhead, spreading your legs and opening your mouth to him whenever he required it from you. His cock was big, the tip remotely hitting your throat before pulling out again. One of your hands was playing with his balls, lightly squeezing them and keeping them warm in your palms.
his creamy cum would slide down your aching throat in no time, you already dreamed about it, practically drooling around his girth as tears dwelled up in your needy looking eyes. The lewd noises were ringing over capitano's ears as he couldn't suppress his moans to you anymore, finally releasing inside of your mouth with deep groans eliciting from him. His thick salty cum was pooling into your warmth as you closed your eyes to properly taste it on your tongue. Once he pulled out you obediently swallowed it all happily, making sure he was able to witness it so he could praise you afterwards.
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kinktober masterlist.
do not! share, copy or repost my work. ✎ ©ANANTARU 2022
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caleb-crow · 1 year
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Once Destitute.
AHAH I lured you all in here with sexy pantalone and hit you with PAIN!
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correct-genshin · 1 year
Dottore: Surgery is just stabbing someone to life
Pantalone: ... Please never become a surgeon
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svoukos · 1 year
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made more
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tenjikufag · 28 days
ejejsjwjwjsjejejsn I need a part 2 of pantaloons x male reader where reader eventually does end up leaving and dies or smth idk I just need da angst
(U can ignore if you want!)
Pantalone x Male Reader
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part two to Spoiled
-angst, runaway reader, Pantalone break down, physical abuse (by reader)
-thank you for the req, unfortunately you don’t die in this *sigh
“I can’t do this anymore. I told you, no more gifts, no more pampering.. just leave me alone!”
Thoughts flurried in an erratic pattern, your head felt as if was going to explode at his touch- you wanted nothing more than to shove him off of your legs, kick him down and beat him.
After all of this time, it’s become too much. It was no longer indifference and tolerance- all you felt was visceral hatred towards your ‘partner’..
“My dear.. please.. I will do better, don’t leave. Break me down if that’s what you need- just don’t leave..”
His gloves hands clutched your ankles, keeping you from moving even if it was frail and pathetic grip. The both of you knew this was inevitable, but he just loved you so much.. this wasn’t the way it was going to go- not if he had a say, but he physically cannot move himself to possibly hurt you. So he begged, like he always had.
“Get off of me. I want nothing more to do with you.”
Pantalone shook beneath you, he wasn’t a person who could cry but if he could he would be nothing but a tear stained blabbering child at your feet.
The pleas, the whining, the false promises he made.. you gripped his hair and pulled it harshly so he would look up at you.
“Let go. I’m leaving. I don’t love you anymore.”
His eyes widened in horror, still on the floor he tried to scramble up to hold you once more only to be kicked down as soon as he got close.
It continued, he tried to get close.
You got more violent.
Until he was beaten, bruised and bloodied from your heavy hands and stained boots. He laid there, curled up and gasping for air.
A pathetic display for a harbinger, really.
Scowling down at him, he still plead to you his case.
Even sitting with blood running down his face, the crimson leaking from his chapped lips, bruises under his clothing and tattered clothes now with rips and dirt on them. Glasses tossed aside and cracked.
He still begged. Begged to deaf ears, begged to someone who didn’t care, a person who would have killed him if it didn’t mean signing his own death certificate.
“I’m leaving.”
“Please! Y/n, we can fix this. I can’t be alone, you can’t leave me! I did everything for you! I gave you everything! How could you do this to me?!”
The man’s body shook, the weak body of his trembling with every word leaving his mouth.
“I’ve sacrificed too much for you to leave me! You are indebted to me you bastard! You’re mine!”
You slung a bag over your shoulder.. approaching him a final time.. it gave him a false hope of you changing your mind- he look up at you with a soft smile, holding out his hand towards you.
“I never asked for all this. You disgust me, Pantalone.”
His heart dropped, too shocked to say a word back to you.. he watched as you exited his quarters, passing by all of his guards and agents who only looked at you in fear- they had heard everything, assuming you were stronger than their harbinger.
Of course you were.
You’ve always been stronger than him.
He’s a fickle minded, arrogant, selfish, and greedy man.
But now he was alone, left without his grounding beneath him- money could never buy the love he craved.
It could never be enough for your love.
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t4tstarrailing · 1 month
this user would happily sit their ass down and listen to pantalone's full monologues
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minzart · 11 months
His trusted collector
Pantalone x reader
childhood friends, gender neutral reader, debt collector reader, no warnings worth mentioning yet, may have planned 2 more parts in this one
Ao3 version
" "Oh, it's you… you are earlier for once" he gives you a small smile with open eyes "so I take it was a good journey back was it?"
And for a moment, you remember the boy you unlikely met. "
(1) A strange boy who grows to be a peculiar man
You remember how you two met, or better saying, how he was annoyingly... persistent
You walk pass the massive doors of the northland bank, the freezing cold being melted by deceiving warmth of this place, but you don't mind, it is comforting nonetheless  , and familiar yet different, you have been away for months now and again the place changed. Perhaps for security reasons, perhaps a new interesting client has come visiting, perhaps your boss was just feeling rarely generous with the renovations. Either way it's not your business to pry, not today, today is a day of good news, a mission successfully fulfilled in more ways than expected.
A polite smile greets you by the main hall's secretary, young, newly employed, one of the few lucky to enter by her own volition rather than a debt or being "properly" fatui, which means…she does not know you, a blessing you think. "Good evening! How may I help you?"
You smile back "thank you, for you as well. I'm supposed to have an appointment half an hour from now if I'm not mistaken" stating your name with a patient smile you see the girl take a notebook from her desk and rise looking through the many drawers behind her desk "with Lord Regrator"
She immediately freezes and goes back to her desk, another notebook opened, a small one, one you know will be burned by tomorrow. She smiles and confirms your name, giving you unspoken permission to enter, she, however, still gives you instructions to get to his office, not that you would need, but you listen anyways.
You have picked, by the years, his subtle way of decorating the path he takes every day, so even if he changed his office location you would be able to track it down, it was the bare minimum, after all that was your job as his debt collector, tracking others down. The higher you go the more guarded it gets, Fatui agents now on each door, some greet you with a nod, others stay frozen in place, and some, bow. Lazy steps you take until his door, pompous like the ego he pretends to have and has, to others, decorated with intricate carvings and his symbol at the center, if in doubt, look for the most expensive; and heavy, so heavy, why does he torture you so with this heavy ass door; door you could imagine.
You knock on that door since the agents beside you decided that bowing was a good idea instead of asking who you are, you don't hear anything, but you feel the confusion inside of it, after all people were announced to him, and your knock was purposefully made without gloves, a rarety among the fatui's wardrobe.
"Enter" you hear his voice, laced with fake politeness, a dose of caution and a sigh of tiredness before it that only sharp ears could hear.
You do so "Lord Pantalone, I believe we have an appointment" you close the door behind.
For a moment his eyes open in surprise and you fight to suppress a chuckle, his hair is done, clothes expensive, skin perfect and glasses slowly sliding down from its place because of his slight slip of mask, his hand slowly putting away the gun you knew he had taken thanks to the unusual knock.
"Oh, it's you… you are earlier for once" he gives you a small smile with open eyes "so I take it was a good journey back was it?"
And for a moment, you remember the boy you unlikely met.
It was a peacefully busy day at the market, a perfect day for your tiny hands to get the food you so desperately needed after two days of starvation and spoiled trash. You made sure to put your good clothes on, even if they are still worn, those are still your best pair, one you make sure to always hide carefully in places you hope never to be disturbed, you need to look comum, you need to blend in, and you need an opportunity.
And an opportunity was blessed to you, a skinny boy with worned out clothes, squinting eyes and pleading voice as the owner of the bench raised him up from the ground with a crushing grip in his fists, the boy held on to the three apples he hoped to run off with for dear life. The boy was like you, and like you he would take any chance like this if he wasn't the one who got caught first, so you run, grabbing one single apple and running off, the adrenaline pumping your veins and fear driving you forward, but you make one mistake, you look back.
Locking eyes with the boy, his gold, frustrated, painfully tired and angry, eyes, that for a second… you bump into the bench, a strong bump… you pushed the bench, it falls… it breaks, the fruits scattering the owner screams in rage at your direction, you don't look back anymore.
Your tiny footsteps with full velocity automatically guide you back to relative safety, you jumped and skipped and dogged, until finally sliding down a cold wall, devouring what would be your weekly heathy meal, perhaps you would get lucky and it wouldn't turn into a two week healthy meal. Your accelerated breath forming puffs of white steam out of your mouth, your hot insides clashing with the cold outside, you sit there, looking at it, letting your mind be momentary mesmerized by it's patterns in the air before disappearing again, letting yourself feel momentarily like the age you are, the smoke spirals up and away from your hands.
"What do you want" you hear a scratchy voice beside you, you jump up and face the kid who found you… how did he find you and why was he here…
"What?" You try your best poker face, you noticed him doing the same, but his squinting eyes make him look angry more than neutral.
"Why did you help me? Back there. What do you want from me?" His eyes continued to pierce you, you start massaging your temples.
You knew paranoia when it confronted you face to face, many wanna-be nine-year-old-"tug lords" had it and looked for a reason to indebt you to them or feared they were somehow indebted to you, which, no, they weren't, you didn't had the patience for that shit, that, however, never meant you didn't knew an opportunity when it was smacking you in your face as well "I dunno, what do you think I want from you?"
"You tell me, it was you who helped me back at the market" ah… you… had forgotten his face already, alright you can work with this, you think… you hope.
"You had three apples didn't you?"
"I only managed to get two"
"I saw three" His left eye twitches ever so slightly, you smile and continue "you were holding them tightly too, you have experience in this I can tell" you couldn't, but his eye twitches again so you assume it's correct "scared little poor boy voice isn't gonna work with me if I have heard it plenty of times you know… besides…" you remember one clear thing about him, his eyes, now not even a glimpse of that boiling anger at that moment "you got the eyes of someone like me"
You two continue in silence for a moment, him probably trying to see what you meant, you just waiting for his response, worst case scenario he's got a gang and is gonna beat you up, best case scenario you gain one more apple. So you wait… and wait… and… ok this is ridiculous "look, I didn't mean to help you I was just clumsy and you got lucky or whatever, can you go away now? I wanna go rest…"
His firm eyes comically wide before you, his mask totally broken "Clumsy?!"
"Yeah, now shoo, I don't want anyone knowing where I sleep" you take this as an opportunity to push him out of the way and go.
He has other plans tho.
"I don't buy it" he runs to your side, matching his steps with yours "The look on your face said it was a calculated mistake "
And he was pouting now, Archons give you patience he was an annoying one "what look?"
"A knowing look"
"And what does a "knowing look" looks like?" You badly mimic his enfasis voice "if you didn't notice I don't look at many mirrors" you show an old stain in your clothes, and make a point to pull the threads that are slowly being undone by time in your sleeves.
"Listen just tell me what do you want as payment and you will never see me again" he growls in frustration, to anyone of the outside you two looked like two friends bantering "I hate being indebted"
"You aren't indebted, leave me alone" you roll your eyes guiding you two in circles through the street, just hoping for this brat to leave.
"Yes I am" if looks could kill you would be burning alive now "I don't have any proof that you won't hunt me down and ask for favors later so just say how to repay you already"
"I won't hunt you down later" you state as a matter of fact "is that proof enough for you?"
"Absolutely not" he looks offended "word of mouth has no value at all!"
"What do you want me to do? Write a contract?" You laugh "I don't even know how to write my name"
"There!" He holds you in place, determination shining in his eyes, an all too proud smile blooming in his red cheeks "I can! I can teach you!"
"..." You look at him with a deadpan face "or you can just give me one apple"
"What?!" The boy looks mortified "you are gonna let this opportunity pass?!"
"That's an unfair exchange" you lock your eyes again "too generous"
You see his eyes wide a bit, a small oh showing his shock, caught in the act "I don't like being indebted either golden boy" you finish.
He looks at you, truly, acknowledges you, his eyes loose spark, mouth in a thin line "what do you mean?"
"That I don't have any guarantee that you wouldn't guilt me in being indebted to you because of this, extremely generous offer"
"I wouldn't-"
" "word of mouth has no value at all", you said it yourself" you hold his gaze a bit more, then you blink and shake your head, tired from the day "just… let me be. I have no interest in being one more of your peons or whatever you call your gang"
He looks sincerely puzzled, you would give him an Oscar if you weren't broke and homeless. Taking the opportunity you slide around him and leave that strange boy behind.
That boy grows to be the man sitting in this fancy desk, with piles upon piles of paperwork, old name long casted aside for a theater character's one, not that it wasn't in brand for him to change it before. This one just stuck the longest of all names he ever took upon tho. And the most important one as well, and here you are, despite a rough first encounter you stuck by his side.
An unknown memory of a past no-one is supposed to know as deeply as you do, and despite the odds, he still lets you live. A gamble he makes every day, and every day you make sure to prove him wrong and stick to his side, over and over again, loyalty unmatched, eyes knowing and efficiency letal.
"A good journey indeed" you make yourself comfortable in the assigned client chair "payment and debt collected, a favor waiting it's orders from that noble in mondstad… milord"
He rolls his eyes in amusement, focusing back on his so loved papers "anything worth noting?"
That was your cue to over-explain a boring journey with details and names you had to write down, else you forget , that's how he does things, names and places, always one thought away from information, always one eye ahead to potential investments and clients. Generous offers exchanged for generous opportunities.
By the time you end your tale one third of his work is done, and he looks at you, attention not completely there, lost in thoughts, you don't mind, it's to be expected he was bored and you, being his little distraction, is already losing his interest. You look at him in return, comparing the skinny little boy to the healthier man in your mind, the only thing you miss is how more spontaneous his expressions were, but you also understand why they needed to go. Business.
"Your glasses are falling again" you point out casually, playing with one of his pens to distract yourself.
He blinks to awareness, a small glimmer of disappointment passes through the corner of his lips as he adjusts his glasses, and frowns a bit noticing they were perfect in place already "yes, here is your files, I expect your report by tomorrow at this same time"
You pout at him "at this rate you are going to work me dead"
He chuckles "you had worse deadlines than that"
Yes. You had. But still ten pages minimum to tomorrow was a pain in the ass "fine, it's not like I need to rest or anything"
You rise from your seat, taking the files with you, and dramatically walks to the door.
"Welcome back"
You stop by the door, that was more of a whisper than a sentence, and yet it stopped you faster than any barked order. You fit the door's handle, the piles of accumulated paperwork that he hates, the dark circles barely visible through his carefully applied foundation, the small tint of red in his ears.
"I missed you too" you answer walking off, not looking back.
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arbiters-ground · 7 months
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love you to death
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ajaxstar · 1 year
Valentine's ♡
characters: all playable genshin characters (except children characters like klee, dori, etc.), the eleven harbingers + tsaritsa, and kaveh x gn!reader
genres: sfw, fluff!!! (no angsty heart's day on my watch!), features types of vday dates i think they most likely will plan for the two of you after you told them that they'll be in charge
notes: it's been a while, hasn't it? this post doesn't fully imply that i'm 100% back, but i am working on it!! i haven't written anything for such a long time, so i might be getting rusty and it might show here. i used the genshin impact wikia as reference for the characters, let me know if i missed anyone!
BEFORE YOU CONTINUE : they made sure that they ran you through the whole plan without spoiling it completely to make sure you'll be comfortable during the whole day. after all, the date is for the both of you, not just for them! they want to make sure the two of you will enjoy it.
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they're the type to plan a date that concerns going out. they'll bring you literally everywhere they know you love — to the amusement/theme park, movies, theater, museums, mall, out of town/the country, the library, fancy meals — anywhere!! if you have a favorite hobby that concerns a few more things (sports, arts, etc.), you bet that it's in the list! it doesn't matter if it's not their cup of tea, it's in the list and they will join you, even if it includes breaking a sweat or two. throughout the whole day, they have their hands on you in any type of way that you consent. they'll keep their hand holding yours, their arms around your waist, on your shoulder — anywhere. they can't afford getting separated from you, mostly if it's a vast and/or crowded area, but also because of their desire to be close. with or without exchanging gifts, love is reciprocated.
"you are the only gift i ever want."
ꔛ albedo, amber, itto, barbara, bennett, collei, faruzan, fischl, hu tao, kazuha, ayaka, keqing, mona, nilou, ningguang, noelle, ei, razor, shenhe, thoma, aether, xiangling, xingqiu, xinyan, yoimiya, yun jin, zhongli, dottore, columbina, pantalone, pulcinella, tsaritsa, kaveh
it has been quite a while that the both of you had the free time to just relax at home tangled in each other. food are a mix of all snacks, candies, homemades, and take outs. time is enjoyed together with indoor activities enjoyed by each other; playing games, playful banters, naps, cuddles, reading a book or two, watching shows together — anything that entertains the two of you. nothing mattered outside the walls of your shared humble abode, although going out together also seems like a good idea, the two of you are much more inclined to the thought of just the two of you. together. the past few days and weeks were spent being away from each other. however, right now, nothing and no one else mattered as the two of you bask into each other's warmth, love, and presence.
"let's stay here together for a little bit longer."
ꔛ alhaitham, beidou, candace, chongyun, cyno, diluc, eula, ganyu, gorou, jean, kaeya, ayato, sara, shinobu, layla, lisa, rosaria, kokomi, childe, tighnari, lumine, venti, wanderer, venti, xiao, yanfei, yae miko, yelan, pierro, sandrone, capitano, arlecchino
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happy heart's day ♡ i hope you guys enjoyed your day !! (i sure did enjoy my day sleeping)
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ladysirenity23 · 1 year
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Cult!Genshin x reader
Sagau pt.3 Liyue
Warnings: cult behavior, obsessive thoughts, religion, spoilers
[Sagau pt.1 Khaenri'ah here] 👇
[Sagau pt.2 Mondstadt here] 👇
Morax was your longest known worshipper - though none known previously how he got to know you, it was only common knowledge that he did worship you in his time of when he was still but a young adeptus
But of course doubts started to spiral once death came-whether it was from his wrath or another being's own bloodthirst
Was it meant to happen?
Morax would ask himself that same  question-as he watches both his acquaintances and rivals die in front of his eyes
He was sort of angry at you-cursed you silently(not wanting to be known for disrespecting you but he did it quietly)
Yet the geo-scaled Archon despite those doubts and trials--He, then matured over the decades he walked in Teyvat his faith in you stood still like the mountains made by geo he made all over the shores of Liyue
plus... Barbatos's 'fact' as the winged-archon would like to call it seemed a bit insulting and he somehow wanted to prove the latter wrong despite knowing its not worth wasting his energy for more important matters
In his time of living among the mortals of Liyue he understood that every thing was meant to happen
He exhaled ;sipping the tea as he watches the lanterns dance among Teyvat's sky
though his victories from the past did haunt him-- Zhongli was finally at peace,knowing that his nation were thriving and advancing without the need of Rex lapis
but what made him feel even more relaxed was the presence of what you'd call 'divine'
Zhongli's golden eyes squinted as if instinctively trying to find something he'd like to think he'd seen before
Your acolyte smiled from afar looking fondly at the docks of Liyue of where you stood with the traveller and a sea of his people
Your presence was educated by Morax to him when Alatus was recently just saved by the hands of the cruel god
'the all mighty Creator of Teyvat'
what was so special about you?that made Rex lapis himself worship you
Not to ask that question in a tone which a certain anemo-winged archon used--but one of piqued curiousity
He always wondered about your existence whether during his time with the other yaksha's or even after their passing..
Though he could ask Morax--he'd rather not seeing how the Geo archon had his own responsibilities to deal with
No matter Xiao leaves the subject on the back of his mind and sighed as his pain continues to course through his body
For now.. as your acolyte Xiao can only say that he has respect for you for at least helping him save the people who reside in the harbour through the Traveler or through him
But can he really be satisfied with just that after witnessing your arrival at the harbour-well the answer is.. no
not when the karmic dept that the young Yaksha held for so long almost instantly disappears at the sight of your divine gaze that reflected the lanterns of Liyue
Since birth he was always physically weak and as the years passed by his health also weakened mentally
Baizhu wouldn't say he's a Saint like his regular customers would like to see him as-rather he see's himself as a human-and there was no doubt he was
Some people say he had that quality-and he would frown at the notion,, but can you really blame him when not careful anytime could be a dead end for the sickly man
Although the mint haired man would always feel guilty on taking advantage of Qiqi's immortality despite doing it over again--
However when you finally arrived in Teyvat Baizhu thought he would feel immense guilt the moment he mentioned about his endeavours and his reason of taking care of Qiqi--plus the fact that he treated you as you were human instead of the Creator
The mint haired man would always apologise for all the troubles he's been giving you this past hour
But instead you reassured him-well awkwardly patted him at the back is what you did-- but it was enough to quell his tears
Such a kindness shouldn't be unrewarded.. (though he Baizhu knows he's not in place to reward-but to show his faithfulness to you)he would offer himself as one of your acolytes to honor you with his body
The news of the Creator's arrival on Teyvat had been a shock to the people Liyue and to her as well-but it wasn't unwelcomed!
she was part of the beings who prepared the festival for you! Though not her money nor' the idea-Ganyu was glad to be working full time on the project assigned to her
She didn't need any rest and definitely didn't want to if its for you!Though your insistence of her resting will make her blink her eyes in confusion to shift to one of embarrassment ;saying she didn't need to
But with your offer that you'd let her lay down on your lap made her want to reconsider the offer
Cloud retainer had spoken about you through times of when she was but a child taken in by the crane adeptus
Shenhe had a feeling in her heart, though she couldn't describe it-- andit felt absolutely horrible,, something about you appearing before her, what made you show yourself now?! She couldn't explain the reason why she felt this way
Maybe it was about her childhood that was sacrificed once her father sent her to die in the hands of a demon
It was your lack of presence in one's time of need that made her somewhat feel ill about you
She hated the feeling once it showed in her stomach,she herself never wanted to feel like that when seeing you in a physical form
Though she stayed quiet at your visit-though no glaring was seen in her eyes Cloud retainer could feel the small rage that Shenhe was having behind those ropes that bind the white haired girl
But even she, knows that another feeling was bubbling up as you held her hands with a soft gentle smile for her
Perhaps she'd like to get know you in a different light if ever possible
As a child she struggled but she did her best to thrive in the streets of Liyue while praying that you'd make her your favourite acolyte-And she did become at least one of them
With grace and gratitude she welcomed you and traveler with open arms, Announcing her opening speech,, she stands at her most beloved magnum opus;The Jade Chamber
A true man of greed..but can you really blame him?as a child he struggled to even find a single penny to feed himself, eating only the crumbs that the people of the harbour dropped so carelessly
As he hates the Geo archon for not giving a single mora to him and what makes it worse that it didn't make you any different from the archon that the sea of people seem to worship so much
Where were you and the God of Contracts when he needed both of you??
He scoffed at the news of your arrival, though with newly found wealth, Pantalone didn't seem all that smiley today-in fact he had a frown all day long making others question his sudden change of expression
The black haired man told them the reason calmly-but they could tell that there was a venomous tone on the tip of his toungue
Pierro shakes his head in a disapproving way,he was acting a bit childish he knows-by the way the ginger's expression also became dark even when Tartaglia just had a laughing fit
The banker looked in the eyes of his comrades and of the Cryo archon
Just as the Northland's bank currencies are the tears of the gamblers that had set their money on pride and the blood of the poor who spent their last breath trying to gain a single mora
Maybe you'd like to earn his forgiveness that weight off a million-no-
A lifeline worth of mora would make him him forgive you as long you'll comply to every one of his desires
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23_chan: I still don't know if Pantalone is from Liyue,but this is just a quick Headcanon of him--if he isn't then I'll just transfer him on a nation where he is a part of @w@
Edit:2/4/2023 11:02 pm
Edit:2/5/2023 1:05 am
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