yahoo201027 · 1 year
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Now: Naruto Shippuden
Next: Primal
Later: Samurai Jack
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ninten-hoe · 2 years
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Okay, but like, I saw your picture and did a double take… you’re like a more handsome me and without freckles 😅
Oh my gosh we do look the same 😳😳😳 I wouldn’t say I’m more handsome though haha, and my freckles are just in other areas haha
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songmingisthighs · 9 months
Genesis Masterlist
fashion mogul!mingi × reader
starts : August 1st 2023 (KST), July 31st 2023 (author time)
status : completed
update : every day, 12.30 am KST
✨️ - written chapter
buy me coffee ?
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introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
ch. i | ch. ii | ch. iii | ch. iv | ch. v ✨️ | ch. vi | ch. vii | ch. viii | ch. ix | ch. x | ch. xi | ch. xii | ch. xiii ✨️ | ch. xiv | ch. xv | ch. xvi | ch. xvii ✨️ | ch. xviii | ch. xix | ch. xx | ch. xxi | ch. xxii | ch. xxiii ✨️ | ch. xxiv | ch. xxv | ch. xxvi | ch. xxvii ✨️ | ch. xxviii | ch. xxix | ch. xxx | ch. xxxi | ch. xxxii | ch. xxxiii | ch. xxxiv | ch. xxxv | ch. xxxvi | ch. xxxvii | ch. xxviii | ch. xxxix | ch. xl | ch. xli | ch. xlii | ch. xliii | ch. xliv | ch. xlv | ch. xlvi ✨️ | ch. xlvii | ch. xlviii | ch. xlix ✨️ | ch. l | ch. li ✨️ | ch. lii | ch. liii | ch. liv | ch. lv | ch. lvi | ch. lvii | ch. lviii | ch. lix | ch. lx | ch. lxi | ch. lxii | ch. lxiii | ch. lxiv | ch. lxv | ch. lxvi | ch. lxvii | ch. lxviii | ch. lxix ✨️ | ch. lxx | ch. lxxi ✨️ | ch. lxxii | ch. lxxiii | ch. lxxiv | ch. lxxv ✨️ | ch. lxxvi | ch. lxxvii | ch. lxxviii | ch. lxxix | ch. lxxx ✨️ | ch. lxxxi | ch. lxxxii | ch. lxxxiii | ch. lxxxiv | ch. lxxxv | ch. lxxxvi | ch. lxxxvii | ch. lxxxviii | ch. lxxxix | ch. xc ✨️ | ch. xci | ch. xcii | ch. xciii | xciv | ch. xcv | epilogue
network :
@cultofdionysusnet @kflixnet
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everysasori · 13 days
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new official art
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wallacepolsom · 3 months
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Wallace Polsom, Dream House XCIII (07 Feb 2024), paper collage, 19 x 25.7 cm.
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tenshichan1013 · 1 year
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RTA: “cassandra’s revenge” favorite screenshots part XCIII
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arthistoryanimalia · 23 days
For #NationalFerretDay :
Black-Footed Ferret (now Mustela nigripes) by John Woodhouse Audubon:
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1. oil on canvas, 1840/46
National Gallery of Art DC
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2. Plate XCIII from The Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America, hand colored lithograph, 1845-48
NYPL The New York Public Library
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simologista · 5 months
Episode XCIII: The Final Blow To Jennifer Burb
So, Jennifer and John got the divorce. The hearing was not over yet, though. Judge Christopher had one more thing to say.
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Judge Christopher: Due to the fact that Mrs. Burb's actions were the direct cause of the divorce, and resulted in Mr. Burb moving out, Mr. Burb shall be awarded ownership and control of the residence shared by both parties during their marriage. This decision is final and must be executed within a year.
It turns out he hasn't forgotten his promise to Nina.
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Jennifer: WHAT?!
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rionas-path · 4 months
Chapter 10
Grave News
XCII. The silence persevered for a most unsettling duration Of time. Each heartbeat taking longer and longer, it seemed. Droplets of sweat running down her temples which all now gleamed In the low candle light. She was struck again by hesitation. After an eternity’s wait, a low rasp spoke: “Proceed, If you have courage, if not, you best turnabout with speed-” A capricious tone cut these imposing words short in their narration “Yet, knowing the stakes, we both know the cause of thy migration!”
XCIII. Her hair stood on end as she mustered her valorous tune From within. After all, this had been her idea all the while. With slowed steps, the doorway lurked closer and the once hostile Flow now caressed instead, dancing round in its humming croon. Her entry greeted her with a tragic image of a man That was the Tsar. He stood turned away from her, rather than Show his face; indeed, he appeared gaunt and could likely swoon At any exertion. His hooded rags were across his body strewn.
XCIV. Though of imposing stature, he seemed to not possess an aspect Of which their kin was oft renowned. His voice was filled with languor: “Do not be afraid now, for you’ve all but been warned! Our fate assured And mutual, felicitous for a demigod’s respect!” Thus, turned the ghastly image, presenting himself before The girl, who felt Aurianne herself turn away at the odious eyesore. This repulsion surprised the goddess, for she knew the prospect Of survival leaned on her talent for this fate to deflect.
XCV. He was an aberration of two worlds, wickedly tangled. High horns were finally revealed, the symbols of his holiness: Malformed – gleaming in two separate shades of ghostliness. One deeply blue, the other lightly violet and mangled. So too, his eyes: one blue, the other in purpurate flames. An errant curse ate at the side of his face on which the veins Of divine flow appeared, carving out his gaunt features. Spangled By chaotic deformities, The Tsar was by this bane entangled.
XCVI. Then his voice crackled into an upbeat sputter: “Delight! Incredulity! Thou’st come! Thou’st come!” He gushed vociferously Over the demigoddess: “I knew thou’dst come eventually!” Bemused, she wished to inquire, yet Aurianne scoffed with spite Before the girl could speak: “The Tsar has utterly declined! Don’t even seek the quest of sense that might be in his sick mind! Though I foresaw this narrative, his state does me affright, His souls discordant and dissonant, his time closest to midnight!”
XCVII. Still, Ríona was not so easily swayed and after a beat, She inquired the Tsar: “You had forecast my arrival?” A low groan came again along the attitude’s revisal: “Do not listen to the damned old fool! He hath lost all his wit Many a moon ago. Of course, he did not expect you, Alas, I did, for seventeen years, have I!” Such ire he spew Out, before letting out a breath and made his souls retreat. The perilous prospects of her dest’ny were now laid at her feet.
XCVIII. She finally made her retort: “Balthazar… then you must know Why I have come?” He grinned sorrowfully: “Indeed, wee damsel; And I regret to inform-” the god couldn’t start his counsel As he was cut short by the true, maddened, spirited bellow Of the Tsar: “No need for sad tales! I stand on the precipice Of a breakthrough! If only I had more of time’s blessedness! If only thou werst the Orb Maven which time could bestow And not a wretched warlord! Thence, I’d have something to show!”
XCIX. All this tension and commotion caused a slip and error grave In the mind of Ríona, for up till now, she hadn’t considered That a divine could take over the body unhindered. Yet, Aurianne knew this fact well, and waited to outbrave Her host when the occasion to act would finally appear; Albeit, for the time being, her mind was still not fully clear. The daze of dread which the sight upon the wretched Tsar gave, Still took hold and reminded her of the deal with the Grim Margrave.
C. “What breakthrough?” Ríona asked, who dared but creep slowly t’wards The raving man. He looked at the table behind him and smirked: “Break through Eternity itself! Years of research, of work, Of suffering: but not for nought! Gaze at my labour’s rewards!” With a slow shuffle, she neared the table before which he stood. There laid notes upon notes which studied every likelihood And ramblings on the very nature of all flow’s accords; Glyphs which channelled the power of all known holy records!
CI. Alas, before she could react, the souls swapped their control Again, and with unpredictable swiftness he caught her wrist. Surprised, she tried to pull away in order to resist Balthazar’s grip over her, though this effort required great toll On her body. In fear, she cried out: “What trick is this? Let go of me Or face my riposte! I know not your game, yet I beg you hear my plea!” The god replied in sinister glee: “Regrettably, young foal, I have a grudge to settle with your vessel’s other soul!”
CII. Aurianne; enraged, began to furiously tug at their reigns, Which were loosening from Ríona’s grip, as she wrestled with The other demigod. The goddess hammered words like a smith: “Thou mustest give to me control, surrender me these chains For but a time brief or else he shall crumble our wrist, I beg of thee, Ríona!” Unsure and under high mind mist, She let go, as the goddess crashed in like torrential rains Of Lonesome Eye! A mighty burst of terror shot through their veins!
CIII. “I knew, I never should had let thee breathe another breath The moment I had trialled thee; alas, we meet again!” Spoke wildly Aurianne; no single soul could her wrath contain. Still left in place, the old god of war began laughing at length: “And there art thee, finally! Long time since our last meeting, dear? I see the girl hast not tamed thy ferocity, that much is clear!” The two gods wrestled relentlessly, showing their mastery’s wealth, Right there and then, the witch did win! Ready to deal him death!
CIV. At that moment, Ríona grabbed their reigns again and regained Control of her figure. The goddess screamed for the girl to leap Out of the way, yet it was too late to evade the flow’s sweep Which ruptured from the god’s palm. She made an effort constrained, To stop the flow with a shield of magick matter, yet could not block The sharp brunt of the attack. This bolt of energy did knock Her back into the wall. Her head now felt heavily strained As it hit the cobblestone, leaving her soul’s vigour drained.
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frankenphetamine · 4 months
time to go honk shoo honk shoo with david tibet nini tumblr 🎀
xciii xciii / xciii
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fivekrystalpetals · 1 year
(aka I wrote a lot of stuff about this series now trying to put all of it in one place so I find Things when I search for it)
retrace i | retrace ii | retrace iii | retrace iv | retrace v | retrace vi | retrace vii | retrace viii | retrace ix | retrace x | retrace xi | retrace xii | retrace xiii | retrace xiv | retrace xv | retrace xvi | retrace xvii | retrace xviii | retrace xix | retrace xx | retrace xxi | retrace xxii | retrace xxiii | retrace xxiv | retrace xxv | retrace xxvi | retrace xxvii | retrace xxviii | retrace xxix | retrace xxx | retrace xxxi | retrace xxxii | retrace xxxiii | retrace xxxiv | retrace xxxv | retrace xxxvi | retrace xxxvii | retrace xxxviii | retrace xxxix | retrace xl | retrace xli | retrace xlii | retrace xliii | retrace xliv | retrace xlv | retrace xlvi | retrace xlvii | retrace xlviii | retrace xlix | retrace l | retrace li | retrace lii | retrace liii | retrace liv | retrace lv | retrace lvi | retrace lvii | retrace lviii | retrace lix | retrace lx | retrace lxi | retrace lxii | retrace lxiii | retrace lxiv | retrace lxv | retrace lxvi | retrace lxvii | retrace lxviii | retrace lxix | retrace lxx | retrace lxxi | retrace lxxii | retrace lxxiii | retrace lxxiv | retrace lxxv | retrace lxxvi | retrace lxxvii | retrace lxxviii | retrace lxxix | retrace lxxx | retrace lxxxi | retrace lxxxii | retrace lxxxiii | retrace lxxxiv | retrace lxxxv | retrace lxxxvi | retrace lxxxvii | retrace lxxxviii | retrace lxxxix | retrace xc | retrace xci | retrace xcii | retrace xciii | retrace xciv | retrace xcv | retrace xcvi | retrace xcvii | retrace xcviii | retrace xcix | retrace c | retrace ci | retrace cii | retrace ciii | retrace civ
some Serious posts: may-reads-ph | some Fun Posts: ph musings
1.] Lottie | (add: re: real reason why Lottie changed sides in the last arc)
2.] Noise | (add)
3.] Alice(s)
4.] Lacie
5.] Glen, Children of Misfortune, Juries and the Baskervilles | (Part 1 : Glen, Jury and Knowledge of Abyss) | (Part 2 : Choosing a side) | (Part 3 : Oswald and his sin of passivity) | (Part 4 : Oswald and Lacie)
6.] Core of the Abyss and "her" Children of "Misfortune"
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lowdarage · 7 months
451/2023. (X. 4.) Korm. rendelet
egyes juttatások adózásának veszélyhelyzetben alkalmazandó szabályairól
A Kormány az Alaptörvény 53. cikk (1) bekezdésében meghatározott eredeti jogalkotói hatáskörében, figyelemmel a védelmi és biztonsági tevékenységek összehangolásáról szóló 2021. évi XCIII. törvény 80. és 81. §-ára, az Alaptörvény 15. cikk (1) bekezdésében meghatározott feladatkörében eljárva a következőket rendeli el:
1. § Az Ukrajna területén fennálló fegyveres konfliktusra, illetve humanitárius katasztrófára tekintettel, valamint ezek magyarországi következményeinek az elhárítása és kezelése érdekében veszélyhelyzet kihirdetéséről és egyes veszélyhelyzeti szabályokról szóló 424/2022. (X. 28.) Korm. rendelet szerinti veszélyhelyzet ideje alatt a személyi jövedelemadóról szóló 1995. évi CXVII. törvény és a szociális hozzájárulási adóról szóló 2018. évi LII. törvény egyes meghatározott juttatásokra vonatkozó szabályaitól eltérően mentes az adó alól a közvetlenül a szőlészetről és borászatról szóló 2020. évi CLXIII. törvény (a továbbiakban: Btv.) 9. § (1) bekezdése szerinti forgalomba hozatalt kezdeményező borászati üzemengedélyestől palackozott kiszerelésben vásárolt, oltalom alatt álló eredetmegjelöléssel vagy oltalom alatt álló földrajzi jelzéssel ellátott, a Btv. 1. § 3. pontja szerinti borászati termék reprezentációs és nem reprezentációs célú vendéglátás keretében, továbbá üzleti ajándékként vagy csekély értékű ajándékként történő juttatása.
2. § Ez a rendelet 2023. november 16-án lép hatályba.
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songmingisthighs · 5 months
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
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ch. xciii - fries
fashion mogul!mingi × reader
buy me coffee ?
!! A T T E N T I O N !!
things aren't always what it seems but when even the truth is left unheard, what can people do? one musn't lie but what if the lie is more accepted than the truth? the scariest thing in this world isn't monsters or demons. it's people with no agenda and time to waste.
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mhumiston965 · 7 months
My Favorite Samurai Jack Episode From Each Season!
1. I, II, III & XIII
2. XIX
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seeksstaronmewni · 1 year
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Ooh... I could really use these love meter goggles...
Tweet version here
Caught this for the 2nd time in my life (I think) during Futurama on [as] last Sunday (01/08/2023), but for some reason it was barely shown and I saw not the bumper since 07/08/2017 during a rerun of Samurai Jack EPISODE XCIII. I took 66 months to see it again... though I recall the love meter goggle reading “DEFINITELY INTO YOU”, which apparently is not the case for this bump.
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viecome · 1 year
Colección de citas literarias. XCIII
Entre el pensamiento y la palabra hablada existe una fisura en la que puede penetrar la intención, el símbolo puede ser abstraído y la mentira admitida en la existencia. Ursula K. Le Guin Tener el valor, sabiendo previamente que vas a ser derrotado, y salir a pelear: eso es la literatura. Roberto Bolaño Adquirir el hábito de la lectura y rodearnos de buenos libros es construirnos un refugio…
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