#a tall teenage menace
comradekatara · 2 years
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just guys eatin noods
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familiarache · 3 months
what if i make a playlist but its literally just 'u/ryu pining after hime and ichi'
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cloudspark · 1 year
I've been shirking my writing for several months so a week's worth of hospital visit isn't really covering it.., BUT flirting with every nurse under 40 might have done something for my brain because the second they let me walk out those doors I was brimming with creative potential. Have a lil something in the works for the 'remix event' and on top of that all the leftover prompts have gotten me 2 more outlines started already.
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sheilaerinniperonista · 2 months
okay i've thought it over and short sheila has grown on me. rat terrier.
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I’ve been cross referencing the day I picked up Dazai manga panels and how he’s described in the fifteen light novel and I’m going crazy.
In the light novel he’s described as lanky a lot, and he’s definitely supposed to be a very skinny stereotypical teenage boy with messy hair and stuff. But when you look at the day I picked up Dazai he’s also just so
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Like look at the baby. He’s so little. Obviously we all know that he’s very unhealthy in the mafia and in general. But it is hurting me in ways I cannot explain to see it so plainly.
also he’s supposed to be sixteen in the day I picked up Dazai - which means that he’s probably been getting even worse as he gets older. Considering he’s consistently described as tall and menacing in the narration and by other characters. At 16 he’s probably 100 lbs soaking wet.
(it’s also sort of funny that Mori is so scared of him. I think if you kicked him hard enough all of his bones would break.)
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cowgurrrl · 6 months
Something in the Orange
Pairing: Joel Miller x art teacher!reader
Author's note: this might become a mini series idk idk
Summary: A parent-teacher conference leads to trouble [4.0k]
Warnings: no outbreak! au, teacher things, Ellie being a little loner, Joel the Menace making a return, Joel gets both his daughters in this one because it's what he deserves, flirty flirt, i think that's it???
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You feel like you've been running a million miles a minute since you got in this morning. The second you could unlock the door, at least three students spilled into your room and chaotically ran to the kiln to collect their most recent pottery projects. One of them ended up shattering (the exact one you warned Colin about, but he didn't listen), and, as per high school custom, they were all screaming about it. You consoled the students just in time for your principal to walk by and ask about lesson plans which made you scramble through your backpack for your notebook even though you knew damn well there wasn't a single lesson plan in there. "Do you always have those lights on?" Principal Martinez asked, gesturing to the room's fairy lights and orange lamps. Leave it to administration to want to avoid art classrooms so much that they don't even know about the Big Light Philosophy. 
Since then, it's been class after class. You only have one more period before your planning period and then, finally, the end of the day. There are a hundred things to do, but you can't focus on any of them. You got so caught up in managing your classroom and helping students with the hardest parts of their portfolio work that you almost forgot you had a parent meeting scheduled during your planning period. 
Calling in parents for meetings about their children may be your least favorite part of your job. It makes you feel like a bad teacher, and parents usually don't feel great about getting called in on a workday to talk about their kid. Luckily, Ellie's dad, Joel, seemed more than happy to take time to talk about her. You rack your mind for his occupation as you add some detail to a canvas you've been hiding in your office and working on when you can. Was he a blue-collar worker? Or was he another stuck-up Austin transplant parent who's gonna accuse you of lying? He'd make the fifth parent who's made you cry this semester.
A knock on your locked door pulls you from your thoughts, and you quickly put away your painting before answering the door. "I told you she was in here!" One of your students, Dina, announces as she and a posse of three other kids you don't recognize push their way into the room. "Miss, you've gotta take that thing off your door; otherwise, people are gonna think you went home!"
"You mean the sign that says, 'planning period. Do not enter?'" You ask, and she snaps her fingers.
"That's the one." She says as she and her friends start putting their backpacks down at one of your high tables. You sigh and kick the door stopper into the threshold.
"You guys can't stay here. I have a meeting in five minutes."
"With who?"
"None of your business." 
"Miss!" Dina acts wounded, and you cross your arms over your chest, your keys jingling around your neck in the process.
"I am an adult with a college degree and the debt to show for it. You are a teenager with a still-developing brain. You have to listen to me," you say. "Wait, whose class are you supposed to be in right now?"
"Mr. Flynn's."
"Guys!" You groan before walking over to your desk and quickly writing up a hall pass for them. "I know you don't like math-"
"No, we don't like Mr. Flynn." Dina cuts you off.
"Or math!" One of her friends adds, and you shoot them a (loving) disapproving look. 
"Whatever you don't like, you can't keep hiding out here. Mr. Flynn is two seconds away from trying to get me fired for how often I let his kids in here during class, and I actually like this job, so," you rip the hall pass off the pad and hand it to Dina. As they pack their stuff up, a tall, bearded man steps into your classroom and makes eye contact with you. "Out, out, out! I love you. You're gonna change the world one day, but please get out." You blow them kisses as you usher them out of the room. 
"Are you Ellie's art teacher?" He asks, a confused look on his face, and you nod.
"Yes, I am. Sorry about that. They're still figuring out that I have work to get done even when I don't have a class," you explain, a little breathless from running all over the place and getting caught off-guard. You really do try to act a little more professional with parents, but the kids threw you off. The kettle whistling behind your desk doesn't make it any better. "Is there anything I can get you? Coffee? Tea?" You pick up a random mug off your desk but find it full of murky water. "Paint water?"
"Are you allowed to have an electric kettle in here?" He asks, and you laugh nervously as you find a clean mug and your tea box. 
"I won't tell if you won't." You say. He stands there awkwardly as you pour yourself some tea, and you realize you didn't pull a chair up for him. "Um, we can sit..." you glance around your messy classroom until you find a clear table and gesture toward it. "Here." He follows your lead, and you take a deep breath as you sit down.
"You gonna be okay?" He asks, the hint of a smirk on his lips. His curly hair looks golden brown in the low light, and his round eyes have a little knowing twinkle. You take another breath to compose yourself and nod. 
"Yes. Sorry. It's been a long day." 
"Don't worry bout it. I'm sure they run you ragged."
"Is it that obvious?"
"Well, you do have paint in your hair." He says, and panic seizes in your chest. You're never more aware of how crazy your job can be until you meet Real Adults. Even if you can't remember what he does for a living, you still have to admit that you look a little silly next to each other: you, with your paint-stained sunflower dress and markered hands, and him, with his black shirt and jeans. He doesn't have any apparent stains or splatters on his clothes, but he's broad with thick biceps. He must work with his hands or something within that capacity. You clear your throat and try to get back on track with the meeting.
"Uh, so Mr. Miller, the reason I called you here today was to talk to you about Ellie," you start. "First, I just wanna say that she is an amazing student. She always does her work and engages thoughtfully with the material. I really do enjoy having her in class." 
"Well, that's certainly good to hear. She talks a whole lot bout this class and you, so... it's nice to place a face to the name," he says, adjusting his position on the stool. "But I have a feelin' you didn't call me down here just to tell me how great my kid is." 
"She is great. She's extremely talented, smart, and funny, but she spends more time in my classroom during lunch than anything else. I'm worried about her making friends and finding a community here at school. I've tried convincing her to join the art club, but she's hesitant. During class, she just sits with her headphones in and draws. She really doesn't like talking to anybody but me." You wait for blame to be assigned to you or get lectured, but it never comes. He just sighs, and he deflates a little in his chair.
"She's been through a lot this year. Well, her whole life, really, but 'specially recently," he says dejectedly. "What can I do for her?"
"There's an art show this Friday night here at the school. It'll all be student work from across the district. I thought if maybe you or... whatever adults she has at home came with her to this, she might feel more comfortable talking to her peers or even want to submit some of her own stuff."
"We can do that. I'll get off work early and ask her uncle if he wants to come," he's quick with his solution, and you're a little shocked. You rarely get parents, let alone fathers, who act this swiftly when something is going on with their kids. "Is there anythin' else goin' on that I should know bout?" 
"Uh, no. Like I said, she's a great kid. You should be really proud." You say, and the concerned wrinkle between his eyebrows disappears with a proud smile. 
"Thank you," he mumbles, suddenly shy. "And thanks for carin' so much bout her. It's nice to know she's got someone lookin' out for her here." You don't know what to say, so you just nod and stare at him. You know, like an idiot. It takes a chuckle from him to snap you out of your thoughts, and blood rushes to your cheeks.
"Yes, of course. She's a good kid." You say. 
"You said that already." 
"I bet you'd be a little scatterbrained if you were at the mercy of two hundred teenagers all day."
"You're absolutely right. I would be," he says, smirking devastatingly. "Someone ought to get you a coffee or somethin' if you're dealing with all that." 
"People like you should go argue with the school board. I'm sure you'd be popular with all the teachers." 
"That'd be a first. I think I might've been the least favorite parent for all of my girls' teachers." 
"Well, I find that hard to believe." 
"Yeah?" He asks, leaning forward just a little, and you nod, smiling. Your brain struggles to come up with something to say, and you're a little embarrassed at your silence, but luckily, your projector saves the day by buzzing loudly and making the picture on the board cut in and out. You mumble a quick apology before getting up and climbing up on a desk to jiggle a piece back into place. You hear Joel curse behind you, and when you turn to see what the problem is, you see him holding his arms out behind you. "Do you stand on desks often?" 
"Only every day. I haven't fallen yet this year." You laugh at his exasperated expression and turn back to the projector. It's still making a weird noise, so you move it around a little more, moving the desk under your feet, and Joel stabilizes it with a sigh. 
"How long has it been doin' that?" 
"Couple months. I keep putting in maintenance requests, but nobody ever comes to fix it."
"I can fix it for ya," he says simply, and you look down at him. "I've got tools in my truck. It wouldn't take long at all."
"Really?" You ask, and he nods. 
"It'd make me feel better knowin' you're not almost breakin' your neck every day."
"You mean, standing on a decades-old desk to mess with an ancient piece of equipment isn't OSHA compliant?"
"Please," he says, grabbing your ankle when the desk wobbles under you, and you laugh at his worry. "Let me fix it for you before you give me a heart attack." You think about declining and just putting in another work order, but the likelihood that anyone would actually come and fix it is slim to none. Plus, you really shouldn't be climbing on top of desks every day. You pretend to think it over for a few more seconds just to watch the worry play across his features as his grip on your ankle gets tighter.
"Only if you really mean it." 
"I really mean it," he says, offering you his other hand. "Now, would you please get down?"
"Fine." You say and take his hand. You bend to safely get yourself down, but Joel moves his other hand from your ankle to your waist and basically hoists you to the ground. Once your feet touch the floor, he doesn't let you go immediately like he's trying to figure out if you somehow got hurt when he wasn't looking. There's a part of your brain that's aware of how inappropriate this would look to any passersby, but you're also highly aware of how warm his big hand is on your hip. 
"Ya alright?" He asks softly, and you nod, taking a conscious step back from his arms.
"Yes, thank you."
"Good," he says, also taking a step back. "Let me go get my tools, and I'll get that fixed for you." 
"Perfect. I'll be here." You stand there, staring at each other awkwardly, for another moment before he turns on his heels and walks out of the classroom. The second he's out of your line of sight, you bury your head in your hands and start silently freaking out. 
What the fuck are you doing? How did a parent-teacher meeting turn into him hauling you off a desk and offering to fix your projector? Technically, nothing incriminating has happened, and it needs to stay that way. It doesn't matter if you think he's attractive or like how he worries about everything. He's Ellie's dad. Teachers have gotten fired for much less than this, and you're not willing to risk your career because of one guy. 
When he gets back with his toolbox, you're sitting at your desk and sorting through assignments like a reasonable adult. He doesn't say anything as he climbs up on the same desk you were standing on and begins messing with the mechanics of the equipment. You each work in silence for a few minutes before a screw clatters to the ground, and he grumbles something under his breath. "Do you mind..." he starts, pointing toward the lost piece. 
"Not at all." You cover your anxiety with your chipper teacher voice and search for the screw with your phone flashlight. You find it tucked between canvases, carefully pick it up, and walk over to where he's standing, waiting for him to be ready for it.
"It looks like it's just an old piece in here. I'm sure you can order a new one, and I can come back and install it if ya want," he explains, looking down at you. You probably look stupid just standing there with a tiny screw in your hand, but he doesn't laugh. "D'you mind handing me that tool to your right?" He asks, and you blindly reach for the tool you think he's talking about. "Your other right." He corrects, and you flush in embarrassment. 
"Sorry. I never was a very good woodshop student." You say, and he laughs once he has the tool in hand. 
"My girls are the same way. Just askin' ‘em to hold a flashlight while I work on their car is like pullin' teeth," he says fondly. "Speaking of which, is there a reason the lights aren't on in here?"
"The lamp light is less harsh, and it helps students focus. Plus, nobody likes coming into a bright classroom first thing in the morning." You explain, and he hums.
"If I'd had a teacher like you growing up, I would've been at school much more than I was."
"You didn't like school?"
"Hated it," he says, opening his hand for the screw. Once you drop the tiny thing into his large palm, he straightens up, and you can barely hear it going back into its rightful place. "'S a miracle I graduated." 
"That was me in college." 
"Now, I don't believe that for a second." 
"Really?" You laugh, and he nods.
"Someone like you, with your pretty dresses and all that empathy, was meant to be a teacher." 
"I wasn't always like this," you evade the compliment despite the butterflies in your stomach. "Being a teacher was never on my radar until I graduated. A lot of my life was never on my radar until then." He puts the hood of the projector back on and climbs down from the desk until he's standing in front of you again, wiping his hands on a red handkerchief from his toolbox. 
"Well, with the way you carry yourself, I never woulda guessed." He says. He opens his mouth to say something more, but the sharp tone of the bell ringing cuts him off. You jump at the sound and look at the clock as if it were wrong. 
"I'm so sorry. Time must've gotten away from me. Thank you so much again, Mr. Miller, for coming in to talk with me and looking at the projector. I hope to see you and Ellie on Friday." You say quickly as the sound of rowdy kids fills the hallway, and you hold your hand out to him. He takes it and squeezes it firmly.
"You can call me Joel. Mr. Miller makes me feel old." He says, and you smile. He doesn't look old, unlike the other dads you've encountered. Sure, he's got some gray at his temples and in his beard, but it suits him. 
"Joel, it is then." You resolve. His hand lingers in yours for a little too long before finally pulling away. "Well, Joel, unless you want to elbow through teenagers, I'd suggest you hide out here for a few more minutes." He does happily, even helping you carry supplies to your car once the hallways have cleared out enough. He's a proper gentleman, slinging your backpack over his shoulder and opening doors for you. You part only once everything is in your trunk, and he bids you goodnight with a charming smile that fills your thoughts on your drive home.
Ellie surprises you the next day as you're setting up the classroom. Normally, she isn't in until right before the bell rings, so seeing her this early is a little bit of a shock. The ink staining her hands is not. "Hey, dude. What's going on?" You ask. "Did you get breakfast from the cafeteria today? I heard Mrs. Hodges has those French toast sticks that everyone loves. You can probably get two servings if you run." 
"No, I already ate. My dad and uncle had to leave early this morning, so we got breakfast. Speaking of which," she says as she takes off her backpack and pulls a cup of iced coffee out of her water bottle pocket. "This is for you. We didn't know what you liked, so we got a vanilla latte or something." 
"Oh, El! You didn't have to do that. Thank you, honey." You say, and she sets it on your desk for you to enjoy once you don't have paintbrushes in hand. "If this is your way of getting a good grade on your piece, I already told you that you have nothing to worry about."
"It wasn't my idea. It was my dad's." She says nonchalantly before moving to the back of the classroom to get her sketch book. You, however, are confused and secretly pleased that Joel thought of you when he didn't have to. You find a message scribbled on the side when you reach for the cup to take a sip. 
Thanks again. See you Friday. -J
You turn to hide your smile from Ellie, but she's so deep in her work that you doubt she would've noticed anyway. You put some music on, and you and Ellie work silently on your projects until the bell rings and the day starts. 
The rest of the week goes by without a hitch, meaning that nobody accidentally ingested paint, and you only had to have one Come to Jesus talk with your Art 1 class. When Friday night rolls around, you're excited to see all the students work and treat yourself by wearing a new shirt with black scribbles all over it and black dress pants. You figure you should look as art teachery as possible for an art teacher event. 
By the time you get to the school, the hallways are buzzing with students dragging their parents from one piece to another and administrators praising their art programs even though you know not one of them has seen the inside of an art classroom in months. You make small talk with some of your students and their parents before finding a way out of the conversation and letting yourself wander through the makeshift gallery. You love your kids, but you really don't want them breathing down your neck as you look at all the art. You're almost at the end when you hear a familiar voice calling your name, and you turn to find Ellie walking toward you with Joel and, who you assume to be her uncle, next to her. 
"Hey, kid! I'm so happy to see you here!" You say sincerely, and she smiles shyly. You turn to her uncle and hold your hand out to introduce yourself. 
"Tommy. We sure have heard a whole lot bout you at home." He says with a smirk, and you laugh. 
"All good things, I hope."
"Of course. Ellie just bout worships the ground you walk on," he says. "Joel was singin' your praises, too." 
"Alright, I think that's enough. Why don't y'all go walk around, and I'll catch up with ya?" He suggests, and Tommy chuckles. Another teacher calls Ellie's name from down the hallway, and she's quick to drag Tommy off to meet him, leaving you and Joel alone. He's replaced his black shirt with a light blue dress shirt, and it looks like he's recently trimmed his beard. He looks nice.
"Singing praises, huh?" You raise your eyebrows at him, and he smiles sheepishly. "Thank you for the coffee the other morning, by the way. It was a really nice surprise." 
"Figured it was the least I could do to thank you for takin' such good care of my girl." 
"Well, thank you. I owe you." 
"You don't owe me a thing," he says. "Although, Tommy was a little upset that I didn't bill you for lookin' at the projector." 
"Was he?" You ask, and he nods.
"Oh, yeah," he laughs. "Said next time I should, at least, ask you on a date."
"Mr. Miller-"
"I thought you agreed to call me Joel." He raises his eyebrows in a silent challenge, and you shake your head, fighting a smile.
"Joel, while I'm flattered by the offer from someone so handsome-"
"You think I'm handsome?"
"I can't date my students' parents." You say, ignoring his question, but even then, the playful look on his face doesn't fade. "Well, I can leave you to it. I know Ellie will probably want to show you around." 
"Right. Of course," he says. "It's really nice to see you."
"You, too. I'm just glad I didn't have paint in my hair this time."
"I don't know. I thought it was kinda cute." You feel yourself blush at his words, but you have to shut it down before it can become anything more than flattery. You take a deep breath and try not to let that stupid smirk weaken your knees as he watches you.
"Goodnight, Joel."
"Goodnight, ma'am." He says, tipping his head politely before sauntering down the hallway like he owns the place. Trouble, you think to yourself. But you can handle trouble. It's in your job description, for Christ's sake. 
So, you brush off the flirting and try to ignore how his kindness and sweet words made you feel. You absolutely cannot flirt with the parent of one of your students. Dating is completely off the table. You can handle this like an adult. You have to. 
After a cold shower and a leftover dinner, you check your email once more before going to bed that night. Sitting in your inbox with alarming clarity is an email from Ellie with the subject line: Art Club. Her email is somehow just as short as her subject line. 
Simply, "When can I start -E." 
TAGLIST: @abbyhaslongshorts @kiwiharrykiwi @sumsworldz @myloveistoolittle @anavatazes @marantha
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galaxymagitech · 17 days
I went down to the beach and there she stood Dark and tall, at the edge of the wood "The sky's too big, I'm scared," I cried She replied, "Young man, don't you know there's more to life than the moon and the President's wife?"
I love this rhyme. It's haunting and conversational at the same time.
Missy claimed that the Doctor stole "the moon and the President's wife," although the Doctor disputes this story ("It was the President's daughter. I didn't steal the moon, I lost it.")
The beach could be a reference to Bad Wolf Bay, or the juxtaposition of the forest and water could be a reference to River Song...but it seems more likely that this beach is on Gallifrey.
So, I'm picturing a young Doctor on Gallifrey, who's been rebelling in a very prescribed way. Like, he's been causing trouble, being a chaotic menace to society. But he hasn't run off and completely rebelled. He haven't done anything too unusual yet.
The way you'd hear them tell it, they wanted to leave since the beginning. But here, they're initially afraid of the wider world. It's too big out there. The Doctor needs to be encouraged to start their adventures, told there's more to the world than this very set, teenage way of rebellion.
The woman giving advice to the Doctor is "dark and tall" and is a mentor-figure calling the Doctor "young man." Could be Borusa, but Borusa has always been more traditional. Could be the TARDIS, who is certainly "dark and tall." Could be Tecteun or the Doctor's mother. I do kind of suspect Tecteun. Could be someone we haven't met. Definitely is not a Clara echo, though, she's too short.
I'm getting a really clear snapshot of this scene in my head, and it's not even a real scene. But it's awesome. There are so many cool things in the dialogue for Boom.
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You’re the psychiatrist tasked to diagnose Michael Myers after his latest killing spree. He doesn’t appreciate your line of questioning. Michael Myers!Female Reader.
masterlist 🩷 ao3
tags: non con, rough sex, hair pulling, stalking, slasher, knife, injury, overstimulation, unprotected sex, squirting, humiliation, pwp
The room wasn’t pitch black but it was dark, dark enough that Michael appeared as a silhouette to you. He had chains around his arms, and his ankles, fixing him to the wall behind him, his head hanging low, so you could only see the mess of dark curls on his head. You knew he was young, but seeing it in the flesh somehow made him even more menacing.
“Is that legal?” You asked, nodding to the chains.
“It’s the only way to keep him down, ma’am.” The guard grunted at you and you sighed, taking a seat in the only chair in the small room. From this angle, Michael’s tall and muscular form was even more intimidating. They didn’t have prison jumpsuits in his size, apparently, as the fabric threatened to tear around his biceps and his thighs. He wasn’t even flexing.
“Hello, Michael.” You said solemnly. “I’m your state ordered psychiatrist.” He didn’t respond, he didn’t lift his head. You hadn’t expected anything else. You’d read Doctor Loomis’ notes. Michael was selectively mute, and he had been since he was six years old. You didn’t expect one session with you would do anything to change that. Still, you were paid to do a job, so you were prepared to go through the motions.
“I’m here to try and determine why you would commit another murder fifteen years after your first episode.” Nothing. “What made you do it, Michael? Were you jealous? Those young teenagers out living their lives while you’re in confinement?” No response. “It must be hard to socialise in the hospital, there can’t be anyone there your age, certainly no girls.” More silence. “It must be hard to meet girls, right, Michael?” The chains didn’t even rattle. “You killed a lot of girls tonight, Michael. Young, pretty girls. But you didn’t rape any of them. Perhaps it’s your impotence that made you kill them, are you jealous of that?” Michael didn’t say a word, the only thing you could hear was his breathing, even that sounded calm.
You probed him with a few more unanswered questions for the better part of an hour before you finally left, with only a few meagre notes but nothing else.
Your phone vibrated on your drive back but you ignored it until you were opening the door to your office. It was a missed call from the prison and a voicemail. You dumped your bag and Michael’s file on your desk and pressed a button on your phone to listen to it but before you could, your office door banged loudly.
You span around, completely unprepared to see Michael Myers standing in the gaping hole where your door used to be. The prison jumpsuit was gone, and replaced with the dark blue of a mechanic’s boilersuit, undoubtedly that used to belong to a poor, dead mechanic lying between the prison and here. His mask sat menacingly over his curls, giving you that eerie blank gaze as he walked into your office, raising his knife in his right hand.
“M-Michael!” You stuttered, scurrying back and hitting your desk. “What are you doing here? What-” He didn’t stop until he was in front of you, only a few inches of air separating your two bodies. You clutched the edge of your desk as you looked up at him, he was at least two feet taller than you, his mask glanced down and watching you, his chest rising and falling with that calm, calm breath.
“Please don’t do this.” You begged uselessly, paralysed with fear. He raised the knife and you sobbed and closed your eyes. The crack of wood jolted your eyes open. Michael’s blade was embedded in your desk, spearing through his file. The tip penetrating one hastily scribbled word. Impotent.
“What-” You tried, your brain a scrambled mess. Michael, apparently furious by your accusation, gripped you by the elbow and threw you down onto the couch. It was black leather and it hurt when you collided with it. You screamed as Michael fisted your hair and suddenly you were tasting leather, face down on the cushion and ass in the air.
Michael hiked your skirt up over your hips and ripped through your tights and panties with one swift movement. Your heart thudded in your chest. You tried to plead but his cock was already in you, splitting your unprepared cunt open on what you could only imagine was a fucking massive cock. He held you down immobile as he slammed into you. It was a brutal, fast fuck, carving open your insides like a pumpkin, lasting only a minute before he was stilling and cumming up your cunt. You gasped in pain and surprise and then he pulled out, the thick pressure suddenly gone from you, only a gaping hole with Michael’s spunk dripping out remained.
You breathed heavily against the leather. Your cunt felt like it was on fire. Shame and pain washed over you. The hand in your hair was still holding strong but honestly, you were too fucking scared to move. Michael had just raped you, cum inside you. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
You sobbed into the couch before you felt Michael’s fingers digging into your sore, empty cunt. They were nearly as big as his cock and you wailed. “Fuck, no, Michael, not again, please!”
He doesn’t listen, fingering you brutally, twisting the thick digits in your cunt and against your sweet spot until you were squirting all over his hand with a cry.
He pulled out suddenly, surprised by the reaction, and all you could do was whimper as he landed a sharp spank on your cunt, your clit, catching all of you in his large hand. The force of it sent tremors through your whole body and you screamed. He did it again, and again, and again, landing firm, sharp spanks over your sensitive slit, your clit trembling desperately against him. You sobbed in pain, begging him to stop, until finally he did, flipping you over on the couch until you were facing him.
You could see your cunt like this, how bright red and swollen it was, you could also see Michael towering over you. His cock was as big as it felt, curved and veined and wet with you, his fingers were too - all four of them - and he curled his hand around your hip to yank you down the couch and sink his cock right back inside you.
You gurgled. Your cunt was so spent and sore and sensitive but you couldn’t even protest as Michael clamped his huge hand around your neck and held you still, pounding you and forcing you to watch it happen. His cock going in and out, in and out, coming out wetter each time, and everytime he filled you, your eyes rolled into the back of your head and your toes curled in the small of his back. It felt incredible, and you couldn’t stop yourself cumming and squirting all over both of you.
Michael slowed his thrusts a little when you did, dragging his hand through your folds and gathering the wetness there. You whined when he threw it in your face, breaking down into fresh sobs at the humiliating act.
His cock sped back up again and you were delirious with it, clenching down on him. It felt like he was in your fucking guts but you didn’t want him anywhere else. Your hand migrated down without realising, rubbing your desperate little clit until you came again with a moan.
Michael pulled out of you with enough force to make your head spin, and when you managed to glance down, you saw his cock bobbing wetly at your hole, trying desperately to find your wet opening again, but his hands were on your cunt, pulling your lips apart and inspecting the little nub still trembling from the aftershocks of orgasm.
He took your clit in his fingers and twisted cruelly, forcing your back to arch and a gurgled scream to make its way out of your throat. You were so sensitive and not meant to bend that way but he didn’t care, doing it again and making you screech like a banshee. He shoved back inside you at the same time, fucking you harder and stronger than before as he twisted and rubbed your clit with cruel fingers until it was raw and you were clenching and crying and cumming with a painful intensity you’d never felt before.
“Fuck, Michael, fuck, stop!”
He fucked you with long, brutal strokes for the longest few minutes of your life before he finally stilled, filling up your aching cunt with the second load of the night. It didn’t even drip back out of you with how deep he was. You imagined the white seed was splashing your cervix.
You were shivering in oversensitivity, your entire body a wreck as Michael finally pulled his softening cock out of your wrecked hole and slapped it against your puffy slit a few times, making you jolt.
He zipped up and went back to your desk, retrieving his knife from the cracked wood. His file fluttered to the ground. You expected him to kill you, but he didn’t, he just went back to the ruined door and left. You were sure you imagined him tucking your ripped panties into his pocket on the way out.
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live-laugh-lenney · 3 months
A little bit of smut please🫣
Lingerie reaction for Arthur and George
i don't think i've done any kind of mature content for either of them yet so... jeez, i hope this is okay... i'm gonna write this for arthur, right now, and then maybe we can discuss george and his missus in lingerie...
arthur loves lingerie.
for someone that portrays himself as awkward and shy and almost completely innocent and practically virginal, he had a side to him that always sprung out whenever he was home alone with his girlfriend. a side that only came when he knew she had something special that she wanted to show him. a side that made him seem like a menace, almost like he was a horny teenage boy who had been left alone with his female celebrity crush, becoming touchy and needy.
she teases him.
she'll wear the lingerie beneath an article of his clothing that she had chosen to wear for the evening as they wound down from their busy days. whether it be his adidas jumper (which she loves and definitely stole from his wardrobe) or one of his baggy tees, it would be all she used as a cover up... stretching the neck so it showed her bra strap to tease him a touch when they were sat on the sofa and having it rolled up at the hem so her knickers were on show as she reached up high for the snacks on the top shelf in his kitchen... and she could hear his breath hitching in his throat when he realised just what she was upto.
"can you come and grab the biscuits from the top shelf?"
"you can get them," he hums from the sofa and he really didn't want to stand to his feet because the bulge in his pants had become even more prominent than he had hoped it would be, "i like the view from here."
"you're just a little pervert," she rolled her eyes and she's glad she has her back to him so he can't see the smirk that's sitting on her lips, "i just need some help from my very tall, very handsome man who just has the advantage."
"what do i get out of it?"
"a happy girlfriend," she retorts and he scoffs and rolls his eyes, his gaze barely leaving the plump cheeks of her bum and the floral lace that clung to her flesh, "please?"
she can hear him stand up, she can hear his feet padding across the open plan living room slash kitchen and she shudders at the feeling of his hands cupping her waist as she regained her normal height and stood back on flat feet rather than her tiptoes, teasingly brushing her behind against his crotch and feeling the result that she expected.
"you knew what you were doing," he whispers lowly, almost growling in her ear, and he traps her between the kitchen counter and his body and she makes no attempt at making a move away from him, "you're just a tease. a bloody tease."
"it worked though," she states, his fingers digging into her hips as he held her figure still, his hips slowly rocking back and forth and she could feel the friction of their clothes rubbing together, "what are you going to do?"
he turns her around and she takes a look at his face; his cheeks are pink, his eyes are darker, his jaw is tense and his lips are damp and wet from his tongue. hoisting her up on the kitchen counter and she needed no encouragement in undoing the knot of his bottoms and using her heels to push them to the floor, pooling at his ankles. his boxers stretching to accommodate the boner he was sporting. his fingers slide across the crotch of her knickers and she feels the chill in the air against her damp folds and he wastes no time in teasing at the bundle of nerves between her thighs... enough to make his cock twitch in his pants and she felt bad for keeping him restrained... her own fingers hooking into the elastic of his boxer shorts and pulling them down to his knees, freeing him and letting the cool air hit his exposed skin.
"where did you get this from?" he asks, lips brushing against hers as he leaned in for a kiss, his warm breath washing over her face and her own catches in her throat, his fingers collecting the moisture that was forming and coating his digits, "it's a shame you couldn't show me the whole thing."
"you were just too eager," she informs him, arms wrapping around his shoulders and her fingers digging into his hair, tugging at the tufts at the nape of his neck, "too eager. that was the plan."
"the plan on being fucked on the counter?" he questions and she can feel her cheeks flushing at the words rolling off of his tongue, "that was what you wanted, huh?"
"need to leave a memory in every room for you to remember," she grins and his lips greet hers with a hungry smooch that involved his tongue leaving his mouth and fighting against hers, her arms pulling him close and his hands gripping at her waist, pulling her closer and allowing the glistening tip of his cock to brush against her inner thigh and silently informing her just how needy he was, "it's all yours, baby."
and he doesn't need coaxing. he gave himself a couple of pumps with the fingers he used to spread her juices across the heat between her legs and lines himself up, gulping thickly and maintaining deep eye contact with her as he pushes his hips forward and fills her up with his entirety. her head rolling back and a deep, guttural groan rolling of her tongue from deep within her, matching the whimper that left his mouth as he pauses for a moment to let her adjust around his girth.
her sleeve-covered hands remain on his shoulders, her fingers still holding onto his hair with a tight grip in each fist, and she shudders and the goosebumps rise upon her skin as he attaches his lips to her neck and covers her skin with the softest kisses, his hips rocking back and forth and back and forth as he filled her with pleasure. her begs for him to go deeper filling the room, their heavy breathing and their heavy panting filling the gaps, her name escaping his mouth as she cries out from the thrill happening in that moment.
"let me know when," he insists, his hands trailing underneath the hem of the jumper on her body, his fingertips brushing over her bare skin, "let me know."
she nods and he drops his forehead to hers, eyes looking deeply into hers, and she can feel her toes beginning to curl. her thighs clench and she brings him closer by digging her heels into the base of his back, her hands cupping his cheeks and her mouth drop further and further open with each thrust he pushes into her, twitching between her walls and she swears, every single time, that he always knows the right spot and hits it every time.
"so good," she pants and she can feel the ache beginning to form in her belly, a burning sensation as she feels herself getting closer and closer to a release, "i'm so close, baby."
"so close," he repeats for himself and the sounds of his thrust start sounding sloppy and wet and he grunts out with a rasp in his throat and feels himself start to get weak at the knees, "c'mon, lovie. cum for me."
and it's all she needs to feel herself tense and clench down on his cock, their releases mixing together, and his rhythm becomes almost unrhythmic and each thrust is sporadic and almost like a burst of energy urges his hips forward. his head dropping to her shoulder, slowing his hips down, as she drops her cheek to the top of his head and squeezes her eyes shut.
"you're the best," he whispers into the cotton, sniffling before he lifts his head to look at her. his entire face glistening with sweat, his lips swollen from their kisses, his cheeks pink and his eyes no longer dark but full of lust and post-sex that always made him look heavenly, "the best."
he slowly pulls himself from within her and reaches down to pull his boxers back to his hips, followed by his bottoms, and she covers up by adjusting her knickers, knowing everything they were wearing was going to need to go in the next days wash. his arms wrap around her waist and her legs hook around his, her arms sitting on his shoulders, and he lifts her from the counter. koala-clinging to his front as he makes his way back to the sofa, making a mental reminder to give the kitchen counter a proper deep-clean before they went to bed... before anyone came back from their saturday night on the town... before george and arthur and chris had any inclination as to what had just happened.
"you'll wear that for me again, right?" he asks her and she yawns, nodding softly, "good."
"what did you think of it?"
"it's the sexiest one yet," he hums into her hair, pressing a kiss to her head before he closed his eyes, the feeling of her tucking the blanket around them making him feel cosy, "you can choose the movie. i'm too knackered to even think about those decisions right now."
"how about we just... go to bed?"
"i can't go again," he laughs softly and she scoffs and pushes his chest with her hands, "it's only half nine. we've got ages before the lads are back." xx
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pimosworld · 2 months
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Pairing- Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary- Joel never gets pushed too far, except when it comes to you.
CW-18+,MDNI,NSFW, jackson era Joel, established relationship, Ellie is a menace, reader is a bad ass, canon typical violence, blood, wounds, minor character death, protective Joel, protective reader, Angst, Smut,unprotected piv,Joel needs a big ol hug, no description of reader, no use of y/n.
A/N- Joel has inspired me lately and I may be procrastinating too much with him but I just can’t help myself.
[Main Masterlist][Joel Miller Masterlist]
Not beta read
Maybe you should’ve pushed back a little when Ellie suggested you travel a little further to the pond just outside of the patrol area. Some small part of you was still trying to bond with the teenager despite you knowing how much she admired you. It was a little selfish to want to impress someone that knew next to nothing about what the world had been. 
  She was so persistent and just like Joel you couldn’t resist those eyes and her smile. 
  “Please I promise it will be quick.” Her face was fixed in a pout and you thought what harm could it be to let her live a little. 
  You’d spent months on this route, many times with Joel,Tommy or Ellie. You hadn’t seen a living soul out here in so long that you forgot what you were even patrolling for. 
  You feel a push in the direction down the tall grass path as the sweat drips down your back. The first really hot day you’ve had in a while and it makes you dizzy. Unable to form a coherent thought. All poor excuses for not being able to make the right decisions. 
  You suppose the horses need a break too as the pond comes into view like a mirage. Ellie trotting a little faster when she sees the ripple of the water calling her name. You can hear it faintly in the distance calling out to you as the shade from the willow casts a perfect shadow onto the landscape in front of you. The lush green, tiny leaves still flowing in the light breeze before the heat has them give way to yellow and orange. 
  She’s already off her horse, socks and shoes discarded as she steps boldly into the water up to her knees. Joel would kill her for being so careless with her clothes but you know he often forgot how impatient children could be. 
  He was equally as impatient with you when you’d return from a long day of not seeing him, not being able to run your fingers through his soft curls at the nape of his neck. Not wanting to waste another moment with your body pressed up against his. He’d take you in the hallway when Ellie was gone, practically tripping over himself to get to you. 
  You try not to think about that now as you strip your boots off next to the water. Unlike Ellie you don’t fancy wet pants so you take those off too, laying them gently along the horse's back. You try not to think about how nice it would be to dip into this pond with him, bare as you float with your legs wrapped around his waist while he holds you safely under so not to expose you to the elements or any prying eyes. 
  Perhaps the prying eyes you would’ve seen had Ellie not pushed you into the cold water. It takes your breath away at first. Despite the heat outside, the last remnants of snow seem to still linger in this private sanctuary. The water is colder than anything you’ve felt. You come up gasping for air as she stands before you keeled over in laughter and you can’t help but join her when you look down at your disheveled state. 
  “Wow you’re so clumsy.” She says as she feigns innocence. 
  “That was a dirty trick.” You splash her as she screams running back to the water's edge. “I’m gonna tell Joel you’re afraid of water.” You yell back at her as your body acclimates to the frigid temperature. The oversized shirt you borrowed from Joel clinging to your skin as your hands skim along the tops of the water. 
  “You wouldn’t dare loser. I’ll tell him this was your idea.” You know she would too, and he might’ve believed her had the circumstances been different. 
  Ellie’s already lacing up her boots when you hear it. A disturbance in the trees too loud over the sound of your heart beating faster. The hair standing up on the back of your neck as you turn around and lock eyes with two men on horseback. Two men who’ve never set foot in the little community you’ve built into a family. Two men who don’t look like they want to ask for directions. Two men sizing up the competition while you scramble for a way to get Ellie to safety because you know Joel would kill you if you contemplated any less. 
  “Well aren’t you just an angel in white.” The younger man says as he takes you in. Your shirt soaked through leaving nothing to the imagination and your damn pants draped neatly on your horse. 
  You can hear your name being called again as you turn to Ellie, wide eyed across the pond. 
  “What the fuck no, I’m not leaving you!” She yells back, the ever overconfident spit fire that she is. 
  A quick whistle behind you and you’re moving to the water line before they cut you both off. It’s save Ellie or none of you. 
  “Ellie so help me god, if you never listen to me another day in your life listen to me right now and go!” She starts to protest but the horse beside her is getting restless. “I promise I’ll be right behind you.” 
  Even if it’s not true you say it all the same. She mounts her horse with tears in her eyes as she takes off through the tall grass. 
  “We got a runner.” The man not much older than Joel juts his chin on Ellie’s direction. You’re grateful she’s far out of your eyesight with her horse that’s much faster than yours. 
  “Want me to go after her?” The other man snarls as if you’re not standing right there. Enough of a distraction to at least make it near your horse. 
  The last thing you want is to be stuck between these two desperate souls. Without pants…that’s not how you expected to die. Wading through this cool oasis only to be met by the devil. 
  “No loose ends.” He smirks at you as you retrieve your bow from the pack on your horse. You don’t suppose he knew those would be his last words, but he pushed you to this. 
  You raise your arm high, steadying the bow as you feel the tension of the string beneath your fingers. Joel always said you were a better shot with this than a revolver and he could never figure out how. 
  “Now what are you gonna do with that besides piss me —“ . It’s only the sound of the whoosh next to your ear before he’s clutching his hands around the arrow lodged in his throat. His partner's momentary shock buys you enough time to at least get half dressed before you mount your horse. 
  His dramatic fall to the ground causes his horse to skitter off as you give chase in the opposite direction of Ellie, the opposite direction of the safe town that you love so much that holds the man who loves you just as hard. Who will be cursing you for being the savior when you could’ve been selfish. 
  Joel hates these days. Bright, beautiful, sunny days. It’s days like these where things always seemed to go wrong. Like the universe knows to throw a little chaos into something otherwise so perfect. Nothing in this world is allowed to be that perfect. Except you. 
  You were the reason he started drifting away from the gloom and overcast and started to bask in the sun. Let the warmth of the rays wash over him like a golden flame bath. 
  When he’d catch you laying in the yard just glowing and he never wanted to disturb you but you always seemed to know when his presence loomed near. Maybe his scent or the magnetic pull you both had on each other as you pat the patch of grass next you. He’d grumble about his back and his knees later but in those moments he didn’t care. Not when you smile so sweet next to him as you block the sun with your hand. 
  “Where’s Ellie?” You already half know the answer. If she was anywhere near she’d have been out here grumbling just like Joel about you laying in the sun all while joining you in the activity. 
  “She’s at a friends…why’d ya-.” He can’t even get the words out before you’re up. Throwing one leg over his waist as you push him down. He grunts and lays back rolling his eyes at your theatrics. 
  He doesn’t really think you’re gonna do what it looks like you’re doing and he’s proved right when you scoot down just enough to settle onto his chest. The front of you all warm against him as you breathe in the smell of his flannel. Your arms come to rest on his shoulders as you wiggles your ass a little more to find the right spot. He just looks down at you curiously as you tilt your head to the side and sigh. Finally content with your position on top of him, listening to his steady heartbeat. 
  His heartbeat has picked up a little at the close proximity of you. A position you’ve been in much more compromising in your shared bedroom with much less clothes. He can see it now as he closes his eyes, your naked body on top of his as you take from him what you want. You chuckle as you feel his cock twitch beneath you as he lets his mind wander a little further. That earns you a pinch which makes you laugh even harder. 
  “Quit squirmin’ honey or I’m gonna have to do something’ about this.” His hands grip your waist as he pulls you in closer and a shudder runs through your body. 
  “M’ not squirmin’.” You mumble into his chest. 
  “Mhmm, ya comfortable enough?” His voice is low and slow like he’s drifting off to sleep. 
  “Ya Miller, I’m comfortable.” 
  The sun is still high in the sky, but he can tell it’s later than it should be. He stands with his arms crossed against the gate staring off into the open plains. You and Ellie were always punctual with morning patrol returns. Or maybe he should say you. The routine you grew to love when you were first assigned. It left you the day to do what you wanted. Take a nap, read a book, make dinner and visit with Maria. 
  He’s growing impatient as he watches the horizon for any signs of you. His eyes playing tricks on him when he thinks he can procure an image of the two of you laughing about something as you approach the town. He squints even more and he can hear your voice now telling him in another life he’d need an optometrist. 
  He pushes off the gate when another image threatens to make him think he’s lost his mind. He thinks he has when his heart drops into his stomach at the sight of Ellie on her horse. Kicking up dust and riding faster towards him than he’s ever seen in his life. The two of you aren’t racing or playing some sick joke on him. It’s just her coming into view, panicked eyes as she locks onto his. 
  He doesn’t wait for Tommy, doesn’t wait for backup that may slow him down anyways as he mounts his horse to meet her in the open. Not bothering to tell the patrol past the gate what he’s doing and where he’s going. 
  He can see the dry tears and the fresh ones too as he gets closer to her. “Where?” He doesn’t have time to worry about the what, why or how. 
  “The pond.” She chokes out as he curses under his breath. “It was all my fault…I just -.” 
  “Save it.” It’s said harsher than he intends but he still can’t help himself. Knowing whose idea it was to go beyond the chartered territory. Knowing you had a weak spot who happened to be named Ellie. His quick bite is enough of a punishment as he takes off in the same direction she came from. He knows she beat herself up enough on the way here and probably made up time with the way she pushed her horse. 
  He leaves her in the dust as the sound of hoofbeats pound the dry ground beneath him. His chest burns like he’s running as he grips the reins tighter with each passing second. The sweat drips down his back that aches with the pressure of not having ridden this hard in years. He got too comfortable in this town, too used to the mundane way of life. He hadn’t been reminded of what it felt like to have that dread creep in. To feel the rush of adrenaline that he grew so used to in his past life. 
  He’s gone soft. 
  The relaxed fall turned into a lazy winter with no murmurs of trouble or infected. Spring made it feel like some utopia that they’d stumbled upon and he’d let the universe pull the wool over his eyes. 
  You shouldn’t be here…a bright sunny day as it beats down on him. Taunting him with how beautiful the landscape is around him as he barrels through the trees into the undesignated area. 
  The one rule he told you never to break because trouble lurks near water. People, animals, monsters. 
  He comes to an abrupt stop at the edge of the water searching for any sign of you. There’s an unfamiliar horse next to an unrecognizable body. He does recognize one thing jutting out of the man’s throat. An arrow. A clean shot, cutting off his airway. He likely died slow as his throat filled with blood and he choked on it until he couldn’t breathe anymore. 
  He tears his eyes away from the nameless bastard and locks onto your boots. His chest tightens even more at the sight and he’s trying hard to fill his lungs with air. He’s suffocating much like the lifeless body next to him. 
  He hears your shriek of his name as he whips his head around and sees nothing. Just the trees blowing in the wind. He shouts for you as the weight piles on. The horse beneath him grows frantic as your cries echo in his mind. 
  This is quite possibly the worst time to be having a panic attack but that’s all he feels as he bellows your name. Each call a heavier weight on his chest until  no sound escapes at all. He clutches at his shirt trying to rip it free from his body, it’s too hot and clingy and he can’t get any air. 
  “Joel!” Nothing, just blackness behind his eyes. “Joel, honey, wake up!” 
  His hands are shaking as he blinks trying to figure out where you are. 
  “Honey, look at me.” You’re straddling his waist with your hands on his chest. Fresh tears rolling down your face with wide panicked eyes. 
  He pushes you off him so fast it startles you. You’ve switched positions now as he traps your body between his arms. You’re not entirely sure he’s fully aware of the situation and that scares you a little. The sweat dripping from his brow and the way his chest heaves with every breath. 
  He pulls your face back with his large palms and grips your chin in his hand. Frantically tossing it side to side. “Are you hurt?” His voice is wrecked from yelling for god knows how long. 
  “No Joel, I’m fine.” You say as a tear that’s not yours drops down onto your face. 
  “Did he hurt you?” It’s strained and shaky as he pulls up your shirt, his that he lets you borrow at night. Inspecting your body for any signs of damage. You just shake your head afraid of answering in a sob, the lump forming in your throat at the sight of him still so worried. 
  He breathes in deep through his nose and lets out a small sigh of relief. His head drops to the crook of your neck as he lets the full weight of him fall into you. You’re both exhausted for completely different reasons. It was starting to scare you not being able to pull him out of this nightmare. He just kept screaming your name as you tried to shake him awake. You didn’t want him to endure any longer what was plaguing his mind when he was supposed to be sleeping peacefully at your side. 
  It’s a moment before he speaks. You rubbing his back as you kiss him softly reassuring him that you were right where you needed to be. 
  “Don’t you ever do anything like that to me again.” He murmurs into your neck in all seriousness. “You come straight home next time.” 
  “Yes Miller, I’ll always come home to you.” Now’s not the time to tease so you just agree to never commit whatever atrocity it was that had him gripped with fear. Although you can take a wild guess that your name will be scratched from the patrol board for a few weeks. 
  He sits up a little to look down at you. His eyes are still red but a little more of your Joel in them. He plants a long kiss to your forehead as you place your hand over his heart. The steady thump under your palm much calmer than before. 
  “Where’s Ellie?” 
  “She’s at a friend's house, remember?” 
  Faintly he recalls her asking and you telling her yes, that must have been hours ago. All he knows now is that you’re alone and that he didn’t wake her. 
  You’re alone
  As his hands drift under the hem of the oversized shirt. Your soft skin raised with goosebumps as his fingers trail up higher until he reaches the underside of your breast. 
  “Joel.” You gently stop him and search his eyes in the dark room. “Are you sure?” 
  “Please baby, I need you.” Joel groans out, his plea much different at this hour. He needs to feel that you’re real, that you’re here. The strongest soul couldn’t resist Joel Miller begging for you like his life depends on it. 
  When you oblige it’s frantic, his hands pulling the shirt over your head while your foot hooks into his boxers dragging them down. His mouth is all over you, kissing and biting and breathing you in. He’s growling in your ear that he needs to be inside you and you know he’s desperate when he normally takes his sweet time with you. 
  This isn’t like one of those times and you don’t need it to be. You just need him, all of him all the time. 
  A groan leaves his lips as you grip the base of his cock, rubbing it between your folds. You’re so wet already at the sight of him above you, his arms bracing his weight so you can like him up. 
  It’s sinful the sound that leaves your mouth when he pushes in,burying himself to the hilt in one fluid motion. “Shit sweetheart, so tight.” His words are slurred as he braces his hand on the headboard behind you. His other hand gripping your thigh over his waist. 
  You don’t have a chance to respond. Only moans and whimpers of his name as he punches the air from your lungs with each thrust of his hips. The sound of skin on skin as you cling to his biceps and shoulders, anything to keep you from tipping over the edge too soon. 
  He’s babbling above you about how perfect you feel and you just clench around him at the praise. 
  He’s close and he can see just as much as feel how close you are by the way your eyes practically roll in the back of your head when he angles your hips up, hitting that spot deep inside that only he could seem to find. 
  He reaches between your sweat soaked bodies trailing his hands down but you stop him. He thinks he’s done something wrong briefly until you place his hand back on your thigh and that look of longing flashes in your eyes. “I want to come like this.”  
  He grits his teeth at the filthiest thing you’ve ever said. Fucking you with vigor as his hips begin the falter. 
  “Can I?”
  “Fuck yes Joel, come inside me please.” 
  The pressure boils over at your words. The way it comes out all rushed and desperate. You’re arching your back as you fall over the edge with him. You’re clinging to him like a life vest as he groans in your ear. The light flashing behind his eyes at the most mind blowing orgasm he’s ever had. 
  He pushes down that feeling that he almost lost you. The one that isn’t real because you’re right here beneath him, looking at him as you brush the hair back from his face like he hung the moon. He kisses the corner of your mouth and down your jaw as you sleepily humm to yourself. 
  “I’m sorry for wakin’ ya darlin.” 
  “It’s okay Joel, don’t have patrol for a couple days.” 
  Tommy can bitch all he wants, you’ll never have patrol again. 
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated
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methoughtsphantom · 3 months
Wine Aunt Fright Knight Au
Have me a Fright Knight mistaking bby ghost Jason for the halfa child and kidnapping him, leaving him alone for a moment only to find the bby ghost freed himself in seconds and hid to grab him from behind and backflip him so fast he send him crashing to the window of which the kid stole the black curtain of to hide the makeshift of a mess his robin suit was.
hearing as he gets his bearings “sorry guy i already filled my quota in being kidnapped by tall black and broody shadow cryptids.” and watching the little dude disappear in a dramatic cape (curtain) sweep.
having the child pull up sometimes to the place he kidnapped him to to, in his words, eye some books he saw the first time. threaten to pull out the big guns (his sword) and make the kid live his worst nightmare only to get as a reply how unoriginal he is, like been there done that dude, rip off a new one, scarecrow did it better
literally having a bby ghost dodge every single attempt you make at slashing them with your sword without ever having to rely on his ghost powers, the kid is just like part acrobat and martial artist and escape artist and knows to pinpoint every fear tactic he uses and is just snark personified except when he throws at the older ghost references of books he doesn’t have in his lair to make him have them the next time he comes by
Jason the first time he knocks the bucket head of the Fright Knight: i thought you were the black knight not the headless horse, what the fuck really, did your mom just put all the legends in a blender and called it a day??
just a newborn ghost that apparently doesn’t even know how to ghost (nothing can convince Fright Knight that that isn’t why he doesn’t use his powers) and that he always tell to scurrie off nevermind he reminds him of someone, the kid just got quiet the one time he didn’t answer with a grunt and asked who.
just a lil teenager reminiscent of the fighting, a kid so obviously made out to be a weapon that it slowly tears at the Fright Knight how clear it always was.
just a big scary knight of terror ghost at first frustrating over this menace of a child he doesn’t want to acknowledge he’s getting fond of so he continues to attempt to slash him with his sword knowing the second the kid disappeared he would bring him back, and to who he glowers to when he sits next to him to read a book and talk about it. infinitely confused on why the kid seeks out his presence like there’s something familiar of it. begrudgingly coming to the realization he doesn’t want the kid to hurt. hesitantly making peace that’s it’s just jason projecting a safe figure of his past on him.
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soulmate-game · 11 months
Work burned me out, middle management positions are draining. What was supposed to be an angsty oneshot is now… yeah I’m continuing it. Not a full series, just a two-parter… hopefully.
Part 1
“…” she stared at the being in front of her, face frighteningly blank. Next to her, Bruce fidgeted.
“I’m not going anywhere, so you either gotta learn to love me real quick or get lost quicker,” the child snarked from where he was sitting upside-down on the bat computer chair. “And don’t call me Richard, my name’s Dick.”
“I don’t remember you working with a fetus, Batman,” Marinette slowly drawled, emphasizing the vigilante’s name despite none of the three of them being suited up. Dick shot up with a cry of indignation.
“I am not a fetus! I’m fifteen! I’ve been Robin since I was twelve!”
“Nope,” Marinette countered, unmoved. “I started out as Ladybug when I was twelve, and I was never as small as you,” she blatantly lied. Dick was already taller than her, which wasn’t much of an achievement considering that she was five-foot-one-inch tall. “You are six years old, tops.”
Dick let out an almost inhuman screech of complaint. Even as he rambled on angrily about how wrong she was, Marinette only nodded as if he proved her right about something.
“That was a good squawk though. Definitely a birdie.”
It took another twenty minutes before Dick ran off to tell on Marinette to Alfred, giving her and Bruce some alone time. With which she used to whirl to him and immediately hiss in equal parts fury and worry;
“Please tell me he wasn’t—“
“The timeline is gone,” Bruce reminded her, bracing her by putting both his hands on her shoulders. “He doesn’t remember.”
He let out such a heavy sigh that he seemed to deflate with it, his dark circles growing more pronounced.
“He wasn’t supposed to be,” he admitted softly. “When he turned sixteen, last time, I allowed him to form his own team of teen heroes. Supervised from afar by myself of course, not that they knew that. I had given them the order to stay back and guard their city, but they disobeyed me and snuck onto the battlefield anyway.”
Marinette rubbed at her temples, nodding. “Teenagers have a habit of doing that. This time around, can we ask Bunnyx to supervise them? She has all the energy of a teenager, so she’ll fit in, but the maturity of someone trusted to guard all the timelines.”
Bruce paused, thinking of what little he knew of the pastel rabbit themed hero, and then reluctantly nodded. “That… might be for the best. And giving them more opportunities to train with…” he hummed, hand on his chin. “I might actually change things up, in that case. Instead of jumping to put teens on their own in a tower, the old Justice League headquarters is more protected. And if we started with the ‘sidekicks’,” he gave very purposeful air quotes, “of other Leaguers, it would create a better support system than letting teenagers run around with… really, not enough regulation.”
“Gotta love hindsight,” Marinette agreed with a nod. “The whole teenagers by themselves thing only worked for my team because we were overly traumatized and each saw different apocalypses before we turned sixteen. Bunnyx could fix them herself back then, but still.”
“Best to do better by the new generation,” Bruce agreed with her unspoken statement. “I can still put that old team together again when they’re older, support their development elsewhere in the meantime.”
“Oh, and now that we’re done on that topic,” Marinette snapped her fingers before pointing to the staircase that Dick had disappeared up. “He’s going to make my life a living hell, isn’t he?”
Bruce groaned, offering her a lopsided grimace of apology. “He’s a menace,” he agreed. “He’s scared away any woman I’ve brought to the house, even though most of them are completely platonic. I have to make the press believe the whole playboy thing somehow, and inviting my friends over to chat is the easiest way to do so without breaking hearts for real. Dick hasn’t caught on yet,” Bruce rubbed his forehead. “His antics to scare away Selina Kyle are legendary already, and she’s sapphic. She couldn’t be attracted to me if I was the last man on earth.”
“Could have fooled me,” Marinette teased, suddenly impish. “She’s catwoman, isn’t she?”
Bruce narrowed his eyes, saying only: “Chat Noir. Year one.”
It was Marinette’s turn to grimace. “Point taken. But in my defense, he took way too long to realize he’s gay and watched too much anime at the time.”
Bruce let out one of his unfairly charming chuckles, changing position so that his arm was around her shoulders and pulling her to his side. She fit there surprisingly well, for someone almost half his size. She leaned into him, and the both just soaked in the comfort of one another for a long moment.
“You know,” Bruce started for a while. “If you want to stay in Gotham, we can make you another alter ego so that you don’t accidentally lure Shadow Moth here. Tell that fox of yours to make it seem like you’re in Paris and take some of the weight off of your shoulders for a change. Blackmail Constantine into charming some jars to keep the butterflies in until you can purify them.”
“Hmmm.” She closed her eyes. “Ladybird sounds nice. Fits with the bird thing that Robin has going for him.”
Bruce laughed. “That’ll really annoy him,” he warned, amused. Marinette’s close-eyed smile was pure mischief.
“That’s the whole point. I’m not letting a fetus win against me, bat-boy.”
Marinette wasn’t speaking to Bunnyx. Bruce didn’t know what they had said to one another, but he could guess it had to do with Jason.
With his baby, who he just buried. The boy Marinette had thought of a son ever since he first brought him home. She had even smoothed things over between Dick and Jason, which he had considered nothing short of a miracle at the time.
But that miracle was nowhere to be seen now, with Marinette every bit as despondent next to him as he was. He wanted to be angry with her, he did, but he couldn’t. He had seen her blow up at Bunnyx, seen her try to hold her status as Grand Guardian over the bunny holder.
Bunnyx had simply said that she wouldn’t answer to Ladybug until after the grief passed then, and ran away into her burrow.
“Is this the payment?” He heard her whisper, her voice hoarse and broken. “For the do-over? We passed the old timeline. We took down Shadow Moth. Is this the price?” Tears dripped down her face silently, she didn’t seem to notice them. “Was I not a good enough mother? Should I—“ she stopped herself, shaking her head. He didn’t ask what she was about to say. Maybe he should have.
Tim was great. He was too much like Marinette at times, which made Bruce’s chest ache, but he was a great Robin. A great son. His experience with Marinette proved priceless when it came to helping curb Tim’s overworking habits and caffeine addiction.
But not even Tim could find where Marinette had disappeared to, even with his detective skills surpassing Bruce’s already.
Tim was the first son of his that didn’t get to grow up with Marinette at all.
“It’s fine, Baobei,” she whispered, stepping to the side. Behind her was the waterfall that hid the tunnel to the Batcave. “He’s not the one to blame. He did his best, even now he’s doing his best.”
“Then why does—“
“Because other people need him, and he has too big of a heart to turn them away,” her mouth tilted a little, smile lopsided and sad. “Timothy didn’t replace you. He just forced Bruce to live again. Bruce didn’t kill Joker, because he didn’t want to taint another child with the sight of murder.”
“And you?” The voice was dark, deadly, gruff. Older, and yet… so achingly familiar. She smiled at him again, soft and sad and… proud.
“I don’t have one,” she lied. She had tried, tried so hard. Bruce had gotten in her way first, and then the very same desire to not taint more children with the image of death.
But her baby needed a scapegoat, and she was willing to throw herself on the fire for him.
“That’s why it’s fine,” she repeated. “If this is what you want. Just, please. Let it end with me.”
This time, Marinette made sure she had the Time miraculous safely in her pocket. Nobody would interfere with this.
The bullet sent her into the flow of the waterfall, red flowing behind her like the carpet she used to walk down with Bruce whenever she released a new collection. She felt no regret as she closed her eyes and fell.
The shot hadn’t been fatal. Red Hood might have been mad with Pit Rage, but his fondness for his only true mother figure was ever present. He simply wanted to see if she was serious about taking that shot.
His regret was immediate when she didn’t even try to dodge. The bullet had only grazed her shoulder, but she didn’t seem to notice that. She had been so ready to die— to let him kill her— that she had passed out before hitting the water. He dragged her to the Batcave, knowing he had a lot to answer for.
Bruce wished he could have found her sooner, found both of them sooner. But at least they were back.
“… I mean,” she rocked on her heels. “You are growing a bit old for Robin…”
Tim glared at her, not appreciating the insight.
“Bruce is stuck in the timestream, and you aren’t doing a thing about it. I don’t hold your opinion very highly right now,” he snipped back. She snorted, glancing away.
As if that little stunt to “kill Batman” could ever fool her. She’d been there for the real thing, thanks, she could spot a fake a mile away. “He’s got Bunnyx going to find him. She owes me big time, let her do the heavy lifting for a change.”
“How many years have you held that grudge?” Barbara asked, eyebrows raised as she wheeled herself towards the bat computer. “Even Jason thinks you should have let it go by now.”
Marinette scoffed at the exact same time as a certain someone tutted next to her, making them look for a moment like a perfect pair.
Crossed arms, a scoff, annoyed glare? If a DNA test hadn’t already proven otherwise, they might have thought Damian was hers.
“Fetuses don’t get to judge me,” was her only argument before she turned on her heel and walked away.
“I am not a fetus! Lady Marinette, I am ten years old!”
Jason was curled up around Marinette, despite being told numerous times not to crowd her on the med-bay bed. He argued that he shot her, so he gets to nurse her back to health.
Did she use her blood, tainted by years of use of the Ladybug, to purify his pit madness? Yes. Had he figured that out yet? Nope.
“Love you, Mom,” he murmured in his sleep. Marinette, who had been awake for about an hour already, smiled to herself.
“Love you, Baobei.”
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doodle17 · 7 months
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Teen Raz and Lili designs aw yeah baby
I was watching an interview with Nikki Rapp on YouTube because she's the best and I love her, and she actually talked about Raz and Lili a lot (yippeeee) and she talked about how interesting their dynamic is, and how it would develop as they got older, when their teenagers, etc. AUGH isn't she just the BEST
But yeah, that made me want to draw some teen designs for these two
I like to think Raz at this point is an absolute polite and sweet little fella. When the adults are around at least. Once they leave he's a menace :) saying stuff like: "Okie Dokie! I promise we'll be on our bestest behavior!" And then turns around, illuminated by dramatic light, "Alright, which one of you mother fuckers is getting their ass beat for stealing my Psi-cards"
He's tall as hell now, so everyone asks him to grab stuff from shelves for them. He's also tried to cut his own hair because he had "a vision of what it looks like and I can't find a picture for it" and that's why it looks so choppy. He'll definitely let Ford fix it up for him in the future
Lili is probably just as much if a menace as Raz is, if not more. She's besties with her dad, now her mom is her enemy. Absolutely convinced she's goth and evil, but anytime she catches you making fun of MLP she'll beat the shit out of you.
She has a lot of drawings on her upper thighs from when she gets bored, and since she hangs out with her uncle (moms side) and he runs a small tattoo place, she likes doodling on her friends arms and legs too.
Raz is super awkward and clumsy because he's not used to how he's pretty much getting an inch taller almost everyday, so I like to imagine whenever he and Lili play fight he accidentally just-
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He gets his ass burned later
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nani-nonny · 3 months
I was reading your recent DMD update and I was wondering if the teens ever talked to Leo using his Battle Nexus title? Like do they just kinda go up to him and go “Barbarian, can you make me a grilled cheese?” or do they only call him Leo?
oh geez, imagine waddling up to the renowned Battle Nexus Champ—infamous for his seemingly murderous style of fighting and danger vibes altogether—and asking for a grilled cheese sandwich—pfft
But, honestly, great question!
No! :D They don’t. (The closest they get to mentioning Barbarian is by calling him the Battle Nexus Champ or Big Mama’s champ.) Leon tried once, once solely because he was still annoyed the morning after Leo came back from a championship fight instead of listening and staying home.
Leon tried to play it off as a simple “good morning” type of conversation starter, and he was sorely reminded of how terrifying the Nexus warrior, Barbarian, is.
Hmmm… might be unfamiliar or a little scary (or triggering) to mention to some, but it’s kind of like using an ex-gang member’s “street name” out of nowhere. It kind of catches them off guard because it comes out of the mouth of the one they least expect. (Bad example, but this is the best I can think of at the moment lol and is from personal experience. It was how my cousin, an ex-gang member, would react when me and a cousin around my age pranked him once by calling him by his street name. It was a little spooky, don’t recommend but he was very nice about it.)
Umm… think it’s best I write it? Or maybe it’s simple to write for Leo it’s a feeling of, “I don’t like you calling me that.”
I’ll write it anyways: vvvvv
Leon’s happy mood sours when he arrives to the kitchen hearing Leo stumble through the lair and into the medbay. He told Leo not to go to the Battle Nexus, and not just because he still doesn’t like Big Mama. It’s always like this, Leo comes home covered in bruises and scrapes and cuts, barely able to walk into the medbay. Leo rests in the medbay for hours, and still refuses to leave Big Mama’s arena.
Leon grabs a cup of water for Leo and heads into the medbay with a plan in mind—a prank, if you will. A simple, measly prank meant to annoy the elder slider just a little. Just enough to “poke the bear.”
The young slider pops into the medbay, not surprised to see Leo standing near one of the medical wardrobes and bandaging his arm.
Leon looks down to see the trail of blood Leo left behind as the elder slowly rolls the bandage around his forearm. The elder’s back is turned to Leon, so the younger clears his throat before greeting.
“Hey, Barbarian, so what are we going to eat—,” Leon begins but freezes when the elder looks over his shoulder at him.
Leon’s heart stops under the elder’s cold glare. He can feel himself shrink out of pure fear, his blood running cold. All he can think was how this was exactly how he felt when he first witnessed the Barbarian in action that day months ago. Fear courses through his body and renders him frozen where he stands.
The elder’s back has never looked more menacing than now, a gaze so cold-blooded and filled to brim with a lust for violence. He’s like a looming tower, tall and overbearing to the teenage slider. And in a voice that sends chills through the young slider’s body, he asks, “What did you say?”
Leon swallows his nerves and drops the cup in his frozen state. His voice trembles and shakes as he tries to say, “I was just—I asked if you—.”
And like it never happened, Leo’s threatening demeanor breaks and his expression softens. He turns to face Leon and clears his throat to speak in his usual, warm cadence, “What did you call me?”
Leon steps back, his eyes looking everywhere but Leo as he stammers, “I was—I called you. —Leo.”
Leo’s eyes look down at the spilled water and rolling cup, and ties off the end of his bandage. He looks at Leon’s terrified gaze and kneels to pick up the cup. He doesn’t rise but looks up at Leon, “I didn’t expect you to… you know. Sorry about that. Can you get me another cup?”
Leon swallows and clenches his jaw shut. He nods and scurries out of the medbay. His heart pounds against his plastron, beating and beating—beating hard enough to make him think it’s going to burst straight through his chest. His hand fumbles with the faucet as his mind tries to understand what just happened.
That was Leo, right? It wasn’t some stranger with a glare strong enough to kill on sight. It was Leo. Right? Please be right. Dear ancestors, that seemed like a whole other person. That was Barbarian in the room, wasn’t it?
The young slider flinches, causing the cup to fly out of the sink and smack against the kitchen floor with endless bounces. He flips around in a flash, back against the sink and clinging to the countertop. “Y-Yeah? Yes? Leo?”
Leo is standing in the doorway of the kitchen, his shadow reaching over and consuming the entirety of Leon’s body.
The elder slider stands in the doorway for a moment before he sits down and opens his arms. “I scared you, didn’t I?”
Leon cracks a forced smile, waving off the elder with a shaky hand, “Me? Pssh! No, not me. You didn’t scare me at all.”
Leo’s arms down lower, he only raises his brow and admits, “Well, you scared me. And I need a hug.”
Leon hesitates, staring at the space behind the elder.
The elder beckons Leon once, “Come on.”
Leon swallows and launches himself into Leo’s hug, burying himself in the elder’s embrace like his life depended on it. He hides in the elder’s front, trying to make himself small and looks as harmless as possible.
The elder rubs Leon’s carapace, patting the younger’s shell and holding tightly. His voice is soothing like a whisper as he admits, “You caught me off guard there… I think I’m still a little… riled up. Sorry.”
Leon doesn’t respond, but accepts the apology by hugging the elder tighter.
“I’m sorry,” Leo repeats.
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makoodles · 10 months
Let's continue with the fluff, (I know people are asking you a lot of content, so I want to give some for your enjoyment)
Your baby boy, being the littlest baby to have been ever born in the reef, every metkayina is baffled when they see him in your arms or with any of your other family members around, everyone knew that the baby was going to be little, your height practically a joke for them, but he is still such a tiny bit of a na'vi that everyone is just so careful when he is around.
Your baby boy, that takes advantage from his tiny size as a toddler and simply disappears, are you and Ronal chatting while cooking? He is gone in a few second from your side and is incredible near the fire place where Ronal catches him in time to prevent an accident, her heart near an attack, Tonawari, Ao'nung and the second youngest (Ronal's unborn baby still doesn't have a name but I figure that it's a few years older) go hunting? The little bean somehow got with them and now the three have to return now , like right now, because they have a baby outside of the reef with his mothers and sister in the verge of tears and calling out to Eywa for mercy because they can't find him since an hour ago.
The little menace only giggles when he is showered in kisses when he is safely delivered home yet again and is embraced by his mothers that can only thank Eywa, it doesn't matter that they check everytime they go out, he always makes his way with them, (Ao'nung is quite sure that his little brother is some kind of different being like Kiri, somehow, because he can't understand how he can do so much when he barely just learned to walk)
Your baby boy, who is now a kid, the littlest of the entire tribe, other kids his age are more tall (damn, even more strong), he looks at his family, many have told him that he looks a lot like his father and sister (Tsireya is the female version of Tonowari and you can't tell me otherwise) but with the eyes and fourth fingers of his mama, some kids make fun of him sometimes but he doesn't tell anyone and just does little evil deeds here and there using his strange ability to be almost unnoticed by everyone, he never gets caught because there is no evidence, you and Tonowari are so sure that it is his fault but there is no way to prove it, Ronal only sides smiles to her kid.
Your baby boy, now a teenager, that looks how, like every year, the Tulkun return home, he looks at his whole family go running to them but he chooses to stay with his mother, he knows that it is hard for her, it has been years but Ronal never told him, the story too gruesome to such a young kid, but the people talk and he ended up knowing either way, Ronal, as tsa'hik, will sooner or later go out, but until then he will stay to her side and then accompany her out.
Your baby boy, a teenager, who likes to go sunbathing for hours, people tells him that it is dangerous, going limp in the surface could get the attention of any predator that goes under him, but he likes to do it, there is no predator in the area of the reef, he just likes to do it, he remembers your tales, the planet from where his mama came, he knows that it's not the same sun, not the same planet structure (to whatever that is), butt he gets the connection of it, especially at night, because he remembers which little star is yours.
Your baby boy, not a baby anymore, (Tonowari always reminds you to stop calling him like that but Ronal kind of understands you because is a sky demon thing to show love, or something like that, remember that for na'vi calling someone a baby is basically an insult) is finally getting his first tattoo after finally receiving the merit for it from his father, but he doesn't have the slightest idea of what to get.
Your baby boy, who drags you out the pod, taking you to see his spirit brother, Ronal and the other village artisans are just finishing the tattoo on his big abdomen that goes similar to the one he got done on one side of his face.
this is so cute, why do i feel emotional about a baby boy that i don't have 😭😭
the bit about him running away when no one is looking hit me hard too because i was a runner as a child lmaoooooo
tysm for this, it was so cute and i had the best time reading it! it was definitely a nice little change!
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
Could I request something where Loki is used to the people clearing out of his way even though it bothers him since being on the team for some time? He stops in a store for a few items and most people either stare or just leave. He notices reader, she doesn’t flinch or shrink back. She actually approached him and asks if he could reach down an item for her. Which leads to some small talk between the two. He asks why she isn’t afraid like everyone else and she explains that she’d never be afraid of a good guy like him. She knows his whole story and she’s been a big fan since he joined the avengers. He offers to take her out on a date and they exchange info and really hit it off beautifully.
Sorry it took me a long time to get to this. Hope you enjoy 💚
Loki x Female reader Meet cute
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Loki hated Midgard. It's been years since he has joined Avengers, he fought Ultron and helped them defeat Thanos but he was still a pariah for the people of midgard. If there was one thing they were able to do really well was hold grudges for a lifetime. But he couldn't really blame them, people lost their homes and loved ones in the war that he waged due to Thanos's influence on him. 
He was at the store just buying some midgardian snacks he loved to munch on, his vault was also running out of the essentials he liked to keep in there. An elderly lady passed by him on the sweets aisle and gave him a dirty look. Then there were few teenagers playing that leaked footage of his menacing speech at the Stuttgart as they teased him and made fun of him. 
"Kneeel kneel kneel motherfucker" a pimple ridden teenage boy screamed at him so Loki glared at him, if he was the same mischievous Loki he would definitely turn these kids into frogs but he has matured since then so he walked towards the other side of the aisle. Fortunately there was only one girl, standing on the opposite end and she seemed to mind her own business. 
You looked at him and your heart was racing, he had a black jacket on along with black pants and even a dark green t-shirt underneath. You could smell his cologne even from the distance and he looked way hotter than he did on video or news. You were nervous, you wanted to go talk to him but you didn't want to disturb him.
You heard those pesky teenagers making fun of him, you wished people would just forgive him. If there was one thing you knew really well, it was that Loki was the one who suffered the most during these ordeals. You looked at him and his eyes met with yours, green as sea. Your heart fluttered and you looked away. 
After a long time Loki finally was meeting a midgardian who didn't give him a death glare or ran towards the other way. He looked at you again and you already had your eyes on him so you instantly turned your head and squeezed your eyes. You focused your eyes on the top row and tried to pull the packet of the sweets down but you couldn't reach them. Then you heard the sound of his dress shoes clicking and took a deep breath. He was approaching you.
"Uhh I can get it for you if you want?" He asked you and you looked at him again. His deep voice, that accent made you tingle all over. You wanted to drown in those eyes, it was as if you had developed an instant crush on him. You have been a fan of him since he fought Ultron but that admiration was limited to respect. You have never thought about him in your bed before.
"Sure yes..thank you so much" you mumbled softly and he smiled. He didn't even have to get on his tip toes, he just raised his arm up and grabbed the packet of the snack. Tall as a glass.
"I didn't mean to stare earlier" Loki smiled as you said that. He was used to being glared at but not with such softness. 
"It's completely fine dear" he smiled and your breath hitched.
"It's just you are really ho.. handsome" ohkay shutu now. He chuckled as you said that, he loved your honesty. He found you really adorable too, he loved your smile and those kind eyes. 
"Thank you..so are you. I mean beautiful you are beautiful" he squeezed his eyes at the fumble and that relaxed you a little.
"I have been called handsome before" 
You chuckled and he did the same. You just stood facing each other and looking into each other's eyes before you both snapped out of your thoughts. 
"It's refreshing to meet someone who is not afraid of me" he mumbled and you smiled. 
"Why would I be afraid of the man who protects us? I just wanted to tell you that I have been a huge fan and you ..you are a hero of mine. Thank you for everything you do for us mortals" he smiled genuinely after a long time. He wasn't used to hearing such things about himself. His eyes teared up at the kindness you showed him in that moment. He wanted to talk more and get to know you more.
"Thank you darling, that means a lot" a curl fell down on his forehead making him look like an angel, you knew you'd have to get out of there before you would embarrass yourself further.  
"I should go" you smiled and he nodded
"I ..umm I don't think I asked for your name" 
"It's y/n" 
He put out his hand so you did the same and grabbed it to give it a shake. So small. Your hands felt so small in comparison to him.
"Y/n I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner with me tonight, that's only if you feel comfortable. Don't feel pressured at all" he spoke softly, you could feel the shakiness in his voice. He wanted to take you out on a date? You couldn't believe it. 
"I ..yes.. of course, that would be my honour" I love you 
"Alright, that's.. here's my number darling" he conjured a notepad in his hand along with a pen. Seeing his magic in person was surreal to say the least. 
You both said your goodbye, you couldn't stop smiling and when you reached home you called him instantly. You both decided on a time and a place. He actually wanted to take you to your favourite restaurant so you'll be comfortable there.
To say that you had an amazing first date was an understatement. He was sweet, he treated you like a lady, so chivalrous and you didn't think that existed anymore, so so handsome. You noticed the looks people gave him, some people even left the restaurant.
"What are you looking at? Never seen two people on a date?" You asked the woman sitting on the adjacent table and she grabbed her purse to walk out of the restaurant. Loki smiled as you indirectly stood up for him and you could feel how uncomfortable it made him so you tried to keep his eyes on you as much as you could. 
You knew his history and how he was tortured by Thanos to attack New York, world knew that as well but they still needed someone to put a blame on. You haven't been harmed by that attack so maybe it wasn't your place to judge people for judging him. But you didn't want anyone to hurt him anymore, he didn't deserve that.
On the way back home, you both felt nervous, there was a natural bond between you two but the nervousness that came with the first date lingered. 
As you stood outside your building he held your hands in his.
"I really enjoyed the date, I would love to see you again sweetheart, I hope you feel the same" you had your heels on but you still had to get on your tiptoes to kiss his forehead. He placed his hands on the side of your waist and pulled you closer to him, you gulped as you looked at his soft lips and he had his eyes on yours.
"May I?" He asked you politely so you wrapped your hands around his neck and kissed him softly. His taste intoxicated you and that was it, that's when you knew that you'd want to do this again and again.
He felt soothed, the kiss felt electric, he hadn't been touched and held so tenderly in such a long time. People of Asgard despised him and people of midgard hated him. Women did get with him for one night stands but they never could even think about their future with him. As your lips moved in unison, he really felt okay after a long time.
When you both pulled away your lips were swollen and plump. 
"Ummm I'll see you tomorrow?" You asked him and he nodded. You smiled and stepped away from him to get inside your building, as much as it killed you to do that. 
  "Thank you darling, I can't wait to see you again, you're still standing in front of me and I miss you already" your face flushed as he said that. 
"I feel the same Loki. I will see you soon I promise " you turned around to leave but then you looked at him.
"By the way if you asked me to, I would definitely kneel for you without a thought" 
You ran inside the building after that, leaving his face flushed with a crimson hue and his heart pumping in his chest.
Maybe he didn't hate Midgard so much now.
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