#ace aro characters
genderimpala · 6 months
(let's all be aware of Me and every other Asexual)
here's some of my favourite asexual characters!
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Tori Spring (asexual) - Heartstopper (comic series, TV show)
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Isaac Henderson (ace aro) - Heartstopper (TV show)
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Yelena Belova (ace aro) - MCU
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Georgia Warr (ace aro) - Loveless by Alice Oseman (book)
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Aziraphale (asexual) - Good Omens (TV show, book)
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Crowley (asexual) - Good Omens (TV show, book)
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Entrapta (ace aro) - She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (TV show)
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Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano (asexual) - Percy Jackson (book series)
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Sherlock Holmes (asexual) - BBC Sherlock (TV Show)
Hope everyone has a great week!
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glitchedcosmos · 3 months
Characters dynamic that’s like “ they’re not in a romantic relationship but they definitely love each other with all their heart and fucking soul”
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greenteaandtattoos · 3 months
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Yeah, hi, so,
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I have a better idea:
✨Let aroace characters be aroace✨ challenge 2024 [impossible]
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labcoated-lunacy · 19 days
eroticism of the machine this, eroticism of the machine that. what about the AROMANTICISM of the machine. what about the electric comfort of looking at a beautiful turbine engine and knowing that it is just like you. what about the urge to cut open your chest to prove your heart is made of wires and your ribs are made of steel. what about that
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I can’t stand forced romance in media. You’re telling me this man and woman who’ve barely spoken to each other, have not flirted at all and have barely been together for three scenes are in love??? Like am I just too aroace to see it?? I always feel so surprised
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the-great-kraken · 11 days
if you see a male character kiss a male character, you assume they are gay.
if you see a female character kiss a female character, you assume they are a lesbian.
if you hear a character say they don't feel like their gender, you assume they are trans.
so why do a-spec characters have to jump through so many loops?
a character saying they've never had a crush or don't want a relationship or that they don't understand romantic love is so often ignored or used as fodder for other queer or autistic headcanons (reinforcing stereotypes that aroace people are secretly gay or always autistic)
why is it that our stories are always "up to interpretation"? why do we have to wait for the words aromantic or asexual to be said to be taken seriously? why is it that even when characters say they don't want relationships, fans will scream and cry about sex/romance favourable aspecs and qprs?
when it comes to gay and trans characters, even the likes of bisexual lighting is often treated as though it canonises their sexuality. for aroace characters, even the most explicit coding possible is swept under the rug in favour of other "interpretations"
i'm so tired of fighting for representation just to have it ignored and minimised by fans. let characters be aroace. please.
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redysetdare · 1 month
All this aroace character shipcourse has proven to me that a majority of people that interact in fandom cannot actually interact with characters and media outside of shipping and genuinely I believe you need to learn how to interact with media outside of shipping.
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mylavellan · 2 months
Okay let me talk about it.
Like everytime a character is canonized aroace people started to get annoying about it, shouting that aroace people can have relationships and if you are uncomfortable with them being shipped with another character you’re aro/ace-phobic.
Don’t get me wrong, they (we) can have relationships but I don’t think this is what people are uncomfortable about.
I personally think the problem is that you (generic person, not you reader) don’t really care that they are aroace. You don’t try to understand aromanticism or asexuality, you only use them to defend your ship.
What I’m saying is sure you can ship them, there’s no problem, but please at least try to understand it, try to talk to aroace people to know better the subject, most of all if you’re a fanfiction writer.
Sure, there’s aspec people too whose ship aroace characters, I’m not saying they don’t or that they shouldn’t, but I’m not talking about them now.
Not use the aroace spectrum just when it’s convenient to you, remember that it’s an important trait of the character.
Let’s not erase a sexual/romantic orientation that it’s so under represented and let’s use this “opportunity” to learn something more about aspectrum.
so, ship anyone you want, but try to contextualize it.
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viveela · 2 months
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It must be weird to live so long that an integral part of himself is now accepted, he'll need more time to get there too
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improper-use-of-germx · 5 months
Aliens that don't feel "love" until they already know someone for a long time, but when their subconscious realizes what an ideal partner someone would be they're flooded with hormones. Suddenly your best alien buddy is locking themselves in their quarters every time you so much as make eye contact. They borderline refuse to even talk to you anymore, leaving the rest of the crew to suffer under the endless ramblings. "Do you think they'll be warm enough on this mission? Yesterday they slept eight hours, but tonight they only slept seven and a half, maybe I should alert the doctor. What is gifting etiquette for humans? Can I give them this human dessert I bought or must I pretend it was on sale first? Or is it inappropriate to give sweet foods to a coworker? Does chocolate hold some kind of double meaning I don't know about?? Maybe you should just give it to them—"
The entire crew begs you to just ask them what the hell is up. They do end up breaking (how could they say no to you?), and they try to explain it as medically as they can, as if you being in the same room as them didn't make their minds hazy with yearning. Don't tell them they were being rude before, they were just trying to spare you the embarrassment of all the flirtatious remarks and touches they were actively fighting themselves from saying.
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softsinnamonart · 4 months
i like being silly on my account but i saw a post that really annoyed me today
people who only identify as asexual, can still have romantic attraction towards other people.
people who only identify as aromantic, can still have sexual attraction towards other people.
someone can be aroace. but some people are only the aro or ace. they mean different things and they’re both valid whether you identify as only one, or the other, or both.
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You can't handle the aroace instincts of my aroaceness. Observe.
*hits every character with aroace beam*
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shmaroace · 8 months
"we need more aroace characters" actually we need more aro characters. like just aro because every time a character is aroace the aro part of their identity is conveniently forgotten
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viviennevermillion · 3 months
Seeing people only use "but some asexuals have sex!!!" and "some aromantics are in romantic relationships!!!" so they can sexualize & ship the little representation we get makes me hope someone explicitly establishes a popular character as sex-repulsed so we can see the shippers get cooked online for it
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 10 months
No, love. Not every single character has to have a romantic partner to be interesting. It is okay for characters to end up alone. Or not have romantic experiences at all. No matter their sexuality. Aromantic and Asexual characters can exist and be a good representation of the queer community. Not only gay couples represent queer struggle.
That's all. Thanks.
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theaceofarrows · 28 days
"YoU cAn'T jUsT mAkE eVeRy ChArAcTeR yOu LiKe AsPeC!!"
Ding dong, your opinion is wrong
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