#aka the spinosaurus
tobythedutchie · 2 years
I have good news. I’ll be attending Lexicon this year!
This will be my first one and I’m very excited as some of my friends are attending as well.
And this also means Aka the Spinosaurus is gonna be there…
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 8 months
Question! Do you know of anyone/any sources that can explain Spinosaurus?
The youtube channel "EDGE Science" has a playlist called "Saga of Spinosaurus" and the youtube channel "Raptor Chatter" has some videos on Spinosaurus too. As far as I can tell they're reliable (though I'm not a paleontologist so I can't say for sure) but possibly out of date. (Some of the videos are pretty long but others are short)
Also my computer is insisting that "Spinosaurus" is misspelled and should be "Tyrannosaurus" and i feel that says something about how people view the dinosaurs or something
Also also happy birthday to uhhhhh your left arm!
the state of spinosaurus is a hell from which we will never wake up
bc here's the thing
in science you're supposed to go with the simplest explanation for the majority of observed evidence (but no simpler)
aka parsimony and evidence
but... spinosaurus gets a new paper every six months and they all contradict each other
leading to there being no real conclusion bc nothing has the majority of evidence
right now the SIMPLEST explanation is hell heron as proposed in the most recent sereno paper on the subject
but the paleontologists are FIGHTING and this break up between sereno and ibrahim is like a fucking obi wan anakin fight and idk what's gonna happen next but we all need popcorn
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barksbog · 1 year
feel free to comment more stuff
but only if you clickied on the poll! pay your taxes!
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rafallerart · 6 months
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Happy Halloween! Here are two quick drawings I did for two very good friends. First one combines one friend's favorite dinosaur (Spinosaurus) with one of her favorite classic movie monsters (The Invisible Man). The second one is a Smilodon cosplaying as Karlach (aka best girl) from Baldur's Gate 3 - this particular friend is a cat-lover, and we've been enjoying playing the game together (or more accurately, I've been enjoying watching her play, since I'm absolutely terrible at video games lol). Both of these drawings are ink and colored pencil on Bristol paper.
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trashrat176 · 8 months
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spinosaurus!! aka the best dinosaur ever
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manglisaurus · 30 days
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Altispinax (Aka, the not spinosaurus.)
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nazrigar · 2 years
Smaugust 2022 - Monsters of Mythology, Science Fantasy Edition
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So! For this Smaugust, I basically revisit my Pantheons setting, and decided to do some Science Fantasy interpretations of mythologies beasties. Pantheons is essentially a what-if scenario in the future, where gods and mortals walk alongside one another, and by extension, mythology’s monsters.
Batch 1: Chaoskampf-Level Giants
- Gonggong/Kanghui: An insane dragon representing the Devonian Mass Extinction, not satisfied being a giant water elemental, wants to learn the secrets of human-god magic.
- Behemoth: A Cosmic T.rex Guardian of a titanic planet where many of the major monsters of the Galaxy originates from. As a representation of the K-Pg extinction event, his fists are usually all that’s needed to obliterate anything, but a energy laser is always convenient!
- Niddhogg: A snarky, short tempered cosmic Spinosaurus that can tear through the fabric of space, entering in-and-out of Yggdrasil, snapping up planets in his maw. He less represents ONE extinction, and more how extinction can come in anytime.
- Orochi: Once a mighty Yokai that represented the Anthropocene Extinction Event, he’s now reduced to a ghost trapped in Amaterasu’s sword, Kusanagi.
Batch 2: “True” Dragons
- The Red Dragon of Wales: A guardian of the realm of the Arthurian realm called Avalon, beloved by all. (Avalon is a mix between The British Isles, France and Iberia, aka the areas where
- The Cuelebre: The Golden Dragon, who found out that you can get more treasure by selling booze rather trying to raid and hoard gold.
- Illuyaka: A Great Electric Eel, who USED to be a big shot, but his confidence was absolutely crushed after losing to Tarhunz, the Hittite Storm God (well... one of them. They have a lot).
- Zmeya Gorynishche: An evil slaving dragon who haunts mortals after having lost her pups, and now leads a band of monstrous pirates.
Batch 3: Great Shapeshifters
- Kukulcan/Quetzalcoatl: A Grand Beast that’s also the head of multiple pantheons, he’s actually pretty pleasant. Doesn’t like Tezcatlipoca much though.
- Fafnir: A mobster dwarf AND a dragon. Don’t make him mad, lest he feels peckish, so be sure to be on time to pay back those loans...
- Nammu/Tiamat: Both a queen and a literal monster, she revels in being both the highest authority in the Mesopotamian Pantheon AND a giant monster feared by all. She loves picking on Marduk.
- Rahab/Sandalphon: A Cherubim who was once a mighty dragon-looking angel, feared by many, until she interacted more and more with the galaxy, and decided, in her heart, she’d feel more comfortable having a more humanoid form. She can still shapeshift to the dragon form however, when it’s convenient.
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2lim3rz · 8 months
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@psi-scribe showed me a fun video about a spinosaurus family, so here we have Big Mama, Big Papa (rip), Little Sister (red), and Little Brother. With Baby Brother (aka RUNT) yet to arrive
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goji-pilled · 2 months
sits up groggily what would be the p5 cast be as dinosaurs
youre not the first person with this type of question and as much as i appreachiate dinosaur related question i just. cant really answer this.
nowdays we have like modern animals with certain behaviours and characteristics that we connect with certain personality traits, like orange cats, golden retrievers or black cats, but as far as i know there just. isnt something like this with non-avian dinosaurs.
(and im not well versed in avian dinosaurs aka birds.)
not to mention that when it comes to them we can often only make educated guesses on things like function of structures like crests, frills, humps, etc., of stuff like hunting behavior, defense against predators, reproduction, care for young, mating behavior, etc. etc. based on fossils or straight up just speculate.
(note that all im about to say is based on my current knowledge and might change in the future or has changed already)
for example something i learned recently is that allosaurus seem to be considered to have been highly aggressive animals as apparently many fossils from areas that co-existed with them had bite marks of them.
other stuff thats speculated for example is that yutyrannus might have lived in groups as the only speciments we have of them were found together. the same idea exists for albertasaurus as multiple have been found at the same place before and it doesnt seem like it was a predator trap.
dromaeosaurs are also always shown to be packhunters when theres apparently 0 evidence for this.
for other things we have fossil evidence though like maiasaura having cared for their young (their name literally means "good mother lizard") and that similarly oviraptorids were brooding animals that guarded their eggs, and we literally have a fossil of that. even though it was misinterpreted at first as the oviraptor intending to steal the eggs of a protoceratops 😔
or that majungasaurus, a type of abelisaurid from today madagaskar, were cannibalistic animals that definitely ate others of their species
and then theres the problem child spinosaurus aegypticus, the animal that goes through identity crisis after identity crisis to the point you better just avoid talking about it and should instead focus on other spinosaurids 😭
none of these are like. fitting or match with certain personality types though in my eyes.
best i can do is say morgana would probably be one of those little mammals (i am also not well versed in mammals) who was found fossilized fighting a dinosaur that was like three times its size because hes a little guy fighting stuff many times his own size lol 🤷‍♀️
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akatix · 10 days
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I needed some low stress doodles and ended up making little crayon style chibis of all my dinosaurs <33
They ended up as great little avatars for my toyhouse folder lol I have three more dinosaurs that are WIPS, so I'll probably end up adding them later (Spinosaurus, parasaurolophus & dilophosaurus)
The kids:
Penma~ the old lady styracaceous / ceratopsian mix
Bananana Ceratosaurus Charri
New best fluffsy Tyrannosaurus Pink~
Siwa my cactus carrying pachycephalosaurs
Pidge the brightly feathery fluff velociraptor
Talbot a good ol fluffy Yutyrannus
Nevr~ Deinonychus; the true clever girl
Leffy best Tenontosaurus, aka pure joy
precious bby Acer, a maple leaf Cryolophosaurus
Sinno! Lil herb collector Sinosauropteryx
Fisch, a happy flappy Tapejara gal <3
Itty bitty baby Cricket, Preondactylus bean
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 11 months
imagine the change you wish to see in the world
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justgoji · 1 year
Spinofaarus vulgaris/vegatiacus aka Spinosaurus in 2030, our favorite paleo abomination.
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Muslims have a couple rules on what animals they can eat. For example: Nothing that lives on land and primarily eats meat. This means Bear meat would be haram aka disallowed. However, things that live primarily in water and eat meat are halal aka allowed. Such as many fish.
This means while a T-Rex would be Haram, a Spinosaurus would be entirely open for Islamic consumption.
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
I’m gonna share with you all some of my most favorite Dinos! They are all precious little babies and I love them more than anything in the world. And I wish I could give them all a hug and a forehead kiss and little snuggles.
The obvious is velociraptors! I don’t think I have to show you what those look like, lol.
These bad boys were Theropods! They lived in South America around the late cretaceous period. They were carnivorous and suspected to be one of the fastest large theropods that ever lived.
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Also a member of the late cretaceous period, Therizionsaurs' were a large genus of Therizinosauridae. They lived in the Asia area. Their most distinctive feature would be their gigantic claws. They adapted to live an omnivorous lifestyle.
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These fellas were carnivorous theropods in the late Jurassic Period. They had a larger horn in the middle of their snots, and two smaller horns over their eyes. It was unlikely their nasal horns were used as weapons, but more as a display to seem more threading. They likely preyed on herbivores. 
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Back to the early cretaceous period, baby! Specifically the Barremian stage of the cretaceous period. Another species of theropod, the first skeleton was discovered in England. Baryonyx means “heavy claw” and these beasts are now recognised in the Spinosauridae family. They were the first dinosaur discovered to be fish-eating, and they had semi-aquatic habits. 
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Fancy, fancy, these are Alvarezsaurid theropods, also belonging to the late cretaceous period, found in Mongolia, China! They are the only known non-avian dinosaurs to have a single digit, aka one finger. They were small-bodied and would use their “finger” to dig for things like ants and termites. I just love how derpy they look with their little fingers. 
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Finally a non-theropod, we have an oviraptorosaur on our list. Found in Asia in the late cretaceous period, the first remains were found as recently as 2005! They were less likely to have grown feathers than other raptor species. They were bipedal omnivores and died younger than other larger theropods. The bottom half of their beaks were lacking in teeth. 
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Back in the late Jurassic period, we have these small anurognathid pterosaurs. They were also found in Mongolia, China and were preserved with the skin! That’s crazy! Originally considered to be insect-eating, they also preyed upon fish and even omnivores They were nicknamed “Vampire Dinosaurs” Because they drank the blood of the other dinosaurs. I think it’s obvious why I enjoy them.
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Their name literally means “Spiney Lizard” which makes them certified babies in my book. And what do you know, they are classified as Spinosaurids.  They were in the North African area, during the Cenomanian and Turonian stages of the late cretaceous period. They are the largest know terrestrial dinosaurs! They were fish-eating and also hunted terrestrial prey. Obviously, their most well-known feature was their Spines, and they were so pretty! Their high bone density allowed for better buoyancy, and their tails allowed for faster propulsion underwater. Their dorsal sails were used for thermoregulation, but it's unknown whether they were also used to intimidate other predators or to draw in mates. I give them ten “spiney boys” out of ten!
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Similar to the word: hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, Quetzalcoatlus, is just really fun to say. Great vocal stim! They were Pterosaurs found in North America during the late cretaceous period. They’re members of the Azhdarchidae family, which are toothless pterosaurs with long, stiff necks. They ate fish and carcasses of titanosaur sauropods. They were INSANELY tall, like freakishly so. As much as I love their funny-looking heads, this is a dino I would run the other way from if it approached me. In fact, I think I’d be more scared of most pterosaurs than any other predator front that time period, because what the fuck? 
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And last, but certainly not least, because this app only allows ten photos per post, we have these little ocean boys. Onto the only reptile on my list, they were found during the Mesozoic era of the late cretaceous period. Their skeletons were first found in Egland.  They look most similar to modern-day dolphins. Which, I am terrified of those little fuckers by the way, no not the ancient distinct reptiles, fucking dolphins! Rode one once, never again.  This is another species I like solely for its looks, it's so dumb-looking and I want a plushie of them. 
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Did I just spend way too much time basically writing a mini-essay on dinosaurs? Maybe? Should I be asleep right now? My therapist would say yes. Am I now gonna go watch video essays on more dinosaurs to finish calming down my brain for the night? Yes again! I also forgot to eat dinner tonight because I was so upset, so I'm gonna et up and make dinner for breakfast in the morning, so I can have something more nutritious than cereal. Let me know if you guys wanna hear about more Dinos or my other special interests!
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hornet-breaker · 1 year
Trial of Dominance
The L’manburg duel but every one is a Khandoran species. Tommy is a raptor-based Khandoran with lightning based attacks, Dream is a Spinosaurus-based Khandoran with Tidal Control (aka water bending but alien), who will win the duel? Oh btw to avoid confusion Khandorans have 50 hearts and only one life.
Tw: near death, blood, swearing
It was cold and dark, Tommy didn’t like this meeting place at all. The sickle-claw tapped his infamous raptor talon against the wooden bridge, as he walked across, into enemy territory. After the last battles, morale was low for the L’manburg revolutionaries. An ultimatum was offered by Dream to Wilbur: to surrender under the light of 5 moons, that was 3 days away. Tommy did not want to surrender peacefully, he can still remember the conversation earlier in the van with his commander, Wilbur.
“Wil we could sneak attack them! Me and Fundy are known to be ambush hunters!” Tommy said.
“And risk both of you being burned alive by that thing Dream brought back from the nether? Absolutely not! We have no choice without massive casualties. He’s backed us into a corner.” The Phantos snapped, slamming his talons onto the desk. Tommy looked defeated as his feathers flattened, that was his last idea, before his final suggestion.
“What about Dominance?” Tommy asked. Tubbo looked up with a shocked gasp. The whole camp went silent at the mention.
“Tommy, no.” Wilbur said sternly.
“If I could challenge him to Dominance and win we will get our independence! Think about it Wil-“
“Tommy that’s fucking suicide! You’re 2 tiers weaker than him, and you’re only a stage 2 mature, your abilities aren’t solidified! We are surrendering and that is FINAL.” Wilbur roared, standing up and cornering the Sickle-claw, and scaring Tubbo out of the van. “Get some rest, tomorrow we prepare our surrender terms.” He said, turning and walking away. Tommy was frozen solid, he had never seen Wilbur this upset.
But I can beat him! I’ve gotten him cornered before, I knocked Sapnap out while he was full flame, that’s gotta mean something!
Tommy froze hearing a twig snap, smelling faint smoke, and glow stone dust. He was here. Not Dream, but his right hand.
“Are you alone?” The newcomer asked.
“What do you think, prick?” Tommy snapped, shivering. “How are you not cold?”
The newcomer stepped out from the shadows, black and white scale plates the texture of lava stone with glowing orange lines in between illuminated the Dracozen’s silhouette, eyes burning as fierce as the sun piercing Tommy, somehow no longer making him cold.
“I recieved your letter, Dream wishes to entertain this idea of Dominance. What are the terms?” Sapnap asked, smoke escaping his mouth and curling around his darkened horns.
“We meet by the river at sunrise the day we are to surrender. If I win, L’manburg gains independence and you fuckers never attack us again.” Tommy said. Sapnap nodded with a hum.
“Alright, I will report back to Dream.” Sapnap said.
“What are his terms?” Tommy asked.
“… L’manburg is to disband and rejoin the main territory, and you are to surrender Mellohi.” Sapnap stated.
Tommy’s cocky grin dropped into shock. Mellohi? That was his prized disc! There was no way he was handing that over!
But think about the suffering everyone has gone through from the war… Tommy groaned with hostility. There was no other way he could see that he liked. This was the only way.
“…Fine, I’ll see you 3 sunrises from now.” Tommy snarled, holding his hand out to shake. Sapnap snorted smoke and accepted the handshake.
“…Tommy before I go I want you to know Dream won’t show mercy. He will try to kill you, I hope you understand this.” Sapnap added.
“Are you trying to make me back down?” Tommy asked, his tail lashing.
“I’m advising you to rethink this, Dream is stronger than you think. You’re not even fully matured, if you leave right now you will die in thee days. He has no mercy, especially none for you.” Sapnap said. Tommy’s feathers raised as he instinctively took a step back. He shook himself and gave the Dracozen a confident glare.
“I will defeat him. You’ll see.” Tommy said, turning and walking away back to camp.
He swallowed nervously and shook himself out, smoothing his feathers and taking a deep breath to calm himself. In three days he would either earn independence for his nation, or he would die trying…
The morning was dimly lit by torches before the sun would rise. Tommy got chewed out by Wilbur when he returned the night he sealed his fate, but this was the only honorable way. Or maybe this honorable way to go was his primal Sickle-claw brain talking. He didn’t know. He marched behind Wilbur and in front of the rest of the L’manburgians, towards the river where the terms were agreed upon. Tommy and Dream would fight in a match of Dominance, winner takes L’manburg.
they settled by the banks, waiting for the opposing side. It didn’t take long for Dream to be seen, his bright green scales were dimly reflecting light off them, following behind were Sapnap, Punz, and George. They all lined up on the opposite side of the bank. A bridge was constructed across the river, this is where the fight would go down.
“Tommy, please, back down, you can’t win.” Wilbur whispered to the Sickle-claw. Tommy didn’t listen, his mind was racing with all the different possibilities of how he could beat Dream or be killed.
Dream was talking with Sapnap and Punz. After their short huddle he cracked his neck and approached the bridge. It was time. Tommy looked back at Wilbur.
“Wil, if I down him, do I finish him or let him live?” He asked. Wilbur sighed, knowing there wasn’t any way to make him back down.
“do what you must, you got yourself into this.” Wilbur said bluntly. Tubbo hugged him tightly. “please don’t die out there.” He said.
“if anything Dream will be the one having to beg for mercy.” Tommy said with a cocky smirk, it was purely a mask, he was terrified. His life, prized disc, and nation were on the line.
he took a hesitant step towards the bridge, and walked to the base. Eret, the traitorous Leoras that was the reason they were in this predicament, stood at the top of the bridge.
“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for showing up. Dream, Tommy, please step onto the bride 3 blocks away from me.” Eret announced.
Tommy reluctantly stepped onto the oak wood bridge, ascending up the steps to meet Dream. Somehow today the Sailback was extra menacing. Maybe it was the necklace of feathers from Tommy he had lost during each battle that was putting him off. It was a silent sentence, a statement that said “I will eat you alive, Son of Thieves.”
“As you all know, Dominance is the ancient tradition all Khandorans followed to climb the ranks of their individual clans. In today’s world, Dominance is still used, but for settling disputes such as this, normally between leaders.” Eret glanced at Wilbur. The Phantos hissed with distain. “There is only one rule, at sunrise, fight until your opponent is downed,” he looked towards Tommy with a small pause, “or dead.”
Eret stood tall and looked towards the faint light of a blue-ish orange sky. “When the sun rises, the Trial begins, may the best Kaiju win.” He then got off the bridge on the Main Colony’s side, standing by Punz and Sapnap.
The air was cold and crisp, a light breeze shook the leaves. Songbirds we’re preparing to awaken, over to the west, the sun was about to rise. The stars dimmed and the moons started their retreat. Dream was glaring at him, hissing deeply with a hostile bellow that shook the Sickle-claw to his core. Tommy shook his feathers lightly, charging up. Today only one of them was walking away.
The call of a Sun-wing Sparrow heralded the sun’s arrival, the fight was on. Immediately Dream raised his hand and streaks of water rose from the bridge, launching at Tommy with deadly speeds. The sickle-claw bobbed and weaved through the watery darts, some cutting him, one directly stabbing him, knocking him down a few hearts. Tommy charged towards Dream, dodging as best as he could the flurry of water darts. The sickle-claw jumped and was trying to strike with his ripper claw, time seemed to pause as Dream moved out of the way, and the sound of rushing water was heard.
Tommy looked to his left and screamed as suddenly a giant wave knocked him off the bridge, dragging him into the forest through a few trees, each taking 3 hearts. The final tree took 4 as the water pulled him back into the river, Dream diving in after him. Tommy struggled against the artificial current, trying to save any breath he could. He was down to half health after all. He saw the Sailback approaching at an alarming speed, his long slender jaws lined with 3 rows of serrated shark-like teeth aiming for his throat.
Dream neglected to remember lightning attacks are amplified in water, and unfortunately he would receive a painful reminder. As the Sickle-claw watched the Sailback open his jaws to attack, instinct kicked in and static started to build up. Within mere seconds of having his neck crunched on by crocodilian jaws, Tommy roared and electricity surged out from his feathers, turning the water into a dangerous electric bath for anything in a chunk radius, including Dream. The Sailback surged and roared in pain, the attack was strong enough for a retreat from both parties.
On the surface, both sides gathered on either side of the bank, watching Dream dove in after Tommy.
“Is this allowed?!” Tubbo yelled, looking up at the Leoras.
“The only rule was to defeat your challenger. Dream wins if he is the only one to get out of the water and Tommy doesn’t, or has to be dragged out.” Eret said
“And he will win, he’s a semi-aquatic.” George sneered confidently.
“Actually Dream has a home field advantage right now, but he’s also putting himself in danger,” Sapnap started, realizing the mistake Dream was about to make.
“Because Tommy can electrocute the water! Everyone get away from the riverbank now!” Wilbur yelled. Immediately both sides retreated from the bank as sparks danced across the surface, followed by slight bubbling, then silence…
Dream emerged first on the far side of the river, gasping for air and shaking himself out. Soon followed Tommy, coughing up water and trying to regain himself, an electric shield trying to protect him from his attacker. Overhead, clouds were starting to form, distant rumbling of thunder was telling Dream this fight had to end. The Sailback grabbed Tommy by the neck and quickly threw him against a boulder, summoning more water darts and sending them to attack. Tommy wasn’t as good at dodging now since he had his electric shield up. Tommy was cornered and bombarded with sharp water, losing health with each cut or hit. He was down to 10, gasping with exhaustion. Wilbur on the other side of the river turned away with disappointment.
This suddenly gave Tommy a strength boost. As the next water dart flew at him, he summoned whatever electric energy he had to him, and started to run, sparks danced in his crimson feathers as he surged forward, temporarily disappearing. Dream stopped his attack, then suddenly Tommy appeared out of a cloud of sparks and raked his reaper claw across Dream’s shoulder. The Sailback roared in pain as Tommy slipped under him and slashed his tail with an electric claw. For a moment, Wilbur turned back, watching the fight with some hope. Unfortunately this distracted Tommy as he darted away to come back and attack again. He wasn’t paying attention to his opponent. As he leaped up to pounce onto Dream’s side, the Sailback whipped his head around, and,
Everyone gasped as Dream crunched down onto Tommy’s chest, the sickle-claw wheezed in shock and pain, blood dripping down the crocodilian jaws as Dream showcased the mortally wounded challenger to the crowd. He harshly dropped Tommy revealing the damage, Tubbo screamed in agony as Wilbur and the rest of the L’manburgians watched.
“This fight is not yet over, but it can be. Surrender now I’m unison and hand me the Disc “Mellohi” or I will finish him.” Dream announced.
Tubbo wanted to rush to Tommy, to see that his best friend was okay, but Wilbur stopped him.
“Don’t, you’ll make things worse.” Wilbur said. He stood up and crossed the bridge, pulling a disc out of his inventory and holding it as he touched enemy soil. He marched himself towards Dream, “give me the boy, I give you the disc.”
Dream smirked and kicked the limp body towards Wilbur. Wilbur gave him the disc. The Phantos picked up the boy. “We will return once he is well to finalize the surrender, Dream.” Wilbur said, bowing to the commander.
Wilbur left with the bleeding Sickle-claw in his arms, crossing the bridge back to their base. Tubbo came running up, unsure of how to react, all he could feel was sorrow and rage.
“He’ll live, Tubbo, we’ve got to hurry if we want to make sure of this.” Wilbur said. “He was a brave fool to think he could pull this off.” Wilbur talked down to the unconscious boy.
(And that’s it! If you’re reading this it’s because I have to make sure there’s a filler paragraph so tumblr doesn’t delete the last paragraph! There will be more soon!)
Dream simply glared at him through his mask as Wilbur carried Tommy across the bridge. He had failed, and he would live, he did all of this for nothing, but he did last longer than anyone thought he would.
With that he walked off the bridge, leaving the crowd to whisper curiously and the two combatants on the bridge.
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nazrigar · 2 years
Smaugust 2022: Mythological Kaiju AKA Chaoskampf-Level monsters.
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Hey there everyone! So, for this Smaugust, my theme is basically making science fantasy version of mythology’s draconic (and draconic adjacent) monsters for my science-fantasy setting, Pantheons. Think of a universe where gods, angels and what have you walk alongside mortals in day-to-day life.
In-Universe, these guys are called Grand Beasts, aka titanic world/solar-system ending monsters that can be bigger than planets. They represent different aspects of extinctions, both mass extinctions and localized ones.
From top to bottom:
- Gonggong/Kanghui: A mighty oceanic dragon based off the Devonian extinction event. He’s an enyv-driven dragon who’s trying to learn magic, and uses a (fake) wish pearl granted to him by the Jade Emperor to specifically do just that, in exchange for not, you know, destroying stuff.
- Behemoth: A mighty guardian of a planet of unfathomable size and scale, he’s one of the most physically powerful beings in the setting, and is essentially a T.rex that has fists the size of Jupiter, and rocky armor harder and tougher than anything a smith god can make. He’s a representation of the K-pg extinction event of course.
- Nidhogg: A cosmic Spinosaurus that can tear in-and-out of the subspace of Yggdrasil and into the real world at random, thanks to some wicked set of claws and jaws that can eat entire planets in one go. He’s less a representation of one extinction, and more a representation that extinction can be unpredictable.
- Orochi: Was once a mighty dragon that could demand anything he wants, especially all the booze. After being beaten by Susanoo however, he’s trapped within a sword made from one of his own scales, Kusanagi. Ironically, he’s basically one of Amaterasu’s few actual friends.
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