#also damn I just realized that I'm in love with every single one of them
ellephlox · 1 year
Lie Detector
Pairing: Matt x f!reader
Summary: Matt thinks that you can't successfully lie to him. The only way to settle the dispute is to challenge one another to a bet, but trying to deceive a human lie detector isn't quite as easy as you'd expect.
A/N: Finally on summer break and I've had time to do some writing. I'm really drawn to a reader/matt dynamic that's super competitive, so... here we are, with yet another "game". Hope it's alright!
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Sometimes, having a lie detector as a boyfriend sucked.
You realized this early on, when all of the sudden the white lies that you told habitually in order to protect others' feelings crumbled into a big dust cloud of useless whenever Matt heard them.
Last week at supper, for instance. Matt had cooked a beautiful meal — homemade rolls, oven-roasted vegetables, and your favorite pasta — and it was all delicious. Except for one experimental vegetable thrown in that you were... less fond of, to say the least.
But of course he asked you if you liked it, of course he did.
"It's incredible," you told him, reaching out to squeeze his hand. "The pasta is cooked perfectly. Also, homemade rolls? I mean, these can't even compare to the local bakeries. It's all really good, Matt."
"And the... new vegetable?" he asked, taking a bite.
You sat stock still for half a second, your mind whirring. Fortunately, you'd gotten better at dodging situations where typically you would just save yourself with a white lie, but with Matt, there was rarely a safe way out of a question.
"It's got such a unique flavor!" you said warmly. Truth. "I don't think I've ever had it before. Where'd you get the recipe?"
"Foggy's sister. It is unique," he agreed. "You like the taste?"
Damn it. Something told you that Matt suspected you didn't like it; why else would he be so persistent about asking? "It's so unexpected," you hedged. "You cooked it really well."
Which was also a truth. The texture was good, at least; Matt had roasted it perfectly. It was the flavor you were less keen on, and you had to fight the urge to drink water after every bite.
Matt's lips turned upwards. "Sweetheart, you don't have to choke it down for me."
From there, everything unraveled. "I love it," you tried to say, but Matt's eyebrows were raising and you yourself could feel that your heart was speeding up. "Really! I love it, it's fantastic—"
You loaded your fork with it, preparing to take a large bite out of a manic desire to ensure Matt didn't find out the truth, but he deftly reached forward and grabbed your wrist. "Lost cause, Y/N." His thumb grazed your wrist, as though to match the sensation of your pulse to what he could hear.
You reluctantly put the fork down. "Come on, Matt, stop reading me for once! You cooked a beautiful supper and I want you to know how much I appreciate it—"
"You can appreciate it while letting me know you don't like a certain type of food. I promise my ego isn't dependent on a single vegetable."
"But I feel bad!" you protested. "And with anyone else, I would have just lied and said it's amazing, but with you, I have to be a schmuck about it!"
"You're not a schmuck."
"Matt, I'm a schmuck." You pointed at yourself. "Terrible, horrible, no good, very bad schmuck. Plus, it's unfair. I'm sure you lie to me all the time, and I probably just don't even notice it. Like last week, when I asked you if I have a nice voice to listen to and you told me that me that it's music to your ears, or some crap like that."
"It is music to my ears."
"I call bullshit. Unless by 'music' you meant death metal or country."
"So start lying to me," Matt said, his fingers absently moving up your forearm. "If you're able to control your nervousness when you do it."
"Is that a challenge? I'm sensing a challenge."
Matt was smiling now, and it wasn't his charming smile, it was what you thought of as his shit-eating grin. "Aw, let's not call it a challenge. I know how upset you get when you lose."
"That's it." You slapped his hand away from your arm. "Prepare to be lied to. Constantly. And if I succeed, and you don't notice that I've lied to you, then you have to..." You thought for a moment. "You'll have to wear your Daredevil suit to Foggy's when we have dinner with him and Karen on Sunday night."
Matt's smile dropped instantly. "Why the hell would I do that?"
"Um, obviously because it would be hilarious seeing you uncomfortable, and Foggy and Karen would take some awesome pictures of you?"
He grit his teeth as though contemplating. "Fine. And if I win, and I notice every lie, you can go through all of the old archives sitting in Karen's filing cabinet at Nelson and Murdock and make copies so that they can all be organized by legal topic as well as by date."
"What? How is that fair? That's hours of my time!"
"I thought you said you were confident that you'd win?"
"Well. Yeah." You leaned over to playfully shove at him. "Okay, then. I'm in."
"But if you actually are apprehensive about this bet, then we don't have to do the challenge. I won't hold it against you."
Bold way to throw down the gauntlet, Matt. There was no backing out now. "Nope. Deal accepted," you said, and stood up to clear the plates. "Oh, and by the way, I don't get 'upset' when I lose. I'm a fantastic loser."
"Lie," Matt said, almost lazily.
That was how it began. Of course, together you enumerated more rules, both printed and in braille, and posted them on the fridge.
Rule Number One: A lie had to be the subject of whatever you were talking about. It couldn't be a throw-away comment unrelated to the conversation itself, nor could it be anything so minor that it didn't even matter. It was forbidden to, for example, tell Matt about your day and say green shirt when you were actually referring to a blue shirt and count that as a lie. It had to stand on its own, loud and proud.
Rule Number Two: You had forty-eight hours to complete the challenge. Which, admittedly, didn't give you a lot of time. Matt was on his guard every time you opened your mouth, which meant you'd have to be strategic about this, if you wanted to win.
Rule Number Three: The lie had to be delivered in heartbeat earshot. That meant you couldn't lie to him through text messages or a long distance phone call.
Rule Number Four: If Matt falsely accused you of lying more than twice, then you won. You argued this rule in as a safeguard; otherwise, he could call out your lies on whims without any consequences.
And, finally, Rule Number Five: A lie had an expiration on it of ten seconds. If Matt didn't name the lie within ten seconds of you delivering it, then you won. You had even argued for more time, but it was Matt who had told you, with a particularly cocky wave of his hand, that he'd sense it within that time.
Several times you had tried lying to him since the start of the challenge. Each time, he'd sniffed it out immediately — almost instinctively, even — so that it was almost embarrassing at how readable you were.
"You heading out tonight for patrol?" you asked him when you emerged from the shower that night, wearing only a tee of Matt's and a towel around your head.
"Only for a bit. I've got to catch up on some paperwork this evening."
"Anything I can help with?"
"No, it's just prep for my opening next Wednesday." Matt tilted back in his chair, stretching with a restlessness that told you he'd much prefer to be out on the rooftops than reading through paperwork.
"Well, let me know if there's anything I can do," you said, and then added the lie: "I'll go do some reading, then."
Matt didn't hesitate. "What're you really going to be doing?"
You scrunched your nose at him, irritated. "And I thought I was so nonchalant. My heart is a traitor. Slow down, you." You slapped at your upper chest and lied again. "I actually wanted to do some online shopping. I need a new pair of sunglasses."
"No, you don't."
You released a dramatic exhale. "Fine! I'm going to journal a bit."
Matt listened for a moment, and then nodded, clearly placated. "I'll come say bye before I head out."
And then you even thought that you might get him when he came back, because it was past two in the morning and he'd taken a faster shower than usual — an indication he was anxious to get to bed —but when he crawled under the covers, apparently he was still on guard.
"Come in closer," you whispered, half-asleep yourself despite your hope of lying to him. "I meant to stay up for you, but I fell asleep."
Which wasn't true, even though you did often stay up for him. Tonight you had slipped into bed and fell asleep almost as soon as your head hit the pillow.
But Matt caught it; his hand nudged at your arm to acknowledge the lie. "Even this late, you're still trying to win the bet?"
Loopholes in the rules were hard to find, you realized. Matt seemed to appreciate your attempts to bypass them the next day — in fact, the closest you came to successfully lying was that morning, when you had about thirty-two hours left in the challenge. You had left to pick up bread for breakfast, and had just stepped out onto the street when you put your plan into action and dialed Matt's number.
Because technically, here on the street, right below the apartment, Matt could still hear your heartbeat, if he sought it out. But you hoped that if you were talking with him over the phone, then he wouldn't pay attention, and that he'd be distracted by the background fuzz of the call.
"Hey," you said, walking slowly down the sidewalk; you didn't want to be accused of leaving the earshot radius. "I just got a text from Foggy. He asked if I could bring that book I was telling him about the other day to dinner tomorrow night. Is it still on my dresser or did I return it to the library? I can't remember."
It was a clever lie, you thought. You had told Foggy about the book, and he did text you about bringing it to dinner. You did, however, specifically remember leaving the book on the dresser and not bringing it to the library the other day. It wasn't violating Rule Number One, either, because the question you asked Matt pertained directly to the lie.
There was a brief noise on the other end of the line as Matt presumably cocked his head, sweeping his senses out for a book on your dresser. In your head, you counted down the time. Ten... nine... eight... seven... six...
"The thick one?"
Four... three... two...
"Lie," he said suddenly, and you could hear the smile on his face. "Nice try. Almost got me on that one."
"Crap," you said, sighing and adjusting your jacket as you picked up the pace, crossing the street after taking a quick glance left and right.
"If the lie hadn't been about a book, I wouldn't have thought to listen to your heart," he continued. "You care too much about your books to not know whether you've returned one to the library or not."
"Crap," you said again, but this time it was because the convenience store was closed; you'd have to go a couple blocks further to the larger supermarket. "Matt, I'm going to take a few minutes longer. The store's not open until nine."
Matt was quiet for a moment. "If that was a lie, that doesn't count. I can't hear your heartbeat from here."
"Nope. It's the truth. Anything else you want me to pick up while I'm at the grocery store? Ibuprofen, Advil, ice packs?"
Matt answered, but you didn't hear; an idea was formulating in your mind. "Sorry?" you said after a moment, picking up your pace as rain began to fall.
"Just more tea, I think."
"On it. See you in a bit," you said, and hung up.
Rule Number Four, you realized, was your ticket to winning. If you could get Matt to call you out on a lie when you weren't lying — and if you could get him to do it three times — you'd win.
So, the trick was to get your heart rate going at precisely the right moment. You left the grocery store with bread, tea, and a large espresso from the café next door.
And, miraculously, it worked. You walked in, your heart already feeling a bit more spry since you downed much, much more caffeine in the span of five minutes than you typically had over the course of an entire day, announced to Matt that the grocery store had been strangely busy today, and—
"Lie," he said, almost without even paying attention.
"Ha!" you said triumphantly, setting the bread down on the counter. "Wrong, Murdock!"
His brow furrowed. "What?" You could see him reaching out with his senses now, seeking what his mistake was, and...
"Espresso," he said, so quietly and forlornly that you laughed. "Damn. Your heart is racing."
"Brilliant, right? The grocery store really was packed." You waved the bread at him. "I'm starving. Can we make French toast with this?"
"Yeah. And don't get too happy yet, sweetheart. You haven't won yet."
"And there's the key word: yet," you reminded him.
Matt was on guard after that, so you waited the rest of the day before trying again; too often, and each effort would be futile. You could tell he was listening with far more diligence every time you spoke, and while it was slightly unnerving knowing that your heart rate was under constant scrutiny, it was worth it. Matt felt threatened that you would win. Even if you didn't end up winning the bet, that gave you enough pleasure to make the entire game worthwhile no matter what happened.
Step Two was getting Matt to watch a horror movie. You were a bit limited in your options, since Netflix didn't have many scary movies with audio descriptions available, but you agreed on one eventually and started it only once the sun had set.
And you waited. Waited, with Matt's arm wrapped around you, watching the movie and letting yourself get absorbed in it, because you were relying on your own natural adrenal responses to secure you the next false lie through Rule Number Four.
Fortunately, it was actually terrifying, so it didn't take much effort for you to feel a chill genuinely running up your spine.
"A door slowly creaks open," the audio description narrated. "The bathroom mirror suddenly swivels open. Standing in the reflection is a dark figure."
You physically jumped — thank you, jump scare — and seized the opportunity as your heart beat doubtlessly spiked. "Matt, I found some fan fiction that people posted online about the Devil of Hell's Kitchen. And I read it. Every last bit."
Matt's confusion was so palpable that you had to bite back a laugh. He reached over for the remote and paused the movie, his head tilted. "This feels against the rules."
"And yet, it's not," you said, rubbing his arm. "So, was that a lie? Or not? I'll give you a solid ten seconds starting now to answer."
"You can't just say something insane at the very moment your heart rate jumps from a movie!"
"Tick, tock."
"I've said it before and I'll say it again — you'd make a good lawyer."
"Aw. Thank you. Five. Four. Three."
"Come on!"
"Two. One."
"Lie," he decided, his jaw tight. "And for your sake, I truly hope it's a lie, because there better not be people writing fan fiction about me—"
"Sadly, it's the truth, Matt. Both that people have written it and that... I've..." You trailed off at the look on Matt's face. "Uh, that I might've possibly glanced over some of it."
"Please tell me there's not much of it."
"Um... well, there's a fair amount. People are fascinated by real life vigilantes, I guess. If you wanted you could always sue them for defamation."
"Sue? Sue as Daredevil? Show up to court wearing the suit?"
"Better yet, hire Nelson and Murdock as your lawyers, and you can switch back and forth during the trial between your lawyer suit and Daredevil suit, playing both roles. It'd be hilarious, like a real-life Mrs. Doubtfire moment."
"You find all this so amusing, don't you?" Matt tipped you back, his hands against the back of the sofa and caging you in. Goosebumps pricked up your arms as you glanced at his forearms; he'd rolled up his sleeves, and you could see the toned muscle in the dim lighting.
"Not at all," you said, your voice a bit higher.
"Lie," he breathed out, and leaned in to kiss you.
The next day passed, with every hour sliding by and bringing you nearer to the end of the bet. Once again you didn't dare press your luck, and chose to instead act naturally. The following morning and midday passed without only one or two halfhearted attempts to lie. ("Matt, did you hear that Captain America is starting up his own jazz band and he's going to be doing a world tour?" "Yeah, I did, right after the news segment announcing Black Panther's new clothing line of lingerie that he's founded.")
The loophole of Rule Number Four, however, was proving to be no longer viable as your winning method. Matt caught on to every truth that was meant to make him accidentally call you out on lying. In desperation you even did fifty jumping jacks to raise your heart rate, to Matt's amusement, but he had somehow latched onto the subtle difference between a heart rate raised by the adrenaline of exertion as opposed to the adrenaline of a lie.
So — you'd have to brainstorm instead.
With only about an hour to go until the bet ended, you set your alarm on your phone to go off just three minutes shy of the actual forty-eight hour mark.
The only challenge now was making sure Matt didn't check his own watch between now and the alarm.
"Time's almost up," he said, with the audacity to smirk at you, catching your arm as you went by him towards the bedroom. "Where are you headed?"
"To get something presentable on for supper," you said, gesturing down at your outfit.
"Karen and Foggy wouldn't mind if you showed up wearing that."
"I love you, Matt, but I look like a clown right now. I wish you could see the color combinations I've got going on. Think blue raspberry slushie dumped on top of black raspberry ice cream."
"Well, if you're changing, then what should I wear?" he said, mockery edging his voice. "That plaid shirt you got me? A white top? Or a sweatshirt? Y'know, since I won't be wearing the Daredevil suit, of course."
"Don't speak too soon. We still have a few minutes left." The bet still had five minutes, in fact; but the alarm would go off on your phone in two minutes. On a sudden whim you wrapped your arms around him, loosely holding your hands together around his neck as though you were about to slow dance together. Matt's hands naturally went to your waist, fingers grazing your hip bones. "If, in the extremely unlikely case that I do lose, you should wear your loose-fitted button-down from your birthday last year."
"Is that too fancy?"
"I don't think so. I'll be wearing a sundress. It's casual enough."
Matt spun you around, backing you into the wall. His eyes were intense, unblinking. "I know you're trying to keep my attention off of you. It's not going to work. I know you too well."
"Maybe you know less about me than you think," you challenged him.
"I doubt it."
"You'd be surprised, Matt. I've got secrets and ways of keeping them."
"Want to play that game, love? Because I can play that game." He tilted up your chin with his left hand. "That mosquito bite on your neck is still itching you, even if you've resisted scratching at it. You've still got the taste of mint in the back of your throat from when you brushed your teeth a few hours ago." His hand left your chin and brushed at your temple. "You got dehydrated this morning and had a headache, but it's gone away now. And your blush is practically a heat lamp right now, getting hotter with every second."
"Point taken," you muttered, but Matt wasn't finished.
"Down here," he continued, his hand now trailing down to your lower arm, "there's a bit of residue from the jam you got on your forearm during breakfast."
"I washed it off!"
"And I can still smell it." Matt lightly let go of you. "I could continue, if you'd like."
And then — your phone buzzed out a loud jingle, jolting both of you simultaneously. You fumbled in your pocket for your phone, shutting off the alarm. "Shit."
"Time's up," Matt said, with far too much pleasure in his voice. "I'm looking forward to spending a day at the office with you. Maybe we go in on the weekend?"
"Saturday I'm free," you said, as casually as you could possibly muster. "On Sunday I'm visiting a friend."
Which was a complete lie.
And Matt...
Didn't notice.
"We'll go in early," he said. "I had to go in this weekend anyway to get work done."
"Mm," you said, counting down the ten seconds in your head. "And I'm assuming you wanted me to help organize the files so that you wouldn't have to go into the office alone this weekend? This was all a ploy to get some company?"
"Of course. What kind of weekend would it be if I didn't get to spend it with my favorite person?"
"Foggy will take offense to that."
"Well, maybe I'll invite him too. And Karen. We can have a whole work-weekend at Nelson and—"
"Yes!" you shouted, so loudly that Matt tensed, as though scanning the room for a threat. "Get your suit on, Matt!" Without waiting for his answer you strode to the closet and pulled out the familiar red suit and mask. "A certain swindled devil now needs to make his appearance at a certain dinner party tonight."
Matt's expression was baffled. "But I won."
"Check your watch."
His fingers immediately felt for his watch, and then his face dropped. "You set the alarm early."
"And then proceeded to successfully lie about visiting a friend on Sunday. Oh, I can't wait to see Karen and Foggy's reaction when you arrive on the fire escape, dressed to the vigilante nines—"
"I can't believe you."
"Me either," you admitted. "I was getting nervous towards the end."
"I can't believe you," Matt repeated. "You're going to pay, sweetheart. That was playing dirty."
"Enjoy your retribution sometime else," you told him, tossing the mask over. He caught it, plucking it from the air without turning his head in the slightest. "We've got a dinner party to go to."
And maybe you'd still go into the office that weekend to help him out, you decided, a bit of guilt still stirring inside you, because he did just want you to be there with him, keeping him company.
After all, having a lie detector for a boyfriend really wasn't so bad.
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tamelee · 2 months
pls bottom naruto is disgusting stop drawing this ooc cringe
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Eh? And it hadn't even been a full day.
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Anyway, do you know what this means?:
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It means… that I don’t give a damn about your whiny gibberish about this top/bottom bullshit, because it sounds incredibly silly. (And wrong because I draw both?)
It’s fine to have a preference, good for you (I have one too!), but if all you care about between a character-dynamic is the single notion which establishes a rule within a fandom that demands only this particular dick in only that particular booty and nothing else, while dividing yourselves between "us and them" while seeing the people who like the same exact characters as your "enemy" and treating them as such— well, 
I have nothing to say to you, I couldn’t care less what you think about me and I don’t know you. 
But for the sake of other creators who are often a target also, some which I know quit because of this… there is a little something I'd like to say about these servers:
You don’t think I (we) know what is said in there and by who? 👀 That your rules of "what is said on here stays here" with a bunch of people online that you don't know, is actually respected? Why do you think I never join any. And bet your ass that I'm not the only one. This constant fighting between NS/SN is such an embarrassment for this fandom, seriously. I hope you realize that.
Because, instead of encouraging a (new) creator to share something about the characters you claim to love (for fucking free) you go off chastise them for not “doing it right”/“your way”, pretending it's some unspoken commission no one knew of or was paid for. Instead of being happy there’s still so much creative contribution for characters from a story that ended years ago, you go complain under fanfics and dishearten writers, often grinning away with your little server-“friends” and make fun of work someone poured their heart in. Or, you huff, puff and breathe fire as you make plans to cancel them out of pure bitterness, to the point (especially new) creators are too scared and dispirited to ever share anything again. It's easy to do anonymously, aye? And if you think that doesn’t affect their lives and sends them right back into a crestfallen pit of dark hell because it prevents them to do/share the single thing in life that gave them a bit of joy, then...
Congratulations; you’re a heartless bastard.
And you, as a fan, did yourself dirty too.
Do you know how many people don’t want to share anything at all for this fandom because you people leave comments, tags, asks, tweets constantly complaining about an incorrect portrayal of the (in your opinion) only acceptable dynamic, like a bunch a brats? Do you? Because I’ve talked to quite a few of these discouraged creators, they have to hope for the best and pray they’re spared from your scrutiny. I receive it from both sides every now and then.
Again, congratulations: you’re the reason there’s less chance of you getting what you want in the first place. 
Do you... really not realize?
The more you squabble with "your enemy" (lol) the more it affects the "us" you care about while the rest of us just bask in the glory that is SNS/NSN and couldn't care less about what you think/have to say. So, keep everyone else out of it and go mope elsewhere.
But, between you and me? There are better ways to share what you think is right. Make something yourself, because what's stopping you?
You’re perfectly capable, it doesn’t have to be art or a fic, maybe there’s just something in the story that you really enjoyed— write about it. Make a meta. Post the panel, show the moment that determined your undying love for this single dynamic and why— whatever.  Because, wouldn't it be nice having someone encourage you to create something you like? 😬 Especially because you and your server feel so strongly about it? And then you don't have to depend on others either?
Wouldn't it be nice?
Try it, ffs.
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swordcreature · 6 months
hiii, I really love your writing and got super excited when I saw that you take requests.
could you possibly do headcanons or like, short scenarios for how the companions would react to: a Tav who's normally relentlessly positive just fucking snapping. like they get back to camp one night and Tav's whole facade just shatters?
thank you if you do!! ♡♡
ty ty ty you're too nice i'm here blushing <3
okay so i ended up writing the six origin companions, but if there was someone else you were specifically looking for like halsin or jahiera please let me know!!
i also wrote this from a romance pov for each companion taking place very very vaguely in the third act.
ngl i struggled trying to find a way to write this that i was satisfied with. i don't know that i have like an in depth conceptualization of every single companion given that there are so many changes to them throughout the story, some of which you can't possibly see in a single playthrough
but i think i found a happy medium between love and hate lol
i really hope you like it!!!!
Shadowheart, Astarion, Lae'zel, Wyll, Gale, & Karlach - When Tav Snaps
How the companions react to chronically positive Tav snapping
(Tav is GN in this)
Secretly, Shadowheart is just the tiniest bit pleased to see their leader, normally sunshine and rainbows and just too damn chipper, sulk back into camp. But that feeling is quickly replaced by overwhelming guilt and worry as she realizes that something is very wrong with Tav. She tries to reach out, offering a hand to gently ask what's wrong. When Tav snaps, yelling and crying and breathing so hard that they look like they might puke, Shadowheart is frozen. She watches in terror, almost outside of her own body, as the one she loves most loses their composure until just raw embers remain. Shadowheart so desperately wants to do something, to say anything, but the reflexes learned from years under Shar’s stoic thumb kick in and she cannot move. Tav is the strong one, the person she turns to when the weight of the world is too much to bear, not the other way around! She’s supposed to be the emotionally stunted one, the broken one, godsdamnit! The only thing she can think to do in the moment is to borrow from Tav, to replicate what they have done for her so many times on this fucked up adventure they’re on. So, she sits Tav down and listens. Lets them cry and cry and cry until their eyes are so swollen they can’t open them very far. Shadowheart puts a hand on their knee to ground them and offers quiet, soft words of comfort. She doesn’t want to solve all the problems that led to this – she'd be stupid to think she could. No, she wants Tav to know that it’s okay to feel these heavy things. They don’t have to keep everything bottled up until they crack. If anything, Shadowheart wants them to know that they can be anything and everything with her, and she will still be there to listen and to love. 
Astarion pretends that Tav is the most annoyingly optimistic, too happy, do-gooder to ever grace his presence, but deep down their relentless positivity enamors him in an odd way. He’d never say that aloud though. He has gotten used to Tav practically skipping back into camp, head high and smile bright. So, when they take one, heavy footstep close enough to camp for Astarion to hear, his hackles immediately rise. His eye trail Tav as they trudge back into camp, ignoring the calls of the other companions as they seem to blankly seek out their own tent. Astarion tries to offer a lusty quip, something to lighten the mood, and he hates the way his voice wavers with concern. When Tav doesn’t respond, he’s quick to take their shoulders, turning them away from camp, towards someplace more private. Tav doesn’t fight back or say a word which is like a knife to Astarion’s dead heart – he's never seen them without a grin, let alone so despondent. In private, he pushes for an answer as to what’s going on, pressing the matter to its breaking point because he doesn’t know what to do, doesn’t know how to make them happy. And what use is he if he can’t even bring a smile to the face of the one person he cares about? Tav’s resolve breaks. They’re seething, angry at the world, sobbing and sneering and crumbling. Astarion stares, wide eyed. Part of him wants to slip back into old habits, acting as though he finds amusement in Tav’s breakdown. The happy-go-lucky leader finally snapping? How delightfully ironic! But that’s not him anymore. At least, he’s trying to not be that anymore. So, he pulls Tav towards him. His body instinctively tenses before reminding himself that this is Tav and the decision to hold them is his alone. Tav sobs harder into his chest. For a moment, Astarion thinks he’s done something wrong. But the longer he holds them there the lower their sobs get, until they’re left heaving in breath after breath, slowly calming down. Astarion hasn’t said a word since they left camp. He doesn’t need to. The unspoken language of touch tells Tav everything they needed to know: he’s here for them, he cares for them, they’re safe with him. And when Tav is calm and they walk back to camp, he’s not to be blamed for the sardonic joke he lets slip. 
Lae’zel immediately notices that Tav’s demeanor has changed when they walk back into camp with clenched fists and nostrils flared. She can sense the difference a mile away, but to her that’s all it is. A change. She’s not incredibly well versed in the range of emotions that non-githyanki display, but she at least understands that this is not Tav’s normal. She watches from the corner of her eye as they make a beeline to their tent. It’s strange to say the least. Something tells Lae’zel that she should check on them, some small part of herself that never used to neg her before she met Tav. So, she tentatively steps towards their tent, hands awkwardly at her sides. She calls for them, and they pop their head out with puffy, red eyes. Lae’zel speaks and she’s confident she said the right words. Until Tav is back inside their tent muffling a scream into a pillow, making horrendously loud noises as they try to catch their breath. Lae’zel stands motionless, still outside the tent. She grits her teeth as she battles with her own mind. This kind of behavior is weak, their leader should not be displaying such things outwardly. But, this is Tav who has taught her so much in such a short time – like that it’s okay to show weakness, vulnerability, even if she struggles with it still. The part of her that cares for Tav more than it fears weakness wins over, and she steps through the threshold of Tav’s tent. They’re disheveled: hair a mess, nose snotty, eyes bloodshot. Lae’zel sits next to them as they stare at her. A moment passes before they return to sobbing into a pile of pillows. Lae’zel is truly out of her element, and out of sheer unease she starts to talk. She’s not really even saying anything of much importance, just tiny pieces of her life before the tadpole. The first time she wielded a sword, how she wanted to ride a red dragon as a child, the first time she saw a human in person. She just talks and talks and talks, never even looking at Tav until their breath evens out and their body slumps. They fell asleep. Lae’zel leaves quietly, but not before she pulls a blanket over Tav’s shoulders. 
Wyll knew it was coming. Although Tav is an absolute delight, he's seen before how holding back all negativity can really break a person. It’s no surprise when one day he finds Tav in a destroyed building not far from camp, knees tucked against them, heaving as though they’d been kicked in the chest. The only thing keeping their wails quiet was the hand shoved in their mouth, biting down with a force that surely had drawn blood. Wyll kneels before them, pulling their face up with both of his hands, and commands them to look at him using the same voice his father would use on him as a child. Strong and assured. He takes a big breath in, urging Tav with his eyes to do the same. Tav mimics his actions again and again, little sobs and hiccups escaping every so often. They sit like that for a while until Wyll is sure that Tav is more controlled. He takes the space next to them, allowing them a moment to collect their thoughts. Wyll listens attentively and even relents when Tav asks to be alone, seeing the ghost of a smile on their face. When Tav gets back to camp, Wyll is waiting for them with a plate of warm food ready. The other companions are all in their tent – Wyll didn’t ask so much as forcefully suggested that they make themselves scarce – so the two have the fire all to themselves. The silence between them is easy. Wyll sits Tav between his legs and leans them back to his chest. His fingers run through their hair, undoing the knots that formed as they broke down against the harsh stone wall. When Tav falls asleep like that, he doesn’t move them. Instead, Wyll settles in and tries to make himself at least somehwat comfortable while his love gets their first good night's rest in a long time.  
Gale blabbers on and on about something so inane and stupid that most of the camp has retreated to their tents by now. Except for Tav who was returning from the Wyrm’s Rock. Letting go of poor Wyll, the only campmate too polite to leave Gale outright, he turns to Tav, walking in step beside them. He misses the way their eyes don’t lift from the ground, too busy waving his hands around to accentuate his point. They ask for a bit of space, but Gale is too enthralled in his speech to notice the way Tav’s eyes water when he doesn’t step away. And then they snap, tears spilling, hissing harshly for Gale to just shut up. He’s shocked, mouth hanging wide open in surprise. He doesn’t even chase after them when they walk past him, not stopping until they’re out of camp, over the road, and into the tree line. Gale’s not stupid though, he knows that Tav would never be so impolite normally. So, despite his pride being slightly wounded, he follows where they cut through the forest, hoping they didn’t go too far. When he finds them, they’re stomping around a clearing pulling at their hair, face contorted as they cry. Did he do this? Gale clears his throat to make himself known. Tav peers at him for a moment before turning around, holding their arms against their chest like they could fall apart in the breeze. Gale takes a hesitant step towards them, gauging his next best move. When they don’t protest, he closes the distance between them and puts a hand on their shoulder. They turn and immediately pull themself into his arms. Gale is quick to hold them there, resting his chin on their head, stroking their hair with his palm. He doesn’t know how to solve this, how to make them feel better, though something in him says to keep still. Keep holding Tav to his chest until they no longer shake. He idly wonders if a calming spell would work better than the little comfort his arms can provide. But Tav’s breath is slowing, their cries going silent. His voice is warm in their ear as he recites some poem that comes to memory of a man who thought he could hold the world on his shoulders. Tav only half listens but lets Gale cradle them against him until they look up and softly ask to go back to camp. 
Karlach thinks she is the luckiest woman alive. Fresh out of the Hells for the first time in ten years and she meets someone who is sunshine incarnate, someone who has a good heart, someone who wants her as much as she wants them. Then, she gets to actually touch the person she loves? She’s sure she’s never been happier. Every time Tav strolls into camp with a spring in their step, Karlach’s heart could burst with love – and not hellfire. She knows Tav is due back and her heart flutters impatiently as she waits. But it quickly starts to sink, more like drops ten stories to the groun, as she sees Tav with their eyes glued to the ground, walking into camp as though they’ve been carrying the owl bear cub on their shoulders for the past hour. They try to walk past Karlach in a rush, but she sticks out an arm to clothesline them. Karlach is so much stronger than Tav, so it’s easy for her to pull them to stand in front of her even as they put up a small fight. She wants to know what’s wrong, something is very clearly wrong, but Tav doesn’t budge. They fight back tears and stare at the ground. This was going to take drastic measures. With no warning, Karlach grabs Tav’s hand, yanking them out of camp and into one of the alleyways that connect it to the lower city. She stops as she eyes her goal. The alley is littered with wooden crates and barrels, old vases and general garbage. Tav’s confusion temporarily surmounts their urge to cry though it’s short lived. They look up to Kalach searching for an answer. Karlach just smiles and removes the mace she keeps strapped to her back in case of emergencies. She hands it to Tav with a nod towards the debris. Tav understands, or at least they think they do – they've surely seen Karlach commit enough property damage in the heat of a breakdown to get the idea. A deafening crack bounces down the alley as Tav connects the mace to a standing wooden barrel. It explodes into shards of splinters, and with it so does Tav’s resolve. They scream as they swing the mace into their next victim, a crate filled with used glass bottles. It lets out a satisfying crunch. Karlach isn’t sure how long she stands there, letting Tav silence their sobs with the sound of destruction. They’re out of breath, their swings weaker as they try to continue. But Karlach catches the mace on its down swing, pulling it and Tav close. Tav tries in vain to catch their breath as Karlach squeezes it out of them in a hug so tight it could bruise. With a shaky voice, Tav thanks her, leaning their forehead against herchest and closing their eyes. Karlach doesn’t let go for a long, long time.  
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sosappyjoos · 1 year
Ooooh, well since you love Yunho.
I'll guess I'll request a yunho smut please?
Thank you 🙏
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Good Kisser-Jeong Yunho
↳Pairing : Jeong Yunho x f!reader
↳Warnings: MDNI! Seriously, dont! Smut, making out, brief mention of vomit (reader pukes on Yunho, but it's not mentioned too much), fingering (f. receiving), dick bulge, dom!Yunho, public sex, f!orgasm boss yunho, office romance, jealous and possessive Yunho, pet names (Sweatheart and baby), praise kink, Wooyoung and Yeosang are in the story but Y/N's friends and co-workers, mention of San. (pls let me know if there's anything else I should add)
Word count: 5,519
Summary: Reader gets drunk one night and talks bad about her boss Jeong Yunho, who ends up taking care of your drunk mistakes that night, including making out with him. But instead of being fired, you find that he's become rather possessive and a bit jealous about your interactions with some of your male co-workers.
Genre: enemies to lovers(?), office romance.
A/N: Aghhh this is my first ever fanfiction and actually my first time ever writing smut. This is unedited, so I'm sorry if there's any mistakes. But this was so much fun to write, and thank you @whatudowhennooneseesyou for the request. I hope you enjoy it. And maybe part 2?👀 Let me know if you want it. Also if people could please reblog this, that would be so helpful to help it get more attention and help me to continue writing amazing requests like this for everyone to enjoy. Anyways, enjoy!!
“Fuck you, Wooyoung,” you cried out drunkenly. “Why did you introduce me to this damn job?”
“uh-huh I got it, I’m sorry,” Wooyoung tried calming you, looking around the busy restaurant apologetically.
“I work… I work over time every night, and I don’t even get to have a lunch break,” you raised your arms clumsily in exasperation, standing up from the frustration building in you. “And everyone” You started waving your arms, at the indication, slightly stumbling. “Piles their work on me since I’m the "newbie." Their work isn’t even my job, I’m a secretary. What am I? Some kind of intern? I'm not even that new! I've been working here for 8 months!" You pointed too yourself, eyes wide. "But you know what?!”
Wooyoung cringed, looking behind you, quickly tugging on your arms trying to get you to sit down. “I get it, I know. Now sit down before you fall.”
You thankfully cooperated. “The worst of them all is Jeong Yunho,” You attempted to say in a hushed tone, but it was still loud. “That bastard really gets on my nerves." You sighed, your bottom lip sticking out in a pathetic pout. "Yea, he’s my boss. But does he have to give me so much work to do?! I can’t even go on any dates because I don’t have time! It's his fault that I'm still single!” You cried. Wooyoung tried covering your mouth, but you quickly shoved his hand away, glaring at him. “He’s always so abrupt, and strict.”
“I understand. Just quiet down, huh?” Wooyoung continued trying to calm you, looking anxiously from you, to something over your shoulder. But you were so wasted you hardly even noticed how nervous he seemed.
“He hardly even talks to me, too! He just tells me what he needs with a few short words and then ignores my existence!" "Does he not realize I'm human? I'm a human being! It's so lonely sitting at my desk where no one but him is around," you whined. "He’s just a mindless working jerk!”
“Y/N, be quiet, huh?” Wooyoung now hissed through clenched teeth. 
“Ugh,” You quickly stood up again. “And stop looking behind me, it’s so annoying!” Standing up that quickly wasn't the wisest move you made that evening, as you quickly lost your balance and began to stumble backwards. Wooyoung’s face distorted to a face of shock as he stood up reaching for you. Your eyes widened and you let out a small yelp before feeling an arm wrap around your waist, stopping your descent to the ground. The realization was a bit slow for your drunken state, but you finally looked up at who had miraculously caught you. Your eyes narrowed and you quickly stood up as straight as you could, your feet still fumbling a bit, your heels clacking loudly against the floor. 
“Jeong Yunho!” You yelled at the man himself as he continued holding onto your arm, stabilizing you. He watched you carefully as you pointed your finger to his face. “You’re a fuckhead!” you giggled at the made up insult. Yunho’s eyes widened with shock at the nickname before chuckling to himself with a smirk on his lips. You slumped a little bit against him, suddenly tired. Yunho looked at Wooyoung, who was watching the scenario you had gotten yourself into with a cringe on his face.
“How much did she drink?” Yunho asked him.
“More than usual,” Wooyoung told him shrugging. “I guess the stress really got to her. What brings you here, Yunho?” Wooyoung asked, a slight smirk on his face. “Did you come because of my text?”
Yunho was silent for a moment. “Why did you both decide to drink on a week-day?”
“We weren’t here originally to drink. We were just eating,” Wooyoung sighed, leaning back in his seat. “But Y/N just kept drinking more and more. I’m sure you can guess why from overhearing her earlier?” He raised any eyebrow at Yunho, scanning his expression. Yunho pressed his lips together, swallowing. He avoided Wooyoung's eyes for a moment. Wooyoung stood up with a grunt before clapping his hand on Yunho's shoulder. “I have to get going now. The guys are wanting to go clubbing.”
“On a week-day?" Yunho asked. Wooyoung simply shrugged, giving a lazy salute with his two fingers. "Aren’t you going to take her home?" Yunho called after.
“That’s your problem now! See you later lover boy,” Wooyoung waved at Yunho and walked out of the restaurant. 
Yunho sighed, annoyed. He held you close to him, as he bent down grabbing your bag and jacket from your chair. He started to make his way to the exit when he was stopped by one of the staff. “Excuse me sir, but the meal over there still hasn’t been paid for.”
Yunho scoffed, and shook his head, knowing Wooyoung left the bill to him. “That little shit.” He mumbled, before quickly paying and walking out of the restaurant. The cold air bit at your exposed face and arms, making you whine. The sound was oddly rather sexual, making Yunho's cheeks warm in the cold weather. He cursed his mind for thinking such thoughts, looking up at the sky, trying his best to ignore any such thoughts. He pressed his lips together, before wrapping your jacket over your shoulders. You suddenly stood up straight, stumbling like an uneven bowling ball, singing a tune that Yunho didn't have a chance at recognizing with your offkey singing. He huffed a small laugh, holding your wrist to keep you out of the way of others and the street.
With some difficulty he guided you to his car, and you didn't make it any easier for him to help you inside. And once you were inside, of course that was when you fell asleep. Yunho let out an exhasperated sigh sitting in the drivers seat. He rested his hands on the steering wheel, looking over at you peacefully sleeping next to him. You had a small pout when you slept, and Yunho found himself smiling at how adorable he found it. He straightened up and stopped smiling as soon as he noticed though. He now debated on where to drive. He'd tried to get your address from you earlier, however that conversation wasn't exactly productive. He'd tried calling Wooyoung, but was sent straight to voicemail. He debated his options, before shifting the gear in his car. “My house it is, I guess,” Yunho mumbled. The drive was quiet, and thankfully, getting you out of his car was not nearly as difficult as getting you in. You had simply flopped over his back, making it easy for him to carry you into his apartment.
But when he was almost to his bedroom door, he horrifyingly heard a gag from you! He hurriedly opened his door, but before he could reach the bathroom, he felt an uncomfortable warm wetness over his shoulder, and a very unsatisfying "Bleugh" from you. You had vomited over his white button up, and he felt unbelievably uncomfortable, his shoulders slumping in defeat with a heavy sigh. This wasn't the kind of thing he'd been expecting on a Wednesday night.
He carried you into his bathroom, leaving you seated on his sink counter. You kicked your feet playfully as he got out a spare toothbrush he'd gotten from a dentist visit. He put some toothpaste on it, and coaxed you into opening your mouth. You cooperated giggling drunkenly. As he began to brush your teeth, you looked up at him with doe eyes. He was once again cursing his dirty mind, and tried his best to not imagine something very different from a toothbrush in your mouth. He closed his eyes a moment trying to reset his mind before he resumed helping you brush your teeth, quite thoroughly.
"This is ridiculous," he mumbled to himself. And he really felt that way, it was a simple task that you could probably do yourself, but here he was helping you brush your teeth, while you smiled obliviously. After your teeth were sufficiently cleaned, Yunho helped you down from the counter top, and guided you to his bed. You sat down, passively looking around at his room.
Yunho took the opportunity to gingerly take off his shirt, grabbing an oversized gray t-shirt. But before he could put it on, a pair of arms swiftly wrapped around his waist, pulling him back harshly. He fell back on his bed, a startled yelp managing to escape him. And there you were, hovering over him, your eyes seductive. You ran a hand through your hair, out of your face, letting it fall gently to the side of you.
You smiled, leaning down close to his face, your lips a breath away. His eyes widened, and he swiftly grabbed your arms sitting up, avoiding the impending kiss. You groaned at the sudden separation.
“Y/N calm down."
“I'm calm,” You smiled, your hands cupping his face. You leaned in to kiss him, this time too swift for him to stop you. His eyes remained wide for a moment, before easing into the kiss. The kiss was slow at first, your heart was beating quickly, and your cheeks felt even more flushed than usual because of the alcohol. Yunho gently held the back of your head as you wrapped your arms around his neck. His other hand held your waist and began to slowly trail up through your shirt, both of you pulling to deepen the kiss. You began to descend your hand down his chest, before reaching the bulge in his pants. You firmly palmed it, making him moan. However, the action brought Yunho back to reality as he realized the situation. 
Yunho pulled away from the kiss abruptly, shocked. You were also shocked but from the abrupt pause. He held your shoulders back as both of you breathed heavily from the make out session. His eyes sparkled as you looked at them, and seemed to hesitate before he avoided yours, distancing himself with you. You reached out for him again, but he caught your arms holding them away from him. “Y/N, you’re drunk.” He shut you down. Your eyebrows furrowed, a protest on the tip of your lips. But he stood up with a deep breath, still avoiding eye contact with you. “You can sleep here on my bed tonight. You have work tomorrow, so rest well.”
He swiftly left the room, and you simply stared at the door. Your head was fuzzy, and your eyelids felt heavy. After waiting a moment in case he returned, you finally laid back on the bed, hardly anything running through your drunk mind as you drifted off to sleep.
You woke up the next morning to your alarm ringing which also triggered an excruciating headache. You groaned, reaching for your phone on your dresser, only there was no dresser as you reached. Your head popped up from your pillow, confused. You squinted around the room you were in, only to see it was not your room at all. You quickly sat up a gasp escaping you, your phone still ringing as flashbacks from the night before came into your mind full swing. Not only had you totally bad-mouthed your boss and he potentially heard it, but you also called him a childish insult right to his face. And to top it all off, you had made out with your “Fuckface” boss after puking on his shirt. You groaned mortified at yourself as you quickly stood to look for your phone, seeing it surprisingly neatly charging on the dresser, with a green sticky note on it. You shut off the blaring alarm, slightly relieving the mind splitting headache you were suffering from. Then you looked at the sticky note. 
“I set an alarm for you on your phone so you'd wake up in time. There’s some new clothes for you in the bag on the dining table along with some food to help with your hangover. You can take a shower if needed. and the toothbrush you used last night is still there, it's the purple one. I sent you where the closest subway station is too. Don’t be late -Fuckface”
You once again groaned seeing the horrid nickname you’d given him written at the bottom of the sticky note, crouching down. “I’m done for,” you chuckled in disbelief, letting yourself simply fall to the floor. “My career is over, my life is over-” you let yourself just whine, absolutely mortified. But remembering the warning against being late to work, you checked your phone, relieved to see that you had time to get in the shower as Yunho had said. You tried pushing your embarrassing night out of your head, so all that remained was your terrible hangover. You got up and walked into the kitchen to see some porridge and a glass of water on the table, along with the bag of clothes Yunho had left. You stared at the bowl of porridge for a moment before slumping down in the seat, eating it quickly. It was tasty, and you couldn't help but think about how thorough Yunho was even outside of work. After showering and getting dressed, and applying what little make-up you had in your purse, you hurriedly left the house. 
The subway station was really close which made things even less stressful for this morning. And even though you still had a bone to pick with Yunho, you were thankful for how easy he had made it for you this morning. It wasn’t like he was the worst boss out there of course. He was just… very very particular about his work, so much so that it didn’t seem like you could hardly do anything “right” according to him the first 3 months of working for him. You were shocked you hadn’t been fired before during that time as it truly seemed nothing was up to his standard. But finally you had gotten the hang of things a bit, and were able to do some things right. It was even more difficult when your co-workers kept giving you tasks that weren’t even for secretaries, let alone a personal one. They all treated you like an intern, and it felt insulting. But you clenched your teeth and did the work anyway, overworking yourself to the bone. 
You took a deep breath in front of your work building, mentally preparing yourself to go inside and face your boss. The same boss you'd most definitely offended, and most definitely kissed last night.
“Good morning,” a bright voice said behind you, and a skipping wooyoung stopped at your side, a giant grin on his face. 
“Good morning, my ass!” You scowled, glaring at Wooyoung. He inched away from you, a . “Why the hell did you leave me to Mr. Jeong, you asshole!”
“I had to leave!”
“But that’s my boss you left me with, drunk! Who I bad mouthed too!”
“Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” he pouted. 
You pressed your lips into a thin line, nodding a bit. “Well, I guess you could say something like that,” you mumbled. 
“Ladies first,” Wooyoung indicated for you to enter the building first. 
“Then I insist you be the one to go first,” you smiled sarcastically. Wooyoung squinted at you, before walking inside, you following close behind, your shoulders sagging in reluctance.
“So, what ended up happening last night?” You both stepped into the elevator
“I’d really rather not talk about it.”
“That bad huh?”
“No, it was worse than bad Wooyoung. All I’m going to say is don’t be surprised if I never come to work again after today,” you sighed, walking out of the elevator together. 
“You’re exaggerating,” Wooyoung squinted at you. 
“I wish I was! I really fucking wish I was.”
You approached your desk which was just outside of Yunho’s office. The lights seemed to still be off inside his office, meaning he still wasn’t there. You let out the hundredth sigh already today as you slumped down in your chair.
“It’s over,” you once again mumbled to yourself, remembering last night's events. The way Yunho's lips were so soft but strong against yours, and the way he held you so close to him. The way his fingers brushed against your skin.
You sat up abruptly though, shutting down those thoughts before your face turned bright red. "All I can do now is try to convince him to let me stay," you mumbled, straightening some papers you had on your desk.
And there he was right down the hall, Yunho's steady foot prints approaching your desk. You quickly stood up, ready to greet him. You bowed to him with a polite “Good morning Mr. Jeong,” as he passed by, opening the door to his office. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, thankful he passed by so quickly.
“Ms. Y/N,” Yunho called, and your head snapped up to him. He was holding his door open. 
“Come inside,” he simply said, walking into his office. 
“Yes…” you groaned, your shoulders slumped as you walked through his office door.
“Mr. Park wants to reschedule our upcoming meeting to the 27th, adjust my schedule to fit him in,” Yunho said nonchalantly, taking off his suit coat and resting it on his chair. 
“Ah, yes. I’ll quickly do that for you…” You said slowly. You furrowed your brows. 
“Oh, and be sure to remind team 1 we have a meeting today to talk about the upcoming project.”
“Of course,” you affirmed. You couldn’t help but feel a little bit confused. He’s acting the same as always. You stared in a bit of disbelief at him. He settled into his seat, opening a manila folder. He looked up at you, puzzled.
“You can leave now.”
“Ah, right.”
You quickly rushed out of his office and into your own space, looking at his calendar for the 27th. You shifted a few things around, but thankfully there wasn’t much scheduled that day yet. You also sent out a reminder to Team 1 about the meeting that would be held in an hour. After that you scanned your emails, thankful for the distraction. 45 minutes passed of productive work before you stood up, and began getting the meeting room ready, setting out water bottles, folders and snacks on the table for everyone.
“Y/N,” you heard Wooyoung call. You turned around to see him at the door, smiling as always. 
“What do you need this time?”
“I’m just setting up the presentation,” he shrugged, bringing his laptop in, and setting it up to the big screen at the front of the room. Wooyoung was the team leader of Team 1. You already knew by now that Yunho and Wooyoung were actually pretty close, but you didn’t mind. You’d known Wooyoung since high school, and you’d gone your separate ways after during college, and a few years after that you'd gotten back in contact. You were thankful he’d introduced you to such a big job, but Yunho’s constant corrections of every little thing, and abrupt demands and assumption that you knew what he was thinking 24/7 was still exhausting. The powerpoint was open at the ready. Wooyoung walked over to you, as you were restocking one of the snack baskets. He reached over to pick up one of the mini packages of almonds. “Can’t you bring better snacks than these?” You rolled your eyes, attempting to snatch it out of his hands, but he quickly lifted his arm so the snack was out of reach.
“These are fine. Besides, Mr. Jeong likes them right now,” you sighed, once again trying to reach for them. 
“Ah, your prince charming last night?”
You grunted, huffing the hair out of your face as you continued to reach for the snack. Wooyoung let out an annoying giggle which was only getting more and more on your nerves. 
“Ahem,” someone behind you interrupted. You stopped, spinning around to see Yunho, leaning against the glass door frame. He had an eyebrow lifted, and his jaw was slacked. He stared at us, unamused. 
“Oh Yunho!” Wooyoung greeted finally lowering his arm. You quickly snatched the snack out of his hands and bowed to Yunho. You then started filling the snack basket again, but you could feel Yunho’s eyes still on you.
“Is everything set up?” Yunho finally asked Wooyoung. 
“Yes, everyone should be here in just a minute.”
The meeting had started out fine, but Yunho quickly began analyzing the imperfections and holes in Team 1's product plan, seemingly extra irritable. Poor Wooyoung was a mess trying to reason with Yunho and keep up with his frequent “attacks.”
“Apparently he also woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” Wooyoung mumbled to you, packing up his laptop. 
Well, once again, it was something like that. You patted Wooyoung's shoulder encouragingly. “Come on, it wasn’t that bad,” you tried. “And it’s good he’s bringing attention to these things early on so it runs more smoothly when we finally start on the project,” you reasoned. 
“Y/N,” Yunho said sternly. He walked up to you and Wooyoung. “I need you to copy 70 of these and distribute them to all team members personally. After that I need you to plan and schedule the Breakfast Banquet in June. I expect it to be half-way finished by today. Oh, and I also need you to contact Mrs. Lim about the advertisement set-up, and have her change the place to somewhere more… exotic.” Yunho piled. You had gotten out your tablet halfway, frantically typing down everything he had told you, precisely. “Oh, and bring me some coffee and some lunch. Make sure it’s something refreshing.”
“Yes, I’ll start on everything right away,” you said, as he began walking away. 
“Ah, and if this is too abrupt and strict for you, then… so very sorry,” he gave you a sarcastic smile, before walking away
Your jaw dropped as you watched him leave. So this is about last night. You closed your mouth, letting out a scoff.
“You regretting what you said last night yet?” Wooyoung teased. You slammed the papers Yunho had handed you onto the table, and gave Wooyoung a scathing glare. Wooyoung took the hint and quickly left you seething.
The next day you came to work with very prominent dark circles under your eyes. The additional work Yunho had piled on you had proven to be very difficult and you left work way later than usual, absolutely drained. You were thankful it was now Friday, impatient for the weekend. 
“Woah! What happened to you?” Were Wooyoung's first words seeing your face at your desk. You glared at him. "You look like shit."
"Thanks for boasting my confidence there," you said in a monotone voice. “I worked overtime last night,”
Wooyoung pursed his lips. “Couldn’t be me. I went clubbing with some girls. Yeosang and San came with me,” he bragged. This only made you more annoyed. 
“Clubbing. On a weekday?” you let out an annoyed chuckle. “Wooyoung, you better get out of here in 3 seconds or I strangle you.”
Wooyoung gave another smile and quickly walked away from your desk. You sighed holding your temples. You heard Yunho step out of his office, and you quickly stood, bowing to him. He pursed his lips gradually approaching your desk. 
“The Breakfast Banquet planning looks good so far. You can slow down on the project now over the next few months. And Mrs. Lim called with the new location for the ad. It fits well,” Yunho told you awkwardly.
You gave your best smile. “Glad to hear it.”
He nodded, walking away slowly. 
“Glad to hear it,” You mumbled, mocking yourself. “More like that’s what I better hear!” Your phone pinged and you glanced down at the message. It was an announcement of a team dinner with team 1 that you were invited to. You smiled, excited for ending the evening the right way.
“Y/N!” You looked up and spotted one of the members of Team 2, Han Yoonjung approaching your desk, with a big smile. Your own smile faltered. Yoonjung was one of the main perpetrators of passing off her work to you. And she always made it practically impossible to say no to.
“Hi, Ms. Han,” you greeted politely. 
“Oh come on. Call me Yoonjung, I don’t mind,” she smiled. “Hey, so tonight my boyfriend made some plans to go out to dinner that I totally forgot about. Problem is I have a bit of a project that I need to finish before tomorrow. Would you be able to finish it for me?” she asked. 
You paused for a moment, already annoyed. “But I actually have a bit of plans tonight. There’s a team dinner.”
“Oh those are lame anyways. Always so stuffy and boring. I'd actually be doing you a favor helping you get out of it,” she dismissed. “Please?”
You hesitated on what to say, wanting to refuse more firmly while still being polite. You opened your mouth to speak, but someone spoke before you could. “She said she had plans tonight.” You looked at Yunho as he approached the both of you. 
“Oh, well I was just asking for a bit of a hand to help,” Yoonjung tried to excuse herself. 
“Doing a full project for another worker is hardly a bit of a helping hand. That's quite literally doing their job for them," Yunho explained. Yoonjung was about to speak again, but Yunho beat her to it. "I can’t say I’m impressed that you keep handing off your work to my personal secretary,” Yunho raised an eyebrow. Your stomach jumped. Yes! Help me out of this for once, please! I stayed here way too late last night for you not to stand up for me!
Yoonjung shrank down. “I was just asking since I wanted to go to dinner with my boyfriend and-”
“And I don’t see why Y/N would need to take responsibility for that,” Yunho interrupted, sternly. Yoonjung swallowed, her cheeks red. “I also know this isn’t the first time you or others have asked. Y/N is a personal assistant, not a crew member on one of your teams. Her job is very different, and important for me." Yunho said. His defense was giving you butterflies, which in a way felt pathetic, but you couldn't help but feel a little giddy. "Y/N doesn’t accept work from anyone else, unless it’s been pre-approved by me. I hope you spread this to your co-workers as well,” he told her in a firm yet gentle manner, making sure to stay professional. You looked down at the ground, swallowing a victorious smile. 
“Yes sir,” Yoonjung affirmed. Yunho gave her a short polite smile before she walked away. 
“Thank you, Mr. Jeong.”
“Of course. And it's true, you shouldn't be accepting work from others unless I approve, so don’t hesitate to call for me,” Yunho smiled. He then lifted his hand which held a coffee. “You seemed tired so I got you some coffee.”
You blinked in shock, and then finally grabbed the coffee. “Oh. Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it,” he dismissed, walking away into his office. You held the back of your hand to your cheek, trying to cool it. You couldn’t help but smile as you sipped on the beverage, and sat back down at your desk.
The restaurant was loud with all your co-workers from Team 1 talking and laughing. You were also thankful to be participating in the fun.
“You seem more energetic since Yunho’s additional tasks yesterday,” Yeosang said. He was sitting across from you taking a sip of the water in front of him.
“Oh. It wasn’t so bad,” you dismissed, taking a bite of food. 
“Yea right,” Wooyoung chuckled. “Your dark circles were practically sagging to our feet this morning.”
“Stop exaggerating,” You shoved him. It was true that it was a lot of work, however your mood about it had significantly improved after talking with Yunho. You felt a bit pathetic for feeling so happy over such simple things like him praising you, or defending you against co-workers shrugging their responsibilities on you. But it did make you happy, and you took the optimism gladly. Suddenly there was a rush of shocked conversation around you. You looked up and saw Yunho’s tall and lithe figure walking into the restaurant. Wooyoung and Yeosang waved him over and he approached the three of you. He sat down next to you smiling. He looks so cute. You thought. You may have not always been a fan of Yunho, but you weren’t a liar. He was obviously a very attractive man. So attractive it was sometimes hard to be mad at him. You made eye contact with him and your stares lingered for a moment, before you both looked away. You chewed the inside of your cheek, unsure what to do with yourself now. 
“You made time to come. We’re glad to see you,” Yeosang clapped Yunho’s shoulder.
“I thought it wouldn’t hurt if I came,” Yunho shrugged, taking a drink.
Everyone was enjoying their time eating, drinking and talking. As Yunho, Wooyoung and Yeosang talked and goofed off, you couldn't help but smile along. You were getting a bit tipsy, and decided to dismiss yourself to the bathroom real quickly. You stared at yourself in the mirror, pinching your cheeks a bit trying to remain as sober as you possibly could. Your cheeks were already a bit flushed, and the pinching didn’t help at all, but you couldn't get drunk tonight. Not after that fiasco a few days ago.
You walked out of the bathroom, and there Yunho was leaning against the opposite wall. He walked up to you, a shy look on his face.
  “Listen,” he starts, chewing the inside of his cheek. “I’m sorry for piling all that work on you. I understand it was a lot, and it was petty of me to get back at you.”
You sucked at your teeth taking in his apology. “Don’t worry about it. I’d have to work on all of it eventually, so it was a good head start. Besides, I said some pretty terrible things about you.”
“Guess we’re even now,” Yunho said. 
“Well actually, about that other night-” You started, but Yunho shifted uncomfortably and interrupted you.
“I think we should get back to everyone, don’t you think? Wooyoung and Yeosang will definitely eat all of the meat if we're not there.”
“Oh. I guess so.”
You both started walking back to the group, but before you could be in view of the others Yunho leaned down trapping your head behind a busy booth, whispering in your ear. “You’re a good kisser though.”
Your cheeks flushed and your heart was throbbing as you both sat down. Yunho hid a smile as he sipped on his drink.
“Y/N, were you able to get that guy's number last weekend? I left before seeing you actually do it,” Yeosang asked. You sank down in your seat, embarrassed for some reason.
“No… He left before I could ask,” I said shyly. 
“Come on, you hardly go clubbing with us and you missed this one opportunity to get a guy's number,” Wooyoung whined. “Why don’t you come clubbing with us again this weekend?”
You glanced over at Yunho, his tongue was in his cheek, and nose slightly flared. “I think I’ll actually pass,” you said.
“Then should I be the one to get your number and show you a fun time?” Wooyoung teased.
You fake gagged. “Wooyoung that’s just not right,” you said. 
“You’re right,” he shivered at the idea. 
Yunho quickly stood up now, swinging his suit jacket over his shoulder. “I have to get going now. Wooyoung, make sure to use the business card.” He quickly walked out of the restaurant. You frowned at his abrupt departure, you'd slightly been hoping to talk more.
“What was that about?m He looked pissed.” Yeosang mumbled. Wooyoung and Yeosang dove back into conversation, while you were lost in thought. What did Yunho mean exactly, by being a good kisser? Why would he say that to you? Was he wanting to forget that night, or remember? You couldn't tell what he was hoping to achieve by complimenting your kissing skills, and it was killing you.
Your phone pinged, dragging you out of your thoughts. The message was from Yunho.
I’m down the street by the bus station. Meet me there in 5 minutes. 
Your heart leaped and you quickly exited the message so Wooyoung’s nosy ass wouldn’t see. You waited for a moment, before standing up with your bag and pulling your long coat on. “Hey I have to get going now. I’ll talk to you guys laterm though.”
Both Wooyoung and Yeosang protested as you left, but you simply waved and walked out the door. You pulled your jacket closer around you, your hairs rising from the bitter cold. You walked at a quick pace to the bus station Yunho had mentioned. You didn’t understand exactly why you felt so giddy. He probably forgot to give you some business file, but for some reason the thought of seeing him in private made your stomach feel jumbled, especially after he had suddenly complimented your kissing skills earlier.
 You arrived at the bus station and looked around. There was an older man, drunkenly sleeping on the bench, but Yunho was nowhere in sight. You felt the giddiness start to dissipate and your shoulders started to slump when you suddenly felt a hand grab your wrist. You turned and saw Yunho quickly pulling you to a dark small alleyway making the giddy feeling come back full swing.
He pushed you against the brick wall, arms holding the wall on both sides of your head. He stared at you for a moment. His eyes sparkling from what little light there was around, but his eyebrows were still raised with an air of sternness. You were breathing heavily, your heart beating quickly from the unexpected turn of events. Finally he leaned down to you, kissing your lips with vigor. You kissed him back matching his intensity. He held your head, and tilted into the kiss, deepening it, now holding your waist with his other hand, pulling you closer to him. The wetness in your panties was inevitable at this point, especially as he placed his leg between yours. He broke away from the kiss, and you briefly worried he would stop like he had last time you’d made out. Instead he spoke in a hushed tone.
“I thought I gave you so much work you didn’t have time to date? You were going to give your number to some guy at the club?” He then started to kiss down your neck, the hand at your head now traveling down your leg. 
“I thought of it, but decided not to after remembering how much I wouldn’t have time for him,” you breathed out.
“Ah, is that why you decided to flirt with Wooyoung instead?” Yunho nibbled at your collar bone.
“Wooyoung and I don’t flirt. He’s basically a brother to me,” You sighed, biting your lip. Yunho moved his hand to the inside of your thigh, traveling up your skirt. You got a run of shivers from his touch along with the cold. 
“And?” Yunho asked, his lips once again at your neck. His long fingers were now brushing the hem of your panties. 
“And I’d never date him,” you told him.
“Good girl,” Yunho said, finally placing his hand over your clothed pussy. He could feel how wet you were, soaking through your panties. He stopped kissing your neck and looked at you now, smirking. “You’re so wet for me, sweetheart,” he hummed. You let out a shaky breath, trying your best not to moan. You gripped onto his arm as his two fingers pushed aside your panties, smoothing over your slickness. “Were you wet like this the last time we made out?” he asked.
You couldn’t even respond, just desperate for his deeper touch. Your eyebrows were furrowed and you closed your eyes, trying to enhance what you were feeling from his fingers. “Your little pout is so pretty, baby. Do you want more?” he asked. You only nodded. You could hear him breathe out a chuckle as he slipped his two fingers inside you. He let them slowly reach up, and slowly pulled them out once more, making you almost moan, but you quickly covered your mouth, choking back the demonstration of pleasure. 
Finally he began to slowly pump his fingers inside you, trying to subtly find your g-spot. Finally, his fingers reached it, and you trembled a little bit, letting out a small whimper. Yunho gave a sly smile. “Found it.” Now that he found it, he was intent on using it as much as he could. As he massaged your g-spot he used his thumb to rub your clit. You were trying so hard not to moan with every pump now, and could only let out small quiet whimpers now. “You’re staying so quiet for me baby, you’re doing so well,” Yunho now whispered in your ear.
“It feels so good,” you whispered back. 
“Better than wooyoung, or that guy could ever make you feel, right?” He asked. You only nodded now, unable to speak. There was tension building up in your stomach, and you held tight onto Yunho’s wrist, feeling your orgasm on its way. “You got it sweetheart. Cum nice and sweet for me.” he encouraged, feeling you start to clench around his fingers. Your relief was hanging on by a string as he fingered you even more rigorously, and he rubbed your clit even harder and faster. Finally your breath hitched as that string finally snapped, and your body shook a moment from the intense orgasm. You barely stifled your moan, but your legs started to lose strength. Thankfully Yunho held you up with strong arms. “You did so well,” he whispered, kissing your forehead. 
“Hey, we should all go for a second round!” You heard Wooyoung's voice approaching from down the street. You quickly looked at Yunho, frightened to be seen in this state. Thankfully he understood your look. The sad part was his fingers leaving your insides, as he used his other hand to spin you away from the outside view of the alleyway. His tall figure blocked you completely from outside view. 
“Haven’t you had enough to drink?” You heard Yeosang reason, very nearby now. Yunho’s head tilted, listening intently. You could see the group's shadow begin passing by in random conversation. 
Yunho gave you a seductive glance, sticking his two fingers which were inside you inside his mouth, sucking. You stared at him, turned on once again. He took the fingers out of his mouth leaning down to you. “You really did cum nice and sweet for me,” he whispered after the group had passed. 
You rolled your eyes, an inevitable smile on your lips. You stood on your tippy toes, giving him a kiss, which he gladly accepted. You broke the kiss, and he looked at you curious. “Am I really that good of a kisser though?”
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iamnmbr3 · 25 days
I find your analysis' really fun and I love how JKR, unintentionally created a narrative where drarry somehow has more chemistry than ginny who's literally forgotten in the 3rd, 4th books???? Like mam, if you want to build a romance then make them have actual conversations? I, myself like ginny and like the concept of hinny but the way JKR sucked at writing them infuriated me.
But anyhow, I also love drarry, though as much as I like and agree with your assessment; there is something I'll have to disagree with, and that is I don't harry found draco attractive. Because the thing with Harry is; no matter who that person is, my guy is really honest with how he views that person. Each time as he saw Riddle grow, my guy was like; hot damn. Also Cedric. Sirius. Bro literally calls regulus "not as hot as Sirius" so we are know Harry has never once found draco attractive. As for the gleaming eyes, pointy chin; well I also like giving my characters good description so people would understand what to imagine; I'm not making everyone simp on about everyone. promise!!!!!!
( I just like them falling in love after the war, and Idrc if they found each other good looking or not, I just don't like how people just take basic description of a character and says oh he describes how he looks, he must like him!!!!! No guys, he is just saying bro has a pointy chin and his eyes glows because he probably is gonna do something!!!!!)
I just wanted to get this out and I am not really active on Tumblr, and don't like posting. This is just me wanting to discuss this one hc😞 but I hope u have a good day and I adore ur hcs and analysis.❤️
Thank you! And yeah I feel like JKR really did Ginny dirty with the way hinny happened. I like book 5 Ginny so much more than book 6 and 7 Ginny. She deserved so much better than to be reduced to a love interest who is "Harry's perfect girl" to use JKR's phrase rather than someone who got to be her own fully realized character with a distinct personality and interests (as she was in book 5 before JKR overdid it trying to make her the ideal Love Interest TM). I think it would've been cool if she ended up with Neville since they bonded during their year at Hogwarts in book 7 and fought side by side and mutually respected each other as equals.
It just says it all that after the Battle of Hogwarts Harry doesn't have a single interaction with her. He immediately wants to spend time with Ron and Hermione because he feels a deep bond with them but just vaguely thinks that there will be time to talk with Ginny later. He isn't even sitting by her at the table because it's Luna who is next to him and offers to create a distraction so he can leave.
As for Harry's descriptions of Draco, I'm going to push back on that although of course everyone is perfectly entitled to their own interpretations. The thing is, Harry is extremely judgmental about people's looks and insults the appearances of all the other Slytherins. A lot. But he NEVER does that with Draco. Ron does. Ron insults Draco's looks all the time. But Harry never goes along with it or agrees and his internal monologue and descriptions of Draco are notably lacking the insults he directs at almost every other member of Draco's House as well as other people he dislikes.
But that's not because he isn't looking. Because he is. A LOT. He doesn't just describe Draco's looks. He dwells on them. Repeatedly. We know SO much about how Draco looks because Harry CONSTANTLY notices and mentions it in his internal monologue. Draco's grey eyes are mentioned repeatedly in every book. As is his sleek blond hair. Harry doesn't even mention Ron's eye color once till book 7, but we get multiple descriptions of Draco's eyes down to the exact shade - specifically pale grey. And same for his hair - along with observations about how it gleams in the sunlight. Even when Harry's in danger he takes a second to check out how Draco's looking. And that is at odds with how he describes other characters.
He never calls Ginny pretty or beautiful either but he does seem to have at least some level of physical attraction to her and often describes her hair...and that's pretty much it. Yeah I'm pretty sure that relationship fizzles once the peace happens. (I've read very compelling metas on Harry being gay and I think there's a lot there though personally I do still read him as bi but with a strong preference for men).
Draco is someone that Harry would not get together with till after the war. And I don't think he wants to acknowledge, even to himself, that he is attracted to him. But he sure spends a lot of time repeatedly noticing and describing and thinking about Draco's appearance in a way he doesn't with other characters. Something is making him look. And I think that something is attraction.
Now obviously this was completely not JKR's intent. The problem is that she wrote the story from Harry's POV not from the POV of an omniscient third person narrator. So while she didn't mean to make Harry constantly notice all the cute guys and obsess over Draco's looks for 7 books that is accidentally what she did.
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jezebelgoldstone · 11 months
RRR (2022, dir S. S. Rajamouli)
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things i am not now and likely never will get over from RRR
queer? platonic? queerplatonic? who gives a shit no matter what it was it was AWESOME
Colonialism Is Bad Actually: The Musical
the symbolism. holy shit. every BIT of it was absolutely amazing.
wow all the mains in this movie are just, really hot? my poor lil pan heart had a rough time with this one ngl
the fact that someone (likely many someones) watched this movie about Colonialism Is Bad Actually and said 'you know what let's dub this whole thing into Hindi and English and then not give an option to watch it with the original Telugu dialogue' sure was,,,,,,,,, A Choice
by which i mean the actual song-and-dance numbers as well as the like story soundtrack all of it is going on my playlist asap
listen the spirk-behind-glass scene is awful. spock and kirk can't even touch. they can hear. they can see. but they cannot touch. and i in my sweet ignorant bliss thought that was as bad as it could get.
tonight i learned that holding someone in your arms through the bars of their cell is so much worse
I watched it on Netflix but i looked it up on a few other ahem websites and on EVERY SINGLE ONE Telugu audio wasn't even an option.
there was not one single chance to tie things together or make a connection or do a setup/payoff or callback that was not taken. not a single one.
everything about this movie is 100% Extra
in short: this movie is a masterclass
aaaaaand the rest below a cut because WOW i have a lot to say actually
which brings me to the dancing oh my gods. not sure i've ever seen such enthusiastic dancing in anything in my entire life. seriously by the final number i was exhausted just watching them
in general, this movie is: stunning
also this was kinda hilarious because i watched it in hindi [the least disorienting option] and they kept SAYING "ram" but in the subs it was always fuckin RAJU so like. again with the Choices. like seriously what was the thought process there. WAS there a thought process.
i ADORED jenny. with my whole entire heart. she is one of the very BEST examples of Ignorance Is A Privilege and also At What Point Does Ignorance Become Malicious that i have ever ever seen. i loooooooooved it. i mean i hated it a whole lot while it was happening but also i am SO GLAD that now rather than trying to explain all of this to people i can just tell them to watch this movie and then sit them down and be like, so what are your thoughts on jenny's culpability in literally everything?
oh and how you can be a kind person and still do atrocities! like jenny is so sweet and so kind and you just like her so much and yet. and yet.
t h e s y m b o l i s m
i cannot remember the last time i saw a movie so visually stunning. the cinematography is breathtaking. pause on just about any random frame and it could be a movie poster or hanging in an art gallery or what have you.
they also dubbed all the lines that were actually in english? i mean i get it for the characters who spent most of the movie speaking Telugu because you'd need their voices to stay the same through the whole movie yeah fine whatever. but like. they dubbed all the ENGLISH characters, too? like literally dubbed them from english into english??? the dialogue matched their mouths except the timing was veeeery sliiiiiiiightly off but it SOUNDED really obviously dubbed??? Y THO???
Malli. Malli honey i love you. i'm just realizing i don't know if that's your actual name gods damn it. but whatever your name is child i love you.
and did i mention that everyone in this movie is beautiful? like. seriously. Ram and Bheem especially holy SHIT.
Physics Does Not Work Like That And I Do Not Care Because That Was AWESOME: The Musical
oooohhhhh they re-recorded and dubbed the fucking SONGS too. i am so pissed about this y'all i can't even tell you.
oh i want to do a whole entire post that's even longer than this one about the symbolism. hell i could probably do a whole entire post just on the fire/water symbolism even without everything else. It was AMAZING.
okay ram is fire and bheem is water and ram's people go to a valley on the shores of a river and the river is in literally every shot of the village and just ram BEING fire but water being a place of HOME and SAFETY for ram
i'm not crying shut up
ooooooohhhhhhh and people holding hands right before they part. oh that hurts. all of those hurt so bad.
how every single time people held hands when they parted they always held on till the last possible second EXCEPT FOR RAM'S MOM.
she lifts her hand away from him and then pulls back and it was devastating
Predators Do Not Work Like That But I Do Not Care Because That Was Awesome And Also They Ate A Bunch Of Colonizing Cops: Queercoded Edition (ACAB)
bheem with his arms spread and rope or chains around his wrists or in his hands. i just. the way it flipped back and forth from 'he has the power' to 'he is helpless' to 'he should be helpless and isn't' was just. breathtaking.
okay listen this movie would've been good no matter what but like. they really are just SO beautiful. and. when ram. with like the long hair. and. beard. and like. you know? like. his. his hair. his general. everything. um.
literally at the most emotionally inappropriate moment i literally thought about that whole 'i saw a man so beautiful i started crying' thing and like that almost literally happened literally
Why There Can't Be Any Such Thing As Good Cops: The Romance (ACAB)
and like here's the thing i'm not sure i would've even NOTICED this had it not been for the linguistic chauvinism with the audio and everything but like both of them were hindu and a lot of the symbolism though awesome was also really strongly hindu and i just i don't know nearly enough about hindutva to have any kind of opinion BUT i also feel like maaaaaaaybe there was something a little uncomfy about some of this
oh no wait the suspenders dance. that might've actually been the best part. yeah.
oh all the british actors did SUCH a good job being so eminently punchable
throw cheetahs at each other! and snakes! somehow have upper body strength greater than the force exerted by a 800+ lb tiger lunging! throw those motorcycles! punch through those walls without breaking your fingers! use herbal paste to heal broken bones in a matter of a minutes! break solid stone with nothing but the strength of your shoulders and gay love! i am so here for all of this!!!
Throw Rocks Marble Pillars Live Tigers Cops At Cops: The Movie (ACAB)
i love that jenny felt bad for the poor little girl who got kidnapped enslaved and imprisoned so she. bought her a dress and a toy.
you know, to make her feel better about the whole 'being kidnapped enslaved and imprisoned' thing.
instead of doing, i don't know know, literally anything else. like even just saying to her aunt 'hey this makes me sad' or something. #solidarity.
the violence was violent and the romance was sweet
okay so during the fight at the midpoint like i know that by the end of it ram and bheem are literal fire and water BUT ALSO. Ram enters the scene in a flaming carriage and from that point forward the fountain is in pretty much every shot of bheem. just sayin.
love that lachu (or whatever his name really is) told ram that there was no cure. like yes! you go man! ram may be so beautiful that in forty minutes i'm going to be in tears but that's no reason to tell a cop the truth about anything! you lie to that cop man!
i know other people got hit in the head with tree branches too but STILL
honestly i really like that ram and bheem were, well, ram and bheem. but i mean im glad they weren't like ram and lakshman or bheem and arjun or something. not even just because that would've been brotherly like i'm glad they weren't arjun and krishna or something either. i liked that their names weren't from the same story. i liked it better this way and i can't even articulate why.
i am never ever ever going to get over the progression of part of bheem's introduction being something going wrong and him holding two ropes (he has all the power) with his arms spread and that being used to show us how incredibly strong he is -> something going wrong and bheem with ropes around his wrists (he shouldn't have any power at all) holding his arms spread and that being used to show how incredibly strong he is in a completely different way
like every time there were ropes or chains in bheem's hands or around his wrists it meant something, and it was a beat in the rhythm of a discernable arc, but now i can't remember all of them gdi
oooohhhhh there was SO much more symbolism i wanted to talk about but it's so late that i have a headache and this post is so long my computer's lagging like two sentences behind so i should stop and go to bed. sigh.
just go watch this movie, okay? pleae? I cannot IMAGINE who would've read this whole thing,m but if you did, just watch it, all rigth? (and if you happen to know of any site - ANY site - where i can watch it in FUKIN TELUGU kindly drop a link please and thank)
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x0x0josephinex0x0 · 6 months
hi I'm the one who asked for the shipping reaction, yes I meant idol!y/n and I'd like it to be romantic
I'm sorry for the confusion 😅
no problem lovey, i just wanted to make sure i got it right for you!! here it is :)
warnings: making out is mentioned. excessively. (for humor.)
seungcheol: this man has been simping for you for the longest time atp. like from the moment he saw you at some award show. he went home and immediately looked up your group and the music videos and watched through them all. he's had a thing for you since then, and then you became friends through a mutual friend (mingyu) and he was absolutely correct in his initial assumption that he'd be obsessed with you for as long as he lives. and when i say obsessed i mean this man DREAMS about you. he wakes up reaching for you even though you've never spent a single night anywhere near his bed. so he's ready for the rumors, baby. he's HOPING someone asks him about you. he's praying dispatch catches you on one of your biweekly coffee dates. he wants the world buzzing with thoughts of the two of you together. he is so damn tired of trying to beam the message into your brain but also doesn't want to wreck a perfectly good friendship if he thinks his feelings are totally coming out of left field. so when the shipping finally starts after you film a dance challenge together he's like "see? we're made for each other" and you're like ???? you liked me??? this whole time??? and he's like "HOW DID YOU NOT KNOW" and you're like "I LIKE YOU TOO OMG" because of course you do, you have eyes. and then you make out.
jeonghan: he literally created no less than sixty fake instagram profiles, with the help of his boys, to start dating rumors between the two of you and convince you that everyone sees you two together/thinks you should date. it becomes a whole thing, tho -- pretty soon the whole internet agrees with him. every time you go live fans ask about him. your company is a chill company with no dating ban but they send you an email being like "do we need to confirm this for your sake??" you have honestly never thought about him specifically like that until this all started happening, but as time goes on you realize jeonghan is everything you ever wanted. he's beautiful and kind to you and your family absolutely loves him. in short, you're whipped for him. and so finally, you ask him to come over, and you confess your growing feelings for him, which he reciprocates fully. he promptly asks you out. you have played right into his hands and he's more proud of himself than he's ever been in his whole life. and then you make out.
joshua: he is the most polite, most genuine man in the universe, so he's NEVER crossing that line of his own accord. and it gets rough. the two of you are literally perishing with desire for one another. you hang out every single day and the looks that pass between you -- desperate, yearning looks -- have the other members cringing and throwing up and BEGGING joshua to make a move. he will not do it because he doesn't want to take advantage of you or make your career/life difficult. finally wonwoo gets fed up with you two. when he gets trapped in a room with the both of you, he tells you both, "the internet is shipping you two." you both blush and look at each other. finally you ask joshua, "what do you think about that?" and joshua's like, "i think that sounds....really nice." wonwoo's like "omg FINALLY" and once he leaves the room, you both confess your longtime feelings for each other and agree to give dating a try. he holds your hand through the whole talk because he knows how nervous you get when confronting your own feelings. you've never smiled harder in your life and joshua's eyes have never been prettier than when he looks at you like he's looking at you. and then you make out.
jun: jun about to mr. darcy this mf. he has this dumb crush on u but he's so anxiety-ridden that he literally does nothing about it but is a blushing mess around you. you find him so incredibly cute all the time that naturally you become his bestie. he slowly falls more in love with you the more you spend time together but still can't find the right words to tell you just how precious you are to him. it's the shippers that push him over the edge, though. he can tell it makes you uncomfortable to be talked about like that, and that worries him EVEN MORE. and so he corners you one day and ruffles his hair all tortured-like and goes "ok so do you just want people to mind their business or do you feel uncomfortable with the idea of dating me?" and you're like "oh it's most definitely the first one because you're a fine piece of manhood" and he's like "oh? well allow me to confess that you have bewitched me, body and soul, and i love...i love...i love you". (yes this is happening at sunrise.) anyway, he tells you that he's liked you from day one, and he'll love you until day infinity. and then you make out.
soonyoung: he approaches you one day and just plops down like he usually does, but this time he takes one of your hands in his. "my fans are geniuses," he says, very seriously, which of course makes you laugh. when you ask why, he brings up his most recent live. you were watching -- you always watch his lives and he always watches yours -- but you had the comments turned off so you could focus on what he was saying. "a lot of the comments were talking about you," he tells you, referring to the recent dispatch photos of you and soonyoung out on the town together. "they said we should date." and suddenly the room is hotter, and you're looking at soonyoung like the world is in his eyes. because for you it is, and it has been. you spend the rest of the evening together, talking about your relationship and your feelings for each other, and slow dancing in the kitchen. and then you make out.
wonwoo: he's pretty much unaffected by shipping/rumors. literally does not care one bit about them. but he's still so in love with you he can hardly see straight. it's only logical that people have started to notice the way he can't keep his eyes off you at events and award shows where you're both in attendance, and are drawing attention to it. to him, this is a perfectly normal progression of events. still, he waits for you to say something because he knows how complicated relationships with other famous people can be and he doesn't want to make you do anything you're not comfortable with. so it's you who approaches him, and it's you who admits that your feelings are less-than-professional and more-than-friendly for him -- exacerbated by the shipping talk, but definitely there before any of that started happening. but then it's him who says, "it's about damn time," and pulls you into his chest for a massive hug. and then you make out.
jihoon: literally why do i feel like jihoon would become the clumsiest most awkward dude if someone hinted that he might like you?? idk i just think my guy would externally be like "hahaha wow that's crazy" when someone pointed out how he'd helped you down off the stage after a music bank performance (and had coincidentally beat minghao to the job even tho minghao was standing a lot closer and was a lot more ready than he was), but internally would be screaming bloody murder BECAUSE SOMEONE NOTICED AND WHAT IF YOU FIND OUT AND THINK HE'S A CREEP AND EVERYTHING GOES WRONG. so he literally cannot be normal around you. gets his hair caught in his headphones during a recording sesh with you and instead of trying to untangle it like a normal human he just rips his hair out. runs into the studio glass. forgets the words to his own song, that he wrote, because he's staring at your lips. finally you just say, "you're being weird. is this because people are shipping us?" and he nods. "i'm sorry...i didn't want you to feel uncomfortable," you say, but he shakes his head. "i like you SO much," he confesses. "and i don't want to screw it up." your jaw drops and you throw your arms around him. and then you make out.
seokmin: he's been joking about being your boyfriend since you met. but little do you know, he wasn't actually joking and really does want to be your boyfriend. but since he's joking all the time, it's a bit difficult to tell that he's serious. until the joke about him being your boyfriend becomes common knowledge among seventeen, who obviously think it's hilarious that you don't know he actually is in love with you. so they tease him all the time about his "girlfriend" during concerts and lives, and eventually fans learn it's you they keep jokingly calling his girlfriend, and it becomes a whole bit for awhile between seventeen and carats. you play along, until you start to sense it bothers seokmin. ever a comedian, you find this odd -- so you ask him. and he's a terrible secret keeper so he tells you that he wasn't joking the ENTIRE TIME, and he'd literally die for you if you asked. this, of course, makes you all kinds of happy, and when you start to giggle he's like "are u laughing at me :(" and you're like "no you dummy I AM ABSOLUTELY DOWN HORRENDOUS FOR YOU" and then you make out.
mingyu: mingyu would just become dumb and giggly around you. kind of like the less uncomfortable jihoon. gets extra clumsy around you and makes a complete fool of himself. breaks everything within a ten-meter radius when he knows he's gonna get to see you that day. the rumors begin because my mans cannot hide his true feelings for even a single second, and he's such a cuddler that he literally gives you a hug on live television. this is the catalyst. this is why fans spam both of your posts on instagram with requests for you two to go on a date. and since you are not an IDIOT, but he is a little bit, you bring it up to him. "so, they think we should date. i think they might be onto something." you give him a significant look, and his eyes get all wide and happy. "really?" he says with excitement. "you'd want to go on a date with me?" and you look him up and down, considering his literally god-like figure and his bright eyes and his perfect smile and go, "yeah, i really would love to go on a date with you." and then you make out.
minghao: is also not the type to give any mental space to any kind of rumor/shipping, but is also extremely whipped for you regardless. when he learns about the shippers he privately is amused because he actually does want to date you, but hasn't told you yet. and you don't bring it up either, worried it will upset him, because as far as you can tell, you're both just friends. although the way he takes care of you is so gentle and thoughtful and kind that you can't resist him. you know it might be your imagination, but you are starting to notice his hugs are a bit tighter, and his eye contact a bit more prolonged. finally it gets to a point where people are constantly asking both of you about each other, so you decide to broach the subject with him. "oh, that," he says when you bring it up. "i'm not worried about it." "i just don't want to be an inconvenience to you," you tell him. he shakes his head. "that could never happen. sometimes it feels like you're the only part of my life that's easy." and coming from hao, you know this is a confession. and then you make out.
seungkwan: bro is COMING APART AT THE SEAMS. he literally embarrasses himself every single time he sees you once the rumors start. because honestly, his feelings started before the rumors, but he refused to acknowledge them until his members started teasing him about you. you'd recently done a variety show together, and even the show hosts commented on how natural and flirty your chemistry had been. and now everything is tense and weird between you two when you hang out, and it's getting ridiculous. "do you care so much about shippers?" you ask him, a bit annoyed. "huh?" he responds, taken aback. "what are you even talking about?" "these people who say we should date? does it bother you that much?" a light of understanding hits seungkwan then, and he takes a deep breath. "okay, no. that doesn't bother me at all," he says. "it makes me nervous." "why?" you ask. "because they're right and i know it," he admits. "i really should ask you out." before you can stop yourself, you reply, "then do it!" he laughs. and asks you out. and then you make out.
vernon: in my brain, vernon has not looked at his phone notifications since 2014. if he had, he'd know about the shippers. but he hasn't, so he doesn't even know...until he gets an email from pledis about it. "did you know people want us to date?" he asks you the next time you hang out. you laugh for almost five minutes straight before answering. "vernon....my company has been having a field day with those rumors. are you trying to say you literally had no idea?" "i really didn't," he promises. "why didn't you say anything to me?" "because i figured it'd work itself out or something, i guess?" "so do you not want to date?" he asks. "huh???" you reply, sure you misheard him. "i mean....i've actually been thinking about it for awhile," he says. "and, well, the people are talking. we could give 'em something to really talk about." your stomach turns over as you look into his eyes. "for real?" you ask him. "the realest," he confirms with a soft smile. and then you make out.
chan: on the opposite end of the spectrum, chan is PAINFULLY aware of the shippers. he has no idea if you've been getting the same questions he has. but he knows you're super busy getting ready for a comeback, so he doesn't bother to say anything. he figures you probably don't have time to be on social media so you won't be able to see the way people are talking about you two. and he reminds himself to keep his facial expressions in check when he sees you onstage. the problem is, it's so hard, because look at you. and when you blow a kiss at him, it turns out to be actually impossible for him not to clutch at his heart, desperately hoping that means what he wants it to mean. backstage, he catches up to you to congratulate you. "i really haven't made this easy, have i?" you tell him. "what?" he asks. "well, i left you to fend for yourself in the middle of all of everyone saying we should date." "you knew about that?" "of course i did. which is why i blew you a kiss." "so people would keep talking?" he asks. "no...to see if you liked me in the same way i like you." you stare at each other before running to embrace. and then you make out.
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sh0ek0 · 8 months
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miss you (part 3)
part 1, 2
genre: angst, smut, dark content, all over the place content warning: 18+ !MINORS + AGELESS BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT! As I forgot to mention in part I + II: aged up characters OF COURSE (college setting), mentions of alcohol and drug use, name calling, toxic relationship, abusive relationship, violent behavior, emotional abuse, choking, dj!choso, rough!megumi, hints of narcissism, obvious mental problems, maddy and nate (euphoria) kinda dynamic, euphoria inspired dialogue, DARK CONTENT, I really don’t know how to do these content notes, I’m sorry, I’m trying pairing: Choso x Reader, Megumi x Reader (kinda???) word count: about 10k
A/N: I really love to include some songs that inspire me while writing, I love music (that’s such a basic thing to say lol) so if you're up for it click on the lyrics. Also I really hope this was worth the wait, I am so sorry 🫠 this is kind of all over the place, like always, but I want to stop being so critical with myself, soooooo yeah. Here you go 🤭
Everything just felt so wrong. It was so hot down here and you were constantly bumping into people. The alcohol in your blood was making you dizzy with every step you took through the crowd and it was definitely messing with your sense of balance. You felt kind of nervous, but it was your own fault.
You were the one who hid in your bed for a whole week, your anxiety now at an all-time high. 
And you were the one who accepted all those drinks that Yuji had mixed for you upstairs.
However, those drinks seemed to fulfil their promise of freeing you from your inner torment, and as soon as the people around you were starting to look a little blurry, you start to move to the loud music blaring from the speakers.
I don't ever wanna see you / And I never wanna meet you again / One thing / When you're angry, you're a jerk / And then you treat me like I'm worth nothin'
"This track goes so hard." 
You open your eyes as you hear a familiar voice screaming in your ear. You see Nobara grinning from ear to ear as she dances to the music, the parts of her body that are not covered were glistening with sweat as the fluorescent lights hit her skin. She looked so damn beautiful.
How much you loved your friends.
This time it was Maki who dragged Nobara and you along with her to a house party off campus so the three of you found yourself in some guys huge basement, loud techno music blasting from the speakers and lots of sweaty people pressing up against each other. It was hot and completely dark except for a few neon lights that made it possible to at least distinguish a few faces. 
Not a single person down here seemed to be in any real control of their senses anymore, most of them were completely out of it already, while you could only imagine what kind of drugs they had in their systems by now. But hey, it was none of your business and you wouldn't judge, so the only thing that mattered was that the three of you were having a fantastic time.
I don't ever wanna see you / And I never wanna meet you again / It’ll happen again / I watch it happen over and over again
Another thing that brought you down here to this shady basement was a rumor that this new DJ was doing a pretty good job. And you knew he was pretty cute too - from where you were standing you could see his face hidden behind a MacBook screen, his hands effortlessly dancing across the array of buttons, knobs and sliders in front of him. Watching him, his body moving in sync with the music, his head bobbing as he worked his magic, you couldn't help but notice how good he looked. His lip was visibly split from last weekend's events and the pale hint of a black eye still marked his skin, but if you were being honest, it made him look even hotter.
You find yourself staring in his direction for a second too long and before you can look away, his eyes lock with yours and you see the realization in them just seconds later.
You feel a jolt of electricity run through your veins as your eyes lock.
Choso turns his eyes back to the DJ set in front of him a few times, but each time he looks up, you can feel him searching for you in the crowd. You can feel his gaze sticking to you like the bodies of Nobara and Maki who were dancing near you.
The heat around you envelops you like a suffocating blanket, while the bass pounds through the walls, pulsing in your chest and guiding your movements.
Don't try to find me / I’m better left alone than in this / It doesn't surprise me / Do you really think that I could care? / If you really don't like me / Find somebody else, it could be anyone else out there
The next time you turn in his direction, it was you who sought his gaze, flashing him a mischievous grin as your eyes locked again. 
Choso raises an eyebrow, but the grin on his lips gives him away. He winks at you, and as you continue to watch, you notice him smiling to himself as his hands skillfully move over the equipment, fading the old track into a new one. A few people immediately start to cheer.
Say yes to Heaven / Say yes to me / If you dance I’ll dance / d-dance / I’ve got my eye on you / you / you / you
The moment you recognise the song, a squeal escapes your lips. Your hips sway effortlessly from side to side, perfectly in sync with the rhythm. Nobara has her arms loosely wrapped around your neck, joining in and mirroring your every move. 
Choso knew you loved this song. 
You fell in love with it the first time you both heard it. That was a few weeks ago in his and Yuji's apartment, you were talking about music and you told him that you absolutely adored Lana Del Rey. It seems that he didn't forget that, because he mixed the song into something completely different, but just as beautiful.
You couldn't help but think that it felt like he'd done that for you. 
But did he?
Either way, he's managed to sweep you off your feet with a little gesture like that, and you can't remember the last time a man did that for you.
It feels like hours have passed before you realise that another DJ has taken over. As the current track slowly fades out into a new one, you notice how the vibe changes and most of the people who came for something with more bpm start to leave to go back upstairs.
Nobara grabs your hand and pulls you with her, Maki follows.
"Hey, I like that song—", you protest but Nobara and Maki were on a mission to get some fresh air. 
You notice how fast your heart was beating as the three of you make your way to the stairs, the pounding music slowly fading into the background.
"That was so good," Nobara sighs and you nod in agreement, still dizzy from all the sensations around you that your drunken brain was having trouble processing, "Choso did a damn good job, I didn't even know he could do that."
"Neither did I," you add, leaning down to take a sip from the straw in Maki's drink, "but he has skilled hands, so it makes sense."
"Oh shut up," Maki groans and you take the drink from her. You couldn't really tell what was in it, but you've reached a point where everything tastes the same to you anyway.
"I still don't understand why those idiots prefer to stay upstairs with Gojo and Getou and play beer pong," Nobara sneers, making you laugh. She was so right.
"Well, they missed a healing experience," you say, staying close to the two girls while more and more people leave the basement, "I thought all I needed was some random guy to fuck me in the bathroom to get Megumi out of my head, but actually this was just as good."
Nobara turns around and stares at you in shock as you take a sip of the unknown drink, causing you both to burst out laughing. 
"A win is a win, I guess," she says and you high-five her. 
"I'm actually so proud of you," Maki says, nudging your side before wrapping her arm around your waist.
You were surprised at how easy it was for you to talk about him. You hadn't heard from him in well over a week, and you weren't about to keep feeding your own delusion by telling yourself that  that hookup in his car was enough to rekindle your relationship. The two of you were over, and not just since he had dropped you off at your apartment at 4am last weekend. Those had been empty words, everything he had said to you that night. You had lied to yourself, thinking you could change his mind by having sex with him. He hadn't even waited until you were safely inside, instead you heard his tires squealing right after you slammed the door of his car shut.
"Who says you can't have both?" a deep voice whispers in your ear, snapping you out of your thoughts.
Well, that was embarrassing.
You immediately recognise his voice. 
Maki and Nobara start to giggle while you just freeze. They couldn't possibly have understood what he was saying at this volume, but the suggestiveness in his voice was enough to make you blush.
You turn and look up at Choso, who was looking back at you with a smirk on his lips. Up close, he looked even more battered than before, but you refrain from saying anything. An apology wouldn't help him and Megumi didn't look too good either.
He hugs you briefly, his hand remaining on your lower back even after you pulled away.
"Your set was great," you say, suddenly feeling a bit shy. Even though you meant it, you just wanted to fill the awkward silence. The fact that Maki and Nobara were standing right behind you didn't help, and Choso caught you so off guard that you didn't really know what to say or do. 
In the end, overthinking was what you did best.
Choso smiles at your comment and you catch his eyes roaming over your body for a second. 
"Thanks, I could see you enjoyed it," he replies, looking you straight in the eye. 
You can barely stand his gaze, your face could hardly get any redder and just as you open your mouth to say something, he clears his throat, his hand still on your back.
"Let's go upstairs, I need something to drink," he motions to Maki and Nobara to take the lead, "it's so damn hot down here."
"Oh, it really is," Nobara says, taking Maki's hand and dragging her through the crowd and up the stairs.
You and Choso follow, him being so gentle as he makes sure you don't bump into anyone, as you still have trouble walking a straight line in your knee high boots.
"Oh - careful," he says, catching you just before you could stumble up the stairs, "you know I'd do anything to get that goddamn asshole out of your head, but you really can't make me take advantage of a drunk girl."
Again, the words were only meant for you as you fell back against his chest, strong arms holding you, his hot breath brushing your neck, his lips just below your ear. 
He managed to get you up, and once you were both surrounded by even more people and loud music, you turn to face him.
"I might be drunk, but I'm not a girl," you say, looking at him challengingly.
"Oh," he laughs, "did I miss anything?" He looks at you for a moment, the grin never leaving his lips.
You just glare back at him.
"Fine, excuse me, ma'am," he says, making you giggle.
"But you are drunk," he observes. 
"Then let's get even more drunk together," you decide, taking his hand to lead him into the kitchen. 
"Sounds like a plan," Choso says, laughing, "Lead the way."
If you had turned around, you would have seen the adoration with which he looked at you. At that moment, he would have followed you anywhere. 
Maki was already sitting on the kitchen counter and Nobara was standing next to her, giggling at something she said. The two were drinking from red plastic cups when Yuta made his way over to them, waving at you. 
You wave back at him before you look around to see Yuji still mixing cocktails.
You and Choso push past some people to keep Yuji company, who hands you both two cups. Yuji grins as you taste his secret recipe and you immediately grimace. Right now you can definitely taste more than four different kinds of alcohol and that should be enough of a statement to make a final judgement about his creation
"I mean, it does it’s job but please don't ever start bartending anywhere," you groan and take another sip.
"Yeah, listen to her," Choso says, but he empties his drink before you do.
"Hey, don't hurt me like that," Yuji protests, "you weren't complaining earlier, though." 
"Well yeah," you say, "But I don't take any responsibility for the fact that you had the plan to get me drunk."
"Oh, I would never do such things," the pink-haired boy says, pouring another cup for Choso before changing the subject.
"My brother was doin’ a pretty good job down there in that basement, huh?"
"Yes, he definitely was," you gush as he reminds you, "but where were you? You missed something."
"Oh, I didn't," he replies, "I was right next to him, watching all the magic happen right in front of me."
"Really?" The music changes and you had to shout over it.
"Yeah, but I guess you only had eyes for someone else," Yuji grins, making you blush.
You sip from your cup, cheeks red and the grin still on your lips, but you don't say anything, instead looking up at Choso. 
"I'm going outside for a smoke, join me if you want," he says in a low voice, letting go of your hand, only now realising that you've been holding it the whole time.
You nod and watch him until he disappears through the kitchen door and out onto the patio. You see him join Gojo and Getou who had been sitting outside with Hakari, Kirara, Nanami and Haibara for a while. Before Choso could even sit down, Hakari was already holding a joint out to him.
Yuji snaps you out of your thoughts and you take another sip of your drink.
"Hey, what's going on, huh?"
You weren't sure what he was hinting at.
"What?" you ask, trying to concentrate on what he is saying.
"You and my brother," he replies, getting straight to the point, "what's going on with you two?"
"I don't know," you say, not even lying, "nothing? Something? I don't think I can say."
"Mhm," Yuji pauses and looks around before turning back to you, "Megumi's here tonight, I saw him earlier."
"Great," you say and put down your cup, "I don't care."
"I think I've heard that before," he sighs while looking at you with worry in his eyes.
"Yeah, well, I don't really care," you say, slightly disappointed, "he doesn't care about me either."
"I doubt that," Yuji tells you, without specifying what exactly he doubted. 
You lean against the counter next to him and watch the people standing around in the kitchen. Most of them were talking, shouting at each other over the loud music, dancing or laughing.
You had already drunk a lot and no decision you would make now would be a good one. Your senses were far too clouded for that, but you needed that kind of ease, you wanted to turn off your racing thoughts. So you didn't have too many options, either you could bang your head against the wall to stop thinking about him, or…
"Let's do some shots," you suggest, almost immediately hearing Yuji groan. You grab a bottle of tequila from the bar and pour yourself and Yuji two glasses.
"What about lemon or salt?", Yuji protests, but you just clink glasses with him.
"What an amateur," you retort, raising the glass to your lips, downing the contents and immediately refilling it, "works just fine without it."
"I hate you," you hear Yuji groan as he does the same, "this is fucking disgusting."
You both start to laugh at Yuji's disgusted expression. The tequila burns as it runs down your throat and you realize just how much you overdid it already.
But wasn't that half the fun? You always had the best nights when you and Maki would stumble into your apartment early in the morning, still completely drunk, with Yuta struggling to somehow try and get you two into your beds.
You start to refill your glasses when Yuji puts the half-empty bottle aside and looks at you with that worried look on his face. Before you can protest or tell him off for looking at you like that, someone else catches your attention.
That couldn’t be.
"Oh, he wouldn't do that…", you say under your breath, completely in disbelief, "that fucking..." 
Yuji holds you by your wrist. The two of you just stand there and watch as Megumi stumbles into the kitchen.
He was holding the hand of a blonde stranger. A stranger, at least until she turns around and sits down on the kitchen island in the middle of the room. You see Maki and Nobara turn to them as well, with Yuta looking at you instead.
You recognize the blonde girl right away.
And just when you think this scene couldn't get any more absurd, you watch as Megumi kisses Yue. Yue, the girl from the party last weekend, the one who went to the same class as you. The girl who tried to stop you from looking for Megumi. 
The girl who was so "worried" about you.
"What the fuck," you curse, trying to free yourself from Yuji's grip, "I'm going to fucking claw her eyes out, I fucking mean it."
Yuji was the only one who could hear you, loud music was still blaring from several speakers throughout the house.
"Am I fucking dreaming?" you yell over the music, "fucking let me go Yuji, I'm gonna..."
"That's his ex-girlfriend." Yuji says. Nothing else, just 'That’s his ex-girlfriend.
"I saw him talking to her right after he tried to beat up Choso," he adds.
He didn’t. That couldn’t be—
"No, he..." That couldn’t be true.
"I saw his car outside her dorm the morning after the party when I was walking over to football practice."
It took you a moment to process this information.
"He didn't..." You wanted to throw up. Maybe it was just the tequila, but there was still the tiny chance that this bizarre scene was to blame for you suddenly feeling sick to your stomach.
"Get a fucking room, you disgusting piece of shit." You hear Nobara screaming over the music while Megumi and Yue were tightly entwined, standing right in the middle of the fucking room.
You were still standing next to Yuji, leaning against the kitchen counter and if looks could kill, the two of them would probably have turned to dust by now. You stared at Megumi, watching him as his hands wandered up her thighs and ass, caressing her waist while they made out as if they were the only people in the room.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, your eyes met. 
You could swear he was looking you straight in the eye as his lips trailed down her neck. His eyes were as dark as ever, almost pitch black, and if you were being honest you couldn't be sure if he was just drunk or if he took something else. Even by his standards, the show he was putting on was truly out of character
If that was one of his sick fucking games he liked to play he definitely did not give you a heads-up. What was he trying? Getting back at you for last weekend? What was he trying to achieve? And Yue was his ex-girlfriend? How come you're only finding out now, and how did she have the audacity to even look you in the eye last weekend, let alone try to comfort you?
"You don’t threaten someone you love with a gun."
Well, good for her that he was obviously treating her completely fucking different.
He seemed unfazed by Nobara's comment, and after your brief eye contact, he closed his eyes again, focusing entirely on the blonde in front of him. 
You were almost boiling with rage and the faces you made, made it really difficult to hide your anger.
"Let go of me," you say again with such emphasis that Yuji actually let go of your wrist.
"Don't do anything stupid," he says, clearly overwhelmed by the situation.
"Oh, I would never." Your voice dripped with sarcasm.
'Don’t do anything stupid.' - You didn't even know what to do. For a moment you thought about going up to Yue and ripping out her ugly blonde extensions and telling Megumi how pathetic he was, but instead you did...
You gave Nobara and Maki a quick look, then turned on your heel and stormed out the kitchen door. The cool night air helped you to calm down and it managed to clear the chaos in your head a little.
You take a quick look around before you realize that Choso is still sitting outside with the others, who have spread out over the various seating areas on the patio.
You walk over to them with a determined stride, Kirara sees you from afar and greets you, causing Choso to turn around in your direction. He was sitting comfortably in a two-seater and as he looked at you, you immediately notice his heavy eyelids and dark red eyes. You smile at him and as soon as he realizes it was you, a wide grin appears on his lips.
He makes some room for you, but before he could move to the side you were already sitting next to him, leaning against him, your legs casually stretched across his lap. Not averse to the sudden physical contact, he puts his arm, which had been resting on the back of the two-seater, around your waist and his other hand on your thigh.
"Hi," he says quietly, "what took you so long?"
"Oh, you wouldn't believe me," you whisper back, "your brother really hates tequila and I felt bad for making him do shots with me."
Choso laughs, not asking any more questions. 
"But I’m here now," you say, placing a hand on his chest, "guess I missed you."
"Did you smoke already?", you tease, looking up at him.
"Well, do I look like it?", he asks, that big grin not leaving his lips.
"Mhm, couldn’t tell," you lie while trying your best to hide your feelings from him.
You turn to look at the others and notice that Kirara is watching you. Gojo also looks at you from time to time, his gaze wandering from Choso's hand on your thigh to your hand on his chest. He raises an eyebrow, but you ignore him.
"Hi, y/n," Kirara says with a warm smile on their lips, "how are you? I missed you in class this week."
You could feel that they was really just concerned about you. After all, Kirara had been at the party last weekend as well.
"Yes, I'm better, I think," you answer and try to fake a smile, "Thanks for asking.
Kirara smiles at you again, "I can send you all the important stuff we did. It's not much though."
You watch as Hakari pulls them closer to him, his large body making them look so much smaller in comparison. Hakari and Kirara were one of your two favourite couples, the other one being Yuta and Maki, of course. He adored Kirara and wasn’t afraid to show that every chance he got.
You hear Getou clear his throat and you turn your gaze away from the two to look at him. You see that he is holding a joint out to you.
"You want some?", he asks and you politely decline.
"Oh, no, I think I need to chill for a bit." You smile at him. Your head was already spinning and you couldn't handle the sensation of another drug right now.
"Come on, you've got to try it, Hakari brought the good stuff," Gojo says, making you think for a moment before you reach out for Getou's hand.
"You're so easy to convince," you hear Gojo snort. He grins at you as you take a drag, but you just stick out your tongue.
"Or, maybe you’re just really convincing," you tell him, taking another drag before passing it to Choso.
"I'll remind you who's easy later tonight," Getou says, coming to your defence. You and the others break into laughter at his comment and watch as Gojo crosses his arms over his chest.
You hear the two of them start bickering and notice that the others, Hakari, Kirara, Nanami and Haibara, were also returning to their heated conversation.
"Did something happen in there?", Choso asks a little while later. He was observant even when he wasn't. Of course he had noticed something. You sigh, Hakari has just handed you the joint again and you hold it between your fingers. You take a drag, then a second one.
"Yeah," you say, blowing out thick, white smoke, "but I really just want to forget about it." 
It had already worked. Since you went outside, you had pushed the thought of Megumi and Yue far away from you. It was all so confusing, this time you couldn't understand what his motive could be. Of course he was angry that you had made out with Choso at the party last weekend, but you two had broken up. Why had he waited for you that night in the first place, was he really so shallow that all he wanted from you was sex? And what did he need you for anyway if he had spent the night with her after he dropped you off? 
The look he gave you earlier had been intentional. He wanted to make sure you were watching him, no doubt about that.
"It doesn't seem to be working very well," Choso says as you rest your head on the arm he has wrapped around you. You look up at him as your hand moves to caress his cheek for a moment but as soon as you notice, you pull it back. Even though Choso doesn't seem to mind. It just felt natural, you wanted to touch him as you enjoyed the feel of his hand on your skin as well.
"Being with you helps," you say, without breaking eye contact. That was the truth. Being with him felt peaceful, you didn't have to be afraid that he would snap at any moment, at something you said or did.
You didn't even notice that Nanami and Haibara had already gone inside, presumably to leave the party. Only when Hakari puts out the joint and says goodbye to take Kirara home, you look away from Choso to look at the others. 
Gojo does not make any effort to leave until Getou gets up, standing next to Gojo and looking at him expectantly.
"Come on, Satoru," you hear Getou say, "it's almost two o'clock, we have training tomorrow."
"Yes, but not until ten," the man with the white hair replies, not understanding why he should move now. Getou gives him a meaningful look and Gojo's eyes widen as he rose to his feet.
"Oh, uh - let's see what's going on inside then, I guess," he says, propping himself up on his knees to get out of the chair he was sitting in, "see you guys." 
Getou waves goodbye before pushing Gojo in front of him towards the patio door.
You’re all alone now, besides a few people standing outside and talking. You admire the night sky for a moment while neither of you says a word. It’s so quiet outside, peaceful even.
"Just the two of us, huh?", you say as you look up at Choso. You think for another moment but then, before he's has a chance to even say anything, you kiss him.
Choso wasn’t exactly surprised and instead kissed you back. His hand, which had just rested on your thigh, moved a little further up until it cupped your ass, moving up under your tiny skirt in a swift motion. 
You put your hand on his chest to support yourself and Choso pulls away for a brief moment. 
"You're so beautiful," he mutters, looking down at you through heavy eyelids and making you giggle, "I missed you." 
Then, your lips meet again. You move to straddle his lap, now sitting on top of him you were the one looking down at him.  
"You’re not so bad yourself, y’know," you whisper into his ear as you cradle his face in your hands, your thumb gently caressing the split in his lip.
When he said he missed you, you knew what he meant. 
Because you did, too.
Last weekend wasn't the first time you two had kissed. When Megumi had broken up with you, Maki had to study for some important exams and you had forbidden her from rotting with you in your depression cave. To make it easier for her, you had taken yourself out for a few evenings to Yuji’s place. He welcomed you with open arms in his new apartment, which he had just moved into with his brother. This was also the first time you got to know Choso properly, away from parties or those few casual encounters on campus.
It started innocently enough, your movie nights, the two of them watching every romcom with you that you had picked out beforehand. However, Yuji usually had training the next day, so he had to go to bed early. Choso promised to drive you home later, and as soon as Yuji disappeared into his room, you moved on to other things. He showed you some new songs, and sometimes a friend  of his would come over and Choso would sell him some weed. 
And at the end of the night you would find yourself spread out on his black leather couch, with his head buried between your thighs. 
It became a habit until Maki's exams were done and she wanted to spend more time with you.
You were glad that the couch you were sitting on had its back to the window in the kitchen, protecting you from the prying eyes of those who went outside to smoke or enjoy the cool night air. As you climbed onto Choso's lap, your skirt had risen up quite high, almost to your waist but you were past the point of caring what others would think.
You’re planting small kisses up his neck and jaw, watching him and how he enjoyed having you in his embrace. After a little while he pulls you into another kiss, this time you’re feeling exactly how hungry he was for you. You bite down on his bottom lip, hard, before you pull away for a moment to gasp for air. While you were grinding down on him, you could feel the thin fabric of your panties slowly getting coated with your slick as you were searching for some kind of friction. 
"How about…", you pause, while kissing his neck up to his earlobe, feeling him slowly but surely getting hard beneath you.
"How about we take this inside, maybe look for an empty room?", you finish your sentence.
You didn't have to ask twice before Choso had already grabbed you. He had one arm around your waist, his other hand digging into your hips while you let out a little squeal before wrapping your legs around his middle. He carried you a few steps until he gently set you down in front of the door into the kitchen.
"You’re going to have to walk real close in front of me," he mutters into your ear as he turns you around to take the lead. You could feel how hard he was already as he was pressed up against you and you couldn’t help but giggle at his remark. 
"I promise they’ll be way too drunk to notice," you say, "but let’s get inside and help you with that." 
"Shit—" You hear Choso curse under his breath as he was standing behind you, pumping his dick in his fist a few times before lining himself up with your entrance. He had you bent over the bathroom sink right in front of him, his other hand digging into the flesh of your hips, surely leaving bruises on your skin.
You hear a loud bang at the door, but decide to ignore it. The person could find another bathroom, you were sure the house was big enough to have a few other options. As the person knocks a second time, this time even louder than the first, you feel Choso getting impatient.
"What the—", he mutters, turning towards the door. "Fuck off," he shouts, getting distracted for just a second while you were so desperate for him to fuck you already. You scoot your ass back against him, feeling the leaking tip of his cock sliding through your dripping wet folds and turning his attention back to you.
"Hold - fuck - hold still," he groans before pushing you down with his hand on your back, holding you in place so you were unable to squirm under his touch. 
"How about you hurry up a bit?", you tease from underneath him, earning yourself a slap on your ass almost immediately. You jerk forward a little, not expecting him to do that, but enjoying the stinging sensation to your skin all the same.
You let out a small moan as he pulls you back up against his chest, cupping your breast with one hand while pinching your nipple, "You’re in a hurry now, huh?", he groans and without giving you another heads-up, he pushes into you slowly. 
He was stretching you out already without even being all the way in, locking eyes with you in the mirror before bottoming out completely, letting out a loud groan as he did.
Choso watches as your lips formed an O, needy moans escaping your mouth while he is thrusting into your wet pussy at a devilishly slow pace. You could feel the perfect curve and every ridge of his dick, stretching you out so well before he pulls out almost entirely, just the tip prodding at your needy hole.
"Tell me what you want," he whispers into your ear, sending goosebumps all over your body. His hand squeezes your breasts and you moan at his request, his low voice going straight to your core, making you even wetter than you already were.
"Tell me, did you miss me?," he groans, not breaking eye contact with you, "did you miss my dick?" He plants kisses down your neck and before you could give him an answer he pushes into you again, picking up his pace this time. You cry out at the sudden sensation, the stretch making your eyes roll back while loud moans were falling from your lips. 
"I miss— fuck…", you whine, "'missed you, 'missed your cock inside of me" You had to grab onto the edge of the sink, unable to form another thought besides how good it felt to have him bully his dick into you. 
"Please…", you beg as he continues to fuck into you, holding your trembling body tight against his own.
He watches how your body reacts to him as he was pounding in and out of your pussy relentlessly, your walls squeezing down on his cock so hard he had to use everything he had to not cum into you right then and there. 
"Look at you," he moans right into your ear, "look at yourself taking this dick so fucking good." 
His hand that was just digging into the soft skin of your hips moves further down, his fingers meeting your slick just seconds after. His thumb starts drawing harsh circles on your clit, earning  him a few loud moans that fell from your lips.
"Fuck— Choso, right there, plea—", you whine, eyes squinted shut, "please, 'wanna cum - fuck— don’t stop." 
"I said look at yourself," Choso groans into your ear as you suddenly feel him pulling his hand away, forcing you to obey him and open your eyes. You swallow at the reflection you see in the mirror in front of you.
You were already looking so fucked out, mascara smeared along your undereyes. Your tiny denim skirt was dangling around your waist and that high neck, sleeveless crop top was pulled up above your breasts, squeezing them together. 
"Good girl," he praises, pressing a kiss to your sticky temple while his fingertips continue to rub and pinch at your clit without any mercy. You cry out, louder than anticipated, and watch how tears start to prickle in the corners of your eyes. 
It was too much for you, you were barely able to contain yourself beneath him and you felt yourself getting tighter around him with every harsh thrust of his hips against your ass. Thank god the music outside was so loud, the heavy bass lining up with the lewd noises the both of you made. 
"Shit - you’re getting so fucking tight," he grunts before you hear low moans falling from his lips, "you wanna cum, pretty girl?"
All you can do is whine in response, as you already lost your ability to form meaningful sentences a while ago. "I’m gonna - gonna—", you cry, brows knit together at the overwhelming feeling of him hitting your cervix over and over again. 
You watch how Choso stares at you through the reflection in the mirror, your body almost going limp as you feel your core tightening and the only thing you were being able to do was moan his name, again and again.
"Then cum for me, babygirl," he whispers, his fingertips circling your nipples and pinching your swollen clit while he fucks into your throbbing cunt, getting you closer and closer to your release, until…
"There you go," Choso coos as he feels your walls pulsating around him. Your fingernails claw and scratch at the arm that he had wrapped around you, while you were trying to hold onto something, anything…
Then your orgasm washes over you and it made your thighs shake almost immediately. Choso doesn't stop fucking you through your overwhelming peak, giving you no time to breathe until he finally cums into you as well, thick ropes of hot and sticky cum painting your pussy white while  you had your eyes closed again and you hear him moan into your ear.
You lean back against his muscular chest as the two of you try to catch your breath, raspy moans and small whimpers fall from both of your mouths while neither of you was able to say anything.
You shiver as Choso slides out of you, goosebumps prickling across your body, before he turns you around and you open your eyes to look at him. Your cheeks were flushed and your legs almost too weak to stand on, but you manage to pull your top down, covering yourself up as Choso presses a kiss to your lips. 
He helps adjusting your skirt after you put your panties back on, stumbling against him as you were standing on one leg.
"Careful—", he says and catches you, almost giving you a Déjà vu. 
"You alway got my back, huh?", you ask playfully while you’re trying to fix your hair and makeup in the mirror. 
"Doing my best," he chuckles, pulling up his pants and putting on the hoodie he took off earlier. The shirt he was wearing underneath had stains at the bottom - well, his fault for not taking it off as well. "Let’s get out before they break in the door."
You reach for your bag, now that you can stand in your knee-high boots without holding on to anything, and just as you are about to head for the door, Choso beats you to it.
He holds the door knob as he looks down at you.
"Hey, let’s do that again sometime," he grins and brushes a strand of hair out of your face, "and text me if you want me to get you home."
"You're a gentleman after all," you say and take his hand, grinning as you stand on your tiptoes to give him another kiss on the cheek. "Actually, 'lemme just find Nobara and tell her I’m leaving, I won’t be taking long," you mutter before pulling back. 
"I’ll wait outside for you," Choso says after the both of you have left the bathroom. Not a lot of people were still left and those who were, were not paying attention to the both of you. You feel him squeeze your hand once more before he lets go of it and disappears into the hallway. 
You try and make your way into the kitchen, as a familiar voice startles you.
"Stop using my brother to make him jealous," Yuji says, his voice unusually cold as he suddenly pulls up behind you.
You freeze and turn around, slowly.
"What?", you ask, not willing to believe what you’ve just heard. 
"I'm sorry, y/n, but you heard me right," He was serious. Where had he suddenly come from? Had he seen or... heard you? 
"It’s not - it’s not like that, I mean, I," you stammered, completely taken by surprise, "I’m not using Choso."
"Honestly, Y/N, I don't care what you say, I care about my brother, and all you've been doing lately is destroying yourself. You don't give a fuck about your friends, we're always here for you, and yet you go back to him every chance you get."
You could tell he was drunk. This was unusual for him, he was an athlete and although he liked to go to parties, he rarely drank alcohol himself, apart from a few shots for fun. And it took a lot to get Yuji drunk, you were speaking from experience.
The words that came out of Yuji's mouth hurt you. He was right, but none of your friends had called you out on your bullshit yet.
"I can't save you, Y/N. I've given up on that, but don't drag Choso into this. He has no bad intentions and he would actually treat you well, I know you don't want that." Yuji was so serious and you couldn't even argue with him because he was right.
"Your brother is a grown man," you reply coldly, not even able to look him directly in the eyes.
"Yeah, exactly, he’s a man. Plus - he likes you." 
It wasn't as if you denied the way Choso looked at you with absolute adoration in his eyes. You knew he would move heaven and earth if you asked him for something, and even if he wasn't pushy, you could count on him. He was thoughtful and gentle, he knew what you liked and didn't like, and sex with him was fun, so what exactly were you missing?
"Listen, Yuji, this in none of your business," you say, trying your best to keep your calm, "I don’t need saving and your brother is perfectly capable of looking after himself, so—"
"Yeah, whatever," Yuji barks, taking a sip from the bottle in his hand that you only noticed now, "don't come back crying if he hits you again."
You watch him leave as you realize that you've never seen your best friend so upset. You take a step back, startled by the feel of the wall behind you. You feel your way along the cold wall, down the dimly lit hallway, not sure where you want to go, but you wanted to get away from here. Looking for a door to get out, you pass a few couples making out. 
You push down the door handles of a number of locked rooms and people coming towards you bumped into you. Some of them apologise, others look you up and down, whistling or shouting something at you, but your tunnel vision prevented you from noticing anything. 
You had your guard down while the things Yuji had said to you played over and over in your head. 
Just as you reached the door at the end of the corridor, it was a glass door and you could see the starry night sky through it, someone slammed you hard into the wall. You were pushed into the chest of a much taller person who opened the door to your right with one hand and pushed you in with the other. 
"Hey—", you protested, but you had no chance. The man was much stronger than you and at least two heads taller. The familiar scent that rose to your nostrils as you were pressed against his chest set off alarm bells ringing in your head. 
And as you looked up, even the last doubts you naively had were erased.
"Megumi…", you gasp, and immediately try to get a few steps between the both of you. You hear him lock the door behind him and you instantly feel like a cornered animal. Your eyes scan the room for ways to escape, but unless you wanted to climb out the window, the door was the only way out. 
He looked you straight in the eye, all emotion gone from his face. It was obvious that you, on the other hand, were scared. You hadn't seen anyone outside and you were alone in some guest bedroom that was located in a part of the house where you couldn’t even hear anymore music playing.  
You clutched your bag and pulled your big leather jacket, which you had put on on the way out, tightly around you.
As if that would somehow protect you.
Megumi was still standing by the door, motionless. The grin on his lips never reached his eyes as he stared at you.
"I heard you were having fun in there," he says as you watch him closely.
"Yeah, and I want to leave now," you reply, trying your best to contain your voice, "why don’t you go back to Yue and leave me alone?" 
"Mhm." He seems like he’s thinking about it for a moment. "I don’t think so."
You gather all your courage as you decide to walk towards him.
"Cut your bullshit, Megs," you demand, "let me out of here."
He grabs you roughly as you try to reach for the door, pushing you back into the room.
"Who the fuck do you think you are?", you hiss, not willing to hold back anymore.
"You show up here, with your ex-girlfriend, making out with her, in front of me, in front of all my friends, and when you don't get the reaction you want, you jump me?" You almost yell at him and he was still just standing there in front of you with no reaction.
"I'm not doing this anymore Megumi, this isn't one of your little games anymore," you add, on the verge of tears, "why are you doing this to me?"
"I'll do whatever I want to you," his voice was as calm as always, scaring the living shit out of you as he walks towards you.
"I don't care about Yue, she was just, well, there," he says, watching you closely, "I wanted to know if you meant any of what you were saying last weekend, but as soon as your cute ego gets hurt you’re letting the next best guy fuck you in the bathroom."
You feel tears prickling in your eyes, and your attempts to blink them away only cause them to trickle down your cheeks.
"Oh," he mocks you, "now you’re crying." 
"Fuck you," you hiss and wipe the tears from your face. 
When he was standing right in front of you, you could smell not only his familiar scent, but also the smell of alcohol as he spoke to you. He was tense, you could feel it, and in the darkness his eyes looked almost pitch black as he stared at you.
"Watch how you talk to me," he says through clenched teeth, "just because you can't stand that you act like a fucking slut every time, just to get my attention."
What he said made you cry even more and you didn't bother trying to wipe off the tears anymore.
"I don’t wanna talk to you right now," you sob, but of course he doesn’t care what you want.
"But I wanna talk to you," he barks, grabbing you by your wrists as you try to shuffle away from him, "what is it about him that you go back for a second and a third, huh? Want me to beat him up for good this time?"
He was squeezing your wrists so hard that it hurt. 
"I’ll kill him if he ever touches you again," he spits, "fucking dirty whore."
You weren't sure what hurt more, his words, or the way he twisted your arms to bring you closer to his face.
"Shut the fuck up and leave me alone," you manage to get out, "you’re pathetic. I don’t need you."
You try to break free of his grip a second time, only this time he lets go of you to push you away from him. He does this with such force that you lose your balance and stumble backwards into the bed frame, which was now right behind you.  
You land on the mattress and before you know it, you feel his hand clench around your throat, pulling you up to his eye level again. You have to stand on your tiptoes to take some of the pressure off your neck.
He didn’t squeeze much but it still hurt. His grip was strong as ever and you couldn't move, so you stayed still, hoping he wouldn't hurt you any more.
You grimaced in pain and tried to look him straight in the eye. Somehow he had to realize what he was doing, didn't he? He was delirious and that frightened you. You knew this kind of situation all too well and it made you freeze. There was nothing you could do about it, you could only beg him to stop or try and keep still.
"Megumi, please, I’m sorry, you’re— you’re right," you sob, cheeks wet with tears, "just let me go, please…"
Suddenly you feel his hand tighten around your throat, but you don't realize it until he grabs you  by your neck and slams you right back into the mattress behind you. You have no time to react, you just feel a sharp pain as your head hits the headboard and then he finally presses down hard on your throat. You're helpless, gasping for air, barely able to process what he's just done.
"You’re such a fucking whore, Y/N," he fumes, shaking you and pushing you even deeper into the mattress, "you deserve to get treated exactly like the little fucking slut you are."
You whimper and cry, while hearing the blood rushing through your ears as you struggle against his grip.
Panic rises in you and you feel your eyes begin to sting with more hot tears running down your cheeks. In your desperate struggle you feel your muscles ache and your body give in, the shock knocking the last bit of air out of your lungs and you can't breathe, you know you're about to pass out.
"Tell me again who’s pathetic?" His face was right next to yours as he whispered into your ear.
You couldn't stop crying, even though you couldn't even make a sound. You were sure he was going to kill you this time. 
You had to fight back, but he was so much stronger than you.
"Megumi…", you groan.
"I— I need to—", you cough, desperately trying to claw at his arms, "breathe…please…stop—"
You cry and plead and try to free yourself, all while your strength slowly but surely leaves your body. And then, just milliseconds before you were about to lose consciousness, you feel the air flowing back into your lungs. 
You're so out of breath, coughing and choking and crying all at the same time, while your throat burns so badly, that for a moment you're not even sure he's really let you go.
The moment he lets go of you and stands up, you pull your legs towards you and crawl as far away from him as you can, putting your hands around your neck for protection, pulling the high-neck of your top up over the bruises that were probably already starting to form. 
You shake uncontrollably and can hardly stop crying, while he just stands there watching you. You wrap your arms around your legs, concentrating on your breathing as your body continues to shake.
Then he turns and leaves the room without another word to you.
And you wonder if this is your fault.
"I'm so sorry," you say, standing behind Choso after you finally found your way out of the house. He was sitting on the steps outside the main entrance, a bottle of beer in his hand, waiting for you. You snuggle into your much too large jacket as you sit down next to him.
"You've been gone for half an eternity." Choso gently nudged into your side and you wince, barely noticeable.
"Nobara was throwing up downstairs," you lie, "I couldn’t leave her."
"Oh, really," he says, you couldn't know he'd seen her leave almost an hour ago, "poor girl, I hope she's feeling better now.
You say nothing, tugging at the high neckline of your top, your legs bouncing nervously.
Choso notices and puts a hand on your thigh. You flinch again and this time he feels it.
"Are you all right?", he asks worriedly, looking at you. Your long hair hides the bruises on your neck, but what it can't hide is your blank stare, your swollen lips and your red, watery eyes.
You nod. 
"Yeah, I'm just cold," you say, trying to smile. Your throat's still hurting when you speak.
He puts the bottle to the side and shuffles closer to you. 
The both of you were sitting on the stairs for a while, neither one of you saying a single word. Choso sensed that something must have happened, but what could he do? He knew you lied to him about Nobara, so he figured you wouldn't tell him anything he didn't want to hear.
"Sometimes I just want what they have, y’know?", you sigh after a while and lean into Chosos side, resting your head on his shoulder for a moment.
"I know I will never find that kinda love."
You're talking about the scene that took place in front of you, a scene that caught your attention immediately. Yuta and Maki were about to leave the party together, and Maki was completely drunk. Yuta had his arm around her to manoeuvre her into the car. They both giggled while Maki tried to wrestle her boyfriend, making it harder than it had to be for the poor boy to get her home quickly.
As you look away, you notice that Yuji was sitting in the passenger’s seat with the window down.
He was getting impatient, waiting for them to finally get into the car, and as he turned to see what was taking them so long, your eyes met briefly. 
You saw him open his mouth as if to say something, but then he noticed Choso sitting next to you and he immediately turned away.
He was still mad at you.
Yuta had finally made it and Maki was sitting safe and sound in the back seat. He planted a kiss on her forehead before gently closing the door behind her and walking around the car. You looked away but he caught you watching the scene and stopped for a moment, flashing you both a smile before he waved goodbye, got into the car and drove off.
"What do you mean?" you hear Choso's voice after you have sat in silence for another while. The car disappeared and you just stared into the distance, trying to find the right words.
"I don't know, there's just no...", you pause for a moment, thinking how pathetic you're going to sound, "there's just no darkness."
That's it. Everything about their relationship was genuine, they cared for each other. There was not a hint of jealousy, no one was trying to control or manipulate the other.
"It's just sweet, they're just... sweet," you swallow, feeling so vulnerable in that moment, "they don't hate each other, there's just so much love. I don't know if that would ever be enough for me. Doesn't it get boring?"
Once again, you feel tears welling up in your eyes.
"Sometimes it feels like I'm going crazy," you mumble.
None of you says a word after that. At some point, you lift your head from Choso's shoulder to look at him, almost as if you want him to say something.
"You’re not," he says, his voice sounding determined.
"I mean, you're pretty fucked up, but you're not crazy." Choso pulls two cigarettes out of a pack and hands you one, lighting yours first. He stuffs the pack back into his jacket and takes a few puffs, immediately blowing the smoke out into the cool night air before turning back to you,
"I don’t fuck with insane chicks, learned my lesson." 
He nudges your side again to make sure you understand that he was joking, but you were already too far up in your head. You smoke your cigarette, breathing in the smoke as if it might bring you some kind of clarity.
"I think I'm going to get back together with him," you whisper, almost as if you don't want to hear what's coming out of your own mouth.
Choso does not answer. 
Of course he doesn’t. 
What was he supposed to say? He didn't know what exactly was going on between you and him, but at this point he knew that there was something, at least from his side. It was unfair of you to talk to him about it, of all people, and at the same time he knew that you couldn't talk to anyone else at the moment.
"Y/n, tell me, what do you want to hear from—" 
You cut him off before he could finish his sentence.
"It's a mistake, right?"
"Don't do it, just…", he pauses and takes a drag, "don't do it."
"I don't know if I can help it," you tell him, sounding defeated. 
Inhaling, you feel what you had been blocking out all along. Your throat hurts. The cigarette smoke that keeps pouring into your lungs only makes it worse, and the sudden pain in your chest when you inhale too deeply makes you wince.
You knew that those bruises would form. Like splashes of blue and green paint they would cover your neck, spreading all around your throat. 
Choso doesn’t reply to this, either. 
His head was hanging low. Not because he was disappointed or pissed off that he wasn’t able to make another move on you tonight, but because he was afraid to lose you. 
Because he knew he couldn’t really do anything to save you.
"I wish you could see yourself the way I do or the rest of the world does, really," he sighs and pulls you in, wrapping his arm around your waist and letting you rest your head against his chest. He wanted to say so much more but he stopped himself before opening his mouth. 
He knew it wouldn’t change a thing. 
@bao-yu-sarah-morningstar-wang-9 @arminsgfloll @chifuyusfingers @kokonoiscoconut thx for motivating me to keep on writing <3
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mytragedyperson · 8 months
ok, kinda wish we got to see the conversation between Choi Han, Deruth and Hans at the beginning of the novel, when he tells them about Harris Village. Because what did he say for Hans to see him defeat the Count's knights and just not question it? How much of the tragic backstory did he tell them, all of it or just the Harris village bit? Because if he didn't tell them everything, to them, it looks like Cale just came home one day with a random homeless stranger, who told them about the assassination at Harris Village, and possibly that he'd killed the assassins but, again, not clear if he actually told them that part or just the assassination of the villagers. And then the homeless stranger from Harris Village fought and defeated Count Deruth Henituse's knights. and they had no further questions? What did Choi Han tell them? Because while it makes more sense that Choi Han told them the whole story about the assassination and that's why neither Hans nor Deruth questioned it, I'd find it a lot more funny if this wasn't the case, that Hans just saw this, was impressed so forgot to question it and then just went on with his day. Maybe he even forgot to mention it to Deruth and he found out some other way, or maybe Deruth didn't know about this. Hans forgot to mention it in his report and none of the knights were about to admit that they'd been bested by some random stranger who their young master randomly found. God, imagine being one of those knights. seriously, no one, not one person, questioned it? Not one of them was so paranoid they worried that Choi Han was lying about who he was or where he was from. I can't imagine every single knight knew about what happened at Harris Village, though I could be wrong. They might've been told in case the assassins were sent to their territory again. But this was still early on. everyone just took this at face value and accepted it? Honestly, one of the things that makes this story work is how utterly unphased everyone around the main character is. Yes, Choi Han and Rosalyn and Lock and the Calefam are completely unphased. But even the unnamed knights, Hilsman and Hans just never question anything. Honestly, I love Deputy Butler Hans. He comes the closest to questioning Cale but you can almost tell he wants to ask but then realizes actually, on second thought I don't wanna know, and just goes about his day, oblivious to the craziness that surrounds him. Either that or he's about to ask or say something but gets interrupted before he can and then it just feels too awkward to ask later. This book wouldn't work half as well if the characters didn't all share a brain cell.
every time I remember Choi Han is physically seventeen and Cale is physically 18, it makes me sad that they're dealing with this shit. I know Cale is 20 now but that's insane. i know mentally or whatever they're older but can you imagine? 18-year-old Cale acts as a father to On, who is only 8 years younger than Cale Henituse. Like Kim Rok Soo is older, I get that but damn. To everyone else, this 18-year-old who's acted like trash for years is suddenly helping people, making friends, and adopting children. every time he returns home there's someone new with him. He's best friends and brothers with the crown prince. God they drive me crazy. i love them
Also, the way Hans asks Cale if it will be okay for Choi Han not to go back to Harris Village in the beginning of the novel is everything. He just automatically trusts Cales judgement and sees him as the person to ask. Now he may have asked the Count as well but we have no proof of that and, if there's no proof it didn't happen so I'm choosing to believe he waited to ask Cale since it was his guest, which is even better when you consider that the day before he was scared Cale was going to throw a bottle at him. Like the fact that he trusted Cale enough to trust his judgement on this matter after he'd been different for two days. God I love Hans and Cale. And I've never seen anyone talk about them and their relationship but like Hans is one of the first people to feel completely at ease around KRS!Cale. It doesn't take him that long to drop the formality. Man I love deputy butler hans. His relationship with Cale feels so underrated.
Also for future reference when I talk about relationships in this sense I mean the Canon relationship. If I make headcanons, which is a real possibility, that may change to include a romantic aspect, but for now, in this case its purely platonic.
And Hans mentioning Ron hurting himself while working again, and that letting us, the audience know that Cale is wrong when he says Choi Han, Ron and Beacrox seem to be getting along. Because we already know about their first spar, but none of the other characters do. Uts another example of unreliable narrator Cale and we love to see it. OK so I really like this story. There's a huge chance that any posts I make are just gonna be this, like talking about unreliable narrator Cale, nobody ever questioning anything that happens and just general reactions as I reread and most of it is just gonna be random thoughts I have while reading. I already feel like I'm going to be so annoying about this but I have zero regrets and refuse to apologise so consider this a fair warning for if you seem to stumble across my posts a lot
Also Cales immediate response without thinking about it being "give him medicine". Further proof that KRS!cale is way nicer than he gives himself credit for. Also I'm sorry but him saying this while thinking "he probably killed somebody again" absolutely sends me. And the fact Ron hasn't actually killed anyone yet. Also its giving "I don't care if he's a murderer, he's one of my people" which is just so Cale
The interview scene is a great example of why Cale can never seen to get rid of the strays he collects. So, as usual, he thinks he's being selfish and using Choi Han, whatever. And obviously there's the whole, if you can kill people, then you should be able to protect people thing, which is already a pretty good message for Choi Han to hear at this point, that he's good for something more than hurting other people or things. But more than that, by phrasing it as an interview, when Choi Han passes that means he's qualified, that Cale believes he can protect/save people. Cale is probably one of the first people to believe in him, to believe he's capable of more than hurting others, and for someone like Choi Han who's just lost everyone he cared about and killed people for the first time, and is probably suffering some serious surivivors' guilt, it's probably what he needs to hear, that someone still believes in him, even if it is a complete stranger. And it's not actually like Cale is being selfish because, if everything went how he planned at this point, it wouldn't even be like he'd gain Rosalyn and Lock's skills to use because he planned to just send them on their way. Also, the way he asks Choi Han's name and introduces himself - it shows a certain level of respect that most wouldn't expect from a noble. He's not looking down on Choi Han, He's treating him as an equal and, by saying he's heard his name from others but wants to hear from Choi Han himself, it shows that he wants him to have his voice and speak and that he'll listen. this may seem like a reach because it's such a small thing but how many nobles would care enough to ask a commoner, one who looked homeless, their name. Most wouldn't even bother to ask to confirm the name they'd heard was correct but Cale does. Imagine how that must feel to Choi Han, knowing his status, that Cale bothered to ask and treat him like an equal.
also can you imagine if Choi Han had slipped up and admitted Cale sent him when he first met Rosalyn and Lock. It wouldn't be completely insane for him to assume they knew each other. that would've looked so bad. oh yeah, this guy who you've never met somehow knew, not only who you were, but where you'd be in order to send me to find you. God the amount of times Cale just gets lucky is insane. He's also insanely unlucky. i Can't decide if the God of Luck loves or hates him.
also don't know if this was the intention but I've always in my head read the "I'm glad you know how to read" bit as sarcastic and throwing shade, especially because he knew before this he could read and because he doesn't offer any further information about who these people are and why Choi Han has to go get them or whatever. i get that it was probably written down on the paper, or maybe he just didn't mention it. It probably wasn't intended but that's how i always read it.
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spidey-bie · 9 months
I went to the fair yesterday. I have more fair thoughts with Hobie (Jay what about the depression fic....it's coming I swear 🥲)
Warnings: Food. I tried with his accent again....
You will feed this man so many fatty fair foods that it'll send a shock to his British palatte.
"So of course you have to try a deep fried Oreo. But there's also fried butter, deep fried brownies, fried ice cream, fries with cheese, candied apples, cotton candy, funnel cake a la mode topped with strawberries, snow cones on and on etc."
"And we're eating all that right now? Seems a bit much innit?"
"Of course not my love. We eat that in between rides throughout the day. Keep up."
Flipping off the police officer's booth every time y'all pass by.
He will not get any of the novelty items that they sell like those big lemonade cups or the bucket of fries. They are overpriced and a waste of plastic.
He doesn't understand why you bought those fries that are 7 bucks and yet he still sat there and stole ate some.
"Hobie why are there less fries in my bucket than before?"
"I ain't got a clue mate."
"Hobart, stop touching my damn fries."
"And if I don't?" He reached into the bucket while maintaining eye contact.
You smile sarcastically.
"Oh you think you're cute. Don't worry I've got something for you later."
Y'all get on every ride there. Every single one. Excluding the ferris wheel because it's boring as hell.
I feel like he's the type to get lost if you don't keep an eye on him. (How does one lose a giant?)
After getting tired of walking around looking for him you have them call for him at the fair office over the speakers.
"You didn't have to do that."
"You didn't have to eat my damn fries either but here we are."
You win a lot of prizes for him at the game booths.
You didn't think about how you both would have to carry them around the fairgrounds so you decide to hand then out to kids and couples.
Overall he had a good time and if you ask him to go with you next year he will.
(A/N: Do think Hobie would go to a county fair? No. But I'm gonna drag him there and he's going to eat a candy apple WHETHER HE LIKES IT OR NOT. Y'all ever realize that most fair rides are just things going in a circle really fast or really slow.)
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xotication · 22 days
gamer bf kaneki..
he def plays ow, val, cod, & fort.. all the sluttiest games a man can play.
trust he sweats in each game too.
he'd be caught dead before he's ever bad at a game ..
he literally spends most of all his days gaming, it's a lil insane how much he just lets it rot his brain
he never rage quits but he screams so much & it's hilarious
eventually he realizes that he hasn't given you any attention & tells his friends that he has to get off for a couple hours, just for you
ken decides to start streaming one day & that day marked your fucken demise
he sets up a hand & face cam.. when you're against it, he's so confused.
you're sat there for at least ten minutes explaining to him how girls will go feral for this
one day you tune into his stream & you see multiple comments like "for free??" "wish he'd play with me" "why's he kinda.." "the veins.."
on one hand you're jealous, but on the other- you're happy knowing that he's your boyfriend
"baby can you bring me some water please" ken says in the softest voice ever, it damn near has you topple over nd roll around
you bring it to him nd he thanks you with a couple pecks
the chat is going absolutely wild?? both over his voice & him actually not being single
but what could they expect?
ken was a good looking, handsome, pretty, charming boy.. & literally every other word you could think of
he always had that sleepy look & he usually paired it with blue light glasses that made him look all the more nerdy
sometimes he'd even be shirtless & his collarbone would have you gasping for air
on some days ken didn't care about streaming
he'd sit you next to him or even on him & just have you watch him play
he'd look towards you after hitting the nastiest shots/clips on kids to make sure you saw it
some days you ask him if he wants to play minecraft with you & he never objects.. he will always make time for you when you ask for it
he introduces you to the game "it takes two" and streams when the two of you play
everyone ends up loving the dynamic you have & the way you treat each other
eventually chat starts suggesting that ken teaches you how to play the other try hard games.. so he starts with the easier one: fortnite
you think to yourself why any of them thought this would be easy for you bc it has you screaming for kaneki's help half the time you get into a close combat gunfight
he tries teaching you how to build & you end up putting random walls & stairs everywhere
he just laughs at you bc he genuinely finds it easy & can't seem to understand why it's difficult for you ??
"no sweetheart, you actually have to have structure behind your building" "i'm fucken trying ken??" "not hard enough??" "ok then you do it???"
bro builds an 8 story mansion in 20 seconds and it has you gagged
whole chat is like "were you silent or were you silenced..??"
when you start wanting to take gaming a lil more seriously, he teaches you how to play on mouse nd keyboard just like him
he even buys you a cute lil setup, & ofc its right next to his
when he introduces you to val, all the pick me's are targeting ken & it's funny asfk when they find out his gf is in the game too
they're all like "you're shit at the game anyway stfu" like HUHH?? mad bc he ain't yours lmao
also can i mention that ken is a proud "shit on" SCREAAAAMER
he has your initials in different colored keys than the rest of his keyboard
holds one of your stuffed animals on his lap when you're away from home
jokingly asks you for support under the desk (its not a joke..)
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truetogaia · 1 year
Hi just wondering if you would be open to writing a headcanon with some of the male avatar characters where their female mate is insecure about her chest?
featuring: Tsu’tey, Jake, Quaritch, Tonowari.
genre: headcanons
warnings: mentions of body dysmorphia, insecurities, like strong language??, quaritch is a dick because he doesn't understand but he eventually realizes!!
notes: HI OF COURSE I WILL!!! Also, If this is a request based on you, I'm so sorry you have to feel that way. You are a creation of earth herself, one of many beautiful beings wandering this planet of life. I know it might not be of much help, but you are quite literally stardust, created in a supernova explosion billions of years ago. Your skin was formed out of the cosmos, your soul is a domain of the universe and your body is the divine fortress of the galaxies and the heavenly bodies littering the sky, molded specifically for your spirit. Humanity has completely turned away from their mother and have created the concept of unbelievable beauty standards, which, by the way, do not even align with the laws of nature?? Don’t listen to social media. Think of yourself as a star, a celestial being, because that's what we all are, that is what you are. 
okay, now for the actual request!! SORRY
Jake is absolutely obsessed with every single part of you. And sure, he is a very sexual man, always goofing around intimately, but regarding matters like these, he can be extremely serious. He loves every inch of blue skin covering your body, and adores every curve that gives shape to it. There is not one thing that he would change about you, he wouldn't dream to design you any differently if he got the chance to. So when you finally opened up about your insecurities regarding your chest, he was baffled. Never in a million years did he think you could carry these insecurities about something so indescribably perfect. 
He spent every following day trying his utmost best to make you forget those absurdities, drowning you in reassuring and loving words, making sure you knew exactly how jaw dropping you truly are. 
“y/n, listen to me.” Your gaze shifted uncomfortably around the room, not daring to meet your mates eyes. “Hey,” he gently grabbed your hands, placing them against his chest, “this heart,” you felt it thump wildly beneath your palms, “its purpose is to love you, and It serves its purpose every day, without fail. You are undoubtedly the most beautiful being this world has created, there is not a single error on your beautiful body.” 
You had him wrapped around your finger, he would do whatever was needed for you to feel as loved and beautiful as you are, and he was gonna make damn sure you knew of it.
Wari could not believe his pointy ears. His main priority had always been to make sure you were completely aware of the immense love he held for you in his heart. The words that left your mouth were nonsense, and his brain was trying to puzzle it together. There was absolutely no reason for such an astonishing, ravaging person as yourself to feel that way. His heart ached as your eyes darted to the floor at his expression. His eyes told of the utter confusion he experienced, and you felt stupid. 
“I’m sorry, I know It’s stupid and all but.. I can’t help but feel this way sometimes.” You finally managed to meet his gaze, and when you locked eyes, his features immediately softened. 
“My beautiful girl, you are as ravaging as the ocean, and as heavenly as the cosmos. Your mere presence is enough to send a million men to their knees, enough to make me never want to forget a single thing regarding you. Even after death, I want every trivial, petty detail to stay with me until the end of time itself.”
Your smile makes his heart tingle slightly, a warm sensation spreading in your face. He gently cupped your jaw, lifting your face to look up at him. “Oel ngati kameie, y/n.” Your foreheads pressed together as you closed your eyes, reveling in the gentle affirmations before repeating his words back to him.
Quaritch is a man who doesn’t enjoy being emotional. He isn’t emotionally available at all, physically and mentally recoiling at the mention or thought of being openly affectionate on an emotional level with someone. But when you came into his life, something switched in him. He tried his best to be at least.. somewhat open and supportive. He tries his best, I promise. 
But, when you opened up to him about your insecurities, his brain malfunctioned. He couldn't connect the dots you so desperately gave to him. The two of you were in bed when you told him, your head was propped up on his bicep as he laid on his back. His tail nervously flicked around, he was trying to come up with a solution, like the strategist that he is, but he turned up empty handed.
“Sorry, sweetie, but what the hell are you talking about?” He turned his face to you, eyes slightly narrowed as he tried to make sense of your words. You twisted and squirmed uncomfortably.
“I don’t know.. S’ just that sometimes I feel like.. You know.. It's not as beautiful as you think it is.” He almost laughed at that, snorting as he tried suppressing the itching laughter. When his little fit of chuckles ended, he looked down at you again. You were frowning, lip slightly quivering as your face was turned away. He realized his mistakes, a slight panic settling over him as he shifted his body towards you and softly placed his hand on the side of your face, turning you to him again.
“I’m so sorry, bunny. I didn’t mean to make you upset, you know that.” You looked up at him, sensing a genuine apologetic aura from him. “You’re my finest, most amazing prize, pumpkin. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with you.” A smile spread on your face as your dear mate tried his best to comfort you. You knew he didn’t have a way with words, but him trying meant so much.
Tsu’tey is such a sweetheart when it comes to his mate. He showers them in praises and compliments, love and adoration. His heart swells with pride each time the two of you go out, reveling in the jealous looks from the other males. He knew something was off the minute you started doubting yourself. He didn’t even give you a moment to think about it.
“Yawne, is something wrong?” The two of you were sat in your shared home, nuzzled together in front of the head of the fire. You shook your head, locking your gaze on the flames eagerly licking the wood. 
“I know when you're lying.” He was right. He always knew, right from the start. Even before the lies had formed on your tongue. “I’ve noticed the way you look at yourself in your reflection.” Your head shot up at that, turning to him. “Whatever it is, stop. Yawne, you are so mesmerizing, truly. There is no better mate, I mean it.” 
You placed your head on his hard shoulder, sighing while fiddling with your hands. Tsu’tey grabbed them with his unoccupied hand, and brought them to his lap. “Tell me, ma tsawksyul, what is eating you?” 
A tiny tear almost went unnoticed by you, until tsu’tey calmly wiped it away with his thumb. You finally opened up, spilling your heart out to him. His heart twinged with the knowledge that you had felt this way all this time, and he hadn’t known. 
“My sweet girl, you are the omaticaya’s most beautiful woman. I did not mate with you just because of your amazing personality, the clan's most fierce warrior has his standard high, you know.” A giggle left your lips and it soon turned into a fit of laughter. He smiled, heart warming with each wheeze that left your lungs.
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enhashoutout · 3 months
Things I noticed while watching High and Low the Worst X again
I was watching High and Low The Worst X while I was on lunch break and then had more realizations and wanted to write about them lol
These are probably nothing new and someone else probably already noticed these but I wanted to make a post about them sooooo
I’ve watched the movie so many times now idk why I just realized the weight of the three scenes I’m about to talk about. But also I feel like I notice something new every time I watch the movies so I'm gonna cut myself some slack.
Amagai being the only character in the movie who genuinely doesn’t have a sense of friendship/comradery with anyone else.
The first time we see the 3 schools alliance meeting is the opening of the movie, and I remember when I first watched the movie I was like "well damn this looks like a solid ass team" only to find out later that they were in fact not really a team lol 😂 but anywaysss
Watching the movie this time I just realized what Fujin says to Amagai in the first scene in the restaurant where the 3 schools are holding their meetings.
Reiji is first to jump up and say "Let's get this brawl started," and Ghandi jumps in telling Amamgai that their troupes and weapons are ready. Shoji laughs and says that weapons are typical Kamasaka behavior which prompts them to jump at him and Fujin, Raijin, and the other Ebara guys jump straight to his defense while Shoji continues sitting. Amagai tells them to "get us more" while tossing the money bundles in their direction.
Every single fuckin character in this scene's facial expressions have me dying because the disbelief on their faces😂
Shoji looking at Amagai like he's full of shit.
Fujin, Raijin, and Ghandi are looking at him like "wtf?"
The background characters are looking at him in disbelief also like I was WHEEZING when I realized this. Back to the characters who are the main focus of this specific camera frame though, Ghandi and Fujin.
Both characters turn to Amagai with the BIGGEST look of disbelief on their faces and Fujin says "You don't trust we can do it huh?"
To which Amagai says "What's the use in trusting you guys?" and goes on a spiel about how being powerful means you trust no one and not even giving them a slight chance. He also goes on to say that being powerful means bringing everyone else down to their knees and tells the other 3 schools "Just shut up and stick with me. I'll show you what it's like to be at the top." Ryo's face when he says this is a whole other conversation for another day.
I'M SORRY BUT THE LOOKS REIJI AND SHOJI GIVE HIM AFTER HIS LITTLE SPIEL HAD ME ROLLING🤣 Like both characters gave him the most judgmental expression and then you got Shoji over here looking away and rolling his eyes PUH-LEASE I AM DEAD🤣
Aside from all of this being extremely funny to me, this plays into my point from above. Yes, all these looks are super funny but it really shows how as "bad" as the other guys are they still run in the same way that Oya and the other S.W.O.R.D gangs do, through friendship and comradery.
Fujin asked "You don't trust we can do it huh?" because Ebara most likely runs on comradery as well. You don't pay someone to do shit for you, they just know to trust each other to get it done. This is a concept that Amagai does not and can not understand because he's been conditioned to believe that the people around him are not worthy of trust or friendship due to his status, they just work for him. As long as he throws money at their feet, they'll do what he wants.
That's like kind of sad actually, the fact that the other "antagonists" of the film still know friendship and he doesn't... I still hate his guts though. We love Ryoki but we don't love his character Amagai.
The way Shoji vs Tsukasa asks Suzaki why he’s working for Amagai
I think everyone can agree that within that 3 school alliance, Shoji Sameoka was the only character with working brain cells (full offense to all the other characters lol no one else in that room had critical thinking skills I swear). From the first meeting we see, the audience can already tell Shoji is the only character who has doubts about this alliance but also questions it; while everyone else has doubts but proceed to just follow Amagai's orders. This eventually leads to Shoji being the one to suggest that Ebara drop out of the alliance because he thinks it’s stupid which then leads to him agreeing to Todoroki’s terms of dropping out of the alliance if Todoroki wins against Fujin and Raijin. I feel like Shoji as a person judges the other characters based on what he knows/hears about them.
We see this when he confronts Suzaki. Shoji asks Suzaki why he would come to Senomon and work under Amagai when he was the one running Nami High. Suzaki tells him to mind his own business. Shoji is asking Suzaki from a place of strength. Based on the dialogue, it seems like Shoji knew Suzaki and Amagai’s reputations before this alliance. I deduce this down to Shoji knowing that Suzaki was the strongest at Nami High and knowing that Amagai isn’t actually physically strong compared to the other characters, he just likes to cause trouble and make others work for him. People fear Amagai not for his strength or skills as a fighter, but simply because he has the money and status to be at the “top”.
This brings me to believe that Shoji was asking why someone as strong as Suzaki would even work under Amagai who is clearly not a match for him strength wise. It seems like Shoji is asking Suzaki why he would be scared of Amagai’s money and work under him when Suzaki is clearly stronger. I think this is because the Ebara guys ranks are based on their strength/who is the strongest (I make this assumption from the fact that Fujin and Raijin are straight up gym bros lol) so Shoji can’t understand why Suzaki is working under someone clearly weaker than him.
Tsukasa’s question is the same….. but also different.
Tsukasa strikes me as someone who really gets to know someone personally to the best of his abilities before he makes his own judgment on them. We see this with Rao in the movie. Tsukasa could’ve taken everyone’s word for it and been like “oh Rao is a big mean monster” but he takes it upon himself to find out who Rao actually is through Mercy. This is how he finds out Rao isn’t actually all that bad like the stories suggests and that Rao fights for good reason (for his siblings). This trait about Tsukasa is why he asks Suzaki why he fights for Amagai but is also why he’s the only one who is able to understand why Suzaki fights for Amagai without a direct answer.
When Tsukasa asks Suzaki why he works for Amagai, he says “why do you work for a guy like him? Does he has some kind of dirt on you?” and Suzaki just keeps quiet. This brings me to believe that Suzaki probably had a reputation for being the strongest at Nani High but also fought people within reason, he didn’t flaunt his strength just because he felt like it.
Tsukasa asked him based off the kind of person he is and not his strength. I'm assuming Ryo fought people within reason and not so much for fun or to assert his dominance over others with his strength, so him working under someone who has as shitty of a personality as Amagai probably threw Tsukasa off a bit.
He is also however able to tell that there is a friendship there even if it isn't great. At the end when Yuken and Todoroki ask why Ryo would work for someone like Amagai, Tsukasa says it's because he means more to Ryo than that. Alluding to the fact that Ryo is doing stuff for Amagai because he sees him as a friend even if everyone else doesn't.
Okay, I'm done now😂 this wasn't as deep as my other analysis because it's not super deep with comparisons or anything like that it was just stuff I noticed while watching the movie again.
I have fics I'm working on for all the S.W.O.R.D leaders and more for Fujio I'm just swamped with assignments and working a little slow
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carionto · 6 months
It's too big
Part 1 2 3
"How's the Captain holding up?" the overqualified Haespar Kraus asked Trisha, who was just leaving Knoslark's quarters, with a very fine braid he noted.
"Awful, he didn't ask a single thing about sea turtles. It's like I was talkin' to a brick wall, that can knit. I mean I was literally starin' at a wall, but it's like there was nothin' behind me either."
"Well this won't cheer you up then. We need to go on another expedition."
"Already? No way is Ying up and about already, and this" she points an irritated finger at the sign on Knoslark's door, "stupid thing is technically an order from our superior to not do a damn thing."
"Quite. Another technicality is that we will not be leaving the ship for this journey. Remember how the warp jump fried all our quantum gear, as well as numerous sub-systems and left us with one running reactor? That list also includes the internal ship-wide scanners and most monitoring sensors. And the drone controls."
"No way. She can't be serious." Trisha's face began to pale at the realization of what they were about to embark on.
"I'm afraid so."
"Closer to three months. I did the math." Haespar said with a glint of smugness. He loved being right with numbers to back him up. Though it quickly faded as he was also part of this tour of the Radiant Dusk, "At least the turbo-lifts work, so at most we will be a seven hour crawl from everyone else at the furthest nook we have to inspect."
"Woooow, you really know how to cheer a girl up, y'know."
"Even better news then - we can't lift off into space on one reactor in this gravity, AND we don't know if there are any radiation or coolant leaks. Suits on at all times."
"Greeeeat! Now tell me the local aliens are building a giant box around our ship. That way I can be triple packaged."
"Well, they are pelting the ship and trying to get in, but unless they are keeping advanced metallurgy a secret, they won't succeed."
Trisha just rubs her hands over her face before slapping her cheeks: "Right. Okay. Fine. Imma take a nice long bath first. And eat a cake while I talk to Emily about the underground catacombs of Paris. You're NOT invited."
[chuckle] "Hey, I'm just the messenger."
"Well I hate messages, so nyee."
Human ships are big. Seemingly pointlessly so, but there is a reason for everything. Sure, it's not the best reasons, but they're legit.
You need big engines to carry a lot of stuff into space.
You need big power generators to have enough thrust.
You need bigger cargo holds since the generators are taking up too much space.
You need a stronger, thicker hull to keep it all together.
You need more powerful engines now to move all that extra mass.
You need additional lift chutes and corridors to connect all the parts of the ship
You need an army of drones to maintain all of everything.
You need a bigger cargo hold since everything else is taking up the previously allotted space now.
You need...
And it just goes on until somebody finally decides that a 10 kilometer long ship that can transform into a circle is enough engineering for one day. Then you hand it over to a crew of 27 and let them do whatever, you installed a few thousand redundancies and safety features (adding a few hundred thousand meters of wiring, piping and code and a million tons of matter and bumping everything else up a size category in the process, but who's counting) what could go wrong?
Nothing! You're an engineer who thought of everything, not an architect who draws ugly shapes.
So yeah, you try exploring every street and building and attic in your city. Then do it five more times because in space you can just build in every direction. Oh and take notes and pictures of everything, because if you don't, you might miss a loose cable.
And if you happen to be neglectful and try to turn on your star creating power reactors, you might end up with a permanent tan.
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smokersbaby · 9 months
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Request text: Hey, I saw you are hosting an event now and I really really liked the prompts :^ May you write the #6 of the SFW list with Brook, with a Fem! Reader, please? (romantic relationship) Thanks for your patience. How are you btw?
Written for: anon Character: Brook Reader: female reader  Prompts:  SFW - #6 - comparing hand sizes Total word count: +600  Author's note: I LOVED writing something with Brook, I honestly think that is one of the characters that deserves so much love! So thank you for the request! I hope you enjoy it! (I'm fine thank you for asking!) 💕 -Every reblog is highly appreciated!-
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The sun was setting as you and Brook sat on top of your favourite treehouse at the edge of a meadow. At 8'9", Brook was tall and slim, with white bones that gleamed in the fading light. Because of his height, it didn't matter if you were short or tall, he'd have been way taller than you either way.
Despite the height difference, the two of you had managed to make the relationship work. But that wasn't the most difficult part of being a boyfriend and girlfriend: as a living skeleton, Brook felt like he couldn't give you what a "normal, alive man" could have given to you, like warm hugs and kisses.
You could sense that today Brook was not feeling as happy as always, he didn't tell you even one skull joke of his during the day. As you were sitting next to him admiring the sun setting on the mountains in front of you, the question that was wandering in your head slipped out of your mouth.
"What's on your mind, Brook?" you asked with a smile. He was looking down, not enjoying the view nor looking at you. "Am I enough, Y/N?" he asked. "What do you mean?" you tilted your head.
"Y/N… you should know exactly what I mean. A man in flash and bones could give you more than I, a man in just bones, can give you." That wasn't one of his skully jokes, he was so damn serious about that.
After all, he was right: the differences between him and a normal human being were evident, but you didn't care. Brook was something else, being different from the others wasn't a problem for you, since it was his uniqueness that dragged you to him that much.
His way of laughing, his silly behaviours, but also how much of a protective boyfriend he was towards his partner were undeniable facts of how sweet Brook was. When he revealed to you his past story about his crew and how he lost every single one of them you felt so touched by his past, making you realize that it didn't matter if he was just bones. His heart was pure and you didn't want to love anyone else but him.
Smiling a bit, you took his hand in yours, making him look at you in the eyes (it's an expression, he doesn't have them). Then he looked down at your hands, palm to palm against his.
"Your hands are so tiny compared to mine!" Brook exclaimed. He watched as your fingers wrapped around just one of his, making the size difference even more noticeable now.
You chuckled, "It's true, your hands are huge compared to mine. But they're always so gentle, and I love the way you can hold me so securely."
Brook smiled, "I love holding you too. And I love comparing our hand sizes. It just reminds me of how much our differences don't matter.".
As he said that, your smile became bigger. "That's exactly what I was thinking. Differences don't matter between us, I don't care if you're "a man in just bones" as you said, this is all that matters to me." you pointed at his chest, as to indicate his heart.
"How sweet, but I don't even have a heart, yohohoho!" you chuckled with him, that contagious laugh of his was everything you needed, seeing him happy was the thing that made you fall in love with him first. Now he was smiling again, as he regained his usual mood back knowing that you loved him no matter your differences, his hand still holding yours.
"Y/N?" Brook asked looking at you. "What is it?" you asked curiously. "May I see your panties now?". You laughed, you loved that silly and bit of a pervy man with all your heart.
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vitzi9 · 4 months
Merry Christmas !
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Ghostface x Gn!reader
Masterlist if you want to read my other things.
TW/CW: reader has a mother, breaking in, brief mention of kys
Merry (late) Christmas to those who celebrates it and even those who don't. Also happy new year, I hope this year will be full of money and health for you all. Also if you have any projects I deeply hope it'll realize.
I have the unpleasant feeling this work is sloppy and that I'm regressing and losing vocabulary. Also Ethan gave me the ick here, I made him a total loser.
I literally wrote so many different things and yet I can't finish any of them, this is pure torture.
05/01/2024 (7 409 words)
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You're not one to go all out for Christmas, most of the time, it's just a pretext for family to gather and eat and share some juicy gossip. And you love it ! When they're not pestering you with question about your love life or job or study or just anything boring.
This year, you all gathered at your aunt's house. She's a single mother of one, they live alone in this huge cottage far away from the city you're used to. It's nice living here but it's deeply disabling being obligated to use your car to just buy some bread.
In New York, you either walk or use public transports.
It's still fun to be here on vacations, it changes from your daily life. Your mom is going back and forth between the car and the house to empty the car boot, you on the other side, are stuck with your aunt and cousin. Your aunt is telling you how glad she is to finally see the whole family together, saying how much you've grown and bla bla bla.
"Come help me with your stuff !" your mom calls you from outside.
Not making her repeat herself by fear of regretting it later, you hurry to the alley outside. Your mother is already emptying the car, throwing your bags on the ground and frenetically searching for what you assume are her phone, in your pocket.
Walking to her side, you hand her her phone which owes you a thanks before she pulls you to the car trunk. Sighing, your hand grab the bag you brought with you full with clothes. You're staying here for a week after all ! But you can't even take out the bag entirely from its confine as something lower catch your eyes; the tire. It's all deflated.
"Mom, is it me or our tire's flat ?" you make her know instantly. She turns her head to you and frowns.
"Shit you're right." she double check."That's weird, it wasn't like that when we parked here earlier." A small silence filled with bird's singing and light wind replace her words. "It's just our luck, she sighs. We'll change it the day of our departure, your aunt probably has a spare tire."
Your mom doesn't let you answer as she grabs her bag and leave to the house. You're left alone before the open car boot, thinking about your bad luck. Here, it's a necessity to have a working car ! The nearest grocery store is hours away from here by foot and thirty minutes by car.
Crouching down, you put your hand on the holed tire to examine it. You don't really understand, that's some really bad gash, what the hell ? What did you even drove on ? The hole is as big as the length of two of your index fingers. Surely even driving over a nail wouldn't do that.
Are animals frequent in this area ? Or maybe it was already holed at home but the long road worsen it. Just your luck, from every car in the country, or even just the ones here, your car had to be targeted. The world hates you. You hope you won't often need to use your car.
Grabbing the handle of your bag, you slam the trunk door of the vehicle and head to your room. Damn, you kind of missed this place to be honest. You have pretty good memories from here !
The house is quite separated from the other, forest being the only thing present here. You remember climbing up trees, playing in the snow or watching TV before the chimney. And this exact room in which you're staying for the week already hosted you, with its heavy blankets that more often than not itches but are too warm to let go.
You know this place all too well.
What changed ? Life was so cool before, so simple. You did not have to go to a school you don't even like, you never even had to think about later. Your later was asking yourself what would be your next snack. And yet, here you are today, thrown in adult world. And you're deeply lost, everything is so slow and fast at the same time.
You fear you might lose your friends by changing University, you fear to start everything over again, you fear to stay forever stuck in a job you don't like. This room offers you a moment of peace, a portal from your childhood reminding you how everything was easier before.
Shame hits you because you know you'll have to come down to greet everyone when you have nothing to talk about. You're not excellent at school, nor bad, just in the fair middle. You don't have any partner, but you have a few friends. Your life's just boring and you don't want to tell it to everyone. Each one of your cousin always find something to be proud of, you don't have much, nothing to brag about.
To light up the mood, you turn on your phone to send a message to one of your friends; she seems busy as she's not answering. Same for the few others friends you have, some you're not even that close to, only friends at school.
Delight cross you in seeing someone writing you, only for the name to disappear immediately before you're able to see it. Man, you could have finally erased the boredom.
After some time mourning in your corner, your mom yelled at you from the living room to get down to greet the family. Sighing, you turn off your phone and rise up from your bed.
A faint music was heard in the background already, small snacks could be seen scattered a little everywhere on every surface and your aunts, cousins and uncles were greeting each others warmly.
Your mom tells you to come beside her by a sign of the hand, going down each stairs slowly, taking your time, you think about your bed which you already miss.
Greeting every person on the way, smiling, taking news from the family you dare ask yourself what have you done to deserve such a big household. By the time you reach your mom, she grabs your arms and put you right before one of your aunt, the conversation quickly drift to you.
"So ? What do you do now ? How's your new school ? Did you make any friends ? your aunt asks.
You reminded her that you were now in University and not in middle school in a teasing tone, to what she gasped before asking you your age and proceeding to moan about how time flies.
-Last time I saw you you were still so small !
-Show them the picture you have with your friends." your mom almost order you. By her tone and eagerness, you couldn't tell if it was pride of what her child has became, or fear of judgement from the others. As if they were going to shame her for having a kid who did nothing with their life, scared of them thinking you were a loser.
You take out your phone, scroll in your gallery to find the group photo of you and your friends. Your smiles are fake and awkward because the teacher is the one taking the picture. A few months ago, all of you handed a quite big model of the building for a homework, you honestly chose the University's building by lack of better idea. But your teacher was delighted, to everyone's surprise.
He insisted on taking a picture of you all with it to mark this moment forever, congratulating you and complimenting your skills and everything. Did you deserve all this ? No. Did you complaint ? Neither.
Your aunt seems to light up at the mere idea of you having friends, and showing her. It probably makes her feel part of your life. One by one, you present her your friends. Throwing a few anecdotes here and here. She tells you who she thinks is the meanest, the kindest, the prettiest.
Finally, everyone was presented. Smiling lightly, she tells you that she's proud you're working that hard and you turn off the phone. You wanted to leave and grab something to drink when your aunt seize your arm with a frown.
-Where do you think you're going ?
Damn, what is it this time ?
-I don't think I met everyone. Come back here.
The woman practically forces you to turn on your phone once more to show her the picture. You don't outright understand what's the matter as everyone was already introduced, it's when she uses her pointer to show you someone that it clicks.
-And who are those men ? And this girl ? What are you hiding ?
-This photo was taken a while back now, my friends and I don't really talk much to them anymore.
Her eyes glint with a funny mischievous light when problems are mentioned. She slaps kindly your arms, pushing you to tell her everything. You laugh.
-The one with the sleeveless shirt is Chad, the girl next to him is Mindy, they're siblings. The guy all to the left and next to me is Ethan.
-What happened ? They all seem nice !
Well, they are in a way. It's just stupid disputes that destroyed everything. Chad tried flirting with one of your friends, it did not lead to anything as he suddenly went with a certain Tara. When he was faced with the problems he created himself, he said that flirting wasn't equal to a relationship, that he owed you guys nothing.
Your friend was hurt, Mindy wanted to comfort her but, well, she's good friend with Tara and she's Chad's sister so it was complicated. You still talk occasionally with Mindy by the way, she was really nice and never did anything against you. It's just awkward now. But it's not her fault.
So yeah, you stopped hanging out together.
Your aunt was nodding throughout your story, listening carefully, sometimes throwing in some anecdotes of her, sometimes giving her opinion on the matter.
-And the other one ? she asks and for a moment you're confused who she's talking about until she points her interest on your phone.
Right, Landry. You completely forgot about him. He's on the picture since he was working with you as well but to be honest, you're not really close.
He's the only one who stayed with you despite the whole flirting argument. According to him, he likes both groups and is close to both side and it's okay, he's not the one who cheated on someone. But, yeah, it's strange.
No, scratch that, not it, he's strange.
He's in love with one of your friend. Well, you think he is anyway. They're often talking, on the phone and outside. He's always taking part in your group hangouts, buying foods, cinema ticket to whoever forgot money. You could've liked him if he talked to you, because he never.
Every time, and it's not even exaggerated, literally every time, you are all together, Ethan does not glance your way. Even for a second, you could talk to him and he'd answer with short words in a curt tone without looking at you to your face !
And you asked everyone, you're the only one with whom he acts this way.
While he's all lovey dovey with your closest friend. Closest not because you rate your group of friend, that'd be mean, but because you've known her for the longest time. He's following her, she's always the one to bring him to your parties and he'd mostly talk to her. Damn, you're a group, if he doesn't like you what the hell is he still doing here ?
Plus, your friend always talk your ear off about him, how he's so sweet, cute, smart and whatever. Sometimes you feel like she's trying to sell him to you the same way blender or vacuum cleaner are sold on TV.
Anyway, Ethan's weird and he's not your friend.
You simply told your aunt he was the boyfriend of one of your friend, that is partially false as he probably has a huge crush on her, to which she smiled and finally let you go.
You like your family, but you don't feel like telling this all over again to everyone here.
You spent the whole evening chatting with the kids and taking news out of the oldest. Them, on the other hand, kept asking you about a potential partner, school, grades and future. It was tiring but in the middle of it all were laughs, tears and anecdotes you would never forget.
The night has long arrived when everyone start talking about a children Christmas's show happening in town. From what you understood, there would be giant muppet. Some were reluctant because of the driving time and the sun setting but the kids were now overexcited at the idea of seeing muppet dancing.
Honestly, you didn't want to go but they've decided to go out all together now, you didn't have much say in it. Even if you hoped you wouldn't leave the house for tonight.
You weren't feeling it, already tired from the trip and the day. You lied about having a bad headache to stay in. You could rest and enjoy that big house all to yourself that way.
It was hard to survive the strongly disapproving stare of your mother and her dark look but you made it ! You still don't know how, usually, your mom is quite severe on the whole family reunion and she wants you to be there all the time, something about you being disrespectful.
She tells you not to get used to it but while leaving, you hear the others tell her that since your car can't drive because of its tire, there wouldn't have any seat left for you anyway. To what some answer that there'll always be a place for everyone (but you chose to ignore that). Just your luck ! Maybe the world doesn't hate you. This flat tire reveals itself to be a gift.
Slowly but surely, the house empty itself. Each member of the family zip their warm jacket to the very top, preventing the smallest wind to pass through. Your aunt, the owner of the house, comes talk to you with a smile.
"You're not gonna try and sneak your lover in, do you ?
You laugh nervously, still not used to this kind of attention. No, auntie, don't you worry. It's not like you have someone in your life. You assure her that no, you won't sneak anyone in here. Plus, it's kind of gross to do dirty things in the family house but you did not tell her that.
She kisses your cheek, zip her jacket as well and leave the house. Standing before the window, you wave at everyone entering the multiple cars. A few minutes later, the vehicles are gone, only the tire's marks on the frosted dirt are left. You sigh, listening to the quiet wind outside the house, feeling safer than ever.
Finally, peace.
No children running, no parents yelling, no messy conversation screamed; just silence. You can breath and hear yourself think. Without the agitation of everyone, you truly feel the cool atmosphere of the house for the first time.
Should you light the chimney ? Not now, it's not that cold yet. You have time. You smile thinking about it. Yes, you have time ! In fact, you have the whole rest of the evening just for you ! Beaming, you run to your room to change in comfortable pajamas.
Your aunt probably has food in her kitchen but even though she's family, you're uncomfortable at the idea of taking stuff from her without asking. So you grabbed your own snacks. It's weird considering she always offer you to eat all you want.
When in underwear, you think that a good bath would actually be better than just changing into other clothes. And that's what you did, you turned on the water, put your music as loud as you could and slide in the bathtub, enjoying the warm water in these freezing days.
A good hour has gone since everyone had left, silence filled your ears. You were fully ready to sleep in your bed and rest. Well, that was your plan anyway until something crashed into the house startling you like never.
You curse, trying to ease your speeding heart. What the hell ? The sound came from above and then it was just next to you. Did something fall from the roof ? The sound crossed the house !
Of course, with a sound so precise, you immediately thought of the chimney. Did something just fall from it ? Like a tile or something bigger ? A brick, or more ?
Well, you're a little too old to believe in Santa Claus by now, but uh, you're not dreaming, right ? Okay, it's late, you're alone, it's creepy but that sound was probably from animals outside or decoration falling ? Plus, that house's old, it creaks sometimes. It's nothing, right ? Okay, it's clearly not creaking sounds but still.
You wait as still as a statue, contemplating your options. It's nothing, probably, as no sound can be heard anymore. So yeah, a brick that is.
Why does this kind of shit has to happen to you when you're alone ? Your whole family was literally here one hour ago ! You wouldn't be so paranoid if they were still with you !
Slowly but surely, taking your sweet time to get down each steps, you feel your phone vibrating in your hand in the process but aren't interested enough to look at it, eyes boring hole around you.
But when you set foot in the main room, you're terrified to discover ashes scattered on the ground from the chimney and further away in the room, reaching the kitchen, like something had spread them, leaving some kind of footprints. It wasn't human foot shape, fortunately, but it wasn't any animal's paw shape either.
What the fuck ?
Something entered ? What the hell ? How did it even went in the chimney in the first place ? Okay, you're creeped out now. Only, there's no sound in the house. It does not help you feel better, you have no idea if an animal's here with you, and if it's an animal, what kind ? It has to be heavy to do such a sound when falling and trailing that much ashes, on the other hand, it is able to climb a roof, apparently. You dearly hope it's not a bear, well, it's hard for a bear to enter by a chimney but, you know.
Quietly, you get out of the house without even bothering to take a jacket with you. There is absolutely no way you are staying in this haunted ass house. Alone in the snow outside, your eyes are fixated to the windows to search any kind of suspect movements, there's none.
You are absolutely freezing when you take out your phone to dial your aunt number. You need to ask her if there's any weird animals lurking in the area.
But of course, now that you're outside, there's no internet. Okay, you have to go back inside. It's okay, it's probably a bear, yeah, a baby bear. All cute and soft.
But the more you think about it, less you're convinced it's an animal.
Because how the fuck would it be able to go on the roof ! You saw videos on internet showing bears opening doors, it's quite impressive actually, but rooftop ? No, if one of them wanted to enter, they would have passed by the garage or one of the numerous doors of the house, not the damn chimney.
Is Santa Claus going to kill you ? That's the worst death ever.
Freezing your ass off outside, you decide to stay on the terrace right before the front door to get internet without needing to enter. But of course it doesn't work, it's like the lines are cut. Plus, you were scared whatever was inside would be able to punch through the window to grab you, but it's the numerous horror movie you saw talking.
You honestly have no idea what's safer; staying outside in the cold or staying inside with the intruder.
If the phone don't work, you at least need to join your family in town. You don't remember correctly where is it but there's literally one single straight road so you can definitely manage. Looking over your shoulder, your eyes lay on the broken car in the alley.
Yes, one of the tire is flat but it still is able to drive, right ? You don't have any choice anyway. The closest city is something like thirty minutes in car away, so at foot ? Probably one hour. And without jacket in such an angry wind ? No, certainly not. You just need to get the key and you get out, simple.
They key, which is inside.
Okay, okay, you can do this. The key is directly to the left of the entrance, it's easy. You breath, hyping yourself up before you push the door open. It's creaking, your heart beats faster, but there is no sign of anyone having heard you. It could have tricked you into believing you imagined everything but the heavy ashes footstep are very well present.
Keeping your eyes on the house, trying to hold the perimeters safe and assuring nothing would come towards you, you throw your hand on the furniture supposed to held the key without looking at it. The door is still open wide behind you and you'd rather die than to close it even if it meant you were risking to catch a really bad cold for the rest of the holidays.
Only, after a few minutes, indicated by the stinging of your eyes after not blinking for so long, your hand remains empty. A quick glance to the furniture's way confirms you the worst: the keys are missing.
Of course, nothing's easy. Your mom probably took them to her room, to your despair. On the other hand, there's still no sound in the house, except for the strong wind coming from the open door behind you, which makes you cringe. If someone's here, the noise is definitely going to attract them to you. Though, you still don't want to close it.
What if it's a burglar ? What if they are burglars ? You pray it's not a group, hell, you hope no one's here ! But if you have to choose between being mugged by one or multiple people, the choice is already done.
Backing slowly, you start feeling watched and fear whatever's inside might come get you by behind thanks to the back door. You have to hurry, you go upstairs, you take the keys and you bolt outside. Yeah, it's easy, it's an easy plan.
Do you run ? It'll be quicker but you might be heard. Shit shit, what are you supposed to do ? You can't even pinpoint in which room, which area of the house the intruder is ! With your luck, you'll stumble on them in the hallway or even your bedroom.
You won't run, you're too terrified to do any sound. Removing your shoes, you put them between the wall and the door in order to block it if it ever comes to close while you weren't there. There's multiple carpet, your socks won't do too much sound and if you're too scared to put the shoes back when leaving you can still drive in socks, dangerous but you'll deal with that later.
One step at a time, you approach the creaking stairs, ears ready to isolate the slightest sound that could signify a presence near or far from you.
You would have much rather not use these stairs but they're the only way upstairs, even if they're noisy.
The first step is silent, just like the second and third, however, your weight on the next ones cause them to cry, making you wince and stop in your track. In total, this staircase is composed of fifteen steps. You know it, you've counted everything at least once here.
Fuck it, you already made too much noises. Whoever's here know damn well your position. Taking a big breath, you suddenly sprint every stairs, each one creaking in the process, not talking about the sound of your feet heavily hitting the wood. Stopping wasn't an option anymore, not being deterred, your legs finally bring you to your room where you lock yourself in, shutting the door with every locks available.
You sigh, falling to the ground and grabbing your shirt where your heart is. Your head is buzzing, your ears are ringing and your body screaming for help, everything is too hot for you, you can't think but you know it's not the end, you can't rest now.
So you get up and head as quietly as possible to the different furniture of the room. In your head, your pray that the intruder can't tell in which room you went. It's not long before you find the keys, your mum placed them beside your bag. And now ? It was a real trial having to come up here, and now you have to confront it all over again to go down ?
Okay, you're not mentally ready yet, you at least need to protect your back. You grab your phone, now having internet, and lowering the light as much as you can, you go to your socials to text someone.
You can't call the cops by yourself, it could mean talking and you can't allow that right now. However, your different social media won't even load. You're pretty sure a number for deaf people exist, but can't recall what is it. You try to type it on internet, but the page doesn't load as well. Of course, you don't have 4G since you're the one paying your subscription, that thing's expensive. Now, though, you really hate yourself.
To get out of this, you spam your friends phone in order for them to answer to make them call the police for you, the few of them that gave your their phone number at least. While doing so, you notice that Ethan Landry sent you a message a few minutes ago but deleted it. Weird, but he is so no surprise.
You don't stop spamming everyone, friends or family, it doesn't matter. But of course, your mum and the other are busy feasting staring at the show in town.
When you finally get an answer five minutes later (the longest minutes of your entire life), you feel relief flood your body, only for it to disappear when the name displayed was not the one of your friend, but of someone completely different.
Ethan Landry. Again. You retain a snort. Of course, him of all people. He doesn't have any damn social life, it's obvious he'd answer. He's typing, you wait impatiently for his message to be sent, it takes a few others seconds.
"Hey ^^" your screen displays. You want to explode your head on the nearest wall. Who's using those emojis ? "You're spending nice holidays ?" he adds.
What it that opening ? And why him ? Now ? He is not your friend, and isn't he busy ? Working too much for his class to stay the best of the best ? You don't want to talk to him. You're pensive, do you really have a choice in this situation ?
"I see you saw my message but haven't answered, are you ignoring me ?" And as if to light the mood of his already quite pitiful message, he sends you a small "lol".
No wonder he's still a virgin.
He's still online and you can't call anyone, if you talk, they're going to hear you. You don't like him but if he's the only one responding right now, you won't miss this chance. Just as you came to this conclusion, a noise of something falling echo through the house. You almost died on the spot, your heart not designed for this type of scare. Slowly, you hide under the bed, the huge blanket falling from both side of it protecting you from outsider's sight.
"Call copsfor me send them to m yaddress I beg you." you sent him, with a few mistakes as you're shaking, rushed and not watching the screen as you type. When sending him your address though, you watched cautiously the screen, feared he might send the cops somewhere else. To briefly explain him the situation, you sent him one simple word; intruder.
"Oh shit." he says and you never hated him more than right now. Why was this stupid idiot still typing when he should be calling the police ! Doesn't he understand the problem ? You really can't count on him.
He's stupid, you think. You have the keys now, that's all that matter. All is left to do is for you to bolt down to the car and leave. Steadying your breathing, you slide from under the bed, holding tightly the keys in your closed hand. You stand, walking towards the door; no sounds.
With a shaky hand, you grab the handle and open the door. Not getting out instantly, you're careful to check every corner of the hallway before leaving. You know how it is in horror movie, the protagonist often dies right before they can escape. You are not risking it. Your device is vibrating in your pocket, it's probably him again.
Reaching the main stairs, you put your foot in the air, ready to place it on the first step when your breath get stuck in your throat by the vision in front of you.
The main door is closed.
A cold chill run down your spine, raising up each one of your body hair. Why is it closed ? You specifically put your shoes between the door and the wall, preventing it from closing. And in the worst case, if the wind or the force of the heavy door still close, it would slam and alert you. But it didn't. How it is closed ?
You look around the room, not daring move anymore until you finally understand what happened. You're able to see both of your shoes, delicately placed side by side outside, on the freezing terrace. Someone moved them. Someone fucking took your shoes and deliberately put them outside, right in front of the window for you to see. If that's not provocation you have no idea what that is.
Either way, you are not trying to open it. Something is telling you it's completely locked. The wind is growing up by seconds, snowflakes flying everywhere. Fuck, it wasn't snowing earlier, you need to get out of here before you're completely stuck inside. That was your plan before you heard the back door downstairs shut and the dangling of keys, anyways.
Not waiting anymore, you get back to the safety of your room.
You can't calm yourself, you heard keys ! The intruder has keys and is locking you two together ! Shit, shit shit what do you do ? You have to get out of here, quickly before it's too late. If you end up completely locked up, all would be left to do for the intruder is to simply visit the different room until you're dead.
Think, think, how can you escape ? Your eyes end up on the window which you rush to. Opening it, the freezing air outside penetrate the room, slapping you in the face with it's now pouring snow.
You're something like 10 meters/32 inches up from the ground. It does not sound like a good idea to jump from here but do you really have a choice here ? Maybe you can wait a little until the snow reach a good height, so falling in it won't hurt.
No, the negative temperature and extreme weather would cause you to die of hypothermia. You close the window, still keeping the idea somewhere in the corner of your mind. You won't jump now, but if things get too complicated, you are not hesitating.
Maybe you can keep it a tad open, just in case. So you don't have to struggle to open it. You regret not having tried to open the main door earlier, sure the shoes were put away but maybe it wasn't really locked. You thought so but your fear were really what was driving your mind at the moment, you have to try.
There is this old broken glass clock on the wall, you could use it as a weapon. If the intruder comes at you, you explode the glass on their head. You cheer yourself up, stretching your limbs. You can still run if you can't fight.
You can do this, you can do this.
You still didn't encounter anyone after all, maybe you're fine. Standing up, a new found determination filling you, you head to the door. You try to think of a better plan but options are not running to you. It's not like you have a better choice.
You lay your hand on the handle, ready to fight your fears but you stop in your track when light musical notes start invading the silence of the house. You're confused, frowning your brows, you try to think of any reason for it to happen.
There's music coming from downstairs and that's when you know you're done for. Someone's here and is definitely toying with you. By music, it's not even a scary song with lyrics to help you understand what's going to happen to you, or a creepy music deepening the tense atmosphere, oh no. It's Michael Bublé singing his dumb 'It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas'.
Great, perfect, a festive music for a festive death, right ? Are you going to get killed on rhythm of it, too ? For a moment, you thought about it being a whole joke from one of your cousin, but it would be too elaborated. The best jokes are the shortest, and this one's endless.
Not having anything better to do, you hide once again under the bed and turn on your phone. Ethan sent you a message earlier but you did not look at it. You frown upon seeing it.
"Can I tell you something ? It's a secret tho. I'm a little ashamed of it."
Does he really fucking think it's the perfect moment for him to confide his secret to you ? "Police" you simply send him, wanting to remind him of the goal of this conversation, hoping he'd understand. After all, he did not even confirmed having called anyone.
But he never answers your reminder and instead send you a photo. It's blurry and at first you don't understand what it is until you recognize the house, your aunt's house. The house you're currently in. It's a picture of you from earlier, when you first went outside after discovering the ashes everywhere. You're outside, before the window, checking your phone while hugging yourself to try and protect you from the cold.
"Where are you ? I want to talk to you." he sends right after.
Your blood runs cold, suddenly the painful and awkward position you're in doesn't bother you much anymore. Ethan Landry, took a picture of you here. Ethan Landry is here, right now. What's happening ?
"We need to talk." he insists.
Is that man the one who entered by the chimney ? Is he the intruder ? You're not typing anything and it must stress him as he adds a stupid "Please answer". How did he even know you were here ? Did he follow you ? How ?
"What do you want" you typed, wanting to know why he was here. You were desperate for answer, you never talked to this guy, he never talked to you ! What does he want now ? Is it linked with your friend ? Did she ditch him ? Maybe she did, and he thinks it's your fault.
But against all odd, it's not at all the answer gives you.
"It's about us."
What ? What 'us' ? What is he talking about ? "Us" as in you and him or "us" as in him and the whole group ? Because either way, you have no idea what he wants. And even if you did, you doubt there's a problem big enough that requires him to fucking break into your house.
"I have a gift for you as well." No, it does not sound good at all. You keep spamming your friends, begging them to answer. You're telling them you're hiding under your bed and that they need to call the police right now or you'll end up dead. At one point, you start to write another message to your friend when you receive a notification from Ethan.
"They won't answer." he says. And for a second, you dare think that he may be connected to your phone. But you quickly push that thought aside, only for it to come back as fast when you're typing "Ethan s insde my hhouse" and "Don't do that" is sent to you before you press send.
He's bluffing, you're sure. You send your message anyway, if you die, at least they'll know. However, to confirm your doubts, you write two question marks in the blank space to check if he's able to see them. To your horror, Ethan sends you two question marks as well.
It's just a coincidence. It has to be anyway because that'd mean Ethan knows where you are. Who are you kidding ? He knew from the very start where you were. He's just tormenting you. Testing yet again, you type "what" in the chat space, and of course Landry sends you "What what ?".
That's it, he has access to your phone. Your body is boiling from the inside, nothing makes sense anymore. How did he hack into your phone ? Why and when ? Since when ? You swipe the notification away from the screen and turn your phone off. Laying it beside you, waiting for another person to answer.
He planned everything, controlling your phone, following you, getting you alone and vulnerable.
It's probably time for you to use the window. You have the keys after all. You'll jump. Get to your car or something. Besides, maybe you won't break your ankle. maybe you'll be able to escape, run in the forest and found a shelter somewhere, wait until the weather is good enough to come back and find your family.
Maybe you'll fall, break something and wake up only to realize that it was all a dream, that you're safe and sound. Ethan did nothing, he is still the weirdo from your class, flirting with your friend and you'll spend a beautiful Christmas with your family.
Your body start to move in order to leave your hiding spot, but each one of your muscle stops dead when slow and steady footsteps are heard in the hallway, and seconds later, the door of the room creaks open. And then you remember with horror that Ethan found the keys, and that locking the door won't protect you.
He knows you're here. You try to recall everything you did that could've hurt him, if one day you insulted him, mocked him but nothing. Why, why is he doing this to you ? Tears fill up your eyes, but you have to dry them. If you have to escape, you need to have hundred percent of your vision. Fleeing with blurry eyes will slow you down.
Ethan doesn't budge. You're too scared to change position and see where he is, but he sounds like he is at the end of the end. You probably could've saw his feet if you tried, but you didn't want to.
Your phone stirs, reporting a new notification. You know who that comes from already. Every muscle in you is tensed, refusing to move. But he waits for you to do so. So you turn it on, checking his message.
He sent you another picture, one which absolutely freeze you from head to toe. It's a photo where only a bed is visible, the exact one serving you as hiding spot. What's horrifying however, is that a large knife is displayed on it, along with a printed photo of you two. You recognize this cursed picture, the one your teacher took of you with the model.
He cut out everyone else, only you two are left. It's the only photo you have of him, and it's probably the same for him, the only picture he has of you. You're never beside each other after all.
You don't give a fuck about the photo, he has a knife. You're alone together in a room and he has a knife.
"Are you mad at me ?" he texts but you can't do anything except try to keep your cries quiet. You knew he was weird, but fuck ! Not that weird !
You hear him chuckle, and seconds after the ruffle of his clothes alarms you. What is he doing ? He's moving, but why ? You don't know what he's doing until his hand firmly close around your ankle and pull you out of under the bed, you scream, try to fight back, throw your legs at his face but you can't even see it; he wears a mask.
Not only a mask, in fact, he is completely disguised.
Window is all you can think. You have to jump out of the window. Never slackening your attacks, you finally inflict him pain, his mask twisting on the side in the process. He falls on his back, holding his, likely, jaw.
You are not waiting for him to get over it as you jump on the bed, slide and grab the open window. You pull it wider and leap head first. You did not think this through, only acting out of pure survival. But at the same time, maybe you would've done the same thing, choosing between breaking your legs or arms, in this situation, you'd chose to break your arms.
But Ethan is as determined as you, before your body can completely fall, he grabs both of your tibias with strong hands. Blood is already falling to your head, you feel it heat up despite the freezing atmosphere.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing ?" yell the man holding you.
Hanging upside down, only held by the legs by a crazy man clearly wasn't part of your Christmas plan. You wiggle your body, trying to make him let go or at least slip out of his grip but you never saw someone as mad as Ethan. You lay your hands flat on the outside wall before you, outstretching your arms to grab something allowing you to fall, to pull yourself down but it's no use.
You already feel yourself being lift up. Slowly, Ethan's hand pull you up, leaving your ankles to grab just below your knees. One of your foot hit his face but he never relents. You yell in the wind for the world to hear, you struggle, fight but Ethan's something else. Ethan won't let you go.
The more he pulls you up, the more his hand grabs of you. While your feet are back inside, your hands never let go of the window border, refusing categorically to let him engulf you inside. You don't stop yelling at him to let you go but you quiet down a second when two other person enter your vision, both in the same disguise as Ethan.
They're outside, braving the harsh snow, just below the window. Exactly where you would have fallen if Landry didn't grabbed you. The smaller of them has a sign in hand, and when you read what's on it, you think you should have jumped and killed yourself.
"Merry Christmas, in-law.
Welcome to the family"
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