#also why is his mouth drawn so pretty in that last one
tvrningout-archived · 2 years
“ i’m gonna write today!!! mark my words!!! ” so turns out that was a lie but look at tengen bc i did work on some more icons for him : )
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chelseeebe · 17 days
bump n’ grind
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a lil continuation to gimme a hand wherein our lovely reader helps eddie out after an embarrassing mistake.
18+ mdni. again, mostly just smut. maybe some angst towards the end i guessss. eddie munson x female reader.
eddie’s on cloud nine.
his head floating well above the pretty pink room he was currently in.
not entirely sure how he ended up here but also not at all angry about it. a night of rum and beer had lead him to this.
sarah.. savanna.. something, sits atop of his lap, bouncing off of his thighs like a jacked up rabbit.
he’s clawing at her back, trying and failing, to keep a steady grip on her wild body. appreciating the soft squeaks that left her mouth with every bounce.
and before he can really think about it enough to stop his mouth, he says it. wanting to dig his own grave the second his lips spread.
a long, drawn out iteration of your name.
she stops, immediately. breathless as she grips his shoulders, “what’d you say?”
his cock aches and his cheeks burn, any hope that she’d just ignore it and continue had flown out of the window, “what?” acting clueless, “i didn’t.. didn’t say anything.”
eddie knows full well what had slipped out of his loose lips, muscle memory from the embarrassing amount of times he had whined your name while imagining that it was your hand wrapped around his cock instead.
“you said somebody else’s name,” she frowns, sounding far too close to a possessive girlfriend rather than the one night stand that she actually was.
“did i? i don’t really remember.. does it matter?” with full sincerity, wondering if she was going to stay on his dick or climb off and throw him out.
“if i’m having sex with someone, i at least expect them to know my name,” she scowls, clambering from his lap to the empty space next to him.
“shit,” he mumbles, head in his hands, “fuck. i’m sorry,” sobering up instantly, embarrassed by his blunder.
she sighs, taking pity on his pathetic self, “is she your ex or something?” re-dressing herself with an old t-shirt, rightfully putting an end to their encounter.
“no..” eddie frowns, shaking his head, “she’s my.. my friend.”
best friend actually. making it all the more confusing and complicated. he’d spare her of all the gory details, for her sake.
“oh,” the girl gawps, stifling her laugh. “you should tell her,” leaning over to grab her phone, no doubt to tell all of her friends about eddie’s embarrassing freudian slip.
he’d deserve it.
eddie perches on the end of your bed, not daring to move any closer for fear of losing it and touching you like he dreamed of doing.
it had been four months, two weeks and five days since you’d jerked him off in that tiny bathroom.
not that he was counting.
and still nothing more had happened between you. a few instances where eddie had thought you were close but nothing of any real consequence.
nevertheless, a day hadn’t passed since where he hadn’t thought about it at least once.
he’s memorised every single frame of that video, all the times you pant and twist your hand. the exact second his phone falls onto the counter and the video changes to an image of the back of his head.
every. last. detail.
you jab your foot into his back, peering over your phone screen to frown at him, “what’s wrong with you?”
eddie sighs, letting his shoulders slump, still staring at the torn ac/dc poster he had ripped off the wall for you. it reminds him too much of times where things weren’t so complicated.
“i hooked up with someone the other day,” he states monotonously, uncaring anymore about telling you what had really happened.
“okay?” you jab him again, “why are you sad about that?” confusion echoing.
“i’m not sad.”
you sit up, the mattress shifting behind him, “then what the fuck’s your problem?” leaning forward to rest your chin on his shoulder, in that similar position you were in all those months ago.
sometimes he wishes you’d never touched him. that he had just settled with chrissy and you had never been an option. not that you really were now, still unobtainable, taunting and teasing him.
“i said your name,” he exhales in one big breath, “i said your name while i was having sex with her.”
his shoulders felt lighter now, despite you still resting on them. something about the relief of finally letting you know how he felt. embracing his stupidity.
“really?” your mouth falls open, “holy shit, that’s funny,” he can feel your hands creep up his back, sending shivers over his skin.
eddie shakes his head, at a loss for words. he could see how you’d find it funny, but he couldn’t see the humour in it himself. in fact, it was a marker for the absolute desperation he felt towards your new complex relationship. not only had you taken over all of his waking thoughts, but you’d somehow subliminally crept into his intoxicated mind thoo.
“what were you thinking about? when you said it,” you pry, head twisting around to look at him.
“me?” you rasp, right into his ear. “what about me?” feeling your breath against his cheek, transporting him straight back to wayne’s cramped bathroom.
his eyes fall shut, like he’s in some humiliation ritual, getting off to the way you teased him so.
“that video.. that stupid video,” he whispers, tuned in to every twitch of your fingers on his back, your soft breaths in his ear.
“oh,” he can hear the smirk in your voice, unwilling to open his eyes to see it again, “is that it? just the video?”
he doesn’t understand why you’re asking so many questions. obviously enjoying the way he squirmed under your touch, antsy and reluctant to say anything.
“i was.. picturing you were her,” he squeezes out, blood rushing to not only his cheeks, but his cock too.
“aw,” you coo, hand sliding higher, “tell me how it felt,” voice thick with desire, fingers circling around his shaking shoulders.
“good..” his eyes squeeze together, feeling his jeans shift uncomfortably, “not as good as you did,” almost begging, pleading for it.
you hum, your other hand finding the top of his thigh, dangerously close to the tent in his jeans.
if you kept this up, he’d cum all over his fucking pants.
you squeeze the skin, a low grumble from yours lips, “what position were you in?”
oh god.
“w-why?” eddie chokes, seeing stars behind his eyelids.
“i just wanna know, eds.. so i can picture the scene.”
his head tilts back, allowing you the opportunity to creep into the crook of his neck, traces of your lips just barely touching the sensitive skin.
“please tell me,” you mumble, vibrating against his trachea, making his toes curl, grounding himself with the rough carpet.
“she was on top,” he spits, balling his fist around your blanket.
it didn’t feel real between his fingers, poorly substituting your body for the cotton.
“oh,” you shift, the bed frame creaking as you clamber into his lap, resting atop of his thighs. “like this?”
he doesn’t open his eyes. can’t, not without cumming his pants right there. but he can feel you, perched just below his crotch,
“what’d she do now? hmm?” dragging your nails down his chest, your fingers prod at his skin, forcing him to flop back against the mattress.
the space allows you to shuffle upwards, your cunt brushing against his aching cock, leaving him no choice but to turn into pure mush beneath you.
“fuck,” he breathes, daring a glance in hopes to keep the image ingrained in his mind forever.
your hips begin to grind against his crotch, groaning softly with your palms flat to his chest.
“you like that?” you purr, rocking back and forth on top for he rough denim of his jeans.
“i need you.. fuck, please,” he keens, fingertips so firmly pressed into your waist that they’d leave indentations for days.
you don’t respond, sighing softly as the friction between you grows stronger, cruel and twisted in the way you tease him.
he doesn’t understand what all of these almost-encounters mean. it’s like you want him but not fully. holding yourself back for the right moment or perhaps just trying to keep him going until somebody else came along.
his hands slide around to your ass, moving with every jerk and cant of your hips. gruff, frustrated sighs leave his mouth, mixing somewhere in the air with your whiny moans. need and urgency ricocheting around the walls of your room, yet neither one of you prepared to take it all the way.
“jesus eds, are you gonna cum?” you breathe, as much as this was for his benefit, you were getting off as well.
that alone makes this other worldly. even if he was doing absolutely none of the work, you were writhing and gasping just as he was.
it’s almost incomprehensible how much you using him to get off was frying his brain.
eddie was about to combust, the closeness of it all, so near and yet still so far apart. two layers of clothes felt like a million miles. finally brave enough to open his eyes, hoping to keep this image seared into his brain forever.
“yeah.. yeah i’m gonna cum,” he whines, jerking his hips up to meet yours, rocking against each other in perfect rhythm, “please.. oh fuck- fuckfuckfuck,” his cock positioned perfectly between your folds, covering your pajama shorts with your slick.
“good boy,” you breathe, fingers twisted into his shirt, tugging at the fabric, not letting up on your torturous grinding.
your tone is somewhere between mocking and sincere, but he doesn’t care. doesn’t have the brain capacity to if he’s honest.
his cock twitches against his boxers, hips shuddering into the air as an uncomfortable warmth overtakes his crotch.
“oh god.. shit,” the sudden realisation of the mess in his pants, how grotesquely down bad he was for you, hits all at once.
your lips curve, shuffling down to the top of his thighs. you don’t exchange words, just a sly glance that erupts into giggles. leaning down to peck his lips as your hands let go of their hold on his chest.
eddie’s hands don’t move, gripping onto your hips, hoping you’ll stay there for the rest of eternity. not only had he cum in his pants, he had done so at a disturbingly fast rate. a few minutes of what was essentially dry humping had left him sticky and full of shame.
“are you ever gonna let me fuck you?” he asks, practically begging for your mercy, needing to know for his own sake.
he likes to think that if you said no, he’d be able to walk away with his dignity, to never let this embarrassing display for pathetic yearning happen again.
yet deep down, he also knows that that’ll never happen. you could string him along forever and ever and he’d never do a thing about it other than cherish the moments you let him touch you.
your laugh topples over, slinging your leg over his waist to kneel beside his lifeless body, “one day,” kneeing him softly in the side, “go get changed, i’m hungry,” climbing off of the mattress, disappearing from his eyesight.
his head flops back onto the bed, sweaty and exhausted, ignoring the feel of his boxers clinging to his skin and the inevitable wet patch seeping through to his jeans.
an insatiable churning in his stomach for more, for you.
but eddie is eddie, so instead of doing any of the things that he really wanted to do, he rolls off of your bed with a sigh, shimmying out of his jeans just as you’d asked him to.
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primrosebow · 3 months
YES PLEASE, part 2 😻 I would also LOVE to see his legs spread for us... Or maybe we forcefully spread them :3 either way I love you're art it's so hot, Lucifer's so hot. Just NEED to manhandle him 😞
-💌 anon (idk if that's been used, if so then 🐕 anon)
_-->Lucifer x reader // pt 2🍎
!content warnings!: nsfw, edging (AAAHAHAHAA!!!! THE FIRST KINK NAME THAT I ACTUALLY FIGURED OUT! it's pretty self explanatory, but I'm proud of me so shut) probably other kinks but, again, nun. andddd a wee lil more writing compared to my other posts
Shoutout to 💌 anon‼️‼️
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The air is thick with tension as lucifer catches his breath, tears running down his now hot face. He's completly oblivious to the atmosphere, however- he's too deep in pleasure to even realize what he'd just done.
You had explicitly told him not to cum, going as far as edging him for the last few minutes, but, of course he couldn't keep it down, in the same way he hadn't lowered his teasing, which was the exact behavior that had gotten him into this predicament. You see; Lucifer is honestly one of the best you could have ever dreamt for, wealthy, stunningly gorgeous, funny, patient- wait. Scratch that last part. He's not patient at all. When he wants something, he'll do whatever it takes to get it. And that time, it was to get you to have him as you pleased.
You honestly didn't know what had gotten into him, he'd been teasing you for the last several days with no signs of giving up -what was his goal with this?- you thought, whenever he'd litter kisses along your neck and imediatelly turn around and speed off to do god knows what. Whenever he'd lay on your lap and arch into you, displaying his body for you, only to turn around and act like nothing happened within a split second, even touching your sensitive spots and acting oblivious. Whenever- actually, you could go on all day long. And right now, he'd finally realized what he did.
His expression flows from one of relief into one of guilt. He turns his head from you, snapping his eyes down to your hand over his still painfully hard dick before dragging them back up when the sight alone had made him twitch in your hands.
His thighs had been strongly pressed against your arm before you used your other hand to make Lucifer look at you. He looked frustrated, ashamed, confused- why all of that? Because this wasn't the outcome he expected. He thought you'd have your way with him, bend him over the nearest flat surface and fuck him out of his mind, he thought you'd overstimulate him until he couldn't think of another thing other than the sting of his drawn out pleasure, thought you'd be rough with him.
But no, you were gentle.
With your actions, at least. Your words were pure venom. "You want to get treated like some desperate slut, huh?" "You look down on those sinners but you're no fucking better." "You're already drooling? My god you're pathetic." "You haven't earned my touch- much less the right to cum. You've been nothing but an inconvenience, you're lucky I'm even doing this" as you so gently jerked him off with the most delicate touches, holding his hand, ghosting your lips over his neck and moved the hair out of his face. The juxtaposition from the two extremes of your words and actions drove him insane- he just couldn't deal with it, you were tearing down his whole being by the second- and eventually, he couldn't hold himself anymore.
You don't spare him a word as you push his legs apart and watch them tremble to stay open for you as rushed apologies and poor excuses left his mouth. Before he could continue with his apologies, you roughly rub your fingers over his tip, earning a broken, fucked out moan from him, his tail a dead giveaway of his enjoyment of the new treatment.
"Is this what you wanted?" Was your unamused response. You kept going at the much rougher pace you had just now set, his eyes fought to remain open as more tears flow out of his red, glowing eyes; he wasn't prepared for such intensity after what you had put him through "aah- mh- w-wait -oh goodness- please! Have mercy!" His pleading falls on deaf ears as you continue at your current movement. The king of hell had his pride completly broken, and you weren't even close to being done with him.
Ah, seems like the two of you have a long night ahead of you
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I just found out about weevils I am not the same woman I was 10 minutes ago. I love these stupid little guys. I love them so much. I love weevils.
Sorry for dying I'm back tho with like a truckload of stuff in mind to tell yall abt. Also I don't proofread or anything this is like as raw as it gets.
Ermm @ ing @bigfatbimbo because this mf into lucifer FOR REAL💪💪
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bonny-kookoo · 8 months
Does cherry jk and Mc go further than just analyzing her tattoo? 🥴
A/N: Obv warning for NSFW. set right after the last drabble, it's basically a continuation of it.
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He's torturing you. This is legitimate torture, and you're not sure if you'll survive this- and if you do, you'll probably die later because if he's already getting you to a point like this from simple touch alone, what else is he capable of?
Maybe it's the fact that you got a major crush on him that's making you more sensitive to things like this. Or maybe you've just never been treated like this.
He seems truly enamored by your body, most of all your tits that he's currently occupying himself with, lips and tongue combining with his hands, never staying in one place too long. You never really thought about a situation like this- typically, in the past, your chest had been nothing but aesthetics to past partners, something to maybe grab on during the act, but never really anything of importance.
Never something to focus on. Sex isn't about that- or at least it wasn't, back then, and it makes you wonder. What exactly does Jungkook get out of this himself?
But you fail to really concentrate on that topic, as he suddenly puts his teeth into the mix, gently biting one of your by now horribly sensitive buds to pull and let go, chuckling when your back arches off the couch. He's licking, kissing, now even biting- and you're by now convinced that you are one of those who can indeed cum from just this.
Maybe? Or maybe not? You're unsure, and you're also getting impatient. Your underwear must be soaking by now, thighs rubbing together unashamed. He's already sucking on your tits- there's really nothing to be embarrassed about.
"Wanna eat you out." He breathes over your chest, hands still fondling your soft flesh, and you whine.
"Please..!" You ask, because at this point, you can't take it anymore.
"Do you have a hairtie or something?" Jungkook wonders up at you at this invitation of yours, leaning up again to collect his hair with his hands.
"Uhm.. here?" You wonder, offering your wrist where a simple black elastic is resting around, one he takes with a grin, tying his hair back. You're not sure why exactly, his fingers brushing all of his hair back to collect as much of it as possible, getting most of it out of his face.
"Thanks." He grins, before he moves back to push down your shorts to let them fall down this time, hands moving over your thighs. "Hm.. what if we put some ink on those too?" He purrs, palms moving in between them before he changes his mind, leaving your fluffy overknees on after struggling a bit with the straps holding them up, which are connected to a lace garter belt. "Really pretty by the way. You like lingery?" He wonders casually, finally figuring out how to unhook the straps from your socks to be able to remove your panties, and you nod.
""I.. like to feel pretty.." You admit a bit quietly, and he smiles brightly at that, pulling down your underwear- and for a second you're confused why he stuffs your panties in the pocket of his sweatpants, but you don't get to question it for long, as he pulls your legs over his shoulders, body leaning down to dive in.
You don't care how he seems to know so well how to use his tongue and mouth- all that you do care about is that you're way too worked up to last very long.
Especially when his fingers join in and push inside you, you can't help but curl your toes as you summon all of your strength as to not push your legs closed. What you don't have any control over is the way your hips move- but it doesn't seem to bother him much, as he starts to suck, one drawn out lick with the flatness of his tongue enough to suddenly make you come undone.
His face leaves your core, but the heel of his hand gently helps you ride out your high, fingers leaving you after, the way you clenched around the digits giving him ideas for future endeavors-
and also enough material to make up scenarios in his head for days.
You can see him adjust himself in his pants a little, tent fairly evident- and you're not sure what you think of it. He's not asking for it- but isn't it something you should do?
Maybe the main reason you want to is both curiosity, and the fact that he doesn't immediately demand anything in return. He's nice.
You like him.
And you also want to see him- all of him.
"Hm?" He asks, wiping his mouth with his hand, before you sit up, cringing a bit at the wetness between your thighs. You slowly look down at him, gaze focusing on his obvious boner, and he chuckles. "Wanna see? We don't have to do anything, I can just rub one out later in the shower, no worries." He casually says, but you shake your head.
"I want to do something." You say. "But.. I might not be good at it?" You worry, and he laughs.
"Practice makes perfect." He shrugs. "If you wanna, you can." Jungkook offers, moving down his pants before he pulls himself out of his underwear.
Everything he does is always so.. normal. As if this is nothing special at all- but in a good way. There's no pressure to make things as perfect as possible. It's comfortable.
When you touch him, he hisses a bit, even his dick twitching a bit, as if startled. "Sorry- your hands are cold." He laughs, and you giggle along.
"Sorry." You apologize as well, moving around to see what makes him feel good. It's not like you've never given a handjob in your life- but this time you actually don't feel like you have to, and it's making you wonder how you can offer him the same as you've received.
But your next move surprises even yourself, because this, you haven't done before.
You lean down to take his tip into your mouth, causing a faint 'oh god' to breathe past his lips above you, hand finding your head as you circle your tongue over the head, feeling the rest of him twitch on occasion. You fail to really take him and deeper, so you instead let go of his cock to spit in your hand, unsure how else really to make movement any more comfortable for the both of you.
He groans at that. It sounds almost pained.
Hopefully your hands are now warm enough as you move, lick and suck, trying to judge from the way his balls seem to tighten in your palm how close he might be-
When his hand pushes a little, fingers digging into your hair to grab tightly, head and upper body leaning back on his unoccupied hand keeping him somewhat upright as he cums, thick seed filling your mouth in several spurts.
He breathes loudly, before he lets go of your head, surprised face clearly showing a hint of worry as he inspects you, thinking he might've hurt you as you cringe a bit. His hands hold your cheeks, eyes darting around to judge if he's been a bit too rough with that push, when you look at him.
"It's bitter." You complain, and he laughs in relief, resting his forehead against yours, grinning so hard his cheeks hurt.
"God you're cute!"
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ageingfangirl2 · 7 months
Do Not Disturb! Shanks (OPLA)
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After a night of drinking, Shanks is annoyed and you are sent in to see what's wrong. You put your foot in your mouth and Shanks lets out his frustrations. Shanks x Reader (female) SMUT
It was a hot day, and there was one benefit of being a female pirate, you could swap your trousers for a skirt. Your skirts were practical, resting just below your knees with a small slit on the side making movement easier in a fight. You put on your normal white blouse and a brown skirt to match your new brown boots. Living on a ship full of guys you didn't wear makeup, so you simply brushed your hair and put it up in. a ponytail so in the heat it didn't stick to your neck.
This was your second day docked on an island you couldn't remember the name of, your first day and night was a blur due to partying and drinking. Maybe today you could explore and do some shopping.
You walk onto the deck and shield your eyes from the sun. Most of the crew had already left but Benn was standing looking over some documents while smoking.
He looks over at you and smirks, 'looking pretty little lady. You heading off as well?'
Benn was a charmer and your smoking buddy, 'I'm going to grab some water first. Can you get me some smokes and I'll pay you later? You always get the good ones.'
Benn winks at you and goes to head off the ship, 'I'll always get you the good stuff, nothing is too good for my little lady.'
You go to head to the kitchen when you hear Benn call out, 'Can you check on the captain, his conquest left earlier and he's been silent.'
You roll your eyes at the request. Why did it always fall on you to check on Shanks? You were convinced before you joined the crew that most of the guys had seen each other naked so it shouldn't be a shock to them. A few times they sent you in when the hookup hadn't left yet because Shanks couldn't get mad at you. The girl who'd been all over him last night was a prostitute and not a high-class one at that from the way they dressed, but pirates weren't fussy. Before you turned in for the night you checked on Shanks who had called you jealous because he wasn't paying attention to you.
It was common knowledge amongst the crew that from time to time you and Shanks slept together, they even sent you in to calm him down. You might have also given Benn a blow job when drunk and you were out of cigarettes, but other than that you took care of your own needs and hooked up whenever you docked somewhere. There was no real title for you and Shanks, but you weren't jealous because you weren't together.
You knock on Shank's door and get no reply so put your hand on the handle, 'I'm coming in Shanks,' you call out.
The room was dark, the curtains still drawn only letting in a crack of light to illuminate the space. The bed was a mess and your eyes focus on Shanks who was butt naked leaning over his desk with his back to you, giving you a nice view of his ass.
'Captain, Benn wanted me to see if you were okay. You're alive so I'll go,' you say calmly, before turning to leave.
Shanks growls stopping you in your tracks, 'THAT BITCH STOLE FROM ME!'
You can't help but throw your head back and laugh, 'and you called me jealous. You need to get yourself better standards, wait until the guys hear about this, the great Shanks robbed by a cheap whore.'
Shanks's head snaps towards you and immediately you stop laughing and back up, but bump into the small sofa he had. Shanks stalks towards you, something dark behind his eyes, you were his prey.
'Then what does that make you?' he chuckles darkly.
Next thing you know he's spinning you around and pushing you over the arm of the sofa, your face hitting the worn leather leaving you back exposed. His hand pushes up your skirt and you squirm feeling the cold air on your backside.
'Oh shit!' you gasp, Shanks grabbing your ponytail and pulling your head up.
'I asked you a question, answer me,' he states, voice deep from sleep and alcohol.
You gulp, 'Err a girl in the wrong place at the wrong time captain.'
He grunts and releases your ponytail before his hand comes down swiftly on your cheeks making you scream because you weren't expecting this.
'You're funny,' one more smack, 'you're not a cheap whore, you're simply a whore,' another smack, 'at least a cheap whore gets paid,' a fourth smack, 'you're a whore for you captain.'
With each smack, you thrust against the sofa biting your lip. Shanks wasn't lying, his words didn't hurt you, they turned you on.
'then fuck away your problem captain, that's what I'm here for,' you say shakily, your breath catching a little.
Shanks pulls down your underwear and you shift to shed them completely, your clit pressed against the cold leather, 'Beautiful,' he whispers.
You moan loudly as he aligns himself, feeling his tip rubbing against your opening, 'fuck me, captain,' you beg, no shame in your voice.
There weren't many attractive guys on this island so you had to get your release somehow.
Without warning Shanks thrusts, and you take all of him inside you, walls clenching as your hips buck. Shanks grabs your ponytail again as he slams into you more forcefully than the last.
'The ships empty, I want to hear you, we both know you're quite vocal,' Shanks mocks.
'YES...OH FUCK...' you moan loudly, 'FILL ME UP CAPTAIN!'
Shanks continues to fuck you, his grunts mixing with your moans as the only other sound in the room was skin-on-skin contact. You'd hooked up enough times to know when both of you were close.
'CUM FOR ME!' Shanks commands.
You come undone around him, your eyes rolling back as you try to catch your breath. His thrusts become sloppier until he unloads inside you. He keeps his dick inside as you both come down together, if the heat outside didn't make you a sweaty mess, you were a sweaty mess now.
'Good girl,' Shanks coos as he pulls out.
You get back to your feet and pull your skirt back down which was now crumpled, when Benn saw you he'd know what happened. Shanks leans down and kisses your forehead, all the anger from earlier gone.
'Feeling better?' you ask, fixing your ponytail.
Shanks smirks, 'I am now. God, you're too good to me y/n, I guess I can't mope forever.'
It was evening when I saw y/n again, their skirt still wrinkled from our morning activity. They said they wanted to explore the town. Benn who was sat next to me on the deck bends down and picks something up before throwing it at them which they catch with ease.
'Thank you, Benn, how much do I owe?' y/n asks, eyeing the box of cigarettes in their hands.
Benn waves them off, 'This one is on me y/n.'
y/n blows him a kiss, before walking past me, they pause, 'I got something for you captain, I'll leave it in your quarters,' they whisper.
I enter my quarters later on and see two things on my desk. One of them was my stolen compass, and the other was a bag of money. I can't help but laugh at the fact that y/n also got me my money back. I didn't want to know what they did to get this back to me, but it was better to have them on your side.
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sodamnradd · 11 months
Hogwarts had fucking outed them.
Of all the people to stash in the bottom of the lake for Draco to rescue, they had chosen her.
She was wet and shivering, pale as a sheet, balled up in his arms.
Lucius was somewhere in the audience. Reporters snapped photos rapturously. Draco could feel Pansy’s eyes burning holes into his back from somewhere in the stands. It was too late to feign indifference. To pretend it had all been a fluke, that Draco had merely rescued the first person he could get his hands on in the Merfolk Colony.
Hermione’s icy fingers dug into his sides.
“You’re safe,” he murmured against her damp forehead. “I’ll never let anything happen to you.”
Pomfrey bustled over. Blankets stacked in her arms. Draco wrapped one around Hermione’s shoulders as Pomfrey cast a Warming Spell. He rubbed Hermione’s arms over the blanket.
They’d left her down there for hours.
Fuck this tournament.
“I’m quitting.”
Hermione’s eyes darted up. “You can’t.”
“How did they even know…” He stopped short, aware they were in public.
Hermione merely answered: “The Room of Requirement.”
After receiving an earful from his father, his ex, and a Howler from Narcissa, Draco slipped through the stone archway into their little sanctuary.
She was already there, bathed in firelight, cheeks flushed with colour again. She wore a thick knit jumper two sizes too big, his Slytherin one, and knee-socks. A textbook lay open in front of her.
“Rough day?” she teased, but he noted the tightness in her eyes. Hermione wore her heart on her sleeve and Draco knew every heartbeat.
“How are you?”
Before she could reply, he cupped her chin and kissed her hard on the mouth. She slipped into his lap, and he held her tightly, like they might steal her away again.
His stomach lurched, remembering.
“Better now.” She kissed the hollow beneath his jaw. “The Gillyweed worked.”
He didn’t want to talk about the second task. “I don’t need the accolade or the Galleons.”
“We’re so close to winning. You can’t give up now.”
“They hurt you.”
“I’m fine.”
“Stop.” He envisioned her ghostly figure, curls plastered to trembling arms, the knobs of her spine like pale marbles in the low-back swimsuit.
She nudged his cheek, meeting his gaze. “If you forfeit, I lose too.”
She was right, of course. Draco’s name had been drawn from the goblet, but Hermione had been with him every step of the way. Her cleverness had not only kept Draco alive, but also at the forefront of the competition.
When he didn’t respond, she added, “I’ll help Viktor win if you back out.”
“Granger,” he growled. She knew how Draco felt about Viktor and his stupid moony eyes that did nothing but track Hermione all day long. Low blow.
“The tournament is ours.” She clasped his hand. “It’s just as much my victory as it is yours.”
What could he say to that?
He’d never expected Granger to lead him to the dragons the night before the first task. Weasley had told her. And she’d told him. He didn’t know why she did it, but it shifted something between them. A tension that sparked last year and imploded into this unfathomable, precious partnership.
He was pretty sure he loved her.
And Malfoy men never said no to the women they loved.
“I’m assuming that’s research for the next task?” He motioned towards her textbook.
“Duelling spells. I’ll practice with you.”
He brushed his knuckles against her cheek and lowered his gaze, resigned. “Whatever you want, Granger.”
(593 words, photo prompt from twitter)
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cambion-companion · 2 years
hi!! could we maybe pretty please get a drabble of aemond and female!reader taking a bath together and her taking care of his beautiful hair? just aemond being so in love and letting himself be vulnerable around his lover 🥹 (ive just envisioned him letting out his iconic 'mhm' as he's having his scalp massaged and squealed out loud he's too much for meee) thank you have a nice day!!!
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HAHA just a day in the life ya know! ;) Thank you for all the wonderful prompts, my lovely Anons. I hope you like what I have concocted here.
Word Count: 1919
Masterlist here
Aemond x f!reader | soft smut | fluff | comforting him after a long day
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Rain pattered on the stone walkway as you strode down the outdoor corridor, the sound of clashing swords evidence your husband still trained in the courtyard below.  You drew your long woolen cloak tighter about your shivering shoulders, descending the steps already sprinkled with large raindrops.  Aemond had been out here sparring with one of the poor beleaguered soldiers, the dark-haired man looking like he was about to fall on his face from exhaustion.
Looking over Aemond’s shoulder at your hurried approach, he left his guard open wide and grunted as the Targaryen prince took full advantage, his sword colliding heavily against the man’s torso.  
Aemond turned to see what had drawn his opponent’s attention, his hair slipping on the leather tunic he wore. “Classic mistake, Adian, allowing a beautiful woman to distract you.”
“She is quite a lovely sight indeed.”  Adian’s brown eyes roved your form, causing your lip to curl with distaste.
Aemond smacked the flat of his blade against Adian’s cheek, not gently, causing the boy to yelp and stumble back. “Furthermore, she is my wife; I will warn you just this once to avert your attentions elsewhere.”
Adian bowed to Aemond, and to you, not making eye contact as he retreated to the weapon’s table.  Aemond discarded his own blunted sword before approaching you, swiftly taking you in his strong arms and placing a possessive kiss to your mouth.  You tasted the sweet rainwater on his lips, pulling away to tug at his hand so that he followed you to the shelter of the Keep.
You led him all the way up to your shared bedroom, the spacious area lit from the warm glow of the large fireplace.  
“I had the fire stoked, and a hot bath drawn for you.  Oh!”  You crossed to the nearby table as Aemond began removing his wet clothes. “I also had some hot mead and venison pie brought up from the kitchens.”
The large clawed wooden bathtub sat in the center of the room, steam emitting tantalizingly from its still water.  
Aemond was fully unclothed now, his sapphire eye glittering from the light of the fire. He wrapped his arms around you, kissing your head before reaching behind you to grab a meat pie.  He had draped his sodden shirt and pants, along with his leather eyepatch, to dry by the fire.  He walked over to dip a finger into the water of the bath, humming in appreciation.  Your eyes trailed along the taut muscles of his back, admiring his backside while biting your lip.
Aemond took the last bite of the venison pastry, licking the crumbs from his fingers. “You are the sole reason I do not catch cold after these endless days of training, my love.”  
He slipped into the bathtub, groaning as the hot water enveloped his cold skin.  You carried a goblet of hot drink to him. “It’s absolutely freezing outside; I don’t know why you insist on sparring so long.”
“It helps take my mind off affairs of court, which you know vex me greatly.” Aemond sipped the mead gratefully, raising a hand to squeeze your wrist with his now-warm fingers.
You unclasped your cloak, laying it to dry next to Aemond’s clothes.  He watched you from the tub with interest.  You returned his gaze, your eyes drinking in how regal he looked reclining against the wood at his back, the ends of his silver hair swirling with the movement of the water, his hand holding the pewter goblet over the side of the bathtub.  The firelight played against his skin, accentuating the lines of his muscles, his sharp jawline, the way his curved mouth smirked as he watched you examine him.
“Take off your clothes.”
The violet of his one eye was overtaken by the dilation of his pupil as he looked you over.  “Join me.”
Under his lustful scrutiny, you began pulling at the laces of your dress, until it fell in a pool at your feet.  Stepping out of the heavy fabric, you undid the buttons of your shift slowly, teasing the man before you.  Aemond raised his goblet to his lips again, not once taking his eye off you.
You raised the thin underdress over your head, pulling off your undergarment and stockings as well until you stood bare before him.  
“Hmm.”  Aemond made an admiring noise in the back of his throat, his eye roving your body.
The cool night air prickled at your skin, causing gooseflesh to erupt along your legs and arms, your nipples pebbling as you made haste to enter the warm water with your husband. The tub was big enough for you to sit across from him, your legs entangling with his own as you sank with a relieved sigh into the hot bath.  Little waves lapped at your collarbone as you scooted a little toward Aemond, taking his long hair in your hands and pulling it over his shoulders so you could begin disentangling it with deft fingers.
You felt his hands roam along your waist, up to your breasts where he palmed and squeezed, rolling your pert nipples in between thumb and forefinger.  “Gods you feel so good, so warm and soft.”  He placed a sweet kiss to your forehead as you continued your work on his thick hair, once satisfied moving to caress his scalp.
Aemond, despite himself, yawned, his eyelids growing heavy from your administrations.  Your hands flitted down to his shoulders where you massaged the tense muscles there with gentle pressure.  
“Come closer, Y/N.”  You felt Aemond’s arms wrap around you, pulling you onto his lap, the water splashing over the lip of the tub from your sudden movements.
Your legs curled around his torso, straddling him you felt his obvious arousal nudging against you.  “Hmm.” Aemond brushed his lips against yours, his hand cupping the nape of your neck. “I want to fuck you, right here in this bath.”
“Aemond…” You voice trailed off as you felt him line himself against your entrance, slowly sinking the tip of his cock into your heated core.  You let out a gasp of pleasure, arching your head back as you sunk your weight onto him, until he was fully inside.  Aemond took full advantage, sucking bruising kisses to your exposed throat, guiding your hips up and down upon his cock.
The waves you were creating spilled over the edge of the tub, the sound of splashing water accompanying your increasing moans.  
“You should know by now,”  Aemond leaned further into you, nuzzling into your chest, “I always get what I want.”
Your hands caught in his hair as he took your nipple into his mouth, swirling his warm tongue around it, paying the same attention to the other side.  You kept rocking against him, feeling your walls tighten as your pleasure mounted.
As Aemond continued to suckle at your breast, you placed sloppy kisses to his forehead, leaning your head against him, your lips parted as you felt your orgasm approaching.  “Aemond I…I’m going to-” He bucked up into you suddenly, the contact causing your vision to go white.  
Crying out his name, your pussy clenched around him, the intensity of your climax eliciting a groan of ecstasy from your husband as he followed you over the edge, spilling his seed deep within you.  Aemond pumped his cock into you a few more times, wanting to savor the heat of your wetness a little longer as the both of you rode out the high of your love making.
He raised his head, kissing your lips gently, carding his fingers through your hair. “I will put a child in you, my wife.  The idea of your belly growing round, carrying our little dragon…” He trailed off, unable to find the right words, instead conveying his emotion in the way his lips suddenly moved against yours, his tongue dipping into your mouth to taste you.
You remained tangled together like this until the water had cooled significantly.  Using clean water in the buckets beside the tub, you washed each other off, lathering goatmilk soap that smelt of lavender against your pruned skin and disheveled hair.
The logs in the fireplace popped and sparked, as the two of you, now clothed in woolen nightclothes, lay facing each other on the soft mattress.  You had pulled a heavy comforter over the top of you both, laying on your back as Aemond propped himself up on an elbow to look into your face.  Words were of little use in moments such as these, the tender loving looks speaking more than you could convey aloud.
You rubbed your hand absentmindedly low on your abdomen, the words he’d spoken earlier echoing in your mind.  Aemond, noticing your movements, leaned to press a kiss to your forehead.  His eye had taken on a distant look, as though his mind was far afield in contemplation.  
“In my own desires to become a father, I’ve been thinking about my own of late.”  Aemond broke the comfortable silence, his voice low and soft. “I do not wish to be the kind of father he is to me.”
Your hand stilled upon your belly as your eyes flicked up to meet his own. “What kind of father will you be?”
His hand came to rest upon your body, stroking long fingers upon where your womb lay. “Not like Viserys.  He has never paid me, or my siblings, any attention save to berate or threaten us.  I will not make my child to feel like they are a burden, or unwanted.  Because I do…I do want a child, son or daughter it matters not.”
“No words I can say will right the way you’ve been treated by your kin, Aemond.”  You raised your other hand to trace along his jawline. “My heart aches for your pain, my love.  You deserve so much more than what you’ve been given.”
Aemond turned his face into your light touch, kissing the tips of your fingers. “He has affection for Rhaenyra only, the daughter he named heir instead of his firstborn son.  Even though Aegon has no place wearing the crown of his namesake.”
“It should be you.”  
Aemond sucked in a sharp breath at your words, his hand gripping yours. “I will not lie; it has been on my mind. Tis I, after all, the only son who performs the duties expected of the firstborn.”
“You are learned in the history of your family, you care, Aemond.  That is what sets you apart.”
“And yet I do not exist in the eyes of my own father, I never have.  My half-sister receives all his protection, wisdom and praise.  Even when she sires illegitimate children and puts them forth as heirs to the Targaryen throne…”  Aemond stopped himself from continuing, trying to reign in his heating temper.
You soothed him with a kiss to his neck. “You love your family; you take pride in who you are.  It is natural for you to feel this way…but perhaps with our own small family you can find some measure of comfort, my dragon.”
Aemond kissed you then, molding his lips to yours in a loving embrace, taking his time to drink you in, his breath mingling with yours as you sighed into him.  
He leaned back, pulling you into his arms, running his fingers through your drying hair as you rested your head upon his chest.  The crackling of the flaming logs, the beating of his heart, the rise and fall of his chest, all combined together in their own intimate lullaby.  Your eyes grew heavy, feeling his touch still upon your hair as you lost yourself to a dreamless sleep.
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aeskz48 · 1 month
can u write a fic of ivantill navigating their feelings after the kiss if they were both saved by the rebels
Till was annoyed. He was also feeling a lot of other things, undoubtedly, but annoyance was at the top of the list because why wouldn't they just let him see Ivan already?
"Can you please stop pacing?"
He paused mid-step and glanced over at Mizi.
"I just found out one of my friends who I honestly thought was dead has actually been alive this whole time and my other friend is currently being operated on after nearly giving his life to save me. Sorry if I'm a little antsy."
Mizi gave a small smile, undeterred by his bluntness as usual. Or what used to be usual. Till wasn't so sure what had or hadn't changed.
"He'll be okay, I promise." Even as she said it, her eyes were drawn to the closed door. They couldn't even hear anything through the thick metal. "You heard them; the wound was pretty minor. Just grazed his side."
Till pressed his lips into a thin line, hands curled into fists at his sides.
"Why did he do that?" he asked, barely louder than a whisper. Mizi stood up and crossed the hall, drawing him into a hug. He used to dream about this - having her undivided attention - but now it did little to ease the terrible pain in his chest.
Sniffing once, he hugged her tight. She didn't say anything, even as began to cry into her shoulder.
It was nearly two hours before the door opened and one of the healers - Mizi had introduced them but honestly Till couldn't remember her name; he had been kind of traumatized at the time, okay? - stepped out.
Till tried very hard not to focus on the blood staining the front of her shirt. "He's stable," she said.
"Okay, great." Till didn't even wait before trying to push past her; she didn't budge. "Come on! I just want to see him."
She smiled politely. "I didn't say you couldn't. Just try and be quiet, okay? He might be doze in and out, don't try to force him to stay awake."
Till pursed his lips. "I know," he grumbled. Mizi joined his side.
"Thank you," she said. With a shared nod, the healer left. Inside the room was the other healer; he quietly set a rag on Ivan's forehead before also leaving the room.
"He still has a slight fever," he explained. "If he asks, you can refresh the rag." He pointed to a bucket on the table with what Till could only hope was clean water.
Once he was gone, Till walked over to the bed and sat down. Mizi sat on the other side of the bed. Ivan hadn't stirred since they walked in.
He looked bad - terrible, even. His skin was even paler than usual, there was a bit of crusted blood still at the corner of his mouth, dark circles under his eyes.
But he was alive, and that was all that mattered.
"I'll just stay until he wakes up," Mizi said quietly, staring at him. "I just want to make sure he's okay."
Till had almost forgotten he wasn't the only one who had been wounded by what happened. He suddenly felt a little guilty.
"You don't have to leave," he said instead.
She smiled over at him; there was something about the look in her eyes that made Till feel exposed. He didn't like the feeling. "I think you two need to talk."
He didn't argue, even if the last thing he wanted to do right now was talk about what had happened. Any of it.
Ivan woke up about ten minutes later; he was groggy, as expected, voice hoarse and scratchy.
"Here." Till moved without even thinking, grabbing a cup he had noticed on the table a little earlier.
Ivan was too weak to even hold it. Till adapted quickly; he held the cup to his lips and tilted it back a little. Once Ivan was done, he set it aside again.
"So," he licked his lips. "I guess this isn't heaven, huh?"
Mizi laughed softly. "Not even close. But you're safe here, at least."
He sighed, groaning a little as he tried to sit up. Till moved quickly, gently grabbing his arm to help him. He wasn't even sure if he should be moving yet but he wasn't about to fight him; that just seemed like asking for even more trouble.
"I really expected to die up there," he said once he was settled, the rag fallen at his side. Till grabbed it, plopping it in the bucket for now.
Mizi pressed her lips together. "I think I'm going to go see if they have anything that'll be easy enough on your stomach," she said, gently touching Ivan's shoulder as she stood.
"I'm not hungry," he replied automatically.
She clicked her tongue. "Too bad; you need to eat to recover."
Without waiting for a reply, she swept around the bed and paused just long enough to squeeze Till's shoulder once before leaving the room.
The silence was almost suffocating.
"You weren't really choking me," Till blurted.
Ivan side-eyed him. "Of course not," he said slowly. "Did you really think I would?"
Till opened his mouth, closed it. "I'm not really sure of anything anymore," he admitted quietly.
"It was just a ploy," Ivan continued, looking away. "I don't know. I just needed them to believe it."
It was silent again for a few beats. Till stared at his hands.
"You could've killed me," he said eventually. "I didn't care."
He chanced a look; Ivan was still staring ahead at nothing, his mouth a tight line. "I would've never let that happen," he said and for a moment Till wasn't sure what he meant until - "I would've done anything to ensure your safety."
And that was the crux of it, huh?
Till thought of Ivan's hands around his throat, surprisingly gentle. He thought about his mouth. His lips. He had kissed Till like he was searching for something. Like he needed something.
"You kissed me," he said. It felt weird, finally saying the words.
Ivan snorted, shaking his head minutely. "I did." He side-eyed Till again. "I know it was selfish of me. I know."
"But if you could do it over again, would you still kiss me?"
Till wasn't even sure what had motivated him to ask. Ivan smiled; it was almost sad. "Probably."
He nodded. He wasn't upset. He wasn't even sure if he had been upset, in the moment, not for longer than a second. Mostly he had been confused.
But now that he had time to think on it, he wasn't so confused anymore.
"I never knew," he mused quietly. "I mean." He looked up, suddenly a little angry. "You never told me. You should've told me."
All that time he had been chasing after Mizi and a part of him had always known it was never going to happen. She had loved - she still did - love Sua.
Time wasted. He had never even considered...
"There was no reason to burden you with my own feelings," Ivan said evenly. "I'm selfish, maybe, but I didn't want to make things even more complicated for you."
Till breathed out through his nose. "You really think you were doing that for my sake?" he asked, struggling to keep his voice level. "You think you had the right to decide what was best for me?"
Ivan stared back at him, eyes as dark as ever. "I don't understand."
"You kept it from me," Till continued, pressing a hand to his chest, "because you were scared to say it. You were scared of how I would respond."
Ivan let out a humorless laugh. "We both know how you would've responded, Till." He sighed. "This is a pointless argument to have."
He still wasn't getting it. "No," he said, leaning closer. "We don't know how I would've responded because you never gave me the chance."
"Just like you gave the same chance to Mizi?" he shot back.
Till pressed his lips together. "That is not the same and you know it. Sua loved her back. It was different. I - " He paused, biting the inside of his cheek.
Suddenly the fight was drained out of him. Ivan eyed him warily.
"You what?" he asked, looking cautious and almost nervous. Till had never seen that expression on his face. He always looked so in control of everything. It was nice to be reminded he was really just human like the rest of them.
Till swallowed around the lump in his throat. "I think I could've liked you, Ivan. If only I had known."
Ivan stared at him like he wasn't really seeing him. "No," he said, too fast. He looked more scared, here, than he had up on that stage.
"Didn't factor that into your little plan, huh?" he asked; without asking, he pulled the rag out of the water and wrung it before leaning forward to gently scrub away the dried blood on his chin. "I don't think I ever really liked her, not in the way I thought I did."
Ivan was silent, his jaw clenched.
"I was just - I needed something. An escape. A dream. She was nice to me. Pretty..." Till sat back. "I think I just really wanted someone to care about me."
Ivan glanced at him briefly before looking away again.
"But this whole time I was blind to see I had that," Till felt his eyes burning. "Maybe you weren't as obvious about it, maybe you had your own way of showing it, but... that doesn't matter." He tossed the rag aside and reached for his hand; Ivan stiffened as he grabbed it but didn't pull away. "I would like to have a second chance."
Ivan stared at their hands. "You don't owe me this," he said, voice still carefully even.
"I'm not offering anything because I feel like endowed to you," he squeezed his hand, hard. "You know me well enough to know I wouldn't do that. Now stop fighting me on this and look at me."
Ivan lifted his head.
"Thank you, Ivan," he said, staring into his eyes - dark, yes, but warm, comforting and familiar - "for caring about me, even when I couldn't see it."
Ivan opened his mouth, closed it. He squeezed his hand back. If Till didn't know better, he would even say he was blushing a little.
Maybe he would always have a bit of regret for not really seeing Ivan earlier. Maybe Ivan would apologize many more times for kissing him without permission. Maybe he would try to apologize for hurting Till, even if he didn't. Not really. All the pain he had felt - the real pain - was cured the moment he had known he would be okay. Maybe they would still struggle a lot, have bad and good days, but maybe that was okay.
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st-eve-barnes · 3 months
Pretty little liars (chapter 2)
(Felix Catton x fem Reader)
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Summary: Felix Catton was the embodiment of everything you hated, yet you loved him like you never imagined one human being could love another. But as with all good things, you didn't know what you had until it was stolen from you.
This Chapter: You give into your feelings for Felix and Saltburn takes over your life.
Word count: +2400
Warning for the entire fic: 18+ for explicit content and language. Enemies to lovers vibes. Oral (fem & male receiving), p in v sex, fingering, ... Jealousy, voyeurism, secrets, toxic relationships, mentions of death. Oliver being his creepy little self.
ANGST/smut/fluff (do I ever write anything else? lol)
Masterlist for this fic
All these and older fics are also on AO3 If you want to support my writing you can Buy me a KoFi or feed me with a lovely comment ;)
Just a few weeks ago you had zero interest in Felix Catton.
Right now you wished you had a time machine so you could travel back to that last moment where he meant absolutely nothing to you.
How quickly your irritation had evolved into infatuation, to the point where he now walked around in your head as if he owned the place.
And it wasn’t just Felix who had taken over. Saltburn was in your head now too.
There was no turning back.
You walked through the grass of the estate barefoot that afternoon. You had skipped a few parties, forcing yourself to put some distance between yourself and this place, but it kept calling you back. 
There was a quietness behind these walls you couldn’t find anywhere else. When you were here it was almost as if the rest of the world seized to exist and in this new world everything was perfect and shiny and beautiful all the time. 
Saltburn offered you an escape, it allowed you to disappear and be someone else. Someone better than who you actually were.
And it allowed you to be where Felix was.
You found him by the water, sitting by himself, playing with the grass and smoking his cigarette.
It was useless to keep lying to yourself, there was not a single soul in here you wanted to be near. Except for him. You were under his spell, blinded by his light and drawn to it at the same time. Like a moth to a flame. You made your way over and without saying a single word sat down next to him on the grass.
He was barefoot, like you, only wearing shorts and a colorful shirt, one that matched your orange summer dress. He didn’t say anything but the corners of his mouth curled up into a barely noticeable smirk at seeing you here.
He took one long drag from his cigarette and then handed it to you.
Without even thinking you put your lips to it and breathed, ignoring the fact that you were a non smoker. You burst out in a coughing fit as soon as the smoke hit your lungs.
Felix laughed and gently slapped you on the back.“Don’t choke on it, new girl,” he teased.
You gave him back the cigarette. You weren’t even sure why you accepted it in the first place.
That was a lie. You knew exactly why. Because it was his, because it was a way to feel closer to him, because you would take whatever scraps he was willing to give you.
It was pathetic and you would never admit it to anyone, least of all to yourself.
“Stop calling me new girl,” you then teased him,”I’ve been coming here for over a month now, find something more original.”
“Okay, don’t choke on it, annoying girl,” he rolled his eyes at you.
You hadn’t meant to laugh but you couldn’t help yourself and when Felix joined you the tension broke almost instantly. You dared to turn your head to look at him. As soon as your eyes met the tension was back, but it was a different kind now.
“You came back,” Felix stated softly and you nodded.
“Felt like I didn’t have a choice.”
“Why is that?”
“This place seems to have some magnetic pull on me, I can’t seem to shake it no matter how hard I try.”
Felix stared into your eyes, lips curling up into a small grin again,”Just this place?”
You stared right back at him, allowing yourself to drown into those deep brown eyes while you shook your head.”No, not just the place,” you confessed,”You.”
Felix’s hand moved to the small of your back, eyes never leaving yours as he guided you forward and into his lap. It was so easy to just follow his lead, let his big hands mold you and place you exactly where he wanted you. Legs straddled on either side of him, his forehead resting gently against yours, a gesture too delicate for two people who didn’t like each other all that much.
Or was that just another lie you told yourself?
“Come here,” he whispered, cupping your cheek to pull you in and kiss you. Soft, slow, greedy. His thumb tracing your jaw and your neck in the process until you finally melted into him and kissed him back.
“Who are you, annoying girl?” he breathed into the kiss.
“Wouldn’t you like to find out?” you teased him.
Felix shut you up with another kiss.
It would be a lie to say you didn’t want to fuck him after that. Of course you did. You were no longer immune to his charm or his affections towards you. But more than anything you just wanted to be his friend, be around him, share in his light and his warmth.
And Felix was generous with both, especially towards you. 
You didn’t sleep with him at first, not even after he’d started taking you up to his room to escape the others and spend more time alone with you.
You’d watch movies, read books and laugh. And kiss. You could kiss him for hours and not do anything else, or need anything else.
The end credits of The talented Mr Ripley were playing on the tv screen in front of you. You and Felix were both leaning against the headboard of his king sized bed, the windows open to let in the soft summer breeze. Felix’s hand was resting casually on your knee while he was chatting about the movie.
“All I’m saying is sometimes people don’t have layers, sometimes…we are exactly what everyone thinks we are,” Felix stated.
“Do you really believe that? I think everyone has layers, even the people you wouldn’t expect it from. Especially the people you wouldn’t expect it from.”
He smiled down at you but shook his head.”People are simple.”
“People are complicated,” you disagreed,”You can’t just take one look at someone and read their entire personality.”
“But sometimes you can though.”
“But that’s just prejudice based on cliches.”
“And cliches exist because they are based on truth.”
You gave him a look but he didn’t budge.
“Alright, take me for example," he continued,"It didn’t take you that long to figure me out, did it?”
You shook your head with a smile,”Felix Catton, I still haven’t figured you out.”
He laughed,”But you have. You pegged me as a spoilt, ignorant, rich kid who gets everything handed to him on a silver platter, who goes through life like it’s a fucking breeze. And…I can’t even argue with it because I am exactly that.”
“But you are more than that, Felix.”
“Just because you want me to be doesn’t make it so. What if this is it? What if there are no layers?”
You covered his large hand with your small one and squeezed softly while shaking your head.
“So you’re a walking cliche, got it,” you teased and much to your relief it made him smile.
“What about me?” you then asked,”What cliche am I?”
He immediately shook his head,“Oh no, I'm not getting in trouble by answering that question."
“Come on, I won’t be offended,” you looked into his eyes,”Tell me who I am.”
“Okay,” he nodded and took a moment before he answered,”You’re the girl who tries very hard to be different from other girls while deep down you’re dying to be just like them.”
Your smile faded at his words and Felix shook his head,”See? I’m in trouble.”
“No, you're not,” you reassured him,”Tell me more.”
“You’re constantly torn between wanting to stand out or wanting to fit in, wanting to be seen and noticed or wanting to be invisible and not be perceived by anyone. Sometimes…it’s like you’re performing, because you think it’s what people want from you.”
He stayed quiet for a moment, taking his time to take you all in.”It's not what I want from you."
You stared at him.
"What do you want from me?" you asked, carefully.
"For you to not be afraid to show me...what's underneath."
"What if you don't like what's underneath?"
Felix gave you a soft smile,"I can’t see anything I won’t like about you, Y/N.”
You returned his smile but shook your head.
Oh, but you will.
You didn’t speak those words out loud but your heart was pounding so heavily you were sure he had to hear it as well.
But he just continued,“The truth is I can’t figure you out for the life of me. And it drives me fucking insane because I really, really want to.”
He moved over you on the bed, placing himself in between your legs, his face level with yours as he looked deep into your eyes. The mood in the entire room changed.
“There’s a darkness in you,” he spoke softly,”You hide it well but it’s there…I can feel it. And I...I can’t look away from it."
His thumb brushed your bottom lip, opening you up to him."I want to drown in it," he whispered,"And in you.”
His mouth devoured yours in a deep, hungry kiss.
This one was different from all the kisses you’d shared with him before, there was a possessiveness to it that shook you to the core.
You’d kissed him back with that same fire, pushing at his shirt to take it off, your hands caressing his back, his shoulders, his ass, any piece of him you could grab hold of.
Felix moaned into your mouth when you wrapped your legs around him, dragging him closer. His large hands moved over your stomach to push up your summer dress and help you lift it up over your head, leaving you almost completely bare for him.
Then he was kissing your neck, your nipples, your stomach and your thighs. Your underwear was pulled from you, replaced by his mouth and his tongue circling your clit and invading your walls until you soaked his bed, his name a desperate plea on your lips, begging for more.
And once again he was generous, giving you what you’d been craving for a while now, both of you desperately pulling at his shorts to free his cock.
And then he was fucking you, slowly and thoroughly, soothing away your last doubts and fears one thrust at a time.
Your life without Felix Catton was a thing of the past now.
You’d started spending the night more often after that. You didn’t always fuck, sometimes you still just watched movies together or read, you at one side of the bed and Felix on the other.
You had barely seen Bella lately, she was always occupied with Oliver. It seemed unhealthy but then weren’t you doing the exact same thing with Felix? You realized you were in no position to judge her so you didn’t and the contact between you two faded.
The summer seemed to drag on forever, so did the heat. Your life outside of Saltburn became smaller and smaller, sometimes you weren’t even sure if you still existed outside of these walls.
You were there almost every day now. There was an extra plate at the breakfast table for you, even though you had never asked for it.
Life was good. Surreal. You couldn’t see the cracks yet, even though they were right there in front of you, if only you had paid attention.
You sank down deeper into the bathtub, Felix’s bathtub, closing your eyes and letting the water overtake you for just a moment. It was past midnight, the only lights in the room the candles Felix had lit for you a little earlier.
He would be passed out on the bed by now. He had insisted you take all the alone time you needed to relax and then join him for the night.
It was quiet in Saltburn, and even though the bath was cooling you down sweat was already forming on your forehead again. You were starting to feel a little claustrophobic so you carefully stepped out of the bath to open a window.
It was only then that you noticed the door was ajar. Not the door to Felix’s room but the door that lead to one of the connecting guest rooms. It was probably just the wind you had created yourself by opening the window but it made you feel unnerved anyway. You grabbed a towel to cover yourself up and slowly stepped closer to the door. You could have sworn you’d seen something move and while you couldn’t be sure the cold chill running down your spine was telling you someone had been watching you this entire time.
“You done here?”
You jumped and let out a scream when you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“Whoa, hey, it’s just me,” Felix reassured you, lifting up both hands in defense,”Don’t scream like that, love, you’ll wake everyone up.”
“God, fuck, sorry, you startled me.”
”That’s some guilty conscience to make you jump like that,” he teased but you ignored his comment.
You reached out to grab his shirt and Felix didn’t hesitate to pull you into a warm, solid hug.”Hey, you’re okay, babe, everything’s alright,” he soothed you in a sweet voice, placing a kiss on your forehead.
“What’s back there?” you asked softly,”Behind that door.”
“That door?” Felix asked surprised,”That’s just Ollie’s room.”
“Oliver? He shares a bathroom with you?”
“Yeah, he probably just forgot to lock it before he went to sleep,” Felix let go of you to close the door.”See, no harm done, it happens,” he shrugged.
You couldn’t shake the bad feeling in the pit of your stomach but you didn’t feel it was your place to comment on it beyond that. After all you hadn’t actually seen anything and it was probably just your imagination or the wind. 
Oliver was a good guy, he wouldn't do something like that, you still believed that at the time. There was nothing to worry about.
“Hey,” Felix cupped your cheek and locked eyes with you,”You’re too tense, babe. Come on, I can take care of that.”
He leaned in to place a few playful kisses in your neck while his hands moved down your sides, pulling your towel with him until it ended up on the floor and you were naked in his arms.
"Oops," he smirked.
“Felix,” you giggled.
“Get on my bed, princess, now,” he teased and then slapped your ass before following you back to his bedroom.
Felix made sure you didn't think about Oliver again that night, or the days after that and you happily let yourself forget all about the wandering eyes behind that bathroom door.
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etherealily · 29 days
​🇹​​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇱​​🇮​​🇳​​🇪​ // 𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘹𝘦𝘪 𝘷𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘬𝘺
Alexei Vronsky + fem!reader
Warnings : Cuss words.
You do NOT have permission to repost and/or translate any of my fics.
'Cross that line for me, sweetheart?'
Desc. : You are not a temptress, but he is tempted.
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It was curious, to say the least, how land was divided. The conch next to you was half your property and half the Vronsky estate's property. It had remained that way for ages.
The waves lapped up the sand, like a heart reaching desperately for its other half as you sat watching the entire ordeal.
The Line - one drawn up every morning and marked by tiny flags as placeholders - had always pissed you off. Intrigued you. What would happen if you were to... just a finger? The hem of your dress. Would you immediately be shot at by concealed snipers? Perhaps you'd have to be tried in court.
You had never really noticed much about this Vronsky character before. Another handsome, manipulative bastard. Nothing much.
In turn, he'd also never noticed you. A face. One of many. Beautiful, of course, he was not blind, but never seen as worthy of his efforts. You were not rebellious. You were not adorably innocent. He could not entice you. He could not corrupt you.
In theory, your paths were never to cross. Different lives, same circles.
The key word : theory.
Because there are moments in life when you know that nothing will ever be the same again, when you know that your proverbial pathway is forever skewed and rerouted. These may appear to you embossed in calamities such as loss and grief, or these may be whispered in your ear by silent smiles, lovestruck looks across a ballroom, or the simple offer of champagne.
Or, in the case of you and Alexei Vronsky, all of the above.
And this was one of those torturous, life-altering moments.
"-And that's when I said, it was just a bloody goat !"
Booming, drunken laughter ensued from your left - the other side of the Line. Fuck. Keep drawing, shut up, keep drawing, shut up.
Your pencil made unintelligible sounds as it scratched out a somewhat passable depiction of the moonlit waves. The screams and guffaws grew louder, but the issue was that if you moved, he'd assume you did it because you were on his side. You were not, but it would look highly suspicious if you fled.
No. They'd quietened down. Meaning either they left - highly unlikely - or, they'd noticed you.
Don't respond, don't respond.
"You! Pretty girl!"
Drunk men are terrifying. How could such kind words be said in a way that made your skin crawl?
"Mate, maybe she's a mute. Or deaf. Or both."
"I know for a fact she's not. She's got quite a mouth on her, as I can remember from last year- HEY! LADY WITH THE SKETCHBOOK!"
And that was Alexei Vronsky. His story with the goat had ended, apparently. Ugh.
You turned. "Uh, hello."
"ARE YOU A MUTE?" his companion yelled.
"Are you daft? She just answered! How could she be mute?"
Drunk men are also idiotic.
Bellowing laughter followed.
For fuck's sake.
"I'm alright, THANKS!"
From what you'd heard, he does.
"Good night, Count Vronsky.", you called back, as you gathered up your things and stood, dusting the sand off your dress.
"Let'r go, mate, c'mon, we've got a party to get back to."
"What did you just call me?!", you yelled, turning. He looked back at you in a swaying, inebriated haze, trying to focus those glaciers he called eyes on yours in the darkness.
"A witch. You've cast a spell on me, bewitched me, so to speak. You're magic."
Ugh. "Whatever."
"Just come over here, or I'll have to come there, and you wouldn't like that.", he slurred, his friends chortling and egging him on.
Buggering Christ.
"You can't. See?", you replied defiantly, pointing deliberately at the faint white outline of the line they renewed every morning with chalk powder. "That would be trespassing."
"I'm Alexei Vronsky."
What was that supposed to mean?
"So? It's still trespassing. My family's had it in for you for a long time - we'll take you to court."
"Then you come here.", he shrugged, taking an unstable stumble closer. "Cross that line for me, sweetheart? Yeah?"
"You're a creep. And you're drunk."
"You're a beauty. And you're technically trespassing, so I need to punish you."
"HOW am I-"
"Your pencil." Fuck. How is it he's sober enough to notice that, but not sober enough to know that his buddy said 'the coat storage' not 'the goat story'?
"It blew in the wind."
"Yes. To my estate."
"You can keep it."
"Are you sure? Isn't this your, uh, fabulous pencil from Paris you were talking of?"
"No." Yes.
"No?", he frowned, picking it up. NO! Not in his grimy, disgustingly delicate fingers. "Seems pretty French to me."
"Are you actually inebriated or do you simply enjoy pretending to be so that you can get away with things?"
He stopped swaying, pointing the pencil in your direction as he placed the other hand behind his back. "You're sharp."
"So you're sober?"
Drunk Vronsky could have been molded. Sober Vronsky was a cunt.
"More or less. My friends feel left out because they are unable to hold their liquor as well as I can, so I act for them.", he explained, with a small look behind him, at his comrades trying to jump over the waves as they came.
"You should be in theatre, then."
"Adding performer to my resume is just a smidge too over-accomplished.", he retorted, an amused glint in his eye.
"So you're going to hold on to my pencil, then, I'm guessing."
"What? No, I know how much this means to you."
Trap. You'd bet your entire estate it was a trap.
"I will give it back.", he continued as he paced, his hand still placed behind his back as though he were planning war strategies. "On one condition."
See? Trap.
"Dinner. With me. Tomorrow."
Did he think this was a smart way to secure an evening with a woman?
"I won't be here tomorrow." Bold-faced lie, and he could tell.
"Then tonight. Right now." You couldn't think of anything you were doing.
"And I'll get my pencil back."
"That can't be it. There's a catch."
"You are... remarkable. Yes. There is.", he whispered, softly, as though impressed that you caught on. "Champagne. I wish to see you drunk. Drunk, in denial and... ruined."
Lot of darkness for someone who'd just been talking about a goat.
"In denial?"
"Nothing. Just... join me for dinner and drink a little, and I promise you shall have your pencil back."
"I do not drink."
"Then I do not return fancy French pencils."
"I can always purchase another."
"You do not have sentimentality, then?"
"No." Yes.
"I see. Then you may be on your way."
"I don't have to go anywhere. I have every right to be here! This is still my side of The Line."
"Suit yourself, darling."
The silence that followed was torturous and unbearable. "I do not like steak."
"Then you shall have no steak."
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His eyes focused on you from across the table, his spoon paused midway above his plate. Eyes like the ocean in a storm. Terrifying but alluring.
"Enjoying your not-steak?"
You hid a smile. "Yes, I am."
He nodded, bringing his spoon up to his lips as he watched you do the same.
"You've left your friends out there?"
"They know not to cross The Line. They will be alright."
"Why is it you wanted to have dinner with me? To trap me into trespassing?"
"I've wanted to speak with you since I first saw you." Lie.
"And I you." Lie.
"What was it you wished to say?"
"Simply a greeting. You?"
"The same."
He set down his spoon, scrunching up his napkin as he stood up and walked the short distance across the table to you, resting his hands on the back of your chair. "You promised you'd drink."
"I did?"
"You did.", he whispers, accepting the newly-uncorked bottle the servant handed him, and pouring it into the glass next to your plate, smoothly. "And you're a good girl who keeps promises, yes?"
You'd heard he loved using such degrading language, but this was the first time you'd seen it firsthand.
"What gave you that idea?"
"I just figured you were of proper breeding and were raised right."
Good answer.
"Well, the words 'I promise' never left my mouth."
"Well-bred women do not look for loopholes. And they most certainly do not argue."
Lord knows where he'd worked up the audacity to brush some hair off your shoulder, but perhaps he was born with it imbibed in his blood.
He narrowed his eyes at your unchanging expression. "Drink."
"I am not done with my food."
He breathes out loudly, taking your plate and thrusting it into the hands of the nearest servant. "Yes, you are."
"I still have dessert."
"No, you don't. Drink."
"This is not champagne. You said champagne."
"And you said you'd drink. We both have uttered falsities. Drink."
"I fear you may be trying to-"
"Poison you? I am not. I would not like to see you die."
Was that supposed to be some form of assurance? Romantic? Caring? That did not have the intended effect.
"Drink, lovely."
It irked you how invested he was to see you drunk.
You wrapped your fingers around the glass, bringing it to your lips. Tilting it upwards, you let the liquor cascade down your throat, and echoes of your sputtering filled the room - it burned.
He laughed heartily, shaking his head as he stroked your shoulder from behind you. "Do you know what that was?"
"No. But I do know I will not take another sip."
"It was vodka, my dear, and in a few moments, you will want more. Trust me."
"I'm not taking another sip of that ghastly liquid!"
"Not even for me? Not even if I begged?"
"You think your begging has any effect on me?"
"Doesn't it? I'm known to be quite persuasive, and- besides, aren't you supposed to be the empathetic one in the family?"
"And where did you hear that?"
"Just about everywhere, really.", he huffed, resting his elbow on the table as he knelt down by your side. "'Y/N is the nicest one. She cares the most. Empathetic.' Surely you are not telling me those are lies?"
"Not lies, but exaggerations, perhaps."
"I am quite literally on my knees, Y/N, and you should realize how rare that is. Drink more or I will have to force you."
You frowned at him.
"I will do it. Force you. Don't think that because I have let you in my house so courteously that I will continue to be a gentleman with you."
"How could you be? You're nothing but a cad.", you scoffed, as you took another stingingly painful gulp.
He watched the glass, your tongue, your throat, almost mesmerized as he replied. "A cad?", he questioned softly, amused but still fascinated by your every movement.
"A cad.", you nodded, trying not to show how much you were gasping for breath. It hurt, satisfyingly.
"That's a first. No one has ever said 'oh, Alexei Vronsky, that cad'.", he murmured against his palm as he observed you meticulously.
"Then they have met a different person."
"You say this out of personal experience, do you?"
"I've met him. The Alexei Vronsky. He only thinks of one thing."
A lilt of his lips. "And that is?"
He concealed a grin.
"Or perhaps...", he mused, fingertips on the back of your neck as though he were playing your skin as one would a piano. "He is one who shows different versions of himself to different people."
"So he is deceitful."
"I'd say careful."
"Would you, now?"
"I think we put up far too many false pretences anyway. No point in fighting it - it is necessary, to be part of society."
"And what false pretences am I putting up, in your expert opinion?"
He smiled, one too pure to match the description you had so harshly delivered a moment before, but you knew more than most that it was a ruse. "Drink more."
"You're an incredibly demanding man, aren't you? Dine with me. Drink more. Not a single please, nor thank you.", you retorted, as though that could take away from the fact that you obeyed.
"When you are incredibly in demand, you learn to be incredibly demanding."
If ever a smoother talker existed, you'd wager he'd simply be Alexei Vronsky in disguise.
"So tell me, then. Are you a gentleman, a cad, or an opportunist, Count Vronsky?"
You had to steer the conversation back to him, because whatever this vilely beguiling liquor was, it was shooting through your veins at a rate too fast to risk talking about yourself, lest any family secrets spilled out.
"I am whatever you want me to be. And you? Are the rumours true? Are you a virgin, a temptress, or a genius?"
"I am whatever I want to be. For tonight."
"Come morning?", he murmured against your neck as he slipped a finger under a loose strand of hair, and twirled it with such dedication you would think that were his only purpose in life.
"A memory."
"Well, we can't have that.", he pouted, as he stood up, gently taking the glass away from you and finishing the last of it. "What does it take for a memory to stay in the present?"
"A dance, perhaps, as they say you enjoy?"
If you weren't unsure of the functionality of your motor skills in your drunken haze, you'd have punched him right then and there.
"The rumours aren't true, you know?"
"What rumours?", he asked, feigning obliviousness.
He'd just spoken of them, but you were quite sure if you reminded him, he'd attribute it to the vodka. Tell you you were 'surely imagining things, dear one'.
"The ones that led you to come and have a go at me."
"Those? Oh, I didn't believe them for a second.", he grinned, his eyes examining the filthiest, most remote parts of your soul - ones that even you had never been privy to.
A moment washed over the both of you, tauntingly. You looked for any secrets in his eyes, and he looked for any in yours, albeit, more calmly than you.
"Come.", he mumbled, finally, offering his hand for you to get up out of his disgustingly well-crafted chair. "Let's get you back on your side of The Line."
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"There. Oh, and here. I am of proper manners.", he added after you'd leapt over The Line, handing your pencil back over to you.
It felt oddly anticlimactic after the events of the evening.
His icy blue eyes - striking, so striking that they pierced you - fell onto your lips for just a moment before landing on the pencil in your hand. "You don't want it back."
"What? Of course I do."
He had you. He was onto you.
"Let me rephrase. You don't need it back."
"Sentimentality. Of course I do."
"You really don't want it to stay in my possession, instead?"
"Liar.", he smirked, his lips curving deliciously, and you just about lost it. "You know I'll take very good care of it, no? Like I took care of you, tonight. No complaints, yes?"
"Besides the aggressive persuasion to drink a fiery liquid that most probably burnt my throat off, no."
"You exaggerate. Tell me tonight was just another of your dull nights. Tell me I haven't been a source of reprieve from your tedious, mundane days of fakeness and gossip."
You scoffed, refusing to dignify that with a reply, although you already knew that any response- or lack thereof - would be all too telling.
"You cannot, can you?"
There was nothing you hated more than when men were right.
Especially men who were as captivating as Vronsky. It was unnecessary and dangerous.
He beamed, clearly so fucking proud of himself, as he looked out at the waves. "It is a lovely dress you are wearing."
No, it wasn't. It was the most commonplace of dresses one could wear. But he'd say it anyway. Because that was his play.
"Thank you."
"It is disgusting, though."
"In what way? A disgusting display of my wealth, or disgustingly lovely?"
He knelt down next to you from the other side, on the sand. "It is disgusting that such beauty and purity like yours can exist and people continue to slander its name."
Had you been a lesser woman, you'd have fallen for it.
It seemed, however, that he knew you wouldn't. It was confusing, to say the least, whether he was being genuine or being genuinely fake.
"It is how I live."
If you'd read him right, he should say something along the lines of...
"It shouldn't be."
"However... the dress in itself is not disgusting?"
"No, it is spectacular- although, I must say, the woman wearing it is far more ravishing."
Games get boring when they are predictable.
"So. What is it you normally do after parties, since you cannot get drunk? Unless blackmailing women to dine with you and drink your vodka is your usual pastime."
He snickered, although a slight maliciousness infiltrated his gaze for a moment. "It isn't so much a pastime as... an unfortunately common occurence. Perhaps that's why you've got an opinion of me as a - how'd you put it?"
"A cad."
"Ah, yes, a cad. I wonder if your opinion has changed."
That was not hope in his eyes, no. That was a challenge. 'Go ahead, Y/N, say no. If you dare.', his look said.
"I wonder that, too. Perhaps it will if you keep your promise."
"Promise?", he repeated, raising a brow. He knew. He knew all too well what you were saying.
"False pretences.", you reminded, watching him as he watched the waves distort the light of the moon. "You said you would tell me what false pretences you think I put up."
He was far too close. The incredibly fragile, entirely imaginary Line wouldn't be able to stop him from reaching over and touching your shoulder once more.
"I think... do you want to know what I think?"
"I might."
"I think that you're lying when you brush off the rumours."
"You think I am a slut? A temptress?" Now, suddenly, the monotonous nature of everyday seemed far more interesting than the thousandth iteration of the same conversation.
"No, I think you brushing them off is the lie. They affect you far too much." Alright. That was... progress.
"Do they, now?"
"Very much. And there is one more, as well, although I doubt you will like to hear it. You crave to prove them right."
Congratulations, Alexei Vronsky, you've caught my attention.
"That is an extremely, extremely bold suggestion."
"Yet you are not denying it."
"I do not wish to have my virtue questioned, Vronsky, and us having dinner does not change that."
"But it pokes at it, does it not? A slight scratch, an itch, asking if that is what you really want. It blurred the lines, did it not?"
Shut up, shut up, shut up.
"You're an incredibly delusional man, Count Vronsky."
"A delusional cad."
You didn't miss the amusement in his tone, the laughter, the way he knew how perfectly right he was.
"Well, this delusional cad did not lie, earlier. You truly have bewitched me, my dear, and I do not think I shall ever turn you down."
He stood up, dusting the sand off his gloves and pants. You stood up too, not out of respect, but out of the desire to relish his face once more.
"Turn me down?"
"When you inevitably ask for me when your marriage is dry, lifeless and torturous."
Good lord. How long had he been- how far ahead was he thinking?
"I will be right here. On this side."
"Why are you so adamant that my marriage will be-"
"Because I'm the one you need. You've broken quite literally every rule tonight. Crossed the line, fraternized with the enemy, drank unfamiliar alcohol that could so easily have been poisoned or used against you."
"How does that make you the one I-"
"I'm taking you out of your comfort zone. Freeing you. What more would one want from a lover?"
So casual with that word. Lover. As though that was all you two had been, since the beginning.
"Have I mentioned that you're-"
"Delusional? Yes, you have. But you have also yet to mean it."
Who the hell allowed this man to be so confident?
His thumb rubbed against your cheek in pure tenderness that you are well-prepared for - you've learnt over the years he's unpredictable, and since his mercurial nature was the only predictable thing about him, it was easy for you to guess his next move.
Or at least, figure out that it would be the exact opposite of the tone of his words.
"I can help you, you see?", he said, words so faint they were almost whisked away in the sea breeze. "Honest."
"Was that the point of tonight?"
"No, the point of tonight was to get you so utterly inebriated that you would tell me your family's secrets, and hence, your own."
That was the only thing that had come out of his mouth all night that you could guarantee was the truth.
"And since that did not happen, you are doing this?"
"No, I couldn't let that happen. Unwrapping you, figuring you out, it is far too intriguing a task to complete with a glass of vodka and enticing words. I want to spend years, decades, the rest of my life, performing this task, revealing you slowly and addictively, until I have lost myself or driven myself crazy trying to reach the core of your soul."
The silence kissed you two over and over until you couldn't take it anymore. "You are terrifyingly good at this."
He almost looked like he was about to say 'at what', but it seemed his mood had turned too serious to coax a half-hearted insult out of you.
"And you are terrifying. You are like the eye of a storm, intricately, almost... sinisterly drawing me closer."
"I'm not sure what you want me to-"
His lips devoured your words, and you could not help but think that this night had progressed far too rapidly to your liking. He was a stranger, a random man who you shared nothing but a flimsy little line with, but here you were, letting him kiss you, letting him ruin you, letting him convince you with his words that this was a good idea.
"Come on, darling.", he murmured against your lips, his eyes still half-lidded in a triumphant haze. "Cross the line. I promise, I'll take care of you."
You surrendered, and all you could do was hope that his beauty was simply angelic in nature, and was not designed for the sole purpose of ruining you and every iota of self-respect you had.
Hard to tell, but perhaps he had meant it that way.
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dimepdf · 2 years
hi, i just want to say i LOVED you joseph quinn fic you posted and i wanted to know if you’d be willing to write another one 👀 maybe something with famous!reader/costar!reader?
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masterlist. / taglist. / any request? [ ❥ ] synopsis. ^^author's note. my goodness it's too hot to be writing smut y'all.
[ ❥ ] pairing. joseph quinn x reader
[ ❥ ] word count. 800+
[ ❥ ] genre & warnings. literally just fluff, actor!reader, Joseph simping, one sided pining, clueless reader series masterlist.
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Joseph and you didn't really have much screen time together.
During the production of the newer season, your characters happened to have enough time to at least introduce yourselves and know of each other's existence.
It seemed like you two never really got to have your own chat outside of the group. Joseph almost admitted to swooning over you after the small interview you did with everyone from the older cast.
Twitter was quick to clip the way that he would sneak glances at you from the side, the way he would copy the form of your glossed lips formed into a smile.
It was always contagious for him, how he would always find some way to make you laugh with his jokes, always seeking your approval. It seemed like the entire internet knew that Joseph was pinning after you before you did. 
You thought he was just being British? You weren't the smartest when it came to the cryptic parts of other people's emotions, struggling to understand even your own.
It seemed to be just a long drawn-out game of "when will Joseph have the balls to tell you" that everyone was clued in on all the exact details for you. 
Sure, you saw the edits and the fanpages, but you also had been shipped with Joe Keery during the second season of the show. Just being used to fans shipping you with all of your co-stars at the time, you didn't think much of it, knowing that any male friend that you had would always lead to people thinking that you were romantically interested in them.
But that didn't stop Joseph from clinging onto you the best that he could, feeding the fanpages all the content that they could get from the paparazzi pictures of you two hanging out together. It wasn't the first time the public eye had fallen into a craze seeing Joseph lingering on you so closely.
During production, he would always find himself floating towards you, even without realizing it. It seemed like Joseph was always sort of seeking you out.
Navigating through the dressing rooms and sets just to venture into rooms on set that he didn't even know existed, you were always hanging out with some of the crew members, finding comfort in only a small number of people.
Joseph figured pretty early that you weren't much of a people person; even during interviews, your answers would be pretty brief and blunt.
Your personality came off as shy to others, but to him you were just a woman of few words, and God how much he begged to hear every single one, which was the reason why he would often take the twists and turns of the building's hallways just to see you in particular in your natural element.
He kind of feels like shit, almost forcing himself into your conversations, wiggling himself into your life. The last thing he ever wanted to come off as was some creep with a school girl-like crush on you, constantly swooning after every step, making you uncomfortable.
He’d end up awkwardly laughing at some joke that he couldn't quickly hear but wanted to not feel left out.
His own self-awareness was starting to eat him whole, using his script as an excuse to get rid of his fidgeting, flipping through some of the scenes like he hadn't studied his own and your lines like the back of his hand.
His eyes flickered back and forth, with only slight glazes in your direction, mostly while you were speaking.
It would be something he would do for a while, his mouth opening, trying to say something, anything, but always getting nervous and backing out to the point where other cast members would notice.
However, it's not his fault that he's so intimidated by your natural beauty, the way your dark two-toned lips formed words, or how even when you were purposefully covered in dirt and gore makeup, you always seemed to look so stunning to him. It's slowly becoming more and more embarrassing for him to just sit there and do nothing but look at you all day.
Joseph was just certain that you were the most beautiful woman he'd ever had the pleasure of working with, which already puts you completely out of his league.
And yet there you were going over your script, sitting off to the side away from anyone else in your own little world. Joseph couldn't help but smile as he watched you act out a scene almost fully with just your facial features, like you were imagining the scene all in your head. He applauded your imagination.
What Joseph doesn't expect is for your eyes to suddenly lock onto his. His posture stiffening by the millisecond, watching your shoulder roll back as your face goes blank. chill running down his spine as you stand up and walk over to him.
“Wanna go over a few scenes together?”
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heaven-s-black-box · 2 months
Not so Subtle- Aomine x fem!Reader
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Recovery date: April 8th, 2024
Description: Hiii omg could you write something for Aomine Daiki? Female reader, tall, large chest and midsize pretty please 🙏🏽 Ok, so it would take place after Seirin's win of the Winter Cup (so he's less of an asshole, but still yk). New girl student, settling in really good, she's pretty, funny, confident and witty. So he can only like, like her. They banter a lot and get friends really fast, fall in love, yadayada. Summed up: friends to lover, female/tall/witty/large chest/midsize reader OH! Bonus if you can make a scene with Kagami showing some interest in her.
Notes: This work was recovered in conjunction with an anonymous researcher, we thank them for their contribution. I had a ton of fun writing this! The reader's physical appearance doesn't come up much, but as I was writing i considered her to be around 5'10" so she was slightly taller than Momoi and slightly shorter than Aomine. Also, reader's conversation with Kagami can be interpreted as having visited or being from America.
Word count: 1 923
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Starting at a new school halfway through the year is a terrible experience. The easiest way to make new friends is to bond over being in a new environment, having few to no friends, and the stress of exams. Showing up in January skips over all of that and leaves you to make new friends with your own social skills.
“Hi! I’m L/n Y/n, can I join you guys for lunch?”
“Hi! I’m L/n Y/n, can I be on your team today?”
“Oh, hey, you walk home this way too? I’m L/n Y/n.”
Y/n has no idea why her parents were so worried about starting her in a new school so late in the year. This was easy. Sure not everyone she talked with ended up being her friend, but she’d somehow ended up involved with the basketball team.
Scratch that, she knew exactly how she’d wound up as one of the basketball team’s managers.
“Y/n-chan!” Momoi squeals, through herself at the other woman’s back.
Momoi’s arms wrap around Y/n’s shoulders and the woman leans forward so that Momoi is laying on her back as they both laugh. When Y/n stands back up Momoi carefully drops back to the floor and links their arms together.
“Sa-chan, welcome back. Over your cold?”
The two continued over to the gym. Momoi was practically leaning against Y/n with her head on the taller woman’s shoulder as she complained about the last few days.
“Dai-chan didn’t even visit me! Let’s see how he likes it when I don’t visit him next time he’s sick. He probably wasn’t even practicing,” she grumbled.
“Hate to break it to you but he was.”
“Of course he was, seriously, I thought losing to Seirin-”
“No, I mean he was practicing.”
Momoi stopped, hand outstretched to the gym door, and turned to face Y/n. The annoyed pout she’d been sporting during her rant morphed into a wide smile.
“Really?! I’m so glad.”
Y/n laughed, reaching past Momoi and opening the door.
“I mean, I had to hunt him down yesterday because he skipped class and fell asleep, but ya he's been-”
The squeaking sound of shoes on the gym floor, followed by a dunk and yelling cut her off. The managers looked over to the hoop on the far end of the court and found Aomine being chewed out by Wakamatsu. Aomine’s attention, however, was drawn towards the women as the sound of the door closing echoed through the gym. He waved, turning Wakamatsu’s attention away from him and allowing him to slip away to the stage.
“Momoi, welcome back, are you feeling better?”
“Much, thank you!”
“Aomine!” Y/n yelled, stopping the forward half way across the gym. “Apologize.”
“I didn’t do shit!”
“That’s the problem!” Wakamatsu complained. “You absolutely could have stopped that dunk.”
“I wouldn’t worry about it.” All eyes turned to Y/n who’d taken a seat on the stage. “I mean, I’m sure that red haired dude from Seirin would love to get some dunks past him, Aomine’s just being considerate.”
The rest of the team turned away, covering their mouths, to stifle their laughter as Aomine’s face visibly twitched in annoyance. Momoi cleared her throat and took a deep breath.
“Dai-chan, practice seriously. Seirin will be here soon.”
It was still weird for the team to see Aomine listen to people. Sure he dragged his feet plenty, in this case literally as he made his way back to Wakamatsu and the rest of the team, but since the Winter cup he was seemingly more open to suggestions. And when suggestions didn’t work, the new manager seemed adept at getting under his skin enough to make him want to do whatever it was he needed to.
Momoi joined Y/n on the stage and pulled her clipboard out of her bag.
“He likes you,” Momoi whispered as she flipped through papers to find her notes on Seirin.
“Not this again.”
“He listens to you, he doesn’t even listen to me!”
“He listens to you.”
“Only if he already wants to do whatever it is, remember last week when we were studying? He tried to take a nap and he only went back to studying after you asked.”
“Okay, he likes me… as a friend that he acknowledges won’t deal with his bullshit.”
Momoi rolls her eyes and hands Y/n the clipboard before resting her chin on her shoulder to see the paper.
“I’ll prove it to you,” Momoi muttered. “Alright, so…”
As the team got some last minute practice in, Momoi gave Y/n a last minute crash course on Seirin.
Just as they were getting to the bench players, Momoi’s phone rang.
“Tetsu!” She squealed as she accepted the call and slid off the stage. The team stopped practicing and Wakamatsu got everyone to start cleaning up. “How did you guys get lost?”
“Yo.” Y/n looked to her right to find Aomine leaning against the stage. He slid a piece of paper over to her feet, the number 74 was written and circled in red marker. “Thanks.”
“Seventy-four, nice.” She picked up the test and gave it a quick once over. “Impressive, you didn’t get a zero on any of the questions.”
“Ya, well I had an okay teacher.”
“Sa-chan got a ninety and I got a ninety-eight, so you own us ice-cream today.”
Rolling his eyes, Aomine snatched back his test and stuffed it in his bag. 
“Sorry we’re late!” A chorus of voices called out.
The two first years turned to find the Seirin basketball team, being led in by Momoi, taking their shoes off. Momoi skipped over to her friends and grabbed Y/n’s hands, pulling her from the stage.
“Come on, there’s someone you need to meet!”
“Alright, I’m coming. We’ll talk more after the game, Aomine!”
Tōō won, ending twenty points ahead of Seirin. Not unexpectedly as Kuroko’s misdirection was completely useless and Kiyoshi was gone. What was unexpected was the way Aomine seemed to be targeting Kagami, whether that be scoring through Seirin’s ace or shutting down as many of his scoring attempts as possible. During the break after the first half, Wakamtsu had chewed the ace out for showing off.
“We’re winning, aren’t we?”
“This isn’t about winning, it’s about getting better!”
Aomine had just shrugged.
“I think he’s jealous,” Momoi whispered after the players had left at the end of the break.
“We’re in the middle of a game.”
“I think it’s because you were talking with Kagami.”
“You were the one who said I should meet him,” Y/n huffed.
“I had to test a theory.”
“What theory?”
Momoi glanced over at Y/n, but was cut off by the coach clearing his throat.
Seirin headed out almost immediately after the game, while the Tōō players cleaned the gym. This time, Y/n walked them back to the bus stop so that they wouldn't get lost again. When she got back, she found Aomine sitting on the steps with her bag.
“Where’s Sa-chan?”
“She left, said she was feeling kind of tired and wanted a rain check on her ice-cream.”
Aomine handed Y/n her bag, and the two made their way to the school entrance.
“No post-match debriefing today?”
“I have no idea, everyone was being weird as fuck.”
Y/n nodded slowly. It was a logical conclusion that Momoi had introduced her to Kagami to make Aomine jealous, and that she’d convinced the team to clear out before she got back so that they’d be alone. Skipping ahead, Y/n turned around to face Aomine and kept walking backwards. It didn’t seem like they were being watched.
“Speaking of weird as fuck-oof.”
“Fuck you,” Y/n grumbled, making Aomine laugh as she stepped around the wall and on to the sidewalk. “What was up during today’s game?”
“What about it?”
“Sa-chan thinks you’re jealous.”
“Tch, jealous of what?”
Y/n shrugged. “Race you to the convenience store!”
Obviously Y/n didn’t plan to win. Aomine pulled ahead of her almost immediately, once he recovered from the surprise, and maintained a decent lead to arrive at the store just before her without leaving her completely in the dust. He laughed as she finally arrived and immediately collapsed against the side of the building, trying to catch her breath.
“So, what’s my prize?” He grins, bracing an arm above her and leaning in so they were eye level.
She raised her index finger to his face.
“Would you like to cash your prize in now or save up?”
“Why did Satsuki say I was jealous?”
“That’s what you want your prize to be?”
Y/n straightened up and joined Aomine in leaning sideways against the wall.
“Answer the question or you’re buying ice-cream.”
Pushing off the wall, Y/n grabbed the front of Aomine’s shirt and pulled him into the store after her. The two made a B-line for the frozen section at the back.
“She thought you’d be jealous I was talking with Kagami,” Y/n shrugged, picking up Aomine’s favorite popsicle and her own.
The sound of the freezer closing filled the store, and the buzzing of the lights seemed incredibly loud in the silence that followed. Y/n looked over at Aomine to find him staring at her. She held out his popsicle, waving in front of his face when he didn’t immediately take it.
“What were you two talking about?”
“You and Kagami. Why was he blushing?”
“Oh my god you’re jealous,” Y/n mumbled.
Aomine grabbed his popsicle and pushed the back of her head as he walked towards the counter. A wide grin spread across Y/n’s face as she chased after him, setting her treat next to his.
“We were talking about America and he was blushing because I said it was cute that he and his brother have matching rings.”
“Don’t call him cute.”
“I didn’t call him cute, I called the idea of having matching rings cute.”
“I could get us matching rings,” Aomine muttered.
The sound of the convenience store bell nearly drowned his voice out as they left the store, but Y/n was right on his heels and barely caught it.
“Sa-chan also said you like me.”
Y/n ran right into Aomine’s back when he stopped suddenly. She watched the back of his head as she unwrapped her treat and started eating.
“I think it’s funny that everyone thinks I haven’t figured it out.” Aomine’s shoulders tense up. “I mean, I wouldn’t say you’re subtle when you look at my boobs.” 
Y/n gently kicks the back of Aomine’s heel, urging him to keep walking. When he didn’t move she sidestepped him and started walking in front of him.
When he didn’t keep walking with her, she turned around.
He didn’t look stunned, definitely flushed, but he looked impatient– like he’d been waiting for her to turn around. Y/n inclined her head.
“You could’ve said something.”
“I could’ve,” Y/n shrugged as she walked back up to Aomine. “But I wanted to see the great Aomine grovel, just a bit.”
He frowned.
“What does that mean?”
“It means you need to ask me out.”
“Go out with me.”
Y/n sighed. “That wasn’t a question.”
“Nope, now let’s go get burgers.”
Aomine opened his popsicle and wrapped his free arm around Y/n’s shoulder as the two headed down the street.
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queenimmadolla · 1 year
do you think we could maybe possibly 👉👈 see penny or wayne’s first christmas? 🥹
you got it, babe! lemme present to you, Penny's first Christmas :') ♡
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𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞, 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬
(dad!eddie munson x mom!reader) Summary: It's your daughter Penny's first Christmas, which means Eddie HAS TO sing to her. He has to.
Warnings: very brief sad eddie, but it’s okay because he has you and penny :)
a/n: this request is also inspired by @kitmon who beta'd this AND wrote their version which is an absolute gift this holiday season. read. it.
more dad!eddie and penny (plus baby Wayne) can be found here. 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Christmas in your life was always hit or miss. More so miss the older you got, though you didn’t like to talk about it much considering you were only 20 years old and way too young to be jaded. Still, you wanted to capture the same sort of contentment and comfort it brought you as a child for your own baby.
Eddie felt the same, having never really had an idealistic Christmas. Wayne had tried to make the holiday decent for him, but they both missed his mom so much, they usually just ordered a pizza and spent the day on the couch watching the few home videos they had. Two tapes.
He remembers his mom trying her hardest to make it good for him, can recall being given a present while they were cuddling in the backseat of her scrappy, near-broken down car, surrounded by blankets for warmth while his dad and his . . . supplies were strewn about their shack of a home. It’d been a cassette, a mixed volume of Christmas songs Eddie had developed a fixation with after hearing Christmas music play in the various department stores his mother took him to during the day for warmth, unwilling to expose him to whatever it was his father was cooking in their one room lodge. 
She’d made sure he was snug in one of the blankets before she turned the car on and played the tape; they'd spent the rest of Christmas day singing along to it, over and over again. It had been the last Christmas he’d ever had with her.
While it was a memory he cherished, he was keen on never letting Penny experience Christmas, or any day, like that.
It was the reason why he hadn’t protested when you insisted on decorating the trailer with an almost sickening amount of red and green decorations. He’d never seen so much tinsel in his life. Actually, up until then he’d never encountered it before.
Penny was drawn to it, as she was any shiny thing, and often had to be dragged away when she tried to crawl as fast as she could to the Christmas tree so she could yank it off and shove it into her mouth, desperate to chew–as well as she could without any teeth actually fully out–on anything to soothe her gums from the pain of the teeth trying to break through.  Eddie couldn’t wait until they’d come in and she wouldn’t be in pain anymore, nor shoving things in her mouth. The night the tree had gone up as well as the decorations, he’d spent more time than he’d care to admit crawling around the floor to make sure none of the hooks for the ornaments or any of the small light fixtures had dropped to the ground because now that he was a dad, every single thing he saw was a choking hazard for his baby girl. 
And she loved to give him heart attacks.
Like right then, as she opened her mouth as wide as she could to try and stuff a bell that had fallen off one of the bows tied to your bedroom door knob, into her mouth. Eddie dropped Sweetheart, wincing as he heard the body of it make contact with the carpet, and darted over to where Penny had plopped herself, carefully pulling the bell out of her tiny, surprisingly strong and drooly grasp.
“Pretty one, that doesn’t go in your mouth,” he cooed, shoving the bell into his pocket before lifting her into his arms as she whimpered, head moving around to try and spy the object she’d been about to consume. When it became clear to her he’d taken it away, her plump lower lip jutted out and wobbled while her big brown eyes began to fill with water.
“Oh, no.” He frowned, mimicking her expression before he pressed a couple of kisses to her squishy cheek as her whimpering intensified, fat tears rolling down to meet his lips. “My poor baby, daddy hurt your feelings, didn’t he?”
Even though he was saving her freaking life, he still had to apologize.
“I’m sorry, honey. Why don’t we play with one of your other toys, instead?” Eddie readjusted his hold on her as her whimpering turned into cries, the forced hiccuping kind with her eyes squeezed shut to force out more tears in an effort to make him feel like the Worst Father™ in the world. Eddie sat down in front of the couch, a crying Penny perched on his lap as he reached for one of the few discarded toys she’d gotten bored of earlier. It was a green rattle, shaped like Kermit the frog’s head, one of Penny’s favorite toys since she seemed to be obsessed with the muppets, even at her young age. “Look, baby! It’s Kermit.” He shook the rattle a little ways from her face to gain her attention and like magic, her cries stopped, breath only hitching with her hiccups as she focused on the toy in his hand. Here came Eddie’s favorite part.
Penny’s breathing got a little more intense, heavy as her eyes widened with an almost scary amount of focus behind them before she threw her weight forward, only stopped from face planting on the carpet by Eddie’s hand around her plump tummy as she grasped the rattle. Then, she let out the happiest shriek, aggressively shaking the rattle before she began whacking Kermit’s head against the carpet on the side of Eddie’s thigh. See, while he knew she liked The Muppets because of how transfixed she became when watching the movies, he couldn’t figure out whether she loved or hated Kermit. Eddie chuckled as she let out various coos of delight, all high in pitch as she began smiling and laughing. “There’s my happy girl.” He lifted her briefly to give her cheek another kiss before setting her down between his legs as he carefully stood up, eyes still focused on his daughter happily abusing The Muppet toy. “I can’t tell if she likes Kermit or if she has a great disdain for him,” you commented as you emerged from the bedroom, glancing back at the door while you closed it due to its lack of jingle. 
God, you really were his other half, always thinking the same thing as him. Usually. Eddie dug around his pocket, pulling the bell out to showcase it to you. “Your daughter took it upon herself to go on a quest in search of you and almost choked on this.” Your heart grew three times its size as you learned not only had your baby missed you enough to go looking for you, she apparently found you and had yanked off a bell dangling from the bow secured around your bedroom door knob to get to you. “Why is she my daughter when she stresses you out?” You gave him a playful glare as you walked over, scooping Penny into your arms. She immediately threw the Kermit rattle away in favor of gripping onto your sweater, furiously trying to pull the neckline down. You grabbed hold of one of her little hands to stop her, “Uh-uh. Nope. You finished eating half an hour ago and you are not about to use my nipple for your teething.” You’d made that mistake one too many times already and while it hadn’t been so bad at the start of her teething, now that she actually had teeth coming in, it hurt like a bitch when she’d clamp her gums down.  Penny didn’t like that. Her happiness immediately died away, replaced with the forced tears again. You groaned, ready to submit to her demands when Eddie picked Sweetheart up off the ground, strumming once to catch Penny’s attention.
Her head snapped in his direction, waterline shiny with tears she was ready to abandon. She knew what Eddie bringing the guitar out meant. Well, usually. Eddie would tune Sweetheart around her, maybe play some of Corroded Coffin’s less harsh stuff to her but when it came down to the real deal, he’d usually put a pair of noise muffling headphones, he’d bought especially for her, on her cute little head. 
“You like that, little bitty pretty one?” Eddie laughed, the sound so soft it somehow had you blushing.
Penny’s lips parted, gums exposed as her little nose wrinkled with how hard she was grinning at her dad.
“I’ll be right back,” He chuckled, pressing a kiss to her soft curls and your forehead before he disappeared into the bedroom, returning moments later with the acoustic.
“Alright, now we’re ready to party.” At the last word, Penny released your sweater to clap her hands together, it’s what she knew to do at parties.
Eddie sat down on the couch and you followed, sitting  on the other cushion, placing Penny between you two as he got settled.
“Today calls for something special,” Eddie licked his lips, fingers gently drumming along the neck as he thought back to that last Christmas in his mom’s car, to one song she sang with a level of emotion he hadn’t been able to understand at the time.
He cleared his throat, fingers plucking at the chords as he began.
One chord. Two, three, four chords.
“Bells will be ringing, this sad, sad New Year’s 
Oh, what a Christmas to have the blues.” 
He crooned, palm tapping on the body of the guitar in rhythm with the beat he knew startlingly well for someone who was more of a Grinch than a Christmas enthusiast. 
He remembered every Christmas after that last one being exceptionally lonely. The one after his mother died was spent in his dad’s VW bus while he worked in the house. His dad got him a toy he didn’t have any batteries for and left him with the blankets formally stashed in his mom’s car, though he’d check on him whenever he remembered. He’d been six and all alone. 
“My baby's gone, I have no friends
 To wish me greetings, once again.”
Christmas of ‘71 hadn’t been much better, but he’d learned to really use his imagination to escape. While it was another holiday spent in the bus, he’d had a couple of his toys to act out his stories, and his dad remembered to get him batteries for the new one he got him. He didn’t check on him that Christmas, but Eddie was fine. By Christmas of ‘77, Eddie was used to spending the holiday, as well as most of his days alone. His dad had moved on from giving him a toy to comics. Instead of coming up with the stories, he’d read them straight out of his mom’s books (which he fished out of the trash after his dad threw them away). His favorite was Lord of the Rings. 
“Choirs will be singin' Silent Night, 
  Christmas carols by candlelight
  Please come home for Christmas, 
  please come home for Christmas
  If not for Christmas, by New Year's night.”
Christmas of ‘78 was his first with Wayne, who had insisted they spend it together in the living room despite how little they’d interacted all year and how awkward their dynamic still was. Every Christmas following was significantly better and he deemed it perfect when you came along. Only he’d been wrong. 
Eddie tore his gaze away from the guitar in his hands and pulled his head out of the past in favor of staring at his future: the baby girl in her red and white striped Christmas onesie gazing up at him in wonder, and her beautiful mother just behind her.
“Friends and relations send salutations
Sure as the stars shine above.”
Eddie leaned down over the neck of the guitar, briefly pressing his forehead to Penny’s as she let out a happy shriek, her little hands reaching up to rest on either side of his head. He chuckled, giving her a wink as he leaned back up—not too far away—and pressed a kiss to her forehead. 
Before he could get the next verse out, Penny let out a long babble that was much too coordinated to be just baby talk and Eddie’s eyes gleamed, heart just about ready to explode into a confetti when he realized she was trying to sing with him. 
“You wanna sing with me, baby?” He asked, voice soft and face nearly splitting with his grin when she answered by moving onto her knees and extending her hands in the air, bouncing on her diaper-cushioned bottom.
Penny was dancing. 
It was both the most adorable thing and also freaking hilarious considering she looked like she was trying to pump a crowd up on the dance floor rather than listening to her daddy sing her Christmas songs.
Eddie threw his head back with laughter and you were smothering your own behind your palm, wanting nothing more than to run and get the camcorder but you couldn’t miss a single second of this. 
Once he’d recovered, having been strumming the same chords he left off on much longer than he should have, he continued singing to Penny who wasn’t at all put off from crunking on the couch by her parents’ laughter. 
“But this is Christmas, yes, Christmas, my dear,
 Some time of year to be with the one you love.”
Eddie pressed a kiss to her little nose after crooning out the last word, flinching a little when she practically uppercut him with her head since she refused to stop bopping up and down. 
“So won't you tell me you'll never more roam?
 Christmas and New Year's will find you home.”
The long winded babbling picked up after that as Penny decided she could dance and sing with her daddy.
Eddie had never had a better singing partner, no offense to you.
He leaned forward again, staring into Penny's pretty brown eyes—he knew she got them from him, but her eyes were so much prettier than his, he couldn’t explain it—fingers barely even strumming the chords as Penny slowly settled, shiny mouth dropping open as her chunky cheeks cinched up with the force of her wide smile to match her dad’s.
“There’ll be no more sorrow,” Eddie sang, his chest aching with the love he had for her as her babbling turned into cooing once more, “no grief and pain. And I'll be happy, happy once again.”
The last note drifted through the trailer and you understood your cue.
“Yay!” You began clapping to encourage your daughter who immediately joined you, chubby, dimpled hands applauding eagerly for her dad as she let out a couple more shrieks of delight and momentarily glanced back at you to make sure you saw her clapping, look mommy! I’m clapping again! I can do it, too! 
Eddie preened under the attention, bowing forward.
“Thank you, thank you. You were a spectacular crowd. Especially you in the front.”
Eddie booped Penny’s nose and she giggled.
“And I’ll see you backstage.” Eddie winked at you, smirking and pleased when he saw you shift around and get all shy. As you discovered almost immediately after giving birth, having Eddie Munson’s baby didn’t make you immune to his flirting. 
“Alright, rockstar. I was backstage this morning.”
“And you’re gonna be backstage tonight, several times. And tomorrow morning, a couple more times after that, when we drop Penny off at Maude and Wayne’s, in the van at least twice this week, and—honey, I can go on.”
You threw the cushion you were resting against at him and he dodged it effortlessly, shooting you a mischievous look before he focused back on the baby girl between you. 
“Mommy doesn’t wanna show me any love,” Eddie pouted at your daughter and you scoffed, eyes narrowing at the blatant LIE. The things you wanted to show him were not appropriate to do in front of your child and he knew it, “Can daddy have a kiss?”
Penny babbled but she knew what that word meant, and she loved giving kisses.
Penny leaned forward, practically drooling all over Eddie’s pursed lips as she gave him the world’s sloppiest kiss.
Okay, so she didn’t exactly know how to give kisses, yet, but she still loved doing whatever the heck it was she was doing. She’d get there as soon as she developed better motor skills.
“Aw, thank you, baby.”
Eddie scooped her up, cradling her to his chest and you were moments away from mentally listing all the reasons you could not give him another baby when Wayne entered the trailer, arms full of presents and Maude trailing quietly behind him. 
“Merry Christmas,” he called over the stack and Eddie handed Penny over to you as he got up to help Wayne.
“You didn’t need to go overboard for Pen, Pops.” Eddie commented, carefully unloading them under the tree in the corner of the den alongside the gifts you and Eddie had purchased for each other and Penny, as well as the gifts your friends had dropped off earlier (most of which were also for Penny).
“The majority of that is not me,” Wayne stated and Maude blushed, making her way over to the couch to give you the softest of hugs. 
She reached a hesitant hand out to stroke over Penny’s curls and you shifted Penny around in your hold until she was closer to Maude.
Penny and Maude were very familiar with each other, Maude watched her while both you and Eddie were working and on date nights, but the widow from a few trailers down was still shy at times, never wanting to overstep boundaries that weren’t really there.
She was kind and you were happy Wayne had finally found some happiness rather than simply existing in the trailer (that was now yours and Eddie’s) for the rest of his life.
Penny reached for Maude and she happily accepted her into her arms, allowing you to join the boys. 
“We appreciate it, but Penny’s probably going to be more taken with the wrapping paper than anything in those boxes,” you said as you stood next to Eddie, who tucked you under his arm.
Wayne gave you the smallest of smiles, almost proud looking. “‘That’s what Maude said. Didn’t just get her toys, she also got her stuff like yarn since the little rugrat’s always reachin’ for Maude’s.”
The three of you turned to watch Maude set Penny down on the carpet. She immediately began crawling for the presents under the tree, stopping and sitting in front of the largest which was wrapped in a reflective green paper with a beautiful red bow.
Seeing your daughter surrounded by so many gifts and a family that obviously loved her brought you immense joy.
Yes, Christmas used to be hit or miss for you. You had a feeling that would no longer be the case for you and your family.
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hajihiko · 10 months
I’m not any of the anons from before but as a fellow kazuichi fan I’d personally love to hear you talk about why you like him if you feel like it! personally I was first drawn to his character design, I just thought he looked cool, and then the second he opened his mouth and revealed himself as a loser, I loved him like ten times more lol. I know some people think he’s ‘creepy’ but I feel like he keeps enough a distance from Sonia that he’s just a guy with a crush, and also his “don’t you ever just wanna take girls apart and see how their bones work” line lives in my head rent free
Ok well. Sorry dude (genuinely) but I dont think I think of him the way a lotta ppl do. Heres my take sorry if it ruins it
First of all, do I LIKE his character? No. I like what could become of it if handled well, in the future (same with Akane and Sonia and... a lotta characters tbh).
I dont want to gloss over that he was really not cool with Sonia. I DON'T think it was like, a simple silly crush like any other dude would have, I think he WAS inappropriate about it and (most likely completely unbeknownst to him) enforcing things that she genuinely could not stand. He was insecure and took it out on others as well as himself.
These are all character flaws. Every single character has them (some more than others). Fuyuhiko was genuinely a dick (as I have said many times, having anger issues isnt an excuse for the way he talks sometimes), Hiyoko is a bully, Ibuki is insensitive when se gets caught up, Impostor is condescending sometimes, etc. Kazuichi isnt the only one to be a jackass sometimes and t deny it is to deny his character, just as much as reducing him to only that is oversimplifying it.
What I like about Kazuichi is: the design.
(Ok jk but I do enjoy the design a lot)
I like the teenage insecurity. He thinks he wants to be a chick magnet, but gets scared when girls show an interest in him. His ideal woman is basically a barbie doll. He's a little too eager to see his boy bestie naked. He was so excited for a class retreat because he's never had one before. He was so desperate to be cool and tough and not a nerd that he drastically (and no doubt painfully, ow, TEETH) changed his appearance to conform to his Ideal Self, but could not actually change his personality.
He's basically a teenage boy, warts and acne at all, trying so hard to be The That Guy but spectacularly failing. He's actually somewhat of a genius (and the Death Trap stuff hints to him having a lot of repressed turmoil which honestly so true, teenagers whose only outlet is fantasizing about the gory demise of their tormentors, SO TRUE) but he can't SEE that because he wants to be some kind of cool punk frat bro dude. He's so busy living up to some idealized version of himself that he fumbles who he actually is, which if he just took a moment, would be a pretty cool dude. Basically, did you ever discover a cool band and tried to model your entire personality after what you thought those vibes would be? That, but sad.
So yeah, I think he's great at comedic beats, and also has a lot of heart underneath it, but has never been in a place where he can just accept that and let it shine. His last words were basically "here I am, don't forget me!" which like, man, isnt that just relatable teenagerism?
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Cookie Jar
Warnings: g!p Nat, oral (Nat receiving), Fingering (r receiving), soft!dom Nat
Words: 1,753
A/N: Hi my darlings! Wrote this little thing, felt like writing some fluffy smut, hope you like it!
(Also Alex's dialog isn't a typo, he's like 3 and can't talk properly, set a bit after AOU)
Don't forget to drink water, sleep and eat well my loves! <3
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You woke up to the sunlight, blinding your eyes in the early morning. Your wife's muscular arms wrapped tightly around your body. You groan, tossing and turning as you try to get out of her hold. “Where do you think you're going detka?” she mumbles out, whispering into your ear.
You smile, “Natty the kids are gonna be up soon..” she places a light kiss on your neck, “It won't take too long baby.” you sigh, “You're lucky I love you.” you say, sliding your hand in between both of your bodies.
Slipping a hand into her boxers, you grasp onto her hardened cock. “Fuck—” you smile, moving your body down to her crotch. You look up at her from your position, lazily jerking her off. “Mmh.. kotenok you're doing so– so good, fucking hell!”
Her hips bucked up as you run your palms up and down her dick, “'m gonna fucking cum all over that pretty face of yours detka..” she lets out a moan, when you rub her tip with your thumb.
Not too soon after, thick ropes of cum shoots up, painting your face. “Natasha— I have to go clean up now.. thanks a lot.” she chuckles, looking at your messed up face, “You're welcome moya lyubov, happy anniversary.” she winks, you roll your eyes.
You get up from the bed, making your way to the bathroom when, “Mommyyy! Mama!!” a knock on your door from your eldest. You whisper out a swear, “Yeah sweetie! Yup– mommy will be right out.” you yell out, glaring at your wife when you hear her snicker.
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You get out of the bedroom, widening your eyes in shock, “Alex! Why did you put— How did you put your little sister on top of the counter, I told you that she'd get hurt Alex.” you scold the toddler, picking up the baby.
“Sowwy mommy..” he looks down at the floor, sadly. Natasha walks into the kitchen, “Y/N, have you been yelling at our son?” she ruffles his hair, and he lets out a little laugh.
You huff, “He put Aliana on top of the counter again.” the red-head glances at the baby, back to your son. “You did what?” he cackles, running off to the living room.
“Alex! I– whatever. Nat he got this from you.” you say, adjusting the baby to your hip. “What? I never did that with Yelena when we were kids.. I think.” you laugh softly, kissing the corner of her mouth. “What do you want for breakfast Tasha?” she looks at you, “I can make it.” you scoff, walking to the pantry. “You are gonna burn the house down, but help is appreciated.”
“Mama, I want a peanut butter samwich.” she turns to face the little boy, “Babe, Alex wants a peanut butter sandwich!” you get out the peanut butter, “Got it.”
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After breakfast the 4 of you sit in the living room, “Mommy look I drew bord!” you take the paper and look at the deformed bird drawn on it, “Yeah, buddy I can tell. It's– great.” he flashes a big smile, kissing your cheek, then runs off to the table.
The baby sleeping on your lap stirs, “Detka you need me to hold her?” you shake your head, “No it's fine darling.” you rock Aliana in your arms, attempting to get her back to sleep.
Natasha leans over, whispering in your ear, “You want a 3rd one?” you blink, looking up at your wife. “I—” she chuckles, placing her lips against yours, kissing you slowly. You break the kiss, “Can you go uhm..” you spoke, breathlessly, “Check the oven? Call me if the cookies are done, okay?”
She gives an exaggerated whine, “You want me gone so quickly?” you roll your eyes, “Romanoff, just go do what I told you to.”
“That's not what you said last night.” she gets up from the couch and walks off to the kitchen. “They're done!” you hear from outside the living room. “Okay!”
You take the sleeping baby out of your arms and slowly place her down on the couch, then get up and make your way into the kitchen. You feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist, causing you to let out a light giggle. She plants light, feathery kisses on your neck, “Nat— we.. are in the kitchen.” she presses her body against yours.
“Natasha Romanoff.” she lets go of you, raising her hands up in surrender, “You have no idea what I'm gonna do as soon as I get my hands on you detka.” you smile, taking the cookies out of the oven. “Oh I have a bit of an idea my love.”
She turns around, and gives you a smack on the ass. “Natasha!” she laughs, “What? I didn't do anything.”
Your eldest kid walked in the kitchen, “Mama hit mommy.” you gasp dramatically and widen your eyes, “How dare mama hit me?” Alex huffs, crossing his arms, “Say sowwy to mommy.” your wife smiles, giving a fake apology then whispers into your ear, “I don't regret it though.” she pulls back and winks at you.
A blush forms on your face, “Mommy your face is red!” he points at you before running of to god knows where, “And why's that?” Natasha pretends to not know why, “It's just, there's a fly in here and it's really, really annoying me.” Natasha gasps, “Did you just call me a fly?”
You smile innocently, placing the cookies in the jar. Natasha takes out her phone, “Y/N look!” you hum in response, looking over at her screen. “Ugh, Laura's so lucky, when Alex was a baby he was chubby like that.” Natasha raises a brow and looks over at you, “What?” she shakes her head, “Nothing.”
You nod, closing the cookie jar, “Remind me to make sure someone can watch the kids for our anniversary next year.” you say, walking over to peck her on the lips. “Yeah, we should've done that beforehand.” she says, pulling you in by the waist.
“Mhm..?” you get on your toes, pressing your lips against hers, letting out a slight moan as you feel her tounge slip into your mouth. “Mmph—” you break the kiss, over hearing a cry in the distance. “Duty calls.” you say, clearly out of breath.
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After dinner, you and Natasha put the kids to bed and go back into your share bedroom. You sigh, and slip off your dress, noticing her eyes on you. “Come to bed baby.” you turn to look at her, “Yeah.” you unclasp your bra, sliding it off your shoulders.
You sit down next to her in bed, she pulls you onto her lap. “You're so perfect kotenok..” she places a kiss on between your uncovered breasts, sending a shiver down your spine.
She brings a hand between your thighs, rubbing your cloth covered clit, you whimper as you desperately grind against her fingers. “Tasha stop t-teasing I–” she smirks, sliding your panties to the side. She slightly widens her eyes, looking down at your dripping slit. “Is this all for me baby?” you whine, nodding vigorously.
She runs her fingers through your glistening folds, your hips buck forward, you moan softly. “D-daddy please f—” she pinches your nipple, causing you to yelp. “Use your words detka.” you let out a breathy moan, “Fuck me please 'need you in me.” she kisses your jaw, “Whatever you say princess.”
She discards her boxers, her hardened cock springs out, her pre-cum leaking from the tip. “Nata—” she covers your mouth when she slides her dick inside of you. You let out a muffled scream, completely breaking apart as she stuffs you up, inch by inch.
“Fuck baby you're taking daddy in so well..” you moan, pushing in more of her length. She feels your walls clench around her, “Mm.. daddy you're so big.” she grunts, grabbing onto your hips to thrust harder into you.
Your whimpers and moans like music to her ears, she pulls you in for a rough, slow kiss. You gasp softly, locking your lips with hers. “Mmh.. Natasha–” she squeezes your ass, making you emit a throaty moan as her dick rubs against your g-spot. “Oh—”
She grips onto your hips, slamming her cock deeper into you. “Taking me in so well baby.” she leans over and whispers. “Are you close?” you nod, unable to respond in words. “Cum all over my cock like a good little whore.”
You dig your nails into her shoulders, moaning loudly, as you came onto her dick. “You're doing so well detka..” she praises, whispering into your ear as she runs her hands up and down your back. “Natasha..” she looks down at you, “Mhm?”
You press a light kiss to her neck, “You want me to clean you up darling?” she softly smiles, “If you want to.” you nod, she kisses your cheek, and slowly pulls out.
You lower yourself onto her, wrapping your lips around her tip. She lets out a shaky breath, bringing her hand to grip onto your hair. You take more of her dick inside of your mouth, coating it with your saliva. She takes her hand, pushing herself into you. “Oh fuck baby..” she lets of a soft moan as you run your tounge over her veins, you feel her dick twitch inside of your mouth.
You suck harder, bobbing your head up and down her length, looking up at her with wide eyes. “Y/N..” she whimpers out, “Fuck– kotenok 'm gonna cum, swallow it like a good girl.” she says, before filling your throat up with her warm juices. You swallow it down, you pull her cock out of your mouth.
She smirks, grabbing your jaw to look at your fucked out face, her cum dripping out the corners of your mouth. “Are you okay moya lyubov?” you smile, nodding your head, “Mhm!” she wipes off your mouth, looking down at you. “Happy anniversary Tasha..” you say, moving upwards to pull her into a slow, passionate kiss.
She smiles into the kiss, pulling you closer to her. “Happy anniversary.” she pants out, “Maybe next anniversary.. we could have a 3rd mini Romanoff in our family.” you laugh, kissing her cheek. “Natasha– you're being serious?” she nods slowly, nervously smiling.
You kiss her softly, “Natasha I– yes I would love to have another mini Romanoff.” you look up at her, she holds onto you tightly, “Let's pick out names.” she says. “Nat I'm not even pregnant yet, you weirdo.” she chuckles, kissing your neck. “Yet.” you smile, “I love you Natty.” she puts her head in the crook of your neck, “I love you most Y/NN.”
You groan when you both hear a loud shatter in the direction to the kitchen, before yelling, “Alex!”
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mysticmellowlove · 7 months
Sub having to prep us because his cock is too big 🥺 he doesn’t want to hurt mommy does he? I didn’t think so. Him going down on us, fingering us. He’s basically cum five times already just to get us ready. How pathetic. But it honestly turns us on more how sensitive he is to us… we almost cum from the thought actually.
a/n; he so needy frfr
warnings; fem reader, sub male, eating out, penetration, pinv, not edited I'm so tired, and having writers block a lil
When you first decided to take him on you hadn't noticed just how massive he was. The first initial times you met up with him you played around, found his limits and explored what he was interested in. By that point, you were pretty well acquainted with each other.
That being said it wasn't until yesterday he expressed that he wanted to be inside you, to fuck you himself. It had surprised you that he waited this long to express such a sentiment but then again this was the man who basically adored being under your skirt as much as possible.
That leads you to now. You were in your bedroom with him looming over your body, his hands pressed to the pillow beside your head. He wasn't just massive in dick size but he was also somehow more muscular than you last remembered him. He seemed to assess himself and how you were reacting to him.
"I should probably prep myself better, I had no idea you were packing that much." You said mirthfully as you went to reach your hand down, he never asked for much as he rather you decide what will be happening. That's why you wanted this to be nice for him.
"Don't." His hand went to grab yours, his eyes widening as you stared at him shocked. He quickly let you go and apologised before he shuffled himself down to be face level with your pussy.
"I can... I can do it for you, please?" He looked up at you with those gorgeous eyes, so eager to please. A wave of heat washed through you as you nodded and went to relax back into the pillows behind you. He grinned, his eyes lighting up as he went to brush his fingers around the outline of your labia. Soon after he sunk in one of his fingers knuckle deep, your wetness helping him move in and out.
He seemed enamoured as he looked at his finger being drawn in by you, the wetness that seemed to make his skin glisten. He was drooling already, his cock jumping at the sight of you open before him. You didn't have any time to react as he slid his mouth over your lips, sucking your arousal as he slowly pumped his finger in and out.
His obscene moans only seemed to blend in with the sound of him devouring you, your hands gripping the bedsheets as you made sure to hold still. Tonight was about him after all and his favourite thing to do was eat you out.
"Tastes so good mommy, always so good." His voice came out muffled as he came up for air, his lips shining with arousal as he looked blearily into your eyes. You hummed and caressed his head, lightly pushing him back down again.
"Come on now, get mommy ready okay?" You cooed as his mouth dropped open, his hips jutting into the bed at your words. He nodded and dutifully began slurping again, this time adding another finger so he could scissor you open.
His fingers seemed to curve into you for a moment, his whole body shuddering. You grinned, it looked like someone was just a little too excited.
"Come on now, make mommy feel good as well okay." You teased as your hands pressed into the back of his head, forcing him to eat you during the aftermath of his orgasm. He nodded and continued to lick at you, his moans being swallowed by your body as you tried to get him closer and closer.
You sighed as the stress seemed to wash away as he worked you open, after a few more minutes he pulled back. A deep whine left him as he shuffled up your body again.
"Can I put it in?" He asked, his eyes teary and his mouth glistening with your wetness. You grinned and pulled him into a kiss, tasting yourself on his lips before you nodded. He pushed in slowly as you revelled in the stretch of his cock. Soon after he bottomed out he whined and buried his head into the pillow next to you.
"Another one, am I that good baby?" You laughed as you moved your hips against him, flipping him over so he was on his back. He cried out as you did so, his cock hitting impossibly deeper. He looked up at you, his eyes teary.
"Sorry baby, I just can't help myself." You grinned, winked and then went to slam your hips down onto him. In an instant his hands were on you, squeezing and digging into your skin as his head was thrown back. You cooed at the sight of the basically pleasure paralysed boy and continued the brutal pace. His cock was long enough to penetrate deep into you, to hit that perfect spot every time.
"I might have to keep you at this rate." You mentioned as you found yourself growing closer and closer to climax. He only seemed to get louder as he came again, watching you chase your own pleasure. That blissed out look on his face was all it took for you to clamp down on him and cum. You pressed a kiss to his mouth to muffle your own moans as he held onto you tightly, his legs shuddering. You took in a greedy breath of air before you looked down at him cheekily.
"Ready to go again." You hummed, delighting in the submissive nod he gave you as his eyes focused on your lips. Yes, you would have to keep him around a little longer.
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