#an outfit swap with my friend's oc
gem-tavvy · 8 months
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technically i've posted and reblogged worse than the unedited version of this art but this version still gets the idea across
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lonelysnowyart · 1 year
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outfit swap of vash and wolfwood in my friend and i’s ocs outfits bc my friend and i accidently made ocs similiar to them years ago (without knowing about trigun)
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thehappiestgolucky · 3 days
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sneaky time for the baby
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blazefirefox · 2 months
I was rewatching the Dream BBQ announcement trailer when I noticed one of the spinning ENAs had the exact same colors as ThEna, just swapped, so I got the idea of making ENA OCs based on the other ENAs seen.
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Here are my first three, the spooky siblings (based on color scheme), Enette, Enalise, and RegEna (left to right). I created GEna to complete the trifecta lol
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Individuals + their "serial numbers"
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Extra Info:
This group of sibs work with the ENA seen in Dream BBQ, under Froggy. They're pretty much the closest things she has to friends in her workplace, and they enjoy her company (GEna doesn't show it much tho)
Enatte (ENA-8532-01):
Orange - Efficient; the oldest ENA of any batch is expected to excel and be an example for their sibs, but this was driven into 01 more, as her batch was the first completely functional trio of ENAs that were created for a while. Unlike her sisters, 01 fully enjoys her job, even respecting Froggy a great amount. Her voice headcannon is Ben Balmaceda (specifically Kaveh from Genshin Impact, mostly just Ben himself).
Saffron - Mischievous; after years of conditioning to be a golden example for all Worker ENAs, her desires to be free and do what she enjoys culminated in her troublemaker side, which 01 does a good job repressing until she's off from work. The most important thing her siblings know about this side is that she usually goes along with what shenanigans they do. Her voice headcannon is Brianna Knickerbocker (specifically Hu Tao from Genshin Impact).
RegEna [GEna] (ENA-8532-02)
Purple - Haughty; she loves her older sister, she really does. But 02 hates how seriously she expects them to take this stupid job. Before they matured, 02 was known for her mean streak, often taking out her frustrations of the world on younger ENAs that were unfortunate to come her way. It wasn't until she accidentally hurt her younger sister that she started calming down. Now, she just a normal asshole. Her voice headcannon is Ryan Sean O’Donohue (specifically Demyx from Kingdom Hearts).
Orange - Guilty; when the sibs were assigned to work under Froggy, 02's siblings noticed that her other side became more downcast and self-deprecating, bursting into tears and continually apologizing for how she acts when her dominant side is in control, especially to 03. The youngest ENA in question does not know how to feel about this. Her voice headcannon is Erica Mendez (specifically White Lily Cookie from Cookie Run: Kingdom).
Enalise [Lisa] (ENA-8532-03)
Saffron - Thoughtful; unlike her older sisters, who either love or detest their job, 03 usually doesn't pay any mind to it, and does an average job. She actually is drawn to the oddness of the world around her, what secrets they hold, why things work like they do. She can't help but feel envious of Scholar ENAs since they have the access and knowledge 03 so desperately wants. Her voice headcannon is Khoi Dao (specifically Albedo from Genshin Impact).
Purple - Judgemental; experiencing 02's behavior before their full maturity shaped 03's annoyance into a need to reprimand everything she does and to communicate what 02's problem is in her own way, thus her snappy, but kind of well-meaning side. 03 is less shameful of this side than others think she should be, as the youngest ENA believes that "she was made the way she was, and she's going to let what emotions slip through happen." Her voice headcannon is Brittney Karbowski (specifically Mio from Ghost Stories Dub).
Next is Enaline, based on the ENA in the second picture on the right!
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Alt. Outfit + her old Worker look
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Extra Info:
Created as a Worker ENA, Enaline would become a Runaway after her other sibs went "missing under mysterious circumstances" and she "saw something she shouldn't have", as she puts it. Not much is known about her past other than this, as she soon becomes unresponsive after giving up too much information. She's mostly seen hanging out in the Karaoke Bar AthEna (ThEna) works at, and is very social, depending on which side is dominant.
Enaline (ENA-7450-03)
Sky Blue - Carefree; after experiencing The Horrors™, Enaline decides that she won't let her past and regrets tie her down, so she up and leaves the Sector she grew up in and ended up settling in the area overseen by The Clown. She is very jovial in this state, being more of an 'act first think about the consequences later' kind of ENA. Her voice headcannon is Kieran Regan (specifically Shikanoin Heizou from Genshin Impact).
Salmon - Existential; despite her attempts, Enaline can never fully leave behind the cause of her upturned life, and when she thinks about that, she becomes unpleasant (at least that's what she thinks). The former Worker feels a constant dread tugging at her in this state, something she can't remedy no matter what she does. All Enaline can do is not think about all of that while she's Carefree, and everything will be fine! Her voice headcannon is Monica Rial (specifically Momoko Koigakubo from Ghost Stories Dub).
@anniewuubelike 👀👀👀
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dridsimsheart · 3 months
30 OCs questions
If they had the chance to revive any dead celebrity/famous person, who would it be?
What is their favorite topic to talk about?
What is their most treasured possession?
Whats their biggest fear?
What’s their best way to waste time?
What’s their favorite Disney character?
How important money is to them?
What gives them the ick?
What do they wish they had more time to do?
How do they show love?
To them, how important is family?
Whats their favorite music genre?
How is their everyday outfit? is it more casual, sporty, fancy, gothic, etc?
What is the weirdest food combination they enjoy?
Do they have tattoos? If yes, doest it mean something? 
If they could un-invent one thing, what would it be?
Would they sacrifice one member of their body (ie a arm or a leg) for a superpower of their choice?
What animals are they afraid of? And what animals do they love?
 Whats the most beautiful place they’ve ever been to?
If their food taste horrible at a restaurant, would they say something, stay quiet and eat, pay and leave or leave without paying? 
Do they have a significant other? If yes, where did they met? If no, do they dream about one?
Whats in their fridge right now?
Is it difficult to do what they do? (for a living, hobby etc.)
Whats the most exotic pet they would want to have?
If they could swap lives with one of their friends, who would it be?
What is a lie or exaggeration they’ve said to impress someone? 
Which family member are they closest to?
Do they have a good relationship with their parents?
If they could ask their future self one question, what would it be?
Would they adopt their childself? 
I was going to do it myself, but I do not have any pictures of my sims, so Im just gonna tag some people to do it <3
Im tagging @buttertrait @druidberries @circusjuney @mmonetsims @girlboytrait @hauntedtrait
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theindescribable1 · 9 months
Mutual Collaboration
Helloooo my friends and Mutuals I have a favor to ask of you! On your blog make an oc reference sheet and tag me if you want to be in my Mutual Collaboration drawing! Its simple!
To join, simply make a reference sheet! It just means I'll draw your ocs with mine in a large drawing for getting 500+ Followers!
No catches! Its... FREE!
Think of it as a fun game!
Only 1 because I want to fit as many as possible!
Ty for
@valthetvhead @the-monsters-in-1870 @yourhappyfella @clownpallete @essentially-a-worm-on-a-string @invisible-hidden @siren-serotonin @carol-clown @art-mushroomy
Spread the word fellas and tell me if you wanna join
Give me a number and I'll draw the prompt!
Inverted color
Gender swap
Bbg pose
Cringe costume
80s style
Terrible pick-up line
Animal ears
Lots of belts
Bad outfit
Creepy pasta
Cringe Role-play
Shrek reference
2012 mustache
Tumblr sexyman
Hot 'n evil
Blue hair
1999 partying
Self insert
Hair over 1 eye
Artist's choice
Maid dress
2000s alt fashion
Cross dressing
Make ocs CUTE
Give ocs Tails
Friday Night Funkin'
Ocs as cupheads
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alltimefail-sims · 1 month
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Hi friends, happy Friday!
The Sims team recently collaborated with Ebonix and dropped the "Urban Homage" CAS kit on April 18th, so you guys already know I had to snatch it up and give my thoughts. I'm a week late, but I'll give you the TLDR up front: I like every item that came in this kit. Yes, I'm just as shocked as you are!
Sidenote: Don't worry, even though they aren't pictured above we will be looking at the male assets as well - they're in their own separate section under the cut!
With all that being said, let's jump into it! ↓
First, let me show you those masculine frame outfits I promised:
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Okay, now I'm just going to get my minimal qualms out of the way:
I wish the female frame bodysuit labeled as a top could have also been in the full-body category. I love that it can be layered with other skirts and such, but it's soooo cute by itself and we don't have anything like it, especially for everyday or workout purposes.
Next, the joggers should have been enabled for both frames and same goes for the overalls. You can untick the "female" or "male" clothing preference in CAS and they both look fine on the opposite frame, but obviously there is some minor distortion in the chest area on fem frames when they wear the overalls.
I also wish the basketball shorts came in some simpler, sleeker swatches alongside the bolder prints and colors.
That's literally it: miniscule complaints really, and trust me when I say these complaints are nitpicky for a reason - I struggled to find critiques for this particular kit.
As for literally everything else not mentioned above: I love these clothes, and I think there are a few items that I will use over and over again.
All the bottoms are superb
The loose jersey is an item that we desperately needed in game
The dashiki swatches are stunning
The fit of every item across the board is immaculate on a wide range of body types.
The few simple items snuck into this kit - the cropped denim jacket, the tie crop shirt, the open button down, etc. are so versatile and beautifully executed.
The trendy butterfly top, the skinny pants with cutouts in the side, and the platform ankle boots (specifically the flame swatches!!) have all been tackled by cc-makers; these versions that come in this kit are right on par with the cc counterparts out there, a HUGE win for console players who cannot use cc.
Basically, these clothes look like clothes I could actually see real people wearing...unlike some items that have come in packs in the past that feel far too niche or look like leftover items that didn't fit in a different EP or GP. (I'm looking at you CAS items from Crystal Creations... I know those assets were 80% Realm of Magic rejects lmao. Not that I'm mad, I like a lot of the items, but they really aren't super versatile.)
Perhaps the most surprising treasures in this pack, however, actually lie within the accessory categories. Wild realization for me because when it comes to accessories in the sims I'm usually indifferent at best and confused if the devs have ever seen a real human out in the wild at worst (because let's be honest...that shit is usually so oversized and weird looking it's basically unusable). But I have to give these accessories their moment in the sun because WOW. I can't believe I'm uttering the words "I love" next to "kit accessories..." but Hell hath frozen over I guess. Here are some screenshots:
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Every accessory (with the exception of the GORGEOUS headwrap) is enabled for masculine frame; this includes the rings (left & right), necklaces, earrings, facial piercing, and even the nails. The facial piercing shocked me the most as I've never used the piercings we've been given in other packs - they're always thick, bulky, and chunky in the worst way. But, much to my amazement, this nose piercing is sooooooo good and even come in a number of decent swatches outside of gold, silver, black! In fact, I liked it so much that I'm ditching the cc nose ring on my OC Ta'Nia and swapping it for the nose piercing that came with this kit. Even on a sim with a downturned nose tip and wider set nostrils (like the male sim I used in the screenshots) I felt like the piercing still looked great!
I only have one complaint about the accessories, and it's that I wish we were given more than one set of nails, or at least more color swatches for the nails. Black, red, and blue bases with chrome tips are just too limited to me, especially with all the vibrant colors we see in this pack! I would have liked a set of nails with intricate airbrushing/hand-drawn designs or ones that utilized gems and charms along with some variation in length and a shape outside of the trendy coffin or oval nails at medium length. I know this is picky, but cc nails are killing the game right now whereas the sims team continually plays it safe and, imo, it's boring; console players deserve to have glamorous works of art on their sim's fingers as well!
OKAY... time for my wrap-up thoughts!
Look at me saying this wouldn't be a long review... yet here we are, a whole ass Ted Talk later lol. Overall, I personally encountered zero major issues in this kit. (Please note that when I say "major" I am talking about hoodies that make eyes 3x their original size or jewelry that corrupts the body of a sim lol.) I will say that I saw some people saying they noticed some discoloration on the facial piercings that came with this pack (textures/colors bleeding from some other CAS items onto the piercings) but I didn't personally have that issue. If there are any other issues outside of the discolored piercings, I didn't encounter them and I haven't seen others talking about them.
TLDR: For me, this and the grunge kit are the standard of what a good CAS kit should look like. I think I'll be using several of these items often, and the content is easily worth $5.00 (unlike the party kit that dropped alongside this one... but that's a topic for another day). If you're going to give EA $5.00 for a kit, I confidently recommend this one.
Remember to use the creator code "EBONIX" at checkout so Ebonix can receive 5% of the proceeds when you purchase this kit!
I hope you all enjoyed my ramble. What are your favorite items from the kit? What do you think could have been better? Let me know in the replies or send me an ask; I always love hearing your guys' thoughts.
Talk to you all later! Hugs x
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Sketchbook dump part two time yaaay. (Season 2 spoilers under the cut.)
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Starting off with our beautiful grandma of course. I should draw her more.
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I forgot to add Felix to the last post so I’ll just add him here.
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This is a Victoria I drew for an idea I had for a swap AU. (If you missed the first part this is my oc.) I think it’s a cute outfit but I likely won’t use it for anything.
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(I kind of gave him yaoi proportions in this lol.) This was a drawing I did for a Ride The Cyclone AU in which Eugene would be Jane Doe. Instead of using a dolls head, I thought it’d be neat if he brought Felix onto the roller coaster who was decaptiated as well, and so he just used his head instead to call back to Felix’s resurrection.
In the end I decided that Ride The Cyclone didn’t fit the drawtectives all that much, so I pretty much dropped the AU.
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I’m of the opinion that every fandom deserves to have their protections drawn with cute animal ears and drawtectives is no exception. I’ve been meaning to do this with all the drawtectives digitally but haven’t gotten around to it. I will someday….!
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I think this one is pretty good for having been drawn with no reference. I like how I did the hair and such. I think the composition is kind of bad though. Might recreate it digitally.
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I drew this with a limited set of markers so his skintone came out all wonky. My friend said he looks sunburnt and now I can’t unsee it. Get that boy some SPF!
Nonetheless, I still do like this drawing.
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tacomanarrows · 2 months
Tac's OC Ref Masterpost!
Heya everybody! I'm not sure where the thought for this came from but I wanted to make a post that just has all of my OCs' refs in it in case anyone ever needs to find them and doesn't wanna ask me for them (which ur always welcome to do btw!) or doesn't wanna go digging through their Toyhouse galleries. This will be linked in my pinned post as well, so if you ever need to find it again, it'll be there! Every character will have their Toyhouse page linked below their ref, so you'll have easy access to more in-depth info and more gallery images if needed!
All the refs are below the read more since this is going to be a really long post, so be prepared for that if you take a look lol. It's organized the same way as my Toyhouse, with sonas first, then primary, secondary and tertiary OCs (basically categorized by how much I use them and how much development they have). I'll put a little bit of information about each character and whenever I make a new ref for a character, I'll swap out the old version with the new one here!
Also feel free to ask me anything abt any of my characters ever!! I adore talking abt them <333
(These guys are ordered by how much I use them/how representative of me they are)
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Shep (Toyhouse Link)
My main sona and most complete representation of myself out of all my characters!
22 y/o asexual biromantic German Shepherd
Boyfriends with PBnJ
Lead vocalist/guitarist for Let's Get Back!
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PBnJ (Toyhouse Link)
Secondary sona
Usually goes by just PB
Also Ace/Biro, Golden Retriever
Boyfriends with Shep
Bassist and backup vocalist for Let's Get Back!
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Starburst (Toyhouse Link)
Main comfort sona, personal favorite OC <33
Kinsona based on Jenny from Wayside, who's my biggest comfort character!
Do not draw her without her outfit!! Also please only draw her anthro!
Second tallest of my anthro characters, slighter taller than Shep, not as tall as Wilkołak
Very friendly, adventurous and always looking to live life to the fullest!
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Spatter (Toyhouse Link)
Move set: Dragon Pulse, Earthquake, Rain Dance and Protect. Feel free to draw him using any of these!
Has roughly equal number of purple and green splatter markings
Very squishy, loves giving/receiving hugs
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Vostok (Toyhouse Link)
Main Dragon/WoF-sona
My oldest OC, I've had him since February of 2017
May look intimidating but rlly just a big soft guy
Blue and purple scales make chevron shapes (not zigzags, not checkerboards, not stripes, etc.)
(Characters from here going forward are listed alphabetically per section)
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Agouti (Toyhouse Link)
Relatively quiet and shy until you get to know her
Lesbian, girlfriends with Rhazz
Can feel the emotions of others very strongly (for better or worse)
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Doppler (Toyhouse Link)
SeaWing/RainWing hybrid (75% Sea/25% Rain)
Weather forecaster with his wings and scales that show weather radar
Makes up a weather watching/storm chasing team with Sundial and ThunderSnow
Boyfriend of Sundial
Radar can show any kind of weather (rain/thunderstorms, hurricanes, snow storms, tornadoes, etc.)
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Eejanaika (Toyhouse Link)
SkyWing/RainWing hybrid
Name pronounced Edge-a-NYE-ka
Goes by Eej as a nickname
Has issues with anxiety and self-confidence
Demisexual, girlfriend of ThunderSnow
Has a short right horn, RainWing frill spines with no membrane, a double-pointed nose spike and is missing every other spine along her back as a result of being a hybrid
Name and design based on the old color scheme for the Eejanaika roller coaster at Fuji-Q Highland in Japan
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Firecracker (Toyhouse Link)
Jack Russell Terrier
Small but full of energy!
Loves 4th of July themed snacks and baked goods (his personal fav are Star Spangled Ding Dongs haha)
Friends with Starburst over their shared energetic lifestyle and red white and blue color solidarity :]
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Isaac (Toyhouse Link)
Celestdog - Australian Shepherd
Nonbinary Asexual
Quiet and reserved, generally prefers to do their own thing
Very smart, loves trivia facts
Sibling to Moxie and the rest of the Celestdog family
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Kwaro (Toyhouse Link)
Gay, boyfriends with Rutabaga (owned by @/macaronichewtoyz)
Likes to sing, but is self-conscious about singing in front of others
Generally softspoken
Kinda velvety soft rather than full scales
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Luau (Toyhouse Link)
Major comfort OC
Very chill, laid back attitude
Good friends with PB and Shep
Occasionally guest vocalist for Let's Get Back! and often runs the lights/effects for their shows
Always has a flower in her hair, but can be any flower!
Girlfriends with Seabreeze
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Moxie (Toyhouse Link)
Celestdog - Siberian Husky
Another major comfort OC
Loves to have fun, can play a little rough sometimes but always means well
A bit bigger and more stocky than Isaac
Sister to Isaac and the rest of the Celestdog family
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Pebble (Toyhouse Link)
Small and fluffy with long, silky fur
Husky/Samoyed mix
Hates getting his fur dirty
Smallest of my feral dog OCs
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Pumpernickel (Toyhouse Link)
Twin brother to Rye
Drummer and backup vocalist for Let's Get Back!
Easygoing and relaxed
Enjoys being outside at night
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Rhazz (Toyhouse Link)
Huge comfort OC
Design and personality based around the Roaring Twenties
Super energetic and affectionate
Lesbian, girlfriends with Agouti
Stage performance partners with Foxtrot
Has a necklace, two hoop earrings on her left ear, a ring on her left horn and a feathered headdress (all are not optional when drawing her!)
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Rye (Toyhouse Link)
Twin to Pumpernickel
A bit more rambunctious than his twin
Likes to strut around thinking he's cool stuff when he's really just kind of a dork
Keyboardist, backup guitarist and backup vocalist for Let's Get Back!
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Seabreeze (Toyhouse Link)
Lively surfer girl
Girlfriends with Luau
Good friends with Starburst as well, as both are pretty adventurous
Always has her lucky seashell necklace
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Wilkołak (Toyhouse Link)
Big scary (or at least he tries to be scary) transgender wolf guy
Name can be pronounced either Veel-koak or Will-ko-Lack (His name means Werewolf in Polish)
Tallest of my anthro OCs
Has hydrokinetic powers and his blue markings glow when he uses them
Used to be a WoF Fantribe OC named Galeforce before I redesigned him lol
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Arroyo (Toyhouse Link)
Sometimes acts as an older brother figure to Rhazz
Higher-up at a gold mine in the desert
Ruff is stylized to look like messy hair
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Foxtrot (Toyhouse Link)
NightWing/SilkWing hybrid
Stage performer, performance partners with Rhazz
Loves showtunes music
Feel free to simplify his design if needed lmao
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Magma (Toyhouse Link)
Biggest of any of my dragon characters
Veteran of some war (he never specifically says which)
Has a scar on his tail
Adoptive older brother to Sunrise
Fits the "cool uncle who brings the kids awesome gifts at their birthdays and holidays" role
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Sundial (Toyhouse Link)
IceWing/RainWing hybrid
Girlfriend of Doppler
Makes up a weather watching/storm chasing team with Doppler and ThunderSnow
Wings show what the sky outside looks like at any given time (day/night, clear/rain/snow, etc. - think like a Minecraft clock lol)
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ThunderSnow (Toyhouse Link)
IceWing/SkyWing hybrid
Wavy spines are a hybrid side effect
Wings are meant to look like a blizzard, icicles and lightning, all meant to tie back to his name
Storm chaser, works with Doppler and Sundial
Boyfriend of Eejanaika
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Wanderlust (Toyhouse Link)
Owns a safari tour business in Pantala
Sometimes wears a pith helmet at an angle as part of her tours :]
Probably has an Australian accent lol
Her catchphrase/business tagline is "Everybody needs a little more wonder in their lives!"
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Cenote (Toyhouse Link)
PackWing (WoF Fantribe)
Name is pronounced Seh-noh-Tay)
Lives in the forest and has a lot of knowledge about herbs and plants and stuff
Spends so much time in the woods that the smell tends to follow him wherever he goes
Markings and stuff can be simplified if needed lol
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Chernobyl (Toyhouse Link)
NightWing/SandWing hybrid
Used to be the king of a fantribe I had made called FissionWings, which is why he has his floaty crown
Orange stripe along his flank is highly radioactive
The spots on his wings flicker with little sparks of radiation
Generally cold and stoic, usually keeps to himself
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South (Toyhouse Link)
Melanistic IceWing
Named to contrast all of the IceWing OCs named North lmao
Youngest/smallest of all my dragon OCs
Very innocent and happy since he's still pretty young
Love to play with his friends
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StrangeEvidence (Toyhouse Link)
NightWing with weak future seeing powers
Based on the terrible Science Channel show of the same name [I have no shame]
Tries to interpret his visions but goes like, way overboard and sounds ridiculous in the process
When they turn out to be something totally mundane, he's just like  "alright, so that's what that's about. Hm, neat" and walks away
These last two are doubled up due to Tumblr's 30 image per post limit </3
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Sunrise (Toyhouse Link)
Also fairly young, but older than South (like what would be tween age in humans)
Kind of a ditz and lacks any kind of inhibition, which sometimes gets her into trouble
Adoptive younger sister to Magma, who often helps her out of the trouble she gets herself into
Tōhoku (Toyhouse Link)
SeaWing/SandWing hybrid
Lives by the beach
Loves to cook and owns a snack shack by the ocean
Very chill, would probably host a surfing contest
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gem-tavvy · 7 months
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decided to finally post the unedited version of that art i posted of my fankid lyle outfit-swapped with a friend's oc!
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druvjelly · 2 months
More oc am I the asshole
AITA for telling the popular girl her life isn’t a tragedy
Okay so long story short, I (f16) is stuck with doing a group project with this girl, I will call Jupiter (f16) for privacy reasons. We are opposites, she is this popular really pretty girl who won the local county pageant and all that. She has several friends and was dating the quarterback until he came out as gay last week. (She is still in denial over that however). I’m not super pretty, at least compared to her, I would rate myself a 5/10 with hair, makeup, and outfit on. Also I am not really popular, I have two friends. But I’m the kid who eats lunch in the art classroom while watching anime. I’ve had people who have kept me around just to seem more normal and such. But back to our group project. I started to talk about a visual kei band I like and she went “wow, you must really like them,” i said without thinking “there is nothing wrong with being straight forward you know,”
I added baking soda to the science fair volcano with that one. She started ranting talking about how hard she had it, saying stuff like “sometimes people view me as a bitch if I’m honest,” and “at least people don’t only see you for your looks,” (I’m the only black student at our fancy private school in Washington). One thing that really got to me was when I told her “hey, I’m autistic, I don’t like it when people aren’t straight forward,” and she said
“You know, people at least allow you to be yourself,”
Never in my life had I met someone with less social intelligence than me. So I told her this. Because I had to interact with her family a few times due to the group project. She had photos of her up on the wall while her older sister was ignored, she always had the say in conversations. She owned luxury brands and everything.
“So you, have been raised with your parents giving you everything, you being their golden child, you are naturally social, and pretty, everyone likes you, you dated the hottest guy in our school before he came out, right,?”
She answered
“Yeah, but you see, sometimes,”
I told her everyone struggles sometimes, and her life isn’t a tragedy because I think she keeps overreacting to the smallest things. And now she’s mad and told me she wouldn’t mind swapping places with me.
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dreamtydraw · 1 year
One More Free Character Ramble Ask here for you! Free for you to spend whenever you feel like it hehe
much love !
Well hello hello darling, i'll use my special card to make a new design analysis for one of my OL oc :
Darcie Second 🍁
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Starting off with basic needed infos : Darcie was build around Valentin as a sort of opposite yet similar character. Their duality is shown in their personality, color palette and evolution. Therefore if you haven't read my Valentin design explanation i advise you to read it first here before continuing with this one.
Darcie’s name was chosen for it’s meaning « dark haired » « from the dark ». Darcie is someone who lives in the shadow of other people, rarely looked upon you can almost forget she's here. Her name is also a reference to Mr. Darcy from pride and pejudice, who despise seeming rude is actually a shy character of heart who find it hard to converse with others.
Cerise is summer, Valentin is winter but Darcie is... The changing of seasons. Starting with winter palette, turning into fall and then spring ( their step 4 will surely be themed around summer but i can't confirm it surely until the game is out )
Another commom but slightly changed theme is fruits : Darcie is a vegetable, more precisely Onions ( sweet onions and red onions ), she has a lot of layers.
Darcie is Valentin's twin but is identifiable by some specific details: her tooth gap and multiple moles that she has way more than her sibling. Those are details that make her special but that she feels self-conscious about. Do you find it cute? She'll think you're making fun of her because in her eyes it's not.
Another subtle facial difference is her blue eyes. Where Valentin stands out with their heterochromia, Darcie's eyes look quite simple, another negative detail that goes on the list that differentiates the twins.
Step 1
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At some point in childhood, the twins decide to have a very distinct way to tell them apart and it’s by a haircut. Darcie chose to have her hair short because her sibling convinced her she would look really cool like that.
She’s from a snowy region, her palette is cold but tinted with some warm because of the color purple. Purple is Darcie’s favorite color, wearing it and having a trinket of that color makes her a bit happy. The color is also similar to the blue pastel of Valentin, making them different yet very close. Their outfit composition I also very similar with the big sweater and white bottom
Passionate about scientific books and animals, the young girl owns a cat-shaped hat to keep her head warm since her hair is short, and also a little bag, to put trinkets in it.
Step 2
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Darcie is not a confident person so she tries to look like people who are, for example, her sibling. Her step 2 design is close to Valentin’s step 1 design, mainly the pigtails and new piercings. Sadly you can catch her lack of confidence with that choice: Valentin wears high pigtails that stand out, and Darcie’s pigtails are downs.
Her color palette warms up drastically, and she has taken her marks in Golden Grove. She kept some touch of purple but overall she bland perfectly in the warm trees of the town, she’s practically invisible. The only trace of winter color is her blue shorts, but even those are almost unnoticeable when you look at them.
Her cat hat got swapped for a necklace because it was judged too childish, and her old blue bag got traded for a new brown one, surely broken with time.
Step 2 Darcie is content with being part of the decor, but deep down she wants to be her own person and be more like what her siblings used to be.
Step 3
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Step 3 is the more confident Darcie has ever been about herself. Angsty teen years pass and she grew to love herself with the support of her family and friend which resulted in a newfound physical appearance.
She dyed her hair lighter, putting a definitive separation between her and her sibling and marking her individuality. The warm color approaches the purple she likes so much and she wears more girly, pretty, and croquettes clothes borrowed from her sibling.
She got a new set of piercing and bought little cat shaped one because simply, she liked them.
Darcie has a more bright palette to contrast with her sibling and both of them form a sort of duo of little swans ( black and white ) or ugly ducklings who grew to love themselves before all.
I don't know yet how I will approach her story, this will depend on the main storyline of will approach, but I am really happy to develop her more! Thanks you for readings love!
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deltaswapjevil · 7 months
Trick or treat!
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Here's some drawings as a treat
Spamton and Jevil clothing swap! Jevil's suits too tight, his glasses impair his vision, and he's naked from the waist down. Meanwhile Spamton can't see, his clothes are too big, and those shoes hurt his stub feet.
Spamton and Jevil as Sans and Papyrus. Spamton is Papyrus and Jevil is sans. Need I say more?
Doodles of Swap Lancers and Vampliance (like appliance and vampire). Just cause he's an NPC don't mean he's still not goofy. There's also She-Lance, Bandana Lance, and Jeff.
New secret boss concept art. A Mr. Rodgers/Welcome Home kinda dude. Is the boss the Muppet or his sock? Who knows! Cause he's still in development
More secret boss concepts. An x ray machine and a goofy ass clown. Idk. They're just concepts
A look inside my psyche via my math notes art. Top is my secret boss oc (forgot to reveal him) Creatos dressed as Balloon Boy (spoilers for an art piece I'm working on). Purple Guy and Springtrap but....bad. My secret boss oc and my friends; "Autism Boobs!" "Whyre you like this?". My other friends secret boss oc dressed as Jason. Another secret boss I'm working on dressed as Frankenstein. And a weird dude telling you to kill a snail.
More note doodles. Kris being impaled by BIG ASS KNIFE. Jevil and Spamton attacking anyone who misgenders Kris. Sans wearing an "I ❤️ Goat Moms" after leaving Toriel's bedroom....
Art of myself in my Halloween costume (I was the funny skrunkly Spamton). With the school version of the outfit in the corner. And Crocs since I wore those the first time I wore this and the second time I wore Hey Dudes.
And lastly predictions for the main bosses of chapters 3-6. The Rook (also known as Mike, Teevee, and Tenna) for the TV dark world in kris's TV. Bishop for a religious dark world in the church. Knight (not the real one but rather a fake out) for a book themed dark world in the librarby. And a Pawn boss for a dark world in kris and asirels room for after Asriel returns from college (they're a species rather than one person)
Ok that's a lot
Hope you like
Now I'm tired
Go home
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nightflower-stuff · 7 months
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❣️ Our favourite boy (+ OCs/characters & Art doodle) 💖
Here's more drawing Fanart of Miko Chen 😎🙈❤️💝.
1st slide:
I'm simply doodle him in my art with Dancing Rasta & Don Aldo ♥️😄💗. But except, Don Aldo react him used his abs for drink his milk tea/slushies 🙈❤️
2nd slide:
I made my AU of Shakes & Miko are swap roles & actions of chosen one. Canon Shakes was the main character & Canon Miko was supporting/major. 💗🥰. For my AU, Miko was the main character who has his power & his friends from different dimensions & Shakes was the support who's staying at Strikaland with Supa strikas 🥺🙊❣️
3rd slide:
The girls from FC Nakama are aggressive to the two boys of FC Nakama. Fanart gift for @miko_chen9 🤭♥️
4th slide:
He has his undercover/disguise himself as citizen when he won't get caught by his fans.👀❤️
Last slide:
He should wear the awesome clothes (possibly goth outfit) for the fashion show than El Matador & Ninja 🥴🖤✨. He's bad handsome guy than Skarra & other players 👀🖤
I will draw him more!! Because all FC Nakama fans would love him 😆♥️🙈😳
Hope you guys like him!!! ❤️🙈🛐
Shigeko (My 1st OC)
Takeshi, Luna & Koyuki (@/miko_chen on Instagram)
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livewireprojects · 10 months
Elaith stuff(I ramble a lot plus pictures)
My friend @tay-likes-toons​ has been posting about Elaith with clipped sketches I made(he has permission) so I thought I’d show them too since I don’t post much on here
Link to first bio post with my sketch
Link to updated bio with art someone made for my friend
Link1 & Link2 of art from the person that made the pic for the second post
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So to explain some things Elaith is technically a shared OC though he’s semi more of Vincent’s as he makes more stuff on Elaith & was the one to make most of the info. He’s an Unicorn Warriors Eternal insert of my OC Arthur that kinda got a lot of changes. I dunno why but he’s just an alternate version of the OC that’s kinda become my recent obsession.
This pic as the text says has 3 versions. Ver 2 is Vincent’s version, ver 1 is my version/the first made before edits were done. Arthur is the character Elaith came from, he has bandages over his face cause he has face scars he covers up due to trauma & I wanted to show his face cause he usually hides it behind a mask.
The difference between ver 1 & ver 2 is that ver 2 is a bit bitter over his family(ignoring his uncle who raised him) not being there while ver 1 is a little softer & is indifferent as he just wants to meet the family he never got to be with growing up.(I mean both want to meet their parents ver 2 is just more bitter over them not being there while ver 1 kinda aimed the bitterness more towards Merlin)
I should probably explain a little if you didn’t see read the links. Elaith is an OC meant to be the son of Melinda & Edred, Elaith was a new born when their souls were first put into Copernicus, Merlin was suppose to care for Elaith in their place but got arrested leading to Aelwulf taking in his new nephew. Aelwulf raised him until he was 7 & then Elaith was kidnapped by the Eastern Elf Clan until Edred’s meant to be fiance set him free & he eventually ended up among humans.
At some point like Arthur(who I need to make a bio for) Elaith stopped aging leaving it frozen at 23 years old. At some point he started making detailed journals on what he’s learned of the Unicorn Warriors & currently runs a bookshop near the Reawakening. He wishes to reunite with the family he never got to have which might be tricky as Edred is the only one between his parents that remembers who he is.
Some things have possibly been changed/edited as it’s been a while since Vincent told me about this.
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Here’s a sketch ref of Arthur, Arthur is a starchild that’s kind of had a few bad hands in life until meeting his work partner/later on life partner Terry. He’s a kind but reserved person that due to an incident that left him with facial scars he hides with a mask Arthur is unable to remember part of his past.
At some point the incident that led to the scars made him become a gem person which due to amnesia he has no idea what led to it. This has led to his age being frozen at 23. It might be a little telling that he dresses like a scenekid & like he’s from the early 2000s.
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Here’s Arthur & Elaith with swapped/resized outfits, I wanted to show Arthur’s face so most of his scars are covered. I want to also mention Elaith is 5′11″ & Arthur is 5′1″.
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the-clay-quarters · 7 months
Afternoon's Investigations
Following a lead on your current case lands you a disappointing jaunt through the docks, advice from feisty urchins, and a lecture on fabric choices.
Written for @facingfearbuildingfuture as part of @fallenlondonficswap's secret swap, with the prompt of detective work and urchins! Also ft. my oc :D
1.3k words, 2nd person pov, and available on ao3
You’ve been contacted by the residents of a recently-robbed town house, tasked with tracking down the culprit. Your current best lead points toward a man seen frequenting parts of Wolfstack docks.
There is a lead in Watchmaker’s hill and the menace department but, if he does work there, that would mean trying to find a monster hunter at work. Might as well start searching the entire zee at that point, or sitting around the department for hours on the off chance he shows up.
As you get to the docks, it becomes pretty clear that most of the residents aren't very keen on prying detectives. You do learn a few things, but none are
particularly useful; plenty of folks call him "kid", so he must be decently young; he's supposedly married but nobody seems to know his spouse, and they definitely haven't been seen together; he's a fan of vests, bowler hats, the colour green... Nothing that actually tells you where he could be.
Sitting on a stray ship crate to organise your notes after being rebuffed by yet another docker, you're approached by a pair of urchins. One stands in front of you with her arms crossed and chest puffed out, the other hovering over her shoulder. They both look about what you'd expect, grubby and tattered, but you can't help but notice that some of the more egregious holes in their outfits have been neatly patched with a striking green fabric.
"Oi, mate, we've been sein' you 'round the docks today. Right miserable sight, that's for sure." She shakes her head for emphasis, "We've got the scoop on your guy, so figured we'd lend a 'and... Well, I don' give a damn but Tom insisted-" She's quickly interrupted by a swift smack on the back of the head by her quiet friend -- Tom -- who continues for her.
"I don' care, it's only pity. We can still help, though it'll cost ya." He dodges a jabbing elbow and a glare from his partner as he finishes, looking at you expectantly. As you fish through your pockets to give them something, the two start squabbling, arguing about too many things to get a full point across. You get their attention before they can devolve into an actual fist fight, forking over a few pieces of rostygold that are fought over for a moment before settling in Tom's hands. "Edith you can' have 'em you don' know your numbers yet."
Edith grumbles at him before turning back to you with a huff. "You're lookin' for mista Pembroke and you won' find him here, he's off in the marshes doin' who knows what. Might come 'round here when he's done but that won' be for a few days. You're better off lookin' for his spot up in Veilgarden, maybe a chat with his missus. I'll tell ya where they're at but you gotta promise to be nice to her. She's real good with us, y'see, can' be gettin' her in trouble." Tom nods behind her, having counted and pocketed their payment.
Veilgarden, huh? Certainly not what you expected. Most of the people here would rather avoid that area unless they're drunk, maybe his wife got to pick the house? And if she's supposed to be there, you might have to change your tactic to something more subtle or she'd get defensive. You think it over for a moment before agreeing to the kids' terms, promising to leave her be. Edith beams and starts rattling off directions that involve too many scaled walls and rooftops for your liking. Tom rolls his eyes and grabs your pen, scribbling the address at the bottom of your page instead. The two bicker some more as they leave, it's not until they're long gone that you realise you didn't get your pen back.
It doesn't take too long to get to the provided address, though you did have to ask for directions twice, blasted lack of maps and twisted alleys. What you find there isn't a house, in fact, but a tailors' shop. The front window shows off a set of outfits, moderately expensive looking with moon-pearl accents. It's hard to see much of the inside past the display but it does look to be an honest store, display shelves and rolls of fabric lining the visible wall. A couple exits the store with cheerful goodbyes to the shopkeep as you stand there.
This really doesn't feel like the right place -- were those urchins just advertising? -- but it wouldn't hurt to try. It can't be more of a waste of time than the docks, though you may end up with a new jacket you don't need by the end of it. You sigh and push the door open, stepping into the store as a small bell above your head signals your entry.
The interior is brightly lit from gas lamps on the walls. There's more displays than you could see from outside, showing off everything from bonnets and brooches to full ensembles. The range of price tags seems quite wide, too, with practical work clothes next to elaborate suits. Towards the back of the room is a messy desk, covered in half finished garments and fabric cuttings; that's where you find the shopkeep herself, adding to the stack.
She looks up from her attempt at reorganising, offering a warm smile and a greeting before quickly getting distracted by a pile of cloth threatening to slide to the floor. She seems an alright lady; average height, hair loose around her shoulders in a way you're sure is out of fashion, and a modestly cut dress in a muted green.
After restabilising the precariously balanced collection, she finally turns to you. "So," she starts, "how can I help you? I'm sure I have plenty of options in your size, certainly something that would suit you better."
Sidestepping the subtle insult to your current garb, you instead ask about her and her work. "Cordelia Pembroke, tailor and seamstress," she smiles proudly. "This is my little business, selling things I've made or fixing up what people bring me. There's plenty going on, folks go through clothes quicker than you'd expect these days." You nod, watching as she wanders through the store messing with various displays.
You idly thumb through a selection of fabric, faking casual interest. Does she have anyone else working here, family perhaps? "No, no, it's just me. Sometimes I'll have the local urchins running errands in exchange for patching them up, but all the actual work here is just myself." That'll explain the two urchins from earlier, then, but what sort of errand would send them to the docks? "Oh, did you meet Edith and Thomas? Lovely pair, when they can work together. I sent them to pick up fish offcuts for my husband. He deals with errant monsters, see, and his current quarry seems to need some convincing."
There it is, her husband, that's the line of conversation you need. "Oh, are you looking for him?" She gives you a curious look, a suspicious squint that borders on a glare. "I'm afraid he's quite busy at the moment, but I can leave a message if you'd like." You feign innocence, citing mere professional curiosity. She glares at you for a moment more then sighs, turning back to her displays. "My dear Theo works with the menace department, is all. Perfectly good work if you've got the energy, and he has plenty."
Directing the conversation back to her work, you let her ramble about fashion and fabric as you consider your options. It's unlikely you'll get anything direct about your case from her if the simple mention of her husband puts her on edge... But that level of caution does lead to believe she knows something, or maybe she's just protective? The little things she says about him does line up with what you had before, so at least you know you have the right person. You resign yourself to learning no more today, returning home with the scant progress you've made.
You do end up buying something before you leave; a small coat pin with a very round fabric flower, apparently a dahlia. You must admit, it is quite pretty, even if the green is a tad too vibrant for your tastes.
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