#and it's just frustrating that this is such a highly debated topic that lacks all the nuance it's handled with in the source material
fromtheseventhhell · 21 days
One major factor missing from most debates on Arya and Lyanna's beauty is that they're being judged by their society's extremely patriarchal values. In both looks and personality, that context is essential to understanding how others perceive them. George explores the misogyny experienced by non-conforming women, especially with Arya, and it's interesting how he plays with that regarding their physical beauty.
Her mother used to say she could be pretty if she would just wash and brush her hair and take more care with her dress, the way her sister did. (The Blind Girl, ADWD) "You never knew Lyanna as I did, Robert," Ned told him. "You saw her beauty, but not the iron underneath. She would have told you that you have no business in the melee." (Eddard VII, AGOT)
These two quotes offer a nice summation of this idea. With Arya, her supposed lack of beauty is defined by her being a non-conforming wild child. Her hair is messy, her face is dirty, and she's often in "lower class" clothing while engaging in unladylike activities. None of this says anything about her physical beauty but it tells us everything about how she's perceived. Arya could be pretty...If she conforms to society's standards for a highborn Lady. With Lyanna, however, we get the opposite. Where Arya is judged based on her personality, Robert's romanticization of Lyanna is rooted solely in her looks. He doesn't know anything about the person she really was. There is an assumption that, because she looked a certain way, her personality must fit and Robert imagines her much softer and more passive than she actually was.
That Arya isn't pretty or Lyanna wasn't wild are two perceptions that George specifically pushes back against. This is where people miss the brilliance of them being linked as literary mirrors; it is largely about us learning more about Lyanna, but it touches on more than that. The significance of them being written as wild, willful, and with their own beauty is that George isn't writing his female characters around patriarchal expectations. When people debate their beauty, that's often the trapping they fall into. Beauty and non-conformity are treated as mutually exclusive factors when the story itself never makes that point; this is also the logic that leads people to the (incorrect) conclusion that Lyanna and Arya aren't meant to be similar. Arya's self-esteem issues around her looks and being a Lady make this a topic certain to be addressed in the future; George has made it a part of the story. The conclusion shouldn't be that "looks don't matter", but that looks aren't indicative of a character's value, personality, or morality.
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superman--yoosung · 3 months
@imjustabeanie thank you so much for reaching out about this matchup exchange, I've had a blast doing this again!!
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Your matchup is.................................
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Among all of those associated with the Akademiya, none are considered as calculatingly cold as the former Acting Grand Sage and his girlfriend. Students and Sages alike tend to tread warily around them both, lest they earn their sharp ire and harsh denouncements.
Of course, among those who consider them their friends, such worries are unreasonable (though not, admittedly, entirely unfounded). If a person is on the receiving end of their criticism, it is most certainly because it is deserved. Nor is the matter of how that criticism is taken either of their problems to deal with. After all, to both Alhaitham and his partner, brutal honesty is not "brutal" - it simply is.
Fun details:
The two of you definitely met because of an overlapping interest in a personal research topic. The fact that it continued to overlap again and again - well. Whether it was intentional or not, neither of you will admit to it one way or another, even under Cyno's line of questioning. (This is partly out of spite, but mostly just to see your friend group's frustration upon failing to get a straight answer out of you.)
Both of you are misunderstood by the majority of Sumeru. Alhaitham is perfectly fine with this. You tend to simply not notice. Whenever Kaveh or another friend brings it to your attention, you both logically remind them that the opinions of your friends matter more than those of complete strangers.
You and Alhaitham will be the death of Kaveh, by the way. There's a distinct lack of care for the fallout of your barbed words - those egos of yours, really! - that he tasks himself with trying to clean up for you afterwards. Maybe one day he'll learn to let it be - in the meantime, you and Alhaitham can amuse yourselves with the many shades of red his face turns.
You both HIGHLY value honesty. Admittedly, Alhaitham acknowledges that truth sometimes "means nothing at all" - but between the two of you, it is one of the greatest tenets of your relationship. It's what makes it truly work so well, your openness to feedback and complaints as they crop up.
Not to say that you don't have your differences. You indulge your friend's bad ideas often enough that Alhaitham is not unused to hearing about the consequences of your own actions, and being entirely unsympathetic to any resulting plight. Meanwhile, you think Alhaitham could stand to live a little more - there is only so much to be learned through words on a page, after all, much as you both enjoy reading. But you respect one another's choices.
You are both not the types to bring your baggage out to air in public. Or private, either, really. Whatever skeletons you each may have in your closets, neither of you will ever try to pry the other's open - that is to say, you'll let them come to you with those things if and when they're ready to share that burden.
Alhaitham can definitely keep pace with your racing mind, managing to follow your leaps of logic and thoughts without you having to explain them often. The two of you value sharing time with one another - most evenings are spent in one another's space, whether it's cuddling as you discuss your days and engage in lively debates or silently sitting on the couch, nudging each other with your feet as you read into the night. Learning for learning's sake is a shared love of yours.
Alhaitham is not the type to be overly physically affectionate, but he shows his feelings through actions and gifts. Dinner, brought home after a late work night; a new book over your shared interest topic, with a brief handwritten note slipped inside the front cover; a new piece of clothing to replace the one mucked up recently by a scuffle with some fungi, in the exact same shade and size as the old one - he gives you things he considers both valuable and practical. (Unfortunately, anything "aesthetic" he gets you will probably be... erm... eclectic. 50/50 whether it'll actually match YOUR aesthetics.)
He likewise values your thoughtful gifts to him. You'll find them proudly on display and scattered around the house, or carefully tucked along the bookshelves near the things he inherited from his grandmother. (The rest will fit in his pockets, somehow, or be incorporated into his daily routine.)
Maybe you're both a bit too harsh, in the eyes of some. Those opinions hold little stock in the grand scheme of things. Certainly, to your boyfriend, they have little meaning to them. Simple pleasures - having fun among friends; slipping a new book into place on your desk and watching the way your eyes light up at the sight of it; opening a present you give him to discover it's just what he's been needing this week; falling asleep and opening his eyes to the sight of you, warm and content beside him - these are the things worth time, worth effort, worth keeping. Those shared, stolen moments between the two of you are the most meaningful of all.
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It was honestly a toss-up between Childe and Alhaitham; Childe would match your chaotic energy and enthusiasm for life more than Alhaitham would ever be able to, but he's also deceived people canonically more than Alhaitham has, too. In the end, they would both be excellent matches with you, but I hope you enjoyed this one!
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astrolovecosmos · 3 years
Neptune: Deep Dive
Pink petals
fallen onto
night shaded
Nothing is ever as it seems.
Wood turned to metal.
Reality turned to dreams.
-Natasha Reeves 
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The planet Neptune I think is most famous for two things - illusions and dreamy or ethereal associations. A lot of negativity is also commonly associated such as addiction, insanity, guilt, sorrow, denial, and doubt. This planet is complex and just like all the other planets has a huge array of associations. What prompted me to do a deep dive in Neptune? Well for one I’ve been going through the transit of Neptune in Pisces crossing over my IC which has been powerful and I am at the end of my progressed Moon in the 12th House. Also in my own chart I’ve been paying more attention to my natal Neptune placements... which are a lot more prominent and worthy of my attention than I’ve understood and noticed in the past. Honestly I spend a lot more time analyzing others’ charts vs. my own, and I really should have looked more closely at some of my own aspects. I have had a LOT of experience with Pisces influences throughout my life, intense ones. I want to make it clear that Pisces DOES NOT = Neptune. I’ve always wanted to write a whole essay about my experience as a Pisces friend, lover, family member, enemy, etc. An outsiders opinion but that isn’t this. This is a disclaimer because this is going to be both theory and my own experiences. This is a deep dive. 
The Sea’s Love and Wrath 
Neptune in a lot of mainstream media is described as gentle but this planet can be unpredictable and harsh, with erratic energy that could rival Uranus. Neptune can be about tolerance and kindness, seeing past the ego and material. Neptune can embody or promote unconditional love and forgiveness. Because Neptune can be about dissolving and merging this planet allows us to see ourselves in others, maybe even in everyone allowing for compassion, empathy, and the ability to love very freely and openly. But the illusion and deception of Neptune is its shadow. 
Romanticizing and idealizing can be one of Neptune’s downfalls. Many times this is described as putting other’s on a pedestal but this can be applied to any area of life from work to places to ideals. From this those with strong Neptune aspects or prominent placements can find that disappointment is a frequent visitor. Neptune square, opposite, or conjunct Venus can quickly fall for others, trust others, and gravitates towards those they want to help or who have a strong personality they can meld with. Neptune opposite or square Mercury may face the frustration and disappointment of frequently being misunderstood or finding that they easily misread others or trust their words. After feeling tricked there can be wrath to these oceanic bodies. 
Where will their vengeance or anger land? It isn’t fair if they idolize you to get mad at you... sometimes their anger is self-loathing and self-destructive, other times they take you down with them. But the lesson is that Neptune can be as soft and as dangerous as the sea. 
Enlightenment and Madness
Coming down from the high, was getting lost in Neptune’s blue. Dreams and visions dancing in the back of my mind, when reality is so hard to chew. Sensation used to distract and pieces of stories stitched together to where nothing is fact.- Natasha Reeves 
There are many influences that can grant us wisdom or enlightenment throughout astrology, but I don’t see too many writings or posts about Neptune and its connection to enlightenment, nirvana, or eurekas and on the flipside also insanity and denial. Neptune can pull away the fog to give us clarity - especially when looking at the whole of things, the big picture. Neptune can famously also be the fog. 
The transit of Neptune crossing over my IC/4th House brought a lot of light to my childhood and how I was raised. However my IC is in Pisces, while Pisces isn’t the same as the planet, and many astrologers believe Neptune is not the ruling planet of Pisces - it is a sign known for illusions, confusion, and vagueness much like Neptune. I came from a place of a lot of secretiveness and vagueness, but when the “planet of illusions” crossed over I found myself accepting the instability and moments I felt lost or clueless in my life as well as looking back with remembering and understanding. 
Neptune can represent the part of us that is hard to grasp and understand, it also faces us with the idea that it is okay to have unanswered questions, to not have closure, that many times we have to create that closure or solidity ourselves. Neptune much like Jupiter is a matter of faith whether in ourselves or a higher power. 
It should be noted Neptune doesn’t always mean outside sources. Neptune is an introverted, intimate actor. It can represent how we lie to ourselves, trick ourselves, or how we push responsibility off of ourselves. Neptune also allows us to see, understand, more importantly feel what we easily ignore or can’t see. 
Life’s Extremes - Our Extremes 
“Neptune moves between the greatest extremes: from the highest spiritual awareness through imagination, fantasy, and illusion, to the depths of deceptions and disillusionment. The planet of mysticism, glamour, and enchantment, Neptune exerts a hypotonic fascination.” - Judy Hall. 
When many think of extremes they probably think Pluto before Neptune. The blue sphere isn’t going to take away the icy orb’s reputation - Pluto holds tightly in terms of extremes, but Neptune is far from a level-headed, consistent influence. Let’s touch on fantasy and illusion - two things that tends to warn of foolishness or impracticality, but fantasy is part of everyone’s life, no matter how pragmatic or mature an individual claims to be. From coping to manifesting to understanding to enjoying, fantasy is a natural human thing. Think of how often you daydream in an hour, how many books, movies, and games you indulge in, how often you find yourself being tempted by gossip, and how often you find yourself painting a picture of another in your head - negative or positive. 
Neptune symbolizes the abstract, importance, and rawness of our fantasies. Individuals with prominent Neptune aspects can find themselves easily tapping into their imagination, falling into escapism frequently, or have a great use for their wild ideas. If you think of the subject of fantasies or illusion as an extreme - it makes sense. You aren’t going to get an interesting story without the gods and monsters. Our sleeping dreams often are filled with strangeness or strong emotions. Clarity to madness, hopeless romantic highs to deeply wounded sorrows, and dissolving/surrendering to becoming whole/complete are common extremes this planet centers around. 
I have Mercury Square Neptune which tends to make one doubtful of their own opinions and intellect, can increase misunderstandings, and make communication difficult for the individual. Mercury Square Neptune can make someone highly persuasive and deceptive but it can also make one easily confused, tricked, and manipulated by others. Rationality and intuition can conflict. One experience I have with this aspect is usually swinging from extremes to being very withdrawn and quiet to interrupting others, chatting away. I’ve been described by those in my life as always saying something they didn’t expect - few words but impactful or strange ones. This is an example of the more everyday way Neptune can present itself.
“Neptune-attuned people possess glamour in the old sense of the word: the ability to bewitch. They are also impossible to categorize or pin down, demonstrating the planet’s elusive quality. Lacking strong boundaries, Neptune-attuned people are susceptible to outside influences.” - Judy Hall. It is from these lack of boundaries and fluidness we see Neptune’s extremeness. Neptune aspects can have us take on the traits of others and there is intensity in that. Let’s say we are talking about a Neptune to Mercury aspect, here may be someone who is easily energized or put down by the mood of another. Neptune to Mars can create a volatile person who fights, guards, and pursues based on their inner circle. 
Alice: Imagination and Dreams 
Personally I tend to associate Alice in Wonderland with Gemini themes. But I’ve seen her used as a metaphor for many placements and influences, such as Scorpio and Pluto. Neptune’s lostness certainly relates to the character and story. Neptune can be the planet of dreams. Challenging aspects to Saturn indicates someone who struggles to get in touch with reality while easy aspects to Saturn indicates someone who can marry big dreams or imagination to practicality. 
Neptune to Moon aspects can indicate powerful dreaming - almost intuitive or helpful in processing stress or trauma. So does Neptune in the 12th, 4th, 8th, and possibly 9th. Neptune in the 2nd can mean imagination or even dreams themselves act as a resource, maybe this is through inspiration or increasing one’s belief or confidence. Neptune in the 3rd may find themselves always remembering their dreams and keeping a journal. Neptune in the 5th blessed with all of the fun dreams of flying or dreaming of a favorite fictional character. Neptune in the 6th or 10th may find strikes of inspiration, knowledge, problem solving, or important foresight in their sleep. Neptune in the 11th may find comfort or realize important information about self and/or society in their dreams. 
Neptune is a newer planet, many times called the visionary, healer, or spiritual link or messenger. Traditional astrologers can approach the planet with a lot of skepticism. Its exaltation is in creative Leo, detriment in practical Virgo, and fall in usually praised as “visionary” Aquarius. Neptune is still new enough to be a hot topic of debate. You will find many astrologers don’t even agree on the planet’s exaltation, fall, and detriment. Leo is considered one of the most creative sign and on the topic of imagination and dreams Neptune can feel amazing in this sign. It feels confident and shinning in its ideas, fantasies, and magic. Elusive and ever-changing Neptune doesn’t feel comfortable in stable and structured Virgo. But Aquarius is an unexpected challenge for Neptune. Aquarius is about collective action - unity that Neptune also is familiar with. But Aquarius is a cold sign and despite its unconventional side can be highly practical and may dislike unrealistic ideas or approaches. Saturn is Aquarius’s co-ruler after all. Neptune wants oneness as in intimacy, not oneness in action or rebellion like Aquarius. Neptune is the magical moonlit spring to heal all your wounds, especially the emotional and spiritual kind. Aquarius is the soul forge in Asgard from Thor: The Dark World or the hypospray in Star Trek. Aquarius is modern medicine most of the time and when Neptune is dressed in Aquarius’s colors at its best it is advanced medicine we don’t understand yet but are working towards. Neptune in Aquarius can be a genius, but it is about ambitious realism to help others, Neptune at its heart is about helping the individual on the most personal level. Aquarius is random strikes of lightning coming from an active mind while Neptune flows from one spot to another, always connected and coming from an original primal, emotional place. Aquarius is the future, Neptune is outside of time. Aquarius is intellect and Neptune emotions and intuition. Aquarius is rebellion, riot, revolution, Neptune is peace or death and rebirth - Aquarius is the noise and Neptune the silence. 
Some believe Neptune’s fall is in Capricorn, which the struggles exist with Capricorn’s strictness and clinging to reality and control. Neptune in Leo is Alice looking regal like a queen or warrior going to fight the jabberwock, Neptune in Virgo can get dark, feeling uncomfortable and maybe in pain, but still important and empowering. Alice in Aquarius or Capricorn is likely a totally new story, adult Alice putting away the tea parties and white rabbits for a lab coat or pantsuit. 
What about Healing and the Spiritual? 
Let’s get to what Neptune may be most known for. That otherworldly connection, the power of love, transcendence. Neptune is dramatic and it is soothing. Neptune embraces all aspects of the human experience so we can focus more on the soul. Neptune is all about healing and how healing can come in a million ways. It can be fast and hard or slow and revealing. It is painful and messy, it goes in cycles, loops, falls and rises. 
Neptune whether the aspects are easy or challenging, whether in a house focused on the self or others, it gives everyone ways to heal and to connect. As an outer planet it gives a lot of insight into generations but in the unique placement of one’s chart it touches us with humanity. 
Pretty speeches, enchanting metaphors, crazy nights, and charming lovers lead us to our doom and a raw poem, crying ourselves to sleep, old medicine, late night graveyard walks, and maybe a rebound help us pick up the pieces. Neptune many times shows us that the unexpected is what tears us down and what lifts us back up. It teaches us nothing is inherently bad like substances, manipulation, honesty, authority, it is how it is used. Neptune shows us that you are the hero to some and the villain to others. 
Regret, shame, guilt, feeling trapped, isolation, addiction, grief, and sorrow are closely linked to Neptune. I believe many times this is due to the healing process or spiritual associations of the planet. These emotions are heavy and life-changing but they are emotions that many times need to be faced with a lot of bravery and work. They are feelings that also help us come to realizations. Neptune is associated with rebirth and if you examine emotions like regret or shame, sometimes rebirth is the only way you can shed those feelings. Neptune’s fluid nature also allows us acceptance, which is needed to deal with such heavy emotions. 
While we always talk about the lack of boundaries as a dangerous or bad thing... and it can be, these lack of boundaries like I mentioned above can allow for a very giving love and empathy, it also allows us to feel or interact with a higher power, magic, and the spiritual. Whatever your beat is - religion, magic, or the belief we are just star stuff, Neptune symbolizes our relationship with it. 
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capricores · 4 years
hey, love 💓 hope you’re having a good day. I just discovered I have an Aquarius stellium and I don’t really know what it means 🙃
thank you so much angel! aquarius stellium:
“extrovert-passing introverts” // aquarius stelliums are great at being social, and they like connecting with people, but they tend to hate being social at the exact same time, they like isolation/alone time and can have a pretty short fuse for dealing with people (it’s pretty conflicting! they have a love-hate relationship with being social lol, it highly depends on the house of the aquarius stellium in this case)
they tend to have that “social battery”, but it works both ways. they need social interaction for happiness (esp aquarius moon/venus), but they also usually need a day or three to recharge after social interactions/gatherings
despite their very chill, calm exterior i do find they get irritated and frustrated pretty easily, they have a very low tolerance for people’s bs and they aren’t usually great at hiding their annoyance (mostly because they simply don’t care to; in an aquarian’s mind they don’t generally see why they would hide their emotions for your sake)
surprisingly very stubborn! people expect them to be open since they’re an air sign; and mind you, they are very good at listening and understanding new ideas, concepts, ways of thinking/doing things, etc., but it’s pretty rare for aqua dominant people to change their ways/mind; and if they do it has to be on their own terms & feel like it was their own choice/idea
they can have issues when it comes to embracing & accepting their emotions; they tend to intellectualize and try to rationalize everything they feel (this will depend heavily on the individual’s moon though)
tend to be musically and/or artistically inclined, usually the most talented and creative people you’ll ever meet (i find most aquarians use art/music as an outlet; and a huge chunk of aquarius stelliums i’ve “studied” or read for have made their careers in the art fields)
i’ve noticed they tend to stutter a lot when speaking! aquarian dominant people (esp aquarius moons, mercurys) have this habit of speaking before they’ve actually formed the thought/planned out what they were gonna say: so they kinda of just “sjlkfdjdlkf” irl sometimes or take a while to finish their sentence (scattered speaking style)
they don’t like talking about their emotions/feelings unless they can be self-deprecating about it or make a relatable meme/joke out of it
very analytical people and they overthink anything and everything that people say and do (especially with aquarius moon and/or mercury)
they’re quite blunt, they don’t generally sugarcoat things and can be as cutthroat as aries/capricorn are stereotyped to be
on that note, they often just say what’s on their mind at the time and they don’t intend to hurt people, they just don’t often realize the things they’re saying are hurtful/too blunt
aquarians are very, ‘why would i filter myself for someone? i don’t want people to filter to me’, and it can be hard for them to understand some people’s sensitivities in conversation
they really despise copycat or reflector-type individuals; their biggest turn-offs tend to be those who follow the crowd, don’t think for themselves, mold themselves for others, etc
aquarians can take a really, really long time to fall in love i find, as they tend to not care for it and usually just view people in a “friend way”, but once they find “their person” they are 100000% committed and will probably make big steps (from saying “i love you” to straight up moving in together, marriage, etc) very fast
undeveloped they do run a habit of having “hot and cold” relationships; a tendency to become super attached very fast only to flip the switch and detach shortly after, usually after they lose interest or become too comfortable
on the topic of romance again, aquarians also (or at least as i’ve noticed) do not use “i love you” very easily or lightly, even if they DO love you and you’re best friends/in a committed long-term relationship/etc, they don’t use the phrase very often and tend to save it for very select times
again can have a lot of trouble expressing their feelings and emotions so they can be a bit awkward at first and for a while in relationships
again they’re VERY independent and they need alone/recharging time or they’ll get very frustrated and anxious
they get very protective of their creations, ideas and style; so when they feel they’re being imitated; or when their ideas are criticized; they get extremely upset and defensive 
also very humanitarian!! i’ve noticed despite most aquarians being like “oh i hate the world/society/people/etc” they have this constant, inner need to help people/the environment/the world and tend to be really passionate about it (aquarius energy is very “fuck the world!! im gonna still save it tho”)
aquarian stelliums probably had an emo phase and if they managed to escape it they probably still dress like they’re in their emo phase lol
depending on their ascendant/midheaven they likely have a pretty unique sense of style as well; i find those with strong aquarian influence often wear very “stand out”, “in your face” and original outfits; very much the type to constantly be changing their hair colour & makeup styles as well (they like wearing things or having aesthetics that tend to shock others; they secretly enjoy getting reactions out of people)
these individuals are very committed to their work and hobbies, they tend to put those above everything else in their life. a lot of people forget the aquarian connection to saturn; aquarians are usually very committed to their jobs and work very hard when they’re in the work-zone
their friends tend to be a hugely significant part of their life too; aquarius moons/venuses especially tend to talk about their close friends ALL the time and they’re very, very protective of them (so loyal)
aquarius stelliums tend to have lots of acquaintances but only a few select close friends (and even most of those close friends they don’t fully open up to)
usually struggles with intimacy and vulnerability 
they tend to radiate a lot of natural confidence and security in themselves, despite how insecure they may feel inwardly 
not to stereotype, but they do usually tend to be drawn to obscure, occult or controversial things. often the types to have “weird” hobbies, interests or habits
often very into, or open to, things like astrology, conspiracy theories, spirituality, etc! but they do think very rationally and logically, so they like to analyze and pick apart these things at the same time, they don’t just accept and follow these things (they have no issue with picking apart their own passions and interests either, so if you debate an aquarius they probably already know what you’re gonna say lol)
usually have the nagging desire to be known (whether it be famous, or just accepted/loved by many/friends/family/etc); they likely felt misunderstood and abandoned their entire life (namely in childhood) so now they have a huge craving to be in the spotlight; although they hate admitting this
aquarians have the ability to fit in well with many types of people, yet often in childhood they were excluded and/or subjects of bullying i’ve noticed (oftentimes from their own family), which is part of the reason why they frequently grow up lacking a feeling of “belonging” or feel like “outsiders”; they deep down crave to be accepted and embraced/have fans/supporters
aquarius stelliums often struggle with fears of abandonment which contributes more to their isolation habits and independent “i dont need anyone but me and my spotify playlists” nature
they despise being controlled, tied down or told what to do; often if you tell an aquarius not to do something they’ll go out of their way to do it, even if they initially didn’t want to do said thing lol (the house that’s in aquarius will show the area of life in which they “rebel” the most; or are the most uncontrollable/free/independent) 
random note: i also find aquarius stelliums are frequently very awkward around children/don’t usually desire nor want any at all
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girlofprey7 · 3 years
Why Apritello works/doesn’t work:
a short analysis and essay about April and Donatello’s overall dynamic and development in the 2012 show.
Apritello as a pairing is a pretty damn controversial topic in the TMNT 2012 fandom, and with good reason. Some fans may dislike or be against April because of her apparent rudeness or ungrateful nature towards everyone’s favourite brainy turtle, and Donatello may be thrown under the bus for his questionable and quote on quote ‘creepy’ behaviour towards April in the earlier seasons. Because of these observations, it has lead many fans to believe that relationship is unhealthy, toxic, and even going as far to call it emotionally abusive.
Today, we’re going to be looking at WHY fans may come to that conclusion, while also trying to look at the positive and promising sides of their relationship, in order to work out if their relationship works or not. We’ll be going through the moments where both sides have shown signs of toxicity, as well as signs of respect, trust, and love.
Also I just wanna say that this is my personal opinion, and though I am trying to fully consider all points from both sides of the argument, if you don’t agree with my overall thoughts, that’s perfectly fine. Just please keep your anti posts out of the Apritello tag where us fans can’t see them.
First we’ll be starting off With the Crusher himself, Donatello.
Let’s look at his examples of his toxic behaviour first:
He did follow her around New York in Target:April O’Neil. I may love Donnie, but I’m not going to deny that this decision was wrong, nor am I going to make excuses for him. He should have given April time to come to terms with herself, instead of following her and pushing her further over the edge. This was not a good thing to do, and while I wouldnt call it whole heartedly toxic, it was highly disrespectful of April’s space.
He tried to close up on her face when he was watching her with Metal head on the roof top. This is also highly disrespectful of April’s space, and could also be considered quote on quote ‘creepy’. There’s not much to say about this scene since it was pretty short, but all I can say is that he didn’t attempt to do it again after April called him out, though it still wasn’t respectful of him to do.
He got really jealous whenever April got remotely close to Casey, or when Casey got close to April. This is only in season 2 and maybe early 3 as far as I can see, but Donnie really didn’t do well whenever Casey was around April. He tried to pull them apart aggressively from hugging in Chinatown ghost story, and would constantly childishly fight and bicker with him for April’s attention. This is definitely an example of possessive nature, but I wouldn’t call it controlling nature as well, as he never outright insulted her or judged her for hanging out with Casey, he just bickered and fought with him.
Ok, so currently that’s all the So called toxic behaviour I can think of that was in the show, but maybe I’ll be able to find more examples that people use once I watch more of the series again.
Now, let’s move on to April’s purely Toxic behaviour in the relationship:
She stopped any chances of Donnie communicating his feelings or their relationship to him. The main example being in the invasion when she silenced his confession, while nervously saying that it just makes things hurt more. While her motivation behind this behaviour is still up for debate, I won’t deny that she should have tried to listen to what he had to say first, as well as try to communicate her own emotions better with him too. This is an example of miscommunication, and bad communication between a pair.
She would often get annoyed at him when he tried to help her or protect her, like in the Kraang conspiracy when he told he he’d protect her in the fight, and she responded with, ‘protect yourself,’ in a frustrated tone. She could have told Donnie that she didn’t need his help and that she could take care of herself politely, but she made a bad choice with her words and tone. This is an example of lashing out, without thinking of the partners feelings first. But this not completely count as emotional abuse.
She yelled at him, blaming him for losing her Crystal in Bats in the Belfry. This WAS partially caused by the fact the Crystal was controlling part of her emotions and actions, but it was still a hurtful thing to do to Donnie, who was trying to be patient with her throughout. This is an example of ungratefulness towards your partner, as well as lashing out and not considering their feelings first. Again, this is a bad thing to do either way, but I’ll have to look at her other instances in order to determine whether it’s truly emotional abuse.
(I don’t know whether her not actually outright telling either Casey or Donnie how she felt should be considered totally toxic behaviour or not, so I’m just gonna leave it as a half point for her lack of responsibility with the triangle.)
She doesn’t always appreciate him, or show her appreciation when he does something nice for her. This may be connected to number 2, in which when he would attempt to protect her or help her with something, she would sometimes respond in a stubborn and annoyed manner, not being fully appreciative of his help.
Ok, so again, this is all the so called toxic behaviour that fans usually seem to bring up while talking about The relationship, but this is also all the instances I remember her displaying in the series, but if I think of any more examples that people use I’ll add them.
(Also the claim that she may have been making mixed messages is connected to number one if you were wondering.)
Now before we move on, I just want to say something real quick. I love Apritello. Yeah it’s got it’s flaws, but I mostly blame the writers for that, and not the actual characters themselves. Hell, even with the problems I think it was pretty well written for an action show overall.
Also, I’m not trying to decipher which one of the pair had the most toxic behaviour, or who was the problem in their relationship, since both April AND Donnie have done things that I don’t agree with. I’m just trying to figure out whether the good on both sides, outweighs the bad on both sides.
So now, we’ll be looking at the pairs examples of respect/support/love/and trust.
Starting with Donnie:
When he comforted April when she was infected with the gas in Fungus Humungous, he never tried to take advantage of her fearful state, and instead just wanted to make sure she was Ok. This is an example of respect and support towards a partner, and not attempting to further your chances of being with them. Though Donnie still has his undeniable love for her (yes and at this point I’m pretty sure it passed crush territory), he is still able to treat her as a friend and comfort her without the motivation of getting with her.
When he followed April in mutagen man, though it was undeniably a bad thing to do, when April chewed him out for it and said without hesitation, ‘I never want to see you again,’ he felt guilty and remorse for it, and stopped doing it after that. He didn’t follow her again, knowing she needed space after the incident with her dad. This is what separates him from being a stalker. A true stalker would know what they’re doing is wrong, feel absolutely no remorse or guilt for it, and continue doing it even when he is told to stop. Donnie felt guilty and bad about it, even though he didn’t necessarily know what he was doing could be considered wrong, and stopped doing it. This is why he isn’t a stalker, and also shows his respect for April’s space and feelings.
When he gave April a music box in A foot too big, (yeah you knew I was gonna talk about this episode eventually) she acted uncomfortable with his forward ness, as well as the fact that he said nothing the whole time and the box was another obvious ploy to start something between them, showed by the picture of him inside, as well as the heart on the front. After living with big foot, he realised his actions were uncomfortable to her, once again felt guilty and remorse for it, and apologised to her at the end of the episode. He respected what she felt, and was willing to sacrifice his happiness for her. He stopped his behaviour after that and became more chilled and subtle with his crush. Sure he still bickers with Casey like the episode after, but I think that’s just their dynamic/relationship more than it is them fighting for April. My point is, he improved as a person because of HER.
He trusts April to make her own choices and shape her own path and goals in life. An abusive or toxic partner wouldn’t approve of your goals or chosen path, and would instead attempt to steer you away from them in order to change who you are. Donnie however supported April on becoming a kunoiche, and becoming a capable fighter like him and his brothers. He wasn’t at all threatened by her improved growth or skill, nor did he feel the need to put her down or make her weaker just to make himself feel more important. Hell, he even laughed with pure happiness when she took out Tigerclaw with that badass kick, showing that he loves what she’s become, and loves the path she’s made for herself.
He always allows HER to make the moves of affection, and never forcibly kisses her or hugs her without knowing she’s ok with it first. Again, this shows he respects her personal space as well as her wants in the relationship.
He knows when she’s gone too far, and though he does call her out on it, he still does it respectfully. Like the arc with the Aeon crystal and was acting out. He knew the Crystal was making her act that way, and wanted to help her overcome it instead of pretending that it wasn’t a problem. I have more to say on this particular point later, but I’ll wait till I find more prominent examples.
In the Gauntlet, when she broke down after her dad got captured for (I think) the second time, when she went to him for comfort, he comforted her and promised her that they’d get him back. Just like with the first example, he wasn’t trying to take advantage of her state to get with her or anything, he just wanted to be there for her, and make sure she was ok. Not as a romantic, but a friend.
He helped calm her down when she was mad at Shinigami after being beaten, telling her to not let her get to her, therefore calming her down. This is a sign of support of the others feelings and trying to make them feel better.
(This is more of a good thing on both sides as well as just something I find funny and endearing) they both bicker with one another in a banter sort of way. Remember the ‘bait doesn’t talk back’ and the ‘real kunoiche on our side?’ . He may be crushing on her, but that still doesn’t mean he’s not gonna blurt sassy facts at her and bicker with her. He still aknowledges that she has flaws, but as we’ve constantly seen, he still loves her flaws and all.
He apologised and took responsibility for his mistake with the transmitter at the end of eyes of the chimera, trying to make April feel better by even bringing her a hot beverage after the fiasco. This is a sign of looking out for the other and owning up to your mistake that may have hurt them.
Now let’s move onto April:
She apologised to Donnie personally for holding the grudge, and thanked him for sticking by her even when she was mad at him. She wasn’t thanking him for following her or anything like people may think, just thanking him for still being patient and kind with her. Also, while she was holding the grudge, she remembered what he had told her in Target, ‘some things are just beyond our control’. Which may have had a partial role in helping her come to her senses again.
She ALWAYS calls Donnie whenever she’s in trouble or in danger. I’ve seen this labelled off as codependency or her taking advantage of his feelings, but I see it much differently. In my opinion, this shows how much trust she has in him to save her, and help her whenever she needs it.
It was her memories of Donnie that helped her break the control of the Crystal. Donnie unconsciously motivated her be strong enough to defeat Za Naron and break her corruption. She broke through it, and became better, because of him.
She tried her best to get through to him TWICE in the Dream beavers episode. She was gentle and careful with him all the while (well apart from when she was slapping him to wake up, but that was when she was desperate). She was almost always seen by his side, and was close to panicking when he stopped breathing. And as soon as she found out he was Ok, she kissed him. Not for gratitude, not because she needed to make him feel better, but because she was happy he was ok.
When Donnie got injured in Monkey Brains, she told the guys off for teasing him, and was the only one to help nurse him back to health, being gentle and kind with him throughout.
She calls him out on his behaviour when she knows he’s doing something wrong. A lot of people see it as a bad thing when she tells him off for his poor decisions and behaviour, but I see it as a thing their relationship needs. A toxic relationship would most likely have both partnered not aknowledging the bad things that either one has done, and pretending it didn’t happen, or just be uncertain with telling them off. April doesn’t do this with Donnie. She aknowledges when he’s doing something bad, and call him out for it. In Target, she did t sugar coat it or stay silent about Donnie following her. She told him that he was doing something wrong, regardless of his intentions, and that he had to stop and respect that she needed to be alone right now. And like I said, he backed off and never did it again. And again, he improved, because of her.
She got mad at Casey for laughing at Donnie when he was stung badly on Dreggs planet, and was the one to help him back to the ship to be healed. When she knew he was ok, she kissed him again like in In Dreams, simply because she was happy he was Ok.
In Of rats and men, when Donnie told her that they had this covered, she responded with, ‘you always do,’ while smiling warmly, and with him smiling back. Romantic or not, this again shows the amount of respect and trust they have for each other. April instead of insisting she help or stubbornly barge back in, simply showed a sign of trust with him, knowing that had faith in him, and his brothers. This scene alone just shows the trust they have in their friendship, romantic or not, and that’s one of the things that makes them work in my opinion.
In the end of eyes of the Chimera, when Donnie apologised to April for using the transmitter on her, she wasn’t upset with him at at all. She’s said she was glad that Donnie used the transmitter on her because it allowed her to access her powers and learn to use them more. She tried to see Donnies mistake in a positive light, and appreciated him for his help nevertheless. This is an example of appreciation towards a partner, and aknowledging that their intentions are good and seeing them in a positive light instead of being disappointed with them.
For my final words, I just want to put in what the most common definition of an abusive/toxic relationship is.
In my definition, it is any relationship between people who don’t support eachother, where there’s constant conflict, and one often seeks to undermine the other, where there’s competition and disrespect, and most importantly, degrade and become worse as people just by being with one another.
And as far as I can see within the examples I’ve listed, both Donnie and April support each other throughout everything bad that happens to them, any conflicts that befall them they manage to get through, and have never purposely sought to undermine or hurt the other.
I want you to look at that last sentence again, and ask yourself: did April and Donnie grow as people or become better with overcoming their problems by being with one another? Because in my opinion, that’s how you really separate a toxic relationship from a good one.
So as for the question, are Donnie and April toxic or healthy?
Well, in my opinion, they DO work together, and their relationship is NOT abusive or toxic in any way shape or form. Both Donnie and April, though they had their flaws in the beginning, unconsciously and consciously helped eachother become better versions of themselves by being there for eachother throughout the series, as I have illustrated with the majority of my points.
And that my friends, is pretty damn FAR from abusive. In fact, that’s pretty much the complete OPPOSITE of abusive.
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horrorslashergirl · 4 years
I have a request, since they're open! Anything with the Collector x Reader x Chromeskull. I love that pair! Surprise me with what happens. Preferably angst.
The Collector x Reader x Chromeskull- Hazardous Toxicity
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Authors Note: Getting some practice with angsty scenarios and these two see to fit the picture, because what’s not toxic about being in a relationship with a serial killer, neverthless with two of them.
Warning: Toxic Polyamorous Relationship
Words: 2.2k
You had a peculiar taste in men and that went with the fact that you didn't like routine or having a normal relationship with a normal guy with a normal job and a normal hobby. Normal wasn't an adjective or characteristic you were attracted to.
If you could describe what your preference in men was, you would start by saying that you always liked them older, maybe because you had enough of going on dates with guys your age that talked about the same topics; college, sports, nothing that would really spark a certain interest, but alas you were glad at the end of the date they preferred to remain just friends. Easier to get out and not make an awkward scene and probably explain why there was no chemistry.
The past relationships you had were to put it nicely, acceptable. The guys always let you take the lead; you ordered the food, you decided what movie to watch, what to do on a certain date. To be always in charge was tiring and you felt kind of empty. There was no excitement what so ever.
So, imagine the actual relationship you were having now. Never in your life would you predict that you would end up in a polyamorous relationship with two men that were much older than you. It was just a fantasy, one that turned out to be real.
To say that your partners were quite unique would be just an easy saying; they always stood out of the crowd, maybe one of the reasons you were so intrigued by them, but they were that type of standing out like 'He's so handsome and fuckable type'. Well, in your opinion, yes, but in your friends and people that knew you, they were downright intimidating. Possible another plus in your attractiveness book.
They had that certain vibe that if they wanted to crush someone's skull, they would do it, not that you minded because, in a certain twisted way, you felt protected because Lord helps the poor soul that would have the guts to hurt you.
At the beginning of the relationship, everyone said that you should be careful, be vigilant because you don't know them well; they were mysterious to say so, never putting all the cards down for you to see, making your stay on your toes and your mind always to wander to their personas. That was what made you be drawn to them, they excited your mind and the intimacy?
You never knew how much pleasure exists, nevertheless with two men like them. They always made you crave more, your legs turning to jelly and mind a mess, all morals flying out the window and letting your carnal instincts take over.
Everything was perfect because you felt cherished, they always treated you with all kinds of surprises, and sometimes it felt like they were competing for your affection and attention; the perks of having two alpha males.
They also had their differences, despite how similar Jesse and Asa were. Jesse was an extrovert, while Asa was an introvert. Despite Jesse being mute he always found himself teasing you, be it at first using the electronic reader and later on suggestive signing after you got better with ASL. Asa could speak very loud and clear but chose not to, only if he had something to say, which always was accompanied by an authoritative tone, more or less.
Both are very highly intellectual and that showed; Asa being a successful entomologist at the university and the many degrees and diplomas on the wall of his office spoke for him, not to mention how much he knew about history and art. Jesse was nothing less either, with running a successful chroming company, being a highly respected and feared CEO and it always amazed you how much he knew about information technology.
So basically your type was experienced, tall, intimidating, and smart.
After being for some time in the relationship, your known one always said that they were controlling you, which at first made you confused about this statement, wondering from where they deducted that.
Maybe you were a little blind, not able to see how they chose for you what to wear, what to eat, how you should do your hair. You saw them as a suggestion, but the ones outside begged to differ.
There also came a hard time when you were having trouble at your job, the economy was going down, your boss had to cut salaries and you couldn't afford to pay rent, not to mention that you needed to over-work; extra hours staying at work meant less time spending with your lovers.
They suggest that you should move in with them, switching from Asa's house to Jesse's depending on when they weren't working, plus they made you give up on your job, explaining how the money wasn't even covering how much you worked.
You agreed; maybe the lack of sleep, too much frustration, and injustice conducted you to agree with their proposition.
They took care of all your needs, be them material, spiritual or physical; they delivered it. You couldn't argue on that, but slowly, without you realizing it, they made you be dependent on them, seeking them whenever you felt like, but you were always the submissive, they owned the power and you only basked it what they emanated.
The apex of this relationship came when darker secrets came out because your curiosity got the better of you, not going to work that left you a lot of time to think and brown-noose into their stuff and business; the biggest mistake of your life, much worse than entering this hazardous relationship.
The first time your eyes looked over a photo-album of Asa's, you expected to see family photos, since he never brought this subject, you were interested in it, but seeing all the gruesome photos, you never thought a human could be shaped like this? This had to be some sick joke, right? But it wasn't.
You haven't told Asa about it or tried to question him, making sure you put the album exactly where it was. You debated if you should tell Jesse since Asa had to do some entomology related work for the weekend and you stayed by Jesse's house, but he had to go to work too, something about an unannounced meeting, leaving you to spend time all alone into his enormous house, so again curiosity got the best of you.
If you thought that Asa's photo album was gruesome, then the tapes you found in Jesse's Chrysler inside the glove box and trunk were sure going to give you nightmares.
You were pacing in Jesse's living room, drinking some whiskey to calm your nerves because you were sure that a breakdown was going to come, then it hit you. All the missing people, the murders on the news; you played detective and pin-pointed everything.
It all came down to you, the harsh reality; all the false sense of safeness and affection, it was pure-down manipulation, the undercover controlling that you were too blind to see because you were like a love-struck puppy to them.
The solution was simple; break up this relationship.
That's what you did, you wrote down a quick note, not explaining why you were leaving them, you just wanted to getaway. You left Jesse's place and walked for half an hour. Where? You didn't know, you had nowhere to go because all your friends left you; some that decided you were a lost cause, others too afraid of your men.
You had so much money just to stay at a cheap hostel for some days, but it was better than sleeping in a bus station on a dirty bench. Maybe you will go back to your parents? You didn't have a plan in mind.
The first night you couldn't sleep, not only because the bed was very much uncomfortable and the people in the room next to you were making too much noise, but because you felt like they were always watching; you were getting paranoid.
The next day, you managed to get some sleep in the morning, sleeping until it was the afternoon, the growl of your stomach waking you up. You walked to a cheap restaurant across the hostel, and as you took the first bite of the scrambled eggs and a little too burnt sausages, you grimaced.
Too accustomed to five-star meals and champagne, doll?
Alas, you swallowed down, reminding yourself that luxury wasn't an option in your current predicament. You sipped on the bitter coffee, the taste as truthful as the relationship which you ended, the dark liquid waking you up, and everything pouring down on you; it was only a game. The affection was only a camouflage for the twisted intentions, the protectiveness only possession.
After sitting there for hours and the waitress telling you that if you wouldn't order anything else you should leave, you walked back towards the hostel, walking upstairs to your room, entering and closing the door behind you, you were ready to hit the bed again, only to stop dead in your tracks when your gaze meets long black-clad legs, eyes moving up over the black clothes and wide chest and stopping on a bone-chilling chromed skull mask.
The bald head and tall frame of the mad was a dead giveaway to who he was, and when you heard heavy footsteps behind you, you knew who the second person was behind you, but your mind didn't want to acknowledge the scenario.
"Going somewhere?" the calm and familiar voice asked behind you, feeling Asa stop behind you, just a few inches away from his chest to press against your back.
'Piggy has been naughty.' Jesse signed, making your gut twist at the nickname he gave you.
"I-I...." you didn't know what to say, afraid of saying anything when your eyes saw Jesse twirl a large knife, clearly amused by your face that showed fear.
"You what? Trying to break things off without a specific motive?" Asa asked into your ear, gloved hands grasping your hips into a bruising grip, fingers digging into your skin behind your shirt.
Of course, they found out you were sneaking where your nose shouldn't be. Asa knew where everything he owned was, so it was no surprise when he found the photo album a little out of place, and Jesse? You cursed yourself for forgetting that he had security cameras all over his place.
Jesse moved off the couch and stalked towards you, looking down at your form and at this moment you really hated how tall and imposing of a figure he had. You were turned around and pressed to his chest, your eyes ready to meet Asa's face, only to be masked by a black-foam mask, making him look so very menacing, like a very dangerous spider.
You felt Jesse trail the tip of his knife up and down your thigh, his masked face pressing against the top of your head.
"You know what I am most curious about?" Asa asked, pulling out a knife of his own and trailing the blunt edge over your neck, the cold blade making your breath hitch.
"Any person in your situation would have called us in." he answered for you.
That's when it hit you, your eyes widening. Any person in their right mind would have gone directly to the police, telling them everything, you had enough proof to put them behind bars for the rest of their lives, but you hid out like a rabbit, ready for the wolves to find you.
"Aren't you such a loyal pet?" Asa murmured in your ear, the knife nicking your collarbone a little, feeling his hot breath and rough texture of his mask hit your skin.
'Someone has a little crush.' the electronic voice from Jesse's phone spoke, making you more aware of what was happening.
"P-Please....I won't tell anyone." you whispered, closing your eyes as you felt Jesse move his knife up and down on your inner thigh.
"I'm sure you won't. It would be a shame to kneecap you, queen bee." Asa said, sadistic promises behind the cruel words.
You whimpered at the nickname, one it used to make you smile brightly and nuzzle into his chest, feeling so loved and appreciated, but now it made you sick to the stomach.
'Very big shame to destroy such a cute face.' Jesse added, pulling his knife away only for his nitrile covered hand to come up and cup your cheek, running his thumb over your soft skin.
"Are you going to come home with us or do we have to train you through?" Asa asked, question rhetorical and by Gods, you didn't want to find out what it means 'training' in his mind.
Swallowing down, you nodded, doe-like eyes on his obsidian ones, his plush lips pulled into a winning lop-sided smile, then his lips pressed against your forehead, making you tremble a little.
Asa pulled away from you, walking towards the door, opening it. You were pushed forward by Jesse, who wrapped one long arm around your shoulder, making sure you wouldn't try to run away, not like you would get too far away.
As you passed the small reception you saw the owner of the hostel dead, into a pool of blood with his guts out.
This was a warning that this was not a childish game.
The meaning was simple; Try breaking things off with them and they will break your legs.
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Has everything changed? (Part two)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Klaw Craig)
Word count: ~2.5k
Category: Angst but in the end... you’ll see it 😉
A.N: This is the second and the last part for this fic. Thank you so much for taking your time reading these bullshits of mine❤️ and then for everyone waiting OH AU 1 the next fic is called “Friendship questioned”. Hope you enjoy this!
She wanted now to escape from this building as if that kind of air was blocking her lungs. A cup of lemon tea would somehow release the tension in her shoulders.
At Derry Roasters everyone were talking about the same topic with new faces appeared in front of her. Interns chatting excitedly about their first day and cursing their attendees for the anxious hours they spent until now.
She let a smirk to herself remembering the first day when she was an intern. A rebel one and didn’t even have to spare a glance to the man whom she hated the most. She was so clueless about him that only knew his name but not his face.
You can say she was the only intern who got the attention of Dr. Ramsey after a decade and no one could replace her.
The interns eyed her incredulously as if they were seeing a miracle whispering to each other.
“It’s her!”
“Shush dude she doesn’t like gossiping.”
“She’s so fucking gorgeous!”
“Damn lucky whoever is with her!”
“It’s Dr. Ramsey.”
“They’re such a power couple!”
“Hm. I wonder if they’ll invite us to their weeding.”
“Matt shut up or she’s going to hear us and I don’t want to have any bones broken!”
“Fine fine.”
She took a seat at the corner of the bar facing the window in her left.
This was their place.
The place where they felt themselves and out of the real world.
He would be opposite her smiling and telling his stories as a troublemaker teenager or how his father would always get angry after another defeat in the chess game.
Or how he would touch and kiss her hand bringing closer to him.
Or how she would scold him to not do anything publicly and he still didn’t give a damn what the others would say.
She really wanted to relive these moments so much but her logical side told her he was wrong and he had to apologise.
Whereas the feeling side... told her to go and kiss him and tell him that it was just a temporary weakness and that she loves him.
While she was sipping her tea relishing a sigh a soft voice distracted her.
“So British of you.”
She chuckled while placing the tea to the plate. “You’re not British if you don’t drink a cup of tea.”
“I highly agree with that. And you’re not American if you don’t drink an espresso.”
Both women shared a laugh when Harper Emery took a seat opposite her.
“Soo... how’s the first day going?”
“Really Harper? Just say what you want. I know this look of yours.” She knew what she came for and didn’t want to skip it like nothing had happened. Even though she sounded harsh Harper only let a gentle smile.
“Fine I just wanted to ease this conversation a bit but it looks like I have a long talk with you little miss.”
“If he has sent you here don’t even try.” She said nonchalantly bringing back the tea to her lips.
“Correction: he didn’t and I don’t think he would.”
He wouldn’t? Of course what did you expect.
“I came here because I wanted to talk with you Klaw. As friends.”
“What makes you think you can change?”
Mini Ethan. Stay strong Harper.
“Well let’s just say that I have this instinct of mine that what I want to achieve- it will be achieved. I know it’s sounds cliche but I’ve never failed in this path.”
“Keep going then.”
“Look Klaw... I think the real problem is not you or him. It’s you both against the problem.” She eyed her curiously.
“The problem is Leland and it’s dragging you both into a black hole till you fall and no one’s going to help you. What you need to understand is that Bloom is trying to provoke us and to see who’s going to be on his side. What Ethan agreed wasn’t because he is on Bloom’s side. He agreed because-“
“That was the only way he said.” Klaw replied in frustration while reminiscing his court voice on her mind.
“Tone, please?” Harper arched an eyebrow.
Gosh they’re both the same.
“Sorry.” She murmured while her gaze was falling on her nails ripping the cuticles.
“As I was saying he only agreed because he knew that even he would do the contrary, Bloom wouldn’t listen to him anyway without asking us because this is his character and is unpredictable. Ethan is taking this calmly but do not forget- he will always be on your side. Yes he’s really mad with you because of your lack of control against your emotions and of not showing professionalism. But he is wrong too for treating you as someone foreign and not considering as your colleague and not rethinking that not always you will agree in everything.”
Harper was thinking if this could work for both of them because she wanted to help as much as she could and also couldn’t see them separated from each other.
“Or if I make it simple- just fucking go and get him already!”
“I don’t think that would be simple. He said if I don’t get my shit back then there’s no way I could step in the team.”
“And you think with such a weak and useless threat of him you’re not going to talk about this? Bullshit. This is the perfect moment to say the apology because if not- you’re going to be very late and you’ll lose him.”
“But this is not actually what hurt him.” Harper frowned in confusion while Klaw’s eyes started to well up.
“I offended him Harper. I said that... that he doesn’t care about me even though I know he cares! He does...a lot but... I’ve really messed this thing up and I’m worried about facing him.” She gulped while putting her palms behind her neck. “I can’t do this. How am I supposed to look him in the eye Harper? I know he is right now really tired of this behaviour of mine and has tried his best to push me and to seal this bad sided woman you’re talking to! Ethan has been a careful, supportive and kind to me in many ways that I can’t explain. Whereas I...” she let a scoff. “I’ve been nothing but only bragging about everything and not be the best girlfriend he wants.”
Harper Emery was lucky to know someone as Klaudia Craig because not only she had been a great shoulder to lean on for everyone but also has been a great person to her.
She would always be in a debt for making Aurora speak and standing up for herself in her intern year and to show what a mistake she did by underrating her niece for her achievements.
And here she was now- confessing her feelings such beautifully for a man whom she loves most and if she was in her place... No.
It was clearly that this woman was the only spark who could give light in Ethan’s darkness and the contrary.
They were both meant for each other.
“Then all of these things you said to me-“ She leaned her palm giving hers a gentle squeeze. “- you should say to him. Whatever happens. I think he will listen to you.”
“You think so?”
“Hey. I’m a neurosurgeon and this the dumbest question ever raised by you Dr. Craig.”
Klaw let a weary chuckle. “Okay. Let’s see if the grumpy man wants to talk with the grumpy woman.”
“That’s my girl.”
Her steps lead her to the Diagnositics Office and far from the corner she could see there was no one inside. So the only place he could be was...
Hospital’s gym.
She could hear some hard breathing and panting while kickboxing in a big arena. He was wearing his loosely T-shirt and his sport’s boxers that fit perfectly his shape of the body.
Every movement he did and his focused gaze to the training made her head tilt in a wander that how was possible this man could be such sexy.
And how she was so lucky that he was hers.
Or that’s what she thought.
“Ethan!” She called behind him but it seemed he didn’t hear her as he was having his headphones on clearly listening to his rap music. She tried again. “Ethan Jonah Ramsey!”
No answer again. “Is he fucking kidding me or what? I’ll show him.”
She entered the ring arena rapidly and when she was just about to call him again unexpectedly was twirled in his arms, her back facing chest. She gasped and felt her breath hitched. What now?
“Well look who made it here.”
“What the hell do you want Rookie?” He growled on her left ear.
Her lips trembled despite her efforts to not cry in front of him. “I’m sorry.”
He sensed her change of tone and turned her back to face him.
“I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I know that I’m really such a bad bitch when it comes to these situations but I want you to know that I love you and I don’t want us to have these debates ever again because I know that always screw the things up... I ALWAYS RUIN IT!” Her last words flinched him when she punched his shoulder in anger and couldn’t see her in this broken state.
“No. I ruined it.” He admitted. “I know I shouldn’t even think about what you considered Harper at first because I know you weren’t jealous about her and still I thought it-” he let a weary chuckle “-and you never fail to be right about that. And I know I shouldn’t treat you as someone who wasn’t part of the team and I’m sorry if I made you doubt about yourself.”
He pulled her closer giving her the kiss she deserved but she backed off saying. “No more fights?”
He gave her the brightest smile. “No more.” She smiled too and felt his soul completely in peace. “Now Miss Craig-” he held his right hand to her. “-would you like to be my companion for tonight’s gala?”
She giggled and cleared her throat. “How can I refuse it Mister Ramsey?”
After two hours at Ethan’s apartment.
“I seriously can’t believe we’re going to that fucking party.” She was strapping her high heels frustratingly then got up while Ethan was doing his buttons of his sleeves looking at the mirror.
“Relax Rookie. Just put a fake smile and chat about medicine as doctors usually do.”
She scoffed while reaching to do his tie. “How can you be such calm? I expected you to be furious just like me.”
“Well unlike you ma’am I have a master’s degree that I’ve held for eleven years for being talkative, social and well respected diagnostician.” He let a smirk when she quirked her left eyebrow.
“I totally agree with the last one but I highly doubt about the first two y’know.”
He pressed her body closely to him, his eyes looking intensely into her dark brown. “And may I know why you’re doubting Dr. Craig?”
Instead of making it as a casual chat she turned it to something else. “About everything.” He got the message when she lowered her gaze playing mindlessly with the buttons of his lapel jacket. “I mean- what’s going to happen later Ethan? Some things have changed and we already are aware of it but...” She pressed her lips.
“For how long? What if Bloom will try his tactics again to track another doctor and if there’s going to be someone else- who knows? I’m scared Ethan. What if this is the end of all of us? What if we lose our jobs for nonsense reasons?”
“I know. I’m worried about it too and I have absolutely no idea where this is going to take us. But one thing’s for sure.”
She let his hands cup her cheeks meeting with his face.
“No one...not even Bloom can tell us to back off from what is right. We will continue our mission, Naveen’s mission and we will always do it for the sake of the Oath. Don’t lose the confidence you have and all your thoughts even when they’re wrong. I’ve told you since the first day of your residency last year. It is not wrong to ask questions ‘cause if you didn’t well I would be very concerned. I know you say that you trust yourself but I don’t agree with it. So please... don’t overthink it. Let’s just enjoy this night while we can hm?”
His voice was so assuring and there was nothing else she wanted to hear.
The one she fell so hard capturing her in an inevitable trap.
His presence made her entirely safe whenever he gave a smile just like now with his eyes reflecting on hers like a magnet.
She wanted to stay there forever.
In his arms.
In his heart.
He seemed to notice it and kissed her forehead while she was closing her eyes.
“You always calm me down. How the hell you do this Rams’?”
“You’re not the only one with skills here lil girl.” She scrunched her nose when he tipped with his index finger. “Now I think we should leave before we are too late.”
“Actually...” She bit the corner of her lip. “Can we please not go? I don’t want to see that big rat blooming all the way up.” She pleaded while shrugging her right shoulder crossing her arms on her back.
“Klaw you can’t be serious.” When he saw her expression he scoffed before pointing his finger. “You’re too late to anything else because we’re dressed now for that occasion. Many doctors will be there and then is goin-.”
She grabbed instantly the back of his neck silencing him with a kiss. “Will you repeat that again doctor?”
“Not now Klaw-”
She kissed him again pinning him to the wall then whispering in a sultry voice.
“Wrong answer doctor. I’ll propose this- we’ll get the best scotch from Reggie and then buy some Calzones while we are enjoying the starry night that only the Boston’s sky can give us. Completely alone. Just the two of us. So...what do you say? I think it’s an opportunity of a lifetime.” She winked.
He sighed while looking up in the ceiling as if searching for help in his defeat. She loved making him at this state.
At her command.
“How the hell do you convince me Craig?”
“Well you’re not the only one with skills here old man.” She squeezed his cheeks while he was frowning. “Aww you’re so cute and you look like a fish doing ‘o’!”
He spoke or better tried to mumble the words. “I’m mnot olf man and I’m mnot ffsh!”
“Yeah yeah that’s why you can’t use the Instagram correctly.” She giggled when couldn’t contain her laughter anymore then took his hand leading them to the door. “Now shall we go because I’m really starving and we won’t make it home earlier.”
“True. We won’t make it home until the morning.”
He gave her a known devilish grin while he was unlocking the door that made her eyes go wide, her heartbeats accelerate and gulped hardly.
He winked.
Damn it.
This was going to be a very long night ahead of them.
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Thanks for reading!! It means so much to me! Feel free to reach out for anything! The poem is not mine!
Bucky x Reader
Words: ~ 2,200
Summary: You find ancient poetry interesting. Bucky finds you interesting.
Warnings: Maybe angst but not really?
A/N: I found this poem on tumblr years ago so I don’t know the source but if you do please reach out!
Studying Ancient Greece and Rome had obviously been around since – well, since they were around, you supposed. The philosophy itself had always been intriguing to you: from Plato and Aristotle to Cicero and Marcus Aurelius. Its fascinating to know that these philosophers had originated some of the most widely accepted yet widely debated topic of mankind – or, at least they wrote them down first. And while Homer, Ovid, and Virgil may not be the easiest publications to read, you couldn’t help but immerse yourself in these works as if only to understand why they’re so popular and important.
You wouldn’t necessarily call yourself a nerd, despite what Sam Wilson might playfully argue, but you did enjoy the occasional novel or documentary; that’s what drew James Barnes to you in the first place. Maybe it was the fact you were an absolute sponge for information. It didn’t even have to be related to the aforementioned history or philosophy; if someone was teaching it, you were definitely going to be there learning it. However, your fascination for ancient culture is what piqued his interest in you.
As previously established, the study of ancient civilization had, in fact, been around since forever. But it was something generally reserved for those who could – for lack of a better word – afford to study it: it was a rich man’s subject; for those who could afford to spend their time studying such subjects that would not earn them much income. But while school wasn’t necessarily a challenge for Bucky, it surely wasn’t that heavily emphasized. Hell, back in the day, only about 50% of kids even graduated high school, let alone attend college. And with the war going on? Forget about it. It was already expected that he’d graduate school and go on to work to earn a living. He couldn’t afford college, nor did he have the time for it. Once he was of age, Bucky was expected to work. Things changed with the war; expectations pointed to the Army.
Leaving all that in the past, Bucky turned to you to help him acclimate to his new life. Upon his return to civilization, he was met with Sam: “witty” (his word, not Bucky’s) and nonstop chatterbox, Steve: more serious than Bucky had remembered from one-hundred years ago, and Tony: don’t get him started. He learned to find that each of the Avengers had their own charming personalities, but they also had their own cliques. Of course, everyone had welcomed Bucky with open arms, but everyone was already a little too friendly with each other to make him feel at home.
Having lost all his charm and charisma long ago, he took solace in your quiet studies. You were new to the Avengers, as well. And while you got on with everyone and considered yourself friends with everyone (even family with some of them), you were a bit too green to be in on all their inside jokes and old-timer stories. As much as Bucky hated seeing you feel out of place, he secretly loved the fact he had someone to bond with about it.
Bucky belly-flopped onto your bed, making your whole body bounce up and down where you were laying on your back on your bed. You set your laptop down beside you and stared at the young man before you. “Whatcha doin,’” he smiles up at you, holding his chin up on his folded knuckles, propped up on his elbows.
“Reading,” you respond, flopping onto your stomach, mimicking his smile and hands. Bucky stared into your eyes for a moment, his smile never faltering. He was barely ever this close to you – close enough that you’re breathing the same air. Your eyes sparkled with the reflection of the candle burning beside you, your cheeks rosy from the warmth in your room and the blanket wrapped around your shoulders. “And what are you up to, Buck?”
He shrugs, pulling his mouth into a tight line. “I’m bored.”
You roll your eyes playfully, wasn’t he bored everyday? “Nobody to hang out with?” You gently prod.
“I want to hang out with you,” he responds firmly. Was he bothering you? Would you rather have him bother someone else instead of you? You wanted him to leave, right? Panic flooded his system as he began to sit up, preparing himself to leave. He knows how much you loved reading and your alone time. The last thing he wanted was to bother you.
Your heart blossomed momentarily. He wanted to hang out with you? All you did was sit in your room and read. He watched a few shows with you, but he always fell asleep. “What do you want to do?” you mumble.
Another shrug. “What are you reading?”
“Poetry.” His eyes squinted at your one-word answer, so you continue. “You know, rhyming words, short sentences – ”
His chuckles cut you off, his eyes shutting in laughter, bright white teeth grinning as he drops his head forward on the mattress. “I know what poetry is, thanks (Y/N).” He picks his head up. “Why are you reading it on there?” His eyes move to the discarded laptop beside you. “You’ve got all these books.”
And he’s right, your room was lined with bookshelves, most works read, although you couldn’t bring yourself to start up on some of the more daunting longer novels. This time, it was your turn to shrug. “Sometimes its nice to read something short and sweet. Y’know, so it’s not dragging on forever.”
He nods, still eyeing your bookshelves. “Any of these any good?” He almost grimaces, noticing the long novels with matching sequels.
You fake gasp. “Bucky, they’re only the most important works in literary history.” You hop up off your spot on the bed, leaving behind your blankets and Bucky. “Here, since your so bored.” You plucked Homer’s The Iliad off your shelf, tossing it on the bed beside him. His eyebrows were drawn together at the book sitting beside him. “They make kids read it in high school nowadays – I’m sure you can handle it.”
With that, you plop yourself back onto your bed, picking up your laptop, and continuing your reading on your laptop. Buck grabs the book from beside him and opens it to the first page, trying not to crease the perfect spine. He almost wonders how you don’t notice him staring at you instead of the book. He admired your intelligence but also your looks. He doesn’t think he could ever  grow tired of looking at you: the way that your eyebrows furrowed in concentration when you read, the soft tug of your bottom lip between your teeth as you anticipated the ending.
Every time you glanced towards Bucky; he brought his eyes back down to the page. He must be having a hard time with that – he’s been on the first page for ages.
It was hard to focus on reading with him next to you – hell, not that you were complaining. His breathing was so calm and perfectly timed. His head was turned down towards the book, but while the rest of his body only moved in synch with his breathing, his hair kept falling from where it was tucked haphazardly behind his ear. He wasn’t frustrated about it (you, on the other hand, would’ve thrown your hair into a bun while threatening yourself to shave all your hair off). His lips were almost always red, and it constantly consumed your thoughts. Did he bite his lips a lot, were they constantly chapped? They don’t look chapped; maybe he just drank a fruit punch, so they were always stained red. You were dying to find out the reason, if only by the feel of your own lips on his.
He could feel your eyes on him; your body ever so slightly shifts and your breathing changes. He bit his lip, still struggling on this first page. His mid was racing elsewhere. He was a trained assassin: he could combine factors of wind, speed, humidity, distance, altitude, and spindrift in goddamn ballistics physics all in his head just to shoot one person. He could speak a million different languages – he actually couldn’t count how many he knows. (He could definitely read the original Divine Comedy in old-school Italian, unlike the translated version that sat across the room on your shelf). Sure, he was highly intelligent, but damn this book was boring.
“I can’t do this one,” he huffed suddenly, shutting the book in front of him. He (over)dramatically rolled onto his back and rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands. He then peers up at you with puppy-dog eyes. “It’s hard.”
“It is a tough one, but I thought you could take it,” you respond casually, a smirk forming on your lips. And what Bucky wouldn’t do to have his lips on top of yours at that moment…
With a roll of his eyes, he nudges his way next to you and under the blankets you’ve re-snuggled up in. His cheek was burning into your arm, his metal arm laid loosely over your lap in a half-hug. “How’s the poetry going? Why are you reading it online?”
“It’s good,” you breath shakily. Who knew having him this close to you would actually make your heart leap out of your chest? God and you just knew that he could feel it, too. “It’s just poems people wrote online. Not really published officially, but it’s still really good. ‘S about mythology; the gods and myths and stuff.”
“Can you read me some?” He closed his eyes, nuzzling his nose into your shirt, pulling the blanket farther around him.
You peer down at him, using all your willpower to not stroke that one strand of hair out of his face. You scroll back up to what you were reading, and your mouth suddenly goes dry. You start softly, so softly that you’re not even sure he can hear you.
“Hero,” they’d whisper as the young boy walks by.
“Hero,” they’d cheer and the young boy wonders why.
Why was I picked for this life full of glory?
Why must tragedy be the end of my story?
I want to be a hero but I want happiness too.
And heroes may win the war but they rarely live through.
You know what – fuck it – you bring your hand up to his forehead and ever so slightly brush your fingertips against his skin, pulling the soft brown hair along to the side with you. He’s breathing slowly, but once you touch him his eyes open. Not a single other muscle has moved, he remained completely still.
And it resonates with Bucky – obviously it resonates with Bucky. He didn’t know much about Greek mythology but knew enough to recall the bloody battles and ruthless victories of the myths. “Who is that about?” He asked.
You. “Achilles,” you whispered, hand not moving from cradling the side of his face. His eyebrows were drawn together, crinkles forming around his eyes and bottom lip tucked between his teeth.
He just lays there, replaying the words in his head. Was his life a Greek tragedy? Was he Achilles? His life was already a tragedy. His life was now full of glory – at least that’s what Steve made it sound like. He had a terrible past, sure, but now he was destined to be this great new Avenger. Bucky would scoff if he wasn’t so focused on laying in your arms.
Does anyone think of him as a hero? Can they really forgive him for all his past atrocities? Like Achilles, Bucky finds himself questioning others calling him that. They can call him a hero but at what cost? What did it cost Bucky? His life, his family, friends; his body, his mind; his thoughts, his freedom?
He won the war – he’s free now. Is all of him really dead inside? Is there any human part of him left to be a hero?
The dragging of your knuckles against his cheek pulled him out of his thoughts. But that’s when he realized he is not the tragedy. You were.
The thought of losing you would be his tragedy. Just like Achilles losing Patroclus: the love of his life.
That’s when Bucky grabbed your hand in his – metal that was cool to the touch, in contrast with your warm skin. He whispered your name into your open palm that he pressed against his lips. He pushed himself up into a sitting position, quickly, without thinking – without stopping to think about what a bad idea this probably was – he slid a hand behind your neck and pulled your lips to his. You gasped against his lips and right when he was about to pull away and leave with his tail tucked between his legs, you pressed your lips into his. He simply held you there, one long continuous kiss, time frozen between the two of you.
He parted from you to suck in a deep breath, slowly releasing a sigh from between his lips as he pressed his forehead against yours. “Bucky,” you sighed, eyes still shut, blindly tilting your head forward searching for his lips, searching for another kiss (to which he obviously obliged). With a few more chaste kisses, you laughed against his lips. “Took you long enough.” And to this, he grinned against you, pulling away just far enough for you to see his blue eyes glazed over with joy. And for the record, Bucky Barnes definitely did not have chapped lips.
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xpersonality · 5 years
What are INFJs really good at?
As an INFJ...
I can read people's energies immediately upon meeting them or engaging with them. I pick up on their vibes, and kind of almost "read their aura" without challenge.
I have a hyperactive brain, and I have great trouble with slowing it down or "turning it off." As a result, I worry far too much!
I am very interested in human emotion and human psychology. I thoroughly enjoy figuring people out, and helping them to figure them selves out. As much as I dislike people and work hard to avoid them, I also enjoy engaging with them in order to study them, all the same.
I care very deeply for those who are closest to me. I embrace quality over quantity in my social relationships, and I cherish strong emotional connections.
I quickly become bored with and/or irritated by meaningless chit-chat and "tabloid talk." I do not care to socialize unless I'm either able to engage in friendly debate about social or political topics, or am able to engage in deep meaningful conversation about intellectually or creatively-stimulating topics.
I tend to think that everything is about me, but ONLY when "everything" is negative. I hate being in the spotlight, but I will drag myself into it when i feel as though someone else's misfortune might somehow be my fault. Usually the issue in question has nothing to do with me, and I end up worrying for no reason (story of my life).
I enjoy playing "counselor" or "therapist" for others. I am very good at examining and solving other people's problems, while I constantly neglect to examine and solve my own!
I have a STRONG need for creativity. I need to express myself through art in various forms. When I deprive myself of artistic expression I retreat, become depressed, and ultimately shame and berate myself. Verbal communication has always been much more of a task for me than artistic communication has been.
I become easily frustrated when I attempt to do something without success on the first or second try. I am highly perfectionist at the core, and I feel as though I should be able to master whatever I attempt. -no room for error-
I become obsessed with things out of nowhere, and spend much of my time researching my topic of interest. However, I soon get bored and move on to another topic just as quickly as the one before, about which I also obsess..
I always assume that others are judging or questioning me. I am very self-conscious, especially when it comes to decision-making. I always feel like I'm misunderstood and judged by a large majority of people about how I choose to live and interact.
Loud noises bother and overwhelm me, as do large crowds of obnoxious [drunk] people. My energy drains so quickly around any kind of volume of people or of sound. I need peace and quiet in order to be productive or to enjoy myself.
I am able to adapt to, and find common ground with, all different kinds of people - no matter age, race, gender, sexual orientation, political or religious views, etc. I love relating to and finding common ground with others, especially those who seem quite different from me.
I have always preferred the company of those who are significantly older than I. This was quite the case from a very early age, and has yet to change in adulthood.
Personality and emotional connection have ALWAYS been the roots of my attraction to the opposite sex, rather than physical appearance and/or financial status.
I would much rather receive a note, poem, or drawing from a loved one rather than a material/store-bought gift with a high price tag.
I am attracted to modesty and a humanitarian nature. I am attracted to selflessness, artistic ability, an open mind, and a tendency to forgive and lack judgment.
I am always seeking approval from my loved ones and, more so as a child, my peers. I have always felt very much like an alien when it comes to the ways that I function and view the world. I am a loner by nature, and as I age, I tend to appreciate and respect that aspect of myself more and more.
I struggle with the challenges of being a "highly sensitive person," which tends to come with substance abuse issues, depression, and anxiety, to name a few. I feel and absorb other people's emotions and fail regularly to protect myself from them. I am constantly drained and overloaded by a combination of the emotions of others and my internal thoughts.
I expect for others to understand when I retreat and become reclusive, yet rarely they do. I have a bad habit of isolating myself during times of immense stress. It typically does not benefit me in many ways to do this, yet I always think that it will.
I procrastinate and often put off my "to'do list" or responsibilities due to feeling bogged down by mundane tasks. I am always searching for the bigger picture, and feel as though I need instant gratification without applying necessary steps and work.
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candygirl101x · 5 years
Romance MD: Always on Call Munechika Takado Review (if you can really call it that)
Honestly I wasn’t expecting to write a review on this, because; 1. I wasn’t the slightest bit interested in the newest release. 2. And secondly…well I don’t write reviews.
But I haven’t seen that much noise about this title yet; whether that’s due to the lack of interest, the lengthy time it takes to read this whole story, the frustrating amount of hearts (A.K.A your hard earned dollar) you have to spend to achieve a SHE, or perhaps all of the above.
When I saw advertisements for Love 365’s latest release, I honestly didn’t give a damn. Oh joy, another Love Choice title (which by the way everyone asked for…not), the same old character types (I felt like Voltage should’ve changed their name to ‘Oresama’s R Us’) and I didn’t take a liking to any of the character’s physical looks either (except Kasumi, what a babe.)
So when Romance MD was finally released I wasn’t rushing to read it. Lately I’ve been more preoccupied reading another otome (Mr Love Queen’s Choice, if anyone is interested) rather than any releases on Love 365 as it just isn’t giving me that enticing story that I’d throw away life’s commitments in an instant to read. After reading Takado’s story, I only wish that I’d stop judging a book by it’s cover (although I know I definitely won’t).
I found myself reading through the story mostly because it was free (we already know the debate on that one, in the end I think I spent £14) and because I was bored. However, it wasn’t long before I found myself being sucked into the story and just thoroughly enjoying the interactions between the characters.
The MC
I could describe the MC as a breath of fresh air, I could describe her as a complete car crash but I feel as though a more accurate description is Marmite. For those of you who don’t know (probably anyone outside of the UK), Marmite is a food spread that people have on toast/sandwiches etc. The debate is that there are thousands of people who love Marmite more than their firstborn child but on the other hand there’s equally as many people who think Marmite is the work of Satan himself, and would find their dog’s faeces more appetising. So I can’t help but feel like you’ll love her for being new, exciting and different…or you’ll hate her because she’s extremely arrogant, a know-it-all and just plain annoying.
Reasons to love the MC:
She’s clever, like really clever. I have no idea what half those words mean that come out of her mouth but this girl knows her shit.                              
She’s determined and persistent. I mean, I guess all MC’s are when I think about it but it’s generally a good trait to have. The MC doesn’t let Takado out of her sight for a second, even using her skills of being on the track team in highschool to sprint after him when he tries to run away which is highly hilarious. Although can you imagine an MC who isn’t persistent? We’d have no story. Kind of funny thinking about that actually, an MC who just says “Right! I’ve had enough of you abusing me, I’m off home to eat ice cream and watch Netflix. You continue cutting people’s legs off willy nilly like they can grow back.”
She’s relatable. I can’t stress this one enough. Yeah maybe not the medical textbook mumbo jumbo but the social awkwardness and the constant daydreams of Sekai (her otome boyfriend) is something many of us can understand.
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She’s not a sheep. This girl has a mind of her own. I take my hat off to her for going up against her superior’s when she thinks something is wrong, I don’t have that kind of backbone.
Reasons to hate the MC:
She can be plain rude. Like I can praise the girl for sticking up for herself but sometimes she’s a little too tart-tongued for my liking. I did cringe a bit, wishing she’d dial things back from time to time.
Missing some classic MC traits, comes across as arrogant. I mean, I guess this one is personal preference. I do like the more outgoing MC who isn’t afraid to speak her mind, but surely it’s natural to not be so arrogant in front of doctors who have years of experience on you? Like the MC is 26, I’m pretty sure all of the guys are 30+ (pretty sure Takado is 35) and have been doctors for a longer time than the MC has even been training to be a doctor. I did find myself missing the humble, kind hearted MC a bit. You really don’t have to be arrogant to be a strong willed woman, my favourite MC is the MC from Our Private Homeroom, I felt like she had a good mix of all the traits.
Can be annoying. Like there’s a time and place to be talking about the topic you’re currently spouting on about MC, and now definitely isn’t the correct time/place.
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I was honestly saying the same thing to myself Tak
Takado himself is not necessarily anything we haven’t seen before. He’s not hiding anything you probably haven’t already guessed. Him and the MC have frequent domestics (which 9 times out of 10 end in her being hit over the head with a file) in places they should definitely not be having domestics, which in itself provides a series of highly entertaining scenes, for not only us but also the rest of the ICU doctors. He doesn’t baby the MC, he tells her when she’s done messed up but does also show signs of kindness behind his stoney façade, especially more towards the end of the story. I also appreciated that his backstory was more than meets the eye, there’s nothing I find more boring than a predictable plot line. Generally, I found him likeable. In fact, more often than not I felt sorry for him for having to put up with the absolute garbage that drops out of the MC’s mouth. I dunno how the hell he ended up falling in love with her too, I’d run a mile if that was me. But then again I did pay £14 for him, so if he didn’t I’d be god damn pissed.
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He is equally (actually even more so) as intelligent as the MC, without bragging about how much he knows which was rather refreshing. I mean he does call the MC a thousand different variants of the word stupid, but every single time was justified in my eyes.
Although one thing I must say...
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God damn son.
Stuff to Note
One thing I need to comment is holy smokes, how long is this story? When I saw the looming 30 chapters I figured that they were probably going to be over faster than my money leaves my account on payday, but boy how wrong I was. Now this almost certainly is a money grab in order to get you to spend more hearts to get the “good choices” but despite that, I was really impressed with just how long the story took me to read. Maybe I’m just getting old, but usually on any main story I can bash it out in under 2 hours. With this, I actually had to stop myself from reading and go the hell to sleep because it was 4 in the morning. When I checked the next day to what chapter I was on, I thought I was tripping when I realised I’d only just made it halfway through the story. Voltage kudos to you. The story was the perfect length to have good plot pacing, decent character development and satisfying romance at the end.
Now granted if you’re looking for a lovey-dovey romance throughout the whole story this isn’t the route for you. The romance doesn’t really kick start until at least 3/4 of the way through this route, and even then it’s nothing that exciting. The MC struggles to understand what love even is herself, having her only boyfriends being fictional otome men (the relatability is real), she finds herself unable to register what those feelings are. It’s not until a playful bullying from the other ICU doctors and a dictionary search that she realises she’s in love.
But in general, I found Takado’s route an enjoyable read with well placed comedic timing and good focus on the the more serious side of things when it was important. So if you find yourself bored like me, maybe just give it a read. Just don’t come at me with torches and pitchforks when you’re $15 poorer.
Moments I Particularly Enjoyed
The reminder that you are in fact reading the correct story
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The scientific breakdown of kabedon
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The obvious sarcastic remarks, that the socially inept MC doesn’t understand
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The casual discussion of banging in the workplace
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Pros and Cons
Character Development. I feel like both the MC and Takado showed character development. The MC when she finally figured out she has to stop being so damn arrogant and realise the consequences of when she opens her mouth. And Takado, that he can’t just tell people they’re having their leg cut off and just walk off.
Length. Need I say more.
Good pacing. Story progresses, MC progresses, Romance progresses. Good job guys.
Well written. Actually laughed out loud a fair few times whilst reading this story, which I definitely wasn’t expecting. Also whoever came up with the idea of the character sprites holding up a board for comic effect is a god damn genius.
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Good group dynamics. I mean it’s not KBTBB, but I enjoyed reading the interactions between all the ICU doctors. Hopefully with more releases we’ll be able to see more of their relationship with each other.
Love Choice. I mean you can read this story completely free…just you won’t know any of the back story, you won’t get any of the romantic moments and you’ll get the shit ending. But if you’re happy spending $15 for a main story then this is a pro I suppose.
Lacking in romance. Now I’m not saying there isn’t any, I personally don’t have an issue with how things progressed (I much prefer the romance to come in following stories like epilogues and sequels) but I have a feeling if you’re after something with a lot of romance running throughout it, this story won’t be for you.
Too many legs were harmed in the making of this route. People be getting their legs cut off more times than I’ve had hot dinners. Everyone thinks Takado goes around cutting people’s legs off for fun…and honestly you can’t blame them for thinking that.
Not many CGs. Remember the days when we had 6 CGs for a main story? I know I’m being picky but having 1 CG in episode 1 and the last CG in the SHE, that only leaves 2 other CGs for 28 episodes. If you’re gonna have a main story that long, surely you can spare another CG or two Voltage?
I’ve put the character sprites and the CGs below a read more button so people can avoid spoilers. So if you’re interested in what I’ve officially renamed the characters keep reading :) VVVVVVVV
Dr.Amputation (I’m telling you now, you wouldn’t want this one for your general health checkup) (Takado)
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Angry Coach (Takao)
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Angry Coach’s Wife (Who I’ve actually forgotten the name of)
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Darling Boy (Haruto)
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Darling Boy’s mother (Yoko)
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Flirty McGee (Hosho)
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Kasumi’s Die-hard Fan (but can you blame him?) (Kyogoku)
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Dean the Absolute Meme (Matsunaga)
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Ghost Hospital Director (Seriously, I think we see him like once in the whole route(why is he even on this list? Because I already had a screenshot and I’d figured I might as well use it) (Usagida)
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ICU’s On-Call Doctor Dealer (Ekuni)
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Total Babe (Kasumi) (Just you wait till your ass is out bitch)
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Also can you blame me?
Ultimate Waifu (Missy)
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Partner in Otaku Crime (Asuka)
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Cute Penguin (Watch out Sydney, she’s coming for your top spot on the favourite Voltage mascot list and probably your large swimming pool) (Kalmia)
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A reformed KBTBB Villain (Mario)
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The Main Character (Sekai)
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The Actual Main Character (Why we see her sprite for one split second I’m not overly sure, but yeah hard pass Voltage)
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Episode 1
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Episode 18
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Episode 27
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Now if I were you, I’d go and actually find a good review to read. Like @aqvarius
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fanfichideout · 4 years
Chapter Four - A Bloody Elf And A Grumpy Dwarf!
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As Nyzz and the rest are sitting around the table laughing they are suddenly startled by a loud shriek coming from somewhere in the hobbit hole. “Nyzz look at this pretty, shiny thing I found!” Misthel yells excitedly as she comes running around the corner, grabbing the doorframe with her right hand to stop herself from going too far. In her left hand a very shiny and very sharp, huge knife...! 
“AN ELF?! YOU BROUGHT A BLOODY ELF?!” Dwalin shouts outraged as he slams a fist on the table while standing up. The others who was just as confused also starts complaining loudly, before Gandalf yells at them to calm them down. Dwalin still outraged stomps threateningly over towards Misthel, only stopping within a meter of her. “Listen here you selfish, living statue! You think you can just storm in here with your smooth, beardless face and threaten us?!” He grumbles loudly at her. 
Meanwhile in the background Nyzz feels her face for a lack of facial hair, Bofur sees this and lays a comforting hand on her shoulder “ Don’t worry lass, it's not your fault you can’t grow a beard” He tells Nyzz reassuringly and leaving her truly confused.
“First of all!....thank you? Second of all!....How in the world am I threatening you?!” Misthel says swinging the blade in her hand as she talks, causing Dwalin to take a step back to avoid getting hit. “Wait a minute! That's one of my knives!!!” Fili suddenly yells in realisation. 
“Nooooo?.... I found it so i am pretty sure it’s mine now!” Misthel defends before turning back to Dwalin “And you! Just how in all of middle earth are you able to fit all that grumpiness in such a short body? Along with the broomshaft that appears to be stuck up your arse!” Misthel yells at Dwalin while poking him in the chest, which was surprisingly firm... she noticed and was already getting slightly distracted. This caused the other dwarves to struggle to hold in their laughter. 
“Short?! You’re no taller than I am!” Dwalin yells back. “Are you that daft?! You’re much shorter than me!” Misthel accuses even though the dwarf went all the way to her eyebrows, and even if none of them were right, but both were too stubborn to compromise...
As the two are staring daggers at each other, one of the younger dwarves, Kili, breaks out laughing and is soon followed by the everyone else. This causes both Dwalin and Misthel to look at them offended.
As the laughter slowly dies down Gandalf looks highly amused. “And just where did you happen to “find” this weapon, if one may ask?” He questions Misthel. “.....In a pile...of other weapons?” She mumbles as she avoids eye contact. “Yes in MY pile of weapons!” Fili cuts in reaching his hand out as if to say ‘hand it over’... Misthel did not return it to him. “I can’t help but wonder what your father would say to this.” Gandalf chuckles. “Low blow old man!!!” Misthel hisses at him as she throws the knife towards Fili and Kili, who quickly ducks out of the way to avoid getting hit, before Fili stuffs it back in between one of his many layers of clothing.
Which causes Misthel to turn offended around on her heels and storms out of the hobbit hole, slamming the “newly” painted green door behind her. 
After awhile Nyzz starts to worry about Misthel and thought it was best to check up on her, as she was about to raise and excuse herself from the table. When Bofur lays a hand on her lap as a gesture to sit down again “Don’t worry lass... she’ll come back!” He says comfortingly and send her a reassuring smile. “Bah! As if I’M the one with a stick up my arse! I’m pretty sure elves were born with one showed up there!!” Dwalin spat mockingly as he tried to refill his mug. “If not.. we surely don’t mind such  fine company tagging along on our quest...” Kili said as he and Fili winked in sync at Nyzz which made her slightly uncomfortable and unsure of the sudden topic and moved Bofur’s hand away from her lap. “It isn't safe for such a pretty little thing like her out there!” Spat Glóin back at Kili as Dwalin slapped the back of Kili’s head for his inappropriate suggestion. Nyzz looked awkwardly around on the loud and debating dwarves… before she slide down off her seat...lucky...unnoticed. 
As Nyzz is about to take a hold on the door handle, she is suddenly startled by a certain hobbit. “A-are you...leaving already?” asks Bilbo with a hint of sadness in his voice. Nyzz looks at him with a blank expression unsure what to say at the moment. The silence makes Bilbo a bit worried and asks “It’s not because..of what I said earlier? If it is… I am truly sorry! I didn't mean it! I should think before.. I speak...” He said as his eyes landed on the wooden floor. “Apology accepted!” Nyzz beamed and smiled at Bilbo. “Although I understand, that you must have been very frustrated and challenged tonight, with all us uninvited party crashers” She says as she winked at the last part, before she continued. “I’m not leaving...yet. But! I was about to check up on Misthel, she seemed very... troubled...” She finished which caused Bilbo to sigh aloud in relief. “Misthel?! I hope that she’s alright!” Bilbo exclaimed  and smiled kindly, as he opened the door for Nyzz. 
It’s was already getting quite dark outside… she better hurry to find the elf… before it becomes impossible. 
Nyzz looks around and can’t seem to spot the elf anywhere… Did she just wandered off without her? Nyzz thought to herself as she continued her search. Hopefully she haven’t gotten herself lost…”again”. But it’s Misthel… so it was quite possible...
Maybe if I holds up something shiny, it’ll lure her to my location...? 
As Nyzz wonders how to find her troublesome traveling companion she feels a soft ‘thud’ on the top of her head…….and then another one?! She runs her fingers through her hair and finds a couple of small sticks tangled in it. As Nyzz was wondering where it was coming from, she turns around only to spot Misthel sulking on the roof of the hobbit hole.
With a bit of a struggle Nyzz makes her way around the back of Bilbo’s home and up onto the roof, where she plops down besides Misthel…..
” Uhh! It's quite comfy up here!” Nyzz exclaims surprised. “.....I know….that’s why i picked it!” Misthel mumbles slightly proud of her great discovery. After a couple of seconds of silence Misthel suddenly exclaims “UGH! THE NERVE OF HIM!... I mean who does he think he is?! He can take his stupid staff and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine!”
Nyzz looks at Misthel with wide eyes, slightly shocked by the outburst “Is that an insult you elves often use? This is the second time you tell someone that within the last two hours..” Nyzz asks confused, is elves very…focused... on others behinds? That seems rather odd, but who is she to judge? 
“W-what? No!..... and we aren’t focused on others arses!” Misthel yells, which causes Nyzz to realize she had mumbled the last part out loud. 
“.......I just...panicked, okay?! I mean, how was I supposed to know such a thick headed dwarf was gonna appear and insult me?!.. I mean just how stubborn can someone be?!” She continues in an attempt at defending herself and her actions. Nyzz sat for awhile just listening to Misthels explanation, until she realized something… as a slightly mischievous smile formed on her lips. 
”But… you’re just as stubborn…..if not more..” Nyzz says, whispering the last bit as she tries to avoid eye contact. Unfortunately for her Misthels elven ears picks it up easily and Nyzz feels another slightly harder ‘thud’ on top of her head where Misthel bumped her with her fist. Which causes Nyzz to slowly turn her head, on which the fist is still placed, and Nyzz then ‘boops’ Misthel, making Misthels eyes cross from following the hand reaching her face. After a second or two of silence they both starts laughing at the ridiculousness of their conversation.
After a couple of minutes they finally catches their breaths. “It’s getting quite dark, should we head back inside?” Asked Nyzz suggestively as she looks up on the night sky, while getting up on her feet. With a deep and slightly annoyed sigh, Misthel stands up as well “I suppose we should go back in there, I have been needing to pee since we got here…...RACE YOU!” Misthel shouts at the end as she runs towards the door…. directly towards the door….. She falls off the roof, but luckily lands softly, though she does hear a pained groan beneath her. 
Nyzz on the other hand calmly walks down the way she came and walks to the front of the hobbit hole, where she sees Misthel and……. is that Bilbo under her?......it’s rather hard to see considering that the person’s face is being smothered by Misthels chest, but the curls appear to be Bilbo's.
“Uhm….I thought it was a different kind of race…?” Nyzz blurs out at the sight before her. “Just what are you suggesting?” Asks Misthel genuinely confused as she looks over at Nyzz as she get a bit more up on her hands and knees. She still hasn’t noticed the poor hobbit beneath her.  “Seems like you are feeling WAY better now…especially in that position!” Nyzz chipped teasingly and winked at Misthel, as she starts to giggle from her own amusement, before she walks closer towards them. “Position?” Misthel mumbles to herself. What kind of position is the tiny woman hinting at? Misthel thinks to herself as her mind starts to wander…and she is then distracted by her own thoughts.
Nyzz shakes her head slightly at the elf… ‘I surely hope it gets better’… she thinks to herself. As this already has happened way too many times since they had met….and that was only yesterday!
How can she not feel him under there? Are hobbits that soft? Nyzz thinks to herself…as she places her hands on her body and feels around, trying to figure out… if she was soft too…
“W-well this quite an… A-awkward position for…ME!” A blushing Bilbo exclaims muffled and shocked from beneath Misthel.  
“What was that?!” Misthel asks confused and looks up on Nyzz in hopes the tiny woman had an answer. Nyzz looks back with a - ‘are you seriously asking that?’ Expression on her face. Misthels expression does not change however, but just remains as confused as before… Which causes Nyzz to roll her eyes at the clueless elf, before she tells Misthel. “Well…the one… who is laying right underneath you…,” informs Nyzz as gestures with her hand that causes Misthel to look down.
“BILBO!?!” Exclaims Misthel loudly, clearly in shock after realizing the hobbit, who was underneath her and hurriedly gets up on her feet, letting the poor hobbit free… from his temporarily Misthel-Prison.  
“Are you alright Bilbo?” Nyzz asks with a hint of concern, as she offers her right hand to help him up on his feet, which he gladly takes. “I-I’m alright thanks…, I just wasn’t really expecting being squashed by…w-well.. uhmmmm” Bilbo says, still red faced as he tries to dust himself off. He trails off not wanting to comment on the placement of his face just a couple of seconds before, which he honestly didn’t mind that much, but he did not expect to happen! 
Especially after realizing Misthel is eyeing him like a hawk, who is ready to swoop down and attack its prey. Which cause Bilbo’s eyes to widen and gulps nervously and is slightly afraid of what mind happen next… as he remembers her earlier verbally fight with Dwalin.
Before Misthel had a chance to get her claws on Bilbo, Nyzz comes to his rescue by changing the subject. “Has it quieted down in there?” She asks as she looks between the two of them. “W-well… as quietly it can be with twelve dwarves and… a wizard,” Bilbo grumbles and opens the door before them. 
“Well if we’re done here, then you must excuse me!” Exclaims Misthel hurriedly and rushes through the entrance, leaving Nyzz and Bilbo behind at the door. Bilbo is genuinely confused of the elf’s sudden outburst and looks at Nyzz for any clues. Nyzz smiles kindly back at him and says, “She has hold it in for a long time…” Bilbo kept his gaze on Nyzz, clearly not catching the point… “W-what…?” asks Bilbo confused. “Let’s just say it’s been a while since we’ve been somewhere with a bathroom…” answers Nyzz calmly and giggled a bit of Bilbo’s cluelessness. “Oh….” Was all Bilbo manage to blurt out, before his eyes widen and he hurriedly rushes after Misthel… after he realized that she probably doesn’t know where the bathroom was... and he definitely didn’t want her to have to witness the horrors of what the dwarves has done to his plumbing!
                                  !❤ ! (>’o’)>”Bootylicious”<(’o’<) !❤! 
So... poor Bilbo got cought in a bit of an awkward position..let's hope he keeps an eye out for falling Misthels in the future! XD
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The Russian Revolution
Probably one of the most shocking and important events of the 20th century the Russian Revolution shows us two sides of extreme politics and how much influence the common people have over the establishment.
What was the Russian Revolution?
The Russian Revolution was a series of events between 1905 and 1917 ( however this has been a topic of historical debate) that brought down the autocracy of the Russian Tsar and lead to the rise of a strict communist rule in Russia for the next 70 years.
Who were key figures?
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Tsar Nicholas II
Tsar Nicholas reigned from the 1st November 1894 to his abdication on the 15th of March 1917
He was unfortunately a weak and out of touch autocrat kept in the dark about the state of his country and was ill equipped in mind and temperament to rule the Russian empire through the early 20th century. He loved his wife Empress consort Alexandra and his children dearly hardly being able to part from them, Unfortunately his obliviousness and stubbornness to change caused him to lose his throne, The Tsar along with his wife and children were brutally executed in 1918 by the Bolsheviks
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Vladimir Lenin
Lenin was leader of the newly formed Soviet State from 1917 to his death in 1922. Lenin was a staunch Marxist and revolutionary who formed the Bolshevik party which eventually overthrew the Tsarist government in the February revolution of 1917. He was a very well educated and manic man who believed strongly in the Marxist worldview.
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Grigori Rasputin
Rasputin is probably one of the most infamous and mysterious figures in all of modern history, a lowly peasant monk became one of the most politically powerful men in all of Russia. It was his close relationship and power over the Russian royal family that brought their downfall as well as his own.
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Leon Trotsky
Trotsky was a key figure in the Bolshevik party although his beliefs weren’t as radical as Lenin’s. He was a well educated and highly rational intelligent man who initially sided with the Mensheviks in 1905 before switching to the Bolshevik party where he frequently clashed with Lenin’s extreme ideas.
So what caused this revolution?
Historians generally believe these were the issues that brought about the Russian Revolution...
Discontent Urban workers
Russia had just hit the Industrial Revolution in the late 19th century behind the rest of the world by about 150 years or so. The concept of factory work was new and therefore working conditions were terrible many workers got sick and severely injured. As a result they eventually got sick and tired of working 12 hours a day and barely being able to survive and support their family and so they rebelled and easily had hatred towards the autocracy
Discontent Peasants
Russian peasants still lived under feudalism in the 20th century, when there was poor harvest and lack of food year after year and their young working men were forced to fight and be brutally slaughtered in the Russo-Japanese war in 1905 and then in the First World War in 1914 they pretty much had enough of the establishment and combined with them being uneducated easily indoctrinated
The social structure promoting privilege and autocratic rule
Only 1.1% of the population controlled the population and lived in luxury while everyone else lived in feudalistic conditions. The peasants and working classes also had no legal protection no government body to represent them to the nobility and have their point of view considered. The newly educated urban worker also had to deal with limited civil liberties and disgustingly low wages. The Tsar and the other nobels refused to consider social and political change that may make the scales of Russian power more equal. To add to this the Tsar wasn’t a very charismatic or competent leader
What were the main events?
The revolution of 1905
Also known as Bloody Sunday this revolutionary event started as a protest march and petition the first strike was at the Putlov steelworks in St Petersburg on the 16th of January. The protesters hoped to achieve a guarantee of civil liberties such as freedom of speech, Measures to alleviate poverty, the introduction of an income tax, better working conditions such as a eight hour work day. However Nicholas II opposed every bit of that aim, he believed the Tsar’s word was law he made all decisions as a result he used censorship and his secret police to quash any ideas of political reform during his reign. The Revolution of 1905 was no exception and became known as ‘Bloody Sunday’ when a bunch of the Tsar’s soldiers went into the protest killing 92 people the backlash was two political parties against the status quo the Mensheviks and the more radical infamous Bolshevik party lead by Lenin.
The October manifesto and the Dumases
After everyone started calling the Tsar ‘Nicholas the bloody’ the government thought it was a good idea to give the people what they want or at least appear to. So the October manifesto was written as a sort of constitution. The Tsar also created the Dumas a representative government of which he had complete control. The first two Dumas in 1906 and 1907 were critical of the autocratic government and were quickly disbanded. The Tsar had been given the chance to hear the people and make social and economic amendments that benefited the majority. Instead he chose to remain ignorant of the people’s discontent. Before the third Duma was created the Nicholas altered electoral law and significantly reduced the representation of peasants, land owners and urban civilians. As a result these Dumas were more conservative and in favour of the Tsar. The third Duma was allowed to run its full term from 1907 to 1912 as was the fourth Dumas from 1912 to 1917.
World War One
The outbreak of WW1 put huge pressure on a country that was not equipped to deal with modern warfare let alone on that immense scale. Initially the country banded together to support the motherland the nobility and the impoverished alike this was not to last. In late August 1914 the Germans issued a devastating assault, the Russian army had lost 3.5 million men by the end of 1915. The war was the tip of the iceberg for a already discontent nation yearning for change, the massive economic toll the war took on the people was devastating with Fathers, sons and even horses being lost to what seemed to be a pointless war.
The first revolution of 1917
On the 8th of March civilians hungry for bread took to the streets of Petrograd (St Petersburg) supported by 90,000 men and women on strike, the protesters clashed with police and refused to leave the streets. By the 10th of March the protest had spread to Petrograd workers, mobs destroyed police stations, several factories elected deputies to the Petrograd council of workers following a model devised during the 1905 revolution. The army garrison was sent to quell the uprisings, there were some occasions where they opened fire killing demonstrators. Despite this the protestors stood their ground and eventually the army grew frustrated and began supporting the protesters. The imperial government had no choice but to resign and a provisional government was established, the Tsar formally abdicated three days later ending four hundred years of tsarist rule.
The October Revolution
The provisional government set up was still run by the nobility who hoped to prevent this revolution going any further and although the socialist soviets who represented the lower classes had a voice and control over some militia the government still had capitalist and aristocratic interest at heart. This period of dual power was very chaotic for Russia as a whole there were many strikes during this time. When Lenin called for an end to Russia’s involvement in WWI and the leaders of the new government decided to keep fighting this unpopular war the Bolsheviks and other socialist factions were able to exploit virtually universal disdain towards the war effort as justification to advance the revolution further. The Bolsheviks turned workers' militias under their control into the Red Guards (later the Red Army) over which they exerted substantial control. the Bolsheviks led an army of workers and soldiers in Petrograd that successfully overthrew the Provisional Government, which gave all its authority to the Soviets the was capital being relocated to Moscow soon afterwards. The Bolsheviks had secured a strong base of support within the Soviets and, as the now supreme governing party, established a federal government dedicated to reorganizing the former empire into the world's first socialist republic, practicing Soviet democracy on a national and international scale. The promise to end Russia's participation in the First World War was honored promptly with the Bolshevik leaders signing the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany in March 1918. To further secure the new state, the Cheka was established which functioned as a revolutionary security service that sought to weed out and punish those considered to be "enemies of the people.” Soon a civil war broke out between the red army (Bolsheviks) and the White army ( counter revolutionaries) and other less extreme socialists this lasted many years until the Bolsheviks took complete control and therefore rebranded themselves as the communist party, paving the way for the for the creation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in 1922.
And my own Essay lmao
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wp-blaze · 1 hour
A Note on Memories: Birthday Cakes Made by Mom
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There is nothing more perfect than a mother that spends hours crafting a magical birthday with every cent and ounce of time she can spare.
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rcmvncv · 5 years
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                                         H S H Q T A S K 0 2 5
Alexei was a relatively invisible figure until he inherited the throne. His father was a person who ruled with an iron fist, and Alexei certainly had big shoes to fill. He practically had a blank canvas but failed to take full advantage of it. It’s been a bit over two years of his coronation and he has more or less just “went with the flow” and hasn’t deliberately tried to create an image for himself.
People who work with Alexei know that if the issue is even slightly important, he will take his time before getting back to you. It leaves a little room for surprises but it’s a source of frustration to many and some view it as incompetence. The slow decisions mean slow changes, and that is what the people of Russia take notice of. Many people criticize the inefficiency of his rule and question the competency of him and his government --- not very loudly though.  
What garners respect for him is that he doesn’t fumble and chatter away. His speeches are simple and straight to the point. They are easy to follow and leave little to no questions --- the few poetic phrases scattered around the otherwise bleak writing creates a balance that usually does its job and delivers the message. Good or bad. He does make professional statements quire frequently as they are his way to lead the country from a moral perspective. He doesn’t shy away from difficult topics and doesn’t mind saying harsh things when he condemns the actions of criminals. If he has an opinion that he believes the country should hear, he will say it. It makes him appear not only principled but honest.
It’s extremely rare to see Alexei upset. His face remains very neutral even during the most heated debates, whether it’s because he keeps his face in check or because he’s too lazy to create an expression is a different subject though. When he feels insulted he usually ignores the person. Address him inappropriately and he’ll talk to you through a proxy --- to tell you that it’s his majesty. Someone criticizes his decisions ? They can go find the door. He doesn’t listen to anyone outside of his inner circle and the people he has hired for their expertise. This side of him is the side of him that make people recognize him as a king. He expects a certain amount of respect and if that isn’t given to him, that’s it: there’s nothing to discuss.
Alexei doesn’t do charity events, doesn’t show up to cut the ribbon, doesn’t go around Russia kissing babies and holding the hands of the elderly. His image isn’t about philanthropy, not by far, nor is it about scandals or his love life. Stories break out but they are either quickly taken down or someone from his team proves them wrong. Apologies are issued frequently. He emphasizes his role as a ruler, a person whose job is to govern a country --- that does not include making sure certain organizations get enough publicity and it most certainly doesn’t include sharing the his favourite frozen yoghurt flavour or if he prefers boxers or briefs. Due to the lack of information on him, he has a very professional image: it’s built on his decisions and statements. 
Alexei spent a good portion of his twenties in the army, and before leaving the army to concentrate on politics and learning the tricks of the trade, he ranked at lieutenant colonel. Military service is highly respected in Russia and considering the head of the state is also the head of Security Council of Russia, having military experience is somewhat expected from him. The lack of it would be catastrophic. He’s been a soldier: he is strong, masculine, dedicated to serving his country.
The Romanovs, however, have a clear brand. It is strictly curated and each family members works to uphold the prestigious image. The Romanovs are what keep Russia so great --- without the family, the country would be lost; a kingdom of decadence.  
Due to his reservedness, tendency to avoid the pages of a trashy magazine and general dislike of traveling, people don’t know much about him. They have a picture and it consist of a gruff and quiet man. That’s the basis, the constant. The details are different from person to person: some may think he’s rude, cruel, or maybe shy. He doesn’t mind the ambiguity because he doesn’t care about the general opinion. It has never done him any good and putting on a strong filter and adopting new manners seems like a waste of time and unnecessary to him. 
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salty-medley · 6 years
After all that time wondering what those strange 5 letters personality things meaned...
EDIT :  I didn’t know this thing could have so much reactions ( don’t laugh, you tumblr celebrity who have 13258 comments at each post, 1 comment is a lot for me ! ) and be se more seriously than the random personality test you could find in any feminine magazine. So to be clear : NO I don’t take any test seriously, as I said in the comments if it fits it’s cool, if not well... It’s ok too. But that post revealed something I already know : lot of people took everything too seriously. All the things which are in bold are true for me. Coincidence ? Maybe. But seriously who cares ? And it taught me something: if you want to have comments, just put “ #16 personalities” in the tags, it worked well today.
I jumped on it instead of working. Jk it’s my break time.
So apparently I’m a INTP - T , or a “Logician“, an analyst .
“  LOGICIAN PERSONALITY (INTP, -A/-T)Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.The Logician personality type is fairly rare, making up only three percent of the population, which is definitely a good thing for them, as there’s nothing they’d be more unhappy about than being “common”. Logicians pride themselves on their inventiveness and creativity, their unique perspective and vigorous intellect. Usually known as the philosopher, the architect, or the dreamy professor, Logicians have been responsible for many scientific discoveries throughout history.Logicians are known for their brilliant theories and unrelenting logic – in fact, they are considered the most logically precise of all the personality types.They love patterns, and spotting discrepancies between statements could almost be described as a hobby, making it a bad idea to lie to a Logician. This makes it ironic that Logicians’ word should always be taken with a grain of salt – it’s not that they are dishonest, but people with the Logician personality type tend to share thoughts that are not fully developed, using others as a sounding board for ideas and theories in a debate against themselves rather than as actual conversation partners.This may make them appear unreliable, but in reality no one is more enthusiastic and capable of spotting a problem, drilling through the endless factors and details that encompass the issue and developing a unique and viable solution than Logicians – just don’t expect punctual progress reports. People who share the Logician personality type aren’t interested in practical, day-to-day activities and maintenance, but when they find an environment where their creative genius and potential can be expressed, there is no limit to the time and energy Logicians will expend in developing an insightful and unbiased solution.Wisdom Begins in Wonder They may appear to drift about in an unending daydream, but Logicians’ thought process is unceasing, and their minds buzz with ideas from the moment they wake up. This constant thinking can have the effect of making them look pensive and detached, as they are often conducting full-fledged debates in their own heads, but really Logicians are quite relaxed and friendly when they are with people they know, or who share their interests. However, this can be replaced by overwhelming shyness when Logician personalities are among unfamiliar faces, and friendly banter can quickly become combative if they believe their logical conclusions or theories are being criticized.When Logicians are particularly excited, the conversation can border on incoherence as they try to explain the daisy-chain of logical conclusions that led to the formation of their latest idea. Oftentimes, Logicians will opt to simply move on from a topic before it’s ever understood what they were trying to say, rather than try to lay things out in plain terms.The reverse can also be true when people explain their thought processes to Logicians in terms of subjectivity and feeling. Imagine an immensely complicated clockwork, taking in every fact and idea possible, processing them with a heavy dose of creative reasoning and returning the most logically sound results available – this is how the Logician mind works, and this type has little tolerance for an emotional monkey-wrench jamming their machines.Let Those Who Would Move the World First Move ThemselvesFurther, Logicians are unlikely to understand emotional complaints at all, and their friends won’t find a bedrock of emotional support in them. People with the Logician personality type would much rather make a series of logical suggestions for how to resolve the underlying issue, a perspective that is not always welcomed by their more sensitive companions. This will likely extend to most social conventions and goals as well, like planning dinners and getting married, as Logicians are far more concerned with originality and efficient results.The one thing that really holds Logicians back is their restless and pervasive fear of failure. Logician personalities are so prone to reassessing their own thoughts and theories, worrying that they’ve missed some critical piece of the puzzle, that they can stagnate, lost in an intangible world where their thoughts are never truly applied. Overcoming this self-doubt stands as the greatest challenge Logicians are likely to face, but the intellectual gifts – big and small – bestowed on the world when they do makes it worth the fight.
Great Analysts and Abstract Thinkers – People with the Logician personality type view the world as a big, complex machine, and recognize that as with any machine, all parts are interrelated. Logicians excel in analyzing these connections, seeing how seemingly unrelated factors tie in with each other in ways that bewilder most other personality types.
Imaginative and Original – These connections are the product of an unrelenting imagination – Logicians’ ideas may seem counter-intuitive at a glance, and may never even see the light of day, but they will always prove remarkable innovations.
Open-Minded – Logicians couldn’t make these connections if they thought they knew it all – they are highly receptive to alternate theories, so long as they’re supported by logic and facts. In more subjective matters like social norms and traditions, Logicians are usually fairly liberal, with a “none of my business” sort of attitude – peoples’ ideas are what matter.
Enthusiastic – When a new idea piques their interest, Logicians can be very enthusiastic – they are a reserved personality type, but if another person shares an interest, they can be downright excited about discussing it. More likely though, the only outward evidence of this enthusiasm will be Logicians’ silent pacing or their staring into the distance.
Objective – Logicians’ analysis, creativity and open-mindedness aren’t the tools of some quest for ideology or emotional validation. Rather, it’s as though people with the Logician personality type are a conduit for the truths around them, so far as they can be expressed, and they are proud of this role as theoretical mediator.
Honest and Straightforward – To know one thing and say another would be terribly disingenuous – Logicians don’t often go around intentionally hurting feelings, but they believe that the truth is the most important factor, and they expect that to be appreciated and reciprocated.
Very Private and Withdrawn – While Logicians’ intellectualism yields many insights into their surroundings, their surroundings are ironically considered an intrusion on their thoughts. This is especially true with people – Logicians are quite shy in social settings. More complicated situations such as parties exacerbate this, but even close friends struggle to get into Logicians’ hearts and minds.
Insensitive – Oftentimes Logician personalities get so caught up in their logic that they forget any kind of emotional consideration – they dismiss subjectivity as irrational and tradition as an attempt to bar much-needed progress. Purely emotional situations are often utterly puzzling to Logicians, and their lack of timely sympathy can easily offend.
Absent-minded – When Logicians’ interest is captured, their absence goes beyond social matters to include the rest of the physical world. Logicians become forgetful, missing even the obvious if it’s unrelated to their current infatuation, and they can even forget their own health, skipping meals and sleep as they muse.
Condescending – Attempts at connecting with others are often worse than Logicians’ withdrawal. People with the Logician personality type take pride in their knowledge and rationale, and enjoy sharing their ideas, but in trying to explain how they got from A to B to Z, they can get frustrated, sometimes simplifying things to the point of insult as they struggle to gauge their conversation partners’ perspective. The ultimate insult comes as Logicians give up with a dismissive “never mind”.
Loathe Rules and Guidelines – These social struggles are partly a product of Logicians’ desire to bypass the rules, of social conduct and otherwise. While this attitude helps Logicians’ strength of unconventional creativity, it also causes them to reinvent the wheel constantly and to shun security in favor of autonomy in ways that can compromise both.
Second-Guess Themselves – Logicians remain so open to new information that they often never commit to a decision at all. This applies to their own skills as well – Logician personalities know that as they practice, they improve, and any work they do is second-best to what they could do. Unable to settle for this, Logicians sometimes delay their output indefinitely with constant revisions, sometimes even quitting before they ever begin.
And it finally gives...
Mind 83% introvert  Introverted individuals prefer solitary activities and get exhausted by social interaction. They tend to be quite sensitive to external stimulation (e.g. sound, sight or smell) in general.
Energy 69 % intuitive  Intuitive individuals are very imaginative, open-minded and curious. They prefer novelty over stability and focus on hidden meanings and future possibilities.
Nature 86% thinking  Thinking individuals focus on objectivity and rationality, prioritizing logic over emotions. They tend to hide their feelings and see efficiency as more important than cooperation.
Tactics 87% prospecting  Prospecting individuals are very good at improvising and spotting opportunities. They tend to be flexible, relaxed nonconformists who prefer keeping their options open.
Identity 72% turbulent  Turbulent individuals are self-conscious and sensitive to stress. They are likely to experience a wide range of emotions and to be success-driven, perfectionistic and eager to improve. “
Last thing but not least, “  If you ever watched “The Big Bang Theory” TV series, take a closer look at Sheldon for an example of an INTP. Sure, he may seem rude, harsh, and sometimes even mean. But when his friends have a problem, he is the first person they seek. His intelligence, honesty, and hardcore reasoning are mesmerizing. “ . It’s highly true in my case, I’m often described as cold, harsh or mean. But it’s not to hurt people, I’m just more logical than emotional. It does not mean that I haven’t any emotions, it’s just that those emotions don’t restrain me. Never ask me if you are fat, ‘cause if you are I will tell you the truth and not what you want to hear. It’s for that I don’t like when people use “curvy” instead of fat for example, it’s like being ginger and pretend that you are blond. It’s two different things, why not telling the truth ? Vexing people isn’t a problem for me, as long as I’m honest I still can look at myself in the mirror. It’s a real problem in some communities, like tumblr - and it’s mostly for that I never take part of events or discussions - or some games like Star Stable Online where people are mostly snowflakes. 
It’s not I have nothing to say, it’s just you who are not ready to hear what I have to say.
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statetalks · 3 years
Are Republicans More Racist Than Democrats
How Should We Address The Uss History Of Slavery And Racism Heres What Americans Think
Are White Republicans Really More Racist Than White Democrats?
Discussion of racial issues has intensified in recent years, with vigorous debates emerging at the national and local level over once obscure academic arguments such as critical race theory. At the core of much of the discussion is how we should confront Americas history of slavery and racism. As this debate continues, a recently released report from the Pew Research Center sheds new light on the question.
Here are the core findings: Although 48% of Americans think that the country has made real progress on race over the past 50 years, 50% say that a lot more needs to be done, 57% believe that whites benefit from advantages that Black Americans lack, and 53% view increased attention to slavery and racism as positive for society.
Beneath these aggregate statistics, there are significant differences among different groups in the population, mainly along racial, partisan, age, and educational lines. For example, 46% of whites think that giving increased attention to slavery and racism is a good thing, compared to 75% of Blacks, 59% of Hispanics, and 64% of Asians. The partisan gap is large: 78% of Democrats favor highlighting slavery and racism, versus just 25% of Republicans. Young adults are 19 percentage points more likely to approve than seniorsno doubt a reflection of the fact that, as we know from the recent census results, younger Americans are more diverse than older Americans. The same gap divides the most- and least-educated Americans.
White Republicans An Outlier On Views About Race In America
Data: Axios/Ipsos poll; Chart: Axios Visuals
A new Axios-Ipsos poll on race relations one year after George Floyd’s murder shows in stunning detail how there’s no such thing as “what white Americans think,” with Republicans and Democrats seemingly living in two different worlds.
Why it matters: Such a vast gap between the left and right inside the majority U.S. racial group belies the notion of a compromise view, and it shows why Congress has been so slow to act.
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It also helps to explain why Donald Trump still has such a hold on the GOP.
Watch: Axios’ race and justice reporter Russell Contreras and managing editor for politics Margaret Talev discuss the poll’s findings on “Axios on HBO” on HBO and HBO Max.
Details: Black Americans are the most dissatisfied or worried about the status quo on issues from policing to employment to politics.
57% of white Americans say that “the events of the past year have made me realize there is still a lot of racism in our country,” but that breaks down as 35% of white Republicans and 93% of white Democrats. By comparison, 80% of Black Americans agreed with that view.
The poll also examined racial and ethnic disparities around policing and the criminal justice system, which Axios’ David Nather unpacked as part of our Hard Truths series.
This same split between white Democrats and Republicans can be seen across most of those questions as well.
Not A Generalization But The Majority Of Racists Are Republican
OK, as current proof of my point, https://ift.tt/3jpQSob for the long link, but it completely proves my point. RACIST!Also, it is not uncommon for people to hold up highly offensive posters at rallies, speeches etc. For example, one said ‘Impeach the half-breed Muslim’ . Tell me again that that isn’t racist. I also want to make the point that NOT ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS! PEOPLE SHOULDN”T CARE IF THEIR PRESIDENT IS MUSLIM ANYWAYS!!!!!!!!! I actually know many Muslims and they are awesome and some of the nicest people on earth . Just because some Muslims screwed up doesn’t mean that every Muslim is the same way. Don’t pull the argument about slavery, the parties have morphed and current examples are better.
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Democrats Or Republicans Who Do You Think The Happier Group Is Overall
Based on my unofficial research and that of some of our readers, the Republicans and Conservative Democrats appear to be the winners. Why do I say that?; Well, just by their demeanor. During interviews they generally seem to be the calmer, more respectable of the two. Republicans certainly arent perfect, and they certainly dont always have the right idea or say or do the right thing.; And, they tend to exaggerate a bit .
Analysis: A Reckoning On Racism Not For Many Leaders Of Gop
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NEW YORK If the nation is in the midst of a historic reckoning on racism, most leaders of the Republican Party are not participating.
On the day last week that a jury convicted the police officer who killed George Floyd, Republicans in Washington focused much of their energy on condemning the longest-serving Black woman in Congress. In the days since, former President Donald Trump attacked what he called the racist rants of basketball icon LeBron James. And some of Trumps staunchest supporters on Capitol Hill are considering forming a new group that initially planned to champion Anglo-Saxon political traditions.
Beyond simple rhetoric, Republican state lawmakers are pushing forward with new voting restrictions that disproportionately affect people of color and are resisting legislation designed to prevent police brutality.
The moves reflect a stark political reality: As America grows more diverse, the Republican Party continues to be led almost entirely by white people, particularly men, who cater to an overwhelmingly white base. And despite fierce criticism from civil rights leaders and growing concern from business leaders who are traditional allies, many Republicans see no problem.
Its unfortunate that more in the Republican Party are not willing to stand up for what I would define as creating a more just and humane system, Martin Luther King III told The Associated Press. It makes you wonder if they really even care.
Passage remains uncertain, however.
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More Than Half Of Republicans Think Minorities Are Favored Over Whites In The United States
At its heart, the Black Lives Matter movement is focused on the ways in which racism is embedded in American law enforcement, resulting in a disproportionately large number of deaths of Black people at the hands of police. This idea that racism may be embedded in governmental or social systems is the crux of critical race theory. Racism, the theory postulates, isnt simply a function of racist people acting out against others because of their race. Instead, some of racisms most significant effects are felt from long-standing systems that have integrated, often invisibly, race-specific differences.
That the Black Lives Matter movement has been so successful at drawing attention to issues of race and racism, though, means that its much easier to notice complaints about systemic racism than it is to notice the racism itself. It means that there are good-faith but clumsy efforts to draw attention to issues of race that have little to do with critical race theory but which become a focal point of aggravation. It also means that groups that benefit from systemic advantages mostly White Americans may feel that they are the ones being criticized. If you dont see the purported racism but feel that youre being held to account for it, frustration would naturally result.
In 2017, fewer than half of Republicans said that minorities are favored over Whites. Now, a majority say they are.
But When You Watch The Republican In The Media Being Attacked The Majority Tend To Handle It With More Grace Then The Majority Of The Democrats
I dont think its because the Republicans have more money because the Democrats tend to be the wealthier group.; The majority of the richest people in the world are Democrats or Liberals.; Yet, they sure dont look like a happy group of folks .; I think a lot of people who are rich were their happiest when they were working hard coming up through the ranks and earning their money.; I also think sometimes the social issues they get caught up in when they become wealthy can be frustrating causing many people to lose their tolerance over time.
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Why Did The Debate Become A National Controversy
Arguably, a large part of the debate has been inflamed and muddled by the activism of a conservative documentary filmmaker named Christopher Rufo.
As detailed in an extensive New Yorker profile, Rufo built a cottage industry exposing government racial awareness training across the US. While doing so, he discovered the academic writing behind it – and set out to raise awareness about what he saw as an organised effort to “re-engineer the foundation of human psychology and social institutions through the new politics of race”.
He labelled all of the various episodes and instances he was cataloguing as examples of “critical race theory” in practice, even though the academic discipline was not always an exact fit for what he was documenting.
“The goal is to have the public read something crazy in the newspaper and immediately think ‘critical race theory’,” he wrote . “We have decodified the term and will recodify it to annex the entire range of cultural constructions that are unpopular with Americans.”
The term, he told the New York Times, made for the “perfect villain” because it sounded academic, elitist, racist and divisive.
How far have African Americans come since 1960s?
Legislative as well as grassroots rebukes of public-school teaching labelled as CRT have cropped up around the country.
Because it is a concept, not a stand-alone subject, opponents have assembled lists to help parents identify what they see as harmful terms and topics in the classroom.
What Do Supporters And Opponents Say
Who Do YOU Think Is More Racist, White Democrats or White Republicans?
There’s a cartoon that circulates among critical race theory supporters showing children, one tall and one short, trying to peer over a fence to watch a baseball game. Equality, the illustration explains, is giving children the same sized box to stand on – with one child still unable to see over the obstacle. Equity, on the other hand, gives the shortest child the most boxes, so that everyone can see the field.
The idea of equity is to provide more to those who are perceived to have the greatest disadvantage in order to achieve better equality of outcome and to compensate for the historical wrongs of discrimination and systemic racism.
“A key part of the argument of critical race theory is that racism is endemic to American society because of the way society is structured,” says Lynn. Teaching with the framework addressed issues that “people have been trying to do for a long time to correct some of the problems we have in schools” he says.
It’s a view that animated affirmative action programmes – race-based preferences in hiring and college admissions – in the past, and currently influences everything from road repair in Oakland, California, to the Biden administration’s vaccine outreach efforts.
He says the idea of “equity” is more than just policy prescriptions, it’s about “abandoning the broad political philosophy that has traditionally held this country together”.
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How Is Critical Race Theory Taught
How – and even whether – CRT is being taught is the subject of contention that lies at the heart of the current debate.
As a curriculum subject, critical race theory is largely the purview of university law schools and graduate programmes.
The concepts, however, have influenced historians, journalists and educators in school districts across the US who say they want to do more to teach the public about the US struggles with discrimination rooted in race.
One high-profile effort, the New York Times magazine’s 1619 Project, was a series of essays and articles that sought to “reframe the country’s history by placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very centre of our national narrative”, per the paper’s description.
It received mixed reviews, including sometimes sharp criticism from historians who disputed its accuracy.
How the concepts translate into a public-school curriculum and teacher training have become the flashpoint of the CRT controversy.
An elementary school in Cupertino, California, for instance, asked third-graders to label their own power and privilege in an “identity map”. At least 30 schools recommended that students should read Not My Idea, a children’s book that called racism “a white person’s problem and we are all caught up in it”.
Instances like these have led to what has become an increasingly intense criticism.
Reagan’s Neshoba County Fair States’ Rights Speech
Aistrup argued that one example of Reagan field-testing coded language in the South was a reference to an unscrupulous man using food stamps as a “strapping young buck”. When informed of the offensive connotations of the term, Reagan defended his actions as a nonracial term that was common in his Illinois hometown. Ultimately, Reagan never used that particular phrasing again. According to Ian Haney Lopez, the “young buck” term changed into “young fellow” which was less overtly racist: “‘Some young fellow’ was less overtly racist and so carried less risk of censure, and worked just as well to provoke a sense of white victimization”.
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There Is A Lot Of Flawed Logic Here
Anyone who equates conservative or Republican with racist is the exact thing they are projecting on others. Plain and simple.Racism is simply the lumping together of large groups of people and claiming they all have the same traits. Anyone who says that all conservatives are racist is exactly the same. The most racist people I have ever met have been liberals. But that doesn’t mean I think all liberals are racists. That’s absurd. But you continue on making generalizations about people you don’t even know. That just shows how tolerant and open-minded you really are.
When Minorities Vote Gop The Media Smears Republicans As Racists
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The racism smears stink of fear.
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.
In just one week, the Washington Post churned out two op-eds on the same theme, “The GOP is Now Just the Party of White Grievance” and “The Republican Party is Making Jim Crow Segregationists Proud”. The D.C. Democrat paper doesnt bother clarifying why Democrats from two generations ago would be thrilled that 1 in 5 black men voted for President Trump.
Ever since the election, the media has been beating its narrative drum with one message.
CNN howls that Republicans are the worst racists. The New York Times insists theyre even more racist than that. And MSNBC will counter that only white racists would vote Republican.
The most famous media exponent of the white grievance line is Stuart Stevens: Romneys senior strategist, who went on to join the Lincoln Project. Stevens claimed on MSNBC that the GOP, “went down a path to embrace white grievance as its core” and that, “of the Americans who are 15 years and under, the majority are nonwhite. They’re gonna be nonwhite when they turn 18 and start voting and that’s the end of the Republican party as we know it.”
My party obviously has an embarrassingly small share of African American votes, Senator Romney claimed after embarrassingly participating in a Black Lives Matter rally.
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Americans Who Say A Lot Has To Be Done To Ensure Equal Rights For All Split Over Whether Many Laws And Institutions Need To Be Completely Rebuilt
While half of Americans say that a lot needs to be done to ensure equal rights for all Americans, those who express this view are divided over what needs to be done.
A quarter of Americans say that to ensure equal rights for all Americans, most U.S. laws and major institutions need to be completely rebuilt because they are fundamentally biased against some racial and ethnic groups. A nearly identical share says while there are many inequities in U.S. laws and institutions, the necessary changes can be made by working within the current systems.
Overall, nearly six-in-ten Black adults say that in order to ensure equality for all Americans regardless of their racial or ethnic backgrounds, most major U.S. institutions need to be completely rebuilt because they are fundamentally biased against some racial and ethnic groups, while just 19% say necessary changes to address inequities can be made within the current systems; about two-in-ten say little or nothing at all needs to be done. Among other racial and ethnic groups, smaller shares overall say a lot more needs to be done; those who do are roughly evenly split between those who say changes can be made within current systems and those who think most institutions need to be completely rebuilt because they are fundamentally biased. As a result, Black adults are significantly more likely than Hispanic , Asian American and White adults to say most institutions and laws need to be completely rebuilt.
Democrats Are The Real Racistsand Minority Americans Are Taking Note
Who are the real American patriots?
Who are the real racists?
These two questions will play a big role in the 2020 election.
The left is desperate to turn any traditional patriotic appeal into an act of racism. The left is desperate to smear Republicans and moderate Democrats as racists.
This past week, between Sunday and Tuesday, CNN and MSNBC reportedly used the word “racist” more than 1,100 times.
Part of this desperation is in the left’s inability to debate the facts and their hope that strong smears can shame their opponents out of broaching the argument.
Part of this desperation is in the left’s growing realization that President Donald Trump and the Republicans are beginning to attract minority support in a serious way.
The 2018 election was a watershed in the shift of minority voters toward Republicans.
Consider the example of the very left-wing African American female candidate for governor in Georgia, Stacy Abrams. She alienated enough African American males with her platforms that the Republican candidate got a significant percentage of African American male votes.
In Florida, a left-wing African American candidate for governor lost almost one out of five African American female votes because of his opposition to school choice.
All around the country, Trump is attracting Latinos to his rallies. There is strong support in the Latino community for job creation, income growth, small business prosperity and enforcing the law.
Read Also: How Many Republicans Are Now In The House Of Representatives
source https://www.patriotsnet.com/are-republicans-more-racist-than-democrats/
0 notes
pixiedurango · 6 years
Ursa - A Rogue’s tale  (part 2) - Thorin Oakenshield x OFC (human/dwarf hybrid)
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Part 2 in which Thorin and the woman he saved from slavers sit around a camp fire and talk Warning: Rape mention! Words: 2.108 Ongoing events will loosely follow the movie version of the Hobbit, but sets in a good part before the company meets at Bilbo’s house.
Note: I used the Dragon Age Inquisition character creator to give Ursa a face, even though we are not allowed to create biracial characters in there but it is the only game I own with decent graphics and the ability to create female dwarves. (Anyway it results in me having an umphteenth playthrough to handle but I love my cute little new Cadash.) ANYWAY THIS IS NOT A HOBBIT/DAI CROSSOVER Feedback, comments, reblogs and any kind of rambling about this is - like always - highly appreciated. Just drop by and start a convo. @whohobbs @xxbyimm @deepestfirefun @patanghill17 @tinkertailor1212@wardenparker @sherala007 @fullvoidmoon @hannibatchsmuse @lady-jessica-9 @thorincuddlez @hariclea@fandomgalcentral @inkededucatednnerdy @mynameisnoneya1991 @maybetomorrowgirl @vaneaustation @fizzy-custard  @helluvawriter @iammhereforthefandoms @niteowlnest @cd1242 @emrfangirl 
They kept running for a long time and neither of them had shown any sign of exhaustion when he finally decided they were far enough from the village and deep enough in the woods to be safe for now. A large overhanging rock invited to give shelter from the still pouring rain but apart from that they still would be out in the cold and windy night. Thorin glanced over, then wordlessly opened the clasp tossing his overcoat at her as she still was wearing nothing but the torn dress.
It was way too chill a night to not taking the offered coat and so she wrapped herself into it with a quiet nod of gratitude. “I think we can dare to light a camp fire, what say you?” She asked his opinion and after a moment of consideration he nodded.
“If we find something dry enough to burn.” He was right. It had been raining probably for days so chances were low for them to find anything that would catch fire. He was looking around, picking up sticks and wood here and there but not being able to find something in the dark.
But she seemed to be keen enough to come up with some moss and dead roots from under the makeshift roof and in no time a little camp fire was painting shadows in the night and on their faces as they sat to catch some warmth and hopefully dry some of their clothes. She kept a stoic silence staring into the flames, still wrapped in his damp coat and he needed a little moment to come to terms with the fact that she obviously was used to survive in the woods. That she had outsmarted him with finding working fire wood where he had not been able to. He stubbornly shook his head chasing away those strange thoughts. They tried to survive together there was no place for thoughts of chivalry and protective behavior.
“You'll need a new dress.” His voice was nothing more than a low growl, not showing any emotions when he finally had chosen a topic hopefully far enough from the startling thoughts he just caught himself having. 
The answer though was an indifferent shrug. “I don't need a dress.”
“Well, you obviously can't walk exposed like that.” Thorin observed with a dry half-smile trying not to stare at what the ripped blouse was revealing.
“I'm not wearing dresses. I'll get me some breeches and a jerkin instead.” She declared and it was obvious this was not for debate but he only shrugged. Couldn't care less what she fancied and also his own beliefs and preferences on how women should dress and behave were not of any interest here.
“It does not matter what you want as long as you lack the coin to buy it.” Thorin observed with an amused undertone in his voice. “And you surely do not look like someone who has any savings.” The woman had no reply but the way she hung her head was answer enough. They had taken everything from her and if not for him they would have taken her honor, too. “How does a dwarven lady end up in the hands of slavers anyway?” He dared to ask and was surprised by the fire shooting from her eyes when her head snatched up to stare at him.
“I'm not...” she began but he cut her.
“You won't fool me when you can't even fool yourself.” His voice was surprisingly soft. “Just tell me. I've never met anyone like you.”
She snorted and spat into the fire. “ I'm sure you haven't. Since neither your kind nor the humans won't accept that I even exist.”
“But you do!” Thorin looked at her, realizing all the pain and struggle that showed in her eyes even though she tried to hide it. “Just tell me. How come you carry dwarven blood? It's never been known of a bond between my kin and and the other races.”
She shook her head in obvious disbelief. “You might want to have a word or two then with the pig of a dwarf that forced himself onto my mother. Considering her nothing but flesh and loot after raiding her village with his company of equally tainted fools who decided to follow the dark.” Her voice was full of bitterness and hatred and she clearly indulged in seeing the utter shock on his face.
“No! Impossible!”
Her laughter was not a joyful one but dripping from sarcasm and bitterness. “And yet here I am.”
“Has this honor lacking dwarf been held responsible for his crime?” Thorin asked, always looking for a rational solution but she only shook her head once more.
“What do you think, dreamer? A sellsword under an evil command, drunken by victory and cheap ale, forcing himself onto an innocent woman by threatening her for her life. My mother was glad to get out of this alive. When her time came and it took her three more months than it should have she began to suspect it was probably not a human who got her the bastard. Looking at the newborn... me... was her final proof. To get rid of me as fast as she could. To the nearest orphanage.”
“You're a... wonder!” He breathed but she snorted once more.
“Tell this to the people who did everything to make me believe I'm an abomination! Your kin as much as the humans. They miraculously agreed at least on that.”
There was a silence for a long moment looking into each other's eyes. And when Thorin spoke again, his words and how soft his voice went was a surprise to her and honestly to himself, too.
“What is your name, my lady?” Her eyebrows rose almost up to her hair line. “I have a name but if you keep calling me my lady I'll either die laughing or break your nose. It's not that we're noble folks around here, innit?”
Thorin's smiles were rare but her bold assumption born from unawareness made one slip. “And? Will you reveal the big secret?” he asked.
“What secret?” Her brows furrowed in puzzlement.
“Your name. My lady.” Thorin kept smiling, now even with a little tease. As much as he was used to be alone and being enough to himself, he felt an odd calm creeping up within and decided to just be for once.
“Ah...” She shrugged. Why did this dwarf confuse her so much? She hated dwarves. Even when they had such stunning blue eyes and disturbingly handsome features. Dwarves were not supposed to be handsome. They were nasty predators and known to be unkind, greedy and grumpy. “Name's Ursa.” More a growl than an actual answer. She needed to get over this weird attraction. Probably getting rid of his company all together as soon as possible. 
“I'm Thorin.” Thinking, his name would mean anything to hear clearly was a mistake and - to be honest - a ridiculous assumption. Who would have taught her? But somehow he felt like wanting her to know she was safe now. That she was back with her kin. “Thorin... Oakenshield?” He tried again, even putting it as some kind of question but her attention was still not piqued and there was no sign of recognition. She only nodded her acknowledgment and so he finally changed the subject. “Doesn't matter. But tell me, Ursa, how did you end up in the hands of slavers. You're by no means an easy target.”
Thorin wanted to know more about this extraordinary woman. Still trying to decide whether she was worth trusting her or seeing her as a potential threat who would rob him blind and disappear the second he rests his head for some sleep. Considering her as one of his kin was one thing, but trust was an entire different story. He looked at her, still waiting for an answer. She returned the gaze with one of her typical stubbornly defiant looks.
“Bad of luck?” Ursa finally offered. “Maybe a bit too... reckless?”
“How so?” Surprisingly enough he really was interested to learn how she ended up in such a parlous situation. “I've seen you fight, you're not one to get caught by a slaver just like that.”
“I was investigating for someone who's daughter had vanished and I assume someone put something in my drink.” She frowned in frustration. “I know, not very clever but who expects this kind of potions in a human village. It was something I know the elves can brew but it does not matter now. I've learned my lesson.”  
“What is it you do for a living?” Thorin wanted to know and earned himself another shrug while she was poking around in the embers with a stick she had picked up somewhere next to her. But this time the indifferent gesture came along with a tiny smirk.
“I'm a good scout. I carry things from a to b. Look into matters if people ask me to. If I really must I can pick pockets and locks but I try to earn me my bread. I usually can talk my way out of everything but if that not helps I break a few noses.” She realized another slight smile on his face on the memory of that. And to her own concern she realized that she liked that smile and wanted to see more of it. Instead of finding out why that was, she scolded herself and pushed those weird thoughts away by resuming her speech. “I fight if one pays me but I choose carefully who's side I take. Even when my belly demands different: If I smell evil scum, I run.” The way she squared her shoulders showed him some kind of pride. Rogue mercenaries were not a rare sight but those with a moral codex were. Thorin could value her honesty but still he could not fully approve. Voice calm and not even asking but telling facts. “So basically you're telling me you're a thief and ready to put your loyalties where the coin is.” 
They stared at each other once again and none of them was ready to cast their eyes. “I'm a survivor.” she eventually simply stated but the proud defiance never left her voice. “And I stand for my actions and decisions. How many people can say that of themselves?”
“So... an honorable thief then.” He gave in with another slight smile curling one corner of his mouth. “Can we agree on that?”
“Master dwarf is afraid I'd rob him butt naked while he sleeps. So better don't sleep, right?” Ursa chuckled and the sudden twinkle in her eyes showed him some kind of raw humor he was not ready for and he was glad the fire was their only source of light so she would not be able to see him blush. No one would ever see Thorin Oakenshield blush!
“You can try!” Thorin dared even before became aware how he was reacting on her. He was not a cheerful person in general and usually had not many reasons to laugh and pretend to be happy. There was only space for one thing in his life and it was reclaiming his homeland and title. But for the first time in ages he felt relaxed as if a weight was taken from his shoulders and he allowed himself this little moment of lightness to breathe.
“I already have your coat.” She reminded him but he shook his head.
“I gave it to you. No count.”
“You sure?” Unapologetic her grin as she made large doe eyes at him, appearing far more helpless than she really was and a throaty laugh escaped him.
“You did nothing like that and it wouldn't have worked!” Thorin exclaimed and now it was her to laugh a bit. It was a good sound as they both realized individually. Long missed and still unfamiliar and alien in this situation.
“Fair enough.” Ursa replied still with a grin on her face but with an honest offer. “Truce then? No tricks and no betrayal?” She reached out her right hand to seal the deal and he, without hesitation, took it to shake.
“Truce. And honesty. As long as we travel together.” Thorin offered and she raised an eyebrow at him.
“Travel together? What makes you think we will do that?” Having been a loner for so long, not wanted by anyone to be around made her suspicious at once.
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wp-blaze · 2 hours
OPPO is struggling in foreign countries: Germany’s case
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Legal battle in Germany OPPO and its subsidiary OnePlus have stopped selling smartphones and smartwatches through their German online stores. The product withdrawal follows defeats in two SEP cases at […]
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