#and it's shown in this subtle way
raindrop-rouge · 1 year
I’m listening to Epic: The Musical for the MILLIONTH time and got really excited about the use of names in the show - one thing in particular. 
Most of the characters are introduced with their name announced immediately before or after their very first line (with more or less intensity, ranging from a single call of it to POSEIDON POSEIDON POSEIDON POSEIDON--)
And then you get to Penelope’s song (WHAT A SONG WHAT A WOMAN) - and she’s not announced by anyone, nor is she interrupted as she sings to be named (until a bit later). BUT!! it’s not that it doesn’t matter who she is: her theme gives her away, it plays before she begins to sing, and at that point, the audience knows VERY WELL who those notes stand for, who this woman must be. She is virtually the only character in the entire Odyssey deemed not to need a verbal introduction. I love that. I love it so much.
So, I assume that it’s because this is Odysseus’s story, and she’s the centre of his universe, and so it shows her importance (Telemachus isn’t introduced either, for likely similar reasons, but also he is the only kid in the musical so. fairly obvious - and another character never expressly named is Zeus himself, because again, not really needed). But then I wondered - how is Odysseus himself introduced? 
THAT’S RIGHT: in the very first song, when it kicks off, the audience does not know who is singing. I personally assumed it would be Agamemnon, actually, King of the Greeks; when he was named in the song, I thought, odd, but perhaps then this is Menelaus, his brother, the reason everyone is here in the first place? Nope. Named as well. Ah. Neo’s here and told to avenge his father, so Achilles is already gone. Then who? 
And there he says it, for the first time: Penelope. That’s the giveaway! THAT is what tells the audience who this man is - his relationship to his wife. The protagonist of this story is Penelope’s husband, Odysseus. Not the King of Ithaca; not son of Laertes (as would be the traditional way). It’s just such a great way to introduce him (and a good reversal of defining women based on their connections to powerful men...)
Anyway I got REALLY excited about this lol my inbox is open if anyone wants to talk about it and curb my posting, which atm is my only outlet :)))
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pizzagame4000 · 3 months
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we all know human vigilante… but what about… slightly human vigilante
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ididgettomeetyou · 1 year
Katara is Aangs biggest STAN to REALLY stan katara is to stan Aang
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aang antis confuse me.. how can you stan katara and hate aang it doesn't compute katara loves aang/ she idolizes him / gonna start the cult of aang
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‘Vogel has absolved Gellert of all his crimes. He's free. He says there's no proof. He tried to arrest aurors who were there the night Leta Lestrange was murdered’.
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notmonaca · 10 months
shout out to coco adel for being gay as fuck in after the fall
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kittenbased · 1 year
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Why would you two have hidden something that big from me? Was I that untrustworthy? I'd sometimes think that.But then I'd think, "No, this is on those who kept it a secret." As I watched Woojoo withering away, I realized she was the one suffering the most. So I'd calm down a little. But I was still mad at you.
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fagmegumi · 1 year
i know I should focus on writing and not poke hornets nests but. though saionji haters of the “i dont care about him & dont wanna hear about him” variety are completely valid . If you for real think saionji is a villain the way akio is a villain. you completely missed the point of the show
#and i dont even mean that theyre the same but akio is much worse#i mean that we are literally shown - textually - that saionji is a steadfast; loyal; honorable boy whothinks he is upholding a strict but#fair moral system and genuinely means well#but he like everyone else (male and female) is groomed into the fucked up partiarchal worldview of possession and control that says that#people like him (men; ‘princes’) are responsible for protecting others at the cost of their own well-being AND the well-being of those they#are ‘protecting’#and we literally see everyone at some point or other fall into this slippery slope at akios behest INCLUDING utena both in tje first arc#when she thinks she can’save’ anthy just by telling her what to do and later when she slaps wakaba (the SAME gesture as saionji to anthy in#ep 1) after being manipulated by touga#in fact saionji being the boogeyman in the first arc and bein shown being abusive in such a self evident and ‘uncomplicated’ way at the ver#y beginning. is the POINT. bc from then on the manipulation abuse etc gets more subtle complex layered and complicated by many different#interpersonal rships at the same time.#but saionji is also literally again TEXTUALLY shown in the final arc#to paradoxically be a better person than touga who seems the least bad of the 2 and goes around calling himself a feminist#bc when saionji sees the truth of what akio is and what the duels and prince/princess roles do to people he immediately is disgusted and#wants nothing to do with it and cannot even STAND the sight of akio. whereas touga sees it just as clearly and has for a much longer time#but he still will not separate himself from akio because he wants the power he thinks he can gain regardless of the consequences and hurt#to himself yes. but also to others; anthy utena nanami AND saionji.#and this isnt even to say that ohh the real bad guy is touga actually hate touga instead. tougas situation is also complext#none of the kids are bad people (though some are better people than others i.e. utena and wakaba)#they are all victims of a system in which they are being groomed and manipulated to play roles that disregard their humanity and cause them#to be in pain and to put other people in pain#and lastly you can say ‘well but saionji was still an asshole he slapped anthy while she was in a sort-of gf role to him that’s literally#abuse.’ and YES. he was and it is.#however rgu isn’t about finding The Bad People who do The Bad Things its about showing how these toxic systems perpetrate themselves to the#misery of EVERYONE involved.#and that happens because people buy into it from a VERY young age. but that doesnt mean they cant learn better.#the only truly bad guy in rgu is akio and that isn’t because hes an exception to the ‘everyone is a complex morally grey human and people#cause hurt to each other without setting out to do so’ but because he’s NOT a normal human being he is basically a thought experiment.#of what would happen if someone LOST the ability to change and question themselves and learn better. or you could say. to revolutioniz
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dutybcrne · 5 months
Kaeya absolutely thrives with a possessive lover. There will be a point at first when he does get a little weirded out, but solely bc he is still adjusting to accepting he’s genuinely wanted by that person. With an exceptionally possessive lover who consistently makes no secret of just how much they love him and how far they’re willing to go, he tends to get so weak for, because he’ll rapidly feel much more secure in their relationship and not worry as much that he’ll be abandoned, either from faded interest or due to his heritage.
#hc; kaeya#//He only starts drawing the line when his close friends in the knights/Winery fam get hurt#//But people won’t tend to go to those extremes; knowing him and who he usually associates with#//But he does LOVE partners who are V tactile; esp around others (once he gets used to it); hold him TIGHT so he can’t get away from easy#//Loves a partner who boldly declares him theirs to sb to drive home their claim; just SAYING he’s theirs at All gives him the fuzzies#//If they even so much as actively go and stalk him at work or daily routine; he gets a lil bit giddy#//If they are the kind to go Ape Shitt bc sb hurt him; he will ADORE THEM. Esp if right in front of him#//And smooch them all over their face; to hell with if they’ve got blood smeared across it#//Is prolly a bit MORE inclined to Initiate things if they do; tbh#//Loves the type unafraid to mark him up if they feel the urge to; esp if their jealousy got piqued#//Even if he may ask for more subtle spots like the junction of his neck; arms; JUST at the edges of the chest opening on his shirt#//Smth he can show off by shifting and positioning himself in certain ways; while not being TOO visible typically#//He does have to retain Professionalism after all. and would HATE to have to go to the church or Jean to erase the marks bc of it#//The main issue would be them rlly nagging him to open up so they can know More of him#//Bc THAT is difficult; no matter how whipped he is for sb#//However being given a decent incentive to Make him talk does help—esp the more they’ve shown to want to cling to him#//They are more trustworthy#//He lets a Lot slide when it comes to himself during a relationship#//Esp since he knows he’s more than capable of putting a Stop to shit if it goes to far; for himself or others getting involved#//But he can’t help getting the dokis when his partner is Unhinged; ESPECIALLY if such for HIM#//Esp if HE’S encouraged to be the same way#//Bc BOY will he himself RUN with shit if he’s allowed#//Sometiems he will deliberately do things to set off their possessiveness; but is always careful not to let it go Too Far#//He can handle the manhandling and being knocked around a bit by them due to his own masochism; loves them RLLY marking & wrecking him#//But he won’t do smth that will get sb Else hurt. unless they deserve it; THEN it’s a different story
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this line from the sonic wiki pisses me off IMMENSELY by the way. i know that this came from a sonic channel story, but shadow not caring about peace OR anyone in GENERAL is such a straight up fucking lie and it makes me want to eat drywall!!!!!!!!!!!
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birdsong-18 · 2 years
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iraprince · 14 days
gonna show u guys a little opalescent highlight hack i threw together today
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rainbow gradient above your main figure (i usually have all my main figure folders/layers in one big folder, so i can clip gradient maps + adjustments to it!). liquify tool to push the colors around a bit. STAY WITH ME I KNOW IT LOOKS STUPID RN I'M GOING SOMEWHERE WITH THIS
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THEN: set it to add/glow (or the equivalent in ur drawing program), lower the opacity a bit, and apply a layer mask. then u can edit the mask with whatever tools you like to create rainbow highlights!!
in this case i'm mostly using the lasso fill tool to chip out little facets, but i've also done some soft airbrushing to bring in larger rainbow swirls in some areas. it's pretty subtle here, but you can see it better when i remove the gradient map that's above everything, since below i'm working in greyscale:
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more granular rambling beneath the cut!
u could also just do this with a brush that has color jitter, but what i like about using layer masks for highlight/shading layers is how simple and reversible it makes everything. i can use whatever brushes i want, and erasing/redoing things is super low stakes, which is great when i often approach this stuff with a super trial-and-error approach.
example: have u ever thrown a gradient w multiple colors over an entire piece, set it to multiply etc, and then tried to erase it away to carve out shadows/highlights? it's super frustrating, bc it looks really good, but if u erase something and then change ur mind later, u basically would have to like. recreate the gradient in the area u want to cover up again. that's how i used to do things before figuring out layer masks!! but masking basically creates a version of this with INFINITE undo bc u can erase/re-place the base layer whenever u want.
anyway, back to rambling about this specific method:
i actually have TWO of these layers on this piece (one with the liquified swirls shown above, and another that's just a normal concentric circle gradient with much broader stripes) so i can vary the highlights easily as needed.
since i've basically hidden the rainbow pattern from myself, the colors in each brushstroke i make will kind of be a surprise, which isn't always great -- but easily fixable! for example, if i carve out a highlight and it turns out the rainbow pattern in that area is way too stripey, i can just switch from editing the mask to editing the main layer and blur that spot a bit.
also, this isn't a full explanation of the overall transparency effect in these screencaps! there's other layer stuff happening below the rainbow highlights, but the short version is i have all this character's body parts in different folders, each with their own lineart and background fill, and then the fill opacity is lowered and there's multiply layers clipped to that -- blah blah it's a whole thing. maybe i'll have a whole rundown on this on patreon later. uhhh i think that's it tho! i hope u get something useful out of this extremely specific thing i did lmao
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semisentientseafood · 3 months
I knew that nintendo very likely wouldn’t outright say something like “Yes these characters are gay” but the way they were so insanely unsubtle about Pearl and Marina’s Definitely more-than-just-friends relationship in side order made me so happy to see, like there is SO much stuff that you just cannot come up with a heterosexual explanation for.
Marina’s sheer amount of swoony dialogue, dev diaries, her drawings of pearl, her desktop background WHO is doing all those things for their “best friend” . Pearl’s also shown to be concerned for and protective of Marina as well as be supportive of her infodumping about her interests
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Even some smaller and potentially not-even-totally-intentional things just Work perfectly as more subtle details such as Marina’s dev diary being represented by an infinity sign with a rainbow gradient super similar to the symbol for autism advocacy, or the flags near cipher’s siftings with similar coloration to the lesbian flag (more noticeable with a certain filter in camera mode)
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In conclusion my god these cephalopods gay good for them
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evangelifloss · 3 months
Thinking about a certain scene in Dungeon Meshi that completely encapsulates the Autistic experience of making friends as an adult and how hard it is to try and navigate it without ending up getting hurt.
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Like IDK about y'all, but this is a common problem ALOT of Autistic Adults face when trying to make friends with other people, because unlike children who aren't good at keeping their opinions to themselves, Adults ARE. In society, we're even encouraged to "keep the peace" "be polite" and etc, which commonly leads to awful scenarios as shown above when Laois finds out his buddy has come to resent who Laois is without actually telling him. All too often the friends that we love to hang out with, people that we're so happy to spend time with, don't feel the same way and in many cases, come to blame us for our social cues or lack thereof.
And when/if we do eventually find out how our friend feels, Dungeon Meshi hits us with another painful panel of how that usually ends up playing out.
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It's hard for Adults with Autism to make friends, and even harder to maintain them because alot of the ways Neurotypicals tell other Neurotypicals that they don't like a certain behavior is by quietly disengaging. Whether that involves having one sentence answers, going quiet, or having a certain tone in their voice, all those things signal annoyance or disapproval, but for the Neurodivergents, those subtle cues are completely missed.
And yet when we inevitably discover we DID do something, it is natural to ask "well why didn't you tell me?" because in our minds, it should've been the next step in the equation. However for the Neurotypicals, that's NOT something to bring up. Its important to be SUBTLE about the issue at hand and rely on signals to tell the other person. Blame is placed on us for not noticing the "obvious" signs of disapproval rather than the idea of talking it out as such things are uncomfortable and harder to do. Alot of the time what ends up happening is resentment due to the idea that it was "obvious" and the fact one didn't notice indicates a deliberate ignorance rather than a complete unawareness. It ends up calling into question our quality as a person and our sincerity. We get called "fake" or "malicious" or even "stupid" for failing social cues rather than questioning the decision to be indirect and vague.
For a manga about exploring the dungeon, it seems that the artist would rather explore very real and prevalent dynamics in society with the adventuring premise as a backdrop. I felt VERY seen in these panels, and many others, because it happens so suddenly and dare I say it, plainly. There's no dramatic build-up or spectacle made and in essence, it just Happens.
I think that's what makes the scene hit even harder. It seemingly comes out of nowhere for Laois, like how it always comes out of nowhere for alot of people, and it's never a dramatic twist either. It's always mundane and hurtful. A sudden unforeseen bump in the road that ends up calling into question one's entire friendship with someone and consequent other friendships. It asks "what if other friends feel the same. What if the people that I really like actually hate me and I don't know it?" Or at least that's what I came away with after reading the chapter. I've been where Laois was and the only reason I'm not there now is because I lost the naivete I had and doubt everyone else's sincerity.
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iamaweirdbeing · 5 months
changes in the pjo show that are better than their book counterparts (from a chronic over analyzer who has been obsessed with this series since age 12)
sally working morality lessons and her own opinions into explaining the greek myths to percy (sally is amazing any details included that allow more of her character to be shown are fine with me i love learning more about her thought process. i also think its a really interesting and more subtle way to show that the mortal parents of demigods are also impacted negatively/are victims of the gods actions.)
stating outright that luke sees annabeth as his sister (bc luke seeing annabeth as anything other than his sister defeats the point of the series in a lot of ways. it makes him irredeemable and is disgusting which overshadows all of his valid arguments and the way percy mirrors him. it's like when an author makes a morally gray character commits some vile act that is out of character but is so bad readers can't ignore it in order to turn that character into a "true villain".)
BRINGING UP THALIA (thalia is one of my favorite characters in the whole series so of course i'm ok with any mention of her, but it sets up future events so well. we understand characters motives sooner, its probably a way that luke can gauge whether a demigod will join the titan army based on their reactions to the story, WE SEE HOW DIFFERENTLY IT EFFECTED LUKE AND ANNABETH)
the medusa and annabeth parallel (that change shows the truth of the gods in one parallel. it sets up annabeth's change in mind set that we get to by the last olympian. i can't explain how much i love this parellel.)
annabeth being the one to watch luke's string be cut (he is her family, it will be her dagger, it is only fair she be the one to see it. that is all i have to say about it.)
GROVER MANIPULATING A GOD (i love this so much bc i think it shows his desperation in a way. he knows how much is riding on this and after finding his uncle and percy falling from the arch he is willing to do anything to succeed. no more thalias.)
there's probably more but that all i can think of atm
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anantaru · 5 months
— cute things they do unintentionally
including wriothesley, zhongli, neuvillette, diluc x gn! reader
꒰ genre ꒱ — fluff, established relationship, neck kisses, lots of physical affection
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— wriothesley + always walks closest to the street
in the early stages of your relationship, wriothesley has shown the first, out of the many following, indications of his overall protective nature towards you— and do not misunderstand him, because obviously he wasn't making it somewhat overbearing.
he knows you are capable of doing things on your own, but he wants to be the one who does them for you instead. it fills him with joy, and the duke finds himself squeezing his eyes shut, indulging in the memories and thoughts and hope that they would never cease to invade his newfound paradise.
so to speak, it's sort of a way to show you his love in a contrasting kind of sense other than telling you his affection through words or physical touch— with his heart-melting gestures and tender warmth, wriothesley will stop to walk for a split second before softly pulling you farthest from the street as he walks closest.
it was silly— and romantic, and there's a drop of silence before you hear him hum in merriment, his eyes sparkling like the stars.
full of feeling, your cheeks were poignant of a flaming prickle, your whole body burned like fire at his touch as you eagerly listen to what story your boyfriend was telling you about, his smile bringing you the most lustrous light when you entangle your fingers into his arm to press his frame against you.
and suddenly, your lips are tingling with the desire to kiss him, his lips as pink as pink delights. what's the sweetest part about it all was that wriothesley wasn't doing any of this intentionally— in fact, it had always come down to the way he has been all of his life, protective and sheltering, benevolent to the people closest to his heart.
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— zhongli + kisses your forehead whenever you meet
"hello, my love," zhongli's face lights up the moment he sees you, and it's a lot more personal by how particularly he smiled at you— because before catching your frame in midst the busy streets of liyue, his facial features were stern and a little frozen, although when he finally finds you, he smiles and it takes away his cold instantly, a slow upturn of his mouth revealing small dimples around his sides.
"i missed you," he admits, and zhongli moves closer before capturing your cheeks in his warm palms, planting a subtle kiss on your forehead as he presses you against his chest firmly— his golden eyes bright enough to make even broken glass glow and shimmer like a treasure on its own again.
you mumble out through a chain of muffled words at the slightly tight embrace of your boyfriend, "i missed you too," and listlessly wrap your arms around his waist, "in fact, i missed you more," you tease as he presses dozen of little kisses on your head.
as much as zhongli would love to hug you for what he sought out to be eternity, he knows he cannot remain like this forever, at least not while being crowded by the people of liyue— although pondering about it more deeply, he figured that theoretically speaking, he could be able to hug you from day to night without letting you go, but people might start looking at you both so that'll be a negative and turn things uncomfortable.
"you know it's impossible for you to miss me more?" he slowly pulls you off his chest before pinching your cheek, "i long for you day and night," as his grin shines in tandem with the dancing joy of his eyes, unable to tear their focus away from you.
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— neuvillette + can't stop worshipping you
after a long, arduous day consisting of responsibilities, you plopped onto the giant, comfortable bed you shared with neuvillette before you felt the mattress slightly dip under the added weight of his body as he climbs over to lean one arm around your frame.
as he does this, his face instantly burns into the nook of your neck before he begins to caress it— obviously in those moments he was content with you, starting with a handful of soft, warm kisses until he could feel you smile, or notice your body heat raise.
it's pretty clear his senses were sharp, you cannot hide anything from your boyfriend, even if you tried.
you yawn out, opening your arms for his body to properly nestle in before wrapping your limbs around his frame to keep him close, "what did i do to deserve this?" you whisper sarcastically, squeezing him a little tighter into you, "is something the matter?"
neuvillette hums deeply before smothering one hand from your chest to your hips, his lips stretching into a lazy smile, creating a swirling haven on his handsome face, "nothing at all, everything is fine," he assures you with another kiss, his hot breath fanning over the dampened skin on your neck.
basking into the comfortable engage of your arms around his frame, he continues, "i have simply missed what's mine, that is all,"
"and you deserve this," you hear him mumble, "each and every day to be admired and loved,"
he places a kiss on your shoulder, the softness of his lips compelling, "i want to give you this," as he slowly continues to slide his lips over your collarbone, full of passionate crescendos.
your skin trembles and goosebumps arise on your neck as you unwind to his skilled. tender interludes, precisely in neuvillette taking care of you, shooting you a gentle smile before he searches for your lips next.
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— diluc + likes to hold your hand all the time
it doesn't matter where the both of you were or what activity you participated in, because for neither diluc nor you this was something out of the ordinary anymore and began to become a necessity— like breathing, he required your touch, and his heart fluttered every time he felt your energy invade his.
your laugh was his favorite sound and your voice was the last tune he needed to hear before he'd close his eyes, always awaiting the flicker of longing in your caress.
but before you have found each other in this relationship, the master of the dawn winery has never considered himself to be an overly touchy individual, in fact, he was everything else but pleased whenever someone would become way too comfortable with him and overstep any boundaries.
what's funny about love is that how fast it can change things in someone— beyond looks, touches or shared smiles, there were feelings that only you two were able to understand.
diluc hadn't realized how easy and effortless it can be the moment you meet your soulmate, it's transparent and pure and you cannot get enough of them, it's useless to even try and you want to feel them again and again, until their warmth swathes through your skin and intertwines like dancers in a ballet.
in the beginning, it had started with quick and easy placements of his palm on your back or around your shoulders, but after a while, diluc wanted to turn it a little more intimate— he didn't say anything or mention it to you, but one day at a silent night in mondstadt, when he looked at you, really looked at you, he held your hand, his thumb tracing your knuckles in a silent confession of love and affirmation.
to diluc ragnvindr, the act of falling in love was the acknowledgement that he was in the presence of someone so special that it aches his heart, a journey with unexpected twists and turns— for the first time and in that moment, he knew that you were deserving of love to the fullest, without holding back.
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©2024 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify, claim as your own
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vonlipvig · 1 year
glass onion had lgbt rep in the way that i prefer: a character is shown to be gay in a subtle yet unmistakeably domestic way, and then nothing romantic happens and we go solve a murder with the power of friendship and violence
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