#and whatever ronan and blue have going on
yeehawdickthree · 2 months
sometimes trc seems like a story about three of gansey’s best friends trying to get along
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via-val · 1 year
getting real tired of seeing conventionally attractive fancasts for adam parrish 😮‍💨 like guys he was a *curious* looking person. yeah yeah he was a sepia photograph and had eyes pretty enough to be a girl's BUT!!! he looked like a civil war soldier!!! his hair was the color of dirt!!! he has nonexistent eyebrows!!!! im crying... let adam parrish be unconventionally attractive. let adam parrish be the last guy you'd glance at when he's out with friends because he canonically IS!!!
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es-3 · 1 month
i love how no one can remember anything from trc except for vibes and so here’s a list i compiled of everything i remember from the entire series
blue made out with a ghost
the ghost was the funniest character and then everyone realized he was a ghost and then everyone forgot about him
persephone lived in the attic
there was a tree that showed them their worst fears when they went inside it and for whatever reason they took turns going inside it like why did they do that and also i think ronan dreamt it????
im pretty sure the trees spoke latin
was that a thing
now that i’m thinking about it i have no idea
boat shoes
the set up for manmouth manufacturing was set up in a way only teenage boys with no supervision could set up
they pulled a little defense against the dark arts teachers but with latin class instead and but i don’t remember how many latin teachers there were
blue and gansey talked on the phone
and then they took little drives but i don’t remember how often that happened
adam straight up killed a dude
blue is NOT a prostitute but she IS half tree
ronans objects of worship were confined to one downtown block
uhhhh i think there was a part with a lake in a cave and i’m pretty sure there were like deer or something and i think blues dad might have been but i do remember they got split up at some point in that cave
latin teacher killed noah
noah had a red car
i’ve heard there was a toga party but i don’t remember anything from it
ronan did not like lamps
adam is the eyes and ears for a sentient forest
the pig
robot ones too
declan dated a bunch of girls named ashley
there was like a hole??? in the ground?? at school i think??? and henry forced gansey to go in it and then trama dumped and then gave him the most traumatizing exposure therapy of his life
gansey has seen ronans dick at least once
adam and ronan ran around pushing each other in shopping carts
“she makes me quiet”
ronan did imaginary drugs and it ended with his organless brother getting kidnapped because his drug buddy had a big fat crush on him and i’m pretty sure there were fireworks involved in the rescue
did gansey go around knocking on doors and talking to people in different accents or was that lockwood and co? or was it both?
adam and ronan went around moving rocks because the trees that talked to adam told him to
blues aunt had lovely cubby hands also i think she might have been a bad guy but i don’t actually remember
oh there was like a crazy lady they found in a tomb idk why i forgot about her
gansey didn’t want to find glendower that one day because the aesthetic was off
maura and calla and persephone met on the side of a road
ganseys sister can fly helicopters
adam and ronan blackmailed their latin teacher for a fake crime with fake evidence that they dreamt up by making dream latin teacher do those things
the gray man was very slay
also he killed ronans dad
and he worked for the latin teacher
oh and there were sleeping mice
and a sleeping mom
and a toaster that didn’t work anymore
there was a grocery store scene i think and im pretty sure there was fighting in that scene
henry was kidnapped when he wasn’t wearing any pants
that’s all gang, tune in next time to see if i can remember anything from the plot
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hermitmoss · 1 year
autistic gansey: the raven boys
literal thinking
All of the sources said that church watchers had to possess “the second sight” and Gansey barely possessed first sight before he put his contacts in.
It took Gansey a moment to realize that Ronan had made a joke, and by then, it was too late to laugh.
Gansey, misunderstanding, immediately asked her, “Why would you have to leave?”
“Coincidence?” Ronan asked. “I think not.”  It was meant to be sarcastic. Gansey had said I don’t believe in coincidences so often that he no longer needed to.
He said, “I don’t think that minor children are required to get gifts for their parents. I’m a dependent. That’s the definition of dependent, is it not?”
Several exasperated faces turned on Gansey. Maura said, “Well, he’s not going to just go away because you don’t want to deal with him.” “I didn’t say it was possible,” Gansey replied, not looking up from his splint. “I just said that it was what I would like.”
"His name wasn’t really Butternut, was it?" Gansey asked Adam in a low voice.
food sensitivities
Gansey said, “Tell me there’s no sauce on this burger.”  Dropping the strap from his teeth, Ronan scoffed. “Please.”  “No pickle, either,” Adam said
The area around him smelled strongly of mint from the leaf he chewed absently. 
He ran his thumb back and forth across his bottom lip, a habit he never seemed to notice and Adam never bothered to point out.
Gansey was crumpled on his bed, earbuds in, eyes closed. Even with the hearing gone in his left ear, Adam could hear the tinny sound of the music, whatever Gansey had played in order to keep himself company, to lure himself to sleep.
special interest
Gansey couldn’t resist talking about Glendower. He never could.
But Gansey never minded retelling the story. He’d related the events like they’d just happened, thrilled again
he was wondering if it was more than the ordinary curiosity people possessed when faced with Gansey and his obsessive accessories. He knew Gansey would find him overly suspicious, unnecessarily proprietary of a search Gansey was more than willing to share with most people.
“We talking about Gansey the third and his New Age obsession?” the secretary asked.
what he found was that Richard Gansey III was more obsessed with the ley line than he had ever been. Something about the entire research process seemed … frantic.  What is wrong with this kid? Whelk wondered
It was suddenly difficult not to be excited by the idea of explaining it all to her.
The easy way that he began the story, at once striding through grass and eyeing the EMF reader, let Blue know that he had told it many times before.
“If you’d just asked,” Gansey said, “I would’ve told you everything in there. I would’ve been happy to. It wasn’t a secret.”
masking and mirroring accents
Adam remembered finding him intimidating when he first met him. There were two Ganseys: the one who lived inside his skin, and the one Gansey put on in the morning when he slid his wallet into the back pocket of his chinos.  The former was troubled and passionate, with no discernible accent to Adam’s ears, and the latter bristled with latent power as he greeted people with the slippery, handsome accent of old Virginia money.
It was a default answer, she saw; he fell back onto his powerful politeness when he was taken by surprise. Also, he was still watching Adam, taking his cues from him as to how he should react to her. Adam nodded, once, briefly, and the mask slipped just a little more. Blue wondered if the President Cell Phone demeanor ever vanished completely when he was around his friends. Maybe the Gansey she’d seen in the churchyard was what lay beneath.
A few minutes later, when Gansey climbed into the front seat beside the pilot, she saw that he was grinning, effusive and earnest, incredibly excited to be going wherever they were going. It was nothing like his previous, polished demeanor.
There was something about the timbre of his voice that surprised Blue. It wasn’t until he spoke again she realized he was using the tone she’d heard him use with Adam.
This Gansey, this story-telling Gansey, was a different person altogether from any of the other versions of him she’d encountered. She couldn’t not listen. 
Gansey had always felt as if there were two of him: the Gansey who was in control, able to handle any situation, able to talk to anyone, and then, the other, more fragile Gansey, strung out and unsure, embarrassingly earnest, driven by naive longing. That second Gansey loomed inside him now, more than ever, and he didn’t like it.
some days Gansey wished that he could be him, because Adam was so very real and true in a way that Gansey couldn’t ever seem to be.
Gansey was first into the room, and he clearly hadn’t expected to find anyone there, because his features hadn’t been arranged at all to disguise his misery. When he saw Blue, he immediately managed to pull a cordial smile from somewhere. And it was so very convincing. She had seen his face just a second before, but even having seen his expression, it was hard to remind herself that the smile was false. Why a boy with a life as untroubled as Gansey’s would have needed to learn how to build such a swift and convincing false front of happiness was beyond her.
not understood/accidentally offensive/words coming out wrong
The Aglionby boy appeared puzzled for a long moment, and then realization dawned. “Oh, that was not how I meant it. That is not what I said.”
To his credit, the Aglionby boy didn’t speak right away. Instead, he thought for a moment and then he said, without heat, “You said you were working for living. I thought it’d be rude to not take that into account. I’m sorry you’re insulted. I see where you’re coming from, but I feel it’s a little unfair that you’re not doing the same for me.”
He hadn’t meant to be offensive but, in retrospect, it was possible he had been. This was going to eat at him all evening. He vowed, as he had a hundred times before, to consider his words better.
He’d managed to offend again, with no effort at all.
After a moment, he said, "Sometimes I’m afraid he’ll never really understand me."
I did tell him, right? I did say that we were to wait. It’s not that he didn’t understand me.
Words pressed against his mouth, begged to be said, but he kept silent.
But Gansey’s words had somehow become unwitting weapons, and he didn’t trust himself to not accidentally discharge them again. 
“My words are unerring tools of destruction, and I’ve come unequipped with the ability to disarm them.
specifically coming across as condescending
 She clearly hadn’t found him condescending.  Which was probably because she hadn’t heard him speak.  
“Sometimes he’s very condescending.”  Adam looked at the ground. “He doesn’t mean to be.
“Really?” Gansey asked, so innocently startled by this that it was clear that Adam had been right before — he hadn’t meant to be condescending.
“God, I’m sick of your condescension, Gansey,” Adam said. “Don’t try to make me feel stupid. Who whips out repugnant? Don’t pretend you’re not trying to make me feel stupid.”  “This is the way I talk.
Adam suspected Gansey’s preference was because Ronan was earnest even if he was horrible, and with Gansey, honesty was golden.
“So I think we deserve the truth. Tell me you know something but you don’t want to help me, if that’s what’s going on, but don’t lie to me.”
“I’m going to need everyone to be straight with each other from now on. No more games. This isn’t just for Blue, either. All of us.”
He wasn’t sure how to speak without hurting Ronan. He couldn’t lie to him.
Gansey himself sat at an old desk with his back to them, gazing out an east-facing window and tapping a pen. His fat journal lay open near him, the pages fluttering with glued-in book passages and dark with notes. Adam was struck, as he occasionally was, by Gansey’s agelessness: an old man in a young body, or a young man in an old man’s life.
In his best professor voice
He sounded so old, Blue thought. So formal in comparison to the other boys he’d brought. There was something intensely discomfiting about him
once again Blue got the sense that he seemed older than the boys he’d brought with him.
There was something very ancient about him just then, with the tree arched over him and his eyelids rendered colorless in the shadows.
“You haven’t been a dependent since you were four. You went straight from kindergarten to old man with a studio apartment.” 
Malory had been the first one to take fifteen-year-old Gansey seriously, a favor for which Gansey would not soon stop being grateful for.
journal is comfort object
Gansey retreated to his bed, though he didn’t lie down. He reached for his journal, but it wasn’t there; he’d left it at Nino’s the night of the fight.
Whelk held his hand out for the journal. Gansey swallowed.  He asked, “Whelk — sir — are you sure this is the only way?” The journal weighted his hands. He didn’t need it. He knew everything in it.  But it was him. He was giving everything that he’d worked for away.  I will get a new one.
He thought this feeling inside him was shame.
Gansey tried several different ways to think of the situation, but there wasn’t any way he could paint it that made it hurt less. Something kept fracturing inside him.
Gansey couldn’t begin to explain the size of this awfulness. He only knew that it burst inside him, again and again, fresh every time he considered it. 
some complicated longing to settle an argument that waged deep inside himself.
overwhelming emotions
 More than anything, the journal wanted. It wanted more than it could hold, more than words could describe, more than diagrams could illustrate. Longing burst from the pages, in every frantic line and every hectic sketch and every dark-printed definition. There was something pained and melancholy about it. 
 His bald expression held something new: not the raw delight of finding the ley line or the sly pleasure of teasing Blue. She recognized the strange happiness that came from loving something without knowing why you did, that strange happiness that was sometimes so big that it felt like sadness.
He couldn’t stand it, all of this inside him.  In the end, he was nobody to Adam, he was nobody to Ronan. Adam spit his words back at him and Ronan squandered however many second chances he gave him. Gansey was just a guy with a lot of stuff and a hole inside him that chewed away more of his heart every year.They were always walking away from him. But he never seemed able to walk away from them.
“too serious”
Things seemed to weigh heavily enough on Gansey as it was.
His voice was peculiar. Formal and certain.
He knocked fists with Adam. Coming from Gansey, the gesture was at once charming and self-conscious, a borrowed phrase of another language.
“I don’t know what else to say.”  “‘Sorry,’” she recommended.  “I said that already.”
clumsiness and disorganisation
It wasn’t that he meant to be careless — as Adam told him again and again, “Things cost money, Gansey” — it was just that he never seemed to realize the consequences of his actions until too late.
[Ronan] stopped the recorder and said, “You’re dripping gas on your pants, geezer.”
Gansey crashed onto the driver’s seat.
Then there were the notes, made with a half-dozen different pens and markers, but all in the same business-like hand. They circled and pointed and underlined very urgently. They made bulleted lists and eager exclamation points in the margins. They contradicted one another and referred to one another in third person. Lines became cross-hatching became doodles of mountains became squirrelly tire tracks behind fast-looking cars
Not the tidy stacks of an intellectual attempting to impress, but the slumping piles of a scholar obsessed.
It looked like the home of a mad inventor or an obsessed scholar or a very messy explorer; after meeting Gansey, she was beginning to suspect that he was all of these things.
Gansey derived a large part of his pleasure from meeting goals, and a large part of that large part was pleased by meeting goals efficiently. There was nothing more efficient than aiming for your destination as the crow flew.
They didn’t even have the authority to choose an alcoholic beverage. They couldn’t be deciding who deserved to live or die.
likes mechanical things (not counting the camaro because that’s just Too Many Quotes to compile)
He liked the little knobs and toggles and gauges of cockpits, and he liked the technological backwardness of the simple clasp seat belts.
not understanding/realizing things
Again, his face was somehow puzzled by the fact of their hand-holding.
It hadn’t occurred to Gansey that if the Camaro had been operating properly, fleeing would’ve been an option.
Gansey didn’t understand, but he nodded. 
And now Gansey was a king here, and he didn’t even know how to use it.
difficulty reading people/nonverbal cues not impacting him
Gansey suspected that none of them was being completely honest with their replies, but at least he’d told them what he wanted. Sometimes all he could hope for was getting it on the record.
One of Ronan’s eyebrows was raised, sharp as a razor.  Gansey strapped his journal closed. “That doesn’t work on me. 
He didn’t believe she was really offended; her face didn’t look like it had at Nino’s when they’d first met, and her ears were turning pink. He thought, possibly, he was getting a little better at not offending her
need for certainty
What Gansey needed out of life was facts, things he could write in his journal, things he could state twice and underline, no matter how improbable those facts were.
generally unusual ways of thinking
An astonished Roman historian commented, You look under rocks no one else thinks to pick up, slick.
general “strangeness”
Adam leaned toward her as if he was about to say something, but ultimately, he just shook his head, smiling, like Gansey was a joke that was too complicated to explain.
“ARE YOU LISTENING, GLENDOWER? I AM COMING TO FIND YOU!” Gansey’s voice, ebullient and ringing, echoed off the tree-covered slopes around the field. Adam and Blue found him standing in the middle of a clear, pale path, his arms stretched out and his head tilted back as he shouted into the air.
“You find it not normal?”  She could tell that he very much wanted her to say that he wasn’t normal, so she replied, “Oh, I’m sure it’s quite normal in some circles.”  He looked a little hurt, but most of his attention was on the meter, which showed two faint red lights. He remarked, “I’d like to be in those circles.
Gansey couldn’t keep the exasperation from his voice. “‘Strange’ doesn’t help me. I don’t know what ‘strange’ means.”
He was himself, but he was something else, too — that something that Blue had first seen in him at the boys’ reading, that sense of otherness, of something more, seemed to radiate from that still portrait of Gansey enshrined in the dark tree.
not knowing other people don’t know things he knows
“Gansey, seriously,” Adam interrupted, to Blue’s relief. “Nobody knows what quiddity is.”
“Nobody knows who Ned Kelly is, either, Gansey.”
Born This Way
A small voice within Adam asked whether he would ever look this grand on the inside, or if it was something you had to be born into.
just. this. the way he knows to think this, the way he instinctively compares them to aliens that humans mistreat and that he logically shouldn’t love.
They were like aliens, Gansey thought. Aliens that we have treated very badly for a very long time. If I were a tree, I would have no reason to love a human.
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sam-blackbird · 4 months
An analyse of Umbrella Academy s4's posters (beware of s3 spoilers, ofc)
Hi! Today, the official Umbrella Academy Instagram account published season 4 posters, and since I'm very excited about this, I'm gonna try to analyse the posters, or what I can tell about them.
It's going to be long so grab a snack if you want / can, put on a cool playlist, and let's dive down! I'm going to do it poster by poster, in the order it was posted, from the oldest post to the newest (so not in numeral order).
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We can notice that the characters are cut in two, the Portal way.
Anyway. First of all: Viktor !
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Ngl, I had a moment when I saw he had the masculine uniform.
But past my joyful moment, my mind went racing so fast I couldn't keep it down, I had to share my thoughts (even if there may be only one person reading me, but whatever).
First thing first, it's interesting that the first one isn't Luther but Viktor, who is, the main character of the show (or at least, that's how I see it). Or a least the most important one. (if the last scene is Viktor ending his reading of his new book, about his siblings, not only would it be a fucking good epanadiplosis but it would make me cry the hell out of me)
After all, the show open with him, following him. And nothing would happen if it wasn't for him. He's the one trying to get the family stick together, and (unwillingly) starting apocalypse (twice or thrice, shit happens).
Let's focus on the poster now. On the left, we have a clothing reminding us of the Umbrella Academy days, or rather the "how it was before the show", except they are adult, and Viktor is here shown post-transition (and not pre-, as he was in the first two seasons). What does that mean? Fuck if I know. That being said, I think it have its importance (if they wanted to put children instead, they would have, wouldn't they?). However, we can note that he is not wearing neither the boy shorts (nor girl's skirt, for obvious reasons), but some secretly third option, aka a grey pant (is it the sport pant?). He is standing out himself, as a trans man (not wearing a skirt, yet not wearing the boy uniform either, as if he wasn't fully in that category somehow? idk).
Viktor's posture is straight (lol), and I associate it with being calm, obedient (he listen to everything Reginald says (ex: take these pills), and since Reginald is perceived as a father figure, it makes sense that Viktor wants to obey him, maybe hoping he (Viktor) will be loved and recognized as valuable). And also with being like a puppet. Or a muppet. The point is: He's not free of his movement, he doesn't have free will.
His face doesn't look happy. Nor sad. Just... neutral. He's just... there.
On the right, we can't see his face, yet his posture seems way more relaxed! He's wearing casual clothes, more modern ones, adapted to the world without powers they're now seems to live at the end of season 3.
His looks reminds me of the one of Tyler Ronan from Tell Me Why, a game by the studio Don't Nod (I fucking love that game). Both characters are trans man.
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(This are pictures of Tyler. I had to restrain myself because we're not here from ma boi Tyler) (I have way too many pictures of that icon)
Anyway. Casual clothes. Blue, like the uniform. I won't analyse that, this post is already long enough.
Tbh, I haven't saw again the last episode of season 3, so I don't remember if it was the clothes they were wearing or new ones.
Also, Viktor is holding an umbrella in his right hand, probably a reference to the Umbrella days. Like, it's a part of him, he can't leave it behind, he physically have it with him (even if he doesn't have the power).
And the Umbrella is closed, unlike the ones from the previous seasons's posters.
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Like, season 2's were opened (and full), and season 3's were opened and damaged (and they were hiding the protagonists' faces, showing implicitly the influence of the academy on them).
Next one, Luther !
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We almost can see his face on the right!
But anyway, let's start by the left. Luther is walking, straight, in what could be either a military walk or a relaxed one (? don't quote me on this please, I can't explain). His posture screams "confidence" and "I'm number one, I'm a leader, follow me!". Or something like that, I'm no posture reader, just someone who watched way too much police and detective shows. He's wearing the Umbrella uniform (and it's so fucking weird to see it on a grown ass man!). His hair are cut short.
On the right, he's wearing a more casual look. There's something going one with his arm muscles, but I can't be bother to search what. His hair are longer than on the left. He is wearing gloves and an umbrella, and walking shoes. His umbrella is cutting his name (does it have some symbolism? Maybe.)
He's still wearing blue (like Viktor), even if it's a different kind of blue (and it kinda fit him).
Nothing more to add. (yes, I have my favorites, and despite liking Luther, I won't kill my eyesight anymore than necessary for details).
Next! Diego!
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Let me preface this by saying that it's so fucking weird to see him in that uniform. On the left, he's walking like a good little soldier, following the leader.
On the right, he's the embodiment of a relax guy who can (and will) definitely yeet you out of the picture if needed. He's not wearing anything casual. It's more like a killer / soldier clothes, with his precious knifes.
He's holding the Umbrella on the shoulder, as if he can't be bothered with it (and/ or he's gonna use it as a weapon).
Next! Not number 3, but the one who's linked to Diego! Lila!
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Love that she's officially "Lila Hargreeves".
The left outfit is like the one she had in season 2 when she was with the Handler and stuff about her past was revealed (so interesting and meaningful choice of outfit). Her heels are thin, as if she wasn't stable (with her life situation and all).
Yet, on the right, her heels are thicker, more stable to move (she's more free to go).
Her clothes are modern and the flowers fit her really well, I might say. Her hair are put up, like the active badass woman she is. They're brown again, and not white/ blond anymore, it's more natural (I can't really argue, my hair are currently pink).
She overall looks like a business woman, with a casual chic.
She too, is holding an umbrella, which make her fully part of the family. She hold it casually.
Next, another girl: Allison.
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Ngl, I'm no big fan of hers, so this will be short.
On the left, she's confidently wearing her UA (Umbrella Academy) uniform. Her hand move don't really feel natural (saying this as someone who sometimes draws human beings). Her hair are like the one from season 1.
On the right, she looks like a business woman and a mom. Her posture looks aslo determined, while relaxed. She have business to do, and no one will stop/ prevent her from doing so!
Girl power and all that.
(I'm trying, I really can't stand how her character was wrote during season 3)
Neeeeext! Let's go with one of my fav, Klaaaaaaus!
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I have to say, it is criminal that a) his hair are short on th right side (loved his long hair) and b) where's the skirt?! He slayed in it! Anyway.
On the left, his walking looks very mechanical, as if he was a machine, a robot (lol) (I won't do any joke about Grace). Yet, his posture his not natural (no one walks naturally torso in one way and legs in another, if that makes some sense) (that reminds me kinda of the extravagant way drag queens walk on the runaway, for shows, but I may be extrapolating a little).
His eyes are closed. Why are his eyes closed? I'm scared. His face is still like the one of a dead person. Resigned. Accepting his fate. But after all, Klaus had always been closed to death, more or less metaphorically speaking, as he can see ghosts (= dead people, or what remains of them).
His hair are all over the place, reminding the crazy days he had to get fucking blasted to avoid said ghosts.
Right side is colorful. He's beauty, he's grace, WHERE ARE HIS HAIR?! No but more seriously, cutting one's own hair symbolise change in many culture, and more specifically letting go of the past, embracing new beginnings, and/ or undergoing spiritual or personal transformations. I have no idea how to interpret that.
He seems to float, to ascend (plz don't kill him). He is bare foot (bare feet? idk) (fun fact: in the comics, he could only use his power when sober and with bare feet) (I won't go down the rabbit hole of barefoot symbolism and its link with death, I'm not mentally well enough to do that).
He his wearing a yellow coat with flowers (flowers, like Lila!). Yellow is associated with joy, fest, sun (and Klaus is a comic relief, a feel good sunshine character), and flower, life. (again, plz don't kill him)
What reinforce that idea of tragedy is that the umbrella he's wearing is the only one who isn't black: it's the umbrella he was holding during Reggie's funeral in s1. Plus, he's holding it with three fingers out. What's the meaning of three? Idk. Maybe it’s for Allison? Maybe it has a link with God (the Christian one)? Yk, Holy Trinity and all that. After all, doesn't Klaus met God (the little girl in the afterlife) regularly?
Does that look good or bad for Klaus? No idea.
Speaking about looking good, Ben is back, alive. I won' t go far enough to say "well", but he's alive.
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On the left, he's standing straight, walking in a unnatural posture. Following only.
On the right, he bent (idk why tho). His clothes are casual (and looking alike the one Viktor had been wearing during s3). His umbrella also cut his name (like Luther's). He's a Vans' boy!
(please, no mustache for him)
We can't see if he's wearing glasses or not.
Last of the Hargreeves kids (if you count Lila as one, and if not, last one of the power-gifted Hargreeves): Five.
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On the left, his posture is haughty. His hands are in his pants pockets. He know what he wants, he is very sure of himself, maybe because he thinks he is better than everyone (he can think that, given what happened) (some might even say he have a bratty attitude, but I'll answer, well have you seen him during season 1???)
(my personal theory is that he is bend forward to be smaller on the left than on the right)
On the right, he left the UA uniform for a more formal suit (some call it 'the grandpa / old man suit'). His hair are longer.
He's walking down like he had no shit to give anymore (he doesn't) and he's ready to throw hands (he totally his).
HOLY (S)HIT HE'S HOLDING THE UMBRELLA IN HIS RIGHT HAND! Why? Why is he te only one wearing the umbrella on the other hand? Is it to accentuate his difference with his siblings (+ Lila)? Is it to show how differently he see his time at the UA an how differenlty he uses his powers? I mean, given he didn't spend as much time in the UA as the rest of them, ofc his vision and perception of the UA is different. Even his vision of time is different.
And now.
BEWARE! THE REGINALD JUMPSCARE! (or is it scare jump? Anyway, I've been working on this post for more than an hour and a hlaf, plz be indulgent, it's late and the day had been long)
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On the left, we see the whole umbrella for the firs time on these posters.
Reggie is wearing blue (reminding of the UA uniform). He is young looking, and seems well assorted (who tf have two jacket pockets on the same side tho?)
Edit: his suit is actually more lilac/ purple, which is a color hard to dye (so it costed a lot and was reserved for royalty / rich ppl) (before industrialization and the use of chemical products for clothes dye; and we know Reggie arrived/ was on Earth on 19th c., so during the industrialization)
On the right, he's old and wearing a brown suit. Brown can symbolize the Earth. Earth can provide and ppl are depend on it to eat and therefore survive. In a way, he was a Earth for his children, as they were dependent on him (does that makes him a good father? Absolutely not!). (that thought, of Reggie being a Earth, is funny given he is an alien / an extraterrestrial)
And if you put them all in order, you get :
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(notice how Klaus's picture / posture melt greatly in Five's?)
And that's it! Damn, that was long. Don't hesitate to let me know what you think about all of that in the comment!
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y2kbbie · 1 month
。・゚゚・ y2kawaii keanuverse tracker
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you all know by now that i absolutely LOVE keanu reeves, and now i decided it'd be fun to try to watch whatever movies/shows he was in simply because...well, i'm a fan of his work, what can i say? 😋 if any of you can help me find where to watch these movies i haven't been able to watch yet, i'd be really grateful for your help!
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(parenthood, 1989)
now, here are the movies/shows that i HAVEN'T watched which i know keanu plays a role for:
DC League of Super-Pets (2022) The Matrix Resurrections (2021) Between Two Ferns (2019) Always Be My Maybe (2019) Replicas (2018) Siberia (2018) To The Bone (2017) A Happening Of Monumental Proportions (2017) Swedish Dicks (2016 - 2018) The Bad Batch (2016) The Neon Demon (2016) Keanu (2016) Exposed (2016) Interrogations Gone Wrong (2015) 47 Ronan (2013) Man of Tai Chi (2013) generation Um... (2012) Side By Side (2012) Henry's Crime (2010) Easy To Assemble (2009) The Private Lives Of Pippa Lee (2009) The Day The Earth Stood Still (2008) The Lake House (2006) A Scanner Darkly (2006) The Great Warning (2006) Ellie Parker (2015) Thumbsucker (2005) Freaked (2003) Something's Gotta Give (2003) Sweet November (2001) The Gift (2000) The Watcher (2000) Action (1999) Me And Will (1999) The Last Time I Committed Suicide (1997) Feeling Minnesota (1996) Chain Reaction (1996) A Walk In The Clouds (1995) Johnny Mnenomic (1995) Little Buddah (1993) Even Cowgirls Get The Blues (1993) Much Ado About Nothing (1993) Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) Providence (1991) My Own Private Idaho (1991) Tune In Tomorrow (1990) I Love You To Death (1990) American Playhouse (1989) The Tracey Ullman Show (1989) Parenthood (1989) Dangerous Liaisons (1988) The Prince of Pennsylvania (1988) Permanent Record (1988) The Night Before (1988) Trying Times (1987) Teenage Dream (1986) Babes In Toyland (1986) Under The Influence (1986) Brotherhood of Justice (1986) Youngblood (1986) Flying (1986) Letting Go (1985) Comedy Factory (1985) One Step Away (Short) (1985) Hangin' In (1984)
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(john wick 2, 2017)
and, here are all of his movies that i HAVE watched:
John Wick 4 (2023) Bill & Ted Face The Music (2020) The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge On The Run (2020) John Wick 3: Parabellum (2019) Toy Story 4 (2019) Destination Wedding (2018) John Wick 2 (2017) The Whole Truth (2016) Knock Knock (2015) John Wick (2014) Street Kings (2008) Constantine (2005) The Matrix: Revolutions (2003) The Matrix: Reloaded (2003) Hardball (2001) The Replacements (2000) The Devil's Advocate (1997) Speed (1994) Point Break (1991) Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey (1991) Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989) River's Edge (1986)
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mykelneedssleep · 7 months
I am redoing my annotations on trc and I cannot explain to you how important the initial description of Monmouth is to me and I’m going to explain that to you right now in great detail because that is what I do so strap in brothers
First off we learn that Monmouth was abandoned because whatever it created was “something that the world no longer needed.” Monmouth was abandoned because whatever was created inside of it was no longer needed but now it is inhabited by Richard Campbell Gansey III. Gansey is something that his friends and the world as a whole NEEDS. Monmouth Manufacturing is just another one of those things (like Noah) that is displaced to simply make room for Gansey and what he WILL do for other people and the world. The same way that Noah died so that Gansey could live, Monmouth shut down so that he would have a place to create everything that he does whether that is physical objects or simply a space for people. Monmouth is important to the entire gangsey because even if it isn’t where they live it is their home despite the fridge in the bathroom and the lack of habitable furniture
Secondly, “Gansey’s invented apartment was a dreamer’s laboratory.” Obviously that applies to Ronan, this is where he lives, where he creates, where he feels safe, as a dreamer but it also applies so fucking much to Gansey himself. Gansey has so many dreams both for himself and for his friends, he as a person just WANTS so much. There are books covering every surface and maps on the walls, telescopes and insomnia-fueled scaled down version of the town they live in. It is Gansey’s mind placed into a physical setting and a reflection of how much he craves everything around him. He wants to know about the ley lines, and Glendower, Cabeswater, and Ronan’s abilities, and anything he can get his hands on because he has such a deep seated need to know things. He dreams of what will happen when he finally does know these things and how the people around him will be affected by that. He dreams of what Ronan could do and the type of person he could become if he recovers from the trauma of his father’s murder, he dreams of Adam completing all his goals in life without the restrictions of money, of Blue doing whatever it is that she wants to do in life, and he dreams that he can be a part of all of these things. Ronan is a dreamer in the way that he can make things from his dreams real, but Gansey is a dreamer in the way that he so desperately wants his dreams to come true
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spandex-if · 4 months
Artbreeder may not be everyone's cup of tea, but could we please get ROs physical descriptions, including their height?
i likely won't be making artbreeders, with how contentious it is regarding ai art and creative work, but i might look at getting commissions of them done one day! in the meanwhile, here are their physical descriptions!
has slightly wavy dark brown hair in a two block undercut (m)/cut at shoulder length (f) and hard hazel eyes. hayden styles his hair with a blowdryer every morning while hayley usually puts it up in a simple ponytail or with a claw clip. she has curtain bangs pushed to the sides to frame her face.
they have strong features and the build of an athlete, with warmly tanned skin. hayden is 1.77m (5' 9'') while hayley is 1.67m (5' 4''). at the right corner of their lips is a small, almost unnoticeable scar from where they got into a fight in middle school. often, they wear a slightly irritable and impatient expression on their face (they never used to look at you like that).
they prefer to wear comfortable jeans or khakis with well fitted shirts for ease of movement, and cycle between the same two jackets — a casual black bomber and a brown leather jacket.
(if married prior) the ring that used to be the other half to yours is absent from their left hand, now.
they have a slim figure — m!ronan is 1.79m (5' 10'') while f!ronan is 1.69m (5' 6''), with sharp facial features. their hair is a light shade of dirty blond with highlights and their eyes are a shade of pale grey blue. m!ronan's hair is in a layered cut while f!ronan's hair is in a tassel cut that comes down to her chin. f!ronan also likes a dark red lip, if she can be bothered to put it on.
ronan is often dressed in loose, plain linen buttoned shirts (but prefer to leave a few undone) tucked into slacks. sometimes, they pair their outfit with a form fitting suit vest or a slightly oversized jacket. and if they're feeling really generous, a doctor's coat.
they often have a lazy, amused look — much like a cat's.
rather long-limbed and tall, but they make it work for them. their black hair is in a messy wolf's cut, and their ears are accessorised with silver piercings. their skin tone is quite pale but in very good condition, and their eyes are big and dark, even if they rarely betray what is going on in that mind of theirs.
they're always seen with a pair of headphones around their neck (with active noise cancelling, just because) and dress in loose, oversized hoodies, tees or sweaters — whatever's comfortable. sometimes, when you bump into them while throwing out the trash, they have on a pair of large, wire rimmed glasses.
you often see them with a tote or sling bag, carrying their laptop and headphones over their head. most of the time they look as though they've just rolled out of bed, but hey, they still look good, okay.
they have a head of bright red hair — you're not too sure if it's natural. scott's is a curly mop on top of his head, while stelle's is often pulled back into a messy ponytail. aside from that, they are the most average person that has ever averaged. average height at 1.75m (5' 9'') for scott, 1.63m (5' 4'') for stelle. average build. there is a faint smattering of freckles across their cheeks that become more obvious when it's hot or they're embarrassed. they have soft brown eyes — and the speed at which they blink is directly proportional to the numbers of coffees they've had in the morning.
they wear cardigens (one has the picture of a goose with a knife held in its beak) with simple clothes beneath. when they come into the office, you hear the jingle of their bag before you see them — plastic keychains with hero merchandise hanging from almost every available zip.
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ganseysglasses · 5 months
More TRC Christmas headcanons? Absolutely.
Gansey is the type of guy to get you an experience. He’ll buy concert tickets, reservations to go spelunking, planned museum days, things like that. However, much like his physical gifts they are things he tends to like more than everyone else and he has no clue of that fact. Because everyone loves Gansey to death they’re excited to go anyways, and it’s always a blast, because he’ll find out so much useless trivia about whatever you’re doing. Art museum? Gansey just told you the artist of the painting you’re looking at was four times divorced and his third wife was a lion tamer.
I feel like Adam can draw really well, and he’ll use that + cabeswater to create the most perfect psychic drawing rendition of whatever you think is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. He draws a lot of trees for Blue, complete with vibrant leaves that almost seem to move if you squint enough… Gansey gets all swooping landscapes of Henrietta. The whole town memorialized on paper had almost brought Gansey to tears. (It immediately went to his notebook, the highest honor.) One year, he ended up having to do a self portrait for Ronan, but felt slightly awkward about it and made Chainsaw instead. Adam later gifted the self portrait after they had gotten together. Noah always got some sort of animal, and even after Noah left, Adam still drew whatever animal he thought Noah might have loved unconditionally. He keeps those tucked away though, and the others haven’t found them. They’re only for Noah, Adam would say.
Ronan is a creature of habit, he dreams things. In his eyes, that would be a waste of his talents to not just dream the gifts. He still puts a lot of thought into the gifts though. Hours are spent trying to pull out the perfect card stock paper Gansey is obsessed with. (It’s never quite the right shade of beige.) Blue’s crochet hook that could change sizes did change sizes, but as Ronan learned, the sizes didn’t fit any actual yarn. So he tries again, never admitting to having learned to crochet for that gift. The cycle repeated for all of them, hours spent for Ronan to not wrap it and shrug like he found it on the floor of Nino’s. But they know he cares.
Blue knows her strengths lay in crafting, and so that’s what she does. One year, she gifts them all the most vibrant hand-knitted cardigans and insists they wear them at least once. Gansey thinks it’s just lovely. His is a bright salmon color that clashes with everything he owns and he thinks it’s perfect. Ronan claims to have fed it to Chainsaw, but Blue once caught him using the special detergent he dreamed as to not ruin it. Ronan will never, ever, admit it’s the most comfortable piece of clothing he owns. Adam’s is actually a sensible color, a deep blue, not as fluorescent as the ones made for Gansey, Ronan, and Henry. Blue knows this way Adam will actually use it, and Adam knows Blue knows that. There’s eye contact, and subtle understanding, and that’s the end of that.
Henry is still adjusting to the odd way they do Christmas, and plays it safe with standard gifts at first. Once he figures out the routine, he gets everyone personalized playlists on CDs, annotated fiction books, matching jewelry, things like that. Just something to show that he’s there, and he knows them, and he’s so glad they know him. He also tends to slip in gag gifts, but nothing too crazy.
They leave a stocking up for Noah in Monmouth. Nobody talks about it, it’s just there, up on the mantle with the rest of them. When it’s time to take down decorations, the stocking usually stays up a little longer.
Happy holidays!
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crashing-all-modes · 1 month
Sorry for such a long wait for the update. It was my last two weeks of school, and MAN, OH MAN, was it stressful for homework!!
Okay, so first of all, this is a long update with lots of pictures!!! (I’m going to make a TLDR version for anybody who doesn’t want to hear me yap, LOL)!
Once again, no spoilers if you have thoughts please!
As some of you may know, I had a project for my 3D design class where we had to pick a book and then create a sculpture out of the book (it can be anything, a scene from the book, a feeling you got while reading it, symbolism and so on). The one rule of the assignment is the pages of the book have to be the most prominent part of the design. So I was allowed to paint it, draw on it, and use whatever I saw fit as long as the pages of the book were included and the most prominent!!
For my project I decided to do the raven boys as tarot cards using the major arcana.
I’m gonna break this up into sections so it's easy to navigate!
Making the Hand
So funny story, I thought this project was due two weeks ago and spent all night (stayed up till 6am) working on it, only to wake up at 8am to find out it was due the following week. AH. So here’s what I did that night:
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Dw, the hand looks way better after I had more time to work on it; I used about… 4 jumbo sticks of hot glue to attach it to the board? You can pick this up by the hand and use it as a weapon, and it will stay attached.
Building The Base Tarot Card
I made all 5 cards with 2 pieces: one large piece, which would be the back of the card, and another smaller piece, which would act as the part for the character to be on. I made them out of cardboard, so there’s definition.
Back Piece
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I carved into the cardboard these small little triangles which was for the gold foil I planned on using! To cover the back pieces, I ripped up pages into uneven pieces and mod-podged them on there (because glue itself made the pages translucent).
Front Piece
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The smaller pieces were very important when creating the cards because I used full pages from the book. I picked very specific moments in the book that helped to relate both the character and their card!
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This is the page where Ronan first "finds" Chainsaw. His card is The Moon, which deals with supernatural elements and visions, so I figured it would be a perfect page to use. Plus, it was one of my favourite Ronan moments!
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Originally, I wanted to use the page where Gansey recounted his near-death experience with the bees, but I must've used the page by accident because I couldn't find it ANYWHERE?? I opted for this page instead, because this is another instance where Gansey looked death in the eye and scared it off (his card is The Hanged Man).
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I decided to use Blue for The Lovers card because I felt the irony of it was too fitting. I used the page where the reader learns about Blue's fate to kill her true love just by kissing him. The design for her card is so evil (if you keep reading, you'll see it), but it's good.
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(Spoilers) If you've gotten this far, I'm hoping you've at least read the first book. Noah's card is Death, which is... very fitting for obvious reasons AND for the context of the card!! I decided to go with one of the craziest moments in the book when they find out Noah's a ghost. It's perfect for the Death card... and IT EVEN MENTIONS THE DEATH CARD ON THIS PAGE, WHICH I DIDN'T REALIZE UNTIL I WAS GLUING IT ONTO THE CARDBOARD!!
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Adam is my favourite in the book and I had so many moments to pick from for his tarot card. Ultimately, I picked the scene where he and Whelk are having a face-off, and all MAGIC IS BREAKING LOSE BECAUSE HE'S THE MAGICIAN (as I've been told by many sources, I still have only read the first book)!!
After I glued all of the pages onto the smaller pieces of cardboard, I dyed them with food coloring!! I had no idea this would work, but thanks to YouTube, it worked so much better than trying to paint, and the colours turned out amazing!!
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From left to right on the top row: Ronan, Noah (before tea wash), Adam, Gansey and the bottom one is Blue's!
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Here's Noah's after being tea stained, I wanted his to look like it was old and worn, like it was lost in the earth. To make it blotchy, I used the actual tea bag and blotted it on the card like crazy.
I then went on to dye WAY MORE PAGES. It's surprisingly fun.
The Tarot Cards (Roughs)
So, for each tarot card, I created designs, trying to implement the original while making it my own in relation to the character. All of these are sketches, and I honestly might make them real pieces in the future!!
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UGH. I think hers and Noah's might be my favourite designs (I'm very biased tho because I love skulls lol). Each card has an earthy theme, I included lots of flowers and branches!
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Adam's is the closest to the OG tarot card, because I felt like it was so iconic I couldn't change much to the design. That's probably why his is my least favourite design LOL.
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Ngl, I really like the symbolism on this one. If you were to pull it in reverse it would be Gansey with the crown floating above his head, like it's his and he's close to reaching his goal.
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OKAY, BUT LIKE GUYS, THIS IS AHGSSGSGHSH. Like???? I love him so much. I put him in a saint pose, like those you see sculptures in churches posing in or paintings of saints. But I love him so much.
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I love the vibe his card gives off. It's very contemplative and moody, just like him.
I love how all of the designs turned out, but I unfortunately only had time to make one, Ronan's!
Ronan's Card
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To make Ronan's cutout, I cut pieces of different stained pages into the shapes I needed (like his shirt and his head), and I then drew on it with an ink pen. It was really difficult to make everything the correct size because of the way I did his card, so this alone took me an hour to do. Think of him like a paper dress-up doll, LOL.
FINALLY HOLY CRAP. I'm running out of photo room for the post, so I'll make it brief here but post more on a different thread!!
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Anyway, I'm going to make all of them into cards now that school's over, and I'll update y'all when I'm done!!
I just wanna give a really big shoutout to everyone who helped me decide which tarot cards to give to each character, especially @screechin-outloud! They went into so much depth without spoiling the book, and I APPRECIATE YOU!! I APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU!!!
And if you made it down this far, thank you for reading all of this!! :)
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pynch and bluesy as foils are so incredible and i can't stop thinking about it
adam and ronan are two people who never speak to the extent that they think. they shove down their emotions because they don't think they have room for them. their brains run and run all day and their mouths won't pursue because they don't think anyone will understand. they always just wind up wholly separated from everybody around them.
but when they're together they are putting so much more of themselves out on display. they do whatever the fuck they want and they feel whatever the fuck they feel and they know that they're allowed to say the hardest things to each other. they know they'll never end up too deep in space because the other will hold them steady; they're not afraid of flying anymore. they make each other loud.
blue and gansey are two people who forget to think. they both have this sort of hidden impulsiveness/tunnel vision; they'll say things and make decisions without being able to think it through to necessary length because they can't take the time to rearrange their thought pattern. they think that if they blare the opinions, attitudes, and passions they've built themselves around then the shit that they're avoiding (whether they realize it or not) will never be able to scream louder.
but when they're together they collide, crash, and can't help but stay there on the ground. they get to stop and think for once, and while the rest of the world will always catch up, they will always have each other and that always makes it worth it. and at the end of the day when life's had it's go at them, they're allowed to just let go. they can just be together in the continuous awe of each other's true beauty and infinite comfort of one another's security, and time can move as slowly as they want. they make each other quiet.
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smiles-ocs · 5 months
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Some concepts and ideas for Castor and Ronan’s story called Starchild. Some of these are… hard to get to drawing, specifically Ronan’s younger siblings, might redesign them, but they’re all very young. Ronan left to join a crew so he could make money for them while his parents physically can’t work, and he made sure that his 12-year-old brother is very helpful. Then some random character ideas. A first mate on Castor’s pirate crew, two important characters named Rigel and Esther, castor as a young boy, and random scene ideas I have.
There’s a lot of crap I’m rambling about under the cut so go there if you want to know more about the characters, lore, and spoilers
I also have an idea of a deity or something of the sorts. It’s bascially a “Star God”, something with incredible power that was given to them from the heavens, and it is responsible for the starchildren that have shown up around the world, hence why this series is called Starchild. The whole thing around the Star God is a mystery, but people do know it exists thanks to the star children. This is a little dark but some explanation on Starchildren:
Starchildren are born every few hundred years or so, it’s unknown how often a starchild is born, but people believe that starchildren are the star god’s children, and that when they reach a certain age, they are sacrificed to deal with all the problems the world is having. They believe that if a starchild is not sacrificed, demons from hell will arrive to destroy the world. I hinted at this on my last post, but starchildren turn into strange creatures, the main one being the Leviathan. There’s also the Kraken and the other one who’s name is so complicated I’m not even going to bother with it dhskdbsk.
Long story short, the whole thing is a lie. Starchildren have incredible power when they become adults and are “awakened” as Starchildren. They remember the person that gave them that power (the Star God) and their purpose, which is watching over the people. However, centuries ago, someone in high power believed that Star children were too powerful, and out of fear, he came up with an excuse to kill starchildren before they grew too powerful, because no one should be more powerful than him. So they killed starchildren when they were young and weak, hiding behind the excuse of it being a sacrifice to the world or something, using the blood to cleanse the world and keep the demons at bay. That way, if the starchildren escape, and inevitably take on the role of “deities”, people will believe that the demons have arrived to punish them for failing, and will try to kill the awakened starchildren.
Starchildren cannot escape their fate, however, because they cannot hide unless they are far away from people. They have blue hair that shines in the darkest fog, blue hair that cannot be hidden, and a star birthmark somewhere.
I suppose there’s no reason to hide this now, but Castor is the starchild of this era, originally called Orion, but he changed his name for safety. He ran away when he learned that he was going to die, trying to escape on a boat. The people almost caught him, but the kraken appeared, seemingly saving his life. As Castor tried to hide from people, he tried to hide his blue hair, but it constantly shines through whatever he hid it in. The best he could do was to wrap it up and put a thick hat on, which helped, but even so, you can see in his wrapping the blue hair. He tried to dye it, hide it in mud, even shaving it, but the blue cannot be covered up, so hiding in plain sight was nearly impossible to him. He left to sea to avoid people, but accidentally became captain of the pirate crew. He’s a very jaded man who is intimidating and skilled in sword fighting. People respect him as a captain, so he is in high status on his ship (obviously 💀). Problem is, there is a very, VERY high bounty on the star child’s head, so even the most loyal crew members may turn on him if he is found out.
Castor trusts no one, but he seems to have a soft spot for Ronan for some reason. Even when he eventually finds out that he is the starchild, he can’t bring himself to kill him. He’s just a boy…
Obviously, Esther and Rigel are starchildren as well. Rigel is an ancient starchild, who lived a good life before the starchildren sacrifices. He roams the ocean, punishing anyone who threatens the innocent or disrespects the ocean. There were a lot of starchildren too, but the creatures of starchildren were hunted and killed, leaving Rigel, Esther, and Castor the last three starchildren. Esther was a starchild who escaped the sacrifice, who is far more cruel and jaded than Castor, and when Castor is “awakened”, she goes after him to use him to punish everyone.
Rigel is that turtle Whale island thing, Esther is the kraken, and Castor turns into the Leviathan.
The star god is no benevolent being, and is not a god at all. He’s a regular human who got magic from some meteorite, idk, there doesn’t need to be any specifics lol, and he grew immensely powerful. He resides away from the ocean, but he is not a good person. He’s greedy, selfish, and does nothing to help the innocent starchildren he “created”. He would love to have the starchildren to do his bidding, but if they die, it’s no matter, cuz he doesn’t need them. Idk maybe he’s not greedy lol. Either way the star god is not a good person, but I kinda want the star god’s role to be similar to Davy Jones in pirates of the Caribbean. There must always be a star god.
Anyways I hope that all makes sense 💀💀 Ronan is just there, being roped up into this nonsense, but he’s a good boy with a good heart and wants to help the starchildren, and he and Castor grow close.
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queen-of-the-avengers · 6 months
Captain Marvel: Final Part
Pairing: Carol Danvers x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.2k
Warnings: canon violence and angst
Author’s Note: For the sake of the rewrite, Howard and Maria Stark dies on December 16, 1997 instead of 1991. Tony is 23 when they die.
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With the Skrulls now saved from the Kree, at least for right now, you and Carol met Maria and Fury back at Maria's house for a last-dinner kind of thing. Most of the Skrulls decided to go back to Mar-Vell's lab to prepare to move again while Talos, Soren, and their child join you back at Maria's house. She did a really good job flying the plane to avoid whatever Kree was on her ass, and Fury won't let her forget it.
"That's some nifty flying you did out there. SHIELD could always use a good pilot like you."
"I'll consider it, as long as you don't call my flying nifty again."
Fury's eye is all scratched that you assume came from Goose.
"How's your eye?" you question the agent.
"Getting better every second. I'll be fine."
"Is it true that Goose scratched your eye?"
"I will neither deny nor confirm the details of that story."
"She did. I saw it happen," Maria confesses, making you cackle.
"Just so I'm clear, you were Soh-Larr and the SHIELD agent?" Carol asks Talos.
"Yeah, he tied my boss up and stole his identity," Fury interjects, ignoring your teasing remarks about how a cat got the better of him.
"I borrowed his likeness. I'm no thief."
"It's a little like a thief," Soren shrugs.
"Whose side are you on?"
"You're good to go here until you recover, but you and your family will need a new look."
"I could go back to being your boss."
"Please don't."
"Come on. I love sporting his beautiful blue eyes."
"I'll help you find a home and finish what Mar-Vell started," Carol offers.
You open your mouth to agree but nothing comes out of it. First, you think about Bucky and Steve and how you left this planet to get away from the pain it caused you, but then you think about how you promised yourself that this would be your new home away from Xenia and Markus. You fled once, you can't do this to Earth again. It needs protecting, and who will protect it if you leave?
"They can stay here with us, can't they, Mom?" Monica asks from the stairs where she and Talos' daughter are.
"They won't be safe here, baby. Auntie Carol is right. They need their own home."
"I'll be back before you know it," she says.
"Excuse me," you whisper.
You grab your plate of unfinished food and walk into the kitchen to do the dishes. Carol and Fury look at each other before getting up and doing the same. Leaving Carol behind and staying on Earth hurts differently than when you lost Bucky. Bucky died and you didn't have a choice but to move on with your life. You're deciding to leave even though it hurts you to do so.
"Are you okay?" Carol asks.
"Let me help you with that," Fury offers and takes the wet dishes to dry.
He notices dry tears on your cheeks and gestures to Carol to talk to you.
"We beat the Kree and Ronan. What's wrong?"
"I don't know if I can go with you when you leave," you whisper.
This is a conversation to have privately so she puts it on the back burner for now. She rubs your back in a comforting way and takes out the pager that she took from Fury. She's modified it a bit so that he can always contact her whenever she may be.
"Here, there is something I want you to have. Plus, I need you to keep the Tesseract hidden here on Earth." She hands him the pager. "I upgraded it. The range should be a couple of galaxies, at least. For emergencies only."
"What? Do you think I'm gonna crank call you?"
"For emergencies only. From the looks of it, you'll have Y/N in case something goes wrong."
"Well, if you're ever passing back through this galaxy, be sure to give a brother a shout," he says. "I can finish up here. You two can take off."
"Come on."
Carol takes you outside to have a private conversation with you. She knows what you're going to say but lets you say it anyways.
"As much as I want to go with you, I can't leave Earth. The universe needs you, Carol but Earth needs me. The Tesseract is here, so someone is going to come for it sooner or later. She'll need someone to protect it."
"I agree."
"I'd be too selfish if I kept you from everyone else," you sigh sadly, "but I don't want to leave you. I love you."
"I love you, too. I'm not asking you to choose but I do have to leave. I can't stay on this planet knowing wars are going on out there that I can help fight."
"I know."
She pulls you in for a hug and allows you to cry on her shoulder for however long you need. 
"This doesn't change anything between us. I want you to live your life. I don't know when I'll be back, but I don't want you to be lonely. I want you to meet someone, fall in love, and live your life. You'll always have a special place in my heart."
"So will you," you sniffle and pull away from her.
"If we are meant to be, we'll find our way back to each other. I can guarantee that."
"I should go, then. I wish you the best of luck, my love."
"Same here."
You kiss her one last time knowing this will be the last in a while. If you stay any longer, you're going to cry so you pull away from her and take off toad the sky. With no viable threat over your life, you can pick a place and settle down. You haven't had a home for at least fifty years.
New York has too many painful memories and London reminds you of Bucky. When you first came to Earth with Carol, you landed in Northern California. The beaches there are beautiful so maybe living in that state won't be such a bad thing. You can get a place along the beach and enjoy your life by yourself.
Malibu is nice this time of year, and you settle in quicker than you thought you were. You have a bit of money saved from the 40s that you never got to spend, so you use it to buy yourself a house on the beach. The town of Malibu is compact and busy but you don't mind being surrounded by this many people. It gives you an opportunity to learn about humans from what you missed over the years.
It takes a week after moving in to explore the town, so you're walking along the coast when you pass by a tall man sporting white hair and a mustache and a shorter woman with blonde hair.
You stop and face the couple with a confused look on your face.
"Yes. Do I know you?"
"It's me. Howard Stark."
"Howard? Wow, you've grown."
"You stayed exactly the same."
Hearing him say this makes you a bit sad knowing you'll probably never grow old. You'll always be the same age as you were when you first injected Markus' serum.
"Well, you know..."
"Wait, I thought you died. I thought you and Steve died when the plane went down. We searched for you two for months after the wreck."
"Steve died. I left Earth for fifty years."
"She's the one you were talking about?" Howard's wife says. "She's the Avatar?"
"That's me," you shrug.
"What are you doing here?"
"I bought a place on the beach. I spent the last sixty years fighting in wars I shouldn't have been fighting in. I figured what harm will it do if I take a few years to myself. What have you been up to?"
"I'm retired now. I have a few billion dollars to my name. I got married and had a son. Would you like to meet him?"
"Of course."
Howard and his wife, Maria, take you back to their house where their young adult son is.
"Tony? Come down here. There's someone I want you to meet." Tony comes down the stairs with a bored expression on his face. "Tony, this is Y/N."
Tony's heard the stories his father used to tell about a righteous man with super strength and a woman who can control the elements. He didn't think those stories were true until he sees you. There are very few pictures of Howard back in the day, but some of them contain you and Steve.
"Is this the same Y/N that you worked with back then? The one with Steve?"
If you're going to be in Tony's life, then he has a right to know exactly who you are.
"Yes, it is." You stick your hand out for him to shake, and you give him a polite smile. "It's very nice to meet you, Tony."
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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crimeronan · 2 years
polycule that coalesces because adam finally fesses up about lying constantly to gansey and blue, which they both actually take pretty in stride, bc they wanna support adam now that he's getting his shit together, they're sad he was hurting and didnt reach out but now things are all as fine as they ever will be so no need to waste sleep,
except THEN.
they find out that adam WAS being honest with RONAN.
and suddenly they are both mad.
they don't have any explanation for why they're mad. ronan is adam's boyfriend and therefore on an elevated tier of emotional intimacy or whatever but also. both gansey and blue manage to independently come to the conclusion that adam has, like, cheated on them, somehow. how can adam cheat on them if they are not dating?? that's a good question to which blue would answer Look At Him. That Rat Bastard. We Are Having An Extremely Rational Explainable Reaction To This. And We Are Going To Handle It Rationally And Explainably. she is also putting dog shit in adam's shoe while she says this.
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polichinelle · 3 months
the raven cycle timeline
"trc takes place in the mid-2010s" "trc takes place in 2012" no it doesn't! it's pretty common knowledge that mstief isn't the most specific when it comes to timelines (an example is that she had to change ronan's birth date after readers pointed out that it didn't line up with the events of the book; another example is the pre-canon gansey & adam & ronan friendship timeline, which doesn't make sense at all if you think about it longer than a second), and she has said before that her editors are more or less the same.
what that means is that the raven cycle and the dreamer trilogy are kind of nebulously "present-time," and no matter what year you think it takes place in, some details are going to be inaccurate. but since i am a chronic nit-picker and i get very fussy about timelines, that didn't sit right with me! i needed to know the exact year. so on my last reread, i kept a look out for any mention of dates so that i might be able to pinpoint exactly when the raven cycle takes place.
and i think i might have the answer :)
all of my arguments come from the dream thieves.
firstly, adam's birthday. we know that his birthday is july 3rd:
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we also know that he was missing for most of the previous day:
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what happens then is that he falls asleep for an indeterminate amount of time ("Later he fell asleep sitting up on the end of that same sofa."), he and gansey drive back to henrietta, adam visits blue at fox way, and after scrying with persephone he falls asleep again for twenty-one hours, and during that twenty-one hours is when his birthday takes place.
for a while i assumed the "quietly turned eighteen" referred to midnight, but that actually doesn't make a lot of sense given the context of the previous day being saturday. both of our options (gansey and adam drive back the same evening they found adam; gansey and adam drive back the next morning, on sunday) leaves us with adam falling asleep on sunday. at some point during the next twenty-one hours he "turns eighteen."
the thing is, there is no convenient year where july 3rd falls on a monday (in the scenario where we assume that "quietly turned eighteen" refers to midnight on the day of his birthday). however, if we go with the idea that it is still sunday and it refers simply to his actual time of birth, we're left with a pretty good answer:
adam turns 18 on sunday, july 3rd, 2011.
i have another thing to kind of back this up.
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if we assume niall wasn't lying about that, we have two (well... kind of) options:
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i searched for earthquakes in northern england since niall was born in cumbria. however, in my opinion, the second one, on december 26th, can't really be counted, since it would mean niall was... 32 in 2011. a little young lol. but if he was born in 1970, he would be 40/41 at his time of death, which makes a lot of sense (it also makes sense he would be a leo). neither earthquakes are a 4.1, but whatever, maybe he just forgot the exact number. maybe he was being humble.
so... all of this to say that the events of the raven cycle probably happen during 2011, and thus the dreamer trilogy would take place in 2013. considering the references to fortnite and all, that doesn't make a lot of sense, but at least i can rest easy knowing that that's just because mstief didn't think about this stuff at all while writing it (hence nebulous "present-day" being the actual correct answer as to when the books are set).
for a while i actually thought trc took place in 2010 since the lynches go to church before kavinsky's party, which i assumed meant july fourth was on a sunday, but it's mentioned that they go for a "special" "holiday mass" and not regular mass. either way, 2011 works better with adam being missing on saturday.
anyway, all this to say that i think about timelines too much. thank you for reading if you've made it this far lol
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squash1 · 10 months
You could stop putting the name of all the trc characters in the tags when you are not talking about all the characters. Anyone looking for the tag of Adam Parish or Blue Sargent or Noah Czerny is looking for content from those characters and not some nonsense about Ronan and Gansey in love. The TRC Fandom isn't just made up of the people who follow you.
hey so you don’t have to be mean on the internet, did you know that??? also sending a mean anon is so cowardly. i’m a real person & i actually don’t enjoy messages like this <3
i’m gonna go ahead and continue to use whatever tags i want because i can run my blog how i want. and if you don’t want to see what i post you can block me, k?
also my tagging is not the reason you can’t find exactly what you’re looking for, tumblr’s algorithm is shit. soz.
next time sign your name!
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