#anyways. if you read through all these tags I love you. <333
celestie0 · 3 months
MASSIVE gojo x reader fanfic rec (no spoilers)
ok i know a lot of my followers are gojo girlies and i just need to put yall onto this fucking fanfiction because i just read the latest release for it and i’m genuinely tweaking rn🧍🏻‍♀️
@lostfracturess ‘s amazing work called “symptoms & causes” - a medical au
[image pulled from her masterlist]
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let me just…let me just try to even gather the reasons why you need to add this to your tbr lists (weekend is comin up too so perfect time)
characterization of gojo satoru.
gojo in this fic is characterized so fucking well, from chapter one. there are so many distinctive ways miss lostfractures goes about building his aura (word of mouth/reputation, dialogue, expository, primary interactions, secondary interactions, etc.) it reminds me of the show where gojo just has this energy to him that you can't tear yourself away from i picture him in this fic to be unrelenting, unforgiving, morally grey, with an undertone of softness yet still feral through it all,, basically gojo during shibuya arc LOL. i looove reading cute silly boy gojo fics sm (he’s so baby) but THIS fic explores the borderline wicked side of him that is so thrilling, unique, and rare to find i think in this fandom’s collection of works. it’s just so fucking good.
forbidden romance.
UGGHH i love stories w forbidden romance. in this one, it’s med student reader x professor gojo (additional power dynamics in that he’s a senior surgeon in her field and also a research mentor in her study of interest…TRIPLE THREAT DAMN). i love how miss lostfractures doesn’t shy away from reminding the reader that it’s wrong, and that they shouldn’t be doing this. that’s my fave part of forbidden romances like yesss remind me again why this is all so wrong but let’s still do it anyways LOL <333
reader’s voice.
i’ve LOVED reader since the beginning, so relatable, emotionally mature, all her flaws are so believable & her strengths are shown seamlessly. it’s just so much fun to read because i’ll literally have a thought like “hmm…that (something a character said/did) doesn’t sound very convincing” and then the next line will be something like “he didn’t sound very convincing” like!!! me and s&c reader?? we’re locked in like this fr🤞🏼 like gojo’s domain expansion fingers
everything in this story feels so damn real it’s insane. the pacing is stunning, love the utilization of stacks of scenes that are sort of short but so concise, enough to be a smooth read but still descriptive enough to entirely transport you into the world that’s being built. cannot praise the writing in this story enough. also the variety of ways that scenarios are made that pull characters closer to one another?? so creative. as someone who works in a research lab, studied bio in college (some of the fkn biochem stuff that comes up in this fic gives me heart attacks lmfaooo pls im traumatized), and has worked in clinics/hospitals it just itches my brain so damn good. you’ll be convinced you’re a brilliant med student while you read this fic.
the writing is just. so. good. it’s so good. better than most PUBLISHED works i’ve read. i really can't say much other than that, you just have to go see for yourself.
if any of these reasons speak to you, i highly recommend you check the fic out. just a note tho it does have some dark themes but you can find all the tags/warnings on her page!
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ssahotchnerr · 2 months
OMG OKAY, AN IDEA INSPIRED BY AN OUTFIT (or two) I FOUND ON PINTEREST!! (I'd like them, but you can't on anon)
Okay, so, you've been dating Aaron for a little while, long enough that you guys live together and Jack would like, love you.
Jack would have a lot of friends at school, and all the mom's would be really close and friendly and would hang out for the sake of having their kids hang out, and they'd sort of be friends in a sense. So, one day, (I don't have the logistics figured out, so bare with me.) you'd have been talking to one of the moms about a way to kind of insert yourself into the school a little more and make more friends so that it's less awkward when he wants to hang out with his friends. And, the mom would suggest you host a garden party. So, you'd throw a garden party with all the mom's and their kids and Aaron would just be the most supportive person ever because he knows how stresses you are. Like you'd be planning this for weeks and you'd spend hours setting up. He'd go to the grocery store with you and help you pick out good foods. And he'd help you pick out decorations and hang them all up. And he'd make sure everything was as perfect as you'd want it to be. And ofc he'd be there during the party and talking to the mom's about how sweet you are and about you in general.
Anyway, sorry about the word vomit that thought has just been rotting in my brain. 🫶
STOP <3333333 fem!reader
when you first bring up the party to him, you're a bit nervous. you're afraid he'll think it's dumb or unnecessary (which you know isn't plausible because he would never) - he's fully on board, soo supportive and immediately off the bat says, "let me know what i can do to help🥹" and gives you suchhh a sweet kiss 🥹🥰🥰🥰
all the prep <333 you're scouring pinterest for ideas constantly - food, decor most importantly, outfit planning, fun activities for the kids. hehe you do this in bed at night, with aaron resting his head on your shoulder. he's watching you scroll, adding input, answering your questions: "is this cute?" "what do you think about this???" and eventually he has to pry your phone out of your hand, place it on his nightstand, so you go to sleep 😭🫶🏻
and week of the party, he's the most helpful assistant <333 as the two of you are grocery shopping, he's in charge of the list, reading off to you what you need as you grab it off the shelves. aaron also helps put together little party favors, helps you make name tags for the tables, and simply does anything you ask of him. he knows how important it is to you that it goes smoothly 🥺 hehe i also like to think at this point, you, aaron and jack have moved out of his apartment to a house with a backyard - where the party will be taking place - so he's on landscaping duty. making sure the grass is mowed and neat, no leaves or sticks are laying around, and even jack helps!!! hehe you planted some pretty, colorful flowers for the occasion as it is garden themed, and jack helped with that 🥹 aaron also wakes up early with you the day of, to begin the prep and setting up. omg imagine him putting together the balloon arrangement you picked out 🥹<333 he would get SO frustrated LMAO but in the end it turns out perfectly 🥰🥰🥰
and since you're so stressed out about it going well, about the other moms liking you and making friends, if the weather is going to cooperate (you were in tears a few days before the party, the forecast predicted rain😭) and aaron clearly knows how stressed you are, he makes sure you take breaks, provides reassurances and helps you get your mind off it frequently <3 hehe he uses the excuse that he needs attention 🥺🤨🫵🏻 and how can you say no to him 🥰
and during the party, aaron's making sure you're enjoying yourself - this is your party. so he takes care of everything - if something is needed, he grabs it or resolves it himself, makes sure the plates of food are always replenished, cleans up. you went through allllll the trouble of putting this together, so you're going to be a part of it and not solely on hostess duty <333
aaron's even outfit-coordinated with you 🤭 his button-up of the day matches the color of your sundress <333 jack's shirt too!!!
AND AHHH HE LOVESSSS gushing about you to the other moms 🥰 he has the most sickly sweet smile on his face the whole time. about how sweet you are, how attentive and loving you are to jack, how lucky he is, how you complete their family perfectly <333 he of course compliments you on the party you put together too 🥹 "isn't it amazing? she did the most amazing job." 😭💞💓
and throughout, he keeps going to your side, pulling you close at the waist, kissing your temple 🥹🥹🥹🥹😭😭😭😭😭😭 and simply keeps an arm around you as often as possible <333 either listening or adding to the conversation you're partaking in <3
after everyone's left and the two of you are cleaning up - jack fell asleep on the couch, all the excitement wore him out 😭 - 🥹 aaron's keeps saying how proud of yourself you should be; the party turned out better than he could've ever imagined, the moms all loved you, he's proud of you, etc <3333 hehe he even throws in the teasing comment that now they're all going to be asking you when the next party is 🥹🥰
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Am I the asshole for calling a (now ex-) mutual a stingy asshole?
So to start, I (NB20) am in a pretty rough situation, I'm facing homelessness soon, transphobia at home and work and my hours have been getting cut resulting in me making even less money that can sustain me. I have a toyhou.se forum post up stating I have emergency commissions open to help me out and to please support me if you can. This is where the situation begins. I have a mutual on toyhou.se who I'll call Apple (MTF22) I talk to sometimes to the point I'd say we are friends, not super close but friends nonetheless. She made a bulletin telling people about my commissions and to please comm me if they could which I'm very grateful for since I did get a few customers from her because of that. The thing is, a few weeks later, she made a bulletin talking about how happy she was so many commissions she bought were finished around the same time and posted all of them with the artists tagged in the post. It was honestly... quite a few, I'm talking like 9 pieces of art of her fursona and even a custom vtuber model she got of her sona. I was going to reply all happy for her, but it made me think... how much did she spend on those commissions?? So I went through all the artists socials to find their commission prices and came to a total of fucking $385!!! More than half of my current goal I'm trying to make through commissions to stay out of homelessness!! So I messaged Apple saying since I saw she bought a few commissions if she was interested in buying a comm from me. She replies saying "Ohh! I'd love to <333 but im just not in a place to buy any more comms right now :< sorry >.<!!" So I casually reply really? because it seems like your in the perfect place to help me out after already spending over $300 in commissions. She tells me she's sorry and really wishes someone would be able to help me out but she just wasn't that interested in my art or a custom to which I tell her she could've easily donated to my ko-fi which I have always had since she clearly has money to spend? To this, she straight up IP blocks me. So still fucking annoyed, I vented in a discord server I share with a few friends from being in a few shared CS together, saying how annoying it is rich assholes like her would drop half a thousand for a picture of their fursona but don't even blink twice at their so called friends. anyway, one of my friends takes a look at Apples th profile and notices she has a new bulletin up and sends me a screenshot, but anways the bulletin reads like "hey!! just saying, but please dont come into my dms acting like you know my financial situation better than i do, just because i buy a lot of commissions doesnt mean im made of money! and please dont think that me commisioning artist 1 means i hate artist 2? thats so weird, thanks!!!!!" and seeing all their subscribers just kissing her ass pissed me off so i made my own bulletin that just stated "i thought it was pretty fucking weird to know how bad ur friend's situation was and to go buy a bunch of comms instead of buying a comm from or even throwing a buck to help me out? like yeah im gonna think i know ur situation better than u, you stingy fuck!!!" Anyway, she mustve been block evading (which I reported her for) since she unblocked me, took a screenshot of my bulletin, then went on about how she lived in an abusive household; her dad had thrown her into a sink and chipped her tooth, bruised half her face and scarred it pretty badly. She bought a bunch of commissions immediately afterwards in a panic to make herself feel better, paying everything with her savings. Which to me.. isn't an excuse. Ive been hit and abused and still found scraps of money to pull together to give to mutuals who need it and Ive been bumping my own post like crazy and she had literal weeks to donate or comm me. Not to mention Ive had exmutuals of hers come to me saying that shes never donated anything to them either despite advertising their posts but always had money for plushies, comms and other crap, meaning Im not alone in thinking shes a stingy asshole. This is getting long, so here, tumblr AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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navstuffs · 1 month
hi!! i really love your writing and i would love if you could feed me with a request (only if you're comfortable with it, ofc) 👉🏼👈🏼 what about a leon x reader where reader is passing through a very tough depressive crisis and is really not fine mentally speaking — and leon just try to help and comfort them through this? 👉🏼👈🏼
anyway, thank you for your fics, they really helped me these days 😭💗
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x GNPartner!Reader
Summary: It is 1 am when Leon Kennedy knocks on your door. He shouldn't be there and you shouldn't have opened it. 
Warning tags: hurt/comfort, angst, leon almost died, reader is suffering with anxiety due to past events, can be read as platonic or romantic (you choose)
Writer's Notes: hello! first of all, im sorry i took so long to write this request for you. i changed some stuff and i hope you don't mind (reader is still depressed). thank you so much your kind words and i hope this fic serves as comfort for you!! <333 stay safe anon!
for more painful leon's fics, check my masterlist. i have some happy ones too :)
It is 1 am when Leon Kennedy knocks on your door. It is the third time that week only, the fifth of the month. 
It starts when you don’t appear at work after two weeks since his return, and no one knows where you are. HR informs you are sick, which means you are still alive somewhere in the world, just sick. Okay, but sick with what? Sick how? Are you in the hospital? Do you need any help? Leon knows you don’t have family around, like him, and you are pretty much alone - like him. 
So, as any regular worried friend would, he calls and texts. He wants to hear your voice and guarantee that you don’t need help and have everything you need. That you truly are okay. No answer. HR has guaranteed him you are not dead, but what if you—no, he shouldn’t think about that.
The next step is going to your house. He knows where your address is and wouldn’t be a complete weird appearing there in the afternoon. No answer. Leon won’t be a creep as far as looking at your windows, at least not yet. He won’t go as far as busting your door and checking how you are feeling because he needs to confirm you are okay. You might just not be home.
On the second visit, Leon got awfully close to kicking your door. Before he could do that or even knock, he saw a shadow pass over the window. Though Leon told himself he wouldn’t, he looked inside just in time to see you disappear to the second floor. So, at least you are really alive, Leon’s body filling with relief. It could have been a bad case of flu, and you don’t want to contaminate anyone.
One more week passes, and he visits your house two more times. Those times you didn’t even bother to hide yourself, lazily lying down on the sofa in a way Leon couldn’t see your face (oh yeah, now he is definitely peeking out your windows). So you are genuinely ignoring him or truly sick with some contagious disease. Maybe Covid?
The fifth time he knocks on your door, it is 1 am and Leon is deeply not only worried but bitter. He was sitting in his apartment alone, wondering what you had and why you didn’t open the door for him. You two are colleagues, and Leon would dare to go as far as to call you his friend if anyone asked. How many times have you brought him soup while he was sick? Brought him meds, kept him company? Checked on him until he was finally all better?
It would be only fair if he did the same.
Leon grabs his keys without even thinking: You will open the door for him tonight. And if you don’t, well, he will kick it open. To hell with the civil approach.
All the courage slips away from his body when he notices the kitchen’s light on. Leon can’t see anything inside since you decided to make his life harder and close the curtains. So, instead of kicking that door until it’s down, Leon goes back to the gentle approach (like the idiot he is): he knocks.
The door opens not even ten seconds later, and Leon blinks, surprised. You are there. You, not a trick of his eyes: a fluffy and long blanket covering your body, only your face peeking with a familiar expression Leon recognizes immediately - he had seen in his own mirror before.
“You won. What the fuck do you want?” Those are the first words to him in weeks.
“May I come in?” 
You ponder for a moment, your eyes red, and Leon wonders when you last slept. You walk away, leaving the door open, and Leon follows inside, locking the door behind him. 
Your house isn’t in the best state. He had been here before and thought you weren’t the most organized person (“I can find myself in my own mess, Leon.”). The mess had grown too much from normal. There were tons of take-out boxes on the kitchen counter, pizza boxes, and fast food bags. At least you had been eating—not the best food ever, but feeding. He could work with that.
And the bottles—oh, those Leon would identify anywhere. You weren’t a heavy drinker, and you mentioned plenty of times you didn’t know how he liked whiskey. Now, there were countless empty bottles of whiskey, beer, and vodka, so much so that the place looked like a bunch of frat boys had a party just the night before and didn’t bother to clean.
Leon follows you to the living room as you fall onto the couch. An old Simpsons episode plays on the TV screen. There are still some bags and bottles on the floor, but fewer. Your eyes focus on the TV, not really watching or paying attention to him.  Leon stands there, keeping a safe distance from you and gathering what to say. 
“I came to check on you.” Leon starts, his eyes glued on you. “You haven’t called or texted me back. The HR said-”
“I am sick. I wanted to be left alone.”
“I know, but-”
“I could complain about this to HR, you know? It could be considered an invasion of privacy, and you could lose your job. “
“I was worried about you.”
“You saw me in the window that day, didn’t you? I’m alive and breathing. Now get out.”
You hide your face in the sofa, conversation clearly done on your side. It feels like an impossible battle to win. Leon then tries again, “Do you need anything?” 
“No. Get out.”
He sighs, turning on his heels. Leon wants to say you can call if you need him, any time, but Leon knows you wouldn't. This is an impossible battle to win, Leon realizes as he starts to leave. But then he freezes, a memory piercing his thoughts. Leon comes back to the living room, your face still hidden.
“I am not leaving. Not before I know what is wrong.”
“I am sick.”
“Yes. So I have heard.” 
You don’t turn to look at him, and that’s fine. If you want to be stubborn, so could he. Leon can wait. The episode on the TV finally ends, and as the familiar opening plays in the background, you slowly turn in his direction, one eye appearing first, then the other, as if expecting Leon would be gone by now. Unlucky for you, Leon S. Kennedy didn’t give up that easily, especially for his friends.
“I don’t know what you are feeling, but I know that face.” His voice manages to sound neutral.
Of course, he does. Of course, your partner, the legendary D.S.O veteran, would know. You, just a newbie, would have no idea what he went through, but Leon didn’t seem the kind of person to crumble for anything. Leon would probably be fine if you were the one to get shot, not him. He wouldn’t have panicked, he wouldn’t have started crying, screaming for someone to help them, losing themselves in a sea of despair and pain.
Blood. So much blood in your hands. You are useless, you can’t help him as Leon’s face loses color-
He deserved someone better—someone much better as a partner—not you, a weak agent who thought you were strong enough to stand by his side. Oh, how wrong you were.
Leon calls your name, more urgent this time, and your line of sight is filled with the face of the man you considered your friend right at your path—concerned blue eyes, his hair tickling against your face. His forehead is in concentration, the faint ghost of a beard, as he speaks soothingly. “Hey, look at me. You are safe. Deep breaths, come on.” 
The visions mix as you blink: Leon losing blood in your arms, unconscious, back to being safe, his worried eyes staring at you.
Your rapid breathing noise fills the room, your heart wanting to burst as the pain spreads over your body, the pain worse than being stabbed or punched. You keep your eyes on Leon - he is fine, he is safe, he is well, he is worried sick about you- as he continues to nod and tell you to breathe.
It takes a while, Leon’s hands on your shoulder as you finally calm down, the tears rolling freely from your eyes.
“I am sorry.” You manage to whisper. “I am so sorry.”
“You are safe. We both are safe.” Leon declares, and you take that in. Right now, yes. But what about tomorrow? What about-? “Hey, eyes open at me.” When had you even closed them? “Come on. There is no one else, just you and me. And we are safe.” 
You nod, not arguing back. Finally, you sit down, and Leon takes two steps back. “Water?” 
“I think there are some in the fridge,” you reply, cleaning your tears. Leon leaves and quickly comes back with two bottles, unbottling them for you. You shake your head, but Leon insists, and you drink in small sips, the cold liquid refreshing your dry throat. When was the last time you had any water? Or took a shower? Or slept?
Finally, you give him space on the couch to sit. Leon doesn’t, and you point your head to your side, and he sits, keeping a safe distance from you. You two say nothing for a while, simply looking at the TV to watch Bart Simpsons on his shenanigans. 
“I am sorry.”
“Would you stop that?” Leon sighs back, frustrated. 
“No. I am sorry.”
“Fine. I forgive you. Are we good now?”
“I knew it wouldn’t be,” Leon replies with a sad smile.
“You could have died, and I didn’t-” Leon says your name, but you continue “-let me finish. I didn’t help. I didn’t move. I did nothing.” 
Leon didn’t want to talk about this, knowing it was inevitable. The day he took a bullet for you: not one, but two. Leon noticed before you, his reflexes quicker than yours. It was his responsibility anyway.
You only watched, shocked, as the bullet pierced his leg, then his chest. You didn’t move or flinch; you just froze, your hands closing and opening nervously as Leon fell right in front of you. You had been fortunate that the backup team had arrived on the other second, finding in the middle of the swarm of bullets a screaming you protecting Leon with his own body, all training thrown out of the window. You two should have been dead. Life had given you and him another chance, since no other vital organ or vein of Leon had been damaged.
You don’t remember much after except asking for your resignation that same day and getting a “No” as an answer. So you decided to get on sick leave until some higher-up got tired and fired you.
“I did nothing.” Leon tries to interrupt you again, but you continue, “You could have died, and I did nothing.”
“It wouldn’t be your fault.” 
“What? Of course, it would!” 
“No, it would not.” 
“Can you fucking stop trying to make me feel better?” Your tone is so angry, so vile, that Leon almost flinches. 
Death is always in the back of his mind. Every time he is out there, he could die. He is expandable; they all are, but he couldn’t just let you die. You a much smarter version of what he once was during Raccoon City. The same bravery, but not foolish as his. Much sharper. Leon knew why he got paired up with you in the first place, the irony not completely lost in him. 
It would have been fine if Leon died that day he protected you, but not okay if you did. Not on his watch. Not now, not ever.
“I can’t help it,” Leon replies, a sad smile on his lips. “I can’t help it, especially when a friend needs my help.” 
A friend? 
Do not grow attachments. Wasn’t that your first lesson? It had been hard to be paired up with a man who hated it at first, then to learn how to laugh at his silly jokes or admire how far Leon would go for anyone. For anyone, except himself, stupid brave man.
You open your mouth and close it, simply lying against the sofa with your eyes closed. 
“So, let me help you?” His voice is warm and inviting. 
It would be best if you said no. You should kick this man out of your living room, out of your life, and never go back to that stupid job fighting an endless battle that would end with you dead or someone you cherished dead. You don’t know how Leon does it, but as you open your eyes, his blue eyes look straight at you awaits in hope. Waiting to comfort you, support you to the best of his abilities, and be your friend.
The pain is still there, vivid in your soul and mind, but there is hope. Right there, in that tiny spot you gave Leon S. Kennedy. That’s why you shouldn’t have opened that damn door, you realize, but it is too late. You limit on nodding.
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anincompletelist · 2 months
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happy wednesday! :D
HELLO I know I have missed at least the last one (if not two) rounds of tags but I have the brain space to share today so THANK YOU @onthewaytosomewhere @welcometololaland @littlemisskittentoes @kiwiana-writes
@suseagull04 @msmarvelouswinchester @priincebutt @itsmaybitheway
@thinkof-england @thedramasummer @nocoastposts @agostobuwan for the lovely tags! I am very much looking forward to reading through all of these this afternoon! <33333
today's snip is a bit longer, so I'll slip it under the cut! I *think* this is the first time I've debuted this guy so.... enjoy? kdjhfkjhsgkfhjg
hope you're all well! xx
“So… I guess you’ve probably seen the news,” Alex says from the doorway, more so to his shuffling feet than to Henry himself. 
“I usually try to actively avoid watching the news,” Henry tells him. “You’ll have to be more specific.” 
“Right. The, uh, Claremont-Diaz-for-2040-thing?” 
“Ah, yes,” Henry nods, his fingers twitching where they’re tucked underneath his crossed arms. “Your dream come true. Your parents must be so proud.” 
Alex’s face twists up into an odd half-grimace, half-smile, a divot between his brows as he surveys his wringing hands. “Anyway. I was kind of hoping that…” 
“If you’re looking for some kind of endorsement or political favor I’m afraid I’m not involved in any of that anymore.” 
His gaze finally snaps to Henry, shaking his head. “Oh, no. I wouldn’t— I just…” 
He sighs, dropping his hands, lifting one to drag through his curls, much longer than Henry remembers and a little silver with age. He’s always been able to tell when Alex was overthinking, even if they were never close. That much, at least, hasn’t changed. 
“I was wondering if I could live with you. For a little while. Here,” Alex says finally. 
Henry blinks. “Sorry?” 
“I was wondering,” Alex huffs, his eyes rolling briefly, “if I could live with you.” 
It doesn’t make any sense. Alex is a well known politician back in New York, the primary presidential candidate for the upcoming election. Henry presumes he could likely stay just about anywhere he’d like, and he has an exceedingly difficult time believing that that place is in the foothills of Finland with the ex-prince he’d made very clear on several occasions he, quite emphatically, disliked. 
The damage control hadn’t worked, because Henry was damaged enough for the both of them. The avoiding was better. He’d thought he could be rid of Alex for good. Could finally put to rest the feelings he’d had in his youth, shove them under the years that have built up between them since then and pretend they never existed in the first place.
Staring into his wide, hopeful, bottomless brown eyes, the same fire in them from years past, Henry thinks he really should have known better. 
“I’m sorry,” Henry murmurs, his throat tight, “it sounds like you’re asking me if you could live here.” 
Alex only shrugs. “Well, I mean. It should, probably. Since that’s what I’m doing.”
no pressure, of course, and OPEN TAG!
@wordsofhoneydew @firenati0n @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @affectionatelyrs
@cha-melodius @anchoredarchangel @rmd-writes @read-and-write-
@magicandarchery @happiness-of-the-pursuit @getmehighonmagic @junebugclaremontdiaz
@bigassbowlingballhead @eusuntgratie @inexplicablymine @whimsymanaged
(here's hoping the tags work friends jshdkjshgkfhjg <333)
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baradurus · 10 days
This is my love Letter/Appreciation post to the qsmp thumbler!since i saw so many ppl doing it
(Im kind of a lurker and have just recently become more activ RIGHT WHEN IT ENDED)
Anyways yall are such a nice community!And honestly a safespace for me its really fun to read all the silly shenanigans you come up with ,qsmp thumbler really cheers up my day and sometimes its even the Highlight of my day.
And some of you maynot know me since i am a lurker but i just want to say my appreciationto some ppl bellow the cut
(If i make anyone uncomfy with tagging them please do tell me and i will imeadiatly remove you)
To the artist
@ama-a93 I LOVE LOVE LOVE I JUST ADORE YOU ART ITS SOSO BEUTIFULL I JUST CANT i always get hyperaktiv when i See your beutifull art <3
@ddummy07 omg i cant even begin to describ how much i adore your content it soso amazing i love it so much i first saw you on tik tok and your Animations are just WOW
@lutraviolet your artsyle is so beutifull as is your art u always amazes me how beutifull it is whenever i look at it i think OMG IT SO PRETTYYYYYY at the same time i want all the Art you Post!
@acetheabnormal the backbone of the miscklikers i think i once sent an ask to tell you how much i adores your artstyle BUT IT SIMPLY WAS NOT ENOUGH YOUR ANIMATICS YOUR ART EVERYTHING IS SIMPLY TOP NOTCH evrrytime you post it fills me with joy
@vastlaundrybear im must say ,how much i adore your artsyle your animatics just simply everything ITS SO AAARGH i especally like your slimeccle Design (i also just adore your jrwi animatics) JUST YOUR ANIMATICS IN GENERAL ARE SOO ARRGHHH the transitions ,the lightning,JUST EVERYTHING
@thatonedogart omg i love itARRGHHH you keep me alive i live in jealousy of your greatness!!
@thatplankoverthere omg i love LOVE YOUR ART AREGHHH it simply is just so beutifull (you inspirw me to continue my traditional art journey!!)
now to the amazing artist and my mutal @smallz-o just muah everytime you Post i get happy you are a ray of sunshine to me i aprecviate you soso much and you have Motivation me to be way way more activ in the community (like also Posting art of my own and such<333)
@sadtrashking ARGHH YOUR ART IS SIMPLY SO CREATIV i love love love your takes on the qsmp memebers and turning them into animals(? Sry if thats not the right word)and omg your art is simply prefection i strive to one day be as creativ as you
@shen-mu your art is litterally SO SO GOOD ARRGHHH i just love your artsyle (and wth you post art so quik) it always Cheerleader my day up seing your art!!!
And since were on the topic of mutal
@fantasticflavor i love love love your Pixel art it inspires me so much AND WTH YOU ART IS SOSO PRETTY <333its an honor to be mutal with u!
@motshine i always love to See you in my notfications and your pfp is just so silly <3
@safetycap you are kinda like an Update source to me and i appreciate you very much!
@dragon-lady-owo it is always a pleasure seing that youve liked smt of mine and i apprecate you very very much!!!!!
@orquydia im very very glad that ive got to know you through our silly battel that started cus you liked my art and i decide to like smt of yours and then we had a littel like war (that i won)i apreciate you very very much and hope that our friendship continues to blossum i always enjoy our Talks about anything our minds can think of ( mostly robots)
@saltedcaramelchaos my beloved mutal! Although we dont talk much i appreciate you with every bone i have left your a very nice person from what i can tell and wish you the best!!
To ppl i stayed Updates through:
@royalarchivist you are a litteral livesafer to me no joke you have keep me updated on soso many things and i appreciate the work youve been doing :)
@hey-i-am-trying i appreciate you so so much and thank you for being such a cool person!
@anachronistic-falsehood you have also been a soucre of info to me and its alway cool to See you post <3
@starriknight believ it or not ive been staying updated through you and i appreciate all youve done for the community!!!
I hope i dident forget anyone! Have a nice day <333
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cartierdreamx · 1 year
𝕯𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖉 𝕿𝖔 𝕱𝖆𝖑𝖑 *2*
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Hi my sweet ones <333, hope you’re well! Sorry for the little wait but I hope the wait is worth it sooo here’s chapter 2, not much to say but I may have teared up a bit writing this and now as I type this my heart still hasn’t recovered, so I apologise in advance hehe. Anyways, I hope you enjoy and if you do, please consider reblogging, following and commenting! Thank you all for your constant love and support! J <33 
If you would like to be apart of a taglist so you know when the next chapter comes out, comment down below or let me know thru asks!! Also please make sure your tags are on, so I’m able to tag you 🫶🏽
Pairings: jenna ortega x fem! Reader 
Warnings: angst cityyy, dark themes, swearing, mentions of weapons and violence and murder. 
This fic is STRICTLY 18+, as it involves adult themes, minors DNI, you are responsible for your own social media intake, which includes reading entertainment which this fic falls under, so one last warning- this fic is 18+. Thank you!  
*though my fics have real people, my fics are just for entertainment and far from reality*
The sting in your eyes was accompanied by an adorning number of buzzes from your phone, annoyed and slightly hangover, mainly from the lack of hydration, because you were no lightweight, you could promise any drinking buddy that, you shove your phone under your pillow, praying that would drown out the buzzing. But, of course, to no avail, whoever or whatever global state of emergency was blowing up your phone, the vibrations so strong, it was tectonic, the buzzes greeted your ears through the bamboo pillow wrapped in silk. Having had enough, you groan and answer a call from Sol.
“Sol, I swear to GOD, someone better be dying.” Your annoyance so clear, it auscultates her ears.
Though she can’t see you, confusion paints your face as you slowly sit up and wipe your face, allowing yourself to wipe away the fatigue, after stepping out of Ortega Towers, your little after party consisting of publishing an article, skincare and pyjamas was a blur, in fact, you were so out of it, you considered maybe you hallucinated ever hitting publish. However, the entire masquerade stuck with you, the stench of man who tried to feel up on you left the second you stepped outside for air, but what didn’t was the crown queen of San Francisco, her vanilla essence imprinted on you, so after a night of tossing in turning, no movement could remove her from you. You don’t like it though, and it was ironic, you rejected and blew her off the second you got the chance, but you couldn’t remove her from you. There were fires starting to spark all over your body and the more you deny them, the stronger they burn, funny enough, one grew in your groins. And as repetitive as you sound, you hate it. You hate her. You, hate Jenna?
“What’re you talking about?”
“Oh, don’t act so coy and humble!”
“Sol, I’m like, genuinely serious.” You let out a soft chuckle.
Without even giving you a chance to breathe, blink or your heart to beat, you hear her hang up, guess you have lunch plans in about 2 hours. Now, about your article, you have no clue what you wrote, only that you couldn’t stop writing the second you sat down, nervousness rivers through your blood, breathing adjacent to your heart rate just thinking about what you wrote, what people think, hell, what Jenna thinks. Oh my God, is she going to kill me? You shake your head trying to rid of that negative thought, Jenna wasn’t like that, she’s above killing innocents, but are you innocent? Mouthing out the last line of your article; … whether it be by her heart, her touch, or her gun, anyone that knows the elusive Ms. Ortega is destined to fall. Your face meets your palm and you’re sure if Jenna or anyone in the family read this, you are sure to meet your maker.
“Wowwww, Jenna, she only knew you for a few hours, but she has every part of you right down to a T.”
Viv giggles as she scrolls through the article, enjoying every little bit of Jenna’s distraught, it was a rare occasion to see the mafia queen like this, and barely anyone could have her like this; a newfound superpower of yours.
“Shut it, Viv, it’s an okay article, and that’s me being generous.”
“I can’t imagine what she’d find out about you if she had stayed for longer.”
“I have no secrets.”
“You’re an idiot if you believe that.”
“Okay, fine, it’s a good article, y/n’s a feisty one.” Jenna finally caves in and shrugs.
“And plus, why do you care about some article?”
“I don’t.”
“Ah, but you do care about her.”
“Shut up, Viv, go make me a coffee.”
Laughter induced tears almost well up Viv’s eyes as she hears Jenna’s commands “oh, buddy she wrote you so good, down to your ego and arrogance, I’m not an assistant, babe, fix your attitude.”
Jenna rolls her eyes at Viv as she blows her a kiss and walks off to complete her long list of errands to complete and maybe some target training later in the day for her own indulgence. Bruce, whose body collected every will to keep silent as he knows he would be putting up with Jenna’s groggy and bitchy attitude all day if she did get riled up enough, but his mental strengths wasn’t as strong as his physicals.
“Bruce, I can see you smirking, knock it off.”
“Sorry, boss.” The 6’8ft, brunette man exclaims, though still smirking.
“You know, you make look and share the same name as Batman, but boy, you sure do lack the mental obedience, quit smirking!” Jenna pouts as she smacks his shoulder, “go scare our shareholders will you, I’ll meet you just before the meeting starts." Bruce chuckles as he leaves Jenna, alone with her thoughts.
And what are her thoughts? You. Rumination isn’t enough to describe how you flood her mind, how you fuel her hunger, how she hates how she doesn’t hate you. But you hate her? As two souls collide, their thoughts are evermore intertwined, and collide was definitely a word you could use to describe the thoughts both of you guys share. What gets her brain twisting the most and her throat closing in is the fact her heart is in denial about what it wants. Jenna would be caught dead before she made herself vulnerable before you made her vulnerable.
She had meetings the entire day but seeing that she’s the ones with guns and glory, no one dare to take her up on being tardy or last-minute cancellations, but despite her arrogant nature, she was respectful, and she was kind to those who deserved it, but even then, her guard was never down.
As her after lunch meeting finishes, she strides up and down the room, looking out into the city, only canvasing confusion on Viv and Bruce’s face.
“Cancel the rest of my meetings, please, Viv. Bruce, take the day off, do whatever you want, I’m heading out.”
Viv and Bruce comply and as Jenna starts heading for the door, Viv can’t help but tease “maybe this time, don’t be a dickhead to y/n, we like her.”
“No promises.”
Allowing the feminine urge to take over, you order a Caesar salad, a huge bowl of fries and a diet coke, such a perfect combo. That, with an extra side of chismosa with Sol, it’s a perfect lunch, however, the topic of gossip was you, you and Jenna that is.
“So, you didn’t hook up with her?” Sol, sighing, sounding deflated and defeated, for some reason she was really rooting for you two, she was so adamant about it.
“Sol, you have some sick delusion running through you, not healthy.” You tsk at her, “besides, I’m sure her sugar bear was enough company.”
Sol gasps so loud out of entertainment she grabs the attention of a few others having lunch. Not wanting people to eavesdrop, you give her a maternal ‘quiet down’ look.  
“Oh, don’t give me that look, I’ve been waiting so long to hear this, tell me more.”
As Sol further indulges in your suffering, you slowly start wishing you two had lunch back at the office or your loft, you were sure other lunch goers used you as a source of entertainment.
Back at the office, a warm standing ovation greets you, with everyone’s eyes and smiles lighting up the second they saw you, maybe they are genuinely impressed, but maybe because they’re all about to get a huge payout from the rising popularity of your article, usually rival companies don’t boost each other’s articles, then it wouldn’t be competition, but yours struck the entire nation, the likes of Buzzfeed and TMZ bowed down to you, making articles about your piece of art. However, as much as it was a piece of art, there’s some part of you that felt guilty about pressing publish, maybe the world didn’t have to read about Jenna’s ego in writing, it could’ve just been left untold, you were the one to tell it. Much like Jenna, your day was filled with meetings, but distraction got the best of you, you barely focused and you couldn’t even tell the higher ups what you plan was next, but nevertheless they were highly impressed with you. So impressed, that there was talk about you moving up, career wise.
At the end of your day, exhaustion kisses your body, you were all Jenna’d out, if you had to speak about Jenna one more time, you were sure to implode, not that you had anything against the people asking you, it was a fair thing to be curious about, but, you wish that maybe this was a one-time thing, that she isn’t your shot to success, that she isn’t running your world, that maybe, you would never hear from her again.
“Hello, Ms. L/N.” A familiar voice speaks, the same person who was anonymous with you on that balcony looking out into the skyline was an arm’s reach. But this time, you waste no time in turning around. A big sigh showcases your defeat, so much for never hearing from her again.
“Miss me?” Jenna teases, definitely not missing her, a plan sparks in that sly mind of yours.
“Hey Sol, look I have someone here who is dying to meet the person behind Bayseyes.”
You see Sol’s jaw drop to the ground as her eyes relay the fact that Jenna Ortega is standing in her building to her brain. “No, I don’t miss you.” You chuckle at her, as you head out, if only you turned around to see Jenna’s reaction, it would have made everything all worth it. Though she was fed up with how well you could turn her down, and she’d let it slide, she was impressed at how well you thought on your feet.
As Jenna relays what happened to Viv and Bruce, she swears smoke spills out her ears as they belly laugh at her failure, their knees weak at every word that leaves Jenna’s mouth, Bruce had to hold Viv and himself to make sure they didn’t topple over.
“Whew, Jenna, she has played you in every way, I love this girl, when she coming back?” Viv teases.
“She’s never coming back.”
“Yeah, clearly, your attempts to reel her in is like fishing with a plastic rod.” Bruce adds, Viv’s face lighting up with pride.
“No, she’s not welcome here.”
“Mhmhm, the same way she’s not welcome in your heart.”
“No, I kicked her out.”
“AH HAH, so you admit she was in your heart.”
“Boss…” Bruce cringes.
The same record plays as she leaves the room, Bruce and Viv hysterically laughing trying to figure out the badass you are.
The next day, it was all the same, this time, Jenna waited for you outside the building with a black Porsche behind her as she leans. As it was all the same, the rejection was no different, blowing her off again as you strut the other way, making sure Jenna saw you roll your eyes at her, more rejection, more laughter and taunts from Viv and Bruce.
3rd times the charm is the saying, yet not everyone is proven to be successful, Jenna was one of them, it was irking her and getting under her skin that she couldn’t bag you, but no matter how much you frustrated her, she would never admit she wants you, she’d lay a blanket over her feelings for you, hiding it as she wants you within her reach so she, herself can make you bleed, the same way you did. But maybe she does want that, maybe all she wants is to see you fall, you don’t know who she is, but she seems to know who you are, well, what she could find out about you. But funny enough, her level of power doesn’t get her through to your hidden files. It was redacted, and not even you knew about them.
Number 4 took a different approach, this time she asks Sol for help, begging her to get you to meet her, and as much as Sol wants to, and trust your gut, she wants to, so bad, her loyalty to you was no match for Jenna, Sol turns Jenna away, and to add a cherry on top, you recruited help from a colleague of yours, he was very handsome, and a gentleman, so you two played pretend in front of Jenna’s eyes, arms linked with laughter filling the barely visible gap between the two of you. This fuelled the fire burning in her chest, a feeling she had never felt before, jealousy, and jealousy is a bitch. Jealousy caged Jenna, how could this feeling make the most powerful woman in America bend at her knees, how could you make the most powerful woman in America suffer with every inch of her. You, y/n, you are the indulgence of her soul but the starvation of her heart. Jenna’s first instinct was to hurt you, hurt him, how could he kiss the cheek of her woman? You’re not her woman. Murder was on the table for him, and torment was on yours. Anything to ease her suffering, but she couldn’t, she can’t, as much as she wants to, and as much as she could do it with ease, you breathing was more important.
Maybe day 5 would be different, you thought as the clock hands strike 6pm, and so you were right, instead of being greeted with the ever-greedy Ms. Ortega, you were met with Viv’s warm embrace and Bruce’s masculine yet warm stature.
“Jenna’s getting her right hands to do her dirty work?”
Viv and Bruce share a smile, “as much as we love to see her wallow in doubt and pity, and finally see her humbled, you’re killing her.”
“And how is that any different to when she has a gun to someone’s head?”
“We know, she deserves it, but, for us could you consider not torturing her?”
“Look, you guys seem so nice and a very lovely pair, but I’m only doing this because she won’t stop, and I’m sure doing this would be a lot more efficient than telling her to stop, and honestly, I’m surprised I’m even alive right now.”
“Y/N,” a solemn tone escapes Viv, “she’s not like that, you know.”
“I don’t, I don’t know, and like you heard me say before, how could I let her in if she’s everything I stand against. We are two opposing forces, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t you want to know?” Bruce steps in.
“Guys, there are plenty of women out there who wants Jenna.”
“Yeah, but none of them are you.”
“And none of them will be me, I’ll delete the article if it’ll help, but I’m sure everyone has their copies, I’m sorry, I didn’t want it to be like this, I didn’t want to attend the ball.”
“No, it’s okay, don’t apologise, we’re sorry it had to be like this, but we’ll leave you be, we’ll talk to Jenna.”
“Thank you,” giving Viv a warm hug, possibly being the last hug, you’ll ever give her and Bruce a kiss on the cheek, more than you’ve given Jenna.
As you leave, Viv turns to Bruce “oh someone is so getting hurt at tonight’s mission.”
He chuckles, “you know how she copes.”
Finally, a chance to breathe and relax, you were out shopping, giving yourself a self-care day filled with everything you needed after the stressful week you just had. Sol wanted to accompany you, hoping to cheer you up, but you reassured her you’ll be fine and that this was something you had to do on your own. Walking past the dress boutiques, a dress similar to your masquerade dress catches your eyes and you can’t help but stop and admire it, but truthfully, the dress reminded you of her, of Jenna, you hate to admit it but there was some part of you that missed her adamant tries at winning you over.
“It’s pretty dress, but nothing compares to what you wore that night.” A voice you know all too well.
“Jenna…” A sigh of defeat leaves your lips.
“I know, I know, I’m sorry, I just had to see you, y/n.”
“Are you stalking me now?” Genuine question.
“No, no, I was out shopping, well, yes, I had to shop but I knew you frequent here so I took a chance.”
You let out a soft giggle, “I’m not even going to question how you know that but okay, you have me.”
“If I had you, we wouldn’t be here.”
You smile, not knowing what to say, your heart almost breaks for her, you’ve never seen her raw like this, almost as if you make her vulnerable.
“Look, I just want to say I’m sorry, for everything, for every arrogant remark, for every uncomfortable situation I put you in, for playing games with you, for sending Viv and Bruce to do my dirty work, for wanting you, y/n.”
“Jenna,” you grab her hand and caress it, hoping it relieves some of her pain, and maybe now your brain will believe she’s being genuine, and as much as your heart wanted to hold her, you know you can’t. “It takes a lot to apologise, so thank you.”
“It’s no problem, but uh, I know I shouldn’t, but I’d hate myself if I didn’t take this chance, maybe I could take you out to dinner? Apology dinner, on me.”
“Heh, that’s sweet of you to offer, but I’m sorry, I can’t, take Viv and Bruce out for me instead.” You smile at her, trying so hard not to tear up, feeling that choking feeling build up in your throat.
“Do you hate me?” That same question, she asked you that very first night.
“Y/N, tell me you hate me, it’ll make getting over you a whole lot easier, knowing you hate me is a better outcome than knowing you don’t, because if you don’t, my chance of you, my chance of us was out there, but my hands were not strong enough to grasp it, maybe I made the wrong deal with the universe, I don’t want to live a life where we could’ve been, just tell me that you hate me, please, y/n, please.”
If your heart didn’t break before, your heart definitely broke now, this was her, this was Jenna, raw and vulnerable, you wanted to speak, but it seems there was a stronger force out there that withheld you from speaking, instead, you lay your soft hand on her cheek, wiping away a lone tear, so close to Jenna’s lips you could feel her breathing. As she closes her eyes and leans in ever so slightly, you let go, leaving her with a maybe.
Too broken to look at you, Jenna offers “at least let me take you home, it’s getting dark, I know you didn’t drive here, and I know how dangerous the streets can be at this time.”
“I’ll be okay, Jen.”
Maybe it was the right choice, maybe your actions will have consequences.
Too lost in your own world, thinking about what happened between you and Jenna, you don’t notice the looming figure behind you, Jenna occupying you so deeply, you didn’t realise they’ve been following you since you left the mall. Lucky for you, walking past a closed shop with windows out the front, you’re able to see a dark figure behind you, you quickly decipher the figure being a man, but his face is covered so you don’t recognise him. As your heartbeat quickens, so do your steps, actively trying to lose him, you take a sharp turn into an alley, bad mistake. A breath of relief and fatigue exists your lungs as you turn and see he’s not behind you anymore. But.
“Think you could get away from me that easily?” The man appears in front of you, making you jump, but leaving you stuck in place, too scared to run. As you scan his face, your heart sinks, making the connection that this is the same man from the ball, the same one who was harassing you, but Jenna had him thrown out.
“Yeah, now that pretty face remembers me.”
“Please, just let me go, I’ll give you money, is that what you want?”
He scoffs, grabbing your wrist so tight, he may be cutting off circulation. “I don’t care about money, they pay me enough, what I want is you, I want you to hurt.” Suddenly, a sharp sting numbs your face as he slaps you with all his might, knocking you off your feet, you scream.
“That’s right, scream, bitch.” Kicking you in the abdomen, making you give into his wants, screaming more.
“No point in begging now.” He kicks twice more before picking you up by your shirt, you too much in pain to even look at him in the eyes, but the pain would keep going, he holds you up against the brick wall and starts going in for punches, left and right, your nose starts bleeding, you’re sure your ribs are broken, every punch, slap and kick was multiplied by 10, he kept on going, no matter how much you screamed, he didn’t listen.
“Where’s Jenna now? That’s right, she’s not here, can’t go running to her for help.” He was right, you can’t go running for help, you couldn’t, maybe you should’ve gone with her, maybe you should’ve never pushed her away, tears run down your face joining the splatters of your blood on the concrete ground. He starts thrashing you around, making sure every part of you is bloodied, broken, and bruised. “Scream her name, I want her to know you screamed for her, but she was nowhere to be found.”
You were sure you were going to pass out, instead flashing lights come by, there was hope, but that was short lived when you realise it was a large SUV instead of a police car.
“JAMESON, what do you think you’re doing.”
“Sir, I did what you told me.”
“I told you to scare her, not beat her to a pulp.”
“I got carried away.”
“Evidently, I ought to give you to Jenna for this.”
“But she’s your rival, sir?”
“Yeah, but you beat her girl up to a pulp, I don’t need her coming for me just yet, and plus, she’s the key to breaking down Jenna’s walls, making her vulnerable, seeing that you nearly killed the key, you nearly ruined it for us.”
“I apologise Mr. Marcello.”
“Mr. Marcello is my father and uncle, you know better.”
“I’m sorry, Gio.”
“Now, I gotta clean up your mess, hop in the car, killing you now would be a mercy compared to what Ms. Ortega would do to you, oh and drag her in the car.”
“Yes sir, are you going to give me to Jenna?”
“Considering it, if you don’t shut up, it’ll be a yes,” now turning to you, your barely functioning body with a tremendous number of cuts, scrapes, and bruises, “you Ms. L/N are fascinating, who are you and why do you have Ms. Ortega wrapped around your little finger.” Your eyes lacked the ability to focus, and your mind was fighting to stay awake, and you barely heard the conversation between the two men, so it made it hard to figure out who was with you, staying alive was the one thing on your mind. And in this moment, the scariest moment of your life, you doubted life would be in you, once he lays you on the seats, your fight with your mind was over, you pass out, not knowing where they were taking you.
As your eyes focus on what was in front of you, the familiar rooted buildings jumpstarted adrenaline, with indomitable human spirit and a bit of delusion, you somehow make it to the entrance of Ortega Towers. As you collapse the second you drag yourself through the doors, you hear Viv scream.
“Y/N?!! OH MY GOD.”
She rushes towards you cradling you in her arms, begging you to stay awake, to stay with her.
“YOU, GO GET JENNA NOW.” She yells at a young associate.
“But she said she doesn’t want to be disturbed.” He was scared to go up to Jenna and let her know of the situation, fair enough, she’s a scary woman and even scarier to the newbies.
“I DON’T CARE, I’LL TAKE THE HEAT, TELL HER Y/N IS HURT.” He rushes off with speed and not even 3 minutes later, Jenna came running down, you hear her yell something, but your body was on lockdown mode, nothing was working, nothing was focusing. All you know is that you’re in pain.
As Jenna takes over for Viv, so Viv can get medical help, she cradles you. “Hey, hey, y/n, stay with me, okay? Stay with me, please.” She strokes your hair, trying so hard to not let the tears fall, you couldn’t see her like this. No one can. Luckily, Bruce and his crew of soldiers was able to escort everyone out.
You want to, you want to keep your eyes open, but your body was winning this round, and if this is where you’ll die, at least you were in the arms of Jenna. With all your might, you muster up to speak once more.
“I hate you, Jenna.”
“I know.”
Thank you so much for your support <3 I hope you enjoyed! 🦦
hehe sorry about the angst, I think this is one of the most angstsiest shit i’ve ever written, and shout out to @lonelym00n cus she had to endure getting tortured as r and getting tortured as herself 😭 (she’s viv). 
it is 5am where im at, im going to sleep, goodnight 🤝
TAGLIST: @somegaybae @omega-horus @lonelym00n @dksjskx @lazyturtle0-0 @jess-1-e @zaclewiss @lostgirl1415 @pitifulbinx @talialeih @amessbian @iamthewoe @aiakuma @user173781 @darkwolf1623 @dvrkhcld
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hi i really love how you wrote marshall lee!! i couldn't stop thinking about your writing, youre just truly talented!!! it was the dog reader personality that really made me weak at the knees. is it possible you could do a lambgirl reader? half girl half lamb? i saw this idea somewhere and this sorta dynamic with bad boy marshall makes me go😫😫!!! but you can push it down on the list if u want. no rush or anything! you dont owe us anything and remember to take breaks. love you❤️
I love you tooo ty for the encouragement <333
Ty for requesting, sorry I’m it takes me so long to get them done D:
I have recently started writing on ao3 so if you want to read what I have on there my name is just “justanotherauthorig”. Rn I only have a Heisenberg and a Hobbir fanfic so if that’s interesting to you pls check them out ^^ I will post more information soon
Marshall Lee x Lamb Girl! Reader
Tags: fem!reader, Marshall Lee is so hot bruh I can’t, reader is kinda stupid but it’s okay bc she’s nice, idk what to say about this, I didn’t edit it through but are we really surprised?, this would make a good smut :P sorry it’s kinda short tho
Authors note: this was fun :D I googled a bunch of adventure time slang and they’re actually so fun to use lol
Word count; 1,1k
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I think he originally started flirting with you just to mess with you
Sure, he thought you were cute as hell
But he wasn’t really looking for anything but a good laugh
You hang out with Fionna and Cake a lot, both of them are very protective of you
The three of you and sometimes BMO have a lil girls night out
On this particular night, you went to the dark forest bc Marshall Lee was having a concert and Fionna really wanted to go
Not so much to hear Marshall Lee, but bc flame prince would be there lol
Anyways, you immediately caught Marshall’s eye as he stood on stage
Both Fionna and Cake had branched off, leaving you alone in the crowd
Your eyes glued to your feet, not even daring to look up at Marshall’s performance as you fiddled nervously with your sleeves
When he finally had a break from the stage, he soundlessly floated up besides you
I kid you not, you almost bleated when you turned around to find the vampire king right besides you as you turned your head
You jumped, scrambled to get away as your lower lip quivered, white ears flattened to your head
“Woah, woah. Calm down there, sweetheart,” Marshall laughed, holding up his hands in mock surrender
You quickly realized that he didn’t intend to harm you and somewhat calmed down, still slightly worried as he flashed his shiny white fangs to you
Your brows furrowed, fists clenching your dress as you fought to keep back the angry tears
“I-I am calm! Have you not heard that it’s rude to go around scaring people like that?” You huffed, sending him the most intimidating glare you could muster which to Marshall Lee looked more like a scared bunny
He smiled wider. “Well, I’m not exactly known for being nice,” He said, voice slightly deepening
You felt threatened, he looked at you like a predator looked at it’s prey and you finally understood why Cake was always bad-mouthing him
“I only hang out with nice people, sorry.” You muttered, turning away from him just to get a break from his all-consuming stare
He laughed again, clearly finding your reacting to be the most hilarious thing he had heard in a long time
You jumped again when you felt his hand creepy up the back of your neck, lips ghosting over your pulse point
Your breath caught in your throat, tears springing to your eyes again at the thought of being bitten. “P-please don’t bite me! Fionna will get m-mad!” You hiccuped, twisting the fabric of your dress even more until it was wrinkled and warm.
He blew on your neck and you felt him pout. “Fionna, huh?”
He pushed himself away from you a bit, finally getting himself out of your close personal space as he floated around you to face you again
“Aw, baby. Don’t cry,” he grinned when he saw your flushed cheek and quivering lips. “I just wanted to have a bit of fun, can you blame me?”
You shook your head defiantly as an answer, making him laugh again. “I promise I won’t bite you, little lady. On one condition,” he said, placing a large hand on your head
You mentally slapped yourself for the way you wanted to lean into his hand, ears twitching ever so slightly as his cold hand touched them
You wrinkled your nose. “On what condition?”
“Sing the next song on stage with me.”
Your eyes widened comically. “No way! I- I don’t even know how to sing! And I don’t know any of your songs,”
Marshall pouted, dramatically holding a hand over his non-beating heart. “And here I thought you were enjoying my show! I’m hurt!” Then he winked at you. “But don’t worry, all you have to do is follow my lead.” And before you knew it, he had an arm around your neck waist and legs as he hoisted you up in his arms
He carried you to the stage, floating above the crowd as you clutched him tightly in fear of falling
He sat you gently down on stage, grabbing his axe-bass and the crown immediately erupted in cheers
You were frozen in fear, face caught in between an angry flush and hysteric cries as you stood before the crowd
You already hated standing down before the scene, with all the people pushing and shoving it quickly overwhelmed you
But standing in front of at least a hundred candy kingdom citizens and a bunch of princes topped the chart of things you hated
You desperately pulled your cardigan around you, attempting to hide as your tail twitched and your ears once again laid themselves flat against your hair
“Follow my lead,” you choked on a gasp when Marshall was suddenly besides you again, whispering in your ear with that deep voice of his
“Good little girl, always picking a fight with me, you know that I’m bad” Marshall hummed, hands leaving his bass for a moment to gently sway your hips
You turned at least ten shades redder, burning up as he made you sway sultrily in front of the mesmerized crowd.
Well, luckily he had picked a song you actually knew.
“But your spending the night with me. What do you want from my world? You’re good little girl,” his hands left you to play his bass again, you gently swayed your hips to the rhythm
You looked intently at Marshall, figuring it was better to look at the troublemaker himself than the large crowd
He made a motion with his head, signaling you to start singing
“Uh-“ you started, inhaling deeply to not stumble over the words. “B-Bad little boy, that’s what you’re acting like, I really don’t buy,” you had to yet again stop yourself from bleating again, taking quick breaths as your hands shook
“That you’re t-that kind of guy-y,” you closed your eyes tightly, hating the way you could help hiccuping up the words. “And if you are, why do you want to hang out with me?”
Suddenly Marshall was by your ear again, chuckling darkly. “You did so well, little lady.” He murmured, before floating away from you a bit to continue the show
“Hey! Isn’t that Y/n?” You breathed out heavily in relief upon hearing Fionna’s voice.
“Come here, sugar,” suddenly Cake enveloped you and you welcomed her happily, snuggling yourself into her warm fur
She stretched, setting you down on the ground besides Fionna before taking your place on stage, cutting Marshall Lee’s verse short as she started singing about hot tomatoes and good sauces
“Hey, are you okay, Y/n? You look pretty jacked up,” Fionna said, pulling you to her side
“Marshall Lee told me to sing with him or he would bite me,” you mumbled bitterly, leaning onto Fionna’s shoulders
She clenched her teeth, face flushing angrily. “That son of a blee-blob!” She hissed. “I’ll kick his buns,”
You smiled slightly. “I told him you would get mad if he bit me,”
“Of course I would! What a butt-guy..”
When the concert ended Fionna was quick to find Marshall and give him a piece of her mind, however the vampire king only laughed her off, telling her that next time he would you wouldn’t be so lucky
Both Fionna and Cake insisted you slept at the treehouse that night and you happily agreed
Of course, it didn’t take Marshall long to seek you out again
He honestly doesn’t have that much going on, a bored guy needs entertainment
“Well, well, well! If it isn’t my favorite little lamb,” Marshall grinned, suddenly appearing in a tree as you were walking home from one of Tree Trunk’s apple pie dinners
This time you pretended not to jump, huffing as you held your head high, refusing to look at him
“I-if it isn’t my least favorite vampire king,” you said, half of your words coming out as a whisper. You mentally slapped yourself, if you were going to give him a comeback you you at least sound like you weren’t absolutely shaking in your boots
“Now that really hurt!” Marshall pouted as he spoke, coming down from the tree to walk besides you “you smell like apple pie,” he noted, sniffing the air
You wrung your hands nervously. “Tree Trunks made me apple pie,” you muttered, still refusing to directly look at the vampire
He cackled. “Jeez. That must have been so boring,”
You frowned, even though your face was turned the other way Marshall Lee noticed, filled with glee. “Tree Trunks is really nice! And his apple pie is amazing,” you huffed, defending your dear friend
“Tree Trunk’s is bunk, dude. Let’s go somewhere,” He grabbed your shoulders and spun you around to finally face him. “Come with me to this undead party, it’s rad. I know you want to,”
You finally had enough, angry heat flooding your face. “L-Leave me alone! And stop acting like such a mr. cool-guy you.. you! Ding-wad!”
To your utter surprise, your little outburst just made Marshall laugh loudly. “I’m a ding-wad, huh? Alright, alright. Give me a chance to show you something cool and I bet you won’t think I’m a ding-wad after,” he grinned, cocking his head like a puppy
A very threatening puppy, in your opinion
You took a moment to regain yourself, noticing he was being somewhat sincere. The goodness in your heart won and you shyly looked at your feet. “A-alright. But no funny tricks,” you mumbled.
“You got it, sweetheart!” He said as he lifted you bridal-style, taking off into the air.
To your utter surprise, you ended up having a good time with Marshall Lee.
He took you to a party in a graveyard, ghosts was actually a lot more chill than most living ppl and you actually managed to socialize
When you got tired and socially exhausted all you had to do was gently tuck on Marshall’s sleeve and he happily flew you home
To his house, I mean. You protested at first, as you didn’t know him that well and it seemed like a pretty bad idea to sleep over at a blood-thirsty vampires house
But all your sleepy protests died down as he tucked you into his bed, gently wrapping you in the sheets and quietly humming as you drifted off to sleep.
As he watched you sleep, ears twitching and cheeks puffed out, he realize that what started as a joke had turned real pretty fast
He felt an overwhelming urge to protect you, not that he would stop mercilessly teasing you, but he quickly discarded the idea that you were just a new plaything
He was also pretty sure Fionna would actually skin him alive (or dead I suppose) if he upset you
When you hung out at the tree house the next day and told them about how you slept over at Marshall’s she was already pretty read to beat his guts
Slowly, and I mean slowly, bc Marshall is a huge tease and you couldn’t stand looking at him for more than 5 minutes without getting so embarrassed you could melt, the two of you eventually started dating
Rest assured, Fionna and Cake both threatened him on multiple occasions, making sure he was on his best behavior
Even Prince Gumball had a few choice words with him lol
Everyone is was extremely worried lmfao (with good reason)
Marshall can be sweet tho, he actually is sometimes
Especially in public, since he knows you get overwhelmed super quickly
All you have to do is look at him with those doe-eyes of yours and he gets the message immediately
Doesn’t matter if you’re in the middle of a fancy dinner in a castle or if he’s playing a concert, he will get you to a place with less people immediately
He really does love you lol
omg bc both of you are so emotionally constipated- like you’re too shy to express your feelings and Marshall has just been taught to believe that expressing feelings is a taboo
If he ever did anything to hurt you tho he would hate himself so much, you’re the purest person he has ever met and hurting you is just a no-no
Sure, he teases you constantly bc that’s just how he is
But if he ever sees upset for real, he will beat himself up over it for the the next decade or so
Fionna will not hesitate to let him know if he messed up either
As I said before, the vampire king will be on his best behavior
You’re his cute little girlfriend and he will treat you as good as he possibly can <3
Hiya ^^ I hope you enjoyed this, sorry it was kinda short D:
I have a confession.. I srsly considered making it into a smut but I stopped myself bc it’s 1 am and I have school tomorrow lol
Lemme know if you would like a part 2 smut version of this :D
Anyways, thank you for reading!
Love, author
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boolger · 17 days
Hello! I just noticed you take suggestions, so I thought about sending one for something related to Jack Dalton and Ghost? Maybe in the military times, with a sprinkle of h/c? Never asked/suggest for a fic before, so I won't go too much into details-- I would be happy to read anything with them, to be honest 😆 (smut is also welcome, of course, the ao3 barrel for these two is pretty empty so 👀)
Anyway, have a great day~
the way I got so excited when getting this!! Macgyver my beloved and Ghost my beloved! Since I wrote the fic The Ghost from the past has a big dic- on AO3, I figured that I could write a couple of scenes from them knowing each other in their past, so in the same universe ish - how they came to the point of Jack being happy to have a threesome w him and his now-husband Mac.
Anyways, ye, I hope you like it <333
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Lust at first sight
☆ Fandom crossover: Macgyver (2016) x Call of Duty
☆ Pairing: Jack Dalton X Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley
☆ wordcount: 893 words
☆ tags: friendship, fandom crossover, fwb, smut, bonding while smoking, military, referenced violence, Sir-kink, daddy-kink, rough sex, all consensually ofc, teasing. lmk if i'm missing anything. 
They met randomly through work - that’s how one met each other in this kind of work, Jack supposed.
Years later, they would both answer “classified” when Jack’s future husband, Angus Macgyver, would ask about their first meeting. Technically it was classified. But not that secret.
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley had just become a Lieutenant when Jack met him, the SAS sending him over to work with the Deltas for a bigger mission. It wasn’t love at first sight - because they were never in love. Nope, Jack reckoned it was more lust at first sight. Mixed with the respect for each other’s work.
The other Deltas had caught on immediately, on their flirting (mostly from Jack, who couldn’t keep his mouth shut) and they all decided to ignore them, at most telling the two of them to get a room.
So they did. The moment the mission was over, they got a room.
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Their first time was in the shower - they were both sweaty and dirty from several days of working with no showers.
It was quick, to get the worst out of the system. Ghost, no Simon, was ridiculous and wore the stupid mask even when showering, making Jack laugh - but he was quickly distracted by the bigger man’s hand on his cock. Jack Dalton was in no sense a little man. He was 5’11, had a lot of muscles and a nice cock. Simon was just ridiculously big, being 6,2, a mountain of muscles and while his cock wasn’t quite as long as Jack’s, it was thicker. He stroked their cocks together, quick and hard, their bodies pushed closed against the cold tiles, while Jack moaned into his neck, Ghost doing his best to keep in his own whines.
They came over each other, their cum quickly washed away from the running water of the shower. 
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Ghost had to go home the day after, so they got it out of their system that evening - or, well, night.
It was as if they needed to remind themselves that they were human after the brutal killings, the blood staining their hands psychologically, even after their shower. Simon pushed up the mask, exposing his scarred lower face and Jack barely got a chance to appreciate the sight before the other was kissing him hard. There was nothing lovely and sweet about that night. 
It was violent, harsh and sinful.
it was red faces, deep grunts and teeth sinking into teeth; it was cursewords and bodies fucking each other harshly, it was lube making everything sound wet and dirty as they fucked. It was texan accent clashing with british, teasing each other, telling each other to shut up, trying to fuck the other to silence. 
Jack fucked Simon - Simon fucked Jack. They fucked each others’ mouths. They were both young, with stamina enough, happy to get it out of their system after god knows how long.
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“fuuuuck,” he murmured, rolling his hips, “Reckon’ I could ride ya’ cock all night, hoss.” 
A growl left Simon, feral thing beneath him, even when he pretended he wasn’t desperately trying not to fuck up into Jack.
“Don’t be cheeky, Dalton,” he answered, a small pleased exhale leaving him as Jack rose and sunk down on his thick cock again, the wet sound of lube almost echoing in the hotel room. They were going to ruin the sheets. Hell, Jack would pay for it, just for another chance of this.
“Aw, don’t be like that, Sir,” Jack cooed back, instantly noticing the way Ghost reaction to the title beneath him, the way his eyelids fluttered, the way the hands on his hips tightened, “ya like bein’ called Sir?”
“Shut up daddy,” Ghost answered, teasing Jack with his daddy kink as he stared up at him, forcing him deeper down on his cock as Jack continued to ride him again, “you got a dirty kink yourself, old man.” 
Jack just laughed. He wasn’t even that much older. Maybe ten years or so. He didn’t really care.
“Does Sir want Daddy to stop?” Jack asked, raising an eyebrow, stopping all his movement, a distressed growl leaving Ghost.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” Ghost snarled, and Jack smacked his chest hard, the other man attempting to hide his whimper.
“What was that?” his voice was even darker than before, leaning forward slowly, one hand on the bed next to his head, the other settling on his neck. A warning.
“don’t you fucking dare, daddy.”
Jack couldn’t help a smirk.
“Good boy.”
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 
They both left the day after, covered in hickeys and bite marks, both much more calm. This would repeat every time they ran into each other over the years. They would create chaos on the mission, then they would fuck like rabbits, smoke together while talking a little, mostly about what had happened since last. 
Ghost disappeared into the back of his mind, the moment Jack Wyatt Dalton set his eyes on the genius and idiot at the same time, Angus Macgyver. That wasn’t lust at first sight - that was love.
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ggwritesstuff · 2 years
Make Me Purple
pairing: elvis presley x wife!reader
content warnings: smut!! minors dni!, a little bit of public play, fingering, unprotected sex, breeding kink, a dash of degradation, probably missing some so pls proceed with caution
a/n: apparently whenever i write smut it’s always gotta be a slow burn LOL. i really like this one tbh it’s a little goofy, a little fluffy
a/n 2: ok so i’m done with it and just read it over and i am unsure about it but i’m posting it anyways bc yolo either way please leave some feedback <333
can be read either with elvis or austin!elvis in mind :)
read part 2 here!
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You were sat next to Elvis during another one of the weekly meetings to discuss anything about the show. You didn’t really want to be there, it was late and you were tired but Elvis begged you to tag along; it’s nearly impossible to say no to him when he’s got his lips hot against your neck.
The meeting seemed to drag on for hours and you were getting sleepy, so you absentmindedly rested your head on Elvis’ shoulder. He placed his hand on your thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze in response. You thought nothing of the gesture until you felt the subtle dance of his fingertips inching further and further up your thigh. You moved your hand to cover his in an attempt to stop him from trying anything in the middle of this meeting, but the strength of just his one hand had overpowered you and was already tracing a finger outside of your panties. You tried to swat his hand away but to no avail, he continued what he was doing, and doing so with slightly more pressure now. It began to take effect on you and you had to bite down on your lip to keep yourself quiet. It became increasingly difficult as Elvis had slipped your panties to the side so he could tease his fingers at your entrance.
“You alright, y/n? Lookin’ a little pale over there.” A voice spoke from across the table, catching both yours and Elvis’ attention. “EP, why don’t you and your girl get some rest? We’ll catch up with you tomorrow.”
Elvis carefully and inconspicuously moved your now uncomfortably drenched panties back into place. “Thanks, Jer.” He stood up. “C’mon love, let’s get you in bed.” Elvis winked and presented his hand for you to take before you stood from your seat. He’s lucky he did because you felt like your knees could give out from under you.
You both bid your good nights to the crew and silently walked out the door. Once you were sure you were out of earshot, you stopped Elvis in the middle of the hallway with a light and playful hit to the shoulder. “Elvis Aron Presley! Are you out of your damn mind playing with me like that when your daddy’s not three feet away?” You scolded through giggles.
“What? I was bored! We would’ve been there all night if little Mrs. Presley wasn’t lookin’ so pale!” He defended himself, quickly tiring of your halted position in the hallway and picking you up to toss you over his shoulder like a rag doll. You didn’t even bother protesting. “Now lets go, mama, gotta give you some of that color you’re missin’.” He said as he carted you off to the suite, landing a playful spank on your bottom.
“Ooh, I like colors! Can you give me purple?” You said innocently, purposely making yourself sound a bit like a bimbo.
Elvis fumbled with the room key before damn near kicking the door open and tossing you onto the bed. “I think I could make it happen, angel.” He smirked, already hovering over you and diving into the crook of your neck. You felt his plush lips first, and then you felt him biting and suckling at your sensitive skin. He smiled against your neck when he felt you shiver beneath him.
“Already makin’ some pretty colors on you. Come look, baby.” Elvis pulled away and marveled at the marks he’s left on you. He pulled you up from the bed and lead you to the mirror. With one arm holding you from behind, Elvis had the other arm exposing your neck in the mirror and directing your gaze to his work.
“Don’t get all bashful on me now, sweetheart. Take a look.” He gently grabbed you by the jaw when he noticed your shy eyes wandering away from the reflection in front of you. “Lookin’ so pretty with a necklace like that on you.” Elvis complimented.
He loved to leave his mark on you, and he loved that it acted as a sign that read ‘private property of Elvis Presley’. You loved it just as much as he did. You loved that he wanted everyone to know that you were his girl.
Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt both of his hands fall to your hips, so strong and calloused from years of dedicated musicianship. He gripped them tightly and pressed himself against you. “Drives me crazy seein’ you like that.” He whispered so sultrily in your ear, now grinding ever so slightly into you while sliding the straps of your dress off your shoulder. The dress was already loose, his body pinned up against you was the only thing keeping it up.
Elvis pushed you forward just a bit to let gravity finish undressing you, quickly assuming his place against you once the soft fabric had pooled around your feet. You saw him smirk in the reflection of the mirror when your bare breasts were exposed, your nipples already reacting to the change in temperature and the growing arousal. “Thought I saw somethin’ under that little dress of yours.” He whispered against your ear, taking one of your nipples into his fingers and pinching it just hard enough to elicit a soft moan from you. He was still holding you impossibly close against him, you glanced at him in the mirror to find that the gorgeous blue irises of his are nearly nonexistent in this moment. The black of his pupils dominated his eyes as he fell deeper into his lust for you.
That look in his eyes did something to you. It enveloped you wholly and any sense of composure and self control you still had was thrown to the wind. You quickly turned around to face him, snaking your arms around the back of his neck before jumping into his arms, confident that he’d catch you, and he did. Your ass rested on his forearms as you moved in to kiss him hungrily, all of his teasing coming to a head. Elvis leaned into it and matched your neediness, sliding his tongue to meet yours as he sat back down on the mattress. He placed you so that you had one leg on each side of him, straddling him. At this point, you began to feel his length beneath you. He rocked his hips ever so slightly into you and you took this as your sign to grind yourself down onto him, a groan rumbled in his chest at the new sensation.
“Fuckin’ hell, angel, you got me feelin’ like a hormonal teenager again.” Elvis broke the kiss to press his forehead to yours, his usually strong and confident voice was now laced with aching need.
“You’ve got too many clothes on.” You noted as you tangled your fingers into his hair, tugging at the roots just a tad. He reached between your bodies to undo the few buttons he had done on his shirt and shrugged it off. As soon as he did, you pulled yourself as close to him as humanly possible, feeling his warmth radiate from his bare chest to yours.
This level of skin to skin contact felt overwhelmingly intimate. You were used to sex with Elvis being hot and rough; needy hands and mouths grabbing and latching onto whatever skin it could find fastest. While in this moment it was all still very needy and desperate, it was also slow, cherishing and careful. You could feel the beating of his heart on your own chest. You felt closer and more connected to your new husband than ever before. You basked in this feeling for a moment, resting your forehead against his and embracing the warmth he provided.
It wasn’t long before Elvis had flipped your position so that you were now on your back. He stood between your thighs that were still loosely wrapped around his hips, beginning to remove his remaining clothing.
You gazed up at the man above you, astonished that he’s actually your husband. “I’m so damn lucky.” You mused adoringly.
He closed the gap between you and went for your neck again, “I’m the lucky one here, darlin’.” He mumbled against your skin with a smirk, it set every last nerve of yours ablaze with desire; you shuddered beneath him once again. Now that he’s fully bare, you can feel how painfully hard he is as he lays on top of you, grinding himself right against you. The friction made a small moan tumble off your lips.
There was nothing Elvis loved more than knowing how riled up he’s got you, even if he’s hardly touched you. He moved to then drag his tip from your clit down to your entrance, mixing his leaked precum with your arousal and spreading it.
“El, baby, please, no more teasing.” You whined at the sensation.
He continued to taunt you, resting the tip of his cock at your entrance, “Aw, you sure honey? You’re makin’ some pretty noises f’me.”
“Please-“ You begged as you attempted to maneuver your hips in a way that would just slip him right in, but he jerked his hips back before you could pull him where you desperately needed him the most. You must’ve looked and sounded pathetic.
He clicked his tongue at your desperate attempt. “Patience, darl- oh fuck.” Elvis interrupted himself when your patience grew thin and you pushed his cock inside you by pulling him in with your legs, crying out in relief of finally being full. He stilled himself inside of you to get his bearings, letting out an impressed chuckle.
“Needy needy girl,” he tutted before he swiftly began fucking into you. Your hands flew to his shoulders with a yelp, digging your nails into his skin and raking them down his back.
The intimacy you felt earlier from holding each other close together had quickly dissipated and turned animalistic. There was no time for embellishments anymore. His thrusts were rough, hard, and fast, but precise enough to make sure you felt every last inch of him. His head fell to the crook of your neck as a deep groan vibrated in his chest.
“So damn tight for me, angel. Feels so fuckin’ good when you’re squeezin’ around me like that.” He muttered between his thrusts, each of which repeatedly slamming against your g-spot and making you scream so loud that the entire hotel could’ve heard you.
You heard fragments of thoughts and praise fall from Elvis’ mouth as he continued his assault on your aching pussy.
“Takin’ this dick so well, my good girl.”
“My perfect little slut.”
His words combined with the relentless snap of his hips against yours made you dizzy. You looked up at him through your lashes, hardly able to keep your eyes open and your mouth shut. He let out a dark laugh as his fingers continued to dig into your hips. “Look at you, mama, all fucked out under me.” He comments.
It was all just too much. Your entire body was overwhelmed, each of Elvis’ thrusts was just pushing you further and further to the edge until you felt like you couldn’t hold back anymore. “Fuckfuckfuck El, keep talking like that, gonna make me cum.” You panted, strengthening the grip your legs held around his torso to keep him as close as possible.
“Aw, you like hearing me talk while I’m ruining this pussy, angel?” His hand went to your throat, directing your gaze right onto him and cutting off your circulation just enough to make you see stars, you nodded in his grip. “My dirty angel.” He grunts out. “Fuckin’ squeezing my cock like you don’t want me to pull out- you’d like that wouldn’t ya.” His thrusts became harsher as he neared his own release. The thought of him cumming inside you was your breaking point.
“Shit- No, don’t pull out, want you to keep me full.” You whined as he lowered his head to meet your forehead once again, lips just mere centimeters away.
“Yeah? Gonna make me a daddy, angel?” He asked breathlessly.
“Wanna make you a daddy, El. Fuck-“ You uttered, the coil in your belly finally snapping. With your confirmation, Elvis’ hips stuttered as he released his load in you with a loud grunt. He collapsed next to you, absolutely drunk on the fact that you finally let him cum in you.
“You mean it?” He asked shyly after he caught his breath, taking your hand into his.
“I mean it, honey.” You reassured him, pressing a kiss to the back of his hand.
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scarasun · 1 year
another year wiser - and happier.
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pairing ; scaramouche x gn!reader
wc ; 5.6k
summary ; when you find out that scaramouche has been keeping his birthday a secret from you, you take it upon yourself to make his day as amazing as possible.
cw ; scaramouche is called scaramouche throughout the fic because idk what else to call him, reader can't cook, slight angst at the end but we get a happy ending (wooo), your ex shows up and he's a creep, you're bad at painting, light cursing
a/n ; andd here it is!!!! i've pieced together this fic in the past two days, so im truly sorry if there are any mistakes throughout, or if the wording is just off. maybe i'll read it through later and fix a few things. anyways, im tagging @keqism, who prompted me to get my idea on paper for scara's bday,,,ty <333 speaking of ideas, i had wayyy too much time thinking about what scenario i could possibly write, and ended up using all my ideas...that's why this piece is so long. anyways, enjoy!
Scaramouche, once the mighty Sixth Harbinger of the Fatui and now the Dendro Archon's helper, has been keeping his birthday a secret from you.
Although the both of you had been together for quite a while, he had given no indication that his birthday fell on the third day of the year, and if it hadn't been for Nahida's intel, you would've never guessed.
You straightened your back, wiping the sweat from your forehead as you examined your handiwork. A couple small sausages lay on the chopping board in front of you, the bottom half of them sliced into eighths. They looked just like the pictures in the recipe you were using (if you were willing to look past the fact that the cuts were uneven), and if the instructions were correct, the ends would curl up when they were put to fry.
Such was the magic of squid sausages - and you were hoping your boyfriend would love it.
Being no good at cooking, Scaramouche had designated himself to be the household chef, claiming that even as a puppet, he was not immune to food poisoning. That didn't stop you though.
Knowing that Scaramouche had hidden his birthday away from you probably meant that he had never celebrated it in his life - or maybe he never had a reason to. But now that you were in his life, you were determined to bring a smile to his face - starting with breakfast in bed.
You filled the heated pan with some oil and put the sausages into it, biting back a yelp as the oil began to react violently. You watched with bated breath as the ends of the sausages began to curl outwards, and you switched off the stove after a few moments, too afraid that the sausages would begin to burn. Turning to the bento box sitting on the counter, you began to organize its contents carefully, folding the fried eggs into rolls and shaping them into hearts. You positioned the sausages to lie face up, placing the bacon you had made earlier on top of them to make it look like a blanket.
When it looked perfect in your eyes, you took the bento into one hand and a glass of juice into the other. and made your way to your shared bedroom. You walked as lightly as possible, being careful enough to not accidentally spill the juice, but it still quivered dangerously in its glass as you opened the bedroom door. I'm shaking it way too much...
Looking up, you almost dropped the bento to the ground. Before you, Scaramouche lay on his back, hands behind his head - clearly wide awake. At the sight of you, he cocked his eyebrows.
"Good morning! You're awake," you said cheerfully, shaking out of your initial shock. You dropped the bento and the glass on his bedside table, taking a seat next to where he was lying.
"Well it was sort of hard to stay asleep with all the ruckus you were making," he mumbled, his voice still hoarse with sleep. "Didn't I tell you to stay out of the kitchen?"
"Well yeah, but I didn’t," He sat up, and you took the bento into your hands, placing it on his lap. "Bon appetit, sweetheart."
He poked at the food with his fork, taking a bit of the eggs into his mouth. You clasped your hands together, awaiting his response, but he remained silent. 
"Well? How does it taste?"
"...It's quite good actually. You've improved a lot." You beamed, and he reached up to tousle your hair. 
"Aren't you wondering what the occasion is?" you asked. You knew Scaramouche wouldn't forget his own birthday – right?
"Not particularly," he responded. His attention was laser-focused on his breakfast, and you almost felt like he had forgotten. Almost. But you knew better than to fall for his poker-face.
You touched his shoulder, and he looked up, finally glimpsing the serious expression on your face. "Come on, don't act like you don't know. Today is your birthday, isn't it?"
He paused his chewing, wide eyes locked on yours. So Nahida was right - it really was his birthday.
"Who told you? It was Nahida, wasn't it?" His eyes glinted, like a deer caught in headlights.
"Yeah, but why didn't you tell me?"
"Because I don't like following stupid human customs,” he replied nonchalantly, popping a squid sausage into his mouth.
"I knew you would've said something like that. But I'll show you how amazing our 'stupid human customs' can be!"
He paused his chewing. "What are you thinking about doing?"
You stood up from the bed quickly, your excitement beginning to bubble over. "I'm glad you asked! I have a lot of things planned for us today-"
"Absolutely not. Ignore what Nahida told you."
His rejection meant nothing – you had many cards up your sleeve, cards that would have him succumbing to your plans in a second. You sat back onto the bed, looking at him with pleading eyes as you pulled your lips into a pretty pout. "Please? Do it for me?"
"...Fine. But at least let me wash the dishes. You’ve already cooked."
"No! It's your birthday!"
"If you don't let me at least wash the dishes then I'm not going anywhere with you."
"Okay! The dishes are yours to handle."
"Here we are!" you said, pointing to the low-ceiling building in front of you. It was a Sumerian restaurant, one that had opened recently. Its roof was tiled with vibrant green, and patterned, red cloth was hung from each of the four posts at the corners of the restaurant. It looked even better than the last time you saw it.
"And what is this?" Scaramouche deadpanned. He looked up at the restaurant with no kind of amazement.
"A restaurant, obviously." 
"But we just ate."
"Well all that traveling has got me hungry! Besides, I've been wanting to take you here since they first opened. Let's go!" you said, pushing him towards a seat on the outskirts of the pavilion.
As soon as the both of you sat down, a waitress approached your table, smiling cordially. "What would you guys like to order?"
Scaramouche opened his mouth (no doubt to tell the waitress off for rushing the both of you), when you leaned over and touched his forearm. His attention now fully focused on you, you took his distraction as an opportunity to intervene.
"Yes, we'd love to order now. I'd like to have the Aaru Mixed Rice, and he'll take the Tandoori Chicken, please."
"I don't think I've ever heard of that dish in my life," Scaramouche mumbled under his breath. 
You patted his hand reassuringly. "Don't worry, I know you'll love it."
"Okay!" the waitress said as she finished scribbling in her tiny notepad. "Your food will be ready in fifteen minutes tops!"
"I'm going to the washroom, I'll be right back," Scaramouche said, getting up from his seat as the waitress departed.
You leaned back in your chair, feeling its cold metal digging into your skin. So far, things were going well, and your boyfriend hadn’t been reacting negatively. As a matter of fact, he wasn't giving any type of reaction. You knew he wasn't often the excitable type, but you were beginning to wonder if taking him out was the best idea. He wasn't easy to appease, and while you enjoyed teasing him, you didn't want to upset him.
Maybe there's a reason why he never shared his birthday with me, you thought.
You both had your fair share of baggage, but Scaramouche's past was darker by far - there was no doubt he hid it from you without a good reason. You sighed, fiddling with the edge of the tablecloth, when a large shadow loomed over the table.
"Scara, are you-" You turned your head, and the words died on your lips.
It was your ex, a smug smile plastered onto his face, like a pirate who had found some thousand-year-old treasure. The look sent a shiver down your spine. What was he doing here?
"Well, look who it is. It's been a long time, hasn't it? What are you doing at a restaurant like this?" He reached out to touch your hair, and you instantly recoiled.
You straightened your back, giving him a dirty stare. "That's none of your business, Earl."
He let out a hearty laugh, but you knew he was less than amused at the situation. It only masked his anger at being talked back to, if anything.
"Seems like you grew some guts since the last time we saw each other," he said lowly, his gaze traveling to the empty seat across from you. "And it also looks like you're here with new company. Your better half, maybe?"
Earl cackled again, attracting the attention of a few customers nearby.
"And who the fuck are you?" a voice laced with barely restrained anger echoed from behind Earl, and you heaved a sigh of relief.
Although Earl was probably a full foot taller than your boyfriend, his confidence seemed to wither under the ex-Harbinger's stare.
Your ex grit his teeth, trying in vain to maintain his confident exterior. "I'm the ex. Who the hell are you?"
You saw a muscle tic in Scaramouche's jaw. "I'm the boyfriend. Now scram."
Earl gave him one last look before turning awkwardly on his feet, scurrying as quickly as possible in the other direction. Scaramouche took his seat across from you silently, as if nothing had happened.
You cleared your throat. "I'm so sorry-"
He waved his hand in dismissal. "It's fine. Let's move on."
You nodded, and a comfortable silence settled over your table gradually. Scaramouche’s purple eyes ventured out of the lookout point and beyond the city, and you followed his gaze.
It was basically a perfect view of the landscape of Sumeru, luscious green stretching on for miles and miles into the horizon. The sounds of laughter and talking along with the clatter of cutlery in the restaurant provided a busy sense of comfort, and for a moment you knew this was right where you needed to be – even if you had been accosted by an asshole mere minutes ago.
You looked back at Scaramouche, only to see him already staring at you. A sharp intake of breath escaped through your mouth.
"Well? How are you enjoying the view? I believe this is the best seat outside," you said hurriedly, taking a sip of your water to hide how flustered you were. Even though the both of you had been together for a considerable while, his purple stare never ceased to send your heart into disarray.
"It's...actually beautiful. Nice job," he replied, his gaze not once flickering back to the scenery.
Chuckling shyly, you pulled your hands into your lap. You opened your mouth to reply when you saw the waitress approaching your table at the corner of your eye, her hands filled with platters of food.
"Enjoy your meal!" She put the dishes on the table carefully, departing soon after. To say the food looked delectable would have been an understatement. The Tandoori Chicken seemed to be cooked perfectly, its golden skin shining under the sun. The rice you ordered was piled onto the plate, its colors varying as much as the ingredients used to make it. Both dishes smelled absolutely delicious, and your mouth watered as its aroma filled your nose.
"Taste it and tell me if you like it!" You took a bit of his chicken with your fork, and brought it to his lips.
He scowled, but it didn't hide the deep red coloring the tips of his ears. Taking the food into his mouth, he began to chew slowly. You watched as his eyes gradually lit up, and he swallowed.
"It's definitely not bad." You chuckled, knowing that that was probably the biggest praise he would probably ever give. From the way he was eating, you could tell he was enjoying the food.
After a few moments, he spoke again. “What’s next on the agenda?”
Deciding to be a little playful, you said: “Agenda? Who told you we were going anywhere else?”
Scaramouche put his fork down and glared at you, his mouth twisted into a frown. “You said you had plans – plural.”
You laughed; he was so easy to tease it was almost ridiculous.
“Don’t worry about that right now. Just focus on eating.”
By the time the both of you had paid the bill and left the restaurant, the sun had risen to its station in the sky, watching over Sumeru with a burning glare. People who had initially decided to eat outside fled from the scorching heat, and you yourself had taken off your jacket, already beginning to boil as well. Scaramouche, as expected, didn’t give any indication that he was bothered by the heat.
“Where do we go next?” he asked, as the both of you continued along the path leading deeper into Sumeru city. It was probably the fifth time he had asked since the both of you left the restaurant.
“Oh? Are you, by any chance, excited about our next destination?” You hooked your arm through his.
He rolled his eyes at the smile plastered onto your face, but didn’t say anything to deny it. “To answer your question, we’ll be going to a spot right outside the city, to do something I think you’ll enjoy. But we have to make a stop over here first.”
You pulled him towards a pair of large, brass doors, the steep, rounded stairs leading the both of you to the Bazaar. It was as busy as expected, shop owners clamoring loudly as customers bustled through stalls. The air was thick with the aroma of spices and flora, and dancers practiced on the large stage, their costumes glimmering under the bright spotlight. 
You led Scaramouche to a stall on the right, being careful not to bump into the crowd. “What could you possibly want from here?” He asked, raising his voice over the commotion.
“You’ll see!”
Eventually, you reached a small stall at the corner of the Bazaar. Two shelves at the back contained row after row of bouquets, all in the most elaborate vases, and flower vines wrapped around the posts holding up the canopy of the stall. Behind the counter sat an old lady with kind eyes hidden behind thick glasses.
“Mrs. Li! I’ve come to pick up my order.”
“You’re here, finally. I was beginning to think you weren’t going to show up,” she got up slowly, making her way to the back of her stall. Mrs. Li was a gardener who hailed from Liyue, who decided to travel to Sumeru to partake in the market of selling plants and flowers. You had met her on your own travels to Liyue, and when you heard that she was opening a shop in the Bazaar, you knew you needed to check it out.
You turned to Scaramouche, who was shuffling from foot to foot. His face harbored no expression, but you knew he was less than pleased at the crowd.
You took his hand in yours, rubbing circles onto his knuckles soothingly. “Don’t worry, we don’t have much longer. I just need to grab something from here and we’ll be on our way.” You gave his hand a light squeeze and felt him squeeze back.
“Did you buy me a present from this stall?” 
Before you could reply, Mrs. Li reappeared behind the counter, holding a simple yet beautiful bouquet in her hands. She winked and smiled at Scaramouche sweetly, before handing the flowers to you.
“Here you are. Enjoy!”
Back outside, you dragged Scaramouche to the first empty corner that you spied, eager to let him examine the bouquet more closely. You had placed the order for a custom-made bouquet an entire month before his birthday – and Mrs. Li surely delivered. 
“Here you are,” you said, thrusting the bouquet into his hands. You leaned over and pecked his cheek. “Happy birthday, handsome.”
His ears reddened at the nickname. “Thank you.”
“Look here,” you reached over and opened the pristine, white card attached to it. Written in gold lettering were the names of the flowers included in the bouquet, along with their respective meanings. “The pink bluebells signify everlasting love, the gardenias represent joy, the balloon flowers mean endless love and honesty…”
Scaramouche said nothing, but you knew he was listening attentively. He stared at the bouquet, his eyes slightly glazed over.
“Well? Do you like it?”
“I do.” His voice was quiet. He reached up and plucked one of the balloon flowers from the bouquet. You opened your mouth to protest, but not before he could lean over and bury it in your hair.
“These mean endless love, right…?” He said nothing more, but the implications were clear. The tips of his ears were red again, but this time you also felt a familiar heat creep into your cheeks. Even though this was his day and you were supposed to be treating him, he still found ways to make you fall in love all over again.
Patting his shoulder, you whispered, “Thank you.”
He looked away first, clearing his throat. “...Anyways, let’s go to the next place.”
The both of you walked in silence to the city gates, his left arm holding the bouquet close to his heart, and the other linked with yours. There was a certain bounce in his step that told you the gradual quietness of the atmosphere had improved his mood significantly, and with the way he was holding the bouquet, you knew he wouldn’t be parting ways with it in a hurry. He always made it a point that he detested sentimentality with every fiber of his being, but you knew him for too long to know that that wasn’t true.
Eventually, the both of you came across a clearing where a park had been installed. The grass was short but still thrived, and the rustle of the leaves overhead was more than enough to send a pleasant wave through your body. There were a few wooden tables evenly spaced out in the clearing, and lucky for the both of you, they were all empty. You led Scaramouche to the table closest to the trees and under the shade, and rested your satchel onto the table as you took your seat.
Scaramouche sat opposite to you, still clutching the bouquet of flowers to his chest. He looked around the empty area, the wind tousling his hair.
“Don’t tell me you’re going to have another meal,” he said flatly, watching as you rummaged through your satchel.
“No, actually. Although I do have some sandwiches in case any one of us gets hungry.”
You pulled out a dark brown, wooden box from your satchel and placed it onto the table, its cover painted with gold patterns. You opened the cover to reveal an abundance of potted paints and a variety of paintbrushes. Your boyfriend’s eyes widened at the sight of it, and you smiled.
Not long after he began working under Nahida, he had picked up the art of painting. He had spent endless hours working colors onto canvases – but he had never once showed you any of his artworks. Once day, while the both of you were walking along the streets of Sumeru, you noticed how the embellished wooden box of paints had snagged his attention, and he didn’t seem to take his eyes off of it until the both of you had rounded the corner.
“I know you seemed particularly interested in these paints the last time, so I decided to get it for you before they all sold out. I hope you like it.” Just like before, his eyes stayed glued to the box as you slid it towards him on the table. “I also brought some canvases. I thought we could try a little something.”
You reached into your satchel and pulled out two small canvases, along with two matching easels. 
“I’ve been seeing a lot of other people doing this and I thought it might be interesting…let’s try painting each other!”
He put down the cerulean blue paint pot he was examining and focused his full attention on you. His eyes narrowed. “Is this your excuse to take a peek at one of my paintings?” 
You threw your hands up in defense. “No! I just wanted you to try the paints out, and we can spend some quality time together while you’re at it.”
He hummed, probably only half-convinced, before taking up one of the easels. “Let’s get started then. Sunset is close.”
And so it began – your journey to capture the essence of your beloved’s soul onto a canvas. It puzzled you how Scaramouche – usually abrasive and snappy – could take up such a hobby, which required time and patience. Glancing over at him, you could see that his eyes, which were usually stormy, were now peaceful and clear, and the seemingly permanent scowl on his face had melted away. His paintbrush danced across his canvas in long and short strokes, and his palette was already filled with a myriad of mesmerizing colors. 
You, on the other hand, were struggling.
The colors you chose looked off together, and you never seemed to choose the right paintbrush to do the job. If you were in any other situation, you would’ve been pissed, but the most important thing was that Scaramouche seemed to be enjoying himself. That alone was enough to keep your mood from plummeting.
“I’m done. What about you?” he asked, setting his paintbrush down.
You were busy trying to fix the head you had painted for him, which looked more like a lopsided egg than anything else. You were about finished with the general painting, but nothing looked quite right. 
“Uh, I need more time,” you mumbled, painting over his bangs.
He nodded slowly, reaching over in your satchel to have a sandwich. Sitting back, you examined your painting from afar. If you squint a little, it doesn’t look so bad…
“That’s enough fixing. Let’s see your rendition of me.” You jumped, startled at his loud voice.
“Fine…It’s not any good, but in my defense, I don’t think I’ve ever held a paintbrush in my life…” You turned the easel towards him, watching his reaction closely.
His eyes widened into a look of horror, before his eyebrows twitched into a frown – but then, he did the unthinkable.
Scaramouche slapped his hand over his mouth and let out a full-bodied laugh, loud enough to echo through the park. He bent over his seat, his cheeks red and splotchy as tears began to stream down his eyes. You stared at him, shocked by his reaction. Was your painting really that hideous?
Finally, he calmed down, wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes.
“Well? I hope I did your handsomeness justice,” you said lightly, playing off your incompetence as a joke. 
He took the canvas from the easel and smiled – one of the biggest you had seen in a long time. “...It needs some work. Maybe I’ll teach you some basics in the coming days.”
You smiled, before your gaze slid to his own canvas and easel. “You’ve had your fun, now let me have mine. I want to see your painting.”
He seemed to hesitate, his eyes lingering on the picture, before turning his easel towards you. You gasped.
To say it was breathtaking would’ve been an understatement. He had painted a picture of you smiling so deeply that your eyes were closed, and your hair seemed to blow in some imaginary wind. It didn’t even seem that he had pulled together such a piece in only two hours.
“Oh wow…” You breathed.
“I take it that you like it?” Scaramouche’s voice wavered a bit, and you looked up. His gaze was laser-focused on the wooden table in front of him, and a light blush dusted his cheeks.
“It’s absolutely amazing! I’m just surprised that you showed me your painting with so little convincing. You’ve never done that before.”
He shrugged. “It was the least I could do, especially for the paints.”
You reached over to give his hand a light squeeze. He squeezed back, and you smiled.
The sky overhead was beginning to turn purple, and you got up, taking a deep stretch. “The sun is starting to set, so let’s get going now.”
He stood up as well, packing away the supplies. “Are you done with your little tricks, or are we actually heading home now?” There was no bite to his words, and his lips were curled into a small smile. You held out your hand to him.
“Nope! I have one more place to take you. I have a feeling you’ll love this one the most.”
The sun had fully dipped below the horizon by the time the both of you had arrived at your last destination. Although the journey had only taken half an hour, you were panting by the time you made it up the hill.
“Here we are! Our final destination,” you spread your arms, taking your last few steps onto the plateau of the hill. From your location, you could see the entirety of Sumeru City in all its glory at night – a mix of warm glowing lights and stunning architecture. It was truly a sight to behold.
You turned around, feeling the absence of Scaramouche’s warmth by your side. He was standing a few feet away from you, moonlight shining onto his face. He was still holding the bouquet and canvas, but his eyes held a faraway look.
“Hey, are you okay?” you asked, walking towards him again. He shook his head and took a deep breath, coming out of his trance.
“Isn’t this the place where we…?” He didn’t finish his question, nor did he have to. You knew what he was talking about.
Months ago, when the both of you were still hiding your infatuation for the other under a moth-bitten veil, you had journeyed up that very hill with him to star-gaze. A study of the constellations quickly turned into a confession, and the next thing you knew, his soft, inviting lips were on yours. It wasn’t a day you had ever forgotten, and by the looks of it, it hadn’t slipped his mind either.
You looked out at the city again, a small smile creeping onto your face at the memory. “It is. Do you mind being here?”
He shook his head, and followed you to where you stood at the plateau. You took a large cloth out of your satchel and spread it across the stony ground, taking your seat next to him. It was usually so easy to forget what a small place you took up in the world with everything going on around you, but with your gaze elevated towards the stars, all your worries melted away.
From next to you, you felt Scaramouche’s hand slowly creep onto yours, your fingers intertwining. You looked towards him and smiled, reaching up to run your fingers through his soft hair.
“How do you like the view?” You whispered. He leaned into your touch and closed his eyes.
“It’s just the same as I remembered it,” he opened his eyes suddenly, and a serious look crossed his face. “But didn’t I tell you the stars in the sky were fake?”
You rolled your eyes at him, your gaze turning towards the sky once again. The stars seemed to have been thrown randomly throughout the sky, some bigger and brighter than others. Some also appeared to be twinkling. Even if your boyfriend was right, and the stars really were fake, was it not enough to appreciate the night sky as it was?
You turned to Scaramouche, only to see him staring back at you.
“Frankly, I don’t care if they’re fake or not. What really matters is whether or not you enjoyed your birthday.”
He turned his face away from you, obviously hiding a smile. “Well? Did you?” You reached around his neck, dragging him towards you so that your forehead was against his.
“Of course I did, idiot. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be here now.”
You sighed, relief flooding your chest. “Well, that’s a relief. I was wondering if all my careful planning would be a waste.”
He leaned over and gave your cheek a light peck, before the both of you settled into a comfortable silence. However, something still lingered at the back of your mind, only beginning to resurface now that your surroundings were quiet.
“Why didn’t you tell me about your birthday?”
In your arms, you felt his body tense up, before he pulled away from you. His eyes were shadowed with an indescribable emotion, and he edged away from you, the few inches of space between you now feeling like miles and miles of cold nothingness. You could feel him mentally pulling away from you, and you knew asking such a question was a huge mistake. 
“It’s okay! You don’t have to answer…Just pretend I never asked.”
With his face angled towards the ground, it was difficult to gauge his expression. After a few agonizing moments, he finally shook his head, turning to face you.
He was crying.
Tears streamed down his face, and his breaths came in short gasps. It was nothing like a few hours earlier, when he had laughed so hard he started crying – these were real tears, glistening with sadness and hurt.
“I’m so sorry! Please, don’t cry…”
Comforting others wasn’t usually your strong suit, especially when it came to Scaramouche. He would always request that you leave him alone whenever he was facing another one of his nightmares, always desiring to put up a strong front. But you could always see in his eyes how much he needed you there by his side, even if he wasn’t ready to admit it.
However, in that moment when he turned to you, his energy was different. His usually hard exterior had totally shattered, leaving nothing but a broken boy. He was broken, but he was still beautiful.
Tentatively, you reached out to wipe the tears from his cheek. He leaned towards you, burying his neck in your face, and you wrapped your arms around his shaking form. A few minutes passed with the both of you huddled together like that – or it could’ve been hours, you weren’t sure – before he finally pulled away, his cheeks still red and splotchy.
“I’m sorry…” He sniffled, and you felt your heart breaking all over again.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to apologize for anything. It was my–” 
“No.” He inhaled deeply and straightened his back, his eyes hardening with a new resolve. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
You stared at him in silence for a few moments, before he continued. “I’ve never celebrated my birthday. Before I met you, before all of this, I hated myself. I didn’t see the point in my creation – my mother had found me defective, and tossed me out like trash. I had spent years suffering and consequently making others suffer because I hated myself. But now–”
He took your hand gently, caressing your knuckles. “Now, because of you, I don’t feel like that at all, and it’s almost scary. I’ve been hating myself since I existed, and now I can’t bring myself to feel like that again…It’s so scary.”
You pulled him into a hug again, and he wrapped his arms tightly around you. In the crook of your neck, you heard him whisper: “I don’t deserve this kindness…”
You pulled away from him to look him in the eyes, wiping away the extra tears that had fallen. “No, you do. Even if you don’t think so, you have good in you – you are good.”
He began to shake his head, but you took his face into your hands, making sure that he had nothing else to focus on except you. “Yes, you are good. What about all those times you insisted on helping me around the house? And when you defended me earlier today? You might not think of yourself as kind, but everyone else can clearly see it. Although I can’t speak for anyone else, I for one am glad that you’re here with me, even after everything you’ve been through.” 
One of your hands came up to rest on his chest, where his heart should’ve been. You leaned over giving him a small peck on his nose. “Don’t cry, okay? It’s called happy birthday for a reason.”
He couldn’t fight the smile that crept onto his face at your analogy.
“If you don’t mind, can I ask you something? How did you enjoy your first birthday celebration? I know you said birthdays were stupid…” You chuckled at the memory from earlier, and he followed suit. You were glad to see him smiling again.
“Of course. Didn’t I tell you before? If I didn’t like it, I would’ve left a long time ago. And you were so kind, doing all these things…” He stole a glance at the bouquet and the canvases peeking out from inside your satchel.
You released a sigh of relief, the weight on your shoulders lifting. “I’m glad, then.”
You pressed your lips to his, and he reciprocated, deepening the kiss. You pulled away first, leaning your forehead against his. If you weren’t sure earlier, you were definitely now – he was the one you wanted to be with at the end of your days. 
The moon was already deep into its journey through the sky, but you didn’t want the night to end. You just wanted to see him happy for as long as he existed. 
“Happy birthday, Scaramouche.”
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hornyhornyhimbos · 1 year
I have this idea (based on something personal haha), could you write it down?
The other day, a guy I slept with told me that my way of doing it was very relaxing. That I gave him the pleasure of a massage and, after all, he fell asleep on me.
He told me that he loved it but that it is the first time that a girl caused him that effect of so much peace and relaxation.
So, could you do a fic where I give Steve a blowjob and this happens? He grabs my hair and guides me, moans softly at the end, he tells me this and then falls asleep on my breasts?
Thank you
it's very clearly not friday yet here i am anyway <333
pov: lazy sundays with steve are just what the doctor ordered ♡
18+ duh, oral m!receiving, afab!reader, d/s dynamics sorta, nicknames (pretty girl, princess; sir), dry humping (reader rides the couch), cum swallowing, explicit language, 1K words, not beta read, color coded speaker tags!!
filthy fridays | ask box
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sundays with steve were the opposite of eventful. they usually consisted of lazing around on the sofa, reruns playing on the television, and rarely but occasionally getting up for snacks. it was the one day of the week he was guaranteed to be at home, and he usually took full advantage of it.
steve normally spent every moment on sunday decompressing, finding any way he could to relieve himself of the stress due to his nine to five.
this sunday, however, had been a little bit different.
you both found yourself splayed across the couch, steve's hands held tight to your waist and your head nuzzled in the crook of his neck. your limbs had koala'ed around him, one leg tossed over his middle while your arms were wrapped around the expanse of his shoulders. his lips would litter random kisses along your forehead, while yours would occasionally leave little pecks near his pulse point. it felt like an average sunday, to begin with anyway. that was, until you felt a familiar something poking your leg through his sweatpants.
a sly but sleepy smirk settled on your lips as you looked up at him. "stevie?" you called, one hand moving to play with the string of his hoodie.
"hmm?" he answered, that familiar tone of discomfort clear in his voice.
"are you sure you want to watch cartoons today?" you asked as your leg moved ever so slightly, and you felt the tiniest rut of his hips as he discreetly chased the pressure.
he managed a, "mhm," trying not to squirm at the teasing in your tone.
"really? because i think," you removed your leg all the way, your hand darting from the string you'd been twirling down to the bulge in his pants, "you have other things on your mind."
a moan hitched in his throat as your hand worked its magic, so to speak. "i'm g-good, i promise."
you met his gaze with soft eyes. "i can do something about that if you'd like."
as if saying 'fuck it,' he rolled his eyes, guiding your hand along the bulge. "shit, that'd be nice."
you let out an almost too-excited squeal before moving to the end of the couch, sitting down on the arm of it and tugging at the waistband of his joggers.
his eyes nearly rolled into the back of his head as your palm slipped inside his pants, wrapping your fingers around his hardening length. "fuck," he sighed, forcing himself to continue, "what are you g-gonna do, pretty girl? ride- fuck- ride me?"
you shook your head. "personally, i'm fine. you on the other hand," you paused, pulling him out of his boxers, "you look like you could use the help." he was fully hard by this point, his tip leaky and red.
"shit, princess, that would be amazing," he nearly mumbled. "been s-so stressed lately. n-need you to fix it."
you hummed, your mouth finally meeting his cock like he'd been waiting for. your tongue swirled around the end, his taste already addicting. "i think i know of a way to fix that, sir."
moans tumbled from his lips as you worked your mouth down the length of his cock, your tongue working in just the way he needed it. his hands reached for your hair, guiding you along until you reached the hilt, your nose resting against the curly hair on his belly. "oh fuck, princess," he said, his words rushed as he tugged at the strands of hair like a vise.
you hummed around him, eliciting a groan from him. your fingers drew agonizing shapes across the breadth of his thighs, slowly moving to cup his heavy balls. you released his dick with a small pop, meeting steve with a tiny pout. "am i doing good, sir?"
unbeknownst to you, he wanted to kiss that pout right off your lips, slide his tongue in your mouth until he showed you just how good of a job you were doing. "doing so fucking good, pretty girl. shit, you're gonna make me cum."
you giggled, placing a gentle kiss on his leaky tip. "that's the point, sir."
you left kitten licks along the length of his cock before taking him back between your lips. he twitched inside your mouth, your hips bucking involuntarily at the feeling.
your pussy slid along the length of the sofa's arm, surely making a mess of the furniture. you palmed at his tight balls, coaxing out a string of profanities from your boyfriend.
"princess," he hissed, yanking hard on your hair until you reached the hilt again. you nearly choked around him at the force. "i'm close, pretty girl, so fucking close."
you chased down your own pleasure, guiding your hips along the arm of the couch, your thin shorts and panties doing little to separate you from the linen that covered the sofa. moans escaped your mouth, the vibration bringing steve to his climax. "shit, take it all," he managed to say, his seed shooting down your throat in hot spurts. "take it all like a good. fucking. girl."
your own orgasm came soon enough, finally releasing him from your mouth just in time to fill the air with profanities. "fuck, sir," you whined, working yourself through your high, your clit throbbing against the arm of the couch.
"so pretty, baby," he sighed. his grip released from around your hair as he fell limp across the cushions. "so pretty when you cum for me."
steve gave you a moment to breathe, to calm your breathing and slow the canting of your hips. his foot poked at your bare thigh, meeting you with a, "you still there? you fuck yourself unconscious, princess?"
a tired giggle fell from your lips as you got up from the couch, falling flush beside steve as he shoved himself back in his joggers. you spread tiny kisses along his jaw, short hairs poking your lips due to the beginning stages of his beard.
his fingers met your hair again, this time gentle and caressing. "i don't know how you do it, pretty girl," he said, placing his head on your breasts and breathing in your familiar scent. "you make me feel like i've had a day at the damn spa when you do that."
your lips pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead. "that's because i've had a really good teacher, stevie."
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-> taglist: @dungeons-are-too-cold @rupsmorge @esoltis280
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sugar-omi · 10 months
okay, so i've been doing some thinking. i've been scrolling through your blog and i stepped upon these "cheating on cove with Baxter and the other way around" scenarios. (i'm sorry, i wasn't able to read them, my heart couldn't take it ;-;) but!
what if mc was like, in a normal relationship with Baxter. you know, a couple, maybe married later and stuff, while of course still being besties with Cove. later mc and Baxter have a kid together, maybe still a small baby but! plot twist! Baxter gets into an accident or something and dies. (i'm sorry, he's my favourite man but i had to kill him for that scenario:'))
mc is completely devastated and also a little panicked, because what about the baby? and then Cove stepps in, deciding to help his best friend take care of the little one and basically becomes its father. i recently watched a video of a dog "helping" a cat take care of her kittens, and there you have it.
this one may be boring, so feel free to ignore, but i can't stop thinking about it.
ITS OK<333 I figured some ppl didn't read it bc angst n pain</3 trust me I skip over angst all the time
(I even have the tag blocked😬 sorry angst writers but I will read it and not be the same for months, I read a kiribaku angst fic years ago, and was devesated for 4 months afterwards LMAO)
okay i... I cannot expand too much on this bc OUCH
(eta now that I've finished. who am I fooling? I rlly said that like I haven't wrote a whole novel 💀 anyway <3 this clearly made me pop off more than I thought I would bc I read this at first n was devastated!!! I had no words!!!! well clearly I found them LOL)
n im gonna fix the format later but for now here is the bare minimum. I'm going to bed rn so nini everyone enjoy a bit of angst I promise its fluffy as well<333
tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
p/n = parental name, since I wanted to leave flexibility for all the readers here <3
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but anyway yeah cove would so step up for you
will follow you to the end of the earth and do whatever you need to help you work through this and to adapt to this sudden and unfortunate change
if/when your relationship starts becoming something romantic, cove would absolutely put the brakes on everything and you'd go so slow...
I imagine he'd probably move in with you or you with him, and he'd stay somewhere else (if you're living in his house he will leave anyway, he's a gentleman like that fr) so that way you can figure out if it's not just bc he's doing all these things n you're mistaking admiration for love
you'd spend the first year going super slow, as if you've never known each other before
which technically you haven't, since you've never dated before. but cove would go so far as to find out your favorite color, song, animal, food.. all over again, even though he has it memorized and knows your likes better than his own.
once cove is sure you're ready for this (after much talk between the two of you and even with your therapist that yes you've made enough progress and are emotionally ready for this) does he finally put a label on it
now if you get married...
I imagine cove won't propose at all
like I think you'd have to talk n almost beg him...
in that case he would do a small but grande gesture to propose. or he'd propose to you before you've even left the bed for the day... no inbetween
but like 8 times outta 10, you're gonna have to propose to him
he'd cry and hug you n say yes of course.
and unless you want to keep this outta your wedding, I think cove would include baxter in your wedding.
first, ofc you'd have the picture to honor his memory
but I think he'd even go so far as to have smth in his vows. but to start, he'd say smth like:
"I know the reason we became closer was unfortunate, but I'm so happy to be able to call you and [Child] my family. and I hope I can be a good father and husband"
and "baxter will always have a place in our hearts. even though he and I didn't get along at first (watery chuckle)... I'm glad he got to love you, and I hope he trusts me to love and cherish you the same way as well.."
also if you don't want to give up your wedding ring from baxter, I think cove would even go so far as to suggest combining it with his.
!!! omg I was gonna say your and baxter's wedding bands would be black, but I have another idea
okay now, for YOUR bands, I imagine they're either black or silver and yk those infinity(?) bands? that has the 2 types of metal or whatever
that's what cove would suggest doing. and if you are worried abt people asking why your bands are different, he'd get the same twisted band but silver with say a black diamond or smth. just smth to make it look like it's intentionally different colors but same design or smth
(im overthinking a bit but it's an idea right?! I'm not crazy??<////3)
or if you don't wanna do that, I imagine you can just slip it on a necklace or leave it as is, whatever you want. he wouldn't mind even if you kept wearing it, cove would never ask you to get rid of baxter's image or memory in any way, not unless it was a real problem and your attachment to him/his things was unhealthy anyway.
now for baxter's band... well if you didn't bury it with him, I imagine you'd give it to your child
another thing I think you could do w your wedding band as well, and give them both your bands to do whatever they want with. or if they don't want it of course you're not forcing them to keep it
even though they didn't get to know baxter, the way you and cove still cherish baxter's memory does help them feel something of a connection.
I also imagine baxter would take lots of photo n video w the kid, even though they're young n just a babe, theres so many videos of baxter looking n acting so loving w them
and even a couple where he's teary-eyed n all "imma do you right by you. I love you so much.."
of course, if the kid doesn't feel that connected to baxter since they were too young to know or rmbr anything, and they don't feel anything much other than sympathy and the occasional sting when they see how much baxter loved them, you don't force it.
you both know that baxter was basically a stranger to them and even though they still respect baxter and he has a place in their heart, they don't feel like they're lacking anything.
"I don't really know what to say.. or how to feel... I see how much [P/N] misses you sometimes, and we have pictures of you, and they talk about you and stuff...
but I don't feel like im missing a dad. I hope that doesn't hurt your feelings, I wish I knew you too. sometimes I wish you were still here, so I got to know you as well, even though I'm still happy to have dad cove for my dad.
I just wanna know what you were like. I wanna experience what you were like. I... I wanna miss you like everyone else misses you too...
anyway, just know that dad is great! he takes care of me and [P/N] really well! he makes breakfast in bed, and he does/used to do this thing where he lifts me in the air before bed! he's so cool. I see how he makes [P/N] happy as well, so don't worry. although, [P/N] said you always thought cove was reliable and a good guy so maybe you aren't worrying anyway.
well... that's it I guess. i hope ill get to know you one day, and maybe you can tell me you're glad to see dad took good care of us. goodbye,
cove happily listens to anything they have to say on how they feel abt baxter btw. he accepts any of their feelings, be it that they don't feel anything at all, sympathy for others, or they feel sad abt losing him.
if they do say smth like how even though it's unfortunate and they feel bad for everyone who mourns baxter (for example/especially you), they see cove as their dad and don't feel like they're missing anything and they're happy to have cove for their dad.
ofc he cries n hugs them n tells them he loves em and he's happy n he comforts them if needed of course
I also think cove is very scared abt being a father
especially in this way... even if the kiddo doesn't remember anything, or it's hazy at best, he worries about replacing baxter.
he'd probably worry abt not living up to baxter
baxter was always much more mature, at least it seemed that way most times. cove just worries about if he has the backbone and the ability to parent the child well and be someone they can look up to and/or appreciate for being a good father
cries if they call him dad btw
if they do it before you start dating, I imagine it's one of the catalyst that cause you to talk abt your feelings for each other. or if it's in the early stage..
cove prbly freezes and runs away to the other room n freaks out, definitely cries. if you don't talk to him like right after he calls his dad n cries n shares his worries n fear
either way, when you do talk he's biting his nails n trying not to pace around the room and he's like "if you wanna distance yourselves so that they don't call me dad any more I totally understand, I mean idk it's prbly weird for you-"
n he just rambles. like none of it makes sense n u have to physically shut him up. kiss him, yell, throw a pillow, hit him w the child's stuffed animal, throw a single lego brick at his back and watch him fall to the floor like he just got a nuke thrown at him
if it's later on n theres nothing to worry abt bc youve talked abt this or saw it coming or its just the otherwise most natural step, he cries of course
but he doesn't fall apart from being his in the back w a single fucking Lego as if it hurt 🙄🙄🙄🙄 (I hate this man he's DRAMATIC)
well... actually no he does
hit him, kiss him, hug him, run him over w a hotel wheels truck.... he just cries harder
adopts them like immediately basically
I imagine you do it soon, like maybe before the wedding just so that way you can have a private moment (just to save him some embarrassment from ugly crying in front of your families. in fact he just might faint fr)
n you + the kiddo surprise him w adoption papers (depending on how old the babe is at this point, they have like no idea what's going on but they know that cove is now officially recognized by the whole world (even by the unicorns n wizards n warlocks) as their daddy))
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imagine laying in bed w cove n the kid in between you two
and when you wake up, cove is alrdy awake and was watching you two. he was petting the kids wild hair and he had pulled the two of you in and kept you under his arm..
and the sunlight is coming in, the day is just perfect. n the look on cove's face is full of so much love but also a bit somber this time
(cove feels awkward being here like this sometimes. during times like this you have to remind him it's okay, and you pull him back in. of course he does the same for you on those days.)
"I love you two. so much..." he whispers, tears sticking to his lashes
the kid flips over, curling into cove and they stop their sleepy mumbling now that they're tucked into cove's chest, feeling warm, happy, and safe.
you whisper equally as tender. "we were meant to be like this too."
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also!! smth I just thought of...
imagine the kid looks mostly/very much like baxter. they act very much like cove's kid
like you would think cove n baxter had a kid together LOL
(if the resemblance is too much, they ask if you're the step parent </3 pls Ik it may not make sm sense but I just think it'd be so fuckin funny)
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chubsonthemoon · 1 year
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Binderary week 3!!! These are three wonderful fics by dear friend @aboxthecolourofheartache! Box's writing is so so lovely--she can articulate the big, sweeping things in the everyday and ordinary, as well as accurately portray that wild mix of humor and grief you feel in the aftermath of tragedy. Literally some of my favorite writing ever!
Some process and design chatter, under the cut <3
From top to bottom!:
I'm caught inside every open eye: This is THE fic that made me officially adopt Daniel and fully accept him into my heart! Desire's POV is SUCH a delight--I've never wanted to both laugh and cry so hard in just under 2k words. Green and red/gold irises on the title page as color coding for the two disaster siblings! And the scrapbook paper cover was from a fun paper pack that was all neon and disco-y, which I thought was fitting :3 Also really fond of the title page font, which is called Retrolight! It gave me such groovy vibes~
The Politeness of Princes: WHERE DO I BEGIN with this fic??? I read it before I read the comics, got my heart broken, then re-read it after I had finished the comics and got my heart broken all over again in a fun new way T_T This fic also has one of my favorite tags ever, which is "in which gluten free peach cobbler is a metaphor for vital personal relationships"--and lemme tell you that gluten free peach cobbler IS a metaphor for vital personal relationships (reader, I cried so hard). Anyway, all of this to say: peaches! :3
The last scene also takes place at a potluck/cookout during the summer, so I wanted to give the cover a picnic vibe. I layered two pieces of scrapbook paper--one with the wooden table pattern, and one with the picnic tablecloth pattern over that. I also left a little strip unglued (see below) on the picnic pattern to give it some more TextureTM and as a kind of "edge" of the table (yanno that little flappy bit that always tickles your thighs when you sit at a picnic table? That vibe!)
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Then for some fun touches I printed the leaves on vellum (my original intent was to make the leaves transparent for a dappled sunlight kinda feel, which...kinda worked? It's hard to see in the photos but you can kinda see through to the wood layer baha), then I went to town with my watercolors to make the grease/coffee stains on the tablecloth and the shadows under the leaves. (Actually might have gone a little too much to town LOL it kinda looks like I actually got grease on it XD). And then for the finishing touches, I added a layer of glossy paper mod podge to the tablecloth (which is acid-free and archival hell yeah!) to really give it that shiny vinyl/polyester feel and look (although it's kinda hard to see in the photos ajslkfdsj).
Uncertain Results: AHHHH this fic!!!! An absolutely bangin' convo between Hob and Dream with so much said and so much more unsaid--Box's take on their relationship is so fresh and hits all of my buttons. It takes place on the shore of the Dreaming under the stars, hence the cover! The title page graphic is one part of a larger graphic that shows the progression of a star winking in and out of existence, frame by frame:
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Which, uh. Well let's just say it reminded me of an Event that happens at the end of the Sandman, an event which is heavily alluded to in the fic T_T This fic, unsurprisingly, also broke my heart! I love it so much.
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And that's all from me for today! Thank you SO much, Box friend, for letting me bind your work! It was such a pleasure, and I'm so happy I get to put your writing on my shelf now to read whenever I want ehe :3 (and here's to hoping these books are at least somewhat passable, archival-wise ^^")
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gabessquishytum · 9 months
there's a bit from delta-pavonis' stellar "you create me against your lips" that i fully have NOT stopped thinking about since i first read it and i'm just going to share the whole snippet here
"Two holes would suit you, my dear Knight. Would let me fill you up more completely, your body taking more of me than it ever has before." Hob starts shaking. The images are so vivid, painted directly onto the inside of his eyelids. And he is close, so close. "I would fuck you until your cunt is screaming with sensitivity. Then, while your quivering walls get a moment of respite, I will loosen your other hole, twist my oiled fingers in that tight furl of muscle, plunder until you can take my entire hand in that beautiful arse." Dream's fingers are probing at the seam where Hob is stretched around his cock and oh sweet Christ he is going to… going to… "All that so once I fuck back into that sloppy pussy, when I bury my cock deeper than ever before, I can slide my whole hand back and forth, bringing myself to orgasm without ever leaving the depths of your hungry cunt. Not once, oh no, I will have my pleasure again and again and again."
anyway yeah i. i think we need to talk about this? i need this in my life?? also i think this would be extra fun as like. dream's lent hob to destruction while he's been busy and when he gets hob back he is... absolutely wrecked. dream likes to shape himself a nicely huge cock when he fucks hob but clearly it's nothing compared to what destruction's put him through, which was exactly what dream had hoped would happen -- not that he's going to admit that when he's so enjoying teasing hob for how loose he's gotten. dream's going to have to get creative if he wants to get any use out of his pretty broken slut, isn't he?
I simply have to tag @delta-pavonis here and hope that they don't mind, because they need to know how much the fandom appreciates their work <333
Anyway, let's get into this. I just adore that idea of Destruction absolutely ruining poor Hob’s little hole. He's been so well taken care of he's just gaping, even as he tries to get on with his normal life. He can feel how loose his hole is - he could shove a couple of fingers in no problem, if he cared to. He bloody loves it of course. Destruction is a wonderful lover and he fulfils every single aspect of Hob’s "being split open by something too big and probably not human" kink. Hob blushes every time he even sees Destruction because he can feel his hole twitching and clenching around empty air.
Dream (although he would never admit it) loves to see his pet split open and ruined. He gets Hob to bend over and show off his messy little entrance so Dream can press one, two, three, four fingers inside. He thinks that he could do more, if he gives Hob a while to warm up. Perhaps he could press his cock and his hand in at the same time, and jerk himself off inside Hob’s body. He could simply use Hob’s body as a warm, cozy place for his own pleasure. He makes Hob clench his hole as tight as he can, and it's still sloppy and ruined.
So it makes sense to give him a cunt too. Just until his hole recovers from the ordeal. How wonderful it will be for Dream to use Hob’s hungry cunt with his cock, all while pressing a few idle fingers into his other hole. To touch himself through the barriers of Hob’s flesh, using him as little more than a toy. Dream just knows that it will make Hob cum so hard to be so thoroughly used. Plus, little precious pet deserves a treat. A g-spot and a p-spot being stimulated at the same time sounds like an excellent place to start!
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anincompletelist · 5 months
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wip wednesday :D
happy wednesday y'all! thank you to @eusuntgratie @kiwiana-writes @magicandarchery @inexplicablymine @theprinceandagcd @getmehighonmagic @zwiazdziarka @iboatedhere @read-and-write- @songliili @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @happiness-of-the-pursuit for the lovely tags! y'all have been putting out BANGERS lately and I am eating every last one of them up and (very respectfully) begging for more pls.
so I guess kinktober is happening in february for me because I have three dom!Henry/dom!alex fics on the docket and just maybe kind of sort of started a fourth??????? so have some ...... kinkruary? febkinky? honestly I have no idea [insert valentine's pun here????]
(slightly nsfw so last part is under the cut!)
The thing is, Henry reasons, that perhaps the freedom that the brownstone provides them has gone a bit to his head. Once the door is locked behind Alex at the end of the day it feels like the world narrows down to only Henry’s most favorite things, things he can revel in without fear of them being ripped away from him now.  
The thing is, the years before Alex came along had been so dull and now Henry craves the rush that he inevitably brings with him like air sometimes. Feels a zip up his spine when he hears the key in the door, Alex’s bag hitting the ground, already bracing himself for the touch.  
The thing is, Henry loves the give as much as he loves the take and this— this is a little bit of both. He’s never had all that much power, not in any of the ways that matter. Henry doesn’t necessarily want control, not all the time anyway, but he does want a choice. And Alex gives him a choice at every turn, whether they’re discussing a new dynamic in the bedroom or talking about their futures or simply deciding which breakfast food they prefer for the next morning. 
The thing is, what he really wants is this: Alex walking in the front door and locking it behind him, his button-up still on and work-worn. Alex finding him wherever he happens to be that day, writing in the study or rifling through the pantry or reading on the sofa or napping in their bed. Alex offering him little to no pleasantries as he simply undoes his belt and takes what he needs, leaving Henry reeling, the most wanted—loved—he’s ever felt in the hazy aftermath.
The thing is— this could work. 
Supposing Henry ever actually musters up the courage to tell Alex about it, that is.
would love to read anything you guys have to share but no pressure! @msmarvelouswinchester @nocoastposts @affectionatelyrs @bigassbowlingballhead @rockyroadkylers @sparklepocalypse @firstsprinces @priincebutt @littlemisskittentoes @ninzied @matherines @cricketnationrise @whimsymanaged @wordsofhoneydew @firenati0n <333
see you guys tomorrow for bridesmaids! :D
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