#apprentice nox
lazebyrka · 1 year
A little of my AU. Saria and my OC
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athenswrites · 9 months
Welcome Back to the Collection of Athens Writes
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Hi! I'm Athens/Andy (they/them). I am a somewhat old yet somewhat new face on writeblr. I'm currently a second year student at a university in the deep south, studying history and anthropology in order to become a museum curator. Most of my free time is spent writing, which is the driving force behind this blog. Writing has become the love of my life over the past ten years.
AthensWrites has had two prior iterations. All I posted here in the previous iteration was privated, including Not Your Typical Fairytale. Don't fear, NYTF will make a glorious return ;)
With all that said, welcome back to the odd writings of Athens, and I hope you enjoy your stay. Below the cut, I've detailed some of my current projects, which range from Sci-Fi (my favorite) to thrillers to fantasy to realistic fiction. I've highlighted key content warnings and tags for each, just to keep you aware. If you'd like to hop on a tag list for any of these stories, please let me know! Some of them I post more frequently than others. I am also very tag list and tag game friendly so PLEASE tag me in stuff. If you need other people to tag in a writeblr tag game, look no further than this post!
The collection is constantly updating and evolving, so stay tuned!
Not Your Typical Fairytale (#nytf)
Although originally planned as a standalone novel, NYTF has now expanded into three separate books: Knight of Dawn, Queen of Noon, and King of Dusk. There's an additional collection of short stories/untold stories planned as well, tentatively titled Pawn of Midnight.
Content warning: gore, death, violence, graphic scientific experimentation, derealization, paranoia, drug use and abuse, alcohol use, child abuse (physical, verbal), relationship abuse (verbal, manipulation), sex (consensual) Related tags: nytf, Piers Hall, Grady Yensey, Rene Dubois, ATLZoS
Knight of Dawn
Piers Hall is the newly crowned monarch of the post-apocalyptic State of Georgia, after their mother, Queen Adele, was declared unfit to rule. Despite meaning well, they find themself unprepared for the role, especially as political rivals, like North Carolina’s President René Dubois and Councilmember Shanna Miles, close in on their tail, seemingly threatening to topple their rule. When various palace staff start to show where their real loyalties, it seems like Grady Yensey, Commander of the Royal Guard and their closest friend, is the only one they can trust. Piers and Grady must scramble to uncover the truth behind Queen Adele’s questionable associates, Piers’ missing past, and President Dubois’ shady activities
International Alliance of Superhumans (#iash)
Superhumans have existed as long as we have, normal people who suddenly develop seemingly magical powers overnight. That’s why the International Alliance of Superhumans was founded in 1945, to help control these superhumans to better humanity. Now, the Alliance's ideals and control is falling apart, as the Underground and the Union threaten its weakening rule over the superhuman community. Fireball is the golden hero of the Alliance , the face of the organization, the beloved apprentice of the Chief Administrator after the death of the one and only GoldenSon. He’s brave, courageous, kind, and always up to take a photo with the kiddos, accompanied by his partner, NightSong. He’s taken down villains from Quantum Rift (the killer of GoldenSon) to Árbol Terror, and now has his eyes set on taking down Hueso Blanco and Morpheus Nox before they can tear a hole in reality. Brigid Roberts is the face behind the mask of Fireball. They’re the only child of the now-deceased Nikki Roberts and find have found themself seeking revenge for Nikki’s death…while also trying to manage this superhero business and their senior year of high school. It doesn’t help that the administration of Wesmoreland keeps threatening to expel them for their aggressive behavior. Hueso Blanco is the epitome of an ex-Alliance villain, a well beloved hero fallen from grace, after Árbol Terror and Quantum Rift convinced him to join the Underground. Now with both of his former allies dead, he leads the Underground, and with the help of Morpheus Nox (an up and coming villain with a terrifying similarity to Quantum Rift) he plans to tear a hole in our reality, ripping out world apart. Martin Garcia-Flores is the sole caretaker of his younger brother, Elias, and would do anything to protect him. After the Alliance's violent threats, he left, in order to protect what was left. He lost friends and family and his love to the Alliance's corrupted side, and now works tirelessly to bring it to his knees…while also trying to work three separate jobs to keep himself and Elias afloat. When fate brings Brigid and Martin face to face, maskless and vulnerable, the two come to understand they may not be as different as they’d both previously thought. Content Warning: violence, gore, death, family abuse (physical, verbal), alcohol (use) Related Tags: IASH, superhumans, Brigid Roberts, Martin GF, Hueso Blanco, Fireball
Space Clue/The Murder of Fredrik Lexand (#tmfl)
In 2183, humans abandoned earth as her ecosystems collapsed and became uninhabitable. Now, the remnants of humanity live in the Lexand Starfleet, a group of 16 name-brand ships, sailing towards deep space. In control of it all is Fredrik Lexand, the 17th great grandson of the original founder of Lexand StarFleet. From his living pod at the head of StarSeeker Alpha, he controls everything and anything that happens to humanity, from their food to their spouses to where the remnants of humanity will travel to. The weight of the world on one man’s shoulders (who are we kidding, of course he has lackeys who do all the menial work), worshipped as a god. Until the morning he is found brutally dismembered, mangled parts of his body strewn all over his office. Humanity freezes, watching intently, as the Lexand Pod is locked down by Detective Scoud Tambry, swearing to uncover the killer, and avenge the Corporate god-king. Content Warning: Violence, gore Related Tags: tmfl, space clue, Triple A Siblings, Scoud Tambry
Something Queer is Afoot (#SQIA)
Something Queer is Afoot is a massive collection of stories, all centering around queer life and romance. The Queer Crew is the group which most of them are centered around. This collection is MASSIVE and has about 10 different novella-length stories within. The content warnings listed below covers ALL of SQIA. Content Warnings: su*cide, death, homophobia, transphobia, abuse (physical, verbal, and sexual), drug use and abuse, religious trauma, sex (consensual and noncon/r*pe) Related Tags: SQIA, tqc, nlth, frf, sunandgun, boc
Still to be added: All of SQIA's individual projects, Cryto Conspiracy, The Great Fantasy American Road Trip, World of Ateine, Neon Squad
Athens' Current Objectives....
Blog Tag Directory:
#athenswrites: Personal writing
#athens answers: ask games
#other writeblrs: exactly what it sounds like, other writers I've reblogged
#writers I love: reblogs of close friends or writing that just hits me different
#rblg: general reblog tag
I'm pretty good at tagging extensively, so if you need to find something or are looking for a specific wip in my blog, there's a high probability I've tagged it like crazy
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artzysyam · 8 months
Frigid Nightmare
Snippets from @xysidhequeen AU. Based on the question about Jason comforted Danny after a nightmare...
Jason slumped back against the wall, his chest heaving as he drained a bottle of water mixed with ectoplasm. His training with Fright Knight was over, and it had been a year and a half since he came out from the grave, six months since he was knighted as Red Knight, four months since he discovered that Batman had replaced him, with mere seven months after his death.
The pain welled up in Jason's heart and soul - the same pain that had driven him to mow down the rebellion in another realm who dared to challenge Danny. Danny had seen him that day, standing alone amidst the demon corpses as their blood caked his human form. His eyes were raised to the sky, which burned orange from battle, and tears rolled down his cheeks unchecked.
Jason took a deep breath, squeezing his eyes shut and willing himself not to be dragged back down into despair. The members of his newfound family tried their best to keep him in the present moment, teaching him how to allow himself to express hurt and anger without being punished for it.
Fright Knight's dark figure towered over Jason, his gaze unwavering. His deep voice rumbled through the room. "Are you well, my apprentice?"
Jason hesitated before responding, unsure of how to express what he was feeling. "I'm ... just reminiscing Frighty."
Fright Knight hummed in response and knelt down before Jason, his eyes softening with compassion. "As I said before, no one has ever been chosen as my apprentice before you, Jason Todd - King Phantom chose you, and I'll do my utmost best to ensure that you're strong enough to protect our liege."
Jason was warmed by Fright Knight's honesty. He knew from Jazz's counselling sessions that healing from trauma isn't linear - there will be highs and lows as well as scarring that must be endured. A wistful smile spread across his face as he thanked his mentor. 
"You're welcome, my apprentice," Fright Knight replied, standing tall once again before saying something else - but a high-pitched screech cut him off. Immediately, Fright Knight summoned a flaming green sword while Jason stood up with gun in hand, prepared to jump into action against any incoming attack.
His heart thundered in his chest, his core aflutter with anxiety and panic as he remembered the last time Danny had one of these episodes. Dread clawed at Jason's stomach as he and Fright Knight raced down the hallway leading to their liege's chamber, only to be stopped short by a violent blizzard raging between them and their King.
"Our liege is having a night terror again, we need to get Master Nocturne now!" Fright Knight yelled over the roar of the wind, looking at his apprentice with worry in his eyes. Jason could feel his vision tinge green as something inside of him screamed for him to go check on his King.
"Fright. You go on and get Nox, I'll go in to see our king is safe!" Jason shouted back, before sprinting into the howling storm.
"Jason!!" Fright Knight called out desperately, but his apprentice was already lost in the turmoil of snow and ice. With an exasperated curse, Fright Knight summoned his mount and set off to find Nocturne as quickly as possible.
Meanwhile, Jason trudged through the blizzard with his toned arms raised, shielding his face and the red flaming sword in the other. His breath came in ragged gasps, pluming out of his mouth and nose like smoke from a dragon's nostrils. "Mom! Dad! Please, I'm your son!" Jason heard Danny's voice yelled against the howling wind. 
"Don't ever call us that to our son's face, ghost!" Maddie Fenton's voice screamed back. Jason's heart sank as he recalled Danny's story of why he stayed in Infinite Realms. His parents had not taken kindly to his reveal, capturing him and nearly vivisecting him before his friends had saved him. The voices in the blizzard retold Danny's trauma again and again. "Dad! It hurts, Dad! It really hurts!" 
The frigid air felt like razors on Jason's skin, but his rage and core urged him forward like an animal spurred on by instinct. He thought of Danny, his king, HIS. The memory of the day when he went on a rampage came to mind, but instead of pure rage taking over, it was a controlled fury fueled by an unwavering desire to protect what mattered most to him.
"Where is my son? You're not my Danny'o!" Jack Fenton's words ricocheted through the storm as Jason continued on towards the frozen door.
Finally, he reached Danny's room and Jason grasped Ifrit, his red flaming sword, tightly in his dominant hand. With a single, powerful thrust of the blade, the intense heat blasting from its edge shattered the frozen door open. As the shards of wood flew outward into the hallway, Jason saw Danny curled on his bed with his hands over his hair. Thankfully, his body wasn't frozen. The chill that radiated through the room was colder than anything within Far Frozen and made Jason shiver as he rushed towards Danny whose body jolted in response to his voice.
"Danny!" he shouted out, his core sending the wave of protection and safety to Danny, who winced from the shout.
Jason's boots crunched through the snow as he approached Danny, kneeling down beside him. He grasped his King's shoulder, his own warmth spreading into the coldness of Danny's body. "Danny," he repeated softly, and felt the tension in his King's body ease slightly. 
Danny looked up, eyes widening in recognition and relief. "Jason?" he said, voice trembling.
Smiling reassuringly, Jason sent a wave of warmth and reassurance through his core. "I'm here, Danny. I'm here."
As if in response to their exchange, the blizzard outside ceased, and the room began to warm from within.
Danny inched closer to Jason, his exhausted body desperate for warmth. The embrace created a sense of safety as he felt Jason's toned arm tighten around him.
"Your parents?" Jason asked softly. Danny, too tired to speak, simply nodded in response.
"Do you want to sleep?" Jason asked, his fingers lightly stroking Danny's hair. He shook his head no and looked up at Jason with wide, pleading eyes.
"You're tired," Jason sighed, brushing a stray lock of hair away from Danny's face. "Do you want me to stay with you so you don't have to be alone?" Danny nodded again, relieved that he didn't have to speak.
Jason looked to the far corner of the room and saw a small puddle of melted ice where the frigid castle had been moments before. The knight hoisted up the tall, lanky king from the floor and carried him towards his bed, cradling him like a koala cub as he went. As he was about to lay the king down on the bed, Jason heard his mentor and Nocturne enter the room.
"I see you handled the situation, my apprentice," Fright Knight said as they stepped into the doorway.
"Yeah... He got the nightmare of his fucking parents..." Jason replied, tightening his grip around the helpless king protectively as Danny clung to him. He fought to keep his composure, reigning in his anger.
Nocturne, the ghostly figure of sleep and dream, swept into the room on a midnight breeze. He cast his gentle spell of slumber onto the King as he lay in Jason's arms, and watched with fondness to ensure his ward was at peace.
"That should keep him tucked in for a few hours," Nocturne said before turning to Jason. "Do you need my assistance, young Knight?"
Jason looked down at the King, peaceful and unaware, and then back to the ghost. "Nah, I'm good," he sighed. "I just need some time to calm down." Nocturne nodded silently, before he dissipated into the ether like a whisper.
Fright Knight stood in the doorway, illuminated by the faint candlelight in the room. His helmet blocked the majority of his ghostly features, but Jason could still detect a hint of pride in his mentor's voice. He paused for a moment and turned his helmet to glance at Jason, then said, “Rest well and be proud of how far you come, Jason Todd.” With that, Fright Knight disappeared into the shadows, leaving Jason alone with his king in his arms.
Danny snuggled close against Jason and he felt a wave of protectiveness wash over him. Rage coursed through him as he thought about Fentons - if he ever found them, they would fucking pay for what they have done to Danny. As Danny slept peacefully on his chest, Jason vowed to never let anyone hurt him again. He tightened his embrace around Danny and promised himself that when Danny needed him, he would always be there.
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nadiv22 · 6 months
My favorite quotes from civ VI
“No man ever wetted clay and then left it, as if there would be bricks by chance and fortune.” – Plutarch
“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.” – Will Rogers
“I AM FOND OF PIGS. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.” – Winston S. Churchill
“Who deserves more credit than the wife of a coal miner?” – Merle Travis
“When you find yourself in a hole, quit digging.” – Will Rogers
“I don’t believe in astrology; I’m a Sagittarius and we’re skeptical.” – Arthur C. Clarke
“Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.” -W. H. Auden
“I shot an arrow into the air. It fell to earth, I knew not where.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
“Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words.” -Mark Twain
“I’m also interested in creating a lasting legacy … because bronze will last for thousands of years.” – Richard MacDonald
“MONEA, if it does not bring you happiness, will at least help you be miserable in comfort.” – Helen Gurley Brown
“A man on a horse is spiritually as well as physically bigger than a man on foot.” – John Steinbeck
“The Lord made us all out of iron. Then he turns up the heat to forge some of us into steel.” – Marie Osmond
“I cannot imagine any condition which would cause a ship to founder … Modern shipbuilding has gone beyond that.” – Capt. E.J. Smith, RMS Titanic
“Create with the heart; build with the mind.” – Criss Jami
“One man’s ‘magic’ is another man’s engineering.” – Robert Heinlein
“There is no easy way to train an apprentice. My two tools are example and nagging.” – Lemony Snicket
The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one.” – Malcolm Forbes
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” – Aristotle
“Rocks in my path? I keep them all. With them I shall build my castle.” – Nemo Nox
“Not all who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien
“People can have the Model T in any color – so long as it’s black.” – Henry Ford
“The pen might not be mightier than the sword, but maybe the printing press is heavier than the siege weapon. Just a few words can change everything.” – Terry Pratchett
“Astronomy’s much more fun when you’re not an astronomer.” – Brian May
“If facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts.” – Albert Einstein
“No one starts a war – or rather, no one in his senses ought to do so – without first being clear in his mind what he intends to achieve by that war and how he intends to conduct it.” – Karl von Clausewitz
“Science owes more to the steam engine than the steam engine owes to science.” – Lawrence Henderson
“Bolt actions speak louder than words.” – Craig Roberts
“Never criticize a rifleman until you have walked a mile in his shoes. That way, he’ll be barefoot and you’ll be out of range.” – The 2nd Target Company
“For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return.” – Leonardo da Vinci
“If you can walk away from a landing, it’s a good landing. If you use the airplane the next day, it’s an outstanding landing.” – Chuck Yeager
“Benjamin Franklin may have discovered electricity, but it was the man who invented the meter who made the money.” – Earl Wilson
“Chemists do not usually stutter. It would be very awkward if they did, seeing that they have at times to get out such words as methylethylamylophenylium.” – Sir William Crookes
“If God had really intended men to fly, He’d make it easier to get to the airport.” – George Winters
“Untutored courage is useless in the face of educated bullets.” – George Patton
“There may be no forgiveness for polyester. On this one matter, Satan and the Lord are in agreement.” – Joe Hill
“I’m a big laser believer – I really think they are the wave of the future.” – Courteney Cox
"Even though the future seems far away, it is actually beginning right now.” – Mattie Stepanek
“Bravery is being the only one who knows you’re afraid.” — Colonel David Hackworth
“A strong economy begins with a strong, well-educated workforce.”– Bill Owens “Look back over the past, with its changing empires that rose and fell, and you can foresee the future, too.” – Marcus Aurelius
“It was luxuries like air conditioning that brought down the Roman Empire. With air conditioning their windows were shut; they couldn’t hear the barbarians coming.” – Garrison Keillor
Divide and rule, a sound motto. Unite and lead, a better one.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” – William Shakespeare
“Invincibility lies in the defense; the possibility of victory in the attack.” – Sun Tzu
“History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon.” – Napoleon Bonaparte
“A good navy is not a provocation to war. It is the surest guaranty of peace.” – Theodore Roosevelt
“In democracy it’s your vote that counts; in feudalism it’s your count that votes.” – Mogens Jallberg
“There are very honest people who do not think that they have had a bargain unless they have cheated a merchant.” – Anatole France
“You can’t go around arresting the Thieves’ Guild. I mean, we’d be at it all day!” – Terry Pratchett
“Listen, strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government … You can’t expect to wield supreme power just ‘cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!” – Monty Python
“In diplomacy there are two kinds of problems: small ones and large ones. The small ones will go away by themselves, and the large ones you will not be able to do anything about.” – Patrick McGuinness
“A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman’s birthday but never remembers her age.” – Robert Frost
“New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without any other reason but because they are not already common.” – John Locke
“A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.” – Douglas Adams
“Destroying rainforest for economic gain is like burning a Renaissance painting to cook a meal.” – Edward Wilson
“If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you’re mis-informed.” -Mark Twain
“Sports do not build character. They reveal it.” – Heywood Broun
“A good plan violently executed right now is far better than a perfect plan executed next week.” – George S. Patton
“We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” – John F. Kennedy
“Which of all my important nothings shall I tell you first?” -Jane Austen
“I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.” –Albert Einstein
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arkhavens · 7 days
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fun facts about these two below the cut<3
The pureblood is my dear Wrath of the Empire, Athanasius Kraherad. Neutral w/ a faint light lean, but that changes by the day. The other one is my Darth Nox, Orion Caecus-Kallig.
They are married. Athan's got his ring on, and Orion wears his on a chain bc he can't stand uneven pressure on his hands.
Athan has a lot of burn scars+shrapnel wounds scattered around from the cave-in on Qesh.
Orion is wearing compression gloves here, because the end of Act 2 SI fight gave him really nasty scars from force lightning(amongst other things). IRL electrical injuries can cause painful joint stiffness+arthritis, which compression garments can help manage:)
These two are feral little bastards about each other. You can see Athan's bite mark on his neck, but its a matching pair.
The lip piercings match!
They live together with all of their companions on Dromund Kaas+coparent/train the apprentices together.
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inhcritance · 3 months
The rules are simple! Post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people). Please repost, don’t reblog!
Harry Osborn (this one)
TASM Harry Osborn
Lahabrea (FFXIV)
Young Xehanort (Kingdom Hearts)
Tiana Toomes (Marvel)
Insomniac Peter Parker
Kaine Parker
Bucky Barnes
Dion (FFXVI)
HAVE WRITTEN: (In no particular order)
Ravus Nox Fleuret (FFXV)
Marluxia/Lauriam (KH)
Terra (KH)
Foreteller Invi (KH)
Ienzo (KH)
Apprentice Xehanort (KH)
Regulus Black (HP)
Salazar Slytherin (HP)
Reeve Tuesti (FFVII)
Azem (FFXIV)
Ravus, Lauriam, Apprentice Nort, Reeve, many of my FFXIV OCs... mostly everyone that is not from HP.
tagged by; @drummingncise
tagging; Steal it from me :3
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shadowthehedgehog · 2 months
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hiiii elden ring nation this is my tarnished Cordelia!! More about her under the cut if ur curious :]
she used to be a maid in Leyndell Castle and on the first day on the job she fell through a hole and landed in the sewers and got covered in pee and poop and gets bullied by the other maids for that :( then when she became a tarnished she became a Nox swordstress apprentice ^-^ she doesnt really remember her past life except that someone was very nice to her. Now she's on a mission to get her old job back and find out who that person was!!!!!!!
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nikkeisimmer · 7 months
Darth Nox (Keron Yun), Dark Lord of the Sith
And the man that Claria loves dearly...and would have forsaken the Jedi Order for if he had stayed in the light...but...
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He fell to the Dark Side...and became a Sith. Expediency and brutal "justice" is all he cares about now.
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Like Claria, he carries a double-bladed lightsaber, but the blades are red.
...and he's corrupted a Jedi padawan to become a sith apprentice (even though she firmly decides she's going to stay in the light). Evidently this Togruta is going to be his conscience - "Do you really want to do that, Master?"
"Silence...Zavros...I want to kill something...painfully."
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Which of your SWTOR Companions are NOT with the Alliance?
I was inspired by this post by @swtorpadawan.
It's a good question, and it got me thinking (slowly, as always). For now, I've come up with fates of companions in Lette Legacy (Jett as the Outlander), and will work on others later.
Warning - Mentions of established character deaths below. And lots of spoilers for KotFE and everything after it.
In my headcanon the events of KotFE and onwards are different from in-game version, which impacts the fate of some companions. The most relevant differences are the fates of class characters (Bounty Hunter, Jedi Consular, Smuggler and Agent are in the Alliance; Jedi Knight, Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor and Trooper are not with the Alliance for different reasons) and the fact that the Alliance does not participate in the renewed war between the Republic and Sith Empire, choosing to stay neutral.
Also, the state of companions changes with time, so this is for the time around the events of 7.0 in SWTOR.
Jedi Knight crew:
Fideltin Rusk - continues his military service in the Republic.
Doc - after Ossus stays to help the Jedi in the renewed war.
Jedi Consular crew:
Zenith - continues anti-Imperial activities.
Tharan Cedrax - survives the Imperial attack on Meridian Complex and continues to work for the Republic.
Nadia Grell - after Ossus stays with the Jedi.
Trooper crew:
Elara Dorne - continues her military service in the Republic as a part of the Havoc Squad, takes Jorgan's place as second in command after he joined the Alliance.
M1-4X - stays with the Republic as part of the Havoc Squad.
Tanno Vik - does whatever he was doing in chapter 6.
Sith Warrior crew:
Malavai Quinn - stays with the Empire as one of Acina's officers.
Major Pierce - continues his military service in the Empire.
Jaesa Wilsaam - disappears after Emperor's Wrath's death, current whereabouts unknown.
Broonmark - killed while trying to assassinate a Wookiee senator on Alderaan.
Vette - killed by Vaylin on Odessen.
Sith Inquisitor crew:
Khem Val, Andronikos Revel, Talos Drellik and Xalek - all stay in the Sith Empire and work for Darth Nox.
Ashara Zavros - killed by apprentices of Darth Nox.
Bounty Hunter crew:
Skadge - just does his thing, if nobody shot him yet. (I don't even count him as companion, but since he is a companion in the game, I guess I had to add him). Jett never met him again after dropping him somewhere shortly after Belsavis.
Imperial Agent crew:
Vector Hyllus - continues his duties as Dawn Herald.
SCORPIO - merged with Iokath.
Kaliyo - dropped out of the Alliance after Vaylin is dealt with. I just don't think she would stick for much of what comes next.
So 22 out of 40 companions from class stories are not with the Alliance (obviously Kaliyo, SCORPIO and Vette were a part of the Alliance).
Honorable mention: Raina Temple - officially is not with the Alliance, but working with them to maintain communication between the Alliance and the Chiss Ascendancy.
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winged-midnight · 4 months
[ An audio recording is attached. ]
[ “Here we go again,” Nox says, their voice tired but lighthearted. “Are you sure we should do this.”
“Those trees aren’t supposed to be there, I swear it,” Garnet replies. “This is place is scheduled for demolition, it’s been scheduled for months—and it just. I think it's a good place to start looking.”
“Does this count as trespassing?” Nox continues nervously. “Breaking and entering, maybe even?”
“It’s fine. Let’s go.” 
“Are we not calling Champion—”
“She’s got enough on her plate.” Garnet pauses. “Although. You don’t have to come if you don’t want to, genuinely. I’ll be fine on my own.”
“I’m coming,” Nox mumbles. “Just. Isn’t this. Illegal?”
“Not a crime if you don’t get caught,” Garnet says easily, and the mic picks up on a loud brush-rattle sound, probably her brushing past some shrubbery. “Recording is on, right?”
“Yeah,” Nox says. Then, under their breath, they add, “Thought you were supposed to be the adult here.”
“I heard that.”
“I know.”
They laugh. Both of them sound exhausted.
There’s a whir of an automatic door opening, and immediately the ambience of the audio changes. 
���...Oh,” Nox whispers. There’s a bit of shuffling, and the audio dampens. They probably shoved their recording device into their pocket.
“Don’t say anything, just follow my lead,” Garnet mumbles. She’s barely audible. 
“Can’t we leave?” Nox mumbles back.
“I want answers.”
“...Then I do too.”
“You sure?”
The soft tap-tap of Nox’s and Garnet’s footsteps are all there is to hear for a bit. The rhythm of their footsteps changes slightly, about half a minute into it.
“I hate stairs,” Nox mutters.
Silence again.
After a while, someone suddenly shouts, “Hey, you! What are you doing here?”
“Us?” Garnet asks.
“Yes, you. Where are your uniforms?”
Nox takes in a sharp breath. Garnet says smoothly, “We’re new here. We’re on our way to pick them up.”
The voice huffs. “Verification of membership?”
“Hold on,” Garnet says, a smile in her voice.
“What are you doing,” Nox hisses.
“Trust me,” Garnet whispers back. “Ah!” she says aloud. “Here, just a moment—” There’s the sound of a Pokemon being released from a Pokeball. “Hypnosis.”
There’s a soft thump as someone hits the ground.
Nox sounds extremely disturbed. “I— let’s just hope no one saw—”
“HEY!” someone else shouts.
“Crap,” they mutter.
“Hypnosis,” Garnet says again. Another thump, more distant this time.
“Great Arceus above,” Nox whispers. “Does that hurt them?”
“They’re just asleep, they’re…probably fine. Let’s not have to do that again,” Garnet says, her tone just barely concealing the tremor in her voice. Whatever Pokemon she’d had out, she recalls. “Back straight, Nox. Chest out. Confidence. There you go.”
“I hate this,” Nox murmurs.
More silence, as their footsteps take them up another floor of stairs, then another. Nox is breathing a little more heavily than when they’d started recording. Finally, they say, “Can we. Can we take a break?”
“Yeah,” Garnet says, and she’s a little short of breath too. “We’re getting close to the top floor, anyway.”
Nox groans quietly. “Awesome.”
Two minutes of quiet breathing, and finally, Nox says, “I think I’m good to go.”
“You sure?”
The footsteps resume, and after a bit less than a minute, Nox mutters, “Ah. Bloody hell.”
“Who are you?” The asker’s voice is high-pitched, a little raspy, and extremely sassy. “I don’t know you.”
“I’m an inspector,” Garnet lies easily. “This is my apprentice. Are you the leader of the current inhabitants of this building?”
“Yes. Jupiter, she/her. If you're going to tell me about the demolition again I swear to all that is good and holy—”
“Don’t worry, I won’t,” Garnet says. “It’s so good to see a woman in a high position, by the way. You’re doing a great job.”
“Oh.” Jupiter laughs. “Thank you, I—”
“Also, are you by any chance associated with a Team Galactic?”
Jupiter goes quiet. Then she asks cautiously, “...How did you know?”
“The large G’s on your workers’ uniforms are a bit of a giveaway.”
“No, I mean— how did you know that we were here—”
“That’s not important. I—”
“Cross poison,” Jupiter hisses. A Zubat screeches and the mic picks up on the incoming flapping of fast-moving wings.
“GARNET—” There’s a thump, a ruffle of cloth, and a rather loud crack. Nox shouts in pain.
A beat of stillness. Then, “You bitch,” Garnet snarls— there’s the sound of a Pokeball opening. “Khione, Ice Shard.” A crash, and a thwack. “Good job. Jupiter, was it? You’re under arrest.”
“You can’t—”
“My Weavile just took out your Zubat in one hit. Are you really going to try to fight?”
“You still can’t arrest me, you’re not the police,” Jupiter snaps, and sends out yet another pokemon. “Boss will get you for this. Sayonara, bitch. Smokescreen.”
“...Arceus damn it,” Nox mutters. 
“She’s running,” Garnet says, her voice tinted with rage. “The coward. Are you alright?”
“Hurts,” Nox replies eloquently.
“Just. Stay there. I'll call help.” Garnet’s footsteps fade away, but she keeps talking, her voice starting to crack a little. “You can end the recording now, by the way.”
“Right.” Nox murmurs. There’s a small tap. ]
[ Recording ends. ] 
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ask-healthy-light · 10 months
As the emerging rift continued to absorb all the remnant magic that was left in the Hall, Nox could see a shape forming within the distorted space above the table, which swiftly dispersed, creating a number of additional figures; but as their faces and bodies became more defined, Nox recognised but a few beings, those with whom she had spoken before, while the others were entirely unknown to her.
For a brief moment, when a chill ran down her spine, Nox looked around in a panic, remembering what she felt when she last travelled through the underground Catacombs, as she returned from the Ruined Castle; for as the rift started to fade, and the beings appearing from it became ever clearer, what little magic warmth was left in the Hall grew colder, while her magic was more challenging to cast.
Mere moments later, the three Ponies and the small Dragon all loudly exhaled and nearly fell to the floor, had it not been for Eclipse and Sunburst, who leapt onto the table to help them, immediately followed by Nox; and she helped the four down from the table, and bade for them to sit down, before she fled downstairs to grab a couple of blankets and something to drink for the exhausted visitors.
To her great relief, Nox felt able to cast her magic again, whereafter she hurried back to the Hall with winged speed, bringing with her a myriad of blankets, as well as a platter filled with glasses and cups, jugs of water, and pots of tea; and when she landed, she noticed Eclipse and Sunburst had tightly and warmly embraced one of the visitors, comforting them, and quietly telling them to rest.
Though she wanted to introduce herself to the two Unicorns in the group she had not yet met, seeing how exhausted the four were after they had managed to teleport here, Nox decided to wait until they had taken time to catch their breath, and recovered their strength; and she did not utter a word as she walked through the Hall, checking up on everyone, and offering them a cup of tea and a blanket.
With the small Dragon on Eclipse's lap, and a Pink Mare in the embrace of Sunburst, who had removed the cloak off his back to cover the Unicorn in his arms, after Nox had put down the platters on the table, she walked over to the two Grey Unicorns; and after she bowed, receiving a tired smile and a nod in return, she gave the two many blankets, figuring that their cloaks would not keep them warm.
Afterwards, Nox left the Hall for a little while, where she closed her eyes and focused on reaching out to her Mother, and to Princess Celestia and Light, intending to let them know of the arrival of the visitors, about whom Sunburst and Eclipse had spoken; and she managed to hear the voices of her friend and family, but she kept in mind that it took ever so slightly longer before they responded.
Fortunately, her mind was swiftly eased when she heard the voices of her loved ones respond to her, and she tried not to burden herself with any worries; but as if they knew she was not feeling well, Celestia, Luna, and Light started to reassure Nox as best they could, promising her that everything was all right, for Luna was making progress with the two Royals, and Amethyst with Star and Sombra.
Returning to the matter at hoof, Nox let the others know that the visitors had arrived by some form of teleportation, and they appeared from a rift in the Hall where they talked with the Pillars, and from whence they entered the Spirit Realm to help Grim; but of the four who had arrived, there were only two Nox recognised, whereas the other two were unknown to her, and she wondered who they were.
At that moment, the doors to the Hall opened behind her, interrupting Nox before she could describe the two unknown Unicorns, as Eclipse, who was carrying a sleeping Spike on their back, asked Nox to return; and Nox nodded, and told the others she would be back in a moment, quietly begging for them to stay safe, which was met with sweet and gentle reassurance from the others, who wished her well.
As she wiped away a tear, Nox chuckled as she followed Eclipse, who introduced her to the Unicorns:
"Here, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst's closest friend, and our highly skilled, former apprentice." "And next to Starswirl is Stygian; author, hero, uniter, and the one who returned from Shadow…"
(Thanks for reading! And if you enjoyed, please reblog! Thanks in advance!)
Send an ask or request! | Start at the beginning! | Next part!
Featuring: Nox Lunarwing from @nox-lunarwing Solar Eclipse and Twilight Sparkle as Twilight Eclipse from @asktwilighteclipse
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a-world-in-grey · 1 year
Sola&Nox verse: please tell me about their combined Retinues and how weird it is and what where people's reactions to when they finally noticed this fact
*grins* the combined Retinue!
So it starts out with Nox and Sola worrying about each other. Nox worries about Sola because Sola is very much like Cor in leaping at problems sword-first and doesn't always stop to consider that she might be biting off more than she can chew. And it's not like Sola's going to stop. If anything Sola only gets worse as she gets older, as she accrues more and more skill and experience and gains more freedom to encounter Bigger Problems. If Sola had strong magic, Nox might worry less (Axis: liar) because in this au Sola and Nox aren't in the Glaive and as such don't usually leave Insomnia and there's less dangerous things for Sola to Throw Hands with in the Crown City. But Sola doesn't have strong magic, for all that she's been training with her magic ever since meeting Nox in Dissidia, will never have the reserves of her male relatives. And Nox worries that Sola will burn through her magic reserves and won't have enough magic left to keep herself from dying if she gets seriously injured.
Meanwhile, Sola worries about Nox not taking care of himself. But she's a Sword, she doesn't do well trying to solve problems she can't literally or verbally stab. Axis and Cindy do their best, and Sola will be the first to admit that Axis and Cindy do a lot for her twin. But none of them are Hands, and with the way Nox still mourns his first Retinue she doubts Nox will ever bond with another Hand. That Nox bonded with a second Shield and Heart is nothing short of a miracle. Sola can't do much to mother-hen Nox into taking care of himself beyond setting Abyssus on Nox, because Abyssus will absolutely remind Nox to eat - loudly - if it means he can beg food off the kitchens as well. Axis finds it hilarious that a cat is better at getting Nox and Ardyn to eat regular meals than two Shields and all the alarms on their phones. At least, when Axis isn't despairing over that same fact. But Sola can help Nox manage his pain, when she can out-stubborn him into letting her, that is.
@secret-engima has already covered how Nox bonded with Axis, and later Cindy, and that won't change. Sola bonds with Copia Egestas after Sola starts learning from Ardyn the art of politics so she can verbally shred certain Councilors and nobles and convince them to better their behavior or else. (The court thought Sola's smile was terrifying. Then Uncle Ardyn showed up and now Sola's smile is so much worse.) Sola and Copia met when Sola started networking with the Council Heirs. Copia decided to leverage that connection in hopes of being named the next Lord of Finance after her father. Sola knew this, but she was fine with that because Copia is really quite brilliant with both numbers and politics and knows the Lucian court in a way that Ardyn doesn't yet. And Copia is more than willing to assist and advise Sola in navigating the sormr pit. During late-night planning sessions they quickly discover that they share similar senses of humor, and they become friends, and some point before Nox and Sola's Coming of Age Copia decides she'd rather be Sola's Hand than the next Lord of Finance.
Ravus and Sola bond... both very quickly and not really? Like, I'd have to go back through the stuff written about how Ardyn gets the royal family out of Tenebrae and to Lucis, but Ravus doesn't have years of Niflheim conditioning him to hate the Lucis Caelums. He's also fiercely devoted to his little sister, which is something Sola immediately vibes with. And at this point, Ravus is angry and itching to fight for his family and home, and Sola's more than willing to enable him on that. So she drags Ravus to a sparring room, runs him through his paces, then promptly takes him on as an apprentice like Cor did her because sure, Ravus probably isn't completely inexperienced with a blade but he didn't spend the last five years apprenticed to Cor the Immortal. Sola's reasoning for training Ravus personally before she helps him enlist in the Kingsglaive is that Ravus wants to protect his little sister like how Sola wants to protect her little brothers, which of course means that Ravus wants to be the best he can possibly be in order to accomplish that. And the glaives are good, don't get Sola wrong, but it's a very different fighting style, and Ravus does need some serious training before he'd survive boot camp. Which means Sola gets to train Ravus into the ground first. Ravus might have found it insulting, being apprenticed to someone a year his junior, but Sola really is that good, and she never makes him feel inferior. Oh, she's as harsh a taskmaster as Cor, but she's also training Gladio at the same time as Ravus and she pushes Ravus just as hard as she does Gladio. Harder, in some cases - Ravus is sixteen going on seventeen, but Gladio is only eleven going on twelve, even if Gladio is in better physical shape, so Ravus is held to different standards. Sola also teaches Ravus how to wield magic - with her borrowed magic - because Ravus is aiming for the Kingsglaive and Sola doesn't do anything half-cocked. Once Sola deems Ravus good enough, she presents Ravus with his own weapon - as Cor did with her - as a 'graduation gift' of sorts, then kicks him over to the Kingsglaive. That cements the underlying trust and friendship necessary for when they bond later.
They don't bond until years later. Ravus is busy in the glaive, Sola is busy forcing the Lucian court into looking beyond their own personal concerns - like properly supporting the glaives as their main military branch, supporting the refugees and other non-upper class citizenry, etc - and being the main trainer for Noctis, Ignis, Gladio, and later Prompto. She also makes a convincing case to train Luna and Sylva in combat, because them being able to defend themselves shouldn't be an afterthought. But Sola and Ravus still hang out when Ravus is in Insomnia, still spar and vent their frustrations to each other because both of them are Swords and prefer to tackle problems in similar ways.
It's Ravus, who informs Sola of the prophesized fate of the Chosen King and his Oracle. Sola is about as happy about that as Ravus is, and their mutual desire to prevent the deaths of their younger siblings is what spurs them to finally bond.
Nox and Sola get on well enough with the other's Retinue. Sola will never accept a Shield, not after years of the Council insisting on it, but she trusts Axis to guard her back, trusts him to keep her grounded like he does for Nox. Axis will never be her Shield, but Axis doesn't mind acting in that capacity for the Princess on those rare occasions. She's easier to ground than Nox, in some ways - usually Axis can direct one of his own damn kids to go sit on Auntie Sola and Sola's successfully tethered to one spot for as long as his kids demand her attention. Or he can order Abyssus to sit on Sola. Axis and Sola trust each other as fellow members of Nox's Retinue.
Cindy and Sola, when they meet, become fast friends as Cindy introduces Sola to the wonders of mechanics. Cid laughs when Cor and Regis call him to complain about Cindy and Sola building Sola a motorcycle. Cindy's also got a refreshing no-nonsense attitude and is the one to exasperatedly tell Sola to finally do something about her crush on Libertus.
Nox will never accept another Hand after Ignis. But he trusts Copia to advise and guide Sola, and trusts Copia enough to accept the blonde woman's advice on occasion. Copia will never be Nox's Hand, he has no interest in the court, not even as a battlefield to conquer like Sola. But Copia will never let one of her fellow Retinue to their Queen enter a battlefield unprepared, and so she will ensure Nox is prepared for court when he is required to make an appearance. (And if she makes Nox godsfather to her little Mira? Well, a godsfather needs to set a good example, and there's nothing like handing Nox his sleeping godsdaughter to get him to sit down for an hour or two and rest.)
Nox is... understandably hesitant to get to know Ravus, when he has such stark memories of his Ravus. It's really only once Sola and Ravus bond, that Ravus and Sola join Nox in his crusade to ensure his younger counterpart gets the future he never got to have, that he and Ravus develop anything approaching a friendship. It's a quiet friendship - Ravus and Nox love Sola dearly, but she is not quiet.
Nox and Sola bond sometime before their Coming of Age. It starts as Nox wanting Sola to have access to a second, deeper reserve of magic so she never is unable to heal herself, and as Sola wanting Nox to have her healing capability to cut down on most of his chronic pain. Oh, it won't stop the pain completely, but the healing factor will cut down on the irritation and inflammation that builds up. Two Lucis Caelums have never bonded to each other before, but honestly neither expect anything unusual to come of it, even as their bond grows tighter and closer over the years, until it's sometimes difficult to tell where gold magic ends and blue begins, the two are so enmeshed.
It's Cindy, ironically, who notices the change to her magic first. She's working on a project when her tool slips. Now, Cindy's no strangers to bruises and the occasional cut or burn, and every once in a while there'll be an injury that requires more than what the first aid kit can handle. And sure, the little injuries here and there haven't been as noticeable, but Cindy's pretty darn sure the gash on her hand should require stitches and yet the bleeding has already stopped by the time she's put the towel used to stem the blood down and washed off the blood and grime for a better look. Ain't that interestin'.
Turns out, Cindy's not the only one whose magic got an upgrade. Axis also has access to Sola's healing factor now, and Copia's magic has abruptly deepened and gained blue accents to the normally pure gold. Best theory is that because Nox and Sola have entwined their souls so tightly, their magic has essentially 'bled over' into their own bonds. Nox and Sola haven't bonded to the others, the magic still comes solely from their respective monarchs.
As there doesn't seem to be any negative side effects to this new and unexpected development, Sola and Nox basically shrug and roll with it.
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tinkstrr · 11 months
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Nox,Demon merchant of time.⏳
Nox was raised in the merchant ring and was the apprentice of the demon Vulgrim. They have the ability to levitate, but they’re mainly skilled in things revolving around time. They can reverse time and freeze time to a certain extent,more or less only for a few seconds or minutes.
They also speak like this when addressing themself:
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rikki-roses · 3 months
Fluffy February Day 20: Partners
Pairing: Kevra Kallig, Xalek, and Ashara Zavros; AKA Darth Nox and her apprentices
Time period: Sometime in chapter 3 of the Inquisitor storyline
Taking the platonic fluff route for this prompt. I think I named her ship something else, but I don't remember what or where I put it lol.
I feel like Ashara and Xalek would be perfect for the Get Along Shirt meme, so ofc I had to write it out.
Ashara and Xalek were both already awake and arguing by the time Kevra rolled out of bed. By the time she was dressed and had wandered into the ship's galley, the two were nearly throwing punches. Kevra did her best to ignore them as she made her tea.
Only to have to duck when Ashara used the Force to throw the electric kettle full of water at Xalek's head.
Only for Xalek to also duck, causing the kettle to smash against one wall, boiling water exploding everywhere.
Kevra didn't bother counting, all of her Gentle Parenting lessons flying right out the window. Morning Tea was a sacred, time-honored tradition on the Shadow's Whisper. You don't disrupt Morning Tea.
Xalek and Ashara both froze, their eyes wide. With a furious glare, Kevra disappeared down the hallway for a few moments before returning with The Get Along Shirt. Angrily grumbling under her breath, she forced both Xalek and Ashara to wear it together. Kevra crossed her arms as she addressed them.
"Now then. The two of you will work together to clean up the mess. The shirt does not come off until the two of you can be civil and the kettle is fixed. As my Apprentices, the two of you are meant to be partners, not rivals. That means no murdering each other until after you are both done training."
"But Master -"
"She is weak, my Lord -"
Kevra glowered until the two fell silent. "I don't care about your excuses. I chose you both, and I intend to keep you both. You each have complementing strengths and weaknesses, and the two of you need to learn how to work together effectively."
Kevra stormed off to the bar, pouring herself a drink; she could already feel a headache starting. Talos and Andronikos joined her, and the three sat together for Morning Brandy to replace their usual tea tradition.
It took over an hour for Xalek and Ashara to get the water cleaned and kettle fixed; most of the time had been spent bickering and figuring out how to move with the shirt on. Eventually, they presented themselves to Kevra, glowering but tolerating each other, water cleaned up and kettle banged up but back in its place on the counter.
Kevra eyed the now-almost-empty bottle of brandy, chugged the rest of it, then clapped her hands and approached the pair.
"See? That wasn't so bad. Teamwork makes the dream work, as they say."
Kevra graciously helped her apprentices out of the Get Along Shirt, failing at hiding her shit-eating grin. The shirt did its job; it had taken the thunder out of the pair. They both scuttled off in different directions as soon as they were freed, cowed by embarrassment.
Kevra got the electric kettle running again, and enjoyed her Morning Tea in peace.
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aandriskobold · 1 year
Welcome to WEST-13: Session 0
A new MOTW campaign, set in a small and isolated mining community on Syn, a planet in the Dis-37 system in the far away WEST-13 galaxy, where the VHS (Vivid Holographic System) technology became obsolete long before the inhabitants of Syn could send the first shipment of prismatic glass which was their mission purpose.
Now the people of Syn live a simple life in which everyone knows everyone else. They fish, they farm, and on the weekends they explore the system and/or go to church, either by sitting in on Cinema Reformist VHS showings or taking a rocketship up to attend the Avant-Catholic Satellite Mass.
Join us for session 0, in which we get the gang together, receive some unexpected letters, go on a non-hostile hike and become the VOAT (victims of all time?). Let's just ignore what that little goth kid said about "survival rate of 1."
DISCOVERY SOLIS (they/he/any): The Flake
FLEETWOOD NOX (they/them): The Jury-Rigger
KUROSAWA CLAXON (they/them): The Professional (that's me!)
BLUES-JAZZ DANGO (he/they): The Spooky
SISTER MARY BLESS BOWIE (she/her): The Expert
And a variety of delightful NPCs played by our dear Keeper @saequis, who also drew some of the PCs so far!!
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[ID: pencil sketches of the characters. On the left Kurosawa looks down at a document. They're wearing a bomber jacket and a spiked choker, with their hair in messy space buns. On the right are busts of Sister Mary, a dark skinned old woman in a habit with an eyepatch, looking serious, and Fleetwood, who looks up inquisitively. They have light skin and a lean build and are wearing a vest and gloves, and their long hair is shaved on one side, with headphones over it. In the middle are full body sketches of Sister Mary, standing in her habit and holding a huge laser gun. Next to her Fleetwood squats, elbows on their knees, holding a massive wrench. End ID.]
Phew! This is a long one! A lot of setting up to get through. Please enjoy at your leisure.
DISCOVERY SOLIS (they/he/any): The Flake.
On Monday we meet Disco, a grandparent in their 60s with dark skin and long, braided grey hair, usually under a yellow sunhat or a headscarf while they work in the garden. Today they're taking care of their gaggle of grandkids and two dogs, Bao and Pierogi, when the phone rings. His wife Hartley is on the other end and says that he has a letter from the House of Accords:
Congratulations on your successful application to the Venture Office. You have been selected from a pool of literally dozens of similarly unknowing individuals to be a part of the new Venture Office Away Team. Bang! Please report to Rashomon Noa at the VO on Saturday next at wanetide for your mandatory induction. In the event that this telegram reaches you after Saturday next, please report to the VO last Saturday. Yours by mandate, Rashomon Noa, Venture Office Administrator
Disco is somewhat suprised as they never applied for this new position. But later in the week, at the Yesterwhile Museum where they work as an archivist, their colleague Gravity Song admits that she signed him up, since it's such an important job, but one she can't do herself as she's "frail as fuck." Disco, although upset that Gravity didn't ask, agrees to go along so long as Gravity takes on more responsibilities around the museum, particularly the training of Aldrin Rasputin, the new apprentice.
FLEETWOOD NOX (they/them): The Jury-Rigger
On Tuesday we meet Fleetwood Nox at their work at the rocketyard. They have long neon-green hair that's shaved on one side, and wear a white vest top, blue cargo pants, fingerless gloves - and headphones. All the time. After an uneventful day (except for their colleague, Rover, sticking a rivet through his hand), they head home to find the postwoman, Clancey Feng, sitting on their step with 63 "i-fucking-dentical" messages, which all came in yesterday. When they open them, they find each one the same: a successful application to the Venture Office. Except they didn't apply either. They fling the letters down on their workbench.
Later we learn that it was Fin Leppek, their supervisor, who applied on their behalf, among other colleagues, since Fleetwood has a reputation for the things around them exploding. It's never their fault, apparently, but it does make them a little bit of a liability when you're working in a rocketyard.
KUROSAWA CLAXON (they/them): The Professional
On Wednesday, Kurosawa Claxon walks home from their work as a location scout for the Syn Dramatic Society. They have long black hair in twin ponytails, and wear all black t-shirts, cargo pants and gun and knife holsters (it's a dangerous business) - but their bomber jacket and heart shaped sunglasses are pink. Their dads are playing ping-pong with the neighbours and their little sibling Cuaron is playing Pong in their room. Kurosawa convinces them to come out for lemonade and they point out the letter for Kurosawa: an invitation to the VO away team on Saturday night. Funny, because Kurosawa's been applying for a lot of stuff, all in the Dramatic Society, but not this. They assume it's another bid from their dads to get their life together, and decide to go along since maybe they'll spot some good spots for shooting on the way.
The next day, they meet their boss, the location manager Bruce Man, outside the foley studio where they're recording for a cyborg vampire romance. Bruce gives them a script for Snake Apocalypse 2 [a bare-faced reference to our old D&D campaign], tells them they can't read it but need to find 40 locations by next Tuesday. Kurosawa tries to play off the concern by saying they could use the weekend gig with the VO to find locations. Bruce reveals that he signed them up, because the VO have a spaceship - one that they can use for the benefit of the Dramatic Society.
BLUES-JAZZ DANGO (he/they): The Spooky
On Thursday evening, Blues-Jazz sits in their house in the middle of nowhere, making his daily broadcast which, today, is about gardening. They have hunched shoulders, shadowed eyes, bitten nails, long and tangled hair, and they wear cloaks and loose, patched clothes. After he finishes recording, he hears a yelp outside and gets a terrible premonition: something awful is going to happen. They hide under the bed.
There's a knock at the door and eventually Blues-Jazz opens the half a dozen locks to Clancey, the postwoman, who checks their identity before handing them a telegram just like the others. Clancey asks what he's doing all the way out here and tells them their family was asking after them. Blues-Jazz shuts the door.
Later, while he walks around the house and garden watering plants, he hears a voice. Jeeves, a man with a bushy mustache, appears sitting in the windowsill, at a kitchen chair, lying on the ceiling, and asks if he's going. Blues-Jazz says no, it's dangerous, they got a premonition and they don't know who signed them up for this, and throws the letter into the fire.
SISTER MARY BLESS BOWIE (she/her): The Expert
On Saturday morning, Sister Mary wakes up to the call to prayer of the Avant-Catholic church. She claims to be 42 but looks extremely elderly, and dresses in a full velvet black habit and a sequinned eyepatch. She's well renowned in the community for her actions during the UFO incident 30 years ago. She and her unwitting host, Ghibli Keller, eat breakfast before heading up to the satellite church.
The service is held in part of an old spaceship which orbits the planet of Syn, with fortified-stained-glass windows and a wall of amps for the band and choir. After the ceremony the Other Superior (Janet) approaches to exchange passive-aggressive insults and give Sister Mary a lettter, like the ones the others received, and one Sister Mary herself has gotten more than once over the years. Janet has signed her up to let her see more of the world and do more good in the community.
On Saturday at wanetide, Disco, Fleetwood, Kurosawa and SMBB meet at the Venture Office - all of them are late. When Disco raises his hand to knock, several miles away, Blues-Jazz gets a horrible feeling, another premonition of something awful [aka Bats got a snake-eyes on the first roll of the campaign].
Rashomon Noa, a tall lanky guy with a ginger combover, invites the four of them into a room full of precarious metal cabinets creakingly full of paperwork. This is where people file forms when they explore on the weekend, so that they can be rescued if necessary. This search-and-rescue is our new side gig, since we're the "most competent, most available people on the planet!" according to our colleagues. Rashomon says we have access to the Moondog, a small spaceship, strictly for emergencies only but open to modifications, with a look at Fleetwood. Kurosawa implores them not to blow up the ship, to which Fleetwood says "People don't really die on these things, none of us are going to die."
[I, X, want it on record that they said that in session 0 when it all inevitably goes south.]
Rashomon also mentions that a letter was sent to Blues-Jazz Dango, who none of the rest of the party know - unusal in a town of this size. They head out to track them down and get them onboard too, the more the merrier.
Speaking of Blues-Jazz, he's panicking about this intuitive bad feeling and calls home. Their mum picks up and reveals that she sent the application: "It needed someone who's willing to be a good person, who's thoughtful and considerate." They reply, "I don't want to hurt anyone again... this might lead to more of that." His mum says, "Bluejay, you never meant to hurt anyone." [half of the players are crying at this point.] Blues-Jazz hangs up, but not before agreeing when his mum asks if she can call again.
Meanwhile, the rest of the new VO Away Team take the tram out and trek through the forest to find Blues-Jazz's house/radio station, out in the boondocks where Fleetwood often scavenges and experiments.
When the team calls out, Beejee panics, looking for an escape route. Jeeves says he'd help, but he's "about as useful as a figment of your imagination." Beejee insists they aren't interested, but eventually the team talks them around, with the idea that they can at least make some fun mistakes in this line of work.
As Beejee steps out of the house, a young person with a red mohawk mullet, goth clothes, huge clompy-stompies and a bajillion piercings jumps from the roof: Oddity Ng, the field journalist of Black Body Radio, the pirate radio station, asks for an interview: "how do you feel about starting a job which has a survival rate of one person, ever?"
The Venture Office Away Team are finally united in trying to discredit this dipshit.
That's all for this time! Bonus dogs as a thank you for reading this far:
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[ID: a pencil sketch of two dogs. Bao stands, he is short and round with skinny legs and long ears, and a big bushy tail. Next to him Pierogi sits, he is tall with a long nose and ears and looks up haughtily. End ID.]
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askdarkeningpathway · 6 months
Hello! Please read this:
Hi! Mod Olive (aka Nox) here! this blog may not be that active, but I'll try to post. This is an ask blog for my Warriors ocs, which can include my main oc Slatewisker (if you want to talk to her, tho she's techically me lol). I will not respond to any asks that make me uncomfortable. Responses will probably be in art, text, or maybe animation or animatics. All chatcters on the list that are open for asks will have a "*" next to their name & gender (though my main oc Slatewisker will always be open for asks).
Emojis meaning
-[]//✨ StarClan (dead)
-[]//🌑 Dark Forest/Place of no stars (dead)
-[]//💫 Tribe of Endless Hunting (dead)
-[]//❓ Unknown Residence (dead)
-[]//🌫️ Ghost (dead, no clan, known location)
-[]/❔ Unknown Residence
-⚡️ ThunderClan
-🌲 ShadowClan
-🌊 RiverClan
-🌾 WindClan
-🌳 SkyClan
-🐾 Rouge
-🩸 BloodClan
-🍃 Loner
-🧶 Kittypet
-🪨 Tribe Of Rushing Water
-🍂 The Ancients
<↓ my own things ↓>
-🎯 "DartClan"
-🐦‍⬛ "The Sundown Place Cats" (based off vikings)
-🌿 "AspenClan"
-🌌 "NightClan"
<↓ other, from books ↓>
-🩹 Med. cat
-🌟 Leader
-🪵 Deputy
-💥 Warrior
-💚 Queen
-🌙 Meditator
-🪶 Kit
-👑 Elder
- [🩹/💥/💚/🌙]||☘️ Apprentice
-🕸️ Exiled
-🕷️ Self-Exiled/Ran away from Clan
-🌄 Healer
-🔺 Cave-Guard
-🔻 Prey-Hunter
-♦️ To-be
-💖 Kit-Mother
(my guesses or something??? ↓↓)
-⛈️ Leader (No clan)
-🌧️ Deputy (No clan)
-❌ Guard (No clan)
-🪐 Non-Cat
-💝 Friendly Non-cat
-💔 Agressive Non-cat
-❤️‍🩹 Neutral Non-cat
WARNING: This Blog will include the following...
And maybe more to be added...(?)
Character list (may be updated)
Echo 🧶//✨ [M] *
Fox-tail ⛈️/🩸 [F]
Bloodclaw ⚡️//❓ [F]
Ghost 🍃 [F] *
Exileeye 🕸️//❓ [M]
Fadedtail 🕷️/🌑 [M]
Riverleap 🩹/🌊 [M]
Raccoon & Serpent 🐾 [F & M]
Tilt 💝/🍃 [F]
Kelsey 🐾 [F]
Gorsepaw 💥||☘️⚡️//❓ [M]
Hermit 🌫️ [M]
Tumblepaw 💥||☘️🌲//✨ [M]
Alantisstar 🌲||🌟[F]
Flint 🍃 [M]
Sparrow 🧶 [M]
Holly 🧶 [F]
Ember 🌙🧶 [F]
Flame 🧶 [M]
Firebug 💥🌲 [F]
Stagkit 🪶🌲//✨ [M]
Fadingglare 💥🌲 [M]
Ash 🐾 [F]
Chester 🍃 [M]
Jack Flash 🧶 [M]
Dodge ❤️‍🩹 [M]
Pounce 🍃 [M]
Sniffer ❤️‍🩹 [M]
Howler ❤️‍🩹 [M]
Mudsnow 💥🌊 [M]
Coppercry 💥🌿 [F]
Copper ❌🩸 [F]
Clockwork 🌧️🩸 [F]
Dart 🎯⛈️ [M]
Thistle 🎯🌧️ [M]
Scooter 🍃 [M]
Trey 🍃 [M]
Cinnamon 🍃 [F]
Flake 🧶 [M]
Frostbite 🐾 [M]
Rosepatch 💥⚡️ [F]
Batty 🧶 [M]
Webby 🧶 [M]
Soot 💔 [M]
Skunk 🐾 [F]
Ash 🐾 [F]
Galaxy-Star 🌌⛈️ [F]
LarkStar 🌟🌊 [F]
AspenTwist 🌿//❓ [M]
Yeah... there's alot.
Anyways, I hope this little ask blog is enjoyable! It's my first time doing one! Oh and a few of the characters are not cats (four of them)
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